HomeMy WebLinkAbout38-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: James Funk, Director Dept: Development Services Subject: Development Permit III No. 03-05 & Variance No. 03-04, to allow the construction of the Verdemont Fire Station on the east side of Palm Avenue, north of Kendall Drive. Date: July I, 2003 OR\G\NAL MCC Date: July 21,2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: January 22,2002 - the Mayor and Common Council authorized the execution of a contract with WLC Architects Inc. (Reso 2002-19) to design the Verdemont Fire Station. That the hearing be closed and the Mayor and Common Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation/Monitoring Reporting Program and approve Development Permit III No. 03-05 and Variance No. 03-04 based on the Findings of Fact in the staff report, subject to the Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 3) and Standard Requirements (Exhibit 4). VaJWvu. ~~t Jt; James nk Contact person: V!llp:rip.Rnl::<:' phon,,' ,~4_'iO'i7 Supporting data attached: Staff Report Ward: 5 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Sonrce: (Ace!. No.) ( A ('rt l)pc::.rrlpt-inn) Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. 3g '7jJ-1 J 03 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Subject: Development Permit Type III No. 03-05 and Variance No. 03-04 Mayor and Common Council Meeting of July 21,2003 Owner/Applicant: City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 BACKGROUND The Mayor and Common Council authorized staff to undertake the design of the Verdemont Fire Station at their meeting of January 22,2002. Since that time, the project architect has been working closely with the Fire Department and Facilities Management to develop a site plan and building which would address all the Fire Department's needs for the Verdemont Area. The attached plans reflect this successful design effort. The Development Permit is required to allow the construction ofthe fire station. The Variance has been requested because the design cannot meet the 10-foot minimum side yard setback on its northern property line, and a 5-foot side yard setback is proposed. The fire station's construction qualifies as a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As such, an Initial Study and proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration were circulated for comment at the direction of the Development and Environmental Review Committee (D/ERC). The D/ERC found that although the project would result in some potentially significant environmental impacts, adequate mitigation measures are proposed to reduce the potential impacts to a less than significant level. At their meeting of May 8, 2003, the D/ERC moved the project to Mayor and Common Council with a recommendation that the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Program be adopted. The Variance is Categorically Exempt from CEQA under Section 15305, Minor Alterations in Land Use Controls. FINDINGS OF FACT - DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 1. Is the proposed development permitted within the subject zoning district and does it comply with all of the applicable provisions of the Development, including prescribed development/site standards and any/all applicable design guidelines? Yes, "Police and Fire Protection" is a permitted use with approval of a Development Permit in the Commercial Office land use district. Further, the design of the proposed project meets the City's development standards and guidelines, including height, intensity and parking, as shown in the Table below. Remaining issues associated with setbacks and parking are discussed below and summarized in Table A. TABLE A - Development Code/General Plan Conformance CATEGORY PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT GENERAL PLAN CODE Permitted Use Fire Station Permitted subject to N/A Development Permit Height 2 stories/30 feet I story/26 feet N/A Setbacks (Building) - Front 75 feet 15 feet N/A - Side 75/5 feet' 10 feet N/A - Rear 165 feet 10 feet N/A - Side Street N/A 10 feet N/A Landscaping 11,800 square feet II, I 00 s.f. parking - Total 16% landscaping N/A 15% Lot Coverage 10.4% 50% N/A Parking - Standard 17 spaces 5 spaces N/A - Handicap o space I space 'Please see Variance discussion below. Parking The Development Code does not have specific parking standards for fire stations. Since the use can be characterized as similar to " Residential clubs, fraternity/sorority houses, rooming houses and similar facilities with guest rooms" insofar as the residential component will be the driving force for the parking requirement, that standard was used. In addition, two spaces are required for the front office and lobby, which will be public spaces. The proposed site plan therefore exceeds the City's parking requirement. 2. Is the proposed development consistent with the General Plan? Yes. The proposed fire station supports the General Plan policies associated with the provision of adequate services within the City, including Land Use GoallA: "Provide for the continuation and development of sufficient land uses to serve the housing, commercial, educational, cultural, recreational and social needs of existing residents and population growth." Also relevant is Public Facilities and Services Objective 8.3: "Provide adequate fire facilities and protective services for existing and future residents." 3. Is the proposed development harmonious and compatible with existing andfuture developments within the land use district and general area, as well as with the land uses presently on the subject property? Yes. The proposed fire station represents a relatively low intensity land use, and is typically sited within the neighborhood it serves. There are currently apartments located adjacent to the site, and single family units will soon be constructed immediately east of the project site. The station's location immediately north of the intersection with Kendall Drive provides excellent access to a major arterial roadway, thereby facilitating response times. 4. Is the proposed development in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and Section 19.20.030(6) of the Development Code? Yes, an Initial Study was prepared for the proposed Development Permit, and circulated for public review as required by CEQA. The project was reviewed by the D/ERC, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed. 5. Are there potentially significant negative impacts upon environmental quality and natural resources that could not be properly mitigated and monitored? No. All potential impacts associated with the proposed station have been mitigated to a less than significant level. 6. Is the subject site physically suitable for the type and density/intensity of use being proposed? Yes. The site is relatively flat, and currently vacant. The station will have access to Palm A venue and Kendall Drive, in order to facilitate response times in the Verdemont area. 7. Are there adequate provisions for public access. water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use would not be detrimental to public health and safety? All agencies responsible for reviewing access, and providing water, sanitation and other public services have had the opportunity to review the proposal, and none have indicated an inability to serve the project. The proposal will not be detrimental to the public health and safety in that all applicable Codes will apply to the construction of this project. 8. Will the location. size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed development be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City? No. The proposed fire station has been designed to be compatible with residential construction and blend into the neighborhood in which it will be located. The location of a fire station in the area will improve public safety and welfare by improving response times, and also providing a new base for wildland fire fighting operations when those conditions threaten the City. FINDINGS OF FACT - VARIANCE 1. Are there special circumstances, applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, such that the strict application of this Development Code deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under the identical land use district classification? Yes. The location of the Cable Creek Flood Control Channel, and the required 100 foot setback (for habitable structures) from the channel right-of-way line make it impossible to build a building which would meet the needs of a fire station, and still fit on the site. As it is, the building is designed so that the apparatus room (non- habitable) will be closest to the channel and the living quarters (habitable) will be on the north side of the site. It is therefore not possible to move the design south, to allow a lO-foot setback. 2. Is granting of this Variance necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and land use district and denied to the property for which the Variance is sought? Yes. Although the needs of the Fire Department are specialized, any other structure proposed for this site would face a similar challenge to construct a building outside the flood control channel's setback restrictions. In order for the City to provide a fire station that adequately serves the area, the current design is required. Therefore, the City could not meet the needs of the community if a smaller station were proposed. 3. Would granting this Variance be materially detrimental to the public health, safety. or welfare. or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and land use district in which the property is located? No. The construction of the fire station will, on the contrary, allow for better response times in the Verdemont area, and improve the health and safety ofresidents in the area. The base elevation of the apparatus room will be four feet above the lOa-year flood plain instead of the one-foot as is generally required. 4. Would granting this Variance constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and land use district in which such property is located? No. The reduction of the side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet does not eliminate the need for a side yard setback; it simply reduces the requirement. The setback is used as a separation between adj acent land uses. Since the apartments located immediately north of the fire station site have an access drive along this property line, the reduction of 5 feet will not significantly reduce the separation between buildings on two adjacent properties. 5. Would granting this Variance allow a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the regulations governing the subject parcel? No. The fire station is a permitted use in the Commercial Office land use designation, regardless of the granting of this Variance. 6. Will granting the Variance be consistent with the General Plan? Yes. The General Plan allows for flexibility in standards, and strongly encourages the development of adequate public facilities to service the residential communities in the City. This fire station will improve the public health and safety of all residents in the Verdemont area. The San Bernardino County Flood Control District submitted a letter after the close of the public comment period on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. However, staff feels it is important to address their concerns. The following comments correspond to the comments in their letter (Exhibit 7). 1. The project has been designed so that all drainage flows to Palm Avenue. 2. The project has been designed to incorporate the most recent FEMA floodproofing regulations. 3. The comment is noted. The project design does not include changes to Cable Creek. 4. The 1 OO-foot building setback for habitable structures has been incorporated into the design of the structure. 5. The project has been designed so that the base elevation ofthe apparatus room will be four feet above the 100-year flood plain. The City will send construction drawings to the county Department of Public Works. 6. The City will obtain an encroachment permit, if necessary, for any work that may occur on San Bernardino County Flood Control District right-of-way. 7. The City is requiring a wrought iron fence along the southern property line, adjacent to the channel. FINANCIAL IMPACT Not applicable. Funding of the station and staffing needs will be processed separately from this Development Permit. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council close the public hearing and: . Approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation MonitoringlReporting Program; and . Approve Development Permit III No. 03-05 and Variance No. 03-04 based on the Findings of Fact in the staffreport, subject to the Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 3) and Standard Requirements (Exhibit 4). Exhibits: 1 Location Map 2 Site Plan, Elevations 3 Conditions of Approval 4 Standard Requirements 5 Initial Study 6 Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Program 7 Letter from County Flood Control EXHIBIT 1 ATTACHMENT A CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROJECT: DPIII 03-05 PLANNING DIVISION VAR 03-04 LOCATION MAP LAND USE DISTRICTS HEARING DATE: 7/21/03 u NORTH -. \1 \ ' , I " l . . . I ~, /:)"1(. 1l?"Iv. j'-, 1 "- ~.......", 1/"- / I )................. , I / / I, 1 I, , I / I I I ,'~/ / I 1 I / / , I I~III 1 I / 1 I / / I ~III , I 1 I / , I ,~// / I 1 I I I I I I ~... . / )/, z/ , "- / ," '--J "- 0- en :j m ." ~ Z / - q- / .,/ ()~~ "'~ () ~y; /~ "- N q- , -- "- "- "- . q- / '<>0;,,,, "l~l>~ "- ... / , , / I I /1 " I ,// II ;/ 1 / j / 1 1 / , , / / , , / , , / ~- , , / , , / , , / , , E9z 0' , / , 1 I I I I I I i? I I ~ I ", I I ~ I O'! 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In addition, if after commencement of construction, work is discontinued for a period of one year, then the permit/approval shall become null and void. Expiration Date: May 20, 2005 2. Construction shall be in substantial conformance with the planes) approved by the Director, Development Review Committee, Planning Commission or Mayor and Common Council. Minor modification to the planes) shall be subject to approval by the Director through a minor modification permit process. Any modification which exceeds 10% of the following allowable measurable design/site considerations shall require the refiling of the original application and a subsequent hearing by the appropriate hearing review authority if applicable: a. On-site circulation and parking, loading and landscaping; b. Placement and/or height of walls, fences and structures; c. Reconfiguration of architectural features, including colors, and/or modification of finished materials that do not alter or compromise the previously approved theme; and, d. A reduction in density or intensity of a development project. 3. No vacant, relocated, altered, repaired or hereafter erected structure shall be occupied or no change of use ofland or structure(s) shall be inaugurated, or no new business commenced as authorized by this permit until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Department. A temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued by the Department subj ect to the conditions imposed on the use, provided that a deposit is filed with the Public Works Division prior to issuance of the Certificate, is necessary. The deposit or security shall guarantee the faithful performance and completion of all terms, conditions and performance imposed on the intended use by this permit. 4. This permit or approval is subject to all the applicable provisions of the Development Code in effect at the time of approval. This includes Chapter 19.20- Property Development Standards, and includes: dust and dirt control during construction and grading activities; emission control of fumes, vapors, gases and other forms of air pollution; glare control; exterior lighting design control; noise control; odor control; screening; signs, off-street parking and off-street loading; and vibration control. Screening and sign regulations compliance are important considerations to the developer because they will delay the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy until they are complied with. Any exterior structural equipment, or utility transformers, boxes, ducts or Development Permit III No. 03-05 Hearing Date 5/19/03 Page 2 meter cabinets shall be architecturally screened by wall or structural element, blending with the building design and include landscaping when on the ground. 5. The northern building setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the northern property line. 6. Handicapped parking space(s) shall be provided in the front parking lot in compliance with Development Code Section 19.24.050. 7. A decorative wall (slump stone or split face block) shall extend to the northwestern comer of the building, to provide privacy for the living quarters. 8. A vehicular gate shall be provided across the return drive, and a pedestrian gate accessing the northern edge of the building shall also be provided. 9. All on site lighting shall be energy efficient, stationary and directed away from adjoining properties and public rights of way. 10. Prior to any encroachment of San Bernardino County Flood Control District right of way, a permit shall be obtained from the District's Flood Control Operations Division, Permit Section. A complete drainage analysis, including construction plans and hydrologiclhydraulic data will be required. Also, other on site or off site improvements may be required which cannot be determined at this time. 11. All mitigation measures included in the Mitigation MonitoringlReporting Program (Exhibit 6) shall apply. 12. This permit or approval is subject to the attached conditions or requirements of the following City Departments or Divisions: . Development Services Department - Plan Check Division . Development Services Department - Public Works Division . Public Services Department - Refuse Division . Water Department . Fire Department Exhibit 4 COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS PLAN SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST The following is a list of items required by the City of San Bernardino for commercial & industrial projects: BUILDING PERl\lI'I ;J'SSUANCE: 1. The title sheet of the plans must specify the occupancy classification, type of construction, if the building has sprinklers, drawing index, and the current applicable codes. 2. Site plan, dimensioned, showing building location (vicinity map) and legal address, Development Plan, or C.U.P. approvals. 3. Conditions of Approval- Planning development requirements for approval of the completed project shall be printed and inserted into the plans as part of the drawing set. 4. Grading plan signed and grading permit issued by City Engineer. Plan must have the address (assigned by Engineering). Note: The grading permit requires a separate application submitted to Public Works/City Engineering. 5. Landscape drawings approved by Public Works/Engineering. Note: Landscape plans require a separate submittal to Public Works/City Engineering. 6. Fire Department approvals for all on-site improvements. Fire sprinkler plans must be submitted directly to the Fire Dept. for plan check, approval, & permit. Contact the Fire Marshals Office at 909-384-5388. 7. Title to property if permit is issued as Owner/Builder. A list of all sub- contractors must be submitted to the City Clerk's office. 8. All Contractors must have a current State License and a City Business Registration at time of permit issuance. The Contractor must furnish the information on the workers' compensation carrier & policy number at the time of permit issuance. The City does not keep certificates on file. Commercial Submittal Checklist 9. A receipt from the applicable school district. San Bernardino Unified is located at 777 N. F St. phone 909-381-1230. 10. Sewer capacity fee receipt from the City of San Bernardino Water Department located on the 5th floor. Contact Neil Thompson/909-384-5093. 11. Additional Impact fees will be assessed by Public Works or resolution/ordinance and payable on the building permit for: a. Sewer connection b. Storm drain c. Traffic system d. Verdemont Infrastructure (if applicable) e. Cultural development fees f. State of California strong motion fee (0.00021 x valuation) g. Planning Department zouing verification 12. Certain Occupancy classifications (i.e. Restaurants, Service Stations, Factories, etc.) may require additional clearances and approvals from other agencies: (list is not all inclusive) a. County Health Department 909-387-3043 b. South Coast Air Quality Management District 909-396-2000 c. Water Reclamation 909-384-5108 13. If project requires a Parcel Map, it must include: a. The assessors parcel number for each developed lot and the required setbacks. b. Address & sequence list for multi-tenant projects PLAN CHECK SI.1BMITTAL: a. 6 complete sets of plans, drawn to scale (minimum 18" x 24") b. 2 sets energy calculations c. 2 sets signed/stamped engineering d. 2 sets of signed/stamped truss calculations e. 1 copy of soils report f. 2 copies of reports/approvals of any specialty equipment g. The C.U.P., DPI,& DPII Conditions Of Approval must be photocopy on and incorporated into the construction plans. h. A signed Air Quality Permit Checklist (required by SCAQMD.) NOTE: PLAN CHECK TIME ON THESE TYPES OF PROJECTS IS APPROXIMATELY 5-6 WEEKS FOR 1ST CORRECTIONS. EXPEDITIOUS REVIEW IS 10-15 WORKING DAYS. Commercial Submittal Checklist STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION I DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT THE VERDEMONT CASE NO: DP III 03-05 FIRE STATION APPLICANT: CITY OF LOCATION: N/E PALM AVENUE AND CABLE SAN BERNARDINO CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL . NOTE TO APPLICANT: Where separate Engineering plans are required, the applicant is responsible for submitting the Engineering plans directly to the Engineering Division. They may be submitted prior to submittal of Building Plans. 1. Drainage and Flood Control a) All necessary drainage and flood control measures shall be subject to requirements of the City Engineer, which may be based in part on the recommendations of the San Bernardino County Flood District. The developer's Engineer shall furnish all necessary data relating to drainage and flood control. b) A permit will be required from the Department of Transportation and Flood Control if any work is required within the Flood Control District's right-of- way. c) The development is located within Zone X (shaded) on the Federal Insurance Rate Maps and may be subject to sheet overflow to a depth of less than 1 foot in a 100 year storm; therefore all building pads shall be raised above the surrounding area as approved by the City Engineer. d) If site drainage is to be outletted into the public street, the drainage shall be conveyed through a parkway culvert constructed in accordance with City Standard No. 400. Conveyance of site drainage over the Driveway approaches will not be permitted. Page 1 of 7 Pages 5/8/2003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: DP III 03-05 DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT THE VERDEMONT FIRE STATION APPLICANT: CITY OF LOCATION: N/E PALM AVENUE AND CABLE SAN BERNARDINO CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL e) Applicant shall mitigate on-site storm water discharge sufficiently to maintain compliance with the City's NPDES Storm Water Discharge Permit Requirements. A "Notice of Intent (NOI)" shall be filed with the State Water Quality Control Board for construction disturbing 1 acre more of land. f) The City Engineer, prior to grading plan approval, shall approve an Erosion Control Plan. The plan shall be designed to control erosion due to water and wind, including blowing dust, during all phases of construction, including graded areas which are not proposed to be immediately built upon. 2. Grading and Landscaping a) If more than l' of fill or 2' of cut is proposed, the site/plot/grading and drainage plan shall be signed by a Registered Civil Engineer and a grading permit will be required. The grading plan shall be prepared in strict accordance with the City's "Grading Policies and Procedures" and the City's "Standard Drawings", unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. b) If more than 5 trees are to be removed from the site, a tree removal permit conforming to the requirements of Section 19.28.090 of the Development Code shall be obtained from the Department of Development Services- Planning Division prior to issuance of any grading or site development permits. Page 2 of 7 Pages 5/8/2003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: DP III 03-05 DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT THE VERDEMONT FIRE STATION APPLICANT: CITY OF LOCATION: N/E PALM AVENUE AND CABLE SAN BERNARDINO CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL c) If more than 1,000 cubic yards of earth is to be hauled on City Streets then a special hauling permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer. Additional conditions, such as truck route approval, traffic controls, bonding, covering of loads, street cleaning, etc. may be required by the City Engineer. d) An on-site Improvement Plan is required for this project. Where feasible, this plan shall be incorporated with the grading plan and shall conform to all requirements of Section 15.04-167 of the Municipal Code (See "Grading Policies and Procedures"). e) A refuse enclosure constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing No. 508. The minimum size of the refuse enclosure shall be 8 feet x 15 feet, unless the Public Services Department, Refuse Division, approves a smaller size, in writing. f) Retaining walls, block walls and all on-site fencing shall be designed and detailed on the On-site Improvement Plan. This work shall be part of the On-site Improvement permit issued by the City Engineer. g) This project is located in the "High Wind Area". Therefore, all free standing walls and fences shall be designed for a minimum wind load of 23 pounds per square foot of vertical surface, unless a lower value is approved by the City Engineer. Page 3 of 7 Pages 5/812003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: DP III 03-05 DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT THE VERDEMONT FIRE STATION LOCATION: N/E PALM AVENUE AND CABLE CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL APPLICANT: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO h) The on-site improvement plan shall include details of on-site lighting, including light location, type of poles and fixtures, foundation design, conduit location and size, and the number and size of conductors. Photometry calculations shall be provided which show that the proposed on-site lighting design will provide 1 foot-candle of illumination uniformly distributed over the surface of the parking lot during hours of operation and 0.25 foot-candles security lighting during all other hours. i) The design of on-site improvements shall also comply with all requirements of The California Building Code, Title 24, relating to handicap parking and accessibility, including retrofitting of existing building access points for handicap accessibility, if applicable. j) A handicap accessible path of travel shall be provided from the public way to the building entrance. All pathways shall be concrete paved and shall provide a minimum clear width of 4 feet. Where parking overhangs the pathway, the minimum paved width shall be 6 feet. k) Where the handicap accessible path of travel crosses drive aisles, it shall be delineated by striping or textured/colored concrete pavement. I) The project Landscape Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. Submit 5 copies to the Engineering Division for Checking. m) The public right-of-way, between the property line and top of curb (also known as "parkway") along adjoining streets shall be landscaped by the developer and maintained in perpetuity by the property owner. Details of the parkway landscaping shall be included in the project's on-site landscape plan. Page 4 of 7 Pages 5/812003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: DP III 03-05 DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT THE VERDEMONT FIRE STATION LOCATION: N/E PALM AVENUE AND CABLE CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL APPLICANT: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 3. Utilities a) Design and construct all public utilities to serve the site in accordance with City Code, City Standards and requirements of the serving utility, including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer and cable TV (Cable TV optional for commercial, industrial, or institutional uses). b) Sewer main extensions required to serve the site shall be constructed at the Developer's expense. c) This project is located in the sewer service area maintained by the City of San Bernardino therefore, any necessary sewer main extension shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's "Sewer Policy and Procedures" and City Standard Drawings. d) Utility services shall be placed underground and easements provided as required. e) A street cut permit, from the City Engineer, will be required for utility cuts into existing streets where the street is not being repaved as part of the required improvements. f) Sewers within private streets or private parking lots will not be maintained by the City but shall be designed and constructed to City Standards and inspected under a City On-Site Construction Permit. A private sewer plan designed by the Developer's Engineer and approved by the City Engineer will be required. This plan can be incorporated in the grading plan, where practical. Page 5 of 7 Pages 5/812003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: DP III 03-05 DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT THE VERDEMONT FIRE STATION APPLICANT: CITY OF LOCATION: N/E PALM AVENUE AND CABLE SAN BERNARDINO CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL 4. Street Improvement and Dedications a) Construct Driveway Approaches per City Standard No. 204, Type II, including Handicap by-pass. Remove existing driveway approaches that are not part of the approved plan and replace with full height curb & gutter and sidewalk. 5. Required Engineering Permits a) Grading permit (If applicable.). b) On-site improvements construction permit (except buildings - see Development Services-Building Division), including landscaping. c) Off-site improvements construction permit. 6. Applicable Engineering Fees! a) Plan check and inspection fees for off-site improvements - 4% and 4%, respectively, of the estimated construction cost2 of the off-site improvements. I All Fees are subject to change without notice. 2Estimated Construction Cost for Off-Site Improvements is based on a list of standard unit prices on file with the Public Works Division. Page 6 of 7 Pages 5/8/2003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: DP III 03-05 DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT THE VERDEMONT FIRE STATION APPLICANT: CITY OF LOCATION: N/E PALM AVENUE AND CABLE SAN BERNARDINO CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL b) Plan check and inspection fees for on-site improvements (except buildings _ See Development Services-Building Division) - 2% and 3%, respectively, of the estimated construction cosf of the on-site improvements, including landscaping. c) Plan check and inspection fees for grading (If permit required) - Fee Schedule available at the Engineering Division Counter. d) Drainage fee in the approximate amount as follows based on $0.455 per square foot for the first 3,000 square feet of impervious lot area (estimated as 85% of the net lot area), then $0.156 per square foot of remaining impervious lot area or fraction thereof: $10,716.00 e) Sewer Connection fee in the approximate amount as follows based on $257.70 per 3,000 square feet or fraction thereof: $773.10 f) Sewer inspection fee in the estimated amount as follows based on $21.72 per connection: $21.72 7. Additional Requirements - Verdemont Area Projects a) This project lies within the proposed boundary of the Palm Avenue Box Culvert and Traffic Signal Fee area; therefore, a fee in the estimated amount as follows of $ 0.02 per square foot of net project area shall be paid to the City prior to approval of building permits: $1,481.04 3 Estimated Construction Cost for On-Site Improvements Is based on a list of standard unit prices on file with the Public Works Division. Page 7 of 7 Pages 5/812003 City of San Bernardino Public Services Department Development Project Conditions of Approval 300 North D Street - 4th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92418 Project Number: DP III 03-05 Project Planner: Nicole Criste Review Date: 4.10.2003 Project Description/Business Name: Construct Verdemont Fire Station Project Location/Address: APN 0361-191-06 on Kendall Drive east of Palm Avenue Service Account: curbside Reviewed By: Michelle Dyck-Turner e-mail: dyck-turner _ mi@ci.san-bernardino.ca.us Phone: 909.384.5549 #3162 . Standard Development Requirements Project shall meet all applicable Standard Development Requirements as attached. . Integrated Waste Management Survey Applicant shall submit an Integrated Waste Management Survey for each of the activities marked below with the initial application to Planning for approval by the Public Services Department Refuse and Recycling Division prior to issuance of permits for each activity. The information contained in the Survey as well as any related comments and mitigation provided by Public Services shall be summarized in the Initial Study and EIR if required for the project under CEQA. o Demolition & Site Preparation I 0 Construction / Renovation I 0 Business Operations or Event . Additional Requirements or Recommendations This project shall meet residential standards for curbside cart service. MD/PS4.22.2003 City of San Bernardino Public Services Department Standard Development Requirements 300 North D Street - 4th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92418 COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Collection Services 1. The collection or transportation of refuse, recyclable discards, or green waste from any commercial and industrial locations within the City shall be provided by the City of San Bernardino Public Services Department unless otherwise franchised or permitted. [MC 9 8.24.140] 2. New accounts require a completed Service Application, with a full deposit and a copy of manuals for all compactor units, returned to the City of San Bernardino Refuse & Recycling Division prior to Issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy. 3. Shared refuse and recycling services for multi-tenant commercial sites shall be billed to a single owner or property manager; leases shall include terms to accommodate sub-metered services. 4. All refuse containing garbage, such as food, vegetable, or animal wastes, shall be removed at least twice weekly, and all other solid wastes shall be removed at least once weekly. [SB County Health, Sanitation and Animal Regulations 9 33.083] 5. All commercial establishments generating 6 cubic yards or more of solid waste per week shall establish City recycling services for maximum diversion within 30 days of opening business, or establish an alternative diversion program to be identified in the IWM Survey for the project. Automated Cart Service to Nonresidential Facilities 6. Nonresidential establishments such as small offices, shops, meeting halls, or churches, which generate 2 cubic yards or less of non-bulky waste per week and are located on the same side of a residential block receiving automated cart service shall meet residential rather than commercial requirements. Service Vehicle Access 7. Projects shall meet City Engineering requirements for commercial vehicle drive access along the main ingress to and egress from enclosures. These requirements shall not limit requirements for Fire vehicle access. 8. Property without through access shall incorporate at least one of the following designs: . A cul-de-sac with a 40-foot turning radius for a 32-foot vehicle length . A hammerhead turn with a 40-foot turning radius for a 32-foot vehicle length Gated Access 9. Gated properties that are locked and unmanned on service days anytime between the hours of 5 AM and 5 PM Monday through Saturday shall provide access code or key to Public Services. Roll-off Compactor Units 10. Sealed compactor units dedicated separately to refuse and recyclables may be required to be installed at facilities with an anticipated waste generation of 60 uncompacted cubic yards per week. 11. Roll-off compactor units must be installed according to manufacturer's and City Engineering specifications with the compactor hopper and roll-off box on a concrete slab with a minimum 3-foot continuously paved perimeter for safe access. 12. Roll-off boxes at locations receiving City service must meet City rail and hook specifications per City Engineering Standard 510. Boxes shall be designed with disposal end opposite hook-up; boxes with same-side design may be subject to a roll-back charge. 13. Compactor equipment shall be screened from view of public right-of-way by materials compatible with building architecture and landscaping as specified by City of San Bernardino Development Code. [MC 9 19.20.030 (21)] 14. Location, orientation, and dimensions of enclosures, enclosure gates, pedestrian entry, compactor pads, and compactor screening, shall be shown on site plans and labeled that construction shall meet City Engineering Standards. MD/PS4.22.2003 City of San Bernardino Public Services Department Standard Development Requirements Page 2 of 3 Existing Bin Enclosures 15. Existing bin enclosures must have minimum inside dimensions of 7'9" x 9' OR 15' x 4'5" to fit two 3CY bins, with block walls, inside bumper guards or curbing, and solid steel gates, OR enclosure(s) must be reconstructed to meet Engineering Standard 508, and the enclosure may be relocated for best drive access and alignment, plans subject to Public Services approval. (Please note, if site will generate less than 2CY of solid waste per week, see Residential Collection options.) Front-load Bin Enclosures & Access 16. Minimum double-wide enclosures of 8 feet by 15 feet shall be required for all development to allow for dedicated recycling bins, except where potential waste generation or space is restricted. [Specifications adopted in accordance with Model Ordinance as required by CA PRC 942911] 17. Front-load compactor units must be contained in an enclosure large enough to hold the unit and one additional bin facing lengthwise. 18. Front-load bin and compactor enclosures must be constructed according to City Engineering Standard S08. Rear or side pedestrian entry shall be provided on enclosures for all multi-unit residential development. Pedestrian entry on free-standing enclosures shall have a 4-foot width, no gate or door, and an 'l' shaped block screen the same height of the enclosure. 19. Pedestrian access from building exit to bin enclosure shall be a minimum 4 feet wide and continuously paved, without crossing curbs, steps, or driveways. 20. Enclosure pads shall be level to restrict bins from drifting and designed for proper drainage of surface water. 21. Enclosures must be at least 5' from combustible walls, eave lines, or openings. [98 CA Fire Code 9 1103.2.2] 22. Only refuse bins and the contents therein for disposal may be stored in refuse enclosures. All other equipment, fixtures, and materials such as electrical panels, circulation or exhaust ducts or vents, grease bins, or surplus supplies are strictly prohibited. 23. Enclosures shall be buffered with landscaping when viewable from public right-of-way, and vegetation shall not restrict gates or exceed height of enclosure. Include vegetation on landscape plans. 24. Enclosures shall be located with gates aligned for straight access for service vehicles. 25. Enclosures shall not obstruct drive aisles, driveways, loading zones, parking, handicap access, or visibility of cross-traffic from drive aisles, alleys, or streets. location shall not cause service vehicle to block access drives during while bins are being serviced. 26. Enclosure gates shall not open into drive aisies, parking spaces, or waikways. Enclosures placed adjacent to parking shall be separated by a minimum 2-foot wide curbed area out to the farthest point of both gates, and designed to safely restrict gates from opening into parking spaces or landscaped areas.. 27. location, orientation, and dimensions of enclosures, enclosure gates, and pedestrian entry, shall be shown on site plans and labeled that construction shall meet City Engineering Standards. Multi-unit Dwellings 28. Commerciai requirements shall apply to all multi-unit dwellings over 8 units, unless otherwise approved. 29. Disposal chutes incorporated into multi-story buildings must have dedicated chutes for refuse & commingled recyclables. Both chutes shall be clearly and permanently labeled at each chute opening and exit. [Specifications adopted in accordance with Model Ordinance as required by CA PRC 942911] MDIPS4.22.2003 City of San Bernardino Public Services Department Standard Development Requirements Page 3 of 3 RESIDENTIAL TRACTS & LOTS Collection Services 1. Residential refuse and recycling services are to be provided by the City of San Bernardino Refuse & Recycling Division a minimum of once weekly. 2. The City shall provide upon request one set of a blue, green, and black 96 or 64-gallon automated service cart to each single family unit, OR one set to every 2 units in multi-unit dwellings up to 8 units. 3. Commercial requirements shall apply to all multi-unit dwellings over 8 units, unless otherwise approved. 4. Nonresidential establishments such as small offices, shops, meeting halls, or churches, which generate 2 cubic yards or less of non-bulky waste per week and are located on the same side of a residential block receiving automated cart service shall meet residential rather than commercial requirements. Automated Cart Storage & Access 5. Residential units shall construct a minimum 4 feet by 11 feet concrete pad located out of view of public right-of-way for storage of each set of up to 4 automated carts. If visible from the public right-of-way, the storage area shall be screened by landscaping, or masonry or solid wood fencing. 6. The path of travel from the storage pad to street shall be continuously paved without step or curb with 4-foot minimum gate openings in walls and fencing. The path of travel may include a paved driveway or patio area. Service Vehicle Access 7. Projects shall meet City Engineering vehicle access requirements on all streets within a residential tract. These requirements shall not limit requirements for Fire vehicle access. Curbside Service Area 8. A minimum 14-foot linear space on the street along the curb adjacent to the driveway of each residence must be clear for automated service carts, with a minimum 2-[00t setback and 13-[00t vertical clearance of all obstructions such as structures, fences, and raised landscaping. Gated Access 9. Gated properties that are locked and unmanned on service days anytime between the hours of 5 AM and 5 PM Monday through Saturday shall provide access code or key to Public Services. MD/PS4.22.2003 1" . - SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Review of Plans: D-t> ~ IU (') D ~ - 0 S Date Compiled: y -, -0 ~ OwnerlDeveloper: c:. ity 0+ s & / SA- t"\ R:.. Compiled By: "" I I'-€:.- N Type of Project: c..o N S ,rz. l.') c... T TE../ZiZ-I./ tl E.. V '-, t-} F, IZ.E- ~ rAll~umber of Units: J ~ Location: ~~ "roof P A-t.."",- ""11 e. f'J (!) IZ- Tl-\- 0-+ ILeN ~ A-I I ~ lL l II E.. 1l ~,A-(l, ..,(2.... C-UH~..ILi'-~() WATER DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING: ~N'lt\.c....... c.ri14N~~ Contact: rA-...... e.- ~___ Phone: '38' '( - 5'3 Cj' I Fax: 3 IS' '"i - S" S" 3 "2. eyE. NoIe: All Water Services are Subject to the Rules & Regulationa nf the Water Department. j{ Size of Main Adjacent the Project: l t,.. " Co L. 3. IJ..) p c; Te.i-L- IN} P\- L-M ~Approximate Water Pressure: 1" c> p.s.:c: Elevation of Water Storage: fi / "'.t7 Hydrant Flow @ 20 pai: f.- Type, Size, Location, and Distance to Nearest Fire Hydrant: 2... I..U ~ Y VJ/ $ (~A-v<-.. lLR.... I ~ -f-t\-o IV -\ t!> -t::.fu.fo~ Ti--O 91 Tf>_. o t.J Plr............. o Pressure Regulator Required on Customer's Side on the Meler. o Off-site Water Facilities Required. o Area Not Served by San Bernardino Municipal Water Department. Kcomments: ru Si'Lf, FWf", ~,/D, lVC., rt.or(]D n,,( ~ .t\t\ WATER OIJALlTY CONTROL: Contact: c..OrJ A~f2-1 f..-,IJ.- Phone: 38' '-{ - 5/3'1 Fax: 3~ '{ -52.-l,oO ~.P.P. Backflow Device Required at Service Connection. ;;0 II..- Do IN\ e So 't-, c... ~ /C-l2-cl, c.. ~ ij(Double Check Backflow Device Required at Service Connection. fDA...- :r:{l.J2..1 c. ~ Ti 0 J0 .:t F I (L/2.... 5 EJZ.-Vl c...E. )/Backflow Device to be Inspected Before Water Service can be Activated. o No Backflow Device Required at This Time. ENVIRONMENTAL C.ONTROLIINDUSTRIAL WASTE: Contact: ANf::>y C--t>A--t::.y Phone: 3g<l-fj2.-"3J.. Fax: :SRI.{ -S-2~ NoIe: No Brine Regenerative Water Softeners May be Installed, Unless Holding and Hauling is Provided for the Brine. AlIlnterceplors will be a 1200 Gallon Capacity with a Sample Box Included. o Industrial Waste Penllit Required. o Grease Interceptor Required. o Pre-treatment Required. o Sand/Oillnterceptor Required. o No Issues at tltis Time. SEWER CAPACITY INFORMATION: Contact: f\J t-I L '1l-4-0wo....';" N Phone: 7,RY - 5Cl '1 3 Fax: -:s~ '1- 55 '1 z... Note: Proof of Payment Must be Submitted to the Building & Safely Department Prior to Issuance of the Building Permit. o No Sewer Capacity Fee Applicable at This Time. }(Sewer Capacity Fee Must Be Paid to the Water Department for - Gallons Per Day, Equivalent Dwelling Units: d- O Subject to Recalculation of Fee Prior to the Issuance of Building Permit. Breakdown of Estimated Gallons Per Day: S1l>REQlll3.F'RM(2I91l CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRE DEPARTMENT STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Case:pt7T1? 0305 Date: 4//0/3 VaOF1"I/ONl h1<.6 \'/,A-rIO;.t Reviewed By: ~ GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 0 Provide one additionaJ seI of construction pjans to Building and Safety for Fire Department use at time of plan check. 0 Contact the City of San Bernardino Are Department at (909) 384.5585 for specific detailed requirements. 0 The developer shall provide for adequate fire flow. Minimum fire flow requirements shall be based on square footage, construction features, and exposure information supplied by the deveJoper and !!!y!! be available Drlor to placing combustible materials on site. WATER PURVEYOR FOR FIRE PROTECTION: 0 The fire protection water service for Ihe area of this project is provided by: 0 San Bernardino Munlcipal Water Departmenl-Engineering (909) 384-5391 0 East Valley Wator Dislrict-Enginooring (909) 888-8986 0 Other Water purveyor: Phone: PUBLIC FIRE PROTECTION FACILITIES: ~ Public fire hydrants are required along streets at Intervats not to exceed 300 feet for commercial and multi-residential areas and at intervals not 10 exceed 500 foot for residenlial areas, )(r Fire hydrant minimum now rates of 1,500 gpm at a 20 psi minimum residual pressure are required for commercial and multi-residential areas. Mmimum fire hydrant flow rates of 1,000 gpm at a 20 psi minimum residual pressure are required for residential areas. ~ Are hydrant type and specific location shall be joinUy delennined by the City of San Bemardino Fire Department in conjunction with the water purveyor. Fire hydrant malerials and installation shall conform to the standards and specifications of the water purveyor. Q-' Public fire hydrants, fire services, and public water facilities necessary to meet Fire Department requirements are the developer's financial responsibility and shall be installed by the water purveyor or by the developer at the water purveyor's discretion. Contactlhe water purveyor indicated above for additional information. ACCESS: 8 Provide two separate. dedicated routes of ingress/egress to the property entrance. The routes shall be paved, all weather. Provide an access road to each building for fire apparatus. Access roadway shall have an all~weather driving surface of not less than 20 feet of unotr structed width. 0 Extend roadway to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior wall of all single story buildings. 0 Extend roadway to within 50 feet of the exterior wall of all multip&e-story buildings. 0 Provide "NO PARKING- signs whenever parking of veNcles \\'Quid possible reduce the clearance of access roadways to less than the required width. Signs arolo road "FIRE LANE-NO PARKlNG-M.C. Sec. 15,16", 0 Dead-end streets shall not exceed 500 feet in length and shall have a minimum 40 foot radius turnaround. 0 The names of any new streets (public or private) shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. iE: All access roads and streets are to be constructed and usable prior to combustible construction. Private fire hydrants shall be installed to protect each building k>cated more than 150 feet from the curb line. No fire hydrants should be within 40 feet of any exterior wall. The hydrants shall be Wet Barrel type, with one 2~ inch and 4 inch outlet, and approved by the Fire Department. Areas adjacent to fire hydrants shall be designated 8S a "NO PARKING- zone by painting an 8 inch wide, red stripe for 15 feet in each direction in front of the hydrant in such a mannor thaI ~ will nol bo b1ocl<od by parked vohicles, Lettoring 10 be in whito 6" by 1'.", ~o.-Y"f./ ON PL.4r/ -;rLDINGS: Address numerals shall be installed on the building at the front or other approved location in such a manner as to be visible from the frontage street Com- mercial and multi family address numerals shall be 6 inches tall, single family address numerals shall be 4 inches tall. The color of the numerals shall con- trast with the color of the background. % Identify each gas and electric meter with the number of the unit it serves. Fire extinguishers must be installed prior to the building being occupied. The minimum ra1ing lor any lire extinguisher is 2A 108lC. Minimum distrbution of . fire extinguishers must be such that no interior part of the building is over 75 feet travel distance from a fire extinguisher. 0 Apartment houses with 16 or more units, hotels (motels) wfth 20 or more units, or apartments or hotels (motels) three stories or more in height shall be equipped with automatic fire sprinklers designed to NFPA standards. ~ All buildings, over 5,000 square feet, shall be equipped with an automatic fire sprlnker system designed to NFPA standards. This includes existing buildings vacant over 365 days. ~ Submit plans for the fire protection system to the Fire Department prior to beginning construction of the system. Permit required. o Tenant improvements in all sprinklered buildings ara to be approved by the Fire Department prior to start of construction. Permit required. o Provide fire alarm (required throughout). Plans must be approved by the Fire Department prior to start of installation. Permit required. ~. Fire Department connection to sprinkler system/standpipe system. shall be required at Fire Department approved location. ~ Fire Code Pennit required, apply at 200 east 3rd street, (909) 384-5388. Rre Sprinkler monitoring required. Plans must be approved by the Fire Department prior to the start of construction. Permit required. O. Occupanl Load, Note: The applicant must request, in writing, any changes to Fire Department requirements. / . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Fk"R.rn /7S 1?C:9-J/t<.~O R>>z. ~;/GR. f/70l2.. F,c t./6C-/~ ----- ~-1'"-UJtL ' , "_.... FP6170{03-03) EXHIBIT 5 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF INTENT FROM: CITY OF SAN BERNARDI:-lO TO: 0 Development Services Department 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, C A 92418 OFFICE OF PL.\'\~l:\G A:\D RESEARCH 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 ~ COl':\TY CLERK County of San Bernanlino 385 North Arro\\'head Avenue San Bemardmo. CA 92-l.15 Subject: Filing of Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration in compliance with Section 21080c of the Public Resources Code and Sections 15072 and 15073 of the CEQA Guidelines. Project Title: Development Permit III No. 03-05 - Verdemont Fire Station State Clearinghouse Number (if submitted to Clearinghouse): N/A Lead Agency Contact Person: Area Codeffelephone: Valerie C. Ross 909.384.5057 Project Description and Location: Construction of a 7,800 square foot fire station on a 1.7 acre lot located on the east side of Palm Avenue, north of Kendall Drive and the Cable Creek Flood Control Channel. The project is located in the City and County of San Bernardino. This is to notify the public and interested parties of the City of San Bernardino's intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above referenced project. The mandatory public review period will begin on Friday, April 18, 2003 and end on Wednesday, May 8, 2003. The Initial Study and supporting Technical Studies are available for public review at the public counter in the Development Services Department, located on the third floor of City Hall (address listed above). Following the public review period, the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration will be reviewed by the City's Environmental/Development Review Committee on Thursday, May 9. 2003, at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room-A located on the fourth floor of City Hall. Signature: VdiJAW {;. RUd/ Valerie C. Ross Date: 04/17/03 Title: Citv Planner o <...> ~ J ::.J :. _J -,-, ... Date received for filing at OPR: (..j .. '. , c..n ~ : .' CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY INITIAL STUDY FOR Development Permit III, No. 03-05, Verdemont Fire Station PROJECT DESCRIPTION/LOCATION: Construction ofa fire station on a 1.7 acre lot located on the east side of Palm Avenue, immediately north of Kendall Drive. The fire station building is proposed to be approximately 7,800 square feet. The project site is located north of the Cable Creek Flood Control Channel. DATE: April 3, 2003 PREPARED BY Nicole Sauviat Criste City of San Bernardino Development Service Department 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 909.384.5057 IS 1 I CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the preparation of an Initial Study when a proposal must obtain discretionary approval from a governmental agency and is not exempt from CEQA. The purpose of the Initial Study is to determine whether or not a proposal, not exempt from CEQA, qualifies for a Negative Declaration or whether or not an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared. Project Title: Development Permit III No. 03-05, Verdemont Fire Station Lead Agency Name: City of San Bernardino Address: 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Contact Person: Phone Number: Nicole Sauviat Criste (909) 384-5057 Project Location (Address/Nearest cross-streets): East side of Palm Avenue, immediately north of Kendall Drive Project Sponsor: Address: City of San Bernardino (Facilities Management) 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 General Plan Designation: CO-I, Commercial Office Description of Project (Describe the whole action involved, including, but not limited to, later phases of the project and any secondary, support, or off-site feature necessary for its implementation. Attach additional sheets, if necessary): The proposed project consists ofa 7,800 square foot fire station on a 1.7-acre parcel. The parcel is located on the east side of Palm Avenue, immediately north of the Cable Creek Flood Control Channel, and Kendall Drive. The fire station will include an apparatus room, residential quarters, and a public office and lobby area. The residential component of the building will include dormitories, a library, fitness room, laundry and kitchen facilities, and restrooms. Ancillary facilities, including a shop, hose storage and custodial spaces are also included. The site will also include parking for both employees and the public, a hose drying area, an above ground fuel tank, propane powered generator, transformer, and ground mounted HV AC equipment. The site is configured to include a return drive separate from the response drive, so that fire trucks can exit the site nose-first. A six-foot decorative wall, topped with a 2-foot wrought iron element, is proposed for the north, south and east property boundaries. A mechanical gate will be installed on the southern halfofthe site, to restrict access to the "back of house". IS 2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY The station will be a 24-hour facility, and will serve as a staging area for wildland fire fighting in addition to urban fire fighting services. Staffing will consist of 4 personnel at one time, in 3 shifts. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: North: Multi-family residential South: Cable Creek Flood Control Channel, Kendall Drive West: Palm Avenue, Cable Creek Flood Control Channel East: Multi-family residential Other agencies whose approval is required (e.g., permits, finance approval, or participation agreement): NPDES Permit from the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. IS 3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL F ACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. o Land Use and Planning o Population and Housing [8J Earth Resources [8J Water [8J Air Quality DT ransportation/Circulation o Biological Resources o Energy and Mineral Resources o Hazards [8J Noise o Mandatory Findings of Significance o Public Services o Utilities and Service Systems o Aesthetics o Cultural Resources o Recreation Determination. On the basis of this Initial Study, the City of San Bernardino, Environmental Review Committee finds: That the proposed project COULD NOT have significant effect on the environment, 0 and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. That although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the ~ environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. That the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an 0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. That although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the 0 environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. YP>>Jv(;.~ Signature April 3. 2003 Date Nicole Sauviat Criste Printed Name IS 4 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant ImDact Incornorated lmoact No ImDact I. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Will the proposal result in: a) A conflict with the land use as D D D ~ designated based on the review of the General Plan Land Use Plan/Zoning Districts Map? b) Development within an Airport District D D D ~ as identified in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Report and the Land Use Zoning District Map? c) Development within Foothill Fire D D D ~ Zones A & B, or C as identified on the Land Use Districts Zoning Map? d) Other? D D D ~ a)-c) Fire protection is a public service which is generally compatible with all land uses. The fire station will serve land uses which are currently underserved for fire protection, and will serve as a staging area for the wildland fire season. Specific issues associated with noise and lighting are addressed in the appropriate section below. The fire station is expected to represent a beneficial land use for the area. IS 5 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY II. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Will the Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than proposal: Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporated Impact No Imoact a) Remove existing housing (including D D D [J affordable housing) as verified by a site survey/evaluation? b) Create a significant demand for D D D [J additional housing based on the proposed use and evaluation of project size? c) Induce substantial growth in an area D D D [J either directly or indirectly (e.g., through projects In an undeveloped area or an extension of major infrastructure)? d) Other? D D D [J a)-c) The proposed project will not remove existing housing, since the site is vacant. The construction of the fire station will not induce significant growth, since it is in an area already partially developed, with additional development planned in the near future. The station is required as a result of that growth. IS 6 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY III. EARTH RESOURCES: Will the proposal Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than result in: Significant Mitigation Significant Imoact Incorporated Imoact No Imoact a) Earth movement (cut and/or fill) on 0 0 0 ~ slopes of 15% or more based on information contained m the Preliminary Project Description Form No. D? b) Development and/or grading on a slope 0 0 0 ~ greater than 15% natural grade based on review of General Plan HMOD map? c) Erosion, dust or unstable soil 0 0 ~ 0 conditions from excavation, grading or fill? d) Development within the Alquist-Priolo 0 0 0 ~ Special Studies Zone as defined in Section 12.0, Geologic & Seismic, Figure 47, of the City's General Plan? e) Modification of any unique geologic or 0 0 0 ~ physical feature based on field review? f) Development within areas defined as 0 0 0 ~ having high potential for water or wind erosion as identified in Section 12.0, Geologic & Seismic, Figure 53, of the City's General Plan? g) Modification of a channel, creek or 0 0 0 ~ river based on a field review or review of USGS Topographic Map ? h) Development within an area subject to 0 0 0 ~ landslides, mudslides, subsidence or other similar hazards as identified in Section 12.0, Geologic & Seismic, Figures 48, 51, 52 and 53 of the City's General Plan? i) Development within an area subject to 0 0 0 ~ liquefaction as shown in Section 12.0, Geologic & Seismic, Figure 48, of the City's General Plan? IS 7 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY j) Other? o o o o c) The soils on the project site consist primarily of Hanford Series soilsl, namely Hanford coarse sandy loam, and Hanford sandy loan, which occurs over the majority of the site. The hazards associated with water and wind erosion are slight, with a low shrink/swell potential. The exact composition of site soils will be determined in the City's required site-specific geotechnical reports which will be submitted to the Public Works Division prior to the issuance of grading permits. These reports will be required to detail the appropriate soil excavation techniques required to ensure that the proposed buildings are located on properly compacted pads. During site grubbing and grading activities, the site will be subject to wind erosion. The City requires the preparation and implementation ofPMlO plans prior to the issuance of grading permits. The PMl 0 plan for the proposed project will mitigate the potential impacts associated with wind erosion. The project will also, as a component of its grading permit, prepare an erosion control plan to address water erosion issues (also see Water Resources, below). In order to reduce the potential impacts associated with soils to a less than significant level, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented: 1. The City shall, prior to the issuance of grading permits, submit site specific geotechnical analysis to the Public Works Division for review and approval. 2. The City shall, prior to the issuance of grading permit, receive approval ofa PMlO management plan from the Public Works Division. 3. The City shall, prior to the issuance of grading permit, receive approval of an erosion control plan from the Public Works Division. a), b) d)-i) The site is not located in an Alquist Priolo study zone, nor is it subject to soil instabilities associated with seismic activity. The building will be constructed to the standards of the 2001 Uniform Building Code, which incorporates the most recently available protections against seismic failure. "Soil Survey of San Bernardino County, Southwestern Part, California," United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. IS 8 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY IV. WATER. WiJI the proposal result in: Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Imnact Incorporated Impact No Imoact a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage 0 ~ 0 0 patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff due to impermeable surfaces that cannot be mitigated by Public Works Standard Requirements to contain and convey runoff to approved storm drain based on review of the proposed site plan? b) Significant alteration in the course or 0 0 0 ~ flow of floodwaters based on consultation with Public Works staff? c) Discharge into surface waters or any 0 0 ~ 0 alteration of surface water quality based on requirements of Public Works to have runoff directed to approved storm drains? d) Changes in the quantity or quality of 0 0 0 ~ ground water? e) Exposure of people or property to 0 ~ 0 0 flood hazards as identified m the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map, 0607 I C7940F, and Section 16.0, Flooding, Figure 62, of the City's General Plan? f) Other? 0 0 0 [8J a) & c) The proposed project will result in the construction of a structure and paved areas on lands currently vacant. The amount of area available for percolation and drainage will be slightly affected by the proposed project. The project site has been designed to drain storm flows into the Cable Creek Flood Control Channel. The San Bernardino County Flood Control District will impose its standards on the discharge of such flows into the Channel. The site is also subject to the City's NPDES permitting requirements, which will be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Division prior to issuance of any grading permits on the site. In the review of these plans, the Public Works Division will ensure that proper conveyance techniques are utilized to meet local, regional and federal standards for storm flows. Further, the City will impose requirements for a Water Quality Management Plan, and associated best management practices on the proposed project, as required by law. Finally, the Public Works Division will determine whether additional techniques or structures, such as clarifiers or similar structures, IS 9 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY are required to assure that the fuel oils, cleaners and other products used at the site, and which may leave a residue on the driveways and parking areas, are eliminated from flows into the Channel. The construction of the fire station will occur within the 100-foot habitable building setback established by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District for the Cable Creek Flood Control Channel. In order to assure that the station is not subject to inundation, the site has been designed to with the building located 4 feet above the stated flood plain elevation. In addition to the building elevation, however, it is critical that the vehicles be able to exist the site in response to emergencies, especially in times of flooding. A mitigation measure has been added which ensures that the driveway elevation be sufficient to ensure that it will remain passable during flooding events. With the implementation ofthe following mitigation measures, the impacts associated with water resources will be less than significant. I. The City shall prepare and submit, for review and approval by the Public Works Division, a Water Quality Management Plan, including Best Management Practices, prior to the issuance of grading permits. 2. The building pad elevation shall be 4 feet above the 100-year floodplain, as determined by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, or at an elevation of 1,700 feet above sea level. 3. The proposed project driveway shall be designed in such a manner that all emergency vehicles stationed at the site can leave the site under 100 year flood conditions. This may require the installation of a culvert or drainage swale to carry storm flows away from the driveway and corresponding intersection point with Palm Avenue. 4. The Public Works Division shall examine the plans for the release of storm flows into Cable Creek Flood Control Channel, and determine the necessity of water clarifiers or other facilities to ensure that the City's NPDES standards are maintained at the site. 5. The City shall prepare a Storm Water Protection Plan for submittal to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, as part of its NPDES requirements for this project. IS 10 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY V. AIR QUALITY. Will the proposal: Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Imoact Incoroorated lmoact No !moact aJ Violate any air quality standard or D D [8J D contribute to an existing or projected aIr quality violation based on the thresholds in the SCAQMD's "CEQA Air Quality Handbook"? b) Expose sensi ti ve receptors to D [8J D D pollutants? cJ Alter aIr movement, moisture, or D D D [8J temperature, or cause any change m climate? d) Create objectionable odors based on D D D [8J information contained III the Preliminary Environmental Description Form? a) & b) Vehicle emissions will be the largest source of pollutants at the project site, but these are not expected to be significant. There will be 4 staff members on-site at any given time, representing a total of 8 trips per day. In addition, the emergency vehicles leaving the site on calls for service and inspections will generate an irregular number of trips per day. Overall, however, the vehicular emissions generated at the site will be very low, and will not significantly impact air quality in the area. Vehicle emissions during the construction period could also impact the area. The primary source of emissions will be associated with the equipment needed for site grubbing and grading. Table I identifies the potential daily emissions associated with grading on the project site, as well as the SCAQMD thresholds. The project site will only take a few days to grade, due to its small size. The operation of this equipment is not expected, therefore, to pose a significant continuing impact. Once again, the proposed project is not expected to exceed the SCAQMD thresholds of significance. IS II CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY Table 2 Grading Equipment Emissions - Diesel powered (pounds per day) Equipment Fork Lift - 50 hp Fork Lift - 175 hp Trucks - Off-Highway Tracked Loader Tracked Tractor Scraper Wheeled Dozer Wheeled Loader Wheeled Tractor Roller Motor Grader Miscellaneous Total: SCAQMD Thresholds of Significance # Pieces o o 1 o o 1 o 1 o o 1 1 # hrs/day o o 8 o o 8 o 8 o o 8 8 CO ROC Nox Sox PMIO 14.400 1.520 33.360 3.600 2.080 10.000 2.160 30.720 3.680 3.280 4.576 1.840 15.200 1.456 1.360 1.208 0.312 5.704 0.688 0.488 5.400 1.200 13.600 1.144 1.120 31.01 5.19 83.38 9.11 6.97 550.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 San Bernardino is subject to strong winds, which can generate significant dust, particularly during site construction. The proposed project will generate dust during grading activities, and in periods of high winds until construction is completed. In order to mitigate this impact, the City requires the preparation and approval ofPM10 management plans, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Division. In addition, the following mitigation measures shall be applied to the project site to mitigate the potential impacts on air quality during construction activities: 1. Construction equipment shall be properly maintained and serviced to minimize exhaust emissions. 2. Existing power sources will be utilized where feasible via temporary power poles to avoid on-site power generation. 3. Construction personnel will be informed of ride sharing and transit opportunities. 4. Any portion ofthe site to be graded shall be pre-watered to a depth of three feet prior to the onset of grading activities. 5. Watering of the site or other soil stabilization method shall be employed on an on-going basis after the initiation of any grading activity on the site. Portions of the site that are actively being graded shall be watered regularly to ensure that a crust is formed on the ground surface, and shall be watered at the end of each work day. 6. All disturbed areas shall be treated to prevent erosion until the site is constructed upon. 7. Landscaped areas shall be installed as soon as possible to reduce the potential for wind erosion. 8. SCAQMD Rule 403 shall be adhered to, insuring the clean up of construction-related dirt on approach routes to the site. 9. All grading activities are suspended during first and second stage ozone episodes or when winds exceed 25 miles per hour. IS 12 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Could the proposal result in: Significant Mitigation Significant lmoact Incorporated Imoact No Imnact a) A significant Increase In traffic D D D IZI volumes on the roadways or intersections or an increase that is significantly greater than the land use designated on the General Plan? b) Alteration of present patterns of D D D IZI circulation? c) A disjointed pattern of roadway D D D IZI improvements? d) Impact to rail or air traffic? D D D IZI e) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or D D D IZI off-site based on the requirements in Chapter 19.24 of the Development Code? f) Increased safety hazards to vehicles, D D D IZI bicyclists or pedestrians? g) Conflict with adopted policies D D D IZI supporting alternative transportation? h) Inadequate emergency access or access D D D IZI to nearby uses? i) Other? D D D IZI a)-i) The project site will be developed as a fire station. A minimal number of trips will be generated by employees each day, generally during off-peak hours. The station is located immediately north of the intersection of Palm Avenue and Kendall Drive, which will provide a buffer for emergency vehicles exiting the site. The impacts of operation of the station are not expected to have any impact on the regional traffic system. IS 13 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY VII. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Could the Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than proposal result in: Significant Mitigation Significant Imoact Incoroorated Imoact No Imoact a) Development within the Biological 0 0 0 [g] Resources Management Overlay, as identified III Section 10.0, Natural Resources, Figure 41, of the City's General Plan? b) Impacts to endangered, threatened or 0 0 0 [g] rare species or their habitat (including, but not limited to, plants, mammals, fish, insects and birds)? c) Impacts to the wildlife dispersal or 0 0 0 [g] migration corridors? d) Impacts to wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, 0 0 0 [g] riparian and vernal pool)? e) Removal of viable, mature trees based 0 0 0 [g] on information contained III the Preliminary Environmental Description Form and verified by site survey/evaluation (6" or greater trunk diameter at 4' above the ground)? f) Other? 0 0 0 [g] a)-f) The site has been significantly impacted by development in the surrounding area, and is now an isolated vacant site. At 1.7 acres, it provides limited low quality habitat for local species. The site is not therefore expected to provide habitat for sensitive species, and will not impact biological resources. IS 14 ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than RESOURCES. Would the proposal: Significant Mitigation Significant lmnact lncomorated lmnact No lmnact a) Conflict with adopted energy 0 0 0 [8J conservation plans? b) Use non-renewable resources m a 0 0 0 [8J wasteful and inefficient manner? c) Result in the loss of availability of a 0 0 0 [8J known mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? a)-c) The project site is 1.7 acres ofland surrounded by development. Its use as a fire station will not impact mineral resources. IS 15 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY IX. HAZARDS. Will the proposal: Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Imoact lncomorated Imoact No Imoact a) Use, store, transport or dispose of 0 0 ~ 0 hazardous or toxic materials based on information contained m the Preliminary Environmental Description Form No. G(l) and G(2) (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? b) Involve the release of hazardous 0 0 0 [g) substances? c) Expose people to the potential 0 0 ~ 0 health/safety hazards? d) Other? 0 0 0 [g) a) & c) The project wiJI include the location of an aboveground fuel tank on the property, to be used exclusively for vehicle fueling on-site. The fuel tank will be regulated by the County Department of Environmental Health, which has jurisdiction over all hazardous materials issues. The fire department will be responsible for constructing and maintaining the tank to current standards. The fire station will also utilize cleaners and other substances in the maintenance of equipment. These wiJI only be stored and utilized in small quantities, and wiJI not have an impact on surrounding development. The application of these standards will ensure that the impacts associated with hazardous materials at the site will be less than significant. IS 16 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY x. NOISE. Could the proposal result in: Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant lmnact Incomorated Impact No lmnact a) Development of housing, health care D D 0 [g) facilities, schools, libraries, religious facilities or other noise sensitive uses in areas where existing or future noise levels exceed an Ldn of 65 dB (A) exterior and an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior as identified in Section 14.0, Noise, Figures 57 and 58, of the City's General Plan? b) Development of new or expansion of D D 0 D existing industrial, commercial or other uses which generate noise levels above an Ldn of 65 dB(A) exterior or an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior that may affect areas containing housing, schools, health care facilities or other sensitive uses based on information In the Preliminary Environmental Description Form No. G(I) and evaluation of surrounding land uses No. C, and verified by site survey/evaluation? c) Other? D D D [g) b) The City of San Bernardino maintains a noise standard of 65 dBA exterior noise level for sensitive receptors. The fire station is not a sensitive receptor. The station, however, will be located in an area which is mostly residential in nature, including existing apartments adjacent, and single family development to the east in the near future, and will generate short term temporary noise which is not typical of a residential area, namely in the form of sirens, loudspeakers, and truck engines. These noise generators are temporary, and will not have a significant impact on the overall noise environment. The noise levels will be mitigated by the proposed wall on the north, east and south boundaries, and by the relative isolation of the site. Noise generated on the property could, however, pose an annoyance to surrounding residents, particularly during the quietest nighttime hours. This includes the noise generated by idling trucks, and that of the outdoor emergency equipment proposed, particularly the propane generator. However, the propane generator will only be used continuously during emergencies, and will only require "cycling" once a week. The cycling will be conducted during normal business hours, and will not significantly impact the noise environment for any length of time. In order to mitigate this potential impact, the following mitigation measures will be implemented: IS 17 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY 1. Fire trucks shall not idle in the back (east) of the fire station. Maintenance and cleanup which may require idling shall be performed either in the vehicle bays with the roll-up doors down, or in the front (west) driveway. c) Noise levels at adjoining residences will also be affected by construction activities on the site. The noise created by the construction activity, particularly that of trucks and other mechanical equipment, could impact residential development adjacent to the site. These impacts, however, are intermittent and temporary, and will not result in a permanent impact for the residences. In order to mitigate these impacts, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented: I. All internal combustion equipment shall be fitted with properly operating mufflers and air intake silencers. 2. All stationary construction equipment (e.g. generators and compressors) shall be located as far as practical from adjacent residential units. 3. Construction activities shall be limited to the hours prescribed in the San Bernardino Municipal Code. These mitigation measures will reduce the potential impacts associated with noise at the subject property to a less than significant level. IS 18 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY XI. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than have an effect upon, or result in a need for Significant Mitigation Significant new or altered government services in any Impact Incorporated Impact No Impact of the following areas: a) Fire protection? D D D ~ b) Medical aid? D D D ~ c) Police protection? D D D ~ d) Schools? D D D ~ e) Parks or other recreational facilities? D D D ~ f) Solid waste disposal? D D D ~ g) Maintenance of public facilities, D D ~ D including roads? h) Other governmental services? D D D ~ a- h) As a public facility, the fire station will have a beneficial impact on one of the fastest growing areas of the City. Response times will be improved, and facilities, which better serve the community, will be constructed. Finally, the City will have a state of the art facility from which to fight wildland fires, which can occur in the nearby foothills in the summer months with some frequency. The weight of the fire trucks will have a minor impact on the local roadways, however the City constructs arterials, including Kendall Drive, to handle the weight of large vehicles. This impact is not expected to be significant. IS 19 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY XII. UTILITIES. Will the proposal, based on Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than the responses of the responsible Agencies, Significant Mitigation Significant Departments, or Utility Company, impact Impact Incorporated Impact No Impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service or require the construction of new facilities? a) Natural gas? 0 0 0 ~ b) Electricity? 0 0 0 ~ c) Communications systems? 0 0 0 ~ d) Water distribution? 0 0 0 ~ e) Water treatment or sewer? 0 0 0 ~ f) Storm water drainage? 0 0 ~ 0 g) Result in a disjointed pattern of utility 0 0 0 ~ extensions based on review of existing patterns and proposed extensions? h) Other? 0 0 0 ~ f) Development ofthe project site will only slightly impact storm water facilities. In that the project proposes to drain into the Cable Creek Flood Control Channel. The San Bernardino County Flood Control District will impose its standards for such discharge, as will the City. The impacts associated with the increase in stormwater discharge are not expected to be significant. Also please see Water Resources, above. IS 20 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY XIII. AESTHETICS. Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Irnoact Incorporated Impact No Irnoact a) Could the proposal result In the D D D [8J obstruction of any significant or important scemc VIew based on evaluation of the view shed verified by site survey/evaluation? b) Will the visual impact of the project D D D [8J create aesthetically offensive changes in the existing visual setting based on a site survey and evaluation of the proposed elevations? c) Create significant light or glare that D D [8J D could impact sensitive receptors? d) Other? D D D [8J a)-d) The proposed fire station has been designed to have a relatively residential appearance, with a sloped roof and windows at regular intervals. The maximum height of the building is planned for 26 feet, which is consistent with residential structures currently being built in the area. The site will also include building and pole lighting, particularly for the back area where employee parking will be provided. This lighting will, however, comply with the City's ordinances, and will be hooded or otherwise directed in a manner that it does not shine into other properties. The City shall impose its standards on the project, to assure that lighting impacts are less than significant. IS 21 I CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Could the Potentially proposal result in: Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporated Impact No Imnact a) Development in a sensitive D 0 0 IZI archaeological area as identified in Section 3.0, Historical, Figure 8, of the City's General Plan? b) The alteration or destruction of a D 0 0 IZI prehistoric or historic archaeological site by development within an archaeological sensitive area as identified in Section 3.0, Historical, Figure 8, of the City's General Plan? c) Alteration or destruction of a historical D 0 0 IZI site, structure or object as listed in the City's Historic Resources Reconnaissance Survey? d) Other? D D 0 IZI a)-d) The project site is an isolated 1.7-acre parcel which is surrounded by development, and which has been previously impacted by development adjacent. The area is not one which has demonstrated cultural resource significance in the past. The proposed project is not expected to have any impact on cultural resources. IS 22 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY XV. RECREATION. Would the proposal: Potentially Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Imoact Incornorated Imoact No Imoact a) Increase the demand for neighborhood D D D [8J or regional parks or other recreational facilities? b) Affect existing recreational D D D [8J opportunities? a)-b) As a public facility, development of a fire station will have no impact on recreational facilities. IS 23 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY XVI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF Potentially SIGNIFICANCE. Potentially Significant Unless Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Imoact Incomorated Imoact No Imnact a) Does the project have the potential to D D D ['8J degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Does the project have the potential to D D D ['8J achieve short-term, to the disadvantage oflong-term, environmental goals? c) Does the project have impacts that are D D ['8J D individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) d) Does the project have environmental D ['8J D D effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? a)-d) The proposed fire station will be constructed on a significantly impacted parcel which has a low potential of harboring either biological or cultural resources. The project will assist the City in improving fire service in this rapidly growing area, which is a long term goal. The impacts associated with the project are not cumulatively considerable, as the site is small, and the facility will provide a beneficial service. The impacts to human beings associated with noise and air quality have been mitigated to a less than significant level. IS 24 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INITIAL STUDY REFERENCES. The following references cited in the Initial Study are on file in the Development Services Department. I. City of San Bernardino General Plan. 2. City of San Bernardino Development Code (Title 19 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code). 3. City of San Bernardino Historic Resources Reconnaissance Survey. 4. Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones Map. 5. South Coast Air Quality Management District, CEQA Air Quality Handbook. 6. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Rate Maps. 7. Public Works Standard Requirements-water. 8. Public Works Standard Requirements-grading IS 25 Exhibit 6 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT III NO. 03-05 MITIGATION MONITORINGIREPORTlNG PROGRAM This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program has been prepared to implement the mitigation measures outlined in the Environmental Assessment for Development Permit 03-05. This program has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State and City of San Bernardino CEQA Guidelines. CEQA Section 21081.6 requires adoption of a monitoring and/or reporting program for those measures or conditions imposed on a project to mitigate or avoid adverse effects on the environment. The law states that the monitoring or reporting program shall be designed to ensure compliance during project implementation. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program contains the following elements: I. The mitigation measures are recorded with the action and procedure necessary to ensure compliance. The program lists the mitigation measures contained within the Initial Study. 2. A procedure for compliance and verification has been outlined for each mandatory mitigation action. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. 3. The program contains a separate Mitigation Monitoring and Compliance Record for each action. On each of these record sheets, the pertinent actions and dates will be logged, and copies of permits, correspondence or other data relevant will be retained by the City of San Bernardino. 4. The program is designed to be flexible. As monitoring progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon recommendations by those responsible for the program. If changes are made, new monitoring compliance procedures and records will be developed and incorporated into the program. The individual measures and accompanying monitoring/reporting actions follow. MITIGATION MEASURES Earth Resources 1. The City shall, prior to the issuance of grading permits, submit site specific geotechnical analysis to the Public Works Division for review and approval. 2. The City shall, prior to the issuance of grading permit, receive approval ofa PM10 management plan from the Public Works Division. 3. The City shall, prior to the issuance of grading permit, receive approval of an erosion control plan from the Public Works Division. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION Public Works Division shall review geotechnical analysis, PM10 Management Plan and erosion control plan prior to issuance of building permit. COMPLIANCE RECORD Plans shall be on file in the Public Works Division. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: Water 1. The City shall prepare and submit, for review and approval by the Public Works Division, a Water Quality Management Plan, including Best Management Practices, prior to the issuance of grading permits. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION Public Works Division shall review Water Quality Management Plan, including Best Management Practices, prior to issuance of building permit. COMPLIANCE RECORD Plan shall be on file in the Public Works Division. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: 2 2. The building pad elevation shall be 4 feet above the 100-year floodplain, as determined by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, or at an elevation of 1,700 feet above sea level. 3. The proposed project driveway shall be designed in such a manner that all emergency vehicles stationed at the site can leave the site under 100 year flood conditions. This may require the installation of a culvert or drainage swale to carry storm flows away from the driveway and corresponding intersection point with Palm Avenue. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION The City shall provide copies of the grading plans to the San Bernardino Flood Control District for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. COMPLIANCE RECORD Plan and approval from District shall be on file in the Public Works Division. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: 4. The Public Works Division shall examine the plans for the release of storm flows into Cable Creek Flood Control Channel, and determine the necessity of water clarifiers or other facilities to ensure that the City's NPDES standards are maintained at the site. 5. The City shall prepare a Storm Water Protection Plan for submittal to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, as part of its NPDES requirements for this project. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION The City Engineer shall submit a SWPPP for review and approval to the Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to the issuance of grading permits. COMPLIANCE RECORD SWPPP and approval from Board shall be on file in the Public Works Division. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: 3 Air Quality I. Construction equipment shall be properly maintained and serviced to minimize exhaust emISSIOns. 2. Existing power sources should be utilized where feasible via temporary power poles to avoid on-site power generation. 3. Construction personnel shall be informed of ride sharing and transit opportunities. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION Public Works Division shall conduct on-site inspections throughout the construction process. COMPLIANCE RECORD Inspection records to be kept on file in Public Works Department. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: 4. Any portion of the site to be graded shall be pre-watered to a depth of three feet prior to the onset of grading activities. 5. Watering of the site or other soil stabilization method shall be employed on an on-going basis after the initiation of any grading activity on the site. Portions of the site that are actively being graded shall be watered regularly to ensure that a crust is formed on the ground surface, and shall be watered at the end of each work day. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION Public Works Division shall conduct on-site inspections throughout the construction process. Verification to be provided by applicant's geotechnical engineer. COMPLIANCE RECORD Inspection records to be kept on file in Public Works Division. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: 4 6. All disturbed areas shall be treated to prevent erosion until the site is constructed upon. 7. Landscaped areas are installed as soon as possible to reduce the potential for wind erosion 8. SCAQMD Rule 403 shall be adhered to, insuring the clean up of construction-related dirt on approach routes to the site. 9. All grading activities shall be suspended during first and second stage ozone episodes or when winds exceed 25 miles per hour. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION Public Works Division shall conduct on-site inspections throughout the construction process. COMPLIANCE RECORD Inspection records to be kept on file in Public Works Division. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: 9. All buildings on the project site shall conform to energy use guidelines in Title 24 ofthe California Administrative Code. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION Building Department shall approve building permits prior to issuance of building permit. COMPLIANCE RECORD Approved building plans to be kept on file in Building Department. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: 5 Noise 1. Fire trucks shall not idle in the back (east) of the fire station. Maintenance and cleanup which may require idling shall be performed either in the vehicle bays with the roll-up doors down, or in the front (west) driveway. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION The City's Fire Marshall shall periodically inspect the station and assure that all maintenance requiring idling of engines is being properly conducted. COMPLIANCE RECORD Compliance reports to be kept on file at Station and at City hall. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: 2. All internal combustion equipment shall be fitted with properly operating mufflers and air intake silencers. 3. All stationary construction equipment (e.g. generators and compressors) shall be located as far as practical from adj acent residential units. 4. Construction activities shall be limited to the hours prescribed in the San Bernardino Municipal Code. IMPLEMENTATION AND VERIFICATION The building inspector shall inspect the project site periodically during construction activiites. COMPLIANCE RECORD Copies of reports to be on file in the Building and Safety Division. WRITTEN VERIFICATION PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: 6 May 12,2003 '.'~-\oI' ,,~[~ ,'OlIN-r} O~. """"'''i ,.......-_........'...' "_.,.'" .. -i , ' ".',- EXHIBIT 7 voJ COUNTY OF SAN BERNAROINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES GROUP DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FLOOO CONTROL' REGIONAL PARKS. SOLID WASTE MGMT . SURVEYOR. TRANSPORTATION 825 EastThird Street. San Bernardino, CA 92415.0835 . (909) 387.8104 Fax (909) 387-8130 KEN A MILLER Director of Public Works City of San Bernardino Development Services Department Attn.: Valerie C. Ross, City Planner 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino. CA 92418 File #10(ENV)-4.01 RE: NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, VERDEMONT FIRE STA nON Dear Ms, Ross: Thank you for giving the San Bernardino County Department of Public Works the opportunity to further comment on the above-referenced project. The project site is generally located at the northeast comer of Palm Ave. and the Flood Control District's Cable Creek Channel. Cable Creek Channel has a large mountainous tributary drainage area of approximately 9Y, square miles to the northwest. The Channel is in an interim condition consisting of an earth-graded channel with rail and wire bank protection, and, although able to handle runoff from most small floods, is not considered adequate to withstand a major flood, According to the most recent FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, dated March 18, 1996, this site lies primarily within Zone X shaded, Therefore, the District offers the following comments: I. It is assumed that the City will establish adequate provIsIOns for intercepting and conducting the accumulated drainage around or through the site in a manner which will not adversely affect adjacent or downstream properties L The project should incorpurale lhe musl re<:ellt FEMA floudproufing regulatiuHs. 3, We recommend that the Flood Control District's Cable Creek Drainage Study, prepared by BSI Consultants, January 1994, be utilized in the design of storm drain facilities, 4. We recommend a I DO-foot building setback margin be established from the right-of-way along Cable Creek Channel. This setback margin may be reduced if floodproofing mitigation measures are proposed, such as rock slope protection, a scour wall or deepened footings for buildings. 5. Due to the erosion potential, the adjacent grade elevation should be no lower than the channel bulked depth. In order to adequately review the project. it will be necessary to have cross sections that show the pad elevation with respect to the I DO-year water surface elevations within the adjacent reach of Cable Creek. Page 2 Public Works Response NOI-Verdemont Fire Station 6. If any encroachment on District right-of-way is anticipated, a permit will be required from the District's Operations Division, Permit Section. Other on-site or off-site improvements may be required which cannot be determined at this time. 7. A 6-foot block wall, chain link fence or other District approved barrier shall be constructed along the District's right-of-way adjacent to the site. Sincerely, (~l\;\~,J\',,~(U F1.tANK MOLINA, Supervising Planner Environmental Management Division FM: fm! CEQAResponse _ SBCity _ YerdemontFireStation cc: Naresh Varma Shay Lawrey KAM/PJM Reading File