HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-Public Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Lynn Merrill, Director Subject: Resolution authorizing the re-issuance of the Second Amendment to the Waste Disposal Agreement between the County of San Bernardino and the City of San Bernardino Dept: Public Services Date: November 6, 2003 ORIGINAL Meeting Date: November 17, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action Reso 97-371 2002-79 2003-117 December 15, 1997- March 4, 2002 - June 2, 2003 - WDA Agreement First Amendment to Agreement Second Amendment to Agreement Recommended Motion: Adopt Resolution 4~ Signature Contact person: Lynn Merrill, Director Phone: 5140 Supporting data attached: Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Potential additional revenue estimated at $41,700 for Refuse Fund Source: o Finance: Council Notes: ~ -# -zN::B ~ Agenda Item No. ~ 11/17 / 03 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subject: Resolution authorizing the re-issuance of the Second Amendment to the Waste Disposal Agreement between the County of San Bernardino and the City of San Bernardino Background: On December 15, 1997 the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution 97-371 authorizing the execution of the Waste Disposal Agreement between the County of San Bernardino and the City of San Bernardino. On March 17, 2001, the County replaced Norcal Waste Systems with Burrtec Waste Industries as the operator of the landfill system. Burrtec Waste Industries also provided waste hauling services to various cities within the County, as well as operating two transfer stations within the region. On March 4, 2002, the Mayor and Council adopted the First Amendment to the Agreement which provided for an "in-county" per ton transfer rate for wastes that are delivered by collection trucks to a transfer station. (see Attachment #1 First Amendment Staff Report, for detailed background) The Amendment resulted in approximately $145,700 of additional revenues to the City of San Bernardino Refuse Enterprise fund in the first year. Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. has stated that there is an additional 75,000 tons of in- County unincorporated solid waste available and has expressed a desire to increase the maximum annual tonnage allowed by Article 19 from 300,000 to 375,000 tons. The Solid Waste Management Division (SWMD) staff has reviewed Burrtec's request and has determined that the addition of 75,000 tons/year will have no significant impact on available space at the Mid-Valley Sanitary Landfill. Adoption of the proposed amendment may result in the City of San Bernardino receiving an estimated additional $41,700 in revenues in FY03/04 and in subsequent fiscal years. On June 2,2003, the Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 2003-117, the Second Amendment to the Agreement which provided a potential 75,000 additional tons of the Operations Contract, Article 19 Solid Waste. The City received a letter from the County of San Bernardino, Department of Public Works dated August 11, 2003, stating the Solid Waste Management Division is re-issuing the Waste Disposal Agreement Second Amendment for approval by all WDA cities. (see Attachment 1) The first issuance required adoption by the WDA Cities and the County before August 1, 2003, which was not completed. Due to language contained within the original Second Amendment approved in June that stated that "In all events, the conditions in the forgoing sentence necessary for this Amendment NO.2 to be effective shall occur on or before August 1, 2003, otherwise this Amendment NO.2 shall be null and void and without any effect whatsoever." : Therefore, although all fifteen WDA Cities agreed to adopt WDA Amendment #2, it was not completed by the August 1, 2003 deadline and thus the entire agreement became null and void. Since the original purpose for Amendment NO.2 remains, the County has re-issued the Amendment with a revised adoption date of before December 31, 2003. Financial Impact: The actual amount of revenues received each year is based on actual tonnage delivered. It is anticipated that this increase in allowable tonnage will result in a total maximum revenue of $208,133 each year from the County. This is approximately $567 less than originally estimated in June 2003, due to an adjustment in the County's required payment to the City of Fontana's host fees for the landfill impacts. Recommendation: Adopt resolution. 2 " Attachment 1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES GROUP FLOOD CONTROL . GIMS . REGIONAL PARKS . SOLID WASTE . SURVEYOR' TRANSPORTATION SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION 222 West Hospitality Lane, Second Floor . San Bernardino, CA 92415-0017 . (909) 3B6-8701 Administration/Engineering/Solid Waste Programs Fax (909) 386.8900 Fiscal Section/Operations Fax (909) 386.8786 KEN A. MILLER Director of Public Works PETER H. WULFMAN Solid Waste Division Manager August 11, 2003 Mr. Fred Wilson City Manager City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Re: Re-issue of Waste Disposal Agreement Amendment #2 for 75,000 additional tons of the Operations Contract, Article 19 Solid Waste, Dear Mr. Wilson: The Solid Waste Management Division (SWMD) is re-issuing the Waste Disposal Agreement (WDA) Amendment #2 for approval by all WDA cities. The first issuance required adoption by the WDA Cities and the County before August 1, 2003, Adoption before August 1, 2003 was not completed, and, therefore, although all fifteen WDA Cities agreed to adopt WDA Amendment #2, the SWMD is re-issuing Amendment #2 and has revised the adoption date as before December 31, 2003. In addition, the projected maximum total net revenue generated by the increased tonnage has been updated to reflect a final COLA adjustment in the County's required payment to the City of Fontana reducing the total net revenue by $1,790. Enclosed are two copies of the revised amendment to the WDA to allow Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. (Burrtec) to bring an additional 75,000 tons/year of in- County solid waste to the Solid Waste Disposal System. Please take the necessary approving action for your city, Since the changes are only minor, this may be able to be done administratively depending upon your city's procedures. If you have questions regarding this amendment, please contact me at (909) 386-8720. Sincerely, ~~~ Financial Manager JOHN GOSS Adminlslff1tol Economic Development and Publ1c Services Group BilL POSTMUS PAUL SlANE. Board of Supervisors First District DENt,US HANSBERGER . Third Second District FRED AGUIAR, . . . " Fourth District JERRY EAVES. , <. Fifth District ...-- , .. Re-issue of WDA Amendment #2 for 75,000 additional Article 19 tons Donald M. Casalman August 11, 2003 Page 2 of 2 Enclosures cc: John Goss Ken Miller Peter Wulfman , . ~ ..J < j z z w < ~ t/J ..J Z < 0 t/Jot'" 09'g 11.<'>.. ~g.n CN~ a> 0:: 0 -< ww'" ..J>t/J U..JZ 1=<2 o::u~ <Ill" zu:g 00::0 "'0" o::u.<'> W u. 11. 0 ... z w 0 Z III it: < 11. :;: o u III ~ ~ ~ ~ c 0 ....'" ">'" ctcuCU 1OD:::l! ... lD <'> ... 'It e .5 Glen:;: Ec", ", 0 ::J c'" 0 .. ... E lD < III C C o !!l ~ ... c 0 Qc>>~ .. > Q.. cu <<I ..o::l!! .. lD <'> ... 'It C .e c>>en:;: E c '" ", 0 ::J c"'o .. ... E lD < ~ ~ o ~ II) ~c1U ",00:: ..... ...... lD 0 o 0000 o 0000 c:i cicad a 0000 U') COUlL() N O-..nNN ('t) C)C\ImU) 0_ vLnC'\lCO co N"M-M-tR- .,. .,. o 0000 o 0000 q. o~o~o~q LO LOIOIt)LO r--- t---,.....,.....,..... M M(",)('i')(W) o o a o o CD. C\! .... CD .,. 0000 0000 ooco 0000 0000 NO-.i'ci mC\lMm CD"I:tNCO ,..:~069- .,. o o o r::i o M 0000 0000 0_0_00 0006 00 0 0 M M M M N ~ - N .,. 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STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Annual Population Estimates City/County/State January 1, 2001 January 1, 2002 January 1, 2003 CALIFORNIA 34,385,000 35,037,000 35,590,952 SAN BERNARDINO 1,741,100 1,783,700 1,832,966 ADELANTO 18,250 18,650 19,396 APPLE VALLEY 55,200 56,800 58,883 BARSTOW 21,150 22,150 22,980 BIG BEAR LAKE 5,550 5,700 5,872 CHINO 67,600 68,800 70,663 CHINO HillS 68,300 71,000 72,994 COLTON 48,000 49,100 50,211 FONTANA 132,700 139,100 145,770 GRAND TERRACE 11,700 11,900 12,090 HESPERIA 63,300 65,100 67,843 HIGHLAND 44,800 45,800 47,412 LOMA LINDA 19,150 19,650 20,136 MONTCLAIR 33,350 33,850 34,306 NEEDLES 4,890 5,125 5,225 ONTARIO 159,000 162,300 165,678 RANCHO CUCAMONGA 130,800 137,100 146,666 REDLANDS 64,400 66,000 67,604 RIAL TO 92,800 94,800 96,561 SAN BERNARDINO 186,500 189,800 194,120 TWENTYNINE PALMS 28,900 27,600 25,171 UPLAND 69,100 70,500 71,819 VICTORVlllE 66,500 69,300 72,485 YUCAIPA 41,750 43,500 45,412 YUCCA VALLEY 17,050 17,450 17,966 UNINCORPORATED 290,300 292,600 295,703 . . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CCO~1f RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE RE-ISSUANCE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE WASTE DISPOSAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the County of San Bernardino Solid Waste Management Division has requested approval of the re-issuance of the Second Amendment to the Waste Disposal Agreement between the County and the City of San Bernardino, with a revised adoption date of before December 31, 2003. 11 SECTION 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of said City, 12 the revised Second Amendment to the Waste Disposal Agreement between the County of San Bernardino and the City of San Bernardino, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within one hundred-twenty (120) days of the passage of this resolution. III /II /II /II /II /II /II September 29, 2003 , . e e e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE RE-ISSUANCE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE WASTE DISPOSAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the day of , 2003, by the following vote, to wit: Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MCCAMMACK Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this ,2003. day of Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to 23 Form and legal content: 24 25 26 27 28 JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attor ey , By: September 29,2003 e e tit Exhibit "A" AMENDMENT No.2 TO WASTE DELIVERY AGREEMENT On December 16, 1997, the City of San Bernardino ("City") and the County of San Bernardino ("County") entered into a Waste Disposal Agreement (the 'WDA") which is hereby amended as of this _ day of , 2003 ("Amendment No.2"). Recitals A. On March 27, 2001 the County entered into a Solid Waste Operations Contract ("Operations Contract") with Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. ("Contractor"). During each fiscal year during the term of the Operations Contract, the Contractor has the right and the obligation to dispose of at least 250,000 but not more than 300,000 tons of solid waste to the Disposal System. In Amendment NO.4 to the Operations Contract, entered into on March 5, 2002 the amount of Article 19 Solid Waste to be delivered for disposal in the Disposal System from March 19, 2002 to and through June 30, 2002 was at least 20,830 but not more than 150,000 tons of solid waste. In Amendment No. to the Operations Contract, to be entered into concurrently with this Amendment, the amount of Article 19 Solid Waste that is acceptable for disposal in the Disposal System for the month of June 2003 is to be at least 20,834 but not more than 31,250 tons of solid waste. B. In Amendment NO.1: (i) City agreed to waive its right under the provisions of Section 3.5(A) of the WDA with respect to the Operations Contract, including the right of the County to accept Article 19 Solid Waste on payment of Article 19 Disposal Fee without being required to offer to City to adjust the current or future Contract Rate to equal the Article 19 Disposal Fee; (ii) County agreed to waive any right it may have to accept Article 19 Solid Waste except as provided in Amendment No.1; and (iii) the County and City agreed on the method of calculating and sharing with City its share from the receipt of the Article 19 Disposal Fee, as described in Amendment NO.1. C. The Contractor under the Operations Contract has stated that it has control over 75,000 additional tons per year of solid waste that satisfies the definition of Article 19 Solid Waste within the meaning of the Operations Contract and that it desires to bring such waste to the Disposal System for disposal as Article 19 Solid Waste. D. The County and City agree that it is in the interests of both parties to allow the Contract to bring the additional 75,000 tons of Article 19 Solid Waste for disposal in the Disposal System, under the same terms and conditions as set out in Amendment No. 1 to the WDA. Thus, the purpose of this Amendment NO.2 to the WDA is to increase the maximum amount of Article 19 Solid Waste that is 8303v1 024537/004317 AGMT e e e acceptable for disposal in the Disposal System from 300,000 tons per Contract Year to 375,000 per Contract Year. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the forgoing recitals and the following covenants and promises the parties agree as follows: 1. Amendment to Section 1 of Amendment No. 1 to the WDA Reoardino Limited Waiver of Citv's Riohts Under WDA and Richt of Countv to Accept Article 19 Solid Waste. The parties agree that Section 1 of Amendment NO.1 shall be revised by adding the following: Notwithstanding the forgoing, commencing on the effective date of Amendment No.2, and for the term of the Operations Contract (including any extensions of term currently contained in the Operations Contract), the County may accept Article 19 Solid Waste from Contractor for disposal in the Disposal System in the amount of at least 250,000 but not more than 375,000 tons of solid waste and for the month of June 2003, in the amount of at least 20,834 but not more than 31,250 tons of solid waste. All other terms and conditions of Section 1 of Amendment No. 1 shall remain in full force and effect and are not amended by the provisions of this Amendment NO.2. 2. Effective Date. This Amendment shall be effective if and only when all cities listed on Exhibit "A" to Amendment No. 2 have adopted and executed a counterpart of this Amendment No. 2 and such amendment has been adopted and executed by the County. In all events, the conditions in the forgoing sentence necessary for this Amendment No. 2 to be effective shall occur on or before December 31, 2003, otherwise this Amendment NO.2 shall be null and void and without any effect whatsoever. 3. No other amendments. Except as modified in this Amendment NO.2 (or in any prior amendment) all other terms and conditions of the WDA, including without limit those contained in Amendment No.1, shall remain in full force and effect. I I I I I I I I I I I 8303v1 024537/004317 AGMT e e e IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year set forth below. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY Bv: Dennis Hansberger, Chairman, Board of Supervisors Title: Date: Date: SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COpy OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD RENEE BASTIAN Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Bv: Date: Approved as to form: ALAN K. MARKS, County Counsel BY: Deputy Date: 8303v1 024537/004317 AGMT e e e AMENDMENT No.2 EXHIBIT "A" LIST OF WASTE DELIVERY AGREEMENT CITIES AND TOWNS 8303v1 024537/004317 AGMT Town of Apple Valley City of Barstow City of Big Bear Lake City of Colton City of Fontana City of Grand Terrace City of Hesperia City of Highland City of Lama Linda City of Rialto City of San Bernardino City of Twentynine Palms City of Victorville City of Yucaipa Town of Yucca Valley e e e AMENDMENT No.2 TO WASTE DELIVERY AGREEMENT On December 16, 1997, the City of San Bernardino ("City") and the County of San Bernardino ("County") entered into a Waste Disposal Agreement (the 'WDA") which is hereby amended as of this _ day of , 2003 ("Amendment No.2"). Recitals A. On March 27, 2001 the County entered into a Solid Waste Operations Contract ("Operations Contract") with Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc. ("Contractor"). During each fiscal year during the term of the Operations Contract, the Contractor has the right and the obligation to dispose of at least 250,000 but not more than 300,000 tons of solid waste to the Disposal System. In Amendment No.4 to the Operations Contract, entered into on March 5, 2002 the amount of Article 19 Solid Waste to be delivered for disposal in the Disposal System from March 19, 2002 to and through June 30, 2002 was at least 20,830 but not more than 150,000 tons of solid waste. In Amendment No. _ to the Operations Contract, to be entered into concurrently with this Amendment, the amount of Article 19 Solid Waste that is acceptable for disposal in the Disposal System for the month of June 2003 is to be at least 20,834 but not more than 31,250 tons of solid waste. B. In Amendment No.1: (i) City agreed to waive its right under the provisions of Section 3.5(A) of the WDA with respect to the Operations Contract, including the right of the County to accept Article 19 Solid Waste on payment of Article 19 Disposal Fee without being required to offer to City to adjust the current or future Contract Rate to equal the Article 19 Disposal Fee; (ii) County agreed to waive any right it may have to accept Article 19 Solid Waste except as provided in Amendment No.1; and (iii) the County and City agreed on the method of calculating and sharing with City its share from the receipt of the Article 19 Disposal Fee, as described in Amendment No.1. C. The Contractor under the Operations Contract has stated that it has control over 75,000 additional tons per year of solid waste that satisfies the definition of Article 19 Solid Waste within the meaning of the Operations Contract and that it desires to bring such waste to the Disposal System for disposal as Article 19 Solid Waste. D. The County and City agree that it is in the interests of both parties to allow the Contract to bring the additional 75,000 tons of Article 19 Solid Waste for disposal in the Disposal System, under the same terms and conditions as set out in Amendment No. 1 to the WDA. Thus, the purpose of this Amendment No.2 to the WDA is to increase the maximum amount of Article 19 Solid Waste that is 8303v1 024537/004317 AGMT e e e acceptable for disposal in the Disposal System from 300,000 tons per Contract Year to 375,000 per Contract Year. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the forgoing recitals and the following covenants and promises the parties agree as follows: 1. Amendment to Section 1 of Amendment No. 1 to the WDA Reqardinq Limited Waiver of Citv's Riqhts Under WDA and Riqht of Countv to Accept Article 19 Solid Waste. The parties agree that Section 1 of Amendment No. 1 shall be revised by adding the following: Notwithstanding the forgoing, commencing on the effective date of Amendment No.2, and for the term of the Operations Contract (including any extensions of term currently contained in the Operations Contract), the County may accept Article 19 Solid Waste from Contractor for disposal in the Disposal System in the amount of at least 250,000 but not more than 375,000 tons of solid waste and for the month of June 2003, in the amount of at least 20,834 but not more than 31,250 tons of solid waste. All other terms and conditions of Section 1 of Amendment No. 1 shall remain in full force and effect and are not amended by the provisions of this Amendment NO.2. . 2. Effective Date. This Amendment shall be effective if and only when all cities listed on Exhibit "A" to Amendment No. 2 have adopted and executed a counterpart of this Amendment No. 2 and such amendment has been adopted and executed by the County. In all events, the conditions in the forgoing sentence necessary for this Amendment No. 2 to be effective shall occur on or before December 31, 2003, otherwise this Amendment NO.2 shall be null and void and without any effect whatsoever. 3. No other amendments. Except as modified in this Amendment NO.2 (or in any prior amendment) all other terms and conditions of the WDA, including without limit those contained in Amendment No.1, shall remain in full force and effect. I I I I I I I I I I I 8303v1 024537/004317 AGMT e IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year set forth below. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY Bv: Dennis Hansberger, Chairman, Board of Supervisors Title: Date: Date: SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD RENEE BASTIAN Clerk of the Board of Supervisors e Bv: Date: Approved as to form: ALAN K. MARKS, County Counsel BY: Deputy Date: e 8303v1 024537/004317 AGMT ____J e e e AMENDMENT No.2 EXHIBIT "A" LIST OF WASTE DELIVERY AGREEMENT CITIES AND TOWNS 8303v1 024537/004317 AGMT Town of Apple Valley City of Barstow City of Big Bear Lake City of Colton City of Fontana City of Grand Terrace City of Hesperia City of Highland City of Lorna Linda City of Rialto City of San Bernardino City of Twentynine Palms City of Victorville City of Yucaipa Town of Yucca Valley November 20, 2003 Judy Wamack County of San Bernardino Solid Waste Management Division 222 W. Hospitality Lane, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415-0017 Dear Judy, At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of November 17, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution 2003-306 - Resolution authorizing the re-issuance of the 2nd Amendment to the Waste Disposal Agreement between the County of San Bernardino and the City of San Bernardino. Enclosed are two (2) original agreements. Please obtain signatures in the appropriate location and return one original agreement to the City Clerk's Office, Attn: Michelle Taylor, P.O. Box 1318, San Bernardino, CA 92402, as soon as possible. Please be advised that the resolution and agreement will be null and void if not executed within 120 days, or by March 16,2004. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (909)384-5002. Sincerely, Michelle Taylor Senior Secretary Enclosure . f 01:' \~ REPORT/P"'?OMMENDATION TO THE BOAP"'PF SUPERVISORS (." SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, C....t..IFORNIA AND RECORD OF ACTION December 16, 2003 FROM: KEN A. MillER, Director Department of Public Works - Solid Wast~ Management Division SUBJECT: AMENDMENTS TO THE WASTE DISPOSAL AGREEMENTS WITH FIFTEEN CITIES FOR THE DISPOSAL OF ARTICLE 19 SOUD WASTE RECOMMENDATION: Approve the specified Amendment to the following Waste Disposal Agreements regarding increasing the maximum amount of Solid-Waste disposable under Article 19 of the Operations Contract No. 01-237 with Burrtec Waste Industries (Article 19 Solid Waste) from a maximum of 300,000 tons to 375,000 tons per Contract Year: Agreement No. 98-48 with the Town of Apple Valley (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 98-590 with the City of Barstow (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 98-744 with the City of Big Bear lake (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 98-302 with the City of Colton (Amendment No.3) Agreement No. 98-105 with the City of Fontana (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 98-107 with the City of Grand Terrace (Amendment No.3) Agreement No. 98-959 with the City of Hesperia (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 01-735 with the City of Highland (f-mendment No.2) Agreement No. 98-745 with the City of lama Linda (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 97.1043 with the City of Rialto (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 97-1051 with the City of San Bernardino (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 98-642 with the City of Twentynine Palms (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 97-1052 with the City of Viet orville (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 98-679 with the City of Yucaipa (Amendment No.2) Agreement No. 98-288 with the Town of Yucca Valley (Amendment No.2) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On March 27, 2001, the Board of Supervisors approved Contract No. 01-237 with Burrtec Waste Industries, InC. (Burrtec) for the operations and maintenance of active and inactive landfills and transfer stations beginning July 1, 2001. Article 19 of the Contract provided Burrtec the right and obligation to deliver to the County disposal system at least 250,000 tons but not more than 300,000 tons/year of solid waste not currently being delivered to the County disposal system (Article 19 Solid Waste). This is waste that is being generated within the County. The provision became effective on March 19, 2002. cc: Public W orks- Miller wi agreement Contractor wi agreement cia Public Works IDS w/ agreement Auditor wi agreement Risk Management County Counsel- Jocks CAO- Forster Public Works- Wulfman ED/PSG- Goss File wi agreement Record of Action of the Board of Supervisors Agreemen~ No.'s as noted above rm MOTION ABSENT S BY Rev 07/97 ITEM 023 ,.~ '9 , FOR COUNTY USf" - LY rx New Vendor Code Deol. Contract Number Change SC SWM A 97-1051 A-2 Cancel County Department Dept. Orgn. Contractor's License No. DPW - Solid Waste Management Division SWM OPS County Department Contract Representative Telephone Total Contract Amount Donald M. Casalman, Financial Manager 386-8720 Varies Contract Type [Xl Revenue D Encumbered D Unencumbered D Other: If not encumbered or revenue contract type, provide reason: Split of net revenue produced by implementation of the Article 19 provision with the 15 WDA cities. Commodity Code Contract Start Date Contract End Date Original Amount Amendment Amount 1/1/98 12/31/2012 Fund I Dept. I Organization Appr. Obj/Rev Source GRC/PROJIJOB No. Amount EAA SWM OPS 9700 , 90009700 Project Name Estimated Payment Total by Fiscal Year FY Amount i1D FY Amount I/D Amendment to Waste Disposal Agreement - - Contract Type: Contract language approved by Risk Management. County of San Bernardino FAS CONTRACT TRANSMITTAL AMENDMENT NO.2 CONTRACTOR City of San Bernardino FederallD No. or Social Security No. Contractor's Representative Fred Wilson, City Manager Address 300 North "0" St., San Bernardino, CA 92418 Phone 909-384-5549 Nature of Contract: (Briefly describe the general terms of the contract) ~ Amendment NO.2 to Waste Disposal Agreement regarding disposal of Solid Waste provided for i i 19 of the Operations Contract No. 01-237 with Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc., increasing the maximum to 375,000 tons ~ ar. O~~ ~C GO~"''t~-{ S~ ~yO ~\S '\ ~~~ ~ ~S~ (Attach this transmittal to all contracts n~~d on the "Standard Contract" form.) ~o~ ~S\S ~~ Approved as to Legal Form (sign in biue ink) Reviewed as to Contract Compliance Presented to BOS for Signature Date Date ~ ,^ Cd 'v\.,',OO,. Department Hea Date ~ ') t; I ()'ry 91ee attached amendment. County Counsel ~ . ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): \ \- n -q~ Item # '2.3 Resolution # Z 003 - ?:tY:.o Vote: Ayes \-''} Nayse- Abstain .er Absente Change to motion to amend original documents: - Reso. # On Attachments: ~ Contract term: _ Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W /COUNTY 1\- \ q-Q3 1\-(0-0'5 I \-<..<:H)"Z" Date Sent to Mayor: Date of Mayor's Signature: Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: II-"Z-O -03 NulVVoidAfter: I'za \)(:+1,) J 3-\(,-0"1 f By: - Reso. Log Updated: ---- Seal Impressed: ~ 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: ---- Date Returned: See Attached: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney /' Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services ~ Water Notes: Yes /' No By No'/ By No ~ By NO~BY_ No,--- By_ Yes Yes Yes Yes EDA Finance MIS Others: BEFORE FlUNG. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 01/12/01