HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-Police Department CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Dept: Police Department ORlGlNAl Subject: Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the Mayor to submit an application to accept the FY 03/ 04 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant. From: Garrett W. Zimmon, Chief of Police Date: May 22, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action 5/27-03 Recommended for approval by Grants Committee 5-21-02 Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 2002-147 authorizing the submission of the application to accept FY 02/03 JAIBG. 6-4-01 Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 2001-143 authorizing the submission of the application to accept FY 91/ 02 JAIBG. 3-20-00 Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 2000-56 authorizing the submission of the application to accept FY 00/01 JAIBG. Recommended Motion: Adopt Resolution ~-t!///2 MICHAEL B LDT, ASS TANT CHIEF OF POLICE Contact person: Lieutenant Roger Poyzer Phone: 384-5646 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $141,169 Source: $74,303 - #123-559-5011/5029 JAIBG $66,866 - #108-271-5193 Asset Forfeiture Council Notes: @~j~ manc 'i2",,-~ .j:}-'?UJ3-\ , I (p /J..//1L , ' Agenda Item No. 11 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT SUBJECT Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the Mayor to submit an application to accept the FY 03/ 04 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant. BACKGROUND During the past three years the City of San Bernardino has used the allocated JAIBG funds to partially fund an Intervention and Management of Probationer Accountability and Compliance of Terms (IMPACT) team. IMPACT teams consist of one city police officer and one county probation officer. In FY 00/01 the County of San Bernardino Probation Department was awarded an "Edward Byrne Memorial Grant" to implement a juvenile accountability program. The Probation Department and the San Bernardino Police Department formed a partnership, implementing the IMPACT Program. The county-funded portion of IMPACT consists of four teams, each team consisting of one police officer and one probation officer. A police sergeant and probation supervisor supervise the five teams. The county grant pays all personnel costs associated with the four teams and one-half the cost of the police sergeant position with the exception of overtime costs, which are absorbed by the individual agencies. Sergeant Waldo is the police supervisor assigned to IMPACT. He also supervises the city's Graffiti Task Force and as a result, Asset Forfeiture funds cover the remainder of his salary not paid by the county through the IMPACT grant. The City has received notification that it is eligible to receive $74,303 in FY 03/04 JAIBG funds. There is mandatory grant cash match of 10% of $8,256. FY 03/04 JAIBG funds will continue to be used to partially fund a fifth IMP ACT team in order to match the police department's five area command structure. Under the existing MOU agreement with County Probation JAIBG grant and cash match funds are split fifty-fifty and applied towards the personnel costs of the fifth IMPACT team. The city's local cost of the police officer for the fifth team is calculated as follows. TOTAL PROGRAM FUNDING FY 03/04 JAIBG grant award 10% cash match: 5% City 5% County Total Program Funding $74,303 4,128 4.128 $82,559 Total program funding of $82,559 is to be split 50% between the County and the City. $41,280 is allocated to the City and $41,279 allocated to the County. CITY COSTS Salarylbenefits for police officer (including Projected 186 raise) Less: 50% of JAIBG program funding City portion of P-l City portion of cash match Total City Costs (Asset Forf.) $99,890 ( 37.152) $62,738 $ 4.128 $66,866 IMPACT teams provide additional monitoring of juvenile probationers who live in the city. They regularly conduct probation compliance and curfew checks to insure juveniles and young adults are complying with their court mandated terms of probation. IMPACT more closely monitors those juvenile probationers who have demonstrated violent or negative behavior. IMP ACT works closely with the criminal justice system to ensure those youth that commit crimes in the City of San Bernardino are held accountable for their actions. During the past three years the IMP ACT program has been in operation many positive outcomes have taken place. Prior to IMPACT, the over 600 juvenile probationers in the city were virtually never contacted and checked by probation officers in the field. IMP ACT officers have conducted over 4,000 home contacts and a similar numbers of public contacts. Approximately 150 drug seizures have occurred and 45 firearms have been confiscated. IMPACT efforts have resulted in an approximately 85% compliance rate for probationers. This translates to lower negative activity by probationers in the field and a high success rate for the completion of probation. In 2000, seven city homicides involved juvenile suspects. In 2001 there were no juveniles identified as suspects in city homicides. For the first time a comprehensive, current database of juvenile probationers has been created and is accessible to law enforcement. This database has been used to monitor probationers and assist detectives and patrol officers in investigations including homicides, assaults, burglary, and grant theft autos. Based on the success of the IMPACT program, it was chosen for a statewide award by the California State Juvenile Officers Association for its outstanding service to youth and contribution to delinquency prevention. FINANCIAL IMPACT There will be no impact on the City's General Fund. JAIBG grant and cash match funds will be split fifty-fifty between the Police Department and County Probation. Probation will be billed for their one-half of the cash match (50% = $4,128). The City's portion or the cash match and net cost of the police officer after applying JAIBG grant funds will be budgeted in the Asset Forfeiture Fund. The City is responsible for the cost of the P-l associated with this program (salary and benefits) at $99,890 plus the City's share of the cash match at $4,128 for a total of$104,018. JAIBG Grant funds (Account #123-559-50xx) City's portion of JAIBG funds County's portion of JAIBG grant funds Total JAIBG funds $37,152 37.151 $74,303 Asset Forfeiture Funds (Account #108-271-50xx & 108-271-5193) Personnel costs for (1) police officer (1) police officer City's 50% ofthe JAIBG cash match Total program costs $ 99,890 4.128 $104,018 Less: City's 50% ofthe JAIBG funds Total Asset Forfeiture funds ( 37.152) $ 66,866 Total JAIBG and Asset Forfeiture funds $141,169 RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RE~c~~l1 RESOLCTIO'" OF THE MAYOR A:\'D COl\t:\ION COUl'iCIL OF THE CITY OF SA:\' BER1~ARDIl'iO AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUB:\lIT AN APPLICATION TO ACCEPT THE FY 031 04 JUVEl\'ILE ACCOt:NTABILITY INCEl\'TIVE BLOCK GRANT. SECTION I: That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino hereby authorize the Mayor to apply for and accept the FY 031 04 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant in the amount of $74,303 from the Bureau of Juvenile Accountability Office. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Iii ,Ii III /1/ III /11 III III III #17 '/2../03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMO:\' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA:\' BERc"lARDI:\'O AUTHORIZI:\'G THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATIO:\' TO ACCEPT THE FY 03/ 04 JUVENILE ACCOUNT ABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on day of ,2003, by the following vote, to wit: the Abstain Absent Nays Council Members Ayes ESTRADA LIEN-LONGVILLE McGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ 15 ANDERSON 16 17 18 19 McCA.MMACK City Clerk 20 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: James F. Penman, City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA GRAY DAVIS, Governor GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING 1130 K STREET, SUITE 300 Flex ~ SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 rour~ (916) 324-9100 PowER APPLICATION COVER SHEET RFA PROCESS JUVENILE ACCOUNT ABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT JAIBG 2003 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Branch Submitted by: (Place name, address, and phone number of Applicant here) San Bernardino Police Department 710 North '0' Street San Bernardino CA 92401 909-384-5658 Sgt. 0, Waldo GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING (OCJP A301) GRANT AWARD FACE SHEET The Governor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning, hereafter designated OCJP, herehy makes a grant award of funds to the following Administrative Agency (I) City of San Bernardino hereafter designated Grantee, in the amount and for the ptupose and duration set forth in this grant award. (2) Implementing Agency Name San Bernardi no Pol i ce Department Contact Serqeant D.L, Waldo Address 710 North 'D' St, San Rprnardino CA 92401 E-mail address waldo dw@sbcit . or Tele hone 909 384-5658 (3) Project Title (60 characters maximum) (6) Award No. San Bernardino Juvenile Accountability Project (4) Project Director (Name, Title, Address, Telephone) (four lines maximum) Captain Jenifer Aragon San Bernardino Police Department 710 North '0' Street of Finance (7) Granl Period 6-30-03 _ 6-29-04- (8) Federal Amount $74 303 (9) State Amount N A 10) Cash Match II) In-Kind Match 12) Total roject Cost $82 559 This grant award consists of this title page, the proposal for the grant, which is attached and made a part hereof, and the Assnrance of Compliance forms which are being submitted, I hereby certify that: (I) I am vested with authority to, and have the approval of the City/County Financial Officer, City Manager, or Governing Board Chair, enter into this grant award agreement; and (2) all funds received pursuant to this agreement will be spent exclusively on the purposes specified, The grant recipient signifies acceptance of this grant award and agrees to administer the grant project in accordance with the statute(s), the Program Guidelines, the OCJP Grantee Handbook, and the OCJP audit requirements, as stated in this Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Application (RFA), The grant recipient further agrees to all legal conditions and terms incorporated by reference in this RFP or RF A, FOR OCJP USE ONLY (13) Official Authorized to Sign for ApplleantlGrant Recipient Item: Chapter: PCA No.: Components No.: Project No.: Amount: Name: Judith Valles Title: Mayor Address: 300 North '0' St., San Bernardino Telephone: ~ 384-5133 Date: I hereby certify upon my own personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for the period and ptuposes of this expenditure stated above. Split Fund: Split Encumber: Year: Fed. Cat. #: Match Requirement: Fund: Fiscal Officer, OCJP Date Program: Region: Executive Director, OCJP Date (Rev. 5/14/0 I) PROJECT SERVICE AREA INFORMATION 1. COUNTY OR COUNTIES SERVED: Enter the name(s) of the county or counties served by the project. Put an asterisk where the principal office of the project is located. San Bernardi no 2. U.S. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICnS): Enter the number(s) of the U.S. Congressional District(s) which the project serves. Put an asterisk for the district where the principal office of the project is located. 42 3. STATE ASSEMBLY DISTRICnS): Enter the number(s) of the State Assembly District(s) which the project serves. Put an asterisk for the district where the principal office of the project is located. 62 63 4. ST A IE SENATE DISTRICnS): Enter the number(s) of the State Senate District(s) which the project serves. Put an asterisk for the district where the principal office of the project is located. 31 32 5. POPULATION OF SERVICE AREA: Enter the total population of the service area served by the project. 184,986 PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION Applicant: City of San Bernardino San Bernardino Police Department Juvenile Accountability Project Implementing Agency (if applicable): San Bernardino Project Title: Grant Number (to be added by OCJP): Provide the name, title, address, telephone number, and e-mail address for the project contact persons named below. Ifa section does not apply to your project, enter "N/A." 1. The person having day-to-day responsibility for the project: Name: Dwight Waldo Title: Sergeant Address: 710 North '0' Street, San Bernardino CA 92401 Telephone Number: e09) 384-5658 Fax Number: (909 388-4840 E-Mail Address: wa 1 do _dw@sbcity.org 2. The person to whom the person listed in #1 is accountable: Name: Roger Poyzer Title: Lieutenant Address: 710 North '0' Street, San Bernardino CA 92401 Telephone Number: @09) 384-5646 Fax Number: @09) 388-4840 E-Mail Address: poyzer _ro@sbcity.or9 3. The executive director of a nonprofit organization or the chief executive officer (e.g., chief of police, superintendent of schools) of the implementing agency: Name: Garrett W. Zimmon Title: Chi ef of Pol i ce Address: 710 North '0' Street, San Bernardi no CA 92401 Telephone Number: @09) 384-5607 Fax Number: 1909) 388-4950 E-Mail Address: zimmon_ga@sbcity.org 4. The chair of the governing body of the implementing agency: (Provide address and telephone number other than that of the implementing agency.) Name: Judith Valles Title: Mayor of the City of San Bernardi no Address: 300 North '0' Street, San Bernardi no CA 92402 Telephone Number: Q09) 384-5051 Fax Number: ( ) E-Mail Address: 5. The person responsible for the project from the applicant agency, if different than #1: Name: Title: Address: Telephone Number: ( ) E-Mail Address: Fax Number: ( ) CERTlFICA TlON OF ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE !, Judith Valles ,herebycertifythat: (official authonzed to slgn grant award; same person as line 13 on Grant Award Face Sheet) GRANTEE: City of San Bernardino IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: San Bernardino Police Department PROJECT TITLE: San Bernardino Juvenile Accountability Project Is responsible for reviewing the OCJP Grantee Handbook and adhering to all of the Grant Award Agreement requirements (state and/or federal) as directed by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning including, but not limited to, the following areas: I. Equal Employment Opportunity - (Grantee Handbook Section 2151) It is the public policy of the State of California to promote equal employment opportunity by prohibiting discrimination or harassment in employment because of Race, Religious Creed, Color, National Origin, Ancestry, Disability (mental and physical) including HIV and AIDS, Medical Condition (cancer and genetic characteristics, Marital Status, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Denial of Family Medical Care Leave, Denial of Pregnancy Disability Leave, or Age (over 40). Please provide the following information: A.A. Officer: Wallace Green Title: Assistant to the Mayor / EED Officer Address: 300 North 'D' Street. San Bernardi no CA 92402 Phone: 909-384-5004 Email: green wa@sbcity.org II. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 - (Grantee Handbook Section 2152) The State of California requires that every person or organization awarded a grant or contract shall certify it will provide a drug free workplace. III. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) - (Gralltee Handbook Section 2153) The State of California requires all OCJP funded projects to obtain written certification that the project is not impacting the environment negatively. IV. Lobbying - (Grantee Handbook Section 2154) OClP grant funds, grant property, or grant funded positions shall not be used for any lobbying activities, including, but not limited to being paid by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of any federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal grant or cooperative agreement. V. Debarment and Suspension - (Grantee Handbook Section 2155) (This applies to federally funded grants only) OClP funded projects must certify that it and its principals are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of federal benefits by a state or federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department of agency. VI. Proof of Authority from City Council/Governing Board The above named organization (applicant) accepts responsibility for and will comply with the requirement to obtain written authorization from the city council/governing board in support of this program. The Applicant agrees to provide all matchingfunds requiredfor said project (including any amendment thereof) under the Program and the funding terms and conditions ofOCJP, and that any cash match will be appropriated as required. It is agreed that any liability arising out of the performance of this Grant Award Agreement, including civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient and the authorizing agency. The State of California and OCJP disclaim responsibility of any such liability. Furthermore, it is also agreed that grant funds received from OCJP shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled by the city council/governing board. The Applicant is required to obtain written authorization from the city council/governing board that the official executing this agreement is, in fact, authorized to do so. The Applicant is also required to maintain said written authorization on file and readily available upon demand. All appropriate documentation must be maintained on file by the project and available for OCJP or public scrutiny upon request. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under the grant or termination of the grant or both and the grantee may be ineligible for award of any future grants if the Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) determines that any of the following has occurred: (1) the grantee has made false certification, or (2) violates the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. I CERTIFICATION I !, the official named below, am the same individual authorized to sign the Grant Award Agreement [line 13 on Grant Award Face Sheet], and hereby swear that I am duly authorized legally to bind the contractor or grant recipient to the above described certification. ! am fully aware that this certification executed on the date and in the county below, is made under penalty ofpeIjury under the laws of the State of California. Authorized Official's Signature: Authorized Official's Typed Name: Jud ith Valles Authorized Official's Title: Mayor of the City of San Bernardi no Date Executed: Federal ill Number: 95-6000-772 Executed in the City/County of: San Bernardino / San Bernardino AUTHORIZED BY: 0 City/County Financial Officer ~ City Manager/County Administrator o Governing Board Chair Signature: Typed Name: Fred Wi 1 son Title: City Administrator . COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT PLAN ICEP) SUMMARY 1. Year: 2. Project Title: 3. Grant Period: 4. Federal Funds: $ 74,303 \IBG San Bernardino Juvenile . June 30, 2003 Match Funds: $ 8,256 2003 Accountability Project to June 29, 2004 Total Project Cost: $ 82,559 5. Applicant Unit of Local Goycrnment 6. Implementing Department/Agency Name: City of San Bernardino Name: San Bernardino Police Department Address: 300 North 'D' Street Address: 710 North 'D' Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 San Bernardino CA 92401 Phone: 909-384-5133 Fax: 909-384-5138 Phone: 909-384-5658 Fax: 909-388-4840 E-mail: I E-mail: 7. Problem Statement: There are over 1,000 juvenile offenders under probation superV1Slon in the city. San Bernardlno has a drug and gang problem. The project will hold accountable those persons who are on probation and deter them from further criminal activity. 8. Project Budget: Administrative Costs (if any): $ Personnel Services: Operating Expenses: Equipment: Total Project Cost: $82,559 $ -0- $ -0- $ 82,559 9. Projected Number of Juveniles to be Served Directly Served: 1,000 Indirectly Served: 2,000 Total Served: 3,000 10. Waiver of Minimum Percent Allocation Requirements (Check One): The JCEC/RJCEC does not request a waiver of minimum allocation requirements. 0 The JCEC/RJCEC has determined that the interests of public safety and juvenile crime control will be better served by expending funds other than the 45 percent and 35 percent minimums in specified pr02ram areas (See CEP Narrative for justification). - 11. Program Description a) Program Purpose Area (Number & Title): 2 Funds Allocated: $ 41, 279 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 50% Program Activities: The San Bernardino Police Department (SBPD) wi 11 fund one additional police officer to work with a probation officer funded under Purpose Area #3. Teams wi 11 receive referrals from crimi na 1 justice institutions (courts and/or court schools) concerning juvenile offenders who have demonstrated negative behavior and work with criminal justice institutions to modify behavior, provide interventions, and/or hold them accountable. b) Program Purpose Area (Number & Title): 3 Funds Allocated: $ 41,280 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 50% Program Activities: The San Bernardino County Probation Department (as sub-grantee) wi 11 fund one additional probation officer to work with a police officer funded under Program Purpose Area #2. Trams will contact juvenile offenders, provide intervention and conduct curfew/probation m compliance checks to ensure the smooth and expedit i ous administration of the v",enile justice system. COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT PLAN (CEP) SUMMARY (Continued) 11. Program Description (Continued) _) Program Purpose Area (Number & Title): Funds Allocated: $ % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): Program Activities: N/A d) Program Purpose Area (Number & Title): Funds Allocated: $ % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): Program Activities: N/A e) Program Purpose Area (Number & Title): Funds Allocated: $ % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): Program Activities: N/A 12. Official Responsible for Project Signature: Date: Typed Name: Jenifer Aragon Title: Captain COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT PLAN NARRATIVE PROBLEM STATEMENT The City of San Bernardino has a population of approximately 185,000. It is estimated in the next few years that 25% of this population will be between the ages of 13 and 26. Statistics indicate that this age range is the most likely to be involved in committing criminal acts. In 2002, 1,359 juveniles were arrested in the City of San Bernardino for crimes ranging from petty theft and vandalism up to homicide. A large majority of these arrested juveniles will be adjudicated through the juvenile court system and placed on formal probation. At anyone time, there are over 900 juveniles on formal probation within the City of San Bernardino. Juvenile probation officers generally work a day shift with weekends off and are therefore unavailable if an officer needs probation assistance at night or on the weekend. Additionally because of high caseloads, probation officers seldom make contact with their probationers at home or in the field. Conversely, police officers have very little time to deal with specific probationer issues and even if time permits, they often lack the expertise to properly deal with juvenile probationers. The result has been that a juvenile placed on formal probation may never see a probation officer at their residence or be contacted by a probationer officer in the field. For this reason, the probationer has become accustomed to the fact that even though they are under court supervision, they are never checked on. This creates a learned behavior that probation is not really a punishment nor is it a deterrent from other criminal activity. Without proper field supervision, the probability of a probationer successfully being rehabilitated is reduced and the probability of continued or escalated criminal activity is increased. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This grant will fund one two-person team consisting of one probation officer and one police officer. This team will work with four other teams having the same personnel makeup and funded through a BJA grant awarded to San Bernardino County Probation. The teams will work shifts and hours determined to be critical for juvenile activity. These hours will change according to needs such as time of year, if school is in or out of session, special events, and activity as determined by crime analysis and field activity. By remaining flexible in scheduling, the teams can continue to be deployed in the most efficient manner to meet the needs of the juveniles and the community. The teams will contact probation officers with caseloads to get referrals for home calls. These probationers will be contacted at home for compliance checks during times Probation normally does not work. As new probationers are released to the community, either with new court terms or through such programs as Aftercare and Success, they will be contacted expeditiously by a team. The teams will report back to the case agent regarding the juvenile's compliance to terms and take appropriate actions on scene if the situation dictates. The officers will also contact juveniles in public in order to monitor probationers and to deter at- risk juveniles from illegal activities. They will also monitor school activity, including grades and attendance, to ensure compliance with terms. Recognizing that appropriate actions are dependent on each juvenile's situation, vanous responses will occur from these contacts. During the contacts, the probationer, and hislher family, will be given information on how to contact the team for further assistance. The teams, in cooperation with the assigned case agent, will determine if alternative programs are needed. These will include referrals to local community based programs including anger management, grief counseling, victim awareness, drug counseling, parenting, and others as the need is identified. The probationer's progress will be monitored and the teams will take appropriate follow up actions. The goal is the success of the juvenile through probation and after. Recognizing this, various alternative programs will be developed. Those clients successfully completing alternative programs and complying with terms will be eligible for group trips to local events with the team, allowing interaction and mentoring in a relaxed environment. Those needing a different input for success will take part in other programs including "scared straight" type field trips to CY A and state prison. Other programs will be developed as needs dictate. ACTIVITIES EMPLOYED WITHIN THE PROGRAM PURPOSE AREAS The San Bernardino Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition approves the expansion of police officer/probation officer teams with the City of San Bernardino. The funds will be used to add one additional police officer/probation officer team to an eight-person team funded through BJA. Monies expended under Program Purpose Area #2 will be used to fund a police officer position in the Police Department. Monies expended under Program Purpose Area #3 will be used to fund a probation officer position in the Probation Department. Program Purpose Area #2 - "Developing and Administering Accountability Based Sanctions for Juvenile Offenders" Dollar Amount and Allocation Percentage $41.279/50% The San Bernardino Police Department will fund one additional Police Officer to work with one Probation Officer assigned to the program. The officer will be assigned full time to the program and costs not covered by the grant award will be paid by the city. There are approximately 600 juveniles on formal probation in the city at any time. Each one has unique circumstances, which affect their probability for successful completion of probation. The funded team, in partnership with 4 other teams funded by another grant, will evaluate each juvenile to determine the best way to deal with the individual circumstances. In some cases the teams will determine the juvenile has no need for extra attention and there will be very little contact. In other cases circumstances will dictate additional contact for the purpose of helping the juvenile successfully complete probation. The first goal of the program is to contact 100% of all probationers within 10 days of being released into the community. These contacts will be followed up by contacts at home during compliance checks including court imposed curfew compliance checks. The subjects will also be monitored for violations of public curfew ordinances at night and during school hours. The goal for this grant period is 4,000 of these type checks. Realizing these juveniles also function in places other than the home they will also be monitored and contacted in public and while in school. This allows the teams to monitor activities in places where the juvenile does not expect contact with the officers and allows officers to see who the juveniles are associating with. The goal for this grant period is 4,400 of these type contacts. With the goal of best serving the juveniles and the community the teams will evaluate and refer the juveniles to alternative programs based upon their needs and activities. For those needing counseling the team has a partnership with the community based Family Service Agency. This agency provides evaluation and counseling of the juvenile, and other family members as applicable. Many referrals to this program will be from the initial contact visit in the home. Other referrals will be made to programs already in place in probation. Those not complying with their court terms will be mandated to field trips based on their activities. These include day trips to California Youth Authority or a state prison facility. The purpose of these trips is to expose the juveniles to the consequences their actions could bring. Al these trips include interaction with inmates to allow the juveniles to see how they progressed from minor crimes, often with probation, to incarceration. Those complying with terms are offered a chance to take a field trip, with officers, to a different venue. These are designed to be positive experiences that include sporting events and activities such as whale watching. They are designed to reward those trying to do well and to provide a mentoring opportunity for the officers in a non-traditional environment. Other programs will include summer time athletic programs at a local gym and an employment workshop prior to the end of the school year. The goal for this grant period is to involve 300 juveniles in these various programs. This is one of the most evolving aspects of the program as the needs of the juveniles continue to change so these programs must also continue to change. All the facets of this purpose area are based on making the juveniles accountable for their actions. Each is to be evaluated as an individual and the program conforms to their needs. Program Purpose Area #3 - "Hiring Additional ...Probation Officers...to Ensure the Smooth and Expeditious Administration of the Juvenile Justice System" Dollar Amount and Allocation Percentage $41.280 / 50% Funds under this program will be used to fund a Probation Officer assigned full time to the program and assigned to work with the Police Officer funded under Program Purpose Area #2. The funds will not cover the cost of a full time officer so Probation will provide the remaining required funds for this position. The goal of this program is the success of those juveniles who have been place on court terms. In order to do this the activities employed in Program Purpose #2 will be employed. Because of this high supervision violations will be found and appropriate actions will be taken. Based upon the previous grant period's activities it is expected there will be 550 juvenile arrests and an additional 250 citation releases. The goal of the program is not to arrest juveniles but rather to help them to succeed. For this reason the probation officer assigned to this program will be involved in the cases of arrest or citation. By involving the Probation Officer in these cases the juvenile will receive sanction based upon their actual circumstances. In most cases the Probation Officer assigned through normal probation programs does not have the level of contact with their juveniles that the IMP ACT officer has. The IMPACT officer has the ability to follow the case, recommend sanctions, and follow up after the sanctions are imposed. By doing this the juvenile has the greatest possibility of success. Those not complying will receive more serious sanctions, which could include removal from the home. OUTCOMES The outcomes of the program will be measured by activities such as home compliance checks, narcotics and firearms confiscations, and compliance to terms. Another measure of success will be the referral to alternative programs and the successful completion of these programs. Probation will be contacted to determine the effect on case management, compliance, and success of assigned probationers. Responsible Person I Aljency - Lieutenant Roger Poyzer, San Bernardino Police Department JAIBG JUVENILE CRIME ENFORCEMENT COALITION MEMBERSHIP Applicant: City of San Bernardino Implementing Agency (if applicable): San Bern ardi no Po 1 i ce Department Project Title: San Bernardi no Juveni 1 e Accountabi 1 ity Project Grant Number (to be entered by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning): Provide the name, title, organization, address, and telephone number for each of the eight member categories below. An appropriate designee must be listed, representing each agency category. Name: Title: Organization: Address: Phone: Prosecutor Name: Title: Organization: Address: Phone: Police Garrett W. Zimmon Chief of Police City of San Bernardino 710 North 'D' Street 909-384-5607 Michael Ramos District Attorney County of San Bernardino 316 N. Mt. View Avenue 909-387-6603 Name: Title: Organization: Address: Phone: Probation Name: Title: Organization: Address: Phone: Juvenile Court Schools Name: The Honorable Judge Vi ctorName: TItle: Presiding Judige of the JuvenHeit~Durt Organization: County of San Bernardi no Organization: Address: gOO E. Gi 1 bert Street Address: Phone: 909- 387 -7541 Phone: A. Community Service Crime Prevention Organization Title: Kent Paxton Organization: Ch i 1 dren 's Network Address: 385 N. Arrowhead, S. B. Phone: 909-387-8974 Additional Members (optional) Name: Title: Organization: Address: Phone: Business Title: Organization: Address: Phone: Name: Title: Organization: Address: Phone: Sheriff Gary Penrod Sheriff County of San Bernardino 655 East 3rd Street 909-387-3669 Raymond B. Wingerd Chief Probation Officer County of San Bernardino 175 West 5th Street 909-387-5693 Herbert S. Fischer, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools San Bernardino County Schools 601 North 'E' Street 909-387-4386 Barbara J. Bondiman Civildesign Corporation 588 W 6th St, San Bernardino 909-885-3806 BUDGET NARRATIVE The police officer is responsible for working in conjunction with the probation officer. The officer will ensure that juvenile offenders are held accountable for their actions and will impose interventions and enforce appropriate sanctions for inappropriate behavior (Program Purpose Area #2). The officer enforces laws, investigates crimes, and assists the probation officer in curfew and probation compliance checks. The officer completes crime reports as necessary as well as completes reports to the juvenile courts regarding the activities of juvenile offenders under the jurisdiction of the court(s). The officer intervenes and counsels juvenile offenders and provides referrals. The probation officer is responsible for working in conjunction with a police officer. The probation officer will ensure the smooth and expeditious administration of the juvenile justice system (Program Purpose Area #3) through curfew and probation compliance checks. The probation officer enforces laws, investigates crimes, assists the police officer, completes crime and casework reports and is a liaison between the juvenile offender and the appropriate court(s). The probation officer counsels and intervenes with juvenile offenders and provides referrals to appropriate community agencies / organizations. NOTE: The partners in this project (San Bernardino Police Department and the San Bernardino County Probation Department) will share the proceeds from the JAIBG grant equally. The partners are aware that their half of the funds provided will not cover the salaries of the police officer or probation officer in their entirety and the balance of funds required will come from other sources. This includes the cash match of $8,256. Both San Bernardino County Probation and the San Bernardino Police Department have agreed to provide one officer each full time to the program. Each agency has agreed to provide the additional funding required to pay for the portion of the position not covered by grant funds. BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE ITEM DETAIL A. Personal Services - Salaries/Employee Benefits COST Police officer (P-1) - FTE $93,531 Probation officer - FTE $76,732 $41,279 41,280 TOTAL OCJP-A303a (Rev. 7/97) $82,559 BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE ITEM DETAIL B. Operating Expenses COST N/A TOTAL -0- OCJP-A303b (Rev. 7/97) BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE ITEM DETAIL C. Equipment COST N/A CATEGORY TOTAL -0- PROJECT TOTAL $82,559 FUND DISTRIBUTION FEDERAL STATE CASH IN-KIND MATCH ~ATCH I. Amount of Funds 2. Percentage of Funds OCJP-A303c (Rev. 7/97) JAlBG 2003 AWARD ALLOCATION WORKSHEET I) Unit of Local Government Direct Grant Amount (See Program Guidelines, Appendix A) (A)$ 74,303 2) Additional Direct Grants received from other eligible recipients: (See Program Guidelines, Appendix A. Use additional sheet ifneeded.) City: Amount $ City: Amount $ City: Amount $ City: Amount $ City: Amount $ City: Amount $ City: Amount $ City: Amount $ City: Amount $ Total from additional sheet (if needed) $ -0- Total amount received from other recipients (B)$ -0- 3) Total Amount of Federal Award (Calculation A + Calculation B above) (C)$ 74,303 If you are applying funds toward construction of a Permanent Juvenile Correctional Facility (PJCF) then use the alternate calculation found in the box on page two for items 4 & 5 below: 4) Total Project Cost [(Calculation C x 10) + 9] Round to the nearest whole dollar (D)$ 82,559 5) Cash Match (Calculation D - Calculation C) (E)$ 8,256 6) Administrative Costs to be Charged to Grant (F)$ -0- 7) Total Funds Available for Program Purpose Areas (G)$ 82,559 (Calculation D - Calculation F) 8) Amount Funded to Program Purpose Areas 3-9: 3 tS $41 ,280 4 IS $ 5 IS $ 6 IS $ 7 tS $ 8 IS $ 9 IS $ Total Amount Funded in Program Purpose Areas 3-9 (H)$ 41.280 9) Minimum Funds Required in Program Purpose Areas 3-9 (1)$ 37,152 (Calculation G x .45) Is Calculation H equal to, or greater than Calculation f? Yes X No JAIBG 2003 AWARD ALLOCATION WORKSHEET If not, is a waiver to spend funds differently included? Yes No X 10) Amount Funded to Program Purpose Areas 1,2 and 10: I 2 10 IS $ 41 , 280 IS $ IS $ Total Amount Funded in Program Purpose Areas 1,2 and 10 (J)$ 41. ?7g II) Minimum Funds Required in Program Purpose Areas 1,2 and 10 (K)$ 14,448 (Calculation G x .35) Is Calculation J equal to, or greater than Calculation K? Yes X No If not, is a waiver to spend funds differently included? Yes No X 12) Amount Funded to Program Purpose Areas II and 12: 11 12 IS IS $ -0- $ -0- Total Amount Funded in Program Purpose Areas 11 and 12 (L)$ -0- 13) Total of all Allocated Funds (Calculation F + H +J +L) (M)$ 82,559 14) Does Calculation M, Total of Allocated Funds, equal Calculation D, Total Project Cost? Yes ~ No _ (If "no", there is an error in one of the calculations that must be corrected) Only use the alternate calculations below for Items 4 & 5, if you are using grant funds for the construction of Permanent Juvenile Correctional Facilities (PJCF). A definition for a PJCF is included in Program Guidelines, Section 6. 4. Alternate Calculation for Total Project Cost [(((Calculation C - Amount of Federal Funds for PJCF) x 10).;. 9)] + [2 x Amount of Federal Funds for PJCF] i ~ ii' 5. Alternate Calculation for Cash Match [(((Calculation C - Amount of Federal Funds for PJCF) x 10) .;. 9)] - [Calculation C - Amount of Federal Funds for PJCF] + Amount of Federal Funds for PJCF (E)$ FY 2003 JUVENILE ACCOUNT ABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JAlBG) PROGRESS REPORT OFFICE OF CRJMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING ATTENTION: GRANTS CONTROL 1130 K STREET, SUITE LL60 (916) 324-9124 Following the instructions, please provide the mformatIon as indicated. SUBMIT TWO (2) COPIES OF THE REPORT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS: Project Title: San Bernardino Juvenile Accountability Project Grant Award #: Gran tee: City of San Bernardino Grant Period: June 30, 2003 to June 29, 2004 Address: 300 North '0' Street, San Bernardino Report Period: Report Prepared By: O. Wa 1 do Title: Sergeant (Relationship to Project) Telephone: 909-384-5658 REPORT [ ] [ ] [ ] I J FINAL/4th Progress Report: Due July 30, 2004 Narrative/ statistical report covering entire grant period. If equipment was purchased during the grant period, submit "Use of CertificatIon" OCJP-074 Appendix B of the Grantee Handbook with final Progress Report. 1 Extension Report: Due 30 days after closure of any extension period. Do only if initial grant period is extended. 90-day Status Report: Due October 30, 2003 20d Progress Report: Due January 30, 2004 3'd Progress Report: Due April 30, 2004 Narrative/statistical report to cover first 3 months of operation. Narrative/statistIcal report covering first 6 months of operation. Narrative/statistical report covering first 9 months of operation. BUDGET DYES DNO Are grant funds being expended in accordance with the Grant Award Agreement? (If not, please explain) 1. Total Grant Award: $ 82.559 2. Total funds Expended to date: $ , Total encumbered but not paid for: $ J. 4. Total Grant balance: $ I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH OCJP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. Captain Signature - Project Director Title Date FOR OCJP USE ONLY: D Report accepted as submitted. D Report NOT accepted as submitted. D See attached comments. R, [ reviewed by: Program Specialist Date PERSONl'o'EL FY 2003 JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) PROGRESS REPORT r ons Authorized in Grant Award Agreement (Please attach additional pages as needed): Name of Staff Title % Grant Funded Police Officer 50% 1. Peck, Devin 50% 2. Ratliff, James Probation Officer 3. 4. IYIYES DYES DYES DNO [XJNO [!jNO Have all grant-funded positions been filled? If NO, please explain below. Have any of the job duties, as detailed in the Grant Award Agreement, changed. If YES, please explain below. Are there any personnel issues which may affect the project objectives and activities. If YES, please explain below. EQUIPMENT Equipment initially authorized in the grant award agreement should be ordered within the first four months so that it can be placed in service during the grant period (Grantee Handbook section 2320). If your equipment purchases exceeds tl ice below, please attach a separate sheet to this report. Please detail any problems encountered in ordering/receiving grant equ'I.lment. DYES IYIN/A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [!jNO If the Grant Award allows for equipment purchases, has any equipment been purchased? If YES, please detail below: Equipment Cost Date OrderedJ Received State Equipment Tag # Affixed (Yes or No) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE To assist the project in appropriate implementation of the grant award (programmatic andJor administrative), technical assistance can be provided by your Program Specialist. Projects may request Technical Assistance at any time during the year. DYES [XjNO Please indicate if Technical Assistance is requested FY 2003 JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JAlBG) PROGRESS REPORT cet Title: San Bern ardi no Juven i 1 e Accountabi 1 ity Proj ect 1 _ _Jeet Goal: To hold accountable those persons who are on probat i on and deter them from further criminal activity. State Objective 1 as listed in grant award: Thi s object i ve funds one po 1 ice offi cer to work (List Output Measure(s) as listed in grant award: with one probation officer to modify behavior, provide intervention, and hold accountable .iuvenile offenders. Projected 1" 2nd 3'" 4th Number Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter ssn Total to Date Arrest of juveniles Curfew/Probation compliance checks Program referrals 4,000 300 List Outcome Measure(s) as listed in tbe grant award and provide information to date as to what has been achieved: NARRATIVE Arrest of juvenilp~ Curfew/Probation compliance checks These totals will be taken from statistics generated by officer activities. Referrals to alternative proqrams Thi s obj ect i ve funds one probat i on offi cer to work State Objective 2 as listed in grant award: with a pol ice offi cer to contact juvenil e offenders, provi de (List Output Measure(s) as listed in grant award): i ntervent i on, conduct comp 1 i ance checks, and ensure smooth, expeditious administration of the juvenile systel1l." 2"d 3'd 4th Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Projected Number 700 4.500 250 justice Total to Date Referrals to court Public contacts Citations List Qutcome Measure(s) as listed in tbe grant award and provide information to date as to what bas been achieved: NARRATIVE Referrals to court Public contacts These totals will be taken from statistics generated by officer activities. C itat ions *Copy this page and attach to list additional objectives and measures stated in the grant award agreement. ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): <.0- J -o~ Vote: Ayes \ . .1 Nays Change to motion to amend original documents: Item # i'l E Resolution # La::,;?:, - \ \ ('1 Abstain o Absent ...r;;r Reso. # On Attachments: L Contract term: ~ Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -=- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY By: NullNoid After: - Date Sent to Mayor: (, -"2...- (') .-:' Date of Mayor's Signature: lc.- ~- 0<, Date ofClerklCDC Signature: (.-)--0 ") Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: ,/ ..-/ - See Attached: See Attached: ~ed:_ Date Returned: Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent Oil 38lkdJiy: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes ./ No By - Yes No --.L- By Yes No......L By Yes No ---d'.. By Yes No ,/ By Copies Distributed to: City Attorney ./' Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services Police ./' Public Services EDA Finance ,/ MIS Water Others: Notes: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: ~'3 Revised 01/1210 I