HomeMy WebLinkAbout13-Parks & Recreation CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION ORIGJNAl Subject: RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OR HER DESIGNEE TO APPLY FOR AND ADMINISTER A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $158,378.00 FROM CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR YOUTH. From: Lemuel P. Randolph, Director Dept: Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department Date: April 2, 2003 MICC Meeting Date: May 19,2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Resolution 2002-134 was approved for the Summer 2002 program. The Council has authorized the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department to submit an application to the California Department of Education since 1977. Recommended Motion: ~Afld- Signature Adopt Resolution. Contact person: Walt Bratton Phone: 384-5031 Supporting data attached: Starr Report. Reso. & Application Ward: City-wide FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Aeet. No.) (Ar.r.t n",,,,r.riptinn) Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. _ I I 5J5/D3 1.3' (2.&00. 2c::(Y~- 10 \ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report Subject: Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the Mayor of the City of San Bernardino or her designee to apply for and administer a grant in the amount of $158,378.00 from California Department of Education for the administration of the Summer Food Service Program for youth. Background: This federally funded program for youth under the age of 18 has been successfully operating since 1977. Federal regulations require sponsors to submit a budget for the State agency review and approval. During the summer of 2002, thirty-three feeding sites were established at locations in and around the City of San Bernardino. Between June 24 and August 30, 2002, a daily average of 1096 lunches and 873 snacks were served within 44 days for a total of 48,239 lunches and 38,415 snacks. This summer we will serve at 29 sites and estimate serving 57,200 lunches and 43,560 snacks. (See attached sample press release for sites). This program provided nutritional help to youth who would otherwise have been deprived. Meal preparation and delivery are contracted with the San Bernardino City Unified School District. The Chair of the Grants Committee agreed that this particular item go to Council for approval rather than being heard by The Grants Committee which did not meet last week. Financial Impact: This program is fully funded from the California Department of Education Grant and no general funds are required. Additionally, $14,012.90 in administrative costs and $10,595.20 in operational costs are reimbursed to the city. Reimbursement rates are determined by the United States Department of Agriculture and based upon the number of meals and snacks served. The California Department of Education reviews all claims and approves all reimbursements. This grant application will cover program operations beginning June 30 through August 29, 2003. This program provides an essential and much needed service to the residents of the City of San Bernardino and San Bernardino County. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUT10N NO. RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SA~ BERNARDINO OR HER DESIGNEE TO APPLY FOR AND ADMINISTER A GRA~T IN THE AMOUNT OF $158,378.00 FROM CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR YOUTH. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino or her designee is hereby authorized to apply for and administer on behalf of said City, a grant in the amount of $158,378.00 from CDE for the administration of the Summer Food Service Program for youth. SECTION 2. The authorization granted hereunder shall expire and be void and of no further effect if the agreement is not executed by both parties and returned to the Office of the City Clerk within 120 days following effective date of the Resolution. /" (, III III III III III III III III (// ,,' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SAI\ BERNARDINO OR HER DESIGNEE TO APPLY FOR AND ADMINISTER A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $158.378.00 FROM CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR YOUTH. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof. held .2003, by the following vote, to wit: day of on the Council Members: AYES NAYS ABST AIN ABSENT ESTRADA L1EN-LONGVILLE MCGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MCCAMMACK Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk day of The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 20 20m. 21 22 23 24 Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to Form and legal content: 25 JAMES F. PENMAN, City A1Jtorn) _ Bv ~/ .~ 26 27 28 California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 'r-" RENEWAL APPLICATION/AGREEMENT ~ 11 (1/03) PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION H133-02 36-8360-DV Vendor Number Agreement Number RETURN TO: California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division P. O. Box 944272 Sacramento, CA 94244-2720 Attention: Resources and Information Management Unit 1. Name of Sponsor: Name of Contact Person: San Bernardino, City Of OSCAR J. PERRIER . Address of Sponsor (include street, city, county, and zip plus four): Telephone Number: 547 North Sierra Way - San Bernardino, CA 92410-4816 (909)384-5231 Name of Authorized Representative: Fax Number: Lemuel P. Randolph (909)384-5160 2. Method of meal service (check one or more): Self-preparation No Vended ~ 3. If vended, provide name(s) and address of vendor and attach a copy of the signed agreemenUcontract (attach list if necessary): San Bernardino City Unified School ni~trict 1257 North Park Boulevard San Bernardino. Ca. 92407 If self-preparation, provide name(s) and address of central kitchen (attach list if necessary): 4. Number and type of sites: 30 5. Dates of operation: From: 6-30-03 To: 8-29-03 6. Would you like to receive an: Operational costs advance? DYes [!] No Administrative costs advance? DYes I!J No 7. Does the agency receive at least $300,000 in federal funds? If yes, indicate your agency's fiscal year. (Private nonprofit and Indian Tribes only) [XJ Yes D No D N/A Fiscal Year 07 /2002 8. Do you wish to receive commodity foods? Rurai # Urban # (y;'D The California Department of Education (CDE) and the Agency whose name and address appear above renew their Agreement to Participate and to comply with 7 CFR Part 225. This includes all requirements developed pursuant to and imposed by those regulations as outlined in the original Agreement between CDE and the Agency, which incorporates all amendments, Schedule A, and the Meal Pattern (Schedule B). The Agency assures CDE it will continue to adhere to all of the requirements and responSibilities as agreed to in the original Agreement and will follow all Nutrition Services Division policies and guidance. The agency will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1973, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and USDA's regulations concerning nondiscrimination (7 CRF Parts 15a and 15b). The agency will comply with applicable Office of Management and Budget Circulars A21, A87, A102, A110, A122 and A133. The agency will comply with Uniform Federal Assistance (7 CFR Part 3016) and Debarment and Lobbying requirements (7 CFR Parts 3017 and 3018). CDE will hold the agency responsible for all of the requirements and responsibililies as agreed to in the original Agreement and as outlined in 7 CFR Part 225. I hereby certify all information contained in this document is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: ! TITLE: : DATE: ! Director CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION USE ONLY COMMODITY ELIGIBLE Yes APPROVAL BY NUTRITION SERVICES DIVISION Manager Field Services Unit Nutrition Services Division Approved I I 9/30/03 Effective Dates FROM: California Department of Education Nutrition ServIces Division Program Resources, Education and Policy Unit Renewal NSD 8040B (3/03) SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. ling Pattern: List below all Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) personnel who will be involved with management, food service operations, training, and monitoring. PRINT EMPLOYEE NAME AND POSITION Oscar Perrier-Senior Rec Supervisor Administer the SFSP 6/17 1""1'0'" dl'pllcdLlulI paCKel., supervlse starr 1\ mOnltors, Lynn Knutson-Recreation supervisoL.1lvers~e Q~v t~ d~y nppr:~tinn~. 4j'>.ln? _ ASS1S Wl 11 0 flce dutles related Betty Unbes-Sr. Rec Leader tn 1 'IRI:Il IH'Qgr:tm 9~ef'atiBlls. 4/3/C::i> lillC, 6/11 &-.e.A7 4 Monitors (Not yet identified) Monitor site operation~ fnr ~/ln. ~/l1 & ~/17 compliance. By signing this Renewal Application/Agreement you agree to: SPECIFIC DUTIES SFSP TRAINING DATES 2. Conduct a preoperational visit at each new site, and sites that had problems during the previous year to determine the adequacy and suitability for food service. All preoperational visits must be documented and kept on file for California Department of Education (CDE) to review. 3. Visit all sites at least once during the first week of operation. 4. Review all sites at least once within four weeks of program operation, If a site operates less than four weeks, conduct at least one review. 5. r-"duct additional monitoring visits to sites as necessary to assure compliance with program irements. Documentation must be kept on file for CDE to review. 6 Accept final administrative and financial responsibilities for operations of the SFSP at each site. 7. Retain SFSP records for three (3) years after the end of the program fiscal year to which they pertain. 8. Collect and maintain the income eligibility documentation of participants for any closed enrolled or camp site. If you will not be using the Income Eligibility Form for Camps and Enrolled Sites form that is provided in the renewal packet, please submit a copy of your proposed form for approval. Program Resources, Education and PolICY Unit H133_02NSD B040.C (3/03) Vendor Number: Agreement Number: 36-8360-0V SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 2003 1..2llll! BUDGET INFORMATION FIscal Year California Department of Education Nutrihon Services Division Federal regulations require Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) sponsors to submit a budget for California Department of Education review and approval. In the event that costs exceed anticipated revenue, sponsors should have other funding sources to pay the difference. Sponsors may submit a revised budget for administrative costs as needed. PROGRAM COSTS The sponsor is reimbursed lesser 01 the two: actuai cost or The sponsor is reimbursed least 01 the three: actual cost, meals times the ooeratino rate. meals times the administrative rate, or the soonsor's budnet. GENERAL OPERATING COSTS ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Food $147 782.80 Administrative personnel salarieslbenefits $ 0 "Jon ~n Food service personnel salarieslbenefits $ 3,888.20 Office supplies $ 2,000.00 Facilities/utilities $ Facilities/utilities $ Food transportation to sites $ Transportation HI LEAGE $1,800.00 Nonfood supplies $ 6 707.00 Other (specify): ~~;n:"; 10.0/A> $1,432.10 Other (specify): $ "Indirect Cost %: $ -Indirect Cost %: $ $ TOTAL $158 378.00 TOTAL $14 012.90 'NOTE: Allach indirect cost documentation lor costs that are associated with the above operating and administrative b,' ~. CONTRACTS Is there a rental agreement, lease, or contract associated .for any of the costs listed above? 0 Yes [] No If yes, list and attach a copy: INCOME Will meals be sold to adults? 0 Yes [!] No If yes, list price to be charged for each meal: Breakfast: Snack: Lunch: Dinner: Will your SFSP receive income from other sources other than the SFSP reimbursement? N/ A If yes, list type and amount: Donations/Grant: Unspecified Income: Administration: Operational: Other: REIMBURSEMENT RATES Formula for rate projections: Number of operating days (00) X average daily participation (ADP) X meal (MR) I administrative (AR) rates = total OPERATING RATES 00 X AOP X MR = TOTAL Srr .t X X = $ - Sna_ 44 X 990 X .55 = $ 23,958 Lunch 44 X 1300 X 2.35 = ~~Il Il?n Dinner X X =$ I TOTAL $158,378 ADMINISTRATIVE RATES 00 X ADP X AR = TOTAL Breakfast X X =$ Snack 44 X 990 X 0525 = $2,286.90 Lunch 44 X 1100 X ?n<;n = ~1 726.0r Dinner X X =$ TOTAL SJ.4 ,012. 9n California Department of Education Nutrition ServIces Division Program Resources, Education and Policy Unit NSD 8050-C (3/03) SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM MEDIA RELEASE Use the following format for your media/public release or send this form to announce your site location(s): Check the box(es) that apply and insert the name, address and meal service time(s) of each site in the appropriate section. Attach an additional sheet of paper if necessary. [!] OPEN SITES: City of San Bernardino Parks. Recreation & Agency name: COlllllunity Services Department announces the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service Program. To file a complaint of discrimination, write United States Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). Site Name: Address: Meal Time: Dates: Enter site information below or attach a list. See Attached Site Name: Address: Meal Time: Dates: ......................................................................................................... o RESTRICTED-OPEN SITES: Agency name: announces the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service Program. Due to: 0 safety 0 security o control 0 capacity a limited number of meals will be made available to attending children who are 18 years of age and younger at no cost on a first come, first serve basis. In accordance with Federal law and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250- 9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). Site Name: Address: Meal Time: Dates: Enter site information below or attach a list. Site Name: Address: Meal Time: Dates: California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division Program Resources, Education and Policy Unit NSD 8050-C (3/03) D ENROLLED SITES: City of San Bernardino Parks. Recreation & Agency name: COllll1unity Services Department announces the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service Program. Free meals will be made available to all eligible enrolled children who are 18 years of age and younger. In accordance with Federal law and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250- 9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). Children from households with incomes at or below the income eligibility guidelines are eligible for free meal benefits. Children who are members of households receiving food stamps or benefits from a food distribution program on an Indian reservation, Kinship Guardian Assistance Payment (KinGAP), recipients of California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Act (CaIWORKs), or participants of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) are categorically eligible to receive free meal benefits. Enter enrolled site name, address, meal service times and dates below, or attach a list. Site Name: Site Name: Address: Address: Meal Time: Meal Time: Dates: Dates: Income Eligibility Guidelines Effective July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 FAMILY SIZE YEAR MONTH WEEK 1 $16,391 $1,366 $316 2 22,089 1,841 425 3 27,787 2,316 535 4 33,485 2,791 644 5 39,183 3,266 754 6 44,881 3,741 864 7 50,579 4,215 973 8 56,277 4,690 1,083 For each additional + 5,698 + 475 + 110 family member add: CalifornIa Department of Education Nutrition Services Division Program Resources, EducatIon and Policy Unit Schedule D, NSD 8050-D (3/03) SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FREE MEAL POLICY STATEMENT The authorized representative certifies that all children at the sites described on the site information sheets will be served the same meals at no separate charge regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) The free meal policy statement must be signed by all new sponsors and by any returning sponsors who have substantive changes in their original site document(s) (e.g. changing from "open" to "enrolled" site). Signature of Authorized Representative Agency Name City of Date San Bernardino Parks, Rec. ~ Conm. Services Dept. California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division Program Resources. Education and Policy Unit (3/03) SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENT RATES JANUARY 1, 2003, THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2003 OPERATING COSTS Operating costs are expenses incurred by the sponsor for preparing, delivering, and serving SFSP meals. These costs include, but are not limited to: Purchasing, Storing, and Obtaining Food Food Service Personnel Salaries/Benefits Utilities Non-Food Supplies Equipment and Facilities Rental Food Preparation EquipmentRepairs The operating reimbursement rates are: Breakfast Lunch or Supper Supplements $1.35 $2.35 $0.55 ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS ~ dministrative costs are expenses incurred by the sponsor for administrative activities related to anning, organizing, and monitoring the SFSP. These costs include, but are not limited to: Administrative Personnel Salaries/Benefits Office Supplies Insurance Audits Equipment and Facilities Rental Mileage and Parking Communications The administrative reimbursement rates for rural or self-preparation sites are: Breakfast Lunch or Supper Supplement $0.1350 $0.2475 $0.0675 The administrative reimbursement rates for urban sites that purchases meals from a food service vendor are: Breakfast Lunch or Supper Supplement $0.1050 $0.2050 $0.0525 California Department of Education Nutrition Services DiviSion Program Resources. Education and Policy Unit NSD Schedule A Suoplement r3103j Agreement Number lli-SnIiO-OV Vendor Number H131-0? SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM NON OPERATING DAYS For returning sites only. Complete and submit this form with your Schedule A to report additional days that you will not be operating. including holidays, that fall within your normal Summer Food Service Program beginning and ending dates. Example: The submitted Schedule A indicates the site will operate Monday through Friday. Report only planned "close" days that occur within Monday through Friday. Site # Site Name Date Closed 2 3 4 5 Brockton Complex 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 Boys & Girls Club cm Campfire Boys & Girls 7 Cesar Chavez Park 10 Delmann Heights Community Center 12 14 Hernandez Community Center Home of Neighborly Services 17 21 Johnson Hall Lytle Creek Community Center 23 Mill Community Center 24 Neighborhood Spirit Community Center Nicholson Community Center 26 27 North Fontana Parks & Recreation 28 PAL Center 30 Ramona Drop In Center 33 Ruben Campos Community Center \9 Y.M.C.A California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division Program Resources. Education and Policy Unit NSD Scheoule A Supplement (3/03i Agreement Numblo, 36-8360-0V Vendor Number H!.:s.:s-UZ SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM NON OPERATING DAYS For returning sites only. Complete and submit this form with your Schedule A to report additional days that you will not be operating, including holidays, that fall within your normal Summer Food Service Program beginning and ending dates. Example: The submitted Schedule A indicates the site will operate Monday through Friday. Report only planned "close" days that occur within Monday through Friday. Site # Site Name Date Closed 43 United Pentacostal Church JB/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 7/4/03 48 Central City Lutheran Mission Temple Community Outreach Center Mentone Elementary School Set Free Christian Fellowship 62 67 78 7/4/03 1 Rialto Community Center 7/4/n1 . . 84 86 Little Zion Manor 7/4/0:>. Boys & Girls Club of Fontana 7/4/03 Christ Temple Church North Fontana Church of Christ 7/4/03 7/4/03 Fontana Youth Center 7/4/03 1 ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): 5- 5- o-=<, Item # Vote: Ayes I - 'I Nays Y ('S Resolution # Abstain -E7 'ZCLi::,-IO \ Absent ~ Change to motion to amend original documents: Reso. # On Attachments: / Contract term: - NulllVoid After: 17.0 DA-l'::, /'1- 2-'0-3 , Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: ~ Direct City Clerk to (circle 1): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY By: Date Sent to Mayor: 5' (,,'03, Date of Mayor's Signature: :5 -1 -0 ';) Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: 5 - ,,-0':>' Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: ,/' V Da emo/Letter Sent for Signature: See Attached: See Attached: See Attached: Date Returned: 60 Day Reminder Le er 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes .L No By Yes No ---?- By Yes No-L By Yes No Y By Yes No 7' Copies Distrihuted to: City Attorney "./ Parks & Rec. / Code Compliance Dev. Services EDA Finance MIS Police Public Services Water Others: Notes: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc,) Ready to File: _ Date: Revised 01/12/01