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lU......, III"fIIII na Clft a. 1lO. uelL..
AD 'fU CIty or IU ..1IlUDDIO lea HI
Lftalf t)W mnI 'fl:lun.D. a_~...r," I.a"ft.. JI~ 811a.a
'I'hi. A9TeelHJ1~ h _de Dy and ent.reel into bltt-ween ~. CITY
or LO' AKG~Z'. a .un~e1p.l oorpo~at10n (herei~t~er referred to
a. "CJ;TY"), aotirul Dy and ~lu'o\'\~h the t.oa Angeles city' lire , .
OeputlMnt (hen1naft.er nfeZ'zoe4 tQ .. "LAm.) and the city of .
Ian ~~<<inO (h.~.1n.tt.~ ref.rre4 to a. "SAN BERNARDINO.),
with reter.nce to the tOllow1nq fact;:
A. SAN BatNAJU>INO desires to have repairs ..4e to its
~111er.d Aerial Ladd.r Fir. Truck (the IAN BERNARDINO
1't-uC:lcll) and requir.. the 1.1.. of . .i.ilar fir. tI:'UC~
while lucb repairs are p.rformed.
B. CITY has ava11able a T1111r14 Aerial Ladder Fire Truck
(the "LArO 1'ruclclt) which it: 11 wU1inq to loan to SA.'f
BERNARDINO on tn. t.~s and cond1tions st.ated herein.
HOW, THeREFORE. in eonsideration ot the a~ove premiSI. ~nd
the ter2l, covenants. and air....nt. .et forth hereln, the parties
hereby promiae, covenant, represent, and 891'" .s tollowe:
'ICS!IOJf a.. .u .1I1llftll"IlIO C1.r.:rIlJ.~:rO...
a) Witbin two (2) day. tollowinq the eXe~ut1on of this
Aqree.ent, s~v 8~VARDINO aqraes to prov14. the 4ates to
tAlD durinq which SAN 8ERHARD:NO will need the u.. at the
1.U'D TruclC.
Cd~ 0 P Los Aneth h'k Oqd-
.;loo N. (hc,itl SJ-
t.P~ ~tks cA 9{)()!7-
13 os /IVCSS
Res 97- 'II
/V.8 jj /
~ oj SAN BUN~tNO ahall pic;k up and take cleliv8r1 of th.e
':~ LAFO ~ck from the LAID at the convenieHoe and 41~oc~1en
ot tne LAFD.
oj In thB Bvent of an operational 8.Bri8ncy expGrianoed by
LAFD vh.ich nlcesaitata' the use of the ~ ~=~!. CI~
aha 11 notify SAN JlDlQJlDZNO of .11~ch ezer~.ncy an4 SAN.
8ERN~INO aball iaaadi.tely m&ke ar~.n9...nta tor th8
LlFO T~~ to te returnee! to LArD. ~O will notity
SAN 8~~ARDtNO atter s~ch e":9.ncy is aeated and a~an9.
tor 1"1-de11ver} of the LAtD Ttuek to SAN BERNARD1NO.
d) SAN SERNARCJ:!lC shall ntl.U'n the LAfD Trl,\cX in the sue
condition as it exi.ted prior to its delivery to SAN
BERNARDINO, nor~~l Year an4 t.~r excepted.
ej USlO!\ ~..;utior. of this Aqr8elll8l,t, SA-If iE.RIJARD:l:NO aball
f~~n1sh to CIT~ evidence ot ir.8~ranee covera;e (or self-
ins~ane.i of the types an4 in en. amo~nt. specified
LIABILITY COVERAGE - Bodily I~j~~ (including
passenqersj and/or Prop.:~y Oa=aq~ aril1n9 OUt of
~~ i1RN~INO'S pos8e.sio~. s&in~enance, use, or
operation of the ~FO Truck purs~ant to ~~i.
A9reement. Said coveraie ahall nQt be less tnan
Five KilliQ~ Ooll~rs ($5iOOa,OOO).
- 2 -
.' ~
f) I.ia~lUty iMl\lrance policies requh'ec! hereWld" ,hall
naae the CXTY a. an additional iM\I:'ed. JviGln~ or INch
lM\&nnc. lthdl "- provid.ed em tone pl'ovld.ed ~ C:X'fY UIc:I.
.ball be tiled. vi~ \be office ot \hI ~Lty Attorney ~t
tha C:I'1'Y f~ its review in accotdance with Lo. Al'lgelee
MlIIlnietntJ.ve Code SloUona 11..47 t.ArO~1\ 11.5.. . . Such.
polieie. ~.ll not "- .~j.ct to oanoell.tion upon 1...
than 30 4'YI' prior written notice to the office of the
C:ITY'S City Attorney. Said In.~.ne. polioies shell
confon to c:ny' I rlq\lU'e"l'lt. .,tabU.elled lly its
Charter, ordinane., or polLcy. In th. alt~ative, and
in lie\l ot providinq .uch liability poliei.., SAN
BERNARDINO .hall provi4e a certiticate or letter
ev1deneinq a provra. ot .elt-insurance. SUcb evidence
IIU.t be approved by C:1'1"1'5 lUll( Manager and City
.1C'rIOJl a. IJm--U:l:9.'1'1<m.
a) S.A.~ BDNAJU>tNO shall indemnity and. hgld harmle.. the C:;;:'I''l
froll all liability, 10.8, 4aaaqa., CQ,t., and expense.,
includinq rea.onable atto~y's t..., relative to dea~,
injury, or 4amaqe.to property G4~e~, or ~lai..4 to have
been caus.d, ~y the neq1igent acta or oai..ion. of SAN
1!aN~INO, it, officer-, aqant., or employe.' in their
use, operation, repair, or aa1ntenance ot the LArO Truck.
b) SAN 8DNA1U)INO l1'1a11 al.o indellll\!ty, def81'14, an4 hOld.
har=l... eI~Y tro. all liabili~y, 10.., 4...98S, co.t.,
- , -
~ ~"~
and expenaes, 1nel~inq realona~l. atto%ney'l tee.,
aridnq troa the condition ot the LAFJ) TnoJc, inclll411\9,
vltMIlt U.1.taUon, any d41f~t. in cl..ip or wor).er~lp,
and any negligence 1n the ..intenanee anG eare of ~
LAl'O r:n.lcIC by CITY or 1 U _ploy.ell, a,ente, and
contractCll'. .
81ICI1011 3. UBI.
The tarm of thil Aqr....nt Ihall Qo=mence upon execution
hereot by both partie. an4 tenlinate two (2) 1IlOntb. thu.atter,
~nl... terminated .arlier .. prov1ded nere.ttar,_ tbi8 Aqreeaent
.hall a~toaatically terminate if BAN 81RN~INO returns the LArD
Truck to City prior to expiration of tns two-month (2) term.
Either party aay term1nate this Aqr....nt ~on thirty (30)
4ay.' prior written notice to the other party.
.lettO. 4. AII'f1l0aUID ..n.lD'l'lll!'XVlII.
a) CIT~ ~.pre.entatlv.
CIT~ hereby appoints Willi.: a. lamattrs, Chi.' Inqineer
and Gana~.l HAnaqat or, in hia .~senc', the acting Chief
!nq1n.er, to raprelent CITY vi~~ respect to amendments or
other ma~ter. conn.ete4 w1~~ ~~i. A;reement provided,
hewever, tha~ any aa;ters, lnclud~nq amendment. whi~
have a cost or financial 1mpact to CITY not p~ovided tor
1n tArO'1 bUdq.t shall b. pre..nted to the CITY'S City
Council for i~. conlideration ~~d approval.
- 4 -
SAN IERNAaDtHO Kap~..enta~ive
SAlI lmurARDIJJO hereby appoint. Daniel B. DickerselD,
Ac1:ift9' PiZ'a ehlet' or, 11'l M.. absence, his es..ips., ~o
Z'ep1!'..sn~ SA." IINfAIDIKO vi~ re.pect to ~ndmsnta or
t ~
other .a~t:ar. connegt~ witb ~i. A9re...n~ provi4e4,
however, tnat any ..tt_., inCl\1dinq ~.nt. vh.i.c:h "
have a COlt or financial !apact to IAlI BBaKARDINO not.
provided tor in SAN IEJUIUI)INO'S buc1ie't ,hall be
pre.ented to SAN 8JRNARgINO'& city Council for 1t8
conai4eration and approval.
..auDII .. C!^YVMI!ea~1:OIf om lIMye...
Ekeept .. otherwi.. prov14e4 berein, the fOllowinq addresses
chall serve as the place. where communicatio~ between the partle.
aMll be ..nt I
CITY'S Adelre.s:
City of Los Angele.
Oepartment 01' Pire
zoo North Kain .treet
Los Anfeles, CA 90014
Attentlon; Willi.. R. Bamattre,
Chief Enqineer and General Kanaqer
City 01' san Bernardino
Oepartment 01 l1re
300 last Third Street
San lernardino, CA 93410
Attention: Daniel I. Dickerson,
Acting 'ire Chief
.ICTI0. .. ~Ll:C:ULI LA..
The ~.rti.. h.~.to Shall comply wieh the app11C.~le laws Of
the Un1~.d Stat.. ot America, ~~e State o! ealifornia, and all
otber applicable lavs.
- 5 -
~ fhb Afr.....nt eall >>. entorc:ec1 an4 J.ntensZ'ete4 und.er th.
.' ~ 1."'. of ~ It&te of c:.1ifom1&.
IIC'JIOII 7. ...---....--..
All aaan4aent. hereto Ihall >>e in vritln~ and signed .~y tp~
pe~.on. who have .itne4 this Avraement on bebalf of the ~iel,
01' ):)y lucb other person wno il autboriu4 by ~e relpeethe
parti.. to cind th.. hereto.
- 6 -
_ .ICf1:0. .. ]'..........'1'.1:1 ....JIIIlIl1l'Jl.
~i. Agre...nt .et. torth .~l ri,ht. .~ dutie. of ~he
par~iee with r..,.o\ \0 _he ..~ear h.r.G~, &ad replaces any and
. ,
. .
all previous a;re..-nt. or vn4e~.~andlnq., whether written Gr ,oral
relatinq ehereto. This Agr....ne aay ~ ...nded only .a provided
, ,
for in Para,r.ph 7 hereof.
. .unic1p.l Qorporat1on
A..1.~ftt City xane,er
City Clarlc
City Attorney
W1LLXAM ~, BAKAf1Rl, Chief
inqineer and General Manager
JAKBS 1(. KAHN, ciey Attorney
Assistant City Attorney
115. ja:l
- 7 -