HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-Parks and Recreation 'CITY OF SAN BERtODINO - REQUEST .oR COUNCIL ACTION . From: ANNIE F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR Subject: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN TUE AMOUNT OF $755.15 FOR USE OF STURGES AUDITORIUM Dept: PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES BY THE NEUMARK ENSEMBLE. Date: SEPTEMBER 15, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: None. DlllN . OFFlCt. ) ~p 9<i 9: 45 Recommended motion: Form Motion 1: That the request to waive fees for rental of Sturges Auditorium by the Neumark Ensemble in the amount of of $755.15 be denied. or Form Motion2: That the request to waive fees for rental of Sturges Auditorium by the Neumark Ensemble in the amount of $755.15 be approved. a~ i. t)~~ Signature Contact person: John A. Kramer Staff Report, Letter of Supporting data attached: Request and Appl ication. Phone: 5031 Ward: I FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $755.15 Source: (Acct. No.1 IAcct. Descriotion) Finance: Council Notes: A portion of these fUnds ($577.15) would be deposited into a revenue account for use of facilities should the requesting group be required to pay. These are funds which assist the deoartment in offsettina some of the costs associated with staffin~. utilities and repair costs for furnishing the facility. The remainder of these funds ($178 would be deoosited into the Sturaes Reolacement Trust Fund Account to be used for the replacement of the theatre equipment as it becomes worn and unrepairable. 1/_ 75-0262 Agenda Item No ~ ~ . CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST FcQ. COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $755.15 FOR USE OF STURGES AUDITORIUM BY NEUMARK ENSEMBLE. The Neumark Ensemble is requesting the waiver of fees for the use of Sturges Auditorium on January 7, 1995. Cost for the use of the auditorium is $755.15. Resolution 94-66 allows the Mayor and the Common Council to exempt non-profit corporations and associations organized primarily for patriotic, civic betterment or charitable purposes from the rates and fee schedules for the use of parks and recreation facilities, services and equipment under the condition that paying the fees would create a hardship and if the event is of significant benefit to the citizens of San Bernardino. This department recommends denial of the request based on the following: 1. The payment of the fee does not constitute a financial hardship since the event has the capability of generating $7,500 through admission fees and the rental accounts for only five percent (5 %) of the concert cost. 2. The event is not of significant public benefit since there are already a variety of concerts, shows and performances available for public entertainment. 3. City Council has previously taken the position of not waiving fees for Sturges Auditorium with the intention of recovering as much of its operating costs as possible. neumark.ensem-u 9/15/94 " 11 II :1 ii It /72> ~ lT2.-~I-.z.4-S~ PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES APPLICATION/PERMIT ~r;)1.''-'" ~ OOI-~.s4I~" TO USE PUBLIC PARK OR RECREATION FACILITY Date 01 Applicalion: ~/Isl ~ 141-1 NameandAddressolApplicanllOrganizalion: /#LE" /Vt;:t,unALK. E PS/EII1&t..E P () BQ~ ;:.)431, K,t!t$,f!S,pt: CA 4'd$"J7-t'~.3 / , Facility Requested: STUtec;€5 CG#rF/Z. Fp,e n+E hNg- AL'TS ~ ;t1O tr.w Date 01 Activity: ~MJIIbI ~ 14q5'" Time 01 Activity: ~ A.M@ To '7'tI"f"I!'i? A.M@ Nature 01 ActivitylEvent: C!-IIAm8Ge. (J~lftESrRA f'AI,h:::eeT Describe Planned Aclivkies: (}."Vcel!-T PJ!d6Mm E,Ah:;L.t:1S€LJ. k't14EAfiAt.. RG~dllE/)' ]7'-lURSP"'" Pfl",a. (1/f/'1s) ?:t}I-/lJ: $EJ. B~rt:l2& of /+Pn.fl RGCEPTIIJJJ PI!4$A&'G. Estimated Attendance: S"tJtJ Is Activity Open 10 the Public? Y.: S Admission F..? i/~ /1:>- SnulM/T . PI ~ S;;:~"a. ..AlA A.MA'.M. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMEt.:T Applicant hereby acknowledges Ihat helshe has read, understands, and will comply wkh all provisions 01 Chapler 12.80, Municipal Code, City of San Bemardino, CaJIIomia pertaining lD usa 01 Park and Recreation lacII.... Applicant hereby assumes an rnponslbllityto leave area in a neat and cIaan condition. Applicant 8llr_lD hold harmless and indemnllythe City 01 San Bemardino, CaIlIomla, from any and all liability for injury lD pellOns or property oocuring a a rasuk 01 this aclivity and ag_s to be Iable to said City for and all dam811. to any park, laclllIy, building. poo~ aquipmant. and lumlura owned or oontroIled by City, which rasulls lrom the activity or permittae or Is caused by any partidpant in sald acI~ "( , . ~ ~n~,!~~b''-A'''''- AVAIlABLE: ./ YES NO SPECIAl CON"'"DiiiONsAP~ ~ YES FEESlDEPOSIT(S) REQUIRED: ~ YES FEES: ~ IS- REC~VEDBY: ONRECEIPn: ,~- BY: DEPOSlT(S): RECEIVED BY: DEPOSIT RETURNED TO: DATE: ~ROVED 0 DISAPPROVED DATE: "i/'-t141r- ~~~ OISTRBJT~~ l'n ',. ", ="';" ",...y.,..-.-'-"'-::<<'; ..~,-1~~~"'; !If f "',L'~.- ;b';'t>'~ ~lt;~~;S f; :;'~,:llJII\);"-"" if '0.,;--' ;-<: 1~:{I~-r,_.\" Will Sound AmplKication or Public Address System be Used? Time of Day Amplllier is 10 be Used: AlII (Section 12.80.130, Cky Mun~1 Code Applies.) A.M./P.M. To "NOTE: This perml is subject lD cancellation by any PoIIos OIIloIlr who dlllllrmines violation 01 any PfOVision 01 the City Municipal Coda. CLEANNG DEPOSIT: K area.1ac1lily is not IaIl in clean condkion, the deposl shall be forleked. KEY DEPOSIT: Keys shall be ratumed within two (2) working days aIlerthe event for which the kay(s) Is Issued. K key(s) is not retumad pIlllllplly, the deposit shan be lorIeitad. 7ff& }/SI.IrlA-PJ:: ENS€"A/&E Printed Nama 01 Applicant PO 8o,K $"Stf31 Address KIJGI!SID& '1~!:77-CX/31 7/...)-;)>>).... City~ 2 ,phone Number ~ - J'~ dA'.~ ignature 01 icant I! NO NO _1TE: IlEPT.,FACUIY GREEN: APPLICANT I USER CANARY: DEPOSIT FILE PINK: POI.ICE OEPT. OOLOENROO: RISK MGMT. September 9, 1994 o o . P.O. Box 55431 Riverside, CA . 92517.0431 Tax ID: 33-0293172 ~,u4 City Council City of San Bernardino 300 No. '0' St. San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Council Persons, I write on behalf of the board of directors to ask you to consider our special request for a waiver or reduction of fees for our use of the Sturges Center for the Fine Arts. We have a copy of the schedule offees and understand that exceptions are rare. However, The Neumark Ensemble needs the help of the entire community to successfully bring this fine chamber orchestra concert to San Bernardino. The Neumark Ensemble is a nonprofit, chamber music society whose mission is to promote chamber music in the Southern California area by presenting live concerts, educating audiences, and training conductors. In its selection of venues, programs, collateral materials and supporting activities, the Ensemble will "personalize" the orchestra-audience relationship. Its mission is best served by performance in highly accessible, public buildings. Our debut concert took place on January 8, 1994, at the historic Riverside County Courthouse. We are delighted that the Riverside Press-Enterprise referred to it as "a new chapter in the city's struggle for self esteem." Attendance of over 360 music lovers tells us this community is starving for the intimate experience of chamber music. The Neumark Ensemble was created to afford to those in our community least likely to have been exposed to classical music the opportunity to understand and appreciate this enduring and beautiful art form. We hope to make classical music truly " ... the people's music." We plan to produce one other major chamber orchestra concert in the Inland Empire this season. Whenever we hold a public concert, we intend to charge no more than $10 for a regular seat,$5 for one occupied by a student or a senior. We plan not to limit or structure seating to discriminate between the full-price and half-price ticket holders. Being such a new organization, less than one year old, we have a very small cadre of concert subscribers and financial patrons. Please review the enclosed brochure and publicity excerpts for more information about who The Neumark Ensemble is and why the City of San Bernardino might benefit sufficiently by our performance to justify your waiving some or all of the fees for us. We promise to credit your generosity to the degree that you allow us to make it public. We want to make music accessible. x.noHlllllcy7l5-3478 1layB.br185-7101 EUm&tilai317-5997 SMpbenTul:kcr275-0703 HenaiaDoweIB5-1219 E.R..Speua.Jr.Bll-5121 (909) 715-2222 . o o Here is what we expect to perfonn. January 7, 1995, Concert Program Crawford Bloch Wagner Mozart Lob der Musik Suite Hebraiesque Siegfried Idyll Symphony No. 40 in G minor The concert would begin at 8:00 p.m. We hope to hold an educational lecture in advance of the perfonnance and an artists' reception following. We want to make refreshments available during intennission. We need use of the hall on the day of the event at least from 5:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. We have scheduled a dress rehearsal the Thursday before for which we would want the auditorium from 7 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. This particular concert requires the full complement of instruments: woodwinds and brass, as well as strings. Our budget for this concert follows. Concert Ticket Sales: Program Advertising Sales: Food & Beverage Sales: Concert-specific Income: 4000 150 350 4500 Concert Promotion: Concert Program Booklets: Sturgess Auditorium Fees: Food & Beverage Expense: Musician Wages & Benefits: Concert-specific Expenses: 830 350 770 150 13,600 15700 Concert-specific Funding Requirement: 11,200 As of this date, no part of the funding requirement has been met Please consider this an invitation to help us make this concert a success for the Neumark Ensemble and the City of San Bernardino. In hannony, ~~ Karen Hensley enc .. I 1 I , I I i II I! I ~I I fj II == I r.. I' __ I: E- ;, Z : I ,_, Ii_ i\ ~ I~ r=:: c:l.. r..:l - - E- I I. Q::!btl i!l~ta ~itlllii ~~R ..."\ ...!ij 5":;1 G.. oa aJll:. ~::!~ . ~ .911;;&1 E~ 1St 'Bf~~ olsii,~~ ~ ~~~~ ~I~~~ ~ "i~~-"'~~- cd .5.....z;~ e ...:a~ ..ie.,;",05~~e ~ ~~~oa .~e~i; iai~:j~t:!81 i~~~5", ~~~ !~S~~!~~s- rea ~ :'tJll:;,a S 11 0 ... .8 -1 ii '" ..,s ~ ~5~~~~~~~~ii~0~e,soa~5i ~.. 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Q) g ~ Ja i d h;~I!! !j! ~ . ~ ~ -8 ~ 1f~~18G€ t:13~ -"," .... f;-% '~5 C 8- ~g- " :l Iii .... ~EN1'ERPIusE 0 -Entertainment . - - ~_. ........'" .~-.. !-., ~, B-1 ~y 1......,.1.1.. Putting 'new mark' onmujic ~ A chamber ensemble of 40 notable players led by Stephen Tucker wlll debut Jan. 8 in the Riverside County Courthouse.. ..-- rrw..........a. T beaomelsNewJIIIIl<(prO- --"1IOl' marIl"). n _1rom_1Ido ......_. lIIId II1II Is_ . _SlepbeG TlIc:Ur ~Iil__~_. ItllllllowllJaell... 1.."_ _ot1beNeumort_ID. mall..... pllce.1Ile D-....--__ _altIIe_COouII1~ 1lle_Is__IorI__ I 0IId TlIc:Ur _1be IlIe IIIlIDc lor 1be -- . "W......"'__IllIIIDp,.... _"'hIo~_lspedocLll_ . UIre.......___ be,,-- ..1be 1...... t711""1lIIy.. I Neumort...-_-, _to_1bec:llllCllPl.......... : lber."TIley'Je....__1D ! -.1_--.-...._. . 1lle__wlIIbe,,--lortlle 1...--"-.wlII..... 'JlIIId---__ . 1--"'~"J--'''SIJIIe forSb'trlp"aDd...... .'lw....StrtaI ~No.5. TlIc:Ur~IIIIs......_... ot_1beNeumortplaaltoploy. "W. arealP'OllPofp. f . -llII1IIIcIIaIwbo dedded __'" ploy _lIIarIlIllI beID8....,... ......... be_ "'But we aIIo want to mike our IIIUIIc -..."'..... _otpeople,. -,_ -SO_n__1or1lllblY -"'pabUclllllldlllp.. 111111_1be-,- c.wIDSOD __1beNeumortbopeo'" ..... "__IllIAprtlI.AIld tbea tbere.. Rt.._...n MIIIIoa IDa. s..-_ delaltelrUlre "'_. _ID.... ot lis....... SIleOlldTllc:Ur__._ b1e....,ot_Ior__ NewJIIIIl<.......~ TOdlIr_.1or --..... ~. ........,...11. ~ 'Ill II .'I,1rom Ielt, Cathor.1ne Grall, ~ Tuc......nd... AppIeIon, wII perform Jln.8. ls_ot1be__ --~IIrID8- lIIId___1be_OYIc:Or- - ~~--- Keppler. lIIeNeumort..__ =...-..KyIe"'........ pdodpoJ.... Io;J..... _Morloo,__ _ seraAlldllll, pdodpoJ _ 1'bere are _40_1D 1be N........ bOl_perIonIIa.-wlIIlIllI_ IIIIIIIIIIIIY. _..llIlIveotl_....par. tIdpoot ID lIIe IlMb .-......... CoodIIe- __IDSoalbemCalllorllla.801s tbe_oI_ <w>pelIlIw.OIld ...- .....wr....... -tlu'allllMlld. _8011""""'_ - _or. .....It Rh_....... AD SIIIdI EpiIaapBI ~0IId..._0I1be~. IIIJ otCOlllonlla,____ TlIc:Ur_~....Ior1be_.1s to 1Drm............ poap. We daD, . _CIIIIIIIftI.... ..........&. wlUuAer: _lIlllle___noQyjallWOlll toploy.___Is~. : B. ~,"'-'1be_1IIIiY .-.--_-...........bll- --,.....,.,-~_....- conIod, bot _ wlB IIllInconI..1be Neil. marIl lor 01_.,.... .... ~~ ----.-- IIIIWIM 101ft... 11th -. RiwIrIkII. r~L. "'''''''1 p.m. JIn. I. S10. ....... ... ...... $5. c.M (101) 715-2222. oampIe,iorD*\)'____ -lIle-COIlIIli_ OIIdllle_S............PrtadpaJvI- IlIIitlllCllloTl,Jlor.. _oI1be 'hrIorqaarlOllliod.. ...r.._ 0IlOo- """1Il Europelliodtlle u__ Prt11dpa1___1homas