HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-14-1909 Minutes
- san Bernardino, cal. dLine I4th. I909.,
Regular adjourned meeting oY~the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San BeTTlardino, he10. Kond~
evening June I~}th.~I809, The meeting wag called to order by Mayor McNabb st 7:50 o~alock P.N. with the to12o~.ng
members of the Council present: Cauncilu~an Cole, Holmes, Oweger; Reneah and-Irving. City Attorney R.E. Swing and
City Clerk Harry Allison. '
The mimFtes of the previous meeting we're read-and approved.
The resolution adopting the plans, cross-aeations and specifYCatione for the improvement oY •d• Street
Pros the North line of Second Street to the 3oixth lino oS Kinth Street, was read for the second Lime and aQopted
bb+ the rollowing vote; Ayes: Cole, Hplsea, Oweger, Rensah and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon 1leyor 1toNabb de0lared
the resolution adopted. ~ ~ '
' The resolution directing the City Engineer to p2epare puns, speolfioations and estimates of cost for tie
improvement of •D• Street troy the South 1,ine of Fifth Street to the Nordh•line of Base Line'A~enue, was read for
trio second time and adopted~by the following vote: 'Ayes: Oole, Holmes, 0weger~ Hensoh'and Irving. Hoes None. There-
' upon lAayor lloFabb deaiared'the resolution adopted. '
The reeolntloA awarding the abntraot Lo trio lCeilay Springfield Rosa Boiler Conpar~ for the puiohase~ot a
steam Road Ro12er, wa's read for the second time and adopted by the following rote: Ayes: Coie, Holeaes, Oweger,
RensaL-and-Irving. Noee;'~~lione.-Thereupon Mayor ![cAabb declared tRe resolution adopted'. -
Upon motion duly made and carried, Lha application of 11B.'CZabtzee•Yoi a plumbing licerme web !a!d'over
until the next meetiaa of the Counoii. -
- ~ The'resoiutinn of the lAsyor and Conmon Couneil of the City of San~Bernardino calling a speotal-election i
to be held in the City oY San Fiernardino on the 20th day of duly, I909,=Yor~tlie pvtrDcae o! sabffittiaa to the gaal-
itYed electors of said. City and the qualified eleotota ressdina in certain territory aq~oininasaid 01tY anti part-
~"'' ~
iaulary'in the resolution asacribed, the question whether swoh territory shall De annexed to ixbaorporated in and
beaaae a part of such C1ty, and appointing election officers and dsaignatin; poliitta`plaoes, eCt, was read in trill
for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Agee Coie, Holasa,-Oweger, Rea~soh and 2riing. lloea: Hons.
- lhereupon l[ap?or 1LCNabb -d;ealared the resolution 'adopted. - ~ -
' -- Resolutia~n Fo I60+ d resolution od~the~ltsyo= and'Coeson Ooonoil~ot`the°Cit7 os Ban Beruasnino dea7.aring
thedr intention to isprave f[t 7eraon 1lve~ie ri'os the Soath Line of First Street to ire eonta line of Third -Street
- t9 ss:sadamiziu6 the roadsffi? thereof and the oon.truetion of oulwerts ana gutters thexertn, was intrudooed, read in
'; i
2U11 !or the first time and laid owsz for !'ina2 passase.
j Resointion Bo. I6I d resolution orderiru the lmprove®ent of laird Street iron tAS Rest line'ot •C'
i. Street to the west line at 'A• Btreet by ¦soudaadfilT?g ttfe roadway`thereot and the aanstsuctian of aal7e~rt• and
gutters therein, war '~ntrodmoed, rear ~n 2lill for the tf rat tine Basra Said" oYer tbi~ final pisssEs. - -' ,`' -
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Resolution No. T52 A resolution ordering the improvement of Base Line Street in said City from the
East line of •C" Street to the Center line of 1~atermnn Avenue by 1[acadamiaing the central twenty four feat of the
f roadway thereof, and surfaoa oiling a strip alor~ said roadway six feet in width on both sides of said macadam
} and immediately adjoining the same and Lhe construction of culverts therein, was introduned,,read in full for
11 the rirst time end isld over for final passage. ,
Resolution Ho. I63 A resolution ordering the improvement of First Street from the 1Pest 21ne of fIt
Vernon Avernte to the Aest Boundary line of the City of San Bernardino by macadamizing the oentral twenty
tsar feet of the roadway thereat and surface oiling a strip six feet in width along and on both sides of said
macadam and immediately adjoining the sane, was introduced, read in Pill for the first time and laid over ;or
final passage. ~ .
Resolution Ho. I54 A resolution ordering the improvement of •B• Street, Elovsnth Street, Base Line "_
Street and •A• Street in said City by,heving constructed therein a sewer, was iesrodnced, read inn Mll for the
first time and laid over for final passage. ~ ~ ~I
Resolution No. I65 A resolution ordering the improvement of Third Street Isom the lfeet•line af,This~
Street Prom the Weat line of •C~',Street to a point one thousand,two hllRd2ed and fi2'Ly nine teat west of the lfest
• i
line of •I. Street, was introduced lead in full for the first time and laid over_for iiaal passage.
_ ~ i
Councsilman Aensch.movas that the request of the Arrowhead Avemie Improvement Club, ,asking the Council ~
to speoify the black aeaoie for sidewalks purposes_on said Avenue, wlth 1'ashingtonia 9obusts,Palns;st,8t~eet j
Corners. ba granted, and.the City Attorney. directed to prepare Lhe~ne0easarY resolution of IutontigAS, motion ~
duly seconded by Coundiman Cole, and carried. ~ r `s
This being the time set-for~the openi>>g of the bide for the sprinkling of Streeas of Lhe City, ease
were opened~agd found 4o De as follows: • ; t
Bid oY dames lroHai; • . ' .x.50 pet dn}?.. '""`''~' ' ~
8is of welter Tompkinq ' - 60~ De;,hanz. ~' ;
Councilman Reaseh mvvea that ,,ail blds be rejected, sad she oertified shears zeturned~ motion df1~y ~
seconded ~ Caanaiiman;Cole, end oatrled. ~
Councilman Reneoh moves that Lhe City enter into~a cpntrpgL with aseaozY arsd.Langford for the conas~+ict-
ion of an I8 inch sates on Z Street rrom Yirat Street to itf~7.~ ~8tseeR, ~'Ye to be',pia~se{t, in w3u~ aloess*ry for the `
propelty owners ; to oot#aeOt, motion :GUly seconded,byr Couneilaan Holmes, s~ ,carried. ~ ~ ,
The sesolntioa directing she Mayo= and City Oler][ io enter into a aontravt with tLS ~l3plta 1?ase~_tlompax0',
for the oonstructioa of a Z8 sixth sewer, was intr~od+.iee~, read is 2a11 for Lhe SissL Lime asd over for i'iD81 f
~ passage. - -
oouncilman Raaach noses that the City Hnginear be instructed to pl~epase )leas ae4 greoirioatioas aan
cross-sections fox tLa aonttrnasion oS an I8 ia~ sewer on~!?Z' Bt=?et bst*eea Tirst an~t(ili Str~~~raotlgat~4Wy
sectopded by Cowiaiiman I=vies. and carried.
r...~... _
6ouncilmari Reneoh moves that the Pest House eapenaes be disoantiimed, motion duly soconded by Crnineiiman
Irving, and carried.
Cow:cilaan Ronsoh moves that the claim of D. Johnson bo referred back to John Light with inatr;~etions
to Pilo a statement showing dates that redemptions were mado and paid into the City Treasuery, motion duly aeooi~-
ded by Coui~cilcu~n Irvi~;g, and oarriod.
Courcilman Rensoh moves that the Chief of Police be instlRieted to notlYy the shooting asllerys oP file
City, to close their places oY business at IO o'clock P.lt. at night, r-:otion duly aecanded by Ccrurcilmsn Cole,
and carried.
The resoJ.ution relative to the sum oP X238.00 heretofore paid into the City Treasuery for the aseesament
oY 'K' a~,d •Tenth• Street opening, was introduced, read in 1111 for the first time and laid over for final passage
Upon motion duly made and carried, 3. SP.erman was duly appointed to the position of Foreman of the Mount
Vornon Rire~~epartment.
~~~Upoi~ ~~otion duly, made and carried the matter oY the pipe on '4' Street betwee~A First and Second streets
Ras rvSer.ed Lo the>street Committee.
Councilman aeaiaoh rioves'•that the City Clerk be directed to notify the Southern Paciric R.R. Co and Lhe
Santa !e!I~~RS.,boy to submit propositions Yor the heating oY oil for Lhe City in writing, at the neat meeting of
the Council, motion duly seconded by Councilman Irving, and carried.
Councilman Irving moves that the matter oY sidewalk grade on 81ath Street between 'B• and •C* streets
` be referred to the Street Comaittee to investigate and report back to the Council, motion duly seconded by Coundi-
man Oweger, and carried.
Cotir~cilman Irving roves.that the matter of arc light at Cardiff Avenue and 1laterman Avenue,, also 9exenth
'; ~ and Lesher Avenue be referred to the Lighting Corxdttee with power to act, motion duly seconded by Conncilau,n Cole,
•,~1 and oarriod.
. -
Cour_oiiman Cole moves that the Gity Clerk be authorized to purchase one Burroughs Adding Machine ror the
sum of X260.00 same to be paid for on monthly payments oY X60.00 per synth, motion duly aeoondsd by Courailwan
Irving, and oarriod unamiously.
Councilman Cole moves that the City Clerk be directed to advertise for bide as foliowe: Notice calling
for bids for conatruotioa of Dross walks.
Pursuant to an order oY the Mayor'snd Oommoa Council, duly given and made at a rsgul,ar ~setinj thereof,
hold on the 24th day of June I909, sealed proposals or bids will be received by said Yaycr and Coe+mon Conrail vq? to
sad including the 28th Qay o! dune, I909, at the hoar cd 4:30 o~ciock P.M.rox 2USnishina ail labor and material
for, and the oo~;atruation of aboutL~33.3` iin. St. of Asphalt 1laoadam, oz, as an alternate thereto, Ceaent Concrete
Cross walks or gutter crossings for the City of S~ Bernardino, according to the plans and epecifioatios~ adayted
therefor by said Mayor and Cc®non Council oa the I?th day of April 2608, which sai4 pleas and speoiricaticros axe
. /~ now oa rile with the City Bngiaeer of said City, and to which ell bidders are referred for Sather particulars.
~`~- Bach bid or proposal must be accompanied by a oertllsd check ror an aunt or not less that IO'S of
the sun bid, and Rirniah a good ana sLrfieient bond in the amount or 60~ oS the sun bid.
The Mayor and Conr~t Cau7wil hereby reserve the right to reJoat an4? and s21 bid6.
1(otion chlly sedondeci by Counoilman Irvin, and carried.
Upon notion duly uwde and parried, the Council ad~ou27ied to meet Llordsy evelllti~ J1ule 2Iet. I808 at
9:80 o'clopk P.M.
pprroved this 2Ist day oP J`~ine 2808. ,
Mayor of -t he City of San Bernardino, Cal1Y.
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City OIerK oY the City oY San _
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