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The Natural Order of Thin~
To understand "The Natural Order of Things", you must first sift through the esoteric
bullshit on a planetary scale. Then you can deal with the realities of this planet and its
logical role in the universe. "The Natural Order of Things" will now take on a whole new
meaning. Here are a few of the rules and realities of "The Natural Order of Things".
Rule One- The Cosmos is an extremely radioactive and unforgiving environment.
Superior life forms and civilizations have not only developed in this environment, but are
able to process the radiation in their environment into their chief source of nutrition at the
biological level. This rule simply takes survival of the fittest to its logical conclusion.
Rule Two: The dominant species on Planet Earth (The Clue less ones) could not develop
on this planet, in its present form until planetary radiation levels were radically reduced.
Planet Earth was far too radioactive, even 50 million years ago for this species to survive
more than a few years.
Rule Three: Radiation levels in our biosphere played critical roles in our evolutionary
process. We have a new concept of the radiation factor in the evolutionary process. I will
refer to radiation based evolution as revolution and the declining of the planetary radiation
levels to the point where this species can survive and prosper as progress.
Rule Four: Superior life forms, that thrive in a radioactive environment, do not do well on
this planet. The radiation serves many functions. Sterilization of habitat is critical to
radiation based life forms.
Now for the tough question. Do these superior life forms / civilizations have plans for the
occupation and control of this planet? If yes, why have they not already done so?
Answer: More than likely, yes. The factors stated below support this conclusion. Factors:
(I) The climate of this planet is moderate and the environment is relatively hospitable.
(2) The biological risks and minimum radiation levels deny an active colonization policy.
(3) The recurring UFO accounts, literally tens of thousands of sightings globally cannot be
totally ignored. The number of sightings alone confirms an interest in the development of
this planet.
(4) The infectious state of the planet would explain the sightings and account for minimum
physical contact with these advanced life forms and civilizations.
(5) Minimum direct contact through existing communications networks, strongly imply that
these advanced life forms \ civilizations have hidden agendas.
(6) The selective release to targeted nations / corporations of new technologies/ scientific
processes through covert communication techniques (although primitive, CIA has had
these capabilities for decades) could have easily played a critical role in the development
of this species. These advanced life forms, directed our development for their own benefit.
The Natural Order of Thin~
(7) The advancement of nuclear technology and weaponry, over the last 60 years, would
not be possible, without the approval, involvement or deliberate refusal of these advanced
civilizations to interfere with the process.
(8) The development of the nuclear weapons and the nuclear power industries on the
global scale have created a catastrophic biological threat to almost all life on this planet.
The nuclear power process increases the environmental radiation output approximately a
million fold. Most of the radiation will dissipate rapidly but it will take about a millennium
( a thousand years) to reduce radiation levels where they were millions of years ago.
So what species will survive this nuclear catastrophe? The survivors are species that
evolved on this planet when earth based radiation levels were laOs of times higher that
they are today. The winners, will be the those advanced life forms and civilizations that
have thrived in space and evolved in extremely radioactive environments.
A few decades after the initial extermination / sterilization of this planet, colonies will
appear. This time however, it will not be the two legged monkey people that rule. This
time the rulers will be the rightful heirs to the stars, as it has been for thousands and maybe
millions of years. And that is simply, "THE NATURAL ORDER OF TIDNGS".
Epithet to the species. (Homo Sapiens have outgrown their use.) All the sneaking,
covert acts, treachery, greed, arrogance and brutality were not a waste of time. It was
simply part of the process of "The Natural Order of Things". Lower life forms such as
yours, are easily manipulated to the point of extinction. We give you a GOD, do a few
tricks, give you forbidden knowledge on weapons of war and whisper in your ear the
magic words, Manifest Destiny. The rest will be history. The architect of your road to ruin
were the rules of jackals you embraced. The road to ruin was paved with the spoils of war.
When you thought the battles were over and you looked back on the carnage, you finally
come face to face with your own brutality. That is when you realize your planet will soon
be uninhabitable for what is left of your species. That is also when the puppet master will
appear and you learn the true meaning of "The Natural Order of Things." Your savior,
turned out to be your executioner and the radioactive environment you created for planet
Earth, is the natural environment of the puppet master. The claim, nuclear energy is clean
energy is correct from the puppet masters point of view. It sterilized the homes (planet)
for the new owners. As far as the phrase, "you can't stop progress", this refers to the death
of this species and installation of the rightful rulers on planet Earth. At this stage of your
extermination, earth bound terrorist are the least of your concerns. Your leaders are idiots
and those nuclear waste trains will be the closing chapter for your species. Give a monkey
a gun, and sooner or later he will suck on the barrel with his finger on the trigger.