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Serious_,Eau1try Disease Warning
Entered into Record It 51/ '1/ -3
CouncillCmyOevCms Mfg: . /0_ ,.
City Clerk/COC Secy
City of Sail Bernaldillll"
Ie Agenda Item
Exotic Newcastle Disease in PoultrylBirds
A serious poultry disease that primarily affects chickens may be present in
this area. If your birds become ill or die, or if you are aware of any neighbor's birds
that may be affected, please call us immediately at 1-800-491-1899. We will arrange
for a free veterinary evaluation of your bird.
To help protect your birds from this serious threat, please follow these
. Check your birds daily for signs of illness and call us immediately if they
become ill
. Keep your birds at home; do not move them to any other location
. Don't visit live bird markets as the disease may be present at these locations,
and it can be transported back to your birds
. Funds are available to purchase flocks diagnosed with this disease, so it is
critical to have the free laboratory tests if this illness is suspected
. This disease does not pose a threat to human health and does not affect the
safety of poultry and egg products
. Sneezing, coughing and gasping for air
. Nasal discharge
. Greenish, watery diarrhea
. Depression, muscular tremors, drooping wings, twisting of the head and neck,
complete paralysis
. Drop in egg production and thin-shelled eggs
. Swelling around the eyes and in the neck
. Sudden death
If you have any questions, require assistance testing your birds, need to
report smuggling or illegal movement of birds please call us at
END (E) IS 2/19/03
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Proteja 8us Valiosas Aves
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A viso Importante Sobre la Enfermedad de
"N ewcastle Exotico de las Aves"
Una peligrosa enfermedad de las aves domesticas que afecta
principalmente alas gallinas puede estar presente en esta area. La
enfermedad se llama "Newcastle Exotico." Las aves afectadas
mueren de 3 a 5 dias despues de estar enfermas. Si sus aves
enferman, 0 si usted sabe de algun conocido con aves enfermas, por
favor llamenos inmediatamente all-800-491-1899 para que un
veterinario evalue sus aves sin costo alguno.
Para ayudar a proteger a sus aves de esta seria amenaza, por favor siga estas precauciones:
· Observe sus aves diariamente. Si enferman lIamenos inmediatamente
· No lIeve sus aves a ningun lado. Mantengalas en su hogar
· Ni visite los mercados 0 sitios donde se vendan aves, debido a que la enfermedad puede estar
presente en estos lugares y puede lIevarIa a sus aves
· Existen fondos federaIes para comprar las aves en las que esta enfermedad sea diagnosticada.
Los examenes de laboratorio son gratuitos
. La carne y huevo de las aves afectadas "SI" pueden ser consumidos por la gente
· Esta enfermedad "NO" representa algun riesgo para la saIud de las personas
· Estornudo, tos, dificultad para respirar
· Secreciones nasales
· Diarrea verde y acuosa, falta de apetito
· Depresi6n, temblor muscular, alas caidas, torticolis, paralisis completa
· Caida en la producci6n de huevo y cascarones delgados
· Inflamaci6n alrededor del ojo y cuello
· Muerte subita
Si tiene cualquier pregunta, qui ere que sus aves sean analizadas, 0 qui ere reporter contrabando 0
movimiento i1egal de aves, por favor lIamenos al telefono:
END (8) IS (2/19103)
Exotic Newcastle Disease
To reduce the risk of introducing exotic ND into a flock, main-
tain a biosecurity barrier (physical barrier, personal hygiene,
and equipment sanitation) between wildlife, poultry facilities,
other commercial avian facilities, and pet birds. Some ex-
amples of good biosecurity practices include:
Permit only essential workers and vehicles on the
Provide clean clothing and a disinfection procedure
for employees and visitors.
Clean and disinfect vehicles at the farm entrance.
Avoid visiting other avian facilities.
Do not keep pet birds or hire employees with birds.
Protect the flock from exposure to wild birds.
Control movement associated with the disposal of
bird carcasses, litter, and manure.
Quarantine new additions to the flock. Never allow
people or material to move from the quarantined
birds to the flock.
Report signs of disease to your veterinarian
and to your CDFA District Office.
Animal Health and Food Safety Services
For additional information, contact the Helpline
Exotic ND was first diagnosed in the United States in
California in 1950 among chukars and pheasants im-
ported from Hong Kong. The infection, which spread to
five poultry farms in Contra Costa County, was quickly
eliminated through the destruction of the infected
Information for Bird Owners
.~ ~~' AJ In rare cases, exotic ND has caused conjuncti~itis (pink
~ DESCRIPTION ~ eye) In people exposed to high levels of Virus, including
E t. N tl D' (ND) I k laboratory workers and people working with severely affected
xo IC ewcas e Isease , a so nown as b' d
N velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease, occurs in Ir s.
g Central and SouthAmerica, the Middle East, and most
N of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Exotic ND is one of several
.. types of ND. The severity ofthe disease varies with the
Ql type of ND virus. After an incubation period of 2-15
.a days, exotic ND causes extremely high morbidity
.2 (sickness) and mortality (death) in chickens and other
U birds. Some birds show few clinical signs and may
o spread disease. Pet birds, especially parrots, may shed
virus for more than a year without showing signs. In
contrast, poultry ranches may experience up to 100%
mortality in unvaccinated flocks and 10-20% mortality
in vaccinated flocks. Exotic ND does not pose a threat
to public health and does not affect the safety of poultry
and eggs products.
o A catastrophic outbreak of exotic ND occurred in
Z California commercial poultry from 1971 through 1973.
Poor security at a bird importer's premises led to contact
between infected parrots from South America and
neighboring commercial poultry. The disease spread
rapidly within the Southern Califomia commercial poultry
population. Vaccination was widely used, but was not
effective until aggressive destruction of infected birds
and improved biosecurity were in place. The disease
was eradicated, but in the process eight Southern
California counties were quarantined and 11.9 million
birds were destroyed. Eradication efforts cost
taxpayers $56 million and severely disrupted the
operations of many producers.
In 1998, exotic ND was introduced into a small flock of
game fowl by a bird purchased from a local swap
meet. The flock was quarantined and destroyed.
Surveillance was completed on all backyard flocks in
the area with no further infection detected.
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California Departmeot of Food and AgriClllture
Sneezing, coughing and gasping for air
Nasal discharge
Greenish, watery diarrhea
Depression, muscular tremors, drooping wings,
twisting of the head and neck, complete paralysis
Drop in egg production and thin-shelled eggs
Swelling around the eyes and in the neck
Sudden death
Birds may become infected directly through contact with
other infected birds, fecal material, or aerosol over a short
distance; or indirectly through contact with contaminated
people, vehicles, equipment, insects, and rodents.
The virus may survive for several weeks in a warm, humid
environment, and indefinitely in frozen material. The virus
is rapidly destroyed by dehydration and sunlight, or 1 minute
at boiling temperature.
1 (800) 491-1899
or contact the CDFA website at www.cdfa.ca.gov
WND_ factsheet_fc7.pmd
RFV ~mlm
Enfermedad de Newcastle Exotica de las Aves
La Enfermedad de Newcastle ex6tico (END por SUS siglas en
ingles), tambilm conocida como enfermedad de Newcastle
veloQemica viscerotr6pica, as uno de 105 tipos patol6gicos de la
enfermedad de Newcastle. END existe en Centro y Sur America,
el Oriente Media, yen la mayor parte de Europa, Africa y Asia.
Despu8s de un periodo de incubaci6n de 2-15 dias, END causa
morbilidades (numera de aves enfermas) y mortalidades muy
altas (cercanas al1 00%) en gallinas, pavQS Y otras aves. Algunas
especies de aves muestran leves 5i9n05 cHnicos, para aun de
asa manera pueden difundir 81 virus. Aves mascotas,
particularmente los pericos, pueden eliminar el virus por mas de
un alia sin mostrar signos. En contraste, las parvadas de gallinas
y paves pueden presentar mertalidades hasta del 100% en aves
susceptibles. EI virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle tambiim
causa conjuntivitis en el ser humano.
La END es causada por un virus de fa familia Paramixoviridae,
el cual puede sobrevivir durante largos periodos de tiempo a
temperatura ambiente, principalmente en las heces Se inactiva
a 560C en 3 horas, 0 600C en 30 min.
EI virus puede sobrevivir por varias semanas en medio ambientes
templados y humedos, e indefinidamente en materia congelada.
EI virus se destruye rapidamente por deshidrataci6n y la luz
solar, 0 en un minuto a temperatura de ebullici6n.
END fue diagnosticada por vez primera en los Estados Unidos,
en 1950, en perdices y faisanes importados de Hong Kong a
California. La infecci6n se difundi6 a cinco granjas avicolas del
condado de Contra Costa. EI brate fue eliminada rapidamente
sacrificando las aves afectadas.
Un brote catastr6fico de END ocurri6 en 1971-1973 en granjas
comerciales de California. Pobre bioseguridad en las instalaciones
de un importador de aves, caus6 que unos pericos importados
de Sur America tuvieran contacto con una granja comercial
vecina. La enfermedad se difundi6 rapidamente en las granjas
comerciales del Sur de California. La vacunaci6n S8 uso
extensivamente, pero no se tuvo exita hasta que se lJev6 al cabo
la destrucci6n de las aves infectadas y la bioseguridad se mejor6.
La enfermedad fue erradicada, pera en el proceso ocho
condados del Sur de California fueron cuarentenados y 11.9
millones de aves fueran destruidas. La erradicaci6n costo alas
pagadores de impuestos $56 millones de d61ares y las
operaciones de muchos praductores se vieron afectadas.
En 1998, la END afect6 una pequena parvada de aves de combate debido
a la introducci6n de un ave comprada en un mercado local. La parvada se
cuarenten6 y destruy6. Se ltev6 al cabo vigilancia epidemiol6gica en todas
las parvadas de traspatio del area sin focos adicionales de infecci6n
Estornudo, tos, dificultad para respirar
Secreciones nasales
Diarrea verde y acuosa, falta de apetito
Depresi6n, temblor muscular, alas caidas, torticolis, paralisis
Calda en la producci6n de huevo y cascarones delgados
Inflamaci6n alrededor del ojo y cuello
Muerte subita
Las aves pueden infectarse directamente por estar en contacto con
otras aves enfermas, heces 0 aerosotes a corta distancia; 0 indirectamente
a traves del contacto con personas, vehiculos, equipo, insectos y roedores
que mecanicamente transportan el virus.
Para reducir los riesgos de introducir la END en una parvada, establezca
una barrera de bioseguridad (barreras f1sicas, higiene del personal y
limpieza y desinfecci6n del equipo) entre las aves silvestres, instalaciones
avicolas, otras instalaciones avlcolas comerciales y aves mascota.
Algunos ejemplos de buena bioseguridad son:
. Tenga sola mente 105 trabajadores y vehfculos necesarios
en las iostaladones
. Proporcione ropa limpia y establezca procedimlentos de
desinfeccion para empleados, vehiculos y visltantes a la
entrada de las granjas
. Evite visitar otras i8stalaciones avfcolas
. No vtsite mercados de aves vivas (swap meets)
. No iotroduzca otras aves a sus parvadas ni permita que
teogan contacto COD aves silvestres
. No teoga aves mascotas y no contrate empleados que tengan
. Controle el movimiento relacionado con la eliminacion de
cadaveres. material de cams y abono
No existe tratamiento para la END. La vacunaci6n no es efectiva para la
END. Si sus aves enferman existen fondos para indemnizarlo por sus
aves enfermas. Los pruebas de laboratario para diagnosticar la END
son gratuitas. Reporte a su veterinario 0 al personal de Salud Animal
signos sospechosas de esta enfermedad.
Animal Health and Food Safety Services
Para mayor informacion lIame gratis al:
-' ~ ~~
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California Department of Food and AgriClllwre
o consulte nuestra pagina en Internet:
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END 03 MAP 1/8/03
Federal Quarantine, Exotic Newcastle Disease
California, January 8, 2003
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December 2002
Biosecurity Footbaths for Exotic Newcastle Disease
Information for Bird Owners
Footbaths may be used as part of your biosecurity plan to reduce the spread of
Exotic Newcastle Disease. They must be prepared daily and changed whenever
they are dirty. Choose a disinfectant effective against Newcastle disease virus
and mix according to the manufacturer's labels. Follow the manufacturer
directions when using disinfectants, and take all precautions.
Thoroughly clean your footwear before you use the footbath - disinfectants do
not work if footwear is dirty! Use a brush, water and blunt object to remove the
dirt, soil and fecal material- remove ALL debris.
Now use your disinfectant footbath to disinfect your footwear, especially the
soles, Leave the disinfectant on the footwear.
To prepare a footbath you will need:
. Plastic grass rug
. Tray to hold the rug
. Suitable disinfectants mixed with clean water. The disinfectant must cover
the rug.
Suitable disinfectant include:
. Virkon S mixed at 1.3 oz. to each gallon of water.
. One-Stroke Environ mixed at y, oz. to each gallon of water.
Place footbaths at the entrance to your property.
Alternatives to footbaths include using buckets containing disinfectant and a
brush for applying the disinfectant to footwear, and spray units containing
disinfectants for spraying footwear.
Disclaimer: Trade names are used in this publication to provide specific information but do
not constitute a guarantee, warranty or endorsement by the Department of the product
over other products. The Department bears no responsibility for liability resulting from the
U8e ofthe de8cribed nt'oductA.
For more information visit our Web page at ",ww.cdfa.ca.!!",' or call 1-800-491-1899.
Diciembre 2000
Tapetes Sanitarios como Bioseguridad contra la
Enfermedad de Newcastle Exotica
Informacion para los Duenas de Aves
Tapetes sanitarios deben ser usados como parte del plan de bioseguridad para
reducir la diseminacion de la enfermedad de Newcastle Exotico. Las soluciones
desinfectantes deben preparase diariamente y se deben cambiar cuando
esten sucias. Escoja un desinfectante efectivo contra el virus del Newcastle y
mezcle la solucion de acuerdo a las instrucciones del fabricante, tomando
todas las precauciones necesarias.
Antes de usar el tapete sanitario limpie completamente sus zapatos, 105
desinfectantes no trabajan eficazmente si 105 zapatos quedan sucios. Use un
cepillo, agua y un objeto para remover la tierra, materia fecal 0 cualquier otra
Use el tapete sanitaria para desinfectar 105 zapatos, especialmente 105 suelas,
deje el desinfectante actuar en 10 suela de 105 zapatos.
Para preparar el tapete sanitario usted necesita:
. Un pedazo de alfombra pl6stica.
. Un recipiente pl6stico donde colocar la alfombra pl6stica.
. Agua y un desinfectante adecuado. EI desinfectante tiene que
cubrir la alfombra pl6stica.
Desinfectantes adecuados:
. Virkon S: Mezcle 1.3 onzas por cada galon de agua.
. One-Stroke Environ: Mezcle media [ '12 ) onza por cada galon de
Ponga el tapete sanitario a la entrada de su propiedad,
Otras allernativas al tapete sanitario son cubetas con desinfectante, cepillos 0
atomizadores para aplicar el desinfectante en el calzado.
Descargo de responsabilidad: Nombres comerciales son usados en esta publicaci6n para
proveer informaci6n especifica, pero no constituye garantia 0 aval del Departamento
sobre los productos. EI Departamento no tiene responsabilidad alguna por el uso de los
Para mayor informaci6n visite Duestn pagina de Internet: www.cdfa,C'll.l!OV 0 lIame al 1-800~91-1899
END 11
December 2002
Information for Neighbors: Exotic Newcastle Disease Outtreak
in Backyad Poultry in Southern Calffornia
What is Exotic Newcastle Disease? Exotic
Newcastle Disease is a serious. highly contagious
viral disease of poultry and other birds. After an
incubation period of 2-15 days. the disease may
cause high rates of sickness and death in
susceptible birds. especially chickens. Other
types of birds may be infected with less serious
effects. In some cases. birds may not appear
sick but may carry and spread the disease to
other birds. There is no effective cure. and
vaccination is of limited value.
Is this disease harmful to people? No. Exotic
Newcastle Disease is not a public health threat.
Is it safe to eat poultry? Yes! Poultry and eggs are
safe to eat.
. When. where. and how did this outbreak start? It
started in late September 2002 in Southern
California. Although the source of the disease is
under investigation. the virus closely resembles
one that devastated the poultry industry in
Mexico in 2000. Over 13 million chickens either
died or had to be killed to stop that outbreak.
How does this disease spread? Both sick and
healthy looking birds can spread disease.
Healthy looking birds may be incubating or
recovering from disease. or a bird species not
seriously affected by Exotic Newcastle Disease.
People. also. can spread the disease to birds
both directly and on contaminated clothing.
possessions. equipment or vehicles exposed to
the virus. Some outbreaks have implicated birds
smuggled into the US - legally imported birds are
quarantined and screened for this disease.
What is being done to stop this outbreak?
Disease investigation crews are working in
affected areas. They need the support of the
whole community to quickly find sick birds.
Infected birds and birds that may have been
exposed to infection are humanely destroyed -
this is the only way to stop the outbreak and
protect other birds. After birds are removed. the
premises are thoroughly cleaned. disinfected
and left empty for a time before reintroducing
new birds. The surrounding neighborhood is
checked for signs of disease.
How is the neighborhood affected? If you live
near infected birds you may see people putting
on white suits. plastic boots. eye goggles. masks
and other special clothing before they enter the
premises. This is to prevent workers from
spreading infection after handling sick birds.
Animal health officials are trained to take great
precautions to prevent spreading disease from
one area to another.
What are they doing on the premises? Infected
birds are humanely destroyed and the affected
area cleaned and disinfected as quickly and
thoroughly as possible. Bird owners are
compensated for their birds at fair market value.
Bodies of birds are removed from the premises in
a way that prevents infection from spreading.
Will officials come to my house? Animal health
officials who have not been on affected premises
will check the area and quarantine neighbors
who own birds. Birds that have not been exposed
to infected birds will be examined for signs of
disease until the quarantine is lifted. Birds that
have been exposed to disease may need to be
humanely destroyed to stop this disease from
What types of birds are involved in this outbreak?
BaCkyard poultry and pet and hobby birds hove
been offected since this investigation started.
Backyard chickens are mostly involved.
What can I do to help protect California's birds?
,/' Share information about this disease with your
friends and neighbors.
,/' AnonymOUSly report sick and dying birds.
,/' Anonymously report illegally smuggled birds.
,/' Protect your birds.
,/' Cooperate with animal health officials who
are trying to stop this devastating disease.
We need the support of the whole community
to stop the devastating impact of this disease on California's birds and bird owners.
For more information and reports. call 1-800-491-1899 or visit our Web site at www.cdfa.ca.aov
END 24
Biosecurity Guidelines to Prevent the Spread of
Exotic Newcastle Disease - Information for Bird
Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) is caused by a
virus that is easily spread by movement of birds,
people and contaminated materials. The virus is
present in manure and other excretions from
infected birds. It easily contaminates hands,
clothing, shoes, cages and equipment.
"Biosecurity measures" are steps taken to
reduce the chances of spreading disease. Pet
birds, especiaily parrots, may shed virus for more
than a year without showing signs. END does
not pose a threat to public health and does not
affect the safety of poultry and egg products.
Birds may become infected directly through
contact with other infected birds, fecal material,
or aerosol over a short distance; or indirectly
through contact with contaminated people,
vehicles, equipment, insects, and rodents.
Maintain a biosecurity barrier (physical barrier,
personal hygiene, and equipment sanitation)
between wildlife, poultry facilities, and other
commercial avian facilities and pet birds. Some
examples of good biosecurity practices include:
. Permit only essential workers and vehicles
on your property
. Have clean clothing and a disinfection
procedure for everyone
. Avoid visiting other bird facilities
. Do not keep pet birds or hire employees
with birds
. Protect the flock from exposure to wild
. Control movement associated with
disposal of bird carcasses, litter. and
. Quarantine new additions to the flock.
. Report signs of disease to your
veterinarian and to your CDFA District
. Control rodents
v" Have an "entry/exit" site to your property,
and consider having a disinfectant footbath
v" Keep easily cleaned footwear and clothing
just for bird activities.
v" Have water, cleaning materials, disinfectant,
and clothing at the designated area.
v" The area can be as smail as a plastic tub to
hold disinfectant, footwear and a brush, and
a hanger for clothes for one person, or an
area suitable for a number of visitors.
v" When entering the bird premises, or when
leaving on bird activities, use the footwear
and clothes dedicated to that activity. Do
not ailow your "off-site" clothes to
contaminate your premises.
v" Cover your vehicle's floorboards with a
piece of light plastic and leave it in place
until the end of the exposure period.
Consider plastic over the seats.
v" On returning to your property, wash your
hands, clean the surface of your vehicle's
control pedals and handles, remove and
discard the plastic covers. Thoroughly clean
and disinfect your footwear, especiaily the
soles. Shower, blow your nose, clean your
ears, put on clean clothes and launder those
you were wearing as soon as possible.
v" Thoroughly clean any contaminated items so
that disinfectants can work.
v" Ensure the outside of feed containers is clean
before bringing onto your property.
v" If you have visitors they should wear freshly
laundered clothes, wash their hands, blow
their nose, clean their ears, and clean and
disinfect the soles of their shoes before
entering your property. You may want to
provide boots and coverails for visitors.
These procedures are not guaranteed to prevent this highly contagious virus from affecting your birds.
However, they will reduce the risks.
For more information visit our Web page at www.cdfa.ca.aov or call 1-800-491-1899.
END 25 2/1 0/03
... t '......
:;.R~ CDFA
March 1, 2003
What is a quarantine? A California Department of Food and Agriculture, Animal Health and Food Safety
Services quarantine for Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) describes regulatory actions that must be taken to
control this highly contagious disease of birds.
Why were you given a quarantine order? You may have been served with a quarantine order on your
property because:
. END has been diagnosed in your local area and now there is a restriction on movement of birds and
bird products in order to reduce the risk of disease spread.
. You may have requested that your birds be tested for END.
. Your birds may have symptoms of illness that are similar to those of Exotic Newcastle Disease.
. Investigation of END in other locations indicates that your birds may have been exposed to END and
they may have become infected (even if no visible signs of illness) and they may be a threat to
successful control of END.
What may happen if I violate this quarantine? Anyone who violates the quarantine is civilly liable in an
amount not to exceed $25,000.
What does a negative test mean? A negative test result for END means that on the day that the test sample
was obtained, the sample did not show evidence of END. Unfortunately, a negative test result does not ensure
that your bird is not infected.
Does a negative test mean that I will not get the disease in the future? Negative birds/flocks can later
become infected if exposed to the disease. Biosecurity measures (actions taken to reduce the risk of disease
exposure) are as important after a negative test as before. A negative test does not prove that your bird is
not infected nor does it prevent later infection.
Will the quarantine order be removed if I have a negative test? No. Individual property quarantines will not
be removed until there is evidence that END has been eliminated from the local area.
When and how can I move my birds? If your property has been placed under a quarantine order, you
cannot move any birds or bird products (eggs, meat, cages, machinery, etc.) off your property until your
quarantine has been released. You cannot bring any new birds onto your property while the quarantine is in
What happens if my birds have a positive test result? Because there is no treatment for this highly
contagious disease, all birds on the premises will be humanely euthanized as soon as possible. The birds will
be appraised at fair market value before they are euthanized, and you will be paid the appraised value of the
birds. Subsequently, your property will have to be cleaned and disinfected. After a period of time (depending
upon your local area), the quarantine on your property will be amended or removed, and you may then bring
new birds onto your property.
Can my birds be euthanized even if they are not tested? Yes. If your property is located in an area where
END has been found, and it is determined that your birds have been exposed to the disease it may be
necessary to euthanize them without testing.
When willi get paid for my birds? Payment will be issued after all of the required documentation is received
and processed.
Can I appeal the quarantine order? Yes. You may request an informal hearing by calling the number at the
bottom of your quarantine notice within the timeframe specified.
How willi know the quarantine is lifted? You will receive an official written Notice of Quarantine Release.
END (El 19 3/112003
-;~~ CDFA
Marzo 1, 2003
"Que es una euarentena? Una cuarentena debido a la enfermedad de Newcastle ex6tieo (END por sus
siglas en ingles), por parte del Servicio de Salud Animal y Seguridad de Alimentos, del Departamento de
Alimentos y Agricultura de California, describe las acciones regulatorias a considerarse para controlar esta
enfermedad altamente contagiosa de las aves.
"Por que me dieron una orden de euarentena? Usted puede haber recibido la orden de cuarentena en su
propiedad debido a:
. La END ha side diagnosticada en su area, por 10 tanto hay una restricci6n en el movimiento de aves y
productos avfcolas para reducir el riesgo de diseminaci6n de la enfermedad.
. Puede ser que usted haya solicitado que sus aves sean analizadas para diagn6stico de la END.
. La investigaci6n de la END en olros lugares indica que sus aves pueden haber estado expuestas a la
END y haberse infectado en esos lugares (aun sin signos visibles de enfermedad) y pudieran ser una
amenaza para el control de la END.
"Que puede pasar sl vlolo esta euarentena? Cualquier persona que viole la cuarenlena sera civilmente
penalizada con una mulla hasta por $25,000.
"Que slgnlflea un resultado negativo de laboratorio? Un resultado negativo de laboratorio significa que en
el dia que la muestra analizada fue tomada no se encontr6 evidencia de la END.
"EI resultado negativo de laboratorio slgnlfiea que no tendre la enfermedad en el futuro? Ave/parvada
negaliva puede infectarse si esta expuesta al virus. Las medidas de bioseguridad (medidas para reducir el
riesgo de exposici6n al virus) son importantes tanto anles como despues de un resultado negativo. Un
resultado de laboratorio negativo no garantlza que su ave/parvada no este infeetada, tam poco previene
una Infeeel6n posterior.
"Sera la orden de euarentena removlda si obtengo un resultado de laboratorlo negatlvo? No. Las
cuarenlenas de propiedades individuales no seran removidas hasta que haya evidencia que la END ha side
eliminada de la localidad.
"Cuando y como puedo mover mis aves? Si su propiedad esta bajo cuarentena, usted no puede mover
aves 0 productos avicolas (huevo, came, equipo, etc.) fuera de su propiedad hasta que la cuarenlena sea
liberada. Usted tam poco puede introducir nuevas aves a su propiedad mientras la cuarentena este vigente.
"Que sueede si mis aves tienen un resultado de laboratorio positlvo? Debido a que no hay tratamienlo
para esta enfermedad altamenle contagiosa, todas las aves positivas lend ran que sacrificarse
humanitariamente tan pronto como sea posible. Las aves seran valuadas considerando su precio en el
mercado anles de sacrifiearse y entonces se pagaran al valor cotizado. Posteriormente, su propiedad tendra
que ser Iimpiada y desinfectada. Despues de un periodo (dependiendo de su localidad), la cuarentena en su
propiedad sera modificada 0 removida, y entonces usted probablemente pudiera introducir nuevas aves a su
"Pueden mis aves ser saerifleadas aun sin ser sometldas a pruebas de laboratorlo? Sf. Si su propiedad
esta localizada en una area donde la END se ha encontrado, y se ha determinado que sus aves han eslado
expuestas a la enfermedad, puede ser que sea necesario sacrificarlas sin anal is is de laboralorio.
"Cuando me pagaran mls aves? EI pago de las indemnizaciones sera emitido despues de que toda la
documentaci6n requerida sea recibida y procesada.
"Puedo apelar la orden de euarentena? Sf. Usled puede solicitar una audiencia informalllamando al numero
que aparece en la parte inferior del aviso de cuarentena, dentro del tiempo especificado.
"Como sabre que la euarentena se ha levantado? Usted recibira un escrito oficial de Aviso de Liberaci6n de
END 19 31112003
[Fedcra] Register: January 10,2003 (Volumc 68, Numbcr 7) 1
[Page ]432]
From the Federa] Rcgistcr Onlinc via GPO Acccss [wais.acccss.gpo.gov]
Fedcral Rcgistcr
This section of thc FEDERAL REGISTER contains documcnts othcr than ru]cs or proposcd rules that are
applicable to the public. Notices of hearings and investigations. commiuee meetings. agency decisions and
rulings. delegations of authority. filing of petitions and applications and agency statements of organization
and functions arc examples of documents appearing in this section.
I [Page 14321 ]
Officc of thc Sccrctary
[Dockct No. O3-oo]-IJ
Dcclaration of Extraordinary Emergency Because of Exotic Newcastle Disease
Exotic Ncwcastle Disease (END) has bccn confirmed in the State of California. The discase has
becn confirmcd in backyard poultry, which are raised on private premises for hobby, cxhibition, and
personal consumption, and in commercial poultry.
END is a contagious and fatal viral disease affecting domcstic, wild, and cagcd poultry and birds.
It is one of the most infectious diseases of poultry in the world, and is so virulent that many birds die
without showing any clinical signs. A dcath rate of almost] 00 perccnt can occur in unvaccinated poultry
flocks. END can infect and cause death even in vaccinated poultry. This disease in poultry and birds is
characterized by respiratory signs accompanied by nervous manifestations, gastrointestinal lesions, and
swelling of the head.
END is spread primarily through direct contact betwecn hca]thy birds or poultry and thc bodily
discharges of infected birds or poultry. Within an infected flock, END is transmiued by direct contact,
contaminated feeding and watering equipment, and aerosols produccd by coughing, gasping, and other
respiratory disturbances. Dissemination between flocks over long distances is often due to movement of
contaminated equipment and service personnel, such as vaccination crews. Movement of carrier birds and
those in an incubating stage accounts for most of the outbreaks in the pet bird industry.
The existencc of END in California represents a threat to the U.S. poultry and bird industrics. It
constitutes a real danger to the national economy and a potential serious burden on interstate and foreign
commerce. The Department has reviewed the measures being taken by California to control and eradiate
END and has consulted with thc appropriate State Government and Indian tribal officials in California.
Based on such review and consultation, the Department has determined that the measures being taken by
the State are inadequate to control or eradicate END. Therefore, the Department has determined that an
extraordinary emergency exists because of END in California.
This declaration of extraordinary emergency authorizcs thc Secrctary to (I) hold, scizc, trcat,
apply other remedial actions to, destroy (including preventative slaughter), or otherwise dispose of, any
animal, article, facility, or means of conveyance if the Secretary determines the action is necessary to
prevent the dissemination of END and (2) prohibit or restrict the movement or use within the State of
California, or any portion of the State of California, of any animal or article, means of conveyance, or
facility if the Secretary determines that the prohibition or restriction is nccessary to prcvcnt thc
dissemination of END. The appropriate State Governmcnt and Indian tribal officials in California have
been informed of these facts.
Effectivc Date: This declaration of extraordinary erncrgency shall become effectivc
January 6, 2003.
Ann M. Vcncman,
Secretary of Agriculture
[FR Doc. 03-492 Fi]ed 1-9-03: 8:45 am]
http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi.binlgetdoc.cgi?dbname=2003Jegi'ter&docid=frl OjaO...
END 29 (3-13-2003)
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