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CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR (.'OUNCIL ACTION ORIGINAL Subject: 1) A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT TO RECEIVE GRANT FUNDING THROUGH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CODE ENFORCEMENT GRANT PROGRAM 2) A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ANTI-GRAFFITI AND ANTI-DUMPING CAMERAS From: Glenn Baude Dept: Code Compliance Date: December 3, 2003 MICC Meeting Date: 12/15/03 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: March 11, 2003 Grants Committee recommended approval to apply for the State of California Code Enforcement Grant Program April 3, 2003 City Council adopted resolution 2003-70 authorizing staff to apply for the Code Enforcement Grant Program Recommended Motion: Adopt Resolutions L2~ 1/0..4 Signature Contact person: r,IAnn Rl'l..nA Phone ~R4-~?O~ Supporting data attached: yes Ward All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $76,081 Source: Code Compliance Grant Program Finance: Council Notes: 12c~o -tJo-ZOd3_ ~? ?C03- 3~\j 1a,I/s/JJ3 Agenda Item No. --'-l . ~ CITY OF SA"'l BERNARDINO- REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT Resolutions: 1) A resolution of the Mayor and Common Council authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement to receive grant funding through the State of California Code Enforcement Grant Program. 2) A resolution of the Mayor and Common Council authorizing the purchase of anti- graffiti and anti-dumping cameras. BACKGROUND After receiving City Council authorization on April 3, 2003 (Resolution 2003-70) Code Compliance Staff applied for a grant from the State Department of Housing and Community Development for one-time equipment expenditures. The Code Enforcement Grant is a new program, which provides funds for capital expenditure costs that complement a proposed or existing local code enforcement program. The City of San Bernardino has been selected to receive the grant in the amount of $179,998, which does not require any match. The Grants Committee considered this item on March 11,2003, and recommended authorization to proceed with the application. The grant requested the following equipment: Anti-graffiti and illegal dumping cameras As part of the grant, the City applied for twenty-five specialty cameras (FlashCam- 530) to police illegal dumping and to deter graffiti. The City has tested two of these cameras and they have been effective at stopping graffiti and illegal dumping. Q-Star Technology is a sole source vendor for the cameras. These cameras work with motion detection, are bullet proof and issue voice warnings that, "If you are conducting illegal activity these pictures will be turned over to the police department for prosecution." Total cost of this purchase is $76,081. Laptop ComDuters Code Enforcement Officers use laptop computers for both fieldwork and at their desks. Existing laptops are over four years old and some of the hard drives are beginning to fail. In addition, we are converting to a new software program and in order to utilize all the software capabilities additions to the current laptops are required which is not practical r considering their age and condition. The new system will allow wireless capabilities and real time communication in the field. In addition, the laptops we are proposing are rugged to hold up better in field conditions, have touch screens for better efficiency, and have wireless capabilities. We are requesting funding for twenty-one laptops and wireless hardware and vehicle mounting brackets for laptops and portable printers, which would allow officers to have an office in their car. The total grant requested is $96,999. Handv Talkies Two years ago Code Compliance received funding through a State Department of Housing and Community Development Grant to purchased eighteen handy talkies. These radios have channels for police, fire, public services, animal control and a channel just for Code Compliance. Included in the grant application is a request for six additional handy talkies, which will provide a radio for every officer and supervisor, two base units and a backup unit. These are approximately $1,153 each, about $6,918 for six. The amount of these three items is $179,998 and the grant has been approved in the same amount. This item is coming back to Council, as Resolution 2003-70 required Council authorization for the Mayor to sign the agreement. The laptop computers are currently going through the bid process and will be brought to Council once the bids are completed. Although we could have waited for the bids to come back and packaged all the items for purchase in one agenda item, given the demand for the cameras we felt is was important to move forward with that purchase. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no impact on the general fund, as the grant does not require a match. RECOMMENDATION I. Adopt Resolutions Attachments: Quotation from Q-Star Technology .~ 12/88/2883 22:19 18855811239 ANDERSON PUBLISHING ' PAGE 82182 .. * 2003-344 Q..Star Technology, LLC December 8, 2003 Glen Baude City of San Bernardino Dear Mr. Baude, Carlita Mead ask that I send you a sole source SWement. TIle Q-Star Technology FlashCam-S30 is a unique product that is designed specifically for deterring graffiti and illegal trash dumping. We manufacture, marlcet, and sell the product. To our knowledge there is no other company that offers a similar product. If you have any questions call me at (818) 772-9000. Sincerely, ~~ non President, Q-Star Technology 9960 C~nooa Avenue, Suhe D4. Chetsworth, CA 91311 . Tel. (818) 772-9000. Fe>< (818) 407-1310. www.q.tartech.oom . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: December 22, 2003 TO: Glenn Baude, Director of Code Compliance FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution 2003-343 At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of November 17, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution 2003-343 - Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement to receive grant funding through the State of California Code Enforcement Grant Program. Attached is an original agreement executed by Mayor Valles. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 3206. Thank you. Michelle Taylor Senior Secretary I hereby acknowledge receipt of this memorandum. Signed: Date: Please sign and return e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTI~~1f A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE MA YOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT TO RECEIVE GRANT FUNDING THROUGH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CODE ENFORCEMENT GRANT PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN' BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City of San Bernardino (hereafter referred to as "City") is a public entity established under the laws of California and empowered to enter into an agreement to receive State funds to promote code enforcement efforts. SECTiON 2. The California Department of Housing and Community Deveiopment (herein referred to as "State") is authorized to make grants to assist code enforcement enons. SECTION 3. The City has applied for and been approved for a grant under the Code Compiiance Grant Program. SECTION 4. That the Mayor or her designee is authorized to execute, an agreement, ",;rh rhe Srate accepring funding from rhe Code Enforcement Grant Program, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 5. The authorization to execute the above referenced agreement is rescinded if nor execured wirhin ninery (90) days ofrhe passage of this resolurion. III L[tD.rr. (-z..'/fE:!63 I--~--- . e e e 12/03/2003 17:18 18055811239 ANDERSON PUBLISHING QUOTATION Q-Star Technology, LLC 9960 Canoga Avenue. Su~. 0-4 Chatswot1h. CA91311 .TeI (818) nZ.9000 Fax (8'8) 407-1310 Quobollon Dale J..Dac-02 QUOTE TO: Glenn Baude Code Compliance Dopt. CiIy of San Bernardino 201 North "E" Street. Suite B San Bernardino, CA 92401 PAGE 02/02 CUSlomer llrder Proforma Quotation DeUVER TO: Glenn Baude Cod. Compliance Dep!. City of San Bernardino 201 No. "E" Street, Suite B San Bernardino, CA 92401 Tel. (909) 384-5364 Fax (909) 384-5247 Email Tel. (909) 384-5364 DeIly DOlo TSD So. ....n Carlita Mead Tennl Net 30 Days Shl I lI......d Sales Rep will DeilYer F.O.B. ChatIlWOrl/l. CA 25 Lot FlashCam-530 vandalism deterrent systam Each System includes: 1 " Wall mount bracket , . Keyfob controller 5-pack of C-slze ballenea 3 . Rolls of 35mm film Mountin9 tools and Users Manual $2.995.00 25 FlashCAM.DBl Dummy Systems Dummy systems do nollndude fiash or voice output $585.00 Systems TOlal: Quantity Discount: 8Ub- Total: Callt. SliM Tax (7.71'/0) Total This quotation is valid for 30 days. $74,875.00 $14,825.00 $89,500.00 ($18.891.18) $70,608.82 $5.472.18 $76,081.00 e e e .L,UU/LUU~ ~L.~~ H1"lUl:.ro:;::)UI'I r-UDt-..l.~n.LI'4\:l r~ t.I~/tJL ..l.Ct:,l:J::JOJ...l..l:,:)::! .. Q-Star Technology, LLC December 8, 2003 Glen Baude City of San Bernardino Dear Mr. Baude, Carlita Mead ask that I send you a sole source statement. The Q-Star Technology F1ashCam.S30 is a unique product that is designed specifically for detening graffiti and illegal trash dumping. We manufacture, market, and sell the product. To our knowledge there is no other company that offers a similar product If you have any questions call me at (818) 772-9000. Sincerely, ~~ rson President, Q-Star Technology 9960 Canoga Avenue, Suite 04. Chat,worth. CA 91311 . Tel. (818) 772-9000. Fax (818) 407-1310. WWW.q6IBrtech.com STATE OF CALIFORNIA STANDARD AGREEMENT STO 213 (fley 06/03) AGREEMENT NUMBER 02-CEGP-20 REOISTRATION NUMBER This Agreement is entered into between the State Agency and the Contractor named below: STATE AGENCY'S NAME DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTOR'S NAME City of San Bernardino 2. The term of this Upon HCO Approva' Agreement is: 3. The maximum amount of this Agreement is: $179,998.00 4. The parties agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the following exhibits which are by this reference made a part of the Agreement. through 36 Months from Approva' Date Exhibit A - Authority, Purpose and Scope of Work 2 pagels) General Terms and Conditions Exhibit B - Program General Terms and Conditions 7 pagels) Exhibit B-1 - Department of General Services General Terms & Conditions 5 pagels) Exhibit C - CEGP Special Conditions and Capital Expenditure Details e Exhibit D - Budget Detail and Payment Provisions 1 pagels) (Application Incorporaled by reference) 2 pagels) TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES ATTACHED: 17 pages IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto. CONTRACTOR California Department of General Services Use Only CONTRACTOR'S NAME (/fother than an mdividual. stale whether a corporation. partnership, etc.) City of San Bernardino BY (Authorized Signature) DATE SIGNED(DolI0t ry.p~) z PRINTE.O NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON SIGNING ADDRESS 300 North "D" Street S all Bernardino CA 92418- STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGENCY NAME Department of Housing and Community Development BY (Authorized Signature) DATE SIGNED(Do nOf rV~~') INTED NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON SIGNING ick Beard, Manager, Budgets and Contracts Branch ADDRESS 1800 Third Street, Room 350, Sacramento, CA 95814 [8] Exempt from: Oep.rtmBnt 01 General Services Approval I . - ---------..----------..------ --- --------------- , City of San Bernardino 02-CEGP-20 Page 2 of 2 It EXHIBIT A 4. State Contract Manaeer The Contract Manager of this Agreement for the State is the Contract Manager for the Code Enforcement Grant Program, Division of Codes and Standards. Any notice, report, or other communication required by this Agreement shall be mailed by first class mail to the Contract Manager at the following address: Department of Housing and Community Development Division of Codes and Standards Code Enforcement Grant Program 1800 Third Street, Suite 260 P. O. Box 1407 Sacramento, CA 95812-1407 Attention: CEGP Contract Manager Phone: (916) 445-9471 It e City of San Bernardino 02-CEGP-20 Pagt: 2 of 7 . EXHIBIT B incomplete or misltading in such a maImer that would substantially affect the State's approval. disbursement, or monitoring of the grant and the CEGP capital expenditures or activities governed by this Agreement, then the State may declare a breach hereof and take such action or pursue such remedies as are provided for breach hereof. C. If applicable, the tenns and conditions of fmancial assistance from funding sources other than the State for CEGP projects shall be submitted to the State prior to grant closing and shall he subject to State approval. In the event that Contractor breaches such tenns and conditions, the State may declare a breach of tins Agreement and take such action or pursue such remedies as are provided for breach hereof. D. The financing structure and all other aspects of the CEGP capital expenditure(s) or project(s) shall remain as set forth in the application submitted to the State or changes thereto as approved in writing by the State. All aspects of the CEGP capital expenditure(s) or project(s) shall be subject to this Agreement, which shall supersede the application to the extent that there is a conflict between the application and these other documents. . E. Compensation: The consideration to be paid Contractor, as provided herein, shall be in compensation for all of Contractor's expenses incurred in the performance hereof, including travel, per diem, and taxes, unless otherwise expressly so provided. 3. Fiscal Administration A. The Contractor agrees to establish on its books a CEGP grant account and maintain fiscal control and accounting procedures which assure that grant funds available for the conduct of the CEGP capital expenditure(s) or project(s) covered by the grant are properly disbursed, adequately controlled and accounted for in the CEGP account. The Contractor is responsible for keeping records which fully disclose the amount and disposition of the proceeds of the grant, the total cost of the CEGP capital expenditure(s) or project(s) for winch the grant is awarded. TIle procedure developed by the Contractor must provide for the accurate and timely recordation of the receipt of funds, expenditures, and unexpended obligations on halances. Adequate documentation of each transaction shall be maintained to pennit the detennination, through an audit if requested by the State, of the accuracy of the records and the allowability of expenditures charged to grant funds. If the allowability of an expenditure cannot be detemnned because records or documentation are inadequate. the expenditure shall be disallowed and the Contractor shall reimburse the State for the amount disallowed. The State's detennination of the allowability of any expense shall be final, absent fraud, nnstake, or arbitrariness. . B. A separate checki.ng account for the CEGP grant funds is not reyuired. However, the Contractor may deposit CEGP funds in an interest bearing checking or savings account, . . e City of San Bernardino 02-CEGP.20 Pogo 4 of7 EXHIBIT B 7. Prol!ram Report The Contractor shall file with the State a quarterly Program Report for the fIrst year of the contract and then a semi-anllual report for years two and three, on a form developed, approved and published by the Program The report shall be due 15 days after the end of each period and shall be in addition to the final report. 8. Term The effective date of this Agreement is the date upon which it is executed by the State after execution by the Contractor. This Agreement shall terminate three years after the effective date, unless terminated earlier pursuant to paragraph 10 hereof. Costs incurred prior to the State's approval of this Agreement, is in violation of any of the terms of this Agreement, or prior to any required approval of changes herein, will not be accepted as eligible costs. 9. Disencumbrance of Funds In the event the Contractor does not utilize the funds authorized by this Agreement within the time periods specified in Exhibit D, hereof, the State, at its sole discretion and upon written notice to the Contractor, may determine that the funds, or a portion of the funds, no longer are required for the Contractor's performance under the tenns of this Agreement, and upon written notice to the Contractor, may reduce the grant amount specified in Exhibit C hereof, and disencumber from this Agreement, the amount detem1ined to be no longer required. The written notice to the Contractor shall indicate the effective date and the amount of such grant reduction and disencumbrance from the total amount of tillS Agreement. In the alternative, the State may, at its sole discretion, tenninate this Agreement pursuant to paragraph 10 hereof. 10. Tennination and Breach A. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs I and 8 of tillS Agreement, in the event of Contractor's failure to satisfy or comply with any term or condition herein or with respect to the Exhibit C, or other documents related to the grant transaction within the time and in the maImer specified, after wriuen notice to the Contractor by the State specifying (1) the breach; (2) the action required to cure such breach; and (3) a date, not less than fIfteen (15) days from the date of receipt of such notice by Contractor, by which such breach must be cured, the State may withdraw its grant commitment or the balance thereof and be released from any further obligation to the Contractor after notifying Contractor in writing of the State's intention to tenninate tillS Agreement. B. The State may tenninate this Agreement and be relieved of any payments should the Contractor fai I to perfonn the requirements of tillS Agreement at the time and in the lllaImer herein provided. All costs to the State shall be deducted from any sum due the City of San Bernardino 02-CEGP-20 ?:lge 6 or 7 e EXHIBIT B 16. Litil!ation: A. If any of this Agreement, or underlying obligation is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity, at the sole discretion of the State, shall not affect any other provisions of this Agreement and the remainder of tlus Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Therefore, the provisions of this Agreement are, and shall be, deemed severable. B. The Contractor shall notify the State immediately of any claim or action undertaken by or against it, which affects this Agreement or the State and shall take such action with respect to the claim or action as is consistent with the tertDS of this Agreement and the interests of the State. 17. Insurance: tit A. Prior to the disbursement of funds under tlus Agreement and thereafter during the tenn hereof, Contractor shall obtain, cal1"Y, and maintain in force, or cause to be obtained, canied, or maintained in force, comprehensive general liability insurance and property damage insurance issued by caniers acceptable to the State, and in such amounts and forms as required by the Program Agreement. B. Contractor will ensure that the State of California and its officers and employees are named as additional named insured on the general liability insurance policy required by paragraph A for the purposes of any claims arising at any time during or after the tertDS of tlus Agreement with respect to the performance of this Agreement or any act or onllssion thereunder. That policy also shall provide for notice to the State in the event of any lapse of coverage and in the event of any claim thereunder. C. Upon demonstration of cause satisfactory to the State, the requirements of subparagraphs A and B may be satisfied by Contractor providing evidence of an alternative to conventional insurance sufticient to provide equivalent protection. D. Contractor shall provide evidence satisfactory to the State of compliance with the insurance requirements of this paragraph J 7 prior to any disbursement of funds. 18. Unenforceable Provision: In (he event (hat any provision of tlus Agreement is unenforceable or held (0 be unenforceable, then (he parties agree that all other provisions of this Agreement have force and effect and shallno( be affected thereby. e e e e City of San Bernardino 02-CEGP-20 Page 1 of 5 EXHIBIT B-1 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES GENERAL COl'll>ITIONS 1. Recvclin! Provision: California Public Contracts Code section 12164, requires that the State shall encourage the persons with whom it contracts, to the maximum extent economically feasible in the performance of the contract work, to use recycled paper products. 2. Non-Discrimination Clause: A. During the performance of this Agreement, Contractor and its subContractors shall not unlawfully discriminate, harass, or allow harassment against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental disability, medical condition (cancer), age (over 40), marital status, and denial of family care leave. Contractor and subContractors shall insure that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and applicants for employment are free from such discrimination and harassment. Contractor and subContractors shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code Section 12990 (a-f) et seq.) and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 7285 et seq.). The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing COIIunission implementing Government Code Section 12990 (a-f), set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations, are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full. Contractor and its subContractors shall give written notice of their obligations under this clause to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or other Agreement. B. Contractor shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all subcontracts to perform work under the Agreement. 3, Child SUIlDort ComDliance Act: The Contractor acknowledges in accordance with, that: A. The Contractor recognizes the importance of child and family support obligations and shall fully comply with all applicable state and federal laws relating to child and family support enforcement, including, but not limited to, disclosure of information and compliance with earnings assigrnnent orders, as provided in Chapter 8 (commencing with section 5200) of Part 5 of Division 9 of the Family Code; and B. The Contractor, to the best of its knowledge is fully complying with the earnings assignment urders of all employees and is providing the names of all new employees to e e e City of San Bernardino 02-CEGP-20 Page 3 of 5 EXHIBIT B-1 C. Every employee who works on the proposed contract will: (I) re~eive a ~opy of the Contractor's drug-li'ee workplace policy statement; and (2) agree to abide by the telIDS of the Contractor's statement as a condition of employment under tllis agreement. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under the Agreement or tennination of the Agreement or both and Contractor may be ineligible for award of any future State agreements if the department detem1.ines that any of the following has occurred: (1) the Contractor has made false certification, or violated the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. (Government Code section 8350 et seq.) 6. National Labor Relations Board Certification: The Contractor warrants by execution of this Agreement and does swear under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that no more than one fmal unappealable finding of contempt of COUlt by a federal court has been issued against the Contractor within the immediately preceding two-year period because of the Contractor's failure to comply with an order of a federal court, which orders the Contractor to comply with an order of the National Labor Relations Board. 7. Disclosure: DOING BUSINESS WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA The Contractor must be aware of the following laws that apply to persons or entities doing business with the State of California. A. Conflict Of Interest: Contractor needs to be aware of the following provisions regarding current or former state employees. If Contractor has any questions on the status of any person rendering services or involved with the Agreement, the awarding agency must be contacted immediately for clarification. I.) Current State Employees (Public Contracts Code section 10410): i). No otticer or employee shall engage in any employment, activity or enterprise from wllich the ofticer or employee receives compensation or has a fmancial interest and wllich is sponsored or funded by any state agency, unless the employment. activity or enterprise is required as a condition of regular state employment. ii). No officer or employee shall contract on his or her own behalf as an independent Contractor with any state agency to provide goods or services. 2.) Forn1er State Employees (Public Contracts Code section 10411): i). For the two-year period Ii'om the date he or she left state employment, no fonner state officer or employee may enter into a contract in which he or she engageu in any of the negotiations, transactions, planning, an'angements or any part of the decision-making process relevant to the ~ontra~t while employed in any ~apacity by any state agen~y. City of San Bernardino 02.CEGP.20 Page 5 of 5 e EXHIBIT B-1 F. Prevailing Wages: Where funds provided through this Agreement are used for construction work, or in support of construction work, Contractor shall ensure that the requiremeuts of Chapter I (commencing with section 1720) of Part 7 of the Labor Code (pertaining to the payment of prevailing wages and administered by the California Department of Industrial Relations) are met. e For the purpose of this requirement "construction work" includes, but is not linlited to rehabilitation, alteration, demolition, installation or repair done under contract and paid for, in whole or in pan, through this Agreement. All construction work shall be done through the use of a written contract, with the properly licensed building contractor incorporating these requirements (the "construction contract"). Where as the construction contract will be between the Contractor and a licensed building contractor, Contractor shall serve as the "awarding body" as that term is defmed in the Labor Code. Where Contractor will provide funds to a third party that will enter into the constIuction contract with a licensed building contractor, the third party shall serve as the "awarding body". Prior to any disbursement of funds, including but not limited to release of any fillal retention payment, the Department may required a certification from the awarding body that prevailrng wages have been or will be paid. e e e e City 01 San Bernardino 02-CEGP-20 PJgt 1 of 2 EXHIBIT D BUDGET DETAIL AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS 1. Method of Payment A. For services satisfactorily rendered, and upon receipt and approval of the purchase orders or invoices, the State agrees to compensate the Contractor for actual expenditures incurred in accordance with the rates specified herein, which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. B. Upon approval of this Agreement, and after evidence satisfactory to the State that the Contractor has purchased, leased, approved a purchase order, signed a contract for work to be performed, or construction contract for capital expenditure(s) costs, and that the State's fiscal and program interests will be protected, the State agrees to provide to the Contractor the amount specified in Attachment A. The State will limit the disbursement of grant funds to one each quarter during the first year of the contract and then to two each year for the duration of the three-year grant period. In no instance shall the State be liable for any costs in excess of this amount, nor for any unauthorized or ineligible costs. Said requests, invoices and all other support documents shall be submitted, signed, dated, and addressed to: Department of Housing and Community Development Division of Codes and Standards Code Enforcement Grant Program 1800 Third Street, Suite 260 P. O. Box 1407 Sacramento, CA 95812-1407 Attention: CEGP Contract Manager Phone: (916) 445-9471 C. If a report is not completed to the satisfaction of the State, it will be relUmed to the Contractor for revision and payment of requested funds may be withheld until the required request for funds, invoices or all other support documents are submitted and satisfactory performance can be detennined. All SUPPOIt documents included in the request must be attached and summarized in a detailed spreadsheet. D. Costs incurred prior to the State's approval of this Agreement, in violation of any of the tenns of tllis Agreement, or prior to any required approval of changes herein, will 1I0t be accepted as eligible costs. E. All requests tl)t. funds, quarterly or selni-aJUlUal repol1s. and other documents shall be signed and dated by the Contractor's authorized signatory. -:;;( -'~:~:~'..'_,'("-_<:'('7(,___ ~-L,~~._" _, .."...._" .~ _.....,"--_.......~';-\ .. ~ ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): 12--\S-Q'S Item # Vote: Ayes i -I) Nays.A- Change to motion to amend original documents: - ~ \ A Resolution # Abstain &- 20C3-3L(3 Absent A Reso. # On Attachments: / Contract term: Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -==-- Direct City Clerk to (circle 1): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W /COUNTY Date Sent to Mayor: (2- \'/~u.=, Date of Mayor's Signature: i 2 -\(s -6~ Date ofClerklCDC Signature: 1""2-\,Is--02, Date Memo nt for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: ttached: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distribnted y.: City Attorney ./' Code Compliance / Dev. Services Parks & Rec. Police Public Services Water Notes: NulllVoidAfter: <10 D'1S J -'6-13-0'1 By: Reso. Log Updated: 1.-/ Seal Impressed: ...- Date Returned: - Yes /' No - Yes No ..,./ Yes NoL Yes NO~ Yes No EDA ..-/ MIS Finance Others: BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE IContract Term. etc.l Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 011 12/0 1 .-. .~,.",_"",(A ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Vote: Ayes 1-'1 1"2--lS-<:e Item # liP, Nays .e- Resolution # Abstain .e- 2003-3qLj- Absent ~ Meeting Date (Date Adopted): Change to motion to amend original documents: Reso. # On Attachments: -=- Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -==- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY By: NulllVoid After: (., 0 0"'1 '" ) Z -/3--0'-\ , Date Sent to Mayor: 1"2.- \'1 -0.3 Date of Mayor's Signature: 12-\ 'ii-a 3 Date of ClerklCDC Signature: ! 2- \ 1s - 6:::' Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: ~ ~ Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: Date Returned: ~ 3........ f f+<;lrh~d: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes /' No By Yes No~ By Yes No ---L.. By Yes No / By Yes No/ B Copies Distributed to: City Attorney / Code Compliance / Dev. Services EDA Finance /" MIS Parks & Rec. Police Public Services Water Others: Notes: BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: Revised 01/ 12/0 I