HomeMy WebLinkAbout30-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: JAMES FUNK, Director 0 R I GINAL Subject: Public Hearing 4:00 p.m. and resolution - proposed street name change - portion of State Street to Norm Johnson Way, south of Highland Avenue to Sth Street. Dept: Development Services Date: June 2S, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: File No.IS.0IA-S6 MCC Date: 07-21-2003 06/16/03 - Authorization was given to proceed with the proposed street name change - portion of State Street to Norm Johnson Way, south of Highland Avenue to Sth Street and setting a public hearing. Recommended Motion: I. That the public hearing relative to the street name change from a portion of State Street to Norm Johnson Way, south of Highland Avenue to S", Street, be closed; AND 2. Adopt Resolution. ~,~ Contact person: EILEEN GOMEZ Phone: S328 Supporting data attached: StatY Reportl Mapl Kesolutlon Ward: 6 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: NIA Source: (Acct. No.) N/A (Acct Description) Finance: Council Notes: ~c:so~0G3 I\~ Agenda Item No. 30 7jJ-ljD3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Public Hearing 4:00 p.m. and resolution - proposed street name change - portion of State Street to Norm Johnson Way, south of Highland Avenue to 51h Street. BACKGROUND: Presently, State Street exists from Highland Avenue to 141h Street in the City. The extension of State Street from 141h Street to Foothill Boulevard was approved in the 2000/2001 - 2004/2005 Capital Improvement Program. This portion of State Street will be constructed in six (6) phases. The Public Works Division has applied for federal funding for the project and is currently going through an environmental review, which is expected to be completed in 2004. It has been proposed that the portion of State Street from Highland Avenue to its future terminus at 51h Street be renamed to Norm Johnson Way. H. Norman Johnson was a lifelong resident of San Bernardino and was the owner of Fourth Street Rock Crusher in the City. He passed away in September of 2001. During his lifetime, Mr. Johnson was active in the community and was committed to the future progress of the City. He campaigned with local officials to pass Measure "I" for transportation improvements. Mr. Johnson also assisted the City in its efforts to begin the extension of State Street. On June 16,2003, authorization to proceed with the proposed street name change of a portion of State Street to Norm Johnson Way, south of Highland Avenue to 5th Street, was given. Affected property owners, as well as various City departments, were given notification of the proposed street name change for comments or conflicts. There were two anonymous property owners that responded unfavorably to the proposal. The recording of the resolution shall take place upon the completion of construction of the extension of State Street from Hanford Street to 5th Street, at which time the name change shall take etTect. Since this is a City initiated proposal, the normal $500 processing fee will not be collected. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Processing fee of $500 will not be collected since this proposal is City initiated. RECOMMENDA nON: That the public hearing relative to the street name change of a portion of State Street to Norm Johnson Way, south of Highland Avenue to 51h Street be closed and the resolution be adopted. ~ Q I~ I~ I I !~ ~i~ :--31 ~: ~:i~ h)!;::: ~; .'0 ~,~ "~ / ,- -..---\ ~ -li"l)\ \'L,I ri~,~ lJI[~~mrrT~":t,,, i1:c! \\~fi'!li"illt~~" ~-'-~--"'~- ----- --.,,----- 'jIl/ STREET __.,. --,_ _n ' I,.' ! I Ii it: '!i! ,L I " I : , I ~ftiijif _. , JI i' ,I I I 11 I I : 1--- , I "", , r I" j ...__ i ~ I : i-! ;-1l.ti' ;-- , " I i]E. --~! ___",C_, r " -I' -M;i~ j,~-~ K--~-"- I " I "I ! ~ I !,! h---~ ~- ! 'I I. I 'I I Ii: ~I . --: 'I 'I 1":\" :, I I' I I 11. 'j' , j~ i[)~ /~n 1\_ ~'J~ ~laRf'Tf -..:-,{:-\~ lBL1~'_, ::',,-~ \ ,: 0: ',i \ \ ~ " r' \ \; "~~,,, \ ~ -':~.>, \. , ,":"'. \ ~.;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~_3: -.' ~ :.. ~ ::0 ~ ..... ~ ~ a . :<; . . ~..''''''d'''__<:' ~ ,J"!,',, u"::f, ~ H..".~",I" ,f",.' " .'ii-',?,'"'' ','j' - ,t', : i.,,"'" h r' '-.1 " f' II ;~I "~, C.';',,\, ~ ::: ~ ;: i",.<,,J":l" """ll' t II 'lI.\hillglOll Al'e r~ 'I _~,'ljfRLEnT ;\, , ". f:~ ~' .",Ir,\/ l-jlCiHL4l..iV -'I I 'EACE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tl'j ~ 6 ~ ~~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ tj ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CJ ~ ~(J .g ~. ~~ ~ ~La~ - ~V) ~~ ~~ ~ ~ .[~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~.a ("') ~. ~~ ~a ;;::-. \:)"" ""- r;' (J ~~ ~~ ~""'l~. . 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CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: BETTY DEAN ANDERSON, Council Member - 6th Ward Dept: Council Offices F F\ rr'" Subject: Authorization to Proceed - proposed street name change of a portion of State Street to Norm Johnson Way, south of Highland Avenue to 5th Street. Date: June 13, 2003 File No, 15.01A-56 MCC Date: 06-16-2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: None Recommended Motion: That the Director of Development Services be authorized to proceed with the street name change ofa portion of State Street to Norm Johnson Way, south of Highland Avenue to 5th Street, and that a public hearing to consider the matter, be set for July 21,2003 at 4:00 p.m. Y9~~- Betty Dean Anderson Phone: 5188 Contact person: Betty Dean Anderson, Council Member - 6'" Ward Supporting data attached: StaffReport!Map 6 Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: ~, 1,/110/0..3 #.30 Agenda Item No. .:30 7/:2-1/03 ~ . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Authorization to Proceed - proposed street name change of a portion of State Street to Norm Johnson Way, south of Highland Avenue to 5th Street. BACKGROUND: Presently, State Street exists from Highland Avenue to 14th Street in the City. The extension of State Street from 14th Street to Foothill Boulevard was approved in the 2000/2001 - 2004/2005 Capital Improvement Program. This portion of State Street will be constructed in six (6) phases. The Public Works Division has applied for federal funding for the project and is currently going through an environmental review, which is expected to be completed in 2004. It has been proposed that the portion of State Street from Highland A venue to its future terminus at 5th Street be renamed to Norm Johnson Way. H. Norman Johnson was a lifelong resident of San Bernardino and was the owner of Fourth Street Rock Crusher in the City. He passed away in September of 2001. During his lifetime, Mr. Johnson was active in the community and was committed to the future progress of the City. He campaigned with local officials to pass Measure "I" for transportation improvements. Mr. Johnson also assisted the City in its efforts to . begin the extension of State Street. If authorization to proceed is given, affected property owners and various City departments will be contacted for comments or conflicts, the results of which will be presented in summary at the public hearing. At that meeting, and after the public hearing, a resolution for the street name change will be presented for your consideration. It is further proposed that the physical name change be deferred until the extension of State Street is constructed. Since this is a City initiated proposal, the normal $500 processing fee will not be collected. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Processing fee of $500 will not be collected since this proposal is City initiated. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that authorization to proceed with the proposed name change be given. . , . 1,. . . . ~ Q ~ ~ ~'~ ~~ ~ . "- ~ :s s: ~ ~ c::: ....;' ~ ,~ / ! " i ~ ' ..; i '~:~:."'" '," ol :J ,.I'1"l:";:l I / ....v ?" " ./ . ,.1 . -<--..-: ";", . ....1..'. ~ ," T ,..H~~ .. '. t 1-"""': ",'''' if I t__':"*.:". , ' 51h STREET " ! i . i :.1i::i , , I j ; I' , If 'I :I. f J ! ,. L' \ \,,1' I i J,~f) U' ~.i._!! 1,1 le-.,;rE{ " i -, ' I L----f jE-~ JI - J i~ "L ;; ~ il, jr.-I' :: i 'I i II~' ~J ':'1'~ · 0<: ,,,".<,~.~J i ,:::~ \, iiMi ~l!\, it ,- 'C'::c...." ~ "l:j"'I' ",\\ is:: ; ._.~- ~,,- \ \ - . '.'q ,\: 0..... 1 ,"~,:'p" \ \ . ' ,,,,,' ...,.. f ;: '~";;~ \\ ~ ;':", \ ~ ",' ,,'_ \ ~J. II . i.lIh~ '\ '., 0 ,,:to' . ,. 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That the nal11e of a portion of Slate Street, suuth uf 1-1Ighland A venue to 8 ,'" Street and it:; pr()pu,ed e~tensiun in the ellv uf San Bernardinu. he and the same is herehv 9 changcd to read Nurl11 Johnson \Vay. SECTIO:\ 2. This Resolution shall have no effect until a certified copv is recorded \\ith 10 11 the Cuunt\ Recllrder of San Bernardino Count\". 12 13 The recording of said Resolution shall be deferred until cOl11pletiun of construction of the extension of State Street fi.om Hanford Street to 5'" Street. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Lfl -'). ( lC) _vI) 1/21 /cl...~ 06 ::703 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . RESOLL'TIO.'" CHA"(;I~(; TilE "A'IE OF STA TE STREET TO "OR~l ,JOH"SO" \\.\ \ 1 2 3 4 I lIb:REBY CERTIry that the !(lreg,lIng resu!utiun \\a,s dul\ aduptcd b\ the \I<1\(lr and Common Council of the Cit\ uf San Bernardino at a mCl,ting thereof held on the 5 da\ of b\ the l(l]lu\\l11g \ote. tll . 2lJ 6 \\it C"uned \lembers: A YES :\.\ YS ABST.'\I!\ .\BSISl ESTRAD,\ LO:\G\'ILLE ~lC:CjE\'\IS DERRY Sl.\REZ A!\DERSO!\ \lCCA\1'\1.-\CK City Clerk The foreg"ing resolution is hereby approwd this ___~ day of____~__ .2lJ .IlDITH VALLES. '\1<1\ ur City of San Ikrnardinu ..\pprO\ed as t" !()[Jll and legal content 25 JA\lES F. I'EN:VL\!\ 26 27 28 City Anurne\ fkL 7t~ o . 06 ~70~ , I I .. I .I", . e e It) j/;e !vJU'lor (JI?t! 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't);j ~ e e ..... ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM ,. . ':7 .~1..,---.. Meeting Date (Date Adopted): . \. .: 1- <J ~ Item # .JV Vote: Ayes l- :~ Nays~' Resolution # i(,O 3, I () .:, Absent -8- Abstain ~ Change to motion to amend original documents: -- Reso. # On Attachments: -- Contract term: Note on Resolution of Attacbment stored separately: ~ Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY Date Sent to Mayor: f)- 2 =;. ("....~ Date of Mayor's Signature: rl" '-\ -('-;, Date of ClerklCDC Signature: '1 ,) /\ .C~ Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: See Attached: See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutious (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413. 6429, 6433. 10584,10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: / City Attorney i/ Parks & Rec, Code Compliance Dev. Services /' Police Public Services Water Notes: NulllVoid After: - By: - Reso. Log Updated: ./' Seal Impressed: .,./ Date Returned:- Yes ,/ No By_ Yes No ...L.- / By ..f.---- Yes No --L... B \, y~ Yes No~ By ! Yes No ...L.-.. 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