HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21-1909 Minutes
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City Hail, Ban Bvrnar<tino, Cslif. June 2Ist. I90A.,
Regular adjourned IIaetil~ oS lire 3layor and Common Council of the CStT of San Eo=nardino, held 1(on<tay
evening .lino 2Ist. ifl09., Tne meeting was called to order by Layox L{oNabb at 7:3b o'cloOlk P.fI. with the So2lowinP, '
r;embers of the Council present: Caunaiimen Holnes, Cola, 0*eaer, Rensoh and Irrina.~Qity Attorney A.F. swing and
City Clerk Harry Allison.
The ffi mites of tho previous meeting XeTe read and approved.
Reaoiution No. I60 A resolution of theflayor and Coz~on Council of the City of Sen Bernardino declaring
their intention to improve YZ Yernon Avem~e Sroa the South line oY That street to the 80uth line of Third Street
by naoadami~ing the roadwaY'thel'eDS and the construction ot•culverte and sutlers therbin. w99 read Sor the sacsond
dine and adopted by the tollolrins vote: Area Cole, Fbolabes,~OweBer, Renaoh end Ir+?inB. Nobs: Fohe. Thereupon 1(syor
1[oAabb declared the resolution adopted. '
-•y~ i~ Reaoiution Fo. I52 I. reaolutioal ordering the is~ra?eaoent of 3hird Street trom the MMat line of •O• Street
to the west iine oY •A• Street by maoadamizir~B the a~adsaUt triereot and the°eoaatsootiom ot'dvlverts and Butters then-
. in„ was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote:`Ayee: bole, Holmes. Owesbs~ Renaoh and Irvine.
Soea~Fone: Thereupon Mayor IteNafbb declared the reaolutlonadopted.
Resolution No. ISZ. A ?esOltltion orderins the improvement of Hass Liao Street in said Oily Eros the ffist
line o2 •O" Street to the center line of Raternan Avenue by maoadamisinB tIIe central twea~ty Soar Seet of the roams
way thereoS, and surface oiling a etrip:alon; said 1'oa4saT six feet 1a'w1dtA an both sides-ot `said maoadea and immed-
iately ad~oiniag the same and'tlie oonstruotion of culverts therein, lras-read tei' the seeoM time. en's adopted by the
follosinB vote: AYea: Ooie, Bolmee, 0lrerdet~ Renaeh" and IrrinRs Foes: Pone. ` 47~aeapoel' ~f'br~ llaFabb declared the reeol-
o2ution adapted.,, ~ _ .
Resolution No I63. A resolution ordering the iapawwement of Bret ltseet'Yrom the lest'line ad'1it Varnan
Avemie to the Hest Soundaly line of the Oity oS San Bernardino by maeadnsdxinB the aeatral tweasty 1MIas!'~eet of the
` '~~ roadway thereat and'surtemoe oslias a st3iy six Sect in' wiQth slaps gad oun bo~f3's1dA of add macadam and imr~eQiatelT
add oSaing the same, was read Sor the seooald• tine and adcpLeQ' bb? the' Soiioslais wore: jai Ogle. Holies, Owe~ler, Remsoh
,and Irving. Foes: FoIIe. Therein Wt7cr 3bF¢bb declared the soaolutlan adapted. ~ '
Resolution Bo. I54. 1 resolution osderinB the itptar~ant ,Ot 'S' a Slersaith Street"~ Base. Line street
and •A• Street in said Oily bbt having constractiotr thexeSn a sewer, was resK tor•~ the seoos~ tiele gad adapted bt the
Sollosins Yote': Oyes: OOle, Holies, eseter, Reassh and TF+?1~i. Roes: FaDS. lAsre~ llges ~ Qe+slare! tAe ~ol-
'. upon adopted. a , T.?
Resolution Fo. 256. A reeo2rition ottieainB the ispro~e~snt oS leird Street !1'ca the lrst line of *O• Street
to a point one thogsaIId two.lmsdred and ritzy acne feet west of the last iine os •_•~/ts`eet~ was reed in ibli tar
the second tics ffi1d adeptsd b0r the tbllos'inB vote: Ayes: Oo2e• Holaes~ Oseder" R~ and T3l1131aj. Felto. 'here-
upon YaYor YoFabb declared the resu2nticn adopt~ed.:~
?he resolution adoptiaB shads tree ~aoiriastioas to! llrroe~hsad Avena~e, was seed Zaa•. the titer tine end
~ laid over Sor Sina2 peerage.
, . _ . _ _ .r._.__.. ,
The resolution adoptiaa plans and proYilea and apeoiYioatione Yor the conatruotioh aY a newer in 'E• ,
Street and Brae I,1ne Street, Tea introduced, read in.1'ull Yor the Yirat time and laid over Por Yinal passage.
Resolution No. ZbQ. A rasoluLion oY the Mayor end Common Council oY the CityoY San Bernardino deoiarinr
their intention to ir.:prave:'G' Street is said City YrOII the Forth line OY Seoond Street to the South line oY Finth
Street, wen introduaed,.zead is ftitll Yor tie Yiret;time Cud Iald ovor for Yinai passage.
The resolution orderir~ transferred Yrosi the General Fund to the Park ZIIproveaent.D'und, tAe~a~,~fn of #I87.00,
also Yrom the General H4xnd to the Sewer Pend the sum oY ~lIQ.00 ?as intrudnaed, read in Yt17.1 and lsld over Yor Yina1
pasae~e, r _ ,
Councilman irvias troves that the matter of Reaternant Ligaor licenses oY.Japs bo referred to the Chief i
i of Police Yor irsvpatitation erne reccomepdatioa, notioat duly seconded by Cvnnollmaa Rensah, and carried.
• Conaaiinan.;r?inr stoves that the tlll.on 3ecapcl Street between,~P' and 'G' Streets be referred to the St-
reet Supt with power to Sot, motion draly seconded 1rY Caunoilmen Cole, six! Castled.
Councilman Rensoh`moves'thaL:the tttmtte! oY'a~.am 1iRht:'ov13r Le fadntain in I~1Bo park be referred to
the Part CCaleLttee TitII power to not, motloA duly feooaded'tiQf Cauaoilasn I~rin6,`snd nestled. I
. ~Oainoiiman ReASah reeves thht:the'ChieY oY Police be inatraated Lo`notity the ~ehanta'of ihe'City hot
to sell Mire oraol:er8 aces Your inches lon6i mat91o31 'duly seconded by'Cvr,[abl2man Irvin, sad castled.
Upon motion Qt1Iy made and carried, the applioatlon oY ld<. 'CSabtree 'for •a' $I Sioenee was Granted,
arxx hi a bond approved: ~ ~ . _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~
4 1 ~
ThO.stisOZ11t10a1 ordetin6 trarnastersred Yl"0! the QealeX8l'PancL L23D suats.OY' ~d.6o'to the •!r'- Streo! Ptutd,
also ~86.b0 to.:thta Tenth Btre~et ltsady Xae read Yar the second. time'aad seBOpted b)* a nasmione.iote. .'
. ~
Th;e YQl2owi.7~, y~9p0811.1Ca1' wsa yasB V ed_ SrO~ alts. 3e21t~t - h R'. R. i'AaQ~tyc iD~ read t O' tJl a Qoelilad l lII tT111: 1
San Bernardino, Ca11Y. ~2ne aIst Ieb9.,.
30, the lfayor and City.Coanoti: ~ '* ?
Centlesten:- ~ ~ 9 ,
Referrisf~ Lo Xept~ast' Yor a y~poeition for unioa4l~ pii` Zox i?e! Qtjr of Sea l~ernardi~ bed. twadvisa ,
that, we have a pleee;oY:land snlYioient Yor rata needs..~ust ~ewt,oS ens ail'tanta,on Pau,;th 8treet,'whiah i• '~
nerved by a squs tract. already ootnstrcotod and we will lease yaa'wZsnte?ersaaotnnt of thin land yca'require, at
. ' titLY (,~0~ } oegita par f4pt ~ tslieY iloRta~e ~ pe! anmauq. ' " _ _ i , ,
Thin alto is sbcnt f0! feet t~eom out oil Aewt3nE p1aM and .yotr can. cont>Ieot ap tith` oaz at"sa'~ pfpe and
we will 2urttiah steaa sftaa r
e4olaeQ far h~satia~ aril in ygeur taAts at "agate b2 aevoi3ty rile cents 'peFr Naas tar
90 poandi of etea>s t~vugt a oste ,inah' (I' } pipe. 1Hoilpm ohar~e rot turning oa the steel, se?estty Yi.e (!6~} oemta.
Tatuoe~t trrly -- l~
` a 9919 ~ ~ ~ ~ a .re I f w.R• ~aY, ~ ~
Upon the readlna of the Yore6oina ootaaattloatiAU,` tRnotrteiisetrf fkria~ awve>tt? that tD yzopoeltioa pt the ,
Boats Pe B.R. Ooapatm? Da referred to the Btreet~- astaaitiLa~a and Sit oz Utseete with inatsmettatne to iaveati`ate and
report buck to the Council, notion duly seconded by Conaoilam SeMOh and oarntea.
. -~__ .__,__-__ _- _-~-._____.-__f
'i.-~ Councilman Irvii~ moves that tho Streot Supt be dlrected to procure the deeds for the opening of
Tcnth Street, also move the Ponce and open said Street, notion duly eeoonQed by Councilman Rensoh end carried.
Councilman Rensah moves that the matter of the Colu2ty F:ospital sewer be referred to the street Supt
for investigation, motion duly seoonded by Councilman Irving, and carried.
Caurseilman Rensch moves that the Streot Committee be 'dlrectod to Lake up the setter of rip rapping the
Third Street Culvert on the North Side, motion duly seconded by Cowieilman 2rving and carded.
Councilman Colo moves that the City Engineer be fireoted to~pDrpare plans and apeoiricstlone for the
ImI;rovement of Third Streot from ~A• to Allen streets, motion duly seoonded by Councilmen Rensah and carried.
Co•.znoilman Rensah moves that the protest of the property with frontage on 'D• Street, this City,
asking the Counoii not to proceed under tho Vroomea got or e~ sot of law to order the ia@ravement of 'D' street
from Fifth street to Base Lii:e 8treat, be referred to the street Supt for investigation, motion duly seoonded by
~ Caunciimen Cole, and carried.
~ ~.-~ Upon motion duly made and carried , themap of the amended Baldridge Subdivision was received, aacepte~
and ordered placed upon record.
Councilman P.eneoh moves that the City Engineer be directed to prepare plena and epeolficatione for
the conatruotion of cement sidewalks and, curbs along Rialto Avenue from first street ta:ltount Vernon Avemie,
motion duly seconded by Oouncilman siMring, and carried.
A petition was received signed by the requesite member oP pmgperty owners with lYontege oa 'b' 8tretit
from the North baundsry line of fourth Street to the North bwadasy Tine of 1Pinth 8tieet~, askin6 the Oonaail to
pave said street with sheet asphaltum, whereupon Ooanoilman Rensah aoves that the City Eriglneer bo di?eeted to
~ ~ ~' '
prepare plans cross-sections and syecirio8tions for said wort, motion duly secsonded 1701 Ocuncilman TsRing, and Darted. .
A petition was reeeived~anQ =cad to the Council at this meeti[ig, asking the Oonnoil to reduce the width
oP Mayfield Avenue between Mnth street and Tenth street fYom sixty feet to rifty lest making itlin cmiSorm with the
~remalnder of the Street, whereupon Councilman Rensah moves that the reQaest be SranteQ atidtlBer'!!t7 ittos~7r directed
E.,, to prepare the necessary papers, action duly seoonded bq Couao11m8alrvin~, cad Oari'ied _ J
Open motion duly made and carrieQ, the Oouncil adjourned to aeet~Yooday eveid~ ~1me 88th. 1909, -
at 7a0 `o~elock P.Y.
Approved this 88th pry of Aiile~ ~J6 / ,
. ,'/~.-
f(ator of the Cit~?:.Cd !aa BernaMfao~ Ba1.~F.
~ Qith Oiert M tAe Litt of ¦as acs 0a11l.
~ c.
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~~'P^,, 4