HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-1909 MinutesRegular meeting of the Mayor and Com3non Council oY the City oY san Bernardino, held 1londay evening
'~ May 3rd 19093, th8 meeting wee •called to order by 1(ayor J.J. Hanford at 7;30 O'olook P.11. with the Sollowirg
z~'`~'~'~ffiembera of the Council present; Couneilaen Garner, Aiaom,-0weger and Irving; City Attorney R.E. Swing end City
(ilerk Harry Allison. Absent Coutiesilman Hagerman. i
The reading oY the minutes of the previous meetings, spproved.
•~' Resohitiori po. I39. A resolution oY the 3[ayor and Common Council o~ the City of San Bernerdlno,' dec-
~'" Y`. taring their intention to improve ~T2iird Str`set' from the 1leet~line of •0" street to s point~One Thousand'Two
~.j(`` ""~'~vl~undred and ?i Yty pine feet meat of the (feat line of 'I' Street, was read' in 1'nll for the second time end ado-
~,~" ~pted by 'tTie fcllowinH vote: Ayes: l/iaom, (lamer, 'Oweger, irvina. Hoes: None. Thereupon 1L8yor Aa71fo?d deei8l~ed ~~j
r a;~v.`.-::. - ~ r
iR?° ,the~resalution adoptedc ''' ~ ,
Reaolntion'Ho. I40. A `xeaolutiam of 'the 1[a~or snd Cosaton -Council'oS ~t7ie City ~of 3an Bernardino, deo-
'`"` '~~';r~ 2ai'in8•their,intention t'o-itnprove rirat'street from the 'B'eet line of lEount rernon Avenue to'the hest D
fine oi'the City of can Bernardino~by ml?osd8uizing the caa?tssl Twenty fous•feet of the roadway-thereof and sur_ '-
-~ ~ x oiling a strip 81a feet in width `along and do `botA sides:of eaiQ ttaoadam end issa~ately ad~oiiiina the ssa~e, a .''
r ~-
* ~ a read In full' Yor the seooud'tiae and'ad9opLed by 'the folloding ~totd: kyea: ' wiXOm, oeiner, On?e~ati aSk1 Irving. ` '
'ti: ,floes: liaSle• 'TAereupam Itayor Bnniord`decl'ared the resolut2o~i'.adopied. - _ • ~
".a ~ ~ r'.,•
r~, Resolution po. Z4I. 1? resolution of the ilayor and Coe~enon Counoil or' ttbe City "oi asn 8ene~+dt'ao, giee•- :
` ~macadamizingttheiroatdway~ thereof and' the onstiucstion*of aniwerts, sn~'ggritt~erstt ~~ein was =end iII ful3,',Etor '~
~#.3ss second time an4 adopteQ bq th0 foiloring vote: lyes; wizoa, ORlner, «?e>a~ rs~t#y '~9ife: lhep*. ~i,~4
0 d.l-
e:.s aai 1ISj!Or Hanford declared the r@SO112t1Cn $dopted. . .
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.~.~'.' ~" ~ l~esoluttoa loo. IS8.1 rssoiutToa ai' the szsd ~0ors~on`Coursafl ~''. ~ ~=e~•' i ="',.
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4•M~,~ theirSiatent#on to ire Base Line street' iron the~slast'line of "B~''8!~ so`thb pa~.?$
. ~
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etr~a Arenue, by ¦soadaestsiag LAS oentrtil Twenty four~ieet od the roi~xr ~ and "e'=s13~ e`, '`
`~~pg eaid roadway sin feet in TidtII on'both sides of said maa~adaa mud sa.reaEta~e~'-~ • ; fasme<~ t x~.
_ i x~
K, ructi~ of enlverta tAaxedn~wets s+egl~ 3n lull for the second tree and adapted a~q~, . ~.x
~'~IOSt, Garner, Owe~per~ and Zrving. Hoes. lane. Tf~pretipan lieyor Aanford declared the resolution ""
. ~ s~~
Reaola~oa Ho. Ids 1 resolution awardiesg tlis ooitiraat rar'.the isDroresient ad '0' ~ireert ~•'~ yr
!'line oS sase Line Strea'R to the -Hortll ltae~ti~ tris ~~'~' si"~He~~`'``tis~~' • ;~'.
~ 1
' ogipa~r, was read to 21c0,i tes t~s second ti'e and armed ls~the ioilartu~r•e:°~t~e,~: •H~zaa~•~~ °
~ t. `
", Irvit~. HOOa: Hcae. 'ffiereapae 1Ea7o2 deO~elred f9s resolution sdoy'ted. `' ~ ~ ,
~~°4 . ~ Resolution Ho. I48 A resolution aa?ardinR Ehe o~Ot2flaat i+er t3~e'iscuent o! "~~,? 1Cirsei ~
-w AAA of pinth Sti~ea~i to the lo7etL'Siae at Bass Line Htreet,'to t~ Jo~ni~n'`%MMw Oaw~„•#~r'~~td
f P nd tine and adopted by tLe followlAg vote: tyes: wizou. Oaraer, Owe~ear and Ir?111H. Hbest Hoad:~
• 4~. ft
rd deolered the resOilstion adopted. - "• III
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Resolution No. I44. A resolution awarding the contract for the improvement of 'C• Street from the North ~
was read in 11x11 far ~
line of Third Street to the North line of Ninth Street, to the Highway Construction Company,
the seoond time and adopted by the following vote; Ayes: l",ixom, Garner, Owe$er and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon
1Aayor Hanford declared the reaolution adopted. .
Resolution No., I48. A resolutiot[ ordering the improvement of fifth Street from the west Line of •E•
Street to the treat tine of •I• Street, by nacadatni21n6 the roadway thereof and the.oonetruation oP culverts thereln,
was introduced, road in ttxl.l for the rirst time and laid over for final passage.
Resolution No. Z4€~. A reaolution ordering the improvement of Yifth Street from the Rest line of 'I'
~ Street to the west line of lit Vernon Aver[ue by maoadamizing the roadway thereat and the conatxuoLion of oni•erta
~ therein, wsa introduced, read in 21x11 for the rirat time and laid over for final passage.
s Upon motion[ of Councllman Garner, duly seconded .by Coiuxailnar[ Rizom and nestled, ,the request of {i.R.
Barcume for an extension of 40 day for Lhe oompletlon of the new rite"ball, Iraq arantedt .
Upon motion GS Oounei,iman lizom, duly seconded by Counailmar};IZvn6, 8na agtsted. tl~e City Cies'k was
instructed to order an era light pisoed at the intersection of tassel and Ilth StreeLa.
won motion of Caunoilmen Garner,, duly seoonded by Gouaoil,loan I;Rina, 8nd, oewl'ri~+, ?he City Engineer
was instructed to prepare puns and specirications~tpz tDe oonstruoLion of an .8 inch setter in •Q! St,~eet.3s ter
North as Ilth Street..,- - .
She followins coas<unicatioa was reoeiyed and read:
. $4n Bernardino. Gal. Yay I, 2908,, ~ .
To the Honorable'1~ayor and Goeeom 6ouno1l, ~ - .
'!he bzici~e uulrsrf si Tgnth 8;zest Ltae beeA ooaplate4 sUd aecepted.,?t will, AO necesgerY to arrange
tox t2ie r 11111na of the AI! ~ arss ~ os tantCaeall .will ~ Sq~,ralr ,all o~ wMeh ssA?
a!( LIIie cvhert, 6780 oubio .yasdR
be secured try aladiIls oeztain Stseets in the;,northr?est Dortion of the GitY, with an awerage,Aaci oZ ltbout fifteen
. ~ ~ f.
hundred,teet. the specitisations ~enbs~ltted fos the Sizth Street rill wil3 aexve also fQr,?g22th Street.
' $ee~erstiZsil~
• l.b. SiosA>
. ,
~ ~ ~ <'
Upon the se~4lai oat ILDe toreKolaE, Cauxailee~ Oatfu~s s[o?ss tAtt the City = DO--ieQ to yEep-
,are speeifieatiioni =or. strs Sxl~ o~ tlse ~o owe; tiro att3Vert at lento Stseet, notion 4%17 seaond~ `i1f Ce~ls[an'
K Irring, ate carried.
'' ,~?asiiae~,~¢ s.tDat the aisle oz 7oun Rtchetrds is tie a#a~a! ot.s4s.~ f0E swot of small-i+oa
teats, ps rs~eotea: swtion ta1T ~ br• Gaanoilaaa ZS?i~ and oasaried..
_ _
~lh~ .
L/ `
-'l~e The petition signed by electors of tha Oity oS San Bernardino, asking the Couiioil to subffit to the
electors of the City, the question whether such territory herelnaSter described, shall be annexod to, inoorpor-
ated in and made a part~ol such municipal corporation, upon proceedinga being had and taken as provided by law,
~ the territory to be annexed to said City is doseribed as Sollows, to-wit: Beginning at the point o1 intersection
of the n~icidle line of •A• Street with~the North line oS said City, and extending Lhenoe Aorth along the middle
line of •A• Street to the `North sine o1 Rancho San Bernat~~ino; thenoa Aeat along said line oS Ranaho San nerna-
rdino to the middle line oS •0• Street eztended: Lhenoe South along the diddle line of •O• Street to the North
batindary line of said City of San Beruardino, thenoa Beet along the North boundary line of said City to the plea e
of beginning, wen read to the Caunoil;aiid dpon motion of Cotinailman Garner, duly seabnda4 by Councilman Irving
~ and serried, said petition wen =eierred to the Oity Ciert to cempare with ?he Great register and report book to
jg"' the Caurioil. ~ "
s • 0vuna~~9n (iernar moves that the Street Supt. be instracted to proceed s~reepiug o11lftreeta witA the
• ~ new rotary eweeDter'herbtofore yuiohased,'motion duly"teobeldsd bf Coamailmen Irving; and carried.
` Upon motion duly made and carried, the reports a1 the various oSi'ioere of the City were received and
tiled. ~ ~
Upon motion oS Qonnoilman Fixom, duly seconded by ConncsllsnnsIr*ing, the City duditor was instruot~ed
~- t`o draw warrants Sot the claims sgalnet the City Sox' the month of dpril,.i909.
Councilman Garner moves that the matter of the oollecstion o1 the personas'property taxes, unoolleated
by the County Ottieials be reSerred to the City ?ttorney with parer to got,
sty Clerk be Suet _ . _ _ . ~'
Councilman Garner moves that'the o tasted to demand the last halt oS the City taxer
Zrom the County Auditor, eaotion duty seconded by Oounoilnan lrtzo~e, and ~o~arri~ed:.
Councilman Carnet mo~ea that the City Clex°k be emposaTed to employ help to Olean up the IFeyors o1=14e ~}y~ '
#, Soz the incoming ltayor,'motiou t131Y seconded br Oounollman Oweger~ and carried. '`".
Co'.~nellnetn Carner_ma~?es.tDat _tL~a_Qitr ~giaeer be inatruoted to Prepare Dime and speoiSioations 21or •
_ v ~ =a
. 'additional doss-salks', .~aoti~ du7.y 'saoonQed by Councllmn wizoa, and Oarrled. ,'.~~:
~ ?enth Street Bridhe Culvert, oertirioate o! eaceptanoe. '~~
'I hereby certisY that the llolntyrs Ce®emt Oorpanyr has oo~lsted the oonstraotiaa o~ the Tenth Street
Bridge Culvert"~,g-s~tistaot~ manner, and Lhe sans is hereby aaaepted.
,~D` l.b. flo~m, ~
• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1_~
. Oity ~'.
'. t '~~s. H
.U~ t?le readied 01 the toragoin; =epo1't, Councilmen Gexaeor oowrs t8at tLr rase ee accepted and the
. report Siled,~~~Lions¢~*fseoaaydsd D'y Oautiollman yizoa~ and carried.
~ Oourailmen~ Garner a+oves that Lhr City An~ditor be instsasted to Qaeaw a wssrant is favor o! the , ~ ~'
Cunt Company in the amount o1 ~9LCI as payment o1 entimtte •o. '3. motion duly reaonded br Councilman Rizon, s :~,,t~"
and carried by the fo11ow1n6 vote, Ayes: Wixom, Camera Oa'eger~ Zrvins. loess hone. ?hereupon lRx!'oy ltaAlord deo- '"
fared Lhe motion carried. '3,
Oifioe o1 the City >o6lneer• Yay I, I809.
' I certify that F.R. werdin a Co., gave performed Lhe following woxlc under their soatraat for
y.w..+ w~il~i rritiur.nrr.~--°~~' HNri~ .u.,wrs~.a+$i .w '~',~ _ ~+JxM 1:$r., . ~
------- -
° ~
of Asphalt haeadam Cross `.7slka, dated January 23rd. I909.
0829.35 Lineal feet of asphalt maeadan cross walk, 34 Culvert°a of Class No. I. 38 Culverts of Class
tip. 2, I07 Culverts of Class No. 3. .
A.L. Sloan,
City Engineer.
Upon the readinE oY tho foregoing report, Councilman Garner moves that same be received and filed, motion '
duly seconded by Councilman Zrvitzg, and eai2led,
Upon notion duly matte and parried, the City Auditor was-instmetdd to Grave a warrant in tavos 02 B.R.
l7erdin & C~TiBIly in the amount of #38SI.29 for the construction or Cmas-walks, the vote oS the Council was
polled by the City Clerk with the Following result: Ayes: Wixom, Garner, Owe6er and Irving. Noes jione. Thereupon ~
3[syoi Raeford declared the order adopted. /~'"
+Jpon motion dnlq made and carried the City Clerk was instructed to reteh~? t3ze inaui~snoe policy of C.w. s
1longhan, EE
Upon motion duly made and carried, the Council adjourned to meet Itonday morning i[ey IOth. I90a,+at IZ
o'clock A.l[:
~ ,a Approved this•IOth day oS,YBy, I909
f[ayor the City oS Sea Bernardino
• ~
~ e~&' o! tale City trzl' Set? He2~sr+d~cW,Calil. ' . ~p
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