HomeMy WebLinkAboutR27-Economic Development Agency ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DATE: April 24, 2003 SUBJECT: HUB PROJECT OR1GlNAL FROM: Gary Van Osdel Executive Director ________________.___________________________________________________________________n.._____________________________________________________________. ---------------------+--------------------------- Synopsis of Preyious Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): On July 12, 1999, thc Community Development Commission approved a Cooperation Agreement with the Inland Valley Development Agency. On May 21, 200 I, the Community Development Commission and/or Common Council approved a Disposition and Development Agreement with SBT Partners and certified an Environment Impact Report for the HUB Project. On November 5, 2001, the Community Development Commission authorized execution of a Redevelopment Condemnation Memorandum with Inland Valley Development Agency. On February 3, 2003, the Community Dcvelopment Commission made a decision to appraise real property for Phase II. Recommended Motion(s): MOTION B: (Community Development Commission) A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REFERRING CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO THE INLAND VALLEY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR ACQUISITION PURSUANT TO THAT CERTAIN 1999 REDEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGREEMENT, DATED JULY 12, 1999, REGARDING THE HUB PROJECT AND APPROVING OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH (PHASE II). A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR RELOCATION SERVICES BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS (HUB PROJECT PHASE II). A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND CUTLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. (HUB X~QIr;_c:!_l'li!>.c~_~_In_______m___m____________m_______ ______________m___m _____m____________m____mm_____________m_m MOTION A: MOTION C: Contact Person(s): Project Arca(s) Gary Van Osdel/John Hoeger Phone: (909) 663-1044 3 IVDA Ward(s): Supporting Data Attached: iii Staff Report iii Resolution(s) iii Agreement(s)/Contract(s) 0 Map(s) iii Letters See Staff Amount: $ Report Source: Tax Increment/Land Sales Proceeds Reg uested SIGNATURE: ___________________________ __________________u______ ______._ ________________________________________________________---------------------------------.---------------------------- --~------------------ Commission/Council Notes: iLtcC'c.\,l c~ zoCJ~-IC-, ________________m_____C_______t_Zm_;3::__Ct_________________-- ....._----------- P:IClcrical Services Dep(~a~a~trarker\AgCnda\CDC lOO.}I03-05-05 HUB ProjCCl CDC Ilcm.doc c'J--2<:o 2, -lis" COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Number: --E.n ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT HUB Proiect BACKGROUND: Phase II of the Tippecanoe Retail Project (the HUB) is being undertaken by the Agency under the terms of a Redevelopment Cooperation Agreement with the Inland Valley Development Agency (the IVDA). The Agency is fully responsible for all costs of the project and can make nearly all decisions necessary for the project to proceed. Nevertheless, the governing board of the IVDA must issue any statutory offers and adopt any resolutions of necessity that would be required to acquire any HUB properties by condemnation. The first Resolution will refer five properties to the IVDA requesting the acquisition of the properties through eminent domain, if necessary. The other two Resolutions provide relocation and acquisition consulting services. CURRENT ISSUE: The attached Resolution sets forth the Agency's request that the IVDA commence acquisition of parcels from five property owners in the HUB project. Those owners are Nelson, Liaou, Perpuly, Shelton and Nanney-Wong. These owners have either rejected the Agency's offer outright or do not appear to be willing to settle. Resolutions are also attached approving professional services agreements with Pacific Relocation Consultants and Cutler & Associates, Inc. to provide the same services for Phase II as they did for Phase I of the HUB Project. ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACT: The City certified a Final Environmental Impact Report as of May 21, 2001 in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 as amended (CEQA). The Report included elements covering the realignment and construction of the street improvements for Harriman Place together with actions to acquire lands for right-of-way, for development of a retail shopping center, and for redevelopment of a restaurant by In-N-Out Burgers. FISCAL IMPACT: Under the terms of the Redevelopment Condemnation Memorandum approved on November 5, 2001, the Agency will be fully responsible for all costs of the IVDA in connection with the acquisition of these properties. Under the terms of the HUB development agreement, the developer is responsible to the Agency for certain payments in connection with these acquisitions. The amount of the statutory offer for the four owners combined is $522,000. Under the terms of the Disposition and Development Agreement with the HUB developer, the Agency will receive $185,000 leaving the Agency with a net cost of $337,000. ~_________________________________~_____________________________________________________________________________________________.________________d~._.____________________.._.__________________...__..___ P:\Clcrical Services Dcpl'u\1argarct Parker\Agenda\CDC 2003\03-05-05 HUB Project CDC Hem,doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Number: ./!..J.7 Economic Development Agency Staff Report HUB Project Page 2 The Pacific Relocation Consultants contract in the amount of $73,750.00 for relocation consulting services plus scheduled costs for property management services. The Cutler contract is in the amount of$37,500.00 for acquisition consulting services. RECOMMENDATION: That the Community Development Commission adopt the attached Resolutions. ________________d_____________________.__________________________________________.___________.________________----------- ___________________________________________d____________..-.--------------..---- ?:\Clcrical Services Dcpt\Margarcl ParkerlAgendalCDC 1003\03-05-05 HUB Project CDC Item.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 05/05/2003 Agenda Item Number: /I..J:J-- RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEl'iT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REFERRING CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO THE INLAND V ALLEY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR ACQUISITION PURSUANT TO THAT CERTAIl'i 1999 REDEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGREEMENT, DATED JULY 12, 1999, REGARDING THE HUB PROJECT AND APPROVING OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH (PHASE II). 4 5 6 7 WHEREAS. the Inland Valley Development Agency (the "IVDA") was established B pursuant to a joint exercise of powers agreement in January 1990, for the purpose of assisting in 9 the conversion, redevelopment and civilian reuse of the former Norton Air Force Base located 10 I] within the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the member governmental entities of the rvDA include the County of San 12 Bernardino. a political subdivision of the State of California, the City of Colton, a municipal , corporation. the City of Loma Linda. a municipal corporation, and the City of San Bernardino, a 14 California charter city (the "City"); and WHEREAS, the IVDA was granted specific powers by the State Legislature in 1989 (Statutes 1989. Chapter 545; See now Statutes 1997. Chapter 580 and Health and Safety Code 15 16 17 Section 33492.40. et seq.) to assist in the redevelopment of the former Norton Air Force Base 18 and the lands in proximity thereto pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law (Health and 19 Safety Code Section 33000, et seq., is hereafter referred to as the "CRL"); and WHEREAS. the IVDA adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Inland Valley 20 21 Redevelopment Project Area (the "Redevelopment Plan") in accordance with the provisions of 00 the CRL, and the Redevelopment Plan provides for certain redevelopment activities to be 23 undertaken within the redevelopment project area, as more fully described in the 24 Redevelopment Plan (the "Project Area"); and '5 WHEREAS. approximately eighty percent (80%) of the Project Area is situated within the territorial jurisdiction of the City; and -1- 1':'.Clerical Senice' Depl"hrl:arel Puker'.Rcwluliun,'JOO]\OJ-OS-OS IICI:I CDC A Rnu.dllc WHEREAS, the IVDA, the City and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San 2 Bernardino (the "Agency") previously entered into an agreement entitled "1999 Redevelopment I Cooperation Agreement" dated as of July 12, 1999, pursuant to which the IVDA, the City and' the Agency initiated the redevelopment of a portion of the Project Area referred to in the 1999 3 4 ) Redevelopment Cooperation Agreement as the "Agency Implementation Area" and which area 6 has slI1ce been referred to by the Agency as the "HUB Project;" and 7 WHEREAS, the IVDA previously designated the City to serve as the "lead agency" as 8 this term is defined in the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, 9 ("CEQA") for the purpose of conducting an environmental review of the HUB Project; and 10 WHEREAS, the City certified a Final Environmental Impact Report as of May 2 L 2001 (the "FEIR") for the HUB Project, in accordance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, the HUB Project as analyzed in the FEIR includes the following key II 12 elements: '3 (i) the realignment and construction of a new public street improvement project 14 referred to in the FEIR as the Harriman Place Improvement Project; 15 (ii) the assembly and acquisition of public street right-of-way for the Harriman Place 16 Improvement Project; 17 (iii) the assembly of land for the redevelopment of a new commercial retail shopping center to be undertaken by the Developer and In-1\-Out; 18 19 (iv) the assembly and exchange of lands for the redevelopment of a restaurant by In- 20 J\-Out as an owner participant in the HUB Project; and 2] WHEREAS, the Agency has approved a Disposition and Development Agreement (the 22 "DDA"), dated as of May 21, 2001, with SBT Partners, LLC, a California limited liability 23 company (the "Developer") and the Agency also approved an Owner Participation Agreement, 24 dated as of September 17, 200 I, with In-N-Out Burgers, Inc., a California corporation ("In-N- ~5 Out") for the implementation of the commercial shopping center portion of the HUB Project; and -2- P:\CJuiC:.l1 SerdCh [)tpt"_'hr~nel Parker\Re'ioJuti"nl\20UJ\OJ.OS.OS IIl'B CDC A Re~lI.doc WHEREAS. SBT Parmers. LLC. has exercised its option under the DDA with respect to Phase o H: and .' WHEREAS. the IVDA transmitted offers to purchase parcels of land situated within the site of 4 the HUB Project to the owners of such land; and ) WHEREAS. the Agency has previously transmitted to the IVDA for its consideration and 6 approval the form of an implementation agreement entitled "Redevelopment Condemnation Memorandum," dated as of November 5. 2001. that sets forth the procedures of the Agency to refer c 8 properties to the IVDA for acquisition by the IVDA through eminent domain. if necessary. in furtherance of the 1999 Redevelopment Cooperation Agreement and redevelopment of the HUB 9 10 Project; and II WHEREAS. at this time. the Agency deems it appropriate to refer certain Phase II properties to the IVDA for acquisition by the IVDA through eminent domain, if necessary, in furtherance of the 1999 Ie Redevelopment Cooperation Agreement and redevelopment of the HUB Project. . 3 NOW. THEREFORE. THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE. DETERMINE AND ORDER, AS FOLLOWS: ]4 15 16 Section 1. The recitals of this Resolution are true and correct. On December 17,2001, the 17 Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Commission"). as the 18 goveming board of the Agency, conducted a public meeting with the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino relating to the matters set forth in this Resolution. This Resolution evidences 19 20 the reterral by the Agency to the IVDA of a "Condemnation Parcel" under Section 5(1) of the 21 Redevelopment Condemnation Memorandum. 22 The Commission hereby refers the properties described below by the name of Section 2. 23 the property owner listed on the most current property tax assessment roll of the Assessor of the County 24 of San Bernardino and the property address, to the IVDA for acquisition by the IVDA through eminent 05 domain, if necessary, in furtherance of the 1999 Redevelopment Cooperation Agreement and redevelopment of the HUB Project: --'. P:\Cleri(",1 S~nic.s Dept\'lar~uel Puhr\R~\Olulion\,2003\03-0~0511L'B elK A R~,".dllr e Propertv Owner !\elson HUB Site Propertv Address 1036 East Laurelwood 3 Liaou 982 East Laurelwood -1 Perpuly Shelton 956 East Laurelwood 930 East Laurelwood 5 !\anney-Wong 904 and 916 East Laurelwood 11 The Commission hereby authorizes and directs Agenc)' Staff to provide Section 3. to the IVDA a suitably detailed description of each of the properties being referred to the IVDA ~ bv tl1lS Resolution and the ownership thereof, pertinent appraisal information, relocation assistance information. if applicable, and a copy of the Agency's offer to purchase each such property, along with other information requested by IVDA Staff 9 10 II Section 4. This consideration by the IVDA of the acquisition of each of the Ie properties described in Section 2 shall be subject to the provisions of the Redevelopment , 3 Condemnation Memorandum. 1-1 Section 5. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed IS in consultation with the Executive Director of the IVDA to make recommendations regarding the acceptance by the Agency of counteroffers or other responses of property owners identified in Section :2 of the Resolution for the acquisition by the Agency of their property for the HUB Project. If at any time prior to the date when the governing board of the IVDA may take final 16 17 18 action to initiate condemnation proceedings to acquire any of the properties described in Section 2 of this Resolution, such property owner may confirm in writing addressed to the Executive 19 cO Director of the Agency its acceptance of the offer of the Agency and/or the IVDA to acquire such property from the property owner. the Executive Director of the Agency is authorized and directed, in consultation with the Executive Director of the IVDA. to prepare and deliver to such e I 22 0' d property owner a "Site Parcel Agreement," as this term is defined in the Redevelopment e4 Condemnation Memorandum. which incorporates the terms of the Agency's prior written offer for final approval by the Commission. ~5 Section 6. The Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. --1- P:',C1erical Senire, Dept\\larI(Uel Parker,f{ew)uli"m.100J'.,OJ-05-05111'H CHC A Re'lI,doc 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REFERRING CERT AI]'; PROPERTIES TO THE INLAND V ALLEY DEVELOPME]';T AGENCY FOR ACQUISITIO)\; PURSliANT TO THAT CERTAIN 1999 REDEVELOPMENT COOPERATIO)\; AGREEMENT, DATED JULY 12, 1999, REGARDING THE HUB PROJECT AND APPROVING OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH (PHASE II). 3 4 :; I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the 6 Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting , 2003. by the following vote to wit: Nays Abstain Absent 16 ] 7 Secretary ] 8 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. ]9 20 Judith Valles, Chairperson Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino 21 22 23 24 15 \ -5- P:C1critlll S~r'lice\ I)ept\_'largnel Parker\Re....lutiu".,2(J(J3\03-05-0:" IIl'H CDC A Re~lI,doc RESOLUTION NO. :' .' A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR RELOCATION SERVICES BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER:-"'ARDINO AND PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS (HUB PROJECT PHASE II). 4 s (, 7 WHEREAS. an area of the City of San Bernardino (the "City") generally situated along the west ~ side of Tippecanoe A venue to the north of the right-of-way of the Interstate 10 Freeway referred to as the 9 10 "HUB Project Site" is \\ithin the redevelopment project area of the Inland Valley Development Agency; a joint powers authority formed pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33492.1 0 ~ ~.. for the II pmpose of assisting in the conversion and civilian reuse of the former Norton Air Force Base and other I:' lands situated in the City: and 1 \VHEREAS. the Inland Valley Development Agency, the City and Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the "Agency") entered into an agreement entitled "1999 Redevelopment 14 I' Cooperation Agreement" dated as of July 12. 1999 (the "Redevelopment Cooperation Agreement"). 16 pursuant to which the Inland Valley Development Agency granted the Agency the right. power and 17 authority to act for and on behalf of the Inland Valley Development Agency for tile pmposes of exercising the redevelopment powers of the Inland Valley Development Agency: and Wl1EREAS. tl1e HUB Project Site contains residential and commercial developed properties, 18 19 :'0 and the Agency initiated certain studies and proposals to address a number of issues of community :'1 concern on the HUB Project Site related to blight and conditions associated with obsolete commercial " design, deferred maintenance, traffic circulation and conflicting commercial-residential neighborhood 23 property use and community design in an effort to elin1inate and prevent the spread of blight from the :'4 HUB Project site: and " i// .1. P;',C1nical ~Cf"\icc' llcpl \hrgHcl PHkH,Rc",lulj"n,'.200J\OJ-O~-(}~ Ill'B CllC B J{e"'.do[ 2 WHEREAS. the Agency approved a Disposition and Development Agreement. dated as of May 21. 2001. \vith SBT Partners. LLC C'SBT'). regarding redevelopment of the HUB Project Site (the 3 "DDA'"): and 4 \VHEREAS. under the DDA. SBT has elected. and the Agency has consented. to exercise 5 SBT"s option with respect to Phase II thereof; and WHEREAS, w1der the DDA. the Agency should exert its best efforts in cooperation with the Inland Valley Development Agency to the Phase II parcels containing thirty-three (33) residential units: 6 7 8 and 9 WHEREAS, the Agency, as currently staffed, does not have the manpower to manage the relocation of the nwnber of properties required for Phase II of the HUB Project within the tin1e 10 11 parameters set forth in the DDA; and \VHEREAS. on July 23. 2001. the Agency approved an Agreement for Relocation Services for 12 Phase 1. 14 J\OW, THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SA.N BERNARDINO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE. DETERMINE AND ORDER, AS FOLLOWS: 15 16 Section 1. On May 5. 2003, the Agency considered the Professional Services Agreement 17 with Pacific Relocation Consultants, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A" (the "Agreement") at a public meeting. The minutes of the Agency Secretary for the May 5. 2003, meeting of the Agency 18 19 include a record of all docwnents. communication and testin10ny submitted to the Agency regarding the 20 Agreement. 21 The Commission hereby approves the Agreement in the fonn attached hereto as Section 2. 22 Exhibit "A." The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute the 23 Agreement on behalf of the Agency together with technical and confonning changes. as may be 24 recommended by Agency Counsel. " Section 3. The Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. -2. P:<.Clerical Ser..-ic.., Depl\'h~nef Pnkn\R..",lutionl',200J\03-05-05 IWB CDC B R..",.doc 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BER"lARDINO APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF Al\ AGREEMENT FOR RELOCATION SERVICES BETWEE!'I THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS (HUB PROJECT PHASE II). 3 4 :; I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the 6 Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting o ,2003, by the following vote to wit: thereof. held on the day of x Absent Abstain Nays Ayes Commission Members: 9 ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGlJ\1\IS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MC CAMMACK 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 Secretary 18 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. 19 20 21 0') .- 23 24 By: Judith Valles, Chairperson Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino '5 -3- P:\C1erical Sen;ce, Dept\'hrllaret hTker\Re,,,Jution>\2003\03-0~-O~ Ilt'H CDC B Re,u.duc REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER.l\IARDINO AGREEMENT FOR RELOCA nON SERVICES (Pacific Relocation Consultants) This AGREEMENT FOR REAL EST A TE ACQUISITION SERVICES (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of May 5, 2003, by and between the REDEVELOPME1\T AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (the "Agency"), a public body existing and functioning pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33000, et seq., and PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULT ANTS, a California corporation (the "Consultant"), 1\OW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND MUTUAL PROMISES CONTAINED HEREI1\ AND FOR SUCH OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCOPE OF CONSULTANT SERVICES. The Agency hereby retains the Consultant to provide the consulting services set forth in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. The Consultant hereby agrees to perform the work set forth in the Scope of Services, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 2. P A YME1\T BY AGENCY FOR WORK PERFORMED BY CONSULTANT. A. The Agency shall compensate the Consultant a fee of$73, 750,00 for performance of the Relocation Assistance Services plus monthly Property Management Services at the rates set forth in the Scope of Services. B. The compensation designated in subsection A shall be the "Total Fee" for the performance of the work set forth in the Scope of Services. The Total Fee shall include. but not be limited to, the salaries of all subcontractors retained by the Consultant to perform work pursuant to this Agreement and shall be inclusive of all costs and expenses incurred for mileage, travel, graphics, telephone, printing, fax transmission, postage, copies and such other expenses related to completion of the work set forth in the Scope of Services. C. The Consultant shall invoice the Agency for work performed by the Consultant under this Agreement each calendar month during the term of this Agreement. D. The Consultant shall submit invoices under this Agreement to: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Attention: Executive Director 20 I North "E" Street, Suite 30 I San Bernardino, California 9240 I P Ckm:~l Scn ice, DCrl .~1argarcl Par~n Agcnda.Agffill,-Amcnd 200303-(15-05 HUB Relocation SCrolCCS PRC.do<: E. Each invoice of the Consultant shall set forth the time and expenses of the Consultant incurred in performance ofthe Scope of Services, during the period of time for which the invoice is issued. Each invoice of the Consultant shall clearly set forth the names of the individual personnel of the Consultant and any individual sub consultants utilized by the Consultant. during the time period covered by the invoice, a description of the professional services rendered on a daily basis by each named individual during such time period, the respective hourly rates of each named individual and the actual time expended by each named individual. Each invoice of the Consultant shall be accompanied by copies of all third party invoices for other direct costs incurred and paid by the Consultant during such time period. The Agency shall pay all amounts set forth on the invoices of the Consultant and approved by the Executive Director, within thirty (30) days of such approval. 3. RECORDS RETENTIOK Records, maps. field notes and supporting documents and all other records pertaining to the use of funds paid to the Consultant hereunder shall be retained by the Consultant and available to the Agency for examination and for purposes of performing an audit for a period of five (5) years from the date of expiration or termination of this Agreement or for a longer period, as required by law. Such records shall be available to the Agency and to appropriate county, state or federal agencies and officials for inspection during the regular business hours of the Consultant. If the Consultant does not maintain regular business hours, then such records shall be available for inspection between the hours of9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding federal and state government holidays. In the event oflitigation or an audit relating to this Agreement or funds paid to the Consultant by the Agency under this Agreement, such records shall be retained bv the Consultant until all such litigation or audit has been resolved. . '. . 4. INDEMNIFICATION. The Consultant shall defend (if requested by Agency), indemnity and hold harmless the Agency, its officials, officers, employees, attorneys, representatives, and agents from and against any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs, and expenses, including legal costs and attorneys' fees, for injury or damage of any type claimed as a result of the acts or omissions of the Consultant, its officers, employees, subcontractors and agents, arising from or related to performance by the Consultant of the work required under this Agreement, except to the extent that such loss or damage may be caused by the negligence of the Agency, its officers or employees. The costs, salary and expenses of the City Attorney and members of his office in enforcing this Agreement for Professional Services on behalf of the Agency shall be considered as "attorneys' fees" for purposes of this paragraph. 5. INSURANCE A. The Consultant shall maintain insurance policies issued by an insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the State of California and that maintain during the term of the policy a "General Policyholder's Rating" of at least A(v), as set forth in the then most current edition of "Best's Insurance Guide," as follows: (I) Automobile Insurance. The Consultant and each of its subcontractors shall maintain comprehensive automobile liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000.00 combined single limit per occurrence for all vehicles leased or owned by the Consultant or its subcontractors and used in completing the work required under this Agreement. P_,Ckmal S~r\I,C' Dcp\.\largarcl Par~cr."gcn.dJAgmlb-Amcnd ~003 ,OJ.05-05 HUB Reloca\ion Service' PRC.doc 2 (2) Worker's Compensation Insurance. The Consultant and each of Its subcontractors shall maintain worker's compensation coverage in accordance with California workers' compensation laws for all workers under the Consultant's and/or subcontractor's employment performing work under this Agreement. (3) Errors and Omissions Coverage. The Consultant shall maintain an insurance policy covering liability for errors and omissions of the Consultant in performance of the Scope of Services of this Agreement in an amount of not less than S 1,000.000.00. B. Concurrent with the execution of this Agreement and prior to the commencement of any work by the Consultant, the Consultant shall deliver to the Agency certificates evidencing the existencc of the insurance coverage required herein, which coverage shall remain in full force and effect continuously throughout the term of this Agreement. Each policy of insurance that Consultant purchascs in satisfaction of the insurance requirements of this Agreement shall name the Agency, its officials. officers, employees, attorneys, representatives and agents as additional insured and shall provide that the policy may not be cancelled, terminated or modified, except upon 30 days prior written notice to the Agency. 6. OWNERSHIP AND REUSE OF DOCUMENTS AND OTHER MATERIALS AND INFORM A TIOK All maps, photographs, data, information, reports, drawings, specifications, computations, notes, renderings, correspondence or other documents generated by or on behalf of the Consultant for performance ofthe work set forth in the Scope of Services shall be the property of the Agency, as of the time of their preparation and payment therefore by the Agency, and shall be delivered to the Agency upon written request to the Consultant. 7. PRESS RELEASES. Press or news releases, including photographs or public announcements, or confirmation of the same related to the work to be performed by the Consultant under this Agreement shall only be made by the Consultant with the prior written consent of the Agency. 8. RESERVED. 9. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. A. Failure or delay by any party to this Agreement to perform any material term or provision of this Agreement shall constitute a default under this Agreement; provided however, that if the party who is otherwise claimed to be in default by the other party commences to cure, correct or remedy the alleged default within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of written notice specifying such default and shall diligently complete such cure, correction or remedy, such party shall not be deemed to be in default hereunder. B. The party which may claim that a default has occurred shall give written notice of default to the party in default. specifying the alleged default. Delay in giving such notice shall not constitute a waiver of any default nor shall it change the time of default; provided. however, the P CkrlL:al SCr\ln', Ocrl \lJr~arCI Parker A~~ndaAgrmh.AmcI\J ~IJO.l O.,.U5.U~ HLH Rdocallon SCr\'ICCS PRCdoc 3 injured party shall have no right to exercise any remedy for a default hereunder without delivering the written default notice, as specified herein. C. Any failure or delay by a party in asserting any of its rights or remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or of any rights or remedies associated with a default. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties under this Agreement are cumulative and the exercise by any party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. D. In the event that a default of any party to this Agreement may remain uncured for more than seven (7) calendar days following written notice, as provided above, a "breach" shall be deemed to have occurred. In the event of a breach, the injured party shall be entitled to seek any appropriate remedy or damages by initiating legal proceedings. 10. TERMINATION. A. This Agreement may be terminated by either party for any reason by giving the other party fifteen (15) calendar days prior written notice. The Agency shall pay the Consultant for all work authorized by the Agency and completed, prior to the effective termination date. B. In the event of a termination of this Agreement underthis section, the Consultant shall provide all documents, notes, maps, reports, data or other work product developed in performance of the Scope of Services of this Agreement to the Agency, within ten (10) calendar days of such termination and without additional charge to the Agency. II. NOTICE. All notices given hereunder shall be in writing. Notices shall be presented in person or by certified or registered United States Mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid or by overnight delivery by a nationally recognized delivery service to the addresses set forth below. Notice presented by United States Mail shall be deemed effective on the third business day following the deposit of such Notice with the United States Postal Service. This section shall not prevent the parties hereto from giving notice by personal service or telephonically verified fax transmission, which shall be deemed effective upon actual receipt of such personal service or telephonic verification. Either party may change their address for receipt of written notice by notifYing the other party in writing of a new address for delivering notice to such party. CONSUL T ANT: Pacific Relocation Consultants 100 West Broadway, Suite 300 Long Beach, California 90802-4432 Attention: David Stadler p- Ci~rLc"1 SCrln;o Dcpl .\t"r~~n;\ P"r~cr A~cnJ" A~mlb-Amcn..J ~UOJIJ3.1J'..(J~ fIL'S Relocation SenLce', PRe do,' 4 Agency: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Attention: Executive Director 201 North HE" Street, Suite 301 San Bernardino, California 9240 I 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. The Consultant shall comply with all local, state, and federal laws, including, but not limited to, environmental acts, rules and regulations applicable to the work to be performed by the Consultant under this Agreement. The Consultant shall maintain all necessary licenses and regIstrations for the lawful performance of the work required of the Consultant under this Agreement. 13. NONDISCRIMINATION. The Consultant shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, natural origin, ancestry, sex, marital status or physical handicap in the performance of the Scope of Services of this Agreement. 14. CONSULTANT AND EACH SUBCONTRACTOR ARE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The Consultant shall at all times during the performance of any work described in the Scope of Services be deemed to be an independent contractor. Neither the Consultant nor any of its subcontractors shall at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its employees are employees of the Agency or any member agency of the Agency. The Agency shall not be requested or ordered to assume any liability or expense for the direct payment of any salary, wage or benefit to any person employed by Consultant or its subcontractors to perform any item of work described in the Scope of Services. 15. SEVERABILITY. Each and every section of this Agreement shall be construed as a separate and independent covenant and agreement. If any term or provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to certain circumstances shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such term or provision to circumstances other than those to which it is declared invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement supersedes all prior negotiation, discussions and agreements between the parties concerning the subject matters covered herein. The parties intend this Agreement to be the final expression of their agreement with respect to the subjects covered herein and a complete and exclusive statement of such terms. . 17. AMENDMENT OR MODIFICA TI01\'. This Agreement may only be modified or amended by written instrument duly approved and executed by each of the parties hereto. Any such modification or amendment shall be valid, binding and legally enforceable only ifin written form and executed by each of the parties hereto, following all necessary approvals and authorizations for such execution. r Ckflc~l SCr\ICC' [)Cpl \Ltr~arcl l'arkcrAgcnda Agmlls-Amcnd 2u0303-05.05 HUB Relocation Ser\lccs PRC.doc 5 18. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Any legal action arising from or related to this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Bernardino. 19. NON- WAIVER. Failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the right to compel enforcement of the same provision or any remaining provisions of this Agreement. 20. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement may not be assigned by the Consultant without the prior written consent of the Agency. 21. REPRESENT A TIONS OF PERSONS EXECUTING AGREEMENT. The persons executing this Agreement warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of and bind the parties each purports to represent. 22. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will constitute an original. 23. EFFECTNENESS OF AGREEMENT AS TO THE Agencv. This Agreement shall not be binding on the Agency, until signed by an authorized representative of the Consultant, approved by the Agency, approved as to form by Agency Counsel and executed by the Chairperson of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino and the Agency Secretary. 24. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Consultant hereby represents that it has no interests adverse to the Agency, at the time of execution of this Agreement. Consultant hereby agrees that, during the term ofthis Agreement, the Consultant shall not enter into any agreement or acquire any interests detrimental or adverse to the Agency. Further, Consultant hereby represents and warrants to Agency that Consultant and any partnerships, individual persons or any other party or parties comprising Consultant, together with each subcontractor who may hereafter be designated to perform services pursuant to this Agreement, do not have and, during the term of this Agreement, shall not acquire any property ownership interest, business interests, professional employment relationships, contractual relationships of any nature or any other financial arrangements relating to the Agency, property over which the Agency has jurisdiction or any members or staff of the Agency that have not been previously disclosed in writing to Agency, and that any such property ownership interests, business interests, professional employment relationships, contractual relationships or any nature or any other financial arrangements will not adversely affect the ability of the Consultant to perform the services to Agency as set forth in this Agreement. 11/ ;' I'" P CkllC31 S~"'CC'; Dcr\ .'lM~a'Ci Pari<crAgcndaAgrmb-Amcnd 200303-05-05 !-lCB Rcloca\lon Scr.';cc, PKCOOl 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date indicated next to the authorized signatures of the officers of each of them as appear below. AGENCY Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Dated: By: Gary Van Osdel, Executive Director By: Agency Counse CONSULTANT Pacific Relocation Consultants, a California corporation Dated: By: Title: Dated: By: Title: P ('I~m~1 ScnLCC' D"pl\1Jr~arcl Parker Agcndac.\g!Tl11>-:\mcnd ~(J(J3 U}-05.05 HUB Rclocallon SCr\KC> PRe ,10<.: 7 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES A-I p.. \1[: PACIFIC RELOCATION CONSULTANTS 100, "ROADWAY SUITE 500 LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA 90802-4432 TEL (562: 590-8564 FAX (5621 495-0889 OTHER OFFICES ""'KLAND ':IRINGS .MENTO SAN DIEGO 18001 4QQ.RELO v..'Wv,.pacre;:)coi:' March] 0, 2003 Gary Van Osdel Executive Director San Bernardino Economic Development Agency 201 K "E" St., Suite 301 San Bernardino, CA 92401 '-.'. ~'~,'i'~ r:: ...... - ',' RE: HUB Phase II Proposal Dear Mr. Van Osdel: Pursuant to your request, please accept this letter as a fee schedule for the relocation and related services to be provided by Pacific Relocation Consultants to the San Bernardino Economic Development Agency in connection with the Hub Phase II project. The proposed relocation fees are as follows: Relocation Assistance Services: Displacee Relocation Services (33 residential cases @ $1,750/case) $57,750.00 Preparation of Relocation Plan $8,500.00 $7,500.00 Project Management (including Relocation Plan distribution to project residents) TOTAL RELOCATION $73,750.00 ]n addition, we propose to provide the property management services at the following fee schedule: Property Management Services: Property Management Setup Fee - 33 units @ $95/unit Property Management Monthly Fee - $90/unit/month Property Management Vendor Fee - ] 5% of vendor invoice with 530 min) We look forward to working with you on the second phase of this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (562) 590-8564. If you agree with this fee schedule, please return a signed copy of this letter to serve as an authorization to proceed. Sincerely. Mai'ek Karon CFO Authorization to Proceed Name and Title Date ~ 'e RESOLUTION NO. 2 .' A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND CUTLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. (HUB PROJECT PHASE II). 4 5 (, c WHEREAS. an area of the City of San Bernardino (the "City") generally situated along the west 8 side of Tippecanoe A venue to the north of the right-of-way of the Interstate 10 Freeway referred to as the "HUB Project Site" is ""ithin the redevelopment project area of the Inland Valley Development Agency; 9 10 a joint powers authority formed pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33492.1 0 ~ ~., for the 11 purpose of assisting in the conversion and civilian reuse of the former Norton Air Force Base and other 12 lands situated in the City; and W1ffiREAS. the Inland Valley Development Agency, the City and Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the "Agency") entered into an agreement entitled "1999 Redevelopment Cooperation Agreement" dated as of July 12, 1999 (the "Redevelopment Cooperation Agreement"), 14 15 16 pursuant to which the Inland Valley Development Agency granted the Agency the right power and authority to act for and on behalf of the Inland Valley Development Agency for the purposes of 17 exercising the redevelopment powers ofthe Inland Valley Development Agency; and W1ffiREAS, the HUB Project Site contains residential and commercial developed properties, and the Agency initiated certain studies and proposals to address a number of issues of community 18 19 20 concern on the HUB Project Site related to blight and conditions associated with obsolete commercial 21 design. deferred maintenance, traffic circulation and conflicting commercial-residential neighborhood 22 property use and community design in an effort to eliminate and prevent the spread of blight from the 23 HUB Project site; and 24 i// , -1- P:.,Clerical Senice. Uepl\.\1ar~arel rllrkn,He~oluli"n,'1003\03-0S-0511l'B CDC C Rein.doc WHEREAS. the Agency approved a Disposition and Development Agreement. dated as of May 2 21.2001. \\ith SBT Partners. LLC ("SBT'). regarding redevelopment of the HUB Project Site (the 3 "DDA'); and 4 WHEREAS, under the DDA. SBT has elected. and the Agency has consented. to exercise 5 SBT's oplIon with respect to Phase II thereof: and WHEREAS, under the DDA. the Agency should exert its best efforts in cooperation with the 6 " , Inland Valley Development Agency to the Phase II parcels containing thirty-three (33) residential units; ~ and 9 WHEREAS, the Agency, as currently staffed, does not have the manpower to manage the 10 relocation of the number of properties required for Phase II of the HUB Project \\ithin the time II parameters set forth in the DDA; and WHEREAS. on July 23. 2001. the Agency approved an Agreement for Relocation Services for 12 Phase I. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER. AS 15 FOLLOWS: 16 Section 1. On May 5. 2003. the Agency considered the Professional Services Agreement 17 with Cutler & Associates, Inc., attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A" (the "Agreement") at a public 18 meeting. The minutes of the Agency Secretary for the May 5. 2003, meeting of the Agency include a 19 record of all documents. communication and testimony submitted to the Agency regarding the 20 Agreement. 21 The Commission hereby approves the Agreement in the form attached hereto as Section 2. 22 Exhibit "A." The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute the 23 Agreement on behalf of the Agency together with technical and conforming changes, as may be 24 recommended by Agency Counsel. ", Section 3 The Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. -2- r:',C1~ric~1 Seni~e' Dept\:\hrli:~nl Parker\Resululiom\2ll03\OJ-OS-lJ5I1l'B CHe (' Re~lI.duf 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDIl'IO APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BE~"'ARDINO AND CUTLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. (HUB PROJECT PHASE II). 3 4 s I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the (, Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof. held on the day of 8 Commission Members: Am 9 ESTRADA LONGVILLE 10 MCGINNIS 11 DERRY 12 SUAREZ 1 ANDERSON 14 MC CAMMACK 15 16 , 2003, by the following vote to wit: . Absent Abstain Navs Secretary 17 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of .2003. 18 19 20 Judith Valles. Chairperson Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino 21 22 I Content: 23 By: 24 '5 i , " -3- P:\Cltrical Sl'nice\ I)epl"\lar~~rel Pari;l'r\Re~"lutjllll,'c2l1()J"'O)-05-()5 HUH cue C Re,,,.dllC REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (CUTLER & ASSOCIATES, INC) This AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of 2003, by and between the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (the "Agency"), a public body existing and functioning pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 33000, et seq.. and Cutler & Associates, Inc. (the "Consultant"), NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES AND MUTUAL PROMISES CONTAINED HEREIN AND FOR SUCH OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCOPE OF CONSULTANT SERVICES. The Agency hereby retains the Consultant to provide the consulting services set forth in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Attachment "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. The Consultant hereby agrees to perform the work set forth in the Scope of Services, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 2. PAYMENT BY AGENCY FOR WORK PERFORMED BY CONSULTANT. A. The Agency shall compensate the Consultant a fixed fee of $37,500 for performance of the services set forth in the Scope of Services. B. The compensation designated in subsection A shall be the 'Total Fee" for the performance of the work set forth in the Scope of Services. The Total Fee shall include, but not be limited to, the salaries of all subcontractors retained by the Consultant to perform work pursuant to this Agreement and shall be inclusive of all costs and expenses incurred for mileage, travel, graphics, telephone, printing, fax transmission, postage, copies and such other expenses related to completion of the work set forth in the Scope of Services. C. The Consultant shall invoice the Agency for work performed by the Consultant under this Agreement each calendar month during the term of this Agreement. D. The Consultant shall submit invoices under this Agreement to: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Attention: Executive Director 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301 San Bernardino, California 92401 Agrmt for Professional Services E. Each invoice of the Consultant shall set forth the time and expenses of the Consultant incurred in performance of the Scope of Services, during the period of time for which the invoice is issued. Each invoice of the Consultant shall clearly set forth the names of the individual personnel of the Consultant and any individual subconsultants utilized by the Consultant, during the time period covered by the invoice, a description of the professional services rendered on a daily basis by each named individual during such time period, the respective hourly rates of each named individual and the actual time expended by each named individual. Each invoice of the Consultant shall be accompanied by copies of all third party invoices for other direct costs incurred and paid by the Consultant during such time period. The Agency shall pay all amounts set forth on the invoices of the Consultant and approved by the Executive Director, within thirty (30) days of such approval. 3. RECORDS RETENTION. Records, maps, field notes and supporting documents and all other records pertaining to the use of funds paid to the Consultant hereunder shall be retained by the Consultant and available to the Agency for examination and for purposes of performing an audit for a period of five (5) years from the date of expiration or termination of this Agreement or for a longer period. as required by law. Such records shall be available to the Agency and to appropriate county, state or federal agencies and officials for inspection during the regular business hours of the Consultant. If the Consultant does not maintain regular business hours. then such records shall be available for inspection between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding federal and state government holidays. In the event of litigation or an audit relating to this Agreement or funds paid to the Consultant by the Agency under this Agreement, such records shall be retained by the Consultant until all such litigation or audit has been resolved. 4. INDEMNIFICATION. The Consultant shall defend (if requested by Agency), indemnify and hold harmless the Agency, its officials, officers, employees. attorneys. representatives. and agents from and against any and all actions. suits. proceedings, claims, demands. losses, costs. and expenses. including legal costs and attorneys' fees. for injury or damage of any type claimed as a result of the acts or omissions of the Consultant. its officers, employees, subcontractors and agents, arising from or related to performance by the Consultant of the work required under this Agreement, except to the extent that such loss or damage may be caused by the negligence of the Agency, its officers or employees. The costs, salary, and expenses of the City Attorney and members of his office in enforcing this Agreement for Professional Services on behalf of the Agency shall be considered as "attorneys' fees" for purposes of this paragraph. 5. INSURANCE. A. The Consultant shall maintain insurance policies issued by an insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the State of California and that maintain during the term of the policy a "General Policyholder's Rating" of at least A(v), as set forth in the then most current edition of "Best's Insurance Guide." as follows: 2 Ag.nm for Professional Services II) c.'mrrehen.si\\.~ (iener~1 1.lahilit\ ~nd .\utomnhile Insurance rile Cnnsultant and each nl' it:; suhcontractors shall m,\]nt~in comprchensin~ gencr~1 liahilII: ~nd (l)l11rrChL'llsi\'L' J,utdllltlhik' liJ.hilit~ inSllral1Cl:' \\ ith a combined singl~ limit of 11\)t kss tlUll S 1.111)11.01)1).1)0 [1er llCcurrence in completing the \\llrk reqUired undcr this\greemcnt. (21 \\orkds Comrensatinn Insurancc. The Consultanl and each III Its subcontr~ctors sh~ll m~intalI1 \\orker's compens~t!lJl1 CO\'er<lge in <lccord<lnce \\ith C<llilllrni<l \\nrker:;' cllmpensation 1a\\S for <lll \\orkers under the Consult<lnt's <lnd.or subclJl1tractor's cmpll\\nlent pcrl~JrI11ing \\ork under this .'\greement. 131 Errnrs <lnd Omissions Cover<l~e. The Consultant shall mainwin an insurance [1'1Iicv U\\ ering liabilit\ I,ll' errors <lnd Llmissions of the Consultant in perl,mll<lnee of the Scnpc nl' Scrvlces of this .\greement in an amount Ilf not less th<ln S' [3 Concurrent \\ith thc e"ecution 01' this .\gn:ement and prior to the commencement 01' an\ \\nrk h\ the Consultant. the Consult<lnt shall deli\'er to thc Agency certitic<ltes c\idcncing the e"istcnec lll' the insurancc cm cr<lge rcquired hcrein. which eover<lgc sh<lll rcm<lin in full force and d'i'cct continullusly throughout the term of this Agreement. Each policy of insurance that Cnnsultant purchases in satisbction of thc insurance requirements of this .\grccment shall n<lme thL' .\gL'llcy. its l)tliciah. ofticL'rs. ~ll1pll)YL'es. J,ttnrnL'Ys. representatiVeS. ;JnJ J.gL'l1ts as aJditional insured ~nd shall prmide that the polic\ ma\ nllt be cancelled. terminated or modi lied. e"ce[1t upon 30 d~IYS rrinr written IhHicL' to thL' :\gCl1cy. iJ. O\\''\J!'RSI-III' .\'\D REI'S!' OF DOC{ '"I["'TS .'\iD OTHER \!.\TERIALS .\'\[) l\icOR,,!..\ TION. All maps. photographs. daw. information. reports. dr<lwings. s[1ccilications. compuwtions. notes. renderings. correspondence or other documents generated by or eJl1 hch<llf of thc Consult<lnt Illr perlormance of the work set I(lrth in the Scope of Services sh~ll hc the pmperty of the Agency. <lS of thc time 01' their pre[1<lration <lnd p<lyment theretore by the Agency_ and shall be delivered to the Agenc\ u[1on written request to the Consultant. 7. PRESS RELEASES. Press or news releases. including photographs or public <lnnouncements. or confirm<ltion of the S<lme related to the work to be performed by the Consultant under this Agreement shall onlv be made by the Consultant with the prior written consent ofthc Agency_ 8. RESERVED. 9. DEFALTL T AND REMEDIES. A. Failure or delay by any party to this Agreement to perform any materi<ll term or provision of this Agreement shall constitute a default under this Agreement: provided however. that if the party who is otherwise claimed to be in default by the other party commences to cure. correct or remedy the alleged default within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of written , ) .\grml IlH I'rntL'Ssl(m~1 Services notice specifying such default and shall diligently complete such cure, correction or remedy, such party shall not be deemed to be in default hereunder. B. The party which may claim that a default has occurred shall give v.Titten notice of default to the party in default, specifying the alleged default. Delay in giving such notice shall not constitute a waiver of any default nor shall it change the time of default; provided, however, the injured party shall have no right to exercise any remedy for a default hereunder without delivering the VoTitten default notice. as specified herein. C. Any failure or delay by a party in asserting any of its rights or remedies as to any default shall not operate as a waiver of any default or of any rights or remedies associated with a default. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement. the rights and remedies of the parties under this Agreement are cumulative and the exercise by any party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it. at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. D. In the event that a default of any party to this Agreement may remain uncured for more than seven (7) calendar days following written notice, as provided above, a "breach" shall be deemed to have occurred. In the event of a breach, the injured party shall be entitled to seek any appropriate remedy or damages by initiating legal proceedings. 10. TERMINA TION. A. This Agreement may be terminated by either party at their discretion by giving the other party fifteen (15) calendar days prior \\Titten notice. The Agency shall pay the Consultant for all work authorized by the Agency and completed. prior to the effective termination date. B. In the event of a termination of this Agreement under this section. the Consultant shall provide all documents, notes, maps, reports, data or other work product developed in performance of the Scope of Services of this Agreement to the Agency, within ten (10) calendar days of such termination and without additional charge to the Agency. 11. NOTICE. All notices given hereunder shall be in VoTiting. Notices shall be presented in person or by certified or registered United States Mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid or by overnight delivery by a nationally recognized delivery service to the addresses set forth below. Notice presented by United States Mail shall be deemed effective on the third business day following the deposit of such Notice with the United States Postal Service. This section shall not prevent the parties hereto from giving notice by personal service or telephonically verified fax transmission, which shall be deemed effective upon actual receipt of such personal service or telephonic verification. Either party may change their address for receipt of wTitten notice by notifying the other party in VoTiting of a new address for delivering notice to such party. 4 Agrmt for Professional Services CONSULTANT: Cutler & Associates, Inc. 100 West Broadway, Suite 500 Long Beach, CA 90802 Attention: Mr. Brian Everett AGENCY: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Attention: Executive Director 201 North "E" Street, Suite 301 San Bernardino, California 92401 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. The Consultant shall comply with all local, state. and federal laws. including. but not limited to, environmental acts. rules and regulations applicable to the work to be performed by the Consultant under this Agreement. The Consultant shall maintain all necessary licenses and registrations for the lawful performance of the work required of the Consultant under this Agreement. 13. NONDISCRlMINATION. The Consultant shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, natural origin, ancestry, sex, marital status or physical handicap in the performance of the Scope of Services of this Agreement. 14. CONSULTANT AND EACH SUBCONTRACTOR ARE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The Consultant shall at all times during the performance of any work described in the Scope of Services be deemed to be an independent contractor. Neither the Consultant nor any of its subcontractors shall at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its employees are employees of the Agency or any member agency of the Agency. The Agency shall not be requested or ordered to assume any liability or expense for the direct payment of any salary. wage or benefit to any person employed by Consultant or its subcontractors to perform any item of work described in the Scope of Services. IS. SEVERABILITY. Each and every section of this Agreement shall be construed as a separate and independent covenant and agreement. If any term or provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to certain circumstances shall be declared invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such term or provision to circumstances other than those to which it is declared invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement supersedes all prior negotiation, discussions and agreements between the parties concerning the subject matters covered herein. The parties intend this Agreement to be the final expression of their agreement with respect to the subjects covered herein and a complete and exclusive statement of such terms. 5 Agnm for I'rofessionalServices 17. AMENDMENT OR MODIFICATION. This Agreement may only be modified or amended by written instrument duly approved and executed by each of the parties hereto. Any such modification or amendment shall be valid, binding and legally enforceable only if in written form and executed by each of the parties hereto, following all necessary approvals and authorizations for such execution. 18. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Any legal action arising from or related to this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of San Bernardino. 19. NON- WAIVER. Failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the right to compel enforcement of the same provision or any remaining provisions of this Agreement. 20. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement may not be assigned by the Consultant without the prior written consent of the Agency. 21. REPRESENTATIONS OF PERSONS EXECUTING AGREEMENT. The persons executing this Agreement warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of and bind the parties each purports to represent. 22. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts. each of which will constitute an original. 23. EFFECTIVENESS OF AGREEMENT AS TO THE AGENCY. This Agreement shall not be binding on the Agency, until signed by an authorized representative of the Consultant. approved by the Agency, approved as to form by Agency Counsel and executed by the Chairperson of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino and the Agency Secretary. 24. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Consultant hereby represents that it has no interests adverse to the Agency, at the time of execution of this Agreement. Consultant hereby agrees that, during the term of this Agreement, the Consultant shall not enter into any agreement or acquire any interests detrimental or adverse to the Agency. Additionally, Consultant shall not submit a proposal, nor shall it be a subcontractor to another consultant, in response to any requests for proposals or qualifications distributed by the Agency, during the term of this Agreement. Consultant may give notice to terminate this Agreement. and after the effective date of such termination, may respond to any request for proposals or qualifications issued by the Agency for which (i) Consultant did not prepare or advise the Agency on any aspects thereof, and (ii) were distributed by the Agency subsequent to the effective date of any termination of this Agreement by either party for any reason whatsoever. 6 Agnnt for Prok"S~ional Services Further, Consultant hereby represents and warrants to Agency that Consultant and any partnerships. individual persons or any other party or parties comprising Consultant, together with each subcontractor who may hereafter be designated to perform services pursuant to this Agreement, do not have and, during the term of this Agreement, shall not acquire any property ownership interest, business interests, professional employment relationships, contractual relationships of any nature or any other financial arrangements relating to the Agency, property over which the Agency has jurisdiction or any members or staff of the Agency that have not been previously disclosed in \\Titing to Agency. and that any such property ownership interests. business interests. professional employment relationships. contractual relationships or any nature or any other financial arrangements will not adversely affect the ability of the Consultant to perform the services to Agency as set forth in this Agreement. IN W1TNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed asof the date indicated next to the authorized signatures of the officers of each of them as appear below. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Dated: By: Gary Van OsdeL Executive Director Approved at to Form and Legal COl)l t: CONSULTANT By:. Dated: 3- /6-03 CUTLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. By: CU,^ M (.~ Mr. !1o;vM~ Cu\ter Title: CEO al Consulta ~ By' /( Dated: 3-10 -03 Title: 7 Agrmt for Professional Services A TT ACHMENT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES A-I ACQUISITION SCOPE OF SERVICES AND PROCEDURES 1. Prepare all offer letters, summary statements, and lists of compensable items of fixtures and equipment, in accordance with state or federal regulations and approval of legal counsel. 2. Personally negotiate with the property owners and business tenants (or their appointed representatives) for the purchase of the required property rights. The written offer to purchase will be presented to the appropriate owners or their representatives in person, when possible. 3. Upon the initiation of negotiations, receipted offer letters will be transmitted to the client as soon as possible. In instances where the property owner declines to receipt for the offer to purchase, a certification of presentation will be forwarded to the client. 4. Personal negotiations will continue with the property owners and tenants until every reasonable effort has been expended and it appears that the only remaining method of acquisition is through eminent domain proceedings. 5. Prepare all acquisition agreements, deeds, and other documents necessary to complete the acquisition. 6. At such time that negotiations appear to be unsuccessful and eminent domain proceedings have commenced, assistance necessary to aid the client's condemnation counsel will be provided. Negotiations will continue after the filing of a condemnation action.if it is the desire of legal counsel. 7. In the course of negotiations with the property owners and tenants, Cutler & Associates consultants will provide all necessary information to and work with the relocation consultant, or staff member, in order to expeditiously and professionally complete the project. 8. A diary of all pertinent information and contacts concerning the project parcels will be maintained. 9. A written summary of the status of the acquisition of each parcel will be provided on a monthly basis. It is our normal procedure to discuss the acquisition with the staff on a more frequent basis, so our clients will be kept well informed as the acquisition process proceeds. 10. All executed documents on successfully negotiated parcels will be promptly transmitted to client for acceptance. ADDITIONAL SCOPE OF SERVICES Consulting services,. in addition to those listed above, can also be provided. These additional services consist, in part, of the following: 1. Review and analyze perimeter (project) litigation guarantees in order to identify those specific title exceptions, (i.e., easements. oil rights etc.) that may have to be eliminated prior to the conveyance to the redeveloper or ultimate user. Also, provide the assistance necessary to eliminate these adverse items. 2. Review and analyze fixture and equipment appraisals in order to establish the list of compensable items. 3. Process the acquisition documents within the client's offices and transmit the executed and accepted documents to the appropriate parties (i.e., escrow, property owner, client's file. relocation consultant). 4. Act as liaison with title companies and escrow agents. 5. Provide internal escrow services for partial take acquisitions and the modified bulk sale transactions associated with the acquisition of commercial tenant's fixtures and equipment. This service includes, but is not limited to, security interest clearance through the Secretary of State, recordation of the sale information and publishing a notice to creditors. 6. Coordinate with Client and other consultants, prepare requested reports, attend meetings with Client, Public or provide other required acquisition related services. including preparation of public information brochures. 7. Subcontract for additional services that may be desired, including services such as appraisal, title, relocation, engineering, environmental analysis. 8. Site selection and analysis, alternative route analysis, acquisition cost analysis (including relocation, demolition, and consultant fees). 9. Coordinate other aspects of the project as requested by Client. ACQUISITION HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE The following is our schedule of hourly rates for providing the required services: CORPORATE OFFICER PRINCIPAL CONSULTANT/ GENERAL CONSULTING $110.00 per hour PROJECT MANAGER! SENIOR CONSULTANT $ 90.00 per hour ACQUISITION CONSULTANT (AGENT) (negotiation, general consulting, acquisition agreement formulation) . $ 80.00 per hour TECHNICIAN/ESCROW OFFICER (document preparation, escrow services) $ 55.00 per hour SECRETARIAL (general correspondence, fixture and equipment lists) $ 37.50 per hour If court appearance is required, this service will be provided at the hourly rate of $110.00 per hour, with a minimum appearance time of four (4) hours. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: May 9,2003 TO: Margaret Parker, Secretary FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution CDC/2003-l7 At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of May 5, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution CDC/2003-17 - Resolution approving the form of and authorizing the execution of an agreement for relocation services between the Redevelopment Agency and Pacific Relocation Consultants (HUB Project Phase II). Please obtain all signatures and return the original agreement to the City Clerk's Office. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 3206. Thank you. Michelle Taylor Senior Secretary I hereby acknowledge receipt of this memorandum. Signed: YJ1r~j1t:Jf(' I Jf},h1 / r;, !;<c k -::s / / Please sign and return Date: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary, City Clerk's Office , rn P Margaret Parker, Secretary TO: SUBJECT: Executed Document DATE: November 17, 2003 Enclosed is the fully executed Agreement pertaining to the following resolution: CDC/2003-l7 Agreement for Relocation Services (Pacific Relocation Consultants) Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Margaret Enclosure cc: Barbara Lindseth (with Original Executed Agreement) John Hoeger (with Copy of Agreement) Barbara Sharp (with Copy of Agreement) ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): :J "5"O~2., Item # Vote: Ayes i' '-{ I c..1 " Nays J.d- Change to motion to amend original documents:- 12'2..') 1'\ Resolution # c..OC )Z(;03-1<-, , Absent :5 Abstain (;r Reso. # On Attachments: ---==----- Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -=-- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY Null/Void After: - By: Date Sent to Mayor: :::, . (",.0 ~ Date of Mayor's Signature: 51-03 Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: (j" ~ -o::.~ Reso. Log Updated: / Seal Impressed: ~ See Attached: See Attached: ___ See Attached: Date Retumed'-- Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personuel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes ~ No By Yes No ----L- By Yes No~ By Yes No -? By Yes No - By_ Copies Distributed to: City Attorney Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services EDA / Finance Police Public Services Water Others: MIS Notes: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 01/12/0 I . ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM c O::Jzco 3 -I f) , Meeting Date (Date Adopted): :5'5' 0 '<, Item # jl 2. f) 6 Resolution # Vote: Ayes /-Y,Ic,') Nays k3 Abstain 6- Change to motion to amend original documents: c- J Absent See Attached:"/ Date Returned: r 1- lis 03- See Attached: See Attached: Reso, # On Attachments: ~ Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: ~ Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY By: Date Sent to Mayor: 5-(.,' c) 3- Date of Mayor's Signature: "5 -i-D? Date ofClerk/CDC Signature: 5 - 'Is -0:'-:' Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: '5 - q '0'') 60 Day Remiuder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney Parks & Rec, Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services Water Notes: Null/Void After: - Reso, Log Updated: Seal Impressed: ~ Yes~ No By Yes No -L-- By Yes No ,/ By Yes No V By Yes No? B EDA /' MIS Finance Others: BEFORE FILING. REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term. etc.) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 01/12/01 ... "'" , ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): j" -5-O2l Item # R-Zf) c.., Resolution # Vote: Ayes 1-11, Cc I ") Nays B Abstain ki- Change to motion to amend original documents: c [)~/ZOO 3-18 Absent S- Reso. # On Attachments: / Contract term: --- Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: ~ Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY By: Null/Vold After: - Date Sent to Mayor: 5- 1.0 - () '::, Date ofMayar's Signature: 5".. '1- toO) Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: S - s - G ~ Reso. Log Updated: ,/ Seal Impressed: Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 5 C; 'C) :s See Attached: ~ Date Returned: See Attached: See Attached: 60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 30th day: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: Request far Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes .,/ No By Yes..E.. No / By_ Yes No ,/ By Yes NOT By Yes No B Copies Distributed to: City Attorney Parks & Rec. Code Compliaoce Dev. Services EDA / Finance Police Public Services Water Others: MIS Notes: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc,) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 01/12/01 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: May 9,2003 TO: Margaret Parker, Secretary FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution CDC/2003-l8 At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of May 5, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution CDC/2003-18 - Resolution approving the form of and authorizing the execution of an agreement for land acquisition services between the Redevelopment Agency and Cutler & Associates, Inc. (HUB Project Phase II). Please obtain all signatures and return the original agreement to the City Clerk's Office. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 3206. Thank you. Michelle Taylor Senior Secretary I hereby acknowledge receipt of this memorandum. Signed: /) h {<',o ({ -//1/ ,/" ( / / j Please sign and return Date: i /;;!t" k! 3 I '