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30-Planning and Building
CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO -REQUEST F(~t COUNCIL ACTION Fr Al Boughey, Director Subject: Development Code Amendment No. 93-15 - To permit the upgrade of ABC license under De Planning & Building Services certain conditions in the CN land use dis- trict, and reconsideration of CUP 93-01 Date: September 8, 1994 to permit the upgrade to liquor at an _ existing convenience store. MCC Meeting of September 19, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: June 2, 1989 - General Plan adopted May, 1991 - Development Code adopted September, 1993 - Conditional Use Permit No. 93-01, denied December, 1993 - Planning staff directed to have applicant submit Development Code Amendment application Recommended motion: That the hearing be closed, that the Mayor and Common Council adopt the Negative Declaration and that the first reading be waived and the ordinance be laid over for final adoption, and approve Conditional Use Permit No. 93-01 based on the Findings of Fact (Exhibit 2) and subject to Conditions of Approval. III Al ughey Contact perwn: Al Boughey, Director phone: x5357 Supportlnpdataattachsd: Staff Report, Ordinance Ward: Citywide FUNDING REf,U1REMENTS: Amount: N/A go;t~; (ACCT. N0.) (ACCT. DESCRIPTION) Finance: ~1~/ H 0 N D rs~eai ,~ m Agenda Item No._ _ ca o CITY OF BAN BBRNARDINO - RBQDEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION BTAFF REPORT Subject: Development Code Amendment No. 93-15; Conditional Use Permit No. 93-01 - Reconsideration. Mayor and Common Council Meeting of September 19, 1994 R8QOE8T AND LOCATION To amend Development Code Section No. 19.06.030 (2)(B), to permit a legally existing nonconforming convenience store in the CN, Commercial Neighborhood, land use district to be able to upgrade from beer and wine to liquor sales, provided certain conditions are met. This will potentially affect six CN locations in the City. Additionally, the Mayor and Common Council will reconsider the previous denial of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 93-01 which is to upgrade the ABC license to include liquor sales at an existing nonconforming convenience store located at 484 S. Rancho Ave. HAC~iROIIND The application for CUP 93-01 was submitted by Mr. Ali Yassin on /^~ January 14, 1993, to upgrade the ABC license from off-site sales of (~./, beer and wine to liquor at an existing non-conforming convenience store at 484 S. Rancho Ave. CUP 93-01 was denied upon appeal by the Mayor and Common Council on September 9, 1993. At the request of the Mayor and Common Council, the City Attorney's office met with the applicant and based on Mr. Henry Empeno's memo of December 2, 1993 (Exhibit 5), the Mayor and Common Council directed planning staff to advise Mr. Yassin to submit a Development Code Amendment (DCA) application. The application, DCA 93-15, was submitted on December 23, 1993. The Development Review Committee, on May 5, 1994, recommended approval and proposed a Negative Declaration. The project was heard by the Planning Commission on July 5, 1994. PLANNING CONNISSION RBCOIDD;NDATION The Planning Commission had considerable discussion on the project with the main concern being that it could open a door to allow uses to develop that are not permitted by the Development Code. Their decision was to recommend denial of the project. The vote was 6-2 (Affaitati, Melendez, Stone, Strimple, Trasher, Traver in favor, Cole, Gonzales against, and Romero absent). There were two speakers from the public at the Planning Commission meeting Mr. Ali Yassin, the applicant, who spoke of the lack of crime problems at his location and that it was unfair that the use across the street in the City of Colton could sell liquor and he I could not. A Mr. Curley spoke of the dangers of alcohol and that anything to reduce its availability should be considered. EEY BOINTB o Development Code Section 19.06.030 (2)(B) states that "...a business requiring issuance of an "ABC" license is subject to a Conditional Use Permit...", that an establishment "...shall not be located within...100 feet of any property designated for residential purposes..." and "...shall not be located in such close proximity to another similar use to cause oversaturation...". o CUP 93-01 was denied based on the above limitations. o The proposal is to amend the Development Code, Section 19.20.030 (2)(B) as follows; A legally existing, nonconforming, convenience store, possessing an ABC license for the sale of beer and wine, in the CN, Commercial Neighborhood, land use designation may upgrade to the sale of liquor, subject to an ABC license, and subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), even if the site is within 100 feet of residential property, providing that the following conditions are met: • that the application is for the expansion of an existing legal nonconforming use, • that the site is within 100 feet of an existing business establishment with the same use which is located outside the City of San Bernardino, • and that the applicant submits a written statement of non-opposition to the application for the CUP which is signed by all property owners and tenants in the City of San Bernardino of parcels within a radius of 100 feet as measured from property line to property line (Exhibit 4). o Upon approval of DCA 93-15, CUP 93-01 may be approved based upon the Findings of Fact (Exhibit 2) included with the project. o A statement of non-opposition was submitted by the applicant (Exhibit 4). E~IVIAO~D~NTAL DETBRMI~ITION An Initial Study for the Development Code Amendment was prepared on tiarch 28, 1994 (Exhibit 3) and reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on April 7, 1994. The ERC recommended a Negative Declaration and the Initial Study was made available for public I O 0 a"""~'~ review and comment from May 26, 1994 to June 9, 1994. Public [fir/, comments were not received and on June 9, 1994, the project was cleared to the Planning Commission. ABCOMI[8~iD11TION: Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council: Adopt the Negative Declaration and adopt the ordinance that approves Development Code Amendment No. 93-15 based on the Findings of Fact (Exhibit 1) and approve Conditional Use Permit No. 93-01 based on the Findings of Fact (Exhibit 2) and subject to the conditions of approval (Exhibit 7). Prepared by: John R. Burke, Assistant Planner Prepared for: Al Boughey, AICP, Director Department of Planning and Building services Exhibit 1: Findings of Fact for DCA 93-15 Exhibit 2: Findings of Fact for CUP 93-01 Exhibit 3: Initial Study for DCA 93-15 Exhibit 4: Statement of Non-opposition of Property Owners/Tenants Exhibit 5: Henry Empeno Memo dated December 2, 1993 Exhibit 6: ordinance Exhibit 7: Conditions of Approval for CUP 93-01 o ~ EXHIBIT 1 FINDIN(i8 OF FACT Development Code Amendment No. 93-15 i. The amendment does not conflict with the General Plan in that the purpose of General Plan Objective 1.26 and General Plan Policy 1.26.10 is to support existing CN uses so as to serve residential neighborhoods. 2. The proposed amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City in that it would only apply to existing convenience stores in the CN zone and would only expand the service offered the patrons. ~rr~ EXHIBIT 2 8IDIDINOB OF FACT Conditional Use Permit No. 93-01 1. The proposed use is conditionally permitted within the CN, Commercial Neighborhood land use district, and would not impair the integrity and character of the subject zoning district and complies with all of the applicable provisions of the Development Code in that the upgrade of the ASC license to liquor sales meets the requirements of Development Code Section 19.06.030(2)(B); 2. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan in that alcohol sales is permitted in the CN, Commercial Neighborhood land use designation as indicated in paragraph 1 above and does not cause a saturation of similar uses in the City of San Bernardino; 3. The approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed use is in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and Section 19.20.030(6) of the Development Code in that the use is categorically exempt from the CEQA (Class 1); 4. There will be no potential significant negative impacts upon environmental quality and natural resources that could not be properly mitigated and monitored as there will be no expansion of the property on the site nor no significant increase in intensity of the use; 5. The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed use are compatible with the existing and future land uBes within the general area in which the proposed use is located and will not create significant noise, traffic or other conditions or situations that may be objectionable or detrimental to other permitted uses in the vicinity or adverse to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City as the proposal is to expand the sales of alcohol to include liquor only; 6. The subject site is physically suitable for the type of use being proposed as the liquor sales will utilize an existing facility; and 7. There are adequate provisions already established at the convenience for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use would not be detrimental to public health and safety. O EXHIBIT 3 0 INITIAL STUDY DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT NO. 93-15 Project Description/Loaatioa: To permit existing legal nonconforming convenience stores in the CN, Commercial Neighborhood land use district, possessing an off-site ABC license for beer and wine to upgrade to include hard liquor to be within 100 feet of any property designated for residential use or used for residential purposes when three circumstances are met. Dates March 28, 1994 ovaers Mr. Ali Yasin 22975 Orangewood Court Grand Terrace, CA 92324 7?pplioant: same Prepared bps John R. Burke Assistant Pianner City of San Bernardino Planning and Building Services 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 0 0 INITIAL STIIDY FOR DBVSLOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT NO. 93-15 INTRODUCTION This Initial Study is provided by the City of San Bernardino for Development Code Amendment No. 93-15. It contains an evaluation of potential adverse impacts that can occur if the Development Code is changed to permit existing legal nonconforming facilities in the CN, Commercial Neighborhood land use designation, possessing an off-site ABC license for beer and wine to upgrade to include hard liquor to be within 100 feet of any property designated for residential use or used for residential purposes when all of the following circumstances exist; 1. That the legal nonconforming use has an existing ABC license for beer and wine and 2. That the site is within 100 feet of an existing business with the same use located outside the City and 3. That a written statement of non-opposition to the upgraded ASC license signed by all property owners and tenants of parcels within 100 feet radius from ro art line is submitted with the Conditional Use P P Y Permit application by the applicant. al ualit Act CE A re ires the The California Environment Q y ( Q ) qu btain re aration of an Initial Stud when a ro osal must o P P Y P P a overnmental a en and is not exam t discretiona a royal from P from CE A. ~ The u ose of the Initial stud is to determine Q P rP Y whether or not a proposal, not exempt from CEQA, qualifies for a Negative Declaration or whether or not an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared. The following components constitute the Initial Study for Development Code Amendment No. 93-15: 1. Project Description 2. Site and Area Characteristics 3. Environmental Setting 4. Environmental Impact Checklist 5. Discussion of Environmental Evaluation and Mitigation Measures 6. Conclusion/Environmental Determination Combined, these components constitute the complete initial Study. i C~ 1. 7!ROJECT DESCRIPTION Development Code Amendment No. 93-15 is a request to change the text of the Development Code so as to permit the upgrade of an existing facility in the CN, Commercial Neighborhood land use district, possessing an ABC license for beer and wine to include hard liquor to be within 100 feet of any property designated for or used for residential purposes providing the following conditions are met; 1. That the existing legal nonconforming use has an ABC license for beer and wine; and 2. That the site is within 100 feet of an existing business with the same use located outside the City; and 3. That a written statement of non-opposition to the upgraded ABC license signed by all property owners and tenants of parcels within 100 feet radius from property line is submitted with the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application by the applicant. 2. BITE 71ND 718871 C871R71CT8RISTICB This Development Code Amendment will apply to all properties that fir,,,/ are within the San Bernardino City limits, that are within the CN, Commercial Neighborhood land use district, that are a legal nonconforming use, that have an ABC license for off-site sales of beer and wine, that are within loo feet of a similar use which is outside the City limits and that have the written approval of all property owners and current tenants within 100 feet of the property in question. There are six CN locations that have the potential to meet these criteria. 3. 8liVIROM03tiT71L SETTING The project is limited to those legal nonconforming uses requesting an upgrade to their ABC license on properties that are within 100 feet of the City boundaries. The environmental setting is dependant on the individual location of any future Conditional Use Permit applications meeting the conditions established by this amendment and environmental issues are such that they will be addressed upon such CUP application review. ENVIRON7[8NT71L INP7?CT CSECELIBT See Next Paqe CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ® ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST a eApccntwt+o AppictlbnNumbsr. ~6v,c~-!'i'~''!E.?~ Ci~D,E Arr~,~'.?,,~r~E,..: /1~%~. `33-/S' p,q.a pub,,; ,~ OASW G~s'N /. /acl~cr DESC~//'T/!y? Loostlon: ~irr/ioE ,o? rH6 fi?, l in~rfeu.,G /1/iG.s~l~~yD ~9~?D L~t6 I~1tTa4/GT Envyonm.nW constrairds Ara.: ~.d< ~,,.~ p~ paq~; C'~Vy C!/~//~,~CJ19L ~/fiYBl.KiY00d Zonirp Dagnadon: ~i.~.rfity,E,QL/.9G ~/.tl~.Ai.P.YioA 8. ENVIROI~NfAL tIPAt:fS Expldn >trwars, vrirTS appropr4rs, on a sspants attacird shsst 1. Earth Raaraoa YYNI ttr ProPad result in: Ya No ~ybs rL Eartl+ movanrrd (pd randibr tM) d 10.000 cubic yards a mono b. ~Dawlopnrsn ~pradinp m a sbPs pnsmsr -~- o. Dawbpmsrd widdn dr AlquNt~Prbb SpscW Stadia Tarr as dsfirrd h SsWon 120 -Gsobpk X a Saamb. F4~ L7, d tir dly's Oarrnl PItn7 d. ion d any unigw p.obpic or pl,ysicai -'~ a. Davabprrrrtt wpFdn ants dMYrd for biph potarttlsl br wagr a wind erosion a idamirrd N Sardbrt 120 - C~1?opic 6 Sakmie, F4un S3, d tlta Clly's Osrrral ~- t. 1AodMiesrbn d a drrmsl, aak or riwR ~ ~ vuwsa rwrroo_ r,«rq o p. psvsloprtrnt witlrtn an ease wbjsct r lsrMelidss, Ysa No Msybs mudslides, Yqusfaesion a ottesr simile hazards as itkxdMisd in Secdon 1 Z.0 - Qsdopic 6 Seitenie:. f'quns 4H, !i2 and 53 a the Citys Geerral Plan? ~_, h. Od1ee? $. Air NMOYtaes: YVYI the proposal refedl h: rw SeebsrnHal air eeeeissions tr an efteex upon ambMnt v tdr quelhy ru ded'nsd by AOMD? _.p_ b. The t»stion a objeeAOnabie odors? _ C a DewYopeered wilhn a high wind hazard tree w idendird ptaresral Plan? - Vlfired 8 Fks, FlD~ 50. a the Citys -~ & Walsr Rgoutoee: YVN the proposal result h: a. C.hanpss in ebeoeption teaes, desHape pftMnn, or the ' rear and eeneoesit a suetaae etaiaff dw r impwensabls euetesss? b. Chsnpss in 1hs rmesse eu flow a food wedas7 ~ ex Dhawps in0o sexfaae wsasrs or eery alrealion X a aestaae wart quaNy/t d. Grrq. ti tl,. epeseedty a epeaply a sand warm X e. Expowe a peopr or peoparly r Hood leazaeds as ideeetlNed h tlr Federal Enesepenoy Meeeeprnwet Apsreq's Flood Meeesereoe fist Wp, Consrasrq Panel Nunebsr 000281 - , and liealion 7HA - Floodirep, Fgwe 82, a tlu Gllls OseMral PIan1 f. Otleee'i Blolo0leyl Recourses: Coe1d dee proposal reee/t Ne: s. Dwelopnrnt wltlYn flee Biobpiad Recaras - ~ , ~itlnMWad > ~ 10.0 (3enercl Prn4 X b. Gweps in the eccnber a any uNgw, tars a arre spndas a plant a their leabtrt tndudieep ~L o. cxreq. in flee nernber a.rry udgw, esn « esmcnpered apreciss a aerm.r rK deetr habwn ~ d Removal a vrble, reesbse aces? (H' ter pester) X ou»rr 5. Noiar. CoeAd ilea proposal malt h: ~ Devebpneeett a houafn0, leeelMe rlw tanlltlcs, sdeools, tbrarles, reMpiaea f.orw.a ra etlecr tiwMP sereetwe was rn rreua wMre ~ or Heaeee reoir rveeb ecaced en n~ida«wn.d~rn ~.a~0° o~°fia~o - ~., a~~~ sts a>t,. ~dYs c~.reeral Pltse? i I an r r ~,,,,~o ~,uuw. ...,~.... O ~""` b. DwNopmont d new or expansion d existing hdustrial, Yss tVo Maybe [`/~ canmercial or otMr uaes which perwrate rx>ise tweb on areas mntainirg houshg, schoob, heakh can tadlida or otlnr serrskiw uses above an Ldn d 85 dB(A) exterior or an Ldn d IS d8(A) irderiofl c. OtMr4 6. Land Uae: Vlllk itw proposal nauk in: ' a A charge in tM land use ae designated on the fianaral PIan4 b. Dawbpn»nt wkhin an Airport DhVict as idantkiad in tM Afr hatakalion Compatible llee Zone (AICUZ) Report and 1M Land Ua ZoMnp District Map? ~ a Devebpnrnt within FacdriN Fin Zones A i B, or C as iderMkied on 1M Lard Use Zonkp District Map9 d. Odwr'i' ' 7. MIaMAada ltaards: Vlflk tln pn>~: a Use, afore, tranport or depose d hazardous or toxic maMdak (irrcltrdYtp but not Ymked b d4 peatiddes, ehemiala or radiation)4 ~ b. Y,wlw tlr nl.w d hazardous srrbehrroa? a ~ pbpM to the poteniW 1realWadaty hazards? X d. ah~r a Ilowkq: vwk the proposal: a motor addR ~ ~h~ inp~ or mats a demand b. OUrA p. Trarraporlatlon / Greutapon: Could 1M pntpwd, N mmparYon wkh tM CiouWbn Plan a idartllled in Sectlon &0 - Ckeultlion d Ure CNy's l;lananl Plan, result in: a M irtcnase in tratlb tlrat 4 pwatar than tM lard ua daNpruded on the Oerreral PIanT b. Use d exhtlrtp, or demand for new. perWrtp fadlNiphtnrcwns7 o. Impact upon exiNinp pubYc tramportatbn syslarna9 d. AkeraBon d pnaerd pakerm d dnarWion? X e. hrrp.et to rak or aL iraMic9 ~ t. aalety hazards to which, bioyc6ts or p. A diajoiMed ptltem d roadway brtptoventerw7 ~ h. or ~' N tMtic wknrta on 1M roadways K L ONrart SLP runsr r~orsaF_ n+sa /?, to. ~Me 8ervloaa: Wlt tl+a proposd knpact the iolkrirfny. Yes No Maybe ( beyond the eapabYMY m provkN adequaa ovals of senrroeT ~/ a f-n pnXection9 ~- b. Poia profecpOn9 X a Schods p.e., atterdence, boundaries, overload, ate.)4 _.,~._ d. Parks or otMr maeational fae~litiee? e. Medical ak9 X f. sops waw4 X p. our.rr tt. INpIHec YNp the pnrposd: a Impact the bpowdnp beyond tlr apabppy b oorctlon d ~ aarvia or nquiro tM 7. Wwral pn4 2 EleWicllfR x 3. VVaIaR ~- /'`~ 4. Sewell ~- [ b. Odrr'1 ~,/ b. Recut b a dejokMed patlem d Wpy eurMrabra4 a Requke the oorrartrctlon d new facpties7 X ' tZ AaWretlas: a vMw~~ Hart in tln obatrudbn of any ~- b. Wpl~ ~d~tlr projectb dMrimertal ~- c Otlrr7 1'. fallbrral Reaaaoaa: Oarld tln propasl recut in: a TM ateratlon a dagruclbn d • prehiMorb a hYbrb ardraeobpical sb by dewbpmera wtMn an arahaaokgk:al aaneipw area as iderpiped in Sectlon 3.0 - Hiebdoab Rpun B, d the Gy's General PIan4 k b. Ateratlon a deatruotlon of a hworical etc, struaure «R.~ dn.nasu Clue FiNbric Reeaaoa _~C- r~ od»r~ O /~`~ 14. Marrdatory Fkrdbtpe of SlpnHkana (Section 15065) f~, rrri TM CalYorr~ls EnvironmaMal (]ua1My Act subs that N any of the folbwing can be ans~wnd yes or maybe, iM project may haw a sipnYicam otbet on the ernironrrwnt and an Emrironmenul Impact Report shad be prepared. Yes Db Maybe a. Does 11N project haw 1M pdenlW 1D degrade the hebhat d a fleh ar widWe specNs, caueen a tieh or wYdWe populdion m drop below aeM arubirrkp Nvels, tbreeten b eliminate • plant or animal community, ndua the number or mtrict 1M nape of a ran or erdanpered plant a animal or elMninab imporlara ertam major Periods d t:aNlonrh hiebry ~ b. Does the project haw the poteMW b adriew elroA• term,loth. dfeadvarrtape of lore-brm. erwiorur~ereal 70o r~M~rel~ br~M~de~Ytlv ie on. ' of time eArYe inpacte wil endun vwl iruo X the future.) o. Does the project haw Nnpezls which an irrdividrrsly 6rrbd, but oumuWiwy mrrWerable7 (A project may Nrrpat on two or mac separate reeoraoes when the 1M~NNd~ol the tod thoa Ys on~Urbut wMn /r"'~ embomnem is aipnNiant.) [mod') d. Doa 1M project haw erwNorwnental eMeeb which wi6 earwe subebnlW advww eMecb on human beirrps, X etlrr dYeelly or irrdirectly4 G DIBdl8910N OF BMROMENTAL EVALUA710N AND IIIT1ciA7fON IEASIlAES Wlach dreeb a rreoeesary.) A~rauyLD SHEETS II~ I i vuwea naFSOr_ t++o © 0 5. DIBCIIBBIO~1 Oa ENVIRONMBNTAL BVALIIATION AliD MITIGATION M8718IIR88 1. Earth Resouraess a-f. The amendment is dependent on property locations having prior development therefore these Earth Resource issues do not apply. q. One of the six areas designated CN, Commercial Neighborhood, that could potentially meet the intent of this amendment is located within an area identified as having a high potential for liquefaction as identified in the General Plan, Section 12.0 Geologic and Seismic, Figure 48, page 12-9. A requirement to meet the intent of this amendment is prior development therefore its location is of little consequence as the only change to the development would be to upgrade the existing sale of alcoholic beverages to include the sale of liquor. ' 2. Lir Resources: a-c. The Development Code Amendment is a text amendment and will not impact air emissions nor create odors. Some o! the areas potentially impacted are within the high wind zone but as stated in paragraph i.q, above, the change permitted by the amendment does not include any new development, and therefore will not affect Air Resources. 3. Rater Resouroass a-e. Since all potential sites are developed, they already contain impermeable surfaces. None of the potential areas are within a flood plain hazard area as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 4. Biological Resouroess a. None of the areas potentially impacted by the amendment are within the boundaries of the Biological Resources Management Overlay, as identified in Section 10.0 - Natural Resources, Figure 41, of the City's General Plan. b,c. This amendment will not affect any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants or animals as the amendment only affects existing developed sites. d. Trees will not be impacted as the amendment can only affect developed properties. S. ~roisas a,b. The amendment only involves existing uses by upgrading the sale of alcoholic beverages which doss not impact noise levels. • ~ D. DETERMINATION On tM basis of this initial study. TIONP?aP ~sd COUi.D NOT terra a spnNlcsnt Nlaat on the environment and a NEGATIVE pE~AgA. TM PmPw~ P~ could haw a sgnifsaM aMset on 1M anvgonmant, although than adtl not bs a sgnifipnt aAaot N thb oasa bsauas 1M mitigation msasuras dascdbsd above haw bean added to 1M projsp. A NEGATIVE DECORATION adtl bs PnWnd. Tha PmPab pmjact MAY haw a signNioant aNsG on 1M anwonmaM, and an ENVgiONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is nquind. ENVIRONMENTAL REVtE1N COMAARTEE CRY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNUI l~lt/UPAZ A,A~InI~ Nanw and Title Dom.: ~ ~99r .ua..~ rsss_a_ n+o " EXHIBIT 4 SEP-06-44 TUE 11 :06aik st or 9O 381 9084 P. 01 g=~ -- C~ a. ~,? ~ n n o~ bOP~.S.~p~-,12.7C.,.'~.~1..~,._._.~eaat-~ c^ ~i+~c~.. '~~~ _---~...~ -- __.-~~~n~~~w. gerrwr~;~ Y. Coy 8241(7 --~--- ~;.~.P~rt~~.a~_...__.___--- . --_ ~ ...`~C.1s~~..._.. --- - kn BurY~ -----------__.. i- - -- ' ~ ' EXHIBIT 4 ®- • PETITII~t FOR LIQUOR `~ISCENCE For Quick Stop 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, Caiifomia 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE C9~j 1 ~=+~1C ~r~Gn 1 a Cclfer~ 3ti~£c/3~ 3 ~ l ~ ~ Sgt z3s8' 4 ~ a 11 i 5 / 3 ~ '~, . Sr ~ r g ~g T • scss~f p 2 A'fj F1~4'7Ns`~ 8 ~w ~a~ ~ 9 ~ ~/Cd ~~o s- 6FYU 10 Y~ ~~a f ~s-GGges 11 a 1~2 W GNEs7AKt 8ggaoBY 02 1a • ~s''~~ `1-122 tom., C f It sf~ i `6Y'~-~a 9/ L Y~ PETITIOI~FOR LIQUOR LICENCE r For Quick Stop . 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bernardinio, California 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1 ^, `' - i ~ 2 ' ~ S3v ~y 9~3 ~ ~ ' -~` ~/ > .~~/-/GAG /~~ i ~ / ~ _ a ~ a ~ • C`~~~_' 3 814 ? 01 0~~ a~ 4 ~ c~.~' •, ti: ' ~Sy-3y~Y ~ ° ~ ~ o' '~G.t~!~.Ci V~GL~ s to 11 ~- fI'Y~ 1Z ,Lj~%h(a~P~.d's~ 2t2ZGd4srvu~ ~9-ozis 13 1 1s i ~ ~ i~r ~~0 i ~, ~ PETITI(~1 FOR LIQUOR ~ISCENCE For Quick Stop ~% 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, California 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1983 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE ~ ~e/1 ~/ nC.f%tG ~~e~ 98G ~c4o8 i 9 cl Ra..~e<ce- tai Yg'S - 69 o fo ~d~~`' 4 s cL ©S gc..,calN k,r S-y ~~' `l6 r s ~ a/~ l ~- 01/S'1/ ~o _ _ ~ 2z~~ -r ~~7-~~73 . ,. ~S~.c,~e s~ y yOzD 13 1PstL sT:•zOlw~ 2/8~ w1 /q.'// sr 8BN-~~~ 15 o'y~Lz{?. ,~: ~aoR PETITIOI~FOR LIQUOR LICENCE -~ For Quick Stop 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, Catifomia 92470 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE Z ~ ` o ~ ,SS 3 a ~ w s 6 r~ 59~7'/G ~s69 ~ a ,? ti/ lcJ . L fr 3 ~ - ^, ~ ~ ~ C ~ 8 ~ ~ -['~ ~ -. „ G=~ SlOo ~o ~ ~ -5~3 ~ r .2~5 ,: t ,Q- ,3 22 S t~N~'',.~ ZA ~-3z `.~" ` f. PETITII~?~ FOR LIQUOR ;~SCENCE For Quick Stop . 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, Cafifomia 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1 ~ i Z I L ~ la ~W Suzy R s • be-t~T'~ 44150 ' $$'{-"~3 3 `w c c.~ 7D w •~r ( t6S~7 d 4 ~ s a ~ u` 9'02 8 I # ~,q ~a ~ ,~,b,cn~R l~usc ,. 3>~ -~ccy ~- q a -a9 ° '~~ aoo/ ~y3'~ ~ 6577 ~ 8 ~ 37oY s 10 ~~s .t!/fidl -moo ~ u $ y 13 ,~ ~ ~ Yk 1< er+- 9~ ~iQ~'0' ~ua ~ 9-6y ,s a o ~', sp s~ '_ f. PETITIOI'PFOR LIQUOR LICENCE -~ For Quick Stop - 484 S. Rarxho Avenue San Bemardinio, California 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 1i, 1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1 2 ~ ~ ss~S- ~{0 3 -csie a ~ ~ 4 0 ~ L - 7~/~/.~z- ' 6 ~ ,~q ~ 7 • ct~c - ~ _ ~ZG .i k i~ 7 r'~ C c Z`Z u ~ a~ aa~v e~~-rnu.~ L si 10 ~ ~ ~ $~~j- 11 iov N u~N:o 1s ~ 4 o vL -4y~ 13 X43 o AI!/Y2 C,i'~k"13o s ' 4 y2~~bzs", 1s - ~ Ue . • ~ PETITIt~N FOR LIQUOR©~iSCENCE For Quick Stop 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, California 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1 yt' ~s~'- ~ y aZ~iZ ~cJ~•,w ~x 2 ` bd~ ~f ° 3~ 2t~` 4 ~ ' cl. ~~-moo s X59 • ~ $~~~ _ ~3aN r3 8 ? ~ ~1 ~- / 9 l.. ` 10 ~ 11 ~ a SS rP.~i,C/6 y T, T . a Z 12 ~ y ,~ 9 ~ 13 r oe .mss 1a aa~3i u! S~`~9G .!!.lss,~ Z ! i7 1 ® r PETITIOPpFOR LIQUOR L,pCENCE -~ For Quick Stop 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, California 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1 Q ~2s~v 3 ~- Z ~?z~ w. e,~~ia,~ 343. ~9zs lo~e~~ • 3 Sod-1~1 S ~ ~- 4 J 8 3f d G~U/Q ~ ~ ~ ~o y ~ ~aa_ c~ 36.7 - ,/1'1 .~d.~ e 2c~~ ti ~ V~-yf~ ~b uMc ~•~- 9 ':9/CCE_s ~ /~c, ~A.~cHa ,:~ CoG~;.t ~jj-,~y/7 10 - l ~ i .rf ' ~ ( q S'l229 C~2~ ~I ,a 2 ~ abb Cr.~ ~ g~88ssa~ ~ ~, 1 i i. . PETITION FOR LIQUOR 1~SCENCE For Quick Stop . 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bernardinio, California 92410 7o be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE ~ ~% ~ G ~ ~~,ia,S 3®. so. s ~'~'~~' '`f 9 0 w~ °/ I 17u na ~ ~I ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ .dn ^ ^ r, , C ~ ,lip/ i ^ r _-/ ~ / .i.. 9 ~ , ~ ~/ 4 ~O_ 10 ~ k,• ~l O-~,Z 11 ~z , ~ 3S t~ S 13 2 ~ 1a ~ • PETITIO'~? FOR LIQUOR ~CENCE ~, For Quick Stop 484 S. Randm Avenue San Bemardinio, Calitomia 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18, 1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE z yys 3 ~ e~ des-~s~ urA o ~~N~f 3 4 ~ ~ ~ "~ 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 PETITIOIS~OR LIQUOR LICENCE For Quick Stop . 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, Calitomia 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME. ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE ~ 73 i Z I L 1L ba ~N "'L R 3 ,~~ c~ ~o W ? I ~6 s•~ a 4 -~ 5 ~t'- u~ 9'C2~ l~.-Urti ! f~ L a.L d 7 (k~mn lfs~ _ 3.P3 -7t6y ., q 6 -o9n1 8 '~~ aov~ ~y~A ~ ~s-77 ~ ~ 9 37oY s ~o KGs -~ -~ d • /G5 t? ~y.' - Ste} i2 g ~3 / ~ t en. q~ ~re 4-bs ~s ~ a o SP S.L • ~ . ~ PETITION FOR LIQUOR I~SCENCE ~-~ For Quick Stop 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, California 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1 L - s 5' p~-s~ 2 ~ ~ O ~ S,~ 3 r ~s ~- ~ 8 ~ w S ,'- K3 '' .Z DPI W S~~L/G `f~/-~s69 /` 7 ~ ~ 8 9 ~ ~ t S/Do to ~ ~ 3 ,- 11 .2~ . 1s z ,~ 13 z2 SvN~i.~ I.A ~-3Z ~ _ ,~ ~,/ , 15 fin„ 'Z ~ / ~'` it PETITIO1pFOR LIQUOR LICENCE r~ For Quick Stop . 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, Calitomia 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1893 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1 ~ ct t ii Ss~bS- ~(D ` 3 :Sie arr' rc ~o,rl L -7~~iz 4 ' ,, ~ -/~a a ~'A .,r . ~ etc -/ U~' • ~ f 7 r~~ C c Z`Z ~ ~ 8 - ~ ii ~ C~~-«-L SSA ~ 10 , G ,~ ~ ~~J- 11 10<I ~., N}e~,:e 1s ~ 4 o v~ -~fyo 13 X930. DI~2CiQddh'130 /,' Gv 4 y2~~b2s~ 1a ~ Ue t~ . ~ ~ PETITItf?d FOR LIQUOR` SCENCE For Quick Stop . 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, California 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE aZ~iZ ~cJr.~~-.~ ~x 2 ~ / ~v Coo off ° 3~( 21'x` 4 7 G ~ ~~t-SS~o s X59 ~ ~-aj Q~ ~ Z Z v> • ~(nCShr~~s JAn7 ~ ~' J s ,o ~ ~ ~ SP,~,vG ry T, T . ~ Z SS 1Z ~ ~Y 9 7 ,a Or _ IJ.~ f-~i 15 x131 ur, ~ g~l~•rf39G • ~-~ ,~y r a PETITIC~1 FOR LIQUOR LiSCENCE For Quick Stop 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, California 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHQNE SIGNATURE 1 ~ ~ D ' ..s,~v ~ 3 So~~l! S ~- 4 / ~(a -~_ 6 .3jrd G~UIe ~-- ~ ~ f 3 4 r ~ 36.E - tv ~'~ ~ ~ cs.y~~y e ~ _ ec~r ~ ~ ~~-yr~ ~b 11.,,.cti ~...~- 9 ~o ` - ~ ~ ~ 12 A /df2 . rf ~ - . - 13 - ~f~ C~~ ~ q ~l?-Z9 ,sue-~r~• ~.,bb ,~/~ C~,,k ~ ~ I l 6. . PETITION FOR LIQUOR ~SCENCE For Quick Stop 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bernardinio, California 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 1ti,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE 1 ff: . i ~ ~ ~ 3 ., i~ ;Tim 22S'c7W ~ _ /~• 4 i a~S 3 So. a ~Nµ~ '~f „?1 9 0 s ., , _ !' K~a?~~s /086 ~ 5'+ ~ tz-!~7G ~ / I `7u Snk ~ 3 ~ 9 ~ di a ,c ~ 10 i k.' ~l O-.3Z 11 1s ~ . S ~ 35 t6 13 ~ ~ a~ 1S P~w~ ~ ~oZ ~~"II~Cho ~ ~" -~T3 Y . • ~ PETITI•~1 FOR LIQUORC~ISCENCE For Quick Stop 484 S. Rancho Avenue San Bemardinio, Calffomia 92410 To be submitted to public hearing on May 18,1993 NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE I t S ~9 ~ ~8~/~Y ~~' 3 trill 0 iv ~ f~`3 B~S'Y'/S~~ .-. 4 c~ r ~ 7•i a ~''i - C- - g/6 7 /~ '. . . ~ ~ ~, ' 8 s 10 tt 12 13 ~ 14 15 '