HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-Economic Development Agency c c ~ c o o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING September IS, 1994 3:00 p.m. The Special Meeting of the Community Development Commission was held in the Council Chambers, City HaIl, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California and called to order by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 3:02 p.m., on Thursday, September 15, 1994. ROLLCAI.I. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; Jerry Devlin; and Norine Miller. Absent: Commission Members David Oberhelman; and Valerle Pope-Ludlam. STAFF PRESENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; David R. Edgar, Housing Division Manager, Development Department; Oliver Moore, Rehabilitation Coordinator, Development Department; Deunis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Debbi Enay, Administrative Secretary, Development Department. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Sabo, Agency Counsel, Sabo and Green. 1. ADJOURN TO CLOSRD SFBSION At 3:03 p.m., the meeting of the Conununity Development Commission adjourned to closed session to discuss the following: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b), the Commission will meet in closed session to confer with legal counsel as there is significant exposure to litigation: There are two (2) potential cases. COMMISSION MEMBER POPE.LUDLAM ARRIVED AT 3:\),( P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER OBERHELMAN ARRIVED AT 3:115 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin9as I COMMISSION MINUTES September 15, 1994 'L c c ~ c o o MEETING RECONVENED At 3:53 p.m., the meeting of the Community Development Commission was called to order. ROLL CAI.I. Roll caU was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Obetbelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: None. STAFF PRR'lENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; David R Edgar, Housing Division Manager, Development Department; Oliver Moore, Rehabilitation Coordinator, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Debbi Eoay, Administrative Secretaty, Development Department. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Sabo, Agency Counsel, Sabo and Green. 2. PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM (Communitv DevelQpment Commi".ion) Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, gave a brief overview of the proposed improvement loan program for Norman Manor. He spoke of the Agency's revita1ization program and how it could be used to assist with the funding of this project which totalled $650,000. He also indicated that the project would be funded two (2) separate loans for $325,000 each. Mr. Henderson stated that the Agency would ensure that the property was properly maintained throughout the course of the loan and also that the units would maintain to be affordable for citizens. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam conunented on her disapproval of the loan terms for this project. Commission Member Curlin questioned why the Agency chose this project for revitalization. Mr. Henderson stated that this project was located on a major thoroughfare surrounded by properties that are in excellent condition. He stated thai staff believed lhe rehabilitation of this project would prevent the negative impacl this project had on surrounding properties as well as increase the publics awareness of the Neighborhood Spirit Program. SPECIAL MEETING KJH:hnp:cmin9as 2 COMMISSION MINUTES September 15, 1994 " c c ~ c o o Commission Member Oberhehnan questioned the need to rehabilitate a 65 year old building with a 20 year loan term making the building approximately 85 years old. Commission Member Devlin stated that the proposed loan program for this project would lend the owner of the property over 100% of the face value of the project. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion. seconded by Commission Member Devlin, to deny the Owner Participation Agreement (OP A) between Mr. William H. Cooper and the Redevelopment Agency to effectuate moderate rehabilitation of forty-two (42) multi-family apartment units, allocate $650,000 in available FY 1994-95 housing set-aside funds and authorize the chairman and Executive Director to execute any documents necessary to effectuate said transaction. Commission Member Hernandez emphasized that this item was not discussed at the Housing Commillee. Commission Member Negrete commented on the need to have items of this nature discussed at the Housing Commillee before consideration at the Community Development Commission. Discussion ensued regarding the age of homes and units considered for rehabilitation by the Agency's Neighborhood Spirit Program. Chairman Minor asked questions regarding the proposed funding for this project. David R. Edgar, Housing Division Manager, Development Department, stated that the financing of these loans are based on the amount of rehabilitation work to be done and also on the rent level of the units. He also made a correction to the staff report stating that the first $325,000 would be amortized over the first 20 years, and the second $325,000 would be amortized over the next 15 years. Chairman Minor made comments regarding the monthly payments on the proposed Agency loan to the owner of Norman Manor. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhehnan; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 3. ADJOURNMENT At 4: 12 p.m., the meeting of the Community Development Commission was adjourned to Monday, September 19, 1994 at 11:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. Respectfully submilled: KENNETH.I. HENDERSON Executive Director/ Secretary to the Commission SPECIAL MEETING KJH:hnp:cmin9as 3 COMMISSION MINUTES September 15, 1994 t:l\) 1-- c c c o o MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCn.. AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MINUTES JOINT REGULAR MEETING September 19, 1994 11:00 a.m. The Joint Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council, the CODimunity Development Commission and the Joint Powers Financing Authority was held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California and called to order by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 2:32 p.m., on Monday, September 19, 1994 . ROLLCAJ.I. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberhelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: None. STAFF PRRI;JENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Barbara Lindseth, Acting Executive Director; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHRRS IN A TfENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Sabo, Agency Counsel, Sabo and Green. PUBLIC COMMRNTS ON ITF.MS NOT ON THR AGENDA Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, made comments regarding discussions being held to transport waste through the City of San Bernardino to Los Angeles. CONSENT CALENDAR The Commission Members requested items numbered "2" and "4" be removed from the Consent Calendar. JOINT REGULAR MEETING K1H:lmp:cmin9j2 I COMMISSION MINUTES September 19, 1994 rt)1 c c c o o Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, that the Consent Calendar items numbered "1" through "4" be adopted, except for items numbered "2" and "4", respectively. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 1. JOINT POWERS FINANCING AUTHORITY (Community DevelQpment Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez, that the Regular Meeting of the Joint Powers Financing Authority be continued to Monday, October 17, 1994. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 3. HOUSING DIVISION OUARTERL Y ACTIVITY REPORT (Community DevelQpment Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, to receive and fIle the attached Housing Division Quarterly Activity Report for the months of April, May and June 1994. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 4. INFILL HOUSING DEVJ;:I,OPMENT PROGRAM (Communi(y DevelQpment Commi~sion) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to continue this item until October 3, 1994. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin9j2 2 COMMISSION MINUTES September 19, 1994 A. I. c c c o 2. o CURBS AND GUTIER AT VARIOUS LOCA nONS - GOSNEY CONSTRUCTION. BACKHOE & EOUIPMENT /Mayor and Common Councill Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, questioned the need for this project. Mayor Minor explained that this item would repair infills throughout the City. Councilman Oberhebnan made a motion, seconded by Councilman Negrete, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 94-284 RESOLUTION OF mE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONlRACT TO GOSNEY CONSTRUCTION, BACKHOE AND EQUIPMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF CURB AND GUTTER AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 5. AWARD OF TRADE BIDS #4 - CENTRAL POLICE STATION (Community DeyelQpment Commi..ion) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, to award bids in the following amounts for the following companies for work as noted: CODlpatIY I. $118,820 to Ben's Aspbalt for 2. $1l3,797 to Alcovn Fencefor 3. $245,000 to Hayward Construction for 4. $ 48,573 to Viking Insulation for 5. $126,500 to Engineered Metal Systems for 6. $305,000 to Conlractors Millwork for 7. $ 86,100 to Southland Door Systems for 8. $ 8,316 to ISEC for 9. $ 2,486 to ISEC for 10. $28,459 to ISEC for II. $14,976 to ISEC for Trade Bid Item #10: NC paving #12: ornamental iron #13A: architectural precast #17: insulation #19: Standing seam roof panels #28: finish carpenlry #22: coiling doors/grills #370: projection screens #37E: enlrance mats #37F: fire extinguishers, vinyl guards, etc. #37G: tack & marker boards (Community DeyelllPment Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion. seconded by Commission Member Miller, to authorize staff to administer and execute change orders limited to the amount of the contingency (10%: $109,803.00) and to pool all contingency monies from trade bids numbered "1", "2", "3" and "4" ($973,705.00) for use among all trade bitt.. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin9j2 3 COMMISSION MINUTES September 19, 1994 -", c o c o o Commission Member Hernandez questioned the use of MBE/WBE with this project. TimOlhy C. Sleinhaus. Administrator. Economic Development Agency. explained that the minority list provided by Caltrans was being used when soliciting bidders for this project. He emphasized that staff was making all efforts to meet MBE/WBE requirements. Ludwig Barowoj. Project Manager. Development Department, answered questions of the Commission relative to the new police facility. Commission Member Devlin made positive comments regarding the use of union workers on this project. . The motions carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: Commission Member Hernandez. Abstain: None. Absent: None. RECESSED MF.F.TING At 2:50 p.m.. the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission recessed until 3:00 pm. MEETING RECONVENED Al 3:01 p.m.. the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was called to order. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberhelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: None. STAFF PRR'lENT Timothy C. Steinhaus. Administrator. Economic Development Agency; Barbara Lindseth, Acting Executive Director; Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Allomey; Lorraine Velarde. Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo. Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M- Pearson. Recording Secretary. Development Department. OTHERS IN ATI'ENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper: Timothy Saba. Agency Counsel, Saba and Green. JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin9j2 4 COMMISSION MINUTES September 19, 1994 _0 c o c o o 6. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PUBLIC HRARING /Mayor and Common Councill Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, explained that this item was for mid-year block grant funding. Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department, explained that there was block grants funds available due to cancelled programs that were previously approved for block grant funding. He stated that those funds needed to be reprogrammed into other projects. He listed the proposed programs for funding. Mr. Parker explained how the funding was monitored for various projects. He answered questions of the Commission regarding the monitoring cycle and the projects recommended for funding. He indicated that the recommendations for funding were made by the Community Development Commission Citizens Advisory Cormnillee. Councilman Curlin spoke of the necessity of complete street improvements on Baseline Avenue. Mayor Minor recommended Councilman Curlin work with staff regarding his concerns for the baseline project. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, expressed concern regarding the commillees recommendation to funds various projects which he believed were unnecessary. Michael I PAm.n, Easter Seals, thanked the Committee and the Cormnission for its recommendation to fund his project. Councilman Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Councilman Curlin, to close the public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. Councilman Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Councilwornan Miller, to approve the following motions and resolution: To approve the cancellation of certain CDBG projects set forth in Exhibit "A" and transfer unexpended funds to projects recommended by the Community Development Commission Citizens Advisory Cormnillee; and To approve and adopt the Community Development Citizen Advisory Committee (CDCAC) recommendations for 1994/1995 Mid-Year COBG-funded programs. projects and activities and authorize the Executive Director 10 submit tile 1994 - 1995 Mid-Year CDBG Slatement of Urban Development (HUD): and JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin9j2 5 COMMISSION MlNUfES September 19, 1994 ,,/ c c c o o RESOLUTION NUMBER 94-285 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCn. AU1HORlZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CDBG FUNDING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE ORGANIZATIONS IDENTIFIED IN THE 1994-1995 MID-YEAR CDBG FINAL STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS APPROVED BY THE COMMON COUNCn. ON SEPTEMBER 19, 1994. The motions carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 7. ADJOURNMENT At 3:20 p.m., the meeting of the Mayor and Common CounciVCommunity Development Commission was adjourned to Wednesday, September 28, 1994 at 8:00 a.m., in the Creative Arts Building, Room 157, Cal-State University, San Bernardino, California. Respectfully submitted: KENNEm J. HENDERSON Executive Directorl Secretary to the Commission JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cmin9j2 6 COMMISSION MINUTES September 19, 1994 ",l c c c o o MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCa AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MINUTES REGULAR MEETING October 3, 1994 11:00 a.m. The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Conunon Council, and the Conuilunity Development Commission was held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California and called to order by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 3:02 p.m., on Monday, October 3, 1994 . ROLLCAI.I. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberhelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam and Norine Miller. Absent: None. STAFFPRRo;;ENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Barbara J. Lindseth, Acting Executive Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Melanie Vale, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy Sabo, Agency Counsel, Sabo and Green. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, CA, made comments regarding a memorandum distributed to employees of the Economic Development Agency and played portion of an interview which was aired on KCKC Radio Station. CONSENT CALENDAR The Commission Members requested that items numbered "2". "3" and "4" be removed from the Consent Calendar. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cminIOrI 1 COMMISSION MINUTES October 3, 1994 /} c c c o o Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Devlin, that the Consent Calendar items numbered" 1" through "4" be adopted, except for items numbered "2", "3" and "4", respectively. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 1. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES (Community DevelllPment Commis.~ion) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Devlin, that the minutes of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino for the meeting of September 9, 1994, be approved as submitted in typewritten form. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 2. TRANSOCEAN FUNDING. INC.. LEASE (Community DevelllPment CommL'l.~ion) Commission Member Hernandez questioned the bidding process for this item. Barbara 1. Lindseth, Acting Executive Director, Development Department, explained that the proposed equipment must be Wang compatible. She indicated that Wang distributors were limited at that the Agency utilized its current distributer for the lease of this equipment. Conunission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Oberhelman, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 5405 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ON BEHALF OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE LEASE BY AND BETWEEN TIlE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND TRANSOCEAN FUNDING, INC. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341. San Bernardino. CA. questioned the name of the company;." .e1ation to Wang, Inc. Ms. Lindseth explained that the Wang distributors utilized the services of Transocean Funding to service its equipment. She slated that the cost of the equipment would total $34,000 a year. REGULAR MEETING K1H:lmp:cminlOrl 2 COMMISSION MINUTES Detober 3, 1994 0- o o c The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 3. RF.nEVELOPMENT AGENCY LINE OF CREDIT (Community Development Commis.~ion) Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Po~Ludlam, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 5406 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A CERTAIN LINE OF CREDIT WITH FIRST INTERSTATE BANK OF CALIFORNIA AND AUlHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION TIlEREWITH. Commission Member Oberhelman commented on previous discussions regarding the Agency's line of credit with various banks. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that the proposed line of credit with First Interstate Bank was a result of those discussions and actions that took place when extending the line of credit with Wells Fargo Bank. He explained that the two (2) lines of credit with Wells e Fargo and First Interstate Banks totalled $20 million. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; OberheIman; Devlin; Po~Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 4. INFn.L HOUSING DEVEI.OPMENT PROGRAM (Communitv DevelOJlment Commission) Commission Member Hernandez made a motion. seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to continue this item for two (2) weeks to October 17, 1994. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, CA, questioned the need to continue this item. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR c REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:crninlOrl 3 COMMISSION MINUTES October 3, 1994 1 c c c o o 5. BASEBAI.I. STADIUM (Mayor and Common Council) Councilman Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Councilman Negrete, to approve lease terms and instruct staff to finalize lease for execution as outlined in !he staff report dated September 28, 1994 from Timo!hy Steinhaus, Agency Administrator, Economic Development Agency. Councilman Hernandez made comments regarding an article placed in The Sun regarding !he presumed vote of this item at todays Commission Meeting. Mayor Minor commented on !he Dodgers recent affiliation wi!h !he Spirit Baseball Team. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, CA, commented on !he high cost of a baseball stadium. The motion carried by !he following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: Councilman Hernandez. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 6. RADISSON HOTEL - CONSENT OF ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER (Community DevelQJ)ment Commis.~on) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, to continue this item until October 17, 1994. The motion carried by !he following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 7, FRRRWAYHOMECENTER (Community Development Commission) Timo!hy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, gave a brief overview of !he previous actions taken by !he Conuuission regarding this item. He explained !he total loan package to Al]an Steward, Steward and Associates indicating that he would be receiving $1.5 million from Valley Bank, $700,000 from Inland Empire Bank and $300,000 from !he Agency totalling $2.5 million. He indicated lhat the Agency had received a verbal commitment from Valley Bank, but nothing from Inland Empire Bank. Chairman Minor questioned !he square footage price for rent of the center. Allan Steward, Steward and Associates. stated thatlhe square foot prices ranged from .65 <;ents to .75 cents. He indicated lhat the center was 40% leased with possibilities for ano!her 40% to be leased once he purchases !he center. REGULAR MEETING KJH:]mp:cminlOrl 4 COMMISSION MINUTES October 3, 1994 /) o o o o o Jim DeAguilera, Attorney representing Mr. Steward, made comments regarding accusations made against his client by various Commission Members. He spoke of presumption of innocence and requested those Commission Members who made accusations against his client to abstain from voting on this item. Commission Member Devlin commented on the remarks made by Mr. DeAguilera and read letters received from Mr. DeAguilera regarding his client and the Commissions vote on this item. He expressed disapproval of the tactics made by Mr. Steward and his attomey. Commission Member Oberhelman questioned whether or not Mr. Steward had any pending civil suits. He expressed his comments regarding this item indicating that he believed it would be a poor business deal for the Agency. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, to conceptually approve an Owner Participation Agreement with Allan Steward, Inc., substantially in the form as attached and to authorize execution thereof together with a standard fonn Agency Guarantee (Jersey Sports Bar) by the Chairman and Secretary subject to approval by the Chairman and Agency Counsel of the Valley Bank and Inland Empire Bank loan documents. Commission Member Miller commented on the negative impact this item has had on the City of San Bernardino. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam spoke of the need to make positive improvements to the Freeway Home Center to boost the City's image. Commission Member Devlin indicated that an offer was made by another developer who wished to purchase the center without any assistance from the City. Mr. Steinhaus emphasized that staffs recommendation for this item was based on the Commissions direction at the meeting of June 6, 1994. Mr. Steward commented on his ability to revitalize the deteriorating center. Timothy Sabo, Agency Counsel, Sabo and Green, informed the Commission that there was no binding contract between the Agency and Mr. Steward regarding the loan guarantee for the purchase of the center. COMMISSION MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM WAS EXCUSED AT 3:57 P.M. Commission Member Oberhelman questioned Mr. Steward's personnel worth and the total amount he already has extended on other projects. Mr. Steward declined to respond. Discussion ensued regarding negative remarks being made by Mr. DeAguiIera. Mr. Sabo indicated that there was no conlliet of i.nterest restricting eertain Commission Members from voting on this item. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cminlOrl 5 COMMISSION MINUTES October 3, 1994 /) c c c o o COMMISSION MEMBER POPE.LUDLAM RETURNED AT 4:09 P.M. Mr. Steinhaus commented on Mr. Steward's current net worlh. He staled that as of June 31, 1994, his net worth including his company was approximately $2.4 million; however, he believed that all of his assets were leveraged to the maximum. John Thur, Citizen, commented on the contributions being given to certain Commission Members from Mr. Steward. JeffWrighl, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, CA, commented on freedom of speech. COMMISSION MEMBER CURLIN WAS EXCUSED AT 4:23 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER CURLIN RETURNED AT 4:25 P.M. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: Commission Members Oberhehnan; Devlin; Miller. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 8. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION At 4:26 p.m., the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission adjourned to closed session to discuss the following: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b), the Commission will meet in closed session to confer with legal counsel as there is significant exposure to litigation: There are two (2) potential cases. B. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 CONFER WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Property: Holiday Oldsmobile Dealership Land and Buildings 1388 South "E" Street, San Bernardino Negotiating parties: Redevelopment Agency Staff; City of Riverside Staff Under negotiations: Instructions will be given to Agency negotiator concerning price and terms of acquisition. MEETING RECONVENED The meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Conununity Development Commission was reconvened at 4:56 p.m. REGULAR MEETING KJH:hnp:cminlOrl 6 COMMISSION MINUTES October 3, 1994 /) c c c o o ROLLCAI.T. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberhelman; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam and Norine Miller. Absent: None. STAFF PRR"ENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Barbara J. Lindseth, Acting Executive Director, Development Department; Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde. Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Melanie Vale. Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTImRS IN ATTENDANCE Richard Brooks, The Sun Newspaper; Timothy SaOO, Agency Counsel, SaOO and Green. RS-l. INLAND PLAZA - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOND RF..FINANCING (Communitv DevelQJ)ment Commi'l.~ion) Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that this item was conceptually approved by the Commission at its September 6,1994 meeting. He stated that staff had obtained additional information as requested by the Commission regarding the cash flow of the plaza and the personal assets of the owners of the plaza. Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department, gave a brief overview of this project and the discussions held at the Redevelopment Committee Meeting. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLlmON NUMBER 5407 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CERTAIN STANDBY LOAN AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE INLAND PLAZA PROJECT. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: Commission Member Devlin. Abstain: None. Absent: None. Councilman Hernandez made a motion. seconded by Councilman Negrete. to set a T.E.F.R.A. hearing for November 7, 1994, at 11:00 a.m.. for the $2.35 million refinancing of th.e Inland Plaza project by the issuance of InduSlrial Developmenl Bonds by the Cily of SlUr Bernanlino. REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cminIOrI 7 COMMISSION MINUTES October 3, 1994 /) o o c The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. RS-2 HOl.IDA Y OLDSMOBn.F. - SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR LAND ACOlJISITION (Communitv DevelQpment Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Oberhelman, to set November 7, 1994, at 11:00 a.m., in the City Council Chambers as the date, time and place to hold a Public Hearing to consider the disposition of properly to Holiday Oldsmobile. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. RS-3. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR NORMAN MANOR PROJECT (Community DevelQpment Commi.1sion) Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, CA, made comments regarding the repairs needed at Norman Manor. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, commented on the portions o of the building be rehabilitated. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, to approve an Owner Participation Agreement/Loan with William H. Cooper for the housing project located at 488 West 17th Street and 1749 North "En Street, and further authorize the Executive Director to draft and execute all necessary documents. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Oberhelman; Devlin; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: Commission Members Curlin; Hernandez. Absent: None. o REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cminIOrI 8 COMMISSION MINUTES October 3, 1994 ,(0- c o o o o 9. ADJOURNMENT At 5:09 p.m., the meeting of the Mayor and Common CounciVCommunity Development Commission was adjourned to Monday, October 17, 1994 at 11:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hal~ 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. Respectfully subrnitted: KENNETHJ.HENDERSON Executive Director! Secretary to the Commission REGULAR MEETING KJH:lmp:cminlOrl 9 COMMiSSION MINUTES October 3, 1994 IJ.