HomeMy WebLinkAbout40-Police Department r .. .. C.TY;OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Lee Dean, Chief of Police Subject: Resolution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the Mayor to file a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) Program Award application with the U.S. Depart- m9Rt gf ly~tigQ ~~~i~taRe9 (QJ~) on behalf of the Police Department for law enforcement support expendi- tures for equipment, technology, and overtime. Contingent upon the availability of funding for the reauired match. Dept: Police JUN 1 9 1997 Date: June 16, 1997 Synopsis of Previous Council action: ORIGINAL Resolution #96-253, ratified on August 5, 1996, by the Mayor and Common Council authorizing the Police Department to apply for and accept an LLEBG Program Award with grant funding earmarked for upgrading the Police Department's CAD/RMS computer systems. Recommended moti.on: Adopt proposed resolution. ~/-? ~ ~4'. Signature Contact person: Captain Robert Curtis Phone: 384-5606 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $119.6] 8 Source: To Be Determined Finance: Council Notes: - Res 97- cJ./O 7/ 7/q 7 Agenda Item No. tfo 75.0262 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The Omnibus FY 1997 Appropriations Act (Public Law 104-208) provided $523,000,000 for Local Law Enforcement Block Grants for local governments to underwrite projects to reduce crime and improve public safety. Funding is distributed nationally to states by formula based, in part, by their percentage of Part I violent crime reported during the past three years. Funding for local governments are also based, in part, on their percentage of state Part I violent crime. The City of San Bernardino is eligible to apply for federal funding in the amount of $1,076,565, to finance projects qualifying for one or more of the seven approved program purpose areas. The grant has a 10 percent cash match requirement of $119,618 that will not be waived, resulting in a total project amount of $1,196,183. The acceptance of the grant award will be contingent upon the availability of funding for the required city match. Potential funding sources include Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and Citizens' Option for Public Safety (COPS) program funds. The renewal of the funding for COPS program is pending ratification by the California legislature. The deadline for submission of applications is July 11, 1997. The Police Department intends to utilize grant funding for additional overtime expenditures, equipment and technology as outlined in the proposed budget for the LLEBG Program Award (Attachment A). The Police Department's goal is to provide police officers and support personnel with modern technological tools, data and equipment to perform their jobs in the safest and most efficient manner possible. The efficiency enhancements include an arrest report preparation and processing program for the city jail to automate this function that is currently done manually. Custom programming is needed to streamline and automate the service desk functions in police communications. Outsourcing the scanning of police reports into the document imaging system for 1994 and 1995 will increase the database of reports available in the document imaging system and help eliminate the need to run dual report filing systems (manual and document imaging). An additional personal computer in five of the Community Service Offices is essential to support the newly created POP Units consisting of a sergeant, detective, POP officers, BMET officers and crime prevention specialists (CSRII). The proposed auto site program would provide each member of our motor unit with a hand-held field citation computer to facilitate the issuance of traffic and parking citations and provide two spares. Officers will be more efficient as a number of functions associated with issuing citations will be preprogrammed or readily transferable from DMV documentation. This will result in a savings of officers time associated with the issuance of citations. 75-0264 REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT PAGE 2 Clerical time for data entry of the citations issued by motors would be eliminated. The enhancements for the crime view crime analysis system would provide area commanders and field officers with geographical based crime pattern information. The system utilizes a user friendly program to access and format the information. The department is proposing to replace our current limited number of department .38 caliber revolvers with a standardized handgun that will be provided to all police officers and reserve officers. The standardized handgun project would provide our officers with modern, semiautomatic pistols to combat the ever increasing sophisticated weaponry carried by criminals. Handgun standardization will allow officers to exchange ammunition during prolonged shoot-outs. The city's liability exposure related to the use of firearms by police officers would be reduced through standardized training for the selected weapon and city maintenance. The digital mug shot system to be installed in the city jail to collect photographs of arrested persons who are booked and in the permits desk to collect photographs of sex and narcotic offenders who are mandatory registrants. Patrol sergeants will be equipped with laptop computers capable of accessing RMS arrest information, including digitized photographs, while in the field and/or at the scene of violent crimes. Police officers would be able to create line ups of potential suspects to show crime victims or witnesses directly after the crime was reported. positive identifications would lead patrol forces and investigators directly to the last known address of criminals within minutes of identification. This immediate follow-up investigation will result in the rapid apprehension of career criminals, resulting of greater recovery of evidence, stolen property, stronger cases to be prosecuted, and increased convictions and case clearances. It will also prevent additional victimization and make San Bernardino a safer community. The proposed property bar code system would streamline the processing, storing, and data entry associated with logging property and evidence into our property room and provide greater accountable. Clerical support to enter property information into the RMS system would be eliminated. The "STAR" network interface with the District Attorney's Office would allow both agencies to transfer prosecution related data and reports electronically. We would have on-line access to check the status of every court case generated by the police department. $295,381 would be used for overtime above the amount approved in the Police Department's FY 1997-98 general fund budget. Overtime would be used for proactive police programs such as curfew enforcement, problem oriented policing proj ects and intensified .. REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT PAGE 3 enforcement, problem oriented policing projects and intensified saturation patrols needed to combat neighborhood problems associated with violent crimes. LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS PROGRAM LOCAL APPLICATION FORM . . 16.592 e B453 CITY City of San Bernardino MAYOR (909)384-5067 300 NORTH "D" STREET STATE/LOCAL Your signature represents your legal binding acceptance oftbe terms oftbis application and your statement oftbe veracity oftbe relltations made in tbis application. Tbe document bas been duly autborized by tbe governing body of tbe applicant and tbe a will comply witb tbe tbree attacbed forms: I) Assurances; 2) Certijications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Ot esponsibiUty Mailers; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements; and 3)Cerlijication Regarding Public Sofety Officer Health Benefits. CONTACT ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE): U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CFclCE ()~ JUSTICE PROGRAMS OFFICE Of 1 HE COMPTROLLER CERTIFICATIONS REGARDING LOBBYING; DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS; AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Signature of this ferm provides for camp,lianes with certification requirements under 28 CFR Part 69, "New Restrictions on Lobbying' and 28 CFR Part 67, "Government-wide Debarment Ind Suspension (Nonprocurement) Ind Government-wide Requiremer,ts for Orug~Free Workplace (Grants)," The certifications shall be treated as a material representation ollact upon which reliance will be pllced when the Deplrtment of Justice determines to aword the covered transaction, grant, Dr cooperative agreement. 1, LOBBYING As requirld by Section 1352, 11tle 31 01 the U.S. Code, snd implemented st 28 CFR Psrt 8S, for psrsons entorlng into a srent or cooperstive Igreement over $100,000, IS dsflned st 28 CFR Part 8S, the appllesnt certifies that: (a) No Federel spp'oprllted lunds heve besn plld or will be paid, by or on behs" 01 the undereigned, to any person for In- fluencing or sttempting to influence In officer or employes 01 any agency, a Member of Con gr..., an officer or employ.. of Congress, or an employe. of I Member of Congr... In con. nection with the msklng of Iny Federel grsnt, the entertng into lany cooperative Igreement, Ind the extension, contlnustlon, newal, amendment, or modlflCIUon ollny Federsl grant or operative agr.ement; (b) "any lunds other thsn Federll Ipproprllted lunds hsve been psid or will be plld to Iny pereon lor Influencing or st- temptins to influence sn olficer or employee olsny Igeney, s Member of Congress, an officer Dr employee of Congr.... Dr sn employee ala Member 01 Congress In connection wRh this Federal grsnt or cooperetlve sgreement, the undereigned shsll complete and submit Standard Form. LLL, .Olsclosure of Lobbying Activitiss; In accordance with Its instructions; (c) The undersigned shall require thet the Isnsusge 01 this cer- tification be included in the award documents for all sublwards at all tiers (including subgrants, contracts under grants and cooperative agreements, Ind subcontrscts) and thot '111 sub- recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 2. DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS (DIRECT RECIPIENTI As required by Executive Order 12549. Debarment and Suspension, and implemented at 28'CFR Part 67. for prospec- tive participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at 28 CFR Part 67, Section 67.510- A. The applicant certifies that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred. suspended, proposed for debar- ment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal court, or voluntarily excluded om covered transactions by any Federal department agency; ) Have not within a three-year period preceding this appliea. tion been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connec. tion with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a publiC (Fede..I, Stste, or locsl) lranssctlon 0' contrect under e public trsnsaction; violation 01 Federal or Stste entltrust ststut.. or commiasion 01 embezzlement, theil, forgery, bribery, falslfiestlon or destruction 01 records, mlkins false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly chorged by a governmental entlly (Fede..I, State, or loes I) with commlselon of sny of the ollanses enumerated In ps..grsph (1 )(b) 01 this certlflestlon; snd (d) Have not within s three-yes, period preceding this spplles- tion had one or more public Irsnsections (Federe', State, or loesl) tennlnlted lor esuse or dellu~; snd B. Where the sppllcant Is unsble to certify to sny 01 the statements In this certlfiestlon, he or she shall attsch an explsnstlon to this Ippllcstlon. 3. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (GRANTEES OTHER THAN INDIVIDUALS) As required by the Drug-Free Workpllce Act 011S88, and implemented st 28 CFR Port 67, Subplrt F, lor g..ntees, ss deflned at 28 CFR Psrt 87 Sections 67.615 snd 87.620- A. The applicant certifies that it will or will continue to provide a drug-lree workplace by: (a) Publlshlns s statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace snd specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; (b) Establishing an on-going 'o.'Jg.free awarer.. .S pro~ram to inform employees about- (1) The dangers 01 drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantee's policy of maintaining 8 drug-free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees lor drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the state- ment required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will- OJP F"ORM 4061/6 (3.91) REPLACES OJP F"ORMS 406112, 406113 AND 406114 VvHICH ARE OBSOLETE. .Plicant hI . ingOMB( In . Ag Cooperallve . federally-assIst It poss,es! resolution passed a authorizlr standing' and auth tatlvsof and to ' quired. II will 2. Uniforr tions J Bquita eral a 1. 3. II will politi gove with (5 U 4. It w pro cat 5 II' . tho . 6. I I (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (2) Notify the employer in wrffing of his or her conViction for a vioiation of a criminai drug statute OCCUrring in the Workplace no iater than five caiendar days aner sUch conViction; (e) NotifYing the agency, in writing, within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under SUbparagraph (d)(2) from an employee or otherwise reCeiVing actual notice of sUch ConVic_ tion. Employers of conVicted employees must prOVide notice, inclUding POsition title, to: Department of JUSllce, Office of Justice Programs, ATTN: Control Desk, 633 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20531. Notice shall include the iden. tification nUmber(s) of each affected grant; (I) Taking one Of/he mllowing actions, wffhin 30 calendar days of receiVing notice Under SUbparagraph (d)(2), wffh respect to any employee who is So ConVicted_ (I) Taking appropriate personnel action against SUch an employee, up to and inClUding termination, conSistent with the reqUirements ofthe Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (2) ReqUiring sUCh employee to participate satiSfactorIly in a drug abuse aSSistance Or rehabilitation program approved for SUch purposes by a Federal, State, Or local health, lawenforce. ment, Or other apProPriate agency: (g) Making a gOOd faith effort to COntinue to maIntain a drug. free wO"'Plece through Implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (C), (d), (e), and (I). B. The grantee may insert In the space ProvIded below the Sffe(s) for the per/ormance of wo'" done in connection With the specific grant: Place of Per/ormance (Street address, city, COunty, atate, zip COde) o 1121.0140 B APPROVAL N . ~~P1RES: 1/31/96 San Bernardino POlice Depa~ lio Nnrth "n" Rt San Bernardino CA 92401 CheCk ~ if/here are wO"'Places on file that are not in. here. Section 67, 630 of the regUlations prOVides that a grante IS a State may elect to make one certification In each Fe, fiscal Year. A copy of which ShOUld be inClUded with each Plication for Department of JUstice funding. States and St agenCIes may elect to use OJP Form 406117. Check 0 if the State haa elected to complete OJP Form 406117. ORUG-FREE WORKPLACE (GRANTEES WHO ARE INDIVIDUALS) As required by the Drug.Free Workp/aoe Act of 1988, and Implemented at 28 CFR Pert 67, SUbpart F. for grantaes, as defined at 28 CFR Part 67; Sactlons 67.615 and 67.620- A. As a COndition of the grant, I Certify that I wili not engage in the unlawfUl manufacture, dlatributlon, diSPenSing, POsses- sion, or Use of a ContrOlled sUbstance In condUCting any activffy With the grant; and B. If Convicted of a criminal drug offense resulting from a ViOlation OCCUrring dUring the COnduct of any grant activity, I wili report the conViction, in writing, within 10 calendar daya of the conviction, to: Department of JUstice, Office of JUstice Programs, ATTN: Control DeSk, 633 IndIana Avenue, N.W., Waahington, D.C. 20531. .... ......-.-- ""'- '--..'..........-..... .~~-~ 7. 8. 1. Grantee Name and Address: LOcal Law Enforcement BlOCk Grant 2. APPlication Number and/or Project Name Tom Minor Ma or 4. Typed Name and Tille of Authorized Representative 5. Signature 95-6 772 3. Grantee IRSlVendor Number 6. Date e e e 4. BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS DIVISION CERTIFICATION FOR THE SECTION 615, FISCAL YEAR 1997 APPROPRIATIONS ACT: ALU-O'HARA PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS HEALTH BENEFITS ACT As required by Section 615 of the Fiscal Year 1997 Appropriations Act, a unit oflocal government eligible for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program must be in compliance with the following in order to receive an award for their entire eligible amount. "Of the funds appropriated in this Act under the heading 'OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS -State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance' not more than ninety percent of the amount to be awarded to an entity under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants shall be made available to such an entity when it is made known to the Federal official having authority to obligate or expend such funds that the entity that employs a public safety officer (as such term is defined in section 1204 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968) does not provide such a public safety officer who retires or is separated from service due to injury suffered as a direct and proximate result of a personal injury sustained in the line of duty while responding to an emergency situation or a hot pursuit (as such terms are defmed by State law) with the same or better level of health insurance benefits that are paid by the entity at the time of retirement or separation." Criteria for Compliance: To be in compliance, a unit of local government must: 1. Use the definitions provided for public safety officer, law enforcement officer, firefighter and public agency as defined by section 1204 ohitle I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended. "l ~. Use Stat~ statutory law, or in the absense of Shte law, use State case law, local law. or have established wrinen policy for defining "mjury suffered as a direct result of a personal injury sustained in the line of duty while responding to an emergency situation or hot pursuit." State law definitions of the terms "emergency situation" and "hot pursuit" must be used. ~ ". Have an established v,Tinen procedure or process for reviewing these cases. Be able upon request to document that the same or better level of health insurance benefits are paid at the time of retirement or separation due to an injury suffered as Bureau of Justice Assistance 41 e the direct and proximate result of a personal injury sustained in the line of duty while responding to an emergency situation or hot pursuit as are the benefits paid by the entity at the time of retirement or separation. An eligible applicant may certify to only one of the following: [X As the Chief Executive Officer for the unit of local govermnent, I hereby certify that the applicant is in compliance with this provision. o As the Chief Executive Officer for the unit of local govermnent, I hereby certify that the jurisdiction is not in compliance with this provision and understand that my award amount will be an amount not more than ninety percent of the amount which could be awarded if the jurisdiction is in compliance with this provision. Grantee Name and Address: City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino. CA 92401 Application Identifier: 95-600772 e Typed Name and Title of the Chief Executive Officer: e Tom Minor Mayor By signing this document, I understand that if the Bureau of Justice Assistance determines that my jurisdiction is found not in compliance for any reason including fraud, malicious intent or deceit, I agree that I will forfeit 10 percent of the award amount. If the funds have already been expended, I understand that the U.S. Department of Justice may pursue measures that it deems appropriate in order to recover the funds. I also understand that such a finding could lead to my jurisdiction being debarred or suspended from participating in future grant programs from the U.S. Department of Justice or the Federal Govermnent. Signature of the Chief Executive Officer: Date of Signature: 42 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program J iii 1997 LOCAL LA W ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT PROPOSED BUDGET Revised 7/7/97 I. Purpose Area 1 - Supporting Law Enforcement A. Technology 3. Auto Cite program $109,490 a. (12) hand held field citation computers/chargers @ $5,549 each = $6~,590. Entered into Record at / I b. Computer ticket print outefuncillCmyOevCms Mtg: '7 '1 ? 1 15,000 @ $0.06 each = $900 b. Download PC @ $2,000 by c. RMS Software interface - c~stom I J.../O program @ $40,000 re genda tem ~P.~ City Clerk/COC Secy City of San Bernardino 2. 1. Efficiency Enhancements a. Additional CAD/RMS enhancements, including new jail module, (3) Oracle 7 (concurrent jail user) runtime licenses, document imaging interface, custom Service Desk programming, and technical services/ set-up @ $321,000 b. Outsourcing scanning 1994-95 crime reports into imaging @ $25,000 c. (5) PC for Area Command Offices for POP Unit Detectives/officers @ $3,000 each = $15,000 $361,000 "STAR" Network Interface with District Attorney's Office a. One-time County WAN connection @ $7,442 b. Monthly county data circuit charge @ $463 x 24 months = $11,112 c. Custom programming for document imaging interface @ $20,000 $ 38,554