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Dru2 War-Real War
Why are we involved in this quote "Drug War" and why is the government
misrepresenting its own research to promote it? Is the Institutional corruption
"State Organized Crime" associated with the Drug War a greater threat to our
democracy and National Security than the black market drugs themselves? Do
profits from black markets finance domestic intelligence operations? Can we end
this war without a bloodbath? This web site, Drug War / Real War addresses
these questions honestly and proactively.
The book, Drug War Economics: The Machine Behind the Madness is also
available on this site. It is a brutally honest assessment of America's drug policy
and the Institutional Corruption that dictates public policies on a global scale.
The first chapter is included at this site. As well.
As the life cycle of this war runs its course, state organized repression (an
escalating cycle of violence) will become a more dominate factor in our lives.
The driving force behind this war is not just the addictive nature of these drugs.
The drug addict is only the cattle in the bigger picture.
The real addicts in this war are our intelligence communities and the power
structure itself. They became addicted to the illegitimate power and the revenues
the "black markets" and the "Drug War" created. They used (1) "black Market"
drugs to destabilize communities and governments; (2) the revenues these black
markets generated for access to power; (3) Finally, the power to criminalize their
competitors and consolidate political control over communities and eventually
nations. What started off as off budget funding of domestic and foreign
intelligence operations ended up the corrupt power base that dominates our
political parties, institutions and most world governments.
It is time to ask these questions (1) What are the power brokers willing to do to
protect this power base? (2) Where is this war headed?
(1) I have studied and witnessed the destruction the Drug War Economy has used
in the acquisition and maintenance of power in the global community. I have no
evidence to conclude, the Drug War Economy will be less viscous when
defending the status quo and their own heads. An early example of the Drug War
Economy in action was the CIA funded Phoenix Program during the Vietnam
War. The Phoenix Program included the systematic assassination of over 35,000
South Vietnamese civilians during the war. This CIA program was financed with
revenues from the heroin trade and turned 100s of thousands of Americans into
heroin addicts. Once the trade routes and markets were established, our
intelligence community became addicted to the money, the drugs and the
illegitimate power those markets created. The 1980s was more of the same, with
Cocaine Wars in Central and South America, but on a much larger scale.
Democratic governments such as Bolivia, fell to Nacro Generals with loyalty to
our intelligence community. The conquest continues.
:::t-t-- ~ S-
(2) Where is this war headed? Straight to hell. Foreign intelligence agencies are
acquiring greater control over black market drug supplies in America. The
drugs destabilize the host nation and the revenues finance access to political
power or terrorist operations inside our own borders. The costs associated with
our prison industry deny critical infrastructure investments in legitimate domestic
alternatives. This escalating cycle of violence is self perpetuating. If we do not
end this war (if that is even possible) our landscape will be littered with scenes
like Waco, Oklahoma City and the Twin Towers. Before it is over, many
millions will have died in the conflict and the institutions defining civil society
will be gone. This is not the ravings of a Madman, I wish it was. It is just the
honest assessment of the history of the Drug War Economy and the history of the
corrupt regimes the Black Markets / Drug War created.
this site also set several logical guidelines for the use of violence to end this war.
Several of those guidelines are capital crimes under Federal anti terrorism statutes
and state legislated criminal codes. Unfortunately, the criminals are rogue assets
of domestic intelligence networks and corrupt government officials. Violence is
also assessed as a legitimate option when this statement is true. "When the
people in power cannot step down because the skeletons in their closets will cost
them their heads, they will leave in cuffs or they will leave in a box."
The final question, can we end this war without a bloodbath? Probably not. A lot
will depend on whether American troops, when given the order, will fire on
American citizens or turn their guns on the oppressors. Another possibility is
open hostility in the law enforcement communities, the military and our
intelligence communities to the power brokers that feed and profit from this mess.
I hope law enforcement, the military and our intelligence community aren't
offended by this statement but, we will probably get more justice in a crack pipe.
I would sure like to see them prove me wrong.
In closing, if you are in law enforcement, the military, intelligence, public policy
planning, a lawyer, jailer, a judge, in the bail business, black market, domestic
intelligence or whatever, go ahead and purchase this book or the CD. I did a lot
of my research with you folks and asked those forbidden questions. I also field
tested this book to people in your professions. They liked it. You will not be
disappointed with it and God knows you've made enough money on this war
One last statement to law enforcement, the military, our foreign / domestic
intelligence communities and anyone that gives a shit. "Question your own
reality. You might find you lack the moral authority to do the wrong thing."
Jay Lindberg
Brought to you by Lindberg Publishing
(We Fly Right)
CIA Mind-Control Operations and THE SYNDROME
By John Case June 13,2001
THE SYNDROME is a thriller driven by a secret culled from the deepest recesses of the
Cold War. It is a secret that encompasses an illicit program of human experimentation,
using pain, drugs and hypnosis to create the perfect assassin. So sensitive was this
program that only a handful of people have ever been privy to more than a small part of it.
The activity's existence was first hinted at by the Rockefeller Commission in a 1974 report
on domestic CIA operations. The Commission devoted just two sentences to the program,
whose documentary record had been destroyed by an outgoing CIA Director. Despite that
Director's attempt to impose institutional amnesia on the Agency he'd headed, seven boxes
of financial documents were later found in a dusty cabinet at the Agency's headquarters in
Langley, Virginia.
The paper-trail contained within those boxes wound its way through a complex of medical
institutes, hospitals and foundations that had given cover to a behavioral modification
program in which human guinea pigs had been "tested to destruction" without their
knowledge or consent. Beyond those seven boxes, no other records are known to exist.
Even so, the New York District Attorney's office continues to seek homicide indictments
against CIA officers who are believed to have murdered a key scientist in the program.
Though few records of its existence remain, the program is known to have begun during
World War II, when the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) attempted to develop "a truth
drug" in an effort to elicit information from recalcitrant Prisoners of War. The subjects of
these earliest experiments were captured Axis soldiers, and American GIs facing
court-martial for various crimes.
When the war came to an end, the program did not. Instead, it took a strange turn--and
gained momentum. What had been a search for a truth-drug morphed into a mind-control
program whose purpose was to create a murderous automaton whose memory could be
"edited" by his handlers at headquarters.
The need for an assassination "utility" of this kind had been articulated a few years
earlier by a professor of anthropolol!V at Harvard, a former ass operative who was
himself implicated in World War II assassination plots. This was the late Carleton
Coon who, in an after-action report to ass chief "Wild Bill" Donovan, wrote,
"...we cannot be sure that the clear and obiective scholars who study the existinl!
social systems and draw up the blueprints for a society to suit our technolol!V will
always be heard, or that their plans will be put into operation. We can almost be
sure that this will not be the case. Therefore some other power, some third class of
individuals aside from the leaders and the scholars must exist, and this third class
must have the task of thwartinl! mistakes, dial!nosinl! areas of potential world
diseauilibrium, and nippinl! the causes of potential disturbances in the bud. There
must be a bod v of men whose task it is to throw out the rotten apples as soon as the
first spots of decay appear. A body of this nature must exist undercover. It must
either be a power unto itself. or be l!iven the broadest discretionarv powers by the
hil!hest human authorities."
With the outbreak of the Korean War, Coon's proposal seems to have been melded with
the truth-drug investigations then under way, and given a jump-start. The Pentagon and
the CIA arranged for the publication of articles about "communist brainwashing" in
popular magazines such as The Reader's Digest and Saturday Evening Post. The message
was explicit: there was a "mind-control gap."
This created a groundswell of political support for the Agency's decision to embark upon a
full-fledged "mind-control" program of its own. Beginning in 1952, the CIA began to
work with the Special Operations Division of the Army's biological research center at Fort
Detrick, studying the covert use of chemical and biological weapons. Among the drugs
studied was LSD.
The subjects in these experiments were people on the margins of society. They included
the inmates of prisons and mental institutions, as well as homeless alcoholics on Skid
Row. Those who espoused unpopular political views or whose lifestyle was perceived as
immoral were also considered "fair game"--and so became unwitting guinea pigs in the
spooks' quest to create a "Manchurian Candidate."
Occasionally, the Agency experimented on its own--and, sometimes, with terrible
consequences. In 1954, Dr. Frank Olson was invited to a gathering at a CIA retreat near
Deep Creek Lake, Maryland. At that gathering, we are told that Olsen and nine other
people were given high doses of LSD without their knowledge By all accounts, Olson's
reaction was negative in the extreme. Plunged into severe depression, he suffered
hallucinations for days, and was taken to see a therapist in New York. While there, and
under the most mysterious circumstances, he fell to his death from an upper-story window
of the Statler Hotel.
Though Olsen's death was pronounced a suicide, the case has since been re-opened, and is
now under investigation by the New York District Attorney's office.
Meanwhile, the Agency forged ahead. Fearful of adverse publicity from incidents such as
the one that claimed Olsen's life, the CIA shifted many of its operations to the West Coast
and abroad. One such activity involved safe-houses in New York and Washington, where
prostitutes were paid to bring clients. "Fair game," the clients would be dosed with drugs,
and their behavior observed by CIA operatives sitting behind two-way mirrors.
With Olsen's death, these and other operations were moved to San Francisco, where the
fallout from such activities could be more easily controlled. Still other experiments were
funded abroad.
At McGill University in Montreal, Dr. Ewen Cameron carried out a series of experiments
for the CIA, effectively turning his patients into "vegetables." The process, which
Cameron called "depatterning," relied upon intensive electro shocks, followed by 30-60
days of drug-induced sleep, to destroy existing patterns of behavior. In the end, the patient
would become a tabula rasa, her mind wiped clean and empty.
Elsewhere, scientists such as Maitland Baldwin agreed to go one step further, volunteering
to carry out "terminal experiments" in sensory deprivation. Patients-subjects-victims
would be buried alive for an "indefinite" period in stimulus-free "boxes." In effect, they
would become the CIA's very own zombies.
Behind the codewords, BLUEBIRD and PANDORA and ARTICHOKE, the CIA and its
sister agencies experimented upon a large and diverse group of subjects, many of whom
suffered terribly. Using drugs and hypnosis, microwaves and radiation, the experimenters
sought ways to affect moods, impose "selective amnesia," create multiple personalities,
induce trance-states by rapid and remote means, and generate so-called "screen
memories. "
This last involved the creation of false "memories" as a way of blocking genuine ones. A
key plot-point in THE SYNDROME, it is also a way to impel an agent to commit suicide
when his usefulness is at an end.
The mind-control program initiated by the CIA in the I 950s was officially discontinued in
the 1960s, though many critics of the Agency insist that the most "promising" research
continues under other auspices, at home and abroad. This bookn THE SYNDROME--is
, about that.