HomeMy WebLinkAbout25-City Administrator CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Fred Wilson City Administrator Subject: Request for waiver of fees by the Gents Organization for their 2003 "Fiesta Route 66" at Nunez Park on September 13, o R1GlNAL2oo3, Dept: City Administrator Date: July I, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: July 9,2003 - Ways and Means Committee recommended approval ofFY03/04 civic and promotion funding to Fiesta Route 66. Recommended Motion: That indirect funding in the amount of$9,243 be transferred from the FY03/04 civic and promotion fund to various City departmental accounts as listed in the attached staff report; and that a waiver of fees and use of City personnel and equipment be authorized to assist in the 2003 Fiesta Route 66 event scheduled for September 13,2003. Contact person:Frpn Wilso" phonp',l ?? Supporting data attached:Yes Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $9,243 Source: (Acct. No.) 001-091-5186 (A.....f't npl;:(,rlptlon) .....lvir ~ntl prnmotlnn Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. ;)5 7/J-llo3 ~- CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Request by the Gents organization for a waiver of City departmental fees in connection with the conduct of their "Fiesta Route 66" event to be held on September 13, 2003 at Nunez Park. BACKGROUND: Mr. Joe Rodriguez, on behalf of the Gents Organization, is requesting financial assistance from the City in the form of a waiver of City fees in connection with their "Fiesta Route 66" event, scheduled for September 13, 2003, in Nunez Park. Attached is a letter from Mr. Rodriguez explaining that this event continues the theme of the past several years' "Salute to the Route" celebrations. However, that title was retired with Mr. Danny Flores, after last year's event. The new "Fiesta Route 66" will continue to showcase many "lowrider" custom cars and bicycles and embodies the spirit of the City's Hispanic community. The event encompasses Hispanic art, culture and history. Musical entertainment and traditional Mexican foods will add to the flavor of the event. In addition, this year's event will feature a parade. Attached is a completed Request for Civic and Promotion Funding for your review which includes a proposed budget, estimated revenue from other sources, and the anticipated cost of the event to the organization as well as a Certificate of Liability Insurance. Mr. Rodriguez is requesting a waiver of fees for departmental personnel and equipment to assist with the event. These fees are as follows: * Police Parks/Rec. Public Services Traffic Eng. Fire $ 6,745 (security for event and parade) $ 200 (use of Nunez Park & alcohol beverage sales permit) $ 1,015 (refuse/street sweeping) $ 1,042 (signs, barricades) $ 241 (permit & inspection fees) TOTAL $ 9,243 * The Gents still have to pay for the park damage deposit and clean up fee. This amount of $8,000 is not waiveable and must be paid prior to the event taking place. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Included in the FY03/04 budget is $153,500 (Acct. #001-091-5186) in civic and promotion funds which are traditionally used to support events of common interest to the community. Attached is a matrix showing the two requests the City has received this year to-date as well as the actual expenditure report of civic and promotion expenses for year ending June 30, 2003. RECOMMENDATION: That indirect funding in the amount of$ 9,243 be transferred from the FY03/04 civic and promotion fund to various city departmental accounts as listed in the attached staff report; and that a waiver of fees and use of city personnel and equipment be authorized to assist in the 2003 Fiesta Route 66 event scheduled for September 13,2003. M o - N o Cl Z o Z ;:) u.. Z o j:: o :E o a:: Il. C ~ o :> (3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C! C! 0 0 0 0 0 C! .. d d Lri oi Lri oi .... ~ M M d d ~ ~ u 0 0 ~ .... <0 0 I'- <0 0 CO 0 0 .... c '" LO "'. "!. '" '" 1'-. <0 ~ '" '" LO q CO .. ..; ..; ~ ~ oj Lri' ~ oj ~ 0 ..; cO LO Lri' iii '" LO .... '" CO CO CO LO '" '" '" .... ~ 0 IlJ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ "tl C ::I lL ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C! 0 0 0 0 C! 0 0 0 C! Lri <0 ~ cO Lri M CO 0 0 cO '" CO <0 CO LO '" ~ Ii) '" 0 ~ .... '" '" ~ '" ~ ~ 0 <0 0 .... '" N oj ~ ..; ..j N cO Lri' ..; oj - ~ .... 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"'''' "'''' LL >- CD U '" .i'". ... ~ FIESTA ROUTE 66uN 24 20m io/J1(0 3 ~/L 'fY'-P-l ~) JUNE 16,2003 LfJ(VP~A ~~^) /;0 (j-'If- 11 D {'/ Honorable, Mayor Judith Valles >> ~ City of San Bernardino 0 Dear Mayor Valles, ~ I'm writing you this letter on behalf of the Gents Organization. As in the past, we have sponsored the 'Salute to the Route' program celebration as host for the past five years using our non-profit 501c 3. We wish to thank you and the City Council members for your support. You have also have been made aware of the fact that Mr. Danny Flores has retired from participating in this event and has decided to take the title name 'Salute to the Route' with him. The Gents Organization, after organizing this event for the past five years in support of, have been asked by our community members to continue to provide this celebration in the Westside Community as in the past, due to our organizational skills. Our Organization has confirmed that we are going to plan this celebration on behalf of our community honoring Route 66. In acknowledging the circumstance surrounding the financial ramifications, we are unable to meet this financial demand, although we do plan to go forth with this task even if this calls for inkind services. A family carnival, children park, food booth's, entertainment, car show, health & safety fair planned at Nun~ Park on Sept. 13. I have personally taken charge of applying for the required permits on behalf of our non-profit. The following is required from the Parks and Recreation Dept., applied fees are as follows, $100. (ABC permit); $100. Event fee; and $8000. Damage & Clean-up Deposit.; Fire Dept., fee: $80. We are not exactly clear regarding the fee for the Police Dept? As in the past we are asking for a 'waver:.. of fee's', in all departments in order to proceed with this task. rhave taken the liberty of developing a financial status report (budget) that can be addressed from anyone in need for discussion as before the Ways and Means committee. I've been advised that they' will meet on July 9th. Our Organization is requesting to be placed on this meeting's agenda Again, we thank yoUfor your consideration regarding-tFiis matter and hope to hear from you soon. This program is to enhance our community cultural environment as this years celebration will be scheduled a week before the Rendezvous 66 Downtown and commemorate the 16th of September celebration as do many other Cities in this State. . JUN- 2,5- 2003 16: 38 .~ JERRY EAI)ES 3875392 D.01/03 , . . . SAN BERNARDINO REQU'ES'J:l'ORCIVIC AJIID PROMOTION FU'NDING (PART I)' ; 'Name of Organization -~ ~: " Gents (Jrgani-zat-ion ;. ..,Address -c- ,',,". ... 1462 Art '1''?WI'leend Dri ve , sa, ell. 92408 t:;. ~ :PlIonelF AX Conlacl,l'~n Phon.1f AX / .~7-3064 !lax: 387-5392 JCie.ROddguez ;)i)c'signation of SOl c (~) non.profit'.518tu:siofQrpnization (Attached: Yes.L,No-.J ".': . . , ;', .' . . 'in.te of Event Location . , E~timateO No. of A=.dees , "-9-13.,.2003 . Nunez Park .. 1700 5th 2000 St. , SB . ~;PllrP,o$e of Funding . .../ . ~. k~ 6~ ~ cOlmninitvEVent:Expense /(.,:~ , . ....PROPOSED CURRENT BUDGET ,!:,h ~;., .. .)A.REVENUES, 'List all antlrl".ttdi-~~:..ther tIuIJI Cltv of S;IlIl BtrnllfdillQl , " .... " . AMOUNT ':S'Wnsorshins . . .-' ':': .. .. . (10) Sponso~s @ $500 . ", ' $5000 TOTAL I $5000 I I ",.4iiOO $600 , Sl000 ,,,., . br.:rwations ~., [" (6) , '" . .-- :<.'. :200 VAhic1es 1>!:2Q';'~ch Food Vendors '~~ltlO i~h . ~.M1M S600 ...... :.;P.r.Qmotions i.: , Anheueer Busch , ", Slooo ". : ,Donations ~. ;. " -c- . , Promotional. Aaenci~"(5) @ ~2ooeach , ~,',.', . ~ $1000 $1000 . ".',' ~biKind Services (Other lIw:Ci .- "-, AclvertiseinentC4t"n,j,val '.:'-' Food f^r: ;,-, 1.ota) Dollar Amount Reouesfedof CitY' ," .".. .. ", $3000 SlSOO $3000 S'15oo ' ~.~ .. , ~.. , '!);. TOTAL PROPOSED REVENUES - $16,100 ,'. ____.J...._.. 'n._ ____,.. ._...__ -.._ _._____ !.... ',~ ".- "r/(..I'#"'- Oo./Oop! .:\' poSl-lr Fa. e 767' ',~ i .' .. .'t. ... r.~:', fl tt..1_~ "_."Jc::Ion 1?~ '"ll" I> Q'?;! ".1>1 I ,JUN-2~-2003 16:38 JERRY EAVES 3875392 P.02/03 if' lUIJ~TBE SC18M1TTED TO ern .4DMJJllut.JlA.,'m.Jl'jS';~FfJtE '9 DA Y.\'fJ/UOR 1'0 EYElVT FOR WJ./JCN 'lJN1J1NG 1.." RFnuEtTF./J. NO EXCEPTIONS. ~", . , .. . , ' . ,~" \,,'NAME OF ORGANiZATION~_ . .. . Gent's' Organization' :"'" REQUBSl':FQ:R CIVIC ANI> PROMOTION FUNDING , ,..', , ~,:..;:. ~j>",,':J;Xl>E1'<1>JTt1RES: (1n~ludlllll:lkuli~airectexpeD5es conllsct with evut) ~. ';EXPENSES 'i':"" . r.jj'iPCi-aonneIlSalaries . ~ 'ptmJlits i;' . Fire , '1':.. BlIS.L1C, i:'c' ABC ~"'. . Oth~r ~ ;iihsw.ilCe ..... ,c. '. ~:, . "Cirv ofSB A~hed ('(es v:'Nl'~ ) ~ ," ". Park Damuc Bond ,",':, ....' '. ~,: ..Park Clean U" DellOsi~"e~ll<i' \ , . ~:Sec\lritV :. .'. :...., ~k" . S,BP.D " . 5>" . Private Seeunrv (1)24'liR-TO@$15 ""r hour ~. Other " " ".Adllerti,;na ~ ' Radio n: . ' Newsoaner II.:: '" :~:',. ,'. BatU'll'l'S (0', FIvers '; ~< . Other ~ :ilntCrtaimrirnl ii,' M\llie 5 Grouos @S400'each ~ i, .$olllld System r. '.' ,.Other . r "!'tomotlonalllelnS ~ . . TroDhi~ ~ Pla~\le5 Re" T.SlWts li Other . . 'I ".Saliltation ,,_CrY'I_""l'C_;;;;;: l' .: .... Portable Re~trQOmS }~ial Events . ',', .' Banouet F aei hties .. \ . .f Parade ,. :Other , . ' ,4 ;a1'OTAL PROPOSED lXP~l~S . . ' . 1 ' ;, ~, . PRoposED. CURRENT BllDGET (pART II) . AMot'NT TOTAL l2I Ii' ( "2" . . ?41 ~ll~ ~'o; i i '-C '. e&;nn SSOOO S5000 ~~""" . ~5'&;o; e<"I';<' S1500 e?M e?M r,." r"'^ ~<,nn . ~o;nn el'<fV) ~""'" . , ! I I . :., . '(. '., ,".', " . , ........'..- ~ . " " , . '", ,. .' (RI,.a '::'in <\?non ~~IV'> ~'""" "3M S390 $1000 $1000 ."'1&;(\ , ~~ "h ,~"''''' ."''''' -104~ . dO~ ~ - 1 ~F;t:~':'l~iifh",~"'~"f .: .. ..:,"", .' ,". '. :.' .'. "',,', . .,: . '.' ": ".' $22,663 '" i!s..lIJ1nary: . . '1.,\1"" ..,. 'ii' ,.... Total Renllue5 :~::., . )'i.:~ .i(;?: ~,,'... ' ('". ",", I 5~~' ~~:: ~y.: '" S16,100 .~~ D. Total AmOllut Requqted from City 9,243 _ B. Total ExpeadituJ:" " . -.... ~ 2 2 , 6 6 3 s C. TOlal F.. Waiv.rs -' (from Patt m) $,9(242-. JUN-17-~~J 17:J~ o '37% 1'.02 . JU~j-2~-2003 16: 39 JERRY ER')ES 3875392 0,03/03 , .. NAME OF ORGANIzAtiON: '. '. .-. -' Gents Organization 'I:. ~..- I, . .' . . "'. , IU:QliESt:tPll, CJVlC AND PROMOTION FUNDING . (PART nI) . . ~ . . Jf' : ~\:;" '.REQUEST FOR FEE W AlVER. S , ' '\~..i' . ~:"., . t.'o.:. :;fJ','..: ' ~, . :t:-.'/; f:,I,.' ~/~. ~~::,:: :[~';:~I . ~.:.: f ~...l,' Wi'''\.' ~',':'::' ~;;. f' fi , ~';/." . ~;< . e''';':': ~,!.' t~. ~~,~~: i\~>:' ~~.: . ~~I: ...: . ' j~.:. ;:. ~. .;/~ . (List all Cjtysi:r:Yices1;otl'4lib~,you arc rcqueating fee waivers) '.'," .. " 1_: C.. lee Willi'," :' I' Amount Po.lico' .., , ",' SecwilY ." ... .'. I, 0, /q:o . . Tl'affic. c4nttol , . .'. , ~" " .. , Fire .' :.:- . '.. . .... . .: Site Jn5;).;cqoiisi >. : ,,' ~ ' '241 crowd'C@;{rOl " ",.;., I' /'" : ':": " . Facilities ".' ". .. 'Sound: '''., Cl~ CClltctU$o,1P~t. . Park.DeP4rtn1ent PUblic Semces .. " , ., ." . ~&'" .' 66::> Re. . t \P.',' ., .Sunt . .. 3::>0 Pllrade: :.'.fTr'cfff'lC' Eng. Barrlcaaes/slgnS) 1,042 oeve]OD~=-', , . BwlclUlt..", ,:. Omer (!]xillam).'; :re1\li\d (jlinsunnce llavment ,Parks and Recre,ation <I:')()() Total Amo!iJatotr..,w~~ '(1u-KJnd ServIces) ,243 " .,'".", <L...,......",...;.,<:i..... I ., ' 9 .. ~./'" ~~~' ;' fJ:;:, , f;,I, . ;~~"::'.' t.~~; , . ~j> ~i',;.., . t~:.~ If:: i;." ,,:,'. ,\. ~.~. " For Orfic'li'",~: " '". .'. . . Depit'lmeiitalCiiliSIi:a, ;'PoliCe. . . . Fire < . . .....:...,., i:.:;"'''' Publie Services Publjc Wor~. .,r>cv~lQpm.nl Servicea Facilities , " .'" d",: .. Previous Y~r'~~;;~IiO,t0~'Rev;""ed: AtlnUn: Finance , i "I:' " i:' ..,.: fC ''c. it~ " ~.' <' I'~~. : i.:.:," ~>;:, ~~'",' ;~:r./ . ,~<l'~ . ":"~J t:'~. f,' ' ,-". . '."",, TOTRL P,03 " JUL -q2-2003 08: 58 JERRY EPIJES 3875392 P,01/01 jtCORQ. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ".0'.." "~)884-'076 'AA (U9)1..-6S.S Cent-al City Insurance 4gency, Inc. no North "0" Street SUite 120 san Bernard;ftO. CA 9Z401 I.'U_ OlNT5 ORGl\iUlA TION 14G2 ART TOWNSEND DRIVE SAN 8ERNARDXIlO Ii Oa"E tMWODrr'rY'Vl OS/Z7/Z003 THIS CERTI',CATr; IS ISSUED AS '" MA1TIi~OF INFORMATION ONI.Y AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS U~ON THE CIRTIFICATE HOLDER. '1'",1$ CEIlT'!LCATI!!tQ~ M_OT II.MI!}lD.I!X1'iIl~OR ALTaR TH~ COVERA.." ",'''O''DEn ..v T"" "OLICI!!" ....LOW, I IN$URSR$ AFFOROtNG COVERAGE _OIM, Topa INSuM~ . IiolSURE" c: INSU.~t1; INlIJRVlI: NAle. THE .0LlCiES 01' ,.SUIOANCE .'STEO ""LOW "-Ave BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED AlOVl'OR THE ,0.IeV .ERIOO INDICATED. NOTWITHST""'ClN ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTOlACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RES'ICTTO WHICH TI<lS CERTIFICATE ,,^y se ~SUED OR MAV 'ERTAIN. THE INSURANCE ""OROEO IV THE .0.10Ies DESCRIBED HERoiN IS SuSJECT TO ALL 1)<E TERMI, E>lCLUSIONS AND CON~1TI0" OF SUCH ~S, AG"REGATELIMITS SHOWN NAV !<AVo SUN REouceo 5V FAlO CLAIMS, ~ TY" OF tN1uAAflleE POI,)l;Y HuM"';:" I'OUeY fJlilCTNI IIIOl.1Cf'1 .....TlONI LIMITS I ~....... LI...."TV CiLl"7S0l 107D97200Z 10/0S/Z001 ~.OCCUI\Ill!.C. I ~ CONh4E"e;.....G-M~~L.lAIl~ITY ~I_~-- · . -::- F1'C\,AIM&lW::E (!] oecu~ MEOIE.OCAfI~"NtW.1 , ... ~h:i'quor liability PlIW,,"_'NJURY I ~. CINEl"l.AGCIAIlCAn . ..!2"l.AGfS~~E="'~P'i1t: ~OUC1$.COMPtO"AQC , ~ lPO..lcv~ I 11.OC: ~OMOln.I l.LU1UT'f' AMVAlJ'!'O = ALL OWNeD AUl'US _ KP1IU;'Ul.SQ .-uTeS _ Io4I"ICUUTOS ~ ~aN~NE~4UYO$ I I 1000~ 50 0oOI excl ulla 1.000.00 1. 000 00 i n<' ucle COMIIN&O SIMS'" LIMIT (b.cc:olPIll I DODILV INJI$lV {'lI'pncll'IJ IOOI1..V IffJ~ tJeraccl_ll I 'lIoPiR'TY ~A"i I~""","IJ ~aJtIiU"""uY'r HAlfYAUTC ~Qll\iMIMl""" LIAlMUTV p~ec:uR 0 CLAIMS fdooe ~ DIOUCll8l.f H ~1101'l , ~KIM COM'IIilIA'nON AND IM'l.OYlRS' UABlUTY ..,. ,.ttOPflIETOMA""""'MliCUM OFFIC!lVMI..-R ElC'Luafg' ~~W"'~lIIpat onoo. AurOON\.y.I,AACCIDINT , lucc . AGO , . , , . , OT~E" TH"N AUro QM.Y, EACH OCClJ~"EHCI AGG~Tl I JIJ.~ST~!!<-_I I"!~' (,I,., eAe't! ACCIDlNT I LL. OlSE4SE. EA EMPI.OY' . i.L.,OI''!A$I.I'O~L'''IT $ CESCRJP'TIOtf or:~nONI' Lp:'AT1ONIJVlMCLU ~~~i.l$1.0NI ADD&8"t PlXlltIlM,n 'PIi~IAL. '1tCl\MION, art,ficete Hollier's n...d Additfonal Insu_ed as per cove.ase prov,lIed olicy. vent, Nunez Park, Fiesta ~t. 66, 9-11-03 on the above Cieneral Liability 'UALQ~. Ci ty or San lernlrdino JOO N. D St.eet San 8ernal'dino. CA SZ411 I'CtULOMrfV OF Ttll UOYI Dee"R~I'C~ICIU IeCANCll.LIClWCMTHI DI'lMll0M OAT! TMlMQJ. THIISIUI~G IN.UQAWUDlDEA'f'OI YO MAIL ..!2.... ~'rt W,,""IN NOlICITQ THI CfR''''tcAlI HOI.DU NAMED TO 'THE Un'j .UT rAlLuq TO ...... SUCH ..otICI aHALL IM,on NO O_."ON Oft \.LA16U'tV O'.&In' IQNg UION YHIIN!IUUD. ITS ACtENT$ OR ""'UMTATNU. AUTllO_~"""'"ATI 'I.. t /J ~"ika H. Ita . -- ...." . C4.. yAl At:>wi,";;-- 3ft(. 5/.39 TOTAL P,0l ACO"O 25 (2001/0') ,.".,-,v : ~ TYJ A/<. [L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RACHEL G. CLARK, C.M.C. . Crry CLERK 300 North "D" Street. San Bernardino' CA 92418-0001 909.384.5002' Fax: 909.384.5158 www.ci.san-bernardino.ca.us July 23, 2003 Mr. Joe Rodriguez The Gents Organization 1462 Art Townsend Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408 , ili..v Dear IVlyf':"6driguez: At the Council meeting held on July 21, 2003, the following action was taken relative to your request for a waiver of fees: That indirect funding in the amount of $9,243 be transferred from the FY 2003/04 Civic and Promotion Fund to various City departmental accounts as listed in the staff report; and that a waiver of fees and use of City personnel and equipment be authorized to assist in the 2003 "Fiesta Route 66" event scheduled for September 13, 2003. If you have any questions relative to the waiver of fees, please contact City Administrator Fred Wilson, at (909) 384-5122. Sincerely, ~~ j\:" J.ct .~, CLVl)~ Rachel G. Clark, CMC City Clerk RGC:ls cc: City Administrator Development Services - Traffic Engineering Section Fire Department Parks, Recreation & Community Services Police Department Public Services Department CiTY m- SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTED SHARED VALUES: Integrity' Accountability' Respect for Human Dignity' Honesty