From: Valerie C. Ross, Director Subject: Authorization for the Director of Finance to
amend the FY 2006-2007 adopted
Dept: Development Services Development Services Budget for the
purpose of funding development-related and
Date: February 20, 2007 Public Works Consultant Inspection services
and to increase the Purchase Order amount to
Caltrop Corporation for On-Call Public
Works Inspection Services.
MCC Date: March 5, 2007
Synopsis of Previous Council Action:
08/21/06 Adopted Resolution No. 2006-242 approving On-call Construction Inspection Services
Agreement with Caltrop Corporation for provision of professional public works construction
inspection services and allocating funding in the amount of $128,000, $64,000 for inspection of
Capital Improvement projects and $64,000 for development-related inspections.
ll/06/06 Amended the FY 2006-2007 adopted Development Services Budget and transferred an
additional amount of $64,000 from Acct. No. 001-184-5011 (salary and benefit savings from
the two additional vacant Construction Inspector positions) to Acct. No. 001-183-5502
(professional contractual costs) for the purpose of funding development-related Public Works
Consultant Inspection services and increased the Purchase Order to Caltrop Corporation for
On-Call Inspection Services by the amount of $128,000.
Recommended Motion:
• 1. Authorize the Director of Finance to increase Purchase Order No. 07-052 to Caltrop Corporation (for
contract on-call inspection services) from the current approved amount of $256,000 by $235,000 to a
new total of $491,000; and,
2. Authorize the Director of Finance to amend the FY 2006-2007 Development Services Adopted Budget
and transfer $175,000 to Acct. No. 001-183-5502 (professional/contractual); $165,000 from Acct. No.
001-184-SOXX (salaries & benefits) and $10,000 from Acct. No. 001-190-SOXX (salaries & benefits).
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Valerie C. Ross
Contact Person: Mark Lancaster, Deputy Director/City Engineer Phone: 3305
Supporting data attached: Staff Report Ward: All
Source: (Acct. Nos.) 001-184-5011, 001-190-5011 and
Various Capital Improvement
Project Accounts
Acct. Description:
Salary Savings & ClP Accounts
Finance: / f) ~_
Agenda Item
Authorization for the Director of Finance to amend the FY 2006-2007 adopted Development Services
Budget for the purpose of funding development-related and Capital Improvement Project Public Works.
Consultant Inspection services and to increase the Purchase Order amount to Caltrop Corporation for
On-Call Public Works Inspection Services.
In June of 2006, two tenured Public Works Inspectors departed City employment. In August 2006, a
third tenured Inspector departed the City to work for a private firm.
On August 21, .2006, in recognition of the rapidly diminishing capabilities of the Public Works
Inspection Section, the Mayor and Common Council approved an Agreement for on-call construction
inspection services with Caltrop Corporation. Sufficient funding was allocated to cover the cost of two
consultant inspectors for a period of 4 months to replace the two City Inspectors who departed in June.
In September 2006, a fourth tenured Inspector submitted his resignation and departed City employment
to work for the City of Riverside.
. One City employee remained in the position of Public Works Construction Inspector. A recent
recruitment was held with the intent of filling all the four vacant inspection positions. Sixteen
applications were received for the position, however, only two of those sixteen passed the written
Public Works Inspector exam. The two candidates were interviewed, but only one was found to have
sufficient knowledge of Public Works inspection to be hired.
Staff anticipates that an additional recruitment will take at least 4 months and may or may not attract
qualified applicants. Due to the continuing demand for Public Works Inspection and lack of qualified
candidates to fill the three vacant permanent positions, it will be necessary. to continue to rely on
contract inspectors.
There are a total of five Public Works Inspector positions in the Development Services Department.
The latest hiring provides a workforce of two full time permanent Public Works Inspectors and three
contract inspectors.
Caltrop has agreed to continue providing the three contract Public Works Inspectors at the previously
agreed rate of $95.00 per hour. However, funding to compensate the contract inspectors is almost
Staff is requesting that the funding allocation for the project be increased by $235,000, which will
provide a total funding amount of $491,000. It is anticipated that one of the consultant inspectors will
be assigned to inspection of Capital Improvement Projects and the other two consultant inspectors will
be assigned to development-related inspections. This increased amount will be adequate to fund three
consultant inspectors through the end of the current fiscal year.
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Financial Impact:
Adequate total funding for work performed under this agreement for the Capital Improvement Program
has been included in the FY 2006/07 CIP. Funding to compensate the Consultant for inspection of
Development Permit work will be taken from salary savings in Account No. 001-184-5011 and in
Account No. 001-190-5011.
The salary saving in Division 184 for the remainder of the fiscal yeaz is projected to be $165,000. A
salary saving in Division 190 for the remainder of the fiscal year is projected to be $355,000. Staff
proposes to use the entire amount of the salary saving from Division 184 in the amount of $165,000
plus $10,000 of the projected salary savings from Division 190 to provide a total salary savings
amount of $175,000. This amount will fund two consultant construction inspectors for development-
related inspection until the end of this fiscal year.
A total increase of $235,000 is requested to the purchase order with Caltrop, increasing the purchase
order from $256,000 to a new total of $491,000. Of the $235,000 increase, $60,000 will be funded
through the existing CIP. The remaining $175,000 will be funded with salary savings from vacant
positions in the Development Services Department. As of December 21, 2006, there were
approximately fourteen (14) vacant positions within the Development Services Department (three (3)
of these positions aze vacant construction inspector positions). A budget amendment is needed to
transfer $175,000 in salary savings professionaVcontractual services.
If approved, this increase to the purchase order with Caltrop will be sufficient to keep three (3) contract
inspectors through the end of the current fiscal yeaz. Staff will continue in its efforts to replace the
contract inspectors will full-time permanent or provisional staff.
I. Authorize the Director of Finance to increase Purchase Order No. 07-052 to Caltrop Corporation
(for contract on-call inspection services) from the current approved amount of $256,000 by
$235,000 to a new total of $491,000; and,
2. Authorize the Director of Finance to amend the FY 2006-2007 Development Services Adopted
Budget and transfer $175,000 to Acct. No. 001-183-5502 (professionaVcontractual); $165,000
from Acct. No. 001-184-SOXX (salaries & benefits) and $10,000 from Acct. No. 001-190-SOXX
(salaries & benefits).
"1" -C.I.P. Project List for Caltrop Inspectors
O1J20R00732I PM
Pro'ect No. Descri lion
1 SSO6-13 "E" Street Rehabilitation from 4 Street to 6 Street
2 SD-B Various Locations -Culvert Re air
3 SD-A Various Locations -Inlet Re air
4 SS-A .Various Locations - Brid a Railin Re it
5 S W-B Caltrans Se ent 3 -Sewer Relocations
6 SD-A Belmont Ave - Tem r Storm Drain Re av
7 SSO4-18
SD04-04 Mountain Ave at 40 Street to 39 Street -Storm Drain & Street
Im rovement
8 SD04-IS
TC04-27 Highland Ave. at Central Ave -Install New Traffic Signal &
Stonn Drain
9 SS06-24 Ha She and Dr -Concrete Pavement
10 SW06-01 Wallace Ct- Sewer Main Installation
11 S W07-01 Can on Rd - Sewer Main Installation
12 S W07-02 Cedar St -Sewer Main Installation
l3 S W07-03 Baseline St -Sewer Main Installation
14 SS06-13 "E" Street Rehabilitation from 4 Street to 6 Street
15 SS-B Various Locations-ADARam s
16 SS06-35 Kendall Dr-Street Widenin
17 SSO4-116 Waterman Ave - Street Im rovements
18 SS06-43 Rialto Ave - Pavement Rehabilitation
19 SSO4-14 40 Street-Street Widenin
20 SD07-Ol Irvin on Ave. & Devils Can on Basin -Storm Drain Re air
21 SSO4-95 Lvmgton Ave from Escena St to Olive St - Pavement
22 SS06-O1 4 Street - Cul-de-Sac at Mt. Vernon Ave
23 SW-C Inland Center Mall -Forced Sewer Main
24 TC06-01 Doolittle & Mill -Traffic Si al & Under round Utilities
25 TCOS-07 Waterman Ave at Parkdale Dr -Protective Promisive
02/06/07 1:31 PM