HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-Development Services , ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: James Funk, Director Subject:Resolutions authorizing the execution of a Cooperative Agreement and Amendment Dept: Development Services No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement with San Bernardino Associated Government Date: June 8, 2003 (SAN BAG) for design and construction of O R \ G \ N A L State Street Storm Drain between State Route 210 and Lytle Creek. File No.: 4.10-7316 MCC Date: June 16, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 07/09/01 Allocated $300,000 in account No. 248-368-5504-7316 in the 2002/03 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the construction of State Street Master Plan Storm Drain at 1-210 Freeway. 03/17/03 Adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for Public Works Project No. 02-01, Installation of State Street Master Plan Storm Drain at the 1-210 Freeway. Recommended motion: Adopt Resolutions. ~~~ James Funk Contact person: Michael Grubbs, Acting City Engineer Phone: 5179 Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Map, Reso. & Agreements Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $2,150,000 Source: (Accl. No.) 248-368-5504-7316 (Accl. Description) State Street - Install Master Plan Storm Drain Finance: Council Notes: ~d:!:~-s--' \::2-"1 T'~';~ "2..(:03,- \2~ Agenda Item No. lo/I/P / D3 II.{ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Subiect: Resolutions authorizing the execution of a Cooperative Agreement and Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement with San Bernardino Associated Government (SAN BAG) for design and construction of State Street Storm Drain between State Route 210 and Lytle Creek. Backl!round: The City of San Bernardino (City). in cooperation with the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), is proposing to install an underground storm drain in State Street to convey runoff from the proposed 1-210 Freeway, Segment 11, to an outlet into Lytle Creek near Baseline Street. At the request of the City, the storm drain was "upsized" to provide catch basins along State Street to accept local drainage, which has formed the basis for the City's participation in the project. Currently, several small drainage facilities exist within the tributary area. Surface runoff generated from the area exceeds the capacity of the existing storm drains resulting in street flooding during periods of heavy rain. Completion of this storm drain together with the construction of the SR-210 Freeway will result in cost savings to the City based on the economy of scale of the overall project. Staff estimates that the City may save as much as $400,000 by bidding State Street storm drain and the SR- 210 Freeway project together. Also, developers will be relieved of the burden of funding the storm drain to mitigate impacts on their projects, thereby encouraging development in the area. The proposed storm drain will consist of catch basins along Macy Street, State Street, California Street and Highland Avenue. The catch basins will intercept runoff and convey flows to the main storm drain, portions of which are proposed to be installed in Macy Street, California Street, Highland Avenue and State Street as part of this project. On January 8, 2001, Raymond A. Casey, San Bernardino City Engineer, signed an informal agreement with Caltrans and SAN BAG defining the "financial responsibilities as well as other responsibilities (e.g. utility relocations, right of way acquisition, etc.)" See Attachment "1". Final design of the project is complete and SAN BAG is requesting that the City execute a formal cooperative Agreement and Amendment No. 1 to the Cooperative Agreement committing the City to participate financially in certain aspects of the project. Specifically, the primary obligations of the City are as follows: 1. The City shall be responsible for coordination and funding for the relocation of all utilities that are within the entire project area, which are not already affected by the construction of Segment 11 of the SR-21 0 Freeway project. Utility relocation is currently estimated at $300,000, primarily involving the relocation of a 48" water line owned by San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. 2. The City is required to obtain all necessary environmental clearances and environmental permitting for the project including, but not limited to, California Department of Fish and Game 1601 Agreement, Corps of Engineers Section 401 permit and the Regional Water Quality Control Board Section 401 "Water quality certification". The cost of 2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT (CONTINUED) environmental mitigations during construction will be born by SAN BAG and the City on a 75%-25% basis, respectively. 3. The City is required to obtain all necessary permits and agreements with the Department of Water Resources required for construction of the storm drain project. 4. SAN BAG shall fund, in its entirety, the design of the storm drains and the City agrees to plan check the project at no charge and issue City permits for the work on a "no fee" basis. 5. SAN BAG and the City shall share the cost of construction of the storm drain on a 75%- 25% basis, respectively. Construction cost will include the cost of all construction change orders and all environmental mitigation costs. 6. All mitigation monitoring required as a condition of environmental permits to continue after completion of construction will be the responsibility of the City. The original Cooperative Agreement for the State Street Storm Drain was executed by SAN BAG on July 8, 2002, but has not yet been approved by the City due to staff concerns and subsequent investigation regarding the cost of utility relocations. This issue has been resolved and modifications addressing the concern about the cost of utility relocations, as well as other concerns, is addressed in Amendment NO.1 to the Cooperative Agreement. In February of 2003, the City was advised that the estimated cost of the project had risen from $5,776,000, of which the City was responsible for $1,438,000, to approximately $6,800,000 raising the City's obligation to $1,700,000. In a letter (see Attachment "2") dated May 16, 2002, from Joe Guzzetta, Interim Director of Freeway Construction for SAN BAG, the City was advised that the estimated construction cost had again risen to approximately $7,000,000 further increasing the City's share of the project to $1,750,000. SAN BAG agreed to reduce the cost of construction, if possible, by change order during construction, but advised the City that SAN BAG is fearful that any further delays in completing the plans and obtaining permits may jeopardize funding for the entire SR-210 freeway project, which is scheduled to be presented to the California Transportation Commission in late June of 2003. The Development Services Director met with the Interim Director of Freeway Construction on June 6, 2003, to request that SAN BAG allow the City to pay back its share of the cost of the project over a period of six years. The first three years will be interest free but the remaining three years will be subject to interest charges consistent with San Bernardino County Pool Quarterly Interest Rate Factor. SAN BAG agreed that the City's cost of utility relocation can be financed by SAN BAG and paid back over the six-year period described above. On March 17, 2003, the Mayor and Common Council adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for Public Works Project No. 02-01, Installation of State Street Master Plan Storm Drain at the 1-210 Freeway. A Notice of Determination (NOD) was filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, which included payment of a fee consisting of a $35.00 administrative fee and a $1,250.00 environmental filing fee to the State Department of Fish and Game. 3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT (CONTINUED) Financial Impact: Funding for this project in the amount of $300,000 in account No. 248-368-5504-7316 was approved in the 2002/03 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the construction of State Street Master Plan Storm Drain at 1-210 Freeway. In the approved FY 2002/03 CIP budget, an additional $500,000 was identified for FY 2003/04 and $500,000 in FY 2004/05, bringing the total to $1,300,000. This Cooperative Agreement and Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement provide that SAN BAG will pay all cost of construction and utility relocation related to the State Street Storm Drain. Amendment No.1 provides that the City will re-pay SAN BAG in six equal installments beginning in January 2004 and ending in January 2009. The estimated participating costs are as follows: Estimated Cost SAN BAG Share City share Project Construction Cost $ 7,000,000 $5,250,000 $1,750,000 Utility Relocation Cost $300,000 0 $300,000 Total Cost $7,300,000 $5,250,000 $2,050,000 Estimated Interest Cost -- 0 $100,000 Estimated Total Cost Share -- $5,250,000 $2,150,000 Based on the City's share of the cost, staff recommends that $300,000, which is the current balance in account No. 248-368-5504-7316, be carried over in the FY 2003/04 budget to fund the utility relocation cost. Staff further recommends that an additional $308,333 be allocated from storm drain revenues in FY 2003/04 to pay the first installment that will become due in January of 2004. In addition, it will be necessary to budget $308,333 from storm drain revenues in each of the following five successive fiscal years so that payments can be made in accordance with the re- payment schedule indicated in paragraph 11 of Amendment No.1. Recommendation: Adopt Resolutions. 4 ", . MEETING DOCUMENTATION STATEROtITE210-SEGMENTS 10 & 11 STATE STREET STORM DRAIN ALTERNATIVES Project: Mediae Dates; Media. Locanons: Subject: SR2l0 - Scgments 11 . Octllber 31, 2000 and November g, 2000 Calu.ns District & Stale Stn:et Slorm Drain Alternatives SANBAC Job. No. 0126& A--'-: Steven Kce1- Ca1trans PM Jon Bumps - CaltnmS Desip (10131100 only) IbJg Van - Caltl'IDs Desjp (111)100 only) NiviDC GeoI'IlIlll - CaIInmII Desillll PIIly Ramo - CaIlr.Izls lJydnwlics FDIIWICIo V.n"."".. - CalIr.111s Drainage Grq HdIr:r - SANBAG Sbarua. E. Gookiu - S}.NBAG Ray Cuey-CityofSB.(l0t3llOOoaly) JaJb ThUpejr - City orSB . SII:wOloyd-PB MadIcIl Bcqjamin - PB 383-5902 383-4952 381-4979 381-7192 381-4624 381-4S54 1.89-8611, _ 133 889-8611._ 102 384-5111 384-5117' 881-1106 888-11 06 'The obj~ve of tbe meetings held on October 31, 2000 liDd Nawmber 9, 2000 was to reach ~ on the desip a1tcmativcs for tbe olfsitc dniaap system for the State Route 210 SegDlCllt 11 project. AgRemcne needed to be reached 01\ which a1tllmUivD should ~ the CaltranslSANBAG ~UimnCDt for mitipon due to. the impact or the freeway project on the eXisting afIiIitc thaioagc COIIditious. It was explained tint lIIIClC this 'base1iDc: altcmative' was dctenDilaed it wOllld be used as the meaas for assigniug ~""""I..\ n:spODSibUity, as wen as athh n:spaasibilitial: (e.g. utility reloc:atiOll, right of way aeqllisition, eIc.), to each of the agencies !dative to the tblal design altcnIative chll&CD. 'The City or San lIcruanlil10 sd plans to support the dcsip ISIId coDS1rUcDon of an alternative tba1 lOllS bcyoncI tbe miDimum requin:mculs filr the project ISIId ~ their tUtoR! clniiu&Igc IICCIIs as part of the ultimate masIIlr dndnage piau for the -. The City of Saa BenuI1'IIiDo e;taft' undentands that lhey win be RSpDusible for the bettcrmc:nl porUOIl of the design aptian that they raplcst. PB developed a. series of dcsilll a1tcr11atiVCll, with iaput &am SANBAG, Caltnu11. alld the City of San Bellllll'llino sta1f. These alternatives were the basis oftbc meeting discussions. (See altal:bcd document with a SIIll\J1WY of the design altcmatives and !heir currcut cosl estimatc9.). It was noled, !hat tbc:se alternatives bad beca developed based upon AMC-m conditions, Ooce the ofISilc hydrology n:port ill m-iscd using AMC-U conditions, the cost estimates for the twO alternatives thai: llI'e chosen (bl\llclinc alternative and dcsigll alternative) will be reviled, This revision win most likely reduce the cost estimates. From lhese alternatives. Alternative 28 WIIS chosen as thc 'baseline :J.ltern:wvc.' It W:IS agr\llld by :1.11 three agencies (C1Ilr:1nS. SANBAG and the City of SB) that this :utcm:J.tiVll should rcprlOSCI\t the mitig:ltioll requirements for the project. ATTACHMENT "1" ". Additionally, the City of San Bcn=dino .taft'reitemed their support of Altemative SB 3S the basis for desip IUId COastructiOll. To formalize the asre_t !bat was reacbed during the meeting. repr=sentanves from each ageocy agrc:cd to rcspcmd lD the minules from the mcetillS iD writing. Thi. response win 5CnIe to tcitcr'atllthcir COllCllrreacc of tho a1lllmalivcs that wcr1l .elCctcd at thOle meetings. R.cprcscotan".. from each agcacy, as noted below, should sign these miDulc9 and return the sigoecl copy to me. Copies of the !Igoad raiuutcs will be available UpOJl n:qucst Please let me Jcnow if you Wlluld lilce a set af'tbe slpature sbect3. . Meeting DocumealalioD prqlIRd by: SlilZrrm ~ goofjR. SANBAG Scgmc:at MaDager ~bO~- CaltrIDS District Jttdraulics - I ~ Lt \ I"ll , \ Dall: ~ StcYCII CaItraas Prqject Manager #/0/ Dam "Da1e A-~'- SANBAG SCV'...t Mauager '/1+1,,/ / . Da1e Distributioa List: AIlcndecs Gary Moon. SANBAG File: MHlOS.S3.6.3 ATTACHMENT "I" " . '-.' AllcmI1live 2: Mllil!llles fnrFI'CC\V3V ImDRCIlOl'lltlna/ BaseIi1!eAltel"nQliwll Inlcrcepl Pipes at Macr. SI~le and Calif Ollila Slr=ls PrinulI)' Sbml1 DI'IiA Pipe alOlla Sl'ite SbUt Lallie ()(TSjle Dmina&e C1lIIU1e1 along the North Side of the Fn:eway AIICmRllvc 3B' Considers lh.. Ultimal.. Drail1lll!C N-d. lCDtu114tc,,1 wlAiaztor PIDIIJ Sllne at AlICll1lltivc]A; hll1m'U. inIo:ts lIrC.pmvidcd aJoua the stonn dl'aiIIlllalh aflhe Irca.\'ll)' Ind \he storm drain is mad 10 concCl tho 'Q'1ln' Ibe 1IlIiIn&tc l'uIun: c:amlliilll\. Itlternarille S,l.: Milil!3tcs far P........y Inmad , , ntcn:cpt Pipc along HiJlbland w/inlo:ts IIMacy. Slllluad Cilifamia PriIll3l1' SlanD Dni1I Pipc a1anl Slate Sll=t 5111811 OftiIlc Dniaalc ClIlMCl Iloalllhc N~ Side of Ibc Fl'CCMY AI_live ~: ConsidcB Ihl!. U118nalc Olainnft - . So"',, II Allomqlhc SA: Iulwcvcf. (II/illS IlII pt'llYidrl4l11Dag lbo Itlll'Ill dnia IIIllh af the fllle"",,yand lhe Slonn c1mill is limite c:aUoct 111. 'Q' fIIr \he ultimate IiIf11rc caodItiall. WQ\lld require a rcvislo~ orlhc MllsW P1l1n. Allonllllivll2B: Miliales iIlr Freeway llUoad IMadificarlaa oCBfsdine Allll1lltlva) Smncal.Allenmtivc 1; howcvl!f. inICC"'l'lpipcs I1MacyandCallfaraia.Sb'l!etSoutlel' into Iha cmIle dmhIBl:C cbiInnel. . ' Allomaliw 2C: Milia,"" iIlr p"""""" IDlllIId Omile dmiDa.,. cIuumd 11011& \he NoI1h Sid. af Ibe FrcewIy Illat DI1\1d1 iIIll1 ~ Creek wilbonl CllIlSfnIClinIl a slorm dnlin doWn SlIItC SIroet. Due to the prafilc of dle Callfanlill AquadllCl n:lalivc to the rcquin:d prallle for Ille clwmc1, this aptian did IIlIl a Ie boo I\lIISiblll. . Allermdtve :I'D: 'UJtiurs for Fmewav ThmflCI Sanlllal AlIcmalivc 1C: hOWCo...r. . pipe wullll:d a1q SllIIe Stn:ct and aIo1l& L1Dc:oID A\'CI1ne 10 cJim/lUlle the inlcrfc.elll'" wilh Ihe Aqueduct. AII'mali~... 6: Midulcsfar F........y ImllllCf ICalhans B"""Uruo Allcnlalivc) This alIcmativc 11I_pts 10 repllcatc abccl t1a\V lOr \he _ Sooth afllle IIIIlIl1ine. It . is Cl'IlIlpriscd at alCries or culVCljs wi\biIl the Ol\1baalanfllll "Welt outlet \0 a f;bart WID IhalllYCl'lOps unifamlly. EslirDalc: $3,487,371 25%Coalingl!llCY: $871.143 ToIIl EslUoatc: $4,359,114 Estlnim' $6.44].976 1S%Ccntinplcy: $1,610.1194 TlIlII1l!s1i111atc: $8,Os.l,J'lll EatimaIa: S3.~D!lIi 1S%l'-tinF":Y: 1976.174 Tplal EstImRtc: $4.811,3'10 EIdm8te.: $4.620.197 1S%Qmliugcucy: SI,!~,n4 Tala! Estimtc: 1.'1, 77fi,111 p"i~: SJ.470,2Sll 1SW".nnllnr"J': S867,s63 Total Bstimalr:; $01,337,813 Estilllllc: $1lIa 25%Canlin&"""Y: . SIlIa TOIa1 Estimate: Sn EsUrna1c: $3,417.150 1S%ConlillpICY; - ' $l€iM31 TIIlaI Estimate: $4.341.111 &timaIc: $3.G2I,89S 1S%ClIlItinp,clJCl': $907.224 ToIlIl EsliIDlte: $4,536,119 Noh:!: . i:'i"he Cnntlnl!ency iw hl!!h to CllYel" the fellow;,,!! unknllWlU: ". TIle iOlpliC:lIi0111 oC lllC proll!c a\lel alis"llu:nl .mll: cillinll CII1ifonliaAqucdUCl mllll" Slale SlRej an: Ifill belna evllu."1led. The ctl$IS i1Ssccialcd ",ill1 Ihe: oullet ;.110 1.)'l1e em baSllol beau fully r:valuatcd and COIISiclerl:d. . TIle east e51ilul1lcs ,,"ere b."JSCd aD Ille Il1rge ilcmswilllilllt COll5idcllltion for small dclllils Illal ICC\llllulalc during cODslnlelio". 2. CII.rlmnliclllinns fill' the Cit\' . FlIr Ihe coopemlivc Rllrccl\lCnl. Ihe cilY wllllid agree 10 fund Ule diITcrcncc bel ween the I1llCmalivc oflllcir choice alld lhe BIIl'Clillc Ahc"1>lIh'c IMI :\lIl1llCndcs as"c \Iron. 11I/311UU J:UR pM ATTACHMENT "I" '. U~""".J.o.c::.ralQ~ ,< . ~" ':11.. 1. l~":. uur . .' , . " . .. WI . , ~ .....": " , . '0'" '.,\21,:. ,.. . . 4' ~ ... Int.... J'" . " .. ~-"" ~ . . . " . . :' .,.,1, .. - r.; , LEGEND Rill "(cread Cc:ncratlt Pipe ...........-..................."'... Rac1OTlQU1Qt'" l:on;rote t'l"loMIl'I AL TER[\jA T I VE 28 lJ~\"".J.D.C.~~C. , ;. ""~ , , I ~r.~- , '':2:/ \~I I , . ".'. .' . -' . .." ..... r-46i'cf&1 Q"~ ,\1.1 61 rntarC8 ota 15Dafo .. ,.'i01 k1't.r-~ , _7Z.:...!!!!cflil I I , I - I ~ ' <.j5Cfa ,. , , 31 " ~. ,. -- -- .,.....~z. t26Ghl .' ..._-......~. 'A VE:,IVI/,: '~ ,- HI t IC'~Z' t~~~~~"::.SJ' _-",-:;:;;. t~~:il1.-1 . -- ---- . .........._____.............O'(..__~ .,- :' ...'-1.....1":.;..-;-" " ~ ,~-: 2,J,ST .",' ..sT~-' .. -.~ .:.- . -, ." "~....'&.I." '. J..:.:}:..:..~~. '!;;.~ ~"{;.:.t. ....:.,. .....-.r-l:..;..\..,;....;- ~ ~-. atnla'tA " .', '.. ~1~'3Se'O ,,' ....,."': :. '):0::>; ;':""'i-~~?~.~"'i.!.." '.' '".J , 111;1 r.i62cfoJ !.i:'~"'~M~ 'i. ..:'\~ . . ....... "'oa' 1I.i1T~al . ' .' ~ wi ~~~ ;l' ., ..~~~ .;:. -,' (' li. ------~~ 12(3 IL _._ .___..J[ r'-jl".;i '."" II ,~ "(j{, ..,tp........ . '\1-' ;. ,.. ~ ./ Il.....~. f.,::,._..L....:;;...,- -. - --..--.---- .' :"...'''"t :--... . .. . . . \j. . . . .' ....,.. ..... w . ,.: . \ LEGEND . Relnftll"c:acl Conct'lIIte Pipit _.....__.~_.."...._...__I R8Cta'l~lor CO'1C1"lt. CharYlII ALTERNATIVE 58 .lJ1:.........1b.c:.l:::ll:::lc:. ':;:I..q(H'r :::JH1'I1::lHb 11V.UU' ~ . ~_. .:l" -. BAG San Be.rnardino Associated Governments ~~' . . .' _. 472 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92401-1421 I .. ,. - - phone: (9091 884.8276 Fox: (909) 885-4407 W.b: www..onbog.co.gov' "." . San Bernardino County Trcnsporlatlcn c.ommiSlion .. San Bernardino County Transportation ALI1hotlty . Sa" Bemardino Coun1V Congestion Management Agency . Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies July 10, 2002 Ms. Rachel Clark City Clerk City of San Bernardino 300 Ncirth "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Ms. Clark; SANBAG ContTaet No. 03-005 Enclosed are two originals of Contract No. 03-005 between SANBAG and the City of San Bernardino for the State Stre!=t Storm Drain Project. Please have both originals signed and return one to my attention in the enclosed envelope. If you have any questions please contact Sharon Gookin at (909) 889-8611 ext. 141. Sincerely, ;" zfU4- Pamela Cinque Secretary ill Enclosures cc; File 1005.9.5 O:\n:020709-peo.doc .'IN 0236800 eN 03-ll0, CIties 01: Ad8lanto, 8crrtow. Big Bear L.oka. Chino. Chino Hills, Colton, Fontana, Granc~ leua"e, HElSperla, Highland, loma Undo, Montclair. Needle.s. Ontdtlo, Rancho Cucamongc, Redlandll, Riallo, son BernardIno, TwentyNnG Palms, Upland, Victorvlll9, YlAcolpc Tcwn. 01: Apple VOlley. Vucco Valley co"nty 01 Son BornQrdlno Governments SAN BAG San Bernardino Associated Governments 472 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernordino, CA 92401-1421 Phone, 1909) 884-8276 Fo", 1909) 885-4407 Web, www.sanbag.co.gov ~ , NBPORTATION MEASURE I Working Together . San Bernardino County Transportation Commission _ San Bernardino County Transportation Authority . San Bernardino County Congestion Management Agency _ Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies May 16, 2003 Mr. Michael W. Grubbs Acting City Engineer City of San Bernardino 300 North "])" Street San Bernardino, California 92418-0001 fllitS rr:: [5 \.1 W.' i.!..~~ p.. r\ \ o l.!::1~I..:.:::JL ~/ )" 'l!i : [j I MAY 1 :] 20U3 L/ errY 01; S;\~'-l :~.[RNI:"nD\i'JO DEV[lOPt'!l~)H SERVICES DLP,'\RTMENT Dear Mike, This will confirm our conversation of late yesterday concerning the possible re-design of the State Street storm drain system which is part of the 210 Freeway, Segment II project. We have reached the date of needing to move forward with the original plans in order not to jeopardize a $68 million allocation at the June meeting of the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for the remaining 210 Freeway. The City of San Bernardino and SANBAG have been working diligently together for many months to try to finalize the technical design and the cooperative agreement for the storm drain. Within the last month, at San Bernardino's request, we have jointly looked at the idea of changing the design flow from a 100 year storm to a 10 year storm in city areas in order to try to save money. While we have all made an effort to try to find a solution that would accomplish this, the bottom line is that there is no plan with reduced flow available at this time. There are only forty days remaining until the June CTC meeting and we have been advised that the 210 Freeway plans must be 100% complete before that date. This still entails receiving 401, 404, and 1601 permits from California Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and the Army Corps of Engineers. It requires 100% plans to be reviewed by Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A). As recently as March 2003, we all anticipated having until late August to complete the process outlined above. Since then, four months of work have been compressed into two months. Our staff, the design consultants, and Caltrans have been working feverishly to meet the new deadline. Even the FHW A reviewer postponed a vacation to accommodate the new schedule. Even with all this effort there is no certainty that we can meet the deadline. I am concerned that any further revision of the plans at this point will become an albatross to the project. O:\mwg030516-jpg.doc Cities of: Adelanto, Barstow, Big Bear lak.e, Chino, Chino Hills, Colton, Fontana, Grand Terrace, Hesperia, Highland. Lorna linda, Montclair, Needles, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, Rialto. San Bernardino, Twentynine Palms, Upland, Victorville. Yucaipa Towns of: Apple Valley, Yucca Valley County of Son Ber~'t'rACHMENT "2" Mr. Michael W. Grubbs Acting City Engineer May 16,2003 Page 2 More recently other issues have arisen in considering a design that takes water from a 100-year system into a lO-year system, with Parsons-Brinkerhoff (PB) designing the larger system and San Bernardino designing the smaller system. For example, PB has inquired about who will sign off on the plan to assume design liability. This leads to the question of who will assume liability for any water damage resulting when the water resurfaces onto the streets or private property after it goes from the lOO-year to the lO-year system. I would propose at this time that we get approval for the original design. Concurrently, we can look at the proposed re-design that your staff is drafting. If it shows the potential for significant net savings without creating liability issues and without delaying the project, we can consider issuing a change order at the appropriate point of the project. Also, I will be glad to recommend that the payment to SANBAG of your share be structured over three fiscal years as we have discussed, with the cooperative agreement to be amended accordingly. Please keep in mind that SANBAG is paying for the design and construction management of the entire system, including San Bernardino's share, a value of 25% to 30% in addition to savings from economies of scale. With your share of the project at $ 1.75 million, this equates to savings in the range of $500,000 to $600,000 or more compared with the stand-alone project. I look forward to discussing this with you and to preparing the final cooperative agreement for approval of your City Council on June 2. J7lu~ . , i/ Joe Guzzetta Interim Director of Freeway Construction cc: Norm King, Executive Director, SANBAG Fred Wilson, City Administrator, City of San Bernardino 0:\mwgOJ0516-jpg.doc ATTACHMENT "2" L_ ,-- i f --- ~-- ~- STORM DRAIN ,.-" , I .. 'I : --.'" ~'" -r--t--r ,. .....,,, ~ I ! ~_" L_J -rJ I '" II I I i -'-'-,-""y_~ i -.------..." r- -~.~. ".~ ~.-.--- i .....1______-. ! i .'.,.....--.;-'.-r~.- j I ' _.._, I, 'L i --------1 I -- I , I .---...,"'-' jT :fil.'f I ~~ \ I, u._.--' STATE STREET STORM DRAIN APPRO~ATEBENEnT AREA MAP /:{p. II.} lJJJ}ft}D3 tQ)[Pl( 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 3 EXECUTION OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS 4 (SANBAG) FOR STATE STREET STORM DRAIN PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 03- 5 005. 6 7 8 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized 9 and directed to execute on behalf of said City a Cooperative Agreement with San Bernardino 10 Associated Governments (SANBAG) for the design and construction of State Street Storm 11 12 13 Drain with the completion of Segment 11 of State Route 210. A copy of said cooperative agreement is attached as Exhibit "A" and is made a part hereof. 14 SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above referenced Cooperative 15 Agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days 16 of the passage of this resolution. 17 III 18 19 II I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~7{). IJ ~ II ?~3 1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 2 EXECUTION OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS 3 (SANBAG) FOR STATE STREET STORM DRAIN PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 03- 005. 4 5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor 6 and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a 7 8 meeting thereof, held on the day of , 2003, by the following vote, to wit: Council Members: 9 ESTRADA 10 11 LONGVILLE 12 MC GINNIS 13 DERRY 14 SUAREZ 15 ANDERSON 16 17 MC CAMMACK 18 AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 19 20 21 2003. 22 23 24 Approved as to 25 form and legal content: City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino 26 JAMES F. PENMAN, 27 City Attorney 28 Date printed:06109f2003 I :53 PM Page 118 CONTRACT 03-005 COOPERA nVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORT A nON AUTHORITY/ SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE STATE STREET STORM DRAIN PROJECT This Cooperative Agreement is made and entered into this 3rd day of July, 2002, by and between the City of San Bernardino, a municipal corporation of the State of California (herein referred to as CITY), and the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority/San Bernardino Associated Governments (herein referred to as SANBAG). This Cooperative agreement defines specific SANBAG and CITY tasks and responsibilities for the development and construction of the State Street Storm Drain (herein referred to as the PROJECT). Witnesseth WHEREAS, the PROJECT consists of constructing the State Street Storm Drain which is part of the Master Planned facilities for the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the PROJECT generally begins at inlets for three intersections along Highland Avenue and includes drainage pipe and appurtenances along Highland Avenue that lead to the storm drain and appurtenances along State Street, which ultimately outlets into the Lytle Creek Wash, See Attachment "A" for the layout; and WHEREAS, the PROJECT will mitigate the affect that the Proposed Route 210 Freeway construction has on the existing drainage conditions while accommodating the ultimate drainage needs of the CITY; and WHEREAS, both SANBAG and the CITY intend to work together in a cooperative manner in every respect toward completing the design and construction of a quality PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this agreement is to define the project roles and responsibilities for both the CITY and SANBAG; and O:laOJ005-seg.doc IN 02268 Date printed:06109/2003 I :53 PM Page 2/8 WHEREAS, both parties agree to the concept and purpose of the PROJECT. Therefore, both SANBAG and the CITY agree to the following: I. PROJECT costs and responsibilities are to be divided between SANBAG and the CITY as further described below. 2. SANBAG shall provide a design consultant and be responsible for the full cost of the PROJECT design. The PROJECT design will include preparation of plans, specifications, quantity calculations and cost estimates. The PROJECT design will be prepared using metric units. The PROJECT design shall ensure that, unless approved by the CITY, local access is maintained during construction. The PROJECT design will be prepared using the standard drawing format for the CITY. The PROJECT design will also include preparation of design surveys. 3. Both SANBAG and the CITY shall be responsible for attending and participating in monthly design meetings related to the PROJECT. Additionally, both SANBAG and the CITY shall review all design submittals for the PROJECT within 30 days of the initial submittal. SANBAG and the CITY shall each be responsible for their own fees and the costs of staff time through the completion of the PROJECT construction. 4. SANBAG shall be responsible for the preparation of utility location maps and identification of utility conflicts for the PROJECT. The CITY shall be responsible for coordination and funding for the relocation of all utilities that are within the entire PROJECT area, which are not already affected by the construction of Segment I I of the SR-210 freeway project. The CITY shall ensure that utility clearance is obtained prior to advertising and bidding of the PROJECT. If necessary, to ensure utility clearance of the PROJECT, the CITY may request that SANBAG assumes responsibility of the utility coordination efforts for the PROJECT. Funding for utility relocation shall remain the responsibility of the CITY. 5. The CITY shall obtain all necessary permits and agreements with the Department of Water Resources required for the construction of the PROJECT. The CITY shall be responsible for all correspondence and coordination with the Department of Water Resources regarding PROJECT right of way issues. SAN BAG and the PROJECT design consultants may discuss technical issues directly with personnel of the Department of Water Resources as necessary. 6. The CITY shall be the lead agency for environmental clearance of the PROJECT. SANBAG shall provide and fully fund an environmental consultant and be responsible for support services related to environmental clearance and environmental permitting of the PROJECT. Environmental clearance for the PROJECT shall be in conformance with CEQA guidelines. Environmental O:laIl3005-seg.doc .IN 02268 Date printed:06/09/2003 I :53 PM Page 3/8 permits for the PROJECT may include but are not limited to. 404. 401. and 1601 permits. Funding for all environmental mitigation for the PROJECT will be distributed and borne by SANBAG and the CITY; 75% of all environmental mitigation costs shall be borne by SANBAG and the remaining 25% shall be borne by the CITY. See Attachment "B" for the development of this percentage contribution. 7. SANBAG shall be responsible for the preparation of the right of way requirement maps for the PROJECT. SANBAG shall be responsible for the preparation of right of way maps and the administration and obtaining of all right of way, including condemnation if necessary, both temporary and permanent, which are necessary to construct the PROJECT. SAN BAG shall fund all right of way capital costs for the PROJECT. as shown in Attachment "A." The CITY shall be responsible to reimburse SANBAG for all condemnation expenses for the PROJECT, including but not limited to, attorney's fees, appraisal costs, and expert witness expenses. 8. The CITY shall obtain all city permits and pay all city permitting fees that are required to construct the PROJECT. These fees include. but are not limited to, any plan check fees and CITY staff time. SANBAG, with the support of the CITY as owner, shall obtain all required approvals for construction of the PROJECT from the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. Responsibilities related to environmental permits are outlined in paragraph 6 of this agreement. 9. SANBAG shall be responsible for providing all engineering support for the PROJECT during construction, including but not limited to, response to RFI's and review of shop drawings. SANBAG shall be responsible for providing, both the funding and personnel for the construction administration of the PROJECT, which includes construction management, construction staking and material testing. The construction administration may be through a cooperative effort with Caltrans. 10. SANBAG shall fund 75% of the PROJECT construction costs. The CITY shall fund 25% of the PROJECT construction costs. See Attachment "B" for the development of this percentage contribution. The alignment of the PROJECT crosses the new freeway alignment for SR-210. To facilitate coordination of the PROJECT construction with the construction of the new SR-210 freeway, the PROJECT construction contract may be awarded with portions of the freeway construction contract. If so, the bid documents for the construction contract will include both the early freeway construction project and the State Street Storm Drain Project (PROJECT). In order to isolate the costs associated with the PROJECT, these bid documents will be developed with a separate bid schedule for the PROJECT costs. The bid costs for that separate bid O:!a03005-seg.doc IN 02268 Date printed:06/09/2003 I :53 PM Page 4/8 schedule will be used to distribute the relative funding commitments for both SANBAG and the CITY. If the PROJECT is advertised with the early freeway construction and multiple bid schedules are used, the PROJECT will be awarded to the contractor with the lowest overall bid, regardless of the specific PROJECT bid schedule cost. The funding responsibilities for both SANBAG and the CITY will be based upon the bid schedule within the successful bidders estimate. 11. Within 30 days following the award of the PROJECT construction contract, the CITY shall pay 5% of the total PROJECT cost to SANBAG. SAN BAG shall be responsible for paying all the contractor invoices, and will invoice the CITY as work progresses. SANBAG shall invoice the CITY for the remainder of their portion on a quarterly basis. The CITY shall reimburse SANBAG within 45 days after receipt of each of SANBAG's invoices. The current schedule of the PROJECT is for construction to begin in the third quarter of fiscal year 2002/03. 12. The distribution of costs related to PROJECT change orders shall be consistent with the construction cost distribution of 75% and 25% for SANBAG and the CITY respectively, except as specified in paragraph 13. See Attachment "B" for the development of this percentage contribution. 13. SANBAG is responsible for public information related to the PROJECT. Project changes due to public complaint or costs associated with public inconvenience are the full responsibility of the CITY. The CITY shall fully fund all construction costs, change orders or claims that are the direct result of requests or actions by the CITY occurring after the PROJECT bid date. 14. The CITY shall accept ownership of the PROJECT once the construction has been completed. The CITY shall assume all maintenance and environmental monitoring/compliance responsibilities for the PROJECT, including the outlet structure and all other appurtenant structures, once the CITY has accepted ownership of the storm drain. 15. SANBAG, and their officers, employees (past and present), agents, and representatives, including Fluor Daniel, Inc., shall be named as additional insured on the liability insurance policy of the construction contractor. The CITY, its officers, agents, representatives, and employees shall be named as additional insured on the liability insurance policy of the construction contractor. 16. Neither SANBAG nor any officer, employee, or agent thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority of jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4 CITY shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless SANBAG, all officers, employees, and agents from all claims, O:la03005-scg.doc IN 02268 Date printed:0610912003 I :53 PM Page 518 suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injury (as defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. 17. Neither CITY nor any officer, employee, or agent thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be done by SANBAG under or in connection with any work, authority of jurisdiction delegated to SANBAG under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4 SANBAG shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless CITY, all officers, employees, and agents from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injury (as defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be done by SAN BAG under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to SANBAG under this Agreement. 18. Both SANBAG and the CITY agree that working hours for the construction of the PROJECT are 6:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Ifrequested by the contractor, the working hours will be extended to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, Saturday and Sunday. 19. SANBAG and the CITY agree to work cooperatively to solve any issues that develop during the design, environmental, right of way, and construction phases of the PROJECT. Both agencies agree to respond to issues in a timely manner, so as not to interfere with the progress of the PROJECT. Each agency shall bear their own costs in relation to carrying out the matters specified herein unless otherwise specified. 20. Amendments to this agreement may be incorporated to this Agreement as mutually agreed to in writing by both CITY and SANBAG. O:la03005-seg.doc IN 02268 Dale printed:06/09/2003 I :53 PM Page 6/8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first set forth above: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ::NS:Z;~AUT~ORITY: Bill Postmus President, SAN BAG Board of Directors Date: JUL 0 8 ;?J'12 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ::OCEDU~ ~ R~~ SANBAGeunsel Date: )- /- c? z... O:/a03005-seg.doc IN 02268 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: By: Judith Valles Mayor Date: ATTEST: By: CITY Clerk Date: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: By: r&~ :;IL-, !lY Attorney Date. J-.~ It L. ,p j /" / Date printcd:06109/2003 1:53 PM Page 7/8 ATTACHMENT "A" CONTRACT NO. 03-005 STATE STREET STORM DRAIN PROJECT LAYOUT O:/a03005-seg.doc IN 02268 , , , . , . ~ .... - IDGHLAND A VENUE ~ ~ :<.... r, ;"-:21:6i .< .- ".. .."'\ , , .' ..._~~.r,,' 1"~,,""':";'Jo.~l; ,.."..... . ..,01- ..,.., ., .. . l. --." ,...;"'.. ..,," . , ','...1 ,..,. " ~'. .'. . ....\., ~ ~::.:. .:t~:: '~':" ~ .... ......':, \.' ,........"~ .... ..:...."-.....~~ y~.. .."..:'-: .....",7, "',':'':,., ~ .. "" ...._~...-- I( v ...~.....- ~~. 5 C~ BASELINE STREET . \ . ~ . , . . . -- .....t........, , ", STATe ~T S1?'~ WAIN r~J~' ~~Yllrr (N~ Date printed:06J09l2003 I :53 PM Page 818 ATTACHMENT "B" CONTRACT NO. 03-005 STATE STREET STORM DRAIN PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES AND DETERMINA TION OF COST SPLIT BETWEEN THE AGENCIES Cost of Baseline Alternative (Alternative 2B attached): $4.338,000 Cost of Proposed Alternative that includes consideration of ultimate drainage needs (Alternative 5B attached): $5,776,000 Current Cost Estimates for the Azencies (actual costs will be determined after bid ovening): SANBAG Estimated Responsibility = CITY Estimated Responsibility = $5,776.000-$4,338,000 = $4,338,000 $1.438.000 Determination of Construction Cost Svlit Between the Azencies: SANBAG Ratio Responsibility = (4,338,000/5. 776.000)xlOO% = 75% CITY Ratio Responsibility = (1.438,000/5, 776.000)xlOO% = 25% O:fa03005-seg.doc IN 02268 1 2 rr\~V RESOLUTION NO. , / U RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 3 EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS (SANBAG) FOR STATE STREET STORM DRAIN 5 PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 03-005. 6 7 8 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized 9 and directed to execute on behalf of said City Amendment No.1 to Cooperative Agreement 10 11 with San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) for the design and construction of State Street Storm Drain with the completion of Segment 11 of State Route 210. A copy of 12 13 said Amendment NO.1 to Cooperative Agreement is attached as Exhibit "B". and is made a 14 part hereof. 15 16 17 SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above referenced Amendment No.1 to Cooperative Agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within 18 sixty (60) days of the passage ofthis resolution. 19 III 20 III 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE 2 EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SAN BERNARDINO 3 ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS (SANBAG) FOR STATE STREET STORM DRAIN 4 PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 03-005. 5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor 6 and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a 7 meeting thereof, held on the _ day of ,2003, by the following vote, to wit: 8 9 10 ESTRADA Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 11 LONGVILLE 12 MC GINNIS 13 DERRY 14 SUAREZ 15 16 ANDERSON 17 MC CAMMACK 18 19 20 City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 21 2003. 22 23 24 25 Approved as to form and legal content: 26 JAMES F. PENMAN, 27 City Attorney day of Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino 28 AMENDMENT NO.1 to CONTRACT NO. 03-005 BETWEEN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY/ SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE STATE STREET STORM DRAIN PROJECT This Amendment No.1 to SANBAG Contract No. 03-005 is entered into this 2nd day of July, 2003, by the City of San Bernardino (hereinafter called CITY) and San Bernardino County Transportation Authority/San Bernardino Associated Governments (hereinafter called SANBAG): WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, SANBAG and CITY are jointly participating in a storm drain project as part of the 210 Freeway construction project at State Street; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the aforesaid contract to provide for the City of San Bernardino to pay its share of contract costs over different periods than set forth in Contract No. 03-005; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do mutually agree to amend paragraphs 4 and 11 of Contract No. 03-005 effective the same date as Contract No. 03-005 to read as follows: 4. SANBAG shall be responsible for the preparation of utility location maps and identification of utility conflicts for the PROJECT. The CITY shall be responsible for coordination and funding for the relocation of all utilities that are within the entire PROJECT area, which are not already affected by the construction of Segment 11 of the SR-21O freeway project. The CITY shall ensure that utility clearance is obtained prior to advertising and bidding of the PROJECT. If necessary, to ensure utility clearance of the PROJECT, the CITY may request that SANBAG assumes responsibility of the utility coordination efforts for the PROJECT. Funding for utility relocation shall remain the responsibility of the CITY; however, City may request that SANBAG advance funds for utility relocation, with City to reimburse SANBAG as provided in paragraph 11. O:a0300501.doc CN 03.005.01 TN 0336800 Paae 1 of 2 11. SANBAG shall be responsible for paying all contractor invoices. SANBAG shall invoice the CITY for its share of the Project construction, utility relocation, and environmental mitigation costs in six equal installments in January 2004, January 2005, January 2006, January 2007, January 2008, and January 2009. When project is complete, final adjustments will be made for total Project construction, utility relocation, environmental mitigation and change order costs and the remaining invoices will be adjusted accordingly. Any unresolved contractor claims existing at the time of the July 2009 invoice will be processed with a final invoice to CITY for its share of such costs upon resolution of any such claims. The CITY shall reimburse SANBAG within 45 days after receipt of each of SANBAG's invoices. The CITY shall be assessed no interest prior to June 30, 2006. As of July 1,2006, the CITY shall pay interest on any unpaid principal, compounded quarterly. The interest rate shall be based on the San Bernardino County Pool Quarterly Interest Rate Factor. Except as amended by this amendment, all other provisions of Contract No. 03-005 remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the authorized parties have below signed. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: By: Bill Alexander, President SANBAG Board of Directors By: Judith Valles, Mayor Date: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND PROCEDURE: ATTEST: By: ~M By: CITY Clerk Ron Reitz SANBAG Counsel Date: t/IO/tv3 Date: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: By: (k_ '] .~ ~Y Attorney Date: p~ (~ l...<>o./ / 0:a0300501.doc eN 03.005-01 TN 0336800 Paae 2 of 2 L , f --'-~~.- ~ ---- ~TORM DRAIN;'" :-=, -1++ ~I L_J I i I /I __,...1.____ i --------. r----' ..,1 to. .-'-- , ..._1--____ I ...,0.----- i --- -rl"T --------1 ! '-'~t llL! !, ~.~=.:~ : t- f \ i ; I I I i "j ___.L_I_ ---r-- I f~~:t-:= -r-~__ri STATE STREET STORM DRAIN APPROXIMATE BENEFIT AREA MAP I;{p. J1.J ~J}vJD3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RACHEL G. CLARK, C.M.C. - CITY CLERK 300 North "D" Street. San Bernardino' CA 92418-0001 909.384.5002' Fax: 909.384.5158 www.ci.san-bernardino.ca.lis June 24, 2003 Mr. Joe Guzzetta Interim Director of Freeway Construction San Bernardino Associated Governments 472 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 9240 I Dear Mr. Guzzetta, Enclosed for your files is the fully executed cooperative agreement between the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority/San Bernardino Associated Governments and the City of San Bernardino for the State Street Storm Drain Project, Contract No. 03-005. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (909)384-5002. Sincerely, , j .-/)({ L ((\ ;:Ls /,.< Michelle Taylor ' Senior Secretary Enclosure CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTED SHARED VALUES: Integrity' Accountability' Respect for Human Dignity' Honesty CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: June 24, 2003 TO: Mike Grubbs, Field Engineer FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Transmitting Documents for Signature - Resolution 2003-128 At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of June 16, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution 2003-128 - Resolution authorizing the execution of Amendment No.1 to cooperative agreement between the City and the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBA G) for State Street Storm Drain Project, Contract No. 03-005. Attached are two (2) original agreements. Please obtain signatures in the appropriate location and return one original agreement to the City Clerk's Office as soon as possible, to my attention. Please be advised that the resolution and agreement will be null and void if not executed within 60 days, or by August 15, 2003. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ex!. 3206. Thank you. Michelle Taylor Senior Secretary I hereby acknowledge receipt of the above mentioned documents. Signed:~ W. rr. 2, Please sIgn and return Date: .z.. 0./ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: August 11,2003 TO: Michael Grubbs, Acting City Engineer FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution 2003-128 - State Street Storm Drain Project Our office has not received the executed Amendment No. I to cooperative agreement between the City and the San Bernardino Associated Governments for State Street Storm Drain Project, Contract No. 03-005. This amendment was approved at the Mayor and Common Council meeting held on June 16, 2003, and will be null and void if not executed and returned to the City Clerk's Office by August 15,2003. Please forward the executed agreement to the City Clerk's Office, to my attention, as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at ex!. 3206. TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: COPIES: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary, City~:~~ Mike Grubbs, Acting City Engineer (Jl1 . Amendment No.1 to Agreement with SANBAG re: State Street Storm Drain. Reso. No. 2003-128. August 13, 2003 File No. 4.10-7316 Transmitted enclosed, for your file, is one original of the subject Amendment No. I to Agreement which was executed by SANBAG on June 10, 2003, If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (909) 384-5179. oc:: N [lJ c;:? , a:l 0 ;- c:l: ~ V ..... , - E., ~ !:l- >- "'" w u S3 kW Ot: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: August 14, 2003 TO: Veronica Martinez, Senior Secretary FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution 2003-128 - State Street Storm Drain Project CC: Mary Freiberg, Senior Admin. Operations Supervisor Attached is a fully executed copy of Amendment No. I to the cooperative agreement between the City and SANBAG for State Street Storm Drain Project, Contract No. 03-005. The original agreement is on file in the City Clerk's Office. If you have any questions, please call me at ex!. 3206. ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): 1o-I(".-C3 Item # Nays -e> 1-\ A Resolution # Abstain e Vote: Ayes t.., Change to motion to amend original documents: -- Reso. # On Attachments: -==--- Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately:-=--- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY ~- Date Sent to Mayor: ie-- \<6 -0') Date of Mayor's Signature: <Co let-O':-::, Date of Clerk/CDC Signatore: /0. O()<)"', See Attached: See Attached: See Attached: 60 Day Reminder Le on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th da . Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolntions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney / Code Compliance 'Lco3- 12 '1 Absent e-- NnlllVoid After: loa OPrJ,s I g-/S02, I By: - Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: ./ ,/' Date Retnmed: - Yes ./ No By - Yes No -L. By Yes No ./ By Yes No / By Yes No/ By Parks & Rec. Police Public Services Water Dev. Services..1L. EDA Others: Notes: Finance J/ MIS BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 0 I /12/0 I ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): &,. I (,,'03 Item # 14 6 Resolution # Vote: Ayes 1-'1 Nays ,Jd- Abstain h- ~2.003- IU Absent k::) Change to motion to amend original documents: Reso. # On Attachments: - Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY ,.. f..,.. 1"6 .Ci?:J Date of Mayor's Signature: (e -l ').0) (,,'.)0' 03 Date Sent to Mayor: Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: NullNoidAfter: loG OPrj.:o J'6-,~"03 I By: - Reso. Log Updated: / Seal Impressed: i-/ Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: ~ Reminder Letter Sent on3J)>lrday: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: (", 'z.1-0 ?.-J '3l-II,O-~ See Attached: / Date Returned: ~ I. 3 -C) '" See Attached: .-/ See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney / Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services 1.. Water Police Public Services Notes: Yes ,/ No By Yes NoL By Yes No~ By Yes NO-f By Yes No By EDA Finance / MIS Others: BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: Revised 01/12/01