HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-Parks & Recreation , CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Lemuel P. Randolph, Director Subject: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OR HER DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PROVIDE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES FOR BEFORE & AFTER- SCHOOL RECREATION PROGRAMS AT SCHOOL DISTRICT SITES. Dept: Parks, Recreation & Community Services Dept. Date: July 17, 2003 ORIG1NAl MICC Meeting Date: Aug. 18, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: December 4, 2002 - Mayor and Common Council approved Resolution No. 2002-374 for the 2002-2003 Children's After-School Program for Success. Recommended motion: Adopt Resolution ~~ ~ Signature Contact person: Lemuel P. Randolph Phone: 384-5030 Supporting data attached: Staff report. Reso & Agreement Ward: Citywide flit L;-ML Amount: $460,000 (horn rederal & State Program Funds) Source: (Accl. No.) 123-594-5014 (Accl. Description) C.A.P.S. Finance: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. l~fJb3 /21-~ ~-Z(j:)6- 23-5: . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subiect: Resolution authorizing the Mayor of City of San Bernardino or her designee to execute an agreement with the San Bernardino City Unified School District to provide contractual services for before & after-school recreation programs at school district sites. Backl!round: The Children's After-School Program for Success (C.A.P.S.) is a grant funded program administered by the San Bernardino City Unified School District to provide before & after- school programs at school sites. The city has been a sub-contractor to the school district in this program since 1999. The school provides teachers and aides to teach educational and tutorial programs. The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department has been asked to provide arts and crafts and other recreational activities to the youth. The CAPS Program was offered at nine elementary schools when first implemented. The program expanded to fifteen schools in 2000 - 0 I. This agreement will provide for an additional 2 sites for after-school programs and 10 before school programs. This will equal a total of 27 programs at 17 school sites for a period beginning July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. Financial Impact: The agreement amount is for $460,000 to cover 100 percent of costs for part-time staff. This will allow the department to provide a maximum of 6 part-time staff per program site, Monday - Friday. Supplies and equipment are provided by the district. There is no financial impact to the City. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. R'SOLUTIOtO(Q) \P "if 1 . RESOLUTIO:\' OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AlTHORIZING THE 2 I\IA YOR OF THE CITY OF SA:\' BER:\'ARDINO OR HER DESIGNEE TO EXECCTE 3 AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN BER:\'ARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PROVIDE CONTRACTVAL SERVICES FOR BEFORE & AFTER- 4 SCHOOL RECREATION PROGRAMS AT SCHOOL DISTRICT SITES. 5 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COM\lON COUNCIL OF THE CITY 6 OF SAN BER.i'l/ARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 7 8 SECTION 1. The Mayor of City of San Bemardino or her designee is hereby authorized 12 Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. 13 SECTION 2. The authorization granted hereunder shall expire and be void and of no . 14 f1ll1her effect if the agreement is not executed by both parties and rctumed to the Office of the 15 16 City Clerk within 120 days following effective date of the Resolution. 17 18 19 20 21 /,:; 22 23 24 25 I. 26 . 27 28 /.'/ I, , j ( , / ~; / / /:: t/j . RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SA:'Ii BER:'oiARDI:'\O AUTHORIZIl'>G THE 1 I\IA YOR OF THE CITY OF SAN BER'\'ARDI:'oiO OR HER DESIG!'\EE TO EXECUTE 2 AN AGREEMEl'IT WITH THE SAN BERi'liARDIl'IO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PROVIDE COl'>TRACTUAL SERVICES FOR BEFORE & AFTER- 3 SCHOOL RECREATION PROGRAMS AT SCHOOL DISTRICT SITES. 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor 5 and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a Meeting. day of . 2003, by the following vote to AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. JUDITH VALLES, MA YOR City of San Bernardino Approved as to fonn And Legal content: James F. Penman City Attorney .oj.. .,;",,~...~~f~. SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Arturo Delgado, Ed,D, Superintendent . Mohammad Z, Islam, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services July 16, ~003 City of San Bernardino Parks & Recreation Lemuel P, Randolph, Director 547 North Sierra Way San Bernardino, California 92410 Dear 1\1r. Randolph: Please find enclosed two sets of The Agreement for Consultant Services in Collaboration with District for the children's after school Program for Success (CAPS), Our office has signed the Agreements, Please sign both originals and return an original copy to our office as soon as possible, . In addition, I have enclosed two documents for your office to complete, These are the Contractor Fingerprinting Certification Fornl and the Substitute W-9 Form, Please return these fonl1s with the Agreement. The District must have these forms on file in order to issue any payments for services, Also, I have included a copy of our District Policies as referenced in the Agreement as \\ell as a copy of the Laws Regulating Criminal Background Checks, Please retain with your files, Please ensure that any individual signing this Agreement is the authorized signatory and is legally authorized to bind your organization in this Agreement. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Agreement, please call me at (909) 381-11~7, Sincerely, /""---"-~"" ~'-- ( ) ,r___~,.< _ , \ 'f.-.. i.--"L"v.). '-..... t, / I G:-l....'--^---_ """_ 'lJeDra Love, Assistant Purchasing Services Director Encls, (5) e , BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION 777 North F Street. San Bernardino, CA 92410. (909) 381-1154. Fax (909) 383-1375 debra, love@sbcusd,k12,ca,us . . . L~,W_i..::.J..LL ~iLJJ2J..L-t-lo:K()_II(I-l1 I" ORIGINAL SA'" BER.,'\ARDINO CITY l'NIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 777 North hE" Street San Bernardmo, CA 92410 AGREEMENT FOR CONStrLTANT SERVICES I'" COLLABORATIOl\ WITH DISTRICT FOR THE CHILDREl\"S AFTER SCHOOL PROGRA:\1 FOR Sl'CCESS (CAPS) THIS AGREEMENT lS made and entered into this 25th day of June, 2003, by and between the SA'" BERl\'ARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, herem after referred to as the "DISTRICT" 'Ynh ns pnncipal place of bus mess at 777 North "F" Street, San Bernardino, California 92410, and CITY OF SAC\' BERC\'ARDll\'O PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUMTY SERVICES DEPART:\IEC\'T. heremaftcr referred to as the "CONSCLTANT" having a prinCIpal place of busmess at 547 ","orth SIerra Way, San Bernardmo, Cahforn1a 92410. R E C I TAL S: WHEREAS, the DISTRICT is authorized by Section 53060 of the California Government Code to contract wIth and employ any persons for the furnishing of special services and advice in financial, economIC, accounting, engmecnng, legal, or admmistrative matters, if such persons are specially tramed and experienced and competent to perform the speclal serVlces reqUIred; and, WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT nself is, or those hired by the CONSULTANT are, speclally tramed. expenenced and competent to render the special services required by the DISTRICT. and such serVlces are needed on a limned basls; and, '"'OW. THEREFORE, the DISTRICT and the CONSULTANT mutually agree as follows: ] TFRM OF AGRFFMF1\:T A. ThiS Agreement shall be for a period beginmng Illly 1 700" through Illne ,0 7004. B. Upon a showing of good and sufficient cause by the CONSULTANT, the DISTRICT may at its discretion, grant such extensions of time as it may deem adVisable in which the CONSUL T ANT may accomplish the results required hereunder; provided, however, the DISTRICT shall not be obligated to pay the CONSULTANT any addnional conSlderal1on If such an extension of tIme has been granted. II. RFSPONsrnll ITlFS OF THF tONS! JI T A NT A. The CONSULTANT WlII provide a variety of learnmg expencnces m the area of art, fitness and sports skills, and values through the provislOns of RecreatlOnal AIdes at each school participating m the Children's After-School for Success (CAPS) Program. A list of partlclpatmg schools IS attached to this agreement as Attachment "A" and mcorporated herem by thIS reference and made a part hereto. B. In additlOn to the learning experience, the CONSULTANT w1l1 proVide a mentonng program m cooperation wllh the DISTRICT that targets populatlOns of elementary school students as a deterrent to juvenile crime, gangs, and other delinquent behavlOrs. Consultant Services Agreement Ciity of San Bernardino Park, Recreation & Community Services - CAPS Program P'ge 1 of7 . . e l~.lll'..11..J.J.\...i..L!.1l_0..l-~~()-(I()-1ll.S Also. the COJ\:SUL T ANT agrees to provide in-kind servlces,act!\'ltles for prograIn administration. site supernSlOn and equipment. c. The CONSULTANT IS ultimately responsible for the results to be achieved under tl11S Agreement. The CONSULTANT Itself, or other hired by the CONSULTANT and under the control of the CONSULTANT, may provide the services necessary to achie,'e the results required under this Agreement. D. The CONSULTANT's serYices will be provided on an as-needed basIs to accomplish the results reqUired under this A;,'Teement. E. The CONSULTANT Will perform services to achieve the results required hereunder In the CONSULTANT's own independent way as an Independent contractor In the purSUit of the CONSULTANT's Independent calling and not as an employee of the DISTRICT. The CONSULTANT shall be under the control of the DISTRICT as to thc results to be accomplished and not as to the means or manner by which such results are to be accomplished. F. The CONSULTANT shall provide its serYices at such times as the CONSULTANT Itself determines within the scope of the results to be achieved. If the CONSULTANT is a regular employee of a public agency (any governmental agency or agent supported by public tax dollars), all serYices which the CONSULTANT renders under this Agreement wtll be performed at times other than the CONSULTANT's regular assigned workday for said entity, or during periods of vacation or leave of absence from smd entity, In order that the CONSULTANT shall not receive double compensatIOn from public tax dollars for its time. G. The CONSULTANT shall provide all of its own supplies, equipment, and matenals as may be necessary within the scope of the results to be achieved. H. The CONSULTANT shall complete and return to the DISTRICT thc Intcrnal Revenue Service Form W-9, which IS Included as an enclosure with the Agreement package. I. The CONSULTANT understands that, as an Independent contractor, It is not an employee of the DISTRICT and agrees that it will not purport to be nor represent Itself as a DISTRICT employee, officer, or agent. The CONSULTANT agrees that it Will not act as nor perform In the capacity of a DISTRICT employee. The CONSULTANT further agrees that It will speCifically explain its independent contractor, non-employee status to those it contacts (including DISTRICT employees and non-DISTRICT employees), as a result of its work hereunder, in order to prevent any misconception on the part of third parties that the CO]\''fRACTOR IS an employee or representative of the DISTRICT. J. The CONSULTANT agrees to conduct and certify to the DISTRICT's governing board that it has completed any background check requIrements of EducatIOn Code SectIOns 45122.1 and 45125.1 and has returned the Contractor Certification form In advance of proViding any contracted serYices described herein with the DISTRICT. Any expenses incurred to implement this requirement will be the sole responSibility of thc CONSULTANT. Consultant ServIces Agreement Ciiry of San Bernardino Park, Recreation & Community Ser\'ices - CAPS Program Page 2 of7 L..JC1Li...:L_,\.,_lli_ Ud-..'S.illi:.WJ4 i 1....'1 III. RFSPO'\iSIRII ITIFS OF THF mSTRJrT . A. The DISTRICT will prepare and furnIsh to the CONSCL TANT upon Ihe CONSCL TANT's request. sueh information as IS reasonably necessary 10 Ihe performance oflhe CONSliLTANT's work under this Agreement. The CONSCLTANT understands that all information proVided to the CONSULTANT IS the property of the DISTRICT and shall not be removed from the DISTRICT's possession. Failure to keep such Information confidential and/or failure to return information requested by the DISTRICT IS reasonable cause for termination of this Agreement and may subject the CONSUL T ANT to ltabillty for damages to the DISTRICT. B. The DISTRICT rewrses the nght to add to or substitute grants as long as the cost remains withm the agreed upon maximum amount IY. CO'\JSI'l T "-NT'S FFF "-NO PA \1\1FNT THFRFOF . E . A. The DISTRICT agrees to compensate the CONSULTANT for services rendered In a total amount not to exceed $460,000.00 (four hundred SIXty thousand dollars and no cents). Thc CONSULTANT may inVOice the DISTRICT, on a monthly baSIS. as the work progresses for that portIon of the work that has been completed. The inVOIce shall describe In detail the servIces rendered and must Include the CONSULTANT's SOCIal Secunty or Federal Tax LD. Number. Payment to the CONSt.:L TANT shall be made by the DISTRICT after the receipt and approval of the invoice. B. Thc CONSULTANT's fee is inclusive of all serVices hereunder and the DISTRICT will pay no separate amount for travel or other expenses of the CONSULTANT under thIs Agreement. C. The DISTRICT Will not withhold federal or state Income tax deductions from payments made to the CONSULTANT undcr thIs Agreement. D. The CONSULTANT IS aware that under Caltfornla law, no dlsabilttv or unemployment msurance Will be deducted from payments made to CONSCLTANT or paId by the DISTRICT out of DISTRICT funds. CONSULT A'\T further recogmzes that CONSUL TANT cannot claIm unemployment beneftls aftcr services have been completed. If the CONSULTANT is receiving any type of retirement benefits, such as those from Caltfornta State Teacher's RetIrement System (STRS) or PublIc Employee's Retirement System (PERS) or other retirement plan, or SOCIal Secunty, or other Similar benefits, the DISTRICT and the CONSULTANT are both aware that continuance of said benefit amount, IS or may be subject to certain ltmtls on current annual Incomc from publtc schools and/or other sources In order to maintain full benefits. The CONSULTANT understands and acknowledges that it has full responsibilIty for being aware of any ltmtls and monitoring and not accepting or contracting to accept income In excess of SaId lImits. Furthermore, the CONSULTANT specifically agrees to Indemmfy, defend, and hold harmless (as defined in Section VI) the DISTRICT, from any lIability or damages resulting from receipt of monies paId under this agreement, whIch adversely affect the CONSULTANT's own retirement benefits. CunsultJ.nl Seryiccs Agreement Ciily of San Bernardino Park, Recreation & CommunllY Services CAPS Program Page 3 of7 . . . L.\J111I'-t~u..JJ.l.U:l-s"II.llIi411" \', l):\'OIlFS For the Purpose of this Agreement all invOIces will be audlled and approved by DISTRICT's representative as follows: Mr. NarcIso Cardona Risk Management/Employee Bene!lts Department San Bernardmo, City Ul11fied School District 777 North "F" Street San Bernardmo, C A 92407 Ms, Bobbl Pregmon 2204 Sunrise Lane, Apt. #A I San Bernardmo, California 92404 The Agreement number on the upper left side of this page should always be referenccd m anv correspondence or mvoices pertainmg to this Agreement to the DISTRICT. The mVOlce shall descnbe m d~lai1 the services rendered and must mclude the CONSULTANT's Social Secunty or Federal Tax J.D, Number. The DISTRICT shall make payment to the CO'\SUL T ANT after receipt and approval of the invoice(s), \'1. \;OTIlFS: All notices and documents required pursuant to the terms hereof shall be in \\Titing and may be dehvered In person or by certified or registered mail, postage paid, as follows; DlSTR IlT tONSlfT T A NT San Bernardino City Unified School District Debra Love, Assistant Purchasmg Services Director 777 North "F" Street San Bernardmo, California 92410 (909) 381-1127 Clly of San Bernardmo Parks & Recreation Lemuel p, Randolph, Director 547 North Sierra Way San Bernardino, California 92410 (909) 384-5006 If mailed, notices shall be effective as of the date of the postmark on receipt by addressee, If delivered by hand, the effective date shall be the date ofrecelpt of addressee, VII C ~ 'itFI ! A TION FOR N01\:-PFRFORMANtF OR NON-tOMPT TANCF OF tONS] JI T A"JT A, If at any time dunng the performance of this Agreement, the DISTRICT determmes, at the DISTRICT's sole discretion, that the CONSULTANT's services are not achlevmg the results reqUired hereunder, the DISTRICT shall be obligated to pay the CONSULTANT only for that portion, ifany, of the results achieved, B. Non-compliance by the CONSULTANT With the terms of this Agreement shall be cause for suspension andlor termmation by the DISTRICT. The DISTRICT shall proVide \\Tltlen notice to the CONSULTANT including the reasons for sllspenslOn or termmatlon under thiS provision, If the Contract IS suspended, the CONSULTANT shall have five (5) busmess days to cure the condltion(s) for which the suspensIOn was given or the contract will be termmated, CUrlSult;ml St:nli.:~~ Agret'mcnt CIllyof San Hcmardino Park, Recreation & Community Services - CAPS Program Page 4 of7 . . . LJ.j:l:';:~LL!.3.J.l-l::..S1ill.:..lJ..U.:U.lS \'Il! HOIDH4RMIFSS The CONSULTANT hereby agrees to Indemnify. defend. and hold harmless the DISTRICT and Its departments. agents, officers, and employees from any and all claims or sums whIch the DISTRICT or any of its departments, agents. officers. or employees may be oblIgated to pay bv reason of any lIabIlIty of any kind imposed upon them, including damages to property or Injury or death of persons, arising out of the performance of the servIces rendered by the CONSULTANT or caused by any error, omission, or act of the CONSULTANT or of any person employed by the CONSULTANT or of any others for whose acts the CONSULTANT is legally liable. Said sums shall Include, in the event of legal action. court costs, expenses of IItlgatJon. and reasonable attorney's fees. IX SPFlT41 PROVISIONS A INSIIRAN,F RFQIlTRFMFNTS: The CONSULTANT shall comply with all applIcable federal, state and local laws, rules. regulatIons, and ordinances, including but not lImited to workers compensation Insurance laws. The CONSULTANT understands that DISTRICT's Insurance does not cover CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain for all penods dunng whIch CONSULTANT is performing any portion of the work, Insurance polIcies or self- insurance, workers compensation Insurance coverage for its employees who pronde services hereunder, and insurance coverage for any and all claims for damages, Injury. death or lIabilIty it may sustain or impose on others including the DISTRICT. The DISTRICT understands that the CONSULTANT may use Independent contractors. \'Clunteers, or others not covered by the CONSULTANT's workers compensatIon Insurance coverage, to provide services hereunder. The CONSULTANT shall adnse such persons providing services hereunder at the directJon of the CONSULTANT that workers compensation insurance is not pronded by the DISTRICT and the CONSULTANT shall hold the DISTRICT harmless from any and all claims for damages that may be asserted by such persons. B. ASSIGNMFNT The CONSULTANT shall not in any manner, directly or indIrectly, by operatIOn of law or otherwise, assign, transfer or encumber thIS Contract or any portIOn hereof of any Interest herein, in whole or in part, without the prior \Hltlen consent of the DISTRICT. If consent is not gIven by the DISTRICT to assign, transfer, or encumber thIS Contract, such action shall be deemed automatically void. This Agreement shall not be aSSIgnable except with the mutual "'Tillen consent of the parties hereto. c. MomFIl 4 TION ThIS Agreement may be amended by the mutual "'Tillen consent of the partIes hereto. If any actual or physical deletions or changes appear on the face of the Agreement, such deletIOns or changes shall only be effective if the initials of both contracting parties appear beside such deletion or change. Consu]tanl SCfYlCCS Agreement: Ciny of San Bernardino Park, Recreation & Community Services - CAPS Program Page5of7 Ll..llJ.1..!::l.~cL.lli.....ili::.H1W.:i1.i.llllS D. TeRMINATION . EIther party may term10ate this Agreement WIth a thIrty (30) do} \\TI\ten nollee x mSTR ICT A ND PI IRT IC POI ICIFS A. By sih'lling this agreement the CONSULTANT acknowledges receipt and acceptance of the following DISTRICT policIes: I. Smoking and Use of Tobacco at DIstrict Faciltties Poltcy (No. 3520a-b). 2. Affirmotlve Action Program for Equal Employment Opportumty Policy (No. 4]36). 3. Nondlscnminatory Harassment Policy (No. 4136.1a-c). 4. Drug-Free Workplace Poltcy (No. 4205). B. All partIes agree that the CONSULTANT shall abide by the same terms and condlllOns of conduct as is expected of DISTRICT employees in each of these policies, without the Impltcatlon of employment. It is further understood that failure to abIde by these poltcles may result 10 Immediate term1Oation of this agreement and, 10 additIOn, may result m other personal legal avenues of remedy on the part of the indIVIduals 1Ovolved. While 1l is acknowledged that these poltcies speCIfically address employees of the DISTRICT, 1l IS understood that the CONSULT ANT is not an employee of the DISTRICT. c. The CONSULTANT certifies it will not discrim10ate on the basis of race, color. nat10nal orig1O, ancestry, sex (including sexual harassment), marital status, handicap, disabiltty, medIcal condition, reltgion, or age in any of its poltcles, procedures, or practices in compltanee with: . I. TItle VI ann VII of the CIvil Rights Act of 19M as amenoeo (Pertainmg to race, color. national ongin, and reltgion); 2. Titlf" IX oftnt' F(hJr.~tion Amt'nnmt'nts of 1977 (Pertaining to sex discnm1OatlOn); 3. St'rt;on '\04 nftnt' Rt'n~hi1it:ltion Art of 1971 (Perta101Og to handicap); 4. Thf" A[?t' Disrrimm<ltion Art of 197') (Perta1Oing to age); 5. Tnt' F<lir Fmp1oymf"nt <Inn HOll<:::;ne Art (Pertaimng to ancestry, race. national ongin, color. sex. reltglOn, phYSICal or mental disabiltty, medical condition, mantal status, and age over 40); and. 6. Tl1f' A.mf'rir~ns with Ois:lhi1ities Art of 1990 (Pertam1Og to disabiltty) . It IS the responsibiltty of the CONSULTANT to ensure that those employed by or subcontracted by the CONSULTANT also adheres to DISTRICT and Publtc Poltcles These non-discrim1Oation poltcies cover admIssIon and access to. and treatment and employment 10, the DISTRICT's programs and actlVllles. Consultant Ser.lces Agreement Cilly ot San BernardinO Park. Recreation & Commumty Services - CAPS Program P'go 6 01'7 Uul1r:L::lJ\1L.JlllJ.J-J\..\lihlli14lJ.':'; XI L\.W.S . A. GOVFRNING I A W ThIS contract IS governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of CalIfornia. B. lAWS ANnRFGII1 AT10NS The vendor/consultant shall conform to all applIcable Federal, State, County, and Clly laws, rules, ordinances, codes and regulations covering this work, It is the vendor's total responsIbIlity to determme specific detmls of such reqUIrements and warrant that all work performed as part of thIS contract totally conforms to such reqUIrements. C. PROVISIONS OF I A W INSFRTION Each and every proviSion of law and clause required by law to be mserted 111 thiS contract shall be deemed to be II1serted herein and the contract shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein and if through mistake or otherwise any such proviSIOn is not Inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon applIcatIOn of eIther party, the contract shall forthWIth be physically amended to make such insertion or correctIOn. D, ('ONFI TlT WITH FXISTfNG I A W . The vendor/consultant and the Distnct agree that If any proVISIOn of thIS contract IS found to be illegal or unenforceable, such term or proVISion shall be deemed stricken and the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect. E,ther party having knowledge of such term or pro\'!slOn shall promptly inform the other of the presumed no- applIcabilIty of such pro\'!slon, Should the offending proviSIon go the heart of the contract. the contract shall be terminated in a manner commensurate with the Interests of both partIes, to the maximum extent reasonable, XII COMPI FTF AGRFFMFNT This document represents the entire agreement and understandmg between the DISTRICT and CONSULTANT, The terms of thIs Agreement will prevail over any different or additional terms In any other agreement. One or more waivers of any term, condlllOn or covenant by either party shall not be construed as a waiver of any other term, condlllOn or covenant. 1:\ WIT1\'[SS WHEREOF, the parties have executed thIS Agreement as set forth below, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PARKS A""D RECREA nON DEPARTMENT SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED . C;tIOOL DISTRICT Vi A i I i i r--.... ~,,--t.= :7" M AMMAD Z, ISLAM ASSIstant Superintendent Business Services DiVISIon , {.' I 2- I ---- \\, (,'1 ,r !J \\.Wv).~ . n:Vll;EL P RANDOLPH Director (909) 384-5006 Dale: Date: /,-11-,1 ') Consultant Sen ices Agreement: Clity of San Bernardino Park, Recreation & Community Services - CAPS Program Page 7 of7 .JUN-l!-2003 ~~D ~1:32 p~ e ATTACHMENT "A" Agreement for Consultant Services between San Bernardino City Vnified School District and City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department. List of Participating Schools: I. Arrowhead Elementary 2. Barton Elementary - Before and After School Programs 3. Burbank Elementary 4. Fairfax Elementary - Before and After School Programs 5. Hillside Elementary 6. Inghram Elementary - Before and After School Programs e 7. Lincoln Elementary - Before and After School Programs 8. Lytle Creek Elementary 9. Monterey Elementary - Before and After School Programs 10. M!. Vemon Elementary IJ. Muscoy Elementary - Before and After School Programs 12. Newmark Elementary - Before and After School Programs 13. Riley Elementary - Before & After School Progran1s 14. Roosevelt Elementary - Before and After School Programs IS. Wilson Elementary 16. Rio Vista - Before & After School Program 17. Emmerton Elementary e p, DE I Arturo Delgado, Ed.D. Superintendent Mohammad Z. Islam, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services July 16, 2003 City of San Bernardino Parks & Recreation Lemuel P. Randolph, Director 547 North Sierra Way San Bernardino, California 92410 Dear Mr. Randolph: Please find enclosed two sets of The Agreement for Consnltant Services in Collaboration with District for the children's after school Program for Snccess (CAPS) . Our office has signed the Agreements. Please sign both originals and return an original copy to our office as soon as possible. In addition, I have enclosed two documents for your office to complete. These are the Contractor Fingerprinting Certification Form and the Substitute W-9 Form. Please return these forms with the Agreement. The District must have these forms on file in order to issue any payments for services. Also, I have included a copy of our District Policies as referenced in the Agreement as well as a copy of the Laws Regulating Criminal Background Checks. Please retain with your files. Please ensure that any individual signing this Agreement is the authorized signatory and is legally authorized to bind your organization in this Agreement. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Agreement, please call me at (909) 381-1127. Sincerely, ~"O.~~~_ ~_ ~~Love, Assistant Purchasing Services Director Encls. (5) BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION 777 North F Street. San Bernardino, CA 92410. (909) 381-1154. Fax (909) 383-1375 debra.love@sbcusd.k12.ca.us CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: August 20, 2003 TO: Lemuel Randolph, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Transmitting Documents for Signature - Resolution 2003-235 At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of August 18, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution 2003-235 - Resolution authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute an agreement with the San Bernardino City Unified School District to provide contractual services for before & after-school recreation programs at school sites. Attached are two (2) original agreements. Please sign in the appropriate location and return both original agreements to the City Clerk's Office as soon as possible, to my attention. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 3206. Thank you. Michelle Taylor Senior Secretary I hereby aCkn2Z20Wledge rec i t of the above mentioned documents. Signed: ~__ C/ "7 L , J Please sign and return Date: If? /U/J() CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: August 26, 2003 TO: Veronica Martinez, Senior Secretary FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution 2003-235 - San Bernardino City Unified School District CC: Attached is a fully executed copy of the agreement with the San Bernardino City Unified School District to provide contractual services for before and after-school recreation programs at school sites. The original agreement is on file in the City Clerk's Office. If you have any questions, please call me at ex!. 3206. OFFICE OF THE CiTY CLERK RACHEL G. CLARK, C.M.C. - CITY CLERK 300 North "D"' Street. San Bernardino. CA 92418-0001 909.384.5002. Fax: 909.384.5158 www.ci.san-bernardino.ca.us '" August 26, 2003 Ms. Debra Love Assistant Purchasing Services Director San Bernardino City Unified School District 777 North "P" Street San Bernardino, CA 92410 Dear Ms. Love, Enclosed, please find one fully executed agreement between the City of San Bernardino and the San Bernardino City Unified School District for before and after-school recreation programs at school sites, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (909)384-5002, Sincerely, j .J /1 .-'? L-___ ,! t'" lli{ t iJ.!i.c Michelle Taylor Senior Secretary Enclosure CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTED SHARED VALUES: Integrity. Accountability. Respect for Human Dignity. Honesty ,. . . ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): (5- \ \{ -<'J.5 Item # Vote: Ayes \.~ Nays-fT I 'I Resolution # Abstain .e LCD '6- Z3S Absent f) Change to motion to amend original documents: See Attached: ~ Date Returned: t. ;l ~~():3 See Attached: See Attached: Reso. # On Attachments: / Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -==-- Direct City Clerk to (circle 1): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD WICOUNTY Date Sent to Mayor: '6- I c1 -03 Date of Mayor's Signature: x-I <"1'<::' 3 Date ofClerklCDC Signature: is ,;)0-<',,-3- Date MemolLetter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: Q-20-03 Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92.389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney ,/ Parks & Rec. ,/' Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services Water Notes: Null/VoidAfter: 120 OAt.)) r2--11",-Q3 I By: ~ Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: t/"" v Yes / No By Yes NoL By Yes No-L By Yes NO~ By Yes No B EDA Finance ,/ MIS Others: BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: Revised 01112101