HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-Public Works File No. 6.23 CITY OF SAN BERN~INO - REQUEST F. COUNCIL ACTION From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Subject: Adoption of Negative Declaration and Finding of Consistency with the Circulation Element of the General Plan .. Install new Trees, Automatic Irrigation Systems, Or- namental Street Lighting & Gra Cobblestone Pavers w~th~n the Main Street Project Area, bet. 2nd St. & 6th; & "E" St. to Arrowhead Avenue -- Public Works project No. 90-28 Dept: Public Works/Engineering Date: 12-07-90 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 10-15-90 "-Approval of Design Cnncept for installation of Streetscape Improvements in l'~ain S-':rp.ot P::'0j ~ct area. Recommended motion: 1. That the Negative Declaration for Public Works Project No. 90-28, Installation of new trees, automatic irrigation systems, ornamental street lighting and gray cobblestone pavers wi thin the Main Street Project Area, be adopted. 2. That a finding be made that the installation of new trees, automatic irrigation systems, ornamental street lighting and gray cobblestone pavers within the Main Street Project Area, is consistent with the circulation element of the General P.'~ ' a ~ Shauna Edwins . . L..-t;//A ~ '-- b r '--- cc: Supporting data attached: Roqer G. Hardqrave Staff Report, Notice Init. Study,Neq.Dec. Phone: of Preparation, & Map Ward: 5025 Contact person: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N / A Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No II 75-0262 CITY OF SAN BERNADINO - REQUEST ~. COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The Negative Declaration for Public Works Project No. 90- 28 was recommended for adoption by the Environmental Review Committee at its meeting of 11-1-90. A 2l-day public review period was afforded from 11-8-90 through 11-28-90. No comments were received. We recommend that the Negative Declaration be adopted and a finding made that the project is consistent with the Circula.- tion element of the General Plan. 12-07-90 75-0264 , . . NM':rt!l: OP PREPARATION OP NEGAT:IVE DECIARATION OF 1P.NVl:RONM1nM'AL rMPACT THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO proposes to adopt a Negative Declaration for the following projects. The Environmental Review committee found that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment on the basis of the Initi~ study and mitigation measures (if applicable). v'PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT NO. 90-28 - To remove several existing trees, install new trees and automatic irri- gation systems, new ornamental street lighting, and new gray cobblestone pavers along the streets located in the Main Street Project Area. The Project Area being between 2nd and 6th streets and between "E" Street and Arrowhead Avenue is in the CR-2, commercial Regional land use district. PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT NO. 89-39 "E" Street bridge, along the traffic signal at Fairway Drive - TO widen the existing west side and install a and "E" Street. PARCEL MAP NO. 13320 - To subdivide one .35 acre parcel into two lots both consisting of 7,672 square feet located on the west side of Sepulveda Avenue at 51st street in the RS, Residential Suburban, General Plan land use designation. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 90-56 - To install a cellu- lar antenna atop a 60 foot monopole and to place related equipment in one storage unit at an existing mini- storage facility located on the northwest corner of Cajon Blvd. and Highland Avenue, further identified as 1450 west 23rd Street in the IL, Industrial Light, General Plan land use designation. Copies of the Initial Study are available for public review at the Planning Department, 300 north "0" street, San Bernardino, CA 92418, and the Fe1dheym Library, 555 west 6th street, San Bernardino, CA. Any environmental comments you should have should be received in this office no later than 4:00 p.m., November 28, 1990. If you do not respond in writing, we will assume that you have no opinions and/or recommendations on the above projects. SUBMITTED: November 6, 1990 PUBLISH: November 8, 1990 city of San Bernardino Planning Department (714) 384-5057 ~~ CI OF SAN BERNARD8IO PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY Initial study for Environmental Impacts For 'Pu2>LlC. IIJO~~ 'i'lto:recr l'lo. '1D- 2l!. project JIuIII1:ler proj ect description/Location T~~ R.&MO\IIII... o~ E;J(~snNl7 5.~T~t;. AIIStllwE<rk\.J..A--n,,,l o~ !'O,;.N ~r n~ ~L:> 1cIltt>- MA-T\C.. ,QSlv,.A"T\O..l G"~~ w""'"' ~&\ItAL. ~T L..\l:o'4'no.lu.. AlJO ",lOW GllA4 ~~~..IpA\leQc;. AI...o~ ~~ '!::l~ \...OCA~b \AhTf4ILl ,","",Eo UA-I>\ ':;{'QX"-T ~iO.<.T ~ Date acn:>t:>ER. 2~. \"'10 Address city, state Zip prepared tor: c IT'! o~ SAt-l a~~L:>...lO tle?MtrMwtr OF HJ.BI.U- wcQ..\<.5. '"!.oO W.OIl.Tl\ "L:> II ~TRE.<:r <;.Ar,l seQNMl.1>ll.:ll>. cA '1~\S Appl1cant(s) Prepared by: M.\C.~""EL R.. ~'.J..:l Name AS~oc.\M"';;: -Pl..~"lI:Q. , Title City of San Bernardino Planninq Department 300 N. "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 MISC: ISPREPARATION ke/9-1-89 .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ENVIROMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST A. BACKGROUND Application Number: p,",B\..\c. VJoQ.\<.S t'Q03Ect" No. 'lo-z.e Project Description: TO RW\DII~ ~\srINc,. <STRe..,- T?Ei:.S ...~t> i<<.i'\..I\C.E. l\oI-EM vJ \T"H- N.eW \R~$, IhlS1'"IrL.l.. M..:1'"oMII--nc. 1R$l.\G,Jt-Tlc>!J 5'1'~TeMS J ",,",,,, 0ll.1\I/rMfW"TA-1.. 5I'REeT" l-\4rIR'S . ~l) c.RA..J Coi3BL.E.Sltl..:l€. ?A"~ AI.o>lL:."~ 51'QlSElS 11-1 "TIt€. MAllV~ t'l2C:r6::r ~6Ir. Location' MAIII1~certJQO:t€Cr Al<.f4.: AL.OI.ll.. 2."" COI.Utr ..."*" s-+" J'noJb t.:.~'" STREer.S . J 'I J J ierW~"e;"a~/n,j,,~~j) ANt> A-\.OtoI(,.",,- ,. Alii> "n" STl1ai..s A1ol'D ~tle . Environmental Constraints Areas' LIQll.e.I'A-a..Tlo.J 'i'c5re.JMA.1.. ~Sl~ ~v..\ol c.eo.wt> . I J wREl'L ,",ll.BPnJ A;U.I-l-AEDI,...OI;tICM- b\~Tl2."'''''' ) General Plan Designation: C Q..- L.. , CDMt.\E42.C1 A-i.. ~E(,-\ON 4c... Zoning Designation: CR...-1.. COMM62..<.\1\1..... Re.&IO'r\JM.... 1 B. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explain answers, where appropriate. on a separate attached sheet. 1. Earth ReBOurceB Will the proposal resuk in: VBS No Maybe a. Earth movement (cut and/or fill) of 10,000 cubic yards or more? X b. Development and/or grading on a slope greater X than 15% natural grade? c. Development within the Alquist-Priolo Special )( Studies Zone? d. ModHication of any unique gllOlogic or physical )< feature? e. Soil erosion on or oil the project stte? X- l. ModHication of a channel, creek or river? X g. Development wtthin an area subject to landslides, X mudslides, liquefaction or other similar hazards? h. Other? 'X. PLNMl.o& PAGE' OF 6 (5-9 ~..=..r..:.:;:: : ' 2- Air "-urcu: Will the proposal resutt in: Ves No Maybe L Substantial air emissions or an effecl upon ambient air quality? X b. The creation of objeclionable odors? X c. Development within a high wind hazard area? )( 3. Water Resourcu: Will the proposal resutt in: L Changes in absorption rates. drainage pattems, or the rate and amount of surface Nnofl due to X impermeable surfaces? b. Changas in the CllUrse or llow 01 llood waters? X c. Discharga into surface waters or any atteration X 01 surface water quality? d. Change in the quantity of quality of ground water? X e. Exposure of people or propeny to flood hazards? X l. Other? 141."'11- GIlOll.Nl> lAJA-'\"~ X 4. Biological Resources: Could the proposal resutt in: a. Change in the number 01 any unique, rare or endangered species of plants or their habttat including X stands 01 trees? b. Change in the number 01 any unique, rare or endangered species of animals or their habttat? X c. Removal of viable, mature trees? (6" or greater) X d. Other? X 5. Nol..: Could the proposal resutt in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? X b. Exposure 01 people to exterior noise levels over 65 dB or interior noise levels over 45 dB? X c. Other? X 6. Land u..: Will the proposal resutt in: a. A change in the land use as designated on the General Plan? X b. Development wtthin an Airport District? X c. Development wtthin "Greenbett" Zone A, B, or C? X d. Development wtthin a high lire hazard zone? X e. Other? X PlAN.g.Q6 PAGE 2 OF 8 (.... CffYC>>''''~ --- . . 7. Man....de Hazards: Will the project: Ves No Maybe L Uaa, IlOra, transport or dispose of hazardous or 1DXic materials (including but notlimhed to oil, X pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? b. Involve the release of hazardous substances? X c. Expose people to the potential healthlsafety hazards? )(.. d. Other? )l- 8. Housing: Will the proposal: a. Remove axisting housing or create a demand '>< for addhional housing? b. Other? X- li. Transportation I Circulation: Could the proposal resu" in: a. An increase in traffic that is greater than the land ~ use designated on the General Plan? b. Use of existing, or demand for new, parking X facilhieslstructures? c. Impact upon existing public transportation systems? )<. d. Meration of present patterns of circulation? X e. Impact to rail or air traffic? X I. Increased safety hazards to vehicles, bicyclists or X pedestrians? g. A disjointed pattern of roadway improvements? X h. .' Sign~icant incre... in traffic volumes on the roadways X or intersections? i. Other? )'., 10. Public Servlcu: Will the proposal impact the following beyond the capabil"y to provide adaquate levels of service? a. Fire protaction? X b. Police protection? X c. Schools (i.e., attendance, boundaries, overload, etc.)? X d. Parks or other recreational facilhias? 'j.. e. Madical aid? X f. Solid Waste? X g. Other? '>( PL.AN-l.os PAGE 3 OF 6 (5-lIO ClIT'l' '" .. .....-..0 .......-- . . 11. Ulllnlaa: Will the proposal: a. Imp8Cllhe following beyond the capability'to plOVide adequllle levels of servica or require the oonstruction of new facilities? 1. Natural gas? 2. Ele<:lricity? 3. Watar? 4. Sewer? 5, Other? b. Resuit in a disjointed pattem of utility extensions? c. Require the construction of new facilities? 12. A881hatlca: a Could the proposal resuit in the obstruction of any scenic view? b. Will the visual impact of the project be detrimental to the surrounding area? c. Other? 13. eunural Resources: Could the proposal resuit in: a. The aiteration or destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? b. Adverse physical or aesthetic imp8Cls to a prehistoric or historic site. structure or object? c. Other? Ves No x 'X X 'X X X 1-- 'j.. x ^ x X- X Maybe 14. Mandatory Findings of Significance (Section 15065) The CalWomia Environmental Quality N:t states that iI any of the following can be answered yes or maybe. the project may have a signWicant effect on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report shall be prepared. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlile species. cause a fish or wildlile population to drop below seil sustaining levels. threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community. reduce the number or restriclthe range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of Calilomia history or prehistory? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short- term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief. definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) ~~..JB:i Ves No x Maybe x PLAN-I.Cl6 PAGE ~ OF 6 I'" . . Yes No c. Dca !he projec:l have impacts which are individually Imhd. but cumulallv8ly considerable? (A projec:l may Impel on two or more separate resources where the Impel on each resource is relatively small. but where !he effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is signKicanl) d. Does the project have environmental effllCls which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings. e~her directly or indirectly? x C. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUAllON AND WTlGAnON MEASURES (Attach sheats as necessary.) S€e. A-riAI' w..:::n ~~~;;;X Maybe 'j... PL,AN-8J)6 PAGE!5 OF' (5-9C . ' . . , Public works project NO. 90-28 October 22, 1990 C. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES (continued) Earth Rp-9ources log. The Main Street Project area is located within an area of potential ground subsidence and high liquefaction susceptibility. However, the proposal does not involve the development of any structures for the intent of human occupancy. Therefore potential impacts will be insignificant. Watp.l" Rp.snurces J.a. The proposal may result in increases in area absorption rates and decreases in the amounts of drainage and surface runoff due to increases in the amounts of permeable soil as a result of a net increase of 527 tree wells in the Main Street area. However, the expected total increase in the amounts of permeable soil will be small, and benefits due to decreases in drainage and runoff will be insignificant. J. f. The project ground water. structures or is located However, basements, in an area identified as having high since the proposal does not involve any potential impacts will be insignificant. Bioloaical Resources 4.c. ~ The project proposes the removal of 97 existing street trees or palms, and the planting of 440 Sunburst Honey Locust trees and 184 Mexican Fan Palms. The project will therefore result in a net increase of 527 trees in the Main Street project area. Potential impacts will be insignificant. Noise 5.a. The project may result in a temporary increase in the amount of ambient noise in the area due to construction. To minimize the impacts resulting from noise, the hours of construction shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. per San Bernardino Municipal Code 8.54. . . . Public Works Project No. 90-28 october 22, 1990 C. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES (continued) Transoortation/Circulation 9.d. The project could result in minor temporary alterations of present traffic circulation along the streets in the Main Street area. Compliance with San Bernardino Municipal Code 12.04 concerning proper traffic control during construction through the use of barricades, flagman and detours will reduce this potential impact to a level of insignificance. Cultural Resources The project is located within the Urban Archaeological District. Since the proposal does not involve any grading and includes only minor amounts of digging for the installation of trees, irrigation systems and conduit for street lighting, potential impacts will be insignificant. However, should any potential cultural resources be located during construction, all construction activities in the vicinity of the finds shall be halted immediately, and the Center Coordinator at the San Bernardino county Archaeological Information Center shall be notified immediately. . . """l AGENDA ITEM # CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CASE LOCA liON HEARING DATE .. ~ .~ ~ - ) ~~ PlAN-8.11 PAGE 1 OF 1 (4<<1) D. DETERMINATION On the bala of this inllial study, ~ propoa-' pojecl COULD NOT have a signWieant effeet on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARA. TION will be prepar-'. o The propos-' project could have a signWieant effeet on the environment. atthough there will not be a signWic8nt effect in this case because the mttigation measures described above have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. o The proposed project MAY have a signWicamefleet on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA <- ~IJ ~N "1"40ff€lCf , 4";uJP,,,t:.1'f I'/A/A/6tC. Name and Trtle / sF~ 11- /- 70 Date: ~.=.=== PLAN-.... PAGE _ Of _ Is.tO)