HomeMy WebLinkAboutS3-Council Office C~TY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Councilwoman Wendy J. McCammack Subject: Endorsement by City Council for the First Annual Puppet Festival at Cal State University, S.B. Recital Hall July 11 - July 12 Dept: Council Office OR1GlNAL Date: May 28, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council action: None e '" m 0 m :x <: ~ ." "';; N , 00 0 =i .." -< UJ ':'J ~ 1;2 0'\ 7' Recommended motion: That the City Council endorse the First Annual Puppet Festival at Cal State University, San Bernardino. All proceeds will go to individuals with developmental disabilities. ~1-d . Signature Contact person: Councilwoman McCammack Phone: 5068 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 fJJ W 03 Agenda Item No.-03 05/28/2003 15:49 9098851585 EXPRESS PRINTING PAGE 01 / / / ~ The first Annual \, PUPPE TIV AL 'Ill- -I., ~ ' . ~. ., .. -- ,/ Y12th 2 p.m. - ~~'''']i;:'f'J~''''~'>t0, ~' I ". f' .~ . . i "'~\ \, ""'. . . "'.~,' ~nsored~~J~ ~ . upu ":J '\ ." & "l-,--"",/' fndonecl hg: ~ San BernardinoCount':J __IIII'N~~ c. - . -d f Su . A__ uoar 0 ~1V1IOrs Redlanda Cit':l Council _iV' e!!lIRTI'! .ArrowL-d RegJr-..l Medical Cenb.... -, & ~1~E._~L( Hoeted.h1J (' .Qdt.......itlj Optiau (" _profit organls4tion) &- Cal State San B-to..diaoD.pt.ol n-kw Aria P~1ro. tltb_twtll/Jo towdrdpmtJr_4Mh&$ J..Jtvitl-b wiil. J-./opII&lI,.} ,I,_A,ita." WWW.amuoouaihjoptlOll' ~ /\. , , "-- "" ~ ~ \ ~\ '- '',i ~ j y ~ .J . ~ -j <;) ~ ~ J ~ VJ OS/29/2003 08:42 3385889 COMM OPTS PAGE 02 . 2601 North Del Rosa Avenue, Suite 222f San Bernardino, California 92404 (909) 475-9503 May 29, 2003 Hon. Wendy McCammack FAX ~1S86 Bear Councilwoman McCammack, Community Options of San Bernardino is holding. our first annual fiJr:ld raising avent. The event is a Puppet Festival and will be held on July 11 and 12, 2003 at the California State University of San Bernardino. Wa have received endorsements from the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, Highlatld- City-~ and . Redlancl$ City Council and are reque9ting an endorsement. from the. San Bernardino City Council, as well. The proceedS from this event will go towards special prOjed$ for persons with disabilities, program development of our services, ami capital expenditures. We plan to provide an opportunity for some of the individualS we serve 10. atteI td self; adVocacy conferences as Vi8/1 as purcha$8 neN computer software to expand our skills training program. Community Options of San Bematditlo wi8hea to establish an annual 8,vent inereasing our community name recognition, thereby bringing more employers to the people we serve. I have attached a broclUJre. of our services for your review. ThatIk. you for your consideration. We will be able to make this event a great success with the help of your endorsement. Ma and Noriega Job Developer, Community Options Fnt~rpd into Recard.. '.' '''GmvDevCms Mt.: o~ _0. re Agenda Item -"_.."~ ( Cia, Cle,ldCDC Seer City af San BerJllrdlle community Options is a division of the Foundation for Educational ActIievement ...4 )~~ OS/29/2003 08:42 3385559 COMM OPTS PAGE 05 ._- . RESOLUTION NO. XXXXXXX A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. SUPPORTING THE GOAU OF THE COMMUNITY omONS "PUPPET FESTIVAL" FtJND.RAISER TO BENEFIT PERSONS wrm DEVELOPMENTAL DISMlD.J'I1ES WHEREAS, the First Annual Puppet Festival, will be held on July 11" and 12". 2003, at Cal State San Bernardino by CO_UNITY OPTIONS, a non..profit agency that provides job search. job placement and job coaching services to adults who have developmental disabilities. and Cal State San Bernardino, Department of Theater Arts, and WHEREAS, the proceeds from this event will be used to establish a scl'lolarship fund that will allow persons with developmental disabilities to attend a self-advocacy conference to increase their level of independence, and WHEREAS, funds will also be used to enhance computer training for individuals with developmental disabilities and to purchase computer software programs to assist these individuals with job interviewing and job perfonnance skills, thereby increasing their chances of employment, and WHEREAS, the County of San Bernardino shares the goal of COMMUNITY OPTIONS to develop opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities to make choices concerning living, working, and enjoying life with dignity and respect. and WHEREAS, the people of the County of San Bernardino benefit when residents become capable of leading lives independent of assistance from family members, other caregivers, and public social services, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino. State of California, hereby supports the goals of the COMMUNITV OPTIONS Finll Annual Puppet Festival on July 11111 and 1211, 2003. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be noted in the minutes of this Board and 8 copy presented to Community Options. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by unanimous order of the Board at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino. California, held on the SUi day of May 2003. Dated; CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ATTESTED: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Bernardino State of California OS/29/2003 08:42 3385669 COMM OPTS PAGE 03 filH if pH I Ihh It !t~i! ,<~~~ ~iil a~ ~itl Ii i~ij !ilc i ..~?;~ :~'i i! ~~I~ ~li8 ~ ~~ ~ 3:'"'~ R ~-s. lo~o ~ lH;' .- .-.. --...---.-- ----.....--. g is ;;> i ~i" ~ ~~~ '" ~~ () . "'~> 0 'tl -~i g Co c;; ~ '"'0 g o i';;!' 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