HomeMy WebLinkAboutR29-Economic Development Agency ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FROM: Maggie Pacheco Deputy Director SUBJECT: PROPOSED CREATION OF THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY DATE: April 29, 2003 ORIGINAL ____________________________________ _______________u_________ ______________________________________________________--- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Svnopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): On December 5, 2002, Redevelopment Committee Members Anderson, Suarez and Estrada reviewed Staffs recommendation to create the San Bernardino City Housing Authority for the purpose of facilitating redevelopment of residential neighborhoods and unanimously voted to recommend that the Mayor and Common Council consider this proposal for approval. __________________________________________________________n_______________________________________________________---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Motion(s): (Mavor and Common Council) MOTION: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DECLARING THAT THERE IS A NEED TO CREATE A CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY IN THE COMMUNITY ("SAN BERNARDINO CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY") AND DECLARING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO BE COMMISSIONERS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Maggie Pacheco Phone: (909) 663-1044 All Project Area(s) N/A Ward(s): Supporting Data Attached: Ii'! Staff Report Ii'! Resolution(s) 0 Agreement(s)/Contract(s) 0 Map(s) 0 Letters FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Amount: $ /) -0- Source: N/A SIGNATURE: N/A ~"'--f.,f~ t?~~ Maggie Pacheco, Deputy Director _________________________________________________________________ ______________ _______________ ___u_______________ ________________ _________________________________________________________ Commission/Council Notes: 12-<=~.;ld Z()()?,-IO~- _______________________________________________________________~.__________________________~._____________________________________________________ ________________d_______________________._______________. P:\Clcrical Services Dcpt\Margarcl ParkcMgenda\CDC 2003\03-05-05 Housing Aulhorily.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Number: A.;1' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT ________________________________________n____________._________________________________+_________________________---------------------..--------------------------------------------.---------------+--. Proposed Creation of the San Bernardino City Housin!!: Authoritv BACKGROUND AND CURRENT ISSUE: In September 2002, the Mayor embarked upon a plan to enhance and rebuild the housing conditions in the area located between 6'h and 9'h Streets, F Street to 1215, commonly referred to Old Towne San Bernardino (the "Pilot Area"). The Pilot Area is comprised of predominately residential land uses many of which are in substandard and dilapidated condition, and scattered vacant, underutilized residential lots. There are a number of parcels that are suitable for redevelopment, but not necessarily available for sale and many parcels sit idle and unmaintained due to the lack of cooperation on the part of the landowners. This Pilot Area is within the Redevelopment Agency's Central City North Redevelopment Project Area ("Project Area"), and the Agency is presently working on a plan for an amendment and program EIR to reinstate the powers of eminent domain which will be used as a tool to encourage owners to participate or to cooperate in the redevelopment of the Pilot Area and/or Project Area; however, because of the technical nature involving redevelopment plan amendments, the process for reinstatement is longer and more complex. In March 2003, the Community Development Commission authorized and approved a partnership between the Agency and Creative Housing Solutions, a non-profit housing organization, for the purpose of redeveloping residential lots with new single-family homes, or the possible relocation of homes possessing historic value in connection with the San Bernardino Unified School District plan to develop the Jones Elementary School, and to buy, rehabilitate and resell HUD units to homebuyers within Old Towne Pilot Area. While Creative Housing Solutions has had some successes to date in negotiating the purchase of several vacant residential lots in the Pilot Area, there are still a number of parcels that remain desirable candidates for housing, but Creative Housing Solutions has received no responses from current absentee owners to participate or redevelop the lots. In February 2003, the Community Development Commission approved another agreement, this time with ANR Industries, a for-profit housing developer, for redevelopment of the blighted residential neighborhood bounded by Sierra Way, Allen, 2nd and Rialto Streets (Meadowbrook), situated within the IVDA Project Area boundaries which would consist of the development of 23 new single-family homes (I 51 Phase), together with the implementation of a neighborhood beautification approach including but not limited to providing assistance to existing homeowners wishing to improve their living conditions. The improvements undertaken under the beautification grant program will be conducted in such a fashion as to complement the new development in order to create a unified architectural theme throughout the neighborhood. The program would also include establishment of a streetscape theme, together with the potential demolition of unsightly buildings that are present in this area. The whole idea is to create a comprehensive approach to neighborhood preservation and to create a housing market adjacent to the City's downtown area. _____________+__________________________________d_.________uO_________d...________________________.____________._________________._______________________________.._______________________________d++_. P:\C1crical Services Dept\Margarel Parker\AgendnlCDC 2003\03-05-05 Housing Authority.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Number: R 1'_ Economic Development Agency Staff Report Proposed Creation of the San Bernardino City Housing Authority Page 2 When both these projects were discussed and considered, discussions ensued pertaining to the challenges and difficulties in redeveloping an existing residential neighborhood when absentee landlords do not maintain the properties, or for that matter, desire to participate in the revitalization efforts spearheaded by the Agency or City. In this context, the idea of creating a City Housing Authority was introduced and how the Authority could be used to augment current City and Agency redevelopment resources. Both of the projects cited above are examples of physically and socially blighted conditions that have occurred over time due to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, aged housing conditions, negligence or unwillingness on the part of the absentee landlords who take little or no interest in the maintenance and management of their investments, and homeowners who have very little disposable income to improve their living conditions. Although these types of conditions are not unique to San Bernardino they do, however, impose a fiscal detriment and serve as a deterrent and impediment to the economic stability and vitality of the community. Moreover, these kinds of conditions pose a financial burden on the City and often these neighborhoods suffer from high housing vacancy and high crime rates. Typically, communities experience disproportionate costs in relation to other new and maintained areas in the form of additional public services such as police, fire, building and safety and code enforcement. The type of conditions evidenced in the Project Area, Pilot Area and/or Meadowbrook, as well as a number of other pockets of deteriorated neighborhoods throughout the City, cannot be turned around without the aid of a local Agency that possesses the appropriate powers to aid property owners in the rejuvenation and improvement of substandard housing conditions. Accordingly, the State Legislature recognized that there was a need to establish law that gives cities or counties the ability to create local housing authorities, which can aid in the removal of blighted conditions, and the development and preservation of housing. Health and Safety Code Section 34200-34219, Housing Authority Law, states that the governing body of a City may make the determination as to whether there is a need for an authority to function within its jurisdiction. In this regard, in order to create a local Housing Authority, the governing body may adopt a Resolution declaring that there is a need for a Housing Authority if it finds either of the following: (a) That unsanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations exist, and that persons of low income are forced to reside in such accommodations and that these conditions cause an increase in and spread of disease and crime and constitute a menace to the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the residents of the State and impair economic values; that these conditions necessitate excessive and disproportionate expenditures of public funds for crime prevention and punishment, public health and safety, fire and accident protection, and other public services and facilities; (b) That there is a shortage of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations In a community, available to persons oflow and moderate income. ______________________________________n___________n__________________________.____________________________________--~--------------------------------.----------------.~-------------.------------------. P:\Clcrical Scrvkcs Depl\Margarct Parkcr\Agcnda\CDC 2003\03-05-05 Housing Aulhorily.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/0512003 Agenda Item Number: Il. 2 , Economic Development Agency Staff Report Proposed Creation ofthe San Bernardino City Housing Authority Page 3 Moreover, recognizing that the fundamental purpose or goal of a Housing Authority is to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing, Section 34312 gives a local Housing Authority broad powers such as: . Acquire, own, hold and improve real or personal property, purchase, lease, obtain option upon, acquire by gift, grant, bequest, devise otherwise any real or personal property or any interest in property; . Sell, lease, transfer, assign, pledge or dispose of any real property; . Acquire any real property by Eminent Domain; . Provide for the construction, reconstruction, improvement and alteration or repair of housing projects; . Provide the security which the authority deems necessary for the protection of a project and its inhabitants; . Acquire, plan, undertake, construct, improve, and develop mobile homes or mobile home parks; . Issue revenue bonds or make loans for the purpose of financing acquisition, construction and development of decent and safe housing or to make capital improvements in connection with such housing units; . An authority may also contract with the Redevelopment Agency of any City to exercise the powers in the City pursuant to a contract with the Redevelopment Agency funded from the Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for the purpose of increasing or improving the City's supply of affordable housing. Although the list of the powersthe Authority is broad and comprehensive, Staff proposes primarily to use the San Bernardino City Housing Authority as an instrument in the revitalization of residential neighborhoods suffering from some form of degradation and in the development of new housing opportunities particularly when property owners refuse to participate in the City's/Agency's improvement efforts. The creation of a City Housing Authority is not intended to duplicate the San Bernardino County Housing Authority or the Redevelopment Agency's housing effort, but to enhance, broaden, augment and give the City greater flexibility in implementing solutions for the elimination of blighted and unsafe housing conditions. Accordingly, the Redevelopment Committee supported this proposal and recommended that the Mayor and Common Council consider the proposal to create a City Housing Authority. Similar to the Community Development Commission, the San Bernardino City Housing Authority will need to have officers such as a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Director, and terms and compensation limits which would need to be considered by the San Bernardino City Housing Authority prior to undertaking any transactions. Hence, the proposed By-laws and Operational Procedures will be prepared and brought before the San Bernardino City Housing Authority for consideration and approval. It is also proposed that the Redevelopment Agency Staff provide technical and administrative and management services to the San Bernardino City Housing Authority as authorized under the California Housing Authority Law. -----------------------------------.-----------------------_.------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------.---------------------------------------+--------------------_... P:\C\erical Services Dcpt\Margaret ParkcrlAgcnda\CDC 2003\03-05-05 Housing AUll1ority,doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Nnmber: ~ 1- , Economic Development Agency Staff Report Proposed Creation of the San Bernardino City Housing Authority Page 4 ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: This action does not impose a fiscal impact on the City or the Agency. However, it is proposed that the San Bernardino City Housing Authority will utilize the administrative and technical expertise of the Redevelopment Agency Staff. Any allocation of Agency Low and Moderate Income Housing Funds to the San Bernardino City Housing Authority will have to be authorized by the Community Development Commission and accepted by the San Bernardino City Housing Authority at the appropriate time. RECOMMENDATION: That the Mayor and Common Council adopt the attached Resolution. '--J>?Jr' r9 ~ Maggie Pacheco, Deputy Director -------------------~------------~----------._------------~------------------------_.-----------_.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P:\Clcrical Services Dcpt\Margarct Parkcr\Agcnda\CDC 2003\03-05.05 Housing Authority,doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Number: ~ 2. , \ RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DECLARING THAT THERE IS A NEED TO CREATE A CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY IN THE COMMUNITY ("SAN BERNARDINO CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY") AND DECLARING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO BE COMMISSIONERS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY 4 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council is the governing body of the City of San Bernardino ("City"); and 9 WHEREAS. the Mayor and Common Council desire to adopt a Resolution declaring that there is a need for a City Housing Authority ("Authority") to function and operate within 10 11 the City and has found that either of the following conditions exist within the City: (1) that 12 unsanitary or unsafe inhabited dwelling accommodations exist in the City; and (2) that there is a 13 shortage of safe or sanitary .dwelling accommodations in such City available to persons of low 14 income at rental rates they can afford; and 15 WHEREAS, Authority means a public corporation created pursuant to Section 34200 of 16 the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Housing Authorities Law"); and 17 WHEREAS, Section 3420] of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California has 18 declared that there exist in the State unsanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations and that 19 persons of low income are forced to reside in such accommodations; that within the State there 20 is a shortage of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations available at rents which persons of 21 low income can afford and that such persons are forced to occupy overcrowded and congested 22 dwelling accommodations; that these conditions cause an increase in and spread of disease and 23 crime and constitute a menace to the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the residents of the 24 State and impair economic values; and that these conditions necessitate excessive and 25 disproportionate expenditures of public funds for crime prevention and punishment, public -1- P:IClerlcal Srr\"lces Dept\MargUtl Parker\ResolutionsIlOOJIOJ-1l5-05 Housing Authodl~. !\<Ice Reio.doc 2 health and safety, fire and accident protection, and other public services and facilities; and that these slum areas cannot be cleared, nor can the shortage of safe and sanitary dwellings for 3 persons of low income be relieved through the operation of private enterprise, and that the 4 construction of housing projects for persons of low income would therefore not be competitive 5 with private enterprise; and that the clearance, replanning, and reconstruction of the areas in 6 which unsanitary or unsafe housing conditions exist and the providing of safe and sanitary 7 dwelling accommodations are public uses and purposes for which public money maybe spent 8 and private property acquired and are governmental functions of State concern; and that it is in 9 the public interest that work on such projects be commenced as soon as possible in order to 10 relieve unemployment which now constitutes an emergency; and the necessity in the public interest and that the provisions of the Section 34201 are declared as a matter of legislative 11 determination; and 12 WHEREAS, in order to rectify the deficient housing and neighborhood conditions as ] 3 noted above, the Mayor and Common Council desire to establish the San Bernardino City 14 Housing Authority; and 15 WHEREAS, Section 34250 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, 16 states that a housing authority may contract with a redevelopment agency for the necessary staff 17 services associated with or required by an authority and in such case, the governing body shall 18 be vested with all of the rights, powers, duties and privileges and immunities in an authority; 19 and 20 WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council desire to have the San Bernardino City Housing Authority contract with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") to provide necessary staff services associated with the day to day activities, 21 22 23 functions and management of the San Bernardino City Housing Authority. 24 /II 25 /II -2- P:\Clerlcal Sfl"\'jccs Depl\''\1arll.arel Pllrktr\Ruolulion~\200J\03-05-05 Hou~ing AultlOrily '\1CC Reio.dot NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED 2 BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS 3 FOLLOWS: 4 Section I. The Mayor and Common Council hereby find and determine that the 5 facts and circumstances set forth in the Recitals hereof are true and correct in all respects. The 6 Mayor and Common Council acknowledge that the Staff report as presented to the Mayor and 7 Common Council upon the adoption of this Resolution regarding reasons for the creation of the 8 San Bernardino City Housing Authority is in the best interest of the citizens of the City. 9 Section 2. The Mayor and Common Council hereby declare that there is a need for a 10 housing authority on the basis that unsanitary or unsafe inhabited dwelling accommodations exist in the City. 11 Section 3. The Mayor and Common Council, the governmg body of the City, 12 hereby declare themselves to be the Commissioners of the San Bernardino City Housing 13 Authority. 14 The Mayor and Common desire to have the San Bernardino City Housing Section 4. 15 Authority contract with the Agency for any necessary staff services associated with or required 16 by the San Bernardino City Housing Authority, and in such case, the governing body of the Agency, shall be vested with all of the rights, powers, duties and privileges and immunities of 17 18 the San Bernardino City Housing Authority. 19 Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption and execution in the 20 manner as required by the City Charter. 21 III 22 III 23 III 24 III 25 III -3- P:\Clerical Stl"\'iCti Depf\.'\1argard ParkerIResolutioRi\200J\03-0S-0S HOluing Authoril)' ~cc Relio.dllC 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BER'IARDINO DECLARING THAT THERE IS A NEED TO CREATE A CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY IN THE COMMUNITY ("SAN BER"IARDlNO CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY") AND DECLARING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO BE COMMISSIONERS OF THE SAN BER"IARDINO CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY 3 4 5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and 6 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the 7 , 2003, by the following vote to wit: day of 8 Absent Abstain Nays Ayes Council Members: 9 ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGlJ','NIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MC CAMMACK 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk 17 18 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. 19 20 Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino 21 Approved as to form and Legal Content: By ~ 'it-.. ty Attorney 22 23 24 ,5 -4- P:\Ckriul St'rvict'$ Depll'Ia'larel Puker\Rt'5olulions\200J\OJ-05-0S HOllsln!: Authority MeC Relo.dot ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): 5 '5'-0 S Item # l2- Z 'l Resolution # Vote: Ayes (- Y I"" iJ Nays.6 Abstain .0? Change to motion to amend original documents: '2IiO -::.),-\ OS Absent S- Reso. # On Attachments: ~ Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -=- Direct City Clerk to (circle 1): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY Date Sent to Mayor: S '-Go,. C:.3 Date of Mayor's Signature: :5" ''1- o-~ Date ofClerklCDC Signature: ")'/)-0,\ Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: See Attached: See Attached: ee Attached: 60 Day Renn n 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney ,,/ Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services Watee Notes: Null/Void After: - By: ~ Reso. Log Updated: ./ Seal Impressed: _/ Date Returned: - Yes ./ No Yes No .L- Yes No ~ Yes No ;/ Yes No / EDA ./' MIS Finance Others: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: Revised 01/12/01