HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO-REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION OR\G\NAL Subject: Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for a Type 20 (off-sale beer & wine) ABC License for a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru restaurant located at the northwest corner of Waterman Avenue and Orange Show Road in the CG-I, Commercial General land use district. From: Dept: James G. Funk, Director Development Services Date: May 12, 2003 MCC Date: June 2, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: None Recommended Motion: That the Mayor and Common Council determine that the public convenience or necessity would be served by the issuance of the license and direct the Development Services Department to send a letter to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for a Type 20 (otf-sale beer and wine) ABC License for a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru restaurant located at the northwest corner of Waterman Avenue and Orange Show Road in the CG-I, Commercial General land use district. ~~ James G. Funk Contact person: Aron Liang Phone: 384-5057 Supporting data attached: Staff Report Ward(s): 3 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: (p / d.,/ fl3 , I Agenda Item No. W CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for a Type 20 (off-sale beer & wine) ABC License for a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru restaurant located at the northwest comer of Waterman Avenue and Orange Show Road in the CG-I, Connnercial General land use district. Mayor and Common Council Meeting of June 6, 2003 OWNER/APPLICANT Michael Monge 350 West 5'h Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 909.889.5920 REQUEST The applicant is requesting a determination of public convenience or necessity to establish a Type 20 (off-sale beer & wine) ABC License for a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru restaurant located at the northwest corner of Waterman Avenue and Orange Show Road in the CG-I, Commercial General land use district (Exhibit I, Location Map). BACKGROUND The proposed convenience store will be approximately 2,780 square feet in size and will sell bread, dairy products, soft drinks, snacks and lottery tickets. Two coolers (approximately 270 square feet) will be utilized for beer and wine sales. This accounts for 9% of the total floor area. The proposed service station will be a 24-hour facility and the drive-thru service (restaurant only) will be from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm, seven days per week. Although the service station facility will be a 24-hour operation, sales of beer and wine will be limited to 6:00 am to midnight. See Exhibit 2, Planning Commission Staff Report for additional discussion. Based on Census Tract 0060, two liquor licenses are allowed in this area. Currently, there are 7 existing licenses in this Tract. As a result, the state Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) notified the applicant of the over concentration in that Census Tract, and that a determination of Public Convenience or Necessity from the City is required. The Police Department indicated no opposition to the ABC application and recommended approval provided that the applicant comply with the Police Department conditions in Exhibit 3. At their meeting of May 6, 2003, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit No. 03-04 and recommended that the Mayor and Common Council make a determination of public convenience or necessity for a Type 20 (off-sale beer & wine) ABC License for a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru restaurant. Commissioners Enciso, Coute, Lockett, Morris, Sauerbrun, Thrasher and Vasquez voted in favor of the motion. Commissioners Durr and Welch were absent. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. The applicant submitted an application and the applicable processing fee. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council determine that the public convenience or necessity is served and direct the Planning Division to prepare a letter for the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for a Type 20 (off-sale beer & wine) ABC License for a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru restaurant. EXHIBITS I. Location Map 2. Planning Commission Staff Report EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROJECT: CUP No. 03-04 PLANNING DIVISION LOCATION MAP LAND USE DISTRICTS HEARING DATE: : 6/2/03 u NORTH '<t W :t: 'S: .0 0:: 0:: <t I ., T ;r .. Iv L' J ,.: .. \ rJ .. W Z z . z v ~ ~ , ~ . .. E .... I I Orange Show Road - . z o u -- i --L ~ ~ f'~ \\0- s... Dl L ....." teL' .. ~ '.~. EXHIBIT 2 SUMMARY CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DIVISION CASE: AGENDA ITEM: HEARING DATE: WARD: Conditional Use Permit No.03-04 5 May 6. 2003 3 OWNER/ APPLICANT: Michael Monge 350 West 5'" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 909.889.5920 REQUEST/LOCATION: The applicant requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit to construct and operate a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru restaurant. Also requested is an ABC Type 20 license (off-sale beer & wine). The project site consists of .8 acres and is located on the northwest corner of Waterman Avenue and Orange Show road in the CG-l Commercial General, land use district. CONSTRAINTS/OVERLA YS: Subsidence/Liquefaction, Flood Zone X (shaded) ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS: o Not Applicable o Exempt from CEQA, Section 15332 - In-fill Development o No Significant Effects o Potential Effects. Mitigation Measures and Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Plan STAFF RECOMMENDATION: o Approval o Conditions o Denial o Continuance to: lJlditiOJlul Use Permit No. 03-04 May 6, 2003 Page 2 REOUEST AND LOCATION The applicant requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) under the authority of Development Code Section 19.06.030(2)(B)(G)(I)&(T) to construct and operate a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru restaurant. Also requested is an ABC Type 20 license (Off-sale Beer & Wine). The project site consists of 34,848 square feet and is located at the northwest comer of Waterman Avenue and Orange Show Road in the CG-I, Commercial General, land use district (Attachment A). The site has been designed for a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru and a 320 square foot canopy to accommodate three service islands. The layout includes a convenience store located closest to the westerly property boundary with parking in front and landscaping located throughout the project premises. The canopy located closest to Waterman Avenue accommodates three service islands with a total of six fuel dispensers. The drive-thru aisle wraps around the convenience store with the entrance on the north side and the pick up window on the south side. A 6-foot buffer decorative block wall will be constructed along the westerly property boundary. Vehicular access to the site will be on Ennis Street, Waterman Avenue and Orange Show Road. Operational Characteristics The proposed service station will be a 24-hour facility and the drive-thru service will be from 8:00 am to II :00 pm, seven days per week. The proposed project will create 12 jobs. SETTING/SITE CHARACTERISTICS The project site is rectangular in shape and surrounded by streets on three of its sides. Surrounding the project site to the north across Ennis Street and south across Orange Show Road are vacant lots in the IL, Industrial Light land use district. To the east across Waterman A venue is a commercial use in the OIP, Office Industrial Park land use district. To the west and abutting the site is a single-family residential structure in the IL land use district. BACKGROUND On January 1999, the Mayor and Common Council approved General Plan Amendment (GPA) No. 98-19, to change the land use designation from OIP, Office Industrial Park to CG- I, Commercial General land use district, and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 98-19, to establish a service station with a convenience store with the off-sale beer and wine and a drive-thru. The Planning Commission approved a one-year extension of time from January 25,2001 to January 25, 2002. The applicant never submitted construction plans and the project expired. This proposal is a resubmittal of CUP No. 98-19. The Development/Environmental Review Committee (D/ERC) first heard this project on March 13,2003 and moved to Planning Commission for consideration. 1mlitional Use Permit No. 03-04 May 6, 2003 Page 3 FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS I. [5 the proposed use conditionally permitted within the subject land use district, would it impair the integrity and character of the subject land use district, and does it comply with all of the applicable provisions of this Development Code? Yes, pursuant to Development Code Section 19.06.020, Table 06.01 (8)(7)&(0)(4), service stations with convenience stores and drive-thrus are permitted in the CG-l, Commercial General land use district. subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The proposed project complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code as shown below in Table "A". TABLE "A" - DEVELOPMENT CODE AND GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE CATEGORY PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT GENERAL PLAN CODE Pemlitted Use Service Station, Permitted subject to N/A Convenience Store with Conditional Use Permit Off-Site Alcohol and Drive-thru restaurant Height I story - 29 feet 2 stories or 30 feet 2 stories or 30 feet Setbacks - Front 34 feet 10 feet - Side (street) 35 feet 10 feet 25 feet of sidewalk - Side (interior) 32 feet 10 feet - Rear 27 feet o feet Lot Coverage 17.1 percent 50 percent N/A Landscaping 9,910 square feet 5,227 square feet N/A (28%) (15%) Parking 17 spaces 17 spaces N/A - Standard 16 16 - Handicap I 1 2. Is the proposed use consistent with the General Plan? Yes, the proposal is consistent with the General Plan goal, objective and policy as follows: General Plan Goal 18 states: "Provide employment opportunities for existing and future residents of the City and those of adjacent communities" l/ulitional Use Permit No. 03-04 May 6, 2003 Page 4 General Plan Policy 1.19, I 0 states: "Permit a diversity of community-serving retail and service uses,. ..in areas designated as Commercial General". The proposed project will provide employment and retail service opportunities for local residents and the surrounding community. The project has been designed and conditioned to ensure compatibility with adjacent residential and to minimize noise and traffic safety concerns. 3. Is the approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed use in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and Section 19.20.030(6) of the Development Code? Yes, the approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed use is in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the project was found to be exempt from CEQA per S 15332 for an in-fill development project. CEQA allows for the exemption of projects that can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. Furthermore, all grading and construction activities will be implemented and monitored in accordance with the AQMD requirements as described in the conditions of approval to ensure that the project would not cause any substantial adverse construction impacts. 4. Are there potentially significant negative impacts upon environmental quality and natural resources that could not be properly mitigated and monitored? No, as noted in Finding No.3, this project is exempt from CEQA. 5. Are the location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed use compatible with the existing andfuture land uses within the general area in which the proposed use is to be located and will it create significant noise, traffic or other conditions or situations that may be objectionable or detrimental to other permitted uses in the vicinity or adverse to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City? Yes, the proposal will operate in a manner consistent with the CG-I land use district. It is anticipated that construction of a service station with a convenience store with a drive-thru will not create any conditions that are detrimental to public health. This is because the proposed project complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code. Based on the project design layout, the proposed project will not adversely impact the adjacent land use activities. lllditiollal Use Permit No. 03-04 May 6, 2003 Page 5 Furthennore, the proposal is a community-serving retail facility, which will attract people from within the City and the surrounding area. Since the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code, no land use conflict or environmental adverse impacts will result fro m the construction and operation of the proposed project. Site Design The proposed layout complies with Development Code Sections 19.06.030(2)(B)(G)(I)&(T) development standards for service stations with convenience stores with drive-thrus. These standards include but not limited to: A) Service Station: I) all activities and operations are conducted entirely within an enclosed structure, except the dispensing of petroleum products, water and air from pump islands, 2) pump islands are located a minimum of20 feet from a street property line, 3) the width of a driveway may not exceed 36 feet and 4) no driveways are located closer than 35 feet to the curb return. B) Drive-thru: I) 6-car stacking behind the menu board, 2) construct the drive-thru aisles with (PCC) concrete, 3) provide drive-thru aisles with 12-foot width on curves and I I-foot width on straight sections and 4) drive-thru aisles, parking and structure are set back 25 feet from ultimate curb face. The proposed service station has been designed to comply with architectural design guidelines pursuant to Development Code Section 19.06 (9). The architectural elements include tile accent wainscot, projections and columns for the convenience store building. The finish materials and colors will enhance the surrounding area. Access There are three proposed entrances to the project site with one on Ennis Street, one on Watennan Avenue (right in/out only) and one on Orange Show Road (right in/out only). The proposed ingress/egress with new cuts, curbs and gutters complies with Public Works design standards for commercial driveway approach will provide a convenience access to the project site. Parking The Development Code Section 19.24.040 requires 17 parking spaces for this project. The proposal provides sufficient parking stalls with 16 standard and I handicap for a total of 17 stalls. Landscaping The proposed landscaping of28% on site exceeds the Development Code requirements. 'nclirional Use Permit No. 03-04 May 6. 2003 Page 6 Additionally, the proposed ABC license is located in Census Tract 0060. In accordance with the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), only two liquor licenses are allowed in Tract 0060. Presently, there are 7 existing off-sale liquor licenses in this Tract. If approved, this would be the 8th license. The site is in an over-concentrated Tract and a determination of Public Convenience or Necessity from the Mayor and Common Council will be required. 6. Is the subject site physically suitablefor the type and density/intensity of use being proposed:) Yes, the site is physically suitable for the type and densitylintensity of the project being proposed as evidenced by project compliance with all applicable Development Code Standards for lot coverage, height limitation, setbacks, landscaping and parking requirements as discussed and illustrated in Table "A". 7. Are there adequate provisions for public access. water. sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use would not be detrimental to public health and safety? Yes, all agencies responsible for reviewing access, and providing water, sanitation and other public services have all had the opportunity to review the proposal, and none have indicated an inability to serve the project. The proposal will not be detrimental to the public health and safety in that all applicable Codes will apply to the construction of this project. CONCLUSION The proposal meets all necessary Findings of Fact for approval of the Conditional Use Permit. RECOMMENDA nON Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: I) Approve Conditional Use Pem1it No. 03-04 based upon the Findings of Fact contained in this Staff Report and subject to the Conditions of Approval (Attachment C) and Standard Requirements (Attachment D); 2) Recommend that the Mayor and Common Council make a determination that public convenience or necessity is served by issuance of a Type 20 (off-sale beer & wine) ABC license. .nditional Use Permit No. 03-04 May 6. 2003 Page 7 Respectfully Submitted, ~r~ James G. Funk Director of Development Services ~--~ Aron Liang Senior Planner " Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Attachment E Location Map Site Plan, Floor Plan and Elevations Conditions of Approval Standard Requirements Site Photos/Existing Conditions ATTACHMENT A CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROJECT: CUP No. 03-04 PLANNING DIVISION LOCATION MAP LAND USE DISTRICTS HEARING DATE: 5/6/03 I .. T ~ .I Iv ,. I " . Z 0 U --L ~ ~ f'~ \\... 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WATERMAN AVE SAN BERNARDINO, CA mltchell wade gardner, architect 555 cajon street, suite 9 redlands, california 92373 909.335.0747 I 1 i i!f . i l ~ , i f t i I 1 :;u f11 )- :;Xl rn r 2 y ""'/\.PINto _T u4." t Z JlI (jl -1 ---' ~ I I l . 1 I ! <. ~~ ., I ! i L1j: ,~L I ' , i ; I i I , , J <-,,';",:'~';' '~" F-, ,,,,,,,,c_-,,, :'>":,' ,:.- '- ":~<.-" ',:-' " ~},~f0 ~ ~;;.> .,. ,'~ Jl r (fl t1I I " -1 -1 ~ (]I 0 a {l\ {l1 fll fl1 r r n {l\ 5 5 --l ~ 0 a Z Z " ...... (j> Z 0 0 c ~ -i I I '-' '-' 'I , , '~ < I W ! HI I , , , i I" 1 ! Jf ': I, I ~- H q ! i <, ~ t , <( ~1 1 i . , f, . t l , I ~ i . , . , ; 1 , ~ ! ~ . , l . '. ~oo GAS STATION I QSR I CONVENIENCE STORE ORANGE SHOW RD. J WATERMAN AVE SAN BERNARDINO. CA mitchell wade gardner, architect 555 cajon street. suite g recllands, california 92313 909.335.0747 J A TT ACHMENT C CONDITIONS OF APPROY AL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 03-04 1. Within two years of development approval, commencement of construction shall have occurred or the permit/approval shall become null and void. In addition, if after commencement of construction, work is discontinued for a period of one year, then the permit/approval shall become null and void. Expiration Date: May 6, 2005 2. The review authority may, upon application being filed 30 days prior to the expiration date and for good cause, grant a one-time extension not to exceed 12 months. The review authority shall ensure that the project complies with all current Development Code provisions. 3. In the event this approval is legally challenged, the City will promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and will cooperate fully in the defense of this matter. Once notified, the applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of San Bernardino (City), the Economic Development Agency of the City of San Bernardino (EDA), any departments, agencies, divisions, boards or commission of either the City or EDA as well as predecessors, successors, assigns, agents, directors, elected officials, officers, employees, representatives and attorneys of either the City or EDA from any claim, action or proceeding against any of the foregoing persons or entities. The applicant further agrees to reimburse the City of any costs and attorneys' fees which the City may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action, but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his or her obligation under this condition. The costs, salaries, and expenses of the City Attorney and employees of his office shall be considered as "attorneys fees" for the purpose of this condition. As part of the consideration for issuing this permit, this condition shall remain in effect if this Conditional Use Permit is rescinded or revoked, whether or not at the request of applicant. CUP No. 03-04 Meeting Date: 5/6/03 4. Construction shall be in substantial conformance with the plan(s) approved by the Director, Development Review Committee, Planning Commission or Mayor and Common Council. Minor modification to the plan(s) shall be subject to approval by the Director through a minor modification permit process. Any modification which exceeds 10% of the following allowable measurable design/site considerations shall require the refiling of the original application and a subsequent hearing by the appropriate hearing review authority if applicable: a. On-site circulation and parking, loading and landscaping: b. Placement and/or height of walls, fences and structures: c. Reconfiguration of architectural features, including colors, and/or modification of finished materials that do not alter or compromise the previously approved theme: and, d. A reduction in density or intensity of a development project. 5. No vacant, relocated, altered, repaired or hereafter erected structure shall be occupied or no change of use ofland or structure(s) shall be inaugurated, or no new business commenced as authorized by this permit until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Department. A temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued by the Department subject to the conditions imposed on the use, provided that a deposit is filed with the Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of the Certificate, if necessary. The deposit or security shall guarantee the faithful performance and completion of all terms, conditions and performance standards imposed on the intended use by this permit. 6. This permit or approval is subject to all the applicable provisions of the Development Code in effect at the time of approval. This includes Chapter 19.20 _ Property Development Standards, and includes: dust and dirt control during construction and grading activities: emission control of fumes, vapors, gases and other forms of air pollution; glare control; exterior lighting design and control; noise control; odor control; screening; signs, off-street parking and off-street loading; and, vibration control. Screening and sign regulations compliance is important considerations to the developer because they will delay the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy until they are complied with. Any exterior structural equipment, or utility transformers, boxes, ducts or meter cabinets shall be architecturally screened by wall or structural element, blending with the building design and include landscaping when on the ground. 7. Signs are not approved as a part of this permit. Prior to establishing any new signs, or replacing existing signs, the applicant shall submit an application, and receive approval, for a sign permit from the Planning Department. 8. Signs/banners may not be placed on or over the roof or within landscaped areas. 9. All landscaped areas with grass shall be planted with sod type. Hydro seed planting shall not be permitted. CUP No. 03-04 Meeting Date: 5/6/03 10. The speaker boxes shall be maintained so that no noise level shall be audible beyond the propeliy line. II. Ifpublic telephones are located on the premises, they shall be fixed for outgoing calls only. 12. The applicant shall be responsible for regular maintenance of the project site. Vandalism, graffiti, trash and other debris shall be removed and clean up within 24 hours. 13. Construct split face or slump stone buffer block wall with pilasters at every 25 feet along the westerly (6-foot) property boundary. 14. If the color of the building is to be modified, the revised color scheme shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division prior to painting. 15. No final Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until all conditions of approval have been completed. 16. This permit or approval is subject to the attached conditions or requirements of the following City Departments or Divisions: a. Plan Check Division b. Public Works c. Fire Department d. Public Services Department e. Parks, Recreation & Community Services f. Water Department ~u.~MB.\' 'C> City of San Bernardino STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Development Services/Plan Check Division Property address: ElR6ICUP/-&P:O~o4 DATE: ~ I~/~~ NOTE; NO PLANS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR PLAN CHECK WITHOUT CONDITIONS OF APPROV AL IMPRINTED ON PLAN SHEETS. Submit 6 sets of plans, minimum size 18" x 24", drawn to scale: If plan check is for expeditious review, submit 6 sets. The plans shall include (if applicable): a. site plan (include address & assessors parcel number) b. foundation plan c. floor plan (label use of all areas) d. elevations e. electrical, mechanical, & plumbing plans f. detail sheets (structural) g. cross section details h. show compliance with Title 24/Accessibility (disabled access) i. a plan check deposit fee will be required upon submittal of plans. Call Development Services (plan check) 909-384-5071 for amount. 1. The title sheet of the plans must specify the occupancy classification, type of construction, if the building has sprinklers, & the current applicable codes. 2. The person who prepares them must sign the plans. Also, provide the address & phone number of that person. Some types of occupancies require that the plans are prepared, stamped, and signed by an architect, engineer, or other person licensed by the State of California. 3. For structures that must include an engineers design, provide 2 sets of stamped/wet signed calculations prepared by a licensed architect/engineer. 4. Provide 2 sets of Title 24/Energy compliance forms and calculations. Some compliance forms are required to be printed on the plans. 5. Submit grading, site, and/or landscape plans to Public Works/Engineering for plan check approval and permits. For more information, phone 909-384-5111. 300 N 'D' Street San Bernardino CA 92418 909-384-5071 Office 909-384-5080 Fax 6. Fire sprinkler plans, fires suppression system plans, etc., shall be submitted to the Fire Department for plan check approval and permits. For information, phone 909-384-5388. 7. Signs require a separate submittal to the Planning Division for plan check approval and permits. For information, phone 909-384-5057. 8. Restaurants, food preparation facilities, and some health related occupancies will require clearances and approved plans from San Bernardino County Health Department. For information, phone 909-387-3043. 9. Occupancies that include restaurants, car washes, automotive repair/auto body, dentist offices, food preparation facilities or processing plants, etc. may require approvals and permits from San Bernardino Water Reclamation. For information, phone 909-384-5141. 10. An air quality permit may be required. Contact South Coast Air Quality Management Division for information, phone 909-396-2000. 11. State of California Business & Professions Code/Contractors License Law requires that permits can be issued to licensed contractors or owner-builders (that are doing the work). Contractors must provide their State license number, a city business registration, and workers compensation policy carrier & policy number. Owner-builders must provide proof of ownership. NOTE: PLAN CHECK TIME ON THESE TYPES OF PROJECTS IS APPROXIMA TEL Y 4-6 WEEKS FOR 15T CORRECTIONS. EXPEDITIOUS REVIEW IS APPROXIMA TEL Y 10 WORKING DAYS. THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS IS NOT THE BUILDING PLAN CHECK AND DOES NOT IMPL Y THAT THE DESIGN AS SUBMITTED WILL BE APPROVED WITHOUT CORRECTIONS. Comments: 300 N 'D' Street San Bernardino CA 92418 909-384-5071 Office 909-384-5080 Fax STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: C.U.P.03-04 DESCRIPTION: GAS STATION, CONVENIENCE STORE, AND DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT APPLICANT: LOCATION: W/S WATERMAN AVENUE N/S MICHAEL MONGE ORANGE SHOW ROAD AND S/S ENNIS STREET . NOTE TO APPLICANT: Where separate Engineering plans are required, the applicant is responsible for submitting the Engineering plans directly to the Engineering Division. They may be submitted prior to submittal of Building Plans. 1. Drainage and Flood Control a) All drainage from the development shall be directed to an approved public drainage facility. If not feasible, proper drainage facilities and easements shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. b) If site drainage is to be outletted into the public street, the drainage shall be conveyed through a parkway culvert constructed in accordance with City Standard No. 400. Conveyance of site drainage over the Driveway approaches will not be permitted. c) Applicant shall mitigate on-site storm water discharge sufficiently to maintain compliance with the City's NPDES Storm Water Discharge Permit Requirements. d) The City Engineer, prior to grading plan approval, shall approve an Erosion Control Plan. The plan shall be designed to control erosion due to water and wind, including blowing dust, during all phases of construction, including graded areas which are not proposed to be immediately built upon. Page 1 of 9 Pages 4/28/2003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: C.U.P. 03-04 DESCRIPTION: GAS STATION, CONVENIENCE STORE, AND DRIVE.THRU RESTAURANT APPLICANT: LOCATION: W/S WATERMAN AVENUE N/S MICHAEL MONGE ORANGE SHOW ROAD AND S/S ENNIS STREET 2. Grading and Landscaping a) If more than l' of fill or 2' of cut is proposed, the site/plotlgrading and drainage plan shall be signed by a Registered Civil Engineer and a grading permit will be required. The grading plan shall be prepared in strict accordance with the City's "Grading Policies and Procedures" and the City's "Standard Drawings", unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. b) If more than 5 trees are to be removed from the site, a tree removal permit conforming to the requirements of Section 19.28.090 of the Development Code shall be obtained from the Department of Development Services- Planning Division prior to issuance of any grading or site development permits. c) If more than 5,000 cubic yards of earthwork is proposed, a grading bond will be required and the grading shall be supervised in accordance with Section 7012(c) of the Uniform Building Code. d) An on-site Improvement Plan is required for this project. Where feasible, this plan shall be incorporated with the grading plan and shall conform to all requirements of Section 15.04-167 of the Municipal Code (See "Grading Policies and Procedures"). e) A refuse enclosure constructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing No. 508. The minimum size of the refuse enclosure shall be 8 feet x 15 feet, unless the Public Services Department, Refuse Division, approves a smaller size, in writing. Page 2 of 9 Pages 4/28/2003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: C.U.P. 03-04 DESCRIPTION: GAS STATION, CONVENIENCE STORE, AND DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT APPLICANT: LOCATION: W/S WATERMAN AVENUE N/S MICHAEL MONGE ORANGE SHOW ROAD AND S/S ENNIS STREET f) The Refuse Division shall approve the number and placement of refuse enclosures. g) Retaining walls, block walls and all on-site fencing shall be designed and detailed on the On-site Improvement Plan. This work shall be part of the On-site Improvement permit issued by the City Engineer. h) The Gas Station parking lot and circulation area shall be constructed entirely of PCC concrete pavement. i) The Drive-through lane and the parking area adjacent to the building shall be constructed of PCC concrete pavement. j) The on-site improvement plan shall include details of on-site lighting, including light location, type of poles and fixtures, foundation design, conduit location and size, and the number and size of conductors. Photometry calculations shall be provided which show that the proposed on-site lighting design will provide 1 foot-candle of illumination uniformly distributed over the surface of the parking lot during hours of operation and 0.25 foot-candles security lighting during all other hours. k) The design of on-site improvements shall also comply with all requirements of The California Building Code, Title 24, relating to handicap parking and accessibility, including retrofitting of existing building access points for handicap accessibility, if applicable. I) A handicap accessible path of travel shall be provided from the public way to the building entrance. All pathways shall be concrete paved and shall provide a minimum clear width of 4 feet. Where parking overhangs the pathway, the minimum paved width shall be 6 feet. Page 30'9 Pages 4/28/2003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: C.U.P. 03-04 DESCRIPTION: GAS STATION, CONVENIENCE STORE, AND DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT APPLICANT: LOCATION: W/S WATERMAN AVENUE N/S MICHAEL MONGE ORANGE SHOW ROAD AND S/S ENNIS STREET m) Where the handicap accessible path of travel crosses drive aisles, it shall be delineated by striping or textured/colored concrete pavement. n) The project Landscape Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. Submit 5 copies to the Engineering Division for Checking. 0) The public right-of-way, between the property line and top of curb (also known as "parkway") along adjoining streets shall be landscaped by the developer and maintained in perpetuity by the property owner. Details of the parkway landscaping shall be included in the project's on-site landscape plan. p) An easement and covenant shall be executed on behalf of the City to allow the City to enter and maintain any required landscaping in case of owner neglect. The Real Property Section for execution by the property owner and shall ensure that, if the property owner or subsequent owner(s) fail to property maintain the landscaping, the City will be able to file appropriate liens against the property in order to accomplish the required landscape maintenance. A document processing fee in the amount of $200.00 shall be paid to the Real Property Section to cover processing costs. The property owner, prior to plan approval, shall execute this easement and covenant unless otherwise allowed by the City Engineer. 3. Utilities a) Design and construct all public utilities to serve the site in accordance with City Code, City Standards and requirements of the serving utility, including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer and cable TV (Cable TV optional for commercial, industrial, or institutional uses). Page 4 0'9 Pages 4/28/2003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: C.U.P. 03-04 DESCRIPTION: GAS STATION, CONVENIENCE STORE, AND DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT APPLICANT: LOCATION: W/S WATERMAN AVENUE N/S MICHAEL MONGE ORANGE SHOW ROAD AND S/S ENNIS STREET b) Each parcel shall be provided with separate water and sewer facilities so the City or the agency providing such services in the area can serve it. c) Backflow preventers shall be installed for any building with the finished floor elevation below the rim elevation of the nearest upstream manhole. d) Sewer main extensions required to serve the site shall be constructed at the Developer's expense. e) This project is located in the sewer service area maintained by the City of San Bernardino therefore, any necessary sewer main extension shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's "Sewer Policy and Procedures" and City Standard Drawings. f) Utility services shall be placed underground and easements provided as required. g) A street cut permit, from the City Engineer, will be required for utility cuts into existing streets where the street is not being repaved as part of the required improvements. h) Existing Utilities which interfere with new construction shall be relocated at the Developer's expense as directed by the City Engineer, except overhead lines, if required by provisions of the Development Code to be undergrounded. See Development Code Section 19.20.030. Page 5 of9 Pages 4/28/2003 .. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: C.U.P. 03-04 DESCRIPTION: GAS STATION, CONVENIENCE STORE, AND DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT APPLICANT: LOCATION: W/S WATERMAN AVENUE N/S MICHAEL MONGE ORANGE SHOW ROAD AND S/S ENNIS STREET 4. Street Improvement and Dedications a) All public streets within and adjacent to the development shall be improved to include combination curb and gutter, paving, handicap ramps, street lights, sidewalks and appurtenances, including, but not limited to traffic signals, traffic signal modifications, relocation of public or private facilities which interfere with new construction, striping, shall be accomplished in accordance with the City of San Bernardino "Street Improvement Policy" and City "Standard Drawings", unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Street lighting, when required, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's "Street Lighting Policies and Procedures". Street lighting shall be shown on street improvement plans except where otherwise approved by the City Engineer. b) For the streets listed below, dedication of adequate street right-of way (RW.) to provide the distance from street centerline to property line and placement of the curb line(C.L.) in relation to the street centerline shall be as follows: Street Name Right of Way(ft.) Curb Line(!!l ENNIS STREET 30' 20' c) Construct 8" Curb and Gutter per City Standard No. 200 adjacent to the site. Widen pavement adjacent to the site to match new curb and gutter. Construct approach and departure transitions for traffic safety and drainage as approved by the City Engineer. Page 6 of 9 Pages 4128/2003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: C.U.P.03-04 DESCRIPTION: GAS STATION, CONVENIENCE STORE, AND DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT APPLICANT: LOCATION: W/S WATERMAN AVENUE N/S MICHAEL MONGE ORANGE SHOW ROAD AND S/S ENNIS STREET d) Construct sidewalk adjacent to the site in accordance with City Standard No. 202, Case "A" (6' wide adjacent to curb). e) Construct Handicap Ramps in accordance with City Standard No. 205 at all curb returns within and adjacent to the project site. Dedicate sufficient right-of-way at the corner to accommodate the ramp. f) Construct Driveway Approaches per City Standard No. 204, Type II, including Handicap by-pass. Remove existing driveway approaches that are not part of the approved plan and replace with full height curb & gutter and sidewalk. g) The curb return at Ennis Street and Waterman Avenue shall be 25 feet. h) Install Street Lights adjacent to the site in accordance with City Standard Nos. SL-1 and SL-2. 5. Required Engineering Permits a) Grading permit (If applicable.). b) On-site improvements construction permit (except buildings - see Development Services-Building Division), including landscaping. c) Off-site improvements construction permit. Page 70'9 Pages 4/28/2003 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: C.U.P. 03-04 DESCRIPTION: GAS STATION, CONVENIENCE STORE, AND DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT APPLICANT: LOCATION: W/S WATERMAN AVENUE N/S MICHAEL MONGE ORANGE SHOW ROAD AND S/S ENNIS STREET 6. Applicable Engineering Fees1 a) Plan check and inspection fees for off-site improvements - 4% and 4%, respectively, of the estimated construction cost2 of the off-site improvements. b) Plan check and inspection fees for on-site improvements (except buildings _ See Development Services-Building Division) - 2% and 3%, respectively, of the estimated construction cost3 of the on-site improvements, including landscaping. c) Plan check and inspection fees for grading (If permit required) - Fee Schedule available at the Engineering Division Counter. d) Drainage fee in the approximate amount as follows based on $0.409 per square foot for the first 3,000 square feet of impervious lot area (estimated as 85% of the net lot area), then $0.140 per square foot of remaining impervious lot area or fraction thereof: IMPERVIOUS AREA 29,621 S.F. TOTAL FEE $5,517.88 I All Fees are subject to change without notice. 2Estimated Construction Cost for Off-Site Improvements is based on a list of standard unit prices on file with the Public Worlcs Division. 3 Estimated Construction Cost for On-Site Improvements Is based on a list of standard unit prices on file with the Public Worlcs Division. Page 8 0(9 Pages 4/28/2003 - STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT Of DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION CASE NO: C.U.P. 03-04 DESCRIPTION: GAS STATION, CONVENIENCE STORE, AND DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT APPLICANT: LOCATION: W/S WATERMAN AVENUE N/S MICHAEL MONGE ORANGE SHOW ROAD AND S/S ENNIS STREET e) Traffic system fee in the estimated amount of $35,443.04. Based on 1,953 trips per day @ $18.148 per new trip generated by the project. The City Traffic Engineer shall determine exact amount at time of application for Building Permit. f) Sewer Connection fee in the approximate amount as follows based on $257.70 per 3,000 square feet or fraction thereof: $257.70 g) Sewer Connection fee in the approximate amount as follows based on $296.90 per bedroom (or $296.90 per Mobile Home or $118.50 per dwelling unit for Hotels and Motels): h) Sewer inspection fee in the estimated amount as follows based on $21.72 per connection: NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS 1 TOTAL FEE $21.72 i) Street or easement dedication processing fees in the amount of $ 200.00 per document. Page 9 of 9 Pages 4/28/2003 ~~~-~..~-- j -IIV 01, 8/.\N lU,:TINAfUlINO FIRE DEPAFHMENT ;) J'ANO/\IRt nE~QUIREMENTS f./w (l J(' 1\ M~lr;;' .' -5 f k.-Vv /:tk81f~:1!.4#LJu.\I.~~ Case: ('.\.'1'-- , ) ': Date:" , .", -:::?__L'::.L... ~...'__ Reviewed By: i}rx I _ J<'I .-._.._,--~.--- --."..__._,_.~----~ -'-----_..~-_.- ---....--'-'"--.--.--..-..------ i'Ft--IH!^' '!H\l'!.\lFMFI'II'; I" i ['" il "Ii "l.:i!hn! :-,r~' "f '''lit lill;,lhllll't'~l1:'; In nUlldillg fmu ::~Hfely f01' H:(~ DHpmtmen'. use Ht limo 01 plan check. ij ['" ;l,",'~l "./.. iiI' "I '~';fl p"'llnldin(, ',ip~ nep?llllwlllt at (qq9) 304 .~3EiH Inr gf1~~rilic dE\t"1ih'!d r8l')llirem~nl:;. Ii I h" ,hl"l' . '~I,:,ill prp""tp. tnl ~V!\''lll;*-! fi1'1 flow, Minimum file flow reqlljr~rn(lnts ~hall no hABed 0/1 S'!l'nre foola~!e, constmction features. find exposure :,',f >':'1'; Ii: ::'!',d I." 11)" ,II}'J-!('!"')l ;'Uld U!!H.l b,~ 'w~il~bll'! p,r,iqr tl) pl;ldnq r:l)mr,,~lihll'1 nl.Jtel'ifl!~ on "'Un Will"" !""'VF\l;f1 FOIl nlll: rlHJlEGTION, .lli III f'j !n"l-"'\i:"q,.'''tc~r ",w!ice fr'l" lh"l W":<' d 1,hi'} projed is pmvidt~d hy~ ~ I! :~,.;. t"""'.111I',,, M1wi':ippJ W::\t('r U<-'\pNlmAnt-~.ET1ginoeling (D(9) 1tH.~;:'~!~ 1 1 r" -t ",11'-", Will'''>'' Pi>:: 1 ,;!;! ~n(jim!r.HiT\n (909) 808~8986 '-"I.,! !"li"i"\V" i] 1\" I ""11'1<" Hif' I -t:-J ) rii::';:, 1, 1 , V:h " 'v,,'.'", r~ 1;. (I l\ , -'9< F'hone: .'" . II" , 1~nrF;'nnr-1 F!\LlIJflJ":B: . '", It': '-W) i"q' '~'I?d :,~I"Il'J :,,1101"~: "!' !1I!HP/3Is 110'- to H:(Cr~~~d ~100 fHO! for r~Gmrn"'l :i"l f'lid multi-residential areas and at intelVals not to exceed !<Y'lllh! c1l0"1;~ :'lril:~);' lh';'i t,d:~,.j 1 ,~',!)n q:~111 ~lt ~I :.:0 psi minimum ro!~id!IAI pressufC am f'Y1IJ;I",,-d J(~r r..ornmelcial emJ multl..residenlial areas. Minimum fire I 1 ,1'I'P :,!!'I;I "', "j1 p'3i t:\illillH!nl m~idlJal rre~~ur'3 me I'rJqutred lor rli.'~i:h:'l:IH,11 Pll'n<l<;. ,I "I","i!::; l:- 'l")!1 "Inn 110 jo!nl1y '.ll3teunhlJ'}d by UlH (:iiy of SAlll3l-!nlm~li!!'.1 !"i(~ [)Apillt'llenl in cOIljunctiofl with the waleI' pUlVeyor. Fire .'t',) ;!l'~i:~ll'nti-Jn .:11"1l (,('!,fOllll 10 the standards And ";!lncificaliolls 01 ttle ~J\fat01' PlllV8YOr. 'I!", Ii'" .. ..:. "wl pd,!k ,"{;'Iff'll' f8dUlies IIp.Gfl~~aIY t(, 'lIt"::!! Fil'O DAp:,lrtm"n\ H-!'l'l;TP'I'WllltS ",m ttlf} developer's financial responsibility and .,. ,1) l"e' H,(~ \'nh pi 11' 'J1YIIT "l bv Iho dt:!....elop(ll al tile w.<\ll'\r r'1!1'r:y(\l"~ dhcre\)'.'fl. C'111t::1Ct, Ul9 \\'Bler pu(Voyor indicated above for additional !, ':1 ,," /\1 "( r t. :'11 ""11 ',",!i!i '." -;, ... d~!dj,;-\Irid l';l!l~!~; "i ;'H'I/""S;~Y"f-)SG 10 Ul'~ pmp"lIly onltam:n.1 h':l rnlllo'} gJlill1 rye rewod, all weather. ,;.f-, "J ;\, ., <, 'nr! tn "''''''~!l huil(lhHl f'lf file DPIKU!Jtns. ^cerJS~ rnadw::JY shedl fr1',te ,1f1 ~1l waathar tki"inH swrace of not less than 20 feet of unob. ;,'1 '\'" ill!11 !Sf) 'n"t ~}r ;111 p;"t1illn'? nl th~ m:lelior wRII 01 aU c:ingln f;tory hilildinys, (....', .,)(11::::,,1 ,e')) 1i" \"'illl;n ":iL' h"~1 ','I II1'~ -p:~ltr~fhr ',IJ;::lll 01 all n\IJltip'o~tOlY bllikli!l!J~, I 'I" i.i'~ tl" 1','\Pf':,U'I(i" l,iql'S 'Nhm:O\j\-lr p;.lll~inq of vehicles wou1d ros.;;ible r8d'lce tlll~ c1"':~nl1i':o l.lf nG(;~S$ roadways 10 less than the required width. Signs '" 1,1' ~!'ll: 1 MU: 11/) f'MW:lt'l(j, M,e. ~F,lr:.15"1l;". --I'~ ._;, I'; +:c>H n'.' p".(,.yvl !>no fqql in IOIl(flh 811rJ ~han ll8.ve () minimnTll'\O IOflt r:~.jjl1." h,rrvIPlund. I;' '1~1!" ; (Ii>, !I"W ::11"",11.::: (puIJlit: ('I pli\f::1t8) ,~Imlf be ~uhmiHHd II) tila Fire ll~partm8T'1 for ~pprol!al. f~ln;:' It -n [I Fli .",,1"1;', I '-',!,\"l01s ;un t,,' II!) C('Il",tl1ld~r1 "nil us:;\blA prior 10 r:ombw,tiblo ~onRtrflt:.'tir'n. ;li" fil 'll,",li,"lll~' ~~l)'llll\n im;tol1ec1 10 plUtOl" e::Jch building located mom t1mn 151) feAt frr',pl'he Cl'lb /ill":!. No firfJ hydrants should be within 40 feel of any ,i,,< "1:,,11, Th~' 'l'."lf;:'n!~ ::;/n1l In \p\r~t Rmnll type, 'Nith olle 2% inch 8;ml,~ lnr:ll oU'lpt, :1"'1 C11'f1l'o\ll)d by till'} rim Department Areas adjacent to fire 1~'!';!"'lr,~ :'i,:,III" I!' ,-~i(l11<'!10(1 ~s q "'-lO PAmm'lQ" mne by painting an 8 illell wide, rod slripol:-,'r 1'1 bet in A;:)ch direcllon in front of the hydrant In such a 'W"',,(',' ih,,! i' '.''iJI I,d b"l bl()(;b~/1 hy I-';'Id(ed '1'c.>hidf'ls. l.Att~ring tl) be in \/'Ihite 6" by !~". i I : I I II I-:t>< I I i ny"_rllF!f~I" -'1"\ !~d,l~n';,~ !I" ",;;,!,~ -;!nU 1;<;1 11\,~t~Il~'ll nn thq 11Iltldillll ~t IhR heml or qlh{'lf' "rplO'!ad locatilm i1\ !',"ch '1lrl;)nner?s 10 be visible from the frontage street. Com. . ll),,!,:;~.! :111/1 n,'lllj f;tl'lilv ;1r\lh'0~S 1111[llnmls SII8..11 be fi inchns t"lI, ,>inglo Iil/flily Brldre,ss llunuH31c; ~hq!l be1 iTlGlles tall_ The color of the numerals shall con. tr~\,~t, 'N:th lhf' ""hI '~f thn h8.d:ml!llod. 'd'~ 'Ii!" ",",('1' ,.!"e. ~nr! nl"'r:fri~ rl'fJ!01' "fiU, 'll~', n~lll1h8r of the '!nit it SAI\IP'~ H. ' ,,,tiilm';c:!"-'p: i'1Il'~1 110 ill,,"~11~~n plioI' k ~,,~ "lIilrting h~~'ng fY.:Cl.lpied. 'lh() minimum I'Al:ntl j"r ;'>1\:1 fire e;-ctingulsher Is 2A 10SlC, Minimum distribution of fir" 1''I-'ipUl.li:-l".-,!'' "l"^! hn ",neh ll~J'lJ nil intodor pfllt of the building iG o'l~r T!3 10ef Itmlf-)l rli3h)1'I(:00l frorn 11 fire extinguisher. ~l--'<in ""! ,; h","""',; "'Hh If, !,'f mo'''' ,!ni1r:, ll":tql~ (m(l'-el~) \.~th ~o or mf'1r~'llmili~, or np;:'f!rn<lUI, f1' hnlHh (rlll**.) !,hlee stories or more in height shall be '~(r,i!TW~,dt!, ':l1l"'II';llj<: (iF''''IIl'il1\!':w:; tlo~:iqn8rll.11 Nf'r^ ~~tnfl(lmd!':_ ',!f t qilolil'~:'" r.'."',' J; .'~f'l ~,m' ('4If~ "l:'t. ~1'{\1t f\r:, 0'1l!ippnd wHh fHI "lulornatir lile sf.'linkm :,.y~tmll dosirll1f-ld to NFP.fI., standards. This includes existing buildings ';>4. 'I] LI I.J f1 , , ;;, . c" I ~.! (''- ,""" ., ,~:~ (1"1.',,".". i ! '~>!Inli. 1,1,"- t"f tll~ lir... p~'!*":~k'I' <:'1'kPI !;, 1!,!:~ Fjf'l n~}J:-'::lItmfJl't prior I.) hpqhmiHg r,onstllJclion d thf) ~Y3Inni. f'fJlfnit required. ~,I T-tloh.' 1 f'I1'\I" i:n1 :!,,- ':f"1l~'t'I~ in ~11 ~Plin~:b~H! '" lildil1Qf, tiff! t'i bG apprnvwi hy the Fir& nAp~;utment prklr t{l st:"rt of c'lIlstrur:Uon. Permit required. r'p, ':,jq lh:" ;+'llrn (1'~'1llil'ed IhI0!lg!Y:.'-!J). F"'1l3 mlnt h~ apPIO\/Hrl by Ihi) Fim Dt.'pmlment pliO/to stili!! of itlstnllation. Permit required. Fir"' U"P"lltin"'1t '~I'lH\"I'~inn ,,~ r.prin!cl()r f;V~I"'P'\f':llandpip~ ~y~.tflfTl, 511"111 hf1 ff'qulrOfI al Fire O(1rmtlll~nt ~lrprovO(j l(1r~tion. { i; ,!,l,~ r''''!L\il !'0'l'!!l'"1r1, ri: '~! <.illH"l 'wonihl h In r''1! 11 'iI ',"~ 1, F'1:YlO' IH If,: I 'n '1PI.'m'lr~d IN thH rift;) D~p='\l'trnent prior 10 thr- ~f,,!! tlf ('~'J)'*, lctiml, PPrmit required. ~t"';[:n'\ ....-,.-.""''''~_J~.~,__=~ ] 1:~IA: 11 'i 'I "ir::'~'~ 'I:; I<;~ wq' I<i"":. in ""li\iIK! {'lflI dl"\ljJf)~ 10 ri\'f'l V(lfH~rtlrll:mt 1'l';qIJiramenl.'l. """'" '" 1""'''''''''',.! UN[v:..J<(~NOV~jL.'--~U)!\//.'~'.:;-.JI.J~qV.lYr .EEE1J':.LlT:'.; J'''-'1l~ll~ C~{TY ANI) C~)UII.iT\.1 r (p.r:;:. q,.J('flt1_JT__1Zu:\jv:~_-1JL~)'!J!:Ljy~>;r-..JlI(:' r ~_ {:rn<' A('fP1}/f1'--t {)E,p.-fYI.fT:5/ t ItJ-:A't;j::-r-I-Pf'J',~UJ AU/...'!J')I\~;_!0....l-"cL -i)f'>f] -: .,r {f:l?;;C..tJPF, 1)F#~t'~--r/"LI#;..(:rL'LL.rclJ.,- .(\C.JO__fF'ry\ 1Il-Z1"'2.~_ A '_.1'-J -r t F f IrTt: 6Fj~"(--"Lf'~~~\t___=_~=~~_~~----_=_=______ , ,'~", 1 Jr, I" '; 'l City of San Bernardino Public Services Department Development Project Conditions of Approval 300 North D Street - 4th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92418 Project Number: CUP 03-04 Project Planner: Aron Liang Review Date: 3.13.2003 Project Description/Business Name: drive-thru fast food restaurant, convenience store, and gas station Project Location/Address: APN 0136-431-21 @ NWC of Orange Show Road & Service Account: new Waterman Reviewed By: Michelle Dyck- Turner e-mail: dyck-turner _ mi@cLsan-bernardino.ca.us Phone: 909.384.5549 #3162 . Standard Development Requirements Project shall meet all applicable Standard Development Requirements as attached. . Integrated Waste Management Survey Applicant shall submit an Integrated Waste Management Survey for each of the activities marked below with the initial application to Planning for approval by the Public Services Department Refuse and Recycling Division prior to issuance of permits for each activity. The information contained in the Survey as well as any related comments and mitigation provided by Public Services shall be summarized in the Initial Study and EIR if required for the project under CEQA. o Demolition & Site Preparation I 0 Construction / Renovation I 0 Business Operations or Event . Additional Requirements or Recommendations Applicant shall provide a double-wide 8' x 15' enclosure. Location and gate alignment are acceptable as shown on plans. Recommend that pedestrian access design be incorporated as site will have high generation. MD/PS 3.14.2003 City of San Bernardino Public Services Department Standard Development Requirements 300 North D Street - 4th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92418 COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Collection Services 1. The collection or transportation of refuse, recyclable discards, or green waste from any commercial and industrial locations within the City shall be provided by the City of San Bernardino Public Services Department unless otherwise franchised or permitted. [MC 9 8.24.140] 2. New accounts require a completed Service Application, with a full deposit and a copy of manuals for all compactor units, returned to the City of San Bernardino Refuse & Recycling Division prior to issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy. 3. Shared refuse and recycling services for multi-tenant commercial sites shall be billed to a single owner or property manager; leases shall include terms to accommodate sub-metered services. 4. All refuse containing garbage, such as food, vegetable, or animal wastes, shall be removed at least twice weekly, and all other solid wastes shall be removed at least once weekly. [SB County Health, Sanitation and Animal Regulations 9 33.083] , 5. All commercial establishments generating 6 cubic yards or more of solid waste per week shall establish City recycling services for I maximum diversion within 30 days of opening business, or establish an alternative diversion program to be identified in the ' IWM Survey for the project. Automated Cart Service to Nonresidential Facilities 6. Nonresidential establishments such as small offices, shops, meeting halls, or churches, which generate 2 cubic yards or less of , non-bulky waste per week and are located on the same side of a residential block receiving automated cart service shall meet I residential rather than commercial requirements. I Service Vehicle Access 7. Projects must have a minimum drive aisle width of 16 feet, vertical traveling clearance of 14 feet, 20-foot service clearance at I enclosure or compactor pad, a minimum 40-foot straight and level approach to enclosure or compactor pad, and a minimum ' radius of 43 feet for all drive turns along the main ingress to and egress from enclosures. These requirements shall not limit requirements for Fire vehicle access. 8. Property without through access shall incorporate at least one of the following designs: . A cul-de-sac with a 43-foot turning radius for a 32-foot vehicle length . A hammerhead turn with a 43-footturning radius for a 32-foot vehicle length Gated Access 9. Gated properties that are locked and unmanned on service days anytime between the hours of 5 AM and 5 PM Monday I through Saturday shall provide access code or key to Public Services. Roll-off Compactor Units 10. Sealed compactor units dedicated separately to refuse and recyclables may be required to be installed at facilities with an ' anticipated waste generation of 60 uncompacted cubic yards per week. 11. Roll-off compactor units must be installed according to manufacturer's and City Engineering specifications with the compactor, hopper and roll-off box on a concrete slab with a minimum 3.foot continuously paved perimeter for safe access. 12. Roll-off boxes at locations receiving City service must meet City rail and hook specifications per City Engineering Standard 510. Boxes shall be designed with disposal end opposite hook-up; boxes with same-side design may be subject to a roll.back charge. i 13. Compactor equipment shall be screened from view of public right'of-way by materials compatible with building architecture and: landscaping as specified by City of San Bernardino Development Code. [MC 9 19.20.030 (21)] I 14. Location, orientation, and dimensions of enclosures, enclosure gates, pedestrian entry, compactor pads, and compactor I' screening, shall be shown on site plans and labeled that construction shall meet City Engineering Standards. MD/PS 3.14.2003 City of San Bernardino Public Service, uepartment Standard Development Requirements Page 2 of 3 Existing Bin Enclosures 15. Existing bin enclosures must have minimum inside dimensions of 7'9" x 9' OR 15' x 4'5" to fit two 3CY bins, with block walls, inside bumper guards or curbing, and solid steel gates, OR enclosure(s) must be reconstructed to meet Engineering Standard 508, and the enclosure may be relocated for best drive access and alignment, plans subject to Public Services approval. (Please note, if site will generate less than 2CY of solid waste per week, see Residential Collection options.) Front-load Bin Enclosures & Access I 6. Minimum double-wide enclosures of 8 feet by 1 5 feet shall be required for all development to allow for dedicated recycling bins, except where potential waste generation or space is restricted. [Specifications adopted in accordance with Model Ordinance as required by CA PRC 942911] 17. Front-load compactor units must be contained in an enclosure large enough to hold the unit and one additional bin facing lengthwise. 18. Front-load bin and compactor enclosures must be constructed according to City Engineering Standard 508. Rear or side pedestrian entry shall be provided on enclosures for all multi-unit residential development. Pedestrian entry on free-standing enclosures shall have a 4-foot width, no gate or door, and an 'L' shaped block screen the same height of the enclosure. 1 9. Pedestrian access from building exit to bin enclosure shall be a minimum 4 feet wide and continuously paved, without crossing curbs, steps, or driveways. 20. Enclosure pads shall be level to restrict bins from drifting and designed for proper drainage of surface water. 21. Enclosures must be at least 5' from combustible walls, eave lines, or openings. [98 CA Fire Code 9 1103.2.2] 22. Only refuse bins and the contents therein for disposal may be stored in refuse enclosures. All other equipment, fixtures, and materials such as electrical panels, circulation or exhaust ducts or vents, grease bins, or surplus supplies are strictly prohibited. 23. Enclosures shall be buffered with landscaping when viewable from public right.of-way, and vegetation shall not restrict gates or exceed height of enclosure. Include vegetation on landscape plans. 24. Enclosures shall be located with gates aligned for straight access for service vehicles. 25. Enclosures shall not obstruct drive aisles, driveways, loading zones, parking, handicap access, or visibility of cross-traffic from drive aisles, alleys, or streets. Location shall not cause service vehicle to block access drives during while bins are being serviced. 26. Enclosure gates shall not open into drive aisles, parking spaces, or walkways. Enclosures placed adjacent to parking shall be separated by a minimum 2-foot wide curbed area out to the farthest point of both gates, and designed to safely restrict gates from opening into parking spaces or landscaped areas.. 27. Location, orientation, and dimensions of enclosures, enclosure gates, and pedestrian entry, shall be shown on site plans and labeled that construction shall meet City Engineering Standards. Multi-unit Dwellings 28. Commercial requirements shall apply to all multi-unit dwellings over 8 units, unless otherwise approved. 29. Disposal chutes incorporated into multi-story buildings must have dedicated chutes for refuse & commingled recyclables. 80th chutes shall be clearly and permanently labeled at each chute opening and exit. [Specifications adopted in accordance with Model Ordinance as required by CA PRC 942911] MD/PS 3.14.2003 City of San Bernardino Public Service, Oepartment Standard Development Requirements Page 3 of 3 RESIDENTIAL TRACTS & LOTS Collection Services 1. Residential refuse and recycling services are to be provided by the City of San Bernardino Refuse & Recycling Division a minimum of once weekly. 2. The City shall provide upon request one set of a blue, green, and black 96 or 64-gallon automated service cart to each single family unit, OR one set to every 2 units in multi-unit dwellings up to 8 units. 3. Commercial requirements shall apply to all multi-unit dwellings over 8 units, unless otherwise approved. 4. Nonresidential establishments such as small offices, shops, meeting halls, or churches, which generate 2 cubic yards or less of non.bulky waste per week and are located on the same side of a residential block receiving automated cart service shall meet residential rather than commercial requirements. Automated Cart Storage & Access 5. Residential units shall construct a minimum 4 feet by 11 feet concrete pad located out of view of public right-of-way for storage of each set of up to 4 automated carts. If visible from the public right-of-way, the storage area shall be screened by landscaping, or masonry or solid wood fencing. 6. The path of travel from the storage pad to street shall be continuously paved without step or curb with 4-foot minimum gate openings in walls and fencing. Service Vehicle Access 7. There shall be a minimum drive aisle width of 13 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet, and a minimum radius of 43 feet for all drive turns along the main ingress to and egress to all improved lots within a residential tract. These requiremencs shall not limit requirements for Fire vehicle access. 8. All tracts shall have one or more of the following designs incorporated into all access streets: . A cul-de-sac with a 43-foot tuming radius . A hammerhead turn with a 43-foot turning radius . Two separate entry/exit routes from each street Curbside Service Area 9. A minimum 14-foot linear space on the street along the curb adjacent to the driveway of each residence must be clear for automated service carts, with a minimum 2-foot setback and 13-foot vertical clearance of all obstructions such as structures, fences, and raised landscaping. Gated Access 10. Gated properties that are locked and unmanned on service days anytime between the hours of 5 AM and 5 PM Monday through Saturday shall provide access code or key to Public Services. MO/PS 3.14.2003 City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department Standard Requirements Northwest Corner of Orange Show Rd and Waterman Ave. Case: Cup 03-04 Date: 4-22-03 Reviewed by: Jim Gondos General Requirement: ( X ) Commercial Industrial and Multi-Unit ( ) Assessment District () Residential () Purpose, Guidelines and submittal procedure ( X ) Irrigation and Landscaping Plans. () Contact the City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department at (909) 384-5217 or 384-5314 for specific detailed requirements. Specific Requirements: ( X ) Maintenance oflandscape areas ( X ) Planter Areas () Interior Planter Areas ( X ) Irrigation Systems () Setback Areas () S lope Areas ( X ) Ground Cover and Bedding Material () Erosion Control ( ) Weed Control Plant Materials: () Plant list and climatic conditions ( X ) Street Trees ( X) Plant Material Size Requirements and Ratios Inspection and other Requirements: ( X ) Irrigation System ( X ) Landscaping ( ) Hardscape Items ( X ) Street tree Specifications () Arborist Report () Removal or destruction of trees () Screening Requirement (City, Dev. Code) Note: The applicant must request, in writing, any changes to the Parks, Recreation and Community Services requirements. Additional information: Standard requirements are issued for this proiect. Submit detailed landscape and irrigation plans to the Public Works Department for final approval. APN 13to- /.Bl- 2..1 SAN _~RNARDINO MUNICIPAL WATER DEPA...MENT STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Review of Plans: c:..U~ # o3-0L_. . Date Compiled: 3-10 -o~ OwnerlDeveloper: ,.,.. .CI-I P. EL I't\.tJNl;,1L / '3 AM E- Compiled By: "" I ~E- Nt:..VAtt.F--"L , Type of Project: 2.t?oOS~.f-r c:.~IZ-".c.e.$T"'Tif)N/C....t'F"'''~ S'T321. Number of Units: Location: tVl/10 C-t>l2-l-lE-1Z.. O.+- D/2."'fJ(~'E S Uov..l et:;>JUlA-Te...I'Z-lM AIJ . WATER DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING: Contact: rAlM..~~ ~yF-- .____ Phone:3..8:.'1-53'1L_ Fax: .~&,'-/-5S32. Note: All Water Services are Subject to tbe Rules & Regulations of the Wale.! D6p!lrtment. It>''~''tloo'' c.":t: IN w,.\~"...,.t-J "vii.. "Size of Main Adjacent the Project: It> ,. I N ii..N N I S <: .- ,lLApproximate Water Pressure: {DO pt;J;. Elevation ofWaler Storage: /2.'11 Hydrant Flow@ 20 psi: 'jt-Type. Size, Location, and Distance to Nearest Fire Hydrant: \.u /5 , ~ E. 0 + \J..J jll., Te.fL"",,.. A V e NOIl-"T\-\ O-{- o/2.f'.f\.Ig,.{L t;~()\..L) J2-~ 2-v.J~\./ UJ/<;TU."",~fL J ' . o Pressure Regulator Required on Customer's Side on the Meter. o Off-site Water Facilities Required. o Area Not Served by San Bernardino Municipal Water Department. o Comments: WATER OIJALlTY CONTROL: Contacl: c..tl tV A IZ..IZ- I €.-l f'. Phone: 3~ 'i - S" 13 <7 Fax: 3 %"/, c; 2..1o~ ~R.P.P. Bacldlow Device Required at Service Connection. PDfl-. ~O (.M..I<-S n c- S (i.$...lIl'-/L jLDouble Cbeck Backtlow Device Required at Service Connection. F 0 tL 'I(2/2-( CO ,..:r1 of'J ~ F I fZ.L. S/C-Il-j1 ICt ~Backtlow Device to be Inspected Before Waler Service can be Activated. o No Backflow Device Required at This Time. ENVIRONMENT AI. CONTROLIINDUSTRIAL WASTE: Contact: AN~ y C-c A P '/ Pbone: ~F;'1' t;23b Fax: 38:'-1 - S-Z-S8"' Note: No Brine Regenerative Water Softeners May be Installed, Unless Holding and Hauling is Provided for the Brine. All Interceptors will be a 1200 Gallon Capacity witb a Sanlple Box Included. o Industrial Waste Pennit Required. o Grease Interceptor Required. o Pre-treatment Required. o Sand/Oil Interceptor Required. o No Issues at tlus Time. SEWER CAPACITY INFORMATION: Contact: N E-t L ,l+o 1M s..oN Phone: ~ &'1 - 509 5 Fax: .3 8 ..., - S 5'7 7 Note: Proof of Payment Must be Submitted to tbe Building & Safety Department Prior to Issuance of lbe Building Permit. o No Sewer Capacity Fee Applicable at This Time. irSewer Capacity Fee Must Be Paid 10 tbe Water Department for LI17 Gallons Per Day, Equivalent Dwelling Units: j.!; o Suhject to Recalculation of Fee Prior to tbe Issuance of BuiWing Pennit. Breakdown of Estimated Gallons Per Day: d. 7 {i;[} .<,.p. ~ .1';'-- t.j I 7 Yl!. 0; ~t- STI:lRF.Ql11l.fRM\1i'l11 EXHIBIT 3 CONDITIONS C.U.P.03-04 1. The licensee shall be responsible for posting of signs prohibiting litter and loitering with management enforcing this and maintaining the area free of litter and graffiti. 2. Exterior lighting shall be sufficiently and properly maintained to illuminate all areas of the exterior of the building and property for easy detection of suspicious and criminal activity. 3. If public telephones are located on the premises, they shall be programmed for outgoing calls only. 4. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensee. 5. The sales of beer or malt beverages in quantities of quarts, 22 oz., 32 oz., 40 oz., or similar size containers is prohibited. No beer or malt beverages shall be sold in quantities of less that six per sale. 6. Beer, malt beverages, and wine coolers in containers of 16 oz. or less cannot be sold by single containers, but must be sold in manufacturer pre- packaged multi-unit quantities. 7. If, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, a security guard becomes necessary, it shall be the responsibility of the licensee to provide the security at the hours to be listed by the Chief of Police. O~'FICE OF THE CITY CLERK RACHEL G. CLARK, C.M.C. . CITY CLERK 300 North "D" Street. San Bernardino. CA 92418-0001 909.384.5002. Fax: 909.384.5158 www.ci.san-bernardino.ca.us s., June 3, 2003 Mr. Michael Monge 350 West 5th Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Mr. Monge: At their meeting of June 2,2003, the Mayor and Common Council made a determination that the public convenience or necessity would be served and directed the Development Services Department to send a letter to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for a Type 20 (off-sale beer and wine) ABC License for a service station with a 2,780 square foot convenience store with a drive-thru restaurant located at the northwest corner of Waterman Avenue and Orange Show Road in the CG-1, Commercial General, land use district. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, ~.p.C0~ Rachel G. Clark, CMC City Clerk RGC:lls cc: Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTED SHARED VALUES: Integrity. Accountability. Respect for Human Dignity. Honesty