HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-1258 Adopted: October 15. 2007 Effective: November 15. 2007 ORDINANCE NO. MC-1258 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 19.08 (INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS), SECTION 19.08.020, TABLE 08.01 (34) OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) RELATED TO SOCIAL SERVICE CENTERS. THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 19.08, Section 19.08.020, Table 08.01 (34) of the Municipal Code (Development Code) is amended to add item 34, Social Service Centers as a conditional use within the IL, Industrial Light, land use district as shown in Attachment 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. Severability. In the event that any provision of this Ordinance, or any part thereof, or any application thereof to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction on its face or as applied, such holding shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of any of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance, or any part thereof, or any application thereof to any p:,>Tson or circumstance or of sai(l ;"~0' ;slOn as applied to any other person or circumstance. It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent of the City that this Ordinance would have been adopted had such unconstitutional, invalid, or ineffective provisions not been included herein. IIII IIII IIII 1 HC-1258 , 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING 2 CHAPTER 19.08 (INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS), SECTION 19.08.020, TABLE 08.01 (34) 3 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) RELATED TO SOCIAL SERVICE CENTERS. 4 5 6 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a joint reRular meeting thereof, held on the 15th dayof October 7 . 2007, by the following vote to wit: 8 Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT x x x x x x x 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Approved as to form: Q....u..J. h. ~ CitYClerk The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this I h~day of October 2007. CKJ. M ayor of San Bernardino 24 JAMES F. PENMAN 25 City Attorney 26 27 28 2 t ATTACHMENTl CHAPTER 19.08 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Section 19.08.020, Table 08.01 shall be amended as follows: TABLE 08.01 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS LIST OF PERMITTED USES Me 888 12/6193 LAND USE ACTMTY CH OIP IT. m IE 1. Accessory structures/uses typically appurtenant to a D D D D D principally permitted land use activity; 2. Agricultural Production-crops; D D 3. Agricultural Services; D D D 4. Assembling, cleaning, manufacturing, processing, repairing D D' D D or testing of products including automotive related (except dismantling) and welding and excluding explosives, conducted entirelv within an enclosed structure except for screened outdoor storage areas; 5. Assembling, cleaning, manufacturing, processing, repair of D D products, research, storage, testing or wholesale land uses (except explosives) with a portion of the operation (other than storage) occurring outside of the enclosed structure: A. Outside land uses in the CH and IH districts within 150 feet of a residential land use district; C C 6. Concrete batch plants, processing of minerals and aggregate C C and other related land uses, not including extraction activities; 7. Crematory; D D D 8. Dwelling unit for a full-time security guard and family; D D D 9. Educational Service, including day care; D D D C 10. EntertainmentJRecreational Uses: A. Adult Entertainment C C B. Auditoriums, Convention Halls and Theaters C C C. Miscellaneous Indoor; and D C D D D. Miscellaneous Outdoor C C C C J LAND USE ACTIVITY CH OIP IL m IE II. Financial; 0 0 12. Fuel Dealers; C C 0 13. Funeral ParlorsIMortuaries; 0 0 0 14. Gasoline Service Stations; 0 0 0 15. Heliports/Helipads; C C C C C 16. hnpound Vehicle Storage Yards (with or without towing) C C 0 17. Membership organizations, including religious facilities, 0 0 0 meeting halls, and fratemallodges; 18. MninglExtraction, including aggregate, coal, gas, metal C and oils; 19. Mobile Home Dealers (sales and service); 0 0 0 20. Offices/Services (administrative and professional); 0 0 0 21. Outdoor contractor's, lumber, and rental yards and storage 0 0 0 0 areas for building supplies; 22. Outdoor Horticultura1 Nurseries; 0 0 0 0 23. Parking Lots; 0 0 0 0 0 24. Personal Services; 0 0' D' 25. Pipelines (As defined by Section 19.20.030[12][E] or as C C C C C superseded by State or Federal law); 26. Public utility uses, distribution and transmission substations 0 0 0 0 0 and communication equipment structures; 27. Publishing/Printing Plants; 0 0 0 0 28. Railroad Yards; 0 29. Recycling Facilities; (fu compliance with Section 19.06.030[2][P)) 30. Research and Development, including laboratories; 0 0 0 0 31. Retail Commercial; 0 0' 0' 32. Salvage and Wrecking (dismantling) yards; C C 33. Salvage and Wrecking Facilities (completely within an C C C enclosed structure); 34. Social Service Centers !;;3 ;>4.35 Swap Meets; C C C C ~.36 Towing Services; 0 0 0 ~37 TransportationlDistribution; 0 0 0 , LAND USE ACI'MTY CH DIP II. m IE 3+,38 Truck Stops; C C 3&39 Veterinary Services! Animal Boarding; D D ~.40 Warehousing and Wholesaling, including self-service mini- D D D storage; and 4G.41 Other A. Antennae, Satellite and Vertical; D D D D D B. Cleaning/Janitorial; D D D C. Copy CenterslPostal Service Centers and D D D Blueprinting; D. Equestrian Trails; P P P P P E. FencesIW ails; D D D D D F. PoliceIFire Protection; D D D D D G. Single-Family Residential P P P P P (Existing - MC 823 3/2/92); and H. Temporary Uses (Subject to a [T] Temporary Use T T T T T Permit) 'Except auto related. ~Cidenta1 to a primary use, and contained within a primary structure (15% max.). bject to approval by the t1lyor am Camm Cooocil. Other similar uses which the Director finds to fit within the purpose/intent of the zones. in compliance with Section 19.02.070(3).