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Date: August 27, 1997
Synopsis of Previous Council action:
Recommended motion:
That said ordinance be laid over for fmal adoption.
Contact person: HUSTON T. CARLYLE
Supporting data attached: Staff Report
Council Notes:
{} 9 f ;z./17
Ordinance Laid OVer
...;'. ..
,.- ...
Council Meeting Date: September 2.1997
Mayor and Common Council
City Attorney's Office
August 27,1997
September 2, 1997
Proposition 208 is a statewide initiative measure passed by the voters at the
November 5, 1996 election. Proposed by California Common Cause and the League of
Women Voters, among others, the measure extensively amends the California Political
Reform Act's ("PRA") provisions regarding pOlitical campaign finance and disclosure. The
measure imposes new contribution limits and permits a local jurisdiction to adopt a system
of voluntary expenditure limits. It also makes a number of important technical changes,
and substantially increases the penalties for violations of the PRA, including conflict of
interest provisions.
A copy of Proposition 208 from the Fair Political Practice Commission is attached
for your information.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 85400(c), the subject ordinance is proposed
for the purpose of establishing a voluntary expenditure ceiling for candidates of district or
ward or citywide elective offices for every Primary, General, Recall and Special Election
held on or after November 5, 1997. The proposed ordinance deals only with the voluntary
expenditure limits. All of the other provisions contained in Proposition 208 would apply to
the City of San Bernardino in that it has the same impact on charter cities as it does on
counties and general law cities.
5 '.
6 SECTION 1. Section 2.56.195 is hereby added to the San Bernardino Municipal Code to
7 read as follows:
27 /II
28 /II
Voluntary Expenditure Ceiling.
A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 85400( c), the voluntary expenditure ceiling
for candidates and/or controlled committees of such candidates for elective office
shall not exceed a combined total dollar amount equal to $1.00 per each resident in
the District or Ward in which the candidate is seeking elective office for each
election. If such candidate is seeking citywide elective office, the combined total
dollar amount equal to $1.00 per each resident for each election shall be based upon
the total number of residents of the City of San Bernardino. The number of
residents which shall determine the voluntary expenditure ceiling for such elective
offices shall be based upon the most current federal census statistics available in the
City Clerk's office.
B. Each candidate for elective office shall file a statement of acceptance or rejection
of the voluntary expenditure ceiling set forth herein with the City Clerk before
accepting any contributions. If such candidate agrees to accept said expenditure
ceiling, the candidate shall not be subject to the contribution limitations in
Government Code Section 8530 I, but shall be subject to the contribution
limitations in Government Code Section 85402. The City Clerk shall provide
notification to voters that the candidate has accepted the voluntary expenditure
ceiling set forth herein, as required by Government Code section 85602,
August 27, 1997
No candidate for ward or citywide elective office who accepts the voluntary
expenditure ceiling established herein and no controlled committee of such a
candidate shall make campaign expenditures cumulatively in excess of the
voluntary expenditure ceiling set forth herein.
If a candidate declines to accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling set forth herein,
the candidate shall be subject to the contribution limitations in Government Code
Section 85301.
If a candidate declines to accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling set forth herein
and receives contributions, has cash on hand, or makes qualified expenditures equal
to 75% or more of the voluntary expenditure ceiling for that office, the voluntary
expenditure ceiling set forth herein shall be three times the limit specified herein for
any candidate running for that same office.
If an independent expenditure committee or committees in the aggregate spend in
support or opposition to a candidate for office more than 50% of the applicable
voluntary expenditure ceiling, the voluntary expenditure ceiling shall be three times
the limit specified herein for any candidate running for the same office.
Except as provided herein, the provisions of the California Political Reform Acts
of 1974 and 1996, Government Code sections 81000~. (collectively "the
Acts"), and applicable regulations adopted pursuant thereto, as the same may be
amended from time to time, shall govern the interpretation and application of this
The penalties and remedies for violations of this section shall be those set forth in
25 the Acts.
26 SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect for every Primary, General, Recall and
27 Special Election held on or after November 5, 1997.
28 1/ /
August 27, 1997
"." ..
3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and
4 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a
meeting thereof, held on the
5 _ day of
6 Council Members
, 1997, by the following vote, to wit:
Rachel Clark, City Clerk
The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this _ day of . 1997.
Tom Minor, Mayor
City of San Bernardino
August 27, 1997
- .
Political... Reform
Act-of 1996
IIProp. 20BII
- Commission
..... ..- ...... .............
......... .....100 . ........ CA..,.. . (111)322-Il1O _"SI24711
s- (
OF 1996
StcriD.... 85/00 ond 85/0/ of tltt GoVtmmtJlt
Codt Ort rtptokd. end S.criDn 85/02 of tltc
GOVlT7l17ll1ll Cod. is rcptoUd uc.pt for ,ub..ction ('1
wlrich is renumbered Section 85205 of tltc Gov"""'cnt
Code. end the folI<>wi1tg Chopter 5, commmcing wilh
Section 85/00. is odded to Tule 9 of tltc Gov.mmt1Il
Code os follows:
Article 1. .mdiDp and Purposes.
t 85100. Tille.
This ehaplU shall be known IS die California
Politieal Reform Act of 1996.
t 85101. .mdiDp ud Dec1antlolls.
The people fiDeI and declare cacIl of die foDowing:
(a) Moncraryeonaibulions to political eampaips
are a legitimate form of participation in die American
politica1 proew. but die finaDciaJ sueollh of individua1s
or organizations shou1d not permit dlem to eurcise a
eontroDing influenee on die election of eandidate:s.
(b) The rapidly inerwing cosrs of political
campaigns have forecd IIlIDY corA.... to eWe IarF
and larger perecntascs of moDCy 6'om inl&reSl JCOUPS
with a specific financial stake in IIlIIfelS before State and
loeal governmcnL
t 85102. Purpose orThls Law.
The people enact this law to aeeomplish the
following separate but related purposes:
(a) To ensure that individua1s and inlClCStllDUps
in our society have a fair and equitable oppornmity to
partieipate in the elcetive and JOVmlIllCntal processes.
(b) To minimize the potelltiaUy conupting
influence and appearance of conuptioo c:aused by
exe...ive eontributions and expeaditur'CS in eampaips
by providing for rcasonableeoatributioo ad speIIding
limirs for candidates.
(e) To reduce die influence of 1argc eootribUlllrS
with a specifie financial stake in mallm befoR
govcmmcnt by severing die linIt belWCClllobbyiDg and
eampaign fundraising.
(d) To lessen die potentiaUy eorrup!iDg pressures
on caadidates and officeholdcrs for fundraisiDg by
establishing sensible time periods' for soliciting and
accepting campaign eoatribulioos.
(e) To limit overaU expeadi_ in campaigns.
rberebyal10willg ""ovI;A.... and ofIieeIoo~ III spend a
leuer proportioo of tbeir time 00 1imcIraisiDa and a
greazr proportion or their time eommunicating issues of
importance to voters and constituents.
(f) To provide impartial and noncoerc;ive
inceotives that encourage eaadidates to voluntariJy limit
campaign cxpeaditures. '.
(g) To meet die eitizens' riglU to know die SDUrl:CS
of campaign eootribulions. expenditures, and political
(b) To eolCt tough peoaJtics whicb wiD deter
persons from vio1atiog this cbapter and die Political
ReformAct of 1974.
Article 2. Appl1eablllq ClMbe PoUlical Reform Act
t 85202. AppIleabillt1 or !be PoUtica1 Reform
Uo1ess speeific:aUy superseded by this act, the
definitioos and provisions of the Political Rerorm Act of
1974. Goveromem Code Sections 81000 ""q. shall
govero die interpretation of this law.
f 85203. smaU Contributor Committee.
.Satall cootributor committee" means any
eommittee whicb meers aU of die foDowing eriteria:
(a) It has a membership of IlIeut 100 iodividua1s.
(b) AU lhe cootributioos it receives from any
person in a calendar )at totallifty dollars (SSO) or I....
(e) II has beeo in existence II least six moDlbs.
(d) It is not a candidate-controUcd committee.
t85204. T..... Y ear Period.
-rwo-year period" means the period commeneing
wilh Ian\lll)' I of an odd"numbered )'Car and eoding with
Dceemher 31 of the next even-numbered )at.
f 85205. PoUdca1 Party Commlllee.
"Politieal party eommittee" means die swe central
c:ommiooe or eounty ceIllI1l eommittee of an organization
that moeIS die rcquiremeots for recognition u a political
party pursuant to Sectioo S I 00 of the E1ectioos Code.
f 85206. PubUc Moneys.
"Public moneys" bas the same meaning IS defined
in Sectioo 426 of the Penal Code.
ArticIe.J. Coat,rlbutioa Litaltatioas.
See1ioIu 8530/ dwtIgh 85307 end 8S/02 tltro"gh
85/04 of tltc Gownunent CotU tire repeokd end the
foI/DwittI uaiotu tire IIIid#II rD tltc Go_ Cod. to
I'Pl'C: (111):122 .110
f 85301. Limitations on Contributions From
(a) Excep' IS provided in subdivision (a) of
Seclion 85402 IIld Section 8S706. no person. Olbet than
small contributor committees IIld political pony
commiaees. shaI1 make to any candiclalc or the
candiclalc's conlrOlled c:omminee for local omce in
dislricts with fewer than 100,000 resideuts.1Ild DO such
candidare or the candiclalc' s COIl1rOlled commiaoe shaI1
accept from any penon I coDlribution or coolributions
totaling more than ooe hUDdred dollars (Sloo) for each
election in which lile candiclalc is Illempting to be on the
ballot or is a wrire-in candidare.
(b) Except IS provided in subdivision (b) of
Section 8S4Q2..and SectiOD gS706, DO person. other !baa
small conlributor commiaocs IIld political pony
commiaees, shall make 10 any candidare or the
candidate's cOlllrolled comminee campaiplin. for olIice
in dislricts of 100,000 or more residents, and DO such
candidare or the candidare' s conlrOlled comminee shaD
accept from any such penon I coolribution or
contributions totaling more than two bundred fifty dollars
(S2S0) for each election in whicb the candiclalc is
atrempting 10 be on the ballot or is a wrire-in candiclalc.
(c) Except IS provided iJi subdivision (c) of
Section 8S402, DO persDIl, other than small cootributor
cornmi__ and political pony c:ommiaocs, shaD maD 10
any candidare or the candidare's coolrOUed c:omminee for
srarewide ot!ice. and DO such candiclalc or the candiclalc's
controlled comminee shall accept from any sucb pessDII
a conlribution or conlributions lOWing more than five
hundred dollan (SSOO) for each eleClioD in whicb the
candicIaIc is aaempting to be on the ballot or is a wrire-in
(d) No person shalllllllce to any commiaee that
contributes to any candiclalc and no such commiaee sbaU
accept from each such person a conlribution or
contributioDS totalin. more than five hundred dollars
(SSOO) per calendar year. 'l'hiJ subdivision shall DOt
apply 10 candidare-conlrOlled commiaees. political pony
commiaocs, and indepeatl-nt expendiDIR """"";-
(e) The provisioDS of Ibis section shaD nonpply
to lcandidare's contributioD ofbis or herpersooal funds
10 his or her own campai8D commiaoe, but shaD apply 10
contributions from a spouse.
f 85302. Limitatioas OD Contributions tram
Small Contributor COlIIIIIiUe&
No smaU coDtributor c:ommiaoe shaD make 10 III)'
candidate or the controlled c:ommiaee of such I
candidare. IIld DO such candidale or the (O"""'-'s
conlrOUed c:ommiaee shaD accept from I small
conlribUtor commiaoe, I conlributioD or conlributions
lOI3Iin. more than two times the applicable conlribution
limit for persons prescribed in StGtIon 8S30 I or 8S402,
whicbever is applicable,
t 85303. LimlIa&ns on Contributions to
PoUlIcaI Parties.
No person shaD live in the l"",pIC 10 political
porlY( 'II&.S of the IIIIIC political pany. and DO such
part)'(.......;,.....combilledshaD accept from any person.
a coutributiOD or COIIlributions totaIin. more tbart live
thousand doUars (ss.ooQ) per~'-'.' year; except a
candidale -may distrib= any surplus. residual, or
une.peaded campaign ..{tmds to a political pany
commiaoe. 0"
t 85304. LimItations on Contributions from
PoUticaJ Parties.
No more !baa 2S percent of the recOllllllellded
expellditIIrC limits specified in Ibis act II the time of
adoption by the vorers. subject to cost of liviD.
adjusllllCnts IS specified in Section 83124, shall be
accepted in cumulative conlributions for any election
from all political pany commiaocs by any candidate or
the conlrOlled cnmmiaee of such I candidare. AJty
expelldiDIRS made by a political pany c:ommiaoe in
suppott of a candidale shall be considered conlributioDS
10 the candidate.
f 85305. R.aictioas 011 When Contributions
Can Be Received.
(I) In dislricts offewet than 1,000,000 residents,
no candidate or the candidare's conlrOlled commiaee
shall accept conlributions more than six months before
any primll'y or special primary election or, in the event
there is DO priftllr)' or special primary election, any
regular election CX' special election in whicb the candidate
is IlrelIlplinIIO be 01\ the ballot or is a wrire-in candidate.
(b) In districts of 1,000,000 residems or more and
for swewide elective omc.. no candidate CX' the
candidale's conlrOlled c:ommiaee shall accept
c:oaaibulions IIItft than 12 months before any primary or
special primary election or, in the event there is no
primary or ~ primary election, any re,war election
or special election in wbicb the candiclalc is III.ClIlplinl to
be 00 the ballot or is I write-in candidate.
(c) No ~....;.,.... or the _lled c:ommiaoe of
sucb candiclalc sha1l accept comributions tIlOR than 90
days after the dale of witbdrawal. deI'eaI. CX' electiClllIO
office. Contributions accepted ""-I;....1y faI10wiaI
sncll an election or wilbdrawal aad up III 90 days alter
that dale sha1l be used only 10 pay 0lJ!SlandiDI bills or
"PC: (111)'-
debtS owed by the canclidare or coo1l'Dlled l:DIDIIIitree.
This section shall OOlopply lD retiring debts inc:um=cI with
respec:tlO any electioo held prior 10 the effeclive elate of
this 0I:t, provided such funds are collected pursuantlD the
contribution Iimiu specified in Anicle 3 (cDlD"'"""ing
with Section 85300) of this Kl. applied separaWy for
each prier election for which debtS are beiDg relired. IIld
sud!funds raised shill DOl COUIlt apiDSt the COIllribulioD
limiwions Ipplicable for any election following the
e!feclive elate of this act. ..
(d) Notwithslm:\itls SlIbdivision (c), fuDds may be
collected at any time lD PlY for aaorney's fees for
litigalion or adminisntive aclion which arises 4irectIy
out of I cIIldielate' s or elected ollicer's alleged vio1alion
of SUle or Ioca1 campaign. di.sclosme, or election Ilws or
for I fine or asses.5meDl imposed by any govemmenlll
agency for violalions of this ICt or the Polilic:a1 Roform
AD. of 1974. or for I recount or conleSt of the va1idityof
an eIeclion. or for Illy expense cIirectIy woc:iated with an
extemaI audit or UNaolved l2X liability of the campaign
by the c:andidate or lhe cIIldicl.ate's con1l'DUed committee;
provided sud! funds" are collected pursuant 10 the
contribulion limitS of this act.
(e) Conlribulions pursuant 10 subdivisions (c) and
(d) of this provision sha1l be considered cootributions
raised for" the electioo in which the debu. !iDes.
assessments. recounts. conteSts. audits. or l2X liabililies
were incumd and shall be subject lD the contribulion
limitS of that election.
t 85306. Transfers.
No c:andielate and no commiaee conlrDlIed by I
candicl.ate or officeholder. other than a polilic:a1 party
committee. shall make any contribution lD any other
candielate running for ollice or hi5 or her cnnlrDlled
committee. This seelion shill not prohibit I cIIldicl.ate
from making a CDIIlribulion from hi5 or bet owo personal
funds 10 hi5 or her owo cIIldidacy or lD the c:andidacy of
. any other cIIldielate for elective ofIice.
t 85307. LoaDs.
(I) A loan s/lIIl be c:onsidMd I c:DIIlribulion from
the maker and the guanntnr of the loan aod sha1l be
subject 10 all contribution \imilllions.
(b) Extensions of credit for I period of more lban
30 do)!. other than am from fioaDcial iDslitutiolls given
in the normal ccane of business. are subject 10 aU
contribulion \imiwions.
(c) No _..IUl,.. sha1l personally IIIIkI
ouuWldiDg IOIDJ lD hi5 or her campaign or campaign
commi_ thallOlIlll:any one point io.lime more dwl
twenty thousIIld dollars (S20.000) in the case of any
Clodidate. except for _""in.- flr"governor. or fifty
thousand doUan (SSO.OOO) in the case of c:aodidates for
gove.mar. Nothing in this cblp.... sbal1 prohibit a
c.JlI!.cl.ate from making lllllimited c:ontribulions 10 bis or
her own campaign. "
I 85308. FIIIIi1y cOntrlbutioas.
(a) Coalribulions by a husband IIld wife sha1l DOt
be aggregated.
" (b) .~qntributions by children 0Ilder 18 shall be
ftIlelI as contributions aaributed equally 10 each paRDt
or guardian.
I 85309. AlI"Ple Coatrlbulious from Non-
No more dwl 25 pen:ent of lhe recollllDOlllled
volunwy expeodilllre limits specified in this ICtll: the
lime of adoplion by the vocm. subject 10 cost of living
adJus_ as specified in Sectioo g3124. for any
e1eclion shill be accepted in c:ontributions from other
thin individuals. anal1 c:ontribulDr committeeS, aod
polilical party c:otIIlllitIees in the "","pte by any
caodielate or the CDU1l'DUed committee of sudl I
candidate. The Iimilllion in this seelion shall apply
whether or not the candidate Igrees lD the expendilllre
ceilings specified in Section 85400.
185310. AlJ"PleCoalribu1lousIO All Stale
No person shall contribute in the aggregate more
than twenty-five thousaod doUan ($25,000) 10 aU stlte
candidates and the Stale c:andielateS' con1l'D1Ied
commine.. and politic:a1 party committeeS in any two-
)OlI' period. Contributions from politic:a1 parties shall be
exempt from this provision.
185311. Aggregation or FiDaDcial ActiYity.
All plymen15 made by I person esllbllshed.
financed. maiDlIined. or c:onIIOIIed by any businesS enlity,
labor organization. associaIion. politic:a1 party. or any
other penon or poop at such penons shall be c:onsidered
lD be made by I single penoo.
185312. Communications WllhiD au
The CXlIlS of inraoal c:ommuoicalions 10 members.
~ or sbnboIden of an organization. other than
. ~ . po1itic:al ~ .Jm..me . plllpose of supporliDg or
opposing. ~'M""" or candidates for elective oIIice or
I baUOl_ or __ shall not be c:onsidered a
contribulion or iDdepe-nt ~llu. UIIlIer the
provisicns of this act, provided sudl payments are 0Dl fl:Ir
the costs of campaign materials or ~Iies used ill
JIlIPC: (111)---
connection with broadcastinl. ncwspoper. billboard. or
similar [)'pO of general public COIIIIIIIlDication.
185313. OIIIcehold.r ACCOQIIL
(a) Eacb .lected o1Iicer may be permiued ro
establish one se...pted ofliceholder expense fIIIId for
tlpenses relared ro wislilll. serviDl. or cOllllllllllicaQllI
with consliDl.nlS. or with canyiDs out die ofIiciaI du1ies
of die e1ected o1Iicer. provided aureaare conaibulioas ro
such a fund do nouxceed len thousand doUan (SIO.ooo)
within any calendar jaI' Illd thIl die expeDdiDlreS are DOl
made in connection with any campailD for .Iective ofIice
or baJJot measur..
(b) No person shaD malrz.1Ild DO e1ecled oflicer or
officeholder account shaD solicit or accept from any
person. a conaibulion or conaibulions ro die ofliceholder
account rotalins more than twO hundred fifty doUan
(S250) durinl any ca1endar year. Conaibutions ro an
officeholder account sbaJI DOl be eoasidered camplilll
(c) No elccled oaiccholdcr or alIiceholder account
shall solicit or accept a conaibution ro die officeholder
account from. throush. or arranged by a resislered stare
or locallobbyisl or a swe or loca1lobbyist cmplO)'Cl' if
thIllobbyist or lobbyist cmployer finances. .lIp.... or is
authorized ro .npge in lobbyinl die IOvemIlICDlIl
agency of the ofliceholder.
(d) All cxpendiDIres from. and cODaibulions ro. an
officeholder account Ire subject ro die campailll
disclosure and reponiDs requiremenlS of the Polilica1
Refonn Act of 1974 as amended.
(e) Any funds in an alIicehoIdcr account remaininl
after leavins office shall be lUnlCd over ro the General
Articl. 4. V OluDlary ExpencllNre CeillDp.
1 85400. V olunlary Expencllture CeiUnp.
(a) No candidale for I.plative office. Baud of
Equalization. or stalCwi!lc oflice who voluntarily acceplS
.xpenditure ceilinp and any COtllrODed commi_ of
such a candidate sba1J make camplilll expeDdiDlreS
above the followinl amouno
(1) For an Assembly candidale. one hundred
thousand dollars (Sloo.ooo) in die primary or special
primary election and twO hundred tbousaod doUan
(S200.OOO) ill the pnenl. special. or special nmoIf
{2) For a S_ "'-1IId ""ovGm.. for Boord
of Equa!ization. twO IluIIdr.s tboasatId doIlm
. ($200.000) in the primlryor special primary election and
four hundred tbolIsand doUan (s.oo.ooo) in the pncraI.
special. or special runoff election.
(3) For SllIlewidc candidaleS. otbcr than SOVcrnor.
OIIC million doUan (SI.ooo.ooo) ill die primaryelectioD
and two million dollars (S2.ooo.ooo) in the pncraI.
special. or special runo1f election.
(4) For ~. four million doUan
(S4.ooo.ooo) in tbe.jirimary election and eisht milIiOD
dollars (S8.OOO.OOO) in the gcnen1. special. or special
runoIf e1eclion.
(b) In the event thIl die stare adoplS an opeD
priIllIry sys1aD. die voluntary cxpcndilIIre ceilinp for all
stale candidara in die primary election sbal1 be increased
by 50 pcrcellL'
(c) Anylocaljurisdiclion. lIlUIIic:ipality. or county
may establish voluntary expeDdilllre ceilinp for
candidara IIId COtIlrOlled commi-. of such candidates
for elective ollice nOl ro exceed one dollar (SI) per
resideDt for each election ill die disaiCl in which the
candidale is seekinl elective ollice. V olUDlary
expenditure ceilinp may be set at lower levels by die
local SOVcminS body.
1 85401. Culcllclate Acceptance or Rejection
or Expencllture C'oIIl..p.
(a) Each candidale for oflice sba1J file aswement
of acceptance or rejection of the voluntary expendilIIre
cei1inp ill Section S5400 before acceplilll any
conaibulions. 1f he or she aarces ro accept die
expcndilure ceiIinp, the candidale sba1J not be subject ro
the COIllribulion limitations in Section 85301. but sbal1 be
subject ro the conaibulion limitations in Section 85402-
(b) 1f a candidale declines 10 accept the voluntary
expenditure ccilinp in Section 85400. the candidale sbal1
be subj..,t ro the conaibution limitations in Section
(c) Any candidate who declined ro accept the
voluntary expendiwre ceilinp but who nevertheless did
not exceed the reconunended spendinl IimilS ill the
prinwy. special primary. or special election. may liIe a
statement of acceptance of the spendins IimiIS for a
sencral or speciaJ runolf election within 14 days
foUowiDs the primary. special primary. or special election
and receive all die benelilS accompanyinl such an
asrecmcnt specified in this acL
1 85402. CoatrIbullon Umlcallons ror
Culcllclates Acceptlq Espendlture ceWnp.
(a) Notwithstandins subdivision (a) of Section
85301. if a candidIte IICCeplS die expeoditure ceilinp sel
by local ardinance pursuantlD subdivisioa (c) of SectiOD
85400. DO person. Olbcr than smal1 contribulDr
""".~andpoUtical pInY"........:"..., shall make CO
any such C&Ddidate or die .....tUIo...s contraUed
I'I'PC: (111) 32lIIIU
, I I , -< .:
committee for elective ollice in dislric:ts of fewer than
100.000 r..idents and no such candiclato or tho
candidate's contrOlled commillOO shaU IOCCpt from any
such penon a cpnllibution or contributioas toWing more
than twO Inmdrod fifty dollars (S250) for oadleloclion in
which tho candidaD: is -.npting to be on tho ballnt or is
a write-in candiclato.
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (b) of Section
85301. if a candiclato oCccpts tho expondilUl'O coiIinp in
pmgraph (I) or (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 85400
or set by local ordinanco plllS\llllt to subdivision (c) of
Section 85400. no porson. otba'.tba!l small contributor
cornmittoos and political pony cemmi\toos. shall maIco to
any such cand;dato or the candiclato's contrOlled
committee for elective ollice in dislric:ts of 100.000
residents or more and no such candidate or the
candidate' 5 conllolled CommillOO shaU Keept from any
such potSOII a contribution or contributions toWing more
than 6ve hundred'dollars (S5OO) for each election in
which tho candidaD: is -.nptingto be on tho ballot or is
. write-in candidate.
(c) NotwithsWlding subdivision (c) of Section
85301. if a candidate accepts the expondilUl'O coilinp in
paragraph (3) or (4) of subdivision (a) ofSoction 8S400,
no person, other than small contribUlOl' commillOOS and
political pony COnunillOOS. shaU maIco to any such
candidate or tho candiclato's coDlrOUod comntillOO for
swewido oflice and no such candidate or the candiclato's
contrOlled committee shaU accept from lilY such person
a contribution or contributions toWing more than oDO
lhousand dollan (S 1.000) for each election in which the
candiclato is attempting to be on the ballot or is . write-in
f 85403. Time Periods ror Ezpenclitures.
For purposes or the expondilllre cellinI'. quali6ed
campaign oxpondilllrOS made at any time uP 10 the date or
tho primary. special primary. or special oIection shaU be
considered expondiDlrOS for thaI election. and quali1ied
campaign expondilUl'OS made Iflcr 'tho cIato or such
electiOll shall be considered oxpondiDllOS for tho gononl
or runoff election. However, in tho ovent!bat payments
are made but tho goods or sorvicos are DOl used during
the period pur<:hasod. the plyments shaU be considered
qualified campaign expondilUl'OS for tho time period in
which the goods ex services IlO used. PI)'IIlOIIts for
goods and sorviccs used in bodIFiods shaU be pronlod.
Ig5404. ExpeDdlture CeIlIDp LIfted.
(I) If I cancIicIato dec1inos to accept vohmllry
oxpondi1In coiIinp and ncoives contributions. has cash
on hand, or malta quali1ied OltpondilUl'OS equal to "
potteDt or moro of the recollllllOlldod expenditure coiling
for that ollice, the volunwy oxpondilUl'O coiling shaU be
throe times tho limit speci60d in Section 8S400 ror any
candidaro I'UIIlIing for tho same non-Slatewido ofIice, and
two times tho limit specifiod.i11 Section 85400 for any
candidato t'lItlIling for tho same statOWido oIIiee. AJJ.y
candidaD: rWwng for that oflico who original1yaccepted
volwuary expondilllrO coiliDp shall be exempt from tho
limits lhat political pony comntillOOS may contribute to a
candidaD: in Sectian 85304. and such caodidales shall be
permitted to c:onIiDue receiving contributillns at tho
.amounts set forlh in Section 85402 of this act
(b) rhn iDtIepondelll oxpendiruro committee or
commillOOS in tho aggrepte spend ill support or
opposition to I candidate for __sarewido ollice more
than 50 pon:ent of the app1icab~voIUDlIry expeudiwro
ceiliDg. tho volunwy expondiwro coiling shaU be 1hreo
times tho limit specified in Section 85400 for any
candidate runniDg for tho same eloclive ollice. Any
candidato running for that oflico who origiDally accepted
volunwy exponclilllrO coilinp shaU be exempt from the
limits lhat political pony committees may contribute to a
candidaD: in Section 85304. and such candidales shall be
pernlittod to continue receiving contributions at tho
amounts set forth ill subdivision (I) or (b) of Section
85402 of this act '
(c) If an iDtIepoodont expondilllrO comntiaee or
commillOOS in the Iggregate spend in support or
opposition to a clllClidate for statewide office more than
25 porcont of the IppHcable vnlunwy expondiwro
ceiling. tho volunwy oxponcliruro coiling shall be
increased rwn times tho limit specified in Section 85400
for any candidate NnDing for the same Slatewido ollice.
Any candidate running for that office who originally
accopted volunlaty exponditure coiUngs shall be exempt
from tho limits that political pony committe.. may
contributO to a canclidate in Section 85304, and such
candidaleS shall be pmnittod to continue receiving
cnntributions It the amounts set forth in subdivision (c)
of Section 85402 of Ibis act
(d) Tho commission shaU require caodidales and
indepclIclola cotIIIIli=os to provido sutliciont nocice to tho
CommissiOll and to all caodidales for !he same oflico that
they are Ipproaching and exceeding tho thresholds sot
forth in this section.
ArtIcle 5. IDdepellclellt,EzpeDclituns.
f 85500. lJuIepeaclellt EltpeDclitures.
(I) Any CommillOO wbich makes indepeDdelIt
oxpondilIIrOS of more than ODe lboo.'.... dollars (Sl.OOO)
in suppott of or in opp Qlition to any clllClidate shaU notify
I'JIPC: (111) 3ZI 11111
the liIing officer IIld all ~ lUIIIIing for Iile same
seat within 24 hours by facsimile 1raIISIIIissioo or
oyernight delivery eacb time this thresboId is met. The
coDllllission shall dotcrmiDe the clisclOS1lR requiremeDts
for this subdivisioo IIld shall es1ab1ish JlribH-
permittiJlg persons lD file repons iDdicaling on-goiDg
independeot expenclillll'OS.
(b) Nocwithstancling subdivisioo (eI) of Sectioo
85301. any COIIlIIliaee lIIat makes illclcpeDdeDt
expendiaues of one lbOUSllld doUars (SI.ooo) or IIlOR
supporting or opposing a r.....;~.'. shall not accepllll}'
conlribution in excess of twO hundred fifty dollan (S250)
per election.
(c) Any CODlribulDr that makes a conlribution of
one hundred dollan (S I 00) or more per eJection lD a
candidate for elective ollice shall be considered lD be
acting in conee" wilb lIIat candidate IIld shalJ not IIlI1a:
independent expenclillll'OS IIld conlributions which ill
combination excetd Iile IIIlOUIlts set.forlh in Section
85301 in supponoflbat-.. or in opposition lD that
candidate' 5 opponent or opponents.
(d) An expencIiwre shalJ not be considered
independent, IIld shall be treated as a conlributioo liom
the person making the expencliwre lD the candidate on
whose behalf. or for whose benefit, Iile expenclilllR is
made either:
(1) Wilb the coopcnIion of, or in coasullalioo
with. any candidate cr any iuthorized commi1lCC or apol
of the candidate.
(2) In conc:ert with. or llthe request or suggestion
of. any candidate or any aulborized commi1lCC or agent of
the candidate.
(3) Under any arrangement, coordination. or
dir<ction with respect to the candidate or the candidate's
agent and lbe person making the expenclilllR.
(4) By a candidate or oIIiceholder supporting
another candidate or officeholder of Iile same political
pony NI1llillg far a _ in the same legis1alive body of the
candidate or officeholder.
for purposes dthis section. the person maIciog 1be
expenclilllR shall include any ollicer. direclDf. employee.
or agent of lbat person.
Article 6. Ballot Pamphlel ud Sample Ba1lol.
t 85600. Candidate Access 10 Slate Ba110t
The Secrewy of S_ sllall 1Jn"ide. -to all
candidates far SlIIewide oIIice. wllo voluIIlIrily choose lD
limit their c:aqllign ...pooudia.u. ill KCClIlIIoce wiIb lhe
provisions of this ICl. a campaign _ in lhe -
ballot pamphlet of 100 words in primary IIllI special
elections. and 200 words in general eIeclions. flee of
charge. C'n";""" for~talIOWide oIIice not choosing to
limit their campaign apendilllRS, in accordance to
proYisions of this act may also publish a campaign
swement of similar length IIllI fcrmat in the swe ballot
pamphlet, but shalJ be lIbargod the pro rata COlt of
priIlling. baDdliog. transUimg. IIllI mailing lhe camjlaigo
statemenL Such .....;~al/! SlIlCmeDts shalJ DOl include
any refereDces to a candidate.s opponent or oppoDOIllS
and may include a photograph of !be candidate.
t 85601. C~altidate A.... to LocAi Sample
Ballol MalerIals.
-(a) 'fhe -elerk of..-h eouoty 1hall provide to
c:andidaIes far o6:es ofdle SlIle Assembly. State Senate.
and Board of Equalization. wllo voluntarily choose to
limit their -..;go ~m_ in accordance wiIb this
ICl. a campaign _nt with 1be county sample halIOl
maIerials of 100 words ill primary and special elections.
aod 200 words in general eIeelions. flee of c:barge. lhe
add-on cost of which is to be reimbursed liom lhe -
General Fund. Cancliclaw for 1be ollices of State
Assembly. State Senate, and Board of Equalization DOt
choosing to limit their campaign expendilDreS in
accordance to this ICl may also publish . campaign
statement of similar length and format with lhe CODDEY
SlIqlIe baIlollllllCrials. but shalJ be charged lhe pro rata
cost of printing. haodIing. traDS1aliIlg. and mailiog lhe
~gn sratemoot. Such candi~ statements shall DOl
include any references to . candidate's opponent or
opponents and may iaclude a photograpb of dle
(b) The statements of candidates for State
Assembly. State Senate. and Board of Equalization llllY
be included in lbe state ballot punphlet instead of with
the county sample ballot materials if lbe Secretary of
State determines that inclusion in lhe state baDot
pamphlet is less expensive and more convenient for lhe
t 85602. NodllcalioD to V olen.
The Secrewy of State and local elections otJicers
shall I"""';'..udy desiJlllle on 1be ballot and in lhe baDot
pomphlet and sample ballOllhose candidates who bave
voluowily agreed to ~tIIre ceiliags. l1te
commission shalJ prescribe by regulation lhe melhod or
methods for such deaigoation.
Artlc!le"'. Adc11lloaal Coalribatlclll Reqw-u.
. moo. DIIcloaure of OccapalioD ad
No conllibutiOll of ooe hundred doUars ($100) or
more shalJ be depoaited into a C8I!Iplign chec:Ir:iq
""PC: (ll1)3ZMIIO
account unleu the 1WIlO. oddresS. occupalion. and
emplO)U of the COIlIrlbutor is 00 file ill the records of the
recipient of the cODtribution.
t 85701. 1lJCeIpt alLaDDllend COlIlI'ibullons.
Anyponon who oa:epIS I CIlIIIribution wbil:h is DOt
from the persoD lisred on the cbeck or subsequent
campaillll disclosure _I sbaI1 be liable lD pay the
swe the enlire _ of the 1auDdcred contribution. The
SlIlUIO of limilllions sbaI1DOt Ipply lD this provisioll. and
replymenlS to the swe sbaI1 be made IS 10na IS the
person or any commiaee coulrOUed by such I person has
any funcls suffieieul to pay the SIllO.
t 85702. Bandllnl of CGDtributlons.
Contributions made diRcl1y or illdiJecdy III or on
behalf of I particular candidare dIrou(b an illlamecliary
or conduit sbaI1 be lreIred IS COlIlributioas from !be
contributor and the illlamecliary at conduit III the
candiclalO for the purposes of this limiwion unJess the
inlOrmecliary or conduil is one of the following:
(a) The candidare or represenlltiYO of the
candidalO receivina conlributions on bchaIf of !be
candidaIe. However. the represenlltive sbaI1 DOl include
the followina persons:
(I) A commi_ other than the anAUI.... S
campairn commiaee.
(2) An a!icer. emplo~. at Ipllt ora commi_
other than the candidare's campaipl commiaee.
(3) A person reriJtcted IS I lobbyist with !be
governmental 1gency for which the candidalO is rWutina
or is an officeholder.
(4) An ollicer, ~IO)OO. or ageDt of I corporation
llI' labor orpniution aeona on bcha1f of the corporation
or oraaniution.
(b) A voIunu:cr, who otherwise does not fall under
paragraphs (I) through (4) of subdivision (I) of this
provision. hostina I fundraisinI CYOIIt outSide !be
volunteer's place of businesS.
t 85703. Earmarldlll of CGDtribuliollS
No person shall make and uo person. other than I
candidale or !be candidalO's CGDlrOlled commiaee. sbaI1
accept any cODtributioo 00 !be condition or with !be
arreement that il will be cDlltribured to aoy particular
candidaIO. The apendian alfWlds received by I person
shall be made II !be SDle discrelion of the recipiellt
t 85704. COlltrlbutlaas from Labb)1stl.
No elected omcebolder. eonA;dl" or the
candidaIO's COlIIrODed commi- may solicit llI' KCDPlI
~rn coOtribUtiOD or coDlributioD to an olIiceholder
account from. through. or arrIlIged by I re(islered Sllle
or local lobbyist if that lobbyist finances. enpges. or is
luthorized to eopID ill lobbyiDr the JovDrUIIIDntal
IJDIlCYfor which !be rlll4;da'" is seekinJ election or the
govoromooWlrencY of the ofliceholder.
t 15705. Colltribulious from Govenuneutal
No JlOrsOD appointed to I public baud or
commission or IS TmsIeD of Ibc California SlIIO
University or ReIDnt.of the Ulliversil)' of California
durinJ!toure in oIiae..w dooIIe 10. or solieit or accepl
any CIIlIl'Iipl coolribution for. any commiaee conll'oUed
by Ibc person who made the appoiDtmenllD thII ollice or
any other Dutil)' willi the in_ dIa1 the recipient of the
donation be any commi_ conlrOlled by such person
who made !be 1ppoiDtmDDl.
t 15706. X-lJurisdicdous.
(I) Nothinl ill this act sbaI1 nullify conlributioo
limilIlions cr other campaipl disclosures or prohibitions
of any local jurisdiction thII are IS cr more slriDaeat than
sel ford> ill this acL .
(b) The JOYDrIliDI body of I local jurisdiction may
~ lower COlItribution limiwions Or other campaipl
disclosures or prohibitions that.. IS or more .lrinaeal
Ihan set forlh in !his acL A local jurisdiction may impose
higher contribution or expenditure limilllions only by I
VOlO of the people.
(c) Any cbarlOr municipality which choasCS lD
establish I volunlary spenclinllimil program involvinl
matching funds. consisll:n1 willi subdivision (c) of Section
15400 of this act, may sel a uniform contribution ceiliDl
from any person to any candidalO or Ihe candidalO's
conlrOlled commillDD of I contribution or contributions
lolllinl uo more than five hundRd dollars ($500) for
eacb election in which the candidlle is laemptinllD be
on the ballot or is I wri~.in candidare, provided thaI the
programdrea IIIIIIdlin& 6llld ratio of IIlwl one dollar
($ 1) to ea<h three malCbable priYllO contributions.
SteM... 83JJ6 GNl83//6.5 of rht GoWT1IJfWrll
Cod. orc "",etlded ID reod:
113116. Vlalatiou otTilie; Probable Cause;
HeariDl; NotIc:e; Ordar.
Wben 1Ile CouaissiOll ~...;..cs there is probable
cause for bcUevinl this tide has been viollled. it may
hold I bcarilll lD cIeterllliDe if such I violIIion bas
occurred. Notioe sbaI1 be Ji- and Ibc beIrin&
conducted in accordaDce willi the AdmiJIisIrIIive
Procedure Act (Go_t Code. Tille 1. Divisioo 3.
FPPC: (111) =--
Part 1. Chapter 5. Sections 11500 et seq.). The
Commission shall have aU the powen sranled by that
When the Commission determiJles on the basis of
the heariDa that a violalion has occuned, it shall issue all
order which may require the violator lD:
(a) Cease and desistviolalion of this title;
(b) File any n:pons. ...-.. or ollter documoms
or information required by lhis title;
(c) Pay a monetary penalty of up lD I.. d... I
a...ll~J (S:.ae9) five thounnd dol1an (S~ 000\ ner
violation to the General FUDd of the state.
. When the Commission detetmiDes that DO vio1a1ion
has cecum<!. it shall publish a declaration so swine.
t 83116.5. LiabWty for V1oIalioDs; .
Any penon who violates allY provision of this title.
who purposely or nesJigendy causc.s any orIter petSOIIlD
violate allY provisioa of this tide. or who aids IIId abets
any other penon in the violation of allY provision of this
lide, shall be liable 1lJIder the provisions of Ibis cblpler
and Chan(~ 11 (cornme1"lr:inlr with Section 91000l.
1'.... . :4..4. 1.... _'... _. tJ_l tl':' .._~..... ..h.dl ..r..I., ...d) tv
1"...........- ..1.... 1_.... Sl:". .... '''r-~. ~t..4i..._
II':' ~ti... v. ..I... _.. __-r1.-.t04 f_ _.A4 :".~I.:"'.
ct... ..1_...:.... .......:..:.... .... di.~~. _} -,to:.~
......1.b..4.... n"S"':..A bJ Ii':" ~tl.... _04 tl..::.l_ .:..IAi...:. fir
til:'" .._~..... A..Jl .....l ......_~~b.. _. ~~.....d .:_~__
....4.... El_1"'L...l1.
Secrion 91000 of the Government Code is
QIIlended ro read:
t 91000. Eafon:emeJIL
(a) Any penon who knowin.ly or willfully
violates any provision of Ibis tide is JUilty of..
(b) In Illdition lD orIter penalties provided by law.
a line of up 10 the puler of tea IbausaacI daUars
(5 I 0,000) or three times the amount the pcrsoa faiIcd lD
report properly or unlawtilJ1y COIIlributed, cxpcadcd, pvc
or received may be imposed upon conviction fer each
(c) Prosecutioa for violation of Ibis tide IIlUSt be
'""'~_""'" witbia four)'CllS o1ter 1bc cIIte on whicIl the
violation 0CCIIlTcd.
LsD 1b! t'1Wnft'Iittion has ea~nr iurildietion in
enforcinG' the: erimi1'll11 miWm9ftftr' nmviliml fA mg
Sections 9/004. 9/005.5 tI1Id 9/006 D/ the
Government CDdt Grt amend" t~ r,tJd:
191004. VioIatl!IDofReportlqRcquinlllCllt;
Civil UabW17. .
Any penon who intentionally lit ocsJipady
violates allY of the RpOtIine requiremcllls of this ACt, llt
who lids and abeL, any neROn who vitl.at8 anv of the
rl!nlYtincr mn....;.""...,,;;1I1II of this lid. shall be liable in a civil
action brouJlIl by the civil proICC1IlDr lit by a penon
residiae within 1bc jurisdiction fer all amount DOl more
thall the atIllllIIIt or value DOt properly rcporled.
191005.5. Chil L1abWty for Violallons.
Ir:ry ...._ "OO"riolates III)' provision of this tide.
exccplScclions 84305. 84307.II1lU900I. for which DO
spcciIic ciYiI pcIIIlty is provided, shalJ be liable in a civil
action brouJlIl by the """",,;";on or the district IIIamCy
pursuant lD subdivisioa (b) of Section 91001. lit the
c1ccted city lIlDnlCy pursuant lD Section 91001-'. for all
amowu up to l....... th__.4 d...H~... l$~.999) fin
thouund milan: ($.5 OCNll net' violarion.
No ciYiI action aUcai', a vio1a1ion of Ibis tide may
be filed against a pcrso. pUl'S1lllllIO this section if the
crimiaaI proICC1IlDr is mainlaiaiai a crimiaaI actioa
apast that penon pllrS1llllt lD Sectioa 91000.
The provisions of Ibis section shalJ be applicable
only as lD violations occutria.o1ter the cft'cctivc cIIte of
this sectioa.
t 91006. Joint aDd Se".raJ LiabWty for
Anv ftI!I""VWI who violates anv nmvi~on of this rirll!
who nttmn!elv nr nel'titrentlv eauSI!! any nrher nenon to
violate Iny nmvilion of this title or who aids and abets
aftV other nenon in the violation of any nmvision of this
title shan he liahle until!!' the nnw1:sions cfthis ehanter
and nwer 1 (t'WrUftene1nl' with Section 111 om of this
1ilIl. Ii two or more penons arc responsible for allY
violalioa. they shall be joindy IIId severally liable.
Section 91015 of the GcMmment Code is repealed.
I 3181S. l.;..hilit,r tlv. ..'1...I..,ti__, €.' . I
ewd e:.a.
'Fl... ........ :..:...._ ...I L.. . .~. J..di _.n -rr11 ~
. :...~__ ~(S_li..... 8311 Go!.
StcMlI 8420/ is added", the GOYCnllMIIl eo.u
"' rt4d:
""PC: \111)-'-
0000I3. .
t 84201. Contents 01 CampailD Statements;
ReportlnC Tbnsbold.
The lhresbold lor conaibutiQDS and IlXpendilllreS
reported in !he campaip swemenlS desipllled in
Sections 84203.5. 84211. and 84219. IlXcept lor
subdivision (i) of Section 84219. and for cash
conaiblllions and anonymous cODaibulions desillW<d in
S~tioDS 84300 and 84304. shaI1 be set It no __
one hundred doUars ($1 (0) notwilhstandin. any ocber
provision 01 law or any legislative amendment to such
Seen,," 8430S.5 of the GOV.",,'UI1IJ CoU is
amended /0 read:
t 84305.5. Slate MaDen, Reqalnments.
(a) No slate mailer orpnizaIion or commilree
primarily fcrmod to support or oppose one or more bI1IOI
ltlCaSIII'es shall send a slIle mIi/cr anJess:
(I) The name, _t address. and city of !he slIle
mailer orpnization or commilree primarily fcrmod to
SUPPO" or oppose one or more ballOl measures are
shown on !he 0UISide of each piece 01 slate mail and on .
J..._L ....... ...f d.... :._.... ~ everY imert iDCluded with each
piece of slate mail in no Jess rhan 8-point roman lype
which sha11 be in a coIcI' or print which CODIrISlS \Vim die
backl/Ollllll so IS to be easily 1ecible. A POSI olIice box
may be stated in lieu 01 I _I address if !he SlI'eel
address ol!he slate mailer orpnizaIion or lhe commilree
primarily fcrmod to support or oppose one or _ bI1IOI
measure is I_ of public recard wim !he Secrerary of
State's Political Reform Division.
(2) AtthetopD. b..tt........[tl....'......l~side
or surface .;.( ..ll___ .;....... :._. of a dIU! maill!r or I[ the
top.. l__... of-a side or surface ola posrcard or
other self-mailer, there is a notice in It lcut 8-point
roman boldface lype, which sha11 be in I color or print
which connslS with the backcround so IS to be easily
Icsiblc. and in a printed or drawn box and set apan &om
any other printed matter. The nolice shaI1 consist 01 die
foUowin, statement
(Dame of slate mailer arpnization or commilree
primarily formed to support or oppose one or more
---:1... J~_ .....l 31 ~,..l) ......h..___..l .A
...tl_... -rr-:..... :.. tt..:.. ..-J_. ..... ..1_.. :l :""t"11
. . ..L.;~ on ....r"..~~..M 1.. _, :...._ _L I....d.
~11~ .. . .'~,,-_:.. ,.":J [v. -4 _d.....:....d
h, __..1. ..~. All r'"nv4ilbb!S" and ballOl
-- ~Ia:..I.:" ~e desipared by..-m
ha"le Mid "for th!ir IHftnp.in rhi~ rnailt!r "\ A lierin. in
thi! maiwtlrlN rw: ~."'Iv irnnlve~nr of
ocher candidab!.t or tnl!!:A.mre~ Ii.ned in thil rnail~,
(3) 'Fl... ,__. ..L..vL 1J1._.. _.4 ..;t) ",:11.. .1_~
1l..J.. -o-~...:....... .....M.......:th... ".:'._:1; [...--d L..
.....1"'1"'''.. .... "'''r--- ..- ... _...... l..dl_. __ _
1';'.,..:'..4 b, ...--00-1"'1. (1) ~.d 11_ _...~..... ....,..:...4 1.,
r--r-Yl t!) "'-J -r,.- ..... II.... ___ .:~ ... .._&..... ...[
~ Anv Ic:.[......~-...;::; to. hallor ~ that hat naid
to hi!! included on ~ 1I.Ie rnail~ shall aim emnnlv wirh
the movilioft.e of ~ection A4~O~ I!t SI!O
(4) Each candidate and each ballotlllClS1lre that
has paid to appear in the slate mailer is dcsicnated by lit
. m. Any c:andidate or ballot measure that hIS not paid
to appear in the slate mailer is not dcsicnated by ....
The. W required by this subdivision shall be of
the same lype size, lype style, color or conns~ and
lesibilily IS is used for the name of lbe candidate or the
ballot measure name or number and position advocated
to which the & W dcsicnation applies IlXceptlhat in no
case shall the & W be required to be lqer than 10-
point boldflce lype. The desicnation shall imnlediately
lbUow Ibe IlIlIlC of the candidate. or die name or number
and position advocated on lhe ballot measure where the
dcsiption Ippears in the slIle 01 ca,vlid.._ and
IIlOaSUrOS. If there is no sIIte listinC. the desiSDllion shall
.ppear otlcut once in It leut 8-point boldface type,
immediately foUowinC the name of the candidate, or the
~ lIIIllIbcr ~ition advOCated on !he bI1IOI .
(5) The name 01 any candidate 1ppeIrin, in the
sIIte IDIiIer who is I member oil political party diftWinC
&om the political party which the mIi/cr appears by
represcnlllion or indicia to RprUent, is Itt"lllpanied,
IIPPC: (111) 3ZHIIa
immodiaJeJy below rho name. by rho party desipalion of
the candidale. in no less !ban 9-poinl roman type which
shall be in a color or prinl dial comnslS with rhe
baclcground so as III be easily Iepble. The desipalion
shall not be requiRd ill rhe case of ""'ldiA..- for
nonpaniDn ollice.
(b) For purposea of rhe desipalioas required by
pmaraph (4) ofsubdivision (a).lbepa~ of any sum
made reportable by subdivision (c) of Section 84219 by
or at !be behest of. aMi"'tlta or commiuee. wboIe name
or position appears in rhemailer.lllrhe slare mailer
organization ar cClll1lllitree primarily ionaed III support or
oppose one or more ballot measdRs. shaU cOllSlilure a
paymeDIIll appear. requiriallbe" m desiJllllion. The
payment shaU also be deemed III coaslilDle lIllIlorization
III appear ill rhe mailer.
(c) A slate mailer lbat ~1ies with this section
shall be deemed III satisfy Ibe reqaiRmeats of SecticGs
20003 and 20004 bf rhe EIectioas Code.
Secrions 8450/ rltrough 845/0 ore oddd fQ rite
Go.emmenr Code lD rw:
Arlide 5. DlscIosure ill AdvertisemeDts.
f 84501. AdvertisemeDt.
(a) .AdvenisemeDt. _any ~ ar public
advertisemenl wIIich is aulhorized and paid for by a
person or commiaee for Ibe purpose of SlIppCI'liaJ ar
oPposinl a candidate for elective olIice or a ba1Iot
moaslD'e or ballot melSW'eS.
(b) . Advertisement. does not include a
communicalion from an orpllization other dlaa a
potitical pany III ilS members. a e&lIlpaisn buttOn smaUer
Ihan 10 inches in diamelel. a bumper slicker smaUer Ihan
60 square inches. or other ad~l as derermiDed
by reJUlalions of rhe commission.
1 84502. CIIJI\DIallve Caatrlbatloas.
.Cumulative concribaticllls. DIelIlS Ibe C1IIIIII1ative
concribulions III a commiaee beJinaillI rhe first day Ibe
stalemenl of orpnizalion is lI1ed under Section 84101
and endinl within seven da~ of Ibe lime Ibe
advertisement is senlllllbe primer or broadcast station.
1 84503. DIsclGIDn; Advel tl..u..41 For 01'
ApiDst BalIol aI__
(a) AtJy advertisement for or apillst any baUot
measure shaD include a disc10sun _ ideatif)iDa
any penon whose CW'DUlative contnbutions are fifty
thousand do11an ($50.000) or more.
(b) If lhere are more 'lIlIn \WO donors of lifty
thousand doUars (550.000) or more. rhe commiaee is
only requiRd III disclose Ibe hiJbest and second hiJbest
in WI order. In Ibe ewAIt lbat more lbaa lWO dooars
meel this disclosure IInslloIclIl identica1 cOlllrib1llion
levels. rhe hiJbest and second biJbest shall be selecled
aceardillllll cbronoloJical sequence.
184504. ldel1l111calioD of Committee.
(a)..ADy " lbatsupponsoropposesOllOar
IlICI'lO baDot IlIOUIII'eUhaD name and ideIItify itself asiDl
a name or-flbrue lbatclellly'\ ..1\,.....1he ec:onomic: ar
otber speciaJ inInst'ofiu major doacrs'oflifty tbOllSlDd
doUars ($SO.ooo) or more ill any reference III Ibe
COlIlIDiaeerequired by law, incm.m,J. but nollimited, III
ilS StatemeOl of arpnization &led parsUlDIIll SectioG
(b) If the major donors of 6Ity thousand doIJm
($50.000) ar lIIlR sbn a COIIIIlICII emplOF. rhe identity
of rhe emplo)ef shaU also be disclosed.
(c) Any ....wWi_ whicll sappons or opposes a
ballot measure. sba1I prilIl ar broadcast ilS IWIIO U
provided in this section U pan of any advenisemeDt ar
other paid pubtic SlltellIeIIL
(d) If ".11""..... or their CODllOIIed commi-. U
a JlllUP or illdividaaIIy. meet Ibe conlribution tbraboJds
for a penon. Ibey sba1I be identified by Ibe cnntrnl1ial
candidate!s name.
184505. Avolduce ofDIIdaoan.
In addition Illlbe requimnents of Sections 84503.
84S04. and 84S06. rhe commiaee Placinl Ibe
advertisemenl or persons actinJ ill concen with lbat
committee shall be prohibited from creatinl ar usm, a
noncandidate controlled commiuee or a nonsponsored
~";lIioo ltl..oi!, ar lbat RSUlts in rho avoidance of, Ibe
disclosure of any illdividual, indusay. business entity.
c:oatro1Ied .......;11_ ar sponsored COlIIlIIittee as a_jar
I 84506. lDdapladenl Ezplndltares;
If rhe upendilllrl for a broadcasl or mass maililll
advenisemenllbat expressly adYocaIa Ibe election ar
defeal of .any ..oA;A,te or any ballot measure is an
irdo~ """I upendi_ Ibe ,0llltIli_ consisteat with
--&lIf,jiscJ_lOIq''''''' ~ S....- 84503 and 84504.
sba1I iDc:ludHn Ibe adveniIemenllbe DlllIel of Ibe two
persllllS maItinJ Ibe lqestcalrillatioas Illlbe "............
maJtiDllbe indepeodeal llper,nhlRo If an lCrlllIytII is
used III specify any commi_ _ required by Ibis
sedion. rbe DIIDIS of.y IpCIISOriDa :..: 'AI:...q oItbe
I'PI'C: (1'1):122 ..
~, 'i
cOmmillee shall be primed on prinl advertisements or
spoIcon in broodcast advenisements. For !he Plll'pOSes of
detonnining !he two conlributors 10 be disclosed. the
conlribUlioas ofeacll person 10 !he commi_ makin, the
independent expeodillln: durin, !he one-)'ear period
before the election shaIJ be .qrepred.
184507. Printed StatanOJlt or B-.:Icast
Any disclOSlU'e starement required by Ibis anicle
sh.n be printed clearly and Je,ibly in no !as dIan 10-
poinll)pe and in a conspicuous lIWID<< as defined by the
commission or, if !he cOllllllWlicalion is broadcast, file
informalion shall be spaken sa IS 10 be clearly audible
and understood by !he intended public and Olberwise
appropri.tely conveyed for !he hearin, impaftd.
I 84508. DIocIonn tJl One FundJnc Source on
Any Ad"er1lsemeilL
1/ disclOSlU'e of lWO major donors is required by
Sections 84503 and 84506, !he commi_ shall be
rcqui=! 10 disclose. in addilion 10 !he co......ao.. _.
only its highest major conlribulOl' in anyadv=Usemen1
which is:
(a) An elearooic broadcast of IS seconds or less,
(b) A newspaper. mapzine, or other public print
media advertisemenl which is 20 squ.... inches 01' less.
184509. AmeDded Statemeats.
When . commillee liIes an IIIIeoded CIlIIplign
stalemenl pursuant 10 Section 81004.5, the commillee
shall change its advertisements 10 reflect !he changed
disclO$ure information.
I 84510. Remedies for Artide VIOlations;
Civil Action; FIDes.
(a) In addition 10 the remedies provided for in
Chapter II (commencin, wi1h Section 91000) of Ibis
tide, any petSOlI wbo violllCS Ibis anide is liable in .
civil 01' adminisntiw actioa brought by !he _ofl'lll
or any person for . line up 10 line times !he cost of !he
advenisemenL includin, plac:ement COIlS.
(b) The remedies provided in subdivision (.) shall
also opply 10 lilY pel'SOIl wbo puIposeJy CIIISeS any other
persan 10 vioJare IOY provision of Ibis article or wbo lids
and abets any other peAOlIina.>liolatiOll.
(c) If a jud......t is entered against !he defeDdant
01' defendancs in an action brought under Ibis sectioa, lhe
plaiotifshaJI ra:eive SO percent oflhe IlIlIlWIt reco.:red.
The remainin, SO percenl shaIJ be deposited in !he
0enetaJ FuntI of !he -. In 10 action brought by. local
civil prDSecUlor, SO percentshaHile deposited in !he
ICCOUDt of!he .gency bringin, !he action and SO percent
shall be plid 10 the General Fuod of the stale.
Section 82019 of llIe Government CtJde is
tunDUleti to ,<Dd:
I 82039. Lobbyist.
1..obbyist- meus any iDdividuaJ who :.. -..,1_"...<1
~ - ---~L.. ~ nun thouund dnl1~ ($2 000) or
.QlQB..iD ecooomic "COnsideration in :l e.aL!ndar mnnrh
. ..Cllher rhan~ for RIS=ab1e trawl expenses.
or whnce ~.I dutil!S u an emn1o~ an!. to
cOllllllWliClle directly or rbrougb his 01' her ....ts willi
.ny electiw .- olIic:ial. agency olIiciaJ. 01' legislative
olliciaJ fOl' lhe purpose of in1Iuencin, legislative 01'
~....... aaia_ ir. -.d..~.L41.. ...4 r..;; ;~
~-:--'.:~I_ -J~..I.J~.....h_._";._... -: '_
!J (.... u_ r-r-" vI:.4I :... I....:.~... v.
.btl . . !......:... _~VII. No individual is I lobbyist by
reason of activities described in Section 86300.
SectioIU 81124 41Id 85802 are odded to llIe
Government Code to ,<Dd:
I 83124. Cost of UvIag AdJuStment.
The COIIllIIi.ssioo shall adjust lhe conlribUlion
IimitatiOlU and expenditure limilllions provisiOlU in
Sections as J 00 et seq. in JIIIlIIly of every even.
numbered )ell 10 reflect IOY increase 01' decrase in lhe
CaIifcraia Consumer Price Index. Sucb adjllSllllenls shall
be rounded 10 the nearest SO far the limitations on
conlribUlions aod the aearestl.OOO far !he limitations on
18S80%. Appropriation to the Fair Palltlc:al
Practices Commission.
There is hereby appropriated from the GeneraJ
Fund of !he stale 10 !he FIir Political Prlctices
ColllD1i.ssioo !he sum of 6.. hundred thousand doUars
(S5oo.ooo) annually above and be)'oad lhe
appropriations CSlIblished fer !he COlIIIIIi.ssion in the
6scal )'ear immediately prior 10 the e1fectiw dare of Ibis
ICl. adjusted for cost-of-Iivin, chanJ.l$, fer expeodillln:s
IO'Supportthe opera!iOlU of the colllllliuion pursuant 10
this ICl. If any provision of Ibis ICl is S1ICCessfidJy
-obalieftpd.-"'y-a<<eooaeys -lees ad COSlS shall be paid
m!he GetleraI Fund aod!he .,..".,,;,,;oo's budget sbaJ/
not be reduced accordinllY.
Section 20100 olllle EkctiDIU OMe is repaWJ
tl1Id SctiDnl19519 01 the Go..nuunr .f;ode is rep<likd
IIJtIIC: (111) 3ZHNo
11 ",.
Gild 1M following seClioIl is added ID du Govmurwu
Code ID rtllll:
f 89519. Sarphls Campalp FIIIIds.
llSIy-";llD limds ill _ of ,~ iIIcurred
fer lbe <aa;JIiJD<< fer ""P"'lm specified ill SIIbcIMsioa
(d) of SectioIl 85305. received by << 011 bcbaIf 0118
individull wbo seeks nnrm..ftooI fer eIeclioa, <<eIeCliClll
to olIicc. JhaI) be deemed II) be surplus campaiJlllilllds .
IIld sbalJ be dislributed withiD go days IllIIr wirbdraWII,
defeal, or elel:tion II) oI5ce ill lbe fo1lowioJ IIIIOIIer:
(a) No more than ten lbousIIId doIIIn ($10,000)
may be ~ro.d ill lbe candidaIe's olIi<'dlo1der-=am;
oxcepl such surplus fran a CllllplillD fimd fer lbe pnerIl
election shall DOl be deposited iDlD \be oGieebnIder
accounl withiD 60 cia,. _.__Iy li:lI1owiq \be
(b) Any remaiJlina surplus liIIIds sbaD be
dislribullld II) any pOHticaI party. reIIInIed to COIIIribuIon
on a pro rata basis. or DImed over II) rile CieDeIIl Faad.
This acl shal1 be Hbera1Iy COIISInIed to accomplish
ics pmposes.
LqIsIaIl.. ~"I01>4_ts.
The provisions of SeclIon 81012 at \be
Government Code which aDow leplative ......" rlft'IlII.IIoN
II) lbe Political Reform AA:1 of 1974 shaI1 apply II) aU \be
provisions ofthi.s act excepl for SeclIons 84201. 85301.
85303.85313, 85400,1Ild 85402.
AppUcabillly 01 Other Llws.
Nolhina in thi.s law shaI1 uemplany penoa fran
applicable provisions of IDY llIher laws oIlIIis _
(a) If any proviJion of this law. << lbe applicatioa
of any such proviJion II) any penon << circumslaDces,
shall be held invalid, lbe '-";...w of lIIis law II) \be
extenl il can be ai- dIict, << \be applicatiClll of IlICb
prot;isioa 10 pasans CI' circuli.!,.! ,.. GIber IbID It...
. to which il is held invllid,.shaI1 neHe......lIIInbf.
(b) lflbeexpea.dil...r . 'DIllolSecliClll 8S4OO
of lIIis law shal1 be Ileld iIIvIIid. \be ~
limilllions specified ill SecIiolIs 85301 IIIIaaIh 85313
shall apply.
CoalI1ctIaI BaDot Manns.
lfthis act is _o/ed by voters bat superseded by
IDY o1ber .....ft;,.,;.~__ _u.ed by more
voters II die -'eIecIiClll, and die CllIIIIiclIq baDo1
_ is laler Ileld iDYalid, it is die m.t of1be voters
dIIl1bia lei sbaIl be self""_1 and &iven ftill terce of
die law.
. Il'- ., .Date.
'Ibis law IbaU become eII'ecIM JIIlIIIr)' 1. 1997.
"--'~11o PoIIIIcU Rerorm Act.
This dIlIplIIr IbaU amond die PoUlical Reform AA:1
011974. -wi'" aU oIiII provisioGs which do DOl
COldIict wiIb lIIis c:bapw IbaU apply II) lhe provisions of
lIIis dIlIplIIr.
I'I'I'C: II1l1aaUu