From: Mayor Patrick J. Morris Subject: Approve the appointment of
Mr. Kenneth Wells to the Human
Dept: Mayor's Office Relations Commission, per
Councilman Derry's request.
Date: February 27, 2007
Council Date: March 5. 2007
Synopsis of Previous Council Action:
Recommended Motion:
Approve the appointment of Mr. Kenneth Wells to the Human Relations
Commission, per Councilman Denry's request.
Contact person: M~y~. p~*~~~~ -~ Morris Phone: 5133
Supporting data attached: yes Ward: Fourth
Source: (Acct. No.) -0-
Council Notes:
Agenda Item No. ~-
TO: Mayor Patrick J. Morris
FROM: Council Office
SUBJECT: Commission Appointment
DATE: February 21, 2007
COPIES:. City Manager, City Clerk
Request Mr. Kenneth Wells be considered for appointment to serve on the
Human Relations Commission (at the Council Meeting of Mazch 5, 20071.
A copy of Mr. Wells' resume is attached for your information.
~- ~-~ a-~
Councilman, Fourth Wazd
FEB 16,2007 02:19P 9094751542
Pale 1 oC 1
Subj Kenneth watt: Bio
Date 2/16/2007 1:30:48 P.M. Pacfic Standard Time
From &shopkenwells
~~io~rtt~.t/tt~~/ .~~f rig ilr
Bishop O. Kenneth Wells, a powerful prolific anointed vessel in the body of Christ, was bom on
December 1.1963 in Brevard County. Florida and would later move to stuury Southem California in
19ti9 with his mother Ludonia Rose Miles.
Bishop Wells gcrve his lilt [o the Lord Jesus Christ in the summer of 1979 and attended Ilethcl A.M.L•.
Church of Fo»tana. He latu7 joined the First Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of
Reverend Charles Singleton. He later accepted his calling to the minisKry anJ was ordained under
Pastor Chuck SinglcWn at the Loveland Church of hontana.
Bishop Wells is the hounder of the West Coast Gospel Industry Conference, wl»ch establishes
network forums fur gospel music all over the country. I le coordinated the Leland Empire Gospel
Fat. H. is also the founder and diroctor of the Riverside Mass Choir. 1-le also is the founder of the
Gospel Entcrtairtnn:nt Network Fellowship bated nut of Southem Califomia. He currently hosts a
gospel radio program nn Saturday mornings at 9:UUam on K•PRO IS70 nn your AM radio dial aad
has been nn the air I'ur at Icast 1$ years. Last but not least, Bishop Wells is the founder of the eXmen's
Confcrcncc, which focuses un empowering men who have overcome both failures in the church and
Bishop Wells served as the elected president of the Southern California Gospel Announcers Guild of"
the <inspel Music Workshop of America for 9 wonderful years. This consists of gospel DJ'S, retailers,
tclcvisioNvidco and print media. He is also the CEO of The Gospel Love Shop, a musical retail store.
In 1996, Bishop Wells firundcd Sprit of Love Christian Church in San Bcmardino, Calil'umia. I le is
also the 1'uundcr of the Nehemiah Fellowship and Conference.
<.)n Saturday, March 29, 2003, Bishop Wells was consecrated (:alifomia'S State Jurisdictional Bishop
fuuVlount Calvary l loly Churches ul'Antcriea, Inc. by Bishop(s) Alfred A. Owens aztd Harold 1.
Williams. He later received his Honorary Doctorial Degree in Christian Administration in August
ZU06 fmm Solomon Theological Seminary where he also serves nn the Board of Directors.
t3ishup Wells is the husband of the renowned Shervonne Wells of the Kurt Carr Singers. They will
celebrate their 21st atuuversary in April. He is the proud father of four children. Kaxcy, a student at
California State IJniversity of San Bernardino. (htikhol, an aspiring singer, Kcnncth li, an aspiring
actor and professional drummer, and Oshton a powerful prophet in the making.
Bishop Wells has recorded gospel albums for Pearl Records, Occsn Records, and is the CIiO of
Myron Entcriainment Group. Hishop Wells was the Executive Producers for Pearl Records
compilation which fealurcd Kim Burrell, Shawn McLemore, Gary Scott. South Last Inspirational
Choir u!"Housron and Kenneth Wells and the Riverside Mass Choir.
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