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Subject: Resolution Implementing
Memorandum of Understanding Between
the City of San Bernardino and
Employees in the Police Safety
Employees' Bargaining Unit Represented
by San Bernardino Police Officers'
Association (SBPOA)
Linn Livingston
Human Resources
August 21,2003
MICC Meeting Date: Sept. 2, 2003
Synopsis of Previous Council Action:
6/21/99 - The Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution No. 1999-155, resolution
implementing a new MOU with the Police Safety Employees.
10/27/99 - City Clerk approved in closed session a side letter to amending Resolution No.
1999-155, Article III, Compensation, Section 9, Lead Supervisor.
12/20/00 - The Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution No. 2000-352, a side letter
amending Article III, Compensation, Section 2, PERS/Retirement Plan, and Article VII, General
Provisions, Section 4, Term of Memorandum of Understanding.
12/18/02 - The Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution No. 2002-388, a side letter
amending Article V, Leaves, Section 7, Military Leave.
Recommended Motion:
1. Adopt resolution.
2. Authorize the Director of Finance to amend the FY 2003-04 Adopted Budget and
transfer $122,500 from the General Government budget (001-092-5011) to the Police
Department budget (various personnel line items). .
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Contact person:
Linn LivinQston
Supporting data attached:
Source: (Aeet. No.)
(Aeet. Description)
Council Notes:
Agenda Item No.
q 1;-/03
Staff Report
Resolution implementing Memorandum of Understanding between the City of San Bernardino
and employees in the police safety employees' bargaining unit represented by San Bernardino
Police Officers Association (SBPOA).
The contract with the Police Safety Employees' Unit expired on December 31,2002. The City
Team and the San Bernardino Police Officers' Association (SBPOA) held nine (9) negotiation
sessions. On July 28, 2003, both sides reached tentative agreement on a successor Memorandum
of Understanding (MOD). On August 12,2003, the Police Safety Employees ratified the new
Attached is the Police Safety Employees' MOU. The term ofthe new MOU is three (3) years,
from January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2005.
On August 4, 2003, the Mayor and Common Council, in closed session, approved the economic
benefits package described below. The MOU also contains several language changes on non-
economic items.
Retirement Plan - Effective as soon as possible following adoption of the MOU, the City will
establish a tax-qualified defined benefit plan to provide supplemental retirement benefits based
on the difference between CalPERS 3% @ 55 Plan and 3% @ 50 Plan for employees with 20 or
more years of service. For the term of this MOU, the costs associated with this plan will be paid
by the City. The employees' share of ongoing costs will be subject to negotiations.
Sick Leave - Implementation of sick leave accumulation limit of 1000 hours for all new
employees hired after adoption ofMOU.
Holidavs - Allow holiday accrual at 10 hours/day, but 8 hours for payoff purposes.
Overtime - Overtime compensation for details or assignments outside the normal budgetary
process or that are funded through grant funds will be compensated in cash.
Accumulated Leave Conversion Plan - Establish Accumulated Leave Conversion Plan which
will require employees upon retirement to contribute eligible unused sick leave, vacation,
compensatory, and holiday time to an Internal Revenue Code Section 401 (a) Defined Benefit
Plan. All fees associated with such plan will be paid by plan participants.
Personal ProDerty ReDlacement - Update the Department Director Letter to include full
replacement value for uniforms (current practice) and increase maximum reimbursement for
wristwatches and non-prescription sunglasses.
Total Contract Costs:
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
I. Adopt Resolution.
2. Authorize the Director of Finance to amend the FY 2003-04 Adopted Budget and transfer
$122,500 from the General Government budget (001-092-5011) to the Police Department
budget (various personnel line items).
Attachment: Resolution implementing Memorandum of Understanding between the City of San
Bernardino and employees in the Police Safety Employees' Bargaining Unit represented by San
Bernardino Police Officers' Association (SBPOA).
Resolution No.
WHEREAS the designated representatives of the Mayor and Common Council met and
conferred in good faith with representatives of San Bernardino Police Officers' Association
(SBPOA) representing the unit of Police Safety employees of the City of San Bernardino, in
accordance with the provisions of Government Code Sections 3500-3510, to agree upon a new
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU);
WHEREAS such meetings resulted in agreement on an MOU (Exhibit A, a copy of
which is attached hereto and incorporated herein) effective January 1,2003 through December
SECTION I. Exhibit A to this Resolution is hereby adopted establishing wages, hours
and working conditions for employees in the Police Safety employees' bargaining unit of the
18 City of San Bernardino.
19 1//
20 1//
21 1//
22 /1/
23 1//
24 /1/
. 25 1//
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I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and
Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a
meeting thereof, held on the
day of
, 2003 by the following to wit:
Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk
The foregoing resolution IS hereby approved this
day 0
Judith Valles, Mayor
City of San Bernardino
Approved as to form and
Legal content:
City Attorney
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JANUARY 1, 2003 TO
DECEMBER 31, 2005
Resolution No.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
. Section 8
Section 9
Section 1 0
Section 11
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Implementing a Memorandum of Understanding ............. 1
Definition of Terms.......................................................... 3
Management Rights........................................................ 4
Mutual Aid .......................................................................5
Agency Personnel Rights................................................ 5
Employees' Rights .......................................................... 5
Recognition .....................................................................6
No Strike ......................................................................... 6
Payroll Deductions .......................................................... 6
Grievance Procedure ......................................................7
Employee Representative............................................... 9
Investigation Rights....................................................... 10
Non-Discrimination........................................................ 11
Personnel Files ............................................................. 11
Political Activity............................................................. 11
Use of City Resources ..................................................11
Employer-Employee Relations Committee ................... 12
Salaries......................................................................... 12
PERS/Retirement Plan ................................................. 13
Overtime .......................................................................13
Assignment to Higher Position ......................................14
On-Call/Call-BacklStandby ........................................... 15
Educational Incentive .................................................... 16
Court Fines ................................................................... 16
Bilingual Pay................................................................. 16
Lead Supervisor............................................................ 16
Health/Life Insurance .................................................... 17
Rain Gear/Utility Uniforms ............................................ 18
Books and Tuition Allowance........................................ 18
Deferred Compensation ................................................ 18
Police Safety MOU
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Safety Equipment....................................... .... ............... 19
Replacing/Repairing Personal Property........................ 19
Service Pins .................................................................. 19
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Vacations...................................................................... 20
Holidays.................................................................. ...... 21
Sick Leave .................................................................... 22
Payment for Unused Sick Leave................................... 24
Accumulated Leave Conversion Plan ........................... 24
Injury Leave .................................................................. 24
Leave of Absence Without Pay..................................... 25
Military Leave ......................................................... .......26
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Work Schedules............................................................ 27
Shift Change ................................................................. 28
Probationary Period ...................................................... 29
Seniority........................................................................ 29
Reemployment.............................................................. 29
Physical Examinations ..................................................29
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Waiver Clause............................................................... 29
Severability................................................................... 30
Printing of Memorandum of Understanding .................. 30
Term of Memorandum of Understanding ...................... 30
Notice of Intent to Reopen ............................................ 30
Prevailing Benefits ........................................................ 30
Signature Page ............................................................. 31
Index............................................................................. 32
Exhibit 1
Department Director Letter (DOL) No, 48,
Educational Reimbursement Processing
Exhibit 2
Resolution No. 2002-388, Side Letter Amending Article V,
Leaves, Section 7, Military Leave
Po/ice Safety MOV
Continuous Service:
Mandatory and
Section 1 - Definition of Terms
Any elected or appointed official of the City and any
employee of the City whose job classification is Management
or Confidential employee.
The Chief of the San Bernardino Police Department. In the
Chiefs absence, the Assistant Chief will be the appointing
Those positions recognized as belonging to the unit covered
by the terms of this MOU.
The San Bernardino Police Officers' Association (SBPOA).
The Chief of Police of the City of San Bernardino.
The City of San Bernardino.
Five-sixths (5/6) of the available compensable days within
the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of the
employee's return to service: 217 days for employees
working 8-hour shifts and 173 days for employees working
1 Q-hour shifts.
The San Bernardino Police Department.
Anyone of the major Divisions of the Department.
All Safety Personnel within the classifications in this
appropriate unit.
The San Bernardino Police Officers' Association (SBPOA).
Shall include the City of San Bernardino, and the City of San
Bernardino Police Department.
The masculine gender also includes the feminine.
"Shall" is mandatory, "may" is permissive.
Police Safety MOU
Memorandum of
Understandinq (MOU):
Shall mean the contractual obligation between the City and
the employees of the Unit.
Sinqular and Plural:
The singular also includes the plural.
The present tense shall also include the past and the future.
Workinq Day:
Eight (8) hours, unless otherwise stated.
Section 2 - ManaQement RiQhts
This Resolution shall not be deemed to limit or curtail the City in any way in the
exercise of the rights, powers and authority which the City has prior to entering into this
MOU, except to the extent that the provisions of the MOU specifically curtail or limit
such rights, powers and authority. Furthermore, the City retains all rights, powers and
authority under City Charter, Ordinances, Resolutions, State and Federal law, and
expressly and exclusively to: determine the mission of its constituent departments,
commissions and boards; set standards of selection for employment and promotion;
direct its employees; establish and enforce dress and grooming standards; maintain the
efficiency of governmental operations; determine the methods, means, numbers and
kinds of personnel by which government operations are to be conducted; determine the
content and intent of job classifications; determine methods of financing; determine style
and/or types of City issued wearing apparel, equipment or technology to be used,
provided that no such measures which threaten the safety of employees shall be
adopted; determine and change the facilities, methods, technology, means,
organizational structure, size and composition of the work force and allocate and assign
work by which the City operations are to be conducted, provided however, that no such
measures which threaten the safety of employees shall be adopted; determine and
change the number of work locations, relocations and types of operations, processes
and materials to be used in carrying out all City functions, including but not limited to,
the right to contract for or subcontract any work or operations of the City; assign work to
and schedule employees in accordance with requirements as determined by the City;
and establish and change work schedules and assignments as set forth in the MOU;
establish and modify productivity and performance programs and standards; discharge,
suspend, demote, reprimand, withhold salary increases and benefits, except such as
are mandated by City Charter, or otherwise discipline employees in accordance with the
applicable law; establish employee performance standards, including but not limited to,
quality and quantity standards; carry out its mission in emergencies; and, exercise
complete control and discretion over its organization and the technology of performing
its work.
Police Safety MOU
Section 3 - Mutual Aid
Nothing herein shall in any way be construed to limit the use of any public safety
agency or any member in the fulfilling of mutual aid agreements with other jurisdictions
or agencies, nor shall this article be construed in any way to limit any jurisdictional or
interagency cooperation under any circumstances where such activity is indeed
necessary or desirable by the jurisdictions or the agencies involved.
Section 4 - AClency Personnel Rules
It is understood and agreed that there exists within the City the "Civil Service
Rules and Regulations for the Classified Service"; Resolution No. 10584, Establishing
Uniform and Orderly methods of Communications Between the City and its Employees
for the Purpose of Promoting Improved Employer-Employee Relations, as amended,
and Resolution No. 10585, Adopting Rules and Regulations Relating to Employer
Employee Relations, as amended. These documents will continue in effect, except for
those provisions modified by the Common Council in accordance with state or federal
laws, orders, regulations, official instructions or policies. In the case of proposed
changes by other than agreement, the City shall consult with the Association or meet
and confer when required by statute. In cases of emergency, the Association and City
will meet as soon as possible after the changes.
Section 5 - Employees' RiClhts
Employees shall have all the rights, which may be exercised in accordance with
state law, federal law, the Charter and applicable ordinances, resolutions, rules and
A. The right to form, join and participate in the activities of employee
organizations of their own choosing for the purpose of representation on all matters of
employer-employee relations.
B. The right to refuse to join or participate in the activities of employee
organizations and the right to represent themselves individually in their employment
relations with the City.
C. The right to be free from interference, intimidation, restraint, coercion,
discrimination or reprisal by other employees, employee organizations, management or
supervisors as a result of their exercise of rights indicated in (A) and (B) above.
Police Safety MOU
Section 1 - RecoQnition
Formal recognition of the Association is acknowledged for purposes of meeting
and conferring on wages, hours, working conditions and other terms and conditions of
employment and of general representation of its members. The Association has been
recognized formally as the majority representative of the appropriate unit composed of
Police Officers and other sworn, non-management positions in the San Bernardino
Police Department. including but not limited to, the following classifications: Police
Officer; Juvenile Officer; Corporal; Detective; Senior Identification Inspector; and,
Sergeant. These positions are recognized regardless of assignment, receipt of incentive
payor acting in a higher position.
Section 2 . No Strike
It is the purpose of the MOU for the parties hereto, to confirm and maintain the
spirit of cooperation, which has heretofore existed between the City of San Bernardino
and the employee organization. It is recognized that any work disruptions are
unproductive to City operations and services provided its citizens. The Association and
City hereby agree that they shall at no time nor in any way jeopardize the public health,
welfare and safety of the City's business and residential communities. Thus, the
Association and the City will strive to promote a harmonious relationship between the
parties of this MOU that will result in benefits to the City and will provide continuous and
uninterrupted employee services. It is, therefore, further agreed that the Association
shall not, on behalf of itself and its members, individually or collectively, engage in any
curtailment or restriction of work, including but not limited to, "blue flu" or strikes, at any
time during the term of this MOU.
Section 3 - Payroll Deductions
It is agreed that the Association membership dues, insurance and premiums for
plans sponsored by the Association shall be deducted by the City from the pay warrant
of each employee covered hereby who files with the City a written authorization
requesting that such deduction be made. Remittance of the aggregate amount of all
membership dues and insurance premiums deducted from the pay warrants of
employees covered hereby shall be made to the Association within 30 days after the
conclusion of the month in which said membership dues and insurance premiums were
The City shall not be liable to the Association, employees or any other persons
by reason of the requirements of this section for the remittance of any sum other than
that constituting actual deductions made from employee wages earned. The Association
shall hold the City harmless from any and all claims, demands, suits, orders, judgments
or other forms of liability that may arise out of, or by reason of, action taken by the City
under this section.
Police Safety MOU
Section 4 - Grievance Procedure
A. Purpose: The City of San Bernardino and the Association realize the
importance of a viable grievance procedure to aid in the resolution of disputes among
employees, supervisors and management. It is recognized that to maintain high
employee morale and harmonious relations, an orderly method of processing
grievances is necessary.
This procedure is intended to establish a systematic means to process a
grievance and to obtain fair and proper answers and decisions regarding employee
complaints. The representative of employees and management at all levels will make
continuing efforts to secure prompt disposition of grievances. Every effort should be
made to resolve grievances in the informal process.
The initiation of a grievance in good faith by an employee shall not cast
any adverse reflection on his/her standing with his/her supervisors or his/her loyalty as a
City employee, nor be a reflection on the employee's supervisor or the department
involved, unless it is determined that such department or supervisor has grossly abused
management discretion or the employee has grossly abused the grievance process.
B. Definition: A grievance is an alleged violation of the terms of this MOU or
of the laws, ordinances, resolutions or regulations concerning or affecting wages, hours
or other conditions of employment. The remedy selected by the employee shall be the
exclusive remedy pursued, either through the grievance procedure or through appeals
to the Civil Service Board. However, nothing herein shall be interpreted as
relinquishment of the rights set forth in City of San Bernardino Charter Sections 253,
254, and 255.
Additionally, allegations of discrimination and harassment shall be
submitted to the Equal Employment Officer.
C. Representation: The aggrieved employee shall have the right to be
represented. This representation may commence at any step in the grievance
procedure. Legal counsel and/or official representatives of the recognized employee
organization only can represent the employee. No person hearing a grievance need
recognize more than one representative for any employee at anyone time, unless
he/she so desires. If the employee's legal counsel is not from the formally recognized
employee organization, a representative of that formally recognized organization may
attend the grievance hearing to insure that the solution reached does not violate the
terms of the MOU.
D. Consolidation of Grievances: In order to avoid the necessity of processing
numerous similar grievances at one time, a single grievance may be filed.
E. Time Limits Time limitations are established to settle a grievance quickly.
Time limits may be modified by agreements of the parties. If at any stage of the
Police Safety MOU
grievance procedures the grievant is dissatisfied with the decision rendered, it shall be
the grievant's responsibility to initiate the action, which submits the grievance to the next
level of review. The grievant may proceed to the next step if a reviewing official does not
respond within the time limits specified. A formal grievance may be entertained in or
advanced to any step if the parties jointly so agree.
F. Steps in the Grievance Procedure: The procedures outlined herein
constitute the informal and formal steps necessary to resolve an employee's grievance.
An attempt to settle the grievance in the informal structure at the employee-supervisor
level is required. The grievance must be submitted to the informal step within ten (10)
working days of the incident causing the grievance, or the grievant's knowledge of the
incident occurrence.
Note: If the employee chooses to appeal disciplinary action to the Civil
Service Board, he/she shall be precluded from filing a grievance.
The date and the subject of the incident should be provided with the
request for the informal meeting.
1. Informal: Initially, the grieving employee shall on a personal face-to-
face basis discuss his/her complaint with his/her immediate supervisor informally.
Within ten (10) working days, the supervisor shall give his/her decision to the employee
2. Formal:
Step 1. Written Grievance to Supervisor: If a mutually acceptable
solution has not been reached in the informal process, the employee shall submit the
grievance in writing to his/her immediate supervisor. This must be accomplished within
ten (10) working days of being informed of the supervisor's informal decision. Within ten
(10) working days of receiving the written notification of the employee's grievance, the
supervisor may meet with the employee and thoroughly discuss the grievance. The
employee may appear personally and may be represented by a representative of
his/her choice. In any event, the supervisor shall give a written decision to the employee
within ten (10) working days after receipt of the written grievance.
Step 2. Meet with Division Head: If the grievance has not been
satisfactorily resolved at this level, it may be appealed within ten (10) working days to
the division head, who may follow the steps outlined in Step 1 above. In any event, the
division head shall give a written decision to the employee within ten (10) working days
after receipt of the grievance.
Step 3. Meet with Chief: If the grievance has not been satisfactorily
resolved at this level, it may be appealed within ten (10) working days to the Chief, who
may follow the steps outlined in Step 2 above. In any event, the Chief shall give a
written decision to the employee within ten (10) working days after receipt of the
Police Safety MOV
grievance. If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at this level, it may be
appealed within ten (10) working days to the Director of Human Resources.
Step 4. Review bv the Director of Human Resources: If the
grievance is still not adjusted, the aggrieved party may file a written appeal with the
Director of Human Resources within ten (10) working days from the date of delivery of
said answer. The Director of Human Resources or his/her designee shall meet with the
employee, and if the employee desires, the designated union representative within ten
(10) working days after receipt of the appeal. The designated City representative shall
deliver his/her answer in writing to the employee within ten (10) working days after the
Step 5. Final Step:
a. If the grievance is still not adjusted, the aggrieved party may
file a written appeal with the Mayor or his/her designated representative within ten (10)
working days from the date of delivery of said answer. State in writing the complaint
and the desired result.
b. The Mayor or his/her designated representative shall deliver
his/her answer in writing within ten (10) working days after receipt of the appeal.
c. The decision of the Mayor or his/her designated
representative is final and binding on all parties, unless reversed by a court decision.
d. All grievances shall be treated as confidential and no
publicity will be given the final resolution of the grievances.
Section 5 - Emplovee Representatives
When requested by an employee, a Job Representative (Job Rep) may
investigate any alleged grievance in the department and assist in its presentation. The
representative shall be allowed reasonable time therefor during working hours without
loss of time or pay, upon notification and approval of his/her immediate supervisor, with
the concurrence of the division or department head. The privilege of a Job Rep to leave
work during work hours without loss of time or pay is subject to the understanding that
the time will be devoted to the proper handling of grievances and will not be abused.
Such time shall be excluded in any computation of overtime. Job Reps will perform their
regularly assigned work at all times, except when necessary to leave their work to
handle grievances as provided herein. A Job Rep will not be granted time off or
compensation for the purpose of handling grievances outside this unit. The Association
shall notify the City of the names of each Job Rep each January. The City shall
recognize a ratio of one (1) Job Rep for every 50 permanent employees in the unit, but
not less than five (5). Job Reps shall include: One (1) from Detective Bureau; three (3)
from Patrol; one (1) from MET/Traffic; and, one (1) from Narcotics.
Police Safety MOU
Section 6 - Investiaation Riahts
When an employee is under investigation and subjected to interrogation by
his/her commanding officer or any other member of the department, which could lead to
punitive action, such interrogation shall be conducted under the following conditions.
For the purpose of this chapter, punitive action is defined as any action which may lead
to dismissal, demotion, suspension, reduction in salary, written reprimand or transfer for
purposes of punishment.
The Police Department will make a good faith effort to conclude within 90
calendar days any investigation that could lead to discipline of a unit member.
If the Civil Service Board determines that Disciplinary Evidentiary Appeals should
be heard by a third party neutral, the City and the Association will support that
The Police Department will exclude disciplinary action, which is not final in
preparing performance evaluations. However, the Police Department retains the right to
consider such disciplinary action, once finalized, in subsequent performance
evaluations, ratings for promotions and so forth.
If an employee on the graveyard shift wishes to appeal a disciplinary action to the
Civil Service Board, the employee's shift may be rescheduled to the day shift on the
date of the Civil Service Board meeting, provided that the shift change is for the
disciplined employee only and the employee requests the shift change in advance
through the chain of command.
The City hereby adopts and incorporates herein by reference all provisions of the
Public Safety Officers' Procedural Bill of Rights (Government Code Section 3300, et.
Lawful Exercise of Riqhts: Insubordination: Administrative Appeal:
A. No employee shall be subjected to punitive action, or denied promotion, or
be threatened with any such treatment because of the lawful exercise of the rights
granted herein or the exercise of any rights under any existing administrative grievance.
Nothing in this section shall preclude a head of an agency from ordering
an employee to cooperate with other agencies involved in criminal investigations. If an
officer fails to comply with such an order, the agency may officially charge him with
B. No punitive action, nor denial of promotion on grounds other than merit,
shall be undertaken by any public agency without providing the employee with an
opportunity for administrative appeal.
Police Safety MOU
Section 7 . Non-Discrimination
The provisions of this agreement shall be applied equally by the City and the
Police Association to all employees covered hereby without favor or discrimination
because of race, sex, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, political or
religious opinions or affiliations or Association membership. Further, there shall be no
discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities as defined in the Americans
With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), when those individuals do not pose a risk to the
health or safety of themselves or others.
Section 8 - Personnel Files
No member shall have any comment adverse to his/her interest entered in
his/her personnel file as described in PC 832.8, or any other files used for any
personnel purposes by the employer, without the member having first read and signed
the instrument containing the adverse comment indicating he/she is aware of such
comment, except that such entry may be made if after reading such instrument, the
member refuses to sign it. Should a member refuse to sign, that fact shall be noted on
the document and signed or initialed by such officer.
A member shall have 30 days within which to file a written response to any
adverse comment entered in his/her personnel file. Such written response shall be
attached to and accompany the adverse comment.
In all instances other than a written warning or commendation, the consultation
reports will be purged from the supervisor's file in compliance with departmental
Standard Operating Procedures. Citizen/internal complaints will be purged from the
Internal Affairs files in compliance with the departmental Standard Operating
Section 9 - Political Activities
Except as otherwise provided by law or whenever on duty or in uniform, no
employee shall be prohibited from engaging in or be coerced or required to engage in
political activity.
Section 10 - Use of Citv Resources
The Association may be granted permission to use department facilities for the
purpose of meeting with employees to conduct its internal affairs provided space for
such meetings can be made available without interfering with City needs. Permission to
use facilities must be obtained by the Association from the Chief or a designated
representative. The Association shall be held fully responsible for any damages to and
the security of any facility that is used by the Association.
Police Safety MOV
The department will furnish adequate bulletin board space where currently
available. Only areas designated by the appointing authority may be used for posting of
notices. Bulletin boards may be used for the following notices:
Scheduled Association meetings, agenda and minutes;
Information on Association elections and results;
Information regarding Association special, recreational and related
D. Reports of official business of the Association, including reports of
committees or the Board of Directors;
E. MOU, pay scales, job announcements, promotion lists, etc.
Such other items as may be approved by the department management upon request of
the department.
Posted notices shall not be obscene or defamatory, nor shall they advocate
election or defeat of candidates for public office. All notices to be posted may be dated
and signed by an authorized representative of the Association and should have prior
written approval of the Chief or an authorized representative. Denial of approval shall
. not be arbitrary or capricious or discriminatory.
Section 11- Employer-Employee Relations Committee
Consistent with Section 5, the Association will designate five (5) representatives
who will meet with representatives of Police administration on a mutually agreeable
basis to discuss matters pertinent to the welfare of the City and the employees. The
Association may have additional representatives present when appropriate for the
discussion of scheduled matters. Normally, such meeting shall be during regular
working hours.
Section 1 . Salaries
During the term of this MOU, the monthly salaries of local safety members of the
San Bernardino Police Department shall be fixed annually, effective August 1, in
accordance with the City Charter, Article X, Section 186.
Police Safety MOU
Section 2 - PERS/Retirement Plan
Effective July 1, 2002, the City will implement the 3% @ 55 formula.
B. Effective as soon as possible following adoption of the MOU, the City will
establish a tax-qualified defined benefit plan to provide supplemental retirement benefits
based on the difference between CaIPERS' 3% @ 55 Plan and 3% @ 50 Plan for
employees with 20 or more years of service as of January 1, 2004. For the term of this
agreement, the costs associated with this plan will be paid by the City. The employees'
share of ongoing costs will be subject to negotiations on a successor MOU.
C. The City will continue to contract with PERS to provide the "highest 12
month" retirement formula.
D. The City will provide Post Survivors' Retirement benefit.
E. PERS Salarv Conversion: The City will increase the base salary of all
employees covered by this agreement by converting the nine percent (9%) Employer
Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) to base salary. This base salary is "compensation
earnable" as defined in Section 20636 ( c ) of the California Government Code and shall
be reported to the Public Employees' Retirement System (hereinafter "PERS").
Employees will then assume responsibility for payment of the nine percent (9%)
employee retirement contribution to PERS and all associated costs for the conversion of
the EPMC to base salary. The City shall designate such payment as an Employer Pick-
Up as defined under the provisions of Section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code
(26 USC S414(h)(s)). The employee contribution to PERS shall be made through
automatic payroll deductions from the base salary in accordance with PERS
regulations. The City has adopted a resolution with an implementation date of January
1, 2000, for paying and reporting the value of the Employer Paid Member Contribution
(EPMC) under the guidelines of Government Code Section 20636( c)(4) pursuant to
Section 20691. The City will report the 9% Employee Contribution as Special
Compensation under the current PERS laws.
For purposes of determining overtime compensation and other salary
payments, including but not limited to, payoffs of sick leave, vacation accruals, holiday
accruals and comp time balances, the aforementioned nine percent (9%) base salary
increase shall not be considered.
F. The City shall provide written notification to representatives of the union
prior to the end of each fiscal year, which identifies the applicable rate for the next fiscal
Section 3 - Overtime
A. Policv: It is the policy of the City to discourage overtime, except when
necessitated by abnormal or unanticipated workload situations. The City has the right to
Police Safety MOU
require overtime to be worked as necessary. Consistent with this policy, the Chief will
make every effort to assign overtime evenly among the employees with similar skills or
B. Definition: Overtime is defined as all compensable hours in excess of the
regularly scheduled workday or 40 hours per week. All overtime shall be reported in
increments of 15 minutes and is non-accumulative and non-payable when incurred in
units of less than 15 minutes.
C. Compensation: An employee who works overtime authorized by the
department shall be compensated at time-and-a-half. Payment for overtime shall be
made on the first regular payday following the pay period in which overtime is worked,
unless overtime compensation cannot be computed until some later date, in which case,
overtime will be paid on the next regular payday after such computation can be made.
The employee may decide that he/she be paid for the overtime or accumulate such
overtime at time-and-a-half. Overtime compensation for details or assignments outside
the normal budgetary process or that are funded through grant funds shall be
compensated in cash. Payment for unused accumulated overtime shall be made upon
termination, retirement or paid to the survivor upon death of the employee. Such
determination must be made at the time the employee submits the overtime slip.
Accumulated overtime shall not exceed 480 hours. If an employee reaches 480 hours,
he/she must accept pay for any overtime exceeding that maximum. The maximum
accumulated overtime shall be increased to 480 hours. All compensatory time hours will
be paid off or used before an officer is promoted to a management position. Requests
for use of accumulated overtime made seven (7) days in advance of the time requested,
will be granted unless a public safety issue or serious deployment issue arises.
D. Davliqht Savinqs Time: Employees required to work during daylight
savings time when their shift is extended by one (1) hour (clocks are turned back one
(1) hour) will not be compensated for that hour.
Employees required to work when their shift is reduced by one (1) hour
(clocks are turned forward one (1) hour) will not be deducted one (1) hour of
compensation time.
If employees are required to work beyond their standard end of shift,
employees will be compensated at their normal overtime rate.
Section 4 . Assianment to Hiaher Position
An employee of the department temporarily acting in a position in a higher rank
during periods of absence of the incumbent or during a vacancy in the position for more
than ten (10) consecutive days shall receive the same salary for the higher rank to
which he/she would be entitled, were he/she promoted to that rank during the period in
which the employee is acting in the higher rank. The Chief shall certify monthly as to the
Police Safety MOU
assignment and the period of time worked in the higher rank to validate entitlement to
the higher salary.
This article does not apply to a situation in which there is no vacant higher-level
position for which funds have been appropriated. Substantive addition of duties of a
higher-level classification to an employee's budgeted position should be considered for
a classification study.
Section 5 .On.Call/Call.BacklStandbv
A. On-CaIl/Call-Back: An employee placed in an "on-call" status by Police
management will receive four (4) hours pay for all or any portion of a 24-hour day. On-
eall status shall start at the end of the employee's scheduled workday and at 0800 hours
for employees on a scheduled day off.
Four (4) personnel will be placed in an on-call status for the purpose of
homicide investigations. These personnel, consisting of three (3) investigators and one
(1) supervisor, will be compensated with one (1) hour of overtime, equal to time-and-a-
half of their current rate of pay. Periods of time for on-call will be established by the
department to coincide with the needs of the investigations division.
For all unit members (other than homicide investigation personnel noted
above), compensation for those called back after the end of their scheduled workday
will be a one (1) hour minimum at time-and-a-half, as applicable.
Whether or not the time an employee is on-call need be counted as
compensable working time depends upon the employee's freedom while on-call, as
defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
B. Standby: In the event an employee is placed on standby for a court
subpoena, the employee will receive three (3) hours' standby pay. If the employee is
called to court and does not go beyond 1200 hours in that day, it will be considered part
of the three (3) hours' standby. If the employee has to appear after the noon recess, any
additional time will be added to the three (3) hours' standby. In cases where the
subpoena is for 1330 hours or another time, the standby will start with the time stated
on the subpoena. In those cases where the subpoena is for 1330 or later, the
employee's time will be computed at the amount of time between the time of the
subpoena and 1700. Employees will receive a half-hour (1/2) travel time for going to
cou rt.
If an employee works graveyard shift and has an 8:00 a.m. court
appearance; the employee will receive overtime pay for a minimum of one (1) hour. For
all hours worked in excess of the one (1) hour, employees will receive overtime pay for
actual time worked.
Police Safety MOV
In the event the employee is required to pay parking fees, the employee
will be reimbursed. If employees are required to stay through noon recess, they will be
paid for the actual time worked.
Section 6 - Educational Incentive
All police officers shall be entitled to receive in addition to their regular salary and
as may be appropriate, one of the levels of incentive payment as outlined below:
A. Two hundred dollars ($200) additional compensation per month shall be
paid each police officer who has obtained a Peace Officer Standards Training (POST)
Intermediate Certificate; or,
B. Two hundred fifty dollars ($250) additional compensation per month shall
be paid each police officer who has obtained a POST Advanced Certificate; or,
month shall
Two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275) additional compensation per
be paid to each police officer who has obtained a POST Supervisory
Section 7 - Court Fines
The City shall pay for court fines imposed upon each member as a result of
his/her conviction of a traffic violation when such employee was directed to operate any
faulty vehicle or vehicular equipment, which was the proximate cause of the mechanical
or other traffic violation, provided that such violation did not result from improper or
negligent operation of the vehicle on the part of the member.
Section 8 - BilinQual Pay
Each full-time employee who meets the City's certification and eligibility
requirements shall be compensated at the rate of $50/month. The City shall reserve the
right to determine languages for which testing will be conducted.
Section 9 - Lead Supervisor
Employees performing in this position shall do so at the discretion of the Chief of
Police. The employee must currently hold the rank of P-3 to be considered for the
position. Compensation shall be $500 per month above that of the "E" Step Sergeant
(P-3), as published annually by the City Human Resources Department.
The City shall make the appropriate adjustments to the employee's reportable
PERS compensation and mandated contributions.
according to language outlined in Article III,
PERS/Retirement Plan, of this MOU.
Contributions shall be made
Compensation, Section 2,
Police Safety MOU
Section 1 . Health/Life Insurance
A. The City shall contribute monies toward health premiums for the
Employee Plus One dependent at the rate equivalent to the total of the Kaiser South
premium and the Delta Dental High Option plan premium or its equivalent, plus an
additional $100/month.
The City shall contribute monies toward health premiums for employees
with Employee Only coverage at the rate equivalent to the total of the Kaiser South
premium and the Delta Dental High Option plan premium or its equivalent, plus an
additional $100/month.
Any contribution not utilized by the employee shall revert to the City.
B. Insurance benefits available for purchase by employees include: medical,
dental, vision, life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance.
C. An employee must purchase insurance offered through the City in order to
utilize the contributions described in Section A above.
D. Included in the contribution described in Section A, the City shall
contribute a maximum of $16 per retired employee to be used exclusively for the
purchase of medical insurance benefits.
Effective January 1, 2004, the City contribution will increase to $32.20 per
month per retired employee to be used exclusively for the purchase of medical
insurance benefits.
Effective January 1, 2005, the City contribution will increase to $48.40 per
month per retired employee to be used exclusively for the purchase of medical
insurance benefits.
E. Employees may use any of the amounts described in Section A to
purchase any/all of the insurance benefits described in Section B.
F. Cafeteria monies may be redesigned or a change of plans may be made
in accordance with the rules established by the insurance plan selected by the
G. The City shall provide each employee with $5,000 term life insurance.
H. The City shall pay funeral expenses of up to $10,000 for a police officer
. killed in the line of duty.
Police Safety MOV
I. Enrollment in City insurance plans is subject to the regulations availability
established by each plan's provider.
J. An employee who does not want to enroll in any health care plan offered
by the City must provide evidence of group health care insurance coverage, and
execute an opt-out agreement releasing the City from any responsibility or liability to
provide health care insurance coverage on an annual basis.
Section 2 . Rain Gear/ Utilitv Uniforms/Uniform Allowance
A. Rain Gear: The City shall continue its current method to provide
appropriate duty rain gear for personnel.
B. Utilitv Uniforms: Each employee of the bargaining unit shall be furnished
one utility uniform. Said uniform shall be maintained in assigned lockers or in the vehicle
available for use at all times.
C. Uniform Allowance: Once each fiscal year, each employee in the
bargaining unit shall receive an annual uniform allowance of $600 to be paid in a lump
sum amount during the first pay period of March.
New employees must wait until the first pay period of March to receive
their annual uniform allowance.
Section 3 - Books and Tuition Allowance
The City will continue under its formalized procedures to pay tuition costs for
members who complete prior-approved, job related courses of instruction, which will
increase their value to the City. Grades must be consistent with the City's policy.
Courses must be taken at an accredited school. The amount of reimbursement shall be
equivalent of tuition costs for up to six (6) units per quarter as charged by the California
State University, San Bernardino, or up to one-and-a-half (1-1/2) times that amount, if
based on a semester system. The Director of Human Resources will recommend
approval or disapproval, based on the availability of budgeted funds for tuition
assistance. Reimbursement for books required for the approved course or courses may
be authorized by the Chief at the time reimbursement for tuition is requested. See
Exhibit 1 - Department of Director Letter (DOL) No. 48, Educational Reimbursement
Section 4 . Deferred Compensation
The City shall continue to sponsor a Deferred Compensation Plan, which shall be
available to employees on a voluntary basis. Unspent "cafeteria" contributions may not
be diverted into a deferred compensation Or like plan.
Police Safety MOU
Section 5 . Safety Equipment
A. New employees who are required to have safety equipment will be
furnished same on a one-time basis, including safety equipment hardware, leather and
safety vests.
B. The City shall furnish regularly-assigned motorcycle officers the following
items as initial issue: (1) safety helmet; (1) pair of boots; (2) pair of riding breeches,
which are declared to be necessary for the safety of the officer as specified under Labor
Code Section 6401 and Government Code Section 5008.1.
C. Replacements will be issued upon return of worn-out items. It shall be the
duty of each employee to use normal diligence in their use and any willful damage or
loss shall obligate the employee to replace the item at his/her expense. Upon
reassignment or separation from the department, these items shall be returned to the
The City Director of Finance shall have direct control over the purchase,
issue and replacement of the above-described items. The Chief shall certify in writing to
the Director of Finance as to an individual's entitlement.
Section 6 . ReplacinQ/RepairinQ Personal Property
The City shall continue to provide for the cost of replacing or repairing personal
property of an employee, which is lost or damaged in the performance of duty as
provided in Department Director Letter (DOL) No. 33, Reimbursement or Repair of Lost
or Damaged Items of Personal Property of City Employees, dated April 17, 1989, and
revised August 29~ 2003.
Section 7 . Service Pins
Employees of the City of San Bernardino shall be awarded service pins upon
completion of each of the following period of years of continuous loyal service:
5 years
10 years
15 years
20 years
25 years and over
Years of service shall be deemed to include all continuous loyal employment for
the City of San Bernardino.
Award of service pins for the above-designated service shall be made as soon as
may be practicable after the employee has completed the required period of
Police Safety MOU
Service pins shall be of such design as approved by the Mayor and Common
Council of the City of San Bernardino and shall show the number of years of service for
which the award is rnade and the City seal of the City of San Bernardino.
Section 1 - Vacations
A. All employees within the bargaining unit covered by this MOU shall be
entitled to annual paid vacations as follows:
Completed Years of
Continuous Service*
Rate of Accrual
Per Pay Period
Equivalent Hours
Per Year
1 year"
5 years
15 years
20 years
3.33 hours
5.0 hours
6.667 hours
8.33 hours
80 hours
120 hours
160 hours
200 hours
*Service year begins on initial date of employment in a full-time regular
**No vacation granted or accrued, if service is less than one year.
B. When an employee resigns or otherwise leaves the service of the City and
has not used his earned vacation since his last anniversary date, payment shall be
made to the employee for the earned portion of his vacation.
Calculation of payment earned vacation or deduction for unearned
vacation upon termination shall be made in accordance with the wage rate in effect on
the final day of employment.
C. When an employee returns to work after a break in "continuous service,"
and when such break in continuous service shall have been by leave of absence with
approval of the Mayor and Common Council, vacation time shall not accrue during such
break in continuous service but shall accrue monthly from the date of return to service
from such approved leave of absence, based upon the total length of service of the
D. Whenever the terms "years or years of employment" appear herein, it
shall be deemed to include all services for the City of San Bernardino.
E. If an employee leaves the City service prior to the completion of the year
in which he/she used such leave, a deduction will be made from such employee's final
paycheck for the unearned portion of such vacation. Employees shall not be allowed to
use unearned vacation time.
Police Safety MOV
F. Vacation credits may accrue and accumulate for a maximum of two (2)
years' total accumulated vacation credits on a carryover basis from year to year.
Vacations or portions thereof from anyone year so accrued may run consecutively with
vacations or portions thereof of the next succeeding year, subject to approval of the
G. Compensation for vacation other than for earned vacation at the time of
termination of employment shall be limited to the amount normally earned during
regularly assigned working time.
H. Once per year, members of the bargaining unit will be granted the option
of selling up to one-quarter (1/4) of their vacation and holidays to the City. The Chief will
approve or disapprove a member's request for sell back. An eligible employee shall
notify the City by August 1 of his/her request for sell back for the prior fiscal year ending
June 30. The City shall compensate eligible employees on the first payday in
Section 2- Holidays
A. Employees shall be entitled to 10 City-designated holidays, the equivalent
of 100 holiday hours each year, as listed below:
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veteran's Day (November 11)
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve
Additionally, employees shall be entitled to one ten (10) hour floating
holiday effective January 1 of each year. Only unit employees who have satisfactorily
served in the employ of the City continuously for at least six (6) months shall be eligible
to take floating holidays. Employees shall not be allowed to use unearned holiday time.
B. The Chief shall consider any request of any employee as to preference for
taking floating holidays, provided however, the final right to allot the day to be observed
is exclusively reserved to the Chief.
C. All full-time employees with the exception of those employees shown in
the following paragraphs shall be allowed the above holidays at full pay when such
holidays occur within the regular assigned working period, provided they are in a paid
status during any portion of the working day immediately preceding or succeeding the
Police Safety MOU
holiday. If it becomes necessary for employees to work on any of the City-designated
holidays, ten (10) hours shall be placed in their holiday account.
D. Upon separation from the City, employees shall be paid for 80% of his/her
current holiday account balance.
E. Holidays as listed above shall be allowed on Monday, if any such holiday
falls on Sunday, and shall be allowed on the preceding Friday, if any such holiday falls
on Saturday, for all employees except those covered by other provisions herein. If the
Christmas and New Year holidays occur on Mondays, these holidays and the holiday
eves will be observed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
F. Holidays earned in any 12-month period are not accumulative beyond the
total number of holidays allowed each year.
Section 3 . Sick Leave
A. Sick leave means absence from duty of an officer or employee because of
illness or injury, exposure to contagious disease, attendance upon a member of his
immediate family who is seriously ill or requires the care or attendance of an officer or
employee, or death in the immediate family of the officer or employee. Immediate family
means: husband; wife; grandmother; grandfather; mother; father; sister; brother; son;
daughter; mother-in-law; father-in-law; sister-in-law; brother-in-law; daughter-in-law; or
B. Not more than one-half (1/2) of an employee's annual sick leave accrual
within any calendar year may be granted to an officer or employee for the care of or
attendance upon members of his immediate family. Not more than 40 hours of sick
leave may be granted to an officer or employee for each absence due to death of a
member of his immediate family as defined above.
C. No absence due to illness or injury in excess of 40 hours shall be
approved except after the presentation of satisfactory evidence of illness or injury; and,
a certificate from a practicing physician or an authorized practicing chiropractor
approved by the Mayor and Common Council may be required by the Chief and shall be
subject to his approval concerning said absence. The Mayor and Common Council shall
have the power to require that any person claiming the sick leave benefits of this MOU
be examined at any reasonable time or intervals by the County Health Officer or other
designated physician, and in the event of an adverse report, to reject such claim for sick
leave in whole or in part, and to terminate sick leave compensation. In the event of the
refusal of any person to submit to such examination after notification, the Mayor and
Common Council may terminate sick leave compensation and reject any claim therefor.
The Mayor and Common Council shall have the right to require the presentation of a
certificate from a practicing physician or the County Health Officer stating that an officer
or employee is physically able to perform his work and duties satisfactorily before
permitting an officer or employee who has been on sick leave to return to work.
Police Safety MOU
D. In order to receive compensation while absent on sick leave, the
employee shall notify his immediate superior or the station commander prior to the time
set for beginning his daily duties, or as may be specified by the Chief. When the
absence is for more than one work day, the employee may be required to file a
physician's certificate or a personal affidavit with the Director of Human Resources
stating the cause of the absence.
E. Sick leave with pay shall be granted to all regular employees. Sick leave
shall not be considered as a right, which an employee may use at his discretion, but
shall be allowed only in case of necessity and actual personal sickness or disability,
except as otherwise provided herein.
F. Whenever an employee is compensated hereunder for sick leave and has
not had a vacation at the end of the current calendar year, he shall be allowed to take
his vacation in the calendar year he returns to duty.
G. Whenever the term "service of City" appears herein, it shall be deemed to
include all service of the City of San Bernardino.
H. All full-time officers and employees of the City who are actively on duty,
have been in the service of said City for six (6) months or more continuously, and who
are compelled to be absent from their work on account of illness or injury other than that
which is compensable under Article V, Section 5, Injury Leave, of this MOU, shall
receive their full salary, wages or compensation for a period of one (1) day for each
month of continuous service, provided that such salary, wages or compensation shall
cease upon the exhaustion of all accumulated sick leave.
I. Sick leave may be accumulated without limit, except for employees hired
following the adoption of the January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2005 MOU, who shall
have a sick leave accumulation limit of 1,000 hours. Time off with pay for sick leave
shall be considered as time worked for purposes of the accrual of sick leave only. Sick
leave shall not accumulate during periods of leave of absence without pay. Employees
will not be allowed to use unearned sick leave.
J. The 48 hours of sick leave granted after six (6) calendar months of
continuous service as herein provided for all full-time employees shall be computed at
the rate of approximately 4.0 hours per pay period. In the event that an employee works
less than 50 percent of the total normal work hours in the pay period, he shall receive
no sick leave benefit for such pay period and shall not be credited with the 4.0 hours of
sick leave.
K. Approved vacation, sick leave, holiday or compensatory time off shall be
considered as time worked for the purpose of computing sick leave benefits only.
Police Safety MOU
Section 4 - Payment for Unused Sick Leave
A. All permanent employees or the estate of any such deceased employee
who dies during employment shall be entitled to receive payment for unused sick leave,
subject to the restrictions and conditions as set forth below.
B. Employees or the estate of any such deceased employee who dies during
employment, after the completion of five (5) years of continuous full-time employment
with the City, upon retirement, death or termination of employment, except through
dismissal or resignation with prejudice, shall receive compensation of 50 percent of
accumulated, unused sick leave, provided that in no event shall such compensation
exceed 480 hours of such leave. After 20 years of continuous service with the City of
San Bernardino, compensation will be 50 percent (50%) of all accumulated, unused sick
C. For the purpose of this section, the "retirement" shall have the meaning
ascribed to it and the definition therefore as set forth in Section 20035 of the
Government Code.
D. Each fiscal year an employee may elect to receive payment in lieu of
accrued sick leave, provided such employee has used 32 hours or less of sick leave
during the fiscal year ending June 30.
An eligible employee shall notify the City by August 1 of his/her desire to
receive such payment. The City shall compensate eligible employees on the first
payday in September.
An employee receiving such pay shall receive at the then current salary
rate pay for one-fourth (1/4) of the number of hours of sick leave accrued, less those
hours used for the fiscal year period. The employee's accrued sick leave shall be
reduced by the number of sick leave hours for which pay is provided.
Section 5 - Accumulated Leave Conversion Plan
Within six (6) months of adoption of the January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2005
MOU, the City will provide an Accumulated Leave Conversion Plan which will require
employees upon retirement to contribute unused sick leave, vacation, holiday, and
compensatory time to an Internal Revenue Code Section 401 (a) Defined Benefit Plan.
All fees associated with such plan will be paid by plan participants.
Section 6 . Iniury Leave
Employees will have a choice of doctor and hospital on work-related injury, in
accordance with existing State Labor Code.
Police Safety MOU
The parties understand that Association may submit the issue of the applicability
of California Government Code Section 45010 as it pertains to City Resolution No.
6433, Section 6, for determination by way of an action for declaratory judgment to be
filed in the San Bernardino County Superior Court. The City does not waive its defense
that this issue has been decided in favor of the City by a binding decision of the Court of
Appeal, nor does the City hereunder agree to pay any costs or expenses of the
When injury is sustained in the course and scope of employment with the City,
said employee shall be compensated under the provisions of the Workers'
Compensation Insurance and Safety Act of California and not under the provisions of
the MOU; provided that he/she shall be reimbursed pursuant to the provisions of
California Labor Code Section 4850 during the first 365 days of disability, provided
further that these payments may be terminated pursuant to the provisions of California
Government Code Section 21023.6.
Employees who are receiving payments under Labor Code Section 4850 shall
accrue vacation, sick leave and holiday credits during such absence from duty. When
employees are off duty on injury leave and have not had a vacation at the end of the
current year, they shall be allowed to take this vacation in the calendar year they return
to duty.
Section 7 - Leave of Absence Without Pay
A. Leave of absence without pay is a temporary non-pay status and absence
from duty granted at the request of the employee. The Mayor and Common Council
may grant leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed six (6) months, upon
the positive recommendation of the Chief and the City Administrator. Under justifiable
conditions, said leave may be extended by the Mayor and Common Council for
additional periods. A leave of absence without pay will be considered favorably if it is to
be expected that the employee will return to duty and that at least one of the following
benefits will result: increased job ability, protection or improvement of the employee's
health, retention of a desirable employee or furtherance of a program in the interest of
the City. Examples or conditions for which a leave of absence without pay may be
granted are:
1. For an employee who is a disabled veteran requiring medical
2. For an employee who is temporarily mentally or physically unable
to perform his duties.
3. For an employee who files for or assumes elected office.
4. For maternity or paternity leave, upon the recommendation of the
attending physician.
Police Safety MOU
5. For military leave when the employee has less than one (1) year of
service to qualify for leave with pay.
An approved leave of absence without pay for less than 60 days in any
calendar year will not be considered a break in service. Leave in excess of 60 days
shall result in the advancement of the employee's anniversary date and compensation
advancement date to such date as will account for the total period of uncompensated
time off. Failure to return to duty at the expiration of the approved leave of absence
without pay shall constitute an automatic resignation.
B. The City's contribution towards an employee's health and life insurance
premiums will not be extended beyond the last day of the month in which the absence
without pay begins if the leave of absence without pay becomes effective during the first
15 days of the month, nor beyond the last day of the next succeeding month if the leave
of absence without pay becomes effective after the 15th day of the month, unless the
employee is returned to work from leave of absence without pay status prior to the date
the City's contribution would be discontinued. In the event the employee desires to
maintain full health and life insurance coverage while on leave of absence without pay
status, he may arrange to pay the insurance premiums for the coverage desired (both
the employee and the employer portions). It is the responsibility of the employee to
contact the payroll section in this regard. The payment of the amount of the premiums
must be made to the payroll section prior to the date on which the City's participation will
terminate. Payments must be made monthly thereafter until the employee either returns
to work or his employment with the City is terminated.
C. Upon an employee's return to work, the City's contribution towards the
employee's health and life insurance premiums will begin on the first day of the month
following the end of the leave of absence without pay if that leave of absence without
pay terminates between the 151 and 15th days of the month, or on the 15t day of the next
succeeding month if the leave of absence without pay terminates after the 151h day of
the month.
D. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, the City
will continue its contribution for health and life insurance premiums of an employee on
leave of absence due to any injury or illness arising out of and in the course of his or her
employment with the City.
E. In circumstances in which either the Federal Family Leave Act or the State
Medical and Family Leave Act apply, the City shall adhere to the requirements of the
Section 8 - Military Leave
A. An employee who shall enter the Armed Forces of the United States
during war or national emergency as declared by the President or the Congress of the
United States shall be entitled to leave of absence without pay during such service and
Police Safety MOU
for a period of 90 days thereafter. Every such employee and/or officer returning to the
City within the time herein specified, and who has been honorably discharged from such
service shall be reinstated without loss of status or seniority, provided they are not
physically or mentally incapacitated from performing the duties of said office or position.
B. Compensation of employees on temporary military leave of absence is
found in Military & Veterans Code Section 395.01, which currently provides in part as
"Any public employee who is on temporary military leave of
absence and who has been in the service of the public agency from
which the leave is taken for a period of not less than one year
immediately prior to the day on which the absence begins shall be
entitled to receive his salary or compensation as such public
employee for the first 30 calendar days of any such absence. Pay
for such purposes shall not exceed 30 days in anyone fiscal year.
For the purposes of this section in determining the one year of
public agency service, all service of said public employee in the
recognized military service shall be counted as public agency
C. All persons appointed to fill such position during war or such national
. emergency shall be temporary appointees only.
D. In the event of circumstances, which require reserve "call-up," the City will
meet and confer with the POA over the impact of the call-up on unit members.
Section 1 - Work Schedules
The standard workday represents the tour of duty for which an employee is
regularly scheduled for work during a 24-hour period commencing from the start of the
employee's assigned shift. A regularly scheduled tour of duty, which commences before
midnight and ends the following day, shall be reported for payroll purposes as time
worked for the day in which the tour of duty began.
Work schedules shall be as defined herein, except as otherwise provided for:
A. 5/40 Work Schedule: The 5/40 work schedule shall consist of a 40-hour
workweek consisting of five (5), eight- (8) hour workdays, exclusive of any meal periods
assigned by management.
Police Safety MOU
B. 9/80 Work Schedule: The 9/80 work schedule shall consist of 80 work
hours in a two (2) week period, consisting of eight (8), nine- (9) hour work days and one
(1), eight (8) hour work day, exclusive of any meal periods assigned by management.
C. 4/10 Work Schedule: The 4/10 work schedule shall consist of a 40-hour
workweek consisting of four (4), ten- (10) hour workdays, exclusive of any meal periods
assigned by management.
Since the four-day, ten-hours-per-day plan (4/10) has been a successful
method of operation in the Patrol Division, it shall continue with exceptions of special
details within that Division.
D. Work Schedule Adiustment: It is recognized that during the term of this
agreement, it may be necessary for management to make changes in the work
schedule to meet the needs of the service, based on the results of a management audit
and/or other circumstances that may arise. Any shift schedule changes are subject to
the meet and confer process. Except for emergencies or in case of special needs where
management finds it necessary to make such changes, it shall notify the Association
indicating the proposed change prior to its implementation. Where such change would
significantly affect the working conditions of a significantly large number of employees in
the unit and where the Association requests to meet with management, the parties shall
expeditiously undertake to consult, as provided by Section 350 et. Seq., of the California
Government Code regarding the impact the change would have on the employees of
the unit.
In cases of special needs where it would be advantageous to make
temporary changes to the regularly assigned shift of some personnel, the Department
will make a good faith attempt to give one (1) week advance notice to the affected
employee(s). The Department will not make special needs changes that result in the
disruption of consecutive work days. It is recognized that it may be necessary for
management to make unscheduled temporary changes to regularly assigned shifts
based on emergencies or matters of public safety.
Lunch Hours: Only officers in Patrol will be allowed to take paid meal
Section 2 - Shift ChanQe
Subject to authorization of the Chief, Assistant Chief, Captain, Area Commander
or Station Commander, employees in the unit should be allowed to exchange time with
other employees of equal rank on the following basis:
A. Time exchanged shall be with equal rank and be agreeable with both
parties and shall be requested in a memo signed by both employees.
Police Safety MOU
B. The time exchange requested shall be initiated with the immediate
supervisor of the employee requesting the exchange.
C. Time exchanged may be by one standard workday or by a half (1/2)
standard workday.
D. Time exchanged shall be repaid by one standard workday or by a half
(1/2) standard workday, within a seven- (7) day period.
E. Since this is done for the convenience of the employee, in no case shall a
shift exchange or repayment of a shift exchange be considered in computation of
Section 3 . Probationary Period
The probationary period for positions in this unit shall be 12 months from the date
of hire.
Section 4 - Seniority
Seniority is herein defined to be an employee's length of service with no break in
service within the Police Department and/or classification in which the employee is
presently assigned. The department may consider seniority in vacation scheduling, shift
assignments and transfers within classification.
Section 5 - Reemployment
An employee who has terminated City employment and who is subsequently
rehired in the same classification in a regular position within a gO-day period may
receive restoration of salary step. Seniority shall begin anew as of the rehire date. All
other authorized benefits shall accrue as of the date of rehire.
Section 6 - Physical Examinations
The City shall pay medical fees for the physical examination of any police officer
when such examination is required and directed by the City.
Section 1- Waiver Clause
The City and the Association for the life of the MOU each agrees that the other
shall not be obligated to meet and confer with respect to any subject or matter referred
to or covered in this MOU.
Police Safety MOV
Section 2 - Severabilitv
If any provision of this MOU is held by the proper legislative or judicial authority
to be unlawful, unenforceable, unconstitutional or not in accordance with applicable
statutes or not applicable to Charter cities, all other provisions of the MOU shall remain
in full force and effect for the duration of this MOU. If there is any conflict between the
provisions of this MOU and the provisions of federal, state or local government
regulations, the provisions of the federal, state or local government regulations shall be
controlling. Upon the issuance of a decision declaring any article, section or portion of
this MOU to be unlawful, unenforceable, unconstitutional or not applicable to Charter
cities, the parties agree to meet and confer immediately concerning only those articles,
sections and portions.
Section 3 . Printina of Memorandum of Understandina
The City and the Association will share the cost of printing of the MOU.
Section 4 - Term of Memorandum of Understandina
This MOU will be in effect for the three (3) year period commencing January 1,
2003 and ending December 31,2005.
Section 5 - Notice of Intent to Reopen
The parties agree that if either party desires to propose changes in the terms or
conditions of this MOU for the period following expiration of this MOU, notice shall be
given to the other not later than the last working day of July 2005, that such discussions
are desired. Such notice shall request a meeting to begin negotiations and establish
ground rules which shall include at a minimum the date beyond which no further
proposals may be submitted by either party.
Section 6 - Prevailina Benefits
All benefits, privileges and working conditions authorized for the employees at
the present time, which are not included in this MOU shall remain in full force during the
term of this MOU, unless changed by mutual consent.
Police Safety MOU
Judith Valles, Mayor
City of San Bernardino
Steve Filson, President
San Bernardino Police Officers'
Rachel Clark, City Clerk
Approved as to form and legal content:
James Penman, City Attorney
HRlMOU's:Police.MOU .03-05
Police Safety MOU
Accumulated Leave Conversion Plan ...................................................................... 24
Agency Personnel Rights........................................................................................... 5
Assignment to Higher Position ................................................................................. 14
Bilingual Pay............................................................................................................ 16
Books and Tuition Allowance...................................................................................18
Court Fines .............................................................................................................. 16
Deferred Compensation........................................................................................... 18
Definition of Terms..................................................................................................... 3
Educational Incentive ............................................................................................... 16
Employee Representative............................. ............................................................. 9
Employees' Rights ..................................................................................................... 5
Employer-Employee Relations Committee .............................................................. 12
Grievance Procedure................................................................................................. 7
Health/Life Insurance............................................................................................... 17
Holidays................................................................................................................... 21
I njury Leave............................................................................................................. 24
Investigation Rights................................................................................................. 10
Lead Supervisor....................................................................................................... 16
Leave of Absence Without Pay................................................................................ 25
Management Rights................................................................................................... 4
Military Leave........................................................................................................... 26
Mutual Aid.................................................................................................................. 5
No Strike.................................................................................................................... 6
Non-Discrimination.................................................................................................. 11
Notice of Intent to Reopen ....................................................................................... 30
On-Call/Call-BacklStandby ...................................................................................... 15
Overtime.................................................................................................................. 13
Payment for Unused Sick Leave.............................................................................. 24
Payroll Deductions..................................................................................................... 6
PERS/Retirement Plan .............................................................................. .............. 13
Personnel Files ........................................................................................................11
Physical Examinations............................................................................................. 29
Political Activity ........................................................................................................ 11
Prevailing Benefits............................................................................................... .... 30
Printing of Memorandum of Understanding ............................................................. 30
Probationary Period..................................................................................... ............ 29
Rain Gear/Utility Uniforms ....................................................................................... 18
Recognition................................................. ............................................................... 6
Reemployment......................................................................................................... 29
Replacing/Repairing Personal Property................................................................... 19
Police Safety MOU
Safety Equipment.................................................................................................... 19
Salaries.................................................................................................................... 12
Seniority................................................................................................................... 29
Service Pins............................................................................................................. 19
Severability.............................................................................................................. 30
Shift Change............................................................................................................ 28
Sick Leave............................................................................................................... 22
Term of Memorandum of Understanding .................................................................30
Use of City Resources ............................................................................................. 11
Vacations................................................................................................................. 20
Waiver Clause......................................................................................................... 29
Work Schedules....................................................................................................... 27
Police Safety MOU
Number 48 (Revised)
April 25, 1996
SUBJECT: Educational Reimbursement processinq
I. Purpose:
The purpose of the Department Director Letter is to describe
guidelines for Educational Reimbursement processing.
II. Authoritv:
Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) for various bargaining units.
III. Responsibilitv:
The Personnel Department is responsible for administering the
Educational Reimbursement Program
IV. Procedures:
The City will reimburse city employees who successfully
complete job-related courses of instruction which will
increase their value to the city. Approval of the Department
Head and Director of Personnel is required prior to the start
date of the course if reimbursement is expected.
Payment amounts are governed by the applicable Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU). In general, the amount of reimbursement
shall be based on the California State University, San
Bernardino rates. Educational reimbursement forms are
available through Central Stores.
A. Applicant will complete Section A and Section B, 1
through 4, of the Educational Reimbursement form and
submit it to their Department Head for approval.
B. If the form is approved as job-related, the Department
Head will forward the form to the Director of Personnel.
The Personnel Department will file a copy and return the
approved form to the employee/student.
The employee/student will return the form to the
Personnel Department with school tuition receipts, proof
of grade(s), consistent with the city's Affirmative
Action Policy, and certificate(s) of completion.
Department/Director Letter No. 48
Revised April 25, 1996
Page 2
C. Upon successful completion of the coursers), the
employee/student will attach tuition receipt(s), book(s)
receipts (if applicable) and proof of completion of the
coursers) to the original form and forward to the
Personnel Department through their Department Head.
All required receipts, etc., must be returned to
Personnel within 60 calendar days of completing the
D. The Personnel Department staff will tabulate all monies
to be reimbursed to the employee and forward forms to the
Director of Personnel for approval.
E. The Director of Personnel will sign and forward the
Request for Payment, with attachments, to the F;inance
Applicable Memoranda of Understanding
Barbara Dillon
Director of Personnel
City Administrator
Resolution No 2002-388
SECTION 1: The Mayor and Director of Human Resources are hereby authorized ane
directed to execute on behalf of said City a Side Letter to Resolution No. 99-155, amendin~
to Article V, Leaves, Section 7, Military Leave, a copy of which amendments are attached herete
and incorporated herein marked Exhibit A.
13 /II
14 1/1
15 /II
16 /II
23 /II
24 /II
25 /II
SECTION 2. The side letter authorized by Resolution 2001-364 is hereby superceded.
. 25
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Commo
Council of the City of San Bernardino at a joint regular meeting thereof, held on th
day of
, 2002, by the following vote, to wit:
,"/-) , " ,L r,' /.
1 -:ly:-<.e--Iv..)' . Q (1 "t..tJ!L
RachetG, Clark, City Clerk
The foregoing resolution IS hereby approved this
Approved as to form and
Legal content:
City Attorney
Exhibit "A"
The following sets forth the Side Letter to Resolution No. 99-155, for full-time, regular active
Police Safety Employees. This Side Letter adds to the language in Article V, Leaves-Section
7, Military Leave, of the Police Safety Employees' Memorandum of Understanding and
supercedes the previous Side Letter adopted by Resolution 2001 -364.
Article V. Leaves-Section 7. Military Leave. Subsection E (NEW)
E. Employees who are called to active duty as a result of the activation of military
reservists beginning in September 2001, due to the crisis related to terrorist attacks on America,
and who are eligible to receive the thirty (30) calendar day military leave compensation in
accordance with Military Code g 395 et seq., shall receive the difference between their regular
City salary, as established by Charter Section 186 and their total military salary, starting the 31 st
calendar day of military leave. The difference in salary shall continue for up to one year of
active military service, which includes the thirty (30) days provided for in this section. During
this one-year period, the City will continue to provide the employee the benefit plan as was
provided prior to such active duty. Payment into the PERS retirement plan will be made on a
prorated basis. Any employee activated prior to December I, 2003, will be eligible to receive up
to a maximum of one year the benefits described above. Employees activated after December I,
2003, will not be eligible for any benefits beyond those mandated by law, unless the Mayor and
Common Council expressly approve such compensation. This compensation provision applies
to those officers who are involuntarily called to active military duty.
The compensation provision does not include an employee's attendance at
weekend reserve meetings or drills. Employees must use their own time to attend such meetings.
Should the meetings unavoidably conflict with an employee's regular working hours, the
employee is required to use vacation leave, holiday time, compensatory time off, or leave
without pay. Employees who are called in for a medical examination to determine physical
fitness for military duty must use vacation leave or leave without pay. The thirty (30) day
compensation provision also applies to any employee on military leave, other than temporary
military leave, who is ordered into active military duty or is inducted, enlists, enters, or is
otherwise called into active military duty.
A copy of military orders must accompany the "request for leave" form and
copies of military earnings statement must be provided to the City on a monthly basis.
Employees who are eligible for military leave compensation will be placed on a leave of absence
with the right to return to their positions. The detailed procedures for processing and payment
will be discussed and established between the City of San Bernardino Finance Department and
the affected employee.
Interoffice Memorandum
Records and Information Management (RIM) prmll~!)OW~@
September 5, 2003 SEP - 5 2003
Dena Peters, Senior Secretary
City of San Bernardino
Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary
Transmitting Documents for Signature - Resolution 2003-253
At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of September 2, 2003, the City of San Bernardino
adopted Resolution 2003-253 - Resolution implementing a Memorandum of Understanding
between the City of San Bernardino and employees in the Police Safety Employees' Bargaining
Unit of the CiZy of San Bernardino represented by the San Bernardino Police Officers'
Association (SBPOA).
Attached is one (I) original agreement. Please obtain signatures in the appropriate location and
return the original agreement to the City Clerk's Office as soon as possible, to my attention.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 3206. Thank you.
Michelle Taylor
Senior Secretary
e receipt of the above mentioned documents.
Please sign and return
Meeting Date (Date Adopted): '1 - Z-O~2, Item #
Vote: Ayes \ - 'l Nays Q-
20 Resolution # 'Z-oO.3'- 2,~
Abstain .G- Absent -€:Y
Change to motion to amend original documents:
Reso. # On Attachments: .......-=- Contract term: -
Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: =-
Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY
Date Sent to Mayor:
Date of Mayor's Signature:
Date of ClerklCDC Signature:
NullNoid After:
By: -
Reso. Log Updated: .--/
Seal Impressed:
Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature:
60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day:
90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day:
See Attached:/ Date Returned: '1<..1~--o3
See Attached:
See Attached:
Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached:
Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below):
Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634):
Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557):
Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389):
Copies Distributed to:
City Attorney V
Parks & Rec.
Code Compliance Dev. Services
Police Public Services Water
Yes/ No By
Yes No / By
Yes No / By
Yes No /' By
Yes No /' By
Finance '"../
Ready to File: _
Revised 01/12/01