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From: Tom Minor, Mayor
r Q"'I""'" 1
Subject: Community Facilities District
- AD 995
Dept: Mayor's Office
Date: August 14, 1997
Synopsis of Previous Council Action:
Rew..........ded Motion:
That Staff be instructed to develop an amended Settlement Agreement with Irving Feldkamp and Ruth
Newbury for Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (AD 995) which incorporates the deal points outlined
in the attached staff report.
Contact person: Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor
Supporting data attached:
Source:(Acct. No.)
(Acct. Description)
Council Notes:
Agenda Item No.~ 7
City of San Bernardino
TO: Mayor Tom Minor
Council Members
Jim Penman, City Attorney
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
Rachel Clark, City Clerk
Barbara Pachon, Director, Finance Department
FROM: J. Lorraine Velarde, Mayor's Executive Assistant
DATE: August 14, 1997
Attached herewith is the backup information for Council Agenda Item
#27 scheduled for the Council Meeting Monday, August 18, 1997.
. /~
J. Lorraine Velarde
Mayor's Executive Assistant
JLV: sc
(iHUJ e. t 4' 97 14: 01/ST. 14: oOINe. 4260609190 P 2
Kayor and Common Council
FRC>>l :
Fred Wilson
AUqust 14, 1997
AD 995 Fel~kamp Parcels & City awned Parcel~
On June 18, 1990, the City created Community Facilities District
No. 995 ('~O'istrict") pursuant to the Kello-Roos community
Faci1itie5 Act. In December, 1990, the City issued the $7,325,000
Special Tax Limited Obliqation Bonds ("Bonds"). Due to the change
in the real estate market and other factors, some of the owners
within the District were unable to develop their land as planned.
The City was required to refund the Bonds in 1994, and issued the
$3,315,000 Community Facilities District No. 995 of the City
(Verdemont Area) special Tax Refun~nq Bon~s (the "Refunding
Bon~s") .
In connection with the issuance of the Re!undinq Bonds, the City
entere~ into Mutual Releases and Settlement Aqreements (the
"Oriqinal Settlement Agreements") with the various developers, and
foreclosed on 42 lots owned by SB Five (the "55 Five Lots"). The
Original Settlement Agreements provided a payment plan allowing the
City to be paid the past due amounts over a period of years.
Approximately 163 homes had been constructed and occupied prior to
the refinancing. Since mos~ of the District still remains vacant,
the city has been required to tap into the Debt Service Reserve
Fund for the Refunding Bonds in order to meet debt service
payments. If subsequent payments under the Original settlement
Agreement are not made, the city will deplete the reserve fund and
in 1999-2000 the city will be required to raise the special tax on
the 163 homes in order to continue to meet debt service.
Dr. Irving Feldkamp and Ru~h Newbury (the "owners") are the owners
of 34 lots within the Dis~rict (the "Feldkamp Lots"). Like the
City, they al.o acquired their parcels by foreclosure. Said owners
have, to date, paid a portion of the payments due under the
oriqinal Settlement Agreement in the amount of $40,098.79.
rKOM ~AtiU ~ GKttN ~ALAtiA~A~
(THU) 8.14 9'/ 14:UII~I. 14:UU/NU. 4ibUbiJ919U ~ 3
City Statt and representatives of the Owners have neqotiated a
solution that will allow the Owners to develop the 76 Lots. The
most teaaible alternative is that the Owners purchase the SB Five
Lots and construct homes on all 76 Lots to create a subdivision.
This alternative frees the City ot the S8 Five Lots and at the same
time would provide development in order to spread the Mello-Roos
payments over a number ot homeowners.
The owners believe that the proportional price of a sinqle tamily
home in the District would be prohibitive because of the Mello-Roos
fees and Verdemont Infrastructure Fees. the price ot a similar
home outside ot the District is substantially less.
In order to determine the development costs associated with the
construction of the 76 Lots and a reasonable purchase price, City
Staff proposes the followinq modifications to the settlement
aqreement which would also allow tor the sale of the SB Five Lots
to the Owners. (The Feldkamp Lots and SB n ve Lots shall be
collectively referred to a~ the ~76 Lots".)
(a) Maximum Amount: of $p.ci"l Tax 'nr thA 76 LntA thrnllCTh
llnly 1997..
The Ownen would pay a total of $903,992.22. This aJll.ount
represents the followinq for the years 1991-92, 1992-93 and 1993-94
throuqh June 1997:
S8 Five
76 LotR
s pee i a 1
Interest to
September 1,
School Fees
L . s s
(frilll 8.14' 97 14:02/ST.14:00/NO. 4260609190 P 4
(No penalties have been aclclecl to the above). This total figure
(herein the ~Debt.) represents $11,894.63 per lot for the 76 Lots.
The Debt would be paid by the owners from two (2) sources:
(1) owners would make semi-annual installments of
$32,300. The tirst payment would commence on the date or execution
or the revised 'settlement agreement, ancl thereafter payments would
bl due on each June 1 and December 1 of each year until the full
amount of the Debt is paid.
(2) Developers would be required to pay a fee equal to
$11,894.63 plr home payable upon tinal inspection and clearance of
utilities for each lot.
Amounts due under Items (1) and (2) would be paid until the full
$903,992.22 i~paid in full.
The amount of debt to be paid by the Owners represents the full
amount of the special tax, interest and penalties and legal costs
throuqh June 1, 1997. The modification to the Original Settlement
Agreement would merely provide a longer period to pay the amounts
due, by allowing the Owners to make a portion ot the payments at or
prior to the sale or i.ndividual homes. All other special taxes due
for years after 1993-94 shall be paid and maintained current as
(bl DefAult and !l.p.ml!dv
The Owners would be in default under the revised settlement
agreement if they (i) fail to remit any payment to the City, (ii)
fail to record the final map for Tract No. 14193 on or before the
expiration date of said map (currently October 9, 1997) I or
(iii) fail to commence construction of the number of homes funded
for Phase I by the construction lender within ten (10) months of
execution of the revised settlement agreement or recordation of the
final Tract Map, whichever is later. Upon default, the Owners
would be required to deed all 76 Lots to the City.
(c) yerrllltmnnt Infrastr\1~t\lre lZ'A@S
The Verdemont Infrastructure Fees ("VI Fees") are to be charged to
property ownen wi thin certain boundaries to provide certain
infralltructure improvements and are payable upon c1eveloplIlent.
However, there have been no improvements to date. In the Original
Settlement Agreement the City acknowledged that the VI Fees (which
are not charged to like parcels within the City) create a
competitive disadvantage to the parcels within the District. The
City represented in the original Settlement Agreement that it would
ltf~l 8. 14' 97 14: 04/ST. 14: OOINO. 4260609190 P 5
use its bellt efforts to mitigate or restructure the VI l"ees. Under
the terms of the revised settlement agreement, the Owners would not
be required to pay any VI Fees.
(d) Storm Drain ~nnstruct1nn. S.w.r Fee~ And Oth@r V~~~
The Developers would not be required to pay any storm drain
construction.f..s or sewer plant capacity tees in conneotion with
development of the 76 Lots. The state of California Department of
Resources opened bids for the construction of the Bailey Creek
Debris Basin, box culvert at Ohio Avenue and the improvement of
Bailey Creek between Ohio Avenue and the debris basin. It is
estimated that the fees to construct the above will be
approximately $400,000. On behalf of the Owners, the City would
pay the state $300,000 of said costs, and the Owners would pay
$75,000. The City Staff will negotiate with the State to cap the
amount due at "$375,000.
The Owners would also be responsible for City Water Department fees
and all other street improvements.
(e) waD ~~~;~tan~~
The Developers have requested mortgage assistance to their buyers
from the Aqency's Mortgage Assistance Program ("MAP"). The Agency
cannot guarantee that the people purchasing the 76 Lots will
qualify to receive MAP funds. The MAP funds available at this time
are solely for very low income, and thus the people who would
qualify for mortgage loans probably will not qualify for the MAP
funds. The Agency would agree to use its best efforts to provide
MAP assistance to all buyers who qualify, however, MAP funds would
be available on a first come first' serve basis. Under the MAP, the
buyers would receive no more than the follOWing amounts in the
following years: 1998/99 - $50,000; 1999/2000 - $100,000; 2000/01 -
50,000. These amounts would not be carried over to subsequent
(f) Purchase of SB Five Lnt~
The 5B Five Lots were appraised for $430,000. The Owners would
purchase the SB Five Lots for a total consideration of $430,000 as
follows: $197,427.15 of the purchase price would be paid upon the
sale of each lot to an individual purchaser. The amount due per
lot equals $4,700.65 ($197,427.15/42 lots). The rema1ncler ot:
$232,572.85 would be deemed to be paid by the Owners upon
development of street improvements by the owners.
(1'1lU) 8. 14' 97 14: 05/8T. 14: oom. 426lJ61r9T90P 6
(g) S~.~~ Pronertv T.XR~ OWed nn ~M Fiv~ Lots
There are approximately $35,000 in outetanding back taxes owed on
the sa rive Lots through July 1997. Normally, the seller brinqs
all back taxes current prior to s.le. Since the City is not
receivinq any cash at closing, in order to pay said property taxes,
Staft proposes that the Owners bring the property taxes current and
the City would then provide a credit of one-half of said taxes
($17,500) towards the purchase price of the SB Five Lots described
in item (f) above.
There are also delinquent AD987 assessments due on the 76 Lots in
the amounts of $4,323.58 (Feldkamp Lots) and $4,662.64 (SB Five
Lotsl. These amounts would be brouqht current and maintained
current by the owners.
(h) Revi~i()n to Tract MAt)
The 76 Lots are collectively a part of Tentative Tract Map
No. 14193. The Owners have informed Staff that there are certain
discrepancies in the Tract Map requirements and the requirements
under the Original Settlement Agreement. Staff is awaiting further
information in this regard. The final tract map must be approved
or extended if possible 'by septemJ:)er 30/ 1997, or the project
cannot be developed.
Staff plans to have agreements for Council review and approval at
the Council meeting of September 15, 1997. Final approval must
occur prior to the September expiration date for the tentative
Tract Map unl.ss an extension is available.
8\14\97\ 1030 cg
~nOM SA~O & GnttN~ASAS
(T:>illJ 8.14' 97 14:05/ST.14:00/NO. 4260609190 P 7
Fred W11son, city A4a1nilltrator
ci~y ot San Bernardino
I.K. Feldkamp, 111, D.D.S.
CFt)995 Feldkamp parcel and city OWnecl Parcel
'1'0 :
August 14, 1997
We have reviewed YO\lr 11I8110 to the Mayor .1\4 Co_on Council.
Although r am committed ~O the City of San Bernardino, it i.
not realistic for me to develop the parcels unless I can
realize.. marketable finishecl lot. In that respect., tor the
pa.t eighteen months we bave been discussing in gOQQ faith
with city s~atf alternativu available for developing the
lot.. It was iJDparative thatw. cap the special taxe., and we
propose" a lot cap of $10,,465.88. This figul'e wu accepUd by
the city (s.. attached letter of November 27, 1996). Tht.
aaount ~ lot already include. significant interest.
penalties and coats which have acc:rued subsequent to entering
into the original settlement agreement.
A secon4 <lisagre..ent remairul the City's request that we pay
the delinquent County property tax on the city owned parcel
which accrued prior to city foreclosure of the property. We
are already saddled with County property tax which accruecl
prior to our foreclosure of the Fell5ltalllp own..:! ten acres. The
. city has indicated that ita cash deficienci.s do not allow it
to payoff these accrue4 taxes al is usual and customary. We
have agreed that to ease the City cash crunch we will pay
those taxes provided the City cre4its us with the full sum
towards the purchase price of the City owned lot. If the city
ac;rre.. to that propo..&l, we vill then agree to PllY the
delinquent assessments due under Assessment District 987 for
both the City owned llnd Fel4kup owned lots.
We bave already a~eed to contribut. $75,000.00 towards the
Bailey storm Drain. Thi8 contribUtion was not included in O\lr
oriqinal financial analysis and will mllke it even more
difficult to achieve an acceptable finished lot cost.
It i. U'uly in the best intere.t. of the city of San
Bernardino to enable the development of Tract 14193. I am
sure it is both our goalS to develop this project in a manner
so that the finished lot cosu and marketing package are
cOJlPetitive with existing and future houeing eto<:k in the
area. The development of Tract 14193 is an extremely
important factor in achiovlng financial health for ero 995.
."', --.
(THU) 8. 14' 97 14: 06/ST. 14: OOINO. 4260609190 p a
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November 27, 1996
Ms. Naomi giIver~leid
La.w Offices of .SJ.nger and Silvergleid
3750 ODivera1tf Avenue. Suit. 550
Riverside, Cal1tornia 92501
Re: City of S~n Bernardino va. San Bernardino S.B Pive at al.
l~~lnka~) case Nn SCV09593
Dear MS. silvergleid:
This lettu is in response to your most recent letter dated
NOVQmher 8, 1996, and is intended to clarify the pooition ot the
City of San Bernardino as to those issues whi~h you have raised.
The City of San Bernardino is aware that you and yom; consultants
have addressed the negotiations from the per5peotive of Dr.
Feldkamp an~ a home builder, but the City or San Be~rdino
cannot guarantee a finished lot cost to Dr. Feldkamp in any
dollar amount due to the variables in the final cost analysi~
which are not within the control of the City of San Sernardino,
The City of San Bernardino is willing to address those items
which are within the purview or the City to control. The items
.. whiclLe._v.ill. ague to recommend to the Mayor and COlI'!IIon Council
are as tollow.:
1. The City will forgo the payllleIlt of the verc1emont
Infrastructure Fee. the Storm Drain Construction
Fee ~d the Sewer Plant Capacity Fee.
The special tax debt las you have described
on your Bxhibit Cl will be capped at the
$10,465.88 per lot tigure; provided, however,
that: the full amount for each lot lllUst be -
paid in cash to the City prior to the close
of escrow to a home buyer and the occupancy
pennits being issued by the City.
DEe 2 ~ 1996
The Bconomic: Development Agency of the
(Tlrol g. 14' 97 14:a67ST.l4:crlf/NO, 426060919U I' 9
in each of the fiscal years 1997-98 and ~99B-
89 excluli vely tor t:hA!I p~j act of D%. :r.
Feldkamp for the purcba.. by qualified home
buyers uncler the MAP progzoa1l\ of the BOA.
Funds not used in the Uscal y.ar when
allocated would :be forfeited to the BOA. In
the event funds were nquixecl by the Feldkamp
development in CXCCD~ of the .llocate~
amounts, the home ~yers may nevartheless
qualify and obtain such MlP funds on an "as
a~ilable" basis frOlll the TIDA's City-wide
4. The City would bear the entire oo*t of the
Bailey Stom prain Channel. However I such
. i:lllR*ove~ptfi._ W01.l.1d not include any other
street: improvements, ))ox culverts, storm
dra:l:ns or other simil~ improvements that
will be imposed as eO!ld1tion8 of approval to
the parcel map number 14193.
5. The purcnase of Asses.or's Parcel No. 0261-
082-01 would be completed for the purchase
price as outlined in your AUgust 12. 1996
letterj provided hoWever, that the net
purchase pricQ payable to the City must be
paid incrementally .. cOllIPleted homes ar4t
sold to homebuyerll so that all amounts are
paid to thQ City by the time that the last
hQU88 has trancferred title.
If the conditions as set forth herein are acceptable to you, we
will then be able to commence the drafting and negotiations of
. tbe :l:1nal agreement between Dr. . P'eldJcamp and the City of San
Bernardino which of course, will be subject to approval by the
Mayor and council. Please contact either the undersigned or
Timothy J. Sabo, special counsel to the City, if you should have
any further questions with regard to the issues addressed herein.
... --. . -_.--- ...~ . .-... ,,-".. ..~ ~
flAW Imd
ec: Hayo!:" Minor
Lorra1ne Velarde
Roger Hard~ave
Tim Saba