HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-17-1909 MinutesCity Hall, San Bernardino, California May 17th 1909, ~~~i??? Regular meeting of the Mayor and Cotre:;on Council of the City pf San Bernardino, hold Monday ©ve~;ing tday I7t1; 2309, trio meeting waE onlled to order by Mayor McNabb at 7;34 o'elooY P.At. with Lhe following msnbers oP the Cau[ieil present; Councilmen Cale, Holmes and Renach. City Attorney R.E. Swing and City Clerk AerrY A711ao~[, Absent Councilman Cireger and Z=+?ing. The minutes oP trio previous meeting oI the Coanail, read and approved. Crdinanee Po -- An ordinanas prohibiting sparring [aatohos and sparring exhibitions within the City of San Dernardino and prohllliting the being present at any plows where a[ry sparring.r~atoh, sparring szhibition or prize fight is being aonduoted or oaZried on, was read in tall for the second time and adopted by the following vats: Ayes: Cola, Holmes and Renach. Noss: Pone. Thereupon Mayor McNabb declared the ordinance adopted. 'The resolution awarding the contraot to James McRair for the t1221[[~ of the 81zth Street Culvert, was ~ was read in iU.ll far the seeo~nd time anQ adopted by the toil a?inb vote; Ayes; Cole, Holmes and Renseh. Foes i Nono. Thereupon Ysyor McNabb declared the resolution adopted. The reealution awarding the contrast for the construction oY an eight inch vitrified pipe sewer in and along Siath to Lhe E.R. ?terdin Company, was read far Lhe second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes; Cole, lioimea and Renach. ?toes Fone. Thereupon Mayox McNabb declared the resolution adopted. Upon motion of Councilman Renach, duly seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, the reQuest of A.C. Kendall for e.leave oP absence for a paPOid of sixty date, was granted. aR~era ` Councilman Renach moves that tLe ordinance ordering property to Olean up the sidewalks and curbs within the City, be eriforoed, wad the'City Attorney directed to prepare a notice for pubiiaetion, to property holdecte, motion duly seoondeQ,~ Cagnoilman Cole, and carried. Councilmsi lielaea ;av~ that the petition for annezation of aertaia territory be recte~red back to the _ I committee foi.more s1g[urtures, motion duly aeaonded by Counoilman Cole and parried. Upon motiom of Counollaan Renach, duly seconded by Councilman Animas and worried, the'regnest of trio tt.A.R. fo= perai~de.~Lp ¢~re the pav121on for 3fenorial Day ezcersies lt6gr 29th. SCth. and eiat. was grsnte4, t ' Upon motion of Councilman RenaoII, duly seconded by Councilmen Cole, and~oarried. 'ltze City Att[fxtiey~ wsa directed to prepare an ordinance aallins a special election for the ar[netcation of certain territory witMn the County of son Herntrdino, Upon motion duly made and serried the bonds oS the veriona appW.ntive astioere rare received and approwed, Upon motion of Councilman Holmes, dzlly seconded b7? Connoila[an Cole, and carried, the app2laatiof[ Yo! s transfer os retail liquor lioenae o= 8.4. lEeahman, I.A.~Yeahem to ii.~. Senaon was granted. t f ' ~r i - ~- - - - f ~ ...-~.~.-.,.. . _ .~.en.w. .-.~. ._...r....+~ww.rr+- I f 1 5~ i? Upon r~otior~ of Councilman Rensch, duly seconded by Cauncilruur Cole and carried, the bid o1 A..E. Reitz for the repair of the Police Dopartraent wheals at the rate of ~2.C0 par nonth per wheal was accepted. Ordinance No- An ordinance prescribing penalty that shall be incurred by any owner or person liable, neglecting or reilzsing to rsalte repairs of sidewalks, streets, averYUes, lanes, courts or places after notiec~, was introduced, read in Hill for the first time and Iaid aver for final passage. - Councilman Rensch moves that the matter of procuring or leasing a.municlpal plant land be referred to the Street Committee, motion duly seconded by Councilman Holmee, end carried. Caurcllman Rensch naves that the request o2 bounty Treasuer Ii,D. Sibley in Dehalf-oY Dora,Rancock to the natter of the Tenth Street opening be laid on tT.e table., motion duly soaonded by Councilman Holmes, ! and carried. Yeyor YBliabb submitted the name of R.B. Lansir~ for the position of pollcer2an of the City to take y effect June Ist. I808, whereupon Councilman Rensch moves that the appointment of R.S. Lansing be approved, motion duly seconded by Councilman Cole, and carried. Councilman Reneoh moves that 'the appIiaetion of W.R. Porter for the position of Chief Inspector be laid on the table, motion duly seconded by Councilman Cole, and carried. The resolution adopting the plane and cross-sections and speisifiecitions for additional arose=walks F wa8 introduced, read~in full for the first time and laid aver Yor final passage. I The appiiaation of J.1t. Norris for a iranchiae, was upon motion duly made and serried laid over for j two weefis, ' The natter of water elor:g the gutter of fling Street and Second, was upon motion of Councilman Rensch, dSi]y seconded 11Y Councilman Cole, referred to the Street Supt for investigation. The s lioation of Co a •R• a for rmiesion to use the veaant room on the Bast side of the City pp mp ~ ~'Y Pe It pavilion, was upon motion duly wade and carried, referred to tIIe Park Committee with ',parer to sat.. t v ~ ~ Councilman Rensch ara'es that the msttar of s,n azc light is tl~e rear the City Pavilion be referred to f the lightin6 coasaittee with parer to act, motion duly ~aconded bq Co~nnallman Cole, and enrrisd. f. r Cou[:ailrsn Rensch moves that tIIe lire Ordinanoe be amended as per plat of lire Rea Y. Stephens, motion duly seconded by Counoilsan,F.olmes and caxried. Counoilman Rensch moves that the rive Ordinanoe to be amended De teSerred Lo the ?ire Chief, lire Co- ~ ~ttee,City httorner, Baiidin; Znspecstor,'motion duly eeoondsd LY Councilman Holman, and oerried.. Councilman Renaoh mows that the City Bngineer ba instructed to gse~psra piaris, syeoifiostions end ' YI Drofiies Yor the construction of ebment'ietdewaiks and curbs on botti sides of the 2oiiowing streets and all streets inside the bonnCarY of tIIp_same : ; r- , i r' - . Beginnin6 at the 3pterseatiap of •B• and Third.Btreeta, thence >iorih to base Liae',thence ?eet q~'Baa~r '~ r,;. Lice to 8treet,thenae South oa Street to tenth Street, thence Rest on tenth stze~t to •0. 8tseet;'the~e ~'` Saith on •C• Street to ES~~tA Street, thence hest on 8th Street to •I* Street, thence SaitA on •I' street an tDe '~. ~ _ ' t u`.~, }j°s F. .;:~i7 Y , i -;~~'; t ;,~t~ ,- ' .y._. __._..~v__. ----- -- - ~---.~...------- - - - - --- -....,..rte.-___ i4 '~ -~, East side to Third Street, thencoP!est on Third Street to Kendall Ave~rue, thenco South on Kendall Avenue to Second Street, thence EAat on Second Street to 'C• Street, thenco Nort]~ on '4' Street to Third Street, thence East on Third Street to •F• Street, thence South on •]'• Street to Second Street, thence East on Second Str©et to •D• Street, excepting that part occupied by R.R. Tracks, thenoe North on •D• Street to Third Street, thonCe East on Third Street to •B• Streets. Also Srnath side oY 'Third Street, Kendall Aver:ue to ltt Vernon, on Peet side oP Mt Vernon Avoiruo, South to Tislto Avenua, Both sidea oP •M Pth Streets iron •I• to ?!t Vernon Avenue, Both sides of LIt Vernon Avenue from 'Fifth Streets to 'Fourth Streots* Eleventh i7rom •B• to •D• Streets, j Aluo curbs on lloth aides to Bas© Line from •B• Stre©t to City LiAita, both sidea of •C• Street Prom Base ~ Line North to City'Li~it;, both sides Of FOUrth Street Prom lit Vernon Avenue to City Limits, both sidea o! Rialto Avenue Prom lit Vernon Hest to City Limits, both sidea OP ThirQ Street 1rOm •B• Street Lrast tp Allan Street, thenoe South on Allen t0 Mrst Street, both aides oP Alien Street Prom Thirfl Street to 1ii11 Street, Councilman Rensch moves that Lhe matter o! sprinkling oP streets of the. city be lest with tae j 1 Street Coprdttee, motion duly seconded by Councilman Cole. end carried. ~ a Councilman Kansan moves that a notice be published in both daily papers oP the city. noti2ying ail proporty owners to IImke sewer, water and gsa connections along the improvement oP the variaua streets, 4 r to be paved under the bond issue, motion du ly seconded by Coanaiiman Holmes, snd carried. Upon motion duly made and Carried, the Council ad~ournad to moat liondey evening;llar 24th. I909 at E 7:30 O'clock P.lt. Y Z r ~ t ~ Approved this 24th. day oP 1lsYr I908, ~ ! 1 3lsyor Of Lhe City o! son $ernardlno~ Oa11l. ' I e ~M . '- 01tY OS, Lhe CYty. o! San $el'nerdi.iw~ ~ Ca'~ ' + ~ i.