HomeMy WebLinkAbout13-Code Compliance CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Glenn Baude, Director Code Compliance Subject: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OBJECTING TO THE AUGUST 2003 TAX SALE OF PROPERTIES WITH CITY ASSESMENTS Dept: Code Compliance ORIGiNAL Date: July 10, 2003 MCC Meeting: July 21,2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: April 7, 2003 Council passed a resolution objecting to the May 2003 tax sale of properties with city assessments. Recommended Motion: Adopt Resolution J~~ ,&~ Signature Contact person: r,IAnn RaIJdA Compliance Phone: 384-5364 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: None Source: Finance: Council Notes: Kt~O ~CJ:S. l~~ Agenda Item Number /3 1/J.J/o3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REOUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT A resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino objecting to the August 2003 tax sale of properties with City assessments. BACKGROUND The County, by law, must give notice of any tax sale prior to the sale. In the past, the County has failed to send written notice to the City. The City, if it does not object prior to the tax sale, with or without notice, loses its lien interests. The County publishes the Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) of tax defaulted properties on the internet approximately eight weeks before the tax sale. Code Compliance is now checking that list to make sure that all of the properties having City assessments have been identified. A tax deed coveys title to the purchaser free of encumbrances of any kind existing before the sale except for, among other interests, liens for tax assessment or other rights of any taxing agency that does not consent to the sale. To object to a sale, the taxing agency's governing body must file certified copies of a resolution adopted by the governing body objecting to the sale with the County Tax Collector and the County Board of Supervisors. In order to maintain our lien interest staff is requesting that council approve a resolution objecting to the tax sale of properties with amounts owed to the City. FINANCIAL IMPACT This council action could result in the collection of additional abatement funds. Attachments: List of properties with city liens that have been scheduled for tax sale. 1'--000000000"""" ~~LOOOLOOLOLOO(o <.OONui-.:ir---:Or---:Nr---:N ml'--mNM......(R.LOLOI'--C\I ml'--Ol'--MN NNCD('I') <!i......-......-......-(R.(R. (R.(R.N-tri ......(R.(R.(R. (R.N .,. II> .l9 o I- III :=-1.00000000001.0 C O~C!C!C!C!C!C!~C!C!U':! Gl a::MOOOOOOOOOM :J Xl'--EI7E17E17E17E17E17E17E17E17....... CO ~ .... '" <Ii Gl c ~ ~ ~ 0 II> II> 0 0 U ~ N 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 N III 0 '" 0 '" "'0'" '" '" ~ c "0 '" ci N Lti .... "":0"": N r-- oi Gl 0:: '" r-- '" N '" ~"'''' '" r-- ~ N 1'--0 I'--MN NN<.O<O :J >< ~......~~~EI7E17 El7E17N"m Gl r:. (fl(flEl7E17 (fl..~ ~ 0 C U 0 00000000008 0000000000 .. 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RESOLlTIO\ OF TilE CITY OF SA\ BER\ARDI\O OB.JECTI\G TO TilE Al'GI'ST 2UU3 TAX S.\LE OF PIWPERTIES WITH CITY ASSESS'\lE\TS. \\'IIEREAS. thc (it\ elf San 13ernarJino has the author;t\. to pbce hens on prl)pcrt;cs tll recmcr the (osts IClr ahatements. unpaiJ hus1l1ess licenscs. anJ J(lf othcr unpaid amounts duc the Cit\: anJ WIIEREAS, after a statutorily-required waiting period. the Count\' of San Bernardino must hold a tax sale to selltax-dcf3ulted rea] property: and WHEREAS. a tax deeds com eys title to the purchaser free of all cncumbrances of an\' kind except Ic)J'. among other interests, taxes or assessments or other rights of any taxing agenc\' that does not consellt to the salc. A taxing agenc\' consents to the sale b\' failing to object to thc sale. To ohlect to a sale. thc taxing agency's gowrning bod\' must file certilied copies of a resolution adopted h\ the agenc\ 's governing body obJecting to the sale with the County Tax Co]lector and l30arJ of Supenisors. \OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL \TD BY TilE '\IA YOR A:\'D COI\IMO\ COl'\CIL OF THE CITY OF SA\ BER\,\RDI\O AS FOLLOWS: SECTIOl\ 1. Thc \!J\or and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino hereby ohjects to thc Count\' of San Bernardino's Tax Sale. tentatiwly scheduled for August 4. 2003 to August 15,2003. as to the pn'pcrties listed in Exhibit "A", attachcd to this R.esolution anJ made a part h\ this referL'nee, and any other properties included in the Tax Sale in which the City of San Bernardino has an\' interest. ]ien, or any other right. in order to preser\'e the City of San Bernardino's rights tu collect abatement costs. and other amounts. through liens or tax . 27 assessments. 28 '-.-.1 / .-, . /0 i:J G I ;'''' ~ ,I :,. c.:~) . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . RFSOLlT/O:\ OF TilE CITY OF SA:\ BER:\,\RD/:\O OB./FCT/:\(; TO TilE \LeIST 200J T.\:\ SALF OF PROPERTIES \\ITH CITY ,\SSESS\IE:\TS, SECTlO:\ 2, .1 hc D]rc(\"r "f Codc Compliance, or 1m or hcr dc,igncc, ,hall tile b\ pcrs,']"d ,cnicc " ccrtificd [(lJ'\ of this l~esolution \\ilh thc SJn Bernardino C,'unt\ T:lx l',dleet",. and the San IkrnJldlno C"unt\ 8"Jrd of Supenisols. The Director of Code C\)1l1plI~lI1l'l'. rlj' Ill." (lj" her designcc. ::.-hJ.]] alsu f('corJ a CL'rtificJ Cl)PY ufthis Resulution \\ith the San Bermldino County Reemder's Office in the chJin of title "f each propert\ identilied in !exhihlt "X' of the Res"luti"n. and any other property in \\hich the City is found to ha\c an interest. prilll to the Tax S,de. III III III III III III III III III \ . . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 1 2 3 RESOLlTlO:\ OF THE CITY OF SA:\ BER:\ARDI:\O OBJECTI:\(; TO TIlE AlGl ST 2003 TAX SALE OF PROPERTIES \Y!TII CITY .\SSESS'IE:\TS. IIIII{II3Y (TRIIIY that the (orq,oin~ Re,olulI(1n \\as Jul\ adopteJ [" th~ \!J\\1r 4 and Common Couneilo( the Cn) ('( San Bnn~lrJino at a meetinl' thncoL held (1n the 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Ja\ o( . com. b\ the 1i)liLm ing \otc. to \\it: C(HlIle;1 \lcmbelS .\ YFS .\BST.\I'\ ,\BSE'\T '\.\ YS ISIR.\D.\ IO'\Ci\ILLI \lCCil'\'\IS DERRY SLAREZ .\'\DERSO'\ \ICC.\\I\l..\CK 17 City Clerk fhc llxel'oing Resolut;(Jl1 is her~b\ appro\'Cd this day (l( c003. Judith Valles. \1a\or City (,( San Bernardino .-'\pprO\ed 3S \U l.orm and Ic~al content: H\lES F. 1'1''\\1:\'\. City Altornc\ ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): Vote: Ayes \.l (\ qy - ~..J.\-..I..:) Item # 1:<' Resolution # 2IT~- IC\b Nays & Abstain k3r Absent .td- Change to motion to amend original documents: Reso. # On Attachments: ,/" Contract term: Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -=- Direct City Clerk to (circle 1): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY NulVVoid After: By: - Date Sent to Mayor: 'I. Z ,303 Reso. Log Updated: ~ Date of Mayor's Signature: 'i J1'O';~ Date of ClerklCDC Signature: ,). ~) "\ -c'3 Seal Impressed: ,.---- See Attached: See Attached: Date Returned: Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on :iom-dlIy:-...-_ 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: -- ~ee Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes ,/' No By+ Yes No J ....L By-!-- Yes No---1L.... By! -r---- Yes No ...L. ;t= Yes No ,/ - Copies Distributed to: City Attorney / Code Compliance ,/' Finance Others: CL\:-'"n n r \) MIS Dev. Services EDA Parks & Rec. Police Public Services Water Notes: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE IContract Term, etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: Revised 01/12/01