HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-28-1909 Minutes e~
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City Hall, Ban Bernardino, Calif. June, 28th. IDOfl,
Regular adjourned r:eeting of the Mayor and Common Cotinoil of Lhe City of San Bernardino, held Monday
waning June, 2=st. IUOfl. The meeting wa¢ calied to order by Mayor McNabb aL 7:30 o~clocl: P.M. with the Yollrn?-
ing members oi' the Cawicil present: Councilmen Cole, Holmes, Oweger, Renach and Irving. City Attorney R.E. awing
and City Clerk ??arry Allison.
The minutes oP the previous meetinb of the Cowiell were read and approved.
Tho resolution adopting Lhe Plana, profiles and specifleations for the eonatrucLibn of a sewer in •E•
Street and 4ase Line Street, was read for the second time and adopted by the toilowing vote: Ayes Cole, Holmes,
Cwegsr, Renach and Irving. Noes None. Thereupon l[ayor McNabb declared the resoiution adopted.,
Resoiutioa No. IAA. A resolution of the Mayor and.Cgmn?on Council of the Gity of son Bernardino declaring ~'
their intention to improve •C• Street in said City Prom the North line of Beoond Btreet to~the South line of Ninth
street, was read in foil for the second tree and adopted by the following vote; Ayes Cole, Holmes, Oweger, Renaeh ~
and irving. Noes: None. Thereupon Layer McNabb declared the resoiution adopted.
Councilman 2rvina moves that Jas Mohair be Granted IO days euctension of time ,on the Sixth Street fill,
motion duly seoonde4 by Couroiiman Oweger, and carried.
Connailmsa Renech mores that the matter of reetaruant iiqunr.llnensea heretofore referred Lo Chief' qt
Police 1f.A. Shay for investigation, be not issues as per the report of the OhieP, motion duly seconded by Caun031man '
Reso2~~tion of Intention so. 258. A resolution oP the ftaproz and Coaaaon Coutaoil of the ~Citp of San' 9ernaM-
ino declaring their intention to construct an eight inch eeN?er in •$• Stzeet and Base Line'9tzaet, was~introc~uoed, '
read in full for the first tine and raid over for Final passage.
upon motion dniy mde and carried Dr. B.S. Smith was granted a leave oZ absence of 80 days time.
The =esointtoa adapting the diagram of the'distziate of laada benetitted bb? tae int described -
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is resoiution of intention xo ZSa ,was introduved, read in tltll for the first tis3e-arid laid,o~er for final,passage.
TMs beint the time set for the opeminr of the bids for the oouetru0tion of ,6ross ws+lte, Msame wareopened
,and foand- to Deus 1bliows: r t
Bin of E.R. •erdln Co~anryr. \
Tor ispha].t liaoadam~Oross Atilt inoludini e;tOaTation and ba0kfilling, per lineaz soot Y.26
7br Culverts OP 01ase 2 oompiete cash'. d
. ~ E
gbr 0alverts of Q1aas 2Z aa~lete ese~ ti,OO
102 Cttlvezta Of 01ads I2Z aowplete esOh
!oz Culverts of Olaes TP Ooaaiete snob
,-P 7.00 E
7br a i~h vttritiod yips Oulvearts - a.00 $
Conaoilaan 2rvins saes that the bid of l.R. 1?oa~t13? $e socept_p4, motion ds11Y seoondea by 0onraila~an
Reneeh, and Oarried. - ~ t '
A resolution awarding Lhe contra0t to Z.R. 1?erdin for the eQnst>'aotion of Cress wtiiks and culverts, was ;
introctu0ed, read in full for'the first time and laid over for final pasage.
Uj:on motion duly :adds and carried, the City Clem was fnet'1~0i~t to draw warrants for claims against the
City Por the r..onLh of .tbne~3'~09.
~ j A petition was received and signed by property owners on Fourth 3treot botween •E• and •I• streets,
askir~ the Council t~o proceed to pave fourth Street from •E• 3treot to ¦I• Street under Lhe Vroonan Act, ten
year bond plan payment, with the following materials: From •E• Street to •F' Streets to be surfaced with asphaltum
and 3 ft. cenent gutters, From 'F' Street to •I. 3treot, to be paved with oi'1 macadam and 3 ft Cement gutters, where-
upon Councilman Itensoh mows Lhat Lhe request bo granted and Lhe City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and
specifications for the improvement of Fourth Street from •E• to •I• Street, motion duly seconded by Councilman
Colo, and carried. ~ '
A potition wsa received signed by property ai?ners with frontage abuttli~g on Fifth Street between the
l?eat line of Arrowhead Avenue, and the Eacet line of •Y• Street, requesting the Council to order the paving o! Fifth
Street with 4 inch oiled macadam pavement with concrete gutters, under a_~d pursuant to the Vrooman Aot, whereupon
Councilman Irving moves that the request be granted and the City Engineer be inatruated to prepare plans and specif-
icatione Pot the irtpxovement of F1Y'tn street from Arrowhead Avenue to the Esat line of •Er Street, motion Quly
~•~-) seconded by Councilman Gweger, snd_oasried. '
The Pollosing caimmuiicatibn was received and. read to the Council at this meeting:
san Bernardino, Ca21f. ~711ne a8th. IJ08.,
To Lhe Honorable 3iayor and Common Council,
• ~ ~ Oity of San. Bernardino, Oa'12f. '
Gentlemen:- '
¦e hereby apply for an extension of Sixty (EO} days time for the completion of 14ount nernon District seller
A large rioR of of water has caused us considerable delay, hence cur ragnest.
De~lq' res~eotfully,
E.R, •erdin & Co.
By p.A. Qareon.
~^-} Upon the reading or tIIe~ foregoing requeatt, a' resolution was introduced =sect in fu3X,~,,the brat time
~ -, .
and laid aver Yoz final passage, Eranting the above request.
--,~_ rrity Eleotricisg, Hiaiss called to Lhe oormoii~;:atteAtioal to the repairing of tie",fire sisiliy~ryatem,
whereupon Councilman Cole novas that the setter be referred to She Fire Cosmittee with pyaez to sots mip'tion
. ~ m33y ~ eeeondeQ tAI 'Conaoihsa~Reneo2i, and earris~l. ~;- ~ ~ .
. ~ Ben3asia appeared before t2~'9arnoi2 and filed a ~etitisn sip3sQ by property oRnera wif~h tt o!
iroatage upon •D' street batl?een ~h Street and case Line~78treeti, as3lar t2~tL tlfsi! nasea bs nitbdrawa trot `
the psotest heretofore riled against the ispsovreaeart qet said •D• Street, and requesting that tAs Cottncii psoesed
at once to hpe •D• street i~apsosed a• hexetofoxe ooettes~Uted , whazet~ar~ ~?otioA du7Y a~aQ,e aa<t. carried, the '
petition wu referred to the 9t~t of streets' frith inatrnotiona to olisoY the sage aD with the origlASl p0.gtNrt
and report bact the nnsber of feet frontage ob'ecstint.
Cocucoilaen Renaeh moves that the Connoil order the sidswslt~and onYb cowtruoted along the South aide
~ of Sixth Street between •C• and •8• Streets, said welt to be paid to! by tLs Oity, fiction chi3r ascoaded b'
` Councilman Irving and aarrieQ nnamioualy.
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~ ~ 11~
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Attorney Byron Aators on behalf of 8. Stoddard preatsnted a protest against the improvement oY 'D• ~:.i`
l Straot, same was read in full and upon notion duly made and carded, received and riled.
Il Juno 28th. ZU09.,
To the 1(eyor and Common Council,
In the matter oY the protest against the paving of 'D' Street reSerred to cte Lo aheok, Z find the •
Yrontage is correot, except on the Street oornera whore the owners usually added fourteen feet t6 their
frontage. Thta will reduoe the frontage claimed on •D' Street by 248 Yeet, ea revised tho Yrontage of the
protest woulfl be hS90 feet or about 376 feet mots than a majority..
Yours Truly,
L.R. bathrop,
Street Supt.
Upon the reading of the foregoing aomru~ication, same wsa received and ordered 111ed.
Cout~oi~man Renech moves that tAe protest oY the property owners along 'D• street I2.•m TiSth !
Streot to 8aseLYne Streets be denied oA the around oS unanSiciency, motion duly aeconaea by Oonncilman ~
Coley sad carried.
Upon motion duly made a~Ld carried, the Oouneii adjonaied to meet Tueada!? esenina ~y Qth. 2D09., I
at 7:30 o'cioct P.Y.
Approwed this 8th day OY July, I806. ! / 3
ii8yor of the ClLT of Sou Berziardinoy Calif.
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1 .' ~ ' ~ City Clan o! tl?s city oS sun Bem~
~'r j
~ ~ ; Quo, Calif.
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