HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-Mayor's Office ~"! CITY OF SAM BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison Subject: Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $15,000 to Sinfonia Mexicana Society Dept: Office of the Mayor )ate: September 2, 1994 nopsis of Previous Council action: 1993: 1992: 'IMIN" OH'lC:c' Resolution #93-422 approved ($20,000) Resolution #92-446 approved ($20,000) 19 $:'? C)!~ 11: C3 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION ~h~__ 0JA~ . Y Signature ./ Contact person: Jean Andersen Phone: ,::a.YT C\, , ..4 Supporting data attached: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: YES Ward: n.T. Amount: $1 t; I nnn Source: (Acct. No.) on1 -n'l1 -t;"lf;nt; ''''''.0_''''0'' ",p .:::, ~&~ ./ Council Notes: 7S.0262 Agenda Item NO~ r^"'f' CITY OF SAN BERN.,.DINO - REQUEST FOf' COUNCIL ACnON "",.." STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: SINFONIA MEXICANA SOCIETY The Sinfonia Mexicana program is an international, collaborative effort involving the Hispanic community, the government of Mexico, the City of San Bernardino, and the Inland Empire Symphony. It was founded ten years ago as a means of promoting increased awareness and appreciation of Mexican music and culture. It also addresses the need for diverse cultural activities representing our community's ethnic diversity. There will be three performances this year, the most important being a Tenth Anniversary Celebration. The other two programs are a Sinfonia Mariachi Concert and a pops concert which will be held in conjunction with a Cinco de Mayo Festival. Art shows featuring local Hispanic artists will also be featured along wth the performances. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 6,750 3 $106,080 $ 82,000 The grant request was for $25,000. The Fine Arts Commission at its Wednesday, August 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $15,000. 75.0264 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SINFONIA MEXICANA SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the city of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said city an Aqreement with the Sinfonia Mexicana Society, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as thouqh set forth at 1enqth. SECTION '2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced aqreement is rescinded if. the parties to the aqreement fai~. to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passaqe of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foreqoinq resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a day of meetinq thereof, held on the , 1994, by the fo11owinq vote, to wit: / / / / / / / 1 o o ~SOLt7TION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 2 EXECUTION OJ' AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SINFONIA MEXlCANA SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER AXH HAm ABSTAIN lIMIMT' City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney BY: Tom Minor, Mayor city of San Bernardino i. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o ~ ~~ JI~>,1~1J1 Fine Art. Fundina THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City" and The Sinfonia Mexicana Society, a non-profit orqanization, referred to as "Organization." The parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. A. Organization has requested financial assistance from City for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in defraying the expense of certain concerts, shows, festivals or events or activities sponsored by Orqanization as set forth in Orqanization I s grant proposal. (hereinafter "tile proposal") approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the City, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this agreement is made on a one-time only basis, and,receipt of said funds shall not imply Ii. continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of this Agreement. B. The expenditure is for a valid municipal public purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciation in San Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal "submitted by Organization. 2. Pavment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City Finance Director, City shall pay to Orqanization from the -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o budqet for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $15,000 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts qrant application aqreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Orqanization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paraqraph land in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the aqreement. No deviation from the aqreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Orqanization. 4. Accountincr. Within 20 days after the completion of the event, the Orqanization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accountinq of the actual exPenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with qenerally accepted accountinq principles by Orqanization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of orqanization are to be kept open for inspection at any time durinq the business day by the City or its officers or aqents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Orqanization reimbursinq the City. 5. Hold Harmless. Orqanization covenants and aqrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the city and its employees and aqents from all liabilities and charqes, -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o expenses (includinq counsel fees), suits or losses however occurrinq, or damaqes arisinq or qrowinq out of the use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this aqreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understandinq that the city is not involved in the performance of services or other activities of Orqanization. Orqanization and its employees and aqents are independent contractors and are not employees or aqents of the City in performinq said services. 6. Termination. city shall have the riqht to terminate this Aqreement and any fundinq remaininq unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailinq a ten-day written notice to Orqanization and this aqreement shall terminate ten days after the mailinq of such notice. In the event this Aqre_ent is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by City shall be returned to city. II. addition, Orqanization shall reimburse to city any funds expended which were used for any purposes other than those authorized under this Aqreement. 7. Assianment. Orqanization shall not assiqn its interest in this Aqre_ent without the prior written approval of city. 8. Insurance. Orqanization shall take out and maintain durinq the life of this Aqreement such public liability and property damaqe insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, cOlDlllissions, officers, -3- 10 1 o o 2 agents and employees, organization and its agents performing .. 3 acts covered by this Agreement from clau.' for damages for 4 personal injury, including death, as well, as from claims for 5 property damage which may arise from organization's or its 6 agents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by 7 Organization or its agents or by anyone directly or indirectly 8 employed by either Organization or its agents, and the amounts 9 of such insurance shall be as follows: (a) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less 11 than $100,000 for injuries, including, but not limited to, 12 death, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for 13 each person, in an amount not less than $100,000 on account of 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 14 anyone occurrence; (b) Property Damage Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damage to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. (c) Workers Compensation. Organization shall provide workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided h~reunder are to be paid as salary to any employee of organization. Organization shall require that all rights of subrogation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to city. City shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obliaation. organization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obligations imposed by this agreement a binding obligation of -4- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 o o 2 the orqanization. 10. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writinq and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postaqe prepaid, addressed as follows: As to City: city Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" st. San Bernardino, CA 92418 As to Orqanization: Graciano Gomez, President Sinfonia Mexicana Society 362 W. Court st. San Bernardino, CA 92401 11. Entire Aareement. This Aqreement and any documents 11 or instruments attached hereto or referred to herein inteqrate 12 all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental 13 hereto, and supersede all neqotiations and prior writinq -in 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DATED: 25 . 26 27 28 respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this Aqreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Aqreement shall prevail. 12. Non-Discrimination. Orqanization aqrees that for the term of this Aqreement it shall not discriminate in employment, recruitment, hirinq, admission practices, advertisinq or in any other manner on the basis of race, color, creed, reliqion, national oriqin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. -5- I~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o AGREEMENT RE: THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SINFONIA MEXICANA SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. ATTEST: City Clerk Approved as to form and leqal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney By: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tom Minor, Mayor ORGANIZATION -6- o o FINE ARTS WORKSHEET- FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TOTAL AMOUIIT AVAXLABLE: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,920 180.000 (GENERAL PUND-PXNE ARTS PEES) ($147,920) ORGAN. AMT. AMT. REQSTED REQSTED 94-95 93-94 AMT. FUNDED 93-94 COST/ PERSON % BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.8% DENIED Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 Comm. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22% 17,500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,500 Opera I.E. 100000 80,000 80,000 .66 18% 65,000. sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 3,500 2,500 11.91 49% 2,000 Opera Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 31% 3,500 One Sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FO.R COUNCIL ACTION F.om: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison Subject: Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $3,500 Dept: Office of the Mayor to Stage One Players Da~: September 2, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: NONE D._IN" (),"dL:2. J s:? 9!~ u: G4 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION f2h/ ~A~.J ./ Signature Contact person: Jean Andersen Phone: ext. 5114 Supporting data atr...hKI: YES Ward: ALL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $3.500 Source: (Acct. No.) 001-091-53605 ''''''. """'",;", Fi~ Ai.. ~ ~;Z . Fin8l'lce: ~~- ,. Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No //8 CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST FAR COUNCIL ACTION "'~d -",,,' STAFF REPORT e..-' FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: STAGE ONE PLAYERS Stage One Players produce the Annual Shakespeare Theater Festival in downtown San Bernardino. The Festival was initiated in July, 1993 when Stage One Players joined efforts with Main Street, Inc., to provide an outdoor theater festival atmosphere at Court Street Square with two Shakespearean productions. In 1994, Stage One presented three productions in four downtown locations. Additionally, they organized a hospital tour and performed scenes from various plays for shut-ins. They also joined with S.I.L.K. Productions to showcase works by new playwrights. The intent of Stage One Players is to provide an educational environment in which local residents can experience classical Shakespearean works for little cost. This will allow senior citizens, students, and other low-income individuals to see high- quality theater without the high price. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 3,000+ 14 $24,500 $17,000 The grant request was for $7,500. The Fine Arts Commission at its Wednesday, August 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $3,500. 75~0264 i. I 1 2 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF i SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 3 EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STAGE ONE PLAYERS FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5 SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 6 SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is 7 hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said 8 City an Aqreement with the Staqe One Players, a copy of which 9 is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein 10 by reference as fully as though set forth at length. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to day of wit: / / / / / / / .i I 1 o o RESOLUTION 01" THE CITY 01" SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 2 EXECUTION 01" AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STAGE ONE PLAYERS FOR THE PROMOTION 01" ARTS AND CULTURE. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER AID ~ ABSTAIN ]1-" City Clerk The foreqoinq resolution" is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and leqal content: JAMES 1". PENMAN City Attorney BY: T01\\ Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino ,II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o AGR.K~.' Fine Arts Fundina THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City" and The Stage One Players, a non-profit organization, referred to as "Organization". The parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. A. Organization has requested financial assistance from City for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in defraying the expense of certain concerts, shows, festivals or events or activities sponsored by Organization as set forth in Organization I s grant proposal (hereinafter "the proposal") approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the City, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this agreement is made on a one-time only basis, and receipt of said funds shall not imply a continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of this Agreement. B. The expenditure is for a valid mu."licipal public purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciation in San Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal submitted by Organization. 2. PaYment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City Finance Director, City shall pay to Organization from the , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o budget for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $3,500 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts grant application agreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Organization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paragraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the agreement. No deviation from the agreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Organization. 4. Accountincr. Within 20 days after the completion of the event, the Organization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accounting of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles by Organization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of organization are to be kept open for inspection at any time during the business day by the City or its officers or agents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Organization reimbursing the city. 5. Hold Harmless. Organization covenants and aqrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees and agents from all liabilities and charges, -.L~.:!.' . . i-l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o e~enses (includinq counsel fees), suits or losses however occurrinq, or damaqes arisinq or qrowinq out of the use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this aqreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understandinq that the City is not involved in the performance of services or other activities of Orqanization. Orqanization and its _ployees and aqents are independent contractors and are not _ployees or aqents of the City in performinq said services. 6. Term.i.nation. City shall have the riqht to terminate this Aqreement and any fundinq remaininq unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailinq a ten-day written notice to Orqanization and this aqre_ent shall termi~ate ten days after the mailinq of such notice. In the event this Aqre_ent is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of Rthe funds provided by City shall be returned to City. In addition, Orqanization shall reimburse to City. any funds expended which were used for any purposes other than those authorized under this Aqre_ent. 7. Assianment. Orqanization shall not assiqn its interest in this Aqre_ent without the prior written approval of City. 8. Insurance. . Orqanization shall take out and maintain durinq the life of this Aqre_ent such public liability and property damaqe insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, -45- .. " i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o agents and employees, organization and its agents performing acts covered by this Agreement from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from Organization's or its agents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Orqanization or its agents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either Organization or its agents, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: (a) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, including, but not limited to, death, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not les8 than $100,000 on account of anyone occurrence; (b) Property Damage Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damage to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. (c) Workers Compensation. Orqanization shall provide workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided ~ereunder are to be paid as salary to any employee of orqanization. Orqanization shall require that all rights of subrogation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to city. City shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obliaation. Organization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obligations imposed by this a~reement a binding obligation of '. -4t- r . . :i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o the orqanization. 10. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writinq and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postaqe prepaid, addressed as follows: As to City: city Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 As to Orqanization: Wendi Hastinqs, Director Staqe One Players 813 N. "0" st. '2 San Bernardino,CA 92401 11. Entire Aareement. This Aqreement and any docUllle;1ts or instrUlllents attached hereto or referred to herein inteqrate all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersede all neqotiations and prior writinq in respect to the subj ect matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this Aqreement, and any such docUlllent or instrUlllent, the terms and conditions of this Aqreement shall prevail. 12. Non-Discrimination. Orqanization aqrees that for the term of this Aqreement it shall not discriminate in employment, recruitment, ~ hirinq, admission practices, advertisinq or in any other manner on the basis of race, color, creed, reliqion, national oriqin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. DATED: -47- i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -. o ,.-'-- o AGREEMENT RE: THE CI'l'Y OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE S'l'AGE ONE PLAYERS FOR THE PROMO'l'ION OF THE AR'l'S AND CUL'l'URE. A'l"1'ES'l': City Clerk Approved as to form and leqal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney By: CI'l'Y OF SAN BERNARDINO 'l'om Minor, Mayor ORGANIZA'l'ION -48- . ,. .1 I o FINE ARTS WORKSHEET . FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 o TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: ~AL UOUft AVAILABLB: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,920 180.000 (GBHBRAL ~UND-PIHB ARTS PBBS) ($147,920) ORGAN. ANT. ANT. ANT. COSTI REQSTED REQSTED FUNDED PERSON 94-95 93-94 93-94 % BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.8% DENIED Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 Comm. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22% 1i,500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,5ClO Opera I.E. 100000 80,000 80,000 .66 18%. 65,000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 J,500 2,500 11.91 49% 2,000 Opera Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 31% 3,500 One Sin. 2.5,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. . . - - C;:ITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts LiaisonSubject: Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $1,500 Dept: Offi.ce of the Mayor to Prime Time Choraliers Da~: September 2, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 1993: Resolution #93-446 approved ($2,500) \DlllN.. Or;.'1\,;2 r) s:? 9', 11: 04 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION ~o-/ ~/v--___ t/ Signature Con~ person: Jean Andersen Phone: .:av+- ~ , 1 A Supporting data attached: VEl'; Ward: :aT.T. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $1. "00 Source: (Acct. No.1 nn, -nQ1 _" 'H:n" IA"'D~,;","'" ""P ~=->p/~____ , Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No Ije - CITY OF SAN BERN.,.DINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: PRIME TIME CHORALIERS The Prime Time Choraliers is an organization composed of senior citizens from the San Bernardino area offering appropriate expression of music in the lives of its members, church clubs, as well as social and civic groups. The average age of the group is seventy-five years. The chorus was formed in 1986 as an out-growth of AARP 2083. It does not charge admission for its performances. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 1,000 30 $9,515 $1,980 The grant request was for $4,035. The Fine Arts commission at its Wednesday, August 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $1,500. 75.0264 .I I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 3 EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE PRIME TIME CHORALIERS FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5 SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 6 SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is 7 hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said 8 City an Agreement with the Prime Time Choraliers, a copy of 9 which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated 10 herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to day of wit: / / / / / / / , I 1 o o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 2 EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE PRIME TIME CHORALIERS FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER ~ ~ ABSTAIN lI.MIlVI' City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney BY: Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .26 27 28 - o o % t1~ ~"~~."I~"~ Fine Arts Fundina THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "city" and The Prime Time Choraliers, a non-profit organization, referred to as "Organization." The parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. A. Organization has requested financial assistance from City for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in defraying the expense of certain concerts, shows, festivals or events or activities sponsored by Organization as set forth in Organization's grant proposal, (hereinafter "the proposal n) approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the City, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this aqre_ent is made on a one-time only basis, an~ receipt of said funds shall not imply a continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of this Agreement. B. The expenditure is for a valid municipal public purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciation in San Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal submitted by Organization. 2. Pavment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City Finance Director, City shall pay to Organization from the -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o budqet for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $1,500 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts qrant application aqreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Orqanization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paraqraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the aqreement. No deviation from the aqreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Orqanization. 4. Accountincr. Wi thin 20 days after the completion of the event, the Orqanization shall submit to the City Admini15trator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accountinq of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with qenerally accepted accountinq principles by Orqanization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of orqanization are to be kept open for inspection at any time durinq the business day by the City or its officers or aqents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the orqanization reimbursinq the City. 5. Hold Harmless. Orqanization covenants and aqrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees and aqents from all liabilities and charqes, -2- .. J I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o expenses (including counsel fees), suits or losses however occurrfnv.,.:,Clr. damages arising or growing out of the use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this agreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understanding that the city is not involved in the performance of services or other activities of Organization. Orqanization and its employees and agents are independent contractors and are not employees or agents of the City in performing said services. 6. Termination. city shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and any funding remaining unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailing a ten-day written notice to Organization and this agreement shall terminate ten days after the mailing of such notice. In the event .this Agreement is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by City shall be returned to City. In addition, Organization shall reimburse to City any funds expended which were used for any purposes other than those authorized under this Agreement. 7. Assianment. Orqanization shall not assign its interest in this Agreement without the prior written approval of city. 8. Insurance. Orqanization shall tak~ out and maintain during the life of this Agreement such public liability and property damage insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o agents and employees, organization and its agents performing acts covered by this Agreement from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from Organization's or its agents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Organization or its agents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either Organization or its agents, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Ca) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, including, but not limited to, death, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $1.00,000 on account of anyone occurrence; Cb) Property Damage Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damage to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. Cc) Workers Compensation. Orqanization shall providE. workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided hereunder are to be paid as salary to any employee of organization. Orqanization shall require that all rights of subrogation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to City. City shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obliqation. Orqanization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obligations imposed by this agreement a binding obligation of -4- J I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o the organization. 10. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writing and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: As to City: As to Organization: City Administrator Jack Henley, President City of San Bernardino Prime Time Choraliers 300 N. D st. 4040 E. Piedmont Dr. '201 San Bernardino, CA 92418 Highland, CA 92346 11. Entire Aareement. This Agreement and any documents or instruments attached hereto or referred to herein integrate all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersede all negotiations and prior writing in respect to the subj ect matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail. 12. Non-Discrimination. Organization agrees that for the term of this Agreement it shall not discriminate in employment, recruitment, hiring, admission practices, advertising or ill any other manner on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. DATED: -5- :l I I, I ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .26 27 28 o o AGREEMEN'l' RE: THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE PRIME TIME eHORALIERS FOR THE PROMOTION. OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. ATTEST: City Clerk Approved as to form and leqal content:" JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney By: .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tom Minor, Mayor ORGANIZATION -6- i I o FINE ARTS WORKSHEET FISCAL YIAR 1994-95 o TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TOTAL M01Jll'1' AVAILABLE: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,920 180.obo (GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS FEES) ($147,920) ORGAN. AMT. AMT. REQSTED REQSTED 94-95 93-94 AMT. FUNDED 93-94 COST/ PERSON % BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.8% DENIED L_Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 Comm. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22% 17,500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,500 Opera I.E. 100000 80,OQO 80,000 .66 18% 65,000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 3,500 2,500 11. 91 49% 2,000 Opera Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 31% 3,500 One Sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. I I CITY OF SAN E;ERN4,RDINO - REQUEST F()R COUNCIL ACTION From: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison Subject: Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $12,000 Dept: Office of the Mayor to Inland Dance Theatre, Inc. Da~: September 2, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 1993: 1992: \!J.;L~.. OrHeii' Resolution #93-421 approved ($22,000) Resolution #92-420 approved ($22,000) 9 S::? 9<; 11: C4 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION p".d (::,&.u--J . Signature Contact person: Jean Andersen Phone: ext. 5114 Supporting data attached: YES W.rd: ALL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $12.000 Source: (Acct. No.1 001-091-53605 (Acct. Descriotionl Fine Arts~ ~ Finll1ce" ~- Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No II D CITY OF SAN BERN6,RDINO - REQUEST FAR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: INLAND DANCE THEATER, INC. This will be the 19th year "Nutcracker" will be produced by the Inland Dance Theatre, Inc. OVer 100,000 school children have seen "Nutcracker" during the past 18 years bringing ballet, music and a live performance into their lives. Last year an additional Friday performance for the Inland Empire Girl Scout Council and their families was given and is planned again for this year. The cast is 98% local talent, which not only gives area children a showcase to present their talent, but it provides a showcase for the local community. Many of these children go on to work with some of the country's best known ballet companies. Free admission is provided to 4,500 children. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 8,800 6 $97,000 $82,000 (This was the only organization submitting a request which was lower than the amount requested last year.) The grant request was for $15,000. The Fine Arts Commission at its Wednesday, August 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $12,000. 75.0264 I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .26 27 28 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF 'SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE INLAND DANCE THEATRE, INCORPORATED FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an Aqreement with the Sinfonia Mexicana Society, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as thouqh set forth at lenqth. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced aqreement is rescinded if the parties to the aqreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passaqe of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foreqoinq resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a day of meetinq thereof, held on the , 1994, by the followinq vote, to wit: / / / / / / / . . : I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE INLAND DANCE THEATRE, INCORPORATED FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER .un ~ ABSTAIN AMIlm' City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney BY: Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o r .t1~ ~:A"I~"~J1 Fine Arts Fundina ~. THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERN~INO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City" and The Inland Dance Theatre, Incorporated, a non-profit organization, referred to as "Organization". The parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. A. organization has requested financial assistance from City for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in defraying the expense of certain concerts, show., festivals or events or activities sponsored by Organization as set forth in Organization I s grant proposal' (hereinafter "the proposal") approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the City, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this agreement is made on a one-time only basis, and receipt of said funds shall not imply a continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of this Agre_ent. B. The expenditure i. for a valid municipal public purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciat10n in San Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal submitted by Organization. 2. Pavment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City Finance Director, City shall pay to Organization from the -31- .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o budqet for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $12,000 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts qrant application aqreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Orqanization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paraqraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the aqreement. No deviation from the aqreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Orqanization. 4. Accountincr. Within 20 days after the completion of the event, the Orqanization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accountinq of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with qenerally accepted accountinq principles by Orqanization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of orqanization are to be kept open for inspection at any time durinq the business day by the City or its officers or aqents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Orqanization reimbursinq the City. 5. Hold Harmless. Orqanization covenants and aqrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees and aqents from all liabilities and charqes, -:'2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o expenses (includinq counsel fees), suits or losses however occurrinq, ~;or~'1iamaqe. arisinq or qrowinq out of the use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this aqreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understandinq that the City is not involved in the performance of services or o~er activities of Orqanization. Orqanization and its employees and aqents are independent contractors and are not employees or aqents of the City in performinq said services. 6. Termination. City shall have the l'iqbt to terminate this Aqreement and any fundinq remaininq unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailinq a ten-day written notice to Orqanization and this aqreement shall terminate ten days after the mailinq of such notice. In the event this Aqreement i. terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by City shall be returned to City. In addition, Orqanization shall reimburse to city any funds expended which were u.ed for any purpo.e. other than those authorized under this Aqreement. '7. Assicmment. Orqanization shall not assiqn its interest in this Aqreement without the prior written approval of city. 8. lMYl'ance. Orqanization shall take out and maintain durinq the life of this Aqreement such public liability and property damaqe insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, Officers, -"3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o aqents and employees, orqanization and its agents performing acts covered by this Agreement from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from Organization's or its agents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Orqanization or its agents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either Organization or its agents, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Ca) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, including, but not limited to, death, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an -amount not less than $100,000 on account o-f anyone occurrence; Cb) Property Damage Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damage to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. Cc) Workers Compensation. Orqanization shall provide workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided hereunder are to be paid as salary to any employee of organization. Orqanization shall require that all rights of subrogation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to City. City shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obliaation. Orqanization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obligations imposed by this agreement a binding obligation of -4- . . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 o o 2 the organization. 3 10. Notices. All no~ices herein required shall be in 4 writing and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, 5 postage prepaid, addressed as follows: 6 7 8 9 10 As to City: City Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 As to Organization: J.ean 0 I Leary, President . Inland Dance Theatre, Inc. P.O. Box 3691 San Bernardino, CA 92413 11. Entire Acrreement. This Agreement and any docUlllents 11 or instrUlllents attached hereto or referred to herein integrate 12 all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental 13 hereto, and supersede all negotiations and prior writing in 14 respect to the subject matter hereof. In - the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement, and any such docUlllent or instrUlllent, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail. 12. Non-Discrimination. Organization agrees that for the term of this Agreement it shall not discriminate in employment, recruitment, hiring, admission practices, advertisinq or in any other manner on the basi. of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. DATED: -"'5- . .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 By: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o AGREEMENT RE: THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE INLlUID DANCE THEATRE, INCORPORATED FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tom Minor, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORGANIZATION Approved as to form and leqal content: JAMES F. PENMAN city Attorney -:6- - o FINE ARTS WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 o TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TOTAL AMOUllT AVAILABLE a BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,92d 180.000 (GENERAL ($147,920) PUND-PINE ARTS PEES) ORGAN. AMT. AMT. AMT. COST/ REQSTED REQSTED FUNDED PERSON 94-95 93-94 93-94 % BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.n DENIED . Polk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 Comm. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22% 17,500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,500 Opera I.E. 100000 80,000 30,000 .66 1n 65;000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 3,500 2,500 11. 91 49% 2,000 Opera Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 31% 3,500 One sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. - - CITY OF SAN BERN~RDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison Subject: Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $2,000 Dept: Office of the Mayor to Metropolitan Opera Auditions Date: September 2, 1994 'ynopsis of Previous Council action: 1993: 1992: Resolution #93-445 approved ($2,500) Resolution #92-50 approved ($1,900) IJ"llN.. OFFiCi: ) Si:? ljt, 1 t: C3 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION e,tI,p ~,L,~~--~ (;/ Signature Contact person: Jean Andersen Phone: ext. 5114 Supporting data attached: YES Ward: ALL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $2.000 Source: (Acct. No.! 001-091-53605 ( Acct. DescriDtion I Fine Arts ~ Finance: ~;7/r ~ / ' -- ..ouncil Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No //6 CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: METROPOLITAN OPERA AUDITIONS OF SAN BERNARDINO-RIVERSIDE COUNTIES The San Bernardino-Riverside Metropolitan Opera Auditions is one of six Districts representing the Western Region of the Metropolitan opera National Council Auditions. Its purpose is to find exceptionally talented opera singers and to assist in their development as well as discover new talent for the Metropolitan Opera. Additionally, it searches for possible participants in the Young Artist Development Program of the Metropolitan Opera Assn. The local auditions give singers an opportunity to be heard and encouraged in their careers and provides contacts with producers and directors in the vocal concert community. Winners of the local auditions are sent to Los Angeles and required to stay there for one or two nights during the Regional Auditions. A Master Class is also held at Valley College for the participants and is conducted by a major vocal authority as clinician. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 380 2 $7,275 $3,700 The grant request was for $3,575. The Fine Arts Commission at its Wednesday, August 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $2,000. 75-0264 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 3 EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN BERNARDINO-RIVERSIDE COUNTIES METROPOLITAN OPERA AUDITIONS FOR THE PROMOTION OF 4 ARTS AND CULTURE. 5 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said city an Agreement with the San Bernardino-Riverside Countiee Metropolitan Opera AUditions, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties- to the agreement fail to execute it" within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a day of meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to 20 wit: 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECU'l'ION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN BERNARDINO-RIVERSIDE COUNTIES METROPOLITAN OPERA AUDITIONS FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER AXU. NAYS ABSTAIN l\~ City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney BY: Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o :L~~ ~..-04y'~ Fine Arts Fundina THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City" and The San Bernardino-Riverside Counties Metropolitan Opera AUditions, a non-profit orqanization, referred to as "Orqanization." The parties aqree as follows: 1. Recitals. A. Orqanization has requested financial assistance from City for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in defrayinq the expense of certain concerts,. shows, festivals or events or activities sponsored by Orqanization as set forth in Orqanization I s qrant proposal (hereinafter "the proposal") approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the City, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference and shall qovern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this aqre_ent is made on a one-time only basis, and receipt of said funds shall not imply a continuinq obliqation of the City beyond the terms of this Aqre_ent. B. The expenditure is for a valid municipal public purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciation in San Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal submitted by Orqanization. 2. PaYment. Upon presentation of a claim to t.he City -1- : .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 .26 27 28 o o Finance Director, city shall pay to Orqanization from the budqet for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total SUlD of $2,000 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts qrant application aqreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Orqanization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paraqraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the aqreement. . No deviation from the aqreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Said funds sl.all be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Orqanization. 4. Accountina. Within 20 days after the completion of the event, the Orqanization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accountinq of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with qenerally accepted accountinq principles by Orqanization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of orqanization are to be kept open for inspection at any time durinq thti business day by the City or its officers or aqents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Orqanization reilDbursinq the city. 5. Hold Harmless. Orqanization covenants and aqrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its -2- .. . - ! . , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o employees and agents from all liabilities and charges, expense. (including counse~ fees), suits or ~osses however occurring, or damages arising or growing out of .the use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this agreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understanding that the City is not involved in the performance of services or other activities of Organization. Organization and its employees and agents are independent contractors and are not employees or agents of the City in performing said services. 6. Termination. City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and any funding remaining unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailing a ten-day written notice to Orqanization and this agreement shall terminate ten day. after the mailing of such notice. In the event this Agreement is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by City shall be returned to City. In addition, Organization shall reimburse to City any funds expended which were used for any purposes other than those authorized under this Agreement. 7. Assicmment. Orqanization shall not as.iqn its interest in thil9 Agreement without the prior written approval of City. 8. Insurance. Orqanization shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement such public liability and property damage insurance as shall insure City, -3- . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, aqents and employees, orqanization and its aqents performinq acts covered by this Aqreement from claims for damaqes for personal injury, includinq death, as well as from claims for property damaqe which may arise from Orqanization's or its aqents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Orqanization or its aqents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either Orqanization or its aqents, and the amount a of such insurance shall be as follows: (a) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than $100,~00 for injuries, includinq, but not limited to, death, to anyone-person, and subject to the saae limit for each person, in an amount not less than $100,000 on aocount of anyone occurrence: (b) Property Damaqe Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damaqe to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. (c) Workers Compensation. Orqanization shall provide workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided hereunder are to be paid as salary to any employee of orqanization. Orqanization shall require that all riqhts of subroqation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to City. City shall be set forth as an additional named insured in eac~ policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obl!aation. Orqanization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the -4- . . o o 2 obliqations imposed by this aqreement a bindinq obliqation of 3 the orqanization. 4 10. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in 5 writinq and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, 6 postaqe prepaid, addressed as follows: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 As to City: City Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 N. D st. San Bernardino, CA 92418 As to Orqanization: Gwendolyn Roberts, Director San Bernardino-Riverside Counties Metropolitan Opera Auditions 1898 Genevieve St. San Bernardino, CA 92405 11. Entire Aareement. This Aqreement and any documents or instruments attached hereto or referrel:\ to herein inteqrate all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersede all neqotiations and prior writinq in respect to the subj ect matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this Aqreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Aqreement shall prevail. 12. Non-Discrimination. Orqanization aqrees that for the term of this Aqreement it shall not discriminate in recruitment, hirinq, admission practices, employment, advertisinq or in any other manner on the basis of race, color, creed, reliqion, national oriqin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. 26 DATED: 27 28 -5- . , . 1 2 3 o o 4 AGREEMENT RE: THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SAN BERNARDINO-RIVERSIDE METROPOLITAN OPERA AUDITIONS FOR THE 5 PROMOTION OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTEST: City Clerk Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN city Attorney By: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tom Minor, Mayor ORGANIZATION -6- o FINE ARTS WORKSHEET FISCAL Y!AR 1994-95 o TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TOTAL UOmIT AVAILABLE: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,920 180.000 (GEHERAL PUHD-PIHE ARTS PEES) ($147,920) ORGAN. AMT. AMT. REQSTED REQSTED 94-95 93-94 AMT. FUNDED 93-94 COST/ PERSON % BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.8% DENIED Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 Comm. 20,000 21),000 20,000 2.08 22% 17,500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,5(10 Opera. I.E. 100000 80,000 80,000 .66 18% 65,000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 3,500 2,500 11. 91 49% 2,000 Opc"a Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA " 2.50 31% 3,500 One Sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. . CITY OF SAN BERN4RDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Ffom: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison Subject:Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $11,000 Dept: Office of the Mayor to Junior University Date: September 2, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 1992: Resolution *92-486 approved ($15,000) ,D,WI, OH1Ci: 9 $:? 9<. It: C3 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION ~~~ tCh_~.J ~ Signature Contact person: Jean Andersen Suppo"ing data attached: YES Phone: ext. 5114 Ward: ALL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $11,000 Source: (Acct. No.! 001-091-53605 (Acct. DescriDtionl Fi~ =#?7#---. :Ouncil Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No Ilr CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: JUNIOR UNIVERSITY Junior University is enterinq its 33rd season and plans to present a production of William R. Dixon 's oriqinal adaptation of "Sleepinq Beauty." As many as 300 younq people will be involved in all aspects of theatrical production and the live orchestra. Junior University offers low cost, live musical theater suitable for family audiences. At least 5,000 coupons qood for a free child's admission are qiven away. No cost tickets will be provided to 100 families who are clients of Goodwill Industries and abused mothers proqrams. JU also offers a senior citizen discount and a student discount to colleqe aqe youth. Junior University is requestinq funds to offset the musical expenses of the show, includinq royalties, choral director, conductor and orchestra, as well as incurred expenses for a musical consultant to shorten and rewrite the show which was last done in 1980. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 18,000 14 $120,600 $102,000 The qrant request was for $18,600. The Fine Arts Commission at its Wednesday, Auqust 31, 1994 meetinq recommended approval of a qrant in the amount of $11,000. 75.0264 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF sAli.. BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE JUNIOR UNIVERSITY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. .. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an Agreement with the Junior university, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced agr.eement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within si~y (60) days of the passage of thi~ resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a day of meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: / / / / / / / / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE JUNIOR UNIVERSITY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHElMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER ADS. NAn ABSTAIN lIMn.71' City Clerk The foreqoinq resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and leqal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney BY: Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino . . 1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o AGREEMENT Fine ~s Fundina THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City" and The Junior University, a non-profit organization, referred to as "Organization". The parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. A. organization has requested financial assistance from city for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in defraying the expense of certain concerts, shows, festivals or events or activities sponsored by Organization as set forth in Organization I s grant proposal (hereir.after "the proposal") approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the City, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this agre_ent is made on a one-time only basis, and receipt of said funds shall not imply a continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of this Agre_ent. B. The expenditure is for a valid municipal public purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciation in San Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal submitted by organization. 2. Pavment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City Finance Director, City shall' pay to Organization from the ,,'J-' . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o 0 budqet for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $11;000 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts qrant application aqreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Orqanization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paraqraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the aqreement. No deviation from the aqreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Orqanization. 4. Accountina. Wi thin 20 days after the completion of the event, the Orqanization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accountinq of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with qenera11y accepted accountinq principles by Orqanization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of orqanization are to be kept open for inspection at any time durinq the business day by the city or its officers or aqents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Orqanization reimbursinq the City. 5. Hold Harmless. Orqanization covenants and aqrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees and aqents from all liabilities and charqes, -.l6- . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o expenses (includinq counsel fees), suits or losses however occurrinq, or damaqes arisinq or qrowinq out of the use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this aqreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understandinq that the City is not involved in the performance of services or other activities of Orqan1zation. Orqanization and its employees and aqents are independent contractors and are not employees or aqents of the City in performinq said services. 6. Termination. City shall have the riqht to terminate this Aqreement and any fundinq remaininq unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailinq a ten-day written notice to Orqanization and this aqreement shall terminate ten days after the mailinq of such notice. In the event this Aqre_ent is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by city shall be returned to city. Ir. addition, Orqanization shall reimburse to City any funds expendEd which were used ~or any purposes other than those authorized under this Aqre_ent. 7. Assianment. Orqanization shall not as.iqn its interest in this Aqreement without the prior written approval of City. 8. Insurance. Orqanization shall take out and maintain dur1nq the life of this Aqre_ent such public liability and property damaqe insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, -;J:/ - .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o aqents and employeea, orqanization and ita aqenta performinq acts covered by thia Aqreement from claims for damaqes for personal injury, includinq death, as well as from claims for property damaqe which may arise from Orqan1zation's or its aqents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Orqanization or its aqents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either Orqanization or its aqents, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Ca) Public LiabHity Irlsurance. In an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, includinq, but not limited to, death, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $100,000 on account of anyone occurrence: Cb) Property Damaqe Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damaqe to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. Cc) Workers Compensation. Orqanization ahall provide workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided hereunder are to be paid aa salary to any employee of orqanization. Orqanization shall require that all riqhts of subroqation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to city. City shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obliqation. Orqanization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obliqations imposed by this aqreement a bindinq obliqation of -28- 1 o o 2 the orqanization. 3 10. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in 4 writinq and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, 5 postaqe prepaid, addressed as follows: 6 7 8 9 10 As to City: City Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 As to Orqanization: Jeff A. Grande, Gen. Mqr. Junior University P.O. Box 6471 San Bernardino, CA 92412 11. Entire Aareement. This Aqre_ent and any documents 11 or instruments attached hereto or referred to herein inteqrate 12 all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental 13 hereto" and supersede all neqotiations and prior writinq in 14 respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of 15 conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this 16 Aqreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and 17 conditions of this Aqreement shall prevail. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12. Non-Discrimination. Orqanization aqrees that for the term of this Aqre_ent it shall not discriminate in employment, recruitment, hirinq, admission practices, advertisinq or in any other manner on the basis of race, color, creed, reliqion, national oriqin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. DATED: -29- .. ,- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - o o AGREEMENT RE: THE CITY OF, SAN BERNARDINO AND THE JUNIOR UNIVERSITY FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tom Minor, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORGANIZATION Approved as to form and leqal content: JAKES F. PENMAN City Attorney By: -30- '" .. o FINE ARTS WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 o TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TOTAL AMOUft AVAILABLB: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,920 180.000 (GBNERAL FUND-FINE ARTS FBBS) ($147,920) ORGAN. AMT. AMT. REQSTED REQSTED 94-95 93-94 AMT. FUNDED 93-94 COST/ PERSON % BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS - Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.at DENIED Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 Comm. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22% 17,500 Cnct. i.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,500 Opera I.E. 100000 80,000 80,000 .66 1at 65,000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 3,500 2,500 11. 91 49% 2,000 Opera Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 31% 3,500 One Sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. CITY OF SAN ~U;RN4RDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison SU~Kt:Approve recommendation-by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $65,000 to Inland Empire Symphony Assn. Dept: Office of the Mayor Date: September 2, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 1993: 1992: D:dlN, OFFICE Resolution #93-420 approved ($80,000) Resolution #92-442 approved ($80,000) ) 5EP 9', 11: 03 RKommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION ?-4f' ~~U~~ ./ ignature Contact person: Jean Andersen Phone: ext. 5114 Supporting data attached: YES Ward: ALL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $65.000 Source: (Acct, No.1 001-091-53605 (Acct. Descriotionl Fine ~rts ~~ Finance; ,/ , Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No 1/& CITY OF SAN BERN4J1DINO - REQUEST FQR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: INLAND EMPIRE SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION The Inland Empire Symphony Orchestra, established in 1961, is considered the region I s premier professional orchestra and presents many types of programs including high quality symphonic programs featuring well-known quest artists; extensive educational programs including "Music in the Schools," a year-round program involving 125 in-school visits plus four full concerts for more than 10,000 elementary school children; and adult educational programs including pre-concert lectures and dinner previews. The orchestra consists of 70 contracted musicians represented by Musician I s Union Local 47 of Los Angeles. It serves as the orchestra for the Redlands Bowl, the Riverside Master Chorale, the Canto Bello Chorale, and performs in a wide variety of venues. The Inland Empire Symphony Association estimates it contributes $1.5 million in economic impact to the local economy and at least ninety-percent of the funds received from the City of San Bernardino actually stay in the community. It also assists groups such as Sinfonia Mexicana, the Canto Bello Chorale, Inland Dance Theatre, the Inland Empire Opera Alliance, and others with artistic and administrative matters. Estimated attendancejparticipants- (includes televison): Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 150,0{)0 15 $525,640 $427,600 The grant request was for $100,000. The Fine Arts commission at its Wednesday, August 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval ofa grant in the amount of $65,000. 15-0264 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28 - o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF. SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE INLAND EMPIRE SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the city of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an Aqreement with the Inland Empire Symphony Associatio~ a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as thouqh set forth at lenqth. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced aqreement is rescinded if the parties to the aqreement fail to execute it within aixty (60) days of the passaqe of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foreqoinq resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a day of meetinq thereof, held on the , 1994, by the followinq vote, to wit: 1 o o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 2 EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE INLAHD EMPIRE SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER ~ NAYS ABSTAIN 1oR<:llm' City Clerk The foregoing resolution> is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney BY: Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - o o ,~"''',!";Jl Fine Arts Fundina THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to. as "City" and The Inland Empire Symphony Association, a non-profit orqanization, referred to as "Organization". The parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. A. Organization has requested financial assistance from City for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in defraying the expense of certain concerts, show., festivals or events or activities sponsored by Orqanizl!,tion as set forth in Organization I s grant proposal (hereinafter "the proposal") approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the City, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this agreement is made on a one-time only basis, and receipt of said funds shall not imply a continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of this Agreement. B. The expenditure is for a valid municipal public purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciation in San Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal submitted by Organization. 2. Pavment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City Finance Director, City shall pay to Orqanization from the -37- .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o budqet for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $65,000 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts qrant application aqreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Orqanization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paraqraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the aqreement. No deviation from the aqreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Orqanization. 4. Accountina. Within 20 days after the completion of the event, the Orqanization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accountinq of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with qenerally accepted accountinq principles by Orqanization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of orqanization are to be kept open for inspection at any time durinq the business day by the City or its officers or aqents. Failure to submit tne financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Orqanization reimbursinq the City. 5. Hold Ha1"1111ess. Orqanization covenants and a';Jrees to indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its and aqents from all liabilities and Charqes, defend, employees -38- .. 1 o o 2 expenses (includinq counsel fees), suits or losses however 3 occurrinq, or damaqes arising. or qrowinq out of the use or 4 receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under 5 this aqreement. Payments hereunder are made with the 6 understandinq that the City is not involved in the performance 7 of services or other activities of Orqanization. Orqanization 8 and its employees and aqents are independent contractors and 9 are not employees or aqents of the city in performinq said 10 services. 11 6. ~ination. city shall have the riqht to terminate 12 this Aqreement and any fundinq remaininq unpaid hereunder for 13 any reason by mailinq a ten-day written notice to orqanizati~n 14 and this aqreement shall terminate ten days after the mailinq 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of such notice. In the event this Aqreement is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by city shall be returned to City. In addition, orqanization shall reimburse to City any funds expended which were used for any purposes other than those authorized under this Aqreement. Assianment. orqanization shall not assiqn its 7. interest in this Aqreement without the prior written approval of City. 8. Insurance. Orqanization shall take out and maintain durinq the life of this Aqreement such public liability and property damaqe insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, -39- .. , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o aqents and employees, orqanization and its aqents performinq acts covered by this Aqreement from claims for damaqes for personal injury, includinq death, as well as from claims for property damaqe which may arise from Orqanization's or its aqents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Orqanization or its aqents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either Orqanization or its aqents, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: (a) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, includinq, but not limited to, death, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $100,000 on account of anyone occurrence; (b) Property Damaqe Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damaqe to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. (c) Workers Compensation. Orqanization shall provide workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided hereunder are to be paid as salary to any employee of orqanization. Orqanization shall require that all riqhts of subroqation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to City. City shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obliqation. Orqanization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obliqations imposed by this aqreement a bindinq obliqation of -40- , . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 o the orqanizaQon. 10. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in 4 writing and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, 5 postage prepaid, addressed as follows: 6 7 8 9 10 As to City: City Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 As to Orqanization: Susan Feller, Exec. Dir. Inland Empire Symphony Assoc. 362 W. Court Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 11. Entire Aareement. This Agreement and any documents 11 or instruments attached hereto or referred to herein integrate 12 all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental 13 hereto, and supersede all negotiations and prior writing in respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail. 12. Non-Discrimination. Organization agrees that for the term of this Agreement it shall not discriminate in employment, recruitment, hiring, admission practices, advertising or in any tither manner on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. DATED: -41- .. . , . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o AGREEMENT RE: THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE INLAND EMPIRE SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tom Minor, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORGANIZATION Approved as to form and leqal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney By: -42- .. o FINE ARTS WOlU(SHEET FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 o TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TOTAL AMOUNT AVAILABLE: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,920 180.000 (GENERAL ($147,920) PUND-PINE ARTS PEES) ORGAN. ANT. AMT. REQSTED REQSTED 94-95 93-94 ANT. FUNDED 93-94 COST/ PERSON % BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.8% DENIED Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75.026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 Comm. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22% 17.500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,500 Opera I.E. 100000 80,000 80,000 .66 18% 65,000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 I 3,500 2,500 11. 91 49% 2,000 Opera , Nut- 15,000 25,000 2:!,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 31% 3,500 One Sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. CITY OF SAN BERN~~DINO - REQUEST FM COUNCIL ACTION From: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison Subject: Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $7,500 Dept: Office of the Mayor to Inland Empire Opera Alliance Da~: September 2, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 1993: 1992: \DAIN" OFHCf, Resolution #93-449 approved ($10,000) Resolution #92-485 approved ($15,000) ') SE? 9<~ It: C2 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION e4'~"'/ 0~~--~/ (/7 Signature Contact person: Jean Andersen Supporting data lItt8Ched: YES Phone: ext. 5114 Ward: ALL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $7,500 Source: (Acct. No.! 001-091-53605 ,_. DoErio.~1 Flne ~':'yf'/ ~ Council Notes: 75.02&2 Agenda Item NoM CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST FQR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: INLAND EMPIRE OPERA ALLIANCE The Inland Empire Opera Alliance is requesting funds to present the Gilbert and Sullivan opera/operetta "The Mikado," which will be performed by the prestigious Opera a la Carte Company. This performance represents the only time a fully-staged opera will be presented in the Inland Empire. The performance will be accompanied by educational proj ects and artist workshops, in addition to a pre-opera dinner/lecture. The Inland Empire Opera Alliance is in its ninth year and has previously presented La Boheme, La Traviata, Carmen, Madam Butterfly, Lucia de Lamamoor, Don Giovanni, and the Vienna Boys Choir. with the demise of the Riverside Opera Company, The Inland Empire Opera Alliance is the only group in existence which brings quality opera to the community along with the significant prestige which results from a performance of this type. Because opera is such an expensive venue to present, the Alliance states it will be unable to continue without the funding requested. As a part of audience development endeavors, considerable discounts are offered to family members, senior citizens, and students which reduces available ticket income. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 2,000 1 $32,351 $17,500 The grant request was for $15,000. The Fine Arts Commission at its Wednesday, August 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $7,500. 75.0264 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 3 EXECUTION, OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE INLAND EMPIRE OPERA ALLIANCE FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5 SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 6 SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is 7 hereby authorize~ and directed to execute on behalf of said 8 City an Agreement with the Inland Empire Opera Alliance)a copy 9. of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and 10 incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth 11 at length. 12 SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a day of meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: / / / / / / / / .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o - - o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY or SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE INLAND EMPIRE OPERA ALLIANCE FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER .un ~ ABSTAIN AM11m' City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney BY: Tom Minor, Mayor city of San Bernardino 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -26 27 28 o o .% rj~ :.'t~~:.cI:A.I.~ . Fine Arts Fundina THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City" and . Inland Empire Opera Alliance, a non-profit organization, referred to as "Organization". The parties agree as follows: 1. Ree! tals. A. Organization has requested financial assistance from City for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in defraying the expense of certain concerts, sho_, festivals or events or activities sponsored by organization ali set forth in Organization's grant proposal (hereinafter "the proposal") approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the City, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this agreement is made on a one-time only basis, and receipt of said funds shall not imply a continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of this Agreement. B. The expenditure i. for a valid municipal public purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciation in San Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal submitted by organization. 2. PaYment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City Finance Director, City shall. pay to Organization from the -19- - . . 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o budqet for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $7,500 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts qrant application aqreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Orqanization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paraqraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the aqreement. No deviation from the aqreement shall be made without the express approval of the city of San Bernardino. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Orqanization. 4. Accountina. Within 20 days after the completion of the event, the Orqanization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accountinq of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with qenerally accepted accountinq principles by Orqanization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of orqanization are to be kept open f~r inspection at any time durinq the business day by the City or its officers or aqents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Orqanization reimbursinq the City. 5. Hold Harmless. Orqanization covenants and aqrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees and aqents from all liabilities and charqes, -20- . .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I} 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o expenses (includinq counsel fees), suits or losses however. occurrinq, or damaqes arisinq or qrowinq out of the use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this aqreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understandinq that the City is not involved in the performance of services or other activities of Orqanization. Orqanization and its employees and aqents are independent contractors and are not employees or aqents of the City in performinq said services. 6. Termination. City shall have the riqht to terminate this Aqreement and any fundinq remaininq unpaid hereunder for any rea.son by mailinq a ten-day written no:t:ice to Orqanization and this aqreement shall terminate ten days after the mailinq of such notice. In the event this Aqreement is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by City shall be returned to City. In addition, Orqanization shall reimburse to City any funds expended which were used for any purpose. other than those authorized under this Aqreement. 7. Assianment. Orqanization shall not assiqn its interest in this Aqreement without the prior written approval of city. 8. Insurance. Orqanization shall take out and maintain durinq the life of this Aqreement such public liability and property damaqe insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, -21- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o aqents and employees, orqanization and its aqents performinq acts covered by this Aqreement from claims for damaqes for personal injury, includinq death, as well as from claims for property damaqe which may arise from orqanization's or its aqents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Orqanization or its agents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either orqanization or its aqents, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: (a) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, includinq, but not limited to, death, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $100,000 on account of anyone occurrence; (b) property Damaqe Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damaqe to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. (c) Workers Compensation. orqanization shall provide workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided hereunder are to be paid as salary to any employee of orqanization. Orqanization shall require that all riqhts of subroqation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to City. city shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obliaation. Orqanization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obliqations imposed by this aqreement a bindinq obliqation of -22- , 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o the orqanization. 10. Notices. A11 notices herein required shall be in writinq and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postaqe prepaid, addressed as follows: As to City: city Administrator city of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 As to Orqanization: Catherine Cord, President Inland Empire Opera Alliance 362 W. Court St. San 3ernardino, CA 92401 11. Entire Aareement. This Aqreement and any documents or instruments attached hereto or referred to herein inteqrate all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersede all neqotiations and prior writinq in respect to the subj ect matter hereof; In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this Aqreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Aqreement shall prevail. 12. Non-Discrimination. Orqanization aqrees that for the term of this Aqreement it shall not discriminate in employment, recruitm3nt, hirinq, admission practices, advertisinq or in any other manner on the basis of race, color, creed, reliqion, national oriqin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. DATED: -23- . 1 ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 .28 o o AGREEMENT RE: THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE INLAND EMPIRE OPERA AJ;.LIANCE FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. ATTEST: City Clerk Approved as to form and leqal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney By: . - CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tom Minor, Mayor ORGANIZATION -24- ,. I , o FINE ARTS WORXSHEET FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 o w TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TO'lAL HOUll'l' AVAILABLE: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,920 180.000 (GEHBRAL PUND-PIHB ARTS PEES) ($147,920) ORGAN. AMT. AMT. AMT. COST/ % BUDGET FAC REQSTED REQSTED FUNDED PERSON TOTAL RECOM- 94-95 93-94 93-94 MENDS Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.8% DENIED Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 COIDIII. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22% 17,500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,500 Opera. I.E. 100000 80,000 80,000 .66 18% 65,000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 3,500 2,500 11. 91 49% 2,000 Opera Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 31% 3,500 One Sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 . 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. .. . . CITY OF SAN BERN4,RDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION FI".)m: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison S;Jbject: Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $17,500 Dept: Office of the Mayor to San Bernardino Valley Community Concert Association Dam: September 2, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 1993: 1992: J;.UN.. OFHa Resolution #93-419 approved ($20,0001 Resolution #92-449 approved ($20,0001 SS> 9<; 11: C2 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION Q,p6r< ~.....-.../ f/ ignature Contact person:_,:!ean Andersen Supponing data attached: YES Phone: ext. 5114 Ward: ALL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $17.500 Source: (Acct. No.! 001-091-53605 (Acct. Descriotionl Fine :::~ #/ ~ Council Noms: 75-0262 Agenda Item No III - - - - CITY OF SAN BERN~RDINO - REQUEST FQR COUNCIL ACnOll STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION This is the 56th year the Community Concert Association has been in existence. The program for this season consists of: Los Angeles Master Chorale, Rhythm and Brass, Janacek Philharmonic and Hambro Quartet of Pianos. Two free Youth Concerts for elementary school children of the city and county are scheduled for October and January. A third concert, in conjunction with the Inland Empire Symphony, will be proposed. Memberships are sold by season only. A drop in membership has occurred, as with most performing arts groups, due largely to the economic conditions of the area as well as the aging membership. Introducing our youth to the experience of attending concerts will help to provide a future base of members, as well as give them the opportunity to hear classical and semi-classical music performed by well-known artists. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 9,800 7 $90,000 $68,600 The grant request was for $20,000. The Fine Arts Commission at its Wednesday, August 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $17,500. 15.0264 , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an Aqreement with the San Bernardino Valley Community Concert Association, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as thouqh set forth at lenqth. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced aqreement is rescinded if' the parties to the aqreement fail tc execute it within sixty (60) days of the passaqe of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foreqoinq resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meetinq thereof, held on the , 1994, by the followinq vote, to day of wit: / / / / / / / 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .27 28 o o 1 2 3 RESOLUTION Ot:'THE C1TY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY 4 COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. / COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN AYES HAXS. ABSTAIN AMmr HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and legal content: Tom Minor, Mayor city of San Bernardino JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney BY: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 o o AGREEMENT , - Fine Arts Fundina THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City" and The San Bernardino Valley Community Concert Association, a non-profit organization, referred to as "Organization". The parties agree as follows: Recitals. A. Organization has requested financial assistance from City for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in 1. defraying the expense of certain concerts, shows, festivals or events or activities sponsored by Orqanization as set forth in Organization's grant proposal (hereinafter "the. proposal") approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the City, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference 17 and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The 18 financial assistance provided for in this aqreement is made on 19 a one-time only basis, and receipt of said funds shall not 20 imply a continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of 21 this Agreement. 22 23 purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciation in San B. The expenditure is for a valid municipal public 24 Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal submitted ~ 25 by Organization. 26 2. PaYment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City 27 Finance Director, City shall pay to Orqanization from the 28 -13- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o 0 budget for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $17,500 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts grant application agreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Organization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paragraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the agreement. No deviation from the agreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardinc. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Organization. 4. Accountina. Within 20 days after the completion of the event, the Organization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accounting of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles by Organization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of organization are to be kept open for inspection at any time during the business day by the City or its officers or agents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Organization reimbursing the City. 5. Hold Harmless. Organization covenants and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees and agents from all liabilities and charges, -14- .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o expenses (including counsel fees), suits or losses however occurring, or damages arising or growing out of tha use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this agreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understanding that the city is not involved in the performance of services or other activities of Organization. Organization and its employees and agents are independent contractors and are not employees or agents of the City in performing said services. 6. Termination. City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and any funding remaining unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailing a ten-day written notice to Organization and this agreement shall terminate ten days after the mailing of such notice. In the event this Agreement is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by City shall be returned to City. In addition, Organization shall reimburse to City any funds expended which were used for any purposes other than those authorized under this Agreement. 7. Assianment. Organization shall not assign its interest in this Agreement without the prior written approval of City. 8. Insurance. Organization shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement such public liability and property damage insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, -15- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 o o aqents and employees, orqanization and its aqents performinq acts covered by this Aqreement from claims for damaqes for personal injury, includinq death, as well as from claims for property damaqe which may arise from Orqanization's or its aqents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Orqanization or its aqents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either Orqanization or its aqents, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: . - (a) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, includinq, but not limited to, death, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an a~ount not less than $100,000 on account of 'Ii anyone occurrence; (b) Property Damaqe Insurance. In an amount of not less 15 than $50,000 for damaqe to the property of each person on 16 account of anyone occurrence. 17 (c) Workers Compensation. Orqanization shall provide 18 workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state 19 law if the funds provided hereunder are to be paid as salary 20 to any employee of orqanization. Orqanization shall require 21 that all riqhts of subroqation under such policy of workers 22 compensation insurance ahall be waived as to City. City shall 23 be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of 24 25 insurance provided hereunder. ~: 9. Obliaation. Orqanization hereby covenants that it 26 has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the 27 obliqations imposed by this aqreement a bindinq obliqation of 28 -16- I 1 '- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 o o th$ orqanization. 10. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writinq and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postaqe prepaid, addressed as follows: . As to city: City Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 As to Orqanization: Dr. Ernest F. Garcia Grants Chairman San Bernardino Valley Community Concert Assn. P.O. Box 377 San Bernardino, CA 92402 11. Entirlo Aareement. This Aqreement and any documents or instruments attached hereto or referred to herein inteqrate ~ 12 all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental- 13 hereto, and supersede all neqotiations and prior writinq in 14 respect to the subj ect matter hereof. In the event of 15 . conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this 16 Aqreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and 17 conditions of this Aqreement shall prevail. 18 19 the term of this Aqreement ~;t shall not discriminate in 12. Non-Discrimination. Orqanization aqrees that for 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 employment, recruitment, hirinq, admission practices, advertisinq or in any other manner on the basis of race, color, creed, reliqion, national oriqin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. DATED: , . -17- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AGREEMENT S1 THE CITY OF. SAN BERN~INO AND BERNARDINO VALLEY COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION PROMOTION OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THE SAN FOR THE Tom Minor, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORGANIZATION Approved as to form and leqal content: JAMES 'F. PENMAN City Attorney By: -18- o FINE ARTS WORKSHEET FISCAL Y!AR 1994-95 o TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TOTAL UOUJIT AVAILABLE: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,92<1 180.000 (GENERAL ($147,920) POND-PINE ARTS'PEES) ORGAN. ANT. AMT. REQSTED REQSTED 94-95 93-94 AMT. FUNDED 93-94 COST/ PERSON % BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.at DENIED Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 Comm. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22% 17,500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,500 Opera I.E. 100000 80,000 80,000 .66 1at 65;000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 -1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 3,500 2,500 11. 91 49% 2,000 Opera Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 31% 3,500 One Sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94) : GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. .. CITY OF SA. BEI1NA,RDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison Su~~t: Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $37,500 to Office of the Mayor . San Bernardino Civic Light Opera Association Dept: Da~: September 2, 1994 'iynopsis of Previous Council action: 1993: Resolution #93-450 approved ($44,000) O;llN, on i~:r, J SE? 9<'. It: 02 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION ~//~/ C7 0p~'/ Signature Contact person: Jean Andersen Phone: ext. 5114 Supporting data attached: YES FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Ward: ALL Amount: $37.500 Source: (Acct. No.1 001-091-53605 (Acct. DescriDtionl Fine Arts ~ Finance:.4"if~ ~, Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No IJ:!' CITY OF SAN BER~RDINO - REQUEST F~R COUNCIL ACTION , . rtJi STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: SAN BERNARDINO CIVIC LIGHT OPERA ASSOCIATION The San Bernardino Civic Light Opera is in its 48th year of serving the San Bernardino area as its premiere theater experience by producing a schedule of musicals, plays, and celebrity concerts each year. In the past 15 years, over 1,000,000 people have come to the downtown area to view productions and over 2,500 actors, musicians, and stage technicians have worked on and been trained by these productions. This coming season, the Civic Light Opera Association will produce three musicals: "stop The World--I Want to Get Off," "A Chorus Line," and "OliverI" They will also have several celebrity performances and hold the 1995 SBCLO Summer Youth Program which will provide another free ten-week period of theater classes for over 80 San Bernardino area high school and college students culminating with three performances of a musical comedy. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 38,000 34 $1,465,711 $1,390,711 The grant request was for $75,000 - $35,000 for the Summer Youth Program and $40,000 for the support of the larger musicals. The Fine Arts Commission at its Wednesday, August 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $37,500. 75-0264 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 1 2 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 3 EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN BERNARDINO CIVIC LIGHT OPERA ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5 SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an Agreement with the San Bernardino Civic Light Oper1 Association) a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to day of wit: / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY or SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN BERNAImINO CIVIC LIGHT OPERA ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AIm CULTURE. COUNCIL MEMBERS: un ~ ABSTAIN ~MIlm' NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Tom Minor, Mayor 17 City of San Bernardino Approved as to 18 form and legal content: 19 JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BY: 1 2 .- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o budget for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $37,500 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts grant application agreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Organization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paragraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the agreement. No deviation from the agreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Organization. 4. Accountina. Within 20 days after the completion of the event, the Organization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director of Finance an accounting of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles by Organization in such manner as to permit city to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All book. and records of organization are to be kept open for inspection at any time during the business day by the City or its officers or agents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Organization reimbursing the city. - . "!;. 5. Hold Harmless. Organization covenants and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the city and its employees and agents from all liabilities and charges, -8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o expenses (including counsel fees), suits or losses however occurring, or damages arising or growing out of the use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this agreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understanding that the City is not involved in the performance of services or other activities of Organization. Organization and its employees and agents are independent contractors and are not employees or agents of the city in performing said services. 6. Termination. City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and any funding remaining unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailing a ten-day written notice to Organization and this agreement shall terminate ten days after the mailing of such notice. In the event this Agre_ent is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by City shall be returned to City. In addition, Organization shall reimburse to City any funds expended which were used for any purposes other than those authorized under this Agreement. 7. Assiamnent. organization shall not assign its interest in this Agreement without the prior written approval of City. 8. Insuran..QiL.. Organization shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement such public liability and property damage insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, -9- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o aqents and employees, orqanization and its aqents performing acts covered by this Aqreement from claims for damaqes for personal injury, includinq death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from Orqanization's or its aqents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Orqanization or its agents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either Orqanization or its agents, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: (al Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not Jess than $100,000 for injuries, including, but not limited to, death, to any one person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $100,000 on account of anyone occurrence: (bl Property Damage Inslirance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damage to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. (cl Workers Compensation. Organization shall provide workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided hereunder are to be paid as salary to any employee of orqanization. Orqanization shall require that all rights of subrogation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to City. City shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obliaation. Organization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obliqations imposed by this aqreement a bindinq obligation of -10- 1 2 3' 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o the organization. 10. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writinq apd delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postaqe prepaid, addressed as follows: - As to City: City Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 As to Orqanization: Evlyn WilCOX, President San Bernardino Civic Liqht Opera Association P.O. Box 606 San Bernardino, CA 92402 11. Entire Aareement. This Aqreement and any documents or instruments attached hereto or referred to herein inteqrate all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental .. hereto, and supersede all neqotiations and prior writinq in respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this Aqreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Aqreement shall prevail. 12. Non-Discrimination. Orqanization aqrees that for the term of this Aqreement it shall not discriminate in employment, recruitment, hirinq, admission practices, advertisinq or in any other manner on the basis of race, color, creed, reliqion, national oriqin, sex, physical handicap, or marital status. DATED: -11- ; I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o AGREEMENT RE: THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SAN BERNARDINO CIVIC LIGHT OPERA ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tom Minor, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORGANIZATION Approved as to form and leqal content: JAMES F. PENMi'.N city Attorney By: -12- .' o o FINE ARTS WORKSHEET . FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TOTAL AKOURT AVAILABLE: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) $327,920 180.000 (GENERAL POND-PINE ARTS PEES) ($147,920) ORGAN. AMT. REQSTED 94-95 AMT. REQSTED 93-94 AMT. FUNDED 93-94 COST/ PERSON % BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.n DENIED Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05% 37,500 Comm. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22% 17,500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46% 7,5(10 Opera I.E. 100000 80,000 80,000 .66 1n 65,000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5% 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 3,500 2,500 11. 91 49% 2,000 Opera Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5% 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42% 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 31% 3,500 One sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,71.0 NA NA 100% NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST F:9R COUNCIL ACTION From: Jean Andersen, Fine Arts Liaison Subject: Approve recommendation by the Fine Arts Commission to grant $7,500 Dept: Office of the Mayor to Canto Bello Chorale Date: September 2, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 1993: DillIN. OFFMiP : Resolution #93-448 approved ($10,000) Resolution #92-449 approved ($10,000) } SEP 9t 11: 01 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION f,~- ~~~e" -~ t7' . Signature Contact person: Jeil~ ADAA....aAn Phone: ..y,," "11 4 Suppo"ing data attached: Y"'S FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Ward: IH.T. Amount:-$-7 . 500 Source: (Acct. No.) nn1_nQ1_""If>n" (Acct. DescriDtion) "'i n.. II':,,".. ~ Finance)~Q .ouncil Notes: 7$.0262 Agenda Item No IlK CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST F~ COUNCIL ACTION ",,- ,,..' STAFF REPORT FINE ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT: CANTO BELLO CHORALE The Canto Bello Chorale is an ensemble chorale of over forty members that provides a consistent repertory of classical choral works to the community of San Bernardino, as well as the surrounding Inland Empire communities. The Chorale hires the Inland Empire Symphony as their accompanying orchestra. They also perform with the Inland Empire Symphony as part of the symphony concert season. Additionally, they hire top soloists from the Inland Empire which gives local talent an opportunity to perform. These soloists have performed in major performance forums including the Los Angeles Opera. This summer, the Canto Bello Chorale was invited to attend the prestigious Berkshire School of Music summer program in santa Fe, New Mexico. They performed to sold-out audiences during their stay. without adequate funding, the Chorale will not be able to produce a complete season, or increase its advertising budget to attract a larger audience base. Estimated attendance/participants: Number of performances: Estimated costs: Estimated income: 2,000 4 $41,250 $23,250 The grant request was for $18,000 and the Fine Arts Commission at its Wednesday, Auqust 31, 1994 meeting recommended approval of a grant in the amount of $7,500. 75-0264 , i 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 3 EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CANTO BELLO CHORALE FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5 SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: . SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an Agreement with the Canto Bello Choral~a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "An and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a day of meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: / / / / / / / / ,- \ 1 o o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 2 EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CANTO BELLCU:H()RALE FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER AnS. ~ ABSTAIN ~R.C:Ilm> City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney BY: Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o ~ ':!;!'i'!,.!'Wi Fine Arts Fundina THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City" and The Canto Bello Chorale, a non-profit organization, referred to as "Organization." The parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. A. Organization has requested financial assistance from City for the fiscal year 1994-95, in order to assist in defraying the expense of certain concerts, shows, festivals or events or activities sponsored by Organization as set forth in Organization I s grant proposal (hereinafter "the proposal") approved by the Fine Arts Commission of the city, a copy of which proposal is on file in the Office of CUltural Affairs. The terms of the proposal are incorporated herein by reference and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this agreement is made on a one-time only basis, and receipt of said funds shall not imply a continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of this Agreement. B. The expenditure is for a valid municipal public purpose, to wit: for the promotion of art appreciation in San Bernardino, as more fully set forth in the proposal submitted by Organization. 2. Pavment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City Finance Director, City shall pay to Orqanization from the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - o o budget for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the total sum of $7,500 dollars, to cover the costs per the Fine Arts grant application agreement. 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid to Organization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paragraph 1 and in strict compliance with the provisions set forth in the agreement. No deviation from the agreement shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Said funds shall be expended by June 30, 1995, and any unexpended funds shall be returned to City by Organization. 4. Accountina. Within 20 days after the completion of the event, the Organization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to the Director -of Finance an accounting of the actual expenditures connected with said event as it relates to the funds which were provided by the City. Financial records shall b. maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles by Organization in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditures of the funds. All books and records of organization are to be kept open for inspection at any time during the business day by the City or its officers or agents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section wHl result in the Organization reimbursing the City. 5. Hold Harmless. Organization covenants and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees and agents from all liabilities and charges, - ~.- -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o expenses (including counsel fees), suits or losses however occurring, or damages arising or growing out of the use or receipt of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this agreement. Payments hereunder are made with the understanding that the city is not involved in the performance of services or other activities of Organization. organization and its employees and agents are independent contractors and are not employees or agents of the city in performing said services. 6. Termination. City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and any funding remaining unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailing a ten-day written notice to Organization and this agreement shall terminate ten days after the mailing of such notice. In the event this Agreement is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by City shall be returned to city. In addition, Organization shall reimburse to City any funds expended which were used for any purposes other than those authorized under this Agreement. 7. Assianment. Organization shall not assign its interest in this Agreement without the prior written approval of City. 8. Insurance. Organization shall take out and maintain during the life of this Aqreement such public liability and property damage insurance as shall insure City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, - ., ~ -J- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o agents and employees, organization and its agents performing acts covered by this Agreement from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from Organization's or its agents' operations hereunder, whether such operations be by Organization or its agents or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either Organization or its agents, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Ca) Public Liab11ity Insurance. In an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, including, but not limited to, death, to anyone person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $100,000 on account of anyone occurrence; Cb) Property Damage Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damage to the property of each person on account of anyone occurrence. Cc) Workers Compensation. Organization shall provid~ workers compensation insurance in the amount required by state law if the funds provided ~ereunder are to be paid as salary to any employee of organization. Organization-shall require that all rights of subrogation under such policy of workers compensation insurance shall be waived as to City. City shall be set forth as an additional named insured in each policy of insurance provided hereunder. 9. Obliaation. Organization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obligations imposed by this agreement a binding obligation of -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 o o the orqanization. 10. Notices. All notices' herein required shall be in writinq and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postaqe prepaid, addressed as follows: As to City: city Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 As to Orqanization: Charles Bradley, President Canto Bello Chorale Post Office Box 1627 San Bernardino, CA 92402 11. Entit:e Aareement. This Aqreement and any documents or instruments attached hereto or referred tl) herein inteqrate all terms and conditions mention9d herein or incidental hereto, and supersede all neqotiations and prior writinq in respect to the subject matter hereof'. In the event of 14 conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this 15 Aqreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and 16 conditions of this Aqreement shall prevail. 17 18 the term of this Aqreement it shall not discriminate in 12. Non-Discrimination. Orqanization aqrees that for 19 employment, recruitment, hirinq, admission practices, 20 advertisinq or in any other manner on the basis of race, 21 color, creed, reliqion, national oriqin, sex, physical 22 handicap, or marital status. 23 24 25 26 27 28 DATED: . -\- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o AGREEMENT RE: THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE CANTO BELLO CHORALE FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE. . - ATTEST: City Clerk Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney By: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Tom Minor, Mayor ORGANIZATION . Ballet 11,500 NA NA 6.82 63.U . DENIED Folk. Canto 18.000 18,000 10,000 9.00 43% 7,500 Bello CLO 75,000 75,026 44,000 1.97 .05' 37,500 Comm. 20,000 20,000 20,000 2.08 22' 17,500 Cnct. I.E. 15,000 10,000 10,000 8.00 46' 7,500 Opera I.E. 100000 80,000 80,000 .66 18' 65,000 Sym. Jun. 18,600 None 92-93 1.09 15.5' 11,000 Univ. 15,000 Met 3,575 3,500 2,500 11. 91 49' 2,000 Opera Nut- 15,000 25,000 22,000 1.70 15.5' 12,000 crkr Prime 4,035 3,500 2,500 4.04 42' 1,500 Time Stage 7,500 NA NA 2.50 3U 3,500 One Sin. 25,000 20,000 20,000 .25 23% 15,000 Mex. Three 14,710 NA NA 100' NOT NOT Hens ELIG. ELIG. TOTALS 327920 180000 o TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED: TOTAL AJIOUIIT AVAILABLB: BALANCE (SHORTFALL) ORGAN. ANT. REQSTED 94-95 ANT. REQSTED 93-94 FINE ARTS WORKSHEET FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 $327,920 180.000 (GBNERAL ($147,920) ANT. FUNDED 93-94 COST/ PERSON AMOUNT AVAILABLE LAST YEAR (1993-94): GENERAL FUND-FINE ARTS DEVELOPMENT FEES: CARRY OVER PREVIOUS YEARS FUNDING: TOTAL o POND-PINE ARTS PBBS) , BUDGET FAC TOTAL RECOM- MENDS $187,618 30.382 $218,000 THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THIS YEAR. ..