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Minutes from 1909-1913
CITY OF SAN BERNt1RDINq CA MINUTES 1909-1913 START p c~ fi ~ City Flail, San Bernardlno, Calif. July 22th. IE)08., Regular adjourned resting oY the Mayor and Common Council oP the City o1 San Bernardino, held Monday evening .TUly I2th. I809., rho meeting was called to order by Mayon Metrabb at 7:30 o'clock with the following members of LI'ie Council present: Councilmen Cole, P.oln~~ea, Renaeh and Irving. City Attorney R.E. Swing anti City Clerk Harry Allison. Absent Couricilm~an Oweger. The minutes oY Lhe previous neoting were read and approved. Ordinance No-- An ordinance providing for the keepitta and raintainiiig oY liRhta and barriers along and upon Streets irhen the condition thereoY is dsr~erous, and prohibiting the removing of said lights or barriers and the driving in and upon said Streets, was read in lltil Yor the second Lime and adopted by the following vote: Ayes role, Holmes, Rensch and Irvira. Noes None. Thereupon HeYor YoeNabb declared the ordinance adopted. ~ Ordinance No-- An ordinance raouiring apermit for and the inspection oY ail electriciel wort ~ ~ or wi M ng~done or performed within Lhe City oP San Bernardino and providing-roles and regulations to,be ioilcwed"by persona, Firma or corporations installing, connecting, wiring or otherwise putting in place eleetrieiel wires, connections or apparatus within said City, was read in toil for the secsond ti~+e attQ edApted by the'tollo~wfnr-..vote: Ayes Coie, Holmes, R9natsh and Irving. Noes None. Thereupon Mayor 11CSabb ~ decs]_sred the Oi~dinanoe sdopte~. ~ . ~ • Resolution No 28I. A raeoiution awarding the eoatraot'to the Ban Bernardino,Aardware goapa~ for the aonatrucstion of an eight inch vitritie8 pipe sewer in •9• Streets, alevonth Street, F3ase Line Street and •A•,Street, was read'in`,1U11 for the second tlae and ad~opled by'Lhe Yollowi~ vote: Ayes Coie* Holmes, Rensch and Irving. Noes None. Thereupon YeYor NoNabb declared the resolution adopted. District ALtorney T.S. BYZne en behalf oY the;CoOIlty of San 8exflardlno aeEed pex~seion Lo construct an'S incth sewer along .Rialto Avenue from the Aeatern Boundary limits of said City to Yount 9ernon Avenue, whereupon motion of Counoiluan Renaeh duly seconded by Ooarailasn Cole, the request was '•y granted. , ~ } Councilman Renaoh•goves that ther~be cIIreatgd to oolleat oha~~,tOS oc~neatlona on Rialto ~ Avemie sewer and turn same over to the County, motion duly seconded by Cgttnoilasn Z'tvinA, and carried. Cotsnailaan Rensch novae tIIat the Health.Ottioer be directed to noti=y the property owners with frontage on Rialto Aveame to connect up with the proepoped sewer, motion cDaly seconded b: Cvnnoilmn Cale, and carried. Couiiollman ReAech sauce that the Stre~rt ComLitt~ee be authoriBed to ast fax brae for ansba along and on both sides of TMYd 8treeL between 'A• and Streets. aoLion duly seooa~Qed br Oomwilaes Soie, and carried. ~ ~ . This beir~ the time set for the opsnlna of the bids for the 1a~prowemaM of Tirst Street txoa the Teat line of 1[ount Vernon Awerue to the Teel balndary sine of the City, seas were opened and found to be as follows; -. ------T.T----- - ~~u . BIOS FoR /Ml~ROVEMENT OF F/RJ'T,f'TREET No38 MTt/ERNdNi9VE ToW STC/TYL/M/Td OT~~ O/GElJ, MACAD~IM SuRFAC,E 0I[.E Z~ t PAYEMCMrT P/4YEM~'NT INO~ /S>70•S.G SQiT. ~ Nf~ME f~D,Dh'ESS. /wr/r ' ' ~MOU.vT' /TPigM MovA~T /1'GELE.P ,D.f'~' .0 478 J HN1'o~V ~'~r.E R/VERJ'/DE .09 ~' r9 J ~ ~ .~' R/FE ono' %~Y~' /YEDL f~iYD.g . .0 ~3!~ 3 / .oz ~ a- {%Gi/N/,gl~C'D/1%.1'T/9(/CT/D/?'C O J~~D L~A'D 8 .09 is a ~s ~ a . o t~s c9 : ,fc ai - , s~AE'.c~Miy~f7)'' EJ'T/M/~TE -- 3390.6 f~H'/QRD To ToNA~Jo~r JNEj~ The bi3 of Johnson Shea Company bei[~ the lowest and best bid, Councilman Cole moves that the bid of The Johnson Shea Cou~atry be accepted the the Contrast for brio improvement o~ said Pirat be awarded to the said Johneoa Shea-Cos!pa~y, r:,otion duly.aeconded by Councilman ErvittE;^and carried. j Resolution oY awar4 No I62. a resolution awarQina the contract for the improvement of Mrat Street from th'e'weat line~of )fount 7ernon Avenue to the peat poundarY line of, the City, of San, Bernardi no,-,.wan introds • . . i ed; read in full Yor the riret time and laid over Yor Plnal p8ssa~e~ - '~ • i Thla beint the time net for'the opening oS the bide for the improvement of Third Street from the , . - -~,~ •eat line of •0' Street to a point One Thaueand two hundred and Pi Sty nine ,feet west of the Beet line of '2' 1r-. Street, same were opened and found to be sa follows. 1.7zo~ir .3~or .oveifi~ein!` o~ ii~;d"~ `elE i'i''' +' o ~' `Firoir'i~Bal't +~se~`:' ~?Jbii~ea`f"c' y 'o$ /Q/~~a~ ' E~ ~/QO70sKSd ' w 1 • ~ . otJA'L e' C OM• / ~ A' ~L Y ~ Af . i4• Ji/Yr I . + ~ ~ :3r Ei3w ' `A~etes ~ 1 r- ER~Idl71 ~' O • • ! ee e s w, ~dtmT?~c?'y F_eL'slnns's~29~Dio I~a•cv.~dad.~L~,IO.YYar'dr~a+c ! 1~I ' - - '!Le bdd or .~t;R.,llexdin Lc Co'be~.na the peat bid, Cvana33maii Rensah mores that the 'Dontreot be awardeQ'to trio s.a. ~erdin Oo~arQ? ia~z tae ta~prcr?e~ieait 'oaC ')hind Btrestw moticai cffi2y aeoonded- -' - . _ . by Co~alisan Irtint a$d oairled: ~ '_ . ,-° ~Le folYowina psatest sae reaeSwed s~ read: , _ - i41'. 9 rath. '. ~ a To the Sonorable 1LeY'or and Oeetie®en of the Oonnaii, ~ i ~ ZL is our belies f~hat tris bid oS E.S. ~exdia ~ aa. was aDVat thZee aimtes isle. is a spirit oi:Sai=neas"to bath pasties we re~aest`tihat•this Batter be aoneidered be?ors awaraint the wort tb the werdi3lc~ ~ - Qo 11e do not tare this notion Sar arar otbex reason than tAat trio lowest bides leaalit ~ Est tDe wait. ~ j , laisohil4• ~1'mOxe wi'iton Co. ~ j , E.P. Coawey?. ~ ~~"1,, is Oounaiimsn Reneah naves Lhat the pzotest be domed oa'trie Sroands that said bid oS E.R. 1?er4in was Shed in due time, motion duly aeaonded by Cadreiiman Irrlna, and asisiod. ' Resolution lto IaB. ~ resolution swardins the aontraat foe the improvement of 31rird Street, from the fleet line of '0' Street to a point One Thousand two hundred and fifty nine Seet Pest of the Rest line of •*'~Stroet, to the E.A. nerdin Go, waa introduced, read in Rtil far the rirat time and laid over Sor rims) i W.~ J J _ T , ~ passa6e+ , This being the tike set for the opening of tt!o bide for the i~:~pi~ovemotit of Third Street from the I?est line cf "C" Street to tho hest lire of •A• Street, sat o were opene~t at;~i frnircl to be ae follows: LBl'O~S.for im .-ov~amen~`o 77tiro~ ~i-e'e~` No 42 Ftots C'~`~r'ce~' ~o ~ree2 ` erta er i s}~ vet Mot.dM) A/t~.ft/Jn/I C o I'+~1I:, Cj s?weir s .fA C ~.wre APMe /1!crme .~aa.-esa ..ford.... Lott i4i ` elev s rw Ri.f'eono~Lbve Ft'eo~lono~'.~ t q~ r LY7frpP.CLCO ~bpr.tL'de .06 a.se +ss 'e u I ,~- ~ f3-e2 zm zit ary .E,r dim ate 5~9 4.5'0 ~waro~ed ~e Hz,9fiuray~wxt~ G•o. ' Counoilman Rarisoh mwos that the bid of the ffi62n?ay Oonstraction Co~Q,+any? being the lowest and best bid~for the improvement. of said Third attest S7eoa the hest line 'of :•C• Street to the ~~st line 'of •Ae Street - _ - be awarded the isontraot for Lhe 1s~ra~reioatrt of said 8treet,: lotion duly seconded'by Cvas?allalau ~Qole~ slld carried. ' FCesdlutioII Ao 'IQS A resoint3on awarding the oontraot'for the improvement of Third atreet.,i]ep~ the _ Real line of •C" Street to the lfoat line of "A' Street, Tas,introdnaed, r+ead.in 11211 xor the fi=st ties n~ laid over for final pass8ae. ~ ~ '`~` ~' . f -_ - This'beinE' the time, set for the ope~na of the bids Por the impra?eeottt; or Base Line Street in said Dity,.,~rom the ~s6t line of •C' Street to the oe2rtex line of wstex~n Aveme, scene see oD'ened,and found to - ~ ~ , ` ~~~<- pe as follow: ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- y, _.' _ of ~ r a;fo1- //h ucmen~' o~',Sa.?e Lfne ~P~i-ec~- /Yo.~.~ r+vrar mar?"lii,~ cd'~ , ' -' . ~ Vetme o'd~+eaer F + c Co ~' herb ~ ---= . a-,~ ' - /~}-e2~miitary ~a~ainv~ 9s'2o.~0 ~svord ~o ~-i. Fdro! ' ~ y The 'bdd of B.?• ~brd boiud the 101?eet and beat bdd, CounvilaaA Qoie 81OPM that th6 bid Of the B.l. ~brd Cou~anpr be accepted and the oontrgot fao~ the improvement ai' said Buse Line ~+trest bs awarded thsr~to, emotion ~,3' duly eeoonded by ootuscilasn Irving, end carried. °' `^' Resolution Po Z84 a resolution awnMint the aaatraet to tae B.Y. ~bxrt Oospar~? for the ispravesrent of . Ease Line street Eton the =set line of •C' Street to the oe2iter line of t~atermsn Avem2e, was introduoed, read in _'~.. ~ full for the rirst time a22d laid aer for rina2 passase. • ~ *b ~ ~ e n F}, ', i~,j -. ~ 40 "'~ ~.._l Upon motlon duly psdo and carried, the Ctnlrtcil afFjauned to meet Monday evoninS July 29th. I30 • + at 7:30 o~ciook P.M. Approved this IBth. d8Y oS JU]-Y, I908•+ l[eYor of the city of San Bernarino, Calif. t oftne City oP San Bernardino, Cal t C1eT![ i~ Ci Y i a-•.t 1 k r i i j . r ~ - ''% s a !'.c V i~ ~'~`t' } / • } 1 t t .,.,.,.~..~.,,,._„w. -~- -_._ . -_ . _.w_._... . ~ City Rini, San Bernardino, Calif. J1ily I©th. I908., Regular adjourned nesting of t2:e b.ayor and Co,.on Council of the City of San Bernardino, held Llonday evonin~ Jtitly ItJth. Ia09., The me~tir~ was called to order by kayor'1Sc21abb aL 7:30 o*eloofi'.with the tollaring ' membeas'oP the Councll ~presant: Counoilnen Cole, Rolmes, Owcger, Renaeh and izving. L'itY:Clerk.Aarry A12ieon and City Attorney R.E:~ swing. The sinutee of the previous heating ware read and approved. ' Resolution I83 L resolution awarding the contract for the improvement os'lMrd Street from the Xest lino oP '0. 3troot to a point Qne Thousand two hundrAd and tli'ty nine feet west o2 the peat line of +2• Streot to The E.R. 1?erQ1n Compaq, was read for the second Lime and adopted by the following vote: /Ipee Cole, Xolmee oxeger, Reneeh and Ir6ing. Foes: ]tone. The2attpon 1[gybr YesTabb declared the resolution adolited. ' „f ~ . Resolution bfo.288. A reeoluiion_swarAing the oontraat to the Johnson Shea Co~igr for the impror- ement of Brat Street Prom the Rest'~line of Yount l/etnon Avenue to the Rest line of the Clty, was read for the second time and adopted by the followir~; rote:- !yea: Cole, Aolmes,'Cweger, Remsoh and Irv3 ~ na: Aoea: Roue. Thereupon l[ayor 1teNabb declared the`resOintion adopted. Resolution Ro I64 1t reaoZutlon awarding the contract toy B.7'. lord fort the improvement of Bees Lina Street from the 3ast line of •Q• $tr~`to the center Line os lditerman Ave7i¢e, ras read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ages: Cole, Holmes, O~sger, iteafach gad Irviiu: Hoes: Fone, 4herdnpon Mayor 1[oNabb declared the reeolntlon adopted. Resolution No. ~I86 a esolntioII awardl7sS the oontraot'to'the ffi~ Cors4m.etiou Oompat~ for the . R ~ improvement of Third streerLltrom the Rest line at •C• Street to the west line at A'Strodt wae're~d tqr L3ie second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes Cole, Yo].mes, Owe~ger, ReASOh'a7td 2rvlnr. Toes': Tone. Thereupon 1(ayor 1[cFaDb,deelsred the resolution adopted: ' The resolution adopting the plena and apeoiriaetlona for the imuravemeat of +D" Street t1~os Tif'Oh Street to Base ?,ins street, was introduced, read to trill tar the rirst time and laid offer far ft~l passage. The reeolntlon adopting th~'pla~,and spealflo'atioais for the improvement of fifth Street 27roa 'C+ Street to •E• Street, was introduced, read 1n !rill for the first tame and laid over for tim~l. paei~ege. ' The reaolntiam adopLing the plans'sIId speottioatioas for tIIe improves~eat :nt YCioat 9sraasr-Awes i tzo© the Eotath lice Hof ritth Street to the Sonih line of raarLII Street: lheAOe Eut ~ on ]berth street to the ' 1lmits, was introduced, read in 1ti11 Sot the first time and leld aver !'o]C ring! passagw: '~ y Councilmsst Rensoh aa?es that tDe, Dropositlon of t2?e s CA=istian le~perance Vn1op to erect r a fountain where the present iron one now stands at lMr3 and +D• Atseet ba aeoepteQ with ttlsits,,motion ~ duly seconded by Coanciltnn ir?ing and carried. Mayor LlcNabb appointed Eugene b. Gardner and '.siiliam Ifathen Lo serve es'epacial policeo2ticers without compensation, whereapon Conncil~n Irving, daly seconded by Connoilmer? Cone, tIIe appoirstments fret e ~ ) approved. ' I ' ~ r~ 1 _,.a _ - • """~ . r Councilman Renaeh reported as to the coat of the proposed oil tanks and pub to be ~I4I6 or thore about, complete, set up and ready for use, whereupon Conneiiman Aensoh that the City Enbinoer be direcsted to prepare plans and speoiricationa.ior oil tanl[s eto to conform with Councilman Rensch's report, motion ntt1Y ' seconded by Councilman Irvin~,.and carried. . Councilman Holmes reported on the condition of the near.fire hall to:the offeot that the hall was i completed with the exception oY minor details and reoeomended that the balance clue X200.00 to be zetained ~~ntil all eorapleted, whereupon Councilman Irving moves that the City Clerk be instructed to draw a warrant j in Pavor of contractor O.S. earoume for the balanoe due o! oontraet o! fire hall leas ~Z00.00, notion duly seconded by Councilman Cole, and carried unamioasiy. ~ 3 i The library tRleteo9 riled their animal report setting forth the amount o! money to be required, ~ for the oamin~ Year, whereupon motion of Counoilman Cole, duly seooteded.by Counoilman Zrv1t~ the report wsa 1 received 4nd filed. ~ ~ '~ Staved by. Councilmsn Cole, duly seconded by Councilman Holmes that the bill o! C.S.Bea®er !or ser- vines in aollectit>~ of City Tazea be paid, notion carried unia>edonpl7. • ; the Mayor presented to the Council the advi~bility of~pnrohasin~ an Auto lire ~aon,,,+rheremps~ 'v CalifcilmsII 2rvin6 moves that the Pine Committee be zequested,to imreatisate as to the prloe~of..:purohasinS s an Auto rite waboA end report bank to .the Convail, motion duly aeaonded Zty Constoiimsn Oseeer, and carried. s upon notion o! 0canailmeui 2rvin6, duly seconded by;Counellman:Solmea, an6 Oa+tried,'the street was instruated to purchase a small oar of tUel oil. tDpon ~aot~an duly medal anQ,oarrieQ. ,the ,Coangii aQjaurnad to asset ~86so! Blreninlt~ ~L?~Y 1909., eft 7:50 oalooX. P.)t. ~ . ~- . igproved this a'dnd day .o! J1111, 2909., . ~ . , . ~ - a. . r sssllliii ~ 1 . .~.i 9r.a ~yay~p= oS the Qitq of San ~ernerdino, Ca21l. . i. • Qit,T Ql~, cif ttla W.t~ Of 31st- ~ ~ ! r ~ t,~~yr , I', tom., ~,.,..n. a~.~ _ -- - .- _ _- . _ _ , - . t i t '~ ~ E San Bernardino, Oeli2. July 32nd. I808., Robular sd~ourned meeting ~Y tT_o Etayor and Common Council of the City of $an Bernardino, held ThuredaY evening July 22nd, 2808., the meating waa callod to order by Mayor LIO14abb at 7:30 o bioog P.l(. with the toiiowing ti7enbore o2 the Council present: Counoiltnen P.ohaes, Rensoh and Irving. City Attorney R.E. Swing and City Clerk Barry Ailieon. Absent Oounoilmen Cole and Oweger. Ed Reber addressed the Council relative to the payment o2 a plumber license, whereupon Conttcilran Ronech moves that said Ed Reber be exempt from paying arpr license, t:;otion dt2ly seconded by Couroilman 2reing, aFid carried. upon motion duly seconded by Councilman Irving, the Council ad~onrned to meet Monday evening Jhly «8th, 1808. at 7:80 O'oloolc, P.3[. .-~ ABProved this 28th. daY of July 28pe. Mayor of the Qity o2 Ben Bernardino, Calif. ' '^~ ~ ~ ~ i Qi*y 010rt, OZ t.De ~ty:'Ot OsA Be]!F . arA1AO~ Qslit. _ - ~ , , i 1, _r ~';. r b~. i F City Flslian Heihardino, Calif. .ht1y a6th. I909., Regular ad~aurned Deetin6 of 'the bSayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, held Monday evening July aBth. I009., 1RIe nectin6 wee called to order by b[ayor 1dc2labb at 7:30 o'alook P.M. nos` ` with the following menUers of Lilo Cato~ci2 present: Councilman Holmes, Owe~er, Irv11I~. City Attorney R.E. Swing and City Check Harry Allison. Absent Council..~en Cole~and Rensch. E J The ffinuLes of tho previous meotit~ of the Council were read and approved. The resolution adoptirta plans and specifications !or the it4proveaaent oY Filth Street from Street to 'E• Street was read forthe second time and adopted by the fo11ow11Ig vote: Ayes 4iolnes, Oweaer, Irvill~. Noes: None. Thereupon Mayor 3SeP,bb dcciarod the resolution adopted. ~ s The reeolutiaai ad~optins plans and speciPioations for the imprrnreZnent oP 'D• ~tireeL 2rom Fifth i Stroet to Base Line Street, was read for the eeeond time and adopted by the 2ollewing vote: Ayes: Holmes, 1 Oweser, and Ixv,in~. Noes NOIl©. Thereupon ldayor McNabb declared the resolutlon adopted. The resolution adopting the plans and specifications for the i~rovement of lLount Vernon Average .from the South line of Fifth Street to the South line of Fourth~8treet thence~We~t on Fourth Sheet to City Limits, was resd for the second time and adopted by the foilcyr?inS vote: Ayes Holmes, Oweser, Irvirla. E k hoes Rone. Thereupon Mayor YoHabb declared the resolution adopted.., P i A petitlon s3jiled by residents residin~-in the vicinity o! Seventh Street i'roo •T• Street to ¢ 3[ount Vernon Avenue aekinS the Counci.l,to acids and oi; tnat,pgrtion of Seventh Street great •I• Street to I Mount Vernon Avenue, whereupon Counoilaan Irvine moves that the matter be 'referred to the 4treot Supt wit2t # instruatlone to irnestlaate and report bacH to the Council, motion duly seconded by Cv¢noilaen Oweaer,'end v carried. A petit#oatlas Zeae~ted:i slgled 11Y residents and tsz-payers of the city, proteatina e~sinat the aioainyr needlessly o! the [ftreets o!'the eity'to the inaornlenier.ae o! all delivery men, Q~s, a=preeBmen and every one who does batsinese'in,this City. where motion duly made and carried, the matter was referred t _ to Lhe street Supt with instruotiona to sat. Ysyor Ydltabb submitted to the Cotlnail, at thi$ meotirla hie nessaae to the !lonuSfii, ~ poi same a was read in 1U11 and upon ®otios duly made and carried: sane was received and ordered filed. Ordinance Ao, sa axdlnanoe rizin` the neoossarY amount of > to De ratsed b! texatioa va the taxable property o! the City o1 San Bernaldino as a reaeaae to varrY oa the tlarious departments o! tAe muMaipai ~ern'eut o! the City !or tltis anrrent year and to pay the prirriaipal and interest dne and coaia6 'due uy~~n the bonded ind,ebtednesa os ~Q~~Qity, was reaQ in ivli !or Lhe first t3ae sett laid over !oz fiffi2 passage. r , ~,ii1`.'~.J '!Ae reso2~vp arlbg~Yni',Z~ Maas and apeoitioatione !or tbs 1a~rovemsoS:~"' Street Zro~a the i ~tlth line o! Fourth,8treet to tlse ~th glee of wirith Street, was introduee¢, resd in 1J. 2'or the rirst ilea 7 and laid o:~er !or rina3 paseaae. ` ~ , .' i ~- 5 s ~ j ~I l P J _ The resolution adoptinG the plans and apeeitYaatfon for the improvement o1 lou.rth Street from the Sast 13ne oY '7• Street t the st line t~, t ', oY •i• Street, was in ed, read in fu12 or the riret time,and laid over Por final paeas6e. The resolution direotiiig the Qity Ei~ineer,to iurnisti:eatimates fos the improvement of •D' Street Prom FiSth Street to Base Line Street, was read fvr the first time and lald over for rinnl paeeeae. The resolution directing the Mty ~inper to furnish estimates for the improvement of •E' Street Prom D'ourth Street to A1nth Street, was read for Lhe rirat tine and laid over Sor find p~asage. The resolution tireeting the City Engineer to prepare ant furnish estimates Soi the improvement d oY Fifth Street from Arrowhead Avemie to •8• street, was read for the rirst time and laid•e+rer for final pass. d age. The returns of the special ennezation elections 2laving been heretofore dSlly delivered. to als and ,/'~ fried with the Ql.ertc and, this being Lhe time for the opening, asma~ing and eocamirtitss the returns of the ~ '~"~ special eiection'orQered ~~by the liayor and COOOn 6~1~1~ Qt the ~ty'~ oS son Eernardino, a ~monioi~al oampor- ation to be held on the ;30th dtp? of July, 290a A.D. at the preclnata, planes and districts specified and named in the copy of notioe dt apeaial elaotio~ bleatiom heretotoreldu3y mmde, glven and pRblisheQ 1br determining whether certain outside tezritory ad~aueart Lo said City, and epeuitied in said notice sha21 be annexed to said City, and become a pert~thereot, said entside adjacent territory being also particularly Qesarlbsd in said ' notioe and in the order brQerfna ~iiQ' speEsi.el election. ?he Comffi an Council proceeded to'opeai, examine end canvass aalatareiy the ballots, talley eheetp, and returns of said spacial elecstion head. tor' the purpose aforesaid, and to sa14 notice apeait~sd,i:ou~ the.:80th day_ of 31t1y:~14:D: ~909,~ which returns talley sheets and ballots were opes?ed, eaeained and aarnraased and• the 'eamrass theseoF"'wae aoapieteQ et'the rebule2 meeting of the jlayor'end CoasOa? Coanaii of saiQ City 31e1Q this 2Zs6 day of July, I90~ and tII6 result of said eleati~ is, and by se14 YeCrOr and Cow Council Qealared to be ~' ~ as shown by the fot~cal.ng statea+ent~ to-nit. ~ 1 wars No i. ra7r wtmsxation 33 hgainst ~nnevcation 80 ~ 48 ward Ho S. ~6 , ward Ho S 4? : S! ward Fo 4 ': '~ ~ ~ ~ warQ Ho 6 ~ 6~ ~ Praoiaat xo e a ? Zit ''~ ~ :' .' . '1'0 ~'~ dart r a31a O:'O~Ox tna#~ it add aQeai ! _e^•A} !ae lggror and do®oh Cauwil theselbr0 dOD1i7Q!a, i ' h. y blt ~r 'a ~'M the Questiaa of anaeocati0a asrried, that a me~ority 01'4sII the ea~a~tas apt 171 sdd aatdba territory wi!'e and. ar ~~~' ° are in tavox of axn~atioA, and that a ma~oritY ~ alt Ballots oaaX fasids as raid Qit7r ~ ~ rw~ '' .- d, b, s l.C 't F ' ~w,yy i 1 y RM u ~n~ j 4b are in Savor of annexatf on. ~ ~ ~~,"* . And.YUthermore that the Olerlc of this Common Oounoil make and enter the record upon trio ffinutea ~-~ required by lax, and :alike and certify under the seal of said City anQ tra~ffit to trie 3eoretarY of state the i Copy of Lhe•rooorcl entered upon the ffinutes, tog then with the staement by law required, and attach thereto a a copy of the order and also of the notice of eleoLion, ~ • •hereupmt~ a roll oail had the .foilonina i°egult: Ayes: Reneoh, Holmes and Irvin. Poee Foie. Thereupon Mayor MaAabb declared trio order adopted. i Upon Motion duly made and carried, the Council adjourned to meet Monday evenin Auattat 2nd. 1809, at :7:30 o'alooY P.Y. i E I r t ~ '. l Approved this 2nd dsy? oS August,"2808., Mayor o! the City o! San Bernardino, Calif., 1 • f • ~ !1~ . Qity Oler'k o1 the Oitp ctf 8cp4 .$4~ardino, ~ . , y ~ ~ ! { - . ~ _ s i i . _ ~ ~y r ~ ~ ~ ' a. ,~$ . Y':a Mi t ~ • l T... . ..-~.~... _ _ _ _ _ + .' fyy ,1•" b City Hail, Ban Bernardino, Cai~., Aug. and, 1805... ~`" . ~ Regular meeting or the 3[syor a:~ Comaon Counoil, oY the City or San Bernardino, Cat., held on Monday '~ evenin6,/luauat 2nd, 1808. The neetfn6 was celled to older at 7.30 0~oloolE P. Y. by Mayor 1[olfabb, with the rollowin6 mea~ers preae~it, Oounoilnen, Cweaer, lsolmea, Rensoh and Irvine. ` ?dirnxtes of the last meeting were reed and approved: On motion of Counailman Holamea, seoondea by Ooimoilman Cweaes and~aarried; th*~eStilar aUrrent sonthly olnlms as audited by the comffittee, were ordored Raid and warrants drawn ror the ease. Barnes 11rs. Cussie..havinb entered a complaint sasinet the burnia~ or Ihel 04.1; that she plains fs a rniisanoe and a damage to hat property, the sane was reSerred to the Building SnsDecstor to im?eatiNate and report baok at next meeting or the Council. O~rCinanae Fustier entitled all OrQinanae !`l~cin6~ttle necessary anouat or soney~to b~8ised by i taxation on~ihe taxabaDle property of t2be City or Ban Beoenar33~o,`ae a zeienee to oarz~ on tge vnriens dApartneal i, oY the ltursioipal Crnrernstemt or the City or Ban Hernas+dino _*oa• the ourreat yeas sad to DeY lire W~iiaeiyal sad ' f ', interest due and aomina dne'upon the bonded 3ndebte4aess or said City, was read ror the-seooitd tiM'am aQopteQ by the rollowinB vote: llyes - Sblwa • OM's6er, Remse2s and Irving. Nose -None. .' , G Resolution or intention or Sewer on 'S' Btreet and babe Lim Btreata?ea teen 4'ex Lhe rust tine anb [ v 4 ~' `iel~ aver tar iinai'paseaBe. .y . Resoiut , esolutian orltert _ ~ ~ e z ~ ion 1llinber a' r ~' nB the igproveieat or 0s Btrest in t$e 3ity o4! $an 8e~araino ti.+em tlfs Fo;th lice otf aeeoitd Streett, to the Buiath''1ine~'er BLtth Street, react fbrr the first time and laid over ror t'![tai Dsasa~e, ~ • ~ - ~ , •:~' i . aesolntion der a r~platicat of tie lfepror' and: Ceswsi Cati~oil or the Oily or ~ ~-.^^'~j Sag ~8ernardiaa, declariz~ thed.r iataation to ia~rove ~ ~•- Bt~ee~,~ r3an tLe Soet~ liAe or' yitth Stres~i- to . lfae er 8eae Line Street; 'FNr sata~Sdsini~~ tAe rondse~?- tharee~tr ~ tt~e eaps}rdetlo3reS fitters, sad` eaL?estaf f - theae1A, was' readroi the' titer tiAe and laid oveae ror' ~' ' patbssie. ~ ~ A rebolntiaa~ Q~ir~eotitt6 the @itir sneer' to rurnis~' eatiaeteb to the iteQror sad Aesse+e ~auaoi`3 of the cost per' =root root oI the rol3awri7aB Street wort: sloa6 vat 7:ine or '! syrert i'ras the B+ootA'line er rbuirth ~~.'~~»~~`. .d Street to tae South lice or Ffnth Stserts inaiudin6 all port or intafsscticts wo4t areesset~ 1~= '" '~ read ter the tine an8 •i ~'~~ol7.os3~a6 !9te-- ~i?es-- lbrye. -law. ~ ~ ~ ' ~ bad:- A resointlon dlreotln6 the 61ty Z~ineer to 111rnish eBtiwates to tfce• lta4?o~ and Oa¦Irsa Qoimali or the oaNtt Der trout root or the rollw~ii>a street troa•t, sloes each 21ns or firth tthset tBesz tAs Tirt 21oe of 1srowheaa Aveaae to the 1?eet Zfns sir ~ street , 1aaltidinB a1~1 cat ai fiatea~eetiaa ~ sssess~l.e sDos- bai4 .- i a~ -, rromtals reed ror the tine sad '~ ~ r ~ .,7bar t ~w r } r: i~' i,qt,^~:,, :4~, ia,~ ~„y '. =.7. ~ -F ids, ' i '~ A,resolution directing City Eri~ineer to furnish estimates to the Slayer and Common Council of the coat ~" f k. ' ~r par front foot ,of Lho following street worK, alonG.eaeh line of~•D• BLreet, from the South line of Mfth Street '~"' , to the South lino of Base Ling 9treet~ ineludin.S ail coat oY intersection work-assessable upon said frontage : I!~ read for the ie40~dtime sr:c. 1~opt~lbK~.ths.fo114~13ft:.iotey Ayes, 7aur ,Noes ,Hone, ~ t A resolution adoptirrA plans and specifications for the improvement of B'ourth-street, from the East line ~ (((j 'F' Street, to the ~st fine oA •Z• Streets was read in full for Lho seoona time and adopted by the following i t VOt®: , I it Ayes - Oweaer, fiolmes, Aeneoh and Irvin. I~ . ; Noes - 1Voae. Thereupon 1layox 11eNabb declared the same adopted. i A resolution adopting plane and apecitioations for the-improveir~ of •S• 8trgst, from the South line oS patlrth Street, to, the South line of Ninth Street, was read in full for the aeoond time alld adopted by the i ( foliorina~ vote: ~ : ~ ~ - ~ ~ . A~yes~- OweHex, Irving and RoZmes.~ . Roea -Hone. ' ' Thereupon Mayor HeHabb declared the resolution adopted. A resolution adopting plat and assessment 3taD"of Yt. Vernon surer dfstrlet yes 1~ead for, fhe.first time 3 and laid over for final passajp. ~ - -~ " ," ~ ~ .' A resolution adoptin plans sad specifications for the 1~rovement or )fourth Street, free tLe hest Iias 1 . ' of •$"' Et~eet; to the Dast~.iine of •!!,Street, race for the firrt,time;and laid a+rer fo;-final naasaHe. ~.:a9tiat?:~.An21FtarA+9~=~t~s~?pA.;1-K!~3?-~.~~?~e ~s tox_,tDe tesCi~ ! 011, at an ezpense not to ezcaed Ttiro fiuxtzed twenty-rive anti IQOf~.00 Do=le~ra (~6,A0 f,. 8y uuent~oae;'~ote `of LAe^ Coil, Jp~?, He~meui•'was ~rea~° tie„ contract to oonstruuat a; eeasq~Ett ausb slon a~•in-lsont oi;~o~:Broet Party on~Third ~tre4t, at.~ an ezpease oI R~~jaa_~,ineat foots bY, ozO,aH of ~4. , r3oanail the, ~V ~ ~.i~structed to ~' and .~e¢itieaL~.opsa . iqr QOM.. - -, ?he 3'etvtns od' the special Annepriatint s3 eetl~ Lssia6 bpeas b~etadcacw dntelY . de2lval~ed, t4 fi~e¢-sits t2ee Oity 01eslC„ lead this ~ bsint tDe • time set for the apefll~n0, seRr'a~eLpi and evc~aiai the of said Speo#ai eleotionr-, ax~dea~glt aft tl?e Lgox and Cos~ai Coutresii; of 8an;Be~arAimy- a oipe~t cai~ too bo ~sid pl? tAe dW O! ~iyya 190a,~ at the yreoiiect®,, plaees ~ „A}~atriats epeaifi4Q-and A4Fe11° in a. copy of notioe of 8peeisldteotiole•beretatofe Quly mega;, b^iven, and pnp0.ished tar determini~ w12eRher oertaia ant- *14e territories ad~aoant to said CitY,,and~speeitied in sand ao4loe y eb~.l he wed to said Cit7, and be- Dart thereat, eaid~~utside theearder OrGA~in6 said speoiaa elaeysoeut territory being allw partiaulax~3T desot3bed in said aotioe. e~rd in L eCtio~. ~A1e 1~' aLd QOS~DA` OOOOOII y?!DCe0Aq~1 to Q'pARr ~Ipd,Ilb I~ik1 011?A- t ?asa separately the Oaliots, ta~.~iets, ind netsd'!' to said ape~sial eieatian 21sia. Zor the gnrppse ato~e~id, • IL and in said native epeoiried, ~ the 30th day Of 41117 190x, 1'h1Ch r tally-suers an0. ballots sere ~ open~Q, examined and osnrarrsd, and the oam+ass thereof sae ao~letad the reHalar meeting oS the leayor S and Gorman Oounaii or raid City, held tMs kind., ~/ os Av6nst 180x, and the result of said election is, ' sad by said Yeeror and Coeemon Cou:eeil tteaiared to bs dB shows by the fo2lwirrs to alts v- ~ yo ~ Hard 270. i for annexation 33 adainet annexation 30 ~ 47ard No. 2 • • Safi * • 48 Ward No. 3 • • 47 • • 37 Hard No. 4 • • ?3 • • 64 Ward No. 6 • • 54 • • 4.2 ~- Vote cast in cut side District . ~ P'or aiu~axation 18 against annexation 8 s Total vote teat upan the proposition oS annexation is 638 votes. Total vote cast in favor of annexation 321, total vote east aSainat annexation 818. 2fa~ority vote in fovor of annexation 10a. Whereupon Courlailman IrvinS made a motion eeooncled by Councilman 0weaer, that the Y$yor and Comman Ceuneil do declare, determine and order that hL said special ' ~ election the question of annexation carried, that a me~ority of all Lhe ballots, oast in said outside , ~ Territory were and are in fovor of annexation, and that a majority of s31 ballots oast inside of said City. oS San Bernardino, wore and are in Savor of annexatioa, and 2V.rthermore, that the Clerk of this Common Council, ma1{e end enter the record aeon the minutes required. by Law, and rake and aerti2'y uru2er the 8ea1 0l said City, and transmit to the Secretary or State, a espy of the reeoM entered upon the minuteQ, toaethat `" ~ with the statement required by Lew, and attach thereto a copy of the order and also of Lhe notice os ffieetiom, whereupon a roll call had the to7.]:owlna result; Ayes OweSer,.Reneoh, Holmes end h~rin~. Does None.. Thereupon xayar 1[aNabb declared the order adopted. Upon motion made and carried bids will be reeeiveci at neat xeautax meeting for the 211rndsMryr of meals to Lhe City Drisanexs. ~'~ Upon motion aulY ode and carried the Night and D~eyr DesY Sarae~e salary wss lined at #95.00, dstin6 . ; Srot;? August 18L , 190x. . A resolution was read, s8dressed to t2le Oetlpral YA.r flsnta Ye R. lt. in regard tq a now Sams Ae Dapot, and the City Cier'lt wa,s instructed to ttansndt the' ssae iatedlately. . A report o2 the City Sn~ineer eo~ernir~ the noaumulation of water on Rialto Aremne, near •!'• Btsbet ~ ~ was read and died:. Report of the city ~ineer 61Tir~ the estimate oT the oosD of ~ tercet ~yt Der Zxoat tbot was read and ailed: ~u, A resolution Gireotin~ City ~ t0 21Lrsnsh estimates of the coat par front loot o! Abntth terert, "` ~ frost the East line O2 7'', Street, to the west line Orr •'I• Attest, riret raedlut. ',~ Resolution dlxeotint Oily sn6lneer to 31trMsh satiaatee o! the cost per Stunt loot o! 'Fourth Atteee, ' iron the West lane oS •a• Street to the Eeat line of •S'• street, road Bret tine. ~ ~ Oomuuniasti.on front Col., Vsetsl reaerdirta Lhe ourbi~ 4? Third attest in tsont os Ilead~ar Rsoot Pact ~ was read and fiieQ Upon motion duly made and carried Lrie Caunail adioutne~d to meet Auauet 9th., 1x09, at 7.a0 o•eloot P. 1[ ~'' Approved this ~~~d,ay of August 1800. ~ ~r ~rE;~~ ' 9yr~.Q.(.lc.c+,'~ Clerk ~ 1 _ . i 1 r A~ I _ ~~" ' i i { . ~ ^'~, ~'~ { x ~II . r ir/ + . .f'~ ~ ~ + „ i Xr ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ r' w M 7 jj~. F } i ~ ~ w ~ ~ r '` ~ ~ ~ I i c a I ~' r -.._- 2~1 i City Hall, San Bernardino, Cal, August 8th, 1808. ~°" 1 •Re,~ular acl~auo•ne4 raeetin4 of the ]~tayOr and Common Counaii of the City of San Bernardino, held the 8th Qey August I808, lcayor McNabb called the meeLinG to order at p 7-30, P. l(. with` the followinG members present; ~' . , Councilmen, Xolmea, Oweaer, and Irvine, Miinltes or last meeting were read and approved, A request Ras made to the Council by Chief or Poiioe R.A.Shay for an additional Policeman during the vacation terms aliawed the various Police 02'tlcera, Upon motion filly made and parried the request was Granted, and the 1[ayor forthwith named ldr W.H.Hitsman to eat as such special Officer, which was reGularly approved by a vote oS the Oounoil•time to com~e2LOe on the I6th day of AuGuat I809. j To The Flon. fh~or and Common Coaaaoil _ Pnrsoant to your inatrnatlons of July 26th, Ibave to report t! ' 'yam ) that Lhe estimated cost of Street imprmveaent on D'onrth Street from the East side of •H• Strest to the , f~/ _ - East line or •O• Street, and from the •w•eat sine of 'O• Street to the East line of I Street, as eon- teIDplated in and by plans and epeaifieationa No. 69.'18 #S,I66 per lineal root of frontage on each sifle of the street`, 1`naludin~ ell 4t iuteraeationa work assessable upon said hwntaae. - lteaaQam l~avemeat, per lineal' toot' of assessed pxope=ty. - . - CoiQrste autteir, # .40 .'. ..' '.: ' . ' Onlverte' # , .Ia • Total estimated post ~II,964.2I. • • TOare very trnly~ i A.L.Sloan i City Enaiaeeil. x: 4o the Hon. Ysyarr" `and Cocoa Orouaeil f p,1rsua~ to your instraolions of J112y Ji6th. I have to report thN the estimated esost of ia~sbve.rent on Mfth 8teeet trom the *est line of lzras'head Aretme to the Eaet rtr,; line of D Btreet aikl from the E'est line os D Strestto the East ,line o2 Z Street as ooate~lated in and by pleas 8nd speoifieatione llo. 64. is SI.806 per lineal foot of troattaae on each side of the ,.r° '.' ', Street `r' ltaoaOsm Ya.woeax3, ~'I.46b.' Oonarete gutter, "• .a6. ~ ', ?otal estimated oast, ~4iiE.20• Toms veal tsuijr~ . . L.f,.alos~l . ~ OitY _ ~ '! T~s the Iion. Ilay~ar gad OcaEpis Ooun~eii. ,lursusat to your iastraatioas of July 2dth~ I have to report that the estimate4 Dist of improvssient on lvurth Street frost Lhe hest line of E Street to the East line o2 P Street ae contetaplated in ana by plans and apeaifiestiots~ Ao. 66, ie ~2.9s6.; per lineal foot of fronta6e on each side oP Lho Street total e8tiffited cost #4.624.04 A. L Sloan ' ~ • '. To the F2on. ySayor and Common Council 1 Pursuant to your instruetion~ oP July 28th,, Ihave to report Lhat the estimated cost of improvement on •0• Street from the nortA line of Second Streetto the South line i ` oY 8th Street as oontemplated in and by plans and speoirications No. 40. is #L52. per lineal foot k of frontage on esaeh aide of theb Street fnoludin~ all of interaeetion work assessable upon said I~ ~ frontage, f Oiled Tamped Pavement, #L42, per 11nea1 foot of asaeseabie property. Culverts .IO per I ' Bo Gutters I i Total estimated ooat #I0,888.I0, j Yours very truly, A.I,.S1oeI1 '"'1,, 1 City ~ineer ~ T • • ~ ~ ' To the Hon' Ysyor and Coon Coundl. ~ ~ Pursuant to your instzuotlonE o2 July 2Sth;~2 have to report i~ tb~it the estiaetedoost ot* Street i~ravemea~t on• Street from the South line of at?th Street, I to the S,opth line Baas Ike S.t~eetr+ as conten~lated in and by plane and specirinations No. 48, is $2.~ #x.68 pppC liReai tppt o~ ~roRtase an eaah side of ,the Street inaluaing aAbi intersection work assessable upon said frontage. ' { o Pavement X3.08 per lineal toot of assessed property. 1 Getter .40 1111 Ot71.4ert8 ~ •IO f S'Oti~l..'."....~i3r6a ~ Total estisatea eoa4, ......~734,294.b18 y`{; 1 ¦ ~ i '~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ? s A.L?slaan t ~ E • ~ ~ r r -~ ~ C1ty ~1ne02 • To the Ran. ttayor and Commoa Conncii. :a~. ! Pnrs~sant, to ydlir irLSti'uatiaas of Seth ~ ~Ihave to resort that the estiwated oust of Strsrt 1a~soveequt pn = SLra4et tsom t!?e Satth line of loutth street Y ' to the Sortth line or Birth Street as eoate~lated is and M plans al7d opoeilYcations Ha. 49 1s 4.33 per Z1~aNltoot of trontaae on eaah `aids of the sts~.et iaaledillr all of iatereaotion w~ assts~aDie v~paa gala troptaa~. . . ' ~SAam Paveslsa~t.....~8.es pre 13sea1 loot eyt staeesea yr~tY • pester .40 i+~ ~ '; . ~ 'fetal estiaatea oos! # 8',bl~.e0 ~ ~ vary truly Y~• • ~ ~ •.L.Sloan . City ~ineer. ,.,.......,r._._ _ -__s..r_- _ . W ~ CJC3 A; petition signed by one hall 01 the abutting property owners , asking Sor a sewer to be con-. '~ struated on Mt. Vern?n Avemie South of Central Avenue , was read and upon motion the City ~i. ` En~lneer was instructed to draw plans and apeoifiaations for the same an4 present to the Council " The Sollowina ao~unioations were reoelTed and read, . And• 9th I909. To the Ron. Mayor anQ Oommon Oouacil, Oentlemeh, ' Ynasauch ss we were oblided to suspend work on our C Street ao~raot to germtt the later Deyt. to lay a new ]fain to8ether with the present ehortaae o! rook,we respectfully petition ytRir honorable body to; extend the time on said aontraot 80 days.' ~ ' Johnson Shba Co, ;~- - Hf Shea. ' . ' ..Aug, 8th 2909. Ro the 1[scyor'and'Common`Caunail' of Ban Bernardino, tMns to the slaw delivery of Took, we rss~eatitt].t petition Y~ honorable bogy ,for an extension of time for the a ooa~lstion o! oar work on C BLreet 60 dsga on "section Eras 8rf. to 8th Streets and a0 Oa~ys on section ~ r from Base Line street to the City L1ffite _ ~ ~ Ilt~2a?sy ConslSUOtioII Oo. N . Sy x. LaveMag, Pres. 2a respaase to t3N ebavo regtieste med• by T!u Jbhason Shea ao. a~ S'he ffigwey 0oaetrus!tion ~ f the iol2oriaE resolution wasroi"tt~ed~, anQ read'for'the first tide,' ' '~ ltesolTed ~ tha~ the dohnsOn Shea Co and thi ffia1a?sY Oanstraati~' Co. ~be and eaoA of them is hereby wanted 80 dayb additio~l'tfae,hwithin which to ooapiet• their resDeotiwe coutraota for i ! Daviag C Stxest, or ArrowheaQ? ~ e, in this City, isfd~rn?er fort rival gassa~a. The follaritis was dads by Caanathan Ir?int ,end. ds117? sscoasleQ by Oonaoilaaa Holass, ' / That, it hereby ordered by the Mayor sad Cocoa Qouaedl of tea Cit./y oS Eon Beanaz'dino• t2mt ail pcroaeedi;us heretolore bKua b9 this Caanall , foe the iapro~a'snt ^ C Street , is thts~City, bs ~ amul3:ott and'set'aaide~ szoie+tln~ the resolution adaDtias the,plans aad~eDeoifi~sationa for the _ u;~ seas, Dossed by the lollosiag wotes . dyes, Holaee, Oweger, ~qnd ~nrias. " xoes, ]tone 4 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lher~o~a~ Ilsyor~~Ib~abb deolai+ed' the oreter~adopted, f Reaointion directing the City engineer to tt~rnish satiaates'tar the i~pro?eaent of A attest i } Sroa the ltorth liAe of Second street to tlat 8oath fins of ath street, read rirst tins and laid o?sx k for final passsSe. Resolution directing Oify 8ngineem to inrnish eatiaates of the cost per front foot of 8ourth Street iron the Teat line of E Street to the met line o? T Street was uD !or ria.1 Deasa~',e ~""„ ~~' r 6 ..',. 4 _ . . .,_~...._~..__._v_ - - - the roll being called the same waa passed by the.Sollowing vote, ~~'~ Ayes, Fiolmea ,oweaer, and 2rving, 1¢oea, None lmereupon 1(ayor Yogabb declared the raeolntion adopted. 4 Resointion. Humber ' Resolution oS the 3[ayos,and Common Oaunail declaring their intention to i~rove ailth Street Srom the west line o2 AProwhead Avernle to the asst line di a Street, axceptina the intersection o8 pith and D Streets, was read Sor the rirat time ,and laid over Sor final passage. Resolution dumber • ~ 1 . ~sv..~r~,.wi..vr? Resointion o2 the Mayor sad Oomtiaoa Co~aeii , dsolarlnirto improve D Street, sas read Sox the second! time ,being up Sot rival pessaae, carried by the Sol2awina.vote, i Ayes, iiolmes, OweEe~r and 2rrit~. goes,. Hone ''~. whareupon Mayor Yogsbb declared the resointion adopted. ~;,,,,,,~'~~ Resolution.guuIDer ~ Resolution adopEit~.plaas.and ppeclriRatiOns ~ the f~rovesent or ?aurth Street SEon tIIe East line 02 8 Street to Lhe East line of ?Street, wasup.Sor rival passage, cerrisd by Sollawina vote, j u' Ye8 a .~'?lmes, 0lrsga2, e2b0. Irviaa• ~TCOa, gOlt¢n ~ . ~ , Eilersupwi l[eyor IIcNabb declared the yasoluxioa,ad4p~sq..« r Resointion gumber ;Resointion of int~ontioa, oS..the )isyor and10oazoa Cannail tae].ariaE their intention to iaproe• l~ourli ~ Street?.lraa.th~ ~t line o? E Street to the 3aet line of 7' Street, wss zeal for the ?irgt time . ~ ~a4 o~ear. for ti,nai ,paes~6a.. the rNOitltigh 'Qt intsutiop. rot tb~ oaua~enatiaa of am ei8?it iaoal 8wnx is Base t,~e J ~ . ; and E street,,,was,.~.tpr I1nel,p~evaie, and peaseQ,by.fha.tollowin6,not~1, • . , . Ay?e~ a . Ho7.mss, Owe6er, . aitd IMina, [ Hoes, Noa1rF , i ~ i the rtaolntou adapted,. ~1ere1.lD0Il Yepror IbaZat~ Qeola~eed Rerc}lutloa 11usbNr ~ .r ,,.Rsaolntioa q! the 1Esyax anQ oamuoa.Copagil deslarinE their iateatioa.to iapswe E Btrest Srost the Sotit~h ,l~n~! os rowrth ,8trest to ~j1e South ~.ine oS ath stxe~t ? was read !o~ the first figs sad laidt i! over !or final passage. ~ ~ ~ ~ Resointion Easier c ~ resolutloA o! the Yeyor sad Oow aon Oouuci2 aeelariaa their iatentiaa to iaprare.laurth street Srom the East line o8 !street to the East lira of i Street, repel Sot the first tics ,and 1aiQ : _ oust !or ~ Sinai 3?alsrlde• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . I Quiz os San 8ere~eaenino . 9ountY Sor Resa Oil Says ~sBt.Ea was allowed ? anQ a ' i ~ warrant ordered Qlawn for the sale '~ I3y 3n order oY Mayor McNabb ,the aPpointr~ent oP P2•ank ~lry, as Po',1TtQ Mastar waa revoked, anal the same was approved by the Council. i' A motion was duly made and seconded, that a warrant be drawn in Pavor of the County ~3 ! j c t.e Tax Collsator for 426.I6 to ewer paytcent on delinquent taxes due on Ne~? City~iall property, i p3saed by the followinb vote, ~ Ayes, Iiolmea ,OweSer 8nd Irvin6. j r Noes, None. Upon motion duly made and oarried , ?he Street Committee and Street Supt. were inatntoted b to fill tha crosswalk on the siiey ieadina Esat., anQ situated on 8 Strset between 6th ana 7th Sta. Bide Yor the futniahin6 of meals to City prisoners were opened and found to De as follc~re, Hid of C. Iiartman.........II cents per meal. Bid oS L. Larasn..........20 liter consultation with the Chief of Poiioe, the matter, upon a motio r i duly made and seconded, was left La or referred to the OAisf, with authority to use h1s awa ~ud8m1? f - } but not to exoesd II amts pee meal. • Petition waa read rsqusstlnS the Ooww.tl to Dave Rialto lvsatus Oiled frown 2 Strset to C~ Carter Avsnne, same wsa raferrsd to Street Oc~ittss. By Crder of Lhs Mayor and OoaaaA Connoii the Cl.xx was iaatrllOted to notiYy the Lytle • ~ Creek Pa?er Co. to pleas liahta on 8th and I Streets and 1ft Vernon and Base [.ine Stresta. The reaoiutiou adapting the 8e+rsr ssaessmant Yap of the Yt Veruoon Sswsr Diat. w&s read in tali fox the second time ,and sdoptsd by the i'oliowin6 emote, Ayes, Holmes, ORSbex sad Irvia6. Noss,Noae. • lrhersu~pori ][ajror YnAabb dsoiarsd the reeolntlon aQa~Z~Q. Upon motion duly math end casilea, the Ccunail r~pt~d tB.~~r~Gost'ot the 0ity l~7csNe . slvinS estiaetss eat oost om the tolla?inlC Strseta, naaaly: 4th Strset, 3 to fifth atrsrt from from ArrowAead Avbaane to=~8 'Btrebt #tir-StrssE SYOf ~`bo''2:".08txeet and. to 8th. D Strset "~~ Fifth to Bas Liris. Z. 4th to 9th. i /~~ c~~ • • / y ~ ~jj~( p Y~~(ax ad tt~ Qity os San Bernardino) i ~~~Qh~XJC~A~i'ri- Qler][ of the Citq o? Sou B~i'QiAOS ^1 Y' u~ ~ i. i ~' ~ '~;fi~'..,; r i _ f r~ - e i f ' 1 { f ~ i ,,-.~ gt~ ,r r ~ ~ , ` - t f ~ i -~ i } ~ ~ ~ t '. ' ~ ",6,? ~ t n i t 'i '; ' 1 _ e~ ~ ~ Ban Bernardino,•Oai, August, 26th, 2808. . "t Regular ad~ournod meeting of the ltayror and Cotmaon• Caai?oil oS the City of San- Bernardino, Cal, halo on tha`28th ~`oP Auauet, I80E,`Lteetiri~ wne called to order at 7-80 o ~alock P. M. by Mayor 1deNabb, wit'tt the iolib~iing ~metrtbera present, Councilmen Holmes,Oweger, ~ and Irving, City Atty. t3w-lttg and Deputy Clerk MaElvairtB: ~ E The minutes of the last regular meetist~ were rasa and approved. ~ The Bond oP 1f.H.Hitsaan ea special Policeman was presented Lo the l[syor ana Council , and the same was approved. Communication from Col. Vestal was read relating-to'the position oP the traoka ~ oP the 3.V.Traotion Co. on Eaat third Street, upon motion the same was Plied, A map of the Sharer Subsiviafon wsa~presented to the Counoi7 Por acoeptaaoe, ~ which was referred to the Street Committee and Street Supt. Lo inveatiaate the condition oP r" the proposes Streets and report the same book to the council. ' t--'+I T2te claims of S.R.warAin ~Co. Jae. YoNair, Johnaon~Shea Co ,Dan ~eeka, and D. ~rsdios, being peaseQ upon by the auditing Committee, by motion was ordered gala anQ warrants draws Por the same, by the toiiowisis vote, eyes,- 3 • n006, AOne ' An epblioation fora 8traeL~~b~urt Pranohise was made to'the Oo~aoi2 by Pres. Durham said franohiae to cosanence on h and E BtYeete,thenoe north on 3 Street to 31xth Street, thence west an 51x`th Street , to att. Vernon Avesiue, 'thence ltorth on ML. Vernon Avessue to the Gity Limits. ~ ~ ~ ~ errs upon section , the same was ref to the' saiuioil ae s whole Par coneideratioa. • , °In' the matter 'ot the regaeat 'of John Newman rar dirt to Dome trooi[easow Brook Part, for the purpose of filling trig sidewalk in front of ltim'a place; aeon sotioa .,_~- was referred to t2ie Park Ca~ittee . Upon a motion daffy made and aeoonded, the St'teet Sttyt. was antharised to Erase 7th Street „ and dispose ot'the dirt. ~ UDou motion by Oounoilman ~1see, secsonded by Coanoilsiaa Ir~ina t2fe street supt. was authorized to pnt in the intersection oP tMrd and G Streets with tLe ease s~terial as other portions oP third Et=set. upon a saotloa Q~s1Y made and seoosxLsd, 'the Health tlPrioer was instrneted to oo~ence oriainel Drooeedinrs aaaisiet e12 those, wno, attar balsa properly notiried t,p oo~sasot with the sa?er ruse so' to do. . Counoilaan Oaeser, as a rgpa!eeeatati~e of the local lod~a o~2 aedaeai of th4 U1'!7s teandearea an intotael issritatioa to the 1La6?oT end Osaaoil and OSl7? Otl1'~+DSON~ t0 attwd a Dyrgas~t !o ' bs aivea at ihbita spring ea N~dNr at 11. r - Op~oin aalioR tDe asr wss siswp~ted. e a a i _ , . A resolution of the lteyor and Coaon Owncil, 4lxeotlag the City Fhigineer to ilrrnish estimates of the oost pee front Soot of 6 Streetfrom the~ar~ lies of aeoond Street to tho south { ` ~ line of. ninth Street, was up for final passage, and pnssea by the following Grote Lyes, Holmes, Oweger, and Irving, Foes, Boas. , whe~lpon the Mayor declared the reaoiuLion adopted. The report of the City &Siglneer giving the eatimat~ oost of theia~rovement of d Street per front foot, wee read and upon notion the same was acoeyted fry the Counoil. Resolution Fo. A resolution of the Mayor an4 Oommon council, declaring their intention to improve d Street from t$ ~~~~LL the~L line of and $txeetto the 3ouLh fine of BLh Street, was reaQ for the first time, and laid i overfor final pas"sage. i Raesolution Fo. ~ A resolution o2 the 1tay+ar and common Council, aeeiaring their lntentio n to improve f~ , B Street,2rom iromthe south. line of H'ourth Etreat to the south line Ninth Street, was read in } Still for the second time, being up far final passage,pasaed.by the followimg vote Ayos, Holmes, Owejer, and Irving, ~ Noes, None. wheareupon lisyor 1[oRabb declared the resolution adopted. Resolution Fo. ' A resolution by the 1(ayor and Coamson Councii deolsl'ing their Intention to improve j , s a'ifth Street, from the west line of Arrowhead Avernie to the Last, line of $ street,wae read 3n 21111 . ! Por the aeccnd time, being up for final psaseae,upon roil call the following vote was casRy, . Ayes, Rolmee Owegex, and Irvin, Foes, Fone, l whereupon ]dayor NeNabb declared the resolution .adopted. ~'~,;~~ Aesolution Fo.. ! I A reaaiution by the ]ieyor and Co®on OoL11loil, deeiaring their intention to isprore fourth Street, from the west line of. Z 8treet,•~o the. ]5ast .fide of ?Street, was reaQ in 21111 foe the second tine, b6lilg up for final paseate,vpon roll cell was~~~passed~mv~tho 2oliowing rote, Ayes, Rolmea, Oveger, dad Irrins, E Foes, done, . whereupon Mayor 1dcRabb declared the resolution adopted. . . Reaolit1oA Fo. A resolution o2 the Mayor and Oom~1oA Caun%.oil declaring their intes~ian' tb i~ro1?ewourth 1 Street, from the east line of ?street to the ~- east line of I Street, was reed !ox the seeont ti®e, being up•t4iT fihaI paseage,oarried by the following v~te,~ 1 Ayes ltolmes "r aIld ~n6~~ . .'Foes, Fone, whereupon Mayor fteFabb deeiarea the resolution adopted. - --- -- --~-_ t I ~ 1 Resolution No. I A resolution oP the Mayor anti Corilmon Council,ciordering the..improvem8nt 8T idL..;Vernon avenue Prom the South line oP Eirat Street to the South Tina oT T?cir4 3traet, was read Tor the First time an4 laid over Por final passago. Resolution oP extension. Reeoivefl, by the Ltayor and common Council oT the City oT San Bernardino, in open session on this the Ieth day oP August, I809, that the Supt. oP Streets oT said Citybe, anct he is hereby $ authorizeQ and directed to extend, by sixty clays, the time Piaed by him in that certain oontraoL Numbered entered into by him with the Johnson-Shea Co.,, to do .certain Street work, to wit: The improvement of certain portions oP Arrowrhead Avenue or 0 Street, in said City, according to said contract. Ass read Tor the seconfl time, being up Por rival,passage, Upon,a roll call the same wsa passed by the Polloiring vote, , Ayes, Y.olmes, Oweger and Irving, i • Noes, None, Rhereupon for Mc2iabb declarod-the resolution adoptafl. , . R~aeolutioa of:eatemsion. , Resolved,by the ldayor'end Comffiom Council of the°City* or San BernarQiuo, in open session, - -, .' on this the Ieth days of August , 29Q9, that 'the Supt.' of Streets ~of said'Qity be , ~e~! he is hereby authorized and directed to_~ctend,.by sixty.dsys,the_ti~e Sued by him in that certain oontraoLe"~ Numbered , entered into by him with!tlte inghway oonstruo~ion Ooapa~y,to do certain Street work, Lawit; TLe improvement of certain portion'ot',Arrori~ead Avenie or C'Street in said City according t(Z,saia contract, was read,~br the second Liue,Dein6 up for final passage; [lpon roi call the same was carried by the 2ollowing vote, Ayes, Ifiolmea , Cwegez and 2rvi.ng, Rheraupon Lfayor IfcNabb declazed the resolution adopted. Upon a mfltion duly made and eeeonded, the Oonnoii aAjoflrned, to meet on Yondey the ' 23th day o2 August, I908, at 9-80 o;oiook P.11. k Approved this of August, I808. )[:pror of the City . os ran Bemerllirbo, Oierk of ttte city of ran 9ernerdino, ,r ~+r 3 HY DeptiitY Clerk. 1 a 9 -- ~(j(1 ' _ '. _ City Hall, Satr Bernardino, C811f. Atisust, 23rd. Z90J, Regular ad~otu•ned meeting oP tho b{ayor and Common Council of tho City oY San Bernardino, held b!onday evening August 23rd. IS30J., The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mcl:abb aL• 7:30 o'clock P.k. pith the Yollog~ing members oP the Council present; Councilmen dole, OAeger, Irving, City Attorney R.~. Swing and City Clerk Harry Allison. Abaont douneiimen Hoirsea,and Rensch. The minutes of the last meeting of the Mayor and Council were read and approved. Resolution No- A resolution of the 1[ayor and Common Council oP the City of San Bernardino declaring ttheir intontion Lo itrprove 0 Street Prom the Nor*.h line of Second Street to the Southline of Ninth Street by macadamizing the roadway thereof snd the eonstruotion oY culverts therein, was read for the second time and adopted by the following I' i vote: Ayes Cole, Oweger, Irving. Noos None: ?hereupon Mayor HoNabb declared the resolution adopted. iteeolution No-- A resolution•,ordering the impiovement`of Yount Vernon Avenue from the south line of M rst st~~, . Street to the sout2i a oY 1Rri rd Street by macadamizing the roadway thereof and the construction of culverts and gutters therein, was read Yor the second time and adopted by the Yoll aritig vote: Ayes: Cole, Oweger, and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupogli ' ~ Mayor 1[efiabb declared the resolution adept ed. ~ ~ i i Attorney R.B. Ooodoell addressed the Counoil on behalf oP ?red Bnl~aa xe6arding'tIIe°granting of the ~ ~ropoaed street Railway, whereupon Caanailmeati Cola iBOVes that the matter be laid over untii'~the'naxt regular meeting of the Council, and the Yayox appoint:a committee'trom the Counoil.to inve9tigate.sYsd'report back to the`COUncil, motion dnly'~ i a,econded by Councllman Irving~•and so orflered:;• ~ Upon motion d~ily'~sde and cagxiecl,'tht'43ty'Attorae~ wsa inst>•noted to prepare an-o2dinanae proMbiting ' ~ bee e`within the City limits the keeping of more than'two staJida ~oY werdin, YRyOr YRRSbb BiiDmi'ttecl. tA:e name o~ H.V.' OttmL4n QS,speol • 'l3gon request of`E.R:'' al police otfioer '. ~ i~ E to serve without pay, as night watohman~at'the •ardin Pianty whereupon Couricilaan Ix~i?ing ~nves that ;he appolatllent of f H.V..Ottman be approved, motion dally'SeooAded by.Coiincilman Cole, and cafiied. Mayor YcFabb submitted the name of A.O. lCerid8l~"• sarPtetiQOnt" of the Boats ,aS Yates poaRrisaioners, whereupon Councilman Irving metes that the'eppointment of A:O. 7CenCa12 ba'spproved, moticzn ~Y seoondad by Ccunoilmsn ~ ' i Cole,and carried. ~ ~ ~ ~r. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -. a Councilman Irving ma?ea-thet the City Cleric b& directed to'adverti ~e far'bicis.ior the ca6etructloa oY a oil healing plant as per the speoirio8tion sAaptec},_motion dnly'seconded td? Cainoilasa Cole, and carried. ~ '~ I t?poA sotloII dYi3y made and oa=ried, the Counoil 84,~outsied to meet Iiolldai'' e?en18g Aisgnst 80th. 2909., at 7:80 0~0l001: P.Y. _ _ __' . _ , - ~ ' Approred tats 30th. da/y~ at~j~~'}~~'eyt~~;' 2909.,,,,(y~l . • Yaproz os,the City of San sernardis~oR Calit. ~ . .Cit7! Oleic oS the City oai S.a 8aln- t, • ardinc, Calif. 1 i Gl ~c is ~ ~- - ------ ----_-...._.,~,~ rr~ _ . _ --._ _ . -. _ . llr3 , i~ f r 1 I J City Hall, Ban Bornardino, Calif. August 30th. 2909., ReSuiar ea,~ourned meeting o2 the Mayor and Common Counafl of Lhe City of Ban Bernaz~dino, held Monday eveninC August 30th. It309., The mooting was oalled to ardor by 11aYOr 3[oNabb at 7:30 o~alook P.ld. with the following I' members of the Council present: Couroiimen Rensah, oweber, Cole and Irving, Oity Attorney R.S. awing and City Clerk ~ Harry Allison. Absent Councilman Holmes. ~ j E The minutes of the Last regular mooting of the Couiioil were read and approved. The request of the property owners with property abutti~;g on Tii'th Street, asking the Council to ,'~ gLange the Wane of fifth Street in said City to Los Anbeies Aveiriie, sae upon motion oY Councilman Rensah, duly seconded by Councilman Oweber, referred baok to the petitioners for sl6naturea. tl 1 This being the t1~+e get for the opening of the bias Yor the construction of an oil heating plant, same were opened and found to be as follows: ~ ~ Bid oP•Jo2mson- Shea Coo@anY, Riverside, Calif. . '~ Dior the aompiete straoture the sum of ~2'd75.00. ~~"~. ~ whereupon Couriallman Rensah moves that the matter be laid over for one west, and the Mayor, City Atty and Street Supt, be instructed to investigate the construction of said giant, motion ~ seoonded by Councsilman Oweger,, _ II ana Oa~VLL. r , The resolution adaptint piana,•aross- sections and apecsifieatiohs Sor the improvement of ?Mrd Street fYom'the west line of Allen Street, was seed for the that Lime and laid Dues Sor final passage. - • the resolution of the I[ayor and Comoros Cau?ail o~ the City o1 Sou Hernaraiao declaring their ~atention to iagrove that portion o?,Towne Cannon Avenge rrom the Soath lice of litLh BLreet to the 30uth Cline of Zov1~t'A Street axte~t?ded and that pa~Ttioa.ot~lolirth street from the Test line of fiotint vernom Anemia to the Test ~~City Limits, • F was introduced, read in 11x17. Zor tlie'rirst time~'sna lain ewer for ?1nA1 passaSe. , ~ . , . - r ~ ~ _ - • .'~-: Col~usilman 2rvin6 mouse that an era iigtit be pisses on •G• Street between first Street' ,and ttili 8treat, hotton sznty seconded by donna37.~e Rensah an~Q carried.. , , . A aommuniaetion was received and react rl'um a aameoarittse trom•local.~4 B2otherhood Carpenters and Joiners t i '~ 4 4. • ~ ~ ~ ~ • . 6 ~f America, ralativo to the State Lew, limlLing lobar to ei6tlt boars, whereon Oaanailman'Irving mores thtt•a,~ o21'iaisis atte~ion to Called to the ratter, motion duly seaoaded by,Cavrotlasn Oweger, aAd aarriad. . Ootubcilman Sensah moves ttsat the Deite hater Corpe~~be instructed to proaved witm the ?az! ar ins ? ': 28'i.nah outtall sewer a! the price of ~ gar lineal toot and 86.00 toz manholes, acscas+aing the the eontrect h~etoiora a `' t. erect into, motion drily seconded Dyt7ounailmsn IMts6i and serried. ~- Ugon oration duly ride and oarzied, the Ooau3eil acl~ousned to meet tnesdaY'evening 8egtesibey Tth. 1909., ~~'?~~, 7 at 7:80 orloat, P.lt. ~ ~ ~.~d' ~"l; '' r 90 9. ~ ~ • ~ . 1.gprc+ved tBls 7th. day of 8egt, ? , r/~ '` IAayor of the City of ~ Bernardino, Callt.~ « '`~. - City Clezt be of San Bernardlro, Calif ~ a'' w f • 1 ,....ror-.e...~_...._~~__~-_~~~- ..a_.. . _e.... `~~- - - - -- t I City Hail, San Bernardino, Calif. Sept. 7'r. IG08., j ^ ~ Regular adjourned meeting oY the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, held ~ Tuesday everting Septev~ber 7th. I808. The meetlr~$ wsa asll.ed to order by Mayor McNabb at 9;80 a'aiook P.M. with the following r.embers of the Comr',on Counail preaont, Cow~eilnen Rolmos, Oweger, Rensah and Irving. City Attorney A.E. Swing and City Clerk Parry Allison, Absent Councilman Cole. E ~ ' The minutes of the previous nesting were read and approved,, ~ Resolution Ro - A resolution of the Mayor and Conmon Council declaring their intention to improve that portion of Mount Vernon Avenue Yrcm the South line of B'lith Street to the svtith line of E'ourth Street extended and that i ~ portion of Fourth street from the Seat line of Mount Vernon Avenue to the Weat City limits, was reed in iltli for the second time and adopted by the following vote; Ayea, P.olmea, Oweger, Aensah and Irving, Foes. None. Thereupon Mayor !!o:fabb declared j the resolution adoptefl. ~k 4 The xesolutioii adopting the plans, cross-soctiotls still s.~a~iiicati0.is fo~• the i:q;,~ove~.r3nt oi' ^~zir;l 3traa* j Yrom the West line of "A" Street to the East line oII Allen Street, was read in fU.ll for the second time a:td adopted by the following vote: Ayea: Hols~es,Rensch,Oweger and Irving. Noes: None. Absent Cole. Thereupon Mayor i[eNabb declared the resolution ~ . i f adopted and signed same. The resports of the various officers Yor the month oP Euguet, ware received and filed. r ~ ~ r ~ She request of the property living on Catiok Street for permission to construct sidewalks and aui+bs combined, ,laid on property line , 4.feet in width was upon motion of Councilman 2rving, duly seaonfled bp/ Counailcian Oweger, granted., The map of the Weer subdivision of the Weat halt of Lota,s and 7 of Block 84 Rancho San Bernardino, was referred to the Street Committee to investigate. Oounciiman~l'.olmes moves that the report oP the Qommittee heretofore appointed to investigate ~2re bid oS ~ Johnson Shea Company for the oonatructon of a oil heating plant, be received and rileQ. ? resolution awarding the contract for the oonetruction,ot sa oil heating piaitt =o:the dohnaoa Co. . _ y was introduced read'1a 1Uli for the rirst time and laid over Tor fiusi.passage. , " Resolution Fo-- , resolution deelarini Lha intention of the l[aYor and OEsran Oa~eii of the,Clty oS . ~ " ~ , os Street 1(aosQantiai the ; San Bernardino Lo improve Third Street from the West line of 1. Street 6o the East line, Alle¢~ by n6 f roadway thereof end the eo~netrmetion of pr.tters and culverts therein, was introm?ieeQ~ road in tu~for the first ti>a~ eaQ ~i laid over for final passe~e. ~ _ ± Ozdinsnce .NO - An ordinance declaring the maintenance of apiaries and the Seeping o~ bisesyl~ larger rnimbers than two stands of swarms to be a1nniesnce and prohibiting Lhe mairrtenanoe of apiaries cad the teepin6 0# bees r.. 'r , in larger narsbers than two stands or swarsat within the City of San Beraarino, was lntrodaaed, reed 1n 11111 firs th0 rirst tine and laid over for rival pagsa6e. . ODon motion QfLIy made and aarr:ed LheCity Cleric wee directed to drar?warrants•!'o! • the;,C1tY ~- ~ _ v . '. E .," . for the minth of August, 2809., as per claim register. T ~ City Attorney R.E. Swin6 regortsd•preiQeea reiative'to labor Questiom and asbsd x weslta~'IF1~br ties to . report, same was granted. '- Councilman Rensah mores th6t apon lack o! evidence in'partles showing good faith 1A applying for a street ; Rialroari Franahsia be reiected, notion Qnlysetson4Ad by Courxiilman Oweger, the vote of the Cou:~cii was polled by the Clei'It with tit. the following result: Ayea Rensah, Oweger. itoea T{o1:~ee, ?ruing. fiction lost. i t, Trc resolzttion adopting the pla~rs, arcs^-sections ar;rt apocificationa for the aonstrnetian of a 8 inch sewer in Lit Vernon Avenue incr. Central AvFmre to a poi: t 305 feet South of ti^~e ce,~tt~r line of s;~iR central avei;ue, was introduced i~ f . r~ E ~" •~read in full for tho first timo ai:d laid over Por final passago. Upon r~zotion duly !:uido and carried, tho Cawicii adjourned to coot bSonday evoning September 23th. I:~Ofl.; I st 7:30 o'elocK P.tS. • E • I Approved this I3th. day oP September, I90D., ~ ~ ~ Mayor oP the City oi' san Boruar ino, Ca11Y. I _ , . ~ City Cierk. • i .City Hali, San_Bernardino, Calit. September, 23h. 1608., • Ae~gular a4,~wt~ne¢•meetina o! the f[ayor a;d Caa¢aon Council of the City o2 8an Bernardino, hoid ftonaay ©vening 8epteaber I3th. I808., t,De meeti~,was aalied to order by Mayor 3iaHsbb at 8'c2gat P.1[. with the following members of the Counefl present: Councilmen Holmes,'%'iXo+lb,''\Oweger and I2•~. City 'Attorney R.S. firing and City Cleft ~ffarry,Allison. ADseiIIL Counel2man Rensah. ~ . I , ~- The mlmitee of the previous meeting of the Council were read and approved. The resolution ad:optiaR the plans, cross-seatione and speciriaations for the constrnotion oP a 6 inoII 'sewer in '[aunt Vernon Avemie trot Central Avemte to a point 305 Seat South of the center fine ot~eaid CentRai'A~ern:e, wag ~ .,r, , read Por the.seaonQ time and, adapted by the toliawini vote, Ayes:,Cote, Holmes, oweger and Sn?1ng. Aoea Bone. Thereupon alsYor 1[cPabb declared the resolution adopted, The reso],nt3an swarQlna,the aontraat to the dolfnaon SAea Cot~ar0t of Riverside California,"tor the arnstru-' , ®~zion of an oil heating plant,,was read•Ior the second lime sad adopted 17Y the toilowing vote: Ayes: Odle, Holmes, Oweger, and ~2rving. Hoes:•Hone. Thereupion liayor 1[oRabb dealazed the resolution adapted. ~ ti Resolution, Ho. Z'ra A resolution oS tAe YaYor and pomaon Cannoi2 af-_the'Oity of San Bernerdina declaring their inteintion to 3lprove Third Street trot the hest 11Ae of A Street to the ]fast line of Alien Sti:eet by-~moadeaitisfnglte 'f roadway thereof and the eonstruotign oP gutters and culverts herein, wsa read for the aeeond tine and adapted by the iaiiowing ~ a vote: ~ Ordina~nee Ho - An ordinaaae Qeoierit~ the maintena>~e at apiaries and the teepin~ os bees in larger nwebers "' - - • 'than two stands or swarns to be a nnisanae and prohibiting the eaintoaanoe of apiaries end the teeping o! aeea in larger nu~ibers than two stands or ssarma within tAe City o! San Bernardino, was read in tail for the aeconfl tiu~ aiid adopted tq? the to11ow1ng vote: Ayes Dole, tboimes, Owegex and Zr+ing. Roes- None. T~eupon uayor itcltabb declared LIIe ardinanae adopted. . san lbrnaactino, Cal 9/3~/b8. ~ m " r To The Honorable 1ta3?or and, Corr:wn Co~tnoii of the O1CY of san Bernardino, Calif. ~ 0enttsaren:- Ne, the undersigned, rosl,ecttully petition your Honorable Body to want us sn eztonsian of a0 eeq?•s tlme tar Lhe completion oP tho Paying of Third Street fra~:i •U''3treet to the Santa !e Depot. Sold paving will be finished by Sept. 28th. . ~lh a lvo ask this extension of tir.:a to cover tcchnocalities, l ` '• ~~' R•^spectiully Submitted, i E.R. ?cretin & co. ' 7Jy E.R. werCLin. 1 Upon the reacting oP tho shove request, Crns;:eilman Irving novas that Lhe s-me bo granted, r:btion duly seconded by Crnuieilrran Cweger, and carriocl. f E A resolution granting E.R. l4ordin & Co¢~:,ny an oxtonsion of QO day's tino for the irprove>?sent of Third Streot iro;.: •Q• Street to Z2b9 feet Rest of •I• SLreot, was introduced, read in Yell Yor the first time and laid aver for Yinal ! pa3~a$0. ~ A petition was received fror~ properly owners with property abutting bn D'1Yth street, asking Lhe Council to , change the name oY H'lfth Street to Los Angeles Avenue, was upon notion oY Courcilman Irving, duly seconded by Ccauicilman Holmes ~ ~ laid over unt11 the neAt seating of the Council. Upon motion duly made and carried, the corsnznioation oY A.L. Sloan, relative to the o'sLimate oY oost o1 diverting along •R. Street, •the water which accum><latee on the Aorth side of Rialto Averrue between Garter livernie slid •~' street, was reYerred to the Street Supt to investigate. ~ ~ . i ~ 'r A peLiLion was received Yrom the womana Relief Corps end the Grand Arny, aeklna the Yaye~r~and Council for c . , , , ~ ~ . ~ ~ - - ~ - ~ - j assistance in renting s p1a®e Yor meotinte, rrhareupon Mayor MoFabb appointed a committee of the iii .toc,i'm?estigate and report back to the Couiaeil. ~ Counailsialt Irving moves that the City Ersgineer be instructed to prepare plena and specifiaatio:~ns for tiie f I conat^uotlon of a sewer on Eighth Street floor •H• to •C•C Street under and pursuant to't21e Vrooman Asst, motion duly seconded by Councilman Qweger,,,and serried. • i . ~ r Councilman Zrvint mores that the City Engineer 7De inst;tiated to prepare plane and sp"eelYtii~iou for tn,e construction of an ofgAt luau sewer on Hasp L1ne Street irom~~ Street to Arrawheed Aveuue, under and pursuant to'the vrooman ', Act, motion duly seconded by Cautcilman 73olmea, 8na parried. * , Counol2man.Cole moves that the map oY the wee'e and 6Aerrer sutuaivisions be re~~ated oa Lhe tround that /~ c ~ ~a the streets are not graded and put in•eondition, arotion duly seconded by Cvmsailman Holmes, and serried. Mayor tlioFabb sub>*dtted the name of Charles w?°iehinataal for the position o= pound master of ilia City to talcs effect et once, whereupon Councilman Holmes moves that the appointment~~of Charles wsshinton be cabfirmad, protion Judy seconded r~ ~ i . f lsY Councilman Irring and caried. Councilman Holmes mores that the Street Supt be instructed to instruct to Delta water Cotepe170? to aonstrudt , Stend,ard rranhoies in end along the aat=sll sewer in •S" Street, tnotials d>~.Y seconded by Coancsiiman Cole, and serried. :r ~ ~ - , Counailtaen Cteger moves that the O1tY Attorney be directed to prepare an Ordinance aovarnint ?ertiiiser ~ plants within the City iitaite, motion ditlY eeaonded by Caunai3aaan Irrint, and Oari'ied: The report aS the Coialittee heretofore appointed to inveetitate the charges heretofore'rilad with the lts~or and Common Caunail of this City, b6? 1.rea1 HumDOr 8i4•,Brotherhood CarpeMexs and J'oiiners of A~riaa, to the sffeat that the eight hour law was being riei~ted by Lhe City water Departaent and by contractors Joint street work in tors Qity, was received and read, and upon motion duly made received and riled and the Committee discharged. a., Upon motion duly Wade and carried, the`Cow:cil scl3ourned to inset Monday evening 5epterzbor 20th. IUOD., at 7:3i o'clock P.M. Annroved this 20th day oP Sopterb r, Ia08., Mayor of the CiLY of San Berr.,~rdiro, Calif. "1 ' ~ ty Clerk of tho City oP 3en Bernarino, r . CaI1Y. -5.. .City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. Septe~bax ISth. I908., ;+},`- Speoiai me9t111a of the lisyor and Oommon Council of Lhe City of San 8ernsrdlnO, jl~d l'edneday evesllna Sept. I6th, I909, Aritten notices were served upon the foIiowins members of the Common l3aarreil, yne.maotin~ was oalled to order by Mayor McNabb at 7:39 o'clock P.11. with the tollowins members of the Crnxneil pxeaent, CotuxcilmsA Cole, Holtnea, Owe6er and Irvin, , City Clerk Parry Allison and City Attorney R.B. Swim. ~ ; The tollowin co~urication was receiged and read:, Ban Bernardino, Ce~7.1t. Sept. I4tb.• x9Cit,r, To the Honorable lisyor and Common Council} ,.Of the Qity of Bsn;Hernardino., ~"'~ntiemen:- '`'°'~~- ) I I~ereby petition your.>'lonorable boc.P to'aranL'to me an extension of tiw~ for the improreme~ of 6th St. between *I' and Mount Vernon streets. The reason for asking for said extension ai' time is that there 1s aharta~a of cmahed rook and I have been unable to bet eamo as I hsd contracted tor, I therefore s8k for an extension of time at 80 days to eoti~iete Bald wort. >~espectil~ll~r,youra, 8.1. ~brd. Upon the roadies of the tore6oirra comnniaation, Caunoll~ as 8olmeai novas that tAe lit~aet '31tyt be and ho is horeby astthorized and directed to extend by. QO claps the tip w1th1A which the wort[ provided. in that oerkain ooatleaaR 1to-- heretofore entered into ,with B.3'. Tord tour the inprovement of bth Street ' troi?'Ze so 1[onint Vorr~on Avenue, seconded by Cauncii- aen Ooie, and carded. Thereupon Lt~~yor 3telPabb Qeciarad the order adopted. A resolution eucletxiicrs QO Qays titre to the D.l. lord Corxpany for the improseamea~t of 5th Street from {,_.,/'"'~ °*O Streot to haunt Vernon Avenue, wee introduced read in dill for the first time and lied over for final De~saase. Upon notion d.riyr~tccle and carried the C,cstunatl aci'oumed. App,~rod , 'A- Rinyor o tits City San??e~ aridno thin 20th Gay of Sip;. I>M`~ City Clerk • - ~ ,.a.__....,.. ~fi~ i ~ ~ j son Bernardino, Ca11Y. Sept. 20th. IL•OJ., Regular ad~aurnod meeting RY the ZSayor snct Coi!:.:on Council oY tho City of San Bernardino, held Monday overung 3epter~ber 20th. I809., Tt~e r.eetirrg wa:: called to order by Diayor 1?eNabb at 7:30 o'c1ooK P.a{. with the - Yollowirrg nei?cbere of the Council present: Cauncilraen Cole, ?'.olr•.es, Oweger, Rensch anti Irvin. ('ity Clerk F?arr~r Allison. The ninutea of the previous neetinge were xead and ap}.xovoci. Dr. J.N. Daylis, President oY the Board oY Eealth, and Dr. 0. Liam, called the Council's attention to the YaeL that the health oY the city was ~eopardY as the result of general unsairitary conditions and requested support by the endorsement o! the regulations whisk the Board oY Health has adopted, whereupon Councilman Cole maven to apDrovo the action oY the. Board o! ?eaith in ordering a Yi~e oY #25.00 for the Yirst oYfense and #50.00 for the eec6i~ct, inposed upon physicians Yor Lhe non-reporting oY inSeetions and contagious diseases, notion duly • • seconded by Cot}neilman 2rving, and carried. Conrbail~an Reneah moves ti•:at the City Attorney be directed Lo prepare 8T1 ordinance govering hog pens '~ witffiA the tCity .].iartts, motion duly .esonded by Councilman Cole, snd oarried. << ~ ;~'~ ifrdinenee segulatitrg the 'oan°ih~ •oP garbage was introduced,"read in itili !or the Yirat time and • 1siC over !or sne•weel[. ~' " ~' oounoilman~2rving moves that the role and regulation of the~~oard o! heal h o!'the City be endoraid snC '~ E and adopte4, motion duly eeQOnded by Courtailman'Cote, and cazrieQ. Councilman Holmes moves that the reQueat of the petitioners asking the Council to change the name oY ~ ~ i MYtA Street to Los Angeles Avenue, be dented, motion telly seconded by Counell~ian Cole, and carried. Oourcilsan Irving moves that the request aY the propertq ovuers Yor tTre opening 0! Catiaic Street be ~ t laid over far one week, motion duly seconded by Councilman Holmes, and carried. Upon notion duly made and carried will Solos and JoEtr Sahifl names be placed upon the list to whom intoxicating 13ttuore shall not be sold. ~ • • Upon motion tfily r-.ade and serried, the City Cles'!c was directed to Craw' warrants !or'ciaias against the 'i^ r City as per ciairr register. { Ssn Bernardino, Calii. t~vpt. d{ftA. Y908., t To the Honorable Mayor and CaAm+on Council, ~ r City ol~Sen•Bernardino, Calif. Oent leaeri:- 2 hereby petition Your Honorable body to grant to ma an extension o! time !os the constrntstion o! a asset in ~ Street, lleventh Street Base Line Street and !~' Street sa1C Oity. '" ~ < 1 • 'the season !os asking for said' sextension of time is to cover teshneealities. Z tl~s~'ec~tre esX for sit exterralon o! time of 80 CtiYs to complete eegC wo=k. • ~ iteepeotlt~l3y Submitted, j • '!he San Bernardino ~artb?are Cotapaip?, '~ •iry. A.B. LAowaa. ~ "~i~ i i t a f ;T iI I. I, s~'. '~ 1 UPOn the reading; of the foregoi~:g request, Couneilulan Cole moves that the request be granted an:t the 11~ Snn Bernardino flarci,a_e Company bo grantee an extension oY 30 day to conp2ete the above nrsred sower, notion duty seconded by Councilrwn IIolmea, and carried. '~ i The resolution a~tthoriring the Supt oP Street to entend time within which the work provided in that certain contract for the ii::provenent oi' •B, A Eleventh and Base Line Sewer Por 30 days, wan introdueed, read . ; in full Yor the Yirst time and laid over for final passage. The cor?irnication Prom Comity Auditor C.E. Iiar.:~.er with reYerence to the assessed valuation o1 Lhe City, 9 was introduced, and upon motion duly made and carried, received and filed. The resolution authorizing the Supt oP Street to extend tine within which the work provided 1n that eertain contrast Yor the impFOVerrent oY MPth Street Pros •I• Street to )leant vor:;oA Avenue, was read fox the second'Lime and adopted by the Yo11oRi.ng vote, Ayes Cole, Rolme3 Oweger, Renseh and Irving. Noes Avne. 'fisereup6h i i 2dayor Llcltabb declared the resolution adopted. ~ ' ' `''~,,_ The resolution awarding an extension oP time Pr the in.prove~ ant of Third Street 2:368 lest-lfest oP •2• Street was read Yor the second Lime and adopted Uy.the Poll owing vote: Ayes Cole, Holmes, flseger, Rensoh,and Irving, TFoes: None. Thereupon mayor 3doNabb declared the resolution adopted. This being the time set Yor the oX:ening oY the bids for the lmprovement o; fAottnt Demon Ave~e Prop the,8outh line of Tf.rst street to the 3auth line oY Third Street, same were opened and,fonnd Lo be as follows; Bid of Johnson Shea CompatLy, of Riverside California. OtITTERB l'SR LIS 7T. , , '~~ . Cl>r,9SRT8 CIdaB did PBR L211 T!. x.00 OUhVS[iTE ~8 8.00 QEILVaRTB 24 .8.rt~ , uAaAnuaz2xa ~Ft sQcuats rr le.a Councilman $oimes moves t33Bt ~t2l~ bia of aitureon'Shea "~be'i~e~ecteQ, motion duly seconded ~ ,-~~ ~ ' Councilman Cole, and casTied. . The resolution adoQ'ting tUe diagraci of the distrlot of lands bened'itted by the improvement of This Street frog: ~W_ 'Street to a point M69 lest west o! the hest line of •I'' Street, waa introduced, read in full \ nor the nrai time and laid over for final pnesaga. The resolution afloptingthe diseraor of the di at riot o! lava. ber}erittyR by the im<rroPeaent by tAe i-, eanstruetion of a ever is Basq Line atreet,A Street, Ileventh street aX;d.:"8' I~,see~; arse lutrocWOed, road 1n full Yor the riret time anfl laid'over for rinal passage. ~- CounollorsA Holies ranee that the Clty Ciest bs instruatea to 8d+?ertise lor,bias for the imprc~essent of that portion oY Third Street, td69 lest •est of the lbst line of K' 6treet to,`ar ~t Ilne of Iloant vasisoa Aveaaae, ,oration dniy seoondea by Coaaollasa 0oie, sad carried. Resolutio nlio. 27b A resolution oZ the ifsyor ana Oormon Couaeii oraering wort to be QoAe, that tae soa+a ' way os •D• Street in Sala City, from the loath Iine o! Fifth street to the Qouth 2113e of Hue Line Mreet, be mao- "~, adar~tzea with oruahed root ana oti, was introduce4, read in f1i11 for tae first time aaa laid over fob final passage. .~' r, i . ~.-~.-. T... --_ -...._ r0 Resolution No. 276 A resolution of the Mayor and Co~~:on Cou;loll orderit~ work to be done, that the C j roadway of Bifth Street fro~:~ the West line of Arrowhesd Avenue to the East line of •E• Street, bo r,.aeadarlized '` with crushed rock and oil, Ras introduced, read In full for Lhe ;first time ,end laid over for final passage. '` Resolution Ho Z97 A resolution of the Mayor and Common Cotineii ordering worK to be done, that the i ~ roadway of •E• Street flron the South lino of Fourth Streoi to the South line of Ninth Street be paved with a bindoiy course of broi:en stone and asphaltic cement with an asphaltic wea'rir~ surface, was IraroduceQ, read ~ in full for rho rirat time anti laid over for final p~s~age. Resolution No. Z78 A resolution of Lhe 1[ayor and Common Council ordering work to be done, that the ~ i rosQ~ray of Tourth Street from the East lino of "7' Street to the East lire of •I. Street ,bo t?sacadandzed with c crushed rock and oil, was introduced, read 1n Rill for the rirat time and said over for Final passage. Resolution No. 278: A resolution of the MaYOr and Comtlon Counefl of the City of San Bernardino, I~ ' , orderin$ work to be done, that an eight'ineh vitrified'plpe sewer shall be eonatructed in •E• Street, was j introduced, read in full for the first time and 1siQ over for rinAl passage: Resolution Ho 280: A resolution of~the 1[eyor and'Common Cowioil of the City ordering work to be done,! "'r .j that the roadweq of Tourth Strreet from Lhe West line of •Lr• street to the Xast 12ne of •T• Street be taaeadaffiS r ~ i wrrith erished rock and oiled, was introduced, read in Lull for the Zirst time and laid over for final passage. Ordinance 2io.- An ordinanee~rixing the rate and leteying a property taz for the current fisoisl~ Year upon all property within the City of San Bernardino and Lhe San Bernardino, was introdu0ed, lead in full for the first time and laid over for final passage. Upon motion duly made and carried, ttie Council ad,,}ourned to meet Monday evening September a9th. 2908., , , . . . Approved this S7th. day of Septy~s 1808, * ~taa?o= o; one airy os saa~ 9eraarairio, Calif. • ~ '`~ ~ city alez~t r~ i " ~~-t~~~. c < < r : . ~ 1 ~ r y u. 4 ~ ~ i ~ ~ l . ', i ~I Y f ~[f f I j t .._..r.. `7~ i i ~ City Ha12, San Bornardino, CaliP., Sept. 27th. I:?Ofl., Regular adjourned cleating•oP the !`ayor:nnd Com~,:en Council of the City of San Bernardino, held Monday evening Septe~.ber 27th. 2FlOfl. The meeting was called to order by 1[syor 1fCNabb at ?:30 o•alook P.zl. with the { t Yollowing meribera oY the OOmrtkon Council present: Counoil~~en Colo, Rolmea, Ow©ger, Icing and Rerisah. CitS' httoreey i r.E. Swing and CitX Clerk Barry Allison. Trio mitrutea oY the previo•,,a meeting wer© read and approved. Upon motion oY Councilman Cole, dilly seconded by Councilman~liolmea, aiidBarried: TTzo City Enf;inoer was insLl~~cted to prepare trio necessary data Tor the proceodlrras Yor trie opening of •Penn•~avemle Srom'ESghth.8treot to Base Lino Street. Upon motion oP Counoiisan Holmes, duly eecronded by Councilman Cole, and carried. The City Sn$ineer was instructed to prepare the necessary data Zor the establishing oS the Grade of !!1C• Street.' • ~ Upon motion of Councilman Rensah, duly seconded by'Counailr:an 2zvirra• and oarried.~tho reQusst at •.H. .~~- Swan fox permission to moves trio stage of the Airdome '1'haatre 50 feet least of the present loaatiott was ordered laid on the labia Zor one wee8. - - ' Upon motion`oi Crnuroiiman Rensah; duly seconded by Councilman2zvins,.and oarried. The ieQaest oS >.re4 Dur- ham, roc peresission:to'withdre~'his application"for"an.IIeatrie•Stteet Railway, was iratltsd. Upon motion oP Councllman Reneoh~~QUly seconded by Councilman $o2mes,'snd.'aarried~ Sohn`Selimacgltt*as ordored planed upon the' list to`whom intaocicating ltgtlore'shall-not:be•eold. Upon motion dtL~y made and carried,_the City Cierk wen SnstruateQ to rednce`4hs 2nerizanae bra the City Paviliion~irom #IO.o00 to ;s.eoo.oo. ~ . • Upen motion oS Cotu1a11>.an )iensoh, duly seconded by Councilman Ro1Qes, the City ittoznsy was directed ' to prepare an ordininab regulatilAa tFie >tianaiing of gttYbsse within, the bitF'lltits•. Ordfxe ifo-- An ordiiaanoe prohibitin; the `erection, 'operation ;and. aelihteAea~ce of leztilitin~ p=ants ~ .j or•piaaes where Ze;tilisezs"is smftniaetuzed oz mizbd wt3~in`-iris oorparabi Baits ~o~ tAe CStY oS Sant Bernardino. wsa introdttoed, i^eaQ in 11><l.i Por the rizst tine and iaid' aver' ivr liner passage. • -" Upon lotion duly made: and cazTied~'tAe City Clerlt'wsa'it~struated to draw a"'wasraat iQ tawor ai S.a. ITerdin & Co~aTIpI in'the stir or ~TOa.16 for"hacl! payment oII Third Seat payrent , tLe vote e'lYt7~e Cptl>fpii was poll'ed,by'the 'oih? Clerk with the Sollotrin~ zesnlt; Oyes: Oole', Horace, )tenaraA; oweger~.Izvind.' »<oesi >S~e. a Thereupon Yeyoi Yalfabb deeiared the oa+ier-adapted. ~ - Cauncilaaa AeASah paves that the puns and speoirioations 1'oz the 2~?roii~eitent oi.TMxd >zt=eet irotA Santa ie Depot to Yount treraon Avenue ae adapted, motion daly seconded by Casulai~s°Cbit~ ~ aaytteQ,.• . s -- . Oounailman Reneeh awves. tl+at the is~ss! ai':=.A. LeTereswal roc a tsaasCe~= oS th6 ~itae~s sa? in-ffis namo to J. Lnoas be granted, and'the bong received and riled motion dizly,eeltpnded ~ Qt~oi3aisl Cese~ tad. - Couilbilaan Roimes troves that trio' abei~atiott oS wln I•anden as sriwe~z oS, the f!olft arid' ~,"atR,~e~aM'~., ~ A . t . ~- be acscepted,'raotion drily seconded by Councilman Ronsoh, a1'brl carried. ' , ` : - ' ~i~.. ~ Y3Yor 3[eAabb submitteR the name' of Ctrs Yaa Par' the poaiti'on of Ariwsz of ;he Rook and LaQdez ' to take oiYect Oatobor, Iat ieOU,.~~oreupoaCOUncilnen Rensah rawer that the appointnent of Cde ilea as Driver o! L the Hook and Ladder '"agora be approved, motion ctttly seconded by Counail{,~rr Ralsns, and carried. 1 J - ~' Crnuxcllisan Aenach moves that the reQ~eet of the property owners for an arc iig?!t at Eighth and 'F.' r granted, motion duly seconded by Counciimn Colo, and earl~l.ed. street be .Cou~~:cihean Rensch moves that the invitation of the w.C.T.U. of tYd a City be.reeoived and filed, I i motion duly seconded by Councilman Cole, and carried; i Crnax.cilman Oole rioves that the plans and specifications for.the conativetion of a sewer in 8th Street between •B• and •C• streets bo~rfvrred.to Lhe City Attorney for approval. i The resolution.adopting the diargrax oftthe district of lands beW.fitted by work done under Resolution of Intention No. 239, wae'read for the second time ai,d adopted try the following vote; Ayes Coles Rolmes, Owvger, Renseh and Irving. Noes 2aone. Thereupon Ysyor YoBabb declared the resolution adopted. The resolution sdoptixig the diasram of the district of lands benifitted by the improvement described iri Resolution of Intention ]fo I54, was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Cole, ! AoL3eas Oweger, .Rensch and: Ii~ri,,g. NoesNone. Thereupon ]layer 1dcNabb declared the resolution adopted. --~ Ordinance ilo - An Ordinance rixing the r8te and levying a property tax for the current fiscal year :w./~ upon all property within the City of San Bernardino and the Ban Bernardino City School district Sox the purpose ; of maintaining the municipal government of said City and maintaining the Oramner Schools 1n said district and ~ paying the prialoipal and interest dales and to become due, upon~the•B~bbard water Bonds, The ?ntil lrater,$onde, The 01d water sogde slid TAe St rest t~rovement Bond during the ou}rant fiscal year, was read for ,the second tie and adopted by the following vote: Ayes, Cole. Holales, Owehe;~ Irivirxs and Reasoh, Goes:'None. Thereapon Vulyor , 1LoFabb declared the ordinance adopted. ~ ~ ~ ` Resolution No. IBI a resolution of the Yayor and Common Councik ozderlrxi the eaa~;Qf 89o8.AQ;drawp~in } savor of the E.R. rerdin ao. ~wea~tatxodneed, read in 11111 for the'flset LiaQ'Otict laid cri?or ioX final passage. E Resolution No I76. A,reeolntionoi the uayor anQ Oo®on..~.ounoii Tort to be dosses: To wit: That ins road-, i way? of •D• Street in said~City, Sroa the eant~x~iine oS Mtt,t,~ at rest to the.Beuth 21ne-of Sass Line street, wsa i read ior~the second titre and aQepted tIIe tollowiaj rose: IY's8 33eles • "o~eser, ~axsoz<_aAd Trwi~. sees: No¢xo. Thereupon 31a3?or licNabb declared the reaolatlon,adopted. ~ ~ ", Resolution Bo 298.:A resolution~of the Mayor, and Coas~l,Oouacil of the.Qit7? 02' ssa Bernardino, orderin 8troet ,wort to be donee 'to-wit: Tt?at tAo roadway of Tii,'tb Strset from tAs~'Fest lice o! Ai?rorDeq~ ilveiase to thsE, 8ost'11ae of, •E' Strast•',wae,tead tor;the se¢anB tlws ana adopted n!? ties 2o11owin; Mote; yea Coles Rolness ` daregers Rensch and' I2?ins: Noes zone. Thereupon Itayar Ilolfabb declared the resolution adopted. •Reeoluttan xo 27t. L resolution of the NaYor and Coa~on Cowled.l oardarint Btreet_waM to be done. to-sit. That.the loa~?ar oS "!• street Srom the'soath ifAe o2 lcalrth Ntreet to iris south line or 1tiAth StZeet,,,wt#t-read for t2u second time and adopted Yy tae ro3losins vote: Aye, ale, , llws~eot. Hens4h and Irrin;. xose. I Fo~s.,TAe~eupoa'lWf~ lldtabb declared the rsso~oticn adapted. .' Reeolatiaas lro I78. d sesolution of the 1taYar and Coaa~ou Conaaii ordering wort to be mcastgri;; ?l~at the ros,Qaray o! '1C11=th Street in said City Sl'oala the fast line OT •!' street to the east iiae c1' •I' wtreet bo taseaaem- ize4 with crushed rook and else was reaQ,for the second Liras and adopted by the?loliowins vote:,Ag~ Coles Solmee ~ Owe6ers Reneoh and Irving. hoes- None. Thereupon klsyor uoflabb declared the resolution adapted.. ~~', i T r ; r 1 _ i ~~1 i i > i , Resolution No. I80. A resolution of the Mayor and Common Cotuleil ordorir~ Street work to bo dorre, to-wit; '~' That the roadway of Fourth stroet in said City from the east iinc of •E• 3troet to the East lino of •F• Street be 3i repavod with a bindery course of broken atone and asphaltic cement with an saphaitie wearing eu{taae, was read Eor the second tir:;e and adopted by the following vote: Ayea Cole, ISolaes, Oweger, Rensch and having. Noes Nons. Roaoltion I70 A resolution;f the :•'ayor and Copraon Council ordering Street work to be donF to-wit; That an night inch vitrified pipe sewer bs cohstracted in •E• atreot and ~3sae Lin© streot, was read for the ascond tine and adopted by tho followim~ vote: Ayea Cole, Hoi~ss, Owsger, Rensoh and Irvirts. Noes Bone. Thereupon ~ Mayor NcNabb deelarod the resolution adopted. Upon motion duly made and oarriod the Council adjourned to Peet lionday evening08tiober~4th. I809 at i 7:30 o'clcok P.3i. `' i Ypproved this 4th. day of Octo~ r, I908., ;- xy~ ~h . r ~ . Ida~~~or of the City of San Bernardino, Calif. ~Ci ert . ~ y _ ',%~ ' rr ' City Hall, Ban Bernardino, Ca11t. October, 4tt~. 2808., , Regul6r ~d!].rRled meeting of the xayor and Common Courreil of the t31ty of Ssn 8ernastillno~ Deld'![ondeiy ;- ev'el'ting flatober 4th. I809., The meeting was celled to order Dy Ltayor ltaRabb at ~8 ~o~olooL P.1[. with the following members of the Council present: Counailr4en Oole, Holmes, Oweger and Irrini. City Attorney R.~. Swing aAd City C1erY Barry Allison. Absent Cartinallman C.R.~Reneah. , ~ ~ ~ ~ f ". T a~. ~ r, t ~ . T~.+ ti>S ~ ~a; ~ -~ >~y tiy. ~ a ~' ;i«: a i i -~ The mixaxtes of the previous ateeting of the Counci`1 were lead and approved. Oounol2man Cole area thit tAe reaurest of Chist of 'Polioe to hale T.B. Rit~eda aoptirrued oA ae} a . , regular police otfioer be granted, motion..dizly 6eoonded by Councilaan 8o].mea, nnQ Darzied. The~ordinariae prohibiting the erection., oDeratio~n and'rasintenarsoo of plan!`a aye` plaobs inhere terlliiaers is oamifaatured, was upon motion duly made and'oarried, laid over foP one wont. °'i. Resolution lro. I82. A' resolution orderi~ the sum of ~108.Sa d=awII trom xLe lWnioipal ~ hied for ~ o= the entire ooet of the expense of the improvesent of Thin! Street Irom LAe west 12ne of •t3' Street to a point one thousand Lwo 2nandred and fifty nine feet 1?eet of the Teat line of 'i' Street, was read ?or the •aeoond time and adopted by the tollowiag rote; Ayea Cole, Holmes, 01?e~ger and 2svfng. lhereupoII l[acf'o? IloBabb ~ - declared the resolution adapted. Counoiiman Irwiag taovee test the replat and reeurreY of lots I end IS of the ward Courtney and d. ~ ]Cingmans Sufbdirision of Lot !8 91ook 28 R.8.8. be adopted en4 pissed on record, motion duly secotsden ZT ,';' ' Cowiciiman Rolraes, and carried. ~" ~q Caunailman Irving z:oves trot the City Clem be inatzva~ed to delve warrants in favor of the Oeraa~l- ', Savings and Loan Society Tor interest on the Arti11 and Hubhard Fater Bonds, notion duly seconded by Counai2- Stan Cole, and carried;by *he following votr; Ayes Cole, fiolnes, flteeger, and 2rving. t[oea Fotte. Tnereltpom uayor ,{epr,,Ur ~?eelared the oa~cier s~:cn;tr~?. u'." ' L,,~ ' _ j ..," -, i Octouor 9th. Iv08., i To file honorable Muyor and Coranon Council, i + Gentlemen:- . ' Wc+ respectfully'petition your honorable Lolly for an extonalon of sixty days on our contr.,et for tho j ~ir~prov©rnent of 5th street from •E• to •I• Streets. We expect to ha~~e the samo Finished in two weeks but desire to i have siffieient tfne for assossraont roll and othor legalities. ' Respectilrlly yams j JOIiN3027 S1'~A CO. l By R.T.4hea. Upon the reading of the foregoing request, a resolution was introduced, read in foil for the first j f time granting said Johnson & Shea Company an extension-of 80 days time. ' ~ j P.3. Corl Londered his resignation to take effeot at the pleasure of the Council, whoreupon same wee r ' '~./r ~ read and no action taken on by the Council. i i ' Councilman Cole moves that the City Clerk be instrueteci to draw warrants for etairss agalnat the City of j San Eernardino for the Month of September 2908 as per claim register, notion duly seconded by CaCflcilman Irving, and carried by the following vote: Ayes Cole, Holmos, Oweger and Irving. Noes Po;:e: T'her~zpon Ysyor iicl~abb dealarfl ', the order adopted. - Councilwan Cole roves that the matter of paving a3C8g the tracks oP~\the vita Pa on west 'Phi Td be referr- j ell to the City Attorney wit2~ inatru~tions to take the 34atter c#y with the Banta ]I'e lotion duly aeoonded by Council- ~ r; ~ S msn Irv~i~, and carried.. ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ City Attorney R.]C swing Piled his reports on t2~e matter of, aro iigtlt anc~ the honey dine,,~roa the Home TglepisoAe Comp¢11y 'oil them Z~nghiee, wi}ere~upo~,same. was teoeived and ordered tiled. Councilman Colo ao?es that ~.aomaittee be appointed to inestf~ate the erectiom_ o; a, S]pe plea! ve~it j !os tba tY11~ as 2a~~s1 .D~~ is tDre Qitil a1~4iGS OtfLM• lsati 4~ts eeaoaded 'by, Cen~oiim~ Zsv~1K, sad oarriea. ~- whexeupoai a ool~ittes ool~tsg~ag of tile. abonoil was aypodated m? t]4e itayor to iavest.i~ate. !h6 plans sad e®eatiiaatil~C# for the ffighth street Sewer aA4 pleas sad speaifieatioos 2bg._ sidewaits sa¢ auxbs elcnL itislte 1*aa#ie,, ware reed beat to the City >~laeer for oorreetiona. I! Resolution iro I~ 1 reaolntloII ordering Street Bbrt, that titre roa~ray at 'G' ftreet irate Y ° i?ort]a_.liae oP SegonC.Etreet to the Sovlth l1Ae o; Hiati? Sheet be paved with o1I, teBDed pav{g¢e¢it, wsFa iatroduaed~ read in Itiill for the, first ties sad laid over for ,final pasesae. 1 The ardinarce deiGie~ the kee$1~ at plgs to De s nuisaaae and prohibiting the keeping oS pigs within the City ot'San Seraermao, was intsomaaed, read in 21211 for the first flee and leis aver for tiatl, passage. The matter oS the dLw~ing of garbage within the City at San Bernarino, was upon motion da17 made end carried, reSerred to the, City Jlttor„ey wft2i inatruaticu~s to taRe tLe matter up with Lhe Board of Realth. Cauneiir_an Irving mouse Chet the regneat oit w.P.. 3wati far perrdseion to re~:ovo t2~ Airdoste from present i location to So feet west was denied, motiaa drily seconded by CoanoilmaA Cola, and aarrled. ,°~" t.I~. e~ ~------- _--._ ~ . . 7~ . ' Upon motion duly r.~ade and carried, the appointnonta oS A.B. Littleton'and J.N. Lemon as special police oYi'icors to serve without pay, were approved. C.iti:cil*~.ten Irving moves that the City Engineer Ue instracLed to prepro plane and speclYieations Por the improveme;.t oi' Seventh Street and spruce Stroot Uy having aideealKa and curbs constructed therein, under and Fnlrsuant to the Vrooman Act. motion duly se::ondect anti carried. Upon r.~otion duly made and carded, Miss 1{ary Sandee was appointed OPfieial Steno~,rapher Vice 1[ias 3d. V'maley, at a salary oP X80.00 per month, Upon motion duly made and oarried, the Ct7Ellec i1 adicYurned to meet bSonday evening Qotober IZth. ie08., at 7:30 o'e] reR. P.fl. Approved this Tlth clay o//T __Octoper, I909., ''~..• lisyor oY the City oY 9an Bernardino, CaliY. , • " City Olen:; 7•" City Iisil, San Bernardino, Ca11t October Ilth. 2909., . "r - { ' , •.AeBnlar ad~rnt;cned meeting, of the Layer and Common Council of the City os qan Bernardino, he1Q Monday ~ evening Ovtober IIth, I809., TAs•meeting was ealied to order by lisyor 11xtAabb at 9:36 o'C1ooE P.Y. lath the ~ , ' Poilow3n~'meesbere oS the Counis2l pre$enL:.Connoiimeu Cole, Aolaiea, Oweger', ReuBOh amd Irving. City Attorney ;'ft.~f"Sling and,City Clerk Harry A111son.~ 'flee minutes of the prevlaas ideating of the gounCil mere read and approved. • A petition was, *eoeiv,ed signed bY, merehanLe soS the City oY San Bernardino, salting one `Yeyor and ooa®on Council to adapt, an ordinanae'th$t will yreolude merchants from senKting into the C2ty~ a banln'npt stook of goods ' ~ n, -> and also musical instruments, pianos and otAor lines of aerahandlae, advertised to be soSd at syeoiel salsa where such persona"are not intending to, ,make ',San Bernardino their ~ereanent pleoe a~ bwdne'ss, ~'heraupon Oooacil- . . man Irving moves tIIat the City Attorney be inatrueted to prepare an ordinswse gaverinr the abo?e =eQuest,eootiom . i r.* . d>llY seconded by Counollman COIe~ emd. Carried. ~ 4he toliowing rege:eeits_tor eactensione o1 time on contraota were read to tLe OounCii, Redlends,+Cs11S. October 22th. IeOB. ~ . - v Ron. Lsy?ot and City Cgtuloil opt 3aA 2terna~diuoa San 8eatnprdino, C811Y. Oentl cween:- j Caving to, our inability to assure rook fast enoe~h, we respectlL~lly re~nsst your 3?anorabie body to ~ give ue an'extention cS ei~xty 4aya for the oo~ietion of vur work. Very tsu17 Yrs. ' RighseY Coratrnotion Co., by II.L. Levering. . ~ r ^". z~~ x h; ---.._ ..r. .mvw~~~.ae~•.-~ --.!~•~..awe~e'-~w.u..? ranr.>.......u~ri~YYWwYWwew~?+. r~'i~~P~'-'+~ w.~vN U. ~~+vN r~S~.~-• ,~:-w LLw.x f' - - -- - ~ _ . _ ,- Riverside calif. October Iith. I909.•, t~~ Ilot:orQble BoarQ pP Cour:cilmon, ~ . ~' ' son Bernardino, ~ ; Centlemen•- • ~•- Owing to unavoidable delays we respectfully ask fox an extension of sixty days upon our eontraot on "C• street between 9th and Huse Line, we do not believe that we will need sIl this time trot wish to ask for sufSioient tine to cover all poagible contengeneies. vary respectfully, _ . Johnson rhea Compaty, try, 1F.A. Johnaonn President. Upon the reading oP the foregoing requests, resolutions were introduced, read in 11111 Sor the First time , and Laid over Por Final passage, granting the above•regneste. Reaolt:tion 283 A resolution ordering Street work, that the roadway of •a• Street Prom the North line ~ ~ oY Second Street to the South line oP N1IIth Street be•_pav8d with oil tamped pavement, was read in full for the ..1', second time end adopted by the Following vote: Ayes Cola, Holmes, Oweger, Henaeh and Irving. Noes None Thereupon f Mayor 1lecNabb declared -Lhe reaoiution adopted. _ t The ordinance regulating the kceping oY pigs, was capon rsotion cD~1y made•:.nd carried, nrdared laid on the table Resolution No 584. A resolution of the Mayor and ComAOn Councsii, dealsring their intention to' c.~str~i y• r~. s siz inah sewer in Mount nernon Avenue:, Prom Central Avetme to a point in 3iautt Vernon Avenue two AmtdreQ eig}• • ~ ~ i feet 3outII of aeiQ Central Avenue, wen introduced, read in 11t11 for the first time and laid over iqr final pasa$e: j .F,. _w ' J.D., 4111 and Attorney T.B. Daley appeared before the Couneil at•this meeting, repreeentiiig'the proper~Y' ~ owner on Thirst Street from •C` to the Santa Te Depot, and asked thst.the Ooiuicil pressed with ordinanee to accept said Third Btreet, aster disauesion from property owners anQ members,oY the Coutlccil, the matter wsa'takeQ under advisement for one west. • ~'Phe petitloatf2om property owneYt living on Taurth Street between •D* and •E', aeging the Cautcii to -- ' ~ , 'maintain the lnatallation Ot a system of Street Zighting on 7burth Street between •D• sY?d •Y• Streets, tDe ~ lamb poste to be erected by the property own'ere, whereupon Counailwan 2rving mores that the request be granted j and that the City maintain the lights, motion c1u1y aeoonded by Conncsllmau Holmes, and carried. k Coanailnan Irving moves tffit the regorta of City Attor:.eY R.=.°wits6 8pon the taaEteat o! the Santa jE t Paving their tracts, alto the matter mtn~ing of garbage within•the City 'of Hsu ~ 4 be re~ldved and • planed on fiie.~ Coaus311man Holmes moves thsL the ~ 1letnardiiio FLerdware Co~mpa~? ba directed to aonatmat the rive extensions of sewer aloi~ Base Line, motion fitly seaondect t>y Counailmau Cole, eitd oarr3sd. !Ma being tAe time set !or the opening o? the'bidt for Lbs isDravsment o! 'Z' street, 1n raid City G from the south line of Tonrth Street to the South line oP lrinth stzeet, said Street to be repavad pith a Mndes . , aovree of broken stone and asphaltia cement with a asphaltic wearing surfeoe, whereupon Counailmnn !lout mrnres tX?a; ~ C~.~ :~k prooosd frith tilt oP~iK oZ tAe Mms ,same being fognd as fol2owt: 4 ' ~ :.s . ' j Bias for the im rouemrnlof E~Street I No,4~r. .';; - Torn Fourth St. to.Ninlh St I~ ,j am~e Address. JR~~~ . /Fr / ~IYn,H~ assFB C7aer,+~NM~C ~ Ne. ~D ~fweN 4sE C/oo%lnva?~~cs~ooL.~f' ooLfnw/ 7•ti/ j N / r r t r r ~ r~,~> 6hrLrr.lwlvN Co Las A e/ss .ra! a6 .sow - d d - t n Ai - 4 d /63 3+~ - '.!~" - .s~1R - C a~ J7 G ~ 44 - ' iq?n(d6.f..,so%?~.iY LasA /ss .Nd .9S t7i7 S~ ~ !~-' R- .}ff K!I aC°' t 1,i~ Ltf do Ln .!O 7S /6 RNfrrd,:s LasA ~/es .~.cf .sb i6J 9'0~ .S~ ir6 - 7y /f .Sa SET - .~d Mo 3d¢ 4S- 7 j i .The ~.R. Terdin Compalgr Using the lowest responsible bidder, a resolution of award, awarding the oontract 4f to tAe said E.R. 1lerdin Company, Yor the 1«. rave>aont of "S• Street Prom the South line of PrnirCh street to the 4 South line of Ninth 9treeL, wsa introduced, read in 21111 for the first time and raid over for rival passage. This being the time set for the opening of the bide for the improvement of 'D¦ Street in said Oity, from the 3auth line of Tifth Street to the South line of Base Line Street, Counoiiman Holies moves that the Oity I Clerk be instructed to prooaed with the openitzg of the bids for said •D• Street, mmctlon,cMly Beoondad by Counoiiman, ;.~/~ Irving, and carried, same being foun4 as follars: ~Biesfor>lrim aveexntofOStiert.~j; ~ .~^.~iai~~ 9,~ , <t~:ai, ~~i ,ii, I _ ~ Ei ~ ~ ~ /1/Q4d 1i ~ f~ . 1l.~....~ c . ~i~ t'~~roiir~EifrK',S1r'set'tn~LirieSrt,.~ /VorrrB .QddreSS. A'.` Cass Na X~; !i'.4.ssRS'! C/oas ~JiG~~i CLA~~~l ~1~lFr c.4 r 'R G"~A~''3 T. r• - `1"' r/aJ+r~sovi.S/ivpCe ' /P,y>ersule .N'/,o ?.+7s ,'sl - .', , ZX .# , , iir! ~ `L d c ,fir .2'f Ls ~ - . B. F. Ford Las /es .r r/.RT fr/ / .st ,rte ' ' sI r riles ~ ~ ~u iaG . ,e r~ le c ~ d - as i .wo /fed/oiiro(s ..V .1CS /. g mid' [ P P5 3 L '! c ~ L~ t'~ ', d - /.a? ,~j The Md of S.l. Toltit being the lowest sna responsible bra, SQr tAe imptowefent ot`•Ds Street Prof the ' - South line of 7'atirth Street to tLe South line aS Sass Line dtreet, a.resolutiaa4 of swats, awarding the aoutraot i far the 1>~roaement of -sera •D• Street 'from 7masth to Seas Line Streets, fee intso~aea, r~aaa 1A ittll tea the. rirat life and laid war for rival passage. ~ =+t~ '!hi a being the time set for the opening of the bids for the iapravefent of firth Street f~of the Teat line of '~' Street .to the Seat lino of Street, Connailtasn ltenach fares that the City CZ•rk be - j instructed to proeaod with the.oyeaing of the bids, ®otion dniyr-eecsonded by Couno'ilmau p~ggert ~e being towns as foilowa: - ~' ~ ~*d j _ or t.Qie i ooaerrsistd ~iv~rf/i Slre~.t /Vo..xr Fnara.~' t~F` , l Bids { t r~oatt f sv~v/Ysic~ici~'"" /1~aa+ne rf~ddisss :tJ! s' ~ Aris ~ Tet.•/ ' G1?i res f, ~+sw0is'si~'' ~ Bor6vi.4spbo/! Co. Las e~4s :/.t1 ~'7.! .db : ~ ''j prYJji// C%wl~w~6 /~//IArJ ,COS .4i~pvRr3 .N ~ - AGT '~ E .u ~ , E. /~AGrAin Las s _/o ralT ':•~ •l6~ts i/ ' the bid of the Z.R: Terdin Compara? being the latest and best bid, for She i~l+Oweneut of 1'saatII Street ~-~ ~ from the Teat line of '_• Street to the Zest 21ne of •T Street, a xeadnti,on os aRara, swarm.ng the orntreoL for the ia~rovefent of ears fourth street Sro~¢ the Test Line of Street to the Zast sine ~ ~"'TtZeet, was intxomuoea, read in foil for the first life and iala over for final passage. I _ t V ~ . - --- - . ____--_,._~_ _ _W.~,_._.___..,_.~.«....._.._...~_.._ ~ .,_.,.a..~..,...__.... w.~.., ~..1 'I '; Thie tieing the tiII:e set Yor the opening of the ti'ids Tor the is:provenei~t of B'ifth Street iron tTie it s seat line oY Arrowhead Avenue to the Eaet line oY "E' Street, Cow~eil~an Cole moves Lhat the City Clerk b© instructed to proceefl with the opening of said bids, notion auly seconded by Counciir..an Oweger, and serried, { ean:e lleing Pound ae Po2lowa: s' , Biols for t/ae /m ooam~erit Of F/FTNSTRLET NaS+ ~ , < Fitsi Arrou/~sdlAvc 1o ESr. Nam .Qdere~s r•' Toto/ • i LhltfFlc'e Ama~df. ~`firoe A~ortwt Arnourif.>- H/GNW~Y ~3TrfI/CT/ON (~O. Ret~Ion~C/S •~~'~ ~''~'~ ~ 4J lD7'6 3 '.59 /O !IO ~ cga ~ , 9 r2 ~ ~t7S //36 4 6/tS • NNSON SNEA Co. Ri/~ersiafe ~ 3 ~ ! ~ B.F.ISowo LaSA /es so~6 /~ /ot8 6ro~F . ; •The bid o1' Lhe Highway Oonatruation Company being the lowest and best bid, a reao2ution of aarar4, awarding to the contract Pot the improvement oY FiYth Street Yrom the West 21ne oY Arro~?heact /tvernie Lo tt?e Feat, ling of "E• °1. ' Street to the Highway Conatruetion Company, was introduced, read in Mil for the Yirat time and Said over for final ~'r i passage., ~ ~ Thie being the Lie!e set for the opening of the Mds Yor' the improvei~rst of'Taurth Street from the fast line of '?• Street to the•Zaet line of `2• Street, Connol2iran 2rving moves that the City Clerk be instruatea to yrooeea with the 'opening o! said UidB, motion duly aeeondea by Councilman flenenh and csarried, same being found- ~ as follows: ' ' _ _ Bids for flee i vi,~emienfof Fou/TTN ~S~/PCEr ' ~ ~ ~ /Va36 y ' ":, ~ "' Fso•s F Straf;'te'I.Steset 1;_. 3 ^^'.~ ~ , • y ~ Q/ °A~ (~p7CId11', 717f/eJS. J6 J4B J6G i 'C .t5 J6D ~ ~ N' ~ sz 1F ~ ~ i t ~ m~drif. '. ~ oa/e ; r ~dei . , ~ ; ~ Riau Awaurs ~ ~ :~"diartit G(r~f~;w :fniardf .tmaud ~'r'AMi1°f B.F. Fond ~ Los A s ~ heal .sa „ilzs foe Z7I sic .K :3Ls ~ N'~ SbeoCo.' '~Ria9v'side .i /ls:t.+" ..#xs 'r ::Z~ '; SJd y! 37~ S r! !sr/o ` C IPieekarats •ri /rsrr .•se / xr .ass . as a 1 _ ~ She Md of ttte Johraon rhea CompeFy being the Iowest and best DiQ, a reaolutlon of award, awaxrt the contract for tIIe ia~rovement of 7ourth Street iron t2~e Zest line o2'•!• Street to the' tine of •i' '~ 1 Street, was introancea, read 1n 1'u11 for the first time and isle over for final passage. t Shit being the time act Lo= the opting of the bids for t2La oonstrttation oS an ~ vitrified pipe t sewer in •Z• and Sass Line 3treet~ Oounail~t Rensoh moves that the City Cler7[ be instrnotea to y=oQsea.witA LDe opening os seta bias. motion malt' eaooaid~ed $~ Coanoilmsn i<+olmes~ and osarried. Nalb /1hr+v+ E f/yNw+J' 3bwCa Ra+d.rwdAinay Bidafarca"oafracctio~alSer+"' Ay?•rdin. Rs./~oiraQs ~ 3QhGn4~?Ce G',I~adt~fitEt(rrrrwi //aWbw Lo lASrdsaM,, .ors ~/:wo' ,~e"rQe?'nwa/fw~ Se/r ~'dywwo QnssGrrv~ESliest. ' • /y„~,e ~irrw,rnt yR,u 'tRrior riwarst rRx+.. UMYR++et .A~awv1 urriHpias ,Maust. j a-,~ .•e : .a,w~ L.w.wn-fr llv! ~ ''"16 F,ira~ ~f/fiulArMwrr?D~wNnkr:L so - rsr - - - 1K- - ~- - !ro E F Twe?c~rAdiwrbn~~e: ! ~ ? /e - ro r - 8 - - .A4~wMAut:./ a Je - Se - - 1! - - ~' r T.ae./ ' '- 1/.e L toys/ / t I ~ { f ' ~ 1 Cow~cil;nan Holmes movos that the bids oS E.R. ~!ernin Cor.Epuny, Joh~ison Shea Comp:~rpr and C.b. Ross II 't ./ r Co2ipatLy ba re~eatecl on the ground of irregv.larality, motion duly seconded Ul' C7lilailiaar. On~~ea and oarried. The bid oS Charles 3Ieffi'1.vaine bei::g trio best responsible bid, a resolution of award, awarding the contract for the construction of an 8• inch sewer it< •E• Street and F3sse Line SLrest, was introduced, read in itiili for the fist tine and laid over Por Pinai passage. This lloing the time set Por the opei~ii!g oP the bids for the ir.~provamenL oP Third Street Prato a point T259 Peet ~7est of Lhe West line oP 'I• Street to the East line oP ldount vornon Avenue, Couneilman.Col© rtovea that the City Clerk be instructed to nroaaed with the opening of the Uids, .::otioa tItlly seconded by Couneilsan ~' f Rensch, snd carriod,, ' Bid3 foif/aei/n IX/e/IIe 1/YOi~ V.jF~ Y~r~~' ~ V'ti~' ~i , ~ 4 x s /Jr Of TN/RO.STREET. ~ ~t~ ~I'~oB ' /VaMe ~ Addess ~ "~d.~e~.rw~rF: i.~ ~GvcxllNFr. ~ ryux o„iFf~~~ Tofu/ -,+~ ~ Stor Cemerrf Go. ~ Riaersidc ii7 ~ ~ •' ~rifFY; a ';nroi~iif !/r~iY'f~r~'sasOt. E(+vf5~ Af. /Inro~sf Hi huw GauYructAaiCo. /fed/evade .oAxs 7aa0 .40 `771 - /•oo Jo~,.?scv/ S/k+o Co RiavsRafs ?0 8 - Aa 77t - ' .7C , • y - 4wo - 82fy1- -. . t2 ZfO t = 9069' B. F. Fad Las /! /93 .09 Jd+aO - , 40 772 -- .SO ~b - .~7b fo - 6yo3 _ ~ i ~ The ~biQ'oP the ffighway Conatruation Company being the lowest snd'beet bid, a~resoiution awarding the contract to the Highway Constru:otion ComAamr, wus introduced, reaQ in full for tAe first tire~and laid ~ ovor for Pfnal passage, I ' brdinanCa'No - Jln oraianee prohibiting the erection,'operation 'snd maintenance of Sertiliser ~ plants, was read~in'fu22 Por the second ti®e and'sdepted by Lhe Pollowing'6ote`t Byes Cole, Holmes. Oweger, _ _ ! - Irvi?_ag Rensoh. Poes None. Thereupon Yeyor lteFaab deciered the"ordinance adopted.. - w '• -. Resolutlon~ Ao Si02' A' resolution instructing the ~~City fll~rk Lo readTertiab for biQe~ for tTle i~rove- , meet of ifoiint'nernon Avenue from Si;st to '1'bird BLreet, waa introduced, read in fuli'fcz>the first tine and ! ."~ , . ~.-` laid over for final ps§sage.~ - ~ ' Tipon motion duly made and carries the Cvnnoii aA~onraafl Lo meet~Yond,e4r e.ening October rata,. Ieb9., at 7:30 o'c1oo1: Y.Y. v ' . ! ~ i ~ ApploRed tl'liS IBth. daY oS~ October, ?905., < r liiyor of LAe Oity of san BerAardino, Osiif: '~!+Pfi •~',, -, • D),. P'1~i.F Vjtp V1Vii ' M iF. ' 4 x u v 1. ~ .I i ~ i R pp~~ ~ ' QiXVI 1 1' i9~. ~~Ax a': { ~ j J i '. ~ I',p.r _ L?. ~ ~.x,a .,.r:~ . __-- --- _ _ _ y r ~ City Hall, San BeiR~ardino, Calif. October IBth. I904,, I Regu7.ar adjourned meeting of the kayor and Common Covutail of the City oP San Bernardino, held lfonaay E evening 0etoberl8th. Zf3O©. The meets Aag Ca11eQ tO ord©r , rtg by L{ayor tlcNabb at 9:30 oclook P.M. with the Foll- i owing msbera oP the Cotuicil present: Counci2:nan Ito?res Cole, Oweger, Renaeh And Zrving. City Attorney R.E. Swing and City Clerk Barry Allison. The nit:utea of the provioua meeting of tho Courieil were read and approved. J.A. rill, Attorney F.B. Daley, C.N. Damron, wn, Parker, w.J. Phillips and (3.A. Atwood addressed the Crn.:rrail relativo to the matter oP accepting Third 3troet b]+ ordinance upon the cow?etion of the improvanent, C and aPtex considerable discussion by members of the Third 8treat Corvnlttee and Council, Councilman Irving moves that the Council.;roceed Lo soaept said Third 8treat by ordinance upon the completion oY said insplro- vement, motion duly seconded by Couno3lnan Cole, and carried. ~ Resolution Ro, I84 A resolution oS the Mayor and'CoAenoa Counai2 of the City oS San 9ernarciino declaring their intetnion to construct a six inch sever in Konnt Vernon Avenue, from Central Avenue to a Foint ' j in 1[ount Vernon Aver_ue two hundred feet South of said Central Avernie, waa read in iu].1 ibr the second ti*ae JI( and adopted by the followint, vote: Ayes, Coie, Holmes, Oweger, Renach and Irving. Foes None. Thereupon Mayor t i(CFabb declared Lhe re8olutiori adapted. _ ' Resolution Ro I8b. A resolution oawarding the contrast for the improvement of •a• Street from the .~;' ~ SouthnliAe of Fourth Street;to the South line oY Ninth 8treat to the Ems. weaCdin Compaipr,' was read Sor the second tine and,eQOpted by the foilorfng.vote: Ayes Cole, Holmes, O?eger,' Bausch and Isvin$. Noes: Nona. Thereupon Mayor l[cRabb QeolareQ,the resolution adopted ' Resolutloa No ,x'86, A resolution awarding the contract Sor•tLte improvement of •D•'street Strom the ,.south lina:or'lirth Street to ,tee south ling of Base Line 8traet,,ma8 upon xotloai of Oouneilman Truing, duly seconded by Councilman Bausch laid carer Sor two waste. R~apoiution Ro 289, A resolution,awarding the~oontrsct for the imprauement of Tirth13treet from the 1?est line or Arrowhead Avenue to the East ilea of 'Lr• Street, to tha ffighway 0onstrcutlon~Coaupany,,was , ug n motion oi' Councilman Irving, duly secsondeQ dry Councilman Holmes, and carried, said over Sor two waeEe. Resolution Rc. Z88 A resolution awara3n the contract Sor the construction at the ei~hir. sewer in •E" street and Base Line BLreets to Chas f[cElvaine, was read for the'secoad time sad adopted by~•t7SI. foilaving,vote: Ayes Cole, Holmes, Oweger, Renash sad Irving. Foes >toue. ?riezenpoa fc~?ar:-iLaltabU deo2~e~ the reeo2ntion adopted. .',. Resolution Fo I88. A resolution awarding tAe contrast for the iaproveent of louirrt!?,_Street from the . Eeat line o! Iftrect to the East line of 7. 8treat to Lhe Johnson Shea Ooapaip?, was upon wotioa~ et ~ Cotuialiman Irving, dnly'eeconded by 0ouncilman Cole and carried, laid over for two weelcsi Resolution Fo a00. A resolution awardiTig Lhe ooutraoi for Lhe is~rovement of lourth 8treat trop t>ir Neat line or to the East line of 8treat to'the E.R. Ferdin Company, ?ae read .for the second time eII adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Cola, Holmes, Owejer, Bausch sad Irving. Rosa: lions. Thereupon liayor 11aFabb declared the resolution adopte4. -- -- w't`° Resolution No. .202 A resolution instruction the Clerk to readvertise Yor bide Por the improvement of count Vernon Avenue Srom airst Street Lo Third Street, was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes~Cole, Holmes Oweger, Rensoh and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon Mayor ltoFabb declared trio resolution adopted. The resolution awarding the oontraot Sor the improvement of Third street hors a point I269 Seat ~ west of the Rsat line of •I• Street to•the lfest line o! ttount Vernon Avenue, was read Sor the aeoond Limo and adopted by the So1loRing vote: Ayes: Cole, Holmes, Oweger, Reneah and Irving. Poes None. Thereupon 1(ayor L1aNabb declared the aeebiuLlenadopted. The resolutioa authorizing the Supt of Streets to extend the time of the Johnson S2iea acntract was read Yor the second time and adapted by the iollosing vote: ARes: Cole, HoYmea, Cwe' ger, Rensch and Irving. Noes: N~ ne. Thereupon lfayor YcFabb declared the resolution aclogited. - - / 'The resolution authorizing Lhe•SUpt'of Street Lo extend Lhe time o1 the Johnson ghee Company ice"" Yor the improvement oS FiSth-street; wee read Sor t2te aeoond time and eQOpted bq Ehe~Soriowing vote; Ayes: role, Iioimes, b+reger, Rensoh and 2rving. Noes Pone. '!'hereupon Mayor 1iC7Qabb declared t2te resolution adopted. - The resolution authorizing the Supt, of Streets to extend the time of the Highs~I Conetrnetion ComPa~r for the improvement o1 •C• Street, was read Sor the second time and adopteQ by the Poll owing vote: Ayes: Cole, Aol6es; Oweg'er,`I~ensc]i and Irving. Foes None: Thereupon YaYor HORa'bb declared the resolution adopted. ~ Upon motion Cult' made and carried; the Council' adfovlrned to meet moaday orening Octobers 28th.'I809•, at 7:80 o*clock, P.1[. Approved,thie 26th... day o! October, T908., . . hC ~ ~ - ~ 1[eyor of the CitX of San Bernarcl3ao, Calif. . . ~ Ci o! t11e gitl? o! ~ - Bazn3r41n0, w . ' ~ !'• ~ 1 ' w...._._.. w_..~__~_.._ ~~7 City Hall, Ban Bernardino, CaSiP..OOtoUer, 25th. I003., `"~ Regular adjourned meeting oP the Mayor and Common Council, oP the CiLy..oP San flornarclino, held 1Sonday evening October 25th. I900., The r~eoting was called to order UY Mayor ylc2Sebb at 7:30 o'clock P.M. with the Pollowi[rg t:erbors oP Lhe Council present: Councilmen Colo, Owegor, Rensch ard.Irving. City Clerk }i arly Allison and City Attorney R.E. 8wing~ Absent Couneilr~an Thos Holmes. Tho ninutca oP Lhe previous neeti[~s were read and approved. Councilman Cclo :..eves that the matter oP printing of ordinanoes of the City be laid over Per I week, 3~~otion duly seco[:dod tiY Cowrcilruin Rensch and carried. Cr~1:[cilman Rorieoh moves that the report-of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company oP Lhe total ~ i gross reeoipts and gross earninga_col2eated a~3d received, or in any ma[mer gamed or derived by the said eampa~ during the precedln$""twelve months Prom 'Telephone, Telegraph, dtatriot messenger ox burglex alarm, ~ I 1 'be recelaed a[[d the City Clerx Snstruoted to oolieot the suni of ~iS2.F}8 Prom the I9th day oP lab.. I908 to :' - tAe I7th. daY of lab. 2909.•motion duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Tho following co~mu[cationa were received and read to the Oo•,~ncil, ~ '~ , i October ?16th. I909., , To the 1[syor and Council, - ' ' ' '' Oentienon-- Cn August BtA. the contract for paving of Th11`Q 3txeet Prow •C'~ to •A~ Ursa let tq Lire $ighRay. Conatruotion Co[upa~, heretoSore there Y,as boon some esause Yor not starting the work. po+t there ie plenty i of man, material and _teams in'the .Cfty, to push tae work. , I woul[i, thereSore, ~ ~rour consatsenae in an order to the HigIH?sy Construction Company to prosecute this work without daisy, and that ~ axtaaatdon can be granted under present conditions. . Yours vary truly,. L.A. Lothropa _ °trest Supt. ~ - l)poA the reading of the Foregoing communication, Councilman Cote moves that the City Clerk be - a inatruatecL to notiYy the ![ighway Construction Coc~any that no more extensions of time would be granted by "~ and carried. .Lie Cout~al2 upon esiO Third Street Contract, motion duly seconded b0l Councilaan bring, Ootober Stith. 1908.,. w To the Mayor and Counoil, Qent2emea:- AacorQing to ttta Leans o1 the Franchise of the Ban Bernardino Traction Company, the pavinS of the tracks on Eest`Ttiird Street is to be done 'at the same time :end manner and by eseesaaent ae to pthe~r street iapxti+vetne~ts •ir the City, so erdere. I wo[ild, tne~reSore, xeccornend that the Council order the paving of the 3'tireet, railway tracks on East Thirct,8treet at the same ,time as the balance of the paving is done. The case oonc4it~on ~arevaile at the interaeation o2 7th Street and Arrowhead Avenue and I •ill, there- E ~ Sore ask For the same order to apply there. „$ Ym~ra truTY, L.A. Lothrop, 3ttp: of 3tra.^L s. g ~_....,_..,.w.....,....~.....,.,.~_,..,.. ~ -------------- -- ---___.~._. _~~- --___-----_..._T ~-- Uuon the reacling• of the foregeit~, Couneilrs:~n Cote Moves that the City Clerk Ue cilr~~eted to i:otiYy the 3aS[ I3ernarQino Valley Traction Company, to i,n}~e their pottibn df the rcadwa}• on Wegt -Third ayle©t, East Third i and at tT.o intersection of Seventh and hrrc~•heaci Averttlc, Pith t2;8 sar..o character of r:uteiial, and at t31o ;~~::o tit::© tl~:at the uaianco of the work i s done, r[otion duly seconded Uy Coursilr::a[; Rensch, end carried. Couroil[::ar, Renseh moves that tho City Enhineer be in:tr•~cted to propane plans and sgeeiiicaticns for the construction. of a Bever'in.i,ivingston and Poppor Gveinae, •:,otion civly seconded by Cowi~:11~3an Cole, an~~ carri ed. This boing the~tino set for tho opening of tho bids for the improvement of •C• Strout from Second • i Street to 2+i nth Street, agm© were. opcred and fow[d to bo as Sollows~ ~ ~ - ~ N I d~ ~ '.;-, ~t~ i ~ Bids far iinproueinent of fi Streel. ~ ~'~ • _ . ~'>,:u (ia-Nd 4y~. ~ ~3.11.~.. ~ J _1. .n -F~ ~+cerad St is /~/ititfi .$t rr_s c i i ~ /aer S. ~Oi/ ~ 1-iv~yoie~d~ -~ 1,. ~ /orrta, { K/gsrla. ~i mass s,:~ ~'i • ~H, sc/arHs, ~ ~ fb'uem~st, ~ ~ r ,C/osa N•3o jss/K~3/~, /ass~Nd;~r , /.,u %Yf~~a ,C/.a3,~nk..rs~' d,RSa,No..~es . No.~~ , , _ ~ ' r - oaifl (~d F~ . d6.~ f'-r /4.•[• Li~xi'vJ FI ! Tote/ /•~ddiess : ~ gmawl rfRste A/na at r67~.,a~.//rj 6a.~c..xm' 3t~sL,se.. ,' . / .~r~a~4Y t. • _ i JohnsanSA~: Riarrsa(e ~ r.d/~ i67.itr ."~.n, '`zBS ~ !td, .3i.fo, "'Z,~/ ar v6t '3Gn %78, -.&9b 4t ;toe6se• -' A-LWnfeiS Riarisia(e .o7fS it t•Jf 3aB I 'lei',' /i6/ .RLo 2.s7 :'~-1•r t/6 ~'.ir.Le 2a 'a•aa '47 t 6!3 B.FFoid A .ks~ -o7tS ,9c9io e~K b 39e /os/ 't37 •~so /7t •3tss /9S 39 ios Councilman Cole moves 'that Lhe b14B Sor the improvement of 'O• Street 2rost Seoomd Street to Rintts ', Street, be 1a1d ave~~ for one Weeks Ordir_anee 2SO- Ar. ordinance; establi skiing the ~ra~e -oS, Seventh Street Srom-1Pest Line or •A• ,Street to East tine of lScunt Verncn Avenue, was introduced, read in Sall Sor L3?e Sirgt time and la1d aver S~ final, i passage. i j Ordinance No- An ordittNrce estat~iisbing the-grado of 3pruoe street frem •a• to -•2• streets, wes introducod, read in Sall for ti:e Sir 8t time and ,laid aver fqr final ,pa asaget' OrJir:ance Ho. An ordinance partially and conditionally accepting that portion ~f the soadwey of Third !!treat, ineludii~ the curbing, Sion the Past-line^o1 •4''8treet to a point one thousand two;Hundred and Silty nine feet West of the ifest line of ~I' street, exeeptii?g t2sst portion thereof ;squired by. Iaw to be Kept in orderand repair -; Uy any person or corporation having railroad thereot}, ass introduced, read in 11tH far the Mrst time and laid over Pon Sinal passage. ~ . Oity health Officer Dr. Aam and Dr, scith oS the Board -o! Aealth or the Qity, addreled the Caanci2 relative to the venti2ation,of the Council :Chamber, and after oon~.derable disouasioii by Ltetibers oY the Board '. of Realth and ltersbers of the Caunci2 ' ILayor 1CgiTabb appo~~?3ed a costdttee oS threa,censlating of Coangilmen Oweger, Eeneeh and Irving to investigate. Couaailsan RenseII moves that the request oP the property sneers living on •D• street be denied, relative to the City paying one half'oi the cost of Shish tarfl~s on the proposed seller, matian dW.Y sanded by Councilman Cole, and carried. ' . Councriman Irving s~oves that the city ]Cngineer be instructed to prooecsci with tTte aesariptiv7n of Rez A17'e?y and report one to Lhe Cvanoil, notion duly ~condod by CounMimar. Esmi[e~i, and serried: i ~ Upon notion duly made and. eairied~~.Chs. 'adjourned to meet YonQey 8T~31g FovemUer, 21t. I909, ~ " - at 7:30 o'clock P.lt. i ,.g's. ~ /.i:praved this Ist day ~6' tiove~ber, 1309., ` ~ liayo.^ o: the City of van 8~;,ar,.iro, Calif. ~ L'ity C16rlC i I i Oity Hall, San Eernarctino, Calif. Nov v, .bar Iet. IOOfl., Regular adjourned raeetit~g of the Mayor and Common Cous~cii of the City of 3a7! Bernardino, held btonday evenii!b November, IsL. I008., The mooting was callod to orcior try 3„ayor LSoNabb at 7;30 o'clock P.M. with the following mer.;oors of the Couneli present; Councilman Holr.~es, Cole, OWegor, and I>.wing. City At~orney R.E. Swing and City Clerk Barry Allison. Absent Councilman Rensch. i The mimites of the previous meoting of the Connell were road ai:d approved. ' Cow:e2lman Irving moves that Lhe application of Lens Thole and Thos J. Starke fora retail liquor € livense at No. I06u Trard Street, be granted and the bond approved, motion duly seconded by Councilman Oweger, I and carried. ' A request signed by property owners with property fronting on •D• Street in Sen Bernardino, between { 5th Street and Ease Line street, asI[ing the Cottrteil'to reject all pending biQs for„the paving of said •D• Street ~ and that a ne~? Dell for Digs therefor be made, whereupon Councilman Cole moves Lhat all bids for the improvenent ed t..~ oY •D• Street from Fourth Street Lo Base Line Street be reject and the City Attorney directed to prepare the ~ necessary resolutions ca121ng for new bids, motion duly seconded by Councilman Holaes, and carried. Tlie resolution awe2'ding the contraot for the im<provemvnt of yifth Street from the west line of Arrowhead Avenue to Lhe Salt Iinv oY •E• Street, to the ffighway CanstZtictiOn Company , ~a82edQ tQ2 tS!-Second `time :old adopted by` the follo~ri'ng vote: Ayes Oole, Holmes Oweger, and Irving Foea None. Thereupon Mayor 1i~a9abb . j 4 dec2areQ tIIe reaohitioA adapted.: ~' ~I The resolution awarding the contraot for the 1 ¦ 4 _ mprovement Ot Fourth Street Fromm the asst 21ne oz '7 ~ ` 'Street to 'the Eas£~11ne"ot •i• Street, to the Johnson Shea'Dompa~, was read for the s+eoond time'snd adopted ~:.Y Dy the follows ng vote: Ayes Cole, Fiolmoai Owegar,.2sving.,Hoes": Fone'. TAeseupou ~eyor I[oPabb eleolared the ~ resolution adopteQ. ' Oroinanae No. .dn o~xciinanoa establishing 62te ~•ade'of aeverith Street froa ~t_ 21ne of 'A~ 8treet ~ to the 'east ~l.ine of lft Vernon Ave3~ua was teed in ~tull for the second t:is~e ' , ~ adapted by the folkwing vote: •yea Cola, S`olmea,' Oweger and'Irving. )foes None. Thereeupon Mayor ilcNabb "decslared the resolution adopted. - Ordinanee 1Tc*-- An ordinance estaDlis~ing the grade o?•Spruae'Street Sf~••~ Stree~,to ~wS• Street. was read for tEe secor:d' time end ~adepted D'y t2be loiliwtng vote: lq?es Coley Holmes, Owegap~ e=st Irving.' Roes None. Thereupon nays= 3lc~abD deciaxed'tha ordinance adapted. The resolution of award',' awarding the aontraat for the iaprvrea~nt of •W St~eetr~ the Xorth line of S'e!cond Street tc~ the SaCtth line o! Ninth Street, was introQaaed, read in fu12 for the !'first ~~tiae and fait war tor''f1na1 passage. i The resolution adopting the'diagraa or the district of lands benefited by the improvement described in + ReaoIution Fo i32, was introduced, read in 11111 for the fi,~St-,,dime and laid Dear fob fitis2 passage. 'phe ~!ap of the wees Subd of the Feat half o2 lot:' 0 ^and 7'dS BIoek 84, was tipan m~Lirn duly snide end ea- E -, . - ~J '17ried, received and order placed upon record. -. 1 . ~ I r t. 4 i . Ccnr;:cilman Irving moves Lhat the City Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for tho el,:ims against the City of San Eerrardino, for the month of Octobax, IOOn.: as per Clair: register this date, motion duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the Po.ilowing vote; Ayea Cole, f:oimes, Qweger and Irving. Noes: None. Councilman Irving moves that the request of Lhe Noxthweat IZ:rprovement Club to heve~electrio lights placed at tY,e corners of Mown Vernon and Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Base Line Streets, Seventh and •}C•, Oarnor, Ninth and Perris, Ninth and •J• Ninth and •fi.,•Ninth and Penn, Tenth and •I• Elentnth and •I•, and fa~ar to be plneea on T'ase trine between •I• and !fount Vornon , 800 Peet apart, also 3iath between •C• and •D• i Sixth between •D• and •E• Streets, motion duly seconded by Councilman Colc, and carried. Co~~nc3lman Cole moves that Lhe requoat of the petitioners to have PennsMvania Aveaue opened from Lright _ Street to Dane Lino Street , be granted and the City Sngineor instructed to m:ka the necessary surveys, motion du1T - ~ seconded by Councilman Irving, and carried. Upon r'~otion duly made and carried tho Council ad~aurned to meet 3londay evening Povember 8th: 2908., at 9:30 o','_ceB P,1[, Approved this 8th day 'of povenber, I~o9., ~'' ~ '~~ - ~- Mayor of the City of Ban Bernardino, Ca112 -41LY Qied# `i Q~t~. ~b. Be~'Ap2diII0," Ce11t• . 'j9pf1~ /'' Resurle?, Q4,~OlII`AOCI m00tiAg Cd tn@ .'YeYor 8nd aOaDdDn Caiacsil Od' ?tn0 -City oZ Sin Hearcrerain0, held Y~ .R ~ ~ _ r , evearing Aovem~er, BtII.°ieQe., Tie Meeti~,Ras oelied be grder by 1[ayor pro tem f.~. Irving •itn tna following members of the Coancii present: CWnoilm$n Coie, Owego, liayor yro Le® f.S. Trting. City J?ttprssaac--R.=. Swing and City Qierk Barry Allison. Absent Mayor ~aDb, Coanoilaen Renaoh a1M Hcimas. The miSutes oY,the•previou8 eeeting~di't'~e1Coancil w6re read and approved. Zl'~e folloning requests for a:tea~s~ogs o~ t~36p were =eaQ tq 1~1e Council, - .AoT Ifd09., . )tayor and Cahmoa0annil, Gentlemen:- ~ , In view'. o= the !later and Qoa Companies delaying lowering their gains on Rialto iva~e, we respeott~4tly reQaeat YW~r board to eztada,aar oontraot on that street for sixty days. Aespe~atinlly, aoiurson do Shea. ; • ~- } , • _ ~ ~H ,~c, - <-~;^ r , w i ,- ' Sdove„~;:er 5th. I~09. , ~' To the Honorable L[ayor ~~nd COCII;:On Council, F aontlemon:- Owing to unavoidable delays I petition your :?onorable Body to grant me an extension of time of Sixty (00) days on Baee Dine Street. Yo•.~r s Truly , • D.F. Fold, contractor. I7ove~ bar 5th. 2909. , '~o the Siororsble ?.iayor and Corsmon Council, •Oentlemen:-~ . - Owing to unavoidable delays I petition your Honorable Body to gr..nt tae an extension of Line oY Sixty ""~ (80 } days on BiPth Street. ;,,~'' • Yours Truly, B.T. Ford, ~ ~ , Contractor. Upon the reading oP Lhe Yoregoing requests Por extensiona~of time, resolutions awarding extensions of IE time to Johnson Shea Cor~any Yor R1a1Lo Ararnae, B:S. Si'ord Base Line Street and B.St. I?ord nn31 street, same were j introdueod, read in i1i11 for the tirat•time and laid ovor £or~tirei paBS8ge. { xrs Flom B. Shrines petitioned the'COW;cil?to rf2eive Lhe':Bttuation cauBed by the riowing of water her ~ . ~ ~ ~ I in and upon ~.f property, situated on the Horth-west corner of Carter and 331a1to Avernxe, 3tra Shrine6 stated that the' t3Cad water whiohoriginaily~tlowed dam'Carter Avemle have been so diverted-that they new riaw~ln and upon her propei~ty~ slid' torn' a pofid; iik'ePwiee t]ie flood i~,tp,7~err~f~ah originally Slaved dawn Ida Osborii~s property { Hors in and aontriDUteb to the 1'~oodi of'suoh ~ `' ~ ~ ~ , ng pon~ 113Serenpon`so+anaiiTian Oireger maven Ll~at the Street Shpt. i, be instructett Lo Lo releive~thejaituation by oonstzueLlAg a'arai~ j~ipe, motion'Qlily~seconded by Councilssan i2rvin$,'Lhe rote~ot the Cvunoii wa's polled by the 012q Clerk with_#tte foliowiisg reBUlti Oyes Oweger, Irving. !Noes: Coi®. itWtiOn lost. ^y i l' ~- _ i~ t', ~ 'J - r-.. ~ai^lLtl~ange 3io- Jln ozdinanae partially and 'aondi'tianaily accepting Chit portion Ot ~Sde rasdway o2 Turd Street, lnoludi~ng flee' aurbii~e, troy LAe ~~as~' ~11ne oS •S• Street to a 'point one t2to¢sead two haitdred fifty nine Seet west of the west li~i'e"~?t `I• street, excepting t23at,portion LhereoS required by law to be 3[ept in order and i ? w repair by any pes~n or corporation baring ~°al3roed Crao3ce thereon, was read in fu].i fos'the eeoond time and adopted by the tollowir~ vote; Ayae Cole, Oweger, and bring. Sloes Gone. Thereupon the oxdinanee ryas declared adopted. The resolution awarding the contract far the imc:ro+teraent o! •G* Street ~'rore the AorLII 21ne o3' Second Strew' to tre South line of Finth Street, was read in IU11 for the second time and adopted by the !allowing vdte l~yea, Cole, Irving and Oweger. :roes_llone. Thereupon the resoidtion was adapted. •,r--~ A resolution adopting the plena end speaitiaations for the construction of ar, 8• inch sewer in lCigM t'~~~.-~ Strad tree •B• Street to a point 480 toot lest of the manhole in *8• Street, was:~read for the first time and ir~l3 over Por fi;Yie] passsa$o. «w. ~ 9 w.._.._ - r --° ~ OM ' •\' (7 ~ I ~ Resolution No. aC3. A~reeoI~ztidn ordering the improvenvnL'ot Third Street from the 17est tine of •A• stljet _~-~...~ to the East line of Allen Street, was intrcduced, reed in full for the first tir.:e and laid o•~er for Final p&a^.t3~c~. A resolution accepting the Viaduot over' bdount Vernon Avenue, between Third Street and Fourth Streets, heretofore constructed by the Santa Fe Railway Company, was introc,uoed, road in Pull for the first time and laid ~ over for final paesgge. i A resolution ordvxing the one Ralf of the entire cost and expense of the improvement of !"ifLII Bt~reet i from •E' Street to •I• Street, was introduced, read in full for the first time and laid over Sor Mnai passage. • This being the time sot 1'or the opening of the bias for the improvement of count Vernon Avenue from Mrst Street to Third Strout, same were opened and Pound to be as follows: IDS FOR I~MPROV EHENT OP MT. VERNON, I~YC.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NQS9. I ~ ~ ~ uhf -~ ~ ~ ~ FROH fIR3T ~T TO THIRD Sr. s.. i 1 ~.I OI DAN C•ONCRETR Gv\.... ON Ts T R w./t r' t NAND ADORE35 x, - a-~~tz" ~ ~ ~ ~ TOT~?L~ VN/T MOUNT UNtT MOUNT (}.~t KE 1WUMT VNfT Y T AM«MT Eq!lEST FRENZELL RE ~ NDS i ~ .10 6347 67 ~ SO 1101 25 '. .'~ °-' 4Z7 . L>i* '7!9 L y - 90L/ ! Z Jo~INSOwsNCwcu. ~valestow~ .los 6.s19aa y9~ +s .;~- ~ ~\d . 'd7o - G~ - , eedd at ~.--~ The bid of Johneonn'Shea Cot~ary being the lowest and best bid, a resolution awarding the contraot to tAh Johnson Shea Co~mpa~+ 'for t>ie improvement `of l(o~unti Vernon Avenue Prom D'iret Street to Third Street, teas introduaed read in full for the first~Lime and laid over for final passage. ~ i Re~iution Ao. aff6 A xesolutlon ordering the improvement of I[onnt Vernon Avenue from the South line o! Titth Street to the SOUtIi Brie of Fourth Street 'sxterrideci and 2`ourtA BtireoL' Srom the we\et l3ne of 3tonnt Vernon ' Avenue to the~weet City 21talts,• wee reaQ in tSSll for the ~tirst time and laid over for final passage+° ~ A resolution inetrlicting the Clerk to readvertise tor~bids tor,\the i~ravement of }D• Street from the ' South line of nfth Street to tile' Son th line ,oY Bees Line Street, tras intro~ael, zeal in ttli tar the rirst tits and laid over for/Anal passage. A resol~'tion awarding tAe contrgot Yor the iaprcrement,of litth Street hoar the weak line of Arradhead Avenue to the ~dst~ line of '~• 8traet, was intr~Euced, read in 3lill £or the'tlrset tine and 2aQi sex for final ~' - ~- ~ pa$oage. . "'~,., A resolution awarding the conirgatfor tAe it~ro?ement of Tvurth Stream Stow LAe Feat line of *P Street to the Ea86 lino of •Z•~Street, tree inCrodlaced,'read in full for the fir>¢ time sad laid oyes for final passage. ~ 'Upon motion duly made and carried, the Connell adyourned to m06t 1laturQay mornlne at II.80 o~aloot A.li. Rovember I3th. I809'.', k '~' Approved th1 s ISth. day /Ot-NavAa~er, =909 1taa~or of the City. or san Bernar<73no, Calif. . . ' ~Y i ~ ~ Vyt+ va~ 1. ` EI ~~tl A ` 1 y.. '~. ~' t 88n Bernardino, Calif. November, 23th. 1908., Adjourned meeting of the l[ayor and Common Council or the City of San Bernardino, held Saturday L[orning November I3th. I008.,~The meeting was asllvd to order by Llayor 3dePabb at II:30 o'clock A.ld. with the following n©mbera of the Council present: Councilman Cole, Irving and Oweger. City Olerk Harry Allison. Absent Councilmen ~ Holmes and Itensch. ~ The reading of the minutes of the previous meetings passed. j Resolution 205. A resolution ordering the improvement of )fount Vernon Avenue'from the 9rn1th line o2 ~ fifth Street to the South line of Fourth Street extended and fourth Street from the 1?eat line of Yount Vernon t - , Ave!me to the Hest City Limits. was read in f11i1 Yor the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: { Cole, Oweger and Irving. Noes: Fone. Thereupon LSayor l{eNabb declared the resolution adopted. Resolution Fo. 206. A resolution instructing the Clerk to readverttse foe M da'for the improvement of '~ Street from the south line of Fifth Street to the south line of Base Line Street. Rae intrOaiioed, read in lull for the seoona tiro and adapted by the following vote: Ages Cole, Oweger, Irving. Foes: Fone. 'thereupon YByor 1tCAabb• deolai~ed the resolution adopted. Resolution No. 208 A resolution ordering the improvement of TYrird Street from The last line or •A• Street to the Last line of Ai1en Street, was read Por the second time snd adopted by ,the following vote: Ayes' Cole, Oweger and Irvir!g. Foes Fone. Thereupon 3iayor,ldaNabb,deeiarecf the reso2utio~ adopted. E Resolution .No.204 A resolution awerdirrg the oontrsat fez the,impxovement of itount V.e:~non Avenae,froa the South line of ?irst Street to the South line, O2 Third Sheet to, ,the Johnson 831ea, QOi~jalLy, was read for tAs . .r,. second time and sdoptea,by the Yoliawing vote: Ayes: Cole, Oweger, Irving. Foes Hone, Shezeupon Yeyor YCHabb declared the resolution adopted. The resolution excepting the vlaQucrt over Lount Vernon Avemie, betwe@n !Chird Stres't and )'Wtrtji street,' j was'read for the second time and adapted .by the following vote:~iyea Coie, Oweges, Irving. Hoes Hose. Thereupon 1[eyor 3WFabb' deciaxai the resolution adopte4. ~ ~ ~ .,r " - ~ ~ j Resolution Fo ~20t3 A resolution ordering ~ of the entire cost snd, expel oS, t2~!,i~gvems~n~Y o1 Mtth Street ~Pr~ west line of 'S' Street to the west line oY,"Z• Street, was adopted by the.;oilorin~ vote: Ryas bola, Oieger and Irving. Hoes Hone'. Thereupon 3tayoz YCHabb doalared the zesointion adopted.. t e ate xasolution adopting the plans, Cross=Sections and 3pec12'loatl~is tt~ tAo avs~8truatiaon of en B inch fI seweur in ffighth Street fry '8' Street to a point 490 feet •eet of the maApole is '8' Sheet was react toz the 3 ~,~eaoad times and adopted by tLe~Soiiowing vote. 11yes Cole, Oweger end h71ng. lroee )tone. iI I The resolution authorizing the Supt of street to extend timQ to dohneon Shea Coa~slrt for the 2mDrovem~ i of Rialto Avenue, was adopted by the foiiwwing vote: Ayes, Cale, Oweger, Irving. Goes Hoar. the resolution atitbAriZing the 8apt. of Streets to esteibd„Limo to ~.l. l~o2d was sdapted by the following vote: Ayes foie; Oweger, Irvi::g. Hoes Hone. The~aa3'ltayor Babb doolared flee ra~lution adapted: . i "; ', f t I I "~ ?he resolution awarding tha contract for the ir:rprove~!ent of Fourth 3trooC Prc.G the East line of '?• Street to the East liP.e of •I" Street to the~Johiison Shea Compai~, was road fir the secatid tir.:e and adopted `',' by ti:c fo2lowiiig vote: Ayes: Cole, Otreger""and Irving. Noes None: Thereupon ?.ta~~or itc;.'abb dee aced the resol- ution adopted. ' Resolution No.IIIC. A re:.==elution awarding the contract Por the improvement of Fifth Street from Arrowhead Avenue to •E' Street to the Johnson Shea Corspaiiy, waa read Sor the seco[:d time and adopted by the Pol2owirg vote: Ayes: Colo, Owoger, and Irving. Noes; Bono. Thereupon Idayor bteNabb declared the resolution adopted. Upon motion duly ade and carried, the Council ad~aurned to meat L[onday evening Nove;~:ber I5th. I(309., at 7:30 o'c1ocK P.M. Approved this)22nd.day of November, I908., ~,,i i ,ytayor of t3ie City oP San Derrardino, Calif. T ~ 5 ', i ~ ~ ' ~ City Clerk ' Ii , . City Fish; san Bernardino, Calif. November T_5th. 209.'. Regular adjourned meeting of the Mayor and Common Crnu~oi2'oP the City oP San Bernardino „Ca11P. the meeting was called to .order by l~eyor Pro Ben Thos. Rolnes, present Irving, Oweger and Relates, ' ,There being no b~usineas to coma before the Cou::e~2 at this meeting ; t2te"Council ad,otzrned to meet Monday evening November 22nd. 1909., at 730 o'clock P,Li. - - ' "+~.. - Approved th1E 22nd. daY oP Novemt~er; I908.; Mayor oP the City od !an Bernardino, 6a1i2. ~ ~ Clezt d P f'' i . I City 2ia11, San TJer::ardino, Calif. Nov., 22nd, I909,, (`-~ , ', Regular adjourned meeting of the Usyor ar:d Common Council oY the City oS San Iiornarctino, held Ltonriay j evening November 22nd. IflOa., The meotir;g was called to order by Kayor Ketdabb at 7:30 o'clock P.1!. with the folloring members oS the Council present: Couneilmon Cole, Holmes, Owegor and Irving., City attorney R.E. Swing and City Clerk Harry A211son. The miiruLea of the previous z:eetings oP the Cour.eil were read and approvori. • Cow:eilman Irving moves that Lhe re quest of the petitioners Por arc lights to be installed.ln'•!C"'8tleet, between Third3:Street and Rialto, Avenue., intersection of Ninthand 'H• Streets, Mount Vernon and KYng Streets, I King and Osburn Streets and City Limits and Rialto Avenue, be granted, motion duly seconded by Cauneilran Owegor, } and carried. A petition signed by residents and property owners oP the South-*eat quarter of the City, calling the 4 i Councll's attention to the reed of .bettor fire fighting Paoilities, also the purchase bf a site near the ""'i ~,Ati • corner of First and haunt Vernon Avenue Per the oonstructic.n of a fire station, after considerable discussion by members oY Lhe Council and.signers of the petition, Co•,:ncilmsn I~eving",tae~h's,ihat the hatter be referred to the ; - lire committee to imrestigata and report back to the Council, ~rotioa.'dt~ly seconded~-'by Councilman Irving, and Carr- tl- i lea. 1 . ~ i The verdict oP the Coroner's ~urY in the death of R.7.Rat11tP, who cadre to his death on Lhe 2lst. day o! November, I908., Prom in,•}uries frog being atruet by Santa D'e train ~TQg 's'~~!C'{$tTeet and Santa !e aroasing,~the .fury seoeomending that the,CouIIOil inatruot'the saute He R.R. Company to put in an alarm bail at the dossing oa ~ € 'C• BLreret „wher'eupon'COUncllman Irving moves that the City Attorney be eirooteQ to prep~te an'oreinance ordering • gates and bells plaoed'as Poliows' Z,gate at '0' street `and.Santa'7e Crossing,` 7irat ~8treet between~3tarnt Vernon Avenue are City Limits, 'Y''at Santa 7e Crossing, 71rst Street, and lCLngman Ayevue and 'T. 'Street,- motion duly i • ; ~econded.~ Councilman Cote, and carried. I The toll owing cam~urtioation'was received from lisyor YcNabb and read' at this meeting, ` ~;';:., November 2821d: i809., _ To the Honorable Cosmion Council of the City oP 8qn Bernardino, ' r,dentlemen:- -2? i ci,..;,. I Sind it ~ ditty at tLda time to report to Yon Lhat I have this dRY suspended from fiit7 as a Daiioe ~ i +o • ~ ~ ~ ~ i~. r~ pfPicer pending inrestigation, 1~. TrL. 3atP for the follo~rtng reasons, to-wit-: The Gbiat at lbline had laid '~. ~yePore me the complaint of Anita lfiiso'n who claims that the etltm of X72.50 belonging to her was turned orar for 'Officer Soto in a.*D••Street restaurant a fee nights ago and that upon os121ng for her none0? tIIe Said oftloer~ i Spto ea2lmed that only X9.60 had been turned over to him, which he thereupon paid to her, 2 will rgquest that rz as easiy a date as posaibie be sat by the'Counoii Poe the hearing of this matter • ,,,y-CL The assssameJat ~ of the Ais'riats of laado b~iteti~fted by tAS i~praremteat of 'r' ana Sass L3As ltreet "~ ~ sener,.was introdnaed,'read in ivll for the riret lime sad ie1Q Wirer Sor final passage. -'~ Upon rotion d]aZy made and cerried~ the Coaneil.,ad,~otirno~ to meet 7riday e+rening lfov., 2Qth. 2809, at '~ '.. 9:10 o'clock P.LE. - ` ': _ r ~t , . '~ } Approved this 28th day of Aovembsz, T80 , ~ • uaYor o.' the C1ty oP San Bernardino, Calif. Laity C?ort' . ~ - -- - - -,_~...__.,- - ~ _.._~__,_...~.....v. r _ _ .,._....--- --- -------- _-__-^-~-....__ ~l~ i City Aall, San Bernardino, Ct~l1Y.r: Nov. 20th. IQ4a., Regular adjourned meeting of the ktayor anti Common Council oY,tho City of San Bernardino, held Friday evening Novea:ber 2fSth. Zfl ~fJ., The meeting was• called to order ey 1layor Mc2iabb at 7:30 o'clock P.LI. with the following memv~ra of the Council prosent; Councilman Roimee, 9woger and Irving, .^.ity Attorney RE. Swing. Absont Councii~•an Cale and Ronsch, The tdrsutee of Lhe previous fleeting we re read and aFpraved. This being the .Limo set for the hearing of the charFea against Paliee officer Y.L. Soto, Councilman Oweger m:•ves that the setter be laid over for one week, r..otion duly seconded by Councilman Irving, and carried. on Mount Vernon Ave,':botredA~Third; dnd~lrautr Streets The Santa !e Railroad Compatryr presented the deed to the City of San Dernardino for the'viadauct, where upon an ordinance accoPting same, was introdueod read in 3111 for the first time~and laid Ober for Final passage.. Upon motion dlsly made and carried, the Oourcil adjourned to meot YtondaY evening Nov. 28th. 2909., at • 7:30 o'clock P.Y. ~ - ~ ~ ~ _ Approved this 39th. day. of November, 2808., • Mayor of the City of San Bernardino, Qa11f., . ~ mty: ~ierh ' „ ~ , r ~ . ~f~r .,," City Hell, Ban Bernardino, Calif. Nov. 39tII. 2809.. ",~" i'.~N~.,y.~ _ Regular adaovrned &seeting oY the Ysyor and Common Council of the City o2 San Bernardino, held Monday ~:'' eveni.ng,Novem~?er 39th. I909., The meeting was called to order by Yeyor 1lcBabb at 9;20 o*eiook B.Y. with the Sollowing mettDers of the Council present: Canne2lman Coie, Aolmes~ Oweger and Irving. City dttorney A.=. Swing ~ ';,`:•:~ r and City Olert Harry Allison. Absent Cctiu;cilman Rensch. The minutes of the previous meetings"were read and approved. ~ ~„r This being the ti~ae set for Lhe opening oY the bide Por the improvement of •D• Street trvm th~onth fine of 6th Street to the So11Lh fine of Bed Line Street, Councilman Truing moves that the City Clem proceed y'~~F ;~'u :'~ with the opening of the bids, motion duly seconded by Councilman Oweger, and carziad, `•;'.° , !' BAIJ ~AI Nq~01?a71~AK11I C/ fJ ~~/YMfI ~ N,~ F71MS ~Mf/~~I ~/ f~~ /L1~I1A1w//i~f' ~I/aAI LAM r~I. Y ,.~' ~ ; ,/ i ! / ~ 11/NiRe~O ~~r~~ 3, ,y~{e ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ' xi;, o" ~r: v . < ~ r' ' ~ M The bid of B.F. Ford Using the lowe;;t and be: t bid f'or the ir.:prover:;ent of "?• Street frot.i tho South "-'~ ~ limo of 1"iftic Street to the Soutli lino of Base Linc 3treots, a i•esol•~:tion wus introduced, awardin:, th8 eontr3et for the it't~rnvc^e;;t of •D" 3tloot to B.F. Ford, sar:,e was read in 11:12 for the fYrttt time and laid n^er for final pa,::ago. • Thia using the time set Sor tho openir;g oS the Uida f'or the ~improvenent of Llovart Vernon Avarrue frot;~ the South-lino of Fii'th Street to the South line of Fc7urth Street extended, and !'assts` •Ptreet fror.. tt.e ?rest lire'of i k!owit Vernon Avor;ue to the '•4e9t City linits, Cour;cili:~sn Owegor ~ovos that the City Clerk be instructed to proceed i with the opetdng of the bids, motion duly seconded by Counclln:in lIOleea, snci carried. i Bids for iin oaeasentof /~! {/entio'n'~iQrne f~S.'J',`r u fir' ~~•i•d_ ~ ~ Sr fr`C `~~'~ oa Ar.~e kYo~ ~a ~st Ci Li ~tc a: tibn Beu. ;'~ NTta/ . a t ~ ~reirne,!! . r . ~ ~ /~/ome Addi'es'J / r!' F= F- s aotineo/•i'r~, cacooL- Fr. 4xw~ F? .~n"~> Amount ' Pri " " rat., iY ics ~pnrsf lb,rt inniiot /Rice bdirt i/Rdce Tart Unit/ir iriou7l -' ` ..'>rFiD'!d LoS J/ dtLE' ~.o~ 74®0 2r.. - 4.•~ ~ 2~ 3~. ''. /•K ~ ,Zo - %/OE/~~~~, E. Pirate// e4/oiids . / da ~ .Qr 9rs /st - ,2 e. /u - a ~d /*s ; ~3 ~LS'7 ~ t/AhillAOi/ aFhrc+o ir/viside .// 8187 .a /PSts ~ - 4. ~-' PS - 3 ~ /id P6 - /01.37 ~ • ?i/~ The bid oP Earnest Frenzell being the lowest and best'bid''foi'ttie'fuiprover~ent of tlount Vernon Avenue ~ -_ Prom the South line of fifth Street to the South line oP Fourth Street extended, 'end Fourth Street from the hest line of Ltount Acenue to the west~City 2lmits, a resolution was introduced, awarding the contract to: the' said Esrneat Prenzeli for the improvement of said lAount Vernon Avetnte, sane sus read in 8111 for Lhe first Lime and 1ai~d ove~~for`final passage. ~ ~ ~ This being this time set frr the opening of the bids for the improvement of Tlii=Q Street'frota the west line`of •A•street~••to the beat line of Allen Street, Councilman Cole moves that the City Clerk proaeeQ with the opening ,"bf the bida,',s - ""` R J 1 E ' t The bid of the Highway Construction Coc~asry Dding~the Iosest and beat bid,for the improvtsatent~o8'tttird Street from .the west line of `A• Street to the East line oP Allen Street, a resolution sus intCed, alrazding ~ P a. the contract to the HighsaY Construction Cotapanyf'or the ia~aacement of said ?bird Stree, same sus read, in i1ill for the rirat Lino and laid over for Sisal passage. ~ { . Couaailmea Cole movesthat the resignation of T.L. Soto, as Police Officer o2 tttie City of Ben Bernardina~ be accepted and pieced on Sale, sotion duly aeaonded by Connailtntan Holnes, and oal~ried. Mayor YeBabb submitted rho n4me of dohs Henderson for the positlon of Poiioe offioer is an4 fear the City r whereupon Counciitoan Irvir?g trsoves that the appointment of J.Henderson ba approseQ, motion QulY seconded by Caanail, man Cale, an4 carried. A Cotaueuniaation sus reoedved truer City Hngit~er A.L. Sloan reietive to the drainage ~aestion near and across the ward end 0121 'treat, kpr. Sioen stated that ap~roxitratelY scald oars for the draining of ssda ratter, acme could be carried irto Lytle Creek, whereupon Cow~cilk^,an Oseger moves that the Street Supt. be instlua- Led to eonply with the plans asst pecifieation of the City >rngireer aTKI proceed with the vorX, motion duly eeeordeQ by Cantscilaucn Zrving, arcl earrledbbY tuts' Sc•llasing vote: Ayes liolaea, Oseger anti Irving. Noes Cole. ', _ • _ . ,~:' ` - - ----- .~e . ~ ~- ~ Street Supt. L.F1. Lotlu~op Piled with t;;e Couneii a report including various letters written and received Prom tho Can Bernardino Valley `fraction Cos~i:any in regard to the paving of the rightoPway oP the entire ]enght of Third street, err'- also on lGowct Vernon Avenue , anti the balance oP the proposed street irproveronts , whereupon notion of CouIrcllm:,n Irvir.~, dytly seconded by Councilman IIoILec, and carried. Lhe report wsa received aP.d Piled. Councilman Irving offered the i'ollowing; RE80LVID, by tho >layor and Common Council, that the Ctrcet Supt be, and is hereby instructed to hnvv the roadway oY the San Bernardino Valley Traction Company along such streets in this City as. are being ia,px: coed under the VOrrman Act, irproved in the SuLle runner, and at the acme time as said 9treeLs are lrproved. r.;otion seconded ;~y Councilman? Iiolmes•, and carried. - Counailr„an Irving moves t.;at the. City Clerk be instructed to draw warrant in ~S'avor of '..the Johnson Shea . Company in the amwnt oP #2657.00 Por ar;ount of egantraot price for the oil heating plant, motion ituiy.;seconded by - ~ Cowicilr~an Cole, and carrieti, ~ - - ' t. ~ A petition was received and read to•the Council at thi:: meeting, signed by residents and property holders oP the City, asking the Council to use their influence with Lhe Santa Se RallroaQ Company. to hays tha'foot,vladueL now extending Prom Third street to the shops, extended north Prom its present Lermirtte to']Cingman street and'the putilio be allowefl to use the same,.whereupon Coundlman Irving moves that the Council endorse the petition, notion duly seeonfled by Councilman F.olmes, and carried. ' ~ The resolution ordering the construction of a six loch sewer in 1[ount Vernon Avennre, from Contiei Avernle to a point in Mount Vernon Avenue, Lwo hundrefl and eighty Peat So•,:Lh oP said Central Avernle, was intro4uoefl read iri fu21 Por the first time and laid olrer Por final passage. - TAe followings communications was received Prom the aan Bernardino Chamber of Coaameroe. . -Hoe. 28Lh. I8Q9,, To the tlon.- 1?.ayor amC Council; ~ ~ ' ' -~, - ' '. ~t a re~u7,ar ~jeting~oP 'the Dlreetora "of Lhi`s~ Ctlember of Commerce treld Sovei~6er lath. a motion was rimy made and unanimously carried,' That the -Board oP Directo]rs of this Chamber of Coquaerce request the Mayor and City y~f Council to carel~lly consider grwnds for a new City Hall, and urge upon them the acquisition oS a stsitabla site.' r;`.t 7oura eery Lrn1Y, ~°~~'Y Cif. llenalmn, . SeoretarY. '' Upon the ?ceding 'oP the loregcing, Councilman Irving mopes'thaL the aaae+ be received and flled~ motion ' X17 seconded ty Councilman Cale, and eerrle4. . " ' Acv, ecru. IE09., To file Hon. lleyor and C1 tY Counci 2 , ~ _ Qitynof son Bernardino, ,~j r°+tp; '~ gentlemen:- . ''~ ~ 1 At a regular meeting oP the3?oard oY Lirectors of this Chaeiber of Commerce held Nov. 2Qth, tDe enclosed „;~p'u, •Q u+ S. resolution, which is self-explanatory, was read and adopted u~ the request of .the legal Comseitt~ oP tAis Ctns~1 ~ . Yours ~•erl~+ tzq,ly ~ r Y~ /t ~ ~ t) _ _ - -----__ --._ _ i I t ~ °,7zERF.AS, it is the general boloif that the City of San Dernardi!u~ out grown the existir:~; city ~ \' ' ~ i chaa°ter anti that the present prosperity and Lhe rtit~u'e growth anfl doveloprie!!t of LT.a City require a complete revision unQ onlar~e,.;ent of the ehartox provisions: and ' Ti~S:RFAS, :'.~'. LleFabb, Esq., our nor,orod %ayeT, in a message presento ~ `,o t??e f)iLy ^cur.cil, some r~onths ago, poitsted cut a rer.,ber of respects x?i~rein tT'~e City govorn:lent is hopelessly ha[apered by the present limits: :ion oP said ci•~arter and suggested the ar~endnnet thereof it'. ordc+r that these difficulties t_i~ht be obviated: and TlHE!tEA9, it is expedient and the part of wisdom that s~ proposed revision should be submitted to our • people in the hoar fl!ture in order Lhat the voters of tits City tray have ample :iris to consider such arr:.endnenta and vote intelligently thereon: NOW THE4tE8'ORl£, be it resolvefl by the ?oard of Directors os this Chamber oi' Commerce that, without commSt- _ ` ing ourselves or said Ct.araber to any particular ar.~endnent, we heartily approve and commend the proposed revision uP our City Charter and earnestly recommend tY:at. .'a~~Or ?coNabb promptly appoint a committee to consider aP.d propose ~ such amendments as, in the opinion of such committee, $!y be required to neat the needs oP the munlaipality and to further the grcnseht and prosperity oY out City, and, while realizing that the acotual work oP revision can be best done i,y a shall committee of experts, we believ©, nevertheless, that this small committee oP experts, we believe should be selected Prom a larger committee so constituted as to represent all politiasl parties, ,element s, and lot alines oP the City, and that this larger committee should pass on the report oP~the 9~f.D-eonmmittee before the same shall be recommenfled to the 3(ayor and Council Por submission to the voters oP the City,. we tl3ehePore reccoma, and respect2lilly regnoat that the 1[ayor appv#Y1tL a general eo:rittea of fifty, or thereabouts, Sor the,purpoae aPc~resaid, and that he also designate the Chairman of such general co[:m!ittee. , 17pon the heading oP the foregoing, Councilman Holmes moves that the Council endorse same, aAd that the „ 1[ayor appoint a committee o1 riPty to prepare amendment of the Charter, mtion duly seconded by Councilman 2rving, and carried. u `r Councilman Irving moves that an arc light be planed at the corner oP sth'snd •J• Street, el so Iatnand j •E• Street, motion duly seconded by Councilman Oweger, and carried. t Upo!!:.~iotion duly made and carried, the Council adjourned to meet Monday evening Beoeaber 6th. 2909., `'l at ?:30 o~clcocK ?.11. Approved Lhis 8th day oP December, I908 . ~1 ftayor oP the City oP Eau Bernardino, Cal' . • r ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ City OleTL • • r f tea, FC Ir' 1p k t -_____~.__. ___---_.._._.-_..__r.____________ _ _ ` "~ . City finll, San Dertuirdino, Calif. Dec. 8th. I£t08,, f ~ Rogular act~ournec} t^:eeting of the ldayor and Comr,.on Council of±the City of San Bernardino, held Ltonday E i ~ ~ Queuing December, 6tii. If30J., Ina meeting was called to order by 3dayor 1leHabb at 7;30 o'clock P.ld. with the ~ i Yollowitig membora of the Council present: Councilmen Cola, Holmes, Oweger and Irving, City Clerk Harry Al2lson one City Attorney A.E. Swing. Absent Councilman C.F. Ransch. The t~inutos of the provious e',eetittg of the Council were read anal approved. the reaolution atsardit'tg tho conLraet for the imp:rcvement of Third Street from the west line of •A• 9 Street to tho East line oP Allen 3tre~~t, was read for the second time and adopted by the Sollowing vote: Ayes: Cole, Holmes, Owegor and Irving: Roes: None. Thereupon Mayor Stclfabb declared the resolution adopted. The resolution awarding the contract for the 1»tprovemetzL of 3tount Vernon and l~ourt2t Street, was road ~'/_~ for the :ocond time and adopted by the Following vote: Ayes: Cole, Holmes, Oweger and Irving. Roca ]lone, Thera- ` 1`~ upon Mayor 1teZ0abb decalred the resoiution adopted. Ina resoiution awe he contract for the improvement of •D* StreoL (rota the South line of T!i"th Street to the South line of St aeL, was read for the second time and adopted by the following'vote: Ayes Cole, Flolres, Oweger, and 2rving. Roes: None. Thereupon 1[ayor Ycaabb declared the resoiution adopted. . `~'Rresoiution Ilo. 2b8. A~rosoiution ordering the oonstruction of a six inch sewer in 3tount Vernon Avenue, from Central Avenue to a'poirit bn Kount Vernon Avemle, Two Y;undred eighty feet west of said Central Avenue, was react for t a second tittles and adopted by the fo11iw1ng vote: AYea: Cote, Aolmea, Oweger Irving. Nose: None. `~.,Triereupon_lEsyor Yelfabb declared the resoiution adopted. . ' ~'`''~1 Ordinance No.. An ordinance accepting a certain indenture tide the Stn daY oS Noverrba2, I3O8 by and '~ betwaon the Atehision, Tapeka and Santa 8e Railt?ay Cotapat~y, transferring to the City of Sau'Bernardino, the ! viaduct on ,3(t' Vernt`n Avern>.e between ?hied and Dbvrth Streets, wsa read for the second time and adopted by F the following vo te: Ayes Cote; Rolmes, Oweger and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon Mayor LGeNabb deoiaraci the .~`1 ~ Ordinance adopted. The xeaoiution adopting the map of the district of lands benotYtted by the itapravemant described in Resob~ ion No. I88,'wa read for the second tithe Bind adopted by the following vote:Ayes Cole, Roltaes, Oseger, Trying. Noae3 atone. TharauDon Mayor liCllsbb declared the reaolution adopted. Upon motion dally made and sarrieQ. 7re~~ ]C. Love and Nm Brook, were order on the it~t to whoa intoxicating •.+'~ liquors shall not be soil. ti , 6~ , A oa~maugiioatio[i was received from Bakes, Curtis an4 8oopex; offering s'iooatioa for s City Asti at the i 5 ei.1 corner o1 "!• and,Caart 8treete, IaI ft on '7" fros Court to an alley in the Booth and Z4a f't deep for ~26.OOO.O0, +R'hsreupon motion ct Couneiimsa Cols, duly seeondod by Councilmaa Trying, Lhe cotmmutieation was received and f'ilea. Counciltan Truing mows that *.he CitY Clem be instructed to draw warrants Sar the olaitss against the City fox the month of Noveatber, =905. r mc,tiori daly seoo2lQed by Conneiiman Cole, and oatrxied bT' the loila?ictg vote: Ayes, Cole. Rolmes, Onager and Irving. !foes None. Councilman Holmes moves thst the ordinartoe:rixittg the lire limits of the City of ash Bernaraitw, be ' smettden as follows; ISO feet North and 260 feet South botweon •C• and "$• Streets, tzotion duIY eeonded by ; Crnutciltaan Irving, ana oarried. ,~y ,' ~' ;' t` ------ ------_--- --------- k t r A ~~i ~ ~-' - Iii ii='~ Co•,ulcilman Owe~;er moves that tho request of AUeI & Roueson Sor a transSer oS the Iiduor license r~• at ho. 363 "E" Street to 3ustav Adloph Oeorge Bornnarct be gra~cteci and the bon4 approved, emotion duty se~on4ed Uy Coun^iiman Oweger, and carried. i The report oY Draper a:~d Dubbell, 1~elative to Street Supt accounts, was received and duly aPPl'oved. i ~ 1 •Upon i.iotion duly made anti carrie:i, the C~~.u:cil adjourned to meot Monday evening Dec. I3th. Ia09., ~ at 7:30 o'clock I3d. E 1 i } APProed this I3th. day of Deeenber, I~OS, • /~ j =~+or ofithe City oP San Bernardino, Cal. ~ ty erk '~1: • 1 . • - '3' { • '~ • . , ~ r, f i . ' ~ , p , ~ ~ ~ 4 E ~q 3 ~ ~ , a~' , ~ N ^ i • / ~ • i 't'; ~ [ y i A S a_.,.. _ _ - 1 i r'- _ ~ ~ City Hail, San J3ornardino, Calif. Daoe:~ber I3th. Z3O9., Regular ad~o'orned mooting of the Ma;ror at;d Council of the City of Sar, Bernardino, he2ci ]donttay,evenin~; Dece.~Uer, I3th. •I90fi., Tho mewing was called to order by liayor 1,SeNabb at 9:30 o'clock P.li. with the foilowi;tg r raembors of the Council: Present, Colo, Holmes; Oweger anc~ having. City Attorney R.E. Boring and City Attorney R. E. Swing. Absent, C.R. Ranseh. The mirutea of Lhe previous v;eoting of the Council, wore read and approv©d. A co~runieatiort was xeeeived and read to the Council from Gity Engineer A.L. Sloan, suggesting that the sum of #Zfi49.46 be transferred Yrom the General 8'und to Lhe 17unieipal Imp. 73onds Fund, the items reSerred to are printing and ono half oS the additional cost of Third Street pavement, Ceuneilman Irving moves that the matter be laid over for consideration, motion duly seconded by Councilman Holmes, and carried. The resolution ,adopting the map oZ tAe i7lstriot of lands benefitted by the improvement doseribeQ in f resolution No 82. was read for the Sirat time and lsicl over for final passage. . Tre~resolution adopting the Taap of the district oS lands benefitted by the improvement deseribeci in resolution fto I40, was introduced, read in hill Por the rirst time and laid over iar' Sin~#~pasea8e. . The resolution adopting the map of the distriet~~of lands benetitted by the improvesent described in Resolution t7o. 232, ores introduced, read in Sall Sor the rirst tide and laid over for final passage. , Councilman Irving moves that the City Engineer be instructed to inalvde alt Dross walks in specirications - hereafter, motion riuly seconded by. Councilman Rolmes. . City Attorney R.E. Boring reported to tho Council that the had taken the matter of 5~ fare ttp with the San Bernardino Valley Traction Company inside the City Limits and that the Traction Compam? had eo>~lied with his request. Councilman Go]:e moves that 'the Traction be given ten~days in which to start work on th81r rightoSway on hest Third Street, motion duly seconded by Councilman having, and carried. ~- A communication Ras received. and read to the Council from (}:R."Baraume, asking the Council to look into the matter of ~ since boz across 'I" street on tAla~3oath side of Rialto Avenue, whereupon motion duly made and carrion, the ratter, was reSerred to the Street Comc?ittee. The' question of purelsas3ng a site for a C1Ey Ball was brought to' the attention of tT~e Council at this . s r:eeting,' hiller and 1telCinney Cot~sny submitted the propoedtion oS puiwhasing the Bartow Qp7¢T7er, et the Corner of for the Bum oS X3.600.00 • ]fourth and '73" Streets, while i_C. Demsnri sl~Ltted a propoeitioa t0 purchase the corner or TMrd and ArTOdheaQ for the el3m of #10,600.00, after remarks from .T.J. Sanford, Joe CatioK, A.C: De~7aan, 1[. 3tolCinney, R.?. Garner, and mepbors of the Council, whereupon Couno37.nan Oa1e moves that 3Ile Coauttoi4~ allows test dos 1A which City Hall " ~~y proposals will be~ reaeivuQ,° tho COUaoii tO prabeed to make the' selection, motion QC1Y sccondeei by 77oaaicil7~n 13olsssw and oerried, by the following cote: Ayes: Solmes, Owoger, and'Cole. Noos: Zrviitg. Mayor kelQabb appointed the following eossalttee to serve as a ohas~Eer revision Committee: SOIQ. 9.T. 08T7Qt, CSILIt7lUF. . ? } ti.l4. 7?ARTOF ~ r, J.J. Fld]JlOR73 ~T7. BJ. 7H,8l180E ' ''' JOS It70ERBCLL r.S: "(87&8!7 B7!ROX 1[ATERS ~ J.S. S'RITIi '. L*Ft. J'.yt. 73AYLI8 C.L. ALT~ZSOF m . ° . caNOhR c . c . F7ASrs,t, ~ R.li. stela s J.7"'. CUT7T2£ ~ OL'0 FAL'UN ^ . E000S ~y'J I. ^:,3?"•;,'7;; CARSON '.'.A'. 73R2$OU ~,' f , . . . - - - _ - -__....~_.__.~_.. W.A. 1llh'SOIl F.H. HAlI,LIE L.D. HOUOFIT027 t.~' JAS, F.. IlOYD C.Y. ORO1P JOI4T A2dDRF~ON JR. i COL. Fi.li. BA2~ 1RIRREN 17FAVER O.A. ATW00' I S.S. DRApEA O.P. FLOAT COL.R.L. V£STAL . fi . BELL ~ T. R , ucFEIL • IiOPJIRD SURR E~ L.E. YJ1TZ J.I?. BAI2NZJY A. OQODCEI.L ' N.A. I12CHAP.DSON C.7f. SLIITIi Y.B. SIiAA i i lf.l{. PARl~R ~ B.D. IlALEY E.D. ROBIIiTS i R.C. HAI~INSON A.L. DREN JAY20; k~UR2tEY GPfO 1i. COOLEY B: E. HYRNE V. 31tITA " J.H. GILL A.Y. HAY " J.H. ALVOItD J.E. LARSOF DR.-$.9: BYITH 'A. HOItORITZ I T.O. CARTffii RcR. Itac62LLIVARY J.9. BRICH'Y •'°~`~ ' i. ` C.Y. FD1PT ~ JOIiR HARR80F .1!m. LBZtOP. "'~ .' • Upan motion duly made and carried, the appointment of the. Charter revision co-nittee were approved. r Upon motion 4ulY rade aAd serried, the Councsil°ad~ournad.to meet Honday evening December 20th. 2908., at 7:80~o~clock P.Y. 1 Approved tAle I6th.,•day of Deo. I808 - ~ . 9 NaYor oY the Oity of Ban Bernardino, Oel. c " City Clerk. ~ t i : ~ , ' , _ Ci tY FId1; 9811 Bernardino' Oat : Deo. ' I6th: x.280$. ' ' i 3peoial meeting of the YaYor and Common Counci] of the ¢ity of San Bernardino, hbid Dea. ISLh. I909. ~ t written notices were aei'red on ell~member~ of the 'Council, present FIolmes, tioie,.end irving. City Olen[ Harry Aliieon, Absent Yeyar YaNsbb~sCannai2man Aensoh and Oweger. 'Ihv ob,eet of the meet3rig was for tote ptitpose of introducing resolutions ordering the one halt of the entire cost and expense of the ta~rovemdht•"oi •0• Street and Yt. Vernon Aveinie to'the Heat-Oity Limits, ? ". '4he resointione oi~deri~ tho one halt of the entire cost of the lmprobment of shat Street llroa YL fi veinon avenue to the Rest 01tY linflts, was read in tW.l' Zor the Suet time and laid over for rinal pea'9age. The re~oit~tion ordering the one hall 'of the entire cost of the•improveaent of •C• Street iYam ~'hirtil Street to Ninth Street, was intlwdeacsd, read in titl2 for tha 1'lret time an4-tsia over !or final passage. Upo n motion duly Qede and carried, the Oonnaii ad~ottyned to meet HondaY evening Decenber,'i0th 'I~ ! at 7:80 o'cloc]t P.Y. ~ "~ ~ N ~ " _/ Approved this 20th. daY of 2`ece~ber, 2t109.~,; ry t~ ~ Mayor of fie ~1~Y' ~' fan Bernardino, Cal. "" City Ci! J ~ 1 h; _ ~ ~' City ?Fall, San Bernardino, Cal. Dt3C. 20th. 290 f1, Regular ad,~aurned meeting oP Lhe Ysyor and Cora~wn COUncil oP the City of San Pernardino, held ldotiday evening December, 20th. I809., The meeting was called to order by 1[eyor 1dcNabb at 7:30 o*eloek P.1t. with thO following me~~bers or the Council present: Councilman Cols, Holmoa, Oweger and Irving. City Attorney R,E. Swing and City Clerk Harry A1]ison. -Absent, C.l. R>Of80li. The minutes oY the previous meeting were read and approved. , The resolution ordering the one half of the entire coat and expenses o! the improvement oP •C• Street from Third Street *o Ninth Street, was read Yor the second ti.~:e and adopteQ by the Po~7.owing vgte: Ayes: Cole, F?ohaes, Oweger and Tieing. Noes None. Thereupon Mayor keNabU deOlared'the resolution adopted.. The resolution ordering the one half of the entire cost oP .fhb imrpovement`,oP first Street from i[t Vernon Avenue to the west City Llmite, was reed Por the second time and adopted by the Poilvving vote: Ayes: ,~'.•• Cole, Holmes, Owoger and Irving. Mons: Eole. Thereupon Mayor YcNabb,deeisred $he rea~lntion adopted. A resolution grantinit the dohnaon Shea Compa~? an eztengion oY time of twenty„gays upon their aontrd 1Po 3. the resolution was read in 21111 ror the Bret time and laid over Por rival passage. '~' - the resolution oiflering the'9um of #600'0; 00'transf'erreQ Pros the General !arid to. the Street 7tmd, ` was read in Iuli for tLe Pirat time end laid over Pop final passage. ~ '` j The peeointion ordering the snm oY I546.f5 transferred Prom the Oenerai-fond to the ltut~dClpai Zap. - Honda lung, was read in fnli for the first time and laid o'er for final passage. She map of TlorenCe 8eighte, a subdivision of the west one l~eif `of Lots a Sleet 88 R.S.R_ was upon motion duly Wade and aa~ried, referred to the Street Owssitteq to lmestigete. ', Caunoilaaa Cole'woves that the Beacons Hospital lase. be granted permission Lo oonstruot'a private sew: r is and along 1'oRltth Stre°at between Arrowhead Ave and •$•- StYeeta, motion dt17y 8euoIlded by Qoaseeilaau - Holmes, end Carried. ~ Oounciiman Irving Leos thht=r.IIe Defter oP a sewer along west >Ra<airth Street berO*eea •Rs and "I+ ^' ~- Streets, be ~e~i'etrea to the Street Supt. rith power to sot: ]toffee duly seao~nd.ed by CounCiissn Ho1l.aa, and oari•ied. Councilman Irving waves Lhat Lhe Street Supt. be instructed to investigate the S'trset Sweeper in Los Angeiep, and report baClC to the Co¢nGii, motion duly seconded by Connoilaan Holmes end Carried. The Board of Health pxcaented t~ garbage ordinaaae~ same being read in Shit fox the fleet ties and arsenaed. [ion awtion Qp1y lade assx Mrrle¢, the t'~auneil adjouxned. Appro?ed this dsi? oft January 3'ia0. ' ~ .i' Ya;?or of ,the City of sr,r, aexn~mno, Cal. 1.~~. City O1vaR • ~ ~ t~ _- • City Fiall'~; 3t~n Bernardino, Cal? Decetlbor 23rd. I909., ~ special meeting of tiie ldayor and Cotamon Catuieil of the City of San Bernardino, held at the City 8x22, TTiursdaY evening, the meeting was called for the yurpose of authorizing the Street Supt. to extend time of the B.F. Ford ho7ttraat for trie cotapletion oY the improvement on Base Line to paterman Avenue, also that the of ~ FL1gha'eY' Construction Cor~pany~ on Third Street between Arrow2tead eve and 'A' Street. The meeting was called to order tiY iiaYOr 3!ch'abb at 7:2C oclock.'.P.l(. with the following members of the Counail pre sent t: Owager, Zrving Cole and Holies, _ ~ ,A resolution authorizing the Street Supt to extend Lhe time of the Higl'aray Construction Company errtrect for 30 days, was reed for the first time and. laid over for Ptnal aassage. The resolution authorizing the Street S~•pt to extend the Lime of 23.F. Ford for 60 days, was read f for the iYr~ titae and laid over for final peerage. r ~ I 'tlgen notion duly tae de and 'carried, the Gauncil adjourned. . r ' Approv ec><. thi s 3rd daY of Tan; 2 4 ?'.~ / / ~i - ~ ~ ~fieYor` tlt~ Qi t7~ oi' San -BernarQ~no, Cal . ~ { '~' ~ ~ i ~ ~ w i r • ~ s ~ '. • i n • n i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • 1 ': _ r t µ i . 4 t r [ , s s ~r ~ ~'g i s r i H'~ Ilp /s a ' r i v .._1. --~--~----- - -~ ro _.---.. ' , 0~ . . ` m4 l 1 ! } ~ • f ' I I City Heil, San Bernardino, Cal. Jan 8rd. I93A • Regular meeting of the usyor and .Com~on.Counc2l of~the City oS.Sanf F3ernarc1lno, held~llonda~y evening Jan. 3rd. ICRO. The meeting was called to order vY ~!ayoz 1teNabb at 7:30 o'olock.P.It. with the foilowin~ memllers of the Counell.prosenL: bouncilmen Colo, Holmes, Owager and Irving, City Attorney R.E. awing and City Clerk Fiarry Allfson. Absent Counel2r.~.an Renseh. The minut'ea of the previous meeting were read and`sppro~ced. r ' Ordinance 1to-- An ordinance# requiring the iwintaining Its and safest oS ai final be y gatcis Yet points ' ereeot certain aS Lhe public SL . within said city where xafiroads int recta of said City, Rae read in Sall for the Sirat time and laid over for final passage. ~ "° '}~ .pa ~ ~- ' The resolutloAS suthoriying~the ~trest'3upt to'extend the time on tho oontraots of the „Johnson Shea i ~ ? Company, D.B. D'ordWand The``Highway Caaistruction Compairy, were reaa'in itili'tOr the second time and adopted by - the Sollowing vote: Apes: Cole,` Homes,, Oweger and 2rving. NosB: None, 4'hereupon 1layor itCNabb declared th.~ reaol- miens adopted. ' a y ~ i ,_..' yy' ~,y, .iu ~ ~ '.r a }haw ,,,i;.. ;.'t: 'E~'s'~' t ` The resa2utioa~ orQeii"ng tIIe 'su~mr. oi" ~fn000..00 trsrasterued !rasa the :Oenera7. 'O,ad to the Tt<Tuad, also . ~ #Ib4 ,~.~~s " tD~ tba~ Hiininipai ,T~. 7huid was dead` toy tAe second tip ~ *Y~; ' 9.46 from 'the OeBere~~113ad ~ atie and adop*ad by the, '"tbllowin$ voto,a Ayes Cole, 13olnea, Oweger and jisving.. Noes; None. i'1?aseupon Mayor IthAabb deciared the resolution , adopted. _ brdinanoe No- Jkfh.osdinance dt~the ~ity a1Dau"8erseardino Droviding Tot the Co2le6tion~ removal end ' ~' '~ osal^of gaPbage -,~¢nvre and waste matter within ' ~ ~P 1 . the C3LY of 3an~Bernardigo; providlns !ar a charge to be _ ' made for the ~ainova.,~-`and di aposa~"' o'f` en'c~ gauge anQ waste, mate= dsfiniag.~ha ![ee`gi11g . o~ grebpgen mamixe i , w 5 z't ~ '. '+F` 4 ~y ~+"~si K~ ~~ni S ~'~r~ :i*,s~.~ia.y~,ro'(~~t+;..~ t... elnC. Rsate matter Vii: vioiationzoi't`hie'ordinance to ba a nt~sanee and the Dea8lty !cr the violation or buck '- £ yta, .+W*^ it . ~'.:. Y 1w'. r` ~- ~t.~"'~'~,~e~~.•,.~;.M1, t..33A, i" ordinance, was Pmt for the sAhond tiers as amemhed, anh laid over for 1'ins~ ~aseage.. COUnCi , ~ ~ - *•.,""<w` r`~e rGt.+P ~^::`'L~ ti'eet~tO4 9th Street be~~ 660 t ~' lman~ Cole mouse tha~ the 'senrer~`'s'aloag .'D' Street troy ep dd bB . ~- " ~ " ~ the City, aotian duly seconded bynCounoilera~a Irviag• and parried. The resolution orderfng'~h6"tiarran~ draw for,~t-he one half on the isprosemeat o! Tif't2~ Street'ttam _ . ~ '¢# ' •I• to Yount Vernon Avenue, was fea4 'in full for Lhe, titer ti4me and 1 ~ ~'. ~ ~ "~ ~ L , ~' . w s aid over tae liaa2 ~asssge,F '`_ Cortuicilsan Taevi souse that the re ng Quest for a transfer of a sitaii'iigswr l~aease of Stake & Thode, b ` to 11. Thode be srantedaad L1io bong approved. motion Quly~saRonded~bY`° ~a~r;.~ ~4~*«_ ~ , C'voD6i3men Oole, and carries. ` Councilman Irving motes that the request of the board o! Edncetloa o! `tpMs„p1ty, !or permission to .;~+r P' 3 ..c' _ rh.4.E ~ . ~ ,,.~a~.,~,. ems. ~ i{~p[;~, ~ < , '. nee the pert of the ~!`tana new I oca'~ed s~ the ~~a !e gasp dell fart be slanted,n~otion duly seconded by Councilman BoFines and ass~ed. • ~ Caurailman Coie moves ~at',.t2te Clnims for the month of Dece~?e2 i909 bs pale. notion dnly? seconded s., seconded by Cotuicii'sn Truing, 'and serried try the Soliosing vote :Aires Cole, Holaes, tAeger and Irvine. ~ ~ r, X08 s 2TOne . ~ _ z ~ . , , ~ , .l r . ~ I, ~ .1 Councllmn Cole moves that ttrb resignation of Trod liartin as Janitor at lleadowbroot Park be aehepted~ ~', ~ ~ ~,~i y f ' rotio~ duly eoconded by Crnu~cilman Irving, and harried. ~ k 3iayor 3,teNabb sabmitted the naarc of John Martin Sor the position o! Janitor at itradowbrook Fark, 1CAereupois CaunCilrr,n Cols motes that the appointpent be approeted, motion duly seconded by Qounoilr~an Holmes, ar.~~. carfed. G:~ur,eilman CM~f;~^~' +,ovac t„^:L the r..ar, of tr4 `.':e,•rc~ s~~U ivis3o ~o aces pie%i a~:i3 rCCOr~H'Q, motion duly N r~p~. , '`'~,. seconded by Counellr.~an Ilolmes, and carried. ? _ f.~ Councilman Cole luoves Lhat the d€~ede of Foster Iiancock uiid Lfaiy E. Rogan be received and ulaced upon '' record. notion duly.seeonded.by~Counailwan having, anQ carried. I ~.`9+'IS y.,. '~. '~+, -L f ,emu+'^.a T~'7A'~". °~~ai" . ~ _,ii s I,= '~ '!1- ~ " - ' .~F^'1 '.ii The ordinan~o relative to the collection of taxes, was introducod, road in 31iZ1 for the first timo ani t.~ • }•:S •w~•'' 1'alf'.C,: f!'{ Y.~ ff.'s'' '~ 4a ? 3 ! . r V 'a.'' ti~T. . . ' laiB over Por final passage. .w '~' 'S ki.L r. Q:. .N ~'} anti.. "~,~,'~. ~~t LL^.. a`. .~t. ~ .Tne rcaol~ftlon rixing the tax rate and rate of C1Ly Printing, wes introduced, read in IZlli for the Si4 time and laid over for final passage. i : '~,,c , Y.' a., ~ j, a .Y #" ~;' ~ i!a~ : ~ 4..:' ' Y a s,.:. ~ r r ~ ra d, the Council a3lonrned to acct Tuesday evening Jan. IIth. I9'Ia, at ~I Upon notion duly made and Carrie 7:30 o'clock P.li. _ ' ' i ~ j' ~~.' h ? '" "`~'16r` ..~r~ R"~r+A ~~y.y .". t a..d'4.' $i.~ `~fiT"~~.'' -"7 i'<"~'~ kw Rio:-y ~ ~ a~ '" Approves Lhi a IIth. day of Jana 2810 ; '.'2.i)"f as M+pf'"~ i ~,1L!Jll~l~ T;5 '; aY<<.e e ".t"w 7dA?' •cl _ ~ a . ' T ~'~ f! -e /~/~F.s~J~d Jy ~C~/~,.~ Q~•1'/R/y/,~9~`J~ ? ' 7f - a ' ~~'~ ~ ~ E°!'~.t f: G~" '~r.,a ro" hY yrh ~r?J'y' Y : - •fi~~~ il"__ "=.{Paj,'~!~'.r '~'.~!1 i}I!SS ~'~DN +i. a'. - r ~' ~ s ~ iY ~ ,+1 -~' 77lVVV i 4 f[ayor of the City of san He,rnardino, ~~Y~ ~ ~~" _ ' -~..' + e E rt. YY ~T',ZR '~l~T. ..pia .~wQ~ ~i;Tl i] X~~. ~''•~~ 'i[? 4~+1 * . i S ' I +Vt~ w~,°i'mi +h~+ Jaws ~''. ~j~ ....F ir'TRs'? fi.._ ~ u~ f Vi'" _ QZ ~' i . ~ty sat ~ ~ _ 4 -. '. 's _a,1~' "1 Y.4*tc'' 3~'k ..~~L:Ss•"-~i ~"~~t[e'Y, _ •,a,r,> ::3!~'.e,r,r'€ !~"° ;e t~~M/~'~e .'s F~Fs~ .•.~',~~ +3 .s:. S:sS:~~ w". , '4/~M'~ ?' '~'~«i "~' €R3K ?ffiSr~ i1a '`r` :,~°f~8' ~`~'' lf+.w.f1,/~4nYff~F~ '~ ~ "~ ~ ` ~.+?s~?'~R 7~•~ I~ > r ~ t ' 1, ~':` .t.~..k~' f ~~' 11~ rlC.w~'' ~ JI'~• M ~n..l~: a . f'~.Y T4 5'; '^._lOP '~+T?~i^~ 4+F. ~i~ ~l ', 1~' ~~1~~ ~' . ~ ~ . ` t , + , , a ;.'" !}!M, .~g',$~+:~.'S~' "!*~id 1~I''~ :e'~g !':-~ffi '~ >,~'?~' ..<"Q ah~~'~*-#~F.;~^ ~€4i~ ~K3.€ ",lO~a !1~'"~Y"~ ~'s". `^a?. ' .-'9~' .t'z9 '=~ %!+ ~' LLf' ..a.. ~ ~ 4 • '4 ~~;~"''~wC +~l `-'.'!xg, •`~i + ~ " = a'St9~.C- . '~/„' 'A~y rS~z ~ j :s v '~~"1~ ~ ~ fit'" JR r af': ' s? 2i '. ~ y't'?~7!* a f... ~ d'!'".,'•"S~~.a ~ ~ ~ ~.r.~'i -'~. va~•J~r. ;,1,.?~ #!r ~~.f~,. ~' _ ~:"~~s' ' - ~ T ~''~~ '°y'.. ;+R,a3 S w. ~f •"'.'i -~ '~~!"1 ..A .,tiys"c-~i? ql~: J~v yt -1 ', .'.~ ~ic.: ~fif:.J ~'~9 ~S~ 4~~P ~,..'°".~+ t'~F%« ": a ~ ft '. ^t .,in a~~,~t '~,t` i'~:,, _"~''i.:!'~ #?«*'?~ ~':'' ;1P. "rit~a9: .pair .'~. ~'~' ,:'`Z""'b ilA`aa~ .~.l.:'~'..3d.", x.1"~'S w~ ~ _ ' ~ . , ~ ..' .' q.i~ 'i ~.r8'y~g'" ,r '1ifl~; V ~•'~i.ti:, ^'~. jsip. a':"`„ € ...:rK -'u^^.%' '~' ~' ~,iC+~",~' ~'"a'- +f~b+~i T9~' ~$. .?r~.~s,. r , +~"1F ` I .9 a.:~* ~'RJ~ R'~'. ~.wtl.lf'..,.~y.~T, ~J'l ~iFS~ M1 ~'r.1;1` t M S J "'~.F. Z" ~ ~ 1 R i ~ ~ ~- ~Ml ~'?.,, i ? b.,'~ .i~ i ' yam{ ~ i .r t~~+^. ;:a: '~• >.'~ ~Wt~'' . .:r..t,.~ . o y ec S~ ..A's3eTr! 4~~.J, '.JAP,«." ""+ ,'.., .i :•', ,~?". . j ar C rp''~~' ~!aa fIAI, f ~ ~ ~ W .aM • ~ R,~ai'R *}'~° ~ .' L ~..-,~4 i Z feu : st ¢ > a ~ , ---- - _ _ _ __-_._-._ ___- -- -.. . ---------- -_....-- - _ __-_- .___.____r. O~ 4 r ~i ~tti F 1 nr~o o! ~p22'k0 sotio9 Set<,•.y. ee altTir~ .N." :c lnrtnls;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~rMt ~t~ s! ~ ~re~ r~ ~r• ~ria1 t! t~ ~ K r!r "~ ' i , ' 1~n ~ . ~ '~~~" trlY iii a~'fl~iY.1~~-"M~ ~ ~~r s~ ~M ~ i . mss o.t isetsr~ls t~irrrs0 «tt brt~rs errs ~srrr wtterr ~' !eM ~M ~ ~ ~ rM~ ' wrwr. s.- ~s ..~.r•• K t*• .r r swr.. r.•rers ur w ..~a..~... aMw~t 3 ' a...s s ar+.... ~rs• ..a •tw. ~ ~t'Ii4 ~i~~i lt~M~MII? . +s. w rs ' se t1r :~+rs rrt sera ~t ~ e~~ aka .r.~+.~M~ ~ !A~ ~ ~iA. ~t !r~M asNe ss ~ts~a~.~ R#a~ •tlr~11M M 1r~. s.-~Mlrw rt t'ie~ M s~1 ~F l~Ils ~i~iirlNU ~~1Ur ar~? M sr 3 ~- it t~Z !re qs Mwul ~ , ~ 1r !r'wt 4w~ MMs ~s ~t >Ilr~. !~N \...1 ifrs 6.rti.+rrr•~ ws 3a t3ato Mu to l~sit _ . ~ ~r sr~~: ~ ~ ~ ~liria tiMi~ ~ ~~1? #~~. i aMM~ ssasr .r1~ ata sr~ rr. spa twM~s aMwi.t;~'~ r!" tK'~-+~''~' ""` fs :ru srs'a's.~'~~'~'ei~'~'~? ~ea» ~ .w~-~? aria. si~.~. ~rw~r:~r +r. '` r ~ u ~..y +.F. . o ~ ~ s~ rt ~r 1~iR w~ ~a ~s er~ur ra a¦~w! - r~ , . -.~ ~ +~;.#~ ~1 lam, . y. ~ ais.. ~ !IM! ~ qr e~ew. ~ . ~ ~ amt ws awlt ;err Ms ~+rrt ;.~R. ~ '~ !i ,1~ ~R ~!t . ~ - ~-+I~eRi1a ;.r~~ Y _ ~r AIMS ~ ,-., ~'~~ ~ i. . , ~- E r~ ASR. fI~M~ ~ ` ; ~ ~ , • ~'"~~ wMe sr~wra. ~ !' ~ 'e'le "'' ~~"~~"-1""'"t - u E ' _ + ~ ~ ~ : sp'a' ~ _ R :r< tas tags tags ~ -.. ~ R a ~ iii ~ 3.. r.y i1 n eel ~ ~ ae~ #Nr~ erg ! , i~~ ` ? .r , wwt s ~r tom. !~rwAl[ "" i,. rrt lrerrew srr taa~? us~tr~. ~ M sseLw ~ sst ~A. rr ~ ~ rs ~ rt ~r l.a. eel~q #1? e ~o~ of t!s• tr1t111M f»• ran - . ' . . --__ --__._ . - - - w.. E f , ~- . c I!Y . dJ Z t M ~ ~ ~ ~~t K lt.~. 0lti! as ~sdsl lM11N OtiiMe b O!w " . _ „ _ , moo. ~ sQ :.d~,~s~R ?s .ut~ stssatp~ l~~rs 20 Tim ~ ~ ~~o *~c _ ~ r ~ k _ _ ~•~~E~rijw... tsra~Y .~ittaSi~;~aY ~ Nom. #!~? 7r~,irar n tie s,A of ~Md~s ~ ,~~!~'. !'~r '~ ~i~1~1~ ~ twNS~„~.~ E -' a gttt~r ~tisMl Y* *w~. ~,~~!-'~~ ~IRN~A.~ :~'~~!,~ ~~1 r1 ~w~! ~t 7rR ergs M ssrrreriss ~ Ms.Mt~nMt ~.;-•,~[~ ?o eati~t~ t •lulN is Ntrp Y, . Kt!! ~d ~ ~i~~ Mf..~ .-'~-~ t~s2~rS,orw! iLt M~lII!! :#w/ N/R ~A 11111 •M/U! .~ii1i0 ~ y/Irw '~ ~ . ~ ~ ~t ]~I . 1 ~ ~ `•~iu .3,y ~ ~ t W rT, '~ :i. f~^a~ s.yG. Y'.~ ~~%iM~ . .~1, .:.s^ ~ t s.~?t.c~?r,~ .ect sir att~ bwre ~ ~t#la ' ~.' 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Isis! sesi mi ttzr ~ ~'~~ ~' _ ~ ~- ~ ~ iM ~4 !fr slr riiri¦rL ~ ! ~ #E,'Mf ar~i ~a~ ra ~t..a?a '+~' s.R t~ ~ ~+.r ,~....r sa..~ ~ a~.~ r +ww ~+r sr~e... a.~r s~ ~s aa• a. s s~? tr a~wl~ at ~ ter sirir .r. a~w~wis at . , ~~Ril~.:' a.~Ran wor wwrMt *r ~ i~Mr? air ss w ~wwNr wr w ~ ' 1~+~, ~ ~ ~ _ ..ira aw t+?es ars? ra~~? '~ Aso . ~ _ y ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ v. 'f ..um.. _ _ _ s • i i 1 - , MRi .fM; . a1i . i~ . ~ •ii~ o.us.~i se...R: raw., r.a., ~•4re w eyes ~ ..~"' ,,~ti,, • . ~ a~~ r'I~IE~~~"'.lrn.,n r w~....w.1rR .•+•r :..,M. ~r ~=sr~r ~e• .•~#=~..w?~au - ~ i lII~ '1~ lbrrR ..w w ti1r~.~st~ sMdd: ~ ~ ~ Mlti~t ~t ~ ~ °' : a~Ai1~ AYR 1~Irt ~~/~~ , ^,~,,~~il s~A~ 11MM1',~1 !f ~M~ Mf~t ~At t~ ~~1ii.~tl+IMM~MiAR'. r~~'~ ~?,r a: ' .•at~ at*s,.ti,a;~~~~~M~i-~~~f#/R~II~t+M1rr4~ .tea ~ ~i Zia +~' i~M~ ~ ai apt " .~e~IM r~ .ri1r il¦~rIr1A? M ~IIIi1Ml~I~Mr ~ } -. y .a "'g t~I ~f i~P~ W ~Ia4h . M'j.. `.F t r .l,ws ^i'~.'~fi •i Y 1 r f.._ .t.rs~. }tt ' * ii~7. ,1.-w' r 2' ', '^M .': ~'".: `t y.'v 4} ,' ~?' +e3t '~~.., a.a'y` A4 Y~M ~1?, out. •+~AI1~ ~1~~: M~;# _ ~ ~ ~ ~ t _ i . ?~-t ° a ";~' . yr""r ~ Pi ° h .:+~' F. i. rr ~.~t. ~Fa~!'+T 1 m,_ i *:~y ;~Gle° ?e ' ai 2.. ' '`t"'e~ .iG". 'S. !`"'L.t: is ~ :.~'_ a , _ ~~y~? . .?~~'~^" v t r y s ~jQ l _ r " a ,...' ~ '. , ~J~J Yii~ ~~~~'M gaYf' ~ttVS ~~.~iS~ S~{ +1'~~t~`{~~ L~~~ ~ a(J L aril . ~Lf ~l t~~~~' Yirl ~.~R~ ? ' ji ~ .Ui~': .:~;r .tie'[ ,~trtrees, v~a~ t+~ at b~a~sot¦+~~~ ~djat'eyd aM'ttllt ~ ~ M1l ~Z r! tr S !ri•! a~l11~• IIIO•• aMtlws ~ ~ Ar! 11 ~ ~ K ~ l.r. !jam ~ _r...:~ !s. o.r~i ,...i.:~ ~ e.ra~. as:.~: ~~r:w: ' ~ "'}''~~."~Qr tia s~, a..: u~~~• is =,y4S. -T r ~ d. ;w. ~ - atsa~M ~ 1Mr t~wr? a~ swt wri r~erwt. . a aa~3+s~tsa~ a s~O~a ~t ~.M 4~w ArL~t w a.ii. s~?.~. rest ~' ti~a .i~..[wi `.F ilk ~ ~ fir. ~i~awi w 1w? .~r.~ •r.~w.. ~...a~wi. w: aii~?s ~ ' ~+~Mt M"' ~M~ "ii? s+~ii~ir'il~; ~iiiM +~'i"~+~ii~ii'' Ilf.~li, s~iii t~s ~ ~ l~ita~ ass +~ai '+t~ir~ t~ ~ '~ °~i~' ~ri1r' iii ~~is tai ?~rs att ar t ~ -r ~ .n ~..n '_.: ..S .i "`~~`. i~'~:~:: 'R`vi~ i:° ~rta.~ ~' ~I a.a 'T~. '.,. ~.-._ .a.~ ~~'. a 3 ° . s _ Pi.J ;" _ I ', s f , . I Cd - ~ ~ ;-rv ~ Yi ~t _ ~ '~~ , . Y _ 1 =K }yA i ~ ~r . ~s, , sr.w... • w~ . Q, ~ til ~ k 4 pp ~ ~ • ~ i ~ , • • ' e . . T '~''. ,' ~ 4 ~ ~ ~I~eMMs ~11/1g1t. ~r ~ lllk M~#~ ?'~- ,p„1 e~w ~tswi yes aM rMt avet~t a~ ~ ~ Aga ow~a¦~ wee .s~s~ers #std. D/ow afi1M Mb 1~/ 1M 11M1~ ~ t r1wO ~ deMM 1~N tia M ~IIR 11~la a'ha12 11IIt Da Mid . 1ta7~ Mo14Db 4~Ia~ead !1M •it'to~ ~i lwnat 1t~c? ~ot~tt. and ilwriltad !br sMi1~ Q. moist 1i 2au _...__.L,.,. -_ _ _ - i i ~w~ oraboi]aaR Istias awws Unt tf1 1~l~1¦rtt e. dDSawl, sttw tail s.ow~a s>~ ea~rsa. ~•°~il.ilM ~1i~~t~.•M~rlilltia~a~a is r+t wwsa~ ~al~ r.a.- na. Il20. ' ~ at ~:~~'.r1lttlr!!N ~I b lfta ptt b tts+f4A0 a~1Q y11~ segll a[i b ~utf~ l~'sJa{tJ1 1/ttMt1l1 141 Att+~ .lt.'l fNIM Oi:~ to iia~~k T-s+RaWt !'d "Ja~'!s st M~tar !p iRIJMe !Q r.OIRT .SITS •II~sL~Rte~s hTwlO TlR9 y11 '~. .~?~3 ORj ~~s19 r~'• r~llQ ~€toAlpi~ :fArM7dQ ttl~~ •,ii 2s t~p? i . Ar+?asl~~~~"' ""tea Lv~'NwN aw l~lpR Ott 't s ~tsals lrti zaJ•..y1RI ~~fdMrr; rsi oo.q s. esre~s 1 '~~ ~wrst.ss„r~o RB~t•!t r141 sL! Ot D~tlitll ~ t/ l/~t ~ L~jCl rA 1M3,1M ~ 1JNl~NR~.sl:rY•tlti .!t.+~ TLYL A9211! r00.~ ZO /M MA1 lt~y~~ tom'! ~ /ilMliM2 !d 7tt1'~.R ~ l M1~! lls0 1t/RLtaAIJa~ .3rli~ tus .yr2ri3 rtrsttoesre0 n~! Dltxoalr jytT~i «i ~ lattxtlt ~tia 1tt b ~ ~ ~/! WB wii 3! ~ftA*/ 11{t 7M! Ns 1dJ srit ~wtsd std*, is~IKt!! ails !t t~l'! .tes bMtaga'~slNr «nra .ice ~ s1i1 Yd ~2'! a! •1~1o1r! '!! tl~rly~! ~~ta? Jlt i~t ~ ~it~aN~ ?a1 t;1$ ~ i~t •stK MIM st 11~ ~ ~~'~~~ . e O~AIIMIO M~iMO ~ iIM t ~Me i~l~ s24I 'YO ~ocatf Iat. bN.1 f~~ y~.~M rliti~L t~ w~ 1~ M"R~?~ ~lMl~_*la~ ~ti~ tit lair+ai ,A~ts~ b 12at~ ltr~l it 'sa"= ~C~M~ IMLi ~~i~ua"w~t ~o~~ ~ ~ ~~i~~ _ aRa Mt~swt iiR~I~I~ aM~irl~a~(~ ~r~sj~ ~~~M~~ ~,aA~r sn ~ .a sra ~ ~r.w~t q¦~ rt M ~ ~ ~ ~M~r, ~I1ilt~~ ` ~ 1ic aI 1 aM1wM ~ilitq~l~llswi arE ~ ~1?it? l.t~ ~j'rR ti1~ ti ;:+~EMI '+~ Z! t+tf ' !M- ~ >i~ >1lt. tEC ~Mw. M 'MR#~ MI~.+~;, ~ ;~J1~~ • r f ,~Mlr ~ Mtn ~ ~ i~~ i~ t1M~ .i ' r~ ~ r~~i'1~~ ~'~~ art M~ItL ~ !A e!~ ~ r~ iiMlt7lMit '~1lrt fi`t' r MM raAatt7l~Mtt tNp~+se~uE M !~/a ~L4, /~~ D1tZois~ 11dd aliRt ~ ~dt s! told tti t~ltr Ir~?ltst yatt'RT ~21~0 - G y1t0 1d7 ~N ~ ~M~1 1~2~! 1w~Ri~ir: flit sl+~! .lst'r'sac tas r1r1Qt1"'s+ ts1Cfi.CtO~rIgOJ 'io'2 :ala It~t I~ ~ trtlt"! 1Qt '1aF3 tl~ Jrt ~J~~r rllt.~slB 403 1~tt taLtr:Cv"'t ';.~LaSt'~r.Ai~ e11s ~ ` • ~+t~ 1f! W acts ~ "~ fit •~rdQ LfaRl3 lfl0 3 tCtJY'1M~ R .gdMp [irt3"! 'ta't 7180 i!!t Illy ~t ~ ~ IQ ryy r~ INlJ !1 9AbhII! f2 Ig11tiIP1111! • ~'JI M~f~ M 7[11Utb X10 . ~ ~ K - f acts Ni w 't' 1Y ~Rwta l4~r tt~M'!i Mlt 1t GIs!/ Qtlf !e7 M a4ry k~E1R r00. ~ I C+?~ ~ tfwllr 1ct1 lit ,tW1 l~Stt i • iM1'L'r9tO r~ ~10~0 "~ iI~M 'ttifR4 111 L 3 cam[ . ~ ' .1111?4?e #N at sM4a ~Idi N ~t 0 e~tt yd M*h!' !/! pa1rA . k~t'!!M iii •yt ~ w~Lta1 N~ T!?f}!+; th lti~ !AJ 1t r+!'_'nl!'K sMr •T~ M!!='o7T 'r1tt,lq 1Rt~t '~ Kt Nttalt~BUe0/4 ~Q! . E't 1 i f+T+' ~rZ'q'~ 7Z s'sC'.~ 4'+ :$t7R.°+~in+. ':C !"f!`'~' i~tf f f1?tT't !' !~M IRCA~ 'rlj.'J. '.M1L PbC•t ZtA'~i ~ . 76i"n !~^j11 1!t#''~ i jll,' y..1 <„~9 '', '°"iyl ~'^~ IP'R'M° U ^.•to~ A.rj ~w~ .ems. ~~rt ~ ^!4/°~:.. - ~ is k - a, ~ - a ~' iI' y. 1 ~-'~- _ C14Y Hall,. San Be~tardirio, Calm Baby. ,nth. Z,920.~ . Fjegtt~ak' r.ecting of the Mayor anal Cot~r~on Coturoil oP the City of Can Bernardino, held 3londay craning F'eby. 7th. I3I0., Tate meeting ape called to ordor by LSayor Eictlabb at 9;30 o'clock P.M. with the foll,ow,ing rerabers oP t~:e Council ' prasollt: Courteilmen: Cole, nwogar find Irving. City Gttort:ey, R.L. 3wi~ig rnd pity C?e$"~ .arx~"hll,is_on. `1(5seht Cotu:..ilron I?oln:;s 'and C.F. Ransch., The minutos of the previous meeting ware Taud and hpprovad. , Cotvtcilman Cole mov88.,ihat,,th~11;y:.Clerk pe.sitthorizac~.to draw warrants foe; the claims against the City Por tho r.:onth of Jan. Z9I0., as per claim rogistar, motion duly seoondod by Counoilr.,an Irving, and carried by the folkowing vote:: Ayes,: Cole, Owegor and rlrving..Noes: ?tone'. The resolution adopting tho plans and spociPieations gnu cross sections for the improver..ent of Seventh Street by the constructing therein curbs Stan I to'3dour:t Vernon, was introducedr read in foil for the rust time and laid over Pot final passage. _ - ~- ~ The rasoii2tion adopting 'the p~anp., specifica~~'ons and Cross sections fbr the improber~aenL~ of 3prtice Street 's.' :' ~ _',~- ~' ! ,w 1'^ '. r. r . ~ i+ w: - r .=r..< a.. . '~ iKs,?'- L#t!`Mw by constrneting`~herein iidewall~s?~nfl'cu~T~s'wAa' 2n~oduced', re8d iti ~ Hof trio P'i~r,,es,~ t~r~ xnd-l,s~'~~Qtoven for Pinal passage. ~ v.;:, r'-'~' Tlie\o~dnattCe e8L'ahf~~h1E"he gra$e off' *P*-stir~~t~c~im t'~ie'~o~h-"li o~1L sL`tee~#to`theyS-`o`u~ft 2ine'~ ' 'oP Tranta¢t~Street in the'02ty'ot 8an~Eetn&rdlrio;+was'introch~o~d ~eud`i~ ~1=ior the 2'irat'~tite'ahd"18Yd bver'FOx ~'ina~ r - `.9'R9 ~ f~~,~' , ,..,.1 ,1~. -: ': '~ .'. .*N't. ' ~w'.~'w~'~' w 'tw'n ^'i"~ .:~~-?t! ~S?~,= :'C .".:A : ;3 41r;:~ 3.a~ ~r :~.' C ~ ' '` ~ zeaoitttian ~nrsrcing ~Ae- go2i~Yaot `L~o' ~LZte ''trarfa~ig ~'d~epaty':e~het ~`a~uBa`' L~e' Pr~i`n~i'ng: e~~ . JoD Pl~it~tg fbr''t$e~~veai ezfciii~ `~i, 8Is`~.'ISI7, ~as':r?~`ea 12i full the s~ohdss_~ and ado'~b`tea ter th`e zos3oa?iag vote Apes : Co~~' ~Owege'~8'n~"Il'vin8. 198 Nye ~edP~a" ifa'~+cix )~c3~~9bctea'raead tlba sesa132L'io2~"~~pted ° ~-^ - ~ . The ,bond of Oharles Heber for p11~bi in the sum oP y~ ~r~- s~ ~ W ~ ng, ~d000.00 !as LIpGi2 ~~ifHGe and Oatried, LL~ 7 ;8'_~~."r"~=~ ~ - 4' ! ;,f e• + 5 . ~.', 4"+^^ s ~ .."s' Z`tS', ~3i -d~!'-~> :d9 ~ :1 "~ ~1:~ 5~ j~j7T~7Ytl ,~r~ ~ • s'4B~had.'Mz,'Prp'D'eis'L~?a~~'~L1~~''~''~ws ~.''"~'" ", ~ ~ ~-~petitlOn 7t8 r~!a~s~~tea`BIId I9aQ°t~.~ll~;`.~'~~. {4 ~' '~ -,', • a ~s •••t . r kount Vernon Avearue,' requesting -the Ca~2nei1 to have prepare!! and< t.~ pI~"~i~~~o~rc~`'p~'ai~ii>'g" .~.-~ the date pale. ,.(Phoenix Canaries+eis) and that` t~ie9`' De' iaeE'!'3~.5ft "1'olr r~si~e 't'~71'~0'~1 80 tt 8nd not more than 80ft. apart, !hereupon sotion duly made s2sd carried the regti~t was granted. ' ~ The resolution authbriaing the payment of one ,Calf the coia~~ afitl "e'~r~pe~lB~'es' oY" t~ ef~f~Blpx'~ement of •0. 3is~eet from Brae Line Lo the North BbandarY line of the City, mounting to X8,850,80 was introduced, read is X22.2 t"!Yr the first time ' time and laid over for final peseage. - - ' i ' Tne resolution orderir~g'i~ lii'~o:oo~~aia, ti~'~.'~.°2;~it2~j1;~8treot ss2~t, ro~zetvnd ao? •lr• ana ease ~~Li21e sewer, was introduced, read in 2x11 Zpr C'~s"tirst time anct lain ovex Sor final passage: Ora~no~.i1Q. An ordi22aixse saccpting the roadway o2 •C• Street from the North line of Third NtreeL to the J~'` Roxth Ilse of N131th stsest, wws i~htroduaed, =ead.in Bill tar the first limo and laid over Ior rival passage. The r©solution anthoriaing the CILY::OerL to adv,e~tise fax biAs far gathe~ng s21 waste mettex and gatbage in the City o! San Bernardino, was lntroduaed, read in,l1211 for the Sirs! Lisa and laid over for Zinal patQage. ~ )' Upon notion duly made and serried, the 0om1oil adjourned to neat ltondsy evetiibg 7eb.I4 2910., at' 7:80 '~, ?'aloat P.iI. '':ayor on the City cf :San ??ortu,rclin~ , City Cierx ' ' -r, e : .' w _'i;~a 1 ______-.-__..__._..._.-_._~__~-_. -.._.~..-_._.____ _ _ _ -- _ { 1 , City ball, San Bernardino, Caiif. FebY. I4th. IflIO., Rogtzlar ad~our?zed r.:eeting of the Mayor a~:d Conroe Council oY the City of San Bernardino, hold Monday evvnirlg Feb 24th. I9I0., Tho mooting was celled to order by Mayor McNabb at 7:30 o•eloek P.M. with the Poll owing nonUars of the Coumil present; Councilmen Cole, Fiolzlos, Owegar and Srving. City Attorney R.E. Swing and City Clerk Barry Al11so?r. AL•a°nt Council:.,:rn C.F. Rensch. I Tho ninutos of the previous mooting oi' Lhe Coui;cil ware read and approved. The resolutions adopting the plans, specifications and cross sections for Lhe lwprovaronL of Spruce Street Uy conctrrreting therein sidewalKs and curbs, also Seventh Stroot Uy the constructing therein curbs from •I• to Mount Vernon It Avenue, wa~~ read in full for the secoiid time and adopted by the following veto: Ayes: Colo, I'.olmes, Oweger and Zrving. Noes: ~ hone. ThereuF~n Mayor Mcllabb declared trio resolutions adopted. ~ ', i ordinance No- An ordinance accepting the roadway of •C• Street from the North line of Third Street to j the north 11ne oP Ninth Stroot, was read in full for the second ti:~e and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Cole, Holmes, _ e; oweger, Irving. Noes: None: Thereupon the ordinance was 'declared`adopted. `J Ordinance Fo- An :ordinance a§tablishing the grade of •F•'3treoL iron the Forth sine of Rinth Street to the south line oP Trenton'Streot'in ~he~"City of San Bernardino,`State of California,'was read in full for `the aeeond, time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Cole, Holmes, Cwoger and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon the ordinance was declapod • i adopted. " ! I R11e raeolution'authorizing the payment of ono-hslf the cost and expense at t2re improvement of •C• Street from Base line to the Norte boundary Line of the City, was read in Pull Yor'tho"second tine and adopted b3? the •~$ following vote: Ayee: Cole, Hopes,°di?eger,'Irving. Noes: None: Thereupon Mayor MoPabb declared the resolution.adoyteQ. " The sesol$tion eCZthorizing the ,City:'Clerk to advertise for bids for gathering all rraate matter end . `,j garbage that shsll accumulate in the'"pity of'San Berardino, was reaQ in lull for the second time and adopted by the tailowiii'g i vote: Ayes: Cole, 2iolt:es, Cwagex'', Irving'and Aoss: None. Thereupon the resolution was declared adopted. 'Upon'reQnest°ot`Ch1eP of Police w.A:.'ShBy, Ordinance Ro. 373 regulating the speed. ot'AUtomobiles was 'ordered anended to the rote o2 speed of IO"and'T5 Hiles per hour. ~ ~ Upon motion duly Wade and carded, maims against the City for the month os Peb. I820, were ordered . t paid as Per Claim register. I E Councilman Trving,movea that the City paLrehase a vHBa~ ~tre~t-~awoapar and the Ciert not3t7' tba egeAt y Yr. A.R. Baxter, motion duly seconded by Cauneilnan Cole, and carriefl. t Counoilrnan Irving' move9! that`phe~ Santa 7'erR.R. Comprany be notlfiect by the Street lJtlpt, to construct ae~ent~sidewaiks an4. curbs along Yount Vernon Avenue, between ?earth and Mtth Streets. motion duly aeaoatded D6* Connei~tian • ' COI@, and carried.' 1 Tho. re:;olution transferring the suzl of ;6000.00 from thA Oenesil Rm~=to 42w' 8treat FonA., lras iatroduaea~ read in fell tart the first'time`and laid over for final passage. "` ~_' - i. ~ Cousieil~~an Holsias zuova:: thsst the San I3arnssrdino Valley Traction Company be notified to cove their swltch on &ase Ling and "ll"~St_oat, BOOft Horth of present location, notion duly seconded by Councilman Cole, and carried. Cou~~cilsnan Cole moves that Fifth street from "E" Street to btount Vernon Avenue ba accepted by Ordinance, motion duly seconded by Councilman ,.Irving, and carried. tt` Upon motion duly•m$de and carried, the City Engineer was in:~tructed Lo prepare plans and specifications '3i3 2or the construction of a sewer in Rex Alley under anti pursuant to the Vroosnars.AcL. I Upon motion duly saado and carried, the Plumbing Inspector was instructed to issue no mor© plumbing perssi.ts to plunbers without bonds. Resolution of Intention No 304, A resolution of Tntention of Lhe Mayor and Common Council of the City oS 8an Bernardino declaring their inLantion to construct cement curbs along bot21 line of th© roadway o2 Seventh Street from Heat line oP *I" Street to the East lino of the Raedway oP kount Vernon Avenue, was introduced, read in full for the rirst ~---time and, laid over Por Pinal passage. Cownallvui ZM1A` mores tYgit tAe ?ite Committee.~.,',OitY'llttorp~y.:~s.d Oity =ngtna~sz draft plena and apecificatiori Pox an Auto Bose and Chesalcal wagon and report,Lo the Council, motion duly seconded end carried. Upoa motion duly made and carried, Lha•Cowscil ad~aurned to sweet Monday evening ?eb: SIat. IeIO.; ~' at T:30 o'c1ooK P.If. . M . Approved tnie 2Iat.day o1~Yeb. x910., •iwtayor of tAe Citp, oY 8an 8ernardino+ Cal: • • Oity Clerk , w ~ • v r_' L,,~. 1' 1 ~ e • ~.-1 ~ ~ y; _ :_~~Q" 4' d, s a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q i ~~~:n 1 i • i ~ . 1• ~ t i i. _ -.. 4. . ~ ~ i2 , City u..tll, San Bornarclino, Ca21t., Feb. 2Ist. IoIO., Reg~zlar ad~ow:nad mo.~ting of t~r~e :Savor and Cam on Cotuicil vi' ,he City of San Bornardino, hold 1lorday ovorring ashy. 2Ith. IJZO'., Tha mating uas ca11e;I to orsar by ?!ayor Ltc?Iabb at 7;30 o'clock. P.?.S. with the following ra:abers of Lha Cou;:cil present: Councili:~an Cola, liolr.:a.,, Ora~;ar anti Irving City Attorna:• R.E, Stirring t,nd rity Clork harry Allison. Abser;t Cuunc:il;:.un C.F. Fla;tisoh. The Linutes of tho previu;rs ~:.aotit:g ware read and approved. Petitions ware receivacl a;.a read to tho Council, asking for tl:e accoptauea of Arrowhead Avenue fror.! Third Street to l~inth Streata, Ninti~ to Base Lino and Base Lina to Sixteaitith Streets, uy ordinance, same ware upon :notion duly rinds 8rd carried, rofalr.ea to tho Street Cor~.attee to iuvostigata add report back to the Co~noil. The resulution~transferrir>$ the awn of ¢6000.00 froiu the Oaneral Fund to the Street Fund, was read fur ti;e second tiro and a~opted by the followir~ vote: Ayes Caie, Hol~,es, Owegar and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon ',, t;lo resolution was declared adopted. k~ •Rosolution No.300. A resolution oP intention of the b[ayox and Coon Co~ieii of the City of Ban Bern- i ardir~o, doelaring their intention to construct cerent eurba along moth sides oP Lho roadway oY Swverth Street Iron the Reat line oP 'I• Street to tho East line of the roadway oY biomit Ceruon Avenue, was read for,the second • € tiro and adopted by the toliowir:g voto: Ayes, Cole, Sielnes, oa•ogor and Zrving. Noes Nons. Thereupon the resolirt~:on was doclared adopted. Oouncilnan Cole roves that tiio relueCL of Al Olatz, Briver of Ll:e Hoae 1?agon,.~r~ permieaion to pure?~ase couplir~s and expanders for use of the Fire Department be granted, motion ,duly seoonded by Councilman ;ruing and I carried. Coureilnan Cole' moves that~the Brivera of the Hoxe and Hook and Ladder flagons of the Pire Department be granted 24 hours 3'eave of'abeenoe each weeks, motion duly seconded by Councsilman 2rvirtg, and carded. At the request of Attorney Bryon Water the wafter of wideni~tig •I••8traot was laid over one week. A patitior• was received and read to the Council, sigr;ed by Proporty owrera ixort3ng,upbn that portion ~ or Court Street,~askityg the Council to ordor paved with o11 macadair , Court''Btreot from •D'• Btreat to 'K• Street under and pursuant Lo tho Vrooman Aet, whereupon Councilman Co3e moves treat trio potion be referred to the Oity s, 1 $ngineer to confer xith bin, d6hrr PreatOn and report back to the Council as to what kind of paveBent desired. y 1 e. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ motion duly eecondoci andoa~s°ied. l ~ _ , : ~.' -, Tltie plumbing bonds oY Qe6 1[ "Co~iey Ca, Amerioan Hardware Oor~tiy aril floes ~ ]terry were upon motion duly Dade and earriod, ap;'roved rasa toad. ' A Deletion was reb~i~e~ „xm2 Tend to the Council, signed by property owners with frontage on*H• Street betweon Becond Stn®at and EigtstYi aSreets,'seking the Cauncil'to proceed under to 9roouan AaL to pave said '!i• Street from Eecot;d to Eighth Streets, according to fibs plena and apeCificationa famished by the City engineer, 1. uskber tre street L•ond act, whoreupon a resolution. A ; etition was received and read to Lha Council, asking that the ratter of L3oving the !emcee along IT ~"\;, ~ _ a Street betweon !fount Varnan Avenue and "Il,Straeta be reeoiraidared, no action tal;an by the Council. °-~ The resolution accepting tree r:ap of Flore.:ce I'oighta, wan introduce:i, road in full for the first times and laid ovor for fiss,:i passage. . _ 1 ~3 , ~' /> pot it ion was received u;~u rou~i to ti:e CcuF:eil siguad by pioporty ownors ro:>iding on and in tho vicinity of Pennsylcia Avenuo, uslarg to Council to opon said Pornc.ylvania Avons.:o full rridtt~. (60) ft between Eight and 2+inth Streets, whorcupon Councilr.:an Irving r.:oves teat the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a sap oP tY:o description of land to bo taken, also bo::efitted and tiara; ed uy the prcceoctinE arrt ~•eport to the Co•mcil, F:o second to the t~.otion aryl sar.:e eras doularod lost. z Cour:cilman Cole L,ovas that the 3oxti"en o~ the City Ca>votylry Lo directed to rer.:ove tMO trees in the ee:ceraty, notion duly se~~oF;ded Uy CcwFCilr.an IrviFig, anti e::rrio~t. Cauncilr:~an Cole : ores that E. Vierro~,er ba granted per>sisr•io:, to curb his lot in tY.e Cemetery, r:oti~~on duly seconded snot carried. The ordinance an:endiF,g or~iinanco Fo 373, was 1`aid over for ono week. The plans,seoiiications and cross sections for the imProve:ent oP Allen Street, fron First tc Third °troot,sido wa'iCS aloF~g Court Street from •3P to "I• Stroat and tr_e Sower in Rex Acenue, were uyozi notion du7~ 'f IDada and carried, referred to? he City Attorney Yor nljproval. ~ Upon potion duly made and carried, a notice was ordered served upon L e Lytle Creek Power Co»any ~ to install are lights heroto3'ora ordered withln Thirty Daye, or Zight will be ordered installed by the~P.E. r A peition was received and read to L'he'Counaii Yroni the aeGibors of the San Bernardino sire I~partctent sexing for the removal oY the YirA whistle, owned by t2~ City,from the San Bernsrdino'8team LaUndTy, troy it ie now operated, to the plant of the Pacific Light & Power Co, Ho riction,taken by Lhe Council. Upon motion duly trade and carried, Lhe Co~meil ad3otFrned to meet Monday' evening 1iaT+3h 9th. 2810 at 7:80 o'clock P.1t. Approved this 7th. daY of eIQ ' ^ 'mss ~ - ', f ~ Ysyor .OILY Qlel"k . i '. ', '~ ` ^ /.. , • . ~ . i r , ~'L t __..~~,W. "__,.w_. (j14 • i i 1 E City P.a12~ Said Ber?isrdino, Cslif. March 7th. I920. ReEular nFeti~~ oi' the SSayor and Conmon Coutccil of the City of San Bernardino, held 1[onduy evening ke:areh 9th. ICIO., The mooting was oal]ed to order by 1Luyor Mc2:abb at 7:30 o'clock P.1[. with the Following ner~2~ers; present: Couneil~~en FIolmos, Colo, Ovroger and Irvii!g.. City Attorney R.E. Sw1n~; and City Clark ]?arty A12ison. Absent Courcil:wn C.F. Rensch. The t~inutos of the previous r.~oetirrg were read and ap~oved. Dr. 3.6. Hat, on behalf of the Board oY Health asked the Council to have passed an ordinance atuZZlibg i all doge within the City. of San Bernerflino, whereupon Motion duly wade and carried, the City Attorney was directed to prepare an ordifianoeeand report eaek to the Couiicll., { President 11.11. Brison of the Cha*.lber of Comrlerce, appeared before the Council with the requea hat •the City assist in having advertising [latter of the City. printed, The matter was laid aver with the view of securing ~ --. the co-operation of the Rater Comuieaion in bearing the expense. . Upon motion oY Councilman Irving the request of Co~mpany_"fi' for permisia~n to use the Pavilion rent free 1 be granted, motion duly seconded and carried. , Oouncilman Coie moves that the report of Draper and IAibbell upon the books of the Street Supt. be received ', and Piled, motion duly seconded by Councilman B~olmes and carried.. 1 i Upon motion dtilY made and carried, the request of Councilman C.l: Rsnsah for 8 leave of absence from F the State for a period of EO days was granted. -, E _ Upon motion duly made and carried, the matter of moving the tenses along •I' StxeeL,was laid over for i { two Fet~kB. ` ' ~ j The resolution adopting the plat of Florence Heights, was read for the second tlme'end'8dopted by the following vote; Ayes dole, Holmes, Oweger and Irving. Noes:,Dione. ~" i She resolution directing"the City Engineer to prepard~plans`and apecificationa'and proriles for the 3np t rovement of `H' Street.l7coa~ 8esaond street to Eighth Street,.wea read in tali for the seoonQ time and adopted by the ! ', ',.. ~P following vote; AYea, Cole, Holmes, Oweger and Irving. Noes; None. ~ Councilman Onreger called tho'.Cotu,cii'a attention to the poles 1A the centsr oY the Street ^a Rgl.mit Avenue, between Railroad Tracks and 1to;:nt Vernoa Avamte,~whereapon the matter was referrefl to the street aunt ~ ~ 1 to investigate. _ ~ ~ ~ a aosmuniaatlon wsa received and .read to the Counoi2. signed by~>1~s,7,~•Lord, xaud Shererr, l.u. Good- ~ ~ -°~r,b...i ~ ~ ~ ~ left and l~s Susan Soto, requesting that the order inatructir$ the apt a,C Straet~~tq s+emove all femcea from ElevenltA' ~ on the North side of said street be enforced, whe~revDoa Councilmaa living moves tl~t the objection of 600 $nerrer t be sustained and the Street Supt instructed to enforce, the order of '~ Qauncsii, me~ion duly secsonded by Councilman, Holmes, anQ carried. A petition was received from property holdare on fourth Street, salting that the Oounoii accept by ordin- ~ ante fourth Street between '>c'• and 9treeta, whereupon motion duly made and carried, the City Attorney was directed to prepare sn ordinance accepting same. , ; . , i 'i • ~ T '_ a i ~ 1 J Councilr..an Irving moves that t7ie request of the petitioners to have •C• Stroat tror., Third Street to ?r'inth Street accepted by ordinance be granted, and the City Attorr~ay directed to prepare an ordinance accepting sane, notion duly seconded by Councilr~an Avlmea, an4 carried.• .' Upen ~:.otion duly r.:ade anti carried, the City Clark was directed to draw warrants Yor the a,-ailrs against the City of San Bernardino for the'nsonth of February, IeIO., as i;er alair~ register this date, Attorney J.A. Curtis, on behalf oi' the Anti-Saloon League of Lh© City of San Bernardino, presented a e petition signed by qualified and registered electors of Lhe City of San Bernardino, Cowity o2 San Bernardino, State of California; petitioning the 3dayor and Council to pass an ordinance Yor police regulation relating to } places where spirituous, vinous, malt or any alcohlic liquors are manufaaLured, distributed, avid, served, delivered or given away in the City of San Hernardino,'9tate of California: making unlawful the manutslature, sale or giving E _ allay of such liquors within the City of San Bernardino, State oi' Ca ifornia, with certain exceptions; and repealing, all ordinances or parts or~ordinancea. in conYllaL therewith, as'provided by 3eation 220 of the Charter of the City, f whereupon Councilman Cole moves that the petition be referred to the Cit Clerk Yor evp ~ ) Y pariaion with the greet register enc. report back to the Cotlneil, motion uuly seconded bit Councilman Irving, and carried. T3ie resolution authorizing the 3::pt of Streets to extend time to B.Y. Toro, Street, Johnson & Shea Company, 3lount Vernon Avenue „Highway Construction Third Street •C• to •A• Streets also Yifth Street 'C''to •E* Streets, was introduced, read in'full Sor the first Lime and Laid otter for rinal passage The resolution adopting the plena, trees-sections,and speaificatioas for the improvement of AIIen 3Lre8t from the South line of Third Street tv-the North line of Yirst, was introduced, read in full for the rirst time and laid over for final passage. ~ The resolution adopting the aross creations, plans and speaitieations for the improvement of •E• Street ~ f from First Street to Y111 Stl'eet, was introduced, read in full for the first time'and laid over to; lina2 passage . The resolution atethor~sing the paynent of one 2~alf the coat for the movement of Seas Line 3treat, from •B• Street to Lust City L3wits, to B.Y. Yord, was introduced, read in ZuII for the rirat time sad laid over . final passage. / Upon motion oY Councilman Cole, duly econded by Councilasar, Irving 'end carried, the City 61erk tree directed to aQvertisa for bide fox the furnishing of one taotoreyele of sufficient paver and speed to make at least 50 miles Far hour; to be eQuipped with aacvrate speedometer, motorcy0le carbide lane, and tandeei attachment, 1 ~ said motoraysle to'ge guaranteed for one year Zrom'defeate of material and workmanship, bids to be received up to E and including the 22et day of ]iara8, 2820, at 7:80 o'cioci P.Y. i Upon motion duly pads and carried, Lhe City Zngflsaer was direote4 to prepare p2aAS, aross aeotions an4 speciriaationa fns the improve©ent of •D~'Street 2'rom Third Street to YiftD Street tutdet an4 pursinant to-the ~r ~ ~roasan Aat. Upon motion dnlq made and carried, Lhe City tlAalth O'ftiae= wsa islstanrotsd to T.atre the dtr~ing or the sewerage in aitd along town Creak abated. Upon motion dolt made an4 aasried, the Oity engineer was lnetrnated to investisate to sewerage propositbn ~ ) on lower •D• Street. 'ik. upon mosion duly osde atsd oazrisd, tAe 8e~ctiom at the City oenetsry tree a~attfoMss4 to pnsohpa a btrrso d for toe #R the aeoetai7r. i j ~ r._,_.~.-. -- -~._.._ _ __---.~_ .._..__-. _+_.-. { 1fi I This being the tine not Por the oponir;g of the bide for the dispasing of all waste ratter and garbage ~ ;% natter in the City of San Bernardinq ,Co~u;cilr,;an Zrving uoves that the City Clerk proceed with the opening of said vide, ;potion duty seeondo4 by C~uncilnan Holnes, and carried.. Hid of Ja;-:as lCCtlair. ' i OfSciing to i~aTove and dlaposQ of all garbage and waste :latter i;~ the City bf 8an Bernardino, Musing a Poroid of three yeH_a , sGrae,iTig to pay the City ti:e of One Hundred Dollars por year. f Bid of Luke P.obinson, ~i I. I will pay the City, for the privilege, the sum oP =36_00 per north in advance, during said ~ t E term, eom;encing x~ith the :first day of April, 29I0. the City to furnish the ground aril incinerator. 2. I wi1L paY fez such privilege, the suu of ~2ES.00 per no;~th in advanoe during said term, eo:~oncing with Lhe first d.~y oP April, I9I0, and will f;:rnish the garbage grc,und and lncinorator. Councilman Col e• roves that the bid of Jalnes }J.cl7air be accepted, motion duly ascended by Counailmc;n t f Irving, and parried, Thereupon u resolution awarding the oontract to Ja.:es 1[oilair, was introduoed, read 1n '~~,~, ; h i'dll Por the first time and laid over for Yinal passages , 1 ' Upon motion duly made,and parried, the Council adjourned to meet Zfonday evening~l[arch I4th. I820., at 7:30 o'clock P.k. i~ ~ r E Approved this I4th. d;ly of rch I9I0., lfayor of the City of Ban Bernardino, Calif. ~ r . ~y rE _ . . i ~ r ~ ~ \ { 1 v. l z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 { _-____--.T------ -- w City hall, Su~;l3ernardino, Cal. March 24th. 2910., Regular adjourned r.:octiiig of the Mayor and Co~n~~:w~ Coui:cil oP the City oP San Eerr:ardino, held ldonclay March, I4th. I~20., Tho ~eotir~ was called to oruer by Mayor McNabb at 7:30 o'clock P.M. with tho Yollo±+ing ,:,embers of the Council l.reaant; Councilmon Cola, Holr,.ea, Owegor and Irving. City Attorney R.E. awing and City Clerk P.ariy Allison Absont Council~uin C.B. Ransah. Tho s~inutea of tho previous mooting worn read and approvod. City ?lealth OSYiaer Dr. J.O. Ham called the Council's attonLion to Lhe oonditica of the Mill located at Fourth sold "B• SLreots, causod by the moving of tho water wheal, vhoreupon Councilman Irving 1goVas that the matter ba reYerred to the 8troat Supt to investigate and report back to the Council, notion duly saoondod by Councilman Holmes and carried. ' Tho resolutions auttrokizins the Street Supsrintenderit to extend time to B.T. 7oM, Johnson Sh@a, and ~- ~ Highway Cons suction company, were read for the second time and adopted by tie to22owing vote: Aytea: 4ole, Holmes, OReger and Irving. Hoes: None. Thereupon the resolutions were deoiared adapted. , The resolutions adopting the plans and apealYioationa and arose-sections for ,Lhe 19rrovement of.•E• Strout from First Streot to Mill 3treet,elso Ailen Streot Prolp south line of Third Street to tIIe North line of First, wore read for the second tuna and adopted aY the following vote: Ayes: Coie, Holmes, oweger and 2swing Noes: None. Thereupon the resolutions were delosrad adopted. . The resolution ordering the zayment of one-half the cost for the improvement of Baee Line Street, Eros •C• to ~atarman igenue, to ~3. ~osd Company, was read for the aecand time and adopted, by the fohowing vote: Ayes Cole, Holmes, OwegeP and Irving. Noes: Pone. Thereupon the resoiutian was 4aclared,adopted. The rerolution awarding t3~e oonyragt to Jades 1lattair for the dlspo~in8 of s1I ~aet~ and garbage matter in the City of San Bernardino, was on motion dilly made and carried, laid over Pqr one weeL. ns were received signed by. property owners living on •s• tray lourtII ta,Hinth, aiso ffZth 3tzeet Petitio '~ from •E• to Mount Vernon Avenue, asking that tho Councii pgcept'said„gtreats by ordinaneq,'wheraupon ~atipn of •' Councilman Ogle, duly seconded by Councilman 2rving, and carried, Lhe City Attos:,ey was directed to prepare an ordinance accepb~ing said streets. A Petition was roceived and reaQ Lo the CO~neii,aigned by resident and property hol4srs living on •4• ; Street asking the Council to proaepd.to improve 7• Street frith AaFhalt Concrete Macadam from Thir¢ Street'_bo Eighth 8traet, whereupon Counciim:.,a Irving moves Lhet the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Dlans and spas ii'icnLions for the improvement of •F• Streot froal'lhird Lo Ninth etraets, sotiou daffy seconded by Couneiiaan Cole, and carried. Upon motion duly rude and carried, Ed llakaughlln was ordered tlaeed upon the list to w~ lntoxicetis signors ahail not~be sold. Upon motion duly made and carried the request of the Southern Patiaic Co~apany !or att amendeent of the ga!o and boll ordinance was denied. ~ i3pon motion 4uly made and aarriad, the City Ciark was directed to draw warranLa Tor claims against ~ i the City for the month of March , ZOIO as ].er elms register this date. --- Tire petition for the ini~l•ovor:;ei:t of •4• Etreot belotiT Third 5trvot, was upon t:~otion duly : aQa and ear rie;l, referred to the City EnginveT with instruction to itivvstigato and report Uae}: to the Council. Ordinance 2do-- An ordinance Qa};ing it unla~+ful for any person owning having an itrtoreat in, harboring having charge, caro'etiatody or possession of any c;og, to allow or perr,it such dog to go free ar run at large in . or upon pui~lla Sti°eets, alleys or places, except si~cl~ dog be nuzzled; I-roviditig for the taking up, killing a^d disposing of fintauzzlvd dog;; anti authorizing the Health Officer to kill dogs having rallies, wsa introditoed, read in SU12 i'or the Pirat t!m• and laid over for final passage, City Clerk Harry Allison presented his certlYicate sharing that Ae hsdconpared the signatures of the petition rePerrod to him on the 7th day of 34arah, I9I0., siLh that of the great register grid had ascertained that said petition is slgtiod by BEO qualified and registered eleatora of said City, and that there are signed to~said i petition 46 signatures which cio not appear upon said Great regiater,that the total n~.~tber of votes cast for all can- ditiltes fo'r rayor at the~isat proceeding City election at which a mayor was elected is Zb65, and th'~ the mlrrber o1 qualifivd'aF:d registered electors whose signatures are signed to the said petition, exceed in number thirty per -~ cent of the entire vote asst for sill candidates Yor mayor at the last preaeoding City election, and that said petition ie sufficient. xhereupon An ordinance ordering and call2ag a special election to be held in the City o1 I Ban Bernardino on liondsy~the 25th: day of Aprii, I8I0, Por the purpose oZ then and there submitting to the qualified 'electors of said City for theis~approvai or rv~ection an ordinance entitled',• An ordinance Por polies regulation relating to plaoea rhere spirituous, vinous, taalt or asgt scholia liquors are ~anufsatured,QistribuLed, 'sold, served, ~ ~ delivered or gived away in the City of San Bernardino, State of Cu2lfornia: making unlawful the atamrfactura, sate or 'giving away, of suoh ~iyuor's i?ithin the O1tyroP Ban Bernardino, State of (3alifornla,•with oortain exceptions; and repealing all crdinances"or parta'of ordinances in conflict therewith,~dividing the City into ~ginicipal`eleotion precinota and appointing the polling places and boards of*elecstion, was Yntroduued, read isi full Yor the first 1 • ~ r - ~ . tine and: laid over Sor final passage. ' ~ The~reaoiutions adopting the plans and apeoifieations fotthe improvement of Oourt'Btreet Prom '?" to •H• Street, was introduced, read in foil Por the first time and laid over.° fox final passage. ~ ? She resolutiion adopting the plane astQ epePioicationa Por'the improve•~ent of 'H• Street from aeaond Lo Eighth Street, was introduced, react in full Por the first time and laid over Por Pistal passage. j IIpoA motion duly IDetde'8nd aarried,~the Oounaii adjourned to meet 1toAdaY evening Parch Slet. I9I0., at'7:30 o'dloak P,li. i S i ' Approved thl• zlat. daY oP ltarah, 2920., •i i ~ ~ fit, ' ' HaYor of the O1tY of asst ~S;stardino, Celit. ~ • ~ City Cleat ,!r ~"~ i j i 1. ~ i i City Ball, San Bernardino, Calif. Ltareh xIst. I920., Regular ad~ouruod moetittg oP the Mayor at:a Com~:~.on Council of Lhe City oP San Dornar<11no, held ltotiday ovetciltg Meath 2Iat. Z9I0., The ceoting eras called to order by lieyor 3deNabb at 9;Ib o'clock P.1(. with tho following zue:,;bors of Lhe Council pra:;ant: Couneil~roi~ Cole, llolmac, OQOgui• sncl Irving. City Attorney R.B. Swing and City CIerK !?arty Allison. Absent Cowicilman C.F. Ronseh. The resolution adopting the plans , croas_sections and spaciPicatione Tor the improvement oP •H' Street from second tc Eighth 3trcet, way read for the soaond Lime and adopted by the Following vote: Ayes Cole, Holmes, Owoger and Irving. Noes: Hone. Thereupon the resolution was declared adopted • Councilman Cole moves that the City Engineer be instructed to include the'. block on--Court bet*Asn;*H'~:end r3'.Streeta in the ylana and .specitloations For the iaprove:~ent of Court Street, motion duly seconded by Councilman Irving, and parried. ~- Councihnast Cole moves that the curb damaged by Lhe street rollor in front of H.A. Feff's residence on i _ Ai~roahead and Dase Line Street, be•replaced at Lhe expense of the City,, motion duly seconded by Councilman Holmes, k and carried. Councilman Coie moves Lhat the Street shpt. bo directed to remove the fetuses along •I• Street, brisk to the property line, motion duly secotided,by Cout1c31man ~r~ing, and carried. Attorney Byron °'etere, 1n behalF of the property owners 1lving,on 'S• Street, presented to ,tae ,Council a protest signed by property hoidere on aald 3traet, protesting against Lhe paving~of '~ Street, at'ter ooneiderable discussion by Attorney Raters,-Drs B.B. smith and Hurley, Councilman I2v1ng moves that Lhe City Engiaeet Ue directed to prepare plans, cross-sections and specifications Por the improvement oS "?' Street, iron the Horth side of Third to the South side as Eighth stroet, motion duly seconded oy Councilman Cole, and carried. The rasoiution,asaruing the aontraot Lo,Jatces 1caNair Tor the dispogal oY all waste and garbage natter in the City of San Bexnerdira, was read for the second time and adopted by the tollawing voter:,Ayea: Cole, Holmes, j;;~,'\_ Oweger and Irving. Noes: done. Thereupon the resolution was decsl'ared aQogted. .' A petition was received From property holders on Hount Vernon AyetYUe and.Rlalto:Avernu, asking the Cotmail take the necesea:;Y mesauree to have a sewer constructed unA.ar the-provislons.at tho Vroo'sn 1st oa the tol3owing Streets, Commencing et the intersection ot'ltount Vernon and Rialto Aguas, Lhoaoe =art alone Ria3ta ?vanue to '1C' Street, thence south on •E• Street to Van Hess'Av~entie, wherotipon Caunciltsari Ho2aes moves that the Oity $ngino~t be directed to°prepaze plans and spetiaicationa for the oonatructloa,oZ a eases is tn0 above 1ta*ed streets, mot3oRl QntY ' seconded tt! Councilman Irving, and carried. The reeolutloa,sdoptlrg the plans, arose-aeslione tar the aoalatrnotion of a asset in aez ivbare~e, was read F^r'the First LiIIe and laid over tar final passage., - , Ord111aitae so X182. An ordinance ordering and aallix?g a special election to ~e held i:u the C1tr of San Bernardino on 3londay the 86th. day of April, 2920, for the purpose of then and these sntmittixss to•ths qusiiMeQ ~ electors of said City for their approval or re~eotion an ordinance entit2:id * An ordinaaoo toe police regulation ~ relating to places where splrituoue, vinous, malt or aigr scholia liquors are mamitaotured,,Qietritsated, sold, serted, delivered or g~,lrest away in the City of Ban Hornardina, Btate of Callfotrnls: making unlawful the tsatmztaetnee, sale or giving away oT such ligoura withir. the City of Bun Bernardino, State of Californls, with certain excepiicns: and repeaiirg ell orairancea or parts oP ordin:+r,cos in coni'liat therewith, dividing the City into rur.icipal election • g,.ceiret~ c,^.r; u;~l:ol.tinr; th:~ Trolling T~la,~es r~n~i Loaxd:~ of eleaticn, was read for the eeeand Lime and adopted by the ', W,u.a (t 2t~ ',I i ~ fol7v4:ing vote: Ayv3 Colo, Iiolnvs, Oueger acid Zrving. idoes: Pdono. Thereupon tho oi•clinu~~cv waH flvelared adopted. ~ Ordinaz:oe ;30. 404. An or~lirar.eo c.a~ang it unlawful for airy person owning, having an interest in, harboring, having charge; care, edstody or pos3esoion of any dog, to allow or pvi~:~it ouch cioq to go free or run at large in or upon public streota, al3vys or places, except such ciog bo auzzolod, was rvsd as anorded and Laid ovor for fin:.l pasoag~. Resolution of intentions No. 400. A rosolution•of the Eiayor und~0ormzon Councl2 of the City of San Bernardino, daclaiing their intention td improve •E• Street from the North lino of First Street to the center lino oi' Mill 3treot by macadamizing the roadway thereof and the constivetion of culverts therein, was introduced, read 1n 11111 for the first time and laid over for final passage. Resolution No. ioI. A resolution of the b:ayor and Cor.mon Council of tro City of San Bernardino, declares f their intention to i,~rove Allen Street from the South 11re of Third Street Lo the North sins of First Street by i the raaaadazaizing the roadway thereof, wa:: introduced, read in foil for the first time and laid over for final pas "~~ sage. '~~~~ Resolution No 402. A resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declarig s their intention Lo improve "P• Street from the South line of second Street to the Eouth line of F~ighth 8treoL by macadamizing the roadway theieod and the construction of gutters and culverts therein, wsa introduced, read in 2'112 for the first'ffine :zrd laid ovor for Yinal passage. • A communioation was received and read to the Counafi fro>a R.E. Swing; pres. of the Cantenniel Oelebration asking thut the Council to~grant no special privileges or aonceaeione Sor airir'sttraetlons during the celebrati 4z,also Lo grant ro eBtenaions~'of time on contrasts , and trot the~Street Supt, be instructed to advise ell,atreet contract- ors that t2ze work now uncle= eonstruetion~>sust be complet©d before 1[sy I7th. 29I0: whereupon Councilman Irving moves that the requests be granted•tuotion duly seconded and carried. This being•the time eet•for the openizig of tize bide for the furnishing of the City oS San Bernardino one a~otorayeie, Council..,an Holmes pores that the City Clork proceed with tiie opening of the bide, aotian duly seconded •by Cotulcilzatn'Cole, end oarried ~ ~ ~ f Bid of A.E. Reitz, One'Rhor motorcycle ~ #343.40 3e3.60 ~' ~ One Yale ~ ~i f '• Hid o2 Richardson 8roe, One Indiazf Yotorejrale 830.E .,Eta of •:"Ones, One Reeding 1[otorcyale 88T.SO • lWyor YaHabb appointed a committee consisting o? Holmes, Cole and Zrving;Lo investigate the best and io~roat bidder add'report baok~to the' Council. upon motion duly made and carried, Lhe Oity Engineer was•inatxgated to prepare plena and specitisatione for~the aonstractioar'of atdewalte and'ambe upon the following streets: Cann SLSeet, •i•,~fCotmt'Vernon Avenue fre+ Fow th to TiSth, also Spruce street from •H` to •I•. ~ ~- Councilman irvtng mo~rea that the lire CIIief be ~tithorised to remove the lire 1Thistle now located on the San Bernardino Steam Laundry to the Pecifio ElecLrio Oas~woriza, sad that R. CatahsarL be allowed X5.00 for labor aAd material for worst heretofore done for installizzs same, motion duly seconded by Counoilman '' _ ~' Holmes, and carried. ` Upon notion duly made and serried, the Cowtei2 ad~oumed to zaeet Monday evening MaPOh SBth. IBiO., et 7:30 o'clock P.li. r. ,.r___ __~.____~.,__~_......__.,_~.,~---,- r _-----.---------- --_____ _ /f ESayor of tY~o City of San BeiT,ardino, Ca11f. a/°' ~"} ~ City Clerk . City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. March,. 28th. IOIO., Regular adjourned meeting of the Mayor and Co~r_on Comicil of the City of San Bernardino, held 16onday evening ldarch 28th. ZflIO., The neotiiig was called to order by Lfayor LIC27abb st 7:45., O'clock P.3[. with the following r..ecibers of the Council present : Couireil.man Cole, fiolmos, Owegor and Irving. City ClerR Ral'rY All ison and~City Attorney R.E. Swing. ~ - The minuteE of the previous neetings were reau and approved. ' ~ Resolution No. 400. A resolution of the l(ayor and Con4.on Couneil 01 the City of San Bernardino, 8eelering their intention to improve •L• Street frog the North line of Birst Street to the cent ex line of 1(i13 Street by a~cad-' f,! ~ ardzing the roadway thereo'S anti the conatruetion of culverts therein, was r ad for the second time end ,adopted by ~ the:following veto: Ayes: Cole, Ho1~es, Owagdr and Irving. Noes: None. Thereupon I~(ayor ilolCabb adclared the resolution ndopted. Resolution No. 40I. A zesoiution of the 1(ayor and Coon Counei3 'of the City of'San Bornarino, declaring their intention to improve Allen Street from the South line of Third Street to the Aorth line of Tirst Street, by j ~ ~ i the macadamizing the roadway theraoY, was road for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayee Colo, Holmes, Oweger and Irving. Noes: Fone. ;r; Resolution No. 402. A resolution of the Mayor and Comnon Gouueil oY'the,City oY San Berardino, declaring j -", their intention to improve •H• $trea+. from the Smith line of 3econd,Stxeet to the South line of 'Bighth• Street by naeadar;izing the roadv~sy thereof ar.,i the construction of gutters and culverts therein, wae:read for the second time r and adopted by the~follaRir:g vote: Ayes: Cole, iiolmes, Owaget and Irging, Goes: 'None. • . Ordinanve No. 404. waa upon rsotion duly Bade and carried, laid over for one week. . Qpor. rotion duly r.~ade and carded, Lhe request oZ 1'. Boeaenberg to have his nacre withdrawn from the protest aginst the improveAOr.t or •B• 8treeL, Ras grornteQ. Oouneiimari Irvit:g novas that the request of the property owners on Harris Street for an are fight on said street between Siath and.seTenth 3Lreeta, be granted, motion duly seconded by Counailmea OweBar~, end carried. ' A petition was received signed by property owners living on R" Street, aski-~ th;:t LLe Council enact such legislation and adopt such rules sa will prevent hearlly loaded vehicles or other heavy traffic aloi~ Lhe rcaidont portion of •17• Street, RYiereupon motion duly made and carried, the aa'!tel,was referred to the aitp Attorney. . ~ Council-nan Irving novas that the application of Cris Hartman for a restaurant liquor license a± Nos. 62G-[2S Thi~~cl Street be granteC~, ar;d the b:~nd approved, motion duly secsondeA t~y* Oounailman Colo, and carrteet. _.____- ---_-_-- _.._k.. ~....i. Tlly resolutions authorizing the i;,:ynent of one half the cast of tl~e ii;~Provecsauts oP Third Stra^t Eros •C• 9tra~t to 'A• St1•eat, ar.•ouJitin tb #30aZ.S0 also Idount Vernon Avenue fro;: :~irst 3treot to Third Straat to the Johnoon Shea Cor:;pan;~, ar..oui~tii;g to ~40D0.78 tires introduced, read 1n full for Lha First Lire and laid over for final passap;e. Courcile~an Cole move;; that t, o plans and sFaoification for tits ir.~nrovo:.ent of •lt• Street Pro,.t the ltorth lino oY First Jtreet to the South lii:e of Second Streot, be adoptod slid the phis and epeBiiications tharePor, r.,otior. duly seconded by Coui;cil;;an Or.Lgar, anQ carried. Tho resolution directing the City Clad: to re-advortiso i'or bids for tho construction of a sewer in Oentral"Averuey tree introduced, read in Pull i'oi° the first tiro and laid over for Pinar passage. The ra:solution adopting the pl¢na and spaciiioations for tho~ ovnstrtzetion oY a sewer in Rox Ave:ltle, was road for tl:o second time anti adopter2, by the folil~iri;,g voto: Ayes: Colo, Aolmas., Owoger and Irving. Noos: Yone, ~ i k pity Engfreer A.L. Sloan pi°e::3.ite1 plans and specifications tor~ the i~!pr ~vvneiit oP •D• Street tram ~' Third to Firth streets, same were upon notion duly mado and carried, referred tb t''he City Attorney, City Engineer A.L'. Sloan was instructed Lo prepare a grade ordinance on •T' Street. TLe resolution axarding the cantraet ~to Richardsoa Bros Por the i'urni:shing or o1Ye rsotorayale xor the awe oP #880.00, xas introduced, read in lull Por the Pi rat time and laid over.Por Final passage. k `a[eyor Yailabb~appointed a oomraittee consisting oP'Councilmen IrPing, Oweger and Cole', to investigate grounds Por the dumping of garbage. - ~ ~ ffii Counoil;nan Coie moves: that the City Engineer be iristruated to prepare plans and speeltlaations for ~ ~ the construction of sidewalks and curbs slong '!~' Street' Prom Fourth Street to Base Lille 8troet, motion du2t•' k seoonded~by Counciltasn Oweger, and 'car'ried. Upon motion duly wade and cerrie4, file requeat''oP beo: 3herrer td withdraw the .plat of the Shs3TeT 3'tb gliviroion was gratitsa. ' ~ ' Upon motion duly made and carried, the Couneil~ad~ourned:to me0t ~onaax evening ttp]C3~ 4th. I9T0., 't~r~~ at 9:80 o'aloaY P.1[. ~ - 3 • ~ Approved Chia 4th. daY oS' h, i8~?'j0, 7*.i ` • ' itayor of the Cite o! !sII larnai'di~i, Cal. i 9 . . ~ . ~ City Cleric . • s- , r k i ~ City Ball, San Bernardino, Ca1'if. 7cpril 4th. I3I0., Regular ad~aurned nesting of the Mayor an~i Corsyon Councll of the City of San Bernardino, held uon:tay evening April•9th. IeIO., The meotinF was called to ordor iry Mayor LicNabb at 7:30 o~clock P.lt. with th^ Po13- owing T~enbers oP the Coun.al pre:~ent : Councilman Cole, Holmes, Owoger and Irving. City Attorney R.E. °wing and City AtLorncy R.E Swii'~g. AUSO2it Councilman C.?~. Rensch. Thy minutes of the previous molting were read and approved. Coui:cilmau Irving uovos that an arc light be placed at the interaeetlon of Court ar;d 'H• 3treeta, Notion duly sccondo;i vy Couiicilr~an Colo, and carried. • Tho• resolution authorizing the payment oS one-halt the v'oat for the ir;.prover:ant of Mount Vernon Avarriie from First Street to T171rc1 3trset, was upon request of Mayor MCRabb laid over for one week. The resolution authorizing the payFaont of one-halt the. cDSt. Yor the tr~provezisiit oP Third Street from .tr ~ •C• to •A• Streota ,was road for the second tine anti adopted by the following vote;,Ayes: Cols, Fiol~:ss, Oweger, and Irving. Noes; None. Resolution No. 408. A resolution of the 1faYor and Common Council of the City oP San Bernardino, declaring their intention to construct a six inch sewer in Asx Avenue botweaii SLrecL and •0. 3tr9et, was road for the sec- ond ti[a~. and adopted by the following votes: Ayes: Cola, Holmes, Qweger, and Irving. Roos Nona: Ordinance No. 404. AI, ordinance asking 1t unlawful for any pars ~ owning, having an interest in, harboring having charge, taro, custody or possession of any dog, was read for the second time and adoptedlsythe following vot~t Ayes Colo, Holman, Oweger and Zrv111g. Noes: Rona. A~Petitinn,was received and read to Lhe Council from property awnera with frontage on Court Street between •F¦ ana ¦I• Street, asking the Connell Lo take the necessary measures under the YlbomaT? Aet, to pave Court Street with vii macada7ay'not to incluts Lhe interseationa of Streets crossing on Court Street, with the understanding that the coet,-bP•5aisi work` shall not exceed ~I.Il1 per front loot, Councilman Cola novas that 'the City Rnginear be direRl`ir ~ ~Upcin'iaot~ion duly made and carried, the City Clerk was authorised to draw warrants for the claims against Lhe City of San Bernardlno, for the month of Parch, IeIO as per claim register-this date, ' The resolution adopting the plans end speeifiaations nor the improvement of •D• Street frog ?hire to Firth Street, was read far the first time and Laid ovor for final passage, E Upon motion duly made anQ carried, the claim of James R. Boyd was reheated. Councilman Irving moves that the natter of the water that aoaumulate8 at Cater Avenue a71d Rialto Averme be referrod to Attorney C.C. ltaskeli for an opinion with ietructions to report beak to the Oounofi, motive duly seconded and carried. • The resolution authorizing the payment o! one-hal! the post !or tIIe i'provec~nt o! 3taunt Vernon Avemie, froze Fifth Street to l"ourth Straot, and Fourth Street from 3tount Ysrnon Avenue *est to City biaits, was lead r;,- 3[ayor L~eNabb sumbitted that name of l[r.Besl as special police offYoer to ssrve without pay, whereatpq~ Councilman Irving souse that the appoiatuye?~t of 1tr. Beal be approved. motion duly seconded and carried. ~ _ Co~•uiailman bring moves that Lhe City Property be decorated for tho fuir,the expense not to exceed 21f'ry cet,ts per foot, notion duly socondad by Com;cilranCOle, and carried. _____.a_.~ - . . _ f i~~ Upon :;otion duly ;ado and carried, Fi.F. Dattt:otte was order placed upon t'stfl list to whom into?;icating ~ ligotu~s shall not be sold. Upon rvotion duly Wade and carried, the plans and epooifiaations Pon F{ialto and "X" 3troot sonror, also "D" Strcot sidaxal3cs :.nd cu].•bs, wero roforred to Citl' Attor,toy R.E. Swing for invaetlgation. Couttcilrun Irving coves L1',at Ordinance No. 373 be ar:;ondad so as to read spaad liLtlt IC ral2as por hotfi front "~" to 'H' anti. First to Sixth Streets inclusive, motion duly seconded by Councilman Holmes, Mayor b(oh'attb sub:ni.ttad the namo of J.Y. At~arias as police officer of the City of 3sn Bernardino, Attereupon Councilman Irving roves that the appoit~tt:~ent be appTOVed, notion d ~ly seconde~x by Counciltan Holmes, - ;~nd carried. Upon >uotion duly s~ado and carried, the Cour.~cil adjourned to meek Yondsyt.evening April Ilth. IeIO., • I I A. proved this Ilth day of April, I920., ^w, , ;,_.!' - Mayor of the City of San Bernardino, Ca21f. - i - { - 4tty ClerE I - - - j - - i - , - r , ~ 1 i . ~1~ 3} I - ~Ii I ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ - • - I ~ ~ i I 1r _ - f _ _ r' s~.._ ~ I '~ ! City I?ull, San Dornardino, Calif. April Iith. I9I0., Regular adjourned Heating of the iGayor and Common Courcil of tine City oY son Bernardino, held Monday - ovening April IIth. IeIO., The meeting waa called to aiKter try 1lsyor uc2labb at 7:30 o~clcek P.lt. ~•iLh the following robbers of fro Council proaent: Councilmen Holrses, Cole, Oweger, and Irvi11$. Ci:y Attorney R.E. Swing and City C1erF; F?arty Allison. Absent Cowleil:nall C.S. P,a.,soi~~. The ril:utes of tho pi°ovioua beefing wore. react and approved. TY:o reaolutirni aut21oxis;i~~g fire Yuyl:c~nt vi' c:~e-half tho cos' of the 1elprova>r~~nt of ldount 'r•ar::Gtl Av©r!ue frob First Street to Third Streot, was road for tre second time and adopteu. by file following vale; Ayea: Cole, Hol7i~es, Owoger allci Irving. '~oas F:o~i©: The resolution authorizil.E t2',e paynent of one-half the coat Par the il:~proveraent of 1;oul~t Varr.or. fro:-: fifth Street to Fcurtli Street a;:u I'GUrtii Stroet from Mount Vernon 17est.to City ii~ats, at~.ounting to t5I4u.40 in i; f \ favor of E~rlieat Srenzell, was read for the secol:d tine and adopted by tT'ie following rote: Ayos• Cole, P.olmea, Owegor arct Irving. Noes: Mona. The resolution adoptll:B the plans, cross-seotiona and si.~cifieations i'or ti.e 1>Lplovement of •D• Utraet r , Sram Llia Nortii Line of Thirfl Street to• the Suu~ii li::.: of S'i.fth Street, xaa read for the aeeond time and adopted by the following vat~a: Ayes:'Cpie", Eolrea, vweger aria Irving. Roes: Bone. Qpon I,,otion duly ttade and carried, the City Clerk was authorized to draw i~arrants for the month of April, 1920. , as par clsl>L register tI'iis dale. UFOs [aotion oY Cotlncilnan Irving, duly seconded by Councilman Cole, and carried, the i~eQueat of'Arank ' Johnson, Jr. on behalf of tLe Ladies of the Centeilnlsi Comtaittea, for us'e of Lugo Park during the.Celetration was Sranted. Upon motlon.of,.Cvurcilvan Irving,, duly seconded by Councilman Oweger and carried, the spplieation of Barmim & Bailey Circus~~~for a~ Ciro'j:s licen:,e cf ~IOQ.00 per Qal' was granted. . I • ~ Upon request of Jia and Itabei°t Niah, the proceeding along Seventh Street wsa laid over for one week. A petitior.,~iee~ receiveck~and road Lo the Couucii, signed by prpDer#y on •B• Streot, caking that 'the exclude tberafrom thaty~BTt~'ot~ 'B• Street between Ninth and Base Line Streets from the proposed improvement,by ' '~' Lhe conatruation of sidewalks and curbs, w>;ereupon motion of Cauneilman Irving, duly seconded by CCtmeilmen Oweger and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to amend the plena and apefieieations ther~;for. ' ~' Councilman Zrving moves that the City Clark be inatruated to prepare the Precinct Indexa to the areal ~`~'~, Register for the electfon to be l~tlC on the 2Sth day of April, IUT3. , twotian u'uly _secaad:ecl by Councilman Ha].aes, and carried.' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Councilman Irving moves that rite Street Supt he instructed Lo procure 8lgnatusee along et7lcet frost Third to Tifth Streets under private sent=sot for the improveateut of said street, motioA aaly seoaaded ~ ~'" „' by CouneilmanRolmes, and carried. Couneila:an Irving naves that the Street °upt be directed to notify the property awnera along ~~,~$~,,. ~ lourth Street between 'T' and '?• Streets to remove the trees elor~ said strsata, motion cTuly eecdndsd by Connali, ran Owagar, anct o::rrled. ~ ' *'.. ~ - UT,on ; ction duly r.;ado anti carded, un ai•c light was or<loreci placed on PaPPer 3traet Uetween lentil and II '~. j,, 3traet s. the orciinar,ee establishing the grade of •Z• Straot Prot the North line of Yan 1:ea~ Avenue to the North line oi'1;ase Line , was ilitroducod, read in Pull for tha first tir.:e and laid oust for final Passage. COt2i1CiIR~aIi Irving moves that the City Atterr,oy prepare a lease or. contract; fDr the Ieacirg oY Iand i:elarlging to T.A. 131a}:cloy, for a. Peroid of threa yeais, for the purpose of dur..ping gari;age, r::otion duly aeaonded € u^,T Councilr:aA Fiolmo:.•, and carideci. J.B. 0112 and C.A. Rouge appeared Lefore the Cou11ci1 to explain as to what they were willing to i } do it the way of draining the swamp in the vicinity of Rialto and Carter Avenues, Yx. bill stated that he is willing~to run a pipe lire across the hard & Oill Tract and in this manner let the pool Ue drained. Mr. 0111 stated ~ dint work would start ir!sradiately. The resolution adoptir$ Plana, orosa-sections and apeeifications for the imrovement of Rialto Avenue . '°'`t Prom Mount Vernon Avenue to "1C' 3traet and in •K• street fret.! Rialto Avenue to Van Ness Avenue, Ras introduced, ;lam read in full for the flret tiia.e and laid over for final passage. ~ Upon ttotion duly trade and carried, tYio Council adjourned to meet Monday evening April I8t11. I920., at!7:80 o'clock P.M. Approved this 28th daY of Apr1I. I8I0, ~ i i -, Mayor of the City of Ban Bernardino, Calif. 1 I( . Cit C2elit i { :A i ;r, ~ I ' "t.» . s, , ' j ~ i t i4 1 i 4 f f l ~..___.._.._..r. _ _ . - I j ~"` City 1ia31, San BerrBrdino, Calif., April I8t.. IJIO., E Regulax adjourned maeti::g of trio Fdayor and Cot~on Council of trio City of San Sornardino,'held FSgnday ovening P.pril 28th. I~IO., Tha meeting was called to order uy iiayoi•F.Fcrabb at 7:30 o'clock P.ll. with the follo- wing r.~er:~Uvrs of the Couiioil prosont: Couticilri<;n Orrcger, Colo acid Yrvir~. City Attorney R.E. °vring .r;d City C1erY. FiarrY Allison: AU:eut Councilmen Rensch and Holies. The rllnutos of the pi~oviou~ meeting were read urici approved. The ordinance oataUliahing th9 grade oP 'I• Streot Pram trio North line oP Van Ness Avenue to trio North lino of Base Line Stroet in the CityloP Ban Beri_~ardinb, was read Por the second time and adopted by the Following vote: Ayes: Cole, Oweger and Irving. No©~: Ncne. The resolution adopting puns, cross soctiona and spealYications Por the conatruetion oP a sewer in Rizito Avenue Prom biou;it'Vernon to •K' 3Lravt anti in •!C' Street from Rialto Avonua to Van Ness Avenue, was road . ,/ for the aeeon4 time and adopted by the Following vote: Ayes: Cole, Cweger and Irving. Noes: None. ~ Upon ciotion duly made and carried, trio City Clork was instructed to draw a warrant in Favor oP the FIigMay Construction Cospauy in the sus oP #849.68., for the ir~provonent of Third Street Prom 'A• Street to 'B• Street. A petition was received and read to the Council, signed by property holders on Court Street between 'F' and •A• Streets, protesting against the pavi~ig of said Court Street under trio Vrooman act, whereupon the pa ition was received and ordered Piled. A.comrur,ieation was"received and read Lo the Council from Tfie San Bernardino Bire Underwriters '+ Associotion, ~rellative to Chamber oP Commerce and the T;~oater Building, now candor aonstruotion, not comDiying with trio Ordinances with regards to all ~ertitians in the basement and Pirat 1'ioor shall be oP brink, whereupon Councilman Irving moves that the matter be laid over for ono week, motion Qtlly saeonde4 by Councilman Cole and carrieds . ~ :' •The resolution ado~iting plans Cross-section and speeirio$tions far the is~rovenent oP Street '~- Prom Y:orth lima of Third Street to the+Bouth line oP Eighth Street, Courth Street Prom west Line of *f• 3txeet to trio East lima of "I' Streot,and. •B• Street between l1Pth and Ninth Streets, ware read Pax the First tlme `i one laid over For final passage. Resolution of Intention No. 404. A resolution of Intention oP the 1[syor and Caaaaon Couaail of the C1~ oY Ban Bernardino declaring their intnetion to improve •D• Street Pros the' North line oY Third Street to the 308 line oP oP i#1;Cth Street in said City o1 San Bernardino, by rapa~ing the roadway thoreot, wesread in Pu22 Sor Lhe time ant; laid over'Por Final passage. ~ • • The matter of removing trees along youtth Street between '_' end '!'• Streets, was upon r,otloa Qu2y reads and carried, referred Lo the Str~:Ot Co®mittee to investigate. Upen motion dulq made arxi earned, the reaueat or I7t Becltord to withdraw the Tact Subdivision was ' granted. ~ Upon motion duly made and oarried, tiie Anti-Saloon League was granted Free use oP the Citg Pavilliaal ~~- for April i7th to 24th inclnsivo. i~ i ' r- Upon motion duly r::ado and oarried, Tl~.o O.A.R. wa:; Slanted froe uae of t?:© City PfirK and Pavilion b!ay 30th. I9I0. Councilman ISvirtg trovos that Rout Catchcart loo grunted one woes tir.:e Por the r:rovi~~ of tho fire tthi:tle. Upon r:otion duly riadc snd carried, tl:o Council aci~o,trnod to moct Wedno::dny ever?ing April, 27th. ZSIO., 1 '. j Approved this 27th. day of A~,ril, IOIO., ` - liayor of Lae City of San Bezwardfno, Csl. ' City Clerk • E • i j I F i I ~ - '~ ~' ~ ~ i ~ '' '" • ' E i j,~jj 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I t r i ~ ', e y ~ i t~' i .~'+ ~- ~.- • ~' t. ~ ~" City Hall, San Bernardino, Cal. April 27th. ICIO., 1- Ad~otuned seating oY tt;e hayor slid Comson ComFCil oP the Oity oP 3an Bernardino, held lfodnesday ov©ning April 27th; I8I0., Tha meeting was called to or4or by Hayor Hcl7abb at 7:30 o~clack P.H. with trio [ follocring r::en..bors of the Cou~~cil prat;©nt: Co'aY~eilmon Cole, Owegor and Irving. City Attorney R.E. Swing and { City Clerk Harry Allison. Absent Cow:cilmvn 11ol:aas and Ronsch. Trio ninutv:~ 01' the previous ctarc rasa arci approved. Ti_ia being the set fur th© eturvassi~ig of the returns Special ©lectior: held 'on trio 26th day-of April, I9I0, *P.e Hayor and Cosnon Courtcll procecciod to open and canvass said returns of pliich do show the Pollowing result, and that the ease is deelarad and detex3ained as follows: to-~it:- For the Ord.inarce 7I _ FIRST r'7ARD Agait;st the, Ordinance I72 '_ :f 243 ' Total Vote 243 ii Sor the Ordinance ~ I88 SLCOiiD !?ARB Against the Ordinanco .247 ~ ' ,~.44b ' Total vote ;43~ :For the Ordinance I60 '!I'.IRD 1PARD Against the Ordinance .387 627 Total vote 527 For the Ordinance '243 lOUATH:~WARB - Against the Ordinance ~ 52 ,Total vale 52I - For the Ordinance 327 BIF^FF l7ARD • Against Ordinance 400 ~ Total vote 727' • . _ 2883 Total Humber of votes cast Total vo+.es ottat;for the ordinance '888 ~ ' ~ 1 Total votes oast against the ordinance I48i ',~ -~ ~ Ft appoai~nr; that lgainat the ordinance having x•eceiveci the highest numbor oP votes, Councilman Irving roves that the ordin&AOe be dociared lost, motion c113y seconded by Councilman Cola, and: carried. - Upon notion fly made and carried, t2Le City Attorney was directed th Drepare a Duitding arctinance -, " ! Yor the City. of $an Bernardino, Uoon motion duly made and carried the City Clam was authorised to sae©rtiee for bt@a:tOr the Dtll~ahnae of~`s# , AUE,omoblie Dire 17agon for the City of $an Berrisrdino, as per syeoitications on file in the office of the City Clerk. Upon action duly ~~ade and carried, the Councii ad~ournad meeet Monday evening,Ya6? And. iel0., AP&roved this 2nd d.:;y oP 31ay+ IQIO., k. 3iaYor of the Coty of San Bernardino, Calif., 4 °~-- ~ Cit erx ~ s' , f i ~,v . f.~'~. ~ ~ - - ---. - _- - --------..._. - --~ -- -....... .-, . City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. ,'.'ay 2nd.I8I0., ~' Regular adjourned r,:catir~; oi' the 1.!ayor and Cora.;:on Council of tl~:e City oY San Bernardino, *eld Monday ~' eva;ting Jday 2nd. I9I0,, The yaeting was called to order by E[ayor IdoSdabb at 7:30 o~elook P.M. vrith the following raoubers of the Cowieil prosant: Councilmen Owager, Cole uud Irving. Oily Clerk harry Allison. Absarrt Cowleilmo;i lfolr~es and Aensch. i ` The r:iinutas oP the previous r:oetings ware road and approved, I Resolution 1Jo, 404. A resolution of the 1layor acrd Council declaring Chair intention t0 improve •D* ~ f Strcot Prora the Borth lira oi' This Straot to the South line oP PiPth Straot in said City of San Dernardino, _ r by repaving Cho roadway thereof with a.bindory:course oY broken stone acrd asphaltic coraont with a asphaltic woarinfi- surface and the constructiot: oP concrete arrd stool culverts, was read for the second lire and ad8pta3 bl' the Sallow- ing vote; Ayea 2 Cole, Oweger and Irving. Noe3: None, Ordinance No -- An ordinanca r ,.-.~ egulating the erection add taaintenance of telephone, telegraph and electric wires, cables at?d appliances within the City oP San Bernardino, was reed for ttta second limo and ,""~ j 1 adopted b5Y the follocri ng vote: Ayes; Cola, Owegar ar:d Irving. IJOes: None- e The resolutions adopting plans, orosa sections and speaii'iDations Poi• the improvement of Court 8treat F Prow West line of "F" Stre t to the East lire oP •I" 3Lreat, "B" Street between Fifth anQ Ninth Street and !'~'• ~ ~ ~ Street Prow North side of Third Street to the South Iine of Eighth Street, were reed for, the second time and p- adopted by Cho following vote: Ayes Cole, Orreger at:d ZrVirg. Noes: None. The reports of City Engineer A.L. Sloan of the estimated coat Qt the improvement of Court Straot Zroe~ ~' the West line of *!" Street to the East line oP •T• Street, also •D¦ street from the North line oP ?hlyd Street to the South lino oP Fifth Street, ryas upon motion duly received and Piled. Upon notion duly radeand carried City Clerk was directed to draw warrants~ior~th8~eleims against`the City of San Bernardino, for the'ii~onth oP Etay, F820., as per Clain register this date. Ordinance 2to--- An ordlnatraa accepting the roedrray of S Street Crow the Nort2i line oS fourth StrOpt f to the South line of Nitith Street, wsa read Pox the first time and laid^ove~rtor final passage. Ordinance No- An ordinance accepting the roadway of Fourth Street from the west line or •D" Straot to ~I _ , the East line 'of "F" Streef, was read for the First tir:;a and Iaid over for tinai passage. Oxclinanae Ao-- An ordinance accepting the roadway oY Fifth Street from the hest Iine oS "E" Street td the East line of Mount Vernon Avenue, was road for the first tlme and Iaid over for final passage. Ordinance xo- An ordinance pf the City oS son Bernardino amending ordinerSise Fa 873 OT the City of Ss Bernardino. entitled ' At9 ordinance bP the City or son Fiernardiim regulating travel and traPfia upon the Street and other puhlic pisses oP the City of Sea Bernardino, dlatrlaLing said City, providing fez L1>e issuemre Ot Dalr- . mite in certain ina~anaea; requiring horns, belie, gongs and ccutilers to be attaahad Lo certain vehialea and tiding ~ a Wait Sor a violation thereof" a roved lebrua 29th. 2'6Q8 was read for the first time artd u n taotlost dul Pe Y pP 1'Y ~ Pa y r.~ado arsd earricul,, refarrad batsk to the City Attorney for amendrerits. j R'eaolution Die 40b. A resolution of the Mayor arui Coi~•.on Couneilot the City of Ban Bernardino dOclaring C their in~to;:~tlor. to itablK+ve "8. Street 3'rora trio North line of the roadway of Fifth °LreaL to the South Iine of the ,~~'' rosciway of Iyiirth Straot by the eonatruction oi' cerarrt sideralks arsd curbs therein, sae rea4 for trio second time anrt adopted Uy .na following vote: .yes Cole, Oweger, arei Ilwi: g. goes ldo:,e. '' ' • _.1 i r !.~~,' City ]?nalth 9ffieer Dr.'J.O. Has iileci a eom:-.unicNtion with the Couneil, with reforonee to indigent ~ patients of the City, as};ing that immedi;,ty action be taken to cattle the question in a legal way and that the City Attorney procure a written understanding with the County Oific2als as to wYcother it is the d,?ty of the County or the C1ty to care for said patients. Upon ~..otion duly made and caxricd, tiro matter was referred to the City Attorney for instructions. Couneilr,.an Owego moves that tro manor oi' opening oi' Penn Avoeuo bo cirferred for ono wank, ~aotion • duly se„onded by Councilc::an Zrving, anti carried. Upon ,Y,otion duly c.mde alid carried, The Palmer Iron Ciorks was granted perLds::ion to oroct eeight scales on Arrowhead A•rvnue t~otweet, "First anti Second Stroets. • Upon iaotion duly E:aiie and caz~°ied, Couf:uiln~an C.S. Rvusch was granted a oxtonuion on 2vave of abseneo of 80 nays. ~ Upon motion du~.y made acid carried, the Council adjourned to meet ldonday evening Ysy 8th. 2920., "~ . at 7:38 ~o'clook P.3(. ApProvod Lhis 9th day of 1fay, 29I0., ~ 3i~yor oP the City of San Bernsrd.ino G ~'~ City C1eY[c y j ' j V. I • ~ ~ ~ ~~i'E: , d i _•4,H •' ~1+ • ~' ~:+~d i~~~o "'4 i' . E • E - do ~ , . City Hall, San Bc:Pllar31n0, Cal. ltay 9th. I9I0., ~-.`- .T:: , Regular ad~ou2mod mooting of the Mayor and Cor.~son Gowrcll of the City of San Eernarillno, held Mondiiy- "''i'^ ~ evening May 9th. I9I0., Thcr mooting was called to orQor 1rY Mayor >deNaUb at 7:30 o'clock P.ld. with Lhe followir$~r' mer;rbeis oi' the Cow~cil F;resent: Councilr,:en 1:olr:es, Or+oCor, Irvir~ arci Cole. ,City Attorney R.E. Swing and City Clark F.ariy L. Allison. .lbser~~t Councilr..an ftansch. - The minutes of the praviou:c ~~octirg ware read. arci approvau. lira Ooo FaUUn caz,plained of the failure o#' the City to prop8rly provide for the crater that was standing i on the land at the corner of Mt Vernon Avenue and .Fourth Streets, lira Fabun s~atod to the Council that the water had damaged her re^idence, and also killed twelve oi' her i'ruit trees, and asked trat the :natter be investigated, whereupon Mayor LlcilbUb appointed a ;;om:,ittcie consisting of Councilmen Zrving, Holmes and Zrving to look into the mat±er anti report back to the Cowrcil. i r--. Ordinance No-- An ordirranee aecaptirrg the roadway of Fourth 3tre©t Prom tare Pest lino oS •D• S,L]~eet 'ice/ to the East line of •F• Street, was read for the second time and adopted by Lhe following sots; Ayes; Cole, Holmes, Oweger and Irving. Noes: None. ' t i Ordinance t:o- An ordinance of the City accoptf[:g the roadway of E Street from tie ^orth line 'of Fourth ", Street to the South line of lanth Street, was read for the second time and adopted by Lhe fallowing vote: Ayes, Cole, Holmes, Oweger and Zrving. hoes: :'one. ordinarree tdo-= Are ordinaries aeeoptirig the roadway of 9'ffth street Yrom the Rost lino of 1r StrooL to the Eaat line of MoW~t Vernon Avclrue, was recd for Lho second tir..a and adopted by the tollawing vote: Ayoa Coie, Holmes, Oweger and Zrving. Noes: None. The resolution autho2fzirig trio Street Supt Lo extend time to the 23.ia. fiord Company on •D¦ 3trset, and •0" Street, was introduced, read in full for the first Lima and lald over for Yiriarl passage. - ' E The resolution authorizing the Street Supt. to extend tine to the litghway Construction Company on ?bird Street From •A• to 'Allan Street. was introduced, read in full for thv P1rst time and laid over for Yinai passage., Tiro resolution transfarrirrg money from tree Tenth Street, iC Street srd Patrol lands, was ~introduoed, read '~ ~ for the first Liao and laid over Por Pir:al passage. Ordinance ho-- An ordinance arer:dirrg ordinance No. 373, was introduced, ea amended, 17ad in full for the ~ i first time and laid over for Yinal passage. ~ ! The resolntiona author121ng the City l±rrgineer to subritit• estimates of eoef ;'or Lhe im?rehement oY Court Street and "!• Street, were introduced, read in full for the TirsL time and Laid over for final passage. - , 4ouncilwsn fioimea r~ovos' that the street sujit,.be directed to interview the proparLY osrrera oil "&• =tram between Seooncl and Third Streets, relative to the iaaur.~facing of said Street, and repc+rt basic Lo Lhe Gouneil, Motion dilly seconder and carried. i Couzrcilnren Coie rwoves Lhe Lhe Q1ty C2er;c be autl:ci~ized to draw warrants i : 'aver of the ran Bernardino Fertilizer works, Por rarer of land, amountir~ Lo ~2D0.00, also w.8. Baxter for Street 8veeper, aaounting to X276.00, rrotfou duly :oe.:~•I~ciou Ly Cc~nci2r,.an Trvirrer erred oasried by the followirg vote, Ayes, Cola, Rol>`ae, Owoger !'~,, and Irvr~. :roes: l:ono. ~ ~ ""''~ ~ ~ I , ~ ) ~ CGUnlillL7:3 ri Ii'Vi1i(~, i~Ct'C:i that tiid 10110YriTt(; :;LTOC3t~ i;0 C:109 od dUrili6' CO;ii, W1::181 Wd Ok: 3 { 'D•atrooL fi•c:: Socor,. Street to Fifth, •E• Streot Prom Second Streot to Fiftll Strvet,Tt:ird ^trdet Prom •C" t0 ~(S" .°,trCt%L, FGiil'til $LrCvt frGCl •C• t0 "F• Strddt fln(i $OOOlid SLreOt irOID •D• SLrc:Ot t0 Raill'Oad, riOtiOfi t I ciul}' St',CGiliic+U 1J.? COT1nCi1Ck3n IIOlAd3 and carriod. :'ti~ceL Supt.Lothrop called tho Cou;icil's attdrtion to the mead of a team of horses for the Street L'epai°t:renL, for use on the Street Swooper,,vrilereupon Cow:cilnaTi Il•ving moves that tho Stroet Coc~ittao be authorized to pure;lasd one bored, motion duly se„orde4 ai:d ear~iods Cou7?eilraan Irving moves that the Council proceed to,open P~ASYlvaini8 Avenue from Eighth $t=cat i to Hinth Strect, to the uniform width of E30 feet, under and pursuant to the Street Oponing Aot. the lanQ f necessary to be taYen for such purpose is described as tol2ow§: A ~txip of lard 30 feet in width,,a on ~h~ ~irl• f„ft/riti East side of Lot I3, the land to be included in t1:e distxict lots I4 to 2a inclusi(re~ also LcT.B ~3 and Ig, . A.S.B. Lotion cult' ac.ccrua~i uy CGUrellman Ilolmes, and so ordered.! -,~~. Upon notion duly r:;acid and earri.eci, the Courieil adjourned to react lionday ev©i:ing key Isth. I920., ' at 7:.30 o'oloek P.3t. _ . Approved t2iis I6th day of ltay, ZSIO. , 3iayor oi' file 'City oi' Ban Bernardino, City C1eTk • City Hall, San Hernarilinoy 9alif. key 26th. If121?~, Regular adjourned mdeti;;g o1' t1;e 1!ayor :,;:c: Coir;.;o;; Cou~;ciZ oT the City DY San Harrialdino, held: ` '! konuay avenit:g :Lay I6th. I9T0:, TYie neetiT:g was cal•]ed to order by'3layor YeTabb at 7: v0 ot„ic.; with ' tree foilowing ~:ec:bexp o; the Couudil present; Cow~cllmen: q ale, Xolmes, •Taatini° anti Truing, City attorney R.B. Swing u:,u City Clerfi Parry A121sc::. Absent Ccuna3~aaa C.S'.. Renach. The mlautJa" G the ~;:uviotzs ¢ae~i;:g Dais read silo approved. _ -~ Ordinance No, 440 An ordinance amending ord3nanee nuTaber aTa of the City oP Ban T3ernssdino entitled, 1!n oridnanee oi' the City of San~Berrardino regulating gravel and traffic upott the streets and other puDlle please of t1~ City. of san Berraxdlno; districting said City, yroviding for the issuance of par:l_ts in certaiA>~tauces h `';;~. ;ociuiring itorne bells gongs and wui'riere to to attached tc certain vishicles and tieing a penalty for a violation thereof, aDi~:.'r~u: a..ta aua;:L~ei the Z7ti: clay of lei7y.''2806• The ordir•et:ee was read t0! the aeaond Lii~ a31d adoD+ted 1 by the foilcMil:g vote: J!yes Cole, $olr~a:~, Onager &T:d, Irving, tFoes: None.. The resolutions autllori~ing the Supt oi' Street to extend time to S.i. ToM on !0• Street end "D•, Higra?ay canatrtwtion Corpany an Thlyd Street from •A' to lllen Stroet, 'was read for t:e second time and adopted by the following vole: Ryas Cola, Holtads, Oweger a~1 TrviT;g, Toes None, TY,e rasolutioll ciirdctirg the 1'Isginedr to sut~it estia,atoa of coat, for ti:e 3ayrovanvnL of Court Street arc; 'F' Streot fro::. ^T~ii~ti to Eight Street, wa:~ rduu tcu• the aeCatlci time anti adopted by t~ tollowiag vote: ' Ayes: Colt, IIOl:aes, Oregex a:,u IrviT.g, hoes i:cne. The upplia:iticr~ o Bred A'ozl 1'Gi• a licellse Lo ao;n.ineL tiro i;siues:, of :;filling, givi:,g away aru! r i _ 1 i I I 1'ur;;ishirg spirittwus, vinous i~lt a;:d otho;.' intoxicati;:g liquors, at No 530, Ti;ird Street, City of son ~3orn. i erciino, was upon ;,.otio;i oi' Coui:cilmati Irving, duly seconded by Couuc;ilr~an Oweger and carried, granted. Tl~e rol%ort of Drapoi• a~ul 1,'ubbell oS thou fi;:ciinga in the road tax collected by the County in ' the newly arnaxod district ;lortli of tl;e o1G till'. wa:; upo;; ~:otion riuly z•eceiven and Yileci. TT~e deed of T.F. Bentsen for str:;ct purposeu, was ulio~z roLion duly r..ado an,1 ca?•rie('i, recoiver~ ant? ordered placed upon record. Upen motion duly wade a;:d aaiz•ied by tt:e followinE veto, tiro clair.:o of A.C. P.erdall, ar.d LSiss 3 Kendall were ordered paid, Ayes Cole, HoL:;es, Owegor ar.d Irvi;g. 2Jocs; Hono. ~ Coureihaan =ruing r;~oves that the City Attof~„ey ue directed to prepare ordinances accepting Fourtr . Strcct,uotween "F' and •I" Street, and Mou;;t v,_r;ion Avenue from Third Street to First °treet, `r:,otion duly _ ~ ~acondad by Councilman Oweger and carried. ~ Cou;;eilr.~a;c Cole moves trot the s:atter of ope;;ir:g bids for the Auto Fire >Fagon be extended or.e weeK, t~ctiw; duly aecw;ded by Cou;icilcian Holmes, and carried. ~ Resolution No 405 A resolution ordering worn to be done on Allen street, Ras introduced, read in ftll for the first tir;:o and laid over for final passage. _I Resolution Fo 408 A resolution ordering work to be done on •E' Street, waa introduced, read in full for the first time and laid over for Yinal passage. Tha resolution directing the E;~giueer to furnish estimates Yor the improvement of 'D• Street from I Third to Fifth Streets, was introduced, read in full for the first time and laid over for final passage. The resolution directing the Engineer to furnish estimates for the improvement of *fi• 8treet from second to Eighth Street, waa introduced, read in (till for the first Lie;e and laid over for final peseage, j i The resolution authorizing the payment of onettulf trio coat for the i.aprovetaent of ?htrd t3treet Srom Mount Vernon Avenue Easterly Z8C84 feet, waa introdiused, read in frill Yor the first tim~'and Iaid over for final passage. , ~ - The reaolutioir of Intention declaring the intention of the'LByoz anQ Cot+~On Coahcil: of the City'of San Bernardino to peon and widen Penn Streot in said £ity Prom t3TfH Streot to Rinth Street, was introduced, read in Sall for the first time and laid over for final passage, ~ i, Tha resolutionaa adopting the plans arose sections ar„i apecii'ications for the intprove°~.:ent of Court _ t~ ' Street,"D" Street ,and the coriatruotion of a sewer in Rialto Avenue and. Carter Avenue, was introduced, read in 1 11x11 S~or'the first time and laid over Yor final passages. i Upon motion duty made and carried, Crarell'e Jewelry Store was granted perrsiselon to oasry ~ an Auction Saie for fora days. Councilnar, Holmes moves tAtst T.A. R'lakely btr granted a" moving permit for a tauilding oA &treet, tLrotagt{ the to2lowing streets to-w1t:'ool~enaing et the place aS be~lnning, htneoe north to filth Street thence west to City limits, motion duly seconded try Cotincilmet? Irving, a~ caazied. Councilman Cole mores that the City •ttornsy be direoted to ran~cr an opir;ion'as Lo whAp3rsr the City of Ban Ber;;ardit:o, oi• the County of Bah 8ernardinb, fa responaii,la`j~ must take oars ot~ indegent sick, motion duly secor,dea by Cour^ilamn Oweger, and carried. Uayor Meliabb aubc;itted the following nareci ger;t:es;en to serve, as special police offleers during the 3 wr: •~k ~ ' 3 i _ _ _ _ _ ~_w, _.w _,....__.-- ---_ , w... J '. '~ i I ~ Eugeno Oarcirtur, F.T. IIendee, Oeo S~::ith, V7.II. Aalclwin, I,. Hoagland, Walter heap, C.Sd. i"Y;Ier, J.E. Blanchard, j ~ ^TM-~~~~cr•, C.h. Anch~ows, P.J. L~ouahuo, I. Culu~ingham, C.A. Purvis, /'.. Martinez, J.S. Moore, C.O. Crowell, I M.F. Anderson,' O.A. Copej~R:I: Lem:,dn, Y.i,. Soto, Curtis Stewart, Chas Modroll; E,S. Starp, Dan Oibsan, C.H. Oarnor, Llaria, B.J. ldcCarr.~ick, J.R. Si~ipps, John WuesthorY and F.S. Jotios. Council: an Irving irovos that th© II aPPt~intn2ent:; oi' the I/aYor be eonYirc:~eci, motion Holy seeordeci byt CouneilrWn Owe~er, and earrieci. Coui!cilr..an Irving r.:oves that the City Attorney work in conJttetioit with the Health Offieor in the s matter of sewer connections, and ti:at Property or~[ers be notiried to abate the pollution oY ~ai;,c Creek, motion duly seonded by Couricilr~ut~c IIols~es, at~d cai•ied. Upon notion duly Cade ancY carried, the Coui•:cil ad~lourned to meet Monday evening stay 23rd. 2820. zt 7-30 o~clock P.LI. APIi1'oved this 23rc1 daY of May, I820 . , ~- ~~y~1'Y. ~ `ham-~-x~ . :favor c1' tho City: of San Rerraruin~ , ~I _ ~ C$ty Clerk. ~ ~'~ 3 - - r• • , ~ ~ 3an~8ernardirio, Calif: Ysy, 23rd. I910.,'~ `"~ Regular aci~ogrned meeting of `th~'~eyor and'' Cor<.tidn Co:incil oP tho City of San Bernardino, held Yorday evani~g ldayy`~3rd:' 2920:','; Tbe',me~tin~`'w~s oa].led ~o order by 3tayo»~ itc'NSbb "at'`~`/:3~0 o'vlook P.li: with the rollo•- ', wing measttera of the Council present : Conticiltden Cole; Holrties, Cwe er atid~'Irving. Ct~ty ~J~$torney R.$. ling and City CierK ?iari~y Ai ' ~' „ , ' ' lison. ' ~us'~nt Counc~'man'C.B Rensaii. "~ The mimites ` 02 L`ite previbits `~zleeLings were ~§d and a~p~oved. ~ • » ~ r` " 4 • • Resolution 190. 448. A•resolution orderit~~wori: ~'o be ~a'oriA 'on Alien Stree~~`rozar the South 'itrise~.oi°thira ~ r ; . Street to the North line of'~3rat~treet,~irag seati'So' t?le aecoud~dti'ae end adopted"t~~he tolic~ir~ vote: dyes: Cole, l3olaiee; Oweger and Irving. Noes: None. . !l''ea~Tvrttolit ilo' 4d6 A`~res62ittYdYi'`''orderYng"~orX ~d~`'bE1'~Q'btA On';'*' ~5tteet from~the 31ortII I¢a~' !i T rat 'F Streel~ to the center line oY 1ti21``street, was read`'Yor thA sdconQtime sttd eaop~"`e~ lsy ~tlfe`"~i'oi'~ahng vote: Ayes: ' 4018 ~~0~4!e8, 0116$er &IAS 2r~1111$. ~1fC~J8:~~71e. e'"~'~~` ~ If t~~gti w i . ~i 2'~t ~ ,}' ~~~~E&/1F> 153~~rceF+M^+ ~ ~ t: ''' N the resolution directing the ei:ginear Lo furnlah estimates oZ voat per Zront Soot for the improvenera . oP."D• atree~'`said Oftj¢ Y?otn the``RortTi"21n'e or ThfrrY`$~reet ~t'o the '3out7i Line dr H2''th lrtreet; was lean 1'or the ~„" k' s evond'~t ime `end adopt ~d ''Cy tote ' Soft rnria~'~`'~`ats : Ca~~1;° 1l~9II~", Owesg`'$i~ Tri~ilg: lulls ; xotie. °' k °a ' The i~tl"aolt~tiori~'i~reating the Etgineer to furnish eatitaates o2 the Cost per trnnt toot for the irprov~eit ~ of 'H• street in said Oity'•fi~oei the Rortn Yiitle or`aea~d street to'~3`i~~ 3auEhdine of ng3~~lltt~et, was reed for Lbe '"'\, second time arul adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Core, ~olmes, Oweger end Sz31ng. Woes: Mons. TY,e reports or City Tingineer A.L. Sloan or tbs estfrate4 aost$ for the lmyrovec~ent o= '~'• streets, Court • - - 4_...~.~___-- ----.,_____._______~~__...~.__~ -- -_ _ - - _ -- - -- _ - _ s I i I Street, "H" Street aP.Q "A• Strcots, wore read to Lhe Cotu:cil at this r.tcetirrg and upon ;::otion uuly ,:.ado aria carried, _ ' received' ar:d'Siledst '° - :' • { . The rosolutiou adopting; plans, Cross-Sootions grid Speciiicatior:a: far the iraprovv:~ont oP "]A• StTOOt,' from the North line of TYrirci 3treeL to tt;o South limo of Bight Street, were read Por the second tie!v acid adopted by tY:o i'ollcwir:g veto: Ayes: Cole, holues, Owoger ar,d Irving. 2=oos: Norco. Thv resolution adopting; plains, Cross-Sections nnci 3Y~ccificatieris ier the i,u;pruve;:e::t of Court Street ~ ,' • ~ Prom tho Cost line of "F" Street to the Eust line of "I" Stieot, wcz~e road Por tho :;acvnd time and adopt~xt UY the Pollo~ir~.~; vote:~'.yes: Cole,;fi6l~os;'Owage2.ar;d Irvirag:Boesi Iror:e.y,~;.: fff~ Tho resolutivn ado;,tirig plans, cross-saetior,:: ar:d :rpecif'ieations for the construction oP a sewor in f P~ialto Avenue, ar:fl Carter Avenue, were read for LTie_seeonie tia:;o and adopSvd by the Pollowi»g vote: Ayes Col v, :•i[~1 a l'•r + Eolnes, Orreger and Irving;. Hoes: Norio. The resolution doclaring the intention of the ittayor anal Caar.,on Cowrcil oP the City oP San Bernardino to f, opa?i Penn Street in said City Proms E1gY:tl~ Straot to t~i::th Street, Ras read Por tY.e oecond tir..e and adopted by .~^,k i j tY:e iol>:oRir;g vote: Ayes Cola, F.olAVS, Owvger and 2rvir:g• Nooas: Nono. ~:,,,,~' e resyol~ution authorizing the l,eyr~ent of orro hall the cost Por tY:e ir:,prove,:,erlt of ;bird Street Prom ~!t~ .~G12!=N++®L•'-3", . .'e :1.1 ,~+T `i: 3a r~` t0 ~+•:.'v _~'1''.. t v ~G.'~. .cam s: .s.y+r-o Y-,... w,. Y.. 1 ( Mount Vernon Avenue Easterly I8D4 in Pavor oP the Highway Cousts'tiction Cor:~any 3n ~Iie 'suai oP #4285.28 was read Por,tehe ~ecand Line and auopt~'~4izil: "C. ~ , _-~ '-° , , -.1;3~y .fl-i4i ~ - ~al-~a , ed by the Pol2owir~ vote: Ayes ~`olo, Holmes ~regEir arty hvi~rg: AOea: ~4e'':"~ ' ~r?~'j I e 1 Uj%V ~~•~r ra.l i1111a ~i+' :Gi~~`4 4i~~•. ai.*..F ~i +b j ,..~~.y,; i ~~c~w ~ ~ pa. - 'i, e~4~-i..,, r-a~r Lei ~ F.esplution of I?;tantion No. 407. A resolution o~ t2re Mayor auci Co>ya:ori~`Lrouncil'~o~' th~i C~t'~ oi'38.'~ ! r~'•~rM$'r -+! '-: • .-.,., a ;.r j.. +r s+jq ~o~^::c:aGirio dvclarii:g their ii>t©ntian to impiuve "D• Street PPOrr the Nor~inp ~o~'~~].i.2d 2'Be~La"'L~Bant~'g' $k. r i'= ~ ~r ~?8lAI~r. •S i !9'u i< r~i"w.Sli'f.'6~:~1 'i.' .J6i;rL"-;' ` ,+a"..y~°: ~U ~ ~'- Z•.?"~s.._"_ ~i.~ ' v • .- , , AAry ~'' w , , ' h ` j~ ' s '" line oP ]i'iPth Street , was read Por the Pirst tinio and Laid over Por fina3 Tpasaage , ~•,f1-::! !4~'S 1. S I~''^~ "'~di: nlti ~,r%yf~. a" °>;l"~ ~ . ! f y ~ ~'~3 .' c' ~ r~, JEY ~ r`a+ I ~ ~ `7+'A ~iR,.,+,.. G~ 3ry'r ~f: _ l i a 3. ~ ~ m.~i fib, a: p~~ I Rvaolution oY Intention No. 408. A resolutivn oP the 3iayor sue Comziorr~ Councils o~'>re '~i~y GI_ ai' Se , !"'°3 :.~~,:'~' Y~;. ~~,7< +s{Tt '99f3;;:r'PQ ~', ~' mt, . xr~tf t~,t ardino, declarir:g their intention to improve Court. Street in said City ~r©ri ~ha lfea~ 7'.~ne o~-s'tr~etz'~o ~ Feet line 'oP "T• Street. was introduced, read in 1~I1 Por the Pica,s~~ ~ Y L Lime and l~. rbve~ ~or'~Yna asage.' ;,?:s~E :•S eC$ ~'r~4"@ '-.il1t c~lN`I~ °.F ° ~ :.ilP+ ~ql J St ° '!!!s'.f x~ !g' ~ 7P3'rr ~a, • wa '• ,~..."" i =" tt + ° G ~ ' Re'solutiori or Inteention Ka 408. A resolution of the ]tayor an~ Corsron Gounci'1 "bf"the'~.tiy 6r~ 73e'e- ardino declaring th a~dc?g ~,:" , -.• x r~ aii~; ..",~,~ tom; -: sir intention to improve lH" 8t2eot in •sa3d C1Prasr L~d'Sont~i 13 n0 "oi~''§e'~'x~E "~~'~a ~ ; ~.'ttii~"vG', ~Q~:"l.~: ::"$~fp'~'~{: e'da '~~`f~y`t 'J'C~~" '~ ?!~'r{. ;.L~;'r :'°6~iJ!°` +r. y, a~i~ r czst .a+.. .t~, k the South line oP Sighth Street, was ii[txoduoed, reed inn f'alI Port ~ie rs ~~~~e 4~ ~ado'~a 'h"~x Saliaei?re ~4 ~,ti .'~~,~~ ~ +'ilY~ '-i5•'; ".'+i ~i;~t :"~ +,14: y3'+,'1 ~kst'd .,fr.~+.!~ r;y~ ~,"~'~r G,t r~.~Z3t':•-`#d.~ ":i`°::1 I ~•v`or Ayes, Cade, .Hfomes, Oweger and IPVin~p.~~NOes: None - - , s~.#i ~i:`~ F~~~. ~'S ra ~7~9'V '..'~, 'A.ii3 L~. .'~+~~._ ~a 'I>, ~t# ~~ii i u~~ '. ~Resolut'ton of Intention Fo 4IC: A resolution o1 the Mayor anC. Casson Co~mcil of ~e C~~ SSti""8~, ''~O` r • ~irdln~ it t'I~ir ~r,i ar,ticra fro improve "I' Street in said City Crow the •ltorth line b~t~re~':ti`o~h0 ,~`:' • 1>'b .ti.~.,'1 F ~ - ~ i:'~r~aK.`Y ,e~R ~ #cir w fll~t3IM3 i[. , E Sough i ppZ 1 h g~ set, was introducad, read Sn Bull for the tiraat Litae andelb~~ve~'r'~~a~+al~¢pfa~sage. . ~t 11~~ ,C? i~ #Yci~3 '+x, err a7 5°zS !Y['~, ~:W?a'2 `:J~ j0i ~`~e;~ar~os~t! ~S* "~~~]{ya n oia moves that t~Le request of ConPet, for a re ,ind o S. ice. ~.{,:,i ~"6.~ E~~~ -`~+ :sNTI.~{ '9p.._~"~Ji~fw".~ ~.-1~ -57ie ~ T.' • .y • '~ police fudge be re~csated, ~oL1oA duly seconded by Co,..ncilnanOweger; and•ca~•rio~'` ' =ae >:eatte~ oP Lhe zroving oP the house on tlwtawhead Avenue between Third and Taurth $tree~4or~~" to S ~,yL?u~# isot Weat on Sixt1 $traeL to •y" StFeat IPO2•th on 7* Street a ~nih~tree~e~ointh to YeyerrQ : ..;,-~~`:`; -0-~ t.~,•-r~+. 1r:.~ ~n.~rg4 1~':~adl;.~kiii~;' :"? ~{,r ~r Street ,was upon rro~iagr duly r+1a~ sand carried, reteroct toL~ Stree ~ ~ ~~,nr;~i; ~R.t7t?:'"..LZ . #~ s~ i Cour,.ci Cole raovea that all bici:; i'or A3Lo Fire flagon Un ra~acted a?td t3re~y L'ierk y~t~ ,4 1 ~ : ', -• i ~ •'~"'~ 4vlt~ r a~4' ~•a ~.EMlF Y'i? ':•r S's+."#R '~,~ ~O A',3 t a - + . avrtified o~tae7r4, motion duly soconded by, Cow!eilmar. golmea.anci carrie3. oui:cll•:ii:r Coles groves t~?~ra~tr~the spgcri~ffae+Lions for t:,a Auto riPt>goti bo~a~entCe~ a:rG t2'e City'CTi~{![ '~ =`~i P i 61' . ? ~ ~.~R t: ! ta~Y~ ; "~ '°'~ ~ M1' M~ }a l,;~C'0' Till;: ?e.. 'SV d ~' Ni; 9b.:'..{ v y' ""' irlst "+AV't,3it to 1•eadvel•Liae for 'aide, motion duly s~ondod by CvNr.~~il•,.,air rnroger, and carried. ' Ccnr;cilra^. Zlvir;g zaoves that the City AtLVrr.ey i;rr 1::aL~::eLvci Lo !rotiSy Oxcgcly and I,argfard~Lo say tae 8et~e'.r ~~Il loner •v" PitrO,:L, uGtiOi~ d'11',' ~JeuOii~iP:', '.~' CO::i:~.+l:~:iari OFrCL;Ci, a:~:L'~~'L•rt:""'ii'~l. - " .--__.._...._......___.._.._----,. _..a..,~ \ r~ j , 3 J~'i •~J°,'lY"!~, iI IJ Jo3 t~`}.~i~:b i. 1X aiiT1 A~.. i.~J 3.~r~:>)ftl is ~{~~.('. i, u~oa .dtiR>n only ~ tad elaZefa>td taa>? oa~eeoil att~vallnb to wrt . xoli0. ~ at r~ 1'x~b ~" L :t+adti'r ~ t:s z ~'~ t .D soktoq ' 7??:'.~:ii* ~ var. ~e~3-~'s 1 f ~ n;, t : S alMr ~ deg a ~tii~ tab o • o2o~t s.~. ~a.Ci`.re'i r.~ ,',CCi,•'~P•~U ,ts #"a f.'PL? ,.t Pu.ij`~ ...3 ,i~?6 ~ .,T.:~ t t>.. _iR~! •.iT ,n t'.3:< C' ,aF~:~Z$'$TeG:S~ .!'€.!~ "3 ?fii ~' .~'t.` ,n'i , ,33 e'~t .+t ,ttiJt': ~ "a rx; ~ E"-. 5€a .:E.L JCL-t~.'[+.:;1c~[ .r..~ ~.f~ .;..:i. n .-1.~~~'iiif 4 1~+~~~.P~ ,r'. ~'~k`''is .Y1.~i ~'~F ,:'ktH~$~6~i ..i ,€t14rwS€3c .3f. ~i; r t°f1 ~atYi a°7h.~~.d ~'~. s.itl Tr ;i~~i;fir{ Ala ~~J°-5 /i.A ~.~i P I~+~e iYQ`~!~~ @2~~.~~ t1 ~i .~l t°.~d~.~Yt • . wI'y~ ~ ils Vi ~7 YL ~ ~ VRiii. • ?~~r''bt ~ ik ~~~1 T lc "~~~x ~rti^Yt~ 2b ex&79;:Sr'~ e~~e~ +s ,8 rt~attiesl:~7p~q IAS: c~t~a '` ~ '~ • a+! i 1' ~ j,E441 ri<~i 3~8 1 lDt51aD0 ~1." i C 3 ~'..a3C1 tii?~'!XY Pri7b f/3+~33aeww~t ~ J l E~'~ C~'~~K ~.~~' • Rif M ~,e:.'!.''i n.:^u ID Yttu Rrrw3 7~.s of fit. # akd Ii:trtt+~o~ Mii of i®elrlM~'r•i ~pt++~ ~itA #xr^ e~ti ttttli f w T xac+~xs~~ t^~~~s3fetR 3s ita's~ i °an2 ttRiltno~Mx at# ~t '3+0 - r ,a~lf+~s~ '~ s~a~cse+'t~f* .~er~.RraRtt ~agtteo'Sa3t sa ~ ~.ttr Lei~.~'i~ tsalf9 30 ~At~ tlwwt# ~ RaitR~t~t admen . ,~,as° ' , f ~~rat ,DoYtT I~t Sa';rt~slR s4,~[t,~i;l+~o ~# ts~sass~G? • etf bs1~T exw ~ta~R s ' tat '~~~" ~ ts. s~las rt s~ s+wt - a~t7q~aw oast. #~rMAr. .~x~+rs ~~~' ...e.t.a ~ ~ „~„"~e~"` ~+r"'e ..'"~ owr!" ai. art , _ _ ~ r y~ y~ y~ . s ~ ~i { V 7. r z t " 1n t s. I ~ a rro ~ r e ~/ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~tiar e[ ~ s~0+~ dYf~ot, ~~a Otosihs oolo rw~n. tip t1Mr s>~4aRawiR fir ---- - ~- ~ r -~• -: , ' .G..' r "!~3 ~','w ~!a,s'?~. itltl rt'<, ''~~A~r~ylr ~ ~ t 9p~ r.. ~+°~T~ • ' 1r • 1 Yr~' ~ ~ ~ ` 1 7~ ' ~ ~~'~'T', t,~..-..~~-fj.. i 'i ~ a M ~ • ~ * ' ems' Jai N~iyy.~ //~~ ~' e ~9~0~'~ ~`tr~ ~ ~ ~s. raar+wr~ae,° 'air" :- s~. as aMt~t t~• . '~~ , t~R W,. ~r W.'sa.~ais ~' ~ t ~ ~ , I~ '. for tii ~ ~ K - ~ ~ a ~ ~# - r , 4 „ f . ~y y e ~J , -~ 5 -. iuSM ~a i r rs . t ' h ~~vra'Ji- V Y +~5~+ 4 aP ,tai • ~w.»+F ;.c.~a, r ~ s, ^ ~' !e. . ~ AtaM1A4 s r ~ s. ~ . , ' t. 4: ~ s. ~ ~ h$r .' ~ R_ ~ ~' tae 1uli+'''~t~'~Mi` M.B »~,t.4 ~ T. ~ . Si y. t _ {/ y ~ .'~. 81A'Zi4 '.: ~ ' ar r r, ~ , j ~ ~T„~"'. w ~ `' 'fir ~~' _ « , ;,r, ; a . ', S~ . M . , ~ .r ;931~ha°'4 ~SS~ z ' ~ ~ Rrt 1:.~. ..s s i ~ ' ~ ~ a' `': c'a9a a~" t:, xa~ ~ . ~ ~ - T'+.. r .a r. i (i 4() v. n 'nl 1~• - t~ L~~~~ ~~n ~~'^'n '^ ~ ~ fYil'T :'f'~InY;`1 ~ Wi~ ~ - %~ u ^l~yll~~ ~~' M ~~YA.. : , s l~a~'We. ~ai~ i~M ice. t~IO. s . is ~ ~ ~ .11ea0u7. n t ~ # YlMVii~ e -A~1e .S.'fdti..e ~+' iCt ~ n i r ', T 5:. it" ',..: ;',', .'. •3/Q~~ ~3~~oRww r v a i r .~r~ ! ,yam. ~i,. bA~..~ ~f+~`~.i sFa Yi#i~. l °"*R. ~ ~~•~6A y~ ~'~I~N11~\~~ i~~i'~ y. _ ~ a~l~ a ~ ' n i tip"'' ` ~~' '~ '' ' ~ ~ _ y ~rl~' I~ ~ ~yy yy~~~`` y. _ y~~y- u Aft' ~ ~ ~ 1 a ,' •i ~-. ~ ~ ~ i,., ~`''~"!~` '1~ ~ w1l~iiilY~ mid' ~ ~ ~ n , p.4ti ~i{~ ijl~Q. J~6K ~\I~~. 1dM ~~iAn4':F ~ ~ ',. ' ~ ~I'~'~~~~~1 4 ~~ll ,:F. r , 4s Y ~ v . ~ K' -ar wC~A a ~I« I ~ -.^,p !v~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ a. j{~ '~, ,'s'a .z- s 1 9 ~ { _ ~ I \ r ~ . n. ~ F. ~ µ - EE S Y t Y. f;i tiE i i l~~M+~M lrh~. ~ rirt'~i1H#'L~8 .irr.~ rs ~il'~ sd~' to '~ta'q ~ , ' '~ ~ it i o'i10~! be tlr Z1aM Mi ~R tM l~wtitli d ti1M ~r s wo~i3Mt AMf~7 sM~4 11? i7op11oi~lAf1 ~ ~ i ~ ..__,.__,r ~ ' ~ -~ I ` ~ ~ am•,~~~„~'>p0r~~3~~Lit2 r~aF1 s&~,"C~i ~a~ L'~rti'xc.1~'tisa ~^.'~ 3~~ts#?' 3: 'Z~,~%-~ ~xr~l dpt:31 ~' ~'sieYI ~~ss_i.:z:~;~~U^.rh 1~ /ti.st: ~ aal a wasla~ ll~i! liawa ~ t~ ~'! ~ t,1f ~I~ ~- Y . Q~d~ ~T+iQ i tirAAMr ''~ 1~'ARt '1k+~ t' i oAd~ ti/ OIUYlsllal~ Oai~# aai ~~4 , '? d~.iy' ffi .~.~' ~~.~~r1~-~ a,~ '~i:~ ~~t [ 1 ° :" ~~"r ~~.i a ~.'~ ti..,`+k s"°i .U .':,4 ~4v i v?? ~''~.~ s Yni ~^ni~t-c , ~ i w75~~:: ~r i~ p y ~~ryr ~ ~ ~ y~~,~~~,y~y T -. `.Y?,1 i ..' 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Y.9 ~'sQ~e?a 4 : ~' J r, Oedollaan Oaf 1~iM Sit 0. •A'M!~ D~ - , .Oi?~ s~' ~ R ~ !~l~l scat e.t...a n~ rya ~ suss s~tlns w say riMr .ra wows alts` ~?~~1.N.a><, sa.. + ~ ms~? s..awa 11 ow~aa.~. ~loar rst Via. ~#. _ o~e...ts...a~ ~ Iii ~e~.~ : a.~at..~ ls~e ice.. s so. ~>qs sm.w~.wr ~,~/f tin{ or.e,•.e. .+a. ~ast~?. $ ~ , t+::!~~.:. ° , ~ . ; ~ ~y - t `tMi I 1 • I ~ s Y . IY • g f * :3 n .s r, .P {~,.',•, Y"'N ia: •j i'Y. w •L fF~~ak '~ § ~t }Jf !y 3rf f ~ a tl r `T ~~"~~'~,~R~r...'.iE. 'T `:':~.. ic, t+i~tlw xS~vT.Y'r +4h::r~~..`~m. , ~~~~.r'.?'.itl~1_~ik :~i'•^~ ~^:f: ~Lr ~IRa'i~^~.. ' a-~-. ^r:._`y~ ~"~,i~-'.'.~`~ s~r ~°!~`i .?`''t3 '^-~. '. tv°, :;=.z-.-'~'...`- r+`^.,i ~e '~,x i+Q ~wiJ~? ~`~A+ $:3f'~ a+$, . 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'i~t~s ~ewv~ir os; min sa.. h , ~OR~~ Yid ~ . #r1~°#R'!t!r? x4€ ~'#.~ ~/^'!~.'~MR 'fs~ • t£3~{ .~'~, i 3 11w~0~~ r~ , • ps is~ t~ stlol of Owe 't_ i ~'~~ ~1 `fib Q alert as i i ~,i#'tt~i~~M~ ~ awls, . ~r .~atsm~~tl, ',w~ ~ e~ar~t1C+1M~ avs~ xm+ra ~:t4,~~~ir~i3us,,~s.~ _- i , ~ rii1~ 'sa ' ~r t s_ ws..~o~i;r ~ ~rltwe~r#~: * " ` 1 ht ~ = ~1~ . - ~ ~ r tiwrs ait~rt ar tir is _ _ Y~9s:$:. -.Y 1 ~ 1~ Y~ Q ..x}t93 ,,fep df~ML+ai+~?ir *p "~' ~ .r W;. ~t~ .~a ~ ~ • ~at3ti~ ~ ,°r i; . a ,a ~ ~ %;~4''E~1i l $J. ~,(iri~«7F ~ 'L$1 i ,w. t~ Z-.~'~ +~2TJ@ ~!itii! •'~1 ..J ~;a-,~ .#~' _ ~iw.1Y~?~.'Ii1w~t~.:AMlrsrrklS•~l.~M 4~+?t ~ttl3 y Y°~ . _ `tM W1 t4~i+Ei„tNlt~ A;iT#~K ltrR~r, x+`i~ _ t,. ' S. - .' ~ iy~. "~Y, ~4,1~f ass:#~~~` ~y~ ~ ~ ~ ~if~ll+~ye~ ~~~W~,y ~+gl~~~fi.i, v~. ~ ~sl~~.r- y~~ e~. r,` ,rf .w ~ V Y.IF.a ~ ~ t.t~~:~W~R 'IAA~~. ~rRsG ~ M~:, ~Sd~ ,-~ _ iyA r1~r., •,.g L~ /~i F# i ~ -it.s' #sJ aXro~1~I 7~~ i,~ ,~'+-Y~ :~nOr~i3C 1lw klx;e YS~~ t.~~ ~ ~~k~s ',?.~ x~ '~":°':°~- ~'7y Y" .T,~ fi'1 ~C '~` tR$,~IMR~ ~G~.,. = .'~ ?~'~?~'~'1~'~+~.` r '~'} er'tN ~~.~ii~4`At~'s~,',..a~ z~a+~ t,.~c~ # ti~~.tl~.l~t.ut,cb ~ ~ltC ar~~YS'!t ~c.Jt~i,rC s'~++ ~'?'tCatti#~IR ~l CFA. 'iS: ;?i$ ?~y.,y, ~ yam. y~r~ . Y ~i# ~ltt:a~.' J-,,:; 'f 1 $9 i!&`+. yrl,¢i^S , ,~0•l t'~.I y~ 1! , i . i~ 'f TM ~ '3~i? a. '~,'~ ~ Y ~ Z~L$ #k. ~'~7~ Y '~4 ~ ~9 t , ig. ..- ~ `"".l 'x' 9f!~' t'1:+.!:•] fir i::V ' i. ~ -j'a~~#Ff' 8~:.11?1'.k..:i~;~. .tlll '.rV a.a UJ J+AIJn..,~l a.Ai OY '4r1w..talait YC,1'.3 1i1J ~t,..~. y}1fi'i~ tla?viLi'M:~ idlNto-. i1'~e+...L.~ u.p:~ :.yi. ~'~~ _ • •aldt 1 p!e sxiaf PAS:at4~ !7 reo-t Y Lr ~r :xw6w1~'~ i°$Ftl ...:,a t R rY~.. •.~1~ es."~.s1 ~ ~S'M~pr+•~ :.ri ~ . cY",,.. ~ . .$ •~,1 D~. t 3.~.~t~ Y ~ ~f .'Y.faKf~Y4*-swr~. t ~d t Jt.~ v+a jGa..sme.~ 1•,G.::I~iN~<~[ o> >/4r# 1;~~I~llr ~ ~i~i4VYw ~l rb t'klw~ :.rii? b, ^~rw: Y~::,, f~;, ! : ~~"1 !`a~+« ~b ~ ~ .Ott ~c4r~ss ~" ~~'~* +E~•ii,'~:i g1as3 r~ ~w~i,1,d~ ~~~-. 4 ~ ~R3 ~ard~ 1 f T '. T :11~~. ..~e..r sc.e,.,. - -~°~~irti,ia...~~ ~rarww.rw~. ~.~.:fuG`.Y.... ~.,a...,..._~. r ~......~........".. _ .r _ ~ 3 f e .-~-_ ous. ~.u,s.a Bssesao, ai. nws:r.iaa, i a i a ~ j ~ ~ ~ Jn„ +!~'1 e~ r.; S+.! yJi"J '...3 i'.r li~.._:e.i~ eyUe.'~*,~lt`J 1 w `1'J m~ +rY.? xQ ,iE`Li~~~r. ~:yh.P'7x~'F{i 'YtaiiJf~i:.-" . was rssas o~ tar ¦ave a.a.l~o~ o~¦Ma1 ae ar. awll •~~t ~a `halos , ~ , ,,.- ; a _ Jµ:3 ~ t t1~1 ~»k! :1! i r.1t.~ c31.'~ 3~ ~i~wcn~>~ii~'+t1~~{~t '~, s~rxi? nt .LLarsr ;rllarf~~:xot~g..aa~ it ~ p~ar~aL; Ooarllw vo1~s11oriaM?0~'~i~ea!~t i 7i~~ ~`Lf~ ~1*5"-g#3~: lan ~ANh. ! ~j.._~; tca ~~~~~15I 'sa.s ~~'*~ ~ 1r tWa~iJ~iio Dt r~0~i~ ! .i~~.ut'~^+;~ ` BawOlulr~t ~ ~1~~'~itzN~i 4I ! - :1 ~ • ~ aear~.J~seats.~Opmr~s W. HMO+Je issPt ~rc3',~e ~' .fir 1~~ ~9 +~:.ta ~ `u'ser Io la1a f~ a~a.wret iwllWi d sie asi~ '~ ~o~rtmet "' ~7rwa ~ ~ w~ssa~ :jai.. ~ - a . ~ r_~ t ,4~. E . ; . d. j i' '~ y $~~ . l ' ^ ` i . Y lrwl~a~srMrw~a ~IpgN~ a~ ~- J I ~ i eta! ~ a ` *E ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~t "1 ' ~l tl~t. ~ ~~'~ III! +lw? ; ss- tie , a 1~~ 1M M ''- rts'~'r ` v~ ~ ~ li .al~Ms ~1 . ~ ~'~,~!' ate!' L - ~' p,\ ~ ` . a*tid "~ I~ iiR+~sar. ' , , M~ ~ r;:~~- ap~.t ~ s ~ this ~s ~,a~tt~':..::i yw sera ~ ~ !i N~ iNtas a~~`` _ ' r . ~ ' h - 1eaa~1 i~r1s ir+!w ~~R a+rni~u'- ~ j .al[till'~6:.~.itv~~~. /1iM~ ~ ~si ~;,?J Ifl ~ ~x~ aa41i4 tip' ~ ^~f . i ~.J,:'a,~!' ~ i'M+ ~ (~~.'ti!•~ , a: '~Yd~ ! 1..~ ~'f3e .s 1.'4 ~ C :='R Zt~::r,. ~~R,~ ~ ~Y'+A ~e ~' i ' , ! ~ i~ ~+.i3 ;>b~ ~t,arr~:... '+r:L~~~. r?tL:.~~;yr .;~II3~?1 fib! 'id Oc~,,,.:e.S~£nit S.~s +a~3 7iw~'E.iiei~,. y+a.+wl,. ' ~ ''' ~ ~ ~ . s. t!'d. ; . ~ J :w : R. .e e. ~ ~xWi~ t f'~iL ~ lsf ~'i ;.~•r.L MJ f •Y '~. r, x,~.;~ ~ a ~,~YM'Y ,~.~i}~Fas1~N3 ~ ~' Yit ; . 'I~ t ! ~rl, i1M~i ~a.r~ '1 th g ; "J i ~ ' l ~'~1 r r w i '~ 'y' .,.u '~ ~ , •h 1~+ J 3 1 - oisr p•jj~;. Bernasdiao,oal. Dea..49th.iQla, Ra~Lar ` oasasd ai~tinL as tDs YUror am Oo~ofr? Oomsil o~ 'tom Q`it~ aQ 8emnar0lAO DN1d tusada~ " ~ ,/ ' ~ r ~ 9r ~'"~~ yjjj~ ~ i<~ZlJv i'~ ~31i Y4~",fY 6a?.f IV j11jr0'9Wi~?'i ~+`!' !3'Y~A~:.:r~ ~s4k a'~ ~OaR1»j was OaZia~ t0 .ast~aey~q~r~~1?ae-71~i~11. #s: f.~i Orl~1A1~: ~'~.~g+lrit~, tes . ems' ~ l,. r i .aH~{~r}1~~97dfir',L1:l~L•j.:Vs ~:"s~w~jl5tidri}iJ ~~rfJ....'iJ ;i ~ ~ ~ e. ?1 y y} A' 1 a t3 { ~ srnlssba sa. a~Nl.~sar?~,~~' s«~~+. s~ ~ a t~l ' daaiarias sass: ada~tsa ~e a` , . , t r, ~ ~M~~ 1~ ~ sow:. . `2f1 '~l11 aws 'Lu ~ ~ r1iF74t ~t•a~•: w~iar''!i~'[fW '"a~Lt ~i ~61i ~#Oi1rA - • , _ air . 'lS '{~ l9 i~i Y i~a . f~~ex Oaf i%/ Sf. Bids for i o ' -~ user ~iw'' / C~oit+sA ~ ~Nb~ • Name ,Qd{d.~ess,, r 'm,..- u ~ r ~ # ~ gJM~~f11111~~~' -'ra 1 ~G t .Efts r,.~s Q} '~ , ~ _ ~tl~ ~M _ ~ - , 1't?.~l rrrr~l~E S litiart~f a»a.utGit A' ~'O~ ~!b3.9':IQ qty llirirO~ai+Ir ~ ~ iN iF~ ~ 1~• SM~~i+e'~~ 3 •t;CoME1~Q ~ Y?? d#Ir~ axs a~ii.s711 fMo~lllriltt MIiMMitt~~IM11~ if~A6 ~' i}Z~+O~F ' ! i~:~~rg~,r~lit~~ s~`rri~'Ar4e~~~ lrf++a'-3a *~n' '~ ` K? 3' k~ iar ~ N ~o1s~Gwi..aaw. ,~l1 -- ~'- -- ~ r~1iiMY~1 " r • i~ M~l~'~ . ~ t v Y't Jt III ~Ir1A1~ . ~sY v`t1{ ~ ,- t ~:r E>~•iw~_ DM~,:, .d a `L'am M• JxY' '~ 1 + c ~ ~ ~ ~' ~i~tal ~ r ~ I ~IiI. Ott ~ l '~' ~ t+rarlra~ref ~s ' 'ally' , im~r_ J ira t# aai !s'~ It~w+[tb'~ ittt#~r".d •" a1aw~ ~i / 1 A • P ! 1d~ ~s tiM ~artal? Mkt oa Mira 1~Ik! ' i#~ - ~1M M~?1M 1a aa1 tre tM , ~ ~ OiZi o[ taw f~ ets~lt.syt ~s wstittii i"11rae~ !114 ~ E 1~ 3~ 'j~,~~.l.~f ~OrOlMN~- ~ ~~00 !!rs Qilr Mo'tox'o'fau~tgtiafaaLiaa Nar~!~.) a lid disoooa~ will M a13,and +ow all repass sad aooetsoeisa.SSOa tbs lK~lar•retail peloe. •e wlil also ovatatw to tAs ~s s+ats 1~pd ~ oa,au~ sad ail ~ ,.~e.........:.W..._ _ __.__._.~_._.,______n._~...__._._.___._.~ Contiriu©d- ~ .,b~layolea auq . N aLvett 3n s~?,iRe 'la the ctity 4i' jaa ~aardino saa am~.tsaa L'o LoN ria~r la nee u ab ~ -ore aentionea.27rae tLe t.~as sug11.~#{lA~i+e.•t~oroipaarpeie ee aaF.~s+a~ad~s•alilril br iafu ai~rnioe u~ti 1 f '~, r tDe es~etloR.gt Lille L1ts .+oQ t,~elrlQOiRr~t. , aal2 ~~ale ~ oel~aaae rs4Mt aleredio~°l~~a~iefsitbent extza i IlT1TI'~, , . 6 !4~'~11~~l~ tttD~K ,fYt i ~ e. rYw 1'. ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~5.. 9 t~l ~ ~ t` i ~~.:4~n . ~ ~ ~ .....'7 ~y ~~..1'~. F ~ ~ . ! _ '~ -' ~ ..sU C. l:f~_r:..d t~?l+~%'~~ ~i'1~:~rL`it r1~f 7i'v:fr::c,~17 ~Y?#~~ Petitsooe;elmed t,r ewers A®a mesa ~ racy rspMri~ ~ amp taea4eiluti et tam elstiat t ~% Ji .~t.; .rr Ia1ld+$..'. r iJi W`fA«.a it£!.: L1'S:.,:vLt *a;t f, x.t x.~N it%t..t}.j.,.a :i+:l7~+ d tus ~ oa` a ~tooiysaals Lituoz~ Lioaaoe to J.A.Petexse~~eq[ lt3ssst~ si?~sa'ep~~L~~ it peMioa!' raetiat, e ~ i ~ ', 1•:~~)~: .~t.~:l (:ii~.~~ ~i L3:'~t~~'~7'!;.`S s»F; [be~.~{r »a:.Ss".i!. i11'"_%'~7.,t'>'Yi, ki~7$6 'r :tl6.»d ,.i .~~W+~3~ -l~.n3 -4~~~~ '"' { t ' iese heated iad sN) A. Ovraeieaa I:•1..i~ a+aree that ~?" ~~F~ 1n'iaii~d.waais oaeoaded be? ".. ll..jf i~~..~r.IV C3V~~.il" °.rYfrf ~"'r.Tt:• 1{'~ .d ~~S SrJ'-y ~.s al• 'r~ P{~~i"~'Z~N i.. t~ir'.r "¢I!~t~ -.ai3RL'A~:'. r.~ ~moi~aan -Oo~is .aTa .assi:d. ~ . • ; ~ ':'lr~ r :`lit 1 ~tLiiYD' ~i x~~~ik"i.~`r °dv %~rl:tt t~.~7M S!~ '1.':. ~sw$ JStM ei~,#.C'~:t .~lt~ifR3J Ol ~j ~~'~~~~ 3lWQ ~jatilt ~'-j''d :' ~ 3 Pe'~~t3+ao~ ~siuea bs pso~'ta? oenazs and teoaiets Rttu?a ow tea6se4 rent e[ tAe eesR feet Comex ; ~ Y: a .r,t zy jai ~ ~K a ~ ~ ~'aai~i~ ~ ~ mail as apDliaa ~ t +at.~ti.' t s t°'J fat;aLY~ ~1.~~ ~$~~.~X' ~''~w` •i~c+~#~..J~j:~4.i~.~: ~~h.~F tl'7'YU I ~ ' ~ !ate i1? '~'inoo ink ai lrs~;e~ iri d ~e zaad~ ai~a oo~ieasialt o[ D.ri.tlmo artt~ to ian ffie ars ~ttb- _ ~ ,b~a~iro ~y» .s it~i) C3w..Siti. t.,:J;'r r ~...~'+~" -assn sr+o~,lrtitiei oz faane liitt,ies rax aria yaait. i1='teQ atawopoa ~ to sldaA fetltie~t ee~essaa ~ ~r ' +o•>~-;{i ` •f_l:ssa*.a. ito: y .r ra~ .~E~~f "~ ~~~.`itr~t n+rw:ri+;w<.«;~.~ 'x~f ~xi~•w '=~+tri: s~a~e~a dw~J p# tlpDti~e ~ OOea~e~laaB TltiAr aoia! tLJ~et yl~.~it{{e~~x~yDs l(stt s/?~(R eo~a,y1~~w~~t(st~ 2aetsOetlaY .1M~ giiY~Ji'I ~r~ Jis.C{Td.~Jy~FM + ~i~4. llr1 ~ to, iM Cit7? fl~eaa a44 Ciata~! e[ Police to tdl/ aas eiasextaia sfa wa sfs.aa~ida seoo~ 1I fblaas aaa ! _ _ O - .1[i11t ~tlursssi'2{~ i,x~ etseJ~'..~rm.r~~~.~ { ve~aailrw? 1a~1e ~ tDrt sas C,iti~ ~ w a~tlptlsri ~ s'rwra CartatiM oheefa to eroeaaaasol ' f y ~ ~'!1''a~ire't,` ia~aee~~ „ ilntaee aid eaz~tierl. wosk,a0tiroR ' Bill 0~ ~.IL.f~ittias . , , s• ~ , , , '~ ; _ . :$ ti:1u' sos'ranato at ~ 9s.~ao.wwwt at leaLm aiseet'oPeot~ mKsw L~ia wre ova ,~eN~~1t~ tilstswats to Clezt to i~aKipts., ,',, ~ ~ _ ' ilyot?' dam, aade~eaoYMM4 ~Od tlM ~' ~ ~ ~P iaAf t~6R '~ i ,y 0~ feriLrr@' 11YC111e 1d•OO.~i` ~ na = Y ~I Osdislap~a~ ~•----'~•a. ~I'4laail~D~ ~'a~1t3H~ t~ OlOR Q~ ~ ~ ~ ~~M 1~H tlM ~ ,k : ~- . - s si~s~Ra OC t#~ Oita a~. fail- _ 'W~+~'`ti1~~'ltB~ and latiid e?s tfe tia~Rl. /aaawp. - ::s~.~ta J s kra:! ~ittR ` ~,~i fe$~1N OtAes' t~ •1ie aad -. M~v d .:-. r, - v;.: .,,.'! !sha' a.riY' ~ :r _ ? A:„.,~~ d"~n+~¢'. ~ ~°w"' ~ ~ , a,. ' ~ Ya - - a . ~ 't. i!s u3.u?P :Jw a s . t a.lb ~.~IW*i = ~i K ~ '. ` i~T ." ~ t~y 1,. :V '. ~ ......av+'' r.~, '. Yw ~ ,..~w~ 'v.`'d, :!(~.1Y ~~' '~~..r p .^'.a~'6.Y r~~{fZsY >YZu3h~0A[;" ~Ff*U~Y >K~ ~W'a 2;t1P Ir' M1t~ .~}afx«[~ ?~1 Y,~6?t;.,.~=~#i' xe ° ~ • Y z t ~i~a~ asf*~ ~ M Bft~ ~t~aMf ~ tins ~ ~iM, to ~An _ , 'o" e?lef~t `tia J?lteli' #~.• 'aaalc'~ rw ~ ftiR 1f~'' I ~ ~ .1°~r•~ta~y,a~ 'y ~ Zt~'a ~' ' vf.a tA. seeltlas as tiMa ~`i~LiM:A~~ ~s'-t~ .Mir ~ M~a~.~i7~w~ ~.oodN s? . aam~silaaA vole and eassiea. ~ C.tl.a7rvn~z'afareee~iat t~? Ae,'1.Eie aii rwroe Oa: s~paaswd 1al+ef~ tB~1 derail aa~ tswat as iaritasioa io fne taa Caaaoi2 te' aori~wa0~ !ds to 1rM aaipllea aatllada~ tfNead~ee ist~d~f.at~ 20.ff o'~+a~It ' A.ll. drat t~ aiftft~tia Isa h~lia sala Oa¦fat? ase aastetiliAi i• oast a1t~ Oo~osilaas ~,ltidd iNar teat t'be ~ 9 . laeifatioa of 1tl.O=AI De aoeeftea.ootieR'aeoadea b? ObeDwilaaa t/epe am eidaeried• . ~ .1.L.CafD~11 appeared beZOSe the Coaiwil ror the L'tle QNet Pol?a Oe. eaa is sQaitiap t! tda au~ertioa at yare~rlcas nsetint~tlnt the OauKSil ssrnt autex 17Yio Coatraot sill pia ~ wltAoat oallint !~",' ' ~,l~~rt~,: . ~ -~:r ~ ~ - --- ' - -------- - ---_ __- -- __---- --------- - -- _ ~t -COntiAUed- ~a etbst Dta, naa sutDwatised . to state 'tit aa14 trobld itianisn ail ' aQdi~t2oaaal' 2~ttM*'~ttnt s'ae Hitt at~ht L ' seq+slJeet~la ~r,~eaaeoat4is San~tb ,fs ~f~auld t~°aall~ea' ~i=fi~f~ aiiti'o~uR~twotr~' ; t ! . , . ~ ~ , - ./ 6 ~ r.~r, `liwttl~:o1'! io1?a:~111~.~ss~.~dlda,lCi~ t.LSlirtitT ~i tatoaf ~~' ~'R'deea? oot]sY'ifolw~d t1p `i^or dlsoussfa~ ~'o? >rolla0a "ipyo4.Med a COaatltS~ iOMl~Lia~ i11' ~'~a iil~ .~~'~O a ooe4ki+f :ti~'4Il adaa~si~aa~noe a~ bids. ~ ~1.;;.3",t,.y~... J, r i L,, 1+~ io~nea. 4pMaxr~' .ln .natri.t= or iae n~hZ~F:d nauat xrllat aaa asked ror sizty days extension or tl~e atlas: cpsonasioa saidy,,,t ias~ deuiid. _ . {tJ°d'1 •~ti.. L+''I.wr. lt'i: ~:s+.a;,W N'I~7.`1;J~;+.+ fiYi~ G'iN.. "kJMj4ei'*«(t{ '~yi Yv#nim f,Y~l.t. s.t~ 'rilU 'x..i~L '( .C:•s?~>i~~'..i!•~S~lii'tt i JoDt1 Dos aDDeared l4sroie "tbs oo'i~noil and salted Yo= a aDeoial De2sit to s 11 a oeslent on tDts AiDiiq ~ ; ']'t:it~ xa 1. kl+js•~~c'•:rs't~Jia~,tm -,il.:k~it~3,~1 'st?, rWf; i,~#'•~.A, b ,yr °tu. ,3,•i1„as+ .y~.i a~L:,.;,siu,13','u Yu #:3Z1.s~ =:a. ~.al streeta.Camtl~~ irsin~ `s9oTSS twat said reQueat be deitied,aatia~p esooil~ea Dar ip00fOli>•ai1 !lobes am ossried. .i. '.i '„ ti JSW«i~..fi# jFddirXi:u ~•Y~r A.~ ~.L(LS.~.I .a' fj+~j;{K ~f~.sJ ;!Err~xi ~'AI~Z 1i.+'+`~:tEM1if`-jJ-. •)MaS~~ {k.'ts tJt)f.> 8j9Z'~ '~t,'il'1 ' Qrntnbilaes moiled sttautiaa to tLe sleds Ott tae !tallil.atsfet i'il~s etetiatllo~oampilaan 1.07ea that tY1ia siattse``fi~s lf~t to Qsaasll~an riol.tlss Ilia pOte2 t0 ast~satioa eefoAd+ed OOlf sad eini.t~' , ,~,~3'. '•`°~; J]' '.t.;f "St9 F25f91 °?6 Y%~.. .i .P L.~: 1.1t ii J3cr.sGJ aMi.. GI'$`r:i~i -r~+•1~''l9 ~~i ii~.:,/~ IID.Vi LSE; :;s i~+,.:, ~~~~«~+~+'! s ~tfd tbs ~~a at~1.H.CC~81a~issa rsa• -.loitoa oillisaae ! ~ 1~t.~marM ca ~jios 'fo>~La1Lf~ltian r`soip~• Oawlrila~i3 IMt1t].. 1drM ~~t Aa f0~1'~ad)>•Oit~eR •f0~14, t4r C ", •,=ki141 ": '. 'J ~yi:t GJ .9+]~.3'rw ~.~U:ii.: .:1.•:: ~~J tiEJiJ'~. !~Cci+~,_L.:!Y S9 .~.lfii !~Y ji~J'w ~+'~~ :Y~YIY ZFL',.i•y ~''4~'sl ~]t:! NxsSri°J''- `!M!shSul ."~'~. 001$701~5't 001,0 Iti1a L Jalrslad. el 4+: sw swlij~s::fi.;3.19 '>~JiA .JL~1'i0•{ 6ta:a 'aL1 .~,~JJt+i Ueattcoil S?) +WYJiio. :'91 .:.~:..,.a,- ' U~eO aotloa A~]7 Mae fill OovaMlaaii t'stl.a~.assalMi ~ . tie to aMG ! •t''-;. : 5;.:!i t+J: :' P°.tR b€k3 jL~'diE ,.'Ftik tiaJ ~EJt»i 911.:3 ~ r"-u y.1GL'*iT ti '_':,;.:]+.k'J~~Ki.a.]i11ir.J 1€, :eb `i :lja°~'1-~-~-~a,) , iatn2+fOfq~E DrOerYlb! >asi~Old.at a~iO,o•sir0ot a.l/w.,~ 1 `fit .9 i > ' f'.' ~ .1X1 Rilii:'t k~cttwV Sv l,aii~k t'k Y'.24:i i~vryF ~.~{l?i~ 15Y~ Yale i:~1L L1€u~ ~i W fr.C l€: i ~J ?!X.i~i ~~avi. fi~~i~ yf t~ f ~ j j t~eosfd ~ >li'd dp O~ lans~al7 l~.is i j'S,,g ^kpt4S' t)J i?:2 l'Si 5~1#.~.;:~ ~'!'weJr`1 Vd 4„3R 1ft3a!JerA w~r ~"16.Le~: sJ:~ :'a1+ J«:.: ~+f. " j:' S`',._,.x i I '.]wk•t 1 Y ~~Oc~~:;a~.39 Yu far.;.1WYt,: ~crlt~~~i2~ ~~~~~wi,~! J:a~lrllrw~yy'~ Zia Ytes~:; i t fi~ / a,S''J ...dog '. kt3 d:7 J''~ Sr 1r,i .'~;~ .1 Tt1+]iRl:i'~or`-tll. ~}y: i €i.4 fJt~aaL /. •YY7~ ',t`~`w:i' i[:. 1~.~,i'; iC? I.~,~.~./ ~ f y~~~ T~~C ~ ' ,!4ti,~' ~ ~ •3J ;.,,J1.ev Y1JE i1J ~9 i..~j~ <)1 ,I~ ~':/i t(*f'Y ;~"1~ ~' ~i:~ :~.f 'SOYA ~' ..1'tsD tri'td;.a`, 'aJ €:B~x~€t>11.Ji:s. ]F1itf ~'SSxt;? Y€Jiu 9aif t1M(YlIMD lsiti Gb•'#A?.A'T++r"'t/ .a,rw1 f11:1r ::ttj,~ft'~, i:~.; ' ~ `.i1 ' 'F' lt3i$Y€C.®~~:d~ iti7 YtiQ~il'tiFLk~'i<T~i~~ 'l:k i7'k~.LJa'i-:A,}~! ',w,J j~ill.C 14, L+liI SU JG.:1Willt.il .'.~.••~.~---.iia~ :L[s:la.d~.t'<"«ti f -:A ~M7l~s'I~f*~'J~a>tii~0111~iAoMOitirs~J.te{:Zip tlUisM~lsAiid ~,tt~. :.._t Jai s?Ft +'z J.. ,:!.- • ~--~j~. lWlrtla>at: .s~~rwf i.++]i. xatj '.dGtc? ,~:E:t ~,_J +'t ~:1'vl1 lri d J ci i _~~`-y ~ fat ~ r jj - .Ot.7 i.sitv31 s:wuxa ®wJ vi' •iL: `aF , ;'SY.. Y{ ~ u- t Cs~ .Ii].<~f t": c: : ,5 , ,- , r ,.a3 ~ . ~ Y #tj r at aaaRl? wa '~' szii svl~iixf aaeac ~1iMaata sasa~.,,~,;•?#'~~f+ ~- lrf .1J e.".aa ii?il +tt~1 ai~tJ "~ '~eif#.i4t t.iOfi fr tAftlfut~ltu~iY EE+b ~j4'6ar 3'Ji'a~tr•+af~~~~t~ 9 $m -t"t . T ', ~ ? -. '4 '4u. is >' a- ._y. e' ...' J ~ p ~ 3 &3tSI1i'I ?aal~ j,YYI '(,~fuk~..i wf1( *iit~G4iii"Y .,fit ~tar~tY~J1]tEy rr"9J #~it,i'J ' ' .1Y i'.:1C'Ca~Er~ 8 .ai~'J'( at~ w ' `ts?R' I'a i;rh...~a~J~:.blr iii 1~XSpi=. S15~'.r l~t..ti J11ii•J ~d~.4"ffsa 'iGIY.,~13'~) ?iad~ .~~¢ni+''lii a' Sr«f? t'+~ .~I:Ys'Y:rC.~.t cl.L? ::+"~#•] ~ ~ is i"n :kdl ..t+r .'. .;1J3si i:at :.:.k2J ~ ' ~ 3'S a C('yt:' ~i .n~ ,",i.'JLf. ~rK':UYtV~~7a •3J ~~9~ 1V 14~ f.r.;('r 4€'.L".'~ ~MJ .1 t•`~i :.~'„ le. is -~ R ' i ~ r' r- .i'~` fc,J' 't "„a's~ r 1,,. 'C'~. l L]'l cy.' .f t .r, ,.rf,.r.~,' :•;t ut1'] i~.!.i :3"ti.a: ~ ,T v .../~;y. ? i ~ ~ i a ~ i •i . ' t ' i . ~ . , . i .w " ! 1 ~ Y ,t '~.:! w . V . • ? i 3> :1 ~ w ~ 7 . ~ 1 r { i i ~ l..r_ .....~......._.._.v....,.,.~..~......~...~.~. ~I t _.-. . ___•..Y._.... ,.n....,.,~~... R _ _ V. I - i i' , . . ~ i _ • • `ilLts'lull•~saeE-BsrArt~illS;tlal~DeOwber Slit;iol0. j I S [ ~ (' , . . ~ r '., .- . ? ~ . i .,a: 1 i ~ S l: t s. e ' ~ 1 1 ° . ~ , ~ Rasular ad~bnae~.a meatins of the liyros ann Oos~oo Oouaail oS tns oily os Sau DsrnrErdl~,Asl4 lassirbio; SLt,1,SLQ • e r ! f f : f ~ .I ~ . r g a . ~ ~ ~ '' 1 • . l , a l - " a. 1 i 'L ! A, ° b : i,aa> i i L J / ~' 3 ; A ' : ~ ' ` lleatius was aaila4 to aadrar 1~ 1M~or llolwDb at os0 o'aloot t.1t ~witL for SailaRint ,aeoD~s ,~Seat;Ooumoilsem. .,'', d. , a:} ;jr } 4.j*. ° «t ,oP... :'" it j ,;':3. < t x ~l .;s: itt?rr ..'i r.::'^y'~1 ~,3 1 1 a "t ! aeo i i•, ;y, Oo14,~iolsra:Os 7dd7-- aad Izrias.citx ?ttanrneoK aia#,laas oily Olasl~ Datspslot. i ~ I,1 t)~37' ~ .r: .y bil (:.aE a..aTL. >'.s SE.. .1~ ..h'.bi :AE ».?.i1 Y,. :Fs~~:}v-s :illy-b.IM'1 Eaii it.~ ~ ) 1 the op~eist oY fir asstias was tar tps y~u~xlose os swtr~K as oisiiaaaNlli~: a ry~~ais7, alsotioa, ' .i ai\l~ itJ.'%~i.l '.: .~~,,.r i'. (?J M~ 'a""n ~..i r.i '. '.J'. S' lth~ :fw .J i.',~:... L;,~,~ 3:Mk t' •s l~ii4a ';.r.~ ~..;A .'. J~1~1ai •~}CJ :r ~1Y, to wit.-~sdiaaaoo ~1~0.----~:. ~~tM~oe oalli~ a aproial rleotia~ to De Ae2a #a sas aicr ar. ~n,.DWS~a~„o on i, tSu~estlNr+t~ 1~ta,Aar oS Tsl~ae~i'~1.tcR'±tba yotQoae oS autsalttist; to tee gAlallitY~a ales o¢ aalA ilitt,tox . ' 1~( '~+,i~ ay V y ? •~"a~ rt°`=.. ~ iL" t. '.,J~~d ')J i 1 i r.,~{. .~1 i )aC'3 .I ri lyl l their rat121aatioa Or re~atitaso N<tsla ieoPosed awsp~riittsto the C0111istsa: o~C tip Qitf ~ Jrl~as'~A! 4r?3Btas ~ ;i'~ i le;.r~rlt Jd}". / I.f 6i~s .l ell$ L4 i,, Qui SC~t/:"a i:.b.~1~i e7.JL°.,'j6a s3:le. bai r., etfsf) irT~Ae :+Ca'. 3/ -~f?T~s4i .$[n 3G~j'~?),i siiiQ oitl? iato ~leotiaa•lteolewts,ayyaiatias Eleot2os otrioass tas saga Jcteeties aa~d p~owi01~~ stESh r~setion ~ .1~ J.iJl~,~1=~l 'O1C l,as:e ~Y L):= 6'~} , aild aaIIwariill~ t(Be Ia6~iaa tpeza0ti was intsOaYOad sws In I1t11 to? tBs t~ssp ~ . i~ ~ O~~' Z'0!_ nil ~sas• .:.i Ill :i.:; ~ •A.l:.>Y +~3 tt:lt ''7 li?C SQEt{I(. :a ~~•1 Y1°j~J::+ u~ :K.1 3i6:~ .t~J,. S?: '~.~1.Tt! r•J'~~' ~g£s"'~ i(: ~:7 -ale. t . '! i ', 's?. 't 4'~,i LV aai 3: ~ ;La~FA it.s:~ vb+~. 's Y.ec 1L,lt s;arsll siJ81E3$ii iTli'i°. tk~Y .1.. ~.)J1l'4 lid3°d!'~'2/t.# .1~t4''$t:. •'~; .:C '.a . 1lpon swtiat ~Itlr a0e tI Oovrailaaa pia ssoeodad M 4r at~d Qsossl} ssa~tsneQ Y cca:1 f:3Ht1l:i t,~-F, 1a'•,i wp,wu.,~'t' ~Jst~~J+ia~ ,.!silt°rrYia>ati.~.~s 9 "Y :!.1'9[rsl ~~iG€+s~~~~,~J4 n# •-' . to aaat'.loeadr4 O7e611~ iaimasr iZll,i~Mia°at 1 o'oioric l.1~. ' . ~ ~ .':'.!ti(r:G Yaitd D~UJ ,lit-1l 1!r, ii: v's y'. ;?sirigt,4 8 6YU :,~tt-.1~1.:.:jiNtal EQ Sis+'s~;lii~ i~ ?~S .:.+'3W~ IJ'Y $''..ea'3'~{~ ~,+'!~ ."~+" 1':; ~i \ ': ` :•iY:; '. `~~~'~,~,~/~ iL;dttl[F~ JZi$ Cd[r~1rx--. ~i..,,_"~efl ,~~iu`~is ~'45~~~$ . 6'x,7 fw . Ott :max.' ..wJJ W ~+SUS'. 8 'Y:iv..[ya1w~#! o~.cx°fn~~ v1 stui:v;i ,s .1 ,~...cz~elS#~~..~ u31~~?+s•~~"3' 3~Ib-~Jr.. , 'S?. i."';' '.+'t.. t~ ''![' f: °/i°Ci 'tUl ~=•.=~~,~-j ++':y f~:~+S,dy Oti .~it.'.::i) .}m~,l~ .JV f'-Yi ?:i gA l •`~Q 1':C3s.9 ~v ii:i • '~ ,' •4i"i i'i'i,r'' asdi~c ail ~.s i i .rK ~tI .t;r iL~tlU Y:. v'l~t~[: ?t `].'~9~I3~I1: ~ t' 3~"'S~' ,iA :;c:G 3. } }i, t9 ~'' dt::?.':s);• yde: ..tliJ u:~it: .i>'Et• toy s+, :Ju.t_?v ',. .a°.,t ~$ ,:e,:f~>;~iJl"~ d.r+? A:,sli•~';'~?b ..i~' .;~.lsr1,2 u~:. lfl;' ;?~:y.a!`s~wt~~~t~.T ;+}is3T yii~dti':3 ~1.~, +~F*#aU~~~# r;:F3 'S~a ,'at31 Tiigf : ;ts? tJ•Ju; 'GC:'i j+ilS12v8YStw J1[7WiJ!'a Jarr1S'fE?~ Chit Y91't~ tr iiiis~~3,.~~~~jAMl~l~ t ~i °'+ i.i.- i i+:,: ;j.li l','~OO liij 'Art? Y/,l Ya71) '~us...iJR ~t".? f,f.if .,'ir.~ ,x61YYZ l~tY[2+dia6f3Jl •tSOi.aiiJ'.R7Ix1J '8~7 'ji: Ol«ii:J '$»aC~1 Ils% ~uas aestini aM~lr MMA~t ~~a ~ ,liLl iid?iaj M lMiillb MS117D ~ ~ aS tita aslprsil ' p~aprt:co~ailnr?;Oa1ta,~Y~OIw oast .m is:~+c•a~Vr.'?+~1~~~= ~~M~r,~~ I~ _ a~ A iUYriL. • ~ fti 1. !~l~iirY~i Ii? =- i Y';#S`r ski ~ . ~ ~ Iilarlttas a! firs •arRi~ K 9a0AWlt S~aiO~Is ~'M~''~' . ilsi~olais~a ~o._.~•..~--- ~l~,~w !t ~i11 wit aM~i ~ ~'~` . ~ . os~ips tip ~a~l ~~w ~ tli~ i ' walft~. II'Mti 1~ ssi ~ SisM: MI1r• ', ' e ash . ~l? ~r +rt ,~ss~rt + a ~ ~ ~ . < ~'~ : . .r - : M ~ , r; ~' ~ 1iw` ~' "s•'~E l~'° SIMI` SS~• ~II~/S ML y t0 tila Mptgt lsa~ 1l+SSI ari~wa~'' ~ ~ lM~i Ste. ~ ~ ~ .F ' ) ? s , t :~'~~~ ~ ~ ~ S~ ~ ~ ~ '~ SSE' S F~ ~ssw~a a~~ :w~l f~ X11 rie ri~ #~~ ~l awtN ~ ~1r lfstl~t psi ~'~ ~ apd Tn1at. fMSS: aa0a. /~ l~OlltiLoA MasW~ N1~ t0 I.JL.SR11rss! S~ ad a sAr~ ~ Szalil M[sR tl'o~ ~ ~ ei"rtsaat to ~'st~ssi ESN tsM is trll ~ l~hA?t ia~~ '~ r, t1s twliwia~ w~N. ~rSs i0sas~Rl<ss. ' 01/es'~4 am 1zw~L • soot ?toes. 1.8.1]ailp ay~yaarad bsSOrp liar aonasal su Wialx or vinao titilst shone appltloatioa is Ds~sK flat a lsoenoe to aosduoL • Pool and 111131aTd Hall at fps llosth tort soasas of 'II'rlyd TAira stsaets.let.t)aileir tiled ' ~ 186 _COntiuuoLi- i ra; ~,lt~,ga,g~,pe¢ yfif, q~ l aaA yrpy0atrtotnesa tltaln one huLadred leeti of said oornsr,in addition toyryviour ~ yoLitioe t21ea baf ~ AilL,3asy and Mated tAat:~ltllL L~s:adQitt~~ Liia3turer it?ara tar moss Lira t- ~os3ftY u . f f ~ Fi .L' <S. i;e la+ :'.! jt+ '+a: _r .": :A, 'r idj :d;! » ii '. 1'! :1: `'~ 1- { ::l~ ii remised bI L1;1 OitrlotTGlniatee ~at~d wQu.:~ uP~ tar Ool~aail Lo irant iOE.Mi~lear s+3loeore u neti4iodet~rv ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ - ~ [ ~J j l '.;. : i j ' m'.. A. f i i.., i . t. l x; '... Vii.: ' a { +i 5: 1'u ! r " i i 6 1 1 . 4 p. $ ° t i , ~~a~ O.C.A~ite21 ~ aypeated la 11l1La11' os iasas~ seoaoetDe and >311rra protsrt~ the aranti~ os ea=~ 3iebriee and rioted LML ar . lal. aOt sgt~io ~ .leaf ur to° , ~ ~ ipte der ~iit~es. bs. duitLd:~ ' ` ~ ~ LLb ~ Oooilrl~ ~~ot ~oe~Doas ` ine. °aattes ' ~ 2t ' i,yiR~.y ..'~ 'Ih .E (e ra a:'.l ° J' 1 ~ J«ii ', I ~~'1 i.. one: tees.~,~ i~o.i}aaq og3s.aosr• L1fat tiu~e~~iataar be julid oiaor a?e•s+sdk',Laosioa seaadad 4?`isa~edZsaa isih+i aad ° i ` ~ anl.!.a L_' j-. . ~-,. I ...i ':~LaWti~°ili-.1 u. I : 1'r'l AL. !.W"d. j2''i.x Fl fA.l '!~ ~:ii.f ~l:.. t~.'K jV `J3. fiJ4.3 i4t ~.'F ~ ~L 1i7 'ytr3J 'Sj~f. ~tt.3 ~4f•.f!i.jt ooasi~te sa~nfat Lo prepare aoednle to tntae ~n adrestiaa~ ros b3cs`"ror tae eiLr priatii~ sspoa~tea i U :.•'tis:.+deLd lllr1i „~,s \+J" .5] SJ 1":i"J~lii ;SSlnt3ffi~'i~+~Ara+. ; '':,tea.'-tt~,.~ L11~1,ii.:, .f:' :I f, Y. f1Ut~r+.df.~.JMI i.3~~.F. 1 yroaws ~ aad uteL ras one aura teas ba~ora report .Ootm~s33aan Oa3a swea teat said re~est• Da ~ ssantsd rwtloa i '~ ~ . to jyj L...e4'~} 3 is tL.a'i'S i.+ ic3 r...8 y.;_ ai.:~'.,L .t'J ~.'~. ~'. ~a..~li>'e iwf f:iLj:-e~T~ iiU i:'~ I,.. 41S ft ~(t j'+ 'r„ reuonded ~til/ Oatmeilsan irsii~i aad oarrieLf. ' '. ~' Z. ifl ~'1J ii.laj L.#t zi jjAR~f.^t0. .rr ~fJ% ZSLIa ~'t. 3J1Grd; i°t)'.... rrt! ~ ~F:j :I1~M r i.~: fft' ,i~ i#ti a.:f ~'T. 'i,l~ :1 i ;t:d ~ ~+1 '- I:n 'r -Defy Ltse~ sane • .s,7 stelae that ~s Asd intestieiw Ittsdw in reAM to scales in i:ait o~ Ass I psopsotr in •a'ssa+rs~ between lptzth and 1SYth stre•N as>d loaf Ides .1fss tea til].ias to Rats soa3es se¦ois~ ° tmt tae ' ~ S 'k:"~ . a ~ L ~+{~.Y_' ~i~.a nE +~' f "' t,..M.$j L'.~.n.~ ~:T.,[ tiu1 4,f. , ,:!sue`,: ~ `f fb un ~~j~(ta:.LiJ'Qw '~v 6.v'm.;f. 'l S:l~° nM151 iV6ri 9~~ y ' IIOI ab3e to a+Mat tae •saeasa saesslt and asd •OQeatat ~.lat City yeeraAass tas soalea. OooaakZasa ir?lat der ~ . id.'~ ~31GI.L:3 t U 1 ,t #i. F~ j « L:ri~. 'C'=:ai f. e+.': dt 1L Y 9 '(~+H14"'4s'1 j" tCr~: ;e ~ ~" ` thst l~s.ive a tissa two seesr to tri and di.po.e eat soa3as,tolt ea s~eanssQ tiI Ootlae~aan osZa oat stilrrtat. . ~ ysr•sa swbees ap~sarst balZsRa tAr es.ossi asL~,A sK~fL~r+„_„_si~alru~es oat temaass oft la1:t stzsst 1Mesew '!`aot"a~rir•sta pstitloalte; the to s~3aee tea oobe3s staes Dotter •ast in saia stsaAt ' wit8 Oeauat oattst.oomoiLan osisias aoi?es teat rstpsr~st ti. ssaate4,srL tdr ~dweatise yes aa~s Waist tLs anrs saaeis'so ~JI~' ~ as ~~~r~,~W~~l~~~l~~ ~4 a v~ _ x. #t 1 i1. .~i .':tj t.;.... i y',''~e-i~0!llEt~`sdt~if~d~ tai 1'~laa~s as pet bi21s. ~1let"ids dt~• ' to lAS approsal ~di; ~ 001 ,'~t'aat istijo~ - ~ j • ~ ~ 3...: a .~s , y• th y~ .oi~s.ai n~ ~ . i,~. .~~0~~~ ~ L~ ~ ~Ja t .-:. , ~x -~.~!~ .yam luAt qty otas vP ~e a~ssowssw. Oq~L}il.aaa 2rias new tir?s oitir attovit.~? Zoos ~ a1r ltt a~aa#t .a#s q~stton ~ ~;r , _ ~ . , r ~ aidiit ~~'w'o~'~to'°'it~ „ - ~ ~ , t r.~:a : ~s.?tLr~ ~ ~ ~ - s. Lr:~V~O} ~T~' ~Ilr+~!i 4.. •-.. Iy~,.~~`1' 1..%3 it>r 3iw~. ' +s• r._i~M~~. t~:~i~Li ~1PS1 ~iibtJj#t13,9i.°'.7iaL4dJll1`'?$IiFOI~.1a:Arr9'i'.'j ~d~ '' ~ ~ `.'s. . isi 't-.. ~ ~ ~dj .:Alit eL1LLi~ $..l+i n• TtEi ti's.. ~ : sif~'9F1~~~~Y'Y+iN~l~"SY~L'~:L°.'..ITA 'i, .x ~~7 ~-``. ,:r .:z..=,. •`n '~~~~~.,~s! rx i~r:..,y"i~tl. sP?ki'S:~Va..a ;V a:'f~~CL f'~7 ~ 1ay31iyj'x ' ,i ~.C.•`iamvrTw.~s~-»~~~"9 '~"~ 1~""Y~'i iii eiWyL~iiA LfLv~~«"„ ,g..~...~:r.~ tiiil JYd.iJ~:JR ~ ' ~...~~N~~~~ '~ hi~lli ' "~;YA4 ~i'~Y~ ~ ~ ~t.~ ,@. e j ~f~It)'£ CY E .1R#~i1i ice? •Yd2'La"11. i`LA4e k*NryL3t~Ly 1:1t ~iCY~ .O ~r'M •~1~+r~w, 31411 ~ i1i ~~4 i+.....+ i.: 5+w:+1'.' . J t ~ - ~ a'z . ' ,1e~.c,,~iL,>ia ~IriMt ` '~'~i ~.~'4~''t~.~°"a'''"~~va 9~"'`ie~t.en 'tsi nLa i ~T-:x ~ . ; eH7 ~ t ", ~ s 1 ds1 tags ;.:itMt .,fbYt]4iF.:~`'i+N~~ tad /~~'~~K~~e~~ Viii `p~~f~.I~~i~~~ly~i„LYf1~ $/? Rill ~~Y1L1~ 01M! GI .r.x ~.~.- !jR'a,.i 1 i er_` ~ .~~[7~.t „r?.~': Li4l&t =.~.rbV`7 ~Ltjl[..ti ~ ~~y.~9«+ fk~ l~s.•~ ~s L~i,Mt~~-s~l~q~° .t ~i.~ ~~~e~1`li~t '' 7~t "f~ 't°rJ` t ~aS71r147~A'+ ' 1 ~ 3~.~ a~. ltd Y =°'~'1`*q . i'^''c~4,^,i°'r~ : an~ii .a:'tc~r jcL#'Mnd3c:3 ?gat Fitt Yy6tti#id+r Lxl+i #~Iffeetr~ Lrm.i7 tO'I tIA/1 .It #r+rwy' age#+a ,r,vA [i1Fd:~M17Y[!? ' '~'y1~ , .t NJI~~.rs ' ' .r., 4 i.~.Jt:'~° .sr#w L~,F•, .3,9+Ka # •~L9IY~ :WY • rr ~ 1 a }~ty Laj 4. L ~ r. . d' ' .',~", xt}aFCa. =11 '~ilx1: ~ ¦ 3J ~F!!rL vl.~ 7~I ~-.~Li:E'~Yf~..j.~ d7 r341W211ttNJ r,s'!-."xr tt~Jj rit i t ~a' it i. ~ , '-~ 91 ,' ~ .'. 1 J .' g : ', m',A r ~ ; ': n. 7 fie•}~'Py~~. s ~4M(`'~jil~ a. Yk; ~ili"9~t t'~ a 1 t ~v, •~"J~ 47'l Y'Y°M.j t ~ ~' i ' vim- [ ~.j I .L t 1~`l i {I W'!tl tt:'~ P i}iif A ~dV. ~ ~ . ' ~ y . . ' i ~ , t..:, _ ~'~ • ~ Oity Hall san Bas~nardino,4Rl.Jaauaiy 8Lh,18l1. _ -ars HOsulxr adlouPireA• 11oet1~ OY YLe' ~Oi_!~_.Sl4l~PA. °ei°"`' ~ ~ tbs..41t~ o~ la~4 aeL'~1817w,tield tr14q ~ . a..v.+ w t, - I~` ~' OfaDl~ Jai?.BLA 1811, ~OOt !it Otll~ ,.__v , s~~,w e, arx r ~ ! r_ , , f.Q SAS. ~/_lY1fDtl.~ q~io~`^sJt. 7SLlt' LAO _ . '~. Yollotit~ ~a..ba. oir t~ , ~ -- -- ;- . . ____sira.Ho3aM xL•i,.~ +xtal Apr, _ - ~ p~~~~~ ~ • ~ l V • 5.. Ait+J~A.1 y,E,r+j ~ ,:.tat i i w~~.% A sr...+ QOI~ aoo &~Y01L. 1, _.._«,,....~',,,~..: ~J 4~, ~:13Lfl S7~ y.i J:"3 ~ :ti': x ! 'I'Ag • ~ ~~9L'~eFlsaar4'vw ib+ w&i~,sLtitFa~:r !7r o~,wt .a s.:O ¦setiM ss ra~`t~s !'~!iP~!!lr~C ~rs2,li~ a~sfi~l~li~nssso:~~etia in one QitY oZ . 6aa S0~AIL~d3aoi0Q =ti0aciiW 1~00~M11~ 14tAsL~:1 l+~' ~ L^!`, ~arai! !y ;,lWisa.:.1Y:, . -_--il4~iie:.aa~_w~+INt~ ~i.~ooil~u zr.ilss t `~O!~O1~G r Lbs-0~1 ai,~Ol~"'~ a~Ot ' ~ o ~ji~~^ MIYnMt ~' ai ' ?+tiL a. ~ -: ,r .>•s••i'1.ru ita .a uy E!J and " ~ ~'J d y4. t.4L _~_..-_~~,,..»a~:aa: :,f '. E.1M A,~.a :mf r, iWr.s^;x .•:.ri:~- 4 ~,Cf~.~L ~,~y,~ tc~. ~L ------ _ .~t. . k ! ~ Ls0:.l': 1. 7.:.e +ifl/,y w..i +:~,~s t-C•• r 1A:e~ 1'Y~YN ,Y .r h~^ .S~nY.I ", ~ryl.Iiw a.::a a „tlEi~ 'LfiK ~4' e. n ~ , ~ ':l 1ir ilaa7 t$E ; ~.a ,~/,'#n,,iH+>d x-.'~ i,lr:i. ,~IaaY:~~ udyiii a;:~t~+J it _ !ti . ? 1.i .8,1~.1.~1$ c'7. ~1lnlYb ,N.t.i»ta, J+.. 't~y UC>'~ :w.cr ~:.i.L7if.J7[a;~~,..r 4dt <s=e9 ,~'. f.Ia. 'S. ~-,i A~:..~Yu ':mot N'~23Y9virr ~:3 h'}a ,~,LAIG~J.~11~ "acre} ra al ~,,'1"~'YV.°".. 1!i~L't,s~..r al.?L . - •iMw1« ;sut #i1Gl.f~Fr~'s Ji~ilk'4Y1 .Ar :•;i.».aaDa:~ rai~f ~ WtI «~~-'~~s~c Yr31jR~YR. tot~i3 lpi _' , Y ii: ~~1 ~W~ ~ 1 •'r~ aT ~i•€ a.. ra.i.e Nr ~+~F°,~j°~1 ~°w~ '~R ~.i1 ~ a`L v' is .N 'y' .fie' t. . . a ~'~ • ~ 8< ~ ~ ~ .a+~ c ~ uss tea `p~ Y~4`~_~ , v ~4 fi :'t t. 1GM larra.ai "~ rz Pit? _ ~ a ~ ~t ~ f'lils~ '~ Ari~ ~~li a`.v ~~7~~ a Y - i0~ ~ F -r.; : 'i~i1:.~.~. :rts i3 iLL ~ 1~b~1~: . a ~ s r 3 IiBiMe , 1~ ~ , ~ ~ d;} ~iKW Lu~i _ mss- ~ ~t~~J~ r i ~ +Ai~ :w'~~'l+r a~ +Pb-N~fW~y 4r. ea~J.u?~r~:..~.d37 „i.ur?' ~r~;.ir~~6ili:kl ".eY'1 ~1~.f'°! _ '...'a ~ . t ~ ~ ' , . , . ~ ~t ~r ~ ~t _ ..r, a.~-,ta.'~iF ~w..a.d.r3 ..~~t ~j4~3 ;s. tw.t ~~,i«. a,eX:a~ ..~$.»~s ;+~AY '~ B.e+L1i u. t€ Wu : .i • a, . ~ ~ .w , . . • ' ~ ~ ~ i~A0i0 Mil lM811~ ~ a M~~''~';~M~~ "1 a b+s+fat+~ ~.a,..~~ ,~~,rrli.r_~ , . ~~~' ~',~' ~ y. a 4 ~ T S~t~, ~y • i Uy .~'. ~e ,•ix .a~, ~ , I; a lwtrv~l s.6aa'c s~..~. s.ao ~o ~ DOSO~r1,~Ri~?O a1s11ta ~ i?io~aia~a 1.60 a.i9 ~ a .J .;~a; ~ s was.;' . ~ - t ~i Oontinued- 100 600 1000 Di~csi~rtiir6 Blastlca, iaclivictuil ------------i 1.60 ---~ i.b0-- . ~f ~oDe2ty Z 60 6.00 ` r ----'-i lI.00 Blaalc list • ~~~~~~'" A.00 -----.~._..._ 9.56 Jl~ suio~oos D1,avlcs 'i xJi "t}~Vf1F~y t,~„-~-i~ ~'1ek ~yliYt:l. aSYl~.i..S4i:J ~J.d 1.~L; ii ;TT~~~.: .w ~.u t:'~ .'0 t~ i., W •~r~'J *~~+~w~~^n~~~r.~ 6 N'kS.21) .~.I ~~W ...i/r~S •.~J~?y~a~JU ~/j~~~'t s.: ~11~' /~ • a ' ~ ~ L~JK1?,dwL[t: .teal 'ta>` t=t+ti~f..t~i~a;... ~s~i~aw at tiaw, oC ; ~ 1'' ,..~~.:;s, L4 3,~1!t.v'~ -~s,3 t6~ ~`T~t'air: yti:~J~Ai.y,Ay~., Axf+: . ~ OOnplitlu5a,a !'ae ttL mil' aRL~9[ Mims ss ~ t~ii5 ~s~snt M~ ~~'O~L' si1MR a Mr s~+M --~-~-• ~.~y!.y t' °"i',e r•~.. ~.aatk 'tYi~"- s..t~ 1" ; f .j:3 tl 1yi~ae`i`+~..'~'t .r si. c~.e_ T '.A:.~ ~"i1. Y~i ! ~w ~ _'. ~ ..'..~(i . < .-,:: , r:. •1. ~' ;;- ~ t,,~y;. i?+i 1:,.#-.. '{.. ~.d. i'a*M L3 r-...~1, ~rS~a Xri.•a r~iiii4y.L~ ~ 3; , . . , _ j uroa action o~ O~e~'ea~'~` ~ ' s"°"M~ , ~1~~ ~~W' j~~y t ~s so '"~ y . ` '. ~ ;,,1{fAT ~ `1n t}.'~ `.P:.i z. r. ~IM 6~ tj at ys? .f.~ # i 7.rv!~ Cdr ,d b ..~' 'i"y i~'~F ...r ~ r ~ MiAs Y~ efl~ ..C Ar E + ' re~J S~3'Sb:t~ .i~ i .if~`4i:..~.. } ~ it3'1H3~ ar:t':~' "~~. it1` .:t.~~... ,' ~ ~ V •:.g'C '~~'~.r , s. .t 2' ^.`r!" i~'~fAB~ 3A3~ Ga. ~ R'if4F ~~x"f~.t~'f~y ' ~ +1~ iepi~~ +.,iJ $-. _ i.y Asa xJ :~J'~, .t s r, ~ ', r,~1g..'x'•T~• -'`y. .~».~'.~i.!Gt 4llSd- ~'a~1~y. ?.S+'-~1i: .R ~.it. 1k 3iw'.. 'r 'r iii hes~+.ft 1r+i --'4"Y~: key- 7•F~:.^.:~yi. w. . . lt+ 'j,~j Tfi1 ~'lpd1M1~ +tMirMri •YAplrix - : s. ~ • ~ieaa?i. tPi: l ~v ~ w y; °J4p. s .w:..i -- . ],al . n .s+w~k~l ~ ry 1 .1~ii ~ s r may. Leif . ' 'l: L lv ti ~ ~ ':c ~yl} `tb3 R~ daY :J Y..IM sis~a, _ ~~JLt st7~t ~Mrt N ~ CtY 1 ' Cweysns~a?sMf~4~gt to Mist »a 'a ~ ~' L da: _.~r.. ~ ~...~.:~r....~rrl~i ~.'~'4~'lr~..f s4 ~pF ~ leis 'ZO~r ~t,_-,i~q~~,9~tj,' _~....' _ _ , ~ ~ , ~ _ r--- . ~ Continued- ua:; real in iu 1 and adopted ;:y tke ioiloA~int voto. lye: Cole, }iol.mos, Ouster, Irvint. Moog; none. ' A~ 'os~YSrlaloe ~x'!.~ it "sal' ~ ~le~t'iCiil tlo ue~ ciRiti ili'`iiuo Oit; o~ S~Ai'ASylaao orgy Suesdry Lhs lttn ~ .r . r ' ti.O L~,}~, y: i ? .i .t e a a aJ '.' s a*.»t~+W' ° Y~+~ w v. Y. ; r : -~. . ; . irk t~T' os" 7~iiaik~` .1'dt tail` ~ i~` /su~t'i . . ~ ` lbw ~ W+r2 irt~ .e1,COt`~s os ~..id .Rt;is~a tysi;s ]ortitiswtioa es~ 'sejeoel~d ee~Yr'xit' ~biDa~i~et ~`'~: t7~i ' a~s"t'~ o~ i `~tiY a~ i.a s~?ldlaat,. suiitt Oit~? into elecstlou pssoiuots,a~poinilalt e2*Ot1Ct arZlsOaa/ s'or ~aiit eLlat3aa aq ~.a~w~. > .a it ;r, s., °i. , _ Ot ai.t3 ~l~otian alit OYAYaU171( irbs 'rri~sal t~L`.~ ~i a:w8t -3sr i'~i Tabt ~ ~ Dt c'~.~is a`~ s~ Jj j ~' f+~7svi`°i tit., ..' a 3 '„i r A! t> 't- 4 s. '. .i. . '.}~'1 t.v' . it YJ , i'2. s!' "~K`.. s~'l~ ~ _i j y~,~,~Y,~~ . . . _ J . . . ~ :4 9 ,' .:i a. ~..C'. .:~~~,.~~-~~ ~~~1~"~, - r..A , ? :v, :t~~„}' r .u4fw aL $:4~i i-'~~' ~9 j~~IR~. s1' aarru use .ate LMi t~ ~ ililtLOa,'i~e4 LO liMi. iil>!>~i ~T ~'. lafwdtAlY, ~{~..s . b ~.a.1.:s ,i k 'bill ~ j~wi: +&~o Y ° LJI~/,. . o C? i-r '.i s ' •4 ~r ;' a 9 i;. .'te. Ma iosletil i~/~ Mr<~ t11a .O~YI~~M!~AMi~~#,.'~3~1~i+~•;~Ai Llttton, yiloigrsapp. oat tos puiite a0iyetll: Lo it 1a yl~g0r bMliit ~ tom. • 1?tNera~wa ~~Ji~wl~,i0 ~C3.o.~s J.~.iyaR~tiat M .'~°'as : to ~ :wo . +~i~o . ist~ :s+?ia r x a, .c iA. ~ s.~lsao ~awilat• ' ° Araeoisti~ea that s..l~A aa.wxst~.l lMOi1 `t1i~'~oljpiioai ao i sri~ o? `a~lni=liJ?• ,iio#iL .w~t~f ~NioA ~ >N ts1W?toA ~t.ArahMii~ i'.~ilMiWy~i~ iiKlil Oo~,llq 7af.L1M~i2~ ~a? M tw oollitisr.aottw .s~..~? 1! aO'taM s~aa sm7elled % f lsa~osr sY. ~1 is s+MriC er "two Riil,il a>~lAStiaa is DN4la~''to • _ n a s 6: a ".,a 'ti: '"l r. S 't w".-~ a J' ''s'ilo 1 ~ :IV~~ p'S':.F. M'.wa':~ " ' Y ~Isl Ri 'C~s lNi'iA iwR o's~a~t~ i&~ •II"'a5n~ i~ a~s'..i~~ sjos `.Lt a~ssi+Ila to ps~tii,~gls -Y ::e: ' , . e1. +~':'` 14.15' ,iv, '#,¢''=f t ~ ~'~ f•Pr'".. ~Mi M~;i~ ~~t~ ~ awsles tr~aia L1~1 raii o~' slsi~ ~,~i~11i t~? >?~eeyw Q. .YpiitRilL1~ ZOR91/ A1~ieo~Kaip EIIRt W e701e~17i~ i~ ~~' frt. Tr e f ~ f''~ffi r 7 ru~ ":. %en .~'~ .;tE^!a ~-°!_~~_ '. i eb 1+,: ,ye~l X'~a:. a.• U:~i ~"--. A .,lb,. ~ +ti' v$~. ~ Y~st?1 to 'iW Oi~ .1~1~ .~s~». • i Y . i ._v ,.~-.. ' 1•~,: '!.g5~4 ' ~' a ,*.k ti },!`+s; '+rL ~ s - ..ap°l "'~'\~:l .Fi,sY. ".: k4 . ~ ~ Y1~taw~~1~,~ I~OY+i~ri~ MI. ' ~ At~1~~' >a u»il l~llb ~~y~ `~/"~ ilt.R fN~! al~.~sr~' -.. ~ J aiy~ ° at' A `«a'"a.; `..t~~, pr ~ ~ ~ #~t~ +gtiL a ~r swirl . s~.rs rt titilt °t~ri<;~is"ar ii~?'°ww',li~il~t +w?`~Ir,~ '.~iai~ ~.j~, sic s+~ i~3• ' irk s+~ai~it lgpit~` "al~`i~ _ ~'~ ° ~ ' _ M ~ JM~ta... wYr• ~l~S~ Nei ~ ,fRT ~ ~ly~y~f ~ . .~.t.,?IrX j d'.~.w>~L~ a t~u. tr" _ . a. v ~~'~ ~ ~ e ~ ii4F` ~gARa;._i:~, 'a:,'~~G.. a, s°~"i ~:'; x .ti °~'4~'~"A 5{-• '.~"ee" w 'aia -y{~ \ 7 ~ Tom. f~ \ ~ % 4' A ~ -i`w ~''~ gym. ,.i'y~l 4'~Y ~' ,>~•~" Fl+:. k rte. ~ '~'~i A ~ F ~ as v L:+iS .!s~.'~d a ~ws'v^' ~ . ~ de ' _ . _': ~ lYrr p . . ~ ~ ~ . , f. , ~ 4 y ,~a Y . ' ~ a Y. ~ y Idl t ~" ? I Y'_~ ~ ~ Y . _ 'i - , ` ~r "' ~ ~ i r , ,r.,~r, e LM i~ Y ~ iiMNw~~~~ 1r~ ~ >"!3''~ . i a~14 iAls A.1a0n/ia~?~fL1i ts~i tom. 1litis~r i a~ fll. ris #~i R ~ ~ IM.ols~slli i0ai a ovyr of ice. Iw. yL~1M litp tt+YS ~.i~.~.O Ip Ayar+ a~ iw~ is liw • ;' Cow~si omatr~~... sroeCnitiaa o~ LAr ptluoit ~ ttw City 9K' Mat Araer~.tlos~+ smut ti ~ yo~s~ o~ ~,';~°' I p j ~ F e .:CO11t111110Ci- tlle i'irst ooivmereial enterprise attotlpteA uy serial l~avit~ation,and be it 11LrtLsr RTw,ioIVr:D,tbat all exprsasion oY aypreoiatioll bs extell~ed to Wo.S.aaott,looai atent !or the LOa A1i~I.~i TI1Qii,Yor oourtieles ertenQeQ in YZesenLllL~ to the 14iyor atLCi oossaoll ooluXSi1 os i~ C1tY o! ~{an Bes>aaisiino~aopies or LDS ~ ln~sles tiaee as II ' 1,_.. ~/' .y 4y1i'. ..e«: _-.51°l at~Y.`-mow ~ „ y reaelred by aesoydio~e ~at~uasy 1th,lall.tmn De it ZLttA~s ~iYjiD~that t ~4i~;~!s t~.. s~gl~tia~ A~ seabt~ to • ~ spas wear-or tLe •lLas I?lo~eles lirsaar;' to Ow.l.ioot'i!,~ooiCl li~.~id„tp~.rtt,: ~s~a1~Oa '~a,,~y~. ppp~ . tale ~sitn+nGis~ ~' 1x111 ¦iti~. ~ , ~ - ' upaei aot~i 'duty 's]1119A'aM aeooridl~Q the sr[ss.i 'ot i'iy~isiat~L :t,~i: agbbi~ stigp' t betReeA •1•and'4•streeia •ae posDoneQ until tt~s oaepletion o~ the piiti'ri noe Qa~t~,gS ~!'~ UpO~ i0~~e0 ~d,e ~ 001t1Ytila~C'I2!'t3Cj, aeo0e~ed Df „;CWf~l~t+ i~~t ,°:l~E`~~ ~~ea~moil adlauznaQ i .~tb l•Nt ~q'"~rYlnilc ~?'lARt,2sii:at Z.o~eloglt 8t1t: . , J ~~~~,,a.~~.a~~ ? Ci : -. 3aa>14th ..di .l UI Jr'-,:..i _ Y. >1_Mr~.l~'~~~~i".i.. ..r =U $r ,.ma4.y jJ? j~ 431 YLa .a '~ ~ ;.j ! 1+ ~,n . . , a , ;,4, r. . '3 ~ Auv i, 4i.+.: i+~x`%I+ Jl ~L`4r.N ~a1?=.3!?r3! l,tr C I -J., t - , :re 2}. L .a t -, '~ s. .n 't tel. tF :7.1 AJ1 :.c:}i }.+YVilc+6a i.j ~iin$J 1k31 ~¦L'?'.:T.ei ~ ~ '- `4 1 , tae u _ _ ~ a. ~ a ~ , ' . $ ;ae 'fr i, , .n.. ? ; a ~' a . f 'J ''h i 4 i. i^,k'. ~ a .FPl i~dkR4J ~J :J r .,j+F +fi+7.li w $.. iii adi F.a a, i. .a.~ j { . t a f w L 4 i.,: M lF.. i n': :.4 .4.1 ~ t i. L iJ. 's . _ 4 K. _ r. F+..i.ai°s~t' - a ~~+I : l a,... a :' a'~l y, ; i. '. i ..' 4 Jia+i ~ . ,". ~ . _ 1 ~ ° ,.' I :.4P: ~' 9 r . 1 A?s+$ ..r ~t dJir i1~kaJ',~ 1YMl M , d o :v ~~Wn~ !' . ~ d':.~ ~4 faL t: :'«MII . 4' ! 4 ~i i ~ 3 i~". I'Q.! ti. > q' a.q .+U ,.€a'.>a fSr•~'$ llllb~,t;.3, LF'jLj 0.i Ji1~Y.s'~`~ i 1 11 s .'tis. - ~ °1, t., , ' ~ jCi ~ , ~ 1' ..i .~' , 3t~.° r '~. s. i ah ,a s'w!, x "e i °ik,3 a ..- .§i~PS YaLi'~ $ .F lewLe.:s. i • u. ." . ^ . ~ ` j ~~la~i !s '¢.3( F ~w i;y ~.i1 "r.a «FfaM"~~ a'S.ea ' C ,in3 _ ~+1~Y '.J y^.µ dsiF Lf1. J.sa ' w 4' LI ~ tai~i,. 1YC~$4~ 1t7L1~"~ • ~ • 1- , ~ r` a. ~,o il#1 ~ c.3aa 1J17Vr tba d Yet . liJ.. 'M.1Yaa .a J.~d ~W ~I Lrtii M i ' : t.1 ~.dea,~ s:'! ;.'s,~,. •W.f s.i+.ka W:,w. ~ ,i.: a`: wgaa li.a ant ~ ii ar !a. o+,r ;~y,aa.~ 4.~ ~wN.~a%ila+aa~.~ E . _ t,.. .,ra+ .e~'=5 rare .`3~Jn,. J ~y d~ati~J+t , i.a- ,....ca~aF '~ 'las. ~ft4+ x+rA1~ ~ ~".r11 Vlr'L .a L.1+~LV ~d.et'sUZy i i • _ ~i~ '.e 3,Yai~...a.~i~, $-'i[,.~}st ;i..:~.3::, : ,:,i 'ya.a•r v,ot ',NAM14 aa4Miaxi i+.iLw s•i JMJJ HCHL J;.Lifl~i ~~d Js ~J.L ~t~q~s~tir ! w. ~t=.d ~ '..: +J''I i'>^~ i. n 4'd+''~IA L~. ;'i'-• 3.:a+ ~m •iF.eitr a.atJ~Ld!^L h Ji.. LJU•s~ YYi ~l~wb~ FAL~~i1~'i Ofi7~Ca ~is'~ '' ~ f v'`~ 1 _ r r , ~:Y.~sr`dW ~«~,'~il 0Sa1 L/L?xiw i, i.Mw a.," i~; 1"sC.`5a`~ ?`ttll ~~.i EY,Y't,` ~:°~a-v -:.,iDx' i%•~«~R'Y ~1~,'r$. ~{i #~+., d'_:yy~/b~~' iz~. ~:y..~.... , ..1 . -3 • %h _ , . :~a l..s l ~ r ~ r ~ .t, 6., r . '~ d r. . " . '~IFw.~R T '!1W !r11 ~~~i 4 _ _ ~ ~.' J ~'a~- 1: W: =Y.'. c, y, ~ w~Gae~,' ?~„~~+,Z`I~3 IiK•i1~.. + n~u~ U~v~~• 4"''. r' ti?'4:.?r :F i .'! , 1. •i ~R 1 s.,~ a , •Y •+s~A..IM~ et~n•.Mdt' rT~~'~aI1 1~i ~l~~Lm•tl ~1.~~'. r nl.•l ;1wa r.~ I +iL~a 9iB1 =.ad tY ~'I~Pi.. %iL-1'~•a r'} '. 'wzi A 47 ti6.3t da~ll7.WD.jd y~i{.1~M+'G i. tial atlMs :a i+ri~ L. ~lw '. ~a wv~t~`'~/. ' . ?-:f!~iF{~+~,~ Y'.eR~'w~t® ~~'w14~' IC~'~~ ~+_.If~a+k ~.r+.r ~~+I~ ~~w~~ ~IIY~i1t'-~ ~l~d~ti7~'~ G. '.., ' 9*dl: iti7 'J?~562~1 t'~-.s .8 ttl dA ,~i.'.e1 !dti Lssf:g1 wi.te ffi•Y sit ,1"4.L ~iFMYi.~1b ~ ~ .ti+l.',~E; ~'"~d`+~Nk4A4~CAtaf: R..l~'i~tMk +t!'Ar'Mac „iYS` 4'a~a6-``wlti#~+~LMWF i*~R,ri •I+401~..~.+~ii~'•i~i#~i~J~Y~ ~3 !~?2LIat~Y'i .t.~ c"tldtfi'i~dikti'*1+1R~ ~1~~ ~.~,~I.~.a,.•t'-11~ ~°«#~^ ~' ~~~' ~iM~ "3~`~?~t~1?~a_•; .;1.1s' r ` i p,.:~3.,~"J: > ..~fe~li w ~.~~!~iw'w• ~y''ry+1YpFY~,~i'i ~ ~A+~t'.K~r1+3+`t ~~~~!~9+"t~l1~.~!' r ;1sF. as'~d:, ~ ' , S PJi- a'-'%e ~ ' h: ~;l ! 4'J'1 r.` . J y~i ttlr'sY :Yrw1 i ~y,4 Nw~ ~kaUk4i j :ex&r~E,rr' 4~:L".~etrk«' "41ay!~1,7~ aa?+~~~fl?,•9!tT:i.~~b~~.StW~IJ'pr:""+k•.s +yAt'~M~iwR'Np ,~' +yea;°~!1~,!~''M'.T7~!~!~iTM°~M~-~' , ' i " ~ ~'~l i ! LaC _716_wy +l.~: a~y .-~ . l.~.'. ~ 8E ~..y d ' a.Afi:L~t #+.~ R~.«~a~'i.~ti'ii4e. w~ d1?w~~.dd, ~k tililll~ ~a/L 'r..Jw...,Y'.c +,..afd w,~} ~A(ar.sirl'~='a!I il~'~4~lA3il YdiJ +K ~~J a>e.~d r;#qa, 1'~.~J1.. .r:a..t ~t4 i,=j~, a,,wUU D1f,~Priiu*11~4 ~'''~J"i`4, +st t1 «~..i+d•3+fr c<)1 `~~-~ fi ,J~ .-. F ~'r:e :.w,.°,{, .+9~'~v1fi ~~3+~ ';4{,,.1~ '4'a JA'r ,Lr4~ yB is:. tr.'e''.WA'l .:=a~s~l~'n"? lealit~6irl ~ s sL Y~ .i~'~u$4.dA1l to ~;,4'~~AM'4irg~`'~! 1`.'•;!"L $~J r r. ~ ..q $1 ,t n. `1y}. d !'. L~ker i•1 of y .;`4 l...x i:,w a , ~ . _ . _ _ _.--.___ _ _ t . _ _- -__-_-- --------~-__ ---19~ - -• ~ i ~ _ " our freu,aan s~~. ~s,*u. s Y ~ tt i.' )z- a- tia. ii.. iF '~.. .'i ~ ~ d arx I a.p e~ Y.. Z ..w~ itst~tlar ao.~olirt~l ~isstlt>i q$, . tas lirroa ~44d oolgs)OIR Calmoil of tt~ O~ty~ o~ ioA.. 1WA0rY . ns~fi~ i «' ~f':+ 4'l~i~ t~ ':~ «}i y~:-til .I 1: ~i .a. i. a i a :.ze... ~ ~ jW u.,.:,:'~ AP: i,',. .1 ~ ~ swst?ins Ja~uii~? ~a.1W1. Mistiga was oali.d to ols'dsr w yrr'os lfitll+re+a at x.18 O`a a•M,wiiB~L~ t+t •'~11.;t1t9.`a'.~1 :J F "r+3.A".x e. x;.i ~.i:. i. J.iwi,x .' N ! i. ~ ~ ~ c a..;. '+. :-e 7~ :I~X91c6 `t •lJ , ~ V irn. Qitr Ittulis~ W dls~? 02srt asmbsrs or tliM OglMrsil • , o1t~lsi~ssa Qols~ An1~ss i _ . /qc +t+4 . . Jet ~ ~ : ~ . , . •L~ ea>:! "1. S. 1. !i A... . .tt y.. .:.b. 1: , ~y~+ "~~~~~~ yyy~y'~ s4'i. ~~~p~~RMtA1ii . M}Ii,1.>~ ~~1~, .i4ie~ S~~pZg~+},, 1 , + - r. . ' . 1{?F~Yr .IZ lail~.ia+» .eiafi y~}c:i i..'fJ{t J17 ~~:K 1`y L'.,. 'ab •el ~ i0.~'3ls C+l '_1 aa.~ a.lt Oa¦~inLi~ea~ tWim rarwst3a[ fiat an ~o Ylii~ n~ pfd w~ ixilio ? ~ ~t+ ~ ~M ~A~ ~ larDst .a °'~" 1 ,qIJ ~ ii ~ a3~ '-'ivL~~~a;rr7~4 C`~e.~.~QJ'..Di j}aiXYiF}d h~lL °..ptL: "'+Lw .i :+;t ~..2 ~.+A .w,j3 A.b ',`cir~ l~V~.. A-+.~ „idb~y l.' ? ~»ias wild w~~aiassa fiat Ir wwLd asss a ~1siEi iastauad at tars yalalt ~3t)da sio ~t rw .i.. ~.~~.irlu~~tt•i~ at _~v ,,,~.::~iow `auo~xiw~ei~~~~'!~:~~' +ti4~`~'*~L ~a :<.:"1Z.aai~ spiy~ , r t~ o~ 91 a0ditioaa~ •1>:fHkiil',1 '.w j.V l~eaµ #cJ 'C+ dill Wer t.a'+.« '{s :.:"P ,T .'~•k~s>e +~rlY. a{a: '-'; 'e ..,,,ni,..!ll sAb ?ro llthts of~~,1~1~ y~as'is a~ t1r Ditr~t rs~.0a®sits•a liolwa ~M fast . pstitl~e~s iw ioos~ha dd p2wa~i ' s '!; 'll': YA~t~ '!~ i~ 1~.'~ a. ? via fwei{^ +.!a SAata. a:n:, i.-'B tJ •"f': v.`i ,r ''z S. wd$ ~,.~i 'OII lil~,aei2ari "i~i L1? Osrswo3,3asa Irsias rail sws=i~d.~ ~'. .+RaY1~t"Er iit4:~3~-~~5. ~ .~'sJ.Trj {'G~Ot>d' '°`i ' " wty? ss~sd t1/ ooas+s~an ~ais awl aasiisd OiR~ Ols/t . {.'} +"qii ~.tis3 Is til~`~ ~i ~$~ t =~rp'~~+AJ.~,~,j 1W1`*a.jiR. u. :.'.ii 'w.l\YSY~~ j.~:,S{i,rt3~ ` ka t..._ - ~ ,,r~ x Irc~i,~~a6 vat .3 .i Ras itarts~stMpp~~to~~isti /41is tie~'~Ar /~~spaslaMa n3tL rata ~lir~a3~~t a~l~j+a~ri~y~~t. to ~at~s. ~ Wi.L~ ~ ~'~~~ l+s~l.Oai.Ei ~I~J a~ i~if ~~I wlwl.'~~1~.+f e7tiwr~~~ Q < . ~Y..Jo- ea Y#.~r ~ot7 X;3 3YiI~1~L'a ay~~7 ~7is~:t 3i.~se+ su r.ra.llsa»u~ ao,1! er~?:+~a,~€e ,?:a+atl ;:riu xe:raa.~zv ~A~~ ' tot O~llot pysif~ y~iM sill' tas ditr alssi[ iMis atfltaeQtissfl ZO yssia RtwaaRa ~~~.10t ai0i~ts~1 t1a ,~f ,~f>„ °~~~~'~o! ~+3~tJ' Y i SiY~I~iY~.i di,u stt,~a Aw~,~..:-tn":'Ytl ti:aw. ril#4 sbL^ az.ir9~Ji:~., *s, ri, r;:i;;aF..>. . . .waiwM sad W3/l~K+~irYl .i+~t.leiKei~' •wtv iiJ .iJ aAl~LiY.Gs4 ~{.1~:.+.~C,trL';~ ~Jxy{LFSa ~ ~S 3.~n. n...«? .:st 4~.:1 .t c1 I~...7 a~ !i4! ~L taa '~ a+d 3~OS iiA ~11~ ~' 1~It ewe ZIM i ~ ~ ~ fi~Ml! ~1 liaw f i'~~t.U .Gu:? i MfHSi tt.st,Ll.ineMitii ~slr#1 ,.~µ~Yt Asa u:~J ~itw s'i ,r+~r YiRit # +~'utlt ~7.>.t iax.Y o~ YlsMi ' silissl to tlds ~ 11as o* tsscntd shad aa~M Iasi tip ~MSM ~t]M ' ig 't itticlrr. a s.•~Y~J41Njiul. +.w ,Aa+issllt~_sir i.ii a.f.t~$~~i~~ ttis.?: ~ii+ii?: sat.Ea~i {ww ~t~rlaaia>a ' . i u lol::. {w~,iari~t l jki~C1Y t/sjli (ill ~ • • . I`J A M E ~ . _ A~71x3R'~ ~ -- - ' ~ ri'f y , `" E FREI'fZ ~ E6 ----38 _ - `/9Y:2 7Co ? 77l 30 tAtl. 60 ! . -" „ . _ _ ' r = ~ 1. t iir~YMwiu v _ - , '. 6 ~ . - „fr' ~ i : . ~ r'- ' a.., ~ - ' , 1... Mr.. 1 ` _ gflC~tists 1«a _ ~ fay 7e :<.s ~ - `a1 9. /. ~ • iv • . ~ , a W n - r . AidigMtt . , !luCae? ~1 C~ arbt ;~,.J1~.,E$ _ m ' "tC"j ~" 1LtwiCt'Mi++ ~ ' . - - , ~'ts~~ ~ ~.+.atillF '~A~` '~ _ , . t.. , _' V.. ..t; :..lr.. v~ _ . ~t 1 r v . '.i .tai 'f3-•1~?•rL ~I+ 4Mti ~ .ds+aa~~hiA ®% ~i~ry ~ •n - '~ dt~twlr ~ ait~ ~o .1 that to ~d Oodi~st ~t ~ ~ ~ 11~Z~atR Zi ~ tM ~t ~ t~ that tDS A1"oMZ ~ was to wd?sttias Yat oo~itiiN at~~ ~ 4ar1? rspriasr {rypsalsa bsrors tas QoYiloil sat ast~sd I~YZ Lis ~ o[ sssa3stat ZAS ~a at LM city Fr.iliun tort ar wwid sspriur sa.a ror µ.ao a a~os.oom~oilara cols wms fast istts ~ rar~a to awpaiJfiw '. 5.:14'u.F... ~ ~...r aout inu.cl- • isrin~ ot. ttr Prtl Cassuiil.aotion'..oobrki LY oa~uwilsrrn lLolrrs +uoc? a?a~risd. -- . erouo Rittlsr ayssrn Igor. tai. Council +.m +?•lc.o Lint aoa. ~atlon b. Lslt.n in the a•tta oY h1s t' Y h' J/A+.r. + i v ~ ayDllasit~bit DsM~li to caomoot a PDOi Brll' of S3s. ~o~Ch wsst oas~syt a~ •lYaas 7~1isa ~tsssts. " e.d .e. ~..~`'.? '!.~ .R a: rti.. i"+ da.. r .,mi: r r":..~oa rily.l~c+i. ~.d r ...sG .t 1 ~Oy >~/!oa litters aua Da.*1=oii prot..tw ttrr s~ctlus oor lsosoo. Lo M1s.>ttttswe. ~1 l}; A: j.{~•J ~V, y.:'~; ~y,,~...~a .'i.w13; 1. +a.~iin 4~.:'e. ~>'.~.~>~i.i ~.m a, ', wk~~:.~ ~f.. ~°'b.'i 111 +5: x. ..i . ...1 OaLmailara Ots~LQ >inYM tLat lioslo. jauLa• •' - • - , ~ t'f ~a'iy'.~.q;< =~rr1F+', i~'..~' ~~y 's' '~ . t +,.";}.. . ~ ss .i ? ~^:^~?.1.~~iii_-ffi_.c ~ Z~a ~1. a~.tn 'r~t lid b~ asR1sQ ~ii~~ ~ YWiR7.Lif• ~.i• 1 - lu r'+' ~ - •tli! ~ .~,y +a$!ihrY ?w ~"A~'Y~•e, ;-{.,a.riX .3$ .fir aA.~ a.: 3ai~i. i ~+rt1 ~a o'..1s4}.4!~',. ::~d3•CiLd°iJ.k,~°.l '. ' UyOR•1"Qll Qall tns 110~~~ 91ii1•Z~j~Ot~'.~l the`P~O~l0lf1~'~'ORioLS7"11stilsilos99~1~f?~~~: llwsi0~a~sr• .t'r, aar i4. S'. 3~.. te,r«zd ~i vY :+a.i; te_ J~!y;,M*::i:L Yj1L s 'ki 1'.4i 11~.'+/tD'~ 9t+i t/in1S kw 1M~k?~..;'+'i-+ w+k:. '; Bbna a~ ~i.lt.oa`~i~lisoo~kipllifLis x+oss,o!. t irittr? a.o.+~.>i..r set ~a _ ~ x' K ~ • v d as «.+~._,.~Yi,o~Ce•LiLb/' sill di' s..u8l~ CAxriss ~.~ara a. susatl•sras At+swiw am aypro~sd i~ tps !6v!o~t +?tn~ QaliMf~l: ' ril".eK~1 ..(,J.. ~.YA,r a4 ii . '..~ m' 11. w«sc{"c. 4'r r3li~: O"i.G p, T1dL~ i4+1j i..r f~rY'A. J.l9ta ~.x i7 ~A •.i.l rli ,s:.. { ~ iasss ~ispals aypwrse tor. twaouticil +rLa statsa that ns hs nlaskb eesllrRs~ t~s ~tts9es s"as ~dob j .:,+Gi SY-.~ .ci ,y:ia ti'!. ~6YL~y~-e+.~.•^ib '~.., Lii`. :1~1°i:» i1k~a SG~a~aJ1Ls alt: i his OOS'~YIO~ is 11ii0~' iO~iUa't ~ati4 aslCad 1'Or ~Y OY' t1N OOOL~O't' ~~10i. `L r~ntiob ~1L~ l11s JsaN • ~' ~ ` ~ ,d r,2` r ~~:,.Si. ~- 1~ ..:'3 ex ,~r4r• x}:.?,. r'x =i iw,1 a, ::+y ~i ~'.~e?r Lair wir..t tlikal~r . ~ i~t~-~o`Y0+1.®a ~111~' +>Y si>~itraot yar3Qa of ~tttt.ot's ws ' o~i+3' '~" thll' ~a~1C~ ' ~ilOt~.a" . Irr .i§L,v~~itt~~'~ ?+4t:fiYQi t; .' d<w3 w*' d1E ~A~iJ1 .'~': t! t~/~~~gkSNS fdd +7 1"Gk!? PfU '.Ya;1i 4i 4~".1°SiF.ii P. ILr+d '~ "~S~I,.t~~':.~~•" ~~`'~1'i~.r~'"t'=~, i"~:rs~,;g~°:':.~ti:~'L•s;~ i~:f.c+!-}~.ca~r~y!'e.kst+~+r"kl:sa~ 'a.,' siax,ti ._k , ooiuisu..a tz.lns sii~~s.a tya .o.nce~iis w a?ko~. to..yii, raw at tai cstr o..rtarr sa4.d ~ ;w„i..;... pia R61!,. r::•~jt ", .Y~ :.:ifCi.y iY a_~¢,,I 4:,5 la;n ::.'.1,~iL+~ 7!«N' Rt~r3.i! '~~~~''~sr,'~'b~sf {?~~21~j'~.+~. ~,"~!~ ~ii~~!ii l''i~i} b tmaihs . soar san~a ms ~,:o'li~? ~'~iakiesq•' pis h1?~i oyinian tub th. os~y? tuctt#b ao~a M MI~? ~d b. -' ` .`.+i"='X U.4rt ~R$; riri ~sl 11~1~-.i ~h~ llf~L ttls o11~1i li?. ~!~S tai 04~st3aao 1~lti1~ ls?.s tBRt i ° 4'a'";'i ~~w l~dr'~ ;y~"r~ '~3~'~q."s 1 i:l` 'L#} k' it :dT~a. • ~'w+' •' s,~!'71t,+ 'i4di ~~$ ' i:. ~„r~• ~ oisr ~.?stR aua s+Naes ~ so tds ssoonsrt ~lwil ~ota.~ i>aoa assz3s4. :r.I:i.'., ~ ~~.t: rt3.~ .,fi,. vi 4`Y r~"'3 ~#-:~ti ?h'...a `iskeN,: ,~.:.dP'ii ;.~.i,FXi(,.y¢r,.1 ~+,~;K...s`. }Ati~, lo4t4 i?•yi3.~.~~~h ~°~I>!-.iix oawlsilan iis~lass wsss~. tilt ~i,~!,Jilay~ajytys~4urh eats ~yb qy ~ _1 oat N '~ . K.. ? 3~+'r, y'd D i S.aiPo- ~ ~ Yd~+i A~ .~1r~i.. ~ tel. , A't~" k l~ fide ~ itllirs aii~'fllt ' f . . ~7 i r-.a~ V ' r.~ ,a.~i~x ~...:.Ftl:~7~'~G~. -. JT$CT '4t m.3: ~ r~i`. ~' _ i w.a . ~2. • ~ v... , x " aia J.a+.'~.4b' i it ~!k~w. ar +4 e ~ l ~yy 1 „ ~~'''~T~l ~ ~ ~ t. s. o :h'-^.r ..,';~'t. c.r 'r cd s.Y..i a' e , ' 9~MIt/~tA x+Pl~ f • `iry • - < ~ j ii.i µMlt~ r ~xw ~ iu ir3 ,kraut Jam': ~ '~ k {s i y pn,;,. S..y~...Y w ~ ~i"`S hyaa;-aFi~~ .Ys~'. des :~•.,~~6t" .~ti ~ r • J L~,r''v .'.k:> > . air a a ' 1i .y~~~a~,.ii ~';i.b=d .'K ;3',~"j14sJs`S.~s~ ~1uPMr't 6;^• ."~..~~ $i r.a L..,:S ;r.,"Y a1.~r~s..~aaK+M t!4 it's."s2" ,~.lusx a,. '~k.. •rb.~: sl?, ; !f' `;r-~ i ~ !':~.~ .'g~a r1 r " `d.t.{ ..1 a n.'° :t ..a.. ~v i1J1 wx!J_ysj,,.!U Y< ~~..c~~ll~rrY,~ ;d.~ , d iYs.r'a a'°i~.:4 JMl i5~ '~...1 ' ' ~' l ~', JGk. r •Ja 6 r :p ~ b. n 1 P J'6 . • ~ t r ' ~ ~ ~ - i ~ i . ~ 4ttr'.s~n ss'o4~dsno",oai•1+j~y++aet ~.1~I1~ . , . i t,. ~ t''. i.+ •:- t., ~.i.i m..a i.u+lsr ' ~1li~ ..f ~Btie, i'J1 1:.~s.L:;:u'v h.. J~'11 ),-a•1 liiY ~7c„it:vv ~4,.: i Bsn.~r ~owia.a ~.t~..o~,~. Wyro~s :an oo~uro~u 4cuagi} a~ Fb. ostr, or srn 8•zoc,C~l.b•la ~caaaar tl .7 J *'y~ 4•;171'vd ..71. it'A ,µl)!~.,i .141E 141.1 is ti~.r Y': ':.~ ii.' } ~-i.rEt)t',,s ~,y3 is .V1 al ..>d "~ •r~aini anuas~r .l ll.•L~ 1Ft?a eali•d ~ or4•z, uY,~.yos;.lloliaop ai, ~.w o'olcdt ~'~. wi~11;t~• ~ollorat ..1. s ~ t ~•-•,~ af. Sf~1`Zf~k\ '*is.t" iV4 Jli)t).Mwar •:..i W Nli.sa Mal .9 WS l.ss~:vnii a~' J - ~r1 a ill, iE,. ¦.mu.r. or'sir. oa~mnil Drs•«?t. alwaoalm.a:ool•.liol.~•al~~t!s aura Ir.s.r~,aits a~'i`M'`'w, •'" ~~Cpt Ana ~'cr ~.sl~ r 'r.i f_}: ,6:1 ~'tl~. 7.i iAQyi j/i)ul~~trNdD ~t.d?~.:+:.. .~'a f: r-d. .~71 'y'. j.•. '. drt 4~.., f,l «+a.1~C~.+ i.hi ,a M4' :i ..1: i_it:l !l> ABat,ap•1QS. ?D•slit:OAiaO~.li?S A.tuOa. . f r " :' C '...lih :~~A'i C-+i tt+id <i!1 M~a. 'i1¢-,i +d,laM+ ~i)4~ °!J x'1,.6 't '~~1 lu~~~a 'Av• S~ . `-. c.l '`... :'A&. i. '« 'w+ F I ~::uv"• f ~.- siw iwlr~ttA wt t~ w~ns.i w•s,• swd ~l ij~ . J ~ '. ''~4'i. Ht.i~ SS#..`.j .1 d7L;. ~7'r .lf) ~s2kG at-> 1.•L 1r i'.?;t lwfY u'.'.. • a1 &YY+A•,p7e ~ iL•i 1 •ii 1..,L i'/, yr: Uyo~ twtigR irM 3i~ Ooh} dlilr a.oo~•d t1y ~.J.~~,~tw was au~.t`lwzt~a•d to aors~a; ti>. ~i~tip oz,, J~.A,ia11.:,giae~i3?r tw wvsw'M••io'~; clz kW' •in .~1A~ sas r. f Ir.,. ! iF - } 4 ctl ~{(Tl ~C3l4ayfl tat j,.(, i:!f3.1,. $JXaa1J.La ...- ~~a,.'.,K?:s t~'.+,.. .':, i:-w '.}°,i'.. a.. Wit; Uzi dJ,.:':>~fL7Z~ L"b W:1' ffi:s't Y2.s.(~.HIrtC10•loi~ O~tr .~lIC~ ~ . a a . i ! . ~ :>a ; i dt .ai t+iFil~~~aaY'~ 2 .i •.asii<% t~ : i t J 1 a ~a , .4: '~ ,:.:~':, . d . d'~.c : ,.a~. ~ i c : i. F s d i ~ rie~4xY~~!'i ..L.~~~er~ ~ t1u D11~7C~,ffi W~A~l~~li ~Wa1~,'L 4~` 1N'~l,j~' ~ ~KB~ tarL.ira~Mdi!i~i~ to a~:.a~ ~.~W~~M mat ~lat.rt~.t~°~4~aR~Ar~~T!"~~MA aa- ~ i`"'~1~~~~++tt j{i.~dl:l'yJf, ~'SS: i, •...F3 ~.~x"Uu 1 ;1 rr:~2•.F y~Ad ,~.16i 16L+ fL?3:);a ;rss6t wj t)l ,,~;y~,~}~y L : I a~ifi LiM ac?tu~owl~•rnt ~d•~aY` ~ ~ tai "IOt tM) -f.:%,,,'a - }a`s~~Oki ,iwi.w. N+:i.~ ,?I; ..L, ~Fr+i;~kt.~.u. i+.y~~! , d,+i.~:!>` JJ.+ih"°~ r~l"~'~ Va!>F~t~r: yq~ Yaw.t ~.at •Ar.L+ y ~' . also tii• tbi~i 0[ ti. ~ ~~ia... ' _ OCY{iD3~as OOwI~~Ntt~rwM¦~t~,.1 ~ •1iiiJ~~`l'~ii=l i~~~ swi0b0~ r Lr ,j, ~ • ur OaYOSlitra He~lr. a~ •i ~~Y 'tu i aa:~ w: isrr~~w,~ . - . .Fr .l)~ '.40,3~•i.'y. ~F. .iy~~ .I '- is l3.T t. jy, . ' g :ttt:t~[EY,.:,c +wii •M - ~1!~~~1 l~.al. M6#;~ M~ssii wY ~ + ~ iO~ll . t•~ - - -. ' .tecit.is[iriu ~ ~o+s~~ awi~ a•..t~` ?:Nii '~? ~'w ' " i ~:;.r.c.;;'.: a>, ~ ;,r ~ r ." Wis.,.[ ~n.'Qio. ~ aiir° ' ~" irwr ~'~~"'"il?~~it' ant tins. ' . ~~a~~. f~ti#tl.7F's4 a,~ ~ kiNi p .xy. 1.`.?, ~- "i~1 i......~.+ ~ V ~"~ ~ r-,f:n(%&) :>y _ ~ir . aaa aw stiaat~ of tit. ~t A~ o~M~ ~'t'`o ~~a~~" - ' ~ ~~t, ' "~"'' " ~ !~'te~il~s~iii~t s~a~p a and a~o~R.~ ~t t#~~ t~ ~ X,. _ F, - ' w _ ,may ~p l 'y . - 1~ , '~ di:. e i ~'!. b. ~ ~ ~riru++ta~.? a~~~rui "?:i o1r~ MGM.. Qa~u~sifa6i? Is'si~s ~ fta•-ice i~?-to'..q~1~.ar~ M? i •/~ v Oita: k - _ . ' ~ ru ate? `ect ~ ~ ~cast~a.alt:~t:s t, „ iP ~-tea :.f~F} -g~(M ~ DsinRitl~ orio• Oita ~ W i ZYZ LY.-Yaas--.waiilL ~~" t i. ~a~t~Aa 1R t4ifs i~ 11 r011iR• ~ . f C t~.0i1 I. - •- ~ ~ ' , ` _ r . ", , ~ w• will dd tos Qitrh 1•~al aaw~tisi~ rOS tn. Zolki~ilK i~Ns~ ~ '' ~i~,'s ry , 194 c ont i uuaci-- i 60 osttts par ruwkra of X34 u.u,nonliQrial for tLa S'irst inssriion; 20 oauts par syuara for aaoh of t2u nszt tour iasarti.ns; lb oasts paY aiYlLkra ~ior`aaOII auusi~wut-insartionlLLasa satar.bainj tna aatia as now yaid by tha QolultY cf•/rjit'd1fM:. ; t , t~yositLGn•Yr. J . . ~ tpa ppmoil •ill aaa~i tts LW ooptsaot Z'or doo1~ tL~ otLr'a 111Kpa'3i ate laoal advrrtisint.and ali its - ' ~ i'f `,.~a-!i'».: i.~ i6 4. .5'J ,`~t:. ~ ~r4a 1L. ~i. .+riV.'~•3Wn ~N'.~s~ L.l'j•3'rf T.~«y Caa34't ^ ?~lU~?'S fob pt'intiar rair L1~a~yTdar aL+oiXlaORRrra will do tna agar at.tba aGolLowist~ siq.to wiL:-~osainanaas and otba= 1~a1 y'151~'1'U ji.7y; tµr ~U~.A.'. .i'.+41 r. `..'fir, r~/i~Y 1P 'r4 ,w.~. }~.ir e.p 4Yi'., +!Q!'}1.a V., v~ +r'ri L-SpI+ y1. y;1 S'a M3R rl:~j.l tr i.. ~a.s-..: rl ~v :i.:i3'~'3 I~' a4vi~ir ~at 6Q,r1,~A~a1Yft~ lKt4N,t tw astiaa4.raz~ t>,t tska Goal ,Yvs t3~r Yaait.o<r lB warts Pas a4~ tos iba '~, .e..l~ 1 Y v k'~}~.i~f r t~'•r t:afa 3? 'kw «r'•t :,V±} .+!:r''"syr'}'.1Y&.;tifri!°''rpr'4ttiRirl~uiW'•i~F •1.x3~,P~td •~1%~+~id .J "7.i 1~, ii:J g~Y.i sirst iaassti0a? and sasw +~Jlrt qw-J~1X owia ~ W~~ lvr sWrl4Yant •i~ati~:+Looal adrwrtlsl~ ai 10 Das cant o: . ta" Yisa~d 1f1~ ;tYta Cacao ~i, ~' tsa Yaas,wr pitta ,aaoRs Dam ltir hoar ibs te=st. loiartia~n and t 9 aiwOt~at t.'rO~,tsa~ uYrj'~es ~1y Lyeo'i i.:95P .'irtJ^: a, etiwNiidasJ[ 9.tF Ls ~sJ: 44~,~ l..i t : - 1 Qt+~+ 1lN tos st~?Mai issasila~?i i~ ~1ns sS 10 pa= cast dlsoeturt Yrafa t)~a stss tisad ~a? lira .S1 ~ .a, w;,a:. 1jA j. a iJ ~i 1i :}J..a:. ,G '.. 'rrtJ t~i 7+: .,;i.,+._}i. ~.-U.: »t.YJ.e~l..;14~..+i',.e VS t'.. t.~i i .'y..y ro .oat~pii i~~.a1..1(~?"S O+L'y. .?.ro4 i,~~"~. .tt °Si4~ 4V~;~3°~Ja °..:srl:'i.'!~~ +k-.s 1V.l yiftil(F .ia'.:.lid.,: t` Ft, 7L~A J.+.I :~r: ,f.l~ ~~.F kJ.': t: r ' . ' }}!!!!" : ~ iQ'oDeafiims aDara ass .airt irslt NpatsY~a akxt Oia~iaot~aad ~ . ~~1OY 9 'is aoowDtad.it ilrall ~ tt.i ,.;y1 ~21`v ~Y+11^par'v~+4"i. d'«e':. t.t ba 18 iN rwt~rs~[ .aa? sat .~8 _DarL?• ~ ~ .a~tisawt; awa' Oasi31'tat 01aaE so~N ~J~srlr *t$ awslitsadr • . i i ~ ~Z i, 'p t,..,:j i?. .L7~3Yk`j ta:."iY~• M~.,;'~''~j!!7il,ai,~i+V~'tir:'~Fc~;9'J-t+a«t. t'.,f 1.',~.1:'iflm<-'.LJ.. ~i«I~~ t..t.16(l:l~i`~4!.~+~ 'a~~IW.t `3..,,.iJ~L~'~i~06• :~u~s iu.{~'4i1~iMrr~~M4~s+~_.~~+~a{~c'F.?._uw1.e.;~us~Jpi+~#~-:anf.rMw;,,aw~ 3t ai.rt't~i».ksa:a.t+p~. , rot i~iAs sus moain~ Lw citr ~e1aR~s ^' Aaat~ti to vats ,notion ov.l.Wit s tot Q.`1i*. ".-it `i ;7~j l.iki.t {js Li'~LjJ.s!':~ i;mxx~7$k: rka W.tr?»r'.it Jµ+11!'fii7 ,.~::.r fiaY4+~Y.4.N1Ot1 i.a. •iMt4aY'~t~lf 1 +r~~ t'O~',t~, Y~ ~ •,iRi~wai'7C t•#~! ~ ova? atlfa~ ~IIR.; riO~A[ s1A ~t~; tl1s3Q~i ifi i~ . . Sr:tJ?~. .ti_ i ~ S ~ ..K .,r :;~>>- .::~.1, @°e3aiiY• +~linrciwi;i~i~+a7Mwniaiiav;::~.r~t..:~4A' . * • r~ > ~ i ioi~ ~ldlai3+li ~ ta+ ysxoM `s='s~i ~ ~'Att tw~o®sitM aow?. .,sac is rw i. ~ r aaem:: t w i ~ r uk-iuc :e ~ u ~ _ ~ , r'~t'iiM?!'R ~-sslt #MS OE tss adgigd6t E ~1J {3b14~'!i~wx~Mf?t1~wf ~':^~k~+~L;'' ~''~ - s,}.a«i 9 f ~~iiiss .~ia.as~iiia ~viifa 'o]aiats '11~R ~ l0 aaetRs taa 3itr rw~ i~..aet~. ~ Y~ 11 ~-, ~'. ° x 1 a 9. .r 1~~ f F 'b t YY ~' 3.1 `u,:~ a ~ i.•„ lb s' ..id V. 'i.+1yi.~fi2,..,%:i ti J.s R! r~j~ytp 3~ay !..•g ,'Y:i wi' ~a ~ ''r rl.,°JdY '... .e ~ ~I it s«i4tp~+~ lars Ni ,~abt. .1Ai+ 1ri ~#at ~' ii X41 Jrwt [ a. e e~ s ` ~ V.yi~~l'? 1M.w ~l~.Oti 6iat~aliL'.,,...W:1 t+~ i.~Saji~k+°ira,ilra ,aril e~4 ~~ilt0® ~w13 ~t !'+iKi?as .rw iJ?S.d r--~ + 1 ; ~ t ~ µi t ,.,i _s"• ...x eS.i~M.S ki+~ .,....lt'i s.aS; '1 r t " «# i. Yw ~.~.' '. . s i°~ tv @,~ t 1 aaalif! i3 : . iU lsd tk Mi?v3 YEA ~isl~Jua+ir ~ .i~"+~dfi 16i .stYA ~i11 r,ei~Ti f - ~ y~*~~' .ia#R fig[ ' ':._~:~~ ii',wit^ty..~~9~Y~~~,wi"I:M~i .1~~~.a>~re?~c ,~ix.a~it i~~ IrwiAfi~f~ i~ a~ 41t~.? kt.a# e:'a ', ,'.tii~aaw.~i.~4 y rtis"e,..'. :A.r NOI i.i.i f '~~~~ ~ r i • ~ ~ w r ' ', ; s 'Or'J , ,,t ~ ,t.ts~ EM Sdie+~AF' 1tJ ~lV ~tt# aN ~ ~11i°C~+ aIJWIiE n. j J/ .'~, _ ~ i . ~ _ l~j~` ~ 1111 y,! ~ +N~ls.. ~a.. kii arc, .i 4 ?3 t+~ ~11~eyll~IM ,~r'~Y sz:~Ai Olt ~>N O~Ir1 ~ ~ ~ . 1 +Jl~ 1 ~ h . , «•w ~ ~tlata. '~+iJ i17 fit. j ~ t ~1 ~a: .,w ark:t c a ;r~s~~iir JAM ~'~,~+-~*t.~s.~O~Mt:~?~if'~'~i,talN ,tOs~7tt4k~.'I~IMta'w4t+:~ E ~ ? ~ I s ~ . w ~ ~..T i!• ..'~~lt;. °iiii~~k,"3' aow~ lN.~•,~4 s -•~ _ ~ . ~ . _ _ 4'.}y s..a r' bt t•':' a s.. ~~,5. ~ied ~ ~ ~' ...i`. a a lt~1 2.i~ s~O ' . , r : , , u!'~t~d ~°bYlS ~ dip ' ~ _ -. ; ~ ~ Ptiaaaars ~soi~ty ft.60 •.OP 12.N Pali iaD~ --~'~""~..,. d.W , 1l4st .mss sgXr• 7i.oo i.60 Ju27 iRaroOtrr ~ _ - - l'~ ~.~B i CoiYt ii;uf3- 100 600 1000 ; warrants,pfr boot: --------------------- ~.Z.Bi, ---- ~ --------- oisin.. 21ro sic.: -------------~--- i ~.oo ~ ~ a:oo Lio~iwf=. y~r l>ooY ----- -_--x.86-aucl.lyook=-1.86 . S~ofiyt book=, ' Dalt • Uoolt : " . --.._-.x...9.66 ' 1.06 r '.lntlulsisaiion 1.86 Pal~its Yor outtius atrasts Zt•8d Oaxi,iYio~t• o7t aoa~ytano*~ • • J.86 { ~i! !i'. ,E {,k„a~'.:~a.r rv', ;f :.1 ~,.J, ?'.?Es'a.~~+., lM:tdA is s..Cl.Yyi[ili rJx ..d:.1C` i Yitf3ltiOp ~i~ tilr~yas ~d ~ 1C0 la.Yp{ r a~.~{::'.' ~;i! :rli~ .t earaat~;~~Jil?1fii+ .3A.M~f'~..Zls`U~1'-a'.:.Lal~:ri~~; ..`>'i,..x~-; SiailiG=i~ 6ssaai ooilZ~l10~1iaa4 004t~iOtOri bood~0ontsaOtOts 2fta1~la' 1"011 bLlaxstjbfDost• oY Cartirioatf ~ s1tL/p1Y iduywtlolnr?y{~ileatioR r4s 7~si.ta~ Pf~iita, Ua~asawt Blrats.Co~irlai~,lM~ss=nt= 1; 0t arra=t gaud all ~Ialie~ ~Hiba blan1cs yam ail ott~rr Blasi 1u=a~ raid W W~ ' t ~s.r~\: ~a~° ~ ' . ct.~; ~ r t '. l~ ~ MYY C i~la2tal< f~1Nt ~isrlG=d 411= ~;~R~c>Ir ids~b}ri ~~s s..•' ~ O~Y. .i { ~~~~yy • • t*o • - - - - - - - - - i.A 4.9Ei-------- i.00 .,;,,'r ;C: t#'f,il/~r '+,~~..~ 'i+~ 14~~~il~i»'i.'r'tTa'1a~L'.*~I6i~M~W.lC14...~i~~' '~'"~i.~ ' 1 u i : ~ . "L d L' A~ !7 w3: L a •~.Y ~ f5.: yr-.w fIC~Y~•s~R a- : rlr'a c~~/!!4".~~N i{ ~p • 6':4.w y ~ L i J! X17. Oiiesi a10t ili~t'i1411tiI and aa~1 s~i~•~ ..p ww~a at SjF 'k'~~ ~rOial latfa O~K f1[ ~M. . . `:!1i7~`L:~u~iA~'.rrYfL fii.0 ga'kal94s:r J4~jfw I C:ali4''~!:J ~~i: ~:~-.~t'als•; °,'d t.t ~:'Y1.yL'i'j 4d,.'Vlt'Y id yi,-1i,.y~ '1U'•W :v.i d~ `.;J JAx...; . ~ t~at~~ ~ lY~ yuili.labin« f1l+Sllsa~oM+Yasolliltl0o~,as'~!~ aat mbiws,s~ds=KO M ps:bllaLMl~ -.1^?:J :-14 .+.i~ j.+ J~bfci{•iRd. :,:i 1..1= lJl &}i+.if. es.,1a :V,sAar WFi,i: Yjt ax.,, t vJ.l;;1'+ d#Y1ij$ ;4rs~iGi infi str w,ir~Zic•4 wraefi•sii.lXdtsatJ ela~? b~ ooaauard sapasatakiprra~a tha bia roe j~ yara~isMt,or t~ bivs aqr` ~-a~iaid~ taEstnfr ' •'S•V'J' ;:.,i~.l ~>..r rd,~i.+,fi S• 4~R+u.uif~Y,. i+~t3' $~ ~..r ".r,.~~:; c+.t:.~6 ty1Li iSa+:tt~ft4d lii t~ca~dr~tYys pLr. ..r.a •-i St.a3 sdYa>;•1~J,sf+03'. ikl"u tY.~JL ~~l,r~t.~iiiSiwt+il-.. lV .''t . _ ~ :ter sus ~ -~? ~ ~ aor~s ta. an. ac ~ sY1=s ~e>•r ~leit~ais ~' ~r.~et« :~z~D11~rY c~ ii+wva`t l-.er •..~era~ts.:.a+~ ~..[-.~.«f i.T+'; f,.,~ .u; y:13;.i~t tidi~ ~ut.t Xa ~stt;t, tbat ti ~riii aaist. a? e~ai+d wa and ~ istito t,DA ooutsaot fsrrs{11ba? asq' sa1s:*i1b wwa #iiai?~w1f Bl.~~Ol~ ' if~ fsti ~ +r3+7. 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HK.UIa adjalLZ~d frKie~ 0~ iil'r 1fap~0a' ~11~ ~Lit~.~CitY at",iii ~171~.S~910prlwld 1bOdl?r ~ 6V.1 -___.__,._- 1+4a W s, w.t ,?a {ice, yy. ~_~a 4~+~"74~i•~NA.~"4i ~ l~Zr'~' ' ~.afl1w"t~"0~'~~.~ ~w+~w'!~v?t p.~• *1~ ~ i~l~~ .;+....i a:>t $a:>•.iII Aiu` K.~~:.Y}.t i:U "v i'3~f ..t)Jtiw.aV_: way r;srA.a y+JL ~»i *Jlcy*lli~ti:J 1liCJi "ii..:..aJ.ai. ^9 S~'~'Eii•t dJ.il `',t 1~4"Siar~~ ia~1~k.,'~ia.~i.~ `- ~-i_.~'Y ~IDt~2-iYb+y{'jUI i{4'lli ~!~S.Q.xd~:t+1L ST$o{.. ~r .1E~i'~:~I is .~wi !a'i.^,SL "a6:~ ''~tii~'.' 'r~bi~'~riil~~~?Ai `a.iJ '~+"sSr ;z.~t: "tlr C!~:..5 i:~a. ?~ha.,•i'.: .a;{, '-Ct ++:1 l:a ::.t,.a,.,„: iTL4+/ VUZJ ~ iiri , . °-. ~~'~ ~~i'la~. ~~~!'.+#1. tsaL"i 1N.~r~ i - wx,, a?, aC: i i ~ '~flr~t-~ialR-2'~ylZt~l~lA ~f 11W~ ~iF`+Lit~NtlPifQi ~I ais paa ~n ~.:-so.-~~s.ia~?s-~~-«?«v~ ~-ia~,..aR ~Mt~' *11i?'tawr ~~i~rsa' e. ~xa sib ~:i,n im sw lfu.~t >a~..GY --u{'.,.; vii '~'~as ~~i~ro i++3r~cii~xFs"+? xYJX~ .',r xrv i'swr~#t2'i.i?+. ,:ir ~'Ya?.tdo,,,(l+~'~ { - ; . :~t~ r~r11i~'~saati~,are~or ~ OCR, cry :~retr tra iao sa-'aa aq #~w+ c~ ~wiM~~y~.~.isr is°t~i 8#p~.iittt tt~t oa.Qrii Visas QMil~i o3a r~.ae~ass aat .s~?L.NV ~;i 9:R't~~i.~..;:mYt1f'~L~1Su;a IaFi4 Al~v'1ClsiaiJ.tfa.lsia.fi.~'.+rLeisiMif.l~'1tY irutuatxi~?i'1~`~JI.~Y ia+~N~'s.u~l,~°l ,y ,,,.i ~,i j Oifit~lOt~~a t ailit a~gAf itsrat Wit. t0 1'MO~f t~.~i ~ ails IIMII/ ' 'It! ~ !~i Ositi~t fd` t~ Otd Oaw'C- ',. ~ :~i3r.g.71 ~A3;ai~j n5v~1`.fT+ -9M,: w,~.i r? yWi?4m~YG KiP itQS me:7 :`Jt y.li J..il ~++~ti~ '9,~+I w SY,~M~js .Na'~.~°t~~Jt[6-s?y :a ltt..[a~: ttt i.~ iti '{~~ ~ atfr sta at l~ aaot laid wr~e. - ` ` i .~fiou •wtHCww.t 13.Niy `<Q , F.J..]~Cl.a~? aMa4+irt?s~Data teat w aas arw a~siyitt+a~ o[ ttr 1~ r1laQ ii~ss; sar s1~ `'~-+"v ': .-; t r7+wt w :~N ~.s~.iri •~r~ ~+u .a.r swJ us 71o~c+ wrs;#~u at his +~traJ _~t~~A dolot d tia 4!W ~attaf rar ter l/+w?s tea[ iao.ii.lW~.~~ a~a ='aD~'if ~ Zal~sira; i Gs,~it~} ~Yt7 t~t4,ti1J ~ySs,+{3 waits xi~'itf7" E,^aaw tra~,7~ir,31+i JV+Pti~tOG l.11 t>l:li xiill~ ~i~.,:al +IItY .Mluat +ty oi+TU• Lltr OM Ir.rJ ~E 2M -'tiN~aias~it Oi. !1~ Pswa 1111Aa. /11 ia. j~ . i uyal~,~re 3v s9ei V~#tii 1 ei 3. t~~~ 1~~ i rri of i ~ i~ sMU .at.:u:. Y ~ ~'~`C6 ~ `.'ti~!i . - a4f'i' ~' 'it7~~ ~ ~ ~a'i~i Md~~,.n'..i.t~ '+~ ~ilt.~i ilM.~i .M t!i sl.3..! ~~+~''~~' iNt st~!'~aiw# ~l s.ex ,~Lte1 u3~ ,r+c#asuy ~ Qaris ~sii teat ttr» ~$ at !{N la~r+aoi4ti~ Oo. ~ a~ol~~ 4 Oo~ii~ii , 4tJ1 at5~ t ~ l~tiii:+Y~ i.1t/~{iaaB~iNW?d ~,rrE~.: ~."'~4~'J Rr?ttP !# 19'~.,tiii Yr+sZ.b1A:. , ata0 ~~~ye~ _t ~F,~O.~.tw.41taw~«wa lr~ pry ~swt~ a'y~ ~a : ~' ~"!~ a ..ice ~#fTi~ i~Wr'. .w ~ . ,~'1~~~' ~ ' ZiMli ~sa9t i . ~ ' 3 ~ _ _h, _ ~ ~ ~t . ~ itj . ~ . _ ~ i ` '. e ~irid ~ iy ~ i.. " fir ~i~~:OM~ ~ - I . " ~ . ~1:lNM.MRts~ ~~'''ii~~r~i~i:"i~:~ •''~.r~et a, . ~u ~ ~s Y'-• ~ ~R~ '~ .ri.l/.1a ai,a rr Ys Y+t- ~ s.i J, ss~a- ,r s.lt.8:oa ^.:.Oera.atT ~s slrlr oaw.ti rise ~lir~'11o:'"~ t ~~a a.t..4 toz_iro s~taasioa ~' tls~ to tastall~t Elsa rasa s~?atM.Oomtioiirn Ool• ao~+N fait t M isaA'taQsUDttoa s~oaod~d D~ ~ptm0~llsi OdKas and oasriad. Cnntinusd- Ksyor ltet7abb appolntsa Alb.rt itrosbrid=s •Janitor ar •I•atreet sohool¦aa a special Poxio• os'fioaz to s.17f ;arit{t; qut• La4IPsCO1TOO~tII" Ooh„aonq 't~it,.aDSOdatsaat D. eoarirra aotlsa areoadsd L! C.alellaat• O~aii! 'rna \ caaii~a.a~seiK ,oooN,ti~t apsxar~tpa >a Zraat K iDM;.llao•'si,~lwo~ /to~aat LMi~zmwrfaat st~biM in • g ~ 'liliiA ~1~tf 0!'t~:>"!A'MR+r~!!ltarKa:Ds ~iasMt:a ,iµ3gb~gs-aolL ih!'t~ ~ tirts~oe+isito!lr~.• ` ~ tAa'Sf~ll~ii~ ~q.~i~M•~1+4;>M~?aa.: :y ~ x: ~ t`~ « a r 1.; ~ , . . , a ~ . ~ t r 1f/tt~~'at ~~DtDM aKo aiA~t/ was '~K fta~l~aLiilr;Ol9r~ 'OO~omils}an ~rrllslt' rsos :t~tt IfZS!! ~q~t~dsit '#a.s'~sl~otM 1!0 a~ltiiat:.~tr ~~Ailnro~aaM ~ aiiat• ti/ a~t+osfrr»iOM!nT11 "rAt~IM M~tat+,v~11r0iraR ~i ~iit~w;~Rf7i~~t~RR batawp•O• . ~ ~' ' sti'i~ti/.lO~i.«11 =M~M14M ~ ~1~ 1~'Ar'"~+:.... . ~ I1 y" . ~' . ~ 1 3.:. sY ~ > ' ~'! E~ ; i~ r rb. cits #msa~atttaoAaet ad .frets wa in.tsaet.ii to boti$' -3!' tDe ' :,'i+~e~a~rs~•~r1~111~IIR;1o~~i41a!~~t;alMlli~?+iii 3.,,1~:~i~y~~..a,:1-,~ :a~~ss.~~;~~. ~ ~ax~fr~tr~~a! s~MeMM :and 1w?>«y1MM;a~li~warde4~~tr~s . , ' .1~~1~~~=~~`~ ~~~~~'_~"` a ~7~K.~. i''LA ::SY.'.~..~ya~1~: ~ '1'~.r~~.'riY.~+ 3'u:i~ry. ` ,°6+" ~ ~ ADIQ"ogQ tbta Bti.Aay a[ 1'~oar7 l~a~c 4 ~,a r~;,• ~.,,~~~~~~/~ ~a c~{.~:r~sk.~t~ g~. 4 ..a `fV`~ ~ `-,~ ~'~''~ i.d.A"'h~#blisi~lwr~a~.~#$.,7iv~##1?+-'°~5..~-~1t~,:~si~ Q~t~' .lgly;':~~: ~wi3'~_xS?2 j;~FV~), rit~j y^t~=.°~e~ ~~f'~e~rt +~~'.~t~~:~~`rf`3.-~#.,.Y+Y~+~ ~i~'~•.:~^?E+e~"* E=7t` c Wit. - , f P~ • ~ s ~i3 V ,f f 1 t '$`~! ' 1's„ i x 's~ . • ~ i:$ ~." ~ i$7 t +Il.l.~ i m i `:~11T~ ~ '9+i d'~ ` * ,.~Ar°".x' " " .t' y ' ~ ism` ~,;.;~_t~zt ~,i-'i '' •i17 3rP 1' •Yt~S'at i'':7~ ~ Y :Y ~ y , } e .' +."~,L '• i. , .r :r!f}~~t~'I~J ~y;=.'t. ~:~ki~~°t tti~.it~ x~.~.~L '~r,su~± Y.3"+ ~1'y.~~k~vtF lYi~3~tc<a~. , 1 ~11 ~~~i4.~~j.,~Qi, i~J•~"'~!.•tlq~-l~:v ~' Via!'. p'. i'a-•- ~' 'y Rt:'7 i w'>. e . { ,~..~~w~. r., ~Lre ..~~t~ `di yea q ~t a ~"~` ~t11~ it a~l~lwr iit +'iraw , to:~ ~,x~~~issJ ida~~t~Yvi..g~cas~.t~Et 7er'+t~ tt±srrE+b~' "`P~Pt:Fs~ !'i3 tNe:~d~-d.x i:ea,+~ ~ i1zYi a Wit` :$.~, 1Kbs1 wo ~ to asY~ ~ ~a!'o! ile ~aiL of T,o! , at . • •'~ . . ~ r ' " : ~ r t~~~~s]. ~t..~~-!mil ~ Hilt" r. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-_ 1 , . : ~ ; ;fit t'~i?t tY 49l~~ ':4~ ~t 1~i : +~'~ ° ~ was ~' ~ • ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T,: 1Y'l: '.:.f6a4+~+., -' ,year,, ,~s _d't': . for tlM srss ~ ~ ~T1r ~.+a s~ ,~=~lAit "'' ~ ,'. ~ ~h? Rs~t. # , tsil~ ~iMF M~~ ~ '~s t~ ~1t~/KR *MA~"M~` '~e~'M~ 'bt iii fir ~i° . • tsar 1~4 ri~.;+ive, ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ..--. ~ t . , a ~ ~ is~....~ca • ~t wr is srsl~i~Rir tai saw r r x t~ 03tr. ~ iii lq~a~Ltas ~l is w 1~iM~ ~r $~ ~ Ks~t ¦ '`• J •11 ~glt1~ ~1+mt ralE Ks/I~t .to ter ~l i~ta!!?~tlat t1t !#at~M ~.~i~/ `r~'~i~a~r'j~q • ~t o[ tir I .zD~o.~ u ~1~ apMai~t' to w, ~ aip~s~ ~ ur 11~i A~.~'aa suiwiit a< t~ ~ti ti! A~iw1 t~trR . y2e~tNt13K oat t~ Ooepill amt wo pint K aai~ ~ 3s ~ ~s~ ~stod ti' tlsa pstitf anaa~a. CouAOilsaA OvKar .tatad tAat t!w rssidsata oa 1ft.~gnos AK a,MeiA to >r in t1N Dasd fiasco bat X had b..A put os1 with tts. unaesatandint LAat it thar. was auk moAay ldt is t1N bold isms that tDS7r waa3a bf cam- "` - , ~-.. . ._.._,._...w ~u Con:inued- ,F - ' . ~ s1ul~A,' hi ocw~M~C.as!! vsarlees3LlQ2aK t~~a!yo~ztien'K"tlM~sone~r'teE'~ is''#l~e Bond ~tid.DS'O'?1diM it is ,.sot 1MQ°im Ailael etaeet.±tc '"10ti~lr37MfL~'.i sesilwt of ~ae-=stl+~et~ttai~id`t~hd?x~jl~'s~rleo p~llt~~n~ ~~' ' t~l1l.'0~,~~a! ~i eaywteM 11~n~~ARZ~er1 11fyli•~isst~e°~ililiref rlls~id''t'+1'60~' /t!! >~/f~! frli~li~Et Lh1~s l and the Oity oouid ~Dloes ~a 18 i'bOt etilwt.~~~~rarJtlAf~l~?2lliet+~1~Is~'. '~ `sled e~i.Rlr!'in ltzN ` ~ t'lIR'' It het °tlr.7i~r '~D °ttlt~ s~ ~e~t.ctsasr~Oi'ijr 1i'~ei~d?J~N~ir~t+=lrl~M! d4oa~f r!o 2aiQ oyez to ' ' aats~•vlililleettdaisalQ. z±,~'/i~L~~!'~'~?af 11e~M:~llriw~tl~ll~Il!'il!'tlr! +~Mit!!eYlle?ilJlllpe~~.to b~pposy " ~ t~l Da~'!st ~ : R~ ~°x!!'!~e ~ ~ws ~Y~s~ t~l~ d1t~r'+iaMrr~ ~s~d~gl,elrR~~r lilt rie~ - bNt DzoyOsitias Yoz ilI tiu peopd~. CEaas~wlll~e=~I~ t~.~l~ ~~all~l.ss!'lassdeM~sall,sation 'ems ~'~~~~ts , ":';? r? 9 i%f : o'.A't ; ", ~ -' $'+* ~ Y` d'. !'~ ~ 3'ra !2S6Y! ~ i4?-3M"'ft,"e '~' ! ! ' '~k3'!1 stteeftloa Of,'tne bol~edl~~ ~2111~"llil~stali~It~ti~saA~''=rw1t wi'-~eIRR'sMl~le~Ir/tAat ' AeA alie 1aii~alat t11rt dtt7 ~isee~' t'I~ 1as't2eseteQ ~ to all"enl.!'N i ~J~ a~ . alrr~wtls ~t.at ",r~w.~ ~o~ating t]N dtwibe,iotialn eioeldaAQ llr ~Je~oe33als Oats ead eatrlerll Let t ~.~c.r~, p ~ Y~,~,,~ '„ ~?~"t f ; , r~} .~0111tto1Misa!'~ltia("ZM i~i®'1~e~'!~ ~ ~'3dp at=~at''~~/tZelR ~i1R ~Mi14t ilrelt bl tLe 0013ftY1lotion of • sa~ Llrrstn,RSS~ ,tM~ ut Ml tst tea t'itst !'11716, a~at Lit ~eR !+e? ~Aa2 "gip. . + ' i~0ie'41~.~11t~ic:~tlsa ae0 tR? 1isM ~a ~OR` at]ifaltlVli ~1 llr?";~ lbtlal/iss 7~Otf: Ater Ao1sM Os~~ Zr~ist ~ ~ ,10~~7 ~."~" a[ Qft)r trMeaeEt 'sA~ ~ ~al11o1o Po~tigll 7•MM ~ODNe~M' aid 7c~A.CC~g711et1~i SD'?M tit z.Doxt: ire i>11i ~ic+a~rr~ 7 +iidalli~n ~p . a y aQ ~ir~lrcbis' s,. c3tf ~ ssa Vii, . ~u~~t: •' " .~"' six '~ !fie=e>tl'eri ~ welts ~ ¦peeiti+aaliialts br " ` ~i'r 2 '3 ~C'i=; ~?l 34,~ £ ~"f Ity Sts sr. -.. ~ ~.+f3 LSt' ?,o i?at' .'i ~ . ri =~i '".'~t~w3 iJ~IM ~ns~ ~lp~i. I aaQ e11i'S'4~. `' ~ - lthtls aMt t0 ar@1^elt3N Yp~ ~t , , ~ee~oer 1 `~Z ~zs~$. #A: talc; i.+~+#~S'Rli 2NGIt 1ioAMMe71:W~t L~Ralq+dr ~~.$.`! ' , ~ . . • _ f A. y. i!k i .j ~ye~ ~ A y ` Y j ( yp~.,~ y~ ii i ' ~Y ~ rt r A~. WZ ~ RiIV~ ~Iw i~~ i. ~'Ja~• '~4i:5 •w'-44L~VY w " ~ I ~ t «.n: aryl A . ~ '; ~# 'l~' ~a~' ~jL'~'1 i a' " E,~ 111 ",ZO k .~~.:". ~ieg'~ t`~vS~ '~j IP ' il:.. `s,~ , 1' g• i ~tt '~.1VL. ~:.Ly1~~~' me~E i~y'?+ fl~x~: '~+; aye~'.j~.1?s"i+e ~t~, #Y~.f S1~ir tii5'i~1~y iil+;* j} ' -. c .K ~.-.t {•~~2~~fx ~ ~K~IY~"~~JnfAl a~Y''r~•PMl'.~~ Y'~.Mw.,. i, i~c _'->~ it:. f~:t~'~,rr~;r,'7ors`tA"1~ `!1'st"'•4~At ~:a s~.a~'~a~ -t~3rot~3' ~..t s~~t l~lslleNr:;1~12~4Atis<is~i ~ 1! } b a~ y w<g i, y7~~..-... -.,1.. h, ~'.°~,a ,LL.4 y~, ,y~,~.y~,..~ -~=(tr.~we. y~yy~~,/ - Y'~(~~ -. Fy. ~'. ~«"•'F ~R~ii4~1 i~l~ ~1 2!r ~'t° ~'j~a~~.~'~~x A"~t~l.~i ~M,~ '~6 ~f>~ T~~e M~~~~ yM~ i~.!.Yir' .I'~^# +~$~~ ~~l ~a4 i5~e Y 1 ` ~ '~y e i . ii .rp"d Fr.>, s~. ~ xM'elE~~I amt "~: " a' F t ! ~ < t ex !,tail't w;.-. l 1st lae t ~K?.11~is~ ~ ~t1t7R1e f~riiwi l' 3~3! 'sxS.r.~"3 f ~ ~ ' a. 1 .a~+ra~s:fli1 ffYGti 'sidY! :attri t1+ri Wit: y~'.', ~I~ -~r,~r~ a~a ~~u ~~s~ ~~r~rrs~ ~ ~.~s~«~•~:s w ~c8.~r gym! w;:~: ~ul;::~~a.e~.fi: j ~'• ~t!Y !;:'tert!r1! ~ :x ~!g Y`!~'t1~ Yss's"` AilTt~t~ s ~:I'Y'~l 03 il4!!7%~1" 11sYt 71Yi~.~'~3i2S+Yt eh:iY*SatF'C'~+7 tt+1°~ 2i9 `tltO Af~+r „'x ..'~' ~ ",`J~T~'+ e1`+a°r•: si°°~7nst 1lsz+ 7+? stJs7 ~ +.til lard ~1s3r 3a5~trY .lff .+?~Mt~ Ps.wari•..t d..ts Jt*~!"tt•t'rt' .;°,~r~„+;' "-~~, ' .'Y1F' ~ l"7'»I ay h af,e.,v.`. tltgl S'. ~r: ~' ?~',` t.lr: to Ali";~, ii.'. SsilS '3! ;1Fat33 i•1s.:1j?!Cl~4 aw, ~",'~ _°P ~ I~'._..~ t ~ . ~ .r t Y .- . . ? ~ ~ n v,. a r.~ I ~ 1 S 4 ~ f ' T k I ' T dy t: '~' ~ rt r t ,~-r o- ~ . tC ~4 a . ~ i ~ • i v . i ~ ~ ~ -~... , t .- _ i I i ' , . . ~aitr sail run Barngralao,Cal.rby,le,ltl:. ~ - , sy.osal ...s1A~,Of fin. Ouroz CJgancil ~'.~>~ Oita of ~aD ~em,~,tgp ~t4 ~ ? i E ~ ~ ~ i h i . S . r ~ ! : : k i l ~ ' Id t 1 : Si ~ 1 i ~ >N~~ ~~1~ IQ 1811: 1111rL1 gas os21~d Lod ~ ~' i „ ~ ' ; E t '+~ ^ i [ . ? ° ; . : ± 3 i. .'T p~Q+~t b2~L` ~d~1.ot~.,~~, ~'~•• ~!1~-' .fit , ~ Co'usQil {{E D~N~dt ~00otto0li~e; O;ola~os~ lrs A~~ti • leap Q~."r . •~i~" f , , i l 3 ~ -,~y , t,, ~ n tt . ob tot. o~ " f ;+t ! 1 1 ~ . ~ ~ t~ ~t r ~:«~"~'"~ e~e -azt:~~~~ass'-L~M! - '~:~..., , htl;4,.1~~A?~14,1611 in tha Oitr 0? tan DrjmasQlnoslMM~ tM Rl00r~ 6a', II~Mb~ittll~ t0~t~~~IYii1~Ci~d' ~l~otols, of ~a~ Qit,~,~~;: 1at12'i- oatlon o! !l,~oZ1oO0ataln Dljo~M~ti*, r~,r' ,~-, , l~# ~ 1~!~"' "~ ~'~!~~~~s:~:;~ ~ I '' ' OPOn'otiot~ ~Q !Q Llw Toz atxt + ~ „'~1 :w ~..y ° 'rt '~ +6! .F. :.lr !' a lrlr ~.i .1 iF:, >e i ~ .a ?r .-' p~. ~ E~ ana or .giaa ao snA.. Ltu roiiw?iat: s~~s t ~ .~4. is ~#?R~.~s+d.,~I~i~ u,,~a ~ ~d41~~i,! ,,t ~ p!tl03Ii200 70TlD rlf1E ~A3"4 ~ ~'0l~L, ~~::sri.: .R°'; .•- :t.SC' t L . ! ,Y~ ~ ' j 4 a~9,r . E "!' ( ~ .'if~k: ..jr3...~ i/T~; -- ~ -- -- a 4~ 4 ~ s lti~0 ~ ^JU~ ` ~ !ss ./ ~ ~ l ~i • iii ll S ~ 'it"P` tT~+n`~'L iirlt: '~~.'g: ~.' $ fi 1 i ~ r` _ .Y ,fir. ?r '' ~:~ttsi' . t r .'q L', r ''1../S Q+~ .I .$°. (~°i 4 °`k L[, im ~ p; i*R +ar. ~F .r ~'LQ~1 ~ ~~~n ~ g feel. i ~~P };r , . . '1 .t it'~'t ~ .?ti'1<['.+t~ ~,r^i~t"~t ''iP~' 1C'[^J -1R~"S -.y ~ ice, h#', .'7~ fii~~_+i ~ ~'~~ ~ _ ~ t ~ ~ _ fit. as sss s9e • . . , ~1~!- ~p 1 !'' t . ° . . t,.l..+n ' y ~ 4 it ~'' ~ ~i. ? aFi?.i e ,.L 3Y .riCEi 3.~ ~ j2 ..~-6T `t SRF , . . ..w c t . r i ~ a i r t '7 F i`~ - f -' "' ~6.. r ~ a'QM1 . P `.' ~i '-~~+A -i'F .Mv - a~~ 1~ ~ t~ ~ R,. t+1..SF .~pr ~ tt7 a 1~ ri~ f~ g~e A~ W. ' ~ r. .ia- 3: r • • ~ ~ 60 207 3011 tZ" ~ ~ 210 "~i• - 'f7 . ' t~! 811 --__ 195'1 =`".;[e ~F. .i '`.; `" '. 3 ".' y ~.~T• . ~R 1'i t2Q 4~ >i tN0 . ~ a '~ ~~4 a , . ~ - . '~ '~ r ? ' K n ° ! Imo. +~e+ r 7+d i?s EO~f ryfr4~,~F ...,j Ke^'Y Y' act°0! ~ 4~i'1P $,Jg.. Hr:>~.e - r 199 all a t~it0 t! a!!!1M a sly at tLn !at! Mst,09warril9rtat ~~R l017M i~st t~91 1~tESaa w°. r~ ,M's~lOtTlt'tis O~Ait'M~"~11~'~`~'~~,~~e~~m.f'~'~~'~,~# wsl~iE +MZ1r3M 1q~' taw ` 4 ~ ~l-" _"- a~~~ ~~~i ~ f~yiyl 1 t P1 I;,~.,:.n ,.'flu ie~Z `$;rt~~7~{w .,,1~ ~ , ~ ~ •,.a a3a~'~' , 3 ~' ,~nU ~r~'~Ot~'il~st~ IiTilif-,~~ 1~~4~'~'`i~'1~'3i '~~ ~o~YA Mme, z ~ ~ '~ ,Sit • ~ ~.4i$ -.r.~ '~PFt ~`S '1 rj~ _ ~dY2.,p '.'~~' TI t:~'1 Py' r~_ 1r .;Y3- ' •`~- of i[~*'.~.5•/i.:~~ Ji:iit~~FYL '?(a: ' `r re{e.~'.1ri: ~ta i": ak1 Vd.j Jr LJ,1^i3~..~ !M'ts ~5~$M:!S~ '1:i~r j'P}ep y'-:H ",~.s ~ ~ ' ~ 1 :~-e ri `j )~1T 7..os'fl~S' `+' _ ~zC':1 ''fr)" Yi)+~,~aw'f 1i5;7~.~=~'1.:''QI`) OT.€~~"`Y~ eP; 1 r f ~ i.e, ,r . 'i 5?.1 Wit; +?t3 tY~.wT ', a ro r w r ~ 45~,, .fay. nu '.°? 1~1"'S ~"~': IMF IY' j M, r J ,r;'nj.t F~..~ r .+e ~r .2 ? l 9# 1 - '4 i S?..a 4 t i ;+.St dy '$'3 ~r{1, S' 'ilgp Qi,. ~ ~ `ta'i, '.yi" t d ^P'"~ r ~ 'p, I :~R,.~ ri.~t ~ay ~'r! ''''i'i !~xha r~T4Y{4" '~~ 'I PT'tl ~ iS? •t* ~ f'.p ~btl *0~~ilt' .a5r: 9, r .tea '~,'I~"~ .i 'a,~ .t , t f '' . 1.-• .~,t:.u..raYr:..., . . _.___._.~_-_._-____._...._~~____.-..,_ .,..,w.......r _ . ~ - r . Olty Hall~s:,n B.rnarQino~Ca1. ~.blOily 80,1611. ' , ' Ra6v1a= ~iatli~'olrtlii ios7mr~a"nQ 'Ootdoondoana'li for°t~IIa~~CitYr~or~~ian Bil7faDdlno~C"ai tlf~la 1 ~.Rlpt 7.D. E •0,3832. rti~t ~ ~ - r , ~ ~ ~`py ` 5 ~ ~'~ Faca~lli~i Lo FCYQl~ bY' ~1~aTO? ..i, .-T~ts 3'i~ ''_ ~ r.V..i f ~ E 4~'. ~'ry ~S ~ 1~ ~s P t~ the foilosa _.>~ifi 11~ Cduno?~ ` Dr./171t~ d:'~`id1II1Q~17~7i ~Oo!i~•tlo2IDq i'e f ~ ~ ~' R °Il J ! f~ b50 €;s ~ 5.y AIvJ a ~j=j'.'~':" J;t~Ens' ,~•s ~.`~riia~f, oi~lr ~oarnb7• ~firi'ns aad'c~a~~+ di.st l~tobdoi. 'ab..rt;'c`onnoila.w j R~iscII.`, !'ni i~tiii oZ the ps~r'io'as a~iti~nta ot~ i~~~ruf ~t~;Y6$.1 A'ax~` " tai .«ti! iF.~t,="~ °t • /Dae At of l1~D.TII,i6Fil.~IS1•. rsaa a~~-_!_•-~~_,~•i" ~,P. r: Si l,. !•y'!:Y~ g~i; !.Y r y`f ai (b ~,1Uv iies,N.rY '!'° 1 ~t r+ f r~ ,t ' ~ ~r P ^ 1 ~ ° ~ . aLiwi 'a_iLiNS~~ aiYl /./o~ ~r J=Ni.t 'a+'}; iY'a {~3 ',!f ! ~ r :' ' ! ' ~ Qt1.on' , t~ 1 rb~?" f b7 f L. eaeat fact ioa Of i / r i i 3,P P r: ~ r. ! a • L P .ri° V'13'~ •'^ `.6t wi.3 L ri :<fJe i:1 i ii{7 ' •a lwirz t~aeo~fa,rrils rsad is ial2 rbir ~itiil gass~,ind ido~t.~`~' }ol~.ow~ii~ taf~; x7u: Oola, tlolaisa, O~rssss ` I ana ~?~2~• seas: r r~ . ' ~ n ~..b :' isy r ~ , r `r""-~ r t '. '. - '... • , i ~ 't :ail;. i { ? ~ r i ~ ~iJXI t~+ 00 ~.,~i -~r r a rt' ,y3w lowt ~~Y~ ,,t~~J~1a4 '~'~ C''""'Q''~ rF!., ~ CR$h I . t r y , , : ~x~ „#""~- ~aa'~~ .to '+~! si~Nt Aa1t sai rsat in !till for 2'inai , paasa~i aDQ f~'L~l ti this 1'b~~#1A~E'~Ot~i~~~al.~~~..~a~a.,O~Ka?.~i~1lA~r IIOai~:~~M.: 1a~;"" • . a. 'j -~fj ' ~ oaarralOa{~aat s#pe~ rb ~'•T.AOb.i~a as~ ,R~ .his ~ !'sap~t2la avosm/ Da' ~- DlaoeQ on list of those set `-' r • ~p.xaittSt ~o~btq at~tssat il~t la"`~looa, o~ afq!, p~ .~+1' ia~da~•oa"'is so30,. r -, "`boanii2orso O.spt ~aereathat lea ~-.!,: { gib. a~ thsr~/ oS 11111•`F~bq.,pi~ee! ba.us~~`~`a+otiod.eoo6i~,~Q ,'.. ~ _ ~ { a_ 4? fheeil~ !Melt at~d ea~riet. ' N i~eteti~ asseaesssint t~s'`suhes'~~otaait"apt albs:ut~~ aaRea~`ib~ ~''~na~F"sue r~:aa'bs s~ i+gt~tae ~ aa>it.es~ea aa' saeit~i s~asras, tat~at a eoatarc~ ~ ~ - aa~t~ii .,~,t-"` ' . ~ . L #.A eapi o e+r stat~ee;• aol W1e ~ tntsnel?'~lod OO..t'?oF t ~r"YH!/L~ ~'~ at~ n ~ ~ ~ . , , '~.1~N?s seat !a , t1Q3 • Zoe :the Yirat ~~#/ a~,]i~~Og2~~ ~2 ..~,,~~_~+~-~~x`t t ~~,i C ! ..c E t "( -art • * 1 ' , , Y?ro a,'` ' i as r ~"', ~ l` C { { ~tw-~s~ .';d t t , . ~": i , G c' i~':, 7P „ " . ' ~ tilt` _ , ' C~' ~': r~ ~ iOO~Xt1C6:~ 1ls~al~-"~ i'!"'~'T"'!F'~ ~ laattaa atlrwsrasltaaA ' ~ ,t ~ , i' ~ ' ` F~ '~" ~ ~'~ ~~' t6R~~ ta#e t¢i'est >ast~et#ed ~leMal'e• . . - ~' ~ ; ~ Iql~;-~lnt ~~a s~ ~ sub ~ lwtiat ate ~ ti . X _ ~#M,'~~ ~' !~"~t~c''e ~ ~~~t ~ toga br ~ ha*awtte ~ ~.' xr. ° 4 ' +.i~ ~~,'•. S; P', ~„':.S't"i.d sµ #',Sa" wf?r 9e Ji.YV sib w.f_ tt:; ~ 406!6 ;;#b'a j+lk [;c~. fCtw~.,:..°:#.Sir f~d .R 1 X { g[ OORYIDllalll 1f01L~M am oarrlea. a Dstitia~ aa~et ~r ~ao~asts areaa~a,ssatatl~ as ~!~l~~!!!it ~M!!M„,~,,,a~tlt~' ~ as ', ~ saiiQ atiwt,we th OoaaaLl N ~ Batt at t.M~ ~ spit ss~«r'~i~i ~ ~ ~ .Dula ~a4?' f sw ees sat to .:ase.ii.~l. ~saor nsea fast ra„~r ssaieae. m.~ aatlss lk113~!t ss , i"eoslrt a srsoll! boapR ~ tLO ~aaetian sr la~sa~'°~11sa stsNtaMaTVar ~ atstfpt r Lat sei iigM ~ hrla '' _ o! de~isia~ sbwo aaahs tit aw/ 1~ial, eT Kzee~t as as blot tre ~ !oats sastoa~a seantea a[ fie MitZsa~Mt eaR~aat~ ~ ' ~ .', ,'. •'~~~ tAat Clt7 psa*a='s an estlaata tae soo».~iat Ot stseet sot srloat boot to ooutwll. ~ ' • MRpOZ aewaAb pT/eented LLe nar:a oZ 11.A.~Dlen I~oZ Citr T2'Ela/QOi' ann li7[ OTlielO Pbiiee ~adse =M! L9e Q~~ piped tars Lo suooe8t ~.s.1r.L><ntibot neeeaseQ,for the :onriraaLion o1' the Camail. Caanel3aan Taos ao*es loaf • aDpointatent be oontirwed F:,otton seoondeQ ap connCilarn ix'~ins and aarrleQ. • Layor keNabb stated tY.at rot the unexpired term ltr urea would be repaired to furnish i x01000.00 8 t3oild but he hoped that the rreasuer elected at the nest ~enosai election would be required to tarnish a stn0h • '} a larses 9ona e.ea thonth the city par ibe preaipm ros,.aste. at least i 60.000.00 and he aia sot tnani 9a.ooo.oo would be Loo lonoh. lpeOifletilon~ for tLQ eostet=Iiet>oA,of a OQR?e$t, ilQehal~ sell onst? on •t~ strseR Det~eea l'ift3land seventh streets silo saeoliications for the eaut3~oLioa d a o'eelent ainenl~,aoit o4Rb oq Haek2to •Teme hetwea n between YL.9ern0a sad Oalifo'nia streetil~~za, p~er~epted ~ City' lontlaees Jl.i,aioan., CorufsflfilP:p, ir?iat rimes that . speoirieationa bs rats'ered to c3tT. A~,tot~s¢e}~1sfOt~}pa av,1r. eagtaudea.Ea•„ Qonssul~: ast#.s•ataals. r' , , • ` ~ ''. 1 t r.•, r. °~!!'i F. Jlf'. P!~[ 1 Sri t - , ~ Dotitaoh of owners o.!•psopsr`~.,,;saeii~,oa.nest;eel.'A~,L,t~a+l~~9D1~.sa~~n;"t~.Kz+st;~a~MlNrtiu! the t, Viz!{ j k 1 _ ootutoii to fate soae aetlon,,tanr~.di~es},~! ingf~toa~i•~atass,~}..Aa~s;DMa tassea,aafo ~its~sst=b! reason opt new [tads. that ha?e,Dees~~e~tab13~lpop, tYs..~rgoE~,,,,,a}sa,tht~,,tas patst~?~eat~ ,~t~ew~~w~i ea~sssse y..ea ' such stsaetaynQ (yct tbs were i• ~'eOd ooQ41tP~A~ptses~e,.Xe~IS i~q aAd. ~Le ~,I:,o6~L~}s;lafil~t r!a is ~i~at sMaitioa aril neods sepals. sad that as t*e .Q~~s, has srap~ gtZteot'!~lr~eta. a! tom: t ~-rtes mtar.dae 9etasi.awt~rs ' 'If'~:ti~'.!t 'l:i T42!'' !:r }::t+`,YY .F k- ~ s: ~ ~ attes rte f •rst the the said 'n. sti;eeL bT';eraa~'a~d-fit 1i~.!•!;~.,t~++ RW?.:~ , T,ta~s ': ii, .`xr i.]!C B'."'`.! ,.~w r,T a;a w jhaV i f i ;'!' ~ ~ ~ ~ 't.,' . ~ - referee to Clt7 1~a11ee! it L W , tO _'~ ~-saweA ot'~!0#s •s~eata ' ~ 1 S #~~r~-~...3 ~,T 9~_~A~C~~q~ ~i1d:, ..AA11M? ~MIII4 . ' waters also ~repase an eatiaste of coat 1bi resnriaoin! ~aaQ ~ stfsre+t. atoiaoc iisostrle0 by Ooasiollsaa xo2sPe! and carried. - . P r ^ ? r ; ~ '~ , ~ . < <,s , r~~t , • _ u n~.'W'`3 k~l.i6,zbi;~:1 it a$+f`.~"3 '' %t«w~.,y~kr ~,ye 1r an osdananee pa~osiais?t ~z~cr' sad cait>~ II pz~i'r ~s2eottal~~~ta, bs ttsH ia'the Osti ~ feat Seswastthro and 1n the City of !aA Belrtnndlao aaDeoi`dtwtziet oo zbasQtT tDs 14th,dal? a~~l?se ld~i. lewiRlt~ tits Qit~ aMo samioipal eleetioa ~realaots sad appo~latant boasds of sleotiaawaa iwl~ lfit lYll Zirf t8•~ tisst titre eat iasd otres ' - for fala2t ir` a. ~ ', .'aF S~1 Y_w, flail 1("•Y i cl ! ..i),°Y S'Ji,~ty ;~1 ~C r. -,'~ * ~,;' .L~ c. • • i 't r v t r °" I i 1 t° ,' t "t 11~!'T k~rr' h ° 1 f "~ be~as~e'~taEt~ ~lp~ ii~'r6sP~Pl 't1t;i O~ail aa~ `"slater that t~e. atalar ~ . , it peYO- sir sass vc :s.*gr~ ! irsssias rapaa27 and read a oostsnatea~iop ~'}~s~, t~d:~l•1dASl:~ ixr.a}asa OR+ #i to sell • llao lies 9Kietie r ~ p ~ - _ On pa~leat a O? would a~~t LAe t! ~ • ':: ter: / ' : ' ~ ' vre.~4 ~ ,past' •' ~+r-n:•+~ ~ ae.~ -~a. ed..aa~ see nsda I ffiY a ~ i*~ ~ i f< : s Fj'$"' of a nsw, stie alasa as the Z.DOIi oat ntei site A.~!~41~1s- paiet~ f~ai ao,rea t1Rt, atttee ~ leQ't • _ _ t o the rizs oaaiiste wain to apt ° ' ~ i d~i~3t _ _ _ _ ° g •.i.l~aa~ a~asrwt aars+Rle trs OoaAlix, eat aatp! t ~ ~ss rt!ltafasras .i maws lroa bu1id13f f st ~'>tiw `pia! itatilr~ `tai~~ ~ ~ 1 ,ar~ $~ ';:(~~ ~laaatiae yid ~ r~lt 2+sa` the 'aa!! Drirsie~e few a few aroewt+a. i..,~ K` as ht ~':ailr'3# ~ aka ~afR~ s ~l a >~+.R rc ~ : + i t, .g la^g ~+P ' s 11 ai0t ~ ~ i . . '~ . poa ,rat.. aa~ir >r ia~a psis fats •e~FsMa ~ o~!f~r~ so' aret ~ I~ood~7 wsnias'~,.a~ #rit !.w _ _ . tA!'O+?s[ rasa .rt eQ' lr~a!! 2a2• ~ , ' PNy^,,, ,:r M1~ s~, . fit +,~.k, M 1 "~ f ~'~ . wj'~:~#'t .L{%• ltii t3 ')iIC'7°'I'~ J~is ~~Cfli~lr~":,.;P~C` P, a,ht4` i~'=t1'.~ .1'd'i~!'.+ra=.' ,{i .r t fly! . '~s kz#,~q~a,~ ~ 4 .y r f . yy~r I . ~ j 1~ 1 t l~ I P rS, 9 ~2 - - -- -- - -.~-----, - City rill. San t3arnerdino, Cal., Mebrliary 17, lUit. 4 ' t.Q~oarned ~ieetitt~ '02" t~f~ f6rYo~r ~a~d common ~Ootuw2l or tIIe O~ltr` of San Beraerdino, hold rearnary x1, roil. r ,1.,, Ileetit>a wa:; oalled to order by uayor l~2mea I•ro tam at 9.40 O'olooi P. k. with the 2'otlowinS me'•beza or the o . r ', '} ~ ~ , r 3.1{'1°.l":~d .i,~,J :'yP ['t:~t',..'ltDi'~' Coamsii' 'present:' Oo~lostien Cole', tlolmmes; Ote~'er; and ir?ing,' City A`~towsey 9iins anq pity 02erfi Batohalor. /lt?- aent : ka r (b° Mibb and Oo~aiimat RAndeh.~ ' the r~tee oi•"S1ie ~ie~iona: ~meoLiF !"~,A'; i : , I F ~ t ~ ~ ^ , ' Yo ~ t~ were read and approwed.~ ' ~ Aaeoiut#oir satborsrtn6 tire' 9Qpe~tntetAd'ei~t ad' 'etiests` to sa'e~aa b!y ~ tQa`ji~;¢ the titse~ f2ie~ him^ror size ooeipiation of'ttps ~ai1r alsoi'lled ift` ~1nit`oestain' o'ontrabt''ei~fs~ed' int~'betwsbo`~aaia sapsnntenQentlor ~etrsets t , and tom' kip~ss'Owisrtie{ioa' Ae. ter" the ~ pereee~t of''i!'" iEiriet '$bt:eea $eoona ~ and ~:EfgIIttII ~ street i sas read in 21]11 roz rimy reseaai'sa-.~~en s~i. ~w ~reiicra~`.o+~i~'h3t~; i~~:~s,'"dwe~te;E'sia.a"i~~ ~'.. ~ ~ ~ r' ~ ` oststtr~ae*s~sil~~rsa~ae~dea~~+iti'"~hid'~mee~l tbf~e''~~ie'i~oiEion"oiti'the`Drec+Q°aeei~~,`t%errev~? . aoe ! the , res Lien br'ObHDOl1>satl C'. '~. Reaseh 'tb' t t - " , ° ~d't ! + ~ s . ept oa idaa 1 ` , a e'efrsat'th6 eeoolfds'~ ~*" ~ ~ ~ t:,:e a konday its nsr~h, fbr leaeol4 that ~e~eis2 7~~adtih[ "spat ~"7ie iVldat~! Kn `"tie `lAo~tm tlnl'ei+s'~'ti"'t ~.is' ddoiire'~ shoatlti : t on ~roiia for oannoilaen F , i • . ~ aes~oarieQ '~' tfoerliz~2lelr isle i .iii tls`i~rli~d'~1'1~otfoa *dY' tie 3 s~+- • , , ~ : , x - ._',; ' grei~o~i tree~tat da~t'.~rseoitrded. daem- eilirer ~ amwm Lis't,'~b~`~ 'Llidaii' C'.'1:'Re~deb`~A~6"eoeegYd'd''t`ol~t~ii't!w ~ .rTt~ '.r~~'I ~^,' ""~~ . iy._ i r,i .,i ~ •3$' ~ ~ nn -i w' ACi.i+.:j :.3: ~7;., is ~S Vii. ~.f ~ 'i `b1 o '710 ~~nj y ~'' /an sed'nardl8o~ 1eD¢oei'!_~'/, 111. r !0 Tkti 1~1 • kdYQi. ! ~ r :P+ ~Y" ,{3° is ri f„.li }'!li ^:,l ¦~!n.'~' '.,'.fe. ~~,~'~'i.} fk -Z'S~~~~i'J; :.f ''1')~.%~:S l+l'P7;'a :[+.3.!{~!,i4 itdl , ' C s'Parl'~fM'awV~ ~~if1}.nP! ~'i p'~ .-~ .i.~ . :N] '`_i£. ~'a` ~ "e~, f4:it}P~.4% w: li, rh. q.a ~ h i-qt' !e'3 F~`'.s~t.yi~~ yiF l~;. {1fi^~. ~=n:"^,~ 'l 1.'° 1 ;1:'j ~,.'li,.,~iT~ f:~P''Yj iAP ,u~3n ,".~'~*`.ir't'~,t 7•~,.~J!-7 ! i l~rsaant to ~+ouz insirllotloaq i haws made a Dl^eli~isa~ eErt~te Qi' ;tlse ~ ` , ~ ~ , ' , . . •rwla~r ~ r~'0`4 ~ ; co; '• *~?~'~-i ~ #~*~~ t~th f?' ~`ollpsps . %. t r ~ {- w.,... Pf ~ /H~~;. i~`...t_+~ ~~..dti.,~~w''i ~ ° ~~i'A ~ i ; ~ axw a~ ~ 1 . i,; +I~ti~.ywy id ";'t t:~"S. :9'"7 : o~wA" L:a:' ~,v~'t i R~:~:.'~ . :i~l~ 4+ f fi C.~ f ; ~ t .t !~-.'4' ;'y"~'*f'~1'~C'f'~.b`;}E '~.f Y~'~'1;at ,:if a.~i`~~~i t'f-'~''~'>t?.r ,ti ~K ra ui., a'b. ,t P:,. E~J'6 (10~1alOte pttelq ~ ;~..,-. 3? %':t'"~1.g3fv#! ~Y"!ti@;~8:''~ .';I:~i!':,'!`+j"~~: ~i :;ii:) iiA~ ,S~b`!',€, °§~.,`f.~~ .r;: ~ ~ 3': Asl~~tt as' 4L1 ~ D e ' r ~ t14~'~1E~~.a}-t+"~+A ~/`y~~~.~'~`i~i!iiDl~e[& 3 ~if$r f~fi~lir ''~65#fJ~:yjsy_IX i~ii:..ri'~;J': w i1'1C 9 is t.}! ^~/ ~ ~ R ~ : d s, ~ a T:, s~ t °-t:~'~ "a ~ y°i '{'!AY j~o~ '~°~. ~'o~'~~ S ^ -ra'.:"$~' A4'! !4i ?A~~~wr1.4eZ ~1~#{(k~?.~ .4#a}.~T. !•`i"~,~ .`n~':Ywne"i'~~ ''Y `:.~'if'.l(~. ~ ~ ~ ? ^ ~ 4 ~ j~~.^~tiE~~3 •~[tt-~ a ~ ei~ 'rtk."t'.-,~,i'i-;^-~~ :~•~R t' 4+}` j tl~ 1 ye~e~t t>F, +t~17;w ~'P~ $ P^m:l°°f!v,.V1'~.; L tl ~,'1? I`X" ~R f~~,. y.Si4. Y .%.. 'Nli ~~ifi. .'J~~r'x~ ~.'~ ~' ~~C~rW\!~ N1JV~1 ~,+;4~1 sa~lLl ~'.R~q~p+i 6t'K' rRl ~t iY.I~~Y. IM1,ryw ~ K ~~'T'S71R"""~' 7i~ao~a4 ~r~r„+~ap; ''-~ ',' ~ '' i,~,o,n arsta~ ~ ra.~os;w saw pus. rMe. wro t~aoei ~ :soytait aoa lea P . two .Mto.: irotion srsro~R 1/'~ owodin! Talsns sal e~.a. ~ : .~ro, ~ ~ - ~ Ceara .1~R1 'r, s: , a. Dataaelo:, --,,, i city Oisat, ~ • ~,y" - a cstr. . near sir:- Enoloeed herewith find the alalra or Chas. 1lenis spinet the City for Qawaltes eastained. ` Ylease pi'osenL the sa~se for aotloR to the oouncii at tAeir next teetiL~. ~ .WJ Tcvrs~ery trU2,y, Cl1as, A1i180n. r,.._._..... ~ s c otlt f nuACl : - clrlc or s~~r R:EautmiMO . - ~ So Qa~ges svstaine~l 11Y olaleaact oit aooottrrt of fora2>;27 bealnad and eaterlnr neon the 'cast I male Bardred ' (1000' feet 'of Lha 5oiith Ono Aged b,irii r~1ft7 t X160) Zl~et of Lot one (l f , ~~;.!' tt; .~.n' ~ ;-~.. ~'~ Bloot Twenty (90 of the 1?i7e -flora surrey of the Ranobo eacr Beriinrdlbn aoaortiind to tne' ot- tfaial iaD and Dlat, and recorded in the 'oti'~oe of the CotmtTtteooider ot~ Sea Nernasdino Coun- •r. ~~ty,r~tate of Califoznia,- the lands o! the slainant:,aad tatin6 down tao femoo atufdint upon said land and remo?i>Y Lae ease, and diaLr:rblaS the aial'sat in the use and ooorr~ation of said - ~ ~ Dremlaee and pre~antin: his tree ea~aYisrd the saes ae he otaeiwies would news dons -------;60.00 - ~ ~ ' UloII le;~ding,tifg.~1O,,~Wif~Lton and bill, Coanailaan 1M11t eoSea tlrnt ease be' rererred to tae Street Co~ittse to 1meeLiSaLe tAe aiaeL SaoLs and retort beak to tLe t~meil: ~otloe seconded Dy Ootmoil'an ,Owayax and earried. - ' r,i 1 R 1 ~rf'• « st~i,7 !r lu r ~ it ji.5rt r. . r p "Ordiiianee ~o.~`~18. , 4r os~izanoe `p~idls~ !`oi sad ~o*fllilR i ;+iisaay eles#i'ti~a !'o. tid Deco `in'tae ofty / 'F.ey.ri'f ~r t. a . L.: r.. \'T` n _ a e, r ~ ~j C'i ~~LL ot. Bas sernardita sad .>a city os San'~ri~rP so'ioa~l d~ ~ ~adads~t;'''tlia °l~ 'd4 a!` `I~ae~, fitR1, ~i.__~ Qi~idias the loYty~ fiato reemias~pi2 rseotloe Ipaee]aeta sad aDDO~ti~~. ~ea'ids~~~'a~aatloel, ¦1i iesd im M! i'br ' I't r'i.(1 rri2' r`!' tafS~ ri.~,~d r,... r,:, . ~,+Jr~,, y I,., t.r .N •'+. d.- 5 "t ~t 'i Zinal Dassllae and adopted by tae t+ellorriaa Note: Cole,• Noises, Owsgea!, end irwiA~. Reao2atioai adegtl~ Dlans and aDoeirloaLioae for tLe oo~nststaotio*e of a eeeent side¢w_alti_„and,a~ on ' f t . f q i,• ..,-.:i f !ar~ `Vi'i t- i' t.t~ is • .±1h iP+ ~ r 5. v' - i t~ 'i'' ~ fiJY ~~3F~i~r ~:."F~ '$"'`i',r '~~:. R~~l!~~~ y1'PlZ~7~'7 r' Aialte Awe. bets'eaN Ilt. ~earaaa and ffalitoa'n2a etzeate,~~as ieid~ in inii for tti~"e~yraiwt Liss sAd laid ti•~ 3br - i ~ ~i ai . ,-, 'fl i. i :.~~i ~ '4 '~' r,ri 'rr.M .'ri.'i~wF""sf'S~'b# TSfi~P`.i "r _ •~f,,. . r r. f 11ra1 pnnsase • , , , ~ , . .iN1C 1:£ 1t.1:3 ;lo .!ji5„ i:fi!°:'>a1k?t+7t;t~ .~.,z .4,>,- Reaoltitloa adoptin6' plans and speoirioatioas for tie rarosios oi' a eeiwaM~ si~ara~t sad snit on ~' h.i ~„r't; f .`~I.+,~^ ! tfir~~l L `e*r,~i°d1; i,. +~i. ~£fX* ^4r~ .t',':,i#?ldk~: Y~;"i ;it";'} y ~{~.`S4Sf3l~` ~'~sc~ 'w i,"; ':Y+.r~r~%i i1r? ~i' styes!' bsLwsaar`~irtit aid Ce.e~'~t a~iests, was aead in lbl~ ror t i~rat ties ai~'l:ld o~ ibr i1aa1 pss~e- s , _ - . ~-r'~~,:~ "1~~ r-±~ ~'s~F*.~-::fat ~rr~r~~; , s s~ - abasr se~inser ltiliea of tie `slats ye Ali ~,,.~l~~_4~P.~' is Del2ra)S`or tae Santa re lsr reps~.t ~,p L~r oonneotan: wits tie Lefty sewer. sad acted i+or ties to daRiss soee sertas oEt' tam Dare et E ~ ri 1F, ibeir ae>raas: ~tsted Last ell tie manta hs sated was snlSlotM~,-i}~ i1[11'Liob~So 923re1nate tAs oit'llae'tBeir ' -... is ~f.2'i iT ..k f: o". .13 !S - , l_ waste eater, iLat they nears dsaiaiw sew seals is a2isnate tbs oat satd tLdato tL~al will aMOaeed is doi~ so. - r Coarai'1Ma~a tnl~ stated Llrai as a Oomaiteeels, l1a Qia~not• tbint Lis elialaatias at Lis oil aalTlaleaR: tLOt ~ .s ' the santa rs'woQ2d in a ?ers abort tins base te`taLa the water •t'aoit till sways as Lis City eardinas+ee raQaire~F, that tae sewer at tLs Pseaset t3as is arti~axed sad it wei sot =aiz to tie City sad tat la7~ asi lIS tweet ~:' . rislatiap "oat tie Q1iT OrQinsfss. Ooemsilaas Cole sa?ea that t11s asitear M laid ewer 14ar ens wwt: sdisri see- ''. , tst , • _ oadsd to. Oout011isa Osapr sad aaarned. . ~Te::a bsiiis iae say set roa' i1~r oneaetas of we. ror 1l~iat sees. ~p~s Hstses taro te. a.iea is cieae _ is app ace who bas'.s~tMat to artter la tLie pattez betoan yioaaedia~ so wM tia~i~s. C. C. 11iaiMl2 'ia De- 11P1t o¢ Lis 6ttis Oirset ~IprASe Ce. asp¢ tBai tDa eoeMla~ as LLur~ lip 1Ma aMad !"oEe` !t ~4r', t~aR tlr at14 Lytle Crset lewslt oe. disrasesw ~ ~aos aWettt a pCpo~ioa ts?rsbs o:~.ssaos ~eM rttttrts2~ ~ ~ ~~- . leek! to eianacapal weaara0d~: tLat List eip?t Lava • ya+asestasM to eRle! 1, tM wq? et a lesr?e wlt~ Lis oytloe oat btD?in<. Jlttoraey 1A?rm wst~rs is hilt et ti+e lroitie Lal~t urd lbwetr Oa. aairlateQ ttit tM bMo w aPeaed: ~/ tisL tLs oospaar be reya•eeestet iat esde Heir ldt is teed taiti, sad lLat Lee eawtKet sieoid Ds let to t]re lowest bidder: tAst a aaurioiLai lititipt llaM Doses wit! tLs dewelo~eet of the oalmetErl?s as! not ad tLe W?tie Crset lass Co. as etaLed td 11r. Aaeteil. Oooswiiean Oole ae?es ttrat tDe bids 1s ssirlsd aed laid Dyer hoar Dare west, sbloh eotioo was lost for want of a seooad. Cauwilean Ovetaae eewee Leat tbs bids tie sealed and laid o~rer for two weeks that the Lytle Creet bower Co. AiRat trawe tan op~porLmriLy of eablritLil>< their ya!vpositioa. Motion ;4 '. r ~ ~ fie. ni contlnuod:- seoonded by Councilman Irving and oarried. , ' Upon the ®otlon of Councilman twins, duly saoomeC by Councilman Cole and oarrieC, it was orCereC that the Dawes on Lorton Aye. be relaid and,tAe laterals yxoperly ooMeoted. - Uyoa aot~aa, off[ Co~}a?2sl~n. Ir~ins, ,Cult' eeoomeq b! Counoilman sole and oameC, tLe Council aawaurned to ~eot iloma~' ereDiAa, ftascn ltth, lgll, ~ ADDro~eC thia fW oS lfatoh, 1821. , r J` ~ t E ~ r ~.tr. ~ _ ' ~ . ~ Qitx, Clem. r, I ~ _ e~ ' _ , 1 I , • ` . [.tom Ia ' ~i n ~ Lau. ~' Cal' Maio ~Ci I Bali 'tie'nesrasM i Et? , j ~ -,; ! ~ -: -, I.F ^ " .''S;. ~ r :l a er. t^ !f ~ y~ a . ~ ,1:~_ f:.. r ~,l.~ ~li;{i•e~ :Plti , ~ i v "? '~., t7 '`. ~ spee3ial s~setinB or_the Hayes am ooson oamaii of tAe 02ty ;os saa_ Her}}srCino, . Ta~ ,z,rs-ewe~n~n, 6 Itaaoh 4,1911., l1!~44 ea;~sd,to_osdgr bf 11a7a= 1io.llabD 8t 4.~f Q'aloot l.n.wltn t~r~atl~i~r-,e o2 LA° CbmaQil " n t' i ~ k r' ~ tf r av~ <', -~s-~ ° ,~~7!~~"~°k. C rt ap~~~`~'`y_. ADae /~~!~~~y~~.L'..Tn ~"~, /~R~,°+~-.~ i.. p ~ j~ y "C^. P, ~'~"~^.~r16 i'1 ~L'_ a- i}I ITYa t~~ '. IIi. L ~i9 .{~O~,or #+o or aaao~,1' ias oZ !yy'Iectza~ she Pope aasti'+ord Anso Tlaak 'J ,r t ri ,;7 t~ti +;^A ~+7. r~ aa~~411, :~1'".S ?'/}' r.rrY tL' E"l t:~{}!l.. :411'@v~ w~. ~ . , a.Nw xhs -rz.a.~utsaa AntawoDite /~y`'~~ and '!bs Qi.ty or iaa ~serae ` ~' QZ1ediO~~. ROef. ltaa' ~ , posit root eatsr44 2aLO : he't~rean •n ! . r n • , r`' *"', T n ` { 7 't. ltiia0a t ". 1. _' ~ ','a er i.':3 i",! i .s,.,t.'f f!!}'.( (i. f.,il 'i'iYS tC~'>?` ,f",`t i; '~ I' Ca~31ma>1t OoIO'moTga sAas L~tre,Jiato lnse Haar be eQ'~ the C2L7 Lies= De inayrnated to iasne wazs - 'rbi ~ r~ tt+ ' ~ ,' ~ .°tf'`i:.°. `9a..,~r a f• ri.,;~i~-. iR t' ii1 fi'1~:'f`. a{ ~+' fl!'; f,:9 t^*. ', ['': ' aut l0~00.oo~la t~'~aR'oA'the sr.#t.7Re.a Antos~pDils C4~be18L;tlba,rirat„D on ripe riaet as Der coutract.motl ' .,,~ca;., . t , s'~ i. ~~~j ~a~, , as ~{l. „pea ~~{~T fi`r.~~~~~+p`a~~n ,~+~y~'~r3~'? ;-e.,f;r..._~ er~...'* ~'ti r. 'itCf,{' `;~~~~'F"FP` f~t~~fy~a~,.~i!~F~. :f' ~' {i4' 1~ ~,~1 ~ T~'F.. '. "~a- 1 , .~'~!i w~ fwr ~ ! .f( ''~`'.y Ef;>'" ! r"'''1 ~inel ~Q~{1 ~~a . ,' ','[ S', , . t a r i LO ~' isoa~7 elentpt ~s'~. d.lill ~ 7.0 ~0100~ P.~s ~ F >•S " ~ r i. i s. , i Y Y Trnii, ' ,.r:.{ ~ ~,y~ (~i,..~ " ~ , ~r r a n , t I ~f:~~~!~"'/ r • '. r 1.•a.S . ..:w r'?i r~;'I. :1 f ,`' o!`~rsvni7dY' "~_T ~ wf q!'.f ~'' "~ ryr~~s./. ~:".y.. , ,t ea~ 1 ~ Vl~ V1Vla.` ~f^. 's ', f ! "~' 'R .-., ..f !'.~ ~f6: ~t5{is tq'. f t!t ,},i~ Ali ~f 'r~~'F;} ? ~{.~' .in .1~" .niSf'1' is of .:.~j Cl1 4.i la`. c.Y ~:S ~'.{i Ri: n. ~K~• ,a :". .i.. ~ ~ ~ ; ' ~ a ~ ' t ~ ~1 S { ~ " j : ',. 1 r , t1 f : ' T . r ~ a A r i 1 . i ri , ~ t i ± '. ~ {`u ~ f' ~' 1 ~ - ~ : ! l w " i e ' r 2i jai.: :.fit .r't.::.. 'r ri ~t ": ~rf i~~. h~ .'4 Cn~? <dsi,. ~"f tl' ~7'"~ i s .,.i! '~ 1 i n; 'so-,, ,°14 "!' i''1 ~ r.. .p. ; 7i , . Y T. r+p Y ~ ..~'. ~"4. -'t ,- ~ ~ '. p f i Y~' i ~ • ~ er. i .'r w . ea.,(-"e,~~c jY! +sJy .e:1j ~F'~' '-~> T_ ~+r r *' <7E'f rt .f..t ya3'I: r' J.. r~,+ t tr ~-,... , .t..~i.1 ~ '~f• ';' ,?~Sw ~:fi~i'i°,f{ '3i,S1'.1 '~F °,F~;'a t^;S' ~ ~fj '', i~iR,. r.~,. ..r^ ' ~' ,w• ~ w~:rt":;-~; '±~*,;,ta~ ', °~js•, ';•n•-C, ~ x, °T j.; i~k~„'~' '~iwE~i ,,t '~"`~'~i'~itr "~."'='C ;.f` It ~ -' r. -! • .;y;; ~ra~b ~ ~'~a`x+~~ •w:.n~ sse9 ~t1Y~ 'r"."{~ .~""~ ~$tF"'»r~tt ~rstYt Seui,' ~.w^ .h~ Zxr~"'rl~' ~+Qrs" eE l~t•f **ctT ~''!:a,id . S ~ i r ~ 1 f '. v f ~ fi 'tf ?'?. wa! ?': x; 4 4~"Tf . (..r/e; „f f [ ~.,.rf~~i,_ ti3'S T., '~9~ ~`~+~' ~ ~}'.~ ~+5 f'} fdY+~~.~4''t S : . a9f'' 4*4 '#1•~ ~'°~' . ~ r fl ~ 1`'°t1 , . , ~ . f.., ~+a ~•~" f ;^i :°f:W '4.' YTL TEr .'. t!i• fpvyrj-?~ „Y•~?4r" J p rp.yrer(' ' ~ ,4. 'i ° :42 t;5st'S"Stt"9n } f~Y f' t ;1 r ' e?4 C a' •il ; r rt. f~ ~ •'?f L' .~i. r.',.,:.r7 'R{'. t• fP* r•f.tS ~' ~{'i~.:. rT " S;. ri +l,, .rt7 `Ir'' '. ~'!' .!!" t ~P' '~,}' ~ , r?. ~ ..- •f. i •sr ~¢.' ja(~,4 .py~ rye n. l"T 7~~~^'t• n nN, }~E,r- ~;i+'.. of ~-,~? ~~.;'(• ~ . ~ rvrl, I ,r Ft ~f' ~fi~•} ~T. a {pr+L ~ ? t•f ~a _~a.. i . I ~ ~ r .a ~ f:^f 4 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ f ----- -~--`-'~ .Li1V r j i . ' City ttsll,san Bernardino,^el.llaro??,e,1811. • - ~ ' Regt>lar aoeting or the Mayor anti oomrwn ~tutoil" of the Oitr oZ 8alt bernai~dino 31e~d WondaY e~enang tlaroh Q, ~ 1811. The mooting ties caned to order by Yeyor pro tetuwre Holmes at a o~ol'oot t.11. tAe toliblrlnR aetlbere being pre sent.0owt¢171o0~;0o1erklo~mea~Oweger ~Od irring. 0i~r AttalRsy 8?ing and Oity Oiart l~itoIIelor. lbsent; Itayor 1t0 Ifebb. - '1'he.>1lntttee, or Lhe,aeeriAS 01' i?eDrwry 87,eere read and app~rored. the ttimitsa"~o~• tDa 8peaial iieeting of Marsh 4,1811.trere read an4 sYDirored. . T~le,~Onthly M~0?L.Qf PullOi JU4,Qr;tI14..~Z 0Zx'leie Oity~?le6atter f.Jlctlorsa trs8'reaewted tltd read,Qontto11a4n Cola mores that report be aooepted and pla0ed On,;ila,~oLlon.teeenie¢ ~ Aeurtsilaut trvias'aal'earried. ~ ~t~~n~rggtt4g=zrt~ lbe.GOO~nvii;;o.g>asa~, al?•atloat sstneea:iassaert and xaas'tias •si'preaeate4 D! A.o.Be • drOrd. YOYOr DrQ;tgl~ore l~oit~ ~tated..ih~t,aliboYsh,thq. tee retisset ~strspl:a! tl~ q~rlt'nssded gradld6't~e did r.ot tAint, i~,,adrlsaBle,~d t',1ptiEaip'.aot;ott at t~.is ;i2ae,pttt aesuze6 `Dr,bsQrix~Q~t~E tfts+~ea~to~ ~Yd Sirs 'the mtte>• • ~ atteAtio4; ~a tLe 8eaz'stiL~re: ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ -, , : ~ ~ " F i l ~ Yap'of'41~ *f0oz Jotfnson`Traot"a satidisieao~S`a Dart,at'~.aWii4l1'e~'R'~ll-1d'faiw`•llsr~faxdl~o~s Prase ~ ' -. r"''~ nt~ed for aoesptanee. aet~Yte7[ltan~soo?es tnat'`R obaalite De appotate~'to .~eelb~, a~tid D'!~`°ee!! report boat to the Ootino3l at nest, ssaL~t'.s~otiou ~seoortded Zs Ooonoilain lrring and oar=3sd.~ ~lrtit~e7 ttDoe• sfis° tlnor aT poittted tits street aoaa~itte at ver aotion ride. ~t . k ' to flee aattat o~ sus saitta~s+e [~i.~.~crias thedr QrtiYt ~ataz Onto tIIe tti3j?'•ee»e: 8oltoes y~i+o.tea. atue4' that he hnd tilted to fhred l~arrts of the leata~ se. Oo:and that 1tr.llirtis~ ibaemeEis 31a that ohs aanta` s~e.0o. - hoe apprapriar.ed = 135000.00 and tronld ootieras tort l~pdiatlr tcfard eetal~s tA~h! "etriZ~sfsislr sfbtee ~eaCYistt ease 72a1t'!e'"trtraelt Drd?ldtrigs`~ af~i' ~FonfA° diet rat tea! aexoia 1X2r4 aed ae0tad stems 1'OR' said s7stiw. ~A.,Qh1P iD?e¢„ tai„;,,~I~+ ~ :~3~ r~l~! +~R§' ~ ~+~t4~i1?' ~ '~ "~, ~ ~~r!? ~bsq se~rePr mete and, tl~t t11e7 De grit ,4~ ~ "~~}t~ y~dt t t:ir ~eeR`~ass~ lilalA~lat2l.l~otioa ;'~~' ? ~~~';"C?' '`~'~t~t~ .~1 ~.iri {r' 5a.~~.~~',1 ?e,t te. i.pR+4lrl~~ ~r,. ~~' 1 ~ 7-t. TO the Oaeaod ~~y~~ ~ . ~ "SF"r' ~'~'°' ~ ~TI~ ~"~ ° 1'tl~' ! ~ l ~=;1 5 s `i~ r "!'~ '.i 1 i ~ _ ~(~' a ~ T!~. 1 S.'i ?'.~ i.i T i ;?t ~~li w -~ ~ ~f!, if,,"~"; '~,'t~` 7,~( i, i' ~i ..~•.' ~~1 31:-.i ,-i , r: ~'::' I S ~4: t;~ t~~t i.. 1;~.+{i?!{ ~ ~'.' . - , , . ' ~ be!~?~. ~' ~ ~'~°`r' ~l4~MI~~~S4! ~P~P~ i ~1..~~111~!`,-'~c';` ~a~' i~+ list;: a[- i~l~aar.: . not pet~tted to ittq os di'tat 1 liooos ~ I f ?WaP'~~ ~ ~ i~,ltl~lt, Mlt.+rs~i~s ~as~ m~C~+~~ ~ . 1 son sasstnsd~wo. ~ ~•~~1~it`f4," r ~'e w1; `Sit' ~ sC0-itt~laa 0? tlia ar'exsaala~ltr.~'la~a. I r ~ "~,.«y i ~ .+.r '"r ~ re-, sr. .t i,~ ^r?Y~ • r~. vi~~. / ( rr. i.:~.~ Sf} i, r~,,,, ~ .q~ i 7~.. .5 •S.IA.- 17r •`~C;~ " 3l~so St" t`1rs lbts~oe><ll~` ~.twaw ash fr~a# ,rspaest M ~ItIRIMd sr~d tLs sw ssi~ere s.lstasor DS ~laoed~et t~a°~~taOR I1'~ilf0o0o[Mlt~ 'T G D t'~ ~~lfil[°'OAIt'i~~~'~,y,~ =r~* 'Z`Y^ ~**4-•~.,,;: ~`4~ r,p.,. - flavor llotMa yeo.taa.iloi `'~ e4 LAs dale og• D.~.lte!>folds• t'ot the fsiKlsw o! assitstaat ears tate]t -. or t+lsaacf bract » tm aos~b4~l`'3'rtlt~tta~ aseMaad.twe tea oawTtsstiea ~ tea ooollsit. 9o®silaa~ 1 ' ~ ~i~ gr,. ~~i~'j 11~ ~_,~'•.1Y~~w~i`. ° ~ . s~`'~ ~°P.fYS 4 } P 'e PF,~w..or trYi~ tl~ ~.4 Std riL~•t~. `~~j~`'~s >`o~ ti aar.e'.. tiyeeial ralllea asrioso ate L1ts DlaTt6e sae : sad=ebl, 'to ` tDs ooAt~aa~loa o! tpi '~bsib'~i,~ ' . • . ~ , ~ , - • , . . "`'rb! t1le O'l11+-+~tNl~?`:11Ldt~, lh.t~`.'!Coi+~i'/kr4hn! ~i~~t~` ~a~ie ~f.ll/ioaet`, d~.Plii'll~l~s; 1os.Dtalia'hald, daiaa Nii 1 er, ~.at her 1lotaltitd,' t .35. tiaa. ~ = , ~ , zd~` ror the Ooooitte:-'~.P.Cnsille, C.+r.COlllAa, B.J.IioboraaOt, pert Ilea. Councilaan Irving moves Lhat the appoiatmettta De aonfirtoed notion ae0onded by a0a[lailau? Odle slid ~.~,______._____Y-- -- _ -- -- . _-.- _-- .- . _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ . _ _ _ . _-- _ _ _ _ _ _ Co ti ed•- n nu llaror lfolmea pro tez appoattted Albert 4i8ts es dza.er oi' the Auto 1'1Te i'ruok elating t~ffit the appoantaent "' , • was stlb~eCt-,LO.the aDparopl .or. IIMpRr iMitlabb: Oc411toi11R'RA ooie a+wss that appolntmerft be ooni'irmed teotion aeoonded ~ by Connoilaau tr.ip6 aAlb carzie@•. • ~ r i„ ~ [ ° rrrr_S~roen+,ieDaeeent~ she'oaae~ell'yire'll'Zai~ Oo.dPDesse~~etore'fee'OOai:cii•tinQ''stated~ttitlib~~e nee 1PirC i ' apparatna ~aa Dreotaoallr!oa~leted aid~aeted Lhe ooancil to appoi!!i''e oomaitte to'paes'on eailb'~tIiet it asy De aoaep ted before La 2ert the Citr• ~ . ; ~ .1 ' , :' ' , ' ri'he~ OZL1?' eleaet tree anLtaTi~ed 'LO at~'d vrarrlRta~ 2'oT C1A1le' ' r ',, " . ~ , ( ~ r pseaed bf the' ilnfoi' and'rinenee cotsaitto this i ~ l date by the roiiarifsr_wteo~~COle;.iroiasa ~~l~: ~9~eeei+i~ees. ~ ~ ''t ~ i . E ° . 1latteur oars'laetalgan'eri=s'artt~ at kth~i' s!}le"a~Eatsd~i •tl~it~itr.dtats~;e7~62~e' iorsl'iie.~to the Qanonetrator or,tTio,aew.rire'saeaeA°efatle A.~F~r:D~tr'~lie'atteusl~eh'dt t~1`botmali;~ereixroti'diien tr.int;,aoe:~a that aatter be ~ let'c to tDe° arare aaw~titte tritA Ipoirlar to'' act.a+otibn 6edotSde~'•~?` doriiiciliien Cole and'oafr~bd: ~ ' Upon taotion oaf Counoiiaan Ooie ~nir seootnded Ar 6oonoilman iz.ia3g and` eelaEMea` the'e~me1I~ aQ,~oar~ed to west, #ieidar uar~ li•1rY23. "at'~ht~Q"aloe~~'f~11~.'p° r, ',' c> t" ri , r' ,t, i, • "'1h- , r : .r ~ i J tY.. f ~" ~ ~ ~[~RQ ~i~ ' 1 r ~r~•~ /~ ~f ce ? ~ +' ~ '' ~ + ~ . ~!//~ ~ - . ~ ~ k _ ~t -, irr F. i _ ~- 9i~ li ~ i 'a .n ' f! s i7' ~ ~`Vi~~• *i. ~ i ' ~ i~C .~r'+ ..1 'r! ~ '.il~; 1 k°Ir ` .r.. '„ i.+') ~xt1 ~SqF r~'x.t a 'f i ° ° ,s • t .f,e ,r Fp 9 Y ~.r .r ` l.t .''y~l . ' ' (t ~1ri "' k'u =i$. 1;; +,i .fi . _ . .r •,.~r "rr r, i t _"r(.;' (i', «" iW.? `3 (r(.S sa,~ . i, S ; ~.rr . . ~ 3:. r .l ??p. d. raw I "1 f:'di ": :1 r ,~' l ,?~1~5 i~i: ?~h `yJ~~~~~~~7~!-!~!iT iL 4t~4~T~!S~T~?'1/r"~4T2. ~ 4. • . r P ~' ~ A ' ~ + r p _ gyp' ~ [ "- ~ 2c2 ? t 1 w • w r a y.r e f r~ D 1 R F IS i i~aroa 1811 i~ ~i' feeat~ 71wit blailad~ bol ositei! °i'~ ~1' ~j T'."~" ~'i ~i!4`t~ '~e1 rdyE~l"~ "``, c.i . ? ~ r) "~ A weal'bea~e ad' tDe Coon- oil Dreseat: Oounoiimean' aolwbi. Oole. Oeeaer and 2relAt. Cit7 jttelm0' #~! '~t~''~Q'~stebel8z a;,Y. - ~ k Coasoaldasaon elf~s~o~a'a' 1Sdslr. lMyor PaeoaQaaia. ~t~;'~1 ~ `' `' ,.'' i~ ~tb~tioa''td eonstiEatioaoal ateAndwent fro. la anq ooaetittitaopal arenQient Ao. Y ror tae ooaaeii2la~iau ea[~ eamt awd• by ~z ~ {i'' ~+r ,.:F~ ra 2d~ini a PoDaiatioo. .r;.', , ,y ;.fir Dyer a0E1,Ofi0 at the Uat oe~as• and asl[lifd that. tAe asa» se»a>idtwo Ottf 1?aeneii talon tAe ~t~e~ by t?ita tLeis r i re~re..aM1atiwa~ta°a~sar•.as~[~'a~";°+~i~~+re:pe~e~>iai' ~a:~`,:~feteissiaiai ~6dlii~se ~~tii 'ooaamioasi~t ve'reaessd ~s and paatrrd s1[°'wrte:tuettro~i~ro0i~lt=b* fl~lesil'aiis 'fq~d v~~ ~r:z`~:~ ~n •:';L. '°r " ": j; Aa» and Oo~oh Oonoil ' „ ~ u oz the cats ea° ~ irsrnaaedaaos,: ~ . - _ ~ ~ ~ :~t° i 8 ! A. 'larolli wafoe a iteatioa aroe tAs Doai io1~ as Cs e. J ~,~~y,:i0 t~ ~' y. ~ ,D n F. ~ w F~ ae t 11><e ~~,N^"~~ ~1M ~ I"•'~~°~i~~ ~ ~f~~ (v~ ~iy~ bF` kT•~' ~1~4i~' r ° r. 1 ki i+i }F.: hi r jy,S !'YK •r.. i :Rat r~.M1l~ rye}~• ";1 .t.'T! ,!S'•1. "t,.,, i~ ..»~~.~.<,'~..":1 j1, ..,Mw Sj+; ~P%d -;!;'aq 'ire"~d.3"?i~z:~C w?~ `.i ~I'A . jq jsT :9`°.: .!'Y "~`t~. i. i,, trpon tae lbare~oio~, ~=~!!n ~ t~ll,- Ootmoilaen tratK t±o'?ea tnltt tAe ~it N ~ rt~`~:4,~~,•~3~ ~,parslN. rte, ' A pstatian tray yxee~aited, sashed 1s? aae 18 tlsgprrtr oarweaa s~0~t~ a~olait' lkio0 aCee~ rol, eroal~s on --~'"' • ; itt . oernon .,A.e..bett[eem lsiatf+p, At?e. ~ »a ',CSS.M4 A~'a. a~~ ~'/ ]~Ra aaia s~l+ee;, t~eaw6 eatoh Po4`t aoa , or the honer iawt eependeo rroa the Dosfd rur<~d trotea br the easy tot sae ia~ot!e~eat, of ssrsata, awd •t~si~t to yar not Bore then X1.10 Der front root DrocadeQ the city Dar the Oalaanoe. vaamoal~ Dwe~eEr spolte iaQ beanif or the yeti- t , i _ _.__-------_._ _--------_____----_--_ _ _......._...-_,._..... ~ Continued:- ! boners an6 II:tPCCd that the petition be oonaidered and their requoat granted. aruno2laen Cole :;tared tent the ~ residents o! •llea Street Dad slot giwen ap hope end we?e at the present teas =a;ahl6,lppey.tnat soMthlag m2gitt *- be done toirard improwins said street. City ~sLginsez 81oaa reported,tDa~ De Aed lnreatiteted the matte~,o2 paring ' ~ L ~ f, ' r: Allan~9treet and reoommetlded tDe nse of the pre~ont rood as a base and DQt on three iDOIIes,~;orushad.soek,an8' oil. Upon motion of Ccrottoiiaan FiliLiee, duly seoonded,by Cavtwilwen Cole arQ aarrleQ, the matter was laid ower for two waste. ~ : A petition signed by some 14 residents O[1 Hsldridge A?e., esriag'tsat'Lhe Cdli4bil'~laae aro~ligDt on said atreot betweon lbu°th sn4 riYtA etze^ss, was presented. Cvunoilmea Cote mores t1Lat their'"i'egtiest be aratLtee ~ and 11gZtt be inataliled va'eaie`straet.' rotiag Meeo~toR'bt ar r o ' ` ~ • f r r i ! , : c i * t , i , ~ BAd lfd;, ; ~ 1 TD18 bAi.aB'dtle Mte ~r80'tr'`mis t~e°nplRii~ ~ ~1~', ~' t'1hs . ~ ~ : i, r `9' p~j .l~ ~"R ~ { e9t e ~ R ? i ~ ` . s• r . x f eoand Str ~ ~r by tBe oonstattgtiaa ~ ~ a ~,aeme~ tlr~aRaf; at~aoiiaan Att3~i iiv~+e~ 'f~atr' told of ?~,d , *~z of said Mds . r ~ r r'T . : , r, ~ , ; , r '...yY l; ~ : i L ' ~ t ~ 1 : ' i t I I ~ R ` ~ ~ r`° i C f. ~ . ` 1 ' ~ a r ' i . r . , . E t 1 i ~" ilOt ~01~ wa~a ~ ;asowided "tb?' e~a~a 31~1;11g ~ arld Os~i'i+att: ~ ! : ~ I R , J l• r • i { r . iC ~ 4 R E i t t , i ' , f tti;; h~ _'~~' !:rte.,'' II')E.'jn 5c J!r^~~;rl; .!:lei`;i EE~ti' i'~t. ~t:S ~r'~ri ! R - ~ '1 ~ • ~ ltli-. rt ' r..} '1' 'ryi ^~yi~ tt`)~hi'.~E LiE1J°-.. E'1`i a+j'`Q ~£iZ. Li La.t 1~;t'13. '..~± [ i . ~ It A 4' 1W } ~ r P i y~~, 1 e~ 1 I t ( t I t f I~ f~ r 7. E~i1.7~0if ~~~el~ ~~~1iP 1. f i ~ r. rr r.~r t~ii~i rl Il 1~~ it '5~:~.P iE' ~!T'~~~ ma'i+erars ~',. ~ ~ • ~ ~`.'}= R 3 3 S° ~ 1 R .i., 1 i t 1 I ' ~ R ~ ~ ~ R f. I r° ~ t3 f t r- rs •2 ~Tr~• ' ? l F{ r i 3",.r y,~ wt n , y~C,€~.; r q~sy~a t ~ytyr.~,~ r t ~ , , . .~i. , u. ~ e~ i , j ~ ~ T~ ViY vi ai-..o~U J{iVNiYI~ VR~ ~ iVwVO~', I ~rj.~~r i-,,jy~~~pyrZy~~ rtt ] ~ -' y,~ 1. '~ }''i ~ . ?r 1'lT S r~:~ fr.£.:. .?nor±..(it.~ rjf li i/?jta '{~,t 1 I'F"' ', 'T ':A .i '. ,R~i~'se~ed OoRi1o'S111aa'ilage~'a7fd anati~: eaielteki~0a f fit' ila~' ~titlo~aared . Ip. ~ r;t. '~'' rl'"'°f1~+Se t+>° ^S1' t:; Rti.:jRA'r,i'rt''~r ('1 "~,t~: e" :~sr~ ~ ~.~i ~+7~ i0 i2740~+;lPellse37, 8nd was road ~~t}bd~ 7~'. t'As ~ile~af~t!'3taie'ords~~'rti''DM~ R.p~..CRP ,I::)T ~ , i+ '! 't,L' :I'. r. ' P i - ,''i Yr,~ nn, ~ ,'f'~'T:'" R ',.ic1^t.: r,..t;f . ~ Ut t;, -: E'~ f {.:f t : rt . . '.( ~ ', ~n~f• '~) {'ir f. Yfi `~t .~~11~r.`f';k .i',f 1f.. !i' C'^. t'TJ ("~j~'if iA2 fil'3~ R7~"Y r`fdfo I'~~ is ?S ~i ' ,~Q, 1 L~ ~1s ais!" OO1auD~t rO~01me111 bt''Z1lIs C~ "!~'• ~1F t~ r ~ t a's S .;.t r-d , . R , '. iV• r e ? ~~{..~y ;l ti,}t in..~ E'Y t: .-. £'t , 7y +)'~`.S IjII :T~f 11 .t ~~.S L !1 '~.~~.~ jl i,'~t:;. ~i'1 q.•~ s_t. s(T'~i f.'~t.s .QF -. f " € ~ : " ,I d'~ ~ ap~tasaaaoet ~~~I' f~ilei~ v~w~ ~r~at' !p~yr'+~~~,,~' . t .i '1 ." ~ [f :t., ~(',T r7!' •r ••Ff( {orf~ t`:59``'' '~,P:(~. ~~'`~~ ~E+} ~S:Ti) '.`+~~.~r'\;.4~~ RaR{-±~Ln~~...`~' _'~~• ~ streets, i>! ths~ ~ ~ ~~ora(are~ #y~~~'6adet~a~6tvd~'~'bll;~It"'~~~~~Y3 t~ 000 nw.~ie!, '9tr: S7T" '~'R~I't"-"~, r1,t8 t0 C~t? `t9f?i4 ('M47 ~itti'Y ,nT2q!i B? } a`7 ~ i atl~ip~#1~d,1t7A1~~?IX#'aqlr~~OpeR'ssanE+ltpsl~'tlis*wfrti~bt+Mt ifti~'~ ,Lr f . '"if A"e1 iv"a r t ..(~jDyyk~'i~~: ~ ICJ~,1!". y,,ggh" 1~~l. ~ij'.o 1,'.G3i::{.~sV~y~~i frjj~~~~I l!r ~i':2 ~ .f tT~~iiRee~ia~ ~.''~1~~`~7i~IR'~~ ali ``111111~~ ~f~i ~ ~ A, ~ ~f~ sieewalt .ti .j;,f. . -, rt. ';n I, !sf,4 ': R S,t,z T ~.~tti e3 I,• r } r, urt r,;'i n, ~ rT ~N. , ~1 ( . ~~'.'~o~~,f ~'.} ~ a ate:"•Y ~.A z; '7.. :>b`f°, e,.:f t'3! 'I`),t. i' r".;i i...a.,. t .t a~,~. . •t;~c•_ r r•! t.:,".SCR' .:tit .~.- :,`=tf:r.u '.~~~~`r~_yaT~r; `'" - ' ~' 3'- "r~at ' ' _ Dated th;s het! A~ aE 8~ts" 1611. ii.IL'~~Yy'' ~ f!i r~ Ri ~N,r r:~L7,~ L • sRsr. ~ arils + saeaa ~1tl4 16 , t ~ ,0agqi11Y~~~~~~ ' ', ~ x. wawo~v ~ {"n W't~~ 1± ~~„fc)r t..r...r 4^ i,!n! ' t~l'liat t. ~tbma iii '°~'~r f .' -., rytlib"~bdts ~fb~a'a"o/!'strwik' t~A~t''i~ ~"~ ` .,"` .it~*~'`~~?1`~aw? iat alit !et ~~trats. 4 f anal also ratrewarata all tat am~ot M teat ot#es tlrm tla ~e'oeattq to N aTl+rM`~"'~tl~e~'ti~tia tatatioa. .ly,. A '4 '..{~°}i Ea?'; f.:1.1 'la 8,w~ 'R7 n'".PR r^t~,R? . ''G i, Y!S ~.7f? ;{''B'"t'~ s+r ..V.2 f6a'~"_'. - • . s'°a°a~K ,~'..tp~°!!~4~ °~'!'L°13a~"s.,~}!>.le"}"~ ~ ~~?~,~~E!'!9'E ~#!~ sat s+easi+aatsai. sort ~',~. ~ side:~as ~i1~3p0~~:tt~!!7 ~~R~~ ~i~Ya r t. L ;+c s ~ 't t "n ~u r' ? t Z':~ t /" i~!'~~~fA~9[ i aJ"r^_.:.. _ d~'~~ ~.,:~.' T"17~- s ~'~'T'?'J: S ~T'~' _ R ; ~ ~ ;' 1Maoitstamt aagtang nai~pi ac tar ~asR~aat'' d raaQr~ swntl~ttet ~ cas ooastaaetios of .:ae~ aloi~ nA f r ' ftreet, u apsQined to resoint>cn awtiol, to. Ye, as teat ai s1dT i+em tDe t!M rise aaa lase ot*tir't lors Baal passog~. Hi, {l ! 4 Continued:- The Ci?y Clort was suthori~ed to issue warrants for cYaima presontad this date by the To]1owing vote: Cole, Hof~ee, Oireger and !ruing. This being the date set for the opening of the bide for the lighting or Lhe 0ity, lfay'Or Yollabb asxed ~ if there 'was~ens? one Dresent who~deaired to epeat bofore Council Droooded to open Lho Dids, whereupon d. b. CsI~P- + Y ~ . bell Dreseated tIIe'fo210wing: y(r~ 'If•d~ i,'€. '. Ban eernaraino, Calir., llaa•. lash, 1811. ~ To the Honorable, the City Si4atees, or the I Q•fyQltle~n:T~ ~ ~"'~ -~Vf;Sl .,~r f~,r (i 'f t'.. f it t ~,.t, ~;}!"~~- ~ '(T !['M~'. i,, :' ~ ± ''. 1' - '~ 1' , i ! }i i i. it }r:~ i « + 1n"~ ~{~~ri'!~ 4;Hi~t:~°h~'y~ ~•"S•'st.tyts~ees~v~s~~i's'i?edt6 ~aEor the Lytle Creel Fqi ,,;bass to m a you the rotlc~ing yd~opmiLion, io~rit it wilt gates into.. a wZi~,sea~ :j~t,~ t,~p. Qii~~~ ~r~~gm~!~~4s ~~~oR 2aasr~.ae~f~t~e"µ~l'd:rkd~,~~eiiid Cttr, ' '~ liOZ a "`period o2'`t" ° 'yeei~'s. al~.'at ire Oorpo~ate_ Dropert~r, ocosistinf oS its eieotr2q Iyosa='p ' ~f,. ~ , Y ~ , , ,- ~ " iatri °t~ ~I ~~a ? ~4'daR,A~ ~On ~:~`tq~SaTf~4W~°~d . '~ I i " i,~au~~i ' d~9a11~Ber!la~rdi~,~<a~ 'sttiipRma?A[ ootmtry,,1,~4t~ leetrlort 1a¢ntia6 p~e~ f~~,ln tAe Ci . :and ne~ise~d e'd_:bb~i F eaa, 2n*~additioa•tbe`reto, wili~ giant„sold Oity, as„optlo~to ~ 4lLs:said~Di t and ystps~, ai: a r 4 s' I 4di.IMM. •`h Y ~'. Sx .G. a Y• ~ to "'na!!at=set '.out °4'!?e 'l aaq?l,tl~e•,~rfa~tel~ tDs~'Zibtyeasrot~said` i~4*r, ~n the tesic'IanQ,~OOad2! of 1411e2'el rental Price of said ";gin ~o~s~ ~ LaaF a~ ~~~k~ho4°,i~ll,eDe ~[s~ta~}lo~s, ito;w1i. dors~~tAe fss tirat~ re~}s, tDeareot;, _ iAill , at sn ~a~ltst oft s~eati!~"tws~~th~sand ,dailars:, ~'aaring the •--,, ~ seeoad;; and all the, t yetis oZ mid tan, the sager `shall "be ,~~~1(r~et• of ,zrearci tip; _ t '~~t a~d ~slty~~sald desyis to irnr~ahtse~~ Bald ~ Dda~t. a Ss ~ ~ti e,~ ,,d eae 'tn the{e ~ ~ ~"eeQ b0 1~ fi, ; ~ s~: '~,~4,~. ~~d~ !~7i~tiMt, r s~x,~K~~d } Ereb~ aim'" O ~ 0~;8nn~~ ¦jQD~!I boifded,Or Oth~ei*ise, ,~,i~i~be rol~~tl~es ~!O'!i J ~ `~it ` ~qY a seQU ~'~~ii~a~ m a4 Ya •~r h f! r t•'~.~"~'•+•8 d~ 1p5. .000.,"at"LhsOr thelsa~oaod~Tearir the pas~olisse~~p~riese~is~nllfb~ ' chase pytrlae eliat ~i ; , 'shall ti at t!i"s mid-oscine"LDirA•'~`Te•s':'~, ire p~ohass"yriae~ be ~6~•AdO: G=i, atltne aa~d'oZ #be,{ : year, t]~e.Durctiase D~}~;=ia3p•:~#~o~Ra,rtSa~'i»s sod?.oi~~~~e.~'~°;,:r~ D~s'soe .Wait be, iZ~9:,d00: ' lI' at~ sbe end oZ ? sue saath Tear, the pm~eb~e yt~`ae `!ffi32 ape, ~ =10E.000: if ~ at i~ end ' . & e'e ' , ~eD~ooo"-" at~dt,at the niaf.'h'7/ahr. the pmrohase pd'iee abai .bs` !CQQ• . . • re seed sos~le~wtion,' #rk it,; ern , •affi lease, raid Cate d ~ dASi . E .tt ioesd~~ 'ilt .said asoiapi we?'+~ to vaI a #~` t ` , $ s~ ~nb~t , iA0g0 ~ ~ ~ o°!t ~ ~ _j r , e1iQ~~~d~~"! ~ri?AIIR,' s,IR ~r'~0± ~~i7`~~t'~`y~e~p''~'leeR , 3 DeL'~11d ~Ot ? as t114 p~Cfiase prs~said Dl~ r~ at tDe ellA 'OT tyltr eeedod and 'iii lease and oytiio~n to be inbodied 1n an as;ree~IgF,R. to Di?~ ~r~, ~'' attaena~,~; ba~Aa~e ,to inoiade euan addition details of he ass doss aeoe~aa~eT, to at Sty. AeeDdet~ull7~ ijtet. , 'L?Lie 'set itfeer OoaDanyr Attest3 ~saiatairi seoretary• k" . ~'~ ,G ' 3ltn 10'!1. r ; • ' '!O ?ns hopOrable 11a~roe r,ne»et .rr . •n<i Das~on Daias'~sil. .a~rti .'• N , • f `r l .P~'7 ~Y ~„' iw~l"yf3~'~i 4"- ri'f ~ ~ :~' Ir~"pL:.,( ~f t i"°ri~ ~ '~"Ji~~+) w ~~- ~s~ ~ Yii r: " a . '!9e Lytle Itx~ ~ ti~te tine to ¦NOr tAe ssilpirl~ o~!'ae: i ~g;~Z>,2 y?t F ~s~. 'pit' ~" t~ y r..'," ~r ~~s~t~~~1~~~~~~ ~~~~' ~~~ill~ a~00~ ~`~s •is t'OI? ~t7 - ~ eithes aooairss • amiosr?i ~'' ` ~t~is''~isuaais eiid '~' . ocs~snl bai imtalied • sL~sK'iia'~i#icit e~tel~ib b~rir!? ~'NiO~'ain'~lr i"17 r ~ ~' _' ' ~ ~ ..- ~", - i:` i f~9, 1 ?' rev t .t ? I; is • ~ iol~l Oaldiner, Plea. ~ !q? Z. sell, searetars. . ', - .___,._._.~,....._~_~m.r.. _ Continue3:- ItaYOr Llolfabb stated that although he war in fevo~z of a mpniolpal fighting plant, he Q1d not maI at this tame if thla was ~etst the p#oper Drooedpre as he world room be tearing his ohair, and sated for a roaoe of ,~" ` the Counoii. owa}otiannlbl=ea stated that he was an taros of a ¦naioaAai lighting plate, bat tffit he did not thiat the proyositioa p¢"~Sr.~,tona`ht.war reef flattering. She miter o! Dayiente was a aeriepa Qpestaoa aaut he . ~ ,- was not``in talrox of going aatb the cit7? Z'unds. ne was also the only aetbex of the oomoittee to inrestigate $. ~r lighting; that is,'Comia'il~aein Oreger 1a not a candidate for ra-eleataoa, Copnoilsan truing hnr a fl~ht on his rieiide, e~id ttie dad, ~ ~2, rie dv~t'd. 1a~r the propoeataon ofrered at this tile; the o~ Dropoa:tio~ he ropld favor n'ot71Q be'th!['t ,tile. L'~Pt2Q .„Kre~e7tS ,P~mr. ComDaay reoeirs only the net profit the flsst yeas at fizst pay*eM. Coaaoiiman Uneger at~ted thai bpi', s~"inbi~sd' ~smnioipal owaaeshiy, Dal ss he was goip6 ott os tDe board, did not feel he waald like ~tp take ~#iom at this lase. CvamiLaB~lrring was also in 2~aroz +ey a ~mioi~al plant, bpi he Lhopgltt the Mitsr st?cpid, be„1„aiQ ose~s pati2 the aerr board was elseted. Qonaoiiwm eDole elated, he farored , ,'•~ a mpafoipal ilxhtfi,at p},~pt., and he oanld not see what hrri tl~e would be in oyelliu6 these bads at this time. 2n reply to slat 00®feillla® holass, Z. i. Bsii, e2 the W?tie Orset Pawa¢ , Kates that ~fls f: r% s ~ a~ee ~~' Atrr;it as fs OO~pan>;,~OIIld A „~~if-, Tr~'i:-~",=T`rf ~ s r8t rea2~• p4Oa1~, ?d !C entdt rnw,la the oats. nos + into Blpoh a doatsaoi~~ J:~ ~r~0ad_i tbsq~t ~ Dlds shonid~ bs ]:ate o?er at least ti'~i~ tN7w, m~ti2 ~t~e nw ~i'd ,'l.Y~'!~r~ ~ ~ ~w ~ ,~is~ yarq~a~atioa wa ~+a1a be aensYas+sd ~ae a~? onwe bastas~s ywor- oeit3an. '~e~'~Q~l+i?~41~_ 0~ the Pmeifle Lim and Fbwea ~a~i tAS?.IItld~ SM~t-Lhe bldg aboe~tld bs oAetfsd: ,~,*5 lib oonp?ry Ls ze~sseaQt~d bs4 aa@e tAas oat to . ,~,.-,,~r~, iom l9sii~h: x0 aDam'tsert nII tad sae which bad '~ the pest. ~n6 ao~ses tAat tAir aDe~ir oS the bids bs DoaiDwad 21ow•-sea snali, a~ f ~ . . - i e t hilt a ee~tttail to and ae w~alse es tha ~asae s • : ~ f~ aidwh~ted tiq est3s+te t id~~ 4~ • `Aunt. e .istst,F~~6'1e~id~i i -p'~a`t~~oi~ "~„ pats a tIIaara~fl s~w~ta~stios am~2 r~ooaAc taei; so t~ i~awesu . . rs 5 ~ ~ f,4s i ~ ', ~l~y .fR F J "'~ r'i~i'~ffd!' e~`"~ •e3sSir; AalA aears~Aad ` . . aaxs'~4r !I oeans~~n ~ awl ~ ~ tlrr Orresx2 Ml- • to art a! ~it*w~b~~k , ~i+ti letfts lY2-l. y +t tr ~J 7~ ~ ~ ~ - / . f r.-AI! ~ • gQy ~' ,j . ~3F° . E9k.D . ~i, ; by ~ - ~ o~i ' CZ~R• ~F ss yypp ,ifs ~' t~rf~fll~f.1~).~~.11~t:r~u~~l~..F ~ r ~ t ~'~' ti• ' ; ~ ~~iX~ ~ ' ~ .~'.' "<"~A:'"-xr City IM11, sRa HI~llaiilaaa, a~t.~ ~ ~ apsalal the ~ sad ~~001a11 ed' LLf City a~ ~D . ~t '~• ~ ' ~_' 7~r'~ . ~ '+~,^6A',~ tea ~t t~ 7a~ MA- ro ~ ~ ~li •' "~_, ~sid oh ~~tII~iC~si~c;~aas ria a~siled to salsa 11 ~srs ~ih ~ iii i'~wIR a. • t2q the tollditag tr~ffwgmy tin. Ogwa32M~ Jlorirs. ~s ~ ~'q ~14t i~taaelss 1 e~.E'01"d awq ~ aaQ rt ``~.r~~ ~ ~ ~ .e L~• 6°~ ~ ~ ~iJ''~. a.pr.. a~ ' : , ` ' ' , ' , ' '„ ~ ' y i ~s+i ? .~s2~! Daaesd to riewM t#f 1~1t K iM ~ti~ iis0t lelif" W1! ?-~ e~ MiiMf 2~tII, ' 1!l13.' ~ 11i~tl~ ~ss~a~ildt' 1r ~eiitaa ~switK sad. sassed. igw~ea ter anf~+ns iwi AfMt sat ' • ` t~s bo.i~"'~wwae~ 'to,. '° t1i? ieti~li, wIIt~olt sso.ea ta. t+rueraa~: .a^' ~' ~ ~til~d OII psg+r dRA. ~ if ~;,,y,,, ; .,~Y4` ~' ~~.~..~,er ~ 1/0-x, ~'a.Q.~- /~ . -~.N.-V,..~L~J ~LC.fiC~c~/'~ /Y 44-~--C~fL / ~Y- -_ / I _--- -- 7-/ / 6 +/'f /~ rrz o ~ ~ G 23 5'G2 ~~^R-R- ~ Sr `f ~~5 2 ~ SI ~ ' ` `E s ~ Daiegetes Lo tA,er~ ~NeT~tlhlloan City CoWeIft20A "1 n~,• L p ~ 9 _/ i 2i 1' 1, J .I ' > ~ r. i ! PII~IADL,'110 ~~~~'~f'~ . < < ~ , ; , / ` ~ v ~ • u _ so y i , 9 . ~ /,~..;,., yy1.tGG;ei 70 ~ I rr ~o_. _S 33 .2 _ _9~. ~ i~~ ~.K :/ 89r ~:,s.#P4''~ •;~±?;~x4SC:1~'~ ~.'. • L~1ar . /jQ,~ / p ~ < ! G / ~ .i ~i °,~r•Q. ~(l~~i/~.e_i~..r„ .Zr /.`d, /. Q•. - - ..7 ~ ~fil~ C S #.^Tr~ °.6 ; r ~- r ( rF _ 7~i1':'' "e1 _ ! / ant. ,.~iti p - _ ~ ~r ~.~i~~' ~~',e>~''- , /,Z r rf3 /%S~' 2=1' /'v~, 8S ab' hsS" ,7 2'~ Ss'sS` it 1 i~~~t•, ii" le:' PA~ea~ Clb1~oA, 6: (i• e7. Q-~'~t-.zezv'.. 2 S, 8 ,4 ~ ..5, e.z~ r~ v,`~~~,. „•~J~.~, ,~if'i80r1~'~I~" ~:~r~ f~'~~,1~~ s fr` ~ ~a~,_ ~ s# s Ga G~ 08' ~ 7 /. ~j ~f. l/~}:,tu~%l;F~ ~.~' :~i ;'.". i t J" :`I.G s ii ~~.~,e~. ^i f,~~ ~~~"s z^ Sa' i~.' J:.~ .~'R~'~laZIR~' ~' _ I !~{3'. -~.-,-~c-E~C•~.. / , ,.,3, ~ ~7""!' f. t /~a flr 3Vn ~~,~.,,`.(y ;+~y~+~~'. T'±cr11-I, ~,1,, .~4.:,* C~~ .~i!r44,:~urzer~,'-,t. Jr. r;, ~,.,,i e~~ l~,! s~q;t.~n .,rt h'T:t2~~~~t.LS:?~ ~ Ei=>~r}" --- ~ ~ ~ r ! /3. ~.w i, .f, rz` ~~'' ~G z .~o %f ~ s'-9 lo' s`, fj~~ ,:~it:.~;~:~-+~ n tsa~Jai~ a~ r . - jr 'f• ~-,,,,;,/~= Y. ~o ,7! r 9/f s`i 91 °nE 3' 4, ~~F~4~1~~~$ 17'~~r.• ~~~'? 1~~ ~ I' E ~ ~.Cti. ..;2 6 7~r., f~ ~ ~/ ~ ~y. jiff ~/S ~ 'I fo ~r~ 6~ i•~iilal~s i'i .:i:~>~i { Cr _ a s ^ /^ L • , ~ x!,~ f 31 $ H c r: +i°~ :7 r ~~F~+B!'~~Aa$M! ~a~ aw ::`."t ': j~\ ;I /?. l/Js.°-"r- ~ . Y f~ iNS' ~ 'g°~:m':~ -s.M ~V~.$~~9t~Si ~ ~ • f. .:'D. . j~",` ~4~:~/~'~--CcO.f~L,r/7 a;' o .4-= = Z../„ ~ :~.~~~~°'~at'i,.W ,`i a~Ir,~ !J-la.~...~x t4L~LT 'c'r;> J PYL. ~t LSY. t . ~ # T:Zi' ~ ~~~A 8aro.~s~,~."°~11 -~iis'i~ , • ',~' p0 p t t/ . ` ~ L°•~lLGP~~L /3 // 31, zG~ /s r~ / 3 .r3 2/ z ~ • K? ?e~ . x. Q•' gasnae, E .y a S~v" r ~ ~ wt+ ~~~~~E 1f°4l~'• E ~ '~ ~ v~, 3 Z ~ j!/~ -~ - -- -- ---- ~ -w ~ r; f ~" lam. ~'~: ~ $ . z / 4 G" ~ ~ t.. t ~ 3 3 3 /D ! /5~ S L _ S'rF ~~t~~*~:~8.~11. ~1lQ~r tt•' S•' "t: t • ~ ?~-r>~-a-Q • g r o / o !o / o ,S 9 / ti: ti. 1M1t~r : t: ~ l~Ilm~il!t ~ .-fir ~ J t is1~iR's [ e-Q-af ~ ~ ~ tj t. S. hi is 4., A. 1'le~n, 8' ?s / /o ~ 'z3 4 ~/S' /G' :G 'f /s~. io Ir: 6 2 2 G; r ~ G tt~se~l~lt! /~ ~ z a _- ~I ~°~f_OGa-u.a..L ;n Js ~ ~:P~:' ^,s f~:i~ :a'K,rr. ~it~~win~.~` ~ ° - ~<,.~v' ' • s ~ Y*~ J~3 ` sit„ ~ !r.: y 2 ~ r a z ~ -~~ I z ~ i #?~ ~ • ~1t' x . s. ~e!}t, a: - _ ~+1•....~" Nt.0.~.. •c :~t ~+s e - * F~ , ~ r. R. , ~3` . a. D. s~lN. a: A .r rJ.. ~A~ s~~~Il~;. x A. isr2, I ~Q .1J~}c lLv,x~I.t_al / ' , / r z ~ «1: .~-, --. _ ~ _ _ ? JOB 110e21r 1. }[L jjl" s. 1. --- -- - - ~ i I 1 f l llsytibi oaa p,,,~~,,. - r I B. C . !loOdf r A . tt. JOAT~so'et • A~ : J . D. r-._____~.___..~_._.._._..~ . w_ Continued.+~ . Y!!lDOIRO'1' 110. S ? ~' I rt Demoo~atio ) . D. Ald21d8er e; C. oaeerr~: d. Oatiok, B; Oeo. rtard~ 8; H. 0. Roble. l: L. LJtbr,8:,J. R. 1lO2ganr 8: ; d. R. Aldridge r 6: 'A.' "n.' ~112sOI! r 1~2Ean1[' al?ere2 j iolia Ra2d; ' I + . ~' afocia~ist) ' i,F.' A. De'~saond' 1:~ R!° R611Q; 9: ,Ri ltii2linto'n~ il: r' 1 : ' ;' 1 • ' ' ' ; . P~G~C~ 110. a. r l ri(Re~nblioaa) 0., O~SLe{~ s0 L. D~ R8: tleo~ t7. liew~r~ a01 R. J. D. E1Qsiq~ei s0: Cnae. 'igrnem,, 8A: • ' 0: lt.' Oeldr~ll;''~:'t' f: 'PoRteN~' ~f~" !lent 't~ ~y/~wpy~ r ~' , : j1 lilt '1' t !3: ~ ~ • 1 1I! 41 .:'' t: t"i '! .'# ,~7•~.1 ." 1 Joseyn sAell, 4: r. Baker 4: 0eo. Y. Pekoe,"~:''~. •L aontne~, A: Y. P. Oonoersr l: R. ti. Olart, 4: s. R. lisaol:ke, 4; J. H. 1lofreil, 8. _ , _ <; S E t ~rtlebn$lioan) 1 s H. ~rrpn, es: s. is siedo~isles',' eie: Eaas'd i.Ii. es': L. a. LotErerPr as; saa~.l;f•~:=1: ~'a.~'seariineei es: ~ r J. B. rytes, B=iRt ilo Tn't!!'e• 0. .j. ~4NerAE,, ~i J. 0. X~, 1: s. L¢~e I: i. 6. sloem, 1: itNr'a!' ~+arriex, 1: 1:~' . 1: i. E. Toro..' is 8. L. Dsl~l, 2: Q. ~itnr 1: F. Adair, 1: 1. i[. IllEar i; sD•St ~'oQl4, 1: R•y Q•,,l~, PlOttingsl,~3: J. d. mw, 1: it 1ra31oels, 1. i i rimry ~ 1`" t t~,i ?!7 ~ ~ +ei Yf, .'~`~ ; :3 ,i"i (D~oQra~ic) .+~"t •t. ~ ~ .!1 1:~ . T'.~ .4 ~', r,,° • ii . •xaai:,'st ~ x; is: aie.l; s -~'''~Sea'~f . ~ f i~,#,~als~tt~ ~ i~ • ,.ii~rs~ ~i:.~# ~,:~.#~`~t~ s: A. HtllS00, 19: F. I[. ~[1tMi is ~ r ~' L . E. dot?nsoa, 1: J. rirlCpa~lS'ak s 1kINt lrEt 1: Q • HON112d, ' 1; M. , . _ . ; ~ > ! 7 ~ • ? . ; Ent, ', l~lepaRllQ~{n) ; e•~St :'i 7`is~!' ( t~~,rr ~i .6 : t ,•t^,-' nd:". . , - Q J. D~ley, as:. ~.QOk~io,JL+•,; t..'•~+te~."ed':•-1•.•i~.-~1'>ti, i. M. ~ D=. N. L. ' ~ "~aa~~"~~~: ~!lHSilip;~~:a`~.t~:`.'1~~~~~R~J~I~x~~ :'~k'., 1:"J. . :'' ,'I. 14. L. L7~. •w ! 3~,•t=!+^ ~~*~.:1,1~~Ts';-.~=c~•5~~;~t~°q:' ,':Vr~";:~e ~„I~P:'~ 2 ,,t~'r~.t~zuE I.:;~s tF~n<^,f1 ^' ci 't~°:.' , P i ~ ~ w't't a` ~x u1C; sJ+'ft~Tl';ia~i;. AdS` ~ iS„~r ~d L"~r'rf"E `g .;"..I c" ~ i"-t1j'E1 I. ii .~:',;f~7~~''"i ^y a.o: T. , u: Isees¢ e. . 33 J. T. aWtltoa,, No. bwtesDal:. ~s; A. ie, aaa, s. Ae~3oat, .f, io: R. le. u. ate; e, , iii?: s. , : s. wauass. gym: aas~ 20~ t. s~ea~. s: 0.• f. ~~"~, S. a~`~~s. ~atta'4, J. r. Rlis~, 4: ~'. s. L. rur- oela, 4: `A. E. Reits, J: D. a. • ~:.7lw0~ !exltA, a: Dt. i. e. ilNa, is 0. 1. Dslip, Tad ~~,,,~r. . ~MOi~i~) ~f, 1, '' . ; C• Dalqq, !i l~. ~r. ~i'0~1~ 3. ~ ~ w. DN~e, 1: IRw.Y,.r 1•s ?r' 1:'+ r:~ ~:'?. 112%, 1: t4 1!. >~~r` : ? 33.~ ~~t v~Ofi! ~1 ,':: ' f~"'n' ! ..r.re<• .i. ~.'~ .~"'~ ~ .......i'tA'1r~ :1... ~,i ~ .i'i " ' i . a i Js ~ !' ' q. ter. s• i.. it a ~ I s r:`' .1 ~ ~ "f , i .~." • r ? • ? *r ~6"~ ~ x3. Y ~ ..;n T ~' A ,~~~,' -i:':tq~?'•.. .~.~0~. •pf,~,',as~'~~"1P'~ Sri` ~s'Yi'~-1f:rrT,~r~'! ,;+4,~~t"~° -"'':~ -' ~i- u. solaria. aao~7? 1. s~ocs. s: s. aswa. r, ~Ils, s: ars~• 111arw1 r: s. s. s.uqq. s; i. a. liesseir, s: R• IlrRlrss. t: 4nr• M. !)?lNer s:'ifiaifel leibssroas l: ibis Lew~/, ii ilk. , 1: t. ~Ils. 1: s. • l r, 1. C. Prstoa, is "'. R. ON1tiTK, i; 0. o. Jaan~A , ,'' i • ' t Md4bliOSa ) Z. Onrrierr sB: A. sllilefP, ge: R Mod?1~, 711': A. Q. 1letddOxr sa: J. L1ErDea'b. s. weAriS, 1a: 8. e. Lard, ;~~:I,' sa: R. A. 11aot, 88; Heeu7r TO~~? aT: R: 1• ~02eu~t, i1: 1iee. A. *i~[ai, !T: 3. 1loberdat, !1'Y ~lne, 1: /Ae. Oatbrie, 1: 8. It. Reeaer 1: 0. /. 1Cella~6r F: 1[aT2r Nlyaallr 1: H. 0. ltmetie~, l; ".'. R. tlYiiOs l: A. ibleesOfl, 1: r ii ~ '_,.. ~ i '`~~ contimied:- . (' I PKY1lt~ ~(1. 10. _- ---. ' ~ , Moan } • ~ Dario, 1: 6. 8e'zTwA, 1.: 'J. ~Oapel2e, 1, ,5~, ~~r, 7~i Q• ~ti• +Jiti;$ili, O. Ji Jof}a,On, '1. ~ ; c ' • "''~ t t Dsa~goJCat 10 ~ J. H. il.orQ, S: s• 0. Oadd, a; A. A. Oox. a: Oeo. peis~g3~-~: 71._ f~.~'Rc4Raq~7r S, o. 11. f;ae1Q,, i:, C. s.. ~y 3; { 1l. wixos, 8; fL. LittleilelQ, i;~S. Hagan, 1; fl. P. Oeiesei, 1: Ha1•r~ >lliaon, I. . ~ ' Y ' 'lB~~fl:0!' 1I0. 11. j ~ '; ~ t 1 ~ lR'e•D'af?3 { 1081! j ;Kt .~(~K..? i .'r 1, 'r;f I.t y'i ~ "~'!~ L ~f:~ :r c~ aK.a. . -~'• ? ~ '1 F,: " ' H. ffainum, d. Y. ~~ep~ieoi, ~6: Y' P.r a~xe~~ ~-~ ~e~11er' ~i•,.#1•. ~~K YO. J. ~ i~otre, ee; ff. a. ~e1, Q4: M. f!areona, d4. f:. i. ife3'i,~: d.' fioines~, 'li stiQfan, 1 : orneQeian, 1: 's. !1. son, I : B. 11. l[ataASOg'b, 1 • ~ ; 3 r.'z ~ ; ) 1 ' - ai' a in . . l' IE E,'~: .'! . ~ ,i` (13~~ S!r-TTr~'!"ttiP.~t.4 x .C}:)~1.~:~° J.*'i 't ~ ftK~rt,', ~ '" 7a. L. Oa.e, a: n. Oooper, e; J. 01m0;e¦an,,O:,A, Kett, d; 8. Moiael'y, 6; b. fiaepeit, 6: Jas. ffRarey, a: Jas. PteAOO, 6: Robart Stidian, S: w. 0. lloey ~•r,fLw;~v;~l, i. ~ ~/ ~ s : • 1 ! Flirt) ! wnp 1Q'B••=•..~••!le. ~lsOYdrr ~A ~ :r•, i~~',' .rv ,.r'•'f.~ tYYrW :.'(1 k'wt iY.t tat ~1( ~?~.~.~i .~y n ~F~ i'i i r~i•f ~ 1 r ~ r .' I ~', ..', i 3 "i. 1 f 1 v ~ ti' r S .,q~ !3'; .+a 'T ~ 'Kt:' ,e t'. . t G'.. s ~t ~y~`,, ? . t aif:.'.. )Y j,. i~`:. t ,f . .3 '.~. „ e t .n r t t ..t ..g i I Y t ~ ~~~~'' S~1 •e ? t "i r~~i!1 ..~' k MT :°'ti tT.s" ~4 'L14.~ i i y(;$t~ m"l.f ~4. i1~' ttxlt'k .T, :- i t r r.O'"i .>;t!>~ e.~`r~ j% .NrC~I.'r3'~! ; C i:.~! i : ~ t"Li`;'m;- ° . R. 11sMei2,19; Oeo. z. lbeers, 1: J. s. 1'lnrteia~;~~ ~ag'es. 1:, 8. ff~iits, 1; x. R. 'l~D64, 1: ief?. Mw[is, la: - R.. 0. #aatllN r ~ R . - ~- ~ . ~ ! * ~!w ° 1' #„' ~ • .~atabb ~y z~ # ~ T #~ a.. ra , 1:' 0>aiar' f~~ae 1: R~ !J. ~ f ,,K. . ~t - . ~ ..3il~rmatia! JOfm 8a1't011, 1. .i , ~ C ~:t't!'"w'!'; .'? -.^ :S „~"J'~t.fj~ t:lc#'X:+'-j:s`'YI~ .' E. y1'tt!~>~i+CW'.' ,,j - II ~~{_~ty 1?red aorsem, i ; ? . lla~0[ t 2 : ~~4,. 1 c , _ i .w~ tl~~ki m ( '~ I'~!` •tr ~Ve .r.. t 'tom.. ~ ? s ~ i,;~.S t ll' •Y. 4 ~.i•~..,•...• i t'r~q'.~~'7~, •f`•ML 1~auJ+^fl• e. PY}},~ It ?r ~ rQ+~T't .' {`~•~M.tr~r t Bring been ow1>lscea. aM saaeallg tlye rerulE s~ abase sfa#e4; aid iii A~e+~~~ : seeoa~sd $s + ~ Com~oiliian ' lssiag aad oasried, that Lbe e.>,a~a~~a a : ~ 1 . .'~ .o*^ .rt t -*,~,r :1~E ..ua ttt~2ht ,rsot~ •<i,a~`tI_aetl .4 .L ;f# ,>nazc9 .0 ~;~3 tst.iY .'" } ~ :i~~ t?za`~':'s' .9S fkj~gt ~;Cy1 ,rz-,~v l :6C ~ =~:~1 ~1 •'t1S .#[1ts~»~ :t>: eSii?,`SC}t 'R .~' .i~; - f; I 1 • •TR ~ r-: t.Yt s4.,~ :.~M +.cR f`("t'~"jvL~, a IZJ~ .# 1..R ~1~}, ~~?i'4 ~ .iA ~ t ~..I.:.sf!- !t,~:~;si!~ ~~4T ~~G.°t .t° .L t°'..i t~il1~„A ~11~ .F •J 1~t~1! .~}Srq "" ,~t;xf: { s. A. f!le~1aS~QsOl1 f l~cl,.~ t~! t~a4~3 Oie~t........... ~s . s• O. Katae~leler f • • •r n , i * Y . r R4 ~ r' ' . e `,f+,si ~rr .,FT 1. ' ~,y~i d jp {~I ~ , 1~'~'R 1. . n 7 r . ~tt6,~lld~: , • • . tr [.r.?~ 'y.+'s.L~;r. i ~ i . _ t~ ~ . TxeaiOl'e~ ......................:......:.'...,EL ti'{~1' ~~17 JI~Rp • • X011 1N1~ ~ ffvara ~ .N~M•.tiow• • • • m • • • • • • • • • • • m • • • • • u • •.F S•,IL.?• U hA~ ..7 ••fa• ~i• ~s 1~ '. ~ ~ M1f~ a , ~ • , Y• r,,y~ . , ' ~ ~..'9" my e?' `4c `44 j ~V ~~lUr : Y3 t .~t'~~,!{4'~~~ ~' $ u.~ ' qr liya'i , R v~ Jt i ~ ; • Y- a: ~ ~w~it l16r tHr~ ftlf4~ ~'hl •~i ~ ~eT ~ f ' ¢ •r ,,~q. ~..'°m '~ ,.'~45 .1'3tt tl'~d`s'3 ,+t .Ski ,'~ .,'~ ~ ,~'~t"~ ." {".1'f ~'`4 :~" •'i~~~r[°'~ 7°Y .(' :1 ,3",.irs „°1 ~ ~ t~.IFS [I ~~' ,' I .'~"~'.;;.! eu16,6, :T t #"~°. I. ,A1 ytri'1L ~ri ,'1'',#''$'s' .•k .'Pi?3T? :!' ~' ~"'~ - ffrleptM ~" '1 J. C.4sie, ,Matt baataa, 1t. R. Lawaotf, r. 11.f ras~tn'Y.' ~'Lyaaa. ~ ~ • • ' t 9Mworatse J •" '' '~ flay Da21aa. •JOSe1~1? laixlwla,.Yd~rard 81u1gftier, 17011iri ffee#a, ester 4~, Jo1Na 1111eoa. '.. f _ .M~ Gle) t .r ~ Continued:- . PRlS0110Y 110 1. '; ~ Geo. R. Coralt. i ~ r ' t : ( IBEQlIIQY /0. t Repnbl loan 1 . RSmela2s xeneail~ L. lilager. :-„ - . ' [ i ~:rr tL~O~tiC ) J. Hs lCSiie~, i...D. IlotloOald, B1 Q.,laitps}a)EOUi„=.19. 1~ars1.,A.,lfa~s. , . . . , ~az>toror >to. a. ' : ~ ueDa9biioan 1 , , . r , , roe x. 11dcb, G. Y. rie~?, R. C. 1tai~nsan, 1,onls 1t. tiilte, >rnat Liman, 11a. t1<tarte, P. S1ri1l~,'B `s. 7to~ia. t3. R. Grant, a. a. ri1o1111mie. ..' .'r ~ ': ' ~cYSCr t1o . s . . \ ~ ~ ~ `t'l~aaltoan ) Dir.' d. X: Barite, "R. 't1~.''~tsaeYtat, J. a: ri~ttnyeis, ~s: k. said~r~~t,,:~`..'d. !;~i~1ta¢ ~-' ~Mb. , / , ens ' e 'fie ;~:~#:~' .~4+~ ~ s ~r ~ ~ ~ i ~1~,~1-~~~ xP : . !I .x ~ 'i n, roe,. .,T ,'• ~ .~w(1 ,~~r.;r _ f'i S - r`. i4 .'.z ro r ' , ~ 1 t RelSabi ieali 1 t ;': . ~ n tt. C. fldOlles A. A. J011neOn, J. D. Jhl'le, P. a. i1~1t1. r r .G T~s;~"k~tio// Ai@s'sAae, 0. A. 1loase, 7. 1. Oatiet, 9~w.~0.•,-~~ O. "~b2`, _ s ,~i. n. AiQ]!!t!`+s. A. D. Allieo>3, t~lall! awesar. . ~' f ~ !' Vin' ,..ror ~# ~ )'. 1' ,Y 'e r.,~ 1. ,yriW~~v~ ~~.~r~•,fst.. .r •~Y ro S''~tS1,.~. ~,!.E %~ . rp,.,..,s,}'"4 ."~, ro`z' ?:!f'.; .':3:T., role ~.s! t e~.'a1=3rFs7':'~~ ~"~ .'< ~'~tp';°)P'S4flt ,Yro .^t'<Y*9':'T ~' .' i a. aste~i,~L:"n. movatete~, ie1~. 's. 1usm.5is.'ifA41o~, i. n. 1s. maa. G. 11: aiaan. A. w. ~~s.!p ~l Jel~ilri, i1Mi11 e . lrsote, seo. 11. i'~Me. R. # lL,, Oust, t. 1Rsa~i~r, s. s. raRsti . -'; _ _ ; , a: ~ ~ r;~'t . ro. l• ,"~;Pr.!5 t~,.~• .~~;ryn •{a.11 • ' .~4",~`-.~ ` .+tr.31` t ~~" ~ ''1 .p. • 1. a. 11tit1"aa», ilbOOatdc~~ >tba2'd sail, t.. >i. Lot~tloO, a. tali. a. rleilllea, t. a. 'elie ~ r ~ ~ stt, ~Dwe+aattel _ a ' 1. ~~' [l. ,ell. J. !1. ltlstl~~ !.' ~iLT. J. Ll~esl~t. ri. O. ~ H. tlaer~tR "°P. 11.E 'i~- keps~'' ~at~ y 1 V'.Pfwil~tY~~r~~• ~'>N• T. '~ 3=' ' f: r' i,~ •ii tepaaiieen O. J. Daisr, w. H. CoosAe, C. aas+er, J. L. Matte!!, J.' P. Ri11N. a. M. HIp1~, D1P. Y. L. Paroele, A. Z. ~Rsfts, D. L. T~?ier, ~aaob StitQ, Dir. J. Reo. i:. L~ w , -- -. ~1~ _ _ _ _ . Cont inueti; - s : iuCT 1T0. 8. t seooorat io) 3 ?t?t..~•:.i~;1 . Ceo« 11. x~rana, lasso C. Girard, d, 1. !liailtort, Oeo. Lanterbaok, J. l~. Logan, Oeo, x. 2sherlook, R. f1, ftaratml~ ~ J. R. PoDpett, H. f3. PryO~r, J. T. Sandidga, Da~iQ 3i. ti:oa. C. J« Daley, Dr. L. L. Yarrssls. ~ 1 ' J. C'. ltalpha, Jl., J. wArd, AaAereoil~ Jr:,'Jits"..'1C1121an~''!!1t': ~i''~.'aal~ll~ .~'Iku i~~ A11011~`ei~ 'Jew! LRO7. . . i~ ; ~' 'r(Dewboratio) BoldwiA, henry J. Biggs, S. H. Carson, .1~s: Dctb;`~C~ia ~ttaaaea, T. 0. 1tei~ey, J. 8. YoIhery, B. Rdrrios. , Q~1. ~ TYle2',t rl! ~ .~E ..11~ i!'e .:' f: 1~°° ' Q iRS" ,!I a: ~oolallaR) " J. C. Pleaton, w. x. Cluhing, fl. C. ianteey. a • Y. t r 1 t ~ f. Ipf. 10. ' .rte ~ r. ~trrler, x ~lt~~~.,r ~ C. ~J..,,~ :'~~?~~: ~n~r~tt4•..~1'A, 3. 1! . ~1y , Toalpti~; 7.'Yi ~ttAO. 7t. , 'J: `4': t I V. , ~:T . t s i, ? e.. t,rJs e,. , ~ e : ~osres#e ~ J, s. u.ora, a. a. a~aa, A. a. oo:, Geo. a~ql~, s~:-as~,. a. u. Ls~n?, c. x. ate, :t. n~oe.~,~ Lttitle~'leid. „l~R~.«:a"e~;, .ti t~'"< .~i i''C ci4i .'.: . it,_'''; ..'. ...'i ~ t!.jvt^t~! .'r '<. t of +~:-~~or li. . .I~ ,R~fi'+l1~')~E';. x~ ~~W tflr; ,.~_.~L~4r~1 ,yi~~j ~i`!P .P. ,~,' 'It F: '~'~1°y 5 .'~ ,' r~ i`e ~ ~ a~ . ~ '. Qi~ii ll .YO'~~'~^'~. ;~il::r~ ,ti r'•~~:I Q ' ~~p i d. A. 7rY~1, 13. ?t« ii8p~a!{tt, Y. P. Ohs Cn°2'~,,~a, ./.1. ~l9ala, 1. S. , 'Z. $. iy2'#0~, E. Hell. ~ E •p. L. Cates, Wit. H. ooopes'. J. AsoQS~sa, 'Rst~~; J~yf:'• A• L: Ilesysit, ir1. 1~, irs. lg,e~O, 3 RoDari ~1AIM#i. ~ . f ~ ...r ~ 6: . r f .f .!''rir.~ ,''Y?.f 'f. •l; .Rr .,~,'.C I"!^, fI .'` ~ StF~:"ti~ 1 ~.1Y"I .t . . f r. lp• r{ '•-'7~'r.•t., "t1... !mil `t QR~ .Ab°.~ •.`•~d}!~i~'t~•T •~P (~~~Rt • n~,~y ~ ~/1'.^V ~.R "~R [te^.n.e tw i , ^ . tea. 't. y, ~ w. R. M67s11, aOe• YOIEi~, .R. Q• OaOtlO, '~. ~ ~ , K ,,~h . , , ~" _~'!~ .- ~ n~ I..m • i r . I '~",.' t ~"':'4~-'.. .~' ~ , . ~s; ,'~ ~ , L~.•~''t~ ~'"T.~ T.~ « I I f ~~,--~$ •~'~~'Z, ?Q?'y"'~k..~i ~'_. Y (.:n,.. . ~'. . `r i `Jb - V ~.1 , ~ ~ ? . a " `k ~~R I q:.~.~i:F.Yer'+. ~J'~ a., Pt a +r"-'~i •~' ~ ~ ~»:.1:'~ '# ~'t`PFS~,~~ust~ _ . ';Y+~a~,~: ~ ~~~,a. _ ~' s I6iri$ I'~Peitx.af r i,,{{~t:~~ `'~ .1p ~y ~r. f r ~ } ~ _ ~ l .'~da. ~ >•o7. a.i.. ,y ~1 ..~':~ I~~~ .~~jt.i .•~s~ ?t,,I~~ .'r, A`,' :', . sl~a~ irss aanQiaaser l+bar + Astiq raosi~si tss s~sr a esiK Z~~ilwtlr~s e~t'tow t+oar taw ~ ` ~ ~ 1 '. Y a . # i ,a~_ ~~-~ nOi3Atti0R, a2R lN!YSt4 Qe01li'sd to bs aorilraLea tb! aisQ3,Qa+iss SOQ' r~ ' eleQLaab, •pasi io, l831. 1 S P r r y ~ j= '..'T'c ~EZv ' A ~ +r.mrLin„~:.Yay,.x:.~.,~ ..,~i~.,..+a„~m..,,,,..s....,r;w...r _,.a. t Continued+- I • Haotlit oi' votes oast for member oY the Common Dotuiaii for the 7h2rd, rotlrth, find yiZth wards: ~-- ~ ~ ttepnDl2oan nemooratio Socialist i ' . '. , ~.' I : ~ Thud lard:.. , s..:... ;?.MD: R~: 1laaoe,,~a1• gees it. c~bara, ,1~4. "> 4eo. !t. CTrembere , 7. . ~ i 7.~ ~3 i ~ a ":~$i'Y::e! ~,~a ..it ~ i ~ f -.. A`.1~ , ( i, I ," i ~ ~ '1" t4 .{1#'?!$ Qfl:TSnl~AA,QIl~b1~tQa~ryf ~,r'r ir' ~ ~ ! .>,~~' , , J~bt17lth ilasYl.~..,;. ~.>.;.;....~.M~~ ~.~>t:~l: , , . : .:' ..ll;. 1,,. ~,1~, fE: . ~ tc;+ Orh!!~' ltennecb?. 8. J . D. al~oa~ny,d/s~~: J . a. moan, 10 i r ~ ~ r ! . ~ ~" + ? i r.Sr. a.i !R i?'s~.':~*~? .."d t ':. *C°fi' ~.~'~ ~ f ,.:l5 t~t"'," •A .'~ ~ l?ittn tlsra x. imn6, ial: Darner, 46. x. tc. aoIIseser, 4. ~j" I? iji; °.I'+~1': 1e f~'f ';; ~~1 ~,L`I i .-~~', i' i:: ..:~ji:7n tit!; 16?1 ;,J ~-3r,_r1 ', ~ !SI '"! i ~ "li `/: ~' S.I 11 Q:; {ll i.",i f~1r~4 :i. ,Il.~i. fir a 1^~ ','.r( ~i+ir~ ~~.,4` :f: 1"~":tdt'~ ,'hers appearlnt to be a tie wote for delesatss to the Dsaooratyio City Ocmetrt~osi 2'roe pa'eeinot no. s, „tla.. ~ ry t,"~ r.•,.,, i~.~r;7 ','I 7~" S~) :t..~z 1^-:T'1Y31:tf'J Yr1'~I~~b.^l:iG'f`3 ftllfl.BC`.i ,31 ~'.!',S'Ydi1)'i '~;~Y$r,-1A q-II?5~10`,'.,TJf: J.' A. `Bur`ton, B. )'. Biziei, R. CsshoaM, w. B. Reeves, J. Ds2lera, and i. 11. Oodori hswins three t+ates eaoit with L~ee~o et,; e~l~eotieQ, ftfonrioii~ MO.~sl~i f osoief. tLit }t~ e~~C4ty~Qlert ~not~ty Ci7e eaiQ ~~T a ~be-,r letrtie~asn to a ~- losa the Oconoil et 9 o'oloct !'. lt. of tIIie date, that their ml~.,dseadi'lSgai ~thattl~e wsse e~ttitied to ~ same ae stroA deleDates. Motion seoaudeQ ~ Ooanailastt 0?erstr and oarried;,,rs,,~';-t . t*t~1 DMLneAd~g2 3slllfE'~+e~ *EDII Ooa~3t ~'~ 11, ' at a'.~o'Olooft fl. , to at- Lend t~fc~!$~'t~t~!'DRata4]~aaMttC~ '~ lllslcfELJ R it~totlrted: . v OpdW to0~tibet ~ ~31eia~ d!u$ seoa~ded 111 a~IaOil~r Lila dgAa11 • ad- , r ~oarned tcxa~asLlala!1' ,tat tina~ tte+~ ns~targtiw~n :$t~ _- • :' ~ ' > IIpProwad brie ~ o ~ o! gai'Ws, 1611. . i t' ~tod! ~ " 1 ~ ' !~Y MJ[s ~ t ae~.ts is dt;~o t ' i wtrrt atC! iE~!'~~ ,.i~tn°~h ~~'~ ~tJt't err 2ca _ .-:~~ta~,t~co~=° sue: assn artea~. ttairos. " ~er¢ ~a~t-~z$ 4s rr~::t:tr+ x~ttes ':r at r~ ~ r r%a~su"+re€: ~ ~r a, ' •`illii~A•~ '4i •'+~~I '.: E~,.+-i wetl bRL9r~1,'f Gi^'nedl ~+i:+i1 ii fF~ ~;:'F'wt3t5.L>aa "~ h.-: °Tt! 1sI1. tpealal 1laetit~ K tila lla7o= and Oo~eR Oam~oii o~ LLs Qitr at iaa Eesaszdlno, paid Eas. is,~ lY'lI, ~ the ~ -erRlbfaAis~ err?33 "~ trei~ pasloee oS deoiditl~ who were aatitied to got as delaptes to the DaieaRtlo Oiti? Ocoweetiea 2lox tie TDird ~,ctX rtnfTv ,nftZadl .'t' .'~'t:fl~a:t ~ ++u~at.t f~.i `i,^e^t e~~ tvs'{ sr~tf#ie+# ~';esraR A preoinat. ~taaRiar waa called to oaQez ltgrOR ueltuM at sac r. E. with the roiloria~ swAama ' crt t'e Oeaaoii • , ;tom e'TSl!Q ~'~ astoiaa eq~it tt! 'iy~h+~~ JII~>i~' '~ ~ sf tssrtt:x>P^>,t a tiPi4 i<at1• . present: Ooaeteilaen Ohis, IIoisas. craps, sad iswia~. sad Cat? Melt satebelos. ' ~ kfl~ xo tit t~ nrS J ~ M~~ei ; Y Y awoaslaan' xoltuss a+awss trat as 1. it. !ltrtaII, E. i. Miles, E. cKLeart, E. laewes, J. t. ssllszs. , , el!~ I . oA.1r~iGai Et2 rI?Eat , sad r. Donon have raeei~e4 an ettoai nnstair of •etes, sad ae catty s wsse eatit2ad to sat as ataaf 8riasatea s to the Deaooratio Oat? Ooe?eatzoa, that tb~ alz aaaM M p1Mel !i t hat atat tltt • lei dslr ' ttat teat Mt, t1a tisK tLgllrs lwsaa M'isi s~ to M aatnat M aaei is• ~aa lE ~aattullaaa . ' Ilr1~t sat ~larr.:t~it~IR,,RlMa1l~asrMi~i ~l1lt;setr~attN~ ~/Mi~~lttlMr b~ . /' : ~C rte; ptitapa z slsbt~illt ~ ~ siaa~t M i'<KlwtM ~d4alar.~d~~M4 M !e• Lt. tDtF:Dea~lasi+M~ BMus s o .r: ~ ~°'x, i r:~~I °'~aptea'.oR"lAsilaarlt~?lrKi ~#°>~~ls,~ ~'1NSR1~~t ~onlled to a>.et MaaOay, 11arcA 90th, i, at 7 o'aioat lat. r : ~:~' a ' dDp~ed thls ~ 0 0~ ' l - - `j~'~j'c ' ~ }`r~"~ 1 ~Or. .' Cii1? C1eYk. ~ EEE , , . . .._..r..... . X16 - -- - - . ' City.Ha12, Wta Hergardlao, Calif., Haroh.80, 2911. ~ ,- 'ai' -,.. ='> ~ Rem;! Y6eti~ or' tha Mayo; 'sad Ooi~on Oo~p011 •A~eld 1londay eraulas; YssoII ~o, 2gi1 • LOeL~ was valled to order by-~'or YD~aDb at 9:80 O'olook P. lf. with Fhe follorins aes~bera of the Oonnail Dreseat: Oow#a3lweaa tole, Holabe atld 2a4/ta~, ~oity C2ert_eatoDeio=~sa~ 01t7 Attorney eirins. ADaeat: Ooaaoilsiaa olreaez.,, ?lfd tiiaotes of tLs siastaa6 ot -llaroh 18th. •i~llr ? r~ibd sad approved, Yiantes~ of Abe special .' aegtlas.as ihi"aD.lath, 19111' weMi.ltead aid aprpoeoied. `' 1L1A7eiM o~ the ¦astiat o1'.the sveniae.of llsroh lath, 1911, were read, sad approved. . i ..i r f . , , r c ti:, ~ . 8eaoiutioo-adopter diassaa Of diatrioL o! ]ahQ ~ted bqr oooetrnotloa o~! saner alaga 9th 8trrsst, as apeoifieQ .ia .ReeolMioa,pf Zateativa, 1fo. 4fO, .wae reaQ,'~aae final , paesa6a and aaoatetd. 4 the tollowips vote: ' Cole, SOi#ea 87d~I~#a~ ~ - . ' t5 ,nu .t t lrHr; f. w aeaointiaa~~a~ ooatraot to ~'asat Traassll toz ooystzoet}on o~ ~a oa,,,M~! Wit: : 'i r 8treeta,~aa la~11 in S~tii for ,Lia~l, p~°sRis:as~a• a4Apta4 Dy, the lo~,~a~i.~f't.~Q~1~t ~-~.~' l ,~pir, , , '. ~ ~ ~ !lam"1fQi: 1Ma1?or ~'d~o*IL~ ' r r,• t ~ ~~~i. t ~ r a ; ~t~.:r r ~ ..,t' '. r. ;•j'- ~ . y,~(~~ . ' :ri re....~ .ir` r. >n }I7 c~y~ 019? ?.a YZ'. '.C" ~ '~ r ~ . ~+:" ,,<.,r~,t~`th10'DB~~'#~~6d1?'A]r!Y'~Me$Y=aat?8tlsk atsiiart of . .`lEE2i h,'~"io:7~ealt+"iiii8ct'°41ns1~ O'oilt id[ ~i`~lhai+sl~t~tl8t'D~slil~i'19't1M8'', __.,;" r R ~ a. " _ i ~~,~~' ~,~@~' ~ i i . ~r , .j- ~ pt ~Y1 ~ {srw=.'}{~+i i.t?'~ F i-,~.I r1~1 '~.x wi~~}, 57r.ry.:~ra ~ . , ~ r ` t iii esiiauted eo~t 'doaa aoit `~i~tl8ylet f~ 'iL• ~'t~bt. fib" id" r ~r~ t' a~:~~.J ~ r it a, i ~r to~iel ' 1ast~' a~ . at~s+it 2i' il~i 1~aaR . x -:-..,. , i F - : . . ~.t • ~- - Mks d~ ~idY1f'9aa 1M' ~ `2~RL' 1~ fir' 0~` :'ll~' ~I ~ ~ t~~ - t , t0 s~a11d ar t~R d!=+a11t fYc~i ip• ~ 1t is altlMZ ~tZf'3aait `~o 7~ ajehttia~t~idps vati2 ft ham' Lieih die aeeMl 1i a Y+# ta~'i~aa. ~ , . A L ~w tl~ ~.-~ I i ~ • 7,br'~7~~ • r - i 1 I .~N~ ~'yy1~ww.~ r~~ ' 1 Yid A® t~ r ~ ~ tipM~±I w irtri~ c'61?. J i` ,j'.r ~,ia~w ...(i rr i',~'y'3 '7Q~~r ITrft .C:z,m>~ E.,Y; -j•~.' j': ~r...i fib' ~ ~1~:*~: t .n• '>.'._ grits. .gin^t~ >r~~ ~ •~a•r!M~ r? Pi~f • ~z'~i ~~A'~ ` r: a~ 1.._~C1~ •iFr, Y a 7 S' r. .N~ IiI° f. ~ ~1~r1~ ~rllt SsMeRO1s BOtky' to paOf ~' ~lil~r flow t~ ~ "its. 'S:7'i~'~ ~l :i ~S.,. r~ .pia ~?S a'f i:.~:: 'f t'.,' Y`1Yt^..,j .j.'f ~'.+•~ ,p3~.Yt./a.. <.~,~.'/"r'r+g5 ' liat a[ k>MI? 8~ fessli3t~ to ~ Ar ~ 11+aMar la ti0 aaN~OM ~' AR l~Md ~ ` ' r ~' ! ~..t. ?~,nr rFrefw `d ~tC :•', .:!^' . r, ..-p +.t. ? a~ ? r iK,an. e.6"-MtY ' r la~a34 L ias Qrlt~ K /at . ' r, ` : {,r i.+~~fe-"1 f' t,f ~i rnr ~1 V g,':°.11`r t.,a7~.;4 .f• ~ydg• ,mgr, ;sn.! r. . Vie., .,y. ~ Z~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ t . ~ a r,i 4 iY ".y,. "'i"{'k"Y r: !`..''1 1: t: Cti ~ ~""r~' t •'.+I'. lr ~d.: ?.'+tr i~;' I }Y~.° C 'ta.,I ,i 4"1.' I ' :.t iµ it ~ i A:°~lrl t"}S; iY'r .:3 ? m'~ ~'s J r.. B ~ Ci i"» $~ . ~ o f f~.t~, a~~~.~+t.? '~ : ~ t ~ , . :A '.• . -t ! ! 1 ~M E • h a17'; Dak..i.,t7 9c) 43 '.iCr.,~'j t I':. (P` Y.x r^i%ItC~M# a~tht+ .#wt~xZS ;'u"-f9tJ 1 '?IRd! ,fi"f! . ~ ZEi"~' rr'i~. 11sk.~^l~tte~o'lain~ 1118 ~ t~tYt3~1~ 1~~~y.~~"E~° t~~~~ ~~~J1~'ri~"~•~~~~•^-~ p~ y~..~~`a~. ~'~s~.w~~r?w~.~~yr,r Y ti• t~~~ R~~iR6.~ ~ A~~R/ ti.'~•T"~V~~~~~W~i•~ , 1 f t. I ~ , J f.. _ - - - - ---~---___ -_._ "___ _-- Continued:- ' Ysyor LoHabb aDDOinted the Dreeeait lishting ooaosittse, oonaistins of Hoiwca, ODorer and Irring, to inreetigate then bytls Cseel[ Pb~rar ~1SAt , iritII barer to esplo~ englIIeer 11 they thief 1t ad~?1eaDis. . Councilman Cole oovea that`tDe eypolatsent of the"~toiloring sDeoiu2 oiiieors ba re~otsd: aeo. f. adlth, t r ~r•yt 5 a .ys, y f., ~ r -~ ...f- r , .T ~ Ia. Y' • 1, , H. 'P.' Lord,",>rtJ~ a~rith,'Ja~"J: ~+eIIt"', d: a: ~+h121~De', iJ`oa: ~1nllQAard;~Jahes ~i~~z, ~tt~he~,'~os~1a~,~'!: a. ' 3 ~i 7 ~t iKY:-.'s. sr= c I '-~ ~ ! L' r Cr+ tx:,y .a'. Riiis,'y aT: ~'':`CLaiYie,"Bart'Yee;' o:" f:`~bo"`~~'Li`s. iio~icn anll ~eQOnaaa'~? dotmo'`lia ~o~ae'~ .n~ bas=len. " j ~t `ass iii' pb~ioe' foes ~l8r e~eiie~w`it]' `30= '~he 'oon- liaYOt ilohabb tbDoiated J. a. Daubs ~ , tiroation oz the CwaolY°. ooutnilDtn Dole sanei 't~bu~"~~`e ii}~'Do'~`'~e` o:'''i°c; '."~' "' der °t~bnnoil- E ~ r t,~ eT [~'~ Y2'di~° aA4 ioa3lai~: s„i~tii~,.s~`a'bt~'oai''~o `~sl°~'~'I~,~ ~s f y ~' ~ ~ f .i ~ 12 u° X F'+' ni' rY " S tp w ~ ~~" '~ $$ g,f ; of 'r; ap,'f` acrd tlbti Crt}° o~~~an ~ ~aw~ooY di'st~tot on fir, 'tai ? c~~; , ~h~~ 7'0 aamioiDal eleotioa pseoinots sm apDOlatia~ bos~di b[ elsotidl;' ~s' LsaTad' iat ' i'~ai ~al~Ci'* ~e. 1 C"~.1E'.. ,d4a"11f E.`°~f~$'~}' ~:1:-. ~.577H °.F:~ .;ti a::a~1'v..N~.~'::@'i""`9.1'~~L,{f.',f:1 ..4MG:, yjS, _ :f.`WST {'~C'~C oTe2 ios 11Ha1 Q Shs ~6ftT72si~iC is anthoti~ to'ia~w'airants ~s DfYls'~~tiieMbd,this ~7~-t~s ~'~ii~ote: ' QQlr, Helses am ii~iis ~ ~'i~ 1~... v. .~'l I ! .`,[-.. 1t"It ~ 6..}.'.; 1ati~~ t3l ~,.a .s 7'.. ~ OIrYOellfua 12l4'~~ . ; g "' `~~C' ta. ow.ou a.o.~c ia.oraoo~ a~ tse r.~~rrs~ t:oac ram iaaao .tta the °I\ k;l 5. y . agraao~. 'llosiaa o~eawast tiI' ose~oilaa HoLw aad oasried. - : ~s , s~~-z zk:, ~ u ', o ~ ~°r r r: J s ~ " eastsssen wits aar. e~a~a oa~wt Isaias *~.~;l~l~fa41~+r1~~ ~ , '_~~: '~ c«?a ~-~#AI~Ie~it3~t~iMr~MloilNM~-tx ' r' 11 ~ Mitb 4?3' 3 ~'ltda~ . ~ t i~ ~..~f#~~~~~ tae~ws~'~-'~~l~L14'.!?:8<Kt:~;s.:a .'~~u o {:b0:: petx:«~;tS;3 13viai 4101::.[~t~ :.t . . ~"_, `:f~.~F•'n 1:. 'It:a~~L?~"`~ q~;Y~-'~'~~,A~P1'_ti t~' ~ .v.~li~:Y 'fps ~' ; ~:~a !c t®a::. u3 ~et~+lali -~«~r e1e :', •4 ~.i~L .s~. Ca ia:<. 1,M,w+ twfY+; vK. .sdG.i~ aQ liC. .1` :ttlJ. ,'°,`' i6:tY'9/ ~ltt~lOt1YJ"] +9V11 'l.a .i.i d;>~ +~y~iil'•+ "~'<~ :.i+fl'1'Z..i't fS~,~.'.Ya,1 GiS ~',°.t'~'1tYi Gtr 1k .': d'3 1~3'&[i ap':~• h .~5C7"t~ ~ei6~ 'T'~~.'~~EPa a . ~ : . e. ~.,.."av+ ?8`rs''. ~°ei:.I;~G: 7ts1Sf: , Gdi1 :ia~1' #:..... ieiL j.IS'a0 ~!:Ft Ss~'a`... .~~~~.t=; 1(jl,:'71 ~.JZjCbC.tie. ° . n .' ~ ~v3 .147. d11~lf ylT. TiiR' ~:il .1jY.(....+',at `:1C!4 lt:,c~'aY~Siitt'. ,tri AI}f.YK •.!.:1 Lti `i3f?'AY scx ".t~St3 ~ 1";•t+' «' 12^f3' TS3 , ia'.Y i. . . _ '"n. "^1f5 R£S~"'" w~.j y~v,'~'mT~*"Y ~fi~t~.~'".7: 01 '+0? t:~ ~ @ ~KtI 'dW~i~l.i"J~'SxDfr~ii SY61Fi .~Et>~~~{ 1~`21~'~"L+~ 0~7 L~3"~~,~.~1t 3:1 ~i3"-.F.:' .`vvww Yw' ifi tL,I tem3.t3+~Y' pia ~+hd iJ~i.~~ Ps 11?• ~E`~~Y`a y. ~ ~ e(q•y tA`~ l tr'S:.;r+17 ;Q ~.~r ,_-; Cy~~•i ;~,;$ r~:±~' ,su:.9~t it ~3S?f}:i~'(J ALA .~~4+ ~,~t~~X_b,, ~.rT Y.Yt li~i°. a~:`::. '~"+ -:• c ~.'.., '~~`". ..ai.: ^,115,; t$! s1~:1~~Irl:cGls b53 ~'aMEBi Eft aF#t~: +~P~ :"xi~ ~~Otl~[v ~iE~t 4r*'~~.' K3xC . 1711r~t.$st'i~? ~°.,.v., ~ , ~~,"; s~t~oa !?o+a 6.ztTtC~xpeo '. ~ 3 ° ~ . ~a ; xaar+~ . ~ . ~ ~ sn ia~w arts-s:,; ~ r~~ ?4a~~ ~ ~qu~Wt~~r rha~ > ~ r tom' ~ t t ~ c~r~t~r , , .I • •/k~ 1'iFl ~''rQ~ fliji Kd'~`.~.«ar.~+i'~.~ '`~W~ ""Nl '~'... ul i'~ ~~:i* ~VAS4 ~3~' /~„ w s ~:' ~iaCx°'~`td~ m'!1'!L°+;a'4itt~L..t~ lr~ flim~"<x"dSRs&i ^~Sf"' s.r r~~'.~.~ NS!?.°c~`~"I:r; f~~t ..o.;y ."' ' ~ } 1". ~a..+iti:l'c,.: '$~E';1 S~f?Y"iC121Y~! .':' ?1/~2S_ .ri~a*s} >r...`.'Srl$ 7,: o ~"•"jt~? j.ttit( rya"'fF',#, .i~~ "='L.~4'Y •jt' t ~ Ni f `~' jqa,i + ~ _ i. ' .- 91tY `~'i7. srsn ii~o.Cal.iCaxcli` 7tT,ib'll,'. ' ~ i !' ,' t I ~ 1 +I u.~ ti: ':i IL 11` L ~ i' i" iS: tl.,_ ~ ~' ~ t 'r.~t o; ,rho hel 1~a~ meson ~7.19'll '~~r~ '"~e'~tuq~ Qt, apa, °~,ro~, °pt~°i,,i ,°~tf1 Aar ~s~.t: '~ , , . a~ ~ Ate;` . tneetiag was oaiiad ;o, o i~ ~y~~lpy~~~ at 4,a0 0.01001 ~.ll.tiE~?' the So ' ,y a+gabera o~ t~e, AOa~I`D~ss~tt..l7oy~oileen . , ; ire. .°Sf".; ~r-- t . , Cole•tioiaes,O+~e6ers ~n0;~.^"°Tsptt7? ~~Y~ ~ai snd P#~Y, Overt 'Bltta~lo~• '; ~ ~I'tip s1s>~L~, OS tt1eA yo~0'b ions ~~~'T.~-q RA}"a 'i~~ `tQQ -rsfc,'f -.; Y*' ~ 1 ~ i a f t ', i . , _ . , . ) r t ~ . ti ~_' ' " OrQiolnoi 1to:~i9.--,Aa erQiaanc+e oraoiirg' snd a~liias a general nunioipal' eledt3da to bs '~fe1d !ri t,~1 Ci~7~- f~' aaa tie 1 t:.; 1:, .a i. Berrta~~~p anQ,,i~t t11e Oit~? ~ ~ Bpr~ts~¢lm ~DOOaT. dlstrio~,0¢ ~toenclay{-T-r' 141t,~p:. o~ 1}~1A1~,~d~~Sd~~tAs Oit~? ilyCe . :ifl'.'r ~i: t1 * 1., ri., , - i ~t 1 t : i' a t c 'i ~ ]turtioi '1'p~~wt}~'~~~~-~~~,,~°~it~t':p°°.. ~s°'~t~°~a, ~~,,~4.~';~`u• .~+`~Z~~~'~'.:~ _ adopted Dy ~h6 3e1 j~~ 2eir$oj~~gy{~ sY ~°°;r:~?° - ~ , ~ t i ,~.Y I!1,., :Ci-".'1 _ 4, , ~f; f"~~~t ~~~i !./ Nr-t C4/S[) :3~t17~St'~ar3 p,i 1 'f.' ~~L~~ A",.•e' frs "f? , j the follorind ooa¦nsioatioa was petes~tited~ sm san He~ar~iaa.tlarsly1A33. _ i .F -,~. 1f1-":li °.'7.i 'fir. ;*It ~p~ ~' . ~++~''i~y- ~ ~'~ *'~, ~ '-~i i~ l JSii'~.. Y::~~ F ~.l~i t. i:~~ (°I s~~ C3(d iti ~?.f ilfd.S.f't~)fi ~:,.U 'S~ :s'E'~fr .~t" iY:2.ai . - wail ^ T~ Dle~ss` ~ ~.!-fin cn fhb s1~~eit~l~e!a ~ "tis ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ (J:','$r. {F ..".n ri':.Ii~ ~Z l: f. ~it3t`. '. r"f: A`', ~'C'.i:. 1-,.:5 3' i~'.-c 117(1'x} '.'l;;S t ~il~i ~ w ~'~:A$~!1 "• .-.~., ~fjp"b~ ,' ~i ' ` _ >ibi~ ~ 1+~h!~~ Dr?''~'' fi1~' ~d -7ol~i ad 9.S.yo~"'~ ~eri~'~t~ii`'t~irx+c~' aat''~a~i~'lhe'iE~ae1E~~~' ~":~ . . COWlai7.O1NS I7C?11~ a1fC Oalr,114. ~ i xl.l ~:sa &i 3~3.: 1E k1.,L t s,.:r7Y) '(': '.`~}$ ~E+i.*n'.' to p~p ,r c > ~ ~ ~.3~jMR~$~"~I~ ~ ~'1e1 of tlae Oib _ 9 5 a'.G '. ° 'n-Y~%kiG~L!L~+R ~...'; S ~ ~ .:SL....! J Y«t; ~ , was prasea > t~ tS' `' 1 OY ~ tax l etat ~Brsx»tr'3, rinQt~Y~f . ~tsar~ ~ f f v bG t"ls 4 ; t C.1l+~Itll~' a.~4~~1~'~(t`~I$~i~l rte.:.-":°.: .0~~ .~' ~ _ _ sOd. . ~i` ~ - ~yt~e ~~'~t1~ !#a~'i ~i6ii~i~t~~ir~~ .t sawts ~ ~aMoe ~DrevioUa. lipOr 11Q11LDO~etatad tBat he ~ ~ D!~.a tnq~M e~3sla1t~flda oailf!!it~ta~' ii0a~~0~3~~ ' rraa this ~f ~e~i s~ ~ ~ al's riat 1d~ of street '~oeld tis aiaiaael. aad'eatiaatlat tae oorsi,.1~ safe, '~~~ #t ~ ~ .' appolate~d u se~astld D~ 1101a1b to dude a oaaafrtt~ of . , ~sAawat A ?aat~t a~ i o~U.OSt ~ ; P.lG. motiolt dalY 000aallasa Oar aaa aartlad ~' ~'~ , e: '•' 't'M QitP !111!'1[ tW aa1:>latisat to isaala 11a~uta Yor o7sluRS i1~,4i Ws ~ ill f1i! ~ !'aisi mar • Holmes . ~w eat Isrlas. . , ~G _,~-, R.R.~laoatllia+air ap0esx111 LaN O0art1 a7a1 as>otl flat tls i~ oa . ='_'~`~: i I. N n P '~ ArSOlrhead IROwt~ tlaaa< jai • peol ~ ~ttA' !a !daft at B11 14a~aaM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y~~ City hnKlaaaO a latRSlleted tM ~ ~ aBa pao1t10rtyfa~ trL' a aafwlc ~ltttaar ~ 7N4aaa ~ A ~ ~ ~ F i ?!Leto ~ 1~RRws 'D"aad •>aa~It~L ~tne.alrtiaf salaa~iat 1I ~ w~Ml~ aa1~ ~ - Upost 3ataq~il+Nt flat L1.11ase1~Ct~Mtilk'i~Md ll~a'Oearilaa eS ~'~ i~IaOi 1M~aa . ~ tBat the dslt tlaial'ad~ R1q ataa f#aa a sari anr~ ~ ~aOt 4Mk ~ M' hM'~ ~a ~ ~ aeooftad tiI Owwalisaai~llaa aft . ? ya~~iaa as ~1LI ~ m•~fB ~ ~aoe~lsa ~ 111e 1111 ws ' of ~Mri~as Qra~ee ~r aeoatd~ed 11? Osaai~laaa ~ sat ~I ilb asae ws wheat t~ ~iaa ittsat N ~ _ !fq?o= 11r1itallM aDpata~Rii i.1.8taas as Ott>r alasss~~a1 sft ~#'~ ~ Iia I!!1 least >bs tilt Ies~toatiaa . " of the Oosaall. t~1a111efaa sattla~3aaa blarta fwrs flat tAa ~ M a~M aa~a awMitaL 4 Owilo~laas aa3s slut " carried. . 11e7ror iiollaDfr stated tAat the 6ueata of tt~ ttae?art Hotel lad oaaP1a1a1d to Bea o= atiulde Laiat Pla7?ad at ia~e BDOra I ~ s ~ sad *B1oB tata2'lOred •itn their rest. eounoilaan Ireius attr?es flats tBS Ohio: gE yo11o1 De inatraoted to a»1Lity? alaootia6 ~ -_ _ , --. ~~y ~ I cast isnsed : - i ' sailorys in trie viainlty oZ the atewart Hotel thatall music sasat oases at 10 O'olook P.Y.ootio~f eeaonded by Counoiiman '~ Holmes and aarriea. ' , - ~ I , ~ ~ I UpOII G?Otion Ot Oatmollalan I3711rs duly se00ilded Ly ooul3ailman ~r and carried t~s street tnperenteodem wee instrlcted to, 3sgti2'y the rants to ~.CO. to seoao~a tt~j. Rely as the a=ossi3ts at ,tift~ ~ streits'ai1d that `~' pts be inaL llt alled~also sates to Ds inatslied at the TAirQ street Crow.la~ and LLs soatn at:eet~ozooeint,_~- Coaufail>a9n 7stins mo.ea that the sLs~et supsre33tl~0iectt. t?s ,2~ppted; ~a oan¢sr'irttn tiie leami` *s.~.0e'. ! ana eso ~~~' awe sees h?rr'Lw,snFioa ~17? ,aeaaodea b7 aeispsil~sa o~eger and oa ertltin what has been gone int regard to "~"' ` ~ , , , . , . . , ' f ~ '. ~ C d ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ i ~ 1 Ta behalr o~ tna .Oosmittte appointed to i>neatipts the Lytle Crse~ 4ean`ss~s Bolr.de repoxt~d . Lhat the Oomitte hna secured tAe aer.ioea 4d 1tr.Xoiner od. Paaade¦a .who world ~ R11s .roallt; -ia•ed~a~Xy il~te, a oo~lete report of the Lytle ~rseY power c~.plaan wn4 a;atsahisilgg .srwteia, ~' 4tio dolyjisi.,. ' ' ` .fie ie 1, t?'i ~ is ' + j:: (' t , Y ,?j ~ a e street iopersateoeeat tothtop stases that ne ha4 reae3wed alstitter 'iu, i .lii ,xted the nee of a higher pa?er ealaias for -LAs fgtl?: sootioa ~ispet sad to' 3~p~ia~ a Peer et16lae iii ~~~iQe ` tine' one 1 -. Y~ : ':' t' Y'. ~ ? ' .j ~'1 '. is S8"t ~€i ~ in use at D.iwertst and Dut the swsonss i~ ,good .oaadltlan Zor ~.1~6.00. Oaf ~Tr?1a~~~aMri tLiat ftei malts ,~s istt to the street Co®itta wit13 polrer to tot.aiotian seoo310ed yo? Ootmoilasa cola a3rt end. ,',. ~ ~ , - ^Yattes oS msuY~6 ~ W1ai c~ a3aesaL~s w~ sawls nnre peel! 'et !aw I~saaswe~` at ~aoRiai~respod rC ~' '~~ '+ ri- ~ ~' .,F . i;.'r "., i..r '•w ' ,"5i'~?M:.w. ~'. g.,~pj. ~jy,! dY~Mt7 t'~ir 'aZ'rY.i~.'..'1f T"'+.. ccamoi].iia boi~:' ee... taa~ tsi street s1~lerentepdaat ^bs iivs~awoLin to fasaar.y+nr yalos~ oa i~is.beieen .Y I ' ..fat f.~l.,Y it yintts ~ haaEa attest x ` ~ t~ ~ ~~l: ".~~+r ~.e ~ sad ;am f "'.-".p '~ ,'~ , e et 53111 east Z111Zb atsret ~ wMr tlpio lallrs ,mss Ae't UOi31~ lain and ~t Da~at ?t0 the '4csalw ij at ,ead~ aes~ ~ ~~~:.'~ ~ +~t~~ *'2swi1~ am s + ~.~y !i t ~..~"~ .~~R.~L7'+`4. 'x.,"~i ~Vs. <'?~...y%~+. 9~""'ieS~ t••r '.~.•>,~ ~~~,_'"~'!:.. '. '1 ~eeoM~id ~ Osalis4~aisa' ~alass ~ ~iMl?iid~ to ~aa~i! aiatipi os eoueisilian Ir~131R ma1T f 'to sleet fi L'' ~ i. 1 a : a Qu .i ar• [#?ai`Ji'. p'~" 't a : ~ a 1,. " A•+J'. '' ~ -`. 6- ~ ~ ' lttf' ; , ` 'S.~'.~ XLr:~A!'t . Ftxt. ~1.wtE": 3tondaY A~si; ~~1~l.at ,t,q'Oloo~ t.~. s.. -. iJ ' ~y~ ' ~ a " ~'K+tF ,r ~t2$~.t~'Y s.. yl FCa {w6e~Ct 3' 'tfi ~ny:r ~..'i if {.9"'fb'~si Y ~'~. ~~~'~ ~' iJ .7 e.~ ' - i f h _ _ l~' ~~:' i ~ ~ ~=.7 ~ ~ .{tf:i'* I~i;~b ~~.~t~'i , :G:i''7.i -~A+~: :Fp`°l~:a$'Y.: fi "-1'•' : ! t I ~ . T -. ,w j ' ' 11 { ' S' 7 ~u r Cr i ~ . '!' v . s~ &' . ~ h'.s . r P' 1.ti .9' Yts. ,A,: ft',. <~~fa. ,fi ~' . t.. Oti , ~ .'' s i^~ ~' 11'. ~ ~ ^j,w:- 1.~.r~. '>FJ '' `.,/'a.•'$. Y :~°11fa aGtL~1~.~;r' =S~It ".a.i $'f&i 't;r. ul] , . + , i . ~ ~ taT ~': ~ ~ 0 7V ~ ~ ~I 't's bE+' 'M:, ,1."~4.`itt~'J'~,.. d~^ia+ 3:~ ~ ~ f,.,,s. E'wj~+' yd• -It~11-":des R.: ''~ f~. rR f. t. ~ a t~„ •.~" 'tt~ ~ ~ .r"~' ~ <ar.~:'.~. "n r~.s, ?t- .~~~BS~;"'.. I~. 4+1~s -~ w'{,r. ''~.:j -$?I'..tki~~~'1 ~ '' '" !,' -.. ~ .4 .L.' t.. ~r;,k ati~~ ,i:ct. ~~r6s7 ~4:a,,77 ~ Y _ ='.r.. ~ • + e. - :µ;y.1 K']~. Vr ~ r':L i w 4 ' ~+:': "`r{,-> :.#~.: i 'rl.. d ,+' ~ " ~ Q '~"a.'L . ."'.S '°a, • . n ' a '+"'~' : ~ .:.i a `.}$e"4 ~E'~i'~ '"I'"3 Z - y r,;'+I ~ '3 - - itx'e "r + <e3,115dt+"+:kaAaL" t ti, , ;"' b~,~ !C . i~ v~~'4~ ~ .....' - I:y - _ ~ - ,J ` 'y; ~ '? ~'- .;,f ..' , .' ', ,'1r'.'?'M ` .M. .A 9 Y~' -Ta.yt`"-'~' " 3a: , .~y~.:, .d 3ro-.." t`~"'-"35: ~t. ~.l' ' e ,y, ~ `!..,a ~ .II' . ~3 'x a ~9: "'~„.> a ~«.1{ -. ~ Y .rh A.'„ ,S~ ~e4 a ~'. 3~4$3?~ 'di Y' e ~ i 1 1. -. ~ . _ ~ a l ~ p~ .,may ,p uqg y,.~}Yy. ' ~ 1it .' ..1-i , r c + ~' ~t~~ ~{'':'~`.`~ '`:2 ~~1'. ,inV.i NMa"i'J'J'+if ;.FM' ~ . a. ~" f'i'r '~SY ,'~:. ~ wY^-r ~s.a " ? ? ;i~ -'~,y~~ ~ ~ . s', ; " 0 f,.,. . i f ~I ..~r i i.,yj „~~pr.~., .4. ..r y' f~efi'i ~ lid",rlS-y'~{s,~- Y~C~k a. 'a...... °.i ~ 3.`' -4 fl .Ya .Lij.. i ~ -~~ ~ ~ ~ ~'. " S ,rtes:., r .'~~1 ,.w '! is.. .y... ~ s ~ ~ . 1 1 y' ' ~ ~ ~=t" • ~ r't .....,.....ems. Csty liail,aan SerstarQ![lo',Ca1.APra1,8,1911. ..- , E ~ !{O«!li¢Y '~etlIf6r Of .Lh.~ jlldb!~ Ja~l t 0011IK7f~1. OT _tbe. Clty} Or sett ls.rnardlao he1Qfl0nday e.eni131~,•pril 9.1911. j meetinG wee. aelied to orfFer by i}ta+ 1lYOr 3~a]labb at 4.46 o•Olooi: P.![. witII tDe =ollaris~ reabess of LAe Oattilci~ pseYeM. I : + asd i E aaunoiimea: Oo}e Owe6!~r mnstftai~r •Ltaxnn~Y swam ani! Ci~Y ~iwzt lsata2uloa. r , , , S11e iinltta of tar porgiens eertaao~,wrre rra4 ant approrea.C + . . ~ ~ ' ~trasar ~ct~. xedlanaa,Cal. a.tina that the Yreee O! H..1 ~COnn2nfshae Commun10at1oA sa6ned by IETa.A.il.ClsnIlll~ffim,8b0 tae removed.rzom tA~, was read,whersapon Cagnoilmnn HOlsbs eons that reQueet W ~Tanted sotian seconded by Ceeaoil ~ 1Ran ~~~8~.~~~w~ ~ .e a~,, i3 ," ~ 1.. is 1. :I'S .' 3 iiF '. { ~ ~ ,:.ll! d~., ZI i !'.: f ~ fa1S~. I~ t?.a~ a£^v~e I Street stlpereatendent L.R.LotArop rzeporto that he reeeawed word rrom ftr.t~i7le oZ the sarrts 1er !b•.CO((. tlist Lhe ~'M.r i ~ 1 Ft" . 3 t ~ _r S"r Fr' r Y..1 r\' YS=. ri. ~lv~~ ':1I ?i~ ~Y{ money hee $ lpt.ea, to=,ti?e Oonetsuotioat c? their Dravate aeaes a3~Q t1~.t Ly ~e7 e'tpected to ffi.el,tbe rotzli nmder wa7 . in V~`r ah4rt t,laYeT~r }iii i. ' , i . ` . .d: i i +il it; ir} n?F j'F~ ~IT~ Lr'11~~L-iS`_: ':~M 'l tai .j1€«°g,+G +J'~ "q,15a~.1 A~J ~'~' street, snpt+.LothxoD reports that he has 1a~reeti6ateQ tae aatter,or siQewaits where rasa ham Deer ~lereQ in -~ and ~",f 'I ni:r~ t-':. i ' ni: ~ rI ~ iI''. ~ •'', iii t LZ1at4~~.•1tu ? ~Z~ d S:! rinds that in nowt CrZ tie cease tae ooatraots has been let to • 8aD1aoDRt. 1lr.Bobaasoa Deia6 prsseas appearef~ belora .?`' . . ~ ~ ~ ` , 4 ~ i1~ a11d had: POilt ra0 ? ` _ ~er~eesea too ter at tbs i arrest SOD wet airy s . t. 1b th6 1Q9!i~O,7}~ ~ r~ 7e.bP?°•~•1.: G;.: 67 .};' a "•:,. r ~ . }j~ i .~1:'.? SYetil Yet L§,~~~°R''.; )s! ~U y~s,C'-. ii: G~7~ .y165~ ~i.-~Ov`r . ~ i':?' • 3 1 i. C al . ~r-r ~ s. Caaaoilsea lEoiee. earea t°>ts~ aotioa ba Qar'tered oae weer to Rive 1tr. . ,~"I i1.,2'~ `~,M~q/"AP7 *S:!"I ~F«,~}l~t~@~!~~i.-. d ' V 1 »-'9 : ,..:t~ ; ss :3 ~ !s;.. !?" f^S'.'4r.~N~k:: i.;s ~YHt.1Iw;.~ .`iii J ~ f , Robinson ±A:.`~'°~ ~.6 ,~-°'~t'q°.,on .aye wozt,eotiont,sc,°°z',d°d ~ _ T '~a~.;x•", .:-,.-~:: .a. i~~ , f,;i,! ;o st r { ~ellslitt¢ ap~srieta4 to ooaZer ~?itb i aiewl'i~ie1 rsOSl soK~a efr.!!o.lit.~ezeae~ •.e.r~p0'S'ts tZlat tLieb? r :.'~f~~Y ! i"°i'-1 `:.+">. .'S kf.':b...!~.g,~ '+f~! t ` ''~:, t 3dS Y£~Y 6.'S~~'~s~=a~ +3S ~dNSI! ~ ~:a: f+~~~y ~...f Fl ~T:7.ea~t~.~affi fe {rr{+++. r i went Olt t0 Bo.K .1e3tlsar le a bab neat ~1a Set esdl slt'tb tLa¦rL4~~r r3A tAat ~ '~ ~!i f~i#sansref! , , , that ~ 1 ~ » iaitsa 1 ' tb~ i F••..~*r' e[1e ~l~ .r ,y€£ti:~a f E' ~`.~~_~r.3 ~i E : w. 'j~`a ;"-,~:~, ~AZQ;w~.ll~ ~ Y~~'~`.JS ~l,~Yo ;jif"•"5i i.'"'#a :ii a~' -. ~ ^ ~"~a~ir^a Bond toed or =000 floilass Yor tLe ~p1wrerelK at s1a atre~at. rir.~flallfbs~[ is ~r ~# io.rit,~er. , #.e..ar?a asteN: tlat tfie aswmt x0s seesa~se~ft to AP,.9 ao]lars aaQ ne sroa'3~ fa•~ Aaa ~a1,41~? woai~ ~,-a~Cis~le~. i.ZY:I Xt:~ # av ? bc~^. j 1 :?fie f3xt7r atarastaa~s'sestd~ t• '~i+aetrs s~ ;+~s ~:~~~t,'t3re~ollawiA~ .+f1te~~,:: 1 Cole. lielees, Cwe~ aaei trrist..L' ''' ~ _ '.. . ~ -- 1 v ~ Rl ' poaae« ~s 'aawes tA~at fps fT~Orit ~ .~$ 1~-~ ~ ~•t•~~s ~utawblie ~ i~a ~ Co.ror ~109.0o bases ti~a 'balssoe flu oa •ato th~aoai lCire ~tsa~ol,eetie+a flal7 reeoeaea 13I Oa!~pRtla~ lfoleaa am oarsisQ.by _~__„r 6, -~; tAe loilv.ie6 wogs: izM:Oels, lialMSr Ora~ar and irlF~sfi• less: .Kseet sgt.i•othrop stated aces er the prope,=ty owners oo ssztl+ .RSrset bdDwsna •~''s~ ltt' t?eseoe veers prittilt6 i 1II onrDs,aad ps~azia6 to la7? siaesaUosstn ~dlR t0 be4~i.T7 the s~seK ~ , tbs . be narrewed to . so rood s':sel sueg • ~ root'. pant ss•ee }n ~haoe oZ , zesR .aNf lfa snot '"'sl=. .- Cotuwilasn tr~in6 aoTas that strut tit. a. asatssrstsa t4 i ~ . , x _ . . M:.. € oarsoana' eaaft strse~R,awtioe seeasiAe~ ~ fbgetrilsaa.44~.a ~d . ' _ ~ ~ µ i City ~tssuwer t;la~sa rspst# that ~ lYoAsM1~ f~ pstlse~ti~ps tRir t r 1- arrest at intaiseassow or aili~ to zear aei - 1loanK'ltot~l i'~•aa wtstts +~'w os~la b!I? abaat Y 1 ` M ;16.00. pocmoilesir'~ towM. . aaa ati•!s psape rty owns'' in re0?ra to sasstat the n.ooe.ass ypunt,eoltioe s~ wt? s t~w'~as °s• . 4 Oaenallrae Dole noses girt ~ttri aitY Dssrp?re f~ W ayeestioatiaea rf~e tt~s oosrs:astioe ad' a ~ sadesait oa the weal sins o? •D•stt~sfi tstwssa Rs#ead and ~tisra atrsss~,aot~aa aaeooflea 1~ Ooaaoilau i.rs'i~ asd oarziea. _,~' at sne rssYasst or sae sine oo~itts ar trie seaen•s elnb,Ce~M31saA Dols eawea that tta lartt ooasttts bs appoitrtea to eoars~ witA 1.P.>~.D atrnersntenasat or Yarf[s zor the snare r. ss ssfLaikl to ter arm[ np ~ ~sso 2+oz the a° i ~" beautilYiiK of Moaaowbrool: Palter lice asaaMea M Cvaaoilwaa irsia6 aaa oamet. ~' tiay0r Nallabb stated that it a Ms wisII to 2fa.e all ishroe'ea streets as Dreraoasiy petfKioaed aoaeptsa ti4 ~.~.s_._:r, ' -fir 3 - - _..._.__..~.`._..~-....... itt+++ E -- oontinued:- orQtreroe before tearing hxa ohair.aixt an6geated that an ordinarae be dratted zor that purpose that the wiaret of d proyert~ owners be fuli'ilied. ' - ~ . ftr.lroat rayzaseutin6 pxoDe;tY coneia on LAe eat aide of Ytyfistd tre.betwesa Ytahth tad tt~h Rreet,appearf?d before the Cwnndl and asked fo= peridation to lay a- s toot tidswalk in plaoa of the regulation B foot• walk'ia'said street Conrail reaowerided.ttmt tLey psaseiJL,.a petitigs~ uefore •oLion=be take4. E.i[.Crawford.appeared DofOSi Cauaaii .>s!•BMalf od the Beata oz theme'eet2t-HOte2'p°,eoteatias~a~ythftR poser ~r n nAtinorraph being Dlaye4 ni~tiy at a nelahboszna tAootins gallsty.0ounoi2>aaa tfoie doves tif~ti 'qM fie! orl Poises be inst'r- ucted to notify tLe mstmdes os ahootins ~+aller~?'ti~at ~thia ;pwono6rapA what aease~ at Q o•oi+oe>< l.it.>ootYaa aeE1o~ldeQ by Cotuloil eian Irvin6 and carried. - r, ~ , . r r , , Upon aotlon oL. Caiaoilaan ,Irait~ :dta1Y aeoondcl. b;' 'l,r2t?oilaan Holaet aad ¢arriad •tbs Oo~o`il ^eQlosrned tb asset _ Wednesday, 11p3d,1 i.Zth,1947.:at, Y'. O.31+g0~, 'P.~le:: ~ ' ~ ' ~ ! ! ~ ~ -" ` ~ r F' • • g , ~~mved thiw ~ t~~~ ~ ~ J ~ Ili/1f ,~pf1J . - J 1' '. J ~ t r. S ~ . ! i .F F s Jr., t ~ '. EL... t..M,;Yi'I j.";r rt of ~s . trj' Fr.. 1~. _ ~ ~ -- r ? e~. . i~ s~ ~i ~.~?.rlq i. ~y's Y~. .~i,). ,a. ~iYf`% ~v ~J ~~.,_r r~f • ~ '! :' "City ~a11,88II Bemas'dia~D,Ctl-Apt`il Is.ip'12~ . ? a ~ ¦eeS~ a? ttls ,11a~ ~ ~#~ ~ ~ >~j~4 e+raai~ Ap=il 1 s , . ", 2021. sestina was aallid te? osbe~ b4r iwyoz 1bliAb aft 7.~ o•aloot t.~ w~tsstas;szi~t a14:~ Mmrpi3°°p~tat: COUnO1lAlqu,~-;e~e?~-~~*0~±4;~~i°~t~~ ~•~~:;l~ti[t-:"-~~'i!'~F+f~ °' . i~:,~ ~ ;~~-i ' ~~~]p - ~ ~y~ i i t ~.G1T~"~.T~F~ ii ~";t~> ~ ~ •F F ~ .iv :L+n . r Ep .r . , .- ` Shit bedaa the date !'ixe4 SoY '~ tAe rater o3 tile,.~>~ a3ertto~l? ieli ~ 1.~i1 1Q.1~2 ; . ! ; ru Connoils~i Z17l1~'a~ tbtt'tBe 0ov~1 psooesd Oo wD~ tad aaawaat aa34 7retnswi,aot3atR °~y sew l~ AtawA^31~IIt6 CoIA Ic ~:e Coq T4'~p T2 ~ "~~'+`r ~~~e~ :~#, ~~~RE~~ 5.51' ~ t ~.~=~r1 .~JS t~ 't'-'o~ ai'i>> ~'~' ~ - _ ~.y • i ,Ly r, ~ ~ !fi~ y I[ • ~ - _ _ _ ~ v #.- a , r '~{ d ~ Y -'. '~ 1 . . a . ` ~ t ~/~ fq' ,'/ FAA $ i `'4 a ' 1 y ~ ~ r • i .j E~. J -~`. y •' R'" ~ ,i, .,^r w ~ ~ ~ - . d' ~ a" ? 'S ~ $~,h ~'F"tF :may `M:. -J '.F~ ! k ~ ~ ~~~?P~&~. r . O~ t'tl~:~~r;a~sslLiwe f~Moet tbl!' w~. ~7fA ! rp . ,F ~ ~ ~ t N ~ LO/ ~QWlIe2~>el! ~ . . `w~'~.i~ , ~a ~ ter o~te., at o ~a, ~' k. ~ tiou~fOtifiii~iwaded ~ Oi~tfla4ti ~s aan oasrieQ'i till ols~'+wes~~atahe~~f to itnfi' J t!i o! ~y' '` ~ ; loliows:-i~os: ~wa~1s s.~~tr OSllf"~aa~: i.~.l11#ahslos, Cite Atto!!Igs ~C~asips L.~liisoa, ~lodtoe i'ifas and 'r. ! city Treawe=; nt~rrs a..`ilei~sr cttr 9otrQ os tioa.tt~rol ti sow A.Partid!, wr.Oaeocso~e!, ~a~ti otYt~y~;, ~ F i ,iC~ wi n}'N 8. I . Coanall flow the third w`rd: OsolKs A.Ctftabext, iiewber at the Coasfw? Conmeil 1'1"OO t~It 1b1utA ~lIC,~3rad ~ h ~ ~ ' Con?im.ied:- .s Years,) Chatrnoey w.8r,ith, Member of the Coon Council from tao fifth hard; AilliaQ E.Irvina. LtaYOr 1toNabb appointed a oommitte oT two aonaietina oY Counoilmen Holmes and Oweaer to inveeti(Sate the bill of The tvenicrg Index for pnblishin~ ahmple ballots,and to determ4ne what rate ahanld be otmr!'ed for seme1 • The City Clert ~ca:~~2nslriioteA=to•iwsue warranti'for~vouohers'ds dpprorad tibia date DY fhe fo2lowitia'vote;Crnm- f Cole,Nolsies,Irvins: Noea:lloare. , ' , t ; r ~ ~ + , 1 Counoilman Irving moves that the Clerk be •inrt'zuoted'to isier© ~~iti'in 'f'avor' of The O~mei?e`2~ rire~ ~2arm iTelea raph oompe:ny 1bz ~8806.~p is ill rdf ltrs lt~ra wi+ste® "es De= oontredt,seotien dti'1;' ~eoof~ded by Conrie'ilmen 'CoIA sad carreed UY the following votos °~ris;CaQe•, ltoleesy trvirs6: soes;l+one: ~ , , ~ : r ~ ` . ` : _ A petitsoa'oT pxoDerty owtiera on the east aide of lfayseid Aie.Detween 8th;end 9th,~treeta eskina~to ~2ey a >ib~rr foot walk in plane of the live root rogIIIation waft sad that the space between the Droperty'lina and^wis2t Dereduoed~to one foot or 2ess,or what eras De reQnired to 'sa'ne certain trees Sri the lower D~~ 'tai" t21d'-sti~eet,waa' `piesettted and Teed whereupon Cotrneilman irvint coves that the request of the petitioaars ve granLedrmo't2b~s~seoot?deQ by Connd32man Cole and carried. ~' . ~' 'the foliowint petered by acme 44 residents in aeishborhood of etA;aad Catiok streets was presented and ,'"'~ + read, To the Honorable ]tayor sad Coseeon Couaail: Oent l amen: - "'~ 11l~ereas, we Dave Dees intorsaed that some pe=son is ooMee~piatl~ the ooagtrtbotion os a fish and goal ' trq market et tae nortD east cornea os Si=tA and CaLigt,~treets in the oily ari San Besaardiao,ail'd. >l~s, the Qistrlet sarro the said Dlaae is emLirelyr a rssldeetial QiYtrfot,aed '' '. ~8 Re,'De3ie.e~tihit^alYi'sf~~e~~D~tif`"idi~ee'a't~'basd`'Dlae'e or`enro~`'et>~les~erntSal``aistriat ? , of the City ~wodid D8 Dstris~ltei 'to tDb ~2lbitdze ° os' Abe OiL> ~ t; ~ ~ • _ ?i a ~ , rf ~ ~ : c r_ . r ~ _ 'i 1[ow T~?esefors';~ib;tih~ ia~'e~ssEi~Q re~tdtd!`'a~!'~tai'~ta,7n?iri•a~!"ssid '~ T~bbl let !~i ,Tb~'a <; , - S t!''~tt0' 1 ea F -' Honorable body t0 fate strati st as sAall be nsooessar! to, , aPs . ~tesemt t~s' oatsrl~fos. o! a'',~t, Pb4ltty? eart~st at asi~R^ D1aCe, p~ i , i,! :;id i- ~ ,vr ~ ...,}y.s r ~ -+^: P`~ n' .' ~' ~ ~ ir:"'W r._ r,r ~r~ r f!;I'. ~ ~i°r` ~ ti~t..~l I I Av-iaa;~jmrs' ~f .?~^.w .-~.~ ?0:~~ r ~er~T y i _ . tIIereupon Oau,o il.sp tnelaes .o.es tact. ~ll tnai` 1 vort}oa aft t~,e C~~I, ,gip ~ ~ stseet lie } may' °p. ~p y 1 ! ~ Hr ^ r ~ a ~ H ,' 1~ F~f y^,, j. ? iY~ f • , i '6r. 1;$. ~- r 4 ~.lyyy~~.A~" ntisl-ai~t.,t~ta~ ,~at`,i~ll='se~ a"'6fp~+tioas""'""b~.e to a ~ ~s ,~t~ - s zee a noh'tus . ? « f^' "' , r «' yY ~,~r+.~.•'~~ trvr' ..~...' • . ~.~.y. - y.ihi...phe ~.y...« / ieott6n~a"eoo~"6'y1~im:o""`'"I'"'aaa 'snd carried..:`. _ : ~' _ • • _ _ ' ol3lZAAxcBI soseo. an ondiisnae aec+ptinli the roamray of itt.~s~ssoa i.vane'taw tt+e saate lsas a? rirt street • Lo the soma line °t lrii::d strestlhti+3 street rso~ t3~s we t l~ae oT •O• atsast to tAe Serf lieu a/rfi.~sllim ewe; ?bird street Iron pneiret Sine of *C• street to LAe waiett lYli+s ~" •SI'• • '='ei i7tat f, ~ t rr ~~~ssY'. t I ,the nosh Sinn o~!',1tilRtp i?tseeti7bastft sheet tsolr CDs Wit`' ts>eler ~ •tt'' Mi''31! • ' : ` ' ? + C t '~ >' m ~x ~ : ' ~.`~'~. r Kraut t=ow tae west 111ue of •v• .n reef to ttia wiss dintif~ 11i~.leo!teoaitve~. b!F APts~t = t>~ii "~ - ~ toy fns . y scuts 11ne at' a'i~ ats~a~at; *~" stsplit• !'2'0~ flee ~D 21as tMl1"9t~to '~ ~ ~ - . ~ _ ~>r~ ' ate., 7 i e - W^ ¢ Y~f (;v'. C; t w~i j a s A •2' 'ar..'1' ~ t '. R r M~ i . tl'OL tae aoath liAe o[ !y,!'~ e~rseet to t)r soutD iiais et ~sd brit ~ie `" t~'~s~ to '~ w ;''t, ^t~ ~ r~~ .N 1II7e'atl ` ~ ~ ~ t- . ' "?' '~•• x""w? 4 't«~ G"~:; I~i~ f - ~ ~ , ~ S '~ sate alsd zepart o 13'1. #11 sa>~ri flaws bearer:Ia13. . • ~ ~ R ? . „ ~y ' _ a.~yr. ! c s F~1'~w' • "'tM'RT~-• "~.~.'y`!t" ` ry • we tan J `,pi'epeaet~ CI?lieYa as •dtb,striet between 'I• sad Itt ternoe seapeetlttih art TO'a eaRtlesiree to ~ ^ r• I flaws oeia eua! ttaaedpelWrt dineh~rtses ens sietewalY: aidtied b! ~ !sa'p~t7 dw<tlss+s sw~eseiitis~ soeu ~tl~ feet troeitin= on said atseet. Spo~a' seadiet tlb fo Coueoi2ean ttoleia eanp ttlat LM ''C'ity Maser b6~lltstinated Lo viva atxzls ~iA _.~r • 4teet ~~jxsLSa, try aideaalt:,iroRi~ saeawed, t4' Coirr0l]:aH Cole elaf¢ e~isd., : ~ ' lteaOl~ion, antaosislni ttN lnpsseeteedeet of stsseta t0 elteM, by v0 drys tise the tine fazed Dy ht* for ttia . , letioA of street first to 8eoond streets and •t• streets )asst to 11111 streets to that aestsin oontraet satered k~=: ~ between mid Supesenterident of airests and tsae,et trrerisell,waa read 1n iiiil tos ths, first ties and laid was for ring! ' Y• l' N . I r^ ,' cont i nn cxl : - Resolution transferring j11000.0o from the benoral ]Rtnd to the Stroet Fund was read in full for the tirat tieCe and laid over for T1na1 passage. ' ,Cr Costneilman Joie sores that the pipe line running troy the Paine Re11II to, the Parity battle be dflRlared a mtican , ~ ~ _ ~ • l ~ and the Mina replaced or the Ratei atgit ott,motion seooaded by Coeuioilman irwina and oarl3ed. i € ' Crninoilman Irving moves that the City l5ngineer be instructed to prepare plans aM spgo>.rioati,ory~ tox,the con- struotion of a cement sidewalt on Lhe south~~t Victoria Avenue~aotion seconded by Couna3lman Holmes and o¢sried. •Caunoilman Cole moves that the City ~ineer be instructed to prepare ~?la~ and specit}oations for the oonat- jJ#` ruction of a cemeht oidewaiY on~the east aide of •D• street betReen ?nd,and 8rd,streets,motion soooOded by Cw.ppiltmn, Irving and carried. + ~ ~ r ~ Upon abticn of Qounoiiman ir•ing duly seoended by Catuailaan Oole and ossz3ed tAe Oolttt0~i' ad~oltrlled to meet 11onAaY evening April•17,1Q11 st~~ o'oloot P.Y. f.. ~ t. App~soTed~ this y A r~l 1821. , ~ Qity Clest. . , : > i , ; , . ~ ; ' -- 6 ~ r„~ , CQlY "~isa11 9e~litliee.,~al'.•'Aplti3' 1t1,10YY. , . . r ,' r r: ~ 't ' 1s~aiar .eeeta¢ of the, fi~o:, ~,' ~ of, ~s~e City ,off ss~e Be~6i1t'Y' ts.Tee~sns April l4,ial. , meeting Res called toorae~ ta~~.ll¢Y°~r.1¢s~t1~ .¢t~, i•~ 0'03,4 ~j~ tAeir ~bl~ow~w6' '~'~~ Aae~2~' ~s'se~lt~,0~bimafll- a~u; Cole,, Holmes Owep~~ ~L}A~yand'Qi~~rsias. Cats Atfa~Omy~ ¢rrt ~tty Olar![ fat '.~•a :'"~' :.,'~ i i+ ; '°° , ~ya mis~tea Qf .I,~Il7i,1 _'nC'+ ~.i ii[ T."' '° r u i, f ~ ~ i , > • '.. .rte',! ~ ~ ' t 1Nyror lisllabb a~ot~d, ~j9t s .f~ ~ ~a~ie's sue" the re~i ' l 'nlns ter! ~ DreaeQt t'~'Znl~r~~~~~ 9r r7, .~,.(`;PC"a' ,~~.C~ry „' Syr.; °,,a! '?.~ E1!1~~#~l~ax'. .'~t '9."t`om' t'~r; s~Yi?E #435: !t. ~ ' ~;ru• lpr=ne l~pa¢sad, r ~5': ~~t~.~lostaf'Da~th~ '7~'"' "`~ S'';xt+;e~t)sg 'S , . °.- ° ~ . to tne,ac~oma~t° ~ ~!'~~,a[ Ma~esit~?aa~~a~ • - . ~ . , . , . , ~'~~'°•', ~' F~ Ne~,ta^ ~R~R LM ili4i~t'fiet,res~eat_ 111117 patstiasz boos Aosws+aDie boa t~ j~aet Mq? =rAOlutlo~.~-„~.°ot'teliys~.'dltl'ts~ ~ ~i a~1~1xs 4"ird`~bsi~e3n~tteat ~" peut~.os of 'ss~d ~s~ ^~' Odt s ~iMiinteatanee OT Rare bAQfM ant ~:w~ ~1~ "r*,~ "' .:" ii 1 5 , y,~,,,,,n owr ~ • K~ w ~ ~ ~ ~aiQ Q3at3'!dt bs~b?e aoOtiomel 1e3ns that De~feR e~f ~a~d Ctsr,of ~ 1~ rf 't~~larf:e~oss~a- ' ' , tins at tar~,~ g yrd,., s:~,r :tApaae ,~i°:.tR .lIiK.Rv~*+~ v~w~s ~ ']~il~eRezilfe~oe aoatn ~ to tae saMh side el' east Raaito A•e.i'b~ttirs27? Hiss streeR.E~wMl.O~lMSd s~s`'~r~ls ssM ~ 4i~i°+~iet' l~ial'~o 'fie leaf "~ teet,Laaooe scalp lab list, t~¢I1gP es!t ~ R~. e~ q~ 0, #t..'lOw~s~; a/R~'i# d3+~i tAS ~s}~i' ~'" ~„stlst to tsr '`° Place oS Detl~3alh , ; ~~1~,1r~= ~ stisideats, dA4 tart P¢D~s ~!~'~ s~d'~tsetspt.. 3' \ d'. 1 Ttpoee ~i~ t~ ~,'4K-oopaoila~ Qala sew, ,tom; sp* 1ws~ a~poiat' s: a'~ta !h•te'tsp~e the distA ' . ~ lot petitioned aAd s~eyomt book at LLs nest neettns,mOtlon NeaodM bd ffaw~ellmatr rstl~ ate earssed. rPo~tf the lr~ appointed t Colaittee ponsist3ps of Ca~moihsn;Cs~ssas•taiih sad Hoimee~. "~a i; ~ Resolnlian t3en9fersius ji1000.0o troe~ she cteneral 1Rii1d to the Street lON4 wss reaQ 1A loll for l'lnal paRe~ads °~,';~;-', ?'k' w` ,6l:.du44 ,p. - . .,..mow: Vlf,:~iL1~0.1 ~~4 --------------_ Continued:- and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Colo, Ttolmes, Owoger,3r~ith and Irving. Noes: alone. lte~olution authorising the Superentandei~t of streets to extend by 80 days time,the rime fixed by him for the J tr ~ ~ r ! r~ + _ 1 ~ _- oompletiott oZ •L• street from first to Second streeta,and •1C• street from Brat to Yill etreets,in the oertain eontraote l entered into between said 311pere¢ltenQellt or streets and tsrnest i'rensell,was seal in fall roe final passage and adopted by r, < . '• 'rs ;f. i. ng. Woes: Acne. the~foilowing vote: Alters: Cols, ltolmea, oweger, 8cith and irvi , 02'dinanOe /~LbO. An Ordinance accepting certain road waye•sa 1 roved _ I! ~ 1 , ~ mD 1lRae up tot aeooM reeding: Oounoilman t r i-~J I~~.~lr f..iu ri.,'I ~.1 e. 5.i y!i I ..3 _ . . . ' ~E' ~ ~„1 a 1 •.'': ' Irving having been appointed tb inveetipate reporta,nc~sever in Third street between 1 and•kt.vernon and chard between A and •C• streets. Ordinance was aQop~-ed by the roilowing vote; Ayea: Cole,•Holmea, Oweger and bring, twee; bone. .F~~;t;~ A'hereupon Counoi2msn Holmes mouse that eotion duet taken be reoinded,and Ordinance be amended to exclude stroete 1 ~.i t G, r 7. ,' G„i,k, ir-'4? 2' )~*#;, 1 e4T"i ~ i. i#e{t!:S~ y$`. ': '.;'D'.+. [ =1"F J 1 :.:e[ r,'; E . ~ ~ where no surer 2iea been laid,: aiid''latd .oxer.i~or aeoond~ reading motion seconded by Counoilxen owe¢er eFnd carried. Councilman-,_ mouse that the Ordinance be wended illiminating Third street rros •i•atreet to Lt.Vemon Ave and Thies Street lroa, •A~. street' to eo• gtreet,ttgtion seconded b'Y Coanol2man Yrii ~ l " '' ~ , . - nd 'snd oairied. p€ A petitionysidedlby'some 98 prol>erty.owners,represetRtit>~ 9201 ~fe'et;frbnting oa 8th,atreet between•D• and 'gi streets Detitiafin: the Council to pave said streot,ualIlg Co2tott atone ror t#?e maoada~,and wrist ie called' two oaaree worst '-'~, with porphiy rinish.worlt to be done umaer the vrooamin Act proceelQinga,was preseuteQ' anQ read; cottioilman IY?1ng moves that J' the City tcngineer prepare plena and sDeoirioationa for the ilbDiwleawr>xt b! xigtith `stiee4 betwean`'D• and •Z• streets b! the ' aonstivetion or macaQa3E1'roadlray therein,motion aeeonded by Coaneilaan 3iolaes and carried. ~ T the~Ci,;ty.L•IerL wae,atathorlaed to lease wazranta ae per vvachea•a spprov;e,R'Lais Qate,b~ trie following vote• Ayes: Cole, Hoilrea, Oweges, /mit~?, lzvinT: Hoes: Tans, - ,.' B.Aria Rcwao~esit~g ~ Je~a~as stelae' eZ ~ f9Tt} iQ; meet ,apgeQted beto=e` the Eoemat3 'sad sakes !oz peralesion 40 conduct ae motion eals:ror the ~pazpose ol~Natng oat hia Lmslaeag,stasi~'iLtet rie'nad on17 a sa22 ~stoot which ~ coald . aia,~trae. of ~2,n p ,S~pirt,,siss.: ~tFt~l,~ata snnlae.suo+~6 `'zirat'is *L1aaJ'latdie~'itaa'cbnQ~irctblf' a' cYean 'tiaa'ine'sa ~a~. as~ the ~it2otiom is only ~ . Dom.- qs' e]hr?es~e'=~ea~' ~ 3~ ' '>~ii~h ~'t~' . , R '1 " • 6f, : t , 1, , ~ • a ', I ; ' ~' ° an ~itotlo~i !b!' 10 da>e only,nortiou 8900Ibded bf rCaRDOiI#ati Owes '; ~ t '!fir, w: w w ^ ,sl`;=tY._° ~ c!E Yv~t' "' s `!" wt ~'. ~f~~,. `.°54:1 :.:':. ei ~ sad, ! i 2 ~ '1 n ' f el E E: ! a'}b~: 01"S4}-1~3''l ,.f 1. R t R q e R delegation uf' =eeldeFats'or Spatlt 1K.Yelrge9l!'4fttii~'ia"~jei~ll~'~r`b~+ti- +"R'hbano~l~'`~o u~ trie~:+immedla'te Davies ti OT. qa..d y!`Rfr'f R!r.7Tlli.~ ~1!'~`~'-.~P~KY~`~W'V~t7V ~VS Zi1200;t RS'. i.:s~l,Fji tta~i a'~~'i~Xs `S, i a"~ I I ~ s?he toia2 Montage ei~ned nD ~-~ i,Tie4 C. #A$c,a. v!'/~u 3 c'7 'S 9 ~ y : , at ~i.10 De:~tsoaR•lQat amid witk fns aasiatamoe opt the L•it~r•is et'!'ibe o? f9000.0o they wva7C~~~re a~ie jc ~ is a tires alas street,llati on aoevmtt ar;8~•res wlw ~eaitRta'rt es~~~=3c;rrrt~.brala~''~li+s t~b>~~tari~ei i8e,~,r ir'rOOrnT~d'tR `"-T!` -- . y~ooeeQiaga. s~ The salts= was ~e.t~=~!#r.:~'~~~w ~A tb,.~Ells~ :m.4 : Srt~~. ~ tra< ~s - Gtt7 2tmds oc 'said ' atreet,and;to sept?yrt a! .the net was ~SaR4.1A-'!1l}1 ~?i;~? tae sad 2a1Q'viaaw,Fo~ 2~2ltx ~`~:': ":. .,+-~_ •w,:,.! r;, ,:.:i;.f 'tt'v~~ fas;;,t-?.:.trrtT ~`" i „y i . ~ 4a•P7i.f~~~'Zt ~~'JL~a1Ri1i~RNiv++Q~+i.g J.~~ ~ r4" *r~~ F~^Ii 3 t~ Oenerai 1Gand,Del~a{g~the'CSq'a y=o rte =or tns oot•stmotioa or•i~s`311~ $a'ifssage `~'~~ a Timwooa-~ea_ 1r4~1~~•!''~12`."~I"~-?!~'?I'~~'~ 1:~~ °t..'t .'..~~~". ', t~=Y;~~} ~j~a ~.~l:G 1'rY -! :ipK'y,,. ,w~.qJ #a7 ~"eCs.~ ~'1~"~a$1 Ps »~`•..;r y a;. ' . ^~Yi'1i yy~ ~,~r t ~..~3 y3 M~ IVP~.~': 3F."V. ~ 1 . , ~ ~ i a' ~~~~/y~M~ ~yy~.~.. ~OV ~~~~w7t7~ i~?~,1~ ~v~+w7y may, y ~.y ~y! ¢ t , rasa RD 2h1.2 : jtD',t ,fie ~ ~ Y~ l~~~.• ?y. • . -. ~'r~ : y ~ f Y 1 r a. R? t. !D? T : s`3kl Y/i .~14 i{6 ~ 11.Y-6{`3'! . •~M' ' ~ 1 b ~ai~ t~s ~ -'~• '~* ~ ~ +tibl~t~taiir ,b~ei` aeP a~i:~ ,ate ~at 'the 2» 1 w h t.'s: rsT .°::k 9"$.iTi tr,• 'Vt'. s,~ -~ > ing oopntte prasedtte¢ the report o! C.'R.f6odtMta/ CceMif'fi~ ~ltf~t' wdle!?~E, e~?''liei~ to aly~ttalse tDe ~opaQt>' aid ho3di7t6a o!~ tits Lytle t3J~eRr lbw+~r Ctr:~' TAmF. tNpOlt 'ot"!$~#+o!ssi~ hti~ D~see[ ~rel~° Z~ 'YLIY'tt tiDllesi aowes that 1 report by aacepRed acrd' Dl#ved ota file~sot itgt aeooalred 1~ Oda9rsllyan Olr~arr' sa$ oazl'leQ. ~ , , Ccunc#lamn ilviita moves flat the opening or bids 1'er l~httng 'CY'ty be Doapoasd mst'1'i htl?,itill.at w'riieh -lisle tAe aw Coumel~ will l+mve been insta21e3,motian aeoonQed by acanoilaan Owagla and a1'rtied. I ,/~r~RRI Continued Prom 1'ag~ 2aa:- I Upon motion oi' Councilman Irving auiy,eoconded by Counoilman Gole anQ oarrled the Counoll ad,ourned to meat i _ '' ~ Yonday Apr21 R4,1811.at 7 olook P.1I. ,r. ~ Approved Y ot.Aprll lBll. , ~?LJ'~`'.~ City Clem. Mayo=. . . ~ ' Cit7, Hail,' Ran 9e~rQ~oi~2./1pr11. ~4i1912•. . ~ ,y _ _ _ - i-t v Ad~oarne4 a9eting of tho flavor and C~waon Couneil of tjte Oltgr o! Ean ~em~rQiao eslQ YbnOay sveaing April 94,1 1811. Meeting nas owned to osdez 10~ 1fa~s 11o1abb at: 7.{6 o•a~,iaek P'.lt..vit,~ teb ~11gr2~ ffff~ess of tee Con~il Dzeaeat.4a~mo11,8ten oDLs, fiolffsas .OfrelRezy` efnss~_~ istl.Af~ Cater ~Atto3~aP: dfri~ arfd Cif, C1earR 9atoAeioz. 1130114ee Of tLLI! ~e*2gff) lotAtiB' tClO T~IOd+ anal' i'!Mh r - ~ . ~ ..a ' r Atto=f1eY ~ watsre apopeared before tee Connoil +uld ~!e~ea4led , ~ i'o12giHns 1di2t loft: , r . , . . , . ~ , ' ~ ~' '' !O t3Lf, hononbla bowrQ' as ~ E10Nnao11 P11g lee City Qf Swn 9esasitlA~? - • , f , ~ ~ '~ "~ef~~~:rl ~ t f'.. < 1 i'.. .'C "y• ! w~':w i. j:. f .;w .r I < ii ~ ~ i~., t ' Ae tee undsralaffad rwsiQeats af>d aitlffefss oZ aa1Q C1ty,lRte?est~d,,f~!'t,~e~ ~AefYAift~'.at.eallt City, Qo wost =ae~otltfilr ' seoolasiL toy~TDnz - esea~wlle COawe#l ~t~ n:+ws Q~f ~ ~rtotirssby `sMQR at' : ~ a0oe Qeff~etay~`7 .9"~'~`~*'~~~.'~.y~ i,: ~.~r .!e 'f~' Sj,. ~..~..r_.•s .s• r>n ~ na t .ten ', i. ~ ~ - ' . , * ~OmMSi,iwRrf;.~A~u ac'r'es' liwt r1ia~ DeWt~r'~~=w~sNRied arM.,pl}~ei elr-s~~efE +~tA? j bs?, IOo~gnelIaf~a l~dit r . t (' ~i f; ;'(..'7`r. t,. t.. ~i f~ryw 4. :w °{'.. 'Y: iF1j~"t r;{ ~ s tP! . ' .y', r C.L'.Thowss ap~wftwad•;b~Crre>iip!'M111Q#2' ~Y•b~2#~'OR~-d~~+~*~4~ ~1`:~'~'~~~ fr~xR !oy •-iteeir,~~-m ~tentiw a~ffe mar ilfa wffe eE.aier,-t,,;paatsR tale ~ttE ~7 ~~tt~16 anerw4'tAat~ psselsedon be ~sasttea ~e E-~tao.~, 3"o>f tirw:fas• ad' ~e144~`rOla~ a4±~i! !~R'+i~ ~Mt ~ LaR~et~•f? w w; DaltfOri alld bsnoLw .D~t ~O~ ~ "~ ~ ~ :!!sue ~ ' t f . ! ? . , ' ',. \ rA01~lttf a~IR/Q'LO 7fM~~M1~~~:: .~atrlQt• report ^lMt,t~4'l1ae.f~o #!!eL"~1C#eIM/td*,TiL11d'r~211Nt,aJle ~6,~i's~ f'S +~~~6~'~2 s't0 3 is ide~I D7['o'~?ty fad asaaonwsa ete.and mo,~,~t its!!4~#~ 7s~ ~.F ~ ' ~ r ~ ~A~UPtMM~ .11~ w~~d <b1~ ~ 0~lMl~ ~1Y6 .tit Mt~ ~i~r~~ 4~ . ~# ssla aYs~othaa~,tf.rwe~as se.~r.~aoaE~ a.n'M" ;.,~~~+yis~~~e~e~lai ~#M#~+'W~t+~ ~~4~` s~ ~s t~ ~' ~tffrlll~ eatwbi~fflafente ~Mi1~~ !•wIYaY b? ~ !/. ~ S 'N'.. it i ; ~ ~' # { f"y ~ ~ ? Fv • `r.- .y f! ~ i ( e` `T • _ . ~ i . q t . _ w. 4tta~sfiy0~~~~'!~M ~iR~R 'AIM ~ --;~~4~~ ~4',~1~1K ~be~ eseetiaa ~ ~Zb Mw~l'wifl. • i .y/ it'a~1~i:` 1:i rTl3~T'i!1" e~."ai ~!'.~ ~td.R ~°~'~~4''~ iQ'i ~ a' wa.` :i~ys r °.y jl~.rr%`..7'~ °lr~ ~ i ' b! QMII01'~R~D"a~`a~s1' r ! '.'~~~/t~«s~it's!°! ~' , p ~Zdlrl~rlM'`u~r~n'"~t!, ^t1i~ '1~1e.. a•,~Yf3!E~. +y'~bq ~tbk 'vC.-~'Y gyp- .}~SY) ?u' a~~ ~'~7}"~~~i~+l 6i45 .a i y ~~i#~ '~~ . ~ i ` 1N~~E=~~~bAif~1/t ~:°~t!4~~IIt~o'~.~:~ M~~~'~! ~ ~t~If ' i 'r r~wd- l~ "!~>!rl~YlbfMl. awasap.wai~aNlt+l~lr t~ lriiw#~ tl~Si 1~s' +Nia4 fir Mkt! ';Rl~ItSi~l~`~,~?tM',~81171~CMt3!'M'~P {.al e~OpLl1~~f ~1lAY=t~L tA• ~ •atleet betw~ ; . eset ssd~ f~ ~ seoood and .t~hd fftseet~ wM~~etz~ bet~epw rtsdt aK ieeNfd f?tsesta roz w~l+rwi +ot eaaffeal. esa~fet1rtf Noirff ' ff~es tAtt tin ffal# tuna ~t~YDesif;ewtlar pe retezrsd~to =e+~ dy~lr Attoznaa?~~.ior d1~ seeaaMd b~ Cn~fe3lffan t~pts ,M ~' and srrlen. ~ ~ '4Y,~~ ~ ~8 tiP i:, v5_~t 1 .e - ..-...k.~..nr.....o.+. ~ .mss f j Ordinance lao.~s/ An Ordinance Droviding for the purchase of real estate by t.i;e City of san Bernardino,wae read p in full for f1na1 passage and adopted by tha following vote; AYea: Cole, HolIIea, Oweger, Snith, and Irving. Aoas:AOne. , :,' .- ~ r ~ ~' i, ~ ~ 1 I ~ '. ~' Ordinanae l~o.~LSO An ordinance aaoepting the roadway of Itt.vernon Avanue froff~ the south line of rirat street to the g¢ th 1 T rd re~t;,,,~ !d at t ~i.Yro~ the eat line of •4• street to the west 13 a of .•2• street:~~`x' •-~ ~ ~ ~A-..t~(la".t~a~r-~-T•~~r7~4~"-Y.7~~..''t .G..."'2F"'n:.7~!..L ~'N,"Q .O~.~."~~'.~ri¢,c.G LJ`'~q'.sG„}.~~~SAo ~-~'4~.~.1~•~~J,~ ~ ~,~':;"~~Q.«z~ Tile City Clerk was authorised 'LO issue warran~e as per vou~he~rta a~ppLroveQ tiia Qate by the fo 1 ing vote: Aye ~=" Cale, Holmes, Oweger, Smith, irwing. eoea:none. . , ~"i'"-. 1tr.Oregory of Oregori? ~ Langford,appepred before the Oonneil and asked Sot a receipt ferCit_ye share of pipe line canstructad by said !ladorY 8 Langford of which City was Lo pay 1~8,the same to apply as rental. -. v~;~„•~,,y,~,.,.., Oity Engineer sloan repozte on the above as fol2owa;• ~~•~'~i9~~ So 8186 Tti 18• sewer 1"onen ! ; 8008.?6 Total ao8t of ne 3~: Street Outhli Sewer. ' To ~ ~1~ 8 'of ~~ba~e" a`s `pe~~r~~'yy oontsadt ~ ~ ~ !'18.911 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ , t ~ a Upon readingf b~ reybri bonriliilia' ~Cttie~'~artae~ `that tihs lepolK+`bt'~De sitf?'~~' bs" oeoe~`te~; ana~th Clark and liaYOr be Antleorised'to `issue a receipt in favos o!^ awry. gr'' Titligtoi~d ioz- ~''2ater~ sane 'to' QDD~' is! ie~tal as per ", "", oontraot,motion duly seoo~de~' ~ `brnmdllaai~' ~~th `dam airraed~ ,,' r ~ - ° + ; ~.,/''- Oeo.l.(~illett,appeared before t~"ttl~ea4ioil a?nQ'lsk~efd'i'~dr~re~hae~iabn"tN~aOmiltinot~at~~a=i dove tneatie'b! oon~a~tatea iron on earth side of rnird street between •i?• and •o• streets. Camoilaan Cole i>osa that the rsctneet be Aa~iie6;'atioal seeo •,- ~ ~ ~ nded`by Cdonai~i~Yn''i~rtl3igc~~'rr~: t'"..~' ,r~ ~~_' ~.-~ .r:'~" s:,ar~ ,rri~.ICF•„~,.~' ,.„r , ' R'B:~'lli~e' ati~`~lt~re"tlie`'~•l9tbd'tlf8f`.%3delld'il["~t~6~Dd"!11' et?'tia+~t8"s~da'~ta All1e<.LIR- ; ~' _ wean l('t .vernen Ave.snd Clty llsate,also that all the residents were ttot"1dY~irlM~rd ~lth~ MMra! !!t aAaote ~aslhg seespools~ w!!~ we~ie a nai'aaiice'~ind III'' ~iedl'a'~'e"'8sid~a'~r'ed' ild~ `ice esQ~e?~'aY'dainMibt,`aldgt"+Maryv •OMt~sefllr~e ~t6,aa>~r.f~t C2ty !ng- be ineLrneted to prepare ylaaa ana syeaihoations fOr the ooastsoa~iaa os a aesant sielawalk as t8e north siQe o~'~:>!~aflto .L+~• between ~11t~".v~ioi>il~Fe.``'t19B~s~td~aDts ?r~~? ~" ~iwl +wi~i*tr~ ",:.. '.-' , s_. ~ ""~dii~~e~i'C o~"t~iefit~t'orle~+r #~oano~lrrrrn~dtabt~iov+ed t~~`St11*"~ll~itdeer'!A a~tsecrta~sta~:rsit Dtlllw'aoQ`a~-' oni"Sob' fAe"n:+xinf~ ~ "a+trre~ fiteei'b'~'tl~Er~aa~r~atil~'i~r~e~4r~#dwa:aoti '. ,:~+e~r ifiCati '~ ~ ' •d• at3esta,il2t>Eiadttl~"60.~t` Z'i~' '!!n"~6°"•1!L'8 il~sBiE~bi#~erOirlE•1l~Or~/l~'~1i•Sbta~ ;~s4•„r,, i~.;. ,c<,~; 5;.;~~; ~ "ctiiy ~~~i~"i':~:~~'a~WR~it~t~rht`~s'~R `~id~L'f~l~'al ~dba~C~Q'~ l~3ls~ at she ~--~ ~ aoaser ei 'rTtt~`iodE ai•~dirl~ea'lL~~?a'irhe~y~ fA~t'f edi~hsri~ rNda~d ae`lois+'eael?Dd''api1R~~148. ~tf! ~s _ ii lent to the Oitynfn~inee! ~+ii~ #~r8f't~b''ra'he l~~+retida~wl~b ~Mii ~/a11rt.~•t ~h=,'. r, ".:, . :r~'+ , " ,'~: ! 'r, s j ' I~r.fVti a~lj0 O~'~~{i'~frlOtl~l~i` ~6'it, dael4~tei"lRiitl~YMi s~a~~aMit •bMlvlfB~]MQ wrstten tine owner cat"'~1~s"~y~i~?ls'`"~+F''~i"e.rN~i~~t3~a~rt iwe~~~i~erster~r~+<~'lr~ ~+~#ai?~=star el~aet~o the Clty Gratis it was cis unA.erstst?d2n: iDe Q1t~ was to slabs tAe ~Y ~ ~:' Z~#'."71fi .r,e ±EF. ,.xif:~s! r :r4r~'~.4rer " ~•~te~'s~f~ic~i~"°yfe~lYo~~a~1E~~~~ilwri raMa~~~11~.y~~iuutt,il~ss~r" .~9,, , !o tbs nonoubis iryror'tnrt cos~oa oamn.i2, G~1tT aS sac sa~Riso~osiiio~s. •.Erc~."<=' ~"~'. ~'F°? , "~,; > ' ~ oee4Yeee~e-Yn ?rti'~+r'dla~f?.~'~ir tw1 'i~i43! l~aiami~ ~~'rtai ~/ sa. esys W ase'of ilp~'~llft i~~M~oa"~lCiiNiat•;~iitli'ii~`~t~t°'~i sgi~i oi~N~!''~if~%f~M'~iaMr"h0~ ~wq :~' streets wadd iar~ewsdr~.w.ase taten sad raQ pasavaret two tyLys sot ad 16p an! tba oadiaease ea11111g t~ 1!'~~ speai+v•t~ the is3ptblraM~~ to bf'MN wrtf tD~ a.••~7 ~aT~M~+~!'~ We~'!M' ~4>i~M%fi~ ~ the ~ yorpwie Zor•w>isek' tyri *ria~'io~ siised~ sabal! `bs' i1t~eNeas rettYor ~bls'at a~aE a~t~ ~ts~Yslr ~..a+:;.L:.~"~°'ot~ saalr~, . salb ~s~ie o! "tAe ">bonda 1'~tial~ "be placid fh -tlls' ilmtloi~al t!i~am[i~~ to tid azMtt'ol~~ ~lqi+l~?a~t ~~.afd Ha21 be eI?plied eaoinnvetr tb the purpossa'and ob'eot~ sentibaed'au •~~oidisa>t?cssvmKt! ~11'db~! aswl9MaQ i1r tbs Miasuee affil such o0'oeta 21a~e been soooaliistisd;aftes wAioII,it ink at:rlws's~e~ias•aoo!'~R~eserilllf'.~a tisdstsots'ad to'~e Ra~nemsl iruid or e~Ch aaniaapality. ' eN ~ continued:- I The first quest ion,thererore,to determine io ono of faet,to wit:F,ave the•ob~eats•raentionod in the ordiranee been rally accoraplashedt And this is ror you to determine. if the ob~eata havo been so aooompliahed,then at is your duty to i , ~ . ~% tranaiez the etu'Diua of the bond moneynow on han4 to the general ivnd or the a+unaoipallty,axtor wn1oA stLah >Inonay oould be • ~ use4 Yor anY legal purposes. 1 ~ ~ 1 - ~ ; I t . section 08 of the VrooaTan eat inrests Yale body with power to pay •the whole os a~ prt o! the oost an4 expense , of any work mentlane4 in (that) Aot,to be paid out o! tAe treasury o! the meenioiyality rro>. spate 212nd as the Conteail may 1 Qesigna><e•. eo the ttneation as[ed by yon w121 bare to be answered an the arflrsPatare,aon4ltaonally,-that as,i1 all o! the - „a~: 1'"`?,(i.r :"'! ii'~.(,f a r :.r, :,:r L - jr'Ir •' i nl ~ ~~.'.. Ji ob~eoti~speoille4 in the ordinance calling the elea!!on at which Lhe bon4a were ~oted,hawe Dean ftiill aooolmplishad,and ?t:l i_. ~l i ~~r fM y'1~ ,.l ~1 .'i:r., i,4 ~)': S~, k'; ~ r s yon transfer the ramalnang honey Lome general rund,yon can then,by a proper pr000sding,atetho2lEe the payment or snob part or the expense o! the impzoreaeat o2 1tt.9ers>on lrelnne froth soon !tired a. yon deep psopes,bat until the ob~eota ment- ,a i. I•..ii Il"''r i .f 'y',~ 7;t 1. ,r.i ~.~L, 1f 3t. .~' .'a r~' pr. ?5e± 1'.. f.,,; r or coned in the ordinance nave been iu12y aoeomp11~1eed,lt wotila seem that yanr aathozlty to expemQ~this slmN! warld bs 11ant- ed by the ordanance speoiSyins t1:e ob~eatr antrpnrpoaes,urileaslfor sons rsison,at~wrre aapeesable to~e.tirirartlt~'obaeota i , ~ N ,e i,. y i,. ~ ~I' I P 'i''. ! r 3: 1. ?f i~.. ..-. f , i'- . r c and purposes,-and this agaan is a ~nestion ror yar to de?Y~ine. City Attaisriel. ' ~ {41 I,~ _ ~ ~ r ~ a ~ i ,4 1 ~!'.'J j'r ~.ir 1 !.j _'. tt 'i h, r 'tj u:i 1f4: "t2 ~4Z ~i,'trl w. i. ..i 'T~ :"1 P.. i Cote®itte appOirted to 2mestigate the bill ~of the 7ivaning lndeir !or pabliaaeite~ sst~le ballots presented alettez ' 1:-s (wi.~r, 1 ~ 1 _ ll=J r .q ~ "~~j ~~f r'.p r..,, Ira ~""1':i~r f'~•~ ,n•; '_';"" t",1~ t i ';: .1 -!.l~~e '~~'~~ .y ,1 I,i. 1. signe4 by w.S.COngaz,llanager or the tnaeit is which he ~e has ?lain o! ooMraet,wnereopon Cbtmoa2aan 1rllireg >BOres that the • i t( t~ r..? ~ .Y.'.. .1., r ~,r ry ,..~lr j;.~/s. rt't•r n„y~r ".., `f" i, jC' v-•, '!, rwr~ `'} li?'f rHt°f. _('i ,Q e'.[! .1~ ..f Yf - bill an prewiaisly rendered be paid sad the Clem be lnstrneted to rssne warrant aoeosdiietll,sotion seeonded bf Qoureoil'an Holmes a~ carried. _ r .,.t ~f ~~i^i., <', ;f'•'. lr [U` '1;!i';tr (.31 ~'j r r. t .ii. ,:'c(}a ii'._q"11r ". _7:np 7r k1. ,r'1 .:i.., t~ i upon notion or (Cotmoihan irwiitg doll seooadea'm Oomioiltrre isoitiss sad oarriad ~ilee Caty ?tto2fas~,ws instrnotee~ el (rp' ('. , 1~ F. il+'f'.j a ' ,ir :~r ,e f:. r. r. :.~~~'.~~'C'~i. r: h'/1' fr' ,}j to Lrep.re an oldlnaaos~sredlnt Ordlnanos ~o.~ IsattlAelg the aantare•eq?.co.to instal! sarety galas at osoaains at Coz. ' " ~ 'C it ~ ~' . r, ; e C14 : i'. t + t e. yy : ~'1 3 r.r t !'r •:' "r E F~~,~ ,^+C r i- +tt* ~ .,td ''t ;f'. '1 r.'. _ t, ;t,r '= so ! 'Z of Firth and •1•str~sts; -1C;ngrrare and •I•at=eets; !lLtsd street between ~I• sad caste: tweme: and ozosilug at EAMh •e• f ?f.'.1 ~ T1L°w .1 :1 ii } e.'1 yt '!' ? j ti,. i,Y :y ?,y,'~, 1M~s~(~ fy"J rf.kw 1~~1 bi K.t 'a~ i:! I atreet:in place of !!ells as present ordananee. • ~ , ''..r ~ i.~1i'. 'u0f:;fs,tgr~ C(: f',i'~3 R'j r ,..,ia ~ ~.v; !r ,n'.3 ~ ."`+ hx't f~„i,'-5~ I,f t', '. ;' ir~f ~ ' upon motion os Ovoosilann Owegsor,dtitll aeooredsd.b~? Oenreoilltws•a0d cerpnried tns Ooimeil ~ad2oeernsd to neat ' 1 : i t ~ i 1 ';( i } f - I ~ ! r . e ~' i i '. ~ r . ~ ks ( C ~ 1{• . Y'. " ?'r ~ 1 C ( P. ~ l f ` f r ~ "! T f., ~ ~ . , ' ~ ~ r r I f ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ '. iloieda7 ereaina.~ 1,1Oil.at 7 o'oioat P.Y. , ~' • , f 1! ' ~.n,, 1 R. '.;r s„a ..~ivq •xq .E.rS ',t~ iP1..,! !p, '. .j ~ r; ! . 'F E 1fY, 1'"d v'J Ir Aaprwea ~thi~dal c? isl.1011. . .4J'~'`, r ! .~I~j ( .t . »p.Y ~~1`.... t.,, ' ~ 1 r4 r ? 1("qft.. ~ > r call Ole=R. r, (t, ~ ~j, ;.t ell ry. e,; nµ! ~:.1viF.! 'iO "t4i }I, rt yf., ~1 :1~ -'F. ii i.F ", ti,i JPtp? f ,~'~'• r , r ! F : r rc ~ 1 : r. f . ~ : L, t . _ . 1 a. , . i ': ? i ' ~ ~ ' Y r'. j ~ + ~ . ( 1 1 • ? , a;'. r, - ~ . w ~ ~ r p. I ! c ?f ,nt ;for. w 1 ~ a:-V', :.?n iN i ~ .r,. ~ T'1 ~"4Y it,7K)~ . rr: rw, ritj. 1 i ~ '~e' - I a 4 ~ o r 1 r + r ~ f 1~ a„ ';. i .y t , ? I 1 i iw , , „w ~ ~ r w _ .,:w,. r 1 _ .--d.._. ~a. ~ • , • - City Ha11,3an >3arnardino,Callt.flay,1,1911. !regular meoting oz the lessor.and Co~nnon Counoil of the City oz San Bernardino,held Monday evening May 1,1911. ; Meeting was called toorder by Mayor 1!olrabb at 7.46 O'olook P.1l.with Lhe zollawing members of the Cannot! present- , .r s , - , oouno2lmen;COle,nolmes,Owe6ez,etrnth,aad lzring. City Attorney Swing and Caty Clerk lratohelor. The rinutae of the prerions mootic>~,K were re:tc~. and approred. This bsang the last aeeting or present adminivt.rstion llayar f1ollabb temderea his riirwell zeport Lo the Connoil; 'J~ f I ' i t S'1 '1,! It° t ':w".. "' '.,.~ .)i f:.t if ,'~ . i ~ r :e ' ' To The membess of ohs oosimom covaaoll of the City of San Bersrasdlno,Calitoanla. Oentle~en: i ,r,~ le iY fJ~„y :1 i^, ,J ix. •q !fi 1'.f# FS':, lf. •3'. . ~ r.. . ~ jt?fL :' 'i ~ r.: r co 1 ' •t the sad os two Tears daring whioh yva Dave been charged Dit>r rsapoasiDility toz the vondaot of strain o! the i Cry. tit h'~:c i • i'''.'!}• -I (~f1 ~i(I . ~rf _i f ~ fN 't'I, ';.ff i."~ :r . ~.' I ~ ~ , munioipality,it is fitting that a sus•ary be made,showing what has bees aaoomplished during that period. lhtve Lhezefoie ' ~' (s ': 1Y sf "f ~r~i T15 P. '~ r!,q d ?.tit f j,°.t ~ '!: i ~I~i C: :' 7.[. ,f,': l~t i. i.`Y ~' w . +r } .j ! ~1 ~t~ Jn t-?:ri17F r~i;ii 1.. i. j ti~ovFLt. it props=~ to bare reports made by t1Yb heads o! ruials deyartments of adminl8tntion.taom which I have been able to '. .1111 °Y'x,.Sf $1. (1 ! j^ y:. ii M~ T !."~. ~ ~~Jr 1,i i:4..~ it '.f:^,~': S•': SS ~'; I obtain data which shows hol?~tLr±ta= pitTSrf'`~'money has been ekpended,what it has Doaght for the City,wLtt improvements bare beeen 19ade,and in bziet bat 87wD~1's tosa;lhat betterments the City enlcys as the result Ot Tonr direction and administntloA _ of its atfairr. Dnder the adsinistntion wh1oA prebeeded us,t~ls people oS LIIe CiLyhad noted a Don¢ =sere of ;110000.00 , . TP. P fir.#L~k$' ~i'"; f'is v Y, 4'S f`'':I', '-Pis ':C: t~:~j t.t -.1. .~~.f : .f~ (T' "Ft~ i [f7~"W 5 .,,j 1 t,l ?11,.F t •i !i [' ~' ~ for street laiprovement,of rr'hiah ;79,000 way for the soadamising 0f oestain stsssts,the oths= jas~0oo being.deriQed between ' ~ _ ii'. LJ .1~~"'Y T4~ y.. rt•.f(^ '%Y.~ t:°~'i~.a,'J r+~ "`; L`' 'f' J.n ~'„''. P:1 lE': (..J n' • •.~r. ~ '. i. "f + 1 expenditnres•ivtr bzldgea ant 0nlrezte over „warm creek and City Cseek,the oonstrnotlorn os osofs wa~ts~and the establishment r, i, (.,nr R, `:~f...,t .'.'. ,' .q{ g:- rr• :r~Yn~'f!-~c. t Fr:., r,rJt V,~A. 4i:i; x''i'c'~i' r,. .;+s; s of a rluniaipal p=ant for the Dare Ot pared"streets. !lost Ot this 88.000 had been ezpended bqr ous;gredeosasoss Ori the wosle . outlined,bnt when you into ottioetthe t contained the ;77,000 noted t•r street maosmumzit~,and Tops,lisst.wo~lt. reasuzy . .,,t t , 4s ,.`!te^. r.i~± f~iY-e ,.?-'~,,<...r, I i; .,'iClit+ v-~ i. s`(:~i~°-':•i. kLr.'.; ..,iIY t2 :if:.4; ?'x L~~'ti ~s'Y-rt'J` kt I~, was in the Qlzeotion v~ maoadaa?s the streets for wh1oA this mon hid been noted. the sesolts we=e a rr ~6 ro.:i ;', ¢Pti~ I .gig .;t`.. .4' 7?tit _ , iasill6. !lot' CnI]? did " ,q,jat^, 5, -: e,'. Ir'r~. 1. ) - e!;r c A. « F; t~~'3L !!"'.3fx`:.awlt=J!3~ft:rTj°g`tt~ 7H~ Fi''Y ia~:. you euooetQ in parir~ the ftreets for which this money was roted,but so aatisfaotosy war ttre wost~and w wash dig it oommssxi I et. 't ~'~ 3')'1 {'~ 'r'IF P. d~ 'i .al p/r 41 I°i'~ tai j'. f;r~.T7::!~T• ..>.~tYa _'t1 j ~'.'1'; ~A~/' T.'j., i' 5•f i! itself to the to payers o! the City,that the spirit oS imDroremalt took possession of then with the serail that since you w - ~ fir„J:rllfc'~ Js1~g~Y.( ? I r, r:~,tYGr it~ : t,~ were seated as member of the Caanell~"'Lw0 yAUS aga,not ailY di! 1~ spelnd the =77,000 ositinillr voted for that purpose,but 'i 1~~'IE'', t` r.! r'[21' .:•u a'. w;I°~`. t.~.t3f, '•1"•'1<if Fv9 EN l't'd. ~ V~ElII~X'8;~>>?4 li4. Pli{t+~' T :1, "':i ,i ~ F. by Q?eans of Vzooman got Droeeedings,initiatsd ~ the tiso'le LAewselrp '~~la~; r~7 safe rarozed bT a(~~~]orit7 ~ them,thls • '-- ~ •Nti.~ J~'~'i 1... fJ4~[?ii 'l E ' :I tr~•~ {',. .41. . sum expanded for street iaoprovement gretw and was in0reassd,nntil tars 8tssft sapamaota®lbnt saposts Lmt 2n tLs two years, the Citf has a:pended a total ~ ~907i800'in the paieUnt of streeRs,tDs siKi1~ DOtr~~ler~ q1t cei-pa2t ~ilss of ma6n!!io- ently pared boulerards that bare giren Ban Bernardino tae repatstlrm f[ hmt3n~ thw beiR',stitfe~ta od' an, small City in Oalit- ~ ornia. Bwawarlsing, the people of the'City here nAQe saeh`demands'toY aanleipai iapa0was~ialt and t=are bean readT and viii -_ ing to pay for them that ycar two yeses 0S serv=os as Co~xacliaamthas beer= s#~wIisad-u sn nmeaoalel 41vW~ for impsovesrentr and in oonordte !!gales the showing is: .'. - • , , ~ t '11.6 antes qt stseft'ytiiag - - - = ~7~~- - ~ ' 4:9 al=es of selrsss - - - ~61i~Ob 0.;~ m~;ef of sidenaiks'a31d oulbs `i~OM >ilflllg Dsaetged and aulreztr 4,1Y7 0ladiIIg and oilill~ ftreetf ~' with tha skaeptlan of ttrGs .two itws xaet maatiomed;ali o[ "tttst woesy' was s~piolaily'proridel'lry t7is~tax pp?ssri•?am the specific purpofe for wnaeh it wn ezpeoded~s intimated alrotif,i~Irsm tAs'Oosittw` d thtisty msAe #!s osisinal sfdias~ss -tbs t11f boAd lsfne,it eitps=•ereriofted a: i1~17 mrteslsstiaatid tifafOfr dt tams Nwaat wmlK eh tAe east Thlsd ft~seiE bai4`tr oalre~ts at and tDe tills to brirfg tar streets to grm~ orbt the Tarn a=sst alt slt~cn ssseetr.Il~Ra,as~ctt~ stsfet ltimtn .t~eetyaad ~ Tenth stsest. AR•a 'asfnit.whan tAS Dement euirfiRs gal thf Th#rd st~eft Dsllgw waste vam~6lstfl~#t 'Trol'l bat ~Ia40.78 in tR15 ' E ~ ~ fond,oat of wh#ah to maU Llrfe sI[pfnsire fit=s. TDs Oaincii was thfssotOrs lstl no altesnatirs pat to dssw an its tleNrdl ~ ~" i. : ~ turd to complete the wort,and of the total asst of 80288.78 sham spore toe tilis,ali bat ;1040.!8 was pall art of the 0enerai fund. This brings me to disatus what YoN bare been ails to do in the war of permanent wort and in mal[ing.additioni to the City's plant paying foz them vat of anrrsnt revenues derired 1•rvai taxes,as distingoisherl flow the funds which propsrt~ j amens have direetlY Drorided for speoifi~fraproremeret,shown sbdre. . i ' ani~Litnied:- You rwde Lhe final payment of j166b.bfl on the Pennsylvania Avenue fire atation,whioh was built cinder our predeoeasors. then you came into offioe two'»years ago,you found the l'i'rb~ Devalrtment poorly equipped and rapielY beeomina inadecruatt E • ` to the demands oonstantly made upon it. Por sany years the department had been supplied only with such renewals and additioKs to its equipment as were absolutely neooeaaary to mako It possible for it to overate. IL'needed a oomplete near plant ,and . i,f` .t ~1~ ~' ' fi ~ P f~~i~J r:f !x f/troy n aftor a itndy o! the situation,yau doterained Slot no other devartmenL of the City'saatiwities was so muoh in need,ara therefore centered Your efforts in that direction. Hoth the fire-fighting faoilities of the department,and the harm -,y, t.t,,r•. _ r.r i 1i ,~.rt ~iri •a :'1 :~..f~Gi}.' r~r;y _.i -f '; system itself needed ieplaoing,and both these alms of the service have been oompletely outrited anew. The City now owns a . i.. n'.@\A~. 1.1.E _r.~;•: ~4.. ~`j.} ~ t .1 e } 1Jti~~: .~?1.f»Q•~i "y ~ L\(', 1: ? } splendl4 automobile trunk,with e~iaal attachs}ent.aapable of speedily reaohing a fire in a~ part of the City in a esiaim- um' of time,and fittad.to oontrol oonfligations in the inoipient stage without damage to vrspezty., This ieaohine ooat the ...i ~ f i)il ~ 1'u 5, fr.1 .~i, :.~Jd 'i I~G~;. .li ."; t1.a' jfr:i ~ 'i'.:' ~ 1!.-:-..°. n,i 3'~t.<t.~.ll".jJ iF_", '~' 'Cb*°,.r. "~tt1 C1ty X6,800, and •it islpalQ Sar. its efiioiwopy has been great~Y lnezeased by the installation of a eoaplete nw eleot- ..iyS ~ r~~ ~ ~ Y '. .y 'S1 .."' l~a~ `i:: .•'ir- :.rl '. '..1 < ~ a(,':1 '.i a. `.'t '14J 1'.."~.: ':'ti ~1' ~ "-i. tics! lire alarm sYsteo,witA 44 bow nar stationed in waiioaa pacts of the City,and with • total oapaoity of 80 Dozea~, whioh may be added to from lisle to tiue,as the growth of the City demands it. The antiduatsd aysteo wT?ioh this displaced had only,idbo:es,aad.~slgh`ot~t~litias~ws,~ put oT eweaiaion. A !estate oI the aw system ie its aaLouatic conneotioa ' i i with the i~enee !!as alazs whlitlo atj}tlrp Sseta l's Shops wh~a~s ths'tias~ tlrp,iahisst ~t~s llwq i~e'!pptlled st aaY ~ box on the sYsts~, >io.iaxws8sdaatrs !pa~t~;x# r'e4ul~.but:bYraeaar K tlrr.edeetrl.oal ~eoDeaisa,4Rs SisrNie'aet'bt diwln~g she alarm at say box cps..~aia;~11?~ :o~iu~;'t~}?;a~la~• Li1~ew~pL ro ppssi~hl ~ is€ fir wl+is4lr ta.i= a+t>~as b.an ~oosead ss't,eilg heard ~ 111.IS east ,ot iia? GitT' wd. e{L~t, ~ Wes, to, tRe ?wtpax~0.,adainet"LRa: ys!asalilag wisJt. lJds..total scat"ot lhis'alaro , -_ , system'w8s ~YeaDS.~L4,•.aad it is paid !as„ ~ ltr;~~ apyeast '.Rtt!LLie >Eittxaes~nas?t~o~eosmtetsl>/ aoaippedfli'ir stations its 0entral ststiaa in fourth staset and iRe PeaosO?ltaaia Awsms sLatiai,oattilated{ta!tRe Ust ~~aadsaapaiJl~~ot plat-~ sating the peoples pomp sad properfY lras e2sfrnetip~.: ; ~ !.>reos acid otbssr 'a~ep#ltgsss'laor peremaesR aet3tiep is the City warious departpnto in the two ~essi suss~anae as follows: -. ' .r? ~ 1 . , !!ems ,.r.~-~ f i~ • •,~' . , , ! ~ 1. iA~~i'~f~>~si31M1''p'it '~~r ~' ASw:6b I •stosoDile ~e Ssoet.iand"Iptal2atipt aS snare) - - •~?aQAO ~ 4 . r ~ s1~tt11~e113si~~~lE, Jq'ASa1~a i 2 -P 3' f 1 ~'.. ~ r r) ~ ~ ~...j . ' - ` t , - Ai~da~ -: - ~ i i 71111ng 4'cRn'„Q>~t e~l~sts,toat OS aaaeraal itimd) -. - ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~~iaj O~te~sr~~bsytrp~4MINilR~ .~J~_, r _a ~4iSir ~ ' '+ r Pa~iag.lj Ksset at LgSO Pq~R -\ V 1 #crT : ~'„~ . -' - - - 1818.!8 _ . , • ' , ' Pawlag` ~ 011sd1ag Tli7d' aisasi'~at YMdowbsoot Part, - .' ; slaa0 ~ !' f !~~'"<~'7fR~ fl'~~~°56\q r.':fJl~ "t v ~I»\' 1 ./!` ;{{~3~°_,'.' {A7i5 (J:. ' 8notiea ~ • - 1.50000 ' S~iatlir~ wgou am iL2AK lwse, - - - - - - 198.00 srsa sad K1~X la~Yrew~enw~yyte~~a;~~~aYnioipsl yaud seo.oo . + ° ' ~i ~(~Iw~r"w". ~'hyad4:lw~a~lL`~m~,9~eirf _' ~ Teasing down old ><i7"f itet9~o11! ss~ildlag anto Dana ' . .a }a~.s,s.~ssa,~s~asa.d) ; = _ ,ra~i.a • ~ r . . , . 'llotors4wl.:+aer Peliee, Oepastasata - - - - - s9o;oo '. ' 4d¢is~+iw•Ohiaill$~~ ttf~ ®t+~~"~ r .rp -, ~ ~ r+ , , t y ' i ry Y . 4 9Ni9~0 ' f " ' ~ , ! ~ { , , sate fob Polies Ds/8sfawi ~ - - - - - • ' '~.I?~ 6~t i:.»: i'.} ~w.~~ ~Ji~J iT'~" }T''S~.". ~ .iii. i. '~.: ~ Ali these additions Lo tlM 0lty's epgattag plant 1>•we beso Raid !os oat at surreal ltmde,aad~aae acn is the resrlee • o! tM ,City. , !'his hu Dew isee~an adLitipl to LAS payasnt of alb othss oarsent w=psoeee,sslartee.etsNrt' issMi>~,stsset _t 1. :,f' C '1', I'((''.1 ~@ i~teB"'1 ~aT '~1 ,`A 4: J~~J°+ 'i~ .s'~~+~.4 r:k1 ^.i~ 'i'i?`'(~ ~.~~v.' i i~ <,,I~ . wort and e~,l , fh. osnaaai7 ealwrN og >wasatwaaoe,riyaara sad whatNew olwr the Oit7? cost ;BoniA tRs oadina>4 eeurss of i, ~ ; ~ , ~ r. [ . ; n,. t~-~ m _ ~t ~ j. ..e. ,,~r.' +r~f t f~, ,tq~ifft i ~ t' (!C,'"3 'a7 ". r'!! i F,1S ?1~'Ja' ~T € ' gowernsnt, At the Lerainatioa of vas adadalstawtioa,ws 1Nwi the Cit7 fires c! debts emospt bonds, tOq ~7 De''a'!~'cerrea~ . \r p ~„rf :'~C: ''~~ 'i1 f,7 i. ~i~I ri [ n.,J 'p~f'fi~'~'r~l`. ~rl .rig 'D°(~:~A[ !4"~'1 'i,rjS r(~[e LV ~ ~ ..i '.i i, bills wA1oh Rswe sot been prseeated,Dat ~e is sutticieat nooer In thi waslgas i'lends to care ran thep,aad watt~in tea ears ~ from the tl>se o~ snoepeeia ace laeoortad lat0 oiilee~tne Clt~ will rfaeif'e toe eeeood lJalf Ot the ~yM2'e taxes,approaclirs- ~' . ling X88,000 or whioh X8,000 le awriaDle ter` gsaeral,stsset,rart and LibA I? ptlrpoeq,paid ores t9? tlis OomrKP I1tKharitlss out o! wII1oh to wanLain SRS QitT~toz the pesiod isiterena>ug antiL se=t reash to=se'e=e assllaDls. Ia olosirig this message to the Carnal! I Late this oDPorttuJaty of Stpssesiag to etoR nswbsz of at fi? appreoaaticaf of the hearty and unanlnous suppost whioh has been aoeorded ms during the entire two years we flaws worked toRsthe:. lfo Mayor has ever enjoyed more hearty and whole hearted eo-operation. Thal does not peen that we !lave always agreed as to , ~ - - - _ _ -- - _ - -- oontimted:- r - _ , pol2ay, on the contrary,there trove been frequent dlfrrenaea In judgement but they were honest diffrenaes,and when a . decision was reaohed,lt was aooepted without quibble or Question. You have given the Cit honest and aonscientioua servioe and each of you is entitled to the aatiafaotion whioh only the rendering of honest and oonsoientlars servios mikes possible our relations with the pnbl2e gave not t?esn lens pleasing. /Stet all,it is the people themselves who by their support or the withholding of it,mate oz'nir adminlatrations. to this we bare been apeolally tortunate. Pot only hake they given us , _ : rroral support,bnt they have psovlded the. money with wAroh it has risen possible to sate the rsoord of wlt3cl? you •nd 1 Lave Y some right !o"»e prwd,by their aotiads they have voloed their oonfidenae in na,and at the vad of onl' garioQ of re~rviae k~. together this is what we Driae saet. we welooste our sueosssozs who ass shoat to lotto oha~ega of theYCity's ai1'airsr,wl~hing for them tLe name harmony in their relations with each othez,atd eonsidelatiort at the hangs of the people•that we Mve f enioyed,and in tAs hope tbat.t8s.nest two years shall De tarried tq? substantial progress in evei~r•de~artaaQtt of .manaoipal activity. . nat.a rue la,e~ of yy? laii.- _ a.:awsabb ' ' , . •' t ,',~ . IMTe's fig in4 lust the` bitr~ od" sty Eeseaidino,eif . I , ; . ~Q*M~ Dale- tZO4 tDe~~' land ~ ~ ( . aesolution.4iele'CO?' t1?s slam' e4; rtewitd'ths' oowst#aatidtf- of r=lieMs~ rn seoord attest ~ " " ' . and that the atlset~ ssDerewtretd+sirt!: ia!Ir~ iA' esMsiaeat' uDen asbuttitt~ pso~ps~tl? Deetititted b! tie` obrs~Rinetl6n oY' srid''sewer ~--` _ ~ ~ • f ¢ Sos the trtlanoe of tats oeirt tOSreof;wa! lead= im t~eil'(toa~ the 'rirtt Liver- sal' lai+i' itrs~' tor' t'li+ah ~iiia~s. t ~ , i bcphis It.~aasen~atrpdaaud t?el~a~s tb!"Cauasii aAd'astsd 3'a2Y-Dbawdssibn ta^~so#rdtibR'+i'Dirilii-'~ibn'Yos?'t'he DesDore I ' ' Jf of oloaiatg +ent°ha~s•stea,t str`~sll;s stirii:xQcloral2i~gn smtII aors4 this ~atslMr'1a grlttt~ ldriaritseii ;v aoni'tMtl~eat~lou ~ , as rednsstsd ibr~ ar' plsrloR eS•trstt'day~s,siotlbn sieoodedY Oiooaalrian~dir'tit1E'Misied2 ; ~ t * ~~'- : , r ~ . ~ , r . ~ • . . - to TIIs tieaoiab:l• fnT~ ~1N1! Ourss~ dMlMrrtl~it+r Ai' sat s~nhrardirn-;c~i~it: s ~ ~ ~ ° , , r : „~r ~ ~ t ~ : ! '. ~ _ _ , oentle®en: ^.~q:,~ t.', rr.. ~' '• "„~ " fL ('•' ~t! i •s,ths uttderslgne4 pity- ossers'iod th? veldt ~ sllefat~ saffllald~4wsaetd^i~t~~lgbttA and liTtth strs~t• - 'C!CiY8rvT+7' - '-~^~<,.°: +`U Ka#J;;'!:r:l •i.! `11 :i 1N:"1"` !,i7t'1 Citt•dt`i ,1~~J •'•R ~ , ' ' ,k reapeatiuily rsQUest that yoUZ hono~l.i~biely grant-psrs?issiou to piaee a 4-toa hit i7a ~lsis:'i~tai'reguLtloe 6 toot - - S~'~I'~ J.,.::,is ;,', i~iAf,~+':,3v~lrrs, €~ry~~,'t 3,^a~',' '?~_;'i.t^ f walk,and flat the itpaoe Detwee~n propaiitl~`715i and Walt Di'PalaMSl told!!d'gltlott'b~lsss~~i~ita~li+ldit iraf ie" regali+sd to says E . - i ! '~ ~ t';ir3i~C' ~1 ffI"' ! }cam"[ !at a ertain trees tharrsin. ' ~' '=1 t - - - Aespeotlttily,- ^x ~ ` `''y,,' ~ ", : ~ s ~ ~ ' !,', S,'{'~ -'. ~:SSF. .i l.rYy ".gp~e liJ°'•i~ tt5 : "i~~~'f' Y`•I 'rESq ~!;`i ';~;i Y,yrd ~ i,..~ I signsQ' ~" $ i ? Da'oD~ty owiiir~' ~i~'ta~ h!" ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ C C .°`,'~ - ~ 3.i,, ~;;~~`•a e:: 1~ TT°it!E~k'! ~iQ ~9~Tls;~.iJ, iir' ':' i 1 Counciiaan Ssrith sgoved thatt~tliapisgnest of petitloAezs bs ~raatsd.aotion 4~'sa~r~ilaan Holass err! _~' ifJ.G'C.isi _ ~1`~I4`^-'t'„q'tfir.,iJ'.r~`~ ' carried. - - - ~ - ~-y ,~.a+?i ?~~tl~ t~... .-~°,.M ~,rctd,':..»•i' , ' ;s~Yt' ~ YfaY I.li .~i., ~ ±~..:..«.q :.4"~,y'^"~#' i~'6 T® SYtI Pi :I: A petlti0ll sighed 1'9 soae tft• 9liflad!sats" alld tsaaxti OFYlhliteM~^ ele+w bt~ ~1131i eil~iN" biprMn •l~ Wd a0~ streets . ~ , . :f%>• i ~71~ " +~^Lf;t ~_:~iY3'Y ~ilH}sk r~A ~'t'1,3 Si! ~ ~:LMgt, ';?fit'&;-'3:' - requesting the Connoil to tales some aetibM'•tarasd :eaoring i sMtais^sotsasrBsdlt'i+st~llt'it~i tei~Abozhood,wa9 pi~eMSd and (l'.~Ti' ~,rl~!it~.:+'f~~ ^s r)tv~ rF ~~'~ n~ry y; rA: ,,":1'... 'I .i.. ' roan, Cauwilmsn Cole coved tLat the ittifr be fetrired to tits street sopiaw6'LsY~t,trtiei `saoaNlsi' by tloartoilstga truing aM , ' earrled• ~ C ea - ~ ~ `.,C4"~Et; {S M .# i -'" r,,t~ '. To tAe teartorable t`ayor and Coanoait Cotmoii, qtr of can Hssnas~IIirto f~ r,l~ v~; " . . ~ t: A.i.~= !;n^ frrsf~a' .~,~~:x~~~;.~~ <~';'r' y.! ',~ e(',tr~r~~. ~ t 6sntieasn:- ~ ''~ ~ ~ 1`~,-:C ,.;f a~ ~ ~ i'~°~~) f#? '~ Yi>. ' 11 t~''S.C is`5,.~ f!~,?;i:.f: ;i', /Y-~ '7 Q!; .r~~~. 'lf t~ ~j ' fat tAS lttrpose o?~bstteY sdrisieg tDs b{¢ildi~rlg insysatos as to tAs eytn7e oS rual4las to ti• oeasts~- ,~~\'~'. 1.." '~ .+:I" `l. r" Y. if ~''J `.$th 1lY `ICY ~4i n,,~n. y.. .n,.±r. n G; Lin.^,~~~ ?.g~~l•.~L 1 ! i ,1~~. IVY j,'YY': 7 E' ~', trctsd so as he na7 aaoerLriA wbstblrt tDs sins is an eos3lbsity witII the bRildlAg or4irMaosrwe hetsDi? rsgesst that ttte bull- _- ~'Yt ~ ~ ~ i' Ia-. ?,i...,~,~ •.;t ^~n-'; '1.f.~ i1 r7'rva~N! ~'''~iTid!sii~F'IfYt`°,i~~ t~"~ 2rf r~+:!?#?,lri°fAT J~.A fl,~t,.,;~~. sing ordinaaae be aasrdsd.rsdairittg ttiat hilts prints std epeoifioatioas M taraisltsd to tDr 1R1141tt~ iasfaotes at tDs ties ~ t.i~Y .I, "t 7~i7 . rY~,, ."1• eS ~'y'!~r`h;`!:~~,' "R. `-.~ i:. <1~ f~(YR t. Yy~~Fi•~ h'~P ~ ?{r•{ lip? w A, Y,, m, ae #• ~,fi, i~ of the application for a pessit,wltsre the sstiaatid coat o! tAs building oz stittot»re satossds tsriwe trurdrsd dollars. r r ~ i I,• ~ 4T f t ice. , , i I ~ r.. 7~, Jr•1 ~'~ rY r.i( "i~ wR•~ r.,'rr-. .R(Y . • r RMpottaily, ' ~ . ~ ~ 'r f.; t ' ~ ' '~1~111tbbiy'DS2tes r.: F., ti ~ i ~ . . , : . on account of ohsfr<S`!a' adninist]atiott Cacttdiinalt'lbiass lsevsl't4st aatioll bs Qitlftid'e!1 tls'sLsvs #eoos3wtdatidlt for oae west,nwtion ssoonded by Oonlioilaan'smlth and carried. 1^~ oontinued:- 'ro the Honorable Mayor and Coemwn Counoii, City of Ban Heereeardino,Calif. • 1 c3entleoen:- 1 ' • '~ IIerewith,please aooept ertY reaignation,ae~ Polioe offioer of the City of san tlernaiaino,ths same to take 1 1 s , effect on tho eighth day of stay loll. Thanking you for past favors,I rssain, . ~ ~ , ~ , ltsspeotfullY yours, • • - e~a~ Heap. tfpon retains the fozegoeing Oo~moilmtn tirving moved that ssaigneitioh bi Hiriiys"'' Leap Us tooiptea ap, tendered ,motion seconded •tq? CaanolIasn Cole and oe;cried. ° _ . The City Clsrt was authoziasd to issue warnnta as pea vouahszs appsovsa this date try She fol3owibg vote,to~rit: lees: Cois,ttolnes,~ Owsaes;• 8mith', Iriial. !rose: nova.' ^ ~ Mayor tloNateD states hs' Dad been apnzoaolNa b+y k nusees bi ladies~repseseotin6 the ~1!o;aM 01titMwhohaa a"ekes h1: to, present to the Council motes of appointing a instrnotor for sohoo2 play gram netilA~-~toation tier; the Z~estion arose as to authority or ~u'Aaniatiore lei sa®aad to tohooh 6sor~erdo',if 'the' easttis!' was not IIp to' Citlr ~lrp ot~ elacetion.' wteisenpon Counoilaan Cole moved spat the' natter t» lain cuss one west; esot'son sesoieaed Coiaresrla~ it?ilis` ~ eai7lid~ ~\_- ' C'1ty' steginseiir repnrtri3 ha hts ii?~sstiatted~ the utssez bf gzadi at the eoz6es oy 1'Ylth ate' x~bsd Avsrue,ana ~ finch that the Ordinance estaDlit~hina gs'ads at s~ftt' yoYnt' ir~e~l,tendenTifed3y ei' fYDo~a~loal'sr2osl: - ' ftsyos tret4bD statb` fEls't 'a2tLio~!? it wasi teis wY•h to eonpleti' iIIs' lill;anvl?' in `ooarii"•af she' eoreesor ~of 1t1Mh A •t3•street he din noL wish so crate ss~sase' 2'~z L2M' ^s`lf=boaine idwifnaittsasioa to ~oitlles,~sAst`• Ai land` tial~~ to fth.~i~t the 1layor eltot,wteo assayed him ttesye would De no change of appointed otfio~ye tiiferi a4eie I,191Z: i'hi'lir7~si~ NUQ !br an expr- ession or the Cotueoil as to oontinaire6 the Baia 1111. Catneeilnsn Cols and tloless of the atzset oordsts sYtsd that tIIeY naa been looted over this fill BOndaY and it was"~li.iattaiy of whet~es'the'fotf ebdlQ ~~s none cheaper 2i ttie work was delayed until stes wort os pavinig t11ntII slyest was under way. Oomw2laan filth stated ihst, hs had looted aerto this matter . 1i-~.1~~.~r'(~., ?.i~frr l' r, -r; ?.f~.r~:r'e')'f~{¢Fi ;~i^~ 1•l ~n,~r~6 ;'r~~.,6[7t .yli,4. ....1 i r,. veri carefully and wania Cite to see the wort oonti~s until oo®plstsd,and coved that the wort aantii>ae a;ed aarplsts the rilt ..~~''61.•0,.~ w~.. ~ ( it{~{ 'If '!"`i`1~' 1'. '~..t °.i~ i{• I: i C'~~'.1~~? ,C~1~ , ?' f ~ i.: ' r ~ i which motian war ssoafedsd ~ Counolleiai? 13olaatilaaa easyisd. , ~ - ~It'•.i ~ 'I .1 lv:~ .'1' Il; dr'i~ ~ lrr ioas~,rsyreseatin6 the sti~hlaad Pant sabdirisios appeared bsfose~ths Ooanail and statad~s t th4e ttyeets in • ~ ~ - ? •' ~ ?E. tLL.? .'1 't?~ .,iii? i ?I;f r;.. ~i ^"~'"i.S b.~a, the said ts~sot wsss oca~pisLea and astsa Heat tteapr Le ao~oyeptsa. whsssitpore Oainaailman Cole nose! that ttfs plat D~ toa~yted arkt (i. t..i7 fT,f! .i t? „.t _?P'.",:It*: ?4fi Ra'II iii ,{nAV .•l . . r,. 'li`i E': 7 i the bond reltasedlesestoa seconded ter Canaoileau? :tolass and aarsisd. -~ ''~Y,", "E f r r 4. -. g.'i!. ~':,3 e~llez l'. ~ 4 ±r. ~c'J. f.. ? i+'11ir, -i 1. t caunoilaan•1lztiug ¦io+~s tAtt the lltzees lnpsyezlLsadeut be inttynated to oleta uy two os stews lott,tollow the ordinance,with LLIe vlw d Dst~ireg sail foe cost of saws,eaotioae eeeonded tA? Couewiltran Ssith tea oazsisd. Upon sotion oZ Connoaimsa Cw~ts dull seconded by Coanoiinan Holaiet and otyrisd the Conrail ad,ioarseed to t~sst _ . la . ~ "/ar to v~ - ~ . '1' r. ' ~y~ ~ ~ il., j,. r ~ ! ~ I r*. r , tioesday 11ty,e,lY11 st ~.M. ' this ..w[ og ~ ~~i~~~'_ y _ y . ~ airy oi~slt. Tl.~/~~~~7 r ' ~ ~ , . 1 ~ I i r f ~ ^ ,' . ;a~~ ,I .~'.k , ,~~~qr~'. __..ry4.....~..~~~ i yin .llYR 4/f _..........~.._,..-T-.,---~-~_ -------- -- . ,1 s- i : City Hall,san Beinerdino,Cnlif. May ~ 8, 1811. I" ttegular ed~ourned meeting of the Mayor and Coeimon Counoil of Lae City of san He rnardino,)zeld Monday morning fray e ~ < ~ °r, l . 1611, Meeting way called to order b y Itayor llof~abb at 11.40 ocl'ook A.tt. the following sembers or the Counoil being preaenL, Councilmen;COle, Hoimea, Oweger, Smith,end erring; City Attorney swing and City Clem Batohelor. She minutes or th,~~ previous"meeting weze read and approved.. Raeolution,whereby tLe sue, of ~80,be pegd lxOw tlbe Park I~rovement ilinQ Lacer! il~e oonstrnoLlon of a sewer in second atreoL,wae read 1n fnll ror hone passage and adopted by the rollosing vote: Ayea,:-Oole,lio2rres,Owegar,8rrith;lr+iria, Boss:-Hone. ~ . 'r Report of City Tr~aliar *.A.Boren or reoeipLa and disbaraenenta rp2. tooth OY Mqr; to` i,1:80 x.~ 'ed 't h2$ d8te, and fund ba]anoee Lo date we, presented ap4 yens, COttnolilrart dTraTlg. i~re~. that ;t#e ,repo}~t :be soospted ssxi= plaoad on i"lle;motion was duly aeoondtea by, Como iliac ~oi~lea aiki= parrieQ. ~ ! r ` , ; + ~ ~ ~ s r f. t _ , ; . .' . ' - Repo~'t~ of, Chief as pplaoe R;A.B~ar, reran lone lstyl9iA~to xer_ ~aty1911¦1rws~p;eseRlted,end• read. i-~Oarail7an ssssh '> moved that the rapprt. be,; ~IoRceDte$: ~ . filsxtgtrligr. 4D3,J~* aeon ~n CLanaii.its Aolaea+snQ.Oari~e~Q,."::: - . C1ty Clext ~siolrelot, ~!S' a seabal:'i~eport olt 'revs !'nod aaiaaaes! arollr~r er ealanoes iR1 al•i~ i+ande,povaa;2~ Cole ¦ove _..•~' t2lat the report be aooepted,mo~iraonwap seeQlfded~X"C!'1~!'2~~1~~8'•#M;OeTr~i a:, "Y:;tf/'!`_ t .' ' the City C1erx'was aniiwzua4 to ie~re:warxanRe na:par:~ooeMr~s~epleMtved b~'*'t{stxM~+D~epR'l,~eaga"'C~e~atte tAi! Qate by tAe rO11a1111g;IFOEO,tO•i~t:;AY40':r;QOle¦'~lP~a? QM~.~`~'~1! a~ld•'1PI~]Iti•I~0e1~= ~.T ~ c~ ~ ~ t i r ~ ~'"" ~r The ,lore~oeanS s>sprtitee . ~'esd atx1, ep~oveQ. . ; ~ ~ , t { r _ ~ ! , , :'~~' ~ ;' ,~~~~' "~,~~L~a ~~Gitj.=~i~ •r~ ~ ~ 1 f'r. .-.. 5 ~1 !,fin E I r ~I, i ' ' i C ~ ~ ire ~ r ~' the? ~41tYs er: ~' 3rer[rez~s+oj.0ali~a~' f r v ~ t : rF a , r. . [ , i a .t e t 't (.t} ti K.~r f'r "''''7~ i`ttrt ~-•'~ Kc' h.''~IIi ~I: !:~~s'7 is"i r`.is;'QJ `{k:'C Sn.'. ~'i1; €i54 ~9~1Y~ib Ll~!rt", 'yY1i ~Y N'~ "~t~ M'irt'~i °'i.f1 f.~~ ~" ~ ~ _ aolm Brown az. re'resentiiri tlbe Pioneer society or San Bernerdino,appeazeQ berore tJrs Coamil,statins,that In ~ ~,rr • e t K. x.. .e~°,f '1'i4 K r ? 'r' F E T ~ t •~'~r ~ :'ff."a ~ •°flvi'4 i... ~_L' r, Yr r I. d";t { 'Wilt l't.r +1'r ,t JY>Vaf ~`3Q'Yn`. Iu,v ~'tl~r:. ~3L_le~ ~~`t "~ )3 +r1EJ @ 3# - i t 1`i - f behalf o=~ Lhe eooaetii ae desired to ihs~ the if+oar and Cotinoii~ for tDs tuldnesa shown 1n ylaeaa~ benaLes,plattor~ a eto. ' ..,"F. iQ1 P~ ~~'' S r "i:''t:.'d j. '7',97` yrt "'#i,?{~'l` , i, i oebrant Part far Lh!e nee or the noneea'sratV their ~r der paoria. ~ , IA 1[eed r, 1. . a r„r- -'r~:+: *W ,r• rr+~.~~C9Z1sFi l,r:S ~'F'S u'`{ .'•h~7i=.='i~P.°-. ;'itf ~SKt! ,'•:'~: .,~,':`1~9`}i~ • ,.r[~~17~ SII r"etiztng rroa h# s.,~+ tie kttorner ttrnnkea the Oonnoal ror ooastesiee showal rAamtwhile ,I J8( i 1 W?-rri.E ~ ' d lt'K .f?~F~y~t~33L $c.i„ `~7i?'4~ ?N!S? '~+ro~. cG r3..9:,: far z.,s '~ in o37ioe,itat QalanE ~fas eaa'ht yee=b as snen ,ciir Jltkorr?eY bin seiatioas wain the dir!'renL sus of the Coisnoil 1 ~ ~ . a-C+F^fi~a.'?a 1~:pE ': f~,: ri,46"~: c•>.+4U:8 '? `'" :'F!ry~,.'f ' F!i! I'~ '~ T'>..a:" ir+ ~ ~r'r . + { LacL been coat pieesit~,rerrsritrs to J.J.Hen!'oa+d se the rather or xnniolpel lud+ae?eweRt In this City end Yeayor lbJrabb ae an ~`r~ t~~. la . '.1 `f: ~ `'r [".. jT? I - y.... :'.' ~;'(E-`. ri ldA'. rl.'~"H .~i C~n v..7~ J~y1~ t;i3 rjy~M it ~;•r~ rr....T f!, 'I:7 ~ s~~e soholar,anll ah introdiioing hie suooessor Cheriea L.wliieon stated the City i+as gettin6 a san when wan More to teed the ~ ~ t: l: rbtt ~ ~ !,i ~~h?'d' ~'i !":'~!I 7L'I ~~t~ w3~Y'=+1Y'•. ~1?1t: ;r ';`'s 't: - 1, teAIr gOeing. ~ t 1 t.. ~ j :x, 1 : ", • d'''.! 'y: ~ ~ r... i rr,f jtrN~-~ 'KL- rrr, r r:° f €+~,;k.')a;. ac.'~+ ! *'' f?sentCirtp~ei itstxoCooed IIis sneoesaor oeo.x.Cnd~s to the Ooaaaal wiahin6 hi! a nleaaaas and, saaceseriil adann- -; iatration as well ae the itreosiing Miayor said asaooiates. S.w.l[okabb ag4yaarsed the Couaoal etatie~ that hs leaves the Coniaoil with suoA 14~le'L,tAit he Held a brotherly ; _ h•. feeiin~ ror snob ens every •ewbs~rl or the board,thented the Caaaosl i+oa' t,belr beaz!ty suppoa't darisr~ has adnnsetistion sad - ~ hopes tree' sn-oOainQ fla7roz Josspti B.ISrisht woa14 hays sa piMwtrt adsanastiestsoer ii bi bas suwled.Daid IIas Qoapl ls+ents ' ~ 3 1inyOr Brsant aria as ait~romieans Ala to tAb Caenoi! predaotea Ae woald srste'a splendaQ apd w'iaiad A,a1 an alQadanos o~ auaoeea. '~ s>s~ ~agtrt sir taking Aas seat stated ~ and Ais aaeooiatee wsse ~oayfs~ ~ iiwe the Qitr tAs vez7? beet they ~ Aare ,that he Irt~selr wse net new,hsnng sar?ea the City~ae rrnstes~M seven rears prewiassl7.aad lee woaid nee hie beat . r". ', ei7orta towsri givins tDe City the best adsinastration 1t Aas ever en?o7~ed. City dttoiney C.L.Jlilieon stated Ae woald give trio C1ty Aas beet extorts ea the city's legal a4rasarsnd that he stood ror a!t progrsesive adainlatration. liaror HrigAL appointed the follrn•ing standing Oosrslttea. _ 9(~ ' continued;-. ~ finance:- C.¦.Smith, 11111iam lc.lrving, Thos.HOlmea. FO~~' i.", '`, ! Street:- aeo,S.Chambers, Shos.Halnea, r.lt.Irving. Light ~ a Sanitation:- J.C.oole,.Yhos:HOlaes, abo.R.Char~ers. . tiro ilepnrt~aent:- Thos.tloimee, •.ls.2rring.. ueo.tt.t~es~tsers.' ~ ,,~:'~~. ~ `' .._- -- ; Cemotary:- w.z.living, beo.R.Chambera, J.C.COle. t ; , Police:- u.H.lrving, Thos.ttoimes, neo.tt.Cnambers. + ' ~ Counoiimanmoved that all appointive offioea be deoiared vacant,the same to tale e27eot~at~6IIt on the 31at,day of lley 1911.eotiou' aeeCOded ~' Cotvwilman' 1=tina arW' oa~'1ed.~ ~ "" trhereupon Me7ar Bright' proceeded' to rEad the I1et or hYe ~ appoirities~te~ end' elltimitted' ~e~ ~a~e for the spyioial p E of the Counoil,as follower- POH~ff lfaBAtD•IYCMl: oalef:- l.C.7elia / - ~ •'' ~ ` ' E polioe¦ea;.Et.w.AOl?11nss~~*.D.tldri+lgd, ~e:~i~boht',''S.T:Ptelmi~?,'Arid3ee'lles~fiT?es°'JOt~'~~lf~Mraft;`Yl~liali~l fcppett. /! a.Yi.81et, L.Hlgger. ~ - - ~ "~ +~' ~ ~'f r.,' Hoard Cd~1,ye~2iTi:?' Q.T:~[7o4t11aoo;'J.R:b2r/b~jliil,7ta:else, J.f.1~2ton. a t°°.`°.$~~~",~- ~oBems tomes. ~.Q j i~~i a , i; i~.. :i. i. 1, v !t i. '~' ~ -t, . - Hnilding Inspect OZ:- - ~i~.xezr. ~ ~ . oily $n6lneez - - iszi r.lntttls, ' . ~ -fir+' '+ :,j, ~?' if~q:.,y- ~ . r, - 8aperentendent of streets:- H.S.JCeila~. Pore~ran Street Departaept:- J.ls.ltal2ez. ± Park ltmplgss:- Kob't.Hecksr, ueo.Yotlar+sy, Jas.fles, D.J.Rsynel4s. . Hoard o2' Library 'lsaalge:- l.D.lCeilar, ions Aram Ss., 1r.T.Hltsoa Jz.; ~ - . rite Department;- OhieT:1 Oeo.ri.Htep~tyene. .'! :1':!1 +~R~#' ,6~ ,,#, "( rs~ L~C~1 ~~~I?1t1 :!'h.. .', f. 3'.~ `{c{,t `ia •"~P•. ',i 7~ ([i .- ,'` ift':j!2 .Irie, fr - Cognoiisen Ir+fng eovei that the a>pointsba?ta es Bade b0? 11sYor ~igiit be aonrirsee, atgtion dul! geRC; b~ Cotrncilmnn CdszDezs and carried by tAe f~DlicAa~iOtil,~rf~ea: lfolers, Chasbs?s, iMAg. hoes: Cbls, 8ut$. 1 f Upon motion ride q Coanp!'iliiMC by 9oonoila~ Holaes and married tlfe OoQllDll sd Darned to " \ `f 1 meet at 7.80 0 •olook P.1t. • ~~fls•'di~ =ice '~ a i~.~•i•$ t" ' - ~ ~ r 1 w `~IJ ~ A.:i. j,!? J! Q.s~; 7. ~ 'L'T7 t~ ~~n~'i? '.:(L: ' lr-".t :A1.;ty4 ~,r ~ ~ •.n, s. i YATM/R,in and foztbs Qity at esn gsynardino,Wl. ''~:' ' 2~ f - i . i 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~k" - ~ i. ~ ~ I ~~'', i ~ n. F i vb t ~,,.r i ' ~ ~~' m, . city nail,sap aerrwralno,Cal:r.Yay',8,.1ei1. Re€uler Adjourned mOeting of the Mayor and Copmon Council or th.3 .city ,of San 8emaMand'yheid ltonctiay evening clay sth,1811. Heeling was called Lo order by Mayor Bright aL 7.40 o•oloak P.It, 't2>e Sollaring e~wabera or the Covnoil being nr©aent; Coumailmen: Dole, Holmes, Of~seearrs, smith,~• -~ City ALtomey 1?lliaon and City ClerR bntehelor. The tollowina eopns~naoatiott was presented and rend; To tTe Honorable Council of San BernaMino-- I oentleeaent- ' ' - , , , The san cternardino Romans Club rc+speattuliy ask that the High School ltt~hietao Srounde' be need as e' ' Pubiie Piny-ground di2ring tae oaaing; vaoation,at?d thai an overseer as tnatrtletor be apQoiccted' to tHl:e o>5arge o2 came, mould it be possible to engega,in turn,aome or the tpadbera.wtio dR ppt letwe_tarnt.' . , 3 - j , , we t1?171r teus• ideatill.abet,wiip pabiio apFsova!° fgYt hppe.tbat bra ~conor the. llaYoa at~d' 7^ae~ ~a`.~ w112 help in tats Shat atgsi toward vacation play groanda for our children, . ~ , r ~ ~ : , • „ "'~ - ? , ~ ~ ~ , Ttpepeestllcily~ sptoat~.ed; ~w11rLT#S~ ~T.fJS: ~ , ~ c ~' , , per ceaiiwin Ciiioe Eeotian. Opon reading the foregoeing Couecc?liRen seta eaoved that the eoe®aeaieasioA be tattered `io"ti>;`e City ~BoaiQ of rdncata d t f r ~7 ian,motion was duly seconded by counoilecga noires and oazeeigd. ~ this being the date set for opening the bade •ior lighting the gity• Cottmilae:n Bole doves that t]1e Clem proceed f 4r _ ~' i to open said bids and the aoatmot let to the ioRast ~nnd beet bidder, we~erenpon 8,s.eeel2 app4arad amore the Cacneil and y ~- nzesen~ M tae tolioRZllg: - p _'. ~ _ z ~ . ~ , to the tlotlorable leayol:dc Cofison CoIItloii, Mean lcernaMlno,Caiito~te?ia. aentieswn:- Re hatcher witbdrar? onr bar! Sor City lightang aoatraet idled with 7oor~ City Cler! at the S?th,daf o! ! t ,lall. ` a/i iii sM~~11#~RR - 11 i [ I{ itaTas pzight oal2sd for renasta betors psoaeediag to opea,the bid'ot sAs Pac3f3o~Lt~C~an~~Po~+ss.pp!~ TApnr ay~~ ! ing to bs no ob~eetlon Oonecoiliin HoZrse ccp~ed that LLs Clezk psoeeer! to open the pld D14,wAfuII citation was seconded by ! f ;t ,•t Cosuioil>tan Sadth sad carried. ~ ~ . , ~ BTD ~ '!~ PACIFIC LhaBi' AIeD P'O~tt OOi[PAl1Y 2 f - ~ ew, Hsmardleeo,Cai.,lebrgary, s7,ie)'11. to ?he Honorable Mayor and Oo~Oei Cainoil of ?De Citf of Nn Hernasdiao, 6entlefiecc: JJ! wine Pseitio Lia4ct and Parer Conpany,ir pa:auseeee of and is aooordaceee witII tbt Holies oaliing toz I bias for lighting tAe City of Qan ~ernerdino,a copy of which ootioe is lrezeinto attaeDed,anR !n aooor4anoe with tbt epeait ~ lcatioria csentioned in xaid notiee,wnloh apeclfioations aze Hersh! 'lade a pazt of this bid of said e0cepacq',doss Rereb7? rate ~ l ' the toliaring bid for the inmisning of etr~et lights and 1!`Dtielr the City of Mn Bernaidlno,tos a period of 11e~o rive yearB,rrWt and sitar the 82at day at NaroA,1911,whica bid !a stated heist as foliate: ~ The said Coapnny shire naraec2 bide and pivpoaes to turnisa en up-to-date street lighti~ aystes b! Narimetite or I.uainoscs fro Tmops and to iignt tae Oity oS San Bernardino fora period „j not exceeding titre yeara,frae and sttsr tae 31st - j day, of a~areh,lSll,ior Lt1(~ price par ]fight,per cnontn,of Three ik 78/I00 Doliai7+; auort 116hts ao itcrnighed ttexler this bid .____.-.--_..---._-- _--- ---._. _ r r _/?'~'~ Continued:- to be of the kind of lighLa prov24ed in and aub~ect t0 ail the Conditions set forth in the apeo2fioaLYons for lighting tho ~ ~- ~ said City adopted by the said Mayer and Coe~ton Coiuioil on tIIS skid 8th day of lebrurary ;1911, whieh said specifications are nay on file in the office of-the City Clert,and the said speaifioationa ale made a pert of this bid,anQ the following is a statement in detail o! Lha (rind of iawp proposed td be Mmiahed under ihlll bid: '• ~ ' Said arc lamps Lo be aireot Current fiagnetite or Luminous (oar ampere series arc laaps,eaoh arc lamp to be eomplete with globes,refleotora,and to be of-not less ttnn tiro Lhoaeand canQle"pa?ar. ~ ~'' Orin 1]au of the above deeorined iaapfsaid Cowpony will furniali auoh 22sistiets .try.iaeirtg th6 edae >zind of laeip8 new lleingeuaed for lighting the City,ap_ito the number ni1w11p.,IIae in the Oity,and suehFa4aitiona2 lishts`as 'as7'be required, it will ftirriish of the kind first herein desarlbed,and both ki[~s of lighLa at the afdresaYd prise ~ -xhtee~=78fI00;DOliara per lamp, per month. Reapeatfully 8ubnitted PAQIlZC LIOfls 8c PO1>taR 00. By- C.ft.Orar, DYe.flgr. ~ •Notiae calling for Dida,ard a certified check for five Rundre4 & i0/100 gollara, attao3~ed to above D24.• r ~ The bid of the Paaifia Light & Parer Co.appearina to De the lowest sad best bid Coiuiellewn ff~eea wnved that the bid be accepted and that the-City eafter into oontraot with the said I'aoifia Light ~ Parer Co. system of f/agnetite or Luminous Ara Lampe to be installed within 60 days from date of entering into'aoMraot, which sestina was duly aeaonded by Councilman Smith and Oerried by the Soilowing vote; Ayes: Cole, Aolass,~Smlth, Chaabera. lines: ftofs. Coaesuniaatlon of R:Ilelaersin regard to ameatding the building ordinanoe~~i,t•ower Trott westing or lgay lstttaa read, ' whereupon Y.C.I[ofdnney,•repzesentins One 8ecureties Imeataent Co: o! San Rsrnsrdino;•appes=ed before the Cctt»ei2 spposialg the amendment of the Bald building oadinance,atating,he could not see the ob~eot of the aaendaent where it would be benirie lal,but to Lhe contrary would work a hardship oat the Coaparey he rapreaeaste na well aa'aaaiy,'othei~a: . arnzT~cilman Chambers moved that the petition of 1lr.Ileimer bs laid over indeffitsetel)r,Lotion dsi2>r seecsndnd by Cam- oilman Ooie end Qairied. ~ Cou!~cilaen Smith called attention of the Council to ator• watez halos diverted dawn •A•street,stating tbet the ~,•~--~ water as turned into this ahannei in t2ae taitty season was dattaging to property in that locality aaQ'tflaught some action r, ',a,,,! ~ ~ -should De taken toward taking eare,of thls.waterr ~ llayoT.BStsht exproeaed hiaself,thst rile aattez deaerwed >•uah attention . ~ , end st~p'ested shot each weaber oZ the 0oarai2 lneinding hlaae2! should loofc into LLe roster oaredli2ly that that (tight eat intellisently. flatter was deffered until next aedting niptt. ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ r•.~ Upon motion erode by Couaeillaan Oois aul~ seoondeQ ~ Cbaaei2lail f~elaas sad aarrie~l` tfls Comtefi ad1oarned to heat a~ next regular aeetin6 nigfd,llond~ fis~r 16,1011. - Approved LA1O ,~'da7 nit list 180.1. ` ~ O2s>I C1efAt. fiA . (oaulaslaais) - To the fton.Malo= sad Coaon Coanaii o2 rLs City of'8aa Hernardiao,Oa1: daatleaea: 1?e,tlle mtdama~nsd tattadeatta and lteehoidera c? thtt oertaiA dlatriat in' the City o1 can "Bezffardiflo 1 Tyne seosad street Soath ors •A•strset,do hereby Droteat sa+axnK the tannins of water for 1r21sation pttzposes;is a opwf ditish within tAe Baits of said streets; (8igned by sneer fine slgnaturea) Upon reading the foresoeing Couraliet?n Saith coved that the waster be refiered to the Street Ooalalltts.>NOtial ~' QUly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. ~f `.' uY Repert of City t:xports Diaper end Iti~UDoll,on'booSs and accounts of the City Clerk: and Treaaaer,Raa p~eseistsd as 1. ~l i showing the Sollowin$ totals; City Clerk's t3&lanoo ;30.838.06 outstanding warrants fl x04.47 Treaauers Belanae 3 ~ l and that tbo 7r~aupra Dash on bend agreedcwlth the.oaeb aaoount as turned Aver by t3se out-Boeing Treasuer. Councilman Holmes moved that the report be avvepted snd pleoed on Sile.®otlon duly'sooonded by'Camdiliian CAamhere'and oarried. - ~ • ' I City ffinginear 91oan preacmted the Plans and 3peaiiidtit2ons for Yha ps(~an6 of fSia'ht!! atXeet betwden •D•a7fQ '4• i ( atreeta Sor approral. Counailman Cole mouse LAat the said 'plane and 4pecifioatioAa tie reft'ereQ to the City fttoi~itey~ fl motion wsA eeoond~Od by Camol2mnn lio2alas ane! oarriOd: F' Approve4 this. /!'Qay!Or way 1~ . ' city Clerk. • iuYOli. _ - ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ - ;t ~ ~ - ~ .'i .tom r 1 1 ~ ~ ~ .'-~ '~ ~ ` :' r ' ..J.:V~. a ~ ~ i ~ , ,y, i ~ ~ r "~, i R' , j '. ~ i i i CITY HiLL,san Bernardino,CaliS,.Yey 16,11121. ~'~ ~ , Regular meeting of the lleyor aqd C.OmmQn Conrail, of the City of • ran Hernardano,held llondey,iiay 16th;1911. Meeting wee oalled to order by 1(eyor Bright,aL 7.40 o~olock P.y.with the ro2lowing wembers os Lhb Covnoii present; Covnoilmen: Cola, chambers, smith and ir?in$, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Bntchelor,:Absesrt:tfoeaoilran nol~aee. 1 The mirnltea o2 Lhe meetings of Yey Sth,1911 were read an4:epproved. ~ ~ 118p of the Johnson nileo= =rant ,as presented to•the,Cpuneil ioz aeoeptanoe aL~.a~reauler•Beetiif?g 1/nroh C,2911.and reffered to the Street ooeimitte sQ said meeting,wea presented to Lhe Counoil nor approval,CounoiIaen Cole sowed that as Coun Gilman ~olmea of the street oomwitte being eDseDt the wetter be laid over untii,nert'meeting night,wAioh wotion was duly seo onded by Covncilnen Irving and parried. . '~ 'TO Lhe rlonorable ueyor and Coemon Counoil of the City oR San Bernardino,CaliS. _ Gentlemen:-we the nndersl6ned Psopexty owners ad~oinirlg n ce~•tain publio Alley neIDe17: The All~? running froo p~e- ; 1 snip street with to Lytle Creek,looataQ 160 feet wost of South ltt.Yernan Ave.and ad,~oining oa the west side of lots 1-a-A-4 -b and sand on Lhe east aide of lots 7 and 16,an 2ilook B.an ![array and Payne 3vbdiviaion. Respectfnily petition rain Ron.Body to here the above described slier opened uD for publio use. lre ask that all baildii>se and rences,end whet other obstructions thane may be on said alley removed. The obatznationa that are on said ailey now,were put theme oontiary to law sild without the oc~on oonaent of the property ownexa adaoining said alley. ~ sows rire slgnaturee attaehed,ownea~s of Iota wo.l-a-8-9 a~ lb. Upon reading the Ioregoeina CouTtoilwan inning moved that the ooe~unioation be piaoed on file,aaQ wattex be dexter ed until next nesting night,wotion duly aeooaded by Coiuwilaan Chaabsre and oanried. The City Clerk was antMrised to isane warrants as per vaaat»rs apparoved by the lleq?or and finance ornoitte thin date b9 the rollawing wta,to-wit: Ayes; Cole, CAawbers, smith, =ruing. Hoes: none. Reaolation authorising tDe transfer of =168.04 from the •treet opening holds Lo the Uenera2 hmd,was read in fall _ for the rirat tame end iaid over nor final passage. ! Counollwsn tr.in$ called attention os the Conseil to the rtuuling oT water tbaroogh lteadarbrook t+az! in an open ditoh,that the deed to snob laiui provides for a sight-swa0? for a rives to parry water for pones pnsposee only,snd that the ' now venter running tLrovgh the parr in such open diseII is for irrigation parposss. Conneilw~ smith moored suss the aattez be reftored to the City Attorney,to imestignte aan report back as to the legality o! gaestiosl. notion was duly aeooaded by Counciiwsn Cba>Dbera and oarrisd. City Attorney Allison presented Ooettliat prepared for 126Lting the City and eaggsatsd teat saws bs refYsreQ to the !tabling oeswitte before gigning with 'l7~p lhoitio Li tswla< sat sad Pvs+es 1fo. wAereuyon OomwiltMw ssss+a war?ea t8at the oorst- saot bs refY'ssad to the Licht comwitte toe their appaewal, Ovation was seoooded ba? Oomeilra CuawAsre and pansies. Ordiaanoe fa. Jta Ordisaass as>•odior Ordinsaoe so.47i8 of toe oat~r of sea Hssnaxdiao,e~atattsd •Aa vMinaase reQuisiu~ Lhe msintainina o? reseal balls sad a~lsty ~tp at points within said City lrbaxs railraaM tracts intsrseot osr-- tain of the ynblio streets u? sand Dore. was read in thll fns the first lives sad laid owsr iros !'inai passap. Resointioa adopting Plans.Cross-eeotions sad spsoirioatioss l+os tae a~psowewspt oT •D• street b~ ocuetrnetias a ~ oeasat sidesalK and onrti ~ the west side oZ •D• street and on the eaK aids os •D• street between sapped and third streets moss rend in roll for the first lives era laid over for finsi passage. Reaolvtion adopting Plens,Cross-avotions and speeirioations nor the ieprovesient of •0• sheet by oanstractirg a oewent concrete sidowallc and curb on the seat aide of •G• street betwoon rirat and seeped streets,was reed in tii12 for the "~~~4 ,Sire! time and laid over for riTtet peerage. 't"- _ _ I I I Resolution adopting P1ans,Crosa-seotlons and specifications for the improvement of Lrlght2? street from the west Digs I oY •D• street to the east line of •0• etreet,was read in full for the first time and la~ever Sor final passage. i f lJpon motion made by Councilman smlth,duly seconded by Councilmen truing and carl•ied,the unlforei presented to the Council for Inspection was adopteQ es the unirorx for' the zi~oomina Poliae t~e~r6a~t Oriloers. ? Patter of taking care of atozu'*aters in'north'ern pa=t oT tle•Cl~y was cilscIISabd enG laid over. E t j A.~.OarneT appeared before tLie Caarwil and'ssbed for !ni'or~ation regarding the spr2nk11 of streats;whetAbr the 11 . t,ounell would advertise Tor bids, Councilman 2rving acted that the SnperenEenctent of streets '1?1th the a ssietence o! the city Attotffey prepare apeoliioatiaab for a aontraet for sprrinilit~'tne city streets;aotion iras Quly seoonded•by co~Clnellaan Chamber§ dlld carried: *n ~ , upon action made }~/.OOUnoll~an SffitQ,Quly seconded by Coencilman bheabe'i's anQ caviled ti~e~Cvnnoll delloumeQ~to ' meet LOnday Ilay x2,1912. at 9.30 O'clock P.Y. Approved LLit~day of lta .1811.1 ~ ~ , k YOR. ' . ~ I _ 1 - ~ ! ~'_ ~ ~- . ~ t •'S:?. '~" ~ T' a ~ ~ i I ~ ~ _ f x ~ t . r, - ~ ~ r,1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ '~. "~ '• ~ ' } 1 1 ~ ~ r y . '. 1 i i?" 1 . ~ . .cMMrA t. .rf ~ -,. ~t~ tr ,~~i. , ! ~ ..y ~ .r, ~ 1 i n q r ~ ' , . 1 t '~~~? ~.9. , ,CITY HALL,San Ber;~ardino,Calif. 1(ay x2,1011. Adjourned taoctit~ of LY'i8 uuyor and Common Cowtcil of Lho City of San Bernardino,held Monday Lay 32,1911. ueeting was called Lo order by liayor Bright at 7.40 o~eloeK P.K. Lhe following members of Lhe Council being presen ' Couneilr:en: Cole,Irvilq;,Chambera,Smith and Holmea. City Attorney Allison and CiLY Clerk }3atchelorr The minutes of ti_e previous meotit;g were read attt; approved. gsLition Lo open a11eY way in South ut Vernon distriot;isid over at previous ttteeting•,was diacussed,and upon notio lands by Councilman Irving duly seconded by Counoilman Holmea and carried,the matter was reii'ered to the Superontendent oP Streets with power to order barn or obstructions romovud from alley-way providing the plat has bean accepted. flap oS the Wilcox Joluison subdivision,as 1~resented to the Council Tor approval and raSYered Lo aoemtiLLee,Counail- mat;}3olmes reported i'avorable and moved that the map be approved and the tract acoepted,motion was aeaohd;°d by Councilman Colo and carried. Resolution authorizing the transfer o1 #158.04 from Lhe Street Opening Funds to the General fund was read in Sufi ~ for final passage and adopted by Lhe following vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole,Irvin6,Chambers,3mith,Holmes. Noes: naR?e. Ordinance No.453 ; An Ordinance amending Ordinance No.428 or :an Bernardino,entitled •an ordinance requiring trig maintainin6 01 gignal bells and safety gates at points within said City where railroad tracks intersect certain of the publ is streets of es41d City. was read in lull Sor final passage and adopted by the follaring vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole,Irving, Chambers,3mith,Holmas; Noes: none. Resolution adopting P1ana,Croae-sections and specifications for the improvement of 'D• street by constructing a ' cezaent sidawaiK and curb on Lhe west side of •D• street and on the east side o~ •D• Street between Seeonrl and Third streets iii Lhe Ciyt of San Belnardino,was read in full for Sinai passage and adopted by Lhe following vote,to-wit:- Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambera,3mith,Holmea. Noes: none. Resolution adopting Plana and speciflcaLions for Lhe 1>Qprovetaent of •O• street by constructing a cement concrete sidewalk and curb on the east side of street between First and Second streeL,was reed in full for final passage and adopted by Lhe following vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Irving, Smith, Holmes. Noes: mono. Resolution adopting P1ans,Qrosa-sacstiona and specifiastiona ltstiber 73, for Lhe improvement of YiahLh street from the west line oS •D• Street to the seat line oZ "0• street heretofore prepared and presented by the City Engineer was read in full for final passage and adopted by Lhe followin6 voLe,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irvi>?g, Chambers, 3mith,Holr~a. ltoea:none. 2dotico calling for bids for furnishing teams and drivers for sprinkling the streets in the City of San Bernardino, was presented read in full ~ npoe motion cede by Counoll~n Cole,aeconded by ConnoiLan smith and carried the same were declared adopted and Lhe City Clerk instructed Lo helve the said notice published in the Sveniag Index. } Ta Lho Honorable 1layor and Council oS San Bernardino,Callt. to the understgited reapeatSUlly request your honorable bo4y to accept Court street by ordinanae,beainnin6 aL •I• . . street and running west to I street. tslanad by some 34 propert7 ownars,rapresentir~ 3x60 Zest of trastta6e.) c ~' The Sorogooin6 petition was DrasenLea era read, as t~war has not bean 1siQ,the petition was oraereo} filed. City ~.ttorney Allison presented contract Drepared and approved by the Lighting Cot~itLBe,whereapon a reSaiution wa ~ ~ introduced accepting bid and awardin6 oontraot ror ,;treat liahtina and authorizing and instrnatins the Ys~?or a? the City of ~ ~ San Bernardino,and the City Clark of the said City oT San Berharaino,to execute a oontraci therefore with the Pacific Light and Power Comparty,wsa read 1n full for the Y1raL lima and laid over for final passage. Resolution of Intention No.438. A roaolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of San BernardinO,deOlaring I their ittLenLion to ie?prnvo •D• street by constructing a cement sidewalk and curb on the wont side of •D• street and on th, r "~s, east side Of 'L• street between second and Tta rd stroets,was read itt Tull POP Lhe first time Sad laid oval for Zinal pae~saa e. A i Ii f E Resolution oY Intention No.440. A resolution of trio Layer and Common Council oY the City of San DornaMino,declar_ f it ing their intention Lo improve ~0• stroot,betwoon l,etween i'irst and second streets Uy the construction of a canent concrete ~ I ::idon•alk and curb therein,was read in full for trie i'irst ti~:~e ar;d laid over for final passage. I` Resolution oi~loring trio City Errgirreor of the City of San Bernardino to prepare avid submit os*~imates of proposed i street wort: and ir~provenonL of I:ighEh street from the roost line of •D' street Lo the east line of '0• st>seet,as ahonn^and } in accol+danee erith trio Plans and Cross-sections No.72. was read ir, i'ull 1'or tine first time and laid o~~er for final passage. f ! ;o tiro S;ono>•aUle lrayor and corsron Council oi' the Gity of San Bernardino. ~ We,the International Brotherhood of Electrical Y'orkors of San Bernardlno,do hereby indorse and recommend for app- . a . ointL:ent as City Electrician,B.F.ltie:es krrowlrrg him to bo coQpetent [pan for said position. Thanking you in advance for any action you n$y L ako in this ruatter, We ror,eln respectfully yours, ( H.1l.Ellis Co: mitten hoc;al #r477 San Bernal_Klino Cal. ( R.D.3ehofield ( Ooo.w.Dooley Upon reading Lhe foragoain$ Layer Bright appointed B.F.Himos as City Blectrieian for tine confirmation or trio Cottrro , ell • , CouIrcilcianAmovad that•the appointment be confirmed,motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following vote Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Staith, ilolmes. ~ ~ Councilman smith moved that l/r.llimcrs a=: City Electrician ire givers authoriLY Lo purctmsa permit blanks and material `' pertaining to the office of Electrician,crotion secorAed by Councilman Cole and carried. Application of Robert S.HeaLon Tor a retail liquor licence at 210.312 D street,accompanied by check for X100 payabl~ to the City Clerk,arrd a Hord in the sum of X2800 in prrtsuance of the provisions of Orflirwrece Po.304 of the City of son eern- ardino,wsa presented Lo Lhe Council for approval. Councilman Irving moved that Lhe application De granted,which motion was y duly seconded by Couirciiman Smith and carried by tte following vote,to-wit: Ayes :Cole, Truing, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. 1Wyor Bright >irede Lhe following appolnLments subJect Lo Lhe confirmation of Lhe Council. watex Commissioner:--- Fred T,Perria. Councilman Holmes rived that Lhe appointment of fir Perris be corifir4ed,motion duly seconded by Councilman Cole, f and carried by tB following vote,to wit;- Ayes: Cole, Irving, Holmes, smith. Hoes; Ciiambera. ~ Plumbing Inspector:-----H.J.dotrnaon.' f~ Councilman Smith moved that trio appointment of Lr.Johrison be confirmeQ,motlon duly seconded bS Councilman Chambers and carried by Lhe following 'vote,to-wi't:-AYea: Cola, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. hoes: none. I - Jstiitor of City Flell: John Price. , Councilman Chambers moved brat trio appointment of ltr.Price be contizmed,motion duly seconded'bY Coturcilmsn'Irvin$ arxi carried by the.follawing rots,to-~?it: Ayes: Goie, Irvirr6, Ctrarabers, 3mitA, Holaes. lines:none. f There being no objection MaYOr Bright, made the 'following changes in Lire stiandin6 Cotatittee as named br hie on Yay Bth,1911. Yireance Cawritteo:--- J.C.COle, in Dlaee o2 ?homias Holmes. Fire Codeittee:----- C.R.Sm1th in place off Oeo.R.Chambers. Layer Hri6ht appointed Yiea J.ilargeret Swope ae stenographer fn office o5 City /ltLOrneO~ aub,ect to the ootrfirmati of the Council, Coutrailosn Chambers moved that the appointment be confirmed, motion duly seconded b~ Connoilaan Holmes and carried by the foilowlrt6 vote,to-wit: AYes: Cole,Irring, Chambers, 8miLh, Holmes. Yoea: Wane. i j City 8nginear A.i.Sloan presented the YayOr and Council with a Dopy of report tendered the Board o2 Snpervieors f of San BernaMino,COUnty,.zelative to the'ostabliahirr6 a protective districL,in csrin6 !or storm raters in the north Relation 1 of trio valleyand eoppiled Dy a board of Engineers ai Lhe invitation of the District Attorney. l The City Clark was instructed to Pilo sai0 repOrt,and preserve for rci'erenoe of of 11p?or and Cotmoii. Upon motion made by Councilman Cole duly secrorraed by Courreiit9an Smith and earricxi the C1ty engineer was instructed Lo DroPare plans and spociricatians for the Laving o? Allen street from rirst to Yili street. -- , • a i upon rot ion c~ado by Cow~cila~an Chamuers duly SCCOllded by CUllRCII1LaI1 llolnes and serried the Stroet Superento[2dent was • ` instructed to request the S.B.Valley Y'ractiou Co. to grade and oil thoir tracks in So.LL.Vernon Avenuo. Councilman Irving roved that the City Engineer bo in-st1llcLod Lo prepare Plans and specifications for aI: out-fall sewer on •I• street south f1ro© Eighth atreot,laterals to be eolinecteu with Kingman,Spruce, Siith and Seventh stroet,notion was duly seconded by Councilmen FFOlIIOS and ca:rieci by Lae following•vote,to-wit,Ayos: Cole, Irv11IS,Chambors, Srlith, lloltaes. a Courcillaen llolmea moved that the City lillglnoor be instructed to preparo Plans and Specifications for the construction of a sewer in Pearl street uetwean Seventh and ~:ighth street,aotion was duly seconded by Councilman Irving at[d carried. It e•ae s:oved by Cowlcilaan Holmes,duly secouciad by Cowiciln;an Chambers and carried that Lhe Dond of R.S.Fieaton,as protected with application fora retail liquor licence be accepted and approvod. Councilmen llolmes of Lhe Fire Conmittee and Fire Chiof Stephens reported they had roceived an invitatl6 the Citty of Colton to participate in the Colton carnival,asking for a demonstration of the near Auto Chemical Fiose wagon, Chief Stephens stated he had made apple arrangement for fire protection while Auto truck would be out which would require only a Pew hours. / Thursday th 26th. Councilman Holmes saved that tale astLer be left to Fire ChieY Stephens to see tl;at the C1~ is properly ~ protected while Auto Hose wagon is out,and make all neocessary arraligeaaenta i'or the demonstration, notion was duly seconded by CounallmnIl Smith at[d carried. C,eo.H.Sesgara appeared before the Counoil and asked for a renewal of contract of The Independent Ice Feed & Fuel Co. to furnish Ica during Lhe su[:imer months Lo the City lisp and Fire sIIBtion at rate of 60et8 per 100. Councilman Zrv11Ig moved Lhat Lne contract Ue granted Lhe Ind.Ice F.& F.Co. for furnishing Ice during the sumaer aontha as regneated, motion duly seconded by Councilman Sn1th end carried. l3pon motion made by Cowlcilaan Smith,seconded by Cow~cilman Flolmes and carried the City Cierk was euthorized to pur- chase a oheok protector. Ccw[cilmen Smith brought up question as to the legality of Wm.Starke holdil~g the positions oS employoe of tho water department and Chief of Fire departaellt,and asked Yor an opinion of the City Attorneys Councilman Cole moved that the City Attorney render a written opinion on question motion seconded by Councilman Holmes, City Attort[ey Allison asked fora regn- /~ cat in writing Yor such opinion and he would render same. ~ Upon motion wade by Councilmen Irving ,duly seoonded by Counoilman Smith and carried the Cauncii adJourned to asst Monday !{ay 28,1811. ,at 7.3U o'clock P.14. Approved this day oS xay 1811. - P~ • ' City Olerlt. lUlYO~~ r -d . , ~`~-~~ a San Dernardino,Ca]. 4ay 28,1911. Ad,1ourued m::ating oi' the bluyor and Cos,rlon Council oi' the City of San Pornardino held Llonday gray 28,1911. Lectiitg was called to older by uayor Bright at 7.45 o'cioc:k P.l(. the following nenbors of Lhe Cau„etil be ing prosent: Cotuicilraeu; Cole,Irvi[ig,Chanbors,Snith,liolmea. City Attornoy Allison,.4lty Clerk Batchelor. The ninutos of.the previous iaeothig wero read and approvod. Resolution accepting bid and aw<<rding contract Yor street lipliti[[g,aT[d authorizing and instructing Lhe 1!ayor oY the City of San Der[:ardino,and Lhe City Clerk of the said City oY Sao Dernardino,to execute a contract Lighting Contract thereYore with the Pacific Light and Power ^,oIIpany,wss read in full Por final passage and adopted by the follow P.L.& P.Co. . ing vote,to-aril: Ayes: Cola, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Hol[aea. Noce: none. Reaoluti~n oY Intention No.438. A re::olution oY tho Mayor and Common Council oY the City of San Dernar- Res.oY diao,deolaring their intention to improve 'D• street by aonetructing a cement sidewalk and curb on west silo oY Intention. "D• bet. •D' street and on the east side oY •D• street between Second a[,d Third atreats,was read in foil Yor final pasa- 2nd,& 3rd. ~'~. ace and adopted by Lhe folorri[[g voLe,toarit: Ayes: Cole,Frving,Chambers,3mith,Holmea. Noes: none. ReaoluLiou of Intention No.440. A Resolution or Lhe Layor and Common Council of the City of san Dernard Res.oY Intention ino,declari[[g their intention to improve •0• atreet,between First and second atreeta by the construction of a •a• bet. ist,& 2nd. convent coaarete sidewalk and curb therein,was read in Pull for final passage and adopted by the following vote: to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. E Resolution ordering tho City Tnginear of the City of 3an Bernardino to prepare and submit estimated of ,' order proposed street work and improvement of Eighth street Prom Lhe west line of •D• street to Lhe east line of •0• estimate 8th,SL. atreet,ae sham on and in acairdance with the Plana and arose-sections No.72, was read in 1'till for final pass- i DtoO. j age and adopted DY the following vote,to-wit: Ayes;Cole,Irvfns•RC1~ambers,3nith.Holmes. Noes: none. ' To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City of San Bernardino. ~ `' oentleman: Pursuant Lo your instructions I have vafle a preliffinary es#imate of LAe cost of isprovina ~ Eighth street from D to 0, and beg Lo dubmit herewith LAe Yollawina figures: ~ _a Eng. Total Cost = 10.350.00 Fstitnate • 8th,St. The cost per Yront Moo! will range Prom ~.b8 to X3.11 aaoordir~ to the aIDOlSlt of intersect- DLoO. ~ • t ion assesaod.to property. Roapectfully Submitted, A.L.Sloan, City Engineer. Res.oY Int. Resolution of intention Ho.441. A reaolutioa of the lcayor and Coanon Council oS'the City of San Berner Bth,St. D to 0. dino,deelaring their intention Lo it~prove 8th•street, in the said City, 2YOV the west line of D street to the east line of 0 atseet,by msaadamising the roadway thereog sad the construction o! gutters end anl?ezta there- in,was road 1n full for the first time and laid over for final passage. This being Lhe date fixed for the opening of bids for spriN[ling the atreeta oY the City oZ San Hama rdino,lisyor Bright called for rovarks beforo proceeding to open the Dills filed with the City Clerk,there app caring to ba none CounCilvan Cole vowed that the Clark yroceed to open said bids motion seconded by Council- 1. man Smitn and carried. Nherenpgn the Clark proceeded to open the said bids,as follows: -- Bid of ~ Hy Tompkins iror each Loam and driver,'in acaorrianca with invitation calling bidet 40~ eta per hour per eight flour j Sprinkling. day. (Certified cheek Tor i10t? attached. } Signed, ly Toa[pkina. 1 Did ~ All aLroot spri[[laing according to notice calling 1'or bids 48f ate i~er tour .T.ficllsir P.Co. r • k Sprinkling Signedr James i6alNtir Paying Co, by James ldrNair, °ras. . ~ ? i I3id o#' 'or each lean and cirivor,60 ets per hour her day o#' 8 hours,in accordance with invitation cal?inr for bids. lYalter Tompkins (certified cheer; #'or 3100 attached.} Signori, 14elter Tompkins, i Sprinkling. I • Councilman Chambers Aovod that all bids be re~octod and that the SuperontendenL oY Streets be authorized Lo riereto#'ore I hire the street sprinkling done as has.beeh LIIe•custas,motion seconded by Couneilmuu Ifolmos and esrried. Application #'or a retail liquor licence and restaurant liquor licence aL Tne Stewart Thar and trio Stews t rt Hotel Dining room,was presented uy u'.L.iileston ho,having purchased the same Yrot;tOeo.L.dohnaon. L hiquor Liaenee Counciloan Smith reeved Lhat Lhe licences be grsnted and the bonds approved,motion duly seconded by Counciltpa W.L.Tileston. Irving and carried by the Yolla?ing voLe,to-wit: Ayes: Coley.Irving,Chambers,Smith,Holmas. Noes: none. i Cowicilwan Cole Roved that the City Clerk be authorized Lo cantle the #'ollowing City assessments the property having been sold to the stato,$ook:5_Page 282-iNo.i53~, Lot 4,Blk 4, Allens First Additlon,~NO.130F Cando ~ Tax. page 384 ,Book 6,.~No.115t page 138, Book O;~No.70tpage 248 Book 0; motion seoonded by Councilman Irving € and carried bif the Yoll wring voLe,Lo-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. The #'olic~?ing petition was presented: I ' ylliEltEAS,the City oY San Bernardino,by ant through its regularly constituted authoritY,prdpoaes Lo ' ) ~ i ~ J~ itaprove D street Yrom Lhe north line oY Third street to the north line of Fourth streot,by re-surfacing ~ Petition ResurFace the same with saphalt,and by the construction of culverts at Lhe intersection oY said D street with Fourth •D' street. ~ street and YYHERIiAS, one of Lhe conditions for the 1mpPOV~TIL of said street is that the owners of property t ' ahbutting upon said street between said points will Irsy one-third of the entire coat of Lha improve.. nt LhereoY. • NOW THFyRI%.PORS, we,the undersigned,conatituLing ali oY the owners of property abutti na upon said street F between the north Tina o#' lhird!atreet and the south line of Fourth street ,in consideration of thde pity of san Bernardino improveing saidastteot under private aontrect,and not antler or pursuant to the Vrooman Act, ~ < !' do hereby promise and agree to pay to saki City upon Lhe completion of Lhe improvement of said street,in ' the manner aforosaid,one-third oY Lhe total cost LhereoY,excepL that portion Lo be F:ept in order and repair + by any person,firm or corporation having railroad tracks thereon. l ~ The proportion or such ezpense to be borne and Laid uy is respectlvely is such proportion as the numbs treat. '` of Peet set opposite our respective names bears to the total number of feet of property Fronting upon s~'~ i` IN WIT1lIi8S wFfl'rIlEOF,we have hereunto set our lwmes,together with Lhe Hasher oY feet awned by us, this i F 29Lh,day oY I.larCh,1911. . No.oF FeoL. G b0 oasis Orail~e Co. ~tera Ya ate,Y.L.Kipiinaer, 89} Alex Keir...i 76 feet. T.A.Blakeley 88 core or leas. Sarah A.Yaeaer................26 ' 8.3ch1nsller 80,410 Raahalmi9toa al • • Saiual llansan............ a Cartier 30 . R.r:4arner.. 80 lLSilinglori 48 i Illinssworth~&~Kershaw••••••. 30 Lgx YerF~ '', 1 J.J.Arpois..... .20 Morgan Perry 26 I 14rs.Fffly Oormn D.H.1?lxOm.................... 37 • Viola d.Eikeltuan 27 Yra.H.Blmon J08.S.R1Oh a0 B.x.Thorne.aYrJamas.Fi.I3o3rQ,.. 4b • "r!Ml _ Counailtm,n isle tao~Od that the City sngine•r be inatruatea to prepare Plana and Specifications far re-surfacing D :treat #'rom Third street to Fourth sLreatin accordance with ts.e petition presented,motion ~ ¦ was duly soaotxled by Councilman Smith and aarriod by the fo;loiring vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cola, Ir?in6iChewbsrs, i /[ . ~ StaiLh, Holmes. Noes: none. COw~cilman Swim reeved that Draper & Lubbell be eaployed Lo prepare a Financial Statement for the i Yisoal yea i• etxiing June 1,1911.r,:otion duly secottclcd by CC'li!oiraan Chambers and aarrled by Lhe Following Tote, • Fin.St~nL. D & 1). io-wit: Ayes: Colo, Irving, Chaabers,3rith, Lolras. Noes: none,. v, _ i The City Clod: was authorized to is::auv warrants as per vouchers approved by the Layer and Finance Cornn- 13IhLS . ittco this date, by Lhe iollowitag vote,Lo-wit; Ayos: Cole, Irving, Ct,ar:bere, Saaith, fiola:es. Noes: none. Coutacilpan llol[nea asked Strout Suporantondent Lothrop how the BLh,stroot sower aaso;;sment was r:,adca , in reply itr Lothrop stated Lhat aewor assossuente wore levied acconiing to tY:o lands taonlYitod,ard in accor- dance with the YrOOL'YA71 Aet proccaodi[ags. Layer Bright spol:o i[a regard Lo spoedmna Automobiles and Lotorcyclos,stating that ttte ordinance covorMU4 ( same will lla strictly e[aYoa•cos in the iliture. Q Councilman llalmea moved that the City a;[rginoor tae instructed to propctre Plans and 3peciYications Yor th orcl er P.& S. Lhe paving oY •E• Street liram the north lino oY Second street to the South line oY ThirS streot,motion secon- ~ E,St. 2 to 3. . j d©d iay Councilman Chambers a[:d carried by the followi[fg vote,LO-wit: Ayes: Cole, IrvirtS,Cl]ambers,Snith,Holmes Upon motion made by Coul[cilma[[ Smi.h duly seco[~ded lly Councilman Irving and carried the Council ad~iour nod to moat Thursday dune 1,1811 at 8 o'clock A.1(. Approved this ~_day oY June 1811. ~ • ~ city Cl©rx. ~ iiAY OR. i i E E `Jf .ice ~ 1 y ` E 4 ~ a { I ~ f i' E I • , . i ~ ' ~'~ ~ I '+ ~ 2-~~ City Ii911,3an Bernardino,CS11Y.,June 1,1911. I Adjoui7tod raoating of tho 1layor and Co„mon Council oY theCbty of San Bernardino,held Thursday June 1,1911. 1[oetina was called Lo order Uy kayor Bright at 9 o~clock A.15. tho Yollowir[a n~mbors oP the Council bei»g prosent: Cowicilmen: Cole, Chaabors, Smith, and Ho1Aes; City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor,. Absent: Councilu~un,Irvir[b. ' Cotuicilmau Smith moved that tho office oY Chief' of Police ue declared vscant,moLion duly socouded by Councilman Holmes and carried by tho i'ollon?ing vote,to-wit; AYOS: Cole, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noa3: none. Laayor Bright sated that Geo.Fl.3tephons had authorized him to withdraw has name us OboY oY the Fire L'ep- . artment,wherenpon Councilman Chambers moved that the oi'2'ice oi' ChieY oY Fire Department bo declared vacant, which notion was seeondod by Courtoilman Holmes and carried ug Lhe follanir[g vota,to wit; Ayes; Cale, Chambers, Smith, lIolmes. Noes; none. Fdayor Bright mflde the Yollawir~ @ppointruente subjects to the cor[firmtion oY the Council; ~ Ch1oY oY Fire Department:- - - - - Frank O.Starke. ChieY oY Police:- - - - - - - - A1.L.ifespelt. " Police~02'ficer:- - - - - - - - W.H.Cornelison. Councilman Smith moved that tho appoint[aents as made by h[ayor Briah* be conYirmed,motion wqs duly seaonded by Councilman Cole,a»d carried by the Yolla~irtg vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Smith, FFolmaa. Moos: none. ~ Llayor IIrigrt appointed Eugene HaKenzie as Lotor-Bike Police Officer subject to the conYirmation oY the Cou ncil. Councilman Smith moved that the appointment oY ldr.llc Kenzie be aonYirmed,motion duly seconded by Councilma Cola,and carried by tre Yollowi[ta vote,to-wit: Ayes; Cole, Chambers, Smith, Y.olmes; Noes; none. YnYOf Bright appointed R.F1.CUrtis as 8olice officer to sarve without pay,Yor confirca~tion oY the Cauncil. CounolT7ep;n Fiolmea H10~ed that the appointment oY LIr.CUrtis be conYirmed,motion was eaconded by Councilman 'Chambers and cai~sied by the Yollo~ing vote,to-wit; Ayos; Cole, Chambers, Smith, E:o~as; Noea; none. Councilman Holmes moved that as tl~e ChieY of mire Departi.;eut is to devote all oY his time to the duties of "~ Fire ChieY;thaL Itis salary be Yixed at ¢100 ilex manth,motion was seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by th following voLe,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, 8ttith, Holmes; Noes; none. Caxnailmri Smith oboveQ Lhat the salary oY Lhe Health Officer bo fixed at ;b0 per month,which motion was duly seconded by Councils[9n Cole and carried by ti,e faloRing vote,to-wit;Ayos: Cole, Cha>mbera,smith,Fiolmes. ,m y„~ UpoA notion wade by Councilman 8a181.du[ly eoconded by Counoilman Holmes and aarried the Cotr2rc12 ad'Ot12t[eQ to meat gorxlay Juno 6,1811. et 7.30 o`clock P.i[. Approved Lhis ,11 day oY June 1811. -~A 1 City C18rf:. 1UIY '~ l ,,' r 7 '~~~6 j City 1Ia11,San I3vrnardino,CaliY.,June,6,1011. ~k ~ Regular meetil:g oY Lho ?luYor glad Co~:uson Couuc;l oY the City od San Bernardino hold Honday June 5,1911. ?(oeting was eallodA Lo order by 1iaYor Bight at 7.~;0 o'oloc}: P.1i. with the Y~llcwiing nembera of the Cour:cil prosont,.Councilmen: Cole, Irving, C1-~ambors, Smith. City ALtorneY Allison, City Clerk Batchelor. E Tho roaciiiig oi' tl~e ninutes were dispensoci with. Resolution oY Intention No.441, A rosoluLion oY the ldayor and cormion Council of the City of San Bernard# ~ Rvs.oY . Int.Ne.441. ino,deelaring their intention t0 improvo Eighth SLreot,in said City,Yrom the west line Of 'D• streot Lo the Eas line oY •0• atroot,bY macadamizing the roadxay theneoY and the conatructi[~ oY gutters and culvorts therein was read in Yull for final issage ana adopted by Lb Yollowilig voLe,Lo-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Smith, Chambers. , Dills. The City Olerk was authorized to issue warrants for claims as appzroved by Lho NaYor and linanev Committe this date ,by the Poilowin$ vate,tow#t; Ayvs: Cole, Chambers, Smith, Irvi~ig. Noes: none. IL was morvd by Cowicilman Colo ti:at the expense bill oY The Highway Construction Co,ineu;red on "H• sbr "-'s eet bo allowed ,providing the ameunt does not exceed ~ 445.20 .which motion was seconded by Councilmn Smith and ~ carried by Lhe Yollowing vote,to-wit: AYes;Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holnes., Noes: none. t;pon motion t.ade by Councilman i1w 11ig duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried the Council adjourned to meet 1[onday June 12,2811,.at 7.30 o'clock P.Y. Approvocl this day Hof June 1811. ~ i CiLY C1e~Y. ' s OR. I c i • k i i i i /~ t ------ City };a11,San Bernardino,Calii'. June,lw,1911. 1 '' 1 Adjourned meeLiTl$ oi' the ldayor a[ul Common Council oY the City of San Avrnardino,held llondaY Jane 12,19 N. l[eeting was call~,d to order by llaYOr ]night at 7.50 o'clock P.Y.aith the following members of Lhe Coun cil present;Councilmen: Cole,Irving,Cr~ambere, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. I~ls ent:Coimcilme~s. Srsith and }iolmes. ~ F Tho minutes of prevAous meetir~s were read s[;d approvod~. liaYOr Bright called attention of the Council to the appointment of Dr.C.V.lleConnico as Health Officer APPnt'mt. ~ i[eConnico made. by Lhe Doard or Health subject Lo tho confirmation of the Couneil,elso the appointment of Jaek Boice a;, Jsck Boice. i driver of the Auto Fire Truckreaonended by[ the Pire Comrrittee,whereupon Councilman Irving moved that the app- ointments bB confirmed,~tion duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following vote,to-wit: ; Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers,. Koss: none. ~---~~ the following eommnu[ieations were presented and read. ~ - To The Honorable 34eyoi• and Common Council oY the City of San Barnardino,Californis. .Gentlemen:- , There are soveral casos oY typhoid (over in txri:. City and we believe it is due to the drip- '~ ~,~~,«l king water which has becotae contaminated. We reoocmend that you i?ave a men Lo parole Lytle Creels to Keep campers from contaminating ti;e waters of that stream. If it'is possible for the City Lo use artesian water altogether ~ for a whiie,we bolieve that this disease will disapear. eye also re.:ommend that your honorable body pass an ordinance coppelling ar[iers of property to connect with sewers where such can be done. ' Respeetluliy, G.V.YcConnico, Health Officer. To The Honorable Hayor and Common Council,City of San Bernardino, Gentlemen:- Being big tsx payers in this City and havir~ a large pay-roil which is largely put 1n ~ o9.CR/ circulation here,er[d having been in business here Yor a great mny years, ism very much et a loss Lo know why , the Company which I have the honor to roi~rvsent,hda not been recognized in Lhe Ice supply for ttie CiLY. I donL understand why Lhe City should give the Independent Ice Company sore for their ice than they have ever paid me. Yours Truly, Dietillyd Ice ~ Cold Storage Co. By w.Y.Hosaland. _ Upon reading tB Yoregoeing comnunicationa Canlcilssn Irving moved that they be received and Dlaced oRl file,t~tion duly seconded by Councilman Chambers end carried. It was rwveci by Caurcilman Cole that the Street ComraltLee be suthorizod to purchase the horse and ~HOrse• price •wa er wagon frog the water departmont providing the same can be aecured.at a satiefaotorY to the St rest Caasittee, I'~eptmt . motion was duly seconded by Caineilman Irving and carded. Counoilnsn Chambers presented a diagram and estisate of coat for a atorB drain iron fifth and Arra?- Sfa~m head Ave.to Tam Creek prepared by SuporonLendent of Sireots Y;.H.Keliogg, aril Lo be eonstrnctod at an estiwated '~ % .I7~.,. s"+~. coat of about ja00. Councilman Cole moved that the matter Ds left Lo Lhe Street Cor~ittve 81fd Street 311perenten- dent witri parer to sot ,motion seconciod by Councilman Irving and carried. T' 3(ayor Dright ap},olnted A.ll.Tal'olla a:s City Pavfd lLester sub~eet to the conf}rwation Of the Council, `h'oc n d. f`~ ~%~astPr Council wan Cole c,oveci hat tl~v apl,ointrrent of Ur•.TaYolls be confiread r.:otion duly seconded iry Camcilman Irr1nK ;4 ::nQ carried by LLr• following voto,to-wit: Ayc^: Colo, Irvi:ur, Chambers; Novs: none. ...~..,....w~;:t,ti:..,t~. , n =T1oq Cowlciliran Chanbore taovod that tlic Clerk bo iustinzetod Lo I.urcliase 400 dog tags i'or the use oi; the POwld 1 a- liaster,whieh motion Was socondod by Councilman Irving a~.d carried by the follov~iug vote: Ayes: Colo, Irving, i Chambers, Noes: none. A petition Lo pave Ninth Street Prom Arrowhead Avenue to It stroet,tl:ence south one block on H street to Ya v e yT! Eighth street,signod by some 16 property owners rel:resvnting 1072 1'eot oi' frontage was presented,and upon node S1~ee~ on made by Councilman Irving duly seconded by Cowieilman Chambers and parried the matter was reYPered to the City Eligimeor for reconendation. City Er~inoer K.F.Tuttlo presented a report estitntirig tl:o cost oP re-surfacing D street from Third to ~~it,:,,....~' Fotu~tl~ street, =4054.2£+.jineluding culverts and intersection at corner of Fourth and D streets the total coat Ii ~ 3~--C. estimated at ~8016.28j diuscussion i'ollowod as Lo the advisability of instituting Vroomen AcL proceedings,and the matter was finally deffered until all.:memhera.af the Council, are present. P.J.Dubbe2l stated that there hod boon some money paid out of Lhe ltunieipal Imp.BOnd Fundy Por work Al1oI1 °treet. other than that specified in the origirsl Bond issue and trat the amount might be transferred from the Ceneral ?Fund to the 1[url.Imp.F'und in order to obtain Wore money for the improvement of Allen street. • ~'•' i City Engineer K.i~.Tuttle presented estimate of coat for the paving of Allen street with an 18 foot stri -W" of oil rncadam,lir.Tuttle was asked to prepare estimate of cost Por paving 24 Peet in width. Communication prom Board of &lucation oii'ering the use oY the High School Athletic grounds for a public Play grounds. play grour?d during vacation Lirae,providing the Council would i~irnish s paid instruotor,wea presented and read, } Councilman Irving moved that the comQminication be received and placed on Yile,motion seconded by Caunoilr~an Chambers aril carried. a Jas.3leNair appeared Uefore Lhe Council ar]d wanted to know what the Council intended to do in Lhe matte ; Garbage oY ini'orcing Lhe garbage ordinaries and protecting him and the aontzaat he holds with the City for the removal ~ of garbage. City Attorney Allison stated he would give 1tr.lleNair any assisstsiae and co-operation his office aff The City Clark wee authorized to issue warrants es per vouchers approved by the NaYor and Finance Cow Bills. itteo Lhifl date by the Following vote,to-wit: Ayes:Cole, Irving, Chambers. Nees none, ~i Upon motion mde by Councilman Cole duly seconded by Councilman Irving and carried the Caunail ad~aur-_. ~ ~ nod to meat Monday June 18,1811.at 7.30 o'clock P.ll. ~f Approved this ~[~day of June 1811. f T~~~ City Clerk. R. • '~r • i 6 E 1i i • I _ --.--_ -_ - __--__ - _..._..~...-_' ' li City llall,San IIernaid1no,Calif.,June la,>1911. ' ,~' Aefiular meeting oi' Lho ?l:xyor and Co::,mon Council of Lho City of San IIernardino,held Yondny June 19,1911, fleeting was called Lo order by YaYor Bright at 8 o'clock P.L. the following nwmbers of the Council ~ Doing present: Councilmen; Cole, Irving,Ctiambors, Smith, l:olrJOS. City f.ttorney All is on ,and City Clerk I3atchelgr. # Tho minutes oY the previous mooting way read and approved. f I W.C.Clark,"ropyesonting th~ Grand Army Association' appeared bei'oro the Couneil,and atiAd for trie use of lteadowbrook Park 1'or their celebration July 4Lh,1911. stating that the park was an ideal spot Yor a picnic O.A.R. Picnic. but would like to have morn seats about 1JG Yost more table space,toileta,nbout 20 loads of sand,and the fur- - ~ Waco enlarged to about twice tine present size. Councilman Smitly moved that the toatter be left to the Park Colmaittae,with power to improve Lhe Park as they think advisable motion seconded by Ccntncilmsn Elolmes & oarria~• To The Honorable Mayor sud Coriamon Council,City of San Bernardino,California. Report ' Eng'r. Oentletaetl:- f BLh,St. ~ Pursuant to your instructions oY June 12,1911,caliing Yor reaomendation as to kind of paving to be laid on H street,botweon 8th,atK1 eth,and on 9th,street,betweon H and Arrowhead Avenue,I beg to state as follows: Traffic o71 Ninth street will necessarily of considerable volume since it will be Lhe .and oS. paveatents on & streeL,O and H streets and probably in tho near Yuture F street. St is crossed by Arralrheafl SIld h D attests so Lhat moat of to north bound travel originating on streets west of D will use Ninth as part or Lhe route. rii )rtuoh of tls coatntry travel Yrom the north west will use parts oY the street to reach other pared ate eels. Gravel haulers from Lytle Creek to points northeast will Lake this route. As years peas the volnt~ of tr avel will incresae. An inaffiaient pavement rill spell wasted money. we bare on H atreet,between First and sec ond,s paring similar to the ohs called for in Lhe petition,consiating of oil tamped base,two ittehes,a three inch crusher run lime rook oiled and hard root screenings. It has been in place about a year with no repairs. TraiYio is pretty heavy and Lhe work was done Yor the lump sum of X1786.00, ;b04.00 being for aanarete Xtttters leaving Yor the psrement,i1281'.00 making the cost of parenent per square foot .OiB¢ and the assassmetst coat ~ about 11.80 per front foot. Thera ware no interseationa ar no culverts on this sob. Tho oontraator bzoke even ~ ~ only by selling ?6.00 worth Of dirt. Probable coat of like paving Yor new contrast would be aiz and ono ha1S cents per square fo~oL. In my ~udgemant this pavittg,using Your inches of crashed lime rocsk',with oil taetpad base would be perfectly saLisfaoLory io Lhe property owners fronting on said atreet,and would mace a g+ood,snbetan- 'tial pavement. ilsittg the four inch aTUShBd rook on the oil tamped base with hard root screenings wonid cost about seven cents per square toot. Thera will be a~ii flee inLersecLiona and three anlrerts,brirtging the cost per foot Lo not less than two dollars. This paving 18 in use at Riverside on several sheets and has a1rAn en- tire satisfaction with the least minitaua cwt of repairs. OA H 8treet,beLNAest 8ild,and 8th,thdy care an oil '~ macadam paving,aonsistlAg of fire inch crusher rttn Bard roc)<,lisiastone aareeninss for filles,hasd rock rot Lo>y several culverte,three intersectiona,thl tee or four opposite ters~inaflous. Ooat of ~ssaada' pez sgmle foot, contd. Cutter 40 cents per lineal Yoot,Culverta ~d.00 par lineal fool. Owt per front foot,#a.69. ~ Reipeotllilly S'llbttltt'ed, IIar1 F.lattle city l~gineer. Estimnto oY coat slid Plans attd speaifioationa f'or the re-aurfaaing of D '!tact from Third to Fourth a1 - ~rects,and E atreot frvc+ Socctxl to Third ati~eota,atid for tip a paving of Allen 'street frog i:irst to 11111 street wero pre::oi~ted acid rwd :.nd upoi~ motion cwae by crn~trcilt8n sc~ith duly s~WOilded by Crn~ncilmsn Chambers and ca -cried the sae:e wero roft'orod to trio City Attornoy Yor hfs approval. Chi of of Fire Dolartr[out F.O.Stul•l:e prosa[tod tine names of Albert l}latz and Gus ldau as eior.!Uers of the Firo Glatt department now drawing nonthly salary and who gave [rot boen of'f'icially a[~pointed by the S!ayor,whoi~oupon uayor ' lfau Bright apLointod Albert Olatz and Ous 1(au as drivers oY Lhe lioso wagon and Hook and ladder s'+agone end subject Lo draw monthly salary. Councilman Colo movod that the a:I•oilitmJllts be confirmed r,iotion was seconded by Councilman Cl3ambors and carried by the following voto,to-wit: Lyes; Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmos. Noes ;none. It was novod by Councilrmn Cola that Lho City ALtorr[ey be instructed to uepdra an amendment Lo Ordinance "glary Nuuber 3+lE7 making trio salary oP Fire ChioY #100.00, City Electrician #100.00,Driver bf Auto Fire Truck #100.~~0 Drivor of Hoso Wagon #71.00, Drivor Of Hook-and-ladder #70.OO,motion was seconded by Councilman Chambers andasrr red. Pom[. Councilman Irvi[[b movod that Lhe Pe[u[sylvania Str•~et Fire Station be equippod and the Iloae wagon installed _ Fire at that station ~nst as soon as possible,motion seconded by Cowicilman Holmes and carried by Lheg#followinX vote Station. Ayos: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, liolmea. Noes ;none. Councilman Cole moved that the appointment oY a Police 01'Yicer;to be relief men while the regular men are '"~ i Extra Orficer. on vacation$be reffered to the Police Coaimitteo f'or recomendation,motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Councilman Chambers moved that the City Engineor be alla?ed #60.00 per month for the months oY June and ' Extra man 1 Eng.OYfice. duly Yor holy required in his oYYice,notion seconded by Councilman Irving aI[g carried by the followit[S vote,to-~r i E wit: Ayes; Irving. Chambers, Smith, Iiolmes. Nova; Cole. Claim oY Charles Bemis and George Wixom far X50.00 Yor illoged damage sustained in the removal of a fence E Claim , i Bemis in Eleventh street by Ex Superente[xlent oY Streota L.R.Lotiirop,was presented and read,Couneilmen Irving moved [ Wixoat ' that the matter be laid over indeYYinately,motion seco[xled by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following F vote,to-wit: AYea: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes; none. ~ • i Letter,aigned by doh[[ Yc1i111an proprietor oY a Shooting gallery on T sLreet,asking Lhe YBYOr and Councii to interest themselves in his hehalY,and his phonograph,was read; Councilman Smith moved that the Ch1eY oY Police be j i instructed Lo notify lir lialtillan Lo shut oYY his phonograph aL a o'olacK P.Y.each evening;motion seconnded by Cou^•, ' ncilman Irving snd carried. -~ ~ The City Clerk was authorised to, issue warrants Yor vouchers as approved by the 11aYor and finance this dots ' ;' Bills. by the following vote,to-wit: Ayes;Cole,Irving,Chea[bers,3mith,Holmes, Noes;no~ee. Councilman Irvin6 moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plana and specifications for the P Sidewlk sixth. construction oY a Dement sidewalk on Siith street bete'een I and 1. streets,agtion was seconded DY Councilmen Cham i berg SIId carded by thefollaring rote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irvin, Chambers,: Smith, Holsles; Noea; none. ^' Councilman Smith moved that the City Snaii?aer be inatrneted to prepare Plans and specifications for the co YaySield. natruotion of a aidenelk o~11 Hayfield Ave,between BLh,aild 9th,streets,swtion was eoconded by COUncilaen liol®es and esrrled by t)efoll wring vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irvin6, Chambers, 3®ith, Holmes. Nova; none. ~- Councilmen Coler~oved that the Oity Engineer b6 iasLraoted to prepare Plans and specifioationa for the A ~' ~' oonatruciion of a cement sidewalk and curb on 'D• eLreeL l;rosi Sacoad,straet to tAe Santa pe right-away and on the north side of First Street 1lfltween "D• and •lV• sLreet,motiou wee aeoondod by Cau[cllmsn 3a[iLh en4 aarried by therollaring vote,to-wit: Ayes: Co18, Irv1n6, Chsat~era, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none,. Coui[ciiman Cola subaitted a ewp sharing the locati~ of Arc Lights (957 !n mzmber) to be installed under . T'v" the terms of the contract with LnaPacii'io Light and Powez Co.and awned that theliglsts ss marked be installed, ' t[otion was seconded by Councilman 3r~ith and [:accred Upon raotioi[ madoUY Councilmmn 3mith,dulY secondcxi by Cozincilwsn Holmes and carriod the Council ad?rn[rnen ( Lo meot 1lorriuy .luno i1,1911,aL 7.30 o'cla:k Y.l1A ~.~51 (iity hall,San l3aTI18aYlanO,Ca11Y.,Jllne :'.ti,1811. I~ ~d~ourned mooting oi' tt;e Mayor and Cot~~on Councal oi' Lila City oi' ;:an Dernaitilano,heid uonday Juno 2t;,I811. lleetirig xas called to order by Mayor bright at 8 oclovk P.ll.,•i'he following members oY the Council belr>L prep Orlt: COUSIC11fleI1; Colo, 1rvil~, Chattbera, Smath, tlolrios. Caty Attorney Ellison and City Cleri: ilatchelor. The s,inutoa of the previous mecLalig Bore read and approved. Ord.,~a88 An Orcli[Farco amendang urdlnance rro.347,01' Lho City oY San 13ornaa•dano,eliLitled•En ordinance esiabllshing a 453 Fire Department•witriln the Clty oi' San Serna nlano,prescribina the duress of the officers thoroor-, was road an iii ' ilrll for the farst time and laid over i'or final passage. •E• St. 2nd,to 3rd. resolution adopting Plar.s,Cross-sections and Speclfacataons,Z~~r the asprovenent oP t etreet rram Lire North ` line of second street to the South line of Third street,heretorore prepared and presented by Lhe City L+•ngineer, and shall be designated,5pcciricaLions No.78, was read an 31111 nor Lho rirat time and laid ovor for rinnl passage R.F.c.arner appeared bei'ore the Council and urged Lhe Council Lo amm«iiate action an regard Lo the re-surfaco j' •D• St. ~ 3rd,to 4Lhrirt~ or •D• street i'rom Thiel street to Lhe north line of rourth streot as petitioned at previous~meetai[a,whereupo Cow~cilman tWlmos moved that proposition be accepted and that the City proceed to pavo D etreet from Lhe North line or Third street Lo Lhe North line of F~oua~th street,the potataoners to pay one-third or Lhe total cost,moLion seconded by Councilman Cole, and lost by the roliowing vote,to-wit: AYea: Cole,Aolr::es. Foes: irvit~,Cnambera,Smiti.. Councilman smath moved that Vroo~6li Act Proceedings be steited Tor the re-aurraceing or 'D' street rrom the )lEorth line of Trilyd street to the south line or Jrlfth~streot,and that the Council draft a Resolution agreeing to pay one/third oY the total coat or said work motion acdonded by Counellman bring and carried by the rollawing vote,to-wit: Ayes; Cole,lrving,Chambers,smith,xolmes. Foes;none.- ¦E• st. Councilman smith Cared tiilat *>r• street,•Yrom Lhe North line of second to the South line or Thard street be ' 2nd,to 3rd.- re-surraced,under Lho VroomBn AcL procecdli16s and Lire Council dram a resolution agreein6 Lo pay One-third or the total cost thereof', motion was duly secondeQ by Counctln8n ChaCibers and carried by the Sollarin~ vote,to-wit: Aye :Cole, 1rvallg, Charbers, Smith, Holmes. Noes:none. ~ Allen "~tesolution adopting Plans, Cross-sectiuna and specifications nor the improvemeaL or Allen 8traet rrom tea ~ st. I SouLR line or >parat Street Lo Lhe North line of Y111 Streot,heretorore prepared slid presented Dy the C2Ly lcnsineeir and desagnaLed specafacataons No.78, was read an iUll Yon Lhe riYat tame and laid over nor rinei passage. ~coaL resolution authorizin6 the payment of One-halt the cost nor the iap'rovement of •Y• street rroal xirat street •E•SL. ~ 1 to 1[111. to L111 atraet,was read ir. 11it1 nor Lhe first Lame ar;d laid over for Yinal passage. ' r:rnost t•renzeli appeared herons the Councal and ~esked nor SO days e:ten~ion or LiII9 roz the aampletion of 4 •ir• sL. •E" Street Prom Yarst to Lill street,work being dolayed by reason of s.B.Y.4isation Co.whereiiDon Caonciiman ttolme 1 So hall. ' roved that ur.irreuzeli be granted 30 days aztention of time as requested,srotion was seaon@ed D7 Counailman trvizg and carried by the collaring vote,to-wit: Ayos: Cole. xolses,lrrina,Cffimbers, smith: Does:none. Reaoiutaon authorixxrlg the superentendent oY streets to eztend by 30 daye,ta~. tiler Sized by hi>D for the ao~ apletioa or the work spealried in that certain contnaat Jw.46,for.the 2slDrove©ent oS atre~et Y?aQ Brat to 1fill Str~retc,wea read 1n tuli for the rirst time and laid ores nor rival passage. Caulrcilnan ssT+lth moved that the City ffir~al:eer be inatruated to ao-oDeruto with the Caunty l~iaeer,xn releai~ ~A" St. to ascertaaning ways 8[x1 C;eane of taking care oY store waters of •A• aLreet,~;rading,and pesieral improvemes[t of ~ s;.i~l streot, cation was scconuad by Councilman lroltas aIi(1 carried by the following voto,to-wit: AYas: Cole,irrlna Chsmbors, sluth,ilolnes. Noes: non©. ',~, ~ `.)T~ E ' To Tho liouorablo ?:ayor anti City Cotuicil of the City or San ~ernai~dino, dtuio,28,1911. Being unable to caltuiue ny duties as uotorcycle Yolice~ian axing to troublo caused rrori rldinE 1toLOrcycle i { liN:S'gt21. ( 1±eKenzie. here}>y tender tq+ reslEi;ation prayir~ that the Council e112 accept the resignation from date, Yours Rssp, is.lleXenzie. f upon rsadinE the faregoeing,Coune:ilai8n lrvina coved Licat thv resignation of llr.llexenzle ue accepted,i~otion du ly seconded by Cdwlcilonn siaith anti carried. 'TO the Honorable usyor and Cozimon Councal, duns 26,1811. City o2 San 1lernarcllno,California,. uentlemen:- i'ro beg to call your attention to the absence oi' any hind oY securety Yor Lhe reeerds of our sever- . cral offices. These records are vital,as ei'Yecting not only property interests in Laneral,but protection of Lhe City in matters or Contracts past at:d present and other equally ir:portant regards. The rccortla in Uooka,docuQents and maps of the City EnLineer's office,if aeatroyed,oould never be wholly re placed,and only partially LLrtl extensive and costly surveys with the neccessary office work. ~~'~~ The recolKls of tho oYYfoe of Street supersntendent include the hlstoiy of thee=tenaive street improvements ~'~ of tho last three years,theeondition of present contracts and data as to street repairs. .These are only partial lyduplicated in Lhe rocorda of the City Clerk and the abstraeL offices. To restese them ,if destroyed, would re quire cnacn time and a Large expenditure. lfaving no vault or safe oi' guy klnd,theae offices are compleLelY at the eieray of a rite which might oecur at any Lime. As they are unoccupied ai:d unguarded at night,the chance of saving any considerable part }acid be very small. we would respectivlly ask that steps tie Laken to sateguard the sv rrcorda. iteapecLilallY Yottra, , l~rl h,Tuttle, City s~ineer. 3.H.xelloga, street tsuperentendent. Comnunieation signed by Superentendent oY Streets L.H.Kellop,~,ealii3>b attention to the clumping oT rubbish r an Lhe Town Creek hollows at t3th,and D streets arKl 8izth at1d Arrowhead Ave,also on C straeL roar warm Creek bn z i3arbaga. j dge,anfl recora;ending that Lhia practice ba stopped acrd that sulLabDa aromsda be procu=ed Sor this purpose. ~"~~, r Councilman Smith roved that tIIe commuttiication ae reSYered to the hoard of liealth,motion seconded by Coup- -- cilman bring and carried. j t Comsa~nication of City F.ngineer,recorsaendiag the nee of iimestona Sot pavina,was pras~?ec? anfl read. r isiiis. xhe City cierak wac authorized to issue Warrants for vouaners as Dresanted,and approval by the Yeyor and pinunce comttutte Lhia sate by Lire zoilowin6 vote,to-vit: dyes; 4ole,irvin6,Chambers,SmitII,ttolme6. Noes none. ' A Yr.YOUitg aDpeared~bezore the Cotutall and 8ekocl for Lhe priveledge of sellir~ a cetaenL,that ne might relaq enough money to bet out'ot tot?u,wheraupon Catmaiiman Irving moved LAat the appiieant De arantd priviledae for • one wook,mot.ion aeiconded by Councilman Chambers and cart:ed try the roilot?ina vote,to-wit: Ayea:trviz>a,Chambers„ # Srdth,xoltnea. hoes: Cole. ' It Was coved by Coul:ciimsn triiita that the tauperentea?dent of BLreets be instructed to notiiy the A.T.a rF.! s Fiy.CO4that the tide Given so dis-aonneot zrom the City center davina ezDirea'j that if they do not aiaoonneat im- tst.Pe. nodiatiy,tho the zsupt.oS streets is to diaconneat said sewer nimaelt,atotion seconded try Couneilatan Cote and car tsewer. rigid by the roilowing vote,to wit: Ayes: Cole,lrTit:a,Chawbars.3mith,Holmes. Noes none,. t;otineilmun irvit:g called attention of the the Grade on t sLreot betwet!n Third and rizth streats,eaused by lice Santa r'o tract: oaauyyirg Host oi' Lire strevt,and mined that the supt.ot streets be instructed to cuL said aLreet darn to Ei•ado rogarclloss oY ::ants Ye traek,motion seeonded by Councilran Chambers and carried by the roi- ' , _ ._..._4_ ~~7 -loving vote,to-Fit: dyes: Cole, trvi]]g, UY~arbers, Smith, xolaes. rods: mono. Upon notion cad© Uy Cout:ciltuan Cole duly seaon4od Uy Cout~calr~an Irving and carried trio Councal ad~ournod to ~ Qeat lionday July 3,1021. at 7.30 o'c1ocL P.H. ' Approved this ~ day Of duly 181 ~d~1-,~~~:J~. r,~. r''• /_ j ~ (/ city Clerk. ~ 11AY0 City Hall, San Bernardino,CallY,.duly 3,1911. j Re~lar mooting of the Mayor and Comtaon Council or trie City oY San Bernurlino,held Monday duly 3,1811. ~ ?/eating was caliecl Lo order by 16eyor Bright at 11.15 o~clock P.I[. The Yolla?ing mwabers oY Lhe Council being taosanL:COUncOlmen; Cola, Irving, Chambers, smith,.Clty Attorney Allison and cisy Clerk Batchelor. Absent; Coun- cilt~an xoloea. ` The minuted or Lhe previous Heating wore read aril approved. 1 Ord.#4b3. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No.347,ot Lhe city or San Bernardino,entttled •dn ordinance establalishing a 5~irv' :JOparLmeItt within Lhe City of San Bernardino and prescribing Lhe duties or the oYYloers thereoY•.was read in' hill for final passage and adopted by thefollaring vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, truing, Chambers smith. noes: none. •B• at. tceaoluLion adopting Plans and Specifications No.78, for Lhe improvement oY •E• street Yrom the taorth line oY :d to 3. Second atraet to Lhe South line or fnird atraet,was read in Yull Yor final passage and adopted by Lhe following voLe,to-wit: 'Ayes: Cole, truing, Chambers, Smith. Noes; none. f cost resolution authorizing the pay>aent oP one halt Lhe cost Tor Lhe improvetrleht of •E• street Yrom !'first Lo Y111 1 t0 (till. street ,was read in Pull for final passage and adopted by the Yollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, lryina, Chambers, ~ SIIit3'i. Nees : none. Allan St. ]resolution adopting Ylans and SpeClYiesIIions No.76, for Lhe improvement Of Alien Street from Lhe soarth tine of i~irst streot to the North line of Bill streoL,was rend In tall for final pae:;age and adopted DY the collaring vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, lzwing, Chambers, smith. lwoee: ncaie. Resolution authorising the s~upererttondenL oY streots to oxtend trio time Yi2~ tty aim in that certain contrac ~' ~ , with Trrnest lrenzeil Yor the improvement of •1C• street tree rust to itil street ;was reed in Yull for Mnal passag arxi adopted by the roltowing rote,ta-wit: Ayes: Cole, truing, CAaabers, Sraith. Noeo; ~[re. deport OY L'iLy Treasue2 H.lt.Heap,YOr the rl0lith ending June 30,1911 .was presented erid r9id. Report tteport oY the Board of eater CoaaAisioners,Yram date of organiastion in wvy 1906,and detailr~l report for the water ~ Cotmn. Y1soa1 year eitdin6 June 30,1812,wa:: presented and read, whereupon Caancilman smith cave4 that tf~s`report be reo- eivod ens plaeecl on Yilo, motion duly saeoncied '"y Couna2laian Cole. and oarriea. Plan:: Cross-sections and SpeolYic~,tions for Lhe lgprovemant of •D" street Prom the North line of zhirA stree to the ~wtn lino of Yirth sLrefoL were presented and upon motion made by Couneiltoar] with dniy seconded oY Cotu:- Gilman Cole ar.d carried trio seas were rettered to the City Attorney for approval. , Plans Cross-secLaons an.; speclYicutlons Yor sidewslk on •D• street i'rot¢ 1{lrat to second streot was presotrted a, anct ui~on notion reads b:' Cuw]cilman Cole duly ::~~con.ial vy Catu;clltaer] truing and carried Ltle acme sere reSYered Lo t1i0 t:l:;' ALLnrrlCy. ~ • p:: ~~~r- _ _ - --- . Plans Cross-soctiona and 5peciTlcations Tor sidewalk on the :north side oT P•irst streot Uetwoen •D¦ and "E' streot was presented and upon notion lade by Councilman irviIl~ duly seconded Uy Ccurieilman Cole and carried Lho ~ sane were rei'i'eroci to the City Attorney. Plans Orosa-soctiona and SpeciTications Tor sidewalk on 1.~ayTield Avenue between Paghth and rvinth stro©ts,was presented andupen motion made Dy Councilman Cole duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carriedthe ;,amo wore re- ffored to the City Attorney. .i '1 he 1?onornblo uayor and Common COUriC11,U2Ly o2 inn l3orrnrdino,Ca1. duly 3,1911. r}e[a 1~~an :- The contract which vre have pith Lho City provides that we agree to do,and the City agrees Lhat alI City I Printing~Jand advertiairrg during the year ondxng Jan.31 „ 1812,sha11 be done by the Transeript''Coaspany. Our interpretation oS Lha clauses covering Lh2a point is that it applies to all boards or oZYicials who are omposerod in any way to spend the IIOney oT the~City. 1Y we are right in the contention we would call your atte- ration Lo the tact that primping is being some as shown by warranLs,by the board oY Library romcriaioners and also the hater Cor~lalonp3w other than by our company,an~i we request Lhat they be notiried oT the intent and provisions ~'. of t?~e City printing contiaeL in existence between the City and our company,oT which they probably have nm knowle- dl;e. YOIJRti Y1G1{Y TRULY ".S.COI~OSR, 1KFlt. upon reading the roregoeing Councilmen Cole moved that the Clerk ue inst n:cted to notary the Library and rater Co:maiaionera of the existence oY a contract rot doing the City printing as suggested in the cor.rWatiication,raotion ',' was duly seconded by Councilman irvi[1g and carried by tti8 roilowing voLe,to wit: AYea; Cole, !ruing, C2fambezs,3mith CONLIUIllCitiQn ._POm the Leag:~e OT CalliOrllla 1tn711C1pa11Lle3 was presented 8124 Pead and upon motion made by Cots Heilman staith duly seco;~,ded by Councilnari Irving aria carried the sane was reZYered to Life Chamber of Conmerae. d •Lhe City C1erY was authorized Lo issue warrants Tor claims as approved by Lhe iaayor and finance Cot?nittee Lhi s d$te by the To~lowing vote,to-wit: Ayes; Cole, !ruing, Uhambers. SmiLA. •s+oes; none. Allen St, Councilman Cole moved that the City C1erK be instructed Lo advertise Tor D1da rot Lhe pavir[a Or Alien street • ;".~ frog the South line or rust streot to the RorLh fine or Pill stl•eet,in acooidance with Plans and speciricationa r No. 78, srotion was duly seconded b:` L'oul[cilGiBn Irving,and carried uy the Toliowing vote,to-wit:, Ayes: Cole, irvin~ Chambers, smith. roes: none. F It was rwved Dy Coturoilman Chambers duly sccorlded try Couneximun truing, that the snperentenaent or streets • ~ ' street. saiarY be raised Trott =100 per month to ;1a6 per mor;LA w:Ln an additio°rl ailwanee'or ia6 per month Tor nose supt. ;ia5. ![cep and tranaportatlon,aoLion was carried by the roliawing vote,to-wit: Ayes: ~,trving,CnpmDers,smith. noes:Q,:.' CotL+lailman smith moved that Lhe City ~t~}naor De instructed to prepare Plans and speciTieationa Tor the son- Meyer St . ~ 1 atruction ~ a seller In Meyer Street between 8th,aAd lOtli, and •O and •H• atreeta„8ation aulY seconded by Cotutali- taan Irving and settled DY Lhe Toliowing vote,toarlt: Ayes: Cole, lrang,Clraebers, SmitA. Noss: 0. it was stoves Dy Caurw ilaan Smith that si6hth street be inoiuded !n the Plane and speairicatlon¦ Tor the tonal • ruction or a sewer in the •Z• street distxlat,atld LhaL the City engineer be instructed t• render a report on Lhe •I* st. oonditions oT said diatriat Tor the out-rail actors presentirys Plane and Speoirlcations,motion was seaonde4 ~)y Con ovtrail. Heilman Vole and o::rried Dy the roila?irsg vote,to-wit: Ayes: Coie, Irving, Chambers, smith. rvoea: none. Xiro counailtian :'miLh moved LhaL a tiro Alarm sox be installed at :he corner or Hasa Line arr4 •A• streets,motion x H ox wos soaondotl by Cout[oilman Chambers and carried by thoroliowing vote,towiL: Ayes: Vole, lr?ir[g,Chambere,smith. To Lhe honorable Corrraon Council or tt~o City oT san tsernarziino: i hereby a?~ ply Tor a rr nchise and privilege to erecL,conatruct,operate and taaintain Tor Lice period or Tirty • --- , f years ari olactric syaton conalatat~ oS poles ,towors,wiros,condttats and sit other apparatus and appliances nccess- cry or convonaent ror transLlattan$ olect.racaty,olectracal energy,laghL,hcat and pot^.or,over,along,upon and thrOt~ph ~'~ all oT tho pttblle roada,stroeta,alluys,and highways an sand City or sin tisrT6rdino,ror light,heat and paver pvrp- osoa and ror anY other purpose ror which olectricity tzay be applied as a use; together with the hravtlePe and rr- anchlse during said Y1rtY Years to nirilish,dastrabute end se;l to those dealrll~ the Mtne,electricity anti electr- ical energy i'or tight,heat andpowor and ror any athoa• purpose to Rhacn olectricity ,,,ay tie applaud as a vsa,and to collect rants,tolts and ch:,rges,ror such energy and aleetracity so rurnished and transmattecl rrlthln said Clty. li i rilrthor request LRat teas honorable COII1P10n C1tii.C11 advertasc the tact or this application in the narnor and form, and ror the LOr1e as requlrod by law and strike orr,setl and 8Rard Lha said rranchiso and pravaloge to the p person,Tarri or corporsyion who shah nA.ke tho highest cash bid LhcreYor,an coni'oartiaty with the stetuoa 1n such ` oasos r,aclo and Provided. 3 t:atod June ::t1th,151I1. 1.A.tvorthley # ``°' ~,.z Lighting ~v Cpon rcading tho roregoing Councilman 1lwina Loved that trio application be rsrrerFld to the IWyor, and lli~is+kHg , 5~.•.c.7,~.` ~' Co~:mlttoe,taotaon Ras duly seconded by Councilman smith and carried by Ln_i To11oR1Ita voLe,to wit: Ayes; Cole,Zrving ~ i ' f.~..-~ Chamuers, 5mitn. tsoea;ncae. , t..~ f r ~ ~ «;.,,.~?zv Resolution oi<ierang rranchase ror sal©,ror the privilege to erect,construet,operate and maintain an electron S ~~~-~~ " system upola and through all or the public atreeta,alleya,and highways In the City of Ban ~erraardano,was read an a,. C.'C:,.,~fc' Hill ror the Tarst tame and laid over ror renal passage. Councal:oan Irving called attention Lo icleventA Btreet,titat the Teneea as set bacfi by ex-SUpL.oT Streets Loth- 'llth, -top nave been placed in the street aasriin,whereupon Couitcalmen Cole mov~i that as city Attorney Allison as not qu- strest, alified Lo act rox City=by resaon or acting as attorney tar the property owners prior to his electron as bity lttt~ Ralph E.S'1?irtb be employed to handle the case ror Lhe Clty,motion was duly soeond0d by Couneilr.~an smith slid carried by the rolowing vote,LO-wit: AYes; Cole, irvillg, Cnasbers, smith. Nova; nom. itetgos at:d Roberta,asF:'ed•ror a reduction or licence Tor se111ng bankrupt stool: oY Thos.Snelson which wa:: den- ied•,but was advised by the Counoal to pay the quarterly llaence of ;150,anc1 they would be rsbeted >>O the ezte¢it of F~ X60 per.mOnth, i'Or oaah month Lhey are not aCLua11Y engoged In buSlnea6. liy reccoIIendatlon or Lhe police Cottmilttee and the Chief of Yoliee Llayor Bright made Lhe Yoltowing appalntron Aptmts. Stuart. is sttb~ect to the aonrirr+ation of Lha Council; dohs C.3ttiart,- SearSenL: Phiio warner and gaiter Naliei~ls,-Poiiee :ra rner . ltobeMa, officers; COUnciiman lrvina moved that the appointments be confireted,notion duly eacondcrd by CORin0112Ban Chambers and aarrtled by the rollowing vbta,LO=wit: AYes; Cole,trvlt~, C1~mbess, ~?ith. roes: none. Councilman Smith moved that the salary c•f SeargenL or Police a.C.Stuart be fazed at 180.00 per >aolTth,and ta>a S02aiy. M.w4., et tho salaries of 1sQ Poppett,a':H.Comelieon alai halter Roberds be taxed at X80.00 per monLt~ on seaonns of~+ Borvice rendered the'City ae Police Offioers,twtion was duly eeac?ncled by Counoile+an it•inL end ~1•led by t2fe foil owing vote,to-wit: COIe, Irvin, Chambers, Smith. rwosa: Aoale. . coeneilman Chambers aroved that'tho Chiat of Pol~oe be auth0iized to purchase Indian ~otorcyele,as Get offer Voter cycle. made >yY C.B.ltobuek, aL i290.00A,ieaa ;166.00 ror old ~e hine noR an use in City,YOiice Department.~taotaon wsa duly ae0onded by Councilman s1711tg and carried by Lha rolloe'it~ rote,towit: Ayes; Cole, Irvina,C21ambera,BmiLh. c,•ouncilman Cole taovocl trait en Ara light be ordered instsils6 at the eornor of base Lana and S?• streets, ' Light. [motion was duly s^conded l:y Coun021r~an 37lith and carried. Cour!cllman lrvin~ moved ttmt the City Attorney drai't sn orciinanee prohibitin6 the k0epiilg of Ohackene with- - chickens. in a certain distarcc rrom dwollins hrntses,motion duly aecondoci by Councilman Chambers and carried~by the folla?- in$ voto,to-RSt: l~Yos, irvhtg, Ci~.at~oora, S::Ith. Noos: Cole. 1 ~~~1 -- ---__.---__ Continuoa:- Upon ruotiwt undo by Councilman sritri duly soconaea by ::ouncilnan Cole aIUI carried tno Council sdlourned to meet lfoltQay July 10,1911.aL 7.30 n'olocl: P.31. Appiroved Lhis f~day oY Juiy 191 ~%` 2 /;;~-,, r~~~ n, CITY CI,?lfiK. liAYO C~ E UITY HALL,San 13ernardino,Cal1Y; duly 10,1911. Ad~ournori ecaetattg oY the Mayor and Coc~mon Council of. the City of son Dernardino,hela Monday July 10,1911. lseetirtg was called to order by xayor Bright at 7,b5 o'olock P.3l. Lha folla?ing membexa oS the Council bei ~'ry, '. E ng present: Councilmen: Cole, lrvin~, Chambers, smith, Holmes. City Attorney Allison and C1Ly Clerk Batoheior. J~/ ~ ', ho rsinutea of the previous meotiitg were read and approved ea amended. i ' lir.d.8.8r`ignt, mayor and Common Council, Dear sirs: As a special request,I wish you to have John Hansen put on the •ProhiblLe ilet•so that he oan- 4' not {:et any intoxicating liquors, Any lmmedlate attention you may show will ba greatly appreciated by Yours Vary Tiuly ' John Hansen Yrs.L.ft.Uwnbey,i184 x.7th,Stre9t. tslack List. Upon reading the Yoregoein~ Councilman south moved that the name of Bohn transen be plaesd upon Lhe Stack. LieL and the Chlef.of Po`lioe bo instructed to notify Liquor dealers acaosgingly,aotion was duly seconded by Con I i noilmen irving and carried by the following vote,to--wit: Ayes: Cole, lrvin~, Chambers, smith, xolmee. j L1(rhts A Cormunication,signed by aoate 14 tax payers residlr~ in Lhe vaeinaty of Arrowhead Avenue and Pepper star = 2 oats, requesting L3~at an Ara Light be installed at the above aorner,was.preaented,whereupon Cou~c'salIDSn Coie mos. ed that Lhe regpiest be grant ad and that the ilght be orlered inatailed,alao,that a la~ht be inatalte~ on South 'D• street Went the Santa to xiaht-away,raotion was duly aeoonded by Cannoi],aan taming and carried by the ~ollaw~ ` i ing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, llwirla, Chambers, Smitn, Holmes. loos: zmne. s Permit Lo more a building from Lhe n.Y.Corneo; of 13th,and •?t• strests,to Carter Ave,Aasing been issued by Permit Lo the building lnspeotor,and coarntersigIted by the Chief of rite l3epertment,it was mosed by Counoilman Smith that move . Bldg. Lhe permit be aPDroved as ssaned,motion seoon4ed llq CoRraaalssu? Chambers and oarMed., xxxx ' t =he City Cter[ was authamised to issue warrants for claims as approved by the ltamr and rinanoe Compittee Zrills. this date,t~I the folla?iag vote,to~?it: AYes: Cols, lrring,Chanbets, ilil2Lh, !lalmss. Moes: nope,. ~inanaisl statement for the llaeal year ending dune 80,lAli,eosipiled bq uraper sad lAbbell,wss presented, Councilman 8mlth noted that Lhe report bf accepted and Dlaaed on iile,aotion duly seeonded by CoupolUUn Aoimes and carried by Lhe collaring sote,to-wiL: Ayes: Cole, lrring, Chambers, smith, Rolmes. floes: pone. I ' I!ttorney swing,etxployed by the iiayor and Council an the matter of llth,rtreet,presented the folla?ing older T1fiEItYJ?s,siesenth street cram 1 Street Lo ML vernen Avemre is a public Strset;and ', wlililSAB, CeorEe H.M1xoA, Charles Heals artd others persons bare caratiloted and are nw maintaitung lsnoes and barraora 1n and along said stroet,w2sach prevent the iroe use thereor by the irlhablLanLe O! a;iid C1Ly; 11th,etreot. gpR 'itiYFiMY0R1~~ it is hereUy ordered and declared tl?at said fences and barriers so constn~ated in said litl,~ Continued:- stro:~t area Public rnraeancc,ar:d tno street suI%erentel+dout of said City as heroby instructed to romwe Lhc sa;:re. 11th, It wary noveu Uy Councilman, laving Lhtrt tho order be,and as Hereby adopted motion duly seconded by Councilman - streot . Chambers and carried by the following vote,to-wit:- Ayes: Cole, trvirrg, Chambers, Snith, Holmes. noes: none. it Has moved by Cow,cilrmn Smith that as all the propoaZy owners •with wrt exception; on •U• streot Uetwoen Uil-O, streot. 1rlnth and Tonth atreots,r,ave signed agreeing to pay for the oil,provlding Ln6 City will grade and oil :zaid strect~ trot tiro Streot Superenteudent Ue ar+stiucted to proceeu to oil said •6' street,onunittlrg that certain portion of said "0• sti°ect an front of the property of which Lno aw,,er Zefused to sign,motion was duly seconded by Coune~lnaA Irvit,g and carried by theibllowing vote,to-wit:-Ayes: Cole, irva„g, Chambers, Smith, rsolmoa. Noes: nono. to tyre natter or tho death of lIi•s.Larner,Councilman Cole noveci tr:at the natter be rerfered LD the City Attor Beath. or Lerner. ney,>vith instructions to conrer with Attorney swing and report back to the C rnrncil,motion duly seconded lry Couile- ilnan Irving and carried by Lhe rollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, smith,HOimea. lvoea: none. ~ ~ttornoy C.C.1Ias3:e11 appeared before Lhe Couneal,]n behalf of the .Iatres NeNa1r Paving Co.anrd dwelt at length uarbage. on that certain contract,betweon the said James lleNsir Co.and the City of sin Dernardino,for the deaposal and re- /' movel of garlrage,requested that the Ordinance Ue lnrOr69(I Ar1CI 1rr.licNair given protection zn his contract. ~((f ~ Councilman Irving coved that tho Chief orPolice be lnstructe(1 Lo arrtorce the ordinance pertaining to Lire removal I or gaibage,motion duly secorxled t,y Councilman Cole and carried by Lhe roliowing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, smith, Holmes. noes: none. • In tare matter or J5lectrical 1~ranchise,the Lightgtrg committee asked rcr iZtrther tima,which was granted. J.J.liani'ord appeared before the Counciland requested Lhat I3Lt1't Avenue betweon r2rst and Santa 1?e Hlfht-a*sY Close. be closed to the Public. IIr.Hanford presented a sketch of the property and statsd ne had the consent or all of Burt st. the property owners south of said right-away,he in turn to open a 43 foot street running east and west,south of Santa re right-away,.COUnoilman Cole moved that the matter be reffered to the Clty Attorney,motlon duly seconded lyy Councilman Holmes and carried. Resolution adopting Plane Cross-sections acrd S1=eciricationa ror the improvement of •D• street tram the north D street, :ird,to 6. line of third streot to the south line or rirth street,heratorore prepared ar;d presonted by the City J;ngineer an l designated speciricationa bo.77,was read in nr 1 ror therirst tbwe and lard Over ror ilnal passage. ~ Heaolution adopting Plans Cross-sections and Speciricataona rot Lhe construction of a cement sidewalk and •D• curb on lire weal side or •D• street between tenet and second streets, and the conatruetion or a cement eidewalt lst,to kind. a and curb on the aorta side or Brat atreet,between •D• and •Y' streets, and Lire conetinotion or a cement side- a•arst ,SS . walk aril curb on Hayfield Avenue between JY1ghtII and ninth atreeta,all an Lha City of San tsernerdlno,heretc?ore >aayfleld. prepared and presented by the City t~ngineor aril designated respectively,speciricationa ao.79, 60, and 61,.was read 1II lull ror the rust time and laid over tar renal passage. Ord. An Ordinance regulating Lhe keeping or raves in the Clty or San isarnardino,was reed in rtrii rot the rust cmetena. time and laid over ror rival passage. Ord. wn Ordinatrco amending ordinance ao.319 ar the City oS San 8essurdino,entitled •an ordinance regniatilAg nevi rooms. Billiard roo®a and Pool moss within the City oY San J3axnardino,•by adding tDereto • new section to be 1Qtcvn as •SOOtion erf•. was read is rail for the n rat time and laid over ror rival passage. Ord. r!n ordinance rslatitrs to the storage or rlydro-carbon tiquide and high explosives within the City as San- , Explosives. •" Berrardiro,was rase; in nut ror Y>o+s.ri>PSt: sp:ae::aod laid over ror rind passage. dohn Dolt appeared berore the Council an,cl courl~iained or rubbish being dumped inside of the City limits, whereupon. Councalr.un smith mewed tP,:.t the Chaez or Yolico be last nictsd to investigate Lhe matter and arrest al ofror.<linrg partlea,s,otion was duly soeondvd by Cowrcitman Cote and carried. s Cour,calr,al: :„aatPr eal]ed attention oi• tl,e City L'nginecr to order or supervisors insts+wtlrrg the County k'ng- { ..,_,_.~_.....n.... ~?5~ 1 continued:- . inner to co-oparato with thcCaty I:Ilginecr in regard to curing ror Stolz: waters on •A• streot. Cow:cilean Irving novecl tt,at the City l:nElnoer ue instr[teted to prepare Plans and :;pec3i'lcations ror the con ' i :sower 6 inch ~ Catick strtietion of a~aexer in catick Stroet,dotion Fes duly soconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the rollowing street vota,to-wit: Ayes; cola, 1rv11Ig. ChaQbera, s[,[itn, nolaes. noes: none. Ccw:cil[mn 1PV1Iig moved that the Ch1or of 1*ire llepartment Ue authorized to q[Irchase 350 2'eet of hose,motlon mire [Soso. was duly soconded by Councilman Smith al:d carried by the rollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes; Cole,lrving,Chambers,stillth, Holmes; Noes: nme. _ • Counciimrsn Chambers moved that Lhe Street Superentendent do instructed to repair the Lytle Creek oridge,as S,.C, he maY think [:eeessary,motion duly seco[Kled i:y Cowieilman li~vinp; and carried by tee folloa~ing vote,to-w2t: Ayes:; ,-' ?.' iI ri dge . , Cole,Frving, Chaabors, Smith, itoimes; Noes; none. upon notion mad a by Cotinciliasn Cole duiy soconded by Cow[cilman Smith and carried the Councai ad~otlrned to t meet Ltonday July 17t1[,1811,at 7,30 o'clock P.it. f! ~ Approved this ~" daY or d 1 l8 ~'~`"~~ f I City Clerk. ~ ----r' f[ IfAYOR. ~ j ' Y' i i .' ~ t ' I I EE f ' i 7 i i - -- - - _ . , -- - -- . ~ 3~ • City Ha 11, San 1Sorrmdano,CaliZ,JUly 17,1(111. j t, !!eLi113r mooting oS tho fsayar anti Common Council oZ Lho City or san ltex•nardano,neid tionday July 17,tfl11. ~ f+tc~rtir3g was called to order by I[ayor lirlght at 2S o'oloOk Y.Y.the Zollawing members of the Council being presont; Councilmen; Cole,Irving,Chanbera,Smath,xolmes. City Attorney 1111ison and City Clerk rsatenetor, •rho minutos or the provioua Resting were rasa and al,Provod. D,9treet, tteaolution adopting Plans and epecaiacataotis No.77'{SOr the improvement or •tl street Zaoti1 the north line 3rd,to 6th. oZ Third street to the south lii:e of yii'th street ,was read an Sall Sor final passage and adopted by the Zollov- ing vote,to-wit: ayes: Cole,lrvang,Chambors,snith,ttolmes. Noes: none. xeaelutaon adoi~tlr$ Plans Cross-sections and Specirications No's.78-80~c-tsl,ior the aIIprovoment of •U• st •ll*st rent, let,to znd. teat frets r~irst to Second streets, the north slds of 1"irst street rron •D• to •E" streets, and 1faYYield ~venub •1st,sLreet, between flth,and lOth,atreets,by the construction of sidewalk and curbs LIIereln,was read an Zull ror rival pas~- ~•ll' to 'Te'. AayZaeld. age and adopted by the rollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole,Irving,Chanbers,3mith,HOimes. Noes• none. chieksn urdinarce No.454. An urdinauce regulating the ~:oeping of 3>oIIestie fowls in the City of san 13ernardino,was Urdananoe. . read in Zell Tor Zinal passage and adopted by the Solloving vote,to-wit: eyes:Irrl~,Cha~rparsyHolmgs:_,ab~g_Co2s Smith. Pool ttoom urdinance No.465.An urainance amenaang ordlnanee xo.31e or the C1Ly of San lsernaiYlino,entitled •An ord-3n- urdinance. eves regulating mliiard zooms and Pool zooms within the city of San tternardino•,saopted and approved the 5th, r day oS 1~ebruary,1908, by adding thereto a new section to be known ea section es},.was read in Ztsll ror Zinal pas "' sago and adopted by Lhe f~llowiiig vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole,lrving,Chambers,8math,HOlmes. Noes: none. Ord, Ordinanes lfo. 456, An 'ordinance relating to the storage of Iirdro-carbon Liquids and nigh explosives with Dzploeives. ' in the City of San ~3ernardino,was read in Sall Zor Banat pss:.age and adopted by the Believing vo7e,to-~wlL: • Ayes: Cole, truing, ChaIIbers, Smith, Holmes. rose: none. ',~`~ ' The Annual repast or the san Bernardino le•ree Yubiac Library Trustees,Bor the year ending dune 30Lh,1911. Report Libra$ was presented and read whereupon it was moved by Councilman smith that the report be accepted an4 placed on S11R irusteea. motion was auly seoondeu by Cainoilman Cole and ca tried. !"~ - ~ Catick Plans and SPeclflcations ror the construction or a sever in Catiek Street,waa presented by the City ~- etreei sever. inset, and upon motion made by CounoilmBn living duly socotxled by CoRincllman Cffimbsrs and carried the same were reBBered to the City f.ttorney. ' C.9r.uonahan appeared Defore the Council and asked Bor a special auctioneer's lioencse ror a Bev Qaye,in or Auction. der to daspos• or the bankrupt stock of the snelson Croceiy,whereupon Councilman Cole moved that the regnesL be granted end ur.lfenahan De granted privelege its os oharge,moLion ssooaded by Councilman smith and carried. She rionorable itayor and Common Council -City san bdtw: oentlemen:- CO~, ' C.lI.OrOw. 1 hereby propose LO erect s awdern one story brick store building adaolning Lhe present City !sill the same to be a2 Beet in width sad Lo eztea~d beet the foil Lengnt oB the present uuliaina and to tease the'sasK to the Coan01l for City !fail purposes for a period of rice years at a monthly rental oz One rauldred voliars,~ . ( 100.oo~j per csonth. This oi'Brfle building will nave a pressed briok front,steei ceiling and such windows and ~' l sky-lights as the Cotuloi2 may deem noeeasary for Lhe City's special needs,and a roller type awning at the f1'oilt duly 19,1811. ttespeatYUlly Subaltted, C.M.(}xOw. upon iroading the roroi;oing et~ication Couiioil~an swath clovecl that the rsatter be laid over to give ur.arow opp- ortw~aty Lo rat ort on loa:;e of prosont City 1te11 and oLior tttera caltorl to m3 attentaon,motlon auiy sclaondod by ~.o~Incil[.u71 lrviilg an~i settled. ' l~ho City clori: was auttiorizod to ls:;ue xariants ror elal[as approved by tho Mayor and ifinance Corunitteo Lhis kills. date by the rollowir[g vote,to-w1L: AYea: coie,irving, ChatsbcYS, smith, Holmes. t3oes: none. upon Rot ion r,ade by Councll:wn lrvittg the Clty l;nganevr was lnatrueted to make a survey of i:leventh streot, ` survvY 21Lh,st. notion was duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by Li:v follnwing voice: Ayea,Cole,lrvitt~,Chambors,, ' SR1Lh.HOiRe3.NOAS:U. ~.E.Courttrright appoared before Lho Council and asKOd that his Property situated on south K streot hoar j !Iti[)b1Jh. smith • j Lytlo creolC wash,bo Bade a puolic dntnping gzbund, councilman moved that Lho rocluosL be deniod, and that the Ord' ' finance portalriing t0 dtuipln$ garbage witlu n the Clty limits lle striCLly enrorced,notion seconded by Councilman ~ i councilman Cole novod that Lho City ~[tgineor Ue 1n:zLrueLQd Lo 1nvetstigate,and roport back to Councii tho co A & ~iati:ut. ndiLion of Bridgo Streot botwoen •A• and rraterman Avenue~in regard Lo tall for saner should one be ordered in,' notion duly seconded by Cowtcllnan Irving and carried. CouricllRan ChaRbera Roved that tno city 1.'nglneer be inatructet2 Lo prepare Ylans and SpeciriEationa Ior~the •b'•street, 7nd,to 9th. paving or •r• streot rrott the north tine or Second streot to Lhe South line or Hinth street,notion xas seoond^d '• by Cotuteilman Holmes and Carried by Lho rotlowing vote,to-wit:Ayes:Cola,lrving,Chambers,SmlLh,HOlmea.ROes;none. Cotinciiman tiotmes novel that all tall paid men In Lhe City rite Depart-r.~nt be allowed Lwo woeKS vacation ~t '~'~ vacation Fire xith pay,aotion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the rollc~ing vote,Lo~?it: Ayes: Cole, Irving, i1Ap. ' Chambers,s'mith,HOimea. etoea: none. 4ouncilmen Cole moved Lhat Lho chalrnan or the Fire Col'IlIIltt~e demonstrate Lhe Auto Mira Truck aL his di S- " cretlon,motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried.bsxiiia s f Resolution ordering sale or 8ranchlse,for the privelege to erect,constrwat,operate and maintain an electrle lild8 TOT sale or system upon and through all or Lhe public atreoLS,alleys and highways 1n Lho City or son Hernardino,was read in ~ i~lectrlc rranehiae. Sall rot rival passage and adopted by Lhe rollowing vote. it: Ayes:Cole,lrving,Chambers,Smith,liolmes. ross:d Councilman Chambers moved that all Orricors on Yoliee roi~ee receiving leas than#80.00 per month be raised Lo Bach amount, motion Sailed to receivo a sooond and declared lost. ~ ' I [cesolutlon of intention t:o.~ A reaolutlon of Lhe Layor and Common Cottnoll declaring their intention to Res or int. B street, improve ^!v• attest from Lhe north line of second streot to Lho south line or third street,alao,for the improve- z to 3 at. went or •1)• attest rrom Lhe north linty or Third attest to the south line oS rif~th atreet,by paving the roadways f ~ L SLI'96t - ' 3 Lo 5 st. LhereoS,and Lhe conaLruoLio>z oS concrete gutters and cuiverta therein was read in fuh ror the rirat Lime end laid over ror Sinai passage. ~ S Heaolution Ho._ A Hosolution..of the uayor and Common Councii aeclaring their intention ~ improve •D•- j Rea or int. street, street rrom First street to seeo[ul streot by the construction or cement alclewai~s end carp thereia,and the 1tQp- 1st,Lo :dnd. ' rovement or the north side or rlrst etroet rrom •D• to et rests ny the oonstruation oS cement sidewalt and iet,atreet. •D• to •iti•. curb therein, also the improvement of Layrield Avetnie rrom 8th,to luth,streets by the eonatnietion or cement uayrield. aidewalx and curb therein was road ih rule ror Lhe'rirst time and =aid over rot renal passage. ites.ordg, Yteaolution or LAe aayor and Common Council ordering the improvement or •W street I1'O' the north line or work, •ti• . j 18t,t0 :and. Yilst atPOOt Lo LhB south line Or Second streOLS,waS read in full ror Lhe r2rst Lime 8tK! laid over ror rlna! ps 8 saw councilman Colo moved that tho Clty gnginear be inat:ucted to prepare Mans end itpecii'ications toz the j co[istrsetion or a cement sldewalF: and curb on the aoutt[ side of Fourth streot between Cross street and •A• atrt S 4th,st. Rotionduly seCOtxied by Counoilman Chambers and carried uY the rolla?ing vote,to-wit: ayes: Cots,irving,rhambers, 'Cross !k •A• sts. smith, xolmea. Hoes: none. Claim ror ~833.7u,boing tiro Dotal amount or claims Caused,aud the result or accident and death or IdisE is I~ that wa:: prosanted,and upon motion of Councllrrzn Smith duly scconded by CouncllrJan ltwir[g and carried the claim was rcrrered to the Uity C1orK Lo li[vosLlgatC and ~~- lxick to the Co~u,cll. . -,. t ~ '.. `~°~3# Cent i nued•. - . s"'~ Upon motion aado by Councilman 1rvi~~ duly socondal by Coui;cllc?an Cole and cam od trio Council a<l~ourned to r.eet j ~ . Monday July x4,iell,at 7,30 O'C10Ck.Y.4t. ~ I~ ` ~ , Approved this 1~[day or duly 1811. • pity Clerk. IAYOR. ~ ~ , . • G ' _ I `t ~ { f i • City ball,:;&1] Ft@rnalYlino,Calif.J:ily 24,1911. l Adjourned meeting of *„he l(aYOr and COIDIDOn Council of the City of San Bea•nardlno,held 4ondsy July 24,1911. 3Aoeting was called to order by llsyor t3Tight a*, t~,15 o~clock 1'.11. trio rollowing members or trio Council being present: Councilmen: Cole,lrving,Chambora,Smith,Holmes. City Attorney Allison A City Clerk Batchelor. The minutes or the prevlous meeting were read and approved. Rea. of resolution of lntention No.443, A Resolution or. the Yayor and Common Council oS the city or San Bernardino lntention. •D•at. declaring their intention to construct Cement sidopal}a and curbs on •D•atreet beLw@on Jrirat and second streets i'lrat at. • Layi'ield. Lhe norm aide or shat street between 'D• & •l~• streets and uayfield Avenue between Lighth and Ninth streets, was read in ritll 1'or rival passsgq and adopted by.the rollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole,Irvfng,Chambere,8mith, Holmes. Resolution Po.444, A Resolution of the 1lsyor and Common Council of the City or San lsernardino,orde~t~ Res.ordg, wort, improvem@nt of the east side or •0• street between 1?irat and second streets,by Lhe construction or sidelralls & •C' Bt. 1st,to2nd. curbs therein,was read in tali rot f1na1 passage and adopted by the rolloRing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, truing, ~ _ Chambers, Smith, lroimes. woes: none. ~ Close Resolution or lntention no.445,A Resolution oY Lhe Layer atxl comuon Council of the City or :;an Berrmrdino, hurt st. daclaring Lh@ir lntention to close that prt or hurt Avenue lying between the south line o! the road-way or First aLreetand the north line of the right-away of the Atchison Topeka & Santa ie railway Co.was read in Yttli rot rival passage and adopted by Lhe rollowing vote,to-w1t: Ayes:Cole,lrving,Cnambers,smith,ltolmes. noee,0. iteport as titY Englneor x.Y.~luttle rendered a report Lo the et7eet that after making a survey or ilth,atreet he eoul~ " ', City ring. •llth,at. not aeo11~o1r there could be any dispute over the present 11ne,whereupon Councilman ir?ing moved that =ttorney ' R.$.Swing be inatruoted to bring s4lt~for trio City of San Jornerdino•,to i~move tenses and all obatnletions on ~l@venth atreot,motion was Quly seconded Dy Councilman Coie and oarrled by the rolloring vote,to-grit: • Ayea: Coie, truing, Chambers, Smith, lsOlmes, boas: none. 4 Attorney C.C.Rasxel2 appeared berets the couneil,in the interest oS ~8mes siclfair,end stated that ba had th oarbage decision of the Loa Angoies Slrperlar Court,uphoiding the trarbage ordinance Or LhaL City of which trite City's Or '~ ~ dsnanee ie almost a duplioate,ancl asked that the Counoli take it!~nediate action in enforcing the garbage ordinan ce. whereupon tno L'hier or Yolioe was inRtruated to enforce said ordinance and aPl•ost all orrm~ding partys. To Lhe Honorable Layer and CoGUaOn Cauu:il of the City or rian Bernardino, Cou~.*~ oS ~}ontlomen: ~so,tne tx~ai•~i of Rducation of tLe City or San 13ernardiro school Di::trict,hereby request 1?~o[Q,.. uoaitl or l:clircatioi~. nonol•ablo Lody to place an ~leetric light iii wont of trio roehnical schoal btl]1<litlg OTt O 8t .at L~ end Or ~~r~a.. '`" . r:5~... ai; Contirsued:- st,also,to have con:aruotvd aI, asphalt walk on t!' street school~:round:;,ae ,relay :school childi•on enter the~l" at. school t;r•ounds from the dark and in the rainy season it is dafi'icult to dross L' st.on account of the rnld. 1{.L.Pareels,]?resident. try L.'rr.COnrad,Seeretary. Upon reading trio 1.Ore~01n$ COliI1C11L4311 nith rioved that the matter of placing light(as requested b© reffered 1 rv it,g to the l.ighting.Cot!uaitt:•v,rotion soconciod Uy CouncilI'tan ~vliFIlg a[ui carried. 'Phis Uving trio duty Tixod 1'or the ol,oning of bids for the Paving of Allen street,Dtayor Itright eallod rot re- marks bofore procooding to open Ulds,there appearing to Ue none Councilman lrvinp, ~*~ovvd that trio Clerk Proccecl to B1D3 open trio. said Uida,rloteon seconded Uy Cos,Iicilman Cole and carried. ALLEN •rho bids upon Uoirsg opened showocl the roiloilinE result: V •i~lil'~~1• STAR ChLL~N~r Culil'AF,Y, 73:144 squa_e feet macadam pavement ® 8~~ par square root, •rotal ¢6470.10 1:RIII~,ST 1PR1ill7F.'L,L, taacadari Laving, 7# cents pot square root. 3Ablx:s lIC tlAltt rAV1NCF COIdPANY, 3Eacadarai•~irig,por square root, 9} cents.ps=xsgaaraxYmsx. l E Tt~e hid oP trio James ltc Nair YavaF,g Cor.~I~+ny appoaritsg to Ue the laNVSt and Vest bid,A resolution awarding cont- tact wus inLroduced,read in 11111 rot the Yarst tine and laid ovor rot rival Passage. i j •rhe City Clerk was authorized to issue a waizant in ravor or the League or Calii'ornia taunicipalities Tor ~40.OQ °' , beil:g Lhe annual dues to the leaglee,by the fo110Ring vote,to-wit: Ayes;Cole,Irving,Chambers,smith,ltolmva. Noes;O. f 2e trio tonorable sasyor and Co[.1mon Council oP Lhe City of sin Bernardino, ~ I,owor uentlemen:- We the undersigned, owners of property fronting upon Second street between "F" and "0' street and grade s 2nd,et. constitutlllg the owners of pure than tree majority or the property fronting upon said street do hereby petition yae ~ i ' Honorable body to change and loner the grade of said attest so that Lhe grade will be at least twelve (i2J inches laver at the interaeetion or r,arres and Second streets, ttan the present grade. tteepeCtfuily, S.B.tiarria x80 Yeet norita Lotzv 300 feet. itra Hsrriet 1.Crawford 185 feat. Henry Lehardt 45 feet. E ura Sara C.BOiey >so feet. S~~eurety investment Company or sanllernardino,by v1.H.Swan 80 feet. Total teat, 1180 ~~~~-~ Upon reading Lne roregoing cumminlcation Councilman Cole moved that Lhe ~e~iic~`'•~~.~;,3t17~!!ll~~i[,t th~~ City Engineers ,moteon duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. water Councilman Irving movod that the matter of caring for wateae on 11t Yernon Avenue De lets tc+ the Street SIIpt,hs or, ]Jt Vernen.to inteiwiew Property awners and determine wnat to be done,motion duly seconded by Conneiitaan Cole aid carried. - A petition asking that an Ara Light be installed at the corner or Spruce and i atreeta,was Prvsented,anQ upon - . { Light. motion Imde by COUnciiman lrYing duly aeaonded by coutnaalrsan Chambers and carries tAe same was refreredt Lo the r Llat[L1I~ COtaAltt9e. ttes.ordg, resolution Fo.44ti. A resolution of the ~sstyor and Common council of the City or San Bernardino,orderina impiwv- work. 8Lh,at. elllent or fGighth atraeL,froii the west line oT "D• street to Lt1e east line of "6' straet,oy Iaacadamizang the road- y to t}. . way tt,ereor atlR the construction of Outtera and culverts thereln.,was read 1n full for the fires time ahd lafA over for rival passage. ' Ordinance ao. .An uedinance rixing the necessary amount of money to be raised by taxation,to Derry ~n the various departments of the pAlpicipal 6ovortoent or the city OS Sian Hert[ardino,for the current Year and to pay the ' principal and interest due and co7ait,6 due upon Lhe bonded indebetneae of said City. ,was read in ZUli Tor the firgC Taz ~' ~ time and laid over for farwl passage. Ordinance po._.An urairwnee yroacrebir[t regulations rot stores and marketa,and to prevea[t certain abuses of Health sanitary and health requireclanta,was read en Pull rot the Yirat time and laid over foe final pessafo. r At that IZm~ti,iE of trv'. :':`1Yor ;,,.~i •,o.~a~~:, ^a~s~.~~il of ~a'vi~.Lir? ~),~?I?, a.,.t,~~rr~~~,e_ was Risnted 90 d;,ys privele6e lla+ner of ereatirw a corol;ated iron i,uiidii;g within trio 1'i re linits,the Liras El.~unted having oxpired Crnlneilran lrvir~ -_._____ _ -.-___- _-__-_-------_.__-- -___._.~..___~.__.__. _.__.__w_._._.....~,~- , . I~ Continuod:- that the matter oY removi[tg ::aad bnalding bo rori'cred to tiro rare Chiof,motion socondod by Cowleilman Cole and ~ f~ L ~ ~ carriod. i [toport oS ro the [tonorablo uayor a[!d Con :on COitnoil,Ulty or San [tei~Lairllno,Calai'ornia. July 24,1811. cisy r:ng Cmvor tlentloiaen:- Pursuant to your inSti'11Ct10Aa or July 17Lh,1911,rogarclirlg trio posaibiiataea or a :;ouor on Daly St. Daley atreet and titer atreot,l rind that it is possible to get 55 tall 1n a sewer on Maley Street rrom !7ator- llaley utan Avo, to Allen streot and .365 rail on tltl8ge street rirom Allen streot to prosent sewer on Bridge street at A streot. Also Lhat Lhe present sewer on Bridge street is large enot[gh to eari•y Lhe salvage or Lhe propo:;ed ~ k se~'~or riom ;raterman Avonuo Lo A atreet. Un irlrat atreet,lt is possible Lo get .6j; tall in a sewer rros A streot ` to C street whore it will empty into the Urogory and Langi'ord out ran sower. [{aspaetruily submitted, Karl r.71tLt1e,Caty engineer. City 1,'nganeor K.r.l'Uttle preaonted Plans and SpecaTicationa rot the construction of s sewer in Pearl street i and upon motion made by Councilman Smith duly socondod by Councilman Chambers ahd carried the sane wore rerrered j r t0 trio City Attorney. I!~ ! •rhe City Clerfi was authorized Lo issue warrants rot bills approved by Lhe mayor and rinanee Commute this iflli6. ' date,bY the rollowing vote,to-grit: AYss:COle,Zrving,Chambers,Smith. floss: none. 1[olp Cowtcalman smith moved that help allon•ed tno C1ty 1y[[aineer be extended CU days motion duly seconded by Cou- City >;ng. k ncilmsn c;namoers and carried by thefoliowing vote,to wit: Ayes: Cole, 1rvilla,Cnambers,smith,.taoea;none. ` ~ upon motion made by Cowtcilma[t smith duly seconded by Councilman lrvi[[g and carried rho Cou[tcll ad~ouMled to f meat Londay Aixgust 7,1811, at 7.30 o~ciocB P.ll. Approved this say or August 1911. ~-~.~Q~~l ~J~ • ~ oily Clerk. liAYUR. Resolution transferring Ten Thousand yollars,t10,000.00} rrom Lhe general rand Lo the ttreet rand was read In roil rot the titer time and laid ovor rot rinai passage. ~ ]kgBointloA i?f 1nL.e~Yohl~Jxo:~: X~~t~aolution oY the ueyor and Common Counoil of the City of San >yerner- ti ~ dino,declaring their intention to improve r [atreet rrom rho north 11ne o~~~seoond~•$trset to the South 11ne of 'third streot, also,ror thr. improifei17~4 of •D• Streot rron the north line of Third street Lo the south tine of Fifth staert,Dy pavang the roadways thereoT,ana the construction of concrete gutters and eviverta therein, was read in roll rot Yii3al passage and adopted by the following vote. to~rit: Ayes: Cole,lrving,Chaabera,BmiLh, Holmes,. roes; none. i ADProved Lhla Qay of August 1911. pity Cie~el[. 11AYU r } l City l~.ail,aatt lrornarcllno,Calii'.,August j,1311. Special m~•eting oT the Mayor and Cotm-:on Council of Lho City of San Rornardano,held tttesday M+P,to°t 1,1911. \ ' ';'he Tollowang being a copy oT notico calling such rlectirlg; duly 28,1811. '1'o J.C.Cale, w.~.lrving, aco.lt.Chatabors, •rnos Holmes, and C. .7. Smith, ctombors oT Lne Cotamon Council oT the C1Ly of San 138TIfarcllnO,CallTor3+i3. bentlor.+en:- zou aro hereby notified that Lhe uniiersigned,as Mayor oi' Lhe City oT San 1>ernardino,horeby ca21 a special neotattg oi' tlic Cor>ff.;on Council to be held aL the City 1!all 1n the City of San 13ernar<lino, on •1'uesday,the lot ,clay oT AugusL,lBll,at Lhe Hour oi:' 7.30 O'cloel: an Lhe evening of sand day,for the purpose oT considering the ~'i pas::age oT ttosolution r+o.49lS,TOr the amprovoment o1' Lightn street Tirom thewoat line oT ll Streot to the east lute ' of 6 Street; wlso,to consider titc passage oi' that cortairr resolution uoq pending before the Mayor and CommonA Council, accepting Lhe bid oY 'the .lames Mcr+sir Yavirtg L'ompany Tor theimprovemetit of Allen 5treet,Trom tho south ~ Birst line oT ~lieL Streot Lo tho north lane oY Mill street. Also,for Lhe purpose oT consideritta a resolution auth- iizittg the Mayor attd City Clerk of Lhe City or salt IIerliardino to executes contract with the said Phe names keNail ti = I III Paving Company Tor Lhe improvement oT the Bald Allen 5treet,as aforesaid. Also,to consider a resolution adop- ling the Ylans,ProTilas,snd specifications for Lhe construction of a vetrlfied pipe sewer on Catick Street and on t Pearl Street in the City oT sin tiernaauino, ' The City Ciers as hereby orsered:to serve this call of sand meeting in the manner and as provides Tor an seo- tion 63 oS the Charter oS theClty oT San lternai•dino. HeapectTully, d.8,i3r]Ght _ i19yOr oT Lhe Clty OT Ban t3ePnardino Ueoting ass called to order by Mayor flright at 7.20 o'cloeY Y.Y. Lne Tollowing members of Lne Council bein6 presont; Couneaitr,on; ~rtir~g, Chambers, Smith. City Attorney Allison and city C1erK ltatchelor. Absont; Counailtatn; C016 aIld HOlme9. Resolution No.446. A Hesolutibn of the Mayor and Coumwn Council of theCfty oY San 1lerrtatrdino,orderirr6 the imp- roves;ient oi' 1Cighth Streot from the wealr line oi' Stroet to Lne east line of f} street ,by lracadamizins the roadway ~-.~ F _,~"' thereoT,and the construction oY Culverts and gutters therein was read in riili Tor renal passage and adopter[ by the following vote,to-wit: Ayes; lrvina, Chambers, ~tmith. hoes; none. Resolution oT tho Heyor and Common Council of Lhe City oT San 13ernardino,awarding contract to The dames MCNa1r ~ Paving Gompany,Tnr the improvement oY Allen Street Trom the south line of first Street Lo Lhe north line oi' Hil2 Street,Uy rr<tcadamizing the roadway thereoT,at the price speciTirid ir. iL6 proposal Tor said worl[,to-wit: Lacndam per square rooL,H} ote,.was read in Tull Tor Tinal passage and adapted by the Tollowirra vote,to-wit: Ayes: lrviria, Chambers, SCtith. roes: none. Resolution authorizing the ezocution oY a contract with the dames Moxair Peeing CorparrY Tor the improvement of Allen Street,Trom Lho south line oT first Streot to Lne north line o2 Miil street ,was road in Tull Tor the Tirst t time and laid ovor ror Tinal pae:aae. r Resolution adoptir~ Ylane,YroTiles, and speciTacations, Tor the construction of s sewer in Catiak street an[ , tho construction of a 8©+rer in Pearl StreeL,was read in lull for Lhe i'irsL time ar+d laid over for T1iaa1 paseaae. - ~ ' upon notion mega by Councilatan Sallie duly seconded Uy Counciltaen Chambers and carried the Council a~iJou med: ' Approved this daY oY Atlguet 18111 ~ /~ ~ i, yuypR• ally C1erY. t' City ball, son Hertlarcilno, Ca11i. August 7,1811. ~ xogular meoting of the eiayor and Com::.on Cou1tc11 or Lilo Caty or San i;Ortladino,held Monday August 7,1811. Meeting wus called to order by Mayor tirlgnt at tt:30 o'cloci: Y.M.the following mombers or trio Council boiltg Prosent: Councllrtell; Cole, 1rvi11g, Cllatzbors, SIa1th. C1ty Attorney Allason and CltY C1orK Satehelor. f.bsent; COUIICllt[1t1r1 tlalme8. 'iris T11nuLe8 Or tno i~'eiiee! rl^uOL1Ilg held duly 34,1811 ,was road 3Ild approVOd aS COrl'©Cted; .BeA page ~ES'd. The ninutea or Special moetlug held August i,1011,was road and approved. C.M.ttrow;Managar, San lternardano division, Yaoiric Light tsc row or Co.• appoared berol•o the Couneal alld asked Street for 00 days oxtantaon or time In lnstalling street laghting system, having on August i,1811,faled with trio City Lighting. Clerk,the roilowing communication. San tier[[ardino,Cal.,Aug.1,1811. •ro Lhe Honorable Yayor and Common Couneal, Clty or San tternardlno. tientlemen:- ~ ee beg to anrorm you that,although rre huvo usod the groatest di1l;;ence In lnstaliing trio City llgnt- ing clrcult, we rind that it will be impossible Tor us Lo get all the lights 1n oporation by August 5th. we, therorore,raquest an extentlon or time of sixty clays to October 5th, within which to install the complete 11ght- ing clrcult. ae are roreed to ask ror an extentacn of tame f'or the reason that trio station equipment ror the ias't Lwo circu7ts only arrived In this Clty yesterday. Trusting you wall gl•ant us this exte[1~ion,wo rem in, tours Very Truly, PACIFIC Llt}riT & P018rR CORPORATiOM C.M.aROw • Manager [ion iternnrdlno irivision.''~. COUncilman~COle movod that •rhe Paclrla Lagi1L & Yoder Co.Ue g m nted 80 days time In installing 12ghting - system. - Z.T.13eli,Manager Lytle Crook Powor Co.'ast:ed ttlat com>raullcatlon riled wltn the City C1erk,August,1,1911, be read,or whlah the roilaning as copy; AL7$ilst 1,1811. To Tne lion.Mayor and Common Cowlcal, Or Lhe City of son lternardlno, Oentlemeu;- ~ ` Ifo eC[al0wledge the receipt Ora letter dated AugUSt lit 1811 signed by the Mayor or the Clty and atteatOd by the C1ty Ulerlc, of which trio rollowing is a full Oopy: •Aerewltn,nnd list or llghta,•now.l)eing rurnisned by your ooaapany,'wtuah will not be required by the City ~~"• of son serllardino,rrota data, as Lhe Paoirlc L1ght & rawer Co.have lights inetallecl and ready S'or servl0e,at suds poinLa,as listed. Very HespeOLrt211y, i . S. HtLLt3tiT tiUlYOit Of the C1ty of atin t3ernardino. Attest; S.u.li11TC2iJLLLOL2,CiLY Clerk. This COiI1~1n1Cet10II wee dela9ered LO ia8 by S.O.JiatOhelOr,City Clem, at 9:;6 O'Ot00![ thlb F1tOY[lln$. d This list consists or a majority of all Lho street Ards seat Of Jr Street inclusivo. ~ On icateeh lain 1911 t, L.T.11e11,seeretarY Lytle UreeK rower CO. ,delivered to ttte Jtayor and Cotaaon L'ouIl011 ~ ~ of son iior[lardino, a co>:ununication orr b©ha1T of trio Lytle Creole Yoder Co. that the Lytle Creek Power Co. wn111d ''~ , cars^y on Lho prosont Stl•cat lighting systea until the City had made other arrangements dither by contract ar Oti:els~ise. undor the abovo cot~;u1[ication rro:1 ttltl uon.taayor, wo presume that he wished us to turn Off 1i)pUt halt oi' the. City 1lgiits and carry trio txilance at Lhe pleasure un<i cottvenienco of the Yaeirle t,ignt h Power Co. As it ••-111 I:e at~out ~t~n samo oxt~oliee to c,s ~o cal°ry iafi' L1:0 1]g3~~,^ as It wrntld to rarrY tnor. att., anal as r, ont i nuect ; - 1t seams to be a i'act that Lho Pacii"io bight & YoFOr co., Has not yet installed their connloLe systen to ~ Lake up Lho entire lighting oY Lho laity strcots; Z~heroi'ol•o we ask th© [ron,raayor and Common Uouncll to ~ • pass a resoU[L1on authorizing the Lytle Cruel: Yowor Co.,oither to light the entire strnot lights, which ' Lhoy have an serviea to-clay, Tor the month of Au~isL 1811, or to give us u[sLruetions Lo diseontanue a21 Lho lighting i"rota this 4aLo. Very R©ap0ctruily YOltra, ' ~ LY'1'Li6 UIIt:r;K YO b'J;H l:U . , tly, Z.T.Aell • 3ec,& uon.awnager. Councilman Smith noved that Lho Lytle Creole Power Co. 1[o notiried to cut-out ali llglita 5optomuer 1, lUla, and to incept >u.r,Urows proposition, to agree not to turn on any more lights until SopL.1,191I,and the City to pay rot such lights oniy rrom than date. ~motaon railed to receive seoond.J ~ Cou[~cilman Smith noved Lhat Lytle Ureek Power 6o.b0 notlried Lo dasco[itlnue all lira lights, •now t~eang riirnashed the U1Ly „ on Lho 15Lh,day oT August 1811. motion was seconded by Councilman Co10 and carried by Lhe rollowing vote,LO-wft: Ayes: Cole, Chanvers, umath. Noes: lrva[lg. councilman S~trath moved that the Yacal'ie Light & Power Co.be granted CU days exLentlon or time, 1n carrying oup the provasaons oT Choir contraet,wath anstrueLions Lo ruah the work, motion duty seconded by Councilman Cole. Councilman Chambers moved to ar7ond notion or Councilman S[a1Lh, to extend Lhe Lane razed Dy 3U dz[ys,, Councilman sa1Lh accepted amendment with consent oY second or Councllrran Cole. Councilman truing moved Lo amend Lhe apendment to extend the lane to next •rnursday night, motion YaiEed Lo reoeave second. Upon calling roll motion as amended carried by Lho Bellowing vote,to-wit: Ayss: Cole,L'hamb©rs,Smith. Noon: Aan[ilo$. ~ Allen street. ]tosoiution authorizing Lhe ilayor and the City Clerk oY Lne City oZ din uernardino,to execute a contract contract. with the names iteNair Paving Company rot too amprove~nt oY Allen Street rrom the south lane or first Street to Lhe north lane or~laill ~treeL,wiis react In dill nor Iinal l.assago and adopted by Lherollor?ing voLe,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, truing, Uhambers, smith. Noes: none. ~ ;iU,000.UU Hesolutaon authorizing trio LransTcr or ;1U,000.0U rrom the General Hind Lo the: street land war read 1n Uenerai to street rills nor canal passage and adopted by the rollowang uote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole,lrving,Chambers,snitn. roes:-O. Ordinance No.467. An Ordinance nixing Lhe amount Lo De rained by taxation,ror the torrent ye3~,e[[d to Fix Tax pay the principal and antcrest due and coming due upon the bonded indebetneas of Caty oP sin xernard2no,was read in Zt11i nor final passage and adopted by the roilowing voLe,to-wit: Ayee: Cole,lrvang,C![ambars,~ith. Ordinance lAO.458. An Urdinanae prescribing reg[ilataons nor atorea and marteta,and to prevent certain OM. health. abuses oS.l sanitary and health requarorronta~was road in I'[ii1 nor renal pllss'~ge and upon motion made by Councilman tole duiy socanded by Councilman Irving and asrried was ieid owe anti! next meeting. Resolr+taon adopting Y1ans and speCia'ioatlona nor the aonatr[iction aT a sewer on reeri stseet and on ?I sowar l:atie~ do YOarl.ste. t;etlek Street was read In tali tOr Y27[al passage and adopted by Lhe SOllawin$ vote,to wit: Ayes; Cola, . Irving, Chaabere, Sl7ath. NOeB~ none. Petitions were presented reRUeatin$ the vounall to plane Arc lights at the corner or •8• and Vrat[Ee ~ Liglsta 8 Streets, Arrowhead Avenue and Orange stroc,ta,and satiate street betweel[ •!r• ~ •U• 8treats,upon motion made k. , by Councilman Smith duly seconded bl~ Counealrah truing and carried the same were rei'i'orocl Lo Lhe Light CoaID. io the r:onorablo 1d~eYor as.d Com[e,oti COl[[(eii oI' too city or :.an 13ornardino, Ualar. duly ;d8,i011. Gent i ar~;eii : - . 2(i"~ Continue4:- se, the ur,doraigc ed, oxnorc oY property•Trontine on `b"' L'troet i,etxcen Socond anti '.Wind stroots, and con- :;titntir3g Toro Lhar~ a najority oi' Lho proporty irw,ting upon said sLroot,ao heroby enter protost ugaansL the 1r ~ having oY saki titroct uotween second anti •Phiicl stronts. YOry ltespOOtiltlly, llrs L1.l1.Cocha'an 140 feet Lena Austin 50 Yeot S.D.llarris U5 Toot J.Tl.Aldrldge 4G • D.L.Aldridge d2U _ ti'7.D.aldridge 70 • ilaufi liarraa 50 • Total luo.reot, es41. 'i~ho i'oregoeing 1,etaLaw3 bou,g rea4~COUncilaan Chambers r~ovo.i that the petition be laid on the tablo,motior3 sccondcxi by Councilc~n lrvang and curi•iod. l[ap oY YLAT•1-liuli•rON SultlllvaSlON b01ng a re-sulxiavision or l,ota 1U,11,12,and 13 oY tl~_e nosier and Myers Sub 1r!ap oi' sub. recorded in !look rt oY asps Yago 2 Records or San liei'13a1'dln0 County, was Presonteci nor acceptanoe,arnl upon notion m;:d© !3y councilman Coio duly :;econ<l:xl by Councilman smith and carried the blip was reYrezed Lo the Street Conmc'te. Plans and speairaaations nor Lhe aonstl11et1on or a aCwei• an ueyer Street was presented by City l,nplneer • Y & S. ' 1!eyer st. ri.lr.Tuttle,ard upon motion Wade by Coitneilman Smith duly soco,:ded by Councilman Cole and carried Lha said Elans and Speciracations wfsre rerrerea to L1!e laty Attor[ley. ~ Councilman Charubors presented u con¢nUnicataon sal;nad by ls.li.xellogg Street Superentendent,reeotmerding the Asphalt plant. installation oY a small Aspl3alt plant at t2-:e City yards, It was moved by Councilman Smith that Lhe r~titter be re- Prered to Lho street Coscmlttee,they Lo investaeaLe and report back to the Council,with an estimate oP cost oP . estubliahing such plant,motlon secor!dad by Cou33caln,en la•vln$ and carried. i It was coved by Councilman Smith that the Clerk be instructed to noLiYy the 5.B.HOme Tel.& Te1.CO. to dis- Yhonas continue phone sorvice at Lne City Ce[netary and Meudowbrook park motion duly seconded by Councilman lrvang and caTriad. ' lnsuranae Gounailman Smith movefi that the Securely investment Co. be authorized to write ;2,000.00 xare ansuranao on Yavillon Lha City Pavilion and Lhe Bald amount be dv@uated and ordered canceled with the lioyd,SCOLt & Lothrop Agency, motion duly aeeondeci by Counealman Uote and carried i>y Lho rollowang vote, Ayes: Cole,trvang,CTiambers,3mlth. IL was movoci by Councalmari Smith that Lhe bills riled by Bohn ll.NaCell nor ;76.00 end ;50.00 r~spect,~lY kCCall bills. "deposited as bail," be rerrered to the City Attorney motion duly sacondFd by Councilman Cole and carried. ~ Councilman smith r,oveci that Lhe Uill oP 13r.stanley P.Dlaek or ;40.00 Tor examar!ation oY dOB~9 heads Ue rerSered to City Clerk to advise with Dr.tiam,l.x-Health Ui'1'icer.,motior_ duly seoonded by Co!~neilman Chambers and carried. Councilman. S'mlth 3aoved that the bill or A.D.lrohan nor 92.99 nor laying sidewalk on 'St• street between Bohan •b111. first and Banta 1?e irtl2way be rerl'ered back Lo Lhe'street SuperenLendenL Sot further record,motion seconded by Councilr>en Cuambera and carried. ¦idcn?eltt Councilman Chambers moved that lire City lcnganeer prepare Plans and 3pecirications nor the oonstruction oP • A'• bet . 8 & 10. s convent sidewalk on the ea s? side oP •P• sLroet between t.ighth and Tenth Streets,srotion duly seconded b9 Cotm- ellraer. Irving and earriod. The City Clerk was authorl~ed to issue warrants nor e~ims approved by the taayor and >rl~noe commiLtoo • thid data by the roilowing vole, Ayes-: Cole, Irving, Chambers, smith. loose; none. Ceut3c12r;.an Cole called attention to o1•der ai' Cowrcil oS ~antiary 30 i911,ordel•ing sidewalk nn south side l l:ightli St. oY Eighth Street between •U• and •11• streets a!,d that on i<eba•!,ary 6,1911, b'.ll.ualey appeared. bei'ore the Council ~ net.0 >k li. arxt requestod ttx~t tho work be posponed wail ~,pril or 11ey, which request was granted, such time having expired Councilman Cale roved that tho Clerk t,e ansti~ictfxi to notiiy Kr.Ualey that lY the wnik is hat laid Vrooasar3 Act proo~c•dings will bo anrtatuted,r,otion secon~i,:d by Coul:vaiman Stalth anti ca1'ried. Councili~ar: ::eciLl: uovcxi t3wL the City ~!,(;1ne~:r i,0 lu:;ti•uctod t: prepare Plans and Speclrlcatione Yor the n I~oy;'3n)<:. conr~!rrrtio:, Oi' a :,=~"~r 1z: }':q=1'ir31c~ Ave. @Ott~n~~n ntP.,.~1:~.~. 1r1Lh,:•~i.r.~oLe,rsc,L:nn 3~cc03:rircl ray Councilmmn lr ]nPi~d. • s.~,~ ~ Oontinucd:- Cow;eilrmn lrvz~tg moved tYiat tho titroet superontondont Ua instl•uctod to i;rado ttigt~th :trod Uetween "fl" Crade "SL'h. Uet,H & 1. and "I" Stroeta,motion duly seconded Uy Councilman Colo ar:d cai2•ied. ~ ~ City ]:ngineor K.F'.'1'uttle prosotsteQ Plan;; unct Specii'icatlons Tor Lilo eonstiauaion oY a cemont sidewalk on "i~i° SL t,et.t3th, the east sido of •F" streot Uotwoon Elghtir & 7onth strect,and upon motion mado UY Counciltna» smith duly secondol & lOttt. uy Councilman ChamUOrs and carricci the sazd Plans and SPecii'ications w~ reYi'ered to the City ALLorneY. Councilman Chambers movcci Ll°at tho City Attorney Uo ir.stzacted to ditti't an Ordinanco prohzbitin_r, the oPer- tras l;ng~s. atip~ oY Oas l;rtgines within tho City limits without rritl~l'11ng sar;.o,motion scconQed by Councslrurn Irving & carried, City Engineer T~resot:ted map c ,tai,lishing grado of "FC• street betwoen Third and Rialto Ave. ,an<i upon r;otion biap "K"st. redo Uy Councilr..an snitrt duly seconded Uy Councileurn Cole and carriad,erap was refrered to the City Attorney. C.C.liaskell at,pearod Ueibre the Council for dames' 1reNair;and asked that contract enterod into;by and t,otwe c.ancie Ca1~Uago eeu the City or San 13ornarciino and James ?iNair, fcr Lhe i°©moval anti disposal oY ail garbage anH waste t^.atter contract. within the City of son tternardino+j b© canceled,ard Lhe bond of James Metaalr Uo exhoitorated, wnei°eupo;i Council- man smith moved that tho rvquost of b(r.Haskell be gr'anted,Lhe contract be oiYterei~ eai;celed and Lhe Uond oi' JaEtes McNair bo exhonorateQ,rsotion Quay seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by Lhe following vote,to-wit: ~' dyes: Cole, truing, Chambers, Smith. ttoea;,none. -~•' It pas moved by Councilman Sn1th Lhat the City Attorney Ue instructed to QraYt a new uarUage Urdinanoe ellirpinatir,g curtain features and providing fora licence for_peraons engaged in tho business oP collecting garbage,tnotion was seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Ordinance No._. AA Ordinance amending Ordinance X373, hntitlaci. •An Ordirtanae of the City of son t3ern8r- TittffSa ' (Jrdlnauce. d1nc~ rogulat~ng travel and Lrai'i'ic upon Lhe Streets and other public places of the City of San tternsrdino: Dist- ° ricting said City: Providing for tho issuance of pePmite in certain instaneea; Roquiring horns,8e11a,0ongs, and i°4ufflesa Lo be attached to certain vehicles, and fixing a penalty ror violation Lheresl,•adoptod and approved the 17th,day of r°ebruary 1808. was read in full ror the first Line and laid over Pox final Far sage. ! ~ ~ResoluLion No._. A ttesolution of the Mayor and COE~On Council or tho City of San rierrtal\\11no aeelaring Ii6S.Of lRL. sewer r'earl toeir intention to construct Vitrii'ied pipe aewera on Catick street and Pearl Streot,wa:: read in Sall ror Lne & Catlek SL. ~ i first time and laid over Tor Tinal passage. i 1 Councilaan Chambers moved that Fire limits ba.extended east on third street to "B• street 160 i'eet on -~' I irzre limits. each side oi' said Third street and the City Attorney be instructed to draYt an Ordinance ataending Urciinance Mo.375,aceordingly,srotion was duly secondod by Couriciltnan Smith and carried. upon motion mode Uy Councilman staxth duly seconded by Couriailt~an Cole and carried Lhc Council ad?ourned. Approvod t2118 day Of August if31 ~~1~/~,1--~Fe~ . t City Olerk. iU1Y0R. ri ' } 1 i . Uity liall,San 13o19fa1'dirio,Calil'. August. Sl,lflll. 2t©fitl.lar m~'etli!!;' oY Lhe May01' alyd COnil7on [i0i111C11 or tho Clty or San liernardlnO,hyld biorlaaY Aug.',;1,1~J11. Ltoetir~~ v:as callod to onloi• by btayol• tti•lght at rs o'clock Y.L. thy Yolloning noribers or the Council hoir?g presont: councilman; Col©, irvirlg, Chambors, Smith., City Atboi•ney Atlason and Clty Cl+trk ltatehalor,. nb:=ant: I Councilman 1lolmes. t '1'he minutes oY the previous meoting wore read and approved. Orc1.No. An Oi'dina+lee proscribing regulations Tor stores anal carKets, and Lo ptovo+ct certain abusys oY sanitary ar?cl 466 j Iioalth roquiten~onts,wa:: road In lull Tor 1'irlal I~as;:age and adopted by Lhe rollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, i Irving, Cher~i~ota, 5nith., t+oes: none. Ord.i+o. An Ordinance mending Urdinanco No.373, yntitled •An Ordinance oi' rho City oY San ltornardino rogulatar?)* tray ~ 4b£ ~ el upon my streets and other public places oY LheCity oi' San 13ernatdlno; 131stricting said City; providing ror the f issua+eco oY permits in cortoin instances; requiring horns, bells, gongs, and rnrfYlers to be ar.tachod to certain 1 vyhiclos,ancl 1'ixir~g a pynalty ror a violation thoreor•, adopted and approved th,~ 1'Ith,day oY Februaiy ,111Ut3.,eras read roll ror final Massage and adopted by Lhe rollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes; Cole,lrving,Chambers,^mith, roes;0. ~ J Res.or A T0a01lltlon or the :~ayor a[:d Coeit~.on Couucll or tho City or San Zssrnai'dino declaring thou intention to con- 1nL. CaLicK, struct vitrii'ied pipe sewers on oaties Street,and Yearl street, in the City oY San Hernardlno, was road in 1311 Pearl. ror riual p+,ssage and adopted by Lhe rollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Coie, truing, Ctlanbers, Smith. r+oes; none. ' bl.ap or trap or PLATT-13U1t'14N SU13y1Y1510N, be]ng a resulxl]vision oi' Lots 10-i1-12-&-13, oP th© hosier and Leyers Sub- Sub. division,as presonted at previous meyting and tattered to the Street Comr:?itt~~e, Courleilman Chambers riovod that Lho r:n p be adopted and Lhe plat accepted, motion duly soconded by Councilman SLlith and carried. Orc1.No. An Ordinance establiahir?g the grade of •R• Street rrom the south Iine oY Third streot Lo Lhe north line oS 4 60 . urade Rialto Avenue was read in rt+l] ror Lhe rust time and laid over rot rinsl passage. K:St. retitiona Acre prosyntyd, requesting that Arc Lights be installed at corner or Layrield Ave.and lOth,streets @lallace streot betwaon "F' slsd '0• streets, 6ndtla streot and to have school yard lightyd on Arrowhead Ave,. and Lights. upon motion made by Councilman smith duly soooncled by Councilman Irving and carried trie petitions were; reYYeied to l the Lighting comrclttee. . San lternai'dino,caliY. Augriat ti,ltlll. To 1?on. Layor das.Bright and City Councii: 1:ynLl emon re the undersigned property owners on Atlal~tie street, in Lhe City of san tiernardiro, do respecstrtil2y Atlantio - Street, petition yrnir honorably body to give us peitrission to build our sideaalKa roui• (4 g.-oet instead of rive 16) teat 4 root ' wsiK. wide, on account or the shortness or Lhe street, arxi the small amount or travel on sane. (Signed by some 7 property owners representing 466 rent of montage.) Councilman b'mith mnvea that the request Or the petitioners be granted,motion duly seoorrded by Councilman - Cole and c.:rried by the rollowing vote; Ayes: Cole,lrving,Ctiambera,Smith., Noos; 0. City >rnglneer x.r.Ttittle presonted Plans and speciYicationa for the construction oY sewer in traley, Allen Y 8 8 . lialey and !'irst streot, aril upon motion oS Couucilman Cole, duly seeorxled by Councilman Irving and carried the sane A11en ,- r'irst acre reti'ered to Lhe City Attornoy. ~ Ityrolution adopting rises Cross-soctione and :3pecii'ications ror the eonstruotion oi' a cynent concrete side- - P ~ 8 •g¦St, walk and curb on the oast sidy of "F" streot trOL+ the north lino of J;ighth street Lo the south lino of lOth,3treet was ryad in roll Tor Lho rirat brio arul laid over Yor i'inal pa:+c:aeo. •ir thy I:onoi:rble ttayor al:cJ. Cocu~on Council of Ll,y L'ity of San per+:arlino, Calii'orr:la: ^.o, tine ur+cler:,il;llecl, I•I°opcrty ov+!er' r+C:o:+e i~ibntal;e alxrts upon ubunt vyrnon avenue riom.:+oventh ~treyt to ~u Continued:- liaoe Lino, an tl:o Caty oi' Sali 1;ornarclillo, clo protost agallrst tl:o !,i~opoaed 3t;L1UI1 of the said atayor a;ul L'onr..on Co w?cil, oieiorir!g a sewer i'rorl :;ovelrth Street Lo t3aso Lino, on said Avenue, for tho reason that the proporty abut- ' targ ul,on said Avenue botween ;;oventh Street arrd 1:ac:o Lino as almost wlrolly acreago propoa•±y, and not now usod ' a:; Tv^31QOAC0 proporty; and Lhe ordor i'or such a sewer eroulcl be a burden upon the proporty noldors, without any clo>:land or use thoroi'orq. (Sono fl signatures reprosenLing G14u foot oS a'routago.) Upon reading thc+ roregoang petition Counclll,an Irving I:oveci that at be rei'rercci to the hoairi of itealth, motion rras duly scconciod by Cowlcalrcan smith and carraod. ' tiall liern:riYlaR0,1;31., August 7,1311. •rhe Houoa•ablo tlayor alld coral.~on Council, City. we corclaaly invito yours©lr and Councal Lo partaaipato an the Lallor parade to be Held on September Lhe 4th i at 10 A.il. Nlease notify us to the action taken at your earlaest convenience. Yours Vei•y •rrulY, .' Secretary or Arrangement Com, d.T.rrilson,737 Court. i ~ Upon reading the i'oregoing Cowreilcwn lrvlrig moved tnat the illvatation tie accepted and the council attend in a body,gotion seconded by Councllnlarr Cole and carried. `l City Fnganeor~K.F.'1'uttle presented Ylans and SpecaYlcaLions ror the eonsta~letaon or a sewer an lcayrield Y & S Alayraeld Avamae between .th and Tenth Streot,and upon motaon or Couhcalrr•zn amlth duly eoeondod by Councilman Chambers sewor and carried tho sane wore reri'ored to the City Attorney. , G~u:calman Cole reeouended that an Are Light be installed 9II Walnut Street Uetweon •F' and •0• Streets. LaPrit Ceurcalffin S'mlth movccl that the report be concur`reci In and light be ordered In as rocomended,motlon duly seconded by Councilman 1rvlIlg and ca tried. _ Councilt~rrn Cole.noved theL the petitlen ror Lights at Lhe cornors of •B• and Orange and Arrowhead Avenue f and Orange :streets be denied,motlon soconcied by Councilman Smith and carried. i Adair clap or A1]0.1H and Y£YL:F18 SUBDIVisIOF was I,resented to the council ror aoceptance,and aeon motion ode by Troyer Sub.,. Councilman Smith duly seconded by CowlcalL'1tn Colo and carried Lhe same was reffered Lo the Street Coserittee. :~-. ~ •rhis being the dato se; ror the opening or bids ror paving S,agnth Stre•,t between •lr• and •0• streets, \ lG~yor Bright oelled ror reCratks berore Proceeding to open sand bids,tnore appearing to De none, couneileolsu Bids Paving Smith noved that the Clerk proceed to open said bads,motlon duly seconded by Counaii[ran •COle and carried. lsighth streot. upon oponing bids ror the said wor6 the roilowang is copy or result shown: laid or- Bohn Newman. 11flCadHIDlziIlg, per squaro root .v8 CentB. All culverts, b.2b per lineal Moot. Outtera, - - - - - - - - .46 coats per square root. Total, $lig+f:c`er'e e~+t• - -~ 10,888.9:L • Bid oP- Johnson snea Co. iiacadam, per square root. .OY~if~ ~y~ Outter,(regulatlon) .4b cenLa per lineal rOOt. OuLLerS, 4 loot, .60 • . Culverts. Class A es.00 - - - • B '5.50 Tile dram, ~ i.00 ' • i Total amount of bid, i 10,486.36 ', Bid of- srneat irren~ell, ror uacadam paving .ue~ cents po square loot. For d loot gutters .40 ° lineal l~'or 4 ' 60 For Culverts C1aS~ TL-A 6.10 ~ ' 1'or • 72-8 5.00 ~ '1'11e guS.i,er ,66 w ? Total amount or bid, g8,831.rs0 '. ho bid or rr;:ost Fron2e11 being Lire lowest and host bid, A rosolutlon xa.; lrrtroduceA,"awarding• contsrot ror the lnprovacent of eighth :rti•eet,lroa the r.,r^t s ir:o of •ll• to tho east Tina or •0• stroot,to icrneat rrenzell at the pricc+ ^I'>ec11'ieci an ni:~ !~rol~='•ar read ilf sir}1 for the i'irst tiny and laid over ror final passage. 1 -- -_. .._- " Cont.rnued:- ~ •rhis boiug trio date rlx0r, 1'or trio ol:arung oT Uid. i'or Lrio ircprovec~ent nf' "0* 5treot l;oL9eBn lrir^t ar.4 F ~/ ~L" Second 5tre^L by the construction oY certortL sider.ulKS and Gurus therein; Councilman Cole moved that trio Clerk ~ /'. n r a li!f. procoeti to open said Uids, notion duly secondoci by Couctcil~+arr sRitlr and carried. The Uids Ueir$ opened, shored tits Sol'. owing Bid oP doiur lrowr~an; Guru, per lineal root, .40 coats. Sidewalk, Poi' syuaro Toot, .15 • Bid or Ernest viewogor: Sidewalk, Ten llU) cents per syuaro root. k Curb, •Phlrty (30) cents por lineal'Toot. 3 the bid of Lrnost viee?oger appearing to be trio lowost and boat bid, A resolution awaitl.ing contract to iruost Yieweger eras introduced,read in Tull i'or Lhe Yirst time and laid over i'or' rinal Ixtssago. 1 This being the date i'ixed i'or Lhe opening oi' i>lds i'or Electric i'ranchise,Councilrtran Cole novel tna? t.!?e - Clerk proceed to open ;;aid Uids,riotion duly seeon~leci by Councilman Chambers and carried. 'l'o Tho ctonorablo Mayor aucl Cotw:ton Cotineil oi' Llia City or San 3ernardiao. }Ctectrie }rranchisa: uontlorlen:- ' . - • ~ 1 noroUy oirer and Uid the stun or ]E 250.UU gold coin oT the united states For that certain Francailsa J particularly doscribed in trio notice or sale thoreor nereto,annexed sub,~,'ect Lo all or the terms and cor.Qitions t1p011 which said rrancIIlBe I~ Or1'ared ror sale and wilt Ue granted In said notice Or 8ai9 recited. 1 herowith nand You the sum or~i 160.00 in gold coin or the united States, tae rtllt aerount or the bid in payment ror said rranchise. lmted August 21 at ,191? . lRiED B' M1~CHL1Nt} !'red N.laechling appearing to be trio st' and best bidder, Councilman Smith moved that the said Tranchisa be sold struck oYi' and awarded to the sue¢essllll bldder,nrotlon scconcled Uy Courrciltnan Cole and carried by the rollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, truing, Chambers, smith. Noes; none. ~ • Councilman Wraith wooed that Aired tt.YOChling Ue authorized to deposit Lhe sum oT s50.U0 to cover Lhe oxpense lnaurred in advertising said electric rranchise,motlon duly seconded by Councilman Cole and ea2rled by the rol- lowing voile, Lo-wit: AYes: Cole, truing, Chambers, Smith. Noes; 0. l Councilman Cole moved that cartiriad cheoke or unsttocessrul bidders be returned motion duly secomlecl try -. Counciltm(a Smith and cat°r1ed. Bill or DP. Stanley Y.B1saY ror i 40.00 was laid on the table. BilAs. kill or r.A.l;taxels was rofYered uaclc to City Clert ror rurther inrorrmation. - Bills oi' PaciTla zel.& 7'e1.CO. wore tattered to City Clem with irratlvotiona to comer nth manager of said company that Ulils naY be Properly rendered. Crn:neiloan irYing moved that the b111 or N.D.13ohan ror =82.86 for laying sldeea2>< on 'Z' Street, be paid, motion duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and aarPlad by the foliating vote,to wit: Ayes: Cole, truing, Chambers, salth. aces; 0. sho C1ty Clerk was authorized to issue warrants, as per claims approved by the Mayor and nnanae Coaaittee this date by trio rollowing vote,LO-wit: Ayes: Cole, truing, Chambers, smith. does: 0. Ord.481. An Ordinance rizirrg the rate and levying a property tas Yor the mtrrent reseal year upon all property . / ~ within the City oY san eDrrrardino ror Lhe purpose oT naintainirrg the tnrniaipai govermeirt of said City and pay- ' ing the principal and interest duo,urd to become due, upon the Hubbarl~,water boT?ds, the Antil water bonds and the Street inprovement bonds during the cur•renL Tlacal yatr.,wa:; read 1n Yell fo! the i'irat time and laid coot for Anal T,an::ago. Diti.40:: An Oirlinunvo F,r'~cc~tic:g t.o t'ro~l il.}lo~?itltt~g his :;uaee:o:sors and aaszFns rr nlivolege and zranchise to orect, r ~,2 -------- dons,inued:- COn.3trL13L, Op01'at0 aLCl Lia1nL3111 TOT a p01.1Ck1 Oi l'ai'ty y~~u?•3 all Oi0CL1'ly' SySt@Ci, COi1a1~i1Rg OY P0193, tOR01'3, wires,conduits and all other aI~i'atus an<t appliances necessary or co:[veniont 2'or LransmitLinF electricity, electrical enor+"Y,etc.,over,aioug, upon and through all oi' LLa public roads, strcots, alloys anti high-~+ays, was react in full Tor the T1rst Limo e[td_ laid over Yor final passage. Orc1.403. wn Oi•danance arionding Ordirrancc No.?89 of the L'1Ly or San i3ornarclino, entitled •An Ordinance regulating airc l.i[nlts. the r.[anner oi' construction, altering, repairing, srrd taovin; oY Uuildings in Lho Cii'y oi' San r+or,lardino, provid- ing 1'or the issuing or Permits Tor the same, Tor the QiseonLlnuatlnn of Uuildines and other strrretures when daneoroua to property, lire or limb,' aQoptod and aPPi°oved the 4th,day oY August, 1903. was reack an i'ull ibr Lhe i'll•st time and laid over i'or Tinal paeauge. Urci.404. En Onlinanco o. Llle City oY San Bernardino providing i'or the collection, removal, and disposal of garbage l;ai•]~aga. manure, and'disposal or garbage, manure, a[ld waste matter within Lho City or San }ternal'd1no: ~tt'.Claring the ke,:p- ing oi' garbage, r.[anurh, and waste matter 1n violation or this oidinauce Lo Ue nrucance,was read 1n i'ull Yor th -~ first Liune anti laid over Tor rinal passage. Urd.4C5. An Ordi[[anco requirl[rg the exaust of stationary engines driven by means or internal combustion Lo be. 2At11T1 ln$ >';rgines. rniffle,l,wa:; read lr[ Tull ror the rirst Lame and laid over rorrinal passage. [ ~r PireChier r•ranK U.Starke asked i'or Permission t~ move the South uL.Vernon r'ire station a'rom the present ¢ Yt.9hr. location Loa Iot near Lhe corner of blt.Vernen and Rialto Ave.and Yor which the City to pay a annual rental or r'ire stn. = 6.OU. Councilman smltri roved that the request Ue granted, the bare UhaeY be authorized to make Lhe proposed change and tiro rental U9 allowed, motion duly seconclecl Uy oouncile[an trying and carried. Representative or ~.H.YaGUare lncenerator appeared UeTOro the Council and 4welt on the merits or said incenerntor ns a means or disposing oT earUage. ( i+o action taken.) Councilman Chambers called attention to the condition or Lhe Seventh Street brides over xown L'reok,thet SevanLh st. rirldge. Uridge was in bad condition and needed new ricer. Councilt!ran Sm1th roved that the C1ty 1,•ngineor be instructed to prepare !'tans and Specifications Tor Lhe eonstaaetlon of a concrete culvert at Tawn creoK on Seventh Street, ', • ~ motion duly seconded Uy Cowlcllman 1rV111$ and carried by the follOwing vote,to-wit: Ayea:~COle, lrbing, Chain- bers, smith, Noea; 0. _ Councilman smith moved that Lho City r:rtglucer Uo instructed to prepare Plans and Specifications Ter O1l U St. 8th,8 lUth. OalaIeg •v• 5treot Uetwoen t+inth and •.'entn street,sueh work to U9 done under Vrooman Aet pzoceedYngs, motion duly seconded by Councilman 1rvileg and carried by the Yellowing vote, Ayes: Cole, Srving, Chambers, smith. 'the City Olea"k requostecl ti,at ire be auLirPlzed Lo purchase a riling cabinet es the present cabinet 1n k Pile CabincL his orrice was inadequate, whereupon Councal[aan smitri coved heat the Clerk Ue instructed to'ge~nprieas^ on cabinet desired and report back to council, motion duly seconded by•;COwtcilman irving snd carried. Couneilran Cole moved that un Arc Light be installed ut the corner of •I(• anfl soeora SLreota,eaotion Light l ' duly s>ocoreded by couneil[oan trlirlg aercl carried. r•,mrnciiman Cole [coved that the City 1:[tginoor be instructed to prepare Plana and specifications for Lhe construction br a cenent'sidewalk on Lho oast side or •1?• Street betweyn Pirst and second Streets motion duly seconded by Councile*.an trying and carried. ', rotrncilrain Chanbors meted LhaL the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plans and Specifications for Ke[!<l:t 11 Ave. arul curb the consLnretion oT osi'lewalk~ in Kvndr+ll Avenrro UeLween Soco[ed and Third Strc©ta,motion seconded by Council- f malt lrvirrg and carried. upon Lotion ~?ade by t;ounc;ilrti+n :,Hitt[ duly :,.'~~anii:•~1 ],y Cotlrcil[^.nn {;ol~ and c~a~rried the Coln+cell a~t~onrnec7 t Lo [inet •rr[esday ^opteHUor 5,1411., at 7.30 o'clock Y.Y. ~~'-~~~~0~''~"~ AI,I~i~vecl tnas tiny oI'. Yo1~tr,~bAr U 1. City Clerk. ,/~ ~ 1layor. _ _ _ _ b ~j r i Ulty Zia 11 , ::aIl He rl:a Sd121U,C311I'. ,SOpt ErA~C i' ~ 1011. r' r- 1(of,'1I127r adjuurnec] nfeoting oi' tLe mayor anti Coeunaf~ Counull oi' tl:e City oi' san uornardlno,held '1lle. riay Sept. F,1011. laeeting was ealleci to order Uy 11.[yor La'i~ht ut Ii,~u o~elocK Y.6A. the l~o~lcnrif>F; members or the Cou2ieil ?~r~,- so2,t:- Councilmen; Coie, lrving, C12a2 br>rs, sr,I2tYI,. City Attorli©y Allison and rity Clark Lutcholor. 1b2zont; Co:!rcilrk•2n; llolmes. 'l'ilt mim2tes ai' Lho previous r.:eoti22g wore read and a?,l,rovod. - Urd.No.48U. An Uidinarco ol;tablishing the grade or "K" streot, iron the south lino of"rnird streot to LP.B north lino oY Rialto AVUIlue,wa5 1•ead 2I. iull i'or final pa~:sage anti adopted Uy the rollowing vote,to-wit: AYos; Cole, lrving, Smitr~, Chambers. Noes; none. Oi'ci.No.461. Ah Ordinance Tizing the rate :,nd levying a proGeitY tax Tor the current riacal year upon tall prpperty t4ithinr the City oT yen !3orr2ardino,and to pay the principal and interest duo,and to Uecome due, uron t11e t:I2~ hard valor i Aonds, the Until water uotxta and the 5trect improvement Uonds during the currant rascal year, was rea(1 in Tull ror Yluel passage and adopted Uy the roliowing vote, Lo-wit: Ayes; Cole, Irving, Chambers, smith. Noes; none. Ord.?+o.4tS'L. AI! Orclina22ce granting to Fred D.Ilechlirg,nis successors and assigns a priv'elege ana TrancRiae Lo erect, constinlct,oporata and »aintsln ror a period oi' Ti2'tx y©ars an olevtric system,consisting or poles,trn?t~i•s,.riies, conduits and all other apparatus and appliances necessary or convenient Tor tranarittil2g elect rieity,electrical = enei'gy,llght,hoat an!•~dr, over,alollg, upon and through all 02' the LuUlic roads, streets, alleys and highways . in the City or san llernardiino,was read In ri111 ror Tit2a1 passage and adopte;~ by the Yellowing vOLe,tC-wit: Ayes: tole, lrving, chambers, Smitll. Noes: none. Urd.No.483. An Ordinance atnendlilg Urdatlance No.2ts9 or Lhe City or San 23ernardino, entitled "An uirlinanee regtilatin$ the ttlannor or construction, altering and repair111g and roving oY buildings in the City or san l:ernardino,was read in Yui1 Tor rival passage and adopted by the Tollosing vote,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, lrving, Cilsmbers, smith. noea.0 Y Urd.no.4(14. An Ordinal2co providing ror the collection,rea+oval, and disposal or garbage, manure, and waste rmtter within ~ the City oY san lternar'(ilno, aeeiarlrle the xeoping oT garbage, manure, and waste Fatter in violation oP this`'BFrd ~ thence to be s nuloance, was read 1n 21111 ror Tinal Fassage and adopted by the Yellowing vote, Lo~?it: Ayes: Colo, lrving, Chat~bors, smith. nods; none. Ord.No.465. An Ordinance requiring the ozaust or stationary e22gines driven by moans or internal combustion to be muri'le was read In roll ror tine! passage and adopted by the rollaRing vote, to-wit: Ayes: cote, lrving, t'hambfrs~, zffi Srsitn. noes. none. •1t• att. nesolution adopting Plans, CYO99-sections ai:d spociYicationa ror the improvectert oT •r'• street by the eon- • bet,9 do 10. StruCtlon or a dement concrete sldewalK ahd ourb Ori the ea9t lids LAel90Z,rrOm tits north line OI Y1ghLh street to the south curb line or rents atreet,was read in riell rot r1na1 passage aced adopted t!pr the Tollowit2g vote, LO-wit:- AyeB; c;Ole, lriitlg, UlYelabera, Staith. lIOeB; none. ' 1 'n the construction or sewers In Meyer street Det. Hes.P acts. nesolution adopting Plana YroTiles aril Specirioat ova i r '. sewer in • rleyer ac Ninth & Tenth streets slid 11aySiold Ave.betwc+on Ninth & tenth streeta,wus read in roll ror thEt rust Lime and MeyYletd. f laid over ror rival pa::sage. ~ xos.P & a. resolution acloptitig Plans lTOrilos atxl Spocii'ii[kwtiona for ttte ltaprovet!sent or ualeT street,?invL streot at!(E sewer in a 1)aleY Allen atrrct by trio construction or sewer tnoreiu, was road in Yull TOP the•2'ixst time anct laid over Tor final First ~ Al1eR sts. pa~:sae>e. ticialr ideYei' !,oun<:ilrrar. t,l;!lr~tlor!: of ti:~~ ::tr.~et l'o;3tlLtee rel~ortec[ that lie Pad v2:;ilecl al+,cl ins[~M`tecl tP.o pi"oib^ntt 1tl -~"~!~,,; AlAi. bl^yPS ^Uix11V1:'lOtl ally 1'o!I!'.ti 1;0 llilii'OVP.!.^lil;t S7hateVB1', slid f~CVeti L1!:11 L[cH 1Sap 13C r'Ol'1'C)'O~i i0 L11' City r:rtglilf`A -_.._.~_, --__ _ ~__.__.._.____..w.__.-~.~ ~~"'14 i ' Cok~littucd:- ror hie a1~Pi'oval,he to 1'vport Uac}: to Lice CouJ~cil,notion riuly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. i xes.oi' Arard. Rvsolutior[ awanli[tg contract 1'or Lito irkproveuwnt of Sigiitic Strout t'rort Llte Mast lino or t1 streot Lo Lho ~ l.lgllth St . to the vast lino of 0 streoL Uy tr~acadar2iaing Liao roadway.thereof, to Ernest hrenzvll at Lho price sUecirio~l in iiis propo:•al, was rend in mill i'or i'inal has: uge and a~ighted by the 2'ollowinl; votv,to-wit: Aye:.; Coly, Irving, r,Y~ar~ucrs, sriitn, rtovs; none. Itos.oY Award. rte°olution ataarding contract i'or the impiovouenL or '~" strc;CL betwaon F'1TSt and Second araaLS by the k •0• Street i :iicic^~alk. construction o1' cer.~ektt :iiQewall;s :tnd curl, on the oast side thvreoY,to b:?.•nost 'fienro~;or at Lho price .^.neciClPrz in his groposai, was read in i'ull i'or Yinal I,ac,sago an4 adopto~l t,y the i'ollowing vote,to-wit: Ayes; Cole, Irving, ChnL7bors, ::rnith. Woos; none. ` »oncl or Mond oi' P'rad 13.Moohling as Principal, and A.c}.tCeudall artd r'r+inK U.xe11vY as sureties, in the pvr..~l satin oi' r'.1t.MHCillitlg. TWO 'i'housancl lioilara, was Presented i'or approval,. whereuiron Cotutcil2~n smith moved that Lho bond be accePtecl ~ and the sureties be al,prov@d, [notion was duly secondocl k,y Cow?cilman Cole apd carried by rho rollowing vote, Ayes: Col@, trvi[tg, Chambers, stalth. riovs: none. J "°'~ I~irt.I,ic. ~pplicution i'or retail liquor llcencv was riled by Ingersoll & ~sler Co.lnc. to be conducted at 515 'rhlyd street, Log@Lher with a bond in the sure of '1'wo '1'Iiousand llollars, Ingersoll 8< lsslei• Co.lno. as principal and JPhlt tiali10I1 alld ti.1l.Whal@y :a stir@L1@8,ror Lila i'alLltilll Ob3el'V:il1C0 Or OrdlrrailC@ N0.304. i;OwlClli'iari Smith moved that Lhe licefice be gianted,ehe pond l>@ acceptod and the licence in name or 'L.T.Yo~?ell be declared void,c[otion rra:; duiy :.edonded by Councilrx+n Chambers and carried by tlierollowing vote, Ayes: Cole,lrving,Chembers,Smith. ~ Yliimbittg. Application ror a licence to engage iu,eonduct, and carry on Lhe business of Plumbing within the City or iice~;c@. San Dernaitlino was prosonted by iq+zoll & 1rNtofi' Cortputiy,together with a bond In the sum oS Two xhousartd ~ilars as provided In and by urdinanca tto.308, Cowtciirtan StAlth t•toved Lhat the iicvnce be granted and the bond be aac- opted and approved,Gtotlon duly secorictecl by Cowtciltanil lrvil~ artd serried by the rolla?1ng vote: Ayes; Cole, lrvirig, c;liatvbers, smith, woes; none. ,,- Jtvpart rtvport or Police Judge tt.lt.tteap was presented and read; Courieiltaan smith coved that the report be received , t'ntice aud~@. and placed on riie,riotion duly seconded by Cowtciir,an Irving and earned: - ; _ Haport oI tteport or City F:lectracian 1i.F.liirtes ror the rnontha of duly Snd August 1911, was presented and read,where- givetrician. ~'~ upon COUnClltilan SIIlth Llove<1 Lhat Lilo report be Accepted and p1sCeSi` on Yile,moLlon duly aaCOnrtOd by Councilman . i Cole and carried. ' c;omm, xo Trie HonoraUle WaYor and Common Council or tits City or sin r39ln8~ino~Callrornl3. hug.28,1811. H or H. bentlomon:- AL Lne regular taoeti[ig of Lhe Board~C H9elth held Aug.a6,1811,the question oY putting in a Seller On LL.VePnOn Av@ i'rOm 7th StP08L LO Hd80 Line w88 acted u~R and Lice board d@eided LhaL It wa8 nOt neC- ossary aL presort to ordor a sewer in on said street., ~ board reeoi-tniends that a Sewer be ptit in on eteyer st. betweva BLn,and 10th ate. Sh@ botcrd elso resomr[@rxLs that a sanitary orri@er be appointed. tteapeotiuily, C.Y.WI000nn100,liealLh UJ'I1tS0r. 1Jpon reading Lhe foregoing CoutJai~man Col@ moved Lhat the report be received and placed on file,notion was '~ duly socondod by Cow[cilLlan :SCtith tDJ:ld curried. ~A r;rntnCll',ten SraiLn rtOVOd that Lh© part Of pert Oi' Lho report 01' Lh6 I30aiYt or tioalth rererlrtg to ilt.'76rnOR ' scaer ba concurrod in,notion was duly s@cotJdrxl by Couticllrwn Cale and carried by Lhe follr'n?ing vote, Ayes; Ruin, trvitt`r, Ch:.nbara, ::raitn. ;goes; mono. ~ai[t: r;ounvrl,an 5ntith ri~werl Li.at lira ra?ter oT apl~oinLinQ a rciir: inspector ire laid over tn~tii nett ,*^Ptinh,. a J • continued:- '~ _ ~-~., ~% i- mOtlOil duly :;oeORCiOCi Uy COU[rCllr^.all 1TYI1r$ aIld Cal'1'lod. ~ "~ ~ '', .- Councilrrun ::raxth roved that Llre v1orK~ ~o atrthortzed Lo Pur::iias©a docw:ienL riling cabinot,rtotion duly :~oc- orded by Councilnurn lrviirg a[:d curried by tiro t'oilowi[tt; vote, Ayes; Cole, Irving, Chamt>ors, anuth. hoes; nono. lulls. •rhe Clty ClerK vra:~ authorized to ls::uo warr.fnt:i a:s l,nl• vonchors rlioci and approved uy tfir, Mayor and {•xna!rac~ ronmit.tce tis daLo,Uy tnei'ollowing voto,to-r.it: Ayes; Cola, irvi[rg, vhani>ers, Smith. clots;?lone. protest •ro the rlonoiablo liayor and vora[~on Cawieit llaloy sewer, clentlenorr:- y rYO, Llro LUIQel'31gRed prOtiOlLy owners, Owning t,roporty Oir l3aley :itr9et UotwoO3t •A• streot and r7at- k elr~an Ave, and on Alloll streot uotw_on 1r11•st and second streets, hereby protest against having a sewer laid on said Streets. isomo ib srguatuiros attachoei representing J61U reeto~ rronta$e.) upon rea.riug Lire i'oregoaang l.etation Councilman L'ole raoved that Lhe sane Ue rer;'ored to theIIOaici or Hoalth, ' motion duly socou•ied uy Councilman lrvang acrd carraed. bail or Street Superentendont k.H.Kellog$ prosented a ball oi• The s. B. Valley •i'ractlon Co, amount ;10.00, Tor switeh- ~ •rraction • Co. Tor ~ing Oil car Troia Santa B•e Lo lentil pruapirrg plant an error, on April 4,1811. connciirwn :;corn novod that rho C1erK ~'~ switching. " be instructed to notary the S.B.Valley Traction Lo. that Lhe City disclaim ale reaponsibilaty or such error, motion duly ;;oconded uy Councilman lrvang and curried uy Lhe roiiawang voto,. Ayes; Cole, arving,r;hambora,smith. lies.ord. resolution s+o.46fl, A resolution oY the uayor and Cor!mron Counexl oY Lhe C1ty or sin Bernardino ordering the' wOTK, • Y st.& improvelaent or •Jd" street from Lho norLri cane or aocond street to the soutir line or •rhlyd street, and Lire inpr- ll pavlrl$. ovoment-or •!J• street rrom the north 11ne or •Ph1rd streot to Lhe south 11ne or Firth street,by repaving the road- . way thereon and the constauctaon oX culverts anti gutters therean,wa:; read in x"311 and laid ovor roc canal Passag© 1tos:ord.worK, ttosolution No.4i8, A resolution or the l<tayor and vofamon Council or Lhe City or san Bernardino,ordering the siurwalt,on •17• First & aml+rovement or •1l" streot rrom First to Second street, the north sldo oi' r~lrst streot rrorl •ll• to •1;~ street and uayrield. Hayraeld Av©. betweon r~ighLh and Ninth streets, by the construction or cement sidewalks and ourbs thorein,was read an roll roc the carat tame and laid over i'or renal passage. ~ rawer resolution adopting Plans and Speclracations ror the construction or sewer in Meyer street betweon Ninth and ! Meyer uayraeld Tenth sLroots,and llayrield Ave. betweoil [flnth and Tenth streets,wa:: read in roll ror Lhe carat tine and laid over ror anal gcfssage. •O1I1ng• 011 10th, Councllraan Smith moved that the City r:nginaor be instructed to prepare Plans and Mpeeirieations ror Tenth streset.. " a?.tact rrom-: •A• atrodta to ~1• etreetO under the act or 1911, iaoLion duly secorxlexl by c:ounoilman vnambers and carried Uy the rollarang vote, Ayea; vole, LrViirg, vJfamixsrs, smith. atroot Superenteridant >G.rt.xeliofig paesented~communicaLion recommending that an eight inoh sewer be con= ~ struoteci on Court stret3t between •1a'! arty 'Y• street as •the Frasent sewer is inadequate, acrd sated ror an ordA2 to remove certain treed on Lhe nor1DY side or 1Cighth street near •D• attest berore paving said streot,also gug$eated a vigorous eampaagn or oiling streets not liKely to be paved in Lhe near rtrture. Councilman chacbera moved that the streot stipere[+tendent be,authnrized to ptrrchaee 3 new a[rnp wagon ror %'~`~~ sLroot department motion w-a:~cluly seconded 'uy aounaitman"truing anct earned by tho roilrn?ing vote, Ayes; cola, truing, vnambera, smith. [+oea; none. ' ~ COrllt¢1117an C11eIIbera moved that Lho Building lnsi•ecLOr Ue notiried Lo appear boi'oro thcr trout[cil and state reason ror 1s:•iir~irrg pernlt ror the addition on the Stewart Hotol lxtalding, notion was duly aecorMed by Ccn1n- Clll'SIIl Celt1 alyd carraed. on•• City ::nga:roer Y..r.•ru; tie presented Plana an<? Sl+octi•ieataotrs as rollows:- vutrali ^ewwr r~on 'ranwess tve. to l:a~ hth :ar.~ot, serer in .:a~;hth :arc :L 1'ao:= •Z• Lo Penn.Avo, xeventh street iron •i• to itt.Yernon, ut.'J~~rnon `?'rG C oI1 L 1 nu e(I ; - AVO}iUO, 1"1'011 :1 CV ORLYt LO lJasC 1.1RCj S1Xtli Stl'60t ~ r~l'011 •1~• LO ML.V027 LOItAVe; l;lfli136 SL1'8"L, ri'OIt '1' LO ML.V~'I'- ROIL A~VOi K111C.i:1i111 A.Ye, I'rOId "1• LO SIt.7Cl'nOn AVON :il11CS^a11:S;- :%OULi`7 SldO 01~ 1'i1gI1Lh titl'CCL, UCLW OOl1 •ll" a71d "}1• St2'Oi3t S: 'flCSL :;1(1C OT KOnllall AV8• UOtwCOn ~('.COlld :trill 'f hl rtl SLrCOtSi 1<a9ti'SIdB^OZ,•YrTC6L T0Ct 1lOLXOCIl 1!'li'$L aIl(l ~OCOnd St 1'e OLB~ S1xLh St reel, betwvvn •1• and "L' Paving:- "N'• stl80t, I'rOm 50uORd Lo '1'BTltn StrBOts; Ulling:- "(}• street, i'rom t7lnth to 'tenth streots. It wa: novod UY Cowleilman Colo that Lhe Plans altd Speciricationa,as prosente~i by tTtu Clty lRga,neer; Ue rer2'ered to t170 latl' Attorney, tliOtion duly SeCOR(l~d i)y COUltCllPlaT1 1T'tltlg aIt(i carried. F!0..1:0.~?~'l. A P9SOluLlOn Or Lh0 ilayOr aR(1 (tOl:lmOn COUIU:il Or Lhe C1Ly OT 5317 ti01'lllll'Q1R0 O1tlD1'1Tlg Lh6 WOrk Or CiOSln{'; Lhaf ~'~~ pal'L Or HLTPL AVO1Tl1O lying UCLWC~)!t L}iC SOLiLIi 1188 OT LYte PO,1dWay OT M1I'SL StreOL and Lh0 IloTth fine Dr Ln8 Tlgnt oi' v~ay or Lfle Atchison Topeka aRCt Santa he hallway Col.tpany, wa:: read in i'uli Tor Ln8 rlrst tim8 and laid Over ror rinal r~asaage. I;urtls tr. Councilr.,an CnamUers moved that the City >•;ngi7teor be insLrttc;ted to prepare Ylans and sp8cirieaLions Tor the construction or a cement sidowalk and curb on Curtis strevt,motion duly :leconiled Uy CouncllrVtn lrving and care- "1 1cd by the i"o11aR1ng voto, Ayes: Cole, Irving, ChamUVrs, Stnith. floes: none. An 01'dinanco establishiltg the grade oY Sixth stPeet 1'ror~t •1' street to 61L.VCrFIOIt AVenuB,waS read in roll i Urd.SF0.48G. uLh.st. rOT the r1TSL t1I?8 and laid over SOT rlnal past;agv. ConnCilman Cole moved that the City >,nginevr Ue instructea to prepare Plans and Speeirieatians i'Or Lhe Yave Ch:n'enst. paving or Church street betwuon •1)• and "J!;• street, also ror a cement slaeQalx and curb on Lhe weal sine oT Arrovrnead AV8nu0 UOLW80t1 '1'nlyd SLTeeL &lld Lh@ warn Ci'eeK Uridge, mOLlon hilly sBCOT]dOd by COUnCllman smith and 444 caul©d by Lf18 I'Ollolfing VOLe, Ayos: COl©, irVing, Chflmber9, smith. N089: nOnB. row yard. 1L was moved uy Counoilr:an lrvi[tg tn:tt the matter of cleaning that certain cow yard Dr a Hr Preast,sltuated On the Oast SidO or Pearl 3LP80t, b@ reYrBrod LO LI'ie Board or llealth, I10LlOn was duly SBCOnded~Dy CO11RC11ffin Challber:: and carried by the rollowing vot©, Ayes: Cole, 1rViDg, Ct7anbers, smith. aoes: none. uouttcilman Smith moved that the Y1ttL11)11tg inspector be instructed to maxv a personal canvass or J;ighth str- Couc7ect f sewers. eoL, between •lI• and •tl• street and see that all property to eonneoted with sen?er before pavingsuah street,slso, ', it to rake canvass or Property owners along the Bridge-,H, and Second street se~rer,motion was duly sacond(xi by Con- ° Heilman CO1C and CaTPled Uy th0 TO110Wing VOLE, AY68: 0018, 1PYing, l:namb0rs', sm1Lh. NOe9: nonA. It was mOVBd by COIIrlcilllan 1TViTtg L1laL the blue prl~L SilbmltLed,IOr gate to be In9taliet at Th1Td street Bate aL "r hll'd st, crossing oT Santa Fb ltallway•,bo accepted,motion :.cconciod by COUCitman Chambers ant e;(rried Dy the i'ollowittg " crossing. ' vote, llyea: Cole, !ruing, Chambers, smith. Noes: none. ' upon notion rlade by CouneilTllan Cole duly secona~~d by Council:nt?n :smith and carried the Council ad?Darned to meat ftorulay ~eptemlear 11,1©11, at 7,30 o'eloCK !'Y. '~~ s i ApprovOd Lttls ~ day of 5eptoetber 1811. ,~~s~ e ~ CST7 Cl.iitlC. ', t I ~ F ~ I jjj r +{I1 ~ t ' i " `H I1 0 City t!a111, :.an Llel'F!aTdlnO, Celli'. Sept. 11, 1D11. ~ , ~ ~ Itegttlar aciJouTt:eci Iieetii!.g o1 tho xlayoT and Cot:u,on Counell oi' the City of San uornal•dlno, held Dienday sapt. 11,1 tt11. I 1AOeLln~ ores Called LO OTd01' uy L{aYol' tfl.'lght :~L t; o~CiOC}: Y.L{. the i'OliOFlr?$ ilOIlllBrJ Or t11o COtnlcil bolit~' presCllt; COtl[lcllia©n::COlO, lrvlttg, Cllarli)Ols, Stlitit. City Attorn©y Ali2son & Citl' Clol•k UatchelOr. Ab.^.ent: Cohn- f t cilrtan; tioimes. The miniltos or the provlous IaeetiTlg were read and approved. Y.& S. P.eso1t1L1o1I adopting Plans and SPocif"ications ror the constl'uctlon or u sewer In etoyor sLTOOt hetweon tlintll 30wer iteyor and Tenth street and Dtayf'iold Avenue uotwean Ialnth al3d 'Tenth stroct,wa:c road In roll ror rival I~::a,age and adol,- • Dtayiaeld. ted by Lhe i'ollowing vote,to-srii : Ayes: Cole, lrvlt[g, Chambers, stiith. [aoos< none. Y.& S. Rosolution adol,ting Plans at:d Specifications 1'or the coustln2ation oY a scorer 1n ll£tley street, xirst street sewer Daley and A11on street ,was read lh hill ror rival pa:csa(;e sttd adoptod uy the roliowittg vote, to-wit: Ayes: Col@, truing ~ P'lrat Ailon. Ollal:.bers, smith, iyoes; non @. 1esolution 2:0.45!• A resolution oi' the uayor and Conau3on Council of the City oi' San tternardlno, ordering tho Ites.olKl work. itsProvoe~ent oT 'E• st1•eet rlrom the north line or Second street to the south Sins or Third streets anti the 1*:Prov- .~~&~J~¦ pave. ement of '])• stroot rrocc the noltih line oi' Tllild streot to Lhe south line or trlrth street, by repaving the road way thel•eor any the construction or culverts and gutters therein, was read in iltll ror rival passage and acionted by the fmllowing vote, Lo-wit; Ayes: Cole, lrvirtg, Chambers, Smith. Noes. NONIs rtes. oldg resolution 230.451. A resolution of the Edayor and Conunon Council or tha City oY San i{ornal'dino ordering the w01•k •1)•,Jrlrat,lmprovement or `U• street betwecrn i'lrst BI:d ESecoud sheets, the north side oi' r'lrst streot between D anti x sLi•eeta itayrl eld slctewaiK. and b{ayTield Avonue between i;ighth anti ISinLh streets, oY rho constlvetlon of convent sidcrwalks aiKl curb L11e1•ein, was read in roll i'or rival I~sssage arnl adopted by rho f"ollowing vote,to-wit: AY~`• Col e,lrving,Uriambers,:ttaith. resolution 2IO.462. A resolution or rho uaYoi and L'om3tlon Connell onlering the closing"oi' that PaLt oP Burt Close litlrt st. street lying uotween tno south line of the roadway oi'1<'lrst streot anti Lhe north line or the right-away oP the l Atchison Topeka and Cants r'e railway Company, was read 1n full ror i'itial passage and adopt«I by the rollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, truing, Chambers, 3m1th. Does: none. It was coved by Couttclltoan Colo that the Clerk .be lnstluated to rile and cause to rte r@corded the lI@ed pre- sented by i.J.tia[li'orcl Tor that certain strip or laud south or the A.T.& s; r.tty.CO.right-or way and extending rrotn South Arrowhead Avenue to 23urt atroet, taotaon duly seconded by Cwtnaaila3an Irving and carried. 't'he Mayor and City Giei•13: was authorized to alglt a leas@ ror and 1n behalf ad the City or wan lS@r2181Y1ino,POr Lease ut.Ver. the leasing oi' a iot n@aP the corner oS i1t.D@rnon Avenue s[xt rialto Aveirue,belonging to Ada Ei.Yetti~ohn•,for t!•' R' 11'@ :;ration. period o1 LltretT roars at an annual rental oi' ;8.00 per ahnuta,and the City C1erK was autttorizeH to ias12@.a warrant in ravor or Ada Et.Petti~ohn ror s8.00,11oft6n made by Cot2ncilman lrving,tuiy aeeottcte4 DY Councilloan tole and aarr- ied by t2;@ roilowi2tg vote: AYea: L'oi@, truing, Cdamuers, smith. 2+oea: none, urd.468. An Ordinaneo establlahirtg tho gra4r~ oP sixth atreet,riom •2• street to 1it.7ornon Avet;uo,wa:~ read in rUli i'or Gth.st. i'iual pai;iatagc and adopted ill' ttt_~ rollo*i[lg vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole,lrvilig,Ctinpbers,snith. 21ovs: nonct. Corun. 'i'o TIIO ttor:ol•atalo DtaYor and common C:ouh.:il oY the t;1tY or San u@rnaidino,CnllYainia. ~'oi r. Qentlor3on:- >qo are in roceipt oY Col.rl,nla_~Llon o3,c1osllcg protost arain:t Lh' proposed scoror on lXtley stye^t, trettToela A anti ,+21ei3 „tre~~t::, upon lnvostiF;atiot3 sre irtui than tttls Iml'tion of the City la haclly in r.c+eed. oS sowers, , lceaitta oZ ties tkart oi' th(~ C2Ly ir; thir,;;ly sett loci Irl;ri .:ea.3pcmlr. iu Ll'~le. sej~tion rare drsng@rou: to the eoi~timulity, try laying .tr11"r`T 111 ifll: .tL"c"t It ,'~i17 i'e l,a r.:.:i iJlU tt~ i'.U.~L('3+ till ilfll t, ~,::' t7l4Lt'r E;'`}3 /. 1.l ~"'h :a 1'~l pal t-.`ran ai'(`1;t3 rron lat,t0 ~?'Cl Cont.il,ued:- street:}, thorai'ora ere rocornt~,[d that sow or bo put. gyn. r:e also received notice about the condition or Pearl .;Erect and havo givon notiao Lo t',ave rho su[,to put rn a sanitary condition at ouoo. J 'i't:e Ltoarci of health asfis tYdtt an Orctiinance ua [assail to pi°ohiUit Lhe Keopit:~ of caws al;~l hogs nithin the City knits unless they are at bast 2J0 foot rrorw any housa oecupiecl l,y nurtan ueit>f;s, 1 era, Yours 'truly, C.V.1(eCOi:[+1C0, racy oi' Lha hoard oY heal ~ upon rauclir.g Lho rore$oir:g eorawunicatiort Coul,cilr!€,it ::!with novod that the Cor!unlnication be received anti the recorunendatial!s a3 aUove recited be concurred in, r•:otion duly seconciod Uy Cou: cilrnait ChamUers and carried Uy the 1'ollawing vote, Lo-wit: AYes: Gole, ChenUers, lrvillg, 5toith. Noes: none. I I uor:u , l:OIU''LI!leaLiOn i'rott tna [rule section oi' the :•romans Club wa:~• preaented and read,whel•eupon Cottrciinan sr!ith 1 civic seer:. ::or.,ans r.!oved that sa[:te U© t•ecolved and Placed a}1 rile and tnaL the Clem: be instructed to write to 4ir.HOSp rot curtain j ciuU. plans previously sent to hiII,notion duly sacon,lecl. by CUUt7C11Ak91t Irving anti carried. i i0 tyke HOnO1Jbl@ llay0l' alld COI]I'.IO31 COll11C11 Or Lhe U1Ly of San t161'lkirdllia. accept I, P'PI'`D li.ldlri:itLlk(3 do Hereby aec:ept that certain privblege and franchise; sold, s~ivcl: ori' and awarded to eleCLl'1C i'i•anchise. Ina by Lha said Couneil On the 21sL,day OT august, 1811, and granters[" to ne by the said Council In and by a Cer- tain Ordiraree nupbored 462, duly passed and as?opted by said Cowteil on the 5Lh,day or Septerber, 1811, and I do also ezprossly accept each and every oi' the terns atld conditions oY said privllego and rranchise ana or Lho said uidlnanao granting the samo to me. ! Dated saptenlUer iljh, 1812. 1•R1CL 1i.11~CHLiNa I ~ upon reading Lha roregoir!g Cow!cilmrtn Chanbers e,oveci that the sane be received and placed on rile, motion Fes duly soc:onciod by Councilman Cole and carried. ttOS.3dPLg lta301ltLlOn adopting Y2at1S,UTUBS-Sa~alOn3 alid tipeelrlCSL10i,S 1'aY Lha 1mpTOV6menL OY •2P• SLreAL by paving j Y & ,S. Paving Lhe lrondway Lheieor anti eot,sttuctlrtg t.utLers and Culverts therein, between second street and xentn street, ear 'F•St. f read in tall rot Llii: riTat time arld 191a over rot rival passage. HBS.adpL, rteSOltltiOn adopLiug Y28ns, ~raCLlOl19 and 9peC1rlCaLlOlia rOP Lha CORSL~iICLien8 or SidewelkH aItd eurba Ori --~~~~ Y 8c S. SiQf.7ra1K "Tr• Street botwees 1^irst and second streets; -sixth Street ,between "I• and •I,• atreeta; xendell Avenue between ~ xenctall, second and •r hires arrears; and J;ighth Street between •tr• atta •H" Stroota, was read In tall rot the rust Lime rstn,St. and laid over i'or rival passage. Hes.,lclpL. resolution oi' Lhe tuayor and Coptlat! Cotlticil or the City or San nernardino,~doptlrig Y1ana,Yroriles and spec r & m. Sewer iflcations rot the construction or a vitriried pipe sewor on "1• Street, ~ightn street, soventit Street, Sizth •1',8Lh, •1th,6th, Street, Spruce Street, and xingman Street, il! the City or ran lrernardina, was rear in roll Tor the first tiirre S prlxc e , xingman. and laid over rot i'inal passage. 011 resolution adopting Plana Sections and Speciricationa rot the iriprovestent or •0• xtrevt trop the north beL,6 & IU. j line or Ninth Street Lo the south line oY Tenth Street, by grading and oiling the roadway Lhereor, was read in roll rot the rust time and raid over rot i'inal passage. Uaa.or Int. J1 rvaOluL10II or the Mayor eta, COmmon council or Lho City or Ban f3errtlydino, aeClBring LRieY lntentldr! ero.463. Lo con:ltruot vitrii'ied sa?cre in ueyer Street, ueyl'ield Avenue, Daley streot, r•iist street, aver Allen Street, was road 1u toll rot the rust Lime atld laid over 1'or i'i[~:11 pas::ag©. t:oprosontatlvo or Botlrrits itutrrage league appaarod bei'ore the Coutteil arnl asked rc~r Lho privelege of hold- rhg ol,ett air r!at`til.g in Lugo Park NccUlasday ovahirg SepL.I3,1811. whereupon Cotrt:cilran trvirlg taoved that Lhe re~tue^t be grar!tocl, r.,otirnl : ecosKi_d by Coiutc ~ ]rrln Cole t,!xt carried. k ._.1,. ...- -- ~ ---. _ . i i Continued:- d.S.Y.orr appeurod hoi'ore Lh0 Coultoil Its un:•~•~r to sunrlotr.: oi' Council arch show why hormiL c+a^ ]srme~.t i'o]• tho ~ ,r i l St or<<rrt hotel addition, and was itlsLrucLed Lo issue Ilo Itor+lzts harCtcl'tar unless Lila :lyac]1']cations aro in striot aceorcianca with tho I3r3zldir]g ordinauco. ~I Uil Acacia COUncilrlan Snith roved that tho City Enginoor be instructed Lo prrpare Ylan:; and :;pCCirications i'or Lhs uilini; oi' Acacia Streot UaLweon liana Lino and ihirteettth Strocts ~n~ior Lho act or 1£)tt. r10L1a11 won dilly seaOtt- ded uy Cow3ezlt:tan Irving a3:d carrion Uy Lha 1'oilowing voto: Ayes: Colo, Irving, Chambers, :;rtitll. roes: 0. , sidewalk Conncilr3an Stdtl] t:3oved Ll~at the City Engil,eai• bo it)sSructed LO praF~are Plans and Specirications rot a ltaso L1ne 33et.D & 1:. cot?ant sido~ralk and curU on tho north sids of Base Lzne botwoan •ll• and 'E• streots,motzon seconded by cout)~il- man Chambers and Carried Uy the 1'ollor.ing vote; Ayes: COle, lrvirlg, Chambers, Smith. Noes: nono. Open •N`• Councilnan snzth Presorted a proposition 01' openil]g •N'• street between llaso Line and a point t50 teat sOtlLh ~ of c'ourtecntl) street,to bring said street down to grade using the dirt to r~u3ke tilt between ienth and xase Lino, and awed that trio matter be r~rrorred. Lo the Street ConuaiLtee Lo investigate aril report back at next meeting, notion was duly seconded by Co]utcilnan COle and earth®d. ~ Gatos. 7.R.T3urekl]alter, Division l:nginear Southern Pacific Co. appoara<1 bei'oteo the Council and discu:,se,t the rant- ter of inlltalling uatas at x1t.Crossil]gs, f+tr.l3urcl;haltor stated Lhat the S. Y.ro. >?Ore always willing to lnsta?1 gates whom neoded without the passing of UI'dinance, Uut did not think tho crossir3g at tnt3 corner or N•irst and ¦E• street required. gate as Lnore was I]o through train service at that point,szmply a switching movement Which ~ t was at a very slaw speed, and asked L1u,t Lhe Ordinance be amended 111i3iznaLing trial Hart or ordinance. •rhe ~ Cotu3e11 agr~rad with Yr.l3ura3:halter as to 1t: street croabil]g and as:;ured hie that Ordinance would be amen~leei 3n Lhe I)03r rULllre. Couricilrsan Cole rloved that tt]e Mayor comer with llr.llitchcock a>r the Santa se.Haiiway Co. to Lake up Hatter of Klnrrttall St root Crossitlg,e3otio3l duly saaoncidd by Councilman Irving and aarraed. Yavo •D• Councilman CharlUers roved that the City L`[tginoar i>a znstzucted to nrepure Plans and Specirications rot f t & First. paving •D' street from r•lrst to Third street, and r'zrat Street from •D• Lo "lt• Streets, motion duly seconded by Co]u]ciltnan Cole and carrlod. Councilman Chambers moved that the City Attornoy be instructed to make search oZ records of Kendall Ave, a Kendall Ave. motion SCCOI]dOd Uy (:OUIICI L;!]un 11'Ving a13d Carl'i0$.E1118 9 & Councilman snith wovad that the Street Supe3entendant be authorized Lo secure bids rot replacing tAaL oer- taln :;trip or sidewalk s16:^Ltse~]north ea et corner oi' lainth and •1ti• Street,liotzotl duly deconded by Couneilrtan Cham- ~ here and carried by the rolla?ing vote, Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Sluit33. does: none. Drain pipe Counclltaan Irving novel L13at the Streot Superentendent be nuthorizecl to proceed witt3 the conatrttation of (3Lh,& 1L. drain pipe aL Lhe corner of Ninth and •k' attest sa pot Plans presenLed,luOtion seconclCd by Cauna113ffiin cl3rlabers and aarried by the ro11nw11]g vote, Ayes: Cole, irviilg, Chambers, Smith. Noes: none. Ligrits. Cominu33ication from City hoard of 13:ciucation asrcing that tignta be installed on ctlrtis street,llnittAle of ' block), r'ourth street satlool growlds, and on •O• atreot at end of Spruce Street. Colu3ai13aen cola moved that the request be granted and the ligRLa be onEerect installed, motion duly s,;aonde,t by councilman Irving and onrried bR { t l tho roilowing vote, Ayes: Colo, trvillg, Cheeibers, rtmith. Noes none. sidm?alk Cow3ailmall Colo movcxl that Lhe t:ity ::nginrer be 1nsLructB~1 Lo pretClre Plans and SpealrlcatiOns Tor a ~ 1 ` "k• St. cost©nt sidewalk on the t,'sst side of •lE• street south oi' rlrst straet,tnotion duly seconded by Counall.r3sn Sm1t13 ar:ci Larrzad by Llro i'oliowiltg vote, AYeS: Cole, lrvinl;, Chanl3ers, >IliLh. hoes: nono. t I u;Mitt taotlOn redo by CounciFrwn living duly aooondt3,1 IIY CounallPi[u s, t arNl oerrlect Lhe rotmcil a/,l~rn3rnrrt LO r,nCL LIOIttiay ..Cf,LI'ii~)nr lt' 1Sll a2 i.:1'1 O'C10Cn 1'.11. ' 1,c'F~t1~R~!'.~-F/~ ~ ~ A1~1'~'~'• ;~i till:, ,tl'.' f,l r:~'.J~L~::i,.~]• 3031. MA (t city Clerk. a E ~ _ _ -- - --- - --_ _ - - ~ -----__._ .__..~9 `!~l J~~ _ . . i City ]call, Sai[ 1302'naY(iiilO,C:rli2'.,S[3pLCI]ber 16,1011. ReI,-ular ad,iournocl e;eoting oi' the 1{ayor and Coulon Council 01' trio City o1' Sar? ?7oi•nuxclino, hold 61o?uiay Sopten- ber, 18,1011. Electing was called to order uy ldayor Brigl~~t at 8, o'clock P.Fd. Lho YolloKi[rg [aeRUors o1' trio Coui?- oil boirrg present: Cow[cil[aeh: Colo, ChasiosBS, Srrith, }ioLaas, City Clerk Batchelor. Absent: Couneilu~?an; Irving and City A:toruoY Allison. .ihc iainuLes o1' the previous macti[~ wore road and al~pl•ovod, ( Res.Adpt. Reaolutior[ adopting Plar[s, Cro;;s Section:: ar?ct SpaaiYicatiorrs x'or Lhe ii.;proveaont oY street, by Paving f P & S Puving•F" the roadway thereof' and corrstructirtg Culverts ar:d [,utters Lheroin,botween Second street and Tenth s;reeta, wac it bot.2 & 10. reari in lull i'or final passage anti adopted o)' the following veto, to wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, SIIith, Holies. itos.Adpt. }resolution adopting Plans Sections and Spacil'ieationa i'or Lhe construction oY sidewalks and curbs on `E• P do 3. j Sidewalk, stroot oetween First and ~ocond streets: Sixth street, between •I• and •L• stlt;ets, Kendall Avenue, between Sec- Kendall & and and Third streets; and eighth shoat, U9tweorr •Q• and •li• Streets, was read in i1r11 for final passage and L'ighLh st. ~ adopted by the i'o1loRing vote, Lo-wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Smith, Holiaes. Noes: none. Res.Adpt. Resolution adopting Plrrns,Sections anu Specifics*ions Yor the construction oY a vitrified pipe sewer in P & S. Kir[gtaan Avenue, Sower,"I", •I" street, Eighth street, Seventh street, Sixth streot,ar[ci Spruce street, was read in Yell Yor Yin31 passage, '"~ 8th,7th, ~ Oth,Spruee,ti7lrereupon Cowtcilr~an Smith roved that Kingtsau Street be struck out of Spec:iYieations,c[otion duly seconded by Councilman Cole sr~d carried by fire following vote; Ayos: Cole, CiiatRbers, Smith, Holmes. 17oes: none. Resolution adopting Plans and Spec iYications,•illiminat>b[[g Y.ingraan Streat•,carr•ied by tiro Yollowirrg vote, to-wit- rr~ Ayos: Cole, Chambers, Smith, Homes. Noes: none. Oil•4`st. Resolution ;rciopLinE Plans and Specii"ications i"or the improvement of •0• st.oet,between Ninth and Tenth ales bet,8 & 10. sets, by oiling and grading the roadway tlrereoY,was read in Yull Yor Yinal passage and adopted by the following f vote; Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Sti~ith, tlolrues. Noes: none. Res.of Int. Resolution oY Intention No.453. A resolution oY Lhe kayos and Qo;.,mon Council oY Lhe City oY Sar. Bernardino, r No,453. dcelaring Lhoir intention to construct vitrified sewers in 1leyer Street, ldayfiold Avenue, Daley Street, First Street, and Allen stroot, was read in full Yor final Passage a[rd adopted by Lhe following vote, AYes: Cole, Chambers, Smith. Noes: none. Councilmn Rolmes declined Lo vote. -~ r, Ros.Ordg, Resolution 110.454. A resolution oY the Mayor and Co>;uaon Gowreil of the City oY San Bernardino,ordering Ltre ` work,Pearl j` & Catick, improve~[ent of Pearl grid Catick Streets, uy rise construction oY vitrified pipe scorers therein, was read in Yull Scorer. for the Yirst Line and laid over Yor i'inal parssage. res.oi' Int. Resolution oY the Mayor and Corawon Council 01' the City oY San Berrucrdino, declaring their intention Lo iiu- . }0.455. prove Lha oast side oP •F• street between iiightir street and Tenth streots,by the construction OZ' ces[ent sidvtral}:s and curb Lheroin, was read in Yull Yor the Yirst titpe s[xl laid over Yor final peaoage. ~ R®s:oY Int. Resolution oY the Ysyor.e[[d Common Council o= the City oY Sun Bernardino, declaring their intention Lo imp- '! po.458. rove `p• SLreet,i'rom Second Street to Tenth $treet,by Paving the roadway thereoY, and constructing Cuite2's and Culverts Lharein, was read in Yell Yor the Yirai liras art[t laid over tot rival passage. Rea.of int. Resolution oY the /isyor and Common Council oY Lha City or son Bernardino, declaring their intention to in- No.4ti7. ' prove •Ii• 8troet; sixth Street; Kertdsril Avenue seed Tiighth SLrBeL, by constructing Cement concrete sidewalks and crrrba theroin.,wa::read in Iltll ;or the i'irat time arrd laid over 1'or final passage. (', i;es.o1' Int. Resolution oY trio ](aYOr and Coa[ruon Cow[eil oY theCity of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to con- Y 0.458. stroot vitrlYiod Pipe oewers in •I• Street, i;ighth Street, seventh street, Sixth Street, and Spruce Street, was read in xtill 1'or tt!^ first LiIIe and laid over :or fit[al passage. ~ Ltes.ol' Int. Resolution or' trio Mayor and Caxaor, ~:ouncil bi' ttu; City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention Lo ir..p- ContiuuoQ:- Irovo "0" St root i'rom the north lino oY trio roadway oi' liint!'~ stroot to the south lino oY trio roadway of TentlZ sere r oct, by oiling trio suri'aco Li':oreoY, was road in iZrll for Lhe Yfrat ti[ae a[td laid over Yor final 7assagB. i Cows,Ote. Ordinance No. An Urclir?anco [:akirg it urclawf'ul i'o2• any person,f'i2•ni, or corporation Lo keep oa r~aintuin within trio corporate knits oi' tJ:o City oY San Aernaldipo, a[[y bull, ox, stoor, carr, tali', hogs, or sFine within ~ Two !h?nclred {?,UO) Yeet of any houso, building, or st2°uctua•u occupied as a ciwol lint; house by la[r.:an boi[~;s, waa I'C;tri in full i'rr Lho first tirlo and npbn moDionomade:.bq Ctauncx3r~c[[: Smith duly :~eeoncled by Councilman Cole anti Cal•Tied 02'Q1nat:CO waS laid Over tllltil a'eLUrlc OI Ll:e City Att01'iley Conr:'n. YeLition signori by some twelve property O[v[:ers, roprese[:tipg somo 1005 Y2'eot oY Drop6rty Yronting on 'D~ Street, betwo2n Fourth anti i~ii'th strc:ots, protesting against the tearing up oY Lhe presort stone g[tttors on :,ueh st2°eet.,was presc[[ted and read,. Upon reading Lhe said protest, the Council expre.~sed their willingr[ess Lo ack- nowlego petition, but ac the paroeeocli[[gs havo paroglessed to Lhe oxtept of calling 1'or bids Yor the do1r1K of such , work, Ito action was taken. ~ To The ]IQnoraUle 1(ayor atxl Co[~[op Council, City oY San Borrlardino, Cal. '~ Con*.lei::on:- The uiidorsigr[ed petitioners purpose laying a line oY sewer liipe along Lyr[wood ~°ay, a graded anti regularly accepted street, and we hwrewith petition your CiOL01'ab18 Uody Lo instruct the City Engineer to estab- lish Lhe soAer glade oY said Stroet. D.H.Jenkins. Fred 11.Jenl:ins. Upon readi[tig Lhe foregoing cotID:[u[ricatiwi Councilman Smith roved that Lho City ~tcginecr be instaveted to estalllich the grade oY Lynwood 14ay at:d prepare Plans and SpeciYications ibr the constr-[tetion oY a sewer thearoin. notion was duly soco:~cied by Counciltran Chan:bors and carried by trioi•olla?ing voto; AYes: Colo, ChaIDbers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. To the ]ionoraUlo 3dayor and Comrmlt Cour[cil, City oY Sap Aort[a2•dinb, CaliY. Gentlomen:- We, Lhe iu~clersig[[ed, Owpers oT property fronting on Church Street,'which Stroet ombraces 1200 Yeet of irontage•, in the City oY San Bernardino, do hereby enter protest against trio proposod p~avit[g of said street. We do not seo Lhe necessity of paving Chua•eh Stroet at this time, being a short s?.r of and in excell- ent condition, having been recently oiled at trio oxpense oY the property wruers. Signed by soma 11 Properly Owners,repreaeutit[g about 1000 feet oY Yrontage. iii•on rc;ading Lhe foregoing Councile[ait Cole mov«1 that the protest be acYnowleged and theorder Yor such wo#k bo reeit[ded,motion duly secondod by Councilman Staitit and carried, Cot:munication oY J.S.Ward ie Conpany ,requesting the priveiege oY demonstrating Wards patented process Liq- uid Atot[izor, was prosonted and read, Councilman Smith roved that the Stroet 5uperentender[lent be instructed to ' interview Jae[es 1teNair with the ob~oct oY Laying out the :':'ard I~L~tizer, taotion was duly seconded by Councilman C1[aRbor:.• atxl carried by the Yellowing vet©, Ayes: Col©, Criarbers, S[aith, Holmes. hoes: none. C.R.Blake 11ap of the C.lt.Dlako Subdivision was Presented i'or acceptance. Counciltmn Cole notred that the ltap be reY- Sub. arrrod Lo Lho Street Cozatittee, noLiol~ was duly sec;ottded by Cour[~ilrm[? Smith and caa~•ied. 'ith,st. City 1:[cgineer Y..)~.Tuttle presented Yians ar+d SpeciYications i'or trio construction of a culvert ~n^Town CreeK ~ Culvert. ~ at SovonLh Street, Councilman S[~itl; c:~oved that Lhe Flans arW SpoclYicationa bo ae,~optocl and Bred Lo Llte City Attor[[cy,trotion duly souonded by Cout[cilr~t: Cltanbors and carried. Tne City i:rgi[ko~~r presentexi Plana and SpeciTicatiwcs 1'or Oiling Tenth Stroeet, and upon notion made by Coon- nciluati ::t~it.l: cl[[ly secottcle~u by Councilr.~,:r vole a[,~i c.[rI foci Lt~e :.•o~:o wi:ro rei'orred to trio City Attol'neY. 1 Cunt it,ucd:- Cl:anf;e Cowtcilr:.arr St:ritT: novel tlfit Llie Ylurrs and :l;ocil'iuutaons for Uilittg Tenth Streat and Acacia Stt•cot 1>o cl~:anFed 011;ng P & S. to conYor~ to i.Ttc ruto oi' about ~7,EU i'or a riYty Soot loi•,notion duly soconded by Councilman Char.bors and enrr- r ied Uy the i'olloxiing voto, Lo-wit: Ayes: Colo, Chaslbors, Srrith, l[oln~es. i,oo:;; non©. 14.It.lreed al,pcarod Uei'oro tho Council in behalf' oi' proporty ownors oi' Ilex Ave. and as~ed that :;trnet Ue oil od, Councilman :r.,ith rloveci that the t1..ttt'.T Uo ruYcrred to tho Strcot Supe~•ontendent attd City Engine^r, r:.otion seconded by Cotlncilttran ChanUors and carried,. j i~'ire ChieY' Sta> ke staLai LYwt tiio N'i2•e i;epartr.:ent is working short 1'.aruled and recommended that another pa i3 R pl,t rat , Loii'en. z,an Ue in;,tulled at Lhe N'oui•th Streot Station, Cout:cilrran Smith movod drat Lrnost Lefi'on Uo sppointed as pail onployeo oin tl~ie b'ire Dopt. at a salary u1' ~80.OU per tronth, he to repair Police Dopt.bicycles and MoLo2•cyclo, rot ion duly r:eeonded by Councilman Cole and carried by the i'ollowiilg vote, Ayes; Colo, Chantbors, Snith, Ilolnos. !cur i,iris wore presented i'or tiro replacing oi' that certain strip of sidewalk at the corner oY Ninth and i •1:° strcots, as i'ollaps:- .Erireat Yiewegor, Sidewalk, lil cents ger ::ytiare Yoot, Curti, 30 cents poi° lineal loot. , A.ItoUinson, Sideealk, 10 cents per syti:Ire Moot. Cub, 30 cents per lirtoal root. i 7l.D.Bohan, Sidowalk, l0 cents per square foot. Cur U, 25 Cents per lineal Yoot. Jo1,Ir N6itrltlIk, SiuowUlK, 60 cents Per lineal root. Curb, :iU • • ¦ ¦ Courreilrran Chambei~• raoved that tho tatter be 2nid on the table wttil it is~iecided what to do,~tlhn duly :>cconded by Councilatiin Colo and carried. I iJpon nrotion rside by Councilran Colo duly ::econcled by Cotu[cillann Chambers and carried the [council acl~ ourned Lo taeot lionday September 2b,1911, at 9.30 o'clock JP.I(. 1- /~ Approved this ~tYay of September lal ~~.1`•x~~l-~--A / 1 C~ /i' ./~~ ~ CITY CI.>VRK. '; { ~ YOR. i r , F • i 5 1 ~~g 3 City Ball, Sou Bernardino, Calii'. Svl,tar::bar,2u,1a11. r- ; Regulus adjotu•[ieci r.:eotinl; oi' tl[o i;ayor and Co[:u,ou Council of the City oY Sa[: Sercarctino, hold L.onday, Sept- ember N5, 1011, ldo:eti:,}; eras culled to order by Mayor l~rigl,t at 8".3J o'clock Y.M. Lho iollowing r;ertbors oY the Cow:cil Loi[[g present: Cow[cil[.ivn; Colo, Chaulwrs, Irving, Smith, Holmes: City Clerk Latchelor. Ab: ent: City Atto,°noy I~llis•on. Pre minutes oi' the previous rweting were read and a1 proved, j Iles.Ne.454. >v resolution of the Mayor and CoA~[.:on Council oi' the Cbty of San I3err:urdino, orctor•ing the improver•~ont of ~ Pearl u[:d Catick Streets, by the construction of vitrii'ied pike sowers therein, was road in full for Sinul pa^e aEo anti ucioptocl >n' the i'ollowing vote, to-wit: r'.Yes: Cole, Irvi[ig, CTdarJllors, Smith, liolne'e. Noes: i env. Ros.I+o.455. A resolution oi' the Mayor and Con¢~?on Council oY the City of San Dernurdino, declaring their intention to ir.[provo "F" Street i>eLwvon r:fgrith a[:d ientll ~•treots by constructing cement concrete sidewalks and curbs or[ the cost ~•ido thereof, was road in null i'or final passage and adopted by Lhe following vote, L9-wit: Ayes: Cole, ~% } Irvin , Chambers, Smith, llolnes. Noes: none. Res.No.458. A Resolution oi' the Mayor and Corv;,on Council oP the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to i[r,prove •E•Sti•eeL from Second to Tenth straet, by paving the roadway thereof a[[d constructing gutters and culverts therein, was road in full Yor 1'ir[al passage and adopted by the Yellowing vote, to-wit: AYVS: Cole, Irvi[~, Chambxers, Smith, Holmes. hoes: norioe Res.No.457. A resolution of the Mayor and Com[non Council oY tiia City oY San Ber[[aidino, declaring their intention to i[aln•ove •E• st, Sixth straet, Kendall Avenue, and r.ighth straet by consLr[icting cement concrete sidewalks and curbs therein, was read in full for fir[al passage and adopted by Lhe 1'o2lasing vote, Lfl wit: Ayes: Cosh, Irvi[[g, Cha:alwrs, RmiLh, Lolnies. Noes: none,. = Res.No.458. A resolution of Lhe Mayor and. Common Cowrcil of the City of Sar, Bernardino, declaring their intention Lo improve •(i• street 1'ror~[ Lhe north line of Lhe roadway of Ninth street to Lhe south line oY the roadway of Tenth street by oiling Lhe sul•1'ace Lliereof, was Tead in 17[11 Tor f'inel passage, whereupon Councilrnn .~[1th requested '~~ ' il;rther information in ref;ard to the cost of wort: beYOr~~ voting Lo pass said resolution. The following report was presented and read. To the Honorably Mayor and Corw,[on Council, City of San Bernardino, CaliYornia. Oe1et 1 emen : - . On the sub~eet of oiling Tenth street under Act oY 1911, we beg Lo report as follows: a In the first place it is our opinion that it would be needless waste Ot money Lo undertake this work at • all except alor[g iines'~which would insrue poruanent re'sulte. To accomp2fah LhiA, Lhe street should be brought to Lhe street grade and oroea-section and the surfaoes thoroughly compaaLed beSore oiling. In no other wey ten ~-' competent drsinage and an eruluring wearing surface be uooured anti besides, according to our version or the Vroo- c[an Act proceedings, we do not Lhir[I: LhaL you can order Lhe oiling of a street miler this sat unless the street is brought to its established grade and cross-section. Tize following atateruent of cost eatim~tes explains its soli'. ~ For the oiling oY 1iayYiold Avenue, work done by the City: LuUOr for one block (gradi[[g LLe street distriutting the o11 arxi l8ying screenings ;108. U0 oil uso« on street 120.00 I.inostor[e ~•c1•ee[iir~gs 27.75 Cost of l~oliir[g 4.00 .Total ~ .a) T,58.~16 Mayl'iolcl Ave, betfre~~n 8t 1: utici Oth, 1mL a I,ropelLy line oi' 6JU 1'eot,. This [:~rltipiied by 30 ft. in wiRth ' oi' tho roaciwuy equals 18,J00 sci.it. dovidcd into $2S.r.75 agrials 1.4 acute I~er squaro i'oat, cost oP the oiling oY I~uyi'iold Avo.,work Bono Uy Ll~e City, so in our opinion ire think we could get 10th :tract oiled f'or not z r:rore tl':sn two cents Por sgiwro moot a; this ),rico rroulci give tho corrtructor a good profit and allow 1'or all ' contingencies. At Lwo cents a :;iluare root it would cost the Proporty owners on 10th Street not more Lhan 54 coats pet' llllEk31 Moot, Rosl:octiully Yott~•s, K.b'.TuT^.I.E City Erfgincer. i;.H.KELL004 Street SuperontenAent. i It was ~.oved Uy Councilr~au Smith that tho ;:eewid rouding oY Resolution oP Intention No.~5fl b© laid Duct f orte week that he r:ught interview pa•oporty ownors on "C" street in regard to estimated cost oP oiling st[•ect, notion rtes duly secotxled Uy Couneilrun Cole and carried. ~' ' Pre::arlted as}:itrg that un Arc light, Ue installed at corner oY •E' and Cenova stroots, also ~ 1,ighLs. Ietition rru.: i'or light at Connor aY Poar and 'Nalnut, Councilman Smith sovod that the Petitions bo rePYorcd to the Lighting, Coru::ittee vrith power to act, rJOtion duly socondeci Uy Cout[cilu;tttr Holsres and curried. Auolish hon.?Sayor and Comr:~ou Council: Sopt 2b, 1911. 2: fight :'er~eunt. I herewith recomotrd that the ofi'ice of flight Sor$eant.be abolished. Yours F,espactiZtliy, A.L.14L:SPELT, Chief' og Police. Upon reading the i'oregoir;g reeomueudatiou Cout;cilraan smbth Taoved that tho report or the ChieY oP Police be concw•red in, motion was duly :seconded by Couticilmat) Chambers and carried by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: Irving. Councilman Cole moved Lhut the aboiislunenL oY office oY Night Seaseant Lake ePYect itimrediatly end Lh<.~ sal- ary oY 01'i'ioer Stuart be reduced to =60.00 per uonth, motion duly :seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by ~ the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irvit~, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. r Bills. The City Clerl: was authorized to issue wariauts Tar claims as approved by the b[eyor and Finance Committee this date, by tho following vote, to wit: Aye:,: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. :^111 Lueasier appearod UeYOrc the Council and asked i'or the position oY Sanital•Y Inspector should such oflico be created, 1(ayor Fright expressed himsoiP as having some one in Hind should such oYfice be created, #' ~ . ~-: a~~• r,~atter was dePi'ored until the return of the City ALLorneY. Councilman Smith moved ti>vt the Health Oi'l'iest Ue instructed tb investigate that certain cos yard in block Uetween Arrowhead Ave. ar:d 'v. and Ninth 'sad 4enth Streets, and if he Finds such cos yard a mtieanee Co+W. I Lo ioruediatlF swtar to a vor~plaint and cause the street of oPi'ending party,ootion was duly soconded by Cann- ciluaan Chambers and carried . Holy Councilman Smith moved that the request oY Ltre City ~nginc~er,Por extet?~xion oi' time ,for extra Tian emVl- City T~t1$. Jan-1-12: Dyed 1r. his oi'i'ic©, Do granted to January 1, 1812, motion sacuncled by Cowteilman liolA~s and carried by the i'ollosing vote, towit: Ayes: Cole. Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. 7th.str. Councilman Cole moved thti the Street Superentendent Uo inativated to cover the Town CreeK UTidRe in Isr idge . " Soventh Streot, motion seco[xied by Councilman llolmas atxl carried. Cow[cilmau Irving Coved that the oflico oY danitor oY Lrie City Y.ail be declared vacant on tho 30th, danitor. day of SoptosiUer loll, motion duly oecsotr<Ied Uy Cowrcilmun Chambers atxi cart"iod. ' kayor Bright aypvilrted Tina Washington tv the position sY Janitor oY City hall said appointment to take oi'i'cet Octobor 1,1i111,aud suU~ect to the coru'irrtaLfon of the Council, Councilman .Smith roved Lhat the aploin- tr.~el:t Ue eoni'irmai,r..otion se.~on:icd Uy Cou!rcilrsan CP_at~rUors ar.d curried UY tJ,e following vote., to-grit: AYes: Colo, Ir~•irr{;, ~t::,x:UOr.:, Smith, liolr:oa. does: [tone. --- --- _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~t~ Contimmd:- Counci2r.ran llolrres ;~tutod tlwt L'i°rrest I,e~'1'en aic} not ::oer~ erialineci to uecopt apT,ointr:onL of ox.tr•n T~a[r zt \ : ourth Stiect biro Station Lol;cther with the ti•+orl; oi' relairint; tiro Police i1eI~artrzer~t Bicyclos, Uut eras slillir!g ~ J to ca~•e i'or the Motoroyclo, whoreupon Counc;ilraan S~aith uovcxe that LLo Bicycles be bllirainated Yror ~tutics, r,~otion secon4cd lry Counciirran ChanUei•3 a1;d c:,ri•iod. Resignat- City E]ectrician U.1'.}[irses apPoarod Uoioro t}ic Council and ui'te~• ti~an};ir:g th© 1Sayor and Cotirnci] Sor th~~ ion P:F'. }linos. raar;y courLosiee shower hire tendered his resiEnatica; ac City }:2octrician to tuko ofa'ect Jct. 1, 1921, Cowlcilr.~n Siaith roved tTwt tl?e ro~igr:ution uc accepted, notion seconded uy Councilman Coto and carl•1©<}. A.A.Snyder Mayor I31°ight apT~ointed ]i.A.Snyder to position of City Eloctrician, With c}uLies the sane as the Present l~lectrician 1limes, said appointuen: suu~ocL to ti!e coiisirwation oi' t}~e Coui,cil. Couircilsmn Char3ber~ moved Lhat the api.oitztr.:ent bo cari'irned, notion Qi11Y seconded uy Courrciltran Smith and carried by tho i'ol2aving vote, Ayos: Colo, Irving, Char±bors, Smith,. Hols~es. ]:oes: none. ! UNon motion wade by Couricilmarr Irving duly seconded by Counciloan Cole and carried tAe Council adiournod to n,et ilonday Octouer 2, 1f311. at 7.30 o~c2ocK P.L. ~ f ApFroveci this ~ day oT October 1911. t.-; r ~ ~c-1~~ r~ j ! ~ ; CITY CI,YF2K. 11AY i i 4 r_~ ' r • i 236 -- --- -- _ - City !tall, sin liC2~n.!2`d1RC~,r;aI12', uctober 2,1n11. ~ i Ho~'ttlar ad~ouri?ed nteeting of the iiayor ur.Q Cortnon Council oi' Lha Caty o1' Sun 1{ornat'Qino, hold Monday oct. t~ 1J11. >aecting was cullocl to order by I.tayor 1ii'ight at S o'clc9ck Y.1d.tho Following ttemirers oi' tho Council j 1 belt?g presort: COl1n<:lim9n; Cole, Cha[tirors, ::,,tith, t;olctas. City Attorney Allison aI!ci City Clod: 3atchelor,. ~ Abse?:S : COUIt~ilIna;t 11'ving. IIII '~hC 11i?I?1L.'.~ 01' Lhc gTev2UUS Iot.CLirig wCl'C 1'ea d aril at,bl'OVad. i Pl•otest D1 .J.ll.tturloy appoared bai'oro tho Cou;?cil arui I~rasonted a pot ationy protesting the paving oY ¦F• :.'trout, "P'"Str, eheraupon Counciltan t:oltaos novod tilktt proc.,edings be posUoned ardai'inately, motion seeonde<t by Councilman y Cole, City Attorney ~.111son ucivisact that c~oti~tc eras ;tot nece:;sary, and Co!inaill=utn. tiolnes withdrew notion with th~~ consent oi' seoolttt. ti S Hills; •rhfs being tno date set 1'or openiltE bids Yor the paving oi• "1;¦ street between second ar?d Third streota, a Y:tving D & 1r. and "D" street between chard and }''ii'tlt streoLs, Mayor Bright called 1'or retaarks bei'ore proceeding to open j said LIQs, there appearing to ire none, Coutteilccan Charters moved ti;at the Clerk proeoed Lo open sand bids, motion duly.seconcled by Councilr.?an Smith and cari'1a(1. I Bid oY P'alrahild-ialrtore-5aiton-CO. ~ Repavlrtg, hoc square Foot, - - - - - -.1~', - ,14'~ . Cement concrete gutters per square root,- .1Y~ - .14 Culverts conplete,per lineal PooL,Class 77-A ; 3.00 s • • ¦ • w .,rJ-$ 2.00 a • • ¦ • w • 77-Ci 1.40 f iota! b1d, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = 13,062.20 f Bid oY Johnson-Shea (:o. "ic• Street. Asphalt paving c~ .1C+~ ~ I,er square root. Outters c~ ~ .45 ~ por lineal root. - ~ "D" Street. 1 Asphalt peeving, ~ .15Z ~ per square foot. flutters, t5 ,46 " lineal • Culverts, Class 77-A ~ 3.00 • • 77-8 2.50 • • 77-C 2.60 • a Total bici, - - - - - - - - ~ l4,?,44.59 i t Thu bid of Nalrahlld-Lt21m02B-R111LOP.-CO, appearing Lo be the lowest a»d Dest b1d Counciltan Cole tnove~l C that the contrast be awarded Lo Lha l~alrahild-tlilmore-Wilton-Co. at the price speeii'ied an their proposal, r E { motion duly s.^condeci by Counailman Sm1th at:d carried. A resolution was introduced awarding contrast, read 111!_ in Yull i'or the rust time and laid over Tor i'inal passage. ~ Dills: This being the slate Y1xed 1'or opening bids 1'or the improve?aetit oi' the North side or hirst street,between Sidapalk i~`1rst, D and sLreotal;~~"I!r•sti'aet,botweon trust and second streets and xayYield Avenue, Caumeiltnan lfolmes novod •D• & i[ay>'ield. that thr.. L}ark proaecd to open such llida, t:totion aesondod lry Coilncflttwn Chanters and earrleQ. I i rt Did OY 7;.D.BOhan; Sidewalks, 13~ cants persquare Toot. Curbs, :t4 lineal • 1 The bad oi' 'ai.D.itohan appearing to l,o the lawo::t and best bid Cowrcilman Cnie trtored that Lhe bid be acs- i ePted,r~otion duly scco[tclecl by Counailtttan :smith and carried by the t'ollowing vote, Ayes: Cole, Chambers, 1 Suith, ttoltaea. t+oos: cone. A resolution awurcti[tg c:ontr:.ot Lo ~'.D.Hohan at the prise spociYied in hie flro- ~ pose!, was introciused, rouci 1n 11tH t'or site 1'irsL Lute and laid over i'or i'inal Passage. f Co;!i:tu!Ioation i'raR ttoard of I:oalttt rncommenciirt; that Dr.A,It.'rliae tre apl,ointod lnapostor aY 3toslc and I~ H.~1' ts. 1>.airios,was I~re,:;aue.aa, .iw w~•v][71ey !!staid that recouc~tendutiop did t:ot require actior, oi' tnc Council but f dut*e Lo bs as3igned by tae ;ioard bi" lioaltJt. Co?t:;ailnian Cnamuers mound that the aoma^.tni~.ution ba roeeived i -_-------__~__.__...___ -- _...W._..~.. ___J `.~~"{ C ont. i :rued : - aad placed on file, r.:otion duly :;econciod by Co;rncil,:;au Sr:iith .;nil carried. • ~;).ectc~n. Rol~ort oi' City iae;triciar; ras psec:enteu ctnd read, Cout cilr.;an SrziLlr reeved that the report t;o rcc]ovcd t, and placed on 1']10, r~otron duly sc~col;clal uy Couti~]lrsau ti0lates and carr]ed. 1,]1*hLs. Yetitiotis wore presented r°ecluest]rrg that ~.r'i: i,]ghts be Installed at Fussell Street anct on r:inth ^treet between •D" and 'F:* :areots, Councilman SriiLh r:uweQ that roqueat oi' petitioners be t~runted,r;otion seconded by Cc~unciltran Holmes and carried. Report Rol~o~t of Suporonteriderct oi' SL]•oets;ol' zrtl~roveu©nts,sadra[Ad aerourtt of 011 received and used clurinT* the st,supt. peesont adnrirristrataon and detailed report of work accomplishedp was presented and read, urdered received and placed on file. city &ngineor K. F.irrttlo presented Plans and Specii'ications i'or paving rust Street betr~cen D and E, Sidewalks:- Curtis Street, hrrowhoad Ave. between 7'1rizY1 street and ttridge onsaid street, IIase Dine betw~, Arrowhead Avv. and "D• street, and south side oP b`irst street between •D' anti 'E' streets. Co*.lncilcran~r~oved that said Plans and Specifications Ue refi'ered to the City Attorney, notion duly soconcl^d by Councilman Cole l acrd carried. t Cor..murication signed by J.L.Ptalton oi'i'erislg $lut),OU per nontir rental f'or use oP City Pavilion to be, used as a skating rink. Corurcilr.:an Smith moved that of'f'er be re; ectod and request denied, motion socor~d'©d by Councilman Aolnes and carried. 7l. W,Swirrg appeared before the Council and asked that the Council take treasures toward caritrg Por storm storm-elites •A• bet. crater on •A' street between Third and FiYth street either temporary or permanent, e~ propextY in butt loaal# 3rd.tt 5th. iLy is in much danger during stormy season. Councilman SrJith i'JOVed that City Attorney draw up papers for sigaatures oi' property ownexs on •A• atreat, for establishing a storm water ditch, notion seconded b}' Coun- cilntan iiolmes and carritsd. In tare rs3t.ter oP caring for storm raters on •A• street north oP Basc Line, Councilman Smith moved that the Street 3uperentendent Ue instructed to ascertain what can be done toward defining a water way on .the wear side oP street to throe such storm water in a straight line, such work to be done under Lhe supervision oP ~ - Street SLlperenL©ndent, notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. \ r: lrz ~ 1 t? •rhe NI J la oP •POwne Seccombe & llison for drugs rUrnashecl Lo ranaly antler. 4aarentltte anti t:01t ln9 aroc- uuarcntlne. _ el'y i'O1' $1'OCEJ2'28S ZUrnl3rtOd wer@ relCred LO tub t:a1.y wttorney, IIOLlOn t^.ade by 3111th seconded bq 1rO1T'1e8 8T1(t ~ v=arried. Tee airy Ciers was auLhoMzed to 1sslte warrants ror clams as approved by Lhe uayor and r•ananee aotms- Y1I18: 1LLC6 Ln18 UaLe DY LII@ ZO110w1Itg VOL@, LO-wit: Ay@3: GOl@, lirlaAlU@Ta, UIIlth, nOlm98. noes: none. CCIlf1611Ixitn stalth moved LnaL Lhe ~lty r.nglti@@r be 1nsLTUOted LO jQepare Ylan3 end 5jeC1S1ceL10ne, ror the conatlvetlon or uerrent siaelraltts on the east side of •y- street between rrourtn and t+antn streets, motlcm seconded oy cottrtciitmn cttamttere era carraed. cc~tencllr.Ian cnambere moved that the c;aty r:rgineor prepare rians era speoaneataons ror she t:onatruotaon of content Rlcie'rrail:s 8rtd curb upon Lrie north S1d0 OZ 88COnd i16L1?Oen 't• BIM •G• sLl'@ats and On Lhe SOgLn sYde oi' S~?Cntlcl beLwCOrs ts87•r1s a~1t1 •u• stre@La, UOLaon :;r3COndCd by Courlc:altz&n 3tglth allci Carrl@d, l:M1r~C]1t9aP. SriilLh rdOV@d LhaL 4•;.U.1)Oltttn b@ aRer~led Contl'aCL for rFplBCirtg sidCRBik 8rtd Curb On tno~coPne or Ninth anti •s• ::tr~~eta,or auoh pa]•t as wart dacsged In nat:]ng ra1l,rtot]on sPCOrxlerl by crnmeliratn soirees arxr Ca rPl e'(t by the TOStOw 111 t; YOtC; AyO.^,: Col©, UharnbCl's, :(11th, noises. ::ovs: IiOn@. upon r.;t~LZOIt or c;or:nclls;an l;ole,sveor~clyd by coltnezie;eIl r:oinos anti earr]ed Lno CotinCll acticnrrttect to sect 11C•IH1Uy VCL Or1A1' 4J,1911, at 7,:10 O'Ol OCf: Y.ki. t~ '! p10 OVrti t h]s Q~ _ tt~iy O ' tl •t tbCT,~ 1 ta'CY t~,nl+K. T 11GYUtt. _ _ _ _ _ Cit}~ t:a11,:,anDOrnar~aino, ~:ai1i'. Oet.0,1©11. j ttet;ular ail; ~urno~l racotinl; ~~l' tho ?iayor ono Corn) ~n I;cnneil oi' t.ho Cary oi' srin Itornarclino,held sionday, Oct obey f3,1i311. >.t~~otlt~g was c:aliod to order by 1.+aYOr t3raFht at 'r,30 o•clock F.l.l. the i'olicre+ing r:ro~nber~s oi' rho Cou+lcal uoallE; Present:- Cofnx:ilrlon: Cole, lrvinz~, Ct~amb~n`:;, `.:faith, xolmes, r;aty lttornmr hllison alul City Clerk ifatchelor. E s 'ihe runutrs oi' tho prevaous f.;eetang wc;re read and aPl~rovcct. "D"&"i~:" ttesolutiou t+o.4ts0. w resolution oi' the Lfayor and Couu:on Council oi' the City oi' ::an Ber+Iardano,awarding 1'avLlg CORL1'aCL to the kall'Chlld-G11tlOT0-i111LPIt CO. I'Or tho 1'e-paVlllg OY "i!:• 8tr©-:L 11'oil Lho nol•th llne oY S~.'t;ond Gtreei, to the south 11ne of ihirci Streot, and "ll" Street t'ro;a Lho north line oY 'Cri1rd Street to the south lino oi' N'11'Lh Streot,altd rite construction oY CulverLa :,nci utltters therein, at the mice specaYaed an thear proposal, on i'11e with Lhe Caty Clerk, was react 1n lltll 2'or i'1na1 ?;assage and was voted down by the i'ollow- ing vote,to-war: Ayes: none. toes: Cole, arving, Ohamt,oa°s, 5nitii, Ilol+aes. It was rlovad by Cewtciirian llolmes, that on account oY proc;ecdings Ueing orogaiar that the matter oi' ~ paving "i:" and •D" stre•~t be daYi'orod, and that the C1Ly l:nginear bo insta'ucLed to prepare a new sot of 'i Plans and sp©cii'icataons for doattg such wori:,retuinang the presont Cobble Stone guitars, motaon was duly seconded Ity CounciL~lan li•vartg and carried by tine i'ollowing vot©, to-wit: Ayes: Colo, lrving, Charbcrs, Smith, xolmos. Noes: none. Coitncalr:+an Smatn novel LhaL the Bond oY Lho A•aarchllcl-Gilmore-^ilton Co. be ezhonorated ar.d LT.at they bo uotiriod oY the action oY the Council, raotiou duly seconded by Councalrfan Chambers and carraod by the iblloerang vote, to-w1t: Ayes: Colo, truing, Chambers, smith, dolmas. Noes: none. North Sldo Hesolutiou No.4b1. A resolution oi' the tdayor and Cnrrnon CouliCiloY tho City of San ilernardano,a~^ardattg First str. Si<lewalk coutraet to ar.ll.liohan i'oa• Lhe improvement oY the north side oY irirst Street between "D• and •£" sta•e9ts, by constructing co[¢ent sadawalks and ettrb tharean,at the grace si~ecai'a©d an leis proposal, was read an ittli for Yinal passago acid adopted by the Yolbowittg vote, Loo--war: Ayes: Cole, lrving, Chambers, swath, dolmas.. Neport or xeport oP CatY rreasuer 2'or the month endattg September 30, was presented and read and ttpo[t motion mado '~ Traasusr. by Councihuan Smith duly seconded Ly Councilsa+l Cole and carried the report was ordered Q13efi. -` tlepoi•t of Keport of City Clerk Tor the quarter erdang septoi!sber 30, was presented, Uotutcilrasn swath moved that City Clerk. report be i•eaoaved and~placod on Yile,motion socolxlcci by Councilman Cole and esixied. Tratl9Yer Resolution inthoi~ising the Lratlsi'9r oY ;8,000.00 12•om the Uonoral Hurd to the »tre+ft mina was read In ;6,000:00 ~ ` to streot. 11111 i'or Lhe Yirst time and laid over Yor i'1na1 passage. Bilis. 'the Caty Clerk w8s authorized to lassie warrants i'or elaima approved by the Y9yar and rlnanae Cor~ittPe, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, lrving, Chambers, Smith, dolmas. Noes: none. Petition A potition was Prosented requesting that the rice Lamita be extended westerly to •I• Street on ?h]rd li~ire I,lAt9. Street, whereupon Cowscilman swath moved that Lire City Attorney be lnatrtlated to prepare an az+endteent to '~.A".~dir~ the l;uildittg Ordinance, eztonding the >rire iltfllts west on Tn1rd YtreeL, 150 lest on each side oY attest, motion was duly soaonded by Cowlcilman Cha>=b©rs and carrlod. Res of int. Resolution oY intantaon NU.458. A resolution oi' Lhe lWyoT atttt CoG¢ton Cotlnaal or the C1LY oY xan uernard# , '~• ~ •I•St.Sewer. 8-7-t3-sprttee. lno doelaring Lholr antontion to construct vltrlfaed pipe sewers in •Z• Street, saghth Street, !Seventh Street, ::1zth streot, and Spruce Street, was road in i'u1! t~or the i'irst tine and laid.over i'or i'lnai pac:age, i',~:,.Adpt. resolution oi' rho itayor at:ci Cota.:~on Cotu,cil of Lhe City oi' san t3erru,rdino adopting Ylana, Cross-srn~t ions P n 8. PaVlilg U, aT:d ;:1,6Cii'1Cat20nQ i~oY LYtO trtpl'OVCmf.11L oi' r1r:3L Stl'AOt iietweelL •D• al;d •1V• SL1'AOL~3, slid •D• SL1' 0t between ' i'lrst. 'ia•itL ar:d Thlrcl 5L1•c~~?ts, i~J' p:.virg the rcxicirays 23-~caeol' an<l tl'ia eorietruction of Gft±t9r:s a:;d Ctflver*_s thm,~in 4 _ _ -- - ----- continued:- rras read 1[[ 1'u11.1'or the i'lrst tir:re ar.d laid over i'or~inal l,as:=age. sidrnralk::, Hosolut.ion adoptZrtE Ylans un~i shecii'icuLionA i'or tl!o constru~azon oi' sidewalks on tY!o nortt: side oY Aaso J,ine C,C!u•tia, saso Line street,Uetween D and E atreots, d!: L1!o weal side of "C• street. Uotween the north erd ni' 'aa?•rn Creek bridge a[:d 'third street, un tho east a!:d roost sides oi' Curtis stroot, Uetwc•?n Sevonth and ~i€hth Streets, and on tl!e snuth r,icie of rirst Str•et i>otwea! "D" and "E" Streots, pa;: road in full i'or the first ti[:ro a[!d laid Duos i'or final passage. Oii Hex Coui:cilr,!ar. Irving coved that tho CiLY l;[!ginoor ue ~lnstrlectcd to yrepare Plans and SpeciPicatiens i'or A.vo. ' the oiling oS Rox Avenue under the act oi' 1J11. [lotion duly seconded UY Cou[:cilc::an Srith and carried Uy Lhe i i'nllor~ing vote, Ayes: Cole, Irving, ChaC!UOrs, S!:!it11, Jiolmes. Does: none. i k+s•.k..iialda•idEe appeared Uolbrc the Cou[:cil a[!d urged the Council to tale ievecdiate action toward con- ? ::eructing a atorz~-rater ditch east oi' "A" street Uetrrecn Fourth ar.d F'ii'th streots, i!r.IJaldridge stat•:d ho was willi[!15 to Iraq ~lis proportion oP oxI-enso providing the work is suUstautial and perr^_ifnant construction, Councilmsn Chambers taoved that Lhe Clatter Ue roPi'ered Uack to the City -ngineer and str:~ot suPQrentendent Y 1. ~ to 1lxrni:;h SpeciPicationa and estimate of cost 1'or a 36inch coregated iron Ylume, location to Ue deterr!ined later, motion was duly secon~cl UY Councilman Irving and carried UY the Following vote, Apos: Colo, Irving Chambers, SC!ith. t+oes:none. It was sloven ~Y Councilman Chamuors that the bills of Towne-SeecorlUe~&-Allison aJ:d Lhe Collins Grocery ~ Tor drugs fZ[rnished in small-Pox cave ire reY1'ered Uack to the claimants, to Ue presented to the County, [sot ion duly seconded by Councilman Irvi[ig and carried. IL ras roved Uy Co~.u[cllman living that the petition presented requestir[g the eztention of laundry district ix+ laid on the table, motion seco[:dod by Councilman ChaC[bors and carried. Upon notion oi' Cowicilman Colo duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried the Council adjourned to meet Monday uetober f8, 1811, at 7,30 o'elocsY Y.M. Approved tima ~iQay OI vetooer, 18t~' f uit7t I.1We1C. ~- MAxun - t Cats' i:all, Sun >;err.aadil:u, c;alai. Uc:tobei' lli, lfili . tre~rlar act~ourrroci rreatariY ur tl:o liuYC•i• uud Cor:t.on t;ounc?al or tl:e City oi' San ttarnarclano, hold. t!onday October 1C,1U11,. Nootang was called to order by Mayor ImiQirt at !t.15 O'clock Y.N. yho roll owing members or the Council Present:- Conneilnon: r;olc:, lrvinC, smith, Clwr,bars, Holmes. City Attorney 1111^On and C1Ly Clerk r3atehOlor. itto rlinutes oT the Prava0i13 meotaRL xere read and approved. ttes.02' lilt. A HOSOhttiOn Or Lhe NOT anti COf!IL:OIi l:0ur1C11 t10Clarlllg thE',1P lI?LORLlOn LO COrr:;trUOL vairli'lE(t plp0 t3ewel' No.4b8. Sewers in "1• Street, lzighth ::tree[, Seventh Stl•aet, sixth r:ti•eet, and sr,ruce Street, in the Cats or :.an Hornardano "1" L'th, Ytn, Utit, was read an i~tll 1'or i'il:al bassage uuri actoptOd Uy the rollowing veto, to-wit: Ayvs: Cole, lrvang, Chambors, ST,ruco. Srath, tiolcres. Noes: none. ~ ftos.'1'rans. ttosoluLion or Lho Mayor and Common Colntcil Authorizing the transi'er Or ;Ei,000.00 rrom trio c+eneral Inlnd O,ODU.OU to Street. to the street rend was read an roil i'or 1'anul passage u1+d adopted by the rolrnring veto, to-wit: r' Ayes: Cole, Irving, ChaAbors, Stnitlt, Holmas. Noes; none. "'~ Res.AdPt. [resolution oY the Mayor snd Cotarlor! CGL1nC11 auOPLing Yians, Crosa-sections and sPeciracations ror the imp P & S. I S~'ia°st & rovement oi' lrirst stroet,rroer the east tans or Lhe roadway or •1~¦ street. to the eatit lane or the rOIIdway of • tl• St. e . "ll• street, and tar trio improvement or •il" street nom the north lino or tha roadway of rust street to tno SOULh Ilne OI tn@ roadway Or '1'hlrrl street, llr Lh0 City oT 3an H@rnardln0, by PeVlrlg Lh@ PG8dway3 tnereor, i and Lhe construction oi' concrete cutters and Culverts therein, was road in roll ror rinai passage and adop- ted by trio i"OllOwing vote, t0-wit: Ayes: Cole, lrvlltgs Cnafibers, SClat~, xolmes. No@8: mono. ties.kcipt. rtesolution or tha Mayor and Comr+on Coulrcil, adopting Yians, seetaona, and xJ:eoirieationa ror construe- Y & 3. Sidewalk Ling sadeavalks and etirbs on the north side or Halo Lane street, between "i)' and •!d• str ~e9l; Un Lhe west ~ + Ra::e Lan@, Arrwhd Ave.saae or ArrOWheaci Ave. batxeerl the north end 02' the iYai•m creole oradge and Third street; Un the east and west Curtis, ~ • A'la'sL. aldea Or Clll'L13 SLPO@L, bOLweall SeVOnth and lvlghth SLYeete, and on IhH 80Utn 33d@ Or rlrst StLr@@L, beLwaOn ~ ' i "D• and "!c• StrooLS, in Lhe City or sin ldornarciino, was read in rule ror rival passage and adopted by tno i'oliowirrg vet©, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, lrva~Eg, cRambers, smith, Holmes. NO@S: non@. f""'\~ Protest Leon 2lorowitz presented a petition, signed by some Z1 Property owners, representing some 1487 teat of lst,& li. i'ronLage on "ll• street betweon r'lrst and Tnard ~Lr:+ots, proL@sting against Lhe proposed paving or said stres rat,. '1'ne petition being preclature it was laid ovgr i'or action. h Assignment 9opy oS assignment o2' 1''ranchise arrci Al•anclrise rights or rred u.lrleahiarrg to The southern slerrea Yorer s OS' YTanchaso. ' Company, of that certain 1~'rarchase t Ordinance HUauer 482) :rented to Freaei B.Yechling, has suaees§ore and assigrrs,Ylne a right, iY•anehise and privelege to erect, cwtstruct, operata aird maintain, an 9lecarae system; - f wus pi•osentOd and read, it was raved by Coilncilraan Cole that the sand copy or assignment oY lrranahise, be ra ceivcxt and placocl on rile, motion wart duly :toconcled by Courlcair.+an Cna[at+era and carried by trnananrnra veto. "" YeL1LlOn T'h0 rOilOwlrlg patlLlOn was prus~*nted 8nd T@8d:- A ?neX8t 1 On To the ,lonorabla llay0l' and VOmrwn COUnaIl Or Ln0 Clty Or Ban Hornardino: W@, the und@rsignrxi, tjl+aliT1@ci erectors or trio City or San 210TrrardlRO, and constatuting an the agRregat@ ra0i'O Lhan Or+e-raYLn 1R ntlmi>Br 0I' sUClt al@(!LOPS, COmptlLerl UJrOn Ln6 numiMP 02' VOLeB Ca 9L Qt Ln@ 183E rminlalpfll •y Oloction held 1n sai+t City, ttosTrectrully petition trio Mayor acrd Comclon Cortnaii or said City and to the el x- tors reslcllRr In tnA LCi'1'tLOYy~nereinarL@T de:,v'r1U4d, the ilucr:;tzon: srJC1711Cx siren TJCHNII'UItT xtrAl,lr uls A37NEJUGll 'C0, 1Ni;UIt11r1tA'C7Cll In At+ll rtAlrs A k'Alt'1' UJr tiLtliri At,t'+1l.lYAL UUrr2'UltAT1r1N, upon Pi'OCeFNiirtf':: being ltad anti Laken, as pPOVidrnl r)v law. '1 Re LerratOry yOtli' J>,rLiLlolt~s.'s petataon tea!' be annexed to .^at~t City is trcrtlnrlwl ant[ clnsori- Bert n:: roilox:c, to-wit:- • i C ont 1 nI1Q~i: - tlof;lnninc; clt tnv centor or r;atcrr:an Avc+nllr;, ut tho lntvr::cetlon or trio pro:lucofl rcortll lln~~ or Islock Ilill+t~or '~ '1'llll'Ly-LSJO S 3:; j, t{a I1C 110 :all !fCl']la ]'(11110; LilO11C0 wd13t alOn(; th0 Ilel'Lh 12I1C Or ,Told 13I OG'n ,ta L0 ltd lnt Q]'B^C- ~ t1P11 t"ILh LhC Ce11L C1' Mlle Or 'A• tit 1'e CL; t1i0nCC 110rLh Oll Lr(6 pl'(klilC t?(L COALer llil4 Oh •A• HtI'f?9L, LO Lno fr01'LI( 11nC Ol" Jf10Ci: Inlrflter t:1~;I1Ly-I'lve t85), ftant:h0 ::art 11e1'lial'ttllt0; tnellOC !fast a1011g Lno north 11nB 01' suit! lilevS; 8~i, pl'cxluae(1, Lo tho comer lint of :rutarl;an Avtuiue to Lha !,lace or net-lrlnjltp;. 1 ::0170 ~i3u :;l~ltaLUr O~ aII1tCX Ctl t0 ai)OYO tfCL1L1011. j Uprnl 1'CUCIln[; Lna aboao petltloll Councliilan ChallUers movvcl that tho ::ame bo rerer,ed to tno Clty C1~7t'I: 1br Vel'lrl C:1t10I1 Or S1gnaLilreb', mot loll dilly 3;COIl(1Ori l)y l; Oln lCllr4a it ST,i1Li1 anti Ca r]'le(l. Jteltuost nor Arc Llgnts at Lno 1'ellewlnL locutions were recolve~l:- Croscing at '1'hlrLeonth alai Sulall- Lights. vcda; :ro:Tt end or Yaclnc ,<•vanuo; fiarrls street, uetwQf;n SixtJl anrL Srvonth streot3; Connor or JCleventh and •0• SLrvoL6, upon notion nano by Coun(lil~:lah Srlltn,cluly sceanded, and carrletl the salts wore rervrre(i to tno L1F;11L1T1~; 1;0I7m1tLeC. 'ro trie t{onorabio ?tayor and c:lty t;owloil: % t7ent ler;lon : - \ ;hv 1'0S1dP,]1L3 or urant Avenue, Uotwenn 1 and K streets, jvard n Uall Tract nesire a lateral Hain saver en Cantor Averluo, and desiro samo to be coni:tructed; under suporviaion or Lhe Street ~:upor 91tLOndOnt, and w120n COIDpi OL Od ,aCCelfL Od by your I101101'a UlO !;Qtly. S9Ork to be Bono antler T1r1 vaL0 COrIL raC Hesp©CLrtllly, d.li.t}11,L. Upon reading tnv roregoing Potltlon Cowlcllrwn ChanUors Gloved tnut Lho C1ty xnglneer ue lnstrueted to Prepare Ylans and speelneatlons nor saner as petltlenocl, rJOtlou duly seeondeci by CounelimaA :;m1Lh ant! Barr ied. lter,ol•L or To the 1lonorable Mayor gild Colrmlon Council, C1ty or San xornardino, Callrornia. ' City lang. _ Storm ctltch. (:entiomon:- Ytlrsuant Lo your instlvctions or October IULYi,1811, asklllg nor an ostlmate on corrllEated iron pile nor stal'r, drain on west side or A Street iron! 5th to rind. 800 r2et or :iU" pipo, t+.U.li. San rieruardino, ~ ;2.48 ; 1982.OU ~ 7F30 root 3E1¦ p1Pe Ca ; 2.73.. ; 2074r8U 1560 rest yr ditoh to lay pipe ?.2~ i 343.20 Total Cost, ; 44iU.Uu itospoctruliy 5uuniLLed, • x.s.TU•rxl.s, city 1•~ngineer. Counollrlldn nolt7es mov~•il that Lho natter or installing storm water ditch be rvforro(1 back to the C1tY }v'ngln~Ter v'lth lnsti'uctlons Lo preparo Plan:. ant[ spoclrlcatlons Son a 5tt,rnl water distrlot lietwevn Th1rd and 1~'irth streets, Crnln<tll?A8n 3©itn rove.! that th(1 Clty lSngineer be 1nsLrucLExl to nrepare Ylans an(i Spec11r1eatlons rOr a CvrrllgaLed pipe r1t111o rPOm earn] Croek near trio corner or rnard and •A• >;Lr •vts, to Lhe oenter tints of s1z- toontri street,:aotlon secorxiv(1 by Counoilrlan Chambers and carried by Lrie i'olla?ing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Criactbers, smith, ltolmv;<. !.tree: none. H1J.lS. 'rho L'1Ly Ulvrk was aULhoriletl Lo issue warrarlLs 1'Or C1$lm8 apprOVed lTy Lhe Mayer aild PinanOO I;OmPI1tLe ~ ny the rOllarltlf; vote, to-wit: Ay03: Cete, 1rV1tIg, chambers, tiCl]L11, HOlt•'.Ce. Nees: none. rltY ;cltt~;ineor x.l•~.'nlT.tly la•ou()ntod Ylans and spec:lrleations nor trie ro{rluracing or •1c• str~ot rrvn tr Y & 5 north ilrte or Lno ro(Idray oi' Leven(! :TLre(Tt Lo trio ::oath line or rnilKt street, ai!d •L• street ri+eta the north L' & ll LT•rn~?T, 9. 1]110 OI- '1'nll'Il LO TnC htiLR 171ie 6C b"1I'L11 ::LYQEL, UI1(i [:1(tCwalk OI1 "J;• :rLI'Q3t !PCT1'i !"OITj",h LP ji1nL11 SLr~`'`t. Ut!ot: i10L1011 I:,(le its i701111~!l li 'u l? :71!1711 (7t11V ;7<?~!OTi~L':i rIL' I,'01}~ (tll>i~! i:hallbP.1'>= 3r`(7 Cif I'1'IR('l Lnq 3~7(t YLan3 fll tV \ - - - - - ~~a1r.3 i f 5la?;:1r1CaL10I1:: F!C]'il YO1bPP.il LO L14C C1Ly iSiLUI'I1Cy. ID'S. Or 1 t. k :ff~]i1t~1fQ7 o1"th0 uaynl' aRd COI'll (~Il (i Ol11kC 11 IIF:C lul'lllg LIU?11' IIlL C11L 20n t0 C011 L1'l1uL Vlt;t'1 C1<?;1 IQj~.9 ;:~?'.°!?T4 ', ~ ~ C4~C 117 111 '1' SL ~ECLy b]1ghL11 tiLl'eEL,, SQV Clft 11 SLr'eet, tilXLn NL1'COL, al!(l SL]'UCC tit 1'Ci'•t, 111 LhC l]li.V Or 5aI! IfC]']?a l'fllt'0, "1',u h, via f: 'Cad 1I rUll 1'Ol' 1"1 'al jk'i ::Sak;e a3!(i UiIP]iL OCI Uy LliC 1"01.LCwlll€ VOLE, LO-W1L: j 7L11,1iL ::1"~111C0. fy03: 10, I1' ing, l;halaUO 's, Sr11LYo, liOlf]C3. NOES: 71on0. Or(i.A°'}U7, /i Fl U1'dll'.81kCC al[IERd1Il(; Ul'itl ea RCC IIO. ~F',9 OF L11C 1]2Li• Ol' Sall 1f Cl'[ia 7'(11110, ont1L'1 en.t 'All {)1'd 7lla!1C t` 1'C1;111aL 111$ ~ :+'1:'C L1P.111R. i t.lr(1 Pia]~I1C1 1~I" COl!t3 L~1'IJCL 1011, a1L01'1kIL,'~ ]'Cl,(il l'lll~", ~]ltl r:OV lI;E 01' 1)1111111 I1~:: 1!1 L11C Clt~y or tiara gHr P.a'(l1 P.Of ~3F E 1'EPad 171 11111 1"OI' LhO !'li'st t 2rif1 arc! 1ai(1 0V01' r01' 1~1llal jR1SSa$O. I j I~',1?.]Ja1(,y ui,}; r.I r.eQ bC1'O1'C LI1?' UOil I7C 11 3I1 U011U 11" OT hCL 1LlORP, 1':i 3'Cil1"1C:iL 1il6' L17C CXL CIkL10R Or (L1 SL1'1 CL 1'A- 11` ;;!r1.;t1Rg I,aun(lrles, Hied at l~revlou;3 I!o~ting, Nr Ius1Ey ureeQ file Connell to roclonslrlPl' :letlokl or I,ravlous t:EELing. airs i~cgl:dou stated Lhat ells was conLer7p1aL1Rl; a brisk addltloll to her home an(i that a laundry adjolnlflg her property would not only l,e a disease Ureeder Uut a great detr111nnt l;eneraly, Councilman !ruing raovecl Lliat lawldrle5 Ue prolllblLed 1n Lllat certaall district ly1R}; Uet•weefl •G" and '1• and Second and .'lrth stre,LS. rounc1111w!! Sruttl mtrve(i that L'.A.Rouse anti others Ue notlrled that on ilonciay Uct.33, the mtyor and t:olulel will again take up matter oi' restrlctl!lg laundi'Ic?s wltriln a certain dlstrlet and softie dEl'lnately lr poss- ' IUle, rlotioll seconded by crnlncllculn CnarlUers and carded. Rei)reseRLatlve of A.C.1R1Chlttgs appearo<i bEi"o1°e the Counoll and asked 1'or a licence to conduct a >~rerry- Go-Hound at the cornor or 1~'ourth and 'E• :ttrocts. Councilman Irving moved that ar, tiuahings be granted a licence at rato or ; N.bO per day, rkotlon seconded by Councilman Smltn anct carrle(1 by the rollcrwing vote, Ayes: irving, Cnaru)cra, aruth, noimes, Noes: Cole. ltes.or int. Ilosoiutlon or Lho fiayor and Comelon Council, (teclaring tnear lntenLlon to improve r'1raL street rrcln tae N 0.4 E32 , S Paving east lino or Lhe roadway or •k• Street Lo Lhe oast line or L1Le roadway of 'D• Street, also ror Lhe improve- ~ b'lrst . ' & sent oP *D" street rrorl Lhe north line oY the roadway oi' t*Irst Street Lo Lhe south line or the roldway or :;'~~ets, rhlrrl streot,ln thr. C1ty oT yen rsel•nardino, l,y paving tI1A roadways Lhereo2', arld constructing concraLO (tuLL- i crs and Culverts Lhereln, was read II1 riLll Yor the drat Lane and laid over Por r1na1 passage. r k{?:=.UVOl'- HE301UL1OI1 OVerullilg prOLE9L :sQu111St Lho 1Gp1'OV81101IL 0I' Daley street, A'lrat KLr@CL, and Allen SL1'eeL, uling pre- "-', '. Last, in L11oCity oi' San laernal'(ilno, was read in hill 1'or the i"Irst time and laid aver rot tine! passage. )"erullrlg 'Ph1A !,sing the elate Axed Tor tho hearlr>l, oY the protest agalr!st the proposed paving oi' •i+• street, I Protest between second and 'i'EtiLt) streota, taayor Bright called for reclarks, whereupon courtellmar. Cole moved that the hearing and conslclera*.lon ue l,ospotleti to ire Laken up dantlary 15,11112, r„otlon duly seconciad by Counclilsan ltolmes anti tattled by the rotlowlrll; vote, Lo-wit: Ayes: Cole, !ruing, Chalitrera, smith. ltolroea. nOea.none. I)erd A deed Lo A'ranklln street was presented Tor the accaptanee or sold street al:d was reYered to thi', C1Ly { xranklln St, Attornoy. ' rouneltmtln soltn move(! that tho Tee allowed Lhe C1ty Younci Master i'or bul'rylrtg clogs be redutsed to 50 ~ L+er Head, rnr btlrrying cats .',5~, notion was ~•ccondeci by Counellls~n Chambers anti tattled by the rollarlrrg vot Ayos: Cole, !ruing, cr+alsUor::, :Imltn, Ilolrles. r+oea. none. Ootulcllman Chambers „Hued that Lae sttreEt aupArontencient Ile lnatruoted to cut tae return oP rllrb nn the In1rb ~ '~ Ylolu, wASt ::idA nl' viola street aRd i:lghth S'rtrc3t to elghi root aw'b line, r~c•tlon duly ::ocotldoci try Cowkoilman I;OIIaRB Iilk(1 QUTr16d ITV LhA i'O1lOWllrg VOLAj AyO::: Cole, 11'ViIlg, Cht Plbel'8, :Ii71th, ltOlnA9. N00S: ROr70. ' COUrIC:l7.11an Cllamlxlrs iMOVAii LnaL Llle c1Ly bnLT,llIP.OP b0 1r1itLl'3tCLe~1 LO prOl,Ure Flans fiIM1 spACir1C8L10nR rOr sidcw~:cLk and cul'U ofl LhE north nn(l :oath slCie; oi' Atiul~tlc :Lri!at, rTrna ?rt.vernon Avenue to A.S.& S.>r.i?y.CO. right-a>7ay, rotion d111y ::eeon~i(lc? i>h L'oul,elll;;nn :'r:1Ll: rind ~.a3-r1ed. `x~~ ~ ~__~.~___.._-.____.______._._. __" "____ _e rontinued:- s Upon notion r:ttde Uy C6ul;ellt:tan Suith dltly seoottcleci lly CoutFCil;::an 11'vitlg and parried the Coltncal aciioltrnecl ~ ~- to I:ect iionday Uctoi;er 23, lUtl, at v,ttu o'cloct: _.lt. Frlnx'ovea Lnas easy uI uctouor 1011. ~ ~~°l~~~IIA Y U H . 4 ~' i I C1'_I'1' tiAl~l.,San llernardano, Calxi'. Uctt.ber 23, 1011. ~ ? j `"- ~ Icegt!?ar actiourtled nevtlul oi' Lho 1.taYOr Und Cem;:lan Council oi" tiro Clty of San ldernardlno, held 6forldsy Uct 23,1911, uo^tine ~ta:• callod to ordor by Mayor lla'aght aL b o'clock Y.11. the rollowan~: members oT the Cellr- cal Ueillg pa'asent: CounciletOn: Cole, lrvax!g, CIlariuers, SY?atil, rtoltttes, Caty titLOrney ~llason and City Glerk ;atcholor. ~rhe minutes of the previous rtcet.ang warp read and approvod. I Urd. 467. ~n Ordinance araendang Urdinanoe No.28fl of the City or San liernaa•d.ino. entitlOd 'An Urdinar.0e regillating t.'ire . l,inats the Wanner oi' constrltetion, altering, repaarang, and rloving oT bualdings In the City oT xan liernaPd2P.o,was read a[t i~lll Tar tins! passage and adol:teci by rile rollowattg vote, tv-sit: .Yes: Cole, Irving, r,hairbers, ctaitn, ttoitnos. goes: none. Res.No.467 tteaolution oY Lt10 uayor and COG11ilOI] Couxtcil, declaritlg their antentlolt to amprove First SLFOet Prom rho t Paving ist,& D. oast laxte of the roadway of •g• street to the Oast line oT the roadway of •D• 13treOt, also Yarthe arlprov- omonL oT "D' Strout ll°om Lllo north line oP the roadway oY r'lrst Strout to the south lane of the roadway of ~ Third Street, in th•: City oT San Yernardano, ily upving the roadways Lher~of, and the construction oT eoncret Gutters and Culverts therein, was road 1n Tull ror Tanal Passage and adopted by the Tollvwing 'vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, lrvitlg, Chambers, smith, ttolmos. Noes: none. ltes.t)vertuing ttesvlution overIIling protest agai[tst Lhe improvement oT ])slay, 1~irst, and l~lien Streets, in the' City Protest. " Daley of sax! hornardina, was read an mull ror i'itlal passage and adopt Ad by the following voto, tv--wit: r'arst, ,~Sl.en. Fyes: Cole, Irving, Chaetbers, Smith, Holtnea. Noos: no!;o. k i Res.of int. !resolution oT the Mayor and Common Cvuncll, declaritlg their antentlon Lo amProve !rase Lane, tnxrtas, tsase T.lne Curtis, hrrowhead live, and first Street, ali within the City of San Bertlardino, by ovnstrxaoting oenert OOncrete l~rrowhd, xarst. sidewalks and curbs therein, was read an Tull Tor the i'irst tame and laid pose' for final pa:~sege. Res.~`484. A Resolution oi' the MsYor and Cvmt,wt? Cwlnoil, oatilorang th0 work, i'or Lhe itnprovetsent of •P• Rtreet, •8" bet. a 8 & 10. between l:aghth and Tonth Streets, by ovrlstruetaxxg cexaent ooncrete sadvwaiK astd ottrb therein, sea read ltt full i'or the 1'irat tame and i9ad over Tor 1'anal passage. ~ }tos,f~p,. A resolution oi' Lhe Mayor and Cotasron Councal, ordeianl; Lhe werK, 1'or Lhe aLlprovatttert of Mayor, t19y- '`, laeyor, ltsyi'Id, hold, llaloy, t'lrst and then ::tr~•ets an tho City oi' Ssn HOi'txalKlino, oy the OonstruOLion of sewors therein, Ilalay,lst, A~lAtt Was rc~aci an ritil for rho last toI o anQ laid over 1'Or i'arml passage. Ro^.#48F1. A rClsolutivn or the Mayol' anc? coal::lvn Council, onlerang the lmprovoraent oi' •li",4tr et between i"lrtt and. E •i:•Ut1:, :'^`oncl StrOOta, tiaxt}, ^Lrr,~of botweon "?' snd "L' FLroBta, Kendall. J<VR11118 between grcotxl and Third Streets, ~ f Y..~'ili;ll l , ilntl ~l~ht11 8t1'e~~L tt6t1°C:':1 •Il" and "t:" tSl. I'ruL:~, 4'ltlllit SIiC 4at~Y (71' tiun !i91'llilaYllltO, 1JY ih6 6o71F~truCtion O~ f - 9. 1Q;IIt Ii. ','e;i'h11! :11.1(Ri"p t:i:3 .I I'IE I!!li'1~9 LlNel'91I1, WUS P•7a(! xli 1"tiil t~n~' tiie lx rat L1r:A and lhil} OVex' 10r final ~- $ 3 ' tl"=•~~llitF'„ lIC901Ut1011 adOlitillJ; Plalls, 1;C.:L1011S aL~i ::j~Ct:1C1('AL10118 1'O]' L17C On!i:;tl'tlCti011 Ol' :;icier" tl r,,trt,s rin the a}1•:s ;il P & 5. '~ ^:ic!ev-alk east anti t'je9t cities oi' •b:' :;t rent iral~t tiu~ uort.h atu•b line ci' !,'earth atraot to the ;oath curie rin0 of Ninth ±raot, was road In 11tt1 1"or l.hn first Lielo and laid over 1'or 1"1na1 Passage. ' It•~a.Aclr+tl*, Ncsolution adoplinJ Plans, Cross-Sr:tia[1r1 a[td :,pec11'leations 1'or th+! i1:l+rcvetso.lL of *U• SU'eot f'ron Lho P ~°e .S' . I P::vinE Forth line nl' 'i'hir~t Street to the south line ~~i' r'if~th Sir:;et; and •~" 5Li'eet I'rorrl rho r?ortli lint oP 5econ~l ~ D & E, to the sotLth 1'lno oi' '.bird Str:eL, by l~avin~ the roaQvray:; thereof' at!d cotlstruetln~; nutters ar:d Culverts Lharo in teas react in 11111 1'or Lho i'irst Lirae and laid over f'oi• t'inal ressag@, n.,nllins •ro the Itonorabin Hc,yor and Co:nlaon Council, City ni' ~.an 1>ernardinn, Corif. ucL.19,1A11. )•nfti,C,IkS. Il@nt 1 onion : - i ~io~ewith, l,lease .,acel+t rly resi~uation as Police Oii'faer of the City oi' :tan liernardin@, same Lo take oi'1'oct lnrce(liatly, 'r']w1lKing you i'or court eslas sliOwn, 1 ar!L, Yotlls V@ry •i'ruly, C.W.COLl+1N3. i Upo!1 r@:ac11nE the i'or@EoinF;, t;ouncilm(ln tioll!lati ?coved LILat resignation bcaacaptccl, notion duly seconded I ~ -._ ! by Councilman Chaclbers and carted ley Lila 1"O11oFil]~ vole, Lo-wit,: Ayes: Cole, Frving, Chatab@rs, Si11th, Holmes. ~' 1 r.lag. Hsp oi' 'i'URItIt.L AC1t~S StlUclivision t+o.l, being a sllbdivislon oi' the west. 770 YeeL oY I,ot 5 tllock 53, axe@p- Linty LIIaL p01'tI011 belOnl;r[!g tU Lile S3t.td11H0 SCi1001 grOllI1~3, 17l irallc:il0 Sall tlOr[l~l'd1I10, was 1+1'89@nt@d LO LhB ' Council i"or acceptance, whereupon it r,as taovert by Councilman. srlith that the Plat b@ accepted, rtlotion duty scennded by Councilman Holm@s and cari•iod by the i'ollowing vet@, to-wit: Ay@s: Cole, Irving, Chambers,Srtitil, tloli~a^. Noes: none. i rr<eyOr and rionorubl@ Couuail, City of Sau >3oi•tiardlno. Al~p]icaLion spat, track (r@rIt}onorl:- '1'he Atchison 'Topeka & Santa r'e ttailwuy Co.,alak@ application to your honorable body Yon spur j track i'i'anchise diagonally across Lhe corner oY Oak St., where at loins ot)r right ~oY way as Yellows:- 'i •Beganning :it a point in the lioitherly line of Oak St., 278.7 YL. westerly along said stre^t fine Yron the srntthea:~tarly corner oY lot No.l oi' Bla;k C oi' Lhe Wilcox dotlnsorl suYxlivislon oY a part of lot No.l, block tSB or the :iatl HerlLardino Rancho; i'hence southw©stei•ly on a curve concave to Lh@ ' J southeast having a radius oY 438.73 ft., tattg@nt to said curve at sand northerly line or Oak Street 4 making an a[lgle or 36 deg. 4l3 rL1n. with said northerly street lane, s distance oY 59.4 ~i'^et Eo alpoinL ~ in Lhe easterly right or say line of rho A.'1'.& S.F.Hy.L'O., said point belhg 22.tl1 Zeet dfa6ano0 north- only along said right oY way line frog the intersection oY Lhe south line of Oak street and the rigtlt 1 oY way Iine oi' said Railway ConlpUny: 't'his i'or the 1>Llrpose of serving Lhe power house oY the xsgElsarn Sierrt I~o~ror Co. •d Would thank you to give this ln•onpt nation as these parties are anxious to unload consider- I aCly material. Attached P1Aase rind trolp sho>tring center line oY above described trackage in UaK street. I Yours 17u1y, A:'C.dc 9.Y.tty.CO. i per. W.H.tlelllll. upon reading th~i roragoing councilman :smith niovert that the request oY rho petitioners be granted, notion : ' ~e duly seaondccl by Councilman licit:e:: and carried by Lhe Yellowing vote, Lo-1?it: Ayes: role, Irving, chambers, SrI1L11, IIO1['t0^. Noear Li0I18. ~ L'ctt~lialnia:itiOh S'rOm. L1lC tiRl',1'P,Lal'y 01' t11A ltlv(IrAlde F3oa1'cl 02' iJF)n"1,r9111p, was 1+Te^P11LP(? and 1'@arl, 8?klnf! 'r i '' Lhe s111~pA1'L Of Lhe ISa;~01' 11!:d COtlllOil 11l L11P. ::11pr,rC:'~aiOn Of ifNiFC~'Rt, iCriOral Qi' LIP.+1R9i)'r'ab1 A.. ?lt~?aLi']Cal p1C- ~ t~rlal Pro(tlletione, ;.,lvartinll=.g eta. rolul+tilrr,:1 S:r.,itc r~ava,~ tt.;st the matter be 1•efei•ocl to the ltyyor t^ith ' l i ----___.. _-----__~._.____--_______-__-- _----- `x)•~ Cont iuueci :- Pu:'ror to act. 11' ho thluk:: advls,blu, e:otlon :;c~:onded by Coutn:al?:~un c;ole urd carne<l, r~lt~u'©ul~on Hayor 8r1L;hL i ~'" P.a:~e!l C011311'.111a011 1;010, :P?]L11 :Ilia I:011IB:f aS udv];:ory COf9?41 tLCO. ~ EI111a. 'i110 C]ty C1crF: wu.• anthorize(i Lo 1:;stlo wurral~t.; i'Or cauil:IS 1'a led, u:' apin•ovocl by tha Flayor and r'lnnnco Co.*~.~ntteo than aaLe, Uy thn Yollorang vof o, to-w1t: Ayes: Cole, irvang, Chaubers, Srlath, Y.olmes, t+oe^; 0. ~ i r I,iehts, A petltaon was hr~•sented requesting tho ]nstullatlou ut' un Arc )al;ht on ,tall StruoL 1)etwo~`n 1'?,La, anti 13th, Streets, Collncilt:l:au Colo [:loved L'naL t.hc r~,qucst oi' I,otltlorters be gralltocl, and that 11Ehts ue ordered ~77, 1Il Oil Lhe i'O110waIle NLr0OL3 tial'P1: SL1'eeL l)0Lwe011 51XLh alld S0VCI1Lh, 1gaLe1'I:IaII AVe,,bCLwOER P'll'yL anft lAlll I anti two ilgltts ol? AllOrt Street beLweoll A'arst and 1[111 5tre()ts, rcotaon was chtly se~:onded by Coune]13sr1 tirtltlt I and carraed by the a'oliowaatg vote, Lo-wit: Ayes: Cole, irvang, Cnarlbors, Smith, lioltaes. Noes: none. CltY ALt01'llOy AlllsOtr 1'000b'ITIelU1Cd Lh:tt Llle C1Ly r;UPCllasO two COI,16S Or 1911 SL3LttL03, ror SLrc.OL :~tipt. oi'i']ce and Yo11ce uoi~al':I~ollt respectavoly, Counc:llman Slaatn moved Lhat raconulenciaLlon be concurred an anti. ~ I Dooks r,ul'eM(seci, [lotion sc;eoncled i)y L'otnlelltaall holtles anti c3rrled bl' tYte 1'oliowing vote,to-w1t: '~ AyOS: Cole, il'V1IIg, l;hal»1)el'N, :.m1Lh, 1101r.1OS. NOBS: n07ie. / Rescind Cotulcllran :%rath t7oveft t.nat. action Lafien at p1•evlous mr.nting;or(lorang corogated aron rtnnr' on ~A"stroct ~ action "A•5~1e~t, bo rPSClndcxl, not.lon eaeronrted by Councalr:ran ChaaUers anti carried Uy the roliowing vote, to-alt: AS'es: Coln, Irving, Chambers, Sulath, xolmes, aloe:;: none. } CapLaan 'Tyler appeared uei'ore the L'ouncll and nrotestod against Lno proposed anprweeenL or ttex Ave. Protest Nex Ave. statallg that ho reproserlted owners or soup 875 rest or montage on said 4treet, whereupon Councllr:tan twang _ moved Lnat proce~xianga ue daseontlntle3d, u+oLlon duly secondacL by Cotlne11tn3n Cnasluors anc€ earraed uy the rol- iowing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, irvang, CCa3mbers, 5m1th, itOlmes. rIO©s: none. I,alnldry Attort}ay 1t.1:.swang appeared uarora Lhe couucll;ln Ueha1L or that certain laundry sltt]ated on Tnard streot, uetwe~~n x and 1 stroota,' in answer to:i notaoe sent out by Clerl: ror partaea anterested to ar;pear before the Counc]al on than date,. xr.Swing slated that Lhts laUlx€]y had compiled with :+11 Lhe requirements of City Urdlttanccs and that he could see no oeaassaon ror such hearing. Attorney P'.Y.llaloy,"reprasenLing 1>etatloners Lo Dave taun(lraea prohibited n•om operating wathan a aer- ta1rl clastrlat•,urgod tho Coi]ncai Lo establish a Gone restriatlrlg lawplriea within that certain 'district as it aeulci wxloubotdly prove u raenaa0 t0 proptjrty 1n that distrlot. Counoalnlan irvang [loved that the pOtltlon ue again t3xen up, and that Lhe request as peLltloned be granted. •mot}on declared lost Tor laaK or second.) 'The bills or C.V.MeConnaeo ror death and birth cerLlt'lcates, as prO::enLed, were rerered to the C1ty F31I1s. Attorney. liila or Lne Yeo.Tel.& re1.Co. was rererod baeK Lo claimant 1'or Clore derlnate inrorrnstion. Attorney awing Called attention to urdlnance pertaining Lo inspeatora or S1(lenPalK worK, starting that 31Lhough tie drove up the orcllt~ance, he thought w~11[>ance Should be a[serxled glvitlg propePty dwllers Lhe Option of doing Lhear own inspeoti[rg ]1' they so desire. M$Lter was dlsausaod at length duL no sotlon aaKen. d.lr:tiatalltan appeared berore Lne Counsel arxi Presented the rollowing: 'l0 Lho Mayor anti l:onr>nn Counc]l, sin lternerdarlo, Ca11r. Bdt.S3,1811. oentlemen:- lterering to urdananeo No.?e0 sectlo? •Lli, oY the Caty oa' San Aernardino, Callrornae which ° saYS 1r1 IwrL, that whAtl aPpllCUtl~n ror Uulldlrrg Ixfl•talt is t'ce1t19, the inspector or 5rt111dinga 9Ita11 Lhei' ©tlpon, ai'ter an ]nsuoctlon 61' the 1~rf:F;11803, lasue a pormlt giving perinisalorl to erOet, alter or repair 1 a iAl]1cl1nE' ]II a~:,;ordutce ~r1Lh tl?e Ia•OVlsaons oi' tl:ls urclal)al:ce. Now Lttere~'Ore repose orxt say that en Lhe ~ULh,clay Oi' Uu'tc~t)ia', ln1J,, <t.^.Ki`~'T +~1d la:tl0 OT Cai1:SC LO bl! 1S:'l)Cl€ Lwo €ierrllt3 anc€ did nffL ln4p@C ' l I:E` !4'~`[.il:;~'8 "t,~i'r'I'•: 7:':~111=1e' :.;~1~€ Le~~n]t::, ti101'At)~• V1nl:7iU}L; "a](l Sr;CtlOrl In :'al<t 07°~€1n:111C6 AI' Lne C1Ly __-- --- _ _ _ I;ontl:nlecl:- OI' aall L'OPIla1'(i11IO,Cil111'Ol'1!]a. 'i'hel'Oi'O]'O 1 (i0 ilElr011}' play yOl1Y E'lollorabl0 I)O(iV LO 1'CI'iOVO Lh0 Jill(t of.I:.KCI'r 1'r Dll LhC Oi'i'1C0 OL' 131i1lding 1rI11pOla OT, ", ttaspQUti1~1 ly, J . A'.FiAY1L'1'Ut:. Counei].ruln Siolrlos ?~oveci that the Bttlldltlg lu:.POCtor be notli'led to apl-E`er bo~i'ore the {;ounci]. Monday Octol)or 30,1fl11, ilt which tll::e ho ~rlli. bo F;1ven a hearing of ehargos as prefer©d by J,N'.Fitlnilton, Motion ' duly ~econ(lecl by Councilr:ln 11'v1nE uncl corded by the S~o]low.ing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, lrvinF;, Chambers, ..^,laith, Holies. I70C3: IIORO. Councll*Ian itolrles uncl C1tY 1".lectriclan Snydor canal attention to r'~re Alal•ln l,ystela nn occasion of a ~i'ire on 1"ii'th :>Lroet Yonciay r;orning, ti'rhen box i'alled to ring In on account of •1'ravtlon Co,ottt o2' nllce at that Line, that tho hatter should i:ave irtrlecliato attontion nl' tho Cotln(:il that It clay not happen in Si2tru•o. ?fter riiscussion was laid over until next mceti!lg. F+Lr.?;oa>7e11 appeared before trio Council al:(i ~:tuted that Lru•ou_rh :;one error h© had eonstrtlcted a Nall in ryall on i'rollt of i]is property o?! F38e Line al:d that It oxtencled w!to the sidewalk some three i'eet and asked that the Base Line. wall: 1)E3 loft as it is ut the paesent tlr!e curd sltotlld he sell his property he will notiYy buyer of such de- Yect. Catlncllnan SI11th moved that Yr.EO:lwell be garnted perlnlssion to leave wall relsain until not•iYied ~ otherwise, ?lotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayos: Col©, Zrvilig, Cha>rbers, Smith, Holmes. ::des: none. Ceuncllnlau Cale moval that i 2.00 uo allowed topard paying Doctor bill caused by accident at corner }ni < r~~-~y>et~ ' E of Ninth a:!d '1:' ::tracts, wf^.enl>saoi was in,iuied while 111 the employ of the City, motion : eeordsd by Councilem M Clap Irvitlg and carried by the i'ol2owillg votes, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chanbors, Smith, Holmes. Noea:O. ' Couneilt!Ian Smith novad that the Street Supol•entendent to authorized to purchase Pipe for draining f Allen Street also to rake trio necossary Yill reguirod on said street, motion seconded by Councilman Irving ~ , and carried by the Yollor?in$ vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, IFO1cIes. Nods: none. j Co'.utcilman Cole t7ovdd that the Street Superelltelldent be ant.*.orized to oil t11aL certain strip oY road- i ray on oast Rourtt? street betwoen Cross and 'A' street, notion seeondod by Councilman Chambers and carried by tries YolloWing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, living, Chambers, Rmith, Holmes. Noes: none. '~\, i Coureilr.!an fIol*tes moved that the Health OY1YCer be instructed to swear to complaint against the oRner of a certain ca? located otl Paari street, ttie sane lleing a nuisance ands Iaenace Lo the eormtttnity, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Eyes: Coie, Irving, Chambers, S>,ith Holmes. Noes: none. Coluteilr.~n Cole moved thaLt Lno Cnlar or 1~1re llepartnent be authorized to wlsit Los Angeles with Lhe object of l~okirtg over a certain Hook atxl Lander wagon in said City, F;eL pride of :-a me ,', and to ropart back Lo the Crnlnell, motso~cluly seoorxled by Councsllrrun Irving arKi earrlea oy ono iviivwirtrg ?ven, .0-~.1~::': •yes: Cole, living, Ctlamners, smith, Holmes. roes: none. upon motion Iade by Catncllmun living duly saeallElad UY Com~climan Cole and carried Lne Connell adiour II(hi LO moot IlOllday Ur!tobO1' 30, 1911, at 7,30 o'C1oCK Y.Y. ', ApproverR tJ'lls ~l! clay oi' Uetobei iflll. ~ ) CI'T'Y t7.1C1tK. + i f1AYUti. a~ i L, -.--___--- . r. _ _ _ _ _.____~-_ _ _ __,_-_--.-_~_.__._.____. r_ { it f I G1'i'Y 1kALI~, SI•?1 lZk~11N1(KI11NU, Ufhlh. Ul;'1'. aU, tali. .,," i1 ~ 1(e~tlar acl~oul'ned meetlug of the Ikayor al:d Cor,l:on council or tnQ city ni' Son Hernarcllno, Held Noratay as I11 Octoll0l' :1U, 1:111. NCCL 1I3k' wa;, caltCCt to OIYl@]' by Nay Or Ilrlght at t3 O'C10Cx k'.i(. thn I'OllOwl rg r'erlllCrS beil:g present: t;ouncllnen: Cole, Irving, cnarbers, 5rI1tYI, llolnes. City ettorll@y hlllsou and ulty C1`1•i: batehelor. 'rlie nlnutos oi' tna previous Ino~~ting wcro react chat approved. ~' ttes.oi' Int. !l rre^.olution or Lhe Mayor alld Coi:~:on Council or thQ City or san ltornarall:o, ucclarlrg tholr 1nLentlon No.463. ba;:o Line to ilaprovo brio Jailte, Cul'tls :;treQt, errowheud rveltile, and P~irat streoL, by constructing cer.lonL concrete (.1L1't 1 S , E 1'1'ONheaU, G;ldewalks allU Cu2'U: Liter e111, Y'aS 1'9ad 111 11]!1 r01' I'111a1 l+a S aeB and adopt ell lly the rolvwing VOLe, LO-N1L: H'lr'JL . eyos: Coto, Irving, charlUCra, ~Ia1Lh, kiolrtos. noes: none. ttes.Urd.'r~orK. w resohaion or Lhe Nayor• and Cons;~on Council or Lhe City or San 11Crnarclino, orclering Lrie iralirovel::ent NO. 464. ' . :;iri@walK or •ir' Street, iron tight to 'rents atreut, lexeepting t:uch portiul+s tneroof U@Lwean ::aid points where a •F' sL, t+et.ts & 1V. coment eonerote stdewalK has tx:ell constructed to the orraeial 11ne and glade,) was react In tall Tor rival f' passage and adolited by the ro11ow1rg vote, to-wit: tiYes: Cola, Irving, Cniieiuers, smith, noises. r+oes: U. \- KOS.UPd.1rOTk. A resolution or the YByOr and COCI':OR li0u]1C11 Or tllf'. City OP San lfernardlTlO, OTd@P1nQ, Lri@ 1mPPOV@ment No.465. t S8w81',ln nr 11Cyer SLrO+:L, Nayrl@ld /+V@all@, F1a1Cy, S'll'sL, and Allen 3L1'eeL3, Uy COnSLTUCtll:g sewers therein, was { Neyer Nayrleld, read 111 rUll rOr Anal passage alld 8dopted by Lne IOllowlr$ VOt@, t0-wit: Ay@3: Sole, 1rY1ng, t'namDC]'9, { llaley,lst, Allan. smith, xolmes. I+oes: none. Itea.urd.trork. A resolution or trie Mayor and Cosrlon Uouncll or the city ~r san llornardino, ordering tno lmprovenent of Sidewalks. •Y',•Kth•, ^L• street between Jrlrst and second 5lreets, sixth street between 1 and L streQts, xEr+dall ?venue between Kendall, . & •6th•. 3ecord and rnlyd stieots, and Eighth Street botween U slid H straeLS, by construcLl[lg coment concrete ::lde- - walks and curbs 'nerein,(@xceptirlg such portions tnereor where a camenL concrete sidewalt Has bean eonstr- uoted to tri@ orrlalai line and grads, 1 was read in roll roc i'illal las: age, andupon motion made by~~COUnail- man Uhanbers truly seconded Uy Coiutcllman kiolmes arld cal'ried, resoiutlon was laid over roc one wee1Z. Kos.Actpt, a. resolution or the itayor and Coomon cowlcil or trie City or san 1tcultardino, adopting clans sections & Y & s. f •Y• st. Specirications roc the Improvement or •S' stre@t rrom Lhe north ilne or Yourtn street to trie south line or 4th LO k)th. ~ N1nLh SLl'eCL, Dy COIiSLruCLlIlg C@!28I1t COISCr@t@ sl(lewalk3 trieY9ln, k@XC@pting S1iCh I+OPL10n8 Lh@P@Or where a cement concrete sldewalC Has been constructed to the orr1o1a1 line and gl'sde,) Y'as read In 11111 roc rival passage and adopted by the i'ol1oNlllg vote, f.yo:s: Col©, Irving, Cllariv+;rs, S:Iitll, llnlnes. Foes: ron(~. T:.~:',.ta;~tl,'. l'ec:olution adohtirlg Flans Cross-Sections and Speairlcatlons roc the Improvement or •E"Street rrom Llte Y ~ S, • Yaving north lino oY Lhe roadway of Second Street La Lho south line or Lne roadway of Third Street, and 'D"Street streets. rrom Lhe north line oY the roadway of Third Street Lo t11@ south 11ne or Lhe roadway of !"i;"Lh Streot, by paving the roadways tnereor and aonstruating tkuttars and Culverts therein, was read in 1111 roc rival pesa- age and adopted by Lhe following vote, to-wit: Ayes: col@, truing, Chamuers, 41nitn, Ilollaea. noes: none. kies.or Int. It resolution or the Mayor and Cokweon Council or Lhe City or san Bernardino, clealaring LhA1r intention 514~!alk •E'4 to 9. to improvo 'E" Street 2'rom Lrie north line or Yrnkrth sire •L to the south lino or Ninth :;treat by constructln Cement COI1C1'et0 eldewalk9 ihereln, (@XCe!~Lln$ st+ah pOrtlOlld LherAOP whore a Dement COTIOretB 9i$ewalk haS f beC71 COZ18Lrt1CLed LO th0 OTr1C191 illt8 and $rUUA,) wa8 Peall In 11111 rOr LYIA r1rsL Lltoe and 1814 OVer 1"Or ' rival pasoag@. Ros.of Int. Il resolution oi' the i~:,}nr allli Cott!.lon Cowlull oi' Lhe t;ltY or San kASrnanllno, d@Clarlrlg their intAntion Pt! v i 11g "6".<•D'sts. Lo irtprov@ •16" Strtlet 1'rol+ the norLll llnh oi' L11@ ;aa(iv',ry or Slxmnd Street trie Lhe soutri line or the road- K3}' Ol' ':'h1I'cl ::L1'n-'L, al.d L1t~l 3(Ij4'r?VCLIClit 01' 'D" Stl'3 t 1'TOC7 the t10TLi'. title ~r LhA Poe(Iway Or Th1Pl 5LrP.91, t,q f.it.~ ^n'ltli lulr. (rC Ll:r. "n~~.lh+•rv nl i•'f1Ll? tl'.'Pt, i+!r Ir,a3Ll; tF10 "Lkt(lw,r}! tkt?r40P ally J4t13Lr1iCLlrt$ t3tltter3 ~ Cc~!! 1 l liucd :- anti Culvort:: Lhvrvln, was read In 1'1171 1•or t~hv 1'zrst Lzl~!o alld laze Duel' I'vr i'inal pas:•~agv. ~:eliliCllf'!ti I! ^I!11.h f40Ve~.l l1taL L11C SLr~+CL :=111Wi'Cl!t C11.iC]1L 1)v 1;1St 1'UOLCd LO 1)il1'II 1)1'11811 171 I"111 Iad~ CR Lhe^ N'ill "ll` !>et,7 &E;. •r+ast ::i•lv of `ll" street beil'+oen S3Ve13Lll ul!cl r:zi-hth tl~evt:z, l.nd such work as he Lhlnl:s aQvl:~iltlio Lo :aakv :•l!b:1t:;tiLlal fill, r!otzotl illlly seuvndvd by Coul!~:ilrwn llollaes a;Id caz•rieci. ' Nicts ,~f;'~'Ear 't'his t,eing the ci;~t,e 1'lxvd i~or L1io opotizng of b1Cl:: 1'or the zllln'ovel::ent or Catlvk :;Lrvot and Yearl strev i'aS.1Ck .~C Yvurl. by const.r!lcting :;~ers thvre.in, Coulir.ilt:ian Selltll rlovo~i filet the Clerk l,rocecu to open sttcll bids lr any, rotlon linty svJOluleU fly CowucllflY.ii1 Chulabvrs and carried. Hid of Ernest i'rol!zell, Catlek StreoL. Sexer Co::li,lete, al; aclverLisocl, lneluaing 4 • laterals al!d A~ltis[7 ~lal!k, .•1'oLal # 464.00 Bid of l;rl~.vst• .~rvnzoll, Yvan Street, . i Suwon ~:olai~leto lncltldzng ~1` laterals and blush •1'anK, as aftvartzsed, .•rotal,$ 52~.~)0 ' iris bzdc oi' r.rnv:,L A'rvtlzell apl:caril:g to be Lile lowe3t anu bast bias, Councilman cote moved that the bids }le ace aptec., notion duly econde<t Uy Colulcihaan lz.ving and carried by the Yollo.!1ng vote, to-wit : Ayes: role, lrvillg, Chambers, st!Ilth, Holmes. Kovs: clone. I A rosolutzon arRarding contract Lo t+:rnest NZ'e;tzeli 1'or Lhe improvelnvnt of Batl.ek and Pearl Streets y by con:.truetlllg :lvwors therein, at the Luce specli'zecl' zn his proposal, wa:> 1'ead In rill L Tor the P1rst ' j i 1Pte aP.4 lald OVCI' 1'Or I"lnal p3;;sa~e. I ' Accvl~t r'ranl;iin- City Attorney I.llison elide rel~oz•t on need to i~i'ankiltl street, whe'.°eupon roultail[nan smith rnovecl Lhat the deed bo accepted al:d the r,lerk be insti~lleLed Lo have some recorded, motion duly seconded by Councilman livimes and carried I)y Lhefollowlllg vote, to-w1L: Ayes: Cole, lrving, Chambers, Smith rioimes, does: 0. r ' Coutlcilluan Smith l:loveil that tree Strout Suporentendvnt be ansLi~ttcLed to remove curb on sixth street entl'anoe to r•ranklin Street and auah other worK as ne tn>nks nece:,sa~~y, erotl.on duly aeaonded by Coltneilman Itolmos and carried by thefollaring vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, riolmes. noes: 4. Cotamuniastione. rho roilowing col,nntl~ication wa:: Dleeeem89d and read: ^lo Lyle liolloz•able Mayor and Common Council oi' Lhe City oP San Bernardino, Cai. j Ocntlsnen:- ~ 11L Lha last >acoti[!g of trio Bol~itl of Health the question oP appointing an inspector to inapeet the dairies anti all trio catTle or those selling Wilk in trio City of San 1•arnardino, was J acted upon and it is the will oP the Bearer LhaL Dr.Nise look after the same, and that hip Quties :;hall Ua to in:.•pect at least once a rlollth, all Lhe dairies in and out oP Lhe City which 8re :,vllitlg milk in the City to uee that Lhvy era kept in a sanitary condition and that thorn milch oars a=e hoalLhy and Lo aee that all ti,a peoplo itl tale City who own one OP mare C0113 and are selling milk for human consumption that Lhair places siiould Ue sanitary etc. and Pon such services Lhat he be paid j25 a taonth. ' Keepect iZtl ly , C.V.YcCOnnico, Secy. Counciinsan Chambers roved Llictt Lhe Mayor appoint a comfttoe of Lhrae to inreatigato the matter of appoint ins 1ir.'~lioo as su[litai'y inspector' and i'alart back to Lhe Cou!:cil, notion duly saoonded by Cavrtoii- acs! Irvittg a[!d eai2'fc3d. Ylheroul,oll jlayor Bi'igilt a;upointod the i'ollaring col lni*.Les: Councilmen: Charbers, llolr.!es and Colo. >::r;!eat Vicae£or tiled a raUUest for ull exton:;ion oi' title in trwS ccl'tain contract . or trio ltnprvve- ; 11aliL •4' SLraCL I1CLw0.!n i'li':a .i1lU .il:.%071ct :itlv':!ta, i'Lel'~.7111~OL COillliSil;xlll Ci11:Wbe:a TiOVOd Ltlat reg1FOSL Ue {;ranter?~ I..c~tinn :,vca,s<l::li t„. r.,oa!;;~i11:iI1 :ll.iti, al:a e+.,;licd. .:iivrvl3po,1 a resolutiell alltilarizillg the sut;ar- ~x~ Continued:- entcudent oI' St routs to extot:d !ry :ail ~kayfl L2ie tislo i'ixed ay l~ita for the co,:,I,letion of tho work speaii'icd ~ 111 that COPLalll COlltl'aCt i'Ol' th0 il'.+Ul'OVOGC12t OI' •0• Stl'COL UE3LWC'~Jli S'iI'sL and SCCCntl :+ti'eCL9, 1'C3Ci in Pull i'or the first t isle and laid over 1 or final iassal;o. Fti'eot Superantondent i.}l.};c~log~; filed rel,or•t ou contiitiou of tiro City Oil heating plant, that sar.,o ryas in Uad condition asld recorlr.ot:ded that ::aid l,lallt uo ovci'-i2aulo.i and put its :.YiapQ for next soa;;ona r^ork, also Called :lttOnt1011 LO lOw :;itlCWalka Alld CIIlUS Oll a ::treat bOtweC21 SCCOitd and 'rhiitii, and "D" Stl'eCL bot- we~n Third and Fourth Streets, and asked i'Or ucivis ~ in tt2o LiatteT. Also reported that tho sidewalk laid 021 tho nar•th lido oi' ti~irst stroot uotwean ll and }tou::ealt, is laid With il:nor ed};o i'our i'c~`.t iron the }~rol~el't line and not two lost as reyuii'rn> by ordinance, and askod i'or in^Lructions. Counuillcan Smith Woven that tho rattor oi` i?eating oil uo laid ovor one wook and the Clark be instr- ucted Lo loot: np contract tiie City way 1'uvc with i.T.& S.r .Ry.Co. notion soco2xlcd by Cowtcilm;2t2 Chanbera a1;d carriod. w }repair Coullcilcsn Smith tuoved that sidaalks on •L" oetween Third and r^ourth streets, and •1:• between $ec- Si~lawalKs. ~ and and Thirci stl'oets, be ordered rel,eired 2uldor act of 1011, notion duly, secorxlod by Councilman Irving and carried by the i'ollowirtg voto, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, CTSambors, Smith, Holt~ea. 2tods: 0. .Staldurcl Av©. f. Yotition was lir~aontod i'eyuo:;titlg that a lour i'ooL sidawali: bo ordered 1n on Lhe east side OZ Stoddard Avonue between Tenth and :ileve2lth Sti•acts, and uyou motion trcrds by Cour2eiltnan Smith duly seconded by Counciltan Cole and carried the clatter was laid over i'or ono week. AunexatioL Tho Clerl reported on petition 1'or Am;oxation k;lection yreaontod Oot.iB,1911, verifying to the req- Pet ition uirQ:l nu2uber of signutlires, whoreupon Cout2cilr;:an Cha2auara wooed that t12e pot it ion bo refered tc~ t1,e City Attorney to prcyaro O,:dlIiar209 oallir>; a sp©oial elcetiots, r:~otion duly :seconded by Cour~iirlan lrvinp and eari'ivd by the i'olIDorring vote, to-wit: ayes: Cole, Irving, Crunbars, Smith, E:olres. 1!oos: none. Protest To the lioIIOrablo 31aYor and Corsion Council oi' the City of San Berr2ardino, (Ientlolnan:- k We, the undersigned, being the owners of the respective number of feet oP frontage of real Property irorltirg upon First street uetwean D and 1: Streets set opposite our respective nflrses de horebY Protest against the 12:Iprovement of said street in the esannor contetlplated in and bl' ?ies- olutiori o1' Intention No.4e2. sops 12 sigr2atures affixed, representing about 970 feet of frontage. Councilman Hol:aes taoved that the peote:;t be received and placed on file, motion duly seconded by ' Councilman Chambers and carried. Protest A petition was presented Protestittg against Lhe duespirtg oi' Street Sweepings near the eortter of •D• r d12mp1.ng and Second Stroet, matter was reYQred to the Street Committee to regulate. Bills. '1'he City C1erI: was authorized to issue warrants for claims approved by the liayor and Finarlae Corvn- ittee this date, by Lhe following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Cha>bers, Smith, Holmes. Noea'0. P ~ s. City lcngineer Y.. F.'}'utLio }resented Plana and Sl•acificatiotis i~or Lhe eanativetion of a ~ide?slt on Fourth street between Cross and •A• streets, else Yor sidmralK on Atlantis Strut betwoan Iit.YOrnon Ave, ' 'r i acre ~..i.as.M.Ry.Co. Right-of :"aY, and 112Or1 rsoticm bade by Cow:eiltaan chambers dyly ;,econded by Councilman IrvitiE uud cu r2 led Lhe :aid Plan:: as:d Specifications ware roi'ared to Lhe City Attorney. In='?'eetor oY ;t tlto rocol~lialujcttlon ~~i' A.Lte+ir~oy Ii.L'.:'wing roluwilr:an lrvarlg r:ove:t +,ht+t when so reyslostc~cl hY Prop- ^lAeWalY.t:. ~~rtY c.,ners, tl~c ::Li•c2cet ;'up~;•.,l,tonilor~t :,Yell aplK~lnt ^a id propel•ty crwlier Inspector oS sidewalk e.~rk, rrot- i io:~ c'uly :•~ean.iact 'oy Co~n:•+~1:++:: ^t.~.24t: a1.cE uar=•ied by tLe i'471cn+inE*. vote, to-wit: Ayes: Coles Irving, ~ • F 'f'it _ .~:,li 3~, f:~~lt. n1ir, ~ ~ { r Co:~'. iru~d:- J. ii UI!SrvifY ttl r!II~On:. OS' CUt1riL'llf d.S.t:C'1'1', •I31ll 111 i!!(; rl'i31-CCtP]'", a]l,:'a1'OCl ~it Ci•PYE- the ^Oll1~Ci1, arKi ]n aRr3P'C1' ~ r 1. '~ i~ 1 t t• r ~ 1 i t It rr 4 t i y r ` to c]!arEes Lreforeci agu2n.~t liiii by r, r.11:,:.I_tor., s ,rtq.i tl~~ut 11!• t':3s veil ::cr,t,oi..tq:] itlt L~_ F']ctl.•.t^ or. T7::1 C?": t1~1C hOU'_:C^ 11; iiU C'„t 20I: !^Cl'C t0 b~ 'trt,Ellt Jlltt Ii0 did IIOt t]!L':fi ]t ?tCC P.S^UI'}' LP L'l}:C 13':; 1,BCt ion i)f101'q building, +'+hcl'eupoti Cour;c:Ilnan r:P~ar:Uers t:ovod tlia* tliC charf;e~ ve rlisi~iss.<l, notion wa!r cinly seegnded by Counr.illrarr SI'~ring and carried by thq i'ollow2nE vote, to-wit: a.}'OS: Colo, lrv2ng, Char.bnrs, ~n2th, Holmes. ' 1~'irc Cnloi' b'.f:.,^.tarl:o roIorteci that hq iiaci r2 sited Los Angoles, but fout~ci !~o Ladder illtck i'or :•ale tY:ero as rel,resonteu, and advl;;eci the ],ulc;huse OT Flew ladde2's arci roh~iring oY ole; Lai?ctgr tI.lick. Councl.lr:att lrV2r.g noveci that Cnunc2lr~+n itolr^o:; of the 1zlre Cora~aittec+ bo glveu poeor to have vruEon rep- ' aired arci Ittt2'aliase ugta ladllors, r.otioti : gcor:ded by Cowtcllrtan Cole anQ uarrled ny the rollow2ng vote, to-!ei f A}'B3: Cole, IrVIn~', Chaf:i.`CI'3, Smith, Y.OIGICS• iiOCS: IIOIle. To '.'ho ]:onorablq hayor and 4otnigil n1' 'earl Rerna2'<tlno Cal. i ` W'e the unciersl~rnecl prul:erty ownor:o and nelghi,ors oi' u.A.rre;:t, nave no ob~ect2on to h1m Keeping n2s L Ow . eow In Iils saes yard, as no s;agps n2s Yal~l clean anti sattatnry. ' 11trs.N.u.•rarin, urs.i..v.Spoi;ce, Mr::.J.B.t.reon, Hrs.A.l4.itawrence, Y~.C.Naulran. ~~': It wa;, r.+ovecl by Counc22rwrr t,nanbors trial t11F1 ratter be laid on the table, motion duly seconded by i Ct~w. ii Councilman Coie and carried. ' t r. co;•rntnlcation wa;, received Y2'ort troy, exPelrts Sherr~an & llouhe2•ty or Pa::adena, In regard to treating peppor treos Irt Lugo NarK, tiounCli~l1 lI'v1r1~ moved that the C1erK be 2n StrlreLBd to cortmirinleate •Itn the said I1rAl, rtit;llct;;L Lhelt! t0 V131t pa 2'K a1H1 flake an e'~LlmatO OI' COQL oY LrABLilI~ 21'e~'S, t7OtlOn seCOnded [)y Counc2itlian Holmes and carried. f CO71I1C1117fari 1T'?lltg I:IOVed LnaL Lhe C2ty tL'Itgln~e2' be 2nstructed to prepare Plans and specirications ror Lhe constrttetlon oY a ceraont s2dewaik wt •L• :treat between lr13'th and Jeventh streets, ration seconded by i F Councilman Charlbers at!cl carried. '• Couneiltnan Cole raved tnat matter oY disposing or uroken ladder anct old ~unK accutnilated UacK or r2 re station Ue leTt to Counclltuarr ttoltnes or Yire corstalttee, ;,,otion secondedt by Cortncllman lrving and earrled. ' t1pOEt motion made by Council.rnan Coie duly seconded, by Councilman lrvlr2$ and carrlela the Couneii ad?- ; 4 Darned to toeet Honduy NoveaFUei• 6, 1911, at 7,30 0 ~cloek Y.ll. Appirovecl this ~ aay oY November 1811. . i T r f /i~ t;i9'Y L itlC. YOR. . t if I ti. i r _ -_._.. ~0_i City Hall, San reirsrdino, Calif. Novec;ber, 8, 1CI1. Regular ad~iourned mooting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City oP San Bernardino, held l4onday Nove~aber e, 1811,. ldeeting way called to order by 3dayor ?right at 8 o'clock P.II. the following members of the Coui;cil being present: Councilmen: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Rmith, Holmes. City Attorney Allison and City Cler Batohalor. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Res.of Int. A resolution of the 1Eayor and Common Counaii of the City of San Bernardino, '~eclaring their intention to Na.4E5'~. improve •Z• street from the north curb line oP Fourth 3treat to the south curb line of Niath Street by const- ructing cement sidewalks and curbs therein, was read in full for Yinal passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Koss: none. Res.of int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City oi' San Bernardino, declaring their intention to N0.46tl. j improve •S• Street, from the north line of Se~ord street Lo the south line of Tnird street, Aleo, for the • improvement of 'D' Street from the north line of Third Street to the south line of Fifth street, by paving ~ the roadways thereof, and the aonatruction of Culverts and Outtera therein, was read in i1t11 for final peas- , age and adopted by the fo12ow1[rg vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, CheIDbera, Smith, Holmes. Nose: none. Res.FT4net. A Resolution of tlieYayor and Common Cou[reil of theCity oS San Bernardino, ordering the improvement of '3" 3treat between r^irst and Secsond streets, Sixth Street between I and L Streets, Kendall Avorme between Second and Third Streets, and ]s'ighth Street between d and 8 Streets, by co;;strueting assent aonarete siQe- walks therein, was read in full for final passage, and upon oration made by Councilman Smith passage was laid ' over for one week and referred to the street Commottee to report beet, motion seconded by COUnailmen Cole and oarried. ' Res.Awdg. Resolution of the 1[ayor and Common Council of the CityoP San Bernardino, aRnrding contrast for the imp- • Contraot. rovement of Pearl and Catick Streets liy constructing sewers therein, at the prrice specified in his proposal on file, to-wit: Pearl Street Server complete, iraluding 4 • laterals'snd !lush Tank, ; 5:65.00 Catiak street °ewer complete, including 4 ~ laterals and !lush Tenk, s 484.00 l was read in toll Yoe final passage and adopted bb+ the toilawing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, HoiQes. Noes: AOne. Rea.extend Resolutlon authorizing the Superentendent oP Streets to exten4 by tt0,days the time fixed by him for the T1ae. completion of the work ~•poClfied in that certain aontraot of Srneat viewe~geur foe the iaproveetant o= '0' street between First and Second streets, was rend in'2hI1 for final passage and adopted by the folloa?ing vote, to-w12 Ayes: Cole, Zrving, Chambers, Smith, Hoiaea. Noes: none. Treas~r. Report of Oity Treasuer for the month of October was presented and read., Councilman Smith moved that Report. the report be received and placed on tile, motion seconded bbt OoOnailmtn Horse affi oerrled. $leoton Report of City Sleatrialan far month Ot Oetober was prseented, and nDdn aotloA made by Coenaiiman with Report. the report wee ordered tiled, aotl0n eeaomded by COUaailman Chaabsrs and earrisd. ' CoaQUnioations. 1~.8,0.Batahelor, Dear Sir: ~I T ~ Please Lake this before the 3layor and Coawn Connell, of the City o2 San Aernardino, Cei. I will like resigning my position as City bound 1(astsr on saoounL that I cannot make enoagh frog the SO and ab ~ fsos which the City slows as for each head that do not DeU? me snovgh for the expenses so iY the City wa.~ts me to stay I will stay it the City slow me 1.00 the head life do before it not I not t stay any more ou the fob. Truly TOUre M .11. Tatolla . - ~xW ,,~' 'v. . . ~ _ ,O~ _ _ _ _ _ -___ i Contluuad:- i ~ Upon reading the foregoing Cowicilman Irving moved that the resignation of round l4aster be accepted and + his bond exhonorated, motion duly seaoz.ded by Councilman Cole and carried. l To The Honorable 1Layor and City Council of Lde City of San Bernardino, Cal. Oentlsmen:- ~ The undersigned resFectfully represents to your Honorable body that he with others is ~ rhysical Culture School. de::irous of ope:~ing azid conducting in said City a school of rhyaiciai Culture, the same to be an r i Athletic Association and permission is hereby asked of your body to open said club or 0ymr.asium and that your subscriber be informed what, if any, licence fac they shall pay In the premises. rfALTER E.BI9'fI)LR AND COS[YAA7[. J! Councilman Smith moved that licence f'or Cor,dueLitig such school be remitted, motion seconded by J Councilman Chambers and curried. Communication from League oY California liunicipalitiea stating that the proceedings of the conven- ~ Lion held at Santa Barbara were ordered published in~book form, that the cast would be about 12.00 ter - copy. Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk be instructed to order three copies and that warrant be orde -% Bred drawn for same, bOtion duly seconded by Councilman~Chambexa axtd carried. ~ ComQatnication relating to S.r.trains was read, and upon motion of Councilmen Smith duly seconded 1 by Councilman Holmes and carried the same waa tapered to the B.Y.Agent. I Boics To the Honorable lisyor aT;d Common Council of the City of son Bernardino, Calif. dentlemen:- r - As the former driver of the Auto Pire Truax, •Jsat Boice,• has not appeared for duty since November b, lull, I would recommend that the paaitlon be declared vacant, and that Ernest Leff en be appointed in his stead, and that Taswell Jones be appointed as reileY driver, the pos- - ;' ition now held by Ernest Leffen• Very Re::pectfully, ~ p.0.8TARR8, Cltief. s.B.Pire Deb. UpoA reading the"foregoing Councilman Holmes moved that the position of Driver oY Auto ?ire TrnaL be deoiared vaoant, and appointments made :.s recommended by Pita Chief, motion duly secionded b6? Couacii- man Cole and car-tied by the Pollawing role, to-wit: Ayes: Cola, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Hol>•es, Noes• ~ ' j 1 iLayor Bright appointed Srnast Leffan as driver oY Pire Truok and Taswell donee sealatant driver. ~ j Appointments. j Ernest Leffen •Councilman Cole moved that the eppointmente ba conYir®ed, motion dniy aeaotrded by CounC3laen Chanbei2s + Taswail Jones. azzd carried by the Yollaring rote, toaritc Ayes; Cole, Irving, Chaabe7s, smith, Hoimea. Roes: none. Report Street Repo=; of Supsrai ;ardai:t of St?' z*_:; ?.}i.Kall~.-~; oS the opezations ~oY the Street Department for th5 - 3uyere~,tei;dent . • _nonth of Detober, lvil, was presented and reaQ, Councilman Irving moved thEt the report be received and ', Sited, motion seconded bar Councilman Chambers a11Q carried. retition wee presented requesting that an Arc Light De installed at the corner of 8lzteentb' sad A i ~ streets, Councilmar: 8lsith coved that Lhe petition bs xetf+sred to the lighting aormittee, motion aeaonded ~ by Councilman Irving and serried. r~t•tion tg To the aonorebie lAayor and City Counaii, San Bernardino, ,~.-~ lbt:. • ' ~~'~ ' rte, the rzndersigr;ed, voters and property owners oS the City of son Hsrnardiao, petition your bon- orable body to require •harae builders• in Lhe raside,.as district to place dwellings or other structures a reasonable distance (not less than ab Yeet) from the front aide-welt line, eo that 61l of the honees f in each blcek will line up the same distance free the street. This wilt preveart -spite wort• en the >;ar t i L..._ . _ 1 Continued:- ;r of sons and will add much to the beauty of our City. '°e ui,derstand this is covered by Ordinance in Los '~ ~ Angelus arfl other Cities. E;ron reading the i'oregoing it was moved by Coun~almsn Smith Lhat the petition be laid on the table, ~ i motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Petition to Zo the Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City of San Bernardino, CaliTOrnie. accept H St. Paving. Gentlemen:- we, the widersigned propeaty owners on H Street, in the City of San Bernardino, hereby • petition your Honorable Body to accept the paving or H street from Seeo[;d to Eighth. ( some av signatures at`ned to the above.) Councilman Holmes moved that the matter oY accepting H street be laid over e[;4 the itayor appoint a i committee oY one to investigate, motion seconded by Councilsatl Smith and carried., whereupon Yayor I. appointed Councilman bring. ~ Resolution of the Yeyor and Common Cauncil of the City of San >S+rasrdino, asiling a special election ~ Res.cailiag Annexation to be held in the City of San Bernardino on the 1tstII day of D^cember, lull, for"the purpose of submitting election. to the qualii'ied eleatora or said City and to the qu811f1ed electors residing in certain territory ad~oin- ing said City, and particularly in this resolution described, the question whether snch territory shall be • annexed to, incorporated ia, and become a part OS said City: Appointing election ofrioesa, and designating polling 7•lacea, eta., wsa read in frill for the first ties and laid over for rina2 passage. Res.adoptg. Resolution adopting rlana and Specifications for the construction of cerent Concrete sidewalks and r a, 9 Sidewalk curbs on atlantic Stre~:t, between the west curb line OP ltt.Vernon Arenne and the eeat'lins o2'the right of way ad the atohison-?opeka-and Santa Ye Railway Co; And 5•aurth street, bet~rean the e~net line of tIIe road- way of -A- street and the weal line of the road-way of Cross : street , was r'ea4 in l;11.2 •i'Or the rirst ties m laid over for final passage. P Lc S. The City Trngineer presented plans and Specificati~ona for sidseall[ on Lhe' east side of -L• street, Sidewalk f- •L• bet. between Fifth and Seventh Street, and upon motion wade by Caanaiisan Chasbers'duly aeaoIIded by Aaiacilsan ~ 6th,8 nth. Cole snd carried, the said Plans and Specifications were refered to th6 City attorney. Communication from J.IC.lfard & CO. offering to sell to the City tIIeir L1qu1¢ Asphalt Atol[iae= on a rental basis of ~a.00 per day payable monthly, each peysent to bs credited to the City as a p~ertial pay- • sent, until the whole asaunt of ~a50.00 has bean paid. Conncilaexi Smith cored that the batter be r!t- ered to the Street Saperentendemt to report beat at nett seating,' motion seconded by Counailoaa Relses - and carried,. Resolution transferring the sun of X424.67 Pros the Oenexal'~and to the lau[iaipal isproresent Hind was read in Itili for the first tine end laid over tot rinai Dasaage.'' Bills. The City Clerk was aIIthorised to issue warnnts for olaise aDDrored by the ![eyor end rlnanae Coal- . , ittee this date b:? Lhe following vats, to-wit: Ayes: Cols, bring, Chaabers, with, Hollaee. Does: none. It was muted by Councilman Smith that the City ingineer be instrnoted to prepare Mans and SDeaif- 'ications for the oonstruatiOn of a cea?eut sidewalk on the Est side of Stoddard Arenas, troy TentA street • one bloat north motion asaonded by Counoilssn Chambers and carried. City Eleatriaian H.A.Snyder stated that the raci!!e Light a toner OoslanY dad asked for permission to hang metal sigrss on cross arms in lieu of painting arcs yellow as required by City Ordi~noe, Cosrcllman Smith moved that permission be granted said Company ea required by State law. lotion seconded by Councilman Chambers at:d carried. r- / I I r Continued:- City Electrician Snyder stated that his duties were lncreasing to such an extent that it was almost impossible to make the rounds on bicycle, and if the Council would allrn?~~..s++~~ometi;ing f'ox maintainance he f would purchase a motoreycl8, Couueilman Cole moved that the sum oP iG0.C0Abe allowed the City Ylectrioian for transportation expense, motion was duly seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote to-wit: eyes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. renr;.Fire Councilman S¢1th moved that the rennsylvania Flre Station be abolished, motion was seconded by Coun- station. oilman Cole,. Councilman Chambers moved to amend motion o! Councilman Smith to lay matter over one week in order to give reslaenta in neighborhood of the renn.3taLion notice or the intention o! the Couneil, motion duly seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cale, Irving, ' Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. i w.ll.Parker appeared beicre the Council in hehal! of the Orange Shas Comsdttee, and asked the Councll to rush proceedings as mush as possible in the matter o! improving .Y. street between Second and Third 3t. i as the show is to be held on the S.Y.Fy•GO. ;:roperty at corner o! k and Second on the lath to z4th o! gab. and the oommittea would appreciate it very mush could the work be corgpleted before the said dater to add- ition his committee would appreciate 1! City would repair Second Street between IC and and any thing the City might do toward cleaning up Lhat portion oS the City. Councilman Smith morel that it be the sense oS this body to heartily ao-aperete witII tIIe Netlonal Orange Shoaw Cow?nittee and to carry sit any suggestions they may make 1n Lhe premises, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and Carried. Inspector ~ was moved by Councilman 96th that,that ~tetioa oP Application for perffit !or sidewalt Inspector Sidewalk where applicant Waist apply in parson, be atruok out, and when Street 9uperentendeat receives Application properly signed by property order, he shall cause to be mailed to such applicant proper lnstrnctione !or inspeoting work, motion duly seconded by Councilman Irving and serried by the following vote, to-wit: ' dyes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holsea. Nova: zbone. Yr.lTish appeared before the Council, stated that he wsa the owner of 1000 Pest of frontage on 7th, ~ ~ rretest 1. seventh 3t. street,•Aareage property, that there is two other parcels o! acreage property along ease street, and that '` sewer. it would work a great hardship on these people to here to pay !or laterals every 50 feet, whoa such lateral. are oi! no brRti2Yt, and thought laterals should be illiminated,. The matter was laid over to fire set for a s hearing. . Ceo.Johnaon In order tc batter prosecute trolice Court business, It was moved by Councilman Irving then George Johnson be owployed as sesiastant City Attorney at a sslaiy o! y0.00 per wonth, motion duly aecoaded ,th* ,' CouncilMn CASSIbeaCS and oaxried b6+ the fol2aRing rote, toi?it; Alas: Cole, Irvldg, QEaaDers, 86th, ROiwbs. ~ 'i At Lhe snggsstion of. the City Ciest ii was waved by Councilaan Cole that the Clea~k Ds antheriseQ to Omer sueb aappiies as are necessary; and swpiq suah'hslp as way Ae reQnired in estabiiehitrg a tistter ate- terl is Cierf[~s office,` lotion dolt seconded by Cauusilaan BwdtA and carries b9 the following rats, to-wtt; Ayes: Cole, irring, Chasiers, Slafth, Xolwes. rasa: noaae. Counoilwaa Irrinr ~wved that the Tire whistle at the 4as horse on Arrowhead Are be abolisheQ, notion ; ~ lost faillnt to reesive a second,. D~iw1''iwtion wade ty COunailwan Swittr duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried the Councsil adjourned to west ltondaY the lath Qay of Novewber, iris, st ~,ao O'Olook Y.Y. • Agproved this ,l,,t ~o`am lull. ? 1(AYOR. CITY C1.ERlC. _ I c~~~.5 f fi City Hall, San Bernardino, Cal1Y. t:ovar;ber 18, lall. f^ Regular adjourned meeting of t;:e Mayor a[:d Common Cousicil oi' the City of San L'err;ardino, held L'onday Novetrber la, Tall. Muting was called to order by Mayor Bright the Yollcwiug members of the Council being I present: Councilmen: Cole, Truing, Chambers, Smith,. City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. The [nittute5 oY t1[e previous n+eoting were read and approved. John }?town Jr. appeared before the Council in beh8lf of the rioneers society of San Bernardino, and aslc- ad the Council to favor the rioneers by granti[g them the priveiege of moving their Log Cabin from the press nt location on Fourth Street, to the south west eoruer of Lugo Part, Mother Crandall also urged the Council to grant request, whereupon Councilman Cole moved that permission be granted the rioneers to place their Log Cabin in Lugo nark as requested, rm7tion duly seconded by Councilmen Sifith and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Cole, 22zYas, Chambers, Smith, 1lolmea. Noes: Irving. Councilman Hobs reported present at n,06. ~ ; Res or Int. Resolution of the Layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. declaring their intention to Ne.4E8. leprous •N• street, sixth street, Kendall Avenue and Eighth street ,by the eonstruation Of cement sidewalks and curbs therein, was read in full for i'inal passage ai.d upon motion made by Councilman Chambers duly sec- onded by Councilman Smith and carried resolution was laid over for one week. ftos adoptg, Resolution adopting clans and gpeaifications far the iaprovement of Atlantic street :roe Itt.vernon Ave. Plans & s. Atlantic. to the A.T.a 3.IP.Fy.CO'e. right of way, by constructing cement sidewalks and curbs therein, was read 1n fn21 i'or final psa:cage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Zrving, Ch~wbera, Smith, Rolmes. Res of Int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council oi' the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to No.470. improve Atlantic street, from the west curb line of I~t.Vernon Aaenue to the east line of the right of way of the A.T.a~ 9.B.Ry.Co. by the construction oY cement sidewalks and oaths therein, was read in fllli Yor the first time and laid over Yor find passage. Res Transf, Resolution transferring the sus Of xour Hundred Twenty lour ae by/100 hollers, (~ss4.6i) from t2re nen- ~ ;424.b7 to Z~un Imp. oral lnnd to the lfuniaipai improvement land, wsa read in full for final passage and adopted by Lire follaw- ii[g vote, to-wit: Ayes: Gole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. Rea.udoptg, Resolution adopting clans, Beationa and specifications for the construction of d comment oonarete eide- Plans & s. •L• st. wait and curb on the east side of •L• street, between litth an4 Bevanth streets, was read in tail for the rirst tine and isid over for fines passage. Ord.NO.488. AII Ordinance amending Ordinanae Fumber acs, entitled •An OrQiffi~e of the City ai Ban Bernardino, ' regulating travel and tramo upon the streetsnnd other pnblia Dtaoes of the City os Ban Bernardino,• ices reed in full for fire rirst Lisa and isid over Yor final passage. ord.No.489. An urdinanae aoaepting the roadway of -H• atTeet from the sonih sins of second street to the south line of llghth street, was read in M11 for tQ0 rizat tiae and lain v?a~ fbr final passage. Res. calling Resolutioa of the Mayor end Colson Connoil of the City et Ban Bsraardino, calling a special elsation Eloct icr[: to be held in the City oP San Bernardino on the lath day of Deoeaibear, lull, for the purpose of sobsitting f to the qualiried eieotors or said City and to the gaaliried eleotora residing in certain territory sd~oin- ing said City, the Question whether such territory shall be stmezen to, incoarporatsd in, an4 beo~•ss at,,t of said City; appointing oleotion officers, ant aesignaiing polling places, eta. was read in f1~li for the second Liss,. whereupor[ the i'oliowing petition was read. Protest. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Crn,[ncil of the City o'! an Bernardino. S f ..,~~......,-..._..,~.,,,,,~.a,.. ___----- .r....., . _ _ _ _ _ -- - --- - _ ~ ~30f3 ` Conti3iuod:- Centlemen:- Iiearing that You are contemplating the calling of a special election for the purpose of anrexat- tion oi' certain territory to the City oP Eon Bernardino, we, the undersigned residents of said territory and di qualified to vote upon said question do hereby Frotest against so being annexed at Lhis time. This protest is riled to advise You of the wishes of the reaide:its of the proposed annexed district. ti'Ye are convinced that more than a majority aro opposed to being annexed at thla time. ( Fifteen names signed to the above.) Councilman Smith moved that Fassage oY Resolution Calling Election be laid over for one week, and the Clerk be instructed to cheat against petition and ascertain if possible whether said petition contains a majority of voters in such diatriot, motion duly seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried DY the follow- ing vote, to-wit yea: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. Pet.Lights. retitiona were presented asking that arc Lights be installed at the following points: Second a •e~, I, Second ~ -8-, and Eighth a -K• streets, upon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman ]iolmea ~ and parried the petitions were referred to the Light Committee. ~r Protest Protest against the oonstruotion of sidewalk on Curtis Street was filed by w.d.CUrtis, hearing was Curtis St. ^~flewulk. posponed until next meeting night. ~ Councilman Smith moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plans and apeairioatione for the construction of cement sidewalt and curb on moth aides of Eleventh street between -B- and •D• atreeta, ~ motion seconded by Coui,eilman Cole and carried. Councilman Chambers moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plans and specifioationa i for the oonstruction of sidewalks and curbs on Pearl street, between Seventh and Bighth atreeta, &nd oa the south side of Eighth between •B• and •C• streets, motion seconded by Cotlncilmsn Smith and pearled. ' Drive Piles IL was mores by Councilman S101th that the stroet SuperentendeaL be authorised to employ BoD Sweeney j Pill 9t. a Bridge. to drive piles on 11111 street bridge, at a post of about X100.00, notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and parried. ,' Protest To the Layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. 9 Fenn.~'ire station. We, the undersigned property owners and votora in Lhe district of Yennaylvania Avernia fire station f cost respeeLfully request that Ya[1 do not remove the fire equippse~nts Eros said station, nix sit~aontinne its use sa a fire station, but that it be continued in its present aonditioa and under 2ts presea~t menage- ment. ( sons eti0 signatures annexed.) x Counallsan Irving coved that in pies of large petition presented, that Lhe City aonLirms to maintain the Fenn. ave. Airs Station sa at preaeat, motion seconded by Councilman Holsee and parried lsr the toilos3aa t { vote, to~?i.t: ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Rolsss. ltoee: none. , Yrs.Carter appeared before the Conrail and proteetsd against Lhe order to ray new sidewalt in front of her property on •D• street between Third and Court, that such wort wonid interlere with hoiidiy basiaess Blld asked that wort be posponed until after the first 01' new year. ConnaiiaaA Cole Loved that the matte? ~ be laid over until after the holidays, ®otion seconded to Counailssn Irving, Connailssn Slaith coved to wend. lotion that order be 2814 over indefinitely, as the welt is in good condition and only two inches below grads,. asendaent saaeptsd and parried nnanisonaly. ~rs.Kiplinger. 4o the Mayor and Boers of City Rrnstees, T have received lour notions, one adaressad to se in which I am notified to reeurfaoe thirteen squares of side)?alt 1n front of the Opea~a house. Thr:,e to the ileira of the waters estate, whom I represent, to re- ~ _ ...__.-..-..~.....---..,.__.__. T, i " t~~ ', Continued:- ~ i surface seven squares sidewalk ~5~ ll street, to relay driveway and resurface outer tier of block :i~Y Third ~ street and build walk to property line tsY.4 fact at Third and C streets,. These walks era all in good con- t dition, and both as representative of the Waters heirs and personally I absolutely rofuse to incur this neodleas expense at a time when thD expense of maintaining ones property is ruinous to the owner. 1fARTHA L.KIYLTN(3FsR. ~ I After two hours dissausaion Councilman Irving moved that the Street Superentendent proceed to do all Patching of sIIdewalks at onae, under the repair eat of fall, but worB be poaToned where entire new walk is needed, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Eiolmes. Noes: none. Councilman Irving moved that the 3traet 9upereutendent be instructed to oil one half block each side of Third Street, on •B• 3traet, motion seconded by Cour~ciiman Smith and carried by unanimvos vote. Res.oxtsnd Resolution of the 1[ayor and Comecon Council of the City of San T3ernardino, authorizing the Superen9en- ~ time 30 days. ':~.J.Iiohan. dent of 3treete to extend by a0 days the time fixed by him,for the completion oY the work specified in that ~ certain contract entered into between said Street 3uperentendent and 11.D.BOhan, for the improvement oY the north slde of.Flrat street between ~D- and -Ts~ streets, was read in full for the first time and laid over fOr~final p883a$O. .Upon emotion made by Councilman Cole duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and a~.rried the Council ad- 3ourned to ereeL Monday November ;sCth, Ibll, at v,~0 o•clock Y.li. Approved Lhia _~Q day oS November tell. i- % ~' t, ~ ~ CIRY CLERK. lUlYOR. f l _ -- ---______ . __T 30~ T ~ e City l.all, , an ^ernardino, Calif. Ciov. x0, fall. Regular adjourned meetlrig oY the Mayor ;Ind Corw~on Council oY the City of San Bernardino, held konday November zo, fall,. lfeetiryg was called to order by Ysyor Bright at a ocloaK Y.14. the Yollowing members o1 the coancil present: Councilmen: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. City Attorney Allison and City Clerk i natohelor. The minutes oY the previous meeting sere read and approved. Res urd ;ork Resolution oY the u:,yor and Common Council of the City of•San Bernardino ordering the improvement of *E° NO.~iuu. street, Sixth street, Kendall Avenue, and Eighth street, by constructing cement sidewalks and curbs therein was read i'or final passage, Zt wee moved by Councilman Chambers that the part oY Resolution pertaining to 1{endall Arelriie be streak out oY proeeedinga, motion seoor;ded by Councilman Irving and carried by unanimous vote. Resolution ordering the improvement of B, sixth, & Eighth, Wtreeta, was read in Pull for final pass- i { age and adopted by the foil owing vote, to wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes• none. R2'~~Aci<pt~. Resolution adopting Ylans and St:ecifications Yor the conatruotion oY a cement concrete sidewalk and _ P.& 3. ' "L' Streot curb on the east aide oY 'L• Street, between Birth and 3eveuth Streets, was read in Pull for Yin81 passage Sidewalk. and adopted by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Zrving, Chambers, Smith, Hobs. Aobs:npDe. F r Res.extend Resolution of Lhe Hay or and Common Council authorizing the Superentendent of Streets to eztend by :t0 time. days the time fined by him Yor the completion of the work specified in that certain contract entered into .p between said Superentendent oY Streets and W.~.Bohan, Yor the improvement o! the north side o! Fizat street • { E between ~D~ and ~1i- streets, was read 1n Yell Yor final passage and adopted by the following vote, to~?it: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, °mith, Holmes. Noes: nosy. Grd.No.40°. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No.~r:~, entitled •An Ordinance regulating travel and traffic upon the Speed Lir.~ita. streets and other public please oY the City oY San Bernardino, was read in 11111 for final passage and adop~e Led by the Yollowing vote, to-rit: Ayes: Dole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. i vrd.iJO.4E8. An Ordinance accepting the roadway of -H- street Prom the north line o! 81rst street to Lhe south line of Sighth street, was read in Pull Yor the second time, Upon motion oY Councilman Holsea duly seconded by r Councilman Chambers and carried, Ordinance was laid on the table indefinstely. ~ ! Res.calling A resolution calling a special election to be held the inch day o! Deceatber 2uli, Yor the purpose of 5peclal ` lr'lection submitting to the qualified electors oY said City and to the qualiried electors residing in certain territ- ~ cry adjoining said City, the question whether such territory shall be annezed to, incorporated in, and be- come a part o! said City, same up Yor second reading, whereupon the Clark reported that he had aheoYed the namoa signed to petition Droteating against the calling of such 'elecstion` a~ found that out o! the rifteen ,-...~ signature's of 'the residents residing in such territory, only four o! the naaea appeared upon the great reg- ister. Attorney R.li.3wing eteted that the petition asking that such eieotion be called was not a proper petition and was not fair to the tan pmYers Ot this City. J.B.I[liler insisted that the petition was pre- i sented in ail fairness and that the •isetlan be called. L't wet 'owed by Councilsan Cole that the Resoiutioi+ nailing eieation be 181¢ bn the table, motion was duly seconded by Oouncsiiman Chasbezs and cer~ied by the i following vote, to-wit:•Ayes: Cols, Irving, Chambers, 8m1th, Holsse. floes: name. ' '~, Protest. This being the date foi hearing of protest against the isproreoent of Curtis street, the protest preaen Hearing Led at pmerious mooting was read, W.J.Curtis addressed the Council opposing tae wort oontespiated, but rasa- r one not appearing to be sufYieiant, A resolution overuling protest was intrfdueed, read in Itlil for the first Lisa and laid over for i'inal passage. This Deing the"dAte for hearing of protest against tae inproweaunt of yirst Street and •D• street, l7y _ _ .Y_____ _ . _ _ 3(}~) Contl~lued:- paving the roadways thereof, protests were presented and road, there appearing to be a Majority oY the property owners apposed to the paving oP said streets at this time, the protest was considered without ttirtner action. Protest against the paving of 'E' Street; between Second and Yhird streets, was presented and laid over to sate of hearing. Petitio„ Petition Yor sidewalk on theeast side of Arrowhead Avenue from Bridge street south to the A.T.tk s.F. Right of way was presented, and upon motion made by Cowtcilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carded the same was referred to Councilman Cole to investigate. A Res.~~f Int. A reolution of the Mayor and Common Council of Lhe City oY San Bernardino, declaring their lntention vo.?9J. to improve Atlantic street between lit .Vernon avenue and the Right-oY-xay oP the A.T.rt 3.p.Fy.Co. and 8ourth Street on the south side between •A• and Cross Streets, by constructing cement concrete sidewalks and curbs therein was read in still Yor final passage and adopted by the following vote. to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chamber e, Smith, Holmes. Noes: Aone. f Lease Los Angeles, Cal. No~.lts,lull. ~ Atomizer. Hon.Hayor a City Council, San. Bernardino, Cal. Oentlemen:- We desire to submit for your consideration the follawing agreement for the lease of the Ward's Patented Yrooesa Liquid Asphalt Atomizer; •e propose to rent the Ward Atomizer nor in your posaet?sion, whioh you bare beam rasing upon your streets, Yrom the first day of November lull until the first day of April lake for a total • consideration of Eight Hundred and Bifty (trb0y Dollars, payments to DB made ae folla?s: ;x60 on the first day of Jtnuary gala; ;•sb0 on the first day of February 191:x; ;s50 on the first day of lterah 1412; ;100 on the Yirst day of April lule. In consideration and aotseptanoe of the above lease and the payments as above apeaified, we agree to lw ve the matshine in the possession of Ban Bernardino i•or all till?e without farthe]C oonaideratioa. ~ The Atosdsing machine is guaranteed against defeota is ttraterlal of worksenship for one year Yrom date of the above agreement; any part of it that >.sy break, which clearly shows defect in ataterisl, will be replaced free of charge. Yours Tsu1~ J.s.lu1RD Dc Co. • ~ BY J.E.w~ Upon reading the igrogoiag IL was cored D7 Connciiman Ohasbare that the proposition Of LIIe J.Z.EaM Company be accepted, ~tioa wtta duly seconded D; Coanoiiaan 9is7.th and tsarried b1 the following vote, to~rit Ayes: Cole, Irving, Caesbers, 9aith, Solaes. pow: nose. P.k e. City =ngineer IC.D.lnttle presented glans sad Speoifleatioas for sidessllta to bs oonatrnated in the sidewalks. following streets: on the east side of •toddard Arer[ue, between 10th watt 1"lth streets, tae wrath side of Eighth Street, bstweati sad •C• streets, Eieventn street, between •D• sad '•D• streets, Coanoiitraa ~ ~ Irving sowed twat the said i+lans and 3peoirioatitma Ds referred to the Cit7 Jtttorntq?, sotia? dal? seconded try Cotusailaeot Smith and carried. A.J.Borbesa of the Bouthasn sierras Yt7~er Company, presented a Dine .print aDOwing anoDOrs ftx; gay lines on steal stacks of their plant now in aaurae of aoastraotion, and as the a~aors viii extend beyond property line, underneath graunQ, asked for permlLaion to lay ease, whereupon Ctstmcilaaa 9mita ao~ed taaS \ -~ I (.V O Tlt 1 IIU Cd : - the request of the Southern Sierras Power Company be granted, motion seconded by CouncilmaZ Holmes and ` carried by unanimous vote. suction 3trcet Superentendent stated that Suction sweeper wa:; in need of rep;,ir and as 1tr.t'alioek was present .Sweeper. asked that he address Lhe Council, 3dr.Yollock stated that he would put Lhe sweeper in good repair for E 176. Councilman Irving moved that the Street Superentendent look over the eweHaer with itr.rollock and i make such repairs as he thinks necessary not to exceed in amount the sum of ; 175. motion aeoonded by Councilman Chambers and carried by unanimous vote of the Counoil. To the Honorable ldayor and Common Council of San Bernardino, Cal. Health Inspector. 'The Board of Health has recommended that Will Lusaier be appointed Health Inspector. C.v.Y000nnLoo, Health Officer. In addition Lo recommendation of Board of Health, Yr.LUSaier made application for appointment, that he would accept position with actual expenses that may occur and a se.00 fee for eaoh offense on conviction. Councilman Chambers monad that the recommendation of the Board of Health •of previous meeting-, that ~l` Dr.Mise be allowed ;;cb.00 per month for inspecting dairies, be denied, and the oo~ittee appointed be dis- charged, motion seconded by Councilman Cole and oarried by unanimous rote. At the reoommendation of Board of Health, Mayor ErighL appointed Will Lusaier Health and Sanitary Inspector, subject to confirmation of the CoUnail. Councilman Chambers moved that the appointment be con- firmed, mOtiOn seconded b7 Councilman Cole and carried by the follaring vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, CheabelS, 3allth, Holmes. Noes: none. Res.of Znt. Resolution of Lhe 1[ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to improve •L• street by constructing cement sidewalks and sorbs on the east aide the~eod, was read in fail for the first tine and laid over for final passage. ; Biiis. The City Clerk was authorised to issue warrants i'or olaiag presented and approred'by the yayor and Blnanoe Comaottee, by the following voLa, to-rit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Saith, Holaea. ~ i Councilman smith moved that the City Trnginaar be instrnoted to prepare Plana an3 Specsii'icaticros for ~r the construction of a cement sidewalk and curb on Lhe east side of 1 street between Ninth and Base Line, motion duly seconded by Cauncilsaa Irving and oarried. Counoilman Holmes scored that the batter of repairing crossings on •I• street be re~ferxed to the Str- eat Supeleatendent~with poorer to sat, aoticn seconded by Coanollasn Irving and carried by uxsanimious rote. Councilman Irving cored that the Street Supuenteodeat be inatrncted to notify Bleotrio~COwpaa7's to reawre sic poles•from the stssstafttfat are not in nee, sotiaai aeoonded b~ Connpilaan Smlth sad oasried. Councilman Irving awned that the C2erf: be lnatrnoLed to notify the Lytle Creek power Co. to die- ' aontinae pountain Light in Luro Park, motion seconded bI Couaailmiaa ChaaDels sad oarrled,. r Upon motion ride ~ Coanaiiman Cois, duly aeoonded 1~ o~noilaaa irring and carried Lhe Conaaii adjourned to meet Monday November uy, iv21, st 7,a0 o•cloak r.Y. Approved this ~ day of iiorember 2x11. ~ff~' ~ y p 02'!7 CL~'R1C. l F 1fAY0R. 31;1. F City Hall, San $el•nardino, Calif. NovembarKv, !all. ~ Regular adjourned meeting of the 3~ayor and Coml:.on Council of the City oY San Bernardino, held Konday November zv,lell. !!eating wee called to order by YaYOr Bright at a•o~clcok Y.K. the fo22awing members of p a the Council being Present: Councilmen; Cole, Irving, Chambers, South, Holces. City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Res.oi' Int. A resolution of the Mayor and Common Cowicil of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their into~;tion ho.471. to improve the east side of -L' street between Fii'tli and Seventh streets, by constructing cement sidewalks dd~ and curbs therein, came up Yor second reading, whereupon a protest was presented,•signed by some st! prop- erty owners, representing about 796 feet of Frontage on said •L- street, asking that the work be posponed. s It was moved by Councilman Irving that Resolution No.4v1 be laid ors the table, motion duly seconded by ~ i Councilman Chambers and carried by unanimous vote of Lhe Council. Res .Over Resolution ovaruling protest against the improvement of Curtis Street, was read in full for the second fill R$ rl'Ot OSt. Curtis st. time and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cote, Irving, Chambers, 3mfth, Holmes. Noes: none. ~ Res.~472. Resolution oY Lhe llaYOr and Common Council of theCitY of San Bernardino, ordering tae improvement of Ord.Ylork. !lase Line, Curtis, arrowhead ar.cl First Streets, by constructing cement sidewalks and curbs therein, was E read in full for the first time and laid aver for final passage. Bids. This being the data filed for tae opening of bids for the construction of Sewers 1n Meyer, Slsyfieid, ; Sexer ueyer, Daley, Birat and Allen streets, It was moved by Councilman Smith Last the Clerk proceed to open said bide, Y&yfield, First, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Alien. Lleyer. baYf'ield. Daley. Birat. Allen. Bid of tae Higln?sy Construction Co. i 5,71.44 ; ti~6.:a6 ~ 1ts10.00 ~ 14aa.00 ~ 4~s0.00 Bid of ltirnest Brenaell, - - - - - - 469.00 6A9.00 les7b.00 1597.00 4x9.00 f • Bid of YeteT Orboviah, - - - - - - 1417.x4 960.60 Bid of San Bernardino Hardware Co. bOMB.40 b17.lfi 10t:~:~i i e10A The bid of the Highway Construction Company appearing to be the lowest and best bid for Lhe work to be ~ - ~•-~.) done in Daley, Birst and Allen Streets, Councilman Cole moved that the bid be accepted, motion seconded by ng , , ng, Caa.bems Smith Holmes. ~ Councilman Chambers and carried b6r the follows vote to-wit: Ayes: Cole Irri , , ' Z Meter Orbovich appeared before the Council and stated that he had made a miatate in figuring on tae work Lo be done and asked to withdraw his bid, Councilman Frying moved that request of Yr.Orbovioh be gran- f 1 Led, motion seconded biY Councilman Holmes and carried. ~ ~ Resolution awarding aontraat for tae improvement of Daley, Birst and Allen Streets, to tae Highway Con- ; struction Co. at the prise specified in their peepers!, was read in full for the first time sad laid orar fo r +' ~E final passage. • Tae bid of tae San Bernardino Hardware Co. appearing to be the lowest and best Md for the work to be done in hayfield Arernie, Councilman Smith coved twat the bid of the S.H.Hardware Co. be aooepted, motion seconded tA? Coaneiimsn Irving and carrfie~ W Lhe following rota, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chaabers, Sm1tII i • Holmes. Noes: none, Rhereupon a resolution awarding eontracL for the improvement of IlaTfieid Arenas, to g f tae San Bernardino Hardware Compamr at tae prise specified 2n their proposal, was iatrodlloed, reed in It712 Por the first tine and laid orar for final passage. • Tae bid of !Breast Brenzell appearing to be the lowest and best bid for the work to be done in Meyer f Street, Councilman Smith moved LhNt the bid of Breast prenzell be aaaepted, iootion aeoonded ty Counol2ssn i Clambers and carried, whereupon a resulution was introduced, awarding ooniraat to Breast Brenzal2, at tae ~ prbeo specified in his ?pro?~osal i'or file ir.Fr~:veraent of Beyer Street, read is full i'or the Suet time atld - ~y ',12 _ _ _ _ _ Continued:- laid over for final pas::age. ~ r Bids. This being the date fixed for opening of bids ror the improvement oY -B- street between :~lighth and Tenth streets, by constructing cement sidewalks and curbs thoreln, It was moved by Councilman Irving that the Clerk proceed to open ouch bids, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Eid of the Highway Construction Company; Sidewalk per square foot ~tfif cents. Curb ~ lineal -~.la'I I Bid of W.r.LeVan, - - - - - - - - - - - Sidewalk per square foot .ZO Curb lineal .JO - The bid of W.Y.heVan being the lowest and best bid for doing the said work, councilman Smith moved the j the bId be accepted, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, whereupon a resolution awarding con- tract to w.Y.LeVan for the improvement of ~F• street between Eighth street and Tentn street, b0/ eonatruatin ~ cement sidewalks and curbs therein, was introduced, read in full for the first Lime .and laid over Yor final i passage. Councilman Holmes moved that the Clerk be instructed to return eertitied check to ell unsttccessftil bidders, motion duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. i Res.ui•ci.Vlork. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San ?~ernardino, ordering the improvement of Paving •&' street betweou Second and Third streets and 'D¦ street between Third and 81fth streets by resurfacing ' i the roadways thereof, waa read in Y1i71 for the fir::t time and laid over for final yassage. Res.adi~tg Resolution adopting rlana and SpeciYicetiona for the improvement of Stoddard Ave, Eighth strert,ard P & 3. Eleventh sty°eet,bY constirtzating cement sidewalks and curbs therein, was read in Lull for the first time i and isid over for final passage. { Trees Communicatioir of Sharman ac Doherty, Foresters, agreeing to treat all trees in Lugo YaSk, ster131aing . tt Lugo Park. i and sealing cavities on said trees, fora consideration of its6.C0, was presented and read, whereupon Councilman Irving loved that Sherman do Doherty be employed to doctor trees as per their Iet6e7t, motion• seconded by Councilman Cole and aerrieA by unanimous vote. f~ 'Councilman Smith moved that Councilman Irving be authorised to make~the necessary inapeation of the work whaa oompleted, motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. " ~ I ~~' € Light. Counoilman Holmes moved Lhet matter of placing Aro Light on corner of both and ~D- streets be retered - to the Lighting Committee, motion seaonded by Councilman Irving and serried. ~' AL recommendation of Counailman Cole of the Light Committee, Councilman IMng moved that an Aro Light be ordered installed at the eornes of ~A' & Second atreets,motion aeaonded by Counailman Chambers and oar- ~ 1 rigid. Petition of residents on Bleventh Street, requesting the iarerfng of the m1tD grade on the souLbareat corner of B and Eleventh streets, six inohes, wsa read, Counciisian Smith aovsd that the Detition be reZerit back for further recommendation,motion seconded by Councilman Chaabers and oarried. 4he City Engineer Dresented rlans and Speeirioations for the construatiori o! sidewalk oa the east vide ~of street betwe::n lrintA and Base Line, sAd a five foot ~ on tAe north aide of First street between ~ ~D' and •i¦ streets, upon srotion of Councilaan SsdtLi duly aeoonded by Counailman Irving and carried the ssY ~ ,f same were reifered to the City Attorney. upon motion made by Councilman Cole duly aeoondeil by Counailman Irving and carried the Council ad~onr- i i ned to meet ]londay >Kesll?ey lull, at v,tro o~aloek, Y.lt. Approved this day of Deaewber I~rll. - ~~'~~~! ~' ~ l~~~ • YA OR. CIRY CLERIC. ,,.,w.u....- a..........,~....-...~..~......... ~ ~ e City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif'. Dec.4, !all. - i ~ Regular adjourned meeti[[g of the truyor and Come[on Couneil of the City of Sen Bernardino, held kondaY Dec. ~ 4,1911,. treating was called to order by trayor Brfght at a,15 o~cloak Y.Y. the following members of the Council bei[[g present: Councilmen: Cole, Irving, Smith, Holmes. City Attorney Allison ,:nd City Clerk Batchelor. Absent ~ Councilman Chambers. The sninutea o1 the previous meeti[[g were read and approved. Res.~473. A resolution oY the traYor and Com;ron Council of the City oY San Bernardino ordering the ir~provement of N Ord ~^ork , D & E. street between Snaond and Third streets and D.atreet between Third and Biith attests by paving the roadways thereof and the construction oY gutters and culverts tharein,was read in 11211 Yor final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, sa#th,?Hplmea:~ Noes: none, Res.~472 A resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, ordering the improvement of UI't1.wOPk the north side of Tiase Line between D and & streets, Lhe east and west aides Of Curtis street between Seventh and Eighth streets, the west side of Arrowhead Avem2e from a point 1vK Yeet south oY the south curb line oY 3eeond street and a point two feet north of the south line of the roadway of Third street, and the south side _', ~ oY Birst street between D atld E streets, by constructing cement sidewalYs and curbs thsDein, was read in full Yor Yinal passage a[cd adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none, i i Res.Awclg Resolution oY the Mayor and Common Council awarding contract Yor Lhe improvement of keYer atreetB by eon- ~ Contract structing Sewer therein, at the price specified in his proposal, to rrnest Brenzell, was read in it211 for Yinal passage and adopted by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Smith, Hoimea. Noes: none. Res.Awdg. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council awarding contract to the son Bernardino Hardware Co. Yor the ' Contract improvement oY trayfield Ave2a2e by constructing a sewer therein, at the pride specified in their proposal, was Read in full for final passage and adopted by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Smith, Holmes.. Hes.t.wdg Resolution awarding contract to the Highway Construction Co. rot the i[apro~ement oY Daley, First & Alien Coutraat. ~ atreetsp by constructing Sewers therein, at the price specified in their proposal, ias reed in Lull for final passage and adopted by the Yollowing v~~e, to; wit: Ayes: Cole, Yrving, smith, Holmes. !foss: none. r Res Awdg Resolution oY the trayor common Council awarding aontraat to ii.l'.he Van for the improvementof ! street riOnf.raCt ~ ~ by constructing cement sidewalKa and curbs therein, at the prise apeaitied in hie proposal, was read in full . for Yinal passage and adopted by ~?e Yollawing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole,. Irving, smith, Holmes. Nova: nono. Res.lclptg Resolution adopting Ylalls and $pecificatione for the construction of Sidewaika and Curbs oa Stoddard Ave. 'r & S. ~ Eighth Street, and Eleventh Street, wsa read in Zell Yor final passage end adopted tl! the following vote, to'~r . Ayes: Cole, Irving, Smith, Holmes. !loss: none. cove T rn[se. ADDlicatibn Rae presented far moving h0't1Ye,ty R.Yeiende8 for Catherine Oahl, uDan motion made DO? Council- ' man Holmes duly seconded by Councilman Smith and asrrie0 the same was referred to the Street 8npt. wlth Dower i !o eat. ' a Report of Report of City Treaeuer for Ironth of November was presented and read, Coelnoil'sn Hoisea moved that t2?e ` Treas. report be saaepted and pieced on tiU, motion e~onded by Councilman 8aith and oarri «1. P RePorL oY Report of City lileatslaian foe the month oS November was presented and read, Councilman fimith moved that :.'lect'en. the report be received and placed on fi U. sotion seconded by CounailmaA Irving and oasried. J Renert of Report oY Chief oZ Police Yor the month of November was presented and read, Cauneilman Smith moved that th Chief Police. report bs received and placed on file, motion seconded bf? Oounallman Holmes and carried. Crade In the matter of Lororing the grado at Cor[[er of ileleata and D Streets, Comiailmaa :Smith moved that the Cor.ll & H. original petition requeatir$ Lhe lowering of such grade, bs denied, motion duly seconded Dy Connoilms[ Cole, end carried tb' unanimous rote. __- _ - _ ~j ~_E) . Cc~itiuueci:- Petition, requesting the installation as' an Axc Light at Lhe S.P.Railway crossing on Eirst Street, Light S.P.OO. was presented, and upon motion made by Cc,unciiman Irving duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried the shatter was reffered to the Lighting Committee. Yet .Po^ta? Petition of Postal Telegraph Cable Company for permission to use Yor the construction and maintainance Te1Co. of their lines, the south side of Pifth Street between the west City 3lmite and Yount Vernon Avenue and the east aide o? Yount Vernon Avenue, from Fifth Street to Lho north City limits, shown on blue print attached, was read, Councilman Smith moved Lhat the petition be refered back Lo petitioners for more deflssate inform- ation, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. I I Report ai' Report of Street Superentenflent 1'or month of November, was presented and read,. Street Supt. Councilman Smith moved th@t Councilzien Cole and Holmes be appointed a committee to sell old tam now in Street Department and Inrrchase a new one, motion seconded by Council~an Irving and curried. 1 i Res,~t?ptg Resolution adopting Plan, section and specifications for the cosiatrucLion of SideRalka and curbs on P & S. _ ,bet 8th. the seat and west aides of 'k' Street between Ninth Street and Hess Line Streets, was read for the first ' & Hse mine. time and laid over far final passage. '~ P & 3. - Resolution adopting Plan Section and Specifications for Lhe construction of a cement Cutter on the Cutter lust St. north aide of pirat street between D and Tr Streets, wee read for the i'irst ties and laid over i'or final f passage. t Res Of' Int, Resolution oZ Lhe Mayor and Coomton Council declaring their intention Lo 1®prove sightII Street and Si~lewa]k 8th & llth.kleventh Street, by constructing cement concrete sidewalks and curbs therein, was read in full for the ~ first time end laid over for final passage. I ~ Bills.• 4he Cites Clerk was authorized to issue warrants Yor elaiea approred by t31e l~yOr and Pinanoe Coesei.ttee this date, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Smith, Hopes. Hoes: none. Upon motlon shade tri+ Councilman Truing duly seconded by Council®an Cole, and carried the Coanoil adjour- ned LO eeet YOnday~December 18, 1811, at 7,30 o'clooY.P.I[. Approved this ~ day of~Decembar 1811. 1% ~ ~ ` ` ; CIF7i CL:AR. f y~' . 1 OR. j j - b. ~ _ _.._;_.._-- t I - _ - _- _ - -'~~! ~ San Bernardino, Cali Y. December 18, 1911. iii I itcgular ad~ottrned meeting oY the Mayor and Cott>snon Council oY th._ City of San Bernardino held Y.onday Dec. 18,1811. Meeting xas called to order by Mayor Bright at 8,10 o~cloek P.Y. the following members of the Coun- cil being present; Councilmen: Cole, Irving, Smith, Chambers. City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. Abs©nt: Councilman Holmes. The minutes oY the previous m~etimg ware read and approved. P & S. Resolution adopting Plans,sactlon and Specifications 1'or the improvement of •B• eta°eet between Ninth stre fiide~+~alk •E"Ue'.. et and Ba:.•e Line, by Lhe aonstruetion of cement sidewalks and curbs therein, was read in full for Pinal peas- ~ 8 & A.?~717C. age a[td adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayea: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith. Noes: none.' ' P & S Resolution adopting Pians,SecLion and Specifications Yor the oonstruation of a concrete cement gutter on Gutter. ~ the north side of ?first street between •D• and •E• sLreets,waa read in full Yor Yinal passage and adopLAd by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith. Noes' none. i Res oY int. A resolution of the Mayor and Common Counail of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to r No.474. improve r~ighth atreat between •B• and •0• streets, and Nleve[[tn street between •B• and •D• streets, by eon- ~- j atruati,ng cement aidewalka.and aurba therein, was read in lull Yor Yinal passage and adopted by Lhe follow- , ing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith. Noea: none. Res oi' Int. A resolution oY the Mayor and Common Council oY Lhe City oY 9an Bernardino, declaring their intention to No.476. ~ improve •E• street, between Ninth street and Base Line by constructing cement concrete sidewalks and curbs ~ therein, was read in full Yor Lhe Yirst time and laid over for Yinal passage. ~ Res.oY Tnt. A resolution of the Mayor and Oon[s~on Council of the City oY San Bernardino, declaring their intention to No.478. + ctittter. improve.l•'irst staeat betweet~ •D• and •n:• atraeta by constructing a cement concrete gutter Zive feet in width on the north side thereoY, was read in full Yor the Yirst time and laid over Yor final peerage. Res.ord.work. A resolution oY the Mayor and Ootwaon Council oY the Oity oY 39I1 Bernardino, ordering Lhe iaprovement oY N o.477. Atlantic atrset between Mt.Vernon Avenue and the east line of the right of way of the A.i.dc S.p.Ry.CO, and Botlrth street between Cross and •A• atreeta, by constructing cement sidewalks and aurbs therein, was read in full for the first flee and laid over Yor final passage. f Re:t.orci.WOrk. A resolution oY the Mayor and Common Council oY the City of San Bernardino, ordering the iatprove®es7t oS No.478. •E• street between pounLh and plinth streets, by aonsLrueting assent sidewalks and curbs therein, was read Yaoe the first tine and laid over for final passage. Rtadinance ~n Ordinanae ananding ordinance No.a48, entitled •An ordinance eatabliahing ward boundaries in Lbe City No.489. oY San Bernardino', adopted J'rly 8, 1801, was read Yor the first tine and laid Over for final passage. Cpett Bids Th1a being the date Yized Yor opening bids Yor the paving of ls••atrset beiwe+en 8eaond and Third streets ~ Pavittg . D & E. and •B• street between Third and Itirtli streets, Councsilnan Irving moved that the C1aC"Y prwaeed to opera suoh bids, taotion secoruted by Councilaan Chaabars s~ aarrisd. t' BIDS. Bid oS pAIRCHILD-QIId10Ri-wII,TOM-00.~•s•Street,Paving p.r square Soot; 1 oeaita. Qutter~a pwr lineal toot;43 Clap''. ~ s.00 '3•Stree - 't1~ 2.40 ~ et s~a.~~,aDAalt yavisMS per gquara Soot; 1~ oants. Ooasret• ap s, •e~•st~esat:: 1~ ~ y,~ ~q~.,~~ ) M01a~p~ t. = 9.00 The bid of =.A.~RDi91 being the ioweat and best bda oa both •D• ins a Class Lhit Lhe bid be sooepted,aotion seconded by Cousrailttian 8sith and aerrisd by the ioilowing vats,~to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chaabera, with. Noea: none. A resolution awarding contract Yor Lhe improvement or "li• and •D• streets, to s.R.w >Tif tDO psioe apeclYied in hie proposal, was introduced, read Por tAe Yirst Line and laid over for final passage. r ---- ~ -- ---- - 3~ f~ Contirn3s~c~:- TY~is being the date Yixed 1'or openiS3g bids, i'or the fmprove30ellt of sixth street between '1• and 'L' streets by constructing sidewalks and curbs therein, Cow3cilman Smith moved Lhat the C1erK proceed to open such bids, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and cer~ied. BIDS. Bid O2 W.D.Bohan. sidewalk, par square foot, .12 cents. Curb,per lineal foot, .32 cents. the bid of W.D.Bohen being the lowest a31d best Uid, Councilmen Irving moved that the bid be accepted, S..otion seconded by Councilman Chambers uSld serried by the following vota,to-wit: Ayes: Cole, lrving, Chambezs, Smith. Noes; none. Sixt13 St. A resolution awarding contract to W.D.HOhat3 Yor the improvement o2 sixth street between 'I' anfl 'L• i CS ,731 n . streets, by constructing cement sidewalks and curbs therein, at the price spec121ed in his proposal, was read for the Yirst time lild laid over for final passage. ~ ~rote,t; Written protest having been filed with the City Clerk on December 14, 1911, protesting against Liza pro- ] ~)aley,First; & p.11en. ceedings heretofore taken by the Nayor and Co33~mon Counoil, ordering the improvement o2 i)aley, First and Allen i streets by constructing assets therein, said protest came up for hearing, S.N.IbNabb representing p~rotestanta ~ W.W. Swing and W. S.Ceorge, appeared berore Lhe council, stated that the proceedings heretofore taken were err- ~ oneous and illegal and made objection to further proceedings Deing taken. R.&.S1?ing in behalY of The High- i 1 way construction Co. asked that no action be Laken utltil ,ie could investigate 2urther and advise contractor. f Councilman Smith moved that the Stutter be l;~id over until next Heating night, lotion seconded by COUnci1333an Cole and serried ~ unanimous vote. Pool Hali ADPlication was made by Sutherland and Everett Lo oonduct a Pool and Hilliard Hall at No.1061 Third SLreet,•together with signatures of a SSSa~ority of property owners and tenants within a hundred feet each side of such location. Councilman Cole moved ti;at application be referred to the Chief o2 Police to sheak same and report bask, »ation seconded by Counci133H n Irving and parried. Written request having Dean filed with City Olerk, Councilman Cole SSSOVed that Lhe Sm33~ 02 Trod *.Xnight be paced upon Lhe prohibitive list and the Chief o2 Police be instructed to notl2y all Llquor dealers accor- a singly, motion aeaonded by Council®ar? Chambers and parried. Cancle Councilmen Chambers moved that Lhe City disoontiSSUS wheal repair work with C.s.Robuck alter dan.1,18I2. RobticK. notion seconded by Councilman Irving and cariied,. Postal Tel. O.L.Davia 3uperantendent for POSTA1t2ALP~0%I$-CAS-C0. appeared befars the Counoti 1n sasve~~to letter ~ & Ca~~le Co. ~ of City Clerk suggesting that repraeentative o2 CoSSrpeny appear and explain Snore deZinately abet poSepa3a~ des- ired refrering to coS333muSipation of previous seating. Yr.Daris'atated that it wsa the wish of the coa~an0r to set poles tar aarrYing overhead rites along Lhe south aids of tiith Street from west City liana to Yt,Vernan Aremie, thenoe north along the east aide of YL.Vernon Are3tais to north City liSSits. Caunollaan 83331th tSSprsd 1 that pei>tisaion De granted Lhe Postal Telegraph gable Oo. to set poise and string rites as requested the City rsasrrin$ the right to siriSa~ i~1re Alas wires on shah poles. psiao seoooded .13• Councilatle Chaa'9sze 'and oazrisd I gzantin~ Deed to A deed signed by L.lI.LyLie to Lhe City of San Bernardino, that oszt8ln atl~ p of land boated on lCendell ~' Kendall ;ve. Avenue, w!s pssseated, Zt was s3ored by CounciiSran Sseith that the dssd bs eoaeptsd and Lhe Olsrt iastruated to . 'R have seas reaotded, Notion ssaamds4 by Oounoilaan Oole sad parried. ~ ~ Plat of Lhe Adair and Mayer Subdivision was presentss for aeaeptanae, astiem 1814 prat until nett meet- ing night. ~ 3 Ilr.Darenport of the !eats Show, appeared berore the council, stated that he only had s sash show, and that =5.00 per daY was a vary bight, license and asked to have same reduced, Councilman ChaaDers eared th•:t . _ _ _ _.__...u... _--- _____y_ --- ------- ---- --- - ------- X19 i Lecorsoer 18,1911. ' Cnntirued:- ' r ~ the licence of the Metz Show ba rebated to extent Of X10.00 per week motion seaonded by Councilman Smith and ~ E. carried, by Lhe followir>K vote; Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Sraith. Noes: none. ~ ~ Hxto. d. t-ii::e Truest r'renzell asked for an exteryy'iou of 3J days tuna 1'or Lhe oonatruotion of sewers in Pearl and Cutiek i !'.-'rc zel]. streets, Councilman Cole moved ti;at request Ue grantedr~ motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Resolution of the MaYOr avid Comu:on Council of t,:e CitY of San Bernardino, authorizing the Saperentendent f of Strecte to extend by 30 days the time Yixed by him for th3 completion of the work specified irs that certair: contract entered into between said Superentendent of Streets and Ernest Frenzell i'or the improvement of Nearl and Catick 5treots by constructii$ sewers Lnerein, was read in 11131 for the first time and laid over for Yinal passage. Council to Petition. A Petition, requesting the~raeeatablish the grade on •$¦ street, was presented, Councilman Smith t7oved ' that the City Engineer re-establish grade on •B• street as petitioned, motion seconded by Councilmen Zrving and carried. ! 14th street. Petition requesting that Council take necessary action in naming Yourteenth Street, potions of such ~ ~ street now being named Lynwood Nay, Pennsylvania Avenue and williamaon Street. Oouncilman Cole moved that f matter be referred to the City Attorney to rectify, motion seaonded 1~6+ Councilman Irving and earrled. . S.S.i~oxer Co. TO THP HONORABLR 11AYOR AND COYI[JN C~iiNCiL,~ San Bernardino, California. Gentlemen: Tha Southern sierras Pv+?er Company would like to obtain permdeaion to isy a drain pipe twelve {12) inohee in diameter from their plant located between Oak and Poplar streets. Along Poplar Street east to Olive, north on Oliva to Walnut, east on Walnut to the open street, thence north to Lytle Creek. Tha accompanying map will lndicate the proposed location. THE SJUTFfYRN 3I&RRA POwIiR COltPALE7C BY L.R.LothroD. 1Y1$iA08r, . Councilman Cole moved t11at permission to lay pipe be granted Lhe Southern Sierra Power Co, as petitioned, P. notion seaonded by Councilman Irving and carried. ~ Fire t.larm Petition wsa presented, petitloning Council to lnsiall and maintain a fire aura bog on the comer of Gor.l:at,& r •O•Strerts. Rialto Avenue and •0• Streets, Councilman Chambers moved that the matter be referred to the Fire Chief with inatruationa to report bacY, notlon seaonded by Councilaan Irving and carried. 1ccoF~t r'onta j6ap of Yenta Yiata Tract was presented for acoeptanos. Councilmen Smith moved that Lhe plat be aooepted ~Jieta Tract. ` motion seconded b6? Oeuncilaan Chaabera and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: GOle, Truing, Chesbera, Smith. Noes: none. Close Trenton. Petition was presented to close ana vacate Srenton street, with ooneent of comb five property owners os said atreot,upon condition that said street be relocsated 1.2.5 feet sllzther na¢th and made &3.6 feet in width, Tt was moved by Councilman Clmrmbers that the ratter be raterred to iris City AttoazleY with instrnatione to pre- par~ are~olution closing said Trenton street, notion seaonded by Conneii'an Irving seal oazxisd. Bills. Tha CSLY Clerk was authorised to issue warrants for vouohere approved Dy the 1[aYOr and pinanee Coaal.ttee yy Chia date. UY iris following rote, to-wit: Ayes: Coins Irving, CDaabarsr 81ldth. Roes: Hons. Y ~ ~ t.PPT.?.B.RUIZ Mayor Bright appointed T.S.Ruiz as folios Offiosr aub3eot to Lhe confirmation of the Council, Conulcilman ~'•~ ~ Po11ceF:.an. f Smith moved that the a;:pointaent be aoni'irmed, motion seconded by Councilaan Cole and oasried by tde following ' vote, to-=pit: Ayea: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith. Noes: none. i Seger Pods. IL was moved by Councilman with that Lhe street Snperentendsnt be authorised to pnrcheae 300 feet of ' saner cl.^aAing rode, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by unanimous vote. j - ---- - ---- --- Cnt~ti::a~~d:- Councilman Cole moved that Lhe Street Superantendent be authorized to purchase a pump i'or Steam Roller, Ramp. motion seconded by Councilman Irving a[[d carried by unanimous vote. Grade A.riow•- Councilman Smith moved Lhat Lhe Street 3uperentendent be,}natructad to grade and oil Arrowhead Avenue, tlearl Ave. between Sixteenth Shreet and Highland Avenue, motion secondod by~Ccuncilman Chambers and carried by the foll- owing vote, Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith. Noes: none: ; 1 6rane L St. Councilman Irving moved that the Street 3uperentendent be instructed to grade and oil •L• street, between I~ Kingman and Fifth streets, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by unanimous vote. i Policc Co~L~[eilruan Smith moved that Police OPiicera be allowed one dsy oPP each month, with pay, and the Ch1eP of I llay ilYf. Police be instl~tleted to arrange accordingly, motion :,eaonded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Abse~~ce Councilman Smith moved that the City 7u[gineer be granted 10 days leave of abaenae from City, [notion sseon- t;ngii ear. ' ded by Councilman Chambers and carried. j Councilman Cola moved that Lhe City T~ngineer be instructed to prepare Plans and 3peaiYications Por the con- struction oI cement sidewalks on the east side of •D• streeto between Seventh and Eighth streets, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. .~.~t. UPOn motion made by Councilman Cole, duly aeaondcd by Councilman Irving and carried, Council ud~ourned to meet Tuesday December 26, 1811, at 7,30 o~clooK P.31. Approved this ~ day oP December 1811. CZTY CLIitK. 1 OR. i ~-, I _t,; t i t y i i ~ '. { _ ~~- r i i l t i - ~2~ City Hall, Sau Bernardino, Cal1Y. Deoembex aC,1911. ~ F.aglllar adjourned meeting oY the Mayor and ComL2!on Coutrcil oY the City oY 9an Bernardino, held llorday Deo. 28, 1911. Meeting was called to order by YaYor Bright at 7;b6 P.Y. the following members of the Council being present; Councilmen: Cole, Chambers, Smith. City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. Abe-•nt: Council- men; Irving slid FiOlI193. lh0 RLi lP.lt tau OI• t119 T1rt7V'b 0'.19 T_"L39t i!!}~'' Sl J1'9 19ad i11:Q ~-iLTI ~'Gzi 9i1,, Res.Of' Int. A resolution oY the Mayor and COmmOtl CoWlcil oP the City oY Sa[L Bernardino, declaring their intention to No.47~. improve •E•street between Ninth street and Base Line by constructing c.;ment a:c.cwalka and curbs therein, was read i'or final passage al:d adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Smith. Noes: none. •n,es.of Int. A resolution oY the Yeyor and Common Council oY theC~ty oY can Bernardino, declaring their intention to ?io.476. improve Fir:t street by constructing a Yive foot gutter on the north side thereof, came up Yor passage, and upon motion made by Councilman smith duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried, said resolution was laid over Yor one week. Res.Ord.Work. A resolution of the Mayor and CO[1mLOn Council or the City oY San Bernardino, ordering Lhe irprovement of No.478. Atlantic street and Fourth street, by constructing Cement sidewalks anci curbs therein, was read in .Rill fog final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Smith. Noes: none. Re::.Oi°cl,Y~oIK. A resolution oY the Mayor and common Council oY Lhe City oY San Bernardino, ordering the improvement of No.478. 'E•street between RButth and Ninth streets, by constructing Dement sidewalks and curbs 03ta~hi eset side thaTo- oY, was read in still Yor final passage and adopted by the Yoiloring vote, Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Smith. Noea:O. Ord.No.488 An ordinance amending Ordinance No.242, entitled •An ordinance eaLabllshirig ward bounderiea in the City 01 San Bernardino, was read Yor final passage and adopted Uf the following vote, to-~?it: Ayes: Cole, Ch~bes, , Smith. Noes: none. Res.Yo.478. Resolution awarding contract i'or the improvement or •E• street and •i;• street, by having the roadways ~.w (1Q; CC'nt. ~' thereof, to E.A.yEZFdlt11 at Lhe price specified inhis proposal Yor said work, was read in Pull for rinai passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Smith. Noce: none. ~ ~ ~ $;. Res.No.48C. Resolution awarding contract Yor Lhe improvemeffi of Sixth street between •I• and 'i• streets by eonetrne- ~ Awdg cont. •"~_ ting cement aide*alks end sorbs therein, to i.D.BOSAli at the price apeolfied is his proposal Yor said work, was read in fu21 for Y1nalpassage ant adopted by the 2ollowing vote:- Ayea: Cols, Chaabe;a, Ssitn. Foea:O. Res extend Resolution authorising the Sapare~rtendent of Stre9te to extend by 80 days the ties fixed t~ hie Por•+the Time. • cotaplotion o1 Lhe work specified in that seriain c:onLr.,aL, for the conatruotion of 6ewera in Pearl and Ceticg streets, entered into between said Superentendent oY 8Lreets'encL rraest prensell, wee read in !till lour tlnal passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayea: Cole, Chambers, 8aith. Hoes: none. • Pool room. The Chief of Police reported as having investigateQ Lhe application of 3utheslanQ and sverrett foot license to conduct a Pool hall at 1051 ThirQ street, and se there appears Lo be Ao ob~esticn seported favorable to granting such licence. Councilman Barth aOVed that licence be granted Sutherland and sTerstt to oondnot Pool room as petitioned, motion seconded by Councilasai Chambers and carried by Lhe following vote, to-wit:Myss: Cole, Chambers, 8aith. Noes: none. ~ Comm.So.B. ~ Communication oY ..^,outhern Sierras Power Co. reQrreating Council to pass an order authorising the Street Power Co. • 3uperentendent'to remove certain 1?'ucalyptua trees on LAe east side of lit .Vernon Ave. was read. Zt was ~LOVed by Councilman smith that the matter be laid over Yor one week, motion seconded by Councilman Cole 8 serried. ' •_~*ct.7 tti 8. The City Yngim?cu• ;•resented Plan:, and Specifications for the eonetruetion of s cement siden?etX and Curb o[! the east side of •D•street botwe.er: seventh and Nighth streets. Councilman Chambers moved that the same be Contimu~d:- referred to the City A.Ltorney, motion ascended by Couucihnan Smith and carried. Ord.No.470. An Ordinance changing and re-establisldng the uamea of Williatnson Street, Pennsylvania Avenue, and / Lynwood WaY, in Lhe City oY can Bernardino, to Fourteenth Street, was read Yor the first time and laid over for final passage. Res.of Int. Resolution dec~aring the lnterttion of the lcayor and Common Council of the City oP San Bernardino, to No.481. close that part of irenLon street lying between the west line oY •T• street and the asst line oY •B•atreet and all Alleys or Alley-ways situated within Lhe exterior boundaries oY block •B• oY the Oatoh Tract, wee read in lull for the Yirst time and laid over for final passage. Ord.No.471. An ordinance establishing the grade of •?" atr-yet, from the north line of Tenti~ street to the south line of Base Line, was read f'or the first time and laid over for Yinal passage. Adair fiend. 8atd in the sum of =600, N.Adair as irincipal and C.3Eeyer and T.Dobson as sureties, wee presented, the condition of et=ch bo[rd using; that whereas the said principal did on the 18th day of November,1811, present to the Mayor and Common Councll, a map of the Adair-Meyer Subdivision for eacePtanca, and whereas the streets therein laid out have not been graded, the Baia principal has agreed to grade said streets to -_.i the grades to be eatabiiahed by the City Engineer and place said streets in a condition satisfactory to the Buperentendent of Streets. Councilr:,an Smith moved that the Plat of the Adair-Meyer Subdivision be accepted, ~ motion seconded by Cautciiman Chambers and ear led by unanimous vote. Councilman Bnith moved that the bond of N.Adair be approved, motion seconded by Councilman Cole, and parried. Daley,ir•st, Attorney for Highway Construction Co. advising said company not to enter into contract for conatruating & Allen Sts. • Dropped. sewers in Daley, Brat and Allen streets, and the City Attorney advising Council that proceedings were erregular Councilman Chambers moved that certified cheeks be returned to Bighway Construction ao, motion seconded by Councilman smith and carried by unai•imoua rote. Orat:ge Shoe. M.li.Parker appeared before the Council in behalf oY the Orange Show Comieittee, and asked that the Caln- oil assist in lighting City dieing Orange Shaw week, matter diseuased favorably and laid over. Comm. B.P. Co. Cossunieatlon free Southern Pacific Ry.Co. requesting reply to request presented at previ ale Besting -' ~ for Arc light at crossing at p=rat street, was read, Oounailman Chasbera coved that Clerk be authorised to = reply to letter, to the effect that this Council does not see that public necessity regnlrae light at such point but if the B.P.ao. desires to pleas light there they have the pwrmiasion of the Council, motion secotadea by Councilman Oole and aarriea. Comcilman B>aith coved thstthe Clerk be instructed to oansunioats with a.D.lish into4'ming hiss that be- . fora Trenton Street can be closed it will be neaeasary for him to aspec=t with the alert the ens of =80.00 to aovsr expense of procecdinge, faction saoondea by Councilman Chambers and oarriea. A111e. the City Clerk was authorised to issue warrants Yor claims approved b6r the llpor ana linanae Cossdttee Cllr the tollaring vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Chambers, Smith. l=oss: none. Upon notion msM by Co~incilsan Cols duly eeaondsa by Cbun:ilia Chambers ana carried the Cautoii ad- ~ourtted to seat !ls~y January 2, 1811, at 9,30 o'clock P.lt. ?pprOVed this ~ day ~' Jamiary 1812. - "'~, YOR. ~ r 1 V_. _....y..r.._._.._.~...... _ _ _e ~ 1 i City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. January 2, 1812. ' { 12e;ular adjourned meeting of the 1(ayor ;.i,d Ccr.~;ton Council of the City of San Bernardic o, held Londay January 2, 1812,. testing was called to ~rder by liayor F3right at 8,26 o~clcok P.L. the follo wing members of the Council being present: Councilmen; truing, Cheabera, Smith, Holmea. City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. Absent; Councilman; Cole. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. fI Orci.No.470. An Ordinanoe changing and reestablishing the names oY Williamson Street, Pennsylvania Avenue, and LYm?ood Way, in the City of San Bernardino, to BOUrteenth Street, was read in 21111 Yor Yinal passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes; none. Orci.No.471. An Ordinance establishing the grade oY •B• street, Yrom the north line oY TentA street to the south line of ~ Base Line street, was read in dill for Yinal passage rn;d adopted by Lhe Yollanring vote, Ayes; Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. [+oes; none. ~ Res. of Int. Resolution declaring the intention of Lhe Layor and Common Council oY the City oY San Bernardino, to close No.481. ~ that part oY Trenton Street lying between the west line oY ¦P• street and the east line oY R• street, and all Alleys or Alley-ways situated within the exterior boundaries oY Hiock•>R• of Lhe Cetah tract, wee read in full for Yinal passage and adopted by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes: `.Chambers, Smith, Holmea. Noea;none. Pri,ting. Latter oY fixing a schedule oY rates for Lhe printing to be done during the year oY 191a, tar taken up and oY_three fliseussed, Councilman Chambers moved that a committeeAbe appointed Lo investigate the matter and report back et next meeting night, motion seconded DY Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote, Ayes; Irving, Cham- bars, Smith, Holmes. Noss; none. Layor Bright appoint ad Lhe Yollosing committee; Councilmen; Holosee, Smith,se Chambers. ~ Pearl St. Petition was presented requesting Counoil to establish the width oY walk on Pearl Street to be fops feet 4 ft .walY.. lnstesd oY Yive as aL present provided, Cotmeilmea Holmes moved that the speoirioatlona for si dewalk on Pearl Btreet be ohanged leas Lo read Your Yeet in width in plsoe of five, notion seconded by? Councilman Smith and • carried by Lhe Yollowing vote. to-wit: Ayes: Eriing, Chembere; 8aith, $.Olmsa. Hoes; none. Pet.S.S.Pow Petition of southern Sierras Power ~COmpany, regarding pertain eucalyptus trees on let.Vesnan A?e.,presented -' er Co. ' at previous meeting, was read, Co[urcilman Smith moved that the matter be said over indeYinately, motion seconded t[y Couneilm~ Chambers and carried by ur[animoua vote. • Report of Report of City Psleetrioian ror the mon#h oY Deeamber,1812, wsa presented and read, Cotmailsan Smith sowed Electrician. . that the report ~De reoaived and p~iloed on Yiis, sotion seconded by Cotmeilman Chacbera and parried. Re?port oY Report oP Ch1eY oY Poliae for the month of December, 1911, wa;: psesehteQ and read, Oonnol]san Chasberp crx $o71ce. moved that the report De reosived tnd placed OR1 file, notion seaoudeQ bb? ConnOilaell Irving and parried. Report of Report of Oso.H.io2u[eon, Aset.City Attorney, iron Bov.e,l6i1, to Deo.3l,ipil, was Da~eseatad and read, Conn- J nr~rt s on . oilman Irving teoved that the report be re0eiva~d sad piaoed on rile, cation duly seconded by Councilaan Sadth and oarrled. Report of Report oY Street superentendeat s.H.Kallogg for south oY Deoesber 1811, was presented and ready Councilman 3t .:7upt . ~ Chasbars coved that the report be reoeire4 and placed on file, soti~ seconded by Council=n Holmes and oarreid. a Nat:~e Streets. It was moved by Councilmen Chambers, that the City lrbgineer be ineLruoted to oheet 1iD all streets having m more than ono name, and sireata where sore than one has sale name, and report book to Counoil with redess?e[[datlon as to naming same, motion duly seconded by Councilman smith and carried. Res.of Int.. Resolution oY the Layor and Common Council oi' the C1Ly of can Bernardino, dsolaring their intention to 1Eprove No.476. First street, ny consLiucting a ce>vent concrete gutter therein, was read fn toll for final passage and adopted ! I;ry x;24 ' Contii?ved;- bY the Ymllawing vote, to-wit: Ayea: Irrin$, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. Buis. This being the date Yix:d Yor opening bide f'or sidewalk to be constructed on the north side of Base Line f- Ba~° Dine. between •D' and •E• atre~ta, Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk proceed to open such bids, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carrsad. - Hid oY Newman & Yc Elvain: Curb, per lineal Yoot, .33 cents j sidewalk,pe~~ square foot .12 • ', Hid oY w.D.Botuin, Curb, ~ per lineal Yoot, .33 cents. Sidewalk per square fcot, .13 • i The bid oY Newman & YcElvafn being the lowest and bast bid, Councilman Irving moved that the bid be acc- I, opted and the contract awarded to the said Newman & YcElvain, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Eri14g, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. Resolution awarding contract to Nav~man & YcSlvain f'or the improvement oY Base Line between D & ! streets 'r` .I !y eonstrdoting cement sidewalks and curbs therein, at the price specified in their proposal, was read Yor the Yirst time ai;d laid over for final passage. _ Res.Acil,t.P & S. Resolution adopting Plans slid 3peclYications Yor mie Construction of sidewalks on the east aide oP••D• ~' Sidewa:k,'D• bet.7 & e. between Seventh and Eighth streets, wsa read for the first time and laid over far final passage. Councilman Holmes presented natter of minor children being on the streets at 2aLe hours, and moved to ' Br~Yew. discontinue use oY BiSe whistle at Ose works on Arrowhead Avenue, and instruct Engineer of Oea plant to sound ( one blast at the hour of a o'clock P.Y. each night, mction seconded by Councilman Irving and aszried. I ~1 Councilman Irving moved that Bire ChieY Starke be authorized to have Yire whistle at Santa Fe changed ae . he thought necessary, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Autos #8. Councilman Chambers moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an saendment to Ordinance lio. ~zsiarter. 822, charging Automobiles gtsfldilag on Lhe public streets Your bias, 18.00 per quarter, motion seconded by Cann- , cilnan Irving and carried. City Yard. Councilman Chambers moved that Lhe Street 9uperentendent be authorised to construct building 1n Lhe City yard, employing such labor and puretiasing such material as necessary, motion seconded bbr Councilman smith and ~ ', .f carried by the Yollowing vote, Lo-wit: Ayea: !sting, Chambers, smith, Holmes. Iioea: none. Res.of Award. Resolution oY Lhe Yeyor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, awarding aontrsat Ior the im®- Pave ' rovestent of •D• street, Lo l.R.werden at Lhe prices speclfied in his proposal on file far raid work, wsa read fcr the first time and laid over Yor finai passage. Hearing oY Zt was moved bbr Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman CDambera, and asTrie¢, thft Monday, the Btb day _' Protest. of January,1812, at the hour of 8:16 o~clock P.Y. in the Councl2 Chamber at tits City Hall in the City of 3an- Bernardino, State of California, be and the sane are hereby fi7[ed sa the ties and place for hearing the Prot- est~against the improvement oY street frog the north line of Second Street Lo Lhe south line of ThiM street by re-paving the ease with asphalt maadam bare and asphalt wearing surface under lesolutiC~t Of Intention lto. 468, filed witm the City Clsrl[ oa the 14tH day of Ilovembsr, 1811, W the oRner, of certain pzopartY 1lable to ' be assessed for said work and the City Clert is Ytrrsby directed to cause notice of the time and place of bearing . said Drotest to be given by publioetion bOr 1q[ at lea at one insertion in The evening Index, at least five~(6? days beYOre the dote of the hearing oi' said protest. Tha said livening Index is hereby designated as the never- ;~' papas in which eeid notice shall be published. Councilman smith coved that check of unsuceessZUl bidder on Beae Line improvement be returned, action sac- onded by Councilman Cbsabera and carried. uvon motion of Caunei2man S~1th, soconcled ay Councilman Ci~ambera and carried the Council ad3ourned to meat . - _ _ l ~ continues:- 'r 1(onday January 8,1812, at 7,3U o'clook P.ii. Approved this _ r` daY of January 1812. ~~f p r CITY CLARK. ' '~ LAY Y the City 9a11 Darnardino, Calif. 1 j • 4 ~ ~ r ~ /' City kiall, Ban Deraardino, Calif., January 8, 191:1. Regular adjourned meeting: of the Ysyor and Common Council of the City oP San Dernardino, held Monday tt January 8, 1812. Meeting was called Lo order by Mayor bright at 8:40 o'aloak, the Polla?ing members of S • the Council•being present: Counoilmen Cole, Irving, Chambers, Sm itA, Holmes, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Datcheior. The minutes oY the previous seating were read and approved. • Res.of Award Resolution of the Mayor and Oommon Council of the City of San Dernardino, awarding aontraot for the ia- No. 482. • provement of •D• street, to Z. R. •erdln at the prioea apeeified 1A his proposal on Yiie Por said work, was read in full for final passage and adopted by the following rote. to-wit: Ayes, Oole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes, none. Res.Adpt.P & S: Resolution adopting Plana and Speaificationa for the aonatruction oP sidewalks on the east Bide o~ •D• .sidewalk,•D" r' - b.t.7 !k 8. between Seventh and Sighth atraete, was read in Pull tar final passage and adopted bt the following sots, ~ to-grit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Saith, Holaes. lioea, none. Res.of Award Resolution awarding oontraaL to Newman & llalilsatn Por the impios~aeat OP Base Liae between D g A streets No. 483. • by aonatruoting assent aidewa;.]cs and sorbs therein, at the psios speoiPisd in their p~roposai, was read in • full for final passage and adgpied by the collaring vote, to-wit: Ayes, Oole, using, Chambers, faith, • Holmes. floes, none. ~ Report Hoae RspQrt of the Ban Dsrnardino Hoae Telephone and Telegraph Coapaair Poe year ending laDznary 19th, 191, Tel. Co. • giving the amount of the gross annual receipts and 9~( of seas, was presented and read. =t~was ao vsd by Councilman Sa1th thf?L the report be received and placed on file. lfotion seconded by Catuoilaan Chaaoers end carried t4? unanimous rote. Report Trees. 'Report•oP City 4reasltrer for aoath of Dsaeaber, loll, was pre:;anted sad read. Connoilaan 8aith coved that the report be reoeised end pleosd on Pile. CounciLmsn Chubera .eoonded the sane and it was carried. - ~ .Protest 'c"~ Protest filed with the City Cisrk January 3rQ, lei, Ob~eoting to PurtIIar proceedings being taken in the St.Paving. setter of paving •1`• street between eeQOnd and Third streets, :was presented and reaa. -. r--__ ~ _ _ _ - -. _ , ~~2f1 Protest filed November 14th, 1811, protesting against the paving oi' •E• street between Second and This`d, was presented and heard, whereupon a resolution was introduced overruling said protest. same read Yor i'ii~st time and laid over Yor final passage. ~ ' I Protest Paving Protest filed with the City C1erY January b,.1812, protesting fluther proceedings in the matter oS "D• Street. paving •D~ between Third and piYth streets, was presented and read. Petition Light. Petition wsa presented requesting arc light be installed at the corner of P street and Grand View Ave. On motion o8 Councilman smith, duly seconded by Councilman Chambers, and carried, same was reYerred to Light Committee. Holmes, Printing scherlula. Upon reoomendation oi' Couneilman~chairaes oY Committee appointed to establish a aehedule of rates for doing the printing i'or the year 1812, it was moved by Counailman Chaabers, duly seconded by Councilman i smith and earrled by unanimous vote oi' Couneil~that the following schedule and rates for the year 191.8TDe paid for printing, advertising and fob printing, and the same are hereby adopted, to-+wit: per the pub- ; liehing of ordinances, resolutions, orders and notices required to be published, 80 aenta per square o8 j 284 ems of nonpariel for first insertion and 16 cents per similar square Yor subsequent insertions. e.~ Yor printing and publishing ioaala end readers, bills and alaisa required to be published, IOR,per j '' J', line Yor each insertion~aet in brevier or the bo4y type of the paper. For doing the fob prlnting, the following schedule and rates: loo soo Iaoo Letter Heads, Ruled, Ashland or its equivalent ------ 8.46 4.00 (r( ! • • Unruled, ?ona----------------- ~ 8.75 4.00 Envelopes, 8-&~4, ]IXX---------------_--------- 8.00 8.00 ----- 8.60 4.00 ' r g-Yj/4, bond-_--~_----------- • 10e, XKX--------- ------ -~--~ 5.46 4.b0 ~ Prisoners property, Coluatblan Cieap------ 8.00 4.00 18.80 t patrol Report tlan][e,---_-------- --- 8.00 •6.00 ' - a].aok Liat--Oil, On----_~__-_~- 8.00 ' 8.60 DsacriDt7lve lilanYs, ~iaycla---~------- --- 1.H0 x.00 • • Individuals,---_ ---..- 3.60 8.00 ~tiu'y Oards-____M________-- --.~..~_.__..~.. 1.50 5.60 watrattts, per heel: 08 100, in lets of flv0 boo7[s, 58.00 Der Hoot in lots of tin books, 1.60 • Licenses, per book of 100, in lots of Si~~ Doota, 1.46 • • in lots of teu boots, I.86 • ' ' h ~ aeaeiDt boats O! all tisuU 100 to each boot, in'~sisej8-1/A=11, sa s¦allecr, la lots oZ Sin ),cote, 45o per boot, in tots of ten boots, 56o•De~ •tltDorisations.. Peraita SOZ 01itt13~ 6treets, Certitieatp of Aaaeytanoo, »sgoeato Zsr OttttiYlt . ftreets, and'alI tounQ boots uot.to'aatee~d in siss'4-],/Ssl! 1noL~s, la booty of 100 eaoD, is tots of Siw boots e6o per boot, is lots 0t ten boots, e6o Der tool:. • 600 1000 •eetly Rise Oards, ltaailla 4.00 A.00 ' Olaias, 5 sidss, ~Z8-lit lAOAes,- - -- x'.00 4.00 Lapi >ilaats, which will iaoluds all blaiUts of wtatsoerar aharaoter, in sises ae Sollars: f`~' Quarter sliest, Ts8-1/5 inches; Salt SAeot, 8-1,/57dt: and Tnll fit, 8-1~8z88 inohe/ at • ' the following rates: 100 600 1000 Quarter Sheet--ens aide------- ------- 1.76 71.60 4.00 twoi1d~s~ides---- -- 8.0p0p 4.50 g•So Half Sheet--4wo sides---~--"~_"""~-°°"~ ~ M-- 4.76 9.0 10.60 w~_.. . . ---- t loo soo iooo ', Gont~nuefl: Full Sheet--ono aide-------------------°-" '"---°`--`- 8.00 8.60 10.60 I ' two sides---------------_______~__________~ 8.00 11.50 38.00 111 b1aIlKs requiring intricate ruling, Lhe Puling to be added. 1 --;~ l3pon notion or Councilman Smith, flulY seconded by Counoilman Chambers and carried, the City ~- Clerlt was authorized to advertise Yor bids Yor doing the oity advertising and fob printing for the year ending January 31st. 1918, and that such advertising shall be in the followinfi form: ~tOTIGP? GALLZNO FOR aIDB. . Pursuant to an order made and given by the Mayor and Common Council of the Gity of San Aernardino, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 8th day of January, 1912, bids will be reaelvaQ by said t Common Cauriail up to and until 7:80 o'aloak, p'. m. on the 22nd day oY January, 1913; for the doing of ell city printing, advertising and fob printing or the City oY San 2ernardino for Lhe year ending ~ f January 31st, 1813. All bids Yor publiahin$ ordinanaea,~reaolntions. orders sad notioee, rsquirad to be published, t shall ba at a rate per square oY 234 ems of nonpareil, net solid, for the Yirst insertion and at a , rate Per similar square Yor each eubssqu~nt insertion. J the title oY ail ordinaizees, resolutions, orders and notioee, required to be published, shall be net in black face 12 point Lypa and shall be measured accordingly. i The body oY the ordinances. resolutions, orders end notioee may be net in nonpariel or say type ~ larger, but if net in typo-larger than aonpariel shall, be measured in the type in wales ast 234 em~a to the square. Dicta Yor locals and readers and bills and elalms, rsQuired to be published, shall ba at s rate per line Yor Yirst inaer'tion and a rata per line Yor cans subaequea~t insertion. To be net is brevisr or body type 9t paper. . Bids for ptib11ah1118 ordinances, resolutions, orders and aotiaae regnirsd to be published may be suba?itted separate from the bids far Zob pristine, or bias may Da oomDinad in the disoretioa of tIIs bidder. ~ The bidder or biddesa to who' said aontraet ie awarded suet fhrniah the City OlerY with twelve ~ copies of sash advertise~nent printed for tae City under said contract. ' All bids must be aaoospanied by a aertifiec! check in a sah not less LIIsa T1I0 Suadre~d sad !iffy Dollars (250.00) as s enaranty teat the bldder will abide by said bin and sat sr into Lhe aontraet awarded or else furnish a bond !or said amount and payable as aforesaid, sinned DY the bidder sad two sureties who shall ~ustiYy before a~ offices competent to administer en asth, in double the es~ann! '3 oY said bond sad over and above all statutory azempticna. the suaaesaful bidder shall furnish a bong in tae sum of One Thousand Dollars (;1000.00) for tae faithful parformanoa of said contract; said olisak or said Dona, for the said cum of ~9G0.00 to Da,forfeitsd to the City of Sea aarnardiao upon the tail- urs oY the suooessinl bidder Lo sntar into a written contract and to ttsraish a bond for tae saiQ sum or X1000.00 ea aforesaid, wlthin five days after the award of said contract. The right is hereby reserved to reject nay and all bids. Dates this 8th day oY January, 101.4. , ~ ~ C y er . Oiling ~B• Street. It was moved by Councilmau Smite Last it De the sense of this hoard Last we extend to owners of property Yrontine oa street between 4th and yess Line, e;n invitation to attend a testing to ba held t at Lhe •a• street sahooi souse on Friday, the 12ta day of January, 18i~ at 9:80 p. m., the oDyaat of i -' ~32~ Cont i nuect: such meeting being for the Purpose of discussing the advisability of oiling said street. Motion xas duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Ord.No. 472. An ordinance amending ordinance No. 822, entitled 'hAn ordinance providing for the licensing oi' business, shows, exhibitions, and games conducted or carried on in the city oP ]tan Bernardino, ~ and Mixing the rate oP license LhervPor and providing Por the collection thereoP•, was read in • 11111 Por the Pirat time and laid over Por final passage. Help Clerk. Oounoilman Holmes moved Lhat City Clert be empowered t0 employ such help in his ofPloe as he ~ thinks necessary. 1lotion seconded by Councilman Irving and oaxries bt the Following vote: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Bills. The City Clerk wsa authorizes Lo issue warrants For claims approved by the Mayor and linance Committee this day. Carried by the following rote: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. ' I ' •D" Street La±erals. IL was moved by Councilman Irving that the Street Superintendent De instructed to notify 1 property owners on "D' street between Second and Third to make lateral oonnectioae to sever. ]lotion seconded uy Councilman Cole sad carried. Upon motion oP Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Irving and oerried, the Council I adyourned to mast xonday January, 16th, 1812 at 7:90 p. m. o~aloct. '~°, Approved this day oY Jarlueay, 18L3. C Kam. - t _ R, t ty oP San ernardino, Cal1P. f , a _',, r i r i r~ i i 1 . _ . ---- _____-___ ._.---____._.r., i Litt hall, :a~? Bernardino, California. Jarniary 16, 1fl12 Regular adjourned meeting of the liayor and Commom Council o; the City of San Bernardino, held Monday, January i6th, 1812. Coating was called Lo order IlY Yeyor aright at 8:30 o'clock P.Y., ~ the following members of tho Council being present: Councilmen Cole, Irving, Chambers, Sm ith, • H olmes, City Attorney Allison, and Oity Clerk Batchelor. The minutes of the pr©rious meeting were read and approved. ord. fro. 472. An ordinance amending ordinance No. 322, entitlod 'An Ordinance providing Yor the licensing of ~ business, shows, exhibitions, and games aondueted or aarrled on in the City of san Bernardino, and nixing the rate of license thereYor and providing for the aolleetion thereos~, was read in Sall Yor f final passage and adopted by Lhe following vote: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. k ' ~ i Noes, none. Overruling Protest Resolution overruling Protest Piled with the City Olerk lloveober 14th, 1811, protesting the Pave "E• Streot. paring of •B~ Street between Second and Third streets was read Yor final passage and adopted by the fo]- . 1 lowing rote: Ayes; Coie, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holnea. Hoes, none. I Aes. ordering work 1 Pave ";1• Street. - ReaolutloII of the Mayor and Commom Council of the City of San Bernardino, ordering the ietprove- -~' ment oi' Street Yrom the north line oz 3aoond Street Lo the south line of Third Street by repaying • the same with asphalt macadas:~ base 'end asphalt wearing ser~/ae, was read Sor the first time and lsld lj , over for final passage. ~ Bire 'Nhistle, Communioetion oY H. S. Wall, Superintendent oY Shops, Santa Ye, addressed to Fire Chief 0. Santa Fe. , Starkey, relative to'ohanging fire whistle at Santa Ye was presented and read. It was cored tOr Councilman Smith that the Yire Chief be instructed Lo hake necessary arrangements to change whistles, providing Superintendent Wall get's sanction of his Company. !lotion seconded by councilman Holmes, and carried by unanimous vote. • Pave "8th• Street. D. ILoDOnald appeared bei'ore the Council and asked that Lhe Council make, personal investigation before accapLing the paring oY Wighth Street. Yr. llaDOnald was assured that the work would be gone over aaroflilly before aeeeptanae was made. Hea.ing Protest This being Lhe date net by the Council in Lhe matt of heari.~ Fittest filed October and, ~ "P• Street. ?'-..L..~..:.~ ..~-»..,r.z~. p++~-y r>. ~.~'---r ~~.-- ,~,,.-~-a~ ~ .d~~, 1811 ,A matter wen taken up and upon motion made by Cau?~ailman Holmes , duly aeaonded by Councilmen Chambers, the waiter was again lain over1to be taken up and heard the 18th day of Yea':, 1D1t1. !lotion carried by the following vote: Ayee, Cole, Irving, ~bere, Smith, Holmes? Foea, naele. llereYuints' Patrol. E.H. ~raseltoA appeared baYore Lhe Council and stated that he was about to establish a Yer- ahauts' Patrol in this City, and asked per'Sssion to Derry Sara ar68 while discharging the duties I in making sash Datral. Councilsan 811th stated that in his opinion the aeronaats ware relseiving ample police protection, but if the aerahanta wanted additional private protection, he could nee y no ob~eatioII. Counailaen Ho].e1es cored Chat Yr. Braselton be granted Der=iasiosl to carry Sire area while• ~' in the discharge Of duties Or the san Bernardino Patrol Service, and suoA aen as he 11ey esp].oy, eubyeat to the aonfireiation oi' the Chief' oS Police, Potion seaondad by the following role: •ye~, Ooie, Irving, Chslbera, 8aith, Holaes. Foea, none. / Sewer Court Streot. 'bhe follaiing eormuniaatlon was presented and read: San Aernardino, Cal., Jamlary 16, 1812. ' To the Honorable Mayor and Comisan Council, City oS San Bernardino, CaliYOr[Iis. Gentlemen:- I have to report another clog iii Court Street never between = and F Streets. ibis is Lhe srec:nd in six months and hsa been preeeedad by so many others that the line is a DreaLieal xreck. On the former occasion I urged that an B inch pipe line be run frog the manhole in center ~.....r-_ _ _- i.lt)\1 _ _ 2222((11 -- COSH 11:U('d • of F: Street to tho flush tanfi 45G feet ti,~a t of 1: Streot, vrith a :'~anhola hall' Y•ay from 'r. Street to the i'lush tank. This van ba put in foz° about two hundred anti seventy-five dollars. 4n the sub~eet of sidewalk repairs, much dissatisfaction is expressed by those whose walks have . been repaired that the work has seemingly been stoppd and nur,:erous raferenees are made to the ~ ~ walk in i'ront oi' St. Charles ~3ote1 which 1t seems to m© should be done by the City Also I bare had coa,plaints concornirr6 deYeotire walks out aide the busin_~sa district, some of which are really dangerous. I ask your suthorit~ to prosecute this with vigor. There is constant danger that damage suits may result from neglect. The need of a new oil heating plant is urgent. The present plant is a wreck, is a mile too far rrom center or territory to be served, and is axt~avagantly costly in operation. Sespectihlly, ' T. H. Kellogg, 8t. Supt. Councilman Frving moved that the City P.ngineer be instructed to prepas'e plans and apecii'icationa for an eight inah sewer,and flush tank~to be constructed in Court Street between `S•~and 'F• Streets. ~ Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by unanimcua rote. Sidewalk Repair. It waa moved by Councilman Chambers that the Street Superintendent proceed with work oP repairing I defective sidewalks. Motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Bills: City Olerk was authorized to issue warrants for oleims presented and approved by the Mayor and -~ pinance Comffittee this date by the following vote: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes, none. ~ ass. Zt wee moved by councilman Irving that the riayor appoint s committee of three to investigate the I~ raising of the prig of gee. ]tatter was discussed and iaid over. k Upon motion of Councilman Irving, duly seconded by Councilman Smith, and cerrled, Lhe Oonncil ad~ourred r to meet Monday, January 22, i81Z, at 9:30 o'c1ocY P. Y. Approved this day or January, 1812. ~ ~ ~ ' ~ 0 CI,sAK. a ' 1tt1' R, o t Citr oP San Derasrdino, Oalif. ; d`~1 ~.,.r . . r, ~ i --____ _.1 (P`~i} City Hall, San Bernardino, CaliY.January 22,1812. Regular adjourned meeti[;g oY the kayor and Coi.~mon Council of the City of San ne~nardiro, held konday ~' January 22, 1812. Keating was calleu to order DY Kayor Bright at 7,5b o~cloek P.k. the Yollowing membeu•s of the Council being present: Councilmen: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. City Attorney t.llison and City Clerk Batchelor. The minutes oY the previous Leeeting wero read and approved. Re.:.i3rd.V,'orY.. A resolution of the liayor and Common Council oY the City of San Bernardino, Ordering the improvement of w Pave "E". I "]C"street, Yrem the north line of Second Street to the south line oY Third str:;et by re-paving the same with asphalt macadam base and asphalt wearing surYace, was r_ad in it111 Yor final passage and adopted by the Yol- ,I lowing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes: none. Bids P~•i[~ting. This being the date i'ixed Yor opening bids f'or doing the City printing and advertising for the year ending January 31, 1813, It was moved by Councilman Chambers that the Clerk proceed to open said bids, motion seconded % ~ by Councilman Holmes areA carried. I' Bids being opened the following is copy of proposals ss presented: ! Evening Fndex. To the Honorable Coamon Council, City oY San Bernardino, Cal. January 22,1912. i Gentlemen:- ~ l Pursuant to your advertisement calling Yor bids i'or doing the City printing, advertising and job printing Yor the ensuing year, copy of which is hereto attached and Wade a part of this bid, we here- b0+ ofYer to enter into the contract aL the Yollowing pricea:- Advertising, per square oY 234 ems,. each lnsertion, - - - - - _ 1~ Looals,readers, and list of Dills or claims, per line, - - - - 4 1 Job printing, 20 per Dent less than the scedule fixed Dy your honorable body. { ?he above prices are given with the understanding that the contract include all advertising { and locals as well as job printing and that no part or portion will be considerately separately. t( Our certified Check YoP i b00.oo accompanies this bid. ~ Respectfully Submitted, The Transcript Company, Inc. 8. COIIGSR President k 1tgr. . Publishers of THE svs~elxa Z~Dnc. Aid oY S.A. To The Honorable lleyor and Cos~on CouAC11 of the City of San Bernardlno, Jen.22,1812. N3JWR. Gentlemen:- Pursuant to your notice calling for bids Yor doing the City printing, advertising and job wont YOt the City oY San Bernardino Tor the year ending daIiaBry 81,1918, I desire on behalY of the San Bernardino 2~ews and free Prase to submit two Dills ae i'ollowa: Bid No.l- por pablishing ordinances, xeaolutione, orders and notioee required to be published shall be at the rata oY 10 Dents pax square Tor the first insertion and at a rate of 6 Dents per agaare toe each suDeequ,ent insertion, aocording to the aenaex outlined in your noties call for bids. ~ ~lor looaie and roauera end bills aced aleia[s the rate Lo be b cents pax 21ae .for the f'lrat ~ insertion and 8 cents gar line i'ar al] subeec,uent iaeertlone, aocording to the aenner outlined in your call for bide. BI11 N0.2- !or publiai~ing ordinances, reaolvtbone, orders and uotieea re4vired to be published shall be at the rate of b een~.s per ~ge[are Yor the first insertion and et a rate of 3 cents a synare fox esoh st[breriuent insertion, according to the manner cutlined in your notice of call for Dille. ~ "`~ Cora tort cd :- b`or locals and readers a[[d bills and olaitAS the rate to be 3 cents per line far the first insertion and 2 cents per line 1'or all subsequent insertions, according to the etanner outlined in Your call for bids. PP.OVIDPD all job work or job printing of the City be given to the San Bernardino News and The Free Press, such job printing or job work w;; will do at a discount of b pair cent oft' the schedule prices as adop- ted by Your honorable board on January 8, 1912. Accoctpanying these two bids yvu will rind two certified ehechs for ¢250 each, one to cover each bid, as required by Your notice calling Yor such bids. We are prepared, if named the sueceasi~l bidder, to comply with the requirements set Yorth in your notice calling for suah bids, dated January 9, 1912. Youre Very Truly, SAN HERNARDINO NEWS AND THY lP=E PRS83 By O.M.Oannon ' ~aineas 1lanager. Hid of Cattci~ To the Honorable xayor and liembers of Lhe City Council of San Bernardino, Cal. Jan.22,1912. i & Stew;:rt. I Oert 1 amen : - lie the undersigned, agree to ii[rnish to the City of San Bernardino its job printing for one year at the fol3oRing prices. 100 600 1000 Letter Heads, Ruled", Ashland or equivalent, - - - - - = 1.2b - - ; 2.26 - - # 3.25 ¦ ' Unruled, Bond - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.2b - - 2.2b - - 3.26 8nvelopea, 8-8/4, XXX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.26 - _ 1.50 - _ 8.60 • 6-3/4, Hond - - - - - - 1.50 - 2.00 - 8.50 • lOs, XXX --- -------- ---- 1.50-- 2.60-- 4.00 ¦ Prisoners property, Columbian Clasp - - - 2.00 - - 6.50 - - 9.50 Patrol neport Blanks, Biaycla_ -- _ _ - _ _ ` ' _ 2•~ - - 4.00 Black List-- OYf, On 1.7b - - 2.50 I i}escriptivs Blanks, Bicycle - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.60 - - 2.865 ' ¦ • Individuals, - - - - - - - - - - 1.50 -- 2.26 Jury Cards - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 - - 2.00 Warrants, per book of 100, in lots of five books, .SO per book. + ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ r ¦ • t en • . 70 ¦ ¦ j Liaenaes, per book of 100 in lots of five hooka, .90 ' • ¦ ¦ • r • ¦ • • t en • . 70 • • Receipt books oY ail kinds, 100 to each book, in size a-1/a x u inches, or smaller, in lots of Yive books, #.80 per book, in lots of ten books, ;.4b per book. Authorizations, Permits for Getting Streets, Certifieatea of Aaceptanae, Requests for Cutting streets, i and ell botutd books not to exceed in size 4-1/a X 12 inches, in hooka of i00 esah, in lots of Yive books, #.70 per book, in lots of ten booka,i.60 per book. S00 1000 Meekly ilme Cards, Manila - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # 8•~ - - - # 4.60 ' Claims, 2 aides, 7 X 8-1/2 inches, - - - - - - - - - 8.7b - - - 6.76 Legal Biailka, wh1aA wail i[~olude all blanks oY whetsoeve~r eha?aeter, la wises as follawa: Quartet . sheets, 7 X 8-1/2 inches; Half easels, 8-1/2 X 14 inahes, and lull sheets 8-1/8 X 88 lnat[es at the fol3owing rates: 100 600 1000 Quarter street-- one aide - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # 1 - - - # 8.60 - - - ; 8.76 two sides ------- -- - --- 2•~--- 4.00 --- 8.00 Ha if sheets-- one aide-------------- a•7b--- 4.b0--- 8.00 two sifle-------------- a.76--- e.60-- - 9.9'6 lull Sheet- one side-------------- 4.00--- 7.85--- 10.00 ~ two side-------------- 6.76--- 10.2b --- 14.00 . All blanks raquiring ruling, the ruling to be added. Respoattully Submitted, CAUCH & 3TYMART By M.3.Cauah. Bid of John Blagp To the SonoraDla YaYor and Co~suon Council of the City of Sets Bernardino, January ?2, 1912. Oentiemen:-- Per the attached notice entitled 'Notice Calling Yor Etida,• i will do tTf~ lob prfntirg " - ~ Contiinted:- #'or Lhe City oY San Bernardino Yor the Year endir$ January 31st, 1913, at a rate oY ten {10} per cent di^eount 3 C' ~ irom the rate #'ixed by this Comc:.on Council Yor job printing at their meeting held on the Bth day oY January,1912 Certified check Tor ~ 250.00 hereto at.aehed. F.espeatiLrlly Submitted, TORN FI,A(i0. The bid oY the Transcript Company, Iuc. being the lowest and beat bid, it was moved by Councilman Holmes that said bid be accepted, and all other bids rejected and certiYied shacks returned to unseceessYul bidders, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and aar,ied by the Yollaring vote, Lo-?it: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smithk Hoes: none. ! I. Bids,Sciwwlk, This being the date fined Yor opening bids for the improvement oa •E• street between Fourth and Ninth ' ¦E¦street. '- ~t~n & Qtli, streata, by constructing cement sidewalks and curbs therein, it was moved by Councilmaa Chambers that tria Clerk { proceed to open such bids, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. ;' DID oY Curb, per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - .33 cents. f Robinson & ~ !lareneso. Sidewalk, per square Yoot, - - - - - - .11 cents. Bid oY ~t'.ll.Bohan; Curb per lineal foot, - - - - - - - - •26 cents. i Sidewalk, per square Yoot, - - - - - - .12 cents. ~ Bid o#' Newtw:cn & l:cElvain: Curb, per lineal Yoot, - - - - - - - - .35 oents. " Sidewalk, pas square foot, - - - - - - .16 cents. B7DS,F.a~•rlr:. This being the date fixed Yor opening proposals or bids, for Lhe improvement of Fourth street, between 4t1i, bet. Cro.^>s & Cross and •A' streets,' by ootlstl~r2eting cement sidewalks and curbs on the south aide Lhexeot',• It was moved by °II~ Councilman Cole that the C1erY proceed to open aaid bids, motion seconded U6~ Councilman Irving and carried. t~. Bid oY !iewman & b'cElvain: ~ ~ttt' Curb, par lineal Yoot, - - - - - - - - - .36 cents. a Sidewalk, per l~ns=b Yoot, - - - - - - .lb cants. • The bid oY Robinson end Larehese apvearing to be the lowest and best bid for the improvement oY •s' street between Yourth and Ninth streata It was adved by Councilman Cole that the bil oY Robinson and ilarcriese be accepted, motion seconded aY CounailmaA Holmes and carrled. c. Res.~wd.Cont. A resolution awarding contract to Robinson i ilarcheee Yor the 1oDrovement of '_• street between pourth 'r and Ninth streets ~ constructing oement sidewalks and C[lrba therein at the prise apeoiYied in their proposal fox aaid work was reed in Yul, Yor Lhe Yirat *.ime and laid over Yor Yinal passage. Tice bid of Helr~sa & Leslvain being the lowest and best bid for sidewalk work to be done in fourth atreot between Cross & •A' street, Councilmen Gole moved Lhtt the bid be accepted, potion seconded tr9 Councilman with and carried. Resic~f' !wd ~ ? resolutlon awarding contr$aL to Newman a Ycplvain Yor the improvement of Fourth street between Cross do b'a~rth st. 'A• streets by oonat;lta~ing a cement sidewalk and curb therein, tbg #~Qe Y'1il~Sl1'~their pros oaal far / ~ ~ ' said work, was read in YUli Yor tl8 i'irat time and laid over Yor Yinsl passage. Counoilman smith moved that the Clerk bo instructed to return all cheeks to urrsuceeseitrl bidders, cotion seconded by Counailrsn Holmes and earriud. Pio•e:~~t To tho Honorable i~aYOr and Cocc&on Council and Street Supt. oi' the City of San Aerrrardino, Ca 2. I Y!.1..Vala. Oentler:en: j v,.W. ` 1 _ , ~~:34 i ' Coi~ti~.ued:- I am payi[tg the bill 1'or ra~sirs on sidewalk front oY 409 Third street tinder protest. ~ IE 1st. The repairs were not neecessary. 2nd. It was unreasonable to dewant the work Lo be done in three days. 3rd. The charges Yor said repairs era more than any one would consider just. Aespt. W.A.Vale. ~I upon reading Lhe i'oregoir$ communication Councilman Smith moved that same be received and placed on file, i ~ motion s:conded by Councilman Chambers and curried. I.~ I o,?tition To Thr Hon.Mayor and City Cour;cil, 'r'.R.].~eP;eil 'i Pacific street, is only one block long, but eighty-two feet wide, and looks out oi' proportion. We would like the privilege oY planting a row of pepper trees in the center of the street. Ne have noticed other streets in some of the adjoining towns made that way, and w:; think it would add I ' 1 to the appearance oY this one. '. Yours Respectfully, ~ . ~ W.R.1leNe11. ' • upon reading the i'oregoin$ communication Councilmen Chambers moved that the petition be referred back to Mr.ltcNeil to present a more definate petition as to the desires oY the property owners of said street, and ' that it fa the aeABe oY Lhis board to discourage pepper trees being planted, motion seconded by Councilmen Irving and carried. ~ Extend ii me Communisation oY w.P.LeVan, •reQUesting an extention oY lb days in the completion of Contract Yor con- W.P.LeVan. ? etruetione oY sidewalks on •B• between 8th and 10th streets,' was presented and read, Resolution authorizing Lhe 8uperentendent oY streets Lo extend by lb aeys the time fixed by hie Yor the I completion oY the work apaclYied in that certain contract entered into Datween said 8upt.oY Streets and ~.P. ', LeYan, was read Yor Lhe Yirat time and laid over Yor Yinal passage. Report,change To the Honorable lfs~or and Common Council, City oY San Bernardino,Californis. names oi' Sts. Gentlemen:- Pursuant to your orders, I heretyy submit the following list of streets to be changed in name. i Olive Street. (in the southwest pert oY town} to Grape Street. ~ prancie Ave. - to - L street. Daley 8t. - to - Bridge 8t. First 8t. (from 4 to east City Limits} to Rialto eve. ' Cross 9t. - to - Allen St. " Yager 8t. - to - i, St. Tompkin St. - Lo - Gilbert St. Hamiltoh St. - to - Carper St. f Penn St. - to - L, St. j Myrtle St. - to - 14th St. ` Chestnut 8t. - to - Magnolia Ave. (St.YlmO Add.) III s 1 Walnut & Santa Ana Sts. to 19th $t. I{ Orey St. - to - Magnolia Ave. Alta Vista Ave. to - 16th St. 1 Northern ~ Delaware Aves. to 16th 8t. l _ . - - _ _ . - .._.___~...- - - - -- - - - - - r --- _ _ - -. _ _ _ I k Cantinue8:- WashinF,ton Ave. - to - 17th 3treot. ' Brooklyn Ave. - to - 18th 3t. h` i Geneva & Colorado Aves. to lath St. Ohio Ave. - to - lath St. arand.View Ave. - to - 21st 3t. i Stevens St. - to - 21st St. Travers Ave. - to - 23rd 3t. Foster Ave. - Lo - 24th SL. Bailey Ave. - to - 2bth St. Loftus Ave. - to - 28th St. Ccrey Ave. - to - 27th 3t. Pepper St. - to - Leecham St. ( Northeast Dart of Town.) 18th St. -to - 20th St. ( Adair keyar Sub.) f L St.(bet 7th & Bth)Lo - Penn.St. Respectllilly Subwitted, ~ K.F.TUTTLS. City 8ngineer. fi CCtlneilman smith moved that Lhe report oY the City Bnglneer, •in regard to naming of streets,• be accepted, and the City Attorney iustructect to prepare an ordinance along the lines of report, motion see- , ondsd by Councilman Chambers and carried. Subd~n Recommendation, "relating to subdivisions being accepted by City,• was presented by City BnECinear Rcoin ~ndation. K.F.TUtLle, Councilman Chambers moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance along lines of recommendation, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. h Bi11s. The City Clerk was authorised to issue warrants for claims presented, and, approved by the l(ayor and ~' i Finance CommDttee, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chrwmbera, Smith, Holmes. Noes: noaa. y !- Appointment lfeyor Bright appointed dohn Andreson Jr. as xember of Board of Library Trustees, to fill v.,cancy caused ~ Juo.A_:dresrn~ Jr. ~ ~ ~ r,inrarY. by death of dohn Andreson Sr. said appointment subject to oonYirmation of the Corsncil. Councihmn Cole moved that the appointment be confirmed motion seconded by Councilman Hoimea and carried bb? the Yollowing vote, Lo-wit: ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. toes: name. Crrplaint. Alias Kinderman appeared bei'ore the Council and entered complaint against oertain parties living above him on Fourth street, between Arrowhead Ave. and D Street, that the certain parties used gasoline in cleaning is clothes at all hours of night,oausing an ofTenaive odor, and unsanitary. CauacilsaII Smith moved that the mat- r ter be refeered to Sanitary Inspector Luaaier, motion aeaonded by Councilman Irrrin$ and carried. 3 1'&p oi' Lights. City tngineer, R.F.TUttla presented slap showing the number of lights installed (378) and Lhe location ' of same, on January 1. 1918. Councilman sffith moved that the map be received and Dlaoed on file with the City Clem, motion Seconded bb+ Councilman Holmes and carrlsd. stocte'ty Blank agreement of }'acifie Blectric Comparry ror iUrnishitrg electric energy used in charging batteries r Fire sy;:taro. 11 of Bire Aiarm system, was ~,reaented, Upon motion oY Counoilman smith duly seconded by Cwnailman Cherabsra anQ carried the mattem was laid over Zor two weeks. ~'.^e.!:: i:: street. Councilman Irving moved that matter of clearing public street: and sidewalks of weeds be referred to 1 the Superentendant oi' 3tresta, motion sooonded by Councilman Holmes and carried. F3oot r~izck Councilman Hoir.~es, spore in ber~ali' of ilazzolo ac 9ci~uYler •5arbera• in rat-ard to a certain RO^t-b:~ack stand --- Continues:- i stand located on •E• street south oT Third streot, Lhat stre~.t Supt. Yr9d ordered stand removed and asked for ~ i~rther ini'orumtion regarding ordinauoe, Street 3up~. Kellogg stated hid Fiosition in matter. Street Supt. .C.H.]Cellogg stated LhaL sideRalk on •D• beLh~eati Third and Fourth streets eras beloR grade and as said street iA about to be Paved caked i'or recommenduticn in matter. Ho action taken. I iipon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Ccuncflrunn Chambers and carried the Council adjourned to meat Monday January 29,1912, at 7,30 o~clocfi P.Y. i Approved tras ~ day of Ja~iuaiy 1912. ~mil' CITY CL&RK. YOR, oi' y of Ban Bernardino, Cal. i l - "ti ~•rf • ~ i i ~ j k '' ' . j !' ~ . i ~ -,ice r, j ,-., i f ~ E Ci`.y Ball, Sat; Bernardino, ralif. Jan. 2fl, 1fl12. Regular aci~ou>~nad meeting of the Itayor and COLI,iOn Council 11 the city of San Bernardino, held January 29th, 1312. lleoting was oalld to order by Mayor Bright at 7:36 o'elock P. L., the'folla?ing members of the Council being present: Councilmen Cole, Irving, Chetnbers, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney Allison, and City j ~ Clerk Batchelor. The minutes oi' the previous meeting were read and approved. Res. oY Award ,Resolution of the Mayor and Common Oaunoil oY the pity oY San Bernardino awarding contract for the im- No. 4B5. provement of Fourth street between Cross end •A• streets, by constructing side?alk and curb therein, to Nes- man & McElvain, at Lhe prise spooified in their proposal on file for said work, was read in full i'or final passage and adopted by th.~ follo*ing vote, to-wit: Ayes, ColA, Irving, Cttambera, Smith, Holmes. Naas, none. Res. os Award Resolution of the Mayor and Common Connell of the city of san Bernardino, awarding oontraet for the im- ~ No. 4AG. provement of of •Y• street between Bourth and Ninth atreete, by constructing cement sidewalk and curb therein to Robinson & Marchese, at the price specified in their proposal on file for said work, waa read in full Yor final passage and adopted by the following vote. to-wit: Ayes, Coie, Irring, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes, none. l ~ Eor.d T.B.RUi2. Bond of T. 9. Ruiz, Qualifying as police ofYioer, as per appointtaenta December ~8, 1912, was presented. \ ' ' Owing to error in bond, Counoilmen Smith moved that the said bond be referred beak for correction. Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Orango show CommnnicaLion oY National Orange Show requeatins the privilege of contracting for aoncesaiona during Co~tca;~si ~-ns. Lhe week of Bebruary 19th-24th, was presented and read. Mnereupan Oounailman Smith moves that Lhe Orange show Committee be granted Lhe right Lo conduct and carry on shows, and aonceasions of all kinds during the week of the Orange Show to be held Peluvary 18th to 24th, inclusive, without license, and that no license be issued to any porson by the city for any show, entertainment, or concession of am kind aonduoted or oarriod on during such time. Motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following rote, to-wit: Aysa, • Cole, Irving, Chambers, Bm1th, Holmes. Noes, none. _r,iq.Liceuse Application oY Al. McRae and O. l~. Hewins Yor retail liquor license at No. 328 !'s'•.8treet, was presented •1.ICR+t:~ ~ fiawiits and read. It was moved by Councilman Smith that Lhe application be accepted iri lien oY license in Hasa oY ~ Ai. McRae, and that the bond be approved. Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and parried bbr the foil wring rote, toarit: Ayes, Cole, Trying, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes, none. urd.NO.473. An Ordinance regulating the manner oY platting and laying into public streets, avenues, alleys, bloats 3ubd'v'ns. and late land within the corporate limits of the City Of San Bernardino, was read in full Yor the first time and laid over for final passage. Orc1.No.474. An Ordinance ahaitging and re-estebliahing the names of certain streets in the City cY Ban Bernardino, was read in full for the Yirst time and laid orer Tor Yinal passage. ~' Aos.Printing Resolution awarding oontraet and authorising the execution of oontraet for Drinting, edrertising, and Contract. job printing was read in full Yor the fir3t tine and laid orer for final passage. r Commotion of Communication of L. B. Bilks, relating to changing names of streets was Ba~eseated and read. councilman L.T';.Hi1Ke: Smith moved that the communlcaLion be reaeired and placed on Y119. Motion seconded by CounollmaA bring and ~-a serried. ~ Ras. crag work. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council oY the pity oY San Bernardino ordering the work of closing ~ Clo:;o Trenton. chat part of TrsnLon street from the wept line of •Z• street to the west line o! '~• street. Also all aileye etc., ~itueted in block lettored '~• oY Lhe Oatch tract be closed, waa read in lull Yor the first lise and Said over f'or f'1na1 passage. t --- r-•--------------- ---- - - i,`~~~~ enr~ti~,ue+l: ~l:r! ling City. It vra:, r oven by Councilr.:an Strith that the mannsr o£ platting the city bo le>:t to tyre Erayor to take up with the water Commission. 1[otion seconded by Ccunciizman Holmes, and carried. lYaci,lox' 3i 11. Dill oY A. Q. B. Haddox i'or sidewalk and curb, amount ~3b.00, was presented. Upon motion of Council- man Smith, seconded by Councilman Cole and earriad the same was refei•~ed bank for correction, cutting out ; item oY #28.00 for sidewalg.. order P.&9. Councilman Chambers moved that the city engineer be instructed Lo prepare Plans and Specifioationa Sidewalk, 2ii<?, Carter to I sts.Yor that portion of uncompleted sidewalk on Second Street between Carter Avenue and I street. Potion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. butters, 5th & E, Councilman Bmith moved that the Street Superintend,;nt be instructed to correct gutters on the South- 4th & •E•. ~ oast and Southwest corners of yaurth and Streets, and the Southwest corner oY P1Yth and •E• Streets. !lotion duly seconded by Councilman Irving and parried. Amend Ord. No. Councilman Irving moved that Ordinance No. 127, be amended eliminating aeotion pertaining to the dis- 127,w . play oY merchandise on aidewalk within a space not exceeding two i'eet Yro® the building line. Potion aeC- onded ungilaan Chambers and carried by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambera~ smit]i Holmes. Noes, none. • tirade Bth st, Councilman Irving moved that sixth street between I and L streets be brought to grade, and that sand Z td L sts. ~ ~' be placed on oros~rallca. 1[otion seconded by Couneilman Chambers anu carried by the Yollowing vote; to~rit: , Ayes~~Oq~ja. wing, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. 31oea, nor}e. Poles iir Street. Zt was roved by Councilman Smith that the Mayor be authorized to arran6e yoint.aonfercnoe with el~e- E tric and telaphoge ooa~panies snd the city Council, with th© object oY agreeing on consolidation oY pole ' Ii lin ilq~•~ ,duly aeoonded by Councilman Irving and carried. Upon ffiotion oY.Oounoilman Smith, duly eeccnded by Councilman Irving and parried. the Council ad~ournad to Bet lfonda:~, lebruary 6th, 1812. Apvroved Chia ,'' oY pebrua.ry, 1812. ~ p~ /~ is k City-Cler[f•. - lfa r oY the City San Bernardino. . ` E l l • . . ~y~ City Hall, Sate Boi•naiciino, "&lif'. 6'eb. 5, 1$12. Regular meeting of the Mayor and Coamron Council of the City oi' 3an Bernardino, held February 6, 1812. ~ testing called to order by Mayor Bright at 8:2b o~olock P. Y., the Yollowing membare oY the Cotmoil be- ing present: Councilmen Coie, Irving, Chambers, Bmith, Holmes, City Attorney Allison sad City clerk Batchelor. , Tha mirnztes of the prevloae meeting were read and approved. Printing contract Resolution awarding contrast and authorizing the execution oP contract for printing, advertising and . fob Arinting was road in fall Yor Yinal passage and adopted by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: AYee, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes, none. Ord.No,h73. Ordinance regulating the manner oY platting and laying oat into streets, avenues, alleys, blocks and lots, land within Lhe corporate limits oY the City oY San Bernardlno, was read for Yinal passage. 1@. 11. C, • l[c!te:uiey appeared bePorB Lhe Council abjeating to the passing o= said Ordinance. Upon oe111ng roll, motion lost by the Yollawing vote to-wit: Aysa, Irving, Chambers. Noes, Cole, Smith, Holmes. Coaacilsan smith maTe~ that Ordinance be aaended by striking oat section 8~ Yotioa seconded W Coun- /- oilman Halmos and carried by the Yoliwing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Chaabera, smith, Holmes. Noes, Cole, ~ Irving. Ord.No.474. An Ordinance cAanging and re-establishing the names OP certain streets in the City OY Sari Bernardino, was read 2'or Yinal passage. It was moved by Councilman Chambers that seotioa ~ be changed to read ae follows: That the name oY that certain public street in the City oY San Bernardino eateeQiag froo . street Lo d street. heretoYore mown as and called First street shall be ahaaged to Bislto AveJlue, and hereaYter the name of said street shall be Rialto Arenas. lotion seconded by Counailasa astith and oar- rigid by the Yollowing vote: Ayes, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Nova, Cole Irving: Ordinance carried b7 • the Yollowing vote: Ayes, Chambers,, Smith, Holmes. Noes, Inning. Counoillsaa Cole deOllaeQ Lo vote. Res.ordg work Resolution oY the Mayor and Costinon Council oY the City oY San Bernardino ordering the wort oY closing Close Trenton. Zhat°, part oY Trenton from the west line oY s street to the east line of ! street, also all alleys, eta., - situate in bloat lettered le oY the (Isiah treat, be alosod, was read Yor fiasl passage, sad. upon aotian ' of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Chaabers end carried, Resolution was laid oa the table !or try ~'~ one weer Rap. Electrician. Report oY the City slecstrioian Yor the month of January, lalaZ, was presented and read. Coune111oen smith moved that the report be received and placed on file. Ifotioa seooaded by Couaoilasn Holmes sad carried. Repos~t Asst. Report oY the Assistant City Attorney, oeorge 8. Johnson, for the aonth oY Jannar7, 19L'g, was presented City f~ttorner• and read. Upon action oY Councilman aaith, seaoaded ~ 0o~11a9n Oheabers, seas was reoeiTed sap riled. Report St.Supt. Report OS Lhe. street Superlntendeat, >i. H. Lellogg, of operstions~ street ~1~,~g for aoat2f of Jannasy 1918:, wsa precasted sad read. Couiwilaaa Holaes sores theft the Street 8tiperintendeat, be instraatsd to Drooeed with ooeiatmalisg walks and curbs, szosl;iag I street, between 4nd sad asd stseets. Yotioa seo- Oo6eb by Couaailasn ChaeWers asd aerri::d by unsnimoas Tote. P.E.pare n 8t. It was moved by Couaoilaan Ssith LhaL sotioe be earned os the Pac1Y1o iieotrio Railway Oosme~ that treats 3rd to 6th. ~- ~ on D 'street between Third and fifth etsoets, bs immediately pat to official grade and riptt-of~t~.yaTed. . Notion seconded by Connailaan•Chaabere and carried by the foiivwing rote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Inning, OAasbers, Sslth, Moises. )loss, none. Invitatlnn Invitation of Lhe San Bernardino Soalety, Calii'oraia Pioasers Lo attend tt?e oesemooy.aad dediaetios sew Ficneors. log cabin and raising of flag over ease in City Park O[1 9aturd,:y, Febr~~ary ,10, 1918, was Dresented and reel . Crnanoilman,-moved that the i~~vitation be accepted. .notion aacoaded by Councilman 8edth sad carried. c ont i rtued: Bicts, pave E st. iitis being th.~ elate 1ix~Q for opening bids for the ro:urfaeing of E street, batwaon 2n~1 and 3r<1 strer3ts, 2r13 to 3r4. ' it rras troved by Couneilr,an Sr,tith that the Clerk procoad ! o open such bids. 1iotion soconded by Council- man Cole and carried. Bid of E. R. •ordin. , Asphalt paving, per square foot, ---------------- (14~) Bourteen cents. ~ ~ Cement gutters, per limas! foot, ---------------- (s0~) Borty cents. • Tha bid of Z. R. >xerdin being the lowest and best bid Yor said work, Councilman smith moved that bid be accepted. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following vote, LO-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Whereupon the resolution was introduced awarding aontraat to E. R. I Wordin Yor the reauri'acing of )r street, between 2nd and 2nd, at the pride specified in his proposal on file for said work, was read in S1it11 2'or the .first time and laid over 1'or Yinal passage. Light Council Zt was moved by Councilman Smith that the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Pacific Light and ~ ~ Chamber: Power Company to place a decant light in Council Chamber in City Hall. Potion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Report R.E.Swing, Report of R. !i. Ewing, special Counsel employed in the case oP the City o~ San Bernardino va. Bemis, r City vs. Bemis. _ fox the opening oY 11th street, that case had been submitted upon brlets, and serriees completed, ea- , . cepting in the preparation of ~udgmant should decision go in City's favor, was preaentAd and read. --~"~ Councilman Smith moved that the report be re.;eired and placed on file. Potion seconded bq Councilman ' Chambers fiIld CSPPied• k • ' ~ 1 7?ac. L.&P. Co's. Biils oY the Pacific Light and Power Company Yor 1lghts months of January were referred back to nom- B1!ls. paIlSr Yor correction. Ord. No 475. ~n Ordinance relating to the using .of public Streets and sidewalks in the City of San Bernardino was ' read for the first time and laid oxen for Yinal passage. ~ - ' Con. Firs Bo;c. Communication of B. Yersihew, Superintendent, fan Bernardino Division, Pacific =leatrio Railway Co., relating to power Yurnished City in charging batteries for Bire Impartment, and mat!'bg offer of reduction in rate to 8 assts pe>clC. hour, should the City decide to enter into contract. 8otmeiLlan Slaith roved ~ r that the proposal be accepted, and that the Mayor and City ClerY be authorised to antes into contract iritA the Psaifia =laotrio Company for one year on 8 cent basis. !lotion seooaded by Cognoilmaa Chambers and ~- 4arried by the following vote. Ayes, Cola, Irving, Chambara, Smith, Holaee. !idea, cone. !ix ass Rote. Oounoilaen Chambers coved LhaL the City Clerk be inatrngted to assns notieea'o¢i gas companies operating ~ - in the City oY can Dernardino, to sulalt data that will enable tIIe Conuoii to inrsstipte the coat oY • produoLion ~9nd fix r$te. Batter to be taken uD f'ebruar7, 16t2~, 19L3: >~olion seoondeb b6? Counal2san Frving and carried by tmanimous rots. ~ ~ "° Disp~ns© Asst. Councl7Lmsn Oole coved to dlaDenae with: the aerwioes 'oY Assistant 'Oity Attorney, 6eorse A. ia>tmson. IMO- City Attorney. ~' lion aasonded by Oounoilman Ohambere and carried bsr Ltse Sollaring ruts, to~it: ayes, Dole, Irving,• y; Chambers, Smith, xolaea. 2lolie, none. Clai~A. Oily Olean[ was enthorised to is3tte warrants loan 'claims presented and aptxrored by the Iieyor and 3lnance Cotlar~ittee Chia Sate, by the foilowi~ rote, tO~t: Ryas, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noss, nor)a. ]6Arid0]t''+1dFiwillk. !i. 0. I3. iiaciuox a[)paal'!:;,i 'iaiU;'c silo CG'.;.i'.J71 il~ r~Z31'ti t0 C9rtaiTi %)S .l' p~'eY~a:>3_y ~t'l:at'itd _°O.' :1'~U1'r^.~t: and curb construct ion aL the corner o Sixth a;:d I streets. Xr. 14addox wa:: given tv iutda~'3td)1't til,a t.irK sV` k city would pay Yor tiie otlrb, but in placing the ::idet?alk .ha 41.1 so on ,;zis !*rr) z•3spo:~~sibi7lty.. l ';::o.; motion of Cowtailmass Ohambers, duly seconded oy Co~sl~cihsan 8*~ith, ant ~arriP i, th ~ Co~t1:,'it rsa~•~ a_r:,- 30 ! i„ ;r,,,;. +`,'~a+ir• teb=aarf• sth 1812 at 7 o'c1oaY., P. !E. • ~ A1~;!:•0~~•3.i ;tsi:' .1~... >!'eorilaryl 1812. ' /~ / ` ~ -~f~ 11 viLy ~er~- f _ -. _ - -- - _ ~~i City ball, San Bernarciir.o, Calif. a~eb., 13, 1912. c7eguls.r ad~0urned seating of the llayvr ania Cotuaon Council of the City of San Bernardino, held ' Tuesday, PebruarY 13, 1912,. Meeting was called to order by l[eyor Bright at 8:i6 P. L., the follow- • i 1[lg members of the Council being present: Councilmen Cola, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City i . Oity Attorney Allison, and City Clerk Batchelor. Rea. of Awd. 488 nesolutiun of the Mayor. anti Cormon Council of the City oY San Bernardino, awarding contract for Pave 'E•. ~ the improvement oft street, between Second and Third streets, by resurfacing the roadway thereof, w • to s. R. werdln, at the price specified in his proposal on file Yor said wort, was read for final ~ passage, and upon notion oY Councilman Chambers, duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, ~ Resolution was laid over Yor. two seeks. Rea. NO. •l87. Resolution or the Mayor and Coamon Council of the City of San Bernardino, ordering the wort: of Close Trenton. cloning that part oY Trenton Street from the west 11ae oft street to the east line of ! street, waa read for final passago, whereupon Councilman Smith moved that Resolution be laid over for two weeks. Potion seconded by Councilman Hola:es and carried. j O3`n_, No. 476. Aa ordinance relating to the•use of ~pnblic streets and sidewalks in the City of San Bernardino ~ was read Yor Final passage and adopted by the following vote, Lo-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Rosa, none. ' R~?port City wort of the City Treasurer Yor the month of January, 191:x, was presented and read. Council- ~' Trees. . ~ can Chambers moved that the report be recelred and placed on file. Potion seconded br Councilman j' 1 Cole anti carried. avmm. Board oi' Oarantastion the City Board of Ydt~cation, togethei with bill for p~slling Sth street, wen free. Yd';.eR ti on. eslted and read. Councilman Chambers moved that the communication and bill be referred to the City Attorney. lotion seconded by Councilaan Cole and carried by unaninona rote. gills. ?ae City Clem waa eathorised to issue warrants for 0leiaa approred by the Ysyor and finance Comittee tIIis date, by the Yollowing vote, to-wtt: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Cha®bsrs, Saith, Holaee. noes, none. Ord. no. 493. Ordinance regulating the manner of platting 8nd laying oat into atrceta, arenuea, alleys, • '! blocks and lots, lead within the corporate finite Of the City of San Bernardino, was presented and read. COUncilasn Smith mores that Ordinance be laid Oyer for two weeks that City engineer aey of YeY P6COmaei~datlOII. Ciosa RedliRht. ~f torney J. Curtia addressed the Council in behalY of a Coonittee of forty (coat of whoa were present) •that as the City was soon to sate an Orange Saar, And as they woaid lice to isp2eas 61ich riaitoSS as larorablr as possible, they thought tae City should Olean up, and sated that the .4:A..* RsdllgatAbe closed. and Last the denisens bu not allayed to oarrY oa taeir roostioll, partiettlarir daring the Orange 8aow.• ASLer dieanesion, Councilaan Irving coved twat the Chi at o! Police be in- struoted to alone the RedligaL district daring tae Orange Snow, to Las boss of cis ability. fiction " Sailing to ssceire a second, Connoilaan irting aaeaded cis notion, sad cored twat tae OM K p! Poi- ios be inatruated to alone the Bedlight district for all tine. Yeticn seconded m oonacilaan Cole and earriad ~ the folioRiag rote, Lo-rlt; Arse, Cole, irriag, Caaabera, 8atta, Holasa. loan. Hons. ~ Live!. oeonoZ2aan Oois coved that an arc 11gat be insLslisd at the aoraer of Orant street sad Cartes Areuus~ 1fOtioa seconded by Oouncilaan Chsabera and carried. DisaonLinue It waa noted by Oounoilaen Chambers that lights at Lae folio*ing locatioaa be ordered Qisoon- Lt rrhtp ~ timed: Sixth, between D and iti atreets;•~Corner (genera and Y streets; light at tiourth Street aahool til grounds; and~ligats at leadawbrook Park bridge on Third street: i/otioa seconded ba' Ooanoilnan Ir- ~ . ~ .' ying &~lu parlidd, ___.___.____,...V__.___.___._____.__ e )~/r , f orutinu^d: Ad1~h Ord. No.238. Cowlciluan Si:~ith ~.overl that Jrdinance Ko. 23E3 b~ sei~r,deci to eoi;i'orm io tho Stato las. Notion secon- ded by Cow~cilman Chambers ar.d carried. Punt Trees. r. *.;Ssing appeared before the Council and stated that .property owners on Third street, and~Allen '~~~% Street, first to Second atreeta,desired to plant pepper trees along each aide of the street, and asked f . that the City i~nglneer gire them stekea for such trees. Councilman Smith moved that the regltest be' granted. Potion seconded by Council~en Chambers and carried. sootblack Stand. P. i. Oazzola appeared before the Council sad asked for thirty days extension of tine for the mov- ~ fII$ of that certain bootblack stand on E street. south of Third street. Councilman Smith mored Lhst no action be taken in the matter of moring said stand until ordinance corering obstructions on straeta, is I~' effective. Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes wise carried. C1*y Yngineer. Councilman Chambers moved that the City Yngineer be authorized to employ assistant drafts~ea fpr , Help. period oY one month to assist in getting ont asaesamP.ni maps. Salary #76.00 per month. !lotion seconded ~ by Cow.cilmen Smith and carried by unanimous rote. ~ ' Upon motion of Councilman bring uuly seconded by Councilman Smith and carrled, the Council ad~ou~ ned to asset Monday, Yebzuary, :dfSth, 181;4, at 7:80 P. L. , t ~ ~ ~'~ ~ AFprorad this Bebruary, 1812. J,. ~ ~ Cltr Cler • Yay~i• i Lhe C1 of ]Zan Dernardino. i • ~eaOlntion authorizing the payment n[ one-third of the ezpense of improrlns ~ street from the forth h line of Second street to the South line of Third street sea introduced. Councilman Smith mored that the f ~ Resolution be read and recorded as fir°at reading. Potion seconded by Councilsan Chambora and carried b7 the following rote, to-sit: Ayes, Cols, Zrring, Chambers, Smith, Holmso. ~oea, none. xosolntion was zead for the first tie~e and lain over for final passage. Approred this 2 ~' Yebruary, 1812. ~'~j~ Q~ Oi 7? er i • ~ , j . ~ lea of the it San aeznardiao. -'{ i 1 j . !p € ' 4 - • ~ i fl - . Z~ ~ Qity Hall, San Bernardino, Cal1Y. Yeb. 26, 1812. Regular adjourned meeting oY she Mayor and Common Coux[cil oY the City of San Aernaruino held PeU- ruary ztsth, 1812. Meeting etas called to older by Mayor Bright at ts:l6 o'clock, P. M., the i'o?lowing members of the Council being Prosent, to-wit:: C ouncilQ~en Cole, Irving, Chambers, 3aith, Holmes, C1tX Attorney Allison, au: City Clerk L:atchelor. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Res. Ordg worK No. Resolution oY Lhe Mayor and Comc,o. Council or the City oY San Bernardino, ordering the work o~ 487.Close Tr ntQn. ' closing that part of Trenton Street from the we::t line of >r atrvet to the east line of P street, came up Yor final passage. Upon motion made by Councilman Smith, uuly sacoaded by Councilman Chambers and carried, Resolution was laid over Yor one Reek that the l+ngineer might check uD the map of the Oai1 H. Ptah tract, a re-subdivision oY Block ! ol~ Lhe seat halt of Block P of the Oatch subdivision. Resolution oY.ihe MaYOr and Common Council of Lhe City of San Bernardino authorising payment of aegis. 1~3 scat ~ ~ ' ~ Pavintt ! str.:et. one-third oY the expanse of improving ! street rrom the north line of Beeond etreot to tho South line of Third Street was read 1'or i'inal pa::sage snot adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, llolmes,. floes, none. acs. of awQ.Ko.488 Hasolutlon of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, anardi ng contract for • 8t . . the isprovesent of ! Street frorJ the north line oi' Second street to the south line of 'Third Street. (Tea e,eaded reyecting all olds) read in full Yor final passage and adopted by the following vote, to- Nit: Ayes, 6oie, Irving, CAasbers, Smith, Holsea. 8oe8, none. • Coma. Mrs. A. ~mmunieation of Mra. A. Hlooser Of Sb8 8th street, Oity, contplaising of dosage done to eertair: Bleenez. household articles by persona fumigating her home, was presented and read. Qonneilsan'Ssith mowed that the communication be referred to the Beaith BaparLzent. Motion seconded .DT Councilman Irving and carried. . • Comm. Poeteel Tel.- ~Damurnication oT the Postal Telegraph-Cable CompaW , requesting permission to erect pale line, Cable Cam. for oazr~ina its Tires along the streets of San Hei-nardino ae Yollows: On fifth Street Eros Mt.'Vernon Avenue to I street. 'On I atr;:et from Yifth street to Court street. ' " On Court street fr om 11fth street to a point 100 feet west of ? street. Also Yor permission to put in nndezground oondnit frog a Doint 100 feet Test oP P street to E street. ' On ! street from Coart street to the Postal Selearaph oYi"1as betweeA SAizd sad Second streets. ' All as shown on the aeaoslpa~int Dlueprint~ ?ae presented and read. Caanailman Smith moved that the application and Dlns print be refelFred to the Street Comsittee to inveatl6ate and report bees. • •~1lotion seconded by Councilman Coie and carried. ' ~ Ls. Overr*.air[a 1~aa?:im~ o! the Drotoat against Lhe pavsaent of ! street being aontimred to this data,.zesolu- Protest. Psv 7. Lion overruling protest Tae 4resented Yor final Daasage. Councilran irvina ~ovsd that the resolution be eontinned, to be heard April duth, 191x. 116tion asooaded br Cour:ailman CAasbera and carried by un- i animous vote. i a'dr+ opened sdwk. this being the date Yiaed for the openir[g of bids for LAe con:aruetion of a aea~erit eorrarete aids Arrowhead Ilve. Talk on tAe west side of Arrowhead Avenue hetweea'a point in said Arrowhead Msrme 196 feet earth o! Lhe south euxb line oY 9ecvnd street an~~. a Point two Ycei nortA oY the south line of the roadway of Third street. Councilman Irvi[;g ::.Quad tit the Clerk proeee4 to open aucA bids. Motion seconded br 3~4 _ . _ aontinuod: Councilman Cole anQ carried. ~ Bid of The dames LteNair Paving Cor.~pany: Sidewalk, per square foot............ 12~ Dente. . ~ Bid of W. D. Bohan: ~ Sidewalk, per square root............ la cents. The bid of the James L hair Paving Company appearing to be the lowest and best bid, it was moved by ~uncilmen Cola that Lhe said bid be accepted a[;d contract awarded. liption seconded by Councilma[; Ir- 1 ving and carried by linalllwOUe vote. 1Mhereupon a resolution awarding the contract to the James YcNair Paving Company at the price specified in their proposal for said wort, was introduced, reed in full for the first Lime and laid over for final passage. , Councilman Smith moved that the Clark be instructed to return certified check Lo unsuccessful bldder. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. HirtR opend sdwk. This being the date Yized Yor opening bide 1'or sidewalk to be constructed in Atlantic street between Atlantic 1;venue. Yt. Vernon Avenue and the A. T. & S. P. !r•=:00..31ght-of-Ray, Councilman Chambers moved that the Clert proceod to open such bids. YOtion seconded by Councilman Holmes and earriefl. Bid of W. D. Bohan: Curb, pez lineal foot . ................24 cents. . Sidewalk, per square foot, ............ld ceata. Y'he bid of W. d. Bohan being the lowest and best bid, Councilman CLambere moved that said bid be ac- aepted. Yotlon seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by unanimous vote. •hese~upon a resolution was introduced awarding aontraot to W. D. Bohan at the price specified in his proposal for said work, wsa read for the first time and laid over Por final passage. . Petition aprinLle Petition Of property owners and residents residing along Yifth street, eating LLat~s~id street be 6th street. sprinkled immediately before sweeping as they were vary much annoyed by the dust that arises when said street is swept ae at present, was presented and read. Oounoilman Chambers moved that the petition be ' received and planed on fi U. Potion seconded l~ Councilman Smith and carried. i Gomm. ~o+~en's Club. ~~~~~iuation San Bernardino Woman~s Club oommending aotion of 1[ayor and Council in sliminatisg •-~ the imawral element from city. was pr eaented and read. Councilman Chambers moved that communication be reaeiyed and placed on Yile. Potion seconded by Councilman Irving and parried. ~~•1','•~ Com~+. Pare Chief. Communisation P. Q. Starkey, firs chief, that he had o n Lhe morning of Parch 18th, suspended laswell Jones, asalsLant driveD of rise trunk . recommending that the positla~n be declared vacant and _ that Barry West be appointed in Lis stead, mac read. ~ounoilman Holmes moved that the zequeat oP the - ~ • fire chief be granted. Motion seconded by Councilman Smith end carried. ~ 1[ayor Bright appointed Barry West as asafaiant driver of lire trttot to fill racaner. Cattnsllman Cole moved that Lhe appOintaent be confirmed. Potion seconded br Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, to-wit: ?lrea, Cole, Irving, C,ambera, smith, Holmes. hoes, none. OiS7 >nW. pzesanta sits >>ngineex pssee~nted plans and apeoirioations sa inflows: Ridewall[ on the sontL side os lsooad P.S. ttrest between I street and A.T.arSJ. Ry' right-of--war, and an 8-incsh ritriried swei in Court street from west property line of B etraet to a point 444 feet weei. Cotvlailaan Chambers moved that said Dlana and speaifieatioas be referred to Lhe City Attorney. >+otiou seaoaded by Cotu[oilman Irvine and carried. j Petition 116hta. rititioa vas prcaaated asking LhaL arc lights be installed at the intersection o! Pearls sad 11th r streets snd Penn and i1LL streets. Councilman Irving moved tLet the petition be referred to the light Ccmmlttae. (lotion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. 3-~t~ eantinued: Pet. Consrete Post A 1[r. Craig of Fliverside appeared beforo the Council in behalf' of Lr. Shoebach and. asked for por- 9t.lightinv. ' mission to erect #ii some public place, at their oxn expauae, a concrete post for street lighting. pro ac- ~ '~ tion taken. '~ Bill Pae. Lbd' Co. Bill oY the Paeific Light & Power Company for X300.00 Yor street lighting during the Orange Show was II OranKc Show. presented and upon motion mado and carried, Bald bill was referred to the Orange Shoe Committee. E i Bill Z. H.Baldwin. Bill of 91. H. Baldwin for servieea rendered the Health Department, was referred back to claimant to segregate. Ord. reg. Platting An ordinance rogulatiiig the aannex o~' putting and laying out into atroets, avenues, allays, lots and h arr.l . i • blocks, land within the corpor:~te limits of the City of San Bernardino was read for the first time and laid !ki over Yor final passage. Etea. sleet~ity Ra~eolutioa authorizing the execution oY the contract to furnish direct current oY elect;seal energy Sire House. 4o the firs house in the City oY San Bernardino, ,ras read in cull Yor the first time and laid over for final passage. Crea~walke, Oouncilman Cole moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to oonatruct croaswalka on the west Arrot?head Ave. side of Arrowhead Avenue at intersection oY Second Street. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and car- rigid by unanimous vote. Hans Hansen, H. J. Hansen appeared before the Council, stating that he did not thint sewer asegsamente on Neyez grievance. - street was the proper assssament. 1lr. Hansen was advised to present his complaint in writing. Hearing of Oae. Councilman Smith moved that time oY hearing oY gas eospaniea be eztended until meeting of Parch 4th, 1913, and City Clerk De instructed to notify gas companies to that si'feot. Potion seconded by Councilman Irving and Carried. • Oo1am. Bt. snp. son Bernardino. Cal. peb. 38, 1813._ To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council or the City oY San Bernardino, California. Oentiemen: In the matter oY 8esewering Court street, between ~ mtreiit;as4 ~:atsMt. In vier of the proposed changes in street at the intersection of Court St.. rhich my at be made imae- r- diatsiy, it will be necessary Yor the city. at its own eT~emse~ to lay that portion of the proposed sewer \ Yrom the manhole in Y street to the west property line oY the same, a diatanae of aDprozimately 40 feat, is order to permit the improvements is~E st. I have invited proposals Yrom the San Bernardino Hard~?are Co.. and Yrom the George 1[. Cooler Co. witII the following result: San Bernardino Hardwsro Co, ;80.00, Cooley ;:d'd.00. -" ~ ~ Zour order to proeoed with the work is requested tonight so that wort eaa be aaameaaed in the morning. RespectYUlly, B. H. Kellogg, Street Superintendent. Councilman 9alth moved that the Street Superintendent be ~lnorigsd to place aontraat oa above stetet wort with Cooley Co., at price apscified. ltotioa seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by unanimous . ~ vote. St.Snn. aoater witII Oouneiiman Smith moved that the street Superintendent be iastruoted to aoaeult with property a.u__. oaurt et. owners. .,n Court street between D and Y streets, with the ob~sat oY reaurYaeing said street. llotioa aeenwQed by Councilman Holmes and carried. i '~ P'Mcve lalseo~m Cwncilmui StitA moved that the street superinte~ndeat be authorized to enter into cantraat with i. R. Cony{ ! = Sts.Terdln Yor the improvement of the intersection or Court and B streets at price of li testa par epuars Soot for asphalt. cad ;:d .b0 per lineal foot Yor culvert. iWtion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the follan?ii:g rota, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, smith, Holmes. Noes, none. e x„ continues: Ap. ;?ttu, cr Murk:;. Patter oi' ayPointint, Su':erintandent of Parks was di.cus:,ed, but it was the sense of the Council that they eculd not afford a Superintendent at this time. ~ IhLohind Posts, Councilman Irving culled attention to the need or hitching posts at Headowbrook Park. Council- . 1(~ado.ct,rook Park. man Cole moved LYrat the matter be left to the Park Committee, l(otlon seconded by Councilman Smith an4 ~ carried. , Reo+~eat C. B. SL~~rbs.. C. IC. Stubbs aYpeared before the Coutroil and asked that the 1layor and Council instruct the Chief of Police to take action toward cleaning out the rooming housos in the City of San Bernardino I ' of disreputable characters. The Chief of Police reported that he had followed out instructions of the previous Heating and that the Redli;ht district is closed. 0r~.. amQ. Ord. No.338 g7l ~~inanoH amending Vrdinance No. 28a oY the City oY san Bernardino, entitled 'en Ordinance - lli :or Children. - ~ regulating the entrance of Minor Children unccer the age of kighteen Years into billiard halle~and i Saloone•, adopted and approved on the 18th daY oY December, 1900. Wes read in full for the Yirst time and laid over i'or final passage. ,.i t Upon motion Wade bf Councilman Smith. duly seconded by Councilman Cole anti carried, the Counoil - adjourned to meet Monday, 3[arch 4th. 191:6. ~pprored this ~ daY of Parch, 1914. j ~ -- t• ( , r City Clar ' ( flay the Ci y. San Bernardino. . a i • . ~ • i • 'i ~ ~ ~ w+'••.. r • I _ ~ ~ t • ~ - I ' 1 ` ~ ~ , i . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • .' ~ J !'... 1 , ~ ' City Hall, San Bern~rdiro, Calif. Isar. 4, 1012. , . !i xetular ad)ourned meoting oi' the Mayor anu Common Council of the City oi' San Bernardino held r Larch 4th, 1818. Meeting called to order by Mayor Bright at 8:35 P. Y., the following members oP \ the Council being present, to-wit: Councilmen, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City Clerk ~iatohelorw, Apa.nt: City.Attort}~y Allison. j Minutes of the previous meeting were read and.approred. f Asa. No. 487 A Resolution of the Yuyor ai3d Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ordering the work • r,Tose Ti~ ;,tun i of Closing that part oY Trenton Street i'rom the west line oi' •Y• Street to the East line of •F~ Street; also all slleyes, eta., situsie in Block lettored •Y• 01 the (latch tract, De closed, wsa ~ presented Por final passage, and upon motion of Councilman Chambers aecond9d by Councilman Holmes and aarriad, Resolution was leis over'~1'or one week. • € Yap oY the Coil B. Ptah subdivision was presented for acceptance. Same was laid over for one E I weet. . I Ord. No. 473. An Ordinance regulating the manner oP Dlattint and ~ayint out into streets, arenuss, alleys, i Platting; streets' ~ blocks, and lots, land within the corporate limits of the City of San Bernardino, was presented for K- final passage anti upon motion of Councilman Smith, aeaonded by Connollaan Ilwia;, was laid orer for one week. I ' i Ord. No. 478, An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 236 of the City oZ 8an Bernardino, entitled •A!1 Ordinance ' Minor Children ~ E regulating the antranee oY minor children under the age of eighteen rears into billiard halls and 1 • saloona~, adopted and approred on the i8th day of L"ecesber, 1900, was Dresented for Yinal psasage • and adopted by the Yollowing rote, toalL;~ytes, Cole, Irving, Chaabsra, Salth, Holies. ,Noes,,nene. Rea. No. 488. Hlsaolution oY the igayor and Comson Council of the City oY Sar_ Bernardino, awarding contract Awd.COnt. 0 Sidewalk for .the improvement of Arrowhead Avenue, was presented for rimsl passage cad adopted by thq fo2law- Arrowhead Ave. , ing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Sm1iL, Holaes. Noes, none. Acs. No. 490, pseolutioa oY the Mayor and Coon Oonnoil of the City oY San Bernardino, awarding eontraot ' Awd.Cont. ' ' Sidewalks for the iaprorgent of Atlantic street, was presented for rind passage and ,adopt e¢ by the follow- ` Atlantic St. tat vote, to-wit: Arse, Dols, Irving, Ohaabera, Sdith,.HOlaes. Boca, none. • ~ Oon. ]electrical klasolution authorising t2ls ezecntiort of a contract to i'nrniajl dirsot torrent eleatrio energy en~rgy.Fire house. to the fire house in the City oY San Bernardino, was read in full for rinal passage and adopted by the tolloding vote, 3o-wit: Ages, Cols. 7rrint, Chsmbars, 841th. Holaes. Boas, Hons. , Pe+_•. acc~p+. •s• Petition !2 property owswrs owning frontage 6n •B• street b4twaen,Seoond and Third•streeta, ' !s'reet. ' • - petitioning the Council to aoaepL saki street b! Ordinance as provided b7 law, wsa presented an4 li'- ' - read. IL was aogW by Councilman Chaabera that the City Attornq be insti•noted to prepare an Oz~ dinanae accsptint the roadway oZ~!i' atsesif lstweai Seoon4 sad Third Stresta. lotion ssooAded by CouaaiiaaII k3ltith and married. Protest aoaeas. ~ protest proteatiag against the asaessaent of that certain senor in Aster street, asting Meyer sencr. • that aesessdsnt be eorreated, f11ad with Lhe City alert on fiardh end, 191s, wen rsaQ. Counoildaa , Edith Bored Lhat Lhe oomaunioation De reaeiwed sad plaaeQ oQ fi U , and natter referred to the Cit7 , ~ ~ lttorney. Lotion eeeondeQ Dy Councilman Chambers and a~rrled. , • Councilmen Ir aOVed that kl8 t' 4'iolodtOltllkF~iii~xd~ O post ~.otioea thereof as rod l~earlut .ae~Ld -appamt>f, tie ,Col~gr} ;~nstruattsq~ taw. (lotion seconded by Covnoilaan Ssdth snQ aarri ed. { Report City. Report of the City lleotrlaian for thF month of 9ebrttary, 191x, was presented anu read. Donn-- ' Lleotriaian. • oilann Chambers moved that Lhe report be reeei?ed and placed on file. Potion seconded by Corneii- Smith ar4 cerrled, --- _- f i~ aontintte;l: Inter. Po~t•., Tgl.- Com;oilrstt~~hflff.Uers of the Street Coc~dttee, reporter. that he had intervieF•ed representative Cable Co. ',~ oi' the Festal 4elegraL2t-Cable Co., anti teat the Co[apa±t:y was i no hurry to instal ] pole line as pre- ~ ;~'.~;: - . .5' rioualy petitioned, and ware willing to co-oFerate is the natter of point Lola line, and desired to ~,•'` i be notified when matter was taken up. ~ Oat Aearin~. This being the date i'ixed in the mattes of hearing oY gas companies, firing rate, etc., C. ll. f - ~ drop of the Southern California Cat Company stated that the books of his eompauy were always open i'or ' inspection by City Auditor or auy member of Lhe Couneil. Cvtamunieation of the San Bernardino Valley Cas Company, s bankrupt, DY Z. T. Bell, general man- I agar Yor the Los Angeles Trust and 3avings Sank, trust se, acknowledging receipt of eotmmanication of Pebruaay x7th, attd extending an imitation to the 1[ayor and Common Council, Auditor or representative j of samztto cone into their ofiiee and make a thorough investigation at any tine at their pleasure. wen presented and read. Councilman smith novel that a committee De appointed to investigate the matter of fYxina a ass rate with power to act. Potion eeaonded by Courciltoati Chambers and oarrisd by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, ssith,tfolmea. 'Hoes, none. #'herenpon kayor fright appointed th.* folla?ing committee: Councilman Irvlna, Chasbera, fiolmea. ` Bills. The City Clerk was authorized to Issas warrants fo_ alalms presented this date and approved by -_~ the fiayor and rinanea eommittee by the iollowing vote, to-wit: Arse, Cols, Chambers, Smith, fiolstea. hoes, none. aea.ec3Pt. P.& 3. Hsaolution adopting plan, section, and speciSieations for the construction of cement condreti sdwk and, I to c;,rtor. - sidewalks and curbs on 9aeond street between •I• Street and Carter Avenue, was read in full for the first tine and lain orer for P1na1 Lassage. Report 3t. supt. 7tDport of the superintendent of Streets oT operations of the Strut Departssnt for the south oY . psbruery was presented and read. City tang. pre. est. Councilman Smith morsel Lbmt the City gngineer be instruoted to prepare satimate of neat for the intera'n 3rd & E. reanrfasimg of the intersection or 'Phird and E streets, and eatisats of'eoat for auivsrt together, and separately. Potion seconded by Counci Lan Holmsa anti carried. ' lhanLs oi' R. Swing. 8. Slring appoaxed before the Connell in behalf of the Concessions Committee of the,hational Orange•Show, stating that in Dshelf of the Committee, he desired to Krebs their t8aats for the kind ~' asalatanee and many court sales shown then by the Layer and Common Council, and particularly to Lhi Chief of Police sad police departseat, during the week oY thi Orange Show. Lio. Rebate ~ Oounailman Sslth sovsa that the C1erY be authorized"to rebate license of `winter do Warner 1:111 *inteT & Hu^ner, Posting Co., #60.00 a year. Potion asaonded by Counol2san Holmes and carried Dy the follawing'~Qte; to rit: Ayes. Cola, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. 011 Tuttle Drive. Souneiisan Smith cored that the Street SnDerintendeat ~ inbtrnoted to trade and oil 2nttir Dziw in Leedowbrook Park, same to be paid for eQt of the Part Zsproveseat ,1md. lbtioq seaaadsd D! Connoilaan Irving and carried by the folloring votes. to-~^St: pres. Cole, Irrlag, Cbambezs, Es3th, Holmes. floes, none. L3nht. LeadowDrook Councilman Cole moved that an era 21ght be installed orer Ileadtwrbrook Paz>< bridge oa lhiM Park Bridge. Street. Motion seconded by Councilman C>?amDere and aszried Dy unanimans vote. , Light 0th & H ^ts. Bequest 1'or litht at the eoraer o! 0th and H streets was referred to the Light Committee. -- Repair Viaduct aDproaeh. It was a0rbd D~ Qouneilman Cole LhaL the matter of repairing appzoaah of riaduat be referred ' to the Street Committee. Lotion'secatded by Councilman Smith and carried Dy the following rots, ~ to-grit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holsas. Moss, noes. ti __- f I ~Z ~onLinued: lfew FirA HO~e. Aire Ch1eY Starke stated that tYte k'ire llept~rtment was in need oY new hos®. Councilman Smith moved that the matter be referred to Lhe mire Committee. Notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and ca~iied. Npor, motion oi' Couticiiman Smith, uuly seconded by Councilman Chambers and. carried, the Council adjourned to meat Monday, 1[arch 11th, 1811, at 7:a0 o~cloek P. ll. f Approved this 1~ lurch, 1912. O~ ~ Ili :mss ` City Cier ~ eyor oY t CiL oY San Bernardino. ? ~ i • ) ~ } ' E Ei 4 I f i ~l , E 1 1 _ :' _ r__. - ~j Oity Hall, San ?ernardino, Calif. 1[arch 11th, 181x. Segular ad~aurned meeting oi' the L;ayor aaa Common Council oY the City of Sa? ?ernardino, held Parch 11th, 191:G• Meeting was called to order by tho Yeyor !(right at u: 16 o'clock P. Y., the fol2wing members or the Council being preyenf: Couneil¢eu Cole, Irvinr., Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney Allison, anti City Clerk Batenelor. Minutes of the previous mectii:g were read and apyroved. Res. No. 487. Resolution oi' the Mayor and Com:.cn Council oi' the City of San Bernardino orderiYig the work of cla.- Close Trenton. ing that part of ~i'renton street Iron the west line of •b.• street to the east line oi' •P• street; also ;i all alleys, etc., situate in Block lettered •S• oi' the Oatch tract, be closed, was presented for final passage and laid over for one week. !!en Qail H. ?ish l[ap of the (Fail H. Pith subdivision was presented Yor acceptance. and upon mation of Councilman 8ubd'r'n. _ with, cally.aeconded by Councilman Cole, saIDe was referred to the Street Committee. Ord. lFO. 493. An Ordinance regulating she canner of platting and laying aut into stroets, avenues, allege, j !loots and tots. land within the corporate 11ffits oi' the City of ran ?ernar~+ino, was presented Yor final '~ passage sad upon lotion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilaan Cole and carried, Ordinance was laid on the table for one week. i Or!!. xo. 477. AII Ordinance accepting the roadway of street Yrom the north line of Second street to the south line of Y~hird street, was rasa i'or the first ti®e. Upon motion of Councilsan Stith, du17 seconded try { Councilman Cole and carried, Ordinance was laid on the table. Ree. trans. money. 8eeolution of the transfer of j16,000 from the (Fenersl Yund to the street (land was read in full for j the first ties and laid over Yor i'inal passage. ~ ` lpp. H. P. tregnori. lppliaation ox H. P. 1Megnorl for the appointment of ?uilding Inspector was presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the communication be received and placed on file. Motion seconded by Coun- cilman Holes and carried. ~ ~ •--,, I Appolntseat Y. D. YaTor ];right appointed 1. D. ?lory as ?uilding Inspector, subfecst to the oonfirnetion of the Conn- ~lorY, ?ldg, Insp. --~ ~ cll. Councilman Smith moved that the appointment be confiraed. !lotion seconded lry Oaanoiiman Soiaes i • and Carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chssbera, Stith, Holses. xoea, none. Light, 7th & Perris. Petition for arc light at the corner of 7th and Perrle streets was presented and read. Coarnoilsan { Irving coved that the petition be referred to the Light Committee to investigate and report tract at Ik Ae=t seating. Potion seaOnded bD+ Councilsan CAaAbare and oarTied. P. s. Oo. dosmuniaetion of the pacific Yleotric Oosyany relating to inserseotion xifth and D streets was read. xo action taken. - i Inter. 7th & D sts. IS was roved try Counailatisn Saith that the 1ia;tez of repeiritfg intereeotion at 9th an4 D streets 19e referred to the Street 3aperintendent with instructions to have rase re~edted at the ezpsnee of the Pacific xleotrio Co. ]lotion seconded by Councilman HolIDes and carried. ~ Oo~. paRtor'a AiA >tasolntion adopted m? the Passor's Aid 8ooiety of the xirst Prsebb?terian Chuoh of San asrnerditl0, tcwTlstt?. ti ao~ending the lotion of the ilayor and Common Council in resovlnt Eros the City 'oerisin oonaitiosu" ~ t`~f f was read. Councilman Chambers soled that the aossunication be received and placed on rile. xotion ~' aecorided py Councilsan Irving and carried. j •,r continued: Gomm. lifteen Comr.~uniestion oi' the P~ifteen Study Circle coms~ending the mayor and Common Council i'or •removing Study Oircie. blot upon the City's names, was presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the co;cmuiiication bo . '~ received and placed on rile. Notion aeconded by Cauneiiman Chambers and carried. Rep. st. suot. Report of Lhe 9treot Superintendent regarding the condition of drains for storm waters, eta., during Lhe recont,rain was presented and read. C. B, pra.P.&S. Qouncilman Cole moved that the City ingineer be:instructed to prepare Plana and Specifications C>>lv. B st. for eulvart on s street, between Third and Fourth 3treets,in Town CreeK. kotion aeconded by Councilman Smith and carried. , Repair 4dwk. Councilman Chambers moved that k. R. werdln be employed to repair about 1500 square feet et fright Lu!o Pc+rk. cents per square Yoot, by resurfacing •h• street sidewalk at Lugo Park, according to the Plana mapped out by the Street Superintendent. Potion seconded by Councilman Smith and car- . rind by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, smith, Holmes. Noss, none. Repair Viaduet. In the salter of repairing viaduct, Councilman Chambers of the Street Committee report ad favor- able, and coved that the Street superintendent be authorised to purchase plan sheet Diates for repair- ~ ing same. YOtion aeconded by Councilman Smith and carried by unaniaoua vote. - Patch Streets. Oouneilasn Ssiith moved that the matter of patching streets be zeferred Lo the Street Committee ' to report back at next aeeting• Potion seconded by Councilman Rolaes and carried. Rena & Aattdle~, Lpplieatian of seam & Randle for a wholesale liquor license, to be conducted at 4a1 ?bird Street, Liq. License. together with bond in the sum of ~:d000 , Deam & Handle as principal and !red 0. Drew and A. Horowita sa suretiea~was presented and read. Councilman Cole coved that the application De reoei~ed and license granted, and the bond be approved. Motion seoondad by Councilman Rolaea and carried by the foilawin~ vote, to-~it: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Ohambera, smith, Hoises. Noes, none. sills. ffity OlerY wsa suthoriaed to issue warrants for claims presented this ;date and approved bq the- Layor and Yinance Committees by the Yolia?ing vote, to-wtt: iyea; Cole, Irving, Cha~beFa, Smith, Holaea. Noes, nee. C. pre. P.ii. ltounoilman Smith coved that the City 3ggineer be instructed to prepare Plane and 8pecirioatioas ~ Sewer, a street. for sewer on s Street, betireen,seae Libs and 18th street. kotion seca:~led Dy Councilman Chambers and carried. ~ ~ - Report G. s. CiL7 sngineer lC. Tuttle presented approzisate eatisate of cost of resurfacing patahea on Shird and •s~' Streets and resiodeling culvezta. Councilman with coved that the setter be reserred DaaY to the City engineer to revise hia figurga and to ant as such ae posaiDie. Itotioa aeconded bz Conaoilmen Holmes and carried. Ai.dridJCe-whsiey Ia the natter of the ~idridge-Mhaley controveray,,anilding inspector )Tory reported that he Leo s1dR. matter. investigated and found that certain wall aonatruated by Aldrid;e to bs a;violstioa~ of the building or- dinance and stated he would not to have ssae roved. , Perrahe+as Hose. Camailstn.Saitt~ sovsd that the lire Chief 1e instruotad to purohaes b00 legit of Lose in two in- atallsonts. Potion seconded by Councilsan Solmas and carried ~ p~anisona vot9. 0. Z. pre.P.hs. Cotuioilsan Holaes moved that the City iaginesr propane Plans and BpeQifloations for sidewalY on the eth at. adw=. with Bide of tlth street, between D and C ttrsete. !lotion seconded by CoOnoilnah Cole and carried. Upon sotion of Cau~oilsan Ssith, eeaoaded by Councilaan,Cale,-COSU~ail ad~o~urned to neat LoadaY, IlarOh 18tL, 19L4, at 7:310 o~clook P. ll. Approved this !larch, i9L3. or o City of San iiernardino. r: - ----__ _- • CSty Hall, San Bernardino, CaliY. lurch 18th, 1912. • ,lcegular ad,1ovrned meeting oY the YeYo; acid Common Council oY the City of °an Bernardino, Held March, itsth, lOla. Posting called to order by Yeyor Bright at a:40 P. Y., the Yollowing members oP the Oouneil being present, to-rlt: Counoilmen Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City.Atto~~ney Alliacu gnu City Clerk Batchelor. Lllnutas oY the previous meeting were read al:d approved. • Aes. ord. work d Resolution oY the lEsyor and Coamon~Couneil eY the City oi' San Bernardino ordering the work of Close T~onton j Closing that Dart oY Trentou street i'rom the w~at line o: •!" street to the seat line of "!" street, j also all alleys, etas. eituRte 1n Block lettered "_" oY the Oatoh Tra cf~y°be Seely was upon motion f oz' Councilman Smith, dull? seconded by Councilmen Irving and carried, laid over Yor One weal[. Sail"B. liah The Street Committee reported on the plat of the Gail B. Yish anbdivision that. nothing hr0. bey Snbdivi si o~n. doIIe toward the gradic:g of 18th Street. Conneilean Chaabers mowed that Yr. pish be notiYied that 18t2sStrest mast be graded,or furnish bond i'or the eompietion of same,before Dlat would be acoepted. M Motion seconded by Councilmeu Cole and cairled. Councilman Smith moved that the map be referred to t1M Bi#>2'-»~gtnear.:for the• cor~eotion oY Street names. ration seconded by Councilman Cole anti carried. Ord. )To. 473. ,5n Ordinance regulating the manner of platting and laying ont into Streets, Aveitnea, AIIeTS, • Bloeka, sad Lots, Laud within tae oorporate limits oS the City of San Bernardino. Conxi~ilman Cole coved that the Oraina~.ce be laid over Yor one week. Potion aeeonded D~ CaRU}eilman Irving and carried. Ass. Trans. of itesoltttion tran~ferrfu6 the gum of i1b,000 S1om the General luitd to tae~8ireet land was read in X16,000 to Street. _ Pull Yor i'1naI passage anti adopted by the Solleving vole, to-wit: Eyes, Ooie, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Itoea, none. Ass. adf?t~~- p.&~ S. ltesoltition adopting the Plan, Section and SpeolYi~aatioas for a ceaent coi;crete sidewalks and E lhd:i. Bud, bet , • I • a garter. curbs on Second Street, between Carter Avsmpe and •I• Street, was read in Yell for rival passage, and adopted l~ the follo~ring vole, to wtt: Ayes, Cole, Irving. ChalDe=s, 8aith; Holaes..>ioes, nApa. llearinA Ippsdl. ~ isle bsiag tae date •Yised 'Zor the Searing as Appeal of gang Ha7seen ~ 1. 1. ~9mithso7l frog the ° ~ i Yerer St. • Sever. _ '' ~' f Street Svperinte~ndent's asaesament in the matter oY the constrnotion of sever in Refer Street, CC~I- cilaain 8mitli sssed tBat the assessaeiit De saeaded, altered end modified ~ segregating the oast of the a+tin carer Yrol? the coat oS the lateral8, and that t~'OMt'ot laterals to assessed fps ' propert7? served by eenh later al eeparatsi7. lotion Balled to rseedve a aeoaaQi u::d Couneilsan pole coved that tae city pay the diSYerenoe in assesameat cede m tae strut Sapexiatendasit. Patios eeo- onded bf Coanoilian Irvine.• Cennoilman Cole lrtt>ltrw $ e notion with the aonaamt of big seoond. Councilman ilaita me7v0 that tae patter be laid ou the table toe one west. lbtiap seoo~aded by Oonheii- pan Irving and oazried. genost >ivee T. k T. Rayosi of this saA Aeraardino Some lelspaeoe asd telegraph Co., giving the asonnt of the gross l10. Annual. annadl reeeipte arising Stun the nee and operatibc and poseessioat of said frarahtae„ in ttia von o! ~iMr7di:Nl, ahd a¢ of ease Deim; tae sam of i7y4.11u dme tae e1t~ et San Dernazdino-the 37ta ds7.ot ' lep_aary, 1B17i, was presented gad reads ~po11 flDf~d'~ ~l0"iN1l ai~lirA: siiiif'iise'>~fMW . oedema ptae>rd ea rile. Oowa. ms's ills- ~ Co~ama~iwtiosi of tae •Aasan~a ltisalo~naAr Cizole of the list >iaptist Cbursh, aeartiil? sndoraiag sionas7? Circle. - fns aotiou ad fair lla7or and board 1n riddillj the CitT oZ the RediigM diotslet, was read~:~z°.Caa~aoiloa:. Ohaagsrs mo~sd L11at Lae same be reCOalld and /laced oh tiles ~!!i`7:.s~ a<«r...l~d ~ ~w./,,..t-~ .~~-q r Q....u-c3 ~ /` r _ _ _ .yr ll~)l) _ Ras. ]attend Time. Resolution authorizing the Streot Superintendent to extend, by Ten Days, the time Sized by him, A. Robinson. for the completion of the work specified iu that certain eontraot entered into between said 3uper- intendant oY 9treeta end a. Robison for the construction of ceatent aiflewalks on •S~ Streot, between Fourth Street and Dfinth Street, was read for the first time and laid over for rival passage. Report of Pire Report of Pire OhieY 0. Starkey oY aiarma answered oaring the month of PebruarY• was pree- Chief. anted and read. Councilman Chambers moved that the report be.reeeived and planed on file. Hption seconded by Councilman Irving ana carried. Complaint Yrs. liras Haelarland appeared before the Counoi2 and stated that sometime ago she had interviewed ItacParland. aertain epntiaetors relative to planing ceaeut sidewAlk oz, Sixth Street between I street and I Street, and that Hr. Vieweger had made a puce of 070.00 for placing said walk. ilr. ?ohan ofi'ered to d0 Lhe work for ;76.00. Sometime later she had asked Yr. Vieoeger for his brill for,plaoing walk and ~he had stated that he had been sick and had not done the work. A abort time ago she reeeired a bill from Yr. Bohm Yor ;uEi.08. ,She tiid not,thinl yuatiae h$d been done,her and appealed to the Council for relieY. Street Superintendent Hellogg stated that Lr. Vielreger took out a permit, fist ~ prior to award of contract to p. Bohan, under the im>?rovement sat, and as liz. Vieweger haft done noth- t ing toward putting in 5ldewalk, fir. Bohan presumably went aIIea4 with a21 woak not ia. Oottnoilaan 8m1th moved that the matter be laid over one weeJt until the Street Superintendent can produce records as to wLen the perait was issued, and contract was let. liotlon seconded bf Oaancilaan Irving and carried. Report City hng. city ),ngineer K. ~.•TUttie presente~a estimate oY coat of plSC!#Ai sad loweing culverts on );at. Culvearta. Third and •Y• Streets as Yollowa: Llra~tSg 146 feet of Cu3bert•at S1.00 per foot.:.............i146.00 Patching 1000 Square feat at 1[s cents 0 Total,.........: .0 Councilman Smith moved that the City i~ngineer prepare pia ns and 8pecitioations Yor the Lewes- ing oY said culvert. Lotion seconded by Cotinailman Chambers and carried.. P. & Drea. City 3ngineer D2<<^eemtod Plana and Speoifiaetioas for sewer on a Streot, and sideeait,oa f$e . D 3t. sewer. south ,side of Sixth between B and Arrowhead Avenne. Cawcilman Chambers awved that the sate be re- (erred to the .City ?ttorney.. Potion seconded by Oauaoilyan Ssith and carried. ~ Court St. newer. Fteaolutioa adopting profile and apecificatioas for the constzsttion of a ritrifieQ pipe sere! eommencing.at Lhe west line oY •Y- Street, 10 laeires north of ihe.oaates liae,of Conn , thence went along a line ten innhee north of ana parallel to tge seater line of CcIISt gireat, a distance of 44s.t16 teat to a finch tack, was read in rilll Yor the first tilae ansi laid ergs for final pareses. Protest Court St. ,iii pMlMSS~"and J. D. Perris appea=ed b~eYore the Coanoil and' objeoteQ to the oonstsacstien Bes'ex. of snob newer, stating that the present sorer was adequate for tAe needs of t>se residents et sa1A str street, ana that the Saa Deraardino Laund.ri stwltld ooastraet their own serene ii tllsy need a larger one. Oounollaan BintII mowed Lhat tIIe matter be referred to tie Street saperinLamdaat ~ iaierview property tweets with the e~lpeat O! securing sn agrsesieat wiLL said property ewisxs for fife oeo.tr~w- tioa of said sewer. liOLion seconded by Oounailman Holaes and carried. Oosae. St. Sup. cos~tutioatioa of t8e Stroet Snperiateudent relating Lo alleys, pnblie ana private, daring rainy Alleys. seasons, that tIIe Same wars aeaidsdly unsanitary anti caused aouah daaage to adlaaeaL streets, and urging that steps be taken to abate the auiaanaes as aeationed, was px+ssaated sad read. Conaoilsaa 8aith sioveu that the matters Speaitied in report of Street SuperinteadeaL be referred to tDs Doasd of 8glth with lastsuaLioas to take stags to abate tAs nnisanoq. Hotioa seoosrded by Ooaaoilaaa ODstlpera sad carried by uaaniaous vote. • i;~~ 9t.;as1?~'~ pre. est. It was moved by Counoilman Smith that the Street Superintenden' prepare an o'stimate of ' ~sDtist llleq?. oosL for the isprova~ment o1 aaptiat J111eYtby grading, gavelling and oiling seas. 1[otion seoonded by Councilaan Holmes and carricd by unanimous vote. yells, 5th•~ T. Couneilman Irving stated that b was still reoaiviag comDleints from reaidenta residing in the neighborhood or Yif'LII and I Streets, cauaed'by the continuous ringie.g oi' the bell at the Railway crossing. Councilman Chambers moved that the St1eeL Superintendent be instructed to take up the matter with the Santa Fe Co. 'Motion aeeoncied by Councilman Irvin; and carried. Gills. 4he CitT Clerk was authorised to issued warrants for olaizs pres~:nted and approied br the Manor and Finance Committee this date, by the following vote, to-wit: area, Cole, Irving, ~tm- •bers, Snlth, Aol¢ea. Noes, none. ' Lights ordrd in. Councilman Cole of the Lighting Coaoaittee reQneBted the inatallatior! of ~ighta as folDws: Corner 8th and S, Corner of Perris and 12th, Corner of Penn and 11th, and Pooifio Street, west ' of ML. Vernon eve., near the 0. R. do 8. P. Ry. right-of-way. Councilman Irving moved that ' lights be•inatalled as recommended br Committee. Potion eeCondcd by Councilman Chambers and carried by amaii~ns vote. ~' Cotu~oilman Holmes mov~+d that the City Olen be inatruoted'to offielalir send ant ne+i3oss `''~ clerk send notices. was Rate. that may be re4uired or hie by the Co~ittee~appointed to investigate the natter of flzing a ps gale. llotlon seconded 19r Councilman Chambers gad carried k7 tmanim!oua vote. • Upon motion of Councilman Cole, duly aeoonded br Cotincilmaa S41th'aad oairied, the Council ad~oa7rmed to meet lbndar. March :d6th, 191;x, at 7: b0 P. 'lE. ' • approved this ~ S ~ .March, 181. ' '.~,~ ~ r f r oft ci of San Bernardi _ '; t k_~.. _ - . - Z7~ i ' i ' City Hall, San Bernardino, Oal±.r. March 20th, 1812. i ~- ~ Special meeting oalied W tIIe Layer or the City of Sail Bernardino for the purpose autllned in the ~ i ioiloning: j PTO The tanagers of the ~lsetrio Light and Power Companies, lslsphone Companies, Telegraph Oompam ea, ', is the City of San Bernardino: 0entleaen: 4he matter of the multiplicity of poles along our public streets carrying wires of your various companies, has, Yor some time past, becoae a au~~eot oY li wry taterest in our City and its inilnena• hag been atrongl7 felt by ~ the oifioials of the Oity• 1 znioraal disouasions have been held from Liao to tine with the vier of detsraining upon some plan whereby l this unsightly condition can, is a measure, be releived by dispensing with unnnecessaAr poles, anfl it is with this is via? that I address you as aanagsra of various companies who are vitally interesteflin Lhia auD~eot for the purpose o! fizina a tine and plane to soot and endeavor to agree upon seas plan Yor grouping your various lines upon two or sots ~ ~ aysteaua of poles throughout the City, thus rendering unnecessary a great nuaber of polls that are now being Hasa at aaneidorable ezpenae to yourseltes and a detriaent to the City. - f I ther3iore reapectiully request Lhat yon nest with the undersigned in the Council Ohaaber et the City Sall i. on the ;sOth day of ]larch, 1812, at the hour of 9 o~olocslc in the afternoon of said day, for the purpose above a:t- i lined, anti is the aeaatiae I earnestly request that yon will give this sab~ecst your aarefnl cHaisideration am cone prepared to assist ns in bringing about this Bch desired and, and at the sane tine relieve the iatereats whiah yon respectively represent at the useless turdana under which they nor operate: ~ Respectluliy, I. 8. bright, ilsyor.• ! Yeatini was called $o order by Layer aright at 9:60 o'aloor P. L., Connoilman: Dole, Ohasibsrs, 8s1th, Holaee, Street Supariat-~adent R. H. Kellogg, City Cleric Datoheior..aad repreaentati?ea fro sash of the Aeatrio sad =elep~oas Ccs~anies were present. '`'J. a. 1WDoaalA, leo2etary, ioiat Pole Oo®iesion of Los Angeles, aduressed the sooting, stating that the { Lad bean esexating in the City of Los An;elea far shoat 6 years, and had set with conaida~sable auooess, e~liainatias ~.- ~ about x0,000 poles in b yenta, and were eliminating now at the rate oY about b00 every aoath, snd niter looking over this territory he thought it would require shalt 600poles to anpysy the diatriot as sapped oat, bat that it would - - tags seme,tise:to aooaa+plieh sane. 't A. worthasly of the SeatherII Sierras Parer Co., addressed the aeeLiag, and stated that his Oonpno0? wns willing to ao-operate with Ll1e CcatiLtee sad the Mayor, gnu his representatives, fa carrying out t9e point pol• pro- j positici. In regard to underground rites, it was the iatentioa of his Coapa~p Lo oa~ry oat Lhs loeteisioas Datiined is { their iranahias. 0. Y. 0ra?, o! the Paoltia Light and Power Oo., stated that his oaapaay was willing and seedy to ate 1a the natter or point pole lines, and to bring ease to suaaesetal inane. rir. !loots of raoifia Telegraph sad Telephone Co., stated his Oeapasq had cost of their wires is the Hess district uadsrgzoaad, sad es?peotsd to bane the entire baainesa dletriot tmaergsan~d is a vets abort tiae,,sad in the Dallying dlatrio*s, he was always reacn? to oo-operaLS witII the ~oiM pole oossittee whets possibl a 1 % ' lire sills Of the Man Dea'n1?rdlno sole leiephone and lelsgraph Co., stated that the dYstriot requiring 4 wires !o bs pissed underground was entirely too iasge, and h1a ooatpaay was working tawr,rd the end of ksepdagw~es un- dergroand is the holiness district as near as possible, sad would a glad to oo-operate with Co~lttse is eli~latiag poles where possible. r- - - - -- - i" ~ _ ~~~~f Cau^Ci?.aan Bmith movex2 that it be the aon~e of the Couneil that :to uzge a Joint Pole Caa~ittee to 01~ ganize in the Oity of 8aR Jernardino. lotion eeoonded by Councilman Chambara and car.~ied. ' lfr. lcDOnald •announced that he so~illd aubsit a plan for the approval of the Committed in about Len days. ,'-,~ le9tin~ adjourned. ?pproved this f- Yarch~ 181:6. r ~ C Y Cle ur of the it7? o an Bernardino. I - ~._~ry, j. , I _ E i i • i - {ti 1 ' ./.' t f Y 1. i ll ~ ~F Y f ' ~ ~ ~ 1 ' _ ti V~.~ _ - --- _ .~.•?.y ..') t Clty Hall, inn Bernardino, Calif. Parch duth, lvl:e. -s i , Regular aa~0urned maetillg of the ifaYOr and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, held ' ni ,y,~ . llarah h5th, lela. !!eating was called to order by 1faTor bright at 8:05 o•aloak,A Lhe following members of the Oaunail being present, to-wit: Councilmen Irving, Chamber°s, Smith, Holmes, CitT Attorney Alli- son and City Olerk Datchelox. Abaeat: cauncilnan Dole. Hinutea or the previous meetings were read and approved. Bes.Ordg.wOrk A Resolution o~ the liayor and Common Council of the City Of San Bernardino ordering the work of go.48'r. aloeing that part of `1'retrt on street Yom the West line oP ~Y" Street to the east lice of =p• Street; Ciose Trenton. also all alisys, etc., situate 1A liloak lettered ~'T- of the Oatch treat, be closed, was read in fall Yor final passage, and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ares, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. floes, none. • flap O.D.?isA iiap of the 4a11 D. fish treat, being a re-subdivision of Dloak °B , and the South 146 feet of the ~ Subdivision. • r^,ast half or DlooY ~l~~, oatche subdivision wan presented for aaaeptance, and adopted bb~ the following rota, to-wit: Ayes, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. floes, none. Ord.Bo.4•Id. AA Ordinance regulating the manner or platting and laying out into atreota, avenues, alleys, blocks, and lots, land within the corporate limits of the city of San Bernardino, was read in Pa:l for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit= Ayes, Irvii;, Ohaabera, Smith, Holmes. ' Does, none. Res.adDt.P.lie8. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council adopting plan, profile and speaifioations for the im- Sewer.Court St. provemant of Court Street, commencing at the West line oY •lr" street, l0 rushee north of the c~tat Tina oY Court Street, thence wept along the line 10 inches north and parallel to the oentar~liae of Court, a diatanee of 44a.~is feet to a flush tank, heretofore prepared and presented by the City inset, was read in lull fox the second time and adopted DY the followia6 vote, to-riL: Ayes, Ir?ins, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. floes, none. Yxtend Yime. uesolution antha2isiag the 8aperintendeat oP Streets to extend D0~ 10 nays the time ri:ed by hi>t ~ A. Robinson. for the completion of the wozlP apecifled 1n that certain aoatraci entered into between Said Sl>tDsrin- • tendent of Streets and A. Robinson for the aonalznction of sidewalk •ad sorbs on street betrep 4th and 6th streets, waa read ih full for the second tlme sad adopted bll the followins rots', to-sttz Ayes, Irving, Ohambers, 6mith, Bolmes. toes, nose. Res.of Int. 8esolntioa of taw i1y?or sad po-~.~nn Opuwil• of the Ciir 'of Sea Bernardino, deolarir~ tds inten- sad,I to Carter. aidewalt. lion to iaprove Lhe south aido of 6econd, between I sad Oarter Avealas, waa road is llLli far tho brat tine and laid over for Yiaal prssip. • Bearing Appeal. Hearing of Ay~peal o! Hans Hansen and J. 8. tlwithsoa !tom the BaDeriatendeat of Street's issess= Yeyar 8ewez. • ment in the natter of the aonstraotion of a newer is 1/eD~er Street, being uD for Dsaria~, Ooanoilaan Smith moved that the hearing be continued for one west. !lotion seconded Dy Counoilaaa Holmes and oal?- ried Dy unaai~as vote. ~ Bond P.D.Piory Hoag o1 D. llorl? ae priaalDal and Joao Z. ward sad R. Oaraer ss sn_eti.^ in the su>! of ~_i B1Ag. Insp. ;x000.00, qualifying as Balldiag InsDeotor in sad Tor the Cit>/ of Sea Bernardino was >tseseoted sad ap• Droved. . • ~ y i e 35~ ---- - -~-- ---- Comm. sells- San Bernardino, Ca111. ldarch 21 at, 191;x. ~i Ploto Shouts. Yo the Honorable YaYOr and Common Council: ~ f • ~ We, the uuQerai=ned, espeet to show in pour City on Tuesday, 9th day oY April, 101st and as we are makirLt a very small cntranoe Yee of Twentp~five Cent a, ws do not feel that we oan pay your lioensea as quoted by_Clexk. in anticipation of showing here on day as above stated, we are willingto pay soon license ~10u.00, accepting such conditions as maY De required by your Street Superintendent in regard to . daveging straeta. it aatiafaatory 1lndly instruct City Clerk io issue lieenae as par contract in his care. Thankinr you in adranoe, we beg to remaiv~ . Yours very t2u1T, Sells-Moto 8howa,•bY w.s.Fiainea, agt. Counoilmaa smith moved that the Clerk be authorised to issue liaenae to the Sells-Moto Shows at • ;~i1J.00, and aYter the atroet parade, and upon 0. 7C. of the superintendent of Streets, said Show CO~fpa~ . De rebated ;100.UJ. lcotion seconded by Councilman Cnambe~•s and eai•ried by the following rote, to-sit: Ayes, ~riing,_ Chaabere, with, Holves. hoes, none. ~ _ Ooapiaiat. Street superintendent reDOrtsd in the natter of complaint oY rite. A. YoParlaad in the natter o1 Yra.Yotarland. sidwallc on the South side of Bth, between I and J straeta, wort[ having been done by w. D. Bohan, under the Improvement Act, and .bill Dresented to her Yor ;at3.0l3. Coanciivan Holsea voted that Yrs. Yc}arland be notified that 1Y she ~,i~11. make :a sash settlement of =96.00 rith Yr. Bohan as per Yr. Bohan'e otter • under private oontraaf, ins City wiil~ Day the dlfYsrsnoe not to sa~eeed sltf+tT dents per ?root loot az +6. Potion seconded by Councilsan Chambers and carried by the Yolla?ink rote~te-sit: Ayes, Irriag, Clfa~ers, . Svith. Holvea. Boss, none. POtts1 Set- Conaoilvan Smith moved that the petition of the Postal Relearayih-Gable Co., requesting perv=asion Osble aielr f to plane poles Prom Fifth a~ Yt. Vernon to ~l~Q.and Court Streets, be granted with the understanding that • theq confer with the Joint Pole Committee, and that the poles.oa -I• street to bs Diaesd on the Beat side of said 'i• street, betweev OwirL sad 1Ciagaan. Potion seconded K Aouneilvaa Holies and carried DT =man- ivoua rote. Cotmcilman Chambers moved that the aDD11caZ,ioa of the Poatai ?elKrapL-Cable Co., Sot tmdsrtroaad ~ -~ rirsa b4 granted as petitioned. Yotio~n seconded YI Oounailasa with and carried K unaniaona vote. sat.ooet of Cit! sagineer atlbaittsd satiaats of cost for the conatruotion of a colvsrt.on B street, betwsesi Calvert, B, . ~Det:srd ac 4th. 4hird sad pou;tn Streets as follors; 1a4.dd Yeet of onliert. _ H~sinto~oeveat~ ;s•0O ;1 W.8O 6si antic qds aaavnting ~ iOf s. ' Sbtsl Oust. ; Goat per lineal Yt. ;1x.60. P.A s. Boa. CitT sr~esr nresentsd Plan$ ap0 spsoirioatioas rot aooarete arch smigat sa 8'StrNt, bstwe~a ~' ss2ii-814. 4th le 6th atzoets in ?osn Orea~t, and Piave and Speeifioatloau foe eooesete sttlrezts oh tAe seat sad Hest ~ sides of •i• street ou ?hird street. oaunsiiv.n Howes vovsd that Plans and Speoificatiow for ouivsrt _ on ~B• street be accepted and referred to the C1tr Attorney, sad the City Cls~ b© iastrncted to sdver- ~ • tise for bids. YoLion seconded tg? Couacllaaa Irving sad carried bq t1w s+ollorivg vote, to-wit: ATes~ ~ Irving, Chavbsre, Smith, Iiolmsa. boa, none. Mer.4th St. u. A. Atwood aDyerred before the Council anti stated t2uit Ae bad reesi+?ed notice to eonnsot with O.A.Atwood. sewer on lonrth street, ai:d that the said sewer belonged to the Foavont Hospitai Aeaooiati~, sod 1a would j like to bs more ihoroeghly iui•uraed. l _ - .~9 Councilmaa Smith moved that the matter of eonstrutiin" sewer on Fourth street between S i i street and Arrowhead Avenue be referred to tho City ~nginear with inatruationa to run lines and report 1 at next meeting. 1Lotion seconded by Counciletaaa Irving and carried by unanimous tote. '" Prt. J~laaks To the Hon, The Nator and Cosmon Council or the City oi' San Bernardino, Cai. Close Alley. Oentlemea, The undersigned ieapeetrully rePreaents that they era esow the O~Ii;RB or Lots Three (e), Your (4) give (6) Six (es) and Seven ('i) of VICTOR'S SUBDIVISIOif oY Block ifo. 14 oS the Y1ve Acre - Survey of the Rancho San Bernardino. And would reapectrully ask your permission to close the Alley between said iota, the sane being of no use or benefit to anyone other than ourselves. 6nnle Ylaok and John plank. Upon reading the YoregoinK petition, Councilman Holmes moved that the request of petitioners be granted. YoLion seconded DY Cowecilmar. Ghambers at:d carried by unaetisous vote. { Sss.adpt.P.& S. Resolution adopting Plan, ProYile and SDeelrioations ror the improvement oS •B• street ~?.th+± Sewer E at'. oOnatiwation of a vitriried pipe sewer together with rluali tank, manhole and Wyss, coeeurencing at the interaectian or the canter line or •B~ street with the north line of Btse Lirie, thence ruanin6 north, r 1, along ties center line or 'B• street tl18 Yeot, wss peed in iull'ror she first time and laid ovs2 ior- S1nal Passage. - - j Bse.adpt.PlBc S. xsaointion adopting Plan, $setion and Spsoificatioae ror the iwpmvement or Sixth Street by I( adwk. 8th St. { the construction or a cement concrete sidewalk and curb upon the sontla eide•thereoa, between the 1Sast line oY Arrarhead Avemie and the rest line or ~B~ street, feretorore preparefl and Dresemted by the Cit7 Yneiaeor, was read in f1e11 for the flrat t1®e and laid over for Sinai paseaYe. Ord. itinora. Ordinance regulating the entrance of minor ahiidzen and Indiana'~ato the saiooas and billiard ~ Veils in the city or San Bernardino was read in 11111 ror the ri'rat• tips and laid over ror tiaal~passage. Coim. CaleBrlcar. po~qu[eicatioa or Calvin Baker agrreine to purchase two Bevle deans Proga the Qitir ror *45.00 BBV18 Qears• • w8a read. HO actiOa t:iJCOII• ~ Iaiatt~p Pirs Inauranae DolicY of the Yiremaa'e ~d Insuraaos Co.. covaxiae'the ditto piss Truck for pear . F Srteot . - ! ending Yai'csh 18th, 1018, in the sum or F4000.00 was presented bf the Boyd, Scott end LothroD agenai?, ( areaius in the asolmt or in0.00. Connailaan Holasa moved that the ittauzanoe be allowed and the p~a~-, ~ , ins ordered Raid. lEOtion secsoaded by Counaila~an Stufth and carried by uaaniaioae vote. Bills. City Clsrh was authorised to issue warrants for bA,ila approved by the iUiTor and Fiaanae Cor- E - lsittee this date br the follovine vote, to-wet: Ives, Irvine, Rbaaberej, Ssdth, Bol.i~ss. Roes, aodA. , St. Mp~.~p, COUnoilsaa Ss1tA sowed thtt the Rnpsristenaent of 8treeta Ds isetluated to isprove Horih Arrarhiottd Ave ' ~ - B.L. to iiaita. Arrowhead Ive., betweeie Hieielasd Avs., sad she City lisita, mat to eiiosd Sf100.00. lbsioa eaeaodsd by Councilman Ql~abers sad carried ~ unanimous vote. , Mscon. eer. (OOlttwilaaa 4ith wove4 tAat the p1arY be istatrnatad to aotiYr the Board o~ Hrwlth to disooTttia- 4ga~.8.81iiasia. ~ ~ ~ -. _ us the eerKoes of w. ii. Balda?if+ and his bt0egy Mrs. Z#otioR asosoasd by dounciiaaa Irvine sad, eaFrlp. Lights ord. cooaoilaaa iifh spvsd LAat the era light. situated oa Irt'awhead Aso. latwseoa ?MM sad pouriH Ost and In. ' streets be osderod out, sad a light iasta22ed at the cortser of lath and •i^ res., sstioa aeoosded b7 ~ Counoilaaa Irvine ann carried by lmanisous rots. , ti. , UDoa entice or Connoilesan Irvine. duly seconded by Coai~cilwaa.Ydth and asAKed, the Ooonall - ad~oarnsd to seat IfooQay the let day of /p~zii, 181;x, aL Y asp o ~oloet P. Y., I Ipproved this ,!,__;,L~ Ipril, lal>a. , ' ~ a uA ~O ItiIiAV~ ~ O'f ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~t~, _ I • C1tr Ha12, San Bernardino, Calif. April 1st, lkll;c. kegular adjourned meeting of the Mayor and Common Council oP the City oY San Bernardino held April 1st, 1912. Meeting was called to order by YaYOr Bright at u:10 P. 1L, the iolla~ring members of the Council being present: Cous,cilaen CoU , Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. Ltinutes or the previous meeting were read and approved. Rea.adpt P.&S. &eaolution adopting plan, Drotile and apecifYcations Sor the coaatrieotion of a vitrified pipe newer in gewer.BBtreet. ' H street betweon Base Line and lath Street was read for the second ties, and upon motion oP Councilman Smith, j duly seconded by Councilman Irving and carried, &eaolution was laid over for one week. aea.adpt P.&8. Resolution adopting plan, section and speclPicationa for the construction of a cent concrete aideRalt Sdwk.esth St. and curb•on LIIe south side of 81=th 8trcet, between Arrowhead Avenue sad B Street, was read in Pull Por the second time, and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Coie, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. lfo~, none. intention to ~- Res. oY Int. liewitition of the liayor and Comu~on Council of the City of San Bernardino dseiarint: their ihprowe:<smd' st*, lio. 48b. '~' i I by the aoastructian of a Dement conarate sidwall: and curb therein, w$s read iu 1't,ll Yor the second time and adopted by the Following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith; Holgea. Toes, none. Ord.Ho.4vY. Ordinanoe-ltegulating the entrance of minor children and Indiana into saloons and billiard hails in the City of San Bernardino was read in full 1'or the eseoitia tine end adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chaabera, Smith, Hol~sea. Hoes, moue, j + ~ Hear.wpl:eai Hearing of Appeal;tiled on the and day of March, 181:s,of Hans Hansen and J. B. 8aithaoa~trom the Street Meyer st. Sewer. Superintendent''s aseesstent in the setter of constivation of a is-inch vitrified Ripe sewer in lle7er Streetj~ Dame 11tD for hearing. It was moved by Councilman Chambers that the appeal be overruled and denied. Motioa+ • dall? seconded b7 Councilman Holaea sad cal°~ied by the Yollowing vote. to-wit: Iyes, Cole. Irviag,•Ciya~ais, ? smith, Holaea. Hoes, none. ~ 1 Sep. Clt7 Report of the City ~lectx2ciea ror the aontII of 1[arch, i~la weir presented sad read. Councilman sadfh { I Hiea,t A. Honed that the report be received and Diaaed'oa rile. Motion aeaonded Dy Councilman Irving and carried. ~`d ~ gap. Report of the s~tperinteaaent of streets, P. H. Kellogg, of operations of street pepaE•tment for tLs v"'} supt. ' aoath• OS !(arch, lol:d was presented and read. Caancilann 8elith moved that' the report be accepted. llotioa I seconded b7 Councilman Cole and carried. C Gs.pre. Counailaes sabth moved that the Cit7 ingineer be iaatxaatc~ to prepare pians~end apeoirications for e Para. Ozaaga St. aen+ex in Orange Street between • and B streets, excluding laterals. lfotion seaonde~Q by Caunaiiaan Ir*#kg /eweiP. 8nd aarrieQ' b! ul~eai>rotte voile.. i lap. ®3el blepcrt of the Chief of Police for the awnth of March, 191as, was presented and reed. Camoilman Cote of Pp11ce. - moved that the report be received sad planed oa tile. Motion seaoaded b7 Oaaaaillaa Chambers and ohsried. I~ 1 Comma., C. H. ts~sioatioll of C. f. Moarahea, together with insuraaoe po11o7 ib the saoant of ~;d000 on the PeaasH'1- lfoaahna. t ~ vania Ive~nne Aire station was presented. Ooumilsma sa[ith woven that the cellist be laid oven o~ wed is p order to seasrtain the taount of iasursaos being carried on asi4 lire etatiow. Motion seooaded'b~! Couaoil- man cola gnu carried. . a:osmualcatioa S. i. flag relative to ewer in Yourth Street, between Arrarhead Aveame and B street, t ~ + Ocws• Rte. Y. ~li~~.~e~• was read. C. s.•t.3rem aDpesred before the Oogpoil, elating that plwatlaa117 all oZ the propert7 owners ' along said street were soa,~eoted with•private sewer of Aaona Hespttal Assoaistiaa, and they did not see tLs i' oeaessit7 os~eoatstrtoting a aw ewer oa said street.. OogloilMau sadth moved that the oosaMmiaaties e~ . ~ i ~_....-~. ~,...,....~.._......-..-._...~..~......_.._.-~~.e.~~-e......~...._~ ~ ~ S . R. s. Swing be accopted and placed on file. kotiou seconded by Counciitoan Cole and cariK ed. City Engineer reported that he had ruz~ lines as instructed and found that oould be aonstruoted in Fourth Street with a good fall. Councilman Smit moved that the report of the City r~ngineer be accepted. ~ 1[otlon seoonaed by Co*n,ciiman Holmes and oarried. 1[aD Joint MoD showing proposed laY-out for ~oiat.pole conatruotioa-in the .City cf son Bernardino was presented. Pale Line. Honorable i(ayor and Common Council, San Bernardino, Calif, Cow, g, s. Gentlemen: In the Case of the City or Ban Bernardino vs. Bemis, which was tried soae tine ago, Swing. Bemis case. I have had ~udgteAt entered In your Favor aepy of which is herewith enclosed. The time for appeal has not yet expired but I apprehend no appeal will be taken. You notice that yon heave judgment for Pa6.b0 costa. Thin will have to be paid by Yr. Bes~is tml.eae he appeals the sale. Under this decision the lines oY the street are established at the points c181ied by the engineer. The matter is new aomyleted insofar ae i am concerned unless appeal is taken. Very truly yours, HalpD Swing, By lit $1 Pet. Annez. Yttorney w. s. Byrne appeared before the Council in behalf of Detitione=e requesting that an affie[a- slecstion. tion election be called in the City of San Bernardino for the purpose oS submitting Lo the sleotora or said City, and to the electors residing in the territory to be annezed, whether snap territory shl 1 be annexed to, lncorporated in and cede a part of such municipal incorporation. llrs Byrne presented a pet- ition signed by sate seventeen electors residing in proposed district, petitioning Council to not upon petition filed by the eieatora oZ the City of sea Bernardino October 18th, 1811. Councilman Holaea moved that the City Attorney be reef nested to prepare a Resolution Calling SDeciel Ylection, submitting to the electors oP the-City of Ban Bernardino, ai:d to the electors residing in the territory hezeinaftes described, the question whether such territory shall be annexed, incorporated in and made a part of such aainicipal lucorporatioII, upon proceedings Deing had and taken as Drorided DY law, bounded 8nd described as follows, to-wit: Begini,ing at the Center oY Waterman avenue, at the iatersect~ion oY the prodnoea xorth line of Bleak ` number Thirty-two (a~), Rancho Yen Bernardino; thecae west along the Borth line of sold Bloat N.d to its intersecstioa with the neuter line of Street; thence 7orth on the produced. neuter line of °A• Street, ~ to the North sine or Block nuiber Eighty-five (B6 Banoho San Bernardino; theme Bast along the 3orth . ~ line of said Blod~ tlb, produced, to the center line of llaterman Avenue; theme South along the oeatsr line of •aterman Avemte to the place oY begtnning. lEotion seconded by Councilman Chambers end carried b7 the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Comers, •sdtA, Ho]aes. ItsNy none. • 'tell DaDmmn L. Z. ApDielord appeared before the Counaii and asked for peraisaioa to aemd art a camber of boys A}:pleford. to sell pop cores needy which he c:amttaatures. Co~ailman Cole moved that Yr. ADD1eZore De grantee tDe privilege of sending out boys to sell his pop corn aaadY !or the weet of sohooi venation. Motion aeoosaee by Councilman Smith sad asrried~ by imanisiona vote. {tar~m. Dis. csmmnalaatioa os tIIs Dittillea Ise sad Cola Storage Co., agreeing to tltrntsh all roe needed and trace Ise Co. b~ tDs Cite dosing the aaeuein6 Yeas, at tDe zate of sixty Cents per Dundred was prsseutea sad zeae. Coal= samiaatlon was laid on the~tabis. ~ Bills. 4hH City Oleslt war autDosisea to issue warrants for oisima epDroved ti!r the lle7or ass 'iaasee Oocmittee this date, by the roliowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cola, Irving, Chambers, SmitD, Hol=es. >ises, aaaer Aes.of Int. Resolution o! the Mayor and Oosimoa Cauaall of the City oZ Yea Hesnardiao deaiariag their iateatiaa to Onttes first Str. is~prove the north side of tie loadwaY o! Yirst Ytreet, between 'D• sad °Z• streets, by LDe'oollatlvotion of a cement conareta Satter, its aaaordanae with,aad as provided in spscii'Saatlosa fro. ll~t, wan sand !or Lhe 1Yrst tine and laid over for fi,.al passage. .- _ 362 _ ---- i i ~lpoa motion oY Councilman Chambers, duly seconded by Councilman Smith, tha Counoii adyonrnea to meet Honday, April ttth, 181a at 7:80 o~oloek P. li. Approved this S^ April, 181ti. I,~ ~/ l v r 0 9 ~ r of the y or Berm no. j i ' i F ' i! I j '~ ~ . W i, , 3 I - - i t i ": n ~~~i • 9 I i ` ~ CitY Hall, San Hernurdlno, Calif. April, 8th, 1918. • ~ ~ Re_a+lar anirntrn-d meeting oi' the Layor and Common Council !~f the City of san Bernardino, held, ~ t b~ondaY, April 8th, 1913. keetiug was culled to order lly a+syor Brigrit at 8:00 o'clock P. lt., the ! following c~embers oi' the Council being present, to-wit: Councilmen , Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, l:olmes, City AttoruoY A131son a[Ed City Clerk Batchelor. ,Dennt, IIone. , R9t+.of Int. 8esoltttion or the 31aPor and Oo~mon Connaii of the City or San Bernardino, declaring their in- f No.489. Lention to iuprove Pirst 8treat by constructing u cement concrete gutt,,r therein was read in dill i'or . Lhe second time uAd adoi+ted by the iollowin$ vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. I Noen, none. Bids aped, This being the date fixed for trio opening of bide for the im]•rovement of •B• Street by constivet- e street Outter. in$ reinforced cement concrete cl•ch culvert in Town Creek, Councilman °mith rvoved that the C1elY Proceed tp opBn such bide lfotion secsonded by Councilman Holmes and carried. Bid of Charles llc9lvain, Sor culvert ooaplete ................1300.00 ~ Hid o2 Bizler & 11an?man, let. To furni`sn all labor and material required to ex- cavate and complete the culvert according,to plans arri speo- iricatione to the sub grade for the aura of thirteen dollars and a1ZtY teats,.,..:..........., 18.80 per lineal foot. and. So ltlrnlah all labor" anti vatesial required to ezca- vate two (3) test bolos sub-grade and rerill with rook and gra- vel, two dollars and forty Dents 9.40 per lineal foot. Bid Df w. D. Bohan. oulvert Par lineal toot ii.s6 sstra digging belo~ grade and rilling in with rook and gavel .10 pear aubio foot. ' It wua moved'by Councilman Cole that. Charles Ycsivain being the Iol?eat and beat Mader, that the bid be accepteq and the Clerk be instructed to return certiried cheats to unsuaaeastnl bidders. xotion secondedA~ Ooasailaaa's1~th and o8riied ty.unanimous vote. • Resolution awarding contrast for tIIe isprove~ment oY •H• 8treat by aonatructiag reinf~raed oesent• aoTlcrete Cron culvert in 'sown Cree~t,to Gristles YaYlvain~at the pride speciried in his proposal wsa read ~ in full for the brat tide add Said over for final passage. Penn P1ra Cix! Glen! rApt+rted LLat the policy on the Pron. Piro Station, ;3000.00, presented at last aeeting station ins. is the only insurance being carried on said building. 1o~oilsan Chambers coved that the pOlioy be re- newed. Motion seconded by Oaunailman Irvine end carried by unataitsoua vote. Yesaenger Petition of ?ayior and salter to aonduot a mansearter office was presented. Upon sotioa of 001t1F- Offiae. oilmm~ Goie, duly seaanded by Councllman Irving and Carried, sage was referred to the Ohief of Polies to investiKate and report bast. Harrows Eros Corsunieation of M. Y. =dwaraa, requesting that the Hama of Jo1m '!. Horrors be removed tads H1aot- H1aDklist. list was read. Councilstea 8iith moved that the request be granted. Msoiian seconded b! Oonnailmsn Cola and carried by unanistaus vote. ppp~i.T, Gates In the matter of Coart street t's~aer. Oouaallaan CLa~ers coved tLat Robert CaLboart of the the Bsn Dart apposr. Bernardino steam Laundry bo notified to appear Detore the Counoii on Ap211 16th.. Miotion seoontd b~ Oouu- oil Smith amd carried. ~ s~? 7Gs.., Res.adpt.P.a Reaely?icK! a4opting Plans anti speaifioations•Mo. 118 tar the improveseat e! ~H•~Lre~Olt]e~ Q3111g4~ S Sewer.•B'. et the intersection of •B• Street and the north line of ease Line, runniaR thsnos north aion$ tb? oeaitos line of 'B•, 888 feet, was read in full for the second lima and adopted by LAs follo~ring vote, to-wits Ayes, Cole, IsvinK. CAumbers, ssith, Holmes. Moos, Hans. _ , 3f 4 P.& i.iewer Cit}~ T?airineex K. tP. Tuttle presented Plans and speelYieationa for sewer to be oonatrueted in Orange orange st. Street, between •A• and •B" Streota. Councilman Chambers moved that the sa14 Plana and Specifications be be referred to the City Attorney. Motion seconded by Counailsan IrvinK and oarried. ', l~ Coioplaiat i.?. lletllea apyeered Defore She Counoil and stated that the southern 8lerrae Power Co., were about ~ ~ =.t.YUllen Pole. to plane a pole in front of his ~1ose on the Southeast, oorner of ring and Yt. Vernon Avenue, and requested that the Council use its influence to have poleillgae{~ either on the oorner,or property line. CounallmaA I Bmlth coved that the natter be reierred to the Street superintendent to adflist, notion seconded byt Cann- . cilmatt Cole and Carried. i ' Por.iell a woman residing at 880 4th street appeared before the Council and stated that she had purchased two j hi.swpra. Carpet sweepers and asked for permission to canvas City in order tc dispose of ease. Councilman Chau~~era troved that.the wosan be granted peraiasion to canvass for carpet sweepez foz herself for the resmlade= of quarter and license ue remitted. 1totlon seconded by Cow~cilman smith and carried by unanimous vote. Councilman truing moved that the City 7Cngineer be instructed to prepare Pieria and Specificatiana for Pre.P.&i. f viola it. sidewalk. the Construction of a sidewalk on Viola Street. 1FOtion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by un- i animoua vote. ~ Lower 1st Crn~noii~an Ooie moved Shat the eidwalk on the south side of 11ret ftreet, between •D• and •s" streets st.adwk. be ordered lowered an~put to grade. Potion seconded by Counailaan Chaabers and earri~d by the folloMag i vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, 8nith, llolass. Noes, none. 1 8 ealth Of. Git7 Health•Officer C. 0. Yaeonaiao reported that he had investigated certain public end private aI- , Rep.Alleys. says, leading on to paved streets, and Yonnd a m~aber in unsanitary condition, and the rtuisaaae should be abated. Councilman Smith coved that the matter be referred to the Suparinteadeat of streets with inetruo- lions to serve legal notice on snera of property aHUtting on said allels, that such alleys mitat be yet is sanitary condition. Notion seconded by Councilsan Chambers and carried. Bills. Ci!r Clai'ls-wsa authori2ed to issue warrants for alaiDa approved by the ltaror and 1~iasnae Ca~sdttea this date by the following vote, to-wit: AyAa• 8o1e•„I;wag, q=a, iliith, Holses. hoes, none. Aes.Calling Resoltttioa of the Mayor and Coaamltt COnno11 of the City Of eeri Bernardino calling a special ele0tion _ i 8P•An.='oi'n. j to be held in the City of San Bernardino on t!s a~ad ~ s+f 1fsy, fiat. for the ,purpose of subsittin8 to the qualified electors of said City and Lo the goslilled electors sdsidlag in oeztaia tarritor~ ad~oinina Bald • city, sad partiaularlq in this reaolutioa desOribed, the t~eatiaa wbsthe~z saoh tazritoty shall be ame~ted to, incorporated in, and bec0itle 8 part Of said oily; appointing eloatiot3 Officers, sad desisaatit>a ~ellin8 places, etc., was rasa in Evil far the tLZSt tine and 2ai1 over for rival passage. , sirs. Yaeger. street iitperinte~ndent sailed sttentioa to sid~?slt oa the corner of bth era •D" strssta, that h.,had- id~. served nuserotts aotioes to repair asa?e. Idts. iaegez bad sated for tine. and tAat she e:~eeted to Dare trees removed in the Yail, sad at etiah tine would lay a new sidowsit. street inpeziste/tdeht sated for reoareads- M tio~n in the ratter. Couaailaan xrving wooed that sotiaa be defezrsd ivr si]t aoaths. lfotioa seowaded'Oy~ Councilaan eaith and carried. Upon motion or Cobwollasa Iz?iai duly,aeooaded Dy Councilsan Cole and oarrisd, the Council ed,~oursed . to asst Monday, April loth, leis mt 9:b0 o~al0~pt P. s. APPsoved tdia ! f" day of April, lali. ~ " -' ~' r~ city • clean. ~-' o the Berner no. 3 ! _ - -__~~ e._ E ~ s Oity Hall, San Bernardino, Cal. April, lbth, lEl;a. ~ xegular ea~ourned seating oY the Mayor and Oommon~0otinall of~the'City~oZ San Bernardino held 1londay, April 16tH, lala. Meeting was exiled to order by MaYOr BMght at 7:50 O'cioek P. M., the fol- lowing members of the Council being; present, to-wit: Councilmen Cole, Irving, Chambers., Smith, Oity' Attorney Allison and City Cieb[ Batchelor. Absent: Couneilaan Holaea. Minutes of the previous were read and approved as corrected. Robt.Cathcart. Robert Oathoart appeared beYore the Counoil in answer to summons of the Mayor and Council, end Court st.Sewer. ! stated that Ae was ready and willing to pay 2iis proportion for sewer should the Council sae lit to order 3 e in such ¦ewer on Court >Rtreet between ''B° and ~!". Matter was discussed and laid over. App.P.Pc.CO. 'iha following application was presented and read: Pranciti ae. To the Honorable Mayor and Caamon Counoil oY the City oY San Bernardino. Oentiemen: 'fhe undersigned hereby Hakes application for a Yranahise to coastruot and tar the period of Y1Yty years to maintain and operate an eleot Ma railroad on Rialto Avemte'Pram s Street to '' Y _ the west baunda3q line oY the City oY sea Bernardino Tlpnn a private right-of-way and eorosa inter- _/ saoting streets. Paoiric Sleotria Railway Oompany, By flea. s. Pillsbury, . Ohiet Engineer. ! [t. s. Swing appeared beYore the Caanaii in behalf oY the Cosmittee appointed.by the Qbamber of Camerae of the City oY 9an Bernardino in regard to said Yranohiao. Councilman Cole moved that the Cleric be ioashozised to advertise the said Franchise Yor sale, bids to be reoeivsa up to the :d7th day of flay, 1918. Motion was seconded by Counoilman Irving and oarM ed by the follaring vote, to-wit: Ayes, Dole, Irving, Chambers, Smith.. 3Qea, none, w.J.CUatis w. i. Onrtis appeared beYore the Council and stated that in8an0.1oh sa the otiicera Led done all in Dis.Cloaed. . their power to carry ont the ::rder of the Oounail in regard to closing of certain distrlat, there wen still roam Yor improvement, affi sitar adriaing with different lawyers of the City, he asked that psaaed- ure be brought to procure an injunotion to abate it as a miissaoe. He Q~toteQ lsw in the natter. Coon- ' f ~ cil.msn Smith „owed that the matter be laid over one weep that the Cannail be tttrther advised. I/otigi aeaonded t? Oounailnan Cherbere and carried by unanimous rote. Rea.Awd.Ban. Ftesoiution of the Mayor and Corson Oaunoil awarding aontrsat.fox the imyrovesient of yH~ street ~ B 8L.CUlwart. ~ . a reinforced nesieat noaarete aroh culvert im Toss Ozeat, to Oberlea 1b11valm, at LAe pride speoitied im his pxoposal on file Yor Said worl[, was renal to fall for final passage and adopted by the following vote,' to-wit: Ayes, Cole, irring, Cilambora, Smith. Ilaes, none. Res.Anns=. Resoimtiaa of the Itayor and Oor~son Oannoil OS the 41ty of San Barnardiae, ealiing s special eleo- sleosian. Lion Lo De held in the City of San Bernardino oq the wand dal of May, 191u, for the pmrpose of mtritting LO the Qualirisd electors or the said City Bad t0 the Qualified slactors residim~ in oeztain territory ad~oining said Ofty, and particularly in this sssolutioa dssaMDsd, the Question whether suoh territorF shall he anns:ed ta, inoarporated in, and 1eaa~s a part of qid Qlty:: appointing slsotion offlears, and designatir~ polling planes, eto., was read in Y@11'fOr final passass end adopted D7 the folla?ing vote: ~ Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, 8sitD. Moss, none. Rep.City Treas. Reports OS the tho City Tssasaser Yor the months oY lebrues9 stW Marne were presented a~read. lsb. liar. oonnoilman Ymith moved that the reports be renewed end pissed an tile. Motion senos~4ed by Oaar~ilmam Ohambers and asrried by unanimous vote. ~!f - ---------- Coa.Nat~l Homo Communication from National H~ID° and Town Builders regarding eu[Caration of their prop3rty North ~ & Town Bldre. • of Highland Avenue, between •A" and ~B• streets was present e4 and read. Councilman Chambers moved that the Street Superintendent b authariaed Lo reply to the Communication. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and Harried. ~ i Rea.of Int. c;esoluLioh of the Mayor and Common Counoil of the-City of Ban Bernardino deelarii:g their intention No. 480. a •~oiiit - to improre.COnrt Street Yxom Street to~44a.76 feat west to a flush taIYe,by the Comet motion of a swear ther3in, was read in full for the first time and laid over i'or fitlal passage. AIId.Plumbing Yetiton of plumbers of the City of Ban Bernardino, requesting that Ord;nanoe No, Isola he amenaed, Ord. , suggesting that s'Boer4"be appointed by the Layor. conaiting of one member of Lhe Council and two ma star plumbers oY the City~to draft Ordinance, sub~eot to the dictation of the City Attorney, was presented and - read. Councilman Irving moved that the liayor a::iJoint a committee to submit aseadaent to Ordinane~ ea re- ~ quested in petition. !lotion aeoondod by Councilman Cole and carried. Ysyor Bright appointed Councilman - j Irving to sat for Council. f ~eD•Chief Pol. The Chia! of Folios reported in the natter of application of Taylor and waft er for a messenger ofrine Yesaengor Of. reoo~ending t?sat no license be issued at this time. Councilman Chambers moved that the zeport of the -°`. Chief o! Police be accepted, and the applioation for said iiaense denies. Notion seconded Dy Councilman -~-~•• Colo affi carried. • R.B.Swing. Caattmtrticatioh a1' R. s, win$ enaloaing oheo~t for X86.25 ,icing saonnt oY City Ve Bemis. ~ndgaent oolleated in the Cheot;x6.65 Oase of the City Va. Beals, was presented. Cheat olbsred r~sirc3d af:d paid into City Treassr~r.. Aea.ordg.til[. Awaolution oY the Mayor and Common Council or tho City or San Bernardino, authorising the execution 8 it.Calrert. or a contraot with Charles ff~lloai• for the conatraotion of a Dement, concrete arDhed CRlrert on B street isl Town Creel in the City of San Bernardino, was r9ad iu full for the first bole and laid over for final pas- sage. Bills. City Clerk was anthoriESjd to lssued warrants !or aleias approved by the lfayor'aaQ ?insane Co>mdrttes~ this date, by tIIe following rota, to-wit: Ayes, Cole,-Irring, Chambers, smith. toes, none. 1 Bridge Cor. COmlail~!an Cole cored that the City Bnginaer ereyaze plena aA4 specitioatioas foz a ecnorete filne 6th de A ~Ls. aaroas ~A'+ Street at the oorner of 5th and •A- streets. 'Notion failed to reeeltre a eeoa~d,. ;---~~ After discussion Councilman Smith moved that the Street saperihtendent be fnstrnated to provide a teaporary bridge at the corner of bth and •A~ Streets. Potion secsonded by Counoilaea Ir~?1ng and carried by ` the rollowing rote, to-wit: Ayes, Irving, ChsnD•ra, Smith. BOes: Cols. • Viola Are. Coaroilaaa Irving stated he hen interviewed lady oaaing propert7 on viola sfaQe regarding oonetrttot- aawt. ing elmawa]t, 4~ she sated that matter be postponed until isll when she world pat 1n sidewalk. Councilaan Smith mated teat action be aleferrea !or one week.' Notion seconded by Connallsan Ir?lag•and carried. Upon action of Couaoilaan Smith, duly seconded by nouuailaan Cols and cerzisd, the Cennaii ad~oatn~ ed to asst Nonciay, April 6und, lvlx, at Y:7s0 o'oloalt P. N. APp4'Orsd this 1~, April, 1016. 7 hs y of can Bernarding. . Oaiaai at. xeeolntion adopting plan, profile and•apeolZioatioaa for the conatsuoti!~a os a vitrified pee laver ~ ` In Orange street in the City or San Bernardino, was read in !till for iha first time anct fail over for final passage. ~ ~ _ i C .w fj}{t r ~ l ~/ 3V~/ City Hall, Ban Bernardino, Calif. Apr11 :sand, 191:6. r+~ . ~ R Regular adjourned meeting of the 1[ayor and Comr:oa Council oY the City oY can Bernardino held Monday Apr12 ' zxnd, lel:c: ueeting was called to order by flavor Bright at Y:bO o~eloek P.fL., the following members of the Council being present: Councilmen, Cole, Irving, Chambers, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. Absent: Counailmen Smith anQ Holmes. !(!notes of the Drevious meeting were read and approved. Rea. Of Int. ResOlutlOn OS the llayOr end OpmIDOn Cot1nC11 Of the City Of San Bernardino deolaring +,heir intention to No.4b0. Construct a vitrified pipe sewer in Court Street ,wsa read in still for Yinal passage...IIpon fwtion oY Counc- ilman Irving, duly seconded by Ccuncilman Coie sl:d carried, said Resolution was laid over for one week. 1',ea.con. Resolution oY the f[al+lor and Caamion Council of the City of San Bernardino authar121ag the execution o_' Culvert a. Town Cr. the contract with Charles 1LcL'lvain Yor the aoasti2tetioa of a ce>renL concrete arched culvert on ~B° Street in Town Creek, was read in full Yor final passage and adopted by the Tollerwing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Cole, Ir- j wing, Ohasbe?ra. goes, none. Asa.adpt. Resolution adopting Plans and Specifications for the construction oY a vitrified pipe sewer in Orange P.&8. 3ewesr in Street, between "~" and -B- Streets wee read in full for Yinal passage and adopted by the following vote. to- orange st. wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers. Hoes, none •' Asa.of Int. Hsaolution oY the flavor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring thelr intention No.4b1. to constrnet a vitrified pipe sewer in Orange Street Detween •A" and ~B• streets, wsa read in full Yor'f~e,~~. the i1raR time sad laid over Yor final passage. i.R.Nerdin Co~uuisetion of ls. R. 1lerdin requesting an eztention or s00 days time Yor the paving of ~D• Street, eztes•_d time 5,00 dews. between Third and Fifth Streets, was presented aged read. Councilmen Cole moved that the request be grahted. • fio~tion aeoonded by Couaoilman Irving and carried. !Thereupon a reaolutioa huthorizing the Superintendent of Btroata to extend by 500 days the tlse sized by him Yor the cospletioa of the work specified in that certain 3 oontract entered into Detween said Snperinteadent 9Y.8treets sad S. R. werdln Yor th"e~iipro>resieat of ~0" ~ Street Detween li~ird ar,d Fifth Streets, was read in Yell for the first tics and laid over Yor Final passage. ~ Comm.3t.SUDL. Gostmulioation oY SLreeti Bnperinienaent recommeadin$ the installation of a seer oil Dlant was presente.~. - 411 !Slant . and read. Rebate Ten. L. Z. Ooleman appeared before the Ooonsil and stated that he was about to eater into business in this ', Lfaenae. ' City in a sell way, and asked that temporary iiselass be waived. Cotursilamn Cole moved that regaeat be de•- used. !lotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Btft.'~ater Petltioa oY property owners laving on or e91?ning property in the Baldridse trees, petitioning the _A 5th. . Ceruzwil to take sons sotiaa towaru protesting property Pros tae story waters which are dtvpOd into their Dyes- party at the southeast corner oY Y1YtII ana Streets. was presented and read. Attorney 8. D. flsflabb ap- geared DeYOre the Counoll 1n behalf of petitioners, sad requested that'the setter be laid over one weep. Counaiimeu Irvlrs 'owed that the request be wanted sea aatioa be deserred Yor oat week. !lotion seconded by Councilmen Cbrinbera and oai•ried. Yiole sdwk. itrs. 8tenrart residing on Viola Avenue appeared before the Council and asked that proseeefinse be pos~`~ gonad in the matter of laying sideaalf: on said Viola Avenue, and stated that she would be able to Icy walk to the matter oY six mouths. Councilman Chambers moved that the request o/ yrs. Btswert bs arented. Notiofl ' i t seconded by Councilman 7svirg. Upon calling roll, Oou,;oilman Cole voted 'p0", Irving and Chaabera voting ~ -Yeses. llayox Hrlght ueclared the motion lost. _ . t., s. _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - . _ - - i Ord,No.478. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. auz by adding a new section thereto to be kno7n; as Soetion 2io. ats-a. licensing cleaning and cueing establishments, was read in i~tl for the ~iret time and laid over i'oi° Yinal passage. Ord.Po.4Ye. Aa Ordinance amending Ordinance Noy a4 oY the City of San Hernaidino, entitled -An Ordinance to clear ~ the sidewalk within the City oY San Bernardino iroc~ grans and weeds, adopted on the ;card, day oP lone, 18x1, was read in full rot the rirat time and laid over for rival Daesage. Councilman Smith reported present at ts:;c0 o~ciock. Rediight. City Attorney Allison presented the matter of handling the redlight dlatriet by in,unetian prooead- inge as presented to the Council by w. J. Ctutis at the previous meeting. Cbrmcilman amitIl moved that the. matta~~ i,e laid over Por one week that they ~a ght have a roll board before notion was taken. Potion seconded by Councilman ,t.~,Upon•ca2ling roll Councilmei_ Cha~:bera and Smith voted "Yea, Cole and Irving voting ~xo-. ifayor Bright declared the motion lost. Couneiimau Irving moved that the City Attorney is hereby authorised,,directed and euopowered, in the name of and on behalf' of the City or SeII Bernardino, to institute suite or actions in the saperior Court of the County_oY can Bernardino, itata o2 Calii'ornie, to astute decrees qr ~udgmenta Deraenently enjoining ~t ~ and prohibiti~ig any and &il persons in the City of San Bernardino from leasing or renting, or permitting ,_,i premises 1n saki City to be leased, oeeuDied, or used ~6 as a Dowdy hauae, a house of prostitution, or 112- Sege, oa- disorderly house.. kotion was seconded by Councilman,COle and carried by the following vote, to wit; Ayes, Cola, Irving, Chnmbera. Soea, with. ~ cycles and ooaucilsan nth sued that the City Attorney De instructed to prosecute all otiemders riding bicycle $and bills. on sidewalks, also all persons Throwing hand b121e upon the pLtblie streets. Motion seconded tqr Counoil~aa Chambers and carried. ~ ~ Bridge St.Yire Cotineilman Chambers asked ?ire Ch1.eY atarke to ezplain wAy hose was not properly ao~nnected at. H*idge- ChieY Trues. Street Y1re. Chien atarke e5cplained that telephone instructions in ringing the alarm caused sn~sh ~soe~ Oounailaa~ Irving stated that he had inYorsatlon that o ne of the fire®en was iatozioated. Councilmen Cnao- bers ~ confiraed euoh information. ChieY Starke annrnineed he world make a thorough iuwestigation • and ?tRLld relieve oYfamder. Pearl attest ~ ~' j"ma sidewalk. OCUnoilman Chambers moveu that proceadinga haretoPOre taken in the matter oY eoaati~tioting sidAtallc in Pearl Street be taken up where leYt oYf. Notion seconded by Ccaucilwan Ixrfng and oarried: 011 Plant. Councilman Irlring solTTed that the new oil Heating plant Drojeet be laid o~ex ono week', and is Lhe ~eaptilse the Mayor and Do~real get together and figure: oat budget of e~sea. upon ¦oticn dn3~ made and carried •the Council adjourned to seat l[onday April, tlOth, 1612, at 9:~0 o•oloek P: 1[. Approved this ~ 9 day of ADril, 161x. ( ~ ~ • o ity OZ 88n Be?nalQiJbO. • • , - ~ ~ , aL..... . 3i;~t City Hall, San Bernardino, Oal1Y. April a9th, 191:c. Regular adjourned seating oY the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Ban Bernardino, held Monday, } April, 29th. 1813. Meetin8 was palled to order by Mayor Bright at 9:46 o'clock P.M., the following members oY the Council being present, to-wit: Councllaen Cole, Irving, Chaabere, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. Absent, None. Minutes oY the previous mooting were read and approved. Aes.of Int. Resolution oY the Mayor and Common Council oY the City of son Bernardino declaring their intentia:: No.480. to construct s vitrified pipe sewer in Court Street, Raa read in 11211 Yor final passage. upon calling • roll motion was lost by Lhe Yollowing vote, to-aril: Ayes: smith, Chambers. ]toes: Holmes, Irving and Cola. Rea.of Zat. Reaolutia: of the Mayor and Coamoa Councii oY the City of .son Bernardino declaring their inteatio:. No.481. to construct a vitrlYled pipe sewer in Orange Street between -A° and ~B~ Streets, was read is full Yor final passage acid adopted by tae follaria$ vote, to-wit: Ayes, Hoites, Smith, Chsabera, Irving, Cols. Rx.Tiae to Resolution authorizing the Superi~:tenaAnt oY 8traets to extend by 800 days, the tine fixed by his E.R.werdin .Yor the Cospletion of the wort eDealYied in shat certain contract entered into for the Raid Superintendent a00 days. _ ~ oY Streets and h. A. WerdiII Yor the improveaent oY ~D• Street betwesII Third and !11Th Streets, was road in ftYll Yor tins! passage and adopted by LHe Sollpwing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Stiith, Chambers, Irving and Cole. Soes, none. ' Ord.NO.4`i8. 'sn 0_:diaanpe ssend.iag Ordinsace No. 3:a;a by adding a new section thereto to be knaara as Section No. du-a, licensing cleaning and dying establiahaents was read in Pull for fines passage sad adopted by tae following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holaea, Saith, Chasbara, Irving, Colo. Uoea, noao. Ord.11o.4r8. ~ An Ordinance wending OrdinaneA lfo. M, entitled ~An Ordinance to asset the sidewalks within the City of San Bernardino Eros gzass and weeds, adopted on the dad day of Jane, 1881,• was read is tall for final passage and adopted by tae Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Hol=es, 8tiith, CIIsabers, Irvirrg,,COle: S Noes, none. Res.ovrlg ~ Resolution overruling protest for the paving pi Street, betw9ea second'end Teeth Streets, st . Protest. was read in null Yor Yinal passage and adopted by the i'ollowing vote, to-wilt' Ales, Holies,'SttitII, Cha~- '` 1 hers, Irving, Coie. ~ ~ ~ .% App.Plb.Lio. ApDlioatioa oY C.C. Casey fps permission to parry On and ponduci tae business of plashing in tns C.C.Caley. City, together wlth bond in the ldaa 4Y ~,2t100.00, wns presented. Codnpilaan 8aith'aoved that'the appiipa- Sion be granted, and the teed appaw~ed. Motlon seconded by Conncilsiaa Holaes and parried Dy the Yollowiri~ vote, to-tit: AYea, Saito, Holaee, Chambers, Irving, Ooie.' Noea, none. Pet.opan al- Petition of awnera oil lots xo. 1 to la, inolneive of Hlook ><0.'4, of the Oarter SubdirisioR, tto.f' ley.Carfsr Ave. on Carter Avenue, petitioning the Council to order tae opening'ot Alisy t'i~aa seeped street to Rialto Avs.,°~ ,.u;: in the rear OS said lots aentioned was presented sad read. Counailaea SsntII sped that Slnlltistitioi? to rs "'•,,. Petted to the 8tzeet Costalttee Lo iaveatigate and report boot. lotion seoptaded tAr Connoilaan Ooie sad 1 parried. $ta 1?utera Petition o~Z residents sad owners !sting on ats: owaiag property in the Baldridge tract, petitiotr Baldridge. ing tae Council to take sole action toward prOLeatin6 said district frost Lae clots waters at the soatsteast l ~ corner of 6th and ~A• 8traets was Dresegted sad reed. s. s. Molabb appeared bsiore the Ooanoil in Mint ~ ; of said petitioners artd urged the Cowtell to itmssuiste splice in LAe setter. Covapilaan Smite coved tflat the Cit7 Sagineer be auatorissd to prepare Plans sad spepitioatioas ~d, ;g, "` i~or suitable pipe line Pros Lhe north side of lifts Street sioag tae west side of •A• Street into 11HSa Creek. sad tarnish eatiaates or poet Yor sups wort. Potion was seconded by Caunoilmn Chambers and asrsie.. 37C C.>';.run lines Councilman Smith moved '.hat the City Engineer be instructed to go ovor grados on •A' sLrRet, -A~,4th to 7th 7~ ~~' between 4th and 7th•and •A'' and •B• streets, and report back. notion seco~tided by Cot~neilman Irving and carried dater on •I°. A lady residing on 'Z Street, south of Third street appeared bei'ore the Council, and entered a a complaint on account of certain water Plowing down such attest, and stated that the same was vent unsan- itary. Councilman Irving moved that the Street SuperihtendenL be instructed to take some eotion as will give immediate relief i,~ the matter oY abating the nuisance on ~I• Street as complained of. Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. Oas. IL was moved by Councilman Irving that LhP gas companies be natiried to appear before the Couhoil at next meeting and show cause why gas rate should not be lowered. Motion seconded by Councilman phambers. C. Y. Draw of the Southern California Oas Company and Z. T. Bell 1'or the San Bernardino Valley Osa Co., ob~eoted to sash procedure, and stated that it would be impossible to make report in one west, and asked that the time be extended at least three or Your weeks, Councilman Irving stated that that being the case, he tboughL the rate should be nixed tonight. Councilman Cole moved that the time be set three weeks Prom date. Notion aeoonded by Councilman Holmes, whereupon Councilman Chambers withdrew second to mo- ~'*. Lion of Councilman Irving previously made. Upon calling roll to Councilman.COle's motion, acme carried ~,' by tho following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Cliaabere} Smith, Holmes. 11oea, Irving. Com.King st. Complaint was entered by property owners residing on King Street, complaining of a filthy and un- Cegapoil heHlthY cesa Pool at 1400 King street, also the goat Pen at 1408 Rialto Avenue, a d rear of the residence ' scat Pen. with the filthy ceas pool. Councilman Cole moved that the matter be referred to the Hoerci of He;slth. Yotioa aeoonded by Councilman Smith and carried. , Councilman OhamLera moved that the City.Sngineer tarnish data for a possible sewer on King Street • from the Santa ]?e Lracta to K Street. Notion seconded by Councilmen smith and carried. Pet.SQwk on Petition of property owners on °O• Street Prom Tenth 8tre6t to Base Line. petitoning Caunail to or- O,YOth to B.L. der cement sidewalks laid along said street was yresented and read. Councilman 83ith moved that the City ~ Engineer prepare plane and apecificationa for sidewall[ along said a Street ae Petitioned. Motion aeao~ded by Councilman Chambers and carried. ]Iap Ze~ins l+ap oY Bloat B, Jentina Place Tract Ho. was presenteQ to the Coan<sil .fen acaeptanes. Oounail- `r ~'`- Tract. ~ man cola moTad that the maP be referred to the street Comedttse to 1oTeatigats. 1[otion seconded by Council- M~; oilman smith and carried. ' 3dsY.Jeatins Councilman Smith moved that Itt. Jea~kina be alla?ed a Your Yoot park syaee between sidewalk and cur'! Treat. in place of two reef sa reQuired. Motion aoaohded by Councilman xolaes and carried. Binaacial rep. Councilmen Sdth moved that Draper and Dubbell be employed to prepare an animal finsnaisl report Smp. D. dc.D. for the year ending dune dOth, laic. They to rurniah s of sash report. Motion aeoonded by Co^++- r oilman Obambers and carried bpr wzahimoLLS vote. ~smnrUp Dp. It was loved b9 Councilman Smith that it be the sense Ot the ~es..and oo~wa Conrail that Monday, .t the tith dal of flay, 162ra, be Drociamed a general alema-up dayr and it is the desire of the Mayor and Coon t Cauneil tnat all property owners ao-oDerats and easraise diue diliseawe in Desniityin~ tAeir preaise~ oa that day. riotioa aeoonded Dy Councilman Coie end oerried. Councilman ealth moved that the llaYOr be authorised to enter into private contract wit3? Charles Town Creels ~ is Cull. Mesivaln for the oonstruetion oT about TwsiTe feat of salvers on •B• Street is Town Creek, ai a cost not to ezceod 111.60 per lineal foot. Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers end serried by the followins Tote, to-wit: AYes, klolmes, Smith, Casmbera, bring, Cole. ltoea, none. _ 1 Viola St. In the setter oi' the Viola Stroet sidewalk, Councilman Chambers moved that 1[ra, 8tewert~ie given Sdwk . five months in which to place sldesalx. Motion seconded 27y councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Cnambera, Irving. Councilman Cole declined to vote. ~ counoilman Smith moved that the Stroet §uperintendent be authorized to iuatall and egtfip pew oil \ 013 Htg. Plant. Aeating plant, together with tank and reservoir, aaco:uing to plena maped out and located. Potion failed to reaelre a ascend. tiot.R.R.COm. Counollman Smith moved Lhat the City Clerk be authorized to notlrY the State Risilway Commission Q&a rate. that the gas companies operating in the City or San Bernardino Aare raised the gas rate. lotion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Upon motion oY Councilman Cole, duly aecorided by Councilman Zrving and tarried, th» Council ad- ' ~ournad to meet ltondaY, laY the Esth, 1Hl:a, at 7:d0 o~clogc, P. M. Approved this day oY ltay, 181:x. City Cleat. 3 yor of t a tY of ~ San Berner no. ~- r_._ 1 . t _ ~ ' - - -_. :." F City Hall, Ban Bernardino, Cal. Liay Gth, 181u. + Regular adjourned meeting oY the Mayor and Common Council or the City of San Bernardinq, held flay 8th, 191x,. Meeting wsa called to•order by Mayor Bright at ts:~0 o~eloek P. M., the following members oY the Council being present, to-wit: Councilmen Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, City Attorney Alliaon, and City C1erK Batchelor. Abeant: Councilman Holmes. • E Mlnutea of the previous meeting were read and approved. 1I Rep.City Report oY the City ElecLi•ician for tbo month oY April wsa presented and read. Upon motion oY Councilman $1©c~n. • Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Zrving and carried, report was ~eCeived and ordered placed on Pile. f Bord oY Bond oY Harry R. Heap as prii:oipal, and A. (i. Kendall and Y.S. Hooper ea sureties in the'sum oY iL0,000, H.R.Heap. was presented and approved. • ~ 4 Joint Yole. Communication oY d. E. MacDonald, secretary oY the Joint Pole Comuiasion, emoloaing plan oY proposed com- bination of pole line on Third Street, between A Street and Mt. Vernon Avenue, wsa presented. Councilmen 8aitb moved that the matter be laid over Yor one reek, account oY absence of Councilman Holmes. notion aeQOnded by Councilman Cole and carried. -~, P.. R.Com. Communication of the Railroad Comciasion oY the State of California, advising that the City Council has the -~ Oas Rate. right to fit the rates to be charged by the gas companies supplying gee in the City of San Bernardino, was read. Councilman Smith coved that the Communication be received and placed on file. Lotion seconded by Councilman Chsm- bers and carried. Bd.Hlth. Communication oY the Boas°d oi' Health recommending that sewer be ordered in on King street, also that yitth St. King St. School, west oY Mt. Yerlion Ave., De connected with sewer was read. Ocuncilman Chambers moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and speclY~ons for sewer • on King Street, between Saute Pe trac~a sad L Street, also from a point fifty Yeet west of ~ St., to con- neet frith sewer on 6th street east oY Mt. Vernon Avenue. iaotion secsonded by Councilman Zrving and carried by the Yoilowing vote, to-.wit: Ayes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. xoes,,none. • Rhp.oY Report oY the Ch1eY of Policy Yor the month oY April, was presented and reafl. Cowiailpan Chambers moved that , Chief of Police. the report be received and placed on rile. Potion seconded by Council. an irvir:g and ea=ried. ~Pet.Waier Petition requesting the Oounail to take some action toward relying ver~i-n conditions eziating in a aaritin ~' 4th lk6th. _ tract between 4th anti 6th Straeta, west of Mt. Vernon Ave., was presented. Matter dlaausaed and laid over to be taken up at the nett meeting. Res.ordg. resolution of the Mayor and Common Council oY the City of San Bernardino ordering the improvement of St., wk.Y St. free the north line or Second Street to the south line oY Tenth street, by paring the~roadwap thereof, was read fo=~ the first tine and lain over ror final passage. • Hea.ordg. Resolution of the Mayor and cor~mon Cotmaii of the City of San Bsruardiao ordering the improvefe~nt of the north w![.leL St. Gutter. aloe of yirst street, DetweeII -D- and •M• Streets by the aonsiruotion or e a Yive foot ascent concrete getter there= 1a, wsa read'~or the iYrst time and laid over YOr:tinal •essege. Rea.orCg. Resolution OS the liayor and CommoA Council Ot the City Of Ban Bernardino, Ordering the improvement Ot Second ~ . xad St . Sdwk. 8treeL, between •Z" Street sad Carter Ave., by the construatio~c of a ae~ent concrete sidewalt as?Q curb on the sent?: aide the~eOt, wsa read in trill for the first rite and laid over ror Pica! passage. ~•"1,: Pre.~RB. Councilman Cole reeved that the city L'tlgineer be instructed to prepare plane and apeafYleatioAa ror sewer to ~-- Sel?er. Daler,lat,be aonstruoted in Delay. I+irat and Allen 8treeta. Motion seconded by Councilman Chsafeers end carried by the fol- A Alie~l. lolling vote, to-wit: Ayes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. !lose, cone. ~~-~ Rea.ot Int. - Resolution of the ldayor and COmr01': Council oP the City o2' Sau Bernardino, declaring their intention to B 3t.sewer. ' improve •B¦ street between Hsae Line and 13th Street by the construction or a vitrified pipe sewor thorein, 1 was read in Tull for the first time and laid over nor fi~:al passage. Yo. 118 i P.& S.sdwk. City Engineer presented Plana an9 speciYicationa~Tor cement sidewalk and curb on •c}¦ street, between i 010 t0 B.L. Base Line and Tenth Street. Councilman Chambers moved that the samba be referred to the City Attorney. llo-. '' tionsaconded by Councilman Irving anQ Carried. Pet.na sdw&. Petition oP property owners on Be21Y1ew Ave., between % Street and High Street, and on Central Ave., ~ Bellview ~ Central. between K Street and High street, petitioning the Council not to order sidewalk in on said Streets. Council- f r.an Smith moved that the comwwgication be reYerrcd to the Councilman from the Third ~Nard. Rep.St.5upt. Report of the Street Superintendent oY oporations oP the Street Department i'or the month eP April was April. presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the report be accepted and ordered Filed. Notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. 3 Councilman Smith moved that the Street Superlntendent take note notion toward ioprorini; Conditions at intersection corner oS tiZth and "D• Streets. Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by unanimous ~ vote. i Bills. The City Cle7g was authorised to issue warrants for claims ~'psented and approved by the llayor and %iaanoo Cammtttee this date, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes,8mith, Chambers, Irring. Q02e. Hoes, Wane. Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded b6+ Councilman Chambers, the Council adjourned to. meet i ?tonday, Ysy 13th, 191x, at 7:30 o'Cloet P. Y. ANpxoved this --It daY of Yay, 19i;~. city c eau. eyor oY a City of Ban ernardino. f' / , 1 y ~' I, r , 1 '4 ' i i - - - ---. _ - - -_ - - --- - - - - - T ----- -- ~ i City Hall, Ban Bernardino, Calif. Yey I3th, 1812. i` i Regular adjourn^~. meeting of the YaYOr and•COmmon Council of the City of San Bernardino, held Monday Lay 13th, 1912. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Bright at 8:05 o•clo„k P.Y., the following members of the Council being pre~ent•' Couneilm~n; Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney Allleon and City Clerk Batchelor. Absent: None. ~ vim2tes of the previous meeting wore read and approved. i Joint Pole. uap oY the proposed Joint Pole line, as presented at previous mooting was taken up and discussed. Yap. Councilman Holm a argued that wires should go underground on Third Street at least the two Dlooks between ~ D and 1 9treeta. g_~.YaaDOnald stated it was the understanding of the companies that underground Ordinance would not be considor- i ed by the Mayor and Common Council f'or a period oY Five years, should the plena of the Committee 1•eat with the approval oY the Layor and Council. Councilman Ctanbers moved that plans presented i'or dodt6'.pole line on Third Street between A Street and E Mt. veri~on Avarua be adopt ad and approved Yor a period of Pdve years,aTter which time, all wlrea in the buai- • rasa district Lo ba placed undargroundw Motion was duly seconded by Councilman Cole and oarried by the follow- 1 1 1;'.g votatto~?it: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. ]loos, none. Pet.COm.& A Yr. Lyman carrying on a real estate bueineas at 740 Third street, appeared before the Council and ask ed Aua .House. I for permission to conduot an auction and Commission house. The request was denied. Res.ordg wk. neaolution of the Mayor and Cosmfon Council oY the City of San Bernardino ordering tIIe iapror_eaent of F xo.4a~c. ~ Pave F. St.Btreet frog second street to Tenth 8treot by paving the roadway thereof, was read in toll for final psaeage ' end adopted by the following vote. to-wit: Ayes; Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holtacs. Yoes, none. Res.ordg wk• Resolution oY the Mayor and Common Council of the•City of San Bernardino ordering the improvement of the No.483. 9ut.lst. north side of First 8~raet, between •g• and •g• Streets, by constructing a rive-foot Dement oonarete gutiter ~ therein, was read is full for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, (tole, Irving, Ohambers, Smith, Holmes. Noesr~ none. Res.ordg wk. Resolution oT the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ordering the improveaent of{""~;• No.4s~! sBw&.and. Second Street between I Street and Carter Avenue, by the aonatruatioa of Dearer( aonereta sldewalY s and curbs -=• j thsrefn, was read in full for final Deasage, and adopted by the follawing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Coie, Irving, j Chambers, Smith, Holies. ]toes, none. I 1es.Int. Etesolntion of the Yeyor and Coomaon Counali of the City of Ban Bernardino declaring their lntentioa to con- 10.406. B swr. atruot a vitrified plpe sewer in B attest. between Base Line and 13th Street, was read for rina2 passage and adopted by the foilaaring vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, bring, Chaatbera, 8aith, Holses. ]toes, none. Plb.9ond. Bond of Buge~ne Murray in the sun of ~ooo.oo in aosipiianae with Ordinanoe zeiatins to piuabing in the Qlt7 ~ of San Bernardino was presented for soceptance. Counoilaan Chambers coved that the Bond be acoepted•and approved. I Motion seconded bl+ Cow~oilauan Smith and carried uy uaaniaoas vote. denkin9 Yap Yap of 81oit H, Je~tins Pleas Treat 10. >d, was presented for aooeptanoe. Counoil>.an Ohambers coved that thr Tract fo.a. Diet be acoepted, said ecoeptanos endorsed thereon ae provided by law. lotion eeaonded by Qoamoilman 8adth and ''' carried by unanimous vote. ''~", -• Pearl st. Zn the setter of Pearl Street :;idewalh, Counaiimnn Holaes moved that the 'after be laid over until septeas- Sdnl~ . 1 bar the isirst, 181.4, Motion seconded by Councilman Cole ana carried. , . _.-_ _ + r Ree.adbt. Resolution adopting plan, ace+,ion a~~d sp©ciiieations for the construction oi' a eenent concrste sida- P.& 3. (i st. adwK. walk on 0 Street, betvrean 10th Street and Hege line, was read in Hill Yor the first time and laid over for final passage. .' P1b.Rouae Communication of C.X. Morahan, resident Secretary for the American Bonding Co. of Baltimore, that a Bldg. Bond 1n the aura of,~•<,000.00, executed in favor of the City of Ban Bernardino, issued to A.J. Hartfiald, plumbing contractor in the Rouse.Block, and Lhat Bond would be delivered to,tre City, not later than Lhe lbth inst., was presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the City Cler,; be instructed to notify the p1tlmUing inspector that the said A. J. iiartfiald had authority to proceed with Lhe plumbing wolY in the Rouse 31ock. iiotiois seconded by Cotu~ciluian Chambers aFid carried. Proflls~+.~~~• A Petition signed by property owners and residents in that portion of the City eYfaeted by the pro- £ f:~7«o posed sale oP franahiae for electric railway on Rialto Ave., protesting psssing the Ordinance as propaed in Lhe advertisestent Calling for Bida, and petitioning Council not to pass an Ordinance is unmodified form, was presented and read. - Att~rney R. E. Bledsoe appeared before the Cotmeil in behalf of certain property awnera residing on Rialto Aqe., and 8~ced for one week in which to present a protest other-than Lhe one presented., Council- t,- ®an smith novel that the petition as presented be not considered, and that the. matter be Zaten tip at next aeeti[ig. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. • P.«S.prea. city Engineer lC. 1'. Tuttle presented plane and specifications for sewer in Bridge, 1st and•Allen varieua sewers. streets, sewer in Hang Street and sewer in King and L~Streets. Couuncilman Sffith moved that that section of the City affected by proposed asn?er in Bridge, let and Allen Streets, be referred to the Board of Hesith for recommendation. 1[otion seconded by douneilman Cole and.earried by the following vote, to-wit: Yes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes, none. - Pre.P.sc.B. Coungi~„~an Irving roved that the City Yngineer be instructed to prepare Dlans and speaifiaations sewer 5th to Yt.V. Por aet?er from a point Vii'tY feet west of Stanford Street in the Center Iine oY Eita Street to Yt. Perron Ave. 3lotion seconded by Councilman Sffitep~an~ carried. , WaSer Com. Cotincilnan Smith moved ehat~iis request of the :Pater Commission to plane an ewergewcy order fez eiz Pipe. Blocks of 8-inch pipe for °N° 8tiraet~be•~~sR. Motion ascended by Counailman Irving and carried by the o f ~ following vote, Lo-wit: 6yea, Cole, Irving, Chambers, 8ffith, Holies. Noes, none. Bills. Tfle City Clerk was authorized to issued warrants as Der claias ap,~roved Dy the Mayor and Finance Committee this date, by the i'olioring vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, 8ffith, Holaea. Noes, none. Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded ta? Counailman Chembera and carried, the Council sd- ~otu7led to neat 1Wnday, Stay the ;dOth, IOL~a, at 9:30 o•cloak P. lf. APDroved this _ day of 1~ayr lOl:a. r o a Y o - San Berner no. ' t -~,~` _ ~ _ City Hall, San Bernardino: Ca11f. uay 20th, 1a12. Regular ad~otuned Heating oY the 1laYOr and Common Council o;; the City~of San Bernardino, held SlondaY xay the 20th, lal:c. Sleeting was called to order by Slayor Holmes, pro tom, at 8:00 o•olock P.Y., the following members oY the Counei2 being present: Councilmen Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney A131son and City Cleric Hatch a or. Absont: ilayor Bright. Slinutes oi' the previous n:~eting were read and approved. Res.adpt. Resolution oY the S[aYor and Comrion Counoil adopting plan, seotion and specifications Yor the construction P.&.8. sidewalk oY c:mlent concrete sidewalk and curb on 4 Street beL•r+een Tenth street and Base Line, w;la read in Bull for final a at . pa:~sage and adopted by the Yollowing rote to-wit: Aysa, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noss, none. Res.or Int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Counoil oY the City oY can Bernardino deolaring their intention to im- ~io.4bti. sidewalks prove 0 street, between Tenth Street cud Base Line, t:y constrneting comsat concrete sidewslk and curbs bperein, ws a st. read in Yell Yor the first time and laid over Yor final passage. • Rep..Treas. The report oY the City Treasurer for the month oY April wsa kresented and read. Councilman smith moved '. "'~.~ Elo.of Apr. that the report be received and placed on rile. notion seconded try Councilman Irving and carried. SeD-City deport oY the City Clerk oY the conditions oY funds ending Slay a0th, lal4, was presented and read. Counc- C1 er k. ilman Chambers moved that the report be reoeived and placed Oa file. notion seconded by Cc~unciiman'Smith acid car- ried. COmm.A.B. Communication of B. Slerrihew recomsending Ordinance Drohibiting any person from holding en to any car o= ?~' L errihew rec.Ord.~ vehicle while in motion, was read. Cbuuciiman smith moved that the Oity Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ord- inance along the lines s~.~ggeated~in the coaitau~iaation. Notion seconded try Councilman Chambers and carried. Bids opal. This being the d8t,e ilxed Yor the receiving oY bids for furnishing Sae am>a~s! to be used by Lhe Oity of Ice. can Bernardino, Counoilman Irving moved that the clerk proceed to open such bids. llotion aecoaded t>sr Councilman Chambers and carried. Bid oY Independent Ice, Peed and liuei Co: "~ tl0¢ per awL . for deliieriea oY less than 1'A'O"'1'D~; at one delivery. 60¢ ~' - • " 100 lbs. ar over • 40¢ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1000 lbs. or over is one west. --- Bid oY Dietllled ICs and Oold Storage Company: i Deliveries oY Prom 16 to l0U ® rha..00 per toe a 100 • 600 10.00 • • ti00 • 1000 Q. 00 ~ 1000 •8000 8.00 • • 5000 O1' over 6.00 ` Oousicilman Cole moved that the bill appearing to be the same and that the IndeDe~ident Ioe, Peed and'PUeI ,.G?~i^^ Co., being a local concern and employing help~thaL sontraat be awarded the Independent, Ioe, ?eefl and Ynei Co. Potion aeaonded by awnoilman Irving and carried by the Yoliowing vote, to Rit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Sm16h, Holmes. hoes, uona. Clean City Sirs. aathWa appeared perore the Council and stated that as Deooratioa Day is nearlOg, something oasht to Cemetery. be done toward cleaning up the Old Cemetery, and requested that the Canaoil tote some notion. Coulioilman smith j morel that the matter be roferred to tt?e Park Oommittae to eaploy one or >.ore men to yrooeed witD Lhe cleaning f oY t1?e cemetery as suggested. Seotion eaoondad Dy Councilman Cola and oarried. Res.adDt• izeaotution of the 11eYOr sad CoaooII Council et the City or Can Bernardino adopting plane, profile and P. &.S. King st. sped fiaatic,as Yor the laprove>oent of Bing Street by the construction of a vitrified Dipe sewer therein was read sewer. '= -- in lull Yor the first time ani >satd over Yor final hassags. k _.___..,..__...__....___~_..._._v_,__. ~ ~ Bills. the City Clock was suthorized to issue warrants io_~ claims approved by the Mayor a~:d Finance Committee this date, by tho following voto, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, ChamUera, Smith, Holmes. Noes, none. A st. storm Th° City Engineer reported in the matter of the A straet Storm Drain, that he had made three surveys nrain'. and presented estimate of cost of the three propositions. • 6. A. Atwood and Attorney S. 'r~. LoNabb stated their views on the proposed storm drain. Coaneilmau Cole moved that the matter be laid over one week. Notion seconded by Councilman Smith and • {ii carried. i • f J.K.Kenn©dy. J. R. Kennedy appeared before the Council slid asked for permission to conduct and carry on an auction Auc.license. sale to reduce hip jewelry atoak at 5113 inird straet. Couaai.man 9rath moves that Yr. Kennedy be granted 30 3 days in which to conduct auction sale to dispose of his own stocz, and license bs-remitted. Potion seconded j by Councilman Cole .,nd carried. (las Hearing. Councilman Smith moved that on account of representative of the Southern California Cas Company being 1 laid ovr. unable to be present, that hearing of ga:,~ eompanles be cei;tinued two wed a, to bs taken up dune 3rd, 191Q. ^ Notion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. _ Prs.P. & S. _ Councilman Chambers moved the the City $nEineer be inatructed,to Drapare Plana and apecificationa for ~ sewer. ~ ' ~ King & K. the aoastiuction of saner in King Street, from ilt. Vernon Ave., to K Street,•thence south on K street to j Rialto Ave. Lotion seconded by Councilman Irving and aarriad. ##V Resurface Councilman Cole moved that the matter of resurfacing D Street between sec+:nd end Third Streets with oil D,znd to ord. ed macadam be referred ~o the Street superintendent and City ;~gineer to inrnish estimate of cost for such repair. !lotion seconded by Councilman Smith and aarriad. Protest grt. Councllman Smith moved that Detitiou protesting the granting of Franchise on Rialto Ave., be tat en up elec. i'ranoh. • and read. Potion seconded by Councilman Cols and aarriad. >ihereupon the C191Y read petition presented i at previous meeting. flatter wua discussed, and it was the sense of the Council that the property oonera re- siding on Rialto Are., and representativs of the Pacific Electric Co., meet together that the proposed fran- chise might be modified. r. • Councilman Chambers moved that the City Attorney be instructed to communicate with the Pacific Electric Co., anti iorwara a copy of protest to effect agreement with propertl owners and Pacific L~lectric Oo., ti f possible. lt.C. lick enney, President of the Chamber of Comaerce stated that he had inteiwiewed Yr. Pillsbury, Chief Sngineer of the Pacific Yleatrio Co., and that they would have ito troable in settling theis ptp cation with the ezeeption oY freight frdnehise. Councilman ~¢ith rorecl tiaA as an amendment to Councilman Chambers motion, asst that City Attorney Allison insert lenght of trains to be hauled. Cauneilman Irving cored that Ilr.; Pilletury of the Paciiie rlsetrle Co., be invited LO attend the Crttn- aii seating next Monday night and that the residents of Rialto ere., be incited to be present to effect a set- tleslant iY possible. a.otioa seoouded by Councilman Smith and carried. Bt.AUpt. couaailsan Irving awved that tIIe Street 8apesintendent be i~atrnoted to construct l;a-roan Grain pipe at con. Pipe titn st. bth Street School House to 4th Street. Motion seoond:~d by Ceunaii~n CrYlbsxs a;.a assried. C.B.Pre. Councilmn Irving soved that fns City linginees ba instructed to prepare plans and specifications far P.Ifc S. 8dwalk. aider:?lk and et~rbe on Risagias Street tram i[t. Yernoa Ave., to SLan:Cord Street. Lotion seconded by Cotmailsan / Y.ingsan. CAasbers and carried. iipoe entice Of Councilman 9sith,altly seconded biy Councilman Chambers and carried, the Council aa,~ous~ to seat Londay, !ley 7th, 291:1, at 'I :3J o~cloak P.Y. ` A9P roved this day of May, lOl:a. ~ ci'~~iF~- ~r of c ty oz Ban ~ernsra~no. City Hall, San Bernardino Calif. Yey 24th, 191x. i l Special meeting oi~ the Mayor and Com~'~on Council of the C1ty oY san Bernardino, held ?+rid$y clay the ~;4th~ 1918, aalled for the ~.urpoae oY canvassing the roturns of Annexation Election he13 in the City of San Berner~ino a7:d in that certain territory Proposed to be annexed, Wednesday the ~znd day oY 1[sy, 191:6. I YeeLing sus called to order by flavor IIright at e:15 0~~:lock P. Y., th~~ Yollowirig membera'of the Council being present: Councilmen Irving, smith, Holmes, City $lerk'Batchelor. Absent: Councilmn Cole and Councilman 3Clith Boned that th© Council proceed to canvass the returns as delivered Lo the Clerk by the Elec'ion i olYicera oT their respective Proeincts. Potion seconded lyy Councilman Irving and carried. i whereupon the Cou~~cil proceQded to canvass the returns oY such lnnexetion i:leetion which reeultad as Yellc+~?s: Precinc± No. 1. No. a. No. d. tto. 4. lto. i. total for City. xo.e. j ---------- - -- ---- - - -- _-- --- 16 76 M2 102 d9 ~4 is )or Annexation.••••••••••••••• ~ Against AaneuaLion.••...••••.••.••.• 87 28 88 l 66 181 Yl7 ~ ---~ ' Total Vote 4aet:: 681 ~ . There being no further baeinesa to Dome before the Council, Councilman Smith moved to adjourn. Potion aec- onda3 by Councilwa?~ Holmes and carried. Approved tuie attY of 1cay, lelu. ~ ~,~~e-~~-~ • Ci y fller>: Or oY De City a San Bernardino. ' ;r ' ' F . i City Ha11,.8an Bernardino, Calif. Yey 27th, 191x. Regular adjourned neeting of the Mayor and Co¢a:.on Council of the City of San Bernardino, held YondaY Nay z7th 1Ulu. l(eoting was called to order by 4layor Bright at v:4b o~clock P. Y., the following IIeIIbers oP the Council being I presort, to-wit: Councilmen Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. P.bsent : Noes. 1 iiinutes oi~ the provioua meeting xere react a::d approved. ~ )<inutea of the special neeting were read ai:d approved. € xes.oi'ha, xesoiution oP the 1layor and Comcion Council oY the City oi' Sa:: Bernardino declaring their intention ? No. Oats Sidewalk. to inl~rove O street between Tenth Street and Base Line, by constructing cement coneiete aidewalke and curbs 1 ~t?,bet,40th ' &c 13.L. therein, was read i'or Final passage. Upon motion oi' Cow:cilman Smith, duly seconded by Co~~~;eflmen Irving and eai°ried, F.eaolution was laid over for two weeks. f Res.adpt. xesolution adopting plan. profile and spec;ifi'eationa for the improvement of King Streot, between Yt. ~ Y.& B. vsrnon Ave., anu a point bbb Yeet west by the construction of a vitrii'led pipe sewer thzrein, was read for sewer ~'~ KinY ;~t. final passage and adopted by the Yolloging vote,'to-nit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Nod none. Bids oprd. i~hie being the data iized for the opening of bids for paving ? Street, between Second and Tenth Pave Y St. Streets, Councilman Irving moves that the clerk proceed to open such Aida. ftotion seconded by Counei ban , z Cole and carried. Whereupon the clerk proceeded to open such bids which showed as foliewsi Oi/aD~ ~fo+b?r' TA•isa,6d !ow root CJi~.s :I- G(sst B' d B/OOICR grin mnvMe ~ m~r~+drA~'hb'r t~/?•~it t~hrt ~ -"'~f •QOTJ ! ./ X0.39 ~O. f0 >;.Jb yt lQ OQ F,wn s o.zo a.rs a6o ass .ens o.os Co. O.Od9tT 6/7S QA2 o.eo 3..to a.oo 0.03 ~f1 The Bis of the HigLweY COnatrnetion Co., aDpoarit?g to be the latest and beat bid, Oauneil.tan Irv- ing aovW that the eair Did be accepter sad certifies oheoka be returner to uaauacesefol bidders. Notion seconder by Cotn•ciltan BtitII sad carries tiY unanitoas•~ote. F.eaoiution awarding oontract nor the improvement of D Street between eeconr Btrset and Tenth etre~ ~ by paring the roadway thereof, to the HigTA?sy Construction Co., at the price speoiries is their proposal oa '+. file nor said wo=k, wee read Yor the first tits am lair over for final passage. Bids opnd. 'ibis beln$ tho Onto fixes Yor tho openii;g oP the M re for the improvement of BeooIId atreet.brOt~ siaewalk: • ;and,I to I Btreet cad Carter Ars., by the construotioa of cement sidewaik and curb th~reia, Councilmen Chambers Carter. moved that the clerk D=•ooeed open such bids. !lotion seconusd i~ Connaiitan Holies and carried. !hereupon the Ciexic yroceeser to open aueII bid. --.----_____.._..~__.__..._...___._~.__.,_---___.u ~?id oY W. D. Bohan: Curb per lineal Yoot........40~ Bidewulk Der square fooL....18g Crnlncilman Irving moved that the bid of W. ll. Hoban be acoepted end oontract awarded. Potion sec- onded by Councilman Chambers anti carried. lfherouyon a Resolution was introduced awarding contract Yor the improve~ient of Second Straot from I Stn-et to Carter Ave., to Y1. P. Bohan, st the price specified in his pro- posal for• said wort, read in full for Lhe first time and laid over for final passage. Bide opnd. ibis being the date fixed Yor the opening of bids for the improvement oY first Street, between D and nutter. let ,D to E. E street a, by constiuoti2ig cement concrete gutt~;r on the north sine thereof, Councilman Cole proved that the L'lerk proceed to oi:en such bide. Yoticn seconded by Cow~cilaan Smith and castled. TNhereupon the C1e1Y pro- ceeded to oFen such bide which resulted as f'ollowa: Bid oY 1J. D. Bohan: i ~?utter, Der lineal Yoot.........a4~¢ i Bid of Charles: Yci':lvain: Outten, per lineal root.......:.7e3~ I The bid of W. D. Bohan, being the lowest and best bid, Couno~lman Cole moved that the said bid be ao- -~' aepted, and contract awarded, and check of unauccesaful bidder be returned. lfotion eeoonded by Covnoilmaa Aolmea and carried by unanimous vote. Resolution awarding contract Yon the improvement oY Pirat Street, between D and E street by constrnat= f ing cement concrete gutter on the north side thereof, to 11. D. Bohan, at the Drice speClYied in his Dropoeal Yor said worts ?sa read for the first time and laid over for Yin81 Dassage, Bids opnd. This being the date fized for the opeaiing oY bids for the sale of aleotric f'renahiae to coastruet, Eleo.Pranchise. and for fifty years to maintain and oFerate a railroad commencing at the intezaeatioh oS Rialto Are., and E street, thenoe westerly along Rialto Ave. tc..ths west botuidary line of the City of Ban Bernardino, as da- scribed in Hotioe of gale of Yranchiae. There being one bid on file for said franchise, 1[eyor Bright called for resautta before proceeding to open such bid. Attorney R. B. Bledsoe ob~eated to the sale of franchise as advertised, sad asked LhaL protest as Pilo ''1, ` at the previous meeting be read, of which the following is copy: I •1Ce the undersigned property a?ners and residents in that portion of your City affected b6~ the pro- f posed sale of pranahise Yor an f~lectric_Hailway on Rialto Avenue, resDecstYully protest against passing '` ~" } the ordinance sa proposed in advertisement 1'or bids, and petition your Honorable B'o~? sot to pass snap ordimaacse in unaodii'ied fora. Our objections are as followai ~' s~. pirst: 'Me ob~ecL to more than two track s, but are willing to grant two tracks both lain lines, one K' east bound, and oaa west bound. Second: we objeai to one row o= Dolet'ia center of the street, but want the poles put tsp on each side of the street on ourb limes, and property Bass. ~' Zhira: Ne oDjaot to the un2'estristed freight hauling privileges. •e object to the hauling of any freight during Lhe hrnire Of the day, except between Lhe Lours Of 8 P. Y. t0 a A. Y. I~ we would not ob3eet to an ordinance selling Yranehise for Slactric Railway as proposed on Rialto Arenue if 1t contained the above aodifieatiow.• f ltr. Biedsoo atrenously obyeoted to Lhe awarding of Yrai:ahise under ordinanas ns adweaK feed. Geo. E. Pillsbury, Chief Engineer nor the Pacific Bieetria Railway Co., stated jhas hi• coaparsy wo+iM b'e willing to file proper waiver to that certain creation which reeds: •Lwo Or sore track a•--a two treat franchise is all his coapany desires. ltsgarding span poles, won14 file a proper waiver ea to span poles in I~ 1 to span Poles in the Streot. Attorney Byron Ylaters , for +.he Citizens' Committee urged the Council to open bid sa presented, and stated that if the Pacifio Electric Co., would riles prober disclaimer with the Layor and Common Council, it r' ~ would be ~uat as binding as striking out sections of.ordinance, which would require readvertising fcr biQs, and is uitllecessarY 1Lt. Pillslury staled his company would also be willing to insert in waiver that the hauling oP freight will be done at night time, sa near as is Practicable. Oct:Acilman Smith moved that the Cle~c prooeed to open the bid as presented. ifotion seconded by Council- man Cole and oarried. YThereupon the Clark opened the Yollowing '~ d: LOS Angel Be, Cal., ltay ;7th, lul;c. to the Mayor sad Common Council oY the Ciiy of San Bernardino, California. GQP.LlemeII: ' Tne unde~eigned, PaclYic Electric Railway ComDanY, hereby bids the sum oY One Sundred Dollars (~100.C0) Yor that certain franchise heretofore advertised Yor sale, the ease being to construct an and for a period oY fifty years to maintain and operate a railroad, commencing at the intersection of Rialto Avenue aad`Z Btreet; thence westerly along Rialto Avenue to the west boundary line of the City of Sari Bernardino, ea particularly described in Notice of sale oY electric railroad Yranchiae a copy of which is hereunto, annexed and by reYerenoe wade a part hereof. Me herewith enclose the sum of x100.00 Yor said framable. PACiPIC 1.ZEC`i'ItIC HATLWAY 001[P311Y, By Qeo. Pillslsttry, Ch1a~Y Engineer. .~,gror Bright called Yor additional bids, if any, there appearing to be none, Councilman Sm1Lh m~cved that the bid of the Psaifia Eleatrlo Ba11Yay Company bs accepted, and Franchise ae advertised he sold, atrnolc ofY, and awarded to the said PaciYia Slectrio Railway Company, as per t3~eir Did. Yotioa seconded Dy Councilman Chambers and carried by the Yollowing vote, to-wit; Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes, none. i Ord.NO.4+t0i ~ An ordinance oi' the Mayor and Common Council oY the City of Ban Bernardino, granting to the PaciFio ~- Electric Railway Company, its successors and assigns, the right to aonstruat and Fsr *he period oY fifty years to maintain and operate s railroad upon Aud across certain streets, and over the mate and right-oY-way herein described, in the City oY San Bernardino, together with certain appurtenant and incident rights. Bills. 3'he City Cleric was authorized to issue wari•ante YOr claims presented and approved by the Mayor and Fin- ance Committee this date, by the Yoliaring vote, to-wit: Ayes, Coie, Irving, Chaffers, Smith, Holmes. floea,nono. Rap. C.S. Report of Street SnDerintendeat E. H. Kellogg and City Bhgineer K. F. Tuttle of estimate of cost for the ~ St.supt. Redur.D. improvement oY ll Street, between Second and Third Streets, by resurfacing Lhe roadway thereof, and oonstruotiag Dement gutter and culvert at the intersection of Second and D Streets, was presented and reed. Oounailman Smith loved that the matter be laid on the tabl®. lfotion seconded by Counailmaa Cole and oarried. Prc.i?ert- reLition of property owners living is the district along First Street betwee®A and C streets, protest- . E'r Works. lag the operations oY the woodbridgs Fertilizer Cols plant oA said Street, and pe+.itioning the Council to take somh cation as will De nsaeseary to abets suoa ~~uisance, was presented and read. Councilmen Cole moved that the ~ ChieY of Police be 1nst~uatod to enforce the Ordinance relating to suoh nuisance. YoLion seconded bF Councilman ~ Irving and serried. B.of H.rea. Cosmainioation froa the Board of riesith reawa„eadiag the appointment of Pound Master was present e4 end Poona Yaet. read. Councilman °..nith moved that the iattei oY aLi~inting a bound master he laid over oas week, alL1 the Olen authorized to purchase required cumber of dog tags Yor the year ending July let, 1811. lfotion Qniy seaonQed t? Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, to-wil: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Ss~ith, Soiass. .V ~ , .,i~ I N Not.3[ome The City .Clerk xas ~nairuct~d to notify the San Bernardino Hone Telep';one and Telegraph Co., that T.& T.CO. overdue. the percentage of tho gross annual reaoipta, arising from the use and operation of the said syate~ is over- due. Lotion seconded by Councilman Chambers and ca~:ried. • O.A.A. Councilman Chambers moved that the 6. A. R., be grantefl the use of the public str~~ete to parade ~ '~ Parade. on Thursday, 1[ay y0th, 192~c. Potion seconded by Coin?oilman Hoimea and earriod unanimously. Ord.481. ~ Ordinance requiring the disposal of all refuse and combustible material; providing Yor notice to Refuse. dispose of the same and prescribing a method for the collection of the cost and ezpenaes of the disposal thereoY,~and a penalty for a violation, was read in iuli for the first time and laid aver for fYnal paeaage. i Orfl.48;c. An Ordinance declaring it unlawful for any person using certain mesas oi' conveyance to attach himaelY Yehieles. h~~.~~• or ouch conveyance to moving evaveyanoes on the public streets, or to secretly eater or attempt to enter or to secret himself upon vehicles; slid providing a punishment therefor, waa read in full for the drat time and ~ and laid over toa~ i'inal passage: O.h.Pre. Councilman Chambers moves that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Diana and specifications for P.&.3. Sidewalk the construction of a sidewalk and curb oIl Second Street between F and a Streets, also Aisito Ave., between Rialto. ;cad. I and K Streets. Potion second9c~. by Councilman Irving and carried. ~ . Pres.P.& 3. City Engineer K. F. Tuttle presented plans and specifications as follows: ~/ • Seger on King street, between Yt. Vernon Ave., at:d K Street, thence south on R st. to Rialto Ave. . • Sewer on Bii'tr, street from lft. Vernon Ave., to Stanford Ave. Tompkins slo•~:gh drai[t pipe running from Fifth Street School to Fourth Street. " Sidewait and curb on 141sgs~an Street from Lt. Vernon Ave., to a point 700 feet rest. Councilman Chambers moved that the said planx and specifications be referred to the City Attorney. Yo- tion seconded by Councilman Holmes ana carried. Clerk adv. Councilman Irving roved that the clerk be authorized to aflv~rtise for bids for the aonatruation of a Bida.4th Et. slough. usiin p1De in Fourth Street slough. !lotion seconded by CouLCiiman Smith and carried. Ac.Bids B St. Councilsan Smith moved that the Street superintendent be authorized to accept bids for making fill in - Fill. B Street, between Third and l+ourth Streets. Yotio[~ seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. A st. Strm Councilman Chambers moves [.hn. ~hn matter or A Street storm drain be laid ovsr one west. Yotioa - DraiII. `~' seeoaded by Councilman Cole and carried. v Upon motion made by Cou~:cilsan Smith, duly seco[[dcxi by Co[uiailman Chambers, the Council ad,~OltTIIed to seat liondaY, dune ord, 181.0, at 7:30 o'cioct P. l[. ~ppro+~ed this daY of Jriae, 181:x. or of the Cl o! San Bernardi ' E11t T 1 4 ~~a s~ ;;fig City Hall, Ban Bernardino, Calif. June 3i•d, 191x. Regular adjourned s,oeting eY the Layor and Com:,on Council oY the City oY San Bernardino, held Monday June ilyd, 1916. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Bright at 8:00 o•elook P.l[., the following members of the Council be- present: Councilmen Cole, Irving, Ctambera, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. J+inutea oY the previous maeting were read and approved. Oea Hear- rhia boing the date fixed Yor the fearing o~ gas companies in the matter or fixing a rate for gas as ir.g. ' Rate Fix- measured at the consumers Dremises in the City oY San Bernardino. Mayor Bright presented matter and ask ed if companies were ready to proceed and show cause why rates should not be Mixed at ;1.Ob as per report oY J.F Beiicer. The aub~ect waa argued some two hours and thirty minutes, the Yollowing participating: Bor the Southern California Oas Co., Attorney Henry Ooodcell. ]tanager C. ]t. Orow, Vise-Pi°esident 0. N. Kemp and l.E. Barret from d. 0. white and Co., flew York. 'tor the San Bernardino Valley Oaa Co.~ ittomey B. Dal ey and Manager Z. T. Bell. J. P. Barker, expert employed by the Com,.,ittee appointed by the Mayor to investigate tho matter oY fixing gas rate presented additional report showing figures from which report recommending that the f rate be fixed at ;1.06 waa computed. It was moved by Couneilaian Irving that the gee rate for the City oY san Bernardino be fixed at s1.06 per thousand cubio Yeet as aeasured at consumers premises, and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance to that efYeet. Potion seconded ub+ Counoil>aan Chambers. Councilamn Smith stated that in as ankh as • es he world like to see the people enaoying a better rate, tha>ti the present one of #l.lb, Lhat ltr. Barkers report aho?ea conclusively that the rate of ;1.06 would practically put the San Bernardlno Va12ey t>es Co., out of business, and urged that the rate remain as >It present. Upon calling roll, motion made by Councilman >Irving cost as per the following vote, LOarit: Ayes, Irving, ChsmDers. floes, Cole, Smith, Holmes. whereupon Mayor Bright declared the motion lost. Cow:cila~an Cole moved that the gas rate Yor the ensuil~g.,yeax be YYxed et ;1.16 per thansand cubio feet. Potion seconded by Councilman SatitL acid carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Chambers, Smith. ' _ Hoes, Irving, Hol.ares. °Nhereupon I<iaEl?or Bright declared the motion carried. Ord.llo. An Ordinance Mixing and establishing the rate to be charged and collected Yor gas by any peraoa, fire 483. ~- or corporation supplying or distributing gas to the City of San Bernardino, or to the inhabitants thereof for the year commencing the fat day of August, lal:a and e;:ding on LIIe 31st day oP July, 1813, was read !or the first Limo snd laid over for final passage. Rea.oY Awd. :resolution awarding oonLrao4 for the ilgprovement of ! St between ;cud and 10th st., by paving the I1o.487. _ 1? St. roadway thereot, to the HitbAray Construction Co., at the price apeeiried is then proposal on file Yor said work wee read in tall for the seeo~ Lille and adopted by the follo~~ing vote, Loa?it: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chamberaa, Smith, Holmes. Res.oY Awd. tcesolution awarding contract Yor Lhe i~a'ouwiat of pirst Street, between D and )i St., by the coastrao- 10.488. 28t.Ontter Lion oY a cement concrrete gutter on the north aide thereof, to D. Bohan at the price speclYleQ in his pro- posal oII file for said wort, was read in ittll Yor rival passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Ir?ins, Chamber~•, with, Holmes. !Iles, none. l Rea.oY Atd. Aesoiution awarding oohtract Yor Lhe imp~rovaeent oY Second~Stroet, between Carter Ave., and I Streets llo.4av. • ~ :6AQ.RQwk. by the construction oY Decant oohorete aidewaik and Dash therein, Lo w. D. Bohan et the Dri w specified is his • proposal on Pile Yor said work was read in Pull Yor final passage and adopted by Lhe foiiowiag vote, to-vit: Ayes, Cols, bring, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. noes, nose. - -... Ord.21o. In Ordinance; of rho 1.{ayal~ and COSitL'o11 Counei] of the City of San Bernardino, firanting to the Paeifie 480. Electric Company. its saee~r:sors 3ttd assigns, the right to construct and Par the period of fifty years to main- . f 4 taro and operate a railroad upon and across curtain streets, and over the r:uta and right-of-way herein des- { soribed, in the City of san Bernardino, together with certain appu.rtanant and incident rights, was read in full for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Apes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. t Noes,'none. Waiver. lfiBR8A8, tho Pacific Electric Company wda on the x~1th day of fray, 1912, awared and sold a franchise by the 1(ayor and Common Council of tz:e City of San Bernardino to construct and for a period of fifty years ro main- tain and operate an electric railroad tkith two or more tracks over the route aEEd along and aoroaa the following streets or highways, to wit: Commencing at the intersection of Rialto Avenue and •E~ Street; thence westerly along Rialto AvelEUa to the west boundary line of the City oY San Bernardino; provided that the grange shall have the alternative right of leaving said Ris.to Avenue at any point and tanning along private right-of-way snd across • all intersecting streets aisd alleys; west~~rly to the said city boundary. And 91Hk:i~r,AS, the undersigned, Paeifio~i;leetric Railway Company, is willing to limft ieid franchlse to the construction of two }reeks where said railroad is evastruated on Rialto Avenue, ' NOw 2HERi;PORB, these prsienta witnesesth:- That the Pacific Eleotric Failway Company, in accepting said franchise, heret~y agrees that in the constn~- ~ ~ ~ tion of the said railroad on Rialto Avenue that it will not at any tide eonatr'act more than two railroad traoka on said Rialto Avenue, iL being understood that where said railroad runs over private right-oi'-way and across int~r- seeting streets and alleys said company reserves the right to construct two or 'more railroad traQka and this waiver is liteited to that portion of said route ruru~ing alotlg Rialto Avenue, in said City. And the undersigned, in accepting said Franchise, heret3y Prather agrees that it will nse span pole conatru- etion and will sot uee center pole consttuotidn along that portion oY said route where ssaid railroad is eon atrnoted along Rialto Avenue. ' It being understood that whets said railroad is eonstruatad along private right-ot-way and aoroas lnter- • aectiag streets and alleys center pole construction may be used. The undersigned, in accepting said franchise, agrees that it will handle ita:~frelghL fasiaess through said city in the nighttime as far as practicebla. iH WITNL83 igi:lASO», the Pacific nleatrio Railway Company has caused these presents to Ds executed by its ' Vies-President anti Secretary thereunto duly authorised this :d9th day of clay, 191s. - PAOIi?IC 1~CTRIC RAILWAY COHPAAY BY PAUL SOUP, ?ioa-Preaidsut. (Seal ) And w.t.Ci$,I,i~lY1T, Secretary. Upon reacting the foregoing Councilman Smith Eno~ed that the said waiver be aeeeDted and appended to Ord inaaoe i~o. 480, and LIIa ClerY inatruated Lo oextity and cause ease to bs published with and at the ease ti`s as i Ordinance ]lo. 480. ]lotion secoaded.by Councilman Cole and carried by the following rote, to-nit: Ayes, Cola, IrviEig, Chasbers, Smith , Holstas. noes, none. Accept- i•0 !HZ HOITORA~ 31AY0& A8D OQ10W1A COIAiCILOY Tii1i CITY O1~ 8AN H1:&1ARAI1/0:- anee. Oeaitleaaa:- ;he undersigned, Paaii'ia Sleatrio Railway OotDnEdr, hereby aaeepts the terse and conditions , of that serrate Yranahiae for the ooastrueLion oT as electric railroad over the routs and stung and saross the following straota or highways, to wit: Cc~meacing at the interssction of Rialto Avenue and •s• street; thence westerly along Riaito Avsans to ~ the west boundary line of the City of San Bernardi>~. Provided, that the grantee under said franchise shall have the altarn:,ti~e rlght of lsawln~ tDe said Rialto Avenue aL say p01nt ants r1i11Ellag along private right-oY-way and aarose all interesetislg streets and allays ~ westerly to tAe said city boundary. l~ s~ 'FY the grantee under said Sranehise shall exereiae its said right to build along said private right-- of-way the same shall be aH nearly parallel to said Rialto Avenue as practicable. ~- And said Company herewith files its bond in the penal sum oY pive Hundred Dollars (~600.00~ running i,, to tine said City conditioned that it will well and truly fulfill and perf'oral eaoh and every term and con- dition of said f'rsnchise. PICIYIB ELEOTATO AAILIIAY COLPANY. BY PAUL, 8Ei0UP, Vias-President. And W. A. CULL~DEN, Secretary. • Bond•oY P.~".Co. Bond in the sum of X600.00 was presented. Oouncllmari 3mitA moved that the bond of the PaclYio Electric Railway Company be aco,~pted and approved. Motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following tote, to wit: Ayes, Oole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. •Noes, none. Ord.No.h81. An Ordinance requiring the dlapusal oY all refuse and combnatibis materi8l; providing for notice Refuse. to d1~=pose of the same and prescribing a method Yor the collection of the coat anal Kpea~aes of the disposal thereof, and a penalty for a violation,`waa read in 21131 for final passage and adopted by the following rote, to-wit: eyes, Cole, Irvi~~g, Chambers, 3niLh, Holaes~ Nova, none. ~ ~~??0o 44 An Ordinance declaring it unlawful Yor any person using certain ~peans oY conreyanas to attach him- ~ Or~ehiclga: aelY or such conveyanos to moving conreyanoes on the pabiia streets, or to secretly enter or attempt to en- tor or to secret himself upon vehicles; and providing a punishment therefor, was rasa in full•for final pas- sage and adapted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, CLambera, Smith, Holmes. Noes, none. Rep.of Chief' Resort oY the Chief o2 Polias Yor the month of Lay, 1812 was presented and read. Councilman oY Police. Chambers moved that the report be reaeired and placed on file. Lotion seconded by Cauna110an Smith and carried. Rep.oY City ~' Report oY she City &lectrician for the month of z~ay, i91a, was presented.. Ca:~nailman Smith moved &leetriciai. that the report be received and placed on f119. Lotion seconded bY~Couneilman Chambers and carried. ' Btds~bfpaaleiQ.' Street Superintendent T. H. Sella-presented sealed proposals as received by him for melting fill t in B Street culvert. Councilman Smith moved that the City Clerk proceed to open such bids. Lrotion seconded I by Councilman Chambe_s and carried. f, ' (1) To the Honorable Layer and Coon Council oY the City of San Bernardino. 1` Gentlemen: we the undersigned wiil~fill in orsr 'Pam Cre4c lrroya with the dirt that is on tIIe ad~aoent harms esMmatsd at YiYteen hundred yds Yor the sum of X188.00. James licsNair Paring Oo. , by daces Yo>tair. (a) I herei~y propose to coaTpiste Yiil in B 8t., at R'own Creek with aeterial ear on the bents soaord- iag to apeoiriaations furnished ~ the 8treeL Sept., for the lump sui of 'lire xuhared and ?wanly no/100 f Dollars. Tine a6 days Sroi date or aontraat. Gooding ana Courtright, by Guy Gooding. ($) S.H. Sellogg, supt. of streets. Dear sir: I will present dirt oh the ground for fill oY the B street oulrert between 2rd and 4th ` straeL for the stet of ~:ab0.oo. Chas. LlaBiraia. the bid of Jasq 1WNa,ir Paring Oo., Detag the lowest ~d best Did, Coune3laan Irving s>ored that said bid be accepted and contract a?arded the said aosrpany. lbotion seconded by Counaiiaan Oole and Q,ari'1ed by the iollawing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Colo, Irving, Oheabera, with, itolaes. hoes, nose. `°' O.B.yres.P.e 3. City lcnglnaer 1C. t. Tuttle presented plans and $peciYiaati~•na for sidewalk and anrb on $arond find & Rialto 3dwka. street Deta?een Y and G streets, also for sidewalk oa the north side oY B3slto Are., between i Street end ~ ~•+ltreet:• Councilman Irring morel that the said plans and apecifiaations be referred to the Qity Attorney • Notion seconded by Councilman Chambers :a[id aar~ied. _ '•? n Rep.B.of H, communication from the Board of flaalth i°r'connen~ling removal of oleaudor trees along sidewslks in the trees & sewers. City, also that ssvrers be eonstruoted in Park Street betwee~~ H and I Streets, and in Orange Street between B and C Strdets. Councilman Smith ~poved that report be ra~ceived and placed on file, ooauotlman--srr4t14 1. _r • me~re~~that the City Euginaer 3>e instructed to prepare plans and ::pecii'ieations for sewers in Orange and Park ~ c1.-.d • Streets as recouwiended by the Boai•d oT Health. 9e~ilmau=SmltA=1&ewed that the Street Superintendent be in- structed to remove all oleander trees on sidewalks as per report of Board of Health. Potion aeaonded by Councilman Irving and carried. Bills. The aitiy Clerk was authorised to issue warrants as par claims ap:~•roved by the Mayor sad Finance Com- mittee :his date by the following vote to-wit: Ayes, Cola, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Hol®ea. Noes, none. Rep.st.3upt. Re,,ort of the Street SuperlntendanL of operations of the Street_Department for the month of 1[ey, 191:c ?nor uay. was presented snd read. Councilman Chambers moved that the report be received and recomneadatiens be flaforre`_ to be taken up at the next aseting. Lotion seconded by Councilman Irvii:g and carried. PeL.LO 011 Petition of property owners on B Street petitioning the Council to Degin prooeedinga Yor the improve- B st . went of B Street by surface oiling and cement gutters, and providing necessary culverts and gutters for drain-- age, was Freseated and read. Councilman Smith moved that the City Engineer 1e instructed to prepare plans and specifications Yor the oiling oi', and constructing gutters in B Street, between 4th St., and Bgae sine. Yotioa seconded td Councilman Holmes and Carried. ret.Balt ord. Yetitioa requesting the Council isy out and establish a ball ground in Yeadowbroai[ Park was present- 1[eadowbi0ok Pk. ed and read. Councilman Chambers moved that t!}e re4ueat of petitioners be granted. Potion seconded by Coun- cil Smith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cola, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. lFOea,. none. i Res.adpt.P.rkS. Resolution of the Mayor and Oom~n Oounoil of the City or San Bernardino, ssdoyting plan, profile, II King & K swr. _ and specifications for the improvement of King Street and H Street in the OitY of San Bsrnardino,.by the . construction of an 8-inch vitrlYisd plpe serer therein, was read in full Yor the first tine and laid over Yor i Yinal passage. • I Reg.adpt.P.B~s. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City oY son Bernardino, adopting plan, profile and I bth 8t.ae~er. apecifiaatione for the improvement of Pifth Street, by eonatruatiag a vitrified D1pe sewer therein, was read in Pull for the first tine and laid over for i~inai passage. ` ` r Res.adpt.P.&s. Resolution adopting Dian, orosa section, and apecii~icationa Yor the coaatrnction of a Cement aonerete Kingman sdwk. sidewalk and curb on the worth aide and on the south aide oY Kingman Street, vas read In full for the first time and laid over Yor final passage. Pet.Ord.for A 1[r. Bhort appeared DeSoreLhe Oouncil and requested Colutoil to adopt Ordinance regniriag coffered Auto dolored lights. lights regntatiaa speed of automobiles. Ho aatlon taken. :a Upon motion or Counoi hen Smith, duly ascsonded by Councilman Ohaabers the Council ad,ouraed to seat `" Londay, Jhne 10th, 181x, at 7:3U o•ciock P. Y. k 'i ~ Apyrovad this June. 181x. ` ~ ~~~7 ~ of Y Ban dine. . .>;~r, > r City Hnll, San Bernardino, Calif, dune 10th, lOlR. '~ Regular adjourned ~e,~ting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City o2' San Bernardino, held Yon- ~ day, dune 10th, 191.4 Lasting waa valise :v order by Mayor Bright at B:VO o•clock P.Y., the Yollowing.mem-. bare of the Council being present, to-wit: alruncllmen Cole, Irving, Ch:~mbera, smithy Holmea, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. f Linutea of the previous meeting were .•ead slid apyroved. ~ j Rea.of Int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council oi• the City oP son Bernardino declaring their intention to No.49tl. 0 9dwalles.iaprove "4` Streot in sal d, City, by constructing cement aonarste aiQewalk¦ and curbs therein, waa read in ful_. for final passage. lfpon motion of Councilman Smith, duly accorded by Councilman Cole and carried, Resolution was laid over f'or two weeks. Rea.adpt. Fleaolution adopting plan, profile and speciiicationa for the.improt+Nent of King 8tree~ from Yt.Vsrnaa;: P.& 3. ' Sewer to K street, thenoe south on K Street to Rialto Avenue, by oenstiueting an 8-iaah vitrified pipe aswer there- King & K. in, waa read in sail for final passage and adopted by the foliaring vote tsTwit: Wyss, Ovle, truing, Chaaber Smith, Holmse. 1FOes, Hons. Aes.adpt. .~esolu~ion adopting plan, vross-aeetion and specii'ioations Yor the construction of a cement concrete °.dc 8. SdwK. aideeralk and curb in Kingman Street Yrom the west line'oY Yt. Vernon Avenue to a pout 700 feet westywea read Kingaan. in fu1L for final DBasag'e and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmea. Res.a_dpt. Resolution adopting Dlaa, Profile and specifications for the improvement oY Yifth Street between Yt. P.& S. Seger Vernon Ave.,tlri a point 9b9.9 feet weal, by~conatructing a vitrliied pips sewer thereto, waa read in still for 5th St. i'inal passage, and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmea. Noes n411A. Ord. lio. An Ordinance i'1Y1nS ai:d establishing the rata to be charged and collected for gas t~ any Denson, firs 483. Oas. or corporation, supplying or distributing gee to the City of son Bernardino, or to the inha MEants therssl for the year Commencing August 1st, 1Q1;~, and ending dtily 31st, lY1S, was read in Yell i'or Final passage. C~ilaan Chambers moved to amond said Ordinance by striking out section relating to aster oharge and insert t " ingA'seation regulating Dreasnre Yrom 4 to Ir-inch water column asastu~e, and the Ordina•_~.oe bs referred bast to the City Attorney for correction. 1lOtion seconded by Couucllaan Smith and carried. 1E. Richardson, beaked by a large delegation, appeared beiora the Council anQ stated he was reepons- ible Yor the ffib-~b,~ his people would not stand for a ;1.16 gas rats, sad if snah Ordinance was pasasd, they world apply the referendua, and establish a dollar rate. Councilman Chambers stated he would like to see the referendua invoked as 1t would settle the matter i Yor all ties, then ii' rate were established that would not hold in COart, the people tbASmlf~M would bs rs- epoasibie. Attorney 8tephensoA stated he had not gone into the aattsr ?ery thourg3ly, put felt the Council would nsY a no mistN[e in fixing the rate stE X1.06 1a bshelY of the Deople1as against the lass intsresLs. H. P. Mrnnr urged a lower rats. ~ • / ~ Douncilaan Holaee stated foots as Dreasnted at Hearing of Oas Cami.antes, and in enpport of the Cotuz- \ eilaea voting for the }i.16 rate: Councilman Smith stated it would cost saga! to fight the case in Court, sad tT?at he welcomed the refere~:dua that the taz payers can then Qsaids Yor thwselvss if they ors willing tq Dear the burden. 3. T. Sell stated they would have plenty oi' litigation if iota waa sstablisheu leas than X1.16. r 1 Councilman Irving ~:,oved to reconsider vote of last week, stating that if the gas ooapaniea wsiasdr~e to ~i go Lo Court, might dust as well havo it out nor. as any time. Councilman Smith moved to proceed with the next order of business. !lotion sea~nded by Ow+,uiluwlt vhambers and carrieu. ~ Pet.B.Y.CO. To the Honorable Board or trustees, San Bernardino, Calii'ornia. • Track. Gentlemen: Your petitioner, s0U11iH:RN PACIa'IC CO?IPAHY, a corporation, represents that in order to pro- perly asrve its patrons at San Bernardino, that it is necessary that we extend our present train track across Second Street, as shown in red on Lha'attaohed blue-print Southern District il. lr. X-1sa8. Your petitioner further represents that ha has made arrangements to build said aide Lrark as sooa as permission is granted by your Honorable Body authorizing the excavation of aforesaid Hecond Htreet. liBRa'?4RE, your petitioner respectfully requests a permit be granted i'or excavation, etc., in said second Street for construction of railroad track over and across acid Secen3 s treet, the routs of which tract is described as Yollowa, to-wit: Beginning `at s point ih the oenter line'of the present traGc of the Southern Pacific Company,'ehid point being 119 feet more or Usa,northerly from Lhe southerly terminus of ~oresaid track; theaoa northerly'to a point in the southerly line of Second street; thenoe continuing northerly acroaa 8eoond Street to the norther- ~.5 ly line oi' Second Street, said point being westerly 13 rest froze the Dent@r line of the present gain trams of the Southern Pacific Company where same crosses the northerly line of aforesaid Second 8trest; thence contin- wing northerly aoroas~private property as shown on the attached blue-print Southern District 1I.R. R-iss8. . Ana your petitioner will ever pray, etc., 30U'BiERN PAOty'IC Co, By wi Y. Platt, (}BI[. Councilman Chambers noted that the Southern PaciYic Co „ be granted Dermlesion to excavate and construct a railroad tract over and across Second Street, as per their petition filed this date. Yotian seconded bq . Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cols, IT16illg, pAsarbsrs, Saith, Hols:es. pose, none. Pet .Pool Petition oY W. B. Duncan for Dermission to cenduet a pool rooa at ~s4`i std St., was presented and read. Rosa. Councilman Irving moved that the Detition be referred to the Chief of roiice to investisste and report beet. . 1 !lotion ssooiided by Councilman Cole and carried. Bond R.p. bond of R. p. Tuttle as prinoipal, and the AmsrlaaA Bonding Co:, of Baltimore as surety, in the sum of Tuttle. ~ r One ~oaiand'Dollars woes presented for approral. Daaaoiimsa.~#1<h?-aoved ~hat.said'Hond be aaeapted and approved. . , Lot1oA seoondefl by Councilman Holmes and carried. Pet.Lighta. riRition for limit ~ tRe south side of Yt. Pornon School Yard, silo at the corner of Pine and darner Streets ?as presnted and read. Ooancilman Irving moved that tI?e Detition be referred to the tight Committee to investigate and report baci[ at next meeting. Potion seconded ~ Councilman Cheabass and carried. Rea.adpt. 8esolntion adopting, plan, section and apecifieationa for the eonatiuetion of a cement concrete side?alk P.ac $. ' Rialto and curb On Rialto Avenue, betreen I Street and R 8trest, in the City oY eaa Bernardino, was read in full for the +' BdwY . first ties anti laid over for final passage. Res:aQpt. Kssolution adopting piaa, section and specifications Yor the construction es a eaaemt.eonarete sidswalt P.~ S. 'and Sdwk. and curb on the north side and o7l the south side of Second Street Detwee~n P 8trest and 8 8tzeet, in the CitY'of Ban Bernardino, was read in full Yor the first time and laid offer for final peseage, tiea.ci' Int. xeeolution of the llayror aid Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to im- llo.600 . ' Bewer prove Ring and K Street, by constructing s vitrified pips sower therein, was read in itiJl for the first time and a` K. laid over Tor rival passage. ,,t-~ Res.of Int. liesolution of the Itayor and Common Council of the City of Ban Bernardino, declaring their intention to im- l10.601. .sewer. prove fifth 8trest, in said City, DY oonetrueting a vitrif'1ed yips sewer therein, wau read in lull for the first 6th et. time and lain over for final passage. Rss.ot Int. Resolution of the ](ayor and Co•,amol~ Co+.uleil of the City of San Bernardino deelarir!g their inten- No.60S. lCing~pan st. tion to improve Hingman Street in said City, by oonstructing cement concreto sidexalge anfl curbs there- ddwK. ! in, was read in lull for the first time anti laid over Yor final Dassage. Bills. The City Clerk xss autl~or~zed to isaua.>'ar>.an6s for claims approved by the Mayor and Tinance Com_ j mittee this date, by the following vote, t0-wit: Ayes: Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holslas. floes, 110n 9 . 1 Tompkins The matter of trhe TOmys~ns Slough llrain waa discussed. Councilman Holaea Honed that it be the j Brain. sense of this Council that the propsrty.ownera beueiYtted by ouch draln be notified that Lhey have the alternative of furnishing a free rigY.t-oi'-way for such drain, or the Council will be compelled t0 ore- ate an asaeasment diatllet, and install such stain at the sapenae of ttra proyerty oxners. Ltotion eec- onded by Councilman Irving and oarried. ` keadOwbrook Pk. Councilman Smith moved that the City Y;ngineer eo-overate with the Superintendent of Streets in i Ball around. the rilatter of instxl3ing a base ball ground in Headowbrooic Par1~. lwtion seconded by Councilman Chao- beta. Councilman Irving moved to amend motion that matter be postponed until tihe Council can look over ii { the grounds. Amendment accepted by .Councilman Smith with consent of second. notion carried. l C.B.Prea. city Engineer K. p. Tuttle yreaented plane and apeeifieations Yor I Street outfall sewer and r.a s. I St.But- district incluuing Bth, 7th, tsth, Spruce, Kingman, Pine and L Streets. Councilman Holaas coved that , fall. the Baia plans and specifications be referred to the City Attoraeq. Potion seconded by Ccuncilman Hollces and carried. U"pon lotion of~Couneilman Cola, duly saooaded by Councilman Smith and carries, the Connell a6r ,ourned to meet l[onday, done 19th, 19]a, at 9:80 o'c1ocY p. . Approved this day oY dune, 191:1. r ~ ~ Ci y Clsr ` f ayor oft ity of son Her ~c[ino. r- , . ~ -- . - , __- - _ _ ' arty xall sa. r Bernardino, Calif. June 27th, 192;c~ • Regular adjotunua meeting of the Hriyor and Common Counoil or the City of San Berna.dino held Monday, June 17th, 101x, Yeeying was called to orde~ - 1 by l4~yor Bright at 7:56 o c1ocK p. the following members of the Counc iI ~ being' ?,resent,: Councilmen Cola, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney AliisOn and City Clerk Batchelor. I ldinutes oY Lhe previous meotinEr were read &:.d approved. Res.of Int. Kesolu~ion oi~ cha Mayor and Common Council o~~ the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to No.b03. ~ King Swr. constx•~~ct a vitrified pipe leper in King Street from Kt. Vernon Ave., to a point bb8 Yeet west, was read in Pull Yor the first time and laid over i'or final passage. Res.adpt.Pdc3. Kesolution adopting plan, section and apecificetiona for the ennatruction of a cement concrete sidesalt Rialto Sdwk. ~ and curb on Rialto evenue between I an~i K Streets, was read in full Yor final passage and adopted by the fol- 2oeing vote, Lo-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Res.adpt.P&S. Kesolutiion adopting plan,.aeation and apecii'icationa Po: Lhe construction of a Dement concrete sidewalk a :and 8t . Sdwt. and eu_Tb on the north and on the south side Of Second Street, between p Streit and t3 Street, wsa read in 1tF11 for, Yinal passage and adopted by the following vote, to--wit: Ayes, Hclmes, Smith, chambers, Irving, Cole. Nces, none. ~ Re of Int. Resolution of the Y&yor and COIDmOn Counoil of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to 1m- ` Kingman ScLk. prcve Kingman Stre©t, between )[t. Vernon Ave., and 9 point 70C feet west by constructing cent concrete side- ( walk and curb therein, was read i'ar rival passage. Councilman Ohambera moved that Resolution be amended by cutting cut •sidewalk". Notion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Res.ox Int. Resolution of the lesyor and,cosmaon Council o-~ the City oY ran Bernardino declaring their intention to Ho.b01. 5tII $t.Swr. improve Fifth Street, between Ht. Vernon Avenue end a point 7661.7 feet west, by constructing a vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in fu12 for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, solmea, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Rep.el.af P. Chief of Police Yespelt reported he had it:vestigated the application of W. B. Dunean to conduct s pool POOL Room. room at No, f147 drd St., aril found no ob~eCticn to said Fool room. whereupon Councilman Chambers moved that 8 license be granted said w. B. Dungan to conduct pool room at 110. 847 drd St., a:, per petition filed. Yotien `,",` eeoonded by Councilnart Smith and earried tb' the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, with, Chambers, Irving J cola. Noes, none. aon:m.AlleY Communication oY A. Bay ror the owners Of lots 1 to la, block 4 of the Carter tract, relative to opes~- Carter A?e. ing alley in rear of said lots, was read. 0ouncilman Smith roved that the cleb: be inetrueted to oo~oate with petiuloner, and City Engineer be inetrueted to mate tIIe necessary surveys ea soon as convenient. lEOtioa seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. 'f Pcundmsater Appliaatlons of Geo. 8. rattan and '~+Y11 smyes Yor the position of poundsrastes ware read. *herenpon APptd. Mayor Bright ap3~oiated Geo. 8. Patton to the position of poundsisates, sub~eat to the conflrsuatioa of the Coup- ell. Counoilnar. 8iith ao?ed that the appointmment be confirmed. lotion eeoonded by Couneiisan Cole and Carried by the Yellowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, 8sith,fiolmes. )roes, none. Ord.asd.lto. Ordinance aaending Ordinance 1fo. 494, entitled "An Ordinanse changing and re-establishing the nacres of 494. ~"e certain streets in the City at San Bernardino'°, tar seed in SU12 for the first tide and laid over Tor final passage. Aes.or Int. A Resolution oi' the iieyor and Cosrswn Council of the City os' San Sarnasdino deolarin$ their intention to fo.50i. Rialto Ave. improve Rialto Ave., between I and K Streets, by constructing Dement concrete sidewalk and curb, therein, was r read in full for the 1Yrat time and laid over for Yinal passage. .,;n Clerk PuUl. Councilman Sedth moved that the City Cleric be instructed to publish a notice to property owners on Not.to prop. Owners. Y Street, between bets•eer, Ssccnd and Tenth Streets, on b:lghth Street between D Street and Arrowhead Ave., and B Street, between Third Street and Baae Lihe to immediatsly make connections with sewer and water on ~ said streets, and that the Street Superintendent be authorized to have a man go over the ground and check up said property. notion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. C. x.prea. City $ngineer R. s. `tattle presented plans and apeciYicatione•Yor sewer in Park street between H and I P.& E. Orangat~Fark Streets, and sewer 1n Orange strsst, between ~ and C streets. Councilman Smith moved that the said plans sewers. anu speciYications be referred to the City Attorney. lotion seconded by ccuncilman Chambers and carried. Bills. "1'he City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants Yor claims approved by the Layer and ~'irance Committee I this date, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes. Noes, non9, Ord.No.48;t. An Ordinance filing and establishing the rates to be charged and collected for gsa by any person, rirm Vas. or corporation supplying or distributing gas t•o the City of San Bernardino, or to the inhauitanta thereof, i Yor the year commencing the Yirst day of August, 1812 anu ending the 31sL day of July, 1912, was read for final passage. Councilman Irving stated he was opposed to passing Ordinance in the present form, calling fir • =1.16 Fer thousand cubic feet, and he was in favor of amenuing Ordinance to read ~l.ub per thousand cubic teat ~ ~ as recommended by expert employed. Councilman Holmes stated that in as much as he did not thiat ~1.Ob rate was sufricient, and that he had favored j1.10 rate it order to avoid possible election and the ezpease of going into court, he was nos will- ing to accept the i1.V5 rated ` Cotu'cil>tan Smith ergue~~ for the il.lb rata, as any less would invite litigation, and he favored placing it up to the people in referendum vote. Attorney d. L. Campbell, N. A. Richardson, and Attorney d. 3tephensoa urged the Council to adopt the lower rate of ~l.Ob. Z. T. Bell, C. li. Orow and Attorney Byron Waters argued Yor the 11.16 rate. 4 Open calling roll on il.l6 rate, Ordinar:as was lost ae per the Yollowing vote, to-wit; Ayes, Smith, Cole. Noes, Holmes, rnambers, Irving. Whereupon Mayor Bright declared the Ordinance defeated. s Councilman Irving moved that an Ordinance be introduced Mixing the rate at 11.06. Potion seconded by f ~ ~ Councilman Holsec and carried. Ord. Gas. An Ordinance Mixing and establishing the rates to ire aT.arged and collected for gas by any person, tint[ i1.Ob. or corporation aupPi Ming or distributing gas to the City of San Bernardino, or to the inhabitants thareot, for the Year caimenaing ih0 first day of August, lel:y, and ending the slat day oY d'nly, 181s, was lead in full Yor the rirst~~tiae ane laid over Yor Yinal passage. 1' Councilman eaith moved that the Clerk be instructed to notify the gas cospanies to appear before the l j' Mayor and Common Council on the +ith day oY duly, Lela, and show eattse why rate charged to cansumeM of gas is f the City of San Bernardino, should not be filed at ;l.Ob per thousand sable feet. lfotion seconded by QOUTleil- can Irving and ceiried. St.Supt.puro. Councilman Chaabers moved that the Street Superintendent be hatmoitfeg to purchase two cow grader b1aQe gr.biades i discs. and sot of discs Yor grader. lWtion seconded Dy Councilman Irving aid carried by the following vots~ Lo-~?itt i Ayes, Holies, smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Rosa, none. Pali Ground. Caunailaan 80ith moved ghat the Street Superintendent and City Iingineer be instructed to lay out a base lidbr k Park . ball diamond in Neadowbrogc Park as decided by the Council at investigation. Notion seconded by Counailt[an Irving and oarrlAd. i i, os~~, Pre.Y.a~ 3. Councilman Irving moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specii'icatlena `1'oileta in Lec~urK.rk. far two toilets, With tiled roofs, to be conatructad in Leadbroot Bark. Llotion seconded by Councilman Cole I and carried. Pre.Y.t~ S. Councilman Smith move4 that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and specifications for Oulvert in F St. culvert or pipe line in Town Creek on Y Street, between Tenth Street and Hase Line. Lotion seconded by Counellman Cole and carried. . Upon motion oY Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried, the Counoil adjourned to meet Londay, June z4, 191z, at 7::t0 o~clock P. Y. Approved this ,t y day of dune,~181~c. , • _ /I/~~~l~ Y o erT. yor of ~yy31e City of ,/ sari Bex'fi8rfliri0. i i II . I ~' ~E I • l i 1, , ~ • j I • ~ a _____._--- -. - __.- .__-_. . - _- - _ t ;~',~ i i City Hall, San Bernardino, Calii. June.:c4th,191:a L Regular adjourned meeting of the i[ayor and Common Council oY the City of san Bernardino, held 3[onday Jure ~- I ;c4th, ia1G. Meeting was oalled to order by Mayor Bright at •/:3U o~clock P. 11., the f"ollowing mac[b@ra oY t'ae Cou[tcil being pro:.ent: Councilmen Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Cole, City Attorney Altison, a[[d City Clerk Batchelor. Abeent:Cou[~cilman Frvint;. bdnutes of tY.e previous meeting were read and apbroved. Res. 01 int. A Resolution of the lfayor and Common Ccnncil or the City oi' san Ber[rardtno declaring their intention No.b00. King a K. to improve Kit[g Street Srom Yt. Ver[~on tve., to K street, thence South on K Street to Rialto Avs., by Con- structiag a vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in 21x11 Yor final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Hclmea, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. Rea.of Int. A Resolution of the 7[rsyor and Common Council of the City of san Bernardino declaring their intention No.bOa. King Sewer. to eouetruct a vitrified pipe sewer in King Street from lit. Vernon Ave. to a point fibs feet Yeat, was read in full i'oI• the Yinal passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, smith, Chambers, ~ Col@. Noes, none. P.es.ot.Iilt: A Resolution of Lhe Mayor an3 Common Couneii of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention t No.604. 2nd 8dwalk. to imprmee Second Street, from Y to O strc:eta, by constructing cement conorete sidewalks and curbs thereln, was read in full ror the first time ac_d laid over for Yinai passage. - Ree.oY Int. A Resolution of the YeYor anti Common Council of the City oY sa[; Bernardino, declaring their intention No.48o. a St.Sdwk. to improve a Street from Tenth Street to Base Line, by constructing cement concrete side~ralks and curbs therein, was read Yor final passage. Upon a~~otion of Councilman Smith, duly ascended by Councilman Holmes and carried, said Resolution was laid over for one week. Rea.or Int. w Keaolutlon of the linyor and Common council of the City oY San Bernardino declaring their intenti~. No.bOb. Rialto Sdwx. to im]~rove Rialto Ave.; between I and K Streets by constructing ceaent conorete sidewalks and curbs thelar~: was'•reud ror Yinal passage. Upon motion oY Councilman Chambers, duly seconded by Councilman Cole and caz- • rind, said Resolution wsa laid over for one week. Ord.Bo.484. nn Orclirance amending Ordir:al[ce No. 474, entitled •An Ordinance changing and re-establishing the Haase ' of certain streets in the City of San Bernardino, was mead in full for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chamber a, Cole. Noes, none. Bend aeo.s. Bona of aeOrrB 8. Patten is the sum of }1000, qualifying as Poundaaater in Lhe City of San Bernardino Patten. was presented for approval. Councilman Smith moved that the be aeoepted and approved. Yotioa seconded by Counoilman Holases and aar[Med. Pet.Bciwks. •c~he following petitloa was presented and read: . Vialoria Ave. !o Lhe Honorable 1~aYor cad Comwoa Council, • aentl~ea: ' pe, the undersigned owners of property fronting on 9lotoria AVe., rsepectfully petition your hoo- oraDle body to institute proceedings under the Iai.rove[.~ent Aat or 1011, !or the improvexent or said sires by paving the same with a lour inch limestone aacadam, sad constructing oeYent ooacrete gutters aighteep ~ inches wide. ~ Q. P. Barrows 60 7ront 7eai. Yr tr. Italy H . Kadi a !4 J.H.Yan vuesaeI[ 41r • • urs.heilie lr.aurr SO " 0. L. Barrows so • • Barrows, 60 " Z. B. Ratz, x80 • • ,,;' Councilman Sttith moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the 1li1p1'OYemelrt oi' Victoria Avenue us petitioned. lootion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Fond oY Y.E. ~ Hond of the Pacific Gleotric Railway Co., in the snm of iS00.00, binding the said Pacific Electric Ry. Co. ' Railway Co., to Yaithfully perform each and every term in condition of certain Yranohiae awarded Lhen on , flay x'rth, 181x, was presented. Councilman Smith moved that the bond oY said PaclYic Electric Co., be re- ceived and approved. 3[otion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. App.Ret.Liq. Application of Hollenbeok and Rouse for retail liquor license at 796 Third Street, in lieu of license Hollepbeck ac Rouse. oi' W. C. Hollenbeck at 2ts1 E Btreet, acrd the sum of X100.00, being one month's license tax. i[: advance Poi• said business,-together with Bond in the sum oY x000, p'[rsuant with provisions of Ordinance ?~a. a04 oY the City of san Bernardino, was presented. Councilman Cole moved that the license be granted and Hond approved. )lotion seconded by Councilman S[aith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chatilber Cole. Noss, none. . Re:.adpt.Y.~c3. Resolution adopting plan, profile and specifications for the construction of a vitrified pipe sewer Orange st.8wr. in orange Street, between B Street and Arrowhead Ave., was read in full Yon the first time and leldtolteb for Ilua1 1~aasagtl. Hes.adpt.P.~s. Resolution adopting plan, prorils and specifications for the construction of a vitrified pipe ewer ~." Park S~.Sewer. in Park Street, between H and I Straeta, waa rand in i1i11 for the first time and laid over f'or final pasa- sge. Res.of Int. ~ Resolution of the Mayor and Cormnon Council of the City o~ san Bernardino declaring their intention No.50d. ringnran st. to improve Kingman Street between Yt. Vernon Ave., and a point YOJ Peet west, by oonrtruetiag cement coporet Curbs. taros therein, waa read in full for final paeaage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. - C.E.pres. City >Engineer K. >r. 'Tuttle presented plans and specsifioations for the oiling of B Street, between P. Fe 3. ' 011 B St. ~oiitr~?and Base Line streets. Councilman smith moved that the said plane and specifications be reterred.to the City Attorney. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. C.E.pre. Councilman Smite moved that the City Engineer De instructed to prepsre plans and specifications for P.& 8. B Curb. curd on B BLreat, between 9th Street and Haas Line. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Sew Cow[oil In the r:sbter or moving the Council Chamber from its present location to s room on the second,floor ~ r Chauber. of the same building, Corutcilman Smith moved that the aafLerbe rararrad to the Mayor with power to act. ilotiion seconded by Councilman Cole and oarried~ Res1g.J.R. 'i=o the Honorable Mayor and Common Counsel of San Bernardino, Calif. , Livermaa. ' I hereby te[rder my =esigaation as President and member of the Board of Health of the City of tan Bernardino, to Lske eYeot dune :d4th, 381x. s. Livermna. Upon reading the foregoing, Councilma? 3aith moved that the resignation of J. R. Livermsa De accepted. fiction seconded by Councilman Cola and carried. Bills. the City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants i'or claims approved by the Mayor and PinaAOe Coswittee this date, by t)?8 following vote, :o-wit: Ayes, Holmes. Snitn, Cnaabers, Cole. xoas, none. C.A.oollect ~ Councilman Smltih [weed that the City Attorney De instructed to talcs some action toward making coTleo- HOme Talc R. Co.lioenee. tian or Yranchlse tax i'rom the Ban Bernardino Home Telephone & Telegraph Co., now past dne, also City license `".~ . I standing delinquent against said Company. )lotion aeaonded by Ceuncilman Cha~bers and carried. 018rk Com. Councilman smith moved that tho City C1erY oosmauricate with Ill. 3/CDOnald of the Joint Pole Committee HaAonald. and .sic him wh..~ is causing the delay in the Joint pole construction. Motion seconded by Councilmen Cha&ber anti carried. --------------- St.supt.pra. Councilman Smith moved that the Straet Superintendent b0 instructed to prepare interseotion at the , D & BasO L. ` corner of i? strcot and Base Line. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. r Councilman smi~h moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and speciricatione for F.. pre. ~'~ P. & 3. g~,glYj~ the improvement oY 10th Street betv:eeu D and 0 3treeta 17Y constructing sidewalk8~therein, also the improv~- lOth& C. meat of Arrowhead Ave., from Base Li~ie"'to 13th Street by constructing sideaalka and curbs therein. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. ' C.E.pre. Councilman Cole moved ~hav the City Bngineor ue instructed to prepare plena and specirieations for P. & S. Curbs. Gurus to b0 constructed on the south ;+ide oi' Third Street from Neadowbrook pa11t to Allen Street, and on both aides o2 Allen Straet Yrom Third Straet to 11111 Street. Potion seconded by Councilman Smith and aar- ri ed. Fire Chief Councilman Chamber,°:: moved that the CnieY of fire Department be authorized to puraha39 db0 feet oY 21re pur.Hose. hose. Notion seconded by Councilman smith sud carried by th0 following vote, to-sit: ayes, Holmes, smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. st.3upt. Councilman Chambers moved that the Street Superintendent be authorised to purchase a hand 'reel hose p'.ir.HOae. l ~ cart and 60 feet of armored hose for apritk ling Dart. notion ascended by Ccuncilman Smith and carried by the C ` following vote, to-a?it:.Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. Pst.Close J. li. Boyd appeared before the Council and presented the folla?ing petitiba: 3ts.Pattee Noisrouth, Illinois. Nay-12th-1912. ' Subdiv. . To Lhe Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City of San Bernardino, CaliYornie. Oantlemen: The undersigned being the owner of the Patt9e sui~division of a portion or Lot 8 or Hloo: 36 of per plat >tereto attached, which said subdivision was originally made for the purpose of ceiling same in tracts smaller than the original tract. It is hrnrever, the desire oY the undersigned to have said stsesti sad a13e~?tayk as heretofore laid oat t is said sup>division, closed, for the purpose of re-subdividing the treat, ao that there will be no°blind f streets or alleyways" when name is re-s'lbdirided. Now, therefore, your petitioner prays, that an order ire catered neon the reaorda of yodr'=5ndzable ~.%~r?~ Body, that the streets sad alleyways as heretofore laid oat in said subdivision as sho+ia on acid Diat, be 'A-- ~ closed. R@spaoLfully submitted. ~ Mary Y. Pattee. ~ , 9=ed B. Pattea. Aa Daher of Lot Ten (lU) oY the above Subdiviaioa, I hereby loin in the abets resat. . Cnxolin6 Z. Stereaa. %emneth P. Stsvena. upon reading the t'oregoins, Councilaan smith moved that the applioatign of petitioner be gretlted.. Notlon seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the 2olla?111Q vote, to wit: Aye9t Aolaea, Smith, Chaebeaa, Cole. Noes= none. St.Sllpt. Councilma BmiLh moved that the Street 3uperiatendeat be lastzuoLed to zeinfosoe bsidl<e in lleedowtd'oet Reinforce Nd'urk Bdg. at a coat o2 about X70.00, sa per plena presented. said szpeaditure to be paid free the Park IYproveme~t Ttm~. !lotion acoonded by Councilman Chanbera and oarricd by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes. tioimea, Smi4h, CbeIDess~,COle. Noes, none. ' ~ Upon motion of Councilman Cola, duly ascended by Councilman smith and oarried, the Council ad~ourns¢ LO meet Noaday, July let, 191x, at 7:e0 O'alo0k P. 11. ADAroved thla / day oY duly, ltlhd. i . ~ i`--1 1 C t er ~ , 4 8y0r OS the ty Of 9 San Bomar DO. • E ; OILY Hall, Sun Bernardino, Calii. July, lst•, 1818. She Mayor and Common Council Or Lhe,CiLy,.oi:3an Bernardino mot in regular meeting at the City Hell at 8.80 o'olock P.~., Meeting was caned La order by Mayor Bright ,the Yollowing members of the Oounail ?.'c+1nR rneaent: Oounoilsaen • Cole, Irving, Chambers, Bt+itb, Holmes, Oity ?ttorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. Upom motion oY Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Truing and carried, the council adjourned to new quarters, second floor, soma luilding. Mayor Bright welled the neetiirg to order at 8:3u o~cloc~ , and ealle~l Yor the reading oS the minutes of last pre- tious meeting, which, upon being read were approved. i ~ Rea.of int. Resolution or Lha N..yor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention No.bOb. 1 Rialto Sdc~ to improve Rialto Avenue between I and K Streets by constructing asmont concrete sidewalk and curb ?herein was road in 21111 f'or Yinal pass,uge. 1lhereupon Councilman Ohat3ioers moved that the resolution be laid over for two i Weaka. Potion seconded Ly Councilman Co13 and carried. ~ Rea.oY Int. Resolution oY the Mayor and common Council oY the City of San Bernardino declaring their 'intention ~ No.604. . znd 8dwk. to Improve second Street, between Y and O streets try co:~structing comsat concrete aideti7a17CS and curbs therein wsa re;:d in 21111 ror Yinal passage an~i adopted Dy the Yallawing vote, to-wit; Ayes, Holaes, Smith, ClsRmbera, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. , ~,~a#tea.oY fat. itesulution of Lhe 1[ayor and Cowmen Council aY the City o2' San Bernardino declaring their intention 3 ido.48Y. ' 4 Bt.Sdwk' to improve 0 Street, between lOtu and Base Line, Y1Y constructing cement concrete sidewalK and curb therein, was read for rival passage. whereupon Councilman smith noted that the resolution be laid over to be Laken up the second day of Septsmber, 191;6. Yotian seconded 1-~y Councilman Char;bera and oarried. Ree.adpt.P.as. Resolution oY the Mayor and Common Council oi' tits City oY Han Bernardino adopting plans and apecif- Orange Sewer. . icationa for the improvement oY Orange street, between Arrowhead Ave., and B Street, by constructing a vit- • rifie:d pip3 seller therein, wes read in full ror rival passage and adapted by the followin_a. vote, towit: Ayes Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. foes, none. Res.adpt.P.&.s. Resolution adopting Plana and apeeiYiestici~s for the a^netruction a vitrified pipe server in Park Park 8~?er. ~ street, between H and I streets, was read in Yull for Yinal passage and adopted by the Yo2lasing vote, to wit: `~'' Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irvint, Code. Noes, none. '-' Res.of Int. Neaolution of the 7layor end Coloimoa Council oY Lha City oY San Bernardino dealarinq their intention 1Ta.6U8. Orange Swr. to improve Orange Street, between $ Street and irrarhead Ate., by eoastruatin6 a tEtsEilCed pipe sewer tihereim, was read in full Yor the first time and laid over for Yinal passage. 4F 7tes.oY Int. Resolution oY tihe i[ayor and Cam.wn Council or the City mZ San Bernardino aeolarins thsir intention 7[0.609. , cork Sat. to improve Perk Street. between li and I Streets, by tho aonstruetiag of a vitriYled pipe sewer therein, wen read iai lull Yor•the 2'iret time and laid over Yor Yinal passage. F.ey.G.OY r. Report of the Ot,iei oS Poltae for the month oY Jane, lal:i, was presented and read. Co®e11~eA inlnb . smith moved that the report ba received and yisoed oa rile. Potion seconded by Councilmen Irving an4 carried. Reys.City Reports oZ the City 7Clectrician Yor the month of Jnate and the year sanding Jnae 80th, 181;x, were 1'! lileotrII. • presented and read. Couneilaan Irving moved that the reports be reaeiared and placed on fYle. Potion sea- ~ onded ly Councilman Smith and carried. r#r Com.C.V. Communiao;,i„n ur klealth Oi'iicer, C. 0. 3(cCaanic:a, r~aoma~en ;ing Lha aonatinction of a sewer in 8th IicConr,ico. , s~reet between B and C Streets, waa presented and read. Councilman Smith motel that Lhe Qity Engineer be 2n- structed to prepare plans and epeciYicstioiu Yoi~ the construction oY a Hewer in 8th street, between H and C 3 8trcets ss reccmnen0.eQ by the Board of Health. MotioA seconded by Cc.uncilm9n Chambers and oerried. !i l ' ;~;;7 Comm.Joint Communication oi' J. 1;. LcLOnald, Sec_•etary of the Joint Pole Cemr,;ittee, that point vole construotioa Foie Com. on Third Street will be started within a few days ryas presented and read. Councils~an Smith moved that rile i comr:nmication be received and placed on file. ]lotion seconded by Councilman Holmes. and carried. ~ Res.J.F'. S8I1 Bernardino, California, July 1st, ;Blx. H au~i it on. " To the Honorable 4ayor and Common Council; ' Oentlemon: Please accept my resignation as a member of the City Board of Health. Thanking you kindly Yor peat ceul•tcsiee, I remain; Yours, J. Hamilton. Upon roadinM the roregoinM, Councilman Cole moved that the resignation of J. F. Hamilton be accep- ted. ]lotion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Com.Lea~uue Communication oi' Clarence Toad, Camyeign manager en Home Rule in Taxation, requesting the co- Yu3.icipts. ~ ' operation or the Council in securing signatures ror petition in order to propose amendment on the November ballot, was pr secured and read. Councilman Chambers moved that the City Clerk be authorized to reply to com- mui:ication ar.d ~apress the willingness of Lhe Council to co-(operate rith them in securing signatures if they will forward the necesaery petitions. Potion seconded by Cowcilman Smith and carried. j Re~.adpt. Resolution adopting plan, cnoas-section and specifications for the improvement of B Street roadway, ~ P. ~ S. 011 B St. by oiling the roadway'theroor, and constructing Mutters and culverts thar©in, from the south line of PourtA Street to the south line of Beae Line Street, was read in full ror the rirat time and laid over for final pas:;age. Rep.Ylater seventh annual report of the Board of Water Commissioners, was presented and read. Councilman Cole Comuission. moved that the report be received and placed on file. !lotion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk be instructed to aeknowledre receipt of report and tAat the Mayor and Cossaon Council command the said Water~Commission on their excellent report and the work beiaM done by said Coaunissioa. c:otion recoaded by Councilman Holmes and carried by unanimous vote. Pet.4ewer retition reQUestin~ the construction or sewer in Baas Lino between T~ and E streets, and 9Lisseli st., Fussell & Bea Line. was presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the matter be laid over for one weer. Potion aecondeQ by Councilman Zrvir~ and carried. ~ C.E.prae. City Engineer, 8. r. 't'attle, presented plans and apeciricationa as foilor!r; P.a 3. `~- Curb on Alien Street from Third Lo Yili, both sides. Curb on south aide of Third Street, between A and Al1ea. Curs in B street, between nth Street end Base Line,' both aides. Sidewalk and Curbs in 10th street, between D cad 8 Streets, both eider. • Sidewalk and Curb on Arrowhead Ave., between Base Liae and 13th, both eider end Paving Victoria Ave., Councilman smith moved that the said plans and apeaitiaatioar be referred to the City Attorney. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole sad carried. city Olerk was authorized to ie;:ue warrants for olaias approves by the Mayor and Pinaaca twmmityer Bills. this date,'Dy tII8 ~ollowins vots~.t0-wit: Ayer, Holmes, Sa1tII, ChanbrTS, Irvine, Cole. ]toes, none. C.A.amd. Oouaoi2man Smith moved that the City Attorney b• instructed to prepare an Ordinance ealRAdlns Lhe stray OrQ. l Stray OrdinaAOa, sskinM elltrwenoe of 60f Der day for feeding stook while eoaiinsd in the City Pound. Notion ~ seconded by Councilman Chambers and serried. Yst.Pouznd. Couaoilaaa Batith moved that the Pound ]taster be atuttorized to establish the City Pound at ;ee5 D SE at a re3itbl of X10.00 yes month et City's expense, until notiried otharwirr. !lotion ssaorsded by Ootaeeilmtut Holmes and oerried by the followit>i rota, to-wit; Ayer, Cole, Zr?irug, Chembers, snit](, Hol>M, ~~Iloa• R- t f f{ ~ C.B.pxes. t;ity Engineer, K. F. Tuttle presented plans and specif'icationa for the construction of a culvert on F P. & S. ? Culy. Street, in Town Creek. ColFACilman Smith moved that the plane and specificatic+ne be adopted, and the Clerk be inaftructed to advertise for bids Por the cou:truction'of said culvert. Lotion seconded by Councilman Cole and f car~.'ied. ~ ~ ~ J s ' r Rep.St.i=upt. deport of the operations oi' the stxeet llepartment for the month of June, was presented and read. Coun- I Gilman 3ulith moved that the Superintendent of streets be empowered to employ Charles 11cElvain to construct cul- vert on 11111 Street,' wo2~k to be done by da3~ labor. l(r. 11cElvain to receive salary and 1CB, of coat. Notion sec- onded by Couiioilman Cole and oarried by the following voto, to-rit; Ayea, Cole, Irving, Chanters, smith,Holmes. hoes, none. 91.SUpt.pur. Councilman Chambers moved that the street 3uperintcndent bs authorif~4 to purohase counter for the oifics Counter. oY the Street Superinteixient. liotlon seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Upon motion oY Councilman smith, duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried, the Council ad3ourned to meet Yoaday, idly, the 8th, 181;x, at 9;50 o~clock, p. Ll. Approved this day oY July, 1818. ' ayor oY the C oY San 8ernar o. a M1. p „'y? , ' rrf. J - ~i~lLl . _ I ' city Hail, san Bernardino, Calif. July 8th, lalx. I • r Regular adjourned mee~ing of Lhe Mayor anti Comc.on Couneii oY Lhe City of San Bernardino, hied Monday J~21Y bth, l 191:4. lfeeting was called. to order by 1SaYOr Brigi~t at a:00 o'clock p, y., the following members oY the Council being Prevent, to-wit: Councilmen Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irvine, Cole, City Attorney Allison and Gity C1arK Batchelor. ?~inutes oY trie previous meeting were read and approved. • Res.oY Int. A Resolution of the Layor and Coae.:on Council of the City of san Bernardino, declaring thsir inten-, No.6U~. ` Orange :ar. Lion to improve Orange Street, between B Street and a point 100 feat east oP Arrowhead Ave., b! construc- ting s vitriPisd pipe sewer therein, was reUd in full Yor #'inal passage and adopted by the Following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chaui,~ere, Irving, Cole. Nova, none. ReP.oi' Int. d Resolution oi' the Ysyor and Comr~on Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their inten- No.607. Park 3wr. Lion to improve Park Street frog H Street to a point 41.;c5 #'eet east oY I Street by constructing a vit- rii'ied sewer therein, was read in Yu12 for final passage and ad4ptgd by the following vote, to-wit: 'Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Smith, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. ~ E f P.es.adpt. A Resolution adopting plans and specifications Yor the improvesent or B Street by oiling the roadwa;r B 011. thereof, and constructing gutters and culverts therein. between the south line oY 4th street and the song: 4 line oY Base Lice, was read in f ul for rival passage and adopted by the following vote, to•-wit: Ayes. ' Holmes, Smith, .Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Res.of Int. A Resolution of.the Mayor and Common Council of the City of san Bernardino, declaring their inten- No.60a. H St. 011. Sion to leprous B Street Prom the south line oY 4th st., to the aoath line of Base Line St., by oiling ty roadway thereat, acid constructing gutters and culverts therein, was read in 11111 Yor the first time and• laid over Yor final passage. G Rea.adpt. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Counail 01' the City of SaR Bernardino adopting plans, seotioas P.t'k 3. 1tl3en Cbs. and syecfioatiOns for the eonstruotion oY cement conarete curbs oA Allan dtreet from the south lino of• j the roadway of Third Street to Lhe north line oP the roadway of lEill Street, wee read in lull for ths. first time and laid over for Yinal passage. r • Res.adpt. Resolution oP the 1[eyor and ~n Counail oP the City oY san Bernardino adAptiHg plans, aeatiaru ~ P.8 S. Srd Curbs. end apecifiaations Yor the construction of a cement Ooncrete e~,ub on the south line of 'third street be- • tweea the west line sP Lilea'Street and a point on the said Curb line 614 Peet west of the plane oY be- ginning, was read in Pall for she.Zlrst time and laid ower Yor final pasaase. Res.adpt. Resolution or she lrayor and Oommon Oounail of the City of san Bernardino ~ , section sad sDeoii P.# 9. B Curbs. iastione for the aonatrnetion of assent concrete ausbt on the east lids and oa the west aids of 8 Etroet j • from the aordh line of the roadway of nth Street to the south line of the roadway of Base Lins, was read t 1'or the first tine and laid oust Yor final passage. Res.adpt. -Resolution oS the 1taYO2 and oaslaon Caunoil OP the City or san Bernardino adopting plans, sections P.e• 3. • C 3dwY. and apeafiaatioas for the aonstruetiun uY cement aonerete sidewalk and sorb on the east side and en the west aide of Arroshead Ave., between Base Line and 17lth 8t., ass read in Soli Yor the first Sims and let over for Yinal passage. Ree.adpt. xesolutioa aY the liayor sad Coamon Oounoil oY Lhe m ty of san Bernardino M~optinR plans, sections P.& S. 10th swx, and specifications for the construction oY a cement oonorete sidewalk and Guru on the north side asQ oa 1 the south side of 10th 8t., between she west line or 'Street and the east line of the zoadwey of 4 St., was read in null. for the #'irst time and laid over i'or ,E'inal psssags. n,,:i-; Res.adpt. Resolution of the Mayor and Comrwon Council of tho City of San Bernardino edolaing glans, ~ross- P.r~ S. Vietra Yv, sections and specf'ieiationa i'or the in~l,~~over~ont of Victoria Ave., from E Street to F Street by paving the roadway thercof, was read in 11111 Yor the first time and laid over for final passage. Ord.NO.485. An Ordinance relating to ania,als running at large, Providing Yor LuY.irg thori up, print a lien on l i ~ Pound,etc. them for all damages, coats and expenses 1'ncul•red by reason oY taking them up, and prescribing the duties i of the Pound Paster, ano pioviciing i'or a Penalty for obstructing him in performing his duties, and repealing I Ordinance No. 27, was read in full for the first time and laid over for final passage. ~ Res.Dr.Wiae. San Bernardino. Calif. July 8th, 191:0. To the Honorable Payor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino: c3entlemen; I herewith tenr.:r ny resignation as•a member of the Board of Health oY the City of San Bernardino. A. H."Wise, V9. • upon readlnt the foregoing, Councilman chambers moved that reaiguation of A. B. Wise ae member of the Board of Health be accepted. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. C.h.pres. City Engineer, K. f. Tuttle, prasentod plans and specifications fur sewer in 8th Street, between H 9t., p.& 3. 9th s+?r• ant Arrowhead Ave. Councilman Smith moved 't hat the said plans and specifications be referred to the City At- ~^'s torney. Potion seconded by Councilman OOle and carried. ..s OlArK adv. Councilmen tZ~ambere moved that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for spriricling wagon. Bids aprkrig ~ Iagon.: Motion seconded by Councilman Frving and carried. Com.Inv. Councilman Chambers moved that s•apecial Committee be appointed to investigate a poasiDie location for 011 Htt. , a permanent site for oil heating plant. }Sotion seaondod by Councilaan Irving and carried. Whereupon Payor Bri~lt appointed Councilman Cole,O~M~ and Holmes, as ~ Committee to make such investigation and report. C.E.aat. Oouneilsian uhambers moved that the City Sngineer be instructed to establish ¦treet grade on Pt. Vernon st .c?rds. Ave., from Pill 3treot to LYtle Creek brdige, and on Poplar, Birch and Oak Streets. Potion seconded by Coun- cilman Smith and carried. 3t.Supt.Pub. Councilman Chambers moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to publish delinquent liar, dert- De1.Bilkings. iryii,g dei121quent accounts fur olea=1ng partings before turning such list over to the county Aeaessor.• Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and serried. Oea flatter. this being the data set for the Hearing of ass Companies, operating in the City of San eernar~ino, (" before proceeding to pass Ordinance ifo. 488, establishing the rates to be charged for gas for the Yeas aomman- cing Sept amber let, i91:a and ending August 21st, 1919, Mayor Bright sailed for rewrles before proceeding to ` pass Said Ordinance. Byron Waters, for the southern California Oas Co., opened the argument opposing Ehe passage of•salfl Ord- inane e. 'i xatter was discussed Yor rose two hours and thirty srlnutes, Lhe folloiring participating: J. 3. Barker, P. B. Daley, ll. A. Richardson, Z. T• Belt and C. 1[. Orow. A petition signed by stoafRroiders of the f3oae Oaa and ilf7tt~g oo., ~srohants and tax payers o! earl Beg i nardino, urging the pounail to reconsidsz action of three weeks ago, setting the gas rate at ;1.06 per theus- and cubic fast, was yresented and r,^a a. Councilman Irving moved that the Clerx grossed to read Ordinazce for rinal passage. Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. ~ Orfl.NO.sls:.. A urdlnanae fixing and eatablishirlg the rates to oe charged and toll tested for gas by e~ person. iYrm o or corporation supplying or distributi«i gas to the City of ran Bernardino or to the inhabitants thereof, for ~ ' year commencing the first day of Septeu~ber, 1914, and ending on the alst daY oY Aslsuat, 191e, providing foe the i appointment 9f a gas inspector, establishing the sdsdnlu: 111uminatis:g and heating Po++er and W<p~! ~ ps sv l -~ i', I supplied, and faxing the maximum and miminum pressure thereof, and fixing the rate at i1.OS par thousand cubic feet, was read in Pull Por final passage. Uyon calling roll, Ordinance was defeated by the follow- . ing vote, to--wit: .Ayes, Chambers, Irving, Noes, Holmes, Smith, Cole. Whereupon the Mayor declared the Ordinance defeated. :~np.Harker. Councilman Holmes moved that J. H. Barker be employed to investigate the Southern California bas Colton Plt. . Co.'a Bolton slant and gather data on 'the san Eernardi:no Valley Oas Co., to work in oon~unctian with the Ci City Attorney when necessary, and report to the Council as soon as yossible. Potion seconded by Councilman 9r,,ith and carried by the rollowing vote, to-witi; Ayea, Holmes, 3c?ith, Chambers. Noes, Irving. Councilman Cole declining to vote. ~ j Emy.A~phnlt Councilman Cn.~Wbero moved tna~ the Street Superintendent be authorized to employ Mr. 8~mnison,as Insp. asphalt inspector at a salary of #10.00 per day, Por not less than five days. Potion seconded b!r Co~.uieilsiax Smith anu carried oy ;,ne follarinr vote, ~o-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith; Chambers, Izxint, Cole. Foes, none. Layor si&u Councilman Chambers moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign contract i'ar sewer in y street,, ? 8wr.con. ~"° , between 8th and i0th Streets. Motion seconded by Cotu~cilmsa Smith and carried by the Yollaring vote, to wii %'~ Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Uyott notion of Counoilman smith, duly seconded by Counoilsian Cole and carried, the Council ad- ,OUrned to meet Monday, July 1~ h, 181;x, at 7:d0 o'clock P. Y. y App*oved this li day oY July, 181:6. ~ ~ k C1 y Cler • r oY th its o San Ferns no. P ~ ' i i E . { ~ ~ I K f 1 - -- . Cite Hail, San Bernardino, Oalir. :.rely ibth, 1aL•a. ' Regular adjourned meetlAr of the hayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, bald lfonday, July 15th, 181x. heating was called to order by hayor Br13ht at B::aU o'clock P.}d., the following members of the Council being present; Councilmen Cole, Irving, Ghambera,, Saith, Holmes, City Attorney ,"-.llison an3 City C1erK Batchelor. hlnutea of the previous meeting were read and app,roved. ' Ras.of Int. Resolution of the Mayor anti Comaon Council oi' the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to Noc608. B 3t.011. irlprove B Street from the south line of Hearth Street to the south line of Base Line Street, by oiling the road- ' way thereof, and constructing gutters and culverts therein, was read in It111 Por final passage and adopted Dy i s the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. i j Rao.adpt. Resolution oY Brie Yayor and Common Council oP the City of San Bernardino adopting plane, eeetions and j Y.ac 3. ~ Allen Cba. specifications for the construction of cement concrete curbs on Alien street from Lhe south line o~ the roadway °' { of Third Street to the north line of the roadway of ]fill Street, Ras read in 11111 for final passage and adopt- '," ~"~ ed ~>y the following vote, to-rlt: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Zrving, Cole. Noes, none. Rea.adpt. Resolution of the hayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino adopting plans, sections and srd Curbs. specifications for the construction o1 a cement aoncrate curb on the smith aide of third Street between the west .line of Allen Street and a hint on said curb line 614 feet west of tree place of beginning, was rand in full for fuel passage and adcyted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, 3II1th, flhamhera, Irving, Cole. Noe i nOAe. ' Res.adpt. Resolution or the hnyor and Common Council of she Ci.y vY earl bartlarnino adopting, pleas, sections sad P.Bc a. B Curbs. specificatlonn fir the aonetruetion of a aement concrete aurb on rho east Side and along the west aide of B Street from the north line of the roadway of Ninth Street to the south line of the roadway of Base Line Street in sari City, was read in Pull for final passage and adopted by the Yo2lowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Snit?. Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. 3 Rea.adpt. &saolution of the hnyor sad Common Council of the City of San Bern..ruiao adoD~ing Mans, sections sad P.& 3. . 10th SQwk. speaifiaatione for the construction of a cement concrete sidewalk and curb oa the north slde and along the south side of Tenth street in said City netween the west line of D Street and the east line of the roadway of i I Street, was r©ad in fYlil for final passage and adopted by the i'ollawing vote, to wit: Ayes, Holies, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Nogs, none. ' Ros.adpt. Resolution or the liaynr area Oofon council or the City of s«u Bernardino adopting plans, sections and' j P. & S. 0 Sdwka. epecifieatioaa for the construction of a cemient concrete sidewalk and curb on the east aide and oA the west side E of Arrowhead Avenue between Base Line and lath Street in said City, was read in full for final passage and adore- ; tad by the Yolivwing rota, to-wit; Ayes, Hol.usa, 8aith, Ohambers, Irving, Cole. foes, sae. Res.adpt. Resolution of the lfayor and COtmon Council of the City of Ban Bernardino adopting plans, cross-aeotios P.1! $. giatoria area speoifieatioas for the ilproveaant of Victoria avenue Yxaa R Street to l Street 1711 paving the roadway Lhera Paviaa. of and constructing concrete guttore therein, was recd in lull xor final passage an0 adopted by the Yoilowiag vote, to-wit; Ayes, Holies, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Roca, none. ti Ord.ito.4f36. An Ordinance relating Lo animals ruruiing at lltsge, providing for ta4ng them up, gluing a 71 en on theme ' for all dsasges, costs and ezvenaea incurred by reason of taking that up, end prescribing the dutiee of the ~' pauAdmaster and providing for a penalty Zor oDstructiag hie in the performance of his duties, and repealing ~ i , Ordinance No. a7, was read in full xor fi~~al passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes,fiolmes, 3 B~tL, Chambers, Irvine, Cole. NODS, acne. ~ .w,. ~ .._._.__,_..----- _.,~.~_.__._u_.. . =d (~,' Res.oY Znt. Resolution of the 1[eyor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their.int,ention N0.609. Allen Curbe to iruprove Allen street from the south line of rho roadway of •Yhird street to the north line~of the road- way oP Hiil Streot by constructing cement concrete curbs therein, was read in Yull for thn Yirst time and ~ '~ laid over for final payaage. ' Res.oY Int. Resolution of the Ifayur and ,:..moron Council of the City o1 San Bernardino declaring their intention No.610. Srd Curbs. to improve Third Stroet between the west line of Allen Street and a point on said curb line 614 feot west • of the place of bobinning by constructing a cement concrete curb therein, was read in full for the first time and laid ovor i'or final passage. xas.of Int. Resolution of the HaYor acid Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention No.bll. B Curbs. to improve B Street from the north line oY the roadway or Ninth street to Lhe south line of the roadway of Base Line Street by constructing a cement concrete curb therein, was recd in full for tne.;rirst.tiae.aad laid Over fox 1Yaal passage. ' Res.oP Int. Resolution of the 1[ayor and Common Cwncil of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention F0.61x. 10th 3dwk. to itaMreve Tenth Streot between the went line of D Street and the east line oY the roadway of Street by ~ constructing cement concrete sidewalks and curbs therein, was read in Hill for the first time.and.iaid ore. ' ."~ ~ for final Massage. Res.oz Int. Resolution of the Mayor and uommon~COUncil of the City oY San Bernardino declaring their intention No.618. 0 SL.Sdwk. to improve Arrowhead Avenue from the north line of the roadray of Base Line Street to the south line,af the roadway to 18th Streot by eonstxveting Dement concrete sidewalks and curbs therein, was read in full Yor the first time and laid over for final passage. Res.of Int. Resolution of Lhe Mayor sad C..mmoa Council of the City of son Bernardino declaring their intention No.614. ' Victra Pv. to improve Victoria Avenue from the west line of F: Street to the east line of F Street by paving the roadw way thereof cad eoastruczing<guttera therein, was read in t~.~ll for the Yirat tine and laid over for final passage. ~ Res.adpt. Resolution oz .he Ya3ror and Co¦moa Oouncil oY the City of San Bernardino adopting Dien, prozile aa. P.& s. 9tr~ Swr. speoifieatiosne for the improvement of Ninth Stzeet by the construction of an'eight.ineh vitrified pipe aew- er therein, was read in ft111 for the iYrat,time and laid over for final passage. Has.adpt. Resolution Of the 1{ayor and Ooaaoa Council of the City of San Bernardino adopting, plr~n,.profiie P.tic S. I sewer. and specifications for the improvement or I street by the construction of a vitrlfied pipe sewer therein was read in lull Yor the first time and lads over for final passage. Res.adDt• Reaolu;,lon of she Mayor sad Coon Copncii of the City of San Bernardino adoytiag plan, profile P.& 9. Bth sewer and specifications Yor the i.nproveue~nt oY Light Stroet by the construction of an elgi,t inch vitriri ed pipe newer therein, wa$ read 1n foil ~'or the first time and ieid over for final passage. Res.adDt. Reaolutloa of the Yayvr «nu CoO~mo~a Connoii or the Qity OS 88a 8eraerdine adopiiag DiaA, profile, P.& S. fit; Swr. and syeciflcatioas for the im~.rovement of Seventh street by the construction of a twelve inch vitrified pipe sewer therela, was re:~d is 1111 i'or the first rise and lads over for Sinal passage. Res.adpt. ReaoluLi.on of .he llayor and Oo.mon Council of the City of Ban Bernardino adopting plan, profile Pale 8. esth Sever. and speeii'icatioas Yor the improvement of 31zth Streot by the oonatruetioa of s vitrified Dipe seer, thew- ~ in, was i•o:;u in full ror the first time eau laid aver Yor final passage. , Rea.adpt. ltesolutioa of the Ya~'Or sad Oove0[1 Council of LAe oitiy of 8+w Bernardino adopting, plan, profile ' P.Fe 9. Spruce sr. and,apeeiricatioas for the isrprovesleat oi' Spruce Street by Lhe construction of an eight inch vitrified pip' sewer therein, wuu re,rd in dill ror the first tine sa4 laid ova! for final passage. r__ .5~ i h Hes.adpt. Resolution the liayor and Comron Council of the City of San Bernardino adci~ting plea, prmfi'le P.t4 3. ~ ' ainrman Sr. and speclYications for the improvement oY Kingman street by the construction of a twelve inch viLrlYf ed pipe aexer therein, was read in fhll Yor the first time and laid over for final passage. Rea.adpt. Resolution oY bhe liayor and Comncn Council oY the Cityol' San Bernardino adopting plan, proi'1le P.& s. PineacL sr. and specifications for the improvement oi'L Street and Pina street by construetien oY an eight inch,vitri- Yied pipe sewer therein, was road in full f'or the 1Yrst tim3 and laid over i'or Yinal passage Or.d.No.48u. An Ordinance changing and re-establishing Lhe name oY TaYt Street in Lhe City oY San Pernardino, ~ Ta2L d'b. eaa read in full for the first time and laid over for final passage. Ord.No.487. An Ordinance es~,ablish~.,g Lhe grade oi~ Atlantic Avenue i'rom the west side of 1[t. Varnos to the east eLlanLic 3L. sine Of the right or way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pa Hailwuy Company, was read in fall for the first time and said over #'or Yinll passage. Ora.NO.488. An Ordinance esi,~bllshing the grade oY PaciYic stre.~t lrom Lhe west side oY lit. Yernon Avenue to the PaciYio St. ~,easL line oY the right oY way oY the Atchison, Topeka and Santa 1'e Railway Cor~panY, was re:+d in Yull Yor the first limo and laid over Yor final passage. iiy Ord.No.489. ~n Ordinance eatabiisuing tritl grade or Hirsh street from the west side of sit. Vernon Avenue Lo the Birch 3t. "~ east line oY the right oY way oY the Atchison, Topeka and Santa pe Railw,ay Company, was read in Hill Yor the Pirat time and laid over Yor final passage. Ord.Dio.490. An Ordinance tletaulis..h,g i.he grade oY Walnut street Yrom the west side oY Lt. Vernon A~emte,to the Walnut SL. east line oY the right oY way oY the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pe Railway Company, was read in full Yor the Yi+~et lime and laid over Yor i'inal passage. Ord.lfo.481p. An Ordinance eetabiiahing the grade of Chestnut street from the west slde of Yt. Vernoq Avemle to Jheatnut 3t. the west side oY drape Street, was read in Yull for the first time and laid over for Yinal Dessage. Ord.bio.48a. An Ordinance establishing Lhe grade of Oak street from lit. Vernon Avenue to Grape Strut, was read Gel[ SL . in full Yor tae first time and laid aver Yor Yinal passage. Ord.No.48d. An Ordinance establishing the grade of Poplar Street from the west side of lit. Vernon Avenue to the Poplar st. - east line of the right of way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Be Hallway Conpaziq, was read in full for the first time and said over Yor Yinai passage. € ~,,t Pet.w.L~.Bohan Communication of W. D. Bohan requesting bMv exteuaion of 80 days time for the completion of certain ez.ts0 days. contract Yor the construction of sidewalk on ti_e south side of Second Street between Carter lvetme and the ' Santa Fe right-of-way; was presented and read. Ccuncila+an Irving moved that the request be granted. Notion seconded by Counallman Chambers and carried. `' lrhercrupon a Resolution was introduced authorising tIIe Superintendent of streets to eztend b>/ 60 Qars, Lhe tine fized by him for the completion of the work specified in that certain contract entered into between said 8uperintenaent of Streets and W. D. Bohan Yor the iaipso~eaent of the south side of Beoond street between Carter Avenue and the Saute Pe right-of-way, by the construction oY aea~ent eidena2k and curbB therein, was lead in full for the first LYne and laid over for final passage. Rep.Librury `iris annual reyort oY the San $ernal•ciino Pree Public Libra~? Trustees was presented and read. Counail>.a: Trustees. Chambers moved that the report be received ar:d placed on file. Notion seconded by Couneilmsn Kolaies and calTied. r Bills. TLe City C1o21[ wan authori$ed to issue warri?nta for olalMS approved by the liayor and Pinnace Ceapnittee this date by the Yolirnring vot©, to-wit: Ayes, Hoinea, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. lions, none. ~ -, -~~~.i Yet.Liq.Lic. Attorney W. E, Byrne appeared beforo the Cottineil in behalf of Joseph Buehvr anti prnsentcd an npg- J.RUCher. ligation for retai3 liquor license to be conducted and parried on in the new Bucher block nor in eottrse ~ ~ of construction. Cotulcilm:FrF Smit1F wooed that the application be received and Flared on file, and appli- cant be given first claim on license. Motion seconded by Councilman Zrving. Councilman Holmes moved to attend motion, that apylicaLlon be lain on the table indefinitely, and fir. Bucher be given first privilege E should license be cancelled or revoked. Alter some arb*~unent 1[r. Bucher asked that appilesiion be with- drawn. I RicY,ardson H. A. Richardson appeared borore the Council and requested information in regard to status of the ask ulwttt gas, gas question, and was informefl Cotu!cil expected report from expert in two weeica. i Water Dept. Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk be instructed to communicate frith the Water Departcent and told Yotrntn. make request fora eanitaiy drinKing i"ouiitain at~d wator trough to be located at the northwest corner of 2'uttle lirive in iteadowbrook ~ai'a and Second Street. Potion seconded tb~ Councilman Irving and oarrled. Uyon wotio~i of Councilman Smith duly.secsonded by Coti~noilman Irving and carried, the Council ad- t journed to meet !(onday~ Daly zznd, 1912 at "I;80 o~cloca P. k. _ ~ Ai'l~rovecl Chia .2 ~C, - daY of dlily~ 181;x. ~ City Cl e7ac . L /' ._- yor oY the Ci. of /~ San Bernardi i I, S 1 i t i~ r • 3 i . i i • i f . I I ~ r ~,~s City nail, San Bernardino, Calif. July dam, 191;e. • Regular adjourned mooting of the 1/ayor and Conmion Council of the City of San Bernardino, held )tonday July a3n<l, I, lfllz. fleeting was called to order by lfayor Bright at 8:00 P.11., the following members of the Council beinf; present; Coun- cilraen Cole, Irving, Chambers, Smith, Holmes, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. ~ llinutes of the previous meeting wero road and approved. ' P.ee.oi' int. Resolution oi~ the Mayor and romr~c~n Council oY the City of San Bernardino, declaring theft intention to im No.506. Rialto sdwk. prove Rialto Avenue in said City by constructing ac+be;.t uouu~•o„e niaewuiks and curbs iheroin. Upon motion of III Councilman Chambers, duly seconded by Govncilman Cole and carried, Resolution was laid over to be taken up I septeauber ;end, 1913. • Res.of Int. Resolution oi' the Lnyor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to im- No.606. Ellen Curb. prove All enBtroet from the south line of the•roadway of Third Street to the Hotta line of the roadway oP 11111 street by constructing cement concrete curbs therein, wen read in Hill i'or final passage and. adopted by the fa !k following voto, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes; 8hitt?, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Res.or Int. Resolution oi' the 1+.ayor and Common Council oi' the City of Ban Bernardino d?elating their intention to im- , No.510. and Curbs. prove Third Street between the Vest line of 111en Rtreec anc a point on said curb line bl4 feet west of the ~ place of beginning by constructing a cement concrete curU therein, ras rend in Rill £or final passage and ~:d- I opted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. xoes, none. Res.of int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to im- Ilo.611. B St .curbs. prove B street from the north line oi' the roadway o£ Ninth Street to the south line oY the roadway oP Base Lin Street Uy constructing a cement concroto curb therein, was read in Yull £or final pa::sage and adopted by the i rollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. xoes, ao.:e. I F.es.of int. Reso~ut,ion oY the fi&Yor anti Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their lntvntion to im- , No.6l:~. 10th Sdwlca. prove Tenth Street between the wort line of D Street add the oast line o£ tho roadway oY 0 Street Dy construe- . ~ I` Ling cement concrete sidewalks ana curbs therein, was read in fail £or final passage and adopted by the fol- lowing vote, to-wit; Ay93, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, bring, Cole. Noes, none. Res .of Int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Couiicii of the City of San Bernal°dino declaring their intention to im- No.613. C Sdwks. prove ATraRhead Avenue from the north line of the roadway oY Base Line Street to the south line of the roadway oi' 13th Street by constructing cement concrete sidewalks and curbs therein, was read in dill for final passage and adopted by *.h? following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Cfiambere, truing, Cote. Moss, acne. Res.or Int. Resolution of the payor and Co~non Council of the City of San Bernardino Qecslaring their lntention to im- j No.614. Victoria Pv. prove Victoria Avenue from the west line of E Street to the seat lies of Y street by paving the roadway therei and constructing guttora therein, war read in cull for £ipal passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: f Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chamber:., Irrinl6, Cole. Noes, none. i Sea.adpt.P.a3. Resolution of the f[ayor ana Common Council of the City of San Bernardino adopting, plan, Drofile and spBC- 9Lh St.sewer. ifications for the improvement of ltinth 8troet by the oonstructlon of an eight inch vitrifie4 pipe seller there i in, war read in full for final passage. Upon motion of Councilman Holmes, seoonded by Councilman Cole ar.4 car- tied, : osolutior. war lald over i'or one week. ~- ~ Res.adpt.Y~. Resolution of th3 l;ayor and Common Council of the City of sou Bernardino adopting plan, profile, and spec . I st. Soper. ifications for the improvemont of I streot by the conativetion oi' a viiri£ied pipe seROr tAereia, was rea4 1n 1 lull for final yassago and adopted by the iollowir.g vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambtra, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. ._.~...~..,__...,.-- _ _- --__ . _ _ . ~ 1 _ _ _ -- _.~__~----------____.~._,..----_..e-_-_.~_~ i Ras.adpt. Heso~.ution of th© 1Gayo_ a[~d Corr[non Council of the City oi' san Aernardino adopting, plan, profile any r.~ s. 8th Sevrer. speeifieations for tho improvement os'>';ighth Street by the construction of ar. night inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in full nor iihal Dassage end adopted by the following vote, to-sit: dyes, Holmes, ~ Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. does, none. Res.adpt. Resolution oY the Mayor and Com[aon Co~lncil of the City of San Bernardino adopting, plan, profile and P.& S. 7th Sew. speciiications f'or the improvement oi' Seventh Street by the construction of a twelve incII bitrif'ied pipe i sewor therein, was rend in full for fir!al passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, '~ 1 Smith, Chambers, Irving, vole. Noes, cone. 'Res.adpt. Resolution of the i[ayor ar.d Commi•n Council of the City of San Bernardino adopting, plan, F•rofile and P. ~ S. tsth Sewr. speciiications for the improvement eY Sixth Stra:et by the construction of an eight inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, was ra;:d in 1111 for final pa;aage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Aycs, Holmes, Smith, Chaa~bers, Truing, Cole. Noes, none. 1 Res.adpt, tteaolutioa or the,liayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino adopting, plan, profile apd P.&S. Spruce sw. epecif'icationa tc+r end a[aprovement of Spruce Street by the construction of an eight inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in iUll nor i'inal passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, j' \ Smith, Chambers, Irvi;[g, Cole. boas, none. , Res.ac[.pt. lteaolutioa of the Mayor and Common, Council of the City oz' San Bernardino adopting, plan, profile and P.t~ 3. Kingman. speciiications for the improvement oi' Kingman Street by the construction of a twelve inoh vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in i'ull Tor Yinal yassage and auapte~i by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes ,,Eiolaea, Rmith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Res.adpt. Resolution of the uayor~and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino adopttag Dlaa, profile and P.tk 3. ' Pine i L. sspecificatie[[s for the improvement of L Street and Yine Street by construction of an Eight•fnah vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in full for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:',Ayes,~ Y.olmes, Smith, Chai[b0;s, Irving, Cole. Fines, Wane. i O.g.Inv. Councilman Chambers moved that the City Engineer be instructed to investigate the matter of correat- Na1e Daley i!c Bridge. iIlg name of Bridge a!~d Daley Streets. Lotion seconded b)' Councilman Smith Blld carried. Ord.No.48o. An Ordinance changing ana re-establishing the name of Taft Street in the City of Ssa~Bernardino, use ~ Taft st. ` read in full Tor 1'it~el Dassage and adopted by rho following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, 3mitll, Chambere~ Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Crd.l~o.4&i. An Ordinance establishing the grade of Atlantic Avelitie frog the west side of lit. Vernoi Avei[ue~to•the Atlantis. east lire of the right of way oY the Akchisoi, Topelcn and Santa Pe ArtiwaY Ooapary~ was reed in full for final Dassage and aQOpted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noss, none. • Ord.NO.488. An Ordiasioe establishlns the glade of Paeifle Street Srosi the wont aide of Yt. Vernon Aveieue to the Pacific. east line of the right of way oY the Atchison, Kopeks and Santa Pe railway company, was read in lull Yor f final passage and adoptea by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holnea, 911th, Chambers, Zrving, Cole. Ncea ~ ions. Ord.Ne.48a. Aa urainanae eatablishitlg the grade of Biroh street ft~ the wear aide of 1[t. VerROi Avemae'~ tDe Birch et. east line of tihe right of way of the Atchison, YopelCa anct seats Ye Railway ComDany~ was read ii ittll foz ~ fin81 passage ..na aaopLed by the roiiowing vote, Lo-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Odle. Noes, none. Ord.No.490. An Ordinance establishing the grade of kalnut Str:...t Yrom the west side of ltt. Vernoi Avenue to the xalnut. ea at line of the ~7ght of way of the Atahiscn, Topeka and Santa Pe Railway Company, was read in frill 1'or final passage and adopted bY.the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Stith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. } Ord.A'o.491. An Ordinance establishing trio grade oP Chestnut Street from the west side oP lit. Vernon A•renue Lo the Chestnut St. west side o1 Orape Streot, was read in full for L'inal passage and a~~opted by tho following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Color lloas, Wane. Ord.NO.49;~. An Orainanoe estaellsning tho grade of Oak Street Eras Yt: Yernva Avenue to urupe Street, was read is ! Oak St. lull for the final passage and adopted by Lhe Following voto, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, i Cole. Noes, none. Ord.No.49:i. An Ordinance establl:+hing the grad© oi' Poplar Streot Prom the west side of 1(t. Vernon Avenue to the Poplar St. - ~ ' east line oi' the right of way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pie Railway Company, was read in full for final passage and adoptod by the following vote, to-xit: Ayes, Holmes, Smi*_h, Chambers, Zrving, Cole. Noes, none. P.es.ordg Wk. A Resolution oi' the Mayor anu Common Comteal of the City of San Bernardino ordorir~g the work oY improv- Orange Swr_. Nobl6. ing Orange Streot between A and B Streets by constructing a six inch vitrified. pipe sewer therein, was read in li i'ull ioa• the first time ai;d laid over i'or final passage. Pes.ord.Wk. A Resolutivn of the liayor and Common Council oi' the City oP San Bernardino ordering the work of improv- NO.b18. B 3t.rwr. ing B Street between Base Line and lath Streets, by eonstrugticn an eight inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, ~i was read is lull for the Yirst time and laid over for final passage. i Res.ord.Wk. a Resolution of the Yayvr and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ordering the work n2 im~rov- No.6l'I. ; 6th St.swr. ing Y1fth Street iron lit. Vernon Avenue to a point •i68.'i Year west L'y constructing an eight inch vitrified pipe sever therein, was read in full For the First time and laid over i'or F1rai passage. • Res.ord.Wic. A Resolution of Lhe Mayor and Oommon Council or the City of San Bernardino ordering the work of ieprov- No.618. Kis~aan Cbs. ing Kingman Street between kt. Vernon Avenue and tt point •i00 feet west. by constructing cement concrete curb on the north side and on the south aide Lhe~eol', was read is flail Tor the first tine and laid over for,i'inal Fas- sage. Res.ord.wk. A Resolution of the l+ayor and Common Council of the City oi' Saa Bernerdino ordering the wo~r dor the No.619. King & K Swr.improvemdnt o= King Street from kt. Verson Avenue to K Street and thence south on K Street to Rialto Avenue, , by constructing flII eight inch vitrified pipe sever thexeia, was read in full for the first time sad laid over for final passage. ~ Res.ord.Wk. A Resolutloai of the Mayor sad Common Council of the CitZ• oi' San Bernardino ordering tho work of inpiov- No.6:c0. , King west. ang King Street frcm Yt. Verncn Avenue to a point bbo i'eet weal, by constructlag a siz inch vitrified pipe sev- er therein, was read in full Sor the Tirst time and laid Ovor for.fiaal passage. sti.Supt.ex. A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Co~.u:cil of Lhe City of San Bernardino snthorizing the superintend-~' L1ile.M.1J. • Bohan. eat of 3treeta to extend by ts0 data the time flied by hi® for the completion oP the wort apecifieQ in that eer` I lain contract, entered into between said S[aperinteadent of 3treeta a:d w. D. Bniai~ Sor the 2=pr~vement o2 BDeoad Street between I street and Carter Avenue by constructing eeaent siflewalt and•eurb therein, wa[r reufl 1u 11a1i for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes, Hol=es, Smith. Chsabers~ IaMag. Aole.. t~oea, none. Trana.to St. A Resolution o2 the Mayor and 09n'oa COUneil authorising the transfer of i16~000 iron the General Yund ~ Fund.' LO the Street frond, was read is Tull for the fie°at time 8nd laid Over fOr final passage. i Res.of .int. A Heaolution of the Mayor and COntuon Council of the City of Ban Bernardino declaring their iatentica No.6z1. ' I 3t.fi?r. to construct a vitriiYed pipe sever in i street, was read in flail for the first ties and laid over for rinai ~,~•' passage. Res.oi" Int. A Raeolutivu or the Mayor and Comnan Council of the City of San nernardino, 4rzelaring their inteLtion xo.~xz. 8th Rt.Awr. to construct a vitrified pi ye sever in Eighth Street, was read an roll Yor the rirat ti®e and laid over for ', final passage. - ---_ ~ 1 •fi;;; ffs Res.of Int. f. Resolution of the l:tayor and Coraraon Council of the City oi' San Bernardino, declaring their intention 3 No.Stia. •ith St.awr. to construct a vitrified pipe sewer in Seventh Street, was read in f1~22 for the first time and laid over for j iinal passage. ~ I{ keNpo~N~at. A Resolution of the Yayor and Common Council of Lhe City of Sau Bernardino, declaring their intention 6 8th St.Swr. to construct a vitriYod pipe sewer in sixth Street, wan read in illll f'or the I'irat time and laid over for ~ final Passage. P.es.oY Int. A Resolution of the Ltsyor and Cc>;n.:on Council of the City of San Bernal°dino, declarlllg their intention Ho.626. Sprtace 3wr, to constr°uct a vitrii"red pipe se~~er in Spruce Street, was read in tall Yor she first tine and laid over~for final passage. Res.of Int. A Reso.~u~ivn vi' s,hc ldaYOr and ComrE;on Cow:cil of the City of` San Bernardino, declaring their intention No.s~~. . Kingman Svir. to construct a twelve inch vitrii"ied pipe sewer in Kingman Straot, was read in fllil for the first time and laid over ~or• final passage. ' Res.of Int. A Rseo2utioa of the Mayor and Common Council of tine City of son Bernardino, deolaring their intention N 0.5:G'! . Pine ~ L. to construct a vitrii'ied pipe sewer in Pine 8:AC2 L Streets, was read in full for the first time end laid over ~ for Final passage: t SL.SUpt.rop. The 8t;•eet superintendent presented report with reeomr;endationa for pecesaitiea, Street department; also, presented blank lease of Southern Paeii'ic Company i'or oil heating plant. Councilman Chambora moved that the lease oY Scutherr; Pacific Railway Coml.any, as presented be aecayted. Potion seconded by Council- malt 3adtir and Carried. • Cleric issue Counoilmali Chambers moved that the Cleric be instructed to issue warrant for ~;e6.00, in favor of the "~far.=x5.for lease. southern Pacific itailway CorJpany, to cover lease, whey required. notion seconded by Councilaan smith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambora, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Raise Bigger It was maven uY Coaacilm;.a Chambers that ea Officer Bigger having served two years on the San Ber- ? Salary. 98PC'3n0 police force, that the saki officer's salary be increased from ;`=6.00 to =80.00 per month. Yst3oa seconded by Councilman Smith sad car°ried by the Yellowing vote, to-wit: dyes, Halmos, 9:lith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. j' st.s'1pt.pur. Councilman Chambers moved that the Street 3uperiatendent be auhtorised to purchase a push cart for mash cart. Lhe Street department. notion seconda3 by Councilaan Smith and carried by the foilaring vote, to-wit: Ayea,tiolmes, Smith, Chambers, Irvillg, Coie. Noes, none. Com.agnat. r. 8. aoodlett appeared before the Cotulcil and ask ad for relief from the continuous whiatling or S.P.4Yhst1. Santa Fe traisa in front of his Terre on I Street. Councilman Irving moved that the Street superintendent ba instructed to ts8ca the matter up witA Lhe Banta Fe Compares is regard Lo the above. Yotioa seconded by Councilman Smith sled carried. An.Rep.D.& Annual financial statement of the City of San Bernardino for the fiscal yeas ending .Trine 030th, 191:4, Dub ire l l . was presented by 3ixpert dccountaats Draper ~ Dubbe2l. Councilman 3idth taoved that the report be received and yleced on file. Potion seconded by Counoiitssan Holmes and c;,rried. D.& D.Iav. Counollmau smith moved that Draper a?:d Dubbell {to eat iR coa~unotion with the ltayorl be authorised Us1.3az. • to investigate Delinquent Pax List, in order to determine what amount night be due the City Eros the County j for its share of such delinquent taz collectioas. lfotion seconded by Councilman Irving aria carried by the ~ following veto, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambora, Irving, Cole. Noes, eons. C:J.OOl. The peroeatage'of 017e dross a3lttual reoeiFte oI the pacific tilectrio Railway Co., for the nee anct vr- Y.hy~. oration of certain x'ranohiae, being coiled to the sttr+ntion oi' the liayor and Common Council iii the xeporr made by Dr•uper & Dubbeti, Cotlneilrgaa 3Atith moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to invae- tigate cause of discrepancy. Yotiou aeoonded by Coutlcilmaa Hol?aes and carried. I P1r9 Chief Ccuneilman Smith moved that the Nire Chief Starke be authorized to employ air extra driver for two DmP.Man. months at a salary of #70.00 par month. Potion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the following • vote, to-wit; Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. hoes, none. D.n.D.ins. xeacmendation oY llraper and Dubuell regarding system in the Police Department, councilman smith movoa systara in ~ P. Dept. Lilat the mutter be referral to the 1(ayor and Draper and Dubuell ;to install such system in said department, as thw think advisahle. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. C.E.Pre. COwlullman siaitn moved that, the City 1'ngin9er be inetructec~. to vrepare plans and spsaii'icat~ons for the ~ P.Ge 3. B Sevrer. construction oi' a seWOr is P Street betwoen 10th Street and Base Liae. Potion secondod by Councilman Chambers anti Cai'PiCd. ' C.E.Pra. Cowieilman Smith moved that the City Engineor be instruatad to prepare plane and specificat~oas for the Y.~r. S. 8dw1[ 8th. eonstructioa of a sidwalk oa Kinth Street between D and ~ Streets. Motion seconded by CouncilmaP Irving and. i carried. j Councilman Irving moved filet the Clark be instinlcted to advertise for bide for toilets to be eoastrue- I Clerk edv. ~3ids.4oi1: fed in lleadowbro~c Pa~]c, according Lo plans and specifications previously adopted. Motion seconded by Cotiin- ciLaan im•19 sad ourried. ' • Upon uotic+n of Oouncilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Cola and carried, the Cour_cil,ad~ourned "~ to meat Monday, July ifetn, 161», at 7;a0 o'c1ocK, Y.M. Approved this ~ ~y of J1ilY, 16L-c. C ty Cler . hayor oY the >y of San Berner no. ' i ' i ,'. r ~-w ; i. City Hall, 3aa tieraarQino, Calif. July s9Lh, 191a. Regular adjourned meeting oi' the 1(ayor and COL11:lOn Council of the City of san Bernardino held I(o;lday July :d8th, 191;x. Meeting was calls~i to order by ::ayor Bright at 'I:30 o•clock, P, k., Lhe following members of the Council being present, Councilmen Holmes, Smith, Chanbars, Irving, Cole, City ~tsorney Aliisonlaad'City Clerk Batghelor., r% 1[iritlLes of Lhe previous meooing were read and approved. ' C.C.Haskeil C.C. Haskell appeareei before the Cowicil in behalf oi' Comrritt~e apyointed by the Chamber of Commerce, to Ad¢. in rogard to advertising the City or san Bernardiao, eau requeatad ti,at the ilayor and Council Lake soma action toward Yurnishing the money for such advertising. Councilnan Zrving moved that the natter be re- ferred to the City Ai.torn~y. Potion seconded bl' Councilmar_ Holmes nd mrrisd. Res.adpt. xesJlutiiva of the LaYOr and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino adopting plan, profile and Y.t~.B. 9th s+Rr. specif'icetioas for the improvement of Ninth Street by the construction oP an eight inch vitrified pipe saner therein, wus read in full for final Dassage~+and adopted by the followia$ vote, to-wit; Ayes, • Holmes, with, Ohanbers, Zrving, Cole. Noss, nose. r" Ras.ordg wk. Resolution of Lhe Mayor and Common Council oi' Lhe City of san Bernardino ordering Lhe work of improv- No.616. Orai:ge swr. ing Orange street between A and B streets, by constructing a vitrified pipe seo?er therein, was read in ' lull for the SYnai passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, nose. Res.ordg wk. Res4iiai,i~n of the leayor and Common Council of the City of Salt Bernardino ordering the work of imDrov- No.618. B Sewer. iag B Street between Base Lina and 10th Street, by constructing a vitrified pip^_ sever Lharein,,was read in full for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayss, Holmes, smith, Chambers, Irv- ing, Cola. Nose, none. Ras.ordg wk. Reaolutiva ~f tna 1[ayor and Common Council of the City of sae Bernardino ordering the work of i~prov- lio .617. 5th sewer. ing Yifth Street, between Lt. Vernon Avenue aad a point 7b a.7 feet west, bu oonstructiag a vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in full for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: eyes, Hoivea Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. ~ ' ~ Res.ordg wt. P.esolutiioa or Lhe uayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ordering the work of•improv- xe.sla. ' Kingman Crbs.ing Kingman Street irom Sit. Verysoa Aveuue to a point `i00 meet weal, by constructing eemeat conar3te curbs therein, was read in full for final I•assage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holaea, , smith, Irving, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. Ras.ordg.wk. Reaoluti~n of tine 3Sayor and Cooueon Council of she City or San Bernardino ordering the w~ of improv- No.61a. Klag~elC 9wr. King Street Prom Ht. Vernon lYentla LO H street and thanes south on K Stroet to Rialto Avenue, by aoaatrua! ing a vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in full for final passage. UDOn nation of Councilman Smith, ' duly secsonded by Councllman Holaea and sarricd, said Resolution was laid Kam,:Bo be Laken uD Be~tember oaa, lOla. Res.ordg.wr. Resolution oi' the Layor and Common Couaeii of the City of Ban Bernardino ordering the work of improv- fto.s~0. K1ng,N,Swr. ing King st~•ees 1'rolo xt. Vernon Avenue to a point 60o feet west, by aoastrueting a vitrified pipe sewer Lnerein, was read in Lull ror.rinal Dassage and adopted by the roliowi:~g vote, to-wit: Ayss, Holmes, f 9miL'u, Irving, Chambers, Cola. Nose, uoae. • Res.oi IaL. ,xsevlia:l~n vi she ifsyor xnd Common Couaail or the City oY San Bernardino, declaring their intention so No.6:a1. aonssruet a gitrified pipe sear in I SsroeL, wsa read la full rer rina2 passage and adopted by the 201- i 1olrii?g, vote, to-rit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chamoera, Irvi;:g, Cols. Foes, noes. 4 ~ ~_~', I ltes.of In*. Resolution of bhe s,ayor _au Coc::,~oa Couticii of tiie City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention 8th Swr. to construct a vitrified pipe sewer in l;~ghth Street, was read in Pull Yor Yirel passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Sruith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, n~ae. j F,ec.oY Int. Resolution of the ~dayor and Common Council of the City of san Bernardino declaring their intention i ~ 3iob~:i. 7th sa~•fer. to construct a vitrified piye sewer is Sesatyn8treet, was read in Tull Tor final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambora, Irving, Cols. Noes, none, ~ Ree.ef Ixt. Resolution of the•ltayor and Common Council of the City oY San Bernardino, declaring their intention to NO.6:G4. Itch 3t.Swr. construct a vitrified Pipe sewer in Sixth Street, was read in Pali for final passage and adopted by the follow- ing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, 6'mith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, noa8. Aes.of Int. Resuiutiuu of Lne ~;.yor ..uu Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention N0.5z5. 3pruae 3wr. to construct a vitrified pipe sewer in Sprice Street, was road in lull for final passage and adopted by the , dam , ag, Cole. hoes, nose. following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes Smith C bars Trvi i Res.of Int. Resolution of .ae ?~ayor sad Commmn Cvuiicil ox the City or San Bernardino, declaring their intention to :~fl. 6u~. Kingman Sr. construct a Twelve inch vitrifie,' pipe sewer in Kingman street, was read in full for i'iaal passage and adopt- ed by the following vote, to-wit: AYes, Holmes, 3mfth, 8hambers, Irving, Coie. Noes, wove. Ras.oT Int,• itasolution or the Mayor and Common Council of the City of san Bernardino, declaring their intention No .6:a7. ~ '' Pine & L to mmlastztict a vitrified pipe suer in Pine es:reet and L Street, was read in full rot Tinal passage and adopt- ed ~ the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. B C'1rb line. iho mater relating to curb on B Street, being eiz inches off grade 12ne, Coui~cilmait Holmes moved the; the Watt~r be referred to the City Pnginear. 7[otion seconded by Councilman Co18 and carried. Res.ordg wY. Resotui,.:,n of one mayor and Com:a~n COUnc:il or she City of 3..:: aernaraino ordering :he~w~rk of imyrov- No. b:e8. - ;onfl sdwk. ins Second Street, between p and a Streata, by constructing cement concrete sidewalks therein, wsa read in i'ul~. ~'or the first time and 'laid over for final passage. Ord.Ye.41yl. An Ordinance fining the neaaasary amount oP money to be raised by taxation on the tenable property of 'Fazes Rave. the City of San Bernardino as a revenue to carry on the various dapartmeata of the munloiDal government oP the City f'oT the curtest year and to pay the principal and interest due and coming due upon the bonded indebtedaesa of said City, was read in ihli for the first Lime and laid over for final passage. _ lraas.to Resolution transferring the sum of ~io,v0u freed the ~?neaeal xunQ to the Street Bund was read in hull ~ st.~und. -' for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, bring, Cole, Noes, none. P.1k S.Toilets Councilman vole m0led that Lhe plans and apecificatlona for toilets in ]teadowbroot Park, prerions~ ~ 1[dbrk Pk adPt . ~ presented by Lhe City ringineer, be adopted and the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bide for the oon- i atruction of scald toilets. Notion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. 83ds opnd. This being the data tined for cne opening of bide rot furnishing water sprinkling wagon, Councilman Sprakng wag. Irving moved that the clerk proceed to open such bids. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. The fo.tlawing era aopioa of bide as presented: Bid of American 3tee1 Pi De and Tank Coi ?b wo••zid Dropose to furnish, delirsr, f.o.b. oars San Bernazdiao, ohs SprinklWr 1?agen,'eQuipec! with a galvaniseQ steel tan)`, 800 gallons capacity, Pitted witL 16'' manhole, doable distribntiag Stndebaksr Sprin- trier, foot control devise, seat, an4 foot,r~at. The wagon to be knows as the 8} Baia Zagora, 4• tits, som- plate with brake, double trees, and neck yoi[e for the sum of idl6.oo. The gairanlsod s1ee1 itnk would be eonatraeted of 110.18 gauge galvanised steel, being 718}• diameter, X~, tb? i0 it. long. It would be mounted on o z 8 skids, sad sttpported by strays so that the tank would sot come in contact with alCids. ]tidwa7? of the tank, between the hNda, would be a splash board, constructed of No.18 gauge steel, so as to protect the two heads. q could promise you delirary witltiin snout s8 hours. frog zecelDt of Lhe order. We el7aloae, herewith: a general ant of the wagon, sad also oT tils tank. • yours rery truly, s.11. HnQeon. F Bid of Qeorge A. Rogers: One ti0~ gallon Etnyre, all steel tani:, mounted on platform spring gear, four inch tiro and brake, i with a tank out away #'or drivers seat, and shown on 3~age Y o#' the catalogue, for the sum oi' ;45.00, f.o,b. cars San Bernardino. We have this spriricler in stoak'in Los Angeles and'oan slip ir~rediately. One 800 gallon, all steel tank Etnyre Sprinkler, Your inch tiro and brake, platform ®priYig ge..r, i shown on page x oY the catalogue, for the sum of ;400.00, f.o.b. care San Bernardino. We have this i sprin kler in stock in Los Angeles and can make immediate delivery. Yours very truly, c • Bi4 of R. x'.1(ttcirilli'vrayz Will be pleased to Punish one p'z6z 8tudeb~cer Sprinkler with 800-gallon galvanized steel tank, tan;: cut down in front for driver's nasty steel i'rame, full platform gear, Archibald wheals, 4'• tires, brake and rillirsE; hone v?ith patent check valve and coupling to fit fire plug, S,o.b. San Bernardino, i4tsa.00 nat. ^s his is a duplicate of the sprinkler sold *.o the City oY San Bernardino in 180x. see pages 18 and 3sT oa ohs ontalog Yor illustration. 7e will i'urnish one *ab7 sprinkler oY the same description ezeeptang with farm gear in place of Yell platform gear, with 4" tires and brake, Y.o.b. San Bernardino for ~40a.00 net. Thin sprinlCier is illhe:raced on page ;~S of the catalog. Your:; vary truly, R.W. 1iac01111vary. Bid oi' Austin-Wostern Co.= i I We will iurniah,you one.AyYstin Steel Tack d00 gallon Sprinkler; equipped with double sprinkling ataer~ent,'brake,„eeoSllating Yifth whe11~ steel"aide rails, patent Sarven wheels, 4• tires, as describ- 6 ed in our'speefrlaations which we ai•e euelosing for {;atl`i.00) three hundred end eighty-seven dollars. a We are"also'encloaing catalog, which fully describes the sane. • T(iese sprinklers are not only in general use in Caiii'ornia, but throughout the United Staten. ws recently sold 100 Of them to the City oY Yins~eapolis. The government ~uat bought 40 of these sprinklers ' f for tlse in the Yellowstone National YarY. • We guarantee our sprinklers Lo be made oY good material; and all aeZoiiB '.A workmanship or matsril are guarantoefl for one year. We are enclosing a eertiYled check for Yorty dollars. " Hoping we msy be i'avored with your order, which will receive yroayt attention, we remain, Very rs$yecti'uily yours, The Austln-rreassra Co. , Ltd. By J.W. prench. Cout~ciim;.., i:hambare moved that the bid oY the Austin-Western Co., be accepted. 1lotion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, He1Ses,~3nith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. hoes, none~• Bids opnd. Shia being the data n xed ror ins opening of bids for the construction of oil heating plant, Coun- 011 Htg. Plnt. cilaan Chamber:; moved that the clerk proseod to open such bide. Potion seconded by Councilman Smith and car- rigid. The following are copies of bids es presented; Bid of Ripublic ITOA & $t eel Co., the above wateral"and labor as per your sDecii'ieatione and Blne Prince for the sub of Three Thous ' and,sev;en hwidred and fifty follare- -------;dy50.00 0 Attached rind alternate apocifications on our own iflea ror the sun of Rhree Thousand, sit hundred and forty dollars,-- ------ --- --------- 4640.00 Both proposals are based on not encountering water before depth of 10- is~reachad. If water is eneonntsa~,s81q? aaast take care of a..me. Certified check or bond for ~a76.oo aeaos~paniea this bifl. Any repairs or additions aade to old storage tanks will DeaY~argefl as en extra at shop rates. • Ropu511c Ircn & 8tee1 Co., BY N. Y. YilaLirs, Pres. " • Bia Of w.D.Anderaon: 1?e propose to cove tae two storage tan ka, and yuaD rrosi it~e Dresent~loeation to a spot designated by City St.BUpt. so nu nish and install one heating tanY as psr sYSSi~asattaaa~ osu rtabl storage tank of iti00u gallon cayacity, p-a" diem x a0 feet long, ,ads of a/28• tart steel', iongitunieai scans donble rir- eted std girt sea¦a single, fitted with aanhole and flanged seeds;, to furnish one a0 H.P. as per apes- iYiactione- to erect entire Dlaat and furnish puny and boiler house as Der apecifieations for the s~ of Thirty Seven Hundred {;3700.00 Dollars. If old Cants and Dumping outfit are found to hea4 repairing, we will charge extra Yor any work dor on same. We would went ninety (@0) days to comylete nob. Respectfully, W.D. Anderson. Hid Of E.i).HMtgh; 011 Heating plant as per plane tAd apocifications using • ua H.P. Horeaontal Tubular Brims :tat Boiler, with buck stays, for the sus of thirty-seven (;3700.00) 4olisre. 8u4atituting a 15000 gallon a/18• asoel tame ir. pleas of 10000, syeoiried; Sleetris driven air burning system in plane of steam pump, specified. Boiler house to be 14 x :a4~, tan coat sides. Crile of o^sa• own device in Lanka, guarantying tetayerssure or oil required, i'oi• the sua•of thirty-Your hundred fae? ty five {j344o.au) doliare. It is understood that the C_ty is to bring the electric wire and~the water pipe inside of building. To level off'the aurvitte dirt fror,~ excavations. To fLunish u® the ~taetion engine in hauling oil tanks from present location, arr& ii rater is round in excavations, requiring any pumping:, City is to furnish ae- ' sistance for removing such water. • l;.D .Id~u$h. cuwicilman ~sn,.mbers nievea LhnL 4he substitute bid oT E. D. Hough, in the sum of ;D446.00 be accept- ed,an~i the Clerk be authorized Lo return certified check to unsuccessful bidders. notion seconded by Councilman Holu:es and carried by the following voto, to--wit; Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chartbera, Irving; Oola. Noes, none. brown ap. JosePh Brown arpeared bei'ore the Council and asked for one weok in which to presont a protest agrrinet • eo[isti~rrting oil riea!ing plant 1u the neighborhood of i'irst sad B Streets. Pids opnd. This being the dote fixed for thv opening oi' bids i'or the construction or c:uiverr; 1a p Street, betwee. g at.Culy. • 'l'ef't Street acrd base'Line, Councilman Smith [:roved That the. Clerk proceed to open such bide. Yotian seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. The Yollowing bids were presented and read. Bid of p. kontigel & Sons: Ire will construct the culvert on •p• Street between Taft st. and Base Line for the sum of ;ri05.76, (Five Hundred a[td Yive and 75/100, Dollars.} Thie according to plane and epecifleationa as given ua by the ' City Engineer- of the City of San Bernardino. Very truly yours, P.l[ontigel & Sons, Redlands, Cal. p.a. f:neiosed find certified cheeK to the amount of i0 per cent oT the bid. Bid oY R.H. Swfnney. -~ ' i7.b6 per linear foot. This prise perKaina to ninety feet oY arch culverts and includes the wing wal is and aprons. Total amount for fob compieto, ;ti 80.40. Any extra exaavationa required under this contract and apeciflcations, ;1.60 par cubic yard. Any extra concrete ;11.00 per cubic yard. Ali extra atone or gravel to be plaoed as sub-foundation. ;;c.00 per cubic yard. Bid or Chas. H: Lei•ler:_ Culvert per lineal foot,---- - -------------__~__-___~7.g0 Bid of Bfzler t~ Newman; ; • Yor the concrete culvert per lineal fool,--------------------------------~9.a0 90 lineal ft. ~ 8.ts0, -------------°~_--_-~-_-~------------i1:a4.90 wing wails and aprona,---------------...________.._________------------___--- 1f(s.00 2~ota1 Yor culvert eosrplete,---------- 890.00 Excavati[rg and Tilling sub-grade with rock and gravel, -------------------- 1W .60 Enclosed find cert. Cheek f'or 150.00. Hespt. Bixler 8 Newman. Bid. OY Chas. xc:~lvaln: ' Culvert per lineal ft.,----------------------------------------------- ~.4;a i dOb Comp1840,•-------__-__....__-_...___.._---------------------------------- i8H`l.60 Bid or dames YcNa1r Paving Co: Culvert complete ----- ------------- ---~ 697.80 Culvert Per lineal Yoot•,--------------- -----____________________.,. ~ty.tSB , Councilman Cole moved that the bid of Charles YeElwin ai~Fearing to be Lhe lowest and best bid, that the said bid be accepted and brat the Clerk be authorized to return certified eheoks to unsuccessful bidders. Motion seconded by Councilman Smith curd oarried by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holsea, Smith, Chambers, Irving, cote.' Nova, acne. Ccam.of 'ro To the Honorable uayor and Coamron Council oY the Ci*y of San Bernardino, state of Calfi'ornia. Baldridpe. Gentlemen:- You are hereElr notified that I Aere+rith withdraw o4• other rasently cede to your Honor- able Body as a eoirtribution Tor the purpose oY taking care of the storm water Troia Twin Creek and other storm waters diverted and flaring doirn •A~~ Street in the said G1tY of San Bernardino during the winter ssasoa, and alO hereby request that said water be carrie0 corn the west aide oS •1• attest between 6th and 4th stres* and demand that avid water not be diverted Trol6,tha west side Of Said •A• Street aL the intaraeetion of •A• and 6th strNts through the culvert r.ae~tiy oonatrusted by said city and by which ail of said storm water is diverted and aaue- ed to i'lew onto the i:roperty owned by me on the east side oY •A• street between 5th And 4th attests in said sttZ ~ ; ! You are 2urther notiri ed,trrat I will hold Baia oity resyonsibls Yes a~ dataQe to my property which may be oc- E , ~ casioi.ed by the,diversion~of safe sto:~s? wator through said culvert at the interae etion of •w• Stresi and bth • Street in said City. f Dated tRfe ;c6th day or duly, 191. ii. 8alctridge, Dy OurLis a l{ellabb, Attys.for Y..Baldridgs. _ . Comtt:.Am. Communication of League oi' A~.eric3n 7~iitnici);alities, advising that the next convRntion of League sill L .1(vni c . be halo at Buffalo, September i8, 19 and zOth, and requesting repre:;entative at auc;h meeting. Councilman j S~ritii n;oved that K. .cattle be authorized to act as a press comn~lttee for the City of Ssn Bernardino. ~ Motion seconded by Councilman Irvingand carried. Pet.3tessgr. `Phe following petition,ei$ned by some za busii.esa men, wa3 presented and read: uf•. ~ . To the Honorable ldayor and Common Council or the City of San Bernardino, California: uentlemen:- We, the undersigned business =sn of EiiA Bernardino, believe it would be a eonverrienos to u= if' I` a messenger ot'fice was conducted in this ¢ity sod we hereby signl4'y our willingness to have such a service established. Councilnu~n Smith woved that the petition be received and placid on file. Motion seconded by Council- ~ man Chambers and carried. j Ccrcm.Bariter. Lector of James E. Barker address to 4.. 1:. Irving, Chairn~aii Committee on pas :?aces investigetlon, Ban Bernardino, Cali.forr;ia, waa read, advising that Ae, Idr. Barker, was gathering data as fast as possible, ~ i ann. that he was delayed to some extent on account of Receiver's sale of the San Bernardinp Va11eY flea Company, ~ whioh is to taKe pia¢e July 80th. i~ ~ pries Lic. fteoxge Wixom appeared before the Cotu~ei3 in behalf' of J. C. Powell, victim of an explosion at Crastn~ore, i Paxe11. and stated that the Creatwore Co., had offered to put L(r. Powell in a small business of acne kind, and Raked that 1[r. Powell be granted a free business license on account oi' his disability. Councilman Chambers moved that Lhe request be granted and license be remitted. Potion aocondsd by Councilman Irving and earned by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, smith, Chamber::, Irving, Cole. ixoe~, none. Ros.`iina i4ash- ilr. s. ]3aschelor, City C1arY. ington. Dear air: Thinking you slid other frienua for the position that I have held Tor some tile, but will "oe comyell to resign sa I have to much work Yor the salary of ;;co.p0 and will resign after the first of Aug. Thinking you and Concilman kinrily. Rsapectitsiiy, Tenn Washington. upon reading the foregoing, Councilman Smith moved that the resignation of Tina Washington be accepted. liotioa seconded by Cozlneilman Chambers and carried. ` G.E.pre. Referring to resent accident on the lft. Vernon entranoe of viaduct, Councilman with moved that the mat- !- ~ Viaduct. { ~ ter of improving conditions at said point be referred to the 3t, superi~;tendent and City F'ngineer. Notion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. C.P.Yres. City ]'rngina~nr presented plans and sp~cificationa for the construction oT sidewall[ and curb on the south 1'.b• 8. aide of" 9th Street between D and ]d streets, and aev;er in 11 Street betn'een 10th and Base Line, Councilman Smith moved that the Baia peens and specifications be reYeered to the O~Ey AttolZley. I~[oticn secsonded tq? Councilman Irving and carried. Pet.2or Ye- Savanaugh and IKOrgan appeared before the Couiseil aisd lade application to conduct a messenger offlcte. asngr off. Ceuncilnuan Smith moved that the application ba gr.a?~od xuu ~aa~ 11¢enee be issued to said Kavanaugh and 1[0l•- gan at ;d.00 per quarter. notion retaed~to reaein a sscsond. °t.aupt.con. Councilman Criamberb moved tT.at the street superiatsndent be authorized to convert three inspection xanholea. manholes in P street to regular •anl;oles. Potion seeondod by Councilman 9mitn and carried by the ioilowint vote, to-Fit: Dyes, Holu:es, Smith, Chal4i,)era, Zrving, Cole. Ross, none. l SL.Com.Pur. Councilman Irving moved that the street Committee be authorized to purchase a bngCry for the use of the C.E.bugBy City Engineer. Motion seeonde~i by Councilman gtuith and carried by the 1'a11ow1Ag vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmea~ smith, Chasbers, Irving xpoa; 9eie• _ _ _ _ r _~~s; e C.A idex. In t3ze ma~tor of widening Sbruee Street from I to L Streets, TaYt Street from F to 0 Streets and Streets. j hansen Strr;et from F to 0 Street to 60 foot stroets, making tLe~, tu[ifolma in kidth, Councilman Chawbers moved that t:~~e natter be rei'er•rec~.to the City Attorney. Potion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Uyon i:.otion oi' Councilman Holmes, duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carriod, the Council adjour- ned to meat 1[onday, Auguot 6th, 193x, at v:.0 o'clock, 8. Y. Api:roveci this daY oF' July, 191x. City Cler c~- ii aYor oY the C ty oi' // San Ber[~ardltlo. t - • ti~ I ' r k ~ , { • _ 7 < '7 1 i City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. August bth, 1912. l r' '~ etegular adjourned mooting of the iaayor and COmt::On Council of the City oi' San Bernardino, held 1londay, August II 6th, 1fl22. Meeting was oalled to order by llaYor Rright at B:;GO o~clock Y.N., the follorritig xembers of the Council being present: Couheilmen Holmes, 82aith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk BatChalor. Tha minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Res.oP Int. Resolution o#' the Yaypr and ComJ_'on Council oi' the City of Ssn Bernardino, declaring their intention NO.i88. 9th Sewer. to construct a vitrified pipe serer in Ninth Street was reap. ir. #ull for the i'irst time and laid over for i final passage. j F.es.ordg.wk. Resolution of the 3tayor and Common Council o#' the City oi' San,Bernurdino ordering the work of improv- f No.bza. ` 2nd 3uwk• ing Second Street between ~ and G Street by the construction Of c:ment. concrete sidewalks therein, was rea`. i . for final passage. upon n[otiol~ o#' Council~~an Chambara, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, said Resolution was laid over to be taken up October ;ae~th, 191;x. ~' Res.ordg.Wk• iseaolution oi' the 1dJ,yor and ComCJon Council of the City oY San Bernardino ordoring the work of irJprov- ! ~ No.530. Park Serer. Pork street oetween H and T streets by the ~or.aciRlction of a vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in It1L for the rust time anu laid over for final passage. Res.ordg.R. Resolution of the 1[ayor and ComIIOn Council of the City of San Bernardino ordering the work of improv No.6~l. Orange Swr. ing Orat~Be Streets between B Street and Arrowhead Ave.. by Lhe construction of a vitrified Pipe aeaer there in, was read in cull for th~e:rirst:tims and lard over 1'or final passage. , Ord.NO.~fl4. ?II urdinance fizing the neseasory aaotint of money to be raised by taxation on the. taxable property Tax Rats. ' of the City of San Bernardino as a revenue to.oarry on the various dax1•timenLa of the municipal,government of the City for the current yea3° and to pay the principal and interest due and coming due upon the bonded indebtedness oi' saib City, was read in 21111 ror final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, iiolmea, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. noes, none. P.ep.C.of P. iteport o~ the Cheif or Police i'or the mono? of July, 181:c, was presented an8 read. Councilman Chem- berg moved tt[at the report bs received anti placeu on file. 1[otion seconded. by Councilman Smith aaa Carrie Rep.C.Elec. Report of the City Electrician for the month or July, lfliz, was presented and read. Cotmeilaan Smith moved that the report be reoeived and plsoed on file. Motion aeconda,L by Councilman Holmes and , carried. C.A.ami.~ Councilman Chambers moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an amen,clmant to the Ordin- Weed Ord. anse relating to clearing of aidewtllk$ of weeds, making Penalty z6yi of ooat of fob, not to exoeed ;6.00, i'or delinyuant assessments. Potion seconded by Gou[~oilman Irving and carried. Ent.Cont. itsaolution a uthorizing the liayor and City Clerx to execute a certrast with 13.D. Hough for the oon- Hou~h 011 Htg Plt. struetion or an oil nesting plant as per his hid accepted at previcnis meeting was read. for the rirat tine sad laid over for final passage. Rea.adpt. xeaolutioa of the liayor and Comiaon Council of the City of San Bernardino adopting plan, profile sad P.& 9. P Ss^~er. specifications for the improremant of ~1?• Street betweet: Tonto Bt=eet and Base Line by the construction • ~- ~ aA vigAL inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read in lull for the first Liae and laid over for rival ~ Dassage. Res.adpt. resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of eau Bernardino adopting Dlan, profile and P.& S. tith 9dwK. spaaifioations ioi• tho i~Provetaer;t oi' SLZI Street by Lhe constrtieticn of a veoeat eeaerete iileenlt aaa . c[.ro ~uerein, was read in full for the first time and laid over for final pas~ag5. ~ Y~o..011 J. L. Caupbell apparel before the Council and p~•esanteu the foI?or•ing petition signed by some z6 Htg.Plnt. names: san Bernardino, Culiforniu, August 6th, 191, •1'0 ±ho Honorable Mayor and Com;~ion Oour:ci?, of the City oT San Bernardino, Oentleaen; V1e Lhe undorignal resideuta~and Citizens oi' T,ne City oT San Her^_rard~no, resitting rithin I • two blocs of the center of said Gity, having teen advised that it is aontexplatod to errreot~roT the use l and belroTit of the City a large tanK for storing crude oil, within two blocks of the Comity Court House, ,aid oil to be burned or heatod ar, said point for flipping pi De, sic., viz;: the sa;e to constitute an oil j heating plant. We there-fore protest against the erraation of said storage Lank es Lhe same aalinot fail to be i a rui9ance and wilt greatly ~epreuiate the value oT all pro~,erty in Lh3t immediate neighborhood, and for many I blocks surrounding the same." At tine requoat ii J. W. Aldridge, Councilman Smith moved that the protest be denied. ]lotion seoonded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the i'ollowin$ voto, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. rroT..011 Petition protesting the oiling or B Street between 4th Street and Hase Lins was prasentefl and read, H St. I{ J. 0!+rLia appearing in Dshalf oSipotitionere. Councii:uan Smith moved that the petition be received, pl:~ced on file and laid over to be LaKen np at next regular fleeting. Potion aeconde3 by Councilman Holmes and oatried. •~'' Yrot.Allen Petition protesting the conatruation oY curbs on Allen Street between First Street and Lill Street waa CLPb9. ' presented and read. Ccuneilmarr Smith moved that the petition be received and plaoad on Yile and laid over to be t.acan uD at the next regular aeeting. Lotion seconded by Councilaan Col® and carried. Bills. 'ihe t?ity Clerk woe authorized to is~ua wsrrar_ts Sor claims approved by the llaYOr and Binance Committee this date by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, S;~ith, Irving, Cole. Hoes, none. sign Cont. Resolution aiiT?torizing the Mayor and City Clerk toJaxccute a contract with Charles YcBlvain for the con- B Culy. atruetioa oY culvert in B Street a¢ per his bid aoeepted at Drevious meeting, was read in full for the first • Liae and laid over for Tinal passage. Councilman smith moved that the.l[aYor and Clerk bs authorized to execute a suppleae¢rtal oontracL with Charles~lla&lvain for the extension of B Street culvert on basis of original coaLraoL plus X00. for excavation. xotion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holaeg, with, Irving, ,- 1 Cole. • Moos, none. ""' Ap.3wan as lcayor Brighi, appointed Taylor Swan to Lhe position oY far}itor at the City i?all aub~eat to the approval Janitor. of Lhe Council. Councilman Irving coved that the appOintaent be confirmed. ](Orion seconded by Councilaar. Cole f. and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holaea, with, Irving, Cole. hoes, none. Ap.COma. Cduneilaan Irving coved LhaL the.Yayor appoint a coa~+dttes to negotiate for Lhe purohaee of certain pro- Inv.rark. party on the northeast corner of '!Lh and L Streets for pai7c Tnirposas. Motion failed to receive a second. Upon motion oY Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Crunoilaah Cole and carried, the Connoil adfournsd to ! seat YondaY August 10th, 19L•a, at 9:e0 O'olook P.il. • Approved this ~ day oi' August, 1lZ~4. ~ ~ , , ~ y'Trk . roz uo o can 8eruardi -~ . :I ~ I i ' ~ City Hall, San 8ern:~rdino, Oalii. Aug. lz, 191z. Speci.il called seating oY the Mayor grid Cora:.:on Cotu:uil oT the City of San Berm+rdino, held Monday,, wn~uat, lith, 191~c. fleeting wais called to order by l:ayor Bright at 7:40 o'clook P. 1(., the i'olloning aembera of I, '. the Councll being present; Councilmen Cole, Chambers, Smith, City Attorney Allison and I)syuty City Clerk J. A. (iut•hrie. Absent: Councilmen Holmes and Irving. Ras.?vo. w Resolution of i,he flayoi' and Co+_cion Council of th3 City of sap Bernardino authorizing the j 011 Htg Plt. execution of a contract with "r:. "~. Houbh Tor the erection and construction of an oil heating.and• I etorago ylant in tue city oS 9an aarnardlno, was read in zull Tor final passage and adopted by the 1'olloving vets, to-Fit: Ayes, Smith, Cha~abers acid Cole. fioaa, note. Rea.No. ~ Resolution oZ LAe Mayor and Coronon Cotutcil of the City of Sau Bernardino authorizing the P 3L.Culy. , exeoution of a contract with Charles McElrain for the conaLrtzetion of a assent concrate arch culvert ~,-- in p Street in Town Oroek, in: the City of San Bernardino was re..d in full for final passage and ~ '~... aciol,ted by the Tollrnring vote, to-wit: Ryes, 3aith, Chaabere and Cole. Nees. none. 011 in 3wr. f[r. Johnson oY the Delta water ooa;,any aypeared beYore the Counoil and stated a large amount oi' oil had been turned into the City Sewer. Counciltaatl Irving arrived at B;iO P. Y. and Loot his neat. Upon motion of uounailman Cola duly seconded by Counoilnan Smith aad carried, the Council ad- ~ourned to asst Monday, August lath, 191. , 4ppyrowed this day o1' August, 191:2. , ` ~ ~ _ ~ -ZSvtty cler'~"- Mayor oT L City of ~ ~ San Be nardino. By . /' Y City C er C I~. 1 ~ ' - . r i' • t r . ______.~.....-__. __y.._w_~...~.~., -~,a; _ I I C1~y Ball, oars l~ern+urdino, Calif. August 18th, lalx. lteguiar adjourned meeting of the Layor and Common Council of the City of °an Bernardino held Londay /!+~gust 19th, lehc, Meeting was called to order by 1[ayor Bright at a:00 o~cioek P. U., the~.following members of the ro:+ncil being pr~s- ent: Councilmen Cole, Irving,~Chambe?•a, Smith', Holmes, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batcrielor. Abaent,c+ona. ltinutea oi' mooting of A~tgi+at esth, were read and ayproved. Minute:: oi' special• raeoting held August, ls{ 1912~,were read sal approved. • i Ros.or Int. Resolution of the Mayor anti Com.,on Cow~cil of tt+a City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to con- ! No.6ze• • 8th 3wer. atruct a ae+^er in Nintn Street oetr~o?n B 8areet and Arrowhead Ave[n1e, was road in full for final passage anti , adopted by the fallowing vote, to-wit; eyes, Holaas, Sa1th, Chambers, Irving, Cole. 3+oea, none. R33.Ord.wk. Resolu~lon of the liayor and comtaon Council or the City of San'Bernardino ordering the work of improving No.530' . t~ Park Sewer.Park street betroen H and I streets, by constructing a a1a inch vitrified pipe aewor therein, was rasa for final } passage.. Upon motion vi' Councilman Trvirg, duly aacondod by Councilma+; Cole and carried, said ReaoiuLion was lair' over for two weelca. ', Hes.oxd.wk. resolution oi` she rayon and Com+ion Council oY the City of San Bernardino ordering the work of improreing • N0.561. Ors.*+ge sr. Orange Street between B and Arrowhead Aveuue, by constructing a sia inch vitrified pipe sewer t3~erein, was read in ftlil for final passage and adopted by the following vote; to-wit: dyes, Holmes, Smith, Chaabars, Irving, bole. Noes, none. ~ ' Hes.adpt. Aesoiution ~idopting plans and specifications for the improrenent or ? Street between 10th and Base Line P.& S. - P sewer. by constructing au e1Qht inch vitrified pipe sefier therein, was read in cull for final passage and adopted by the following rote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. itees, Wane. Rea.adpt. Resolution aa4yYing plan, cross-sections and specifications for the construction oz a cement conerc:te aide- P.dc S. 9th Sdk, walk and curb on the south side of Ninth Street between D era B streets, was read in 1U11 nor final passage and adopted•by the following vote, to-wtt: Ayos, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Gale. boss, none. Ras.omd.wY. Fcesuiui,ion of tihe.l[ayor and Common Council or the City or ran Bernardino, ardering the work of improving No.63x. 14th Sdwk. Te_*1ti1 Street, between D and a streets by the construction of a eeasat concrete sidewalk and curb therein, waa ~' read in iUli nor the rirat rise and laid over nor rznal passag©. nea.ord.wk. nea:.lution of the 3tayor and Cam:::oa Council of the City o;.' Ban Bernardino, orderinE the work of improving No.6ac. G Bidewalk.Arrowhead Avenue, between Base Line and rata strcuc, by constructing a cement concrete sidewalK and curb therein wag read in dill for sae first time and laid over nor final passage. Roa.ord.wk. xeavluLiou oY sae Layor and Common Council or the City or San Bernardino, ardering the worC or improring No.634. Victoria. Victoria Aranue Prom the west line or E Street to the east line of p SIIrea~, ny Dowing the roadway tbereer, and conatructi.ng cement concrete gutters therein,, was read in Tull for the_.SlDStstime and laid assn for i'inai passage. ; a- Prot.B St. "his Doing :ae d..te fined i'or• the hearing or protest against tae iaproveaent or B Street between 4tA sad Oiling. «-bias and $tTeota, Lhe iattaT waa taken uD and discussed. base Liao Resolution orerruling protest against tag laprovemant or B street Datwoen 4th and t.~: streets, waa read in 1'Uii i'or Lhe first tips acid laic over nor rival yaasage. Prot. Allen This oeing the date rized nor the hearing or protest against tae improrement of Allen Street Trott Yhird Curbs. ~ Street to ]~lii Street, by Lhe construction of conar<~ta curbs thorein, natter was taxers uD and disengsed. V 9Phsreupon a reso).vtion waa introduced overruling said protest, road in full for the first time and laid OreF YOr Pinar passag®• i i g~,~ Rep.P.~.Co, xepurt of the Pacific Electrio Co., togothar with vouchors covering paym^n; por^entagos +,o tho City of San Berna~~dino account of franchise Ordinances xo. xaU, ;coo and x45, was presented ana read. ~ ` Cem.League CommusAcatiun Department or uierKa, auditors and Assessors of the League of California Lunieiyalitles Cal . 3tuni e . € reyueating the attendance of Clerks at the next convention of league oi' California llunicipalitiea, Lo be held at the University oY California at Berkeley from 3eyLeabc~r 23 to 28th inclusive, was presented and road. Crnlnciiman Cole moved that the City F.1lginear be sent to Bare~.eley as a representative of the City of ; San Bernardino. ]lotion seconded by Councilman BmitA. Councilman Chambers moved to amei.d motion, to send both City Clerk and City hngineer, expenses to be allowed not to exeoed X100.00 each. Councilman Cole accepted amencm;ent. Notion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Staith i Chambers, Zrviug, Cole. Hoes, none. ~ ~ j Rea.Patten. To the Honorable Hayor and Commou Council, City of San Bernardino, Gentlemen: I~ I hereby t::nder my resignation as Poundmaster for the City of San Bernardino. Thanking you for favors sham. ' 3 I beg to remain, Vary respeetiully yours, George !i. Patten. r- Couc?oilman Chambers mova;t thatthe Resignation of Patten be accepted. Potion seconded by Councilman ~- Cole and Carried. Councilman Holmes moved that bond. of Oeorse S. Patten be ezllonerated from future liabili- ties. Motion seconded by Councilman Irving and o:3rried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, t. Chaabere, Irving, Cole. Hoes, none. E E e Co.Bd.of Ed. Communication of the City Board of Education re4uesting Council to drain the scheol grounds of titth drIl 6thaCh. . Street School was presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the oommui;icaLion be referred to the Street Superintendent to investigate and report back. Notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. COm.1(rs.ThOde. Coimunication of Hrs. Y. Those yri0esting the payment oT Two Doliara ter clearing parking in frent of Clear.weods. ' her property at Rialto and H Street, and reQueating the Council Lo instruct the Street eaperintendent to cancel ; bill, was presented and read. Councilman Smith moved Lhe aommuniaation be recseived and placed on file. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and Qarriedi• Ap.of C.A. Upon recommendation of the Ghief oi' Police, HsYOr Bright'appointed C. A. GreenleaY as police ofrices, Greenleaf. ' subject to the approval of the Coauicil. Oouncilman Smith moved that the appointment be confirmed. Notion f t. - seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the folla7ing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving . Cole. Moes: none. i Bids Opnd. ` Toilets. This being the date fined for the opening er bids Yor the aonetruction of toilets inHeadowbrooJ[ Part, there being two bids on file for such work, Councilman Smith moved tint the Clam proceed to open bids. llotioa aeaonded Dy Ccut~cilman Cole and curried. ~ j Bid of lip~Zelle 8c Imhoff, Loilets complete according to plans and speaitioatlons for toilets for the sum of , - - - ~ .00 B~ of Bizier & ilewman, to tarnish all labor and material to coipiete according to plans and~apec- ificztiona, for the ate of - -~pppsp Councilman Holmes moved that Bixler and 1elr~an appearing t+ be the larest and best bidder, that tbett i bi4 be accepted and contract awarded. lfotion seconded by Councilaan Irvlns and oarrled by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, 8aith, Chambers, Irving, Cele. lfoee, none. Bide opnd. This being the date fined for the opening of bode for the construction of an eight inch •ltrified pipe B St.Swz. l sewor 1n B Street between Base Line and 1Hth streot, Lhere be1nQ three bids presented for said work, CovneilaaA '' I SAtith moved that'thg Clerk pmoceed to open said bidb. l/oticn seconded by Councilman Coie and carried. Aid of w. Sggert, - ------------------~6A9.00. Bid oi' the~Higriway Const2uction CO.,Jor C~?plete--- 600.00 +i 1 Bid o1'11cElvain and seccogba, sewer per lineal foot-----{0.60 f 1anholes coi.~plete, each 40.00 i L'luahtank~•, r ' 86.00 The Uid of lioElvain and saceombe appearing to be the lawest and beat bid, Councilmah Smith [roved that the bid be accepted and certified ohec8s returned to unauocessful bidders. Motion seconded by Council- misn Holmes and carried by rho following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes none. ~ whereupon a Resolution was introduced awardi:g contract for the improvement of 8 street betv;een Base Line and 13th street Yor Lhe construction of sewer therein, to McElwain and 8eacocibe, at the prices spec- ifiad in their proposal an file for s&id work, was read in lull for the first time and laid over for final pa:ss~ge. HidK open. This being the date i'ixed for the opening of bids for the improvement oi' Orange Street between A and Orange swr. _ B by the construction of an :ax inch vitrifed pipe saver Lhei•e1n, there being three bids on file Yor said work, Councilman Cole moved•that the Cleric proceed to olen such bads. Notion secondad by Councilman Smith and carp- i E 1 ad. { Bid of th© Highway Construction Co., Job coapleLe,-------•460.00 • Bid of w. J. Eggert,----------------..-_____~_-_~__- 688.00 • Bid of McElwain & Seccombe, sewer Der Lineal toot,------- .39 Manholea,coiplete, aeon------ 40.00 llushtanlcs, • • -------s6.00 ' _ The bid of 1tci:lvain and ~et6aliai~peal•ing to be Lne lowest and best bid, Councilman Chambers moved that said bid be aceeeted and ccrtii'ied chegcs returned Lo unaucceseful bidders. Potion seconded by Council- 1 f man Cola and aarried by the following; vote, Lo-wit: Ayes, Noises, with, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Hoes, none. 1?hereupon a Resolution xaa introduced awarding contract for the improvement of Orange"iltreettiota'A Street Lo a point 80 feet east of the east line of H street, by constructing a ritirtcd pipe sewer therein to f McElwain anti 3eccoabe, at the price ;;pacified in theil• proposal on Etta for said wo>x, was reed 1A 11111 Tor the first time and laid Over for filial passage. ~ side opnd. This being Lhe date fixed for opening bids for tLe~improvement of Ring Street iron Mt. Vernon Ave., Icing 3wr. to a point 658 Peet west, there beir[$ two bids presented for said wort, Councilman Cole coved Lhat the Clert ~ proceed to open such bids. Motion secondad by Cauncilman with and e~:rried. Bid of w. d. Eggert,--__-_..____~__~ --------X610.00 . Bid oY McElrair: and Saccoabe, sen?er per lineal foot,-- .87 ,~'J~ ManLoles,complcLe,each,-- 40.40 ~ llushLanica, • • -- 66.00 The bid of MaElvain and Seeeoabe appearing to be the lowest and best bid, Ccvncilman Cole moved that said Laid be aooepted and aontraot awarded, and ahacYs returned to unsuaceasivl bidders. Motion seconded by n Councilsan Ci_ambara and aarried Say the following rote, Lo-wit: Ayes, Holmes, 6sdLII, CnssRfera, Irrillg, Cole. ~ ~ NOes, Acne. ~ +f ~?hareupon a resolution was introduced awarding aontraat for Lhe itprwestent of Ring dtreet from Yt. y Vernon Are., Lo a point 666 Peat west. by the construction of a vitrlted gripe sewer th^rein, to McElrain and ~'r :a 9ecaombe at the prloea.spaciiYed is their proposal on file for acid wort, was rea4 1A 1U11 for the first time -~ j a. and laid over for final passage. 3 Bads oplxi. this being the date fized for tAe opening of bids.for She aonstruatt~ of an eight iaah rltritied . ' stn sr. ~ Dipe sewer fn Yitth Street tro>~ lit. Vernon eve., Lo a point 76>a.7 feet west tIIes~ot, there being two bids OA rile for said work, Coua:cilaan Chamber moved that the Olen proaead to oyen snoh bids. Motion seoonded by CouncilsaA SL'ath anti oarrled. Bid of the Higrioray Construction Co., Job oos>~ete,------------~4Q8.00. Hid oi' Mcl;lrain r!c Secaaombe, sewer par lineal toot,------------ .48 Manholes aompleto, eaoh,---------- 40.00 llushtanYa~ • • --~------- 86.00 The bid of the Highway Construction Co., appearing to be the lowo:a and bost bid, Councilman, Cole ! coved that the said bid be accepted and cortifiad chocks returned to unauccesstul bidders. Potion aeR- onded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the Yollowit~g vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, ~ IrvinR, Cole. Noes,•none. Whereupon a resolution waa introduced awarding contr;,et i'or the 1aT~roveaent of riSth Street' from Mt. Vernon Avenue to a point 7ba.7 feat west by the construction of a vitrified pipe sewer therein, to the Highway Construction Co., at the the prlee.spoclYied in their proposal Yor said work, was read in full Yo'. the first time and laic over i'or i'inul pa.,sage. Bids opnd. This bei~.g the date fixed Yor the opening oY bids for the taproveaent •t iin^npn Street betseen Kingman Crbs. ML. Vernon Ave., and a point 700 Ycet west by the construction of a assent oonarete curb therein, there i being one bid.prasentad Yor said work, Councilman Dhambers moved that the bid be opened. Motiotl seconded, by Councilman Cole and Carried. Bid oY the Highway Construction Co., filth •pe~'_33--Zpi~----87} cents. Councilman Chambers moved thatthe bid of the Highway Construction Co., be aocselted. Potion sec-, ! onded by Couz,cilsan Irving and carried by the Yollowing rote, twit: Ayes, Holaes, Salth, Chambers, Ir}ring, ~'~-• Cole. loss, none. - ' whereupon a resolution was introduced av:arciing eontraot for the iaproveaent of Kingaan St., YxOal. Mt. Vernon Avenue to a point 700 feet west, by the construction of a cement concrzte curb therein, wa: read in ittll Yor the Yirst time and laid over far final passage. C.E.PZe. Councilman Holaes moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and apeciticatioas P.& S. 8th Pav. a'or the iaproveaent or Eighth streot between Arrowhead Ave., and v Street, with afour-inch oiled awaadea , paving an4 concrete gutters. Potion aeconcled by Councilman Smith and oari•ied. O.E. Pre. Councilman Chambers moved Lhat the City Engineer De .instructed to prepare plans and specitieationa • P.B~ S. p gdNIC. Yor sidewalk anct curb oa a Street between Rialto Ave., and Santa !e traoks. Potion aeeonded by Councilaa74 ~ • ~ • Hoitaea anti carried.• C.T.Pre. Councilman Cole moved that Lhe City Engineer be instructed Lo prepare plans and specitiaationa for P.A S. y ~ Cult'. the constivation of a aonarete onlYert on wateraen Ave., :between ~ and MYlI Streets. 1leticn seconded /~, by Counailaan Saith and carried. Coam.lire Coamunioation Proa the San Bernardino Merchants Association requesting Mayor and Caatmon Council is tindrwrtrs. p~side aeaesa8ry Mire fighting ectuipaeAt suggested by the local board of lire Uaderwritera, and that LheS? use thoir best eftoEta in seaming better lasuram a rates Yor this City. was presented and read. C. w. Mo[tahan, 1. Adair and w. H. Aogers addressed the Oounail in behalf et tAe Local Hoard et rite Underwriters, urging additional sire rightitut Yenilitiee, in ardler is get bettex rates. , C. w. Monahan stated ii Lhe City would pass resolution going oa record for additional rire.ripttiai Yaailities, he would guarantee to present, within ten days. a rate Yor the Cotmoii•s appra?al. • Cauncilaan Cole roved that the.Peoasylvani• lire wagon be punted oa onto trn^_k, and that DoeY affi ladder wagon at Central station be amounted on Auto Lruc1:, and that the City p»rohase rutticieat hose that that say carry not less than 6000 teat. Motion seconded by Councilman Saith and Carried by the toilewih~ • tote, toarit: AYes, Holaea, 511th, Chaabers, Irving, Cole. hoes, none. l~ Cotut::lilest with moved LhaL the Mayor appoint a Oaaoaittee to make aarc;tnl investigation and report in regard to equiping the two auto truct,s. lcotioa seconded by Couttaillaa Cole and carried. whemeupoa ` MaYor•Bright appointed Lhe following: ~tr3ait?1 and Zrviug. • _ C.1~.Pre. Upon recomruendation of the Board o.C_ducation, Councilman Cole moved that L3ie Oity Engineer bo in- P.~c 3. 2nd swr. atructad Lo prepare plans ant apacificationa i'or sevrer to be :;onstructed in Second Street between A and Allen Streets, to be done under private contract. Motion ae:ondod by Cowrcilman Smith and carried by the follow- ing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, IrviTlg, Cola. Noes,,none. ~ , of i and. Grurie 2nd. Councilman Cole movod that the 8Lre a 3uperintandent be instructed to grade Second street Prom Vestal Ec Oil. Drive Lo Allen 3treot. Lotion aeconderi by Counailman Smitri and carried by the following v®Le,,to-wit: Ayes, Holme:;, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Res.of Int. Resolution or the L:ayor and Common Council oY,the City o1 San Bernardino declaring thou intention to N0.685. ' 9*.h 3dak. improve the south side of Ninth Street beLwaeu D and E Straota by the construction of aemant concrete sidewal3c and curb trierein, was rand in Pull for Lhe first time and laid over ror Yinal passage. Res.af Int. Resolution of the Layor and Common Cowrcil of the City of San Bernardino 4ealaring their intenti~a to No.68e. 1 P SL.S'c+r. eon5truct a vitrified pi De sewer in y StreaL from Tenth street to Base Line, was tread in dill for the first time anti laid over for final passage. Ord.No. En Ordinance relating to Lhe irtterferenae of railway gates was read for the first time. Councilman Oates do Bells. Smith rnoved that Ordinance be~refarrad bac8 to City Attorney Lo amend by striking out Section a of said Ordin- ance. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Ord.No. An Ordinance a~endinx Ordinance No, fl4, tlntitie4 ¦An Ordinance Lo clear sidewalks is the Gity of San Weeds. Bernardino from grass and weeds,• was read in 11111 for the first Lime. Councilman Chambers waved that the Ord- inanae be referred Lo the City Attorney to change ti=e of notice frog 48 hours to one wedc. Notion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. 3t.8upt. Councilman Chambers coved that the Street Superintendent proceod with plan for iaprovement of ,viaduct Viaduct. wall. Potion secoMed by Counei]aan Irving and carried by the follaw.ing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Che.abers, Irving, Cole. Noes, Rona. Rees bill Councilman Cole moved that bill Pox clearing sidewalks and paiiCinga 1ri front of the weer pxoperty oil remitted. A rxowhead Ave., be remitted. Notion seconded by Councilman smith and serried., Bills. The City Clerk was authorized t• issue warrants Por claias approveQ by the Mayor and Pinanae C~mn1LtF!e this dale by the following vote, to-wit: .Ayes, Haines, Saith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Hoe9,:none. ~ ~ Gilbert 9~etoh of Dropoaed change of OilberL subdivision was Dreaeuted-far approval. aounci].asn Irving moved Slap. "' that Lhe natter be laid over Zor one week. Notion seconded byr Counciiaar: Smith and asrriea. , Tompcins YaD Di' Tamlpcln~a Subdivision 2io. 3, together with deed to streets to the City oS Ban Bernardino was lisp presented for a~ep4aaoe. Councilman Irving moved Lhat the plat be acoepted. tfotioa aeaonded tar Oouncilaen Cole and serried. , water Com. aouaallaan Chambers moved that•request be made of the hater Department to furnish water to contractors Yrec wtx to Conte. doing City or Vroooan AoL wo2lc, free of coat. Motion seconded by Councilman Irving and oarrled. • Upon tsotion of Councilman Chambers dltlr aeoonded LfY Councilman sole and oarrled, the Counaii adjourned L o Beet Monday r Augltst 38th, 1013 ~ at 7:9C o'alocli , P. Y. iaproveQ this day of August, 1913. ` mac. a Lr a esfc. a o Lhe it C~ ` ~ Bernardino. • i I , t ~ I 1 ~ + ~ City hall, San Bernardino, Calif. AuguaL 28th, 1912. Regular ad~ourrsed meeting o1' the lfayor and Coon Council of the City of San Bernardino, held Monday August 28th, 1912. lieeting was calle:i to order by Mayor Bright at 7:45 o~ciogc P. Y., the following aembera of the Councll ,being present, to-wit: Councilmen Smith, Chanbera, Cole, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Betohelor. AbaenE, Irving, Holmes. • 111nutea of the previous meeting were read and approved. • Res.ord.wk. Reaolution ordering the work Yor the improveatent of 10th Street between D and d street s•, ti0' the con- No.632. . 10th 3dwk,. stiuction oY ae~:ent cencrete sidewalK anii curb therein, was read in Yall Sor final passage and adopted by by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. Rea.ord.wk. Resolution ordering the work Yor the iaprovement of Arrowhead Avenue between Base Line and 12th No.sas. C st.°dwk, Btreet, my the construction oY cement concrete sidewalk and curb therein, was read in full Zor final pas- ~ sago and adopted by the Zoilowing Vote, to-wit; •Ayes,'>laith„ CBeabere, Cole. Hoes, none. ' Rea.ord.wk. Resolution ordering the work for the inproveaient et Tictoria.AVenue, Yroa the west line of 8 3tr>et 1T0.634. Victoria Pv.to the east line of B Street, by paving the roadaray thereoY slid construction of gutters and culverts there- in, wua read in Pull Yor Yina1 passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, nose. Hasa Line Res.ovrl.' Reaolution overruling protest Yor the isprovement oY B Street between 4th and ~ Streets by oiling 3t.Proteat. No.68b, the roadway thereof and constructing gutters therein, was read for the second tile. upon motion of Coun- cilman sIIith, duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried said Resolution was laid over one week. Res.ovrl. Resolution overruling protest Yor the construction of curbs in Allen street Srom Third Dtreet to Prot. ' No.688. 11111 Street, was read in 11111 Yor the second time. upon notion oY COIIneilman Chambers, duly seconded by • Allen. Councilman Cole and parried, said Reaolution was laid over for one week. Aes.awd.con. Resolution awarding contract for the faprovement of B Street, between Baas Line and 18th street by ~-, No.689. ' B serer. constructing an 8-inch vitrit ed pipe sewer therein to Yar:lvain and seoooabe at the prices aepoitied in their pxopoaal on Zile for said wort, was read in hill Yor Yinal Daaeage and adopted by the follorriatg vot9,ts-wit: AYea, 8aith, OAa~Wera, Cole. floes, none. ~ . -:~a• Res.ad.con. Resolution awarding contract for 1~he improvesaeait aC lraage.8treet between 8 Street and ism+wriset 110.688. • 0lange' sat. tstm¢e, by constructing a siz inch ritriried pipe serer therein, to 1toBlrain and Seooom#s at tlsss=porices specified in their propoeai an rile for said wort, was read in Zell for tnnl passage and adoDted•tfy the tollor<ing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Smith, Ohambers, Cole. )toes, none. ' Res.awd.con. Resolution awarding oontraot Zor the iaprovesreat of icing Street troy lit. Ta~rnon Avenue to a Do1nt Fo.618. King Sewer. 668 foet.west, by oonatructing a siz inch vitrified pipe carer therein, to YcBivain end eecoombs.st SCR prioes apeolYied in their ykiDOSal oar Silo for safe wol'1[, was read in 111].1 for final passage and adapteQ by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes,,8mith, Chambers, Dole. Hoes, nose. • ' ~ Res.awd.aon. Resolution awarding oontrsat for the iapro?ese~at of 1111th Btreet from lit. Yemon Aveawe •to •a Do* • ~ 80.640. ' ~ ' 6th Bt .Sew. point 690.9 Yeet west, by the oonatruc:tion of a vitrified Di De newer t~ereia, to the Riparay Cenetrlao- • tion Co., at the prioes speoitied in their proposal on Site for said wort, was read in tall Zor final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, 8aith, Ohawbera, Cole. Noes, none. ' - - _-- - --- Res.awd.con. Resolution awurdirtg cotytract for the improvement of Y.ingman street i'rom llt. Vernon Avenue to a point No.541. Kingman Cbs. 700 feet west, by eonctructinft oemenL eoncrate curbs therein, to the Highway Construction Co., at the prices apeelYied in their proposal on rile i'or said work, pas read in Bull Tor i'inal Dassage and adopted by Lhe Yollrnaing vote,.to-wit: Ayes, smithy Ci~amhara, Cole. Noes, none. Res.aY Int. Rasa?_++*±.on of the 1[ayor aua Cotctaon Cow~cil of the City of san~Bernardino declaring their intention to No.636. 9th Sdwk. improve 8th strcat between p and B Streets by constructing cement concrete sidewalk and curb therein, was read in Tull i'or i'inal passage and adopted by the i'ollowing veto, to-wit: Ayes smith, Chambers, Coie. Noes, none. Res.of Int. Re~o3+~±±cr *he >aaYOr and Common Council oY the City oY san Bernardino declaring their intention to No.b38. F 3t.se~rer. construct s vitrlYied pipe caper in Y 3treat between 10th street and Base Line, was read in•full for final passage and adopted by the Yellowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Hoes, none. Ord.NO.486. An Orninc,nae declaring it a misdemeanor to impair the.effiaienay or intarfare with the woi8ing of any Gates. gate, bar, i°aii. or devise, erected at anY rtreet oroasing or any railroad, was read in full for final pas- saga &11d adopted tt+ the following vote, to-wit: Ayes,,8mith, Chambers, Coie. Noes, none. _ Ord.No.488. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. lit or Lhe City oY san Bernardino, entitled •An Ordinance to clear weeds. the sidewalks within the City oY.San Bernardino Yrom grass and weeds¦, was read in full for fitlsl passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:. Ayes, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. Ord.No. 487. /1I1;4r~ti^°nen Yizing the rate and levying a property tax nor the current Yisa&1 year upon all property Tax Rate. within the City oY san Bernardino Yor the propose of maintaining the ~tlniaipel government or said City and paying the principal and interest due, and to become due, upon Lhe Hubbard water Horde, the Ariti2 Water Benda and the,lituiiaipal Improvement Benda during the Btu rent Yiaaal year, waa read in Yuli for the first time and laid over Yor Yinal passage._ Res.ord.wk. Reaolution,orderiag the work Yor the improvement of i street.rrom Bth Street to Van Nesa Avenue by lioa4B» , Z st.sewer. constructing a lie!!! .vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read Yor Lhe first tine and 2eid oner•YOr final passage. . Res.ord.wk. Resolution ordering ther.~?ork Yor the improvement of &ightA Street Yrom Penn Street to i Street, by No.648. 8th 3L.swr. constructing an 8-inah vitrified pipe sewer therein, ti~~aa read for the Yirst time and laid eves Yor rival _~" passage. Rea.ord.wk. Resolution ordering the wont Yor the faprov~ent oY Seventh Street rro~t lit. Vernon to i Street, by . NO.b44. 7th 8t.Swr. oonstruating a 13-inch vitriYled pipe aeper therein, waa read Yox tAe Yirst title and laid over for•Yinal passage. . Rea.ord.wk. Resolution ordering the work Yor the improves?eat of Smzth Street >'ra lit. Vernon tII L Street, by 11o.G4B. 8th 3L.8ew. constructing an 8-inah r#trifiod Dips sewer therein, Wns read YOr tIIe first time and laid r?er Yor final ~ passage. Res.ord.wk. Resolution Ordering the work for LAo itproreieat oY Spruce Street ZrosilK. Vernon to I Street, by Wo.64ts. eprttoe Sew. aonativating an 8-iaah vitrified pipe sewer therein, waa read Yor the Yirst tine and laid over Yor rival passage. Rea.•rd.wk. it~roultion ordering tAe woa~: Yor Lhe improve>teat of tLtgasa StraeL Yroas 1[t. Vernon•Lo I SLreeL, ~ '`? ito.647. ` Ringlets gap; aoaatruotia~ a L3-inch vitiriYfed pipe sewer therein, was read for the first ti's and laid over fo~~ Yinal' ~ passage. Rea.ord.eek. Res?ration ordering the work Yor LAe improvement oY street from ltt. Vernon Avemie to B >ro.b48. • fix 4 r ~ 3treat, by aonatruoting nn 8-inaA nitrified pipe sewer therein, was read for the YirsL Lima and laid over Yor final passage. ' •?-_ -. -, l Rea.ord.wk. Resolution ordering the work €or tho inprovesnont of B Streot between 9th 3troet and Base Line, bF 3 No.549. B St.CUrb. the construction of ceaant concrote curbs therein, was read in full for the first tine and laid over for ~ Yinal passage. Gilbert Hap. Scetoh oY the proposed change in the•Oiibert sub-division was taken up. Upon notion of Councilman _ Smith, duly aecondod by Councilman Chambers and carried, saao waa laid overYor one weak. i Coa.3tate Coa~aunication of the Calii'ornla State Board oi'H ealth advising that the Third Anrnral Coni'erence of Bd.oY Health. Lhe State Board oY Health, was to be held Sept amber 23-28 inclusive at the iiniveraity of California at • Bcrek eley, and requesting the attendance of local health oYfiaer, was presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the comnunieation be ro€~rred to the Hoard of Health Yor recomu:endation. Hotlon seconded by Coun- cilman Chambers and car•riad. Com.C.Y. Comm+~nication oY C. Y. HeCOSSnico requesting the appolntaent of a sanitary inspaetor, was present^d and HeCOnniao. i read. Councilaan.Smith moved that the Hayor be given authority to apl-oint an assistant health officer. No- tion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried,~bY the Yollowirrg vote, to-wit: Ayes, faith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. r_ Coa.Kellogg. Hoa, J. S. Bright, 2nd Sewer. Mayor: On Hoaday, August zeth, 10 A.H., as per invitations sent out, the attached bids for aonatrua- tioa oY extension oY EasL Second street sewer were opened. The names oY the several bidders, and the amounts bid are tabulated below. Highway Construction Co. complete ;28G.On uaElvain 8 Spc'combe a 250.00 Geo.H. Cooley Co. ~ 248.00 The bid of Oeo. H. Cooley Oo., being the lowest bid, it is recoaaendeQ that the contrast be awarded to said company. ~ Respectfully, Tr.li.Keilogg, Street Superintendent. Councilman Cole coved that the Hayor and City Cleiic.be authorized Lo execute a aontrect with • the Geo. H. Cooley Co., as per their bid Piled. lEC?Lioa seconded by Courscilaan Chambers and aarriad by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. C.F.pree. City Engineer, K. P. Tuttle, presented plans and apecificatioas for the parirsQ of 8th Street between P.~ S. '' ~ D Street aad Airowhead Avenue, and for Lice construction of ssd~s?alk sad cetirros in 0 Street, between Yirst t Street and the Santa Ye Lragcs. oouneilaan faith coved that the said plans and specifications be referred to I the Oity AtLOrney. Hotioa seaonded by C~utscilaan Cole and carried. 9t.SUpt.adv. Oouacilasn CLsabers moved that the Street Superintendent be authorized to call for bide Yor the pre- Bids.Viaduc:. ~ Dosed viaduct changes. 1LDtion seconded by CouncilaeIS Cole and carried. C.E.pres. City Engineer p~esehted plans and specifications No. 0818, Yor Lhe aonstruetior of culvert oa TaLeT- # P.& S. Fatarman CDs. man Avenue between Pirst Street and ill Street. COUnoilman Chambers moved that Lhe acid Dlsas sad speait'ty- atiOna be adopted and the City Clerk authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of said anlrert. Hotiors aeeondad by Councilman faith and carried by the following vale, to-~?it: Ayes, smith, Ohalbe~ri Cols... HOe3, a0ae. i C.E.PUr. Councilaaa Chambers moved that the City Eagiaeor be authorised Lo purchase blue printing eQuipasea~t toy Alue Print. the sum of 1226.00. Notion seaonded by COUnoilaan Oole and carried by the followiISg vote, to wit: Ares, ~ ~ smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes, none. St.SUDt.ady Councilmen smith cored that tho street 8ui~eriatcndent be directod to visit is various cities Of ~ Road Bldg. Southern California Yor the study of road bnildiTts and raDairimg, and ths,t he Ds alioired expense not to exeeef! I ' ~ -f X6.00 per day, during such period. Motion aeeondeci by Councilman Chambers 6~~;d carried by the rollowin~ vote, Lo-wiL: Ayes, smith, Chambers, Coie. Noes, none. Upon notion oi' Councilman smith, duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried, the Council ad- ~ourned to u~eet WecinesdaY, SPptemuer 4th, 1912, at 7:30 o'e1oGC, P.l[. , APl~roved• Lhia day of 3epLember, 1912. • ~ /f City ClerK. , o3~or the ciy or Bernardino. s • • t _ • • , • ;i ,3 . f I _ _ _ _ i,. ~.~1, City Halt, San Bel>>ardino, Ca11f. septetnber 4th, 1812. • r' ~ Regular adjourned meeting oY tho Idayor and Com,.:on Councll oi' the City of San Bernardino held Wednesday, Septen+ber, Lhe 4th, ial2. Heating was called Lo order by Layor Bright at 8:2b o'clock P.11., the following members of the Council being present, to-wit: Councillan Smith, Holmes, Irving, Cola, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batclt- olor. Absent, Councilman Chambers. kinutes oi' the previous aeetiug were read and approved. Res.ovrl. Resolution overruling protest filed against the iaprovement of B Street between Fourth Street and Base Prot. ' B 011. Line by o12ilig the roadway thereof and constructing gutters therein, was read for Pitlal passage anti adopted by the tollowiltg vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Hoes, none. Rea.ovri. Resolution overruling pr ofest riled against the improver:,ent of Allen Street between Third Street and Frot. illsII~~Cr. Hill Street, by the construction of eerYent concreto curbs thereln, was recd for final passage and adopted by Lhe YollowiIig vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Hoes, none. . ~,- Rea.ord.wk. Resolution orderilg Lhe work for the iaprovement of B street Yroa the south line of rourth Street to the Ho.b60. '~ B Oiling. south line of Base Line Stroet DY oiling the roadway thereof attd constructing gutters therein, waa read for the 1'ii•at tine and laid over i'or i'inal passage. Rea.ord.wlC• Resolution ordering the work ror Lhe iaprovement of alien Street trom'Lhe south line of Third.Street,to Ho.55I. ' Allen Crb.to the north line of 1Li11 Street by construoting Dement concrete gutters therein, was read in 3Ull 1+*r tAe Yirat • tilde and laid over Yor i'inul passage. Rea.ord.wk. Resolution ordering the work Tor Lhe lnprovenent of the south side oY Third Street iron the west line No.662. 2rd Curb. of Allen Street to a point on the curb line 614 feet west, DY eonatructfng a concrete curb therein, was reafl,ior Lhe first tine and laid over i'or final passage. Ord.NO.467. An Ordinance tieing the rate and levying a property taz for the current tiscsai year upon all property Tax Rate. - within Lhe city of ran Bernardino for Lhe propose of maintaining the municipal government of saifl City and peyi ing the principal and interest due, and to become duo, upon the Hubbard Water Bonds, the Antil water BondB and Lhe m[L,icipal iaprovement Bonds during the current fiscal year, was read in fill] for final passage and adopted ~ , ' by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, bring, Cole. Noes, none. • Rea.ord.wk. Resolution ordering Lhe work for Lhe improvement of I Street trod 8th Street to Van Neas Are~e by aon- NO.b42. I Sewer. structine s vitrified pipe sewer therein, was read for Yinal passage and adopted by the following rote,to-wit; Ayes, Rolmes, Smith, Irving, Cola. Noes, none. Res.ord.wk. Resolution ordering the work tot' the improvement oY Siehth Street rroa Penn Street to I Street, by oon- Fo.b48. 8th Sewer. strueting an B-inch ritritied pipe sewer therein was react t'or 11na1 passage and adopteQ DY the following rote, ' to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. ~oea, none. Rea.ord.wt. Resolution ,ordering the work for the laproresent or Berenth Street 17.•oa att. Vea7tan,Avemte to Z Street, lto.644. 7th Sewer. by constructing a 12-inch ritritied pipe sewer therein, was reau ~~alipuesaes cad eaoyted by the fa2liw- ine rote, Lo-wit: •Ayea, Hoiaes, Bait h, Zrring, Cole. floes, none. Res.ord.~1:. Resolution ordering the work for Lhe improvement of Sixth Street i]roa Ht. Vernon Arenue to L Street, by No .546. 8th Sewer. eonstructing an 8-lnoh ritrii'ied pipe sewer therein, was read ter l~aaY-:yesaap and aQopfed:~ the tellewt~ i~ rote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Sa1Lh, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Res.ord.wk. Resolution ordering the work rot• the improvement of Sprt;ee Street from Mt. Vernon Arernie to I Street, bo.648. Spruce Sew. by constructing ail 8-it~eh viLirll'ed DiDe sever therein, was read in IU11 Yor final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: byes, Holmes, Smith, brine, Cole. (toes, none. :}.'~}; Res.ord.wk. Resolution o1°daring the VtOr1: x01' Lila iTiprOVement Or K1ri~wri StP(+et 1'rOr3 );t. Vernon Jlvenue to I StrecL, by NO'~V~ constructing a 12-inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, was reu4 Yor Ylnal'passage and adopted by the fol.iowirrg Kir!gaan Sr. votc;, to-wit; Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Res.ord.wk. RASOlution o~•dE+rink the work Yor the improvement 01' Pine Street Yrom lit. Vernon Avenue to L Street, by No.648. Pine & L. constructing an 8-Yrich ritrii'ied"pipe sewer therein, was reed fer rinalpsseare and sQopteC by the teilbwi~- vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, smith, Irvi:+g, Cole. Noes, none. Res.ord.wk. Resol»tion ordering the xor9c i'or the improvement oi' B Street between 9th Street and Base Line by con- No.649. B 9t.Ctlrb. strutting cement concrete gutters therein, was read Yor Yinal passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cola. Noes, none: Res.oY Int. Resolution oi' Lhe YaYOr and Common Cow~cil oi' the City oY San Bernardino declaring their intention to N0.498. 0 Sdw1C. conatlRZet a cement concrete sidewalk and curb in 0 Street between 10th Straet and Base Life, was read for final passage. Upon notion aY Cowicilrran 3aith, duly seconded by Cawicilman Irving and carried, said Resolution was 1x14 over i'or one week. Rea.oi' Znt. Resolution of th8 1[eyor and Common Cowicil oi' Lhe City oY San Bernardino declaring their intention Lo N0.506. Rialto Swk. improve Rialto Ave., between I and K streets by constructing cement concrete :;idewalka and curbs therein, was read Yor i'irxl passage. Upon ~.~otion or Cout~cilaan Irving, duly aeaonded by Councilman Faith and carried, said Resolution was laid over Yor one week. ~ + Rea.ord.wk. Resolution ordoring the worti: Yox the iaprovement oY King Street between ltt. Vernon and K Straet, thanae 11o.b19. King & K Sr. south on K f• Rialto Avenue, by constructing an &?1nch vitii'ied pipo sewer therein, was read for fines passage. Upon motion of CounaiLaan Zrving, duly aeaonded by Cowiallman Holmes and serried, said Resolution was laid over for one week. Res.adpt.P&5. Sesolut,ion adopting plane, profile and epeciYicationa Yor the iaprovement oY &ighth street Pram the rest 8tis Pav. line of Arrowhead Avenue Lo the east line of D strut. by paving the roadway thereof, anti constructing gutters and culverts Lhexein, was read Yor the 1'irat time and laid over Yor final pag~svA. Rea.Adp.P&S. Resolution adopting plans, sections and speciricationa for the aonaLruetion of a cement conarete side- n Sdwk< walk on the east aide and on the west aide oP d Street, between Rialto Ave., and the north line of the right- of-way of the A.T. & S.P._ Railway qo., was read in full Yor the first time and laid over for Yinal passage. Res.ord.wk. Reso?+!t•1on orderin? Lhe work Yor the lalyrovament oY Park 8?reel between fi and T Streets by constructing BO.bSO. Park Sewer. a six inch vltri,fled pipe sewer Lnerein, was read Yor final passage. Upon motion oY Counoilaan Zrving,~duly seconded by Councilman SaiLh and carried, said Resolution was laid over for two weeks. Bids opnd. This bairig lire d:s~e Yor the opaaing oY bids for the construction of a sit inch vitrified pipe sewer in orange Swr. Orange Straet, between B Straet and Ayiowhesad Ave., there being three bids on Pile for said work, i~fncl2sian Smith moved Lhat Lhe clerk proceed Lo open such bids. notion aeeoncled by Councilman Holaes and oarried. Bid oi' Lhe Hi£;ta?ay Conetruation Ae., dob Cosipiate,- ---- -f 918.00. Bid of 1[cElvain Ac Secoasbe, capr~. pei.31Dia1 ~---°------------ .97. llanholea, ao~plete, eeaha--------------•W.00 ~ • •P1LiahtaIi[a,COnpleLe, cash,---------------Q6.00 Bid oi' . dohs D. Kerr, Fewer aaaplete, per lineai Foot,----------------- ' Hanhales, coaplte, cash,----------------------- 40.00 ~ pluahtanics, aoaplete, sash, ----------_--- 86.00 ~ ti. 18 Ys, cash,---..__-__~~~____~_...._~-_~~ 1.00 . TAe bi0. eri' liclr'lvain do seooasbe appearing Lo bs Lhe lowest and beat bid, Councilaan Cole ®ovsd that the said bid be accepted sad that sash anti aertifiad ahealw Ye returned Lo unaucsoesaful bidders. 1[otion seconded i by Coarrailman Holtes and CaTPied. ~ _ i -- Rea.atrd.con. Ylhereupon s ressolution waa introducaQ, aw,,r;ling contract tc 3(cElvain & geccombe for the improve- No.r63. prap$e gave. want of Orange Street, between B Straat and Arro~rhead Avenue, by eonstructi7~ a six inch vitrified pipe ~ sevrcr thorain, was read in full for trie Yirst Lame >ind laid over Yor Yinal passage. '°` Coat.Water To the Honorable llaYor an,l common Cow,cil, Bun Bernarciiue, Culit. Dept. gentlemen: ;Ye acknowledge receipt of your communication oY the 20th. inst., relative Lo the furnishing of i"ree water to the contractors doing xork for the Clty,•or under the Vrooman Aet~ and I em di,•acted to say that the Water Commission have granted the request Tor those contracts now ardor consideration, such, kk water to be used only as absolutely neceasury and needful.. I The Comtni::siotl era of the opinion,, that in the futu~a when bids are solicited for street worK, that t hey ought to be asked fot w1th, and without, Tree water Tor reasons obvious. { Very trltly, A. d. lCend'all. ~ Gou~,ciiman smith moved that the com;uunlcation of Lhe Water Department be received, placed on file, and that Lhe recommendation be complied with. Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. Rep.CitY Elecs. Report of the City Electrician Yor the month oY August was presented and read: Councilman Holmes - l moved that thy. report b© received and placed on file. lletion seconded by Councilman smith and carried. ! Rep.C.of P. Report of the Chief oY Peliao Yor the month ox' Au¢t,~t. was pr^a..nte+d and rein. C!+"^.^l~wpr Smith , moved that the report be raaeived and placed on file. Potion seconded by Councilman Irvi;~ and carried. i Bond oY C.E. Bond oY C.E. OrsenleaY, qualifying as police officer was presorted. Councilman Saith moved that , Greenleaf. the bons be accepted and approved. Notion seconded ay Councilman Holmes and carried by Lhe follOwizlg rote, Lo-wit: Ayes, Holaas, Smith, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Aigger soap. Upon recommendation of Lhe Chief' oY Bpliae, A. L. 1Lespe24, YaYOr Bright reported that he has stls- pe„ded police of'Yicer L. Bigger Yor a period oY 16 days, without paY• Councllman Cole moved that the ac- tion of the l(aYor be approved. 1[otion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the following Vote, to- w n : Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Hoes, none. Hills. City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants for elaimv approved by the liayor and !franca Committee i this date, by the following vote, Lo w1t: Ryas, HOlaes, Sm1th. IrVir~, Cole. Noes, none. E~' ` ! Ap.Boar4 of Hayor Brigi;t appointed nr. D. C. 3tra,g, yr, H. Hammack and D. Allison, as mashers of the Board ,re health. ~ of Health to fill the vacancies, eub~eat to the approval oi' the Council. Councilsan SsiLh moved that the appointwenta be coni'ii°med. Notion seconded by Council,ca;; Cole and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, smith, Irving, Cole. !foes, none. Pet.open 11th. iris Yollowing petition was preaent~i and read, signed by sosre al property owners, representlnQ ap- Froxim:~telY •61Q feet oY rrontage: To the honorable lEayor and COmsan Council of the City of Sun Bernardino, Ca21t. a6entleaeA; 'IIe, the undersigned Droperty owners on Sleventh Street between H and lit. Vernon streets, ae- apectiltlly petition Your honorable body to take Lhe neoesaarY steps to open lZleventh street trove the east line oY I str9ei to thewest line oY H itreat. Ve desire that the street be opened 8g.b tt. wide, end that the aenter fine of lileventA street bs projected eastward in a straight tine to its lnteraeation with Lhe aenter linty of H Strset.e ~ Councilman Irving moved Lhat LAe City F.~>ginaer.be instructed to investigate in regard to Lhe open- , 171g oY F:levenLh Street and report beak. Potion 5saonded by Councilman lS,:,1th and carried. C.R.pre.P~c3. Coun~ilawn smith speed that the City Engineer i» instructeQ to prepare plans and sp~citiaations stn sawlc . for the construction o>; sideMalke and curbs on the north side oP lrishth Street between D and ]s streets. Motion seconded by Councilman Irving and c>irried. f E •r r Cii. ..~.,_,..~.:ra~~. s ~3~ !ifl• ChieZ Councilman Col© Moved that the rite Chief be allowed leave of absence to attend meotin¢ oP Fire Leave or aU. • Chiefs to be held in Lhe City oY Loa AI~elea~ and that his expenses ba allowed. kotion aecondad b'y Coon- cilaan Bmith acid carried by the rollowinj~ votes to-wit; Ayes, Holaes~ Suii.th, Irvir~~ Cole, tioea, none. C.h.Pre.PhB. CounaiLr~an Holaea moved that tho City ~ineer Ue instructed to prepare plans and apecificationa for Adwk C St . the construction of aldewalK !Il the west aide of Arrowhead Avr7lus between 9th and 7th Streets. Motion aee- ondad UY Councilaan Smith and carried. D.P.o1L Yards. Couneilaan with aoved that Lhe Street Superintendent be instructed to interview Southern PaclPic ofPiciala in rear:i to the cleaning up and oiling oY the Southern PaeliYc yards between E and F 9tre©ta. • kotion seconded by Councilaan Holaea and carried. Upon ao+.ion of Councilman Saith~ duly aecondad Uy Cou~lcilaan aolaes and carried, the Council adjourned to meat TueSdayy September the lOth~•1912, at 7;30 o'clock P.Y. i Approved thie 1~ day of Septeiaber~ 1912. ~ ` ~-- ~ - CiLY Clark. '~ ~ kayor oi' City oY • san B na~•dlno. '~ ~ ' i ' { _ ~ j; 4 • r i- I . ~ • City Aall, Sail Bernardino, Calif. Tuesday, dept. 10, lalq.l a Regular adjourned [reetirrg of the Layer an« Common Council of Lhe City of San Bernardino, held Tuesday September 10th, 1912. Leetirtg was called to order by LaYor Bright at 8:00 a'clocK, P. L., the following members of Lhe Council being I pre~er?t, to-v~it: dunncilmen Smith, Chamb®rs, Irvirr~, Cole, City ALtorneY Allison, ana City Clerk Batchelor; Absent: 4~ Counciir.:an Holaea. lfinutos or the previous meeting were read and approved. • Res.ord.wk. Resnlution ordering the work i'or the in[provemant o1' B Street from the south line of 4th street to the ' No.550. B 3t.011. south line of the roadway of Base Line by oiling the sane with asphatie 0.11 and covering with limestone screen-. irrg, and constructing oulverta therein, w:,s read for final pa::sage and adopt ad bY.the following rote, to-vrit: Ayes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noss, none. i Res.ord.w K. Resolution ordering the worK Yor the improvement of Allen 3treat Prom the south line of the roadway of No.551. Allen Cbs, Third Street to the north line of the roadkaY oY Lill Street by constructing cement concrete curbs therein, was '~ read Yoi' i'inal passage and adopted by Lhe following vote, to-wit: Ayes, with „ Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, ', ~ i none. , Res.ord.wY. Resolution ord~:ring the worK ror the eoAstruction oS cement conarete curbs along the south side of Third NO.b68. 3rd Curbs. Street between the west line oi'Allen Street and a point on the south 6~D line 514 feat west, was read for i • rival passage, and adopted by tiie following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Nees, none. ~ Rea.or•Int. Resolution of the Layer and Co[oa[on Council oY the City of San Bernardino, declaring Chair intention to No.605, ]lifslte-.•S~. laprove Rialtio Are., Yrom the west line oY I Street to the east line oP the roadway of K Street DY conatrlret- ing cement concrete sidewalk and curbs therein, waa read i'or rir[xl pa:,•sage and adopted by the following vets, to-wit: Ayer, Smith, Chambers, Irvi[~g, Cole. Noes, none. ! Res.o=d.w k. Ros~l»rion ordering t2re work for the improvement oY King Street Zroa Lt. Vernon to K 8treset, Lhenoe south No.61o. King & K. on K Street to Rialto Ave., by constructing an 8 inch vitiritied pipe senor therein. was road for ?anal passage. ~srsupoir Oouticilmani ~tth aoved that the said Resolution De laid on t?Ze table. Yotian seconded by Counail[aea E /~•} Cole and carried." a t, Rea.of Int. Resolution of the Layer and COramoA Council oT the City of San Bernardino deelaritrS their intention to ia- No.498. ' 0 3dwk. prove O'3treet between 10th street and Base Lins by oonstructina cesrent concrete sidewalk and curbs therein, was read fox Yinal passage. CouncllaaA with roved that said Resolution b• laid ea Lhe table. lotion seconded by Couneilmari Chaabera and carried. { Res.adpt_ Reso?+~tion adc•ptlTlg plans, prorlle, eioss-seetiow and specirioatione for the faprweaeat of Bth Street ' P.& 8. 8th Pav. troy Lhe west sine of Arlo=head Av!nUe to Lh« w,;st lino of D Stress Dy pavixlq the roactiray therooi and aonatruet- i t ins gutters and culverts therein, was read ror final passage sad adopted by Lhe tollowittQ vote, te-wit: Ayes. ttlth, ChsaDers, Irvin, Colo. Noes, neae. Rea.of Int. Resolutio~a Of the iU+vor au4 Coms[on Coaurcii or the ^1*.y or San Heraaraiao deolaring their intention to is- xo.sra. , 8th Pav. pnwve 8th Street Zroo, the went lino of Arrowhead Ave,, to the east line of 1? Street b! paving the roadway thera- ot and oonstruetir[g gutters and oulverts therein, was rea4 for Yiret tine and laid over iorfinal jSesaaQe,~ ~ Res.adpt. Resolution adopting plans, section and $peciYications i'or Lhe oonatruatioa of a awsnt caucreLe si0ewallt P.~ S.. - O Sdwk. and curb along Lhe west aide and along the east tide of 4 Sireat between the south I1ae oP the roadway of Rialto j Ave.., and the north line oi' Lhe right or way of the i.. T. & S. ]r railway Ca., was read for final paisa~s aAd aQOpted Dy the following vote, to-vrit; Ayos, Smith, CisuaDers. truing, Cole. xooa, roves ttt~ i Rea.of Int. Resolution of the Liayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention No.b64. Q• 3ldewalY, Lo iupi'ove 0 street froze the south line oi' Lhe roadway oY Rialto Ave., Lo the north line of the roadway of A.T.& b.P. Co., by constructing ceaent concrete sidewalk anti curb thorein, was road Zor the first Line and laid over for final passage. Aes.awd.aon. Rsaoln*•ion awardin^ contract Yor Lhe aonstruction oZ a six inch vitrified pipe aesrer fn Orange No .bb6. Orange sewer. Stra,~t between B Street and Arrowhead Avenu6 to ldcElvain & 88ecombe at the prices specified in their propoe•- sl on file Yor• said work, was read in full i'or final pussage acid adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. Prot.3dwY. Thy following petition was presented at.d read: a st . TO `d!iE HONOREBLE 1fAY0R AND C010AON COUNCIL Ua' THE: CITY OY s/1N Bt:RNARDINO, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARI?INO,' 8TA'fr: OP CALIi'ORNIA. Qed~tleaen; we, the underaigi~sd, property owners on •0• Street between Rialto Avei_ue and the Santa Be Lraek and repre::enting more than Yifty pea• cent 'of Lhe 1"rontuge on said •0' Street between Rialto Avenue and the Santa ~'e tracks, hereby protest to the recant order of yaw.•Honorable body providing Yor Lhe laying oS sidewalks along said q' Street between Rialto Avenue and the Santa Pe tracks, in said City of San Bernar- dino, ana respeetil~liy request that your Honorable Body revoke its order heretofore made Yor the laying or eii?ewalks as aforesaid. Aespeatiully, ' Sirs. d871e 0~loell, 160 Pnet. Mrs. Alias YeAnsan, I60 meet. 1(ra. Apnea Reran, 80 Scet. ,dolph Johnson, 126 feet. II Charles L.Flaalt, 80 Beet. , Com.F'id.dc Coaunuriication of the Fidelity ~ Deposit Oo., requesting the relinquishment o1 bond of City Trese- Dep.CO. uorer R. Heap, the said H. R. Heap having furnished personal bond in lieu oY said bond, was presented and ~ read. Couneilaaan Cole moved that the i'idelity and Deposit Co., be released Prom ~abilities,as per their reypkost. notion seconded bY..Counailaian Chambexs~and carri:~d by this following vote, to-wit: AYee,, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. i 4rad.e White St. Attorney C. C. Haskell appeared befor a the Da~~nali in bahali' of 11r. Wegnori, reeiaing on WhitR Street. and stated there pare several houses on such street, and that no work had bean done tars;d impro~ '" ing said street, and it wee their wish that the City have ~aae graded and smoothed up. the question arose ae Lo Mhether White Etreet was an accepted street. Councilman Sa1th coved that the natter bs referred to the City Attorney to investigate. Lotion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Ap.8a1?.OP. sTo the Honorable Mayor and Conwon Council of Ban B~~rnarctino, Cal. H.C.YaxoA. 0•esiLles~en: At the last seating of Lhe board of health held septeaber 9, 1012, ttu Beard recso«msnded that l[r. paxou be appointed assistant health officer and ask that Council appoint his to said office, 2 am, ' `- Yours truly„ C. Y. 11aCOnuiao, Health offiaer.• liayor Bright appointed H. C. paxou assistant health officer, sub~eat to Lhe approval of.the Council. Caancilaan Qhiabmes moved that the appointae~tt Ye aonfiraed. 1lotion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following rote, to-wit: Ayes, Faith, Chambers, Irving, Colp. hoes, none. c ~ E ear.of Ofer. Chsrges Raving been preferred against officer L. Bigger, and Yayor Bright having suspended L. Bi? `~~' Bigger. gar at prewions :sestina, sailed for resorts, stating that auah ofi'ioer eight char aatae why suspension as '~` imposed should not be continued. Attorney R. Ti.. 8witig apyearad iii behalf of officer L. Bigger, and the followins offered tsstiworq under' oath in ryard to the causes of ouch susponaloA: Ohisi' of Police Neapelt, Offiasrs Poppett, Roberds, and Bigger and W. H. Bal4win. N. 1. lltahna•dson presented petition petitioning the re-inatate+ent of ofi'ioes -;~,;, I s 131gger. Councilman Cl'~ar..Lere :.tated ti:at aft or h©arin~ the testimornY, it apbeared that the action of the • Ch1eY of Folios was a trii'le hasty, ens Sn view of .the al sunderatanding, moved that ofYlcer L. Bigger be ~ re-inr+tated. Lotion seconded Ly Councilman Bmith. Upon yolk cull of motion, Councilmen voted as follows; 111 Ayes, Smith, Chunibers, iTOea, Irving. Cole. Ifheraupon Ygynr Bright declared the action lost. ~ Bid$ opnd. TTi a Using the date -fixed i'or the openinL of bids fox• itirni.ihing one or two new or second hand Auto Chassis. auto chassis, Councilman Chambers moved Lhat the Cle19t proceed Lo•open bide. Motion seconded by Councilman j f S~~~ith end carried. Bid oi' Oorham fire Apparatus Go.i Pura~•Ant to your •tiotiee inviting propa:;els x'or oue or two nA+r or second hand automobile chassis.' dated August 23rd., we herewith be? to aui~mit prices as par follawa: One (1) `sl;AORAVE• Water or A12-Cooled 4 cylinder 63 H.P. A.L.A.M. rating, Tractor as per specif- ications attached here-to--------X4050.00. Ons (1) •BF.AaRAVBi Water or Air-Cooled ~4 cylinder 63 H.P. A.L.A.M. rating, CFIA36I6, as per aped- ~ ifications attached here-to-------X4125.00. Prices quoted are l.O.B. San Bernardino. Sould your Honorable body decide to favor ua with the order for both machines, are will be pleased to a11oR a disoount of two ka) per-cent .to apply on the above prices. ~ •BEAORAV• apparatus Ass been in use in the leading Fire Departments of the United States since the inception of lister Driven apparatus. Loa Angeles, Ban Diego, and in fact your neighnoring cities, namely Riverside and Redlancla have •8F,/!ORAVTs` apparatus installed in their departsents, and we take pleas- , ure in reSerring you to them as Lo the reliability, wor]'>fanship and effioieatry oP our Apparatus. ~### 'die absolutely guarantee our appaxaLeta.tor a period of two years tiros against arty Qefeats in either woxkmariship or saterisl. Thanking you foi• yoar kind coi~sidaration, we regain, Vary truly yours. Oorham Bire Apparatus Go., Agent for BeaQrava Coapany, by Y. S. Hirsh, Manager. Bid of Marel- Bid of Moreland 3[otor Truck Co.: • and Motor Trndc Co. Zn coacplierias °with the ann®'zed iiotic°~ nvitin~~ 'sealed proposals, we hsa:eby propose and agree to perform tIIw work herein"desarlbsd,and fdiiiah=thi materials'LhereSor_acoordin~ to specifications AerewitA attached for the suw, oS Twenty--eight Huncii°eci'(~2800.00) Dollars if one trunk is taYsn. IS two are •ptir•- _ cAaaed and delivered ati the Bags titY., Drio. will bo Tweutyrasvin (;.4700.00) Dollars oeaII. a autogatia j electric selY-starters"nre not tal~en, a deduction oT Two hundred and LwehLY-five (~.42fi.00) Dollars will bs made on mach trucY, 1rs recq~end and•adviae the.u;s of Lhe solid ouahion firs which is being algost ex- clusively used by fire departsents for this class oY service. lI9 operate our own body factory, paiIit and forces agope and, can PuxnisA you with high grade body wor&, enasteled painting, goldleaf lettering, etc., as per your specifications. 8e meuufaeture these trucste in Loe Angeles and can give you any length of loading space and whesi Lase tAat may best suit your appara- • Lus. As have about one hundred of these trucks rusc;ing in Los Angeles an~i could be pleased to furnish reiArencea. Please 1'1nd enclosed, certified cheok,Yor Two Hundred and SiQhty ~'•~80.00), Dollars, tAanklag yea Tor Lhe priveleye of sub~aitting this proposal and hoping to ssenrs your valued business, we are, Ver•Y respectfully, Moreland Motor Truck Co., Hott L.3toreland, Mgr. San Bernardino Motor Car CoepnaY, Distributors. Bid.Wm.R. Buses. Bid of life. R. Ruses: TA accordance with the enclosed rpeollYcationa, Wg. R. Buses, egress to fdrnisA the city of San Bernardino, Cal, either one or second hand Pope Chassis of the 1010 Models for ,1800.00 exch. These oars are Lo be LhoroukAlY ovesAeuled and new parts pnt in wAersrer neeeasary to sake the der absolutely first-alaas, sad R. idiesa, a~reea tAat should he be Savarec! with your valued order tAat he will guarantee LAase oars Lobe free iron all flaws, and leper:Ceotiasrs of saterial sad toztsatrabl.p, sad agx•ees Lo salts ~d all parts brsa><ing or going bad for a periud of one year Eros date oS delivery pa'oridaQ suaYc breaks are not caused by aoaidaitt~ sisuse or negleoL. I will Lzsat LAe city oY San Baxnaraino, in regard Lo there wagons dust the ease as I have on LAe other one, Motu s vary truly, >AS. R. Aieas. Bid day Buxto~~. Bid of Jay R. Buxton: Zn x•eyly to your request for llurirAlnQ LAe City with a second-Rand autosabile, I bs~ to pa•opose LAe foilowing: Loaoaobile: Model a0, four cylinder •T• bees siett~. 4 ~ bare and 4 ~ 1naA strWCS. Ttu Bator bas dust been overAaulad and tho foliating sew parts put in, wrist pins 1n pistons, wrist pin busAlnB in aozk- nec:tin~ rode, inlet and sxtluat valves and valve guide buuAings or broase, thus eatitlg the sorer first ~ glass sAape. 10rgin is water cooled sad with~rgs Man aIld Aonayaoab radiator, i¦ seaAseiasily oiled sea has large auxiliary oiler. The trawacissioa is sztra large, ties lour speeds forward end one reverse, is ¦eleativo type and Ass 8 be A lsported ball bearln;s. !bs wlseels Rave Tisi[eA roller bearings, firestone quick detaeiwbis demountable rise and nos 8i s 6 OoodrlaA Master Tread non-M[id tires. The ails is it112 Yloating anti the Qifi'erential Ass B & S ball bearings. The two sets of breal[s are extra large. • `Y'3{1 The equipment is as i'ol2ows: electric aide a[~.d tail lamos, electric lighting head lights with p~eato Lite tank, a 8-80 and 'a 8-80 storage batterly, Warner auto meter, Connecticut shock absorbers all around, bumper in Yrout, large Rushaore head lights. The price thus equipped is X1916.04. Jay R. Buxton. Bi.c[. Lisle Ealer. The Bid oi' Lisle &ll.er: I will Yurnishione lLathewaon 80 horse Power auto chassis equipped as called for in specifications, fow• cyl. gsaolins ldotor Water-cooled, Two (2) separate ignition systeele. Lteohanicaily oiled motor, Your speed selective type trai[amisafona, double chain drive, 26x6+} b`iske Demcuntabl• r1IDS and tire, Stand- ard speedometer, electric aide lights and tail lights, Presto heaQlighta, electric lighters,•new batt©ries as specify ed 8-80 & 8-80. This car has two separate sets oY gears in transmission enabling one in ease of accident to one sot to use the oti;er set with out leaving driver's seat. I will furnish this car in perfect shape and a guarantee of one gear Eros date of aceeptanee for the slt:a o1' X1860.00. Respecti1111y yours, Lieln Rsler. Councilman Smith moved that bids be laid on table Yor one week. kotion seconded by Councilman Cola I~ anti ca?•ried. Councilman Smith moved that the 1[ayor and mombera oi' the Council oteat together with tho biddet• at the City Hall, the afternoon of ldonday, Soptst•+uer 18th, 1812, for the purposo of eeasd.#?ing waehinea ea of- ICE (erred. Notion •seconded ~by Councilman Charvbera and carried. Pet.Knight. Petition oY Fred W. Knight requesting that his name be removed from the blao klist was presented and Off' B.List. read. Councilman Smith moved that request be granted and Chief of POlic• be instructed to notify liquor Qe33era aeeoi°ctingly. kotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Bills. The City Clerk was suthnrized to issue warrants for claias approved by the Mayor and Finance Committee ` this date by the Yollowing vote, to-wit: Ayes, with, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Roes, none. C.E.Pre.P.&S. Councilman Irving moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and specirieationa for 011 ,Rex. the oiling of Rex Avenue. Notion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, hougP~ use St[a Councilman Cole moved that the use oY the steam roller be donated i1T. Hough i'or the purpose of haul- Roller. ~ ing oil heater tan ke. notion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. i Bills High. Bills of the Highway Construction Co.. Yor Hauling , were laid over. j Cona.Co. Il Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Oounc:ilman Chambers and carded, the Council ad~our- ned to meet YandaY Sel,tcmber 18th, 1812, at 7:20 o'clock P.Y. Approved this 3/,~-dal' of September, 1912. City. Cier _ or OY the, ity Of ' , San Bar ' lino. I _ _ - „ ', r City Hall, San Bernardino, Cal. Sspt. 16, 181.4. ~ ' ~ Regular adjourned meetitte oZ the kayor and Cos mvn Cow:cil oS tho City oZ San Bernardino, held Monday Beptsn- Uer, 18th, 1Q12. ksatittg wee called to order by ltayor Bright at 8:15 o'clock P.ll., the Zollowing members of the Council beit:g present, to-wit: Councilmen Holmes, smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, City Attorney Allison anti City Clerk Batchelor. Abaer~t : None. kinutes oa' thv provloua meetitiK were read anti approved. Res.ord.x}:. Resolution orderir~ the worK of improving Panic Street betxoen H an~1 I streets by eonataKteting a vit- No.b30. Park Swr. rii'ied pipe sewer therein, was read For Final passage. Councilman Holmes moved that the Resolution be laid on the table. Potion seconded by Cowncilman Chau3bera and carried. Res.of int. Resolution of the 1(ayor and Common Council oZ the City oZ San Bernardino declaring their intention No.bb3. 8th Pave. to improve 1<;ighth 3Lroet i'rom the west line of Arrowhead Avenue to the seat line oZ •D• 3trset by paving the roadway thor,;o Z and constructing gutters and culverts therein, was rvad Zor Zinal passage and adopted by Lhe Zollowing vote, to-xit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. ~ Res.oi' Int. Resolution oZ the kayor and Coaslon Council oPthe City oZ San Bertardino declaring their intention N~.b64. Q 3ldewalk.to improve a SLraet between the south ling oi' the roadway oY Rialto Avenue and the north line oZ the right-ef-- xay oi~Lhe A.T.& B.P. Co., by constructing cotant concrete bidewalk and curb therein, wan read for final Pala- ' sage and adopted by the ~ollowirtg vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holrces, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, nose. Res.ord.wk. Resolution n„.,,'•inK the wori: Zor the isiprov~rent oZ Ninth Street between B Street and a point 140.aS No.bbB. DtII:~BeaQr. feet east of the east line o>: Arrowhead Avenue, by cot~staucting art 8-inoh viLrlZied pipe sewer therein, wa¦ read Sor the Zirst tisce and laid over nor i'inal passage. Hide opnd. This being the date fixed for the opening oZ bids Zor the improvement oY Victoria Avenue between Viogorie Pave. E and P Streets, by paving Lhe roadway ther,oi and conata7toting gutters and culverts therein, Councilman Siatith moved that the clerk proceed to open such bide as raeeived up to 7:20 o'clock, as per notice calling same. • Yetion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. The Yollowittg were presentc.•d: Bid oi' W.D.Ba18n: kaca0s+mixinjt, Der square foot • ,-----8} a Ent t . ~ outtere, per lineal toot,----------al cents. Bid OZ ilrnest ?renzell: kacadaul paving, s ayuarv foot, -.-9+~ Cents. Convrete gutters, a square Zoot,------14 Dents. Bid of James liaNair Pavirt~ Co.; Cot:crRte gtatter`a, a square foot,-----12 Dents. kacadamiairtg and oiling,per st}na:w loot,---9 1~8 Dents. 81d oZ Charles YcEivain: . 1laoadam, - 9.40 cents a square Zoot. ' auttera,-- ----------------14 cents per ::gaure foot. Bid of the Highnay Constsuation Bs.; kacadaat, per square foot, -----9.4 seats. ,Per square foot, gutters,- 12aenta. The bid oZ the Highway conatauotion Co., appearing tO be Lhe loreat and beet bid, Councilman 8eitA ~ moved that Lhe said bin be aoapptAai ^nd .:ortiZied chegcs returned to unsuccesa21i1 bidders. kotion eeooAdea by Ceunciltnan Col©'at:d carried by the Zollowittg votr,, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, 3aith, Chanters, Irving, Cola. 1 ;:oar, Hons. k t _ Rea.awrl.corr. Fte;;olutinn a~~.a''i1it centraet for t•irz paving oi' Victoria Av©., bstw~en 1; and p Streets to the High- • No.b67. Yicto?•ia Pv. way Construction Co., at the prices specified in thou proposal on file for said work, was read for the Yirat time and laid over For final passage. Ad~.,'ic.CTba. COlllkla 1m271 Smith moved that the natter of certain curbs on Victoria Avenue be referred to the 3trest ~ Superintendent to inte rvisw owners bei'ore the street wont is begun, with the object Lo adjust same. ldotion seecnQcd by Councilman Chambers and carried. Bids opnd. This being the date fixed for the o~.enirrg of bids Yor Lhe construction of sidewalk on Arrowhead Ave., A~rowheud • Sdxk. between Baae Line ana 13th 3tre;ats, Councilri,an Smith moved that the clerk proceed to or:en such bide. notion sac<urdsQ by Goun:;ilman Chambers and carried; Aid oY W. D. Bohan: Sidewalk, per ac~u&re foot,-----------------12 septa. Bid of the Highway Construction Co; • Sidsvralk, Job Complete, par Square foot,-- i7 510 septa. The bid oY the Highway Construction Co., appez~ring to be the laxest and best bid, Councilman Smith moved that said bid be accepted and csrtit'ied check returned to unauceeasYul bidder. Liotion seconded by Councilman Chambers anti carriers. Rea.awd.con. iteaolution a~•rarding contract for Lhe enns~rraation oY sideval k on Arrowhead Ave., between Base Line a No.b68. Arrowhead and 13th Street to the Highway Construction Co., et the price ape?Z3fied in the1T proposal on rile for said Sds/k . wo>yt, was read for the first time and laid over Yor final passage. Bids opnd. Thli being the date fixed for the opening of bids far the construction oI sidewa]k on 10th Street 10th $dwk. between D and 0 Streets, there being one bid on file for said work, Councilman Cole moved that Lhe Cleric pro- cced Lo open such bid. 1(otion aesonded by CounciLpan Scrith and carried. Bid of the Highway Construction Co.: sidgwalg per square foot, ----- ----i3 cents. Curl, per lineal Yoot,----------------26 cents. Counailmern smith moved that the bid be re~eatad. Notion seconded by Councilman Oole and carried. Rea.awd.soir. Resolution awarding contrbet Yor the construction of sidewalk on•lOth 3trest between D and a No.b68. 10th Sdwk. Streets, rejecting all bids, was read Yor the Yirat time and laid over for final passage. C1k.asK Co. Councilman smith moved that the clerk be instructed to mak a request of the County Clerk for 50 rr Prec.Indx. copies of Pracinet Indexes Poi the City, oY son Bernardino. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and car- rigid. Raf.B.dc B. Couricilmsn Chambers moved Lhat the Barrwm and Bailey circus be aliowed lioense rebate of X100.00, Cireus;100. ~ ~ n less coat of repair of streets which may be damaged. 3lotion aeoonded by Councilman Smith and carried ~I` thefollowing vote, to-r+iL: Ayes, Holmes, Smith. Chambers, Irving, Cola. lloea, none, k Reaig,Rigger. San Bernardino, September, 18th, 1812. To the Mayor and Coiwon Council oi' the City or Bun Bernardino, 0entlamen: Z hereby tender my reaigrwtio~n as Folios Orricex oZ the City of San Hernardino to teYe etteat immediately. Reapec:Lf~.tlly yours, L. Bigger. 0auncilman Irvitr~ coved that trio rasigna~ion of polies officez L. Bigger be accept ad. .',potion sea- onded by Councilman Cola and oarried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Ao2rsea, Smith, Chambers, Irving, "~ cola. Hoes, none. R ~' _ ; .t Sept.I8,1912. • Cem.Chibf To tila Honorable 1layor and Common Council, oi" the City oi' san Bernardino, Cul. of Police. F" I mould racomend the appointment of i'our special policemen for circus day, Saturday, Sept. 21, ~ 1812. To-wit: R. Curtie, H. W. West, V. B. Hcgua,•John Niah~ Yours resp.:eti~zlly, A.L.I(espelt, Chief of Police. Upon reading the foregoing, l[ayc~r Bright appointed R. Curtin, H. W. West, V. B. Hogue and John Nish, special police oi'ficers to act September 21st, 1812. Councilman Chambers moved that the apPointmenta ba confirmed. 3lotiou aecvtyded by Councilman Smith and carried. • I A111y. TLa City Cleri: was authorized to issue warrants 1'or claims approved by the 14ayor and Finance Com- ~ mittee this date, by the foliowittg vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holman, Smith, Chambara, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. j C.A.rept City Attorney Allison reported that he haci investigated the matter of White Avenue and found same i On Yfhi t e Street. to bo platted and filed on record in 1887, and that same was a public street, Councilman Cole moved that the street Superintendent be instructed to have said straat graded and shaped up. 3lotion seconded by Coup- I h Gilman Smith and carried. f BAcptd.to Proposals for i'tu Wishing two automobile. chassis, pres•;nted at last meeting, having been laid over ~ ~ to thie date, Cowzcilman Smith moved that the bids of"I.isla Elser and one machine of the Wm.R.RUeas Co., be accepted and contract awarded as per thtsir bids on file. ISotion seoonded by Councilman Horiea and carried 'Ubr the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, none. ~i C.E.pres. The City Engineer praaented Diana and speoificationa as follows: P.& S. sidewalk and Curb on the nortt? aids of 8th, between D and E Streets. Sidewalk on the went side o3 Arrowhead Ave., between 8th and 7th Streets. Oiling and grading Rex Avenue between 3' and 0 Streets. Councilman Smith taoved that the said plans and specifications be refs+rred to the City Attorney. 44otion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Pearl SQtAc. ~COUneilman Smith moved that the Cleric be inatz°ueted'to look tkp proceadinga of Pearl Street Side- Proa. walk the*, the same may be taken up and prosecuted. Potion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. ~- Poole pro. C.A. Poole appeared before the Council in regard to pole being planed in front of his property ' Pole. on Third 9treat, stating that it was right in the entrance and as gad the Council to use their influenoe to have aame moved to one side. Couneiltoan Holmes taoved that the matter be referred to the Street Superint- otxiont to try and adjust with property owners oral Joint pole people. Motion seconded by Councilman Z171itg and carried. A1i1.U.S.P. Councilman Smith moved that Lhe bill of the U.B. Protective Association, ~b0.00, being fines im- ~I Asaoa. posed is police court, be referred to the City Attorney. 4otiott seconded by Couriailman Chaabers and oarrieb €€@ mill H.C. Councilman Chambers moved that the bills of the Highway Colutruction Co., for hauling dirt iron CO. ~ the F str:;at paving fob, be laid over until the nett meeting. Motion seconded by Councilmen Smith and ~ carried. Tmstrs wgs Councilman smith moved that the wage rata for teamsters working for the City be fixed at X4.80 per be X4.50. day, beginning the first day of OaLmber, 1912. Yotlon seconded by Councilman Holmes and aerrled by the # I F lollawing vote, to-wit: Ayes. Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Coie. hoes, none. ' ~ ) Steuart liav~~~• Counoilmwn Smith moved that W. H. Steuart be granted 18.00 liaanse for the sale of a certain wasA- { X8.00. ing machine, providing he fixes a pleoe of busiaese. Notion seconded by Councilmen Irving and carried by 9 the follc~+ing vote, to-~'it: Ayes, Holmest, Smith, Irvlilg, Chat::b91•s. NOea, OaHe. { ~l2fi Ilep.C.l•,: Cvuncilman Chambers ~:oved that 1;ha salary of tho lleputy City Enginaor and Direet.or of Testa bo fixed 321ar;~ ~ $1}6 -no. at ¢116.00 par month to start with. 1EOtion seconded Uy Councilman Irving and carried by the following vota, ~ to-r~it: Ayas, Holmea, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes, nono. t Cole leave Councilman S..ith mooed that J. C. Cole Ue granted 30 days leave of absance from the state. 1lotion oi' Abs. ' soconded by Cowicilmen Chambors and carried. { llpoi~ motion oi' Councilman Cola, duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, the Council ad3ourncd to maet 1(onday, Sep: ember 30th, 1912, at 9:30 o'clock, P. ll. ' Approved this ~ da$~ of , 1912. ' I ~ C t~ Cier j yor of the y of san Bei°na ino. ' f i r --~ F I • City Hall, San Pertiarcllno,California, Sept. SOth. I9I2. :tEgular Adjourned maetig~,of the riayor and Caumon Council of the City of San Bernardino, held ilonday Sept amber dOth, I9I:d. lieeting was Called to order by Layor Bright at ?:b0 P.Y. the ioilowing lteabesa oY ~.be Oounoii being p~reren! Connoilaan 8aith anQ uhasbers Absent, Ooie, living and ~elsss. I Tltoze being not suffioient pieaent to constitute a qu6rum Counoil acL~ourned to meat wedneaQay •_~'^"9 Oot. and., IoL'i at Y:70 a'oloq[ P.a. f ~ ~ Approved thin aay of , 29I.Z. '` ~ { O1tT Cleric. ~ ` a~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ i • lla4?or oY ~Le Ci Y of Sau Dernardin~. '~' • ~ . r ~ ~ ~ i t _ - __.__-___. __._._._-_~.__~_ - ~ I ~'.._.~ i i ' 4 r.. City Hall, San Bernardino, Calii'ornia, Oet.xnct, I9Ix. . ~' _" • \ > ' ~ ~ P.egular Adjourned ceeting of the Layor and Conaon Oouncil of the Oity oP Eon Bernar- di ri0 . ~ ~ e e 1-.-~+t' ~7n The meeting ~Y6a called to order by Layor Bright^ the following members of the Council beir:g present:-. Counollmen,HOlmes, Bmith, Chambers end Irving. City Attorney Allison and City Clerk~•~atcheior. r'I°, - liinutes oY the previous meeting read and approved. I! Res.Ord.'Nk. A Resolution oY tte Layor and Co~~or; Oounoil of the City oP San Bernardlrio order- NO. 5bt3 sewer 8th. irg the woiic for the aQnstrtretion oP an Eight inch vittiPied pipe ee~r in Ninth street . bet . A & B. c~.........[----r ctvc , from B street to a point I40.~b Peet EasL~ was read Por f1ne1 passage and• adopted by the f olla~ing vote, to wit: Ayes: Councilmen Holmes, Smith, Chambers and irving. Norse s None . A Resolution Awarding Contract to the Highway Construction CO., For the improve- P.es. Awd.Contr. meat oP Victoria Avenue Prom the feat line of Tr street to the East line of ! street ` Pav. liictor is . No. 667. by paving the roadway thereof and constructing gutters therein, at the prieea apeei2led in their proposal on Pile f'or said wort, was read for Final passage and adopted by the folloain$ vote, to wit: Ayea:~Holmea, Smith, Chambers and Irving Noee~ Nona. A Resolution Awarding Contrast to the Sight?ay Construction Oompany for~the Rea. Awd,Contr. No .668 Improvec:ent of Arrowhead Avenue between Base Line anQ 28th ptreat by construating ,a Side YID . do Orb . Arrowhead ce~memnt concrete Sidewalk and aurb therein , at the psiaes speaiPied in their propo- bat B.L. ~ IBth. { sal on file for said work, was read For PiIlai passage and adopted Dy the Following vote. to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith , Chambers, and Irving. Noes: None. A Resolution Awarding Contract far the Construction Of cement sidewalk and Ree.AwC. Contr. Curb 'ia IOth. Street between D street and 4 Btreet , rejecting ail blde,was read For ! _ ~ lfo. 5ba ~ ~ ~ Side Y1c.8 Crb. final passage aryl adopted by the followir$ VOte,~ to wit: Holmes, 8rtith, Chambers aril ` loth. { bet. D 8 4. Irving. Noes: None. ~ Reyt. Bide. ~ A Resolution ordering the wort of improving ! Street FroD tenth street to Base Line by constructing an eight inch vitiriried Dipe sewer therein wee read Zcstha } Rea. lsd.. ?ric i No. ~ r'iret time and 181e over Yor final passage ~' 3e~ er ~Eh, bet. 2otb B.B.L. r.~ Repots oZ tho OhieP of Police Yor the aonth of 8eptenber presented end reed. Oouncilasn Chambers moved Lhat the report be reaeivefl and pieced oa F11e Lfotion '; Report OhieP Police. seconded by Ornincilasn •S~ith and carried. 1 • Report oY the City 81Eotrioieh for the month oP Bepteuber~ presented and road. ~ P.eport Councilmen 8adth awve4 that the report bd :eeeived and placed an rile. Yot1oII seoomded Oity Electrician. by Csuncila~an Chambers era asrria4. i . _ - _ - - 1 Continued; Report of Deputy City Engineor, ki,C. Maxon relating to apparatus require4 for egElippi>>g ~ P9por t Dep, Cfty lavatory, wes presented nr;d read Ccuncilrar, Smith llovod that the City Engineer's Office be authorized to purchase gas testing apparatus and that they be instructed to have ~`,-- the apparatus now on hand repaired kiotion ~•aoor.dod b~ Councilman Chambers end earriai ~ ' by the following Vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers and Irving Noes: Wane. Councilmars Chambers moved that the City Engineor be instructed to secure bids for the i'itting up of ~,y zl~y oarpar_ter work and ~ Lab°ratoiy and he authca izwd Lo prooeed with the work . Lotion seconded by Co~.u~cllman Smith and earria by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hoimea, Smith, Chanbera and Irving. Noes: None. , ~ A Resolution adopti~~g plans. sections and specifications for the construotion of Rea. Adpt. a ce~enL conoreta sidewalk and curb on the north side of e+th ,treat between the west aide p1ns,8ect,8pcf. Side Nk.& Crb of D street anti the seat side of E street , in the City of Ban Bernardino was read for the Elghth.aStreet ~D..Sti~aetLO E, YirsL time and laved over for Yirr~al passage • i A resolution adopting the splaae;>,eecstione, and sPeaiYlaaLiona Par the construction of Aea Adpt. a cement concrete sidewalk upon the west side oY Arrowhead Ave, fxom the north line of _-, pins, 3est. 8pef. Side ~Nc.. 31zth 6treet cad the South line ox Seventh 8Lreat was read for the first time and laved Arrowhead ! bet 8th ~ 7th. over Yor final passage , Rea. AQpt. A Resolution adopting the pisns, sections arkd apecificationa for the aonstruetioa of pins, sect spat. 814b=~& Crb.. a cement sidewalk and curb on the east side'end upon the west aide oY Pearl Street Peal St. bet 7th' do 8th. betweea~ Seventh and Eighth street was read Yor the first time and 2ayed oust for Yinal passage ABs. Adpt. A Resolution adopting the' plane, prose-seotiona and specifications tar the i~?ptove- plns, seats, Bpcf. Ailing meat ~ Hez Avenue by oiling the roadway th8reo~P between the west line of the road- Rez Ave,. ~ ~ • bet r ~ O, way o~ IP Street to the East line of the roadway o3 Q Street, in the City a~f Sea Bernardino, wes read for the first Lima and laved over fc~ Yinai passage . _ j ~ 1 An Ordinapae regulating the btiainesa oY plumbing within the City oY Sou Barna~ :H; ' ~ , ~ Qino, providing for the isauirg ar plumbing permits , for the inspection of plumMng -.~ Ozd. plumbing and the ehargea therefor and providing penalties for the violation of tine provisions hereoY,' j was i~ead for the Yirat Lima and laya4 ovor for final passage . ~ Los Angeles, CallYornie. Beptesbe= with, ISIa. To the Honorable Mayor' and City Counailc ~ ; lfe are putting is Your city a large plant for props= . j gating Oliva Trees aril in afnnectiaa therewith till have a 2wt water AsaLing ey~L'~. Me shall ~ require fuel Yor this aystes, anC ae the Dlant wi}.1b0 loaste4 oa South •P ftreet, teat side, and .t I ~tlst south oY the traclrs o1 ttte Brats !s Railway, we heret;~? respecttnily reaneat pertiasioa to ooarsat ome pleat by pipe line and meta witIIYonr 011 1leatiag arrd Storage Plant in that y vioinity , ws to install the neoesaarY pipe line and .stet at our o~m expense am to rs- isburee you for such oii ae we aiay? nee at Lush prl n as ray be esreed upon, auah conditions, ~ 1 terse ,eta., to be set forth is the parent. alsRAt.TAa I11VSSTlaiYT t xo~ BUILDIIR 00ltPAJR 1 BY Iraieh Bnith preel dent . i x.J. Honneasy ,r ` aearetarY. i upon reading Lisa above ao~.ualaation, Cofuwilran Smith moved th~.t tha•nattes be re- k '~ feri~ed to the Bti`9et HtiPerintendsnt for raaw~wendation. ?aotion seoonded by Crunoilman Ohambers and carriod .~x• _.' ~~----«~-~-e- _ 6 _ E This beit~ Lhe date rued Yor the opening o£ bids for the improvement of B Street between Fourth Bids . Oiling B st. Street and Base Line by oiling trio roadway thereof and constructing gutters and culverts therein,. " Co•,zncilman Holmes moved that the Clerk proceed Lo open auah bias. Motion seconded by Councilman smith ana carried. ~ ~ . ~ 1 Ci/ •q~rands :I z-~! GaM Yir~+rt cKs ti'»wr C.awr O' .e ~ 'Tails/ Ei / in.1~ The bid oY the Highway Construction Co4pai:y bei~.g the lowest and best bid, Councilman Smith moves that the said bid be aocepted,and certiPieu oheoke returned to,unauaaesalul bidders, notion • seconded by Councilman Holmes and serried by the folla?ing vote, to wit: Ayes, Holmes, 8atith, Chambers and Irving: Noes: None. REB. Awd.Cont. Resolution Award177g contraot to the Highway Conatrtiction Cocpa~ Yor the improvement of B ~'- N. 68Z. Oiling B St. Street Prom the South line of Yourth Street to the Sauth line of Base Line by oiling the roadney • ~ thereof and~conatructiag gutters and culverts therein at the price speCllYad in their proposal on file for said wort was read Yor the first time and laved over Zor rinal passage.. Bide . Crbti Allen 8t. !rile being the date for the opening of bide for thB improvement Ot Allen Street between Turd sud 1[111 streets uy eonatrueting curbs therein Councilman Chambers mouse that the Cleric • proceed to open such bide .Motion seconded Dy Councilman Holmea~e~ :.nrrled. ' Bid of the Highway Construction Co., Cents. Curb,per lineal SbOt............................ 7fi.- Bid oi' James lloffair Paving Co.,-- . . . YZ.~ !'~. Eid of w.D. Bohan s6 , The bid of •.II. Bohan being the lowest sad best bid Oonnoil Oham~ere coves that the said bdd of s.D. Bohan be aeesptad and oertitied Ohealca be retusaed to vtnattieasas!!il bid~deri. lfotion seconded by ~ounailsan BRith and oarrieRaY t1na:.lnnaa vols. Resolution Axarding Contract to T.H. Bohan for Lhe improvement of Allen $*.reet tram tae tioutA Bea.Awd.0ont. iTO. bsCi~. line of of the roadway C12 Third Street to the Nort1-: lies of the soadway at !till Street by oon- Crbs.Allen St. struvting cement eonarete ourbe therein at the prise aDeeiried is his pro Does! on rile for said work wee read for the brat tine and laved over far final passage. Bids ~ - . crba. 2rd 8t. This being the date YOr Lhe opening oi' bide for Lhe improvement of the South Bide o? Third ftreet between the west !ilea of Allen attest aid a point oa said outrb line 824 feet west of the pleas of begin~ng by constructing oe®ent cOacrete onrbe therein, Co~ilman Smith ¦ove~ twit ths- f \ ~ Olezlc proceed to oyvat tAto11 atioe !folios seconded by Oounei]~a Ot~era sad oarried . - Bid of Highway Construction Co., Curb yes kineai toot .SO Oents. . i ' ~ Bid OY asses 1ldlair Paving 00., • BiQ of 11.D. Bohan,Curb per lineal.foot .Si ~ The bid of W.D. Hohan boing the loarost and bast bid C~aneilman Smith moved tY,at t,ha bid of 1P.II. Hohari be accepted and certified clieaks returned to unsuccessful bidders. 3[otion seconded bt Councilman Chambers ana~ . parried by the folloxing vote: Ayes: Iiolmea, Smith, Chambers and Irving, '_3oes: None. Res.Awd. Cont. A resolution axarding contract Lo W.b. Bohan for the 1aTprOVemont oY Third street beLxsen the rest ~ N0. 568 Cxbs 8rd. lima of Allen Street and a point on said curb line fiZS i'eet rest of the plans oP beginning, by aonsLructing vurba therein, at the prioee stated do hie proposal on fife Por said woslc, was read Par the first Lime anct lay ed over for final Daseage . Bide This being the date Tor the opening oY bias for the improvement of B !treat, from the North line of the Crb.BSL. 1 roadway of Ninth 9treat to th.: South line of the roadwgy+ oY Hasa Line Street, by constructing oemant non- oonvrete.ourba therein, Councilman Smith moved that the Cleric proceed to span such bids, 3totion seconded by i ~ Counoilman Chambers and carried. Bid oP N.D. Bmhan,curb Der lineal foot... .26 Cents. Bid of H13hway Conatruation Co.,ourb per lineal foot........... .s0 Bid Or James lfoNair Paving Co., • • ~ .28 ~ • Bid of W.P: Le Van, Curq Der lineal loot :20 ~', I ~ ,~' The bid of i'.D. Bohan being the loweet and beat bid, Councilman Borth novas that the bid of t'.D. Bohan ba accepted and oartiYied chealca returned to unsucesall>.1 bidders .Potion seoonded by Councilman Chamber and carried by Lha Yolla?ing vote: eyes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers and Irving: Noes: None. , Rea.Awd. A Resolution axarding contract to W.D. Bohan for the improvement oY H Street frastthe 1~ortA line Cont .No . 58~E Cbs.B Bt. of Lhe roadway off Ninth Street to the south line of the roadway oP Baae Line Street , by constructing oaaent concrete curbs therein, at the pldoes stated in hie proposal on Pile fox said work waa read Yor the 1'irat time and leys4 over for Einar Daasage. This being Lhe date for the opening oi' bids far the iaprovement of I Street Pros! a point in the cen- Bids . Serer ter line of Bi~hth Street to a point Iou ;'eat North of the neuter line oP Van 11esr~ evessue, extended East, _ •Z¦ 3i. _ by coastruatiag a vitrriPied pipe sewer therein , Oounci]aen Chambers moves that the Cleric proceed i to open suoh bids .Potion aeaondad by Oouneilman Holmes. and carried. ~' ."" I'11"'F.'t7b ewr A/i./ . ~ ~ I`!r /ass !4s 4The Hid o! Chas. 71a~;lvaiae being the rarest and Deat bid, Councilman Chambers novae that t3te bda aS Chas. PeElvaine bs eoasDted and certified check returned Lo unsuaosastt:i bldde~. Potiaa seconded DrY Council- '=. man Irving and aerrisa by the following vote, to wit: eyes: Holmes, 8sdth~ ChaaDsrs aria Irvin. A xeeolution awaraln6 ooatraot to Chas. PoElvaine for Lhe 1aDrovereeat of Z Street from a point iL:• &es.t+?d. Cont. Lhe oenter line of Zighth Kreet to a Do1nt i00 feet earth of the center fine of Vas Eesa •vsmLS,eztended east Sewer 17y coastrucsting s vitrrified Dipe sewer therein , at the prices stated is hie proporal on file tae saiQ t work , wsa rasa for Lhe first time and !eyed over for Yinal passage. TLis being the date for opening of bids !or t3~e laprovemeM of Sighth 9trseL troy a yoint~ftY.B s+sei ~' 1 Hi,iy Pena, Street -a ~ 9ewsr seat or tbs.oauLar;llue.oP.,~~ to a point I7 feet east or the oentar line o! 19treat, by constructing en 8th St'. eight inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, Councilman Cpeabers novas that Lhe Olerk p2ooeed Lo open snap biCS. Motion aeaonc:ed by Councilman 8ztitA as;ct serried. i.`; C ont i..ued: d /ii vitiif.6p/ i Mon/AO/63 //w/~Tanb Testy/ C Fiv.~ / ~ii72 r _ e /`1° ilwilb yO.JL /.w ~/.' ~40.d W 'RGSH Oac~ ///L.C4 f 1 / The bid oi' Lhe Highway Construction CollpanY being the lowest and beat bid,Couneilman Chambers moves that the bid of the Highway Construction Company be acceppted anti certified eheeKa returned to the unaseeessPul bidcL- era Motion seoonded by Councilman Smith-:, and carried by the Yollowing vote, ±o wit: Ayes: Hoixea,smith, Charabera aril irving hoes: None. A Resolution Awarding contract to the Highway Construction Company for the improvement oP ilghth Street Ree.4wd. of Pen SLreat Cont. from a point QY~Z .Past 'east~.~Y tiie cealtetr:llAe.~~ Lo a point Z7 Paet Peet east of the center line oP I Street, sewer 6th St. by constructing an eight inoh vitirified pi pa sewer therein, at the pricaa stated in their proposal on file !o. ?10 . ' 688 said wont, was read for the first tune and isyed over far final passage Bids This being the data for opening the bids for the improvement of Beventh Street from the interaeaLionoY sewer 7,th. the canter Tina of said Beventh Street and Yt. Vernon venue to a point i7 feet bast of the center line of I Street, by constructing a twelve inoh vitrified pipe sewer therein, Councilman Smith aoreis that the Cierkpro- ; seed to gpen such bids .Potion seconded by CouncilmaA Holmes and carried j ' i ' ~ g4j /Y.a viY7lfbs /`Asr/o~6s fllt7Nf 7FVb/ 1 a f rC/?alne a6B ~ ~ s ~M ~ t The bid of Chas. Yc Blvaine being Lhe loreat and beat bid, Councilman Chambers moves Lhat the bid cif said i r Chas. HoElvaine be accepted and certified oIIetlcs returned Lo nnaxoassafttl bidders. Potion seconded by CWncsil- _ can Holfea and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holetea, smith, Chambara, Irving .~Hoea:1[one. Resolution Awarding contrast to Chas. if0 Hlvaine Yor the imUrovemanL of Seventh 8tre!et, frog the,iater- ' Res. ~ir4 Cont. section of the center line of said peventh Street and YL vemoa Avenue to a point Z? feet east of Lhs canter ° ' Sewer 'Rth. St. line oY I Street, t:y oonstruoting a twelve inch vitiriried pipe sewer Lhereia,at the psiae stated in his propos- 2;0. b67 t al oa rile for said work wee read for the first Lisa ana leyed orer !or rival passage. , Bids Thin beltlg the date for opening of bids for the laprovemeaL of Smsth Street rroa a point in the center li - Beaver _ tth. St. 13ne of said 81zth Street to a point e~..~ feet east of the east line of L BSreet,bY ooastruating as eight ino: vitriried yips serer therein, Couaailasa c~tL. moves thatthe Clerk proceed to open snob bids. lEotioa aeooadai -- by Couaallaan Chambers and carried. ' E ixw~.s ~elAA~ivs IWirvlsYFii?,~t~+ ~w"'47w.t sti..A 7anh. ~ gg r ~ I ci . The Did of Chas Yoklvaine being Lhe lowest and beat b14,Counallaau CAeabexs moves that the Md oS Chas. ~ ` . YeS.lvalne be eeaepLed anti that the certified oheW[e of uasuaoeastul bidders be returned, 1totloA seconded t01 5 Coaneilman Holales and carried by the Poiioxing tiote, Lo wit: Ayes: i;olmes, Smith, Cbaabers a~ irriag.ltoes~' ~ bone. 'r A S ~ Continued. A resolution awarding aontraet to Chas. 1[a:`lvalne Por '.he imp=ovemnt of Birth 8t.reet from a point in the Reg.~wd. Cont. cent~3r line of said Sixth Street to a point Bz.S feet east oP the east Tina of L Street,by constructing an Saver E3th. St. eight inch vitrified pipe sewer tharein,at the prlcea atate4 in 2sia proposal on f'12e Por said work, was - N0.6i3$ read for the first time and laved over Yor final passage. l This being the date for opening of bids Yor the improveu~ent oS Spruoe Street Yrom a point on the center Dida Sewer line oP Spruce 9treet76.36 foot east of the intersection oY the aenter line oP 1tt Vernon Ave. to a point I7 Spruce St. feet east of the centc+r line of I street,by constructing an eight inch vitrified pipe seller thereln,CounciT~+nn Smith moves that the Clerk proceed Lo open such bids. )lotion secohded by Counbilman Chambers and carried. acs Bii~ v.fr.'fbd .' /Nooio/ F/tis/i ~~+.f'a Tofs/ . / ~ o. /rR f/- f47. M p ~ M ~ ,R F ' M° /Wfin. .Jb I do ~+- GS ~' o JL The bid of the Highway donatruction Campa~+' being the )sweat and best bid, Counoilman Chambers aaove~ that the bid of the ![1g2u?aY Conatraction Company be accepted and certified checks retur~d to nnsuaaesaful bid- --, . dens. ]lotion seconded ty Councilman Holmes and carried by the fo21aw1ng votb,to wit: p+es: Holmea,Chambers, ..j / i - ! ~ Smith ar[1 truing. Noea:None. i i Rea. Resolution awarding contract to the Hig2nraY Conatruation Corupany for t2u Improvement of Spruce Street from i ~ Awd Cont. Serer a point on the aenter line oP Spruoe Street 96.86 Yeet east of the intersection Gf the aenter line of att. BPruae 3t. ~ ' No.6tta Vernon Ave. to a point I7 feet east oP the center line of T Street, by oonstructing an eight inch vitri2'ied~:.,~ pipe sewer therein, at the pr4oaa stated in their proposal on rile !or said wort[ ,was read for the first time' and )eyed over four Sinal Dassage. Bids this being LIte date !oz opening aY bids Por the imam venent of Kingman Street Eras a point is the I Surer KingmaIl center line of Kingman'Streetito the intersection ,DP tue center line ~ Kingman Strset Eith the tenter '_... Btreet. to i Street line of Yt. Yernon ?venue,~ by eoastrnoting n ~welre inch ritririea rape sewer thereln,Counailaen Chambers mo?e~ that Lhe CttM70[ proceed to ~y.c such Dias. tWLaWf swetteted by Couaaiiaen Sedth and carried. -~: • _.r , . "° - ` S N ~ `' • ~ ~ ~ 1 1 . iI ?k. I The bid oY Chas. lleElraine being the )caveat and best Ddd, Cocnailsan Chambers acted that the bid of ~ N. 3 ' '' case. laEiralne br aocsepted and oevti!'led oAeetr zsturaea to nasnoossstbl Madera. aweioa eeooadsd ~ Conaoil- ?' .r asu Holsss sad Ssss~aedtq? the following rote, todit: Ares: Hol.tsa, Ohsabess, S~aith sad bring. Noea:roae. aaa.Awd. FEssolution awarding coatravt to Chas. I~WElvaine far the laprorec~nL of ICingaan )treat Pram s Ooatr. o Sewer point in the aenter line of tiagmanto ZSYtrset the intersection of the caster fins o! o! tingaan RLreet with ~ 61ni~ ttl. . No.S70 witA the aenter line of Yt. vsrnoa,~'iwrottfR,by constructing a twelre inch ritirilted pipe saver therefa, at LAS ,+,' prises stated is Ais proposal oa file foe said work, was read for L1~ rirat tlas and laved ov.r !or rival ' passage 1 6,_,e.__ ~ .- 1 1 ;' 1 Conti[med. This being the date for opening the bids for the improvement of 'Pine stre~+, from 1{t Vernon Avenue to L, street , Bide thciice South on L Ntreat Street to Sixth Street, by constructing an eight inch vitrified pipe suer therein, sewer f Pinb d k 8t. Councilman GhaLnbers moved t7?at the Clerk proceed to open such bide. 1[otion seconded by Councilman Smith ar:d `' carried. /tea ot'Ibbr.... O'4..r~.ifi?^.jr, w,bwp„(y /A~sA.7.~ls F / ~ Pf° /vials ~ . ~ ti' Ca~atscrofas oai a The hid of the Highway construction Company being the Dowest and best bid , Councilman Chambers moved that the bid of the Highway Oonstruction Company be accepted and Lhs certified cheeks be returned to the unsuaaesstul biddsre. Potion seconded by CounciL.an Smith and carried by the folbwing vote, to wit: Ayes: Holaea, Chambers, Smith ar:d Irving. Noes: Noes. ~+' F~8.4wd Resolution awarding contract to the Highway Canatruction Company for Lhe improvement of Pine Street 8ewer• l from :1t Yernon Avenue 'to L Street , thence south on L Street to Sixth ,Street , by constructing an eight inch 'ine~ L tit• vitirified pipe sewer therein , at the priosa specified in their Droposal on Pile for said work, was read for No. 67I. the fir.! Lime and lsyed over for final passage . Darling Councilman Smith awved.that the Street Superintendent be authorized to enter into arrangement far a scarafier d~ -, demonstratio[t^ Darling Scarafier~ Yor smoothing ttreeta. ltotioa seconded by Councilman Ohambers and oarried . Cty.Cik. The City Clerk was authoriz:~d to issued warrants es~spproved by the 1[ayor and finance coamittee this Authoiizsd ileac wrnta. date,bY the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Aolmea,Smtth, Chambers am Irving. Noce; Irons. ' QLng.Na¢ee Councilmen Smith moved that the City Attorney be instructefl to prepare an or~nanoe ohanging the name 3ef.&Fual. Sts. otnuw+. of JefYsraon and lussel streste to Stoddard street. 1lotion seconded by Councilman xolmes end carried. trnsfr from Resolution authorizing the tranatex oY Seven th~•ueand dollars fro[ the general 1UAd to the street gnrl to fit. - fuLd. fund was read for the first time end leyed over for final passage. • 7 Councilmen Smith novel that the City P.ngirieer be instrwctid to prepaiy plans anti speeitications for ~ Cty.S.r[g.inat. - prepare pins the construction o#' a sewer in D Street between I9th and Ieth Streets 1[otion seconded by Councilman do Spcfs SwT. D n• Chambers and cerrisd. Cty.Ting.Inat. Councilmen 8sith.move+d'Ehst the City Yx[gineer De, inatruoted to prepare plans and speeifioationa !os preper~ pins the construction of a sewer in 8toddaxd Street between IQth. Street and I9th. Streets. Yotioa seconded !c $pafa 8wr. Stoddard 8t. byr Council¢aan Chambers and carried ~ - h.C. Co. Highway Construction OCmpamr prsaeAted applioatioa toi• an s=tsntion of thirty days Line for the w0!- Ti~a s7ctnd. s ~ pleblon of that ~~rtain contract far tre construction of aurbe in Kingman Street between l[t Verna ~ a point 7sO0 feet west Resolution authorising t2?e 1upeziatems~s o! streets to e7Cte~Q b~ tairq Days tAe t2tee tYxeQ Dy AiT Res. athrxrg. ext . tine toe the eoiepletion of the wow apseisi:+a sn that ocrtain oontraet wtr~'.iaw:: Detweea the t:....:~ Sttpaa.'~- H.C.Co. interaent of Streets and said Highway ConatructloA,Corwyany foi the construction of o17.rbs is lCiraen street ` was lead for the firut time and laved otter fo¢' i'inal passage. •-, Gent testing An Ordinance of the City of San Bensrdino fixi[~ and setablishing a test for ell eesient uses L': i Ordinance. the construction of all eldewal?s,Curbe,and other puolic works 1n the City oY San Derrardno and DrOVidimr f~sa to be e2urged therefor and Drovidirg~ penalty Sor the viaiation thereof, was read the fire! tia~• and laved over for final Aassage. -: f ' , - Con+.irued. Sqn Beranrdino,Calii'. Com. October x,I9I:a, E Chit. Police. I suspension To the Honorable l[syor of the City oP san F3ert~ardino, ~L,T. Ptoney. 8ib:- ' i hereby charge Pollee Officer G.T. Ptoney did, on the Ieth day of August, IvIZ, ~ absent himtielY from the City of Ban 3lernsrdlno aJ,d from his duty without first obtaining permission or consent , ]'rem the ChisS of Police or permission or consent from the offiosr then and there in charge of the police Department oi' said CitY,for the prrlod of fourteen hours or thereabouts; all of whiLh is contrary to the disoip- , line a~:d efficiency oY the Police Department or the City of Ban Bernardino. i therefore recomuend that acid Police OSYicer Z.T. Ptomey be suspended Sor'Lhs period of fifteen{I6) days without yay. • RfapectYully, ~ A.L . Ideepelt Chief of Polies. ~ I recomL~nd thr,t 3(r Z.T. Ptomsy be$suBright~,~ ' Llayor or s:.n Bernardino,Cal. Cow~cilII.an Irvir:g moved that the recomnenda*ion of the Mayor be approved. Motion seconded by Coun- t -:tf3l~an Chambers and carried , Asp. St. Report oY Street"u Superintendent os abuYsss being practiced in the matter of eigna extending Supt. ~ Signs, over sidewslkatwes read. Councilmen Chambers moved that the r:atLer be referred to a committee to investigate , and males recommendations. notion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Mayor Bright appointed tGraot as such Com!::ittea Gouncilnen: Chambers, Homes a:dZrving. Com. Councilman Smith moved tia+at the Hayor appoint R committee to investigate the heating' oPhhe resting Council Council Chamber. ]lotion seconded by Councilman Chambers and serried. Mayor Bright appointed Councilman Chambers , f Smith, Holmes acid Irving to act as such committee. . Appoint- MaYOr Brigist appointed V.B. 2iogue as Polies OfYiaer, sub~ecL to Lha approval of the Council. V.B.Kogue Co~irciiman C~?ambsra moved that the appointment bs confirmed. 1[otion seaondea b* Councilman Irv1rlg and aerrisQ Po1.Ofcr. by the following vets, to wit: AysB: Holmes, Smith, Chambers and Irving. Nosi:XOaee r • An Ordinance oS the City of 88n Bernardino regulating the Surnishin8 and etistributis~ ,oi',gas to the City of Ilan Bernardino or the inhabitant:: LherwS, Sizing and sstsblishing the crinimum illumimattng and ass - _ O1°ctinance. heating quality, and the minimum and mazinum Dreasure thereof; requiring persona ,riffs, or carporettione supplying gas, to file with the City Engineer. maps and reports; providing fns the gating and itlspeotioa as gas meters; and fizir.g charges thessZor; and prescribing certain Amiss oaf the City mnginser with rsfe=suss t~ ~ ; ,f thereto, was read for~ths fist time and laved over Sor final DasssBe upon motion of Councilman smith , duly aecondid by Oouncilaan Ctrembers, and carried,ths•000noil . adjourned to asst TueeAay Jctober rsth., IaIai at 7:80 O'clasr P'Y. Approved this ~_day o1 Ovtobor,ZOIx. ~ . '"_ ! ~ '~' ~ LY ark. , ~ a Mayor ofd City O 'B4r1',ar¢1nO. ,' . "~. . sf _ - _ _ _ _ j f; .l r..~ PPi - City H$11, San Bernardino, Calif'. Oet. 8, 1912. S • Regular adjou~.~ned meeting of the Layor acid Corson Counuii of the l:1tY or San BernarQiao; Moeting was oall- i od to order by Mayor Dright at t3 o'clock P.M. the Following members of the Cour3cii being present: Cot:rcila~en, ~ • Holiles, Smith,.Char~bara, Oity Attorney Allison and bity Clerk Batcheaor. Absent; Cw ncilrzen, 4ole, Irving. Tha ciuutes oi' the previous tweeting were read and approved. • Res.Ord,Wrk. A resolution of Lho Mayor ar:d Common Council oi' the City oi' San Eernardiro Ordering the work For the impro- N0.680 Saver F st. vement of F Street between Tenth Street and Base Lire by the construction of a sewer therein,wasread fox fine- passage and adopted by the following vote,to wit: AYea,Holmes,8mith, Chambers. Noes, None. ~ Res,Adp..P&8. A &esolutien adopting pleas and specifications fos a sidewa173C GI1 the nortiZ siaa of Ei~,htY: :~f_~eet between ! Side plk ' 8th. 8t. D and E Streets was read For final passage and adopted by the Yollwing vvta,to crib: Ayes, Holmes,Smith, Oherabers. Noes, floss. Res.Int.~522 A resolution of the idayor and Common Cour.~a of •tha City oY San Bernardino declaring their intention to Side Y,lk. ? ~ Sth.St. improve ~..:i~hth Street between D and E Street by conatruating a'cetnent sldewalK on ?he north side ~he'reof, was ' ~ read for the f1Et time and laid over for final passage. Res.Adp.P&8. A Resolution adopting plans and specifications for the construction of a ceanent' sidewalk and ourb in Side WIK & • Orb. Pearl Street between Seventh and Eighth Streets was read Yor final passage and adopted by the following vote, ' Pearl Et. to wit: Ayes. Holmes, 9mith,4hambers. Noes: ?lone. ~ ' Rea.int.#674 A Resolutmn ,of the Mayor and Common 4ounc1l declaring their intention to improve Pearl Street between ' 31 de Wlk .lrc arb. Seventh and Eighth 9treeta by construoting a cement sidewalk and curb therein,a?as read fortho first t1`e and Pearl St . • laid over far final passage. Res.Adp.P&S. A Resolution adopting plans and specifications for the construction of a aePnent sidewalk, on the pest side Side W11:. Arrowhead Ave. of Arrowhead Avenue between Sixth and Seventh Streets was read far Final pessaga.tiponc.aoyion oP Canaoilasn:,,: ' anith,ffily seeQnded by Councilman Holmes and carrried said resolution was laid oI! Lhe table. Rea.Adp.P&S. A Resolution adopting p3ana w.u spec3.Picatlons Yor oiling the roadway oP Rex Avenne,between ! am a Street ' Olling Rex Ave. was read Strfinal passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: ISO1mes,Saith,ChamDere. Noea•NOne. ~ Ras. Int. A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Coinc2l declaring their intention to improve R9x Avenue by oiling the No.6R8 oiling roadway thereof was read fortlUis-~411?st~i+.i~e~iQJl~~?atveblta~~ttadlopass~o2~~, to :•>~;~~a,^~~•ith, t : Rez Are. ~ • - -• Restll'~. A resolution oi' ;the Mayor era Common Council ordering LIIe work for the oonstruction of a oement aonorete ' R!~ . ' • xo. SZQ. sidewalK in Rialto Avenue between grand K 8treats wee read YtaLhe Sirst time. upon motion of Couneilsiaa~ aia.,e~ela Rialto Ave. Chembels, duly seconded by Ootutailaen Holmes and carried,eaid resolution was laid on the table. Re~IQ.Cont. A resolution awarding contract to the f:ighwey Conatructirn Cocipany for the ia~ovemant a2 B Street from Oiling B St. the Scut~l line of 8ourth street to the 8uuth line of Bass Lino Street by o111sg the roamray thereo2 ana con- stricting oulvorts and gutters tnerOi~, at the &riaes speoiried in their proposal on file for said won Y; was read Fos final passage era adopted by the following vote, to vit• Ayes• Holmes, 9sith,Chambera. Boes:ltons. ' Rea.Awd. A resolution awarding contract to w.D. Bohan for the iaprovecaent•of Allen Street Srasi Third Street to Goat. ! Hill street t Allen Bt.Crb. by constructing'ceuerrt concrete ourba therein at the prioe speoitied in his proposal on rile , for aa14 wort was read for flaai passage and adopted by tho following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes,ahambers• Smith. Noes: None. f .a ~ Continuod. A resolution awarding contract to 14.D. Bohan for the improvem~it of the South side oY Third Street be- Res.AF'rd. Cont. tweet Alien Street and a point 6I4 i'eet west from the point of begin:2ing by eonstructir~ a oeaant odnerete No.583 Crb.3rd.9t. curb therein, at the price Specified in his proposal on file for said word was read for final passage and ad- ', opt3Q by the following vote, to r+it: Ayes: :ioL-nes,9mith,Charbars. Noes: None. ~ t i Res.~Awd.Cont. A resolution awaading contract to W.II. Bohan i'or the improvement of 8 8troet Yrom Ninth Street to 11aee 41n~: Bo. 584. Crb. B Street. by Constructing a cement concrete curb thoxain, at Lhc price specified in his proposal on file fo rsisaid work, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote,to wit: Ayes: Ho].mes,8mith,Chambers..Ptoes:None. 1 Roo.Awd.COnt. A resolution awarding contract to Chas. lioElvain Yor the construction of a vitrified pipe sewer in I 8tree' lio.586. 3°wer I 9t. between Eighth Street and Van Ness Avenue,at the price SpeolYisi in his proposal on Pile i'or said wor K,was read for final pascago anu adoptac~by the Yollo~sing vote, to wit: Ayes:Holmes,9mlth,Chambers.Noes:None. Aes.Awd.Cont. A resolution awarding contract Lo the Highway Construction Company Yor the construction of en bight insh N0.688 Sewer eth.8t. vitrified pipe sewer in Eighth Street between I and Penn 9treeta,at the Fa ices spseifid in their T oposal•on f Pile Yor s aid wor k, waa read for final passage and adopted by Lhe following vote, to wit: AyesQiolmea,imith, j Chambers.Noea:None. ~ ' ~ Res.Awd.Cont. A resolution awarding conta~a„t to Chas. 31aElvain Yor tho oon~lruction of a twelve inch vitriried pipe' ~' No.687. ~ . Seger 7th.9t. sewer in Seventh Street between I Street and l[t Vernon Avenue, at the prices specified in his proposal on ~ ~ file for said work, was read Yor final passage and adopted by the Yoilowing vote ,to wit: Ayes:Holmos,8mith, Chamb9rs. Noas:?ione. ' Ras.Awd.Cont. A resolution awarding contract to Chas. 3lcEivain Yor the construction of an eight inch vitrified pipe sews: No.688. ' Sewer 6th.9t. in SistIl Street at the pa3ces speclYisl in his proposal on Yile far said work,wae rend _or~Yinal passage anti adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes,8mith,Chaabers. Noes; None. Res.Awd.Cont. A resolution awarding contrast to the Highway Construction Company Yor Lhe construction of an eight inch ~ ~ No.669. Sower 3psuee. vitrified pipe sewer in Spruce Street between SEt Vernon Ave. slid I 8tre9L,atthe prises specified in their prc - posal on Yile Yor said work ,was read Yor final passage and ad/Spted by the Yollow3~:i vote, to wit: Ayes:HOlm~ i 9tnith,Chambera. Noos,rone. • Res.Awd.COnt. A resolution awarding the contract to Chas. YoElvain Yor the construction od' a twelve inch vitrified pipe No.670. Swr.Kingman 9t.aewar in Kingman Street between 1(t. Vernon Avenue and~I Street at the prices sped fied in his proposal on'ril;. ~ ' Yor said work, wss read Yox final passage and adopted by the following vote, to sit: Ayes: Holaea,8aith, ~ ,- chambers. Noea:None. ' Aea.Awd.COnt. A resolution awarding contract to thaHighway Construction Coapany Yor Lhe consLruutioa of an eight inch No.67I. 3wr.Pine a L. Vitrified pipe sewer in Pine and L Streets at the pa ice specified in their Droposa2 t}n~12e Yor said wor k, was read Yor final passage and adopted by the Yoliowing vote,to wit: Ayes: Holmes,Smith,Chambera.Noes:ROne. . Ord.NO. An Ordinance regulating the business of Dlunbing within the Qit3~ ~ San Hesnardino,provlding Yor the 1'sstl- Pluabing. t ing oY pluabing peraite,tor tYto inspection of pluabing and the charges therefor and providiilt penalties Yor I the violation aY the provisions therslsf, waa read Yor final passage. Upon action oY Couneilaan 8iith,d3lly saaonded by CouIIailman 8olmca and Osasied,aeid Ordinance waa leis over for one wselc. Ord. DTO. An ordinance oY the City of Ban Bernardino Y1Zing ants establishing a test tar ali dement used in Lie con- Ceaent 4est. atructlon of all aidewaLca,curbs, and other yablic wonca in the Citq'oY San Bernardino,lad providing for tee. , to be charged and paid therefor, and providing a penalty Yor the violation thereof, was read for rival pa?s- aea. Uyoii motion oi~ Co~.xncilman Smith,DUly seconded by Councilmen Holmes and oarrleC, said ordinance was iai ; A~ • t over Yor ova week . Ord. No. Ar. Ordinance regulating the 1ur~iisYdng of gas to the City oY San Bernardino or the inhabitants thereof wa yea read fc~i' final passage. ~:pon motic~r. or Crur.oilaan Smith seconded by Oouncilman Holmes acid carried, said Ordin ante was laid over fGi ova week. l • Continued. Resolution authorizing the trarsr'or of Sovan ihousar~s iollars from the OBnerpl Fuc:1 to tY.e Street maid Res. trnAf. was read S'or final passage and adopted by trio following vote, to wit: Ayes,Holmas,Smith,Chambers. does:None. $~aoo.oo Res.t';xt. Resolution authorizing the Superintendent of Streets to extend by triirty days the time Yixc;l by him for ~' 30 date ,~`¢' sewer the eomplotion of the sank speclPied in that oertain contract entered into between said 9up~rintendnet of • ~ Xingt;an 9t . streets and the Hlghway Construction Company Por zle improvement of Kingman Street by constructing curbs there in, was read for final passage si:d adopted by the Poll awing vote, to wit: Ayes dtolmas,Smith,Chambers.lfoas;None Rep. Report of llraper and Dubbell relative to personal property tax was pi~3sentefl and read. Councilman Smith Draper & Dubboll moved that trio repent be received and placed on file. Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. P.P.Tsx. Report of Suparintordant of Streets for operation of Street hepart~aant Yor the month oY September was Rsp.9t. supt. presented ar.d read.Caurcilman 6mith moved that the report be received acid placed pn Yile. Notion seconded by Sept. Gouncil.mazi Chan;oera and carried. Sil;~i Councilman Smith moved that the siperintendent of Streets be instructed to ohar$ a Lhe sign on Neat Fount:: '4:11.91. 9ti~eattto reafl;ItA~Ha,slow to Ia 3lilas" .Notion seconded by Councilman Chambers andcarrled. Councilman Smith moved ttat trio City Attorney ba instructed to prepare an Ordinance requiring all Licht on Vehicles. Vehiclea,harse driven, ar othr~z~ise,to display a light after dais[, ?lotion seconded by Councilman. Chambers and carried. Light Gouncilman Smith moved that an era light be installed at the intersection oP Waterman Avemie and~tilbert WTtC1en & Gilbert st. street. Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and aarried. '1tanPiolas Councilman Smith moved that the City Rnginaer investigate the matter of oonatruotingraewer manriolea of concrete. concrete. kotion seconded by Councilman Chambers ~cI~:.arried. Heating Coanellman Smith,Chairman of the Committee appointed to investigate the matter of heating the Council • Couricll Chamber. Chambers reported that he had Lade investigations and had Mr 8hgttut~k representing a g88 radiatorjfxguring an said wow anfl a~ od Mr Shattuck to address the Ccuncil.l[r Sriattuek addressed the Co~,ineil in regard to the matter oP heating the Council Chambers and Btreet Department offices and :~$da verbal estimates, stating that the flgurea were not complete. C~~uneilman Smith moved that the matter be referred beak Lo Nr Bhattuak,he to t~;e into consideration the City offiaea on the flrst floor and make report to the Council at next neeting,i,: possible.Motion seconded by C~~uncilman Holmos and carried. l ' prd.rf An Ordinance changing and re-eatabliahing the names of Stoddard Street,Jefteraoa Street and pusaeli Btoddard Avenue. Street to Stoddard Avenwa,was read Yor the firms time and laid over for Sinel paesago. Application of John S. ~ti for retail iictuor license at Number bob Triird 8treot,togettir with a bond Appl. in the at]m oY i:d000.00 ,wee presented. pauneilman sc.i:u .coved that the matter be referred to the Dh1eY oY Retail Liquor Police end members of the Council to make a thorough investigation as to the aharaater of the applfasat.Yotio:. License. ae.'.onded by Couriailman Chambers and carried. Copies Cotuloillaan Chaabera moved that the Clerk order two bound copies of trio proceedings as the California procda. League League o~ Muilalpalitles.Notion seconded by Couibeilmall Rolmea and carried. Muniaplts. The City Geri: was authorised to issue warrants for alaima approved by the Mayor and pinanae OonLittse sty Wrists. Chia date by :be following vote, to wit; Ayes :Holmes,8sdth,Chambera. 1+aea: Nark. Counellman Chambers moved Lhat the City Clerk be lnstruatt to advertise for bids for the sreotion'ot~a Bida.Advt. B~• barn in the city yards as per epeaifiaations presented by the Superintendent of Streets. Motion eeeonded br ~ Councilman Holmes and Carried. . ", Cty.&ng.Znat, Co~a:cilasn Holm:s uwved tTz:t the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications 1 prapr.P~9 Resrf. Yor the resurfaeirrg with oil macadam oP block 1n Yoarth Street between Arrowhead Ave. and D 8treet•~tion 4th. Bt. seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. ) f l } • O L Coritiuued. Upon motion of Councilman Smith duly eooon;iad by Councilman Cha~aaere: and cerri~, Council adjourned to rse9t ~'~•~~~ .Monday Octobar I4th.,IeI2, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. ;'~^ App~ov~d this ~5i day of Ootobor,IflIL. ,', ~ / ' ~ City Cler ~ _ ~ MayUl O ' ~ e C1ty Of 8rnardiAO. Y ' ~'n. f. ~a '~ ...Wl _ ~ City Ha11,3an Barncidii:o,CAl. October I4th., I8I2. • Rogul;~~ aa~nurned ceeting oi' the Mayor and Common Council OS the Oity ai 8au Bernardino was called to ~ order by Mayor Brigbt at R:aO o~cloclc P.1E. The following sembera or the Council being present: Councilman Smith, Chambers,COle, kitty A+,tc~•ney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor. Absent:Co,uicilman Holmes and Irving. ltinutos of the previous meeting were read ar.d approved. Ras.Int. Resolution of the uayor and Common Council of Lhe City oi' Ban Bernardino declaring their intention to im= r 572. . Side W1K. prove Eighth Street between D and E Streets by constructing c~~mert concrete sidewalks and curbs upon the north &th.bet P ~ E. side thereof, ras read for final passage, and upon motion of Councilman Smith seconded by Councilmani Cole ~ard { carried , said resolution xas laid ov~.r for one week. Rea.2nt. Resolutlon of file Mayor a[~d Com~:on Council declaring t2,eir intac,Lion to improve Pearl Street between #b 7; SideWlk. Seventh and Eigh':h Streets, by constructing ce:~ont concrete sidewalk and curbs thareir. , sas read for final pasa- Pearl St. bet 7 &8. age Upon motion of Couuncilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Cole, said resolution was laid over far one week. Rea.Int. Resolution oY the Mayor acid Goruron Council declaring their intention to improve Rei AveruEj bet~een H' #57~ oiling ai:d 0 streets,by oiling the roadway thareaf, was read for rival passage and upon motion of Coureilman Smith, Rex. . dt21y seconded by Councilman Chau~bers aFUI carried said reaolution was laid over until November 4th,I8I8. ~ ~ Cow:cilmar. Smith movc;d that the Cit)• Engineer be instructed to astablisri the grade of Rex Avenue. Metion saconclad by Cvai:tiil~,:an Chambers and carried. I Ord. An Ordinance of the Qity oi' son Bernardino fixing and establishing a tact for all eanent used in the #~a$ teat. eanstruction oY all sidewalks,eurbs, and otter puhlio korka in the City oi' San Bernardino, and providing Yor Pees to be charged and paid therefor, and providing e~penalty for the violation thereof, was read for final paae- age~ Upon motion of Councilman !;ole, duly seconded by Cowieilmari Smith and carried, said orclhance was laid over PUr• one week. • Ord. An Ordinance ehangins and re-establishing the naves of Stoddard Btraet, Jefferson Street and Fussell X489 3tod- Btreet~to Stoddard Aveaiue,was read for final passage and adopted by the PollOwing vote, to wit: AYea•Smith, lard 3t. ~ Chambers ,Cole. Noes: Nona. Ord. An Ordinance regulating the b.n;inass of pluIIbirg within the 4ityi? of son Bernardino, providing YWt the ~~" BtemCb- issuing of plumbing permits, for the inspection of plumbing and the chsrges LhereYor aP_d providing penalties Yor t. ing. the violation thereof, was read for Yinal passage. Upon motion oY Co•,:ncilman Cole, duly seconded by Councilman smith anal carried , said ordinance was laid over Por one week. Ord. An ordinance of the City or gar. ~Barnardino regulating the furnishing and distribution of gag to the #SOZ. Oas. City of Ban Bernardino or the inhabitants thereof ,was read for final passage. Upon motion of co;cncilman with; duly seconded by Councilman Cole and eex2lad.~, ea1Q ordinance was laid over nor one week. Res.Crd. A reaolution of the l(ayor and Common Council oiflering the work of improving Eighth Street between ~Pr1C . No. Arrowhead and B Streets, by paving the roadwaytheieoY an4 constructing gutters therein, was read for Lhsfi~et Paving 8th. Lima and 1a14 orer for rival passage. In regard to *,he renting of the City Pavilion , Councilman 8aith moved that the Clerk De instructed Lo Aent. City make a charge of ten dollars where an sc~ fission sas charged vhere no admission Pee is charged the rental to Pavilion. be five dollars. isotion was seconded by Ccurcllman Chambers and asrri~. l Ord. An OrQiranoe oY Ltie City oi' San 1ernardino requiring certain vehie;ea to exhibit lights durirgeertain ~' l54z Lights hours of the day, was read for the first time ant :aid over for Viral passage. Or: Vehia- lea. "i _~._-----__._....~_~_.~.._. _:~__.wiaii~.~ Colai;:ucd. ~xrnt. Councilman Sr.;ith [ov•~d t2u;t the City Clerk be i;i,:tructed to issuoawarrantw in thc+ sum mY i40.0J C.~1. ' Munici- i[; favor of the League of California SoUnicipalitiea,bei[>E; dues oi' Lhe City Per the year 2912. Ltotion seaonq- palitiea. . o0. by Cou.isilir,an Chambers and caz~ie4 by the iol]owing voto,to wit: Ayes: Smith, Ohambere, Cole. Noes:.None. Cots. ~ Comriunication oi' the City Engineer recommending the purehace of apparatus required in testirg~gse City Eng. was read. Councilman Smith moved Lhat trio City Engineer be suthorixed to u~aKe purchase o~6 the apparatuses evw..,v,~-- J~ a~ ~ ap.~~l-~•-~~• rocomtnended. Moticn sa.:onded by Council>:.an Ohambera and carried by the Following vote, to !rit: Ayes, Smith, Cha~tbers, Cole. Noss; None. • E1dg.Ord. Councilman Smith moved ti;at the Huild.ing Orin^.ar.ce ba rovi~ed to include more uptodate methods rY recleed. ' bUilcing so as to provide For the use oi' re-inforced conorete in construetis~y 1[otion seconded by Co~,utcilman Cole and carried. Exb. A resolution authori2lrg the Superintendent of 9troeta to exterxl by ten days the tuna Fixed by time ' Sewer him for trio completion oP the worK speaii'ied in that certain conb~act entered into between ::aid Street 8uperin- B Street. ' tendent and Charles llcElvain for the cons~~uctien oi' a seer in E Street between Base Lire and Thirteenth Street, waa read for the first time and laid over for i'inal passage. Upon motion oY Councilman with, duly seconded ir7+ Cour;cil.man Chambers and carried ,Council ad~ourne~ to meet Idonday the taIst day oP October, 2928 aL 7:30 0 clock Y.fl. ~ City Clerk. Ap7.rov:;d this / day or October,I922 r ~ -- ldaYor oY ~ City of ~ n Be?•r~dina A • S 1 '~ 1 l l -i. i. City Hall,San BernardiLo,0a1., Oat.9Ist. Z8Z2. ReAUlar^m~ting oi' the 3layor arul Comuwn Council of Lhe City of San Bernardino. Meeting was +~alied to order by Mayor Bright at 8:T6 O'clock P.K. the following mashers of the Council be ing present., Councilmen Holmee,Bmith,Chambers Cole, City Attorney A1118on and City Clerk Batchelor. Absent, Council- man Irving. j The minutes oi' tho previous meeting were read and alsproved. i Res.int. A resolution of the lAayor and Comu~on Council of the City oY San Bernardino declaring their intention of im- 4 X572 SideR'lk. Proving Eighth Street oetween D and E•Streets by constncti[ig cement sidewalks and curbs an t8e stn str. ~ bet D & E. North olds Lhreof,was read f~ i'inal passage Oouncilman Smith moves that said solution De laid on the table Lhe work being completed .Motion aecoruled by Councilman Chambers and carried:' Aes.Int. A resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention 4o ilE- ~s7a. {.- 3ideN'1X. prove Pearl Street between Seventh and Tsighth 9treete by conatruc:tir~g cement concrete sidewalks and curbs there Pearl SL. 3._ in was read for i'inal passage and adoptr;d by the following voto,to wit: Ayes:Aolmee,Smitb,Chambers,Cole. Noes: None. ~ Ord.~488 An ordinance of the City of San Bernardino Yining and ea~ablishing a teat for all cement used in the son- cement T®at. struation of all sidewalk e,aurba,and other public works in the City of San Bernardino and ~oriding a penalty for the violation thereof,was read f~ final passage. Councilman Bmith moved that Beotione five and aiz of said Ordinance be stricken out. Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. The Ordinance was adopted by the Following vote to wit: Ayes: Holmes,smith,Chambers,Coie. Yoes: Noes. Ord.~600 An Ordinance of Lhe City of San Bernardino regulating the businoes of plumbing withir. the City of San Plumbing. Berr~ardino,proriding for Lhe issuing of plumbing permits,for t ha inspstion oY plumbing and Lhe charges therefor and providing penalties Sor the violation oY the provisions thereof, was read for final paeeage.Councilman Cole moved that the Ordinance be laid oror until Couneilman'~ Irving's returu.LOtion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. ' ,l . "~. Ord.#60I. An Ordinance of the City oY Ban Bernardino regulating the furnishing end distribution of gas to the City ~Oas. ~ of Ban Bernardino and,~the inhabitants thereaf;fizing ana establishing the ainisuw iliusrinaLion and heating plrality, aad the mininrm and mazimutw preasvre thaasof;requl ring peraona,firas, or corporations aupplyiag gas, to file with Lhe City Engineer maps and reports;providing for the testing and inspeatio~ of gas meters; and fining charges therefor; end prescribing certain duties oY Lhe City Snginear with reference thereto, was read for rival passage and adopted by tte follaring rot o, Lo wit: Ayes.Holmes,Balth,Chaabers,0ole.Noea:lions. Ord.~608. An Ordinance of the City of Ban Bernardino reguiring certain vehicles to ezhlblt lights during aertein lights oa hours of say day, waa read for final passage and adopted by thefoliawing, rote: Ayes. Soiroee,Baith,Chaibera. Veisiales. • Noes:~o~e. Res.Ora. A reeo?++t1on of LAe Mayor and Cossaon Council oY the City oY Ban Bernardino on0.ering Lhe work for the i>~ wrlc .478. paving ptrovetosr[L of Eighth Btroet, iTOi[ the west lino of Arrowhead Arcane to the oast line o! D Btreet, by paving the 8th. Bt. ~ the roadway thereof and aonstruating gutters Lhorola, was road four final passage and adopted by thefol2aring . . .~~' vote, to wit: ~(y?es: Holmea,Saith,Cha[ubers,Cole. Noes:None Ext.tims A reaol+'lion os doring the superintendent of Streets to eltend by ten data the time flied by M • SOr 10 days Sewer the oosrpletion of the wort speoifie4 in that e~tain contrast entered into between said street BupFlrintendent B St . and Ches.i/ol;lvair; for the conatruetion of a sewer in H street between Base Li[ye era Thirteenth street was read _ . _ -~,,c; Continued. for final pas sags and ado Pt ad by the 1'ollowi!ig vote,to wit: Ayes :Fiolraos,Ss!ith,Chanbers & Cole.ltoes::rone. 1 I It was !;!ovd by Councilman Chambez~s and seconded by Councilman Smith and carried,that Tuesday the 29th day I of 4etober,I9I2, at the'hour oP 8:d0 P.ll. in the Council Cha!abar in the City Hall,in the City of Ban Ber~~ardino, Pro- be and the sane are hereby fixed ae the time and place Yor ther hearing of the proteat`,againsL the improve!r!snt v lest ' G 8t. of 0 Street between Rialto Avenue and the right of way of the A.T.& S.F.Ry.Co., by constructing cement concrete silo SdelVlk. & walks and curbs therein, under Resolution of Intention No.b54',filed with the City Clerk on the IOth.~QaY o!Y Sept- Curti. !i IBI2,by the owners of certain proprzrty liable to be assessed Yor said v+ork , and the City Clark is hereby directed to cause notice of the time and place oY hearing Lo be given by publication by at least one lnserLlon in the Even-- I ing Index ,at least Zive clays before the date of the hearing of said protest.Tha said Fsvening Index is IIerebY'deeig- nated as the Newspaper in which said notice siiall ba published. San Barnardino,Cal. Oct.I4th,IaIB. To the Ho~iorable Layor and Comdon Council, City oP 9an Bgrnardino,California. Gentlemen:- we respectfully petition your: Honorable Body to grant ue an extension of Lime on the D' St:Paving "~ Aighwy contraet,aecond Street Lo .IOth,of ninety days. w~` Conat. Co. Resp~ctfusly, Highway Conat ruction Co., By J.Newmall. Reaonmended: Ps.H. Kellog Street Superintendent. A Resolution authorizing the Supesintanda!it oY Streets to extend by forty-Five days Lhe time rizad by him Yor Txt. the completion of the work provided in Lhxt certain contrast entered into between said Superintendent of $treeta time ' 46 days and The Highway Conatxtctiori Co., 'for the improvamert efP Street between Second Street and Tenth 8treet,bY paving Pave t St. the roadway thereof anQaonstrueting cuNtr~and gutters tharsin, was road Por the first tics and laid over Yor SiAal Passage.. Quit bouneilman Smith moved that the 3layor and City Clerk ba authorised to ezeoute to B.d. Nicholson a quit oleim Claim Deed Deed th any interest that the City of San Bernardlno,California, may have in an ArLealan well that was formerly B.J. located in Lhe North-east corner of Lot eight of Block sixty-nine of said City. ~loiion was seconded by Gounoihan °~~"` Nicho3:~ son. ' Cole and carried. ~ ~' Councilman Smith novel Lhat Lhe street Superintendent be instructed to have signs placed at the min entrano- Signs at es to the City warning auto drivers oY the City fins and speed limits.Lllotion seconded by Counaii~an Hoimzs and Oily Entrenae 'carried. Proposals having been reserved this day for the construction of a barn building in the City yarda,Counsil- Bi ds ' Oity men Hblmee'movad that Lhe City Clerk proceed to open cosh bides. Motion seconded by Caunsilmsn Chambers and asr- Barn ri ed. ' Oat.BI,I~IB. To Lhe Layor and Com~uoA Council ' of the City of San Bernardino. Oent Ieme~n I herewith subii t a ya~oposal to build and furnish all labor end Waterier faro a Barl1 Bu11dl~ in Lhe Gity Yards sooorQing to the plane and spealficaR lone nvn on file wiLhthe Sup^.rintende~~of Streets tea the auo oi' ;480.00 A.L.YcIntyre ' Box 68&. I i i Continuos. San I3ers:ardino,Cal.Oet. I8,T8I2. xr Kellog, ~- l City , ` ~ / I pl°ol,c~ to fuz•nish ail labor and a~,tei•ialtsecessat.•y in Lire construction o1' Lire proposed barn at trio 03ty yard in this City,aa per plans acid speificationa,for the swA oY lour hundred and Seventy- Dollars(=470.00 ) Vary truly, b'rarsk W. Lefler. . Councilman Cnambers moved that the bid oY !rank W. Leff be accepted and oonttaat~.awarded, and that certified C1*„y ehecx be retut•rtet to unauceeasful binder. Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, Barn. to wit:AYes. Holmea,8raith,Chambera,Cole. Noes: None. Councilman 3with moved that the l(ayora nd City Cleric ire instructed to enter into a eentraet on behalf of the City of fiats Bernardino,with Frantic W. Lefler for the construction of a Barn building in tha0lty yards aeeca•cting to his I Proposal on file for said woxk. Motion seconded by Councilman Chambare and carried. Councilman Smith moved that the request of lira 3.8. lord to have Sam lord removed from the bleak list, Com. be granted. Motion seconded by Councilman Cole attd carried. lire Ford. 1J Arc Cottriailman Smith moved that Aro lights be installed as folloie: !fain 8traet,between H and ; Streets ~ lights . and Bridge StreeL~betwesn A and 8 8traeta.ltotion seconded by Council.aan Holmes and carried j Light Councilman Smith moved that the tuattzr of piecing light on 6 Btreet at the intersection of Spruoe StreS t? Q Bt. be refePred to t.heliehtin¢ ooweMttee.l[otion seconded by Counoilman Chambers and asrriad. Councilaan Smith moved that C.C. Haskell be employed to assist the City Attorney in PQaperirg PrOOeed- Atty. inga nor the caking of a bond eleetiotl,he to be allowed ;250.00 for his servlaea. A retainer of =100.00 to be Haakel Asst Paid is the month of Novemb er as:d that the Labor and Oity Cle1k be autha~rized to draw such warrants. Potion Atty. seconded by Councilman Chambers and parried by the follol?i i'sg voto,to wit: Ayes: Hoiaes,8mith,Chaubere,Cole.Noea; ![One . Cty The Oity Oierk was authorized to is;ua warrants Yor the oiaims approved by LheLayorand rinettce0ommittee Clk. { Wrnts. this day,by the Yollowing vote to wit: Aye~:Holarea,Smith,Chambera,0ola.HOes:None. i The City Engineer presented an Ordina me eatabliahing the grade o~Y Victoria Avernta~n the City of San Ber- t I 1 Ord. nardino from tiro West litre of li Street to the East line of ! Street; an Ordinanw eatebllsMnt$ the grade of ReZ '~ - ~ grade Vint. Avenue frao the Weal line oP ! Street to the East line of C 3traet,in the City of Ban Bernardino, and plena and Ave, .Rex Ave,apeaifications for the construction of a sewer is D Street Eros Thirteenth Street to tlxt~nth Street. Oounoilfma Plns. 8wr. 8iith coved Lhat :;aid Ordintanoes and said plena and sPeciricaLiona be reYarWed to the City Attorney,ltotion eeaon6r D St . ed by Caunallman Cola and carried. C.lf. Orow,as Agent, ofYered for oonsideration of the Cottnail, the rental of the pieaent soon for Rant Coup. a Council Ohanber,at =86.00 per tenth. oounoiitagn 8ffith cored that the proposition os ltr Brow be aaceptt. dnt to Cha inb- er. begin Foreaber Iet,IaIa. Potion soaonded by Councilman Ooi• ants carried bp? the following vote,towlt:Ayee,HOlaee, Ssith,Ohassbers,0ole. Foes: Mons. Heat- Ir. ragas to the heating of the Council Chamber and City Ha11,Lr Shattuck Qave estieatee for >rti? ing f • Court- boating of the Council D~tarabes,Street Department and Police Department ,inetailitlg sixteen radiators and system ci 1 Chnbs. complete for the sum of SB'f6.00. The Qatter was referred to the Committed. /~ ewr. Councilwatt 8taith moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to proceed with the sewer oos!- 6th. ilt& nsatlon at the aortter oY fifth 8treeL antd let. Vernon Avenue. Hot ion aecondfxi by Caunailt~n Chaubere end parried Yes- by the following vota,to wit: Ayes: Holmea,Sluith,Chafnbere ,Cole. Moce:tione. i 1 , y '~~ Coutinuad. , ,Councilman 9gith moved that the Fire Cocuai~tee be authorize4 to give the old fire horse to the City oP Colton, with the j,roviao that said City oi' Colton, do not sell orgive away said horse. tdotion seconded by Councilman Colo and carried. Upon motion oY Ccsunailman Cole duly seoonde4 by Councilman smith acid carried, Council adjourned to meet ~a~i, ~ TueadeYsoatobar 28th, at seven-thirty O'olock P, m. ~ /? City C1 orK. Approved this L 7 day of OCtober~I922. , Mayor th© City oi' $ n ernardino. 4 ' i I -c -.alp f • i '. I ~f - i ~ ~ +r i i 3 1,.... _ ..-__. --.--.._..._ . _ _ r ~~' • City Ha11,8an Bernardino, Cal „ Oatoher 29th,19I2, ~ ' Regular Adjourned 1[eotirg of the 8ayor and Common Council oP the City of San Bernardino, Meeting was called to order by Mayor Bright at 8 o'clock P,H, the following members of• the Council being present, Caune3lman,Halmea,Smith, Chnmbere,Irving,Cole, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor, lfinutee of the previous meetfng were read~and upon motion of Councilman Smith,duly aaoonQed by Councilman Chambers and oarried,that portion of the minutes relating to executing a $ttit claim dead to B,J, IIieholsoa was amended to include "arOr isitereat that the City of San Bernardino may hove in the right of way over said property There being no further omieaione the Mayor declared the minutes approved ae reed, Ras,Ord.Trk. A Resolution of the Ysyor end Ccanon Council of Lhe City of San Bernardino ordering the work for the im- IIa,529 E SideRlk. provement of Second Street between Y and (3 Streets, by the canatruation of a cement concrete sidewalk therein 2nd,bet. was read for final passage, Upon motion of Councilman Chambers, seconded by Councilman Holmes sad carried, said I F&G, F resolution was laid over terra taken up December 30th, I9I2. Ord.~500 Aa Ordinance ragulating the business of plumbing within the City of Ban Bernardine,providiag for the issu- Plumbing, , iag of plumbing permita,~or the inspection of pius'.bing and the charges therefor and providing penalties fer the 1 violation of the provisions theraof,came up for final hearing Counoilmaa Chambers moved that certain amend- '' a?eats presented be added to said Ordinance Councilman Smith moved that the Ordnance be referred to a eeamittes of two aoasisting of Couaoila?an Chambers and Zrviag Yotioa ssconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, Bzt.Time A Reeolutioa authorizing the 8uperiateadent of 8treats to eztend by forty-five days the tine fazed by him 45 da. Paving foe the completion of Lhe work specified in that certain contract' entered into between said 8uperinteadent of p 8t. Btreets and Lhe Highway Construction Cempaay for the improvement of p 8trset~bstween Secead end Tenth 8tresta by paring the roadway thereof and aonetruotiag culverts sad gutters therein was read fer final passage and adopted ! by the,followi..~g votie, to wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, C?•ambera~6adth, Cole, (foes: Hone, Bids This being the date tar the opening of bids for the oonetructioa of a sewer in Y Street;between Tenth Y 8t. ~'~i Street and Baas Line and there being one bid filed for said work,Councilmsn Smith coved that the C1erY proceed to j. open said bid. Potion seconded by Counellmsa Holmes end carried f` Bid of the Highway Ccastruation Caatpany. Sewer coaplete ...................~I200,00 . Councilman Bmith move4 that the bid be re3ected, Potion seconded by CounciLmn Irving sad carried by the fo2law- ing vote, to wit: Ayae: Holmes, Baith„ Chambers, Irving, Cole, Toes: Hone . Smithson Application of Smithson sad I<ruaael for a restaurant liquor licsnse,together with bond in the eta os Tt~ Erummel I.ieease. Thousand Dollars and Twenty-ties Dollars oash,baing the first scathe liceaN is sdvaasoe should the lieeaee be ' t granted,wes presented to the Council, Councilaan Irving coved that said application be referred to the Chief of pol- Sae for reoommeadation, Potion seconded by Counoilaaa Sahli sad carried. Councilman 8m1th moved that ao further proceedings be Laksa is the improvemes?t of Tenth Street betweeee D S18ewik ' IOth.Bt. Street sad d Street by ooastruotlag a sidewalk Lhereia, the wort having been aaapletsd tmdsr private contract. ~ bet,D & G, iKotion seconded by Councilman Chaabers sad carried . Couaeilmaa Smith moved that Lhe Clerk bs instructed to re-advertise for bids for the construction of s t sewer is iiiath Btreet between B Btreot and Arrowhead Menus. 1[otiaa 8ecanded by Councilman Chambers sad carried. " ~oad ~ ,B,Aoguc Bond of O,R, gogue in the'aium of One Thou9end Dollars qualifying ae Police Officer wp presented and read• ` t ;,t Continued. j Counoilma.n Cole moved :hat the said bond be laid over for one rceok. lSotion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk be instructed to look up record and aeaertnin if the said Y.B. Hogue has been a resident of, the City of San Bernardino for one year, Motion eeeonded by CounciLlan Holmes rirsd serried, ~ This 1~eing the date fixed for the hearing of the protest Piled September IOtti,I9l2,agninet the improve- , Protest went of G Street between Rinito Avenue arsd~the right of R4J of the A.T.9c8.B, Ry,Co., the protest was taken up Sidewlk, a St. and heard. A Resolution over-rolling protest tiled against the improveiaont of O'Street betweoh Rialto Avenu3 and the right of way of the A.T. & S,B, Ry, Co,,by constructirsg a cement sidewalk and curb therein was read for the first tlme end laid~oTer for final passage. Proposal of the San Bernardlno Vehicle sad Implement Co „ by C.H. 9hattuak,Eanager of the Hentin3 Depsrt- Proposal menL,agreoing to pipe and pleoe fifteon radiators of the Aeetor System in the Council Chamber,Police Department, Besting City Hall Street Department for the sum of Sight Hundred end Sizty-eight Dollars wee presented and reed. Counoilman'I:wing moved that the matter be laid over for one week.'tlotion aeaonded by Coimeilman Holmes and onrried. ' Councilman Irving moved that the City Bnginser be instructed to prepare plane and specifications for the '~ P. & 9. ~ 9ldewlk construction nf.s sidewalk and curb on'Cntiok Street between Sizth and Seventh Street, Zxetion seconded tar & Curb Catick St. Councilman Chambers and carried. culvert' Councilman Chembere moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to instsll metal„:.,..,,on the Bast 2[etal'CUrb side of H Street between Second and Third Street. Potion Seeonded•by Councilman Holmes and carried by the follow- H Street bet 2nd& ing vote. to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith. Chambers,Irving & Coie. Roes: Soria, 3rd. ' A Resolution adopting plan, profile acrd specificatioa;~for the improvement of D Street between I3th Street '~ P.d'8. and IBth Street by aonetructing a vitrified pipe sewer theroin was read for the first time sad laid over far D St.bet I3th,8d6th, final passage. Councilman Cole moved that the City ClerY be authorized to puschase n new typewriter. The 01d one new 1Tew in use in the Clerks office to be turned in at =50,00 on new machine. Potion seconded by Councilman Holmes sad Typewriter. carried by the following rote. to wit: ~l~yes: aolass,Saith,Irving, Chadbers,Cole. Ztoes; Hone . Ord.Sstab. An Ordinance estsblishing the grade of Victoria Avenue from the beat line of E 8trest to the Esat line c orriaeAve~t of B Street was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. ~' Ord.Estsb. an Ordinance estsbliahing'the grade of Rez Avenue from the west line of Y Street to the East~line of G Grade Rez Ave. Street was read for the first time end laid over for final paasege. ~ 4earfl ltdee Counoilaaa 8aith tioved thi?t~fi.$. 4ilson be'granted a general aerohaadiae liceaae at lio, 4S2 Court Street 7.icease 8.8.tYilson for the sale of s gss cooker at =6,00 per qusrter.'l[otion seconded by CounalLan Chambers and carried. Chao, ItoElvaine appeared before Lhe Council and requested the return of certified cheeks deposited Chss.YaB1- with sewer proposals in I Street district,his attorney baring advised him that the proceedings were irregular. vain rsgsts retuza of Councilmen Chambers moved that the matter be referred to the City A4toraey, lotion seconded by Counoilasa aerttd. Checks. Smith end serried. ~ ' Councilman Smith moTZd that the Bt re Chief be lwrtraaNd to purchase sufficient hose to equip new auto Base for ?uto trucks. lotion seconded by Counoilsan Holmes and carried by the following vote, to wit: J~yes: Holmes, Smith, Tracts Chambers,Irving,Coie, Eoesd ]tone ' ~' Report of James E. HarYar,eddressed to R.fi. Irving,Chairaan of Committee on gas rate investigation, Report j Janes E dated September 23,I9I2,in sooordanoe with' the instructions from the City Council issued July Bth,I9i2,that hs ~ker had oontinocd the invesLigstioa••~ot the gas situation in the City of Sea Heraardino,giving special attention to 1 the valuatiea of Lhe system of the San Bernardino Valley fins Co,,Lhe plant of Lhe Soothers California Gas Co., Sa Coltonyaad to the revenue and operstiag s:pease of both oaapaaisa for I4I2,aad the results of such invest!- ~ gatioa,was presented add read. -l(;! Continued; Gae Co. Counoilman S+oith moved that the date of the hearing of tha gae companies in the matter of fining a rate to be Date of oharged aoneumere of ¢as in the City of San Bernardino ba fixed and the hearing set for the Ilth dey of November, Hearing '~ I3T2. YoCion geeonded by Councilman Holmes cad carried. Updn motion of Connoilmarv 3mlth,duly eeoonded by Counoilmsrt Cole and onrried the Council ad,journcd to meet Monday November 4th,ISI2 at 7;30 o'•alooY P.Y. City Clerk, f Approved this ~/ day of Boteffibe;,I8I2. ' Yayor~~~~City of ~srdino. 4 i ~ { f r f 1 t )i a3 t ~ ~ . ~ _ . _ __--------~ ~ - - ----- - -11Y~.. _ City Hall, 8nn Pernsrdino,Cal, fiov. 4th, I9I2. Re3ular adjourned meeting of the 1[ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. - Heeting was called to order by ftayor Bright'at 8:I0 e!clo~k P.R, The fallowing members of the Council being presznt, Counailmea Holmes,3mith, Chambers Irving and Cole, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Bataheler, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and sppreved. A Resolution over-ruling the protest filed against the work of improving 4 8tr!et between Rialto Avenue and Protest ` Q Street the right of way of the A,T,S,3', Ry, Co,, by aonatruating oement aonarets sidewalks and ourba therein was reed 9ldewik d for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wits apes: F.olmss, Smith ,Chambers, Irving Cele, Bear. j Curb, Nona. i A Resolution •rdering the wort for the improvement of 4 Street'betwsan Rialts Avenue and the right st way~t Res. Ord. Brk, the A.T. Sc S.?, Ry, Co., by construoting cement sidewalks and curbs therein was read for the first ties and laid" Sidswlkst~ovar for final passage . A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council adopting plane,profile and apeciflas*.1ons for Lhe improvement "~' 1 Res;Adpt. P k 8, of D Street be*.ween Z3th., & I6th, StzeeL by oonatruotiag a vitrified pi x sewer therein waa read for final pass- °~'~ Stlwdr A St, age Councilman Smith moved that Lhe plans and apeoitioationa be amended to include " manholes st iaterseations baL,I3th & I6th, only`, The motion failing to receive s aeoond ,1fepor Bright dealarsd the motion lost, Dpon eslling the roll the Resolution was adopted by ~he following rote. to wit:- Ayes: Holmss,8mith, Chambers, Irving,Caie, Hoes: Hone, Ord, 503 An Ordinanoa Establishing the grade of Victoria Avenue from the Best Iine of E Street to the Brat line of ]istb,4rd. P Street was reed for final passage sad adopted by the following rote, to wit: Jives: Holmes. Smith. Chambers, Viot,Ave. Irving, Cole, Hoes: Hone, Ord,~5O4 An Ordinsnoe establishing the grade of Re= Avenue frog the rest line of P Street to the East line of 4 Bstb, 4M. Rez Ave, Street was read for finai passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes, Holmes, 4mith, Chembera,Irvin.=„ Cale. Foss : Bone. See. Int. A aesolution of the Mayor and Cocoeon Counail declaring their Intention to improve D Street between I3th, Swr, DSt, and I6th, Streets by constructing a vitrified pipe sewer therein was read for the first Limo and iafd over toz bet. I3th. ; ""~. ~ I6th, final paasaga Report of the City Eleatrioian for the month of October, Z9I2, was presented and read. CounaiLan 9iaith a.. 8eport Cty,As- moved that the report be received and planed on Ells. 1[otion seconded by Couneilaan Chasers and oarried. atrioian, Report of the Chiet alraoliae and Ex-Oftioia License Collector for the month of Ootober,~9I2, was pre-- Raport Chief rented and read Counoila~an Chambers moved that the report be received and placed on file. Potion seconded by Po21oe, Councilman Irving and carried. }'he Chief of Police reported that he had wade investigation as to the SY?araeter sad business standing Report Chief of John 8. Brunt' and all reports reoeiv9d LrosJ his. forster residing ylaoe were good, Counoi].sms Saith moved that Polioe Sohn s. the application of John 9, Brunt+for retail liquor license st Bo. '.1d5 Third Street be granted and bond approved. , Brunt. 1lotion seconded by Counoilssn Chambers and carried by Lhe foitowing vote, to wit: bas: 8alm±i, 9aith, Chemere„ Irving,Cole, Boas. None. J Report The Chit of Police reported favorably upon the application of 9ioithson do ErvOSel tar restaurant liquor . l Cbiet license at Io, 409 Third Street. Councilaan Poises coved that the lioene• be granted sad bond ayprovad. Lotion Police ~ 9sitheon seoonded b Couaoilaaa Irvin and carried by the tollowi tra~sel y B ng vote, to wit: Ayes: aolaes, Smith, Chesbers, Irving, ? Cols. Foes: Bone. '~~~, i Continued. . City Attorney Allison reported with regnrd to *.he regularity of the Proceedings of the I 8treet•8ewer oon- n~ j . - ~' trset. That the Counoil had no! noquirsd furisdiction in the premises and that the proosedings are null aaQ void, Council- . men Smith moved that the report be received and plccrd on file ilo±ion ssoonded by Councilman Ch®bsre and carried, P.& S. ~ Councilman Irving moved that the City Engineer be instructed to s ' ~ Sewer Prepare plnns and apec_ficationa for the oon- 6thth,7, struotion of a sewer in I, Eighth, Seventh, 91xth, Spruce, Singman and Pine mad L Streets. ]lotion seooilde3 by 8pruee, Counoilman Chambers and serried , Kingaan, • Pine & L. Bide having been received this dry for the paving of Eighth Street between Arrowhead Avenue and D 9treetF, • Bids. Counoilmart Smith coved that the City Clerk proeeod to open such bids. ]Eotion seconded by Councilsan Holmes nru! Paving Eighth 0srried j S*,reet. /Xo~nc of B.esG. av,~ado... pv u~,:~-c»ti~r-~.-sx a.w rtoi~,s~~ad i w . : E 4 O. J9 -~~ O S 7S ~ i ' ~ ~ '."he Bid of the Aighwsy Construction Co~apany being the lowest end bent bid , Councilman Hobses moved that the bid of the fii ~ ghway Construction Compeny~be accepted and certified oheoks returned to uneuooesadul bidders . Yotlon aeaonded by Councilman Chambers and carried, by the tollowing tote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chasbers, Irving, Cole. Noes: Some. , Res.Awd. A Resolution awarding contrast for the Improv~nt of Eighth Street between D Street end Arrowhead Avenue by Coast, . Paving paving the roadway thereot and oonetruating gutters and culverts therein , tb the Highsay,•~3otiatsactiom Cospar~y,st 8lghth. St, the prises specified in their proposal on file for said work; wee read for the first ties and laid over for final Dwaa$a~ a A oommunication from Ii. C. Fezon; Assistant°Htalth Oiticer~recommending the adoption of 3n Ordinanoa regulat- j Cos, ~--~ ~.C.7tEacsaang the keeping of hogs with~,~he City limits was presenter and read, Councilsan Chambers coved that the City Atlor- j . .i 1 r }fogs C( ~~,,Sn Cty nay be instructed to prepare an Ordinance in oomplisnce xith the above zeaemindiLtsa,~otian seconded by Counsil- Iimits. men Irving and carried, report of Street Superintendent` of operating Street I:epartsent for the month of October was peesented sad Report read. Councilman Sa1th aeoved that the zeeossendation of Ruperintendent of Streets relative to conatraoting a Street Superia- Dement pipe oulvert upon Second Street between Z and Carter Streets be complied with and that the 6trest Superin- tendent. tendent bs instructed to prooeed with said work, (lotion eeeonded by Councilman Chessbera aril carried bq the tol- towing vote to wit: J~yes: Holses, 8with, Chsabers, Irving,Cole. Voss: None. i - Councilmen Cole moved that James Xollsir be ordered to make t311 in sieo~it StrN! dt thirty-two sad one- fill halt cents per ysrd.Ee to stand one-half of coat of eheakirg on dusp Potion saeoaded by OEmroilaaa Chaffers Rialto and carrieQ by the following vote, to wit: I~pes: golses, Smith, C?+esbrrs, Zrving, Cole. Foes: !lone, Ave. l Aro Light Councilmen 8sith >Moved that ors lights be installed st Si:teeath sad A Streets end et the ooraer of J I6th d A 6 do IIth. a Street and Y].everth Street. Councilman Irving roved that the setter bs referred to the lighting oomsittes, Potion eeeonded by Councilsan Chaabars ar.Q serried. { Arc light Counoiimsn Cale, Chalrsa of Lighting ovmmiitee reported that the oomeittee had SavesLigsted the salter ~t Q & 9pruc~astallin ii tat the corner of g gh Spruce and Q Streets, sad tbat they did not tbidr limit neeeasary at tMa ties. ;ii,~ Contina.ed. Highsehool Councilman Smith moved that the High Sohool students be grante3 *.he uee of the City ?avilion•, They to nay ,'i Cty.Paviln. *"~ their own iight'billo and ,janitor Fork, lfotion s-candid by Councilman Irving and onrriad. Yr' P,?c S. ~ Couneilmar. Irving moved that the City Engineer be instruct-8 to prepare l+lane and apeeifications for '±he ~ `-- Paving Sizth paving~rith oiled macade~n~ of Sixth Street between Arrowhead Avenue and Z Street, Fetion Saoonded by Councilman bet.Arrow- head &ISt Cole and oarried, • CouneilrsLUt Cole moved that the City Engineer be inatracted Lo pieFnr plane and specifications for a oaharete Concret bridge bridga ovar C'ax7e Creek on 9e~ond Street-between A Street and Arrowhesd~Avenua. Potion seconded by Councilman !farm Creek Zrving and carried . Counailman Chambers moved that a aacmittea be appointed to oonfer with the CSty Attorney~~to revise the.side- P.eviae walk Ordinance,harmonizing the cork of the Street Department'and the impaction of sidewalk work Motion seaoad~d SideRlk Ord, by Ceuncilmetf Irving and oarried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Roes; 8ont, Cty, The City Clerk eaa suthorixed to issue warrants for olnims approved by the ?inanoe Committee this dnte,by larnte, the following vote, to wit: Ives: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Roes: gone. -TA Upon motion of ~Counoilman ~rftng duly seconded by Councilau:s Holmes and carried, the Counoil aQjourned to ~ meet Monday, Rovanber IIth,Z9I2, at 7:30 O'clock P,1[, City Clerk, , ~ , Approved this ~~,day of November, I9I2, . Mayo o the ity o San Berasrdino. i, ': F ^' ~ i I . 1 < ',' i 1 I I t i , o , , ~ . . W. t .._.,_..__-..~_~~..-..,__.... ...._....V., i. .e,,.7 M City Hall, Ban Bernardino, Cnl. 5ov,;Ith., 1812 Regular Adjourned meeting oP the fiayor and Common Counofl of the City of San I3ernardiao, fleeting xas oalled to Order by Mayor fright at 8:05 P,ft, the following members of the Counofl bring present,. Councilmen Holman, Smith , Chambers, Irving, Cole, City Attorney Allison and City Clerk Batohelor, , The minutes of the grevious meeting were reed and approved, Res. Ord. A resolution of the liayor and Common Counofl ordering the work for the improvement of G Street between Rialto Ylrk, ~ • Sfdewlit Avenue and the right of way of the A. S.B. Ry,Co „ by constructing cement sidewalk and ourb Lherein rsa road for G.Bet,iat & S. Fe, final passage. Upon motion of Counoillnan ~itki duly seconded by Councilman Aolmes and serried said resolution was lead over for one week. Rae. Int. A Resolution of the flavor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino deolnring Lheir intention tp improve #575 Sewer D Atreet'.betreea I3th, and 16th. B+.reets,by oonatructing a vitrified pipe sewer therein was reed for final gassage D.bet,I3th & I6th, and adopted by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Holmes,Smith, Chambers, Irving,Cole, Hoes: hone, ~ Rea,Int, A Resolution of the Mayor end Common Council of the City of Ban Bernardino deolsring their intention to fa- ~ X674. Oiling prove Rez Avenue between B and G Streets bq oiling the roadway thereof was reed for the first time and laid over Rez Ave, for final passage , Rea:]i5rd, al Resolution of the fl[nyor and Common Couneih of the City of Sea Bernardino awarding oontraot to *.he Hlghwsy Cont. X576 Conatruotion Company for the improvement of Eighth Street between D Street and Arrowhead Avenue,by paving the road- Pav;ng Sighth, way thereof and aonetruotiag gutters and oulverta therein , at the prides apeoified in their proposal oa file for said work, ran read for"final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayess Holmes, Smith, Chambers,i Irving, Coley Moss; Hone, " Subati- It was moped by-Counoi]man,H~ gs,seooaQed,bq'C~ o~lsaa Smith and carried, " tuts Bond R~/1$ thereywaa sward' to hied B Yeohli b the~lfeyor.apdt Connor Co~inol "of the", Cry ~ cn Bsrnairdy~~, oa ar about the 5th..da of>8epteaber I9II a franchise to oonstruot o crate end saintafn~for A riod of fift' , So, Sierra ~"" ~:,ooaaie 1 of 9 Pwr,Co., aces aryior aonverd e'nt"for'tiane~sitting,e;.eotri~it~roroelevtrfval~eaer ~ooaduta; and other aparstus and appiianoees gh8wayswof the City" ofe$an f}ernardi' y y` gyflveialong and upon t}a publio roads,atreet; ;;alleys sn ~ 4M1' g " J ~ ao pount' gf San Beraardia~ State of Ca11f orais,for light,hest,powar ~ FJ18sstoertiain'bond bearing' date the 5th, day of §e~tesiber,I9II,was made and delivered bye t2is said ' ~Boondiagoaa; grinb'p`alheandiA,3 tlerads?l tad Y~ankiDillLeller~,tt aseTSUr~etieetfortthe fuli perfotsisnce of all thertsras - ° ~ ~ t as; of the said, franohise, spa, -. , , AS,~the said: franatiise ran, thereafter,by the said Pied B. 1[eehllPig,duly, aisignbd to, ;the nsfd The Southern Bieirns Mower Cosippny, whioh asbigmsp}t;;by a copy and noticd thereof, web duly 'deliveied to the said City Dy its suthorfz"ed officers aAd'Councilmen,"aiiQ Ye ow contained 1n the offisisl'files of,eaid,City, spd,, ~AS,It'ia ao~ desired"by the, said ~e_Southein Sierra's Power Co~mpaay aaii bY, fife said City that the < said The Southern Sieiraa' Power Coipesty!`ihall ile 1a its ,ova" behalf "sin priiiaipal. ,and' with a good sad sufficient y~, ~ obli •fonn terra aaQ ooliditioaa as the suret a bond is t>vs aswunt and exprespi t2mt sa~$d new'~bond shall b ' bond ortginal2y filed b the said ng as prinoi t sane a filed sad ress?in trod the tine of y Fred B liechli its seoeptasiee'and filing, in 11eu,8f said'foraer bond and s`s s bubatfluta therefor, • {Z'iI6 THORS ORDI~ that the bona dulq ezeouted by the sniff The $outhera $1err~as.Powez,;Cotpanf;ss principal and the Jletaa AFc±dent and Liabilit`p Coaspasur, of Hartford. Connetrtiont,~as suzety,Sa the sus o! Two T'housaad Dollars,E~2,000,00)'with ooaditioas ant! obligations expressed is the anode 'lime; sad to the snag affect as is said original bond given by the said Fred Bixeehling,upoa approval of the 1[ayos sad Ca~son,Ca~mcii,bs se- oept•ed dad filed in lieu of the said original bond of Septeiber b,I9ZI~aad that npoa t2te soceptsaoe sad filing of asld substitute bond, the said origtaal bond and the obligations thereof be released sad disohargsd. Appi, Agr+lioation of Toaeph Buoher for a retail liquor license to be conduoted tit the Pianlt Hotel oa the Bucher I,qr. South aide of Third Street rest of the Ssrta Fe eroesing and =ant of Csrtar A~saus,together with s bond 1n t2es T.iceae. sum of =2000.00 and a eheo>< for #ZOO.CO,befag final sonths lioemae fa advsnoe.should the licence be gran*.ed, f res presented sad read. Counoilsrvt Siaith ~soved that the agplfostioa bs denied. flotioa seconded by Couaoilaan Holses and carried by the following vats, to wit: Ayes: Holes, 8+sith,Chsslbsrs,Irving,Cole, Aoee: How, fire Innooente Garoia requested that her .husband be pieced upon the "black lists, Councilmen Solace slvtst 6aroia that the request be granted and that the Chief of Police be iaetruotcd to carve aotioe on liquor dsslars aeoord• "Alact ingly. 1[otioa B~condad by Councfiaau 9rith srd carried . L1at•. r~~~ u_. __---- - r ;l? ~ Application of the A, T. & S.Z', Ry,Co,,fora franohise on I 6trect beginning at a point in thm center line of the second main track of The l~,T.&:S.F, Ry. Co, on "I ".3treet,Sen Bernardino, Cnl., said point being ~ 4~ -d distnnt..40Q,9'feet from~the South Iine of Aaee Line End I9, 22 feet Beat of the ?lest 21 n- of "I• Street;thenoe Bran- on a curve concave to the R'eat with a radius of 942.29 feet, a distance of 128:Sb f9et; thence on a ourve con- ' chase _ , S.Se, nave to the esBt with a rsdi*ta of 603,80 feet, a diatanae of 8I, 23 Peat; thence on tangent parallel to and dis- Ry.Co., ~ ' tant,~5-.~?,SZ feet from the west line of "I• Street a distance of 200.92 fret to ±he South Line of Base Line, was presented and read, Councilman Halmeo moved that the requaat of the A.T,t9,B. Ry, Co „ for above franchise I be granted. Yo*.ion seconded by Councilman Chembera and carried by the following vote, to wit: .IEyea: Aolmas,• aalth,Chambere, Irving, Cole. I:oes: Hone. The City 8nglneer presented Plans and 3peoificationa for the construction of a cement sidewalk and curb P,& S, on Cstick Stree+ betas+n Sixth Street end Seventh Street Councilman Smith moved that said plzns end specifi- Sidewlk. , Cstick cations be referred to the City Attorney, Motion seconded by Covneilmsn Holmes and carried, Street, B.A, Richardson appeared befoxe the Co~~noil and filed with the Clerk the following petition• To the ]iayor and Cotason CounoiT of the City of San Bernardino; The undersigned qualified end registered electors of the City of Ban 2ernardino propose end subatit to you the nns?ezed Ordinsnoe and request that you forthwith aubait the came to a vote of the people at a speoial • aleotion (Bose I006 signatures annezed to the above petition} f /IR ORDIPAIICE BI7CIAO ABD _BS3Z'ABLI91lI316 THS RATS TO BE C:iARO$D A1~ c07.L~cTsD pOR (1A8 BY A]iY PSR$OB,'lIRB,OR CORPORATIOB SiTP'PZYI96 OR DISTRIBUT2Rg OAS TO THS CITY 03 SI,Jt BERNARDI110 OR TO T88 I]SABITABTf Tf~Op BOP. THS YEAR COIQ$9CI1'SO THE BIR8T DAY OB IIARCH,I9I3,a1ND $lIDZaTO UPOlI THS DEBT DAY OP FEBRIIAItY I9I4, The"'mayor and Common Counoil of the City of San Bernardino do',orde2n es follows: • ron.I,s,Thst the rptee to be charged arsd collected for gna'iby'bTty peraoR; firm, or oprporation sup- plying or distributing gas to-the City. of Ban Bernardino, or to the,intiabitaats thereof, for th± year coaatnoing on the ~re~~Id~}o ZYar'ch; I9I3;and ending on tha'Iset day of ~ebruary',I9IL, are,heraby Dlired and established at One ' Dolt , ash One,Thoueead (I000} oubia feet, of.~lte quality,under the precepts,' and measured and test-•~,4 ' e~in *.he manner; and under tha`stnndard oonditions presoribed,in o~inance number bOI passsd by said ~Or and, on Councii Ootoba EIat,I9I2. , ` Section 2.: It ahal be ,unlawtu2 for. any person,-firm, or,~corporatian;e3$her~ae~rincipal,~agent, aagloyse, br otherwise, to ch`srge,demaridicollot,~c+* rceive eaq,rate'of,oomDeneation for,;gati,supplied during the year ng on'the ffrst'da "'of , , arj ng ~ day . comnenci $ectioa 3~It eha11-b ~t2iereof~aitii.exoe`aaiof othetiateetiiied by this I9I4;to.!}r_ City of San Bernardino or Lo inhabitants , Ordinance;, , or oth_-~i a" to char a to, emsrtd ooilaot or , i'Po . y ~' util ospeaestlon fori?gn~irc~s, tYie dnrrngtitlte yieaiecoawenoit?g lon~~n~~ldsy~~ r . gm supplied Ci of San or co, ration therein g en ,rths last da of Be osr~than tit ~diQO or the first of Lroh Z9I3 and ending ott y brusry, IQI4, great Z,?ts ~ompeuaatiom ehsrged ti, dewemded, oolleoted, or reogivsd frets, any,pereon, fir.. or ,corporation~•tor the safe series.; Section, 4, It' sYid12 b'e uale`wful for 's~gr person, fain, or corporation supplying or; distributing gee to t2:e Cfty of ,4an Beraard~stor or to tks inhabitants thereof, for the'rear ca~snoing the first ,any of laroh,I9I3, and er?ding oa,,,the last, dew of 7ebruaryy I924; to ohsage;oolleot, or receive any stn e! ~ for tits use or rental of any gee aster.: i Seot.lon 5*, `,1~?U' person, firs;; or oozpozati'on vicisting say of the pro;risions of !hie Orditunoe shall'be ' deemed 1 g~ s 7ti 0 ~op~c on a~e,~of ahsll be +shable b a fine nog legs then ~I0.00 -~ nor'iSr~'Sb'da`ys; or o~~~~nf ni'"eaa~!~tgtde'"s~jt ~;wefA e ry person; f4a, or oorporation a3?sil bs ~ dewed guilty of a''asyszate ofisass fns e~eh~¢q dosing whioh, or aqp portion at whioh, soy violation of ~ proms 'vlsien of this Ordissnse is dotty ~ Dermitted'~ ~ ' Bestion 6. All ~rdinmaosr anQ~part*"ot Ordinances in contliot herewith are hereby rspasled, Scotian 7, This Ordinance shall tsYet etfeot and bs 3n force Eros end sites the first day of pateh,I9IS. ' Section 8. The City C1erY shall certify to the passage of the foregoing Ordinance anQ sauce the ease to'~ bs published for thrss consecutive days fn The Evening In~!e~c: Counoilsnrl 9aith coved thst the Clerk be authorised to receive and file t'Em petition as presented. ' Eotion seconded by Couneilae[t Cole and carded. • Conncila~an Chambers coved that the CiPrk be authorised to anpioy help in verifying to the sip?sturas annszed to the petition, xatfon avoonded by Counoilaap Holmes and carried by the tol] Mtitig vote, to ?tit: Ayes; ]iolsas,~tith, Cb+.~esa, Irving, Cole, lfoes: Bona, i l: ~ - , . . , ~.3~ Councilman Holmes moved that the Asyor and Common Counefl invite proposals for n site for a City Hull' . and that the samo be made in the follrw.ing form and that laid invitations be published for ten days next ors+.~#ng~ ~ °-- in The Evening Indes, - We, the Ynyor and Common Council of the City of Sa.7 Bernardina, State of California, do hereby invite pro- poeals for a sitb lor~a City Hall in avid City. aub~ect to the following conditions; That said proposals for a site for said City Hall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk on ar,befora Z2 o~clock noon, 1:eeember 2nd., I9I2, w!*.h deaoriptlon of the land by metes and bounds or other defirits description with a diegram or plat thereof attached to said offer, stating the*.pricc at Rhieh said land eo offered I will be sold to the City. Within one WeeY after December 2nd., I9I2, the`~ayor and Common Council will consider the same and will reject all ' o*fers not acceptable,±o the T(ayor and Common Council, Offers of lots or pia*.s of ground not less than 200"-feet ~ square .?1 be preferred in such conside~at3on: i;, Suoh offers a~lmay,be approved by the Mayor and Common'Council miaat be thereafter fortified by the per- , eona'making,such o'ifers fifth an abstract or oertificate of *#tle to be produced on or,before January Ist,I9I3,;and filed'Rfth the City~.Clerkt.egeLher'with sn instiweent'in writing in t2-,e form o±',;.n option duly executed by'which the parties,ii2 ,ti:Y.ca ,title is showrito be vested, in which #t shall be promised and ngred in consideration of X5.00 Lo con'.ey by,~'a' good and sufficient grant dee¢ to the City of San Bernardino• on or before Ro~ember Iat,`; I9I3, ill said p;opert,~to,said, City,upon,the,pnynent'of ~ ~ i i, ~ -.~ ~-, , the same being the purchase piles. On or before January,I0,19IS, the 1(ayorerd`Comaon'Covncil will t~sn'pass upon,ths'offerb ai,made' and ,the' title Sitte thereto, and will`then re~sot any and all offers sot satiafaatory,for'any reason to the l[nyor,and Coe~on Council. All offers thet'are then aoceptaable to the Mayor and Common Cquncil,ahall"be ac'conpanied by a good and City sufficient grnnt„dsed conveying title`to said property, to.eaid City,'aaiQ deed to be plaotd in escrow Lo bs deliv- ered'ap to said City by t2ie eaorow holder 'orr the'paynent of Lhe purchase price,'on or before Roveaiber'Ist,I9I$, ° th'e ins+russnts,in wait said Qit and the ~ Hall which tog-~taonsthe the + ~ p ~ing eo gcrowiin thechaiids amevto tliet~( yo+ to Bank of ~ abstract or t certificate of titl reto shall 1 in a of California 9..a g Bernsrdiro, ~ with inatr' by par.iee executi the spore to delfver the a a rand Coa~on Coflnoil cf the k City oY San Bernardino upon the payment of the 'purchase price named in~said instrument or inetr~sente. Aa soon as !I such offer is so placed in escrowt.the option agreement shall be by the escrow holder recorded in ±he office of the County Recorder of Ben Bernardino County .After the options for eitaa for a City Fail are io duly placed 1n es- crow iL is the intention of the lfayor er_d Caa~on Council to call an election submitting to +.he elaotore of said City the question whether or pot bonds shall be voted in the sum of t75,060.OQ.to purchase a site for s City HaI.I, and to ersot a City Sall theremn, It is the intsntion of the 1[ayor aM Coaanon Counoil to be controlled by a vote of the people in the choioe of the lots eo offered for s site for a City Hall, such choice to be expressed by an eiectioa~of the people to be hod by s atrww vote to be conducted by reaponaibZe oitisena appointed by the Yayos sad Coaaaon Council, said straw vote to be held on the same day that the eiection:Por bonds is to be had,it not being legal for the Mayor card Coa~oa Council) to ca21 an election for any other purpose than that of bonds to be held on the same day. All options sOPSubsiitted and for any reason re~eeted wi21 be returned to Lhe persons submitting the same and optfona that may b_ recorded will be released of record. , _ i Ration"ot.Councili'vin P.olmes wsa duly seconded by Coun~#lmen Seeith and carried by the following vote,to wit: j Ayes: Holmea,Ssith,Chasbera, Irving, Cole. Boca: Rone. - -- Councilman Coie of the Lighting Committee recoaanended that an sro light be installed at the corner of i Light ~ '.'~~. r ' I6th &A, l6th, and A 8treete~ Councilman Chambers moved thsL the safd light be installed as recoae:ended. ]lotion aeoonded . ,/~ Streets, ~''_.- ~ by Councilmn Smith and carried by the toll owing vote,te wit: Ay ea: Holmes, 3mfth, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Boss: Rone, Ord.$ Az Ordinance prohibiting the 1Ceeping of Hope within the City of San Pernardino,wse read for the first Fogs tine and laid over for final Passage , Ord,' Are Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled" An Ordinance regulating the construction of cement side- Side- wits, walks and curbs R~ithin the City of Ban Pernardino, providing for the issuance of permits for the cons*.ruction thereof, and requiring bonds from n~raona eonsti~zcting such sidewalks end curbs",adopted and approved on the {t{ 8th day of January, I9©B,r:aa read for the first time and laid over for final passega, I This being the defy set for hearing of gas eowpanias supplying gas to ttn City of San Bernardino and to the inhabitants thereof with regard to fixing s rate to be charged therefor, C.x. brow of the Southern Calitomia 9 Sea Coarpsr~,y sad Z,T. Boil of Lhe 8e.n Aernardino Valley Oas Coarlany, appeared before the Covneil; stating that l they were yrspared to make a showing why *.he rats should sot be lave:ed fron the rate as charged a*, the prs- aant time,~I.I5 p9r +.houaend eubio feel. I i a - --' T - 1 I :~{;~`' ~Jpon motion of Counei]man Smith duly a-conded by Counci]man Cole and Darr+_-^_, the Council adjo~r,rred to meet Honday,]Tovember IRth., I9T2 at 7:30 o'clock P.Y. City Clerk, Approved this i ~ day of lCovember, I912. { r` i., _ lieyor of•L Ci±y o S ernardino. , i` • 1 i i ~I 1 II ` kl II I f `k < i • ; ; • . , r; I E i • ~ i s if:f' City Ha11,San Bernardino, Cal., Nov. 18, 1912. _ A~ i Regular adjourned meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fright at 8 o~clock P.Y. The following members of the Council being present. Councilmen Smith, Chambers. Irving, Cole. City Atttorney Allison and City Clerk Batchelor.Abeent, Councilman Holmes. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, J~ I A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ordering the work for the im- Rea.Ord. ¦rk, provement of G Street between Rialto Avenue and the right of way of the A,T.h S.B.Ry., Co., by constructing Sidewik cement concrete sidewalks and curbs therein, was read for final passage. Upon motion of Councilman Chambere,dulY G St. seconded by Councilman Smith and carried,eaid Resolution was laid over to:be taken up December 9th,1912. Res, Int A Resolution of the Slayor and Common Council of the Citq of San Bernardino declaring tS~eir intention to im- ~ J~574 Oiling prove Rex Avenue between B. and G Streets by oiling the roadway thereof, was read for final passage. Upon Rex Ave. motion of Councilman Irving, duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, said Resolution was said over for one week. Ord.~505 Aa Ordinance prohibiting the keeping of hogs within the limits of the City of San Bernardiao,wss read far flogs. final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayae: Smith, Chambers, Irving ,Cole. Sloes: None. An Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled" An Ordinance regulating the construction of cement sidewalks Ord. Side- and curbs within the Cfty of San Bernardino, providing for the issuance oY permits for the construction thereof walks conatru- and requiring bonds from persona constructing such sidewalks and curbs",adopted and approved on the 6th day of etion of. January,1908,was read for final passage. Upon motion of Councilman Chambers,duly seconded by Councilman Irving. and carried,eaid Ordinance was laid over for one week, Bids having been received this day for the construction of an eight inch vitrified pipe sewer in Ninth Bids Sewer Stseet,between Arrowhead Avenue and B Street. Councilman Chambers moved that the clerk proceed to open euah 9th St. bide. Potion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. ~ Aid of Chae. McElvain: ~ Sewer Complete per lineal foot .60 ?banholes,complete sash 40.00 Flush Tanks,complete each 65,00 One coaneetion into manhole 4.00 BIDS. Bid of Fred w, Seccombe: Se*er complete, ae per plans d:Specificatione.....=324.2] Bid of Highway Construction Company: Bawer Coerpiets, =4Ij.00 Councilman Smith moved that the bid of Fsed w. $eccosbe being the lowest and best bid,be accspted,and that the Clerk be authorised to return certified checks to uasuocessful biddess. llotioa seconded ~ Councilman Cole and carried . Res.~wd. A Resolution awarding contract to Yred Seecoetbe for the improvement of P1nth Street,betweeo Arros- ' f Cont. hoed Avenue and B Stres~,b~ constructing an eight inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, at tae prises specified ' ~ ~ Sewer in his proposal on file for acid work,was read for 'the first fiefs sad laid over for final passage. 9th st. Appl. Application of Fret f. Isch for a retail liquor license at Slo. 610 Third Street. together with bond in Fred w. Isch the sum of X2000.00 sad check for SIOO.OO,~beiag one months license ta= is advance for said business,ii said Lgr.Lnce. 620 3rd.St.application is granted also request of R.S. Heaton, Proprietor of the Royal Bar at bo. 312 D Strist, that hi~~~,f., . - - - continued; license be discontinued, in lieu of the application of Bred w, inch, was presente8 and read. Councilman Smith moved that the application of Fred w. Iech be granted, the bond approved and license issued. ldotion eecoaded by Councilman Chambers and carried . Application of P.F. Bell and James H. Sheehan for retail liquor license at No. 458 Third Street togeths ~ { Appl, with bond in theaum of #2000.00 said application being in lieu of license now in the name of Logan and P.F.Bell J.H, Wixom, was presented and read. The Chief of Police reporting favorably upon the character of applicants, Sheehan Lgr.Licen-Councilman Smith moved that the application be received,bond approved and license granted. Potion seconded se. by Councilman Irving and carried. Varrants, The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants ae per claims approved by the kayor and Finance Com- ~ mittee this date, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes: None. An Ordinance regulating the business of plumbing in the City of San Bernardino; providing for the issuing Ord. o'f plumbing permits,for the inspection of plumbing and the charges therefor, and providing penalties for the Plumbing ~ violation of the provlsione thereof, was read for final passage Upon motion of Councilman Irving duly eecon- ded by Councilman Smith sad carried. said Ordinance was laid over for one week. Rea.Adpt. Resolution adopting plans, section and specifications for the construction of a cement conerets sidewalk P 8c 8. ' Sidewlk and curb in Catick Street between the North curb line of Sixth Street and the South curb line of Seventh ~:' Catfck Street. Street, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage . Nov. 18,1912. To the Honorable lEayor and Common Council. ~ o~ the City of San Bernardino. i Gentlemen: I find that l'sm'unable to give my private business the time and attention it demands, and attend to the many important matters,involvlgg the interests of the City which find their way to my department, and for this reason I have 'concluded to tender my resignation as City Attorney to take effect December Ist,1gI2. I name this date for the reason that there are several civil suits pending in the Superior Court of Resig- this County that are being prosecuted by the City. which if brought to a successful end will fn all probability ; nation end the so called "Red Light" litigation. ?here cases will be tried the latter and of this month and I desire Chae.L. to give them my personal attention. Allison. I regret the fact that these conditions make it accessary for me to sever my coanectlon with this , administration and to be no longer identified with the good work that you gentlemen have accompliehed,as well as the good work yet to be dose. And I take this mesas of expressing rp appreciation for the many courtisee which I have received while is offlce,from the heads of the various departmentecof our City Government, as well as theCity Employees, and lastlt gentlemen, I desire to express to you my gratitude fornyour uniform kindness sad consideration oa ~ all occasions. - I beg ti remain respectfully, - Chas. L, Allison. , Upon reading the foregoing, Councilman Cols moved that the Resignation of Chas. L. Allison be acceptl4. ldotion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. P.bB. City Engineer Tuttle presented plane and epeoifications as follows: paving of Sixth Street between Arrow- Psviae Sizth head Avenue sad I Street; paving of Fourth Street between Arrowhead Avenue and D Street. Councilman Smith moved d Fourth that said plans and specifications be laid oa the table for one week Potion seconded by Councilman Irving Ste. i and carried. City Electrician 8ayder reported in regard to changing the fire alarm wires on Thizd Street to sew pole fCir~ege line; that theaew poles were in readiness sad that he would require the ser?ioes of additional lineasa in alas System making the change. Councilman Smith moved thattLis City Electrician be authorised to eaploy two lineaan to new poles. assist is installing the sla=m system on sew poles. 1Eotioa seconded by Councilsan Cbasberr sad carried by ~sd,St, the following vote, to wit: Ayes: with, Chambers, living, Cole. hoes: gone. 4th•St• Ia the matter of the Fourth Street drain Councilman Smith moved that the mater be referred to the Drain. Street Superintendent Co investigate and make estimates of post and regret back at next meeting. Yotioa eecoaded by Councilman lrving sad carried . c;,, . , ~1 continued: heating (:ty.Jail Councilman Irving moved that the San Aernardino Implement Co „ be requested to submit figures for install- Fire Stat, ing gas heating system and radiators in the City Sail and Fourth Street Fire Station. b'otion seconded by Coun- eilman Smith and carried. The Knights and Ladies having made appiicatlon to W.E. Irving, Chairman of the Park Committee, for the use Knights ladles of the City Pavilion for an entertainment of the poor on Christmas Rve, Councilman Smith moved that the request Pavilion Xmas be granted, and that the use of the pavilion be donated, the City to furnish lute, lEotion seconded by Council Eve. man Cole and carried. Fountain Councilman Smith moved that the Sanitary Inspector he instructed to investigate the condition of the foun- ~ F & 3rd, j Streets. tain located at the corner of Third and F Street, Notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. 1 Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried, the Council ad3ourned to meet lfonday, November 25th.,19Z2, at 7:30 o~clock P.Y. %~ tyCer i Approved this day of November, 3912. i t ~ ]day o e City Sa Bernardino. .' i i a c I i f ~ ~ E a i . - .---- -.. _sW.._~....._....._._........w.-.w. s -: City Ha11,San Bernardino, C.al„ Nov„ 25th„ 1912, Regular adjourned meeting of the i'ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, besting was cdlled to order by Hayor Bright at B:IO o'clock P.lf„ the following members of the Council i being present: Councilman Smith, Chambers, Cole. City Attorney Allison, City Clerk Batchelor. Absent: Council- ' men Holmes and Irving. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Res. Int. A Resolution of Lhe 1Sayor and Common Council declaring their intention to Improve Rex Avenue between F and X574 Oiling G Streeta,by oiling the roadway thereof, was read for final passage. Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly Rex Ave. seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried, said Resolution was laid on the table to be taken up December 9th 4912. . The following petition was presented and read. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City oP San Bernardine,California. Pet. Gentlemen: Oiling 11e, the undersigned owners of property frosting on Rex Avenue is the City of San Bernardlns,here Rex Ave. by petition pour Honorable Body to take charge of the execution sf a private contract for the irpreiement ' Private of said Avenue by oiling the same under specificatiene already adopted by yourselves. Said work to be done Cont, under the Supervision and Le the satiafactioa of your Street Superintendent. And we hereby agree to pay I to the contractor for such improvement an amount not exceeding thirteea~dollars and fifty cents (;13,50) for each fifty Peet of frontage or at the rate of 27¢ per front foot, Payment to be made within thirty days from the date of certificate of acceptance of said Street Superintendent. Signed by thirteen names repreeonting 3144 feet of frontage: Upon reading the foregoing petition, Councilman Smith movtidthat tho request of the petitioners be grant- ed, IIotion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Res.Awd. A xeeolution of the Ysyor and Common Council oP the City of San Bernardino awarding contract to Fred Cont. ;~57'] Seccombe for the construction of an eight inch vitrified pipe sewer is Ninth Street between B Street and Arrow- j Sewer I 9th,St. head Avenue, at the prices specified in his proposal on file for said work, was read for final passage and -adopted by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Smith,Chambere, Cole. Nose: None. Res. A resolution adopting plena, sections and specifications far the constructioA of a cement concrete ~ide- Adpt, PdcB walk and curb in Cstick Stress, between Sixth and Seventh Streets was read for final passage and adopted by Sid~ewlk, Cstick the following, vote, to wit: Ayes: Smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes: None: Street. ' A Keselutioa of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to it Res,Int. ', prove Cstick Street between Sizth and Seventh Streets,by constructing cement concrete sidewalks and curbs Sidewlk Cstick St.therein, was read for the first time sad laid over for final passage. M Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled " An Ordinance regulating the construction •f cement side- ] ord. walks and curbs within the City of San Bernardino, providing for the issuance of permits for th• construction eidowlke. thereof, and requiring bonds frost persons constructing such sidewalks and curbs",wdopted and approved on tho i ~ Crbs. 6th. day of January, 1908, was read for final passage. Upon motion of Couneilsaa Chambers, duly seeoaded by Councilman Smith and carried, said Ordinance was laid over for one week. Report of the Pacific lilectric Co., together with voucher in the sum of =31.Ij eovsriag jayrent duo the Report ~ Pacific City of San Bernardins for the year ending Hovsmber 19th., 1912 on account of Yranchis• Ordinance 110. j42,was { riect. Co., presented and read. Councilman Sa1th moved that the report be received and placed on file. Potion seconded by j{, Councilman Chambers and carried. Ord. An ordinance regulating the business of Dlattsbing within the City of Ban Bernardino, providing for tho Plurb- issuing of plurbing permits, for the inspection of plumbing sad tho charges therefor, and providing penaltio• ins. continued: for the violation of the provisions thereof,was read for final passage, Upon mention of Councilman Chambers. duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. acid Ordinance was laid over for one week, The following petition protesting against the construction of a sewer in D Street was presented and read ' and laid over to the date of hearing. To the Honorable kayor and Coamion Council of the Pet. Protest City of San Bernardino, Sewer D ST. we, the undersigned, property owners owning property within the exterior boundaries of Lhe aseese- ment district. as described in xeeolution of Intention No. 5~5,he'retofore adopted by the Common Council of said City for the construction of a sewer upon North D Street, and being the owners of the number of feet of frontage of property fronting oa said proposed work and improvement and Situated within the boundaries of said District, set opposite our namee,respective~y, do hereby protest against and obfeet to said pro- posed work and improvement; Signed by aevenLeea names representing 309b} feet frontage, liable to be assessed for said work, Res.Int. A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to F.etab, change and re-eetablish the official grade of B Street from the south Line of Tenth Street to the South line Grade B St., of Base Line Street, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. The City Clerk reported that he had compared the signatures signed to the petition for Initiative Ordin- _ 1~ Report , Cty. ance fixinE gas rate, etc., at a special election,with the Great register and find that said petition was Clerk . Cae signed by electors equal in number to more than thirty per cent of the entire votes cast for all candidates Rate Ord, for lEayor at the last proceeding City election at which a Mayor was elected. Councilman Cole mo1/ed that the report be received Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. war- The City Clerk was authorized to case warrants as per claims approved by the Mayor and Finance Co~itts's rants. this day, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes: Bone. Proposal of the San Bernardino Vehicle and Implement Co., by C.H. Shattuck, Manager of the Heating Heating Departmeat~agreeiag to install three radiators of the Rector 6yatem in the Ci~Ly Jail_for =230.00 and three Cty Jail radiators in the City Bire Department on Fourth Street, forithe sum of X229.50 was presented and read. Bire Dept. Councilman Smith moved that the matter be laid over for one week. Motion aeeoaded by Councilman Cole and carried. e Application of Jeast Rosaen & J.C. Villanueva for a license ti conduct the business of sailing and fur- ~ nishing Spirituous Malt liquors at the south-east corner of First and E Streets, 1n quantities not less than Appli- cation one quart,pursuant to Ordinance Bo, 304 of the Cfty of San Bernardino, together with bond in the sum of Jeeas Rosaen X2000.00 w.S, Aooper,and H,R, Harris,as sureties, and a check in the sum of X50,00, being one months liceas• J.C. tax in advance for said business, if application be granted, said application being !n lion of license sow Villas- ; uena, issued in the name of M. Thodo, wsa presented and road. Councilman Cole moved that the application be referred to the Chief of Polico for reco®eadation. Motion seconded by CouneiLwan Chambers and carried, Attorney J.B. Stephenson presented an amendment to Ordinance Bo. 304 of the City of Bsn Bernardino,amsnd- Amend- ment ing Ordinance Bo. 304 2tmiting the number of saloons, bars, bar rooms or tippling houses within the City Ord. /304. of Sea Bernardino. Councilman Chambers moved that the amsndseaL as presented be introduced for its first rewding. Potion seconded by Councilmen Cole and carried. Ehereupon the Ordinance wa• read for the first time and laid over for final passage. 8uperiatendent of Strests,l.H. Hellogg reported in Lha scatter of the Bifth BtresL School drain Shat a f~"`' Bifth St. subscription.list total ~I05.00 has been circulated end signed for that amount. ?otal amount for cenetruotier~ School drain. said drain ;rj28.I0, less amount of subscription j105.00. total cost to City ~423.I0. J.F. Hamilton appeared before the Council in behalf of F.G. 8ticlrney is regard to proposed building on 1¢eat Third Street and requested peroissioa to construct s removable partition. Councilman Chambers moved that the Building Inspector be authorised Lo issue a building per.it,providing the said buildia~ complies ~,~a - , - ~ - continued: with building Ordinance, other than partition ae shown on plane and specifications, ]lotion eecondtd by Council Smith and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Smith, Chambers. Cole. Noes: None. It was moved by Councilman Cole, that the Dtayor and Common Council do employ C.C. Haskell, as legal coun- C.C. Eeskell sel for the sum of ~II0.00 per month, beginning December I, 1912, he to employ hie own stenograyher. The Cty, Atty. City to pay his telephone rental and for stationery and incidentals used in behalf of the City, 1Sotion was duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Smith,Chambere, Cole: Noes: None. ' A Resolution authorizing the Superintendent of Streets to sxtend.by forty-five days the time fixed by him Ext. time for the completion of the work specified in that certain contract entexed into between the Superintendent 45 days Paving of Streets and the Highway Construction Co., for the improvement of F Street between 6econd and Tenth Street F Street, by paving the roadway thereof, was read for the firm time and laid over for final passage. Councilman Smith moved that the City Attorney prepare an amendment to that certain Section of the Char- Amend . Charter ter pertaining to the election of a City Attorney making the office of City Attorney appointive by the ICayor and Common Council Said amendment to be presented to a vote of the people at the next general municipal ' election. Lotion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. ' Tagon Councilman Chambers moved that the Superintendent of Streets bd authorized to purchase a wagon for the Street Dept. use of the Street Department Potion seconded by Counoilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Smith, Chambers, Cole. Hoes: Hone. ,1 Txt. Councilman Smith moved that Lisle Baler be granted an eztenefon of I~ days time for the delivery of time Deliver that certain auto truck under contrast with the City of San Seraardino. Potion seconded by Councilman Auto Truck.' Chambers and carried. Upon motion of Councilman Cale, duly seconded by Councilman ChamberB and carried, the Council ad,fournod ` to meet December 2nd., IgI2, at 7:30 o~clock P.1t, ~,E'>~,~w~s~- i y er i Approved this day of December. 1912. , ~ ~ Mayor o e ity of ~ Bernard no, { t C 'Y 1 , City Hall, San Bernardino, Cal, nec, 2, I?12, i Regular adjourned meeting of the L'ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, }lasting moss called to order by bSayor Bright at eight o'clock P,Y.,the following members of the Council beirsg present, Councilmen Fiolmes,Smith,Cole, City Clerk Batchelor. Absent„Councilmen Chambers and Irving, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Ree.int. A ~eaolution of the uayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to ~ X578 Sidewlk improve Catick Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets by constructing cement concrete sidewalks and curbs Catick St, therein, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes,Smith, Cole. Noes: i None, Res,Int. A Resolution of the ldayor and Coa®on Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to Re-Eatab, change and re-establish the official grade of B Street from the south line of Tenth Street to the South line ~ Grde B IO & B.L, of Base Line, was read for final passage. Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly, seconded by Councilman Holmes, end carried, said Resolution was laid over for one week, Protet. This being the date for the hearing of the protest filed against the improvement of D Street between '~ Sewer D St. Thirteenth snd Sixthteenth Streets, by constructing a vitrified pipe sewer therein, said protest moss taken up III 13 ~ 16. and heard. R.B, Leonard appeared before the Council in behalf of peilt4oaere, Councilman Smith moved that the ~ protest be over-ruled and re3eeted, Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried , Sewer Councilman Smith moved that the matter of constructing a sewer in D Street between.Ijth. and 16th. Streets D St. " F,aid on bt laid on the table':, ]lotion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, table. Councilman Smith moved that the City Engineer be instructed to re-establish the grade of D Street from ~'etab,Grde. ~ ~ ~ D Street, the center line of Base Line to the south line of 16th. Street. Potion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. Estab. Councilman Smith Loved that the City Engineer be instructed to establish the grade of D Street from Grde. D St. the South line of 16th Street to the North line of Highland Avenue. llotioa seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, Ord., An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled• An 9rdinance regulating the construction of cement sidewalks ~ Side- Mlke, and curbs within the City of San Bernardino, providing for the issuance of permits for the construction there- , of, and requiring bonds from perews constructing such sidewalks and curbe•,adopted and approved on the bth,dsgir of Jamiary, 19G8, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Cole, Goes: None. Ord. An Ordinance regulating the business of plumbing within the City of San Bernardino, providing for the Plumb- , ing, issuing of plumbing permits, for the inspection of plumbing. and the ehrages therefor, and providing penalties for the ?iolation of the provisions thereof was read for final passage snd updn emotion of Councilmmn Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried , said Ordinanoe was laid over for one week. Ord. An Ordinance a~eonding Section Bleven of Ordinance Nuabes 3a of the City of 9sn Bernardino limiting the , Amnd. , Ord X304, the nuaber of saloons, bars, and bar rooms, or tippling houses, within gild City,wae read tos final passage, and upon motion of Councilman Coie, dul,~ eeoonded by Councilman Smith and carried, said Ordinance was laid i ~~r' r over for one week. bct. time A xeeolution authorising the SuperFnteadent of Streets to extend by forty-five days the time fixed by 45 da. Paving him for the completion of the work specified in that certain contsact.entered into between said Street B St. Stperintendent, and the Highway Construction Company, for the paving of B StrseL between SseOnd and Tenth Streets, sae read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: pos: Rolaes, 8e1th, Cols. Foes: None. :1;~i continud: Rcpt. Cty, Report of the City Electrician for the month of November was presented and read, Councilman Smith moved Dlect- rician, that the report be received and placed on file: Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, Proposals for a site for a City Hall having been Piled with the City Clerk this date, being eight in - City number, Attorney Byro~1'Watere appeared before the Council and proposed that the Council offer, among others, Hall Sites, for the consideration of the people. the proposition of building a city hall in Lugo Park, b!.C. McKinney, protested against the locating of th• City Hall in Lugo Park, sts.ting thrst the City had little enou~ parking at the present time,Councilsx+n Holmes moved that Lugo Part be su~itted with other proposals as a site for a City Hall, potion seconded by Councilman Smith. Upon calling roll Councilman Holmes and Smith voted yes, and Councilman Cole, No, Whereupon, Kayor Bright declared the motion lost. Councilman Smith moved that Thuriday,Decembcr nth „ at IO o~clock A,Y, be the time and date fixed for the opening of proposals for sites for a City Hall, Motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. I P,dcS. Councilman Smith moved that the plans and specifications for the paving of Fourth Street between Arrowhead Paving 4th. St. Avenue and D Street, and the plans and specifications for the paving of Sixth Street between Arrowhead Avenue ~ 6th.st. ' and I Street be referred to Attorney C.C, Haskell, ir?otion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, P,dc S, The City Engineer presented plane and epecifieatione for the construction of sewers in the following - Sewer I,8th,~th,SLreets -` 6th,Spruce, Kingman, I Street Prom Eighth Street to Van Nees Avenue; Eighth Street, I to Penn Street; Seventh Street, I to ltt. Pine.& L Ste. Vernon Avenue; Sixth Street from L to Yt Vernon Avenue; Spruce Street from I to 1dt Ve!<rton;Kingman Street,I to Yt Vernon; Pine Street, Ht, Vernon to L;Street; L Street Fiae Street to Sixth Street. Refrd to Councilman Holmes moved that said plane and Specifications be referred to Attorney C,C, Haskell. Potion Atty. seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. The following communication was presented and read. ~ X6.00 License To the Honorable December-2nd-1912• Quality liayor and City Council Cloak of San Bernardino-Calif- Shop, Gentlemen:, The undersigned would respectfully eaY that your honorable body request the City Clerk to issue us a regular merchants license-at$6,00 per quarter. We have taken a three years least on the store room at 61I Third St. and have on deposit with our land Iord b:r L'ervin Newburg-more than enough to show evidence of good faith on our part of becoming permanent. Sincerely yours, - - - The Quality CIoaY and wit Shop, per Louis Zelman, lkanager. Councilman Smith meved that the City ClerY be instructed to issue a license to the Quality Cloak and ~t whop, at X6.00 per quarter, as per request. Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. Ord.# An Ordinance fixing and estabiizhing the rates to be charged and collected for gee by ae~y person, fires or Gee Rate. corporation providing or distributing gas to the City of San Bernardine, or to the inhabitants thereof, com- mencing on the first day of ilarch, Ig13, sad ending on the last day of Pebruary,1914, was read far Lhe first tine ap! laid over for final passage. Com, Communication of B.A. Yaginnia requesting the Qouncil to start preoeedinge for the paving of Seventh :Bt~eeL D.A. ~„~,.,.~;,.L,«..,..~«,~.~.! ~....- -.-.+ a le--> i.R. ~ ~ ..r-.=c.~,_..r -te 7r"~'r. nnis. iron B Street to I Street was pres nted and read. s,,,;,c arm rn.-.,..+~ .~.-,r g,..c~., •'~--3 - .d~....:~,..'..:..-.., f-.- uL .t-.~--r ~ ~_...w.a.t ~1a..o ~fa~c...~ ..~~i fw e 14~.L-....---1 ~^~^^'-d" '7 - ? , Rcpt. Report of the Chiet of Police and Eu-officio 2teenee collector for the month of 9ovember,was presented Chief and read. Councilman Cole moved that the re rt be se@etved and placed on file. Potion seconded b Councilman Poiice po y llov. Holmes and carried '!• -. . Coi. To the Honorable 14or and Coamon Council Dec. 2,1912. "" met, City of Ban Bernardino. . Health Gentlemen:- Otfcs. 1 have made an investigation of the condition of the drinking fountain at the north-east corner of lonntain Third St. and B St., ae directed by your honorable body and find the sale to be in a very unsanitary condition. 3rd, d F. dot having been able to obtain any data ae to the placing of the fountain I esn only recosaend that it be reswved without delay, the method to be used depending upoa how is case to be placed thhere. Resp~c~,t ll nsub~~e~edAealth Officer. '~ f continued: Councilman Smith moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to remove tYie fountain at the corner ~ New Foun- of Third and F Streets and that request be made of the Water Board to construct a sanitary fountain at said i lain 3rd & point, Motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried, . t F Sts. " ` Chief of Police reported that he had investigated the references given by Roeee 8 Villanuena and find the Chf.Pol, Rapt, same to be satisfactory, Councilman Smith moved that the application of Roses &Villanuena be received. the Favorbly Roses ~ license granted and bond approved. Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Villan- ueztte, The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants as per claims approved by the iayor and Finance 6ommittee this date, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Aolmee.9nith. Cole, Noes: None. Councilman Smith moved that an atternes,,be employed from month to month to prosecute in the Police Court. Wm, Guth- rie kotion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried,•Whereupon Ysyor Bright named Attorney Wm, Guthrie, to be Atty. ~ Police employed for such purpose, Councilman Holmes moved that the name of William Guthrie be coniirmed,3fotion secon- Court. i dad by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Cole. Noes: None. ~ i Qty pay Councilman Smith moved that the City pay inspectors fees for inspecting the oiling of Rex Avenue, lotion Inepet. " Fee seconded by Counciln~eui Holmes and carried. Upon ]lotion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, the Council ad3ourr~ldtto i meet Thursday December 5th „ 1912 at IO o!clock A,H. r- City C er . Approved this 9 day of December.•1912, T l or f t e City f San ernardino, i krk . L, ! _ E c i G j(a A i "_..___.___e___ ..r ~x ". _ ~ 1 ~ I City Hall, San Bernardino,Cal, Dec, 5th., 1912, Regular adfourned meeting of the E'ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. Nee#in~ was called to order by hayor Bright at I0:50 o'clock A,M.,the following members of the Council being present. Councilmen 3iolmes, Chambers, Cole. City Clerk Batchelor, Absent, Councilman Smith and Irving. By order of the Edayor the reading of the minutes was dispensed with. f The Street Superintendent stated that he had received complaint from the Sewer Farm that oil is being 1! Oil in Sewer. run into the sewer Councilman Holmes moved that the matter be referred to the Street Superintendent,he to secure the services of some person capable of making an in$pection of all piante in the City that might be l responsible for dumping oil into the public sewer. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Councilman Smith took his seat at II.05 o'clock A.M. The Street Superintendent euggeated.that the Council~apnoint s committee to investigate and ascertain if Oil Heatin3 E.~. Hough has complied with hie contract in the construction of the 011 heating nlant Councilman Holmes Plant Contract. moved that a committee consisting of Councilman Chambers and' Smith be appointed to ascertain if the oil heating plant contract hs.s been fulfilled and report back.to *he Coune3l at next meeting. Motion seconded ~T by Councilman Chambers and carried . .rY The opening•of the proposals fora City Hall site having been laid over Lo this date, Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk proceed to open such proposals, t'otion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried.Xhere- I upon the following proposals were opened and read for consideration, November 29,1912, To the Honorable kayor;and Common Council of the City of~Sen Bernardino. Gentlemen:- The undersigned hereby offers to sell to the City of~San Bernardino for a City Hall site all of Lot 6 in Alock 19 of the City of San Bernardino, according to the official map slid plat thereof, of record in the office of the County xecorder of San Bernardino County; a map or plat thereof is hereto attached and made a part hereof. The price at which said land will be ~eold• to the said City, will be Twenty Thousand Dollars (,~2p,000.00). Respectfully, i J.D. licDonald. i { { San Bernardino, Calif. Dee. 2,1912, To the Honorable City Council of the City of San Bernardino,Calif. .- Gentlemen:- • •e, 'the uridereigned hereby submit for your consideration the following described property situated in the City of San Eernardino, on the eouth•eide of Fourth Street between D and 8 Streeta,ae per sketch at- tached,for a City Aall Bite, for the purchase »rice of X25,000. ~ ; That portion of iota numbered 6 and 7 in Block 20; of the City of San Bernardino,etc.described as followe:Commencing at the north-west corner of said Lot b; thence east along 4th SLrest,100 feet;thenee south 178 Yeet; thence west 78 feet; thence north 8 2/3 feet; thence rest 22 feet to the west line of lot 'J; thence north Ib9.84 feet to place of beginningg. Also that portion of lot b of said block described as fo11RS:(ddfoining said last named parcel on the east) Beginning at a point I00 feet east of the northwest corner of said lot b; thence east 32 feet; thence ` south I43 teet;thence test 32 feet; thence north I43 feet to the place of beginning. The above Seseribed site has a frontage of~132 feet on the south Bide of Bourth St. between D and E Streets, with an average depth of about 170 feet. Respectfully submitted, gars, R1ch C. Cohn. San Bernardino, Calif Dec.2,1912. -~!~ To the Honorable City. Council of the City of Ban Aernardino,CaliYornla, a~? Gentlemen: - ~e, the undersigned, hseby submit for your consideration Lhe following described property situated in the City of San Iernardino on the south side of Fourth Street between D and E 3treeta, as per sketch at- tached,for a City Hall sire. for the purchase price of ~8 00.00 1 .Special reference is hereby made to the offer for s olty hall site made by C. Cohn and Sara Eich,and II we, the ur[iSersigned,hereby subntiit the following described property for the addition sun of ~6 00 00 s. ' , ~ ~ i . J Continued: • Said parcel adsoina the nropPrty of Sara Rich and C. Cohn,aub:~itted as a site, on the east,and ie west of and im-nediat?ly ad,~oining the city library. • Seginning at the northwest corner of the City library property; thence south i43 feet;thence west 40 feet; thence north I43 feet; thence east 40 feet to the place of beginning. • Respectfully submitted. e ~ H,F. Andrews R.Struble Gibbs D,C. Strong. . San Bernardino, Cal, - Dec, 2nd, 5912; To the honorable d!ayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, Cal, Gentlemen:- . I hPreby•tander you the property on the southea'et corner of g and Fifth Streets, this City,for the purpose of the,ereotion of .the proposed new City Hall and Building, for the sum of Thirty Thousand and five hundred 030,500.00} Dollars, This property consists of a plot of ground more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the north west corner of the, orope~ty line, at the corner of 'said Sbreete, and running in an eseterly direction One hundred and seventy five 1375) feet,more,or less; thence south one hundred and twenty {I20} feet; thence east One hundred and twenty five ,(I2§} feet more or leas; *,hence south Eighty (80) feet, thence west Three hundred (300} feet,more or less, thence north Two hundred {200} Yeet, to the point of beginning, I also hereby agree to purchase and remove the dwelling and stable situate on what fa:. known ae the R.J, Jones property for the sum of Fifteen Hundred 01500} Dollars, thus making a net purchase price to the City of Twenty Nine Thousand {~42y,000) Dollars, , T Concluding I might Call your attention to the fact that this property hea already sewer, water and i gas connection both on B and Fifth Streets, Streets already paved, and to the greater one, that it is situated most favorably ae regards the probable future growth of this City. Thanking you for your consideration of my tender, I am, • Yours most Respectfully, • Robinson J. Jones.. i' • San Bernardino, Cal, Rov,30,1912, To the Honorable Ttayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. ` Gentlemen:- , We herewith submit for your consideration ass a site for a new~City Hall, the property on the north aide of Fourth Street between •I)" & "B" Streets a description arid. diagram of which is he~eto attached, This offs includes a half interest in the brick wall on the?eaat line of this property, also a right-of way over tie alley t • running into this property from •D" Street along the north line of the Hansen property, ~ The price is twenty thousand (20,040} dollars, Reapectfuily aubaltted, ? Meg of portion of Lot two(2),]{lock twenty-nine .garner and Swing Book ~ of Mape, Wage I,reeords of said Count ( 9) of the Citq of San Bernardino. as per plat recordsd in y, particularly described as: r-- Beginning at the aoutheest corner of aaid~lot 2; thence north alongthe asst line of said lot,244 feet moss or lees, to s point 60 feet boutti of the North line of said lot; thence test 52 feet; thence North 60 feet to 3 Lhe North line of said lot; thence Best 75 feot along the North line of said to t; thence South Z8 rods to the south line of said lot; thence Feat sling said South line,I2~ feet to point of beginning. San Bernardino, Cal, December 2,2912. To the ~ayor and Common Council, city of San Bernardino. // In Compliance with the notice enclosed herewith, I offer in behalf of the raters estate, t$s follow- } ing described property: Being the east One Hundred (I00) feet of lot nuabesed Txo(2}, and Lhe Bast One Hundred (I00) feet of ~ the South Fifty (50) feet of Lot nwebered Three (3) in Block numbered Thirty (30), according to dap of the City f oY San Bernardino, as per plat recorded in Boot ~ of Yaps, pe~ge I of the records of said County, ~ Said tot Otfe;ed6efng the One Hundred (I00} feet ismediatsly Eaat•of the Fire Department, and isr- mediately rest of the A.Y. Keniaton home, for a City Hall site for the eonsideraLion of ~I0,000.00, k raters Yststa, By )t.L. Siplinges, By J,A. Jr,l[gr. • San Bernardino, Ca= Dacembes second,1912, Honorable Layor and Common Council, San Bernardino, California. • GenLlemen:- Be hereby respectfuliyy suhait for the•City Hall site, the North-east corner of fourth and •D' Streets, known as the Barton and Sturges property,being in dimension IIO 1250 for the eua of ~2~,000.00, Yours Yery respectfully, SbCURI?Y I~TYEN'f COlEP11MY , BY 31.C, kclCenney,3ecretary, 1 , - I ~``" continued: San Bernardino,Cal. Decr~aber 2d,1912, Icon. The Mayor and Common Council,City of San Bernardino, Cal, Gentlemen:- We offer yoQ Lot Three (3) Block Twenty-eight (28) same being I 4 8,I/2 X 2 9 7 feet or_~eore for the f sum of Twelve Thousand five hundred i~I2,500} Thia ie known as the F.G. Fright Property on the F.aet aide 6f "F" Street between Fourth and ?ifth Streets, BOYD-SCOTT do LOTHROP Per James H. Boyd. San Bernardino, Cal, December 2d, 1912, Hon The liayor and Common Council,City of San BernKrdino,Cal, Gentl e:nen: - We offer you the 50 X 150 next Weat to the City Porperty on the Horth Bide of Fourth Street Near "D" St for City Hall Uae for the Sum of Seven -thousand (a'j,000) Dollare,Same being known se the STUAGESS PROPERTY, BOYD-SCOTT & LOTHROP j Per James Ii. Boyd. Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried the Council adjourned to 'I meet FSonday December 9th., 1912, at 7:30 o~clock P.12. i~~e~~ , Approved this 9 day of December, 1912. T'~ ', r of he Ci of San ernardino, ~ ; ~Je I 1 i I`t[ i ! 1` I f' I 1~ ~L - 1 _ ~ ~'.~J y i i 1 l _~_,___.._~.._..__-_~. i tE . 't U I. E City Hall, ,San Rernardino,Cal „ December 9th „ 7912. ', Regular ad,~.ourned meeting of the L!syor and Common Council of the City of Sari Bernardino, ' ',, ~ L'eeting was called to~order by hayor Bright at 8;00 o'clock P,M., the following members of the Councll ', i t being present, Councilmen Holmes,Smith,Chambera,Cole, City Clerk Batchelor, Absent: Councilman Irving, hinutes of December second, 1912, were read and approved ae corrected. ' Minutes of December 5, 1912, were read and approved, Councilman Saiith moved that the Council arrP,nge to meet with the Committee appointed from the Chamber of Com, to Discuss Commerce on Thursday evening December 12th.. a.t 7:30 o'clock P,M, in the Council Chamber room, and that an Cty Hall Sites, invitation be issued to said committee, the object being an informal discussion of the various sites offered for K City Hall, ifotion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried, A Resolution of the ?#ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to ~ Res. Int, ~ change and re-establish the official grade of B Street from the north line of Ninth Street to the South line of Eatab,. Grd,B, of Base Line Street, was read for final passage and upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Council- Street. -... man Chambers and carded, said Resolution was laid over Por one week, l yl.,_,.'~ Ord.;00, Ott Ordinance regulating the business of plumbing within the City of San Bernardino,providing for the iseu- Plumbng, ' ing of plumbing permite,for the inepectlon of plumbing and the charges therefor, and providing penalties for ht' violatlon of the provisions'thereof.iss read•for final passage and adopded by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Ho].mes,Smith, Chambers, Cole, Noes: None, ( Ord,~~ An Ordinance amending Section 11 of Ordinance Number 304 of the City of San Bernardino limiting the number Pmnd , 1j304, of Saloons, bars, and bar rooms, or tippling houses, within ehld City,was read for final passage and upon motiaa of CounciUaan Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Cote end carried. said Ordinance was laid over Yor one week, i . Councilman Holmes presented the following Resolution: € ' San Bernardino, California, December 5, 1912, A ?tESOLUTIOA ON GAS RATS BY THS COMI!ON COUNCIL. Inasmuch as the Common Council has been stripped of its legislative power in the fact moment of its en- , deavor to fig a gas rate for the cityBy ?lrtue of an ordinance and referendum petition attached thereto, ~ presented to the Councll asking for its adoption and providing fora rate of one dollar per 1D00 cubic feet of ~ 1 gas; and as we have no other alternative in the matter under the Charter but to pees it or refer it to a vote of the people in accordance with the petition: Tf~RF.FORE,I?E`IT RLSOLVRDthat tine Common Council of 'the City of San Bernardino regards the presenting of this petition and ordinance at Lhe time and in the manner that it was presented ss mandatory upon the IEeyior and ~ { Common Council. f ~ AND BLr E? YI]RTH1;R RESOLflED, that whatever the motice mip,~?t have been, it was ne~erthelese in our"opinion sn erroneous move for the people, and placed the Council in a faiee position, presenting us frog tieing a reasonable rats that a?ould stead a test of the Courts, and we believe the rats submitted will not stand such a test, but w,iil entail much expense and lost of ties to the people of the city,e?'en though we may pass the ordinance as yreeented to `save tine and the expense of an election,for the people are not conversant with ( the feats in the case and would consequently vote in favor of the one dollar rate. Respectfully submitted ; Upon:resding the foregoing Councilman Smith awved the adoption of Lhe Resolution as~resd, Potion seconded by Counoilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holaes,Baith,Chambers. Noes:gole, ORDIHAHCE No.483. Ord.~+483, AN ORDIIiANC~ PIJCING AND SSTABL28$I2i0 THE RATES TO Bat CHARG]m AND COLLSCTSD ]IOR GAS BY ALR PER8OH,BIEOI,OR Gas, CORPORATIOII,SUpPLYING OR ]>ISTRIBIITISG GAS TO THE CITY OF SAS BLrRl[ARDIYO,OR TO TfiR IpHABITANfS THa5RS01,I?OR TII< YEAR C0~' NCIS3G THE YIRST MY OB ILdRCH,191j. AND HNDiNG Oll TRL' LA8T DAY OP P1~AU~AY,191~. / y I The ltayorrsu~d Common Council of the City of San Rernardlno do ordain ae follows: Section I. That the'ratee to be charged and colleoted for gas by any persoa~.lirs~, or corporation supplying or distributing gas to the City of 9xn Bernardino, or distributing gas to the City' of San Bernardino, or to l the inhabitants •thereof, for the year coeemencing an the first diyr of liaroh,191j,an4 endin on the last day of February, Igi4,are hereby fixed and established at One Dollar,(#I.00)for each One Thousand 2000) aublc feet,of the quslity,under the greseure, and measured and tested in the manner, and under the ttarMard conditions pre. ~ scribed in ordinance number 501, passed by said Yeyor end Comnwn Council October 2ist,2912. .j~ _ 1 -,, =t:~ continued: Section 2, It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation,eithar as arincipal, agent, employ- ee,or otherwise, to charge,demand, collect, or recelve any rate of compensation for gas supplied during the year commencing on the first day of Larch, 1913,and ending on the last day of February, 1914, to the City of San Bernarrino, or to any inhabitants thereof, in excess of Lhe rates fined by this ordinance. ti Section3, It shall be unlawful for any peraon, firm, or corporation. either ae princiQal, agent,employee, or otherwise, to charge to, demand, collect, or receive from the City of San Eernardino, or from any peraon, firm, or corporation, therein, any rate or compensation for gas supplied during the year commencing on the first day of Larch, 1913, e,nd ending on the last day of February,1914, greater than the rate of compensation charged Lo, demanded, collected, or received from, any other peraon, firm, or corporation for the same service, Section 4, It shall be unlawful for any person,firm, or corporation supplying or distributing gas to the City of San Bernardino, or to the inhabitants thereof, for the year commencing on the first day of March,1913, and ending on the last day of February, 1914, to charge, collector receive any sum or Bums for the use or rental of any gas meter. ,Section 5• Any person, firm, or corporation violating ar;y of the provieione of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a Pine not lees than ~I0.00 nor more than ~I00.00, or by imprisonment in the Ci+,y Jail not less than five days nor more than 30 days, or by both such fins and imprisonment; and every such person, film, or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offenBe for each day during which, any violr+.tion of any provision of this ordinance is done or per- mitted. ,a erection 6. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby revealed. Section 7, Thie Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of larch, 1913. ' Section 8. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of the foregoing ordinance and cause the same to "' 1 ', be published for three consecutive days in The ~Svening Index, t •._f I hereby cr,rtify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the IAsyor and Common Council at its meeting held on the 9th. day of Dec., 1912, by the following vote,to wit: i` Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, , Foes: Cole, City Clerk. i I hereby approve thP_forwgoing Ordinance this 9th, day of Dec „ 1912, • _ Jlayor the City Kf San Bernardino, Rapt. Report of the Street Superintendent of operation of Street Department for the month of November was pre- ' Street Supt, eehted and read, Councilman Smith moved that the report be received and placed on file. Potion seconded by i Hov. '' Councilman Holmes and carried, ~ `°-~ j'' Lon Councilman Smith moved that Lon Fiathews be allowed salary while disabled, Motion seconded by Councilman ' 1".athewe. ~ Chambers and carried by the following vote, to wit: t~yee: Hol.mee. Smith. Chambers, Cole. Noes: Hone, Cows 1tr Lemroel appeared before the Council rand entered complaint against certain parties staking cows in and Sendall Avemae. along Kendall Avenue. Councilman Chambers moved that the matter be referred to the Police Department. Potion I ~ seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. i Councilman Chambers moved that the action taken Fove:~b-r 11th., 1912,~ranting franchise~to the A.T.ac S Fe. - Franchse. 3,F.$y.C°•Ry• Co.,• be and the same ie hereby rescinded and in lieu thereof a franchise is hereby granted in the fol- lowing words and figures, to wit: Beginning at a point in the center line of the second main track of The A.T. d S.Y.,$y. Co. on "I" Street, • San Bernardino, Cal., said point being distant~395.O feet Eros the South line of Base Line and 19.22 feet East of the feet line of "I• SLreeL;thence on a~curve •O~Ipi~feto Lhe Rest with s radius of 942.29 feet, s distance i of Ii2.9f feet; Thence on a curve concRVe to the East with a radius of.6O3.8O feet, a distance of 8 L23 feet; Thence e~n tangent parcel Ui to and distant 5,22 feet from Lhe west line of "1" Street, a dietence of 200.82 feet to the South line of Base Line. }lotion seconded by Councilman &aith and carried by~the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Ho Lose, Smith, Chamber •' Cole. Noes: Hone. Res. Ord: A Resolution 9rdsring the work for the improvement of 6 Street between the South line o[ the roadway of Wrtc.;~599 , Bide~lk. Rialto Avenue, r+nd the north line of the rigT?t of way of the A.T. d: S.B. Ry. Co. by constructing a cement 6 St. concrete sidewalk therein, was read for final passage and adopted by Lhe following ?ote, Lo wit: Ayes: ttolmes, Saith, Chambers, Cole. ease: None. ' . ~ _ _- _ _ -~ i A.rooyo Councilman Smith moved that the Street Superintendent be authorized to fill the Arroyo on G Street north ~ G St. ~ of base Line and ecarafy eLreet. 1Wotion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. ~ 7:rnte 1`he City Clerk was authorised Lo issue warrants ae per claims approved by the mayor and Finance Co-nmittee ! issued. this date, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmen, Smith, Chambers. Cole, Noes: :;one, I Councilman Chambers moved that the office of Plumbing Inspector ae existed in old plumbing ordinance, Plumb- E ing be declared vacelnt'and that the City Wngineer be authorized to employ an Inspector for plumbing work,when re- l Inepectr. required. >_!otion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by th! following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmea,Smith, Ohambere,Cole. Nose: None. Councilman Smith moved that the City Engineer be inetr~rcted to prepare plane and specifications for a Paving lsinth five inch macadam paving and cement gutters on 27inth Street between Arrowhead Avenue and C Street. 1<otion bet. C 3c 0, seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried, Request having been made for a light at t}re corner of 20th, and D 9treet,Councilman Holm?e moved that Light 20th & the matter be referred to the lighting cora33ttee to report back at next meeting. Motion seconded by Council- D Sta• :pan Smith and carried: ~ Eany complaints having been made about the dangerous croaeiag at the intersection of Fifth and A Street, Cross- ing Councilman Holmes moved that the matter be referred Lo the Street Superintendent;he to confer with the 5th&A• Tdanager of the Pacific Nlectrfc Co•, with the object of adjusting. lCotion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Councilman Holmes moved that the Street Superintendent be' instructed tc submit:aeti~'Ee;for, corragated Pipe fors iron pipe te-conatrudt-tcculvert across Fifth Street at the intersection of A Street, Potion seconded by Croae- ing. Councilman Chambers and carried. Oil Countilman Smith moved that the ?tire Chief be instructed to oil the second floor of the Fourth Street b'loor Fre;Stat. Fire Station. IEOtion seconded by Councilman Rolmes and carried. Councilman Chambers moved that P.E. Sehwalt of 437 Sixth Street be granted a General Merchandise ,D Schwab license at #6.00 per quarter. Motion seconded bg Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to wit: License Ayes: Holmes. Smith, Chambers, Cole. Noes: None. Councilman Holmes moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and specifications for the Pik $. Sfdewlk construction of a sidewalk on the 1Saet slde of D Street between Seventh and Eighth Street. kotion seconded by D St bet.7th. Councilman Chaml6era and carried. & 8th. The committee appointed to investigate the new oil heating plant reported that the plant was not in oon- • Rept. • Heating dition,for acceptance and advised Lhat the contract i,e same be held up until certain conditions in Lhe con• plant. tract were complied with. Upon action of Councilman Holmes, duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, c Courscil adjourned to meet itonday, Dec., Ibth., 1912 at 7:30 o'clock(~P.It. -t'I ~Tf~y ' LTsr . Approved this j,~(„day of December, 1912. ~ ' Mayor o t e y o ernar no. . / •a. ~'~'. f City ][all, Sa.n.Berparc}ino, Cat. Dec. Ib, 1912, ~ ' I P.esular adjourned meeting of the Mayor and Co+rmon Crnanci2 of the City of San Bernardino, ?7eetina was called to order by ICayor Bright at 7:30 o'clock P.}~!, the following members of the Council being present, Councilmen Holmes, Smit}z, Chambers Cole, City:Clerk Batchelor. Absent: Councilman Irving, The mimitcF o; the previous meeting were read and approved ae corrected, f Rea, Int. RE:;OLUTIOH OR T}iE }tAYOH AIv"D COL'I'_023 COUI+CIL Ol' TFfF. CITY 0~ SAfi I3FRIdARDIA'O,DF.CLARISG T}{gIu INiF.?.TION TO eF,A.`:GE d5~'O Re;Egtab. T_=L AI<D FE-}'~STABLI3H :HE OI~1~'ICIAL GRADE 0? P ST. TR_,F'' :T, r'ItOL-` THE :lOHTH LI?vy OR IiIIiTH STREET TO THE E~UTH L11'1; Ord, B St. j U:' PAS? LINE STREET. RESOLVED, By the kayor and ron~~non Council of the City of San Lernardino, that iL is the intention of the ` }'ayor and Cor.-ron Council to order the following street work to be done,to-wit: ~ To change and re-establish the official grade of R Street from the North line of Ninth Street to the South line of Base Line Street to the following elevation according to the official bench mark or datua~ plane of of the City of San Bernardino, to-wit: !1t the top of the curb line at the nor+.haeet corner of :+inth and F Streets, the grade s}iall be I071,6,as row established; ~ At the top of the curb line at the northeast corner of Ninth and B Streets, the grade shall be I071,6, (ae now established;}; • At the top of the curb line at the Southwest corner of Tenth and B Streets, the grade shall be I078,3,(old ~ grade {I078.4); At the top of the i~.:rb line at the Southeast corner of Tenth and B Streets, the grade shall be I078,3, (old grade (1078,4}; At the topp of the curb line at the Northwest corner of Tenth and B Streets, the grade shall be I078,7, (old grade I078,6); At the top of the curb 13ne•at the Northeast corner of Tenth and B Streets, the grade shall be I078.4, (old grade 1078,8}; At the top of the rurb line at the Northeast corner_of Olive and E Streets, the grade shall be IOB3,I, (old grade I083,5); At the ton of the curb line at the Southeast corner of Olive and B Streets, the grade shall be 1082,3. (old. grade Io83,'3}; At Lhe ton of the curb line at the Southeast corner of Eleventh and S Streets, the grade shall be 1087.3, {old grade 1087,8); At the topp of the curb line at the IV~ortheast corner of Eleventh and B Streets, the grade shall be 1088,.2, {old grade I08Fi,2); At the topp of the curb line at the Northwest corner of Eleventh and B Streets, the grade shall be I088,2, -. (old grade I088,2); At the top of the curb line at the Southwest corner of Eleventh and 8 Streets, the grade shall be 1087.3, ~' (old grade I087,8); ,~' At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of orange and P Btreete,the.grade shall be I091,8, (old grade I091.9? At the top of the curb line at the Southwest corner of Orange and B Streets. the grade shall be 1091.6, { old grade I091.9); At the top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of Orange and B Streets, the grade shall be 1091.8, (old grade 102.1); - j At thL~ top of the curb line at the Northeast corner of Orange and B Strtete, the grade shall be I092.0, • {old grade 1092.1): At Lhe top oP Lhe curb line at the Southwest corner of Bane Line and B Btreete, the grade shall be 1 1095.2.(old grade 1095.8); At the top of t}ie curb lino at the Southeast corner of rase ilne and B Streets, the grade shall be Io95.0, (old grade 1095.6}; ~ ~ '`"' . At all points between said described points, the grade shall be eetablishect eo se to conlorm to a etralght '¦' line drawn between said described points. All elevations refer to the top of ,:urb except where other ~1ee noted are in feet and are above a plane which is 2045,28 feet below City E~nah kark as established by Ordinance No. 383 of the City of San PPrnardino. f ~' The Evening Index ie hereby designated as the daily newspaper publlshed and circulated in Lhe City of San Lernardino, in which this riesolution of Intention and the Street Superlntendent'e notice of the passage thereof shall be published. ' --- -_ --------.._ . L ._..- - continued: ~ ~'S;j ~ ~ The City Cle'r;c shall certify to the passage of this Resolution, and ce.uae the en.~e to be oubliehed by in- ,~y f sertiona in tyro consecutive issues of the said Rvening Index, and to poet the same for two days con- ~ ' secutively on or near the council chamber door of this council, Thereupon, the Street Superintendent ~ r ~ shall catase to be conspicuously posted alone the portion of said "n" Street, deeignated in this resolution where such change of grade is proposed to be made, at not more than 100-feet in distance apart, notices ~ of the passnge of this Resolution. He shall also cause a noti~~e similar in substance to be pub3lahed for Sif • : (b) days in The Evening Index a daily newspaper »ublished and circulated in Raid City, I hprery certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the lfayor and Comr.,on Council of the City of San Bernardino,at its meeting held on the 16 day of December, 1912, by the followins vote, to wit: Ayes: Hoimea, S~aith, Chambers, Cole, +cee: *Ione, S,G, $atchelor, • Approved this 16 day of Dec„ 1912, City Clerk, d,S, Eright, (SEAL) ?rayor of the City of San Fernardino, Tire following co:a-aunication was »reaent?d ar:d read; Com. 'b'.E, ^o the ~_ayor an~i my fellow Common Councilmen of the City of uan Bernardino: Irving, I regret that illness prevents TlY attendance at the meeting tonight, Were I present,I should vote for the proposed ordinance that will enable Idr Bucher to have s liquor lirenee for his new hotel. I think any citizen who invests that :nuch in the improve:aent of our City ie entitled to fair treatment and even liberal treatment. ~ Dec, 16, 191" vs,3, Irving, ` Councilman Smith moved That the communiratian be received and placed on file. Notion seconded by Council- man Cole !tnd carried, ~ An Ordinance amending Section 11 of Ordinance No, 304 of the City of San Bernardino limiting the numbw,r t Close of saloons, bare,barrooras or tippling houses within the City was read for final gaesage Upon calling the G Street roll the Council voted as follows: Ayes: Holmea,Smith,Cole, Noea: Chambers, 7Yi-~ereupon the hsyor declared the for School Ordinance defeated,etatin¢ that the City had enough ialsone at the present time and that the number should be GaTiP, $ decreseed,if anything and that he could not Pe~nanize the letter of Councilman Irving as being an official vote. Conununication of A,6, 1`.ePherron,County Superintendent of Schools requesting that Lhe Y,ayor and Common Council clogs G Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets for one hour Tuesday Dec•,1~, 1912, from 9:45 to ~ 10:45 A,?q, The City teachers institute having arranged a programme of school games and not having auffi- cient grounds for such demonataation, Also requesting that the City run the sweeper over said street f ~ before esid hour, Councilman Smitit Roved that the request be Granted ,that the Street Superintendent be author- ized to close to the public G Street between Fifth and Sixth for one hour, Tuesday,Dec, 17, 1912, kotion ~ aecon*ied by Councilman Holmes and carried, P & S. Councilman Smith moved that the plans and epPCificatione ndopted Jan „ 6,1912,for the construction of s Sidtwlk D St, cement sidewalk on the east side of D Street between Seventh and~7Sighth Streets be referred to Attorney 7 &$ °efrd Naskell to prepare a resolution of intention for said work, Notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and oar- Atty. • zied, f k~ap ehowin~ Security Investment Cogs Gilbert Subdivision was presented for acceptance. r Councilman Smith moved that the plane and plat of Gilbert subdivision as presented by the Security Invest- ment compar;y be accepted upon the subsequent condition t'nat the owners of the property put Pine Street and Stan~ord Avenue, ins shown on the map,to official grade as the same shall be hereafter established by the Er"% • ordinance of the City, and when ao eatab~iahed by the ordinance of the City, ~ the owneis'~ of the property shall reduce titre scans to official grade to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent, and •I~ • shall forthwith give a bond in the eum of X200,00 to carry the same into effect, Potion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by ttie following rote, to wit: ayes: Holmrs,Smith,Chaab~s r y' CO1P„ ISO es: ??OnP, • a , ~ { -i I continued: Application of Nor~aan C, Praeherer for retail liquor lirenae rat Po, 4II & 413 Third Street,toaether with Apletion, Braehear bond in the yu:n of ?ZOGO.t`O,A,G, Kendall and Joe, Ingersoll as aureti?e, check for ~IGO,GO being the first }tetra ii Lqr. r,.ontha lirenae tax in aclvKnce,ehould said lir,enee be granted, and a com;runicatipn signed by }_rs Pertha ?4, Licnae, 1Sruckrr~an,6~xpcutrix of the last wilt and teetame•nt oC R,A, Bruekman,deceased,requeatina `hat the nnnlication of spirt ?dorman L', Braehear be granted in lieu of license now issued to R,A, Bruc}enan,wa.s presented and read, ~ Councilman Cole moved that the application be referred to the Chief of Police, ?lotion seconded by Councilman S^~ith and rarri?d, Application of Alfred Le@ae~,for retail liquor license at tiumber 323 E Street, together with bond in A, 1:c Rae lqr, the sum of $2000,:"OO,R, ItcInery and A, Horowitz, as sureties, said application being in lieu of license now Linnae. issued in the name of I;!eRae and 1[ewine.was presented and read Councilman Cole moved that the application ` be granted and bond approved, ?kotion seconded ty Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, to wit; Ayes: Holmes,Smith,Ch~+mhere, Cole, Noee: ?done, Oritten complaint eigned•by Sawn Denenberg charging W,H, Cornelison and Ghxrlee Lrecht, Policeman with Danenber.~ misconduct wage presented and read, Councilman Smith moved that the two complaints as filed by Danenber3 be charges received and placed on file and that Thursday Dec „ 19th „ 19i2,at the hour of 7:30 o~clock P,??, in the Council Chamber be the time and place set for the hearing of said complaint and that the Clerk be instructed '- te notify officere~ The complainant and his attorney to appear before the IErcyor and Common Council on said date for hearin_ of said charges, Lotion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, Councilman Holmes moved that an extension of two weeks time be granted to Lisle Eeler Tor the delivery Auto of that certain auto truck under contract, kotion seconded by Councilman Smith and Carried. Councilman ?'ruck. Smith :nov?d that Thureriay the 17th;, day of Dec „ 1912,at the hour of 3 o~clock ba the time set for demon-. strating that certain auto trunk under contract with L1ale $aler Qnd the ~' City of San Eernardino, ' Motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, The Street Superintendent Iresented estimates for the fifth and A Street Culvert, estimating 84 feet of 5th,&A Culvert, 30" corrugated .iron pine, total coat $K00,~00, Councilman Holmes moved that the Engineer be instructed to pre- pare plane and specifications for re-inforced concrete culvert diagonally across Fifth Street on "A" Street to care for the storm waters rapping down A 6treet, Motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried, 5th St, The Street Superintendent presented estimated coat of Fifth Street School drain;total ~528,10,1ese School Drain. subecription,~I05,00,coet to City,0~423,10, Councilman Smith moved that the matter be referred back to the Street Superintrncle~~t,}te Lo confer with the Water Department to ascertain .fiat pipe they may have on hand, 'notion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. The Street Superintendent called attention to all eye in the business part of City. the need of improve- Rept. Street meat of eame,that Court Street B to F Btreet should be pat fn order by forcing new sewer and paving, The Supt, electric sign nuisance grows no better, Tffie Co,mnlttee on electric signs reported there was nothing to do but to enforce the present Ordinance " Reiee The lire Chief recommended that the salary of Harry WeeL driver of Lhe hook and ladder be increased to Salry Fire X85,00, Ous Tian second driver Hook do 3~adder,ealary increased to ¢75.00, Roy Newcomb to be established re- Dept. qularly at the Station at ~'T0.00. Pins, Councilman Chambegs moved that the Bngineer prepare plans for the opening of Catlek Street between open Catlck Sixth and Seventh Streets. ?FOtion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. ? 1 Bt• P.e-?~etab, Councilman Holmes moved that the Lngine.r re-establish the official grade of 81xL}~ Street between Arrow- °' ggrd, head Avenv.r. and I Street and Fourth Street between Arrowhea4 Avenue and I Street to conform with im- Gth St, ath. orovemente made, kotion aecondeA by Councilman ;knith and carried. Councilman Smith moved that the Engineer prepare blue prints of Assessment district where 1~aprove- mente proeeedinas have ``.,sera started. , _ . _ _ . , r continued: i'otionseconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, Drafts- Councilmen Chambers moved t3iat the City Engineer be authorized to employ drafts man at salary of ?90.40 per man ' month, h'o*,ion seconded by Councilman Sisith and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambera,Cole, }7o ea: gone, A.mnd.Ord, Councilman Smith moved that the At+.orney be instructed to prepare an_amendrnent repealinv, Section 26 of ~Y3 ~7 . Urdinance *]o. j47 relating to the Fire Department :lotion seconded by Councilman Holmes and. carried. P.& S. Councilman C.hambere moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and specifications for Pavin3 B St, the paving of 3 Street between Fourth Street and Base Line Street with four inch macadam and cement gutters, 4th.to B,L. Liotion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. ~ Upon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried the Council ad.}ourned to meet Thursday Dec „ 19, 1912,at ~:30 o'clock P.M, i City Clerk. Approved this ~~day of Dece.~nber, I$i2, ~ ~ 4 Eiayor ~ e i y of an rna dano. I ~f r ~ [E \ f r~ i i ~ _ I ~ City }ia1l,San Bernardino, Aec, 19, 1912, r.djourned regular rceetinE of the I'c~yor and Cor,.;:on Council of the City of Sah Bernardino. I'eeting Was called to order by ?'xyor Fright at ~:4 j P,?,:, tltr followirec members of the Council being present: Councilmen }Iolmes,5:nith, Chwnbera, and City Clerk Batchelor, Abeant: Councilmen Irving and Cole. Fy order of !?ayor the readies of rninutee were dispensed with. }Tearing This being the date fixed for the hearing of complaints filed against Policemen Chae, hrecht and Y:,H, char€es F•recht Cornelison, on Dec, 1G,1g12, by one S.~: Denenberg, charging said office.rp with mia-conduct. Corneli- The co:~plaint against polineraen Brecht, was read, The fol].owir.g having beer. eubpoenaed >as xitnesses, eon. were sworr, and heard. Sam Danenberg,F„1:. Chandler, J.B, S9ithson, J.B. Neihoff,C,A. Brecht and Bruno Seibel, After hearing testimony in the matter, Cour,ciLoan 1Tolmea moved there being no evidence of mie-conduct on the Hart of officer Brecht, that the_case be di=:r:issed: I::otion Was seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by { tlYe following vote, to wit: !Ues: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Yoes: None, ^ocr,plafnt filed against Policeman W,TT, Cornelison was token tin and h'rard, The following Witnesses being called testified under oath, Sam Denenberg, IT, P.. ?TeQ.p, S.G. ?3atchelor, W.D. Aldridge, W,H. Cornelison, A.L. 'eepelt and J. i~. Stephenson, -.~+ After hearing evidence in the matter,Councilman }Ioimes stated that if this Council was going to hear j complaints against policeman such as the case presented, the Council could remain in session indefinately, Whereupon Councilman Smith moved that the hearing be die-continued and the charges against officer Cornelison j be dismissed. Notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, i Smith, Chambers. Noes: Done. 'I Report of S+.reet Superintendent , Rept. The Superintendent of Streets reported the completion and acceptance of the macadam pavement of F Street Street Supt, from Fourth to Tenth Streets, Councilman Smith moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to issue a assessment Warrant to the Highway Construction Co „ on theA~~ omp eted portion of Lhe F Street,•Becond to Tenth",paving contract. }notion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, to wit: , Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Noes: None. -, . Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Chambrre and. carrir.d the Council adjourned Lo meet 3.~onday Dec. 23, 1912, at 7:30 O~clock P,.l+, I C y C er , Approved this a~day of Dec „ 1912. ` c }:ayor a y?o ban Pernar no. , , i i i I '+"!R E . i C t l ~ - - ~ _-.-_ _'--._~~....-.~.__._._ ;ice City ]Tall, San Bernardino, Cal, Dec. 23, 1912, r Adjourned regular meeting of the Mayor aril Com-con Council of t}ie City of San Bernardino, i` ICeeLing was called to order by I:ayor Bright at ~ o'clock P,??I, ,+,he following ae:ab!rs of the Council being present. Councilmen ]iolmea, Cmi+,h,rhambera, Irving, Cole, City Clerk Batchelor, The mini}tes of the n-r_eting ;field Becember 16,vere read and approved, The minutes of the seetinq held December 19, 1912 were read and a~prnved, A.G. Kendall, Chairman of Lhe ~Nater Cwnmiesion appeared before the Council and called attention to dATiaP,ed damaged fire hydranta,on account of the drivers of water wagons using any old kind of wrench on the by drante, water Hydrants. Councilman Smith moved Lhat the natter be referred to the Street Superintendent acith instructions to give it his personal attention, to purchase wrenches, if necessary, said wrench!a to be turned in to the water deuartrnent once a. month for inspection. F:otinn seconded by Councilman Holmee and carried. The Chief of Police reported that he had looked un the references regarding Korman C, Bra shear whose Brashest application is pending fora retail liquor license to be conciucted at 411-41j Third Street. Councilman Cole licnae ,f moved that tv~: retail lir,lnee be granted to Forman C. 2irashear at 411-41j Third Street, and bond approved. 1{otion seconded by Councilman Sroith and carried by the followin3 vote, to_wit: Ayes: Holmee, Smith, Irving, Cole. hoes: Norte, Application of J.A. Logan for wholesale liquor license at "_.o, 647 Third Street, together with bond in Appl, Logan the sum of '~2000,~GG, Wi111t+m Shay and J. Dunlap as sureties, toytether with check in the cum of #75,G0, !Yho le- sale being first months license tax in advance, if said application be granted, was presented and reed. Countil.,,an Liquor. ' Cole moved that the application be granted and bond approved, Ibotion seconded by Councilman Rolmee and carried by the following vote,to wit: Ayes: HoL'aea, Smith, Chambers, truing, Cole, No ea: None. ~-, An Ordinance repe+~Ian~ Section 28 of Ordinance 347 of~.ahe;City;:of San Bernardino,, and also. repealing - Ordinarioe IIo, 453 of the City of San Bernardino, was read for the first time and laid over for fina3 passage. wrote. The City Clerk urea authorized to issue warrants as per claims annroved by the z:ayor and Finance gommitte issued. this date, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmee, Smith, Chambers, Irving Cole, i:oee: None, ~ ~ Councilman Smith moved that the City Attorney be instructed to notify property ownere,owninc property Notfy. ~`- prop. liable to be assessed for the improvement of the East Side of D Stree.i between Seventh and Eighth Street, omera East by the construction of a sidewalk therein That the Council is aPout to order said work,e under Lhe Bide D St, improvement act, that said property owners may have a chance to construct said sidewalkc under private contract 1'o Lion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Attorney ~ae:tell presented two chicks, one in the sum of $46'.50 e.nd one in the sum of $68.75, being the Haskell gresente final ~ud{~nent in the. two cases of the City of San Bernardino va w,H. Killer,et al, Councilman Holmee moved two checYe ti!at the, i`ayor of the City of San Bernardino be authorized to endoree and turn said checks over to the City Treasurer, I+ioLion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. ),:ayor Fright presented proposition of calling Special Election for the purpose of amending that cer- Atty. lain Section of the City Charter relating to the bonding limit. Councilman Chambers moved that the City grepr. Chartr. Attorney be instructed to prepare an amendment to the City Charter providing for Lhe amendment of Section amendmt. limiting the bonding lndebtedneae~removing said 2lmitation, said amendment Lo be submitted to a vote of the nnople at s Special Mlection, i;otian seconded by Councilman Smit}? and carried. Councilman Smith moved that L'rte Attorney prepare an emend,nent to the City Charter authorizing the amendment of t}fie Section pertaining to tl~e City Attorney and his salary. Said amendment authorizing the taayor and Com;on Council to appoint e. City AL±orney and fix his salary. Lotion seconded by Councllman Chambers and carried. . •.11 .j ~1i Attorney Stenhenaon appeared before the Council and. requested that 9rdinance amending ordinance Crd.#,KO'7 Teo, j04,lisnitina t}te number of saloons, etc., ss vetoed by the T!nyor at last meeting,be re-cons:i iered, amd. Ord. Upon motion of Councilman Cole, duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, An ordinance an Mding ~f304. A San Bernardino, limitin3 the number of saloons, bara,har- Section 11 of Urdinance Nuab,r 304, of the City of roome,or tippling hou»es, within lh~d City, was read in full for final passage and adopted by the follow- ing vote, towit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole, Noea: Chambers, J. ?V, Curtis ao»eared before the Council and presented the following protest, Ro the Tdgyor and Comm.On Council of the City of San Bernardino,State of California: Gentlemen:- prole+.. We, the undersigned, ownese of real property facing on Catick Street, the number of feet owned by each of. opening i Catick ua being set opposite our aamee reenectS4ely,hereby protest against the opening of said Catick street in front St. of property belonPing to C,L, Hardy. We are content to have Catick »treet remain as it is and oppose any further exnen»e thereon. dated December 21, 1912, Tdame or Owner. T7umber of feet. C.l':, Lnmpson,149 ft. frontage,W.B, Howes, 100 ft. frontage ,J.C, Breselin, 50 ft, fsontage,B,S„, Lotze, ~" • 50 ft. frontage, F.J. Facan,50 ft. fro»tage,T.R, Shoe+. s, 50 ft. frontage,~3en Benson,150 ft, fronatge,B,F, Wheeler,50 ft. frontage,A,L, Hardy, 1~0 ft, frontage. Councilman Chambers moved that the protest ire re- ceived and placed on file, ?lotion seconded by Councilnan Cole and carried. Councllman Smith moved that t}~e Street Superintendent be instructed to interview kr Hardy and ascertain what could be done towards ' securing five or more feet of hie property on Catick Street, Lotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Upon motion of Councilman Cole, duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, the Council ad,#ourned to r4~~" meet T'.onday December 30th,~at 7:30 'o'clock P,k. Cfty C er ~ f' P_nnroved this .3 6' day of Dec., 1912. ~ Ifayo j he C ty of Sa a ttrdino. f i~ p1 t ~ . +ar -~t;E Oity Hill, San Pernardino, Cal. Tec. 30,1912, Adjourned regular xerting of the ?.'ayor and Co.~.-non Council of the City of San Ae.rnardino, ~ 1eetinY was called to order by ?zayor Bright at ~';20 P J~'„ the following u:embers of the Council being pre- sent, Councilmen Sr,ith, Chambers, Cole, Irvin.,. City Clerk Bstchelor, Absent: Councilman 3iolmes, ^she minutes of the previous rceetinc- mere read rod approved, Ord, =rOP, An Qr~iinince RHDealinF, Section 28 of Ordinance ?,o, 347 of the laity of San 'rernnrdino, and also repealing Ordin- ~ ance No, 453 of the City of San'}:ecnardino was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Smith,C3iambera, Cole, Irving. Yoes: None. S.l'. Co. Petition of the'Soutnern Pacific Co:iri~any for permission to build a sour track across Rialto Avenue Spur ~ E Track, between E Street and F Street, was presented and read, Councilman lrving moved that the :.'ayor a~DOint a com- , mittee of three to inveatiaate said application, klotion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried Where- upon }'ayor Bright ar~r,ointed a co::r:ittee consistin¢ of Councilman Irvin3, Cole and Smith, ~ Petition requesting the Council to establish a fire alarm boz at the intersection of E and 14th, Streets, i Fire Alarm was presented and read, Co+xncilman Smith moved that tv:o fire alarm boxes be inatalled~at. the intersection of ~ f P.oxea, ~ of 14th, and E Streets,and one at the intersection o~t• Sixteenth-& D Streets, SJotion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Smith, Chambers, Cole, Irving, Noes: None. Light, Petition requesting the Council to establish Street li¢hta at the corner of 14th, & F Streets and at 14th do F 14th & G t3;e corner of 14th. & G StreeLa,was presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the rr~3tter be referred to the lighting cormnittee, Wotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Corn=r,unication of J,n, Gentry submittin3 an offer to purchase the police patrol wagon for the sun of 9120. was presented and read, San Bernardino, Cal, Dee. 30,1912. Sd~lary To the Hon. ffiayor aad Steno,,. ~ Cowron Council, St.Denart:Gentle?en:- Y~e would respectfully renuest you to authorize an increase of salary for our stenographer and clerk ?50.OU on account of the Street Department and x35,00 for the City Engineer Department,n,aking a total salary of ,85.00 nei• ro~ith, to beiin Jxn, 1, 1V13. ?'fre work of this position have been very Fr?A.t1V increased by the eztenaioe improvements now under ivay, rind ~~y the ©ddition of a new department to the City Engineer's office, and the prevent compensation i"•65,00 (' Der month is not ,justly adequa+:n. The present incumbent },:iss Shea has Droved herself moat faithful and com- ~ petent. 11eapectfully, P'.H. Kelo{rg, St. Surat, Karl F. Tuttle, Clty En~ineP,r. Upon readinc the foregoing Councilmen Cole moved that the salary of the stenographer employed in the • Street Superintendent's office and City Engineer's office to raised to x75.00 per month, Lotion seconded by Councilmar, Smith and. carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Smith,Chaabera, Cole, Irving. iCoea: hone. Salary ..^,ouncil.~an Irving moved that +.he salary of the four park employees be~raiaed ~~.00 per month each, ' Park _7nployes. ?.'otion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Seuith, Chan+bers, Cole, Irving, Noes: Nona, 4~arrante, Y3+e City Clerk was authorized to iReue warrants as per claims approved thin date by the b'eyor and Ficance Ca.:vaitteA },y the following vote, to wit: Ayes: ;with, Chambers, Cole Irving, Noea: }Cone. New Jan- Councilman Smith rrroved that the position of janitor at the City Hall be dlalareA:vscant, ?.'otion eecond- ~ ltor Gty.Hall, ed by Counciln,r~n Cole ar,d carried. 1'eryar Priaht appointed Sap Wixom ,janitor at th? City hall, Said appointment to Lake effect Jan,i,191~. Councilrr~n Ssith moved that the apnoint,nent of the )ayor be contirmnd, 1+.otion seconded by Councilman rp?~ IrvinF~ and carried by the tollo~rinp,^to ~cit: Ayes: Smith,Chambera, Cole, Irving. NoPS: ;:one, 5,~.,;, Eutle) Counril;nan ErnitY, stated that he has intervieMed Fupervisor Futler in regard to improving G Street St• betv+een 16th. ~ ]li~hlnnd Avenue and. t}rtt I,r Rutlnr expressed himself as being willing to inir v~ith ±he City 16th P: sEigh- in szid ir,provn:rent, land Ave. Cou.^.cilman Charrbera moved that the City 1'ngineer be instructedlto prepare plans and specifications for a' Sde"~l~' the construction of a cement sidewalk on Fase nine between P.brouheAd Avenue Snd 1'.'ater^.an-: Avenue, lsotion F,L, P.rv,hd. seconded by Councilman Irvinrr and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes; ChdrbR;•s,Cole;,IPving, No?s: J~ '~' ~°r'' 3nith, P,8 ~ The City N'nvinePr nre9rnted pans and snPCificationa for re-inforcF:d concrete box culvert at Firth and Culvrt A Streets, Cou:~cilroan Co.l,~ .:,ov?d that the plans and snecifioatir,r.s as presented, be adopted, }.lotion seconri- jth. A, ed by Councilman Irving and carried by the foiloxin~r vote, to wit: Ayes: Smith;ChQar~hers,Co3e, Irving, Noea: ~On?. Pond Fond of the Security Irveatment Company, as principal and 1',C, Idc'fimiey and 1},I;., P.Prton, ee eureties,in Secrty' the sum of X200:00 obligating sairi Company to put Pine Street and Stendord Avenue to official grade »s the I Invst- '7 f rrnt,Co' sa:~e may be hereafter established by said City, as p?r Resolution adopting plat 'of th~ Fecurity Investmett Co's Ci]hert Tract, Councilman Smith moved that the bond be accented and approved Potion seconded by Council- ' man Cole and carried, j 3 Councilman Smith .ro~.~.+ +r.-+ tho Clerk he. instructed to advertise for bide for the construction of; a cul- Clerk , ins+,retd'vert ».t the corner of Fifth and A S+.reets ss per plans and specifications adopted, b!otion Feconded by Coun- advrtse. E Culvrt Gilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes; Szith,Chambera,Cole, Irving, Noea: O• - 5 A' Councilman Irvine moved t]-~at the City Attorney in preparing reeolution calling electing, for the amend- i I agent of City Charter,disregard order previously rrK.de amending section pertaining to salary of City Attorney, and that the election be called to vote on one proposition only, that of removing the bonding limit, Lotion seconded by Counci]man Cole and carried, 5111 Councilman Smith ;r.ov d that the till of +.he U,S, Protective Association in the sum of X50.00 for fines U,3,Pro, ' 1asc.P.e- imposed in the police Court, dated August 28, 1912,be rejected, kotion seconded by Councilman Cole and - jected carried, ~ Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly aecorded by Councilman Cole and carried, the Council adjourned to - „v , --~ meet ?`uesday Dece:uber 31,~at '] o~clock P,L?, 1912, • ". / O ' i y C ark. - :~pnroved thin ~a ~ day of~~~i_ '" 191, ' Mayor o e Ci y o a ernar nn. 1 v '7F +v. G P _ _ _ r n i City !?all, .San ?ernardino, Cal, Dec, 32,1912. Adjmrrne8 regular meeting of the b'flyor and Comaon Council of the City of San Bernardino, l_eeting was called to order by 1Fayor Bright at 7:30 o~clock P,1', the following members of the Council j being present. Councilmen, Smith,Chambere, Frvina Absent: Councilmen Cole and FIolmes, By order of the ]'ayor the reading of the minutes wae~diapensed with, Res; Pro- A Resolution proposing a certain amendment to the City Charter of the r,ity o: San Bernardino, providing ` po sing Amniunnt for the publicAtion thereof, a:;d describing and setting forth such amendment,wae read for the first time and to - _ Charter lhid over for final passage. Fond Imt, Councilman Chambers moved that W,R, Somes .e granted a general merchandise license at ~6,G0 per quarter I }".P.. at '70, 1010 Rth Street,to eolicit~nd sell a certain cleaner and rust eradicator manufactured by himself. 8omea A6,GO }:'otion aeconrted by -Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: ~nith, Cha.•abrra, Irving, I,iaenae, 77oea ; Nona. ~ I~ T7rP City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants, ae ner pay roll of Street Superintendent and City '~ \ Y.'a~rrants, - , Engineer approved by the rinanee Comrr,ittee and Eiayor this date, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Smith, , hamtere, Irving, Noea: None, Upon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried, the F7ouncil ad,fourned to meet Monday Jan, b, 1913, a.t 7:30 o~clock P,L. e ~~c~ City Cle Ap»roved this _day o` Jan, 1013, f ; lr_ayor o~ e City of San Be,,p ar ino. t • i ' ' I f a w t f i~ I i . ,~A;1 1 ~ ~ 4 i i I ', _r t '~ -~ t ~ '. :F l i -- Y l~ 1 ~ - `r ,i,) City Ha11,San Bernardino, Cal, Tan, 6, 1913, Adjour;~ed regular meeting of the P;r+yor and Co.rraon Council of the City of Si+n Pernardino, ~' ~ *C~e+,inx was Grilled to order by ]°ayor lsriailt at i3:20 P.?~, the followig members of the Council being present: Councilmen , F{ohaea, Srnith, Cha~rbera, )ruing. Absent: Counr,ilRan Cole, i The Minutes of the :r,eeting held De.c. 30, 1912, ware read and approved. The :cinutes of the ;r!etine held n:c, 31, 191?,^•ere read and approved, 1, ~YJ,'!:, Brison annear~d 1~efore t~r~ Council, as a representative of the Chamber of Cora-r.erce and ~sadc request Eand Stand ~ ' of the Council fob sn annrop;iation of r.»nroxiaat.~ly ?2G0,40 for the conatrac±i~n of a band stand in ~ Lugo Park. ?:zap Park, Cov~~.~~i1~~~r Irving ,roved t}trtt the City Rn;ineer be instructed to prepare a plan for a band stand in Lugo Perk not Lo *xoeed in coat ~20fi,00 Diotion seconded by Councilman I3olmes and carried, i RFSOI.rJTIO'~I ?:0. K81. ~' A ?RSOI:Ci^_'ION PROPOSItiG f. CFT'.'~.1IN A;7:!?~~`dT ''4 Ti-T~ ^ITY r7t~;p;r-?a Op 7f}rL' CITY OI' SA_N ~1"?2??.,?^IuO,PP.OVIDI:iG s FOR T}~' P!J°LICr.TIO?: T}TT''.°F.OF, p.P:D E?SCRIEi*IG ."~TJ :;I:TTI!dG FOP.T}} STJC}! .1•_~'???:F.'}R'. , - ~ ~ ~' 1Y}iereae, in accordance with the provisions of Section 8'and 8~ of Article ?(I of the Conatitution of the Stat.e of California, The. City of Sfln Berriardinn, a muticipal corc_igration in the County of San Bernardino, State E of California, heretofore framed and adopted a Charter for said Cfty, which Raid Charter was duly and re- ii \ gularly zpnroved by the Legislature of the State'of California, to wit: by an Act of said Legislature, { adopted February 8th, 1906, entitled " Aaeeiably Concurrent Resolution No, 12, approving the Charter of the E City of San Eernardino, State of California, voted for and ratified by the qualified voters of said City t 'at a special election held therein for that nuroose on the 6th day of January, 1905," Now Therefore, be it resolved that the following proposal for the amendment of the Charter of the City i of 1San Eernardino, be and the.eame is hereby,eubmitted, to sit: 'rhe legislative suthority of the City of San Bernardino hereby submits to. the qualified electors of said City blHe hereinafter named proposal to arr~end L;ie Charter of said City in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 and 8'a of Article R1 of the Conatitution of the State of Cal..°ornia; said proposal will be submitted to the qualified electors of said City for their ratification or rejection at a special election to be called, :~~iad~and~.Iveld after the publication of paid proposal in the manner required by law, SECTION 1, ' PROPQSF.'D CH.4RT~i .~'!I?2dTA.'Y".`iT N1lb!E'::F? 0?~, It is hereby p'ropo9ed'that Section 133 of the Charter of said City be amended so as to read as follows: SECTIOa 133, Vthenever the hayor and Ommon Counr,il ahall,by ordinance ~r resolution, determine that the public interests or nec'eseity de:rsnda the acquisition, construction or completion of any municipal im- nrovement, the coat of which will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the C.fty,they are hereby given the poser and authority to call a special election and submit to the qualified ?oters of the City the nropoeitior. rif incurring indebtedness to ppy the coat oj.'euch improvement set forth in said ordinance or resolution, Ff said proposition be accented by a two-thirds vot~sof the f" qualified electors voting at such election, the ?layor and Gomnon Council may issue and dispose of bonds of. saidJCity iq-evidence°Of.enid indebtedneae, ??ut the City or mnicipal Corporation of San Bernardino shall not incur any indebtedness for public improvements which shall in the aggregate exceed Bif4een (15) Per Cent of the assessed value of all the real~and personal property of such City or Municipal Corporation. In all other respects not herein provided for, the procedure for calling and holding ouch elections and the issuance of bonds shall be governed by general law of the State of California applicable to Cities of the Fifth Class. // The amendment h-rein proposed shall be known and designated as " Proposed~Chartef,Amendment No, One", ~ ' and if ratified by the elec.tore voting at said special election, shall be in foras and take effect immediately after its approval by the Legislature of the State of California, , SECT I014 11, ' Immediately upon the ap»roval of this xeaolution by the 1;ayor, the City Clerk is suthorized.and directed to cause the same to be publish!d for ten (10) days in the Evrning Index, a newspaper•.of gener~~f1~ circulat- ion printed and p~.:bliahed 1n the City of San Eernardino, and said publication shall constitute T-' publication required by Section Eight of Article ^r,leven of the Conatitution of the State of California. ; • SBCTIODT,l ll. . Tl~e City Clerk shall certify to the gaseage of *•his Resolution by the Common Council and cause tYie?eaae to be publisher) in the :Wanner set forth in Section 11 hereof. ` I hereby certify that t}te w}sole numter of mernbere of the Comecon Council of t're~City of San Ear»ardino is five, an6 that the foregoing R,;eolution war adopted by said Cormaon Council at itq meeting held on the 6 day of Sxnuary ,1913,ay the following vale, ' ' ~ 1yr,a; lfolmes, Smith, Chambers, Irvin3, y ..roes: .lone. 5.~. Yat~helor, City CI~r'er, . Annrov*d this ~ day of danuxry, 1913, ,' T,S, gright~ 'ayar of t}ie Cit.y of San Bernardino. I~- -55 - - . ~--. --_. I -t~ifi continued.: ?he Rennrt of the Chief of Police and ex-officio license collector for the !sonth of December, 192, was Rep, presented and read, Councilman Smith moved that the report be received Rod placed on file J?0tion seconded 1 Chf, Police. by Councilman Chambers and carri^d. i Rep. HenOrt of thr, City Fieetricii:or the month of D~caR~oer, 1912, was presented and read. Councilman chamber i Cty, - rlect, r.,oved teat the report be received and placed 0n file. hotinn seconded by Councilman HolmFa and carried, I Fond of Thos, L, LeFarlane, ae principal and John FI, Pzr+,on and Steven Wood, as sureties in the sum of E Pond ~ ?2,000,SO, in pursuance 0f the nrovisi0ne of Ordinance No, j00, pertaining to the business of nlarnbins, was pre- ~ Thos. ~ F.eFsrLi, tented €or approval, Councilman S:uith moved that the bond be accepted and approved, k'otion seconded by Councilman Cha~bere and carried by the following vote, to -xi t.: Ayes: Ho1mcF, &nith, Ci2a~-*=hers, lrving. ?does: Hone. Application of S:T, A. Aardle for wholesale liquor license at 270. 105 'S Street, together with bond in the Appl,~C Bond sum of ?2000,00 A, Horowitz end F,C, Drew, as sureties, was presented and. read, Councilman Holmes moved ~f,Randle, that the licer.ee he granted to 4hy, A. Randle and bond approved. }Lotion seco~lded by Councilman Smith and carri- I ed by the following vote, to wit: domes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, ?goes: ?done, Application of F.ee Baam for wholesale liquor license at No, 42j Third Street, together with bond in the Anal, $ Ford uum of X2000,(00, A,B, Wise and k'rank D. Xeller, ae sureties, was presented and road, Councilman Holmes _ rep Beam. f` moved that a wholesale license be granted Lee Seam and bond approved b'oti0n seconded by Councilman f _'° Smith and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chamberp, Irving, Noes: None. Thtz being the date for fixing agate for printing, advertising and job printing for the year ending ,TSn, jl, 1914„it was moved by Councilman #rving, duly seconded by Councih~nan Smith and carried 'oy.iYila? unanimous vote of the Council. that the following schedule and rates for the year beginning the First day of 1913 and ending on Lhe jlst, day of Jan, 1914, be paid for printing, advertising and job printing and the same are h5raby adopted to wit: SCHRD'JL;r FOR CITY JOB P~.INTING, For the aublishing of ordinances, Resolutions, orders and notices reouired to be published, thirty cents per square of 2j4 ems of nonnnriel for first insertion and fifteen cents per similar square for aubBequent in- sertions, For prlnting and publishing locale and readers, bills and claims reouired to be published,ten cents per line "_ for each insertion set in brevier or the body type of the paper, For doing the lob printing, the following schedule and rates: ~ ~ loo 5oa loon Letter IIeada,Ruled,Ashland 0r Ste equivalent 2,75 4,00 " " unruled,Bond--------- --- 2.75 4,00 ?Snvelopee,G-~.~------------------------------ I.GO 3.00 " G-„Pond------------------------------ 2.50 4,00 " ~ los,low;-----------------~----____-___ z.75 a.5o " '~Prisonere property,Columbian Clasp- j,00 7.00 '22;50 Patrol~Keporf Blanks,---__..-_.._~ _____~-__....___.. 3,00 5.00 Plack List--Off,-On.--------------------------- 2.00 3.50 Descriptive Alaska, Bicycle-------------------- 1.50 ~ 3.00 " " ,Individuals,-~.~------------- 1.50 j.OG Jury cards---------------- r-------------------- 1.50 2.50 Warrants, pPr book of 100, in lots of five tooke,~2,00 per book in lots of Len books, 1,50 per book Licenses, per book of 100,in lots of five hooka, 1.75 per book in lots of ten books, 1,?K der book Receipts books of all kinds, 100 to each took, in size j-1/2xll,or s•aaller,in lots of five booke,75c per per hnok,in lots of ten booksW55c pPr book. . 'l Au+,horizatinns, Permits,for Cutting Streets, Cer*i?'Sr.etog of Accep+.~nr,e,Requests for Cutting fitreets,n.nd all bound books not to Pzceed in size 4-1/2 x 12 inches, in bopke of 100.. each, in lots of five books, 85c fler "` b.~ok, in lots of ten books, 65c per book, 500 logo Seekly ,Tine Cards, J'onill+; ------ 4,r~r G,Co Claims, 2 sides, 7x8 -1/2 incites, --------------------------- 4.00 7.00 Legal Fianks, wl5lch will include *.11 blanks of whRtsnever charaeter,iw:-sizes as follows; c~,uerter Sheet,? x 2-1/2 inches FJalf Sheet E-I/2 x 14 inches, and full ,~'1,teAt, B-1/2 x 28 inches :~t the following rites: l ~~F:~ i' • 100 r00 10^0 ~,uartcr S}ieet--cue aide..--------••----------------- --- --• 1.75 2.~0 4.00 `-,•;o aides----- -- 3,0o n„o 6 ,o ' r{elf Ehr.et--one side --------^---------------------------- j,GO 4,~0 6 ~0 two sides ---^ ------------------------------- 4.7i 7.00 10.50 r -.•ull sheet--On> aiij4--------- ------~---------------------- b.00 £'x.50 10.x0 ` T~so aid.ee------- --------------------• --------- 8.00 11,54 16.00 All blanks ret;uirin~ intricate ruli~ig, file ruling to be :,ddet, • I Upon motion of Couar,ilman Ir'rinT ,'u l seconded by .^.au•~,ciln:~,n R:+.ith ens carried, the City Clerk u~as F:L t119 ri 7. P,d t9 2d'?E`I'ti3P. rnr }.i C)? for d71:~i' r~ (~1 ,' ti .i •,7n ~--'ieinF, aIld jOb printlnp fOr t}"ie ye~T bP~lll rii rim FebruQry 1, lglj, rind ending on the jlst. drt•v of Jan. 1914, said advertige+~p,-,t to re in the following- four:., to vrit: ';n"1C'F ~A7,LI}.G r^Oq rI?)S, T'vrauYnt to an order a:ade sand given by the i`ayor and Co,nr,on Council of the City of San Pernardiro,at a *}oti~e Callinv regular meeting thereof, held an the Gth, day of January , 191j, bids will be received by said Common Council Bide up to and until•~:30 otclock P,L~, on the 20th, day of Tanuary 113, for the doing of e,ll City printing, Cty, 2.dv«~rtisina, a.nd job printing, of the City of ban Ternardino, for the year ending January 31, lala, printing, dll bids for publishing Ordinances,resolutiona, orders amd noticea, renuired to be huhliR}:Fri,s)+ell be at z rnrP Var square cf 234 ems of nonparirl, set solid,for the first insertion,«rd at r+ rate per einiilar square for~each subsequent insertion, The title of al_1 ordinanees,.resolutions,orders and noticea, renuired to bP cubliahed shall be act in I '~ 12 inch black face if^~oint type and shall be r,easur?r1 accordingly, i The bddy of ±he Ordinances, J'eso2utions, arder9, ord notices may be set in nonpariel or any type larcer, tut. if set in tyre lsr~er than nonnariel shall be measured in the type in which set 234 ems to the square:, 7?ids for locals and readers and bills and claims, required to be publiahed,ahall be at a rate per line for first insertion and a rate per line far each subsequent insertion. To be set in brevier or *ody type j i of paper. Aida for publishing ordinancee,reeolutiona, orders and noticea required to be published,ms.y be submitted separate from the bide for ,job printing, or bide may be combined in the discretion of the bidder. The bidder or bidders to whom said contract is awarded rust furnish the City Clerk with twelve conies of each advertisement printed for the City under said contract, All bide must be accompanied by a certified check in a sum not leas than Two i}undred and Fifty Dollars ~y254,00) ass guaranty chat the bidder will abide by said bid and enter into the contract awarded or else ',. urnish a bond for said nm.m.4nt and payable as aforesaid, si;ned ty the bidder end twonsuretiea who shall justify before any officer co;rpetent to adminiRter an oath, in double the amount of said bond,and over s. and above all statutory exPaptions. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond in the sum of One Thousand ].ollars ( ~1000,~OC~) far the faiiY,ful parfornaree of said contract; said check or said bond, ror the said cum of ~250.OOto be forfeited to the City of San Pernardino upon the failure of the successful binder to enter into a ~critten contract and to furnish a bond for the .,aid sum of $1 Of 0,00 as aforesaid, within five r3<.~.e s~ft~r the award o£ •4Riri contrac±, '~~ The right is hereby reserved to reiPet any and all bide, d ti•_ Dated this bth. da-r o f Tar., 1913, Warrants. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warranty City Clerk, ~ j as per clsimA approved this date by the L'ayor and Finance ~ coasiltee by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holrp~s, Sreith, Char~bera, Irving, "Jo es: 6o$a, ~ 7ts~s •~+I.,b Deedaof D, F., Seeley and others granting to the City of San Pernardino, property IK 7C lab fert extend- I YJ!ed a Seeley ing from Arrowhead Avenue to Seeley Avenue, between Sixth and Seventh Streets, were prsaemted and read f ~ tv City Councilman Stith moved that the :ratter be laid over for one week. 3iotion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, Councilman Chambers :rovedthat the City Rngineer be instructed to measure the cuts wade in asphalt CLtte in As- streets and submit the sane to theffiehway ConetrueLion rp „ t},Py to makr. offer Los doin_ said work. { phelt 5trrrts 2^otion seconded by Councihman :wraith and carried, Councilman Smith moved that the Engineer, after checking up f. ~ asphalt Hatch work, be authorized to order such work as is necessary, cos*, of sane not to exewar !2CO,n0, '~ and it'the work should exceed ~20U.UO,nat to order roric done, tat to report back to the Council, l:otlon + ; seconded by Councilman Ghambera end carried b the followin vote to wit: ` Y 8 Ayee: Hol.mea, ^wnith, Chambers, } - ]ruins '3~ea: ?ions, .c A~port f th? City rngineer of fees received by the bureau of testa anC inenections during the month ~ of flPC~.,rPr, 1922, wan grASentrd and read, CaunC,ilmn» Smith moved ti~at the report be raceivad and placed on -- 'r ~ 3 ____~.r.~._ ~ - ~..~- -, E; o i I . _'~, file, *,'otion eoconded by Cow+cilman lrvinn acid crirried. i;>solut,inn ndogting »lane and s»rcifioations for tha construction of rs sewer in Pine and 7, Street, from l,;t Vernon Avenue on Pine Street to L Street <~nd on I. Street from Pine Street to Sixth Street in raid t., City of Spin l;err,v~~i~.nn, es nrePRred by the City Engineer of said City :-nd submitted this Eth, day of Jan. 191?, ul~ich sari 6necificatfon~r are 1?0, 1j9, was read for the first Licr,e an~i laid. over for final Taeop~;e, Unon notion of ~n+cnr•ilrran .with duly seconded by Councilmen Irving and eaPPied,the Council adjourned meet Jan. 13, 191, at 7:?0 o'cldck P, lf. '6~ci~r~ --- - A~nrovcrl this day of Jan, 1913. t c ' ~tayOr of lty o/San A, aTd inO, • /f s ~ ~ -s I. i 1 ` . + i i i l 2 k ~ ~ /. i . i i i i i, ' r~~`. I ~' i r r,c; C1TY ?i.9T.,T,,g~~; -.;,~~;n?nj;n,r~.'1F.3*' .:cl:',' L 1~~1 -~-•'' 3 . ;adjourned re;.alar :r.? -tin= of t}1e ?•ayOr adlfl Corson COU11C11 of til0 (~2t;j Cf :`Ltn Fel'iiL.t•i:ln0, ~" ~'e 6tin„ 77:1S C'rille?d t0 OrCter by t~*i }'Or F.ri -/ilt i?.t l~ the f0110`Fin~ *tP?lt,e r8 01 th0 COUnCll bPln DI'ePerff Q Olit7C 11fl1Pn, n01?1Pc, $IDi t~l, C'h?:Gt1PrP, 0010 alid Irv ins-. The .:inutea of t}ie previous rr.e~tin,r wr:re read ar,d approved, Cnrreet' n Council can a~it}; moved that .tPle ;rinutes of Dece.r.Yer 19th, 1512, resnectin~z the. i:scance of s warrant tothe ^ec.1;,12. ?iiFl,wny ^onsLract,inli !'o~ ncenj:, fnr 1119 cgmnl?terl -,ortion of the r Street pavinc contract entered into Y:et•r:een • the ~unrrintendent cf `;treFts and the ~'i}?h'.v,nv ronetruction ror~nany, be corrected so as to show the T,otion act- ualiy rfdont ed at tll P_ 'tlR,e, ,-a 1f'c COi't'F.Ct1Al1 tri bA i?7 tiiP fO110A in pa rtiCUlar: In t}i P. fourth line OCCU ri nF shortly after the r~ords "Kis}ieay ronstruction Co",and betvreFn the •sord "the" anti the •~ord "completed" insert i~^,P t'aC r~ "L;°rj t•q S11fl", R.nrl the r:l r'rir iq OrdP rod t0 Rieke, t?.Z ifl COrrectior,. ,'o t.ion A~1S SeCOn~°r? Y~L' (,',OLinCi1T,R?1 Irving and carried by the follovring cote,, t0-'Rit: :~'y'0S; 1(olmes, Ftr,ith, Chambers, Cole, Irving. ?M=»: non?. 1?es,Adnt. R~30LUT10?: ADOP?'I?!r rTrr„ ".2iP SF?sCIFIC".TICI:S for the construction of a public serer in Pine and L strrr.te P P.c S. Sewer froT ;~t `Jernon AVe1111P o,i Pine Street; and on L Street from Pine to Sixtll Street in the City of SRn reraerdino, ~' Pine L. ~ as prepared ;-,y t}ie City Engineer of said City and submitted on the &tlt day of 3Hriutary,1513, w:,ich said specif- ications are nn,rhered "1~5",waA read for final passage and adopted by tl,e follnwina 40tP., to-tit: <'tyes; }IOL;t:eA, ~mit11, Cha gibers, Cole, I.rvin~. Soes: none, , I:es,of Int. AResolution of t}iB ?,layor and Co:r.-ron Coacci2 of the City of Ban Eernarcrino declarin_ their intention to Sewer Line L. construct a public vitrified sewer in Pine ens L Streets, frotr. r't:'ernon Avenue on Fine $tTP,P.t to I,CgrP,et, and on L Street frog Pine~itrPP_t to ;ixt}; ;,rr?et in the City of Ean Fernardino, to"ether rcith fresh tank, manholes, and w~/es, wa» read for the fir»t time and laid over for final passage, P,~S,I:PPT, ,RFi'CLU'~IO'I At!(?r~I"_:^ rl,n*.S ~*~T e-~.r•_~c•ingminrae for the construction of a public sewer in I Strnat in thn F & S, "I"CT. City of Sctn Fernardino as nr~-~ared by the City Rnn_in-ar of said City, and submitted this 13th clay o1' January CUTFAI.I. :?'~";?^, I413i -sllich gain snecification» are numbered "1~?"", Ives read for the first time and laid over for final rassage PFc,O'~' L*'F. .4 P~:;OLUTi^2i of the ?-c,yor and Co:cron Couneil of the City of San Fernardino, declaring their intention to GR.~1'~3 chance and re-establish the official grade of Sixth Street frog the west boundary line of Arrowhead Avenue to the west boundary line of 16tre~t, was reaA for the first time and laid over for final passage, , gr$,Or.• I2iT, cryr,TII^IOE of the ?-'ayor and Co;n.uon Council of the City of San Iernardino, declaring their intention to ~wF.fiTRE GRaDk: establish the official grade of D :;treat, from the youth boundary line of Sixl,eenth street to the south boundary ~?'I ,?C:~ :.1't'.~line of ?;ighland Aven~lP in said City, was read for the first tiles and laid over for final Passage, pW°.Cr^ ITjT. A P.L:°OL'~m1U:~ of the !'ayor and Coa`r;on Council of the City of San Pernardino, declaring their intention to '.iT:- ~ STAB CYS,D:? chance anA re-establish the official crgde of ^ourth StrPrt,from the west line of Arrowhead kvenue to +h. Pa Pt FOL'N.T}i BF.T. "C" 3: "D". lip' of n Street in ariid City, wv?s read for the first live and laid over for final passage, F ~ C, The.CiLy Fn_-inepr presenteA revi»ed Plana SpoeiSicAtio*7t+ fora concrete arch culvert across Seventh CL'LIT.°TIT, street in ToNn ^.•-pPk in the City of fnn Ferrarr7lno, Counnil:ran F•nith ~no4ed that the Flans And RnPCificationa for A C01iCrP.t.P. arch c•llt•Art in Se-r?ntl•, street, anA mrnhr.rPA F.2o, be. aanrovPd and the, sane are her~l•~y sCopted, .r' c,otinn ~ec,.nded by Councii^•an srolrP? .end cnrrieA by +he following vote, to-wit: AI•PP: ?Tnl•aP=, ;',r.i+,},, Chamh.,re !`nle, Irvine„ '.?q?s: Wont:, Spur CO~t-i++°e appointed to inv~stiaate application of the Sou.thprn PPcific Company for spur track iCTON T{SPlto Rialto Avenue between F. and F Streets, reported favorably: Councilman Irvine n,ov-d that the Southern Pacific Co'egnny Avenue, be .,rantaA PerT,i»aion to nzcavate anA c•onetruct a rallrosd track , the route of w1-.ich le deecribeA as ~D0 ~ - - ~ fol'owa, to wit: ?spinning Rt a point in the center line of the southerly leg of the wye track F.t S:+n Fernardino,eaid point being 209,4 fP.P.t frog, the jernotion of said southerly wye track with the center line of the Southern pacific Co.~oany~s Aranch line from Colton to San Pernardino, said ,junction point being oleo at Fngine.er Station 2oint~ofof Ea id bench line thence on tangent to said center link Er sou^t~e~~ a~w~y-e rte ~ck~ at initial vnc,, . L Y p proposed apur,P~ feet, :core or less, to a point thence northeasterly a'orl~g a curve„drst&rioe of ~ 61 feet, more or less, to R point on the southerly line of Rialto Street, said point belrg 180 feet, more or less, from the southwest corner of Rialto and "F" Streets; thence continuintZ northeasterly along afore- - sair3 curve and Rcrosq Rialto Street a distance of 87 feet , more or less, to a point On tl;e northerly line of P.iRlto Street thence continuir.a northerly over private property R distance of 602 feet , more or less, to the tertinus of valet snut, ?rotion seconded by Councilman Bmi+.h and carried by the followinC vote., to wit: Ayes: }iolmee, S•~•ith, Cha~,tPra, Cole, Irving. ?does: None, $uni- Application of the S~ni*ary Plumbing Company by Gus Sohneon and ?!,F, Ashley,for a license. to engage in the *.a ry plu:~b- businega of plumhinn Rt *;o, 264 1?ase nine Street, in the city of San PPrnarr~fn^, tozpther with bond in the aura ins Co. r of c20C0.00 was presented Rod rgaA, Councilman fiTith moved that the ar,plication be granted, and bond as pre- sented, Rnproved, )r:otior. seconded by Councilman rhambere and carried, Seele Deed of D.};. Seeley, et al, Granting, to the City of San vernardino all their right, title and interest y in and to that certain real property sihtarpd betwee Arrowhead Avenue and 'Seeley Avenue, and °iath and Aeventh Deed, Streets, was presented for Acce»Lance, Upon recommendation of Attorney Haskell, it was referred tack for . correction, .~' lYarrent Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk be authorized to draw s warrant ar+ainst the Park Fund in fP.PQT Paving of the empire Securities Co „ for >n1108,29, i~ n~y;rent of claim for the paving of F Street P<zrk fr~ntaec, Park Front L`.otion seconded by Councilman Cha:cbera and defeated as per the following vote, to wit: Ayes: S;r~ith,Charabere, ?i0 P9' ):Olm P.9, •~,Ol°- lY'Vi^~;. • Councilman Irving moved that the Clerk bP inst.ructed to issue a warrant against the street fund for 1'rarrant Paving $1108,29 in Savor cf the Empire Securities Co „ in pRy~rent of their claim far paving F Street Park Fron*,xge. park 'front, )rption aeconrtpr~ by Councilman ^nIp anS ear«1ar} rv +he following vote, to wit: Ayes: 'rolmea, Smith, Cole, Irving Noes: Chambers. San Bernardino, Cal. Jan. 8, 1913, To the Honorable }'ayor, an~i City Council, • Com, San Bernardino, California, Gentlemen;- S,Fe, geferrine to a frxnnhise granted to the A,T,&. S.F. R_v, Nov, lith, 191.? for x spur track on "I" Streetto serve a f r~~+. nnoking house,I find the Rpplication contained two minor errors in measures+enta, and 5.~ i would respectfully request that~the f~gt!res ttlerpin readinr~ agP,3 feet be oh^nq.~ to 394,3 feel, ann the ' figtrrrs therein reading 5.22 feet be changed to read 1,75 Peet. This in order that records may br correct, - I am attaching hereto a cony of the original applicRtinr. with changes made in reel figures. Yours truly, :Q,:i, bowler, general Arent, i ' Tenon reading the foregoing Counci).TAn S:rith moved *hat the request of the A,T,, do S.F. gy, Co„ be granted :xnA the Clerk a•t+.hnri~orl to make such corrections. Lotion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, } Comrrunicatian of the ;:aLionxl Cloak and Suit !}puss requesting that the Council instruct the City ' Clerk to issue a regular mercnantB license at 'x.5,00 per quarter waa presented and read, Councilman Smith ;.need thnt the request be granted and the clerk inatracte~! issue ~G,00 license to the National ,' !`look and Suit ]Souse at )do, 334-6 D Street. );otion sPCOnA•d by Councilman frvins and cA.rrled, y Aephlt, T}te City Engineer reported that he had measured un the asphalt .;3*.^hinR to the amount of $135,GO,but did i! Patt•hing• not think it advisable to order wont Anne without putting in macRdam foundation, ^.^+,xcilman Smith Moved that f the Str•~et Sunerintcnrient be ;tutho,~f7ed tr, enter into a contract with the }(igllway Construction Com»snyfor --~ doing ae?halt natchin pork, at R coat of twenty cents per square foot, Total amount not to exceed ?20C,C0, ^l,e Street Superintendent to prepare sub-grade, 2:otion seconded by Councilman }tolmee and carried by the fol- lowin3 vote, to wit, Ayees- F{olmee, Sn;ith, C}iur,,tere,Cole,Irvirrv, hoes: 1{pate, j C~~•.rr,cil.•nan Irvine :noved ChRf the au+tter of nlar,ira arc lights alonL Rin_:.ran Str~r_L,ts referred to Are L19hte Y.ingman, t}te lightin.; co-rr,itte~, ?'~tion aPCOndr.d by Cnuncilrnan Smith and carried. -, .'; t ~ i Reoort. of thA SunerintendenL of Stree+.a of operations of the Street Lenart^~enL fur the r:onth of F:enort, v~, '^:"r er, 1912, ii'R£i TiTP FP,nt~d and r~RR, ~'OU~l ~',?~"~"`' ~'..".Jlif"i q.GVt?d t}1FLt Yi'ie 1'P, iJO rt YiP ^nnniVn!{ O Eunt, r,d placed on Fl le, ~~n`~nn p.PC071ded LC;J CJ.:,ci llGan 1rVl n:? a?iCi Qat•Tf(~'~ v'nnn notion of Co-~~-.~'1,•r~n S:,it:n, duly sL'k:onried by Cnunrilrran Irving xr,d carried, the Cmn-.ci] adinurnad t;o ?':.'P± L'onday Jen, 20, 1913, at 7:30 o'clock °,'t`, n~ av r~+l ar'r~ Annrove~9 t1~ig ~~dr,y of Jatil, 1913, r-xyor oft ~~~~n Pte. ~~.~'7ino~ _ l' f~_ f- ~ . v ' yd J r S$ I` 1 . 1 i ,,,' CITY HALL,SAN BER2TARDIltO,CALIF.JANUARY 20th,1913• A'd~ourned regulap meeting of the 1[syor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. Yeetirig was called to order by Jayor Bright at 7,40 o~clock P.1S. the following membeie`of the Council ~ being-preeeriL; Councilmen, Smith', Chambers, Irving, Cale. Abeent;• Councilman Holraee. The niinut~es of''t$e~presfoue meeting were=read acid eppsoVed.• Res. A I#ted$t~df&~F at' tb~e 1[sa,®r amt Cwamaaa ~ctl of the Ci.tli of Sae Rernardfim..dssclasx~iag; t3teia IIate+sEioer. tee cas- Int, ;rO2 struct a public vitrified pipe eewcr in Pine and L Streets, frmnsxt:Vernon Avemie on Pine 8tree+, to L Street $;9er '_'i;;e and on L Street °rn~ Pin r• ctrp°t `.n Sixth Scree+, in the City of San Fernardino,toSether with flush tank,man- holes, and wyes,••vas read for final ps.e»age and adopted by the following vote, to-wit : Ayes: g~ith,Chanbere, Cole Irain¢,Noea: ?Tone. Res. Resolution adopting plans and specifications for the conatructioa of s public sewer in I Street in the Adpt. P d g City of San Bernardino, as prepared by the City Engineer of said City, and submittted on the 13th. day of Jan•, I St. Sewer. 1913, which said specifications are So. 155, was read for final passage sad adopted by the following vote,to- wit: Ayes: Smith, Chambers, Cole, Irving. Noes: None. Councilman Holmes took hie seat at 8:20 ~r Res. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Ban Bernardino, declaring their intention to coa- Int. ~lrjt3Ba11 struct a public vitrified pipe sewer in I Street from Van liens Avenue to Bighth Street in the City of Sea Ber- swar I St, pardino,together with 6- 16-inch x 4- inch wY83, and 6- 18-inch x 4 -inch wYE6, and 16 Hanholee, and 1-22 inch connection into manhole at Van Neae Avenue and I Street, wse read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Ree.Int. Resolutioa of the Mayor and Commoa Council of the Char of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to :583 Ra-estab• change and re-establish the official grads of Siztil Meet from the west boundary tins of Arrowhead Avenue Grade, Sixth St• to the west boundary lice of I Street, was read for final passage and adopted by the tollawing, refs, to-wit} Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Cl~anbers, ~s'ving ,Cole, Toer: Tons: Rea. Int. Resolution of the liyor sad Cosaon Couaoil of the City of San Berasrdias, denlsslwQ their intention to Rem-estab. establish the official grads of D Street, Eras the ssath birMary lies si 8tztsspih StrNt W tie Seuth bound- Grade -~~ D St. cry line of Highland Avernus is said City, was read foe final passage sad adepied by tle tallasdni refs, to- l wit: ayes: Holmes, Sai~th, Chambers, }r?SnQ,Cole. Toes: Tons. Ree.Int. Resolutioa of the Mayor and Coaon Council of the City of San Bernardino, deai~eias their intention to R~eetab. change and re-establish the official grade of Iourth Street frost the west line of Araowhead Atiaas t• the } Grade 4th.Bt• east line of D street is said City, was read fos final passage sad adopted by the following rote, to wit} gyes: Holaee. Baith, Chambers, Erring, Cole. Toes: Tows. Res. Rcsolution adopting platys and specifications for tbs eonstrsetion of s pablie seser in 81zth Street '4 w Adpt. ` P A S. frog 1i Street to iKt. Vernon Araaae, in the City of Ban Sernardims, as prspassd by qre City Tnginser of said 6th.St• city. and subwatted oa tla ZOth. dq of Jan, 1913, which said e~eeitieaileM are nu~bsred 160.wsm read for " the first ties and laid wwe !es t*aal pasease. ~ Side phis being the dais ttsM lTSS epeaias of bids for doias tie Ci~'e trintias for the year ending Jan. 31. City 1914, S.t. Ydabb syssared 1d~e tb» Cow,noil on berialf of tsiut T1~ sad Caaah t Btewrt,~ob printers. and ~ Print- ~~' y iqg oD~sated to snob bids btiug spewisd at this ties ,~,t~at sueR D~~?rs was not is soaordaaae with the City Charter. Councilmsa Binh awed that the ClerTs prooeed to opw such bids. lotion ssooadeA b7 Councilman Irving wad carried. ltersttpon She Clerk proossded to open suah bids, the following beirts aoopies: I(; i - continued; • San Bernardino,Cal. San. 20,1913. To City Council, City of San Bernardino. ' Gentlemen:- ' Pursuant to'notice calling for bids, eopf of which is attached, the Ban Bernardino News and The Free press offers to print legal notices, as'outlined in said notioe;at eight cents per square for first in~ert- ion and sin cents per square for'all subsequent SneerLione. 1?e also offer to print reading notices, claims,etc. at rate of two cents per line per insertion. Above afters made with the understanding that we recei?s all fob printing required by city, we agreeing to do said fob work at five per cent off prices filed by your body January 6, lgl3. Enclosed find certified check for X250.00 accompar~?ing offer, Vera truly. San Bernardino Hews and The Free Press, Bq O.Y. Cannon, Aueinese Manager, ~ San Bernardino, Cal, Jan. 20, 1913, To the Honoranle, Mayor and Common Council. City of San Bernardino, ~ Gentlemen:- ~ Pursuant to your advertisement calling for bids for doing the printing and advertising for the City of San Bernardino for the *ear ending Jan. 31,1914, copy of which is hereto attached and made a part of this . _ bid, we hereby otter and agree to do said work at the following prices:- ~ I ~-- For publishing ardlnsncss, rssolutioae; orders and notices. required Lo be published in nonpariel ~ per square of 234 ems one and one half cents each iaeertiaa. For locals, readers, bills and claims. three cents pe; line each insertion. Bor the ,job printing.torty {40)per cent less than the schedule fixed by your honorable body. E The above figures are offered wfth the condition that we be gives the contrast for doing all print- ing and advertising needed or used by the City of San Bernardino during the ensuing year. Our certified check for X250.00 accompanies this bid. Very truly yours. The Transcript Cospanr, ~ w.S. Conger, president. Publishers, ?he Evening Iade:. San }lernardiao, Csl. Jaattary 20.1913. 5.0. Batchelor,City Clark. San Bernardino, California. near 8ir:- 8eplying to your advertissmsnt:for bids, for doing the city printing, advartlsiag and Sob printing of the citybof San Bernardino for the year ending January ,31, 1914, wa submit the following: ~' Acting under the specifiaatioaa of your advertisaseat ~iah permits bidders to castbiae their bids, the tenders herein following are to M conaidared ass cosblaed bid, sad no part of said tenders are to be aeeapted by t2te said City of San Bernardino, anises all of thm are aaaapted: , Ire will print all ordinances, resolutions, orders and notiass, at s discount of 60 per Beat Eros your scheduled sate, or 12 cents per square for the first insertion. and 20 per cent diaaouat fry said scheduled rate for subee~snt insertions, or 12 cents per square for subsequent insertions. Rs will print all locals end readers sad bills and clsise requised to be published at a diaoougt j of ~0 per cent free your scheduled rats. or two ceat• per line for snob lagstloa. •e will do all fob printing at a disoount of 60 pee cent~fs'oa your scheduled eau, other fob . printing not sahaduled to be swrdad to us, end to be charsad !or at Ordiaaq comm*re1a1 rate. a As •tatad ab~ave. this bid suboitted as sn entity, to ba aaeapted 1n ef~ela sr raf~tad in w~bola ~ by the Conlon Council. CopB of advertiswnt attached sad cartitiad oheoY for x'250.00 anoloaad. , Touss, 1'ts 80z COI~AH! Fns. E.C. Harbison. 8an Bernardino, California. Tea. 20, 1913. to the Aonorabla Mayor and City Couaoii of the City of Ban Bernardino, ~%s2. Gaatlesan:• Re hereby of tar to do the City Job painting for the ties spaaiflad 1a Maur aotiaa o1?llias for bids for twyntyfive per cant. and two per cant. off t1?a list aAapted. Eeapactinl~ sllbsitfAdr 'Had herewith aaztifiad ahacY fos ~j0.00 Cawt, i tttassst,par .C. ' - - _ _ ~ -. .._...__-___---_ .Y..,__~_.___. r.._....--_.-.. ..---..__._ _- -..__. __.--,---_. ~n _._- _.- ~~+'~ continued: Councilman Smith moved that the bids be referred to the Bngineer~s office to figure the lowest and best bid on basis of 2aet years •printing business 1[otion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Cu Councilman Irving moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to proceed with the construction Fifth St. of the Fitch Street School drain ae per hie estimate preuasa3/,,presented. Potion aeeondsd by Councilman Holmes School i Drain, and carried by the following votes to-grit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, Noee: Fone, Thin being the date fazed for opening of bids for the construction of a re-iaforced concrete box ouivert at Fifth and A Streets. There being six bidr on file for said work, Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk pro- seed to open such bids Potion seconded by Couneihsan Cole and carried. BID OF JAY$8 11CHAIR PAVIgG CO. Culvert oomplets ........................................3269.00 BID OP BIgI.BFi do NBrYA.N. k Culvert complete 3346.00 1 BID OF f.B. BOHAg Culvert complete 3318.00 Bids Culvert BID OF CHAS. H. LBFBLBEi 5th. A. Culvert Complete 3360.00 "~_ f BID OF F.Y. SE0009®B Culvert aoatplete 3324.73 BID OF CHAS. YC EL~?AINB........ i Culvert, per lineal foot............................. 32.69 k It was moved by Councilisaa ftolmea that the bid of the James Idegair Paving Co., being the lowest and best bid, _ l that esid bid be accepted and contract awarded and the Clerk be instructed to return certified aheoks € and currency to ua/uooesaful bidders. Yotioa aecbnded by Couneileasn Cole and carried by the following vote, i to wit: Ayes: Holaea, Chambers, irviag, Cole. goes: gone. I The following petition wsa presented and read: San Bernardino, Cal.'Jan. loth. 1913. To tha Aoaereble 1laycrand Cosmos Council J of the City of San Besnsrdiao, Cal. f{ f tion Oeatlaaea:- F St, •s your petitioners reapeotfully repressat that sic are property owners on 1 Bt, Of San Bernardino, -.- Paving, California, that therd are now parties here desoaadiag py for the paving of said street. •e have no evidence frard you that esid paving has been completdd aooording to the specificst- ioas, but if ettah rorl: is so coaplets we ask your $oaorable,boQp to so apeaify this fact by psssing an ordiaaaae aac4ptiag such work sa corrpiste aaaarding to the speoifiaatioar for the alms. for which your petitioners will ever pry. give signatures annexed to the foregoing petition. Councilman Chambers moved that the ratter be laid over for one week and that the Clary be Instructed to look up streets heretofore paved sae! not accepted b7 ordiaanae. ltotlOn reooaded by Counailnaa Smith sad h i~ carried p,,t g~ Couaeilasa Smith moved that the City Sagiaeer be iaetsuated to prepays plane sad apeeitiaatioas for a sewer 0 Bt. sewer oa 0 StrNt between Tenth street and Base Llae. 1[otion /eooadedby Couaoilra Helsel and w?rried. DeeQ /igaed by D.B. Sealq,Hary 8. See1q,C.*. Tyior.llaud Tylor, ]1.11. $ewiett,b. Preolado,DOloses Preai Deed Seeley ado•Braatiag Lo the City of Ban Beraarctiao all heir sight. title sad iatese/t lA sad to that real property st ai lying and bei iq the ~ ag CooM3 of San Berm?rdiao, Scats of California, psrtocular de/osibed ss followe,to wit. Begianiaq at s point oat hundred sad Forty feat (140) west of the 8outheut eoraes ei Block 46 of the City of $aa Bernardino; thecae ruaniag lorthesly parallel to th/ Hast boundary line of raid Bleot 46 to the routherly Danlt of Iowa Creek; thecae at ri6ht-angle/ welt Twsaty-two sad alas-tenths (22 9/10) feet; thecae South to • point on the Southerly boundary fins of said 81oe1[ 46, distant One Huadsed aa4 81zt7•two sad tf nine-tenths (162 9/10} fHt from raid SoutANeL a0lae! Of laid ~eati thsetae =sat ?weAt'•t10 slice-tenths (22 9/10} feet to the point of beginning. Together with nap e~howing location of propored sllq and pssseat slip to be migrsa,was prs/eated to rho Council for aoaeptaaoe. Councilwlaa Stith Honed that ths,desd bt accepted sad that the Cler>< be f; i, continued: instructed to have the same recorded. Potion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote, to wit: Agee: Holmes,3mith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes: None. r ` ~..Oiaim•~~ oS S.J. Groae,3anning ,California, in the sum of ;160.00 for damage and injury to auto- Claim mobile, owned and driven by claimant'. on the night of December 25, 1g12,on becond ltreet east of Arrowhead S.J.Groee Avenue,wae presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the claim be referred to the City Attorney. I9otion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. Cls1m Claim of Dr Stanley P. Black for professional services rendered during lgll, was presented and Dr Black. referred back to claimant for 6.5. of official authorizing same. Councilman Smith moved that it be the sense of this Council that the City pay the first eiz ~', Interest Bonds months interest on the bonds issued against the the F Btreet paving on account of school property front- j Paving F St. ing on said street, that the school board may have opportunity to include amount of elaia in next years buget. Potion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, Lo wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, ~ chambers, Irving ,Cole. Noes: None. Councilman Cale Chairman lighting Committee reported following: Lights at intersection of -14th. tr" Lights ~ 14thScG and G Streets, at the intersection of 14th. and p Streets, and at the intersection of Kingman and Johnson 14th.RD' $ingmn Streets,fa~orably, end reported unfavorably, light petitioned for at the intersection of 20th. sad D Streets. 3 Johnen. Councilmaa Smith moved that the ~ighte reported Yavorably on by Committee be ordered in. Potion seconded @, by Councilman Irving and carried. Councilman Holmes moved that Councilman Chambers be authorised to laveetigate the matter of insuring oil healing plant. Potion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Dpon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman lrving and carried, the Council adr. Mourned to meet Monday January 27, 1913, at 7:30 o~clocY P.Y. - ~-y~ ` C yCer. Approved this day of Ianuary, 1913. I T ', Li '\ . Yeyor of y "o as r ~ r i Ft i I i t l 3 I y~ 1 P3 ri 1 ii i :'..C1ty Hell, San Bernardino, Cal. Jan. 27th. 1913. Adjourned regular meeting of the ].;ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, kieeting was called to order by lfayor Bright at 8:10 P.1A. the following members of the Council being present. Councilman Holmes, Smith, Cole, Irving Absent Councilman Chambers. The minutes of thelprevioue meeting were read and approved, Res,Int. Resolution of the uayor and Common Council of the City at'San Bernardino, declaring their intention Lo X556 Sewer construct a public ?itrified pipe sewer in I Street from Van Nese Avenue to Eighth Street in the City of ban I St. Bernardino, together with 6- 16-inch x 4-inch wyea, and 6-16-inch x 4 -inch wyesw and 16 manholes, and 1-22- inch connection into manhole at Van Seea Avenue and I Street. was read for final passage e.nd adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes. Smith. Chle•,IrTing. Noes: None. Ree,Adpt., Resolution adopting plans and specifications for the construction of a public sewer 1n Sixth Street from P.~:.S. Sewer L Street to Yt Vernon in the City of San Bernardino, as prepared by the City Engineer of said City. and sub- 81xth Street. mittted on the 20th, day of January,lgl3, which said specifications are So. 160, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Aolmee, 9sith, Irving, Cole. Noes: Sons. i A Resolution of the liayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention Li Relelnt, Sewer construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in Sixth Street from L Sleep to L't Vernon Avenue in the City of San Siith Street. Bernardino, together with 50.8- inch z 4- inch wyea, 3 - 2-way ltanholee, 1 Plush tank, and 1 9F Flush Lank converted into a 3-way manhole, was read for Lhe first time and laid over for final passage. j An Ordinance calling a Special election to be held in the City of San Bernardino on Tuesday the 4th. j Ord, Bail, day of lLarch, 1913. for the purpose of submitting to the qusiitied electors of said City for their ratifi- Elect2 cation or refection a certain proposad.aindment to the chatter of the City of San Bernardino, amending i 3ectlon 133 thereof by changing the 2iait of the bonded indebtedness of said City, eo that such licit shall f not in the aggregate exceed fifteen per cent of the assessed value of all the real and personal property of passage. f the City of San Bernardino was read for the first time and laid over for final Ord. An ordinance of the Yayor end Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, changing and re-establishing change / ~ " grade the official grade of B Street from the North line of Ninth Street to the South line of Base Line Street,wae ~ B St. read for the first time and laid over for final passage. i Aea.Iat. Resolution of the I[ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to ~ G dew establish the official grade of P1ne Street from the west line of L Street to the East line of 8taniord Pine St. Avenue, was read for the first time and laid over for tlnal passage. . Res.Adpt. Resolution adopting plena and specifiaaLione for the construction of • public sewer is Spruce Street , ~ P. k S. 1 Sewer Eros I Street to 1tt Vernon Avenue in acid City of San Bernardino, as prepared by the City iagineer sad wb- Spruce 8t. mined this 27th. day Af January, 1913, w3~ich said specifications are lto. 161 was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Concess- D. Grossman appeared before the Council in Lehalf of the conoeedons coosittee of Wa Satioaai Orange ions e Orage Show amd lade request of the Council t7fe! flee privilege of collecting for all conceseionr during said show, 8'how. week, and that ao licena• be Issued for wch coneesrions during tall wlilk. Alro requested that second street between D and E Streets be closed to the public during said show wean. CounciLan Bmith sovsd that the ' i y requests b• granted. Potion seconded by CounciLwsn Holaea and carried. - . ' City The City Engineez reported that he had checked bids of the Evening Index and Sun Co~apa~yr tot doing print- " Print- 1~ for the year ending January 31, 1914,basing tigurss on last years business and that he found the bid of ing. the Evening Tndeu~ the lowest bid by sons ;500.00. - _- i , continued R.C. Harbison of the Sun Company appeared before the Council and made objection to the awarding of the cty, print- contract on the basis of last years business, by reason oP several elections to be held during the coming a- inq. ti year, snd that in ballots alone his bid would mo*~ than offset difference in the two bide. Councilman Smith ~ moved that the matter bf awarding contract for the printing during the coming year be laid over for one week. Motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. i c Streets Aa per inetructlona given at previous meeting the Clerk reported the following etreata as having been accept by paved,eubject to acceptance by ordinance and not so accepted: EightYs Street between D and G Streets, F. Street, ord. between Second snd Third Streets, P Street between Third and Fifth Streets. F $treat between Second and ~ Tenth Streets. Councilman Smith moved that the matter be laid over Por one week. Potion seconded by Council- man Irving and carried, Opinion Opinion of Attorney C.C. Haekelliae to who is liable is case of secideaLs occuring by reason of defective k 6 lisblel streets is the City of ban Bernardino was presented and read. Councilman Smith moved that the report be re- for ceived end placed on file. ![otioa seconded by Councilman Cole and carried, Councilman Smith moved that the damages. ~ clerk be instructed~to.retura.the.ciaim.8f 8.3.'Gresse:la the:•sua of.~1.6000 for'damge incurred to automobile ~ t ~ in Second Street, and request that the bill_ be iLimised. Motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Sidewalk A party appeared before the Council in regard to sidewalk laid oa Sixth and I Streets, that she had Sixth do _ ~ aidswalk constructed at the direction of the Street Superintendent and iL now appears that the sidewalks ea- tends into the street, and asked relief from the Council, Councilman ~olmea moved that the Street Committee, f together with the Street Superintendent meet together and view the work constructed with the object of adjust- ing. Potion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, Councilaan Rolaea moved that order be given Allen de Son to proceed with the construction of fire wagon C Fire 9 wagon bed as per their sketch presented. i[otlon seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote. Bed to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Cole, Irving, Boss; None. Councilman Smith moved that the Street Superintendent be authorised to grant persiaeioa to the Southern Grade Oak Sierras Power Coapas•{y to grade Oak Street from Yt Yeraon west. The Street Superintendent to oil whoa the Street street has besn,put to grade to his satisfaotioss, The Southern Sierras Power Company Lo pay for said oil. ! Potion sepoaded by Councilmen Irving and carried. Pet. A petition requesting the Council to order the coastructloa of sidewalks sad curbs along the westrside aidwlk do Curb of I Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets sas presente8 and read. Councilman Saito moved that Liss matter I St. be laid over for one week. lotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Rarrants. The City Clerk was authorised to issue warrants as per claims allowed by the Mayor and Finance Coasattee this date, ~ the following vote to wit: Ayes: Haith,Cole, bring, Hoes: Bose, Councilman Irving moved that a fine of one dollars be iaposed oa the faaiior each time he fails to build a firs snd clean the Councll Chamber oa meeting sights. Botion seconded by Gouneilaan Cole and carried. Qpon motion of Councilman Faith da1,j seconded by CounciLsn Irving and parried the Council ad~ournad to meet Saturday, February 1, 1413, at 10;30 A.x. y n' Approved this ~_day of February,1913. ~ ~ -' ~ ,l _ .-~ • Jf or o - o ~eraardino. ~1' !~l~~ City Hall, Ean Bernardine, Cal. Bebruary 1, 1923. I Regular adjourned meeting of the L+ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. i 1!eeting was called to order by i:ayor Bright at 10:30 o+clock A.Y., the following members of the [ Council being present. Councilmen iiolmes,Smith, Chambers, Irving. Absent Councilman Cole. I The readinv of the minutes of the previous ~eetiag was disposed with. Ord.;~509 An ordinance calling a special election to be held in the City of San Bernardino on Tuesday the 4th, day Calling ', Specl, of ]arch, 1913,fer the purpoe,e of submitting to the qualified electirs of acid City for their ratification or Election. refection a certain proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of San Bernardino, amending Section 133 thereof by changing the limit of the bonded indedtednesa of said City, eo that such limit shall not in the aggregate exceed fifteen per cent of the assessed value of all the real and personal property of the City of San Bernardino. was read in full for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes; Holmes. Smith, Chambers, Irving. goes: None. Faxon Councllman Smith moved that A.C. Paton be employed to assist the City Treasurer in preparing the B , Aaeiet Treasur- Street aseesament bonda,he to receive for such services an amount not to exceed =25.00 for over time given F St. -s Ronda. such work. Potion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving; Hoes: None . Councilman Holmes moved that the Chairman of the Park Committee be authorised to employ five or six . Tris? ?roes men to ~riad~the pepper trees in Lugo paxk• Potion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following - Luga Park vote, to wit. Ayes: Holmes, Bmith. Chambers, Erving. Noes: Hons. Hitch- Councilman Smith moved that the matter of placing iron railing or hitching poets on the west side of ing Posts the old City Cemetery on "A" Street be referred to the Park Committee. 1[otion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried: ~ , Upon motion oP Councilman Smith, duly"rseconded by Councilman Irving and carried. the Council ad3ourned to meet Yonday,Pebruary 3, 1913,at 7:30 o~elock P.1+. ctycer. r-~ Approved this ~_dsy of February, 1913. ~ Yayo~o e y o er r no, t=:. • 4 r w } r . cIT7t HALL, SAN RERNARDINO, cnL. FE6.,3,1913. Ad,~ourned regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. ~ ~ Meeting was called to order by Ltayor Bright at 8 o~clock P.1[., the following members of the Council being present, Councilmen Holmes,S~aith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Minutes of meeting held January 27,1913, were read and approved. liinutes of meeting held February 1, 1913, here read and approved. Ree.Int. A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to ~i587 Sewer construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in 61ath Street from L Street to Yt Yernon Avenue in the City of Birth St. San Bernardino,together with 50-8-inch x 4-inch AYES, 3-2-way Manholes, 1 flush tarilc, and 1 flush tank con- verted into a 3-way manhole, Asa read for final passage and adopted by the following ?ote, to wit:Ayee: Holmes Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, Noes: None. Rea.Adpt. A resolution adopting plane and specifications for the construction of a public sewer in Spruce Street P A B. Sewer from I Street to Mt Yernon Avenue in the City of San Bernardino, sa prepared by the City Engineer of said Spruce f• St. City and submitted on the 27th day of January, 1913, which said $pecificatione are Eo. 161,was read for ` final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving,Cole. Hoes: Rona Ree.int. A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Co{tacil of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to ~ Spruce Sewer. construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in Spruce Street from i Street to Mt Yernon Aversue, in the City of San Bernardino, together with 112-8-inch x 4-inch Ayes, 8 manholes, and l flush tanlt, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage, i Ord. Ordlaance of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, changing and re-establishing the Grrade official grade of B Btreet from the Forth Line of (9th)Hinth Street to the South line of Base I.iae Btreet, B Bt. was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to wit. Ayes: Holmes,8mith, Chambers. Irving, ~ i Cole. Noes: Honey ~Balnt. Resolution of the zayor and Common Council of Lhe,City of Sea Aer~rdino. declaring their intentioq to es- Estab, tablfeh the official grade of Pine Htrset".from the west line of L Btreet to the East line of Stanford Avenue, ' Grade pine was read for final passage and adopted by the folloxing vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, ~ Cole, Does: Hone. 'Res.Adpt. A resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Ban Bernardino adopting plans and epecificat- P a 6. Bever foss for the construction of a public se*er in Kingman Street frog I'16treet to Yt veraoa Avenue is the City of Kingman Street g~ Bernardino ae prepared by the City Engineer of said City and submitted this 3rd. day of pebruary,l913, which said specifications are Ho. 1§6. was read for the first time sad laid over for final peerage. Report Report of the Chief of Polies and Ex•offieio license collector for the month of January, 1913 was pee- Chief Police seated and reed. Councilman Smith moved that the report be received and planed oa fiU. Motloa seeoaded by I Jaa,1913. Councilman Chaaberr and oarried. Report Report of the City Elsctriciwn for the Month of Jamuary,3g13,wae presented and road. CounciLan Chambers city C Elect- moved that the repor6 be received end plaoed oa file. Yolion eeaonded by Councilman Aolmas and carried. rician Jsn.1913. Repost of Assistant City 8ngineer H.C. 1a~con of thr Bureau of ?ertr and Iaspeotioae for the swath end- Rsport ing Jan. 31, 19132 was presented and reaA. Councilmen Chambers moved thst,the report be received and pissed / ~ Arrt. Cty. oA file. Potion eeeoaded by Councilman Holmes and oarrisd. EnB• City The rsatter of awarding printing coatssot was taken up end after both R.S. Conger of the Evening Index Print- and R.C. Harbl wn of the Bun Cowpany had presented arguments in support of their respective proposals. s lags Councilman Chambers moved that the Sun Compeaty~s bid be accepted as being the lowert and best bid. s . _'...__.. .a .(fi continued. Councilman Irving moved that the contract be awarded to the Evening Index. City At 9:25 o+clock, Councilman Irving being ill asked to be excused and rejisad from the Council Chamber, Prlnting, Councilman Coie moves that the Contract for doing the printing for the ensuing year be awarded to the Sun Company, Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to wit: 1tYea:HOlmes, , Smith,Chambere,Cole, Noea: None. , Bell S,Fe, Councilman Smith moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to notify the Santa Fe Railway Co „ Ry,Co, that the bell at the esesaing on B Street was out of order. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried Return Councilman Chambers roved that the Clerk be instructed Lo return certified checks to unsuccessful bidders checks City account printin„ contract. Sotion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, print. Sewer Councilman Cole moved that a sewer be constructed in Allen Street from First to Second Street and in Bridge Allen . ~ Street from •aterman Avenue to A Street and that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and apecifi- Bridge Streets, cations for such sewer. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. , Memoran- Councilman Chambers moved that the Clerk draw up a memorandum of the Sun~e bid,inaluding eixLy-per cent dum Sun Bid, deduction for, all fob printing, to be signed by R.C. Harbison, Yotioa seconded by Councilman Smith and carried Gae Pipes A,L, YcGinnia Appeared before the Council in regard to culvert being .constructed at the intersection of -; Culvert. ~ • 5th ~ A. Fifth and A Streets end objected to running gas pipes through culvert, The Street Superintendent stated that the trouble would be corrected, Light Councilman Cole moved that an Arc light be ordered in at the corner of ?bird Street and Bstermsn 3rd st. '*trman Avenue, Motion seconded by Councilman Sadth and oarried. Ave, Byron Aowan~appesred before the Council in regard to constructing sidewalks and clearing roadway of •I• Contract Sidewlke Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets. Councilman Chambers mowed that the Street Superintendent be inatruct- k Clear Rosdwy .ed to confer with the residents send property owners on said 6treet and ascertain what can be done toward plac- i St. ing poses in the rear ,of property. Potion aeoonded by Councilman Holmes and carried. i Apgllcation of O,E. Snyder for a license to conduct and carry oa a pool and billard roam at the Roanoke 0.8, Applot- hotel building at the corner of Third and F $treeta, together with communication signed by property owners and ~ ion. tenants within 150 fast of said location. was presented and read. Councilman Holmes coved that the license be { 73. ~ it:. ;e granted to O.B. Sr{gder.for pool and biliard room to be coaddedted 1n the RosnoYe Hotel building, Yotioa second- , ed by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Holmee,Smith, Chambers. Cole. # ;i ~ ' Report Report of the Street Superintendent of operation of street department during the month of J anuary,1913, Street Supt. was presented and reed. Councilman Holmes moved that the report be received and placed on file. Yotioa eecond- dan.1913. ed by Councilman Chsnbers and carried. Bence Councilman Cheabert moved that the msteRr of feaoing dangerous places within the City, ref erred to in the dangerous j places. report of the Street 9uperidiMdent be referred to the Street Committee for reooawaendation. Yotioa seconded by Councilman 9aith and carried. St.Supt. Councilman Nolmea moved that the Strsst Superintendent De instructed to advertise for bids for conatruct- Adv.Bids 5tL.8t. ing the Fifth Street School drain ss per plaua sad apeoiticationa on file in the office of the Btreet Supsria. Drain. tsndent. Yotioa seconded by CounollASn Cha:bers and earrled. Rrrante. The City Clerk was authorised to issue warrants ss per claims approved by the fiayor and 1lnanoe Coasoittee this date by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Holmes, 8iaith, Chazbera, Nits. . .,..t Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly sacoaded by Councilman NoLaea and carried, the Council adjourned , to meet Sonday February lOth,l913, at 730 o+clock p.Y. C ty a~`Fr .~- Approved thin ,,,(.~dsy o! February,1913. } ~ ~%~' %~ ! ~- / 1 . LL's ~ O~R elna n0. CITY HAL1,, SAN BlrHNARD11~0,CALIF. FRRY.10,191j, Adjourned regular meeting of the 1£ayor and Common Council of the City of San Dernardino. testing was called to order by Mayor Briy~t at 8 o~clock P.Y. the following members of the Council being present; Councilmen; Holmee, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. k Rea.of Int.~p589 RESOLUTION of the 1:ayor and Com.~aon Council of the City of San Bernardino,declaring their intention i ' Spruce St. sewer. to construct a public vitrified ripe sewer in Spruce Street from I Street to T~tt Vernon Avenue, in the City of San Bernardino, together with 112 - 8-inch x 4-inch wyee, 8 manholes, and 1 flush tank, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Holmee, ;7nith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Rea.Adpt.P & S. F.ESOLUTIO*1 ADOPTING PLANS k SPECIFICATIONS for the conatrdct3on of a public newer in Kingman Street Kingman i sewer. from I Street to l+t Vernon Avenue in the City of San Bernardino ae prepared by the City Engine?r of said E City and submitted the 3rd defy of February,1913, which said Specifications are numbered "156",was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, f Rea.of Int. RESOLUTION of the 1lsyor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention Kingman `- sewer. to construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in Kingman Street, from I Street to 1Lt Vernon Avenue, in the City of San Rernardiao, together with 95 - 12-inch x 4-inch wyes, ~ manholes, and 1 flush tank for 12-inch sewer was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Ree.Adpt.~ do S. RL~'3OLUTI0~1 ADOPTING PLANS do SPECIFICATIONS for the construction of a public sewer in Eighth Street xighth St. sewer.' from Z Street to Penn Street in the City of San Bernardino, ae prepared by the City Engineer of said City and submitted this 10th day of February, 1913, which said epecificationa are numbered "158", was read for . the first time and laid over for final passage. Special Police D.Groeeman appeared before the Council in behalf of the Rational Orange Show committee, and made Nati Orange Show. request of Council to appoint Eighteen Special Police during said show week, Feb.l~th to 22nd 1813. Councilman Cole moved that the matter of appointing Special Poilcemen during the National Orange Show be referred to the Chief of Police with instructions to appoint such men as he may think necessary ~ not to exceed in number eighteen,motion seconded by Councilman Holmee and carried. Petition Apetition signed by some 26 residents and property holders in the vicinity of Fourth and B Streets to remove old Yill petitioning the Council to take such measures as will result in tho removal or repair of the mill building 4th do B. situate on the corner of Fourth and B Streets, was presented and road. Councilman Smith coved that the pet- ition be referred to the Chief of Police and Building Inspector to mate investigation and report back as Lo the condition oP mill building, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. Petition A petition requesting the Pacific Electric i~y.Co. to have the tersinus of their local traffic on P.E.Co. Highland Avenue and B Street instead of the present terminus, Highland Avenue and "7Y' Street, was read, Councilman Smith moved that the petition be endornPd by this Council and that the Clert be instsueted to advise the Pacific Electric Ry. Co. of action taken, motion seconded by Councilmen I Wing and carried. ~ Protest S.R.L'c Rabb appeared before the Council in bahaif.:bf a number of owners of property liable to be ~ Aridge do Allen assessed for the sewer proposed in Allen and Bridge ~treets,and requested that proceedings be posponed. sewer. Councilmwn Cole coved that the liayor and Council together with the secretary of the 8Oard of Heslth,meet Tuesday at 3 o+cloc:c P.Y. in order to view the situation of the proposed sewer, motion seconded by Coua- ciLisn Chambers end carried. 1 e , ,l - i Streets Lo be The City Clerk reported the following Streetw as having been paved, requests made to accept by Ordinan Accented by ~ Ordinance. and not so accepted; "F"Street, from the north line of Second to the south line of Third Street; Eighth Street from the rest line of Arrowhead Avenue to the east line of "G" Street: "F" Street from the north line of the roadway of Second Street to the south line of the roadway of Tenth Street: "H" Street from the south line of Second Street to the south line of 8ighth Street: "D" Street from the north line of the roadway of Third 'r ~ Street to the south line of the roadway of Fifth Street: Councilman Smith moved that the said list of street be referred to the City Engineer for approval, motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. Right of Way Councilman Smith moved that the grants for Right of Way fora drain pipe and appurtenances for car~yin9 ' ~thSt.drain. ~ and conducting surface rater over,through,and across certain property,(knoxn ae Fifth Street drain) said ~p grants being signed by Jos.Bahout, Ciman Renteria and Nicolosa Renteria, Carlo Segurotti and Jioae Segur- otti, F.A.Leonard and Bernardino Ribero, be accented and the Clerk be authorized to have name recorded, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; P.olmea, smith, cham- i i here, Irving, Cole,. Foes; none. i~ As per instructions of previous meeting the Clerk reported he had prepared a memorandum of the print- Printing Contract ing schedule for the year ending Jan.31,1914, together xith a copy of the Sun company~e proposal for doing 1 SUN CO. } j the City printing, ae interpreted, for the approval of The Sun Company and The layor and Cormaon Council. Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk be authorized to secure the eipnature of the Sun Company to aemoran- dum, motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. t.S.Conger protested the awarding of contract to the Sun Company, stating acid award wow on an amended bid, and presented the following; To the Cannon Council, Febyuary 10, 1913. San Bernardino cal. Gentlemen:- 11e hereby tender our offer Lo do the City printing advertising and fob printing for the enduing year at the following rates: Advertising per square of 234 ems each insertion, 12 cents ' Readeis. list of claims and locale per sine 2 cents Job printing at 80 per cent leas than your schedule and unlisted fob printing at 80 per cent leas than cannercial rates. Very Truly Yours r The Transcript Company Publishers The 1Svening Index ey W,S.Conger Mgr. Bide The Ruger#ntendent of Streets presented bids received by hima for the constructing of a cement pipe Fifth St. drain drain in Fifth Street slough, ae follows: Bid of Chsa_Hcelvain - - - = # 475.00 Bid of B.C.Barnes - - - 539.00 s j Bid of *.D.Bohsn - - - - 675.00 Bid of Jas.3icNair Paving Co. 483.00 Councilman Chambers moved that all bide be thrown out and the Street Superintendent be instructed Lo re-advertise for bids for conetr~cting said drain, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the s 1 following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Hoes:none. Bills. ~ The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payment for claims approved by Lhe liayor and Hin- "~ I ' once committee this dot', by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Tiolmes, with, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Second St. Councilman Cole moved that the Plates and Specifications for the construction of a concrete bridge bridge P do S adptd. culvert in Second Street over Town Creek in the City of San Bernardino,as grepared by the City ttngfneer of said City end presented this 10th day of February,1913, be approved aad the same sre hereby adopted as the Plans and Specifications for such i~nproveaent, motion seconded by Councl7asan Sstith and carrieA b7 ' COt}TINUY.b:- the following vote, to-sit: Ayes; Holmes, smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes; none. "H"3treet SixthA Fifth. Councilman Irving moved that all sidewalk not fn on "H" Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets, be Sidewalk. ordered in, and the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plana and Specifications for aiid xork and im- provement, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Salaries Co6ncilman Holmes moved thwt the salaries of certain Fire Department employee be fixed as follows: Fire Deptmt. Harry Weat,"driver of Hook ~ Ladder", X85.00 per mo. Gue EEau,•eecond driver Hook do Ladder" ~y~j.00 per mo. 1 Roy :dewcomb, to be established regular at a salary of $0.00 per mo.motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried.by the following vote to-wit; Ayee: holmes,Smith,Chambers, Irving,Cole. Noes;none. td.C.l~cKenney addressed the Council in behalf of a committec appointed by the Chamber of Co:r.:cerce,and City 1Lap. made request that the City prepare a map of City and have a cut made of Brune. Councilman Smith moved Lhat the matter be referred to the City F.ngiaeer, motion eeconddd by Councilman }iolmea and carried. i t TO Amend CouncilmartHolmee moved that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an amendment to Lhe'Building Ord- R.uilding Ordinance. finance whereby all structures that have been damaged by fire or otherwise, to the extent of 501 of the value of name, ehal be removed or repaired within a perin~l of six months from the Hate of ouch damage, motion eec- Ij onded by Councilmaan Smith and carried. ~ i E Upon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried the Council adjourned to meet itonday February 17th,1913, at 7.30 o~clock P.M. i Approved this + day of Pebruary 1913. ~EE c 1 t of the City o n Bernardino. ; r i l 1 CITY HALT,, SAM BERNARDINO,CALiF, FEBRUARY 17,1913, Adjourned regular meeting of the tiayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. ?leeting was called to oeder at 7,30 P,><. by !layor Hohaee pro tempore, the following members of the Council being present; Councilmen; llolmea, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. The minutes of the previous meeting were mad and anproved, Res of Int X590 Kingman sewer. A RESOLUTI02T of the F•ayor and Common Council of the City of San Ternardino,declaring their intention to construct a public vitrified sewer in Kingman Street, from 1 Street to ]!t VernonAVenue, in the City of San Bernardino, together with 95 - 12-inch x 4-inch wyes, ~ manholes, and 1 flush tank for 12-inch sewer, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes; Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving Cole „ Noes; none. P.es.Adptg P & S. P.BSOLUTION ADOPTING PLA2QS AND SPECIFICATI02TS for the construction of a public erwer in Eighth Street Righth Street ~ Sewer, in the City of San Bernardino, from I Street to Penn Street, as prepared by the City Engineer of said City and submitted on the 10th day of February,1913, which said Specifications are numbered "15$" was read for final passage and adopted by Lhe following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, i ses of Int. RESOLUTION of the kayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention Eighth Street Sewer, to construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in Eighth Street, from I Street to Pena Street is the City of i, San Bernardino, together with 58 wyee, 4 manholes, and 1 flush tank, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. E j !arrant for The City Clerk was authorized to issue a !arrant in the sum of #9.25 in favor of County Auditor Delinquent Taxwa. C,D.Van lie, to redeem delinquent Laz on the S.l, # of Block 16, being a portion of lleadowbrook park ~ by the following vote, to-wit: Ayee• Holmes Smith Chambers lrvi , ng, Cole,. Noes; none, Ieaue larrante. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants for claims approved by the flavor and FInance Comm- Bills. ittee this date, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; ftolmea, Smith, Chambers. Irving, Coie. Noes; none. iI 4 !aids Fifth St. Councilman Cole moved that the Clerk proceed to open the two bids presented for constructing a drain Slough, pipe in the lifth Street slough, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. $d of the James T.4cNair Paving Co. -`- - - !469,00 Bid of I.D.Bohan, - - - - - - - - - - - - = 563.00 t j ------------------- Councilman Cole moved that the Contract for constructing a drain pipe in the Fifth Street Slough be i` 'i awarded to the James YcAair Paving Co. the said bid being the lowest and best bid, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the filloaling vote, to-wit: Ayes; Holmes, Smith, Chwsbers,Irving,Cole. I Chief police The Chief of Police reported misconduct on the part of one of Police Officers, and was advised to reports. 1 use such method as will produce L1ze beet reaslts in the desipline of police officers. Bids Lumber. The Street Superintendent reported as having received the following bids for furnishing lumber to be used in the repair of dan,~eroua bridges etc. -~ Hayward Lumber d: Investment Co. ~ 238.15 Brookings humber+dc~Boa Co. 1 250.00 F John Ruverkrup r 4 254.40 Councilman Smith moved that the ArRyward Lumber and Investment Co. be given the contract for furnishing 1 lumber,ac^ording to specifications of the Street 3uoerintendent, motion secondwd by Councilman Cole and i . Continued:- csrried by the followini; vote, to-wit: Ay ea; Holmee, Smith, Chambnra, Irving, Cole.. *IOea; none. 13pon motion of Councilman Chambers duly seconded by Councilman 6mith snd carried the Council arijourped i to meet 2.'onday ?ehruary 24,1913,at 7,30 P,N, j yr, er. Approved this day of February 1913. f i ldagb o t e city o B rnardino. e J 4 i ~ is • City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. February 24, 1913, , i Ad,journPd regular me^ting of the Mayor and Co~non Council of the city of San Bernardino. heating was called to order by ;'ayor Bright, at $:10 P,M. the followins memb^rs of the Council being present; Councilmen; Hohaea, Smith, Irving, Cole.Chambere. The roinutea of the previous meeting were read and approved. I Plane 8: Spe. :iSSOLUTION :V!OPTi"iG PLANS A`ID 8P'~CIFICATIONS for the construction of a public sewer in 7th Street from ']th St. ~ Sewer, I Street to L"t, Vernon Avenue, in the City of San Aernardino, as prepared by the City ?ngineer of said City and submit+.ed this 24th day of February, 191j, which said specifications are numbered "lj~", was read for the first tine and layed over for iiral passage . I Q~d *Io. An Ordirlrnceof The Mayor a.nd Common Council of San Bernardino, Ralabliahing Lhe Official Grade of D a f.ab ,grade ~ D St. ^utreet, From the youth Aoundary Line of Sixteenth Street to the South Boundary Line of Highland Avenue, in said City., was read for the firaL time and laid over ter final passage. Ord. No. An Ordinance of The ILayor and Common Council of the City of San Pernardino, Declaring Their Intention Changed grade ~' 4th St. to Change and Re-?atabliah the Official Grade of Fourth Street from the West Boundary Line of Arrowhead Avenue to the Fist Boundary Line of D Street in said City, was read for the first time and laid aver for fin- al passage. Ord. IIo. An Ordinance of The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, Changin3 and Re-Establishing hangeE grade`:. <' 6th St, the Official Grade of Sixth Street Fram the west Boundary Line of Arrowhead Avenue to the 7Jeat Boundary Line of I Btreet, in said City, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Ord. IIo An Ordinance Declaring Certain Buildings or Str3cturee Damaged by Fire or other Blementa to be a public }aamage~ Buildings. Nuisance, and Providing for the Removal or Repair of the same, and providing for the Punishment of the owners rt. T}iereof for not Complying wit}: t}ie Terns of this Ordinance, tae read for the first time and laid over for fin- al passage. Bids Co119cilm~n Chambers mound that the following, bide presented for painting Penn. Station Fire Truck the open Fainting ~" Fire Truck motion aw,cordtd ny Councilrrrn Smith and carried. Bid of Frank Perdew; I will agree to Paint the Pennsylvania Avenue Truck for the sum of ¢50.00. Same to have, one coat Priming two coats of Lead, three coats of Roughetaff "Biller", two coats of Color, three coats of Varnish. All to be done in a first class workman like manner, with gold leaf stripe 210,00 eatrx. Iad of William Niels; ]ty bid for painti,g Fire Truck. Burn off old paint on wheels and repaint with eight coats of paint and varnish on Gewr and wheels and aiateen costa on Body including four rubbings which ere necessary for a first class dab lettered in Cold Leaf and appropriately striped for $100.00. -- OR-- Repaint over old paint, four coats on Gear and Wheels, eight coats on Body lettered in Gold and appropriately striped in- ~ eluding three rubbings for the sum of $65.00. _wJ Bid of C.R. IIC])onalrt; . I herewith agree to paint I'os~ [~agon now under course of construction for the sum of $yr.00. lork to con- eiet of the following: Gear and Eody to rFCeive two cants of Lrad mixed with 011 and ?numbed with Turpen- Continued:- tine. near to receive the same "Lead Toned to suit Color". both Pody and Gear to recieve ta~o coats ~ English Vermillion. Two coats Rubbing Varnish. Fody to receive tv:o coats Reno Filler, to be rubbed down with Lu~rp Pumice Stone. Rubbing Varnish to be rubbed down with powdered Pumice Stone, Lo be lettered ; in Gold Leaf and striped the same as the o'.her Truck. To receive Beat of finishing Varnish all over. Councilmen Smith moors '.hs.t the bids presented be referred to the Chief of Fire Pepartmont, ht to award • Contract to the bidere, whom in his judgment will do the best work xnd to award Contract at the 5100.00 bid if Wagon requires same,motion seconded by Councilmen Irving and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes, Holmee, smith, Chambers, Irving, Ploes; None. i I Report To the Honorable L'ayor and Cor..mon Council of the City of San Bernardino. Old )Lill ', 4th & B Gentlemen: i Pursuant to your instructions of Feb. 10, 1913, !E, the undersigned, beg to report, that we have ! made investigation as to the condition of the old Mill Euilding situated on the corner of Fourth and B Streets, and find as follows. The foundation is in very bad condition, lack of floor support throughout the building, roof is aprrad in the rear, generally, the building is in very bad condition, and in our opinion could not be nut ! t ~ in a substantial condition without great expense, and really should be torn down, as being a nuisance and a menace to the public safety. I Respectfully Submitted, R ?~.D. Flo. A.L. Yea elt. ui d ng nspector. C ie o o ice. Upon reading the foregoing Councilmen Holmes moved that the report be received and placed on file, motion seconded by Councilmen Irving and carri=d. Councilmen Chambers moved that the clerk be constructed to communi- j Cate with the owners of the Old 2ii21 situated on the corner of B Streetrnotify eairt owners of tho report filed 1 regarding same, motion seconded by Councilmen Irving and carried. J.D.Norwa~d At the request of Ruby Norwood wife of J.D. Norwood, Councilmen Holmes moved that J.D. Norwood be placed Black List. upon the black list and the Chief of Police be instructed to notify liquor dealers, motio» seconded by Council- msn Irving and carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes, Rolmea, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, hoes; Hone. , L" 3• pipe in Having received information that t~ three inch pipe was being constructed. in Sown Creek between eighth Town Creek. and ninth Street, Councilman Smith raovrd that tht Street Superlnt~ndent Rive the matter his strict attention and order the construction of the s+e.1e'wsYk stopped, motion seconded by Councilman Holmee and carried. E p 'k S Councilman Smith moved that the Pity Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and specifications for side { prangelSt. walk and curb in Orange &treet between Arrowhead Avenue and R Street, motion was seconded by Councilman Chambers € and carried. y Grade Oak. Councilman Chambers moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to round up and bring s.++« to drainage • grade,0ak Street from Yt. Vernon Avenue 7fest, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. Petition A petition requesting the Council to start preceedinge for the, construction of side walk and curb on Ridewalk Belleview Avenue from lit. Vernon to Ili h Strest wa.e Councilman Chambers moved that the City Eelleviaw. 8 presented and read r Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and specifications for the construction of side walk and curb on r Belleview Avenue between Ilt. Vernon Avenue and High Street, motion edconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I Protest A petition eign~d by prpperty owners on Belleview Avenue between K Street and High Street and on Central Belleview Avenue between K and Hi h Strut Sidewalk e petitioning Council not to order in side walks on said Streets wsa presented and read. __-_____.. ___.,.-_..._._,__. ___.~_-___._.. T.-_ •F .j {l~" Continued: and read. i Councilman Smith mouse that the City Engineer be instructed to eetablish the grade of Orange Street notion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. l per app E311e. T2ie City Clerk was authorized to issue lfarrante as„claime,nroved by the Mayor an9 Tinance Committee this date, by the following? vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irvine, Cole,. No q; Hone. Ij P & S. Thr City engineer presented plans and specifications as follows, for the construction of soccer in 4 G St. sewGr• ~th.p;ving. G Street between 11th and ~treets,for the pavin¢ of R Street between 4th and Base Line StreeLcfor the B Bee Line paving of nth Street between B and I Street for the conetructicn of a Band Stand in Lugo Par~nd for the sidewalk. Band Stand. conetructicn of aide walk? on Base LineStreet between Faterman and Arrowhead Avenue. Councilman Chambers moved that the lane and s ecifications for the construction of a Band Stand in Lu o Park be a P P 6 pproved and C adopted, and that the City Clerk be instructed to ~+Caii~cH.~+'r bids for the construction of a band stand in Lugo Park referring to the plans and specifications adopted for such work, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and e~t.a:~c~ by the following vote, to-wit; Holmes, Smith, Chambers, lrving, Cole. Councilman Smith moves that the plane and apecification:~ presented by the City Engineer for Street improvement work s be referred to Attorney C.C. Haekel2, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. ~ 1 s,..y.m~ j,!/a~ j Light. Requests having been made for an Arc Light on the corner o ~4:~t and Arrowhead Avenue Councilman Irving moved Lhat the matter be referred to t;i~ ii~'it Committee, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. ffiotion of Councilman Smith aecond.ed by Councilman Cole and carried the Council adjourned as to meet r Z£onday 1~arch 3, 1913, at ~:30 o'clock P.L[. i I ~i y~I-erTc: Approved this ~ day of Earch 1913. t r o t e ity San ernar ino. ~ --,, ,.l' 3 E i L . i E i 1 t i _ _ -- CITY HALL, SAN BERt7ARDIrdO, CALIF„ 1!AP.C}i 3, 1913 A,~ourned regular meeting of the ;Iayor and Co:anon Council of the City of San Pernardino. ?tectinP was called to order by ktayor k3rigkEt at B;15 P,M, the following members of the Council being n present; Councilmen; Holmes, Smith, Irvine, role, City Clerk Patchclor, Abeent; Councilman Chambers, The minutes of the grevious meeting were read mad Approved, Plane & Spe, RESOLUTION A??OPTINI PLA?;S A'iD SP?CIFICATI9*i8 for the construction of a Public Sewer in Seventh Street 'Jth St, Sewer, from I Street to b±t. Vernon Avenue, in the City of San Bernardino as prepared by the City Bngineer of said City, and submitted on the 24th day of February, 1933, which said Specifications are ;3umbered "157" xas read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes, HoLnea, Smith, Irving, Cole, Noea, none. Res, of Int, RESOLUTION of the La,yor and Common Coancil of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention Vitrified Sewer 7th 5t, to construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in 6eventh Street, from I Street to Ht, Vernon Avemue in said f \ City, together xith 195-12-inch z 4-inch 1!yes, 8 Manholes, (2 2-Way and 6cj-pay}, and 1 plush Tank for 22- inch Sewer, was read Por the first time and laid over for final passage, i P,ee. of Int, A.ESOLUTION of the T•ayor anfl Co~mnon Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intentioh to f No. 1 Vitr a construct a gubl~c vitrifieft pips sewer in Bighth Street, from I Street to Penn Street in the City of San Sewer 8th St. Bernardino, together with 58 Wyse, 4 ?Fanholee, and 1 Flush Tank, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole, f Ord. No. 11 ORDINANCE of the lSayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, Establishing the Official Batab. Grade D Wit. Grade of D Street from the South Poundary Line of S%xternth Street to the South Boundary Line of Highland Avenue, in said City, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; 'Ayes, Holmes, { • Smith, Irving, Cole. l i l Ord. No.~12~ ORDINANCE' of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their Intention to ~ Change Grade ~ 4th St. Re-Establish the Official Grade of Fourth Street from the West Boundary Line of Arrowhead Avenue to the East Boundary Line of D Street in said City, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Ord. Ro. 513 ORDINANCE of the L•'ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, changing and Re-Ystablishing Change Gra e Gth St. the official Grade of Sixth Street fro•e the west boundary line of Arrowhead Avenue to the west boundary li line of I Street, in said City, was r+ad for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; 11~ew j Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Ord. No. I4 A7 ORDIFA?i^F, declaring certain buildings or structures damaged by fire or other elements to be a pub- D~eaged lio I~uiaance and providin for the removal or rr, it of the same and g Puildinge. , $ pa , providin for the ounishmenL of the i owners thereof for not complying with the Lerss of this Ordinance, was read for final passage and adopted f by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Aoee; none. i I Ord, Flo. AN ORDI`.iANCS calling an Election to be held in the City of San Bernardino, on MondaT the 14th day of Genl. Election, April, 191j, for t;ie purpose of Electing Officers of the City of San Bernardino, was read for the first time and laid over for final naseape, is?~i contimied: Report Chief F.enort of the Chief of Police and ?ac-Official License Collector for the ?ro nth of February, was presen of Police. led and read, Cmincilrsan Smith moved that the report be received and placed on file, motion seconded by Councilman Irving, and carried. Report City Report of the City Electrician, for the Edo nth of February was presented arrd read, Councilman Smith Electric i:~n, moved th«t thr, report be received and placed on file, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes, and carried, Report St. P.eport of the Street Superintendent of operations of Street pepart:aent for the Konth of February was Superintendent. presented and read. Jule 2immr.x-pan Petition signed by Lottie Honcock, requesting that dolt Zimmerman, her brother, be placed upon the Black 7,i at. tr~,.f~ ` black List, Councilman Smith moved that the request of Lottie Hancock, be granted and that the Chief of Police be instructed ti notify the Liquor Dealers accordingly, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Com. Colton Communication of Colton Grain and Killing Company, acknowledging receipt of communication, relative Grain 4 L`.illing Co, Old idill, to the Old kill Buil[ing at the corner of B and 4th Strut anal that they would give the matter their im- .,s mediate attention, was presented and read. I Bill of Bill of the National Orange Show in the sum of 1$200.00, for Street lighting during the Rational Orang Orange Show. Show, was presented, Councilman Holmes moved that the Clerk be instructed to ieeut a rfarrant in favor of t ~ the 2ational Orange Show Association in the eum of ;200.00, moticr. .;aconded by Councilman Smith and Carrie by the follwoing vote, to-wit; Ayea Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Noes: none. Uniform System R.B. Swing, Chairman of leis Civics Committer of the Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Council of Planting ', Trees. and urged the Edayor and Council to appoint a Tree harden to take four or five of the principal Streets _ ~ leading to and from the City and start a unifor~u system of planting trees to be maintained under municipal - authority, it was agrerd that the Mayor and Co~amon Council meet with the Civics Committee Thursday, lurch 6, 1913, at 1:30 o'clock in the CouncilrChamber of the City Aall. j i 3~G Fee Personal Councilman Smith moved that Lhe County Assessor re allowed a fee of, 3 per cent of collections made on „f Prpperty Taz, personal pron~rty taz, motion Seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. 9oea: none. Clearing of Councilman Irvibg moved that the County Assessor be allowed ih[.sus of ;50.00 for entering Aseeasment ,k Side •alke. "!or the clearing oII Bide walks," on Lhe City Aaeeeement Book. motion seconded by Councilman Cole and car- N? I tied by the following bole, to-wit; Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Hoes: none. ~ '; 4' ;F Bills. The City Clerk wse authorized to issue Harranta in pa#stnt for claims approved by the Mayor and Fiaa apes Committee thin date, by the fallowing vote, to-wit; Ayea, Aolmee, Smith, Irving, Coie. Hose: none. I Sire Chief Councilman Smith moved that the Fire Chief be instructed to burn brush in the Aroya, at F sod 8leven- ~" Burn Brush, th Streets, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried. k Estab. lfidth Councilman Irving moved that the rlty i!ngin^er bt inetract^d to establish the width of I Street, with ~r I St. Six Foot aide walks, from the Forth rroperty line of Sixth Stre"t to th! south prpperty line of Seventh Ij Qtreet, motion necon~ind by Councilman Smith and ~arritd. Councilman Smith mov-d that *.he matter of numbering houses in the City outside the Gilt Square, b! rt. . '; continued: ferred to the City Fnginner, motion aecond~d by Council:r.an Irving and carried. f' *J'stab, Joint Councilman Smith moved that the~City ?~;ngineer be instructed to take up the matter of eatablis}iing the ~ ~ Pole System. Joint Pole System on Arrowhead Avenue With fire Joint ?ole Committee of Loa AnSeles, :cotion seconded by j Counril:nan Irvin; and carried, Light, Councilman Col r_ of the lighting Cownitt!e reported favorable to installing light at the intersection of Arrowhead Avenue and Lynwood 'igay, and moved that said light be ordered in, motion seconded by Council- man Holmes and carried, Foolish Councilman Irving coved that the Chief of Police be instructed to investigate the Rnglieh Sparrow ~ Sparrow j Iiuieancr., nuisance and renort back, motion seconded by Councilman S+nith and carried. I x` St, To the Honorable ;~ayor and Coaanon Council, Culvert I+uisance, Gentlemen: i P Dr. 6trong, Dr, Z±e Connico and myself have made an inspection of the culvert on F Street Wort ~„' of Tenth Street, and find that conditions are very unsanitary dce to stagnant water at the upper end ~ i of the culvert, When warm weather courts conditions will be much worse. We therefore respectfully reeo~amend that the JWayor and Common Council take immedizte action in regard to this matter, and could l; suSgeat that fill be :code of such charzcter as to confine the water to a narrow channel and thus pre- i elude the possibility of water collecting and stagnating around the wing walla at the northerly end of th! culvert, Respectfully, F,C. Faxon. Asa+t Health Officer, ~ Npon reading the foregoing Cauncilman Smith moved that the matter be refferred to the Street Super- intend~nt. he to Five it hfe immedia'.e attention, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carries. ~-- Petition A petition requesting Council to establish a Street lighten at the intersection of Thirteenth and D Light 13th 8 D St. Street, was presented a.nd read, Council~:an Smith moved that ttie matter be referred to the bighting Com- mittee, motion seconded by Councilman Cole wnd. carried. Claim Claim of L°ra. Sarah Yager, in the sum of X15.75 for 45 cement bloc's claimed to have been removed l:ra. Yager. from the front of her premises, 506 P Street, by the Street Superintendent, was taken up, Councilman Irving moved that Der. Yager be tended ~y,40 in payrment of her claim presented, motion seconded by Council man Cole and carried. Plane tc Spe. The City P.ngineer presented plane and apeeifirationa for the eona'.ruction of a public sewer in Allen sewer Allen St. Strut from First to Slcond fitreet and in 9ridge Street, from A Street to Aatetman Avenue, Councilman Vmith moved that the etid Flans and wpecificationa be referred to the Attorney C.C, Haskell, motion second ed by Councilman Cole and carried. F~ Upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Cauncil,^:an Cole anh.carried, 4he Council wJourntd ' to meet iionday, 1'.arch 10, 1913. at ~;30 o+clock P,Y.. Approved thie,~(~~day of ]larch, 1y13. ~ f 'ay t ~e City of an t ernardino, City Clerk } City }iall,lan Eernardino,Calif. k'arcli G, 1913. Regular meeting; of the ?'ayor and Common Council of the city of San Bernardino, ]field Thursday karch 6,1913, for the purpose of canvadsin~ the returns of the Charter Amendment Rlection held Tuesday R'arch 4,1913, for the purpose ,' of submi+,ting to the qualified ~lectora of said city for their ratification or rejection "rropoaed Charter Amendment *iu- mber One" ae nroroaed and submitted by resolution No. 581, P.dopted and a2nroved the 6th day of Tanuary,l913. t'.eeting wee sagged to order by Idayor Eright'at 7.30 P.L[, the following members of the Council k+cing nreennt Councilmen: Ilolmrs, F.mith, Irving, Cole, and City clerk ?9atclielor. Absent: Councilman Chambers. The Clerk was instructed to procerd with the opsnine of election returns, which upon hemp canvassed showed the cote cast ae follows: OFFICIAL RETUR215 OF CHARTER AI~LE?Ill9?P:}7T ??T.ECTIO'~:. Precinct Noss. 1 2 4 r b 8 Yes. 121 4 1 80 111 1 8 Yee. ~ 210. 41 b 2 1 66 6 ]1 No. Totes vote cast, - - Oy s "~ The canvass being completed,and cording to the returns, 787 votes having been cast in favor of the Nnen- dment, and 311 votes having been cast against the amendment makbng a majority of 476 votes cast in favor of the adoption i of the amendment, ?Layor Brip~ t declared the Amendment carried. There being no further business the Council adjourned. ~' ~~~Lt p O~~ 1 C ty C er . Approved this ~ day of Larch,l913. 1~?ayo o e y o Berner no. ~ "`' i I i 3l ! ' f . i~ l i , p~ I '~ ss i 4 _ _ City Hall, San Eern~rdino, Calif., 1.~arch 10,)93• Ajourned rrgular :neetintc of the 3'ayor and Common Counr,il of the City of San Bernardino. f L`eeting was called to ordtr by 1!ayor Pright at 8;15 P. L'. the following,•nembera of trio Council being pre sent; Councilmen; Hohaes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, and City Clerk P,atchr.lor. The ?Finute= of the meetinv held ?arch 3, 1913 :aer~ read and a7,*~roved. The mimztea of the meetine held ?Carch G, lgl3, were read and apnreved. ' Res. of Tn+. PE^OLUTIC`}1 of the i.iayor and Cemmen Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to :lo. 59z Jth St. construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in Seventh Street, frees I Street is IF t. Vernon Avenue in avid City, Sewer. • "' '~ ~ rZ~ ~toa•ether xith lOr-l2-Inc}i x 4-inch Wyea, 8 t:anholea, (2 2-'ya.y and 6 3-',Say), and 1 Flush Tank for 12-inch i '~ \ ~.,.5~ ~ Sewer, was reed for final paseyge and adopted by the following vote. Ls-wit: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, ..- Cele. Voea: None. Ord. Ne. AN ORDI11`;CL calling an Election to be held in the City of Szn Bernardino, on 1~_enday the i4th day of ,15 Call- ing Gen~l April 1913, for'the purpose of electing Officers of the City of $an Bernardino, was read for final pzseage Flr.etion. and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Holme,, S~aith, Chambers, Irving, Celt. Nees: "one. • ~ Bureau of }iepert of }S.C. Faxon, Deputy City Engineer of the work of the Aureau of Teat for the)denth of February Teat Goa. 1913, and reco~amending an amendment to the Ordinance regulating the qucaity of Gas, ouch amendment t• stip- ulating the maximum allowarle amount of sulphur in grains per cubic foot, was nrtsented and. rtafl. Council- man Cele ~t;oved that the report be received and placed on file, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and ' carried. To Amend Councilman Chambers moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance amending Ordi- Gas Ordfnanc'e. nonce pertaining t• quality of gas as recommended by the Assistant City Engineer, motion seconded by Ceunci man Irving and carried. Tie following communication was presented and read. ' To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council, '. ', City of man Bernardino. • Gentlemen; s, In accordance with your request, I am pleaded to nomin~a a for the Commission to be known as ' the Tree Commission, for the City of San Bernardino, the following names. ~ From the Chamber of Commerce, Yr. R. 3. Swing, who will be Chairman of the Commission Frog Lhe Blka Club, representing the Social Secret Socities of the City, Yr. 0. P. Bloat, and from the Ro- roana Club, Yrs. Dr. I}. C. Strong. If I can eervt you further in this matter, I shall be glad to do so. Very truly yours, * 1[ parker. roe en er o ommerce. ~' Upon readinP the foregoing Mayor Bright nomod R. B. awing, 0. P. 81oat, and 2Lrs. D. C. Strong ae Tree a Cosooieaion and Advisory Committer, to act with the >~6ayor and Comtaon Council in the matter of planting and maintaining Trees, Councilman Smith moved that Lhe appointment cwde by the Layor be conf used, motion d seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the foilowing vote, to-wit: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving. 1 Cole. !Po ea: lions. ~;:' ~ . Continued; Hills, The City Clerk was authorized to issue ~Sarranta in payment of claims aanroved by the 1.'ayor and Finance Committee, this date by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, S~aith, Chambers, Irvin„ Cole, Noes: none. ~ Plane Pc Spc. The City Engineer presented mars and specifications for side walk and curb in Orange Street between aide Calk Orange, B Street and Arroxi~ead Avenue and for the constriction of aide walks and curb i:z Bel2eview Avenue from Pelleview. High Street to ~'t. Verno» Avenge, Councilman Smith moved that the said plans and snecifications be re- ferre.i to Attorney C. C, ltaskell, motion secon~ie~i by Councilman Chi :bees and carried, Amendment 5:ayor Bright called attention of the council to the possibility of calling an ?lection for the amend of Charter, meet of the City Charter on account of error in the. proceeding taken in previous election held, and that there is sufficient time remaining to call an el~c+ion, and present proceedings to the Legislature before Lheir ajourn,~nent, , F.ee. ?Zo. A RESOI:JTIOTF proposing a certain amendment to the City Charter of the City of Sah Bernardino, provid- Amend Char cr 9ond'g Limit. ing for t'ne publication thereof, and describing and setting forth such amend.~nent, xis read for the first _ tine and laid over for "final passage. ++r~ ' ~ ~ Ord. So, AN ORDINANCE calling a Special Election to be held in the City of San Bernardino, i'or the purpose of Calling Special Election to submitting to the qualified Electors of said City for their ratification or rejection a certain progoeed Amend Charter. , amendment to the Charter of tits City of San Bernardino, :mending Section ljj thereof by changing the lim- it of the bonded indebtedness of said City, so that such limit shall noL in the aggregate exceed Fifteen per cent of the assesa~d value of a.ll the real and personal property of the City of San Bernardino, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Schedule Stre^.t Councilman Chambers, Chairman of the Stre=t Committee presented for the approval of th• council, Department. schedule of xnrk requiring attention in the Street Department. Pirch, Grape Councilman Smith moved that Birch, Grape, and ~Falnut Streets asked for by Councilman Chambers, eati- iPalnut Guttered & mated coat x9,00, be guttered and croxned with grader, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried Croxned, . by Lhe following vote, to-xit: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving. Cole. Ttoes: none. ]tt. Vernon Councilman Smith moved thst Lit. Vernon Avenue from Fifth Street to Eighth Street be graveled on oil Graveled. strip, and rolled, estimated cost X42,00, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the follow- ing vote, to-wiL: Eolmee, with, Chambers, lrving, Cole. ,t Smooth Fortier Councilman Unith moved that the grader be run along gutter to cut grass and smooth border in Allen in ~ Allen St. Streit between First and kill Street, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried by the following ~' vote, Lo-wit: Holcr,ee, Smith, Chaa:bere, lrving, Cole. Noes; none. D, 8, G, Ac H Councilman Smith moved that the Intersection terminals of D, F, G, and H Street gavements be gravel- K Sts, Graveled. ~d and oiled, estimated coat 480.00, motion seconded by r.ouncit:can Chambers and carried by the toilowing vote, to-wit: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, role. Garner 1F the Councilman Irving m:wed that C,arner Street Prom Filth to fiprdec,and~l Street, Fifth to 3pruce,and '~ ?nruce, b ~Bt. ~' -~ s Grade. Dirt J 4Lreet, Fifth to Spruce, be broug)<tt to grade andothe dirt moved to Meet Pourth Street to fill over drain 1!ove~l+'f pipe an~i into *eaL Kingman for side waLk., motion seconded by Councilman :with and carried by the foilow- ~ ' inq vos e, to-wit: Holmes, Smith, Chaxbere, Irving, Cole. Councilman Smith xove~t that the ~etreet supw_invLe~rlant be'~Y~feltavuoCwd Cb'~g~?de'inL'eYSeclCfo~it Iff '~$ ~.__u _ _ _ s. A, Olive, and Olive StreCta;aud interaectiQn~',9f~ ",A'E ,and :Eltiehtfl;and,~A~-";-f'•_'-":-~ and~Orange Strerta.', , 11th & Orange Sts, be motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Craded, Irving, Cole, +' 4th 3 rth St Councilran Smith moved that a strip Twenty-i'our feet •+vidr. alonE; Kast Fourth and Fifth Street between Culvert. A Street and `liaterrnan Avanae be gr.:ded, crowns' and rolled and that a Twenty-seven inch pipe culvert Fifty Fifth feat long be constructed in;eaak, Streets, motion seconded by Councih:.«n Cha:nbere .r~ r~rried by the follow ing vote, to-wit: }lolmes, Smith, Irvin, Cha:bers, Cole, k f E St, Scarafed Council•.an Smith :roved that F Street from Plinth to Highland Avenue be acarafed, crowned and rolled, I Crowned & ` Polled, estimated coat ,'*125,00, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the follo•.~ing vote, to-wit: ~ }{olm?s, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. i !/hiatling E. Ryles of 89j Eighth Street, appeared before the Council and entered comBlairt on acoount of the Locomotive. ~ continuous whistling of locomotive on I Street offered to swear to complaints, Councilman Chambers moved E that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the nescessary nroceedin¢s tp regulate the blowing and ~ • whistling and blowin4 off of steam etc. of the locorotive, stotion seconded by Councilman Irving and car- { .t` reed by the follwoing vote, to-R•it: Rolmee, Smith, Chambers, 'ruing, Cole. S Saloon Re-per The Chief of, Police reported the. Oats City Bar as having sold liquor to a Ainteen year old }[igh H, S. Foy appear before School Boy, Councilman Chambers moved that the Proprietor of the Gate City Bar he sighted to appeat be- Council, fore the Council and that the boy be called, that the saloon keeper may be given a hearing, motion aecond- •ed by Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote, to-wit: fiolmes, Smith. Chambers, Irving, Cole. 7th St. Fill Councilman Cole moved that the bill rendered for dirt in the Seventh Stre«:t fill, be rejected, motion iia jetted. seep»ded by Councilman Chambers and carried:.. by the foll::oing vote, to-wit: Ayes, Holmes, Chambers, Irving f Cole, Hoes: Smite, k Tear out 6th Councilman Irving moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to tear out side walk e,eztending •' St. Side Walk ~ Put in Return. into the Stre•~t on ^.izth and I Streets and. to »ut in teturn, ;notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to-?tit: Ayes. Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Coie. Foes: none, 1111 ~ J IIAOn motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried the Council ajourned tb i i meat uonday, b?arch 17, 191j. at 7:30 o~clock P,w, i City C er . Approved this day of Parch 1913. ,1 1 a a o o e City o er ar ing. f { ~ s i City Nall, San P^rnardino, California, t'~rch 17, 1013. Adjourned refular rrr,^tinr of ih~ )_'ay4r and. Coy:mop Council n£ the City of San Iernardino, held L`ond~y .,*`a.rch 17, 191j. !.+entin~ was celled to order by ?_ayor Bright at 7;j0 o+clock P.L`„ the following members of the Coln cil being prea~nt, Councilmen: 1?ol*n-a, Smith, Ch-~,bers, lrvinF, Cale. --_._ The minutes of ri;e previous meeting were rekd and approved. Rea. Dlo. r93. A. °F.SOLCTIO'.i nro~oaing a certain Amend:,.ent to t},e City Charter of t},c City of Szn Rcrnardiro, ' Amend Charter. providing for the nublicztion thereof, and declaring and aettin~ forth ouch Amendment, was cad fo final nzata~e and adopted -oy file follotiving vote, Lo-wit; /`yr.a: Holmes, Smith, C},robera, lrving, !i Col._, lioea: sons. Ord. ??o, r26 A:l OP~1*A`:CF calling a Special laection to be held in the city of Ssn P^rnardino on Friday the Cp.11inP of ~ Special Elect- IFth day of April; 1913, for t.h~ purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of acid City for ` ion. Amend Charter their ratification or rejection a certain proposed Amendment to the Charter of the City o;' San Per- ~ Bond Limit. '. nardino, amending Section 133, thereof by changing the limi+, of the bonded indebtnaness of said City, ao that such limit shall not in the aggregate exceed ^ifteen percent of the assessed valueeo£ i all the real neraonal property of the City of San Bernardino, was read for final naaaage and adopt- i ed by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes: Holm-e, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Srwer to be Councilman Srcith moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and epecificatione constructed on for sewer to be constructed ~sy, Waterman Avenue between B:.se Line and Faoc~penth St recta, motion se- viaterman Ave. conded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Petition to The following petition wcs presented and read; Pave Alley bel. I: & I, To the Honorable ~zyor and Common Council, d: 2nd & 3rd Sta. City of San Bernardino, California, Gentlemen;- i i The undersigned owners of nr~,perty abutting on the zlley running from A to I Streets and along the r^ar of lots fronting on Third Street, reenectfully petition your Honorable flody '~"`'~;,', ~ • to tngin proceedin,ra under Improvement Act of 1911 for the Improvement of said alley by paving "" ' the same with concrrte not 1-aa than five inches in thickness with a bituminous cover: I Ten aignaturee p.nnexed th?reto representing 845} feet, Councilman Chambers moved that. the pe- ', titian be received and placed on file, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Retab. Crude Councilman Smith moved that the City Engineer be instructed to establish grade of alley running Alley bet, H ?c I S, of 3rd St, from H to I Street and Gong the re.r of iota frcntina on Third Street. motion seconded by Council- ~ i • man Charbere and carried. i Res. He. RFSOI?JTION o£ the 1'ayor and Common Council of the City of Ran Bernardino, declaring their in- Estab. Gra ' Orange St. tention to establish the official grade of Or..nge Street, from tine East boundary '.ins of "A" Street , to the East boundary line of ArrawFiead Avenue in acid City, was r r d for the first limn pad laid over for final parsnge. Ord. ?'o. All OPnI*+.111C2' arc,ending Ordinpnce ?~o, r01 of Lhe City n£ San Bernardino by adding a new ^ec.tion • Re~ul: ling • Quality of therrof, to ?-e known sr ;ecti~:n 77~ th^r^of, r^~?ulRtinfr the ~,uality of Gas to hr used and rupplitd rp s . under said Ordinance to the City o£ San B^rnardino and the inhahitante theresf, wan read for the ~ first time and laid ov-r for final pa=vagn, ~ ' ..,a. _ ; Attorney C, C, Attorney C, C. Haskell, reported hayin- n.pers s~rverl on him in t1,e rrc.tter of Gas Fate lnjune- ]L:,kall v.eked Lion :net ~s}:ed to be au`.hnriz-r•, t , to accent ' o accept Serv~c in heh~lf of «11 defen~ixnta, Co•.?~•rii^^rn E:r,itlr mov~- Service, thQt _4ttorrey C, r„ . _ I.a,,c 11 be authoriz-r3 t ~""""" o apn-ar in Court and rcc~pt $r.rviccA.;ln,a21 of '..},e d,.. ' ~ fer.dants in maft~,• of Ga:e Pate. Injunction, rro`ion s•conr?M by rouncilr:•.an Cole anri carried by the fol lnwinC vote, to-wit: AVes: lfolmes, `;Tit.h, ~hart;ber•n, `ruing, rel.., p?oes; prone. , r Gas Snjunction Councilman fimith mound ttirat the matter of empl"oyin- ex.~erts in thr.r:ae Injunction proceedings a7 L:xpenae be lift to l.:ayor, and other expenses be left in hands of the ?::.yor w$`th~._power to act, motion seconded by Council:can Irving and carried by the. following vote, to-sit: Ay~~a; }lolmea, Gmith, C}rarnbera, Irving, role. ' r:itationa Citations in case of ~A, S. Dilly, in Lhe rsatter of h:.ving sole'. linuor to minor were real, t- of torn ay Yt, F;, Rrpnr. represented Dilly in ti~a :natter, end t}.e Follovring Fore called end offered tnati- ' W, S. Dilly, f mony; F, S, Speith, John Leppla, !Y, S, Di11y, A, L, l:espelt, and Roy Cox, after hez.ring the testimorg ' in the matter, Councilrr.an Smith moved that Dilly be given censure Rod instructions from Lhe }!:yor to ' excute rr:ore caution in the future and that repetition of the act result in the revoking of the said Y1, S, Dilly licences, :notion seconded b;~ Crruncilrnan Cole sod carried by the following vote, to-wit: _,~'' ~ Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Col?, Noes: None, \ ~ ~ i A, Eogo APPbication of A. Rogo for -holetale Liquor Licena! a+, plumber 1181, Third :treat, together with Granted ~~hole- sal•. Liquor bond th! sum of '`2000.00, W, Coorres and Threaa Tosetti~suritiee~wa.s presented fpr annreval of j I-icense, the Council, Cou~:cilman Chambers moved that license be granted A, lingo, hie bond approved, anr! that the linens! Mine issues- in th? Hams of Hogo,and Giovaidlo be cancelled, motion seconded by Council- man Smith and carri•_d by the following vote., to-c:it; Ayea; Hol!nea, Smith, Chambers, lrving, Cole, ~ Noes: none, ? St.-Culvert '!'hs City Engineer presented plane and specific+tiona fora culvert at F and Third Streets, Csurr = Adopted, cil:can Chambers ~soved that the said plena send specifications be adocted and approved, Notion seconded ~' _' by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Yea: lfolmes, Bmith, Ch:unl~ers, Irving ', Cole, frees: none. 4~,_ Css¢gunication ?h'e following cor:.rounication was presented and rand: , o~ Honorable L'ayor and Com:con Council, ," -~ t ree`CoTrrit.ee. flf the City of San Bernardino. ` ' !t Gentlemen: 4'=, your co:nrr,ittaa heretofore snnvinted to take up the question of tree nlsnting in { Eon Bernardino, rlesir to report to you, that we held a meeting at the Chamber of t•.emmerce en the } 11th day of "arch, at xhich place --n~ tim• w. had T=r, J, H. Reed of Riverside present, who gave I f a l xture on the various :rinds of trees be planter?, aPt.er which r..esting your corunittte~ met ~ nd nssirs to -:ake the followirg r-c o~;mr,ndatione: r That pepper trees be olrnted •n "E"'Street, f ram Second Street t• tall Street. The i ts~al number of trees required •ail2 be 176, a~gortion of these sill be fu.-nisheG and olonted by adJoining property owners. l ~ ~fe recom:~end the planting sf pepper testa on fount Vernon Av?.nue from ^ifth ro Four• - th Strut, thence hest on Fourth Street to City Limits. The teia2 number required will be 1QS. tfe reco,;:nerd the planting of Ik+te Pala, alternated r,ith Camnh~r trees •n ?bird Street ,,1, to Allen, thence South on Allan to L~321, Lhenoe on Lill to city T.imita. The total number Pal.r will br ~1 and t}t~ toisl nu :b.r of Camyhor wilt I e ql, • ,s F F'~e nlso r~co^•~;end Face Tine Stre^t froc :'mount Vernon Avenue to 1?arleti }rot ..^.~~rin;a planted to n~ nr.r trees, The number of trees required to nl.nt in thn City sill hr 4~jCi, 'The cost of ne!~per trees x•ill be shout lOg e.ch, and the palri and c::.;.nhor about 2 j¢, V; r. ~sould ,~" I like to have these trees pl.ntcd during the ureeent wee;t r, r' ~=airs to have you authorize the Street 1 Suaerint!!ndcnt to -;l~r. the purchase 2nd pl:+nt the sane fortYir,ith, m Vie v~ill tunr.rintend both purchasing .nd plr.nting. In view of the latenea~ of the se4son ge ho}r that you will make this authorization forthwith am v:e Rill endeavor to have lire trees planted a.nd growing before. you }roll an~~i.er mr^ting. If conditions per:ait, we }>.ope to be able to reco:a,:;end otter •..or:t Chid year but thought it Lent h to get thin portion of the woik co~enleted at once. Very Respectfully, galph Swim, Chairman of Co:mnittee. Trer Co:anittee, T?pop readin; the foregoing Councilman Irrin~,; r,w°~l that the Ca-mitt's be .-<llovred x59,00 to etz.zt , AlloY~d ~r0.00. the proposed :+ork of planting trees. motion eecondded by CounciL-.an Cha:nb^re and carried by the follor, ln~" Vdte, to-lYi=: AyCa; -`~Olm~!,, ,"jal ~}1, Chambers, frvin9, COle. ?IOes; none. i i Autanatic Councilman Chambers :coved that the Street ,^~uperintendent be indtructed to take un ?alter sf gut Signal . Y St. orratir, Signal,"on F Street at Tr+ection Ear!!; with the Santa Fe Raihray Company, tho.t acid signal be repalced ro as to _n.,ive due -sarning to tTze pa.aeing public, motion aeeonded'by Councilman Smith and I carried, Conetr.rct Bide Councilman Chatnbnra moved that aide calks be cenatracted on the South aide of Third Street i+e- rralke on i Third Street, t:+een Tit, Vernon Avenue and the Cou.,ty }iospital, motion eeconded by Councilman Smith amd carried by t}ie follo+ving vote, is-wit: Ayes; ?Tolmea, :%x,ith, Chambers, Zrving, Cell. Neee:nene, Prepare t`ee. Councilman Chambers ~+oved :hat the City Attorney be instructed to prepare aeaolutinn of 7nten- of int. for f Side `d:lks lion for the construction of aide -salkr on the 5euth side of Second Strut between ? and G Streets, on Sewond St. motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, r~ ~ Joint role Crancilm=n Szi±h Toved th:t the Stre-t Superintendent be inatruct~d to in+.erview Pacific Light ', 3rd st, . and Power Ce, that they hasten th! Joint Pole proposition en Third Street. motion seconded by Council roan Chambers and carried. ~ Upon motion of Councilman Smith duly eeconded by Councilman Cile and carried the Council n~i,jus m I E` ed to :acct L'onday ;arch 24, 1913. at 7:30 •~clock P. 1:. I 1. 5 ~~e ~~,-.: Y, City C1er cam. Approved this 1~ ;~dny of i'arch, 191j, ~ ' i r ~ ~ L:rayor he City o n ernar loo. ~^R -r sr I~~ City Iia21, San Fernardino, California, ?_'arch 20, 1913, kxeeting of the L'.ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, helri Thursday, ?~orch 20, i 1813, pursuant to the PrirrtAry Election laws, far the purnose of canvsa,ssing t}ie returns of the Pri- ~ ~ nary Election held Larch 18, 1913,' ' Seetin was tailed to orderst 1;40 P, L. L'• g by ayor Fright, the following men„hers o. t7ic council beirr present: to-wit; Councilmen: Itol.ried, Smith, and Cole. Absent: CounciLnen: Irving and Cho*nberd. i t upon motion of Councilman Solmes duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried the Council ad_ ~eur.~ed to meet a± 7;30 P, ';~, to proceed with the cam~add of the Primary ??lectior. returns as afore- ' said, F -~-;~_ Cz~y CC1Pr1~. I disproved this~~day ofsiarch 1913• _ ~ ayor o ! r~e~~an ~~rn~r ino. r t i r ~ I - city }call, San Bernardino,Calif, *'srch L0, 1913. Adjourned meeting of the L""ayor and Cannon Council of the City of San Bernardino held Thursday F!arch 20, 1913, ?-eetin3 v?ae called to order by L'ayor Bright at 7,40 P,~, the following members of the Council reporting pree- ent, to-wit: Councilmen; Solroed, Smith, Irving, Cole. Absent; Councilman Chambers. Councilman Smith :roved to dispense with the reading of minuted ari that the Council proceed with eanvase of returns of the Primary ?lection held Larch 15,1913, motion seconded by Councilman Ilolmed and carried. r llhereupan the returns of said Primary Election were opened and the Council proceeded Lo canvass same, Lhe following being the roe~.tlt as mown on the face of such returns. \ , - " r,,ontinued an Pag,~rj0. _ , T:', f i volt: c.asT PRl>ra.~?~ n.L~~~Tlo:r r~xctt 18, 1513. {!1Precinct :do's r 1 2-' f~~„_ ! I il0 1 12 I I ~1 ± 1 I 1 20 21 ~ -Z - ._~~..---I~.G.Bri~Tist'____ I1G 11 E 1 1 E 3'P~i .'t~ _I.3°~ 1 ~2T _ _.333 ~ J.?Y. Catick ~ 1 ~ 2 ; 2 ' 1 j 11 ( I t 1 1 23' 32 - ?'otatl lot e Cast. ~ 17.F..Irvfng 1 4{ 2' I i10 T 2L k ] ! ! -,~_ I 131 Precinct- - ~ T~s liolmes-___-'~i].911 c 32 f d~ 1 ~ 41 I_ 1 t 71101 I 1 21 I 1_40 i~o: 1 - 47 ` E ,.!'.ta. Gu`rr --- - _1 ~ 1 , ~~~_.i - ~ € ? ~ - 11 .- -- _.1~5 „ - - - _ s ~ P.. TsS~,vinS ( 1 1 I _ T-I i I -._ ? 3 ~8 ! I B.J.?tcCor~.icK _ ! ~`' 1~' ~ I IA_I 1---~i.~ I I T _ __~_1 4 - - - 73 Y Keefer -~ 1 ~ .L-_ 1 _ i _ j _ I I ~- - 1 ^ - - - 32 3 ~vpCaro ersori___ _i I---~- ~ :-•~- I i € i 1 ` __j r i 4 ~-. -~--r---I - 1 - -- 1 " 11 ~ '8 Gran ------- T- I -~-- 1 _1 I i l --~ -- ` I -- _ i ~ - - - `l3 ~ R:P:Paraze e lI'_ I (Ti -T I -.;_-{` i _ I ! I 1 9 - - - 64 ^v Henr ,Fc~chaT rdt -_ -_L-! -~! I I ~ I ~ k I ~ _ 1 10 - - - ' J.P.rice E ]_- _~- _ - _L__I I I _ I 1. lI - - - ~2 `F Paraer' I ~ l I i I --1i 12 - - - 20 ~v T.Y! lzont~;oT~Pr~ - __._.I 1 I - 1 I -- - - - - --- ~- " ~3 - - - S1 f~- I ~I 1 j I k ~I " 14 100 ,H,C z~ase i.,' _ " 1 tenr Herkelrat}i I i -; I 1~ - r - ~9 ~ ~' Precinct 1:o~e 1 2 4 ~ 6 7 8 c 10 11 12 1 14 1 16 1 18,1 20 21 22 " 17 - - - 4E 3 o i~J.S,Erie~t _ 9 1 11 ^ 18 - _ - fir, ~ o ~ VI Caticf 1 2 1 - -~- 10 - 1 2 2 1 2 __35 " 14 - - - 49 "q hennas' 1iol:r.es 11 11 4 11 2 41 q0 20 - - - 27 ! m E Irvin 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 I " 21 - - - 33 Rhn.Gui•r I 1 1 1 I I L2 " 22 - - - 97 Precinct *'o~s _ 1 2 4 6 8 5 10 11 12 1 14 lr 16 1 18 1 20 21 22 I~ Total. ~ : I urr 4 2 2 it IO 14 t5 a T iTnas I[oliiee 1 1 2 1 1 1 ~j I b ~a J SiPrignt --___- _ -- - - --- -- -1 -- 2 f ` IIt v ° W E.Irvin- ~- - -- 11 - 1 ` ~ Precincts `fo's _ 1 2 4 J 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 1 14 1 16 17 18 1 20 21 22 ~ S T S Bri ht 2 1 1 1 1 1 2-_ 14 i ~ , ~-~------ _ _ - _ - o I,.?9m.Gurr _ _ _ _I _ 1 .F.IrvinS 1 1 , ~ Frecnet~No's 1 2 4 ~',6' 8 9 10 11 12 1 14 15'lfi 17 1 20 21 22 Wi ~ iam;GUthr e y HH:Cliaee' 1 1 7 1 _ 1 _ 21 C. C.ltaskell 1 1 1 1 J.WSt'e herieon l l 1 1 1 I 1 2 17 GeorJohnson i ~ -- - --•- sl ?:Swan' ~ 1 ------ C as'".1llieon I ----.1 en,.Fxerson _ I ____1 . uc wor~rTi ` 1 _ _ _ I I _ _1 J:C~Ralnhs - 1 C:BtAun e 1 i ~ arr :;Allison i_ _ 1 .S.Yo s ~---- - 1 -- _1 Prec3not `to's 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 12 1 14 it 16 1 18 1 20 21 22 ,`7 ~'i diem'. Cuti~rie _I_ 1 2 1 1 ~ 9 k 4 I _ _ 97 ' 113 HfiChsse 2 1 2 _4 _ _ 1 I J9LStenhenson _ 1 1_ ~- S i 21 2 1 1 2 4 ~' C.Allison 1 I R.Swin 1 1 C.C.Haskell 1 ! 2 an _ .R'. Sm i th Precinct 2?o'e _-_ 1 2 ~ 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 1 14 1 16 1 18 1 20 2I 22 - ' J R.S a enson . ' W a'n Gu r e , H.H, aAe _ _ Wm' Swim -- - ---~ 1 _ ~ 'Precinct ~o'e 1 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 1 14 lr 16 1 18 1 20 ?.1 22 a.~a Gut r e ..It.. ~aee ----; ~~~Y Precinct P?o's 1 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 1 14 1 16 1 18 1 -20 21 22 2 ~ ',~, ~I Anna E.Garner y flap _ ~ ESw 4 1 2 1 2~ 1 0 1 l0 I Q .Care ' 4 -- 0 • i R.C.Hunt~e'_ ---- 1 1 1 1 I ~ ors Gowell --- _ ~ 10 11 ~i a -7 11, ~f_ Z ~ _ _ i I ' - 1 1 . Kennel _ ~ ~ J 1 ~ ~ 4 1 1 ! _ 12 l anon , ~ ,Ti. raeon _ .V - -~ ~ -- -- - _ "1 -- a 3oii<Ten _ -. _ - -- I 1 1 - --.1 S-3 / i Continue~t from p~~e 530 jr Precinct )~(o'e _ 1 2 4 ~ fi 8 10 11 12 1 14 1 1G 1~ 1& l0 20 21 22 2 1 VOTE CAST '_,OR Een Thomas _ T~_'- i .-3}-_- "_~ ! I !~- ! l- i EOi7 ~l;a thCa Tt ------~-1~1 + I-~- ! i I ~ +l { L'~.ZFiER OF °OAItll OF R.y Gar~uir -~' • j' _ s k i ! _ I__ ~ --C--- EL`UCAT10{!. v,'ill' Seeconbe - --~ 1: _1'j' i - _-_+- i---r- j•-- --j`--` -` ! ~ 8~---------- I 11 ~ ~ -~ -r ~-- -1 - 1' _ -I --~-_ t _ 4 ~ ?Y. F. Garner - ~ i ~ ~ _ i j -. C."..'.:;with ~''--- -~- '- 1 l ~ _~-j _ 1- Bair -- '---= --I---- --~--- J.F Yams-'lion -}-~ ---~-.~ -- 1 _ I I Parr i___L__z-._I ? i -~- I _ i______ C is mere --------j- -~ -- ~---- -~--I I I 1 ! f I ~ -`- - -~- --- - - -~- - Ro inson -'_~- -- i-_~_T I ; l -- I ~ - - - - ---1 H.CoTori~V _ ~_-- _ ? t l- _ lrer+LAarton-`-_~~~ _ i ~'____ i I i_ I ~ J -T F~~o~-r~-enc`e Hari _ I 1 ~-T 1 _ I 3 I C.?i.Iialldor -_ -- I -1 I ~~~'j'~~ I k 1 H.C.Peaee -----'~ - _.- -~ - ----'r- I -=---`-~ -~ I 1L 3 -V, VOTE CAST ~'OR :.'':t~EP. OF THE COEi'0:~ COU?{CIL F1IiST WAP.D Republican SECOND~~"lAAD Republican F'UURT~Hl97ARD Republican Precinct Ho' e 1 2 Preci'net ivo+s i 4 1 lb Precinct ,io' 9 G 14' 22 C au-3 de ?kivideon 1 ~2j. H~enrYz Gansner 0 G.YISNit 1 CCHAS,Hayes - Z S d~-+arence _ 1 1 J. FHami ton J R,Hnereon - 1 CW~S:n>.tit- 1 1 W.Fl,SwinS ` - Herkelrath _ _ 1 1! 2 Grant= 1 I _ F;J'.Coodwin F.C.Finkie 1 C a lean 1 i l GeoSeaPer 1 Eerv n i3ewbur I 1 --T tS;EIrv~n 1 1 J,R~,Step enson _l~ _-_ ~i,guthrie 1 ,~-~ W,Guthrie 1 Dr.Liverma'n- 1 ~ FTEST `AAPTJ Democratic 3~OHI1 W.1RD Democratic FC1U'PTN,491+h-D Democratic Precinct fr'o' e 1 2 Precinct Fo's 4 1 ifi Precinct Ro's 7 ' 6 1422 C aurae Pavidaon 1 i!enr GAnenPr 0 CC'Pl~- _ i 9 S dney hawren_ce 1 J:?~'.Ha.•n ton 1i 1 J,)r,Ro d - 1 ~Geo_~:S__e~.a~e.r -~ Gran 1 1~!,4F,Sw~na I 1 J,r,harni tan F,J-,Goodw n '-- t, . F . Ca rem 'T FIRST WARD Socialist SECOP{D `B'ARD Socialist "aQUP.TH WAP.n Socialist Precinct ;;o'e - 1 2 Precinct ~o'a 4 1 lb Pre'cinct'?:o's 7 d 14 22 )lenry Fierka~ra L, W. Grant ~T'Z~^'f F.J,Goo w n 14 i.,":,Grant J.Ham~ own ! C.W,Smit i 7as car-oT'i i ' gnCOr{D {yA~ prohibition FC'JRTiI WAFD Prohibition :+r Precinct No' a ~~4 I~16~ Precinct Yo's ~ t! 14 22 "~ Aenry Gansner ~ 1TT-i-i-~ 1 J,F~ton _ It was proved by Councilman S:nith that Taily Sheets from Precincts ?3o's -~- 9- 13 and 20- be considered and counted only in so far ay the School Eoard Candidates is concerned, as we cannot give an intelligent inter»retation of the vote actua?_ly cast from Lhe records herein contained, a8 Telly iteeta so returned by the election boards oP said pre cincte show eurh confusion that they cannot be counted or canvaa:~ed intelli!?entl,y fro~a the face of such returns, motion duly seconded by Counci?men Cole and Carried by the tol2oring vote to-wit: Ayes; Kolmee, Smith, IrvinS ,Cole. ,ioes;none. '!'iie canvass of Dr>,mary T?l~etion held ?'arch 18,1913, hnvin? bean comPletPd, it was moved by Council•nan G~ith that tits candid•otea received the hivhest number of votes cast tnr the reanactive offices from all the nrecinCte ae here in_bsfore set forth, are hereby r?eclared ytfeted'and nominated sa candidates Por Lhe respective offices 'o he voted for at the rtrnrral L`unicipal ';lection .4pri1 14, 1913. the following being ti,e candidates so elected. . . / 1 Republican Tte:nocratic Socialist ~ Prohibitinn ra3LAY0? r q q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J,S BriRht J,S,Erigitt L,Wm.Gurr J,S,Bright CITY :T:CT?.'tSY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~'illia,n Gathrie G'i11iRn C,uti~rie J,9),Stenheneon r Gilliam Guthri! LEL'Ii'.?R 07 CO}L'.^H COL'aCIL =??4': ?IPor ~': vr) CiattZo ^avid»on Clauds I3t.videon 'leery {{erkelrath j Yi'L:`_'~'R 0" C0:^:.0:1 r0~3:iCIL FR^" 5-C0')n wA.R-. F{cnry ^ansner ))eery Gansner I ,Tf f=rant - - _ . . _ . _ _-- --- --~----~ - i - y.'~..-.;cam ~'7 : U'Z COU't^ Y ...Ih nCi. ' ~ :'uU::T:: ;,i? C, :,Snitit G,R,amith F,J,GooAwin _ _ _ -p•__ _ -_-- -- - ,ontipatd on PII~ 532 ~ r Ur ~~r _ _ - - I . ,ti.._. ....o.~~,..,,,._-. _ ~i 7.,' 'Continied from Pape 531. T-s~~l•rn r)r ,:GgG7 ~n:lrnmlp.;~b'y the qualified electors of all Pardee. I~. ~.iO J.~IJ T. AR{ P,.SIiA'~7 1 Vl. ^ . CApT:Y. I` f . C.FfU:ITLRY. ~ f ?'oti~n a•as 4uly aeconrted by ~ouncilrnan Irvio;; and carried by the followinc vote, to-wit; P.yes; t{olrnes, ~rnith, Irving, Cole. '.'oes; n~:~ie. ll iJpon motion of Cnunr•.il~,sn Smith ~~uly a~conried by f nuncil :,an ~:olP /amend car~r~i//eJd ±h? Council -nd~ ournrd. C~t~T y CTer~Tc. Approved tLie day of '[arch 1813. i` r L'ayor of t re City o „apt ?Pl~i;a r~ r iri0. s I r i ~ • ~ i j t _ _ ------- . City Ha11,Skn Eernardino,C~lif.1'~rch 24,1013, r.d~ourned. tlegular meeting of the ''Ryon 2r.@ Co:n:aon Council of the City of Stn r+ern2rdiro,F:eld b'ond~y ;'arch 24,1913. ''reties was celled to order by !'ayor Eric;7,t a.t E,2~ P.}.-., the following members of the Coun• ~ cal being present; Councilc~.en; }?olree, S:ait'r,, Chambers, Cole. Absent; Councilman 5rvin~~, The a;inirtes of r„eetin~ held t..3rclr 17,1.;+13 -sere read %~nd an~rove~i. T}1C f'~7riUte5 Of 1'~Ftln~~ held Parch 20,1;x13, WCrC Te:id t7d aT10TOYe0. }les.of Tnt.,4i94 F.atab.Grade A I?esolutien of the b:ayor and CornTOn Council of the City of San Eernardino, declaring their intrn- Oranne Street. tion to establish the official r,rndr. of Orange Strer,t, from the east boundrery line of "A" 8trect to the reset boundary line of ArrowheaR Avenue in said Pity, was read for final pas -age and nrtnnted by the foll- owing vo*,e, to-r:it; A.yea; Holmes, Smith, Chrrmrers, Cole. ?goes; none. Ord. `1`j. ?ro,K01 of the City of ..^;an Eernardino by adding a new section there- rreula~in- An Ordinance ^menriinc Ordinance , quality of Gas, to, to he known as Section 7~ thereof, rePalating the quality of gas to be used and supplied unrier said Ordinance to the City of San 3?ernardino and the inY~abitanta thereof, was read For final passage and adore- ted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Cole. aloes; none, Eille. The City Clerk :ras authorized to issue wari:ants in payment of clairs, aonroved by the I'ayor and Fin- ance Corr,.mittee thie date, by the following vote to-wit: Ayes; Hoh~es, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Floes; Fone. Claim of Claim of the }}i¢hway Constriction f'o. in the Burn of !~j.29, account assessment Y;o 170 Tarrant, of }'ay }Iighway Con.Co. Ass'mt "H"St. 1j, 1911, "H" Street Paving, and assessment :Io l~j 4iarrant of 1,'ay 1,1911, "FI"Street Paving, was taken up Paving. an9 upon :notion of Councilman ^mit}i, duly seconded by!Councilman Cole and Carried the said claim was refe- reed brick to claimant for proof of ownership. Claim for Councilman Smith moved that the claim of Aoyd-Scott-&-hothron in the gum of 78.75 for annual nrem- Fire Truck Insurance, ium on insurance policy covorinu Fire Truck, be referred to the Chairman of the Fire Committee,ts invea- tiaate, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. ?:anhole Council:;;niz Smith moved that the Street Superlntendent be authorized to enter into a private contract Ease Iine for havinE man-hole moved from present location in Ease Line to etake eet by City Rn+xineer near the inter- section of ~..ztermnn Avenue, motion seconded by Councilman F'oames and carried by the following vote, to-wit- .oyes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Foes; none. Auction A L`r.P.,Greenhood appeared before the Council and rr,arre reSuest for a reduction of 11CenCe to carry I.Icence. on an Auction and Conucis,ion business, Councilman Holmes moved that the matter be referred to the F.'erch- ante Association for their eantion, motion seconded by Councilman Smith god Carried. Grade "L" Councilman Chambers moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to continae with the r;rading ' to continue. of "y" street t:etween Fifth and Seventh Streets, motion seconded by Councilman IFolmea and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Ffolmea, Smith, Chacbere, Cole. Hoes; none. Scarifier Council wan Fmith moved that t}:e Ratter of purcha9ing the harlinrr Scarifier by referred to the Street Superintendent, motion sAcondr,", by Aouneflman ~hamborg .~r,d carried. r?pop motion of Cour,cilmrin ^Tith duly seconded by Councilman T;olr^.,oa and carried the Council adjourned to meet ''Delay tfie 31st Aay of !'arch,1913, at 7.?0 o'clock P,L'. p /i - C3~y e r . A?~nrovPd th19,,,~L day Of F'arCh, 1;+13. '~ /4~ ?!a yo f t .e C ±.,,y o~" San Bernari+ino. . ;;', ? City ]call, San ?ernardino,Calif, ?_~rch 31, 1913, Adjourned regular c~ectin~• of the ?!ayor uud Co m: :on Council of ti,e City of San rernardino,P,eld ?%onday ?.'arch 31et,1913. ?::eating ;cr+s culled to orr}er by .ayor Arig};t at 8 o~clock the follo::in~ rae.nbers of the Council being ?resent, Councilmen; S:nith,rhr+~nbers,Irving,Cole, any} City Cler:t Patchelor, Absent; CounoiL•nan J- 'nlrea, ^he ~ninut~s of fih^ previous rr~?*,inP Rere read and annrnvn!l. Prir.!ary Councilman Cole ^:oved that the Clew be instructed to issue r?ffir•,ial certificates of Ivo:nination to thn Election Cr.rtificates.party candida+,es having received the 'highest nur:ber of votes at:thn nri-nary '•'.lection held Parch 18,1913,and declared to be the candidates for the respective offices, by the ;'ayor and Co7.:aon Council at xeeting held ?`arch 20th,1913, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried, Reo9tion Councilmen smith moved that the Clerk be authorized to have nrenared copies of index~e:to tNP great Affidavits. ' rPrister f~~r use at the Can?ral Election April 14,1913, coat of same not to exceed 1 R' per narn?,motion x•ae seconded by Councilran Chambers and a3rried by the followinS vote, to-wit; Ayes; Sc:ith,Chambera,Irvbna,,Cole. Ord ;10, Grdinance of the Mayor and Corrur,on Council of the City of San Bernardino establishing the Grade of Plne Fstab.Grade of Pine, Street, fro T. the west line of "L" Street to the east line of Stanford !!venue, Rae rea6 for the first time :' and laid over for final nas~age, Petition Petition of ~runn SlPbel for privPlP~p of holding an amateur boxing contest of four rounds duration Pruno Siebel Foxing contest. the net proceeds deri-red from such boxing contest to ~o to the floors sufferers in Ohio and Indiana, was Presented and read, Councilman Rrnith :roved that the request of the petitioners be rrante@, motion seconded ` by Councilman Cole and carried. Tree CoT:r:. Report of Trec ~:.O:~fII19910R that they have expended X30.00 of the 1;50,00 appropriated to them, leaving 106 holes in Allan Street in which trees are slot planted and requesting that they he authorized to proceed with the p~antin€ of trPns on Fifth Street from "I" to ?stVernon Avenue, thence south on KtVeenon Ave,to 1;th 8treet,thence west on Fourth Street to the City limits, and "E"Strest from First to }°iIl Rtreet, j Councilman Smith moved that the Tree Comvission be,and are hereby authorized to to plant all of the Streets referred to in their report, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the followinP vote, ~ to-wit; Ayea; Smith, Chambers, Irvin„ Cole, Noes: none. Sycamore Petition signed by F,H.Shryack,and •I.N.Corbett,"bwnere of Lot 1, Corbett Sub. ?;o.2",requesting permie- Sidewal's 4 ft. Sion to construct a Four foot aidewnik on Sycamore, l8 inches from pi•dperty line instead of 2 feet, so as to save trees on =aid Street., was pres?rated and read, Councilman ~.raith moved that the request of petitioners be . gsanted and the City 4ngineer be instructed to set stakes accordingly, motion seconded by Councilman Chamber and carried by the following vats, to-wit; Oyes; Smith, r•.hambers, Irving, Cale, Aoea: none. . 1>.oving Picture. Communication of crank R,Norton,regarrfing ?'he Loving ?icture '~ilm wade of the recent !rational Orange ^how, sort asking for a contribution of ~ 25.00, was presented and dead, Councilman ^miL'n -oovPd that the Gom- manication be referred to the Chamber of Cammerce, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Rille. The City Clerk wns au*,horized to issue warrants in nay,o,ent for claims annroved by the }'ayor and~Finane Co~:r.itte•., this date by the following vote ,t.n-wit; Ayes: Sraith,Chambera,Irvina,Cole. 17oea:nan?. C Council?"1n CoIP ,coved that the clai•a of Aoyd-Scott & Lothro? in t};e sus of $7$.75 for annual orer„i~in I f on .4utomorila Folicy ido.123704 FIP.?T:.4`_iS F•Jar Insurance Co. be rejected and sr=id llnlicy ar:d claim returned to '4 clai:aant, ,,.otic,n e~conded by Councilman Irving Gird carried oy the following vot~,to-wit: Ayes: Smith, CF;arrY.?e Irving; Col P. "oes:none' _ . J Continual from raa;e 53a• ~ scarifier Co:rcr.unication of ':i',V.rnrlin~ 1jTTP~?lll~; to conetract n disc scarifi?r ++nd :+Lt+~clr to ;3rader,cov:»lete to Q~zrchase for t}~e suT, of ?17~,OO,µas presen±ad and read, Council:,.an Chn:aters moved th::t the Str?et ;unerintendent be authori?p:+ +n 1.nve searifiPr x'tae~:ed to grader ss per co._,unicatfon of v;,V,I;,nrlinrr, .notion seconded by . i ~ Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, ±o-sit: Ayes; Smith, CY,c:rbera,Irvin~,0ole, voes:none, i r,ulvert Report of :!ss't lienlth Officer 11,C,5axnn, cai7.in_e attention to co.,,plaint of Or.!1ldridge of the "P"&3rd, condition n@ culvert at the intersection of "~'" and ^hir~_:;trPet9, was presented and read, Councilnan Code move~t that the report be received and placed on file, mot ion eeconricd by Councilm<~n Chambers ?r carried Vincent St. Councilman Smith moved that the City F,n~ineer be instructed to make investigation and ascertain if Vincent Street be a public street, motion seconded by Councilman Cha:nbere and carried, Upon ;notion of Councilman Srnith duly seconded by Councilman lrvin~ anct carried the Council adjourns tI to meet )(onday, April :~,lgl3, at 7,30 o'clock P,L'. i City C ers, t/ Approved tl-eis ~ day of Aprm~ lyij, c v ?Lay the Clty o San Eernardino, r , I ~ / ' l l' , ; ' . I Cit.: lialga~: Eerrardino, C^.lifortlia, April 7, 1%13. I Adjourned regular rr.e.etinC of the ?,'ayor anti Co:n::on Council_ of thn City of San )'errardino, held T'onday , f April 'j, 7.913, !'eeting rnls called to order at x,10 P,L`., by l'ayor Pri?;ht, the followin; members of the Co~.ar,cil Mein:; oresent, Cour,cil.r.en: ?Iolmee, ;filth, Chambers, Cole rend City Clerk Pr.tc}:slot. Absen±; Co~,a;cil°l.zn lrviaa~, \ The :ainutes Of this llrP,V20U9 'il^^«lr•~ 15~;re 1'rtzd zn~ Ei'7nrOVed. / Ojd.~ j18 ,4n Or«inance of t}ae ?`uyor ant, Co.:~non Cal::cil of the City of San Bernardino establishing the trade of Fstabc:rade Pine Street.Pine Street, fro?: the west line of "L" °,treFt to the czst lino of ;±rnford .4vem.ae, 4+a: read for fir_al rnsr,~r-P and adopte(i by the following vote, to-sit: ,1yes; rTOlr.?e, Frnith, Cham'!~crs, Cole. ?Toed; none. T?enort P_eoort, of the City ?'1er,±ricien far the month off' I :.rch ~•.'n~ n; r~rnted ani: tea(?, r'.ouncils.2n f!r:ith ;*.o•reE' that ';lectriniKn thA report Yee received nor? rlaced on fi).e, ~<n}inn Fpr,ondPr} rounnilman t'olmes and carried.. P.enort nenort of the Chief of Felice and Fx-Officio licence collector for the ^.:on±h of ?'arch wa= press-.ntnd and Chief Felice read, Councilman rh,ambers :no•red that tYae report be received and placed on file, motion seconded >,y Council- man smith and carried. P.eport Report of renuty City Engineer 11.C.Fuxon of the bureau of tests and inspections for the month of ?'arch Faxon v:as presenter? and read, Councilman ,rr,ith .mo^red that the report bP received and placed on file motion aecon!1Pd -~ '~• Counciln?an Folmes and carried. Deport Report of the San Fernardino Tome Telephone and Telegraph Co. of total gross receipts and Cross earrings Hone Te1.Co, for year ending; Feb.lJ,ly13, was vresented and read, Councilman C}la:~bere moved that ti.e Clerk be instructed t to make demand of the s~:id romnany for the pay~aent of ~Gy9.$1 being 2,4.- of earnings aR per their report, mot- ~ inn srcondFd by Cou :cilm>3n Smith and carried, F.B.Ry.Co. Councilman Chembers .•?1(1'rnA, t}~n# rca'ter of collet+,in., oar cents?P of Parningl3 of the Fncific Electric ?y. '' P.arninFe. Com»~hy~Prived fro:l: the use any operation of ter±ain franchises, be referred ±o Attorney C.C.Kaskell;with ~f power to employ an expert t.o go over swirl co;ananyrs books if he thin?;q nets=sary, notion seconded by Council- man Rmith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: A}ree; Tlolmee, Smith, Chambers, Cole. ?Toee:none. CIO}1T Petition for light at the corner of King and '„t.4ernon Avenue Ras ^resented and read, Councilman CYaamh- Cor.King k~ ' ?.it.~'erron era :r.oved that the request of the pe$itioners be granted and tba*. ,zn Arc light be ordered in at said corner, motion Geconded by Councilman smith anfl carried by the follol4in~~ -rote, to-wit: ryes: Ho1mPq, smith, Chamhern, i role,. '.;oea: none. i The City Clerk ~F•ae au±hnrisPd to issue Warrants in pRy.rant of claims approved by the ?.'ayor and Finance Committee this date by the fo11o;4ing vote, to-wit:/Ayes; Holrr:es, ^:rith, ChamherG, Cole. ??oes: none. F..A.;',arnat }?.A.Parnat ao_r,eared before the Council end asked tl;at the Clerk be instructedi to issue to his, at lli>a Pa4cn bro:ter ?10.;£,x: 3rd SL. Lfc?ace glace of tusir.e.s ~ Pawn-Ere?ters licence at the price fixed by Ordinance, .•-•1 j, 00 her ;~aart.er. Councilman ~r,]th ~ovod that tr~~ r.Praarnt of t;r.Parnr+t be granted nnr~ the clerk instructed to 18PUC licence ae requested, :7iOt10n PPCnn^Prl }iy f'Ollnni)man a;7amPg and Cnrrl P,~ h;.' th°. fnllowln~ On±.n~ i0-wl t' A.YPB; 1(O1't.@F,.^mltll, ('ha:,bel'8, '~ Co1P, ''pen: non?. • F t ;oint Fnle r'ounril~;nn C~i*.}-~ sovnc. tl;at the ^tree+. ;?v~aPrinten~lent bo inetr~letrd to get in touch r.it}, t},e Toir.t Pole "T" Street. Corrur,iCteP,, rod ]nsist t};at "E" Etr~Pt Prom. "h]r(1 "trrOt r'ASp nine to p,at ]n t7.o .?oant Fole system,a„(1 t}.at all U:1nrC^.'r:1 r,'r nn1e8 ?'n r'~~,o Jed, r",Ot ]On nrC and Fd by (:O::RC]1'..1n (~}'i EIT.Y:~~e CO Anti .^,': 'i rl ed, ! .TOlnt P01e rOUnC]ltcan $,rith r!,pVPd t}3At in t},e fUt~.are the `;trePt S;uperinte:ldent si;all not r-rant zn ^ore nerr.it.s only in f:,turP for th~r erecting of clay nolpn unless tl;ny are to be used as n joint hole syeter~, ..nd tl,:.t :-lien e, Pole ie s?t Continun3 frn~n Pale ~jG, tiinr? mast i~e or.A or ,sore poles r~~no,rPrj, r.,)tinn seconded to CnunciL~an rnlmea r/nd cnrri.r3, • Res.Urc~.1';or'.K P.esoLatinn of the I_ayor and Co•r~no:: Council of file City of -'an Bernardino, orcir,rinic tilt •,.ork for t'! `I o . Sevent~l St, ir? a.:ent of fie•renth, Street by' cnnstractina :z 12-inch vitrified nip•~ sr,ver therein, co?a-.nncinq nt thy Se^er, intersection of t%2e center lines of Seventh ar,d l.t. Vernon :avemae, thence along the center ling of 4-rid ; i, ieYellt ii cif rP,Ct t-0 n 70 int lI-feet P~IFt of ti, P, Ce1"it•'2' line O.'' ^1" t2'P.n t, t0.'C't), f-r 171`}l lOr - 12-inch x. 4-inch •.syes, F'.-manhole:, (2 - 2-way and G - 3-way), atnd 1 flusi, ±anl{ for a 12-inc1: sewer, .:.'rs tea;: For t7~e first ti;r,e anti laid over f•ir final »assal•:e, F.es.Urd.'1'oric i?eeolutinn of the t'F,yor and Colallon Council of the City of San Fernardino, ordering; the 'Tor't for the lio. S;i•ghtn :t. iingrove:nent of ~;ighth Street t~ Constructing an r3-inch vitrified pipe sewer L7eerain, cG•sieneing at s Sewer. n01nt In ~}le (`P.ntF,r lln^ Of },lYllth CtT?mot, G']. ~ fet~t ei'R` of the Cent. r Iine `' ±' - o, Penn Streit; nFneP running east along the center line of ';i~nth gtre^+, to n point 17 feet east of the enter line of "i" StrPP..t, together tci+,h ''F? fi-inch x 4-inehMv9trified nine csyPe, T.anhnl?a, and 1 fllrril tail':, was read foX 1 L'r~r first tiT~ anti laid ever for final -+asGap=, i re9.r~T,i, '.70 r~iL Re901Ut1On of t7?? "ayGT ofd. r'O'*,'"i9t1 Couna ll C~' ti"?° Ci1tV Of Gan T. F,Tnar'iln0, OTri r?Tin~ t'fie ^TMOr'.--: fOr r~ 0 . I~ i:f noy,^_n Ct, th P. iTt7lrOV e7le, Ylt Of }(ln(?~il:.3n Stre G-t, ty CGnatraCtlnr. %.n 12-tech Vitrified -tine Se'Fer tile. ;'C. n, CO: ,^lenC lnP ` ~ Sewer. at a nr,lnt in the center ling of said Y.iza,nan Street e°tPnded westerly seventeen (1~) feet easterllr fro;r, the intersection of said cep*?r line wi'.h t"~.e r_r te'• tine aF i Street; thence crsterl-y aloe-, swirl ?{inLrnan Street to th~~ intersection of said center line of Kingnan Rtreet with the ce.ntFr line of I't.. j Jernnn 1!venue, as sho•.7n Gn the mans on file in rho of. ice of tiie City Fnaineer, to~ethr.r .fit1"i 95 12- inCh '{ 4-i37Cii tiYEC, ~ :7anhnlP.e, aii(l I fl,iSii t3n'{ fOr l2-inC}1 aC'n'eT, ..rS read for file First fire and l:,id over for final pas=aye. PPe.Ord,1»'oT%{ veaolution of t#ie Mayor and r_,o,-r,;:,on C,lancil of the City of San Bernardino, orrierinu ihn v:orl{ for u0, ,"iT'l r'aCe :~t. til P. iTiJ rOVz~uent Of $p race .St rP. ~'t b~' COnstrJCting nli fi-1nC}l Vi trill Pd Yllpe gewr?r Mere ].n, CO?r~~enc inG, at Sewer, n goinL in the center }ins of Spruce ;tree t, seventy-five anA thirty-five one-hundreritha (7j,35) feet Fast of fire center line of I't. Vernon Avenue, runnier=. thence '"asterly aloes s:,i' Spruce ^treat to nGln`, in the center line of cnruce Street, seventeen f17) feet Fast of the. renter line of I Ftre,t, to- ~ ~Pther -vitli 112 L'-inch x s-inc71 -.yes, ~ ~:nnholea, ~nri 1 flush tank for an ~-inch sewer, was read fnr t]1P first tine and laid over for fin:>l pass: sP. P.es,Ord.'SOrlc F;eao~ution of the "avo>• nn' ron~,on ro,:ncil o" ±he City of ban Aernardino, orde.rine the work fnr ?.o. sixth St. the iroprnvement o: ;?.ixth Street, by construe?ing an ~-i:,ch vitrified nine oe~:ver t7~Pr?iy, co*rreneing at Sewer. a point in the center line of Rixth Street distant 11~.j~ feet cast of the center line of f't, Vernon Avenue.. runnine thence Fast along Ule center line of sixth Street to a point f,2,5 feet Faet of the cPn- i.er line of J. Stre•-t; also fifty ~-iri'?~ -t 4-inch w`jee shall Ye constructed in said ^ixth Street at point deai Tt7A LP. on plane, each point being ;»rked ^1", torether xlt'r-t t}IrPP 2-sn'~r r,c. n}i n7.Pn, 1 flush tn'.{ and 1 fl:.,t; tank s.arll be converted into a ,j-way manhole, >nna read for the first tune nrd Said over for fin Pes.Ord,!Cork P.esolut,inn oi' tj,n ••,~yor nnr~ ro7.non Council of ti,e City of ran''ernardino, ordprinn ti.9 work for ~?1! /~ *'o. Pine 3 .T. nt• im~rov~.r.ent of ring rrnd 7 StTPPt, b nn-;str~~et'n,~ n %' "ewer y > ~ n .-ins}. vitrified pine ae~xer thr,rein, r'nnn:encfng at R ^nln`: in q,t7A n31,p r....Q 1 l^ f9Ct ~:..9t Of th.° /:entE'^. IinA GJ u.,. "t, " -ion hv+!rna~ and 2d, 2K feet "nr~.i, Qf til^ ^nUth l~')~a:l~'>,rY ?1n? Of 9-t1~' ^inP ^tre^t, CUnni",1, !i}PnCP ^-"a;:t 'e~ '}re intPTSP.F•tiOn Of t.1,P, nP canter lir.r: of ^:r;id 'inA `street ^:it'i "» ~•~`•" ~;.-~A of I. Rtre^t; thence eoutherlY nlon~* the contnr lire i\ O:' ..'.lrt ~ c}..pat. t0 the ~~~r!11 l'~i': tii;,"y 11nP Of ~•f~l1~. c1rP~`„ t.i":PTI'A ^rratl'reSiGtr rly t7 a ^nin! F1,5 feA't • • ~-, ~ ''r jfO ir.+°,•`~~~~ ~,~Y• of the center line 'if raid street grit the ennter line o saad £izth c _ _ f , cze.. tOF~etl,eT liltli t'%-~) 1nC}i X h-lY.Cll V1t'Pifiea y?1nP 1'.ye0, ~i '6tinilOlr.',^., 1 2111F11 iC::~l:, c.ll'~ t ,..OI-~!inrlir;r :i,~+r, 4 IIi'i ~l file On PiXt~l ~t Tent, •.-;,ig r+~%1 d. f0I' file flr9t tl ~ n CIn~. ~-7~if1 UVfI' :'OT fl[i31 ~~a:'f. •-^. ??eo.Ord.7lork rPeolutinn of °i"' ^o-•on ^our~oil r`f ll.A ^ity of ^a~l '~rnri:•dino, nrro:^ills tl,P foil~;::inF. '.:o . '".'.t. W9r{ `0 t n Ar..n 'A rl}.r, fC-'si*: r S PWC_'. ^lmt ll-ireY~ vitrified :ire Pe~,;rr shall t,P r.on:,truc*..'r, in ? Stre~-•t co!r.•,•~nninS nt a point i. r. the cent::r line of ?i@iltll Street 'Feet •of 1 Strer't, extend.;,1 1?-feet eristcrly frol:: the con`.fr lint of i Street ~ TUnnlTl fT. th`'IiCP ;U'0 t1iCTly r.lon_{ i.il@ lln? DA Y:rllel i0 r, rid 17-fe't L'i ltrlnt fOI'l tllg CCntr.'1' :1'1° 'P 1 I $t rP. r't tJ a hOlnt 111 tl',E CCntn l' 1lnP i,f ~F?V F: r•i.L :', t]'CCt, FiR P1iOCl11 ;ill t1:E ,~1r111S .i^r r"'O.`il A.=. there..°O re On :ilP in thF offire of the City ;~;n~rineer. 1 Also a 1~'-inch Vltx'lfic? d ~li.x? ECi'P.T ehrell ':e constr~IC.ed ill said I Street co!r: encing at a mint i ;' :eet r:19 02 t}, f. Ceri eT llne Uf 1 vtTP.: t, r~i nlillij' tllr?i:CF ~G`1+'rt in the enter line of eventh >treF+. 1)- t 1.Ur,+T ;i li}3n 6'.P TA 11e]' tU :~.1"iCt 1~J-f eCt (.1 Ptallt fl'G:h the CCntCr llne O'.' 1 :.t rC Ct tv :a Ol. rit in flit CI'niRT ' ~I llile 0I :a .'. ~ ".a ri Ct rPBt. ~.lso a 2?-inc}3 vitl-ifipd Wipe serer rhn.'.l ' r constricted in t`na said 1 St1-eet, coralnencil;E. r:t a point ir. th= center line of i'in groan Ft rent 1^-fert L•'ast of the renter line of I Strut, 1'U nilinP th C11C r' 8nutii alnn~* a ling narxllel to •~'-lr` 1?-?Pr•t E=19t. o; the c~nt~r line cf I Stre^t +.o a -Dint 1f1(1-i'eeL !jgrtir of tl;e ^enter line of '~la!1 -T~ePa !:venue Prt~nBed nas`.erly, `:pence oll a siln;tle curve into t.lie ,~a.in- hole at the inters~ctior, of flan Aess AvPnu=. and ? ~~treet. g1QO ~~-~F-inch x 2-irch wyes Ph-111 nP construraPrl in ^~.irl T jtrP,P.t At points rePivr.ater' on plane marker? "a". Al PO G-1P,-inch a- a-inch 'Hype shall he COn'1`?'~iCtr(: in Ptrid I Strer!t at noint.P deeiSrut~d r.n nlnne Also G-?-w€_y !nanholes shall he C0119tru,etee in accordance with and at Lt,e location shown or. plans. Also 10 -2-way manholes r:hall be constricted in :.ecordance with and at the }ocations shovrn on the Plana. waP rea=d for the first time and laid. over gor final pasaaae. ?leP.ld.pt. '?eSOilltiOn 3dOntinE plans Ind SpecificRtinns fOr 717e COn9tI'..iCtlUn Of R nU0i1C sec:er in FdirleP 1' ~ S . - Al1Fr, & ;fridge Stre<t fro:,l A 3tr??t to F'atr?r.::~n Avenue, and on Allen Street from rirat to Second Strer.t ir. tLe City of !3ta. Sealer. : San fierna.rdino z+P prepare.rl by the City ?~nCilxe ~r of saic City alld sut ~:itted this nth day of Agril, lgl , 'hllich said roecificatior.s pre n~ilr:k`f~red lGu, vr:s ren8 for the first time and laid over for find passage P.es.?jo. R~POlution of the T'nyor and Com•non Cou;lr.il of the $ity of San r~,ernnrdino; declaring `heir intent- ?'.stab. ~ra.~P Pro~~•v:ay, ion to aataY,llsll the official Srode o` Aroadway Street from the feat line of C Street to the ~~t line of Kendall avenue in said City, 71aP ro^d far 'the firR+, tl!^.P and 11ir1 nvPr fa* final nasszgP. Ord.?lo. QTdinR6Ce of +,ilp Fuyor alnd Cmnson ~nuncil of the City of ;an Bernardino, eeL:lblisYring and fixing P.etab.kidth Of SirieR'alk the width of the sidewalk or. the wQflt 91dP of "Z" Street between Sixth Street and Seventh ;arect in the 1 ST. Pet. Gth 7th fit. City of San Fernardiro, wr= reed fur t};e first time and laid o.er for final passage. Ord.:jo. OrdinKnce of the !;ayor nr:d Co:r.:roll Council of the City of sap >;ernardino, firing the width of the 4,Atar. ',pintll Of Sidewalk sider:al'c on ~nyalrore Stre^t in said City, wea roud for the first time and laid over for final rasaa~e. Scya't:o re St. -'~ ' ii~,,,, ?'otion of Counr.il:.•ln Smith duly seconded by Covrcil::an !'olr.;es and carried the Ccunci2 Rdioarne-t R.. ' to mert'J'edncsd:,y, Gpril 1G, 1913, at 7 o'c2oc~c P. Tr. y c1Pr : - o ~ - ApprnvPr', tlii.s ~_d:+y of ~.i,ril, 1y13. - ,.fivar '~e r,, y c . an ernr+r ~ _ - I r'it" -';!ll,,n,ln `=r,,,,.rrlino,r'o.llf. ti'?:'71 1(i,I'''l3, . j :~d~rn; Tii°d l',^:-~l l;1r ',i n,n4 i!ir 9i 1.?'4° ~?yOr 7l A~i '~n1:YOn ~~~A ~?R?) 9f 4. X18 ( 1~./ Of °!I l"~ ~~91":a :'.1. .1 YI0,'iP1.ri ••.?[;nredi!y IIE 4 T `)T 11, lZ, 1C~3. ~ ^'+"+.171 ~' }-N+:: C~71leC, trt ~i TliAl' ii.+' '~,, lnr '_'1 ~'%it ai x,20 N,1 tli@ ~vt tOwln? ":Phl}?TS Of tl}P. ^ryUIU'.71 bP17?^ `.Tr S'^. nf, rU~:)tiC 11:f:Pli; ,rU li:i?9, ~'.!':1 t11, CilCli5GBr9, ITV 171 (ter, r011±, ~ I'r r1tJ C1P T'r: -'i3`Q11P10T, E '.i7P ~fil E1'1tA3 Of th? 2'^'110G3 :.'~Pntln~; };Pt'C fC+af? tinct L:na:'J VCd. ~ i 'il ].S R,']n~' file df(t? f0]' tllZ Cfl:1Ya Ssi l:ld of rP. t',1 ?',13 Uf to it i+P(1C rF:l 'anicipal )`;1 PC i.l iln i!P1(1 '",111 ;9 Rai .i1riT11, 1~1ti1,1;13, rUU!1C11^:.?.^. t^71'10 ':0"C~.i tti:fit `~.hf; .^OlltlCll DrOCnnd 3'lfh CH[?Va:S, 1.U t1Gt1 :9C O(1tjPf; l; ('U.At1Cil':i=,n X41±'1 I, it ft C;i r'i 1P,?. •4:r1P?'P wr10 t? t'!C TetLl T:iO Of 2A1(1 P1BCt1011 }'iCr: Opened Ftild tiie CULInCll '1!TrJCf`r: rl Ml t0 C%s7?Yii Ru 3i?I:,e, ~}lE fGl.U';1 i~ .:Qln(=, tlje /'c:i.;lt ii>3 6h0'.'ril Un tiie iaCe Uf :.:C;1 TPt•lt'ii5. c~xmY I~ _ z.x.~Er o 0 _ ~__..__--__._- _-_ -_-___, _ ~ t,-U..,_~ 19t War ' 2ndF'F,F11T~nl`Of~ COli'vC1I, "'^tC VotP LAYO?2 RTiCP.^v ptr ~ ~Q,1?t?Z 0, r rant '4th lt'ard ~.C~=et. _ ~- Censoi;~a-ited rrecinet o,l 1G~4 7 -14 1~0,,:~ 11 E 10e± r. 4,~i__0 _2 I TI -E_! I 2 19 42 . ,c :2 193 7 k ,0; 1 4, 1 2- 10? 70 1 i - 2 ~ 11 '' • ^t---r 'r - -'---- `,o.~ 2~. - `ir 2 0> 1C Y 14 141-~1t',i 134.1e Y 1 ! 1 _ i i~ 0 j . - ° • 9 ~ 2 - - 99j „~~2, ill . ~ ~o _ ~ u ~- Y . ----, ~ i -"~Z~- t . o. , 1 cl 7~'1 2Z0 11 , Y ~ 0 ,0', 1, 10 j lvo. 1 , _ 1Ti~ _ -1 1 2i 270 9rl ~I - - " -1-`• ~--4~} ,' ~T1F'1' g. _- 1' _ o o ~ l0 1 > + >I :0 1~ 10 1 r,_7-, 1. --- - --r-'-T--„ ~ _ o. 1'J1 n2{ . r ~ 1 0 22 . 1. 1 I •f 9 ~r 14 G ~ -- -- _ ~'-""` _r0 9 1 104, LO 1 ~ ~ 06, O1, 10 ', 12 24 12 I _.I .,.~_i -:0 40' 4 2 ~ 1~ _' ~ Tote, , 1 9 a_ ,-' _ Oy_a 1 t~j~G~e201, . 9 1 0 '12 a l?'S ~BC ~1P.~~-S~i1~.70 3'S~_ 4he canva4P ~f the General *runicival $lection held Anril 14, 1913,nsiving been cornaleted, it xs{s +ooved by Cm=.n~il~an Irving duly seconded b;; ~ourlcilm~n ~+nith and enrriPd by unsinimoua vote, that tl,P candidates ~,avinq received the hiahesL miMh•r of votes east for +he rePnPr`ive offices for which they were crandidatea as here- inbefore sP* far`h,a.re herpt-+}r ,?:~n1F:red elected r:,nd the Clerk is hPFP1~y directed to issue cert.ifnatea of ?Iection to the following es(n~idr~tee so PT.a^+ed; , bSayor, .r,W,Catiak, , `~," ~1ty Attorney, °;ilt.inm Guthrie, treml,Pr of poRrd of "B?+ont4nn,fthrA~1 s c,rnn,,y, 1',P,F.haw, .~nnw r,rarner. IFPrGher of the !`n.rrrtnn ~n+in~i?. from "j rat °rRrd, Claude P,~ividaon. 1,tPreber of the Coer•,Non Council frolr, Second 49xrd, 1cPnry r,ransner. • xPr!i^~; •' Of 4,ti;•o rOT.TOn Rouncil.. frn-r.. °ou rth o'a rd, C,wl. Em i,th. Fes.Ord.vcrk !?PPnl+,+inn of the t:s;vnr end rol~:,:,o;; f'ou:,ril of tlae rity of San rernardino, orderins! +hP wnrk for the i-o. r95 : Crvicer itcorovement of T)inP r'nd "rte Ctr~~`~,,1~~, nwist*uct~iru sin ~-inch vitrified nine sA~ser thPrPin,cor.+.~encin~' at q nine & "L" point in s11d Pine Street 1:13.25 feet east of the center line of ~t.Yernon Avenue and 24.25 fPPt north of the eo+lth t•r,undaryr line of Pine S*rppt, running thence erlat to the intersPCtinn of the cPntPr line of said 'Pine JLTeet 'with the Center ldne of L Street; thence soot]+Prly along the.centrr xine of said L wtreet to the north Fouhdstry line of Sixth ^treet; thence Qovtheeaterly to r, point 62.5 feet f7s*, of the into'r4Prt•i~n of " * j•' th? center liar. of raid. L StrPeL with the f;P+I+~* li.nP of e~1d Sixth Street, toeetl+er with r? -P,-ir:ch x 4-in- i Ise;. / ch vi+r;ri,,d nits+p}~}es, K ;,+-~1:(,lea, 1 f1URhtFin;c. rind 1 corlncc*.ion into n~~~r,%,~?~ nn QiY+}-, c.r-,rPet, was resA foT / ~iii81 FiaPFHr~? }illti .:rjgnt P,l by t},o fgllnat~'n trOtP, t0-R1L; R~'PP: !~OIIDCB, Fm1th, C?", 8.!f71iRTF,ICYitl,rr, POI P, '~UeB: nOn,!. , t:..ac,(tTd,1°o Tk. ~/~c11~,;i loll Uf tilq t'.{~'Or A(l~; Gn,~n'nri (t Q:in^i1 Ord Prilin +1:~ ^r,l lntri tl rr wOT$ LO bP (".O ri? In 4f:i It (;it.} , t0• '.0. rG ~ Outfa2l. r'. That << IE-inch ';ff.rtf3Pr nine ee~•nr ah~Il, hp rnnq*titc+PSl fn I Street coemn~!neing at a nnint in tllP cente ",;~' rr ling of Mail+l• °+re• t ,,vs± n;' I IItre~', PxtPndPd 27-f~?t ea:?teriy from the ePntnr line of 1 Strut, run- ~ -1 -' - 1 -- - pin;' t}ler?ce eout}:erly .,lo:.r +he li:•~e ~~rr?°~lle1 to nn~; lv_;r.~t 6ier,,,!± i'1•nr1 ih? r•,nr+Fl• line of I Stre~,', to G !loin} ii• l.c rAr+n~ llr.i pf envP•,th y+rpP1, ^B ::110"1: O11 plan6 itRd nrOfllPn i119'iO.`O1' On fll,p ]I7 tllp Of- t °ice of +,h~ City 5cgine~r, ' A1aO " Ir-inC}~ 'Iitrif ie(~ ni"i~' 8e~', ~?r Fhall }Je cOriGtr:t (!t pd i!7 n;tiB I metre^t COfr+-^-ient'.lrirT Eit :t nOlnt in th ' , , + n{,. a n , i r t ^+..n + ;no +1lennp cO'~a tii I71GI?F fl i cent pr ling of „e•,en.}1 Pe+ 17-fe 't _.zs of .oe c n pr +ine n: , line par-+lle] to .+nB 1~-fl°^•t Brian` frn:a the cent Pr line o; I StrPpt. to R point in tlt? r.pnte?• line of i - Also A 22-incit vi+,rifi Pd ni; e eee:er shr.ll ba constructed in tiie cair. I Stream t, co•r, ~~r.rin flt a point i ir, FY,o ,~nr:`,?r 11r1P Pi Kl n~?"~~•' `~i •-p,:i 1'%-fPr~+ £O Pt 7r }i'iP CP,ntAr 11nP 7f 7 C+rP;~.t, 2'~i Y; 111Y1C tit P.nCP, ~Giit', ^- loot E= tin? rnra}.lel to anB 27-feat Fast of the center line of Van ?Mess t.ven+:.P e}-ter:BeB r3sterly, thence ~f On a 61raD1 P. CU rVe into tilB ;naliiiOle £:t tiid liltF'. I'°P.Ct iGli Of Van :i P,aE Avenue %:nri 1~-,~rp~'t. Al BO ~~- lr:-iY;Cii '!-llL, pk t~: `+P.F aiiall hp COAFtr~3C fed in salt'. ? ,~,t rPEt ?it ?OintB C1e 61~; 118tCd 0*.? '~,'%~:"..F i I ILA rk P, !l "a~'. Also G - 2~-inrh x 4-inch wyea stiu,ll be constructeG in sairi 7 8trert a,t points BPeifr.atPB on plans rLxrked "ea" . +.lso ~ - 3-•,~+:y :oanholea gl-z~ll Y? cot.=trot#Pr; in accor,7ance vrith and Rt t1}n ]ocatir,ns shown on ti:e ,r plan. Also 10 - 2-w.ny manholop shall be constructed in Accorrlanre Rita ant. Rt ti,p '.ocr.tirre rho-cn on t}:e nla.na, wea read for final nassar*P r.r.B adopted by the *ollelrirr vote, to-mi+• ~yee• Hollnea, Smith, Chambers IrvinR_, Cole. 2bea; None. s I'ea.Ord.°lork. Resolution of the Ieayor and Co:rmon Council of the Cit}~ of Gan Bernardino, ordering the Nat's fol• t}re „n. 59?• 6th St. Seaver. 3mnrovement of S1xth Street, by conatractin~ An ~-inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, commencing at a pain+, in tyre center line of Sixth Strut distant 11~,3~ fe~~ East of the nertpr line of l•t. Vernon AvPrue, run- ning thence Fag*. r!]-or.p the cent.:r line of Sixth Street to a point 62, j feet F,aet oP t},e center line of L Stre^t; also fifty ~-ine}2 x4-inch wyea shall be constructed in said Sixth Strut et points deaignttted on rlana, each point being r.:arked "a", Logether •.aith three 2-r<•ay mAnltolea, 1 flush tank and 1 flush tams shall he converted into a j-Kay rLAtlhole, was read for firr~l passage and. adopted by the following vote, to- wit: Ayes: ?iolmea, Sn;ith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, Foea: None. P.eB.Ord,'aork. ResGlutio:; of +.he :;ayor anti Co:rlnon Council of the City of San Bernardino, ordering the worms. for the ldo. ~G~, ' ~pruco St, frc,n_rovemPnt of Spruce Street, by constructing Rn B-inch vitrified pine Beaver therein, commencing Pt a ;,ewer. point in the septet 11n~ of ^pruce Street,, seventy-five and ±hirty-five or,e-hundredths (75.3`) feet ??'sBt of the center line of !fit. Vernon AVP,IlUP, running thence Fas+,~rly along said Spruce Street to a point in t?tA renter line of ;'pruce Street, seventeen (17) feet Fast of the center line of I Strut together with 1' 112 9-_-.~'. t-inch wyee, E aanholes, and 1 flues tank for an P-inch sewer. was reed for final passage and adopter? by the followin,z vote, to-wi*.; A;,~Pa: Holmes, S'sitii, Ciiambera, Irving, Cole. )toes: None. Ree.Ord,t'ork, Resolution of the L•syor and COC~T.OIl Council of the City of San Pernardino, ordering the cork for the .:o• °99. ICinpfnan St, imnrbvement of Y_inyaan Street, by cone*,ructing a 12-inch vitrified pine se::er therein, commencing et a Sewer. point in ti;? c?rater line of »Rid Kingman Street extend?d westerly seventeen (17? feet easterly from the '-1p int.eraPetior. o: eniJ cep:~r line e:it}, the center line of I Strut; tt,ence resterly along eRid Y.ing:ran Street to t}~e int~raection of B1id center line of KinascAn Steer+, with are center lire of b't. VPrnGn ove- :;ue, a, shown on tree plane on file i,z the office of tiEe City Engineer, together with 9!~ 12-inch z 4-ir.c}1 - >wyee, ~ manholes, Rod 1 flush tank for 12-inc)r Beaver, waB read for final eases.±• ~~r,r' .=dopted by fire foI- lowir.,_ vole, to-wit; A,yea: Hollaea, E:nit:2, C',pr:iGere, Irving, Cols. pTOeB: Gone. i i Res.Ord,Clork, Reranlvtion o; the ),::ryo;• a:;+' Co ,.aon Council of the City o: San n?rnaruino, or~~•~rin~ t},e l:ork r'ur t}!n &o. 60G,`. Sligh±;; improvement of ;;i~iltll Street, l'~y constr.)ctin~ an n-?,'.,ii vitrified pipe aevrnr• therein, coma?acing at a Sese?•, point in the center line, of 'rit~,l*,h Street, G7.7 i'eet ?r+n?. of the center line of Penn Strc,~t; t}~.ence run- ninC Along the center line of Eighth Strertt to a pAint 17 feet east of the canter line of I Street, to- `t getl:er :rith rP P-inch x 4-inc}i vitrifred pine ~vyes, 4 :%=~;l,n1Pa, rand, 2 flualz tank, was rend for final pas- sage anri ndoptec. by the fnllo4•ina., vote, to-r;it; Ayes;'}rolmee, flnith, Charcbere, Ir~:il;g, Cole. yoes• *;one, Ree.Ord,~;iork Resolution of the ?rayor anri Cor:~on Co.,ncil of t1,n Ci+•, of San Fern^rdir,o, ordarina the :%ork for the .:o. LO1. ;;evnntl; S±, improverr,ent of Seventli Street, tv constructin< 1?-inch vit~•ifiei~ pipe newer therein, cocnlr.encina rlt. the ! ,^.awa r, in`ersection of tl;e center 7 fines of Sevent}? ,^-'re~~' ar.d }a.. 7ernnn Avenue, th?nr,e along `h,: c.•nter line of =aid Seventh Sire=t to a point 17-fe=t ?!'net of tha cent=r line of I Strar=t, togetilcr vrit.h lOr - 12-inch x • a-inch ayes, 8 mznhnl?e (2 - 2-v;ny and G - j-•.;av), r,.nd 1 flusi; tank for n 12-inch sei^er, was re,~d for fir,- al rBnGaa-P, nnfl adoptP(1 by' :}fir fOllOwl)ls '~Utr?, t0-l':lt; Ayes: i{Olr;ge, S:nltli, Che:rbers, Irving, Col°. *.•'oee• .'A ila, Res.E.dnt, ??eGAlUtlnri edontinv Plans and Specifications for the construction of P public newer In Sirlctge Strut P & S. Fridge 2. Allen frns, .1 Street to 1t'atertaan Avenue, and on Allen St rent fror:. First Street to Second St.re"t in the City of ~ ~t.Sewar, ~ ) tan Bernardino as nrepnrad by ti,e City En;;ineer of said city And autmitted. thin 7th day of April, 191j, 1 :rhi^~r =c•i++ specificxtinng are numbered 16~, was read for final passage and Adoptea by the fcllowinr vote, to-w.it• dyes; }'ol'res, C:ri+.h, Chambers, Irving, Cole. 27oes• lone. Ree,it0. 602, Reaolutinn of t};e ?'ayor and Common Cmlr.cil of the City of San Bernardino, declAr3ng their intention ~c tAb, ~1'Ad e, • Proadway, to eataY~lish the offioial grade of Froadway Street from the 'treat line of 0 Stre,rt to tli5 mast line of Kendall Avenue in said Ci+,y, was read for final nASSage a?rd a,dnpted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Hol~ea, S.mit.h, Chambers, Irving, Cole, i+'oes: ?:one. Ord,21o, x:19 An Ur:?inancA fixing the width of the sidewalk oil Sycamore Street in the City of ban AernArdino, was ~ Ss tab. 4'idth of Sidewalk read fAr final. passage and ador~ted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Holmes, Rtnit}~, Ghambere, Irving, Sycamore St. Cole, *?oea: None. ~ Ord,llo. X20, Ordinance establi=ping an3 ftxine the wirith of the sidewalk on the Wiest aide of I Street betweFn ~ Eetab. ?lidth ~' ~of SidParaik Sixth Street ar:d Seventh Street in the City of San Bernardino, wAS read for final passage and adopted by 7th Ste. the following vote, to-wit; A,}'es: Holmes, S.sith, Cha;nbere, Irving, Cole. N.oea: Llone. _ I,iq.Lic. ~ I=le.net kOt,el, Application of li'rr,..CoonPr for retail liquor licence for ?lanet };otel, together with bond in the sum of X2000, was presented And read, Councilman Smith moved that the ognlication be laid over do Wert meeting that bond may he Corrected, motion seconded by rounciLcan C}18mbers and carried. iS P.enort 6treet Report 5f Superintendent of Streets of op?rations of the Street *`epartment for the 1'onth of ?'arch waA i. Sunerintenrient ~ l•Rrch, nrPSented and read, Councillran ^nith ~r:o=rarl taint tl~e report be received and placed on file, Totion seconded by Councilman CY,amhers And carried, Clear Streets ?'atter of clearing; Strerte of vehicles for I,00 F. parade on April 26,1913, at 2 o+clock P,1'.. was re- nrld Fellows \ Parade fcrred to the Chief of Police with power to ar_t. P,??,By.!'0. Cn^. aanicati~n of ~neific rler+,.-9,. ~+nil.rr; Co,span;~, reF:ardir;g Franchiar n"rcentage nay::entfl, in reply ' t7 let!er Uf ~peClal ('0:.1110 11 !~,(',:iy q}<.?11 ,~,°HP nrr'~Ant P(1 F,Iir3 rf%: ri, i • ~f.Sf.TO•:<'g?%rff l,.~.~e,~red hefGre tll? rAUriCil lr.r,rj trade reGuelt fOr oer.Lle'.SiAn LU bi:ild li!70tt Mlle AraPel:t ~ i fOi.ndrttiArl Y~Y 11 i:t t3,e c,)ci t.}~ "rer't. r11'tlar Uf rAUrtl+ ti f711 ^,5^ ;,qtr?eta, F(tid fOiJ ilr':<t lAn !lroj ectine Olit c`rUrL t ~ -. _J l Continvar? fro::, Fi+~,e ;.41, :roperty linf~ E:o.ne 2? inr:hes, there being no oiij ection on lwrt of the ?'cl}or ctr:ci Council, ?'r.l.uri~ staff i~,i+s f,:i vi~Ed to orocerd with ^onsCr.~.^tion. (,111 "'° CUUnC11:Lari ~::1 t]i ai07ei ti79t the Ct~T'Cnt~ ~,'vt pE.'!'1 :3t Er f.!1, i;ilt 7r; 1}i?tr`uCtad CO 021 a-c4 fOOt 5t1'lp On "F"ctrB~ ~ l;Pt.St]7 Z i?ayP 7;ine. Y°tkti°-"-n ~ilnt]7 iE nfi ',".lilrtP.Erith '~i i'E:!'t8, IrO t1 G;. 9PCOnr1 P.d by CnU r.C 11;18n CtiiLfl]'~P.TE3 ?nd Cnrri ed ~~y il!B foll OC:in[ i- vote, t0-4iit~ :yea: liOlflk P_5, ;i'Gi tl7, Clla!nb ere, 1TY1 nd, Col?. ?:O@:: ri0ne. TellBV1BW r'0 _k11Cj1~"'^n f]iAtii~~P.r9 R,Q':Pd i]it ti1C °tr;P,t cU~~1Pr113tAn1]Bnt rirOCP.C(1 Y11t~1 1:?3rOVf!:F'nt Of T'C11CV1P1S AYE'11L1^ tet,.K 8:11:/, er;'len rPtween "F" e•'~'~,V ;trcPt=, -ration seconded by Council -an Smith an71 carried Ley thr. following vote, to-wit.: Ayes: Eoln7es, Pr7ith, Chamfers, Irvine„ role. '?oes:none. i ;Dint Pole, ~ Co:':-unicati~n of J,R.1•cPonold ?ecretary aoint ^ole rom^:ittee, with rPfPrence to ;Din*, ro1P constructio f in City of °an Pernardino, and advisinr~-th=it the r,ounpil take action in regard to the Lnion lfo•ae ;P1.~ ^_'rl, COT?l, w35 1'CUfi, ~OUnC 11:Iia 17 4Cf.i t]7 II30Y e.d t11Rt tfre Cp:ik;LUik1CFLti Orl be rE'.Ce iV ed ak7 f1 '.~1nCP. ei 071 file, -:~otio:i eE•fond od by Cauncilfran Chambers and carried.- , File, she City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payrr.ent of claims aknpro:ed by t].e ?'ayor ano ^inance COIF; i!lttee 11118 l}atP., by tT'ie fo llo~xin~~YO te, t0-wlt: ~'~~~": }Io llaeE, $rtlth, C11RmbeTP, I^vinu,, 0012,. T:OP£.; nfl)7P„ j Fng.to Prep. Co'ancila•ai3 lrvina Loved that tiie City ~naineer be instructed to prepare P1Rns ann °.pecificc.tions for Y "I"bet,fi & 7. the construction of Sidewalk on the west side of "i" Street between Sixth and Seventif Streets, Inotian secon- ~ ded by Council.nan 1?olkaes and carried. Deed, De Pd signed. by J.'_i.CorhPt,t,Tasoer `?.Corbett .Tr.,I,eslie n,Corbett, 1'argarPt. P'atelle 4,ilkiris and Catter- Sycsmore St. ir.e Caster, Frantir.~a. t,n the city of San Fernarrlino, all that portion of 7,ots(3? and (d} in clock 14 of the pRncho ,^•an Pernardino, fer n continuation of Syraa:ore ^trPet, togetlior with certificate of title, and letter it j of a.ecentane? of nronPrty owners owninr property ad.iacPnt to the east Fed went sid.Ps of the strip of land, was Dreg-;rated, Council ran smith moved 171st the d-ed b2 af,cepted and the C1Prk be authorized to have same re- f corded, caption secon'Pd by Council7ran Che.•:,'oere and carried,by the following vote, to-sit; Ayes: ilolmes, i e ~.T.1 t}k, C]1a16bere, lrvi n~, Hole. i~OP.9: none. L}pop motion of Rouncil:nan Smith dlkly seconded by Co~ancilulan Irving and parried the Council Rdjourneft ~ ` ' r' to :~eet b~ondRy April ?]ct lr'l?, 7,30 o'clock P.?~. City Cher . Approved this day of .+tnril 1913, J ~ _ ?.=.a,or 'of the Clty~ f ,,<~n ~lerlkardina. i (CCrrection} Ij Rss.of Iat. Resolution of the 11e,~or sad Cosswa Council of the City of Ban Beraardino,deoiariag t~s iatentioa to 1to.6o3. 9esler,Bridge construct a public nitrified pipe seser in Bridge Street and Allen Street 1a said City. together with §6.8- ! Alba Sts. snob a 4•iaoh wyes, 1 slush tank coa~erted into a aanhole, 1 flush Last sad 3 aanholes. sae cad for the first Lice and laid orer for final passage. Cer. Appro»d this 21st dq of April 1913. t?s 7 Berea ino. _ . -__ _ . City Ha11,San Bernardino,Calif. April 21,1913. , regular Adsourned meeting of the ldayor and Common Council of the City of San Rernardino,held Monday April 21, 1913. 'ti'eeting was called to order by kayor 9right at 7,30 o~clock P,Y, the following members of the Council t \ being present, Councilmen; Nolmes, smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole, and City Clerk 7+atchelor. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as corrected. This being the date for canvassing the returns of the vote cast at Special ISlectioq held Friday April 18th,1913, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of Lhe City of San Bernardino, for their ratification or refection"Proposed Charter Amendment Number One" relating Lo the amendment of Section 133 of Lhe Charter of the City of San Berasrdino and pertaining to bond issues and elections. Upon motion of Couac- ilman Irving duly eeconded by Councilman Chambers and carried, the returns of said election were opened and _ ~ caavaesed the following being the result as shown oa Lhe face of returns: OFFICIAL RSTURA3 OS SPECIAL CHARTER A1[BSIitEAS ffi.EC4IOE. Precinct Soya. 1 2 4 6 8 _ ~ Yea.__ 86 42 116 I 68, 48 14 i 60' Ao. 1 1 21 2 16 2 6~ 2 • ?otal Vite Csst,~93 The can?asa having been completed, it was moved by Councilmen Smith, that according Lo the returns,560 votes were cast is favor the emaadmenl, and 233 votes were cast against the amendment, making a majority of 32y votes cast in favor of tine adopti3a of the amendment, sad ratifying Lhe sane, it is hereby ordered thst said saeadmeat is rstifiad, sad the Mayor of the City o! San Bernardino and Lhe City Clerk thsrsof,ase here- by directed to certify to said returns of said election, sad to the result so deelarad sad LisnamiL s certi- ficate of all proceedings relating to said amendment, to the Legislature of Lhe State of California. and req- uest its approval of said amendment. motion was duly seconded by Councilman Chambers sad carried by Lhe fol- lowing vote to-wit: Ayes: Holaes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole,. Soaa:naae. ~ Bss.of Int. Re~oiutioa of the Ysyor sad Cosmos Council of the City of Saa Be r~ardiao, daclariag their iateation to So. 603 sewer construct a public vitriried pipe sewer is Bridge street and Allwa street in said City,together with 56-8-i~ Bridge A Allen Sts. ch : 4•inoh Wyss, 1 flush teak converted into a manhole, 1 flush teak sad three manholes. was read for final passage sad adopted by the following •ote, to-wit: yes; Holstes, Smith, Chsab~rs, Irving, Cole. Soes:aoae. Aes.Adptg. Rew luLion adopting Pleas and Specifications for the eOaetruOLien of s public sewer Sa •fr Strset,~n th P R 8. Sewer •G• Gity of San BesRrardino, as prepared by the C1ty Engiaess and ~1swlted this 21st day of Apri1,1913, which Street. said Specifications are Aumbered ib~, tint read for the first tine sad laid over for find passage. Planet ApplicaLioa of •.8.Cooper for retail liquor licence for Planet Hotel,fogether with bond in the sum o! HoLsl erg Liquor ~ 2,000, Joseph Bucher and N.g.Hooper as sureties, was taken up,Couneilmaa Aii~ saved tY}t ~M~ee M graer- Liceace. tad w.S.Cooper at Planet Hotel sad bond presented approved, swoon seeoaded by Couneilrtsn Smith and carried by the following vote,to-wit: Ayes; Holmes, 8mlth, Chambers, I ring, Cola. ]loss: eons. L.Dilly Appidcatioa of Louis Dili !or retail liquor liaeace st 363 •Z• Street, together wltb bond SR the sue t \ L14uor Licence. of S 2,000 sad cosva?nicition ei=s?ed by w.S.Dilljr ]bat he had tsaneierred his liquor buslaess to Louir Dilly was presented sad read, COUneiLan Cole coved that the matter be referred to the Chiet of polics,sotioa »e- onded by Councilman Bmith and carried. •i• 8?it'l~T. the City =agineer presented Plans sad 8petiffestioaw for a combimation sidewalk aaA ous0 on the west side of •I• street between Sixth sad SenAt~ Streets, Couaoilmsn Cbsrsbess roved tAst the said P3ame acrd Bet.6th ~ - ----- - _ ,,~' C.ONT INUF.D: Spec ificatione be referred to Attorney C.C.Haekell, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Claim Genl. Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk be instructed to notify the General Fertilizer Association that Fertilizer ; Ase'a. City does not desire use 'of dumping ground hereafter and that the said Company's bill for annual rental be not allowed, motion seconded by Councilmap Holmes end carried by the following vote, to-wit: 1~yew: Rolsew, ti -' ;with, Chambers, bring, Cola. Foes:none. Claima Claims of John Newman and the Sun Company were referred back to claimants. Bills. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in paysent of claims approved by the Mayor and Finance Committee this date by the foliowlag vote. to-wit: Ayes: Holmes. Smith. Chambers, Irving,Cole. Hoes:aone. Chaage nesee Councilmsa Chambers moves that the Attorney ba instructed to draft an Ordiasnce, changing tke name of Doniphan 30 Livingstone S'Es'Be3+ipahn Street to Livingstone Street, also Rossesu Street between First and Second Streets to Llvingstone Street, and to cahnge the name of First Street from "*" to taterman to Rialto Avenue, sotion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. L}}ght. Councilman Irving moved that request for an Arc light at the corner of Belisview aad Giovaaolo, Street Bill view, ' Giovaaolo be referred to the bighting Committee. Moiioa seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Slough bet. Councilman Chssbere called attention to slough between Birst and Second and "F" and "G" 8treets,that t d~ 2nd d: "G" slough sae in very unsanitary condition and should be given attention. Councilman Smith coved that the mat- ter bs referred to the Superintendent of Streets and the City Engineer to make iaveetigatioa .ad mate rec- ommeadatioa at the nett meeting, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Hammer Councilman Smith moved that C.E.Hammer be employed at sum of X200, to eolleg~ tsxee for year ending City Taxes Yarohi914, not.ioa seconded by Councilman Cole end carried by the following vote. to.wit: Ayes: Holmes. Smith, Chambers. Irving, Cole, ltoes:none. Dpen motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Cole and carried the ConaeA2 ad3ouraed to meet Monday April 28, 1923. at 7,30 o'clock P.Y. ~~Iis . - "1 Approved this ~~day of Apri1,1913. ~-. Ya7 sir one+ClLj O= saa.weraaraiao. i 9 F - - , City Hall, San Bernardino, Ca11f.Apri1 28,1913. Ad3ourned regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. held Monday April 28,1913,. Yeating was called Lo order by l;ayor Bright at 7,45 P.Y, the following members of the Coun- cil being preaemt, Councilmen; Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Cola and City Clerk Iistchelor. Abeent,Councllman; Irving. i T.he minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. ~ Res.Adpt.P do S. Resolution adopting Plane & Specifications for the construction of a public sewer in "G" Street is the Sewer "G"-S t. City of San Bernardino, ate prepared by the City Engineer of said City and submitted this 21st day of April, 1913. which said specifications are numbered 167,wae read for final passage and adopted by the following f i vote, to-wit: Ayes; Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Cole.- Foes; none. r Rea.of Int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San BernBi~ino declaring their intention to Ho.604. Sewer g et. construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in C Street. was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Liq.Licence The Chief of Police reporting tavo mole upon application of. Louie Dilly for a retail liquor licence at 1 Louie Dilly ~- go.363 •B" Street, Councilman Smith moved that a retail liquor license be granted Louis Dilley at 363 E Str- ~ ~ ~ eet,that Bond presented be approved, and that licence in name of •.S.Dilly be revoked. motion sacoaded by j Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Rolmes, Smith, Chambers, Cole. Hoss;O. i Resignation The followin was + g presentadcand read: San Bernsrdino,Cal. Parch 28,1813. E.B.Leffen Truck Driver. Dear Chief: - I hereby turn in my resignation ae driver of the fire truck, which I have had in ~4Y charge for nineteen months, wishing you and yoursnew driver the best of suttees. to"take effect May the first I resain You re Truly, E.B.Leffen. Councilman Smith moved that the resignation of E.IS.Leffea be accepted; motion seconded by Councilaan Holmes and carried. Parry Teat. To the Honorable Ysyor sad Council; San Bernardino, Cal. April 28,1913. - - Appoiated. Driver. Gentlemen: Yr.E.B.Leffen, having resigned se driver of Auto Hire Truck, T reco0ead to Labe his place and receive the same salary as first drives, Yr.Harry west. lr.Teet has nerved as second driver foe • fourteen loathe and is capable of tilling the plats of first driver. Yours Respectfully, Hrwnk G.Staselce, dire Chief. Upon reading the foregoing Mayor Bright appointed Harry Test to the position of first Driver of Auto Pine Truck. subsect to contirnatioo of the Council. Councilman Ssiith moved flat tha appointment of the lcayor be eonfiraed, notion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried by the following vols. to-wit: A,ya: Holman. Smith, Chambers, Cole. Hoes; none. Bstinate Sealed estimate of Frank T.Leiler for the construction of a band Stand is Lugo Park was presented, BarM Stand Lugo Park. Councilman Chambers moved that the said estimate be opened, notion seconded b7 Councilman with and carried. The bid of Fraat T.Lefler to construct Bared SLSnd for the sum of X250 ae per Plans and Speciticatlons,having been read Councilman Chambers moved that the bid be rejected, certitisd check retnrnM to i1AMr, and the Clerk be instructed to re•advertise for bids for said work, motioA seconded b7 COancilass Cbie and carried. Pavilion Application baying been made for use o! City Pavilion for demoastratioa April 30,1913, the proeeede Apr.30,13. to go to Santa 4e Rand,Counciiwn Smith coved that permission be granted and the Clerk instructed to stservs Pavilion foe said date, notion seconded by Councilaan ~'laabers and carried. P t S. The City Bngineer presented Plans sad Specifications for the paving o! Xiatll, Sts+eet Detweew A~'T9s4a1d Continued:. ~ ~ i~fi Avenue Ynd "G" Street, and for the construction of s sewer in Tenth Street between "A" and "D" Streets, Pave 9th. Gouncilman Chambers moved that the said Plans and Specifications be reffarred to Lhe City Attorney, motion Sewer IOth. seconded by Councilman Coie and carried. P do 3 T~?e City Engineer presented Plans and Specifications for the construction of a pipe line for Second Pipe line 2nd St. Street Slough, Councilman Chambers moved that the said Plane and Specifications be referred back to the F.ng- Slough. ineer to be placed on fife in his office, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carritd. Ree.Adpt. Resolution adopting Plana and Specifications fof the paving of Sixth Street in the City of San P,ern- P ac S Pave 6th. ardino, from the west line of Arrowhead Avenue to the east line of "I• Street with a five (5) inch oiled macadam and the construction of culverts and concrete gutters therein, said specifications being No. 153 and submitted this 28th day of Apri1,191j. was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. i I Ord.No. An Ordinance changing the name of Doniphan Street, Rouaeau Street, and First Street, was read for the Change name Doaiphan first time and laid over for final passage. Rouseau & , . ~iret Ste. "' To the Honorable Hayor and Council, City of San Pernardino, Cal. April 28,1813. i Gentlemen:- Duslpiag i Ground. It hsa been reported by one of the garbage men that Yr.Blakely has forbidden anyond to '; dump arLq more rubbish at the grounds now used for that purpose. The Board of Aealth respectful3y ' requests that your honorable body designate another dumping grouu~ se provided in Sect. El of Ord.428 Respectful2,j?, H.C.Fazon Asa~t Health Officer. ` IIpon readingthe foregoing communication Councilman Smith moved that if the property of the General f Fertiliser Assn can be secured, Lhat the same ba rs-leased for one~year at an annual rental of ~100,aSotion w seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the fallowing vote, to-wit: Aysa; Holaes,Smith,Chambers,Cols Report of Report of the City 8ngineer of work ordered and completed from Yay 1st 1911 to 1[srch Ist 1913, was City Engiaesr 1911 to 1913. presented and read, Councilman Holmes moved that the report be received and placed on file, notion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Bills. The City Clerk was authorised to issue warrants in payment of clsias approved by the gayor and Financ ~' ;/ Cosmittee this date by the followfag vote, to-wit:- ryes; Holmes. Saith, Chsahere, Cole. 3oes; none. ;''"'~i f Open Alley a[r.Leoasrd Price sad others appp?red before the Council is regard to the opening of the Alley,betweea Fifth sad Spruce sad ~I• sad "J• Street¦ in Block s o! •atsrs sad Sorts Subdivision, CounciLaa Smith moved , ' that the isatter be referred to the Street $upsrinteadeat sad the Citt Englaeer t~ ha7e ell fsaees sad otist- ructioae movsd back Lo property line, fix approach to rail road crossing sad notify Railwp Go. to fix crossing, notion was seconded by Councilman Hclmee and carritd by the fellowiaa vote, to-wit: Ayes; HoLses. Smith, Chambers. Cols. hoes; none. ' Lights. Councilman Chambers moved that requests for li{hte at corners of lCias sad Osaorae sad patral sad High Streets be rsferrred to the Li~tting Cos=ittee, notion sseoaded by Councilman Sixth aUd earrild. Upon motion of Couaoilmaa BmiW duly seconded by Councilman Cols sad carried the Council ad~ourried to meet 1[onday ria7 5.1913, at 7, 30 0 ~ clock P;1[. ~'~ - . 83~y ~ ss . Approved this day of qty 1913. O y , eraar ao" _ " • City Hall, Ban Bernardino, Ca11f. xay f, 1813. Adjourned regui8r meeting of the Yayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. I Meeting was called to order by ]layor Bright at 7,30 o~clock P.Y. the following members of the Council { i ~ being present, Councilmen: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole and City Clerk Batchelor. ~ The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. f Res.of Int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Aernardino,declaring their intention to No. boa. Sewer "G"st. construct an 8-inch vitrified sewer in "G" street, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit: Ayes; Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Nose: none. f I`f Res.Adpt.P do S. Resolution adopting Plana and Specifications for the paving of Sixth Street in the City of San Berner- Pave 6th St. ~ lino, from the west line of Arrowhead Avenue to the east line of "I` Streetr with a five inch oiled macadam and the construction of culverts and concrete gutters therein, said specifications being No.lrjj, was read T for final passage, and upon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried said 1, resolution was laid aver for two weeks. -'~ Ord.go.521. An Ordinance changing the name Doniphan and Rouseau Streets to Livingstone Street, and changing the Change name ~ Doniphan name of First Street to Rialto Avenue, wsa read for final passage and adopted by thee following vote, to-wit: Rouseau ~ Birgit Streets. Ayes: Rolmes, Smith. Chambers, Irving, Cole. Noes: none. f Ord.No. Ordinance of the City oP San Bernardino establishing the official grade of Orange Street, from the j Satab.grade 6 Orar?ae Bt. east boundary line of `A"Street to the east line of Arrowhead Avenue in said City. was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Ord Bo, An Ordinance accepting the roadway of,`F" Street from the north line of Second Street to the south e Accepting roadway of line of Tenth Street, "D• Street from the north line of Third Street to the south line of Fifth Street. •F"-"71"-`E` 1 "R•dc Victoria"E• Street fry the south line of First Street to .the south line of Third Street, •R` Street iron the south 8th St. ~ line of Second Street Lo the south line of Righth Street, Victoria Avenue from the east line of •F" Street ~ to the west lice of •E• Street, and, Eighth Street from the east line of "6. 8tree t to Lha west line of ~ Arrowhead Avenue, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. ~ . Res.Adpb.P & S. Resolution adopting Plans and Specifications for the paving of •B" Street in the City of Sea Bernard-• Pave •B• St. ino fros the south boundary line of Fourth Street to the south boundary line of Base Line StrseL,with oil • sacades and for the construction of culverts and gutters therein, said specificatfoas being So.164, was rMd for the first tree and laid over for final passage. i` Bida having b en 'received this date for the construction of sewers is •i•st net, Piae and L streets, ! "I" Beaver. °- Sixth street, Spruce street, Kingman Street. Eighth street and Seventh Street, Counci Lan 2rviag moved that Lhe Clerk proceed to opest such bids, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. wh*swapoa the clerk • proceeded to open bids as hersEinaftsr set forth: • ~ 8!!1!R •I•Street,*.ighth and Vanlfess Avemie. E • • Aids •I•. ~id.o!!"+~'~i~r. _8~ler comp e e as oer am an sc as oms 120 .00 _ ~ brass ease -~-1-r-~-r i , ~ pe c • ss a C'oA~r+ic~'fori LTO. _" r.3~o spa. -i - -- r It was moved by CounciLan Irving that the bid of ¦.E.Pekieh beias the h?wl~lt sad best bid, that the said bid bs accepted. all other bids rejected, sad certified checks bs rsturasa bw aasuccsssinl Diddsrs,sot- ion was duly seconded by Councilman Chambers asd carried. whereupon Lhs follawir~ resolution was iatslduoed; ,j.?,~. Continued from Page 547. ' Rea,of Award. Resolution of the liayor and Common council of the City of San Bernardino, awarding contract to No. "I"3T,Sewer, M.N.PeYich, for the construction of a public vitrified pipe sewer in "I" Street from Eighth Street to ~ ' Van Neva Avenue in said City, at the price specified in his bid for.eaid work,was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. - Bids. SEXSR PINE AND "L" STR$RTS. 8 Reber Sewer com ete,ae er larva and s eci ica ions Y~C~- " ~ • w w w wa Cons ruc ion Co., Sewer comp ate, ~60 Louis Ye erg _ -- -- " ~~_---- , W.D.Bo an, -------- --~--~r- ---- --- Ernest Frenaell " ~ Councilman Chambers moved that the bid of Louis Meyer being the lowest and beet bid that the said bid be accepted, all other bids be re,~ected and certified checks returned to unaucceesfui biddera,motio seconded by Councilman Holmes end carried, whereupon the following resolution was introduced; P.es.of Award. Resolution of the Xayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, awarding contract to No. pine & "L" Louis Heyer, for the construction of a public vitrified pipe sewer in Pine and "L" Streets at the price sewer. named in his bid, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Bide. SL?w'SR, SI7CTH, 1[T VERHON TO "L" , .r'' Sixth St.Sewer. ~ ~ e er _ _ _ ~ sewer con a e, ~A.LO a , _ y_ . _ . _ E n~ ~ - Y- N PeFich'--- . i H way Cone ruction Co. Ernest'3~renzell--' '~- ~- • D.B a uis lle er ~ Councilman Irving moved that the bid of Lexie Meyer bs accepted aa. being the lowest and beet bid, _ all other bide be rejected and certified checks returned to unsuccessful bidders, motion seconded by Councilman Holmes and carried, whereupon the following resolution was introduced: , ~ Ree.of Award Aesoiution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, awarding contract to 80. i Sewer Sixth St. Louis Meyer, for the construction of a public sewer in 8izth etreet,beginning at a point 115.35 feet east of center line of Yt Yernon Avenue, running thence east to a point 62.5 feet east of center line s of "L" street, was read for the first tine and Iaid oter for fins2 passage. - Bids. SSW]SR, SPRiTCB, "I" TO 1Pt Y]SRFOlf. Sewer Spruce St. Re er Sewer ca e e e c ' L ~ e f i onatruc on o. E rues cease ~ u e X er ~ " ~" i Councilsuzn Chambers moved that the bid of Louis Meyer be sccepted as being the lowest ani best bi ali other bids be re~ectsd and certified checks returasd to unsucesatul bidders, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried, whereupon the following resolution was introduced: Res.of Award Resolution of the Mayor and Cosmwn Council of the City of San Bernardino, awarding contract to so. 8swsr Spruce St. Louis 1[eyer, for the construction of an 6-inch •itrifisd pips sewer in Spruce Street,troa a point ~§.3§ . feet oast of the center line of Yt.Yeraon Avsnue to a point l~ feet east of the center Iine of 'I• ltrt was read for {hr~~irrt ~tt~~-i~1id'ihritOV~! for lir~ai' ~sa~s. ~ . Aids. 8EK!!R, 1CINGftAN ST1i]lw7, "I• TO l14' YElClfoll. xinpnan St. Sewer. a er iwsr comp e e st '~rtns ZI' -'-'~ ono ruc on o. . o n. , Continued oa page 549. - Continued from Page 548. ~'~ Councilman Cole moved that the bid of the Highway Construction Co. be accepted as being the low- ~ and beat hid, all other bida be rejected and certified checks returned to uneucceeaful bidders, motion aeconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Rea.of Award Resolution of the l'ayor and Common Council of the City of San Aernardino, awarding contract to Ao. RinR~an St.aewer.the Highway C.onatruction Co. for the constructbn of a 12-inch vitrified pipe sewer in Kingman Street, fram "I" aLrePt to h1L.Vernon Avenue,at the price named in their bid for said work, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. ~ -~- E Bids. SE1fER, EIGHTH STREET, "I" TO PBNN. Eighth St.Sewer. -.-~ ~ J.D.Rerr Sewer com ate 0 e er . A, ong~e_ f~ _ .0$ H-ig-6w~ay Construction Co. "'~-' `Brno BrenieIS~ f D.Bo n . Councilman Holmee moved that the bid of J.D.Rerr be accepted; all other Dide be rejected and cer- i tified checks be returned to unsuccessful bidders, motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Ree.of Award Resolution of Lhe Fayor and Common Couneil of the City of San Bernardlno, awarding contract to No. ~/ Eighth St.Sewer. J.D.Rerr, for the construction of an 8-inch vitrified newer in Eighth Street,from "I" to Penn Street, I t at the price named in his bid for said work, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage j SBT75R SE~IEATH STREET,"I" TO YT.VERFON. Bids. Seventh St.Sewer. der '3ewer com ate .B.Pe s E rnes Frenze II . O n " wa COAa ruC On O. Councilman Cola •o~ad that the bid of the Aighway Construction Co. be accepted as being the lower and beat bid, ell other bida rejected and certified checks returned to uneucceeaful bidders, motion sec- onded by Councilman Smith and carried. Res. of Award Resolution of the Yayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, awarding contract to Ro. Seventh St.Sewer.the highway Construction Co. for the construction of a 12-inch sewer in Seventh Street, from •I• to YL. Vernon Avenue, at the price named in their bid for said work. was road for the first time and laid over ~ for final passage. Report of Report of Street Superintendent 1S.H.Ke11ogR_, of operations of Street department for Lhe month of Street Superintendent. month of April. April was; presented and read, Gouacilman Holmes moved that the report be received end placed on file, motion aeconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Report of Report of the City Elect*iciaq for the month of April was presented and read, Councilman Rolmea Electrician. moved that the report be received and placed oa file, notion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Report of Report of Deputy City Bngineer H.C.Faxon of Bureau of seats and Inspection for tJie month of April R . C . ~a7cOn Inep # Teats. ~ was presented and read, Councilman Holmes soved that the report be received end placed on file, emotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Order R.R.Com•. Copy of decision Xo.620 of The Aallroad Commission of the State of California, granting to the ~ P.E.Ry.Co. Rranchise. Pacific Electric Railway Company permission to construct Its main line trwck between the Cities of Dplan and Sea Bernardino, was presented, Councilman Irving novel that the copy of decision be received and placed on file ,motion aeconded by Councilman Polmes and carried. Application The following application was presented and read; San Pernardino, April 30,1813. Chas Yecham Park Employe To The Ronorable Yayor anus Common Council ConLimueQ osl Ash f~0 . _ ' ~ Continued from Page 549. ~ Gentlemen; As I am employed at present at Lugo Park I will be pleased to continue should you feel that I am worthy of the position You may ,judge by my }ssk in the peat. Respectfully, Charles lecham, Upon reading the foregoing Councilman Smith moved that the communication be referrsd to the Park Committee, motion seconded by Councilman Cole and carried. A111e Citrus Councilman Smith moved that the claims of the Citrus Belt Gas Co. for gas fL~rniehed in the office Belt Gas Co. of Teets and lnepections, be referred back to claimant and request them to vouch for said bills,motioa~ seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Bills. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payment of ciaima approved by thb Kayos and Finance Committee this date, by the following vote. to-wit: Ayes: Holmes,Smith,Chambera,Irving,Cole. Barns unsanitary. Councilman Chambers called attention of the Council to a number of Barn buildings edtuated on Broadway Street, Broadway Street between H and I Streets, that said barns were within a •ery short dietaace of residences and were a nuicance, Councilman Smith moved that the matter be referred to the Board of Health for immed iate action, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. ' ~i Hay 17,191] Councilman Smith moved that Saturday May 17,19ij, be declared Clean-up Day throughout the .City. Clean-up Day. and that all citizens be requested to get busy on said date, and participate fa one big CLRAti~UP celeb- ration, motion was seconded by Councilmen Halmea and carried. I Arc Lights. Councilman Cole moved that Arc Lights be installed et the following locations, to-wit: Corner of Bellevisw and Giovanolo, Corner of Osborne and Ring, and Corner of "G• and Thirteenth Streets at bridge crossing, motion seconded by Coundilmaa Smith sad carried by the following •ote, to-wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cole. Foea:noae. J.E.Gibaon Councilman Smith moved that a regular merchaata licence be issue to J,S.Gibaoa, at #6.00 per Licence. quarter,to carry oa a Photograph Studio, motion seconded by Councilman Irving sad carried. Upon notion of Councilman Smith, duly aeeoaded by Councilman Irving and carried the Connell ad~ournrd to meet Monday Hay 12,1913, at 11 o~clock A.Y, /J t ~c~ mod- ~1-- ~ APProved this , _ j j, d~ of 1Eay ~ 3. ~-may r . n 0 o e C ea ernar ono. i c {I j ~ l -- i E i 4 L. ---~---__~_------ ----__~_ __-__ l City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. ]gay 12,1913. Adjourned regular meeting of the Ysyor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. ~ 1~eeting was called to order by Ysyor Bright at 11 o~ciock A.Y. the following members of the Council ~I being present, Councilmen; Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole and City Clerk Batchelor. ~ The minutes of the presious meeting were read and approved. I Ord. No. 522 Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino establishing th4e official grade of Orange Street, from the ~ Estab.Grade j Orange St. east boundary line of "A" Street to the east boundary line of Arrowhead 4venue, in said City, was read for If final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes; Holmes, ;)With, Irving, Cole. Noes; none. Ord,14o.52? An Ordinance accenting the roadway of "F" Street from the north line of Second Street, to the south Accepting Streets. line of Tenth Street, "D" Street from the north line of Third to the south line of Fifth Street, "E" 8tree from the south line of First Street ao the south line of third Street, "H• Street from the south line of second Street to the south line of eighth Street, Victoria.anenue from the east line of "F" Street to th west line of "B" Street, and, eighth Street Yrom the east line of "G" Street to the west lice of Arrowhead avenue. wae.read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit, Ayes~Holmes, Smith, Irvin c;. Cole. Noes None. r '~ P.ea,Adpt.PdcS. Pave"B•St. A resolution Adopting Plans and Specifications. for the paving Of •B• Street is the City of San Bernardino from the south boundary line of fourth Street to the eouht boundary lies pf Base Line Street with oil macadam and for the construction of culverts and concrete gutters therein, said specifications being No,Ib4 and submitted on the 5th day of Yay,1913. was read for final passage sad adopted by the following vote, to-wit, Ayes, Rolmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Noes none. Rea.of Int. Resolution of the_I[ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention t Eo. Paoe"B" Bt. improve "B" Street in Said City, from the south boundary line of fourth Street to the south bof}adary lies of Base Liae Street, with oil Macadam, and for the construction of Concrete culverts and gutters therein was read for fhb first time and laid over for final passage. f Res.ot A~ard Resolution of the Ysyor and Common Council of the City of Ssn $eraardlno, awarding contract to - No.605 l Sewer "I" St. E.H.Pekich, for the construction of a public vitrified sewer in "I" Street, from Righth Street to Vsa Ness ~ Avenue, and the construction of wyes and manholes at points designated and shown on Lhe plans heretofore adopted, at the price named in hie bid for said work, was read for final passage sad adopted by the follow- ing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole. Bo ea: none. Res.oi A~rard Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Saa Bernardino, awarding contract to - No.6o6 Pine ~ "L"St. Louis Meyer, for the construction of an 6-inch vitrified pipe sewer is Piae and "L" streets,in accordance Sewer. with the pleas and specifications heretefors adopted, was read for final passage and adopted by the follow- ing vote, to-wit: Ayes; Rolaes, Smith, Irving, Cols. )foss; none. Res. of Award Resolution of the lf~r sad Common Council of the City of San Pernardino, awarding contrast to - ife.60'~ Louis Meyer Sewer Sixth, for the construction of as 8-inch vitrified pipe sewer is 81][th Street, from Et Vsraon to "L" Street,in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore adopted for said work, at the price nssed !' 1n his bid, was rend for final passage and adopted by the following vdte, Lo-wit; Ayes; Rolaes, Saith. Irving, Cole. Noes; none. Ree.of Award Resolution of the Mayor and Cossson Council of the Cosr+on Councal of the City of San Bernardino, awwr Yo,608 Sewer Spruce ding contract to Louis Meyer, for the construction of an 6-inch ?itrified pipe sewer in Spruce Street, t7"~ 1ft Vernon Averw a to "I" street, in accordance with the pleas and specifications adopted theswfore, at the T- Continued from Page.---- priced named in hie proposal for said work, was read far final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayee HoLaee, Smith, Irving, Cole, Foes none, Res.of P_ward Resolution of the L'ayor and the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, awarding contract Bo,6o9 Kingman Sewer to the Highway Construction Co. for the construction of a I2-inch vitrified pipe sewer in Kingman etr, from "I" street to Kt Vernon Avenue, at the price named in their bid Por said work, was read for ' E final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit, Ayes Holmes, ~,,raith, Irving, Cole, Foes nave. Res.of Award Resolution of the Yayor and the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino araarding contract ~ No,610 ~ Eighth St. Sewer. to J,D.Kerr, for .the construction of an 8-inch vitrified sewer in 8ighth Street, from "I• to Penn 6t r. f at Lhe price named in his bid for said work was read for final passage and adopted by the following vo to-wit. Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Irving, Cole, Noes none, Fes.of award Heeolution of the Yayor and the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, Awarding contract No.622 Seventh St. Sewer to the Highway Construction Co, for the construction of a I2-inch sewer in Seventh Street, from •I" to Mt Vernon Avenue, at the price named in bid for said work, wse read for final passage and adopted f{ by the following ?ote, to-wit, Ay ea FTOlmes, 9aith, Irving, Cole. Foes none. i Councilman Chambers arrived and took his seat at Council chamber at II:25 A.Y. 1 Boads The following bonds were presented for approval of the Council: Catick Bond of Yayor Elect J,t Catick in the sum of ;I000:00, Eunice Chenhali and Rate T Davis ae sureties. Bond Bond of Claude R Davidson, Councilman elect, in the sum of SI000:00 American Bonding Company ae i Davidson. surety. Bond Bond of C,M' Smith, Councilman elect. in the sum of ~I000:00 J.3 Bright and C.Y Grow as sureties Smith. Bond Bond of Henry F Cansnar, Councilman elect, American Bonding Company as surety. Ganener. Councilman Smith moved that all of the said bonds be approsed, and the Yayor be authorized Lo endorse same, with the understanding that H,F Ganener, substitute s new bond, Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the, following vote, to-wit, Ayes, Holmes, Smith, 9Aambere. Irtitsg, Cole, Foea none. ~ '•, r, Report Report of the City Clerk of fund balanceo this date was presented and read, Counci]~an Chembera City Clerk. • moved that report be receded and placed on file, motion seconded by Councilman Irving, and carried Report Report of the City Treasurer for the month of April was preseated and read, Councilman Holmes, S raasu re r. roved that report be received and placed on file, motion seconded by Councilman Irsing add carried. asqusat Communication of Freak Y Latler requesting that the case of Charles Lefler his brother be Lefler. placed on the list of persona prohibited frog drinking or procuring intoxicating liquors within the corporate limits of the city of San Bernardinw, was preseated and road, Councilman Smith moved that request be granted and that the Chief of Police be instructed to notify liquor dealers accordingly, Potion eaconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by Lhe fol owing vote to-wit, Ayes Holmes, Smith. ~bers, Irving, Cols. Foes none. "'l License Apolication of L.D Seward, ~IH Owen, and J.C Villanueva, doing business under the firm name of € Ranier Bot:Co ~ Ranier Bottling Coapaay, for license to conduct busiaees of selling, giving away sad furnishing bees, at Southeast corner of 9irst and "P," Street, in quanties not lees than one quart, pursuant to ordinance 304 was presented and read CounciLraa Cole moved that applicalSOn be referred to the Chief of Police. Potion seconded Councilman Smith, and carried ' Protest.Sexer ~ A protest signed by owners of property liable to be assessed for the payment of the Bridget Allen construction of a sewer in Allen and Bridge Streets, under Reeoldtions of intention No.h03 was presented and heard.It was moved by Councilman Smith and second=d by Councilman Cole that the protest filed by the City Clerk on hay,6th, 1913, against the construction of the Bridge and Allen Street Sewer in accord- ante with Resolution of Intention No.603, be re3ected, and that such improvement represented by said Resolution of Intention be carried on and completed, Lotion was carried by the following vote, to-wit, Ayes, Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving, Cb~e. Nose none. Claims. The claim of Towne Seccombe and Allison, #20;80 for fumigators furnished Health Officer and two claimsof the Citrus Belt Gaa Company, were referred back to claimants. The claims of T B Ball, &7Jr~00 for rent dumping ground for street sweepings and claim of H. C Faxon, dcI0:00 for testing Mor;ihine acepunt police court were laid over. Bills. The City Clerk was authorized La issued warrants anA-in payment for claims appeoved by the ][ayor end finance committee, this dale by the following vote Lo-wft, Ayes. Holmes, Smith, Chambers, Irving Cole. Noes none. At Lhe hour of I2 o~clock, I6ayor Pright addressed the Council that,~of the Ctty of San Aernardino, ii ~ he dtsired~to congratulate the Council and all of the officers serving under hir adminiatratior~n its I ~ excellent service and to welcome the lEsyor Elect J.• Catick, and wish his s successful administration. i Ccuncilman Smith moved to ad,fourn, motion seconded by councilman Chamber and carried. Approved thisf~sdgy ~ f Ifay 1913. ~ _______~t'_-~t-- F - City Clerk. ffayor f the City o n Bernardino. S - I i . ~ ~ A 1 r ---- -- _ _ -_ - _ _ i c i I i i 1 A' -^~ . City Ha31, San Bernardino, Calif. fCay,12, 1913. : Regular meeting of the Ysyor and Common Council of the City of Sen Bernerdino, held pytrsuant to the 1 Charter'of said City. Yeeting was called to order by Mayor Catick at 12.10 P.Y. the following members of t ' the Council being seated: Councilmen; Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Qrving and City Clerk Batchelor. Having introduced Councilman H. F Gananer,and Councilman C.R Davidson, Ysyor Catick proceeded to j read the list of hie appointments of officers, for the approval of the Council ae follows, i ' Members of Board of Water Commissioners. C. A Rouse and J.F Hamilton. a Chief of Police Fred w 5eccambe. ~ 1 Superintendent Gf Streets Chas. Yc Elvain, Assistant to Street Supt. Huley Poppett. City Engineer and Building Inspector. Frank Smith. • Chief of Fire Department. Frank G. Starke. City Electrican. Z. Snyder. • Policemen, T.J. Starke, H, Baldwin, w. H, Cornelison, F. O:Blenness, Fd. Poppett. ~ e ~ M. 'D, Wixom, J, H. Codori, V. B. Hogue, Roy Yelendez, falter Heap, E Sexton of City Cemetery. F.S Jones. Janitor of City Hall ?alter Chattan. Park Employees Yeadowbrook. George Yo Garvey. Chas Yechan. ~ Lugo D' S Reynolds. J Robinson. Members of Board of Liberary Trustees A. Y Ham. B.A Riahardecn. Members of Board of Health G.B Rowell. J. R Live~an, A. 1 Boggs B.C. Huntley and ' F. w Seccombe as exoffico member. Incorporated 1n all Lhe above appointments the recommendation of the employment of William Guthrie as City Attorney, ' Councilman Smith moved that the appointments be taken u~ separately to be entertained by Counoil f( individually ,motion seconded by Councilman Gansner, tj r' ? Mayor Catick refused to consider the above motion. • Councilman Davidson moved that the appointment made by Mayor Catick be confirmed. motion failing to receive second Mayor Catick withdrew all sopointmenta as made. 1 Councilman Smith moved Lo adjourn until next Monday night at 7;30 o~clock. h Mayor Catick than subaaitted the nsaes of C. A. house, and J. F.Haailton for members of the Board of ~ water CoMisefoners, stating that he would entertain a~sotioa for the confirmation of said appointments. Councilman Davidson moved that they appointment of Rouse and Hamilton for water Cosissionera be confined, motion failed to receive second. F.w.Bsccombe flayor Catick then named Fred 3eacombe as Chief of Police,Councilwan Smith coved that Liss appoints Chief-Poliet sent of F. w. Secaosbe be confined, soLion wen seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote,to-wit; Ayres: Davidson, Gansnez, 8aith, Chambers, Irving, noes, none. C.A.Roue• Ysyor Catick then named C. A. Rouse and F.A. Richardson as members of the Eoard of hater F.A.Richardaon water Qommissioners, Councilman Davidson loved that appointment of C.A.Rouae and F.A.Richardson as members v! Lks Commissioners.' ' Board of Rater Commissioners be confinaed. Councilman S:oith moved to eNt~ourn until Monday night, motion seconded by Councilman Gansner. for -.~ , Catick declared motion out of order as Councilman Irving had the floor. i i. continued from pages 555 ~ Potion of Councilman Davidson, confirming the appointment of C.A. Rouse and N.A. Richardson for ' members of the Board of later Commissioners, was seconded by Councilman Irving with the understanding i7s that no radical change would be made in the Aster Department. Upon calling the roll, Council voted ae follows, to-wit, Ayes; Chambers, Davidson, Irving, ?Qoee; Gansner, Smith. , Chas.YcElvain. Mayor Catick then named Chae Yc Elvain as Superintendent of Streets. Councilman Irving moved that Street Bu pt. _ the appointmentF of Chas jlc Elvain be confirmed, motion seconded by Ccuncilman Gansner. Councilman Chambers addressed the Council in regard to the appointments of the Mayor, stating that however he might vote in the matter, he wanted it understood that he was not reeponoible for such appointments, and he was of the opinion that some of the appointees acre incompetent. Upon calling the roll for confirmation of the appointment of C1ris_Yc-Elvain, Council voted as folloar, to-wit, Ayes; Gansner, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, Po,Bmith. Huley Poppett Mayor Catick then named Huley Poppett as assistant to Superintendent of Street, Councilman Smith Asst.Str.Supt. moved LhaL the appointment of Huley Poppett, be confirmed/f.nnmotion was seconded by Councilman Davidson and ~ carried by the following vote, Lo-wit, Ayes;Ganener, Smith, Davidson, Irving„ noes,none. Frank Smith Mayor Catick then named vrsnk Smith, as City Engineer and Puilding Inspector, and Frank G Starks ' ~I City Engineer 1 Buildg Insp. Chiet of Fire Department, Councilman Smith moved that appointment .of Smith and Starke be confirmed. F.C.Starke. ~ motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote,to-wit, Ayes:Gansner, Smith, ' Chambere,Davideon, Irving, Roea,none. i H.A. Bnyder Ysyor Catick then named H.A.Snyd.er as City Slectrican, Councilman Davidson moved that appointment ~ Electrican. b• confined, aotion was seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to-wits Ayes; Gansner, Smith, Davidson, Chambers, Irving, Soea,none. Policemen. Mayor Catick then named„foslowing as Police Officers; T.J Starke, w.H Baldwin, •.H. Cornelison, Ed. Poppett, w.D wizoa, J.P. Codorl, V.B. Hogue, Roy Yelendez, Y.0'Bleness. welter Heap. Janitor Mayor Catick then named the following for Janitor City Hall~Talter Chatta~ Seztoa City Cemetery s r ~ Park n Y.S.Jonas, Park Haployees-Yeadowbrook, Ceo. YcGarvey and Chas Yechan, Lugo Park;D,J. aeynolds~ Members r' Bd. Of Health Liberary Bd. of Board of Health,G,B.Rowe11, J.A. Llverman, A.w. Boggs B.C. Huntley, and F.w.Seccombe as exoffico ; meatier, Liberasy Board; A.Y. Hsa and J.F.Heailton. /~.~~....<,. ~..d Bouneilaan Smith moved that the appointments of the Ma~orA for Janitor City Aw21, 3ezton City C Ceaetary, Park ]9sployees, Liberary P.oard, and Masbera ofm Board Health, be confirmed, aotion seconded by Councilsan Irving and carried by Lhe following vote, to-wit; Ayes:Gansner, 3+aith, Chasbers, Davidson, Irving. Noes: none. Attorney Yayof Catick then presented?, the arse of willies Guthrie to b• employed as City Attorney, Council- Laid Over. sna Davidson, moved that scatter of employing willies Guthrie be laid over for the time beiag~ aotion ' ` seconded by Councilaar~Caaen~sr, and carried by the fallowing vote, to-wit, Ayss~Qanener, Saith,Chasibere, Davidson, Irving, Doe s, none. Couaoilsaa Cheabere csoved that all appointments sods by the Mayor becaae effective at I2 o~cloak mld- night oa the 31st day of May. 1913. end all officers and employeeA holding euah offices be declared vacant to take effect oa said 31st day ~f Ysy,at midnight.aotion seeondsd by Councilman with and carried by the following ?ote, to-wit: Ayes; Gsstener, Smith, Chaaber, Davldsoa, Irx:ing. lfoes.aone. . Councilman Chambers moved that the Police Department, be put on an eight hour basis, Councilman Smith moved that the matter be laid over until next meeting night motion seconded by Councilman Gansner and carried. Upon ration of Councilman Smith duiy seconded by Councilman Irving and carried, The Council adjourned to meet Monday ]Cay,19, 191j. at ~;j0 0} clock p,t!. n • M Approved thi~ciay og ~ay.191j. ci~'y '~"rer .`.j " _ l-T- . S o s city o • San Bern no I . r t I 1 i~i _-_._._._~._._r W F _ f , ~ , ~ , City ]Tali, San P,ernardino, Calif. E'•ay 19, 1913. Adjourned regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, held tt,e followin members of ~ Monday Kay, 19, 1913• Meeting was called to order by Mayor Catick at x:35 P.N., B ` the Council being present, Councilman: Ganener, Smith, Chambers, I)avideon, Irving, and City Clerk Batchelor. ~I The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. i i Pave Sixth St. councilman Smith moved that the orocceedinge relating to the paving of Sixth Street and the ' and"B" f referred paving, of "B" Street be referred back to P.ttorney Haskell with instructions to include in such proceedings ~ back the ten year bond provision, ?!otion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. i Chief of Police The Chief of Police reporting favorable upon the application of L.B.Seward, W.H.Owets, and • report favorable Ranier Bost Co.J,C.Villanueva, doing business under the firm name of Ranier P.ottling Company, fora wholesale Beer licens i at south east corner of First and "?" Street. Councilman Chambers moved that the license be granted and that the bond presented be approved. and that license now issued in the name of Roesen and Villanueva i be discontinued, !lotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote to-wit, Ayes Gansner, Smith, Chambers, i`avidaon, Irving, Noes none. It r ` /I H j t Bonds, The following bonds were presented for approval William Guthrie,City Attorney, Frank Smith, City Guthrie, Smith Engineer and Building Inspector, Police officers; Roy Yelendez, W.H. Baldwin, John N.Codori, l~elter John Hele»dez Baldwin Heap, P.W.Wixom. Codori Heap Wixom Councilman Smith moved that all of the said Aonds be approved and that the Mayor be authorized to endorse 3~eaae,Yotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote to-wit, Ayes.Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, ?roes,none. Bond At the request of the Title Guaranty and Surety Compares, Councilman Chambers roved that the bond Hurray ' Released. of Eugene Idurray be cancelled and that said Title Guaranty and Surety Compar~y,be released from future liability, 1[otion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Communication Communication of Citizen La»d and ~•ater Company, and Rialto irrigation District serving notice of r Citizen Land and Water claia to certain water bearing lands was presented and read, Councilman Smith moved that cosrmunicatian be ~' Co.claim referred to Attorney Haskell with instructions to reply to same. *,;otion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Bid Sealed proposal of Frank tY,Lefler, for constraction of a Band Stand in Lugo Park, parauant to prank Lefler ed, yrae4<,i Band Stand notice caliing for bidsfor said work,was presented. Councilman Smith moved that bid be openAbeconded by Lugo Park Councilman Chambers and carried. San Bernardino Calif, Ysy I2, 1913. The Aon Board of City Trustees, San Bernardino, Calif, xr. Batchelor Clerk neRr ~ir;- i propose to furnish alt labor and material necessary in t?iis conet~uction and co=Pletion of the proposed Rand Stand at Lugo Park this City se per plans and specifications on file at t',~ City 3ngineer "ffice, for the etas of Two Hander! and Fifty dollars s2§0:00 "" Very truly, prank W Lefler. Councihman `ruing coved that the bid of Franl(W.Lefler, for constraet~on of Sand Stand in Lugo r~ Copt from page 558. Park for the sum of ~250,be accepted,and contract be awarded to said gunk W. Lefler, for slid work, Lotion seconded=by Councilman Smith and carried by the folloxin~5 vote,to-wit; Ayes; Gansner, Smith, Chambers Davidson, Irving, Noes; none. ~ Protest Erotest filed against the Construction of Sewer in Bridge and A'.len Street under Resolution of ` agairtat Sewer Intention 60j and denied at meeting of ldayor and Common Council '•-ay.12, 1913, was discussed, Attorney Bridge & Allen Str. S.W,McDfabb appeared before the Council in behalf of Lhe petitioners. Councilman Chambers moved that the Council proceed to rehearing of said protest and that hearing be adJourned to one seek iro~a this date, f:otion seconded by councilman Irving and carried. Claims. Council S,~nith roved that the claim of the lfighway Construction Comaony for $5.29 account "H" Street i paving be referred bank to claimant for proof 'hat the City owns property. lotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. claim of H.C.r^azon $I0:00 for testing morphine was laid over for one week. i Claim Of Towne Seccombe and Allison $20:80 for fumigators was laid over - I ~ t Councilman Smith moved that claim of J.P. Ball $'75:00 rent of dump ground for streeting sweeping be P , cut to =50:00 Notion seconded by Councilman Chambers, and carried. The pity Clerk was authorized to issue waranta in payment of claims approved by 3!ayor and Finance s committee this date by the following vote to-wit Agee Gansner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, floes none, f Appointments 1layor tatick appointed following as employees in the Fire Department, Fire Dept. APPOIN?~^;1TS ?OR ?iR''' D^PART;::iiT. Harry lest, first driver Auto Kose and Chemical $100:00 per month ' Roy Newcombe, Assistant driver Auto floss and Chemical 175:00 per month Charles Harding.first driver "H" "and "h" 80:00 per month Gus !ratl,, Assistant driver Auto Hose and Chemical •H" & "L" X5:00 per month Harry Lord,first driver Auto hose and Chemical Penn Station X80:00 per month Albert Giatz, Assistant driver Auto Hose and Chemical Penn. ~~5:Q0 per month E Councilman Smith moved that the appointments of the Kayor for Lhe Fire Department be confirmed,Yotion ~ ~ ` seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by tha following vote, to-wit; Ayee:Gansner, Smith, Chambers. t Davidson, Irving, Boes, none. f Bight Hour Law Council Chambers moved that the eight hours day he adopted for the Police Department, Iiotion police Dept. ~ seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote,tO+;wit; Ayes; Gansner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, 1FOes none. ~ ~ Vacation for Councilman Smith moved that the granting of vacation to Police officers with pay be discontinued, l Police officers t r pay. lotion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried. E Councilman Gansner moved that the matter of constructing flag pole in Lugo Park be referred to Park ' oo~smittee to investigate and report back. Notion seconded by Councilman Smith snd carried. 8tardiag Mayor Catiek named following Standing coanittees committee FIBARCB ~hnabers, Davidson, Irving E ' ~ STR!!RTS ----~ - f9anener, ~ '~. ~ ~OLICR AND SIRE---- Davidson PAiiK AND LIGHTS- ---- Irving SARITA? 108 AND CF.IE'f'A:RY- - • Sm i th ' Upon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilaan Chambers and carried the council • adJourned to meet Yanday ISay,26, 191j, 7:j0 P.B. o'clock. _ _ , :;ili Cont.irom page 559• p Approved this day of I[ay 191j, , /~~'"'~O'E'`~ C1 y C er/ f. , yor Clty o an ernar ino. Correction) Rea, of Int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San IIernardino, declaring their intention plo. 613. Grade L'leat to establish the official grade of West Third Street, From the 96eat Boundary line of Kt Vernon Avenue ' Third Str. to a point 2100-Rest of the 'Feat bo~:ndary line of 14t Vernon kvenue in said City, ass read for the firBt time and laid 09er for final passage. ' Approved thie~day of Vay lyl3. ~ ~y er nr of t e y o San ~ernar ono. ' i. j i i '~ '~ ~ ,~' ~ i i ,t: 'a i c i~ ' I 1 f j~~ s ) F <; i City Y.a21, :an ~nrnnrdino ^nlif, Fay ?G, lplj, Ad,~ourned re~-ular meetinP of the I'aycr and Coasr.on Counr,i2 of t4~e City of San APrrardino. h?eeting was called to order by 1!ayor C~ttick at ?:35 P.m. the fo'.lowinp members of the Council being present, Councilman Gansner, Smith, Chambers, 2~'~vidoon, and City C1Prk Batchelor. t- ti, ?he :~inutes of the previous meeting were read and upon moticn of Councilman Chambers duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried the said minutes were approved as corrected, Rea. Adapt, Resoluticn adopting plans and anecifications for the yawing of Sixtli Street in the City of San P&S Pave 6th street. Fe2•nardino, from thr, 9iest line of Arrowhead Avenue to the East line of "1" Street, with a five inch h!acadam and the construction of culverts and concrete gutters therein, said apecificat~on being TTo, l,j, was read for ' final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-sit, Ayes Ganener, Smith, Chambers, ravidson, hoes none. Res. ;nt. Resolution of Intention Ro, b14; for the paving of Sixth Street f rom the West line of Arrowhead Avenue No.614. Pave to the Eaet line of "I" Street, by lsacadamizing the roadway thereon, and constructing culverts and gutters Sixth Str. therein, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Ord. Ordinance 2Qo.~ for the eetablishina the grade of P roadway Street from the Weat line of "G" Street to $atb~rade Broadway St. the F,aet toundary line of Randall Avenue, was read for the firs! time and laid over for final passage. r, The following communication was read, San Bernardino, Calif. lEay 26, 1913. Hon. Wayor do Common Council City of San Bernardino Gentlemen: Application is made on behalf of the County of San Bernardino, Second Road District, for the hire of City Steam Roller, Oiler, Water Wagon, Dfsc Barrow, and to purchase about 2x00 gallons of road oil. This machinery and material is to be used in the improvement of Yt Vernon Avenue north of the City limits and if same can be secured the work can commenced immediately. Your early advice in this matter would be appreciated. Yours truly. J.C. Jones. Supervisor 2nd District. Councilman Smith moved that the Roller be rented to Lhe County at a rental of =10:00 per day, with operator; Oiler and operator X6:00 per day, Water Wagon E1:00 per day, i[otlon seconded by Councilman Ganener and carried. The following was presented and read, $an praaciaco, Calif. gay 2I, 1913. ; ClerS of The Board of Trustees, $an Bernardino, Calif. Dear 81r;- / Upon examination of our records we find that einIIe Jan.Ist, 1913, we have paid to you, althea directly or through our agents, the following amounts for our respective companies; area Insurance Company of Sweden ---------------------X11.10 Agricultrual Insurance Company of Watertown B.Y.------ 7•~ Olobe ~ Rutgers Rir? insurance Comaogq of A.Y. ----•-- 12.25 ThPSe amounts wrrr ~jtt for City licensra, anA we now beg to iCive you nonce that these respective amounts haw! been and are paid under protest, suD~.ct to the µdeciaion of-the Supreme Court • • Cont. from nags X61. of the State of California as to the liability of Insurance Companies for City licenses. Very truly yours. Edward Brown & Sone. Councilman Smith moved that the communication be re0d and placed on file, motion seconded by ~ . Councilman Gansner and carried. Councilman Irving took hie seat wt rouncil at P;10 P,3z, Appt.Rowe21 N.A.Richardson appointed as members of the Board of Water Comnmission~and (=.B,Rowell and J,R,Livermam. Lfverman Bd.Health. appointed as members of the Board of Health, having failed to qualify as such officere~by taking oath of office as required by section 12 of the c}iarter of the City of San Bernardino; 3!aymr Catick appointed C,B,Rowell and J,R.Liverman ae members of the Board of Health. Councilman Irving moved that the appoint- ment of G,B.Rowell, and J,R.Liverman as members of the Board of Health, be confirmed, 3TOtion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Gansner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irvin Noes. none. Appt.E,J,Gilbert 3?ayor Catick named as his appointment for members of Water Commiasi~n E.J.Gilbert to eacceed Hr Water Comm. Katz. Councilman Davidson ~aoved that the appointment of ;Sr Gilbert as Water Commissioner be confirmed. , Councilman Irving stated that if he should second Councilman Davidaon~s motion for confirmation of ' , appointment he wanted it understood, that it was not that the present Water Commissioners were inefficient , but *o the contrary he had gone over their books and found they have been misrepresented, but ae 3!r Gilbert was a n~rsonal friend of his he would' second the motion for confirmation. Br, Gilbert stated that if appointed and confirmed by the Council he would accent such appointment and give the City his beet services. Councilman Smith and Chamber's stated that they did not believe in a change in Water Commission Upon calling roll for confirmation of appointment of E,J.Gilbert, Council voted ae follows, to-wit: Ayes:Davidson, Irving, Noe a;Gansner, Smith, Chambers, Councilman Smith moved that the Committees of this Council be sa follows. On Finance; Chambers, Davidson, and Irving. On Streets; Gansner, Chambers, and Davidson, On Police & Fire Depart:ent; Davidson, Smith, and Gansner, On Parks & Liphta; Irving, Gansner, and Chambers, - ~ On Samitation & Cemetery; Smith, Irving, and Davidson, And that said committees, be, and are in lieu of any committees of this Council htretofore eaiating~ 1Fotion eeconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes:Gansner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, floes:none. Bonds, The following bonds were presented for approval; C,A.Aouse, itember of Water Commission 1000:40 Frank R.Starka Chief of Bire Department 1000:04 ~ F.W.Seccombe Chief of Police X800:00 Chas Yc drain Superintendent of Streets, 1000;00 T.H.Corneiison Police officer 1000:00 Ed Poppett Police officer 2000;00 V.B.Hogse Police officer 1000:00 " '~ T.J. Starks Police officer 1000:00 , Couneilman Smith moved that all of the above Bonds be approved, eub~ect to inveatigatfon o[ ~ Bonding Companies, by City Attorney Guthrie and that the yfayor be authorized to endorse aeme,aubJect to the presenting of s new bond ahoald the Attorney report adveraply. xotion eeconded by Councilman Gansner and - i ~ carried. • ~ ~i ri Oil Lynwood Councilman Smith reported that the owners of property fronting on Lynwood Slay and liagnolia Streets ?~agno3ia, 3esiree to have said streets oiled, They are to pay for ttie oil and sand, the City to prepare Streets and do the ~xork. I Councilman Chambers moved that this Board express its approval of the proposition that the said i" ~ property pwners may put u» cash as per eatimabe'of Street Sunerin'.endent. ?,:ot.ion seconded by councilman Irving and carried. ~ Li the matter of rehearing of Protest filed against the empi•oyement of Bridge and Allen Streets, by f constructing sewers therein, j ' RHpgrt on Councilman Smith reported, recpmmending that proceedings be laid ov?r six mor.tha, Councilman Chambers ` . Fridge Jc ' Allen Str, ~ovcd that the protest filed against `he construction of Suer in Bridge xnd Allen Rtreeta, be overruled and Sewer. denied, sad Lhat nroceedinga heretofore taken be cancelled, and that the Engineer be authorized to make a pelimenary survey covering district lying, between ^irst Street and ;bird Street, and gateman Avenue and Arrowhead Avenue, and report back to the Council, Rotion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, Noes none. Pill,'~Faxon. councilman Smith moved that bill of H.C.Faxon for the sum of 610:00 for testing 1!or~mhine be allowed. / Testing 3{orphine. ~ 3fotion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to-wit, Ayes, Ganener, Smith,- ' Chambers, Davidson, Irving, Roes none, , The, City Clerk was authorized to issue warants in payment of claims approved by the Mayor and Finance Co~nittee, this date by the following vote to-wit; Eyes, Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving. Barker as Councilman Smith moved that attorney C.C.Haskell be authorized to employ J,E.Barker as Expert, to Expert on Gas 'Xitness in bring books of Gas companies down to date in matter of Gas in,junetion proceeding now pending in Court, also Court. tp employ }!r. Barker, as expert witness when case is heard by court, Eiotion was seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the fallowing vote, to-wit, Ayes, Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, Roes none. }nape. ALL. City Attorney Guthrie made requpet for one larg? sap in City Engineer office, Councilman Smith moved Guthrie. that one of the large maps in the City Engineer office be loaned to City Attorney Guthrie, and onQ to be t placed in the City Clerk Office. ]lotion seconded by Councilman Ganener and carried. ~-- Despose. Zn the matter of despoeing of thQ old Bire •agons now out of commission, Councilman Smith moved Old Fire •agona. that the same be referred to the Street ~est7f~nR.far their use if retjnirsd. ]lotion seconded by Councilman '. Chambers end carried, Rea. Bo.622, Resolution Bo.612, for the paving of "B• Street, from the south boundary lira of Fourth Street to the Adopted. South boundary line of Bsae Line Street, with oil liacadam and for the construction of concrete culverts and gutters therein, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to•wit, Ayes Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Truing, hoes Wane. Res. lio62~ Resolution No,613, for the establishing of the official grade of Rest Third Street, From the •est Adopted. $oundary line of Xt Fernon Averme to a point 2100-feet Hest of the 11'eet boundary line of 1lt Vernon Avenus , was read for final passage and adopted by the following, vote, towit, Ayes ransner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson /~ Irving, hoes none. ' Upon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by councilman ?~avldson and carried, the Council ad3ourned to meet Monday June 2, 1913, ~;j0 P,$, Approved this d~ of 191j ~-~2~ ~C~c---r-- • 1 yor o Y o ernar no ~ 1, . ...- ~;1 ~ ~ City Hall San Bernardino, Calif, June 2, 1913. Adjourned ~ regular meeting of the ~±ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. •y?eeting was called to order by xayor Catick at 7:45 P.31, the following members of the Council being present, Councilmen, Gananer, Smith, Ghambere, 7lavidaon, Irving and City Clerk Batchelor. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved se corrected. . K.ayor Catick stated that if proceedings for street paving have not gone too far, he would like to suggest the adoption of the plans and specifications as adopted for the State Highway. Res.614 Resolution 614 of the ILayor and Common Council of the City of San Eernardino, Declaring their in- Adopted. tention to improve Sixth Street in said City, from the Weet line of Arrowhead Avenue to the East-Line of j "I" Street, Ey macadamizing the roadway thereof, and constructing culverts and gutters therein. was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit, Ayes; Gananer, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, i Irving. • i l Ord. 524 Ordinance 524 of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, establishing the grade Adopted. I of ~raadwq Street from the West line of "G" Street to the Bast boundary linr,of Kendall Avenue in said City. was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit, Ayes; Gananer, Smith, Chamber i Davidson, Irving, No ea none. Ponds. Eonda of H.H.Snyder, City Eiectrican X1000. and ".'.P.0'Blennie police officer #1000. were presented Srtiyder O'Blennie, for approvah Councilman Chambers coved that bonds be spproved subject to correction and that the Fayar be authorized to endorse them Potion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote, to-wit Ayres; Gananer, Smith, Chambers, Davidson. Irving. Foes none. Report Report of Superintendent of Streets $.H.Sellogg of the operations of the Street Department during St. Eupt: Bay. the month of 1[ay was presented and read~Councilman Smith moved that the report be received and placed on file, Potion seconded by Councilman Irving and Carried. Condition Councilman SmitD called attention to the condition of "G" Street frog Baes line to ![ighland Avenue Of "G" BL. that the work was being undone and should either be sprinkled regularly or oiled. and moved that the matter be referred to the 8traet Buperinteadent, to report back at the aezt meeting, lion seconded by Douncilman Irving and carried. Inventories. Inveatary of the Street Department, Bureau of Testa and Inspections, and Cfty Engineer Office were accepted. presented Councilman Smith moved that said Inventories, be received aad placed on file in the office of the Citq Clerk, Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. Reports. Reports of City Electrician, Chief of Police, and S.C.Faxon of the Bureau of Test and Inspections for the month of Yay were presented end read~Counailman Rmith moved reports of~eaid offieere bs received and placed on file motion seconded by Councilman Chambers-and carried. f[ayoz Catick named se his appointment in place of Yr Kate on Boasd~of Rater Coaaissionsrs, Yr. • prank Holcomb, Councilne?n ~nitb stated that the Council could not act la a free and intelligent sr~nner when recall club was held over they and ttwt Council should decliae to confiT! furthez appointaents until recall ~aatter was settled. Councilman Irving expressed himself in a like canner, Councilman ChasDers took the floor, Layor Catick deelarad his out of ordes, Councilaan Chambers appealed for a point of order Yayar i%atick withdrtw objections and for Ch:~mbers to proceed, CounciLan Saith dems~rd roll qll, sustaining Councilman Chambers, The Council voted as follows~to-wit, Ay es; Gananer, 8a1th, Cbaaberg, Davidson. Irving. Foes none. Councilman Chambers then expressed himself as opposed tg domtirming furtber'appolatmwnts until Coast from 564. ~' ~ ' ~ I recall matter ie settled. The following communication was presented and read and upon motion of CQ'•incilman smith duly seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried~was~received aordered placed upon the minutes, San Bernardino, Calif, r:ay 28, 1813. Prueuant to the duty imposed upon me by section 1b0 of the charter. I did on the 12th day of May 1913, ~ appoint C.A.Rouse and N.A.Richardson as 1[embers of the Board of Rater Commission, in place of A.G.%endall and g.D.Rarz, whose respective terms of office expired Lsonday Iiay 12th, 1913, These appointments were duly confirmed by the Common Council at a meeting half s;ay 12Lh,191j, and thereafter within the time required by i the charter, C.A.Rause qualified as such member, N.A.Richardaon failed Lo qualify. 9 In making such appointments it was my intention that C,A.Rouse should succeed A.G.Kendall, and that iiI F.A;Richardeon should succeed ?~.D.Katz, a.nd if there ie now any question as to who, said C.A. P.ouee does succeed I hasten to remove such doubt, and do hereby designate said C.A.Rouee, ae the successor to said { 3 A.G.Bendall. And you will therefore record said C,A.Rouee as a Member of the Water Con®iseion as successor ~ to A.G.Kendall. J • Catick yor o t e y o n erne no. { ~ San Bernardino, Calif, liey 31, 1813. '^o the ][syor and Co®on Council San Bernardino, Cal. ~ j Gentlemen;- i I am directed by the Board of Water Commissioners of San Bernardino Lo acknowledge the receipt of a letter dated May 28th,191j, signed by the Mayor, and addressed to the Secretar* of this Board. I am also directed to file with you a resolution this day passed by the Board of Water Commissioners relating to the subject of the communication referred to ? t Very truly yours ~ I A.G.Rendall Board of Water Commiesionere. Res. Whereas Section lbG, Article 9 of the charter of the City of San Bernardino provides, that a Board of Water Commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor eub~ect to the confirmation of the Eomoon Council and that "no more than two of the members of said Board shall be of the same political party" and whereas the L'ayor of San Bernardino did on the 12th day of btay 1913, appoint C.A.Rouse and F.k.Richardeon Lo be members of this commission, which said appointments, were confined by the Co~mson Council on said date, and whereas it appears that said B.A.Richardeon failed and refused to qualify ae such conaiseioner, and that said C.A.Rouee did qualify as Commissioner by taking the required oath and filing the necceeaary bond ae required by law. lad whereas the Mayor on the 28th day of Hay 1913. did in a communication directed to the Secretary of this Board of Water Comroisaioners, advise said secretary that in the making of said appointments for Water Commissioners on the 12th day of Hay, it was hie "intention that C.A.Aouse should succeed A.G,Ifendall" 8e a meatier of thin Beard, and did inetraet and order the secretary of this Board ae follows;-•And you will • ~ therefore record said C.A.P.ouse ae a member of the Water Commission ae successor to A.G.ICendall" ~'~ And whereas it apoersrs by the -public records of this County, and by the public and private adtaissloaS iii, of parties at interest and involed in *he determination of *.he question of who are members of this Board } that Fred T. Pprria, t.D.F,atz and C.A.Rouae are ail membw.rs of the Democratic party, and that by reason of such party membership C.A.Rouae is n~! elliv»ble for appointment to a membership in this Board ae successor to said A.G, tCendall •",` ront from page 565/ '. . and that his snid pretended appointment, confirmation and qualifir;ation of said C,A.Rouae are direct conflict with the said Charter, and are null and void and of no force and effect whatever. Therefore, be it resolved by the Aoard of Rater Commission now in session, that the Secretary of i this ?loard be, and he ie hereby directed to record said Fred T.Perris, 4i.D.Aatz and A.G.Xendall as i members of thin Board of Water Commissioners until such time as the successor of said 1'.D.P•ntz. and A,G.F.endall, or either of there: shall have been regularly appointed, confirmed and qualified in pursuance to the provisions of the Charter of San Fernardinp and the laws of the ;'sate of California. And be it further resolved, that this resolution be spread upon the minutes and a copy thereof be delivered to :he A'ayor and Common Council. • Complaint J.J.Hanford appeared before the Council and enterei complaint ae regards the "C" Street Sewer that "C" Str ii Sewer. the outfall sewer is not of sufficient size to carry sewerage awl;.. That immediate steps to remedy ~Jitons Le t~i'er. Cpuncilman Davidson moved that City Attorney be instructed Lo Lake matter up with Delta Water Com- any Lhe object to releive condition motion seconded by councilman Gansner; Councilman Chambers moved '; that Street Superintendent and City Engineer be instructed Lo Wake investigation of the condition of "C" i ~ Street Sewer and hake recommendation, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, I Police Rules Chief of Police F,~i.Seccombe presented to lSayor and Common Council conies of rules and regulations ' Regulatir_ns. for the Police Department, for approval. Councilman Smith moved that said rules and regulations be laid over for one week, motion seconded by Councilman 1lnvidson and carried. ~ Ord. An Ordinance pertaining to the whistlin? of Snginee was presented, Councilman Smith moved that the flhistleing En~inea. Ordinance be referred to City Attorney Guthrie with instructions to take matter wp with the Santa ?e ! Psilroad Company, with object of eliminating all loud and unusual noises of xngines,motion seconded by ~E, Councilman Chambers. and carried. f Sewer Councilman Smith moved that the plans and epecificationa for the construction of a sewer in 10th latt, SL. Street be referred back to Special Counsel Haskell, and City EngineeeQa be revised, 13otion seconded by Councilman Gansner snd carried, f' The following communication was presented and read, ~"\ ~ San Bernardino, Calif, L•ay 26, 191j. To the Layor and Common Council. E City of San Bernardino, Calif. ,III 1 Gentlemen;- The Foard of Water Commissioners have read and examined the letter prepared by 3tr ". ~ Haskell under date of xay,21, 1913, addressed to the Citizens Land ~ Water Company. ?tte Rialto a Irrigation District and S.J.Bunting Secretary of said company and nietrleL, and approve the contents thrreo', ag a prover notice of the intention of the City of San Aernardino, pertaining to the Tater now. and in the Future desired for domestic use by the City of San Bernardino. . Very truly. cndall res. oar o aver omm se oners. -,~ I Councilman Smith moved that the contents of the letter just read be approved and that the Yayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute and sign it in the peas of the City and mail the ^ame to the parties addressed by registered .email de:aanding a return receipt. That a copy there of Y,e kept in '_he records of L}.e City, motion oeconded by Councilman Cha-abere and carried. , i The following communicatinn ,+as presented and read, _ Copt from Page ;G61 i San 1~Frnardino, Calif, Jwle 2, hlj, ^o tine lionorable i£ayor end Common Council, Gentle~cen; , I take the liberty to make thTE early report so that I clay get down to business and conduct ' the affairs of the Street nepartment as econosically a© pos:,ible. I x•ould like to :ug~est first; the building of a shed on the south side of the corporation yard similar to the one on the ^orth aide, so that tools and impl2~nents may be kept out of the :a2ather when not in use; Cost annroximately one hundred 0100) dollars. .:'e have in the Pepart•nent a very competent roller man, xho 1e also handy as a blacksmith '~ I would suggest the Souncil purchase a direct drive Blower ^orge, this can be connected to an incandescent wire; am anvil and suitable tools for him to do the general repair work of the department, Mra W.fi,3dee has second handed tools and an anvil that she will dispose of cheaply. In Chia way he can be kept busy as a mechanic instead oP a laborer, as he has been a good part of the time. Tt has been my experience that it does not pay to work men at the same class of labor at such a difference in compensation, I recommend the purchase of the Simplex Road Planer at the coat of R22~, I have witnessed a ~~- demonstration of this machine and it does the work, At a recent demonstration of this machine Supervisor ~ Glover purchased :one after a half hoar trail, tGr Glover is one of the pioaeer in oil road building of ' Southern California, and,hia advice on this kind of work is eou¢ht all over the state. f I recommend the immediate surfacing of "D" Street from 2nd Lo 3rd. This block can be brought to grade with about two cars of rock, rolled, oiled, and ecreend for lees than $300, and make a good block of pavement as we have in the L'ity, I wish also to reco~n.•aend to the Council that they allow me to place nth street to grade from Arrowhead Avenue to "A" Street. also a r?eolution be passed authorizing me to order Lhe Soh Bernardino Valley Traction Co „ to pat their tracts to grade between the said points. That a two by four box culvert b ,constructed across 7th St net at "A", replacing the old bridge at present there This culvert 82~ft long qan ~4 be constructed for l~225,00. Yours very respectfully. . ~ Superinten en EoavSnree e. i `" Councilman Smith moved that purchase of blacksmith outfit and erection of shed to atorCtoole, be referred to the Street Committee with Hower to act motion seconded by Councilman Chambers extd carried by the following vote to-wit, Ayes Gansner, Smith, 8hamber, Davidson, Irvin3, Aoes none. Councilman Chambers moved that Street Superintendent be instructed to communicate with Yr, Darling of Riverside, and explain trouble with ScarafieR. now owned by the City, motion seconded by Councilman lmith , and carried. Imp'r Councilman Gananer moved that Street Superintendent bQ anthoM zed to proceed with i~nprovamente of 7th ~=h 3t. gtreeL from Arrowhead Avenue to "A" Street by bring said street to off1c1a1 grade and that the Pacitic Electric Railway rompany be notified to bring tracts on said etreete to official grade motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by Lhe following vote to-wit;- Ayea:Gansner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, !toes none. ~ Councilman Chambers moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plane and specifications for the conetraction of a culvert st corner 7th and "A" Streets and prepare estimate of coet.of work,moLion seconded by Councilman yavidson and carried. City Attorney :uthrie reported as having investigated Insurance Cospanies on bonds of l.R.Beceombe. Chas i[c Elvaine, and 1<,H. Corneilson, and find that Lhe companies have sot tiled articles to do burlaese in this county. ~ , -_- r ~~-__ Coast from page 5b7.' • - ' Ord.Prohibit' Councilsan Chambers moved that Attorney i[askell be instructed to draft ordinance prohibiting the Fiorsea. keeping of horses within the distance of 50 feet of any house occupied by human beings, as a dwe211ng~ without first having secured L'ne consent of persona living -xithin 50 feet of such stable or glace where live stock is kept. motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. City Clerk was authorized Lo issue warante^aggroved by the ;.;ayor and Finance Cos~ittee this date by the followinE vote to-gait, Ayes, Gansner, ;with, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, noes none. ~~t,r~~r~~ f.~0 fete Band Stand, Councilman Irving called attention to Bsnd StandAis too small to accommodate Band, Councilman ~ too small Davidson moved that matter be referred to Park Committse,motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. ', Spec.Tax Councilman Chambers moved that Attorney basks!! be instructed to prepare resolution to provide fo ; Levy special tax levy to raise the sum of !5000, to be used in gsisting and in the maintnnce of the San Pprnardino Santa Fe Aand motion,eeconded by Councilman Qavidson and carried. Councilman Chambers moved that the map of the proposed Shasta Fe Tower be referred to the City - j Attorney to take up with the Santa g e officials with` the ob~eot of revising same, that tower may extend ' over to curb motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. . Bid The following bid was presented and upon motion of Councilman Smith, duly seconded by Councilman ~' I Flag Poie ~ ~ Ganener and carried the Clerk was directed to open sage . i San 8ernardiao, Calif June 2, 1913 The Mayor and Common Council San Bernardino, Calif. Sirs;- 7e submit the following bid for the furnishing and erecting ono flag pole, to be made from standard water pipe, ae described- Location Lugo Park ` , ~ 1 ,point 6" Pipe 1 5. 1 • q" • 1 3« ~ 1 Same to be~securely fastened together and to hswe pu~ly for tops with rope and other guides similar to the one now in use at the Nigh School of this City, Pole to be approxisately eighty feet long i Pole to be set in ceeaent base similar to High School pole, Price X164.00 - T.i3. Roes A: Co. ~ Councilman Raith moved that the above proposal be accsptod, sad contract awarded to •.ti.Hoes Co, a ," at the price named in said proposal for the construction of flag pole in Lugo Polo, Councilman !ruing to designate location of pole; Potion seconded by Councilmn Irving and carded b7 the following vote to-wit Ayes Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidaoa, Irving. aoee none. 8eport The report of Draper and Dubboll, for City Clerk. City Treasurer, and 8LroeL Superintendent afficss Draper do Dubbell ending Pay 31, 1913, was presented, Couaeils~an Btaith moved that report be received and placed on tile, notion aecoaded`by Councihan Davidson and carried, Upon motion of Councilman Smitb duly seconded by Councilsan 6anener, sad carried the Council ad- ".~ .~t` Mourned to asst Monday Juae 9, 1913, x:30 P.11. Approved this~day of June 1913 ' /. ~ ~ er _ ~ o ~ y o n 8erna~~ao ; E r'f'. I 1 City Hall, San Aernardino, Calif. June 9, 1913. { Adjourned regular meeting of the Yayor and Commoa Council of the City of San Bernardino. ~ 1[eeting was called to order by Yayor Catick at Q:30 P. Y. the following members of the Council being present. Councilmen, Gananer, Smith, Chambers, havidaon, Irving, and City Clerk Batchelor. j '~ The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Dr. J. Y. Hurley aapeared before the Council and presented a petition protesting against the paving of Sixth Street, between Arrowhead Avenue and "I• Street. Councilman Smith moved that the Clerk be authorized to receive and file said petition, Lo be presented aL meeting June 23, 1913, for final con- sideration and hearing. 1Lotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Petition Petition of the Southern Pacific Company for permit to construct additional track accroas 6econd $o Pacific. ad tracks. Street, tetween "L" and "F" Streets for use of Pacific Electric care entering Southern Pacific depot from Riverside, line, was presented and read; Councilman Smith moved that the request of the Southern Pacific Company•for spur track across Secoad 6treet be granted. Potion seconded by Councilman Gs.nener aad i carried by unianimoua vote of the Council. 6t ass Ho.41. Claim of The Empire Securities Compaay, for Street Assessment Ho. 41, being that certain lot or parcel of larsd having a frontage of 20 feet on the South side of Baptist Alley. account "B" Street paving froc second to Fourth Streets, amounting to ;2.93 wsa presented by 6treet Superintendent with the following ~ report attached. San Bernardino, Cal, June 3, 1913. _ To the Yayor and Common Council, Finance Committee; Gentlemen; Assessment Ba. 41, is the Bast one half of Aarrie Alley. I find nothing on the record that the city has title to this twenty feel. The intersection of Baptist Alley in "F" 6treet was not conatrueted according to plans and specifications; therefore, I would recommend that the bill be not paid. Very respectfully, Chas Yc Blvaine Super~ntenden o 3 ree e. Councilman gsith moved that recommendation of the Street Superintendent, be concurred ia, and the • '~ claim of the Empire Securities Company be denied, Potion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. L- Steal Bridge The following petition was presented end read; St !e Co. Ban Bernardino, Calif, dune g, 1913. Ta the Ronorgble kayor and City Council; • San Bernardino, California. 6entlemen;+ The undersigned, reoreaeatiag the Atchison, Topeka and Santa !e Railway Cospaay, respectfully represent; That. it is now preparing to instal, for the protection of it• trains, a Blook ~stam coveriag its double tracks frca San Bernardino Borth to as tar as said double traces are oosiplate. !e this end it respectfully asks permission to erect on the South side of fifth Street on "I• Street the stetl bridge, plan of which has already been subesittsd and approved by your Ronorab2e Body. - r The Atshison Topeka and Santa Fe Ry Co. Fy red tale er o • to . Couneilaan Chambers moved that permission to install steel bridge on "I" Street be granted the ~SOhison Topeka and Banta !e Railway Company with provision that the conetruetlon of the standard curb of an eves height with the psdistsle, cui'Ding of outer edge of Korth pedirtal to a point wet of the sail on the _ -_. _ ~ -- - - - i~r; Cont from page 549 1 ~ , the South property line of ".• Flf±h Street and the tap of the Catb eloping doom from the pier to the ' street level, and extending from south pier ten feet long, !n a straight line, to a point two fact from the rail eloping from the top of the pedistal to the street grade. ]lotion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote,to-wit; Ayea;Ganener, Smith, Chaq~bers, Davidson, Irving Noes: none. i Report of San Bernardino, Calif, June 9, 1913. Bt Supt City L?ng To the Mayor and Common Council ' ii outfall Sewer City of San Bernardino, ~ent2emen;- Puraus.nt to your instructions to report on the condition of the outfall sewer, we desirC to e$y that we have made a very careful investigation and find the outfall sewer in a very bad condition. i ' 1'he line is entirely too Small to carry the sewage. There are many breaks and leaks due l we think to the pressure being put upon it on South "L" 6treet. It probably has become clogged with roots also. Rithin ninety days the north went newer system will be completed and ready for use as for ae Van 21eea Avenue At this point a twenty-two inch line will be dumped into a twelve inch.lina. Btepa: must be immediately taken to'.enlarge this outfall from Ven l3esa Avenue, or we will have a twenty five "~ ~ thousand dollar system without an outlet. ~ ' !e have invited officials of the DeltaMater Co. wha have the contract for the sewerage water to be present this evening for the purpose of considering this matter as there seems to be some l dispute as to where they are supposed to take over the sewerage on the "I" BLreet line. 4 Respectfully, f ghee Bc Blvaine l S. A. Smith Street Superintendent city Bnglneer. ~r Johnson of the Delta Mater Compasly stated that it was the intention of the said Compa~r to make s care f fuI faveatigation an8 to take necessary steps to take oars of sewerage water. Councilman Smith moved that s the matter be left in the panda of the Street Superintendent and City Engineer, Motion seconded by r. Councilman T3avideon and carried. "~ f 'A. The Clty Engineer presented Plane and Specifications Par the constructions of a concrete box culvert at Seventh and "A" Street. Councilman Smith loved that the said Flans and specifications be adopte3 and the City Clerk be authorised to publish a notice calling for bide for said work. bidders to specify in proposals a price, City to furnish steel, and a price bidder to furnish steel for said work, Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. 3 Ord. So.»- An Ordinance regulating the Peeping of horses within the City of 8aa Bernardino, was read for the - i Horses. first time and laid over for final passage. Osd.Ro-- An Ordinance electing to avail the City of San Sernardlno of the privileges of an act to provide 'j =o collect 'taxes. for the levy and collection of taxes by and for the use of Municipal corporations snd cities incorported' under the laws of the State ofiCelitoinis, except gunlcipal cornoratior.s of the first class. sad to provide for the consolidation and abolition of certain Tunicipal offices, and to provide that their duties I~ may be performed by certain officers of the county, and fixing the compensation to be allowed for such Coup*,y officers for the services so r•.ndored to such municipal corporations. Approved larch 27th, 3995, i and all amend~rsnnta thereof. was read for the*irst time sad laid over for final passage. Peel Resolution wonting Plana and epecificatien , `ont loom page 570. - ---- -- - - -- .,i ; ~ F 8 S for the construction of r= co;nbinaticn Cement Sidexalk and Curb on the Trent ai6e of "l" Street from the :orth curb line of Sixtk~ S*.reet Lo tY;e South curb line Seventh Strnct, in ti;e City of San Bernardino, said aDecificaticns being >vo.1GE~, and submitted this 9th day of June, 1p13,wee read'for the first tip;e and laid over for fihal•~aasage, - ~ Orange 6t Councilman Smith moved'that.thP City Engineer. be idstxuctdd~to investigate Lhe condition of Grade Orange Street grade 'to ascertain if said grade may be reduced, `_gotion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried, Li q.Lic?rce CammunicatSons of 7.ouis Dilly and F. J, Scott that tl~e said T.ouis Dilly has sold to F, J, Scott Dilly to Scott. that certain bar situated at 363 "~" Street, and requesting that the license now used in the.name oS Louis Dilly be cancelled and a license issued to r, J. Scott in lien thereof were read. Councilman S^~ith moved that the matter be laid oter for one reek that IEr Scott may make prover application and file a sufficient >`ond in compliance with Ord. DTo. 304, Lotion seconded by Councilman Gananer and carried, the City Clerk xas authorized bo issue warrants in ~ey:aent of claims approved by the yayor and Bills. ^irance Committee this date by the following vote to-xit, A.}+ay:GFnsner, b`mith, Chambers, Davidson, l Irving Noes rove, CSI "G" St. Councilman Smith moved that the Street Superintendent be authorized to proceed with the xork of oiling "G" Street from Base Line to Iighland Avenue, and render bill to the County for ~ of coat of v:ork from Sixteenth Street to Highland Avemae, ~'otion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes: Gananer, tit-h, Chambers, Davidson, lrving, :lo es none. pil 14th ~ Communication of D. H. Jenkins relating to the oiling of Fourteenth Strut and 7'a3nolia Avenue rae Idagnoli 3. • re~xd by Councilman Smith and referred to the Street Superintendent for estimate coat. Folice Rules Councilman Smith moved that the Rules and Regulations for the Police Officers as presented by PC Regulations. Chief of Police Seccombe be approved with the exception of that part of Section r5 which reads •coate buttoned" 3iotion seconded by Councilman Gananer, and carried. r IIpon motion of Ccuncil.me.n Gananer duly seconded by Councilman Smith and carried the Council ',, ad~curned to meet uonday the loth day of June 1813 at 7:30 P. L+. ~ -- ~' ~ J Approved this~day of June 1913. y er y o e C ty o n e ar no. i j i L - l • ~ City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif, June 16,1913. ~ Adjourned regular meeting of the liayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. ~ E Meeting wan called to order by Vayor Catick at 7:30 p.l:, the following members of the Council being j present; Councilmen, Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving and City Clerk Batchelor. i, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. ~ Ord Ro.525 An Ordinance electing to avail the City of San Bernardino of the privilege of an act entitled "An act E Levy Taz. to provide for the levy and collection of taxes by and for the use of Municipal Corporation and Cities inca- rporated under the laws of the State of California, Except Municipal Corporation of the first class, and to provide for the consolidation and abolition and certain Municipal officers, and to provide that their duties may be performed by certain officers of the County, and fining the compensation to be allowed for ouch County officers for the services so rendered Lo such Tunicipal Corporations", Approved March 27th 1895, and all amendments thereof, was read for final paeeage and adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayes rananer, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving Roes none. f Ord An Ordinance regulating the keeping of Horaea within the City of San Bernardino, was read for final Kee~ng Horses. passage, W, J. Curtis appeared before the Council and presented a petition »rotestin3 against the adoption ~ of said Ordinance, Councilman Smith moved that the said ordinance be laid over for one week, Motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. } Rea.J~`.r ~ Resolution adopting plans and specifications for the construction of a combination cement sidewalk { Sidewalk ff Curb "I" and curb, on the west aide of "I" Street from the north line of Siith Street to the South line of Seventh St Street reel, said specification being numbered 168 and submitted on the 9th day of June 1913, was read for final passage and adopted by the followin¢ tote to-wit, Ayea Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, 24oea none Res.~T%r~ Resolution adopting Plans and apecificationa for the construction of a public sewer in Tenth street public sewer 10th ~ ,from Arrowhead Avenue to "b" Street in the City of San Bernardino, sa prepared by the Citq 1,.xtgineer of said "C" St. City and.~ubmitted this 16th day of June 1913, which said specifications are numbered 172, was read for Lhe first time and laid over for final paeea¢e. Appl. o! Application of F. J. Scott,~for retail liquor license at ![0 363 "E" Street, together with check fn the 7..d.' 8cott `' R`ttail suen'of 8100.00 being one month's license tax, in advance, for said business, Also bond in the penal sue of `- ~ -• Liquor ''~"`''-'~a '82000.00, A Horowitz and eilliam Randle, as sureties, under and in pursuance to the provisions of Ordinance 304, was presented, !'ouncilman Smith moved Lhat the license now being issued to Louis Dilly be revoked and in'lieu, thereof a license be issued to P. J. Scott, ae per hie applicati»n filed this date, and bond preeen'~ ed be approved, Motion eeconded by Councilaen Ganener, and carried by the following vote to-wit; Ayea .^,snanrt` ' Smith, ChambPre, Davidson. Irving, Roes none. 4. , p"8,t;~y Communication if Pacific Biectrie Railway Costpany. requesting permission to Qlsce car on /?ntil spur Request Antfil Spus was read upon ototion of Councilman Smith duly eeconded by Councilman Cbaabera and carried said coeemunication was t~eferrad to the water Commission. Petition Petition for etre~t lights corner of Highland Avenue and "F" Street and Grand View Street and "p" Gtr Lights set was presented and upoA motion of Councilman Smith duly eeconded by Councilman imaetbera and carried said ~- ~ pstitioa was referred to the Limit Committee. ~ ;~.S.Hogue ~equeet of Y, B. Haogue noiiceman no.3, for s fifteen days lief of absence from the City was referred request absence to the Chief of Pollee. Invitation Communication of W. S. Coo»er, lesoee of the planet (total announcing formal opening Saturday evenitlg Cooper Tune 21, 1813 and extending to the Eayor and Common Council sn incitation to dinner on said evenfa(r was read , 4 - - cont fraT Fage j72, 1 ' and the Cler:•s Ras inatracted to acknowledge receipt of invitation and extend a vote of thanks Lo ;wr Coon~r- for snore, ~ Prosposed The City engineerpresw.nted a profile showing prosnosed chance of grade on Orange Street bet~,:een "A' Grade Orange ' Street and "B" Streets Councilman Smit1~ maved that the said profile be referred Lo Attorney ftaskell to nerpare Resolution of Intention of said change of grade motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried, ` I Recall The City Clerk presented the following petition with his certificate of sufficiency attached. Petition Councilman To the Mayor and Co:rsnon Council of the City of San nernardino, Slate of California, The undersign- Chambere ed qualified electors entitled to a vote for a successor to Georg~~R Gha~cbera, Councilman for the jrd ward of the said City of San Aerrardi»o, and equal in number to at ieaat thi=t~ percentum of the entire vote for all candidates for said office cast at the last proceeding General Ltunicipal rlrction, h^reby demand that said official be recalled and rezoned and a successor to Kira be elected. For tl~e Reaeons;- 1-]le has rooted inimical to the wishes of the peon2e of his ward as voir.ed by the vote °or 3:ayor April ly. 1913, for a change in the present Water Comaiesion and lower water rates, 2-He voted to allow public service corporations to charge the people of this City an exorbitant rote for gas . j-Se voted to award the printing of our City far the rresert year to the highest bidder, zs against other reponsible lower bidders, We a12 reside in s.:id ward, and the name of ±h r. ?treet and number of our residence is det oehosite our signatures. CERTIBZC 1i.~". CF SU°F1CI3ATCY. STATE OF ~~,;I7pgZllA County oP San Bernardiao~ ss # Citq of San Iernardino Z, 3. Batchelor, City Clerk of the City of San Bar»ardino, Stabs of California, do hereby certify that Z have examined the annexed recall petition and have compared the signatures of the signers thereof '. with the great register and find that said petition is signed by the requisite number of qualified elect- ors as required by the charter of the City o.' San Bernardino. Z further certify LhaL the tot21 number of signers to the said petition is 221, Lhat 1j, signers 'rte..'` T tVe;'t Hazes .'o not appear upon t'r.e great register, leaving a total of 208 signatures on said petition. I further certify Lhat the entire vote cast for alI candidates for said office, the incumbent of ' 4 which is sought ±o be rP•noved, teat at the last prnceedfng Ceneral)runicips2 Election fa 445, Thirty pero } , I ~ E centvm of the saws beinv 134, *_~ore ?Anr 134 ~'_ectore" qualified to vats for a aurr,esror to Geo S Chambers having signed the arne.:ed ?~'.i,`inn, I, hereby attach this r~yt ,certificate of sufficiency and Herewith per- sent Quch petition tr. "zc %=ayor and Coeanan Courril n~ arovided by the oTiarler of the City of San Eernardin.o~. In witness whereof 2 hereunto set r..y hand en6 official seal this 16th day of Tune 1913 G atehelor C1 y er a e y o n error no. prd Ar. Ordinance calling a special election to De held in the 3rd Ward in the City of San Bernardino p Calling Election an Tue3da;:the ?_2nd day of Suly 1913, far the pnlepase of electing a member of the Common Couacii of said City from said ~?ar.R, are re:~a for the firm limp aZd laid over for final paseare. ;-~ ?sF A 1Pttei~ signed b}~ five raexbers of the Coanon Counr.il and eddr?seed to tl~e mayor, suggesting that .-.? he appoint rwre ~3f so .e t'nirt o;:~ oitisens ~:h:ed in ca~~*unicaticn a.s zewber of the ?hoard of Water Co~iae- ionere, was read. ~'` Experts Co:-z:anicaiion of 5trae`. ^"'~erir.ter.d?nt L'c Blvaine requrtsting the eRl~olydtent of some person known for r.asea:~. as ?inert ir: r.:~;ing Street Aasess^:ente, to '^Ake Asaeeements of northwest sewer district and 'ui!ReeLing the ---T cont from Page 773, .-__----- --- 57s,. the na•nes of F. J. Palwnares of Los ?:':;else and C. E. Lannint; of Los A.nSoles, CounciLn=~n Ircin3 xoved that ~ the Street S~anerintendent bP i.,str:^*.ed to comTUnicate tritit 1%r Palomarea and ?.r L'annin~ of Loa hnoeles, air. Tuttle `oP t,ti~i Ci+,y and any other person suggested to him, ~ci;o :n.zy be competent to sake gush ss.esan:ents, and secure proapos3la for :~a:cing nsaesazents under "I::.nrave~nen`_ Aet of 1911" notion econ!'.ed by Cour,cil~n•~n • ) ~;:V1~iEJA al:`: 0ltrr ieG, Protes± "E" ~'. J. Curtis appeared before the Council in behalf of c..^.rtain nronerty osmera liable +.o be asaesaed Street f?r imororement~of "B" Street between ^ourth wnd Page LInr•, statai.that although time of protest has pasatd he would li'.~e to be ii•ren the privileSe of sho•aring feelin3s of the nronerty o :TSers on e1ir1 .treat, that n large majority are not in fa'ro:• of the iirnrovenent hronoeed. 1 i S9histlin9 Councilr.:an Davidson wooed that City Pttorney ruthrie be granted one weeks time in nrennring ordinRnce Locomotives. pertaining to the vhistlin:; of hoconoti•rea, ?;atior. Seconded by Councilman Irving. i Upon motion of Councilman Davidson duly seconded by counci~.::.an Smith and carried the counr,il adjourned ~ f to meet 1'onday the 23th day of June 1813. i Approved thisda3~ of June 1913 -+C/- -~~~/ _~~~~e-•~-e.--J~- C1 y C ere ' c r o 'e i y o an ernar ino. : i '~ ~~-. " . i l .~...W...__.._____....._.. . City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif, Juns 23, 1913. Ad~purned regular meeting of the 1Layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Catick at 7:40 P,Y, the following members of the Council beia~ f preeent~Couneilmen; Ganener, Saoith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving and City Clerk Batchelor. The minutes of the previous were read and approved. ~ _ Ord 526 Jla:Oidir~aaca'calling:a.special electioa-to beihelt-.in the':3rd ward in Lhe city of Soh Bernardino, Special 7Siection on Tueedaq the 22nd day of July lgl3, for the purpose of electing a member of the common Council of said ward, was read for fi~l passage and adopted Dy the following wote~ to-wit; Ayea; Gansner, Smith, Chambers Davidson, Irving. 19oes nose. Sewer 10th Resolution adopting Places and Specifications, for the construction of a public sewer in Tenth str- ' et."C" to ' •IY' set, from Arrowhead Avenue to "IY' Street in the City of San Bernardino as prepared by the City Engineer of I~ said City and submitted on the 16th day of June 1913, which said Specifications are nuabered 172. was A - read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving.l~oes none. i i, Protest This being date for hearing of protest filed with City Clerk, June 9, 2913, against the improvmeat against 6th Btr. of Sixth Street, from Arrowhead Avenue to "I• Street by paving rowdwa, thereof, said protest was taksa up and heard, J.Y. Hurley appearing for proteetsnta. Councilman Smith moved that ob3eCt~asts of proteetaats be sustained and that all proceedings heretofore taken, for said work be cancelled, I[otion seconded by Counci ' loran Irving and carried. ~.OM, An Ordinance regulating the keeping of horses within the City of San Bernardia*, was read for finai Horses. Protest passage, Attorney A.B.Swing preeented an amendment to Ordinance and urged the adostioa od sams. Attornq/ ; S.t.YeAabb in behalf of protestante objected Lo the adoption of Ordi,aaace, or amsndr~:Ordiaance. Couaeii- Gansner moved that matter be laid over for one week. Potion seconded by i:ounciletats Irving sad carried. . i ' Application of Gus Johnson doing business under the (tans of Sanitary Plumbing Company, at 1To 264 ' Eset Base 7,ine, for pes~stt to conduct business of plumbing is this City,to;tther with bond,ia ~aa of { (2000.00 in The Interaationsl Indeaity Cow ae su'retar was pzeseottd. Bpgn motina of Councilman 8aith ,•~~'~,~.? duly seconded by Counciiaan Gsnsner and carried the said bond was rtfezstd to City Attiosnq Gathrie,~to '-~°' verity. - 31ds Bids hawing beta received this date foz the cvastrnction of a reiatorc• c~ssts bes onlfiert at Calvert ' •A• corner of Seventh and •A• Streets, Conaoilmaa Chambers loved that it~e said lids be opsstd. Yotioa seooads~ Street -, by Councilman Stith sad carried. Harr~r HiQ of Harry >ic~aa, Coatractoz to furnish stt~l ool~ert oe~yiett i38'f.00 Cif ter ~s~ steel 1fcs~aa ealvert cas~plete ;330.00. Betiaa t In rtreuanoe to flat City Cierlr• actin! calling to's bids oa a 4-2'rei»ttsaed toy, coses~tt Mat, '~t1~ oulvtrt at and "A• Streets, to bag to .abort! the foliomis~.- I fc wi21 sowiract salver! according to Pleas sad Sptciflcatioas in file in the oftigc of tht Ciq =aginees and tarnish all st?terial to built assts for the sum of =260.00. It City tarnislscs the iron toe the , - ~ reinforcement of the oulvtrt top st the fob stsdy to place, we will build same for X215.00 .~.-' sad Tuttle is Lws1 7r'!'olttit. Councilman ;sing accts rata! the lice of Bobisa and Tuttle f~s ~2i5.00, City W ~s'9i c bi aa~eyted ins icing the lowest sad best bid. sad that contract bt awarded to said Hoban sad ?~tti~,~~ rssscmay ntusadid. , .,~~,""' coat from ps6'e 57b. ' - _ ~77 to unsuccessful bidders Motion eecoaded by Councilman Smith and carried by the following vote,to-wit:Ayes; Gananer, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, Noes: none. Monthly ?he City Clerk was authorized to issue monthly salary warrants to officers appointed. in amounts as Salarys Fixed. follows; Chief-Fire-Department Frank G Starke X110.00 policemen S. Starks #80.00 •.H.Baidwin #80.00 • 1f.fi.Corneliaon =80.00 Sd Poppett X80.00 F.B.Fizas~ x$0.00 F O'Bleneea 675• J.B.Cordori x']5.00 v.B.Hogue f75.oo Roy Yelendez x#75.00 •alter Heap 6?5•~ Superintendent Of Streets Chas YeElvaine ;1x5.00 Sngiaeer 8 Building Inspector Frank A Smith X150.00 City 3lectrioisa H.A. Snyder =100.00 . ea~xton City Casetery F.S. Jones =50.00 Janitor City Hall falter Chaffee X6.00 Yeadowbrook Psrk Geo 16c Garvey X0.00 Chas Eechan ~'7Cf.00 Lugo Park D.J.Heynolde X80.00 Beeond Gardner ~'7!~•00 by the following vote to-wit ~}ree; Oansner, Smith. Chambers, Davidson, Zniag, Hoes; Hons. "8" Street A petition signed by property owners representing eoae 5003# feet is~tiwg oa "B" Street objecting Proiest to the;paviag of said "B" Street and requesting that the paving o! said street hs postponed was presenfr~and read. Councilman Irving moved that prnededingSfor paving. of •B" Street between fourth sad Base Line be ~'- cancelled, Yotioa 'econded by Councilmn Davidson and upon calling roll Council voted as follows. 1Vas; Dairtdsoa, Irvine, Hoes; Gaasnsr, Smith Chambers, 1[ayor declared notion lost, Counci Lan Chambers moved that . petition be laid on table, Potion seconded by couaciLan Stith and carried. Petitiot PetiBion of O.E. Gaertner foe s permit to conduct Bilisrd sad Pool 5411 at no~~ 3rd Street, togeth4rR O.E.Gaertner. with petition of property owners and tenuants within 100 feat Bch side'of iocatioa ooneeating to the grant ing of such licensa,snd approved by Lhe Chief-of-police~wns presented and read. Councilsaa Chaasbers sgFSd that 1lcsnse be issued to O.=.Gaertner for lbal ind Siliard Sall st-ab 965 3sd stns Eotion seeoaded Councilman 8eith and csrried~by the followinq sote~to-wit: pee; Grneaer, ssith, Chambers, Da~idsoa, Ir?iai Hoes: aoae. Disooatlnua CounciLan lls~th saved that the clerk be iwstrrsfed to notify the paciYte Telophoas A Telegras Cat - Boxes Pallas f paw to tiseontinua police call boas, Potion seconded by Counci Lan Davidson sad casried. ~ City Clerk was authorised tto lesuad sm,sraats la ppmente of claims approved by the hayor sad Fiaatwa cosittee this data by the following vote, to-wit:pes; Gananer, 8alith, Clambers, Davideoa, Izviag•Soea:aoma. gas ~arnsrdimo. Caiit, Juan 23, 191,3• Fi ?o the Honorable ~1ror end Coaion Council. City of Ban Seraardino, Calitornis. ~k Cont from page 577. , °' Gentlemen;- Pursuant to your instructions to advertise for bids for making out and recording the assess- ment' of the Aorthwest sewer System, I advertised in the Daily Sun stnd received the following bide, to-wig C .8.1Lanning 50.00 R.Y.Yack & Geo Dean 300.00 g,J,palomaree 98.40 , By virtu) of the authority vested in me the Superintendent of Streets, see Page 766 section 793 also page 743 aectian 71 Statutes and Amendments to the code of 1911. I have accepted the bid: of " F,J.Palomaree as being the ioweet and beat bidder to perfona the work, and have rejected all other bids. Reepeotfully, Chao Yo Elvaine 6uper n an en o res e. Res ~ Resolution of the ~syar and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their in- lOthr ys~ewer I/ tention to construct s public vitrified pigs aswer in Tenth~Street, commencing at a point one hundred and .(J L O ON,lJ thirty {130) feet east of the east line of "D' Street, thenos running easterly along the centre line of tenth street to a manhole at the intersection of the centre lines of tenth street and Arrowhead Avenue, was read for the first ~iae end laid over for final passage. --~. aea~ada~Lt~," Reeolutioa adopting Plane and apecificatiaas for the construction of a public saner 1n Tenth ~' str to •C" Street, from "B" 3trret Lo Arrowhead Avenue in the pity of San Bernardino to prepared by the City En6 - ineer of said City and subsaitted this 23 rQ day of June 1913. which said specifications are numbered 173. was read for the first time and laid over for 7ina1 passage. See.adopt.Prs" Resolution adopting the Plana and specifications for the construction of a ceaent sidswsik and eidewalhr ourb curb on the North and south aides of Belleview Avenue, from the west boundary 11ae of High street to the Belleview ~Ssl. east boundary line of Yt Vernon Avenue, in the City of San Dernariino, said specification being xo.169. and.sub~itted this 23rd Qe4q of June 1913. was read for the first tine and laid over for fiisal passage. Hes,adopt ''r.~S. Revolution tdwptiag Pisna and epecificatians for the construction of a ceaent sidewalk and curb 'j eidswalY curb on the north end aonth sides of Base line Street, frog the west boundary line of ~/ate:san Avenue to the Base Line. -- easL boundary line of Arrowhead Avenue, in the City of San Bernardino, said apeciiiostioas being no.l6xj` ~ ' `i ' and snbsiittad this 23rd day of June 1913. wsa read for the first tine and laid ovax for tine) passage- ~ -~" Sss,sdopt.7~= S. Resolution adopting Plana sad apeoifications for the construction 0~ a es~aent sidewalk and;eurb sidewalY curb on the north and south aides of Orange Street from the west boundary line of sB" Street to the east Orange Str. boundary line of Arrosd~ead Avenue, in the City of Ssn Bernardino, said sptcificatiene being no 170, sad i subs4ittsd this 23rt day of June 1913. wwa read foe first tine sad laid over for final passage. Sda on It was moved by Councilman Smith that it be the stns of this City Council that n urea sad rr- riies. casma~d a eruaade' against the t~j? past sad a'aeasaend that the aerehants place fl,y traps la front of there planes of business sad that the City prtvidt a ssn to often thest traps and bid! they once each ~1T.~t` ion stcooded by Couneilsan Chasbers and carried. Cauncilman Chambers coved that the City snginter be instructed to prapart Plans and Specificatio~xb a ~:- for the construction o! sidewall: and east on the Est side of fillis Avenue, f[otion seconds) by Cwrneil- aMln GaASnel, and carrltd. tlpon motion of Councilsan Smith duly seconded by Councilman Chessbere and oarried, the Council al journal to acct Monday Duna 30th 1913. 7:30 P.1[. ,' s ',t ~Y ~p thi _ of Jr} , 1 lr./r,--'~~'ya:. _ ---- _ __~_._......__~."_.___._.~_..... 4-,~/. ~ -- 579' i; City Hall, Gan Bernardino,Calif. June 30, 1913. Adjourned regular meeting of the Yayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, 1[eeting was palled to order by hayor Catick at 7;50 P,x, the following ambers of the Council being present, Councilmen, Ganener, Smith, Chambers. Davidson, Irving, and City Clerk Batchelor, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as corrected. j i Rea of Int Resolution of the `ayor and Com~+on Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to 615. adopted. construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in Tenth Street, Commencing at a point one hundred and Lhirty (130) feet east of the east line of "D" Street, thence running easterly along the center Iine of Tenth Street to s k manhole at the intersection of the center lines of Tenth Street and Arrowhead Avenue, was read for final pace { age and adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson; bring, Hoea none. ECk i Res Adopt Resolution adopting Plans and Specifications for the construction of a public sewer in ?enth Street, fro PdtS sewer B to C St. "B" Street to Arrowhead Avenug in the City of San Bernardino as prepared by the City $ngineer of said City and i ~ submitted on the 23rd day of June 1913, which said specifications are numbered 1~3, was read for final pass- ; age and adopted by the following vote to-wit; ,Ayes bananer, Smith, Chembere, Davidson, Irving, No ea none. ,r Res Adopt Resolution adopting Plane and 3peCificatioas for the construction of a cement side~ralk and curb on the " P & S Sidewalk Aorth and south aides of Belleview Avenue, from the west boundary line of High Street to the east boundary fin ~ ' Beileview of Yt Vernon, in the City of San Bernardino, said Specifications being no. 169 and submitted on the 23rd day of June lgl3, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayea; Gananer, Smith, ~ t ~ Chambers, Davidson. Irving. noes none. 4' k Res Adopt Resolution adopting Plana and SpAcificati.one for the construction of s cement sidewalk and curb on the P k 8. Sidewalk north and south aides of Base Line Street, from the weal boundary line of bate:san Avenue to the ea.et boundary Base Line ! Iine of arrowhead avenue, in the City of San Bernardino, said specification being no 166, and submitted on the ~': i '• ~ 23rd day of June 1913, was read for final passage and adopted bq the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Ganener, 4 i• Smith. Chambers, Davidson, firviag, noes none. iE Res adopt Resolution adopting Plane and Specifications for the conBtn~ctioa of s cement sidewallc'aad curb oa the {-_~ PA8 t. sidewalk north and south aides of Orange Street from the west boundary line of "B" Street to the east boundary line o! Orange St. Arrowhead Avenue in the City of San Bernardino, said specifications being ao 1~0, and eabaitted on the 23rd day of Juae 1913. eras read for final passage and adopted by the follosing vote to-wit, Ayes; Oaaaner. Baith, ~ Chambers. Davidson, Irving. noes none. i > Recall The City C1erY presented the following petition >•ith his certificate of Sufriciency attaob~ed. 1 Petition • Smith. To the IbeVor and Cosown Council of the City of San Bernardino, State of California. The undersigned qualified electors entitled to a vote for a s~?cceasor Lo C.Y Smith, councilman ton the i '4th ward of the said City of San Bernardino, and equal masher to at least tbirtJ percentna of the entire vote ~ proceeding general aunici ~ for ali candidate for said office cast at the last pal election, hereby danaad that f said official be recalled and removed. arM a successor to bin be sleeted. E por Ressoae; ~ r 1-first. He has voted inimical to the wishes of the people of his ward ae voiced by the vote for It~yor r ~ April 14th 1913, fps a ehaage in the present water co®ission Bnd lower rates, and hrving broksi~ hit praaisi t , to w delegation of the citizens of the 4th ward in said City of San Bernardinm, that he weA2! coofirn the appointaent of prank Holcomb. ss a amber of the water commission. 2- He voted to allow public aerviceecorporation to sham the p~opi~ d Bald CitJ eaooa'bitaat rags !os ga • J ''~ ' coot from page 579. ~ .3rd- F.e voted to award the printing of our city for the present year to the highest bidder, as against i other responsible low=r bidders. Ye all reside in snid ward, and the name of the street and number of our residence fe set opposite our signatures. , CERTIFICATE OF SIIBFICIENCY. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. County of San Bernardino as City of San Bernardino I S. G Batchelor, City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, State of California, do hereby cei•tif ~ that I have examined the annexed recall petition and hs ve compared the signatures of the signers thereo with the great register and findTthat said petition is a;goad by the requisite number of qualified elect ors as required by the charter of the City of San Bernardino. i further certify that the totoal number of signers to the said petition is iO9, 3 of such aign- atures are hereby disregarded by reason of having signed two such papers, that 10 eigaere names ao not appear upon the great register ieavhg a total of 396 signatures on said petition. i I further certify that the entire vote cast for all candidates for the office the incumbent of wh ~ which ie sought to be removed, cast at the last proceeding General 1[unioipal Election is 828 Thirty per centum of the same being 249, score bhaa 249 electors, 'qualified to vote fora successor to C,E Smith ,/, having signed the annexed petition I hereby attach this my certificate of eufficfencyr.and herewith pre- ~ E sent such petition to the Yayor and Common Council as provided by the Charter of tht City of San Bernard i ino. j • is witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and official aeai this 30 day of June 1913. E ' S.G. Batchelor CSC er o a y o erns no. t ' Oro. An Ordinance calling a special election to be held in the fourth ward of the City of San Beraszdin a election on Briday the 8th dayof August 1813, for the purpose of electing a member of the coq~on ouncil o! said j f City from said ward. was read for the first t:[me and laid over foz final passage. ~ It appearing to the satisfaction of the Mayor and Comaoa Council of the City of San beraardiao thRt ~ _ petitions were filed with the City Clerk of said City demantng the election of A 4esiber of the common ~ ~Vn_ F' Council from the fourth ward of the City of ~sn Bernardtao sa anccessor to C.~ 9iaith, and that on the ~p ~ .x • i th day of Juae 1913, the said City Clerk subaittad said petition to the comson Council.of said City with ," his certificate attached, dated June ~OEh, 1913, showing that he had examined and frog the great zegiatar p, I • hai ascertained that said petitions were signed by the requisite nisbtr of qualified electors of said • wszd. ~'i ~ Upon motion of councilman Solth duly seconded by CounciLan Irving sad carried it we ardcred tt~t a j special election be held ordered and called to be held in the fourth ward of the City of San ~eraardino ! j on Birday the 8th day of August 1913, for the purpose of electing the iollowin: offioars of said City tom wit; f i One wdaber of the Comoon Council iron the fourtZ~ ward of said City of San ~eraardino, to ba sleeted ,y _ ?b7, gaaig~l~df l~seetsi~itd~°r~~a` eOr`tifoward. And the date of said election is hereby flxad as loliowe, to-wit, 7rid~ the 8th dsJ of Angurt igl3. --~. ~ ~ { =sport deport of Chief of Police and ez officio license collector, fos.tbe aonth of Juno 1913 wwa pseseatsd ~F Chfet of ponce and rewd Councilsaa Irving moved that sport be received and placed on iila Yotioa •aconded ~ Council- . man i~ansner, and carried. I , f ~~.;~~rt Arpost of City Electsiciaa for the swath of Jana 1913 together with total receipt for permits ieey+- F.I~trician -- -- -------- - -- -------LL---._ . . . , , f-~ coat from page 5d0 during the year ending June ~0. 1913. were presenteA and read Councilman Chambers moved that report of City Electrician be received and placed on file ;lotion seconded by Councilman ;ruing and carried. later The eighth annual report of the City wateriCommieaion was presented and read Co~incilman Chambers Report moved that report be received and placed on file ;lotion seconded by Councilman Gansner and carried. ~ Sidewalk The City Engineer presented Plane and apecificatione for the construction of a sidewalk on •illis xilles Street avenue between Belleview and Rialto Avenue Councilman Chambers moved that said plane and specifications be I referred to Attorney Haskell 2`:otion seconded by CounciLsan Smith and carried. Petition Petition requesting that sewer be ordered in Yt Vernon avenue from Seventh Street to Base Line was ! sewer Yt vernon presented and read Councilman Irving moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and € nth to i Base line apecificatione for the construction of a sewer as petitioned. Potion seconded by Councilman Smith and Carrie =stab An Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino Establishing the official glade of west third street, Eros vests the west boundary line of ]lt VernoMt Avenue to a point 2100-feet weal of the west Boundary line of Yt Vernon t ThirdSt. in Bald City was read for the first time and laid over for final passa8s. Impro?e A Sesolutioa of the Ysyor and Common Council of the City of fan Bernardino, ordering the work for the "G" St. improvement of "G• Street by constructing an 8-iach vitrified pipe sewer therein, beginning at a point ~ in the centre line of •G• Street 661.8 feet north of the interesection of the centre line of •G" Street with the center line of Tenth Street. thence northrly along the center line of •G" titre L to the intersection of the center line of Bane Iine Street with the said center line of "G• Street, also 23-8- inch X 4-inch wyes 1 3-way manhole. and 1 flash tank was read for the first time and laid over for fuel passage. Bever Tenth ~eaolution of the Mayor and Coon Council of the City of ban Bernardino, declaring their intention B to C. to construct a public vitrified pipe sewer in Tenth Street, coaanencfng at a point one hundred sad twenty (120) feet east of the east line of Arrowhead Avenue, thence running easterly along the center line of Tenth Street to a manhole at the intersection of the center line of tenth street with the centersline of •B" street was read for the first time and laid otter for final passage. Grade of Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention to Ozange 8t. _ charge and rsoeetablish the Official grids of Orange Street. from the east boundary line of •A• Street to th`~. ~'~; =i .seat boundary 11ne of Arrowhead Avenue is said City. was read for the first tine and laid over for final pas . age. Prep.p Ac S Conaciiaan with coved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plans and Specifications for Sidewalk lcayfield. the construction of a sidewalk sad curb on ]Layfield avenue, between ][inch and SentFs Streets Motion seconded F by Councilman Chaatbere sad carried. t Bea Bernardino Csl. Jane 30. 1913. Coas'tn To the Hoa rityor and Co®on Council, City of San Bernardino, Cal. 8felds Yeeds in The undersigned regaests your honorable board to have the weeds and rubbish removed from the alley :arasiets Alley. -between R d H Streets oast and west between snrnae and girth Street. Sealed there by the Street Departaent last week. ?onrs verb truly H C field ~ 733- Seth Street. \ Coaplaia! Coswwnication of l.1.Hyies, coaplainiag of the ~iatling of locasotivsa on •I. 3treet,and urging the Hyles, 'Nl~istling Council to pass an Ordiaaaca prohibiting the whistling of locosotivea along •I• Street Detweea lifts aa~,- Base Iine Streets, was read, Councilman Sa?ith swved that the setter Dt referred to City AtiQSaq Guthrie, with instsuctioha Lo serve notice on the Santa Ts tisilway~ Co. to diaeontinue the wliistliag of locoagtivee ~ 18treet,iros Fifth Street to Baas Line Streets. sotioa aeeonded by Couaoilaaa Irving sad carried. _ -- - BSlle. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payment of claims approved by the Mayor and Finance Committee this date, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Gaasner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson. Noes: none. Highway Con. Councilman Smith moved that the City Attorney be instructed to take up claims of the Highway Conatruc- Al11. tion Co. and claims of City against said Company, with object of clasing account, motion seconded by Council- man Davidson, matter discussed and laid over until nett Monday. Single Phone The City Attorney was instructed to make investigation to ascertain if single telephone system can be System. accomplished in this Citq. Upon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried the Council adjourned to meet Yoaday, July,~,1913,at ~,3o P.L. C ty Cler . Approved this day of July, 1913. ayor o e City of San Bernardino. ~1 {Omission} Horse An Ordinance regulating the keeping of horses within the City of San Bernardino, as amended, was read _ ` Ord. for the first time znd laid over for final passage. a.-G-tel.-~a-i- ApproveA this day of July, 1923 L~f~Z?e'rTc 1 ~Fayo e y o ernar no. { i.,L i f Y ~ t~~'e . ii i l k !' i ~ d ~I ' City (Tall, San Bernardino, Calif. July, 7,1913. i i f Adjourned regular meeting of the ??ayor and Com;aon Council of the City of San Eernardino. i ~ Meeting was called to order by ?layor Catfck at 7.40 ?'.L?. Lhe following members of the Council being present; Councilmen; Gansner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving and City Clerk tatchelor. The ~ainutes of tkie previous meeting were lead and approved as corrected. Ord.~527. An Ordinance regulating the keeping of horses within the City oP San Bernardino, vas read for final ~ Horses. nas~age and adopted by t?ie following vote, to-grit: Ayes; Gansner, Chac~bers, Davidson, Irving. ^oes; none, i Ord.No.528. An Ordinance calling a special election to be held in the ?~ourth ',lard of the City of San Bernardino, Calling Election ^ourth Aard.-on ?riday the 8th day of August 1913, for the purpose of electing a ms:ber of the Common Council of said City from said Ward, was read for final passage and adopted by the following note, to-wit; Ayea: .Gansner, Smith, ~ k a Chambers, Davidson, Irving. Noes: none. E Ord.Na.529. Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino establishing the official grade of West Third Street, from Eetab.Grade ~ Third Street.the meet boundary line of 3lt.Vernon Avenue to a point 2100 feet west of the west boundary line of lSt.Vernon L:t.Ver.west. ~ . ~ Avenue in said City, w~a read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, Lo-wit; Ayea: Gansner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving. ;7o es: none. Aes.of Int. Resolution of the ?Sayor and Common Council of the City of San Eernardino, declaring their intention No. 616 Sewer,Tnath, to construct a public.vitrified pipe sewer in Tenth Street, co~:encing at a point One hundred and Twenty Arr~hd to B. (120) feet east of the east Iine of Arrowhead Avenue, thence running easterly along the center line of Tenth ' Street to a manhole at the intersection of the center line of Tenth Street with the center line of $ Street, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes: Gansner, Smith, Chambers, David- son, Irving, floes: none. F.ee.Ord.Work P.eaolution Ordering the Work for the improvement of "G" Street, from a palm 661.8 fast north of the ao.517 G etr.Sewer. intersection of Tenth and "C" streets, to a point hwere the center line of "Q" Street intersectes with the center line of ease Line Street, by constructing an 8-inch vitrified pipe sewer therein, also 23 - 8-inch \ x 4-inch wyes, 1 - 3-way manhole, and 1 flush tank, was read for final passage, and upon motion of Couneil.~ man Smith, duly seconded by Councilman Grlaener and carried, said Resolution was laid over for one week. Rea.of Int. Resolution of the ?±ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intenttan No.518 Change Grade to change and re-establish the official grade of Orange Street, from the east boundary line of "A" StreeL'to Orange St. the east boundary line of Arrowhead Avenue in said City, wsa read for final passage and adopted by the foll- owing vote, to-wit: Ayes: Gansner, with, Chambers, Davidson, Irving. Aoea: none. planet Rotel. Application for Restaurant Liquor licence at Planet Reteiwas presented by W.S.Cooper, Councilman Licence. Scaith moved that the aoalicatton be referred back to Yr.Cooper, the licence being issued under Ordinance Ao. 507 being sufficient,ilotiou•aeconded by councilman Chambers and carried. To amend Assistant Postmaster arAressed the Council in regard to rail carriers riding on sidewalks while in th, f Ord riding discharge of their duties, Councilman Chambers coved that the City Attorney be instructed Lo prepare an amen ~ on idewalk. dment to Ordinance pertaining to riding on sidewalks, making exception, and exempting U.S.Poatai employee. while on duty, motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. P.ea.Adpt.P ~ S. Resolution Adopting Plane and ^pecificatione for the construction of a public sewer in Tenth Street Sewer Tenth bet.A do P. from "A" Street to "B" Street~;in the City of San Eernardino na prepared by the City E~ineer of said City r Continued from Page583, I I and sub:r.itted t~lis 7th day of July,1913, •::°hich said Plans and Spec ificatione are numbered 174, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Poundmaster. Co:~unication of Health 0`f ice r,C.V,?.`.cConnico, recommending the enforcement of dog Ordinance,•~as ~ie C. (,•~TbA. read, SSayor Catick appointed ?.~Y.Secco~be ae ?x-Officio Yound.•naster that steps may be taken to enforce Ordinance, Councilman S:nith moved that appointment be confirmed, motion seconded by Councilman !?ansner and carried. P.eport Report of Street Superintendent IEcElvain of operations of Street Department during month of June, Street Sunt. LO.of June. •aas read, Councilman ^,mith moved that the report be received and p~r:ced on file, motion seconded by Coun- rilman Davidson and carried. r Letter Letter of Clara B.Cave relating to the filling of a hole in alley running east and west between Clara B.Cave. Spruce and Sixth Streets was read, and upon motion of Councilman Sr:ith,duly seconded by Councilman Chamb- i i ere and carried, eras ordered filed. f Fill hole It was moved by Councilman Smith, that the Health Officer having reported condition of culvert at Culvert 11th & B the Corner of Eleventh and "F" street being in an unsanitary condition, the matter be referred to the Str- ` set Superintendent with instructions to correct, motion seconded by Councilman Irving .and carried. Whistling of E.S.Hyles addressed the Council in regard to the whistling of locomotives on "I" Street and urged Locomotives on "I" St. the Council Lo adopt an Ordinance prohibiting same, Councilman Irving moved that the city Attorney be inaL racted to draft an Ordinance prohibiting the whistling of locomotives on "I" Street, north of Fifth Street and south of Baee Line Street, motion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried. Speed Limit Councilman 5^iith moved that the City Attorney draft an amendment to the Traffic Ordinance making th 20 mi.per hr. speed limits 20 miles per hour, and 8 miles per hour at intersections, motion seconded by Councilman Irvi- ng and carried. P & S The City Engineer presented Plans and Specifications for the construction of Sidewalk and Curb on Sidewalk hayfield. 's~ayfield Avenue between ".linth and Tenth Streets, Councilman ;~nith moved that the said Plans and Specific- ations be referred to Attorney Haskelli motion seconded by Councilman Chambers and carried. -~ , Bills. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payment of claims agproved by the Mayor and 'P Finance Co:raaittee this date, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes; Ganener, Smith, Chambers, ?lavidson, Irving, Foes: none. • Insure Hay etc. Councilman Chambers moved Lhat the matter of insuring hay, wagons etc. at the City Yards be rterred to the Street Committee, motlon seconded by CouncilmaiSmith and carried. YcRlavin Councilman Davidson moved that the transportation allowance of the Street Superintendent be increa- ` X35 exp• aed to ~ 35.00 ner month, he to pay all expense and maintain hie own automobile. motion seconded by Coun- cilman .rynith and carried by the following vote, to-wit: yea; Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving. Relief man Councilman Smith moved that the Chief of Fire Department be authorized to employ a relief drlver Fire Department. while regular men are on vacation, motion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried. ~-~ C.C.Darling Cayor Catick appointed C.C.Darling as police Officer to serve in place of V.B.Aogue while on vacat- Policeman ion, Councilman Davidson moved that th! appointment be confirmed, motion seconded by Councilman Gananer k carried ae p er the following vote, TO-OfIT; Ayea; C-ansner, ravidaon, Irving. Roes: !~nith. Chambers. Purchase Fan Councilman ravilson moved that the Clerk be authorized to purchase an Tlectrio Fan for Cleske office, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote, to-wit: ~lrss: Gansner, Continued from Page 584. Smith, Chambers, Tavidson, Irving, hoes; none. Eng. to check Councilman Chambers moved that the City Engineer be instructed to check up Rtreet lines on Giovvan- Giovanolo St. olo Street, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. ~ Upon motion of Councilman Davidson duly seconded by Councilman Irving and carried the Council adf- ourned to meet L~onday the 21st day of July 191j, at p,30 o~clock P,M. i C y er . !lpproved thie~,day of July 1913. _ ~iJil~ ?da o e Ci y o n Bernar n~o: 1 0 li J 4 1 1 i ~ ~-~ , ~ E 8 F F ~ '~ 1 i I I JJ '. i City hall, S:~n Perr.ardino,^alif. July lj,l?13, I £pecial meetinC of tiie Mayor and Co:n:.on Council of the City of San Bernardino. ?'eeting :vas called by Layer J.:d.Catick for the p!.rpose of es~ploying an Attorney to act for City as Special Council, Attorney C.C.!Ias'Sell having tendered iris resilnation. • ~?eeting :c.zs called to order at 8 o~clock P.t', the following members of the Council being present; ^ouncilmen:~.^,-ansner, `.`mith, I?3vidson, Irving and City Clerk Patche2or. Absent: Councilman Chambers. The following teas presented and regd. fan Pe m ardino, Calif. July 15, 1913. ~ • To the ISayor and Common Council of the City of San~P~rn:lydino. ~,netlemen:- Haskell resigns. Z herewith resign and terminate r•y e~aployment as Special ^ouncil far the City of San Ber- nardino. Respectfully yours. C.C.Haskell ~' F,. Swing Councilman ~nith moved that the resignation of C.C.]Iaskell as Special Attorney be accepted, motion appointed as f Special seconded by CounciLnan Irving and carried. - Council. ~ 1 l:ayor Catick appointed R.E.S~xing as Special Council for the City of San Bernardino at salary of $110 per month. Courcilti.an S;nith moved that the appointment of P..E.Swing be confirmed, motion seconded by Coun- Gilman Davidson and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Gansner, S.'nith, T,avidson, Irving. *;oes: 0. i Unon motion of Councilman Sr.ith daly seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried the Council adjourns ' i ' ~' Approved this ~ day of July 1913. • i L: 02' o e Ci y o San Aernar ino. t 1 . { <--,, E '' i i . • ~ 4 ~' Y I . i • City Rall, San Bernardino, Calif. July.~21,1g13. Adjourned regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Ban Bernardino. 1 s•` L'eeting was called to order by ldayor Catick at ?:40 P.1[. the following members of the Council being 1 ~ i present, Councilmen, Cansner, Smith, Davidson and Irving end City Clerk Batchelor. The minutes of the meeting held July 7,1813 were read and approved, The minutes of the Special Heating held July, 1§, 1913 were read sad approved. Councilman Smith moved that the appointment of R.F Swing ae Special Consul for the City will not take • effect before September 1, 1913. L4otion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried. Councilman Chambers took his seat at Council at 7:§0. P.H. Re' Ord; Resolution Ordering the work for the improvement of "G" Street Eros a point 661,8 feet north Af the ia- ~or~. tereection of Tenth and •C" Streets, to a aoint where the etnLer line of C Street lntersecte with Lhe center Iiae of Ease Line Street by constructing an 8-in vitrified pipe sewer therein, also 23- 8-inch a4--inch wyes 1-3-way manhole, and 1 flush tank was read for final passage sad adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Gansner,,Smith, Chamtiers,Davidaon, and Irving. Bo es apse. j j Rea P.S Resolution adopting Plana and Specifications for Lhe construction of a public sewer is Tenth 6treet, -Sewer t~. 10~h et. from "A" Street to "B" Street in the City of San Bernardino as preparid by the City.Engineez of said City and bat ArB submitted on the nth day of July 1913, which said epecificatfons are numbered 1Q4. wsa read for final p~ss- ~ and adopted by the following vote Lo-wit Ayes Ganener, Ssith, Chambers. Davidson, Irving. Does Bone .petition Arp Petition for an arc bight at the intersection of Tenth and •A" Streets wee presented anti read Counoii- Light 10th ~ ed • Streets. sea Smith moved that Lhe petition be referred to the Light Committee. I[otioa saconed by Councilman Dsvidsoa aryd carried. Arc bight Councilman Bmith monad that Arc light be installed at the intersection of Eleventh and "G• Strasts I•lth Ac •G" ed Streets. I[otion eecoaed by Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote, to-wit; Ayee ; 6ansner, SraiLh, t Chestlbers Davidson and Irving, noes none. • } stbaaunciation of Mister Comaiasion requesting that the lte?yor appoint s.a apert aocouatant to audit the • litter Coasissioa Books, as provided inaectioa 50 of the charter of the City of esa Berasrdino was presented sad read. '~, Deo R R I Copy of Decision Bo 7q~ before the Raiirowd Oosission of the State of California. in the hatter o! Corns • the application of the Southern Faoifip Cospw~ for persiesioa to oonstsuct spur irwot at grads across • sepoad Street City of Sun beraesdino, apgiicwtioa lIO 632; sad graatiag sack peaiesioa ace presented ~ rea4 CouapiLan Gansner coved that said deeisioa bs reeelved and placed oa ills, 1[otioa sepoadsd b7 Conaeii- ass Ssitlf end parried. Insuraape Iasuraaoe policy coveziag hay af! City yards,assugttE~80r00.wwe presented, Couaol7asn 8sith coved fast Hlis D Z+d s. .00 pokey 1~ received, ~etion seconded by councilmwn ir?ing and parried. •Istt. to Imitation of the pacific Coast lssociatioa of Bire Chiefs tb the twenty first annual coaveatioa to De ylre Aas~t ` lacosa Rash held in l~waow fashiagtoa. August 25-28th, ws read CounciLaa irving coved that cosnaciation be receivrd a F ` sad placed oa f~ls, ]iotioa seconded by Councilman 9sith sad owrried. hibenzy Annual report of the Saa Sernsrdiao free Aablia ?db~rary for the yewr sadiag Jtias 30. iglj ws presented f Report ~ ~ ~1i read, rouncilman with. coved that report be reetved wad places oa Ells, 1[otion ascoadel by Conapilsaa ', Irving and parried. t inter Chattaa Cossnaioation of ifsltsr Chsttwatfor pcrtissioa to sell sods ester wad !pe crams is Yswdeebroolt park ass Sces xeadew- -Erook parr rewd Cp;:acilasn Irving sovsd that request be gssatsd for one quarter providing tawt Chsttaa pws the regairoD ~ `~lipeaeo wad 'with the nnderstandiag that pesaissioa say bs sevoret wt say Liar Dotioa seeoadad by Conapilaaa ~eislth wad parried. ~ cont from page 587. , ~ A.?F.e,RA Co Communciatloa of 3 B Gaiivan acting Superintendent of the A.T S F Railway Company relative to the } oil "I" St. oiling one-half of the roadway of "l" street was read, Councilman Smith moved that the matter be referred ' to the 16ayor and fittest Superintendent, Potion seconded by Councilman Davidson and tarried. 011 Streets Upon Motion of Councilman Chambers du 7y seconded by Councilman Smith and carrled by unaminous vote t j the Street Superintendent was instructed to oil the following streete,to-wit; Bpruce bet "H• and 'i• curb to curb i gal Park bet "H" and "I" curb to curb 1 sal "y st bet, nth k 5th 24 feet 1 gal Belieview Yt Vernon to •L" St 1 gal Talnut Z ~~T of Yt Vernon {wart }gal) 1 gal Giovsnola ~ ~l i ~ lvillie ~'1 Altantio 1 gal Pased- Broadway bet "G" and "H" gal , * Spring 8s1 Teter let to "H" gal Ba OaY poplar BB1 Sing East of Yt Veraoa to Osborn 1 gal "g• 300 feet South of 3rd. Appl of G C The following application was present and read.; ~ laundry San Bernardino Calif, July 21, 191j. Application for Permit. ' i t Te the Gate City Laundry Compax~ (in0) do ask of said City Council of San Bernardino the prirl # ' legs to erect or extend back wall of engine room, over a given area of this property. ~ Area consisting of the width of the lot 5o feet and 40 lest to the rear of present building, , I _ according to the drawings, Said temporary building will consist of galvinized iron and solid cement floor, said Hoer being Laid fn ?!ew of a brick structure in the near furtuse. She structure will have nine windows and three large,deore. Also permiesioa to include present ezteneion according to drawing. ': t Gate Ci~c laundry Cozpsay. t 1~ E Bloom sgt. i Councilman Smith moved that the Gate Ctty I,aundzy Osapsnq ba~grsnted pemi~sion ae petltioaea, for peiroid~ol~ one year. Potion seconded by Councilman Chambers and Carried b7 the following rote to-• wit, N/ee; Gaasner, smith. Chambers Irving, Hoes; Darldson. ~ ;%~ Grade for pouncilmwn 3eith~that the Street Superintendent a12ow property owners to construct sidewalk ~ Sodewalk ~ Curb in sad cnrh ip Orange Street between "B" and Arrowhead Arenne according to the line'and grades ae thq bressge 8t. . Hot ehasy~e now exist,#otion eeconedded by Councilman Davidson and carried. Grade of 3n1 Ceunoilaan Chambers rooted that the City Engineer be instructed to restsbliahsd grant oA Th1rd street f road Resta•b Street ~ Yt Vernon Arenue to a point 2100 feet west. Potion seconded by Coutfoll>taa BmitL and carrled. Councilman 8aith seed that the City Clerk be authorised to adrestise toe bids for inraistiing 1?utomiblis ?rnc1c,20 bores poser or mwrs, 1000,ponnds oapseity. Potion seconded by CounoilwaA Chsmbere and carried. lietle on An Ordinance regulating the use of Thistle on sLeos rsiisoade aad psohibiting the use of 11ow ~ aReeia railway off coons on steam loooawtiree and engines sith the City of Ban Hernardiao, was read for the first tine aad Laid orer foe final i~} passage. } ~cyelss. Aa Ordinance amending ordinance 1[0 261, entitiled•R eYtlatfns the use of Bicycles on the ~i public streets' was read for Lhe first tiros aad laid orer for final palea~ t Hods Resolution of the Mayor and Coemeoa Council of she City of San ~ernardiao, establishing certaiM ', funds to be iesignatsd as "xealth Departaeni lNad* 'flee Dapartaent lund••Poliee Departasn~ load' G coast from page 588- . i "Street Lighting aun4"'and Municipal Band Fund" , was read for the first time and laid over for final pas- age Dog Catcher. Councilman Smith moved that the Chief oY Police be Authorized Lo employ a man for on a month to act ~ ! ae Dog Catcher, at ~fi0.00 per month,to act under the direction of the Chief of Police, Kotion seconded by . Councilman Chambers and carried by the following vote,to-wit; Ayes; Gansner, Smith, Chambers, Noes; Davidson, Irving. Frain 4th Counarilman Chambers moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to take up with the Santa ~'e & "I" Str. Company the matter of the drain empting a t the corner of Fourth and "I" Streets E'otion seconded by Council- man Irving and carried. P.equest for Request of J.D.lterr for an extension of 30daye time for the completion of Eighth Street sewer was resd. tension of time Reeolutlon authorizing,'uperintendent of Streets to entend by 30 days, the time fixed by him for completion of the work specified in• that certain contract entered into between esid Superintendent of Streets end J D . Keer for construction of public sewer in Eighth street was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. The City Cleik was authorized to issue warrants in payments of claims approved by the Hayor and Finance Committe this date by the following vote,to-wit; Ayes:Ganener, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving. ~ ~ Aoee none. Councilman Smith moved that the iF,ayor be authorized~bd have the power to employ,or cause such elipense ae he may SinIT necessary and proper in the Gas Case, Motion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried by the following vote,te-wlt: Ayes Oaasner, Smith, Chambers, Davidson, Irving, Foes; none. Upon motion of Councils~an Smith duly seconded by councilman Irving snd carriled the Councl2 ad3ourned to meat monday the 28th day of July 1913,n1`~;3p 0?clpek P.H. Approved thisrT day of July iQ13- y e ~""~' y e y o an ernar no. , . City Hall, San p,ernardino,Calif. July '24,2913. Regular me^tinS of the "ayor and Common Council of the Pity of San Pernardino, held gur~.ant to~Section 11 of the Charter of said City, for the purpose of canvassing the returns of Special election held in the Shird ward of said , i City,July 22,1913, t'eeting was called to order by i'ayor Catick at 7,30 P,Lt, the following rr,embere of the Council being present; Councilmen: Gaasner, Snith, Davidson, Irving and City Clerk f.atchelor. Absent; Councilman Chambers. l;pon motion of Councilman Davidson duly seconded by Councilman Oananer and carried, the Council proceeded to canvass the returns of Special election held in the Third Tard July 22,1913, for ;,he election of a F-'ember of the Common Council from said ward, the followin6 being the result shown on the face of such returns. KP7:B}5R OF THE_CO}A`ON,COU!QCII. FROL ?'}iE THIRD WARD. Oeo.R.Ghambera. Arthur F,}ianaen Total vote cast. Consolidated _ Pre~inct ~1, _ _._.,__2 2 _ Totals. ~~- The.canvasa having been completed, it was moved by Councilman Irving t2;at Arthur F,Hanaen having received the "~;.• highest number oP votes,as herein before set forth, that Arthur F.}{apses be,and fa hereby declared elected to the public office of Lember of the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue a certif- icate of election to Arthur F.Y.anaen,motion was duly seconded by Councilman Gananer and carried by the following vote, to-xit: Ayes: Gananer, Smith, Davidson. Irving. Hoes: none. Upon motion of Councilman Canener duly seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried the Council adjourned. , Approved this ~ day of July 1913. CZ y C er . . ~ k o o t o City o San errs3rdino. --, . } • Y. . ji. l' b d i City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. July 28, 1923. ~ Adjourned regular meeting of the liayor and Common Council of the City of ban Bernardino, 1[eeting was called to order by iayor Catick at '7:30 P ?S the following members of the Council bring „ " present; Councilmen; Gansner, ~asith, Nanaen, Davidaon,Irving, and City Clerk Batchelor. i \ ' The minutes of ESeeting held July 21, 1913 were read and approved, The minutes of the meeting held 3uly i 24, 1913 were read and approved. Ord Ho q30 An ordinance regulating the use of whistle on steam railroads and prohibiting the use of blow-cif cocks ~ t on stem locomotives and engines with the City of San Bernardino. was read for final passage and adapted by I the following vote,to-wit; Dyes; Gensner, :math, Nanaen, DESVidaon, Irving, Hoea:none. Ord 1n Ordinance amending ordinance no 261 entitied~"Regulating the use of Bicycles oa the Public Streets" 1 wsa read for final passage and defeated by the following vote~to-wit; Ay ea:9aith~^Boes:Gsaener, Nanaen, $vidson, Irving. Res Resolution of the 3layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino establishing certain funds I' r to be designated an "Health Department Iuad•"Bare Department Bund" "Polies Department load", "Street Lighting r.,~'' Bond" a.nd "Municipal Fand Pond" was preaented,and upon motion of Councilman Smith seconded by Councilman l - Gansner and carried said Kesolution was laid on the table. solution of the Mayor and Common Council authorizing the Supt. of StreetYto extend by 30 days the tlae fixed by his for the completeioa of the work specified Lhst certain contract entered into between said Supt. 4 of Btreets and J.D.Eerr for the construction of a public sewer in Eighth Street was read for final passage and f adopted by the following vota~to-wit; Ayes Cansner, Smith, aaasen, Da~ldeon, Irving. Hoes: none. !i F. r Pond of Arthur,,Haneea as principal S,?d.Little and H,Haneea ae sureties, in the sum of =1000.00 ws presented, Councilman 8sith moved that the boad# of A.F.Haneen be accepted and apliroved~mation seconded by Councilman Gansaer, and carried. ~ --- report Report of the Chief of Pi re Department for the fiscal year ending July 1, 1913 was reed. Pare Dept. San Bernardino, Calif July 23. 1913. {- So The Honorable t[syor and Colson Council '-`` Gentleman;- t The following is the regular sanu8l report of the Fire Department from J1tly 1, 1912 to ni},r' 1. 1913. lsab'sr of alars3s received ?9 Boa cau. 30 3~oae Csils 48 Box sad Phone 1 Humber of 8loeks run fn answering alaras (responding to alarm only) 537`! or b7 wiles. lAtaber of feet of Aose laid- 26650 Htsnber of gals cheaical used•143 Humber of feet o! ladder raistd 252 • Causs of rare. IIalmowa 26 Out o! City 2 011 Over flow 2 Otaoiint 5 !loss 5 paraffne 1 ors.. 13 0.. pls. 1 i ~ !alas alaras i lood Bto~es 3 Cigarette stubs 2 Oretoe Oas oven 1 t, Trash n res 6 Not ashes 2 Play stoves 1 Cross wart 1 Insaust Person with matches 1 ' 8parl:s from Pi re 2 011 stove i Loss on buildins aa4 Contents ~2~,~~2.Q$ Tours Rtspeetfully, Insuraae3 paid 2 0.00 FratsR a Starlet, Fire psis!. •ert nued rom page §90 - - Petition for an arc light at the corner of Sixteenth and E Streets xae presented and read~Council- ~ Light man Davidson moved that petition be referred to the lighting committee~lTotion seconded by Councilman Gansne~ 16th, E~$ts. and carried. M1yM Str Resolution of the layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, ordering the work for the Res. iaprOve~ee»t of "B" Street from the south boundary line of Fourth street to the South boundary line of Base t Line Street By macar!emized the roadway thereof, and the construction of culvertland gutters therein was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. P J Dubbell P. J.DEtbbell presented figurte and estimates ~ the amount nesessary for the carrying on of. the City k Aeport Government for the fiscal year. P ~ S City Engineer presented Plans and specifications for the construction of a aewer~tiount Vernoa avenu~t.)i Sewer Yt Vernon from Seventh Street to Baca Line Street~Councilman Smith moved that said Plane and specifications, be referr_ 7th to Base line. ed to City Attorney Guthrie. 1Gotlon seconded by COuncilman Davidson aa.d c a r~ied. i t Restab~l Cit En' sneer west y g presented Plana end Profile for the restabiishing of grade on Third 6treeL from Yount grade west jrd Vernon Avenue to a point 2100 feet west Councilman Smith moved that said Plana and profile be referred to ~ ~ City Attorney Guthrie,,3iotion seconded by Councilman Gananer and carried. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in:pay~teltt of claim approved this date, by the Yeyor ~ ' and Finance co~itteefby the following vot~~to-wit; Agee; Cansner, Smith, Hansen, Davidson. Irving. Foes; - none. ~ ' i 8pon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Irving and carried the council adjourned ( to meet monday August 4, 1913. 7:30 P.Y. , i[ f / / c_ y er . tpproved this -y day of 1913 • . ~a~ /r r e C y o ~Bernareino. 1' s' ~ s ~ i I 5~3 City }call Sqn i'~r•,;~,:•ii:1o, Calif. Aug 4, 113. Adjou:•ned regul..r rce. ling of +h~ '.'.ayor and Com•non Council bf the Ci+,y of SarS P.ern,zrd#ro, ?farting ~r?.: called to order by k::ayor Cr~tick at 7;30 P,1!, the follo•,vin3 :ne!~bar of the Council being ,- present; Councihen C-ananer, frith, ?i~~n;en. Davidson~Irving and city Cler:•c 3atchelor. r ~ T3~e ~i!iutes of the previous meeting •~e,e read and approved. Res Ord Resolution of the Linyox and (:gT201: Colin^il of the City of San Bernardino, ordering the work for the vrork ;*o E et Pate. ir:prove~nent of "B" Street fro:'i the south boundary line of Fourth Ctreet to the 6outi~ bounflnry- line of Base Line Street by pa•rin~ ;'ie road:~:ry tliareof dnd constricting gutters and culverts therein a;as xead for final passage and defeated by the following vote~to-wit; Ayes; Gananer, 9sith, No es:H+~nsen, Ika~~#dson Irving, JI I Ord ~o An Ordinance regulating the use of skztes and kindred contri•rer.aea upon the put]ic street,•rsea read Sk3tes~ for the first time and laid over for final passage. Ree wp Resolution of the =ayor and Co.:m:on Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring theix intention to ! Oranges Side•salks. imrro•re Orange Str?et frq~! t?,e •sest lire of "B" Street to the. ens+, line of Ar!•os}iead Avenue by construct#ng cement concrete sidevralks and curbs therein, tiraa read for the first time and laid over for final nn.^-safe j Res-No_ Resolution of the .*!ayor and Common C.ounoil of the City of San J3crnardino, declaring their intention ?' Sewer ~ Bet A GB to construct a public vitrified pine sewer in Tenth Street, co.^.rnencinn at a point in the caplet line of Tenth 10th etr. Street; fifty (50} feet west of the west line of "A" Street; theses westerly along the centre Line of Tenth Street to a scanhole at the intersection of the centre 11ne of Tenth Street with the centre line o_* B Street. 1 was read for the first time and laid over for fianl massage. Reports Reports of the Chief of Police, Lhe pity Electrician, the City Clerk, the City Treasurer and Superin- tendent of Streets, for the month ending July 31, 1913, were presented and read, Councilman Gananer moved that reports be received and placed on file; 3lotionaeconded by Councilman Davidson and carded. Pay't The atatemenL of amount due the CfLy of San Bernardino on account of Franchiea Ordinance number 242 Fran'hise ' No 242, for the year ending August 1, 1913, and voucher of the Pacifio Slectrlc Railway Oompar~y in the amount of ' PERR. X46.41 was presented. 1 i ' Bins for Bida Lavfng been received thia~date by the City Clerk for the construction of a public sewer in "G" "G" Str ~ I Sewer Street between $Leventh and Base Line Streets. Counc#lman Sstith moved that the Clerk proceed to~open each bid7E~ ~ ~ Potion seconded by ~ouncllman Irving and carried. Bid of Bohan and Tuttle. San Bernardino Ca11f, Aug 4, 19tj. To the Sonorable Layor and Common Council of the City of Ban Bernardino. ! In pursuance with the attached clipping, we beg to submit the following bid•N will construct paid sewer in "G" Street as per plane and specifications in office of City Engineer for =400.00 complete i Bohan aid Tuttle per IC.B. Tuttle. I Biel of Y.A,Peklch , sewer oouplete per lineal foot 53 cents manholes complete esoh ~30.0o sad flush r ;sak complete each ~j3.00. (Total aid ;446,97 } Councilman with coved that bid of Hohaa aid Tuttle r be accepted ae being the lowest and best bid, and that all other bide be re~eeted Notion seconded by Councilman Bsasen and carried. • y Res aw'd Resgr~uttan awarding contract to Eohan and Tuttle for the construction of a public sewer in "0" Street Contract of G St sever. between Eleventh end Base Line Streets at the price specified in tbetr proposals on file for saki wnrY was read for the first time end laid over for final passage. Bids for Bida having been ree~ived this data for the famishing of oar Autonible Truok~ Councilmen 8aith Auto Truck moved that the Clerk proceed to open such b1ds, Potion seconded by Councilaa~n ~,ansner and Carried. ` ` coat from page 593. ' San °ernardino Cal July 30, 1913. ~ ~ City of >an Bernardino, San Bernardino Cal. Gentlemen;- In compliance xith your bid calling for Automible Truck, I have the folloxing to offer. _ One ldodel T- Ford Light Delivery Truck of 1000 pounds capacity and Txenty Horse power meter, (A.L.A).S. rating 22 R.P.) This car can be furniPhed anon one days notice with standard open delivery body and,for Six aundred and Fifty Dollars (650) delivered at San Bernardino, Respectfully. J D Gentry, Agent. san "ernardino Cal Aug 4, 1913. To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council, City of San Bernardino. San Bernardino Calif. i Gentlemen;- ' Bid on 3iotor Truck, epecificatione as follows. Buick Motor truck known as bdodel {3} three (4} four cylinder, {26} twenty-eight horse power motor cast en blec, i3) three speeds forward, and reverse ~ left hand drive with center control, (I00) one hundred inch wheel base open express body, (3/4) three fourth 5 s, { floating rear axle, shaft drive. Squi?~ment !33x4 I~2j thirty three by four and a half tires all around extra ~asing and tube on rim glass front speedometer, three oil leaps, )2) two gas lamps with presto tank Capacity of truck {~4pp) fifteen hundred »ounda Guaranteed for one year from tht date of sale. Price (=1220} one thouasnd two hundred and twenty dollars F.O.B. San Bernardino, Cal. Respeetf~Yl2y submitting the above bid we are. Yours verq trµly Buick Sales Co. San Bernardino, Cal. Per B C Small. The bid of the Stubaker Service Station by B C Brandenberg, proprietor wasopened and not considered by reason of failure to enclose certified check as required in the notice calling for bide, Councilman Smith moved that the bid of T D Gentry be accepted se the loxeet and beat bid, Councilman David- son moved that alt bids be rejected and the City Clerk be instructed to re-advertise for bids, Potion eeonad~" i ed by Councilman Gananer and carried. f;_.~ ,E 1 Oommunci;aion of Stella C Seeman requesting the use of the room in the north east corner of the a City Pavilion for Kindergarten room this casing school year4was presented and read, Councilman Smith moved that permission to use room in the worth east corner of the City pavilion bs granted Pre Beaoan free of rental such occupancy being under the luper?iaion of the park Cosmnittee, Potion seconded by Councilman T~vidson and carried. r fi Ban Bernardino, Cal Aug. 4, 1913. f To the Honorabl• lfayor and Common Council, City of Se?n Bernardino, California. I Gentlemen;- z I Submit you herewith estimated cos! eS culvert at Third and F Streets in two styles. via, Corrugated Iron and Concrete, and Concrete and Cast Icon Top, and 2 estimate the cost ss follows; Conorets and Cast Iron Top =525.00, - E Corrugated Iron and Conorets Toy (432.45, 1 In the above estisats I have planned to turn the Qrainage on the 74sst side of p Btreet fry 4th and P down Third 3trest Lo E Street. Respectfully, P A Setith, City Enginssr. Councilman Hansen moved that the City Bnginssr be instructed to prepare plans and Bpecifications for _ --- - ---------- --___ ___-- ------------- cont from page 594•.. ~(~~'. the construction of a corrugated Iron and concrete culvert at the Corner of Third and "F" Street, Lotion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried. Culverts Councilman ];cease moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plans and Specifications for ~ _ x, P, G, I, the construction of culverts in Rialto Avenue at the intersections of "F" "G", "I", Carter and "K" Streets ~ + Carter 1'.otion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Repair Superintendent of Streets reported that the bridge on Waterman Avenue between Third and Fourth Streets Aridge Water~m is in bad condition and fn need of immediate repair, Councilman havidson moved that the Street Superintendent Ave, be authorized to repair bridge in R'zterman Avenue between ?hi rd and Fourth Streets and render bill to the ~ County for one-half of the cost of same, 3Cotion seconded by Councilman Gananer and carried by the following A vote,to-wit; Ayes; Cansner, Smith, Hansen, Davidson, Irving, ]Goes; none. Install Councilman Irving of the Lighting Committee recommended the installation of lights at the corner of Light High~d Highland Avenue and "P" Street, and one in the fourth Street School Grounds in the South east corner between ~ Ave F ' Sch!1 4th two apple trees, and one at the corner of Spruce and Garner Streets. Councilman Smith moved that the lights et. Spruce g Garner he ineta2led ,as recommended by the Lighting Committee, emotion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried by the following vote,to-wit: Ayes; Gananer, gnith, Hansen, Davidson, Irving,Noes; none. ~ Limit at Councilman Smith moved that the City Bnginaer he instructed Lo mark off and establish a 100 foot licit Polling K places from polling places at the corner of Base Line and "P" Streets Potion seconded by Councilman Irving and B L & ~ "D" Str. carried by the following vote to-wit. Ayes; Gananer, Smith, Hansen, Irving, Soea Davidson, Mayor Catick ~ si declared the motion lost. i 7ygewriter Superintendent of Streets 3tc Rlvaine was authorized to purchase a new typewriter for hie office old t Str Super } Office. machine now in use to be turned is at X5.00 off the price of the new machine, by the following vote,to-wit; Agee; Gananer, Smith. Hansen, Davidson, Irving. Roes; none. n Counciima~S:alth mod d that matter of employing extra men, while vark employees are en vacation be referr_ ed to the Park Committee with power to act. k'otion seconded by councilman David eon sad carried... i Ord nom .An Ordinance fining the necessary amount of money to be raised by Taxation on the Taxable Property of Tan 1Eonep? 2 ,the City of San Bernardino, as a revenue to carry on the various Departments of the Municipal Government of 1. eeid City for the current year, and to pay the Principal and Interest due and coming due upon the bonded in- dsbtedness of eeid City. was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. '`_ Oil Yill The matter of oiling hill Street from "I• to 3iount Vernon, ae euggeet~by Supervisor Pine was discussed, Street no action was taken. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payment of claims approved this date, by the 1lsyor - and Finance Committee, by the following vote~to-wft; Ayes; Gananer, Smith, Hansen, Davidson, Irving.aoes; none • aTE C.C Darling ][ayor Catick appointed C.C. Darling as sgeciel police officer Lo serve while officerQ~on vacation, app*t Spec v police Councilman Smith urged that appointment be confirmed. EEotion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried bT } the following vote,to-wit; Ay es:Cansner. Smith, Aansen, Davidson, Irving. Rosa; Hons. r Councilman Smith moed that the matter of furnishing a roos that some one may sleep at the City lards ~'~ ~ at night~be referred to the Street committee with power to act, Xotion seconded b7 Copncilsrn Davidson and ~" carried. ppon motion of Councilman Smith duly seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried the council adJourned t- to meet Yondaq August it th, 1913 at 7:30. P.Y. y D D ~ I _~c.Gc~-~ f Approved this day of August 1913 ~y er i yar e o n ernar no. -, ,i ~ i}4 4 ~' City Hall, Lan Bernardino, Calif, August 11,1913. ~ Regular meeting of the layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, held pursuant to section 11 of the Charter of said City. for the purpose of canvassing the returns of Special election held in the Fourth Ward of said City, August 8, 1913. 1Ceeting was cal3ed to order by 3`ayor Catick at ']:30 P.bt., the following members of the Council bein c present; Councilmen; Cansner, ,C.,ith ltansen, Davidson, Abeent Councilmen Irving. L'non motion of Councilman Davidson duly seconded by Councilman Gananer and carried, the Council proceeded to canvass the returns of Special election held in the Fourth ward August 8, 1913, for the elect- ion of a member of the Common Council from said Qard, the following bein@ the result shown on the face of such returns. r' MEI~B.R OF THE COLStLOF COtJ&CII. FP.OT: FCIIRTH WARD Consolidated C.Y. Boswell C.W. Smith Total vote cast. Precinct ~1 --~ • 2 __-,~~---- To tale. ~ '" The canvass having been completed, and Charles Wm, Boswell having received the highest number of votes cast se herein before set forth, Councilman Smith moved that C.W. Boswell be declared elected to the office of member of the Common Council, of the City of San Bernardino, wnd the City Clerk ie hereby, in- ~''~ structed to issue a certificate of election to said C.W. Boswell. Notion duly seconded by Councilman Gananer• and carried by the following vote to-wit; ~j/ea; Gananer, Smith, Davidson, Fanaen, 5foea; none. ' Lgon motier. of Councilman Davidson duly seconded by Councilman flanaen and carried the Council sd- ,journed. Approved this day of AuguaL 1913. '` r ' y er ~' yByor e C ty o San Bernar ino. 'J I ~ i I ' ! i 'a" ~ j~. . '~ { w. _ _____.__.__- ___,__~_.._.__--------._._ J q~ City Iiall, Snn P.ernardino Calif. AuEuet 21, 1913. Adjourned re,r`r.r :ceetirg of the 1-ayor any? Co:r_*.:or. Council of the City of :a r. Ferrardino. fleeting wr,s called to order by liayor CaticK at 7:40 P.};, the follov~~ing members of the Cru:zcil beinE ` prc~^n ~ouncil^er:; C:+n:per, ?Tan~en, P3vid4on, and City Clerk Fatcholor. Absent !'o+rr.cila.an Ir•rinfi. ~ L:inutes of the re~-~ziar meeting held August 4th 1913 crere read end approved. Ceuncilmar; elect Pos~e12 arrived an8 after taking his oath of office too'.•c hie .eat on the board. Cottmittees Councilr_an >)1•r_riror. rr.o•red tYiet tho standing coaTittcea be rearranged .=nd tl+ot the T.ayor name rcnv commit appointed. tees, F'Uti 3~COI.tiFCi by (.OUnCi1R'an ~"al,slier £:nd Carried. ;,;ayor Catick named the follo•r,ina ecmroittees Street Gananer, park & LigY,ta Hansen. Police & Fire Davidson. Binance Bosvrell, Hansen, Davidson. Cemetery irvinR. Pend of C.K Bosvrell Bond of C.W, Eoawell as principal and *Tora B Eoawell and hate T.Davia as sureties in the sum of ~lOp0.00 :^ae^presented and read. CounciLvan Davidson :coved that L-ond of C.4+ Eoawell to accepted and approved Lotion secoeded by Cruncilman G<:nener, and carried. Taxes The folloeing vras prP~~nted end read. San ~e^nardino L`alif. Aug 21, 1913 To the flavor and Co:nnon Council; City of San Eernardino, Ealif. CAntlemen;- I hereby certify that the asaessied valuation on Lhe 1Vonop~rative Property in the City of San Bernardino ss shown by the assessment Roll for the County of San Eernardino, for the year 1913-14 1s se follows; ~ {Unaeeured Personal Property Valuation Hot reported) onoperative Valuation See City X102'015.00 N old • 4,db~,:g5o:oo • Total' 4.570',965.00 Operative Valuation New City 2,625.00 ola • ~2~6~ob.oo Tatal 1.286.731.00 Grand local of All Property :5,829,696.00 (Personal Property of Banks in, the amount of #15,000.00 not'eub~ect to Pond Tax ie included in the Oaei•Ative- Valuatior. } . Very TYUly Yours. C.D Yan lie. ~ (Seal} Cevrty kuditor in and for the County of San Bernardino, Ste.te of California. ~~'' Ord Bo 531 An Ordinance fixing the necessary arsount of Foney to be raised Dy Taxation on the Taxable property of Taxes. the C1ty oC ~ n Bernardino, as revenue to carry on the variove departr;enta of the Lunicipal Government of said City for the current gear, and to pay the Principal and IntArr,et Due and Coming Due upon the bonded ir.debtednea of aafd City xas read for final nsaags and adcpted by the follocing vote to-wit; Ayes; Gananer, Poewell, Hansen, lavidson So es; none. Crd so.532. pn Ordinance regulRting the use of skates and ':irdred contrirence upon the public atreeterxY:e reed for SY.ates tins'. ca^aage am ndol~ted by !lee followin;; vote to-~cit; Ayes, Gananer. Poe~well, Davidson, ;;oea; Raaeen. &ee of Int Flerolutior, of the h-zTror „nd COm.T.01i Ccur.cil of t',^. Ci*.y ;f 9Pn p~rnnrdino, declaring their intention to'kA$ f:o 61q sewer lOt?Fanetruct a public vitrified pipe ;.ex•er in Tenth Street, commencing at a point 3n the center line of Ten :h Stre^ Street et; `-~ ~ LO ri a~aCn t f?'4:u r17• Fifty ~r0}f~•t acct of the a,est ?ir.e of "A" S:°eet; thence -,~esterly alonC the cr;err lips of ^entli 5trect to a :.~r;hrilc r.t the intpr'nrtlOn of the cAnker line of Tenth Street r~ith the center line o` "n" Street, 1`~2.^- read for Tirol ^?36aeC Ft'td nci,;^.t~...t Yy tY,C fol?OlCil:~! ^Ote t0-%'it; ~:;7e; Gan6ner, LJG1%f.ll, I1c111661, t V i ?~vidron, :Yves; ::one. ' '~ has of Int He solution of t,3i~- 2=:,yor and Cc::T.or, C;'::r?ciI of the rite of Cr. r. rerrcu•diro decln.riirg their inter.ticn • :i 0 • Orange Str to i:rprove Orange Street fTU7!1 the •:s28t line of "B" Street to th^east lire of Arrcr:itead Avenue by oor•.struc Sideralks. tang ;,c;::cnt concrete side-inh?};e turd curbs therein, ,-n:r re^d for fir.ra rassaCe : nd unon notion of Cmartcil- Tan Car.ener dui;: secpr,ded by Co'rnci]mart 77;avideor.~er.ci carried s4 id reaoluticn rras laid over for one week. F.ea of Award ~?evlrxticn of the '.~ayor zrd Co::~„or. Council. of ti?s City of Sat. Ee.rnarrino ru!:'ver C20 , nwarded con- 3 "G" St ::er:er• F • " ~t l:o bc0 tr2r+, to Eohnn ar,d 'htttle for the construction of an 8-inch vi„~ified pipe =ewer ir. G .,.teat fro:c a , ~ point 661.8`feet north of Tenth Street to the intersection of Aase 7.ine and "G" Street•at a r,rice snccifi- ~ ~ e3 in their prorosal vn file for -aid ~.tork -.~~s read for final paesF.~r. nr:d adopt2d ty tliF folly-:,ir.- •~~ote : { tc--cii; Ayes; Canar,er, Bos~rell, Hansen, ra•ridson, 2TOes; pens, Ftesigr.`tn Resignation of Fred T Perris as v:ater Co:rrissioner,to take effect not 13ter than September I, 191j Fred T Perris. a•ns nres-nt and rend, Councilmen Ikavideon moved that the resignation of ^red T ~crris be accepted to tak e affect immediately~Lotior: seconded by Co_rncilr.:an Gansner and carried. r . Appoint`gr L'ayor Catick appointed as members of th? ¢:zter Co-:.omission ?:,J Gilbert. in place of 3Sr Fitz, a?;d A,ZE, ~w~ tN2t e'r Cozrsn, ', Ham in place of ?'r Perris, councilman Lavidson moved to confirm the anpointmenta of F,J G12bert~to succeed 13r Katz, Lotion seconded by Councilman Raven and Carried by the following vote-to-wit; Ayes, Gananer, E.J. Gilbert poswell, siancer:, Davidson. noes none. A.k,•Ham Councilman Ta9idson moved to confirm appointment of A,.t,Kam to eacceed $r. Perris Notion seconded by i Councilman Flansen and carried by the following vats to-wit;. Ayes. Cananer, Roswell, Hansen, Davidson. hoes 3 none. fed Health Layor Catick SF pointed Dr. J.ti.' Aldridge end Dr. S,L`. Hurley as members of the Eoard of Health. Council J,% Eldridge J.?` hurley :pan T>avidsvn moved to confirm appointment5aade by Layor~lotion seconded by Councilman Ransen and carried by the following vote Lo-~:iL; Ayes Gananer, Boswell, P.angen, Davidson noes; none. , C.C Darling :Iriayor Catick appointed C.C.,Darling as additional regular Police officer, Councilman Ganener moved regular police that appointment be confirmed Lotion seconded by Councile'.an Davidson and carried by the following 9ote to-wit; Agee; garener, Boewell~ Hansen, Ita9idson, noes; none. { Councilman Davidson moved that the City ?~gineer be instructed to grepare,P3ane,and Specifications for the construction of all unfinished sidewalks and curbs on the north aide of Fourth Street between A Bind B Eoth aides of A Street between Third and Fourth~Streete~and 1Qorth aide of Tourth 3trest~from the east side of Baldridge Tract to ~laterman Avenue and Svuth Fourth street from alien to l9aterman Avenue. Yotios'- / ~ , s aeeorided•by Councilman Hansen and carried resurface D Councilman Davidson moved that the CSty,Engineer be instructed to prepare planw snd Specifications fo s Street • the resurfacing of "D" Street with Asphalt betwesn Second and Third Streets, Also poutth Street between Arrowhead Avenue and "D" Street and construct cement concrete Gutters therein; lotion etoonded by Gounc3l - N man Gansner and carried. ~ i y Sidewalks Councilman Hansen moved that City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans an3 Specifications for uno n Giavonola Ave ished sidewalk on Giavonola Avenue betwesn Rialtro and Belleview Avenue ~[otion seconded by Councilman Oan- ~.y sne:, and carries. Councilman Davidson moved that Fire Chief Starke be allowed ~'f5.00 to cover partial expense that he ms y attend t.ht ?ire Chief's Convention at Tacoma~Tfeshirsgton, ?`oLion eeronded by Councilman Gansner and carried by the following vote to-wit; Ayee; Ganerer, ?os-~eil, Rnnsen, fla9ldson, noes; cone. , C OSlt 216!: pU;;e jog. Copieo f, ' Cou!ZCiI!=.a''. lEansk~n :roved t}iat the City Clnr'; be instructed to narchuoo three a!aend:nent to the Calif ;;t~ttuteo California Statutes, Lotion seconded byt Councilman Boswell and carried by tho follo•,ving vota to-crib; Ay ea Gansner, Bostcell, ^nnsen, Davidoon noes none. The City Clerk r:as authorized to issue warrants in nayr.ents of claims apoorved this date by the "`ayor and ^inance Cxc!~ritter by the follosing vote to-wit, Ayes Gansu?r, Eoswell, lIansen rravidson, noes none i Unon motion of Councilman Ga:saner, du)_y aPCOnded by Council-ran ?avid^on and carried t}te Council adjourned to :nest L6nday .1u3ust 1°th 1913, At 7:30 P.lS. Approved this ~ day of August 1?13 ~~--!_~ .-_.!_:`r - ' yC er. i J3ayo o e Ci y o San Bernar no. ! L 1 l f l y. I, i I i I . I 6 t 4~i I! 1 I • ji ' City }[all, Sun Bernardino Calif, August 12, 1913, Special meeting of tk:e !_ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, held pursuant to tkze follo•rring notice calling see, City ]tall, ;an Bernardino, Calif, August 12, 1~}2j, sl,r, Gansner, C,4:.Boe^•ell, A,F, ]tansen, C.R,Da•rid:~on, 'A,B. 1 ruing. You are hereby notified that there •.~ill be a special meeting of the L?ayor and Co:s.•ron Council in the Council Chaxber of the City 1ia21 at ~:j0 O'clock, for *.he purpose of considering :lane and Profiles gregared by the City engineer for coazstructing Culverts at tkze corner of ":"' and TY,ird Streets, and at the inter- s~ction of :?ialto and "!;" Streets, also for t':ze consideration of resignation of A,2:. }ism, as member of the Board of Library ?rastees, tendered me this date. { Y:itn°ss my hand t'~is 12th d,•zy of August 191j, 1; j0 O'clock n,k, i j J ~ ^atick ~/ Attest 3Eaayar o Vt a Ci y o San ernardino. ', S G,Batchelor Ci'y C er . ~ ;teetin3 ~,4ae called to order by L'ayor Catick, at 7; j0 P.?d. the following rcembers of the Council being I • present, CounciLnen; Boswell, kianeen, ~zvidson, City Clerk Batchelor, Ab=ent Councilmen, Gansner, Irving. Pllans 3: The City Bngineer presented Plano and Profiles for the construction of culverts at t}te corner o:' "F" Profiles Culverte and Third Streets, and at the inter:;e^tion of Rialto Ave:zue and "X" Street, Councilmen 1*.ansen :nov.=.d that F&3rd Rialto do :aid Plans and Profiles he ad op±ed ~s Tana for the woe's shozcn and that the Street Superintendent be in- E g structed to advertise for bide for doing said work. I::otion ser,onded by Co,incilr:an Davidoon and carried by the follo~rinu vote to-sit; Ayes; Bosi~ell, }?ansen, Davidson, :;oes; none, Resign' Tk:e follo•.vir,g iaas pre:.~nter! and read, Library Ban Pernardino Calif, Aug, 12, 191j, ~ Trustee ~ To the 1~1yor and Co~~aoiz Council, ~ I }iereb}• `.e;:~.icr ~,y resignation as ~~e:~zb~:r of the Library Board, to *.aEe effect at once, .'i.3:. l iu:r:. C"..^,il::an Ikzvidson xcved that resignation of A.;4, ;i.~:.n fro::; Eoard of Library Trustees be accepted, 'lotion dec:,,zde3 b;~ Counci}rr.,ar: xan-e:: ::^~1 ~'?rried, f Beir.C no furtk~er busin•~ss the Co•.~i;cil adjoar::eci. ~/J~ Appra•rcd this/~ d3y o," .lug-ust 113. >F,~~~~~`"/ --r.~-,'-_.- - ~ ," C3T,~ ~r',c. •or o e v o ;;en ernar no. i _ -- _ 1' C1ty Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. August, 18, 1913. Adjourned regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the Cijy of San Bernardino. Meeting was called to order by +~ayor Ca tick at 7:30 p.Y. The following members of the Council ~ being present, Councilmen; Canener, Boswell, Ranaen, Absent Councilmen, Davidson and Irving. 31nuLes of adjourned meeting held August 11, 1913 were read and approved, minutes of regular ad- fourned meeting held August 11, 1913 were read and approved, ldinutee of special meeting held August 12, 1913 were read and approved. Res of Int. Resolution of Intention No 62/ for the iaprovement of Orange Street, from •B" Street to Arrowhead No 62/ Orange atr. avenue by the construction of cement concrete addewalk and curb thereon was read for final passage, and sidewalk upon motion of Councilman Hanauer, duly seconded by Councilman Ranaen and carried said resolution was laid over for two weeks. Bonds Bonds of E.J. Gilbert and A.1~, xam in the penal sum of X1000.00 each qualifi Bod water Cozma. ng ae Member of the E,J, C,ilbert. Board of Dater Commissioners were presnted and read, Councilman Ganener moved that bonds of E,J GiiberL ' A.k~. Ram. and A.M, ~am be accepted and approved. Potion seconded by Councilman Bswall and carried. ~ Bids AilLo B1ds having been recalved this date by the City Cierk for the furnishing of One Automlble Truck. Truak. councilman Gananer moved that said bids be opened, }totion seconded by Councilman Ranaen and carried. The follo~ing proposal"s_were read;t. San Bernardino cif. Aug. 13. 1913. ` Board of Trustees, City of dan Bernardino, Calit. Dear Sirs;- I wish to submit for your consideration the following bid for automible truck as per our sgecifications. I will furnish a "Fort" 20 S:P 1000 lbs capacity truck for six hundred 0600.00) delivsryr to be made one day after acceptance of bid. t Respectfully. , i J. D Gentry. San Bernardino ~slif. Aug. 18. 1913. ~' Ta the y"syor d common Council. t-- San Bernardina, Calif. E Gentlemen;- ' Pursuant to your ad~ertisment ae per enclosed copy, I hereby agree to itirnish one 1913 Studebaker "20" Rosso-power, three speed Auto Truck of 1000 pounds Capacity, sane rwateed for ~ !IIe yea! from date of purnhssa, against imperfeCtioAS ir~aterial, for the sue 0i 50.00 (Eight ~ Rundred ?itty Dollars), and enclose here with ~ Certified check for ~BS.oo {eighty n ve ll~irs) ' to the Treasurer of the City of San Bernardino, sane representing 10~{ of the amount of m, b1d, for good faith as called for in enclosed advertisement. Yery respectfully, . Studsbaksr Ser?ice Cotpa~. i - . Z.C. Brandenbar`. -ProII? ~ Counoilsran ~aasner moved Lhst bid of E.C Brandenburg be accepted asld that all other bids be reJsot- ' f b, Councilmari:.8ossti2l moved that matter be laid over until neat meeting tile. ]lotion seconded by Council- ` dan bansea and aazried. p Ag City Engineer presented Plans and 3peoificatioas for the oonstructioa of cement sidewalk and curb ' l" ~ sidewalk on the north side of Tourth street between A and B streets Councilman Gansner soved that said plaua 4th street. " " " " . and Speeificalion be referred to the City Attorney, Notion reeonded by Councilman Boswell end carried. City *..ngineer pree~l~ted >~s and specific:Lions for the"eoastruction of a Corrugated iron culvert at the oorasr of Aisi~o avenue sad "(f" Street and at the Corner of Rialto avenue and Carter avenue, Councilasn xansen sroved that Plans and speeificatioas presented be adopted and that the street superintasdsnt be instsnCted to advertiser k, c opt from page 601 for bide'for the doing of work specified in said Plana and Specifications, Lotion seconded by Council- man Gansner and carried. Le Roy Trao~'. Plat of the Le Roy'sSeventh street trac~G was presented ~~for acceptance, upon motion of Counoil- man Hansen duly seconded by Councilman Gansner and carried said plat wee referred back to owner for • more co~aglete de*.{~ation ~ for Lhe Dorportion of the property. Bill Posting Attorney Yc Nabb appeared before the Council in regard to the controversey between the Bill j Posting Company and the Street aunerlntendent and the Fire Chief, and requested that r,actioa in matter be po"stphoned until the return of R.B Swing attorney for the Bill Posting Company. Protest against Sudge P.F. Bledsoe addreesed the Council in regard to the adopting of Ordinance prohibting ord skating skating on the public sidewalks, aad urged that the Council repeal said ordinance. Petition Petition of J.A. Bdwarde for a permit to conduct a Billard and Pool Hall at 329 "D" Street James Bdwarda Pool Rhll together wt2h the soaaeat of more than a maiortiy of property owner and tenaants within 100 feet of euoh loaetion waspresnted and read. Petition of F. Barnes Petition of F. Barnes 394 Third street together with the consent of more than a mssority of pool Hall the property owner and teanante within 100 feet of such location waspresented and read, Councilman 'k Hansen moved that petitions of J. A Bdxards and F. Barnes for Pool Room* permits be referred to the ' Chief of Police for investigation, ldotion seconded by Councilman Boswell and carried. l Protest against Attorney George Johnson appeared before Lhe Council and entered protest against the granting Pool Hall at 394-3rd-str. of a license for the doll Hall at 394- Third Street. ~ Appl~tion Application of M.N. ~lekio~c for an extension of 50 days eddtitional tins to complete the coat- ! Y.H Pekich extend time Tact for the construction off sewer in "I" Street between Van Ness and Bighth street was presented and I et Sewer. ! read. ~ Rss authtzing Resoltubon authorising the Street Superintsiadent to extend the time by 30 days the time fine extend of tine t by him for the completion of the work apeoiiied in that certain contrast eater into between said ' Superintendent of streets and Y.5 Pekish for the construction of sewer in "I" Street between Van seas . ~ and Eighth Street was read for the first tiMisand laid over for final passage. Petition The following petition waspreaented and read. restricted Res district To the Mayor and Council in and for the City of San Bernardino, California. (~entiemen;- ~ f l ~ The`underaigaed whose names'are'subscribed he'rato-being citi$sne and property. owner's is the } ` City~oi San Bernardino, California; sil'2lving.s•ithia that certain-district lesorlbed as follows, Start ing at Baptist Allay on G street thecae running east on Baptist a12 aji to Barris Alley, tlsenoe running Louth on Iiairl,• Alley,: to second street ttiescs ruasiag treat on 8eooesd ateet to G, ~~treet, thencs~ ruua• } ~ ing north o`ti 6. street to Baptist ailq the piece of beglanissg;~RSsp~otfully, petition your lionorabls boq~.to deelars by ordlasude or 'otherwise, the above described listrict i rsatrlcfea`resi.deny distriot end pt~'ohibit the constr~tioa m?intsiniag or operation of asp publio $aragr livery feed. and sale stable within said ti~astristsd resident district. the intention of the petitioners wgose apses ere wbscribsd ~ hereto being~efcip'l'DBir3t the construction or maintaining of arsy public garage or livery and feed atabls within the above described reetrieted distriot or within that certafa dietriat as fe herein described Respectfully subscribed. B.Y Spangler Rarris Aliq lot 50 feet. Johs tiaslmsy Harris Ailey Lot 14'/;fset. George Bhitlook 232 Harris Aliq Lot 50 feet. Y.f A~afsr 2i4 Barri• Alley Lot 100 fast. Yr• Dowaq Lot 25 east. B.V Case G etrset lot 30 fast. Yrs Bettie Harris 20~ 0 Stzset. ~ a.T stanbury 205 0 attest. G.Y. Haaooor 225 0 8t:set. llrs Sarah C Boiq 201 G street lot 75 7C 24. , '`~ , ¦ hods 0 etrset Lot 300 asst. `-. Councilman Boswell coved that petition be laid over until next msetiag tins, Potion seeoaded by Council• sac Gaasaer and carrial. Claias The City Clerk was wuthorised to issue warrants la payment of olaias approved this Bats by the i +~ayor aad piaaaoe oomaittee by the following vote~to-wit; Ayss; Gaasnsr. Boswell. Haassa,~ Yoss~aoas. E.. - -- - _ . Cont from page 60 2. ~G l i Beta~b grade f Councilman Boswell moved that the City Engineer be instructed to establish the grade on Fuaeell 8uaee1l street. ~ 6treet and that he prepare Plane and apeciflcations for Lhe construction of sidewalk and curb in said ' Ptieaeli Street between Base line and Thirteenth 6treet 3[otion seconded by Councilman Cananer and carried. ~ t~' Upon motion of Councilman Hansen duly seconded by Councilman Zfanener and carried the Council ad- a ~ ~ 3ourned to meet monday August the ¢5 th, 1913.°x7;36 P.Y. ~=2`~-!~~~~~"`r T~ Approved this ~ ~dey of August 1913. C Y er . d , y r a y o n ernar r i l ~ J f ~ ~ i i i I r ~ 1 4 ~u .- ~ E M { ' - I I 4 /~ \ i 1 1 t t 1 ~d~ ----- - - _- - - ~ • City Hall, Ban Bernardino, Calif Aug. 25, 1913. Ad3ourned regular meeting of the Kayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. Meeting sae called to order by L'syor Cat£ck at 7:40 p.11; The Yollowing members of the Council ,i( being present, Councilmen Gananer, Poewell, Harleen, and C£ty Clerk Eatahelor;.Abeent Councilmen, -g Davldaon~Irving. btinutea of the previous meeting were. read and approved. Res extend Resolution authorizing the Superintendent of StreetSto~extend by~30,day"s the tips fixed by time I at. sewer. him for the completion of the work specified in that certain contract entered into betx•een =aid Superin- tendent of Streets,arsd lr,F., Pekich for construction of sewer in "I" Street between Van }"see and Righth Streets, wee read and adopted~by the following vot! to-wit; A,yee; Gananer, Boswell, Hansen, Noee; none. Sta~'t.of 7,E .^-Latement of the Pacific Electric =ailway Compae~y of earnings and voucher in the amount of Railway Co. X51,16 covering percentage of payment of Franchise PIo.245 for the year ending August 20, lyl3 was pree- ented and read. Councilman P.oawell moved that said statement be received and placed on file, L°,otion sec - onded by Councilman Gananer and carried. The following letter was present and read. C.C Haskell's San Bernardino, Calif, Aug,25, Iyl3. letter. `-~ To the }=ayor and Comr.on Council of the City of San $ernardinQ, Gentlemen;- Please make an order at your meeting thin evening authorizing me to place;345.00 in the Treasury of the City ae a refund on account of loeaee~on the first gunicipai gleciion to amend the Charter 1aet~Binter. • AeslecSft111y yours. C,C, Haskell. Councilman HanenPr moved that C,C Haskell be authorized to place X345,00 in the Treasury of City as per hie request. }'otion seconded by Councilman Ha sen and carried. it C,C Darling San $ernardino Calif Aug. 25 113. ' Policeman ~ ' eue~~.ended, To the Common Council of the City of Ban Bernardino, Gentlemen;- ,,-~,. On Aug 23, 1y13 I suspended C,C Darling Police officer from duty for direlection and neglect of duty. ~ Yours respectfully. Jip Catick. Ttayor. Auto truck. Pide for the fern;ahing of an Auto Truek~presented at the last meeting were taken up and consider- ; Bide rejected. ed, Councilman Hansen moved that all bids be rejected and that certified checks be returned to bidders; Motion seconded by Cou»cil~man Gananer and carried. App'tion Application of the A T.3,F Railway Compargr for permission to excavate and place pipes is "I" A,T S.F RIy Street was read Councilmanransner aDoved that the Spplication be referred to flee Superintendent of Streets i Potion seconded by L'ouncilman Hansen and carried. I Bida culiert Fida having been received this dtite by the Super£nt~edelt of Streets for the construction of 3:a e: F. culvert at the corner of Third and "F" Streets and Rialto •x4nue and 'R" Street, rounciLman ransen moved that bide be openld~motion seconded by Councilman Aoawell and carried. (' , The following was presented and read. San Bernardino Cal. Aug 25, 1913. 1'o the Ron. Y.ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. Sentleasen;- , in pursuance to the notice herewith attached inviting sealed bids on cuaverts, class A coat from page ~04, -- ~ -- and B at the intersection of F and Third Streets and Class A at the intersection of Rialto and R Streets, We beg to submit the following bid, We will construct the classes of culverts above mentioned according to the plane and apecificatione on rile in the City ?engineers Office and to the satisfaction o ~ of the Street E;upt., for the following prices; Culverts Class A at 3rd do P Ste %~~ 3;98 per lin ft. Culvert Class B at 3rd a ?Sts ® 4.99 " " " i Culvert Class A at Rialto do R Sts . 3.a9 " • " ~ Thescpricea to include everything in. the construction of said~culverte. Hereto olaase find certified check for 106 of the proposed bid, Respectfully Submitted ~' Bohan & Tuttle ~ Room 343 3rd street Per }C,F Tuttle. City. E San Bernardino Cai, Aug 25, 191j. k Street Superintendent, City of San Bernardino. + !e the underei'gned will construct corrugated Iron culvert east side of R street and Rialto iE ave,according to the specifications for the sum of X3.75 per linal foot. i will construct class A culvert and clear B culvert 3rd end r streets according to plane and specifications for the sum of X586.00 James Lc Nair Paing Co. Fer '~ James 1LC ?fair. i Councilman uanaen moved Ghat the bid of.Bo~han and Tuttle be accepted ae being the lowest and ,r' best bid on both culverts ae specified contract be awarded to said Bohan and Tattle, and that certified r r check be returned to unsuccessful bidder, }mtion seconded by Councilman Gansner and carried by the follow ing vote to-wit; gyea Gansner, Doswell, flana2n No ea; none. Petition The following petition was presented and read. ~ amend ord ~ No. 303. To the Eonorable liayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. gentlemen;- , We, the undersigned citizens of the City of San Bernar~ino, hereby petition your honorable z;ody to amend Ordinance 1Qo 303 so that social games caa be carried on legally as in other large Cities. Respectfully. Frank Rathbun. ldespelt and Oweger. C E'Sn'ydet. H,H Webster. S.C Chapman. W.G Billingsley. Tyman S1'sk Hott and Windleman ' Gabel and Lauterback. George T. Webb F.H Authier Sam Freidmary ~ ` .Ord 9o Ordinance number revealing Ordinance number 303 was read for the first Lime and laid over '`•_ Amend O'rcTJ7II 303. for final passage. Le Roy 7th st Plat of Le Roy's Seventh street tract was taken up and considered plat was referred back to tract. owners far certificate of title. Petition read at last meeting requesting Council to establish a residence district was takes up Councilman Gansner moved that petition be denied motion seconded by Councilmap Boswell and carried P. $ City F•ngineer preaented4Plans and Bpecifications for the construction of Sidewalk and curb ~ sidewalk curb A st ear A $tree'tbetween Third and Fourth Streets, Councilman Gansasr moved that said Plans and specifications i j bet 3rd A 4th. f be referred tc the City Attorney notion seconded by Councilman Boswell sad aarrisd• r P~$ for City Engineer presented Plans and ~pecificatioas for the aoastivction of sidewalk seed sorb is sidewalk curb ~ Stoddard Avs• Stoddard Avenus between Base line and Thirteenth Street, Councilman Bosewell moved that said Pleas and epecificatioas be referred back to City engineer. ]lotion seconded by Councilman Gansner and carried" Culverts City Ahgineer prevented Plaas snd specifications fpr the construction of Corrugated Iroa cuh~ Rialto d I ?ert. at the intersection of Rialto avenue and "I" Street. Councilman Rsnsen moved that said pleas sad Specifications be adoptad as the Plans and eoecifications for the conatructioa of corropled Iroa eulvssty !n Rialto avenue and "I" Street, and that Street SupPrinteildeat be instructed to advertise for bids for the doing of said work, }'otion seconded by Councilman Cansner and carrisf~ E - -- - . Coast from page b05. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payments of claims approved this date by the Mayor and Finance committee, by the follovting vote to-wit; Ayea; Councilmen Ganener, Aoswellf Hansen. Noes. none. c Upon motion of Councilman Ganener duly seconded by Councilman Boswell the Council ad3ourned to meet Monday September 1, 1913 at ~:30 P.l[. AFProved this '1~ day of September 1913 Ci y er . i ~~~~ys-yBi o t o C1 y o San Bernar ino. f t i •3 • ! f l 1 I l ! City fall, San Bernardino, Calif. Sept 2, 1913. Special meeting of the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino held pursuant Lo the follow- ing notice. San Bernardino Calif Aug. 29, 1913. ~ ~ To Mayor J.W Catick. Councilman. H.F. Ganener. Councilman, W.$ Irving. sentle~en;- Pursuant to section 53 of the charter oY the City of San Bernardino , pe the under- signed hereby call a special meeting of the Common Council of said City, for the purpose of naming one of the members of said Council"iiayor teanore" to act during the absence of Mayor Catick. Special ECeeting will be bald TueaQay the second day of September 1913, at 9o~clock A.H for the above stated purpose. Respectfully. . councilman C.W. Boswell. CgunciLnan C.Rz Davidson f Councilman A.F. Hansen 1Seeting was called to order by Councilman Davidson the following members of the Council being ' i. present Councilman; Gananer, Davidson, Irving, and City Clerk Batchelor. Absent; Mayor Catlor;Cou3gilmeA i Hansen; Boswell. IIpon motion of Counci~lmaa Irving duly seconded by Councilman Ganarier and carried the Council appointed C.R Davidson a member of the Common Council as "lfayor'te®pore" during the absence from the City of 11ayo;r J.•f Catick, it first being determined that Mayor Catick would be absent from City for several dayts. There being no further business the Council adjourned, approved this ~ day of September 1913. C Y er l ~1~7'C.~ 9Z-( ~ ~i•-~7s~y~~May o e C y o n ernar no. j I i i s 1 1 i --- _-___ _ ._...a ~ - --.. i City Ilsll, Son Bernardino Calif. September 2, 1913. Adjourned regular meeting of the 1!ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. C.R Daiidaon"L'ayor tempore". i Meeting was called to order by Lfayor tempore C.R, Iavidson at 7;30 P.Lt, the following; members of the council being present, Councilmen; Gansner, Haneen, Davidson, Irving, Absent Liayor Catick Council- 1 ' man Boswell. I:inutea of the meeting held AuquaL 25, 1;13 were read and approved,I'inutes of >pecisl meeting held September 2, 1913, 9~3o A,L[. were read and approved. Res of Int Resolution of the ISayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, decls~ring their intent T;o 621 sidewalks ion to improve Orange street fzrom the ';Peet line of B streeL,to the Fa et line of Arrowhead Aveaue by con- e. Orange atr, atructing cement concrete sidewalks and curbs thereon Ras read i'or final rassage and adopted by the follow ing vote to-wit;- Ay ea; Gansner, Ilanaen, Ihvidson, Irving, noes; none. Ord An Ordinance repealing Ordinance number.303 was read .for final passage. Upon motion of Councilman Resp~ ord 303 Hansen,Seconded by Councilman Gansner aadc.carried said Ordinance was laid over for two weeks. r Repo rte Reports of the Chief of Police, City Slectrician~and Superintendent of etreeta~for the south ending , C of Police 9 City Rlect August 30, 1913 was present and read, Councilman Irving moved that said reports be received and placed on ' ~' Supt Street rile motion seconded by Councilman Haneen and carried. ~r Appl of Application of Eell and Sheehan Por retail liquor license ao. 54§--$4~ Third street, together Bell A; Sheehan petail liquor. with bond in tY,e sum of X2000.00. G.H Bublita anQ Harry Groves as euretiba, Said license to be in ltiu liceaee. ~ of license issued to John S Brunt was present and read. ~ouncilmarz Haneen moved that license now being ~k issued to John S Brunt be discontinued and declared void ,and that license be issued to Bell/and Meehan E and Bond present be accepted and approved. I:otion eeconded by CounciLasrn Gansner and carried by the following vote to-wit; Ay ea. Gansner, Aansen, Davidson, Irving, noes none. Communication of the League of California 1~~unicipalities advising the Council of the 'tenth annual Convention to be held in the City of Venice October 6th to 11th 1913, Louncilamn jrving moved that the communication be received and placed on rile, motion seconded by Councilman Haneen and carried. Pida having been received Est day o_* September by the Street Superintendent for the construction of ' corrugated iron culvert at I'iialto avenue ahd "r," Street also corruogated iron culvert at.Aialto'avenue and Carter avenue said bids were presented to Council and upon motion oY Councilmen Rsnsen duly seconded by Councilman Gansner and parried the following bide were considered. San Bernardino kalif "apt 1, 1913. To the Honorable Layor and Common council , City of San jlernardino, California. Gsntlemen;- ' i In parsuanoe to the'notioe here to attached in~itiag sealed bid• on culverts, Clas• A at f Rialto avenue and 9, and a= Rialto avenue and carter avenue, wa beg to submit the following bid; •a will construct the Class A culverts abo~l aentioned according to the plans and spec iflcatioas on file in the City fi7~iAeers office and to the satisfaction of the street Supt for the following pricgs C1ase A culvert at ialto eve and Garter 'for :3;4g per lineal foot of culvert. Cias• A Culvert at Rialto eve and G sor X3.49 per lineal foot of culvert. These prices to include everything in the canetructibn of said culverts coravlete. ~!ing walls not to be included in the l.ngthe~of culverts stud for which no charges is made. Aereto please find check for °"~ 101 of pronosPd bid F ' ~ . Respectfully Submitted. i Fohan 1k Tuttle. . per K.F Tutt'te. j San }~ernardino Calif. Sept let 1913. To ttororabie City Council. of San'~ernardino Townshiy, County of San Bernardino, State of California. cont from page b08. I will build culvert on xialto and G st, I to furnish all material and labor according to clans and spec_ ificationa of the Street superintendent for Lhe cum of Two ~!undred and ninty six dollars 0296.00) Yours J.D fCerr, contractor. San Bernardino Calif. Sept. 1, 1813. - To }ionorable City Council of :ran ?lernardino 'township, County of San Bernardino, State of California, I will build Culvert on Rialto and Carter ave,furnish all material and labor according to Plane and Specifications of the street superintendent for the cum of ?wo Hundred and Minty six dollars 0296.00) Yours - J,9 Kerr. Contractor. Councilman Ganener moved that bid of Bohan and Tuttle be accepted as being the lowest and beet bid and contract awarded to i"said Bohan and Tuttle and that a21 other bid be refected, and cash retarned to the unsuccessful bidders, ~nntion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried by the following vote Lo-wit; Py ee~Gansner, jlansen, Davidson and Irving. noneP none. xee of Award, resolution of the mayor and Common Council e:QatiStngic9ntsaet:for.the,eflaetruation of culverts Culverts ' Bohan g Tuttle. aL Rialto avenue and G street and at Rialto eaeaue and Carter Avenue to AIa,P, 9ohan and Krarl-F.Tuttle i was read for the first time and laid over for final »aseage. Petition Petition of the Southern Sierras Pewer Company fora cannellation of Franchise Aond of Fred B. 'i So 3erriae L Pewer Co. Eiechling~and for acceptance and approval of new Bond in ilia thereof was greaent and read. i f Ree. Accept' ~eaolution of acceptance of Bond of Southern Sierras Power Company, Aetna and Accident and fond So Sierras ower Co. Liability Company~of Hartford,Conn, as eureti iallieu of Bond of Fred B,mechling cowering a certain - r ~ Fr..nchiaeiwas read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Swiming Pool Councilman Davidson presented Plan and specifications~f6r the construction of a ewiming pool in 1~eadowbrook " dark lfeadowbrook Park~far the consideration of the Council, no action was taken. G Pierce Councilman haneen moved that Glenn Pierce~be epployed~lto set as City Electrician during absence gPP*t to g City Elect of H.A Snyder on vacation. motion seconded by Councilman 8anener one carried by Lhe following vote to-wit Ayee~Gananer, Hansen~Davidson, Irving noen~none. P & S pity Rngineer presented Plans and Specification for the construction of Sidewalk and curb on the Sidewalk H Side 4th north aide of Fourth street~fro~n the east Iine of Baldridge tract to '~atermest avenue and south aide of street. ~;' _ ~ Fourth street between Allen street and paterman avenue,,Councilman Ganener moved that said Plans cad ~ , specifications be referred to the Special Counsul R,F Swing to prepare Ordinance establishing grade liotioa seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried 1 Councilman Boswe121took his seat at the Council at 8;30 P,l1. f Ord Ordinance of the lFsyor and Common Council of Lhe City of San $ernardino, establishing grade of € Grade~~h st ,Fourth street from the east line of°A'to the west line of Waterman avenue of said City was read for the ' first time and laid over for final paeeeje. Light rear Councilman Raneen moved that a light be installed at the rear of the City Pavilion motion second ~ City Pa311ion ed by Councilman Trviag and carried by the following vote to-wit; /~i~es Ganener, Boswell Hansen Davidson Irving noes; none. Cut weeds Councilman ~ Wing moved that the St rest ~apsrlntg8wnt be instructed to cut the weeite is "L" Str- L bet 5th 7th S set beteen Fifth and eventh streets. motion seconded by Councilman Ganener and carried„' ' I Aee of LeRoF ~ Resolution of the lEayor and Coon Council accepting plat of Le toy's seventh street eubdivieioas nth st tract. and the streets as designated therein was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. ~ru~w C.A Davidaori Mayor ie:npore~~appointed S,k RQess~sa ~oliee~i9A Councilman kanssn moved that appoiata I S.l! =.eese. ~ went of 3,L Reese~as Police officer be coedineed, lotion seconded by Councilman Gansner~and carried. Oro Chief of Police _ cont from pa+ge 609, 0;ld An ordinance dAclaring all ~lacea or buildings nuisance i[herein or upon xliich acts of lewd- C of~olice Hess, aesignation~or proetitution~are held or occur or which are used for such purnosea,and providing by the Chief of Policg. for the abatement and prevention of such nuiiance. was press»tehand"read~Councilman eneen moved'.Lhat said 6rdinance be laid on table•motion seconded by councilman Loewell and carried. • The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payment of claims approved this date by the ~ 1layor and Finance committee by the following vote to-wit Ay es~uanener~Boawell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving ho ea J none. Light install Councilman Doswell moved that ark lightf{be installed at the intersection of Sixteenth and 16th & E ' Waterman ave. "E" Streets and Yaterman avenue between Highland avenue and Base line SLreet.Motion seconded by council- man Irving and carried by the following vote to-wit; ~yes~C~anener, Boswell, Hansen, llaivdeon, Irving. nod noes none. Upon motion of Councilman Frying.duly seconded by councilman Gansner and carried the Council ad,~ourned to meet Idonday September 8th 1913 .7;30 P,?!. Approved this day of September 1813 pi y er t Mayor o e y o n ernar no. 4, 1 (Omission) Ord An ordinance fixing the rate and levjring a property tax for the Current fiscal year upoa all • Fixing rate tax property within the City of San Bernardino, for the purpose of maintaining the kunicipe:l Government of said City and paying the principal and interest due upon the Hubbard dater Boado~the Antil dater Bonds, and the Municipal Improvement Bonds, during the current Fiscal year. was read for the first lima snd passage. ~ laid over for final Approved this day of "ep0ember 191j y er . t (/ /t,4 ~-~-~ OR OF CITY OF SAIg Ba'RRAR4I'f0. ', I • r-~ l r i i '~ ~' I' F i d • rl I i _ . ~ _ ~-:~..~~~~. ...ate-.s..r _._~e~~.--... .1.~ _ .~~- _ _ _ _ City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif, September 8, 1913. Adjourned regular meeting of the Yayor and Common Counciliof the City of San Bernardino. C.R Davidson, Dayor Pro tempore. l[eeting was called to atTmer by Mayor Pro tempore C.R Davidson at 7:30 P.lL, the following \ /~ members of the Council being present, Councilmen. Gansner, Boswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving. 3inutea of the previous meeting wereread and approved as corrected. Ord Fo 533 An Ordinance fixing the Rate and Levying a Property Tax for the Current Fiscal year upon all pro- adopted tax fiscal p=rty within the City of San Bernardino, for the purpose of maintaining the ZRUnicipal Government of said j year ig13. City,and paying the principal and interest due upon the uubrsrd hater Bonds, the Antil Rater Bonds, and the L`uniciosl Improvement Aonds, Tu ring the current fiscal gear, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wiL; Ay ea; Ganener. Boswell, Fianeen, Davideon~Irving, Roes; none. h Res of Award Resolution of the 1~ayor and Common Council awarding the contract for the construction of culverts Bohan k Tuttle Culverts "G" at Rialto Avenue and "G" Streets and at Riilto xveaus~,and Carter Avenue to Rm.D. Bohan and Karl F Tuttle Rialto d Rialto k Cater ave. was read for final passage and adopted by Lhe following vote to-wit; Ayes; Gansner, Boswell, Hanssn, Davidson, Irving. noea~none. `ten &ea Leroyfs Resolution of the Etayor and Common Council aece~ting plat of Leroyfs Seventh street Subdivision 7th street tract and the streets as designated thereon was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit ' adopted. Apes; ~anener, Boswell, Hanaea, Davidson, Irving, Foes; none. . '_~ Dr+! Fo. 53a. Aa Ordinance of~the '•syor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardi no,establiehing the Official _ Orade of official grade of Fourth street from the east line of •A" Street to the west line of Ratermaa Avenue City 4th street. adopted. of San Bernardino, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayes Gansner, • Boswell, Ranaen, Davidson, Isw ing, Foespoae. Statement Statement of F.P, l[eraerve, County Assessor of~the personal property tax in and for Lhe City of Co Assessor PeoD tss Ban Bernardino was presented•:Councilman Hansen moved that statement be received and placed on file.Yotion seconded by Councilman Boswell and carried. App'1 ~ Application of F. Barnes for license to conduct a Billard and Poll Eall~at 3g4 Third street was i F Barnes pool 8000 presented and read, Councilman ransner moved that applicatii>n be granted, ISotion seconded by Councilman f '~ ~ ~ ~ Boswell and carried. `'' ~ Res Ord wY Resolution of the liayor and Common Council of the City of Sea Bernardino ordering the work foi the { lOLh sts I serer construction of an eight (8) incY#vitrified pipe sewer on Teeth street cossuncing at a point 130 feet east E bet D do C. of the east line of "D'°Strtet~thence running easterly along centre line of Tenth etrert.; to a manhole at the intersection of the oentre linen of Tenth atreeL and Arrowhead Avenue, together with fifteen Slash by 4-inch wyee, one flush tank, and one manhole, was read for the first tine and laid over Yor final pass- age. Bee osd wir Resole rion of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino ordering the wozk for flee } 10th sir sewer bet improvss~snt of Tenth street, by the construction of an 8 inch vitrified pipe sewer in said Tenth street 3 C A B str. " ~' - o0mme»oing at a point 120 feet seat of the east line of Arrowhead Aveaus~thence running easterly along the ~' t Canter line of Tenth atreet~to a manhole at the intersection of the enter Iine of ?enth street with the center line of ~~'" street, together fifteen 8-inch by 4-inoh wyes, one flush teal[, and one manhole, wa• f ''' read for the first time and laid over for final passage. l ~- ~ ' l lies ord wk Resolution of the Mayor and Cosaon Council at the City of San Bernardino ordering soak for the ooa- 10th str 111' stover bat etruction of an 8-inch vitrified pipe sewer in Tenth etreet~ co~enciag at s point in the center lies of A A do B etr Tenth street, fins (50) feet zest of the west >Nnadsry line of "A• 8trset~theuoe runsiof western along the center line of Tenth street, with the center line of "B" Street~togsibss with ~~ii~01! by 4 tech Ass t ~ one fluel~ tank, one manhole, was rea6 for the first Limc and laid ores fps tinwl pusage• W.: cont from page bll. ~ Chief of Tblice ! The Ch1eP of Folice reported that he had conferred with attorneys regarding Ordinance presents d i report on Ord eubmitte8 Sept. at last meeting, declaring all places and building nuieances~wherein acts of lewdness and etcaetera, a, 1913. , ` are held or occur, Councilman uanaen moved that the City Attorney and Special Couneul, be instructed to draft an Ordinance covering sub3ect presented by Chief of Police, Potion eeconded by Councilman Boswell and carried. ' P & S for the The City Engineer presented Plane and Specificatione~fdr the repaving of ?~ourth street from the repaving of 4th street. west line of 11r'rowhead'Avenue~to the east line of •D" Btreet, Councilman Gansner moved that said Plane and specificatione,be referred to the City attorney.tlotion seconded by Councilman Zrving and carried. Chief of Police Councilman Davidson moved that the Chief of police be authorized to retain all feee collected retain feee of Ibg tax. for Dog licenses, issued by him, he to pay all expenses incurred in taking up and disposing of Doge running at large, Y.otion eeconded by Councilman Gansner and carried bq the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Gansner, Poswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving. Bo of gducat~n Communciation of F.C Seccombe~President of the Board of Fducation~and L.Z. Peeman~Principal of closing Curtis atr during the High School ~ requesting that the north one half of Curtis street, be closed to the public during games. football and Baee Ball games, Councilman i;anaen moved that the Street Superintendent and Street Committee be impowered to close said north one half of Curtis street as they may find it necessary by reason of 4 1 High School athletic e, Potion seconded by Councilman Boswell and carried. St Supt Councilman Hansen Yoved that the Street Superintendent~be authorized to map Qut streets for the ~ Yap out etr ~ for Circus Circus parade and that said Circus parade be restricted to the streets ae designated by said Street, ~ parade. Superintendent, Potion eeconded by Councilmar? Boswell and carried. Ord repeal Councilman Hansen moved that Ordinance repealinl Ordinance Ro 303~be talon up and considered, ao ord 303 defeated. lion seonded by Councilman Boswell and carried. Ordinance repaelin~ number 303 was read for final passage and defeated 'as per the following vote to-wit. Ayes; 1Qone, $o ea; Gansner, Boswell, Aaneen, DavidBOn, Irving, ~ Asy within lE, Newberg appeared before the Council and suggested legislation providing for the keeping of fire limits. j flay within the fire limits. Councilman Gansner moved that matter be referred to the City attorney to draft and Ordinance limiting the amount of hay to be stored within the fire limits, gotion seconded ~y , I~ Councilman Hansen and carried. Steil Bill Councilman Aaneen moved that I[r. Rail, Bill Poster, be granted,permiseioa of replawing woopdea K_' y' ~ Boards. ~~-_ ,~" Bill Boarderwith steel Bill Boards, 1[otion eeconded by Couacilmaa Irviaf and carried. ~ ' Laterals Councilman Irving called attention to the sewer contractors in •I' Street runningz~laterals into eewsl. . fato dwellin~,,~in violatiop of Ordinance. withont.fire!'ssanring pereeitsar., Councilman Hsneea gyred that the City Engineer be instructed to enforce the plunbiag Ordinance kotion eeconded by Couaoilann Csnsner sad carried. 1 bight 6th str Councilman Gansner moved that an arc light be installed is Sizth street~betwesn,•D' and •E• Street ` bet D ~ E. Potion eeconded by Counoile?an Raneen and carried by the following vote to-wit; Ayes Gansner, Roswell xanaen, Davidson, Irving. Rosa; none. } 8lraters City Councilman Hansen mossd that the City Pavilion be thrown open to youthfhl shatess troy the ors '. PavilioA 2, P.Y. to 5 P.Y. daily. motion eeeondad Dy Councilman Boswell and carried. ' City Pavilion Request having been wade by the *.nglish T,utheran Church, for the use of the City'~Iavilion Oetobes, , ,i 1?vaagelistic ~ uurnoses. 19, 1913 for RvangelesL~e wervleew, CouneiLaan Aaneen ipoveA that they be granted use of Pavilion. they Ue 4..,,,~~ pp for lights and Ja~itor~s services and that the City Fz~gineer be instructed to make ao'inepectloA a! live building before=7asedtMotion secoadad by Councilman Irving and carried. Improve wL" Counoilman Irving moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to improve 'L' Street betwsea street. ' 5th and nth streets that said street is almost impassable a! this ties and requires immediate attention r ~ Motion seondsd by Couneilswi Blsasen and carried. - _ coast PFom page 612; i t ~ 1 Purchase Councilman Hansen presented matter for the purchasing of a strip of land near Dteadoibrook Park land near ~ meadowbrook Councilman Davidson moved that matter be referred to the Park committee, troticn second by Councilman Park Irving and carried. feeds. Councilman Irving moved that the eaciatana!(of weeds on vacant lots be declared a nuisance, and • declared j' nuisance. that City attorney~he instructed to prepare an ordinance causing property owners to clear property of ~ weeds, E'.otion seconded by Councilman Roswell and carried. Uoon motion of Councilman Bansaer duly seconded by Councilman Irving and carried the Council ad.,fourned to meet L'onday September.l5, 1913. x:30 0' clock P.Lt. v-L __/ - C y C er Approved Lhie a day of September 1913. . Mayo o e y o San 'ernar no. i -- ~ ~ ~ City Hall San Bernardino, Calif. Sept. 15, 1913. Ad,}oulned regular meeting of the L:ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. 3feeting was called to order bg 36ayor Ca Lick at 7:30 P.Y. the following members of the Council being present. Councilmen; Ganener, Boswell, Hansen, Daiidson, Irving and City Clerk Batchelor. 361nutea of the previous meeting were read and approved. ` Ree ord ik Resolutions numbers 622, 623, 624, ordering wedlc for the construction of eewer in Tenth steed 62x, 823, 624, laid between "D" and "A" streets was read for final passage, and u?on motion of Councilman Hansen, seconded Deer. by Councilman Davidson and oarried the said resolutions were laid over for one week. Bids Bids having been received this date by the Street Superintendent ,for the construction of culvert Rialto ~ I corrugat ed iron culvert in Rialto and "I" Streets Councilman }Ianaen moved that clerk, open such bide, motion Geconded by Councilman Davidson and carried. San Bernardino Calif, Sept 15, 1913. To the Honorable lEayor and Common Council, of the City of San Bernardino. Gentlemen;• ~Je the undersigned inpureuance to the attended notice calling for sealed bide on a ~ corrugated iron culbei•t at the intersection of Rialto and I Streets, beg to submit a bid as follows, Xe will construct said culvert according to plans and apecificationa in file in the City Rngineers office and to the' satisfaction to the Superintendent of Streets for 53.69 per lineal foot of culvert complete in every detail. This does not include the wing wall as a separate Dart, but said wing walls are thrown in free of~ charge. Herein please find certified check for 10~ of the proposed bid. ReapecLfuID~1y Submitted. Bohan & Tuttle Total i599.62~ Per i;arl F Tuttle. San Dernardino Calif Sept 15, 1913. To the Honorable Zrayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. In compliance with the advertisement calling therefor a copy of which is hereto annexed, I ; herebq propose and agree to perform the work mentioned upon Rialto avenue and I street, construction of culvert I will builfl and furnish labor and material for the sum of =3.22 per lineal foot and furnish all labor and materials in accordance with the specifications and execute the contract therefor, Lo the eatiefaction and under the supervision of the Street Superintendent of said City. Totla ~ §23.25. J.D. Rerr, Contractor. Councilman Hnasen moved that bi[ of J. D Kerr, be accepted sa being the lowest and best bid and that a21 other bids be rejected and certified checks retuaned to uneacceesful bidders, lEotion seconded by Council- man Davidson and carried Councilman Daeideon moved that time limit for the construction of said culvert be fixed at 15 days, frets dale of award of Contract and penality of X10.00 per day be charged for every day over time fined 1n contract. l6otion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Has of eti!a Resolution awarding contract to J.D. Rerr for the construction of Corrugated iron culvert in , Culvert to J.D. Rerr Rialto avenue and "I" Street at price specified in proposal on file for said work was read for the first time Xnd laid over for final passage. Ord An Clydinanoe eetablishing the official grade of Stoddard avenue between Tenth and Thirteenth 3YStb grade etoddard a?e streets was read for the first time and laid over for final passage Upon motion of Councilman Csnener duly seconded by Councilman Davidson and carrie4 the follow- ~" ~F order was made and adopted. 1R?ereae there became due the City of San Bernardino from the Ban Bernardino Home Telegraph and Telephone Company, under and pursuant to the f nanchise granted to Arthur Xright, in and by Ordinance no. ~ggg 275, and assigned to said comps~y, according to their stet anent with the City Clerk the sus of six ' hundred and ninety nine and 81/100 {Ks99 81) Doilare, being two (2~0 per cent of the roes earn .-__ Inge of coat from gage 614,E ®aid Company, for the year ending February 2~th, 1913, according to said statement, and Therese said telephong company have failed and neglected to nary said sum, to said City, i E ?30I THEREFnRE;- It is hereby ordered that each and all of the rights and privileges granted in and (t.,%° ~ by said franchise to said Arthur 1~right and his assigns, be forfeited and terminated unless the said San ~ 1 ~ ~ Bernardino Home Telegraph and +elehpane Company pay to the City Treasurer of the City of San Bernardino, the said Two (2~) per cent of the gross earnings of sniQ Company for the year ending February lath, 1913. together with interest thereon from the d:;te said sum became due, within five dnye from notice of the adoption of this order. And it is further ordered the Ralph E Swing, Speclel Counsel for the City of San Bernardino, be s and he is hereby instructed to notify said c~.~apany of Lhe adoption of this order and to do such things as are necessary to cause the immediate payment of said sum to the City Treasurer. I hereby certify that the foregoing order was made by the f:ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino st a reguslr meeting held on the 15th day of September, 1913. S,G Batchelor. City Clerk. f 5elaries Councilman Davidson moved that the salaries of betective W.H. Baldwin snd Police flight eargesnt ~w raised Baldwin Z.J. Starke, be raised to ~g0.00 per month motion aecon~led by; Councilman Hansen and carried by the follow- . Starke • vote to-wit;- Ayes, Gansner, Boswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving, noes; none. Repair .- Councilmen Davidson moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to repair Kt Vernon avenue bridge mt ver, bridge, and Lhat the f3ayor appoint :e committee of three to act in cowunction with the Superintendent of Streets with full power to act t'otion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried by the following vote to-wit; ~yes~Cansner, Boswell, Hansen. Davidson, Irving, noes; none. The following were appointed as the committee to act in conjunction with the Superintendent of streets; Councilman.~Gananer, Councilcian•Hsnaen, , Councilman.Davidaon. ,.~- ~ Lights Councilman,Gananer moved that the matter of removing lights from locations.where same are not need- committee ' ed and replacing of lights be referred to the lighting committee for invtatigation, Lotion seconded by , Councilman l~avidaon and carried. Union Oil Councilman Hansen stated that the Union Oil Compsrty~deaired to place small culvert under driveway co to boils ' culvert. in South "G" Street and moved Lhat matter be referred to the Superintendent of Streets with power to act, k~otion seconded by Councilman Gansner and carried. Councilman Irvine suggested that proceedings be taken far the opening of Eighth street between yt `?ernon and 'L" Street and that Arc lights be placed at the intersection of ~t Vernon and Eighth streets "G" Street vuperintendent of Streets ]iC Elvaine called attention to the "G" Street sewer sseesmente and ask sewer assessment. advise as to.tne levying of sssesea:ent on property ~r~ on west side of „G" Street where property already severed. yy ' Mayor Catick stated that time is now nearing for the City toitallAelection to vote bonderfor FlectrL distrubinP, system, and Electric railway in north went sectio~~~of the Ciity, also incorporated in Such election a proposition for Parks, in north w°nL and South west eections of City ai~ to raise money for s City Hall ~ite. Wily Clerk wRS authorized to issue warrants in payment of claims appsbved this date by the l~eyor and Finance co=ittse by the following vote to-wit, Ayee.Gananer, Boswell, FTaneen, Davidson, Irving Hoer non G con rom page Upon moticn of Councilman Hansen duly seconded by @ouncilman Daivdeon and carried the Council adjourned to meet Monday September 22, 1913 at x:30 P.2.:, O'clock, Approved this" day of 6eptember 1913• C TY C • -, L4ay the City of San ernardino. i~ i i i f z. l /"i I !' s t I f' ~ ~ .' City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. Sept 22, 1913. Adjourned regular meeting of the kayor and Common Council of the Cfty of San Bernardina, k'aeting was called to order by hayor Catick at 7:35 P,LS, the following members of the Council being ereeent, Councilman; Gananer, Eoswell, Ilansen, Davidson, Irving. City Clerk Batchelor. .- - ~ 1'inutes of the previous meeting were read and approvedr Res Ord Tork Resolution of the l:.ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, ordering work for the ,,,No. 622. `Bet D & C conetr~ction of an 8-inch vitrified pipe sewer in Tenth street, commencing at a point 130 feet east of the east line of "D" Street, thence running eaaterly,along the centre line of Tenth street, to a manhole at the inters?ction of the center lines of Tenth etreet~and Arrowhead asenue, together with 15 ,?-inch by fl- inch wyes, 1 flnah tank, 1 manhole, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote tewit; ; ayes, Gansner, Boswell, Hansen, Lavidaon, ~rving, Noes none. Res ord wk Resolution of the Idayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, ordering work for the No. 623. , Bet C & B improvement of Tenth street, by the construction of an 8-inch vitrified pipe sewer in said tenth street commencing at a point 120 feet of the east line of Arrowhead avenue, thence running easterly along the centre line of "B" Street, togeltiher with 15, 8-inch by 4-inch wyea, one flush tank, and one manhole, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote,to-wit; Ayes•Gansaer, Boswell, Hansen. Davidson. i Irving, Noee none. Res Ord wk Resolution of the kayor and Common Council of the City of San ~ernardino~ords~ring tha';worl[ for Ho 62a, Bet A do B the construction of an 8-inch vitrified pipe sewer in Tenth street, commencing at a point fn the centre line of Tenth street, 50 feet west of .the west boundary line of •A" street, thence running westerly along the centre line of ?enth etr~et, with the centre line of •B" Street, together with 18, $-inch by 4-inch wyee, one flu eh tank, and one mnishole, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote f0-•i ' wit; l~yee; Gananer, Boswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving, noes Wane. Rss of sward Resolution awarding contract to J.D. Kerr, for the construction corrugated iron culveat~at the J.D. Kerr. Culvert Rialto intersection of Riilto avenue and I etreet~at the price specified is hie bid for:said work, to-wit; ;3.27 A I Street per lineal foot 6f~culvert exclusive of wing wall e, was read for final passage and adopted by the follow ing vote to-wit; AyeeiGansner, Boswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving, Noee; none. Y Yrd No 535 An Ordinance establishing the grade of Stoddard avenue~froa the south line of Base Line, to the grade Stoddard avenue south line of Thirteenth street, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wits Ayes; Gansner, Boswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving. Noee;.none. 11.N. Pekioh petition of M.N. Pekich, for an extension of j0 days time wherein to complete his contraset for t extend Line etxeet sewer 8th d the construction of sewer' iri~I`fiwm fan Nese to Eighth street in the City of San Bernardino was present- van Nese. ed and read. Councilman Irving moved that 1'.N. Pekich be granted 30 days additional time in which to complete aontrset ~ for construction of sewer in I street ae per his request, itotfon seconded by Councilman Gansner and Carr. led. Coen C.H Pl~er Co®unication of C.H. Plu®er, purchasing agent for tbs County of I.ot angeles, re~ssLYnt'%aa Ceeent toe Mgeles ' • county, estieate~of amount of ces~ent used by this City, sad if Los Angeles, purchases the lionolittt CseaL Pleat,' the possibility of disposir~ of a portion of surplus ceeeat at cost of 1'anufacturs, was read Councilman l Davideoa moved that the City clerk~be instructed to reply to said c nication statfna ~Lhat this City with would be pleased to coropesate ~ the county of Los Angeles, provld ng the price be right, Yotfon saaoad- et ~ Councilman Hansen and carried. App'2 Application of V.S. Yee for Restaurant Liquor license at 33y *D" 8trset, together with bond of T.8 Yts Rest I,ipuor. G.H Bubiits and John Flack aP sorties sad X25.00, Deing one month license W[ in advance i~ saia appliwK ion, f ~ , ,,,M~'"~,` .N -- - - cont from page 61~. be graated4resa preaentr~.Councilman Davidson moved that application be referred to the ChieY of Police t to report back, Yotlon seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. Fond S.Y.Aeece Bond of 5.1.!. Aeece as principal, James Rueeeil, and J.D Eldridge as sureties in the penal sum Police officer of 31000.00, was presented an8 approved. Councilman Davidson moved that bond of S.L'.Reece be accepted and approved, L'.otion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. F i Voucher Voucher of the San Bernardino Home Telegraph and Telsphons^ Company in the cum of 3699.62 Home Tel & Tel Co. returned. being 3per cent of the gross annual receipts of said Company for year ending Bebruary 17. 1913 accord- ing to their reoort on file in office of the City clerk~wae presented,aaid voucher Using accompanied by R' a written probeat. Councilman Davidson moved that said vouch ?r be referred to special Couaeul Sw1ag'with instructions to return to said San Bernardino Home Telegraph and Telephone ComparOr, That the City ie not inclined to accept percentage taz/xinder protest and are intiiled to intereat~from date du a-to date of payment, Lotion seconded. by Councilman Hansen and carried. State'm Statement of the Clerk of the Board of Supervieora~of value of Railroad property,in the City Clerk Supervisors Railroad val't in-of San Bernardino, as assessed by the Elate Board of Equalization was read, Councilman Gansner moved City of San Bo'd that atatement~be received and placed on file, motion seconded by Councilman Datfdeon and carried. Petition Petition of the Highway Construction Company, for an extension of 30 deye time So,•oos~lete Highway Const Co extend time aewerd in Kingman and Eighth etreeta wsa presented and read. sewer Kingman ~' Aes extens time Resolution authorizing the Superintendent of Streets to extend by 30 days the time fixed by JIG~«..-~.4. him fnr the completion of work specified in that certais contract, entered into between said auperin.:. teadent of Btreets and Highway Coast ruction Company, for the conetructioa of sewer in Kingman and Eighth etreeta was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Cow Delta Communication of the Deist IGater CoaAfany together with report of E.H, Kellogg, employed by Eater co. said company to inveatigafe condition of outfall sower was presented and read Councilman Davidson moved communication be received and placed on file, Lotion seconded bq Councilman Hessen and carried. Comm Commanication of 1Lrs. P Joris, President of the ~oman'e Christian ?empPrauce Union, endorsing f.C.?.U. approve action of the Council and the Chief of Polico,by inforcing ordinance 303 was read, Councilman Davidson ord 303 moved that communication be received and place' on file motion seconded by Councilman Hansen P k 8 for The City Bhgineer presented plane and epecifications~for the repaving of "D" Street between repaving D ,'~ _3 bet 2nd do 3rd Second and Third etreeta. Councilman Davidson moved that said Plsaa and Specifications be referral `4.~, streets back to City Engineer for additional concrete gutters betweas 2nd sndF$ialto M6aneYotion seconded by by Councilman IIaaeen andn carried. ~ Heiyo; empowered Councilman Davidson moved that lcayor J.g. Catick be authorized end iatpowered to sfga proofs to receipt for insurance for of loos caused by fire and the burning of the City Pavilion, Saturday, Septenbes 20, 191j, sad to City Pavilion. receipt Rnd collect for, and in behalf of the City of Ban Bernardino. any aad•a11 iasurancc money daa said CitT caused by such fire. ]b lion seconded by CounciLan Hansen and orried. !'G" Str.lkwer Councilman Hansen moved Lhat the matter of making "G!.' street sewer assessaeats b~ referred to aeaessments the Superintendent of Streets with full power to act. lEOtion seconded zby Councilman Davideoa and carried ~edeclain Quiteclaim deed of R.H, killer of all rights and interests in and to sewer now existing in "~" Stract ~ t.A. ffiiller all eye, in chat is known se the Y111ar and 1[e Kinney eubdivieon, reserving the right to connect all lots is said subdlvieon with said sewer wRa nrernted Councilman Davidson moved that said deed be accepted and the City clerk be instructed to have creme elaced on record with the County P.ecorder 1[otion seconded by Councilman Boswell and carried. ' Res P Ac S Rl:aolution adopting Plane and 3pecifi~3tion~for the repesirsg of Pourth etreet~betwaen Azrowhaad repavir?s 4th bet C d D. avenue and "D" Street with asphalt concrete binder course and asphalt wearing surface together with ealvert and concrete curb sidesa].lFe and guttcrs~was reed for the first ?3sa and laid over for lineal pass 1 sga.. ~ -- -_. --_----------..~.._..__.,-_,_._..T.,.____~..~ cont from page 61$. r0 ~dl i State'm Electric Co. Councilman 1)avidaon moved that the T.'ayor togeth~'with the Special attosney and City attorney gross earnings ' confer With the Electric Lighting Companies of this City~and request a statement of said companies' g p y, etcaetera, with object of eetabli~hing s lower rate to be ~`d prose earnin a and valuation of Pro ert s i ~ charged for electricity in this City, ESOtion aeonded by Councilman Hansen and carried. f~ Clsima The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payment;of claims approved this date by the 2te.yor and Finance eommittee~by the following vote to-wit; Ayes. Gananer, Boswell, Hansen, I~:videon, Irving. noes none. uniform Councilman Davidson moved that the City adopt uniform atat !lonary for the different depart- • ~ stationary mente of City. i:otion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. ~I Centre line Councilman Gananer moved that the City Engineer bP inatructgd to establish centre line of IIth etr bet H & I streets Eleventh street between H and I atreeL~3COtion aeonded by Councilman Hansen and carried. ~ i Ljpon motion of Councilman Davidson duly seconded by Councilman Irving and carried the Council adjourned to meet Xonday September 29, 1913 at x:30 Pad. o'clock. Approved this day of September 1913. -~ r y er t yor e C ty o sensed no. I i } s i' ii a. 1`. i ~ ~'', v t .- - ~-._._._--'-'-~---..__~. 1 ~ _ _a____~ _ _ _-___-- _- _ i City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif September 2~', 1913. Special meeting of the }Layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino held pursuant to the following call;- City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif, September 24, 1913 '~`F~ i•'~ 11:3o A.Y. "~ To Councilmaen; H.F. Ganener, C.W Boswell. A.F 1lanaen. C.R Davidson. p.?r Irving. Gentlemen;- Pursuant to section 53, of the charter of the City of San Bernardino, and the Dower vested in me by, and, pursuant to said section, 1 hereby call a special meeting of the layor and Common Council, of the City of San Bernardino, to be held in the Council Che,mber of the City Hall on Thursday September, 25, 1913, at x:30 O~clock P.Y. ! ' The object of such special meeting ie for the nurpoee of hearing charges aerferred ~ • 1 against Police officer Ray lelendez, by the chief of Police, F.Y Seccombe, said charges having been ~ '' filed with Lhe City Clerk on September 23, 1913 ! Respectfully. I E J.F. Catick Mayor of the City of San rnardino Attest; 1 3.4. Batchelor l C ty lark. Meeting was called to order by 1Eayor Catick et 7:30 P.Y, the following member of the Council being present, Councilmen; Ganener, Boswell, Hansen. Davidson, Irving, and City Clerk Batchelor. ~ . . Ca~nmunicatinn of Chief of Police Seccombe charging said Aoy Yelendez with oow~rdice also copy of notice of hearing mailed to Roy k`elendez was read. -,. The following witnesses were exa.~nined and offered information under oath. relative to the Officer Yelendez, arrest of; as insane persoef i~d<the conduct;oY Polic~e~while a fellow officer "V.B. Hogue" was battling with said insane '-°; Hereon in the City 3si1, on September 23, 1913.1 J.A Eletn, V.B.Ilogue, Roy Newcombe, Roy Yelendez, _1 Gus Lau, O.D Dawson, After hearing the information offered by the above witnesses, Councilsaa Hansen moved that the suspension of Police officer Yelendez be sustained, and that the office be declared vacant, motion s+ne~dnly seconded by Councilman Ganener and carried by the following ?ote to-wit, Ayos;;::~PZe 'mil ~'' Ganener, 3oewe1l, Hansen, Davidson, Irving. Po es; none. •i Councilman ~avidaon offered the following; '~' i San Bernardino, Calif 25, 1913 x; Officer Yaria» Hogue. we the Layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, wish to Hake public eeknow- ledgem~!nt of our aporeciatlon of your good judggsent and courageous conduct used in the discharge of your duties se a polio officer of the City of San 9ernardino as the,norning of September the 23rd 191j, Unon reading the foregoing Councilman T7avideon~moved the same be aeread upon the minutes of ,-•~` this meeting, Potion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. ~ Upon motion of Councilman Dravideon~duly seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried the Council adjourned. { Approved this day of September 1913 ~ ~ i - ity e { o e ty o r no, iI l ~ City ]call, Stan Bernardino, calif. $eptember.Z9.1g13. Adj~~urned regular meeting of the L~ayor and Co:;mon Council of the City of San Bernardino. 1Geeting was called to order by Layor Catick at 7:30. p.?£. the following members of the Council being nrne~nt. Councilmen; Gansner, Poawell, Hansen, ~nvidaon, Irving, and City Clerk Batchelor. • ~ Linutea of rcF.ular meeting 1i~ld SAPt~mber 22,1413 war? re,d and approved ae corrected. 1.'inutee of apeciral me~tinq held September 25,1913 n•ere read ahd anprov~d. P.es to extend Resolution authorizing the Superintendent of Street to ?xtend by 30 days the time*ixed by time sewer ttice work '7th etr?et him for the completion of tisnecified in that certain contr:~ct entered into between said Superintendent of Sheets and the highway Construction uompany for Lisa construction of a sewer in Seventh Street was read for fined passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit; "yes Gansner, Boswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving, lSoea, none. i Res to extend Resoluticn authorizing the Superintendent of Streets tc extend by 30 days tie time i'ixod by time sewer Kingman Btr. hiar for the coypletion of the work specified in that certain contract entered into between said 3unerin- tendent of Streets and the Highway Construction Company for the construction of a sewer in Kingman :treat. was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayes Cansner, Boswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving, Hoes; 2?one. .t Res adopt P&3 Resolution adopting the Plans and Spacificati~ne for the improvement of Fourth street between improve 4th eta. bet C & D btr. Arrowhead Avenue and "D" Street by the repaving roadway thereof and constructiop, culvert, Gutters, aide- walk and curb therein•said Plans and Spnnifications being numbered 282; were read for final passage and end adopted by the Pcllowing vote to-wit; Ayes Gansner, Boswell, 1?ansen, Davidson, Irving, noes, none. Res. Declrire `3esolution of the c-ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their in- intention to improve tention to improve Fourth street between the east line of "D" Strut and the west line of •rrowhead avemie~ 4th street. by the repaving roadway thereof and constructing culvert gutters, sidewalk and curb therein ~wea read for the first time and laid over for final passage . Dr.iT.~.Aldridge Communication of the Board of Health advising the Council of the appointment of 3.R•. ALdridgelas appt Health officer. Health officer was presented and read, L'ayor Catick appointed J.W. Aldridge as Health Officer, salary - warrant to be issued for the month of September. Councilman Davidson moved that appointment of J.W.Aldrid~~ as Health Officer be confirmed, motion seconded by Councilman }[ansen and carried by the following vote to- _ wit; Ayes; Bananer, Boswell, ]iansen, Davidson, Irving Noes; none. ~ L Statement of the League of California Liunicipalities~for annual dues for the year ending December. 31, lgl3,.a~aount of X40.00 was presented Councilman D~avidaon moved Lhat the City Clerk~be suthoriaed to k issue warrant in favor^bf the League of California Municipalities, in the sum of X40.00 being the annual • duce to said League, )icotion seconded by Councilman Gananerrand carried by the following vote to-wit; ' Ayes; Gansner, Boswell, Hansen. Davidson. Irving, Noes none; p ~ 'B City Bngineer presented revised Plana and Specifications for the repaving of "D" Street between repave "P".Ste Sx and sad Third Streets, and the construction of gutters between Rialto Avenue and Second Street~Council- betZdc3. man Davidson moved that said Plane and Specifications be referred back to City Rngineer for six foot gutter, motion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. J Amariae Upon•recommendation of Chief of Police beccombe~1:ayor Catick, appointed J Amariwa as Police offieer~ appointed Police officer.Councilman Davidson moved that appointment of J Amarias be confirmed, Lotion seconded by Councilman l Gansner and carriec}by the following vote to-wit; Ayea; Cansser, 5oawe1l, Hansen, Davidson, Irving. ]leis, ~ ' None. License Chief of Police Secco.nbe reporting favorably upon the application of W.3 Yee, for a Restaurant W.S. Yee R•,et Liquor. Liquor license at 337 "D• Street, Councilman Davidson moved that license be grants ~,to W.B. Yee and that bond be approved, i:otion seconded by Councilman Hessen and carried. i. L;~~~ ~ •m. - C Copt from page 52(1', The following petition wns presented and read; Initiative measure to be submitted directly to the electors of the City of San bernnrdino, State of California. To the Honorable r-ayor and Cor..mon Youncil of the City of San ~ernnrdino, State of California, Gen+,lemen;- . We, the undereignedaqualffied and registered tlectora of the said City of San $crnardina ~ State of California, undr_r and by virtue of section 120, article VII of the Charter of the said City of San Bern.rdino, and State of California, Do hereby propose an Ordinance to be submitted forthwith to the tleetors of acid Ci±y of Scsn Bernardino, State of California, at a special election, the time of holding the same to be determined by your 8onorable Oouncil; said Ordinance to be in the language following, yo-wit;- t The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Ben "ernardino do ordain as follows; Section -I- It shall be unlawful for any person, within the City of San Bernardino, to keep maintain, conduct, control, have charge of;.be present at, or visit any house, ob room, place or apartment where at~y game is niayed conducted dealt, or carried, on, with card e, dice, or other device or contrivance, for money, checks, or credit. , Section -2- It shall be unlawful for any person within the City of flan Bernardino Lo deal, play, ~ s~~.i carry on, participate in, or bet at or against any game which is played, conducted, dealt, or J carried on, with cards, dice, or other device, or contrivance for money, Checks, or Credit, section -3- Any person violetine any o: the provisions of thii Ordinance shall be deemed gui3ty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 1500,00 - or i~apri~oacenL for a term not exceeding siz months in the County sail,ar with both fine and imprisonment. Section -4- This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its passage a»d approval, Sectioa-~~ All Ordinanceb and parts of Ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this (lydin- dncs are hereby reptaled, Section-6- The City Clerk shall certify to the gaseage of tnia Ordinance and cause the came to be printed and published three consecutive. days in the San Hernarditw Dii3dr-~Bun. " ~ ' i ,Councilman llavideon moved that petition be referred to the City Clerk for verffcation of signs- ~ tutee, notion seconded by Councilman ~iaaeen an8 carried, Help for Clerk Councilman Gansner moved that the Oity Clerk be authorized to employ help in the vesficst~on of { in verify of ~ I Petition, aignatuaee pf petition presented should it De neeeseary, ldotion seconded by Councilman Davidson and eHrried by the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Gansner. Boswell, Hansen. Davidson, Irving, 1Qoea; S Aone. Aeport on l'.ayor Catick reported as having received, accoant of insurance policies, carried on ' Insurance collection the City Pavilion, in the following amoante; September 26, Prussian iiatioer~l Insurance Co, ~evilion Polio nsaber 622221, ------12000,00. September 29, Phoenix Insurance Company of Hartford, Policy number 66146, ------ 11000,00, Sent!mber,29, Gtrmsn A~nAricRn Ineurnnee Company, Policy number 457227-.-------- 12000.00 Toney recefvtd ~ •' Home Tel dc'lel Co, Special Consul awing reported that he had received Trom San Bernardino Ho~ee Telegraph ,+-~ and Twlephone CnmpvrT~, amount due Cit; :icing from e r ration of ?r+enchiss rights, tesether with int~rest~lnd caused the same to be deno~ited in the City Treasury. The following co~unicntion was presented and read; 8sa Bernardino Cal, Septsabsr 25,lglj ---_____- ~_..~.....r._. .W w_............__..._.. ----.._.. -- - _ _ - -~~ coat from Page 22- '"'_'" """""""'"" - _ ____.,.,._-____ . ~ Hon, J.W. Catick, 1[ayor of the City of San Bernardino. San Bernardino, Calif, 17ear Sir;- j Referring to your recent conversation with 'ir.,in~oRSter Calivan, r?lative damage to ~ our crossing 3at!s on Third Street, near the depot, because of careless handling of Automoblies, I As you were advised, the City Council of Santa Ana passed an Ordinance making such an offense a misdemeanor, and the Board of Public Utilities of Loo Angeles ie takin_c, the matter E un too, as outlined in wulleLin attached, '70. 194, of August 21st, ieoued from this office. I would by glad if your Honorable Body would favorably consider ties passage of an I Ordinance similar to th! one at Santa Ana, Please Adviat, ' Yours truly, J.R, Hitchcock, Superintendent. ~ Orion readin^ foregoing Councilman Davidson moved :natter be taken under consideration for two weeks, }lotion aecondAd by Councilman Hansen and carried. 3' Invitation Invites±ion of th? Young t'en's Christian Association, to a lecture 8un3ay October 5, Y„I.C,A. ~ L~eture 1913, by L`.rs A.S, Wells, °olicewoman of Los Angeles, on the subject of the need of Policewomen oct.5,1913 and their work, was presented and read. Councilman Davidson moved that invitation be raceived and AlaCP.d on file, }lotion seconded by Cpuncilman lianaen and carried. Petition to Petition requesting the Council to thoroughly wet down that intolerable duet now sprinkle Rialto avenue, eaistinP in Rialto Avenue, since the grading of bail Avenue Pas the Pacific blectrtc Railway Co, was presented and read. Councilman Davidson moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to confer with the 4'acific Rlectric Company relative to the aprinYling of Rialto Avenue, lotion i seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. Ord Ha. , • Reeds An Ordinance of the '~ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, establishing the Residential District of the city of San Bernardino; declaring wild sunflowers, wild gourd -: vines grasses, commonly known as 'oxtail, weeds, brush, or other herbage of a ';like nature, y ! r2' ~t ~'~ growing or being upon real property in said bietrict to be n public eu+siaace, Providing for • notices to be served upon, owners, or occupants, of such real property for the removal t! said mild rtunflnwera, wild {tourd vines, grass!r, cnromonly known as foxtail, weeds brush, ar other ~ herbage oP a like nature, by the 8un!rintendPnt of Street. of said City, upon failure neglect, or refusal of such owners, lessee or occupants, providing for recovery of cost of ouch removal ~ and for the punishment of such persons, firm~or corporations, failing refusing, or neglecting t ~ after notice, to abate such nuaiance, was read for the first Lime and laid over for final passage 1 Reepin$ of Hay Subject of adopting measure oert.,ining to the 2eeping of ltay was discussed and anon motion of Councilmn vavidaon Ault' eecanded by Cwncilman 6ansner, and cnrried~matter +~s laid over for two weeks. Res adopt P & S Resolution adopting Plana and Specification for the conotruction of n cement sidewalk sidewalk ~ curb "A" et be 3 & 4 Rnd curb on bot}~ aides of "A" aireAt between Third street and Fourth at rest in the @fty of San ~ Eern3rdino, ae prepared by the Cit;/ Engineer oP s•_id City, and submitted the 25th day of August, 1913, wixich said plane and arose-atetion'anA snecificE.tion are number"1'~0" was read for the first time and laid over for final passa~*,e. Res a~Ont P 9 Resolution adopting, 1~1an1 and Specification for the co net ruction of a cement sidewalk sidewalk 4th st, bet A and ""at..rTUan and curb nn t-~e earth side of Fourth street betxeen BaldPidge TtF,ct and watermn Avenue, and on . coot rcx hake _ ----- .-_ the South' side of Fourth street between Allen Street wind '~Yaterman .Avenue, in the City of San Bernar- dino, as nrepa__*ed by the City Fn;ineer of said City, and submitted on the 2nd dap of"September 1913, which said lane « « p cross-section, and specifications ar~ numbered 1fl0 was read far the first time { and laid o•rer for final ;passage. - E Res adopt P & S, Resolution adopting Plans and Saccifications for the construction of a cement sidewalk and sidewalk ~ curb 4th str bet "A" curb on the north side of 5ourta street, bettvecn "A" Street and "b" Street, in the City of San Eernar- & "E" Streets lino, as prepared by the City EnginPnr of said City of San Bernardino, and submitted on the 18th day of August 1913, xhich said plans cross-section, and specifications are nk3bered "178" was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. i Res adopt P & S, kesolution adonting Plans and Snecificrttion for the construction of a cement sidewalk and curb sidewalk & curb !.'ayfield avc on both sides of 3`ayfield Avenue, between l:inth street and Tenth Street, in the City of SRn Bernardino bet 9th & 10th st. ae prepared by the City ':nFineer of said City, rind submitted the 7th day of Tuly, 1913, which said I plans cross-section and specifications are numbered "176" i~~s r-ail far the first time anR .laid over ' for final passage. Rea adopt P & S Resolution adonting Pland and Specification for the construction of R public sewer in L:ount construction sewer !Lt Vernon. Vernon Avenue, from the interaction of the center line of 1!ount Vernon Avenue with the center line avenue , of ;case Line Streit, to the intereection of the center line of l`_t Vernon with the center line of r, Seventh Street in the City of Sun Berne rdino, ae prenxred by the City Engineer of said City and sub- ~" Mittel on the 283}? day of 3uly,i913, r:}rich said specifications, plans and profile are numbered "177" was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Rea No Resolution of the kayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intent- grade of third et. ion to change and modify the official grade of Third Street, from the west line of L~t Vernon Avsnle to a point two tho~leand oils hundred feet west of the west line of iut Vernon avenue in the City of San - Bernardino was read for tae first time and laid over for final passage. Warrants The City Clerk was authori¢ed to issue warrants in payment pf claims approved this date~by the i "ayor and Finance Commute by the following vote to-wit; byes; Gansner, Boswell, lianeen, Davidson, Irving ?Toes; none. • Church Street Councilman Gansner moved that the City ?±'noineor be instructed to prepare Plans and Specification paring. far the paving of Church Street, with crushed rock, four inch concrete base and one inch asphalt wear- ' ~ . ing surface, motion seconded by Councilmfl n ~vidson and carricd. .' "• ' Figure estimate Councilmen Hansen moved that L'r. 3Sarmaduke be employed p,t a salary of '5,00 per day to make an ~ for '`unicipal car line. ~ estimate for a L:unieipal Electric Car line frcen Third and ""r'" Streets to kt Yerreon Avenue, and Base Lire and that the City Engineer~be instructed to furnish !r Larmaduke~with the necessary data for making such estimate, Lotion sAcanded by Councilman Ganener~and aerial by the following vole to-wit; Ayes; i Eanener, Boswell, Aansea,.~•~vidson Irving, Noea; Wane. S Improve 0 at. Councilman Hansen coved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plans and Specifications bet Yet do 2nd for the constructing of concrete Guttere~in "G" Street between First and Second StreeLe, Lotion seconded q by Councilman Boswell and carried. f Zmprove 3rd et Councilman ":,vidaon moved that the matter of constructing curb on the :forth side of Third Street Santa Fe d: Viaduct between Santa Fe Depo*. and the Viaduct be referred to the Superintendent of ~trecte to consult with Santa FA Officials in regard to such matter, motion seconded by Councilman Ransen and carried. r, Councilman AavfAson moved that the City !±rigineer be instructed Lo rre~re Plane and 3necificntion d for construction of concrete curb nn~ L*atter bn thA gnuth side of Second Street, between "F" gird "G" streets, !lotion seconded by Councilman Gansner and crlrried. Councilman Irving moved that SnPcial Con:~ul 3witig~be instructed to nrepa re resolution to remove i23 fences baclf~ to property line. non ocaxning public street in the northwest section of the City. cont fron oag? 624- Unon motion of Councilman Davidson duly seconded by 9ouncilmnn Heensen and c~rried~the Council Rdjourned to meet 2'.ondny the 6th dsy of October, 1913. At x:30 P.:t. O'clock. /, , ,~%/',~~~-fir fit- t~ Annroved this ~ day of October 1913. City Cierk. L L:,eyor he r,ity of ..an ernzrd ino. i i i 1 , I 1 I i, f r f ' 6 ~/ ~ i r ~ . City I1a12, San Bernardino, Calif ~tv 6,lglj adjourned re¢ular ::,eCting of the Gayor and Ca:.~ron Council of the City of San liernxrdino, Lleeting was called to order by I+.ayor Cntick At 7:30 P.)!(. the following ir.ernbere of tits Council being present Councilmen; Roswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving and City Clerk Fsatchelor, L'.inutee of the previous ~,aeting were r~rad And approved. Res adopt P & E Reso].u+.ion .do7ting, ~1Ana and Snecifir.atinne fo^ *.ha construction of a nv-ent flidewAlk and sidewalk "A" bet 3rd g~ 4th str, Curb an both sides of "A" Street bet'oePn 'T'hird Street and ?ourth St,~Pnt in the City of San Eernardino, as ^r?pared by the City Rngineer of said iity, and sub•nitted the 2jth day of August lglj, which said Plana and cross-section and snecificatione ArA numbered~l79, •.*ere r~.~d for final passage and adooted by the follwwing vote,to-wit. Ayes; &oswell, Hansen, DAVidaon, Irvin, P}Des; none, • P.pa adopt P & S Resolution adopting Plane and snecificatione For the ennstruetior. of n cement side~ralk And sidewalk 4th bet "A" & 7fst'm curb on the north side of Fourth street i:eL~:;een 1'aldridge Tract And w'aterman Avenue, and on the south aide of Fourth street, bet•teeen Allen Street e.nd Y,ateraan Avenue ir; the City of San Bernardino, as pre- j pored L3 the City Engineer, of said City, and subrmitted on the 2nd day of September 1913, which said t '` ~ rlana cross-section and specifications are nu:,bered "180" was rFad for final passage and adopted by the following vote ZO-wit; dyes; Boswell, ftansen, Davidson, trvin~;, ?:Des; ilone. .~' Councilman Gananer Look his seat in the Council Chamber nt 7:40 P,h. Res adopt P & S Resolution :,dont=inf; Pl:tns and specifications for the construction of a Dement sidewalk and sidewalk 4th Gtr ' bet "A" ..°r "h" St, curb on the north Hide of Fourth street, between "A" and "B" Street, in the City of San Eernardino, ae i nrnaarPd uy the City ?naineer of said City of g'an Bernardino, and sub-nitted the ]8th day of August 1913. which said plana,:croas sections, and specifications are numbered "17P" wns read for final nASSagre and ad~oCed by the following vote~to-wit; Ayes Cansner, Boswell, Hansen, DAVidson, Irving, Noe a; none. Res adopt P 8 S Resolution adopt-ing; Plana and specifications for th? eonstruction of a cement sidewalk and sidewalk ?rayffeld eve bet 9th ,~lOth.curb on both sides of Layfield Avenue, between xinth street and Tenth street, in ±he City of San Berner- ,' dino, as prr,nared by the City Engineer of said City, and aubatitted the 7th day of July,lgl3, which said plans cross section, and saecifications are nwabFrPd "17b" wres read for final passage and adopted by the following; vote to-wit =+yea; Cananer, Boswell, Ilanaen, Davidson, Irvin{;, Noes; none. I Rea ,adopt P & S Resolution adopt-ing Plane znd specifications for the cone-traction of a public sewer in sewer in 2a Ver ' , l:ount Vernon Aaenue,fro•n the intersection of the tenter line of base Tine Street, to the intersection ' of the center line of fa Vernon Avenuewith the center line of Seventh street, in the City of San ~ Bernardino,as prepared by the City Engineer of said City~and submitted on the 28th day of July,lQl3, which said apecificttLion, plane, and pro file ,a re nur~bered "17?" was read for final passage and adopted • j by the fallowing vote to-wit; Ayes ~ansner, Boswell, Ilanaen, Davidson, Irving, Noea; gone. ' Ree No. 625 Resolution of the t'ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring, their ' chAnp,~! Grade of west 3rd street, intention to changje and modify the official grAd? of ?hi rd street, from the vest line of b't Yernon ' bvPnue, to a point twa thousand one hundred Peetrwest of the went line of ~t Yprnon a~emte in Lhe City of SAn Bernardino, was raAd for final pAeeag;e~ and adopted by the follcwing voteu to-wit; Ayes; Gansner, i Boswell, Hansen, yavidson, ]ruing, ?toes; none. f P.te of int 626 Resolution of the ~etynr and Cornon Council of the City of San +iPrnardino, declaring their in- $Pnave 4th at bet C & D st. tention, to i.~cprove Fourth Street, Cet~ecn *.he rest line oY'D'etrer,t, and the ::eat line of Arrowhead ~ .a JAn'1e t~t9 r^;t d for final pasaA;ge uiid adooted by the following; vcts~to-wit; ^t~ea; Ganenw,r, Boswell, a ~'- "anaen, Ikt:•idsr,h, Irving, 'lost; none. Renarta of ChieT Iiggorta of the Chi?C of Police and the City Electricfanrfor the moo*.h of :,e ptmtte ~ 291j, vrere of j'olice +4 City ' raectrician Sept. aresented ar.d rrad, Council:~an truing xovad that s~iid r?Worts be received and •~lACed on file, Lotion sec,nded Ly Councilman G;+.n3nCr, and Carried. i . ' _..7 _ . _ ___-_ coot r;-nre'pri~P 62b-- G `~~/ Lida T.yens Notice of n=rsonal injury clai:,, :1.5, >`'alonpy nttcrr.ey fpr 3.ida Lyena, filed with the City ir.,Tt ry claim Clerk the 2nd day of ~'ctober 1y 13, vets nrenented and read Councilman }Larsen, roved that matter be re- f?reed Lo Special ~onoul Swirig,cr,otiun seconded by Councilman Gananer and cnrried, Insurance POliCP,9 ?`ayor Ca+,icY.'renorted as receiving acedunt of insurance polices, on t},e City Pavilion, in tli? City Pavilion ~ fo]lowing amounts, the da-:e t~cinc olar_ed in the City .reusury. t Yepternber 30, Hoyal Insurance Co:npar~y, Policy namber 5385ag-------X2000.00 i October 1, Fire a.saociation of hhilel?}hia Policy ru:rler i* 41~`jU%'J--X1000.00 ~ 4 . , F' ~- S Court at. Oouncilman Flanscn moved thzt t•~~e City zn~,ideer, be in=ti~ac+.e•d to grennre Plana, and. apecific;~tio~zs . +', ` ! for `he paving of 0ourt Stream t, beLs~een ";" and "?~" Stre?ta, with a 4-inch conErete base, 2-inch asg}ialt x~er~ring surface, }.'otion eeconded by Councilman Boplvell arcLcarried. P & S, for City En;,ineer pres:nted Plans and S9Pcificnticna~for the repaving of "D" Street, between S?cond r~nave "D" to 2 3- and Third ~trcet, sod the construction of Gutters, b~tz~een Second street and Ri31to ?.venue, Councilman I~-ving moved that sail Plnne e,nd ^nscifir~tions 7;r rAf^rred *.o 'hn ('ity Attorney, Potion eACOndPd by Cou:~~i~.- ' ~ r rnn Cansner, end carried, Res P:o 1. Resolution of the `'-ayor and Common Council,of the City of San LnrnarAlnO,d-^eL•~ring their in+,Pnt- Seaser L•t r r. ion, to construct a p~:blic vitrified pipe':•ser:er, in ~t Vernon ,lvenue, cor!:rencing at a point •shere the f center of Base Line Street~intersecta w3tli the C~nt~r litte of is `?ernes .lvenue, thence southerly along the center line of }mot Vernon Avenue, to a point where a flush tank is to be converted into a manhole, at the ~ intersection of the center line of Lt Vernon Avenue with flee enter line of Seventh street, rvaa read for Lhe first time and laid over for final nassag?. Rea No Resolution of the ~.syor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring t}:eir intent- 4 improve~th ate A to E- ion, to innrove Fourth Street, from "A"street to "B" Street, by constructing cement sidewalks, and curbs ' thereon, r;z:s read for the first ticne~ and laid over for final passage. Remove Fences Unon motion of Councilman Irving seconded by Councilman Cansner, and carried the Street Superin- tendent.is hereby ord=red to im:r,ediaLely notify the owners t^ take and remove all fences, now being in or anon the ~~iderralk along Bev?nth ;tr°et, and `.'punt Vernon Avenue, along and in front of 7,ote seven Fight nine (9}, and '!'en (10) Bloc'c niL*htPen (1R}, n.° :arch Ban Bernardino, and that u.on the fatl~re i of the proses of such lanri tc tnke and rP^:ove such fAnc?s, Qaid ^u»erintendent of Streets, is Au+,horis to 1' ;.sr take and retiove th? sa.~ne at tho Pxgense of sucf~ p+vn~rs. Ada Y.arper Mayor Catick appointed i'rs Ada Harper ae a mezber of the F.'oard of Library Trustees, Councilman Library Trustee. ' Davidson aovcd the*. the appoint~eent of LCra Ada Harper be cgnfirmed, motion eeconded by Councilman F:anaen and carried by the following vote to-wit; AKea; Gananer, Loswell, Hansen I}avidpon, Irving. Nose; none. The City Clerk vas authorized to issue warrants in payment of claims aparoved thin date~by the l.'ayor and FinancA Committee, by the following. vote to-wit; Ayes; Cansner, Boswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving l:oee; 'one, Upon motion ~f Councilman tkcvidaon duly s~~cnnded by Councilman Gananer and c,_rried the Councll j p ' ad„ourned to meet Tuesday October i4tA`,1913, x;30 O'clock P.ll. J, F koproved this ~ day of,Getober 191j. ~ ~ - ~J- n w . ' r ity Llerk ~aypr t~ie'City of~~en ~rnnrdinc. I , °'~''' l G2 ~ ` City Hall San Bernardino, Calif Uctober 14, 1913. ltdjournnd regular meeLin of LY~~ ~rayor and Common Co,.ncil of the City of San Dernardino. ~eetint; was called to order by '.:ayor Catick. at 7:30 Pk. the following members of the Council being present, Councilman.; Gananer, Boswell, Hansen, D-rvidaon, Irving, and City Clerk Eatchelor. Irinutrs of the previous :ne!ting were marl and approv?d. , "q / Aes. 52'j Int. Resolution of the ?'r.,vor and Corrraon Cour.eil of the City of ^an Pernardino, declaring, their intent- sFticnr t6t Vernon ' ~ Yaae Line & ion to construct a rut~lic vitrified pipe se.r!r in E't Vernon avenue, Commencing a*, a point there the center ?th s.tr. ' .line of Pase Line street interacete r,ith the center line of L'*. Vernon Avenue, thence scutherly along the ten+,er line of ;lt Vernon Avenue~to a paint where a flush tank}is to be converted into a manholc~at the intersection of the Center line of Yt vernon Avenue with the center line of Seventh street, was read for Final rassage and adopted by t1~e following vote~to-wit; >>yes Cannser, L'oswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving, nose; pare. Ree of lat. Reaolution of the Liayor and Commas Council of the City of Ban Bernardino, declaring their intent- " aid?walk, curb to B 3t re et f. to'B 4th st. inn to improve Hourth street from "A" atreet~by constructing cement sidewalks and curb thereon, was read for final passage and upon motion of Councilman Davidson seconded by Ccvneilnan Irvingrard carried said r~eolution FAR laid over for ore week. Report of Reports of the City Clerk and City 4reasurer, fund balances for the r3onthe of August and September '~ Clerk & Treasurer. 1913, were presented and read, Councilman Davidson cioved that reQorta be received and placed on file, l Aug & 3ept~ motian nPCOnd!d by Councilman Irving and carried. Rea Reaolution of the 2layor and Common Counetl, authorizing the transfer of ei$hthnutAnd dollars Authorising ~ t anefer of !I~OOO.GO from the general fund~to th< Street fund~was r!a!1 for th? first limp and lain over for final 000.00 fram.Gen Fund pasaAQe. to Str Fund Report of Report of the Superintendent of Streets for the month of September was presented and readrCouncil- Supt of St. rran Gananer, moved that report be received and placed on file.Lotian seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. App'1 of Application of Peaks and Allen for a Restaurant Liquor licenae~at number 53~ Third atreetrtogether Feake & Allen Rea@'Liq with bond in the sum of $2000.OOrin pursuance with the pro viaiana of Ordinance 304, Check in the sum of LiCeisse $2r,00 being one month license tar in advance for said business was presented and read, Councilman N.anaen 1 1°,~ moved that license be granted to said Peaks aad:Allenrfor Restaurant Li quor~at number raj Third street, , and that i3 nd presented be approved Lotion seconded by Councilman yavideon and carried by the following ' vote,to-wit; Ayes; Gananer, Eoswell, Itaneen, Davidson, Irving, Noes none. Neareh Sub Div L'ap of the Heareh re-aubdivison , LOte, 5, 6, block 2 of the Hart-~arehall tleect, City of Ssn tract map. Bernardino, was pre^ented for •ecegtneea, Councilman Nana en moved that map b? referred to City F.nRlneer, motion seconded by Councilman Gananer and carried. Eida 10th at Hide having been recefv!t this date far the construction of tewere in Tenth street between "D" Street sewer. and "A"Street, Councilman Irving moved the*. clerk proceed to open such bide, )lotion seconded by Council- , roan Davidson and carried. _ ~ } Caledonian Bid: of Caledonian Construction Cospany, Tenth street sewer fra~m 130 left test of D Street to the covet Co. D do C St. Constructed ~-anhole in thr. center of Arrowhe.d Avenue, sewer complete per lineal feet. :~~centa, ~3g1.54 including 1§-$a4 wyes; L'anholee complete each, $40.00, Blushtanke,coronlete each, X42.00; ~ ~ 4. Eohan d: Tuttle Yn pursuance to Lhe attached notice, calling for se,rled bide on an eight inch Vitrified Hint 4nrer on '` "~ D to C 3t. Tenth street, between D and Arrowhead Ane, b'r, beg to submit the following; sewer complete according to the plane and epccifieations on file~in th! office of the City Engineer, and to Lhe eatisrrrction of the Str!!t euperintendent~far the sum of X300.00 coot froT nape 628; Councilman Hansen moved that Lida of Pohan and Tuttle ,be accepted ais being the lovreat and best bid end that 211 other bidR be re,jected.]:otion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried, Rea of Award Resolution aR•ardin!= contract to Bohan and Tuttle i'or the construction of an 2-inch vitrified Hive contract to ' Eohan & Tuttle sewer to be contracted in Tenth street commencing at a point 130 feet cast of the east line of D Strect~ sewer 10th I - D to C, thence running easterly along the center line of Ten*.h etreet~to n manhole at the intersection of the - center lines of Tenth street and Arrowhead Avenue,to~ether with lr-S-inch by A-inoh veyes, one flush tar3c, and one ~r~ Whole. et Dries specified in bid for said work vris r~ad for the first time~and laid over for final Lassage. II Bids Bid of the Caledonian Construction Company, for the conatrurt,ion of sewer in Tenth street, from cal-donian " Coot Co. 120 feet, eaet'_af ?rrowhead avenue *.o s contracted manhole in ±hP center of B Street. "ewer coTPlete, C &B St. per lineal foot ,y ,77 cente~$401,36, including 15rrza ,ryes, L:anholc4 r•n^nlet.e each $40.00, flushtanks COT:~l?te each, •'42.00. I~id Eohan In purci:arce to thn attached notice, calling for Healed bids en an eight inch sewer of vitrified 8- Tuttle Sewer 10th pipe, on T&nth street, bets^een Arrowhead Ave, and B street. 'Se beg to s•~rbmit the following, Sewer co~nlete C to E at, according to the Flare and Specifications,on file in the City Fngineer'S office, and to the eatisfacticn of the strut Sunerin+,endcnt, for the sum of $320,00, i- eouncil~n j~aneen moved the+, bid of Bohar. and Tuttle be accepted us being the lowest and best bid and that '~. all other bids be rejected, ![otlon seconded byt Councilman T.avid°on and carried. Ree of Award xeeoluticn awarding ±he contract to Bohan and Tuttle for the construction of an $-inch vitrified aener Bohan , & Tuttle 10th pipe surer to be contracted in Tenth street commencing at a jZOint12P0 feet Last of the ea at line of st bet C & B. Arrowhead Avenue. thence running easterly along the center line of Tenth street~to a manhole at the intersection of the center line o4 Tenth street,with the center line of E Street,together with an 15-~-inc}o by 4-inch wyes, ono flush tank~and one manhole, a± the price specified in bid for said work was read for ~ , the first Lime and laid over for final ?raseage. Pid of Bid of the Caledonian Conatructior. Company, for the construction of sewer fn Tenth street,from caledonian coast Co, present contructld~ffinhole in thr+, epnter of B street to a point 50 feet west of A street, sewer Complete, B to A et. per lineal Soot, .77contS,#45~,26, rianhole complete each 540.00, Fluahtanka complete each X42.00, Bid of Eohaa in pursi}ance to the attached notice, callin~~ for sealed bide on en eight inch vitrified Wipe sewer & Tuttle sewer 10th at. in Tenth Street, bettynen A and B street, City of San Bei•re~rdino, lYe'beg to submit the following, sewer B to A. " \ complete according to the plena and specifications in the City Sngineer'e office and to the satisfaction o ' of the Street Superintendent, for the dam of X350.00. , Councilman Hansen moved that ,the bid of nohan and Tuttle be accepted se being the lowest and beet bids and that sll other bids be re~eeted, motion seconded by councilman Davidson and carried. des of Award Resolution awarding the contract to Eohan and Tuttle for the contraction oY an 8-inch vitrified Bohan k Tittle ~ the r sewer 10th at pipe sewer in Tenth attest beginning at a pout in ;.'center line of Tenth street, §O.tatt west-.of*~i,e t ~o E at. ~ west toundary line of "A~ etreet~thence westerly along the center line of Tenth street, to a manhole, at the intersection of the tenter live of Tenth street~wi±h the center line of B stre•.t, together with l5- ,t1-inch by 4-inch wyea one manhole one flushtsnk; at the sties specified in hid for sole work, was read far the first timerand laid over for final passage. !~,'ineral Communic^+tian of A.?. Alvernon, offering ?instal collection, to the City of San Bernardino, for the collection A F. Alvernon. auT of,~1000,00, was nreGented and read. }'ayor an~gin*.ed a comnittea rnnsiatinp, of Councilman, Canener, i~ offer for . Library, pgviA?on Nod Hansen to meet and make invaetigation of collection, P do S for TYie City Enginesr presented Plana sad ~pecificatione~for th^ canRtructlon of Gutters, in "G" Street putters G bet Rirlto between Rfalto Avenue and Second Street, and on t},e south aide of Second~Detwe~ri "F" and "G" Street, k 2nd bet F & G. Council^.+an Hane~n moved that Plans ant! Sn~cificntfnn4 ba r~farr!d bncl[ to City F.npinesr,for three foot _.-cortn~'t`i•om page-.a~___ __________-.___-_..___.__,_.._,__.______._._.---. ._-_._-- -------.-- -------------- ----- - - - -- gutters on "G" Street and to continue them south to the ?~:ailroad tracts, and thr,t Ylana and Specifications for guttaraibe prepared for both aides of Second Streetrbotxeen "b"' and "G" Streets, 3:otion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried. Petition protest The folloxing petition was presented and rend;- paving of Church ~ at bet "D" & "E" TO TFiI`: H02:ORABLF. 1'AY0:1 .i'iD rUi7:'OiI CCU2:CIL, , City of Son APrncrdino, C3lifnrnin, L ` Gentlemen;- ' t=e, the +indnrsiUn~d, oxners of property fronting on Church Str~Pt, which street embraces 1200 feet of frontace, in the CI'T'Y OF SA2i B'?RIiA~I:rO, do hnrcby enter protest af;ninat the pro- poePd nnving of snid street, at this time. The street is a short one being buL one block long~and is in very good condition and if Waved now will wort a hard shiprupon several on account of the scnrity of money, NAl'F, b'rontuge, F,'w. Delong 31 feet 2crs A NPapelt 150 " S.G. Crowell 41 " Lra H.N Pitcher G1 " First-`Presbyterian Church 1G~ " by.'il.B Leo nn rd, Treasurer, J.F. l c Yny 22j " '~ C. Cohn ) 1'jQ « Joe E.,Rich} 71,A Valc 30 « L'rs Della Simpson 38 " Total 891 feet. P.ea adopt Resolution adontino Flans, crone-sections and specifications, for the improvement of "D"street P & S D at, P.ialto to 3rd, from the north line of Rialto Avenue Ito the Gnti'th line of Third street, ir_ the City of San Eernardiro, heretofore prepared and prPS"nted by the City Rngineer, said Plans, cross-aeo±iona and specifications being numbered "183" orii9 read for the first time and 2a id over for final passage. Catholic Fair. Charles Flack appeared in behalf of the Catholic people of City, and stated that the Catholic people are to hold a Fair in t1'iis City, and requested that license be waived, Councilman Davidson . , moved that the Catholic peorle be nermiLLed to conduct F:iir.and thrt license.far same be refunded, Lotion seconded by Councilman Ganener and ezrried by tL~ folloxing vote to-wit; Ayes; Ga»sner, Doswell, Hansen, vavidson, Irving, ;Foes; ~`ione" Companies At the request of Street Superintendent lc Elveine, Councilman Hansen moved that Special Consul nut wires under-ground. Sxing,be inatruct~~d to notify the Electric Lighting Companies and Telephone Companies; and all other j parsons or corporations having xirea,in and slang Fourth street,between Arrowhead Avenue and "D" Street and on "D" Street between Second arsd Third stre,ete, that all wires must be placed under ground before paving of s-rid atrne±e, are comnleLed, ?notion seconded by Council:an Ganener and carried. , Instal concrete Councilman Irvinr, ^~oved that City hove installed eight concrete lamp poste, along Fourth atree't lamps poets 4th bet ^ do D. berxeen Arrowhead Avenue and "D" Strut, rod that Street ~unerfntendentibe authorized to call for bide for the construction of snid concrete lase poste. '`otion seconded by Councilman Dnvi!ieon e.nd carried, Pates for Upon motion of 8ouncilmnn Davidson, duly eerond~d by Councilman Hansen and carried, it wen by electricity. the 1-a;;or and Corimon Cn~rncil of the City of San F.Prnc~rdino ordered; T}wt it is the intention of acid ].'nyor and CoTxon Council o; said Cfty to fix the rates and charges of persona, firma and corporations, furnishing electricity for lir~trnd he,,t !o intrabitanta of the City K .?an bernardfno; .-'~, That all persona, firms, or corporc.ticns, furnishing electricity to inhabitants Hof the City of Stn Lerrarrdino~ahall file xith the City Clerk of said City, an affidavit or affidavits containing the fo?lowing etot~r~enta of f•rcte. L, Name of n~rson, firm, or cornor:rtion furnishing such electricity. 2, Value age and capacity of all prcnerty,oxned by such persona, firm, or cornoraLion used and coot f rota na~±~ 630-- - r Rate of useful in venerating electricity. , r:l.rrtricity. 3, Value, age and capacity of ell property owned Uy such person, firs or corporation, used rind useful in transmitting such blectricity t; the City of San B~rn~irdiro, 4, Value, age and capacity of all groperty~usr.d rind usr.ful in distributiog such electricity to i . ~ inhabitants of the City of Sun y?rnardino, ~' Value ave and ennacit of a12 other 1 y pro9crty~uced and useful in the business of ouch person, firm or corporation, E. Amount of electricity ~~nr.rnted June 30, 1912 to July 1, 113, 7, D.mnunt of electricity purchased, nsme of vendor, price paid, and place of dAlivery, June 38, 1912, to July i, 1913. '~ J 8. Ar,:ount of electricity trnnsmitted by property referred to in item 3, stating xhere measured, i dune 30, 1912 to July 1, 1913. 9. .mount of electricity distributed in Gity of man I9~rnardino, June 30, 1~~12 to July 1, 1913, i 10. dive figures showing loss of power in transmission. 11. Value of necessary stock for repairs and n:a~ntenance. 12, Cost, labor, anA materiel used in generating electricity in the year 3une 30, 1912, to July 1, ~ } 1913. ; s ~ 13. Cost labor and material in transmission of such electricity , ye r.dune 30, 1912 to July 1,1913 j i 14, Coat. labor and material, distribution of electricity year, June 30, 1012 to July 1, 1913 ':' 15, Cost, labor and material, maintenance of property in detail, year June 30, 1912 to July 1, 113 j 16. All other exnensea necessary in conducting the business pf furnishing such electricity, year June 30, 1912 to July 1, 1913. 1'j, Cogt of Managing anA sun~rvision of entire business, pat included in other items herein, year June 30, 1912 to July 1,~g13. _ lA,,?otal exnenditurea of corporation for all purnoaea year June 30, 1912 to July 1, 1913. i9. Amount of revenue and nuiber of r,on:umera in City of Sun Bernardino, showing ausiness houses =nd reside»c ea separate, acing electricity sa follows;- ;3, ,Lees than 30 K.1f, ~ ij 'Fare than 30 K,'7, and lees then 50 K.W, r^ 1.'OrP than 50 K.W. xnd lees than 1C0 K.':. i 1:o re than 100 K.F. :rnd lees than 1;0 K, R'. ,;::or? than 1;0 K.W. and lees than 200 R,Yi, j :tore thAR 200 K.i, sod lees than j00 K.Wr, }.:ore than 300 K,'i', xnd lase than 400 K.w. L'orA than 400 K,A and leas than 500 K.'k, ~ '.•'ore than 5G0 R,i, an3 2eee than 750 R.1, Lror~ then DSO R.R. xnd lees than 1000 R,w, ors than 1000 K,~, xnA lea than 1500 R,7, E'ore than 1500 R,77, enA less than ,2000 K.W. Lore than 2000 K,lf, and lean than 3000 ~,.F. ~ \ LO re Lhxn 3000 K,W, f i Values enlled for shall be Dither netual cost, or sppraiseaent by competent »Prson a4 the re- ii placement v:~lue. Agee of each item of propert; shall be given, together with an estimate of the nus:ber of yea re of life~of :such nronArty, showing acpasrately years of life until worn ouL, xti~1 Aare of life until n~ceee!+ry to replace on account of inadeq~zacy or obsolete devlce, each item of property shell to described. ?hat ouch affidavit or affidavits ahail be eo i coat from PaBe'b31--- 1 _ ----- ..,_-- f Rata of filed on or Btfore Lhe 2'J day of October 1y13, at Riiich said time any person, fine or corporation electricity continued, furnishing electricity a~ aforesaid may oreaent such infonration and facts concerning such business ~ as they or it may desire. j Salary of ,Councilman Ihvidson :coved that the ecclary of the Gity Fnginaer Frank A Smith, be increased to { City Engineer ~ increased Lo X175.00 per month from date. I:otion seconded by Councilman }ianaen And carried by the following vote to- 5175:00 por month, wit; Ayes; Canansr, Boawell, llansen. I~ vidson, Irving. Noes; None. City Rngineer Councilman Irving :noved that Councilman Davidaon~And City Engineer Smith be appointed as a ` 8- Councilman S`avideon coaroittee to investigate, neigbbori.ng Citi~s~having `."unicipnl owned lighting systems, and that they be to investlRate elect plants. allowed their ~xnensee for such inv~Qtit~ntion, "otion arcondwd by Cmuncilman Boawell and carried by the following vote, to-Rit Ayes Cansner, poRwell, 'ianaen, Davidson Irving Nose; *l~ne, i Salaries Councilman DZVid9on moved that Police Officers Reece and"lmarias be allowed X80:00 ore month, Eolice officers Reece & Amariae. - Ae~+ to open llih R_solution of the }:ayor and Common Council of ,the City of San bernardino,declaring their intent- et~r~t. ion to open Eleventh Street, from "G" street to "I" Street, was read for the first time, and laid over for final pAesage. Res to open Resolution of the ;LAyor and Common Couneil of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their in±~nt- Hansen st ' F to G, ion to open Hansen street from "F" atrr_et to "G" 3trer,t •x as read for the first time and laid over for '~ r .I final passage. - Rea to open Resolution of +,he i'ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino,declaring their intent- , Spruce at i "G" to "H" Ian to open Spruce Street from "G" street to "]i" Street was read for thA first Lime and Iaid over for final pa es age. i E Res to open Resolution of the L`ayor and Common Cauncil of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intent- ' Catick et. 6th to nth, ion to oven Catick street from Sixth street to Seventh Street, was read for the first time and 1Aid over i for final passage. Ree to open. Resolution of th« hayor and Common Council of *.he City of SAn ~ernar:iina, declaring their intent- , 10th st "A" If to Waterman ion to oven Tenth street, from "A" street to Waterman Avenue was read for the first time and laid•over for final p3aeage. ~ Rev to open Resolution of the ~~ayor and Common Council of fire City of San Dernardino,declaring their intent} ~ lI st 10th to Base Line, ion to open "H" Street from Tenth Street to Base Line Street~waa read for the first time and laid over ~--,~+ ~ ~ for final passage. The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrant in:paymsat of claims approved this date by the ~I 1-avor anal Finanes Co~aaittee~b3 the fallowing vote to-wit; Ives; Cansner, Boawell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving See; '.one. 011 "L" St Councilman Gansaer moved that the Street Superintendent be inetructed'to oil "L" et rent from Bifth streeL~to the Pennsylvania Firs Station, Notion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried by the i followin3 vote to-wit; Ayes; Cansner, Boawell. Hansen, Dgvi.deon, Irving. Hoes; None. j Auto Trsek Councilman GAnsner •noved that a committee be appointed to secure Automfble Truclr for the use of motion Aefeated. the Street Form, Lotion seconded by Councilman Boswell, ".."oti»n def~trds• per the'loliowYng:woLe; Ayes; GAriener, BOewell, ~Oe9, HAn9!n, Dnvids0~, Irving. S.P d P E. PA. Councilman Aansen coved thAt the Street Su»erintendent~ be inatrubted to notify the Southern to canet culverts Pacific Railroad coopany, and the Pacific Rl~ctric' Railroad Corapazpr~ to place culv~rte+ under tracts on ~ f Rialto Avenue between "B" abd "F" etreete.'.otion seconded by Councilman Davidson And carried. Llghte installed Councilman HAneen, the LiGhting Committee, reported that he lkld made invegtigktion, and found d• discontinued. titre following lights unnecessary and recsmended that they be discontinued, Inters^ction of Highland Ave, and "F" street, ~nc~ 3nuth "D" strut near^a•~nLA Fe LracL, and light Lugo Durk rear of Pavilion ruins, and that the followin3 be installed, Corner of }farris alley and Second Street, Orar~e Street between r ' cont~from nape. fi32--- 7.__-_.-_ - A.rrowhead Avemae and B Street, and Ideadowbrook Yark e:..st end near drinkin;; tount;tiin, Qouncilman Pc~vidson ^:oved th:~t li~~it be ordered discontinued and lights be installed,us recommended by the Light- • in, Co:nmi`.tee, Lotion :-econded by Councilman Irving and carried P & S CouncilxMn ]ruing moved that the City Engineer b=. instructed to preoare Plane and Snecificatione j .' sidewalk & ~ `" Curb Spr~ice for tYie construction of sidewalk an~i curb on Snruce street, between "G' and `tI" Streets, Lotion seconded ! ~ st bet Q & H. by Councilman Paividsn and carried. Upon :GOtion of Councilman Gansner duly seconded by Councilman Bavidson, and carried the Council adjourn^d to reset nonday October 20, l;lj, at 7: j0 0' clock PJ. Anoroved this ~ Aay of October 1913. ~.~~~~~-~~-~4--~- 1{~ pity ~ Ierlt !kayo ~ t~e~City o San~ernar~tino. i ~ '~ "~ i yr ~V. CITY HALL,SAN ERANARDINO, CALIF. OCT.20,1913. Ad,~ourned regular meeting of the bfayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. kFeeting was called to order by Yayor Catick at 7,30 P.2'_. the following members of the Council being :' .present; Councilmen; Gananer, Boewell,Hanaen, Irving and City Clerk Eatchelor. Absent; Councilroan•Davideon, ~i Tha minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Ree.of Int. Reeolutbn of the Layor and Common Council of the City of San Eernardino declaring their intention to Sidewalk ~thbet • A B.improve Rourth Street from "A" to "B" Streets by constructing cement sidewalks and curbs theroin, was read for final passage, and upon motion of Councilman lrving duly seconded by Councilman Gananer and carried said Resolution was laid over for one week, i Aee.tranefes Resolution authorizing the transfer of 5,000.00) Bight Thousand dollars from the General Fund to ', ~ 8,000. to Street Fund. the Street Fund was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; l~yea: Gananer, noswell Hansen, Irving. Koss; none. I Ree.of ITsA~ Resolution of the Z:ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino,awarding contract to Bohaa i No. 628 Sewer 10th, Tuttle,for the construction of an 8-inch vitrified sewer in Tenth 3treet,fram a point 130 feet ea et of the Arr'hd to D, es at line od "]N' Street, to a manhole at the intersection of Tenth Street and Arrowhead Avenue,together with I ~ • ! 15 8-inch by 4-inch wyea, one flush tank and one manhole,at the price specified in their proposal on file for said work was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Gananer, Boswell, v Hansen, Irving. goes: none. Rea.of lfeM~. Resolution of the }~ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino,awarding contract to Bohan do No.62g Sewer 10th. Tuttle for the construction of an 8-inch vitrified sewer in Tenth Street,f rose a point 120 feet east of the Arr'hd to B. east line of Arrowhead Avenue, to a ~sihble at the intersection of Tenth and •B• Streets,together with 15 8-inch by 4-inch wyes,one fluahtank and one manhole. at the price specified in their proposal on file for art said work,wae read for final passage and adopted bythe following rote, to-wit: Ayes: Gananer, Boeweli,Haneea Irving. Noes: none. Res. of CLr1~ Resolution of the Mayor end Common Council of the City of San Bernardino,awarding contract to Bohan a Bo.630 Sewer 10th. Tuttle for the construction of an 8-inch vitrified sewer in Tenth Street,froa a point 50 feet west of the "~" tC Rbr west boundary line of "A"Street,to s manhole at the intersection of Tenth and "B" Streets,together wi#,h 18 " 8-inch by 4iinch wysa,one fluahtank and one manhole,at the price specified in their proposal on file for said work,was read for final passage and adopted by the following ~ote,to-wit; Ayes: Ganener,Boewell,Hansen, Irving. Noes: none. Rea.of Int. Resolution of intention to 8rofect,extend sad open Rletenth Street too uniform width of sixt,~ feet No. 631 Open 11th St. between lots 2 and 3 of block ~3 of the Rancho San Bernardino. as per plat thereof of record in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, was read for fin$1 passage and adopted by the following ?ot~, to-d t: Ayes9 Oansner, Boswell, Aaneen, truing. Noes: none. p, Rss.of int. Resolution of the kayor sad Cossaon Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to llo, 632 Open Hansen. open and widen Hansen Street between Y and G 8treets,to a unifo n width of 50 feet, was read for final pas~- sge and adopted by the following ?ote, to-wit: Nes: Gansner,Boswell,Aueen,lrving. Ross: none. Rei.ot int. Resolution of the Ysyor and Caermon Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to so.633 Opet? 10th. open and extend Tenth Street frog the east line of "A• Street to the west line of Nteran A*srws,to a unif• '"~ o ns width of 82} feet, wau read for final passage and adopted by the tollowinQ ?ote,to•wit: Ayes: Gsasner. ` Boswell, sea, Irving. Noes: none. Res.of int. Resolution of the Mayor and Casaw n Cound of Lhe City of San Bernardino declaring their intention to 'to.63s Open H St. open and extend •b. Stre~t,froa the north line of Tenth Street to the south line of Base tine Street, to a unifons width of 60 feet, was read for final passage end adopted by the following wte, to-wit: Ayes: Oansne Boswell, ftansen. Irving. '~oee: none. Aes.of Int. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City 8f San Bernardino, declaring their intention E Open Spruce to straighten and widen Spruce Street between G s7Ad H etreete,so that the same will have s uniform width of 50 feet throughout,was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. P.ea.of nt. Aeeolutfon of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino,declaring their intention Open ~'~St. to open and extend Eighth Street, from `L" Street to lit.Vernon Avenue,to a uniform width of b0 feet, was ~ read for the first time and laid over for final paeeage. Res.Adpt.P 3 S. Resolution adopting Plana Cross-Sections and Specifications for the improvement of "D" Street,betwee Paving "D"St. 2nd to 3rd, the north line of Rialto Avenue and the south line of Third Street, by paring the roadway thereii and const- ructing gutters therein, said Plans Croea-Sections being Numbered 183, was read for fllnal passage and adop- ted by the following vote,to-wit: Ayes; Canener,Boswell,Haasen,Irving. Hoes:none. P.ee.of int. Resolution declaring the intention of the Yrtiyor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino,to Pave "D"St. 2nd.to 3rd. improve "D"Street between the south line of Third Street and the north live of Rialto Avemie,by paving the roadway thereof and constructing gutters therein,wae read for the first time and laid over for final paesagl. Protest The following petition wen presented and read. Catick St. San Bernardino,Cal. Oct.20.1913. Opening. To the Honorable Mayor and City Counetlmen of Sere Bernardino: we the undersigned and property owners, wish to gresent this to you is protest of opening the north ~ end of Catick street, between Sixth and Seventh. hoping you will give this your due coneideration,we are. Yours Tnily, w.B.$owes,631 Catick St. 100 it. Bsn Benson, 619 Catick St. 150 Pt. C.w.Lasipson,634 Catick, 150 it. Paul IA.Lotze 62b Catick, 50 Ft. A.L.Harciy 755 Seventh St. 150 Ft. 1.8.wheeler,621 Catick, 50 Ft. F.J.Fa$an,b2~ Catick, 50 Ft. lire. Floreaee welsh, ~4y Catick. 150 Bt. Ord.weeda. An Ordinance ewtabliahin~ resideatal district, and declaring weeds growing or being upon property within said district, to be a pibllc nuicance, waa read for final passage. and upon motion of Councilman Irving duly seconded by Councilman Ganener and Carried said Ordinance was laid over for Oaa west.. Ree. Bond Resolution~acceptiag bond executed by the Southern Sierras Power Company as principal, and the S.S.Power Co. Aetna Accident and Liability Compare of Hartford. Connecticutt, as surety, in the sun of Two Thousand Dollars 02000.00}± in lieu of bond given by Pred B.Yechling, bearing date the 25th day of August,1912. ' for the full performance of all the terms and conditions set forth in that certain franchise granted to v Bred B.l[echling by Ordi mace Humber 4b2 of the City of San BernardinO,pssaed and adopted Sept.5,1911,ras read for fir~el passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Gansnsr, Boswell, Hansen, Irving. ~ floes: none. Protest, Protests of The A.?.~ S.F.Railway Co. by Feed T.Perris,ltansger Fuel depa rtnent, and the County of St, Fe Rjr. Co. do County of Sea Bernardino, by Samiel P1ne,Chairaan of the Board of Sups visors, protesting against the work conteap- Sari Bdao. fated by Resolutrn ll0"625, of the Mayor sad Coseaon Council of the City of Bah Bernardino, was presented sad read. Councilmen Hansen coved that tht hearing of said protests be fazed and hearing be given at resting to ba held Rovssber i0,i913. and that the protestants be notified of date of hearing, notion secaaded b7 Coui1- cilart Oansaer and carried. Clerk„s~porL The City Clerk reported ss having cosipared the signatures K petition filad~t.29,1g~, for the tavosabks oa Initiative adoption of as Ordinance under and by virtue of Section 120, Article ill. of the Ctrartervof the City of Sea Petition Bernardino. and trop the great register ascertained that said petition was •ignad by sieetors equal in rMabs! to thirty per cent of the entire vote ca et for all candidates for 1[gor at the last preeeeding City elaetio at which a Mayor was elected, and find attached his certificate of sufficiency. /~ Coran'etn The following cosrr?inicntion was presented and read. Rfversid. R'arr Co. Riverside,Californis Qet.U,1913. to donate land. Kayor J.w.Catick, San hernardino, Calif. Dear Sir: I an instructed by the 3oard of directors of this coaparpr to say to you that this coayarp wilt des - - r --- - - - - -- -- _ _ - -- - G '~~~ to the Cit of San Bernardino the following described property: 1 Lots 19 to 23 Ynclusive in Block A of the Mozencraft treat, Lots ~ to 32 inclusive in Block B, and Lots 10 to 36 inclusive in Block C of lfozencrafte tract. on condition' ~ 1: That the City of San Bernardino shall open Court Street from A street easterly to the intersection with the new boulevard or roadway to be built along ~iarm Cre a, without expense to the Riverside lister Company. 2: That the city of San Bernardino will pay all the expense for street improvement on Fourth etrert in front of the property which this company ie to deed to the city of San Bernardino. This Compar~yr will reserve to itaelf,its successors and assigns, the exclusive and perpetual right to dev- elope water upon all of the property conveyed to the City of San Bernardino ati to carry the same away with the right of ingress and egress for the develiping of such water and the construction, maintsnance and operation r, of conduits for the carrying away of such water. t`~ Should you desire to have this company convey the said property upon the conditions herein named, kindly ad- i vise ua and the deed will be promptly made. Very Truly Yours, Francis Cuttle, President Riverside Water Compar~y. Church St. A de le®ation of Church Street property owners appeared before the Council and requested information Protest Denied. regarding p roteet filed at last meeting, Councilman Hansen moved that the protest filed against the improve- ment of Church street be overuled and denied, motion seconded by Councilman Ganener and carried. Refund Licnce ReFresentative of the First Christian Church appeared before the Council and requested that said Christian Church. Church be granted pexmiaeien for holding a Church bazar. Councilman Hansen moved that permission 6e granted setd any licence required for the holding of such bazar be refunded, motion seconded by Councilman Ganener and ca rried. Claims The City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants in payment of claims approved this date bj the lcayor ' app roved and Finance committee, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Gananer,Boeweli,Hansen,Irvin~q. Noes: none. ' Atty to Councilman Gananer moved that the City Attorney be instructed to collect by suit or otherwise. the collecS street billa.follawing accounts, outstanding, sa appear on the bodca of the•Superintendent of Streets: B.E.%avanaugh,~l0., Fred Jenkina,~15.00. The Highway Construction Company #9g4.89,.mo3ion aecoaded by Councilman Boswell and carrxd. Base Llne Counci3aas Boswell moved that the City Attorney be instructed to mate inveatigatioa, and prosecute Sidewallt proceedings for the construction of sidewalks on Base Line etreet,north side, between Bell and llaterman, and south aide, between 'A" and "B" streets, motion seconded by Councilman Ganener ant carried. Pave Brd'~y. Councilman Hansen moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plane and Specifications for the paving of Broadway Street between "H' and 'I' atre?ts, with a 4 inch concrete base and one inch asphalt surface, motion seconded by Councilman Boswell and carried. ,i;,. Couaai~maa Hansen moved t'nat the Cleric be instructed tb advertise for bids for the purchase of as Autosobile truck for - ~~s, '; use of Street Foreman, Trunk to be 1914 model, not less Shea 20 H.P., 1000 ib.capacity, bidders to furnish • general specifications. equippme~, tires, etc. motion seconded by Councilataa Boswell anj•cbrried. '~ Street Councilman Irving moved that the Street 3uoerintendent be authorised locate and procure price of two Flushers. sanitary street flishere located in vioinity of Los Angeles, motion seconded by Councilman Gananar s»d carried. Upon notion of Councilman Irving duly seconded by Councilman Hansen and serried the Council adfourned to west iwnday October 2~,1913,at 7,30 P.Y. fty arc. Approved this~day of October,lgl3. . or a • ity o shard ao. " '>a F --- ----__ _ ~ CITY HALL, SAN BSRSdARDINO, CAL1F. OCTOBER 2'],1913, Ad3ourned regular meeting of the l;ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. meeting was called to order by T6ayor Catick at x,30 P.1l. the followinv members of the Council being ~' present; CouncSmen: Ganener, Boswell, Hansen, Dav3deon, !ruing, and City Caerk Batchelor. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Res.of Int. A Resolution of the 3'syor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, decla ring their intention No, 53 5 Pave "D"St. to improve "D" Street, between the south line of Third Street and the north line of First Street, by repavin 2nd to 3rd. , the roadway of said "D" Street between the north line of Second Street and the south line of Third Street, and constructing cement concrete gutters on Pach aide of esid "D" Street between the south line of Third St- r?et and the north line of Rialto Avenue, in accordance with Plane Cross-sections and Specifications Number Ayes: 183, was read for Elsa! passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Cananer,Boswell,Raneen,Devideon, Irving. Noes: none. Rea.of Int. A Resolution fo the b'ayor and Common Council of the ~'ity of San Bernardino, declaring their intention No.535 Open Bth St. to open and extend. ?ighth Street, from "L" Street to L`t.Vernon Avenue, to a uniform width of 60 feet, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Ganener,8oawell,Hanesn,Davidson, ~ Irving, Noes: none. Aes.of Int. A Resolution of the 3~Ggyor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intention No. 63y Open Spruce, to straighten and widen Spruce Street, beLwe=n "G" and "H" Streets, was read for final passage and adopted b by Lhe following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Ganener,Boeweli,Hanaen,Devideon,Irving, Noee: none, Ree,of Int, A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of Lhe City of San Bernardino,declaring their intention Sidewalk 4th,bet.A&B, to improve Routth Street from "A" Street to "B"Street, by canatructing cement sidewalks and curbs thereon, was read for final passage and upon motion of Councilman Davidson duly seconded by Councilman Ganener and carried,eaid resolution was laid over for two weeks. Ord,'/eede. An Ordinance establishing residential district, and declaring weede,brush, etc, growing or being upon Def Bated. real property wlthin esid district,to be a nuicance, was read for final passage and defeated ae per the fol- lowing vote~p to-wit: Ayes: ])s.videon. Rosa: Ganener, Boswell, Ranaen, Irving. ord. Hekq. An Ordinance of the Hayor and Common Council of Lhe City of San Bernardino establishing business diat- l rict of the City of San Bernardino, and decla ring it unlawful to keep, maintain, have or perAit the atorags .'V ~' of more than 125 tons of baled or unbaled hay or etaaw in aqy building, barn or structure, or in star pile, or stack, within said business district of the City of San Bernardlno and providing for the puaishstent of anej violation thereof, was read for the first tiae~aad laid over for final passage. Liquor Lic. Application of II,F.Hoffffin for licence to conduct business of "Retail liquor" at Ho.106rj Third Street. Y.F.Hoffman d: Bond. together with bond in the sup of X000.00, A.G.%endall and L.Y. Lytle as sureties, also communicatbn signed ~ by 16rs.N,Thode „that ahs had sold her iatersst in said business and requesting that said licence be transfer ed, was presented,Councilman Hansen etoved that Retail liquor lice~e be granted H.F.Hoffasn and the bond pseeented be approved, motion seconded by Counoi2~san Davidson and carried,by the following vote; to-wit: /!yes: ffansner, Boswell, Hansen, Dsviison, Irving. !toes: Hons. ~eatherbee Councilman Irving Roved that the claim of •.O.NSathesbee, amount X25.00, fps refund of bail song, be Clair allowed,motion eeronded by CounciLsen Hansen and carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: 0ansns:, ` Boswell, Hansen. 'Javideon, Irvinq. Noes: none. ' Protest The following wRe preeentw.d and read; use of 2nd. (~t~- ~' Orange Show. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of San Bernardino. Califosnia: The undersigned citizens, residing an Second street between D and 3 streets in said City, respeettLllj state that they were annoyed and greatly disturbed and in,~ured by the closing of that pant o[ said street i during the last National Orange Show in this City end by peisitting pritats parties to occupy the tJtsest - M r _ aRer__ . _ ~ . J tort Prom page 637. - - -- --- -- --- -- The following remonet"rance was Aresented and read. The the Honorable ]layer and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, The undersigned citizens, residing on Second Street bet:veea-~D and 8 street in said City, repectfully state that they were annoyed and greatly dlstrubed and injured by the closing of that part of said Street, during the last National Orange Shaw in this City and by permitting private parties to " ~ ; occupy the street with their tents, and noisy exhibitions, is front of our dwelling; and now we earnest ~ ly, but very repectfully protest against the closing of that part of said street during the next Petition not to close 2nd Orange S~iow and against any obstruction thereof in fro at of our premises. etr, between D & E streets San Bernardino, Cal. October 27, 1913, Thirteen signers. Councilman Ganener moved that the remonstrance be received and placed on file, motion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried. Ord An ordinance repa~ling section 11 of Ordinance number 304 was read for the first time a•:d laid repeal ord 1 no 304, over for final passage Councilmen ?kwideon coved the fo2lowirg^be rAad in full and laid over for final paseage.ffiotion seconded by councilman Hansen anA carrieA. Ord to be The kapor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, do ordain as follows; presented for Reneral vote. Section 1- It shall be unlawful for arty person, within the City of San Bernardino, to keep maintain, conduct, control have charge of, be present at, or visit any house or roam, place, or apart- ." went, where arty game is played, conductsxt, deceit, or carried on, with cards, dice. or other device or contrivance, for money checks or credits. section 11- 1t shall be unlawful for ar{y person within the City of San Bernardino, to deal, play, carry on, participateiin, or bet at or against arty gttrae Which is played, conducted, dealt. or carried on with cards, dice or oth~:r devZce~or contrivance, for money checks, or credit. Section 111- Arty person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a miedei¢eanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding x§00.06 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding sit months in the County Jail or by both aueh fine and imprisonment. The above was read in tuff for the first time sad laid over for final passage., eats-grade ~ Ordiruanoe establishing !lee grade of ELag Btreet trop west lice of~~K~etreet to the east line ~ B of S1ng at r. o! Yt Vernon avenue was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. ' ,Report of City Report of City Engineer and Couneilssn Davidson on exaaination of llur~fcipal lt~tiag pleats at Vag ~ Coun'Lm Davidson. Riverside, Pasadena, and Glendale sae presented and read. municipal light / C.Y Grow appe'd C.Y. Crow of the Pacific Light sad Power Coapsr~y appeared before the Council end stated that Council atk for extension of the said cospagy was using e?erq effort to sakt report on lighting systea, sad request that the tine to sake report. Council granted four weeks edditioaal tine is .blob to finish report. C0SnO11in Hanttn coved the the Pacific i'id?t end Power Cospar~r be granted the four weeks additional List in which to present the information of their lighting systea se requested by the Council on j October lA, 191j. ilotioa seconded by cpunoilmaa 8aasnes sad carried. Grade of Tasolt CounoiLman Gaasner soved that the City Engineer be instructed to establish the ottieisi grad! of ttr orderdd P ~ F Teeple Street. Potion seconded by Councilman Boswell and carried. S d g for Bend ~'ounciluan Raneen moved that !fie City Engineer be instructed to preps re Planr and specifications "- stand Lugo Perk for a Baal Stand in Lugo Atrlr, said Band stand to be so situated as to sake coos for a tools rocs and two ttilets, Potion seconded bP Councilman Davidson aced carried. r Bridge 4th sts Bridgt on fourth et rent being reported at untsle Councilman Davidson moved that latter be reterrt~ t u~. , ~ to the Buperint*ndent of Streets with powrr to aot•motioa seconded by Co~.aciLtaa 8anttti and carried. , ~ - - --, coat from page 638. ~ ~ i , Upon motion of Councilman Bosxell duly seconded by Councilman Irving and carried the Council adj ourned to meet ~[onday November 3rd, 1913. 'J:30 0' Clock P.Y. ~ --T- ity Clerk. i e ity of San a rdino. j !i! I i ~ I ./ r ' - 1 ----_ - l - -- _ _ - _ . _ _ ------ _ - CITY HALL, SAN BNItNARDI:t0, CALIF t;OVti.2dbF.R 3, 191j. Ad,~ournsd regular meeting of the L:ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. 3~eeting was called to order by tdayor Catick at 7:30 P.M. the following members of the Council being present, Councilmen, Ganener, Boswell, Hansen, Ikividaonm Irrinp~ and City Clerk Batchelor. Idinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as corrected. The following Ordinance auLmitted with initiative peition was read in full for finall passage,. The kayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows; 3ectlon-l- Is shall be unlawful for any person within the City of San BArnardino, to keep, maintain, conduct, control, have charge of, be are.^~nt at, or visit arty house, or room, place or apartment where any game ie played, conducted, dealt, or carried~,on, with cards. dice or other devieo- or contrivance, for money, checks, or credit. Section -2- Ie shall be unlawful for any person within the City of man $ernardino to deal, play, carry on, participate in, ar bet at or against any game which is played, conducted, dealt or carried on, with cards, dice ar other devise or contrivance for money, check a, or credit. Section-3- A,-~y person violating aqy of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty ,i of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punisheA by a fine not exceeding ~~OO.OO.or is- y5r£eonaent for s,tsrm not exceeding six months in the County Jail, or both such fine and imprisonment. Section-A- This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Shirty days after, Initiative its passage and approval. Ordinance rep sling Section-5- All Ordinancesand parts of ordinances in conflict with the oroviaione of this ~ Ordinance Ao 303. Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section-6- The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be printed and published three consecutive days in the San Bernardino 3>ailq Sun. Rea of Churches Rev. Y.F Prince, Pastor of the Epieconal Church addressed the Council and presented the follow- , presented by Rev. w.F Prince. ing Resolution, vote'd-upon and adopted by the congregations of nine Churches of the City. Resolution of the Ministerial Association., At a meeting October 25, 191j, 2 P.ll. RBS0LV3D, let, That we the Federated Churches of San Bernardino, emphatically repudiate the intimations which have been made and extensively circulated, to the effect that our churches encourage ~~`,' or favor gambling in any form. On the contrary, we demand that all forma of gambling be forbidden by Ordinance and strictly suppressed. 2nd, Thal if any referendum election should be held on the aub~ect of gambling, we ask the Council to submit at the same time to the voters of our City the proposition of putting the~tylie Local Option Iaw~into effect, Chas placing the most effsctire bar to gambling in ALL ITS FORHS, together with attendant evils. Signed, welter B. Prince Episcopal Church. Chas R Soott 7irs~ kethodist Churclf ~L~YirstBB~ap Set. Charles ~teea 9-~f..~..-~-+. Ist Congregational ~ R.R. •ilkinsoa i Supt of 8.8. -- ~ J.~f Romich r A.O Yessendsa 1st Erssbyteriatt Rev H. 3asesma Salta E?angelical A.Y. Roadhoust • Christina Chu rah. G.Y. Pattss.n addressed the Council and urged the Council to adopt Ordinance as preaent~d and ao! curtail i cont from page 640-' - ______-------------.---_--_._ .___R___._____-.,_.--_ srtditional expense by calling special election }Lotion Councilman Davidson presented the following; to accept Ord Whereas, the Common Council has been presented xith an intiative petition containing an ordinance Pepealing ord 303. designed to replace Ordinance Ho 303, and whereas; I, ` .The Common Council suet either adopt such Ordinance 3a submitted or refer the same to a vote of j the people and whereas; Should such intiative Ordinance be adopted by a vote of the people i! could not be changed is+~apv provision for the space of two years, without such change being submitted to the people and, whereas; The :natter seems Loo trivial to justify a special election, which would cause disruption and ' I endanger the success of the pending elections, for bonds for the erection of schools, construction of ~ }.:unicipal raiiw:tys, acquiation of L:unicinal electric system, and for the construction of a City HallJand Auditoridm, therefore, I hereby move Lhat, The City Council, although opposed to changing Ordinance 2io 303 in any manner, in order to avoid the exnenae, turmoil, and dangers of a special election, do hPrrwith sdogt and anwet into law said initiative Ordinance 'b wh ch ~ y, 3 passage 0"rdinance Ho 303, is repealed and replaced by said Initiative F Ordinance; and that motion be spread upon the minute of this Council board. /'" .' lotion of Councilman 9avidaon was duly seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried by the following vote to- wit, Ayes. Davidson, Hansen, Ganener, Goes. Irving Boswell. ~IIpon calling roll upon the adoption of Ordinance Council voted as follows to-wit. Ayes; Davidson, Hansen f i Ganener. Hoes, Irving~Boswell. I ord 537 An Ordinance repealing section 11 of ordinance number 304, was read for final passages t r repeal - sect 11 The following reaolt~tion web;read; -~, -: - ord 304. ' To the 3dayor and Common Council of the City. of San Bernardino. • ihereas an Ordinance removing the limit on the number of saloon licensee, which may be issued in this City has passed its first reading and will come up for passage at the ne~ct meeting of the City Council; and whereas; we are opposed to the enlargement of the saloon interests in our City. Therefore, be it reaolied that we the San Bernardino linistere Asseciatlon earnestly protest against the removal of such limit. f`' J.lt Romlch San Bernardino Calif. Hov.3, 1913. Pre• of ]tin Asso. Ordinance was adopted as per the following cote to-wit, Ayes Ilavidsoa, Aanesn, Boswell, Gansner, hoes, Irving. Ord Ho 538 Aa ordinance establishing the grade of Sing Street Eton west line of~8'street to the east live of Grade o! ' Sing str. Yt Vernon avenue. was read fns final passage and adopted Dy the following rote to-wit~~asner, Boswell, Hansen, Davidson, Irving, hoes. nose. • Ord rag An Ordinance regulating the keeping of hay was presented, Councilman baneen moved that amount of keeping of hay. hay to be keps at any one time be fixed at not more than ninty Loan, motion seconded by Councilman • Davidson and carried. An Ordinance of Lhe Sevyor and Colston Council of the City of San Bernardino establishing business district of the City of San 3ernardiao, and declaring it unlawful to keep, siataln, lire. or petit the storage of more than 90 tons at bailed or unbailed hay or straw 1n any building, oarn, or structure, or ~ in any pile, or stack, within said business dletriet of the City of San Bernardino, and providing toe the t. punishient of a~? ?folation thereof. was read for the ti rat tine and Laid orer for final passage. report oa Comaittee aooointed to investlpate min~!ralogical collection of A.E Alversoa, reported as Bering mi ner+alogieal eolleetlon made investigation and being enthusiastic and reeomended purchase of coI ton prod ding funds are a~aii- of A.I! Alverson i able,~nd soma can b~ purchased is a legal manner. ~"~~~~ con from page 41- Appl' of Application of Joseph Bucher for retail liquor license at the Planet }iotel, Third Street, Joseph Eucher Retail Li q- pursuant to Ordinance Pio 50~, of the City of San Bernardino together with Bond 1n the sum of ;2000.00. Planet Hotel J,W Roberta, and 71.5 Hooper sureties, Check in the ruin of ! 100.90, one months license Lax in advance should said license be granted was presented. Councilman yavidson moved that said application be referred to the Chief of Police, Lotion seconded by f ti Councilman Hansen and carried. A.T S.B, refer Communication bf 3the Atchison Topeka & Santa Be Railway Company, addreosed to Charles i[c Eivaina curbs install S.F Depot,k Superintendent of Streets, relative to the order of said Superintendent of Streets, to install viaduct. concrete curbs, between the manta 3e Depot and Viaduct on Third Street, together with abstract of ~ minutes of Mayor and Common Council held August 24', 1908. At which meeting permission was given t Company to .odily this particu3ar piece of curbing by constructing a commerical gutter. • Councilman Davidson awed that matter be referred to the Superintendent of Streets, Motion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. , ~teporta of Reports of the Chief of colic e, City Electrician and the Superintendent of Streets, for the C of Police _ City Elect. month of October 191j, were present and read, Councilman Davidson moved that said reporta~be received etc supt. and placrd on file,Yotion second by Councilman Hansen and carried. I Comm of Bd of The following communication was present and read. Health. pave allies San Bernardino Calif, Oct j0, 191j. To the Honorable +~ayor and Common Council, City of San Bernardino. ~' Gentlemen;- , kt a meeting of the Board of Health, on the 28th day of October 191j, The following resolution was adogtsd. That as a sanitary measnre,we recomend that all alleys and driveways in the business district of.the City be paved. • J,.H.;.~trrlalge " Pres oY the Board of Health 1t.lf Aldirdge Health Ofticer ~ Secretary. Lsdies ?14 The following wqs presented Rnd read; Salem ChurchF • San Bernardino, Calif. lEov j, i91j. .-. Hon Layor and Common Council of San Bernardino. --r 7fe the Ladies Aid of the Salem Evangelical church, kindly ask permission to conduct s sale ~'•', ,r' consisting of aprons, gowns, breakfsiwttcaps, and other ariicits 90~. 14, 1K, 1~, 18, And Oblige Yre H.C lfinkler Chaiasaa of the Comaittee. Councilman DaTidaon moved thst permission be granted the Salem Evsngelical Churoh, a»d that license be refunded. notion seconded by Councilman Gansner and carried. Bid auto Truclt Oae bid haling been received this date for tae furnishing of one Autoaibie truck. Councilman Hansen moved that Clerk proceed to open aueh bid, lotion seconded by Councilman Dsvideon and carried. San Bernardino, Cal. ibv. 3, 1913. Mayor t Common Council, City of San Bernardino, alit. Gentleasn;• p your bid calling for A utomibls Truck. I submit to you the in cos lisnce with following, one 1914 Model T, Hord Delivery TrucY, of twenty Home Powe:, One thousand poured capacity. ~quipmsnt to consist of oosplete tools, ~aek, pump. repair kit, five leaps, re- voligg dial Stewart speedometer. sad option of Goodyear or Hirestonn tires, This oar osa De delivered with standard delivery body upon oAe lave notioe, end for six hundred Dollars, (=600.00} Dan deliver ?weaty Horse Power Stock lousing Car equipped ae follows, top, side curtaitir, wind shield, 3tar~rrt upetisweter, pump, ~aok, tools, repair klt~and fise leaps, Option of Pirestoae or goodyear tires, car can bs delivered upon one dqs no tics end fds Six HundreYt and Twee live Dollars, 0625.00) ` Certt!'~ed check for Sixty Five. Po2lars (f 65.00) fnciosed. conL from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • pa~e 3a2- Yours truly, J.D Gentry. ?ord Agent. Councilman Cananer moved that bid of J,Dale Gentry, for furnishing Twenty Horse Power Stockilouring car ~ ?Amanatrbf:?625,00, be accepted, motion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried r " ~ ~}" Rea of Award' Resolution of awarding contract to J. Dr:le Gentry, for one twenty Horse power atock:Touring font to J D Gentry Auto Truck car equipped sa follows, top, aide curtains, wind shield, Steeiwrt speedometer, pump, hack, tools, repair kit and five lamps, firestone tires, at the price specified in said bid to-wit X625,00, was j read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Gutter P.dc B. City Engineer presented Plana and Specificationsfor the construction of gutters, on both aides both aides G j ` S.F to 2nd. of 'G" Street from the Santa Be right of way to Second Street, and for the construction of gutters on 4 i both aides of Ysconde Street between "F" and "G" Streets, j Return map City Engineer returned the map of the heareh re-sub-divfeon, as poi conforming to the require- Hearsh sub- division. meat of the law. i Ord An Ordinance regulating the cutting of Public Streets, alleys, courts, or places within the ~ cutting streets i City of San Bernardino, or making any kind of excavations there, was read far the first flan and laid passage, ~ over for final § Ord. An Qriiasnce providing for the granting of Franchisee, making it•unlawful to exerise any Providing or ~ granting of lriashise,without authority and making it unlawful to lay, maintain pipes~or conduits, or to erect or ~ Franchise. maintain telegraph, telephones, or electric light or power poles or wiree~in ar~yr of the public streets or alleys of~'the City of San Bernardino, without a Franohiee. was read for the.firat time sad laid over for final passage. Committee for Councilman Hansen moved that the Naypr appoint committee to select a design for ornamental selecting design for Street lights for 4th street,: Notion seconded by Councilman Ganener and carried ,.~ereupoa the lfayor etr lights. appointed the following comDnittes, Councilman, Davidson, Hansen. and Gansner. ', P.S. Sewer Councilman Hansen moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plane and Bpecifications~ Atlantis ~ F Spruce str. for the construction of a eewer~in Atlantic Btreat~and in Spruce Street~Yetween •G" and •H• Streets. Notion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried. - r ~ St Supt Street Superintendent reported that second hand street flusher in Los Angsles were not satiafact+~ ~ ~ report an ~ et flushera. and suggested that the Council Dell for bids for new sanitary street ilushers. Bill •Bun" Bill of the Sun Compsi~v ior:publishing ordered referred book for correction of measurements. Claim of Pee Claim of the Pacific ?elegraph and Telephone Company for refund of license sae referred to the ?el d: ?ei Co. City attorney. • 'fie City Clerk was authorized to issue warrants is payment of olsiaSapprovsd this date by the ltsyor and Tlwaewe Caasittee by the Tollowiag vote to-wit; Ayes;,Gansner, Boswell, Hanson, Davidson, ~ Irving, bioee. Noss. ~ IIpon moLlon of Councilman Irving duly seconded by Couaeilwan Boswell~ana carried the oounoil •'~ . ad~ouraed to mast Yondsy the 10th day of Noveaber 1913 at 7~3fl r Approved this day of Eoveaber 2913. ~ l r o~ tlse ty~ e~rnaraiao. , ..~..~J -- , - - -. CITY HALL, SAN EEfL'~ARDINO, CALIF, NOV. 10,1913. Adjourned c=gular meeting of the tayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. 3Seeting was calis~! to order by Liayor Catick, at '7:30 ?.Y. the following members of the Council being presrnt, Councilman, Irving, Davidson, Hansen Boswell, Cananer, and Oity Ol~rk Batchelor, k'inutee of the previous meeting were read and approved. Ord No 539 ,An Ordinance of the uayor and Common Council of the City of Salt Bernardino, establishing Hey reguate. keep of. business district of the City of San Bernardino, ~~nd declaring it unlawful to keep, maintain, have, • or permit tho storage of more thrtn 90 tons of baled or unbaled hay or straw in any bjuilding, barn or structure, or in any pile, or stack, wit!rin 4aid huainees district of the City of San Bernardino and pro vi8ing for th~• punishing of any violation thAreof. was read for final paaeaRe and adopted by the ~ fo12ow1n~ vot8 to-wit; Ayse; Irving, Dhvidaon, Hansen, Boswell, Gansner. Noes; None. Ord No. 540 An Ordinance regulating the cutting of Public streets, alleys, courts, or places. within the regulate the cutting of str. City of San Bernardino, or making any kind of excavations therein. was read for final paaepge and II adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Irving, Davidson, Kansan, Boswell, Gansner, Noes; None. i Ord Mo 541. An Ordirm<nca providing for the granting of franchises, making it unlawful to exeriae at>,r Granting of . Franchises. Franchise without authority, and making it unlawful to lay or maintain pipes, or conduits, or to i erect or 9a,intain telegraph, telephone, or electric light or power poles or wires in any of th e Public streets, or alleys of the City of ban Bernardino, without a franchise, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayea. Irving, Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gansner, i Noes; None. Aee of Int. xesd.ution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intent- aidewalke 4tt1 bet A d B at r. ion to improve Fourth street, from "A" street to "B• Street, by constructing cement sidewalks and curbs therein, was read for final passage and upon motion of Counoilman Davidson, duly seconded by Council- ~ man Gansner said iiea6lution was laid over for two weeks. Protests This being the date set for the hearing of protests of the Aoard of Supervisiore Hof San E west 3rd et impr'e Bernardino County, and the Atchison Topeka Ac Santa: re Railway Compar~q, protesting against the improvo- ! A.T,S.BRy 1 Bod of Sup. meat aetforth in Resolution 625, said.proteste were taken up and heard. Attorney R.B Gaodcell, appeared in behalf of the Board of Superviaers~and Bred T. Perris~for,and in ,~~~- behalf of th,e Atchison Topeka & Santa ye Aailssy Company, and decided th had no J ey protests at .this time, that matter had been misre?resented to theta. Rea overruling Resolution over ruling protests filed by the Atchison Topeka and Santa Be Railway Camparr3r~and protests of ' west 3rd •te. the Board of Supsrvisore, of the County of San Bernardinq, against the improxement of Third Street. r ! by changing and establishing tke official grade of west Third Street, ae aetforth on j+escitatioa of Intention number b25, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. I Cc®a of P.E.Ay Communication of the pacific Bleetrie Railway Compsryr, by H.B. De ljyrse, assistant engineer, by H.E Deliyee. ' 1 represnting that said Compsr>,y; only making one trip each day on the 8.venth Street, tract between 1 "A" and "n" Streets. and in order to faciliate the handling of the work on this propose8 grade ehange~ hereby make application to the City to abarsdon this trip, for a period of four days, Degianing Rednesda7 morning Nov. 12th, 1913, and ending Saturday night Hov. 15th; 2913. _ f Councilman Davidson moved that re P itic Electric Rail Coa: quest of the ac way many, to abandon tea"fie a along Seventh street for s period of four days be Granted, tioticn eQconded by Councilman Hansen aAd carried. by the followias vote to-wit; Ayee; 1r71ng, ~avideon, Hansa, Boswell, Gansner. Roes; rwae. Jos Bucher Chief of yolice reported favorable upon the application of Jos Bucher for a retail Liquor license retail iq. Planet Hotel at the Planet ~otal, Councilman Davidson moved that license be granted Jos Bucher for a retail liquor I ._-Coat fro~e~pago. 44--- - ---- -_ license at the Planet Hotel, under and in pursuance to the provisions of Ordinance number 50~, and that bold presented be approved. 1¢otion seconded by Councilman Siansen and curried by the following, vote, to-w1t i` Ayes; Irving, Davidson, j~aneen, Boswell, Ganener. Noes; none. Protest of A protest signed ty the residents along Rialto Avenue protesting against the moment to change t residents of Rialto Ave the passenger traffic from the Pacific Rlectric Lfne on Rialto avenue Lo Third street, ass read, Council- ~ traffic of the Pac Elect Ryy. man Ilavfdaon moved that the clerk be instructed to communicate with the pacific Electric Railway Company. and express the eenttment as being opposed to any proposition to change travel from kialto avenue to Third street, }otion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. Report of ReportSOf the City Treasurer and the City Clerk, fund balances for the month ending 9etober 31, City Treasurer and City Clerk.1913, were presented and read, Councilman Davidson moved that repo rte be received and placed on file !do ti on seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. Ree of sward' Resolution aia3rding contract to J. D. Gentry for one twenty horse power stock touring car, at J.D Gentry Auto truck the price BpeeifiPd in hie bid for said car. 3625.00 was read for final passage and adopted by the follow- ing, vote to-wit; Ayes; 7kavidson, Sane en, Boswell, Ganener, Noes; #rving. Aes adopt Resolution adopting Plans, croae secticne, and specifications for the improvement of Second Street P.C.S. 2nd bet F.d; G between"F" and "G" Streets, by the construction of concrete gutters and curbs, said Plana, croae-sections and specifications being numbered 184, was read for the i'iret time and laid over for final passage. ~' Report of The City Attorney reported on the claim of the Pacific '~blegraph and ~ele~}?one Company, for City att; on Pac Tel license fees collected from said The pacific ~'elegraph and Telephone Company, by authority of Ordinance & Tel Co. ~ San Bernardino, for a ry 9 claim. unifier 444, Section b9A, of the City of period from Janus let 1 11 to October let, 1913, at the r~:te of 310.00 per month and paid by said 6ompar{y under protest. San ~e.nardino,~alifornia . To the Honorable 1:ayor and Common Council of the City of Ban Bernardino. Oentlemen;- Referring to the attached claim of the pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company, against the City of fan Bernardino. !t appears from records in the office of the City Clerk that the license mentioned in said claim were involuntarily paid. I would advise that the claim be returned to the Pacific ?elegra~h and Telephone Company, with the aAvlce that they should render claim for the license collected during the past year, only, for the reason that the payments prior to that time cannot be refunded ae the claim is ~ parsed by the statute of Limitations, Youts; ?ery,;yruly; Gilliam tiuthsie. Councilman 3lavidaon moved that calico of Pacific Telegraph d ?elephone Co. be referred back to clsimutt with copy of opinion of the City Attarney, F:otion seconded by Counoiltaan Etanaen, and carried. P & 8 for City Engineer presented Plane and specifications for the patremeat of Broadway Street, frost the pave of ~ Broadway at. west Line of "H" utreet to the east line of "I" Street, there being no Ordinance establishing the official grade of said street, the Engineer was instructed to prepare esma. Petition of j'he following petition was presented and read; newsboys. amend ord So the~~jror and Cor®on Council of the City of Sari Bernardino, California. bio. 262. Bicycles. Oentleaen;- ie the undersigned news carriers, citizens, all raslding within the City of San Bernasdirro, most respectfully re+duest and urge your honorable body to amend Ordinance rnusber 2b1, .ntitiled " Regalat+' •l tag the use of Aicyclee on the strl~ts", or take such action se will make is lawful for person's to rids bicycles upon the sidewalks betr~een the hours of 4 O'clock A.k. and ~ O'clock A.li. and'the hours of 4 P.Y. and 7. P.Y, excepting in th? following dPacrib~d AS•erict, in said Citq to-wit; Beginning, at the corner of Third street, and drrowh~d avenue; thence running north to the corner of Base Line and Arrawhead av~nu^; thence west to the corner of Lase line "D" Street; thenos north on "1r" Street to the corner of "T1' xnd. Bighth street; thence west on the corns! ed "R" arld !igf~th b if ~ Cont from nags, 45-___ - thence south on "H" Street to the corner of Fifth Street and "fl" Street; thence west on Fifth street, j to Yt Yernon Avenue, end Bifth Street; thence south on ~t Vernon Avenue to Third strer_t; thence east ~ on Third street to "H" Street; thence south on "H" Street to second street; thence east on Second 1 Street, to the peace of beginng. i Your petitioners that "by ansnding the "rdinance permitting the riding of Bicycles upon the sidewalks", wlt}, the exception of the above described district, and excepting the hours above stated, .' 1~ It will be of Crest convenience to laborers and mechanics going to and from work, and newe•carriere of this City in the early nornings and evenings ae during the winter month e, It 1s impossible to ride Petition of news carriers. upon the streets, outside of Rintriete described, as very few if any oi' the acid atreeta, are Waved. amend~~rd No ' 241. and we, moat ezrnestly request that your honorable body, give this petition your immediate attention and take some action before the winter rains. Councilman Davidson mover that the request of the petitioners be granted and that the Chief of Police i be instructed to enforce ~rdinsnee according to petition, ICotion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. • Home Tel do Te1Co. Attorney S.t+ Mc Nabb appeared before the Cauncii in behalf of the Home Telegl~ph and 1'ele-~':~ remove poles on 4th street. phone, in regard. to order issued for removing poles along rourth Street, between Arrowhead avenue and "D" Street, and rec~xPSted that said Comaany be permitted to install their conduits, for under ground wires and ask for further time in which to remove poles and overhead cable. 4r }fc Babb was ~._sv• advised that order Lo remove poles on Fourth Street, was the first step of clearing the intlre busineae dietTu rict, of over head wires and installing ornamental lights in busineae district and hie request could not be considered, ~ • Committee L'ayor Catick appointed committee coneleLing of Councilmen Davidson, Iianeen, and Gananer, investigate coat of 81ect to take up matter of investigating the cost of the two R1=c.trical Diatrubing syaseme, in this City. •- systems. atattiag~tlt"attsuch committee's expenses of making investigation would be paid. Yr Baker lir Baker appeared before the council in regard to the assessments made for the clearing of assessments on clearing sidewalks, a:nd stated Lhat he had paid former Street Superintendent Kellogg, li; Baker was referred to sidewalks. fir $ellogg. ~ Bell at S.F, l:r 8t~eres~ requested that an alarm bell be installed at the Santa pe Oroeying at Rleventh ! crossing 11th -~ do I Street. and "I" Street. Councilman Davidson moved that the 5treettSuperintendeNbe instructed to take matter up with Santa Fi Railroad Compa~r. and exeriee his own judgement in the matter, potion seconded by ~r - Councilman Hansen and carried. Grade & Uil Councilman beawel2 moved that the Street Superintendent bt instructed to grade :,and oil Brae Base Line D to 1 and G Line, bett;een "D" and "I" Streets, also •G" Street between Ninth and Base Line streets. Counoilmaa gth to B.L. Davidson seconded that part of Councilman Boawell's~motion pertaining to Base Line street grading and Oiling from "D" to "1" Btreets, which was carried by the following vote to-wit; byes trving,Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gananer. Cross walks Councilman Boewel2 moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to »ut in cross walks B.L. bet B ~PC'atermen along the north side of Base Line from•B" Strset to 1~aterman Avenue, motion seconded by Oouncilmsn ~avldaon and carried by the following vote to-wit; Irving, Davidson, Hansen. Boswell, Gsasner, AM Light A request for an Arc light at the corner of Sighth st net and L't Vernon Arernxe, having been 8th d Yt Yernon. i ag.de Councilman Davidson moved that ai?tter be ref erred to Lhe Lighting Cosmittee, motion seconded b7 ~--.~ Councilman Gananer and carried. t_~ '" Prof est etwer Protest signed by, 1t.F Carne r, A,e.Coa, J,S Nish, H.8 Raletien, AlA••Aleen, Nalter:J. Roberde, assess in "3" st. F..F Roberde,by !;.J Robe rd s, A BeaTeth^rrich~nroteating against the assessments work made under and in pursuance to aeaolution g~9, sewer in and along "1" Street,wae presented and read. Date for hearing Date for hearing protest filed~xas set for l.onday November 17, 191j, at 3 O'clock P.li. and Clerk inet- protest set. ruct3d !o Five notice,ae by Iaw requited, _ . -_ -_ -- --------__-----_.-.____v cont from page 646----- __--_.__._._____...___.._,-.. ~ } .~~f7 Upon motion of Co~4ncilman ISansen duly oeconded by Councilrmn ~rving and carried, It cos ordered that the City Engineer be and he ie hereby instructed to submit estimates of the cost for the following municipal improv?manta, to-wit; First, The acquisition of sufficient land suitably located in said City for a City Hall site, and the construction thereon of a municipal building to be used as a City !fall, t Second, The acquistion of sufficient land suitably located in the western portion~of said .City to be used for and ae a pnblic park, Inst to Third; The acquisition and construction of a single track street railway commencing at th e City Engineer 4 to make intersection of Third Street and F Street; thence north along the center line of F street to the inter- estimates. City iiall section of Seventh street; thence west along the center line of 8ewenth street to the intersection og I site d: t nark site !:punt 1+ernon avenue, thence north along the center line ofi~ount ~'P,rnori avenue to the intersection of Base 4 & Street Railway. Line Street; thence east along the center line of Dase Line Street to the Intersection of G street; thence south along Lhe center line of G street to the.intersection of seventh street and also running from the intersection of eafd Third street and F streets. over and unon Lhe track of Lhe Pacific Electric F.ailway I Company, westward a distance of five blocks, to the Santa Fe passenger depot. San Dernardino, California Nov. 10, lylj j f/'_ To the Honorable ka.,yor and Common Council of the city of ea» bernardino, californis. i Gentlemen;- In compliance with your order 1 hereby submit estimates of coats for the following improvements. to-wit; 4 1. The coat of the aquiaition of sufficient lard suitably located in e~,id city fora ci3y Hall site and the construction thereon of a municipal building to be used as a city Hall, I estimate to be ...............................g'j5,000,C0 2; The cost of the aquiaition of sufficient lane! auitablF located in the western portion of said City to be used for and as a public park I estimate to be ...............510.000.00 j- The coat et_'the aquiaition and construction of a einglertrack street rail way over the route defined in your order, including full electricial equipment and two care and complete incidentals, I estimate to be 850,500.00..... - `- Respectfully Submitted. . ~ B.A Smith City r~ineer. Kea of Reoolution determining and declaring that the public interest and necessity of the City of municipal iaprovtte. San ~ernardfrw, and the inhabitsats thereof Remand the aquiaition aad construction of certain municipal Improvements. was read for the first time anti laid over for final passage. Arc Light e. Councilman Dastsen moved that arc lights be installed as follows, Patera Ctrset, between H R R streets, Corner of Garner and rive streets, yt Yernon !'venue and 8th streets, Motion eecorded by Council- axn 2 Wing and carried by the following vote to-wit; Irving Iki•ideon, ~aneen Boswell, Gasiener. 1Soea none. °ross walks Councllm n Aanstn moved that the Street Superintendent be instructed to put in Cross walks sa follows, East aide intersection of"8" and Aidlto Menus running north and south, west side of "I" Street at the intersection of Aailto avenue running north and south motion seconded by Councilman Davidson. and carried by the following vote to-wit, Yrving, Davidson, banesn, Boswell, Gansner, Noes; none. ~ E,D Johnson Upon the reos~emdation of the City Attorney, E.D Johnson. sAai~~•for a refund of license sas denied ' '~ denied refund iicenss. City Clerk was authoritized to issue warrants this date in paymenta~of clais,s fpproved by the mayor and Finance Coaamittee by the following vote to-wit; !ruing, Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gansaer. Owner of Councilman Boswell reported that owner of property along 16th street between A and B street, was 16th wtr deed property 8, cont from page ----- willing to deed property to the City, ,Councilman aavidson moved that the deed to said property be accepted botion seconded by councilman Ganener and carried by the following vote to-wiL, Ayee; lrving, Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gansner, Noes; None. Boswell+s Councilman Baewell addressed the Council ,relative to the amending of section 11, of motion in resard to ordinance 304, stated he voted to amewb Ordinance }o raise money, and moved that saloon license be amending ~ ord 304. raised from x100.00 per month to X150.00 per month, There being no eecond,inotion was declared loot. Committee on Committee on Oramental lighting, reported progress, but ask for further time in which to oramental lights extent time. make full report. Bfds for etr. Councilman Canener moved that the Council advertise for bids, for a sanitary street Slasher, Plusher, motion aeconed by Eouncilman 3rving and carried. ' Upon motion of Councilman Truing duly sPCOnded by CounciL'oan ljaneen and carried theQqu;ncil adjourned to mast ?Londn.y November 17tH, 3913, at 3:0+clock P.M. ,~~-.~a-~-- Aoprov~d thie.~Z day of November 1913. C syor a City of n erne ino. 1 r i i i . w t ' ~ ~9 City 11ai1, San BArrtt~rdino, Calif. *}overaber.l7, 192j, Adjourned regular :Heating of the Mayor a:nd Conrnon Council of the City of San Derrarrdino. ?geld j 1 }!onday :doveinber 17th, 1913, ' meeting was called to order by uaypr Catick at 3:0'clock P.',., thn following members oS the Council beina prenant;Counr.il:.aen, Irving, '`~cvidson, Bosavell, aad City'Clerk iatchelor, Abeent, Council- I r rren, Iianaen, Gnnsner, Date set for This being the data and time fined for the he:.ring of the appeal,"filed November 10th, 1913, by hearing of nrateat "I" the owners and persona, interested", from the act and de*arninati,:n of the Street Superintendent, in str sewer. asseas:nents, asseasin~ the costs of the construction of the sewer eonstructed under and pur3::nnt, to Resolution of Intention t}u-:bPr. rj86, for th? rnnatruction of a sewer in and along "1" Street, matter was taken up and heard. Attorneys, Curtis and tic tiabb, appeared in behalf of the protr,s*.anta, protecting against assess- - :.ants .made. Strut Superintendent -C Elvaine, explained the work of the Act of 1911, and manner of aeaesa- manta, after some two hours diacuaeipn, Councilman Davidson, moved that protest be overruled and denied, r' and that ass?.s~nent~ as mane by Street Superintendent be confirmed and that Attorney Swing be instructed, ' ~ to nreparedreaolution in accordance with motion. tTOtion seconded by Councilman Irving, and carried. Upon rsotion of Councilman Roswell duly seconded by Councilran Irving and c~crried the Council adjourned to meet 7:30 P.L', this date. -~ ~ Clerk, Anprov?d this ~ day of ~~ovember 1913, rr 1da,,or a ity of man nernardino. . ~ :'~_ ' i t i r i- t _ _.-_~_~_.__ .__._.~.._....r___ ~ ~,SD City gall, Sun Bernardino, talif, Mo'vernber 17th, 1913, AdJourned regular roeetin~ of the Mayor e.nd Corr .on Council of the Cityr of 5nn Bernardino. ''eeting eras called *.o ord=r by I-ayor 8atick aL 7: 30 P.]'., the fol]o~rinv mP~bPrs of the Crincil t=ins 7r~aent; no~ancilneha Irvins,~ Davidson, iiansen, Boswell, Ganener~ And City Clerk Batchelor. ~,inutes of t}ie meeting held i'on~y the 10th day of :'ovember'1913 were r°ad and approved, Rea over Resolution ov~yrulin„ protest filed against t'nc re~^st,.iblishinP„}the grade of west Third St- sling protest 3rd str.grade reet,bet:~een ilt Vernon Avenueh~a point 2100 feet ;:est,u~a read for final passage and adpnte~l by the I following vote,to-wit: Ayee; lrving, ~lzvidson, ?iansen, idswell,Gansne,r, ?Toes none. ~ Res adopt Resolution ad;nting t'ie Plans cross-sectin:~s and specifications i'or the imnrove•aent of { P&s 2nd str bet Second Street, bet:~:een "F" and "G" Streets b;~ the construction of „utters and curb t}~erein~was read for F L G Str. ~sttere .r fin31 i,sssage and ~dopt~d by the foll_orrinv: votP,to-wit; Ayea; ir•~i~, Davidson, I~ansen, Eoswell, upnanar. 1 curbs '.logs; none. Res declare Resolution det~r:nining and declaring gnat the public interests and necessity of the City of municipal improvements San Bernar:9ino and the inhabitants ±h~reof demand the aq~isition and construction of certain 1'unicigal necessity. ,P..,....yf~-y-~ Y" ]mnrove:nenta,^councilman Davidson :moved that said Resclution .bp laid on the table indefinit~~.l'otion ~ seconded by Councilman Iis.nsen and carri~~+. _ _ Ra order xk P.esnlutinn of *.he 3'avnrnnd ~::^r~mnn Council of the Ci*.y o4 Sun B•,rnardino,'ordering the work `"~ s~Pr }'*, ver bet 7±h str ,4 for the construction of a nubl.ir vitrified Wipe sewer in ?St Vernon Avemue,commencing at A point itterls- ease Line. the enter line of Pa se Line .ltreet thtnraerts with the c=.nter line of Lot Vernon Avenue, thence southerly ttt. along the renter line of L*. Vernon,~to a point where a flush tank is to be converted into a manhole at i the intersection of the center line of CL Vernon Aveaxe eith the center line of Seventh street, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage, Ord. An Ordinance of the i:ayor aril Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, changing and ^odi- change grade 3rd str mt ver, Eying the :;ride of Third Street from the west line of tat Vernon "venue to a point two thousand one to 2100 feet -, r'. west. hundred feet west of the west line of La vernon Avenue in the City of San Bernardino, was read for the first time and lzid over for final passage, Protest D et The following petition with twenty signsturesnnnexed,representing 1654 feet of frontage nave bet Pialto k along "D" Street between 4tialto Avenue and :bird Street ~•vas present nd read. ~-~ Third st. ~ To the lionorable I~eyor and Common Council, of the City of San Eernar~ino. Gentlemen;- 7Ye, the tln~?PrAi~TIPd own~rn of pronarty liable to bo ggeesAed for th^ work contemplated in and by Resolutior/y~* 7nt?ntion nn EZK, do hereby protest against the proposed work and object to the sane being done contmm~la.ted in and by slid %iesolution of lntPntion and bbject to being, gsaesaed to nay petition. the coat the,rPcf. pr~~ented, The following are the amounts of our repective ownerships along the line of said proposed 1 mp rov ement. _ i Councilman lktviQaon moved that protest be overruled nn3 denied, motion seconded by Councihaan }tansen and carried by the following vote to-wit; Ayea; Irving. lkividaon, iiunsen, Eoe•:vell, Cananer. i:nes none. Rea over HPgolutinn overrulinn pro teat against t}ie improve:aent of "D" :,treet between Rialto Avenue, °e ntling protest , D bet Test R• 3rd and Third Street, was rpa6 for thA first time, and laid over for final p998Ai!e, ~ Eiverside ?Seed of the Rivr,rside L,zrsd Conpany, ;;rnntinq to the City of ;~an Bernardino, all Lhoee lots f Lana co. f aced Land or ?steels of land situated in the City of &in Bernr~r:ino, State of ~nlifn m1a, and sounded and partic~lar- to C1ty for ± Lots pin?teen (19) to t~senty three(2j) inclusive in Block A of the nark. Lots ly described a9 follows, o- wit, _ •i lq !n 2j "ozA~crnft Tract, T.o'e t.enfl0) to thirty air (~F) inclusive in block C of the ^,nzsncraft Tract. cunt fF~om page 6;0---_ (', /Hes~rvin3 tho excluoive and perpetual rights to develop +rater etcaetera, was presentee, Ord .4n ~rdinnnce accen+,ing certain oranerty from the 1?iverside Land Compan; fora public nark, vas acceptinS Jand from rend for the first t1i7P, and laid over for final pass t~;e. Riv?raids Z-end company. Let Council Gt the request of J.J 3?anford, Council ran ~lansen moved that the Good Road boosters' committee ~ chamber to road boosters be granted permission to use the Council Charsber ='ridgy evening "FovAnber 21, 1913, ;.lotion seconded by Councilman Ihvidson and carried. Report of P.R. Reno rt of th? Pacific Electric Railway Company, account Franchise percentage due the City of Ryy, ^ranchise tax. San B~rnar%ino, from use .and o»nratinn;r'ranchise+.tn9Fr t7rdinnnce number ?17, for the yeaer ending ?~ovemb~r 13, 113. ~a4 nres4nt?~i~t7nnn Icoti~h of ~^.+:rnciln:3n Davidson dul~~ r•~conded by Councilman ransner said report was refrrred tp *.hc City Attorney. Annl'tion Anplicatinn of Chris llansen and C,"' Brewster fdr a wholesale liquor license~nu^~ber 398, Third Chris Flansen kC.T Bre~,vster Street, together :vith bond in the sum of X2000.00, David Grosam2n and fell Flansen as sureties.Check wholesale liq. amount X75.00 being one :aonth license tax in advance.ahould such licenae be granted, with endorsement of the Chief of Police attached thereto, was presented; Councilman Davidson moved that wholesale liquor licenae be Pranted to Ch=ie Hansen and C.T, firewater at ?1o.39S-Third strut, and that bond pre~~ntPd f-_ be approved.. "otion seconded by Councilman liana en and carried. ~-- Grade of 7th G.Lt.Flory appeared before the Council and called attention to the grade of Seventh `street be?seen bet A & B St. water main "A" Ind "n" Streets, ant'. to the water mRin at tl:e intersection of Seventh Street and ":: Street, which nth & A Str. is some 22 innh~s above the strut grade, Councilman Davidson moved that request be made of the Water -- 3. Department, to lower .rater main at said point, Lotion eeconded by Councilman i:aneen and carried. Rea adopt resolution adnnting Plane crdse sections and apecificationa for the improvement of $roadway Street P & S improve of from the west line of "H" Street~to the east line of "I" Street heretofore prepared by the City Engineer Broadway et. and numbered 18~, was read for the first time and laid over for final pasngge. Rea adopt resolttion adopting plans crone-section and specifications for the improv~nent of Court street, bet- P.& S for improve of weep the west line of "^" Sttect and the east line of "^" Street, as prepared by the City Beginner and Court st. bet R & S numbered 188, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. Sneed limit Councilman Davidson moved that City attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance, fixing Lhe to be fixed. ~.- egged limit for motor vehicles. }lotion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried, Grade of 7th Councilman ~Savidson moved that the City Engineer be instructed to establish t1~e official grade of be t A to '>iat' m of Seventh Street, from "A" Street to Waterman Avenue. lotion secondedby Councilman llanaen and carried. Time fixed Proust filed against the proneaed opening and extension of 10th street from "A" Street to Waterman protest against _ 10th eL opening. Avenue. Councilman 4rving moved that time for hearing of said protest ifs fixed and heard in the Council Chamber, Tuesday irov®ber 25, 1913. y..30.P.1:. and that the clerk be instructed to notify proteet~„ sate,. Notion eeconded by Councilman ~lavidaon artd carried. ' Rea ord wk Resolution ordering the work for the improvement of Fourth Street•between "D• Street and Arrowhead 4th at bet ` C R- D S~tr..., Averaie by repavlnq ?he roadway thereof was read for the fiat time and laid over fQ :'seal passage. Seta lib- ah An ordinance eetablishinv the ,vrade of "R" Street from the south line of Aailto Avenue, to s point grade of "G• st Rialto ~ one thousand (1000) feet south of the south line of Rialto Av•rtue. was read for th' fir^t time and laid South. over for firatl passage. ~ Y.stablish An Ordinance es*.sbliahing the grade of Tr..aple Street, from the west line of vaterman Avpnue~to the grade 0f 'L !ample et east line of Dixon Street, wa)e read for the first time and laid over for flea! passage. p,g•g Councilman Gananer voved that the City ingineer be instructed to prepare Plans artd Specifications culverts 4th dfith Bt Town for the construction of Culverte~at Fourth street and Seventh Street ~n Town Creek. Stotloa seconded by creek. Councilman Davidson and parried. P.R.3 Sewer Councilman Hansen moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plans s»d Spec ificatione pacific et. ' c nt fro^~ pace 651------ - ~t-.... for the construction of a sewer in Pacific Street, from l.!t 'lemon Avenue to Atchison Topeka Santa Fe rtailway C,mpany's right of gray „ kotion aeronded by Councilman Davidson and carried. Cross walk Rt Councilman Hansen moved that t}ie street Superintendent be instructed to install cross xalks Rialto & "]i" Str, ' of sand and gravel rat Rialto Avenge and "}[" Street. }potion saconded by Councilman Jlevidaon and carried City Clerk was authorized to issue warrantaf in payment of claims approved this date by the ~Ryor and Finance Commute, by the following vote,to-wit; Ayes; Irving, Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gansner, ~o?s; none. Upon motion of Councilman Davidson duly 's9eopded by CounciL~nan Irving and carried the Council ad;,'aurned to meet Tuesday ?Zoveraber ~5, 1913• 7~3G P•1.=• O'clock CITY CI.F'2.r 1C Approved this day of ~~ovember 1 1 . i 9 3 i }:'ayor o he City of San ernardino. (Gmiseion) Res overruling ReRolutinn over-ruling protest filed against the asPSe:cent as made by the Street Superinten- protest against If "1" St sewer dent, pursuant to Heeol+l±ion No, r8G for the construction of R saucer in along "I" BtrPPL, w==s rer+d for aesesementa. Lhe i'iret ti;r.e any: 1rid over for finol pxssaFe. Approved. this day of '+ov~a'cer 113. CITY CLSRK. t ,tip ' ayor the .ity of San Prnardino, i E i [t I i J f , t j 1 , 1 City Hall, San Bernardino, Calif. 1iov. 25, 1913, i Adj:urned r?gular meeting of the I:ayor and Cosanon Council of the City of San Bernardino. Meeting was celled to order by >rayor Catick at 7:30 P.L. the Sollowin~; members of t},e Council, being present, Councilmen; irvin_:, A:vidson, }iansen, Boswell, Ganener, and City Clerk Batchelor. - I:inutes of t}ie previous meeting titi~ere r~sd and approved as corrected. F.Zd Jenkins F.IS. Jenkins addressed the Council in ree;ard to claim of the Street Department against himtfor 3 bill for cutt in of street, cutting streets, and stated that said work was done by reason of faulty grade, Councilman Irving moved that Street Superintendent be authorized. to cancel l,eaid account of F.1'. Jenkins from hie books, .lotion i ,seconded by Councilman Cansner and carried by t?~e followinP vote to-wit, Ayes; Irving, Davidson, Hiln9en, I Eoswell, Ganener. I:oe°; hens. $rotest for This bring the date fixed for the hearing of prof=st filed against the pro nosed oneninv and i OD P.n Of loth at protest extending of Tenth Street from "A" Strut *.o W'aterman P.venue, matter was taken up and hen rd, h ea ring. Attorney S.'~'i. L'c =~abb appeared in behalf of the protestant e, Councilm.n Canseer moved that protest be ~ denied motion seconded by Councilman Davidson,and motion was defeated :~a per the following vote to-wit; , Ayes; Davidson, Ganener, Noes. Irving, Hansen, Boswell. Res Sustain- Resolution sustaining the objections made to the opening of Tenth Street~ae in Resolution of ing objections to ope» ing of Intention Number b33, contemplated, was read for the first time and laid over for final passage. 10th at. J.9P. Curtis appeared before the Council in behalf of the property owners Babel to be ass^saed Petition for the construction of sewer is 16t Vernon Avenue bet~.~een Seventh Street and Base Line street, and decrease size of preaeated petition for change of assesa~nent district, so that sewer shall be of smaller dimenaions~and sewer L"t Ver. sufficient,only, fbr property abutting upon said ,portion, of Yt Vernon Avenue and that coat.of said Change of assess diet. sewer be paid by ownere,of property fronting uron 5~L Vernon Avenue. Res Ord wk °eeolution of the ~etyor and Common Couneil of the City of San Bernardino, ordering the work far Ito 638, sewer 1dt the construction of tefi,inche, vitrified pipe sewer in lit Vernon Avenue from the int~reection of Rase Vernon eve, Line Street and Y.t Vernon Avenue to a point where a flush tank is to be converted into a manhole at the intersection of Qt Vernon Avenue and Seventh Street, together with one hundred, thirteen 10 inch by 4 inch wyes, one flush tank, nine three wa3~ manholes, and one flush tank to be converted into a manhole /,'~ was read for tho iiesi passage a»dieidopCed`~by Ltie~_fo2lowing vote to-wit; Agee; Truing, Davidson, Ranae», `' Boswell, Ganener. No ea; None. Ord 542. An Ordinance of the Mayor and Common ~'ouncii of the City of San }sernardino, changing and modifying change Grade of ,eat 3rd. :the grade of Third Street, from the west line of Yt Vernon Avenue, to a point two thousand feet, west of esLreet west line of Mt Vernon Averaie, in the City of San $ernardino, w:se read for final passage and adopted by the follwoin~ vote to-wit; Ayea; Irving, Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Canener; iroes; none. Ord. Ao 543. An Ordinance edtabli~fng thA grade::of:G:~eLYeet, from the south line of Rialto Avenue, to a point ' 1C stab, grade of G et, 50. one thousand (1000) feet south ,of the south line of Riilto Avenue. was read for final passage and adopted by the follwwing vote Lo-wit; lyeea; Irving. Davidson, !'nnren, Boswell, Gans nee r. Noes, None. Ord lio. 544 An Ordinance eatabliehinp, the grads of TROple Street, from the west line of •ateresan Avenue to the gree~te of Temple St. mat line of Dixon Street was read for final passage and aA.ont•d by the foilos?inR vote to-wit; 1~yee; Irving. Davidson, Ifanasn, I+oswell, Ganener. *?oea; no»s. Orel, No 545. An Ordinance accepting certain real property frog the Riv.raide Lana Coml+r~ »y, for a public park, accept real propoerty was re:.d for final paseago and adopted by the tollcsing vote to-wit; Ayes; r'rvinp', Davidson, Hansa», I fTOm T,~.L,Co. Boswell, Cananer, `Innr,; none. Rt!a ov^r- Resolution overruling protest filed ac:u hat the improvement of "D""Street between Third street sad ra)inR nrnt~Ft , , !l1eQ against Rialto Avemae war read for !'innl passage and =adopted by the following vots, to-wit; Ayes IrvinE, Uavidaon, ' D street. 3-1 at rC/!t P• Iia na en, TOSweli, rancher, ~~O rF; nr.nC ~' , cunt from pale <>>3.---- - - ! j F.ea overrulin; ~' Rn_aolution over-ruling o m tact filed again^t the assessment Aa made by the Street Superin- I nrotr,at filed aaAinet "i" St. tendent rursuant to resolution Number 586 for the construction of a sewer in and along "I" Street asePeementa. for sever, r+ae read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes; Irving, Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, GAnaner. 'Foes; none. :?P.a. Adopt ~ A ' P.&S for the Resolution •a~inntinp Plane cross-sections, and specifications for the improvement of Broadway . improvement - ' of Troadway Street, from the west line. of "IS" 3treut, to the east line of "1" Street, oaid Plana cross-sections st. bet H & I streets, and specifications, being numbered 187, was read for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes; Irvinb, Davidson, Hansen, Bosvrell, GAnsner. :Toes; none. Res adopt'g resolttion Adopting Plans Cross-section and specification 1'or the improvement of Court Street P. S:3 for the imn_rovemPnt tetv.een waet line of "E" Street Ana ±.he east lina_ of "F" Street said Plane, cross-sections, and of Court et. bet £ & F St. specifications being numbered 188, RAs read for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Irving. iiavideon, Hansen, Boswell, CansnFr, *'.oeg; I?one. Bee ord wk 639• Resolut.inn of the Idayor and Common Council of the Citv of San B~rnardina, ordarfng the work 4th st. bet C b~ D Streets. of thb improvement of Fourth Street bet•++aPn "D" 3traat And Arrowhead Avanue, by repaving the roadway nnaeing street, thereof -•.as r'ad for final passage and adopted b1 the followina_. vats to-wit; Ayes lrvinp„ Davidson, Hansen, Boswell Gansner, Noes; Nons. ~' :.'~. Ses to improve Resolution of the I;ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their 4th st. A to b 4.''~ str. sidewalks intention to improve Fourth Street from "A" s+.reet to "B" Street by constructing cement sidewalks and cu rba. and curbs thereon, wA4 read for final passAga and upon motion of Councilman Davidson, duly sc.canded by Councilman HAnaen and carried said r?solution was laid over far four weeks. Petition for a A petition. requesting the Council to institute proceedings for the construction of a eeaer in sewer in "J" Str. "J" Street between Seventh and Righth streets, ores presented and read. Councilman Plavidaon moved that City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plane and Soecificationa for a sewer in "J" Street, as petitioned Lotion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. Decrease in layor Catick called Attention to th! decrease in neraonal property tex•collectione each year personal property taxee. and referred latter to special Couneul Swing to make an investigation. Comm of Communication of J.I SeaRene, relating ~o An alleged amount .iue him for services during the J,i Seasman. Gas CASs was presented And read. + Referendum The followinE referendum pet3tlans were presented by •T.w. Curtis, -/'' petition, To the Hoaorsb3ethe Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino. State of California. Be the undersigned, qualified and registered electors of said City equal in number to at lea et thirty per cent of the entire vote cos*. for all candidates for I:ayor,at the last preceding election at which a I?'.ayor was elected in said City, do hFreby pro teat against the passage of Crdinance 80. 537 of said City, untitled " Ordlnance Na 537, an ordinance repealing section 11 of Ordinance 2:0 304, "duly and regularly enacted and passed by said l:ayor and Common Council of said City :at a regular meeting of said itayor and Common Council,.held in said City on the 3rd day of i:ovember 1913; and we respectfully pray that said Ordinance rip 537 be suspended from going into !ffect and operation and that said Layor and Coaaeon Council reconsider oaid Ordinance 1Co.~37. under in This protest and p°titioo i9 mr.de And^nursuant to the p ro visions of r.ection 121 of the Charter of r{ n said City of SAn Eernardine. 1 .?o the Honorable +he FAVOr and Cosanan Council of the City of San Eernar~tino, County of .^xan Eernardino, ~' State of CAlifarni.a. -~' ~e the undersigned qualified and ropistared electbrs of said City equal in number to at Least thirxy i per cent of the entire vote cast for all candidatee~for l.:ayor at the la et pr!cedirg election at which continued from page G54---- a }.'ayor was elected in said City, do hereby protest agAinet the passage of Ordinance No.536 of said City, entitled" Ordinance?]o.j36, An ordinance of the City of San APrnardino nrohibitina th? !ceenin~~ conducting,, visiting or i~eing kept at a place where Fames of any kind pre played with cards, dice, or other device or r.ontrivance for.noney checks, or credit and fixing Lhe pentaly therefor." duly and f ?"~ regularly enacted and passed by sa#d ?snyor and Common Oouncil of said City at a regular meeting of said ~ 1 L'ayor and Common Council held in said Coty on the 3rd day of November 1y13, and we respectfullyt pray ' that said Ordinance Fo 536 be suspended fro::, going into effect and operation, and that snid L'ayor and P.Pferendum 6 petition Common Council reconsider said Ordinance No:53 . Thin protest and petition is made under and pursuant to the provisions of section 121 of the Charter of said City of San Bernardino. II Councilman Davidson xoved that said petitions be referred to the City clerk for verification with power f to employ assistants necessary in chec;cing :aid petitions, iaotion seconded by Councilman Hansen and ca n•ied. Ord. An Ordinance of the :i!ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, amending section 2 Biayelea amend.^~ent. of an~Ordinance entitiled " Regulating the use of Bicycles on the public streets." was reKd for tr[e first 0 time and laid over for final nassaA°. P.ea of Int Resolution of the l`ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their intent- pave Broadway st. ion, to improve Broadway Street from the west line of "1i" Street to the east line of "I" Street, by paves- i{ \ ing the roadway thereof. in the manner provided in and by Specification number 187, was read for the first I time-and laid over for final pa ;sage. Res of Int. Resolution of the ldayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino declaring their intent- i. pave Court street. •ion to improve Court Street; between the west line of ";r" Street and Lht east line of "F" Street, by pav- ing the roadway thereof. in the manner provided in and by Specification number 188. was read for the first time end laid over for final passage. Res ord wk Resolution ordering the work for the improvement of "D" Street between the south line of Third etr- D st bet 3rd and set and the north line of First Street, by repav4ng roadway thereof, and constructing cement concrete First str. 3 ' pave't. gutters therein, in the manner provided by and in Resolution of Intention lip. 635, xas read for the first r time and laid over for final passage, i fee ord wk Resolution ordering th. work of opening Hansen Street between "F" Street and "G" Street, was read for f ~aneen st, i the first time and laid over fir final passage. •,l° , i Rea ord wk Resolution ordering the work of opening Eighth Street from "L" Street to l]ount Vernon Avenue was open 8th L to Yt ver. read for the first time and laid over fOr final passage. Res ord wk Resolution ordering the work of opening Eleventh Strprt retween Iats two end three, of block 73~of open 11th lots 2dcj Of the Rancho San Bernardino. was read for the fir=t tiae and laid over for final passage. block 73 Res ord wk Resalution ordering the work of opening "H" Street between Tenth Street and Base Line was read for open "H" st. 10th & B.L. the first time and laid over for finnl passage. Res ord wk Resolttion ordering the work of straightening and widening Spruce Street between "B" Street and ~ straighten Spruce et "H" Street was read for the fired time and laid over for final passage. bet G & H ~ A~~fl of Application of S.H. Bubliiz fora wholesale malt license at 1[0.937- 9a1 Third Street, together with G.H Bublitz 1. alt license. bond in the sum of =2000.00, Harry Groves and John Plack as sureties was presented. ,w license _ Councilman Davidson moved that license be granted to H.I1. bublitz fora wholesale A for sale oY halt in r ~ quanitier not lees than one quart at one time rt lio.937-941 Third Street, and that bond be approved, and that ;~holesalr, liquor license apse being issued to G.If. Bublltz be discontinued, lotion seconded by Council• man Irvine and carried. E.F.Souther At the request of Chief of Police F.R. 3eccombe, I'ayor Cntick appointed F.F. Souther ar police appointed police officerofficer and Qouncilman Dnvideon rrov!d that the annoini~!nt of lrayor Catick be confirm!d. lotion seconded b7 continued from pagt ~~------- by Councilman }2anaen End carried by the following vote to-wit; Ayea trving,Davideon, llansen, Boswell, Cansner, Naee; None. Rids adver. Councilman Davidson roved that the clerk be instructed to advertise for b£de for the purchase Auto far Police Department. of an Automiblr, for une of the Police denart~nent. 1~otion seconded by ~'ouncilrran Gananer and carried. ~ ' ` Removal of Councilman Davidson moved that the Street Suaerintendent be, and he is hereby ordered to cause Fencee. the Tencea and other obstructions in and along public streets,tta..be removed, to-wit, Court Street ', from "A" Street to Allen (sometimes called Cross Street); Allen or Cross Street from Fourth to Court ` Street. b!yrtle Street from Fourth to Fifth Streets.; lnterocean Street from Fourth to Fifth Streets; and 1'onterey from L'yrtle Street to ~aterrian avenue, to be removed and said street open to public trnvel E'otion seconded by Councilman Hansen and Carried. Request of Requ<st of P.li. Rasmussen for permission to construat~a green House on the north we:;t corner of P.1l. Rasmussen green hou~-e Fourth and "$" Streets was denied. P,& S for a Councilman Haneen moved. that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Plans and Specifications sewer in Bellevier. Ave, for the construction of a sewer in Belieview Avenue from 1=t Yernon Avenue, to connect with the Van Hese sewer (Lotion seconded by Councilman Gananer and carried. Culverts in In the matter of constructing culverts on the R.F. Garner property in Town Creek, betc;een n6nth Town Creeks and Tenth Streets, pas referred to City Attorney Guthrie for investigation. Upon motion of Councilman Gansner duly aeconded.by Councilman Davidson and carried the Council adjrurne3 to meet L'onday the lst day of Decenber Igl3, at ~:3Q O'clcock P.l~i. I i i Approved this day of December 1913. C ty L~'Ier& --- kayor o he City of San erne rdi o, alifornia, f 1iE i 1 w C1 t;/ Hall, :'xtn B.!rnf~rdin0, Calif. Dec,1, 1913, Adjournn~i rr,Ftular meetinS of the hayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. 3:eetinQ was called to order by ?.'ayor Catick at x:30 P.1_, the following rremuers of the Council '' b>ing present, Councilmen, yrvinS, Dnvidaon, 13anaen, Boswell, Gansner, and City 81erk Batchelor, f ," ',°inutns of the revioue meetin ••sere read and a p g ppro-red, c Res sustaining Resolution sustaining objections to the opening of Tenth street, pursuance to kesolutian of objections to i oven of lOstr, Intention "io. ii33, was read for final pxssrage e.nd adopted b}- the follo-.ving •rotc to-wit, Aycs; ]rvinP, i Davidson, liansen, Lostvell, Gansner. Noes; :lone, I Ord, 546, An Ordinance of the 1-ayor and Com:~on Council of the City of San Bernardino, a;rending section ~ Bicycles, 2 of an Ordinance entitled "Aegalating the use of liicyclee on the °ublic Streets.", was read for finxtl passage xnd adopted by the following vote to-wit, Ayes; Irving, DavidAOn, 3i4nsen, Boaell, Gansner, ~+oee. ?do ne. 1 Res of lnt, Resolution o£ the }lnyor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, declaring their inb 6.30. Court ctree±.Pave. tPntian to improve Court Str=et betveen the west line of F. Street and the east line of F Street, by paves ino the roadway thereof was rend for final nasaaaP And adobtpd by the following~~vote to-wit; Ayes, Irvin4 1 !'- Davidson, t~anasa, Boswell, Cnnener, tio es; tIane, ~ Res of Int. Reaalution of the `-avor and Common Council of the City of San rprnardino, declaring their intent- 541 i.aprove Brondway str. ion to improve Bmad~cay itr?et from the west line of Street to the east line of DIY Street, by paving the roadway thereof, was re~id for final passage and adopted by the following vote, to-wit; Ayes; Irving, Davidson. Hansen, Boswell, Gansner. .,oes; done. e Rea of Int, Resolution of Intention for the Improvesent of Second Street bet•rreen "F" and "G" Streets, by 542, improve 2nd et, F & C, the Construction of concrete gutters therein was read for final passage and adopted by the fol]owing~vote, to-wit; Ayes; Irving, Davidson, liansen, Eoawell, Gansner, ~oea; None. Res Ord Wk Resolution ordering the work of i:unroving "D" Street between the south line of Third Street snd No. 643, f improve "D" the worth line of First Street, by paving roadway Cnereof aru! construction of Concrete gutters therein. bet 3 & 1st. 1 was read for final passage Fnd adopted by the follo:a~g vote to-wit; Ayes; truing, Davidson, Hessen,, Boswell, Gansner, floes; None. Rea tio. 644. Resolution ordering the work of opening Hansen Str??t between F street and"G~~street was read for ~ 1 open Hansen , street. final passage and ariant~d by th^ followinP rote- to-grit; Ayes; Irving, Davidson, Hansen, Boswell. I i Gansner, tSa ea. None. • E Rea No. 645. Resolution ordering the work of opening Righth Street from~L Street to fount Vo_rnon Avenue was read bpen'8th at: , bet L o_rit,Ver. for final pasaagy~ind adopted by the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Irvitsg, Davidson, }t~ceen, Boswell, ~ Gansner, hoes; !:one. ~ Ree tio 646. Resolution ordering the work of opening Eleventh Street between Lota Two and Three of Block 7j~of open lath at. lots 2dc 3 the Rancho San Bernardino. was read for final AyE6; block ~j. paaee~s and adopted by the following vote to-wit, Irving. Davidson, }ianse», Boswell, Ga.naner, ?dossj ;cane. Res Ho. 64y, Resolution ordering the work of opening "H" Stre^t between Tenth Street and base I.in•~wae read for ~ open "H" St. bet 10 Ar B,L, final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit, Ayes. 2rving,Davideon, Hansen, Boswell, Cananer, Noes. Norse. /. Ilse tip. 648. Resolution ordering the work of straightening and widening Spruce Stre~t~betwesn "G" Street snd "H" ~ open Spruce i, bet (3. ~ H. Street was rend for final passage and adopted by the following vote. to-wit; Ayea; lrving. Davidson, 3~anaen, Boswell, Gnnanwr. Noes; :lone. t Reports ?etw rte of Lhe Chief of Police , City Rl~etrtcian, and Superintendent of St r'^te, for the wonLh of Chief of Police City 81ec. 1'ovPSSb^r 1913, ware nr~a~nted and r~A, Counallman Gansner mov?d that ezid r.norte be receivoA and placed Supt of Str. ~ nn films, ;''otinn seconded by f;ounc ilnnn lrvirsg, and carried. ~ - v continued from gape 557----- !' • Bid for Street There b=inP one bid filers for the furnishing of a >anitary Street Blusher, pu rsuance to the Flusher. A.L, Young notice cnilinC therefor, Councilman lrvinE mov?d t`~aL the Cler:r proceed to oven such bid, lotion 7.`achinery Co. ~ seconded by Councilman Gansner and esrried, I The following being, a copy of bid oresPRtfd, ' Los AnFelea, kalif, December ,l,lyl3, t ' ( Honorable 1:ayor and City Council. City of Ban Bernardino, Cal. Centle;nen;- I Pursuant to your advertisement that you would receive bids on one Street rlusher ua Lo 7.30 O'clook, P.b:, Dec, 1st,; we are pleased to make you the following proposition, E I We propose to furnish you, F.O.E. San Bernardino, one of the latest improved ~ ~ SAVITARY ST }t~7sT FT.?iSH)i'RS, built to conform ±o the specifications on Tile in the City Clerk's office. i j For the sum of ,,,,,,,,,,$1040. i You will find upon investigation that this flusher is built of the very beat workmanship and material and is of yhe latest dealers. YIP have sold twenty five of these ":achines to the City of Los Angefee, I ~ wYtPre they are highly r?commended as a strert charring device, Ne can :cake delivery wit'nin two weeks, j and assure you that sa+.isfnction i= puarantePd bafore ,•rnu accept the machine, Inclosed find certified rh9ok for X110.00 ' oe ! Trusting that we may favored with your ord<r, we remain, Yours very Lru~,y, ' A.7, Young Machinery Co. i Per, C,'d. Powell, lcgr. Councilman Canener coved that bid of A.L. Young machinery Company be accepted and contract awarded to E such Company for the furnishing of a Sanitary Street Flusher, ?::otion seconded by Councilman Irving and carried by the following vote to-wit; Ayea. Irving, 1[ansen, noewell, Oananer, hoes. Davidson. , r i Res of aw'd resolution aiarding co~~tract to the A.L. Young 2achinery Company for the furnishing of one St Flusher to A,L, Sanitary Street Flusher, for the sum of $1040.00 was read for the first time and laid over for final Young Machinery Co, passage. A~~'1 of Application of John Flack fora retail liquor license at number 1061 Third Street, together o~~.,` . John FLack ', Aetail Liq. with bond in the sum of ;2000.00, Frank Fieke and Charles L, Flack ae suraitee. Application and Bond License. ~ being accompaated by a ccaeaunication of the Chief of Police apnrovienE such license was or~4ented, 3 Councilman Davldson moved that ret~fl Liquor license be granted to John'T3ack at ifo 1061 Third~Street, and that Bond presented be a±m roved and that license now being issued to G,H Bublitz beiMN o John Flack, ldotion.s~corided by Councilman Hansen and carried by the following vote to-wit AYee; Irving, Davidson, ilaneen, 3oawe1l, Gansner, "ioea. None. Appel for ~ Application of Bohan and. Tuttle for extensiota of tht3ty days time for the commpletion of the rxtrnd of was presented and read. time 10th Tenth Street sewer, Councilman Irving moved that an extension of time for the completion of the Tenth ~ at sewer. Street sewer be granted to BoY,an and Tuttle, lotion seconded by Councilman Canener and carried. Aes. extend resolution authorizing the ..^.uperintendent of Streets to extend by 30 days the *.ime fixed by time sewer D,to C, et. him for thr co~iletion of the work specified in that certain contract number 73 entered into between said Sunnrintend'nt of Str~eLa and Lohan and Tuttle, waR rrad for tl~e first time and laid over for sinal passage. Asa extend Resolution authorizing tits SunPrintsndent of Strents'to extend by 30 days the time fined sty time sewer C.&.B, st: him for the ca:nn2etion of thF work specified in that certain contract number 74 entered into between ^aid SupPrint•nd~nt of ^trAete and Eohan and Tuttle, for th^ conetr~ction of a sewer in Tenth Rtreet DeLr~e~'C" Strut andfB" street was read for the °i rat Limy and laid over for final naesage. continued from once. fi'~T'--- Tres extend Resolution riuthorizing the Su~erint~nd=nt of t'treet to ex*.end by j0 days the time fixed by ' tlme 10th st ser.rr him for the coa,oletion of the work nnecified in that certain contnc~t number entered into between A:&.~E, at said Superintendent of Streets, and Fohnn and Tuttle forfthe constnsction of a sewer in Tenth street b~t-:vnen~l:"and "_R~Ct.rPPts, wnF rP:id for the first tim' and laid over far final 7x~seage. Clerk Lo ~ouncilmRn ?ruing moved that the Cinrk bn instructed to communicate ~:ith the Atchison Topeka i comTn~nicat~ with the and Santa Fe Railway ComnAny, and Pxten~i to Said nom~lny the annreciation of the }'avor and Common Council :4.T.S.F Co. for action of saiR cmm~any and their renreeentativea in the i~nnroving of "7" Btr~et. ~'otion seconded by Councilman iianeen Ind rattled. P .t: S for Councilman Davidson moved thzt the. City 's3ngineer be instructed to prepare Plane and apecificat- curb east did*. of "I", ion~for a curb on the .;xst aide of "I" Street bet seen '?i,~hth street and Rase Line street. 1°otion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. F.atab ¢rRde Councilman lia assn -:cued that the City Enginees be instructed to eetabliah the official grade oS of Fx-laces. - strrot, Frances Street, Potion seconded by Councilman David eon and carried. Council*.nan Davidson moved that Clarence Rutter be given the excess dirt i'rom ^emple Street provi- ding he moves same at his own expense, Liotion seconded by Councidmr_r. flr.:,een rod cat•ri?d. u :'ke Cit, ClPr'f c~e~ r.uthorized to isle warrants in nayr:ent of Claims approved this date by the }:ayor and finance Comrsittee by the follo~~ina voter to-wit; A,ves~Irving, T~vid.sen, }iana"n, BoaRell, Cansner. ~ / h*oesi .None. i i)non mot inn of Courcilmr:n Hansen duly 9pconded by Councilman lrvinx and carried the Council adjourned to meet ~'onQay the Rth day of December lrslj, at 7;j0 P.2'. O'clock. CI C ti I Approved this ~V Qay of yecencber 191j. • r t ayor of a City of San err~rdino. ~ f~ ~ L.., 3 I i i i ~/ i i i City Hnll, yap F3ernardina, Calif, Dec. P, 1913. Ad3ournpd regular ^cAetin~ of the ?"agar ard. Co~;;mon Council of thw City of San Bernardino, 1.`eeting was called to order bar?inyor Catick at 7;30 P.1'.., the following members of the Cauncil being present; Gouttcilmen, Irving, D.zvidaon, l.annen, Poewell, Gansner. and City Clerk F~atc}i~lor, . i l:inutes of the nrAVious meeting; ware read and approved, Res award cont. Resolution awarding; contract to the A.L. Ycung l.:achinery Company, for the furnishing, of one for str flusher to A.L. Young Sanitary Street rlusher, et the price specified in their bid, to-wit: $1040.00. was read for final rt:achinery Co. passage a,nd ~.donted by- the following vote, to-wit; Ayes; Irving, Davidson. lianaen, Boswell, GanRrer. IioeF; :cone. xea extend Resolution authorizing the £uperintendent of Streets to extend by 30 days the time fixed by time sewer 10th st bet him for tLe campletion of the work „specified in that certain contract number 73, entered into bet•seen D. & C str. • s:<id Superintendent of Streets, znd Eohan and Tuttle for the construction of a sewer in Tenth street between "P" Street and Arrowhead Avenue zcas rFad for final passage and adopted'by.the following vote to-wit; Ayes; Irving, DavidFOn, Hansen, Eos~celi, GananeT, noes; I+ane. Res extend Pesolution authorizing the Sunerintend~nt of Streets to extend by 30 days the time fined by time aev;er 10th at bet him for Lhe ecmpletion of the wark epeci°i ._d in th? certain contrHCt nu*nber ~4, entered into betueea C ~ F Str. ~' ..' said Superintend?nt of Streets, and Bohan and Tuttle for the constructicn of a sewer in Tenth Street ~' tet-zeen Arrowhead Avenue and "F" Street, v;t~a read for final passage and adopted by the followin.~ •rote, to-wit; Ayes Irving, Daivdson, Hansen, Boswell, Gansner, ?:oes. None. Rea extend Resolution authorizing the Superintendent of Streets to extend by 30 dzya the time fined by time saver 1Cth st bet him for the completion of the work specified in that certain contract number ~5, entered into between B & A etc. acid Superintendent of Streets, and Bohan and Tuttle, for the cnnetruetian of a sewer in Tenth Street • between "b" aad "A" Streets. -,~e s read for final passage and. adopted by the following vote, to-wits Ayes; Irving, Davidson, Hansen, Eoswell, Gansner, ldoea; none. Reports of Renorta of the City Clerk and City Treasurer, fund balances for the month ending November Clerk & Treasurer. 30, l;l~~were presented and read, Councilman ][anaen moved that reports be received find placed on file llov. 1913• motion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried. Bid for the There being one bid for the construction of a sewer in Lt Vernon Avenue between Seventh street sewer in ~ '~ ~'s 1?t Vernon Ave. aad Base Line Street, Counr,ilsan Davidson r~overi that the Clerk proceed to open sarac,motion seconded ly ' Councilman 1T.anaen and carried, The following bid was presented. San Bernardino, Calif. Dec, $tb, 1913, To The Honorable luayor and Common Council; of the City of San Bernardino, Calif; Centlemen;- In pursuance to the attsch?d notiIIe calling for sealed bide on a ten inch sewer in &t Vernon Ave, Beginning at Seventh Street and running to Base Llne, Ike beg to submit the following bid, Wt will construct sewer accordin(; to Plane and Specifications on file in the office of the City l<n,cineer of th e City of San Bernardino, canplete in every detail, cut excluding the manholes Tor 64 cents per lineal foot. ,„w kanholes compete Forty Dollars each. Flush isn;c compete SFVenty-fire Dollars. 7ranefor~^inp, pr=sent ?'lu4h tank at the Intersectian of Sevlnth Street with '•-t Vernon Ave, to a r..En Hole Fifteen Dollars, i ll!r~to attachpR please find certifieA check for 10'~ of the amount of th6 prooosed bid. confiriued from page 660---- '' Eid cont. Respectfully Submitted, ?;c}.an And Tuttle , ' Per, KArl F. Tuttle. Council•'ran Davidson i*_oved th-~t hid ox Bohan and Tu±tle l~e accentsri :_otion aeconde4 by Council- ` L man:Irvirg add cariiRd. `r Ree of award Resolution arrirr?ins contr:+ct to Bohan and Tuttle foe the construction of a sewer in Iit Vernon '~ coat I~t Ver. sewer to A4enue betwren'Seventh'StreQt arid`Baee-Line 3±reet,'at th'e nrice'~apecifled in their bid for proposed Bohan & Tuttle said work;,was read for the first time and laid over for finP.l passage. P.& S, The Ci'.y Fneineer pre=tinted P].ans and Snrcifications for the construction of A server in PACific for sewer Sn Pacific Str. -Street, 'r,etv;een L't Vernon AvenUeard the Atchison ^_oneka Ind F.anta Re Railway Comnv+ny's °iCht of nay., Culvert 7th Also for the construction of a re-enforced concrete arch culvert on ~evnnth Street, over Town Creek, Town Creck 4tA~:str?et. Also for the construction of a re-inforeed concrete arch culvert on :ourth Street, over Town Creck, ~ Ccuncilman GaaPnex~oEo?ed that Plans anti Specification for the construction of a sewer in Pacific Street, { be referred to the City Attorn~;/. Lotion seconr}ed by Councilman Irving And carried. Ord.eat'b An Ordinance establishing the grade of "J" Street from the ?north line of Fifth Street, to the grade of J at. bet jth Soufh line of ;vint3i Street rcas read for E}~e first tune and laid over for final casaage. ~ 8. 9th str. ' ~ Santa Fe Geo L', Cooley and J Russell of the Eerchant'e Association presented the l.ayor and Common Council Eand Concert rith tickets for the Cants I•'e Band Concert, and urged that I'ayor and Ccuncil ue present et such entertain - menL. { Ord An Grdinance of the Layor and Ccmmon Council of the City of Ean Bernardino, °ixing the rates to be fixing rates for electric chr.r?°c~ and collected fcr electric Light sad electric Power by any person, firve or corporation enge~ed in liphte, ±he b~161ne9~J of ~unnljring electric airrent for li;hting or Dower purposes to the City of San Bernardino, or to the inh*xhitnnts thereof fo r the year beginning Jan 1K, h ld, and ending Jan 14, 1~1~, and providing for the puniahmant of persons firm or corporations violation the provisions of this Ordinance, was read t - for the first time nrd laid over for final passage, Consent of C.L. Grow ar.8 s'!,17,, Brison, managers of ±he Pacific Light and Power Com;+any and the Southern power Companies ' to passage Sierras Power Ccr»at'y,• rcer~~r.t.fully, announced the willinpneas pf said Companies to the passage of the od Ord. above Ordinance as read. '~~ Cable for Councilman Gansner moved that the City Electrician be authorized to purchase the neceaeeary fire alas & Lights Cable for the connecting fire alarm system sad Street lights along 4th street tetween "D" Street »nd 4th str b!t D 3c C. etc. Arrowhead Avenue. ITOtion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried by the following vote to-wit', Ayes lrving, Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gansner. Does. D?one. Referedum The City Clerk presented the Aeierendum Petition filed by 7. a, Curtis, i?O V. 2~, 1913, with Petition. certificate of sufficiency attached, thereto, Councilman Davidson moved that action of the Council, ih the adoption of Ordinance Ito. jj~, entitiled " An Ordinance repealing section 11, of Ordinance 90. 304," be rPCOneide.red and said Ordinance betAppealed, I'otion~~ouncQl~n Hansen and darried by the following vile to-wit; Ayer; #rving, Da video n, HansPn,Boewell, Canener. Fo!r;,npne. Initiative Councilman Enairteon *oovorl thsit the R~ionticn of Ordinance ':~~. ~~6, entitiled " An Ordinance of the petition. City of San Pernardino, nrohibitinn the keeping, conducting, visiting or being kept at a place where ray*.ea of any k3m! are played with r!n*c.'a, rice, nr other device or contrivance for money ohecke, or credit ~ and fixing the penalty therefor", seine, an initiative measure, rod that it is rot the desire of the Council to Gefeat the will of the electors, nn~! th^t an election b~ ca12eA for tsu~itting -ar said ~ueFtion to w Zia vote of the people, motion seconded by Councilman IG:naen and carried by t},~ followint; vote to-wit, Ayes; Th+vl3son, I?unsen, Boswell, Canen?r, I:oee. lrving. itti ar;iQy li r_ :i .iJ~lO;i .:1A S:':C'. ^'l:::jd t:: t', ..:9j :,'S lfl! .•'; 1i.^~ .n~ri i ~O nl'C j:F: l'C 8n Ji :'~:..'f.CI Erring i:1::t . ;:•F Ora. ~~:.i.^:~ a ^c.;~l _ ~:i,~n. i'•7e Cit.J C1~ ' + t'. .7 I' Ci?iaa r.i '.Y'14 :ta. 101'1-!i CS'1^ '[?]`?"1nt5 In TNlf^^nt F1~.T17 rC i'~%t t}'i1S ~i:lt^. :~' t?le L-Sly'Or r ;and :inane Co:a^litte~ ty the follo~ain;; 'Jots tc-'[it; l.yns;lr'ring Da•riasnn, ]z'~,-:a~n, _•~r;rr~ll ^znerl~r, ' A, :ivn, ::one. P'rofie Of ~%Ol:nC21.',An ~t!SII^t•13 "', .,"^_j t':1,'tt t}1G grildG.Of =ranCGS ytr!^t 1S S'r10~1n cn t~:le 11COfll! .13 nrr,:~ented .'raacea :its, ? ' ` ar~~ro;Pd, by tits City Engineer, be nuprcvea,~otion r..•rrI1:1Gd t Counoill~sn =t..'r:dron Ind c:+rri~d, $ea .'tdont ?'tcso?'l`.ion ~iaptinr, diagra^t of District of Venda tenifiteu by t}:e iic,rat--=.ert ss,' , 1Gth StT Ct''~C/'i?"i^.a in ~.C^:~1.iti Un Uf lnte:ltlUn Jl~j frJr f,11R vUn3tT.iC :10:1 of :t ^r!^er 7. :7 `.'ri .itr~'^t r^t"celn ^" . se','rer L' ,C. :iti'?C t, and .1 rro••-n ea~i ~'.V e:f2G, 'JE.:, :'°^lt 201 `.}1F ~1.T.4 and leid O'd el' 10r r1Y,!il 78 r.. :;;e ' , ]:e8 flAOpt ~~'^-0lUtl,l ':1 ad0'Jtln~ i]1'?r: :.7: 0f t]iC .l i:i t:'iCt 0f :.nnl}8, "L°nCfl teC~ ~';j t~•te 1L.:D .:^.^n r,cnt 1u diu~ra~n• 10th Et 8r:^. e2' ~'.~• descri'Ie;i lri i?e s01'1t aC ~ 0f :::`"~ai:i:r CiO. J].~, i`J. t}le COri`rt T~:Ct1:Jn of a SC°.el' 2:1 :'Crlt~i JtlYrt i:Pt"C'tl iir :'(r'^il'"tl ~:lCt~.:C ri'~ii1 '':~" Jt. ^~'t ':Ja3 ."e~:d fOr t:~t ~'. f2a"t `.1'ri? a11d 1'tii JVe?' 28r °ir~tl 1J F1SSabe, fiCS nd0pt ~°_U1Utl0A n't0, tln~ .11 H rk'.. U?' the _31?:"rift Of 1•r; r7d9, b°1:Cflt<d ~Jf the 1-':n r01 °.nt 3t y!-C: C1' i3, r'.• ;', r: ll.'P(1 In = ~^ilUti0:1 0f lri t!'ilt i0:l .i 0. Jlg, r0., ":tf' :pnz~t:^•]Cti7:i Jf rl .r_'VS'!T In ~Gnttil :Jtr^^t, b!`. t'~PGGA ''Bn $t2'Y. t!t and "fin :it r^,G ~i^.^ r!.t (i ~Or t~li! fl:'^•t 3.Zr Ft 111d Olr?r =0r flnill 1'~C.533$G. f , ~ :Ufl ~'^:G°32`S ('OllT1C 117•R r. 'M'o ici SOn, !'O'JG:] that thr (r'1 ty ,y ~ t, • e'" ? .TC .tOrnf.r C°. ~ t'iU'.'17, t0 a^a~2.aN ~Ud~ l:tg, rj P. f 1'!CO rds Jf t]:! $L:Y7rr10; CC~ar`, In t}le t'.^.0 C'1^!S Of tl'l rl`'J Uf ~:Rn }~~!M'trai "l'1 `J9 '.~.=~. :.i'1er et :.:1, ~ ~~id ~':d4•nPrt having bAen ;,aid by ~iefenaants to tY:c Cit/ of ^ ~n b!r~.:;'ino, :.o+.ion ^!cor.~3ed ly Cotlncil- I vln Ir-Jinv and carried. ~Sfl~rS 6; :e nt9 Of Coan'r9 ]:_~an i,an9!n :~:0'Jrt7 tFlO.t t,]le 3^SC59;:rPnt9 aS U~7tllfi!a liy t'~iG :•i'.1nPrlnt^. `1']rnt Of v'.r~^.t [3, f0Y 1Gth ^tr scr;er rw rUY e['t, th°, aG9C°91^4_' of thr d1S trl Ct 0` t(lC 1Cnth ."7t sect 3eC'er Tk'3.flne? !`:0nic.1 1S SC5:7 ^:C rlt ^.!'(11 nst t}t ~' '!r0~!sty of Prof,PGSSOr Lelle and Lis: '»z ter s, Corner of ~-aayfiGld AvPnun aa:3 `lerth S`.reet hG aooroved, Lotion i E seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried, ~ Grade of "L" Councilman lrvint;'noved that the City r`l~~ineer be inetruated to est,lblish the official grado stye^t '• cf "L" Street bAt',-ePn Kiny{:an Strret nrd '.Troth Str~~t, ;_otion seconrlt'd L;r Councilmar: ?!amen z*:d carried • s r Sidewalks ~.rf Councilman Irving moved that the City :'rt;;ir:ger be in~tructrd to prepare ?~1ans and specific:ai,;r.s iirgc ;n '71k9?f. fns the conetraction o° a side'aalk on bout sides of "L" Street bet•,~e~en'xirs~nad: Street and Bighth Street i • -0t1 on ItGO GiI:?ed ty C.U::^11''.iin i~,-^..riS?n ^a i:'l C'irt'i !G• . ~.la Tb i.'Ort0:1 CO'.lnc 11:'.nn 1'^7i n~'r.J'i C~ the t. t]lr Gliy ."..n~1nCeT 2`G inStraCj .'~ t0 preplt.rP i'lUnS rind a])!C1f1C3t i6P.5 i ( R7CnUG Y' If ''or a curl, in ?~ortor. .lranue, ".o ti nn ?~enn+~P3 by Co~lncilrlan n^An and clrri~d. ' '„3. I o.'`~ Tbgn •r,Of,:~n -? ,,^.O'1nCi1TRR ^ansner duly r..non,~~,+ lr; Cogan^ile;~n IrvinR~hP 2oun^i3 ~djo'.lPned to r:~••t :_Ondn;7 the ] ~ '1` 0f r~,^r.*L. f• r „ .th: ! r 1,13, at 7: 30 P.L. 8 ^I.es. ~--. _ Ao'provpd this ~da-y~of D/rce:a*~r 113, City l~r,t 5~1~-t~~ '.:ay^ ° he City of :>3n ernnrr!ino, '! C:T'! 1::,LL,vl:I:rER?iAFJI:-.`v,C'.~":LIt. D::C:7..n_}: 1j, 1513, Adjourned re~;alar :r,eetin3 of the ?r:ujror :lnd Co:~.'.on Coa^cll o: the City of ^an c:errardino, ~- , 'fentine aas caller to order by Lit:yor Cat>.ck ciL 7,30 P.L.,t}Ir follo:;in~ ..^..e:nbere of the Cwancil ttin ~ pr@^!'r:*, CO'anCi17. All; Ir7I ni', '!~:^.'Jlt: SOa, )~atiS Cl], 081'icll, Candl,C :' a]];1 City Cle r:%. FutC}l':1G r, ' ~11A ".1 f1.,!n'~ Of L}'i9 (1P'.'i 1CI~; :'. flPt l!1~; "0."P I•°. r2a '~ 1`]} ?1. I; rO'i cd. ' ~ ~ n Eerna~ina a-nr9in+~ o.-r.tl•alet to ' ReS A7d;;. ~'C:]~. i`.C.,G1..t I0'. fire "a,~Or ont. CO ".C73 COunC 11 Oc t}]8 itj Oc d:] , ~Oi:71:1- q~f_,'jc.r, fPCrep,-r_nd ':U'tln, for t}?e Constracii5n of a (10) ter, inc?I 'riLrified _];I'e ?"4CF`Y' In I'.t.~rCr1101] f.YCnLLC, aa:i 1'faC. fOT 1 ~ x a.,.. A r 11 t, r a r T^ ' SIB,, ^ L finr:i ga9C'i [,r. •i.+.. ,F,_ t!] f0__O^.: iti~ VOte, t.G-""1 ,j'...•: I_Vint,, ,,.''J1490n,. n^el:, P.O S'•SFl l,..ari5rle r. C'rd.:;e.r~j An Orlin„rr,e ~;teblis'r,irlc t`Ie ~rad•a o` ~ S+.rer.t f!•o'li t}7^ r.or`_}' lire o; Fifth Streit to the eouth line °stn~, "radP "J"" ^t, of .".inth SLre^t,•Fa^ re: r' for final pasaae ..nl a^o?`ed by the fello°;in~ -rot^, to-;,iL: A;;PS: Ir^in,-,ia7idoor. ^nsell, .ZQy7ff'll, CI1n97]"., ."'O^9: nOii~.. • !'rd.I:e.'"4P .1n Gr'in?r:^': Of th!' a.'ajOr ti?"a9 CO"'7%O 11 ~OU11CiI Of Lh^_ ^lty Of ^:in F°r;"'Ltr'ilY,O, flxinr- the _,';tF~ LO hC F.atPS. chnr~ed Tlnd collert2d for e12Ctr1C llei•!L Rnd P,1.?Ctr1C r,0'err by my pe-:>on flr•r~ o-' corpora`./or. =ngiSeB 2n the business of s'Ipplyin: r:lectric current for iightira or po•.aer purposes to the rite cf ~+ln r~r:fardir.o or I" to the inhabitants thereof for the year be;;innillrt January 1,1514, anti crldint? January 24,191, an:' ^rovici- ~- insc for the pur,istar.e::` o: perGons, firn.s er corporations riclatin~ IrroYi~'_ons of this ordinance, :rne rF~'i for finial ra.^a;;e a!]d a~9onLed by the follo',cirlg vole, to-vait;Ayes: I: Jind, .avid~an, Eoscell, Ganon?r,. ?Toes: 1?anscri. r i'PP. ^c.p.?•iia Fe?U1l:tI0:: 'a OI':inil di:l t,r•^.1~ Of t,}iC d1 BLriCt Of l~.n(~F bCtllflt?!1 b}~ tI'!P i".i: ^0727. P.P.t d?C•C rl bed In FifP.01- r EFivPr Tenth ~ ~rl'^. }7!i P ".%". Uti On Of i11t°riti^_ :`J, file, f'.lr Liif? CO nSt r'aCtiCn Of E' sei-Cr il: Tenth ~JL refit b9t'A'F'r'.1 :.1'r G]:i, C.ld i.Ye, is n!~ I) Str^P t:, -ac read for final nasa~e ar..9 a^Onte+l bl' Lhr, folim:ir.~ vOLr;, LO-'..^.it: t?,'iP,F; 1rVln r~,V1dF011, ~':1 nSCli, PO:K'(?11, d.n Gne r. ;;0ea, l1G YiC, F.es.Adpi,Di.a~t: ':esolation doptisl'? diagrz:L of file district of lnn,',s bP_nifitsd b}' the i:*:r,ro•JPSenL czsFrlled in Resoi- _ Se.+er "?nth ~ t. ~ F.rr•,v.i3 "b" ution of Int?n`.ior: Sc. 1G, for t7t+~ eonsLri.ction of n =Fr:^r ili "'euLh SLrert br:t•„rFn Arrn•,c}iesd Ave. Rnd B i iii reF't5, ;' Tr'.^.d for fi::al p1S:'C?;° i1 t].~ ?,tOrJ t. P_~ I15% tho 4'0110"'in£` 70 }..'!, t6-lYlt: AVCS: lr'r1 RC, ~1Vld.^_011, 1 F r~Pn9eT7, Tos-F11, Fall..^'I]Cr. °ces: r,cne. I-',?., ~ r~;; ?r.9 ~01'.1tiC7': ^'~Il~in+' r~l'l r-'rlin~ pf t~l ~' C~2^`. rI 'Of 1:?n~F tPn:fl t~?'~ b" tll r', 1':',^UYF^:P!lt r~. t'.^•(`r it'ed In }Z F;"fJl- c Adp~.~is ~ F~ , } ^::SP r. Ten t}!`:t ;4 "I" to "A" uLlon of Intention ?;o. G1;, for rile cenStruc'.snn of a a~,c'=.r In 1PnL!1 ~treAt bPtr.•Fen B Jtr~:ft Fnd H StrPPt, --as re^d for final T;nsrrg;r; ^rra, a'10ntPri by t};e fol'o•:ir.r Yote, t.n-;pit: AyPS: Irving, T'avidson, 1?ansen, Foszrell, C'ansner. ^oes: ron~. 2~r.P.s °or,d: of J°3;:g :.:^rlrias and T•.~.Goutller tisallfjing as Poiic? ~ffir.srF was Ttr(`srintPr; for ^p-,ro7a1, r ~ : O'3 tl? A r • ; Fsu= AT=aria n.rounciL:an ra7ldson ^:o7od Lhat the said hunt's be 'cc^pted anfl approved, ~IOticn seconded by Councilr..rn # Irrir._ r,nd carried. :.uto l:id, "}lerr, ~.Fin~ one bid fflP_,? for f4rniahing zato:aibilc as pnr notice crlllinr thF.rcfere, Cour.cih.•f!i ~ ;', r..•et; -o•r_ ~ha. }'_ Clerr, r,roce d to ~'iF, ®t:cl] hid :rotic.t s corc:c~' b}' ~m.InciL:aa y:rJi~`con etc carried. i :%,~ _^oll.c^'i±:~, tri.^.~ ~~PY of t'i~7 rr;irl. '?Ar..,lr.,llj, City o: ..r.n Enr:,ri;:'~it:o, s i i . M.'. };1. ~ ..1 'JO;;r bid ^^1~ inF I'Cr ll~.OTObir_P I 'i~^ ~'i+', 'Cf t0 .r Ut'•lt t0 'JL iti 7 -•. ~}.n f01!_ :Iiiy, rite 1,1 p~ ^'~ i^'~ Oa rl!:;; ^aI :a11} I',4•lin~n~,j• ~:~~11')'lCa t0 CUIi-r1Ft Of Top, :i1C~e- CU rtaiYO, ...i„l ~,i ^}ii Fi(-~, "1Y° LG'...;rl ~,Fn Rn^P•Fr, ~i';:1''~' ^On 13, r,.; ^s7, 'fi^:: '?eI'ia i.. 7. nit '~1:'i iption 0: ~1 r8 i, '-171r .'1 C'l:: }.F f.:T1}15hnd 0:7 .:.C '.0'.tC2 ~.`i~ fOP "I? .i'a t]!}rPSi n']ri i+;ent~ t'i':F 1 • -~I: .'E ti's.... ~Oa: I. _r;~-r.'. i'a'_,_ .:;,_~n hOd,V ^li.. 1`'.^L('i. I. '. t^@ On FO.rd OhrI RD 1.' InC lu i- " _-. . 2r'2 a i r.~ n!.ic~ rC slut, c'1.: F' ~J -~" - :O ^n^fl" T f.,~ ,~n ail: }'iCt niinl ,.'t .rn :1.,f 1. ,','7x71., ^?,-,rr:it ?o:c .1,~~1:`. J' i '--'Y^„1 .'n;:~'it;~ ~):e `O rCe;''~l tl~~ .:r~;:0 "~al .n 0'1 `l ~:{1'~~?fi }{^.nFr:t "J', :1 {17'1: :il^ pTUpO E731, t0' j'(?t:2i~; ^t Crr.! ' r'R TO1 a;~01'. CU?^ rrrii .^t' _ ^'.Q On r'O r3 ^}i%1:. .5, be .^,C^.P_•tn;l ^,rd CO1lt TRCt aT,'a Y'(1FP ~ J,:i'il t' ',nr,f TL' ;n ` '~' li ~O ^~'• };i!; 271' 0'i f11C, '90t10n :,^C4 nClerj ;r'~ COlI i :Cl }I71Ln .Y1 ! O:i Rn' .:A; r1CCi b~' a}7C fU110'711:f? 9ptf?, tU -';lt: /ly°.S: 12"Jiti F', ..:1`: l!t-`iJn, .,Lt'1 en, i0e'/:611., ^~L.n 61iC ~',. -:?C^_. ..nrp, ' i [ i:f S. /': F'1 Clint. .^:+a 1V.~iUn rC1177~ C~)I1t T:t^_t t0 J.rA 19 G~I7t7'~, fGr OnC 1,14 1'Udnl ~O r' !'}'+,.£CiS, /:'C,L11'r'],?C! lt'C: j ',L`,Gentry AUt O:LObi1C I0'-iCn r~^it2'pl 'S'l ~"r, !'a }'Ody, .^_t t}1P ;)ri Cc 1':: 11:; n*: .:i ltl: t~lt!, ~i.0-'^.lt: y~ ~e ~.t]Q, ~•:J? Y'n;; (j fOY' t},f± flr?t ti.ilq --tr:; }^111 J^n, for firi,l j1g0°aGe i0~77tCtn .he fOllOltiln~ C0'"'-'.JrflCti~Jn ^'P3 nr?SFlntCd C?7i~ rfad~ oard of F'?slth, n fiern~ rcino Ccilif, sec„th 1;13, i TG tfiC ilon02'cale I''d.jor ~ ^O,T.'LO:2 l:O',1nCt_1 O t}le city J. ~a!1 .:er:7arCll^.U, nt:1tC Oi G1'11f, ^er,`lo:r-en:- :1: _- _ ~^olrz:ion i ..- t2r.y of the P,Cr.:rt; of health i2a1Ci 7e0r:~;ber nth + > 1913, .he .`011 or,Inr r :-as i3dopted: 'iilvt we recoemend the apl?oi7lii~:.^nt Of C.~.Gri?fin, 1'TOf- •J` n}IC::i:L2'y :nd ?'il;;!;SCe t}~s. Cnn Forr.';r2ino 711~i1 'jCOUl, i13 (•1t;V Cl,e::i:t, t0 3Cr"iC 1ti1JL:t ;t?iic ry, I ' that 'TC 1150 reCO":^.YCnd t}tt ;v0:2 j;Onorable FiJdy °r°t a31de, a 3liR":, nOt t0 C4Ct?•'f ^li'}}' ~i,ll[';~ . . calf ~f t!':c initial cost of 7`rxt:. t'..= an, ^:^^'i~:^, `r2 tilt t~.~tir,~ cf lire ~I!,j': '."t4tc. ,'17„-1' "il'•. ~~i' _ J , ~ _ J nptl rj tYj.;r t": t:' t}1at `,}i^ L~U,:?rtl Uf 1~tY^ltli fit t0 ly1';P r.F'. !le, tG .n rJ acct t1tC F1Cr lth 't ..^.0 P.'-Clf;tr? Cf T}i!' i'_ty'C 117}:'!bltri t"t t.e. .he ]30a rii Of ',-: ;}-4C7'.,1 J:: 9° }}l t` fitY Gi :1:. !"1 u~C'I'11 :rC}1n0. fr,nllnl_ t}: Clr :~I7.'.rn 2:: t}7C r i i d'.7`.~ of pro±ectinC the }Ie~.lt}c of tits e'•tiir.l.•:t antler th~~it no re, }en'JC _rCArl tG 2nt aside: li'{,1 r,.7r; for the .•zbove s:entiOnP~t pnroo;.:=. :eep~o'fully S.;b^;itted. P.oard of 1}aaltti of the Citf of ^an Lsrr3rdino. € J,$.FFur1~,y Preei~?~nt, J,^:,Aldrid^e, °ecty, P. 1.~, ,1,Z,POR^s, "yeti ,ecromfe, x Offico. # C,}',Gr%ffir, ?'non r~aRinC tnA forecmin? co>•arunication, 1'ayor Cntirk a*;'nointed C,'_`,Griffin no Pity C1ibTi~t, to ! ''ity C1'ie;-11Si, , °rve ithout rom;,=n r. tinrr. ^osncit'-r ^ '^~I•;fd?on mn-Jetl shat +7:^ zr-+oira^~nn± of C.~.3^iffir; r.e !'ity Che2cisL ' ''i to approves, r:ntion G~conded *'y Courcillcsln Hansen and cl,rried, I Council ran "'avid~on sosPd that Fifty Dollare i'e set aside for use of Poard of }iAalth av ner t}leir requeat,-*.otion seconded by Co>lrcilmlcn Hansen and enrried by tYe followir.~ vote, to-wit: Ayes: Irving, ' 1:1V1C',:On, F"ass en, P.oswell, Gf:11911e 2'. 1i0ee:n0 n?, ',~ ~ _ C1F1r of Clnim of the Gan Perllardino }Some telephone and Telegraph Co:~pany for refund of licence,FZS read - i Ho:r:e iel Co. ' ~e.?icer.ce, Council;an IIavidson inove~i that said clam, be laid on the table for thn ti're being,motion seconded b;• Coun- ' cil:nan Hrtneen and czrried, y Coma,Y'ater Co:r.^:unication o: the „:I ter Departrent relatirt to dunlirrtion of n:Emo_a of streets and recoac,ending input. 3tre~ts. that names of certain :•tre~ts be cY7nn:;ed, •,.ae read, Council.:,r.n ?'avidron moved LraL matter be referred to the City F,n;^inecr, :co±ion secnn2ed b~' Coancilxan :~anren and czrriPd. PPe.Gdpt.F 3 S. ~ ?;Psolution Ldopting P1xns,Croes-Gections and nappcificetions for t},e construction of a public newer SM.er Atlantic, in AQantic Street, troll'. 1't."error Avenue to anoint X64 feet r?et of the nest line of I't.Yernon Ave, said j fiJ j Pla Cross-~eotiona end soecificatione being. numbare~! l~l, was read for the first time and laid over far t 'final pasflege, Ord.repealg An Ordinance rnneallne Ordinance 'lumber 537 of the City of San Eernardino, wns read for the first Crd ~~3~. ~-~, time and laid over for final passage. Ord. Calling An Ordinance calling a Special Election to be Field in the City of Gan Y.ernardino, on the 23rd da~J Gpecl ?leetion of January,lyl4, for the purposse of sub:aitti.nK to tit'; ~;uaiified electors of Raid City, for their ratificatio r or re3oction, r,*t Grdinance entitled, "Art Ordinrtnce of the City of ;an bernardino,prohii•itioq the ke^pinr;, conducting,vieitin; or being :rapt, at a okacA where saxes of any :rind are played with cards, dice or other devls4 or contrivance for rcaney, checks or credit,and fixing the penalty t}t~reforT-.was read for the flrat • Continued frota Page Gb4, lime and htid over for final passage. Geo.7..Cao1Py,President of L}le San Y.ermardino L`erchants Association presented t71e following; ` 77onorable P.uyor and Co:anon Council, City of San Bernardino, Cal. Dec..lj,iylj. CenLlemen: r' It is t}ie sense of this mint co:ulittee t}l:zt the vote on the ga:nblin~ ordinance be pasponed to t}ia next gener;:l City election an3 provided this is dons it is further t}le s^, else of this joint coa~aittee t.}tat the initi;ltive petition on the ;iylie Local option la:v •.vill not be filed and that. •v2 :sill use our influence to prevent the calling of any local wet and dry election before rho next ;general State election. i~ Respectfully, { i J.}i,l?7ilson Pa]ph Shanholt~er F7,E,Leonard >'.F'.Dimock C.7',Gron G.}t,ltancock A.G.b'ESS.r+~iP.Elt e Yi.J.Lec J,L.Oakey J.1C.Curtis .^.eo.lc,!'aoiey 'Ioah Adair H,7I,Nam ,F.li.Parker I J.B.rrith A.P.Brown Heaman 7iarris C.Cohn Geo.?eetham 9.A.Richardson After sa-ae discussion Councilirnn Irving moved that action in t}le *.aatter be posponed until the ; next general L'ity election, motion was seconded by Councilman Boswell, upon roll call rsotion was defeated f'; as per the following vote, to-wit; Ayes: Irving, Boswell. `foes: Davidson, Ilaneen, Gansner. ~ Ord. An Ordinance establishing the grade of L Street,fro:u the south line of F.ialto Avenue to the north ~/+~ Estab Grade of L St. line of Be3.lvie~.v Ave, in the City of San Bernardino, was read for the first time <tnd laid over far final pas 'Y., _ E sage, e Crd. An Urc;ir:+.nce establishing the ?rade of L itreet from the north line of pingnan Street to the north 'vstsb Grade "L"St.Bth line of Eight}7 Strent '.vas read for the first time :tnd laid over for final passage, & Kin~nan, f Iniatitive petition ;h~ following netitian ~~^oa presen+.e9 by J.i°. Curtis. '.+ylie Local Option To the ?iollorab?.e the ?layer end ~om:on .^.ouncil of the City of San Eern~xdino, County of Son B_rnariiino, "rate of .^,alifor:~ia: t ".t,T s DRY The undersigned, residents nn~t u!lnlified electars of saki City of San Pa,rnar::9i-ia n'.a:bPrir.g pat less t '.hnn t..enty-fire rer rent of the number of votes cast far all aan.didates for Governor in said City at the is i last ere^e^r?ing election far Governor of the ;;±ate, resnectfally petition that you ra'.lse to be sabrlitted in ~ the ;..anner nravided by tats to tLe voters of this city the propasition: "S?loll the atxle of alcholia liquors ~ j be licensed in this City?" i Date of i~ 'tame of Signer. ]rouse ao, arrest. P.O. Signing, Precinct. ~"" Councilman Davison moved that the above petition be referred to the City Clerk for verification of . eirnatures and that he be authorized to employ such help as may to nr,ccessllry to assist in such verification t1I .rotian seconded 'oy Councilmen Hansen and carrier?, Lilts. The City Cler's •,~as utharia~~i to i'aaae v:n;:";lots in oeyr;,ent of clailrts a?Droved by the mayor and ^inancP com.ittnc this date, by the folto~rring vote, to-wit: 1.yes: lrvir.c,^avideon,7:ans?r.,bos•.v211,Gansner. arty to briny i*. cppc^ri-13 to Ule sntiafnetion of thc. 7.ayor and Co:a:ron Council of the City of San i:ernardiuc, that suit against I!y,Con.Co. said City did .:zt carious times bet:z?an the 21st riay of ;~,:..^,.lflt 1;12, r.nd rile first day o: l.~~euet,l~l~, at the snscinl instaneP and re!}ur?zat of the ]ii;;h-ay Constrac*.ian Co:anany a rorpor.a`ian, sell, dFliv.~r .and furnish nt ^';~~ 7~1 Rh~a'i Cotis`. :•~.lctian ^~i'tpa!'~' r~)ad^, -•n re u, '1 !1'! ^P rC}inn~i?°. COn^l~~tnq Of Oil, Be'!fr 11t'J?, r0 k, -lid r; f`;' _„'l `~^l. ~ ~.1 t . a a.. ~ lnn :tf m1 jn~r~ -ta ri t0018 'l R!i 71P ° '1 ± J..1 1 , Y, ^.~!•,i ~ 1''i'"', 'I;a. _ j, , r,arr.. 1^ .'I' Fi_ 1 , n 1 Oa •~hich '11? of ~~hich •car± cf the r?aQonablP v:,luP of, and Far which said itit;hway ^_.onstrurtian Co•^eany prams^rl / •xnd n~rped to nny the s~.li~ of t:co thoueani *wo 11•:n'.rc1 and fo'.lr rlnilars rind Pifty fire cents, 1rd that no Nal'4 of cold 7.15 }~a°. ':C°ti Ir;t 1~"i e?c Qpt t}lr 'i%'~ of :l-?r~3 ~7 ill:?i1r°d ~'. 11i1'itj/-fa':r X0117 rA ~l nti *.7enty -ai nC nnrit6j ^,.1',1~)r7 1f '.O:inCi~":1^, r7!71'i ul rl'~l; .^~CCq^. ~~8~'11'~~/ !`O':CC 1?7k7 'l 7~R nPt!n R!1~ ^R^ri C~~ It :T?g n•'?^. •;'qj "•°,?t •~)q "'1'~ s.ttarn9~', tC `.t. }'.^. is }tv!1'•:L~' .:'il i!'.^•°1 Eln.a f ji.n~~':'} t0 CG. lE`r1CC ,'i GG lea ^n.~.~J .'!'1 .'ir~'_9.'1 i*l tY,n 1~ .-1~ -.:G: ~a'1;~ :Yt_ J~ ":i:i J!'li ii, ltl t:!. r0: t~l~ '~': ..ntj Of ...n C: . •1'10, 'i~;inr+t ~}le sold 7:i ~;}f"l~ ':. `.ia:. ..7 ~ l~ t) _,»)-, rl ~t._ ~..'.a '~l {-_7 i.rir CL. .t. ri.. L1i',t ,)'i I't th erQ'Jf lgillr'}, hag y . _ ~5 I t . 1 l .j i:. r,2~.... ~_a.._,.?j' _w'.til :'.. _.- a.~ _~~'.. J' :n ~- rP _ :1., in - .r L:' '+'O: ;C"21 is l~ a,t' 4 It i,+..':. ~o ?•,Q .~j~. . ._3`,'/~. :~U L;.~. :~..i I JC ..t ....:'_',~ ~.,.I' 'J J~°7~?`J'. ~ ~i^.:.~a ~' _ Et t,~i~ n~7:~., l.J> :^i'. '~: '. 'U i'1 :ail t~•!n u. "'~~~a.~ OiJ iit~Oj]',CCl ~~l i+ v~n^: °%11 7::11'in~l~l1 1':2F: [i] a i ~'1 J• . - t `.O rn COtl9±CiC±£(~ ~.0!' _''6'.I ..^~tl .a 1'+:?: b0:'3 ^_.V: P:'hi 'f'. i~ .~'i N.'.IA r.( ~ .i '..?:a .SO~lUYI :TACO q~9CA Zl ti r'.OJY?f`1 "? t', r. T:011 ;SO ~:i:.. G: ~.'0 ~...:f~l_ ..11 TPti'1 t7~ 'x.72_! 7CJ.'7'~C'~ L'~ .:O?:11 ^_1~._:1 .'i', .'~.^•~il '. ..._.'; 4t7^ ~Ot:.^.^1?. '7°. 0'.:"7'?j t0 ?pn~'.]ri. . ~nr!!^;t C1' ~ ~j1.,1, ^.t ?~37 O~CLO^_. ~~.~-.. :aj~7. 0': f'.' :t11 ~'d.^iy' Jf CC«]1 ~~C~" 173. C.l t.;j .^.I f-I''.r• ~~Fl': Oi ,tl~'. L1`,~ O_ Etr! ^.T'.l[1 Y''. 1'i]. i i i III h ' I .+~': 2 ~ "1 f u. r{ ! s i f f f i -°~ Y.. - -.__ _.._._._...-_ __._..- ~ ...-....~-_~~ - -..r..... City fall, San Bernardino, Caiit. Dec. 22, 1913 Ad~ouraed regular meeting of the Yayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. Meeting was called Lo order by Yayor Catick at 7:30 P.ls. the following members of the Council, - ~ being present, Councilmen, Davidson, Hansen, '~oswell, Gananer, City Clerk Batchelor, Absent,Couricilmen ~ l Irving. i ldinutes of the previous aeetrng were read and approved. Res of swd Resolution awarding contract to J. Dale Gentry, for one Ford model •T• automible equipped Auto for Police Kept. with Police Patrol wagon body, for thersum of X625.00, ae per hie bid on file with the City Clerk, for E said AutomiDle was read for final passage and adopted by the following vot' to-wit, Ayes, Davrdeo~ Hansen, Boswell, Gananer, Noes, Hone. Rea adopt Resolution adopting Plana Cross sections and Specifications, for the improvement of Atlantic ~ P.B. for - Improve of Street, Dycthe.eoaatrucLion of a sewer therein, from YId~:Vernoa Avenue to a point 564 feet west of the Attantic St. west line of Yt Vernon Avenue, said Plana cross section sad Specifications being cumbered 191, was read • for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-sit, Ayyes-. Davidson. Hansen, Boswell. Gananer, floes. None. Ord f1o.549. An Ordinates repealing Ordinance (lumber 537 was read for fi~l passage and adopted by the follow- repeal ord ~ 537. ing vale to-wit, Ayes= Davidson, Hansen. Boswell, Gananer, Hoes; nose. PetitioaJ The City Clerk presented petition filed by W.J. Curtis, December 15, 1913, together with - l certificate of sufficiency. certiling said petition~to be signed by qualified electors gqusl in Humber 'l~iNtQ. j Ga4-~.0,r~ to not lees than 25 per neat of the number of vote cast for all candidates for GoveIIaor, in said City i --~' J~~` at the last proceeding 8lection at which time a Governor, was elected. ?e « , Councilman Davidson moved that Ordinance calling Bpecisl Election, be amended to include the wyile ~'~cm~tr-.~ LOOS! Option, petition as verified by the City Cleric. Potion eeeoaded by Councilman Hansen and carried a~~ r ,U.. y - a by the following vote to-wit, Ayes; ?~avidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gananer, Boss; none. G Y Cooley George Y. Cooley requested that the election be postponed, and that question be submitted to requested - ~lectioa be the people at the next General l:lectioa. 3 held over. 7 Councilman Boeweil moved that Council reconsider action taken, +btion failed to receive a second, lI _ Ord An Ordinance telling a special elsotion to be head in the City of San Bernardino, on the 30th ' '+~+ Call~epcial election dq of January, 1914, for the puroose oD eubsitting to Lhe qualified electors of said City, for their ' ratification or re3ectioa, as Ordinance entitled • An Crdineazcs of the City of San aernardino, prohibits lag the keeping, conducting, visiting or being kept at a place where gxia9a or any "rind are pisyed with cards, dice or other device or contrivance for money. checks or credit, and fixing the penalty Werefor\ sad also eubmittrag at the eatie flee the question. • Shall the sale of intoxicating li~ors be licensed is the City of Ban Bernardino, apnoiating electron officer and polling places and providing for such election and the holding thereof. was read for the first file a~?d Iaid over for final passage. Ord 5rj0 An Ordinance of the Yayor end Coaswn Council of the City of San Bernardino, estsblianing the E grads of L , street. grnAe of"L•strset iron the south line of Rialto Awesrue~So the North line of Balleview Aveeus, was read Rialto Ase to Bellr?iew for final passage and adopted by the following vote to-wit. Ayes; Davidson. Hansen, Boswell, Gananer, !lose. Bons. Ord 551 Aa Ordinance establishing the grade of 'L Street from the North lies of fLiagaan street ~tO grade of L '- str 1Cingsnn North line of Sighth Street. was read for final passage and adopted by the follwring vote to-wit, Ayws~; - ~ . to Bth n Davidson, Hansen, Boswell. Gananer, loss; fb ns. P.B. Adopted CoursOilau?a Dkvidsoa moved that the Plans sad Speciticatioae presented lfy the City Edginess, at culverts ' Town Creek. - the aeeting Dec~aber 8, 1913, for the coaetrtctioa of Culverts in Fourth Street and Seventh Street over 4th ! 7th sir. Town Cres>r, be adopted as the Plana and Speciticatioaa for said work~snd Lbat the City Clem tie sill _ _" _ _ _ . -. " _ • - contimied from nags 66~----- Se hereby dizected to advertise for bids for the construction of said Culverts, Notion seconded ~ Councilman Iiansen and carried. Res adopt ' Keaolution adopting Place cross-section and specifications for the improvement of Pacific Str- P.C.Ei. sewer set by the constructing of a public sewer therein, said Plane cross-sections, and specifications, Pacific St. being numbered. 19 D, was read for the first time and laid over•for final paeaege. f Res adopt Resolution adopting "lane cross-sections and SQ~cffications~ for the construction of a public P.C.B. • sewer sewer in Belliview Avenub and •K" Street, said Plana cross-sections and specifications being numbered Eellievi ew" ~ ~ igj was read for the first ime and laid over for final paeeaga. ~ Bids pave There being three bids fiI'ed with the City Clerk, for the paving of Fourth street bet5reen 4th atr bet D Ac C Btr. Arrowhead Avenue sad •D' 6Lreet, Councilman Hansen morel that the clerk proceed to open said bide tlotion seconded by Councilmen Davidson and carried.' • T>eh following being amount of bids se opened. • ~ Bide, Paving PAVING GUTT1Qt~ CURB SIDEIfALR CULV1UiT8 Fourth tat. Arrowhd ~ D. per aq.foo,t, per sq.foot. per lineal foot. per aq.foot. com lets, ' Conrad t3herer, .16 f 20 r 40 f 12} ~ ~ 420.00 Highway Conetruetioa Co. .il} X 14} ~ 39 ~ 12 ~ per lineal foot.~6.50 ' Theo.F.w?tite .12 f 14{ ~ 35 f ~ f ' • • 7. So Councilman Hansen moved that tAe bid of the Hip~hway Construction Campar?y, being the lowest sad beet bt! be accepted and all other bids rejected, ]lotion seconded by Councilman $vldeon and carried. ` i flee awl Cont fleaolution' awarding contract to' the Highiray Construction Cbmpwsyy', far the repaving of Fourth ~ l to Highway Construction Co. street, between east line of "D" Street and the west line of Arrowhead avenue, and the construction of ' gutters, eeeent sidewalks, and curbs, fn accordance with Specification somber 18a, heretofore adopted 'for said work at the price specified in thsl! bid oa file for said work was read for the first t La and laid over for Sirsal passage. Bide pave. '!'!sere bviag three bids filed with the City Clerk for the repaving of "D" Street between Second "D` Btseet I bet 2nd R ~zd and Third, and the conetruetiop of concrete gutters between Third Street call Rialto Avenue, Council- ; r man Davidaoa moved that the Clerk proceed tb open such bidr; >rotion seconded by Councilman Garssner G sad carried. ` i The lollewiag being amount of bids sa operlet. , PAVING GUTT~i CURB SID?SRAIx. ' Per Bq; Foot Per $q Poot Per Lineal ft. Per Bq foot. ~ Conrad Scheerer 16~' 20~ - '"~'-- Theo S. thite 12~ 14{s[ 35~r }2is' Aighway Construction Co. 12 14###$if CounciLnaus Hansen moved that the b1d of the Highway Construction Compare,, being the lowest sad beat bid be accepted, and that all other Da rejected, @otion swcoaded ~y Councilman $vidsoa and carried, Aes of award Resolution awarding contract La the Highway Construction Cempao0r, for the improvement of "D" coat to 1[iga~q Coast Street beterean Third Street and Rialto Aveauo, be the repaving of the roadwaF thereof and the construct • ~W'. "1" et bet 3rd ! 2s+d ion of concrete gutters therein at the price specified in tabs proposal for said work oa file for Bald work, and in accordanoe wilts specifioatioa ra~mber 183. was rand for the rirat time am laid over for final passap. OstM Aa Osdinanoe establishing the grade of Horton Stseet~ cram the west lino of fl street to the gTa~i' ~ostom~st. oast line of I•Btreet was read~foz the fleet Lime sad laid oyez for final passsp. ~ At tbt suggestion of 4>t. Iwverniag, Pseeident of the' H1~tway Conelsuetion Compsy, Council- i man Davidsaa roved that the Lspror wppoiat one person~to mist with person to be reamed by the Highwy ;-~ Aslitl+ate ~ Coastructioa Comoarq, to arbitratsnd settle difference in aecouate of Nil Aighwq Construction Cwparq dilfereaee s is accounts o! and th` Superintendent of Streets, Motion errconded b7 Councilman uansen and easried, Rtsereupon 3twyos city of Bs. a 1lighwa,T Coast. Catiok appointed C~uaci2saa Devideon to act as aribt ator in behalf of this City. ~ Caeparpr. . B.B. Sidewalk Councilman vavideon sowed that the City Engineer bs instructed to prepare Plans and Speeitica 3ra bet cs. tioM for the construction of sidewalk on the north side of Third street between Arrowhead Aranua sat E J ~ Continued from Page 66t3------- "" "1 "B" Street. kotion seconded by Councilman Hansen and carried. Pay for Councilman Hansen moved that the City Clerk be suthori=ed to issue warrant in the sum of #$0.00 prisoners wk in tTre in favor of the City Treasurer. laid amount to oe drawn from the Park Fund and set aside, try said City ~ L . Parka. Treasures, for the pay~ent of prisoners working in the pssYs, amount to be paid prisoners upon the O. K. t" of the Chief of Police. Yotibn seconded: by Councilman Davidson and°oarrled bN the following vote to-wit. ~ Ayes; Davidson, Hansen. Boswell, Cansner, Noee; None. 4 P.efUnt license Upon'the recemendation of the City Attorney line claim of the San Bernardino Home Telegraph tax to Hame Tel d: Tel Co. and Telephone Companq, for a refund of license tax paid under protest was order returned to sald Cla1s- ant. ' The City Clerk nee authorised to issued warrants is payments of claims app mved this date by the Mayor and 3Piasnae Committe by the following vote to=wit, ~}reb. Davidson, Hansen, Boswellm Ganener. E E Noes. Hone. P.ecords of Councilman Davidson moved that the City Clerk be authorised to hate transcript of the GAB CAlii, GAS CA8Z ~ bound. bound and other records negated to be tiied for furture refereacs~. Potion seconded bpr Councilman Hansen and carded by the following vote to-wit, Ayes; Davidson, Aansen, Boswell, rananer, Eaee; Boas. Attorney 6rriag Councilman Hessen moved that Attorney Swing be`.authorised to effect s compromise of the persond to co~promiae '~j .~' Iq?dia iryoas in,~ury claim of Id?dia T{pons, providing a actual expense shall not exc•.ed ;25.00, Potion seconded bpr Counc- ~ injury Clain. ilsaa Davidson and carried by the following vote to-wit. JVee, yavideon, Hansen, Boswell. Gsnener. floes; Hone.. ~ . ' Upon motion of Councilman $aneen duly seconded by Councilman Aavidsbn and oarried, the Council adJouraed to nest 1?ortday, December 29, 1913. at 7:30 P'.Y. O'clooY, ' ---. Approved this ~ day oY ~eceaber lglj. r_ y er or o 1 y o sins no. alifoss~ia. i { •K • ~ 3 r . 6' Y ;' {V~~ • 1 r 1 r r } S, 1 • d l • l 1 I r I f F ~ 1 i -. _ _ , ' City Hall, Ban aernardino, Calif. Dec. 29, 1913. Ad3ourned regular seating of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. Meeting was aalied to order at Q:30 P.M. by Mayor Catiek, the following members of the Council being present, Couacilssn; irviag, Davidson, Fansen, Boswell, Ganeaer. at3d.Clty Clark Batchela~. - i ~ Minutes of the previous meeting veers read and app m ved. ` Ree of AwD.650 Aeeolution awarding contract to the HighRgy Construction Company, for the improvaaent of "D Highsay Conet Co. repave "D" Str Street, between Third Street and Rialto Avenue, by repaving the roadway thereof, and constructing bet 3rd ~ Rialto. ~ concrete gutters therein, at the price specified in their proposal for said work, on file in the 4 office of the City Clerk. was read for final peerage atul adopted by the follMag rote, to-wit; Ayes; t ~ Irving, Davidson, Fans en, Boswell, Ganener. Noes; Pone. Res of Awd 651 Resolution awarding conatract to the Highway Construction Compatylr, for the improvement of Highway Coast Co. " repave 4th street Fourth Street, between Arrowhead Avenue and D` Street by the repaving of Lhe roadway thereof, sad Det`"C• k •D" St. sidewalks ~ curbs. constructing cement sidewalks, sad ensbs sad ooaorete gutters thersia, at the prlcs speoifis8 in their ~i+oppsal for sAid worn, on file in the office of the City Clark, was read for final passage ~ and adopted by Lhe following vote, to-wit; Ayae; Yrviag, D~aridson, Hansen, Bsswsll, Ganener. Noss; How. j Res-adopt P.! 6. Resolution adopting Pleas saves-sectionr-aaod 8peaifiaatioas, for tht isproreseat of~Paaifio It sewer Pacifio 8t. ' no 190. Street, by the construction of a sewer therein, said Places arose-sections and Speoiflcatioas beir~ Humber 190. was read for tiaal passage and adopted_by the following vote to+wit; Ayes, Truing. f Davidson, Hansen, Boswell; Gaasner. Dtoes~ Noes. k Aee adopt P.A P. Besoiution adopting Plans cross-sections sad Specifiaetioas, for theimproresent of Yslleview sewer Belliview ` ac "S" 8tre~t Are»ue sad •H" Btrest b7? the coastrnctioa of a'wewer therein, said Pian• cross-sections and 8peaiticat- Ho. 193. ions being auabered, 193, was read for final passage and sdoptsd by the following rote to-trit. Alms; lrriag, Daridsoa. Hansen. Boswell, Gamsas7r. Hoer; MoN. i i Ras of Int. 652 Resoition of the Ye`yor sad Cosssoa Counail dent ring their intention, to eoastruat a sewer in avast sewer in ~ Altsa4lc Str. Atlantis Street, Paeifio Street and Bellevisw Avenue and "E" Street, aeaording to Lhe Plans arassw e `' sections and Spe6lficatioas, heretofore adopted for said work, was read for the first time and 3sid orsr for final passage, ~ Ord ]fo 552" Ace Ordinance oa111Ag a wpscial eleatioa to be leeld in the City of San Bernardino, on the 30th - calling spefoai elsatioa to be day of January 1914, Tor Lhe purpose of subsittiag to the Qualified electors of said City, for their held JsA 30,14 ~'- ty111s Option law. istifieatioa or re~eetion, an Ordiaanos entitled " Aa Ordiaanos of the City of Ban Bernardino, pro- = hibitiss tbs keeping, conduotias, risitiog or being ke>~ at s plsos where pmss of aayr kind are played wltbyeards. dine or other devio• or eoatrivancs for eaaey, ohsoln or credit, and fidiag the penalty therstors," sad also sutwdttiag at the saes Liss Lhe Qusstioa " Shall the salt of iatoxiosting liQuors be iloeneed in the City of 8aa BaraardinO.s appoiatins slsetlon otfioer and polling planes and psavi~ fog for sua~h election sad the hoidin; thereof. was read for final passsge sad adopted tipr the following rots to-sit; Ayes. Davidson, Blaasen, Haswell, Qaasnsr, Ross; Irving. Ord Ao 553. An Ordiaaaos Mtabiishing the arwda of Horton gtrest Eros the east line of B gtreet, to the usads of 1lorton Ets, east lies of 1 Street. was read for liasl passage sad adopted b7 the tollowing rote lO+wit, ATss; irriag, Daridsos~ Asassn, Hosweil, Csasaer, Hoes; Hons• Coaosssioa Y.C. Yc 1Cinnsy Chaissaan of use Concession Cosuitta,of the Tourth jatioaal Orbs Show 'ads s ~~~' Cosisltt• ~ 0rsnp Bhow, reQusst of the Counoil for thsclosing of Saaoad Stseet betwwn 'D" Btreet and s!" Street, gnring the Orsng• Shaw wrsY la 7sbruary and that said Conasssion Cosrsittls. be granted the pririiep of co21- toting, end ratsiaing 11cenN INS for aonasnioas greeted during said shas, Cpuaailman Davidson spied that rtQutst of ooaatssioa aossittts of the itioaal Ossags 8trw As gsanted~ b71 " ~ Continued from page 6~0-- ` and that they also be Zranted the use of Second Street, bet~Heen "L Street and "E" Street, and that said street be closed to the p3blic during such week and that trey be granted the privilege of collect- ing and retaining licenses forconceasione granted, during week of Nebruary ltd, to 25, 1914, inclusive. ]lotion seconded by Councii~aan ]ianaen and carried by the following vote to-wit, Ayes; Irving, Davidson, ~ Hansen, Boswell, liananer. Roes; Rohe. ~ Clam of JJ, Councilman Davidson moved that the claim of J.J. Hanford, for thr making and meting of one Hanford granted wheel for Street Svreeper amount 52;0 be paid. ELotion,s x on~led by Councilman Hansen and carried. c prd ~ An Ordinance amending Ordinance 304 of the City of San Bernardino, regulating the sale of amend oi3- 304 sale intoxicating liquors within said City, wsa read for fhe first time and laid over for final passage. liquor. Lida Lycena Upon the recomvendation of Special Couneul Swing, the claim of Lida hyena in the sum of $25.00 1 claim for injuries in full, for personal injury claim previously filed against the City of San Bernardino, Councilman ~ ordered pd. Hansen moved that amount be paid in settlement of claim, Lotion seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried by the following vote to-wit, Ayes; lrving, Davidean, iianaen, Boswell, Gananer. troee *]one. P.B. for Councilman lrving moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare Ylane and Specificatiora sidewalk both /" aides of nth for the construction of a sidewalk oh both salsa of $r%venth Street, between "I" Street and 3dt Vernon € bet I A Eft Ver. Avenue. 1:otion seconded bY_ Councilman Ganener and carried. ' y Rea Adopt Reaoluticn adapting Plana and_SnecificaLions for the improvement of G Street, between Second 3 P.Ac S. for gutter "G" Street and the right of way of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Conrpat'U by the constructlon of .Concrete gutters therein, said Plane and 3necificatiens being numbered 186, was read for thefiret time and laid over for final passage. ~ Upon motion of Councilman lrvirsg suly seconded by Councilman Davidson and carried the Council F adjourned to meet londay, the 5th day of January, 1914. at 7:30 O*clock. P.lf.r r rr .# CITY C l Apprnved this S day of January, 1914. ,- or o e i y~o ernardino, ali orris i { - -- - I i I I 1 ~ 'i r~ ~ e I ' f ~t 6 b fig. }}G f, s ~ -, ~.f'; ~' qsn, ~Ee[}E..~. 4•, r fz k ; ' i t , ' ~ k ~4 - ~ t i ' ~.S... n~.s ~,y'.y,e. ~`7:~ A ,e€., ~ ~ lei - .S..vJe... mss.., W. .:.g.1~'+~++. .,w, ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CA 1vIINUTES 1909-1913 END END OF RpLL