HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-10-1909 Minutes _.- . 5 i - €-~ f ' ~ City Hall, Sari L'ernurc3lno, CaliY. flay Ioth. I909., Rebular adjourned meoting of the liayor anti Cosmon Council'of the City of San Bernardino, held Monday morn- ' ~ ing liay IOth. IJ09. The meetii~ was called to order by Yayar J..T. HanYord at II o'clock A.Y1. with the following members of the Council present: Cowioilman Wixom, Ot?eger, t~xigerm:~n and Irvir~. City Attorney R.E. 3winb and City Clerk liarrY Allison. Absent Cow:cilr~an Oarner. The ~3nutes oY the previous meeting were read and approved. ~ Resolution No. I45 A resolutlon ordering the improvement o1 Flfth Street from the heat line of •I• Street to the Weat line of Yt VerIron Avenue by macadamizin6 the roadway thereoY and~the aonstruotion of culverts therein was read for the second time and adopted by the iol2owinb vote: Ayes ev'ixot",~Oweb'er, Haberman and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon Mayor Hanford dedlared the resolution adopted. Resolution No. I46. A resolution orderir?b the improvement of T1fth Street from the west 11ne of •E" Street r .a.i.,~:, - to the west Sine of •I• Street, by macadamizirtE the roadweY thereof and the construction of culverts therein, was ' 1 \ _ • ~ F ~ read for the second time and adopted by the Pollowin~ vote: Ayes: Mxom, 0*eger, Hagerman and Irving. Aoea Aone. Thereupon YBYor Ranfard declared the resolution adopted. YeYDr J.J. Hanford subr:dtted the reporLa•ot the 8xperta beret"oPore appointed~to attdit ythe bOO1Ca end accounts ' of th8 City Qtllciais, whereupon said report was read in tUll to the Council; and upon motion duly made and care • ~ _ ied, received and filed. - ~t upon motion duly made and carried, the Counoil adjourned to meet Monday evenifn~ xay IOth. I408 at 7:80 o'cl- - oCk, P.Y. 2908.E ~ ' Approved tlaia 20th. day of Yaq; I909 at I2: S0 o'clock. A.Y. ' ti; ~ -- - ~ Ysyor oS the City:of San Bernardino, Celif. ' ~ ~ r - City ~ oS LAe city os enn 9ernasdino" Cslifosini.a ''°; . ~ ' - .e . ~ ~ ' "; } ~;~.li '.. . ( ++ee fJ ~ - , ~ n '"~ ~ - 1. •I 1 R f .t °P ~ • "' ~ s I~, i it 6 ~ City Pall, flan 13ernardino, Calif. uay IOth. I908. 0 Regular adjourned Heating of the Mayor and COmmen Council of the City of San Pernardino, held YondaY , ~- evaning flay 20th. I80~. The meeting was called to order by Mayor licNabb at 7;30 o'clock P.Y. with the following menbere of the Council present: Councilmen Cole, Rolmes, Oweger, Renate and Irving. City Attorney R.E. Swing and City Clerk Harry Allison. p This being the tim© eat for the opening of the bids for the filling of Town OreeK Arroyo at Sixth St- ° reef i~etween •F3* and •C• Streets, sane were opened and found to be as follows: Bid of James YeNeir, ]'or tilling over Sixth Street Culvert 43~ per yard, Bid of Johnson Shea Company, yor filling over 31xth Street Culvert 66~ per yard, ""'~, Bid of Righway Conatruation Co, l'or rifling over,3ixth Street Culvert OQf par yore, j The Did of James YaNair being the lamest and beat bid, Counoilman Qoie moves that the ~ Jaws YnNair ~ k he accepted and the aontrsat for the rilligg of Sixth Street Cnlvort`be awarded thereto, motion duly seconded by Councilman Irving, and carried. A resolntioa awarding the contraot to Janes YoRair for the filling of the Si]Cth 8tlae6t Cnlv~t, was ~ introduced; read in ittll for the first time and laid a?er for 11na1 passage. _ si, 4his being the time set for the opening of the bids for the aonatruation of an eight, tnah.vitzliied i plpe sewer in and along 81xth Street in said City, from•tl}e,iltlsh,tank na? in piage* at a poddt in the center line of said Sixth Street Ditty-tYve Salt of the aerates line of •I• Street: thea~ae west along the oenter line r oP said Sixth Street to a point seventeen hundred and twenty feet weet opt the cantos 21ne of se3d~•i• Streets Their being only tso bide on rile, same were opened end tounil to be as follows: Bid of Johnson Shea Coripany, Sewed aonplcte ~ ~g„p0 Bid of E.A. werdi*? ~ Company, I~. Sewei, aoe~lete, per lineal i'ooL 74f 1[anholee, aolpiete each _ ;4b.00 ! nxsntants, oo~leee, ~ aeon aa.oo i the bin of the il.A. !cocain Oc~atsy? being the corset and best b'iQ, Caunollsam Zrrin~ Bowes that the It aontraat for the oonetruotlon of an efsht inch vitrified pipe sewer in and along Sixth Street, be awarded to E tho said A.A. werdin ~ Costpany; notion duly seaoncled b7 Oouaadlsan Oweger, and eaE7ried. ~"~ f Resolution Ro. I47. A resolntioA awarains the sontrsot for tZo oonstraution'ot sn e~~$R f?7at1 vits7~" led pipe sewer in an along Bixtn Street to the =.R. werdin Company, wasai~., read in 1!111 for the rirst tine and Iaid• Drat Sor rind 'iasse6e• ` r I -. NPF' I i.~l f, i * 'I ,.n v n. ~ ..mod; I v ~ •=.- CeWWniw.. _ -_ >..wmT.n'91'W.ail tall ~ ~ vW'~I~••'"` ~ iy -- ^iiii ~il~~~'- li:ID~~ ~ 1 .,.,,~,~„a. ~ ~'a } Ordinance No-- An ordinance prohibiting sparring Hatches and sparring exhibitions within the City of San Eernarctino and prohibiting the being present at any place where any aparrir$ raetch, sparring exhibition . 'P or pMze fight is being oonduotea or oarried on, was introduced, read in full for the Tirst time end laid over for final passage. Upon motion of Cowwilman Rensoh, duly seconded by Councilman Cole and os~ried, tae application of TJ.R. Porter for the appointment to the position o2 Chief Inepeator of PuDlio works, was laid over until the nett meeting of the Gouneil. The petition for a SranChiae by J;Y: Morris to oonetruat; operate and maintain an Elootrio Railroad for the torm o2 4'orty-.Nine yoars, over the route, and upon and alonE the Street, and portions of Streets of the City of San Dernardino, was upon motion duly made and carried, referred to Councilmen Cole, Irving and Ren:~ch, to report book to the Cannon. ~.' Caincilman Rensoh moves that the City Rngineer be inatruated to prepare plans and apeoifioationa, ', protilea and estimates, Sor the improvement of 'd• Street from '!bird Street to ltinth Streets, Notion duly aeoondad by Councilman Coie, and carried. . Oaus:cil~ean Cole moves that the City Clerk be directed to draw a warrant in savor of the 1tolntyre " Cement Compaayy in the amount o2 #104.74, for labor and'materisl in extra oonetsnotion of the 4enth Street Culvert, motlori'duly aeoondad by Councilman Renech, and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Bole, Holmes, Oweger, F.ensah and Irvine. Noes: Mona. Thereupon Ysyor,YaNabb declared the order adopted. Coui~ailman Owegei•moves that the City Clerl: De .directed to draw a warren! in=2avbz of the Yclhtyre Cement Company in the amount 02 ~I80.27 for labor and mateMal in exts~a coasti~uation o!•et~i Street'fiulvest, motion duly seoondwl by tionncllmen Roimes and oairled by Lhe'Sollowing Tote: xH.s: Cole,,Holmee, OweBer, Rensah and IrvinQ.-Hoea Mona: Thereupon Mayor l[oFabb deolai~ed the older adopted. ',,: Counailmau Irving moves that 'the City Ciert be direated to"drat e-warrant in•fawor a! the 1ioIntYSe , {% ~ i ' Ceme~ Comperp+ in the amour; of" X858:88 Sdr extra labor and material on •C• street Culvert, notion duly eeoanded Councilman Rensch, and.oariied by tho tollvring vote: Ayes Cole; Ito~ses,'Oweger, 8en~h Bind 2zti'iil8•. Moss: None. Thereupon ltayar lEoNabb deeiased the order adopted,. ' Councilman Cole moves .that all'eppontive o2fioes.in the 02ty of San Bettns2dino, be declared +eaant itltlB Zst. 2808, .motion duly seoondeQ `by Coa~iiman:Aensah"and aarried. " CourcliHan Ret~ah mares that all appointments or the llsyor De subiitted t17ed voted vpoa separately, j ~ Qu1Y seconded bp'Couucilman Ir?ins, and•oarriea by the loilosing vote: ayes: ltensch, OwatEer,'2]evi'ng. Hoes: Noises, Cola: :9'herenpon Kayos ]IONabb deolsrea tt~3 motiaat carried. ~ . i 1[syor Yoxabb subffitted the Hale of •.d. `SJfsy for the oSrioe of O'Adef ol,Yolioe, Tioe 11~ad seoooaae reso?ed, Lo tale edfAot 'Jane 1st. I908, w3ieseupon Counoilman•1leaasaa iwrss that 'the appodMmest of 7.i. ~ •s Ohief o! Poliae'be aonfYsaeQe•soti,n only seaondsd bq Cawiallman Coie, and oarried. ~;'' liayor liaNabb aubsdtted the naae•of P.J. Coeteilo fot the pasitio~n o~! Polioe tergeant Has D.1f. •iatom ~ `',`~'~ 1', [''~ ~ removed, to take e2feaL June 1st. 2908, whereupon motion of Oounailmsn Oweaes, dal? seconded by Counoil~ Cole, ~ ~ the appoirar~eat Of P.J. Costello as Poiice 9argeant was oonfitmed, notloII'oarsied. "'~f.r r ~ { ~ ar~ ` ~ 5q ~r}a.. _ ' ~ '`• a • . , ' a eh~ +-G_~ke ~i~, _ :~'~ ; ~ ~ 1~.:.t fir.. --~----__ - _ ------- -..,......---- - - ____.-_~ ~_T -----..-- - ----___ l C i "` . i' Mayor 1[c]Jabb submitted the name of Edward Poppett for the position of Police OYrieer of the Oity to take effect June I$t. I809, thereupon Cowrcilman Rensch moves that the appointeent of Edward Poppett as Poiioe ofi'icer be confirmed, motion duly seoonded by Couneilm:rrr Owegor, and carried. uayor ItcNabb Submitted the name of O.A. Bosley for the position of Poiioe Ofi"ieer of tho Oity to take effoot Jtime Iat. I909, linereupon motion of Councilman Rensch, duly seconded by Cour~Cilman Oweger and carried the appointment of G.w. Bosley as polico officer was confirmed. uayor licNabb summitted the name of Y.i,. 8oto for the position of Police Officer of the City .to ta3ce effect June Iat. I808, whereupon motion of Councilman Oole, duly :+econded by Councilman Irvit~ and carried, the appointment of Y.I,. Soto for the position of Police officer was confirmed. I[ayor 1[eNabb submitted the name. of Louie Kahn for fns position of Police OfSieer of the City' to take affect June Ist. I~JOB, whereupon motion of Councilman Cole, duly seconded by Caunailmari Rensch, anfl serried, the appointment of ..Louis Kahn for the position of Fo11ce Officer was confirmed: Yayo~ 31oHabb submitted the name of Halter Roberde for the poe#tidn~ot Poiioe Ofriaer of ths'City. to take effect June Ist. I908, whereupon Councilman Holmes moves that the appoi.i¢ment of wa3.ter RoberQB tot the appointment of Police Ot?ioer be confirmed; motion duly seconded bycCouneilman Rensch, and carried. ~ ldayor 3lcNabb aubffitted the°naaie of John Stewart fpr the position of Polioe Otticer;to take etteot i Jude Iat, Y808y whereupon Connoilaian.Owe$er moves that the appointment of iohn 8tetrart as poliae'otf~oer " '• be confirmed, motion duly seconded by Caunciltaan Ooie,:and"carried. Layor YcHabb submitted thQ Hams of Harry Reap for-the poeition,of Pollee OtYioer of the City toy t#ke effect June Ist.,,It308, wnereupan~CounellmaII Oweger moves that the appointment of Harry 8eap.far the posx ition polies oPfiaer.be coni~stMaC., motion duly seconded by Councilman Irving, 'and csarxied,. ,' f[ayor 1[cNabb aubmltted the Wane of l.T. Hendee for the position of Police Oitioer of the City LO take effect Jure Ist. I908, ><hereupon Counailnaa Holmes sovea^that the appointment oi'°1.l. Hendee for the position of polies ofricer be+eonttrrrad; Qotlon ctaly_eeaonded by Ooun~Iman sole, the vote of the IIoCnci7. ~ was polled by the C1ty C~ert~with the tollowin~ reeult::Ayea Holmes, Cole. BoeB: Reuncth, Oweger and Irwiil~. Thereupon the appointment was declared logt.. t uayor 1fcDTabb aubAtltted'tha Hams of A.L. ltloan vice self term expired, fo;'the aftiae os City;,•#ngino- er to take effect duns Iat. 2608, whereupon .Cau~~ailmgn 2rwfzK'movee tit the appoinment of •.I,. 8]ofrs°4Fs .Oity Engineer 1s o9pt37se4, lotion Qu7.Y seaondeQ by Councilman sole, and aerxied. .~" a IfayOr,LatfabD eubffittefl the base of L.R+Lothrop, vice Y.P. Ooimllrs reeap?ed, !or t2ee position at Affect ~ • s Supt. to tare effect June Tat. 28tie, n'lrereupon Counall~nn IrriDg macs that the appointment o! L.A.'ip~op as ` Street Supt. be confirmed, motion'Guly seconded by OvnnailuaII Coie, sand carried. j ltsyor fioliabb substttea the isams o2 A.H. Raaxer`fos the posltion of $anitor at Lago Pant i0 tape eiteot Jlure Ist. 1609, w'fzereuaon Caunoilaa{t Horses moves thgi Lhe appointment of A.H. Saaxer ae 7affitor at Lego Part be ocmTi]ened• motion ~YUIy seconded 10? 0e~undlman Aenso3, •aae carried. • ~- r . --- --.w__ - ._...~.._--- _ . _..~.-._._. 9 A.Jr f ~ ~ i Mayor Yc2tabb suUiaittod the name of Charles Yeaeham for the position of Janitor at Lugo Park to take effoot June Ist. It309, whereupon Gouncile~an Rensch moves that the appolntmonL of Charles Meacham for the position of Janitor at Lugo Park be confirmed, r,~otion duiy seconded Uy Councilman Oweger, and carried. Mayor YcNaUb aubmitLeci the name oY 6oorge YeCarvey for the position as Janitor at :foadowbrooK Park to take effect Jtittte Int. I908, whereupon Counellmar.Iiolmes,moves thnL the appointment of Ceorge YcOarvey as Janitor at. Yoadowbrook ParX be confirmed, motion duly seconded UY Councilman Rensch, and carried. YaYOr McNabb submitted the name of 5'red Partin Sor the position of Janitor at Yeadowbrook Park to take effect J1uie Int. I908, whereupon Councilman Coic moves that the appointment of Fred LEartin~as Janitor at Meadow- . , Urook Park be eonfirr~ed, motion duly seconded by Counoilman Iiolmes, and carried. ~`~`' 'Jayor YoAabb submitted the 'name of Ouy Flory for the offioe of Building and Plumbing Inspector of the f . t' ` i ,~' City to take effeat trine Ist.~ I909, wheteupon'¢c1t4,uoilsan Co10 ©ovb~ that the appointment of Cuy llory for the "~ ~ '~ oYfice of Buiiding and Plumbing Inspeotor be eonfixRaed, motion duly,seaondled bu Oouneiiman Rensoh, 'and oarried. 3 # Mayor YaNebb submitted the name of L.Y. Bart ram for the position of„3exton at City Cemetery to take effect J1u1e Int. I909, whereupon Cauncilman Rensch moves that the,appointmsnt of L.Y. Bart ram ea Seaton at the City Cemetery be confirmed, motion duly seconded by Counailman Coie, and oerri'ed: Yeyor YoNabb submitted the name of oeo Y. 3tephene for the,poeltiam of Fire Cbie!f to tats effect June Ist, I^09, whereupon Councilman Cole moves that the 4ppointmeart of.0eo Y. Stephens ae Fife CAief be oonfirmed, taotion duly seconded by Couneiilean Irving, gild carried. lfayor Yc2iabb aubmutted the name of Frank Starke for the position ~ AsaiBtant',lire Chef to take eSS- j sot June Ist.I809, wher~npon Councilman Rensoh mouse, that the a',ppbint~eant of lrtuek.3tax'te as dssistant 71re Chied -. , i be aonfirmed, motion duly seaonded by Caanel2-san,Cole, and carrieQ., ' Yeyor )[Clfabb eubnittOd the, name of ~'AiDez~t alatz, Sole the position ot, ~sa-wagop'~fver to tats efteat ' June.~st. I908, whereupon CounciiB¢n OpZe,~goves that the,appoinxment.02 µ~.bgx't,61eR$ !ox tT1e positio~.of Hose ll~gon Driver be oonrirmed, motion d]ily seconded by Counollman Renck and Rai'ried: Ytti*o; Ycl]abb; submitted the name of rilliam Lander for the position of Txttot Driver. to tats adteot •' June Iat, 2909, rtbareupon Councilman Rensoh moves that L~ atp~pointment of willies Lander es Driver Or the !root t ~ d•. be conrireed, motion duly seconded ]~6+ Counailman Cole, and oarrle e Ysyor ]btrfail~~aabadtted't~„!]e~e of ~?aa for the position of Janitor at tAe City IIalI to'tate effeat ~ ~ trine Tst. I9C9, whereeepoa Counoilman Cole mouse that the appointment as l.;5wan be aonilrmed, wotion du$ accessed j I ~ D'! Cvatncilmun Irving, and oarried. Bemardisw, Calif. Y8y 20, Ia09t . _ t~+= !o the Ronorable Com+r+oas Oounoi] Of, rise City of Sin Bernardino: i ;~~r! I Gentlemen: ~ . °y , . I herewith submit Lhe Ioiiowina appointnenta on the Board of water Coaadssie~ aab~eet to yvot! app- ; revel, ° w r' ~ , `- t'~~, .e ,'; ~ ~ ~ ~~' ~ _ _ _ A.O. Kendall, M.D. Katz ""~`~~ P.T. Perris, for two years term. I also beg leave to submit the following appointment as members of the Board of Library Trustees aub~ Y oat to your approi~al' B.F. Bledsoe, Vice se1f term expried, . Dr. A,K, Johnson Board of Health, ~ tar. J:N. Baylis, Dr. S.S, Smith, Dr. 6.R. Owens, Dr. L.W, Orme; R.A. shay, Vice Board removed RespectiUlly, S . W. 1[eNabb , Mayor. Upon th© reading of the foregoing co~nunieation, Couneilc~an Cole moves that the appointments of the ~' +ni 'mayor be appTOVecI and confirmed; motion duly seconded by Councilman Aensch, and carried. " j Itpoa motion o2 Ccnncilman ReASOh;. Qiily`secottA.ed` by' CotiAOllseA'8olaes and carrled~'thelCity Clerlt was directed to notify the vaMbua bicycle repairs shops to aubffit bids for' the repair of the police departments wheels. < ' Mayor Y4Sabb appointed the Yolloring committees', Mnanoe COffiEittee, Irving, Oweger and Holmes. r Llghtin6 and SeAitation, Oweger, IYving and Cole: Streots, Cote, Holmes and Aensoh. ?ire Department, Holmes, Aensch and Cole. Parka and C~etely, Renach,'Irving'and Oweger. ~ The rsaolntio~n adopting plans, oroes-seotiona and speolfiaatioAS for the improvement of Yonnt oe~ ~ ' Avenue from the South line oS ?irst Street to the south Line of Third street, was ~introdtlced, read in 21i11'ior ~ '~ the first time and laid rnrer for final "passage. 'Phe resoifztion adopting plans, cross-sections and specifications for the improvement of Third Street Iroa a point Tabs feet treat of the west line o1 "I• Street to the west line or lEt. Vernon Avertae, was' lntrodsioed a '~ ~ read 1A 11i1i far the first time and laid over Sos Yinai pesssae. Sara BernarAlno, Bn31=. Yet? 7, ie09, _ ?o the Ron. LtaYOi and Coe~aon Oounol2; ~ ~ a Gentlemen:- I present herevith for yourf ap~prowal,' plane and',sys3lrioatiens YO. 48 for ispro~eoeat od TMhd Street, .from •A• Street to 1111en street; and glans and specitiastions Ffo.id for asphalt maoadeua Dross traits, to De oonstr- ~noted to points inQicated bl• the Street Cor.ffittee, ` ~ Respeottu2ly A.L. Sloan City ~ineer. } a __- T..-.........~e- J X11 -~ Upon the reading of the Zoregoing co~uau~ication, Cotlncilemn Rensoh moves that the plans and speoifi- cations and cross soetions be referrAd to the City ALtoi~riay and Stroet Coe~itteo Zor approval, motion dolt secon- ded Uy Councilman Irving, and carried. Cauieilman Colo moves that the Oity Attorney De directed to prepare an ordinance relative to the 'cutting of 3treeta for water Heins; gas, arid aerrere, motion duly secrnrded~lry Councilman Hofinea, and carried. Upon motion duly made and carried the Council ad~ourifed to meek l~onhiiy evenir$'lday 2'lt2i. ~eC9 at 7:30 o'clock P.id. , ~ t - . • ~ ~ ; ~ Approved this I7Lh:'day oZ Yay, I808. ~ . G ~ ~r ~- - Iiayor oi' the City of San Bernardino, CaliZ. City C erk oZ the Oity at Ssa Betna3'Qino~ 0a12Z. ; . ' ~ ~ ' n -~ ~ ra ~~', i , -; e, '' '~ } t