HomeMy WebLinkAbout16-Development Services ~_u I r. I CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Dept: Development Services Subject: Authorization for the Director of Development Services to execute Chauge Order No. Two to contract with International Pavement Solutions, Inc. for street aud O D \ G \ N A I drainage improvements on Meridiau Avenue . " Land Poplar Street, per Piau No. 10505. From: James Funk, Director Date: December 10, 2003 File: 1. 7293 MCC Date: December 15, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 11118/02 Approved Capital Improvements Budget for FY 2002/2003 aud rolled over CIP 2001/2002 Budget Item Resolution awarding contract to International Pavement Solutions, Inc. for street aud drainage improvements on Meridiau Avenue aud Poplar Street, per Plan No. 10505 July 2002 Recommended Motion: That the Mayor and Common Council authorize the Director of Development Services to execute Change Order No. Two in the amount of $6,974.52 to contract with International Pavement Solutions, Inc. for street and drainage improvements on Meridiau Avenue aud Poplar Street, per Piau No. 10505. ~0~ /'tn.. J:r. , James Funk Contact person: Michael Grubbs, Acting City Engineer Phone: (909) 384-5179 Staff Report & CCO #2 Ward: 3 Supporting data attached: FUNDlNG REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $6,974.52 Source: (Acct. No.) 248-368-5504-7167 (Acct. Description) Meridiau Ave. Pavement Rehabilitation from Poplar St. to Rialto Ave., Repair Cross Gutters & Drainage Inlets-Citywide Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. /0 /;J/15/0J CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subject: Authorization for the Director of Development Services to execute Change Order No. Two to contract with International Pavement Solutions, Inc. for street and drainage improvements on Meridian Avenue and Poplar Street, per Plan No. 10505. Background: On November 18, 2002, the Mayor and Common Council awarded a contract in the amount of $156,488.00 to International Pavement Solutions, Inc. for street and drainage improvements on Meridian Avenue and Poplar Street, per Plan No. 10505. After receiving bids it was determined that the pavement rehabilitation part of the project could be done more efficiently as part of a larger pavement rehabilitation project. Therefore, on February 8, 2003, Contract Change Order No. One was administratively approved to delete the paving and related items for a savings to the project of $42,008.00 reducing the total cost of the project to $114,480.00. The paving portion of the project was subsequently added to a larger paving project for greater efficiency. During construction of the storm drain the contractor discovered a 4" gas main and a 6" electrical conduit, which were not shown on plans. The gas main was at an elevation and alignment that conflicted with the proposed storm drain. The elevation and alignment of the electrical conduit was such that it also conflicted with installation of the storm drain. The contractor was required to relinquish control of a portion of the worksite while Southern California Gas Company and Southern California Edison Company relocated their respective lines. The contractor was unable to work efficiently and incurred additional costs for traffic control due to the utility delay. These extra costs are indicated in the attached copy of Contract Change Order No. Two. Staff investigated backcharging Southern California Gas Company and Southern California Edison Company for the contractor's delay cost, however, the two utility companies declined to pay and staff was unable to establish that either utility was at fault in the matter. Under the provisions of Section 5-5 "Delays" of the Standard Specification, "If the Contractor sustains loss due to delays attributable to interferences, relocations, or alterations not covered in 5-1, which could not have been avoided by the judicious handling of forces, equipment, or plant, there shall be paid to the Contractor such amount as the Engineer may find to be fair and reasonable compensation for such part of the Contractor's actual loss as was unavoidable and the Contractor may be granted an extension of time". Staff reviewed the contractors costs and determined that the amount claimed IS fair and reasonable. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report (Continued) Financial Impact: The cost of this change order is within the contingency amount of $15,000 approved by the Mayor and Common Council as part of the award of contract. Sufficient funds are available in Account No. 248-368-5504-7167 "Cross Gutters and Drainage Inlet Repairs" to cover the cost of this change order. Recommendation: That the Mayor and Common Council authorize the Director of Development Services to execute Change Order No. Two in the amount of $6,974.52 to contract with International Pavement Solutions, Inc. for street and drainage improvements on Meridian Avenue and Poplar Street, per Plan No. 10505. Development Services Department 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418-0001 Planning and Building 909.384.5057 Fax 909.384.5080 Public Works/Engineering 909.384.5111 Fax: 909.384.5115 www.ci.san-bemardino.ca.us CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. TWO FILE NO. 1.7293 DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2003 PROJECT: STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ON MERIDIAN AVENUE AND POPLAR STREET PER PLAN NO. 10505. TO: INTERNATIONAL PAVEMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. P.O. BOX 10458 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92423 GENTLEMEN: You are hereby notified of the following changes to your contract: ITEM NO: DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Delay cost to maintain traffic control during a fourteen- 2-1 day period to allow the Southern California Gas $ Company to relocate their utility line. COST 5,139.12 Delay cost to maintain traffic control during a five-day 2-2 period to allow the Southern California Edison to lower $ their utility line. 1,835.40 TOTAL COST CCO #2 $ 6,974.52 JUSTIFICATION: During construction the contractor discovered a 4" gas main and a 6" electrical conduit, which were not shown on plans. The gas main was at an elevation and alignment that conflicted with the proposed storm drain. The electrical conduit's elevation and alignment was such that it also conflicted with installation ofthe storm drain. The contractor was required to relinquish a portion of the work site while Southern California Gas Company and Southern California Edison Company relocated their respective lines. The contractor was unable to work efficiently and incurred additional costs maintaining traffic control during 19 days of utility delay. These extra costs are indicated in the table above. Under the provisions of Section 5-5 "Delays" of the Standard Specification, "If the Contractor sustains loss due to delays attributable to interferences, relocations, or alterations not covered in 5-1, which could not have been avoided by the judicious handling of forces, equipment, or plant, there shall be paid to the Contractor such amount as the Engineer may find to be fair and Change Order No. Two Street and Drainage Improvements on Meridian Avenue and Poplar Street, Per Plan No. 10505 December IS, 2003 Page 2 of2 reasonable compensation for such part of the Contractor's actual loss as was unavoidable and the Contractor may be granted an extension of time". Staff has reviewed the Contractor's costs and find them to be fair and reasonable. SUMMARY OF CONTRACT COSTS The estimated revised contract cost is as follows: Original contract amount Contract Change Order No. One Contract Change Order No. Two Revised Construction Contract Cost $ $ $ $ 156,488.00 (42,008.00) 6.974.52 121,454.52 The cost of this change order represents an increase of 5.7% in the contract amount. INTERNATIONAL PAVEMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. CONTRACTOR CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Accepted Approved By: By: James Funk Director of Development Services Title: Date: Date: Approved by Mayor and Common Council Item No. Date: December 15. 2003 2 \'1;' ; \Ii I~_ i ~_ ,( ( I) \1\\ I )1:11',1 IIi 1'1'1'1:1:- 8.: \krlili,JI>('('(J ~ \klid;;lllc\ I\'I'L\I <";\,\1111 iJr,lill,dn,' · De~ 10 2003 2:03PM INT PAV SOL INC 909-794-7098 p.2 BRANCH OFfiCES; - Rlldl8nds -Palm It .: Ol8l1ll8 County - Nevada - San Jose - ArIzona P.O. Box 10458, San Bernardino, CA 92423~D458 - (909) 794-2101 - 1 (8 0) 821HI163 - Fax: (909) 794-7098 December 10, 2003 City of San Bernardino Aftn: Mike Wolf 300 0 Street San Bernardino, CA 92324 Re: Meridian & Poplar Water Drainage Project Dear Mr. Wolf, International Pavement Solutions, Inc. is requesting campe sation for our time while sitting idle waiting for the Utility companies to finish th ir project. We are requesting compensation in the amount of $367.08 per day. To date, we have a total of 19 days idle. Fourteien (14) da and five (5) additional delay days due to Southern Califomi total amount of compensation requested by International P Inc. is $6,974.52. ;,erety, .n ~; K. Hergenred. ~ Credit Manager due to The Gas Co Edison Co. The ement Solutions, AKH/akh ----.~.--~-.~ ------~-......-..,-.c__.--_".~--.... "Your Complete Outdoor Maintenance olution" CA Llcen.. tAJB12922e. NV Uoente 'A0041881 . htlp:IIwww.Ph.8l1l8n1-t:01ulona.com .PAVIII&N2' SOI~I.NC. BRANCH OFFICES: - Redlands - Palm Desert - Orange County - Nevada - San Jose - Arizona P.O. Box 10458, San Bernardino. CA 92423-0458 - (909) 794.2101 - 1 (800) 826-4163 - Fax: (909) 794-7098 03/14/03 Attention: Mike Wolf Re: Meridian & Poplar water drainage project . Mr. Wolf, I have reviewed with Andy the nwnber of days that have been credited to us regarding the hold up due to the utilities. Starting on 02118/03 we began potholing to locate the gas lines and al~ to find the Edison line. Potholing ended on 02121/03. During this time there were nwnerous meetings with Gas Co. employee's in which there were conflicting thoughts on where the actua1lines were. Edison was not available at that time to look at the pipe in question. Beginning on, 02128/03 we are waiting on the relocation of both Gas Co. and Edison to end. The previous week we moved to another section of the project, which included removal of trees and grinding of stwnps. We are now sitting idle. I.P.S. is requesting compensation for my time on site while waiting for the Utilities to finish their project. The swn of $367.08 per day is the amount requested. To date we have a total often (15) days of down time. Thank you, Cory Brooks, I.P.S. C7~ 8' 3 c; 7. 0 k :::: /Y'Y'S: 8;Y PC" hlL- ;:-<.J 12 /:-u-' '.~ 'n....... ..::. r' ,,'r')," .;;;,., /eK . .~,..- . "Your Complete Outdoor Maintenance Solution" CA License 'A/B729226. NV License tAOQ41881 .I.tttp:/Iwww.pavemenl-solulions.com