HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-City Administrator CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Fred Wilson Dept: City Administrator ORIGINAL Subject: Resolution for FY 03/04 civic and promotion funding Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters Date: July 9, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 7/9/03 Ways and Means Committee recommended approval ofFY 03-04 civic and promotion funding to Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters 8/5102 Resolution 2002-262 approved for financial assistance from the FY 02/03 civic and promotion fund to Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters Recommended Motion: 1. Adopt resolution; and 2. That direct funding in the amount of$5,000 from the FY03/04 civic and promotion fund be approved; that indirect funding in the amount of$ 33,416 be transferred from the FY 03/04 civic and promotion fund to various city departmental accounts as listed in the attached staff report; and that a waiver of fees and use of city personnel and equipment be authorized to su port Little League Baseball Inc., Western Regional Headquarters., in the conduct of their 20 . ou ament season. L- Contact Person: Fred Wilson Phone: 5122 Supportinl! Data Attached: Yes Ward 5 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 5.000 directl $33.416 indirect Source (Acct. No.) 001-091-5186 (Acct. Description) civic and promotion fund Finance Council Notes: i2..:.~ >>-Z Q. 3- 2 0 CP Agenda Item No. ~/., 7/~/tl3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Resolution authorizing agreement between the City of San Bernardino and Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters, for civic and promotion funding in the amount of$5,000 from the FY 03/04 budget to assist with the conduct of their tournament on August 2- 12,2003. The organization is also requesting a waiver of applicable departmental fees in connection with the event. BACKGROUND: Michael Legge, Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters, Executive Director, is requesting financial assistance from the FY 03/04 civic and promotion fund in the amount of$5,000 to aid in the conduct of their 2003 tournament scheduled for August 2-12, 2003. They are also requesting a waiver of fees for department personnel and equipment connected with the event. These fees are as follows: Police Parks/Rec Public Services $27,500 2,313 3.603 TOTAL $33,416 Attached for your review is a letter to the City dated June 6, 2003, a completed Request for Funding Assistance and letter of explanation, and a proposed budget for the event. Last year, the Mayor and Council approved $5,000 in civic and promotion funding to support the activity with a waiver offees of$47,21O. This year's Police costs of$27,500 are less than last year's figure of$37,411 due to the use of volunteers wherever possible. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Included in the FY03/04 budget is $153,500 (Acct. #001-091-5186) in civic and promotion funds which are traditionally used to support events of common interest to the community. Attached is a matrix showing the two requests the City has received this year to-date as well as the actual expenditure report of civic and promotion expenses for year ending June 30, 2003. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt resolution; and 2. That direct funding in the amount of$5,000 be approved; that indirect funding in the amount of$33,416 be transferred from the FY03/04 civic and promotion fund to various City departmental accounts as listed in the attached staff report; and that a waiver of fees and use of City personnel and equipment be authorized to assist Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters, in the conduct oftheir 2003 tournament. M o - N o C) z i5 z ::> II.. Z o i= o :;: o 0:: n- O Z <( (.) > (.) .. U " .. iU III ." " ::l "- I~ I~ I~ I 01 C!' o o '" ri '" ~ o o Lri ~ N. ",! "'~ 0' 0' Lri <0 N N ~ '" - III o U I mil I ! ::l I ,',lJ' - I I I U ' I <( I ' , , --+- ,~. I i I ",I I I I I I 1 i I ' I I~I :~I i~ N o o N o z ::> "- z o ~ :;; o a: D- O ~ U ~ U M o N o )- "- - " .. > w I ! i o C! m '<I' N. ~ '" ~ o C! m o m .n, <0, ! o o -<i "" "". ~ <0 ~l ~ ~I '" CD' 0 ~I ~ "'I N I", o 0 ~ I~ ~, '" T'""l 0 C\r a5 N '" '" I 15 i 15 II <U ~ !.~ ~ Q) g, ~ -g '10 I, Q)! 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'" U <l: U ::;; >- " -0 '" :0 0.. 1:- o 00 I '" o '" (jj " ffi '" :; ..J >- <3 N<OO 808 "''''0 <0<0<0 "'"'"' ~;n\O (io;o; 000 000 000 '" o ~ '" Cl s: v, ." .:;;. r-.~' l~' UTTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL@INCORPORATED ." ~ Western Regional Headquatters s '-, June 6, 2003 JUN 2 4 2003 Honorable Mayor Judith Valles Mayor and Common Council City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Mayor Valles: The 2003 Little League Baseball Western Regional Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, August 2, 2003 through Tuesday, August 12,2003. Twelve Championship teams from the 11 states of the Little League Western Region will begin arriving on Thursday, July 31, 2003. In past years, we have greatly appreciated the financial support from the San Bernardino City Council. The financial support will again help defray the cost of the tournament. I am respectfully requesting a grant of $5,000.00 for our 2003 event. These funds will be used to offset costs associated with transporting teams to and from the airport in rented buses, feeding approximately 600 guests, opening ceremonies and meals for teams and volunteers for the 11 day event. Each year more that 200 players, managers and coaches come to San Bernardino to compete for the opportunity to advance to the Little League Baseball World Series in Williamsport, PA. We will again be sending two representatives from the Western Region. Both championship games will be televised live on ESPN2 from AI Houghton Stadium here at the Western Regional Headquarters. The Northwest Division Championship will be televised on August II th and the West Division Championship will be televised live on August 12th. We again anticipate between 50 and 60 thousand visitors from throughout the eleven Western Region States. Their return is testimony to the warm family welcome they receive from the City of San Bernardino. We sincerely thank the City Council for the outstanding support we have received in the past and hope that you will look favorably on this request. We ask that you again honor us with your presence at some of the activities listed on the enclosed schedule. ~i cerely, , . t2~" 'V(jo Mike Legge Western Regional Director encl: 2 6707 Little League Drive' San Bernardino, California 92407. 909-887-6444 . FAX 909-887-6135 \.~ , - ) v") II Sat., 812103 Idaho Game 1 12:15 PM Hawaii 4:00 PM Challenger Exhibition 6:15 PM Opening Ceremonies Utah IGame 2 8:00 PM So. California WESTERN REGION 2003 LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL TOURNAMENT San Bernardino, California (6-11-03 SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE) ., Sun., 8/3/03 Nevada IGame 5 5:00 PM Arizona Mon., 8/4/03 Utah IGame 7 I 9.30 AM No. California Nevada Game 8 12.15 PM So. California Idaho Game 10 8.00 PM Alaska Top four (4) records in Pool Play from each Pool will advance to single game Semi-Final round. Approved Tie Breaker Method Will Apply. Sat. 81912003 Northwest Region Semi-Final Games Seed 2 Game NW-1 5.00 PM Seed 3 Seed 1 Game NW-2 8.00 PM Seed 4 Sun. 8/1012003 West Region Semi-Final Games Seed 2 IGame W-1 5.00 PM Seed 3 Seed 1 Game W-2 8.00 PM Seed 4 2003 Regional Tournament Schedule Tue., 8/5/03 Wed., 8/6103 Thurs.,8n/03 Fri., 8/8/03 Alaska Game 13 5.00 PM Montana Arizona Game 14 8.00 PM No. California Nevada Game 16 12:15 PM Utah Nevada Game 20 5:00 PM No. California Hawaii Game 23 5.00 PM Montana Washi on Game 21 8:00 PM Idaho Arizona Game 24 8.00 PM So. California ESPN2 Will televise both Championship Games at 7.00 p.m. PST Northwest Region 8/1112003 Championship Game West Region 8/1212003 Championship Game Winner NW-1 ~ Winner NW-2 Winner W-1 ~ Winner W-2 sched.xls 6-11-03 S~nt By: citt1e Leasue Baseball; 909 887 6' 35; "u1-'-03 2:18PM; Page 2 LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALLIAJ INCORPORATED WeSl.m Regional Ii) Ile.ac.l~llarters July 1,2003 City of San Bernardino Ways and Means Committee clo Mi_ Marilyn Dixon Rd': Request for Civic and Promotion Funding Dear Committee Members: I have enclosed a budget prepared by the Treasurer of Little League Baseball fur OUf 2003 Regional Townament to be held here in San Bernardino. It i. our hope that the information will meet your information needs in the above referenced request. This attachment is being provided because I 8.ID unable to adequately matc;h the expense cateaorie, identified in the fOlm with the reporting categories provided by our International Headquarters. The Western Regional Headquarters is II service blllIlCh of International ijeadquarters in Williamspon, PA, and our Western Regional Tournament is an integral and not Separate part of our overall operations. In an attempt to provide you with a more IU:C\II1lte representation of income and expenses related to the Regional Tournament I obtained the attached infonnlltion. Please conUK:! me with any questions you may have in this matter. Sincerely, M4r- Mike Legge Western Regional Director 6707 Littlc Leav,l1c Drive . San Bernardino, California 92407, 909-~~7 .6444 . flA X 909-~~7 .6115 SBnt 3y: Little l.ea~~e Base~all; 909 867 6'35; Jul-1-03 2:18PM; Page 3 2003 Budget Wll$lem Regional Toumamenl Little League Ba54lball, Ine Budget 2003 Ra~u. Conoession/Souvenir Sales 118,000 Collecllon & Ticket Sates 10,000 Program Sales 1,970 Total PfQjec:t8CI RavallU8 13',1170 ElCpandltu.... Salllfies & Benefits (DIrectors, Part Time, ele) 35,000 LtIl1lties 11,300 equip Rental/Field Maintenance 12,000 FeedlnglHouslng-ParticipanlS 24,1175 Uniforms/Equipment 5,000 Conce~onsI5Ourv8l1lrs 57,000 Net Lon for Tour_nt, 5,000 160,275 (11,301) Miscellaneous SuWtIIls Tol8l Projactad Expandltu... _lll/'- SlnIIOr r_,." ....IA_ _01,1""_ Sert By: Little League 82SeJellj 07/el/2B03 Ie: 59 0 . 909 887 6' 35; ADMIN Jul-1-03 2;18PM; Page 4/7 P<IGE 01 ~' t ' .. .. .SA.l\l BERNARDINO REQWSTroitcrviC AND PROMOTION FUNDING (pART 1) ." . ". .,' ' ~~' . . . k.. . ii(~ of OrgariWtion ': W...... ..Littl. Leajlue Baseball. Iqc..rt>Ora"~ css, " '. "'-'~ ". ' .. .67,07 I.itt'l. Lugu~, Dr.1v!' , .0,.. ~'. enOu':' .- ...:'. : 9Q9/687-6444 ' .lUl<e ..t. 'e', Director .pa~ono{SOl C(3)nonopt0fif.,ot-,tiOll (Attachod:Yes,M 1'10.-> "''''':/' . . ":,,.,' ,',..,'\" ,.,....,-:. ~ bfl\vmt . . .. L<x:at/qil :'. " .' >?:...... Au-g.' 1 - Au . 12".2'003'.., 'Wester Re 10 ofF_I' . me Support 'foi:, w...i:aI1\ ..R1I8ional Li tn. LU8"e Bueball Tournallleh PhoneIFAX 909/867-6135 Estimated No. of AtWldees 50,000 . ~:!:'.' . ..... . t;. ~> liJ. ....., ' ':I(;,UVENtJ'ES;' . . 'l'lC:o.lOSED CtJlUU;NT BUDGET ;.. ail1i . 'ta\iell'" ... theD Ci of SaD Bernardino ,..,.., AMOUl'i-r TOTAL " ..' \. '.~',' .' ..' Cone.eaion. Souveni( Salea Program Sale's.,: '. '," 11 ....".. ., . " ' ..-, . ,.., , S .e$" ,,' ." .. ',' ,I . ,', tOT.u. Pltol'OSm lU: l.~.~',. " ,\.....' 'C.: . ~, . ' l ..."...,....,. 138,9,70 ''', , .. . PMi4t"F~ No" i ,., .... .' " .,"" ... c~.{DiOt< ~~':"" t.': ......... !'5-. IHI 101'.... ~\:' II;~. " l~<i '" . ,1:...._' l~,', " " i,~; "';/" ~~'.':: ' i(- ~;:" :' , ~\', .' . ,,' ., . . ~-,,' ._---;--.-..........,--...:...;...-. Sent Ey: Little League Baseball; 9098876135; Jul-j-03 2:19PM; Page 5/7 ~7/~1/20~3 10: 59 e ADMIN PAGE 02 ~d'<I.~~m TOcrr~ADM~rf~l~"""YS '-:d. TO .vir'" '0. wmt:N nJNDING IS UOU'V$l1 NO~ ~O:FORGANJZAnoN'i . Lt~l..:~.e..gu"'llueball. Tncor;>oraced ." '. '. ~.~ . , .,' " . . ;' .' ".,::,-:' .~,' '..' . . .. ~:.' . . '~~~~VIC AND .PROMOTION FUNDING l.;.' :'~~~a~ctJ:iUm~TBUDGET (I"AllT D:) .' '. .' ..:.~":.' ". .," ., 0 '. '. " , " .. : . E1a'!:NDITlJRES: (In.lIidj1ill.QCQ~tUJllDSM ~lIlla.t ,.Itb "VeIlt) **"P lellse ~efer to att~checl. , ....1 '.',".. .. . . . .....,.. :, ..... '.' ,'I,. i.... '. ~, . J:S . '. .: I :\.~ .:...... AMouNT lQ'fAL ". , " .. .. lJSl!ari~ ....:.. '. .' : ..'\; .. .. . ," , "., '. . .,: , . - ;,... !,ire .' .' ...... : ,. , ,'" " .. . Bill: Lio. . .. " , , ,1,' : (( ABC' . ' .,.,' ,""; '-:':.> , " ." . .:. Otbet '. '. > . .' '. , " ~~ . ' . -:.': '.,: ':.', ::: .' :'-:.~ . . ," .,.,: .:" . em, at' SB Aa.ol1eMV....:..:,,'..;Nil' ,'.~:.-:.t. : , fl',,.:,: ' '..Par"D~l!ieBdDd ...... ":.." . .' ........~. .. -' ..< '.. -!l'arkCl~ Uo: '., " " " . ."" ~ ' .." i'; SJ4PD. , . ", "'1 , '. '. ".. 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To~ RevCDue. . . . .. l~. .. '_' . ~{ '. " ,c" 1I. Total E~elld11Ui'ei~' :., ~,5q, 2 76 $$<; nnn il ; rp('t If;. . , . ~~.. . ,.',. . '. ...,-.,:. .:. ~,:-" .. C;. '1'DtliIr.. Wdm:J'. '-:33,4 16 33 , 4 16 indirect: ,',: . ..' ' - ,;.-..' (trom :Part Dl).. ,,' .' ". " ., ~?." .. .. .. Sent 8y: Little League Baseball; H.a.~V.Ol ~"/U~ lV:UaAMa 909 BB7 6'35; Jul-1-03 2:19PM; Page 6/7 u .~ ~1~~L. ~..QU. ~...g.L., reg.. , " , '. . . , . ,. . NAMJlOrOR~TlP"i · ADMIN Little League &aseball. Incoep9rated PAGE 83 67/01/2a03 18:59 6 t.' , "., ,. . . .' . llEQvauo.cMc AND PROMOTION PUNDJNG (PAaT m) (,~:' .: h, 'if" ~':. '. '. . ~,' .llBQUEST roll. ~EE W Alv:ElI.S :'~.;' . (List au eil;)' ~~c..(or,;,)ii9b you are re'lueotin. f.. ....ai_s) , '. '.. ',' ".'''''' ~:';'.,' j'..,: t.<.' ~-. f~ ~' ~~:: .,.., k... ~::~: " ..~:I "'" !'~"-' ~t..., ' ~"'~' . ~',..'" "',l}. " l~'" ~,;. ~:d". f~;~.' f! .:-' ~":i;-,- (i"" ;l ~.. ~t~..'. " r.;-.' i'-.. . tr,,\ tl:':"~ . l^~.. .' ..",," t'f~ . .... ff_1 1/-". .. )\.' 'c. ,..Vi :; '.', ,. A........ Police \- " 27 500 Fire .. Si .":. Cr0w4, I " ". PubllD ~, . .' Str\lct .... De~) " Otl1et ., 313 ....- ,,;. . Total A......C ~r_;~... (IIl-KlII!lSarvim) . /" ,. 33 416 For om.. UN Ollir.:. ..... . OIpartmer1W,cOc'.t,ltLbIiQt Fife , . . ' ," ." Public W oriel .' ',' ."'Deftlopment Servioe, Publio S.rvices Facilitic. 1:': - ~~'..' , Prev"lU')"W'. AJ,~ JU\lieIiled; Admin: ,. \," ..,"', ,',,' . x PinallOC ~<,',' ~" ~~, r: ~\:. ~~/. . ,'." '. '.,' y':.. .;, ",. .. t}.... ~:.~.:' . r:;;.', .". ~:, h Sect By: LIttle Le.~"e Baseball; 909 BB7 6135; Jul-1 -03 2:20PM; Page 717 - .. _"'" ...... 'r' l 1.\'. :{ f '! . U; s. T~EASURY DEPARTMENT ',.,TIrANA!. '''VENUe II"ViCIE D1n..1CrI' e,..1ICrfOft -. 0.. .0. ...,. """..,,,08.. ~"14. .."'* ..... P/IX~ J1AlW'111, 1944 !lIrlh' . LltU. W&fIl. Dueball. :rllc"".l"at.4 1'.0. 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U .1tou14 '''y q....II..... Con<'llnlft9 '.cl.., .mpIoyawnl 01 alll4r f4KlorGll_. . Thl' I. 0 dal...llllnollon lau". TI\U 1.t.t.r IUpersod.. lfat1011111 011101 Lot.t.OJ' d&t.C D...IIll.r 7. 1~1 1"\184 to )"01&1' ll"..se....or .lII'pOratJ.... V.ry Iruly ,..... h._...........p .:f:.V~...4...' ",' I S.,.up I. 'l'1.cllIluI Ca..'lc' OIreClOf JUl-OI-2003 TUE 02:25 PM 9098876'35; Ju1-1.031':50AM; Page 2/2 _>> ~~tt~. L.ague 8...b.l~; ~eg. 2 , FAX NO. : p, 02 I , Sent By: Little League Baseball; A.~.1v~a: 71 1/0~ 11:27AM; CERTIFICATE OF UABILITY INSURAN. CiB1~. lA:t:::;:, IaUlID AlIA.. mN OIIL y _ COIIl'JIlI NO ....,.. UPON CEJmFICA'd ~.t:O". lQa" -.11'.... IoIoC HOLDtiR. ".. c;pT\fICATE DOD NOT ., IX1INOOR p . 0, 110" 87 AL TEll 'IItI COYlllWIE AF'OIIDIO IV "ouclln~I.OW. lllUlvill. 'A 17121 INIUIU!M AI'l'OIUIIIIG OWIWii Phone: 570-275-8165 r..., 510-27S-I1f6 .,-' Ol""" _""' CODUl\...t:a~ <!a....ll... -.. 1rl_1"C.~ lNIUNA Do' ........Ii. 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R "",v NJ10 .............. ..... . " 1IIITOOM.'r; /000 . DCUlUAIMY , ~ot:t""..... . P ooc.... D."""'..... _..n . ..'.... . =i .....,~.... . 1l51'iIlI'1O. . ~ . --....-... A -..-... OIl 01/01/03 01/01/04 . 100 000. ...... MCK AOCD&NT .-.. u_~,1A 0100 000. 5.... CUI&II. 'OUCY LUIT . SO. "00. .,... . QUCNJ1lGtf0fJ~1IDfrIM.ClCA: ff't..~ti'.~.IT/IPICIlW. CDtInCAn. IIOU>U. II AUO All I\DDI'IIClDL D!iIQQl). 2003 SNl llIIUIIlIlDDIO UIltWo LIft'Y LUlaIIl 'IOVMNCIIlT. 1'111) ~TIIOIO ___...TlII___............-"..........".. OIlTl_.T1tI__\IIlMo_fO- .JJL......- H01ICI TOTNeGlll11PlOltlJ,PlCI.DIIl_ nil,",""", "",AI.UaI fODD.......... _100_ ___..._mloOlllll'" 1IIf~'I.~ f ./ Cbaa'1.. I). . ~ "' V DAQOIUl ,"' ~rl HOUlIIIt IIlT_____LnlOI<: U\lW.II!DD ctn 01' SNl UI_PIO t.OP.l SMIOOM 300 J(0Il'I'II "I:>" lI_T SAM .~~%IlO ell 12411-0001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 II II I . . . tory RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INC., WESTERN REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS, FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE CIVIC AND PROMOTION FUND FOR FY 2003/04. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an Agreement with Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters, for civic and promotion funding in the amount of $5,000 in direct funding from the FY 2003/04 Budget, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. Section 2. The authorization to execute the above referenced agreement IS rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the adoption of this resolution. II II I II II I 11111 I II II I II II I II II 11111 I II II 11111 28 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INC., WESTERN REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS, FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE CIVIC AND PROMOTION FUND FOR FY 2003/04. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the day of , 2003, by the following vote to-wit: Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ESTRADA LONGVILLE McGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MCCAMMACK City Clerk The foregoing resolution' is hereby approved this day of 2003. Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to Form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City ~ttorney By: I ~ 1-,t (j . . e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AGREEMENT Civic and Promotion Funding This AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "City" and LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INC., WESTERN REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, referred to as "Organization." The parties agree to as follows: I. Recitals. A. Organization has requested financial assistance from City for the Fiscal year 2003/04, in order to assist in defraying the expenses connected with the conduct of events related to a baseball tournament on August 2-12,2003, as outlined in the Request for Funding Assistance and letter to the City, dated June 6, 2003, copies of which are attached hereto marked Exhibit "A". The terms of the request are incorporated herein by reference and shall govern the uses of the funds provided herein. The financial assistance provided for in this Agreement is made on a one-time basis, and receipt of said funds shall not imply a continuing obligation of the City beyond the terms of this Agreement. B. The expenditure is for a valid municipal public purpose, to wit: for the conduct of events related to their annual Little League baseball tournament. 2. Payment. Upon presentation of a claim to the City Finance Director, City shall pay to Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters, on behalf of Organization from the civic and promotion budget for the 2003/04 fiscal year, the total sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000). . . . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INC., WESTERN REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS, FOR FY03/04 CIVIC AND 1 PROMOTION FUND ASSISTANCE. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3. Use of Funds. The funds paid on behalf of Organization shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in Paragraph I above. No deviation from these provisions shall be made without the express approval of the City of San Bernardino. Any unexpended funds shall be returned to the City by Organization. 4. Accountability. Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles by Organization for this event in such manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditure of the funds. All books and records of Organization for this event are to be kept open for inspection at any time during the business day by the City or its officers or agents. Failure to submit the financial records in accordance with this section will result in the Organization reimbursing the City in the full amount received by Organization. Atthe conclusion of the program, Organization or its designee shall present the City Administrator or 17 18 19 20 21 22 harmless the City, its departments, agencies, boards, commissions, elected officials, officers, 23 his designee copies of all receipts for expenditures connected with said program in the total amount of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000). 5. Hold Harmless. Organization covenants and agrees to defend, (ifrequested by City), indemnify, and hold attorneys, employees and agents from all liabilities and charges, expenses (including counsel 24 25 of the funds paid hereunder and all operations under this Agreement. Payments hereunder are 26 fees), suits, or losses, however occurring, or damages arising or growing out of the use or receipt 27 made with the understanding that the City is not involved in the performance of services or other 28 2 . . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INC., WESTERN REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS, FOR FY03/04 CIVIC AND 1 PROMOTION FUND ASSISTANCE. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 activities of Organization. The costs, salary and expenses of the City Attorney and members of his office in enforcing this Agreement on behalf of the City shall be considered as "counsel fees" for the purposes of this paragraph. 6. Insurance. While not restricting or limiting the foregoing, during the term of this Agreement, Organization shall maintain in effect policies of comprehensive public, general and automobile liability insurance, in the amount of$l,OOO,OOO, per occurrence combined single limit, naming the City of San Bernardino, its departments, agencies, boards, commissions, elected officials, officers, attorneys, employees, and agents as additionally insured. A certificate of insurance evidencing such coverage shall be provided to the Mayor or her designee, with the added notation that the insurance policy shall not be terminated or materially altered without 10 days prior written notice to the City. 7. Termination. City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and any funding remaining unpaid hereunder for any reason by mailing a ten-day written notice to Organization and this Agreement shall terminate ten days after the mailing of such notice. In the event this Agreement is terminated for reasons of improper use of funds or use of funds for any purpose other than those authorized, any unexpended portion of the funds provided by City shall be returned to City, and the Organization shall reimburse to City any funds expended which were used for any purpose other than those authorized under this Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit 25 26 "A". . 27 28 3 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INC., WESTERN REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS, FOR FY03/04 CIVIC AND 1 PROMOTION FUND ASSISTANCE. 2 . . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . 8. Authorization to Execute. Organization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to take the adherence to the obligations imposed by this Agreement a binding obligation of the Organization. 9. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writing and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: 17 11111 18 19 20 21 22 23 I II II 11111 11111 11111 11111 24 11111 25 26 27 28 11111 I II II 11111 As to City: As to Organization: City of San Bernardino LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INC. WESTERN REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS 300 N. D. Street 6707 Little League Drive San Bernardino, CA 92418 San Bernardino, CA 92407 Attn: City Administrator Attn: Mike Legge, Executive Director 4 . . . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INC., WESTERN REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS, FOR FY03/04 CIVIC AND 1 PROMOTION FUND ASSISTANCE. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and any documents or instruments attached hereto or referred to herein integrate all terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersede all negotiations and prior writing in respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement, and any such document or instrument, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first above shown. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO By. Judith Valles, Mayor LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INC. WESTERN REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS By. Mike Legge, Executive Director 19 ATTEST: 20 21 By: City Clerk Approved as to form 22 And legal content: 23 24 25 26 27 28 James F. Penman City Attorney I By: " ). ;:~- 5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RACHEL G. CLARK, C.M.C. - CITY CLERK 300 North "D" Street. San Bernardino' CA 92418-0001 909.384.5002' Fax: 909.384.5158 www.ci.san-bernardino.ca.us July 25, 2003 Mr. Mike Legge Little League Baseball, Inc. Western Regional Headquarters 6707 Little League Drive San Bernardino, CA 92407 Dear Mr. Legge At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of July 21, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution 2003-206 - Resolution authorizing an agreement with the City of San Bernardino and Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters, for financial assistance from the civic and promotion fund for FY 2003/04. Enclosed are two (2) original agreements. Please sign in the appropriate location and return the agreement marked Exhibit A to the City Clerk's Office, Attn: Michelle Taylor, P.O. Box 1318, San Bernardino, CA 92402, as soon as possible. Please be advised that the resolution and agreement will be null and void if not executed within 60 days, or by September 19, 2003. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (909)384-5002. Sincerely, , ; /}(Ic ( Michelle Taylor Senior Secretary "'-.,. '~ L'- '-- Enclosure CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTED SHARED VALUES: Integrity' Accountability' Respect for Human Dignity' Honesty CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: August 4, 2003 TO: Fred Wilson, City Administrator FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution 2003-206 ~ Little League Baseball, Inc, CC: Veronica Martinez, Senior Secretary Attached is a fully executed copy of the agreement between the City and Little League Baseball, Inc., Western Regional Headquarters, for financial assistance from the civic and promotion fund for FY 200312004. The original agreement is on file in the City Clerk's Office. If you have any questions, please call me at ext. 3206. ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): 'I. -Z \- <-.'-:S Item # 'Z (., Resolution #7 OC,'::' -2': () (" Vote: Ayes! -, Nays _/d Abstain -6 Absent ~ Change to motion to amend original documents: Reso. # On Attachments: ~ Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: =--- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY Date Sent to Mayor: I} - Z ~x (, ":. Date of Mayor's Signature: "I-? ,\_OJ) Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: "-J ,\ -(\:., NulVVoid After: (,() f)~) I 9 -, C, -03 By: - Reso_ Log Updated: Seal Impressed: ./ " 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: See Attached: ." Date Returned: 't - 1- ( ::.:, See Attached: See Attached: Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: t 1;:;.02> Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234,655,92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney .,/ Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services Water Notes: Yes /' No By+- Yes No~ ByL Yes No ,/ By i --r--- Yes No ,/ By .l...- - / / Yes No Hi EDA Finance ,../ MIS Others: ADMI~ BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.\ Ready to File: ~ Date: Revised 01/12/01