HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-1909 Minutes ~-
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pity Halt, 3aI1 Berardino, Calif'. June Ist. I809.,
Regular adjourned meeting of the ldayor and Common Council or the City of San Dernardino, held lionday
evening June Iet. IJ09., The meeting was called to order by Liayor licRabb at 7:30 o~alock P.L. with tho Poll wring
members of tho Couneil present; Couneiimen Cole, HOlmea, Oweger and Irving. City Attorney R.S. awing and City
Clerfi Harry Allison, Absent Councilman Renseh.
The minutes of the previous meeting oY the Council were read and approved.
Ordinance No. hn ordinancse amendir~ ordinance No. 2E9 of the City oP San Bernardino entitled' An ordinr
sacs regulating the manner of aonatruction, s2tering, repairing and moving oP buildings in the City of San Bern-
providing for the issuing oP permits Por the same, for the discontinuation oP building and other struaturos when
dangerous to property, liSe or limb', adopted the 4th daY oY Atlgtlst, I806, was read Ior the second time end adopts
~ : -
~ by the Sollowing vote: Ayes Cole, Holmes, Oweger and Irving. Noes gone. Thereupon Ysyor 1isNabb declared the ordin-
f adopted.
Resolution Ro, i48 A resolution awarding the contraot Por the improvement oY YiYth Street, Zrom the Tebt
line of •I. attest to the Teel lino oY l[oant 9ernon Avenue, to.B.l. lord, was read ia.ihil for ~ha seoond time and
adapted Dy the Yollowing vote: Ayes: Cole, Holmes, Cweger and Zrving. Noes None.-Thereupon,llayor liagabb dealared
', the resolution adopted.
Councilman Cole maven that the protest of the property amprs with Yrontage on 'D~ Street, protesting
agai.ASt the removing oY dirt Prom said street be laid on the table, motion duly seconded by Cottnoil8mn bring and
Oounailmen Irving moves that the request of the property holders with property abuttin6 of •E' Street
1~'oa Base Line to Ieth Street, eating, the conneil to order the oonetivotion of a~seorez in and along said 'S'
+3treet be graAted, and the City ffi?gineer directed to prepare plane,~speciPiaatlons and cross sections for same,
^,'~ ' ~ ~
l motion nullr seconded by Conneilman Cole, aaa,earrled.
City engineer presented the'pla~s arose seotlons,and apeairications Por the paving of •d' Street
hale the NortA Line of Second Street to the South line,oS Froth Street with oil tatted yarement, ~sreupoa notion
du2ic fiends and carried ,same were laid over tzut~i the pact , nesting of tea Coanaii.
4 Attorney B.H. floodcell ed,dreseed the Council relatige to the proposed opening or.ICingloan 8t7eeet between
`- lottith and Tlith Streets, ffr. doodoell pn behalf or lire Eslar~ lit. Landau and Itrs Cola protested a;ainet the opening
o= said proposed street, aster re~este by 11.4., Riehardaon favoring the opening of >tlad7nn Street, the mattes was
laid over oatii the next zegular nesting o2 the Cvoaoil: -. ~'
i ,f, ,-
City Olen Harry Allison reported to SAe Cannoil at this meeting that he had ser+!e~d notice ~ Contractor
James Yolair for the repair of the cement pipe at the Antil ?root, whereupoII motion dulT:iiadis and varsied, the CStT
Clap was instructed to not11Y the Teter CoQOlssion os the serving of the notice. =
'~ ~1 Councilman Cole novae that the matter of phone' in lieadowbrook Park and the Cite- Qemetall,.Os sderrecL to
r tLe Parr Comtittee with po*er to sot, notion duly seconded by Cownallman2Isvtp~ and carried.
• f
' +
~' ~ '
Councilman Cole moves that the matter of burying oY dead doge be left with the Ch1eY oY Police and the
City Hoalth Ofricer with power to act, motion duly seconded by Councilman Holmes, and carried.
Councilman Izwing moves that the City Clerk bo instructed to drew warrants Yo"r claims Por the month o2
1Lay, ICOf3, motion duly seconded by Counellraan Coio, and carried by the Yollowing vote:•Ayea Colo, Holmes, Oweger
a:i4 Irving. Noes ?Done.
Ceur:cilnan Irving mores that the matter oY the F1Yth Street Culvert be reforrec~ to the Street Committee
wlfiih power to act, motion duly seconded by Councilman Owegor and carried. ,
Councilman Zrri.ng moves that the matter oY the Furst sidewalk be referred to the Street Committee with
to act, motion duly seconded by Councilman Oweger,`and carried. ,
Couneil~.an Zrving r..oves'that the Street Supt be instructed to collect the delingnent~asaessment o! the
Tenth Street opening, motion dory seconded by Conncilman Oweger, and carried. ~
Cwncilman 2rving moves that the claim~of D. Johnson be referred to the Finance Committee Yor isrestiaation, §
motion duly seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried.
f ~ I
City Attorney R.Ts. awing stated to the Council that the McIntyre Gemetrt CompBrR? had tiled a oertitied
check in the amount oP ;2800.00, also a bond in the'same amount, pursuant to their bid Yor the improver!ant o2 !12th
eat 2rom the west line oY •Y• Street to the Reat line o2 Yount Vernon Avenue,~wherenpon`Yr. Swing stated th8t Lhe
Coui~il could proceed with the resolution oY award.
3 r i i,
;,' Resolution No. i48. A resolution awarding the contract for the improvement oY Fii'LII 3t=eat 1Yo® the west
oY •I• Street to the west line of Mount 'Jernon Avenue to the Johnson Bhea Cole~assir, was rasa !ol' the rirst ties . ;
laid over Yor final passage. 6
Councilman Coie moves that the City Clerk be directed to advertise Yor bids for ,the sprint117j~.of the
ty Bt=eats of the City of San Bernardino, Yor a period o1 one. year, said bids shell be upon the base o~ a r~ato i
hour for each team and driver 2usnished and used, alt work to be done under the directiois oY the Street sp®t. ,/
h bid to be accompanied by a certi2ied check in Lhe amount oY ~60.Ob pstyabie to the Yeyor o! Lhe Cit7 02 San'
rdino, which check moat be Yo=ieited to said City~npon the 2siinre of the person, rirm or cor~Rtion bid:11n6 ~
enter in to the co~ttraot awarded, said bidder to burnisII a food an4 sssi2icient bond in the amoaaL of oI
~ ~ •
e contract price, bids to be'reeeived up to and i~saluding the I4th day oY June, I909 at 7:80 o'aloar F.Y., motion ~ i
Quly seconded by Causciisoan Holmes, and carried. ~
City Clerk Barry Allison presented to`the Council the Detitiot~ cert121ea coa'reot 2or the nation es s
ogrtain territory r? tae City; wssereapon same was received and the•City Attorney? inatrnated to Prepare an~oidinasOS
°llina n special election. ~ R
• y Upon motion du~Y ands and carries the Oounoii ad~ouzseed to s~eet FziQar esessis~ hose 4th. Z@08 st 9:80
loo1C'P.L. i@0@. u
Approved this 4th day 18, @08.~
GCS(' \ -~
' Mayor o2 the City of San Bernardino, ~ i
City Clerk of the City o!
San Rernarnino, ~s112.