From: Fred Wilson, City Manager
Dept: City Manager's Office
Date: February 22, 2007
Subject: Adoption of Measure Z
Oversight Committee roles and
responsibilities and Measure Z
Expenditure Policy.
M/CC Meeting Date: March 5, 2007
Council Action:
January 8, 2007 -Mayor and Council held a workshop, and continued the matter for
one month with the direction that a plan be brought back to implement the "YY
Component" of the tax measure, and to gather further recommendations from
February 5, 2007 -Mayor and Council charged the Oversight Committee with meeting,
organizing, and electing officers and reviewing the Committee's charge; approved
various Police expenditures and related budget amendment; approved the anti-gang
initiative and related budget amendment; and directed that the Measure Z expenditures,
including the Measure Z Expenditure Policy (Attachment B) be agendized for the next
regular meeting.
February 20, 2007 -Mayor and Council approved a motion that the Director of Finance
be authorized to transfer $114,000 from the General Fund Reserve to fund the Police
Activity League (PAL) in the amount of $75,000 and the Parks and Recreation budget
in the amount of $39,000.
Recommended Motion:
That the Measure Z Oversight Committee Roles and Responsibilities (Attachment A)
and Measure Z Expenditure Policy (Attachment B) be adopted.
Sig ature
Contact person: R~~tioi Glark,S~rSle~~ Phone: sred_~np~
Supporting data attached: Yes Ward:
Source: (Acct. NoJ
Agenria Item Nn• /
Staff Report
Adoption of Measure Z Oversight Committee roles and responsibilities and Measure Z
Expenditwe Policy.
At the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council held on February 20, 2007, there were two
recommended motions listed on the agenda for item 33 -Budget amendment approving the
remainder of the Measure Z expenditure plan for FY 2006-07 and adopting Measwe Z Oversight
Committee Roles and Responsibilities and Measwe Z Expenditwe Policy. A copy of the staff
report presented on February 20, 2007 for item #33 is attached for reference.
The following motion was made by Councilman Neil Derry, seconded by Councilman Tobin
Brinker, and unanimously approved: That the Director of Finance be authorized to transfer
$114,000 from the General Fund Reserve to fund the Police Activity League (PAL) in the
amount of $75,000 and the Parks and Recreation budget in the amount of $39,000.
• It was not until after the meeting had adjourned that staff realized that the second recommended
motion had been inadvertently overlooked and subsequently was not voted on.
Afrer bringing this matter to the attention of City Manager Fred Wilson and the maker of the
motion, Councilman Derry, it was agreed that this item be placed on the Consent Calendar for
the Mazch 5, 2007 Council meeting.
Financial Imaact:
That the Measwe Z Oversight Committee Roles and Responsibilities (Attachment A) and
Measwe Z Expenditure Policy (Attachment B) be adopted.
a/ao/o ~ --1t 33
Budget amendment approving the remainder of the Measure Z expenditure plan for FY 2006-07, and
adopting Measure Z Oversight Committee Roles and Responsibilities and Measure Z Expenditure
Summary of Previous Council Action:
On January 8, 2007, the Mayor and Common Council held a workshop discussion concerning a
proposed expenditure plan-for Measure Z funds through June 30, 2007. After a lengthy discussion and
exchange of ideas, the matter was continued for one month with the direction that a plan be brought
back to implement the "YY component" of the tax measure, and to gather further recommendations
from Councilmembers. The Mayor and Council did approve the request to purchase equipment needed
to outfit ten police vehicles, as well as a 2-year extension of the helicopter contract, for a total cost of
$595,300 in Measure Z funds for the remainder of the current fiscal year.
At the February 5 meeting, staff presented a revised expenditure plan that deleted the proposed roving
recreation program, and replaced it with the start of a Police Activities League {PAL). "Afterschool at
school" recreation sites and Saturday community center operations were scaled back but retained in the
revised plan. Finally, $18,900 was included for anticipated tax administration costs that will be billed
by the State Board of Equalization (BOE).
After a lengthy discussion, the Mayor and Common Council approved the Crime Impact Teams
($544,000), the enhanced recruitment efforts ($228,800), the BOE administrative costs ($18,900), and
the anti-gang initiative ($130,000); and amended the budget accordingly to include previously-
approved expenditure of funds for 10 additional vehicles ($304,600) and the helicopter contract and
related equipment costs ($309,700) for a total budget amendment of $1,406,000. Action was deferred
on the PAL program and recreation program enhancements, leaving $114,00 in Measure Z revenues
Following discussion concerning the role of the Measure Z Oversight Committee, the Mayor and
Common Council chazged the Oversight Committce with mceting, organizing, and electing officers
and reviewing the Committee's charge. If the Committee were to have some other view about their
charge (other than what was proposed by staff in the "Measure Z Oversight Committee Roles and
Responsibilities" document), they would be asked to share that with the Mayor and Council during the
next Council meeting.
Measure Z Oversight Committee Role
On February 13, the first mating of the Oversight Committee was held. The Committee elected
former mayor Judith Valles as Chairperson, and Bob Evans as Vice-Chairperson. The Committee
reviewed the proposed "Roles and Responsibilities" document, made some amendments, and voted
unanimously to approve the proposed document as their mission statement. That revised "Roles and
Responsibilities" outline is attached {Attachment A), and is recommended for adoption by the Mayor
and Council.
The Committee voted 4-4 on a motion recommending that the Council fund the PAL and recreation
program enhancements. Several Committee Members expressed that they did not have sufficient
information on which to base a decision. Others felt that since the mission statement calls for their
review beginning with FY 07-OS expenditures, they should not recommend action concerning FY 06-
2/2a/a7- t>`33
07. There was consensus that Measure Z funds should be used to fund suppression, prevrntion, and
intervention efforts.
Staff explained to the Committee that expenditure plans for next fiscal yeaz would be presented in the
spring, so that the Committee will be able to review those plans prior to consideration by the Mayor
and Council. Long-term expenditure plans for Measure Z will also be presented once they are
The next meeting of the Oversight Committee has bcen scheduled for Mazch 6.
Allocation of ltemainine Measure Z Fundine for FY 66-07
!t is still the recommendation of staff that $75,000 allocated for PAL for the remainder of the fiscal
year. This allocation will provide seed money to fund apart-time, contractual program manager, afull-
time Recreation Program Coordinator, sports equipment, and insurance. More detailed information
concerning PAL was provided in the February 5 staff report.
Given the lack of consensus regarding expenditure of funds for recreation program enhancements, it is
recommended that this action be deferred for consideration as pact of the FY 2007-08 expenditure plan.
The remaining $39,000 in unallocated Measure Z revenues will remain available for budgeting in that
fiscal year.
Measure Z E:penditure Policv
At the February 5 workshop, the Mayor and Council deferred consideration of the Measure Z
Expenditure Policy until the February 20 Council meeting.
As noted in the February 5 staff report, several Councilmembets expressed that Measure Z funds
should not be used to supplant existing General Fund expenditures, and that the hiring of additional
police officers should be the top priority for the use of Measure Z proceeds. The attached Measure Z
Expenditure Policy (Attachment B) specifies that funds will be spent in accordance with the advisory
Measure YY. It also establishes programs budgeted in FY 06-07 as the baseline budget for the Police
Department, and states that Measure Z funds will not supplant expenditures within that baseline, with
some limited exceptions for specific programs that could not be,continued without Measure Z funding.
The expenditure policy states that Measure Z funds will be used to fund the incremental cost of the 14
sworn and 3 non-sworn Police Departmrnt positions created in FY 06-07. As noted at the ]anuary 8
workshop, these positions were added but only partially funded in this year's budget, which reflected
the phased-in hiring of the employees to fill these new positions. The additional (incremental) cost to
fully fund these 17 positions in FY 07-08 will be approximately 5668,100, which will be funded
through Measure Z. The remaining cost for these positions will remain funded through regular
General Fund resources.
It is recommended that the Mayor and Council adopt the proposed Expenditure Policy.
For FY 2007-08, Measure Z expenditures will be considered during the regulaz budget process, and
will .include review by the Oversight Committee. The staff team will soon begin work on that
expenditure plan. Also, the Citywide Organizational Review will be completed soon, and will include
recommendations that should also be considered during the development of the next expenditure plan.
Financial Imnact:
The revenues from Measure Z for the remainder of FY 06-07 are anticipated to total 51,650,000. If the
staff recommendation is approved, 575,000 will be budgeted for the PAL program, leaving 539,000 in
Measure Z revenues unallocated. These funds will be carried forward for budgeting in FY 2007-08.
1. Authorize the Director of Finance to amend the FY 2006-07 Adopted Budget to include
expenditures related to the Police Activities League in the amount of 575,000.
2. That the Measure Z Oversight Committee Roles and Responsibilities (Attachment A) and Measttre
Z Expenditure Policy (Attachment B) be adopted.
Attachment A
Oversight Committee
^ Review expenditure plan for proceeds from Measure Z funds beginning FY
o Monitor plans and expenditures to ensure that funds are spent in accordance
with Measure YY.
^ Report to the voters of the city at least once a year regarding the revenues
and expenditures of Measure Z funds
^ Review an annual Measure Z financial report to ensure that funds are spent
in accordance with Measure YY.
^ Review Measure Z 5-year expenditure plan focusing on suppression,
intervention and prevention.
Ci Staff
o Provide overall fiscal management of Measure Z funds
^ Implement and manage programs and services as funded by Measure Z
^ Communicate activities and outcomes of Measure Z to the public through
media, website, email, newsletters, etc.
^ Prepare and present financial report to Oversight Committee
As amended on 2/13/07 Oversight Committee meeting
Attachment B
City of San Bernardino
Measure Z Expenditure Policy
1/26/100710:14 AM
I. Measure Z funds will be spent in accordance with Measure YY, the advisory measure
approved by the voters in November 2006.
2. It is the intent of the Mayor and Council to use Measure Z funds to enhance, not
supplant, current spending on law enforcement and crime prevention programs.
3. Programs contained in the FY 2006-07 Police Department budget, as amended
through February 2007, will serve as the baseline for the Department. Programs
funded in that budget will continue to be funded through regulaz General Fund
resources, except for the following programs, which could not be continued without
Measure Z funding:
a. Police helicopter program
b. Overtime for Crime Impact Teams
c. The incremental cost for the 14 sworn and 3 non-sworn positions added in FY
06-07. (Note that the 10 sworn officers added in FY 2005-06 will continue to
be funded through regulaz General Fund resources.)
d. Enhanced recruitment efforts
• 4. The first priority for Measure Z spending will be the implementation of the Police
Department's Combined Hiring Plan. New police officers and non-sworn positions
called for in the hiring plan beginning in FY 2007-08, along with related expenses,
will be funded through Measure Z.
5. Measure Z funds not expended in a given fiscal year will be carried over for
budgeting in the next fiscal yeaz.