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07-06-1909 Minutes
_-__---_-_ _--_ .__-_ ---,- ____.- 3~ A. Oity Hall, sun Bernardino, Calif. July 8th. I808., Regular adjourned meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of sun Bernardino, hold Tuesday evening July 6th. IOCJ., The meeting wee called to oxter by Mayor b!aNabb at 7.30 o'clock with the follon•#ng membors oP the Council present: CowTCilmen Cole, Ilolmes, Qweger,Renaeh, and I2ro1TTg. City AtL- ornoy R.E. Swim and City Cleri:Iiarry Allison. Tho minutes of the previous meeting of tho Council were raed and approved. Resolution of ITitention No. I58. A resolution of the 1[ayor and Common Counail of Lhe City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to construct an eight inch sewer in •S• Street and Base Line Streot, was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Aytea, Cole, Holmes, OwFger, ReiTSah aT:d 2r/ing. Noe None. Thereupon btayor 1[eNabb declared the resolution of intention adopted. The resolution adopting the dlagxam of the diatriat of the Sixth street ewer, was read for the . . second time and adopted by the following vote: Acres, Cole, Holmes, Oweger, Renseh and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon kayor McNabb declared the resolution adopted. The resolution to extend sixty days to the E.R. ferdin Compard? ,was read $or the second time and adopted by the following-vote: Ayes: Cole, Holmes, Oweger, Rensoh and Irving. Hoes: Bone: Thereupon Mayor McNabb declared the resolution adopted. Mayor 1taNabb submitted the name of W.L. Armatege for the position of speeiai polioe ofrioes at the Purity Baths, whereupon motion duly made end oerried, the appointment was aonrirmed. • Councilman Cole, moves t~}at the Oity purchase ~db.00 worth of postal oazds for advertising os the City of San Bernardino, motion duly seconded by Councilman ZrVirTg, and carried. The resolution awarding the oontreat for the conetruotion of Crpss walks to the ~.'A. Werdia Company, was read for the saoond. time and adopted by the followin6 voter: liras; Cole, noises, Awegex,,lDensoh and 2rving, Aoes. None. Thereupon ltayor`1[cFabb'dealared the resolution adopted. , ~- The resolution directing the City En6lneei to prepare plane, specirioations; and estimates of ' coat for impraveing!~Baarth street Prom •E• Street Lo •I• street, was read for Lhe seeoad Lime and adopted br the following vote: Ayes Cole, Holmea,•OweEer, RensoII and Irving. Noes~ifone. Theereupen Mayor 1ksHabb declared • the resolution adopted. Ordinance Ho- An ordinasTCe providing for the keeping and maintaining of 21g'hts and barriers along and upon streets when the aonditlon thereof is dangerous, and prohiMLing the removing'of said lights or barriers and the dzi.ving in and upon such streets, was introducsed, rasa for the twat time end laid aver for final passage. ' Ordinance No.. An ordinance retJniring a`pertait fox an the inspection of all eleatrioiai work or .- • wiring done or performed within the City of San Bernardino and pra?id~'~;;uies snd regulations to be followe4, by persons, firms or oorporatione insta121ng, aonneeting, wiring or otherwlaW putting in place elecstrioiel '` wires, aonneations or apparatus within said City, wsa introduadd, reaG in t1iI1 for the rirat time ar.d laid over ' Sor final passage. ~- . _- 1 '~. , CouncilL~an Irvine moves that tho City Clerk be directed tc draw warrants for tt~o claims of the City t for the month of'J11ne, I908, as per claim ra~istor, motion~tuly•seconded by Coureilc~a:i Cole and carried unar~i- E ously. Ccnuioilman Col© novas that the City Attorney bo directed to prepare a resolution of intention clwuging the.~rade'of 8th Street between •4• anq 'H' Street. motion duly aeeonded by Councilman Irvin6, and carried. The financial statement of the City of Han Bernardino, prepared by Draper and Dubbel at read in TuIl at this meetir~, was Upon motion duly made and carried, received and ordered filed. This lfeina the time set for the openein~ of the bids"for an eight i:~eh vitrlYied pipe aeRer in and " I alone 'B : IIeventh,9aso I,ine'a::d 'A' 8t~reete, same:welre opened and found to be as follows; /1~Q /J~.' ~ "'" ~S JEi?~~p']S~R.Cr7q'J ~..+SP/1l~' ~ d , i ~ i ~ ~ '1 • ~ rsl~ ,o s i V ii e e fi i • li. . i I . ~ ~ t i ~ ~' 1 , yip qt ' i ~.q '. ' h ,b»b • / i6' ax ~ ~I * olo/ f' ~ ~ I Councilman Cole moves that"the bide of, D.Y. Harris and Johnson Shea Oompany be,re~eo'ted on thQ, -, arrnv?ds as'being incomplete and insufPioient, aot~or duly~aeeonded by~COUnoilnan I;v#nE, and carried. Councilman Cole moves that tIle bid o2 the San Hernazdino Hardware gom~anpr De 3ooe~Eed, motion ~I Qu.ly sec~nddQ h! • GIs°21'1 rss, and oaxri ed . , xeeoltttiba'ForI6I A'reeolution awatdina tt?e:Contraet to the San Bernardino Aardr?are Coate- for the construction of an eight inch •itriSieQ pipe sower is and alon~;'8" Street, eleventh Stree~,,Baeq Line Street, c:rd ~A' 8xreet, Tae introdnaed~ read in Pull for the !"ire6 tine anQ lain oTer tos final I E ~aH3fi~6. _ E ppon motion dnly meads and aszrled, the Conrail ,id~oi~ned 6o p~eet lton~lsy e~4alti~: a1h1Y Iath• ~T9o9 at 7:84 o'clock P.li. /lppro?ed this l2th day of illly, 1908 ~' )-r, ~~~~1 `~t " '' Ysyor of the City opt ~ SemazCipot Aalit. ~~/ , '~ City Cle29C Ct Lhe City o! sen~ HeTnaldlnq r,--~ ' ~ California. t, t _ _