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06-07-1909 Minutes
Y • +I 1 I~r ~ far City Ball, Sari Bernardino, Calif, June 7th. 2900., Regular adjourned meeting of the Mayor and Coauaon Council of the City of San Bernardino, held Monday evening June 7th. I903, The meeting was called to order by Mayor 1(cNabb at 7;34 oalock P.Y. with the following members of the Counall present: Councilmen Cole, Holmes, Oweger, Rensch and Irving, City Attorney R.E. Swing and City Clerk Harry Allison. The minutes oY the previous meeting oP the Council were read and approved. Resolution No. I49, A resolution awarding the contrast for the improvement of Fifth street, Prom the lfest, line of •E• 8treoL to the 71est line of •I" Street, to the Johnson Shea Compaq, was rasa in frill a"or the second tine and adopted by the .following vote: Ayes; Cole, Holmes, 4weger, Rensoh and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon lisyor Yaliabb declared the `resolution adopted. ~ , Councilman Rensch moves that the proposition of the Johnson Shea Company, agreeing to plaee~in the fill the surplus dirt which aoanea ofP that section of Fifth $treet;whioh is to he m$aedamiaed between 'F• and 'I• streets Por the sum of 36~ per cubio yard, and wait six months for the payment of same, be laid upoae the table, motion dilly ` seaonded lay Counoilman Irving, and carried. ~ Councilman Rq~esoh •mgvee; that the petition for a newer. on TCkgrith Street between •8• and eC• stleegts be bt~ '_.• £ laid on the Lable,.motion duly seconded by Councilman Irving, and oarried. Coue~aiiman ia:•vi ~ n& moves that the request of the property a?uers 11 ng in vi' tho'1rl~l.aa$o~, r,tet *D• Staceet ' between Eighth and Ninth Streets oP this City, asking the CottRCii to hale that aertalA''si~-bv~Q~c~t,tEe west s~iQe + oP •A' street between ffightri and Ninth Streets abolished and removed. be retearred to the'Cfty Atta?itl! inet- 3ocstions to previsl upon the Varney & Green Company to remove same awtioa • ~y ' seaoa~led by Co~tnn Rensch and ~ carried. -~ ~ ~ ~ i Councilmen ZMag mrnres that the matter of sideralk and auwD along Rialto iwenue, be re2erreQ to the F Street Coaameittee with lntructiona to investigate and report beak to the Council, ration du17? seooMeQ lai? Cannaiiaan ~' { Cole, and Carried. i f ?pis being the time set for the open; of the bids for tAe Dttresriase of a ateeaa of ~asollane road roller, same were opened and found to be sa Poilows: IO ton steam roller ~82S0.0o xelier BA~anitield ltoile; IO ton 8teaa roller gppp~pp Yamop4h IO ton Steam roller 8860.OQ Y;eaaah~r BaatlaT Co i Oosauo3laa:e Aeaeoh s+e>r?ss that the hid of ttne Kelley Springfield Road Boiler Rfo~am? be aeoegRed and the t ooatraet tot ttbe turatsh#ua of one ten tan arses road roller De sisasdsd the said Kelley SpritagtYeld Road Bolles Coe®any?. motions duly seooaded Dy Cosuaeiiseaa taring and eatrlsd 10? fbs tollosiagt •ots: Ayes Aolmes, Reaess!?, ~M, Cola. Foes Owe`e=. 'Thereupon Ysyor dealareQ the motion carried. 'the resointieae awarding the eontraot for flea turaatshins of 4 teen ton Kelley Syrian field Road tbiier to ~ ' '~ the Kelley Bpringiiela Road Bolles Cotapat~pr, was introduced, read in full xor the first tiros and laid orer for rind passage. - _ 93 Couneilraan Irving moves that th© C1,Ly Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for claims against the City for rho month of J1uie, I909, as per claim register, motion duly seconded by Counoilman Colo, and carried by the following vote: Ayos: Cola, Holmes Owoger, Roncah and Irving. Noes None. Cw.noilnan Rensah mows that the claims for sltto hire for the polioe department for the month of May, 7,Y19, be referred to the finance committee to investigate, motion d~iiy seconded and carried. Councilman Irving moves that the City Fk~ineer be inatr~ioted to prepare plane and apeoificationa for the construction of a sewer in and alfing Rex Avenue, motion duly seconded by Councilman Reneoh, and carrlofl. The resolution directing the City ffiigineer to prepare plena, specifiaetions and estimates of coat for the improvement of •D• Street from the South line of Fifth Street to the Borth line of BBae line Avenue, was ~ introduced, read in full for the rirat time and laid over Yor final passage. ,- The.reaolution adApting the plane, ocoea-sections and yapeoificetione, io= the improvement of '0• Street Prom the North line of Seoond Street to the south line of Binth Street, was introchiaed, read in lull for the first time and laid over for iYnal passage. 3layor YoMabb submtitted the Hess ad B.!'. Himes'for the position as City ffieotriaien to take effect ised- iately, whereupon motion curly made and serried, the appointment of B.l. Himtls was appravoa and oonrirmed. -. 1[ayas Yal[abb subaitted the Haase o1 R.H. Hsaker, Charlea'1[eahau, lred Martin and boo 1[o0arvey, far ' special police officers at the City Parka to serve without pay, whereupon motion filly made and oarrled the appointments mere oonrirmed. . . Upon motion ~Y made and caxriea the City Clerk was authorised to dsanr s warrant in the saoRnt oS ~'7I76s00 Toe principal and interest on old water Bonds. ~ ' Upon motion filly made and carried, J. Foster was ordered upon the fiat to whom intoa:ioating liquors shall not be sold. - ~ Upon motion cbulY made and carried the lire Comeittee was directed to investigate the new fire hall surd . ' ~ report back to the CoWUSiI. ' Upon motion duly made and carried, Lho Street Supt was instructed interview the proyerty amore living eloag Aielto Avenue, west of Mount Vernon Avenue, relative to putting in a sewer. I, Upon motion filly 'ode end cari'1eQ. the matter of opeBtng of l~ingnean Street was laid upon the table. Attor~[Sit Syron waters, on behaifo~ dregary and LangloM euDsnltted a ps~opoeition of an outsell sever the diapoesi of the City sewerage, wheraupou Cannoiinan Rensoh moves the Council accept the proposltioii of flregory ' end Langford, and the City pay for oae third of the scat o2 sold sever to be laid ender and pDreuant to the Oity II~ineez 1'=o1r li*st and •3• streets,' to i[111 and •Z' Btzeets, the cost of said rower to be palQ out of the rental k of the sewerage aontreot, being understood that this proposition dove in nso wed oaasfllot wits the present ocmtssot, I motion aeoonded~by Coanaiiman xrvinS, an4 carried. . ' ~ Counol2nan Irving moves that City Reaith Ofrioer Ham be granted persdasion to burn this ooMsml~Mtted i( 1^~ ~ matters at the Pest Souse, notion duly seconded and carried. I k t ,r!~ !- ,k i i~ :ww i Upon motion duly made and carried, the natter of rsmoving of nanure from livery stables every twenty four hours be referred to the sanitary coi.-:ffittes with power to act. Upon motion duly made and serried, the matter of fruit stands protesting fivit be referred to the oity Attorney xith power to acL. ldoved by having, duly seconded by Oxeger that the cnltfall sewer matter be laid over for one Reek. Councilman by Councilman Irving, duly seconded and carried, that upon completion oY the outfall sewer on •;r' street, that the are,~ory and Langford contract be extended four a,Lorin of zs years Yrom date thereof, • Upon motion duly made and carried, tAat~the auLiail,.`se~rer„be Dompleted by September Ist. IWB. Upon motion duly made and carried, the Cotixx311 adjourned to meet 1[bnday evening ~e I4th. I808 at 7:30 o'clock P.1t. . .""~`~\ Approved th18. I4th. day of June I9Q r r ~ - lteyor of the City of .san-Beaiardino, Calif. ' - < i City erk of tike O1tY'oi sea Barnsdino. - .- ~ t i i i ~' " I i 3 '~ - ~ • ~ ~ ~ 3 • ~ _ r - 1 _ _ r ~ • ~ ~ [ i ~ _ ~ ` ~ f i l