HomeMy WebLinkAbout25-Fire Department CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Larry R. Pitzer, Fire Chief Subject: Resolution authorizing acceptance of a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for Emergency Operations Planning in the amount of$22,183. Dept: Fire Date: July 15, 2003 OORrG\~\lL MCtC Meeting Date: August 18, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 01114/03 Grants Committee Meeting-Item recommended for approval. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution. Contact Person: Larrv R. Pitzer. Fire Chief Phone: (909) 384-5286 Supporting data attached: Staff Report. Resolution. and Approved Application Ward: Citvwide FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $0 Source: (Acct. No) (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. f/JijD3 J.5 ~ ~CO~-'S.. d-'\'d- STAFF REPORT SUBJECT Resolution authorizing acceptance of a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for Emergency Operations Planning in the amount of$22,183. BACKGROUND In Fiscal Year 2002, a supplemental grant was made available from FEMA for Emergency Operations Planning. The grant funding is to provide assistance to state and local governments in updating Emergency Operations Plans for all hazards with special emphasis on Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) terrorism preparedness. A Steering Committee consisting of representatives of the Operational Area Coordinating Council (the 24 cities and towns and the County) has been meeting since December 2002 to define the grant deliverables and the allocation of the grant funds. The total amount of the grant is $319,559 and will be administered by the County Fire Department as the Lead agency for the Operational Area (OA). The Steering Committee recommended to the Operational Area Coordinating Council that the grant funds be distributed in the following manner: a base allocation in the amount of $2,000 will be provided to each member agency of the OA (cities, towns and the County), the OA Lead Agency (County Fire, Office of Emergency Services) will be allocated 5% of the grant ($15,978) for grant administration and 20% of the grant ($63,912) for program administration. The remaining dollars will be allocated on a per capita (population) basis to each jurisdiction. The City of San Bernardino is slated to receive $22,183 from this FEMA grant (see Attachment A). According to the FEMA grant guidelines, planning funds should be used for one or more of the following activities: 1. Development/Update of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), with an emphasis on terrorism preparedness plans; 2. Development/Update of supporting documents to the EOP, such as mutual aid agreements, Continuity of Operations (COOP) and Continuity of Government (COG), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Risk Assessment Annex, etc. 3. Attending training/workshops on EOP or related issues that assist in updating the EOP; 4. Development of a coordinated strategy and/or plan to incorporate Citizen Corps and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programs into the emergency operations system; 5. Hiring personnel/contractor to assist with development of the above; 6. Equipment/supplies associated with supporting plan development (see Proposed Budget, Exhibit "A"). . The FEMA grant guidelines require local jurisdictions to produce the following deliverables by December 2003: 1. An updated EOP with emphasis on Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorism Response and/or 2. Supporting document(s) to the EOP. Examples could include: . COOP/COG or SOP . Hazard/Risk Assessment Annex . Mutual Aid Agreement(s) . Citizen Corps/CERT programs implementation plan Annex Although the City's Grants Committee recommended approval on January 14,2003, the County's appropriation authority for cities was contingent on State approval of the consolidated grant application. The County did not receive State approval until April 16, 2003 and notified cities in June 2003. State approval and County notification has allowed cities to proceed with Council authorization to participate in this grant opportunity. FINANCIAL IMP ACT There are no cost-share or match requirements associated with this FEMA grant. It is 100 percent federally funded on a reimbursement basis. RECOMMENDA nON Adopt resolution. 2 Exhibit "A" City of San Bernardino FEMA -- Emergency Operations Planning Grant Proposed Budget Co ntracto r/C 0 ns ultan t $2,350 Binders (for required number of copies of Emergency Operations Plan) $900 Duplication Services $1,260 (2) Dell Computers w/Flat LCD Monitors $3,218 (1) Digital Laser CopierlFax $800 (1) Color (Laser) Printer $2,299 Disaster Supplies (for City facilities) $11.356 $22.183 GRAND TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ') . 3 -I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 )" _0 24 25 . 26 27 28 RES~"EJ: RESOLllTlON OF THE :\1 A YO~N~O 1MO;. COUNCIL OF THE CITl OF SAN BERJ'\'ARDINO AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A GR.\NT FRO"1 THE FEDERAL El\IERGEl'lCY MA!\'AGEMEl'lT AGENCY (FEMA) FOR EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLANNING Il\' THE AMOUNT OF 522,183. BE IT RESOL YED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Administrator or his designee is authorized to accept a grant from FEMA in the amount of $22, 183 for Emergency Operations Planning. IIII 111/ 111/ IIII IIII IIII i/// /il/ IIII IIII IIII i/l/ 1/// IIII IIII IIII 1 ~ ....-- '-I I /' '7 I [). .;< '" t /i g/o-'3 , . - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . ]4 ] 5 16 ] 7 18 ]9 20 21 22 7" _J 24 25 . 26 27 28 RESOLl'TION OF TilE MAYOR A'\'D COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZI:\G THE ACCEPTANCE OF A GRA:\T FRO:\! TIlE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) FOR EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLANNING IN THE AMOU'\'T OF 522,183. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the !\'Iayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereot: held on the day of .2003. by the following vote. to wit: Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ESTRADA LONGV]LLE MeGIJ\'N1S DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON McCAMt\1ACK Rachel G. Clark. City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of .2003. Judith Valles. Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: James F. Penman City Attorney By: ~ ? - fL--- o 2 . STATE OF CALIFORNIA Attachment "A" lH<AY UAVIS, GOYernor GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES DISASTER ASSISTANCE RESOURCES BRANCH GRANT MANAGEMENT SECTION POST OFFICE BOX 419023 RANCHO CORDOVA, CALIFORNIA 95741-9023 PHONE: (916)845-8110 fAX: (916)845-8391 OES jit* c-...-, 0f'1b '" ~,S,tn-in=I April 16, 2003 ___ ,.'\:iV ~-. . ---.-- / , '-n~:-6 ~ Peter R. Hills Fire Chief San Bel11ardino County 1743 Miro Way Rialto, CA 92376 Dear Mr. Hills: SUBJECT: NonFICA nON OF APPLICA nON APPROVAL FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FY02 Supplemental Appropriation for Emergency Operations Planning 2003-313, OES #071-00000 The Governor's Office of Emergency Services has approved your grant application in the amount of $319,559.00. A copy of your approved application is enclosed for your records. The award period for this grant can be found on the enclosed application. e In order to receive payment, Grant Assurances and Governing Body Resolution Forms must be on file with our office. Payment must be requested using a FEMA Supplemental Reimbursement Request form; a copy is enclosed. As a requirement of this program, a special fund for the deposit of the state warrant must be established upon receipt of any advance funding. Expenditures can only be made for items listed on your approved grant application. This grant is subject to all policies and provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984 and the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996. Any funds received in excess of current needs or approved amounts, or those found owed as a result of an audit or final inspection, must be refunded 10 the State wilhin 30 days upon receipt of an invoice from the Governor's Office of Emergency Services. Quarterly Reports must be prepared and submitted to OES for the duration of the grant period or until all planning activities are completed and the grant is formally closed. The reports must include the status of all activities. Quarterly report template, with instructions, will be distributed under separate cover prior to the deadline for the first report. Failure to submit quarterly reports could result in grant reduction, tennination or suspension. For further assistance, please contact the Grant Management Section at (916) 845-8110. . GRANT PAYMENTS UNIT Enclosure c: Applicant's File 1__ . . . GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES FEMA 02 Supplemental- Emergency Operations Planning Reimbursement Request Mail Reimbursement Request to: Governor's Office of Emergency Services Grant Payments Unit Post Office Box 419023 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9023 Applicant: County .OES ID #: Please mark this box to indicate a change in the Authorized Agent Mailing Address below 0 Total Expenditures to date: Reimbursement Request (for the period through $ ) $ Under penalty of perjury, I certify that: . I am the duly authorized officer of the claimant herein . This claim is in aU respects true, correct, and all expenditures were made in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and grant conditions and assurances Authorized Agcl1t (per Goyc:rnirll: Body RC'tolulioa) Printed Name TiUe Mailing Address City. Stale, Zip Code Signature PhODe No. E-Mail Adm.. Fax No. Date v ~ 0> ro Cc . ~ " . Q 0:: '" W u Cl C '" 0 W 0 oJ '" u '" >- ,V1 I- - I: !: Z " 0 ~ U ,,,; 0 E-< 1M Cl !: ~ z I '" "0 ~ >: I ~ i .. CO '" ,~ !: E-< .., 'u ~ p. , " I- '" ~ p. I~ III ::> I"; 0:: " en !: " ,. CO '" III V) '" E " 0 0 )0- ro ~ 0 0 0:: z 0 0 0 C " ro " I- ,S! ~ III Q. ~ - Q. :r <( ~ 0. I- Z < () 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 - 0 ~ oJ 0 '" '" ~ 9 V1 V1 ~ ~ ,.; V1 V1 r- oO < 0 0 ,'" '" ,"; ,.; ,.; 'M 1M ,.; , ~ I '" I '" UJ W 0 '" ,.; .-< OJ .. 0- ,.; ,.; M 0- . ~ -< ., M 0 0 E-< M '" 0 0 0- 0 . N 0- ~ '" ~ '" .. ., . M 0 CO Q 0 C , '- ~ ro :>.,", ;; ~ " ,.; 0 (] ., '," " .. '" 0 0,-"16-1003 OL11 From-OES SO RON EOC .1 '561 7i5 2877 T.c3: p ~CZ/~~, ~-:~: . I tl: ,:)"'1' P~"'~""""''''''''' "'-~J FY02 fl:MA supplemenbl Grant Emergoncy Oporallons Planning (EOP) . eemardlno County Operational Area B 12 0118 ceiL- t)G\~ Federal Emergency Management Agency, Office of National Preparedness FY02 Supplemental Grant for Emergency Operations Planning Application for Assistance San Bernardino County County Contact Information: 1743 Mire Way Autllorized Agent Mailing Address Denise L. Benson Name Rlalto CA 92376 CltylStatelZip CodB Division Manager Tltte J319.559.00 MiUdlTlum, Amount AuthorIZed por Appendix A (909) 356-3998 Area code/office Telephone --1319.559.00 Amount R~quested per Budget Detail Worksheet (909) 356-3965 Area CodelQmce Fay . dbenson@fire.sbcountv.qov E-Mail Addre$s Application Checklist _ The following items must be included with this grant applicailon package: bll Narrative bel Budget Detail Wor1<sheet Immediate Needs Funding (if Needed) bel Grant Assurances (if needed) !Zl Governing BOdy Resolution (if needed) CertifIcation and Signature ot Authorized Agent I hereby GIJrtlfy that the lI11achsd application represents the Operational ATea consensus on tlmergenc:y planning N~.Im'ro" to, O,.reUo'" ....'. ~...~,... .. re",~' '0 T...o"m too""" ~ ~ ~ ~ _Denise l. Benson - Signature or Authorized Agent Printed Name i I \ Division ManaQer I Title , 1 \ . For OES Use Only .1Icalion RevilllNedlGrant A....an:l ApprovIJd: /~-?-? .. 'lIIIII!' Regional Admin/strator Signature iran! Performance Period: l' II. . 03 nNt../ /2, i 5, 03 I~S \0# 07/' ()(Y)()() Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance #83.562 Award #EMF-2003-GR-0313 \ Aoril 15.2003 pate - - - t/////~? Date - FY02 FEMA supplemental Grant Emergency Operations Planning (EOP) San Bernardino County Operational Area Page 9 of 18 . Budget Detail Worksheet (Federal Share Only) PERSONAL SERVICES Position Title Salary Benefits (@ \I~rin"< %) Total Division Manaqer $43.37 + $15.35 1354%) = $8.808 Emerqency Services Officer $22.65 + $5.68 (251%) = $46 246 Clerk III $13.60 + $4.34 (319%) = $3.229 Clerk II $1066 + $387 1363%) = $2 617 Staff Analvst II $23.92 + $U8 14.9%) = $3012 $63,912 OPERATING EXPENSES AND EQUIPMENT (OE&E) Consultant Services Equipment Indirect Costs (Overhead) ~fflce Supplies Printing Travel Pass thru to Cities & Special Districts (see attached table) Other: $239,669 Grant Administration $15,978 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES AND OE&E $ 319,559 .Provide more detailed information on the Equipment Addendum worksheet (see nest page). . ,- FY02 FEMA supplemental Grant Emergency Oparatlons Planning (EOP) San Bernardino County Operational Area Page 10 of 18 . FY02 FEMA SUPPLEMENTAL GRANT FOR EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLANNING SBCO CACC Base Per Cap Total Est. Primary OACC Cltles(Towns/CounlV Allocation Allocation Allocation Representative Adelanto $ 2,000 $ 1,983 $ 3,983 Richard Oaklev \Apple Valley $ 2,000 $ 6,040 $ 8,040 Cindv Serrano Barstow . $ 2,000 $ 2,355 $ 4,355 Kenneth Becknell . Big Bear Lake $ 2,000 $ 606 $ 2,606 Michelle Caldwell Chino $ 2,000 $ 7,316 . $ . 9,316 Todd Stroinv ' . ,'.< ~i .. Chino Hills $ 2,000 $ 7,550 $ 9,550 Ed Nicholls Colton $ 2,000 $ 5,221 $ 7,221 Tom Hendrix " ',,:L Fontana $ 2,000 $ 14,791 $ 16,791 Chris Tronaas Grand Terrace $ 2,000 $ 1,265 $ 3,265 Steve Berry '..li. Hesperia $ 2,000 $ 6,922 $ 8,922 Garv Tavlor Highland $ 2,000 $ 4,870 $ 6,870 Steve Walker .':,., Lorna Linda $ 2,000 $ 2,090 $ 4,090 Rolland Crawford Montclair $ 2,000 $ 3,599 $ 5,599 Mike Donlev .:...... .c';' eedles $ 2,000 $ 545 $ 2,545 Bob Lvons Ontario $ 2,000 $ 17,258 .... $ 19,258 . Steven Holtrust 0" Rancho $ 2,000 $ 14,579 $ 16,579 L. Dennis Michael Redlands $ 2,000 $ 7,018 $ 9,018 Mitch McKee ", Rialto $ 2,000 $ 10,081 $ 12,081 Debbie Notlorno San Bernardino $ 2,000 $ 20,183 $ 22,183 Fred Wilson '" 29 Palms $ 2,000 $ 2,935 $ 4,935 Michael SewiQart Upland $ 2,000 $ 7,497 $ 9,497 Suzanne Kimball .. .".\ Victorville $ 2,000 $ 7,369 $ 9,369 Jon B, Roberts Yucaipa $ 2,000 $ 4,626 $ 6,626 Jennifer Shankland ... Yucca Valley $ 2,000 $ 1,856 $ 3,856 David Munro County $ 2,000 $ 31,114 $ 33,114 Denise Benson Grant Admin, $ 15,978 Prooram DevelopmentiPlennlnn $ 63,912 Per Capita number are based on $ 319,559 2000 DODulation fiaures Total Aw~rd .$ 31 \l,559 . ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM 2trJ}- Z 42_ Absent f) Meeting Date (Date Adopted): "15 r 1'6-63 Item # Vote: Ayes l- (., Nays b Change to motion to amend original documents: '25 Resolution # Abstain b Reso. # On Attaclunents: ,/' Contract term: ..-- Note on Resolution of Attaclunent stored separately: -=- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY Date Sent to Mayor: ~ - l <j - 0.3 Date of Mayor's Signature: \5--\ ct-o::> Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: t -. -cL, '" ') Date mo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder etter en on 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: See Attached: See Attac Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distribute<yo: City Attorney v' Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services Water Notes: NulllVoid After: - By: - Reso. Log Updated: .-/ Seal Impressed: ---- Date Returned: Yes /' No By Yes No ./ By Yes No ./ By Yes No y' By Yes No/ EDA Finance ,/" MIS ni2-E:~ Others: BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 01112/01