HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: James Funk, Director Subject: Authorization for the Director of Development Services to solicit Dept: Development Services proposals for Professional Civil Engineering Services for the design of Date: July 28, 2003 Sanitary Sewer Line Replacements/Upgrades in "E" Street, O RIG \ N A L Chandler Place, Inland Center Drive, 1 Virginia Street, 17'h Street, an alley south of Jefferson Street, and Arrowhead A venue and that the attached RFP format be authorized for future use to solicit proposals for future Public Works Projects. File No.: 3.7315 MCC Date: 08/18/03 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: None Recommended Motion: Authorize the Director of Development Services to solicit proposals for Professional Civil Engineering Services for the design of sanitary sewer line replacement/upgrades in "E" Street, from Hunts Lane to Mckay Drive; Chandler Place, from "E" Street to Orange Show Road; Inland Center Drive, from "H" Street to 1-215 Frwy.; Inland Center Drive, from Scenic Drive to 1-215 Frwy.; Virginia Street, from "I" Street to "H" Street; 17th Street, from "I" Street to "H" Street; an alley South of Jefferson Street to Inland Center Drive; and Arrowhead Avenue from Mill Street to Chandler Place; and that the attached RFP format be authorized for use to solicit proposals for future Public Works projects~ F ~ James Funk Contact Person: Michael Grubbs, Acting City Engineer S t d t tta h d Staff Report, Map, RFP Template uppor ing a a ace : & Sample Agreement Phone: Ward: 5179 1,2,3,7 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: None Source: (Acct. No.) Not Applicable (Ace\. Description) Finance: Council Notes: ~/[)3 Agenda Item No. 10 I, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Subject: Authorization for the Director of Development Services to solicit proposals for Professional Civil Engineering Services for the design of Sanitary Sewer Line Replacements/Upgrades in "E" Street, Chandler Place, Inland Center Drive, Virginia Street, 17th Street, an alley south of Jefferson Street, and Arrowhead A venue; and that the attached RFP format be authorized for use to solicit proposals for future Public Works Projects. Background: The Sewer Collection System Master Plan (hereinafter referred to as "Sewer Master Plan") was prepared under an agreement between the City and Psomas for the purpose of studying the City's existing sewer system capacity, integrity and the system's ability to handle future land-use changes and redevelopment to the year 2020. Psomas has made recommendations for improvements based on the new land-use information provided by the City, population projections obtained from current census data, and data captures from temporary flow monitoring the City has contracted as part of this project. Hydraulic modeling was used to determine system deficiencies and determine sizing and alignments of new mains to eliminate deficiencies. Based on the results of the Sewer Master Plan study, staff recommended 24 sewer replacement/upgrade projects for inclusion in the FY 2003/04 Capital Improvement Program with an estimated total construction value of $5,183,200. After reviewing each of the projects, we concluded that 16 of the sewer replacement/upgrade projects with a total construction valuation of approximately $2,722,500 could be most efficiently designed using in-house staff. However, staff concluded that 8 of the projects with a total construction valuation of approximately $2,460,700 are of such size or complexity that they could best be completed by an outside consultant. The following projects are recommended to be designed by Professional Civil Engineering Consultants: (Note: Due to the value of the work, staff is recommending that two RFP's be issued) CIP Line Number SW04-02 SW04-1O SW04-11 SW04-20 SW04-21 SW04-22 SW04-29 Description "E" Street from Hunts Lane to Mckay Drive Chandler Place from "E" Street to Orange Show Road Inland Center Drive from "H" Street to 1-215 Frwy Inland Center Drive from Scenic Drive to 1-215 Frwy Virginia Street from "I" Street to "H" Street 17th Street from "I" Street to "H" Street Alley South of Jefferson Street to Inland Center Drive I Est. Construction Cost $ 504,700 $ 217,000 $ 54,000 $ 54,000 $ 85,000 $ 198,000 $ 34,000 2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT (Continued) It is anticipated that the amount of the consultant fee for each of the Agreements For Professional Services, which may result from each RFP process, will be greater than $25,000. Under the provisions of Chapter 3.04.085B of the Municipal Code, "Contractual services with a value in excess of twenty- five thousand dollars must be approved by the Mayor and Common Council pursuant to Requests for Proposals as authorized by the Mayor and Common Council. " Attached is a copy of the proposed Request for Proposal (RFP) format for non-federally funded projects. The format has been revised to include an allowance of two (2) additional points for local preference out of a possible 100 points from the evaluation of proposals and also two (2) additional points for local preference out of a possible 100 points on the selection interview. Firms that have an office in the City, possess a City Business License and have a minimum of two (2) employees working in the office will receive the additional 2 % local preference credit. If authorization is given to proceed, staff believes that the sewer projects, identified above, can be under construction by March of 2004. Staff proposes to use this document as a template for future RFP's for sewer, as well as other Public Works Projects. Financial Impact: The cost of staff time necessary to prepare these RFP's and to conduct the evaluation and recommendation for the selection process, as well as the cost of administrating the consultant Agreements, will be charged to the respective account numbers for the projects. The account numbers will be obtained from the Finance Department after approval of the FY 2003/04 Capital Improvement Program. The following allocations are proposed to be made from the Sewer Construction Fund in the FY 2003/04 Capital Improvement Program Budget: CIP LINE DESCRIPTION Carryover NEW ACCT NO. NUMBER FY 02/03 FY 03/04 SW04-02 "E" Street from Hunts Lane to $ 504,700 0 245-365-5504-7315 Mcka Drive. SW04-1O Chandler Place from "E" Street to $ 217,000 245-365-5504- Oran e Show Road. SW04-11 Inland Center Drive from "H" $ 54,000 245-365-5504- - Street to 1-215 Frw . SW04-20 Inland Center Drive from Scenic $ 54,000 245-365-5504- - Drive to 1-215 Frw . SW04-21 Virginia Street from "I" Street to $ 85,000 245-365-5504- - "H" Street. SW04-22 17th Street from "I" Street to "H" $ 198,000 245-365-5504- Street. SW04-29 Alley South of Jefferson Street to $ 34,000 245-365-5504- - Inland Center Drive. 3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT (Continued) CIP LINE NUMBER SW04-25 DESCRIPTION NEW FY 03/04 1,314,000 ACCT NO. Arrowhead A venue from Mill Street $ to Chandler Place. 245-365-5504- Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Development Services to solicit proposals for Professional Civil Engineering Services for the design of Sanitary Sewer Line Replacement/Upgrades in "E" Street, from Hunts Lane to Mckay Drive; Chandler Place, from "E" Street to Orange Show Road; Inland Center Drive, from "H" Street to 1-215 Frwy.; Inland Center Drive, from Scenic Drive to 1-215 Frwy.; Virginia Street, from "1" Street to "H" Street; 17th Street, from "1" Street to "H" Street; an alley South of Jefferson Street to Inland Center Drive; and Arrowhead Avenue from Mill Street to Chandler Place; and that the attached RFP format be authorized for use to solicit proposals for future Public Works projects. 4 San Bernar ino ,. City of San Bernardino Development Services Department REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (FOR NON-FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECTS) TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL CML ENGINEERING FOR THE DESIGN OF SANITARY SEWER LINE REPLACEMENT/UPGRADE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: PROJECT LOCATION PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT AUGUST 2003 1 of 6 I. INTRODUCTION The City of San Bernardino wishes to obtain the services of a professional civil engineering firm to prepare 24"x36" plans, specifications and estimate cost (PS & E), for the proposed sanitary sewer line replacement/upgrade at the following locations: PROJECT LOCATION The current sewer flow, at these locations, has exceeded, or is projected to exceed, the capacity limit of the existing pipe. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The scope of work shall include, but not be limited to, review of the sewer master plans prepared by Psomas, identification and coordination with all utility companies in the project area(s) impacting the project, potholing existing utilities as required to identify potential conflicts, investigating pavement material, thickness and sub-surface materials, identifying existing locations of sewer laterals, preparing plan and profiling of the proposed improvements, using the programs of AutoCAD 2000, preparing and completing quantity estimates in the program of Microsoft Excel 97 and, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, modifying City Standard Specifications in the program of Microsoft Word 97 to fit the project. The PS & E must conform to the requirements of the City of San Bernardino and the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Green Book), latest edition. Upon completion of the consultant's work, the consultant shall provide the City both an electronic and a hard copy of an approved and signed set of completed plans, specifications and estimates ready for bidding including all supporting data, calculations, utility locations, utility notices 151 and 2nd, survey data, and other details necessary to complete this project in a format acceptable to the City. Consultant should expect to meet with the City on a weekly basis for updates on project progress, concerns, problems and accomplishments. Contact and coordination with utilities affected by the work is also considered to be a part of the consultant's work. The project design must be completed within 90 calendar days after the Notice to Proceed is issued. III. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS A. Four (4) copies of the proposal shall be submitted to the following: City of San Bernardino Department of Development Services Division of Public Works ATTN: Mr. Michael Grubbs, Acting City Engineer 300 North "D" Street, 3rd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92418 Page 2 of 6 \\castor\ds\_Public Works\RFCA's\2003 A1l\08-18-03\RFP Request for Approval\RFP Template 07-28-03.doc Proposals shall be received in hand by the City Engineer or, if the City Engineer is not available, his designee prior to the hour of 4:30 p.m. on B. Proposal shall indicate the following in a detailed manner: I. Past experience on similar projects. 2. Staff persons specifically assigned to the project at the professional level. Short resumes may be included, but extensive resumes should be limited to key personnel only. 3. A flow chart for the completion of each of the identified tasks showing work hours by classification, as well as calendar time, including allowances for review periods. 4. Previous obligations with other projects (related to time and availability of staff) . 5. Support personnel to be used. 6. Name of sub-consultants to be used for specific aspects of the project, including a summary of previous working arrangements on similar types of work. 7. Statement of local preference eligibility, including identification of any office located in the City of San Bernardino and the number of employees stationed at the office, the number of employees doing business inside the City limits, and a machine copy of your firm's City of San Bernardino Business License. 8. Items, actions or information the Consultant expects to be provided by the City. 9. Any comments or suggestion that the Consultant believes necessary to improve the finished project or to comply with the requirements of this RFP. 10. Separate sealed envelope. Fixed fee or not-to-exceed fee for the work required by this RFP, together with an hourly rate sheet applicable to this proj ect for classifications above, including all materials and expenses, shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope. Please note that the City will not payor compensate for travel time, courier services, mileage or reimbursement for travel to the City of San Bernardino to attend meetings or conduct the activities necessary to complete tasks required to be performed as part of consultant services. Page 3 of6 \\castor\ds\_Public Works\RFCA's\2003 AII\08-18-03\RFP Request fOf Approval\RFP Template 07-28-D3.doc IV. SELECTION PROCESS The selection process will be based on a point system and will consist of four phases as follows: 1. First phase selection shall consist of an evaluation by staff (including the Development Services Director, City Engineer, a Senior Engineer and Project Manager) of proposals based on the above items identified in Section III B (except No. 10). An additional two points will be given to City of San Bernardino based consultants. In order to be deemed as "City of San Bernardino Based Consultant, the company shall have an office with a minimum of two (2) employees doing business inside the City limits and shall possess a City Business License. The three (3) consultants with the highest points will continue to the interviews. A maximum of 102 points can be achieved in this phase of the selection process. The three consultants with the highest numerical scores will be invited to continue with the second phase of the selection process. 2. Second phase of the selection process will consist of staff evaluation of a presentation by the three consultants with the highest numerical score from the first phase selection. The interview will be detailed questions on this specific project, including, but not limited to, personnel, schedule, project staging, and knowledge of the project. Two points of local preference will also be awarded in this phase of the selection process for Consultants that meet the requirements identified in paragraph 1 above. A maximum of 92 points can be achieved in this phase of the selection process. 3. The third phase of the selection process will consist of opening the sealed envelopes containing the proposed fee (Item 10 above) of the three consultants. A maximum of 10 points will be awarded to the consultant, proposing the lowest fee and zero points will be given to the consultant proposing the highest fee. Consultants who submit proposed-fee amounts which fall between the highest and the lowest fees will be awarded points on a prorated basis between 10 and zero points. 4. The final phase of the selection process will consist of staff submitting a final package to the Mayor and Council for consideration approval. Final scores of the top three consultants will be submitted to the Mayor and Common Council with a recommendation to award an Agreement for Professional Services to the consultant with the highest numerical score. However, the Mayor and Common Council have the prerogative to award an Agreement for Professional Services to any of the top three consultants or reject all proposals. 5. If the Mayor and Common Council award an Agreement for Professional Services, the selected consultant will be requested to execute an Agreement for Professional Services (draft copy attached). Failure of the consultant to execute the Agreement within 60 days of approval by the Mayor and Common Council will void the approval. Page 4 of 6 \\castor\ds\_Public Works\RFCA's\2003 All\08-18-03\RFP Request for Approval\RFP Template 07-28-03.doc IV. GENERAL This "Request for Proposal" does not commit the City to award a contract, pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal in response to this request, procure or contract for any services. All proposals submitted in response to this request will become the property of the City and may be used by the City in any way deemed appropriate. The City reserves the right to accept or to reject, in part or in its entirety, the response to the request for proposal if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the City. Any contract entered into as a result of this proposal shall be considered to include the items of work detailed in this proposal unless specifically deleted in the proposal at the request ofthe City. V. PAYMENT The Consultant that is recommended by Staff and approved by Mayor and Common Council shall attend the pre-design meeting to establish the start date. Once the Notice to Proceed has been given, the Consultant can submit for payments. The City will release funds at percentages with receipt of Plans, Notices, or Specifications. No payment shall be given above the percentage of completed work accepted by the City. The City shall hold 15% of the total cost for 360 calendar days after acceptance of the plans and specifications by the City, or 45 calendar days after the City issues a Notice of Completion for the project, whichever occurs first. Any request for additional information or clarification should be submitted to , at (909) 384- A TT ACHMENTS: Site Location Map Liability/Insurance Requirements Page 5 of 6 \\castor\ds\~Public Works\RFCA's\2003 All\08-1S-03\RFP Request for Approval\RFP Template 07-28-03.doc LIABILITY / INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Engineer shall maintain insurance policies meeting the minimum requirements set forth herein. All insurance maintained by the Engineer shall be provided by insurers satisfactory to the City. Certificates evidencing all insurance coverage required herein shall be delivered to the City prior to the Engineer performing any of the services under the Agreement. All insurance certificates required herein shall name the City as an additional insured and provide for thirty (30) days written notice from the insurer to the City prior to cancellation of any insurance policy of the Engineer. A. ERRORS & OMISSIONS - The Engineer shall maintain errors and omissions insurance with a combined single limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence. B. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - The Engineer shall maintain comprehensive general liability and automobile liability insurance with a combined single limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence. C. WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE - The Engineer shall maintain worker's compensation insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of California for all workers employed by the Engineer. Page 6 of 6 \\castor\ds\_Public Works\RFCA's\2003 Al1\08-18-03\RFP Request for Approval\RFP Template Q7-28-03.doc 1- CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT RATING SHEET SEWER PROJECT PHASE I - REVIEW OF PROPOSAL PROJECT: CONSULTANT: No. Max. Description Rating Points 1. 20 Experience - What similar recent projects has this firm done and how many years of similar experience does this company possess. Is the company background solid and does the company possess sufficient financial resources to engage this project? 2. 20 Project Personnel - Does each individual possess adequate experience in this type of work? Will the assigned personnel be able to devote adequate time to meet the proposed schedule? Does the design team appear to be balanced in the appropriate disciplines necessary to accomplish the work envisioned by this RFP? 3. 10 Estimated Time of Completion - Does this firm's proposed schedule for the project seem realistic and does it tie closely to the work involved? Is the staffing level adequate to meet the schedule? 4. 10 Past Experience in Dealing with Firm - Has this firm worked for the City in the past? Did the firm competently complete the work and would you recommend the firm? 5. 20 Ability to Meet Contract Obligations - Does this firm appear capable of meeting the obligations as related to budget and time? From a financial and organizational standpoint, does this firm appear capable of fully complying with the terms of the proposed Agreement? 6. 15 Depth of Understanding ofthe Project - Do the principal personnel understand what is expected on this Project? Do they appear aware of the complexities involved? Does their proposal indicate a depth of knowledge and recent experience or do they appear to be saying whatever it takes to get the job? Has this firm done its homework? 7. 5 Completeness of Information Submitted - Does the proposals meet all requirements of the RFP and does it provided sufficient information to complete your evaluation? Did this firm indicate insight into the project that was lacking in the other firm's proposals? 8. 2 Local Preference - Does the consultant have an office inside the city limits, possess a City business license and have a minimum of two (2) employees assigned to the office? POINT TOTAL FROM REVIEW OF PROPOSALS (POSSIBLE 102 POINTS) COMMENTS Rater: Date Page 10f3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT RATING SHEET FOR SEWER PROJECT PHASE II - SELECTION INTERVIEW PROJECT: CONSULTANT: 1. Past Experience on Similar Projects. (15 Points Max.) Comments: 2. Experience Facilitating Staff/Consultant and Public Meetings. (5 Points Max.) Comments: 3. Adequacy of Principal Staff Specifically Assigned to Project (Resumes). (15 Points Max.) Comments: 4. Adequacy and availability of consultant's in-house support staff. (15 Points Max.) Comments: 5. Adequacy of proposed Sub-consultants to be used and working arrangements with them on similar projects. If no sub-consultants are proposed then the adequacy of consultants in-house staff to meet all project needs will be evaluated. (15 Points Max.) Comments: 6. Flow (Time) Chart for Completion of tasks identified. (15 Points Max.) Comments: 7. Depth of Understanding of the Project. (1 a Points Max.) Comments: 8. Local preference credit. (2 Points Max.) Comments: POINT TOTAL FROM INTERVIEW PHASE (92 Points possiblel Evaluator's Name: Evaluator's Signature: Date: Page 2 of3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT RATING SHEET SEWER PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET PROJECT: CONSULTANT: SCORE FROM REVIEW OF PROPSALS - SHEET 1 (POSSIBLE 102 POINTS) SCORE FOR INTERVIEW - PHASE II (92 Points Possible) SCORE FOR SEAL FEE PROPOSAL (EVALUATED AFTER SELECTION INTERVIEW IS COMPLETED). (10 Points Possible) GRAND TOTAL SCORE (204 Points Possible) PERCENTILE SCORE = Page 3 of3 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (FOR NON-FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECTS) This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 2003, by and between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY" and hereinafter referred to as "CONSULT ANT" day of California, a municipal 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES .... ", .... " .... " .... , .... ", ,." . . . Consultant shall perform those services spt;cifi'~d in the Proposal in the letter dated for preparatiOn 0(v1an, specifi~ation, and estimate for .' attached and incorporated herein Exhibit i, a~(j as di.rect~db);tfi~'<;:it~\of San Bernardino. ........ .... 2. .' . TERM OF AGREEMENT\ \. , .... ",," The ser\iices of CODsajtan(are to, coiu~~Dc~after the city ha~\auil)orized work to start by iSsuance of<t }~loti\e\o Proc~ed,:\Tihs A,greyment sh~ll e\pire one year from the date j}f.\his\Agni~gient \unl~ss '\eXtert4ed by. written agree,ment of the parties. .. 3. STANDARD bFPERFORMANCE , ... " .... \...... ..... 4. " .' , .... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Performance of th~..woik specified in the Proposal is made an obligation of Consultant under this Agreement, subject to any changes made subsequently upon mutual written agreement of the parties. Any change, which has not been so incorporated, shall not be binding on either party. 5. COMPENSATION A. The City shall reimburse the Consultant for actual costs (including labor costs, employee benefits, overhead, profit, other direct and indirect costs) incurred by the Consultant in performance of the work, in an amount not to exceed $ , except that reimbursement shall not include courier services, mileage or reimbursement for travel to the City to attend meetings or conduct the activities. Actual costs shall not exceed the estimated wage rates and other costs as set forth in the Proposal. B. Said compensation shall not be altered unless there is significant alteration in the scope, complexity or character of the work to be performed. -1- Agreement for Professional Services with Any adjustment of the total cost of services will only be permitted when the Consultant establishes and City has agreed, in writing, that there has been, or is to be, a significant change. c. The Consultant is required to comply with all Federal, State and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work. 6. PAYMENT BY CITY .':"" . ,- . A. The billings for all service~reI:!deret~ pursualii\to t\lis 'Agreement shall be submitted monthly by Consjlltal1l, to City ;.mdshiiil be p'!-id by City within thirty (30) day~,afteireceipt\of siUpe, excepting any'~o.unts disputed by City. All tasks as specified in Proposal shall be completed prior to final payment:" ,', \" , '",", ',' SUPERVISION A~DAC~~~'TANCE JtstR~ICES 7. A. .. . . . The D;;'ec~b;df ~e~elo;~ent\serVjCeS6r~i\Y9rhiS deSignee,'~hall have the right'of'gerleral, supervision OVer all worl<: 'performed by'Consultant and shall-, be, City;s'ageilt With \respect t6'obtil;ining c6nsultant's compliance\1ereunder:', Nopaymeh.t for anj1>erVices tendered under this Agreement Shan, be, made wiihout\prioi, approya}/of the Director of Development SerVjc~ ot,hIs desigI\ee. " ',', ;..... ... :.......... ...... 8. COMPLIANCE WITH CIVIL RIGHtS LAWS AND AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Consultant hereby certifies that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or disability. Consultant's hiring practices and employee policies shall comply with applicable Federal, State and local laws. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Recruitment and recruitment advertising, employment, upgrading and promotion. 9. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice in the event of substantial failure of the other party to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Each party shall have twenty (20) days following date of such notice within which to correct the substantial failure giving rise to such notice. Consultant hereby covenants and agrees that upon termination of this Agreement for any - 2- Agreement for Professional Services with reason, Consultant will preserve and make immediately available to City, or its designated representatives, maps, notes, correspondence, or records related to work paid for by the City and required for its timely completion, and to fully cooperate with City so that the work to be accomplished may continue. Any subsequent use of such incomplete documents shall be at the sole risk of the City and City agrees to hold l1;:mnless and indemnifY Consultant from any claim, losses, costs, in"luding Attorney's fees, and liability arising out of such use. . .. . . . . .. B. This Agreement may be tepnil1ated\for the c~pveI1ieri~e of the City upon thirty (30) days written \noti~ to. Copsuharii '. Upon such notice, Consultant shall provide work pro.~udto City and City~hall compensate Consultant in '!}Ie manner set fl?rt~ above, . '. Foii~~ingthe~ffective4a{e orte~i~ati~ri of theAgre6ip.~rit pursuant to this Section, th~t\gr~ement shall 'c\)utii1ue until all obiigaiions arising from Such,ti':rmiriadon itre\ satisfied. . . C. 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTINGENCIES ;.. In the event that, 'du~\o'(:a~~~. bi~6I1dih.~\.contr6lof~ri~~ithout t~e fault or negligence of Consultant, Consultant fail~ tOI)leet';myof ii:sobiigations under this Agreement, and suchfailwe j;halI ri9t ~On&(itute,a dyfaui(in performance, the City may grant to Consultarit stich extensionsortiIl1eand make other arrangements or additions, excepting any, increase in'pa.yment, as may be reasonable under the circumstances. Increases.in pa)7l1ent shall be made only under the "changes" provision of the Agreement// II. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Consultant shall act as an independent contractor m the performance of the services provided for under this Agreement. Consultant shall furnish such services in its own marmer and in no respect shall it be considered an agent or employee of the City. 12. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBCONTRACTING Neither this Agreement, nor any portion thereof, may be assigned by Consultant without the written consent of City. Any attempt by Consultant to assign or subcontract any performance of this Agreement without the written consent of the City shall be null and void and shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. - 3 - Agreement for Professional Services with 13. NOTICES All official notices relative to this Agreement shall be in writing and addressed to the following representatives of Consultant and City: Consultant City Mr. James Funk, Director Development Servic~~pepartment City of San Be1)lardino\ 300 Norti}:'D:'Street \\ San Befuardino;CA 9241 &. 14. RSPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES , ......... .. ... ... '. '.... Upon termination, oi~~~~I~~;61{ Oi\all~brkUnder)hi~ A~erit~nt, Consultant will transf~rowrier~hip,and title toCitx o'l;allprograms, reports';"documents, plans and specifh;ations." " , ". ' " ':... 15. INDEMNITY Consultant shall'jnde~Nfi;~Mend and hold h~rml~~sCit~Jrom and\ag~ipst any and all claims, d~mari4s,'{;uits:\actipl).s,proceedings, jti4~ehts, losses;-damages, injuries, penalties,\costs, expenses(jh~ludipg at(omey'sf"es),and liabilities, of, by, or with respecf\to\thitd p,actieS'i ~hiCh"lIriSe from (;6nsultant's negligent performance of serVices, 1.\I1derthis\ Agree$ent, Consultant shall not be responsible for, and Cily shall inde$nify, \l~fehdand hold harmless Consultant from and against, any \',and all dailp~,\ demands, suits, actions, proceedings, judgments, losses, damages, il):juries, penalties, costs, expenses (including attorneys' fees) and liabiliti<:;sOf, by or with respect to third parties, which arise from the City's negligence. With respect to any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, proceedings, judgments, losses, damages, injuries, penalties, costs, expenses (including attorneys' fees) and liabilities of, by or with respect to third parties, which arise from the joint or concurrent negligence of Consultant and City, each party shall assume responsibility in proportion to the degree of its respective fault. 16. LIABILITY/INSURANCE A. Consultant's liability to the City for injury or damage to persons or property arising out of work performed by the Consultant and for which legal liability may be found to rest upon Consultant other than for professional errors and omissions, shall be a minimum of$I,OOO,OOO. For any damage or injury on account of any error, omission or other -4 - Agreement for Professional Services with professional negligence, Consultant's liability shall be limited to a sum not to exceed $50,000 or Consultant's fee, whichever is greater. B. The City will require the Consultant to provide Worker's Compensation and Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, with coverage sufficient to insure the Consultant's liability, as above required; and, such insurance shall include the City, and each of it's officers, agents and employees as additional insured with exception to additional itl,S\ired under Worker's Compensation. "" .....................:.::.. \....., C. Consultant shall provide evidenceO(insutal:\ce with ~\ 10-day notice to City of termination or matepalj;hang~. ." ..... .:.... 17. VALIDITY ...... "'. ... ". ... "'. ...... Should anYPt6visi~~~erein~:\lo~d 0\\d~~6d~~b~inva;i4' 'ihiS Agreement shall be cQnstrued as not~ontairiing 'sucp provision, arid all \>ther provisions which are otherwise lawful ~hall remain iriwll\fotce and~ffect,\lIl(tto this end the provisionsOftrisAgr~"~6I1tkre decl~red" tQ bes~yera"le. "" """ III III : ,.... \\\"\\ ;/ , .... ;..... ",', ". '.", " . ", ... "'.'" ... .. '. "', \\ ........ - 5 - Agreement for Professional Services with 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement represents the entire and integrated understanding between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous negotiations, representations, understandings and Agreements, whether written or oral, with respect to the subject matter thereof. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both parties. BY.: ..; " , Approved as to form And Legal Content '. 'C" '. '. , '.', " "', '.', '. .-'- . . ,. ' .' \. ClTY.DFSA"N BERNARDIN. 0, \A municipal cODJorati6n . BY: \\\. Fn~4 \Viis.on\' ./ \. CITYADM"INISTRATOR '.' '. '.', '. -',' , '.' ..' ........ .... .... .-,' . James F. Penman ~ City By: III - 6-