HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-24-1909 Minutes 4_T .lc r t~ 1 City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. 1!ay 2dth. I909., Regular adjourned ~seetitlg of the Yayor and Com:•~on Council of the Gity of San Bernardino, held Monday May 24tlt.,I90D. The meeting wee called to order UY Mayor 1teNnbb at 7;30 o'clock P.M. with the followit:g nembor.+a of tits Council present: Councilmen Colo, Ilol;~ea Rensch and Irving, City Attornoy R.E. Swing and City Clerk P.ariy Allison. Absont Councilman Oweger. Ordinance fto.- An ordinance prescribing penalty that shall be instated by atty owner or person liable, neglocting or refusing to r.~ake repairs of sidewalks, streets, avenues, lanes, courts or plsoes, after notice, was read in lull for the second tits and adopted by the following vote; Ayes: Cole, IIolnea,Renseh cad Irving. Noes; None. Thoreupon ldayor Meftabb declared the ordinance adopted. Cotuteilman Irving roves that the resignation of Police officer L. Bigger to take affect Eiay 25th. I^09, !' be accepted, ruotion duly seconded by Councilman Rensch, and carried. ~'~-' Councilman Cole stoves Lhat the plat of the ~idl'idge Subdivision be referred to the Street Coeaaittee for investigation, motion duly seconded by Councilman Rensch, and carried. San Bernardino, Cal. 6~I4~09. To the Honorable Llayor and Common Council, • City of San•8ernardino, Calif. ~ Gentlemen;- - I j lfo the Board of Health of the City of San Bernardino, respectfully report that we have appointed Dr. J.G. Ham as City Health Officer end Secretary of this board to take effect .iUne Ist I909,.and recommend that he receive for Yiis sorvicea a rixed salary of X80.00 per month and necessary expenses inctu'red in the per~ormances~ of his duties as such o2'ficer. The said Aealth Officer 1a to do &ll~pathoiogiean work, such as microscopic exami~rationa of specimens of infectious deaceases, oher.,ical ©xaminations of milk and food, water and etc, without tlirther compensation and ' ~ expense. Yours truly, J.y. Baylis, Y.D.• Clerk of BOBM OS Health. Upon tIIe reading of the foregoing corrsuuniostion, Councilman Rensch aovrea tAat ttte appointment of Dr. i J.O. Ram for the position of City Health ofrice=, be confixsed, Totioa duly seconded by Councilmen Cole, and oax2iod. I; Ordinance Ro. An ordinance amet:dina ordinance Fo. 889 of the Clty of Sqn Beznar8lno entitled • An 'ordinarce regulating the manner of oonatruetion, altering, repairing and ao~ving oS buildings 1n the Oity of San Bernardino, pravidin6 for the issuing of permits for the same, for the diacontinnatioly of buildings and other 1 at;uctures wT.en dangerous to property, life or limbs, adopted the 4th day of August, S90$, was introduced, sesQ in thli for the first time and iaiQ over for final paasaQe. ; iI '~'i ! ea - -. i i -. I ` ` Councilman Rensch movee•that the request of the property holders with montage on 'G' Street, between Second Streot and Third Streot, as};ing the Council to includo in the proposed pavoment of 'G• Street, said '4• ^trE`et from Second to T},ird~Street,~be gi°anLed, notion duly seconc}cd b'r' Co~anci2:~.an Cole,- ar,Q carried. - i Cauroilr;an Rensch Roves that the rornittee's bo 1n~tracted to procure an invoice of all departments of the City, notion duly seconded by Councilman-Colo, and Carried. - fi.A. Richardson addressed the Cour:cil relative to trie opening oY TCingman Streot, between "6• ar.d 'Ii' and Fourth and Fifth Streot s, 1[r. Richardson asked that the Council proeeod to open said street under and pursuant to tl~e street opening act, whereupon Councilman Rensch rrevea that t're nsatter be referred to the Streot Co*.~r~ittee to investigate and report back to the Caunoil, notion duly soconded by Councilman Irving, and carried. ~ CouricilRan Irving moves that the invitation of the Bator Comniasionera for a trip to the reservoir and pw:;ping station bo accepted, Lotion c~'t1ly seconded by Councilman Cole, and carried. •"~ City Attorney R.E. swing Prosonted to the Council tho deods Yor the opening oY 'K••Sti'eet, whereupon °y u~otion of Couneilt~an Irving, duly seconded by Couricilmsn Holmes, and carried, same were accepted and~oi~deie~i"" recorded. Councilman Irving Roves that the claim oY E.R. Berdin Cor?pany: ~e allowed and the City CIerK instructed ~ to draw a warrant for same, motion duly seconded by Couireilaan Cole, and earned by the Yollio~rl.ng vote: Ayes: CoI~ ~gg Holmos, Rensch and. Irving: Noes: Nona.. Thereupon 1t~,YOr ldeNabb declared the order adopted. •' i . 1taY 24th. I~9o3. - ## CertlYicate of acceptance, - I hereby ee'rt'iiy that E.lt. Berdin & Co. , has coeRpleted the aonstruRStiori of aBphalt' macadam cross ~ walks in a satisfactory manner and the same are-hereby accepted." Said work was oe~pleted'ezcept as ~o s ~elr'ssinor details on April 29th. '. f " - i - ' A.b.' Sloan, ' ~ ~ ~'' i City Engineer. ' ~ c_ 3 Upon the reading of the l6reEoiir~, Councilman Cole, moves that sere be accepted and Piled, motions ditiY `f secandeG by Counall~n 2rving, arnd carried. n • The zeaolutioti adopting plans, cress-aectione and speciYtoations for the improvement o? Ycnnt 4ernon Aveirue from the South 21ne oY Tirst Street to~_the South line oY Shixd; 8tpeet, was seesd for the second time and adopted by the' Yollanring vote: Ayes, Cole, Holsi??es,Renseh and Irv°iira. Noes lfone. -Thereapoif lisYoz bti`'~Iarlas'ed the resolution adopted. Shia being the tine set for the opening oY tAe bide Yor the improvement oY ~1YtA ttteet•trows~ to f '2• Street, and there beisrg You; bids on file with tJre City Olert,•ee>me were Opened and found to ~e us 1ASi • , 'i '~ i ° 1 -._ . -- - ___w.a_._--- ~ ~' ~ BIDS FOR IMPROVEMENT. FIFTH .STREET. NO 34.~~„ ,.~E STREET TdI•STRleT~ L!V tAAACApAM - NIVERTS CUWSrtT$ CuLNa~[Ta OVLV,c R'r5 TOT/~l_ PIMr,CMiN t' C+Ot'rGIRTEQY« <'+l-A$Sr N02 GL.ASb No.a C~~.,6 X10.14 Gu!.58 h1o.t4 NAM£ ADDRESS ~ ~ ~~,v ~"FL 4T LfNerwFL L.NC.s.i,'FZ.' .aa Lew ~F=~ A,,,~au„ . NIT~t + , AM UNIT Aut T UNRRc. Awa, T LT AMou Y, Uyrt A T n P; AMO T a~OHN9oM S.IEA Co. R~veRa,vs_ IL~I -aO 145 7 1.75 4D3 IL 450 lt3 ~5 {.50 1LL 1.50 45 ~,45L Hl~Hwnr Corta~ CO. REVLAMl03 .da'/~ 435 1.7o Na.~~iG IRR! ~Y~ R D/O l E.KWe~cv~ri Co. Loo AriaaLeo .o9TS la><9 sc .8o L,J>s 9CS L + I wL ~ 4Ge I.~ I. 16s+7 + B.F Fe,to Log AN GEL•LS Ne era .RR: ~ R. P.~4....M.NARY 1W ST.MATE •16071,b4 i Cvancilr.:an Irving novas that the bids of rho Highway Conatruetidn C~any and B.~'. torC be rejected on the grounds filet said bids~are irreE.ular, motian duly seoaoAded tiY Cotuwilman Renaoh, and carried. Catu:cilman Irving moves'tnat the awarding of the contract Por tho irrproverent of Fitch Street from •E• to •I. 3treete, bo laid oven until the next Heating of the Cau.nail, motion dnlY seconded~by Co¢ncilrsn ~- ' ~ Holmes, and carried.. µ,'~ ~ ~ ~ , This being the time set Por the opening of the bide for the improvement 'of ?SYth Sheet from •I• Street to fount Vernon Avenue, and fliers being only Yive bids on.lYle with the Olty O7erk , same were opened r find found t0 b6 a9 follows: ' 803 i01[ LLAPlCOVEMtENT OF flCTfi1 S~R+~.ET ..s'rUu _ .~~~5'~i~~ a '+~.ir'T~~T,~TK9,rC~VtlCll,Qtl ~V<"~ ~ i a it ~ t rc_ ~ .p ~x xe,Yu il~.l ~a~,, i>a s t ~ .r+ O~,.ao~MAU~oww O.r-T..w1~!ER; F , Cuw,~T~~~i CuwcRTa;;I'.-! f 1~ ~ .-- . I - I I ~ R v..yic.Mwri to ~ 'NaZ tows 1W,. , ; . ." f ~ I ApORlS°J. ' Pwv~ q T~' ~ Ghi.NA ri s ~M~~E ~T T AMOJ.. ' AM1= ~.e. '' Sr i H~~~~a+,lAYf?6Na;,Co. I R.e~o....~0.8 .oZ 711L rI ~•of tSdt ~ 1.7e ' rss ZS +r t~rsa R Duo t~q.lNSO,~;~~aeAGo.,, ii,,rE~@'P!~ '~ .e4'ss3s ,7 2.e / I uo ~i ' E:tAiw~Cb: ~ Loa'A•~~t:ES 7s~s ', :~7a7i s ,ta' i mat:, E. R W k I PCTRa.,~~cPnv.wa LoS ArtGl,t~9 ~ .asp 4334 7 l.~ /03 t3 emu, 1.•e rRRi. R8 ( Bc E Fo•co Loa Anoe~ias ' $~Ia ~ ~,of ~oS9 77 tSo /t! 7a ~ , +~D53! . i~ _ ~ p,a~curtutwR`l EaT~«ewtt ~us'tS.~a ~ i , Councilman Irving moves that the bid of the'~i8h?eY Conetruotlon CoE~a~ be =ejected on the srault4a ~ '~,~ tint said bid is irregnlar• motion dOly seconded by Gonnollmsn 8olmes, and carried, Councsilman IrriRtr.~aaves that'the bid of B.l. ]brd for the improvement of fifth Street Prom •I• to Yount Vernon Avenue be actae~pteQ, motion duly seconded by Oounoilinen Cole, and r,arxied. ' Resolution 110 =48. A resolution awsrdittg the eoutrnot for the improvement of titth'Street trot "I't j to 1[oanL Vemon'Merme, to B.t. tots, was intrO~oed, read to iv11 for. the first tine and isld aver for final ' pnssage• Oou~i].aan'Cole raves Ltlat the Oity Olert be directed to sdvei!tise for adds far the purchase od . i ~ 'C~ C~r , . y~. j ~'r~ J~1~.i '~ 2 ; 9 ~ ~ 1 u, . Y =1 r~. ~'.. O ' lskt` I ~y, j Jl ~ . ~ ~ ~ _.w__~_ r _ it~ E I I I E . i ', ona standard steam or gasoline motor road roller, weight unloaded, not loss than ten tons nor r~ore than twelve tone, to be tested Yor weight on railway scales, to be equipped with d1PYerental Eoars, solid oast wheels, trained to track with not leas than two inches overlap, and provided with not leas than twenty Your spikes to each driving ~I wheel, draw bar of ih12 width oY roar roils properly brewed, steam rollers to be oil burners, and equipped with double engine. Bidders will state rated traction power oP msahine oYYored, said bidders to 2lltnish a certified check of not less than ten per cent oY the amount bid, and furnish a good and ~uPricient bond in the sum oY 50~ per cent oY the sum bia, motion duly seconded by Councilman Irvir_g, and carriod. ~ Upon motion duly made and ca~.~ried, Lhe Council adjourned to meet Tuesday evening dine Ist. I808. at 7:30 o'clock P.M. "mot, Approved this Ist clay oY Jtu~e, 2809 ~ i i t f Mayor of the City of San Bernardino, ael1Y. i i 5 y i Qity Oles~ of the aity oZ Ssn Hezzmrd- ino, cauY. I . s J r R •e ` _ .