HomeMy WebLinkAbout29-Planning and Building CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST FC)' COUNCIL ACTION " Al Boughey, Director Subject: General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 - To change the land use designation from DIP to CG-1; northeast of Mill Street and Waterman Avenue MCC Meeting of September 19, 1994 Frr oW Planning and Building Services Date: September 1, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: The Mayor and Common Council adopted the General Plan on June 2, 1989. The Mayor and Common Council directed staff to process a General Plan Amendment on March 7, 1994. ADIUN~ OFFrco 2 SEJ> 9{, .u 30 Recommended motion: c That the hearing be closed and that the Mayor and Common Council adopt the Negative Declaration and approve General Plan Amendment No. 94-02, to change the land use designation from DIP to CG-1, based on the Findings of Fact (Attachment C). Contlet pinon: A 1 Boughey Supporting data IttlChld: Staff Report, Reso 1 uti on ani: X5357 Ward: #l FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $30.00 Source: (ACCT. NO. 'v(ACCT. DESCRIPTION) ;::;.S H ~ G/'J"",-e r=-~ t'. : cO Notas: ~---tJ/~A"';_ i f' c:r i I I I I "".ft:tI" \ Flnanca: {?-- /y? - f' ~ :JI.::? t5'" Agenda Item No._ ,;;?t:J c c c o o CZTY OP SU BBRHARDZRO - REQUEST POR COmrCZL ACTZON STAPP REPORT Subject: General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 Mayor and Common Council Meeting of September 19, 1994 REQUEST AND LOCATZON To change the General Plan land use designation from OIP, Office Industrial Park, to CG-1, Commercial General, IL, Industrial Light or to retain the current OIP designation at a vacant 8.8 acre site located on the north side of Mill Street approximately 175 feet east of the intersection of Waterman Ave. and Mill st. The site has a 625 foot frontage on Mill st. and consists of two lots. The north lot does not have direct access to a public right-of-way. The site adjoins those properties designated CG-1 by General Plan Amendment No. 93-04. BACKGROUND The Mayor and Common Council approved GPA 93-04 on May 7, 1994. The amendment changed the land use designation from OIP to CG-1 for properties on all corners of the Mill St./Waterman Ave. intersection. The subject site was considered but excluded from GPA 93-04 as it would create a large node of CG-1 designated land in the area. As a result of a specific request by the property owners of the subject site, the Mayor and Common Council directed Planning staff to prepare a General Plan Amendment to consider alternative land use designations. BY ZSSUES . Staff evaluated two alternatives; Alternative 1 proposes designating the site CG-l as the land adjoining the site on the west side is already CG-1. The addition of the 8.8 acres creates a large commercial node (21.5 acres) at the Waterman Ave./Mill st. intersection, and the conversion of Norton Air Force Base to civilian use will support commercial use in this area; Alternative 2 proposes designating the site IL because of the presence of existing IL designated land to the east of the site. Due to the large expanse of IL there is little General Commercial available to support tertiary uses. . The site is designated OIP but no longer has access to Waterman Ave. It is isolated from other OIP designated land along the Waterman Ave. corridor because the only c c c o o access is from Mill street. Leaving the site designated OIP is not a practical option since it does not fit the General Plan description of the OIP designation. IDIVZllOlIJIBftU DBTBlUUDTJ:OJlf An Initial study was reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on May 12, 1994. The ERC recommended a Negative Declaration and the Initial study was made available for public review and comment from May 19, 1994 to June 9, 1994. Public comments were not received. PLUD1XJlfG COJIMJ:BBJ:OJlf RBCOIIIIBJlfDATJ:OJlf The Planning Commission reviewed GPA 94-02 on August 2, 1994 and recommended adoption of the proposed Negative Declaration and approval of the amendment to change the land use designation from OIP to CG-l. The vote was 5-0 (Affaitati, Gaffney, Gonzales, Melendez, Stone in favor: Cole, Strimpel, Trasher, Traver absent). OPTJ:OJlfB AVA%UBLB TO TBB KAYOR AJIfD COMMOJIf C01JllCJ:L: The Mayor and Common Council may: 1. Approve General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 to change the land use designation from OIP to CG-1 or: 2. Approve General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 to change the land use designation from OIP to IL or: 3. Deny General Plan Amendment No. 94-02. c o c o o UCOIlllBllDATIO.: staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council: Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 to change the land use designation to CG-1 based on the attached Findings. Prepared by: John R. Burke, Assistant Planner Prepared for: Al Boughey, AICP, Director Department of Planning and Building Services Exhibits: Location Map 1. 2. Planning Commission Staff Report (August 2, 1994) 3. Attachments: A. Location and General Plan Land Use Designation Map B. Land Use Map C. Findings D. Letter dated January 5, 1994 (vanir Development) E. Initial study Resolution Attachments: A. site Location Map B. Legal Description o EXHIBIT 1 o F' CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING '"" AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT l " CASE - LOCATION F' AGENDA ITEM # .. HEARING DATE .. ff , T .. i ~ H+ .. a i ;0 Ll.& J .- .-1 II Pf :; I I "I . I I , ., . L' ~.a - "l"r Pl..ANoI.1' PABE1OF1 4HDJ - o EXHIBIT 2 o ,.. -""II o CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE WARD #3 AUQust 2. 1994 I III :l- General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 U APPUCANT:City 0 San ernardlno 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 OWNER: Vanir Development Co., Inc. POBox 310 San Bernardino, CA 92402 i :) fa a:: - To change the land use designation from OIP, Office Industrial Park, to CG-l, Commercial General, or IL, Industrial-Light, on an 8.8 acre vacant site on the north side of Mill Street, approximately 175 feet east of -- Waterman Avenue. i:i a:: c ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Proposed Negative Declaration EXISTING GENERAL PLAN PROPI;RTV LAND us~ 70NING ~SIRNAT1ON Subject Vacant OIP Office Industrial Park North Commercial Storage " " " " South Commercial Retail CG-l Commercial General East Vacant IL Industrial Light West Retail/Gas Station CG-l Commercial General ( ==C/'7r"~ D YEll )(=~~=g=~ )( IEWERS: ItlYEll ) HAZARD ZDNE: 0 NO DNO ( HIGH FIRE o YEll )( AIAPClRT NOISE1 o YEll )( AEDEVELOPIoENT DYES ) Ho\ZAAD ZDNE: m NO CRASH ZONE: PROJECT AREA: I!lNO I!lNO ... ONDT o POTENTlAL 8lGNlFICANT ~ I[) APPROVAL ~fI) APPLICAIILE _. _1'8 WITH MI1lGA'IlNG IotEASUFlES 0 NO EJA CONDmONS lIIi o EXEIoI"T o UA. IBlUlAED BUT NO ,- I- 8lGNlFICANT EFFECTS 0 DENIAL OIQ WITH MI1lGATING 'I !E~ IEAlIUIES - 0 CONTINUANCE TO i !J NO 8lGtlFlCANT o 8IGNIFlCANT EFFECTS _._.4 lEE ATTACHED EAC. III IlMUTES a:: c.:- l'UlN4.lI2 PMIE' OF , - c c c o o GBllBIlAL PLaR AllBIIDKBIl'.r 110. 94-02 A1ID AGJDIDA ITBlU #3 BBUING DATB: August 2, 1994 Paq. 1 RBOUBST A1ID LOCATION This City-initiated General Plan Amendment proposes to change the General Plan land use designation frOlll OIP, Office Industrial Park, to CG-1, Commercial General, or to IL, Industrial Light, and considers the option to retain the current OIP designation. The vacant 8.8 acre site is located on the north side of Mill street approximately 175 feet east of the intersection of Waterman Ave. and Mill st. The site has a 625 foot frontage on Mill st. and consists of two lots. The north lot does not have direct access to a public right-of-way. (See Location and Land Use Designation Map, Attachment A) . "., .c :.. I}.I' The Mayor and Common Council approved General Plan Amendment No. 93-04 on May 7, 1994, which redesignated to CG-1 properties on all corners of the Waterman Ave. and Mill st. intersection. The 8.8 acre site of this project was considered then but was not included in GPA 93-04 due to the potential for an over-abundance of CG-1 designated properties at the Waterman Ave./Mill st. intersection. A decision was made to evaluate a land use designation change for the properties due to concerns of the property owner (see Attachment D, Letter dated January 25, 1994). The Mayor and Common Council directed the Planning Department staff to prepare a General Plan _endment for the Vanir Development property for consideration of changing the land use designation frOlll OIP to CG-1 or IL. caLIMIIIIIA BJlVIIIn---U. nml.T.Tft ACT ICB07-) SD'1'1JS An Initial Study was prepared by staff and presented to the Enviroruaental Review c~ttee (ERC) on May 12, 1994 (AttacbJllent E). The ERC deterllined that no significant impacts would result frOlll the proposed amendment and recommended a Negative Declaration. The proposed Negative Declaration was advertised and the Initial study was available for public review and comment frOlll May 19, 1994 to June 9, 1994. Public comaents were not received. The ERC recommended approval of the proposed Negative Declaration to the Planning commission. c c c o - o GBIIBIlAL PLUI AJIBIIDJIBIl'.r BO. 94-02 DD AGDIDA Z'1'BlI: #3 BBARIBG DA'1'B: August 2, 1994 pag. 2 AlIALYSZS sit. and Ar.a Charaat.ristias The 8.8 acre site, located approximately 175 feet to the east of Waterman Ave., and fronting on the north side of Mill st. is a flat, vacant, irregularly-shaped property. Waterman Avenue and Mill street are classified as major arterials on the Circulation Plan. The land to the east is designated IL and is undeveloped. The land to the south and west is designated CG-1 and consists of that redesignated to CG-1 by GPA 93-04. The property to the north is comprised of a commercial storage and vehicle rental facility and is designated OlP having its frontage on Waterman Ave. The Warm Sprinqs Flood Control Channel is to the northwest of this area. BziatiDq LaDd VS. DesignatioD The purpose of the OlP. designation as stated by General Plan Objective 1.31 is to "Establish the Waterman Avenue corridor and other appropriate areas as distinctive office industrial parks and corporate centers serving the San Bernardino community and region." Supporting retail uses are also permitted but must be located in corporate office industrial park structures. (General Plan Policies 1.31.10 and 1.31.32). As a result of the changes made by GPA 93-04 this portion of the OlP land is now isolated from the Waterman Corridor, as it only has frontage on Mill St., and no longer fits the General Plan's description of the OlP designation. Propos.d LaDd VS. DesiqnatioD Alt.rnativ. 1 proposes designating the subject site as CG-1. The purpose of the community-serving commercial uses, of which CG-1 is part, as stated by General Plan Objective 1.19, is to "Provide for the continued use, enhanc_ent, and new development of retail, personal service, entertainment, office and related commercial uses along maj or transportation corridors and intersections to serve the needs of the residents; reinforcing existing commercial corridors and centers and establishing new locations as new residential growth occurs. n As stated, the CG-1 should occur along major arterials and intersections such as Waterman Avenue and Mill Street to provide commercial services to the surrounding developments. The CG-1 permits a diversity of community-serving retail and service uses, entertainment uses, and professional and financial offices. c c c o - o GBllBItAL PUll ~ 110. "'-02 AIm AGDIDA ITBK: #3 -llRIRG DATIl: Auquat 2, 1". Page 3 Alternative 2 proposes designatinq the site as IL, Industrial Liqht. The Objective of the General Plan for the IL districts is to "Retain, enhance, and intensify existinq and provide for the new development of liqht industrial uses alonq major vehicular, rail, and air transportation routes servinq the City of San Bernardino. (Objective 1.32). The redesignation of this site as IL would be appropriate as it adjoins a larqe area of IL designated land. In addition, Mill st. is a major arterial and also is one of the major access routes to Norton Air Force Base which is beinq redeveloped into an international airport with adjoininq commercial/industrial development. Althouqh the final design for the Norton redevelopment will be decided sometime in the future, any proposal for the former base will be enhanced by the proximity of IL to it. There is a larqe amount of IL designated land located in close proximity to Norton Air Force Base and addinq an additional 8.8 acres will not appreciably affect the potential for industrial development as much of the existinq IL land is undeveloped. Additional qeneral commercial land will be required to support the larqe area of liqht industrial properties with the potential for development as well as for the land made available by the closinq of the base. Addinq the 8.8 acres to the area recently chanqed to CG-1 by GPA 93-04 will create a fairly 1arqe node of CG-l designated land at the Waterman Ave./Mill St. intersection, but this will be offset by the future need for cOllllllercial uses to support one of the main entry arterials to the former Norton AFB. General Plan COnsistenGy A commercial district (or a node) qenerally provides a diversity of services to the adjacent and surroundinq areas. Alternative 2. (CG- 1) would result in the creation of a 21.5 acre cOlllllercial node (the existinq 12.7 acres plus the 8.8 acres of this amendment) which is larqe for what exists in the qeneral area today. The potential development of the adjoininq IL land and of Norton would justify an incr_sed commercial ar_ to support the future projects. A redesignation to IL, Alternative 2, for the subject property would also be consistent with the General Plan but with the availability of so much undeVeloped IL properties, addinq the 8.8 acres will not allow for additional area for commercial development that will be needed when the surrounding IL ar_ is developed. c c c - o ~ o GBllBnL PLUl' AJIDIDJIDl'I 110. "-02 UJ) AGBlI1DA ITBII: #3 R1I!QIIfG DATE: August 2, 1'" page .. COIICLUSIOlf8 The approval of GPA 93-04 left the subject site isolated from Waterman Ave. The site no longer has access to Waterman Ave. and therefore does not meet the definition of the OlP designation. Both Alternatives 1 or 2 as proposed by staff are consistent with the intent of the General Plan and are compatible with the surrounding uses and potential future development. Altenati"e 1 proposes an increase in CG-1 designated land at the Waterman Ave./Mill st. intersection, and identifies a future need to support potential development in the adj oining industrial area. Altenati"e 2 proposes increasing an already large area of undeveloped lL land which will be further increased upon development of the former base. There is a proposed Negative Declaration. RBCOIIIIlDIDATIOlf8 staff recommends that the Planning commission recommend to the Mayor and Common Council the: 1. Adoption of the Negative Declaration: 2. Approval of staff's Alternative 1 proposal for General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 based on the attached Findings of Fact (Attachment C). ~jSj!9J!~itted, l::t::,;;/;: :a;,/J :'sistant Director Planning and Building Services ~~~~. Assistant Planner AftA< ,aII-IITS: Location and General Plan Land Use Designation Map Land Usei Map Findings Letter dated January Develop.ent) Initial Study A. B. C. D. 1994 (Vanir 5, E. , . r. AdoPted 6-2-89, Panel No. GS . , - AlillLHMtNl "II" CITY OF SAN BERNARDh6 () ENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION Date i"~1l 0 4 1994 G_ ." Il JL IIU .[ ., ~ [ ~ - ~. I ! . - ; ! ~ ~ . z i ,0 U' .. - I . i . r1f I ! I ,. . . , : " I ; . : n, I -, ATTACHMENT, "B" o '0 EXISTING LAND USE C GPA 94-02 c SITE 1ol\CAN 11.1 :) LlCUOAifi 1NDUSTAIAl. Si"OAe ii CENTER Z C == a:: 11.1 ~ ~ .-ufO Al!fIltoIl RETAIl. CENTEIl ~ core ER~J"'L STORAGE MILL STREET Q c o c c o o GDlBRaL PLa!I ~BT 110. "-02 HI) AGDlDA I'l'BlU #3 R1IJQIRG DAH: Auquat 2, It\14 A'1"1'ACBMBBT C GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-02 PIlIDIRGS 1. The proposed amendment (Alternative 1) is consistent with the intent of the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan in that a CG-1, Commercial General desiqnation will serve the needs of the City. 2. The amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City as addressed in the Initial Study. 3. This amendment will minimally impact the balance of land uses within the city in that the land use designation of OIP, Office Industrial Park, will be decreased by 8.8 acres. 4. The subject land is physically suitable for the CG-1, Commercial General, land use desiqnations and any anticipated future development on it. ATTACHMENT "0" Exhibit "3a" o o v.-\.',;IR DEVELOP:l.IE:-IT COMP.-\.'iY. I~C. :'.0.30:1. 3-10. Vamr T o,)wer. Cit~. Hall PI.ua. San 8emaraino. C.:iiiomra 9::.w2-0310 Tcit?itone: t9()Q, .s~Q~7i C..)lrimc!'e131.lnd.~ln3.! D~....ciol'crs . Re31 Estate Brokers Januarv 25. 1994 Mr. Al Boughey, A.I.C.P. OiRc.1or DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND Sun.OING SERVICES CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, California 92418-0001 Ud' t~ !"~! j.'; ~ ~~. T .;.l (-:i ',: '~; ~"': ~:J r Ii'. ;, -: : n ..", '_,,' ...:,; " . "., I ') .. - ... I . ; :. Jt'\N 2 ].;.: I :..:...; ._ errv", -=~r.: !'I.~..',"..-......, OEP;.PT~.~::-:;T I,",:.' . .' '. '. C\,,;,L::".:~:.; ;j:..,.,.~~'-- c Dear Mr. BouPe:Y: The Planning Commimnn for the City of San BemardiDo is ......-<<iy reviewiug a P'~ lI.......dment for changing existing zoning of an approximale .52 acre site from Office Jndustrial Parle (DIP) to Commen:ia.l General (CO-I). SIaff found in their opinion tbat tbis single isolated zone change "could be dettimental to the public interest. health, safety, c:onveaieDce, or welfare of lbe City in tbat it would result in a disjointed pattern of Iaad use. " SIaff recomllV!ftCls 011 lbe otber band to add an """itionlJ 12.72 acres of Iaad to the change of zone from DIP to CO-I and felt it would c:reate a COIlidlelGi.l DOcIe tbat would DOt be deaimental to the public interest, health, safety, conveaieace, or welfare of the City. As adjacent land owners, we concur witb Staff's findillgo, However, we believe tbat their findings should be extrIIded to include the adjaceat 8.8 acre pIRZ1 in die commen:ia.l DOcIe being created by the City for die very reasons concluded by SIaff in i1s Positive Findinp to cbange the Iaad use of die adjaceat 12.72 acres. SIaff is rdUCllllll to include the 8.8 acres in the General PlID .4-'ment as it "would result in an i_se commercial an:a rather than a node." SIaff concludes tbat a node is okay at 12.72 acres but not okay at 21.5 acres. We believe 011 die other band with die several hundred acres zoned DIP and industtial in the an:a tbat 21.5 acres would remain a node and would have no adverse affect. c LOS \~{iF.t.r:s . '.\-: 3E!lS\RDI:'\O . S....C":t\\IE:'\TO o o ExlTibit "3b" c Mr. AI Boughey, A.1.C.P. Director DEPARTMENT OF PL\NNING AND BUILDING SERVICES CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO January 25, 1994 ~ge Two In addition, our PIamDD& shows a .....Yimum deveIopmeat of ~...;..~ 97,000 SIt.....'" feet wbere SllIffbas ca1cuIated that our deve10pmem would be appro~m_1y 287,496 square feet of new commercial space which is vinuaUy impossible for this iMJI"'Ily aud is "I't'I.....im-'Y four times more than the 12.72 acres ......,..;1 use. AddiIioaal coasideratioas: 1. The requested zone ""-'IV is. """cichont- with our own plaD for ckv-I....."._d of tile IRVJftiiIol.1- C2. The t'I"I""lli is Ii"",,':',! 011 oae of die maiu eIIII'IDceS to Nonoa Air Fonz Bue aDd oa die IIIlIjor DDrtbIsoud1 anay of die City to die Saa Benwdiuu 1IIIl-"".:.~. Iloda of wbich wiD require com.........iliJ develov.... 3. p.. _.:.~ tile 8.8 acre ..~) from OlPtD ~~ use is ...__C:_I_'" willi aD die uses .....IU"'...tIi.. die an:L Your CODSideraIioa to i....InM our~ 8.8 acres iDto die t'I"!~ GeaeraI PIIa -'-'''''"'1t wiD be gready appreciared. ~IfidIy, VANIR DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, 1Ne. '-15-"'1- . ~ BENJAMIN DOMINGUEZ Senior VICe pPcid.ont BD:b .- ~~ + .-. I I . I I . . c c c c o ATTACHMENT "E" o ZIIJ:TZU. STUDY GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-02 Pro~eat De8ariptioD/LoaatioDI To evaluate chanqinq the land use district from OIP, Office Industrial Park, to CG-1, COlDIDercial General, or IL, Industrial Liqht. The 8.8 acre site is located at the north side of Mill Street, approximately 175 feet east of Waterman Ave. Date 1 April 27, 1994 owner 1 Vanir Development Company, Inc. San Bernardino, CA 92410 appliaanta City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Prepared 1171 John R. Burke Assistant Planner City of San Bernardino Planninq and Buildinq Services 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 c o - o I:BZ'.rI:AL STUDY POR BEIlERAL PLur AIIBIlDJIBIl'1' 110. 94-02 I:Il'.l'RODOCTI:OII This Initial study is provided by the city of San Bernardino for General Plan Amendment No. 94-02. . It contains an evaluation of potential adverse impacts that can occur if the proposed land use designation is changed from alP, Office Industrial Park, to CG-l, Commercial General or to IL, Industrial Light. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the preparation of an Initial Study when a proposal must obtain discretionary approval from a governmental agency and is not exempt from CEQA. The purpose of the Initial study is to determine whether or not a proposal, not exempt from CEQA, qualifies for a Negative Declaration or whether or not an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared. The following components constitute the Initial study for General Plan Amendment No. 94-02: 1. C 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Project Description Site and Area Characteristics Environmental Setting Environmental Impact Checklist Discussion of Environmental Evaluation and Mitigation Measures Conclusion/Environmental Determination Combined, these components constitute the complete Initial Study. 1. PItOJBCT DESCRJ:P'.rIOII General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 is a City-initiated General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation for a 8.8 acre vacant site, from 'OIP, Office Industrial Park to CG-1, COJIIIIIercial General, or to IL, Industrial Light. 2. SIR UD ADA t!lnuIACTBRIS'.rICS The property is an irregular-shaped vacant parcel of land consisting of two Assessor Parcel Numbers (136-391-37 and -38) comprising a total of approximately 8.8 acres and having a frontage of about 625 feet on the south side of Mill Street and being located approximately 175 feet east of Waterman Avenue (See Exhibit c c c c - - o o A). The site lies to the east of an area recently amended (March 7, 1994) from the alP land use district to the CG-1 land use district by General Plan Amendment No. 93-04. The land to the north is desiqnated alP and contains a commercial storaqe and vehicle rental facility. That land east of the site is desiqnated IL. Mill Street lies to the south and the land south of Mill Street is desiqnated CG-l (GPA93-04) and contains a retail strip, vacant land and an auto repair business (see Exhibit B). 3. . IDIVJ:IlOIIIIBJITAL 8BftIBG The project site is adjacent to developed businesses on three sides and vacant liqht industrial property to the east. It lies within an area of potential for liquefaction and also an area havinq the potential for subsidence. Much of the southern portion of the City of San Bernardino is within these areas. The potential for subsidance and for liquefaction is a factor of the deapth-to- qroundwater and can cause structural damaqe in severe qroundshakinq due to seismic action. Future development construction shall be reviewed to ensure compliance with all necessary desiqn standards to minimize damaqe durinq earthquakes. The site is flat and undeveloped and has apparently been disced to reduce weed qrowth. There are no trees or veqetation other than weeds and qrasses normally associated with previously disturbed land. There are no hazards of siqnificance associated with the project site. 4 . IDIVJ:IlOI111BJ1Tu. IKPAC'1' CBBCKLI8T See Next paqe CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST A. BACKGROUND ~,.. .ollon Number: 6~~L ~LAAl4/N~))~"'. 9"4-~2 PrajKt~: 7Z) Ctf-/ ".It ~aMN("'{ 'nIYi /A~OU.r", b&c;c.v-'rI~J /9I(M? 1!7/r' /L '--tlon: IIA/ 1'. R 4CP ~r.4. -'"r ~4 #p,l(~ .$'/ /M ,~ ~~ $:,. AQh,(IHfAT.N.,,- /7~ ~r bUT d~~~~,.;' M- . Envian.......Cal........-.: ..~.d~.r;~~ k6'V4~AN' . a.n.r.J PIBn o.lg..-Icln; ,01 P Zoning Designldian; t)/I' B. ENVIROI-VlrAL...AC18 ExpIIln -. ....1ppI~ on a..... d8cIIMI ahML 1. EarlhRllaur~. WII..pI........lWIlIIIln: L Earth ___ (cut....fII) 11110.000 cubi: ""or _? b. o.nlallolloolll encMIlr gldlg on allllpe gNIIIr than 15% .....1IlIIde? c. Diu........... AIIl*.f'riDIcI SpIciII SIudlII Zona . daIinad In SaaIIon 12.0 . GaoIaaIc & SalImi:, Fig&n 47. Ill.. CIIy'a Ga-.r PIBn? cI. MacIIicIIiDn Ill.,., lIIIiqua IIIlIIoeL or phyIicaJ .......? ... Davalapmant...... _ dIlInacI tor high palaIlIIII tor ...... or wind IlIIIIon .,dallIlW In SaclIan 12.0. ~llk; & S........ Fig&n 53,111.. CIIy'a GIMnd PIBn? f. MocIIi:dan ilia chMnaI, aak or rIvar? Va No Maybe Jc V )( ~ )( )( m&- __ _'OF ,'MIlI I b. DevlIIclpment 01 _ or exp8IlIion 01 existing IncIlIIlriaI. Ves No Maybe _ra.J or Cllher _ which ~,.. noiH llIvels on - CIlIaJnIng haualng, ~ huIlh __ fdtin or Cllher ..,.... _ IIbcIN M Ldn 01 8S dB(Al exterior X or M Ldn 0145 cll(Al lrarlor? c. Olher? .. UncI u.: Mthe pIllpllAI iMul In: L A ch8nge In the IInd lII8 _ ~on the )( Ge-.J PIIn? b. o.v.lDpl.. wllhIn ... AkpDrt DiIlrIcl_ldeldild In the All.,........... ~ U. lane (AICUZ) FlIpon mI Y the IMId U. ZanIng DiIlrlct YIp? c. 1MI..1Ii1"..... wllhIn FooIhII FiN lalw. A I B. or C_ IdmlIiId on the IMId UM ZanIng DiIlrIcl YIp? X d. Other? 7. .... 1.ld. HIDnIa: Mthe pIIljIc:l: L UM.1IIn. lrI/IIPOII or,,- 01 hIDnIDua or tlIIdc m ..II1II (Including bullll1llmhd III oil, )( II"''''~ ~~. chImIcIII or r.dWlll.i)? b. ImiDIve 1M ...... 01 ~ lubIll _? X c. EllplIM I*IPIeIllIM ~ '-IIIIIII.,~? X d. Other? .. "".Ing: WIIthepr'l lit L RInDft aIIIIng hauling or __. dIIlIMlI )( far ..ddIII..... hautIng? b. Other? t. TIw1lpa IldIo../CIo '111a1\: CauldlMpI'l) rl.1n CIIIIIlt*..... wIIh 1M crro-' d . PlIn _ ..1IIIwt In S.aIon 8.0 . CIn:uI.IiDn 01 1M CIIy'a GenInII PIIn, ....,.In: L An.... NT In lIIIIIlca.t II....... 1M.... lII8 rt '3 IIIIWI on the GenInII PlIn? 'X b. UM 01 exIIlIng, or dtmIncI far _. ~ >< ~? c. Impa upon aIIIIng pubic 1I.-natiaI. .,...? X d. AIIaI1iIIQ,. 01..... ___ 0I.a ~? )( .0 Impa III ... or IIIr lIdIc:? X f. .a nil....,.... ..tD........~:n I.or X p.rt II....? II- A -"rjolnlld.-m 01.......1, ~..IllIIIlII? )( h. SIgI.......... II.. In IIIIIlc __ on 1M road.._ts or InItr elIl ..? X- L Olher? ...,.- ....... _aDF_ II.... .....- PUIMa _.ClF _ "MIll 14. ........,. FIncIInp of 8Ignma..- (SecIIan 15085) The Cdomla EnvinInme.... Oudl)' Ad. .... that H any of the fofIowlng can be _red ,.. or 1IllIYbe. the prajecllll8)' haw a algnllcant aIIecI on the .nvironment and an Environm..... Impact RepoIt 8hal1 be praparad. Ves No MaJbe L Does the prajecl haw the potanlla/ to cIlIgrade the qually 01 the .rw'oIIll.ment, IUbItaoIllaly reduce the hablIat oIalllh or ....1peCles. _ a flIh or .... popl~ to cInIp below eel ..-mJng 1evlI1s. thNIIen to eImInaIe a pIanI or animal ClOIIIrnunl\)'. reduce the NIIIIber or MIlrIcIthe ,.. oIa rare or endangeIwd .. or animal or elmlnale imponaJd eumples 01 the major perIodI 01 CdomIa hlIlorr or PN/1IItorIl b. Does the prajecl haw the potanllaI to achieve ahorI- term. to the dlIad1...~ oIlolllllerm. anvIroI......... ....? (A 8hoIMerm InII*I 011 the anvIroIlOIM Is _ whlcllOOCIftIn a NlItiuwlJ brill. cIeIInIlIve period 01 time wille 101lg""" irnI** .. endunI_1nto the fuIure.) x )( c. Does the prajecl hawlql .. whIcII_1ndivIduaIJ ImIIed, but cum'....'JIIIvOllQ III.lenll"? (ApIlljeclmar InII*I 011_ or __....... n I au~ __the InII*I 011 each _ II NIIIw.Ir ....... but__ the efIecI 01 the tolaI 01... irnI** 011 the eIWIRM..*1t II .lgn.l....m.) )( cI. Does the pIlljecl haw anvInII....ntaI..... which wi. _ t" . 'lIIaI.......... 011 human beIngt, ..., dAcilIJ or IndncldJ? ')( C. IISCUIIION 01' INVlROI--TrAL IVALUA1ION AND.-ncaA1ION IlEASURES (AIIach ...... .. II'"' II r ,.) .5A~ ilJ7T~~l> .5'~~?:S ! ...-- __ _IOF_ ...... , . ... ~ c c c - o o 5. D:ISCOSS:IOIJ OF JDlV:IROIlIIlDlTAL BVALUAT:IOIJ un JaT:IGAT:IOIJ IlBASURBS 1. Barth aesourcesa a-f. The site is not located in an Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone and contains no unique geologic or physical features. The site is not subject to wind or water erosion. Future development shall address any grading or earth mov_ent. g. The project site is located within an area identified as having a high potential for liquefaction as identified in the General Plan, Section 12.0 Geologic and Seismic, Figure 48, page 12-9, and in an area having the potential for ground subsidence (same section Figure 51, page 12- 15). Future development on the property will address liquefaction/subsidence issues at the development/design phase of such a project. 2. air aesourcesa a-c. The site is vacant. Future use of the site should not l_d to an increase in _issions as future use will be of an intensity consistent with the land use designation of CG-l or :IL as contained in the General Plan, however, these concerns and those associated with the potential of creating objectionable odors will be addressed when a project is proposed. The site is not within the high wind/high fire hazard area. 3. ..ter ..sourcesa a-e. Future development on the site would cr_te impermiable surfaces. There would be little difference between projects designed for uses permitted in the OlP, CG-l or lL land use districts. Absorption rates, drainage patterns, and the _ount of runoff will be a factor of the site design and such revi_ shall occur at the time of project proposal. The site is not within a flood plain hazard ar_ as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. , 4. Biological ..sourcesa a. The project site is not within the boundaries of the Biological Resources Management OVerlay, as identified in Section 10.0 - Natural Resources, Figure 41, of the city's General Plan. This _endllent, or any future project, will have no affect on unique, rare, or endangered species of plants or animals. b,c. d. There are no trees on the project site. c c c o o 5. lIoi.., a,b. The potential future uses are not generators of noise, nor will any of the surrounding uses have an adverse noise impact on any potential use. Noise associated with future use will be evaluated at the time of project submittal. I. LaIlIS US.: a. The proposed proj ect will change the land use designation from OIP, Office Industrial Park, to CG-l, Commercial General or to IL, Industrial Light. 7 . 1IaD-1la1S. &a.arlS., a-c. Future uses will be reviewed for storage, transportation or disposal of hazardous, toxic and waste materials. In addition, the potential for release of hazardous substances or the exposure of people to health and safety hazards will be a matter of review and action at the time of project proposal. 8. BoU.iD91 a. The project is a change in land use designation on vacant land only. The potential for use will not r_ove existing housing nor create a d~d for new housing due the size of the amendment site. t. ~r&D.port.tioD/Ciraul.tioDI a-h. The general plan amendment will not affect existing traffic or traffic patterns. Future use may affect traffic circulation due to the potential for site design to accomaodate future use, however, these issues, in addition to safety issues, will be addressed upon any project submittal. 10. Public servic.., a-f. The project will not have a significant impact on any public service. 11. Utiliti.., a. The project will not have a significant impact on any public utility, or create the need for new facilities. No impact. are anticipated. c c c o o 12 . ae.thetic.: a-b. The project is to change the land use only. Future projects shall be evaluated to preclude scenic obstruction and negative visual impacts. 13. CUl tural ...ource.: a-b. The project site is not located in the Urban Archaeological District as identified in the General Plan, Section 3.0, Historical, Figure 8, nor in an area of concern for archaeological resources. ....-- D. DETERIoINA11ON On the buls a1lhla Inlllal atudy, ~ The pIllpClMd pIlljIct COULD NOT haw a algnllicant lIIfllCl on the environmantalld a NEGATIVE DEClARA. TION WUI be Plllpe.ecl. O The plapCIUd pIlljIct could have a a1gnflicant lIIfec:l on the anvironmem, allhough there wiD not be a a1gnllicant lIIfllCl In lhla - --.... the mlllgation _ cIacrtbed abcMI have bean lIdc*Ilo lhe ptajllCI. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION wII be PNI*8d. o The plllpOhd pIIIjllCI MAY have a aignlicant.nllCl on the anviIanmem, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Ia requinld. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN 8ERNARDINo. CAlFORNIA Sandra Paulsen, Senior Planner Nama and TIlle ~~A. V2J'/~ May 12, 1994 Dat.: ..-- CF_ IIl4l11 c c c o o RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN 2 AMENDMENT NO. 94-02 TO THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. 3 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 4 SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 5 Recitals SECTION 1. 6 (a) The General Plan for the City of San Bernardino was 7 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council by Resolution No. 89-159 on 8 June 2, 1989. 9 (b) General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 to the General Plan of 10 the City of San Bernardino was considered by the Planning 11 CODllllission on Auqust 2, 1994, after a noticed public hearing, and 12 the Planning CODllllission's recommendation of approval has been 13 considered by the Mayor and Common Council. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (c) An Initial Study was prepared on April 27, 1994 and reviewed by the Environmental Review CODllllittee and the Planning CODIIIIission who both determined that General Plan Amendment No. 93- 04 would not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore, recommended that a Neqative Declaration be adopted. Cd) The proposed Neqative Declaration received a 21 day public review period from May 19, 1994 through June 9, 1994 and all cODllllents relative thereto have been reviewed by the Planning CODllllission and the Mayor and Common Council in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local requlations. e) The Mayor and Common Council held a noticed public hearing and fully reviewed and considered proposed General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 and the Planning Division Staff Report on September 19, 1994. 1 o c c o o 1 (f) The adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 is 2 deemed in the interest of the orderly development of the City and 3 is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the 4 existing General Plan. 5 SECTION 2. Neaative Declaration 6 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED by the Mayor 7 and Common Council that the proposed amendment to the General Plan 8 of the City of San Bernardino will have no significant effect on 9 the environment, and the Negative Declaration heretofore prepared 10 by the Environmental Review Committee as to the effect of this 11 proposed amendment is hereby ratified, affirmed and adopted. 12 SECTION 3. Findinas 13 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the 14 City of San Bernardino that: 15 A. The proposed CG-l, COll\lllercial General land use designation is 16 internally consistent with General Plan Goal IG(i) in that it 17 will add to the existing commercial node which contains a 18 diversity of commercial retail and service uses on the 19 Waterman Avenue/Mill Street intersection and the proposed 20 designation is not in conflict with the qoals, objectives and 21 policies of the General Plan. 22 B. The proposed amendment would not be detrimental to the public 23 interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City 24 in that the amendment area is vacant and adjoins existing 25 commercial uses and is compatible with future commercial 26 development of the site. 27 C. The proposed amendment to chanqe the land use designation on 28 8.8 acres from OIP, Office Industrial Park to CG-l, Commercial 2 c c c 1 2 3 4 5 D. 6 7 8 9 10 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 B. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o General would enhance the balance of land uses in that existinq and proposed development on the.site would provide commercial retail and services for the Waterman Avenue/Mill street intersection. The 8.8 acre amendment site is physically larqe enouqh for uses permitted in the CG-l, Commercial General land use desiqnation and all parcels have or will have adequate access to Mill street. SECTION 4. Amendment BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council that: The Land Use Plan of the General Plan of the City of San Bernardino is amended by chanqinq approximately 8.8 acres from OIP, Office Industrial Park to CG-l, Commercial General. This amendment is desiqnated as General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 and its location is outlined on the map entitled Attachment A, and is more specifically described in the leqal description entitled Attachment B, copies of which are attached and incorporated herein be reference. General Plan Amendment No. 94-02 shall become effective immediately upon adoption of this resolution. SECTION 5. MaD Notation This resolution and the amendment affected by it shall be noted on such appropriate General Plan maps as have been previously adopted and approved by the Mayor and Common Council and which are on file in the office of the city Clerk. SECTION 6. Notice of Determination The Planninq Division is hereby directed to file a Notice of Determination with the County Clerk of the County of San Bernardino 3 0 0 0 1 certifying the City's compliance with California Environmental 2 Quality Act in preparing the Negative Declaration. 3 IIII 4 IIII 5 IIII 6 IIII 7 IIII 8 IIII 9 IIII 10 IIII 11 IIII 12 IIII 13 IIII C 14 IIII 15 IIII 16 IIII 17 IIII 18 IIII 19 IIII 20 IIII 21 IIII 22 IIII 23 IIII 24 IIII 25 IIII 26 IIII C 27 IIII 28 4 c c c 15 16 17 18 19 of 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o 1 RESOLUTION... ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-02 TO THE GENERAL 2 PLAN OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting therefore, held on the day of , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: Council Members ADa B.UB. ABSTAIN ABSENT NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-WDLAK MILLER City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this , 1994. day Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney By: 5 o ATTACHMENT A 0 cP"''''q. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO e$i C i' . :! " GPA 94-02 0",10...... i ~'" " !l n'l @ n~ !te;,," fli:ff 1 ...i ... ifff . I .. OIP ...... @ . IS to CG-1 2~lj ~ Il lalli- ~ ;";..'lJ'1l @ ~ c ltc 0 I\l"'~iii ;;:!~ te .... AVCNllr - S~;;;~ .....r. ~ !o! a .. ':~l 'l) ~ 0. ~ :. ~ .. iP . ~ .. C II ::s ~ i f ~ . . ~i6) i' II @ t . .. @ a , , J \ , CIl I -. @ & . @ ~ G> JIJ ~ ,i I\) ... @ . <:> .. . - :~ ~ f. j@ . ~rr C!I '~J . D Qir .. " @ i fIl s ~! , ~ , t @ c c c o Q ATTACHMENT "B" GBllBIt&L PLaIt aJIBIIDIID1T 110. 14-02 Legal Descriptions THE LAND SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: As....ar Parcel No. 136-391-37 PARCEL NO. 2 OF PARCEL MAP 8999 AS SHOWN IN MAP BOOK 100, PAGES 1 AND 2. As....or Parcel No. 136-391-38 PARCEL NO. 3 OF PARCEL MAP 8999 AS SHOWN IN MAP BOOK 13, PAGE 94. [