HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-City Administrator , CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Fred Wilson City Administrator Subject: Request for waiver of fees - YMCA Children's Christmas Parade - December 6, 2003 ORiGINAL Date: November 5, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: The Mayor and Council has approved waiver of fees for this event for the last several years. 12/02/02 - Mayor and Council approved the request for waiver of fees for the 2002 parade. 11/5/03 - Ways and Means recommended approval of fee waiver for 2003 Recommended Motion: That the request for a waiver of fees in the amount of $ 3,848 for department, personnel and equipment costs associated with the 26th A ual MCA Children's Christmas Parade scheduled for December 6, 2003, be Contact person: I=r..rl Wil"nn Phnn..' '\1?? Supporting data attached: yes Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 3,848 Source: (Acct. No.) 001-091-5186 (4,..,..+ n~Cl,...ril'tinn) Finance: Council Notes: .:IF -;; 'I 11/1'1/03 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Request from the YMCA of the East Valley for a waiver offees in the amount of$ 3,848 to cover City departmental costs connected with their 2003 Children's Christmas Parade scheduled for December 6, 2003. BACKGROUND: On Saturday, December 6, 2003, the YMCA of the East Valley will conduct its 26th Annual Children's Christmas Parade along E Street, beginning at 6th and E and continuing to Arrowhead Stadium. Over 2500 children are expected to participate and over 5,000 people are expected to attend the event. The Committee is requesting a waiver of City fees in connection with the event. These fees include: Department Fees Traffic Engineering: $ 980 labor for barricade placement/removal Police $ 2,500 for personnel/vehicles/equipment Public Services $ 368 refuse collection TOTAL $ 3,848 Non waivable fees and refundable security deposits: Traffic Engineering $1.000 barricade deposit TOTAL $1,000 Previous years' waivers of personnel and equipment costs for the parade approved by the Mayor and Council were as follows: 2000 - $4,212; 2001 - $2,587; 2002 - $4,135. Attached is the organization's operating budget for 2002. Mr. Jack Avakian indicated to the Ways and Means Committee during their November 5 meeting, that he is seeking a sponsorship from a community organization in the amount of $1,000. Ifhe receives that funding, he will reimburse the City's civic and promotion fund in that amount to offset the cost of his waivers. FINANCIAL IMPACT: These costs will be reimbursed back to the individual departments from the civic and promotion fund (001-091-5186). RECOMMENDATION: Approve waiver of fees as outlined above. " \~ YMCA We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities. September 23, 2003 Mayor Judith Valles & Common Council City of San Bernardino 300 North D Street San Bernardino, Ca 92418 Dear Mayor & Council The YMCA of San Bernardino is currently planning for the 26th Annual YMCA Children's Christmas Parade. The parade will be on Saturday December 6, and will start at II :00 A.M. at the corner of 6th and E Street and proceed south to Arrowhead Stadium. Weare again planning to have between 2200 to 2500 children participating in the parade, and over 5,000 people attending the parade. The parade will be filmed live by KCSB-3 and will be re-broadcast at 3 different times. This year their will be fees for police services, trash pickup, and barricades, that will be provided by the City of San Bernardino. Although The YMCA of the East Valley seeks out donations from the community, it is not enough to cover these fees and other costs of the parade. Weare asking that the City of San Bernardino waive the fees so that we may be able to continue letting all kids participate in the parade for free. The Parade was not meant to be a fund raising activity for the YMCA; it was intended to be a way to involve our children and their families in a fun event. The YMCA does not judge during the parade, therefore all children receive a blue ribbon. The YMCA also hands out over 40 trophies to the various youth groups that participate. All services and supplies for the parade are donated, or are paid for with donated money. Everyone who works the parade is a volunteer and no one receives any compensation of any kind. We at the YMCA believe now more then ever, that we take pride in, and showcase our community, that we hold dear to its values, and that we continue with our cherished traditions. Ee-L. Jack Avakian YMCA Children's Christmas Parade Chairman YMCA of the East Valley' 500 East Citrus Avenue' Redlands, CA 92373 (909) 798-9622 . Fax (909) 335-2007 YMCA mission: To pllt Christian principles into practice through programs that build health spirit, mind, and body for all. / Ymca Christmas Parade 2002 Business Bank Carlos Cervantes Carousel Mall Clear Channel Ed Mauel Jack's DisposallBurrtec Joan Serrao Morgan Framing Neal Waner San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Ward & Ward Total Income Income 250 50 250 100 30 250 25 50 25 o Budgeted 1500 25 1055 Expenses Advertising 694 Equipment Rental 126 Food & Refreshments 263 Postage 54 Printing 68 Promotion 219 Sanitation: 1/2 of cost donated 110 Trophiea & Ribbons 1077 Total Expenses 2611 *** Sub Total Income (Loss) -1556 Cost paid by Parade Chairman 1246 Net Income (Loss) to YMCA -310 *** Does not include City of San Bernardino Fees all of which were waived SEP 2 9 2003 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES FOR CITY SERVICES. PERSONNEL &; EQUIPMENT ADDrowzl of f~~ lfNIiwn tin "rtllIl~d b" the M.WJr ad CD.IICU. AIM", 60 till" fro", ~l1Jt.f .""Iklllio,. Iw Ciw AtI",illhtrIIt.,', Offk. for IJrllaui"ll. Conllel City AdminillralOl'" Office 909 384.SI221FAX 909 384-5138 Oat. Submitted SF,pT:";,....I3E"- ;}"3 .;("'03 Name of APplicantlOrganizationy,..,.,,,. Cl Of. ill/:- Contact Penon ,IAc..K t!lU/i!;"I1d. Addres.fol' e;- ;urT $-/3. 9.:l.Yc'l E~ sT t/,qt~ ~ ( 1~~ - ) C'f2L<L- 9 1;- "I PhoneIF AX Activity for which Waiver(s) are requested YMC'A t:::.t,..kll'l~~_j' c..hJl.;t'7~ 5 AIl~- Date(s) ofeventlactivityOG<: ~ :20173 Locarionofcvent/accivity.e.!'T b A; ~lilfet .t71IO/ll:,,", Date and Time of Set Up and Take Down of Event 9: 01.1 1'9,.,1 /0 :1..' OtJ ~ of'''''. Oeo:.. ~ ;;z.o.. 3 PART I: MUST BE COMPUTED AND SVBMrrfED BY ORGANIZATION BEFORE REVIEW BY CITY DEPARTMENTS Pronosed BudDe. for Event Etdmate PCr:!onnel (Salaries, Overtime etc.) /5"0 /-Iv" .,: J /,]O-1/~'O Office Supplies 30 Postage 'SQ Printing 'io Equipment Rental '> 5 Security Food/Refreshments /),. ....a7'h/~'?n7 /J1A" rl, /,i I('.~" N to',,!:. /}~ :;( 00 Facility Rental '" I ~ A'Ut~1.o/ J.. ."'&" .r:;~;AJj." ~..... /I,)~ 'i'n-n ~" Insurance -4 C.~AM';L".I\, ()"':~/cE- ., Decorations Utilities p",/';" "'11J:.'IJ /.))"1, Advertising A/l'.;~-'Y"':l;.)':;;"'l ;1.,/,'f '/ C;o Promotion ,:250 Trophies gSo Scholarships Special Equipment r~.Ic.v))'. ;;J -)1:)0 /) {.i"k ;r1t., I) ~-- Sanitation Facilities ~ /),), v/;t -: j. /~O /5'0 1./ Other SUBTOTAL :2'-160 Anticl ated Revenue from Other Sourcel list lource b name I. ElthDllte J('J;v1j,.,,,,,,, " I / !; O~ 2. /!xJ ,_hJ f ;j;h,.k C "0i,.Ji'I'l\/1il J'AC.( J 1);0 '?5~' 3. /J~r'.C /,..,( ,..->i';'J ~ " "ji ::\ 'i '" SUBTOTAL: SUMMARY: COST OF EVENT TO APPLICANT BUDGET - REVENUE TOTAL: /Vi. T'1f! I fJ {7 'tfl"i" /I/o r;r& s '}o ",- PART II: TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY DEPARTMENTS PRIOR TO CON'SmERATlON IY WAYS AND MEANS COMMITI'EI'JMA YOR AND COUNCIL AcnON Applicant is responsible/or cOlUtlcti1Ig City ~,,"""e"l$ IUd""" .,,"itle .._cia/",. nt"an /.,."rvius. Citv Deoartmental Services R-unted Fee Waivers Administration 909 384-5122 Estimate Filming Pennit Street Banner Police 909 384.5735 Traffic Control 930 Security Penonnel d( SOD Ocvelonment Services 909 384-5057 Generatorffemporary Power Pole TUP Public Services 909384-5140 Trash Services (boxes, bins,liners) ;J,j., R Street Sweeping After Event Cleanup Parks, Recreation, Communitv Services 909 384.5031 Park Use Stadium Use Facility Use Public Worksffraffic Engineering- 909 384-5084 Signs Barricade Placement/Removal Facilities Manuement 909 384-5244 Civic Center Use Custodial Services SoundlP A System Use TOTAL AMOUNT OF CITY SERVICES ~ :;t/R NON WAlV ABLE FEES County Environmental Health 909 884-4056 (food service) Alcoholic Beverage Control 909 7824400 (alcohol sales) BalTicade Deposit I, NY! Perfonnance Bond Clean Up/Security Deposit Fire Inspection Fee Fire Pennit Fee Fire Persoanel Stand-by Fee Business Registration Vendor Fee 2 MUST-BE SUBMITTED TO CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE 60 DA YS PRIOR TO EVENT FOR ~ICH FUNDING IS REOUESTED. NO EXCEPTIONS. '7 /i/} P' rJ ' NAME OF ORGANIZATION: . / I C UEST FOR CIVIC AND PROMOTION FUNDING PROPOSED CURRENT BUDGET (PARTIij B. EXPENDITURES: (Include aU known direct expenses connect with event) EXPENSES AMOUNT TOTAL Personnel/Salaries Permits Fire Bus. Lie. ABC Other hlsurance City of SB Attached (Yes No ) Park Damage Bond Park Clean Up DepositJDamaJ1;e Bond Security S.B.P.D Private Security Other Advertising Radio Newspaper Banners Flyers Other Entertainment Music Sound System Other Promotional Items Trophies Plaques T-Shirts Other Sanitation Portable Restrooms Special Events Banquet Facilities Parade Other B. TOTAL PROPOSED EXPENDITURES Summary: A. Total Revenues C. Total Fee Waivers- (from Part Ill) $ c2soo , $d-%O $ ?/ gtJg / D. Total Amount Requested from City B. Total Expenditures - $ 313'-/SJ ,~I I, I~I I' :~! --j~' igi 112;: :,gl I~I~I , ",,,,"',' I I,l) ~ I (") c> 'en I I I::' iillSI ~~. INN'!' N'1N'i ;: '. ;~I~: 1 I I I: I: II, I I : I I.. I~I i 1..1 ~_ ~ ~I..I 1....11. I,,' I :TMglTT8T g Ig gig' IT , I I 101 "'I 101 ,,,,1 "'I I.,;! ~ I~ ~I ~ ~I 'I~I ,I i~: :ai' ~~Il C'\ .i 1 I,:'~I i: I I I' ' I I ! " ' I..~--,..~+,ill~ I~+--L~~ ~',o 0' ,O!OI 101 101 010 10 ! I I 18;010! 10,0 01 !Oi 00 ,0, I .. :,:gl :g:g!1 :g'l~' $1 ,~i ,ol~ 'OJ I .! ,,....1 :q"!.IO.,"'1 i<"!1 ,....J :g!~! :$, I 1II :~; !1.l:I;o:r, :lO!!.'t;M I. !..t'cci' :N'; g: , i ' ; ! I I '....1 'In: Gl I 1" a: I I 'Ii I',', 1: i i :, I ! I j hi , ~i, !.. [..!..I, ..I..,:>, ',.. I~L_~ i I I!' I,l', I lil~ I- I I' 'I ill: I I' : I I II " I I 'I I I, I ~ I ,o! 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Fax: 909.384.5158 www.ci.san-bernardino.ca.lls '" November 18, 2003 Mr. Jack Avakian YMCA Children's Christmas Parade Chairman YMCA of the East Valley 500 East Citrus A venue Redlands CA 92373 Dear M[~: At the ll~cil meeting held on November 17,2003, the following action was taken relative to your request for a waiver of fees: That the request for a waiver of fees in the amount of $3,848 for department, personnel and equipment costs associated with the 26th Annual YMCA Children's Christmas Parade scheduled for December 6, 2003, be approved. If you have any questions relative to the waiver of fees, please contact City Administrator Fred Wilson, at (909) 384-5122. Sincerely, ~h.~ Rachel G. Clark, CMC City Clerk RGC:lIs cc: City Administrator Development Services - Traffic Engineering Police Department Public Services Department CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTED SHARED VALUES; Integrity' Accountability' Respect for Human Dignity' Honesty