HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-City Attorney CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: HUSTON T. CARLYLE Subject: ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SR. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ADDING SECTION 2.56. I 95 TO THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO Dept: CITY ATTORNEY VOLUNTARY EXPENDITURE CEILING Date: August 27, 1997 ORIGINAL Synopsis of Previous Council action: None. Recommended motion: That said ordinance be laid over for final adoption. Contact person: HUSTON T. CARLYLE Supporting data attached: Staff Report FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Phone: Ward: 3662 All Source: Finance: C '1 N Previously - t :5'1- tYllor../97 ounCl otes: /' 75.0262 Ordinance MC- /{}O~ Agenda Item No. #0</ 1/07 5T AFF REPORT Council Meeting Date: September 2,1.9.91 TO: FROM: DATE: AGENDA: Mayor and Common Council City Attorney's Office August 27,1997 September 2,1997 Proposition 208 is a statewide initiative measure passed by the voters at the November 5, 1996 election. Proposed by California Common Cause and the League of Women Voters, among others, the measure extensively amends the California Political Reform Act's ("PRA") provisions regarding political campaign finance and disclosure. The measure imposes new contribution limits and permits a local jurisdiction to adopt a system of voluntary expenditure limits. It also makes a number of important technical changes, and substantially increases the penalties for violations of the PRA, including conflict of interest provisions. A copy of Proposition 208 from the Fair Political Practice Commission is attached for your information. Pursuant to Government Code Section 85400(c), the subject ordinance is proposed for the purpose of establishing a voluntary expenditure ceiling for candidates of district or ward or citywide elective offices for every Primary, General, Recall and Special Election held on or after November 5, 1997. The proposed ordinance deals only with the voluntary expenditure limits. All of the other provisions contained in Proposition 208 would apply to the City of San Bernardino in that it has the same impact on charter cities as it does on counties and general law cities. Attachment I'l, I' ' ~ l' 1 t , , , ij .. . . '. , . . J .- I . " , California - . Political.., Reform " Act 01 1 996 IIProp. 20B11 eFalr Political ,Practice. , Comml..lon ...". ..ha.. Chal....n 421JShM . SuitlIOCI . s....MDII1ID CA". . (l11)3ZMIIO. tu1Z247'11 _T"'__"'~_'--'_5.'''- ",. 000035 tj )5' /9' 7 #- ;2 / . ! i I . . CALIFORNIA POLITICAL REFORM ACT OF 1996 Section.<. 85100 and 85101 of rhe GoyeTMlt7lr Code are repealed. and S.ction 85102 of rho GOYlrnmt1lJ ClJde is repeaud ut:eprfor .ubsection (e). wlU&h is renumb"ed Section 85205 of rho GoY.mmmt Code, and rhe following Chap'" 5. co".".".a,.g with Section 85100. is add.d to Title 9 of the GOy.mmmt Code OJ follows: Article 1. Findinp and Purposes. t 85100. Tille. This chap.... shaiJ be known as the Califomia Political Reform Act of 1996. t 85101. F'lDdinp aDd Declaratlolls. The people find and declare each of tile foUowing: (a) MonetItYCOlllributions to political campaiJIIS are a legitimate form of participation in tile American political process, but the financia1 strength of indjYiduals or organizations should not permit them to exerQse a controUing influence on the election of candidates. (b) The rapidly increasing costs of political campaigns haye forced lIWIy CO....;A.'.. to raise IarF and larger percentages of money from inleteSt IfOUPs with a specific financial stake in matterS before State aDd local gOyemmenL t 85102. Purpose of ThIs Law. The people enact this law to accomplish the following separate but related purposes: (a) To ensure that indiyiduals and interest IfOUPs in our society haye a fair and equitable opportUDity to participate in the electiye and govenunental processes. (b) To minimize the pot.elltiaUy conupting influence and appearance of corruption caused by excessive contributions aDd expenditures in carnpaiJIIS by providing for reasonable contribution w spax!ing limits for candidateS. (c) To reduce the influence of IIt'JO contributors with a specific financial stake in maam before government by severing the \ink berweeIIlobbyiDg aDd campaign fundraising. (d) To lessen tile pocentially canuptiDg pRSSUtOS on candidates and olIicehoklers for fuachiIiDg 'by establishing sensible time periods - for soliciliDg and accepting campaign contributions. (e) To limit overa1I expelllli_ iD ~ps. tbeRby allowing"''''u~.... aDd olIicebolden 10 spead a 1_ proportion of tbeir time on fuDclraisiDI aDd a 000036 I 1 ~ gearr:r proportioo of tbeir time communicating issues of importance to voters aDd constilllelllS. (I) To provide impartial and noncoercive iDeentiyes that encourage candidateS to volllDllri1y limit campaign expenditures. '. IJ) To meet tile ci~' right to know the sources of campaign contributions. expendilUl'OS. and political advertising. (b) To enact lOugh penalties which will deter persons from violating lhis chapter and the Political Reform Act or 1974. ! I Article 1. AppUcablllty df1be PoUlIcal Reform Act oll974. t 85202. Applicablllly of Ibe PoUticaJ Reform Act. Unless specifically superseded by lhis act, the definitions and provisions ollhe Political Refonn Act of 1974. Oovenunenl Code Sections 81000 It .oq. shaD govern lhe iDterpretation of this law. I t 85203. SmaD Contributor Committee. "Small contribulOr committee" means any cotmniaec which meets aU of the foUowing criteria: (I) It has I n.embaship of II least 100 iudiYidua1s. (b) All the contributions it receives from any person in a calendar year 1Ota16fty doJIats (S50) or less. (c) It has been in existence Illcast six months. (eI) It is not a candidate-cona-oUed committee. l , , I I t85204. Two-Year Period. -rwo-year period" means lhe period commencing with Janlllt)' 1 of an odd-numbered you and ending with December 31 afthe next eyen-numbered year. t 85205. PoUticaJ Party Committee. "Political party commiaec" means the state central cammi_ or county centra1 committee of an organization that moetS tile requiremetlls for recognition as a political party pursuanllO Section 5 I 00 of tile Elections Code. , , I t 85206. PubUc Moneys. "Public moooys" bas tile same meaning as defined iD Section 426 of tile Penal Code. ArticJ&.3. Contpbution LimltatiClllSo S<<:tioIU 85301 thIlI.gh 85307 tI1IIl85]02 through 85]04 Dfrho Oovmvncnt Code are,."..1cd and the follDwinlsa:tiolU an addId to tM aoYlmmmt Code to reo.4: I 1 me: (I'll 3ZMIIll ",... 1 I ,. . I' t 85301. Limitations on Contribntions From Persons. (a) Except .. provided in subdivision (a) of Section 85402 and Seelion 85706. no person. GIber than small contributor CommilleeS and political party commiaees. sha11 make to any candidate or the candidate's conlrOUed comminee for local ollice in . districts with fewer than 100.000 residents. and no such candidate or the candidate' s cODlrOlled commiu.e sha11 accept from any person a contribution or conD'l'butions totaling more than one hun~ dollars (Sloo) for each eJection in which the candidate is aaempting to be on the ballot or is a write.in candidate. (b) Except.. provided in subdivision (b) of Section 8S4Q2.and Seetion 85706. no person. ether than small contributor commilleeS and political party committees. shall make to any candidate or the candidate's conlrOlled ccmmiu.e campaigning for cfIice in districts of 100.000 or more residents. and DC such candidate or the candidate' s conU'olled commiu.e sha11 accept from any such person a contribution or contributions totaling more than rwc h~ fifty dollars (S250) for each election in which the candidate is attempting to be on the ballot or is a write-in candidate. (c) Except .. provided in" subdivision (c) of Seetion 85402. no person. ether than small CODD'lDutcr cornmiu.es and political party commilleeS. sha11 make to any candidate or the candidate's conlrOlled commiu.e for statewide ofIice, and DC such candidate or the candidate.s conlrOlled ccmminee shaD accept from any sucb person a contribution or contributions totaling more than five hundred dollars (S5OO) for each election in whicb the candidate is attempting to be on the ballOI or is a write-in candidate. (d) No person shall make to any comminee 1hat contributes to any candidate and no such comminee sha11 accept from each such person a contribution or contributions towing more than live h~ dollars (S500) per calendar)at. 1lti5 subdivision sha111lC1 apply to candidate-cOnlrOlled ccmmilleeS. political patty committeeS. and independent expendilllR l""'""';- (e) The previsions ofdW section sha111lOl apply to a candidate' s contributio. of his or her perscua1 funds to his or her own campaign committee. but sha11 apply to contributions from a spouse. I . . . . . i. t . t . . t 85302. Limitations CD Contribntloas from Small Contributor C_...;H"1S. No smaI1 CODU'ibutor committee sha11 make to any candidate or the conlrOlled commiu.e of sucII a candidate. and DC such candidate or the ~-'s conlrOlled ccmmiu.e sha11 accept from a smaI1 . G .. . contributor commiu.e. a CODtribution or contributions UlllIing more than rwc times the app1icab1e contribulio. limit for persons prescribed in Seepon 85301 or 85402. whichever is applicable. . t 85303. LimlIatlons on Contributions to PoUtical Parties. No perso. sha11 give in the aggregate to politica1 pony"'.... ""-I of the same political pony. and no such pony'" ,. ,.;...... c:ombined sha11 accept from any person. a conU'ibutioll or CllIllributions totaling more than five thousand dollars ($S;OOQ) per-aJ-l'" year; except a candidate -may distribaie any =plus. residual. or unupended campaign" funds to a political pony committee. ,.. I 85304. Limitations an Contributions from Polltlcal Parties. No more than 2S percent .f the recOllllllCllded expendilllR limits speci1ied in dW act at the time of adoption by the voters. subject to cost of living adjustments as speci1ied in Seelion 83124. shall be accepted in C1IIII1IIative contributions for any election from all political pony ccmmilleeS by any candidate or the cODlrOlled ccmmiaee of such a candidate. Any expendilllre5 made by a political patty committee in support of a candidate shall be considered contn'buticns to the candidate, I 85305. Restr\dIOIIS 011 When CODtribulioas CaD Be Received. (a) In districts offewer than 1.000.000 residents. no candidate or the candidate's conlrOlled committee shall accept contributions mere than six months before any primary or special primary electi.n or, in the event there is no primary or special primary election. any regular eIeclion or specia1election in which the candidate is alIelIIpling to be on dle ballot or is a write-in candidate. (b) In districts of 1.000.000 residents or more and for statewide elective ollice. no candidate or the candidate's conlrOUed collllllittee sha11 accept COIlIributions IIl<ft than 12 months before any primary or special primary election or. in the event there is DO primary or ~ pzimary election. any relUlu election or specia1 eIeclion ill wbich the candidate is aaemptiJIs to be on the ballet or is a write-in candidate. (c) No candidate or the conlrOlled commiaee of such candidate sha11 accept contributions mono !ban 90 days after dle dale of witbdrawal. defeat. or elaOll to otlice. CoIItributions Keep-! '--';."'y fllllowin& sucb an eJection or witbdrawal and lip III 90 days after that date shaD be used only III pay llUlfandiDg biDs or 2 PPI'C: (Ill)=- 111. 000D37 . debts owed by the candidate or conlrOlled 1:OIDIIIitree. This section shalIlIOllpJlly to retirinS debts incurred with respect to any election held prior to the effective date of this act. provided S1lCh funds an: collected pursuant to the conaibution limits specified in Article 3 (ComDlCllCinS with Section 85300) of this act, applied seporueIy for each prior election for wlIich doblS an: being relired. and such funds raised shall DOl count apinst the conaibution limitations applicable for any election following the effective dale of this act, (d) Notwidlstandinssubdivision (c). Nods maybe collected at any lI1tlC to pay for aaomey's fees for Iitiption Or administrative action wlIich arises 4irectly out of a candidate's or elected ollicer's alleged violation of swe or local campaign. disclOSllrC. or election laws or for a line or assess",,",' imposed by any governmental aseney for violations of this act or the Politica1 Reform At;t of 1974. or for a recount or conteSt of the validity of an election. or for ally expense direcdy associated wilb an extemaIlIIlIit or unresolved laX liability of the campaign by the candidate or the candidate's conlrOlled committee; provided such funds' are collected punuant to the conaibution limits of Ibis act, , (e) ConIributions pursuant to subdivisions (c) and (d) of this provision shall be considered conaibutions raised for' the election in wlIich the doblS. fiDes. ass...smenlS. recounlS. conteSlS. audilS. or laX liabilitiC5 were incurred and sIlall be subject to the conaibution IimilS of that election. . t 85306. T....nsr.... No candidate and no committee conlrOlled by a candidate or officeholder. other than a political party committee. shall make any conaibution to any other candidate running for ollice or his or her conlrOlled committee. This section shall not prohibita candidate from makinS a connibution from his or her own penonal funds to his or her own candidacy or to the candidacy of any other candidate for elective ollice. t 85307. LoaDS. (a) A loan shill be considered a conaibution from the maleer and the guarantor of the loan and shall be subject to all conaibution limitations. (b) Extensions of credit for a period of JIlOR than 30 da~ oIber dIaD IoIIlI from 6DaDcia1 institutions aiven In the normal comx of business. ore subject to all conaibution limitations. (c) No ,"MiM~ shall penoaaUy mab oUlSrandinlloans to his or her campaign or campaip commi1leC that lOW at anyone point in time more than twenty Ibousand dollarS (S20.0oo) in the case of lIlY . C)OOO38 candidate. .xcept for candidateS for'governor. or fifty lhousand dollars (S50,000) in the case of candidates for Sovemor. Nothing in this chapter sIlall prohibit a candidate from making unlimited conaibutions 10 his or her own campaip. ~ I I I I , I I 1 t t 85308. Family ContrlbutloDs. (a) Contributions by a busband and wife shall not be "","prod. (b) . C;:qntributions by children under 18 shall be 1reIIed as conaibutions ataibuted equally to each parent or guardian. ' 1 85309. Agnpte Contributions from Non- i1lllmduals. No JIlOR than 25 pen:ent of the recOllllllCoded voluntll)' expenditure IimiIS specified in this act at the time of adoption by the VOlel'S. subject 10 cost of living adJusllllOnlS as specified in Section 83124. for any election sball be occepred in contributions from oIber than individuals. small contributor committeeS. and political party committeeS in the aurepte by any candidale or the cODlrOlled committee of such a candidale. The limitation in this section sIlall apply whether or DOt the candidale aBRC5 to the expenditure ceilings specified in Section 85400. 185310. Agrepte Coatri\IutiOIIS III AU Stat. Candidates. No penon shall conaibule in the apreple more dIaD twenty-fivelbousand dollars ($25.000) 10 all StIle candidateS and the state candidateS' conlrOlIed committees and political party committeeS in any two- ye5r period. Conaibutions from political parties sIlall be exempllIom this provision. t I r 185311. AlgneatiOll oCF\zwIcial Activity. All paymenlS made by a person established. 6ruulced. /llIiDIaiIIed. or COlIIrOI1ed by any business cotity. labor orpnization. association. political party. or any other penon or crouP of SIICh penons shall be considered 10 be made by a single person. 1853U- Communications Within aD Ol1auizatioll. The CCSlS of iIiterna1 cDllllllUllications to 1DClIIbers. ~ or sIIardlOIders of an orpDization. ocher Iban . ~ ' poIiIica1 ~ .J<<" ,purpose of supponing or opposinla candidate or candidateS for e1ective nlIice or a ballot __ or measures shall DOt be considered a ennaibution or iDdeP"1l(\l'ft. upendilure 1IIlder 1be pnMsiClllS afdtis ICl, provided such paymenlS are DOl for lbe COSIS of campaip materia\s or ~vi1ies used in . 3 I'l'I'C: (111) 3:IHIIO 1 n... - .1 .I if II conne<:tion with broadcasting. newspaper. billboard. or similar type of general public collllllUllicatioo. t 85313. OIIIc:ebolder ACCOUDL (a) Eacb e1ecu:d ollicer may be permi= 10 eSlablish one ..grega~ olliceholder espense fimd for expenses related 10 assisting. serviDg. or COIIIIIl1,,,;~,",g with consuOIenlS. or with cmying out die oIIicial du1ies of die eIecu:d oIIicer. provided aggregate conlributions 10 such a fund do IlOl exceed ten thousand doUars ($10.000) within any calendar)elf IIld thaldle expeDditures are not made in connection with any campaign for elective oIIice or ballot measure. (b) No penon shall mako. and no elec~ ollicer or officeholder account shall solicit or accept from any person. a conlribulion cr conlributions 10 die ollicebolder account IOtaling more than twO hllJldred fifty doUars ($250) during any calendar J'OIt. Conlributions 10 an officeholder account shall not be considered campaign conuibutions. (c) No elecred olIi<eholdor cr oIIiceholder account shall solicit or accept a conlribution 10 die olliceholder account from. through. or arranged by a registered s_ or local lobbyist or a slate or local lobbyist emplO)'Ol' if thallobbyist or lobbyist emplo~ finances. engages. or is authorized 10 engage in lobbying die govetlllDOlllll agency of the oIIiceholder. (d) All expendilllres fn:m. and conlributions 10. III officeholder account are subject 10 !be campaign disclosure and reporting requiremenlS of the Political Reform Act of 1974 as amended. (e) Any funds in an oIIiceholdor account remaining after leaving office shall be turned over 10 the General Fund. . . . . . .. . . Article 4. Voluntary Expenditure Celllngs. t 85400. Voluntary Expenditure ceilings. (a) No candidate for legislative ollice. Board of Equaliwion. or Slatewi!le office who voluntarily ICCepls expendimre ceilings and any controlled commiuee of such a candidale shall make campaign expeDClilllRS above the following amount (I) For an Assembly candidate. one bundred thousand dollars ($100.000) in the primary or special primary election and twO hundred thousaDd doUars ($200.000) in the geuen1. special. or special runotr election. (2) Fer a SeaaIe -. and ...MUIo.. for Boord of Equalization. twO buadred thoGsalld doIlIn . ($200.000) in !be primary cr special ptimIty eIeclion IDII four IIIndred 1hcnwxI cIoUars ($400.000) in the .-aI. special. or special runoff election. . I . . 1 .. . (3) Fer swewide candidates. other than governor. one million doUars ($1.000.000) in the primary election and two million dollars ($2.00b.000) in the general. special. or special runoff election. (4) For goYel!"X. four million doUars (54.000.000) in the.primary election and eigbt million dollars ($8.000.000) in the general. special. or special runotr election. (b) In the event 1ha1 !be sw.. adoplS an open primary ~ !be voluntary expendiOlre ceilings for all state c:andidares in die primary election shall be increased by 50 percenL' (c) Any\clclljurisdiclion. municipality. or county may establish voluntary expeDClilllR ceilings for c:andidares and controlled commiuees of such candidates for elective ollice not to exceed one dollar ($1) per resident for eacb election in the dislrict in which the candidale is seeking elective ollice. V olunwy expenditure ceilings may be set at lower levels by the local governing body. t 85401. Candidate Acceptance or Rejection of Expenditlll'l CellInIS. <a) Each candidate for olIice shall file a swemcnt of acceplanCe or rejection of !be volunlary expeDdilllR ceilings in Section 85400 bdore ICcepling any conlributions. If be or she agrees 10 accept the expendilure ceilings, the candidale shall not be subject to !be conlnbution limiWions in Section 85301. but shall be subject 10 the conlribution limilations in Section 85402. (b) Ifa candidate cleclineslO accept the volllDW)' expenditure ceilinp in Sectitll 85400. the candidaIe shall be subject 10 the conlribution limilations in Section 85301. (c) Any candidate who declined to accept the volunlary expenditure ceilings but who nevertheless did not exceed the recommended spending limilS in lbe primary. special primary. or special election. may 61e a swement or acceplanCe of the spending IimilS for a general or special runoff election within 14 days foUowing!be primIIy. special primary. or special election and receive aU lite benefilS accompanying snch an agreement specified in this acL I 85402. Coatributlon LimItations ror Candidates Aceeptinl Expenclitan Celllngs. (a) Notwidlstanding subdivision <a) or Section 85301. ifa ~..GA.t. acceplS!be expenditure c:eilings set by local ardinance pursuant 10 subdivision <c) of Section 85400. DO penon. other than small c:onIriburor ........_ and political party COIDIIIi1tee$, shall maIr:a ID any such candidaIe or the ~""'U4...' s CODU'OIled . ""PC: (111) 3Zl-1IIO 111.. . . , . '< .: . .' . collUllitleC for elective oflice in di.saicU of fewer lhan 100.000 residents and no such candidate or die candidate's conlrDlIed committt: shall accept from any such penon a cpntribution or contributions totalinS more than two hundred fifty dnllm (S250) for eadl election in which the candidate is aaemplini to be on the ballot or is a write-in candidate. (b) NotwithsWlllinl subdivision (b) of Section 85301. if a candidate accepts the expendilUR ceilinp in paragraph (I) or (2) of subdivision (a) of Seelion 85400 or set by local ordinance pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 85400. no person. otbcr-liw) small contributor conunia=s and political part)' cemmiitees. ~ha11 make to any such candidate or the candidate's conlrDlIed committee for elective oflice in di.saicU of 100.000 residents or more and no such candidate or the candidate's conu-olled committee shall accept from any such penon a contribution or contributions totaling more than five hunclrecl'dnllm (S500) for each election in whicb the candidate is aaemptinsto be on the ballot or is . write-in candidate. (c) NorwithstandinS subdivision (c) of Section 8530 I. if a candidate accepts the expenclilUl'e ceilings in paragraph (3) or (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 85400. no person. other lhan small contributor cuwwittceS and political party commia=s. shall make lO lOy such candidate or die candidate's conlrDlIed committee for statewide oflice and no such candidate or die candidate's conlrDlled committee shall accept from any such person a contribution or contributions totaling more than one thousand dollars (SI.ooo) for each election in which the candidate is altelIIpting 10 be on the ballot or is . write.in candidate. I 85403, Time Periods for Expenditu..... For purposes of the expendilUR ceilings. qualified campaign expendi= made at any timo uP to the date of the primary. special priJnary. or special election shall be considered expendilURS for that election.- and qualified camplign expendilURS made after -the date of such election shall be considered expendilURS for the geoeral or runolf election, However, in the event thai payDlCllts are made but the goods or services are DOl used during the period purchased. the payments shall be considered qualified campaign expendilURS for the timo period in wbich the goods or services lR used. PaymenlS!or goods and savices used in bolhperiods shall be prorIled. t 85404. ExpeDcllture CeIIIDp LIIlelL (a) If a candidate declines to accept voIunwy expendilUR ceilings and receives contributions. has cash on hand. or makes qualified expendilUtOS equallO 75 000040 percent or IIlOtC of die recollllllClllled expendilUl'e ceiling for that oflice. the volunwy expendilUR ceiling shall be three timos the limit specified in Seelioil 85400 for any candidate running for die SIIIlC non-Slatewide oflice. and twO times the limit specified in Section 85400 for any candidate running for the SIIIlC statewide ofIice. AJly candidate running for that oflice who originally occepted voluntar)' expendilUR ceilings shall be exempt from the limits Ihat political party committeeS may contribute to a candidate in Section 85304. and such candidates shall be permiaed to contiJlue receiviDg contributions at die .1IIlOUDts set forth in Section 85402 of this act (b) Ihn iDdepeIIcleIll expendilllR committee or committees in the agregate spend in support or opposition to a candidate for lIOIl-sw.ewide oflice more than 50 percent of the app1icable-volunwy expeDdiwre ceiling. the volunwy expendilUR ceiling shall be three times the limit specified in Seelioo 85400 for any candidate running for the SIIIlC elective oflice. AJly candidate running for that oflice who originally accepted volunwy expendilUR ceilings shall be exempt from the IimiIS 1hat political party commiuces may contribute to a candidate in Section 85304. and such candidates shall be permiaed to continue receiving contributions at the amounts set forth in subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 85402 of this act - (c) If 10 independeot expenclilUR committee or commia=s in the aggregate spend in support or opposition to a candidate for statewide office more lhan 25 percent of the applicable volunwy expendilUR ceiling. the volunwy expendilllR ceiling shall be increased two times the limit specified in Section 85400 for any candidate running for the sam<: statewide oflice. /VIy candidate runnins for that office who originally accepted volunlMy expenditure ceilings shall be exempt from the limits that political party committees may cootribult to a candidate in Section 8S304. and such candidates shall be permitted 10 continue receivinS contributions at the amounts set forth in subdivision (c) of Section 85402 of this act (d) The commission shall require candidates and indt.jlCIldau c:ommin=s lO provide sullicient notice to the cormnission and to all candidates for the same oflice thai they are approaching and exceedins the thresholds set forth in this section. I . I r I r I t I I I I r f I I ArtIc:le 5. IDdepelldllllt.Expenditures. t 85500. lDdepelldlllll Ezpanclllures. (a) /VIy committee wroch maJces independeDt expendiIIIres ofmore Ihan one thousand dnllm (SI.OOO) in support of or in oppositiOIlto any candidate shall notify J I I'PPC: (Ill)=-- 111411 I l ,---- -. . I' . . I . . . Ie . . . 1 . . 9 4- f the 51ing oflicer and all candidata nmninl for d1e same seal within 24 hours by facsimile lI'IIlSIlIission or overnight delivery each time this thresboId is ~ The collllllission sllaII dewmiDe the disclosure requimnenlS for this subdivision and shall eslabJisb gp;""HN!< permittiDg persons to file rqlOItS iDdic:aling -pg independenl expendinares. (b) NorwithsWlding subdivision (d) of Seclion 85301. any commiuee that makes iDdl.peodcDI expendilllreS of one thoUSlDd dollars (SI.ooo) or more supporting or opposing a candidate shall no! occept any contribution in excess of twO hundred fifty dollars (5250) per election. (c) Any contributor that makes a contribution of one hundred dollars (5 I 00) or more per eIeclion to a candidate for elective ollice shall be considered to be acting in concen with that c:andidate and shall not make independent expendilUreS and conlributions which ill combination excetd the amounlS set.fonh in Section 85301 in supportoftbal "MVIo,. or in opposition to that candidate's opponent or opponenlS. (d) An expenditure shall not be considered independent, and shall be treated as a contribution from the person malting the expenditure to the candidate on whose behalf. or for whose benefit, the expenditure is made either: (I) With d1e cooperalion of. or in consullalion with. any candidate or any iulhorized commiaee or ageIll of the candidate. (2) In concert with. or at the request or suuestion of. any candidate or any authorized commiaee or agent of the candidate. (3) Under any arrangement. coordination. or di=tion with respect to the candidate or the candidate's agent and the person malcinl the expendiwre. (4) By a candidate or ofliceholder supportinl another candidate or ofliceholder of the same polilica1 party nmning ftr a seat in dle same leps1alive body of d1e candidate or officeholder. . For purposes olthis seclion. d1e person makinl1be expendiwre sllaII include any oflicer. direcUlr. employee. or agent of thaI person. Article 6. BaDal Pamphlet aDd Sample BaBot. f 85600. CancJiclale Accoa 10 Slale BaUot Pampblet. The SecrelIt)' of SUlIe shall -prevido. -10 aD candidates ftr SlalIlwicle oIIice. wbo voIl1l11arily cboose III limillheir caqJlil" expenditures ill_dance with d1e provisions of this act, a campail" _t in d1e - ballot pamphlel of 100 words in primary and special eleclions. and 200 words in aeneral elecliOllS, he of charae. Caodidata for ~~ oflicc not choosinl to limit their campail" expendilllreS, in accordance III provisions of Ibis acl may also publish a campail" Slatement of similar lenslh and format in the Slate ballol pamphlet. bUI shall be ~p1 the pro rail cOS! of priDIins. baDdling. tranSilliIlg. and mailing the camPail" slatement. Such c:aDdidate SlatemenIS shall nOl include any ..r...-. III a candidate's opponenl or opponenlS and may iDcIude.a pbolIlgnpb of the c:andidate. f 85601. ('o"dIcI.le A.... In Locai Sample BaBoI Ma&orIaIs. _(a) no -elerk of.-b COUIlty-sball provide to candidaIes ftr olIil:a ofdle Su Assembly. Slate Senate. and Boan! of Equalization, who volunwily choose to limillheir~ ~ in accordance with Ibis act, a campail" swement with the county sample ballot IlIlIOrials of 100 words in primary and special elecliOllS. and 200 words ill aeneral elections. he of charae. the add.on cOS! of which is to be reimbursed from the - General Fund. Candidates for the oflices of Slate Assembly. Slate Senate, and Board of Equalizalion not choosiDI to Iimil \heir campaisn expendilllreS in accordance to Ibis act may also publish a campail" Slatemenl of similar length and format with the COlIIIty sample ba1Iol materials, bUI shall be charlcd d1e pro rail cost of printiDl, bandlinl, transIaliIlg. and mailing the campail" SlIlelIJlIll. Such candidate swemenlS shall nol include any references to a candidate's opponent or opponenlS and may include a photOgraph of the candidate. (b) The slatemenlS of candidates for Slate Assembly, Slate Senate, and Board ofEqualizalion may be included in the Slate ballot pamphlet instead of with the county sample ballot materials if the SecreW}' of Slate determines that inclusion in the Slate ballot pamphlet is I... expensive and more convenient for the voleTS. f 85602. NodIIcalioD In V olers. The Secrewy of Slate and local e1eclions olliom sllaIIl"""';'...llIy desisnatC on the banot and in the ballol pamphlet and sample ballOl those candidata who have volunwily asreed to expenditure ceilings. The commission shall prescribe by resulalion the method or methods for such clesiption. ArtIde"""!. .AdaJlIoaal CoalribalioD Reqalremellls. f 85700. D~ 01 OecapalioD aDd Employer. No conlribution 01 one hUlldRd dollars (Sloo) or more shall be deposited into a "I" chec:kinI . FPPC: (I'll) 3ZWIIO 111. oooou. .. 1. I. i account unless the IWIIO. addresS. occupation. IIId emplCl)U of the cOlllributor is on file in the records of the recipient of the contribution. t 85701. lUaipt alIA1IIIIIered (Aatributlcms. Nty person wbo occep1S . ccntribution wbich is not from lbe person IislOd on the cbeck or subsequent campaicn clisclosure sw.ement sball be liable to pay the swe the emiR _ ofille 1auDdered conaibution. The Sllltl~ of limitationS sball DOl apply to lIIis provision. and rep.ymenlS to lbe SlI~ shall be made u Ion, u the person or any commiuoe conaoUed by such . person has any funds sullicienlto p.y the Stale. t 85702. Bundlln, of Contributions. Contributinns made direclly or indireclly to or on behalf of . particular candidate throuJb an itllaDIediarY or conduit shall be aealOd u contributions from tbe contribUlor IIId the in1CnllOdiarY or conduil to tile candida~ for the purposes of lIIis \imilllion nnIess lbe intermediary or conduit is one of the foUowin,: (.) The candi~ or represelllItive of the candida~ receivin, contributions on beha1f of the c:ancIidate. However. lbe represenlltive sball not include lbe foUowin, persons: (I) A commiuoe nlher than the ~'MI<,4'''''S campail" commiaee. (2) Nt ollie... emplo)eO. or ....t of. commi- other than the candi~'s campaiJll commiaee. (3) A person registered u . lobbyist wilb the ,overnmental agency for which the candidate is rWwn, or is an olliceholdet. (4) Nt officer. emplojOC. or agent of a corpontion or labor orprozation actin, on behalf of the corporation or organization. (b) A volun_. wbo Olherwise does not fall under para..aphs (I) throuJh (4) of subdivision (.) of lIIis provision. hostin, . fundraisiDS event oulSide the volun~r's place of business. t 85703. EanaarltiD& of CODll'ibutioas Prohibited. No person shall make and no person. olhet than a candidare or the candidare's conaaUed comatiuoe. sball accepl any contribution on the condition or wilb lbe .JlOCI!lCntlhal il will be contribulOd to any particuIat c:andidate. The cxpendillR of funds received by. person sh.n be made at the sole cliscretion of the recipient person. t 85704. Cootrlbutloas from Lobbylsta. No eleclOd ofIiceholder. c:andidIle. or the c:andidate's conaaUed commiuoe may solicit or KCllPla (JOOO42 campaiJft contribution or contribution to an ofIiceholdet account from. throuJh. or manJed by a reJistered sllre or locallobbyiSl if that lobbyist finances. enpges. or is .uthorized to enpge in IobbyinJ the JOvcmmental IJODCYfor whicb the c:IIIdida~ is seekia,election or the JOvernmental agency of the olliceholder. 1 85705. CODtribUtloas from Govemmental Appoillle& No ,person appoinlOd to a public board or commission or u Tntstee of lhe Califorui. SlIre University or Regent 4)f the Uaiversity of Ca1iforuia ckIrin& ri:nure in oIioe4holl donate 10. or solicit or accepl any campaiJft contribution for. any comatiaee conaaUed by lhe person who made the appoinaaent to lhIl ollice ordany other entity wilb the inWlt tbat the recipient of the donation be any commiaee conaaUed by such person who made lbe appoinanent. t ~ r r 185706. Local Jurisclictioas. (a) Notbin, in lIIis act sball nullify conaibution limilltions or olber campaiJft clisclosures or prohibitions of any Ioca1 jurisdiction tbat are u or more smICnt than sel fnrlh in this act. . (b) The JllVlllIliD8 body of. local jurisdiction may impose lowu contribution limilllions or other campaiJft clisclosures or prohibitions lhal are u or more strinJODt lhan set falb in lIIis act. A local jlD'isdiction may impose hiJher contribution or expendiaae limilltions only by a vore of the people. (c) NtY cbarW municipality which chooses to establish a voluntary spendin,limit proJlam involvin, malChin, funds. consistent with subdivision (c) of Section 85400 of Ibis act. may seta uniform contribution ceiling from any person to any candidate or the candida~' s conaalled commi_ of a contribution or contributions towin, no more than five bundred dollars (5500) for each election in which the candi~ is IlIeIIIptin, to be on the ballot or is a write-in candidate. provided tbat the ptOJl1ll'dI'ers I marchin& fund ratio of at least one dollar (5 I) to each three matebable priVate contributions. SlCtiOflJ 83Jl6 """83/16.5 of In. Gov.7'7tIMnl Cod. Ort om.ndtd to ,.,,,1: 183116. ViAlalioa ofTllie; Probable Cause; Hearill,; Notice; Order. When Ibe Cotmission do-...;.a lhere is probable cause for believin,lIIis tille bu been violated. it may hold a bearin, to determine if such a violation bu occurred. Notice shall be Ii- IIId lhe beIrinJ conduclOd in accotdance with the AdtaitIistntiVe Procedure Act (GoveramentCode. Tille 2. Division 3. 7 FPPC: (t11) 3ZHIIO ",... - I I , ParI I. Chapter S, Sections llSoo el seq.), The Commission shall have all the powers granlCd by thaI chapter, When the Commission determines on the basis of the heariDi lllal a violation has occurrecI, it shall issue an order which may require the violator to: (a) Cease and desist violation of this title; (b) File anyreporlS. 5"'-" or other documeDts or information required by this title; (c) Payamonewypenaltyofuptolnvd>.. L 4 a.:.U_.. {S:.B99) five thQusand daHlin (~5 oom ner violation to the General FuDd of the srale. . When the Commission determines lllal no violation has oceurnd. il shall publish a cleclaration so swing. t 83116.5, LiabWty for VloIalloas; . Administrative. Any person who violaICS illY provision of this title, who purposely or neJlisontly causes any other person to violate illY provision of this title, or who aids and abets any other person in the violation of any provision of this title, shall be liable under the provisions of this chapter and Chl.rn~ 1 t (c:omrnencin. with Section C)1000). F.....:~~J.l........._.lI_L Ii':'" ._~.._ ..I...dl.,.,.l) .....1.1 tt ,._........ ..1.... 10...... .&1::... Vo ""r"'~. ~b..~...._ d":' ~t"..... ~l.... _.. ....~_b.d f_ _ .:.._ :.....1.:... (I... ,.1_...:.... ...._.:...:.... .... 4i.._b.... -.1 ,l:l".~.:[) ......J_~d.... ...,-:...4 b.1 II':" ~ti... _.4 11_[.. .:..h..~.._ 4f dl~" ..~~.... J..dl .....L ....__~ti.b. _. .ddib...-a .:_ba:_.. ....d... CI_l"'l...ll. . . . . . I ~ I Seerion 91000 of rhe Gove17l1lltnr Code iJ amended ro read: I t 91000. EnrorcemenL (a) Any person who knowin.ly or wiUfully violates any provision of this litle is guilty of.. misdemeanor, (b) In addition to other penalties provided by Jaw. a fine of up to the creater of WI lbousand doUars (S I 0,000) or three limes the amount the person faiJecI to report properly or unlawfully conrribul&d, expended. pve or received may be imposed upon COI\viction fer each violation, (c) Prosecution for violation of this title IIlUSl be commenced wilbin four years after the dare on which the violation oceurred. !dl 1be~on hu eo~t iurildierion in enfon:::inl' ~ aiminal miWin!anor nrnvi~OM tJf md IiII;. I 1 . .. q {t ~ Secrioru 91004. 91005.5 twl 91006 of rhe Governmtl1l Code tJrl amtruUd ~ Tlad: f 91004. ~ ofReportlnc RequIrement; CivU UabWtJ. " Any person who intentionally or neJlisently violales any of the reportin8 requiremenlS of this ac~ lit who aid!C; and ahet!; any fteBon who violates any of the rennninO'1'MUiremen1S nl1bi! aa shall be liable in a civil action broupu by the civU proaecutor or by a person residing within the jurisdiction fer an amount not more than the amount or value DOl properly reported. f 91005.5. ClvU UabWty for Violations. /'rnyl""_ wllO'riolales any provision of this title, except Sections 84305, 84307. and 89001. ror which no spcei6c civil penalty is provided, shall be liable in a civil action brought by the c:otIlIIIission or the district attorney pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 91001. or the elected city attorney pursuant to Section 91001.5. Cor III amount up to l..... d..._.4 J...Ik..J (S:.089) fin thOU.und dnUm: ($4j (lam oer violarion. . No civil action alJesin. a violation of this title may be filed against I person pursuant to this section if the crimina1 prosecutor is maintaininC a crimina1 action aiaiDSl lllat person pursuant to Section 91000. The provisions of Ihis sec1ion sha11 be applic:able only as to violations oc:c:utring after the e1l'ective dare of lhis sec1ion. t 91006. Joint ud Seven! LiabWty for Violation. A1tv neRon who viol.II!) anv nmvlsion of [hi! title who numoulv or ne~litpl!ntlv eaU5eS anv other fleno" to violate anv orovisinn of thi~ title or who aim and .heu anY orher nerson in the violation of anv moviJion of this title shall be liable under me nmvisionl of this chanter and Otmrl!r ~ (eomml!!ncin.. with S~tion 111 om tJf this IiII;. If two or more pctsons are responsible Cor any violation. they shan be jointly and severally liable. Section 91015 of the 0....,.._ Code is repealed. I ~lBlS. ~~i1it) L. -::Aa.._, €.' . I ...<1 e:.a. n.... 1"".... :.:...._ ...C tl":.. .h.,.b... J..dl .A.l ......r1,l lr. . :...l~..._ ...f 5_~..... 8311~.s. SteMll 84201 is added ID rhe GOV'T1I1MIlI CtHU ID TUJd: '. . ""PC: (111)-- 111411 0000I3 .. . t 84%01. Contenls of Campaip Statemenls; Reportine Thresbold. The thresbold for contribulious and expeodilllreS reported in the campaicn swemonlS desipwed in Seclions 84%03.5. 84211. and 84219, except for subdivision (i) of Seclion 84219. and for cash COlIlribuIions and IIIOnymous contribulions desipw.ed in Seclions 84300 and 84304, shall be set II no more than one hundred dollars ($ 1 00) notwitbstandin. any 0Ibet provision of law or any legi.slalive amendmeDlto such sections. S.crit>n 84305.5 of rho Gov'T7ImI!1ll Cod. iJ am.ndod ro ,.ad: . t 84305.5. Slate Mailen, Reqllinmenls. (a) No slate mailer orpnizIlion or cOllllDiaee primarily formed to support or oppose one or more ballot measures shall send a sJau: mailer unless: (1) The name, _t address, and city of the sJau: mailer orpnizalion or coauniaee primarily farmed to suppon or oppose one or more ballot measures Ire shown on the OUlSido or each piece of slate mail and on at 1.....( v..... ...f tI... :......._ every inlen iDc:Iuded with each piece of slalemail in no less than 8-point roman type which shaJl be in a color or print wbich contrasts wilb !be backcround so as to be easily legible. A post o1Iice box may be stared in lieu of a street address if the _I address oflhe slate mailer orpnization or 1be commiaee primarily formed to support or oppose one or more bIIlot measure is a IllaIIer of public record wilb the Secrellr)' of Slate's Polilical Reform Division. (2) At the top~. bvtl",uI ...ftl.... ~.....tm.wside or surface,J,f ..(1__ ~.... ;........l of. ~IJ.~ mailer or It the lOp., l.II>.... of_GWi side or surface ofa postcard or other self-mailer, there is a nolice in at least 8-point roman boldface type, which shaIJ be in a color or print which conlrlSlS with the backcround so as to be easily legible. and in a printed or drawn box and set apan from any other printed matter. The nolice shaIJ consist or !be foUowine stawnent . OIJOOM I NOTICE TO VOTERS TIllS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY (nlllle of slate mailer organizalion or commiaee primarily formed to suppon or oppose one or more ballot measures), NOT AN OFFICIAL POlmCAl. PARTY ORGANIZATION. .'~r--" :.. ~ -:1_ J _ ..vl . ;;I, :'1"*,1" ....d...._ .d v! vtl~.. _,..,.._:-. :.. tI~ ......a~. ...... J_.. :(;"""1) ,.dt..' _1..( v. "rr-";~"''''1.... _I :-- -~ [_4. . :..~~ ., . '\"'I"---:',.":d[",. ~_Ih...:"'..d bl .._..I. lH"b.. All l"!.""'idares- and ballot --_ ~l':"~.:' rneHUrel desipa.ted by... m ha~ Mid "for their Mbn."in rhiJ mAill!l' "' A Ii!tin.. in 11m mai~ ~ nor: neees..urilv jmnlv endOl'QmII!'!nt of ocher candidJ.~ or mell.1'tIrI!S litted in thiJ mAj)~. . I I I I I (3) 'FI_ .__. ...L._L..dd._...._.,d ..:t) ..rll_...l_~ _.....!l__ .....o-.:..a:;,.... "'. ..........:th... .r.:'._:ll (_--4 h.. ......r.r.... L ... "rr--- ....... .... ........ b..H...L . ___ ........:'..<1 1..1 r--r...rl. (I) _.d LI_ _..~_ ........:...4 bl ... L~) -J -rr- .... d... _ ...:~.... .._fa........r r- 'T id IIII"'inIert: Anv I.:r~ ........ to a hallot: ml!2..WM that ha! Da ID he indude.d on the !lare maill!l' !hallalJo cnnmlv with the mnviJions of Section 84~O] et Jet! (4) Each candidate and each ballOt measure that has paid to appear in the slate mailer is desicna=<l by 8ft a ill. Any c:andidalC or baUol measure that has not paid to appear in the slate mailer is not desicnated by ~ ill. The & ill required by this subdivision shall be or the same type size, type style, color or CODlrIS~ and legibility as is used for the name of the candidate or the ballot measure name or number and posilioD advocated 10 which lhe & ill desicnation applies except dlat in DO case shall the & ill be required to be larcer than 10- POUIl boldface type. The desicnalion shall immediately foUow lhe name of the candidate. or the name or number and posilion advocated 0lI1be ballot measure where the desicnaliOll appean in the slate of candidates and measures. If there is no sJau: lisline. the desicnalion shall appear at least once in II least 8-point boldface type, immediately foUowine the name or lhe candidate. or the -lWIID4' IlIIIIlber 1'" p"sition ..sv0Cated on the ballot . measure. (5) The name or any candidate appearine ill the sIIlemailerwhoisamemberofapolilicaJpartydi1l.erine from the polilicaJ party which the mailer appears by representalion or indicia to reprueol. is 1CCOIDpIDied, I I I I I ! I . I'PPC: "II) =- 111... .. . .. immodiareIy below the IIIIIle, by the party de5ipalioa of the candidate. in no less than 9-point rolllllllype wbich shall be in a color or priDt that c:ontraslS with the baclczround ... as to be easily 1epble. The desipalion shall DOt be required in the case of ~"';A.r.. for nonpartisan ollice. (b) For purposes of the desigDllions required by parapph(4) ofsubdivisioa (a). the p"ymentofany sum made reportable by subdivision (c) ofSeclion 84219 by or II the behest of I coftl\iA... or commillee. wbose name or posilion appears in the mailer. to the slate mailer organization or commitII:e primarily formed to support or oppose one or more ballollDel51lRs. sha1I consliwle I plymentto appear. requiring the & W desiJnatiOD. The payment sha1I also be deemed to consli_lUlborizatioa to Ippear in the mailer. (c) A slate mailer Ihat complies wi1Illbis section shall be deemed to satisfy.the requirelllelllS of Sections 20003 and 20004 bf the E1ections Code. I I J I 1 SectiofU 84501 through 84510 art oddcd tD the Government Code tD read: ~ Article 5. DiscJ05\Ire in Advertisements. Ie f f 84501. AdvertisemeDL (I) "AdvenisemeIll" means any pneraI or paIllic advertisement which is IUdlorized and paid for by I person or committee for die purpose of supporlinc or opposing I candidate for eleclive olfice or I ba1Ioc measure Ot ballol measures. (b) "AdvertisementO does not include I communicltion from an organizalion other than I political patty to its memben. I campailD bullOft smaller 1han 10 inches in diameter. a bumper sliem smaller 1han 60 square inches. or other advertisement as dewmilled by regulations of the commission. . t . I 84502. CumaJalivtl CcIIltrlbutloas. "Cwnulalive conlribulioos" means die cumuIIIive conlribulions to I committee bePnnin, the lint day die statement of orpnizalion is lUed UIlder Scclion 84101 Ind endin, within seven days of die lime die Idvertisement is sent to die priDlet or broadcast station. J . f 84503. DlsclaIllre; Ad....d......41 For or AlaiDsl Ba\Iol W....... (IJ ADy advenisemenllilr or apinsl any baIIol measure shall include I clisclosuR _ ideIllif)iDa any person whose CUlDIIIIlive _uibulions ... fifty thousand dollan ($50.000) or __ l 1 1. 1 (b) If there are more 1ban l"'O donoa of fifty thousand dollats ($50.000) or more. the commillee is only required to clisclose die biJbest and ..-d biJbest in that order. III die eWIllt Ihat more dlan two dooon , meet this disclosure lbfesbolclll ideIIIicaI cOlluibuliOll I.vels. the bighest and ..-d bighest shall be seIecIed aceordin,to cbronolop sequence. f 84504. IdOlllHlcatloo or Cammlllee. (I) ..NJy ',"- dIIlSuppol\1 or opposes ODe or more baDolln.asureubaIJ name and ideIIIify itself using a name or.,mue 1IIIt. cIariy ;n.",;--1he economic or other special iDIInsrofils major daacrs'oflifly thousand dollars ($50.000) or men ill any reference to 1he COIIlIIIiaeenquinid by law. iDchxIiDg. bnt DOl limited, to its Slltelllelll of orpllizaIion &led pursuantlD Seclioo 84101. (b) If the major donors or IifIy thousand cIoIIars ($50.000> or more sbR a CllIlIIIlCIIaqlloyer. the idenlity of the emplo)W shaD also be disclosed. (c) Any commillee which S1lppOl1S or opposes I ballot measure. sha1I print or broadeut ilS name as provided in this section u pan of any advertisement or other paid public swement. (d) Ii -- or 1beir _IrOOed COlIIIlIillees, as a JlIllIP or iDclMdua1Iy. meet the COIIlribatioa dnsboIds for I person. they sha1I be icle1Ilified by die CllIIIrIllliDg candidate's name. f 84505. A voidaDce of 1>ItcW1It~ In addilion to the requirements of Seclions 84503. 84504, and 84506. the commiaee placing the Idvertisement or penons actiDJ in conc:en with Ihat commin.. shall be prohibited from creatin, or usina I noncandidate conlrOllecI cominiaee or I DOnsponsored ~""'.r~~r-lDavoid. crdwresuJts in tbe avoidance of.lbe disclO$ure of any individual, iDdustry. business WI)'. COIIIrOllecI ~ or sponsored COIIIIIIiaee as a major fundin,som<:e. f 84506. IDdepeDdlD1 EspeDdltans; Advertisements. If the upellditure lilr I broadcast or mass mailiDJ adverlisemenllhat expressly advoc:ales die elecliOll or c1efeal of-any ...~.. or any ballot _ is an if. JoE oiont ezpeDdilUR, the onmmitlee. _si_ widI __any4iscJ_IlIq1liIIId.Ily.SeoIiaDs 84503 and 84504. shall iDoJude.cD the adveni.semenldle DIDIIS of die two perscmsmakiDa Ibe 1Iqesc~~ to Ibe ~...... '11- lIIIIciIl, the iDdepo.w..1 ...pvudi1lR. Ii an -,m is used lD specif.y any commiaee _ required by 1bis seaion. die DIDIIS of any spotISOriIIJ ....,,,;... of the 10 me: (111) IZI .. 111. OOOOIS I ; J;", ;."! " , , , ~ -" I ~.j ~.~l -.1 I "4 > '. . COmmillee shall be printed on print advertisements or spoIcen in broadcast advcnisements, F<< the purposes of detenniniDI the two conlributors to be disclosed. the colllributioos o(eacll ponoo to the collllllittee makin, the independent expendilllR darin, the one-)'eII' period before the election sbaII be agrepred. '~ I 84507. Printed StatemOllt or Broadcast CommllDlcallon. Any disclosure statement required by this article shall be printed clearly and 1e(ibJy in no Jess !ban II). point l)pe and in a conspicuous lIWlJlet as defined by the Commission or. if the communicalion u broadcast, ~ informatioD shall be spoken so IS to be clearly audible and understood by the iIIlCllded public and otherwise appropriately conveyed for the hearin, impaired. civil Prosecutor, 50 perceDtshall -be doposited ill the ICCOUIll of the aseney brinrin, the actioD and 50 percent shall be paid to the General Fund ot lhe sllte. S.ction 82039 of the GoV'17I1fIDU C<>d. is amaded to r<Dd: I 12039. Lobbyist. "Lobb,ut" means any individual who 4 -+10'..4 ~ -.--bL.. ~ rwo thnuund dollaR (~2 aoO) 01' lIWU ecooomic -considcr2liOll in a calontb. """"" - - GCha' dlan RimIlIancmont for RlSClIlIble !rIvel expenses, or whn'!!:e nrincinal duri~ ..t an ernrdQ~ art!. to cOllllllUllic:are dir=tly or lIlrou(b bis or her asents with any elective stale ollicial. asency olIicia1. or Ierislative official for the purpose of inIIuencin, Jerislative or adiDiaiscraaw Q" 4 .. ~l..~.L.A ... . ....4. r- ~_.. ...r th.. -..:. :..:_ {v. _1~...1. J).,. va ..1_ ._...:. _ .--:~A_.. :.. Ev. 11- ".-r-- we :dI~~. b,:,~... ~ , - - ~.<Ii.. ....tiv... No individual u a lobbyist by reason of activities described in Section 16300. S.ctiolLf 83114 and 85802 are added '0 the GOY'""".n, C<>d. to read: 113124. Cast at JJ-riDc AdJastmOllL The COlIIIIlission shall adjust the coatribution limiwions and expcndillll'e limitations provisions in Sections 15100 et seq. in January of every even- numbered )'ell' to retIect any increase or decrease in die CalifcnDa Coruumer Price Index. Sucll adjus_ sbaII be rounded to the neatest 50 for die limiwions on conlribuliOllS and the neuest 1,000 for the Iimiwions on expenditures. I 15102. AppropriatJon to the Fair Political PractJca COIIIIIlisslon. There u bereby appropriated from the General Fund of the stale to the Fair Political Pra.:lices COIIlIIlissioa the sum of live bundred lhousand dollars ($500.000) annually above and beyoad die appropia!ions OIlIblisbed for the eommissioe in die IiscaJ )'ell' immecIiately prior to the e1reclive dare of Ibis IICl. adjusted for cost-of-liviD, chan..... for expeadi_ to-support the operations of the COIlllllissiOll pumllllllO this act. If any provision of this act U successtidly -obaIieRpd.-"'~s_ a COS1S sbaII be paid from the GeaenlI'uad and the """"";,.;oo's budpt sbaII DOl be toduced accordiDrJy. I f 84501. DiocIomre at One FIIIIdinr Soan:e 011 Any Ad"ertiseme'nL If. disclosure of two major donors u required by Sections 14503 and 84506, the committee shall be requiRe! to disclose, in addition to the COtIUIIittee aame, only its bi(hest major coalribulOt in any advertisement which is: (a) An e1eclroaic broadcast of 15 seconds or less, or (b) A newspaper, mapzine, or other pDblic print media advertisemenl whicb is 20 square inches or less. 184509. AmeDded Stat_Is. When a commillee 1iIes an amended campairn Slltement pursuant III Section 81004.5, the committee shall chan.. its advertisements III reflect the c:han(ed dUclosure information. f 14510. R.medies ror ArtJd. ViolatJons; Civil Action; Fin... (a) In addition to the remedies provided for in Chapter 11 (commencin, witIl SecliOD 91000) of this tiUe. any person who violates this article u liable in a civil or adminislrative action brou(ht by die -"ioa or any person for . !iDe up to Ibree limes the cost of the advenisemen~ iDc1udin, placement costs. (b) The remedies provided iuubdivision (a) shall also apply III lilY penon who purposely causes any other persoo to violate any provisiOll of Ibis anicle or who aids and abers any other personin~olatiOD. (c) If a judlJllOlll u entered apinst the defendaat or defendants in an acliOll brou(ht under Ibis sectiDn. the plaimilf sha1I nr:eive 50 percem of the IIIlDUIII reco.ved. The remainin, 50 peteODt sbaII be deposited in the Oeaerall'uad of the -. In an actiOll brou(ht by a loW 000046 S.ction 20300 of the EkctioM CHI. is Tlpllllld tlN/ Staion 89519 of the GoW/ntIM1It~. is repIIikd I I I ""PC: (111)=--0 11 111_ . and 1M following section is added 10 tlu GO'HT7IIMnt Cod. 10 r<ad: .. f 19519. Sarp.... Campalp F1UUIs. A1Jy~fimds ill _ of 0Ip0IIICI iDcmred fer die campoip or fer ~ spcci&cd ill sabdMsion (d) of Scelion 85305, receMd b)' or CD bebIIf ollD iIldMduaJ who seeb IIClIIIiIlllioD fer eIec1ica, or .Ieclion to ollie.. shaIJ be deemed ID be surplus campaip liIIIds . Illd sball be dislributed witbiD 90 da)S aftor wilbdrawal, defeat, or .Icelion to ollie< in die foUowiD,1IIIIIIIer: (a) No IIlOR tIwl ren lbousancI doIIIrs ($10,000) ma)'be deposilM in die andidare's ofticebolder_ excepl such SIltpIus frtm a campaip ClIIId fer die a=eraI .Icelion shaIJ not be deposited iDID die _..~ lCcount witbiD 60 da)S ""-Got.l)' IilI10winI 1be .Icelion. (b) Any remaininl surplus fimds shaIJ be dislribulld to III)' pilHIicaI pari)', relW'lled to CllIIlribuIDn on a pro rala basis. or IIIm<d over to dle CieDeraI !'and. , . ~ CClllStnlction. This lCt sball be Hben1Iy consaued to aocomp1ish ill purposes. . LqislaUn "-""_IS. . . The provisions of Seclion 81012 of die Governmenl Code wbich aDow I.cislalive 1IIlf" ~"'RlS ID die Political Reform Act of 1974 sball apply ID aD die provisions of this ..t except for Scelions 84201. 8530 I, 85303.85313.85400. and 85402. App11cabiUly of Other Laws. . . . Nolhinl in this law sba1I ""emplIDY person from appllcabl. provisions of IDY Olhet laws of Ibis ..... SenrabWty. (a) lfanyprovision of this law, or die applicalion of Iny such provision ID ID)' person or circums_, shall be held inva1id. die .......;"""r of this law ID 1be .xtent it can be Ii- elfecl. or 1be appllcaliCll of such pI'O'Yisioa SO pcnc:m CI' circ\r1l.1 J .. ocber 1baa *-. . ID wbich it is he1d invalicl..sba1IllIHe-llllceld~, IlldlDtbismadle~onsoflbispn__~ (b) Ifb~' ",_..R..' ..d"aafSecUcla 15400 of Ibis law sba1I be beld iIm1id. 1be COIIIribaIioII limilllions specified ill Seclions 85301 Ibrllucb 85313 shaIJ apply. . ~ I I CoalUctIa. Ba110t Meuuns. lfthis act is _....d by VOterS bUlSuperseded b)' IDY o1ber -.fI;.uJi"uotmeuate _v.ee1 by IIIlXe voterS 1l1be _ eIectioa, Illd 1be ""'lIIietiIl. baUOl __ is J-. beId iIIvaIid, it is 1be iIuat of lhe VOterS 1bIl1bis IClIbal1 be self-aecuIinJ IIId civen twlliln:e of 1be law. . EIrecIWe Date. : This"w sbIJJ become eIIilcliw JlIIIIIr)' I, 1997. "_~t to Palltlcal Reform AcL Tbis cIIIplIr sbaU IIIIIIIId 1be Political RefomI Act of 1974. o-w.t Illd aD ofill provisions which do DOl c:oalIict wiIb Ibis cbapter shaIJ apply ID 1be provisions of Ibis chaprer. 12 I'JIlIC: (111).... ",. 000DI7