HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-Redevelopment Agency e e e DE.LOPMENT DEPARTMEN. OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCn. ACTION FROM: KENNETH J. HENDERSON Executive Director SUBJECT: SUNLAC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT DATE: August 11, 1993 SvnoDS" l!1Prevlous Comm"sloulCoUDclVCommlttee Actlou(s): On JUDe IS, 1993, the Housing Committee recommended approval of the proposed Homeownersbip (down payment) Assistance Program for the SlIIli'!c Housing Development project. Recommended Motlon(s): --------------------------------- (CoDlDlUDltv DeveloDDlent Commiulon) MOTION: That the Community Development Commission adopt the proposed Homeownersbip (down payment) Assistance Program for the Sunlac Housing Development project and authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute any documents required to errectuate said transaction . ~ KE~~ERSON Executive Director Contact Person(s): Kenneth J. HendersoulDavid R.. Ed2ar Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): N/A Ward(s): Three (3) Supporting Data Attached: &Af[Reoorl'Modellnformation and A=ement (OPA) FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: ArnOUDt: $ 50.000 Source: Interest On Land Loan Budget Authority: Reouesled CommlssloulCouncU Notes: ---------------------------------- KJH:DRE:paw:suniac.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 08/16/1993 Agenda Item Number: ~ e e e . . DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNLAC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT On March 12, 1992, the Community Development Commission, at the recommendation of the Housing Committee, authorized execution of an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) with Sunlac Corporation. Execution of this agreement provided for the construction of sixteen (16) high quality single-family detached homes, which include the following models: 1. Four (4) 1,387 sq.ft., 3 bedrooml2 bedroom homes to be sold at approximately $132,990. 2. Ten (10) 1,667sq.ft., 3 bedrooml2 1/2 bathroom homes to be sold at approximately $149,990. 3. Two (2) 1,577 sq.ft., 3 bedrooml2 1/2 bathroom homes to be sold at approximately $144,990. Agency assistance towards this project consisted of a $425,000 loan to facilitate acquisition of the project site. In return for this consideration, the Agency received an origination fee (1.5 points) and interest to be charged at the Bank of America prime plus two (2) points "floating" rate (currently 8%). Repayment of the Agency loan, including interest (currently estimated at $47,790) will occur on a pro-rata basis at the close of each escrow. In consideration of the current market conditions, however, and the overall economic climate, the developer has now submitted to the Development Department a proposed Homeownership (down payment) Assistance Program. The major components of this proposal include the following: * * Mortgage Assistance would not exceed $5,000 per house. Assistance would be utilized for down payment and/or closing costs. Assistance would be provided in the form of a loan secured as a Second Deed of Trust against the property. Monies necessary to implement this program would be generated from interest income (land loan) due the Agency. If, however, additional funds are necessary to finance this assistance program, absent available interest income monies, the developer has agreed to provide these funds. Repayment of this assistance would not occur until the property is either re-sold, refinanced or a change in title occurs. * * * KJH:DRE:paw:sunlac.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 08/16/1993 Agenda Item Number: ~ e e e DEVELOPMENT DEPARflENTSTAFF REPORT SUNLAC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT August 11, 1993 PAGE-2- . ...----------- It is the developer's opinion that this down payment assistance program is critically necessary to ensure successful marketing and sale of the Sunlac Housing development. At its meeting conducted on Tuesday, June 15, 1993, the Housing Committee unanimously recommended to the Community Development Commission approval of this item. Based upon the heretofore mentioned reasons, and the relatively small Agency investment required, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. lJJ KENNETH J. ENDERSON, Executive Director Development Department KJH:DRE:paw:sunlac.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 88/1611993 Agenda Item Nnmller: ~ '- . 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". ~ ~ . . , , .. .! ,'- .. " , . ";"-.'" , / , . " '. , ' " ./ r: ..~~'. . _ . ~. :~3..~}.i~.::>. ~ ~.:~.;:~,.'-::;:.-:.:- ."'.~', ~-.:.' ~ ;.,:.: <7;> :"":;':/::J',:;c"c~i':(: 5i,Js:i;~';.,~:f~.;~:{"iii;::,[{i~~;;~';:y.;tb>i! :;';;';;:'<~,::. ',,-:. . e e e . . RECORDING REQUESTED BY: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: SABO , GREEN, a Professional Corporation Suite 400 . . 6320 Canoqa Avenue Woodland Hills, California 91367 (Space Above for Recorder's U8e) ADDEHDtDI 1r0. 1 ':rO onn PARTICIPATIOII AGRBEMEIIT (SUNLAC CORPORATION) By and Between REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO and SUNLAC CORPORATION a California Corporation G e e e . . AnDBlmtJJI .0. 1 '1'0 OWHER p~T%e%p~T%O. ~GRZ2MBHT (SmlUC eoallOUTIOIr) 1IIIIllIOIIOI-37IDOCI7IlO 7_400 THIS ADDENDUM NO. 1 IS ENTERED INTO this day of August, 1993, by and amonq the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (the "Aqency") and StJNLAC CORPORATION, a California Corporation (the "Participant"). Aqency and Participant hereby aqree as follows: RECITAU: 1rJIBRBAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the Mt. Vernon Redevelopment Project (the "Redevelopment Plan") was previously approved and adopted on June 25, 1990 by the City Council of the City of San Bernardino (the "City") pursuant to Ordinance No. MC 733; and DUBAS, the Participant and the Aqency have previously entered into a certain OWner Participation Aqreement ("Sunlac Corporation") recorded in the County of San Bernardino Recorder's Office as Document No. 92-120611 (the "Oriqinal OWner Participation Aqreement") pertaininq to the development of certain residential properties located within the project area subject to the Redevelopment Plan; and -1- ~ . . nlQlZU, the Original OWn.r Participation Agr....nt e provid.d for the construction of sixteen (16) single flllllily hom.s for occupancy by low- and mod.rate-income hOUseholds; and PIntZU, the homes to be constructed pursuant to the Original OWner PartiCipation Agreem.nt are to be sold at affordable housing costs as such term is defined in Health and Safety Code S.ction 50052.5 and a.may be emend.d from time to time, a copy of which i. attached h.reto as Exhibit "A" and incorporat.d h.r.in by this reference; and WBBRZU, the Participant shall agr.. to det.rmin. the .ligibility of pot.ntial homebuy.rs in ord.r to establish that they qualify as low- and moderate-income hOuseholds who are purchasing e homes at affordable housing cost and the PartiCipant shall provide certain documentation to the Agency, as the Agency deems appropriate, .videncing such .ligibility prior to the sale of each of the residential units; and WBBRU8, the documentation to be provided to the Agency to evidence eligibility shall include but not be limited to the Affordability Criteria Verification Worksheet, and the Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) Final Applicant Report, copi.s of which are attached her.to as Exhibits "8" and "C" resp.ctively, and which are incorporated by this reference; and e -2- r; . . WR-aBAB, in order to assist in the construction of the e sixteen (16) sinqle family homes, the Aqency aqreed to loan an amount equal to $425,000 (referred to as the Aqency Assistance in the Oriqinal OWner Participation Aqreement) to the Participant to be used in the acquisition of the property necessary for the development of the homes which property is defined in the Oriqinal OWner Participation Aqreement as the Site; and e WBBREAs, in consideration for the Aqency Assistance the Participant has executed a Promissory Note in favor of the Aqency secured by a Deed of Trust on the Site, which Promissory Note calls for the repayment of a portion of the principal and interest due and owinq each time a residential unit is sold, all as more fully described in the Promissory Note; and WBBRBU, as a result of factors beyond the control of the parties, the costs associated with acquisition, construction and marketinq of the development have exceeded the levels contemplated under the Oriqinal OWner Participation Aqreement and therefor the Participant has requested that the Aqency provide further additional assistance to the Participant in order to make the development viable under the present economic conditions; and WRBRBAB, the Participant has requested that the Aqency utilize certain funds due and owinq to the Aqency as the repayment of interest on the promissory Note, for pUrposes of providinq e -3- /p . . moneys to be used as a part of a mortgage assistance proqraa for e eligihle low- and moderate-income purchasers of the homes who seek to purchase homes at affordahle housing cost; and WKBRBAB, it is anticipated that the mortgage assistance proqram would require the contrihution hy the Agency of availahle funds which have otherwi.e been placed in an e.crow by the Participant and which repre.ent the repayment of the interest owing on the Promissory Note, and which funds will be in an amount not to exceed $5,000 per unit; and nBRBAB, in consideration for the provision of the mortgage assistance contribution, the Agency would receive from the eligible purchaser, a promissory note (the "Purchasers'Promissory e Note") secured by a second deed of trust on each individual property; and WHZRBAB, to the extent funds were not available to the Agency from the Participant's repayment into the escrow of the interest due and owed on the Promissory Note, then the Participant would be required to provide any additional moneys up to the amount of $5,000 per unit in order to ensure the availability of necessary funds for the mortgage assistance proqram. e -4- o e . e . . .ow, !'RDIJ'ORB, the parties hereto agree as tollows: Section 1. Except as hereby supplemented, the Oriqinal OWner Participation Agreement is in all respecta ratified and confirmed and allot the terms, provisions and conditions thereof, includinq covenants as to attordability, shall be and remain in tull force and eftect, and this Addendum No. 1 to the Oriqinal OWner Participation Agreement and all of ita terms, provisions and conditions shall be deemed to be in addition and supplemental to the Oriqinal OWner Participation Agreement. Section 2. Except.as otherwise provided herein, all terms not otherwise defined in this Addendum No. 1 shall have the same meaninqs in this Addendum No. 1 as those terms are qiven in the Oriqinal OWner Participation Agreement. Section 3. As additional consideration tor the provision ot the Aqency Assistance the Participant agrees that it shall only sell residential units to eliqible purchasers at affordable housinq cost as said term is defined in Exhibit "A", and shall prior to the sale of any home, provide documentation to the Aqency, which shall include but not be limited to the Aftordability criteria Verification Worksheet (Exhibit "B") and the Mortqaqe Assistance proqram (MAP) Final Applicant Report (Exhibit "e"), to evidence that the purchaser qualifies as a low- and moderate-income -5- fo e e e . . household who will be purchasinq the property at affordable housinq cost. Section 4. In addition to the provision of the Aqency Assistance as provided in Section 202 of the Oriqinal OWner Participation Aqreement, the Aqency aqrees to provide to eliqible hOllle purchasers, certain lIIortqaqe assistance which lIIortqaqe assistance shall be in. the form of loans to individual hOlllebuyers each in an alllount not to exceed $5,000 per residential unit which loans shall be reflected in a Purchaser Prolllissory Note substantially in the form of Exhibit "D" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and secured by a .econd deed of trust substantially in the form of Exhibit "E" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Purchaser Deed of Trust") pertaininq to the property which is subject to the loan. Section 5. In accordance with the terms of the oriqinal Prolllissory Note, an escrow will be opened in connection with the sale of each residential unit and frolll such escrow the Aqency will be owed the principal SUIII of $26,960.04 plus accrued interest. In order to fund the lIIortqaqe assistance, the Aqency shall foreqo receipt of the accrued interest due under the Prolllissory Note for each such escrow and shall instead place a demand in each escrow in an alllount equal to the principal only due and owinq under the prolllissory Note, which alllount equals $26,960.04. The accrued interest otherwise due to the Aqency -6- e e e . . pursuant to the Promissory Note under each escrow shall thereafter be used to fund the mortqaqe assistance. To the extent insufficient funds are available from the repayment of the applicable portion of the interest due and owinq in connection with any qiven escrow, the PartiCipant aqrees to provide any necessary additional amounts froll its own funds, up to $5,000 per residential unit, directly to the applicable hOusehold in order to ensure that a loan in the total amount of $5,000 is provided to each household. Section 6. Each Purchaser prollissory Note shall be in favor of the Aqency for the entire principal amount of $5,000 reqardless of whether or not the Participant was required to contribute its own funds to ensure the provision of a loan in the amount of $5,000 and each Purchaser Promissory Note shall bear no interest and shall only be repaid upon any sale, conveyance, reconveyance, lease, resale, transfer, disposition or refinancinq of the property which is subject to the loan. Sect.ion 7. The Addendum No. 1 may be simult.aneously execut.ed in several counterparts, each of. which shall be an oriqinal and all of which shall const.it.ut.e but. one in the same inst.rument.. Sect.ion 8. The Aqency's obliqations to provide the additional mortqaqe assistance as set forth in this Addendum NO.1 shall terminate and be of no further force and effect after February 28, 1994. -7- o e e e . . IK WITH88 DaBOP, Aqency and Participant have executed this Aqreement on the day and date first above shown. . "Aqency" REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO By: Tom Minor Chairman '~on Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CONTENT: By: By: / .. /~.._, 4, Aqency COUDse "Participant" 1IIlIlCICI011DOC\7UO By. Title: -8- to e e e . . STATE OF ~~ ) COUNTY 9B- yJl /~//L/"J ) .0",> "'ll~n). ~~il1:-~':;~:J;..\, ~ff" """' pe".sft611.l' 1.nu_1I Lv &lie (or prove to me on . baa. of satisfacto~ evidence) to be the personCer whose name(~ is,", subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that h.'.~./~key executed the same in his'hes/~Aeir authorized capacityci-es), and that by hisfft.S/Sheil'- siqnaturec.) on the instrument the per.on~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(~ acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS and official seal. (Seal) J.- . - . '~M~~'1 , CCt.1M. ~64CI I ~~CoItomla Jl - - -~~.~~l rc e e tit . . STATE OF ~p~ ) COUNT! O~"')r? hA..-/N/O) 'o"'Y Pub11":". .-?i~n';.l1:-~':~~J5if,'<f ~~'< personAll" 1.....l."I. L... ..... (or prove to me on e as s of satisfactory evidence) to be the person~ whose name(~ is/~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledqed to me that he/..../tll.y executed the same in his/hlu: ;their authorized capacity(~, and that by his/aar/thail siqnaturefttt on the instrument the person(~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted, executed the instrument. and official seal. . (Seal) (~....... @ -~....;.' '1 J~ COY,U9764C1 I NoIary PIbIc - CalIomlo I II.N BEtlNAAaNO CClUMV I. - - - ~:~~~~~"~J ~ . .: . .:. EXHIBIT "A" e Health & Safety Code CHA.Pn:R I. DEf'lNmOHS --- aoG6Z.I. n..r..iWrL . ~ AIr....... '-Iac_ JU: ~i~~ wIlicIa -- ---~Co~~I"I.... a ........... ~=.~ . ":"'~~ ~~fIt..... ___ "" ", WiCIa ~. r.~' ! '''''''lo,' twllicla-'-~_..aIl.or~ ~'L"'a - ~ ~.. CIaiI.8IJCtia.-atfonlaltle __ . _ DOt . . t 01 For!!!:l........~.. ~....'4athol!!!!!!!!'l.fltlC!-....&O_flttho_!!le&a L_ e~f"'_,,_~~aIIit. . . .' ',.... "'-e.. . .Uo,lI!'Iaooe ~ ci.e ~ ~ i.. .... DOt _ ... timei _ or e a _ DOt ~n.e'1 ~,.talaall,"'~"'aftaio~"'l'""'icIiarfor~< .......... ~to f... '-By oIze ~l Co CIle ~... ......iD~ _ for paIpooeo '" ..I.(-~ .:1, Iaouoiiii - . . WI __ "..........lio..., JII'Otide ~ criIerio, ....... - , ""., Co .. ~ wlCIa pea .' ,at Teaeii.J alaluCoa ... ncuIalioaa ...""...... We.aD,_1oW ......~, 'J1ae.,.., -,. .,. ....latioa, adopt "'-lift crit.erio,... ......- Co aawm.ioa (I) of SecdOa 10462, akonalift .....ea,.. fit iIIcotne -, .. adopted for "CUq--. ~ "-lv,.......t. W"1CIa IWfIec:( Co au:te ~~U~ ,ht '0 ,.L 'ii who Oft .......11 fit ....1aI !'-lac .... . I ..to... --... of GIlOpOtalift ~ ~la, or limited eqlil1 .....,...lhw ..."....... ~ __ Iou tho _ -.a.c .. affonlable .....1. .. ddiDeClla Sociioa IOOSS. JtecWacioao fltlloe .1pO..... eat oIaaD 'aJoo IncIacIe a IIldhooI f... ~ the IIlUimUID ~ lioa -t. ~ ....... .. uJeo price Chat will aaaIc. ~ aoailablo Co an ~ croup at attonlable ......, _1. F~ of thio -lioa. *- !D<diaa ~-.haD __ -!!l<diut a.c.- .. ....I!liobed by !hO 1>III'I....t Co ~ 60093, . . For ~- fit thio ::I:; *!DOCIente /!Icome ~'r:t oIaaD haft the _ mana., .. ~;;;; ~ of te --.. ~ II /oOOS3. F... fit thio . ... . !!>ere Oft .. ' federal ototat.eo Iicohle Co a or or.1Ie telo 1IlIit. ....... ora 0 ... _0 aata two .... a ~ ~.. - · tw ~ 0.... lie...... II the _ of a ~'" an .. no iu.. _ of a follM>edroo., aait. . (A-rded"" Slata.mo. Co 1623 (S.B.1362I. . l) e EXHIBIT "A" .' .. o . EXHIBIT "B" . "AFFORDABILITY" CRITERIA e VERIFICATION WORKSHEET 1) APPUCANT NAME(S) 2) PROPERTY ADDRESS 3) ANNUAL GROSS HOUSEHOLD INCOME 4) INCOME CATEGORY: One ( .Two ( Three ( Four ( Five ( ) ) ) ) ) (0 - 5%) (51 % -70%) (71 % - 80%) (81 % - 110%) (111 % - 120%) S) "AFFORDABLE" HOUSING COST (APC) (as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 50052.5) 6) ACTUAL HOUSING COST (MonthlylMay Not Exceed APC) e CERTlDCATIO~ The undersigned hereby acknowledge and agree that they have each reviewed the criteria regarding sale of properties to Low- and Moderate-Income households as defined in Health and Safety Code Sections 50093 and 50105, and affordable housing cost as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 5oo52.s and hereby certify and guarantee to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino that the Applicants as described herein meet such criteria. BUILDER OWNER(S) (Corporation) (Name) LENDER (Company) (Name) e 5IIEO\OOO1\N1SC142 ~ . EXHIBIT "C" . e MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (MAP) FINAL APPLICANT REPORT App6cant Name: Property Address: BedroomlBathroom Configuration: family SIze: Number of Minor Chiklren (If AppticabJe) Annual. Gross HousehoJd klcome: ..... '" of MeOian) h:ome Category: One [ ] ( O. ~) Two [ ] (51".70%) Three [ J (71".80%) Four ( J (81" .11(96) five [ J (111 " . 120CJ6) e Purchase PrIce: Owner Contribution: Agency Contribution: Loan Amount trterest Rate: ARM or fixed: . Monthly Payment Lender: (Company) (Address) (Contact) (Phone) e C - 1 . . ~ e . 'MQRTGAGE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (MAP) FINAL APPLICANT REPORT Page - 2 - Ethnicity: f ] White [) Black [ ] Hispanic [ ) Asian or Pacific Islander [ ] AmerIcan indian or Alasklan Name Other Asslstance Categories: (Check as many as Appropriate) [ ] SenIor Citizen (s) (62 or over) [ ) Female Head of Household [ ] Disabled (One or More Family Members) e 1lf'l''Il-t.n~... e ~ - , . . . e . . EXHIBIT "0" PROMISSORY NOTE SECUR~n BY DEED Oll' TRUST (SUNLAC PROJECT) $5,000 Place: Redevelop.ent Agency 201 North "E" Street Third Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401 Date: FOR VALUE RtCEIVED, the undersigned promises to pay to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the "Agency") or its successors, the principal sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). Payment of the Note shall be made as follows: 1. This Note shall be due and paYable in full i..ediately upon any sale, conveyance, reconveyance, lease, resale, transfer, disposition or refinancing of the property which is subject to the Deed of Trust securing this Note. 2. This Note shall accrue no interest during its term. 3. A failure to pay any sum provided for in this Note when due or a material breach of this Note or the Deed of Trust shall constitute a breach hereof and shall entitle the Agency to declare all sums due hereunder i..ediately due and payable and to pursue all remedies available under this Note or the Deed of Trust. All payments due under this Note shall be made in lawful money of the United states at the principal office of the Agency, 201 North "E" Street, City Hall Annex, San Bernardino, CA 92401- 1507, or at such other place as may from time to time be designated by the Agency in wri tinq. Notwithstanding any language herein to the contrary, this Note shall become i..ediately due and payable in the amount of all unpaid principal upon any transfer of title of the property described in the Deed of Trust to any person, firm or corporation other than the undersigned and except as provided in said Deed of Trust, whether such transfer of title be voluntary, inVOluntary, or by operation of law. The undersigned reserves the right to prepay at any time all or any part of the principal amount of this Note without the payment of penal tie. or premiums. If this Note is not paid within ten (10) days of the due date, the undersigned shall pay to the Agency a late charge of 4' Exh. 0 - 1 ~ ,- e e e . . on the amount past due and remaininq unpaid. If this Note be reduced to judqment, such jUdqment shall bear the statutory interest rate on judqments. In no event shall the late charqe payable hereunder exceed the maximum amount of interest permitted under the usury laws of the State of California. If suit is instituted by the Aqency to recover on this Note, the undersiqned aqrees to pay all costs of such collection includinq reasonable attorney's fee. and court costs. THIS NOTE is secured by a Deed of Trust of even date, duly filed for record in'the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California. DEMAND, protest and notice of demand and protest are hereby waived and the undersiqned hereby waives, to the extent authorized by law, any and all homestead and other exemption riqhts which otherwise would apply to the debt evidenced by this Note. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THIS NOTE has been duly executed by the undersiqned, as of its date. By: , IIII!OIOIIOIIDOCI6M 7_ 4:SQ ... Exh. D - 2 ~ tit tit tit . . EXHIBIT "E" RECORDING REQUESTED BY ) AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ) ) ) ) (Sp.c. AbOv. for R.cord.r'. U..) DEED OF TRUST WITH ASSIGNMENT OF RENTA De.d of tru.t ..d. on , 1993, by . , h.r.in.ft.r call.d "Tru.tor, .. who.. .ddr... i., , , C.liforni. , to , h.rein.ft.r r.f.rr.d to .. ..Tru.t...., who.. bu.ine.. addr... i. , C.liforni. , in favor of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, h.reinaft.r referr.d to as "B.nefici.ry", whose busine.. addr.ss is 201 North "E" Str..t, Third Floor, S.n B.rn.rdino, C.lifornia 92401. Trustor irrevoc.bly qr.nt., tr.nsf.r., and a.signs to Trust.. in trust, with pow.r of s.l., all th.t property, including .11 ....m.nts .nd rights of w.y u.ed in conn.ction th.r.with or as · mean. of access ther.to, in the City of S.n Bern.rdino, County of S.n B.rn.rdino, St.t. of C.liforni., d..cribed a. follow.: Th.t cert.in property loc.ted in the City of S.n Bern.rdino, County of S.n Bern.rdino, St.t. of California, more P.rticul.rly de.cribed ..: SEE ATTACHMENT NO. 1 together with the rents, i..u.s .nd profits ther.of, .ubject however to the right r..erv.d by Tru.tor in Paraqraph B-17 her.of to collect and apply such rents, i.su.s .nd profits, prior to .ny default h.reunder; for the purpose of .ecuring p.rformance in a tim.ly m.nner of all of Tru.tor'. oblig.tions under th.t cert.in Promissory Note .xecuted by Tru.tor in the principal .um of Five Thousand Dollar. ($5,000), payable to Beneficiary or ord.r and each extension thereof, both executed in connection with this Deed of Exh. E - 1 y e e e . . Tru.t; and performance of each agreement to Tru.tor incorporated h.rein by reference or contained h.r.in. A. To protect the security of this Deed of Trust, Tru.tor agr..s: 1. To aaintain the property in qood condition and r.pair; not to remove or demolish any buildinq or improvem.nt thereon; to complete promptly in workmanlike manner any improvement h.reafter constructed th.r.on and to r.store promptly in workmanlike manner any improvem.nt thereon that is damaq.d or de.troyed, and to pay wh.n due all costs incurr.d ther.for or in connection therewith; to comply with all law., ordinanc.s, requlation., cov.nant., conditions and re.trictions affectinq the property; not to commit or p.rmit any wast. thereof or any act upon the property in violation of law or of covenants, condition. or re.trictions affectinq the property. 2. To app.ar in and defend any action or proce.dinq purportinq to affect the s.curity h.r.of or the riqhts or pOW.rs of B.n.ficiary or Truste.; and al.o, if at any time Ben.ficiary or Trustee is a party to or app.ars in any such action or proc..dinq, or in any action or proc..dinq to enforce any obliqation her.by secur.d, to pay all co.ts and .xpens.. paid or incurred by them or eith.r of them in conn.ction therewith, includinq, but not limit.d to, costs of evidence of title and attorn.ys' f..s in a r.asonable sum. 3. To pay Ca} at l.ast t.n C10} day. before delinqu.ncy, all tax.s and as....m.nts affectinq the prop.rty, all as.e.sm.nts upon wat.r company .tock, and all r.nts, a.sessments and charq.. for water appurtenant to or us.d in connection with the prop.rty; Cb} wh.n du., all encumbrances, charq.s and li.ns, with inter..t, on the property or any part th.reof, which appear to b. prior or .up.rior h.r.to; and Cc} all co.t., f..s and .xp.n..s of this tru.t. 4. If Tru.tor fails to make any payment or to do any act a. h.r.in provided, th.n Beneficiary or Tru.tee Cbut without obliqation to do so, and with or without notic. to or demand upon Trustor, and without r.leasinq Trustor from any obliqation h.r.of} may Ca} make or do the same in such .ann.r and to such ext.nt as either d._s necessary to protect the s.curity h.reof, Beneficiary or Trustee beinq authorized to enter upon the property for such purpos.; Cb} appear in or commence any action or proce.dinq purportinq to affect the security hereof or the riqht. or pow.rs of Beneficiary or Tru.tee; Cc} pay, purcha.e, contest, or compromi.. any encumbranc., charq. or li.n that, in the jUdqm.nt of eith.r, app.ars to be sup.rior hereto; and in .xerci.inq any such pow.r, B.n.ficiary or Truste. may incur necessary exp.nse., includinq r.asonable attorn.ys' fe.s. Exh. E - 2 e e e . . 5. To pay ilDlD.diat.ly and without demand all .ums expend.d h.reunder by B.n.ficiary or Tru.t.., with int.rest from date of .xp.nditur. at the annual rat. of two percentage point. ov.r Bank of Am.rica'. published prim. rat.. B. It i. mutually aqr..d that: 1. Any award of damag.. mad. in conn.ction with the condemnation for public us. of or injury to the property or any part th.r.of is h.r.by a.siqn.d and shall be p.id to B.n.fici.ry, who m.y .pply or r.l.... such mon.ys r.c.iv.d th.r.for upon .ny ind.bt.dn.ss .ecur.d h.r.by in .uch ord.r .. Ben.ficiary d.termin.., or .t the option of B.n.fici.ry the entire amount .0 r.c.iv.d or .ny p.rt "ther.of m.y be r.l....d to Tru.tor. Such .pplic.tion or r.l.a.. .h.ll not cur. or w.iv. .ny def.ult or notic. of def.ult h.r.und.r or invalidate .ny .ct don. pur.u.nt to .uch notic.. 2. Th. .cc.ptanc. by B.n.fici.ry of any payment less th.n the .mount th.n due sh.ll be deemed .n .cc.pt.nce on .ccount only and .h.ll not con.titute . w.iv.r of the oblig.tion of Trustor to p.y the .ntire .um then due or of B.nefici.ry'. right .ith.r to r.quire prompt p.ym.nt of .11 .ums th.n due or to decl.r. d.f.ult. Th. .ccept.nc. of p.yment of .ny .um ..cur.d her.by aft.r it. due d.t. will not waive the right of B.nefici.ry .ither to r.quire prompt p.ym.nt when due of all oth.r .um. .0 .ecured or to d.cl.r. def.ult for failure .0 to pay. No waiver of .ny default .h.ll be · w.iver of .ny pr.c.ding or succeeding def.ult of any kind. 3. At any time or from time to time, without li.bility ther.for .nd with or without notic., upon writt.n r.qu.st of Benefici.ry .nd pr..entation of this de.d .nd the .ecur.d note for .ndor..ment, and without .ff.cting the personal li.bility of .ny person for payment of the indebtedne.. secur.d her.by or the .ffect of this deed upon the r.m.inder of the property, Truste. m.y r.convey any p.rt of the property, consent to the making of .ny m.p or pl.t thereof, join in qr.nting .ny e....ent or join in .ny .xtension .qr....nt or .ny .qr.ement .ubordinating the li.n or charge thereof. 4. Upon written requ.st of Benefici.ry .t.ting th.t .11 sums .ecured hereby have been paid, .urrender of this d.ed .nd the note to Trustee for cancell.tion .nd retention, and p.yment of its f.es, Trust.e shall r.convey, without w.rr.nty the property th.n held her.under. Th. recit.l. in such r.convey.nc. .hall be conclusiv. proof of the truthfuln.ss ther.of. The qr.nte. m.y be desiqn.ted in .uch r.conv.y.nc. .s "the p.rson or p.r.ons leg.lly entitled ther.to." 5. Trustor m.y give .uch notic. to Ben.fici.ry .t .ny time before th.re is . Trustee's ..le of the property. At .ny time ExIl. E - 3 r; e . . . . Trustor is in default in payments to be made to Beneficiary hereunder, any amounts paid to and received by Beneficiary for execution of releases pursuant to the ter1U of this paragraph after notice of default and election to sell has been recorded shall not, unless the requirements of Section 2924c of the Civil Code are fully met by or on behalf of Trustor, waive the right of Beneficiary to continue its plans to have the property sold, nor shall they have any effect on the exercise by Beneficiary of the acceleration priVilege contained herein, except to entitle the person effecting such payment to the release of the property for which the release amount was paid, and insofar as Beneficiary is concerned, to constitute a credit against the secured debt. 6. If Trustor or any subsequent owner of the property covered hereby sha11.ocCupy the property, or any part thereof, after any default in payment of any amount secured by this deed of trust, Trustor or such owner shall pay to Beneficiary in advance on the first day of each month a reasonable rental for the premises so occupied. On failure to pay such reasonable rental, Trustor or such owner may be removed from the premises by summary dispossession proceedings or by any other appropriate action or proceeding. 7. If default is made in payment of any indebtedness or in performance of any agreement hereby secured, then Beneficiary, with or without notice to Trustor, may declare all sums secured hereby immediately due and payable by instituting suit for the recovery thereof or for the foreclosure of this deed, or by delivering to Trustee a written declaration of default and demand for sale, as well as a written notice of default and of election to cause the property to be sold, which notice Trustee shall cause to be filed for record. If such declaration is delivered to Trustee, Beneficiary shall also deposit with Trustee this deed, the secured note, and all documents evidencing expenditures secured hereby. 8. Should Trustor, without the consent in writing of BenefiCiary, VOluntarily sell, transfer or convey his interest in the property or any part thereof, or if by operation of law, it be sold, transferred or conveyed, then Beneficiary may, at its option, declare all sums secured hereby immediately due and payable. Consent to one such transaction shall not be deemed to be a waiver of the right to require such consent to future or successive transactions. 9. After the time then required by law has elapsed after recordation of such notice of default, and notice of sale having been given as then required by law, Trustee, with or without demand on Trustor, shall sell the property at the time and place fixed in the notice of sale, either as a whole or in separate parcels and in such order as Trustee determines, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in lawful money of the United States, payable at the time of sale. Trustee may postpone from Exh. E - 4 & e e . . time to time sale of all or any portion of the property by public announcement at the time and place of sale originally fixed or at the last preceding postponed time. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser its deed conveying the property sold, but without any covenant or warranty, express or implied. The recitals in such deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Trustor, Trustee, Beneficiary or any other person may purchase at the sale. 10. After deducting all costs, fees and expenses of Trustee and of this trust, inclUding cost of evidence of title and reasonable attorneys' fees in connection with sale, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale to payment of (a) all sums eXPended under the terms hereof and not theretofore repaid, with accrued interest at two percentage points over Bank of America's published prime rate per annum, and (b) all other sums then secured hereby in such order as BenefiCiary, in the exercise of its sole discretion, directs. The remainder, if any, shall be paid to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. 11. Before Trustee's sale, Beneficiary may rescind such notices of default and of election to cause the property to be sold by delivering to Trustee a written notice of rescission, which notice, when recorded, shall cancel any prior declaration of default, demand for sale and acceleration of maturity. The exercise of such a right of rescission shall not constitute a waiver of any default then existing or subsequently occurring, or impair the right of Beneficiary to deliver to Trustee other declarations of default and demands for sale or notices of default and of election to cause the property to be sold, or otherwise affect any provision of the secured note or of this deed or any of the rights, obligations or remedies of Beneficiary or Trustee hereunder. 12. The restrictions pertaining to the property will automatically terminate if title to the mortgaged property is transferred by foreclosure or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, or if the mortgage is assigned to the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 13. Beneficiary may, from time to time as provided by statute, or by a writing signed and acknowledged by him .and recorded in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the land or such party thereof as is then affected by this deed of trust is situated, appoint another trustee in stead and of Trustee herein named; and thereupon, the Trustee herein named shall be discharged, and the trustee so appointed shall be substituted as Trustee hereunder with the same effect as if originally named Trustee herein. 14. If two or more persons are designated as Trustee herein, any or all powers granted herein to Trustee may be e Exh. E - 5 ~ e e e - - . . .x.rci.ed by any of .uch p.r.on. if the other per.on or per.on. i. unabl., for any rea.on, to act. Any r.cital of .uch inability in any in.trument .xecuted by any of .ucb per.on. .ball be conclu.ive aqain.t Tru.tor, bi. beirs and as.iqns. 15. All lease. now or bereaft.r affectinq the property are ber.by ...iqned .nd tran.f.rred to Benefici.ry by Tru.tor. Trustor hereby covenant. that none of sucb lea.e. will be modified or terminated without the written con.ent of Beneficiary. 16. When requested to do .0, Tru.tor sball qive .ucb further written a..iqnment. of r.nts, royaltie., i..ue. .nd profits; of all .ecurity for the performance of 1.....; and of all money payable under any option to purcha.e, and shall qive executed oriqinal. of all lealie., now or h.r.aft.r on or aff.ctinq the property. 17. Trustor re.erve. the riqbt, prior to any default in payment of .ny indebtedne.. or performance of any obliqation ..cured hereby, to collect all .uch rent., royalties, i..ue. .nd profit., a. but not before they become due. Upon any sucb default, Trustor'. riqbt to collect .uch moneys .ball cea.e, not only as to amounts accruinq thereafter, but also as to amounts then accrued and unpaid. In the event of default, Beneficiary, with or without notice and witbout reqard to the adequacy of security for the indebtedness bereby secured, either in person or by aqent, or by a receiver to be appointed by the court, Ca) may enter upon and take po..e..ion of the property at any time and manaqe and control it in BenefiCiary'. discretion, and Cb) with or without takinq po.....ion, may .ue for or otberwise coll.ct the rent., i.sues and profits thereof, wbetber pa.t due or cominq due thereafter, and apply the .ame, les. co.ts and expen.e. of operation and collection, includinq reasonable attorneys' fee., upon any obliqation .ecured bereby and in sucb order a. Beneficiary determine.. None of the aforesaid act. shall cure or waive any default bereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. Beneficiary sball not be required to act diliqently in tbe care or manaqement of the property or in cOllectinq .ny rent., royalti.s or other prOfits that it is bereby authorized to collect, and .ball be accountable only for sum. actually received. 18. Witbout affectinq the liability of Tru.tor or of any otber party now or hereafter bound by the terms bereof, from time to time and with or without notice, may r.lea.e any person now or bereafter liable for performance of such obliqation, and may extend the time for payment or performance, accept additional .ecurity, and alter, .ubstitute or release any .ecurity. 19. In any judicial action brouqbt to foreclo.e this deed or to enforce any riqbt of Beneficiary or of Trustee hereunder, Trustor shall pay to Beneficiary and to Trustee attorneys' fees in a reasonable sum, to be fixed by the court. Exh. E - 6 f.v e e e . . 20. No remedy hereby given to Beneficiary or Trustee is exclusive of any other remedy hereunder or under any present or future law. 21. The pleading of any statute of li.itations as a defense to any and all obligation. secured by thi. deed i. hereby waived, to the full extent permi.sible by law. 22. In the event of default in the payment of any indebtedne.. .ecured hereby, and if .uch indebtedness i. .ecured at any time by any other instrument, Beneficiary shall not be obligated to resort to any .ecurity in any particular order; and the exercise by Beneficiary of any right or remedy with respect to any .ecurity shall not. be. a wdver of or limitation on the right of Beneficiary to exercise, at any time or from time to time thereafter, any right or remedy with re.pect to thi. deed. 23. Trustor shall, upon request made by Beneficiary, furnish the Beneficiary with annual .tatements covering the operations of the property. 24. Beneficiary may collect a "late charge" not to exceed an amount equal to four percent (4t) on the amount past due and remaining unpaid on any installment that is not paid within ten (10) days from the due date thereof, to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. 25. This deed applies to, inures to the benefit of and binds all partie. hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees, administrators, executors, successors, successor. in intere.t, and assiqns. The term "Beneficiary" means the owner and holder, including pledgees, of the note secured hereby, whether or not named as Beneficiary herein. In this deed, whenever the context so require., the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter, and the singular nUlllber includes the plural, and all obligations of each Trustor hereunder are joint and several. 26. Trustee accepts this trust when this deed, duly executed and acknowledged, is made a public record a. provided by law. Trustee is not obligated to notify any party hereto of pending sale under any other deed of trust or of any action or proceeding in which Trustor, Beneficiary or Trustee is a party unless brought by Trustee. Trustor request. that a copy of notice of default and of any notice of sale hereunder shall be mailed to him at the address set out opposite his name, immediately below. MAILING ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES: as Trustor: Exh. E - 7 ~ e e e . . Executed at San Bernardino, california, on the date first above written. Exh. E - 8 By: By: Title: ~ e e e . . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF On before lie, , personally appeared , personally. known to lie (or proved to lie on the besis of satisfactory evidence) to be the personCs) whose nameCs) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to lie that he/she/they executed the salle in his/her/their authorized capacitYCies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the. instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) Signature . IIBNlDOIIIlOl:'M7 1/"'" 3:10 Exh. E - 9 &